Fa3hunter – If you love Minecraft and you love caves, this is one of the games you’ll just love

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Hi guys welcome to take two of k factory  minecraft where we are going to be using   everything we learned in the first  run to make this world considerably   better and do it considerably faster  so let’s just jump straight on into it  

So the first thing we want to do is start  this up and close the blinds on them   we’re mostly going to leave them alone until  we get to the blood altar get rid of spruce   all right so first things first we get our  xp for the welcome next up we need to get

Which conveniently we know how to get them now so as soon as we have a stack of pellets we  will convert them into we’ll make them into   cobblestone convert that cobblestone into uh  logs and then move on to collecting more pellets because it is something that is necessary for  

Further development and it is also something  that is necessary well just for the quests we will be needing the wood in a minute we  have gotten the cobblestone quest completed a furnace getting wood is  different the wood is not finished so we will be basically pressing  along the same direction this time  

There is our wood finished get our planks in six um we just need a pattern and a log i don’t know why i did that all right so that’s one part  finished gives us materials in here

All right so we need a part builder which let’s  see if i can remember how to do this probably so if memory serves correct one was  actually we’ll just chuck those in   one was like this one was like that there  we go two quests complete you get a handle  

You get an axe head now we need to make our  sewing pack that’s some pieces really we have   a couple circle but not this cobblestone we’re  going to make more wood with this cobblestone make another lot of cobblestone knocked down  a part builder dropped down thinking station  

We talked about a bonus over here so we need more patterns now we’ll grab these chuck them into here and we’ll use the cobblestone we need a  tool handle tool binding and pickaxe head which gives us a stone small blade

And then after we make ourselves a then we can  make the pickaxe and we get given a diamond now   what they want us to do with this diamond if they  want us to attach it to here not that one this one  

They want us to do this and make it a  certain pickaxe with diamond and piercing   one increasing the durability up to 604 from  104 which would be very good actually sorry   it just gives it moment it just gives us  the ability to cut through other resources  

And as good as that might sound that’s not good  enough today so we’re going bigger we’re going   better right so we need to get basic resources  this time and while we’re at it we’re going to  

Get some drawers that way we can start just making  a bulk amount of wood and start sewing it away so we will get another stack or two of  pebbles and then we’ll start the mining so we’ll get one sec

All right so we’ll chuck this away so  we can make more wood and then we will   start smelting away some wood there’s some  logs mine out in this direction this time because this time we’re going to be aiming for   uh building a separate room for each  real load of contraptions that we need

So we’re not trying to build out far enough to   have a have bob spawning because i don’t want  to have the same issue that i had last time what is that one two three four five it should do  that’ll give us an 11 by 11 room  

Three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven all right we’ll run back so we can  start up the charcoal cooking more wood   over and grab this and then  we can start working on chest then we can just load all of our coals  and all of our materials into the chest  

So we don’t have to be carrying  around a million things at a time and already we have what we need   and a couple more quests complete  or at least one more quest completed we use that to upgrade our chest  giving us so much more storage

We need cornex and endocyte right i forgot  about the pain in the answer that is anderson   all right so we need to smell some stone as  well we’ll cook some stone i believe it’s called   um we will grab our cobble  back and our coal and cobble and we will make a second furnace

Knock out another chunk of wall here and in here we will chuck some of this buckle which another crafting station uh which  will be used to make your iron alcohol all right in the meantime we’ll start smashing  out the other way two three four and five six seven eight nine ten and eleven  

By this point our iron should be finished  melting and we’re going to chuck our coal in now all right so unfortunately we can’t actually  make a iron pick with what we’ve got well not the  

Kind that we need anyway what we can do is grab  this coal which will give us this one completed   and unlock the blood although which we need  gold for and unfortunately i don’t believe   we’ve gotten a single piece of gold all  yet so we need to get three pieces of gold  

And in the meantime we’ll keep on smashing out  some more of this room that will be used for our create i believe the modpackers because last time we had a  smack bang in the middle of   the main room and that was just not very efficient

On the plus side this thing  is only going to last 104   things 104 hits at a time but  we can always just repair it up three pieces of cobble to fix it that’s nothing all right so we can just swap these out  

So both of these have plenty of charcoal  well plenty of column description and we’re going to continue doing this until we  get some form of gold ore probably three pieces this is the only part of this that i can’t do  faster but i’ll try and fix it in the post-op

On the plus side digging out so much bigger  room this time will give us all hope so many   more resources than we had on our last one we  got more call we’ve got one more iron still no  

Gold though but we also have a bunch of we’ll take  the last three pieces of this out and chuck in all   of the seared cobblestone we found we’re going to  need a lot of it for our next set after the create and of course i do something dumb like this

I’m curious if i smelt down a bunch  of cobblestone to make more stone   and then i knock away that so more  i also get resources out of that maybe i should test that all right so we are not really losing  resources doing this we gain extra coal from  

Knocking him from going through all this  we gain extra stone so we can repair our   pickaxe indefinitely and even if we did run  out of stone somehow as long as we’ve got one   piece left we’ll never run out of cobble  because we can always get more pebbles

Speaking of pick breaking on  us all right uh chuck the extra   color in still no gold but plenty more iron  some seared bricks awesome seeded stone stone all right so next up we’re going  to need to smelt down this all  

So that we can make a uh a pencil so we’ll swap  those out temporarily we will fix up our pick and go and finish off this room which is almost  done we’re gonna have to light it up of course   but we are also close enough to it  constantly that nothing can spawn in

We are also going to have to raise the  roof a little bit because this dome   is very useful for the create grid it’s a  weird weird thing but a thing it still is all right so we need to make pencil which  is just three stone with an iron on top

Which also gives us this other kind of  saw it’s apparently the wood equivalent and we can then use those both here to make us some ced bricks right so next up on that line we can’t  actually finish this one without going  

Through the endocyte alloy side of things  which we need to smelt some undecide to do but needless to say it is worth the wait uh so we  need our endocyte where is the inside there we go  

We’ve got one piece on us what do they got we’ve  only got six pieces all up it’s a bit odd would   have thought we’d have a little bit more than  that oh so everything chuckled the underside in  

When we’re done we’ll come back and get some more  uh more seared well some more cooked underside all right so we’re going to go we’re just going  to go three by three or three left three right   in this one which will make it a seven by  seven room and considerably more manageable

Two three four five six seven also i know i said we’d make the create  in the other room but i feel like the grid   because we only really need the grid  once it’s going to be a lot easier to do  

If we do it in here and then  expand out into the other one   like once we get the crushing wheels then we’ll  move it uh one two three four five six seven   nice all right so we’ve got all of our underside  done by now all six pieces so depressing amount

We got another five cool all  right so next up we need to get   a couple of ingots and  break them down into nuggets we’ll make some air deciding it’s which  will give us some engineering goggles all right i’m pretty sure i  remember how to make these so we are going to need

One logs worth of sticks to make the sails and then that makes the sharps we’re  going to need more for these shafts there right so we’ve got enough of two more so  you know the sharps of the turntable itself

So if we make some slabs i can’t  remember the last part of it though right what was it for the  shaft for the turntable no and just a piece of stone oh next up we’ll continue  going with some seated stone make these and just because we don’t have anything else

We’ll get that that not it turntable right  right so in the meantime it’s that gives us this   and then put that that and that on  here and we get the windmill bearing ah crap i really wish i knew how i did this there we go right at least  we learned something today  

All right uh we’ll chuck in some more coal give  it some more coal get the wrench and superglue   next up we need the cobweb requires more links um we need eight of these around the edge  the inside in the middle it’s the big ones

The gear boxes which is four of  those eight plus an endocyte casing   requires two more enzymes  which i do not believe we have there we have one all right more mining it is at  least in the name so you should be prepared for it

I’m also going to try and mine  in a distance so any plain cobble   does get converted automatically into a wood also still hope hoping for some gold we have our first gold that’s something nice all right hopefully we got some sand some andesite  uh limestone one one piddly piece of inside  

Out of that entire room all right get  some rain going get some more coal going then we’ll load everything else into here just keep that honest really the quest book  and the pick is all we really need right now and but let’s start bending out we’re  also going to need to make some  

Torches because these rooms if we  try and go into another room out are   going to start spawning mobs if we don’t  have any torches set up i’ll take these make a butt load of six and make some torches

And that will at least keep us from  having to deal with mobs all the time right so we will then move on to the next room hopefully not getting to be too much and hopefully giving us plenty  of underside and plenty of gold speaking of

One more piece of gold and three pieces of cobbles  three pieces of innocent cobblestone already   one two three four five six and seven two three four five six seven now this will end up meeting  up at the previous path

Each corner gets it we found some emerald  we still only found one more gold though   which means we still need one more piece there we go all right we’ll come back to this spot these other two pieces of gold

I can spell the iron put more coal  this one once we’re done with it we have 14 pieces of inside all right there we go we now  have all the gold we need all right what’s the other stuff we need for the  blood altar just four pieces of stone in the first

But that’ll take care of that uh we can chuck these in for the meantime   hopefully before we do that we  need to set up another furnace first goes into here those go into there four pieces of normal are sewn of these and another eight wood

As soon as this is done we can  set up a we’ll make a hopper um what was this so we need  we need to chuck the inside now we have access to our first blood altar which gives us an extra diamond and most importantly a sacrificial  dagger and a reason for zombies

Now that our store is open zombies die for days all right did they drop anything but flush no and we should have enough stuff here to   convert our diamond into a blood orb  which is the first major part of this done while we’re waiting we’ll  just keep on getting more  

Because we need a lot of insight for this path now as soon as we are up to  it we’re going to convert a piece of granite into a piece of dirt so that  we can so right in the middle of this room we  

Can grow a bamboo shoot because that will  give us infinite six which is a fuel source right over here while we’re  waiting uh we will put in granite and in here we’ll craft ourselves our  chest so we can make ourselves that hopper the hopper will be put into here

And then we can start loading up other  metals that we need to have smelted or other resources mind you it  doesn’t necessarily have to be metal empty hand for this and for that now i can’t exactly remember how we

Uh how we fill up sorry how we get bamboo but  i’m sure there’s going to be a quest for it   soon enough the blood orb is already  done so we got the reasons for that   we’ve got the reasons for that go  down on the ground wait 15 seconds

All right we’re going to move extra  stop out of here so we can grab this out so all the granite that we  have it needs to be converted and we have plenty of granite go back up here and i’m not sure where our quest  is oh food for the wheat suit  

It’s you get a quest that finishes a quest right so next up we can collect these characters  carrots and sweet berries not bad at all we’re also going to need to fix this pick because   otherwise we’re never going to  be able to do anything really

We’re going to put in some  dirt in here just so we can   make a little bit of a farm not a real farm  but something to keep us going food wise oops oh you stick all right carrot wrong side of the equation can i do this through the window yes i can

All right now we’ve upgraded the spawner  hopefully that’ll give us more blood and we can work on getting our blood altar is what i meant to get a blood  slate we put a stone on the altar not endocyte that would be  a great waste of insight  

But conveniently they gave us a  bunch of sodas a reward earlier so that takes a thousand points and we have no more undecide i don’t think i know so we’ll start smelting more theater stone collectible granite we are going to need another chess scene

We have enough two more of these which  is more than we need for one more kill   for one more conversion anyway we get 500 for one of these that’s not  bad oh so that’s that’s pretty good

So every two kills we get one zombies one  convert what you know what i mean all right   so what do we need for this planks sewn gold  and a black slate we have no gold that i can see this one we had one more ingot  though or the very least one more oil

One more oil in there we don’t have any twerk growth which is apparently something i forgot but we have one more room done does the  term seem bigger one two three four five do we put this off of the bigger room didn’t even realize

All right so we need gold we don’t have gold um we need another chest for one thing   yeah what four cobblestone so  we’ll get more coal stone coming what if we mine this up can  we collect the loot from there just need to be quick about it

Right so we should be able to vacuum  collect the loot move away perfect   it worked about as well as i was expecting it to   actually material that worked significantly  better than anyone expected to do all right we’ll throw away this  collect another blank slate get another one of those going

Kill another zombie and collect another carrot and that is the only gap in my plan any zombies gotta hate him you just gotta hate him right so we have three rooms ready to be  used make one more then we might actually  

Start making use of them uh this one  here i’m planning on having being a farm because eventually we will get water once we get  water then we can actually start growing crops   a bit more efficiently than the carrots that are  growing in the one spot in the middle of the room

Oh i was one very short it was still a lot  better than i was expecting it to be though all right how deep did we  go one two three so that’s not that’s one where we thought this  way too all right we’ll collect up all  

Of this stuff can we get any gold no we  got the mine so that’s something at least so we need to get the create  stuff going so that we can get   our so we can get some sand so  we can finish this [ __ ] off

And i think we should have enough  cooked in the side to do that and there’s that last piece of gold we need to we’ll drop that head back through  this pick is breaking as well nothing is spawned i’ll drop the gold in grab the seared zone also

I know drop that iron in grab this  gold out drop that gold into here   and that way we have three pieces of gold which is  exactly what we need for an alchemy table actually  

We only need two what am i doing i think we only  have two didn’t we we’ll get some more wood going uh we’ll drop the basic cobblestone which  should be in here somewhere there we go we finished another quest not really  intentionally to be entirely honest with you

But uh we can now make we should be able to make  the alchemy table now which should be one two   the blood stone in the middle uh  well three pieces of stone on top yep   so three pieces of stone on top a blank  slate here and we don’t have any planks

Is that not right it’s iron in the middle not the  orb i’m sure we have some iron left and that should fix that  problem we have an alchemy table   which is still going to sit back here perfect absolutely beautiful right so that gives us blank slates

And give us the ability to make arcane ashes  which honestly are a pain in the ass to make   or be quiet you dirt bone meal and a seed  in the nalco table makes some gross so we’re  

Going to need to make some more granite we’ll  get the ground up we’ve made at the very least i swear we have more granite than that oh so we’ll take that that’s where the rest of action went all right so my carrot’s slowly growing i had grown all

I think this is because it’s full all right so seeds were another thing  we needed which should be over here   and some bone meal which i have bones all right we get uh we need crush some bones into  bone meal then put a bone meal in and some seeds

That’s what the issue was i hadn’t linked it be enough to charge it up come at me thou son of a [ __ ] all right cool we then finish that  up we’ve got plenty of blood in there   plenty of useless crap over here oops take that out and chuck in the extra coal

Then we got in here you can  just top everything else up right so the next one we need is the grass  which we are getting the power for right now that should be enough to power that up nice

All right so we get bone meal um next up we need  to get we’re gonna need to use more dirt to get   kelp we need to get arcane arcane ashes which is  redstone coal or charcoal white diagonal powder   so we should have all of those  things around here somewhere  

Or if not the actual thing  something that can get us the thing and we will also grab a bot load of dirt so that needs to be next to the empty  space so we can do this a bit quicker all right that’s a good start  throw away some dirt over here  

You zombs can come down here and get killed  you feel that compressed zombie excellent i guess they only explode  if we don’t sacrifice them i suppose it makes sense i guess all right so if we grab our  iron ingot i am nuggets out

Just shove that down there real quick moving  off for seven more pieces of endocyte uh we also should have everything we need to  make the next objective on that line which is excellent really right next up on that line is the gearbox   which requires insight casing which  requires some strip spruce logs  

Or just a log in general so we’re going to need  the logs the planks all the inside we’ve got and we’re also going to need these cod wheels now if we go into this go into this so  planks top and bottom log in the middle  

Inside on either side log in the middle planks  top and bottom and the side on either side   use this one of these then we just cog wheel  on either side of it finishes off the quest   excuse the gear shift now i could ponder all  those items and show you what they look like  

If you want to see that go back to our  previous run where we actually do go   through all of these items and how they get  used we are not going to be doing that this   time because we know exactly how all the  shit’s made all right so we can now make

All right sorry that’s that’s on  my we can now make 16 of these uh we need another five so that turns out to be perfect it gives us  21 we need to make a barrel and now we’re up  

To making the crushing wheel which is over  so far all right so we are going to need we don’t need the casing we  do need these and the wrench all right so it’s not involved in the current  objective it gets taken out inventory to the  

Largest extent possible we will still  be killing any zombies that come near us   uh we also need these i’m just gonna need this we’ll just come over here kill  all these zombies real quick there we go that gives that really decently full we’re going to knock this  out of the way real quick

Um so we need a windmill bearing which i’m  pretty sure faces whatever way i’m facing   then we will go actually we need  to put that up on give me my pick didn’t even have it in there uh and  we’re also going to seal one cob soon so what we’re going to do instead

Is we’re going to put the cobblestone put one  cobblestone up the windmill bearing on one two   three four five six seven eight i’ll  eventually make more but for now that’ll do   we also need these sharps because  who doesn’t like a good shaft  

All right so that goes in  the back of course it does uh actually no no we’re going to  do this differently this time   this is how we did it last time last time  worked well enough wasn’t great though  

Uh um we also should have most of the  parts we need for a x i just need the   uh we just need the binding take that out make an axe because  that’ll make this so much faster   and then we’ll also just chuck this back in here

This is also the first time we’ve had  an axe in this series so hey that’s plus i think this is the first time i’ve  made an axe that way we’ll stop   all right so last time we built it straight  along the back of where it was meant to be  

I was going to chuck this torch back down right  next to where it should be and this one over here   this time though we’re going to be building  it slightly different with this here this here

Right so we then need to put these uh so that’s  going to be the edge of it you need to go here three one then one on each side uh then we’ll take our  planks and start building up   got another load of zombies  because [ __ ] these guys mechanical crafters all along  

That is now integrated into that because last  time we had the issue of it was all going in   different directions so i know it was all  going in different directions it just wasn’t  

We need to use gears in like 10 different places  to actually get it to work i want this to be a lot   more efficiently set up what do we actually  need for this crusher a lot of underside   some stone all right so we need two  four six eight sixteen pieces of inside

And we’re going to need more endocyte right  um we’ve got granite in here do we have any   endocyte cobblestone law normal com zone  second stack of cobblestone throw this out all right um normal zone thanks cole take the other cyclops this probably will be more  there’s still more than we have  

Oh we’ve got more over here look at that too still probably going to  need more than what we have we need 16 which means we need 32 i think he’s right after this we’re definitely making a an iron  pick because if i did it the way they wanted me  

To i would be a lot easier off because i would  have an extra 500 uh 500 pieces 500 durability   that’s the water stoppable uh well we’re  also waiting for that inside smelt we’ll just fix this all up

All right we’re also going to need to scrap some  more ingots so i’m not sure where our ingots are all right so we need to fix up our pick  that done need to go around this is the  

Main reason why we’re not doing this in this  room again it took up the entire goddamn room that’s our full so there’s no  point in expanding that any um all right you get some sugar as well but now we will try and get  a little bit further out

We’ll expand out one in every direction  but two out the back because we can’t   expand one out the front otherwise  we just end up having one bigger room i feel like with the diamond pick it’s also a  little bit faster actually chopping through this

Also adding an extra two to this room in every  direction actually makes it significantly bigger   as far as cubic space goes i’m not sure  if these are meant to be meter square   meter cubes or what maybe yachts but this  makes it uh going from five to five five by  

Five which would be 25 the seven by seven  which makes it 49 almost doubles its size all right so we should have  some more undecided on us   lots more inside right that’s actually enough  now so after that’s done we can make enough  

Ender site so we only need 30 more we should be  able to make enough and decide to finish this off i will scrap this down and we’ll make our calls uh ally right so we’ll start with the top end so i can  get rid of these stairs so it’s one two three  

Four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve  thirteen fourteen oh we only need two more cool we’ll get our axe back look  at the top one at the very least did i say three more all right  we’re done with that then um

Make an extra one just be on the safe side  i’m sure i’ll need it soon enough anyway all right so we needed one stone in the middle   i’m pretty sure it was planks around  that which we already have ready   honestly completely coincidentally  and i’m pretty sure that should do it

All the gears are moving internally all the pieces  are moving externally which means as soon as this   is done uh we need to use this wrench to get them  to all go to the same spot which is over here   and it should pop out into that spot there

And that’ll do it so that is how  gears made we have a blood altar   made and full at the moment in fact  we will just hop up our blood orb because we have extra blood  we have extra zombies really

Once this is done we’ll knock it all down and move  it into that room over there because we’re just   going to install crushing wheels we’re actually  going to dig up one in this entire room because   those crushing wheels actually take up a  bit of space you might do two start with one

That was a push-up budget oh that we  didn’t even pick up that torch how rude all right so in a minute we will have a full  blood orb we’ll have a completed set of crushes   and then we’ll be able to start  moving everything into here

And this will also give us a bunch more  resources that we can then smelt down there yeah it’s a pair of crossing wheels  no closet into there for now   crushing wheels gives us shoots what the  [ __ ] where in the [ __ ] did you come from

All right if we can just get over  to here that end room isn’t lit right so our next objective is to build doors   all right our current objective is  spill doors because we can not be we cannot get ganked like we did last one in the meantime we’ll just chuck quartz down

On both of these sides actually we can buck up the diorite the  dolomite the gabbro any more wood in here no all right well in that case we will grab our  axe out and smash out some of these planks i just  

Thought i just thought about it and having that is  useful but it will not save us from baby zombies so we need the doors looks like and our pick needs  to be fixed of course it does   all right so we will put in a door here

And we’ll put in another door  between each of these rooms that way we also don’t have to worry  too much about lighting for now right so that’s that done i’ve also start working on some more seeds  so because eventually we will move on to the  

Big melt-off when that happens i want to have the  resources already ready as much so as possible and feasible we’re also going to need to recharge  a bit of food and some health   because that zombie kind of [ __ ] up a  little bit should also work on the bomb next

Recharge the orb or the  older only one kill off but   that’s not full again i’m rather  happy with the progress for today got more lead going got some more irons copper  some sorry some gold some copper to mine   in that order all right

Put the extra gold in as well sorry  the other extra copper in as well now we are ready to start moving in here  we just got to expand up another level   we’ll finish speeding up  another level at the very least  

Luckily the the windmill clips so it can  actually go into the zone without any major loss of power at the very least  any major loss of power that i’ve noticed yeah compactor bomb right i’m  killing the compacted one without there we go

Just because that’s so many more and there’s  a chicken jockey which gives us a chicken all right let’s get rid of them all all right well that’s not taken  care of i like compressed zombies and that’s chicken which hopefully we won’t kill  this time so unfortunately last time our chicken  

Did not survive um we have extra iron extra  gold we have almost a full stack of coal in here   need more charcoal on this side  unfortunately and we got an extra diamond ore   which is going to be very useful so now we’re going to do something  that’s probably very ill-advised  

We’ll deposit all this stuff into here  at the very least as much as we can   they want to use a pickaxe for  this so we’ll knock out all these we’re going to just quickly put the crusher in  here so that we can make ourselves some some um some sand

And after we’ve used after we’ve made some  sand then we can move it in because it’s just   going to be so much easier to finish off this  objective if we have it set up out here already  

All right so if memory serves the gearbox is what  we need first are we still going to need that   and also the gear shift  we’re going to turn this off   line out this cog wheel and  up the barrel with the axe solve these loads of stone uh well also

We are almost out of food which is  unfortunate but it is what it is so we’re going to start eating as  many carrots as we can get really still isn’t enough to finish it off but we have   plenty of bone meal so we  can make plenty of carrots

Next return and that builds us back  up which lets us heal all the way up every time we get zombies we’ll kill them and make  sorry every time we get compressed zombies we’ll   kill them so that we can have a chance of getting  a chicken jockey because i would like to keep  

As many chickens as possible now this is going  to be the last thing we do for today hopefully   it all goes split so we’re going to use a gearbox  here which lets us put out a gear shaft here and here um and i can’t honestly remember  how the next part worked  

But i know we need the large gear  wheels instead of just the small ones but i think what we do is we go small to  a large no that’s all right what if we go  

With a small to a just straight into the gear  wheel maybe we need to make another one of these   yeah that only goes straight through now we need to make another one of these which was   four gear wheels then it’s like casing  we’ve already got the anderson casing  

And we know how to make gear wheels  oh we just don’t have enough plates all right so in that case we will throw  out some cobblestone wait in 30 seconds oh you’ve got a backpack right so we’ve got that

Picked up all the loot which gives us more bone  meal which in turn will give us more carrots as soon as that’s on which  is done right now we can make extra buttons oh [ __ ] oh we need another chest anyway so we’ll just make a butt load of buttons

Extra gear wheels one two three and four around there’s that case around this this goes here from here we can put in this and knock  off this to put in this well i feel like we didn’t  really need those at all   i will also chuck this in so that we can climb up

Oops we’ll turn this on all right that’s what we needed right so we’ll  just turn off mine out this put in the gear shift   you can go there which should make this spin in the opposite  direction see your shift is now on the wrong one we’ll drop down you shipped on this one

And it’s sharped on this one now let’s still go the wrong way another way i had a second ago so you’re spinning away from that now i have that going i’m going to be swinging  to the left but when i have the gish  

Right i need to right click the gear  shift to get it to spin the opposite way right so you grab the gear shift we’ll wrench it make it spin the other way whoops i mean he’s still spinning the opposite way it’s  fitting counterclockwise which is not the way we  

Need it to be going but even when we have just  a shaft it’s still spinning counterclockwise right how about you try putting this this way  that’s spinning counterclockwise   we have just a normal one in any clockwise this is also spinning counterclockwise  though it’s not how it should be

All right if we pick you up  what happens when we ponder right um we need a switch apparently right cool so if we take care of  this we put in the gear shift here is this here we have a button here it makes it go the other  way and now you’re spinning  

Counterclockwise because buttons aren’t permanent  right all right so how do we make a libra again cobblestone with a stick on top any kind  of a cobblestone mine here go with that one   and a stick apparently we don’t have any six

Uh the sick on top gives us a lever which makes  no sense because the stone looks like it’s on top right so that should make that go the  other way now we jump this under here   which makes it go clockwise and this is  going why are you going the other way

This should be going in the shaft on this side it’s still going up we need him to be going down what if we put this all the way back here i  swear this wasn’t this difficult the first time that at least fitting in

It’s now you’re spinning inward cool so now  we can climb up here and shock a we don’t   have any normal cobblestone so we’ll just grab  some pebbles we haven’t actually done the long get a pair of cobblestone going and then they get thrown into there  

Chromosome falls down grab this chuck it back onto  the table we have everything ready for next time you know grab this plug it in gunpowder and as well so we need  to process this through until it becomes sand  

Will be one more run uh while we’re waiting  we have some redstone oil which we need one of   and a piece of coal or charcoal grab those grab the gravel uh so coal and redstone oh we need diamond all right

Um we’ll smelt some redstone then because  the other way we can go about this and now we have a piece of redstone stock until we  make a iron pick it’s inconvenient say the least oh your breadstone in there belts  are converting this will also  

Be done in a second which will pick  up make some gloss out of am i good while we wait kill some zombs and now we have the arcane dust arcane ashes  sorry divination circle schedule and subset

And now we get some gloss out of the sand  and now we can make the seeded smelter all right that will be the last thing we do for  the day so i’ll take the seed stone out of here  

Make as many seed bricks as we possibly  can it’s more than we can currently hold unload whatever we can in here which will involve us keeping some underside  it’s probably end up needing it i suppose   as the bensor finish off the seed stone to brick

All right so it was one two three four  with the four of these in the corners and one two three to make one of these and eight all right so we can talk this into here  with the five of these give us one of these and  

Just a ring gives us one of these it’s that then  make one of these five you also need some gold nope that’s not what i meant maybe it was seven yep seven uh  we should have some gold smelted and we’ll just chop this into this  corner here with this at the bottom  

Sorry this at the top that on bottom  uh the smelter crunch so the table duvi   at the front that there uh we need chuck  gold in we also need to get some fuel in here oops uh we’re also going to run some wood through

Tuck these back into here just  so that we can get some more   power into this in fact in the meantime  we’ll grab the coal we had in here into here smelt out some glass we need another pick head you can go into here which  gives us one crafted mold

Do you not have a full ingot left right screw uh we’ll also make a handle  i suppose no binding it will make them   and have just enough left  in here to make a binding right now for the last part of this we can make some iron as soon as it’s smelted

We have enough for four ingots in here oh i thought that was a baby zombie for a second let’s get the [ __ ] out  of me make one of these and oh we should be good to go

I think we can still assemble them on here  i’m not 100 sure on that but i think we can   uh we need to make one more load of yep one more load of patterns just so we can make another handle pattern you need a tool handle and i think

Maybe wrong here but i think we should be able  to just there we go we have an iron pickaxe   and on top of that we have a  diamond plated iron pickaxe gives us that one and that one which  will give us a better axe in turn  

Which means we have caught up to where  we were on our other playthrough in one   one sitting a little bit longer  than the last one the last few   but that is where we will wrap up for the night we  have a chicken we have our zombies say hi zombie  

We have our diamond plated iron axe and we have  our crusher wheels which next time we moved into   the other room but for now uh if you like this  video don’t forget to like comment and subscribe   uh tell us what your favorite modpack is down  in the dooblydoo below until next time peace


This video, titled ‘If you love Minecraft and you love caves, this is one of the games you’ll just love’, was uploaded by Fa3hunter on 2022-06-05 10:30:00. It has garnered 19 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:06 or 4506 seconds.

When one run falters another begins and the runner is smarter for it better for it youve never seen better proof for that than fa3hunters new minecraft cave factory run he hits this underground modpack running as he prepares to bring in a new world of machinery and blood.

come check me out tuesday thursday saturday 8pm aest (gmt+10) on twitch @ twitch.tv/fa3hunter I’m also on twitter https://twitter.com/fa3hunter instagram https://www.instagram.com/fa3hunter/ and back on tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@fa3hunter

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  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: play.zenithnetwork.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/W8EJxUhbPC Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More