Explosive Minecraft Survival Build – MORE TNT MOD

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Me and my brother Milo are in big trouble this huge ball of TNT is about to explode any minute and now we must build to survive the blast holy moly would you look at the size of that thing I know that’s the biggest bowl of TNT I

Have ever seen in my life what are we going to do with a chip I do not want that thing going off well Milo this TNT ball will explode in 5 minutes so we need to build some sort of secure base that strong enough to survive the blast

5 minutes goodness gracious we better get started okay this is my side of the build section so I’ve got to build something inside this orange Square I think I know exactly what I’m going to do I’m going to use Stone and wood as my base materials I’ll think of something

Else to use but these are going to be my starting materials for the base let’s build a giant Stone cylinder like this cylinders are actually a really strong shape so I’m quite confident that it will be able to survive the explo expion we’re going to use a lot of dirt and

We’re going to make the house just right here I really like squares so I’m going to make it into a square shape just like this oh no I think it’s going to be a little bit more like a rectangle I’ve seen way too many square houses in my time get absolutely

Destroyed by TNT so hopefully by doing a different shape we give ourselves a really good chance of survival now let’s build up this Stone House to be really really tall we can’t have a short house short things get absolutely crushed by TNT even more than tall things do we

Need to be absolutely prepared and I’m not taking any chances this TNT ball is really setting us back to the Stone Age I haven’t lived in a Stone House in so long ever since I survived my first night on a survival world wow those really were the days and now we’re back

In them thanks to this TNT mod I wonder what TNT that even is it’s blue which is different to normal TNT I bet it’s some kind of ultra powerful TNT and I’ve got no idea what crazy things might come out of it we’ve got to be really careful to

Build super secure just to make sure that whatever does come out of that TNT ball does not hurt our base H I think I might have built this thing way too close to the line I should have built it so much further back it’s right in the

Firing range of the TNT but okay Milo’s also done it I guess we’re in this together we’ve both made a terrible decision as to where to place our house I’m going to try my best and if it doesn’t work out well then I don’t know

What I’m going to do I guess I’ll have to hide in Chip’s house I’m also going to make another part of the house that’s further back away from the TNT I’m going to use oak logs because this is less strong than Stone but because it’s

Further away from the TNT I think it can be a little bit weaker and it’ll still be safe all right now let’s build in this direction okay this is looking so good let’s keep going with this we’re going to build it so that it looks like

A fun little Log Cabin because it’s the first round I don’t want to go too crazy with my base we have no idea how strong the TNT will be so if it’s a really big explosion we could risk destroying everything and I don’t really want to

Let that happen at all so we’re going to fight super duper hard to build a house that survives but it’s always possible to make a house look awesome even if you’re trying to survive an explosion so in classic chip fashion I’m going to make this house look absolutely incredible

And it’s going to be super safe at the same time if the bedroom’s here then we’re going to put a little kitchen over here I need two furnaces because one of them is for smelting iron and one of them is for smelting food we’re not going to be living in squala while

Surviving from the TNT so this house is also going to have a kitchen a bedroom and a bathroom I’m going to live in Absolute Comfort while I survive I hope Milo’s house is also pretty comfortable I don’t know he always builds out of dirt and it looks pretty silly every

Single time now that we’ve built the walls of our house I think it’s time to get started on the roof for this first section I’m going to make it into a castle oh yeah this is exciting I cannot wait to see this thing in action oh this

Is looking so good making things into a castle is one of my favorite activities because it always makes me feel like a real Royal we’re also going to grab some smooth Stone to use as the roof smooth stone is another stone block so it should hopefully be strong enough to

Protect us from the TNT I am going to leave a part of the roof with no smooth Stone though I need a window to be able to see the TNT sphere from my house that way if it gets closer or does anything unexpected we’ll be able to see plan

Ahead and react accordingly I should probably finish off this front wall I guess the TNT is probably going to come in from that direction so this is a very safe thing to do okay this is looking pretty good just a couple more smooth stone blocks and we’ll be ready and done

Now that the inside is a nice oval shape let’s go grab some glass blocks I’m going to use orange glass because I think it’s pretty cool looking and this Bas needs a bit of signature chip coloring so this will be perfect for it h I still think it might not be secure

Enough but I’m willing to take the risk now let’s open a hole into our house wo our living room looks awesome let’s add a hallway to access our bedroom bathroom and kitchen let’s grab some Cobblestone and start building the floor to this main Castle section I really want this

Place to look super secure so that’s why I’m using Cobblestone Cobblestone is also a very cheap block so if for whatever reason this place doesn’t survive the TNT explosion we’re not losing that much in the blast we’ve got to think smart about this I should have

Been an architect I don’t know why I’m here trying to survive this TNT I really got to stop Landing myself in situations like this maybe the TNT will open up a new opportunity for me I hope it blows up Milo’s house so he can pay me to

Rebuild it that would be so so funny maybe when the TNT explodes it’ll make a huge crater that’s full of cobblestone then I can get even more Cobblestone and build a massive even bigger house this TNT might not be such a bad thing after

All I think we can make it work in our favor we just got to be smart about it okay the Cobblestone floor is complete now we can get started on the kitchen bathroom bedroom area first of all let’s go grab some Spruce stairs so that we

Can start building the roof this roof is going to be a traditional house roof shape just like this it’s it’s also going to go all the way around and it’s going to be made out of these stairs perfect let’s continue building these stairs up until we get to a point that

I’m super duper happy with this going to be my little toilet a little toilet bowl and a really good toilet lid that way I can close it after I flush should probably put a button there as well I’m actually happy with these stairs so now we’re going to place a row of spruce

Planks all the way around the side of this thing and then what we’re going to put on the inside of these Spruce planks is going to be so exciting we’re going to wrap them around this part of the castle as well just to make this whole build feel really nice and cohesive now

That we’ve done that let’s start placing our signature orange glass on the ceiling I really want an amazing view of this TNT explosion so I’m going to make sure I have a nice sunroof to see the whole thing from this way I can be anywhere in my house and still witness

The TNT going boom I’m only going to build a one-story house because this way it’s further away from the TNT the Clos we get to the TNT the worse the destruction will be this is a way of keeping myself safe I’m also not going to have any windows on the front we’ve

Already got a sunroof and that’s totally enough to see the TNT from if I had any more windows I think it’ll just put us in more danger now in the living room it’s time to decorate let’s add some chairs around I think Acacia chairs are perfect they’re a nice orange color the

Reason we’re adding a bunch of these chairs is so any survivors that come along will have a place to stay here this house is not just for me it’s also for For Milo that’s why I’m also going to grab a warped chair because I know Milo does not like the color orange this

Way in case Milo needs to come in he’s got somewhere he’ll be happy to sit and in the center of my base I’m going to get stairs and a water bucket so I can make an emergency water fountain water is a critical resource when trying to survive a TNT explosion because water

Actually stops TNT from damaging you this way in case of an emergency we’ll have somewhere safe to go and an emergency building resource in case we need to add some something now let’s get started on the floor for the kitchen bathroom bedroom area I’m going to make

This out of spruce planks except for the kitchen though that will get its own whole thing I’ve got to go quick though this floor is bigger than the other floor and I don’t know how much time we have left before the TNT explodes I hope Milo’s not rushing either this could be

A real recipe for disaster I’m so glad that TNT balls are not a natural disaster in real life that would be horrible imagine coming home from school and getting an alert that you have to run away from a TNT bowl that would be terrifying looking good Milo I’m so

Happy with this so far except what this area at the front looks really boring I think it’s time for my flower idea I’m loving the way this looks my house is looking so cozy and so friendly if I was TNT I wouldn’t even want to blow my

House up at all now that we finished the spruce floor it’s time to get started on the kitchen floor I’m going to get black and white concrete and make a checkerboard pattern just like this but I’m not playing chess I’m just building a kitchen tiling area wo this looks

Awesome it actually kind of looks like the pizzeria from Five Nights at Freddy’s uh-oh I really hope we don’t get attacked by animatronics let’s get some birch cabinets and some Birch chairs though I think we need to add a bunch of things to this kitchen before

We ran out of time let’s also get a birch kitchen sink and maybe even a fridge yeah this is awesome we’ll put the fridges in the corner yep we even have a double fridge and now we’ll start placing down our cabinet benches and sinks the cabinets can even go into the

Ceiling and wow you can open them and put things inside I’m going to put water buckets all inside this cabinet just in case we need even more emergency water the kitchen cabinets can also wrap around the ceiling and Yep this is looking really good let’s add some

Spruce planks that go right up into the ceiling to help separate the kitchen from the rest of the house oh yeah this is looking great now next to the kitchen we’re going to add a seating area hang on a second we’ve added a bunch of chairs but I think we need tables yep

Let’s go grab some tables I think maybe Acacia tables are definitely the way to go because they are a nice orange color let’s make a huge one that everyone can sit around and talk about how we’re going to survive the TNT explosion now over here in this corner we are going to

Build the bedroom let’s start by adding an orange bed and then wrapping the spruce planks down around it this place is a really nice degree of separation next to the bed we also going to get a cabinet I think this bedside cabinet can be AA Yep this is awesome boom now we

Have a super duper nice place to keep any of our belongings I suppose we should also make a dormatory area just for any other survivors that might want to escape the TNT here are three spare beds for anybody to use and there’s Milo’s bed of course let’s make a trapo

So that we can make bunk beds we’ll also need a ladder so people can climb up into the bunk beds from this level we’ll go 1 2 3 then we’ll Place some trap doors that we can then place even more beds on top of um let’s add some more

White beds I think Milo only needs one bed although I guess I’ll give him a double bed just because we have a double bed as well perfect the bedroom’s looking awesome now let’s add some carpet boom I think orange carpet is the way to go with this area it looks so

Nice and it lets everybody know that this house is mine finally we’re going to add a flower pot on the table and I think an orange tulip is the perfect way to go we’ll put down the flower pots and add orange tulips in every single one this is pretty beautiful especially for

A house that’s about to survive a TNT explosion now let’s add some paintings I think this wall can be full of them it’ll look really pretty wo that’s a super nice fancy painting let’s add another one on this wall and wao it’s a skull on fire wow I’ve really got a

Gallery inside my house that’s pretty awesome let’s add a couple more tables inside the waiting area just for people to have something to do and rest their hands on while they wait finally let’s add a couple more paintings in the waiting area I want people to be really

Nice and relaxed while they wait for the TNT explosion to be fully over time for the paintings let’s put a big one here oh that’s the Wither I hope there’s no Withers around actually I don’t like this picture it’s making me too nervous go away picture yeah that’s better I

Don’t really even know what this picture is doing but I think I like it better than the weather one we’re almost did the back corner and boom now let’s start digging around the back of the house even though the TNT is coming from the front the water moat will still need to

Wrap around the back that’s really important because TNT can actually go flying really far and I don’t know how far this blue TNT will fly but I’m not taking any chances wait a second maybe the blue means that it’s water TNT hopefully it just puts water everywhere and doesn’t actually blow anything up

But I don’t know blue things can also be really powerful one time when I was opening a vault I had to cut the blue wire or the red wire and I cut the blue wire thinking it would be nice and simple but the whole Vault exploded if

That blue wire was explosive maybe this blue TNT is going to be even more explosive uh-oh let’s keep going on this water thing I’m not going to get caught off guard this time okay we’ve almost made it to the very front once we do reach the front section of my area I’m

Going to start digging back around to the original water mode look how close we are once we break these final few blocks the water and the air air blocks will be linked up and we can fully fill the entire moat with fresh cold water now it’s time to get started on the

Garden first I think we look at the Tulips I think orange tulip to represent me some red and white tulips to represent the silly TNT and maybe even a blue flower to represent Milo yeah I’m in a good mood and I think me and Milo need to support each other in this time

Of Crisis let’s add blue and orange right next to each other at the very start of the base because that’s exactly where me and Milo should be we’re together and safe a this orange and blue flower pattern looks so pretty let’s place it right to the edge and boom now

In the very back we’re going to make these flowers into the shape of a TNT I’m putting it around the very back because I want this TNT to back off we don’t want it anywhere near our precious houses oh yeah this is looking pretty good now let’s just make more tulips and

Expand it a little I think this is actually looking just like real TNT we just need to build three more blocks in this direction and then fill more tulips in hang on a second TNT doesn’t just have a red layer a white layer and a red layer there’s also black riding what’s a

Black flower we can use oh it’s the Wither Rose okay let’s grab this and then make the TNT pattern I don’t think this looks very much like TNT maybe we just need to add a fuse yeah let’s do that and now we can add some dandelions

To represent the Spock hey chip I think the TNT is going to blow you’re right Milo I need to get back into my base me too let’s go luckily I built this water moat so I can jump off my iron block wall I’m going to get in and shut the

Door let’s get somewhere where we can see the TNT Milo it’s not blown up yet are you safe I’m safe and sound are you safe I am but wait a second Milo do you hear that hissing yes oh my gosh I think it’s going to blow soon I really hope we

Survive wow it’s exploding oh gosh ow no it’s destroying my house me too my house is completely gone no my beautiful work oh gosh what it even made a massive crater in the ground all that survived was my water moat and my water stairs all that’s left of mine is a big pillar

Of water from my epic bathtub oh no you had a bathtub in got destroyed yeah bathtubs protect you from earthquakes oh Milo this is not an earthquake this is so much worse it’s a giant TNT ball I can’t believe that just happened there’s nothing left I’m feeling really distest

Well Milo we’ll just have to build even stronger for round two chip this is exactly the same as the last TNT no it’s not Milo look most of the TNTs are the same but some of them are different they have holes in the middle what I wonder

If that means they’re going to be even more destructive they kind of look like dispenses I really hope they don’t shoot anything at us goodness gracious now I’m feeling really nervous well Milo that’s all the more reason to get started on building I going to get started right

Away me too I hope my house is going to be safe this time last round my wood and Stonehouse got totally destroyed so I’m going to start building out of pure iron blocks even just for the base house I think this is a really good solution to

Surviving the TNT I just really hope it works ion is so expensive and I don’t want to have to make it again well last time went really badly this time I better be really careful with what I’m building so that I don’t get it blowing

Up I think this is a pretty good shape we’ve also built it a little bit further back from the TNT this time I don’t want it to be right up on the explosion again now let’s start building up the iron block wall we want this thing to be

Super duper tall this way it might survive the TNT explosion last round I tried to build really flat and low to the ground to see if it would be further away from the TNT and harder to explode but that did not work so now this round

I’m going to try building a lot taller maybe the height will protect the building from the TNT explosion I have no idea but it’s important to test out every possibility to make sure that we can be safe from this TNT ball hey hey look at these walls they’re looking

Really good so far we got four of them and four walls means n TNT inside I’m going to use copper to make the floor of this thing let’s make the doorway here and we can even make it into an iron door let’s get an iron door right now

And then place two copper blocks to put the iron door on Yep this is perfect now we just need to add some pressure plates and what do you know it I think these can be Iron too that’s perfect on on the inside let’s place two copper blocks and

Then two iron pressure plates on top perfect they also shut really quickly the second you step off them this way our house is really secure and it stays closed for as much time as possible this will help give us an extra few seconds to survive the TNT explosion okay now

Let’s start placing copper blocks all the way around the edge of our floor copper is a really cool block it even rusts over time but these copper blocks are waxed that means it won’t rust making this extra extra strong I don’t know why the TNT ball is so destructive

I really hope the new TNT added to this TNT ball on this round is not going to do much more damage if it really is a dispenser TNT I wonder what it could shoot maybe Fireballs or arrows and pretty much let’s put some more windows around just so we can see what’s going

On from every angle I hope the ball TNT isn’t lightning TNT or something if my house is made entirely out of of metal I think I know exactly where the lightning bolts are going to go certainly not over to Milo’s house maybe a bouncy black rubberball TNT that would be so funny I

Think we should get some iron bars and place it on the very front wall this way we’ll still be able to get a view of the TNT but we won’t have some weak glass glass is really vulnerable to being blown up and I’m not taking that chance this round these iron bars will

Definitely help us survive and we’ll also be able to see the TNT explosion uh-oh I haven’t made those iron bars low enough let’s expand this down a little bit and we’ll also make it one block more to this side now I’ve just got to place all the iron bars below right here

And let’s place the final ones on this bottom block and boom look we can see the TNT ball from anywhere in this house that’s perfect all right I’m also going to add a staircase going this way I want another platform that we can Retreat to maybe over here yeah let’s also make the

Staircase go in this direction as well and I’m going to make it one block higher than that other one maybe it can even go in front of the iron bars yeah this is perfect look it leads right up to the iron bars in case we want to get

A good look from right up close the kitchen’s pretty much done now we got to actually make a playroom over here for me I think I’m also going to make it a bedroom because I’m really going to need so much to sleep now let’s add some more

Iron bars on the side of this walkway we’ve got to make this this one extra secure as well no way am I falling off and dying from Fall damage I’m also going to extend these iron bars really far down I need to make sure there’s a super protective railing H what else can

I build there’s so much furniture for us to choose from oh I know we can add a bunch of lawn chairs but I think it’s funny if we put them inside let’s also get a bird box Milo’s going to laugh when he sees this thing let’s grab our

Water bucket and start placing we’ll place it all the way along long oh yeah this is going to be so protected come on water come on come on all right it’s reached the end look how awesome it looks falling down we can’t even see Milo’s base anymore this is a really

Secure water wall wow now let’s break down these grass blocks yep perfect I cannot wait to see this thing in action I’m loving this room I think this is my favorite bedroom I’ve ever had and look I can’t even jump on my bed butd hang on

Dang it I forgot to put a roof on up again I need to build some sort of secret underground emergency bunker but not just any bunker this bunker is going to be made out of diamond blocks diamonds are some of the strongest materials in the entire world so we’re

Definitely going to use them to protect against the TNT hopefully it can’t destroy diamonds that’s what I’m really banking on right now we don’t want the bunker to be too big the bigger a structure is the more likely it will collapse and right now I do not have a

Good track record with my structures surv suring the TNT let’s build small hopefully that’ll be enough to make us survive let’s cover the walls in diamond blocks just like we did for the tunnel leading down yep perfect I’m also going to expand the ceiling a couple blocks

Higher because this is way too short now let’s Place diamond blocks at the very back all right come on come on come on perfect we’ve done the walls let’s complete the diamond block roof I think the dirt needs to understand that I’ve got business to be doing business of

Surviving TNT that TNT ball is not going to let us off easy so we’ve got to make sure the entire roof is properly covered with diamond blocks if there’s even one inch of dirt inside the roof it’ll be able to get through all right now we’ll

Just got to cover the floor with diamond blocks as well okay this is looking good I don’t know how there’s grass underground this TNT is really causing some weird effects and the glass roof is done hey look I can see down it’s my Epic House I love this so much I’m going

To put a layer of of water on top because one thing about TNT is it does not like water time to fill her up have a look at this wow it looks really cool from underneath as well and I can still see through it right to the TNT 3 2 1

Boom we’ve done it now let’s start decorating the inside of this bunker H rather than decorations I think we can focus on making this more of a secure area let’s add some chests with some emergency supplies they can also have trap doors over them just for a bit of

Extra protection even though there are trap doors over the chests we can still open them I think supplies like emergency diamond armor are perfect all right let’s add a bunch of diamond helmets here let’s add one last one there I almost missed a spot and some Diamond chest plates there we’ll also

Need to add diamond leggings as well I know it’s only going to be me and Milo in this base but it can’t hurt to have a bunch just in case our other armor breaks we’ll also add a bunch of diamond blocks down this bottom section just in

Case we run out of armor I think food is also very important let’s see what food we can get I think enchanted golden apples as well as golden apples and wait a second golden carrots are in Brewing luckily we can search for them I think some cake is also really necessary and

Some rabbit stew wait ew I don’t want to eat rabbit let’s add some beetroot stew actually ew I don’t want to eat beetroot either I think mushroom stew is perfect let’s add mushroom stew to the top two layers of this chest then the second layer can be cake I would normally add

More cake but I think we need to be healthy we do not have much time to play around and have fun eating cake in this thing and besides I already put cake on the top level I’m also going to add some slime blocks underneath the place where

We jump down this way we won’t take any fall damage now let’s add the orange carpet around the edge so everybody knows this is chips base I’m also going to make sure that the orange carpet is on top of the slime block otherwise the TNT has a higher chance of breaking it

Causing us to take fall damage when we come down here wow chip your base is looking so much more defended compared to last time thanks Milo your base is looking way more defended too I really hope the TNT doesn’t take out all of our efforts yes same I guess we better go

Get safe inside our houses you’re right I think it’s about to explode I’m going to swim right through my water wall because you can go right through it I have to go all the way around my wall H maybe you should have designed it better but I’m going to go through my iron

Doors oh gosh I’m going to go up to the top floor so I can see the TNT exploding it is kind of hard to see through this iron blocks and water though my roof is all clear so I can see right up through it Milo doesn’t that put you in danger

When it explodes no because I got water on top don’t worry about it okay good idea um wait a second Milo I think I hear it hissing again oh not again please don’t get us TNT my goodness gracious oh no it’s blowing up oh gosh I’m going to head down into my bunker

It’s destroying the start of my base oh no my house is getting totally destroyed no so is my bunker and all the items I’m putting inside it please wa wait a second there’s TNT launching at me it’s launching Dynamite everywhere what is going on oh gosh all the TNT is

Launching I hear so many explosions y the are only thing in my whole house that survived was my enchanting table oh what nothing in my house survived except a couple diamond blocks that’s terrible well at least you still got some diamonds Milo that TNT was crazy it

Totally lagged me out yes same here I couldn’t really see anything it seems like the TNT is getting more and more powerful Milo what if the next round of TNT is so powerful that it crashes the game entirely oh my God go we better build something really crazy in order to

Stop that from happening this TNT bowl is different colors Milo yeah look it looks like ghost TNT like the life’s being drained out of it I hope it doesn’t spawn ghosts that would be terrible I better get building the craziest defense in order to protect from this yeah me too Milo what I’ve

Learned from the last two rounds is that iron blocks diamond blocks Stone and wood do nothing against TNT but one thing that does survive TNT is water that’s why I’m going to harness the power of water to protect me this round I’m going to use a bunch of water and a

Bunch of glass to save myself from the TNT H first I need to build a giant glass box here this is really important if we want to survive the TNT I think you know where I’m going with this because once we build this glass box I

Am going to surround it with water first let’s make sure there’s a passageway out the front and then we’ll build a segment for for the water to go inside all right Milo this is your only chance to really prove that you’ve got what it takes to

Defend against that huge TNT what am I going to do I pretty much run out of ideas let’s just build the gloss up around the sides like this Yep this is going to be perfect and I’ll also get to have a really good view of the TNT without putting myself at risk that

Water is going to come in so handy I’m never going to go thirsty living in this house I hope no squids spawn though imagine if they get blown up and they get yucky ink all over my house that would turn the water all black and not see through anymore that would be gross

And it would smell all fishy ew I really hope squids don’t spawn okay this glass barrier though is going so well I’m going to make it really tall so that nothing can get through I want to be able to build something in the middle of

It and I need a proper amount of space to do that the glass can go all the way around the edge as well we don’t want to leave any gaps or any cracks then the TNT would be able to go right through and the water might even spill out I’m

Not going to let that happen though I’m pretty good at making glass structures so I’m going to put every skill I have to the test maybe the white TNT is gloss TNT I hope it’s not super strong against gloss or something then I’d be pretty much toast I don’t think it will be

Though maybe it’s like snow TNT or icy TNT although if it is icy TNT it might freeze the water that I’m going to put in this thing that would be terrible oh gosh I hope it’s not icy TNT let’s start by putting some water around

The sides just to see what it’s going to look like once we’re fully done okay this is looking pretty good I like how the water changes colors we’re right in the middle of a bunch of cool biomes all right and then we’ll put the water right

Around the front and we just have to place a block and break this one I keep spilling water everywhere okay this is looking good but H I think we need to place some glass blocks here let’s fill in this part with water otherwise it’s just a corridor for the TNT to get

Through looking awesome all right now I’m going to build this glass and water wall even taller first we’re going to start with a stone box I’m going to map out the walls to see if it fits okay the stone box will be the most protective

Layer and then we will have a wooden box on top of the stone box and that one is going to protect the stone box from any everything that goes through and finally we’re going to have a dirt box that goes right on the outside and protects everything with a dirty goodness I can’t

Believe glass is made out of sand sand is not see-through at all and it’s kind of made out of broken sea shells so does that mean that glass is actually made out of sea shells ew we really are building a fish tank that’s so funny but

Every fish tank has to have a fish castle inside so that’s exactly what we’re going to do first let’s just fill up this wall with water and then we can build the inside of our awesome fish tank Yep this is looking awesome once we finish this water as well we can make a

Roof to protect from the TNT coming from above as you can definitely see the TNT is mostly above us even though it is also to the side so we’ve got to make sure we protect from above just as much as the walls do in order to make the

Water roof first we need to place a large glass platform here otherwise the water will drip down into my castle fish ball build and I don’t want that at all that would suck so that’s why we’ve got to be super careful to make this properly okay it’s going really well I’m

So Speedy I think all this practicing protecting from the TNT is really helping me build quicker I think the pressure of the TNT being about to explode is also kind of helping I’ve got no idea when it’s going to ignite so I’ve got to go Speedy real Speedy now

All that’s left to do is patch up the outside and cover this whole thing in water I’m so excited to see what this this looks like it’s like a triple layer Fishbowl I’ve never seen that before okay let’s place the water all along the roof here Yep this is looking pretty

Awesome I can’t believe none of it has spilled over the sides that is perfect yep amazing okay now I’m going to place the glass around to protect the water on the ceiling I don’t want it to dry up or anything like that the glass needs to wrap around for the final two blocks

Water is really going to be our Saving Grace here it’s protected us the past two rounds without the water I think me and Milo both would have died even though our houses did explode we’ve actually both been safe and the water’s going to do the exact same thing for us

This round let’s fill in this final top part with water and oh yeah this is going to look so smooth and awesome and satisfying yep let’s place the water around the edge just like this and we are now about to be complete yep perfect we’ve now filled in every part with

Water this looks amazing hang on a second I’ve just come up with a really good good idea let’s build a tunnel at the front also made out of glass and we need to have this tunnel go at least eight blocks towards the TNT I know

Having it facing the TNT is not the best option but it’s important for what we want to do next finally now let’s add some water over the glass we’re going to have so many water blocks and oh no I accidentally placed one ah the water’s flowing everywhere let’s grab some

Sponge I think sponge is a great way to clear up water that we’ve accidentally placed incorrectly perfect and it didn’t even spill any of the water inside the tank let’s read the water to the side here and make sure it goes all the way around perfect and the water’s even

Filling up the center here that’s amazing now let’s just place these few blocks and look the water is automatically going that’s incredible it adds another layer of protection around the very outside and now we put the roof on this box yeah I’m feeling really confident about this design I don’t

Think this TNT’s got any chance of blowing me up there this time maybe that white TNT is because it’s Smoky like really hot things that might even melt this sand and turn it into more glass I think that might make our base really secure because then the water will have

Even more tank to surround time to seal up this box wow I’m so proud of this I think we’re going to put a little door in the front for now just so I can get inside and make sure that everything’s okay but we will definitely be sealing

This up later on now we can get started on our amazing super duper fishball Castle let’s add one Castle here let’s also add a wool Castle around here this can be the moat area wait no it could be the courtyard my castle is going to have

A bunch of areas for talking and hanging and trading just in case anybody wants to come and trade things after the TNT explodes Yep this is going to be awesome I’m actually going to make this wall one block taller so we can make a doorway into the courtyard and wait a minute

This house is kind of small what I thought I made this Fishbowl huge I guess when you live inside a fishbowl you don’t really have much space this TNT is really annoying I wish I could just live in a normal house but I can’t it would just get blown up let’s Place

Some sea pickles all around the edge of the sand we can’t add seagrass or kelp because there’s no actual water inside this place that would be so annoying so instead let’s just add sea pickles it looks like the ocean anyway oh yeah this is looking awesome and wait a second I

Just remembered an amazing hack that we can do with Carl first we need a Sandstone slab I’m going to get a smooth Sandstone slab and now we just need to get as many Carls as we can get let’s get fire Carl maybe a bubble caral fan

And I think horn coral would be perfect yep these look great now let’s dig a hole over near the corner and fill it with water yep just like this inside the water we need to place some smooth Sandstone slabs you can barely see it but watch what happened happens normally

When you place a coral block on a sand block if there’s no water around the coral will eventually petrify and turn gray and ugly but if we place it on a water logged Sandstone slab the coral will become beautiful and vibrant just like this how beautiful is that it’s

Never going to die I think that’s so amazing and we’re going to build it all around like maybe we can even have one here yeah let’s make this go all the way to the corner this patch of coral can be absolutely Ely huge yeah let’s add some

Horn Carl some more fire Carl and some bubble Carl of course wow this is stunning it makes me really want to move to the ocean for real let’s add another big patch here and let’s make sure we waterlog all these things I Don’t Want to Miss a single one okay perfect now

Let’s add in our corals on top okay there’s a lot of the bubble coral on this one and only a couple H Carl and fire Carl that one’s really really pink this can be one tiny patch of bubble Carl on the side and let’s add some more

Of it this corner let’s fill this up with water add the slabs and 1 2 3 wait a second I meant to place a fire Carl I’m going to add one last piece of Carl at the front because I totally forgot to decorate this section and we are done

All right how amazing is that we already look so much more decorated than before now that we’ve added Carl and seagrass it’s time to add some sea sponges sea sponges in the wild generate in Crazy shape so I’m going to add just a bunch all around they can even grow on the

Outside wait a second I’ve just realized if the water leaks inside the place the sponges will dry up the water that is not good it’ll totally ruin our defense that’s why I’m going to replace every single one of these sponges with wet sponge Yep this is perfect wet sponge

Cannot absorb water because it’s already soaked this will be really handy for making sure that we don’t accidentally ruin our defense wow just look at how amazing our base looks from the top we’ve done a really good job building an actual fish tank if I was a fish I’d

Love to live in here hey I know I can spawn an ocean creature but I’m not going to spawn fish I’m going to spawn real turtles turtles have armored shells that will come in really handy and maybe absorb some of the shock from the TNT it’ll also help them survive yep that’s

Perfect now I just need to place some glass on the very edge of this thing to make sure the turtles don’t accidentally swim off the edge oh gosh that would be a disaster I’m going to also add it in the ring here oh perfect I’m so excited

To see this base in action oh no one of the turtles slipped off the edge it’s okay though Turtles are both land and water creatures that’s why they crawl onto the beach to lay their eggs so the turtles will be safe and maybe they’ll even escape this horrible place and be

Able to start a life of their own champ I think it’s about to blow me too whose house do you think is going to survive the best definitely mine no way mine is covered in water and armored SE SE total so I think mine will definitely survive

I guess we’re going to find out get to safety yep okay I’m going to get to the center of my fish tank and I’m going to stand inside my tower wa it’s blowing oh gosh okay I think my water’s protecting me but what hang on a second the water

Is disappearing oh wait what’s going on oh my goodness and all my turtles are gone this is terrible oh no oh no oh no oh oh my goodness Milo that white TNT must have been water vaporizing TNT who my water is gone this is so terrible

Chip I’m super angry only some of my water survived and it was the water connected to my Sandstone slabs this is terrible nothing I’ve made so far has survived the explosion me either I’m feeling so depressed this is so embarrassing Milo I think we need a different solution for the final round

We need to work together to build one ultimate secure base let’s build our secure survival house on this side of the Arena Milo that’s a great idea this way if we work together we’ll have double the power yeah this TNT is red and green and one of them says as I

Wonder what as stands for maybe absolutely scary wao I was going to say actually serious but yeah both of those things could be true I think we need to get started on an iron block wall around the very edge of where we want to build our base what’s this going to do well

This is going to be the first line of defense against the TNT explosion Milo wow that’s really smart iron’s pretty tough yep it really is although it didn’t work the first round it’s got to work this one it just has to yeah plus we’re going to have other good ideas

That are going to keep us really safe yeah definitely all right and now we finished this now we just going to going to make this iron really tall I’d say about this many blocks high that’s so many blocks high but I’m going to do it

If it helps to protect us we can place it together Milo now that we’re working on one house to survive we’ll be able to do this twice as fast and make it twice as big that means there’s more time for us to think of really tricky ideas yeah

Exactly and things that’ll stop the TNT from blowing us up yeah like some really cool water stuff maybe yeah totally and even in some stronger materials but we’ll think of those when we get to them how’s your iron coming along that’s good I’m a pretty fast Builder since I’ve

Been building this whole time come on let’s keep going we’ll build the second layer of iron all the way up to the top level what’s your favorite or block Milo my favorite or block is gold because it’s really shiny actually I changed my mind it’s definitely Diamonds oh cuz

It’s blue yeah blue is my favorite color and also diamonds mean that you’re rich and I really want to be a rich buddy gold means you’re rich as well but I guess you’re right my favorite is definitely netherite cuz it’s the most powerful even though it’s not really

Orange neite is pretty ugly actually hey no it’s not it’s a really nice color it’s dark and mysterious I guess so and it looks really awesome when it gets Enchanted yeah it does it gets like a purple glow it’s pretty awesome and it looks like Ender Armor All right we’re

Almost done with this come on Milo we can do this wo our house is really close to the TNT Milo we better build a roof so it doesn’t get us from above let’s make the roof out of iron blocks as well so it’s just as strong as the walls are

I think we need to put something else inside of these iron blocks once we build them to also protect against the TNT we finished the roof we need to get through so we can build the second layer and I have the perfect block to build it

Out of we’re going to place obsidian in a ring right inside the iron wo chip this is going to look so epic no TNT she’s going to want to come anywhere near this place nope it’s definitely not and we’re also going to make a hallway made out of obsidian leading into the

Exit that way we can quickly run inside when the TNT detonates that’s right I wonder if we can put some cool things in here to keep us entertained yeah probably that’s a really good idea okay let’s build this obsidian wall all the way up until two blocks away from the

Ceiling I think that’s the perfect length that sounds pretty good to me you’re such a great great ideas man chip I’ve got a bunch of chairs and I’m going to get blue and orange chairs just for us yay this one’s going to be mine because it’s pretty and blue hey don’t

Worry Milo there’s enough chairs for both of us final thing we need to build is an underground security bunker to help us survive the TNT explosion what oh my gosh that’s so true why didn’t we think about bunkers earlier well I did build bunkers in the other rounds but I

Made it out of diamond which was not strong enough we need to make this one out of obsidian yeah because obsidian is going to keep us the most safe of all yep it definitely will come on down Milo help me clear out a large area to build

This in all right time to clear it all out everyone we’re doing an excavation and we are done Milo we’ve officially finished the shape of digging the hole this is looking super good to me now on the very edge let’s place a bunch of obsidian to make this bunker secure I’m

Really glad by using a obsidian it’s such a tough material yeah it really is tough so tough that I don’t even think the TNT will be able to break through it yep that’s the harp we’ve got to place it quick though Milo we might not have much time before the TNT explodes hey

I’m going as fast as I can once this bunker is done I’m not sure there’s any way the TNT will get in I don’t think there’s going to be any TNT in here we’re going to be sleeping like little babies yeah actually I’m not going to be

Sleeping like like a baby I’m going to sleep like a king yeah King Chip we’ve completely finished this Milo we just need to decorate the inside now well I got some really good ideas of what we could do oh yeah like what well I really miss my friend chickens so I think maybe

We should have a little animal farm good idea I’ll get some fences to place the animals in I’ll get Warped and Acacia fences so it can be orange and blue actually wait a second look there are upgraded fences I’m going to get actual orange and blue fences yeah that’s

Awesome I love this so much they’re really cute as well yeah they look awesome but wait they’re not connecting yeah but can fit straight through them this isn’t going to keep our animals inside um okay we’ll need to think of something else maybe the ACAA and the

Other fence were a better idea after all I think that was a much better idea what animals do you want to spawn in here obviously my best friend chickens because they all got wiped out before from the TNT so I really miss them a that’s so sweet I’m going to get a fence

Gate so we can get in and out of this farm and I’m going to put some Piggies down as well because they’re so funny to look at okay perfect that is awesome I think I know what next we need to build let’s build a secure chest area hey this

Chicken escaped you little fer get back here I’m going to add an entire wall full of chests in case we need to put any of our items in it I’m going to fill the Center chest with a bunch of obsidian because we might need to repair

This base I’m also going to fill the chest underneath with a bunch of cooked salmon just so we have something nutritious to feed us F salmon that’s yucky I’m going to put some birad seeds in one of the chests because that’s pretty much my favorite snack ew okay

Fine Milo whatever I’m going to build a slime block bouncy castle so we don’t get bored down here wait a bouncy castle that’s such a great idea I love bouncy castle me too I’m going to build it all the way over here and have a bunch of different

Slime blocks all around so we can jump from each one to the next this is it Milo everything we’ve been working to fight against I really hope we survive this time yeah our build is really going to help us I think it’s about to blow up

Soon so we should go watch it from behind our reinforced glass yeah I’m really glad we put some good reinforced glass here because hang on a second chiplock oh no it’s starting to blow up quick Milo Retreat Into the Bunker okay I’m coming down okay you go down first

I’ll follow you but oh gosh I don’t know how safe we are wait a second oh no it’s blowing things up CH be safe oh no okay wait Milo I’m hiding underneath the bunker do you have any emergency water you can place for me to climb up yes I

Do wait actually chip I don’t have any you stuff down there buddy oh no okay I have to wait for the water from the Farms to flow down but I don’t know this TNT is so destructive it’s not happening and what there are missiles falling from the sky missiles oh gosh we’re totally

Getting lagged out this is so crazy oh this is terrible okay our obsidian is still intact but I cannot see the rest of our base and I don’t want to know what it looks like wait look the water came down I’m going to swim up and make

It up into the bunker Milo ship please hurry I’m so scared up here oh I’m coming Milo and wait look our Pig survived okay are you ready to go up top and see if our base made it through I don’t know if I’m ready let’s have a

Look okay okay I’m really nervous look Milo the inside survived and oh I guess the glass that you placed down was not reinforced after all hey I thought it was it’s not my fault it didn’t work but oh my goodness our base is the only thing that survived in the entire world

Everything else got blown up I can hardly believe it but we really worked together and we did it we did it Milo we built to survive the TNT yay

This video, titled ‘Build To Survive MORE TNT MOD in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Milo and Chip on 2023-12-17 21:00:01. It has garnered 54492 views and 518 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:10 or 3010 seconds.

Milo and Chip are big trouble and now they must BUILD TO SURVIVE! Can they survive the final TNT explosion!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip

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    Unbelievable Pirate Life on D&P Minecraft Server!Video Information welcome back Minecraft friends it’s been so long since I’ve actually talked in my videos but uh I’ve heard of something happened in Greece or something was found in Greece so I need to go check it out let’s go see what I can find in grease I was told to go check out the town’s the town hall here in Greece so I think that’s this building right here okay it was in the throne oh okay it is not known oh wait what [Applause] beginning I heard rumors of a special cave that Del deep into… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Join Razor WolfYT’s TOP SECRET Bedrock Server

    UNBELIEVABLE! Join Razor WolfYT's TOP SECRET Bedrock ServerVideo Information [Music] all they really wna do what I want to say us I don’t have anything I should try to make some torches shouldn’t I but I don’t have any lights so please forgive me I don’t even know where I’m at I going around in circles I feel like I’m going around in circles sorry for you guys you guys cannot see already 50 kicks let’s [Music] go okay I need to figure out a way to get out here okay I got to go upward right oh hi this is a lot of things oh look… Read More

  • Wolf VS Minecraft – Unbelievable Moments!

    Wolf VS Minecraft - Unbelievable Moments!Video Information [Music] good does I’m does long as so this you don’t F if you don’t know if you f walk board do you usually go it’s only just r o foration here all spawn good so no there no I’m done put wa wee come a This video, titled ‘Bisschen hier bisschen da…Minecraft Stream’, was uploaded by Wolf on 2024-03-01 09:36:18. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:50 or 350 seconds. Hope you enjoyed it. I would be happy if you leave a comment and a rating. You can find… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Wedding Venue in Fairycore Minecraft!!!

    UNBELIEVABLE Wedding Venue in Fairycore Minecraft!!!Video Information hey everyone it’s sstar welcome back to my fair cor let’s play I hope you guys are having an amazing day and guess what I got the Minecraft cape for the 15th anniversary how awesome is that I actually really love this cape what do you guys think of it I think it’s actually really really awesome and it reminds me of the old minec con capes so it’s pretty cool that I got to get one that looks kind of like that even though it’s not for minec con but yeah anyway I should take this off… Read More

  • Piggy Son vs. Ice Cream Zombie Challenge!

    Piggy Son vs. Ice Cream Zombie Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : THỬ THÁCH ZOMBIE MÁY LÀM KEM – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Piggy Son on 2024-01-12 09:36:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : ICE CREAM MAKER ZOMBIE CHALLENGE – Minecraft Animation https://youtu.be/9Iv_TltSjSM Hello! Minecraft is… Read More

  • New Anarchy in Modern times

    New Anarchy in Modern timesAnarchy, no rules, how Minecraft was intended. Newest version of Minecraft, will listen to what the community wants, no map resets, lets have old school fun in modern day minecraft. Read More

  • SMP, vanilla, bluemap, community, voice chat

    Welcome to SMP 1.21: Your Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Adventure! Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft journey? Join us at SMP, where the possibilities are endless, and the community is welcoming! Our server offers a fully vanilla experience, allowing you to relive the authentic Minecraft fun with no mods or plugins, just pure gameplay. With a brand new, fresh map, you have the perfect opportunity to carve out your own space, build magnificent structures, and explore uncharted territories. Be one of the pioneers in this pristine landscape! Whether you’re playing on Java or Bedrock, you can join in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The struggle of finding diamonds

    Minecraft Memes - The struggle of finding diamondsNew Minecraft Dungeons players: “Why can’t I just mine some diamonds and build a house in peace? What is this ‘dungeon’ nonsense?!” Scorekeeper: “Looks like they didn’t read the game description very well. Good luck, adventurers! 18 points!” Read More

  • Chemistry & Bonsai: Modded Minecraft Quest #3

    Chemistry & Bonsai: Modded Minecraft Quest #3 So until next time, keep on mining and crafting, keep on rhyming and laughing. The adventure continues, the story unfolds, in the world of Minecraft, where legends are told. So stay tuned for more, the excitement will grow, in the world of Encrypted Underscore, where the magic will show. Thank you for watching, thank you for being a part, of this epic journey, from the bottom of our heart. See you next time, for more fun and delight, in the world of Minecraft, where we shine so bright. Goodbye for now, until we meet again, in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than Nether #shorts

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than Nether #shorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Pocket Storage & Hexerei Cauldron!

    Minecraft Madness: Pocket Storage & Hexerei Cauldron! Thank you for joining us on this adventure in the Minecraft Encrypted series. We delved into the mining dimension, discovered new resources like Blackstone, and even dabbled in the art of crafting with the mixing cauldron. Stay tuned for more exciting quests and survival challenges in the next episode. Until then, happy mining and crafting! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Review

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Review Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Update: Exploring the Tricky Trials Autocrafter and New Blocks The Autocrafter is a new block introduced in the 1.21 update, allowing players to automate crafting specific items by setting up the required materials and recipes. Alongside this, the update brings 30 new copper blocks and Copper Lanterns, adding a touch of elegance to your creations. Additionally, volcanic tuff blocks have been added, offering a variety of building options. Trails Chambers and Sinister Events The Trails Chambers are a new structure in Minecraft 1.21, filled with challenges and rewards. Within these chambers, players will encounter Trail Spawners… Read More

  • wattles – Mojang Drops BIG News?!

    wattles - Mojang Drops BIG News?!Video Information over the past couple of days over on the Minecraft YouTube channel one of the most fascinating series that’s unlike anything they’ve dropped in the past couple of years well it’s been dropped this new series that is so far three parts going to be at least four parts is essentially a greatest hits of Minecraft history with the developers going through some of the biggest moments ever throughout the series we’ve got tons of Juicy spicy information including some strange almost confirmations today I’m Buckle it we’re going to talk about it all so right now as… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Creepiness

    Insane Minecraft CreepinessVideo Information [Music] maybe we should go inside the house first this little house and then we do that figured it out oh oh yep going in the house what is that that was Thunder no that thumping noise let not find out not a diamond what what’s in these paintings what is going on do not open this I’m gonna open it oh stop tell me tell me thank God I got up here I I took care of the middle one before your [ __ ] activated just like hey free [ __ ] you know what with… Read More

  • DJGillers is 🔙 with CRAZY Minecraft adventures!

    DJGillers is 🔙 with CRAZY Minecraft adventures!Video Information what’s good everyone Miss wish I was good goodness just couldn’t be as with Carla today I’m going to be honest guys I just just couldn’t be ass with Carla today car was just the one that’s it’s actually wait why am I not sending KLA was I don’t that that I I don’t car that right this moment but still C up was just the thing that made me go on fortnite right now I just I just couldn’t Carter was the one that just made everything go off fortnite l it’s just mly annoying thought was… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay – Viewer Discretion Advised

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay - Viewer Discretion AdvisedVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚠️WARNING⚠️ The following Minecraft video is triggering’, was uploaded by Cool Kai Rad on 2024-02-29 04:57:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. If you think this Minecraft video is triggering then Subscribe I don’t post videos daily! The best game in the world is Minecraft with … Read More

  • “Insane Autcraft Adventure – EPIC Creeper Encounter!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Insane Autcraft Adventure - EPIC Creeper Encounter!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Quanto creeper! #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by Autcraft Adventure on 2024-04-06 23:00:16. It has garnered 407 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Insane tricks in Subway Surfers! Watch now 🤯 #shorts

    Insane tricks in Subway Surfers! Watch now 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #V’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-09 10:31:00. It has garnered 588 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #V games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Gaming on Twitch: PAKIOO’s Viral Stream

    Mind-Blowing Gaming on Twitch: PAKIOO's Viral StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Twitch: PAKIOO #streamer #twitch #gaming #minecraft #fortnite #roblox #rocketleague #tiktok #viral’, was uploaded by PAKIOO Streams on 2024-01-16 18:39:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More