Extreme Minecraft Challenge – Chat Controls My Fate! (LIVE🔴)

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That working let me check the audio and hear myself it working audio audio going can I hear myself I think I can hear myself uh chat please do tell me if you cannot hear me I’m just gonna start going now um okay so oh both of you all right well

Today’s stream I’m going to be playing Minecraft hardcore um but if the chat suggests things all the way up it’s it is I gotta fix the [ __ ] gain hold on I’ll just force it in front of my face there we go is it working now hear me hear me

Right can’t fix the gain but I can just eat my mic if that’s working all right cool um [ __ ] mess already so yeah Hardcore Minecraft but if but like every 15 minutes here I’ll just read off my documents Hardcore Minecraft every 15 minutes I take chat suggestion

Chats damn every 15 minutes I take chats challenge suggestions and place them into a poll poll will last three minutes uh poll with the most votes is one I have to do if I fail to complete a chat challenge I have to spin the wheel of

Pain which is full of uh bad things which will make my life harder and accept the punishment blah blah blah blah to blah Hardcore Minecraft but give me things to do and if I don’t if I can’t do them I get uh punished so that out of the way

Fix my live chat [ __ ] hell all right out of the way I’m just going to open up the world ignore why my all my worlds are named [ __ ] you um but and this is uh because I played this on stream I think last Sunday so I’ve got some progress apologize for

Eating a peanut butter and jelly it’s highly unprofessional but who cares all right let’s hope oh [ __ ] I am hot [ __ ] mess right now it’s great no clue how to run a stream it’s just the best uh go up there never mind it’s not going to work well CH timer let me timer

Running interact start the 15 minute timer for got it OBS shut up now all right so I’m just move this up here all right now it’s uh Minecraft raining what was I doing last time uh just bunch of garbage in my chest snow let’s fix just that’s not the crafting

Recipe let’s fix that come on [ __ ] all right yeah that’s that’s good enough now if I get a jack Lantern I can make a snowman if I get a jack lanter that’s I mean I think I saw one over the hill and through the woods

But I don’t really want to go and get it I am awful at this uh hold on I I have an idea I have an idea give me that put you there I’m on uh okay that’s correct consume a c a croissant I I have like uh what is this raisin bread here

So close as I could get um also are you so question for for chat do you prefer chunky peanut butter or creamy peanut butter um you know I have an answer but I want to see yours chunky or creamy peanut butter that’s what I’m talking about Zoom I will Slaughter

You but no yeah if any of you said said uh chunky peanut butter I would have uh pull to France and chop off with your heads that’s really not how to make that joke damn I just don’t like crunchy peanut but it’s gross I like why why do that exactly

Uh all right Zoom make your make your carpet snan the perfect snowman all right um [ __ ] can’t all right uh oh um so if you didn’t read the title of the stream uh you see the the timer going up next to my face let me just see if that

Works uh timer going next make a pretty house okay um oh and hold on let me change back to my face do this for a second these are the um suggestion rules every 15 minutes I’ll take y chat suggestions put them into a poll and let you vote on how I’m

Supposed to suffer if I can’t do the challenge I will have to spin the wheel of pain which there a lot of painful things on it and if like let’s say I roll I um so no axe just not allowed to use my axe for five

Minutes but that that was a test run I I can still use use my axe right now so um yeah and there’s if I can get back to my thing oh what rules yeah sorry to be a stickler but I I’d rather not have a suggestion say uh just die not a fan

Because it’s a hardcore World which is kind that’s like the main draw of it I guess could say um but no it’s so I won’t be jumping into any pits of lava anytime soon I I know you’d like to see that but that’s that’s just not in the cards

Um I’m GNA be right back I have to fix something oh oh [ __ ] hold on let’s see is it working now hello hello hi he can you hear me audio Pro oh I just I just peaked my mic but is it working now good woohoo you hear me I’m peeking it

Uh all right I think I think my goal at the end of last stream was to make a farm so that I shall do you could hear my great great totally not sick with a cold voice it’s the best uh um all right let’s oh I F forgot to

Make a bucket that’s probably a more important thing than a ho all right time I don’t know it’s raining hello hyper birdie how are you doing today um Minecraft challenge suggests things for me to to do uh here are some some rules I think it’s still up

Maybe kid named H birdie just make sure oh yeah there’s some rules for challenge suggestions every 15 minutes I’ll uh take chats suggestions and put them into a pole if I fail the suggestion I have to spin a painful wheel of pain and face the punishment ISO right that

Is the why is it stre that’s not what the [ __ ] hold on I just [ __ ] everything up we’re good okay we’re good I just saw everything break his speech trying to no why why not because because I don’t I don’t have to do that that’s not that’s not part of a

Challenge okay one of the the rules of the of the thing was uh has to be doable within within Minecraft you know see the little little bottom World be doable within the current uh Minecraft world no mods no texture packs no uh Speech why Humanity should invest

Into that um but zoom’s one is funny so I’ll I’ll put that one on because that’s just funny and there’s a delay why is there a delay okay we’re good I think I I’m not good at this at all like I’m I’m awful but all right yep sorry sorry uh eldrich but

That’s just how the way the cookie crumbles I guess three minutes left on the the timer forest all right where do I build my Great Farm this was from last stream uh somebody wanted me to put a tree somewhere Esther I I didn’t know how to

Pronounce it so I used the first letter of the name all right instead of guessing how to pronounce one word pronounce the right word what word word I can I can words yeah I can correctly say things you should you send this to your friend yeah what I would hurt

More people on stream causing chaos and my pain why is this so loud I’m just going to turn it down for my own sake all right what we go I think that’s better yeah I want to be in the bottom right hand corner now I out of swear word blocks okay I

Can do that one but once it’s uh time to start the poll two minutes so um yeah uh but what what blocks should I use to to spell out the um ah yes the the best uh Minecraft content around digging dirt it’s won’t you won’t get it anywhere

Else folks this is the is the Pinnacle of content right here smooth Stone okay I don’t even know where a village is man but all right uh I’ll try cuz see uh uh if it’s going to work 15 minutes is the has to be be able to do within 15 minutes I

Think I think that’s on the list if if it’s not well not me then but eventually there will be uh slavery with villagers cuz they’re useful to me oh my mic turned green okay you sent it to your friend well I I appreciate you sharing the stream

Because that means uh gets promoted even further in the algorithm woohoo and yeah I’m bad at the game all right and also I’m on a island and there’s no Villages I looked last stream I had to go on a [ __ ] quest for a cactus and there wasn’t a desert in sight with no

Villages I’m not a speedrunner I’m by no means good at video game Zoom I’m I’m trash and [ __ ] at everything I can’t do that oh [ __ ] that’s the 15 minute timer all right let me put your [ __ ] on a pole all right all the things so that’s

That’s a different thing let me just bring it back to know that [ __ ] starting a pole all right vote um uh and smooth Stu uh SP I can spell all right give me a minute I’m I’m literate and the H re build to Sky limit

Be okay uh there’s the poll I will start three minute countdown um also I can spell shut up let me just lower that gain a bit so there’s that start that Boop start that timer and just while that’s going I will reset that timer later all right so three minutes on the

Clock for that poll and I can spell uh shut up there’s about how it goes by red oh cool thanks for telling me Oh wait B oh not him how you describe him he sounds like a menace but let’s go um let’s see what’s see what’s winning

Of course beat the game and spin the wheel are are winning shut up shut up Esther I I can I can spell that’s that’s the correct way to spell limit all right that’s correct you’re you’re wrong if you spelled it any other way uh bu that why did I build a

Crafting table oh make a shovel that’s right I am currently off the ADHD M so we’re doing something there oh and I cheating I should be putting the time is still going but you spell sky limit in in hieroglyphics gen Z hieroglyphics um um okay I’ll just keep keep looking at uh

My face so we know when the timer is going to go off when I on the pole ah [ __ ] I kicked my mic does doesn’t everyone I think you’re the only one in the history of like the last 20 years to do that so probably ever actually to to to type exclusively in

Emojis uh but I’m no I’m no etymologist not not entomologist atmology much less cool it’s not it’s not bugs it’s it’s words people often get those two things uh mixed up I I hate bugs they’re they’re bad and I don’t I don’t like them yeah it’s 24 seconds left in the

Clock I’ll just I don’t I don’t like bugs they’re awful and gross and I hate them and I don’t like bugs but I like words words are great so atmology is the study of like words and language which is like a subc it’s like a subcategory of L

Linguistics with like history of words I think don’t quote me on that I’m probably lying to you entomology is bugs and I hate bugs gross I don’t like them if I see a bug I will kill it immediately or run away in fear those are the two things I will do um most

Likely run away in fear but oh and there goes the timer woo I time to end pole I talk too much all right so what what one on the pole um spin the wheel or beat the G those it was a tie um was a tie hold on let

Me I’m just gonna pick spin the wheel because I don’t want to beat the game also I have a veto power where I can just say nuh-uh to a challenge that was picked but then I have to spin the wheel twice um so I want to do that

But I’m just going to pick uh zoom’s challenge if spin the wheel cuz [ __ ] me all right wheel of pain time let’s go suffering all right let’s see what I get oh please don’t no oh come all right then so let’s just hop right on over to the void

We’re in the void now um where is this no breaking blocks oh those was already there okay uh all right welcome back from the void we we don’t talk about that uh no don’t do that all right no bre no breaking blocks guess I can’t work on my farm

That’s that’s just great can’t the can’t even do the first word of the game mine no mining in Minecraft for oh forgot to set the timer for that hold on let me do that and on uh properties interact start that timer benge timer interact reset that

And start that okay we’re good now I think 99% sure we’re good and I want to be in in the top right now so this game has just become yeah game has become craft the I love live stream chat because I can just I could just steal your jokes and pretend to be

Funny that’s how that works definitely oh wait I was going to do something else put these torches over there um yeah five minutes of no breaking blocks oh God breaking no that counts as a as block damn it trying to cheat my own system okay on there we go all right

Um I guess I mean it doesn’t really make sense to go caving because I can’t break the the or without acknowledging my existence you wish your stream were already oh okay well the thing is I can acknowledge Your Existence but then I’ll just like cut you out of the the

Highlights so I I add like a little footnote buried within the description just yeah okay uh oh wait what oh forgot to H turn that that effect on we got more fancy effects that I keep forgetting to use there we go look at fancy that is

And I’m feel like being in the bottom left now uh where was I going to go I don’t know but uh go come on this way cool all right now I’m just just going to go walk in a direction cuz for uh two more minutes just going

Because can’t do much of anything else also that is infuriating me but I want to get rid of these leaves just I want to cheat and get rid of the leaves but nope uh that pigs aren’t blocks die make a shrine like a crazy person or or kill your dog wait Shrine

What do you mean by Shrine Shrine what exactly and killing Timothy um the 45th of uh Luxembourg how how how could how could you even suggest such a awful thing some mysterious God or deity all right well I’ll figure it out all right oh pumpkin I could I could make the Snowman but

Uh a minute left I want to be in the top right top left nope top right I don’t know my left and rights so how how detailed does would this Shrine have to be would it be have to be like a temple like a fullon cathedral like notredam or like could I

Just build a a fence post and say that’s the thing if if I can find a villager yeah because like that’s Village is kind of one of the main I guess progression aspects of Minecraft o goat I want to get a horn me go horn 30 seconds until I can break blocks again

Yat horn it’s turning light that idea come on attack at me dupus come on hit me so the beautiful structure that takes up a six so a a chunk I’ve got to build a chunk oh but I can it can break blocks again so that’s

Good uh we’re just going to go to uh the void again Boop the void uh CA top right cool bring this turn that away turn that off all right cool so go back to chat build the the carbon a carbon tetrachloride model using blocks what I don’t want to build carbon tetrachloride

Sounds so dumb boring I have blocks containing carbon and chloride well you wouldn’t say chloride you say chlorine because chloride is just like you add the ey when it’s part of the um part of the uh formula or like chemical name you just say chlorine shut up I’m I’m not a nerd you

Are you suggested carbon Tetra Cloud I I want to figure out what that is now now you got me curious nonflammable not was it was band chloroform like odor it was B it was a carcinogen um chronic long-term inflation uh solvent in the rubber industry see that’s boring ammonium nitrate is

Better why why build why build something that is boring and nonflammable when I could make ammonium nitrate which is used as mainly used as an ingredient for fertilizer and bombs crude explosive like I it’s often main component in uh improvised explosive devices it’s just explosive on

Its own because um in uh that one time in in Beirut where everything exploded that was that was ammonium nitrate because it was at a fertilizer processing facility see I like you being helpful thank you but I I’ll put I’ll put that in in the

Pole um but I don’t think it’ll get CH chickens are extinct some something productive I will I will probably never get past my little my little hole but try and be productive um hold on get down to half once seven minutes till the tell the pole where I put all your dumb ideas

Except except the the productive ones those are good one good ideas I’ll put all the ideas in the in the hole where oh he just he’s he’s in a pit oh God all right here we go where’s funions I I think they’re a good chip I like funions

That Tim I can’t forget what I named him Timmy what was it U something like Timmy was it was Thomas Timmy the third Baron of was it Luxembourg I think it was Luxembourg that’s what I I think that’s what I named the dog yeah

Um all right but oh I no longer I’m I’m free I can break blocks again I’m going to go keep making a farm seeds wooho also why would I make a chicken farm chickens are like the worst uh meat I and I don’t have Redstone for automation of it to make it all

Useful feel like cow Farm is usually the best early game Animal Farm because they produce leather and also they have um High saturation F uh in the game below golden carrots and Tide with pork I know too much about this stupid game but it’s just there’s a difference

Between book smarts and uh practical useful knowledge or being able to apply your knowledge this is good enough for now right I want to do the top left down just feeling uh said produc said I said productive not the most productive sorry forgot about uh well grammar is dumb foret you got to

Forgot that you didn’t mod ify your your the I don’t know how to talk all right shut up that’s not what I meant to do oh damn it that’s not it’s [ __ ] 7 o’clock 7:30 uh forgot to take my ADHD is this is that a

Jungle all right I think I see a jungle that way guess I’ll have to go look there in a minute I’m I’m feeling top top right corner it’s just just a Vibe I’m getting uh I just I want to could finish off this yeah there we go beautiful guys he said he likes

Words who’s who’s guys who say he likes words is bad with words and spell it more on the the news I can’t read I don’t something’s up with me to all right I can’t read I can’t talk well I can I can I can uh pneumo ultra microscopic silico volcano kosis I can

Say it I can’t spell that yeah numo microscopic silico volcano kosis I can say it I there’s no way in hell I’m spelling that zoom’s only interesting when you can when when you can uh I like that you know that clip from I think it was like

Arthur when you can when you have a dream when you like that kid diet datom wh why would I spell datom and then you spelled it right there for me I don’t need to spell it is is turned into a spelling be now is that is that what this is because um

No please don’t do this to me why not just like finish it off as say datomic it’s Plankton oh it’s more bugs G more microsc yeah Plankton is just like microsc if it was Zoo Plankton it would be like a microscopic bug Plankton is just microscopic plant I remember seventh grade biology

Oo I have a grade school level education it’s ew bug ew no I don’t want to I don’t want to spell that bride was what was I doing oh was making a farm right typ in do I look like I know how to program I I can like make

Um some HTML look like a really bad uninteractive webbsite from the from the 90s that’s all Google you but that’s that’s I don’t feel like Googling anything right now I’m dumb all right Google that’s the challenge timer all right go back to me uh pull this out reset okay hold on now I

Shall I’m just a regular nerd not a computer nerd thank you all right can you just like maybe retype your suggestions I don’t want to go back through that uh is uh shrine you could just say chlorine you don’t need to see don’t need to say chloride say chloride when you’re you

Know say talk finishing off the the written formula you just say chlorine you’re talking about the ingredients chloride is just chlorine you just just make it harder on yourself yes and I can’t I can spell um I sometimes balance an equation for fun um uh chicken farm what am I looking for

Or on where is it I think I think that was good I think I got it alline di Zoom needs to go back to being Mr computer I mean being being M Mr uh chemistry man is fun too because uh bombs and and such C is good hold on let

Me start the the pole timer where we are two minutes on the clock go back here go back here right now start one two three three 36 okay there we go the crime rate has just increased oh steak all right how much long is left on that timer weird delay uh two

Minutes feel like the bottom right seeds I dumped them here and bone meal where’ I put it here tie Breakers uh the tie bre tiebreaker uh is me I’m the tiebreaker I get to pick cuz I I feel like it I I’ll just like I’ll I’ll build a new wheel how

About and put shed on that oh no but that would take super long for OBS Source I will just I’ll roll a D4 for a tiebreaker how much longer is left on the uh timer oh damn it oh I’ll pick it up later 53 seconds all right what is what

Is winning yeah let’s see chicken farm or Shrine okay so at least one of the options in the tiebreaker is is being productive oh and kill your dog too oh that’s so fun I oh oh I love that one I love that being a thing I can do huh oh great all right

Well just no I D4 I’ll just yeah D4 I’ll just if I roll right let me pull up is you’ve hit your thing but all right so time is up and I have a D4 right here D4 dice um one is going to be uh build a

Shrine two is g to be kill my dog uh three is going to be chicken form chicken farm oh sorry I don’t even hear it I’ll turn that down three is going to be chicken farm uh four if it hits four I’ll just roll again so let me just I

Don’t want to mess up my camera that up I’ve got it let me see if this works hold on so one what was one again one and it it did land on a one you’re just gonna have to trust me it landed on the one one was build a

Shrine oh cool so building a shrine I guess all right and let me turn that that beep down for you I can’t even hear it for some reason but yeah let me turn that that down all right um this is so I’m so good at this reset me bring you over

Here let me just reset you oh it’s not even uh that’s why is it on it shouldn’t be on [ __ ] that uhe timer reset start okay so I guess next 15 minutes are cow God all right so I have 15es minutes to build a shrine to the cow God

Okay I don’t know where to put it I should put it somewhere I feel like big waste of space the uh I like the I like the cow God like cow I’m just gonna start trying all right yeah 16 by six plot I forg how to show chunk orders

Um I’ll just build a big ah I got it I can build it in the water aha win all right I got I feel being in top right one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 and there’s one two three four five six

Seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 cool um two three four six seven eight n 10 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 all right great just finish off this way don’t don’t want to waste your I’m gonna end up having to spin the spin the wheel I

Think so it’s G to be great but I got 15 minutes to do it come on come on I got this go to bed sleep oh also one of the one of the options on the wheel is is to um you can’t sleep which it’s going to be fun because being out at

Night now comes with greater risk as it hardcore um hello uh Thomas Timmy thei of Luxembourg you’re a good dog me I don’t have any Wheat I’m going to need wheat to get a cow in the cow the cow thing yeah that’s how it works uh that’s a good thing

I’m nope damn it not what I wanted to do whoa no that oh I just snowman looks like a oh [ __ ] okay thank you for uh thank thanks I guess job bringing that to my attention I will instead put uh could put some obsidian there just really make it annoying for myself

Uh why not here we go I got it there we are I can add I’m getting super distracted oh no I should I really should uh be working on the thing hold then okay and perfect stand all right back to Grine con construction all go that’s not

Working it should be okay I think it is okay now all right and 16 by 16 plot for the cow I’m on 9 minutes I done things faster I think bring the shrine back you progressively bring it back up oh god oh please don’t tell me you’re going

To have me built out of diamonds or something cuz that looks ugly building anything out of diamonds that’s just dumb bad I build anything out of that got eight minutes to build something all right uh statue of a cow should do I’ve got Cobble I’ve got slabs I can figure it

Out you want it pretty okay uh I can I can do a flower give you a dandelion well cuz what I was thinking was like you’ll build like a statue of the cow Gods but then also make it a cow pen you know have the the cows who you know worship

That the cow God lives under under it under the statue make thank you because that means make it pretty later I don’t have to uh challes there we go all right and that means I can just keep expanding this uh C which it will be uh later all right get for how

To so boom boom boom so just four cows okay uh six minutes left on the clock okay okay this is going to be tough do I have any more Cobble it’s what I need more Cobble for uh no that’s really should be more careful I need a microphone stand using a broken

Tripod I want to be in the top left now I’m just feeling it more Cobble I don’t have any more Cobble damn it I need to mine some more that’s uh I’ll put a window there later uh need to build a cow in five minutes or less I could do that yeah all

Right F all right now I know to do uh let’s Mo you over there stack Cobble should do me for now wait that’s 64 it’ll take about couple more minute or two to mine um Mental Math I’m not good at it it comes to math I’m plans for the oh fancy get some

Uh some uh some fan art of the the cow God yeah let’s go um or it’s your original thing and you’re just having me put it in here because uh you feel like he want me to do that for you okay and and if anytime at all you’re not already in

My uh Discord server you can join the link in my About Me section my YouTube channel come join and uh I don’t know make the server not dead no this fan art wor so it’s on a whim well that’s great like just uh drawing yourself the C awesome uh only add scaffolding that

Would make my life so much easier uh four minutes to build something is I’m cow okay me you’re a super creative look I wish I could say I’m super creative like that but no I have I have to plan my creativity more that that’s why that’s why I like uh video production because

There you can’t really be there’s no not really much uh you can’t be fast and creative you have to be uh slow so much more planning and it will still be uh awful but it’s better than you’ll accept leg just legs for now maybe okay well I do have uh three more minutes

Well uh don’t count me out just yet dude that’s a lot of Cobble I’ll need I’ll figure it out uh I can do six High that Mak sense I think so that would be uh maybe maybe two three stacks to start I think feel like that’s that’s

What I would go for two three stacks to start but I have two minutes so I’m just going to try and get as much done as possible BS but I put the head on third so I could do uh estimate come on think faster cows are great they are the uh

Best source of early game food I think another stack maybe stack and a half will do exactly what I for now 15 minutes is not a lot of time to get anything done man I should have really given myself more time it’s dinner time eat Cobble

Uh if only if only I could eat Cobble a minute left sleep more efficient of time all right come on let’s go uh 13 64 yeah I think that good for now let’s get one two uh three at least you’re not super hungry well and if you’re not hungry don’t

Eat uh always that’s the thing to go by I guess I haven’t eaten in 12 hours I haven’t been hungry but stack is not a lot uh I might have to placeholder with with dirt 14 seconds yeah let’s let’s Place holder with some dirt oh [ __ ] there we go

That’s that’s it that’s the time oh god um to answer your question question uh yes and look here uh and I have a question for you is this uh enough of our great and glorious uh cow God to uh to not have to spin the wheel please I beg of

You please I I don’t I don’t want to I don’t want to spin the wheel oh thank you oh my God thank you so much okay when I had my farm uh made um shovel so I need some kind of permanent food supply mine a diamond if only only I could find

One the caves around here uh they either don’t go deep or I can’t go deep in them uh because it’s all lava and I don’t want to deal with that right now but some point [ __ ] oh I forgot uh yeah Thomas Timmy the third Baron of Luxembourg find enough gold for at

Least I have two golden blocks yeah I should have kept that hidden so so it could have um damn it I could have like pulled that out later [ __ ] I really played my cards or I should and you’ll get another gold block okay I think I know a few ruin portals

Around I will I will cheat well not cheat but you know cheat cheat the cheat the rules I guess you know do what I need to things must be prepared I want to be in top right oh and I have forgot to set the timer 15 minutes that interact set start there’s

Now 15 uh minutes on the clock things must be be prepared oh how ominous o uh there’s this that’s not what I want water in there this is the least efficient form all Minecraft need to get copper what are you preparing what what is what is this uh

Shopping list you’re giving me I’m scared now uh quarts perhaps what is I’m I’m scared of what you’re trying to I can get this is um I fear I haven’t built another portal yet so need to do that Sandstone you can SM sand I think or just mine down and get stack of

Food for an adventure how what what defines Adventure it’s very vague term can mean a lot of things something to know about oh so to go to the nether eventually yeah I I do that is that is a a thing I need to do I’m still uh uh I don’t I don’t

Pretend sorry I I have no I have the imagination of a wet dish rag my mic yeah because I I peaked it out um sorry I have the imagination of a wet dish rag I just move it up I really need a better mic stand than a crappy tripod but Um I’m I because it’s actually really funny because I’m using a ring light to hold my webcam up and then to because it it’s unbalanced and I’m using a I I taped a stapler to the ring light to add balance um so the the most like Jank setup you could possibly imagine it’s

Hilarious maybe I’ll like post a photo of it somewhere I got copper uh you know what I I am feeling a little venturous little like going into a cave should probably drop some stuff though imagine being yeah couldn’t be uh my setup uh here I’ll I’ll post a photo

In one of the chats somewhere that’s yeah all right I feel like being in the bottom left right left I don’t know my left and rights can’t imagine no it’s it’s very hard to imagine I I’m need to put a window there I always forget to progress in

Minecraft and instead just kind of fumble about and make things look pretty I guess but there isn’t really any progression anyway so we’re we’re all good there ah [ __ ] oh thank you for making that joke uh Esther I think or eldr whatever you wanted me to say I don’t remember um

But don’t drown Ben who’s Ben I don’t get the reference is it like the Spider-Man reference but Ben didn’t drown was like shot in pretty much all all instances of of the origin story drop drop one copper all right then n minutes until the next vote so get your suggestions in

Then and know I’m going to ask you to like repeat all your suggestions because I don’t want to scroll through chat while making the poll so I’m just going to ask you to do it but I’ll keep I’ll keep one raw copper just on standby wait that was supposed to smell the

Sand and hello uh Telly you’re day doing how is your day that is not the correct that’s not the correct uh phrase I want to be in the bottom right only I that’s here we are just burn that volume up a touch okay uh have you get as many any

Spe as many of any specific material as possible oh God that sounds like you just sound like you’re giving me fetch quests is what it sounds like is that what it is you just giving me fetch quests that sounds I mean no it’s not really an cave it’s more like a hole I

Dug um that’s a cave that I dug into but I think everyone’s first Minecraft house is in a cave it’s just that uh I never move out of the cave it’s so much easier to build uh underground than above ground oh that worked out really nicely shopping list

Thank you so am I going to go have to fetch your eggs or something from the Supermarket I don’t know I don’t know what I’m talking about it’s 8 o’clock I’m tired I need to go to bed um I think I’m G to cut the stream when

It hits like maybe an hour 30 or that’s just a me thing wait what are you talking about i’ my so scatter brain today I think I used all my mental energy uh trying to set up this stream so I was goingon to go live again tomorrow for yeah but like uh when

The stream hits an hour 30 I’m gonna I think I’m gonna go an hour 30 or if I decide to cut it earlier but I’m tired I need I need sleep uh that that’s a trick question I’m not I’m not going to go to bed I’m just gonna uh sit there

And wallow I guess that’s not the right word your first is my first house no uh is that working hello hello hello can you hear me oh wait [ __ ] oh move my camera my whole goddamn setup I have to fix that hold on work there we go beautiful putting on a

Dice I yeah I had to change the the cord on my microphone my first one that I crapped out put that back up I don’t I don’t need this back up put that away here welcome you on your first night thank you appreciate it um but I

Um back to what I was talking about beforehand I if anyone remembers what happened happened with that five minutes ago uh building your house like your first house or your house in general in a cave is just so much easier like and also just is better because you’re not collecting as many

Resources to build up your house all all you need is your your pickaxe to to mine in than a door that’s a prime example of what not to do but then you can just expand it however much you want by digging into the mountain digging down great and

Temple have chests on the ground well the thing is why mine all the forests right away when you could dig into a cave and then just burn the forest down when you have a tree farm and don’t need the Wood anymore so that’s that’s what I do I’m

A it’s always pretty well like see what the thing with caves is they’re great and you can like they’re so modular you can like improve them later on so you don’t have to focus on making it pretty first time around you can get all your needs set and then make it pretty yes

Okay U let me just drop all this [ __ ] in my chest I am nauseous I I need to go take a another and you don’t have time to make it I don’t have time to make it pretty oh okay so so you waste time on making it pretty oh all right

Then but I actually think I’m GNA even cut it before 30 minutes CU I’m I’m just Mega tired and I need to go lay down cuz I I definitely have a cold or some kind of uh virus the flu or something I don’t think I also well

I um there’s a little thing in my way when I’m reading chat but yep all right so that’s that’s that’s all uh uh bye

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but if I don’t do what chat says, I suffer. (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Cheezypoofoftruth on 2024-02-04 13:29:16. It has garnered 34 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:25 or 5005 seconds.

In today’s stream I play minecraft hardcore mode but with the twist of having to do exactly what chat tells me and if I fail I must spin the WHEEL OF PAIN and face the consequences that come with it. The goal is to beat the Ender Dragon, come along and make me suffer, or just watch as my mental state slowly deteriorates until I go completely insane. Your choice.

How The Challange Works:

-Every 15 minutes I take Chat’s challenge suggestions and place them into a poll. -The poll will last 3 minutes, the challenge with the most votes is the one I have to do. -If I fail to complete the challenge I must spin the Wheel of Pain and accept the punishment. -Punishments last for 5 Minutes. -I am allowed to Veto any challenge, but if I Veto a challenge I must spin the Wheel of Pain twice and the punishments last 15 minutes instead of the normal 5.

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

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  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

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  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

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  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

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  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

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  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

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  • Wireless Power Shenanigans

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  • Speedrun: All Biomes in 6 Minutes!

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  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

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  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

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  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

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  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

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  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

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  • FriendsPlus

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  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

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  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punk⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

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  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

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  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

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    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

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    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

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  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

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  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* www.youtube.com/channel/UCWgGbqJcseB43Q7x7b2NLDA/join #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RTT4QNYKqA –~– DONT CLICK THIS – http://surl.li/qwdoy MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at play.xgaming.club for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: https://www.xgaming.club/ Ready for a gaming revolution? Join play.xgaming.club and redefine your adventure! play.xgaming.club Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More

  • Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft

    Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. In this virtual universe, players can unleash their imagination, build incredible structures, and embark on exciting adventures. Let’s dive into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and discover what makes it so special! Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox gameplay, allowing players to create anything they can imagine using various blocks. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is… Read More

  • 100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode

    100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode Minecraft 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a hardcore challenge, then the 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft is the perfect video for you! In this intense map, players must survive 100 days on just one block. The difficulty level is extreme, pushing players to their limits and testing their survival skills to the max. Key Features of the Challenge: The One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft challenge offers a unique and thrilling experience for players. Here are some key features of the challenge:… Read More