Exploring Minecraft’s Hidden Secrets – Part 7

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For right I think we’re all set to oh I almost forgot the music I almost forgot the music I just realized we got the music in the background but like actually there is no music is there hey gamer 242 oh bollocks hang on a lot of the

Things I have to shift to the other monitor CU I’m basically just I arrived not too long ago cuz I had to get some emergency stuff so here we go right I’m going to try and see if I can get all right so I apologize Oh here we go I could try and stream like I could try and download something in the background B I’m live streaming but I kind of feel that might be a risk but hi gamer hello welcome welcome welcome to our Minecraft stream once again we are playing in our

World and I’ve got a bit of a thing to show you guys so for those who haven’t been watching I have been experimenting with a number of things in terms of Minecraft uh because normally I don’t do this kind of stuff there we go so just loading everything in

Now there we go so I have been doing some experimentation in terms of building up stuff and everything and uh oh yeah there’s my my current gear so I think I need to adjust the sound mixer don’t I yeah volume mixer about 65% but yeah so if anyone who hasn’t

Been watching up to this point uh basically I’ve been building and expanding my particular things I’ve got like a chicken farm which I’m just going to gather up some of the eggs we even have named chickens which there’s Donald and there’s topm Moon so Donald no top Moon top top Moon you

Cheeky little bugger right I’m going to need to close the door now you cheeky little bastard oh oh for no that was from earlier that’s fine top Moon yeah there you go there you go thought as much right right there you go there we go and might as well feed you little

Devils as it’s the Christmas time there we go so basically I have been slowly but surely Gathering up things I’ve got my little lava lights which I’m quite proud of and I’ve been able to gather up some material I’ve also been fairly busy organizing stuff in case of death spare

[ __ ] you [ __ ] yes that is unfort that is the that is Ina that is basically that chest is there now for a reason unfortunately so what exactly is the reason why I I am excited for this reveal well the reason is because it’s not something normally I do oh yeah

That’s my Stairway to hell but the reason why I’m excited as hell to show something to you guys is my f check it out now this has actually taken me hours to build so this is my Ultra Mega super farm and it’s only doing admittedly it’s only doing wheat

Cuz I didn’t realize until like after I built it that you can actually have uh these things oh I should probably put torches on this thing to be fair in the corners there we go I probably should be like putting some torches across the thing as well but I don’t

Know but yeah so the yeah this should be fine like yeah this should be fine so yeah basically the the reason white oh okay so it’s just that okay so this is the Ultra Mega super Farm oh yeah um I’ll explain oh no I’ll explain in all du course

So let me just make them all burn to death oh that sounds like a which yep there we go hello hello how you doing hello that’s it you run oh hello so yeah my ultra super mega Farm is basically designed to provide a shitload of wheat uh this is for two

Purposes the first is to allow me to make lots more bread second is to act as a means to feed the cows and the Sheep over there which is all well and good so the explanation of the explanation of has not saved has it no good the explanation of uh

Stairway To Hell is because in this area okay this is rather well timed in the explanation to this particular location this stairway is designed to go down as low as possible and the original intention here was here we go the original intention was to basically walk my way down south

But unfortunately oh yes I remember now unfortunately didn’t quite go to plan I kind of got halfway down but then I actually what no it did kind of go to plan just not the way that I anticipated cuz I discovered this place which is a certifiable like ginormous Maze of just

Ridiculous amounts of space like seriously it is ridiculous how much space there is here I’m going to try and see if I can get out there you go so as you can see I found a ridiculously large cave with lots and lots and lots and lots of other locations

So the so I basically decided to prescribe this Lake location hell because well there’s a lot of things down here that want to make me go not be here it had a lot more lava in it as well previously but I’ve been actually been in the process of sealing it up

There was a lava lake down there to be fair if you go through to the other episodes slight shill um you’ll actually see what I mean when I came to the discovery of this location but instead we’ve just got lots of water now which I’m not complaining I would rather have

Water than lava oh yeah that’s the um the thing I built to try and Traverse and guide the lava down so you can kind of see and there you go there’s some lava down there as well so I’m in the process of trying to map this region out as well as

Remove the capabilities for things to spawn cuz oh there it is yes I thought as much I just realized on the mini map as well yeah this is the cave pit oh wow that’s that’s cool that is genuinely awesome also I need to find a place to plunk the stuff oh hello there’s

Some yeah so there’s a lot of things I need to be doing in this area and in this particular location especially we’ve got got a lot of yeah there’s a lot of things going on at the moment I’m so for context well for you know minor spoilers so for

Anyone who hasn’t been watching the series and wants to catch up feel free to go down into the description below whereupon you will see all of the stuff I think I’m going to need this gold aren’t I might as well gather some gold can use it for something so nice nice

Right what’s that all the lapis stuff okay so oh that’s actually really cool so that is the way we get in okay that’s cool that’s intriguing to know so yeah like there’s a whole host of stuff going on at the moment which at this point in my time I’m just going to

Try and see if I can right get back to there there we go okay so there’s that stuff going on over there right so I’m going to try and see if we can navigate our way so in terms of goals I’m not well the overriding goal

And this is also veniently timed uh if you haven’t been watching the series now it’s your chance to catch up but basically I took a bit of a loss and we now need to regear up so I need to get more Diamond I need to get more other I

Need to get other equipment and I had a bit of a good start in the previous episode I was able to get through quite a bit of other bit I was able to get quite a bit of gear and I was able to get quite a bit of stuff but

Unfortunately time as always ran out on me so we’re we’re unfortunately stuck a little bit without any real and I’ve basically just been burning through torches I’ve been well you know what I mean I’ve been running out of supplies for torches I’ve been running around like a headless chicken

Trying to gather up more material and I decided that I was thinking I was decided that I’m not you know always going to be in a position where I’m going to have meat all around so I’m just going to be a case of okay ow okay I’m going to probably need to

Bail don’t I’m going to have to like run around these bastards run away I don’t have a shield do I have a shield I don’t have a shield I I have armor but I don’t have a shield so yeah I’m in the process of just slowly but surely colonizing this

Area and fighting you know taking the caves because there’s a lot of resources in here there’s some valuable stuff I mean as you can see we’ve got a [ __ ] ton of iron so I’m just exploring and trying to increase my supply chain whilst also mapping out the regions and discovering

Whether or not this are there’s areas worth exploring I don’t really have any Gear with me I do have some Gear with me but not enough gear so at the moment I’m just going to try and see if I can get myself okay is there anything of use in

Here what did I can think of no I’m also going to try and minimize the amount of time I’m sort of spending mucking around or anything like that because obviously it’s not really fun for everyone just to watch someone just occasionally looking through stuff so you you

Know I’m trying the main thing I’m trying to do is I’m trying to keep myself focused because the issue I have in this game is I will get distracted like a [ __ ] if I’m not careful like it is especially easy to get distracted in this game

Oh this could be awesome if this works right first of all you and you yeah that is dope right okay I really need to get more gunpowder and we do have some Redstone which is nice so I I still need to get round to watching that video oh God Redstone is something that

I have a quite a large amount of so if you see me running bu Redstone that’s why because I have a shitload of redstone at base and I don’t know how to use it so rather than trying so I I need to get round to watching videos and tutorials

And guides and whatnot I I need to do that and I’m not and that’s my bad and I I I fully apologize to anyone who’s upset with me because yeah that is something I I’ve been promising I’ve been doing and I haven’t been doing so slap you can hear that that’s me

Slapping myself on the on the wrist for not uh for not doing that so my apologies guys right so if I do this then you guys yeah there you go right I’m going to try and be yeah okay let’s see is this a whole new sector oh you’ve got to be joking there

Is as well right oh my God right okay so yeah this is the reason why I’ve been making like 17 Stacks worth of of of torches because I just keep finding [ __ ] more and not just more caves but more iron which I am going to be grabbing cuz that is

Something we will need to use I also probably need to go on a bit of a spree to get some more coal I don’t know I I’ll have a look at my coal reserves cuz I know I’m not doing as hot with coal any second now I’m going to

Have a creeper aren’t I no okay he’s actually chill I really wish we had more chill creepers creepers are well obviously they are fulfilling their concra con can’t speak you can make a clock okay well that’s kind of useful is I mean to be fair I’m not a huge fan [Laughter]

Was just tramatic d right boom okay no there’s a w there’s a there’ be nasty stuff nearby and I don’t want to get hit by that there we go right I see you Mr scary man and I don’t want to see you hello would you like to hello

How are you today I hope you are having a wonderful day you know you do look a little cute in a weird way yes I know did he really just notice the fact that I said he was cute yeah no I can’t I don’t want to get

I don’t want you to get angry with me by me looking at you so I will just walk around you just St at me just as soon as I said that I was like oh okay he’s like wait what I mean I know that I can use the

Redstone for some other like not like apparently you can do it for some automation but I honestly don’t know if it’s the kind of automation I’m wanting basically if I can make some materials or weapons or anything like that I would go mad for that [ __ ] right now but if

Not then it’s kind of pointless for me yeah I mean I do need to kill them eventually but I will yeah I do realize that there is probably a rare resource or something that the Enderman have that I need to you know to grab but at the

Same time it’s like I don’t have the means at this moment to to actively hunt them down because you know I kind of need diamond armor and [ __ ] cuz yeah right okay I’m going to try not to get too distracted going into this Zone here but I am going to explore a little

Bit I haven’t got that I’ve literally on my last stack of torches as well so this is once I’ve done this I’m having to bail right so this is taking me to an area where there is Loot and does this lead anywhere it it keeps just oh you teasing

Bastards right I got to come back here it’s it’s nearby some kind of cave I can see there’s some other stuff so I’m going to pop that in there like literally every 5 Seconds like this is the worst kind of cave for me because it looks like it’s just about to Crest into

Something else and then it just says nah it’s another cave and then you like ah and need another cave right so I’m going to need to do some major coal farming and to be fair we should probably need okay and to be fair we also probably need to do some other

Stuff as well do I have my backpack I do have my backpack how do I access my backpack that’s how I access my backpack right okay yeah so also for context this is not a 100% vanilla run there are a few additions that I have been rolling with

So that I’m that I’m currently rolling with one of we one of these additions are all right let’s get some gravel going so one of the additions I’ve got going for me right now is the is a backpack mod because I was running out of slots very

Quickly you can make an automated farm with redstone okay so there there is indeed a reason for stuff which is is nice is this yeah this is not going in the direction that I need to go is it no this is oh no I remember now yes this is

Yeah this is a different direction that I need to go because this is God this is the thing it’s like I’m going to need to if I’m going to fully map out this region I’m going to end up spending like 700 episodes before I even go back into nether realm but then again

I also need to get a [ __ ] ton oh hello I also need to get a [ __ ] ton of um of diamonds so if by sheer kinky dink if by sheer kinky dink that happens to also correlate with me you know spending 700 episodes allows me to get a [ __ ] ton of

Diamond then you know maybe that’s fine I could then have a second armor kit cuz that’s that’s the plan I need to make a second armor kit like have enough material there we go I need to make enough or have enough material so that I

Can get two sets at least two sets of armor can okay question can Redstone allow any weaponized systems how much okay 43 that’s a pretty reasonable amount right all right this wait what oh and water for the automatic farm Okay so I mean to be fair it’s something that I

Probably will need to do at some point but it just at this moment it just kind of feels a bit blle you know what I mean like there’s not there’s not a h I haven’t found the thing that has given me the incentive to go mad going for it

So okay so there isn’t yeah there isn’t sadly there doesn’t seem to be any yeah it’s a shame I mean I would like to see some kind of major I say major but you know like some kind of I know they said they were going to be improving automation systems in like a

Future or finger quote future update but that was and that was some time ago so maybe that’s already a thing in the game but I also kind of I don’t know like kind of wish there was something that gave me a bit more of a a like okay so for

Example in um there’s a game I play called Icarus and in Icarus there is a very nice um way to automate [ __ ] slash you know have stuff in the background but a lot of it can be utilized you can use older materials and new materials to get like even better

Materials and unfortunately it just when it comes to Minecraft there’s just something I don’t know limiting right huh well I’m going to need to put the iron in there so is that all I’ve got I’m down for a redstone gun to be fair I’m also down for a gun in

Minecraft cuz gun in Minecraft would be nice right we’re just going to okay so it looks like I’m going to need to um gather more coal so that’s going to be something I’m going to need to do which sucks I was not going to lie I kind of

Like not Mega myed but like God damn it I need more coal I know it’s it’s it’s so frustrating right yeah we’re going to need like a [ __ ] ton of coal so we’re going to go I what this episode is uh I think I know what this episode’s goal is going to

Be right I think we need to do a little bit of an exploration run and uh we’re going to need to get some material y so H I think we’re going to need some more iron oh never mind yeah I got a fair amount of tools

We we’re going to be pissing through a lot of tools t sounds silly but when you’ve been burning through pickaxes like I have been it’s actually not that surprising to see oh yeah okay and does that make gunpowder more easily craftable I will uh look into that

Right I should probably go to the W um west of bit yeah that sounds like a pretty decent plan oh okay ow oh does it not make the that’s a shame I mean to be fair I wouldn’t mind a ranged weapon like a firearm in this

Game I might have to look see if I can like I might need to look into the the curs forced Forge mod thingy and see if I can get like a gun mod or something in the background or something to make a firearm mainly because I feel like that’s just a Natural

Evolution like I’m all for resource cost as well here we go like I’m all for like having to invest in resources to getting the firearm because again this is the stuff I’ve been training with uh on Icarus oo very nice I mean I am going to

Be I am having my thing I might do that I mean to be fair I also want to keep things relatively balanced so like if I can if I make like a a [ __ ] weapon then obviously no but if I can get something like a match lock or a flint

Lock that makes more sense because then that’s or like a semi- automat like something that require that isn’t just like a I delete you button because if you have something like that that kind of does kill the fun I mean as much as I enjoy I mean I I’m

More I’d be more than happy to do that in like a future playthrough oh yeah but the uh what is it um the when it comes to oh yeah when it comes to uh fire when it comes to like for example Icarus you can actually make gunpowder via multiple

Means it’s actually pretty awesome how they did it so if anyone wondering what I’m talking about with Icarus Icarus is a I suppose you could say it’s a more it’s a it’s like Minecraft but more complicated it’s like it’s Minecraft but more advanced so like when it comes to the

Purpose of Icarus is you are sent down onto a planet that is currently that had a you know failed terraforming project and you are a sort of prospector who is basically being sent to do various jobs for various companies and build up your yeah like you’re basically you’re going down to the

Planet to try and get as much to complete jobs and earn you know Untold Millions but the downside is you are pretty much on your own there is no hope of getting you out should the [ __ ] hit the fan and there is yet another bloody deep cave realized can’t see the dropped

Frames there we go you need iron for a gun okay I think I might look into that then because like I’m not a melee specialist in this game I kind of not a huge fan of it oh this is good this is very oh this is good up until I fall to my

Death of course all right there we go I think this is better yeah this will be better there we go dude get the [ __ ] in there that’s awesome like considering I don’t have the means to make a torch right now hi how you doing I’m not looking oh boy oh

God why do I feel like I met that scene from Alien where like the Monstrous creature has basically got it you know the xenomorph got the Fe its face right next to um to Ripley’s face and I did the thing that I didn’t want to do son of a

[ __ ] right let’s get this let’s get myself up two three one two buck my shoe right oh hello there’s more though to be fair I did actually see when I was down there right is that all is that oh I know it’s not all but right okay so we’re going to have to

Play careful but that’s fine yeah like the I mean can you blame me for wanting to get out of here there we go so in case there’s any yep in case we have to deal with more yeah the main incentive up oh oh son of a [ __ ]

Right okay so how much have I got like one St that oh no go away J Christ but yeah so going back to Icarus last I was having nightmare fuel there’s Icarus is really awesome because it well okay I’m going to add a caveat to that iar is really good but it

Is lengthy like you you basically one of the unique thing the unique as aspects about Icarus is you have your own various talents so depending on so basically these talents give you B bonuses passives or the ability to craft certain things depending on how much you’ve speced into

A particular Talent so for example you can be really good with knives or bows or Spears you could have you can be good with guns and basically it adds a number of bonuses and stacks to you and depending on your particular play style they may suit you better or worse or what have

You uh but the thing that nice but the thing that I tend to go with when it comes to F you know to Icarus is naturally guns CU you know it’s me you know if you haven’t learned by now I do this uh I do like my ders so I’m going east aren’t

I yes I’m going the wrong way and it’s already bloody T it’s already evening I really really wish I could increase the I could take decrease the time it takes for a a day cycle and it wouldn’t be so a pain of the ass for it to go tonight were it not

For the fact that everything in its mother attacks you guns are awesome aren’t they watch me as I get completely demonetized for saying that like you YouTube just suddenly bans the channel it’s like you said the nasty but no like I I appreciate the engineering side of firearms I do enjoy Firearms

So and like and to be fair I’m the right kind of gun nut because as much as I’ll like get excited to see an AK-47 or an M16 or at M249 or mg42 oh you know if someone came up to me and said hey do you want to shoot this my first like

Thing I would say is train me on it you know train me on the safety of the weapon where’s the safety what how do I operate it what should I do if there’s a you know for jams what you know what systems or what practices do you want me

To to adapt in order to utilize this weapon safely because the thing about these the the Reon you know being a gun nut I have or being a a fan of firearms is I know what happens when they shoot someone oh I’m on the wrong side of the

Mountain I’m like making my way back to base and it turns out I’m going the completely wrong way right well let’s make our way back oh nice and then of you sir I mean I mean being in the UK you can get a firearm but there’s a lot of

Procedures you have to go through in order to get it and you can only get specific types of firearm we have very strict firearm laws in the UK and while I do agree there um while I agree on some of the principles I do also feel like

A a complete I do feel that there is a bit of a general ignorance towards Firearms which can be a bit problematic not like disastrously so but I would feel a uh I feel like there’s definitely if you don’t know what you doing or if you

Don’t know what’s going on or you don’t know what you’re doing or have very little information huh Okay but I feel like a higher case of ignorance through um can be a problem oh okay oh no I need to be careful right I’m just trying to avoid creepers attacking and blowing up my farm I put a lot of effort into it I don’t want to lose

It same goes for the base I really wish I could control the time flow because then I would have it so that it wouldn’t take it wouldn’t oh that’s the small little [ __ ] come on you little bastard than Gods right but as I was saying the uh I’m going to need to

Like right boom boom oh yeah need to almost it’s almost there there’s still there’s still a fair amount of clutches in the distance that’s a bit rough but unfortunately we’re going to have to start looking into that was close that was very very close that could have been absolutely

Disastrous if that had gone in the area that I had previously occupied right I’ll put this here just so it looks like it’s more of a natural decision for me to do it like this right okay there we go oh nice I do apologize if I did say make it

Sound like I I assumed you from America most of the time I have Americans to this so it’s actually quite awesome to have someone from Hungary nice I am worldwide but no like in um as I was saying basically an if going back to what I was originally talking about

Before I had the nightmare scenario I think I personally believe that if you educ at people through you know at a decent enough time in the decent enough age at a decent enough level I believe you can in fact do quite a lot of good just by keeping people I can

Believe you can do a lot of good in the long run because if there’s a general awareness or a general sense of understanding towards things you probably could achieve far better than if you decided not to like you’d be able to do far better right can I Pig do you like

Food no I need to probably get some hay or something like that and besides I’d need to get another cow I I’d need to get another thing so I’m just going to have to I’m actually no I’m going to keep him there because I know I can kill this cow byebye cow

I’m going to keep the cow there the pig there because then I can lure him back at some point if I find like loads more pigs Then I never said you had to be good I didn’t never said never had any issue in terms of skill but yeah like you don’t have to know everything about them but like if you have an appreciation for them but not just in the sense of how

Cool they look or you know the the tra you know the St the traditional stupid person kind of Ideal and but you treat these weapons with respect but at the same time dignity and respect towards the firearm but in a way that’s create oh nice A little underwater bit that then I

Think you can do a lot hey bidden oh okay didn’t know you could do that yeah but at the same time I don’t want to I don’t want them to feel like you know I don’t want I’m going to be taking them to the farm when when they

Get to the farm they’re not going to be able to see any other location ever again you know so I have to be a bit more aware about that just Saying I didn’t kill it gravity killed it okay definitely need that hey bid how are you today exactly I I never want to kill anything so I let gravity do the job for me because I’m lazy oh nice iron happy days or be in here ah nice see it’s nice to explore

Oo we get to go to the nice big cave which is all the way down here I actually haven’t explored too far to the South to be fair if it wasn’t for the fact that I didn’t have any Gear with me I probably would attempt to go a little

Bit further very nice looking cave yeah I won’t lie this journeyman’s map has proven to be exceptionally beneficial as well as the horizons mod because this is definitely what I was thinking when it came to like seeing [ __ ] into the oh hello that’s a lot of mutton mutton mutton mutton

Jesus I just critted it and might as well hey chicken how you doing yeah you’re dead just going to go on a bit of a murder Rampage if you excuse me I’m just doing my thing hello hey sheep I’m talking to you look at me all right what happens when you don’t look

At look at me it’s too late now you had your chance to look at me hey do you want to know something funny gravity ow oh Jesus sorry to hear about your sickness bidden hope you will get S I hope hope you get well soon I mean I was going to say it’s what happens when you interact with people too much that or it’s you’re an an that or you’re suffering from Scrooge syndrome incapacity to deal with

Christmas feeling and joyous happiness and Spirits I murder lots of things this is how I love this is me right so I think what I want to try and do is I want to try and gather up as much coal as possible for two reasons

First so I can make a [ __ ] ton of torches and two I can have a decent amount of fuel to work with in in terms of like yeah like in terms with uh well technically speaking I could use The to be fair I wouldn’t mind having Redstone be a means to serve as a power source that would be cool oh okay my deepest apologies oh Grinch Lord the hell’s that Oh okay so is it like something that can be a replacement for fuel yeah that’s the footage I see in the distance isn’t it yeah I was going to say this is some portal oh nice that is dope I’ll need to um I’ll need to remind myself about this

Zone though to be fair I think this was the big one that I saw earlier yeah okay that’s pretty cool uh but can it be served as a way to continue ignition for a furnace of some sort just cuz obviously I can’t get coal unless I keep

Going along a field so if that’s the case then that’s fine I’m going to have to find myself a shitload of coal one day but you know if there’s a means for me to be able to get coal I wouldn’t mind you know knowing right yeah I’m just just going to have

To go on a bit of a murder Rampage and just grab as much as I can do you get anything from killing horses he’s just like oh [ __ ] oh no okay yeah that’s a shame nice oh you can make a banner nice yeah you know what’s Coming okay oh is that a cow I do believe that that is a cow that is a cow right Okay I mean I didn’t know if you could get horse meat cuz if that’s like another means to get if that’s another means to get food then I’ll I’ll take it and besides you could get a lot of decent to be fair it’s a shame that they

Don’t have that on the horses cuz that would be kind of cool oh hello what is this oh really okay well we can drop that drop that what is that my kakoa beans oh you can get coffee okay that’s intriguing so bom bom bom bomom bom dump dump feather seeds leather

H hi hey how you doing yeah this is the swampy lands defin oh there’s a tiny creeper or is it just the same I don’t know right let’s do this yeah gunpowder if I can get that you cheeky [ __ ] no okay uhuh nice I can try and make some COA or something

Cholada right so I’m going to try and get as much coal as I can because obviously I need torches badly I don’t I don’t have the means to get better [ __ ] oh hello once again we are greeted with a cave that goes right to the bottom cuz of course it does yeah that

Just is right to the bottom Jesus Christ I mean it’s cool don’t get me wrong but God [ __ ] damn it right right also I’m gathering a shitload of uh fur as well so that’s something of a benefit all right so I’m seeing creepers as well as some other dudes which is fine hey

Piggy my piggy yeah we’re going to do a little bit of a piggy murder so just Gathering up material cuz food BR ow ow ow ow right we probably need to pull back but I just want to have a tiny more look yeah there we go so yeah like one

More tiny look and then I’m away oh wow that’s beautiful that’s a very Scenic scene very very ow very nice ni and we’re in the bamboos bamboo forest first time in a bamboo forest this is really cool oh can I question I’m going to try and get this guy

Right let me have this this will be a nice little work around cuz if we can get this that’ll be something oh yeah Axe and to be fair I could also grow some I could also grow some pumpkins as well pumpkins watermelons as well cuz I don’t think you can eat

Pumpkin sadly unless you can cook it which also is pretty cool hey creeper thank you need to be careful not to fall into the Trap right let’s get some more coal shall we nice I’ve leveled and I’ve also found a shitload of coal so I am taking advantage of this yes more coal for the coal Gods we’ve got all to Coal keep all to call to me oh I could find a a panther nice I mean if I can find a panther and tame him then I shall have an epic name for this T this Panther this Panther shall be known as Greg Greg the

Panther what was it I was I was watching a video uh YouTuber by the name by YouTuber known as down the rabbit hole and I recently discovered his channel and it’s really cool I mean I’ve only watched one of his videos but this video was like five

Hours long but it was chronologic it was basically a documentary surmising a pretty much the entire history of the game Eve online and it was it was a fantastic video I you know if you haven’t watched it I’d very much recommend down the rabbit hole Minecraft just uh uh Eve online

Because it is exception ow it is an exceptionally fun right I need to kill this guy there we go he’s gone oh my frames are a little bit laggy I think it’s because it keeps building up the environment but it basically categorizes all of the controversy controversies the history

The perfect that is going to be nice yeah it’s G it’s categorizes all the history of Eve online oh what’s that that’s a that’s a big mushroom Jesus Christ the hell okay I got to see that oh all right but it was very nice to listen

To there we go but yeah the the the video was a very good video because it basically as I said it categorizes the entire history and controversies of Eva online in a really fun and entertaining way and one of the things I find found hilarious is when they were talking about things

Uh oh a panda oh okay well then Greg the panda makes even more sense so one of the sort of uh Monumental moments in Evon line was the F was the creation of the first Titan because bearing in mind Evon line was like kind of a first when it came to

Like when it came when it came to video games you know video games that has multiplayer created content like you know real people community created content as its main source of content right where’s this giant mushroom right I am here I need to go south okay so anyway basically this Titan is

Is oh hello you can climb these oh okay that is cool I will keep an eye for that so the Titan was you know quite a Monumental achievement and you know it was one of those rare things that you know people were desperately trying to to scramble to make more of

And you know once when it finally was created people were wondering you know the the name of this epic you know this ginormous you know ship of just you know of power and magnitude oh okay we have a port portal which is currently burning this environment around it ain’t that

Wonderful right I have obsidian I have Flint golden shovel right Unbreaking nice and running a bit low on gear and survival but that’s fine put some bamboo here beans there Jesus I mean this is the this is this is the reason I’m playing this and uh after making after

Everyone’s been striving to make a uh a Titan the first play you know the first Titan is created everyone’s excited and what do they call this Titan Steve Steve the Titan it’s one of those moments where you it makes you proud to be a gamer it’s like yes our impact on the universe

Is Steve right so I need to head south don’t I yes I do like how that’s just slowly building in terms of that that’s a lot of stuff what’s that mushroom that’s giant mushrooms I am very curious about this giant mushroom stack I’m like I want to see this

Now and it’s gone to Daylights which is good because it means I can go a bit mental I mean I know we’re slightly deviating a bit but we’re not it’s not quite as okay yep you don’t say gamer wonder what could have given you that away yeah huh oh is a

Parrot a hello would you like a treat look at him oh there’s two oh that’s adorable oh you little angels oh oh you’re adorable a that’s a oh that’s [ __ ] amazing a oh look they’re friends oh that’s brilliant a a that was adorable didn’t even realize that was a

Thing in this game right time for you to die enough cute things oh that was adorable right I’ve not got much of this iron axe left sadly right I am Mega curious now about that like those mushrooms nice right let us see what this place is whoa look at the size of these

Mushrooms that’s mental oh nice like instant as well maybe if I just okay I me these are [ __ ] huge and look how thick these buddy trees Are that is some view yeah isn’t it isn’t it a you you must be the brown top stuff so weird I’m actually going quite far far away from my base yep I am quite the distance oh hello look at this place there like there’s a city in the

Distance ah right I’m going to need to be careful at this point no I don’t want to I want to make my spy glass jump jump right apologize for the occasional lag spikes on this one I think as it’s creating stuff it’s kind of having that moment of I’m curious about what’s over

There that looks more flat and I can almost see some ice caps in that distance but oh okay I have to be careful where I look right I don’t think I’m quite at that level where I can basically make a jump for it but I think I’m close

Okay that could have been really bad oh my days all right let’s go bloody out oh wow trees are that big that they end up locking the rain that’s ridiculous like that is genuinely ridiculous this is a wonderful for though extremely beautiful and I get to explore this this

Is what I like about this is what I like about this game is just the ability just to discover cuz like I’m I’m letting my exploration go wild here cuz it’s like I I I haven’t really done much exploring in a while so and also this is like a beneficial Journey because

Obviously oh hello I’m going to have to be careful with this once i’ once I’ve run out of uh once I’ve run out of stuff well the important thing here is if I can get a shitload of stuff Hey Soul King Brook welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day

Oh you want money eh I’m good thank you for uh offering if you’re offering yeah this Channel’s primarily as a hobby mate right almost gotten I’m actually going a decent amount of food there should I mean this is I’m mainly just stockpiling stuff at the moment so I probably should be careful

How many pigs and stuff I kill because I’m going to end up like depriving the area of all the food yeah you hope hope you’re having a good day everyone once again need to what oh I’m sorry to hear that you lost your fish yeah there’s a stupid like emotes

Thing in the chat box and I really wish hang on there’s the stupid emotes Chat thing in the box which obviously is not optimal okay think we has ourselves a little troll in this chat do do you think oh hello what’s that oh what is that that is

New that is very new I have not seen that before okay oh I need to there we go so we’ve got we’re in sort of some kind of admit I’m going majorly down into this region but I think I’m kind of glad I’ve decided to go down this way because

Apart from you know the fact that I wanted to see what was going on Beyond it I’m also like huh you know like intriguing Jesus Christ 20 views right I’m going to have to use the remaining elements yep that’s what I was worried about right this is going to take me a

Bit longer to kill these things now which is a bit of a shame we will need to make our way back though so you know no oh it’s a village of some sort unless there’s like activity near it is it a bandit to Tower oh hang on a

Second yeah now that we mention it it doesn’t look like a friendly Tower though I won’t lie that is extremely that is extremely well placed for a randomized thing that was close yeah so I’m going to make my way over to ah yes probably should have equipped myself a couple of spare swords

Shouldn’t I again this game has a tendency to bite you in the ass if you’re not prepared I mean I think this is as far south as we could probably push without risking too much because obviously we have friends who are not a huge fan of us I mean

We’ve got like a pickaxe so I have a means to defend myself but it’s not a means I want to encourage yeah it’s one of those places though actually hold on as phone if I do this right let me get you see if we can get you out of here

If I can break this dude out you’re free yeah it’s a bandit base I don’t have the means to defend myself very well but help me help me help me yeah get in there there we go nice nice so we can now explore this place a

Little bit oh nice there’s a smoker and what looks to be ah ow help me Iron Golem help me nice right oh there’s another one fantastic let’s free you as well like the thing is if we can liberate these Iron Golems they can basically take care of any Bandits that

Spawn and I can then safely loot the location as well as gain any tools cuz they may have some weapons here you’re free come Golem let us see who else we can liberate also I’m outside and I want to be so right is there like is that like

Underground I feel like there’s some buildings that are underground grab the smoker oh maybe I’ve not not got a smoker at home so I suppose that would be a useful tool nice bit of loot for the team right there we go oh I guess it didn’t let me have a smoker

Ah help me help me Iron Golem help oh no you bastard oh nice Iron Golem no oh it’s better okay well unfortunately I can’t seem to get an iron iron golem nice right I need to get inside uh oh nice whatever that is uh a Great Horn dark oak

Log iron ingot oh nice strip wire hooks right okay um get rid of the poppy put that onto that rid of you then put you in there put you in there put you in there actually oh it’s obsidian yeah uh white wool goes in there gray wool goes in there golden

Shovel goes in there that’s my backpack full a potato right is there another chest or something there is O bread nice nice four and a crossbow get in and a Bott enchanting get in nice I have an enchant can’t but book nice nice nice nice nice nice right

Okay um pop that in there pop you in there right I’m got to swap out the this for this so I can then get this oh that’s a [ __ ] hole and a half right yeah I’m definitely bugging out now that’s for damn sure right we need to get out oh wow this is

Beautiful this is what I love about this game and this mod this Horizons mod is probably one of the best things I’ve been able to get actually question I probably should go upstairs shouldn’t I because if we can get a view outside I can actually get an idea as to what the

In I can get a rough idea as to what’s Happening Here uhoh uhoh that’s fine I have food how’s my armor it’s seen better days d right wow so if I was to look exactly North it would take me all the way over to there so that’s

Technically where I yeah so I’m over down here like if we look zoom out I’m actually quite a distance away from my base which is kind of freaky dude there’s some ice caps over there wow that’s so cool right okay so there’s the ice ice caps and that looks

To be some kind of weird funky place you are going into some kind of wintry Zone maybe so like that looks like a yeah that looks like some kind of okay oh hello I need to be careful but yeah I don’t see anything else but that is worth that is worth

Investigating but yeah that’s the winry Zone over there so I can actually see even if I can’t see that I can still actually see the other Zone as well that’s actually pretty cool right where’s the means for me to get out all right I’ll just there we

Go right let’s get ourselves out of here because I feel like I need to uh yeah like I feel like I need to get out now cuz I feel like the Iron Golems have given me enough cover ah run away that is a basee escape the base escape the base

Escape right sweet nice so let’s uh let’s XV straight shall we so we need to get back to our base because obviously you know it’s been a while I do have at least one out of stuff I killed with a spade I will use the

Um nice nice I will use the the pig and right what else am I needing uh iron Nugget’s not bad we could use that to turn it into more um right buger Rock off with the poppy we don’t need the poppy so that is something at least we

Can kind of relax about but yeah nice nice but yeah that’s actually pretty [ __ ] cool so now I just need to make my way Him nice and I’ve also got now a pretty large selection of meat sadly not a huge amount of I’m not like got I’m not got like an absolute mountains worth of it but I do have a reasonable amount of it which is nice and I have a backpack as well which is

Nice so I would say I’d say it’s been a pretty successful run I just need to oh nice I’ll get some paper as well cuz like paper is important and I have an enchanting book as well ah this must be the planes and stuff so that

Goes to right so I’m over there so that’s a band I should actually make a marker on that probably put it in big nasty yeah yeah Bandit there we go so that’s a bandit basee we need to remember that and I probably should come around the other way

Like yeah there we go yeah like I probably should try and come back the other way nice lava oh boy right yeah this is going to be bad isn’t it oh use the pickaxe to get the smoker oh right I mean I can probably make a

Smoker I like if we go to the crafting thing there a wood and a furnace oh okay yeah sure I’ll yeah no that’s fine I’ll I’ll I’ll make a smoker when I get back that’s that’s completely fine I have sticks I can make sticks yeah I can make

Sticks it’s fine I I’m I’m going to leave this the coal there cuz I have a feeling if I try and [ __ ] with it I’m just going to end end up getting myself killed all right let’s go there yeah if it was a if it was a ludicrously expensive recipe I’d be much

More tempted in like trying to to get it but as I’m already a distance away from that location I don’t want to chance it cuz I think the the bandits have taken care of the the Golems so it’s like ah all right here we go sweet wait hang

On no [ __ ] way it’s another Village oh and the timing of that music couldn’t be better [ __ ] yes oh this musical timing oh it’s got proper [ __ ] oh it’s got working chimneys oh that’s amazing oh it looks so nice oh brilliant yeah I’m going to have

A look see I have a smoker in that I’ll probably use it oh piggy wait is that coal yes it is fantastic right okay yeah I’ve got a shitload of gear in this now this is a very good run hello Right all right so it’s a better version of an oven okay that’s fine to be fair I could do with a smoker then CU that would be a good um that would be a good use of resources then because I could then make us I could use the money I

Could use the stone I’ve got to make a furnace and then I could use the smoker to make other [ __ ] as well so that is in fact what I will do oh nice it’s got it own little like Wagon Wheels and [ __ ] right I’m grabbing this cuz there’s actually some good yeah I’m using this tool so I’m going to just cuz there’s a bunch of Wheat and [ __ ] we can because we can turn it into hey I can turn into wheat again which I I’m going to take advantage of gear and loot and

Gear it also then gives me Slots yeah oh wow they’ve got glass planes and everything very nice o nice nice nice I am actually quite happy about that cuz I didn’t have bread I did I I did not have bread ah potato nice right I’m going to put the potato in there I’m going to put the

Potato up into cuz I know I had a potato potatoes ah okay well I’ll leave the potato there then instead wait do I have an iron right grab the Apple put that in there wonderful yeah I’m not going to be able to do too much looting sadly in this place but oh my

God is that a kitty is that a kitty I hear oh that’s a kitty I hear a cat where’s the cat I hear a kitty oh my God this place is R oh oh look oh these adorable God damn damn it why do they always run away from

Me I like cats I really do like all elements of masculinity goes straight out the window when a cat’s involved I’m not ashamed to admit it I love cats they’re amazing if not a little bit ass holy sometimes I’ll be honest with you let’s not beat around the bush

Dude I didn’t realize you actually had that okay I need to get this book oh actually yeah to be fair I could make I could make bread couldn’t I right pop into that Nice oh right I’m going to it’s really tough cuz like I I oh no it’s not book I have Book adorable also this is a beautiful Village seriously hey sukon welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good time I’m just dying of adorableness because there’s cats nearby oh nice and I’ve just found this really nice looking Village which I am currently doing its Dennison’s probably not a great

Amount of Love by uh liberating gloriously all of their stuff yes I’m representing such a great IM dude this place is amazing like it’s a very nice looking Village without a shadow of a doubt they’ve got like their own little ports they’ve got barrels with water buckets

Inside get an emerald there’s some fish as well which I can borrow uh get the leather put into there I think I’ll put the I’ll take the water bucket because you know I I’ll toss out the the seeds cuz I can then put the into there now

And then put that into there you put that into there there we go right okay I’m literally just everything I can get putting into here useful thing here as well is that I could potentially do get quite a lot of emerald get quite a lot of

Things uh I’m going to pop the feather I’m going to get the meat put that there the feather with it slot then get that down there so yeah I’m just I’m also keeping these hay bale things just so we can try and yeah I’m just trying to keep these

Hay B actually question what are these Spruce fence you know what I don’t need that I don’t need that o we actually got some livestock as well nice I won’t go too crazy like taking every oh it’s adorable sorry me but I’m taking your potatoes you have nightmares for

Years just this random dude like this random like armored dude with like a fck just like comes into his home and steals his [ __ ] what’s that song from I’m the very model of oh okay that’s actually pretty decent I’ve got 64 potatoes and it goes beyond oh my God this is

Wonderful hell to the Y nice and I will get you and take the stack of potatoes away and get that in there fantastic dude this is a very well-designed Village I like this place a lot this looks really really nice even not can place them down this is a really beautiful

Village I need to be I need to probably like oh boy oh actually no there’s multiple Books Okay pop that in there all the potatoes all the golden nuggets fantastic yeah this place is not going to like the fact that I’ve been here but at the same

Time right pop that into there is there any other things I could perhaps use to not not excessively no no I think I’ve got everything I need here well you know I can’t like yeah is there anything in here no there’s not a lot like not a lot I got

Left it’s the question are you well if you’re going to this is a very beautiful town what’s this never seen this before almost looks like a shredder oh nice oh boy hey to be fair I’m getting some free books and gold nuggets and bread though I sense a

Problem I got no place for the bread and I want more bread I’m not going to lie like every cheap bread is is something you know it’s it’s something trying to think what if oh hang on a second what if I take the yeah we cuz then I can do this and

Then do this oh I 4 oh bugger that’s a problem I hadn’t realized that it would do that bollocks yeah I’ve run out of space haven’t I all right fine I’m going to dump the bamboo because I don’t think I’ll need that and I’ll need to put something else

There so I’ll put that in there and then I need to dump what else can I dump what what do I not need what can I I get a shitload of that I’m not going to need to worry about in the near future decisions decisions decisions um

And that’s like well to be fair I don’t need oh do I need oh you know what I don’t need I don’t need dirt dirt can go screw off right okay so I’m going to need to be right so I’m going to have to probably just

Yeah right so I got the bread I need fantastic right okay is there any other bits of loot room oh this is a fantastic place you have a balcony it’s a beautiful place just hi I’m going to be your sleep paralysis demon for the day and the rest of your lives right

So yeah that’s a really nice place I’m going to I’m going to really nice Village so I’m going to make a marker for that just so that way I can remember and then oh dude it’s like so much they’ve got such a nice like little buildings and everything honestly really

Really nice really like that oh wow he’s okay so that’s either due to the bad spawning but that’s so okay yeah no that’s yeah that’s that’s not a very well-placed building I’m not going to lie right 6422 spuds and yeah the good thing is I’ve been able to

Uh yeah oh hello is it go down oh it goes down oh it goes wait what I’m sorry what the [ __ ] they are you serious there’s a [ __ ] place underground why I’m sorry this is ridiculous it’s oh sorry that was oh my God I mean unfortunately the place is flooded oh my God

Yeah you didn’t win the lottery did you oh my god really really well now I got to toss other [ __ ] out right okay I’m going to have to toss some stuff because I I honestly think I’m going to need this more than other stuff I don’t need wool

So what’s causing you to have a hole that is causing the entire room to oh I see I mean I’m good thank you very much I appreciate the offer I’m mostly discovering this stuff on my own or you know through selft talk videos but thank

You so much for the offer though I’m I’m going to try and see if I can run through this fairly soloish oh no i’ appreciate that yeah I mean to be fair I I’ve just most of the stuff I’ve been able to learn [ __ ] up up oh the

Timing right okay I’m going to have to time this like in a really good way this is a very beautiful like [ __ ] ow ow ow ow ow up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up oh that’s why

Yep oh okay Ah that’s the reason right yeah that’s the reason that’s the reason why everything’s gone to [ __ ] right well there you go that’s that’s the problem right there we go God damn it red paper paper right let’s uh let’s get the [ __ ] out of Dodge that is a really really cool

Village but yeah this is a very very cool Village I imagine yes I had a feeling right that’s going to be another problem there’s just not enough room even with a backpack right [ __ ] off right we’re going to have to paper there black wall into here right okay is there anything else

No right I definitely feel like I need to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge because we’ve got our fair share of stuff now I need to figure out how to get the H now I need to figure out how to get out of here I feel sorry for those pigs they’re

Never going to quite get out are they well again I’ll probably find a way out for them oh that’s fantastic though this Village was this Village was something holy [ __ ] I’ll leave this place just so I don’t have to deal with stuff I’m going to basically make a peg

Line for it now because I think the rain is causing problems run so in terms of like coal I’d say the uh the mission was about 30 to 40% successful because we didn’t really get that many stacks worth of coal but in retrospect but I’d also

Say that we got a [ __ ] ton and I mean a proverbial [ __ ] [ __ ] ton I’d say we got a proverbial [ __ ] ton of uh useful materials and a crossbow for free so you know I I would say we’re done pretty good and we got enchanting

Books and we got paper and we got the means to make paper so I would say oh and also we’ve been able to get a shitload of food so I would say we have done excessively well well I’ve been able to get [ __ ] two stacks worth and

A bit of wheat as well which is going to go well oh boy so I would say we have done well obviously improvements can always be found but I feel I feel we’ve done pretty well for ourselves today and we still got some time

Left oh [ __ ] no no no no no no there we go yeah I’m going to need to like get a shield soon hey donkey cuz like [Laughter] yeah I mean we’ve also got a lot of sheeps around so that’s going to be nice well to be fair I also have a sheep

At the farm so it’s kind of like you know okay so this is like the wintry Zone as well nice okay so I’m down here in the South so I’m going to go actually oh that’s a witch that’s bad that’s very very bad that’s a witch we need to get the [ __ ]

Out of Dodge the witch is very very dangerous yes I I will not die I will do my best not to die that’s why I’m running away from the witch because I do not want to get killed by the witch well okay to my knowledge and experience the witch does

Not kill you but they yeah but she puts you into a very low Health state which then obviously everything else will then make you explode so under no circumstances do you want to [ __ ] with that Jesus Christ Minecraft is making me work today Minecraft is making me work today work

Today work today Minecraft is making me work today to just survive right okay so there looks to be some kind of mountain at the top there okay that’s pretty cool and there’s a very tall mountain over there which is even interrupting the clouds which is nice Jesus I had four people in

Jesus once the rain finally decides to stop that would be nice right jump Jesus Christ I’m just like why oh hello massive pit for to Doom that I can’t see right let’s get going I just want to go to the top of this hill so I could see and I really

Wish the rain would piss off so I can see home and also just so I can get an understanding as to my general surroundings as well oh that’s a big ocean that is a very big ocean oh my was there a winry Area there okay I I I’ll I’ll stand on the nice

Snow right so I’m looking more or less D oh I’m looking at more or less directly yeah I’m more or less looking directly oh boy or huh randomiz like weird looks like a weird like I know that this is technically a mod there was four people at one

Point okay there’s a there’s a tower yeah I think somewhere right so if I look directly that direction is that a village over there no over there no no okay enough I thought I saw a tower like I thought I caught a glimpse of a tower or something oh is it finally stopped

Raining I need to be careful not to fall into the rain uh fall into the uh might have been a tree like I just wanted to get like a a rough oh no it’s going to be a sunset isn’t it also I see something in the distance it’s going to go straight into

[ __ ] night isn’t it yeah right might as well make our way back to base so but yeah I’d say we’ve got a decent lay of the land there’s definitely something in the distance over there that that’s what I love about this Horizon mod oh yeah

There it is no I think that’s an actual Tower right we’re going to make our way towards oh is there another Tower over there no it’s just trees and there’s yet oh I think that’s the same place as before right awareness Awareness oh my God I’m going to need to like put a marker here and get the [ __ ] away from that zone before [ __ ] M skeleton uh brains over there right there we go the did he just get struck by lightning maybe yeah it might be a a tree but I

Think it’s a tower like I am fairly convinced it’s a tower I could be wrong but I think it’s a tower I mean I’m not going to stick around long but if I know if it’s a if I see that it’s a tower I might be tempted

Into like making a plan to attack it oh no oh no [ __ ] I need to get to sleep I need to get into a cave [ __ ] right we need to find a cave and I need to get asleep who a chopper copter come on you

[ __ ] there we go okay so if I can take care of this [ __ ] that’ll be fine I need to get to sleep really wish this rain would [ __ ] off right about now they not come back right making my way North running and I need to live and I’m

Running and I need to live right but yeah we need to get back to base cuz the Banshees will cause problems finally Jesus Christ I was going to say okay so that was a tree okay that looks like a okay that’s that’s something that looks like a coastal thing right what’s

That is that explored yet no okay well actually no it’s it’s on the map no I’ve already died in a really bad location bidden I’m not doing it again oh nice there like a nice little yeah oh Christ I’m just trying my absolute best to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge and not

Die yeah this this is the thing this is partly the reason why I wanted to make this series Live just because I feel like this it makes a it kind of kills multiple birds with one stone the first bird is the fact that I can play games that I normally couldn’t play before

Because I’d be like oh [ __ ] I would not normally be able to play this kind of game in a recorded fashion or at least I wouldn’t be able to do it in a way that I think would Garner that much attention in a meaningful way like as

Much as this is a hobby this is also you know I also kind of you know it yeah like it’s kind of handy because for example oh nice right run okay if I can jump and avoid getting into combat that would be so much better but yeah no yeah there’s no way I’m

Going to try and yeah i’ I’d miss that if I tried to jump I would have died see this is experience cuz previously I would have yeated off the bloody cliff and I would have died I would have then brace death just not willingly down and then up oh [ __ ] it out come

On yeah but I’m I wouldn’t I’m not oh [ __ ] ow the thing is though I’m not in a position where I’m trustworthy I can like like I don’t really feel like I would know how to time it well enough you know what I mean um to answer your question gamer I will

Probably be going live again what time or what date I don’t know I might be doing some more recording stuff tomorrow because it’s like a it’s like well more it’s not it’s not the day you know it’s the day before the day before so obviously Christmas Eve right

So where am I at the moment oh I’m actually almost yeah I’m actually going the wrong way again [ __ ] but yes I will be going live again oh [ __ ] me right where are you [ __ ] God damn lag I’m in a zone that I’m with now come on come on where are you

Pricks like I’m on my way back home come on there we go but yeah like I will be Hing I will be hubbing back online but as to whether or not I’ll do it on uh immediately afterwards or tomorrow I don’t believe I’ll do tomorrow but we’ll see

But I will be going online probably if it’s not tomorrow it’ll be on the Sunday yeah I think that’ll be a fair thing Christmas Eve live stream and obviously Christmas day I probably won’t be doing anything but I will be I mean I’m excited too though I’m a bit worried

Because I I feel like I’m still in that g I’m still in that face where I’m like Gathering still cuz very in mind I lost a lot of gear recently so I’m I’m trying to make sure that I can you know do that oh we’re almost

There oh there a pig there oh nice I forgot about you you stay there Pig don’t fall don’t fall don’t die I may need you right and it would appear that my nice little near miss with a creeper has done well and I have arrived yes right let’s get my

Character asleep just so that way we can not have to deal with them again Ah that’s wonderful that is absolutely wonderful oh that’s a good bit of loot also I’m going to need to build a chimney stack so right so I think I need to move this

Right come on come on come on come on come on wait what are you serious pickaxe pickaxe yes it’s the pickaxe nothing else [ __ ] sake okay why is it a pickaxe and not just other things yes that’s what I was going to do but I was going to what I was going to

Do before my [ __ ] glistering melons slice does that do I’ll do like one of those just to see what happens okay what is this gister melon Moon slice right I’m going to just put a bunch of this [ __ ] into here just so that way we can actually you know do

[ __ ] right yeah so I’m going to make the smoker right I’m going to just put all the [ __ ] I found into this crate right and I’m going to grab some Stone as well CU obviously right so I’m going to grab some Stone right Cobblestone it would seem to be needed grab some

Cobblestone oh wait no hang on is this oh no it’s just St yet right okay so first of all we need a smoker or furnace yep so let’s make a furnace now we need a oh we need wood for that don’t we yes we do we do uh I’ll take the

Log and turn it into a smoker right there we go we got a smoker right so now we need so smoker perfect now all we need to do is make a chimney Stone chimney so Bob Bob Bob then I think if we just do this and then then bom and then I

Think it’s going to be a very basic location but I think it’ll do oh I needed to go further to field If I Had a Brain there you are there we go okay does that look better or would this look better no I’d say the first one yeah that that looks better

Right right so first thing we need to do is put some coal in there which fortunately that’s all the [ __ ] coal we got uh I’ll put the I’ll put the 40 stack of coal in there just because right and then the cooking shall begin and that probably does it very quickly doesn’t it

Yeah yep it’s a mod it’s a really [ __ ] cool mod so how the mod works is when all like burbles basically like a campfire or other Jazz there we go all of this stuff has a uh a chimney option now so all like all nice yeah it has a smoke it’s really [ __ ]

Cool like it is exceptionally cool and I love it right yeah it’s really cool because it just makes it look so much it just makes it look like a proper you know thing right where is that stack of did I toss it no I didn’t toss a coin to your Witcher

Nice right so I’m going to grab all the the the the wheat that we had gained on this on our Journeys and make a [ __ ] ton oh no I don’t we need that yeah so I’m going to use the yes that’s the pumpkin there’s an sharpness three

Efficiency 4 nice don’t how the hell am going to attach that but that’s nice I need to make a library actually how do I make a library right so bookshelf I need three books which I think I’ve got and some Woods some planks to be specific right I’m going to plunk all

The books related stuff here cuz obviously I don’t really know what I’m doing with it but at the same time once I do know what I’m doing doing with it oh boy it’s going to be amazing and I’ve also got some seed some carrots I got some bread which is going

To be wonderful I’ve got potatoes which if I’m not mistaken I probably could uh probably cook those alongside the Apple to be fair there’s another thing I wanted to do as well um and actually this could possibly serve as a good sort of a convenient ground in which to get it

Which is kitchen stuff so we open this up delete the smoker kitchen I need M cooking tile uh enables smelting abilities cooking for Blockheads as well as a milk jar cow and a jar toaster and all that ja so you can see there’s like kitchen counters and

[ __ ] so what do I need I need terra cotta where the hell do I find terra cotta polish andesite half and a sight polish dite polish deep slate polish granite Granite okay so I can get some things oven I need a furnace three iron ingots and black stained glass Okay cooking table

Cooking can craft food okay or fridge yeah this is a mod that I was kind of wanting to try oh yeah that’s nice black dye kitchen floor so how do I make a kitchen floor block of Quartz block of coal oh damn that is yeah we’re not doing that

Jesus I need to make oh so how to make a booking for Blockheads like how do I make that right let me figure out how to make cooking right how do I make that you smelt a book what okay this I got to see looks like doesn’t it oh Yes here’s a really cool thing by the way whilst we’re here I’m going to show you my um show you my first ever F like I will say I’m pretty proud of this particular thing I I will be honest with you so what it is is it’s basically a very long

Chimney but it’s four chimneys which are all univer which are all linked so it makes a very big smoke which I’m pretty proud of I’m not going to lie I am very smug sir right let me oh they’re getting close it’s going to be amazing and also nightmare fuel when

It comes to dealing with all the [ __ ] oh Christ but yeah I’m going to wait till the smoke and [ __ ] is cleared and then I’m going to put some more nice yeah the downside is if you don’t let yeah if the downside is if you don’t have any chip

Chimneys oh nice two chickens are born wonderful yeah the downside is if you don’t have any sort of like things to deal with then you oh yeah I forgot I had a bunch of [ __ ] I didn’t need yeah I I found some stuff right so Fortune nice and I have a crossbow

Which is very very nice and I have fish and there is actually quite a lot of uh torches as well which is nice to see so it’s not quite the end of the world for that I’m going to need to spend some time making some like craftable I have a look

See right so cooking table I need a cooking for Blockheads too and something where the hell do I find terracotta oh clay right I see okay so I need to find clay which is going to just be spawning everywhere of course right I’m going to turn these

Nuggets into gold because then I can do something with them whatever you can get out of them oh nice a chain I shall make a chain because I haven’t actually done a chain before and then that should be it right also got some emeralds some raw

Salmon I think there’s some card in the second one yeah there is oh potato what kind of potato potatoes potatoes boil them mash them stick them in a stew trying to think of anything else we can do at this moment not a huge amount oh I

Could take some of the bone meal I got try and speed up some of the other stuff might not be might be a good Shout as well as doing that in the evening oh yes hello forgot about that I mean to be fair I could appreciate their whole let uh snooze on

This so yeah we’re going to be probably Gathering I definitely will be looking into the gun mod because if we can get some proper Firepower I would be most appreciative of that like seriously right so I need to be very careful nice nice right this is good very very good nice bum oh

No I know if I try it I’m going to regret it bum bum bum bum bum yeah the amount of Bloody Bones I’ve been collecting over the last like how many days well obviously there is such a thing as too much I mean I mean the purpose of the Discord

Is more of a place of like if we have like-minded things so obviously the Discord was there I kind of thought I I when I thought about putting the Discord into place it was like well it’s a nice place for you know all the friends of mine to meet up and

Do stuff and if there happens to be any kind of following from my from the YouTube and streams that’s fine but there are rules I think I might need to add a couple rules in as well if if all of a sudden I you know I get more people

It’s like right I think I might need to like add a couple of rules here and there just so that way you don’t end up having uh the hot beds go through but yeah the main intention is just be ability to for [ __ ] sake are we in Britain or something is

This just England at [ __ ] early stages honestly it’s been pissing it down all today as well swear to Christ I’m entirely sure how scattering bone into it but you know what it’s okay it’s all right it’s okay just going to make the M it’s all right I said it’s

Okay listen to what I say ah true I could do like a trapo thing whatever I mean the intention is just going to be um no [ __ ] oh that’s going to drive me mad that is right how like all through out actually to be fair

I had a fair amount of rain during the bloody construction of that soding farm right how are you diddling you done good right right fantastic right oh that also should mean by that very logical conclusion that the other thing is done as well right where’s that book I

Had I mean to be fair I might need to have to do a revision of those rules not that I want to but obviously the intention I need to REO up on the rules it’s been a while since I made them right let’s put this book into

Place well the problem is when you go into the problem is I don’t really want to risk having problems caused out by lack of foresight you know like if you’re not careful things can get blown way out of proportion and stuff can go into an absolute nightmare

Fiasco right so if we go by this logic is I I swear to God if this just turns out to be charcoal I’m going to lose my [ __ ] okay cooking for Blockheads that’s fine right let’s just have a look see the Discord because I’m not going to lie

I’m kind of curious as to what the rules are I remember writing them up but that was quite a long time ago oh yeah of course yes yeah there we go yeah well to be fair yeah okay I covered all the aspects I was worried I hadn’t covered all

Them right okay so if I have this right select an item right okay yeah so that’s that’s how you do it okay so basically all I got is this oh with the things you have theary okay so if I was to get for example Apple and melons now if I go to

You okay so gold and apple what do I need a shitload of really okay so it looks like it gives you way more stamina not much food but definitely a lot more stamina which is pretty effective okay obviously we’ve gotten our food okay right okay I

Think F our way back towards this so I think we need to continue our journey to get more right because I’ve got a shitload of right so right okay so I got some stuff okay I think we’re good for another Expedition down south if I’m not mistaken and I’ll get some golden

Pickaxes why not might as well and what’s left of the coal not a huge amount sadly but we will have to just make do H that’ll do and obviously one two three but I at least have a crossbow which I am happier about right I’ll put the cooked pork

Chop steak and Other M mutton over there I’m going to put the potatoes in the oven where’s the other potatoes right let’s go get some iron uh let’s put some iron back in which I’m happy about and get the V iron put into into here because right iron nugget

Emerald have one of these get some paper there oh yeah the salmon and the baked potato I’m going to be eating I’m going to be eating myself through to like everything it’ll just be like everything else there we go yeah fantastic right I’m going to go

Spend the last sort of like hour of this stream going to be gathering up uh oh I need more yeah I’m going to need more right we’re going to need to make some more pickaxes pickaxe two two three four five six seven three four five six seven yeah I can’t take anything

Now psych right spare pickaxes all spare pickaxes will go to this location right there we go so that should be that sorted that’s going to be over there that’s going to be over there that’s going to be over there that’s going to be over there that’s going to be over

There okay the intention here is we’re going to try and right so 14 arrows we go into here I has a weapon now actually to be fair we probably should also get some some of the ammo back into there do we have some ammo at all oh there’s also

A crossbow we found so that’s another one where that’s useful I have a shitload of eggs actually that’s a point I should probably get that I should probably get that uh book now cooked salmon cooked C yep where’s the other stack of potatoes I could have sworn I had a

Stack of potatoes like an actual full-on 100% like oh there it is yeah just the sheer scale of my potato and food I mean to be fair it just means that I can go that this is kind of going to be me set for a very long period of

Time this makes me want to get another can of energy drink for this though I probably shouldn’t because it’s very unhealthy to have multiple cans of energy drink right oh the golden apple got a bunch of string as well so I’m going to have to be careful with that like I will

Be organizing my [ __ ] eventually I’m sure right I mean there’s a shitload of gold in there so maybe I could get save those apples and then maybe get some gold for like go mental with the gold perhaps not a bad idea wouldn’t exactly say that was my best options but you never

Know just making this last as long as I can right that’s all the stuff we’re going to get out of them two three right we got some bucket of water what a huge amount of ammo um we don’t have much Flint though do we I got like some Flint back but not a

Lot maybe I’ll grab the string more string yeah I’m not seeing much Flint I’ll be I’ll be brutal Flint is not something that I have a huge amount for been think so oh there’s some Flint there we go how much ammo can I make I need sticks don’t I I have

Sticks uh what am I missing feathers oh nice whereare ammo oh yeah what can I make with a carrot okay I’m going to need to probably make more advanced cooking don’t I oh nice cake milk bucket milk bucket milk bucket egg sugar beetroot soup that’s okay bread baked potato

Cookie bid’s favorite dried kelp D [ __ ] honey bottle okay honey block golden carrot Jesus Christ okay that’s pretty cool mushroom stew oh nice we need a bowl all right pumpkin pie Bowl cooked rabbit pumpkin pie we need Sugar right that’s a fair amount of stuff that is dope so we need ah we do need eggs and milk buckets But Cake doesn’t really do anything does it right let’s put this back keep that safe fairly convinced you can make ammo yeah 60 arrows that’s cool I guess what am I

Missing I missing Flint that is what I’m missing I how I didling with that oh Jesus Christ oh is it stop raining I’m so used to it bloody raining almost it’s almost there right okay we got any any ah nice we have Flint once again brilliant nice we have 16 arrows dump

Dump back over to there pop that back over there that back over there fantastic right so that’s going to give us a nice little thing we also got a shitload of um actually why the hell are these here I need to put these back come now Jagger don’t get lazy right going

To [ __ ] it we need get as much as we can out of those things right so I got like myself some tools ah yes speaking of tools I should probably make some weapons or should grab some weapons shouldn’t I yes that would be a prudent idea so one iron axe

And I think I’m going to need more swords so whilst we’re waiting for that to cook I am going to grab more sticks and we’re going to make some more swords cuz two three four five right that’s going to be our tools and then I’m going to immediately like the backpack is

Literally just stuffed with spares just it’s like I don’t give a [ __ ] I need weapons I need armor right that should be that sorted now okay that’s pretty I’d say that’s a pretty good Hall yeah I’d say that’s a pretty good Hall where all more L set to

Go yeah that’s pretty much solid there right how are you doing finally give us them beautiful cods so there the plan for the ne for the next sort of hourish is going to be I’m going to go down into the caves I’m going to try and map out gather to and

Uh go mental grabbing as much as we can I’m going to spend the next couple of minutes grabbing myself a cup of coffee to energize me and warm me up so I will I will give you a wonderful view of of the home oh that’s that already

Done fantastic so we’re all set we’re all ready to go for an expedition right so I’ll be as quick as I can making this cup of coffee and uh as soon as I get back we’re going to be going straight into the action this will take me a few minutes so beb

For like a few minutes whilst I go grab some coffee have a wonderful look at my garden and house well okay I just realized where that is is not very well placed um right I’m going to try and plop it like reduce it sizewise there we go there we go so

That’s going to be so I’ll be as quick as I can Am I have returned with a coffee right thank you very much for being patient guys to add extra immersion I’ve got a Minecraft mug oh This brilliant right let’s see there we go sweet okay so yes I do in fact have a Minecraft mug and it is adorable and

Amazing and I very much treasure it so let us continue our journey so well let us actually I should probably head back upstairs have I got everything yes we do right okay so the plan we will be burning through our food supplies very quickly so don’t you worry

We’re going to be getting our [ __ ] no so the main intention is we’re going to try and see if we can get as much iron and as much diamonds as possible whilst also clearing and of course coal whilst clearing the zone and getting up as much

Material as I can will be primarily for focused on the big room but I’m also going to be having a little look see around other zones to see if there’s any rooms with like coal or [ __ ] inside no okay so for the remaining time that

We’re on stream which I will extend by a few minutes because I’ve been away for a bit and we did take a little bit of while to cooka so normally I’d finish the stream at around 3 and a half hours but I’m going to extend it to about 3 and 3/4

Hours we’re going to be spending that time Gathering material so speaking of which the first of many oh Okay nice eventually I’m probably going to find myself like a am I losing yeah no I was actually going the right way I lost orientation there for a second I will eventually make like a I probably should make some kind of tunnel I mean to be fair I’ve already

Found the tunnel going through so it makes sense but yeah So the plan is I’m going to try and make something of this area as well as like colonize most of the zones cuz we’ve been spending spending a lot of time Gathering [ __ ] but I feel like

We need to do more and gather more [ __ ] though I need to find a shitload of coal so hopefully we can find a shitload of coal together I mean to be fair I think we can probably still find a decent amount of coal in this region I just need to make sure that

It’s oh it’s this area okay I haven’t been down here much maybe oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Me oh god oh [ __ ] me right let’s Jesus Christ yeah l L I turned around and there’s like seven of the bastards standing there oh hell it’s literally I turn around there’s like seven [ __ ] creepers and I’m like uhoh right okay uh let me think what’s a

Good way to fix this I think I should have one of these melon things I can’t eat it what the [ __ ] was [ __ ] point of that right I’m going to use the melons that I’ve got cuz the melon doesn’t actually offer me anything useful and this will give me two free slots

So so literally we’re just going to be burning through this whilst I try and fix this problem okay I’ll I’ll have some cooked oh salmon Jesus salmon is well nice right let’s let get some more lights in Here huh oh I see this is like a dark area right okay uh right I’m going to have that and I’m going to eat some of there we go that’s going to fix me up quite quickly right let’s head down south and seeing where and what is going on

Oh nice we’ve actually got into another Zone nice nice nice I’m just going to explore a little bit okay so that’s not there’s [ __ ] diamonds get in get in there is diamonds happy [ __ ] days that is already a big win diamonds I really wish I could have more

Gun powder so I can make more Dynamite right I need to be careful where I plun my [ __ ] because obviously if I’m not careful I could very easily lose my [ __ ] and die and lose all the diamonds and [ __ ] right pretty much I mean the thing Jesus Christ [ __ ]

Diamond seven diamonds in like five minutes o I forgot to make a shield Miss Jagger stop sucking please oh hello we yeah I I need to seriously remember [ __ ] like stop forgetting to do stuff cuz you know Diamond you know it’s all great in all having all these diamonds

But if I don’t [ __ ] live long enough to see them get to the [ __ ] smelter God damn right it’s like Exotics from um ior oh the [ __ ] was that that’s that’s not good what is that that’s a [ __ ] Hench zombie what is that oh God like what is that what is

That do I want to know like it doesn’t sound very pleasant whatever it is so let’s let’s let’s chill and just gather up iron shall we is there no okay we’re we’re clear yeah we’re clear oh there’s Diamond as well I’m Pro gold as well I’m actually going to probably I’m actually

Going to probably start farming a lot more gold just because I feel like oh okay there’s more he’s big oh bloody hell we need more uh um okay looks like we’re up that zone yeah I’m actually trapped down here oh it’s that little [ __ ] all right oh [ __ ] what is

That any idea what this guy is oh he’s got an enchanted weapon I need to be careful not to get hit by that he could do me lots of harm oh there’s Diamond as well ow ow [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m trapped oh [ __ ] okay okay oh bloody hell okay right oh that was

Close we need to be careful that was a bit that was a bit close I don’t have a Shield as well which is bad I’m going to be glad once I get rid of these uh water watermelons cuz that was a bit risky to say the least that

Was extremely risky first of all we almost fall to our death which is not exactly a good thing and then we have to deal with whatever the hell that thing is which I’m not even getting near that I’m like no not touching that with a barn

Pole so yeah we need to be careful and hello yes I I see you ow I also hear you H [ __ ] right we need to kill that [ __ ] [ __ ] sake I need to get out I need to get out I need to get away need to like get to the nearest

Thing and just eat normal food right I’m eating the salmon bloody H yeah it’s literally [ __ ] zombies and [ __ ] around here as well like that’s the downside of thank you right that was close again taking the Fate’s really taking the piss today I mean to be fair if there’s any

Consolation I went through this [ __ ] in the Bedrock Edition and had the same level of stress cuz it was literally like running around like a headless chicken trying not to get hit right that’s going to get me killed right right I think right cool like okay so I was working my way

Through to here going down towards here right okay okay okay that’s I think we’re in a slightly safer position and I can now gather this diamond that’s more diamond isn’t it no but let’s explore oo oo o get in get thy [ __ ] look at that 11

Diamond we’re going to need a lot more Diamond but still this has been a profitable Expedition very profitable Expedition we just need to live now more important than ever we need to not die there we go not my intention there we go yeah there we go one of those things which I’m probably

Going to have to like delete at the source maybe right well the good news is now that we’re beginning to secure the location again with all the light and everything I mean there’s still zones that they could spawn in but we need to be quick uh if we’re quick and if we’re

Quick and efficient we should if we’re efficient we should be able to ah fantastic right okay nice I’m going to need to like go into like minor caves probably I might what I I might be U really I think in the next episode I might be focused a bit more on um

Go I might be tempted in future episode to try and focus a bit more On yeah I might be tempted to try and see if I can focus on Gathering a shitload of uh of coal because I did say I needed coal and I I do need coal because obviously there’s only a limited supply of torches we have but at the same actually no we need

Light to stop them from spawning so but also we need it so that we can smelt the materials that we’re Gathering because obviously oh that’s that’s that’s that’s lava isn’t it yeah that’s lava nice every bit of lava we get rid of is one less bit of lava to worry

About and it looks like we’ve got a nice little outcropping which leads in multiple directions and potential potentially a lot of decent loot or just a shitload oh [ __ ] me why do I keep looking ah why do I not I need to look down when I’m

Walking I need to look down I need to stop running forwards being like that and not looking where the [ __ ] I’m going right I need to be careful as well I’m exploring and I know I’ve got the cave so I can kind of literally I’m just running to stop

Them from spawning so oh yeah we need probably that’s a safe location yep we go right nice little underground cabin need to light it up as best as I can stop the zombies from spawning into it God there’s nothing in here is there yeah there is absolutely nothing that’s fine right where’s

The the part that I fell into it’s around here isn’t it yeah not seeing anything no it was here I fell in yeah need to be careful because there’s another pitfall right let’s have a little care when walking down we don’t fall to our immediate Demise it might lead us back into a decent cabin I see lava but I see Diamond okay this is where it gets very scary and very risky oh dear God Emperor oh dear God Emperor right we’re going to do something a little bit slow but safe I’m going to do this

Okay oh okay that’s intriguing if I wanted to I could in fact do that I had to be careful as well because I’m digging toward a uh I’m digging towards a lava I’m going to be keeping my eyes peel because like look we’ve been getting a lot of diamonds now which is

Actually pretty damn good I ain’t going to lie 14 diamonds that’s a pretty solid uh Victory there right I’m going to try this I’m trying to minimize the impact of lava in this room so if I can get rid of lava in this room by making the Deep

Slate make it disappear I mean even if it doesn’t do much at least I can safely Traverse the region without losing yeah like I’m seeing some right as long as we’re careful take it nice and slow this might take us into another room but this may also get us out of the

Ship we’re in so I will take this as like a win on both fronts just make this into a bigger room and again this is all about just trying to be as efficient as I can whilst also being careful as I can because CU obviously what we don’t want

Is I don’t want to end up getting myself killed this is yeah exactly do not die that is a that is 100% what I intend to do is not perish okay good good good now bollocks wait did I get that yes I did okay okay I’m going to be cocky here and

Say I might know where I am oh and I’m also going to say thank you very Much I mean it’s taking me this area is taking me back into the other room yeah like this is taking me into one of the similar rooms we had earlier and there was a lot of water coming out of it so I might but it it might lead me

Back into the big cavern room and it does oh oh that’s fantastic that’s a very good ending there obviously I need to be careful again the main incentive here is make sure there’s light which is the because if we can have light they don’t spawn so then I can turn the caves into

A safe place to loot that’s the plan at least whether or not I can see that to fruition Ah Ah that’s good I mean we already burnt through a couple of we’ve already like pissed away multiple stacks of oh and this takes us back into this area oh it’s all coming full circle now but yeah like I’m I’m going to need to be careful but oh hello what’s that oh

Nice to be fair what I like about the whole pushing back the tide of zombies and [ __ ] in this case is it kind of makes me feel like I’m finally there we go the thing is it’s really it feels nice to have this kind of moment where

It’s like you could admire pushing back the undead or pushing back the monsters and everything because now it’s like yeah I I can escape I can oh hello all right oh dear guess uh hope your dog’s all right suck if the dog’s got something wrong with it

Just going to see what happens cuz it’s it’s like we’re raising back up again I’m going to need to make some staircases or something into this region just ah bollocks well I guess I’m going to need to get another what is this oh it’s like a perch or

Something oh it’s like halfway up sort of thing okay I need to be careful with this region then oh hello oh Hi how are you like I want to get you I’m like I know but you can’t you can’t reach me sucks for you doesn’t it yeah doesn’t it

You want to kill me don’t you yes you do I could tell wouldn’t it be a shame if I could somehow attack you without you attacking me oh [Laughter] no oh I’m a bastard aren’t I but hey okay so I need to be careful oh hello duh that normally mean something I’m

At I’m not I’m not like oh yeah no like I have a reasonably large amount of pickaxes well the thing is I piss through them so bloody much in in Exploration as well as just going on a ex going on an expedition so it’s only

Natural that I have to have some form of it’s only natural that I have spares to work with because the way that repairing [ __ ] in this game works is well you almost kind of don’t want to repair now do you cuz well you need to I mean okay yeah if

I could repair it then sure but the problem is these materials and Equipment break so often that it would be far more effective to just replace the tool than it would be to than it would be just to like get to fix it so I’m like [ __ ] it right

Okay I mean I’m not saying that it’s cost effective but it is more efficient or at least in terms of time spent ow hi how you doing there we go right anyway so let’s go make there we go what I really like about the the waterfalls is they serve extremely well as like

Lifts oh nice so like whenever you want to get from A to B very quickly or if you want to get upstairs very quickly then they serve as perfect lifts Much better oh coal wonderful need that that is a good amount of loot right there thing is if we if we’re at that level where we can still get coal then I by God shall have coal I think cuz when we hit the Cobble slate stuff that’s when have

Problems ah I need to adjust there we go right I need to make my way back down the lift going down yeah waterfalls are friends see already we’re seeing the major benefits of this entire region might as well grab that exp as well as Mark the location did I fall into here or

Something no oh no I did didn’t I is that what what is even down here oh no that’s where yeah we were able to get up ah hello I have found some iron I remember when I first started playing this game I was like oh my God

What is this weird looking stuff cuz like there was no tutorial in like on the PlayStation 4 edition there was like no tutorial whatsoever I got no kind of input at all so you know in terms of spending the rest of the day trying to figure [ __ ]

Out I was like yeah instead of sorry instead of going like instead of the game telling me what to do or whatever I had to spend most of my time just figuring out how this thing work right okay so I’m going to just do this right okay and boom and boom and Bo

Fine right what’s left right oh fair enough well whichever works I mean if you live in if you’re a German living in in Hungary or Hungarian living in Germany should be good all I say is be a good person i. not a dick and that’s important right problem we’re having right now is

I think we’re finally reaching a point where I’m gaining some momentum in terms of what I give for a flashlight oh I see Diamond I see Pitfall but I see loot I Diamond got to be careful so where am I aha I knew it right where are you bastards hello ow

[ __ ] right we’re in a whole new subcategory right okay we will be returning to the other Zone but what I want to try and do is I want to kind of create an exclusion zone so that way they can’t like a so I can explore and make sure that everything I find is

Yep perfect okay good so clear this up there we go there we go feel like a torch on there just so that way it stops them from coming in like I had just I had to hit the bastards so they wouldn’t get trapped in there because I wouldn’t want to trap

Like look I’ll kill something but I don’t want to trap it all right okay we’re already running low on Stacks ideally I need to have like at least half I’d like to ideally have at least half of some of the stuff here put that in there oh deep SL

Okay okay so let’s make our way back to where we were earlier go into here down into here make our way over to here where there’s some diamonds I realize this is not where the dead drop uh where the unfortunately Mr jer’s mindset has has been currently demol has currently

Turned off for the time being if you’d like to leave a message please leave your sound after the timer who nice we have been profitable most most definitely profitable isad there you are there you are there you [ __ ] are right right right let’s quickly carefully extend the drop make some tough as

Well probably need to have a look down there at some point but at the same time 23 Diamond that is ridiculous I mean bearing in mind it’s still not enough however much diamond we get it’s going to be fantastic I’m not going to lie but I also am like we’re going to need

More cuz you know we we still kind of need like enough so I can have two sets of diamond armor why because I am not trusting myself to have only one set once again bearing in mind I lost my other set because I was too cocky and too

Curious it was not a happy day I was very very upset when I died it was a very [ __ ] day when that happened right Okay well we might as well get some Diamond as well my diamond iron as well iron iron clad iron clad okay let’s have a look see so that’s another little water spout which is good cuz then I can do this I can go down to lower oh my God I

Went to the bottom of the pitfall and I see some more diamond and what looks to be a lava lake which then leads to yeah you don’t want to go on the floor May just saying right we need to be careful I’m a little worried that this

Is somehow above me or right in front of me like I’ll just open up this [ __ ] thing and just a spout of lava oh [Laughter] no well as they say survival of the fittest does not always mean the strongest sometimes it means the [Laughter] smartest oh boy but no that’s oh yeah we

Need to get rid of that so Hey look it’s not I did not push the bat to go in there he made of his he made his own decision he’s a strong independent bat that don’t need no brain and look what happens yes I am sad to see the bat die

But again he that’s a Darwin Award you don’t when a bat when someone dies like that you don’t feel sympathy for them you laugh at them as they fall to their as they go to their grave all right not explode there we go I legitimately used him to take advantage

Right we’re on to our we have like you only a few Stacks remaining as well is this taking us back all the way to the other Zone if that is no it’s more Redstone though but yeah well when I decide to finally start using Redstone and it suddenly becomes

Like the most valuable resource to me oh boy I’m in for a treat because obviously have I been here before no [ __ ] right right we got we’re exploring quite a large portion of the underground uh depths now oh I mean to be fair that’s pretty yeah we’re getting there just looking at all

The I mean it does feel like there’s there are points where I genuinely wonder if I’m ever going to be able to you know we two to be fair we we’re never going to fully explore like there won’t be a there won’t be a section

Which is going to be like oh that’s it bye-bye but at the same time at the same time time at least we’ll feel like you know we’ll have explored enough I mean I won’t lie once I’ve done the once I’ve killed the the nether dragon that’s that’s going to feel so

Empty also I have been here before Oh huh it’s s of Cycles its way around again oh yeah there you go there we go um as mentioned it’s probably not going to be tomorrow but it might be on the 24th so and I’ll probably be doing another Minecraft episode oh hello

24th I said I’m not too sure what time probably will be like a mid dayish sort of thing maybe I don’t know like it won’t it won’t be a late stream because obviously it’s Sunday the 24th you know everyone will be oh um well that’s a bit of a blockage isn’t it

Ah that was close this this [ __ ] melon life [ __ ] is causing me a lot of danger you know what [ __ ] the melon slices that’s the last time like seriously lemon slices of almost cost me [ __ ] the lemon slices they almost K they almost killed me like that was genuinely terrifying

There I was thinking I’m going to die because I can’t get the health output there we go Jesus Christ oh that was too close I’ve been pushing my luck a little bit in this game so far and it is going to bite me if I don’t if I’m not careful

Mhm let look see is there anything of not oh it’s a spawn room oh damn I got a music disc out of this nice and another music disc right that goes into there that goes into there name tag and gun powder and right all the rotten flesh goes there all the wheat

Comes into here uh I’m going to put that into there put that into there put this into here put that into here uh anything else no no no no no diamond goes in the backpack right and I think that’s a safe location anything else uh not really

Yeah I know we’ve done pretty good for ourselves haven’t we all the bone nice all the string nice golden horse armor might as well peel for that not really any reason to but you know I’ve I’ve got it I mean the thing is is it’s 25 gold

Is fantastic and I will say that for a for a run that’s only lasted for like what an hour we’re coming up to an hour is actually pretty [ __ ] good if I don’t say so myself right we need to adjust the levels so bo

Bo yeah we’re at we’re at minus one o we need to get back look at how much I’ve explored underground though Jesus there are some scary rooms but I’m also seeing some diamond yeah we need to head up we’re in a smaller we’re not in this one we’re in this one I’d

Say yeah we we we need to head up he says looking down wait hang on okay oh nice gold right I did say we needed to take okay Mr EA we finally learned a lesson we did not walk over an edge and what do I get for remembering this important

Fact some gold and familiar location oh nice God everything’s tying together Isn’t it nice nice nice right I’m going to quickly make this like little Zone I need to be underneath it don’t I yeah and then there we go right intention is I just need to get

This lit up and then I believe we shall be good yes perfect right so let’s make our way back to where we were going because there’s a bunch of gold there and I’m thinking if we can get some more gold then then at least we can have the

Satisfaction of knowing that we have enough to if I you know I’m going to be able to make a lot of apples with the thing so what I’m going to do is I’m going to use those apples rather than just eat them oh same I’ve got a Christmas tree I

Just forgot to well I keep forgetting to put it up until eventually it gets to the point where I’m like you know what [ __ ] it I’m not going to get it up because it’s pointless Christmas is already here I probably should get it up

Even if it’s for like a day or two and then I’ll just take it back down again is that is that natural lighting I was going to say none of no one’s claustrophobic in this game are they for PR should have taken a shovel with me shouldn’t I

Right this is beginning to go back into where I’ve come through yeah natural lighting I think maybe this is currently taking me to some other place oh God okay yeah it’s taking me someplace now okay well to be fair no we need to head back I think

Yeah I’m just going to delete the things here and then just seal up the cave entrance cuz it’s it’s not benefiting me going in this particular direction and it’s just going to cause me more grow so if I just seal this up then it just means I I won’t be

Tempted to potentially explore this place in the future and then I know that it’s a direction that I need not to go in right what have I got right one two three four five there we go perfect okay so that’s a that’s a nope right we need to head up and out

Right again I think we need to probably wrap this area over a bit and just be like right here we go I’m being a little bit more screw I’m being a little bit more greedy when it comes to like here we go perfect there we go into there we go

Into there we go around around around around perfect okay right and then we’re in here right do this take us anywhere useful I’m seeing resources reasonable amount of yeah I’d say that’s I’d say that’s a profitable area like the thing is I don’t want to overexert myself and also I don’t want

To take the piss because we are coming up to yeah we are coming up to a yeah we probably should make our way back so yeah that’s let’s take a few minutes now just to get back home because I think we need to wrap the episode up a bit because it’s already 9:00

Jesus there’s me getting all like right so let say we need to make our way out does this lead Anywhere get the [ __ ] in there more diamond yeah what do this lead us to more Diamond I will call that a victory any day of the week yes wondrous right we’re inside a cabin get some into there nice oh nice iron gold into iron I will I will take

That to be fair this is going to be good cuz I’m been making a shitload of tools so this is actually going to be a major Boon how much okay and I think probably the next episode episode we’re going to need to do a bit of a coal

Run yeah just a smidge I mean we’ve got like some coal but in comparison it no just no no no we did not I mean I think what I might do just because obviously it’s going to there’s a lot of [ __ ] here I’m going to probably do some offscreen

Play where I cuz I know there’s a couple of locations in the immediate vicinity of the base which does in fact have some coal in it so if I can get that I’ll quickly cook up some of the stuff we’ve got here and then right this goes to Nowhere

Yes right so this is yeah this is where we’ll wrap things up for today cuz it is fairly late and I need to still have my dinner some reason I was thinking it was going to be 8:00 that I was going to finish but I’m like wait that would mean

I mean technically speaking I’m almost been on for 4 hours so right no this yes we’re heading this way right yes I know I need to go but I see things and my brain’s like o shiny yes yes I need to go up but I Ah that’s uh how do I get up

There is that way of going up ah that is fantastic okay see I’m going up I’m going up but I’m also Gathering up right there we go I’m going to need like so much of this stuff I am going up you can’t say that I’m not

You can’t say that I’m not going up I am going up okay now I’m going back down again but that’s just because there is some loot I would say this is a pretty successful thing up okay we’re going up again see see see the momentum is still upwards my trajectory has remained

Unchanged he says as he’s noticed iron o nice I mean safe to say I’m now in a position where I have more than enough iron but actually to be fair I will say this I think in this particular playthrough there is going to be the rule um there’s going to be the ruling

Of never can have enough iron also I’m going to be looking into that mod you recommended to me earlier um gamer the gun mod I will see if uh if you can remind me what that mod is so I don’t have to go down yeah I’m going up I’m

Going up see I’m up oh hello he is also up that is that is not a good place to be right um that is not enough I want to be in hello oh I dodged that somehow yeah how the [ __ ] did I dodge that I don’t know [ __ ] not good

Right okay we need to we need to does that actually take us anywhere no okay you know what I’m going to say go down but then go into the other rooms where there is less Danger cuz I’m getting killed ow of course Mr cray fish gun mod okay

I’m going up I’m going up I just find resources and things right wait hang on if I’m here then hang on I’ve got an idea I’m going to use my I’m going to dig my way out cu then I can go into the other room and that allows

Me cuz the thing is I’m very close to getting out cuz at the moment I’m currently just being hammered I’m being hemmed in any direction by you know by the caves I’m going up I’m going up but you can see my plan I’m going up by going forward

Because by doing it this way I can then get into the other room cuz rather than having to Fanny ass around you can see my logic I’m currently being [ __ ] around at the moment so I’m just trying to figure out where the okay there we

Go right okay cool so if I go into this room ah there’s the cave right so then if I go here yes I can escape and there’s the cave going up as well right so up we go here see up we’re going up right so if I do this and this that

Takes me to this room right right okay and then I can go here here here here up here herey and a h and a and ay up let go up go we I’m going up you see my upwards trajectory has dramatically increased in like record time I’m getting up [ __ ] I am getting

Up I am oding on getting up there is so much of me going up YouTube’s going to have to make a tasteful term and which will it immediately regret doing I am working my way this music is perfectly illustrating how much I am [ __ ] it I’m trying to be creative and

The game saying no stop being creative just go up oh don’t you [ __ ] dare I will send you reing I’m getting there [Laughter] I am up oh the music yes I am up I am safe and I actually came up from the other Cavern get in there we succeeded we’re only a little bit late than we intended but I am up and I am safe and I am creeper in my face

Explodes no but still so we have successfully completed our main hello hello sheep I saying hello bear wait what but yeah we have successfully escaped the caverns and I have been able to successfully we’ve been able to successfully win and we are now making our merry way back to base

So in terms of a hall I’d say we done pretty well sleep so I don’t have to deal with the [ __ ] ah right in terms of a hall I’d say we did pretty okay um so in terms of yeah hauling we’ve got a pretty decent amount of raw gold we got

Some snack and a half H stacked a bit of raw iron but the big win is going to have to be the 29 Diamond 29 of it which combined with the four diamond we pered from before that’s 33 Diamond that’s probably more than enough for like a suit of armor but I

Need to probably get at least a Stacks worth so I’d say say ah thank you thank you for the reminder so that is a pretty good hul and we’ve also got some gold armor as well we got some like stupid we’ve got some good things and I grabbed

Some redstone dust and I got some armor got some ammo things are good looking good in terms of gear I’ve gone through a bit of the things but I’d say oh yeah so we’ve also got some discs and musics and an iron axe and some more Flint

Which means I can make more ammo so that’s that’s all positivity in that one so I am gonna have to wrap up today’s episode sadly though so thank you all very very much o we’ve got some very nice looking Farm things and there’s that one [ __ ] plot

That has nothing in it because [ __ ] my life but still thank you all so very much for watching and if you like this kind of content let me know in the comment section down below clicking on the like button and of course subscribing to the channel and I will catch you on the

24th I will probably put a timer on it at some point I’m not sure what but yeah the plan will Bas oh [ __ ] I need to I need to get more um I missed one GG so what we’re going to do is I’m going to try and get that

One yeah what I’m going to do is I’m going to get this uh next the plan the next plan will be we’re going to go on a bit of an expedition yeah so we’re g to there we go what why the [ __ ] was it not what I don’t get why it’s being like

This now with a map but okay cuz I know I went a little higher huh whatever layer I’m on at the moment oh is it because I’m not okay probably if I maybe if I’m here it’ll register that right no whatever anyway so yes thank you so much for your time

Guys and I’ll hope to catch you all in the next episode [ __ ] rain I’ll catch you that this is missa signing out

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Down the Rabbit Hole – Live Let’s Play – Part 7’, was uploaded by Mr Jaeger on 2023-12-23 10:08:07. It has garnered 44 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:40 or 13960 seconds.

Minecraft is a game that I never really got around to playing. Despite all of the hype and the content generated by it’s creation. Minecraft just didn’t end up on my to do list. Now however we’ll give it a crack and jump right into whatever hell awaits us.

Let’s see what my First playthrough of Minecraft looks like.

Live stream remnants – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSOphlkFo0AxwZrIinR9wMa8kRk8xv7B8

Down the Rabbit Hole Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSOphlkFo0AyvlSnXmAwjyHL2vbUCk_wE

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    Devil's Backbone | 1980s Roleplay Server🍂 | Vermont, 1986. The cicadas sing of change.Devil’s Backbone is a whitelisted Minecraft roleplaying experience. Set in 1980s America, the server follows the story of abnormal small town Blackwater Hills. With a mystery around every corner, Devil’s Backbone strives to embody a prime literate roleplay environment with an open setting for character exploration.Ready to board? Join our Discord server to learn more, and experience the server to its fullest when it launches on June 7, 2024.🔎 | FeaturesDevil’s Backbone offers a wide variety of immersive features to take your roleplay experience to the next level.Fully customizable profile for your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – CHANGE IT BACK! DON’T BE A COWARD!

    Minecraft Memes - CHANGE IT BACK! DON'T BE A COWARD!“I guess you could say this meme has a ‘crafty’ fanbase! They really don’t want any changes made!” Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers vs. Mortal Kombat

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers vs. Mortal Kombat “Why did the creeper go to Mortal Kombat? To learn some explosive new moves!” #minecrafthumor #gamerjokes #creepercombat Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your building skills to the next level? If you’re looking to enhance your structures and learn game-changing build hacks, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server. With a community of seasoned architects and beginners alike, Minewind offers a platform for creative minds to come together and inspire one another. Imagine exploring innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will truly make your Minecraft world stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, Minewind is the place where your building skills will be taken to new heights. Join us… Read More

  • 110 Ways Minecraft Changed! Can You Tell?

    110 Ways Minecraft Changed! Can You Tell? Exploring Changes in the Minecraft World In the vast world of Minecraft, subtle changes can make a big difference. A fun game of spot the difference awaits players, challenging them to observe closely as elements shift and transform. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and see what’s new! Spot the Difference Quiz One spot will fade away, while another will appear in its place. Can you spot the changes in the Minecraft world? This brain-teasing activity not only sharpens your observation skills but also provides a moment of revelation as you discover the altered elements. It’s a… Read More

  • Nico SMASHES Hunters in Minecraft Speedrun!

    Nico SMASHES Hunters in Minecraft Speedrun!Video Information it looks like we’re back at it again hello Nico and this time I’m going to beat you guys no you think so didn’t you lose last time yeah but that’s why I will win this time I doubt it and it starts now let’s go get him chase him down and it looks like I’m headed straight for that Village but oh gosh it’s on top of a mountain Nico is this just a normal speedrun you don’t have any op Stuff n what is that well you spoke to soda that in his hand I just… Read More

  • Mob Hunt Hide and Seek: Minecraft Mods Madness

    Mob Hunt Hide and Seek: Minecraft Mods MadnessVideo Information I don’t think he’s going to find ghost you don’t think so actually Aubrey just might be enough to find you what noise does your thing make you’re a cow what the that did not sound like a cow I sound like a fat guy with a stomach a 2 minutes and 30 seconds pretty much hot or cold oh hot yeah hot This video, titled ‘We played Mob Hunt Hide and Seek with Minecraft Mods’, was uploaded by NotJoeyBlack on 2024-03-14 15:04:16. It has garnered 4651 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20… Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate PVP Skills! Tavo vs 16

    Unleashing the Ultimate PVP Skills! Tavo vs 16Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP Legacy | Versus 16’, was uploaded by Tavo on 2024-03-03 05:01:11. It has garnered 38 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:56 or 2396 seconds. Watch trust My discord server: https://discord.gg/P4x2a7MAae tags lmao: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Speed Build of Giant Josh Sculpture | MUST SEE

    Mind-Blowing Speed Build of Giant Josh Sculpture | MUST SEEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jumbo Josh Timelapse Build | Garten of banban’, was uploaded by SculptureMan on 2024-02-24 09:30:13. It has garnered 61382 views and 2635 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Jumbo Josh Timelapse Build | Garten of banban ✨ I’m a gamer who sculpts characters in Minecraft 💎 If you like my sculptures, please subscribe and hit the like button ✅ https://www.youtube.com/@SculptureMan?sub_confirmation=1 #Minecraft #Meme #Memes #FunnyMoments #Shorts Read More


    INSANE VR MINECRAFT SHADERS w/ RTX! Jaw-Dropping SEUS PTGI HRR 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Shaders With RTX!!! (pc specs in desc) (SEUS PTGI HRR 3)’, was uploaded by EqualGaminG VR on 2024-03-16 20:00:09. It has garnered 2380 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:15 or 255 seconds. DOWNLOAD SHADER USED IN VIDEO (FREE!): https://texture-packs.com/shaders/seus-ptgi/ ———————————————————— PREBUILT PC SPECS GPU: NVIDIA RTX 4070 CPU: Intel Core I7 14700KF RAM: 32gb DDR5 Storage: 2tb SSD Where you can buy it: https://www.microcenter.com/product/671237/powerspec-g446-gaming-pc ———————————————————— Links: ICE RUNNERS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/R4tZhx7Z46 Tutorial Discord: https://discord.gg/NS3zVez7Jx Twitch: EqualGaminG_VR – https://www.twitch.tv/equalgaming_vr TikTok: equalgaming_yt ———————————————————— Please like and subscribe, and click the notification bell… Read More

  • Surviving as LAVA GODZILLA in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Surviving as LAVA GODZILLA in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information on day one I spawned in as baby lava Godzilla next to my peaceful volcano home son you’re finally here just then soldiers began to jump out from the nearby trees and in an instant we were completely surrounded by water troops subject spotted fire away they began to blast at us with high powerered water we’ve been found come with me now I followed my father with the troops right on our tail but we were then cornered by a water Mecca Godzilla more lava kaai you monsters have lived in our world for too long it’s… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed at Forisek School?! #shorts #viral

    Secrets Revealed at Forisek School?!  #shorts #viralVideo Information [Applause] [Music] what there’s a whe there’s a week kind of beautiful and every night has it day so magical and if there’s love in this life there’s no obstacle that can’t be defeated This video, titled ‘Chtěl by si do této školy ?? #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Forisek on 2024-01-08 15:24:57. It has garnered 7805 views and 491 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. 🔥 · Subscribe, Like, Share, 💲DONTAE💲 https://streamlabs.com/forisek6/tip ☎️ · HASHTAGY · #viral #minecraft #foryou 📱 · INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/forisek6/ 📮 · DISCORD https://discord.gg/vcFzebBc something about me – I… Read More

  • Insane Architect Builds EPIC Bridge in DQ Builder 2 LIVE

    Insane Architect Builds EPIC Bridge in DQ Builder 2 LIVEVideo Information so what I’m picturing is a nice curving Arc it’s going to go from the left all way to the right I’m not sure entirely how we do it yet but it’s going to look good only thing left is to water the seeds see that little Hill over there h a nice clean brown Water delicious a spring the top of the hill uh you have to climb up all the way there every time we need water damn hard life imine having to walk to get water crazy so that’s why you come in can you… Read More

  • Minecraft secrets: Avril 14th on soundtrack?!

    Minecraft secrets: Avril 14th on soundtrack?!Video Information [Music] e [Music] I [Music] This video, titled ‘What if Avril 14th by Aphex Twin was on the Minecraft Soundtrack’, was uploaded by Josiah Granger on 2024-01-18 14:17:59. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:39 or 99 seconds. Can you imagine if Avril 14th by Aphex Twin was on the Minecraft soundtrack? Sit back and listen to this enchanting tune by one of the most influential electronic music artists of all time. With its dreamy piano melody and calming beats, it’s the perfect addition to your Minecraft playlist. Richard D… Read More

  • ZillaSMP – Roleplay, SMP, Factions – Medieval, Kingdoms, Geopolitical.

    ZillaSMP; Kingdoms and Politics ZillaSMP is a Western European themed medieval roleplay SMP with kingdoms, naval warfare, tradable currency, and light RPG mechanics. It’s like a new game inside of Minecraft without requiring any mods. ZillaSMP is set in a historical time of conflict and kingdoms, offering a unique alternate timeline experience shaped by player actions and roleplay. Choose from various roles like knight, pirate, viking, lord, or liege in the expansive 20k by 20k map with different kingdoms for trade, war, conflict, and negotiations. Features: Different medieval faction types like kingdoms, knighthoods, trade guilds, and viking tribes A feudalistic… Read More

  • Killion Detention Center Revival 2024!A Classic Prison Experience

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.killionrevival.co (GL HF) Read More