FableSMP S3 EP 79: Artfulrenegade’s Effort

Video Information

Last time want fa blessing be so last time wolf started out at the Town Hall uh uh their little Bill that they have for it sending out a message to ask everyone to come on over to go hopefully get arisana that they’d found her and now it was time to save

Her some people showed up Fable Icarus Fen Oshi uh Ray it was quite a big group they had going for them and wolf gave a little bit of Game Plan before they made their way as close as they could with the cords that he’d gotten from the

Pillagers ray was able to do some really cool signs and get them all the way there uh to which they tried to be sneaky and stealthy they found the room where they did the vexing and were immediately ambushed as Ray was shot in the wings and they were over run by

Pillagers who seemingly knew that they were there and from then on out it was a bit of chaos of everyone running around trying to find oursana uh getting hit fighting off the pillagers and find arisana they did or really she found them it seems that she

Wasn’t in a cage like they expected or hidden away or Bound in any way she was in fact chasing them hunting them fighting them back wolf at one point scurried off on his own following Ascent up to the top floor where he found air and a bit of a

Confrontation with him before ultimately taking his life he got AR’s totem gave it back to her in hopes that it would stop her attack and it did but she didn’t go back to how she was before she was still different and and wrong in the way she

Would speak threw everyone off guard but they focus on getting everyone home that was the goal they did uh eventually Ari wandered off to go explore Town while wolf and uh Ray went to go get ray patched up and talk for a little bit the two of them since R had gotten

Hurt it wasn’t exactly the happiest note but she’s home right so that’s something with f let’s go ahead and get into Lor yeah yeah okay the song is fine we can keep her hello hi hi yes I know I know this is it’s not the

Same I but I tried really hard to make it similar I I used like the same kind of wood and I the color scheme I used your color scheme and we’ carpet and it goes really high up he even a little bit of a skylight

Um I I tried to make it as home me as I could freak guys hi Sparks hi I finally finished up moving them Fable helped a lot with getting materials and getting them all over here um but I got them out of AR’s place so that maybe they’d be

Safe I just don’t know it doesn’t seem like she’d really care for them in this moment so it’s closer and I can keep an eye on them and they’ve got plenty of space and they can go back if um yeah yeah okay yeah cookies cookies I

Did I I need to fill the barrels with more stuff but there is in fact cookies I know I know you guys have big feelings on cookies I’m also going to leave those in there okay yeah I hope I hope it’s okay I hope it’s good enough I I know I

I I told them a little bit about ARA and we found her but she’s not exactly the same or like she can’t come home yet we’re still working on a way yeah it’ll yeah soon soon you guys can be reunited and it’ll be really great

But for now um I hope I this this should be okay it’s pretty spacious and lots of little beds and I’ll bring plenty of food there even a space for me to stay so I can like actually stay with you guys and not just kind of sleep in the weird Fort

Yeah okay I should probably head back to town but I’ll be back later don’t thank you this is we installed two doors for the one reason that it was a little bit dangerous I even covered the area up pretty well I didn’t want them to not have Windows but you know full each

Funnily enough I picked this spot literally right near the Starfall um which it does feel like a pretty big marker like oh like this is weird but if you just stand over here and look at it it’s like I don’t see anything over there that’s just trees so I thought

This would work as a pretty good distraction if anyone’s like what the [ __ ] is this first you know so that was my thought and it’s really close to home that was my main thing I just wanted it to be close so I could get to them easy but

Not in our house cuz that’s not exactly safe see it’s like right just a just a hop skip and a a jump over I don’t actually know where Ari Ed up maybe I should go see if she’s just my shoulder it’s not the best but it’s it’s better I’ve been

Taking a lot of potions to speed up the healing process um which means that it leav a pretty bad scar but that that way I can fly without too much pain without like too much difficulty and that’s that’s what’s important I can’t afford to be grounded they’re safe

Yeah that’s that’s fine I’m sure that’s fine but yeah I’ve been taking an annoying amount of potions honestly I I’m not a probably wasn’t effective uh there’s music oh hello I’m behind you behind you oh hey it’s you hi are you just ice skating yeah I mean this wasn’t this wasn’t here

The last I don’t think it was maybe it was maybe I was too busy being uh locked up in my house but um yeah I don’t think I’ve seen this before check check it check it check it ready flip oh yeah I’m working on it I’m working on it

It’s going to be also this guy this guy is a mood yeah this guy he works here he’s he’s employed he works here yeah what do you get paid in man what do you get paid in I don’t care he doesn’t have a nose he needs a nose I

Think he’s built that way um have you have you just have you just been here like the whole time since uh a little bit just been just been looking around uh I mean been like I mean there’s plenty of buildings around here plenty of couches so I’ve

Just been kind of sleeping wherever I just not in the mood to go back right now so oh Fair I mean do you it fell off the rink don’t do that do yeah this is new this is something that happened after everything happened at the party I mean there’s there’s

Actually a lot of things that are new I mean do you do you want someone to show them to you I could show stuff that’s changed if you want I mean someone showing me around and telling me what things is feels like think it would be a lot more effective

Than me just walking up to places and guessing mhm some of them are shapes like I know I’ve SE I’ve I know pretty sure I saw that building before uh that red one over there before everything happened but I still have no idea what the what that building’s purpose is uh

NE neither do we okay cool I I wasn’t sure if that still don’t know who made it it’s called cop yeah there’s a bunch of chickens like floating from strings in there have you seen that uh maybe not go in there I you know what I don’t act

I don’t actively go inside the weird red building now yeah I was going to go in there for a little bit because I was like no one else is going in there that’ll be nice to like I could just like go in there and crash for the night

But then it was so loud cuz the chickens wouldn’t shut up it just left well I mean there’s a bunch of stuff over that way we can here come on oh all right I mean stuff that’s new What You Got What Y what y’all what’ y’all make what y’all uh I’m trying to

Think get up to yeah I mean yeah okay there’s chipping sort of like fishing but there’s chips what is now uh there’s actually no chips okay so you’re false advertising I didn’t make this one that’s fishing oh this is oh this is fishing this is fish and that’s chippen and then there’s also

Thir fish yeah I guess that makes sense it’s big fish yeah axe made it there’s a bunch of cool stuff in there and then this is chipping I don’t think there’s any chips so it feels a little bit like a lie not going to lie oh wait I

Think I think this was here during picnic stuff I don’t remember I didn’t come over here but might have been yeah the tesly family things tips help Tony pay for his degree at F un there’s just dirt yeah I don’t I I think he’s maybe sponsored I don’t know you’re not going

To college man no no this is just dirt I think we we’ll get him to college I think between everyone here with dirt I mean not with that I just I mean like other people will come on this is POA ooh it’s a potions but also drinks so they don’t

Have the same taste as uh regular potions but then they’re kind of nice me and Icarus make this oh yeah oh I’m Speedy now mhm see you see you I’m goneo uhhuh I’m out of here yep I don’t think I last that long I don’t know how

Far you get fast I’m so fast so Furious uhhuh M uhhuh yeah okay um but yeah that that’s this is popup it’s pretty you know interesting there’s I I don’t think I there’s a Subway sub wag you guys got a Subway sub wag off brand oh so not the full sponsorship

Deal no no no we couldn’t we couldn’t get the rights for that we only have one lawyer so we had to work with what we got you have a lawyer who’s your lawyer Easton do you remember e the only one e recently went to University yeah they were at the

Festival I think I think yeah I think maybe talking about this this sub wag okay so you’re not The Branding but you’ve stolen The Branding yeah but now it’s wag got it cool mhm interesting and then there’s this guy and he works here his name’s sub guy

Yeah that’s cool that’s cool I’m I’m I’m digging it I I like the sub Guy what’s down here uh the tunnels to like the subway that used to actually be here not the same which but the actual subway system that just kind of oh there’s just

A void yeah it does it’s not finished in any way so we just turned it and not everyone has wings so it felt kind of unnecessary uhuh pretty dark in there yeah were you just staring at it mhm okay all right I’m going to see okay there’s boats you know um well

There you go I don’t need boats I got wings okay I will wait oh and see now that’s the real void mhm that’s a real void down there mhm the tunnels the darkness it’ll it’s it’s it’s it’s cool I’m I’m liking it I’m liking it yeah is you l in with the

Void yeah sure why not okay no live your live your TR you would you knock it out my wings are fine jeez stop it I mean they are a little different but I mean you still F they work they work who cares that’s fair so yeah that’s a that’s sub wag uh

Um there’s a bunch of new stuff in the library that R’s been doing you that’s like totally new oh I think I saw some of that but I didn’t understand a lot of it so yeah we found like so much so much so much cool stuff like a lot um in like

The Nether and there’s it’s it’s amazing and Ray’s been doing a bunch on it um I think the library all has a new layout but all of this stuff is really the new sick oh yeah I saw this what what the hell big snake big snake uh

There were snakes in the nether that were huge massive and this is a tiny portion of what it looks like their bones SES oh yeah wait I remember I think that those are some old books but uh oh well be careful uh I’m fine uh that’s a what pen from God remember the

Tatto is blank well it’s a work in progress we we only we only you know it’s all coming together pretty pretty over time I think these ones up here are written stuff in there about the gods and everything yeah the book’s got words in it e coding star this one’s blank too

You guys have a lot of blank books in your Museum it’s a work in progress It’s Only the start why do you have it open if it’s not done well telin question mark people can add stuff or maybe ulyses or ocean could add stuff over here in the telken

OR axe or um you know as we find more things we can put more things are you trying to fit in the closet suggestion box your suggestion box is empty wait wait wait wait wait okay go wait hang on hang on I’m taking this uhuh yeah there we go there we

Go I’ve got suggestions nether question mark mhm mhm mhm okay come on let’s door out this way yeah um oh this just leads right off a cliff yeah it’s a fly off pad just kind of take off oh yeah that makes sense that makes sense yeah how much do you like

Remember like is it every everything you sometimes you you seem like you’re missing some if you I can show you stuff and see maybe if it like jogs Memories I mean there are some spots that are a little fuzzy okay okay yeah but like uh like I I I I remember you you

Know and uh everybody else somewhat I mean the eastn person is a little bit I mean they’re they’re a little bit of an enigma to be to be fair they’re they’re studying at University a lot got like three or four degrees but uh I I don’t know there’s like gaps here

And there yeah maybe I’m supposed to care about those but uh mostly mostly just void like those tunnel like the sub wag tunnels see Full Circle comes around full circle uhhuh I could show you here here um maybe let’s try okay come with me we could try like

Um record store back back by back by past chippen records yeah we made that actually I’m going to fly a little bit uh oh here just come to the left of yeah for bit all right I’m good yeah uh cat does cat catch scratch records uh wait why is there a

Sign oh okay don’t mind that but but it’s why is the door open what is happening um it’s your cats are going to get out yeah they’re they’re they’re you remember me you and ven built this you actually like totally bullied me into doing it um and I ended

Up like with a cat afterwards because of it and then ven brought by all of these cats just because you wanted a record store you um you uh your cat’s name’s Howell yeah yeah he’s really little yeah and you don’t love him despite the fact that you you

Should I have mixed feelings about how no no you should love him and you don’t I have mixed feelings about how and like him enough why how who are you how did you get under table you have no name I don’t know vent has also kept finding more so

There’s significantly more cats in here than there were before there’s so many cats Ben keeps finding them and then just bringing more by I think in your absence at least three to four cats are new minimum but I also know maybe one or two got adopted so gotcha I remember this one but

Uh yeah no yeah I could oh hey yeah we uh which one we found this one R I found this one that was cool yeah yeah is when we played at the vestival you you cleaned it up so we could actually hear it yeah it took like days

Cuz it was all muddy yeah yeah oh he’s nodding along this she wherever you are little cat who’s not they’re jamming they’re jamming to the tunes we found getting into getting into it if you will you’re kind of on be it’s kind of like how are you doing this oh your skill mhm

Truly yeah this was I didn’t I didn’t want this but it was like an actually pretty fun day yeah oh you you wanted it you wanted it no I you know I don’t I think if I had known preemptively that it was a cat business across the street

From my dog themed business you wanted it m you wanted it mhm you wanted it mhm I don’t know no yeah you want it you just keep staring at the Toth box and then really aggressively looking at me but yeah okay uh what else what else the the

Wait the school you you put on I don’t I I I think I saw before it was finished but the school like right over here you you and ooshi made a whole school for everyone for like Oscar and like the other the tus kids you you called it

Sherard Elementary because I I think it’s just funny the windows are cuz the windows are yellow and purple I thought it was because Fable University existed so you just kind of like had to make it on brand it was kind of yeah it was a little bit

Both cuz the only windows we had were purple and yellow and we thought it be funny yeah it’s really pretty in here just got little ding ding there’s like a little reading corner and a little art Corner abc’s on the wall it’s been it’s been it’s nice yeah it’s

Nice I know Oscar’s been enjoying having little excursions out here to be able to get out the house and it’s a little bit of a mess over here so clearly someone’s been using this yeah he that’s his favorite subject I think that in like just straight up fighting oh oh how’ you

How did you get up how did you get up there I’m I’m up oh you sure am up how did you’re like BL okay I don’t mhm how did you do that skill yeah okay mhm yeah it’s it’s really cute it’s adorable even yes I just noticed the bamboo

Tables that is that is so wholesome that is the cutest thing I ever seen in my life oh my goodness um oh she figured that out I think if I’m remembering correctly maybe I know it was like I think it was to be like I was supposed

To come teach art and like Ray was going to help with the reading corner or you you or Ray I don’t remember and then like you know bring Oscar here and the tus have a bunch of kids I think at least at least two there’s at least two

Of them um that you isn’t around at the moment but they they were going to come here too a lot of stuff yeah we put all the flowers on the walls and was fun you did yeah was really cool it’s that’s me it’s really it is really cute and really

Nice I don’t think anyone else thought of making a school here of all the builds we’ve got going on well I mean there are kids around aren’t there m there’s a bell tower and everything yeah I don’t think you can access that Bell without flying up there and ringing

It uh sure you can hang on are you going to fly up there and ring it mhm mhm okay all right mhm mhm see you don’t need any fancy Redstone setup just you just fly up there and it ding ding ding mhm mhm I I see oh there a the

Chests really throw me Off but yeah yeah it’s it’s nice uh um um I’m trying to think what else do U I mean some I I got a panda in this time a lot a lot of things have happened um you got a panda yeah his name is Sprout and he’s very small and he’s

Sick uh you you I think met the camel before you left Joshua big big tall fell we um we uh um I think Oshi I think it was Oshi show yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oi um and oi got really freaked out and yeah he’s kind of scary sometimes just just

Because he’s so tall accidentally we accidentally Unleashed him yeah he does we had to put him back in CU he found an Escape Route he does get out often for a creature of his size uh Starbuck I I’ve I’ve I mean you’ve been here before but I like made

It wintry and stuff like look look look we got like a blue sign switching it up The Branding how you change the logo have I been here yeah yeah yeah before this is where we had book club here come on come on maybe I I I have new treats you could even

Try I don’t I I don’t remember if you were like the most in the coffee but but but uh here I’ve got uh I’ve got a I’ve got okay listen we’ve got peppermint mocha we’ve got cranberry scone and Sweet Berry danishes oo these are all like these are

All new ones that I made just for like winter stuff oh nice yeah and then you didn’t update you didn’t update your sign ah you’re so right I need actually put like a a coffee up there hold on don’t even don’t worry about that hold I

Got it thanks yeah and and we we spent a lot of time in here um up just up here was a book club it’s me you and Mambu and then we like like bullied V into joining uh I think our first book’s still in here yeah the artist we find out this is

Actually about uh malete this do you remember our first book club book I don’t we don’t actually read a lot in book club to be so real but you know it’s not really the spirit yeah you um you you didn’t you didn’t pick a book for the first book club

Meeting we didn’t plan that far ahead we just made a room and put out invitations of no intent for what to read and then we that was the first time we went out and found one we you and mamb yeah yeah and you um we haven’t done it since everything

Happened look Mambu hasn’t been feeling great and he been away and didn’t feel right but I mean maybe we could bring it to Mambo again like we did last time or find new books if if you want maybe yeah um Mambo is she all right uh we don’t really

Know I think I haven’t got to talk to her but I think she’s doing worse from what I’ve been hearing she’s said mostly bedridden house ridden I remember when we um we went to go see her because she wasn’t feeling good and we brought book

Club to her yeah I think that was when yeah and that was when V uh just kind of got fomo and wanted to also be at the book club so we just kind of interrogated them on our floor yeah we put them through a book quiz a book it

Could be considered hazing in some circles but maybe I remember that I remember that that was yeah that was fun mhm it was it was really fun I’m glad you remember I’m I’m really glad you remember it was really fun important to me yeah are yeah you okay okay why do you

Ask is this helping is that is this is this helping I can show you more more stuff I could find uh uh there’s there’s plenty of stuff around here that could be really helpful to like talk memories and bring back any feelings yeah uh I think I think it I think

Um no I uh your Jo your jogging things is I’m just remembering like the like the um like uh the the the voids are filling back up and it’s like I um like you’re like your um you like my my my brother yeah I’m sorry I’m sorry I can’t

What sorry I’m sorry oh God okay oh I you I I got you I got you for real wait I got you for real oh my gosh you are you serious I didn’t think that would actually I mean like yeah I when you started I was like oh my gosh he

Actually thinks that I forget things and this and this that’s the reason oh my God you actually I thought for sure you get it there at the end but no okay wow you I thought it was helping I thought helping with what helping with oh yeah yeah right you I

Forgot you hey there’s one thing I actually forgot right cuz you still think you can fix me what really give me a second give me a second sorry anyway on I got to hydrate in this intermission you got a hydrate in the intermission great yeah anyway uh you were

Saying oh man didn’t even knock yeah I know um no but you really you really thought oh my gosh that’s but that’s something I actually forgot you know is like you still think you can fix me which is really funny but um but yeah the I mean the tour was cool

Like seeing stuff around like because I didn’t I didn’t know what that poba stuff was but that poba stuff was good that like tasted really awesome what I what I mean I didn’t I I didn’t know that it would like fix you but help you I get remember like the

Things around here and the things that I didn’t forget anything I didn’t forget anything it’s all still up here clear as day well the stuff that was clear as day before there’s still a little bit of [ __ ] going on but that was that’s that’s more the reset fault I think uh reset

Reset weirdo things and stuff like that but everything that’s happened here I still remember Claire’s day you don’t so you remember everything do you just not care about it anymore yeah app summary I think do you want to why would I I mean what do you want then like what do

You want from like I mean what you’re just wandering around and and like see I you have people you could go to I I guess you could you could try like what do you what do you want here then if what do I want yeah what what I want to live for

Myself why are you look you you’re I can see it behind in your little behind your little mask there you’re all shocked what what do you think what is that a big surprise that I that I just want to exist I want to be

Out here I want to have to you know it’s it’s really nice not having to care about every little thing that goes wrong cuz geez so much around here goes wrong if you ever sat and thought about that like so much around here goes wrong and so many people like get upset about

It and they’re and they’re crying or whatever and then they go jumping into stupid situations because you you love people and you have to save them and it’s like it would be a lot easier if you just went home and took a nap but people would get hurt the people

You care about would get hurt no but that’s what I’m saying if you didn’t give a [ __ ] then you didn’t then you wouldn’t throw yourself into I just sounds lonely frankly I think I deserve of a little bit of lonely after ages do you know

Like you know the more I think about it actually um you know this is the first time I think ever that I haven’t had to worry about someone else is so nice it’s it’s it’s like you just you should try it sometime it’s like a weight or it’s like like

Like so many years of weight just lifts straight up and it’s it’s it’s amazing honestly cuz when I mean cuz i’ I’ve I’ve told you about the whole situation around me right like only one of me and there’s now there’s the reason for that mhm yeah yeah so so

So Mom was supposed to make a assistant right and then she made me and then uh well why waste why waste a creation right so so I was an assistant for from when I was like a baby from when I could stand um I don’t I mean I I might have

Gotten like a few years in the beginning but that doesn’t really cuz how sentient are babies really if you think about it for more than like 10 seconds they just kind of flop over and cry every once in a while uh but what I was an assistant

So for the first part of my life I was always taking care of all my siblings or stuff in the records or all that kind of stuff and then The Ether fell and then I had to worry about oh where are my siblings oh they’re getting hurt blah blah and

Then I got I was with the pillagers and then I had to do what they well I didn’t have to do what they said but I I felt like I did so yeah whole life whole life for other people so I’m pretty much done with that I think you know

Forever I mean maybe probably I mean the whole vexing thing kind of took away the the emotions part and you can’t undo that So I mean I don’t care and the best part I don’t care that I don’t care so you know pretty chill but I got you I got you there for a second that was funny you for for a second there you really I really had you

Going I really had you going for a second that you that you were like oo ooh ooh I can get those emotions back ooh oh she doesn’t remember you didn’t actually think it was going to be that easy right you didn’t act you didn’t actually think like just showing

Me around jogging some memories we’re going to fix everything and bring it all back cuz that’s a little insulting if I’m going to be honest cuz like I remember uh it’s a little fuzzy because it’s still in reset territory but I remember I used when I when I cared

About all the other ones like I I tried so hard to do vexing you think I wouldn’t have stumbled upon jogging memories in that time it’s a little insulting almost I mean I’ll I’ll I I won’t I won’t hold it against you or anything because I think it’s a little funny but

It’s a little bit patronizing almost wow you tried so hard for everything you couldn’t figure out jogging memories that would make me feel real stupid um but yeah so you’re happier like this of happy is kind of a difficult term but yeah probably I would say I

Mean I mean it’s it’s I don’t feel sad anymore so that’s that’s a weight so I guess if sadness is gone then happiness remains so I guess I’ll I’ll label it that sure I guess I’m framing this wrong I shouldn’t say my emotions are gone it’s

More like just the care part like I still get angry and I still get excited like that that ice rink is cool but like if the ice rink burned down I wouldn’t care well it was there I got to enjoy it for a little bit but who cares it’s gone

Now nothing I can do about it everyone was gone if everyone was gone if I was then there would be a then there would be a lot more free real estate around here what it’s true isn’t it if you were dead there’d be nothing I could do to bring you back

So why waste time I oh come on don’t don’t don’t get like this don’t get all weepy and upset don’t do don’t do that I we were having a joke we’re having a joke and you’re if you’re going to get all weep they they’re doing that you know I I I keep I

Keep trying they’re a couple who like keep flying around my head and won’t go away and they’re like we’re so upset we’re so upset you you’re not yourself what’s wrong with your wings and I’m getting real sick of it so don’t you start okay yeah um yeah sure if if

You I won’t keep trying to fix you but I’m not going to leave you thank you okay we were halfway there stop trying to find ways to help help with what what is there to help maybe you don’t want to but I think it’s important to care to have the choice

Yeah you you can you can go ahead and think that if you want I’m telling you though makes life a heck of a lot easier maybe life isn’t easy and that’s the point well if life isn’t supposed to be easy I’ve I’ve I’ve had my fair share um

I’ve had my fair share of of [ __ ] to deal with but uh yeah yeah the the I I’ll tell you though the new Starbucks stuff good it is good it’s good it’s it’s pretty good [ __ ] it’s tasty good stuff stuff in the peppermint bark I’m glad you like it yeah yeah it’s

It’s it’s pretty banging it’s It’s banging stuff although uh star you guys you guys make some good stuff over here but um like that PO that PO was that POA you you said it was you or was it was it sure you and Icarus is the right name

It’s not sherub anymore that’s right um but POA the poba stuff’s pretty cool and stuff like that I’m glad to could show you around yeah yeah that’s that’s actually pretty good cuz I mean like I said earlier like if I I was just walking up to places and guessing what they were

And that’s not entirely effective uh especially I probably would have never guessed what the hell poo was I would have just looked at it and gone smoothies or or new drink like I would never guess the name poba so like that’s good information to have yeah it’s good info oh

Hey picnic spot almost forgot you guys didn’t take that down no I guess no one wanted to get rid of it o ooh I I bet theena probably had a rough day after that right whoops yeah it was it wasn’t Great I mean start of it went well so like who cares Right basket basket opens and closes oh I’m stuck oh no I’m not I’m fine got the balloons and and the what you know fascinating that these balloons have not lost their helium yet they’re still floating they’re still up there that’s that’s man really not that much

Time pass huh o is there still any snacks in here did everyone take the F face yeah there’s still drumsticks in here nice what do you need anything any uh well food I guess I need to I need to event I need to eventually go

Get all my stuff I just don’t want to go back to my house uh cuz I know I know you know didn’t didn’t show up to the birthday party with any weapons right right Cu uh that would have that would have changed how things went wouldn’t it

Um but I mean some of my stuff’s back home I just got to get up well not the courage CU it’s not that I’m scared of them to just the strength to deal with what’s going to happen when I walk into that house I guess is more apt I’m not nervous about

It or anything it’s just there’s so many of them and they’re all going to start screaming if it’s any assistance I move them the alies oh you move oh sweet so they’re not in that house anymore no oh sick I can go in there and they won’t like cry that’ll

That’ll be awesome that’ll be really really good based to myself you know didn’t really have that beforehand based to myself probably don’t have it now cuz they won’t leave me alone uh talking shut up but but you know better than nothing yeah you’re stuck with this I’m stuck with you always have

Been okay um if you need anything let me know or um food or anything like that just yeah sure that isn’t isn’t the protocol to just kind of wander into Starbucks and take whatever you want though that kind of protocol I mean that’s what Ray does yeah you can you

Can have everything want in there sick sick sick I’ll do that I’ll do that a I’ll do that a lot but um yeah uh well thanks for fun afternoon you know I wasn’t really doing anything so it was kind of fun fun when you walked up and

You were like you and you yeah just thank thanks thanks for the fun afternoon that was that was good I didn’t have any plans so like wandering around wa watching watching the little hope behind your eyes uh was pretty funny um but but yeah yeah thanks for oh

It’s getting late I should uh especially if they’re not in there uh I’m probably going to head back to mat Tower I guess and and I know there’s not a lot of stuff in there I could probably grab some more stuff to put in the tower

Maybe make the tower more my zone cuz I mean it was sort of my zone I know I just said I didn’t really have a Zone to myself but it was like yeah yeah um get back safe yeah uh totally um you know I would say you two but but

But you’re just over there so who cares right you’re walking like 20 ft see you later bye Ari that was pretty stupid of me right maybe maybe I shouldn’t have tried to help it she she happier maybe maybe it’s better if she just doesn’t feel doesn’t remember doesn’t um you

Know have all of that that she has to work with maybe it’s better I guess it’s good that I moved them good that I got them out the way hey bud hi hi I know she said I didn’t love you I do I’m glad that I can love you come here come

Here cat cuddles are really helpful okay oh my shoulder okay all right this is fine okay and now you’re sleeping okay okay yeah yeah okay all right we’re having a moment we’re having a moment you and I you’re just going to stay up there I do I do love

You I don’t think it’d be easier if I couldn’t but maybe it’s easier for her maybe I should stop trying what is it doing but getting me stabed in the back already got you a little bow I just noticed that hi hi hey uh sorry I saw the

The front door was open and I’m sorry I forgot to close it something must be real real real wrong if you forgot to close a door I’m pretty pretty good with doors yeah um just talking with ours oh they went about as well as I probably should have expected what happened did she

Like attack you or anything what happened maybe I don’t know maybe that sounds like an easier solution um she noted a bunch of stuff around town was new like the ice ring so I tried to show her the new stuff she said she hadn’t gone home it was just been crashing at

Places so I was trying and help and then she sounded like she didn’t remember some things like parts of it were fuzzy the the the good parts the parts that were happy the parts where I’d seen her smile so I tried to to show her those and I thought it was working

She was remembering the school and all the fun she had and Cat Scratch records and how and book club uh yeah she was just um messing with me she didn’t forget anything it it wasn’t nothing was lost she just didn’t care oh I she asked her what she wants to do now

Like what what’s the goal and she just wants to live for herself if everyone in load star grow was gone it wouldn’t mean anything to her and she was just messing with me and I was falling for it cuz I thought it would help and I it’s stupid to think

It’d be that easy but I it’s not it’s not stupid WF it’s not dumb to hope that something would be that easy and logically in the past sometimes it has been memories have been something that have been important for all of us for a lot of things of course that would be something

That you would try that makes sense that’s not stupid that’s logical a lot of these things been tied into connections with others and memories so much of this is how that works it’s absolutely what I would have tried as well and do you think I’m stupid no

Exactly I guess may she it made me feel stupid cuz none of it was real but I just really wanted it to be I I guess it’s it’s fair maybe she hasn’t gotten to live for herself maybe it’s better that she is I don’t want to stop

Trying but I can’t tell if this is the best case scenario if she’s right and it’s it’s the world will be so much better if we just stop caring about everyone I I don’t want to I I would hate I I think I’d rather care and fall

Into all that it comes with to care but maybe it’s better for her to just just live for herself and that’s it maybe I’m just a little bit selfish and wanting my sister back maybe you deserve to be selfish then I I’ve thought about it a lot leaving going somewhere just me

And I guess at the time I was thinking about it a lot it was if I could just take Caspian an Axe and leave and stop caring about all the things going on and I guess it’s fair that arisana could want that that it would be easier to not care I

Guess be nice to just not have that weight but that means that she’s going to go be alone and even though people care about her she’s not going to have that back she’s not going to care in return so now she’s just going to what live by herself play pranks on

People laugh when they’re upset doesn’t sound all that good of a life no she hadn’t gone back back to her house cuz she thought the Allies were still there I M fa will move them somewhere else I’m glad that you did so yeah she’s going to go back there alone and I don’t

Know I guess live the life you’re describing I I told her I would keep trying that just I don’t even if she’s mean or or cruel I’m not going to leave her I’m not going to stop finding a ways to help she stuck with me fortunately um

For Better or For Worse for both of us I guess it just kind of sucked cuz she genuinely sounded like her that’s fair there’s I know it’s not the same vexing and Corruption and stuff like that but it’s brutal seeing the people that you care about so much say things to you your

Face they know you so well that they know exactly where to dig in where it hurts they know exactly what buttons to press to make sure that it’s just as agonizing as possible mhm and it sucks MH I’m I’m so sorry that you have to that it’s happening

Again I thought we were done with that kind of thing but because we’ve been through it once at least some of us we can help mhm I can help get you through this thank you I think that after I didn’t I didn’t even think I just came

Back here she’ mentioned how I was supposed to how much I hated how I don’t hate him I don’t hate him at at all he’s really important to me just like Oli just like aota just like Hope just like but I didn’t even think I just wanted to come here I just

Just A lot’s been happening in like a very short time span which is normal but normally I can be the one that’s stood tall and and I’m the one that’s holding others and and you know doing things I’ve killed so many people in the last like week i’ I’ve

I’ve gone through just like slightly too much and then just just It Felt Like a Kick In The Shins you know just at the end just like got her back but she weren’t fast enough he still failed her you know yeah so I just I don’t know maybe maybe

I wanted to to just crawl up on the couch with my cat and not think for a second I think I least of all will judge you for this it’s a good it’s a good you know it’s good method to heal you just lay on the couch that’s why you have a big

Couch to become a fan favorite there’s a dog and a cat big cat a very small cat very small cat big dog but Big Dog’s been kind of pushed off I think yeah are you upset banished to the floor I’m so sorry listen oh H sorry don’t mind me all my lights

Just like turned off that’s cool anyway we’re just going to be in the darkness now but um thank you for stopping by I guess I mean you didn’t know that I would just be sadly sitting on the floor here but you know I don’t know had to sense something

Was wrong the door was open I know it’s I that’s how you know I’m really off my game never leave doors open you’ll ever FR in that way I know that a lot has been going on I I think maybe for once I’ve been holding it together better

Because I know that now it’s your turn to need a rock maybe that’s helping me kind of be able to process it better so that I can help you in the ways that you help me can be there support each other it’s what you know loved ones and family is for and all

That yeah and you have quite a few of those made yourself quite a big family a lot of loved ones mhm so does Arana even if she doesn’t feel that even others do we still care about her they at least deserve that we try yeah we can do

That but right now I think it’s Let the kittens sleep on top of you too oh no mhm thank you Starlight I love you song I love you too

This video, titled ‘Making an Effort { FableSMP S3 EP 79 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-01-02 01:01:34. It has garnered 392 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:30 or 3870 seconds.

Hi Hi! This is Episode 79 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Wolf tries his best to “help” Arisanna after recent events…it doesn’t go as well as he hoped.

Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade

Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Season 2:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list

Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artfulrenegad

Twitter: https://twitter.com/artfulrenegade?re

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artfulreneg

Alright that’s all from me, see ya next time byyyeeee! :]

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  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More