Forcing Rare Axolotl Breeding in Minecraft! 💗

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Ah hello oh my gosh you’re freaking dead oh my gosh oh my gosh Chad I let’s Go there you are hi How do I do how you doing how’s it going happy Thursday let’s go happy Thursday fellas how you doing how you feeling how’s it going how’s it Hanging not much just looping my switches your mama switches oh got him you can almost here so close so close feel lucky today oh God I’m so scared I’m scared I’m not going to get one I’m not think positive not on wood I’m going to get one I’m going to get

One how you feeling I’m feeling so much better today I had my little sad girl pity party yesterday okay well not the whole day well okay cried at work called my mom my mom said I I called my mom and she goes she are you crying and I go

Yeah I am let me tell you about it cuz that’s what I do to my mom all the time she’s like oh here we go again I said Mom I hate my job she said I know you’ve been saying that for months and I was

Like I really hate it I can’t do it anymore and she’s like then okay look for another one they said okay I said okay but she said don’t do that today cuz you’re just you’re a mess today just take a day and then look around tomorrow I said okay and then I

Went to dinner with my friend and they had like okay we went to dinner and there was like a little like trivia game and we won we beat everyone in the whole restaurant so we got a little coupon which is fun so we’re we’re going to go

Again actually next week and see if we can win again because we got to like we got like a prize and we have to come again and spend it basically so smart girl smart GL so that was like a nice little cheer up and

Then I was like okay I don’t like my job I can figure it out this will be fine I went to sleep early I woke up before I even needed to wake up for work trying to keep that so don’t let me stream too

Late okay and I woke up I was like okay I’m just going to do it this my job I’m going to do it so I did my job I was working I went got lunch with my dad during my lunch break and I talked to my

Dad about it and I was like I don’t like my job and he was like yeah okay get a different one and I was like yeah and he’s like he said he said she you’re too young to settle for a job that isn’t good for you that you don’t like just

Choose something else you don’t have to feel like guilty of choosing something else just go do something else you did your time you stayed for a decent amount of time go somewhere else I said yeah okay and basically what happened like it probably doesn’t sound like that big a

Deal but I think it was just like a long time coming with these Cafe duties okay and basically I told you they like there’s like numbers and tracking and tracking hours and blah blah blah blah blah my Cafe duties and it’s really like a nitpicky and and and and

Helicopter type stuff okay and basically they’re like tracking hours and they’re like these hours for these like in-person thingies uh we’re like low for everyone lately and I’m just like okay like we’re we’re doing we’re we’re doing what you tell us to do all right and I’m just like I’m supposed to be

Like helping these people okay and I’m like hey I I have an idea Miss Boss uh while we figure out how to fix the other thing can I do I offered my own effort my own my own work okay said I said can I do this thing

Uh like record this thing and like set it down like do this and that and basically like get get people these people were supposed to help connected with things that will help them uh if they can’t come to our our inperson thingies and she said no and I said what

And she said no because the way we track the hours the ratio is going to be wrong it’s going to be an extra email and this number and that number and blah blah blah and I said are we supposed to help people and she said yeah and I said why

Can’t we help people but she said the numbers are wrong and I said this sounds like hell actually this sounds like hell to me and I don’t think I just this this this specific Cafe Duty was sold to me as something that’s not I was like yeah you’re going to

You’re going to work at this Cafe and you’re going to help people and it’s going be so cool and it’s going to be very important and then I try to do it and they’re like well it’s basically like a front of it just feels like a front of like oh we’re

So helpful we’re so good and then like I’m just on my computer checking boxes checking boxes checking boxes and I don’t like it I don’t like it I call me crazy but I just would like to if I’m going to spend half my life doing something I would like it

To either be enjoyable or like mean something or like something you know there’s got to be some positive about it at least either it’s fun or it’s like pay super well well enough that I’m like that could do this every day or or it’s like actually like meaningful in some

Way but this is just none of that it’s none of that so I’m like you know what that’s it that’s it I’m done and so I said no more pity party I had my pity party yesterday I’m getting to work today and so I went I went home and I I

I looked around and there’s this lady that emailed her and I said hey I wanted do what you do can I ask you some questions about she said okay I said okay and then she answered some questions and I said hey actually could I like follow you around for a bit to

See what this job is like a job I haven’t done before I said can I follow you around for a bit maybe and she said sure you can follow me around for a bit also I can uh introduce you to my boss you can ask her some stuff too I said

Awesome how’s Monday she said okay and so I took Monday off and I’m following this lady around and to see if I like this job and then if I like this job I’m going to do this job and and I’m out of here I’m out so I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m

Doing it I’m doing it for real this time and I already got started and I’m just going to solidify that this is what I want to do I’m going to see what she’s doing and see if I want to do this and if if it looks like I want to do it then

I’m going to do it easy peasy done and done done and done and done so productive day and uh I’ll let you know on Monday if it sounds like something I like keep you updated I’m moving to a new Cafe this Cafe is out new Cafe is

In Kawaii Cafe is always always in forever yeah so good day good day productive day JY thanks Sur for 15 months she love she love she love she love she and guys guess what came in the mail go for to take us with you oh

Always I got something in the mail and I haven’t opened it yet cuz I just got here before stream it’s something I’m excited for guess something I was excited for in the mail oh crap how does this box work what the f keyboard not yet I think that’s not shipping to February

Actually what the heck this is not a normal box there’s oh I figured it out it is a box gloves no those are still MIA I don’t know what’s happened to them um got to ask Mr glove about it yeah M that’ll be on my to-do list tomorrow I’m working from home

Tomorrow man you just forgot so fast something I ordered recently you forgot you forgot already okay maybe I’ll just tell you not a keyboard this a fancy box h okay my cat’s going crazy a hint it’s something I want and also something I need um and I tweeted about it that’s

Your only hints any guesses o bubble money yeah they sent me money in the mail Mr Money just like printed some more and gave it to me minus five points of the pl give me a few minutes you’re just going to scroll through my Twitter that’s cheating all

Right whatever you don’t get it out Boo plunders forgot boo boo you lost your point sorry too late you’ll need to ask for extra credit later it’s my planner Carl said it right as I said it okay you get like half a point it took you a minute it’s my

Planner I’m just opening it right now and I’m going to write in it oh it’s so pretty I’m going to write in it maybe tonight or well probably won’t have time tonight if I I want to go to bed but I will oh it’s so pretty it’s pink and Flowery and

Gold and it has the daily Thing by the hour I can plan on my whole day I’m going to keep it by my bed and I’m going to go my life together and it comes with little stickers cute little shiny stickers cute I like it I probably will

Never use them cuz I’m weird about stickers I never use them I’m like what if I wanted for something else no this is only for our planner no maybe I will use them perhaps very cute I like it a lot I can’t wait to use

It I’m going to use it I still need to get nice pens though I want to get something that dries really fast cuz I always smudge my pens with my hand cuz I’m left-handed get some some quick drying pens thought it was something exciting I am excited for it whatever you live my

Plans you wing it well I’ve been trying to wing it and I forget stuff a lot so I’m no longer winging it I’m writing it [Laughter] down new planner raise you start looking for a new job it’s perfect timing yeah exactly heck yeah heck yeah say has

Adorable it’s so cute yeah I like it a lot it’s really pretty your job gives you one yearly never used it well this is like a nice one with stickers and and it’s sectioned off and it has like a little hourly schedule and like a three things

I needed like top three things I need to do today and it’s cute it’s so cute left is besties this is going to be a big year for you 2024 is going to be a year of the she year of the she let’s go let’s go

Yes big changes are coming but good ones hopefully not going to let speaking of winging it must have way to Wing something good luck mayor incoming it’s here I’m winging my dinner we got a rack dinner today fellas we got well my cup of water I got my grape

Flavor Prebiotic soda all right cuz I haven’t had one in a couple weeks I have a little mini bag of popcorn it’s so cute a little mini popcorn it’s adorable and then I didn’t even open the bag yet cuz I have time I got a giant bag of um uh of uh

Mandarins so I’m just going to eat popcorn and a couple Mand I really wanted Manders today so last stand her today ow I think scissors for this actually what the heck oh crap no that’s good it op right I got A sounded good hi welcome what’s your look St for today I don’t know I don’t know I swear like we googled it a bunch last time guys and I did too and I remember seeing with my eyes I said you can use eggs or you can

Uh breed them blah blah blah and then when I looked it up on my phone this morning it said you can only make blue oxol from braiding and so now I have to go back I just wish there was a faster way to breathe them I hate that they have a stupid cool

Down makes it take so long it’s so chaotic and it can’t be it’s not Organized but I know every single source is at least saying you can do it through breating so that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to breed him mhm and there’s a CO it’s really good we get this new job we we on a big party oh Yeah I’m excited never said no to fruit especially Citrus mhm what am I eating a mandarin conflicting info yeah I’ll great results be sure to set the mood for them send it candles rose petals now no time they all they get is fish that’s all is there a way to make an automatic Breeder my hand’s going to hurt from clicking so much is there a breeder machine there’s like a yeah I swear no I saw a machine L that had chicken in it and it made eggs and then it like killed a chicken or something and made more is there a

Way a huge line of pools to that’s not a bad idea you think they’ll stay in though you think they’ll stay in and then once they breed then another one pops out and it’s just complicated spawn eight a levels to breed them let them die seem to be the most efficient method

Yeah but like I I’m I’m not going to be well I guess I can spawn them to breed them but I need them to make babies like speed dating but it’s speed breeding yeah no mood only breed yeah sorry ax lles there’s no time for that there is there is a speed

Breeder still need to wait for the breed cool down yeah look up a YouTube tutorial maybe maybe we will a breeder machine that’s what I want it’s so it’s so annoying to just look into a crowd of axotal and just click click click and hope these ones

Haven’t breed in the last 5 minutes how annoying I just want a machine to do it like spawn to breed them spawn to breed them spawn to breed them that’s what I want make can die Off proba I can make an auto breeder would this take more clicks than the N art but I liked making the nail art it was like I was making something so it felt it felt felt nice and there was an end in sight it’s different how

To how in bre you think the blue one will be I don’t know hi welcome seeing the blue on spawn underwat makes them hard to see yeah High walls with the walkway between pools but only saw that set up in regular what do you mean another a romantic relationship later

Now it’s time for babies yeah this is an arranged breeding sorry the see this rare in the game their spawning rate is one 1,200 apparently that’s the number of aels left in the world IRL wow I’m going to do it I’m going to look at up right now uh YouTube I musine

Easy axell breeding Farm Minecraft farm or machine is it automatic uh or are they just going to like do what I’m doing I need 33 stacks and 41 solid blocks what the freak are you doing Soul Sand ladder water Oxal find a coral reef uh-uh find the surface of the water and build 88 blocks up build five blocks from the middle platform what is he doing he’s making like a four block grid and no he’s not he’s filling it in it’s a block he’s making a he’s making a giant

Pool isn’t he why why are you making Giant pool in this guy it’s really deep and it has a top on it where is this Going Huh made a pool and then he broke it why oh that was just a quick way to wow life hack quick way to fill a pool I don’t see how this is faster than using a pool a door kelp what’s the kelp for Fast Forward I think this is just to make

Fish I can put fish in there break the kelp and put Soul Sand underneath I don’t want to collect fish I have my Own show me the Axel atle part guys this guy’s taking Forever fast forward fast forward fast forward okay why why Should weax the lot part this doesn’t make any Sense what is wrong with this not explaining anything he saying what he’s doing he’s not saying why final step ladder Why ax can climb Ladders aelott fish he’s manually breeding Them is that it is that it please tell me tell me there’s something else going on here just made a giant pool full tropical Fish are you kidding that’s not that’s was not that was so pointless he build this whole big pool that like automatically spawn tropical fish cool and then he’s like now you just like use the fish and manually break the what that’s not what I want it’s not what I want oh

Crap a crap doesn’t happen in 5 seconds why not yeah it literally does it’s just that they have a cool down that’s what’s so annoying a big circle with a pool of two on each side and you go around feeding and capturing the babies with a bucket that sounds like so much

Work I don’t want have to catch anything the fish are harder to get than they asle in survival this guy was not even in survival it didn’t look like maybe he was but he was under water for quite a while didn’t know you were a Rancher I’m

Trying to be I just want a blue one is all I want I’m not building a giant fish tank I refuse that’s so lame this that’s a waste of my time I don’t care if the fish come to me organically I just need the Blue Ox tank

That’s it get the RAB lot easy it’s totally Li it must be right cave biome our saw spawn naturally in clay they spawn naturally I thought the blue one cannot spawn it does not spawn naturally it does not spawn Natural this I’m dry land will die duh no I know oh tell me how to get it what is he doing guys help help I don’t think there’s an easy way I don’t think there’s a life hack guys I don’t think there’s a life hack I think we have to just

Go oh my gosh there’s no life I’m going to die ew oh ew that’s enough so something gross all right let me just open up my craft then oh my goodness fine fine I’ll do it the oldfashioned way shiny hunting thought green was rarest I don’t know it’s not what Google’s saying

The Lush cave biomes definitely go there why why no easy way out of this I got to do it the hard Way fine fine I will my phone it’s dying okay play go to fine do It what I see ah it was not a realax lle and it was like it’s Ho-Ho is really Big gaping I’m only interested in uh Minecraft oxs at the moment they don’t have those I think it was like an actual Ox raing video or something like real ones it’s just quite the angle to make your thumbnail you Know what happened to Miss Minecraft oh here we Go I’m going in let me get the game oh we need our Um Oh we got to we got to choose our tunes for the day all right guys Minecraft always copyrights me so this time I’m writing copyright free Minecraft music it’s this one what no copyright M that is not Minecraft it’s Minecraft Loi they don’t strike it it’s just a claim but like

Annoying how is this Minecraft even does this sound like Minecraft to you maybe a little bit of sounds like it would that all right let me know how you feel about that one let’s see what else there is 30 minutes it’ be a 30 minute Loop does the claim takeway monetization Um good question probably or like shares it I don’t know I mean not that it really does anything I mean there goes my two cents of ads you know it doesn’t really I guess it doesn’t really matter but I’m not supposed to let me see what happened to the last

One the last one oh it was just Revenue sharing it doesn’t really matter it doesn’t really matter I don’t think yeah I knew those six cents H did you guys like the last one one actually it’s still green it’s not even turning red so I guess that one probably fine Minecraft

Music keep recommending me the weirdest playlist medieval Celtic music fantasy and then like the other day it kept doing like Tavern music you hear the rumors what rumors what wait what what what are you talking about he deleted it so fast you send the text to the wrong person was that not for

Me I want to hear the tea come on oh about the Minecraft movie I heard Jack Black is going to be in it is that what you mean is that what you Mean why are the only copyright free Minecraft’s Loi not that I have anything against it but I don’t know kind of wanted Minecraft music I kind of want it okay you know what we’ll just use we’ll just use H um wait what’s this one what it’s all

L at least this one sounds like Minecraft though doesn’t it this one’s what is that how do we feel about this this one Le sounds like Minecraft we’ll try it if we hate it after and then we’ll change it to something else you can always change it later we’ll give it a try this one looks say it says it was specifically made because they didn’t want to get copyrighted by Minecraft music so they

Made a Minecraft playlist that’s not copyrighted sounds good to me Uh Minecraft how the volume by way yeah oh my gosh imagine this gets copyright claim hi welcome all right I need to fix up my hand because what I really need if I just had would take time to set up but that so okay if I if I could calculate how many how Many I can breed in 5 minutes in a straight line I could put a bunch of boxes in a straight line of that length and then put a ra rail card at the end and then do a all in a straight line breed breed breed breed breed zipline

Back to the beginning breed breed breed breed breed zipline back the beginning and there would be no waiting but I don’t know uh probably a really long line of is it really like would it take more time to set up than it’s worth you

Know feel like it would have to be a lot of little a lot of little boxes what minut Flame’s good okay flame would be faster than oh would it really well I need wait is this tropical it’s also annoying because the fish well know it’s fine

It’s not that annoying I am being a baby it’s not that bad I hear an accidental dying you wouldn’t have to die if you were blue just saying uh okay watch us spawn right away I would pee my pants oh crap oh crap it’s going to spawn with water

Though wait how did I spawn them I should use an egg instead of a bucket hello Brown make a blue baby boo I thought that was blue for a second I almost had a heart attack going to make this easier for myself in a second Redo egg fish fish egg fish fish egg fish fish run hi welcome hi happa stream welcome everybody how you doing welcome to the breeding Farm it doesn’t look so impressive but watch this welcome to the braen farm lots of babies but not the ones I want unfortunately they’re going to keep

Trying there was more than that don’t even look at the last axle stre don’t even don’t bother it’s no good here’s the process make and breed wait and hope for blue boo stupid wag a little baby make and breathe hope for blue boo no good no good come on oh

Shoot oh I’m so oh I’m so over it no I’m going somewhere else can I just like no I don’t want to deal with it okay I know what to do I I keep dirt in my pocket oh I hate it how Annoying all right we’re back I’m going to throw them in a pit and starve them oh no no no they’ll die on their own don’t worry um they can’t be away from the water and they’re a little stupid so they won’t walk that far to not perish they’ll just

You’ll see Z clean up on my end make baby make baby wrong baby stupid baby come on I’ll be so nice to you if you give me a blue baby I’ll keep you I won’t let you dry in the Sun come on don’t you want to live guess not guess we

Don’t natural selection exactly it’s the fittest if you can’t walk through the water sorry baby baby baby the spawn rate is 1 in 1,200 so uh it’s looking great I die in the desert uh I’m literally not there’s water right there and there’s water right there and they can see it

And if they choose not to go look this one’s smart look he’s going to live oh just kidding he’s a little dumb well that’s not my problem I set him up for Success put him right there and say even if he gave me a blue baby but he didn’t so too Bad was a bit quicker to spawn eight at the same time with eight buckets of fish in your hot bar like last stream was it probably you’re probably right it just felt so chaotic do you think that was better you guys remember when I was doing spawning eight and feeding eight

You think I should do that instead it’s probably faster isn’t it you think so let me set up a new hot bar uh fish oh that’s good okay we’ll do like this either have to go quicker or more organized look see he’s D so he gets to die

A okay here we go 1 two three 4 5 6 7 eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight that’s totally faster you’re right come on blue who didn’t make a baby come on you’re slacking all right next next patch one 2 three four five six seven eight don’t

Get in here you’re not invited you’re already bread you wait your turn S eight no blue babies one two three four five six seven eight one that’s the worst part of this it’s the worst part of this whole thing is when this happens now I don’t now I don’t know who

Bred and who didn’t it I’m going to the other side I’m over it stay away from me I’m going over here 1 2 3 four 5 5 6 7 eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight baby baby baby baby baby baby I only see three babies who’s

Slacking you think just jet me of a baby I created you no breath go who was it who was it who was it no one’s fasten up whatever whatever make new ones one two three four don’t go anywhere you’re not getting out of this three four five six seven

Eight blue baby blue baby blue baby more like boo baby his baby stinks one two three four don’t crawl away from me stop oh my come on come on nothing did you even make one I don’t know if you did I’m not so sure you did they’re

Cheating I’m scaring them good maybe I’m make a baby faster going to get those shiny shiny what they’re probably turning out like who what not made for the Goa pain no I just want the blue One seven come back go go find her you didn’t do anything stupid you didn’t even make one go make one go no it’s fine no it’s fine good good wrong color wrong color what the two three four five six seven eight what the did he disappear wait am I

Nuts it felt like he disappeared do you think change in the day affects it do you think it’ll be like oh your your chances are now reset cuz it’s a new day does it do that or am I being I’m just trying to think of any reason that this wouldn’t be working so

That I can pretend there’s an easier way to do it no okay 1 2 three four five six seven eight one 2 three four 5 6 7 8 no one two three four five six seven eight one two 3 4 5 6 7 eight I wonder how many I’ve made so

Far maybe like probably not a lot I I like almost wish I’d count it last time but also it’s way too much work to count it I just wanted to know how bad I was doing you know or do you think that would make it hurt more two three four five six seven

Okay no no problem stop making that’s not what I wanted okay two three four five six 7 eight make it would make it hurt more why you Ying at me what what I Do no hi welcome oh I was just did if I sh hi what two three four five six seven eight one 2 Three move it move stop it you monsters I don’t even I don’t who didn’t who didn’t go yet oh crap who didn’t get to Go didn’t even make a blue one need to breed 850 of them to have a 50% chance getting one yeah thought you got it for a second no I just spilled I hate it when that happens one two three four I don’t know what I’m going to do when I get

One I’m going to scream I’m going to explode come on come on what the freak who are you you sell blue oxal no okay 1 2 three four five 6 78 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight make blue make blue make blue 1 two three nope not Blue Minecraft Peta here to break up this operation no you can’t stop me no it can stop me oh Jesus Christ did you eat did you eat gosh freaking darn it did you make a stupid baby I fix this get out out a crap no blue

Baby oh this goes better than the last time good luck thank you I think we were spawning eggs and we can’t do that before so I like it when they’re in a pit cuz then it feels organized and it feels like they can’t get away four five six seven eight no blue

Okay one two three four five six 7even eight 1 2 three 4 four five six who didn’t have I’m over it no you don’t you don’t get to the blood will ends with you and you don’t deserve it go away I found your stupid babies next one two three four five six seven

Eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 one two three three I hate it when this happens title of this title of this stream if it’s not blue I don’t want it it’s true I don’t want it I don’t want it what two three four five don’t you run away from me two

Three four five 6 7 eight eight 1 2 three four all right we’ve cleared out some some land here one two three four five six seven eight two three four one two three four don’t crawl away oh I’m over it I’m over it I’m oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my Gosh I didn’t even check no there’s nothing okay uh one 2 three four five six seven eight 1 2 three four 5 6 seven come back eight make it make it make it okay all Right one 2 three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five 6 7 eight come on come on come on please please they didn’t even make it they did not even make a baby I’m over 100 otherwise she tells Herself it’s not fair no fair four five six seven eight one 2 three four five 6 78 can’t rush baby making yes I can and I will this is my second time trying four five six seven eight I missed somebody who didn’t get it wait what how do we have with who didn’t who didn’t get one that makes no sense what the heck weird okay

Hope monsters don’t attack this shouldn’t I don’t think right since I’m creative leave me alone Mister don’t look at them they’ll make them nervous and they won’t make one was Laing courtship makeup in numbers what What why Brown hello Brown zombies two three four five six seven seven eight one two three four white pink yellow white okay are you stuck on there look at them okay H make it day oh yeah started streaming 69 minutes ago yeah two No no who is the other who hasn’t had one is it this one crap now they’re all hard to reach whatever that’s the most annoying part is when I misplace and then and then and then I would it die over there what the freak what the

What why would it die why did it spawn so much water how did this happened oh my God get down from there Jee okay one two three four four one 2 3 four 5 6 7 8 How do we have five babies whoa why are there so many babies what the freak how do we have six babies how do we have oh cuz I accidentally spawn some okay never mind never mind should we could replace the floor with sponges in case we have a spell I mean we

Could but we can’t do the whole thing with sponges so I guess not worth it it would take so long one two three four guys why isn’t it spawned yet how many you think we made huh how many do we think we made at least three probably

Yeah I just want a blue one please stop Bing those ones those ones don’t be blue one two three four five six seven eight think happy thought I’m thinking about bla aots 1 2 three four five 6 7even eight four five six 7 Eight no I hate it Stop Jee your popcorn and Mandarin come in and eight one 2 3 four five 6 7 ah um why they lady babies H who’s talking H who didn’t do their job huh go on passess up brought him out go ahead no nobody wants to claim it mhm oh how

Funny why aren’t you br literally go over there go talk to her you coward go go great now she’s not interested you waited too long Bud all right then perish it won’t even die they’re by the water one two three four five six seven eight two three four five six seven

Eight um I don’t see him making a baby I think she didn’t make a baby yet go talk to her or did I get four babies oh I did you’re so fast I didn’t even see it go Shob H yellow pink white hello how do they just not do it he’s a little shine ah crap there showing them the color blue will help them understand it’s a lot of Desert it doesn’t only bomb what it doesn’t only spawn in a certain biome does it that’s not a thing See that blue water you’ll only see that again if you make a blue baby exactly match the color Chop Chop oh oh darn it oh crap oh everyone settled out enough oh crap oh I’m going over Here okay good feeling about this Spot uh there oops caps lock H you keep saying that soon it will be blue yeah I believe yellow white white Brown sometimes it just shakes I don’t know why one two three four five six seven Eight oh CP no blue also doesn’t look like enough enough babies to me I only see three of them oh well pink yellow White why why is there only one pair that won’t make a baby what what if that was the pair that would make a blue baby what if it was oh Jesus Christ all the babies only made three anyway wow sacrifice the actual alls I’ve killed so many maybe I have to do on

Purpose with this offering I beg for a blue axle Auto D he’s tough little guy be tougher if you were blue is this possible seem very effective it’s just a baby please please please please please please please please please please please please white pink pink white Peter do it not scared of

Them great Lord give us a blue baby on this day please please begging ready Pleaseing you who didn’t make one thank you wrong color though one two 3 4 five 6 7 eight 1 2 3 four 5 6 7 8 white pink pink nothing oh Pink very interesting how it’s not blue huh how funny no it’s okay no it’s fine I didn’t even want one don’t worry about it all right one two three four five six seven eight 1 2 three four 5 5 6 7 eight we got a yellow baby we got a

Yellow baby we got a brown baby got a yellow Baby H where that baby come from oh I made that accident that’s what my mama said 1 2 3 four boo one 2 three four five six seven eight 2 three four five six seven eight oh eight well okay got to keep trying oh my God or I could die instead that sounds

I don’t even know how to clean this up how do I even clean this up I couldn’t have put that in a worse spot I couldn’t have I couldn’t have put it in a worse spot that couldn’t have been worse right there’s a hole in the ground

And there’s no blue baby now you’re all isolated that makes you feel kind of bad you’re going to die anyway but like there’s your chance there’s a little ladder up I don’t think you’re going to use it though cuz you’re a little dumb and that’s okay take a little rest Never No Time

S pink white brown and someone’s being lazy again who is it who is It oh crap white white pink yellow one two three four five six seven eight 1 2 three four 5 5 six 7 eight Brown pink brown brown time Sit please one two three four boo one two three four five six seven eight one 2 three 4 five 6 7 eight yellow yellow yellow yeah okay P 1 two three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight white white white the freak Pink four five six 78 he’s behind you get down there and make a baby coward come on man up go on go want be a father huh no one’s interested maybe it’s because you already tried to leave your kids not looking good for you I don’t think anyone’s going to be interested

Anymore all right okay that’s enough yeah go back to be a family man you loser go on come on one 2 three 4 ow five six 7 eight white pink pink Yellow six 7 hey you scared of commitment talked too much what me need create a romantic mood make a blue baby or you die how’s that for romance do it or be the last thing you do one 2 three four five six seven eight oh white white pink white

White maybe a little Berry White these babies are looking very white and I want blue ones One 2 three four five six seven eight one 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight well guys can’t bre under the rest well they better learn they’re going to learn today brown white pink Yellow wow those are like almost all pink that’s crazy go get him pink yellow pink the bunny stuck got oh and another pink oh crap one 2 three four five six seven eight one two three four five 6 seven eight did you really okay why pink pink

White rabbits are kind of stupid they keep getting stuck yeah I know I never see them running around they’re always stuck on a wall look oh this one’s actually R running around B’s going to get stuck though guys how many you think we made one two three four 5 six seven eight one

Two three four five six seven eight are you are we sure that it’ll spawn in creative mode are we sure white yellow white pink we need more two three four five six seven eight yellow white yellow this baby’s going to live look at him go and someone was too stupid to make

F all right No shouldn’t make a difference as long as it’s red okay run away ow no two you didn’t get it don’t know which to who hasn’t got one Yet that math doesn’t add up I don’t know I give up uh no a no blue Baby no blue baby one two three four five six seven eight yellow brown brown pink oh make sure that one comes down okay white yellow yellow pink brown whoa this counting have we hit K yet I don’t know it feels like it oh my God that’s a lot of yellow oh please

No freaking kidding me freaking kidding me uh Brown yellow yellow brown yellow yellow okay not a problem it’s fine I’ll just do some more just a few more probably and then it’ll be okay p p p white brown brown one two three four five six seven eight one two three four

Five brown white brown pink that’s not not right that’s not what I want that’s not what I wanted one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight Brown pink white and a little and pink okay what was that oh oh my

God one two three four five six seven eight 1 2 three four five six seven eight white yellow brown pink one of every color except Blue well this one’s all alone your family died why didn’t you you can see the survivor’s guilt on his face there’s water right there if you want to live I don’t know I don’t just tell you kiddo one two three four five six seven eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Eight pink white pink yellow one two three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight pink Brown white pink I am at it again I’m going to do it this time I’m going to I can do it three four five six seven eight brown white white pink one 2 three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight

Whoa imposter he just ran out of there Brown pink pink brown the white ones are actually called s you know that right it’s white one two three four five 6 7even eight 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight yellow white yellow pink it’s not blue doesn’t matter they

Could all be rainbow for all I care if it’s not blue I don’t want it I don’t want it one two three four five six 7 eight 1 2 3 four five 6 78 eight fish equ goes four baby correct yellow pink pink yellow hi welcome bendy you guys see that bendy movie

Coming very excited very excited a crap oh crap it’s not what I wanted okay white yellow yellow pink saw that rainbow would be pretty rare it doesn’t exist and I wouldn’t match my plusy anyway be one seventh blue I’d care about a seventh of it then all right no

Cactus is allowed because what if I make a blue baby and then it freaking dies on a cactus I’d quit Minecraft forever all right I did what again what’ I do uh yellow yellow why why one two three four five six seven eight 1 2 3 4 four five six seven

Eight pink pink white there’s the fourth one yellow so Mickey Mouse horror movie yeah I saw that well I I didn’t see the movies I saw there’s games coming out uh two of them actually I want to play at least there’s one that’s like a horror I

Think that’s the one I quote tweeted the other day and then there’s another one that’s like a little shooting game and it looks like old cartoons with 3D and it looks really cool white white Brown Excuse me who didn’t make one or did it freaking die on a bush or something what if it was blue what are those those dots mean something dies doesn’t it oh my gosh what if it was blue and it freaking died Mouse yeah yeah I want to play

It we’re getting it’s getting too crowded why are you alive hi okay cuz those ones are by a pool that’s why it’s getting too crowded here I might have to move Mr Disney can’t stop us anymore those are XP you get them from having a baby oh okay all right comes out in

2025 that’s a long time were they like legally not able to start making it until 2024 so I feel like I almost want to like plan ahead and like release it while the hype around the copyright thing is you know white pink Yellow pink time is an illusion there some Illusions moving real slow trying to get this little little guy time to redut as Mickey Mouse YouTuber okay I’ll do it sounds fun do I have to do a Mickey Mouse voice though I feel like that would get tiresome white pink yellow

Pink looks like they’ve been working on it for a while and just waiting for the time they can legally announce it yeah I mean I knew they could have I mean I mean yeah it’s like developed enough but you said it’s not out till 2025 just a long time White white pink next one two three four five six seven you know I just need to stop thinking about it and then it’ll feel it’ll feel better like I’ll just pretend I’m like chicken farming and Elden ring and it’s just like I’m mind this little pink white yellow m is always

Slow wish the studios could come up with better ideas than just horror games when io’s public domain I mean I don’t know what would they do with it I think it’s probably just cuz a lot of these like characters are like that’s so opposite of them that it’s

Like like if they just made a regular the poo game it wouldn’t be much different than like what already exists I guess all right want to use lame and didn’t give me a baby and I’ll remember it forever type summon no I don’t want to

Summon it it’s not the same it needs to be born it won’t feel real if he’s not Born light yellow brown brown aren’t she that’s boring yeah yeah they can make a fairy simulator like truck how many people you play those a fairy simulator like a a boat oh with the Mickey Mouse cuz he was on that boat thing yeah yellow yellow pink

White there’s a way to increase the odds how I don’t buy it one two three three four five six seven eight yellow yellow brown pink change the o on the coat that feels like cheating too it feels too much like cheating steam Bool simulator okay they could do like a

Steamboat racing game with a bunch of different I saw a post that there’s like a bunch of different public domain characters that are like in that same style I can make a racing game one two three four none of them are blue like Mario Kart style you know Garfield racing

Style wa guys got to keep reading yeah uh oh there’s Cactus there I think somebody missed a fish did somebody miss a fish why do I have an extra fish in my pocket crap all right Garfield cart yay I’m play Garfield cart pretty fun o guys we got a horror game we’re

Going to play soon um it’s a new one and I got a code for it it looks really cool I have to look up what it’s called though brown white white where’s the other one who didn’t make a baby who didn’t do it was it you was it you cowards all of

You don’t fall don’t you have to make a me me first oh my god oh you know what my brother might be stopping oh that’s probably him he can let himself in I had to pick something up from a pharmacy for my brother he’s coming to get it h I read an errand for him Today Paw Patrol it’s PAW Patrol oh speaking of Paw Patrol he said he’s never played Lethal company before how do you guys feel about that that white white pink brown he hasn’t tried it he hasn’t even tried it yet that could be fun 1 2 three four 5 6 7

Ow no that pink one hasn’t no I swear it was this one the pink one doesn’t have a baby yet oh whatever dang he didn’t even say hi I mean I told him I was streaming so I get it he’s already leaving I hear him leaving his car no blue

Babies they decided to jump into that hole would be better than your box lot Mill do it will be there too you guys can’t play with him it’s just a onetime collab least I don’t yeah I don’t think so three oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh

Crap oh my oh my oh my gosh wa I Mean could ask if you guys really wanted to but I don’t know I don’t know there now we need to we need to get it over with that would be fun can make a great monster bait bye I learned your they L YN for the water but they never walk towards I

Guess they’re kind of far away now where even am I oh my gosh where’s Home how far have I wandered from the cafe what the huh oh my gosh where am I Mike you don’t want you guys would you guys would ditch me for him he would ditch me and also because

We only do like the usually we do the voice chat games of members only and I can’t I can’t pay while a uh don it’s not fair pepps I also participated in the Don where’s my house a crap make a set on top of the map close to the Blue

Sky cuz then they’ll see the blue and make a blue baby guys oh my God where am I I don’t know should we do um so you guys think lethal company is a good idea should we do a modded version or a clean version since he hasn’t

Played what in the world okay I came from the desert obviously so it must be this way I didn’t go through this much water oh that’s my pool I see it there we go give my life for Paw Patrol if you were in danger but no it would be fine

If it’s just you to okay all right I can’t believe I still have hav’t got one why should be fine to as long as you don’t get anything too crazy I don’t know what I would do I made an ink form how how one two three four five six six seven

Eight I might be a bit much for first time player he’ll catch on plays games a lot pink pink brown brown crowd control you want to do with crowd control that would be chaos be funny though it’s mean I wouldn’t even tell him he’ just be like what’s happening that would be really

Funny that would be funny I do need to play more craft control streams 1 2 3 four four five six seven eight what you doing I’m trying to get a blue Exel but it’s not Working River will spawn squid and they will eat the squid oh cool he’s not on my side it’s not it’s not one two three four five six 7 eight yellow brown yellow well well well well one 2 three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight yellow

Pink white white one 2 three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five 6 s eight have an increasing hunch that I’m a I’m a what a who aware if you want to convince Paw Patrol to start streaming then we could join lethal company whenever that

Wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world nah he doesn’t want to stream he doesn’t want to I asked him once if he ever thought about it and he said that sounds like too much responsibility he doesn’t want to he doesn’t he doesn’t like being tied down to a schedule or

Like having to do anything not that he never does anything but he hates like having to do stuff you know he’d be like I he’d like feel obligated to like stream he wouldn’t like that pink pink white brown your sheer willpower does nothing but amaze me thank you it’s not

Willpower power I’m just insane and desperate 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight 1 2 three four five 6 7 eight he’s a free spirit yeah he’s he’s a guy who’ll show up to the family gathering and he’ll be like stay for like two hours and he’s like all right

Got to get going I got a head out I better head out guys how many more is it going to take understandable I look forward to his collab even more yeah it’ll be fun it’ll be Fun well I guess now we’re playing the game I guess we better plan it soon white brown yellow brown you think I think van 20 I also think van 20 sounds like you you do that too I’m not like that I’ll hang around one every 1,200 every time

There’s a baby it could take months are you serious has yeah I have a PNG yeah I’m a little PNG for it yep yep yep basically ready we just needed to choose a game and then so if we do an Le then that’s easy that’s easy peasy pink pink yellow

Wait so orang works I don’t like it I want it to make exactly what I want want that’s what I want one 2 three four five six seven eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight just chill and hope you’re doing it thank you I am white white brown

Yellow it’s very ly we could never get it don’t say that yes I will will get It I missed one somebody didn’t get one maybe I’m crazy I’m crazy at least you have got poers imagine it manually yeah time for some some what R boost my luck And the universe is a long way off this I will come home just give him time I hope so a lot of us are crazy probably Probably one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven he pink yellow white brown crazy I was crazy once they put me in a room a rber room with rats rats make me crazy what is that where why

Were I I hear that all the time but I don’t actually know where it came from and I feel like I asked you guys that before but then I forgot after you told me I don’t know where it’s time I just know it a room with a ax

AO yeah one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight 1 2 3 four five 6 7 eight Time it’s too crowded here I’m moving over between last stream and this one you probably spred close to 1,000 already if not more just got to Hope ODS after 1,200 are on your side I hope so people have have what scream until you get what you want that sounds like a great

Idea was for a raft video like raft the game what one two three four five six seven eight I felt backwards I didn’t like that it’s okay no it’s okay three four five six what yellow pink brown a person streaming the game oh one two three four five six seven

Eight four five six seven pink pink white brown boo one two three four five six seven eight two three four five six seven yellow pink what Hello hello oh my gosh they’re stupid oh God God you shouldn’t breathe then one two three four five six seven yellow yellow white white don’t rush me they’re nervous well you’re nervous you better get it over with real quick come on one two three four five six seven

Eight 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight white white white Pink five six seven eight yellow pink pink light one two three four five six seven eight why bom yellow pink way to give me every single Comics I want that’s really cool of you really cool really cool I like it I like it thank you brown white white

Pink know about the blue ax bug no what about their spawn location should I be doing this somewhere else someone said something about clay and caves on YouTube but I don’t know what it actually does how did you get way over there pink brown white brown don’t think there a love hotel in

Minecraft what hi blue what are you talking about no why would you say that why would you say that why would you say that you monster oh my God sometimes when they spawn they don’t spawn right below right below their par parents but a bit far away so if you ever get like

Four check around just in case oh okay all right my gosh what if I already spawned a blue one and it freaking died I can’t stop thinking that what if they can’t Spawn from axils that have been spawned an unknown rule brown brown yellow pink one two three four five six seven eight

1 2 three four five 6 7 eight sure you got several last time oh go oh my gosh Brown pink pink white two three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six scav what scav it’s cuz I was thinking about scuba I yellow yellow brown

White one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight white white pink uh Pink think you just have the worst Minecraft look in the entire world no [Applause] fair no fair why why why pink pink pink what no Cactus no Cactus allowed not in this house

One two three four five six seven eight one two skip one three four five 6 seven eight yellow yellow brown white 2 4 6 eight who would like to what isn’t that something you do to plants five yellow brown pink Yellow it was all yellow look how they Shine for you and all the things you doell Yow maybe it’s like you know if you like plants listen to music they grow better maybe it’s like that p p who we got five your skin yeah your skin And be beautiful you know I love You they like a different gen really hate that the co the color blue would hate to see any blue in the next 5 minutes ew that would be so awful if they spawn a blue be so gross and I would hate it I really hope I get a pink one or a

Yellow one or a white one or a brown one or literally anything except blue cuz that would be disgusting and I hate blue ones I really don’t want one it’s actually my goal to never spawn a blue a bottle ever that’s what I really Want brow pink yellow brown who’s not allow this Minecraft server why not over fa no Fair brown white white pink I’m getting lost again should probably head oh no I’m not but I can’t go back this way just so I don’t get lost again it’s cuz the LOI beep it’s too crazy it’s too crazy one two three four five six seven Eight pink pink yellow Yellow like G rolls yeah yeah come on please white yellow pink somebody did a make a baby hello hey his baby’s all alone time to move on become a Terraria player I never played area before I just want AEL the B my plushy why couldn’t my mom have gotten

Me a pink Axel aut plushy it would a much easier she got me a blue one and now it has to match or I’ll die pink white yellow pink try the mountain top I have silly unscientific Vibes with mountain top like here like this what do you mean That white pink yellow white what color you trying to get blue so one in 1,200 chance of getting one and no luck so Far can’t be gotta rules I win those every now and again it’s an arbitrary Reason by I support it going to the should we go up let’s go just got to get uh closer to the heavens we will be blessed it might die up here what if no

No no no because what if I what if I spawn one and then it falls to its death I’ll actually not make it I’m no it’s a bad choice this is a bad choice isn’t it but what if I’m saying no and this is what would get me a blue

AEL okay I’ll do it one at a time I’ll do just one just one pair just one pair not too crowded nobody’s going to fall The Blessed baby a he’s freaking right again gosh dang it oh watch he’s going to die he’s going to die there’s no way

You’re making it down there no way parents aren’t even watching you not safe long live the king did you finally get a blue one yet no I didn’t we Go say work once but don’t think it’s a good idea watch someone hold their breath until they got what they wanted okay I’ll do that I’ll do it I’m at my limit it’s time for a temper tantrum oh crap oh CP here we go water holding my breath till I got a

Blue aelott no it’s over I give up gosh dang it no you’re kidding me I was a a roll I ain’t got a blue end though gosh dang it interrupted by a freaking flood if I would have held a breath longer it probably would have worked I just feel like it would

Have Minecraft was getting a little nervous I can feel it Oh my Jesus Oh no please please a a okay no problem moving on one 2 three four five six seven eight 1 2 three four five six seven oh crap seven eight brown brown white white 1 2 three four five 6 seven eight 1 2 three four five 6 7 eight brown brown what a pink

What TNT how would TNT solve my problem what it do is I going to spawn in axle one 2 three four five 6 s eight time set day’s panning up the stream to be 8 hours long I can’t stream more than 6 hours today I told myself I can’t cuz

Thank my sleep schedule brown white yellow pink awesome no awesome six seven one two three four five six seven eight yellow yellow pink pink sleep schedule as of last night yes I do fell asleep oh fell asleep at a decent hour woke up at 7 a.m. Prett

Cool I should say naturally woke up at 7:00 a.m. no alarms need it I don’t need them I’m a morning gal again white yellow white white like the optimism that’s not how long I can keep it guys you have to believe in me I have a planner now I’m I’m I’m organized

Okay I’m going to I’m going to it’ll be fine it’ll be fine I’m organized now I got it together now guys look look I got it together yellow pink I even come from them Okay you didn’t keep holding your breath it’s been a few minutes already yeah might have died sleep is power oh yeah oh Yeah I only see three babies it’s like I’m an actual maid W brand new maid that’s me she said new year new me and it worked it worked for at least one day so far so that’s cool are they eating it e all right you guys are a lost cause

You didn’t even make it fourth baby I’ll get a new one one two three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight yellow pink white yellow keep it one more night then go to bed 7 a.m. Saturday morning no my sleep schedule had been like

Pretty good for a while wasn’t it what was it like before it went crazy the last few weeks I don’t remember not Awful could have been worse uh pink brown pink white trying to make a whole Kawaii collab to get the blue Axel nobody else wants to do this I guarantee it nobody else wants to be doing this oh Jesus my gosh I’m glad it didn’t spill out though

That’s weird oh works for me though just lined up perfectly get out of there baby get out wait think from d uh no we only got three again tting good before I believe we can get it back I hope so I hope so one two three four five six seven

Eight three four five six seven eight brown white white where’s the other one where’s the where’s the other one help pink okay thank you one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight brown brown why why I just want to drink water no no

Water till you have a blue baby find a shiny bub SW would be easier than this works weird believe you’ll get a blue one you’ll get a blue one I’ve been believing taking their time to create that baby well better come out right better come out right then one 2 three four five

Six seven eight Brown yellow yellow where’s my fourth baby what you do with them you eat them or something like a freaking animal what’ you do with them H fessing up either I’m never fessing up my baby where’s my baby you Monsters of an a crap a crap

Great three four five six seven eight yellow yellow why don’t you dare pink okay did you check the blender No 1 2 three four five 6 seven eight 1 2 three four five six seven eight Brown pink yellow pink I’m scary I didn’t do nothing I didn’t do

Nothing one two three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five 6 7 eight make baby now pink white pink white pink disgusting disgusting another tin foil idea you have to make a sacrifice at the top of the volcano throw some of the non- blue

Ones in there maybe there’s no volcano I did make a sacrifice earlier though but it didn’t work there’s no volcano Here maybe it wasn’t a big enough sacrifice pink pink white you are not going to hold my fourth baby again oh my gosh worried about the babies why what would you be worried for they’re fine they’re fine need more sacrifices maybe nothing she says after all the

Crimes she committed I did not what did I do uh making babies is not a crime I’m not the one AB I’m not the one abandoning them that’s that’s their parents problem yellow white pink I’m not killing them either they’re just dying on their own cuz their parents are

Stupid why is it keep only giving me three babies what the heck am I nuts am I crazy one baby won’t cut it all the missing fourth babies are blue don’t think about it but they’re gone they’re not here what do you mean there’s a pink one way over There quier has been shut down due to a second infestation of Axel the breeder she eaches now off the GD I got Him sacrifice sacrifice how just punch them or something they keep holding that fourth blue one in no guys why is it taking so Long I’m tired of clicking no oh my God oh my Gosh who didn’t get one who didn’t get one there’s no use of filling this there’s just not there’s not a point well no blue ones though all right she was last seen driving to the ocean with eight buckets screaming out a fish I have an idea what if you give up

No I want one I can’t give up oh my gosh how did I do this for six hours last time it’s only been three not even three and I’m like it’s probably getting sick of it faster because I spent six hours on it last time starting to feel real

Hopeless we’re like sure they still exist right for sure white white white Pink one two three four five six seven eight four five six seven eight do white brown Brown brown no white white brown whatever whatever oh I ow I turned it up my Ears five six seven eight pink yellow pink White Brown yellow white yellow one two three four four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight pink pink brown Brown No one two three four five 6 seven eight 1 2 three four five six seven eight white white Yellow please where’s my foth baby Yellow I’m got I go I’m GNA lose it I’m G to lose my mind I’m gonna lose the marbles going to lose my marbles Brown pink brown yellow boo got to go faster got go faster yellow pink white brown no time no time no time two three four five six seven eight

One 2 three four five six mhm moment no blue chat is in danger why why I a’t do Nothing he like Andy don’t rush them what do you mean they’re fine pink pink brown yellow what 1 2 three four five six seven eight 1 2 three four five six 7 eight yellow yellow white brown one 2 three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight yellow

Yellow Pink brown breed for Speed no X makes me go crazy every single X except for the blue one makes me go crazy every single one pink yellow brown brown oh one two three four five six seven eight eight one two three four five crap whatever please they weren blue anyway weren’t even

Blue one two three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six s eight Oh my Jesus hate that hate that hate that hate that ha that move move move no move scam you make a baby did you pink pink yellow is all I see and

Brown have make a thousand I have to made a thousand one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight white pink pink Brown this is Crazy this is crazy six seven please please please oh oh I’m over it get out get out get out get out get out get out move move move where’s the spun where’s the SP get it any of these miss any of these not bre yet huh no okay no blue

Baby spawning in another biome could work just crazy thought I don’t know I don’t know if it matters pink Brown Brown we only got three again huh I got three again why is it all you were saying you bre so you like to me I don’t like it not all of you did clearly or lava on them if they don’t give a forth sounds like a really good idea SS a great

Idea that’ll show them one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight H white white brown yellow guys I’m not going to make it I’m not going to make it I’m going to die She let’s go she di let’s go four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight what pink yellow White white Yellow white where’s my fourth baby where’s my fourth baby where’s my fourth baby where is it what did you do to him what did you do what the heck what the heck three four five six No I don’t know what’s happened white brown okay okay move please pardon thank you pardon pardon me pardon me Thanks guys it’s never going to work it’s never going to work it’s never going to work this is crazy I feel like I’ve spawned enough that it should work by now you think Buble Buble Buble water break okay okay okay Are you joking give me three babies you took forever and give me an ugly baby what a loser what a loser stupid ugly baby take that long think if you cook that long you think it look better than that ugly baby one in 4,000 like shiny Pokémon oh my

Gosh jeez we could be here for another 5 minutes or forever who knows that’s what’s so torturous about it I’m meant to be taking literal and why did they say it why did they say it I know it’s unlikely but I thought like if I did it that many times I

Probably would have hit it by now ugly ones need the most love well sorry I’m busy sorry I’m busy you can’t even find the water stupid baby seven eight it’s a lot of yellow water ASMR like the bubbles W training stream that’s Me that’s me if you spawn 6,000 babies it should be extremely likely for you to get one that’s how many that’s why I like I that’s why I like wish I knew how many I made cuz then I could be like must be coming up it would feel it would

Feel I don’t know or maybe it would feel worse no but I feel like no matter how bad it got I’d be like it has to be happening next cuz there’s been so many you know so maybe I feel like I did like a billion but I only did like 300

And then I’m going to be like this is hopeless I need to give up but I wasn’t even there yet yellow pink white r SM thank you two three four five six seven Brown yellow white and you’re not going to forth baby are you are you liia you did another brown one though

So boo which guy do you want to be in the digging me exactly I don’t want to be the guy that gave Up I don’t want to be that guy so lame they still restoring the population they’re dying anyway up there on your keyboard in the text chat repeats what you said last time oh yeah I should use that I forgot I can’t even see what’s going on in here oh God

Probably not a blue anything in there nope there’s Not why BR brown one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven yellow brown brown BBE I don’t even want it you keep it you keep that filthy kid one two three four five six seven eight 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 seven eight Yellow white white pink hit Escape then hit statistics oh animals bread guys does that count the ones that hatched click items what is this It does not count that does not count the does not count the eggs it does not count the eggs so R to look at just today this isn’t just today I wonder how many is just today but total stal should have worked by Now for 16023 the chances of you getting one is 74% are you kidding me how much until it becomes 100% it’s in total yeah still should happen by now I’ve been trying how long get a blue baby in here no I didn’t more than 1602 whatever whatever Brown white pink

Brown 99% is like 5K you’re joking why do I have the worst luck here what the heck brown white white white boo Bo oh Jesus sure you okay get bu no blue no blue no blue no blue how [Laughter] funny oh Jesus okay white white yellow I’m sorry did you just not make one did you even breathe what the heck you Pink pink yellow white where’s my poor baby it’s yellow you tried getting lucky mama got lucky boy white brown white white brown white white no Cactus allowed breed you guys come here make more since you were lucky enough to live you get to make more babies and it better be

Blue maybe I’ll take your water away huh how about that maybe I’ll take your water away then what come come on pop out a blue one come on come on did you even make one you’re not getting anything from me maybe you did but even if you did I don’t like it

Sorry was your water right sorry no food or water until you make a baby one that I like don’t like it don’t like it don’t like it don’t like it nothing for you how about you guys huh don’t like it don’t like it don’t like it don’t like it sorry

Bye dedicated not using command to someone want oh no it won’t feel real not doing it it needs to be born pink brown brown yellow it’s like forcing the wife to make it a boy just chances are asaar forcing the wife to make it a boy how do you even do that five

Six like that one king that like beheaded people cuz he wasn’t getting Sons or something also I think the other time was cuz he didn’t want to divorce he’s like I’ll just kill her four okay two three four five six seven eight I’m going to change the

Time after I got my fourth baby I will wait I can use the arrow oo fancy you’re technically feeding to breed eat them what do you mean Hank was not very kind to his wives Hank Oh Henry VI E Yeah divorce beheaded died divorc beheaded survived man he’s got quite the track

Record that guy yikes like if I like the eighth one when she be going like oh crap nothing thank you H I should probably didn’t have Choice sucks 1 2 3 4 okay not can you just create one I don’t want to why would I do that there’s no point that it’s not

Cool I didn’t earn it pink pink pink God you know what four five 6 s come on no do I play any Goa nope I don’t and based off of this it does not sound very fun not at all C Hi C welcome waers how you Doing thanks for the W he actually invented the voice the church wouldn’t let him so he made a new church what the freak that’s crazy a bold move I know that one two three four five six seven eight 1 2 three four five six seven eight white white white yellow helps she

Achieve we’re trying to get a blue Axel Auto guys it’s it’s not looking good we’ve bred 1,668 Axel and we have not got one yet wait cup how are you not a freaking mod in here what the heck you just never been in my chat the what the what the freak what the

Heck what the heck oh oh my ch’s catching up There you Are we I did not get the blue one from here give me three oh no that’s there’s there’s enough where am I this is fine that’s okay I’ll this way 1 2 three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight Brown pink pink [Laughter] Pink please please Mr Minecraft please I’ll do anything come on come on please did I even did I even click on it I don’t know I’m getting all mixed up no Move it move it move what if there was a blue one in there and he got washed away there wasn’t I’m sure there wasn’t but what if there was never know I never I never know I never know he’s so fun was so fun so much fun

Having such a good time I to do this ever hope it never ends I hope it never ends ever Brown yellow pink pink o my favorite my favorite give me a billion more of those please W one too many brown white brown white white about that TNT what would I do with the

TNT what’s it for it’s not going to give me a baby a blue baby white brown Yellow one more wa the pit oh the pit that’s not even all of them a lot of them died I probably spawn more than this outside the pit these were just look lucky enough to be in the Water one two three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight pink pek brown brown one two three four five six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight white brown pink yellow get out of my sight one two three four five six seven

Eight one two three four five six seven eight brown brown white br it’s not even a quarter of them that’s just the ones that survived yeah yeah well I did well I don’t think they can spawn for mags anymore but I Spawned 14,5 154 eggs and I’ve breed 174 no blue yet no blue for me R close to 15K I’m not doing any more eggs I’m not I’m not confident they can spawn from eggs but I know they can spawn from breeding so we’re just sticking to breeding

Now cuz it’s the most likely to work so that’s what I’m going to do white yellow yellow pink okay no problem white white yellow one two three four five six one two three four five six seven pink yellow yellow pink pink boo come out come out come out come Out oh move it stupid fish get back here I don’t know where the other ones went this one’s swimming he’s just not interested light yellow not blue and that’s what matters let’s see G fish yeah get out of here yeah you get out of here stupid fish yellow brown brown

Pink one two three four five six seven eight four five six seven pink yellow yellow where’s my poor baby pink white brown yellow white one two three four five 6 seven eight white white white hello yellow one two three four five six seven eight one two three Move everyone move get out get out of my bugs no leave me alone you Monsters I hate them I hate these stupid a I don’t want one anymore I hate D they’re the worst and I’m making cool Babies oh my gosh they suck you’re the worst you’re the I don’t like you I don’t like you one bit not one bit all you clowns I hate him I don’t want to kill cat kill no how is this happening what the freak get out oh my God oh my Jesus

Christ four I’m going to kill him I’m going to kill him I’m going to kill him I’m going to kill all of them I’m going to do it I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll freaking do it freaking do it do it you give me to baby no no stupid baby stupid

Babies we accomplish will make me feel better feel better why is the fish landing on top of him why why would that even happen why would it think oh you’re clicking on top of the Exel that means that means you want to put it on top of it huh excuse me

Pardon one 2 three four five six seven eight make babies no yellow yellow you’re too stupid you’re just going to go over there and not even make one all right you’re done for none of you are surviving you’re done for two three four five six seven eight

1 three four five six seven eight okay Brown pink white white awesome that makes me so happy one 2 three four five six seven eight one 2 three four 5 six seven eight white brown white pink cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool perfect for me actually one two three four five

Six seven eight pink pink pink yellow no you pink if you give them privacy they’ll give you what you want they don’t deserve privacy they don’t deserve it anymore they’ve failed me too many times you have privacy when you have a blue baby then I’ll let you do whatever you

Want white brown yellow pink where am i r r let’s go back let’s go back home and check out our progress should I call it progress no way I’ve only made 65 since I last checked there’s no way that’s true there’s there’s no way that’s true it just said 1,700 is

It I’m do groups of eight how’s that even how’s that even work I guess some of them don’t Spawn pink brown brown w oops one 2 3 1 5 six seven eight 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight Yellow white white white 1 2 three four 5 six seven eight one 2 three four five six seven eight Brown yellow Brown White five six seven eight pink pink pink round groups of 10 be better no because then I have to reset my pockets anyway right I got eight spots Mhm yellow white pink yeah we create a new Society well they’re all dying though is blue my favorite color no it’s not even my my favorite color is pink but I have a blue Axel plushy so I like I want to try to get a blue ax have a

Blue a plushy it’ll be fun that be so fun and now I have to do it I have to I actually have to do it I have to pink brown what what eight is the highest she can do with inventory space she has yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Brown pink pink

Pink hi welcome how’s it going it’s going got to peek onesie for my plushy instead I need a blato in mine you can’t just keep can’t just I’ve been trying for so long can’t just be like oh I don’t get one yellow brown pink pink I do have a blue plushy box bottle

And it’s one that you can put in we can heat it up I like it pink pink yellow where oh wait Sun class at this point we’re almost 10 hours in yeah Exactly white pink pink white every four babies you spawn is Spore close to that blue end it’s true it’s true that’s a good way to think about it I it be it’d be a lot more motivating if I had like a countdown this many any

More till you get a blue one I don’t it’s the unknown yellow pink yellow white little babies Bo L fa spond should have a shine dedicated to it it’s going to be so well taken care of not let anything happen to him round Round white Pink white brown White wa three four five six seven eight pink Brown brown yellow my God hold up to some like Simba yeah one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six Seven white brown pink where my other baby yow don’t worry yellow brown yellow pink oh boy my hand’s getting tired of this 2 three four five 6 s white white yellow What two three four five six seven eight one two don’t freak out sh it’s okay it’s okay it’s fine where they all freaking go though is that are you part of these guys you uh brown white Pink pink all right orange the what on the you do finger workouts if we ever need to do this again yeah I really just need to get I need a you know the little pad thing that goes under your left hand on the keyboard that’s what I need That’s What

Hurts the part of my hand is like digging into the the desk pink yellow white brown what HT me in my nightmares they will oh gosh they’re getting all mixed together don’t touch brown white pink pink Okay okay one two three four five six seven eight the faster I work the faster I get it white yellow yellow yellow five six seven one two three four five six seven eight Brown yellow brown Pink brown would look blue to you what do you mean no it’ll be like a dark dark blue not like this hope be dark blue believe I can do it thank you do my best five six seven eight oh brown white brown pink pink one two three four five six S white yellow brown pink getting close to 2K reading white ones with white ones if they make white ones it’s still supposed to have that chance isn’t it I was told it does not Matter yellow pink brown brown oh jeez move it fish thanks oops oh my God oh my God move Mo oh no oh no Okay pink pink brown come on there’s one more PA of you come on maybe the chck is BR different I haven’t seen anything that says I have to do different Colors white white yellow round oh got a chance saw that coming what how’s it feel to be a mother all these Axel well they’re all dying Well brown brown wow oh crap what oops brown brown yellow white one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight white pink yellow yellow one two three four five six seven eight one okay one two three four five six yellow yellow pink

Brown love experience and Baby ending I’m not killing them they’re dying on their own I didn’t do anything wasn’t me Come on blue pink white pink brown oh white pink white what even is that what a fish white pink white brown yellow clown fish when she acally drops them in the ground yeah gets warmed yep yellow yellow brown brown oh my gosh this is ridiculous 1200 M but not True not true Liars all of them all of the Minecraft players on brown brown white and And really seriously you’re going to hide the fourth baby again disgusting let’s make another One go on H pink brown brown pink someone missed a f who did get like um when I do get one eventually is don’t I need stuff I don’t even have pockets right now yeah I do don’t I need like a bucket of watera maybe I should keep it handy so

I’ll also have to switch out of survival And is that all I need is that it or a name tag or something bucket of water and name tag you anything else name tag just hooks onto his skin that’s true I could empty a fish bucket change of scenery maybe this is the most like open space S eight white pink pink white very cool Oh Baby pink brown brown pink Five six seven eight white yellow yellow pink one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight yellow white Brown yellow than you three four five six s eight one two three four five six seven eight please please please white pink Yellow how is this possible we’re almost at 2,000 this is crazy brown brown brown Yellow Pink white brown white maybe I have to look away maybe I have to look away cuz he’s a little shy scared to be boring if I’m looking white pink pink white over 2,000 weight that’s not that high yet is it’s me it is me we come first we

Have to carry the bluea lot I know I really thought I’d get one today I thought if I didn’t get one last time surely I’ll get one today that’s what I thought that’s what I thought it’s what I was Thinking no no no no oh Jesus it out no water for you you don’t deserve water get out get out of my water I’ll punch you I will I’ll do it I’ll freaking do it I’ll do it that’s right no scram out move you stupid get out I think he’s a fish this

Block that’s the one I don’t think I any blue blue babies from that oops hi welcome money’s on 50K sorry she but I’ve seen this hunt take months are you kidding me but it’s one in 1200 they said so what happened what Happened never give up never surrender not even a little just a little bit pink yellow white in 50k would take extremely bad luck Yeah white Yellow brown yellow White yellow pink yellow I was just foggy on the Bri oops my headphones fell off and then I tried to catch him I punched my popcorn bag I punched it guys this is Crazy it took you two months how many hours too strong yeah how many hours yeah no punching I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll punch anyone if I don’t get a blue axle on do it yellow white lame Lame yellow white brown yellow my she power oh yeah I haven’t even Unleashed my she Powers yet duh of course it’s not working um let me just let me do That yellow crap a crap didn’t work bit Rusty a little bit Rusty yellow Yellow that’s a lot of brown mix it I don’t think it matters but I’m desperate here why white pink brown Brown going to break the windows one Two like the baby will always inherit one of the parents colors if only had blue parents no it won’t there’s a small chance it won’t that’s how you get a blue one yellow yellow two hours left I know I said no more than six hours today

I really thought it would happen today I really thought so I thought there’s no way it didn’t happen last time there’s no way it doesn’t happen this time that’s what I thought in my little brain I thought So tin tin thank yow white brown brown round one two three worst the worst oh Jesus stop moving move your freaking Dead all right stand you get it got you guys got you guys I don’t freaking know I don’t even know which ones are from this patch none of them none of

Them the babies who cares always hope the next one could always be the one yeah saw some people saying it took them around 70 hours I maybe I don’t want one wait maybe I don’t want one maybe I don’t want one that bad 70 hours guys that’s like so many

Streams that’s so many streams of just this I don’t know about that I just don’t know about that that sounds like it get really boring doesn’t it sounds like it get a little boring streams this exactly want to kill them with TNT River with the aelott could use some TNT it

Could it could but it’s not going to do anything it’s not going to give me a blue one you’re confused by the process what’s the point the point is to get a blue Axel modle and I haven’t got one yet last one could be it all right

You’re right let’s I’m ping these again let’s find out and it could be that this one you’re absolutely right let’s check brown brown pink brown is that good yes it’s very rare which is why I’ve spawned bread 1,999 axles and still have not got one

Let’s go for 2K let’s go let’s do it very cool who’s my 2,000 model very special little guy is it right wow oh my gosh another disappointment awesome I’m very disappointed M kiddo hope you know that co co cool white brown brown Bing I can’t believe this calling the baby’s appointment

Yep uh-huh sure I am as has a 1 in 1200 chance from the breeding that’s what I was told but look at me I’ve almost almost doubled it so I don’t buy it anymore I don’t I don’t buy it if we get it by the third stream I think you’ve earned the right

To spawn one in you think so if I don’t get it after the third stream I’m going be so disappointed though and I like do I even want it at that point I just spawn it in I don’t if I even want it anymore if that’s spawned in it’s so sad five

Streams of this maybe if we don’t give it after if we don’t get it after three we give it like a long break and I try again like freaking next year oh crap guys I made this a New Year’s resolution why did I do that why did I do That oh my gosh that was such a stupid idea why did I do that why did cuz I thought it would be easier is why I thought once I spawn 12200 I’ll get it maybe I’ll go a little over it’ll be really silly I not think I would double

It I not think it would be this hard if we don’t get it after like three streams I’ll just have to like torture myself and do it off stream I’ll be for I’m I cannot stream this that many times I’m going to get so bored enjoyment giving up yeah exactly no take

Backs wish I Could yellow yellow round think live streams or Asylum commit whichever comes first I’m about ready to pack up and go I Am I’m Ready yellow white pink p pink you want me to go to the gym no guys I’d rather have working out my news resolution than this honestly I think well I think so yellow yellow white White still got to do three more statues can’t take this can’t take up the whole year yeah exactly I got other Minecraft things to do the Heck yellow pink brown yellow camera shy that’s what I’m saying maybe shy maybe it won’t spawn if I’m looking pink white brown just SK squint your eyes at the white one looks blue it does true very True pink brown wait wait pool collaps now and endurance all stream oh my gosh now remember brother can’t get in this server he would not like do wi this either white white yellow excuse me where’s my fourth one stop following me stupid I got them all they just didn’t give me a baby they’re so mean you only gave me three babies for the first 30 minutes for a Minecraft stream and then go to build the statues that’s you know an idea that’s an idea I almost did it did it I almost did

It glad I didn’t I almost put down the fish instead brown brown brown come on where’s the other one round oh my gosh they’re all round one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight pink pink white yellow one two three four five six seven

Eight one two three four five six seven eight ah ah eight white why oh my God they’re invting get out white white white white they’re all white they’re all white sorry okay where am I far away from home once Again To is this not where home is I really thought it was um crap am I Lost this does not look right what those sister used to share the pain super effective against poer Bros yeah fourth baby has a 50-50 chance to get sent to the back rooms oh crap oh crap Brown where’s the last one yellow Brown yellow don’t you go in the ocean don’t you dare not until you make a baby thank you yellow yellow yellow still no blue oh crap two three four five six where you going pink brown brown white feels like I made even more than that man Guys if I knew it was going to be like this I don’t know if I’d ever done it I don’t know if I’d ever done it it’s taking way longer than I thought man I really thought today for sure I thought today for sure there’s no way there was not a

There was not a not the tiniest piece of my brain thought I wouldn’t be able to do it today not even I didn’t even consider it I didn’t even consider it is not over yet it feels like it is I wish it was I don’t want to spot him

Anymore how many buckets of water did I plac down I didn’t I’m I’m spawning the oselot and then then taking telling giving them fish is that what you wait fish are you looking for something in here fish C no I don’t know if it tells me that

It tell me surpris you didn’t think of the possible I just well it wasn’t even in my brain because I thought one in 1,200 and I thought I made so many last time that it’ll for sure happen this time based on math and then now 262 and nothing to show for

It Pokemon trainer it’s probably easier than this nice going the deep end now you can’t give up I know need to build a paradise for the axle Auto and maybe you’ll gain a favor from the mg RG Gods bed on the map one out 12200 doesn’t actually mean you’ll get it on

1200 yeah but it means like you’re most likely to like it’s probably going to happen by then on average takes that many times wish that I thought it would happen soon okay what does it mean then go ahead go ahead go on go Ahad Mr Math Man what’s it mean go

Ahead explain it to me cuz to me it sounds like it sounds like they were just lying that’s what it sounds like to me you have to Journey to the top of the Mount Olympus and overthrow the gods easy I’d rather be doing that then this everyone’s laughing no tell me no I

Mean it tell me tell me what it means that was misled car thanks for going potato wel the cafe was a means that each time you try it’ll be what I would have never done it i’ never done it if I thought that was what it meant i’ have never done

This I would have never I would have never I just want a blue one is all I want I just want a blue please please Mr M CR please I’m begging I’m begging please come on come on a probability Works no it does it it’s stupid I hate B I hate probability

And I hate Minecraft h stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid yellow yellow White pink white white pink I hate him I hate him kill all of them kill them kill them kill them kill them kill themill kill all of them kill all of them they’re done for they’re done for white pink [Applause] yellow she will just prove math math is stupid it’s dumb and Nami do act little brief clab Nami would never agree to this not in a million years would Nami ever agree to this are you kidding me she already hates Minecraft and then this is what I’m making her do in

Minecraft she would never oh my God brown brown white white stupid stupid stupid yeah I’m trying to make dark blue and it’s not going great for me not at all since clicking on one with an egg counts as a breed would it be faster to

Spam the egg no I don’t think it counts because watch when I do that it’s always the same color so I don’t know if I’m like knock oh I’m not sure it counts I don’t know if it counts and I don’t want to like do something forever

If it’s maybe going to not count you know anger key oh I’m angry oh I’m angry I’m manad so angry you better give me a blue one Mr Minecraft I’m going to kick your butt oh my god oh I hate Minecraft I hate Minecraft it’s the worst game i’ ever played in my

Life I hate it I hate it I hate it who made this game kicking your butt you’re done oh my God I’m leaving nope no I’m out of here sorry going somewhere else I’ll go literally anywhere else oh my god oh I hate it I hate

It I hate this stupid game stupid animal is stupid color I hate it brown brown yellow white awesome oh cool yellow Brown yellow why awesome awesome awesome S one two three four five six seven eight pink pink Yellow I’m sorry did you just poop out nothing is this a freaking joke to you what was it white I don’t know I don’t even know it’s not blue I okay all right all right let’s just kill she instead let’s actually murder her right now that would be so fun how

About if we just killed her off that would be a lot of fun cool thanks thank you you very much all right all right all right all right I get it Mr Minecraft I get it Mr Minecraft hates my guts we can say your taller blind the pink one’s Blue hold on okay all right let’s make a deal all right all right guys let’s let’s strike a deal de okay my dad actually is color blind if I send him a picture of a pink Exel and ask him what color it is and he

Says it’s blue does that count and I can have one no why not my dad said it’s blue it’s blue okay you’re all you’re all dead to me you’re done nope I’m drying up your water too and I’m not even breeding you you’re done you’re dead no more sorry

Sorry okay actually I should bre them no I won’t I won’t do it I won’t White brown brown pink boring still texting would be funny like you making fun of me you making fun of me you know I don’t know what color that Is wa wa we still ask your dad all right let me get a picture one to Dad important question what color is this creature right I texted him pleas still awake it should be we’ll see he’s not the best texture though so I’m not going to count on it

What’s the plan if it doesn’t say blue I don’t know I don’t have one what the freak what the actual heck you kidding me why is that happen why would it ever think yes she want put this block on top of that why would it even think

That why would they even think it I’m insulted still see pink as blue and blue as purple what No blue even am I need build a time machine and ask Future Self round white brown brown you get that text back yeah if he doesn’t text me tonight he’ll text me tomorrow White brown yellow you know what he might cheat I got him those color blind glasses you might pull them out so we can get the right answer I think about that I the screen Shake I don’t know oh it’s not doing it right now when I look at

The ground it does oh no yeah I have no idea why it does that it bothers me though I notice it everyone white pink H oh yellow want to say you look positively glowing these trying times you’re making fun of me you’re making fun of me or something you making fun of me

Four five six seven big Paul I don’t know I don’t know what he used yellow white brown that was a straight compliment okay all right I just wasn’t sure you don’t normally hand those out right so that’s suppos to think thank you Brown pink white Pink one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven brown brown Yellow orange sent green and blue What what how oh wait no Robie you’re color blind then aren’t you you think this one’s green huh my my my dad thought peanut butter was green the same kind of color blind as my dad does wait which one do you think is blue then do you think this one’s

Blue tell me it’s this one please is this one blue to you that’s that’s going to say want him to see it’s blue heck yeah he’s going to tell me blue and if he doesn’t tell me he’s blue I know he’s cheating and using his glasses hey it’s not cheating I just

Asked him doesn’t affect what happens four six seven eight yellow yellow pink hello two three four five six seven eight three four five six seven eight maybe color blind for it to work yeah you can only spawn a Blue Ox lottle if you’re color blind but nobody else can see it that’s the

Trick you get what you’re looking for yet nope nope I have not how Sad your color blind you spawn thousands exactly I did a good job yellow yellow yellow there’s the last baby where is it where is it come On one two three four five six seven eight brown brown Yellow it wasn’t easy it wouldn’t be a challenge well I would call I would call spawning 2,159 a pretty good challenge and I think it’s been challenging enough now and now it’s time to give me one you know I think that was challenging enough

And we did it and it was cool and then now we get one that’s I think brown Brown what I wish white pink got to go till 2500 Brown pink every other color Okay do they sell color blind glasses like to make you see you know I was just thinking that like literally two minutes ago I don’t know but that would be interesting I know there’s like images like edited images I don’t know about glasses okay you suffered

Enough pink white brown Okay one two three four five six eight yellow brown yellow brown just found blue l once was exploring a cave when I saw a couple of them and said wait I never saw that color took a screenshot you didn’t even catch it oh my gosh I wish I just found one I have

Better look just looking for one at this point I thought they can’t wait I thought they can’t exist naturally they can’t spawn they have to be like breed White whiteink went through form ideas earlier so I think you earn the right to use the goly powers it won’t feel the

Same I don’t want to do That Brown yellow white yellow Rob’s color blind oh yeah maybe you found a pink one huh heard they took me out of the game no you didn’t you’re making that up you’re trying to you’re trying to trick me was a true blue one cuz there were

Some there were some of my fake blue oh it was like different wait a second wait hold on I feel like we’ve had this conversation before but my brain’s hurting about it again and I don’t remember how do you know you’re seeing fake blue if you never see real blue how do you

Know cuz you know some people are sometimes like what if we’re all seeing different colors and nobody knows how do you not it was purple oh spawn one in console commands while I was testing just to make sure they exist okay okay they’re real What the we spent decades gaslighting Robbie don’t ruin it what What two three four five six seven yellow white pink And she’s going to download Little texture pack and still won’t get blue feels like it yeah like it what pink pink What one two three four five six seven Minecraft music is so good you search for it one or two hours yeah I have it on Loop right now yes Loop find blue dark purple what do you mean you mean pink pink yellow one more one more one

More wait no just kidding that all of them three Pinks my highest experience level wait I don’t even know how to check that probably not that high I don’t know white white yellow pink first time I learned that I’m color blind was in kindergarten the teacher asked my mom cuz you’re coloring things wrong Sky pink orange grass Oh stop Stop get out get get you make a blue one nope all Right is my ca for blooding the baby I did no such thing can’t believe you’d bring that up this you always do this ah oh come On it’s not Karma this guy’s pink for you that’s wild that’s cool that’s cool like always Sunset P okay all right Mr Minecraft is trying to kill me he wants me dead call the police he’s getting out of hand Mr Minecraft it’s harassment at this point three four five six

S yellow yellow pink Brown white one’s blue if you want it to be kind of do rest time I’m broke what do you Mean what do you mean he broken yellow pink white no I’m not going to summon an Ender Dragon why that would not help me at all no way white brown yellow pink no no I’m not fighting Ender Dragon today I never fought him before so I do want to fight him at some

Point why pink why you have a fix what what color do I want blue I want blue that’s all I want I thought want anything but blue I tried that it didn’t work I tried it already I want anything but blue it didn’t work still Brown brown pink I’m screwed yeah can you fool the desire sensor didn’t work yeah I want the pink one please give me pink one yellow one or brown one or white one I’ll be so happy with any of those please pretty please oh no no I mean Yay yay I’m so happy please do that again Mr Minecraft thank you let’s do it again woohoo I’m so happy I’m going to get all the colors I want I’m going to get all the colors I want Mr Minecraft is so nice to me thank you Mr

Minecraft thanks oh my gosh y yeah woohoo woohoo oh man I don’t know my fourth one I don’t think oh awesome my favorite color my favorite color I think maybe I’ll get some more maybe I get some more since I like them so much yeah yellow pink yellow yeah wow oh

Awesome how many streams are I planning I don’t want to do this again I don’t want to do this again I don’t want to that will get so boring I really don’t want to really don’t feel like it could have been playing lethal company I know I could have been doing

Something so much more fun than this I thought it would be rewarding at the end but it’s not it’s not rewarding at all it’s not happening why did I do this why did I do this why I don’t want to do it but now I put on my freaking new’s resolution I can’t

Even drop it I put on my freaking New Year’s resolutions cuz I’m dumb oh my Gosh okay cool we haven’t reached the end yet what do you mean what do you Mean two three four end comes when you get the blue One have a full year to do it just delate to November maybe we just take a really long break okay what if we do like one a month does that sound that’s still be a lot I’m going to get so sick of it oh it’s still so much maybe I just do it

Off stream I don’t know I don’t even know I’m not going to want to do it off stream though I’m not going to want to I have no motivation to do it but also I don’t want to do it on stream either because it’s boring

Jeez pleas what have I done what have I done what have I done white brown yellow awesome thank you Po cool Co cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool all right all right cool now they’re all mixed up it’s my favorite love when that happens s all confusing and I don’t know con turn it is was that eight probably okay okay that’s fine I don’t see any blue

Baby oh what am I going to do oh what am I going to do I don’t ever want to breay anymore I don’t want to it’s so boring I thought it would work I you been doing this for 70 hours no way I’ll die first no

Way might work as a kind of zatu where you’ll be losing your mind with the hours it’s like and and see I feel like it could be something like that if it was some kind of like stand in one place and click type of thing but it’s like I

Have to bre them and aim and and click and and refill my pocket it’s like it’s like not brain it’s not quite brainless enough to be super easy to grind and chat it’s just a little too much stuff going on and just a Mindless the five gift memberships thank

You welcome to the cafe everybody Okay what are we going to do oops looks like she hit all the four and opened up crap a crap go to I can’t believe this I can’t believe that’s so many you’re having fun it’s not worth keep going but then but then okay it’s not even oh then

I quit it’s like then I quit and up get a blue X and I automatically and deciding as of January 4th to fail a New Year’s resolution just deciding to fail it cuz it’s not like it’s impossible like if I kept doing this I would get one I just don’t want it

It would work eventually at least that’s what they say close to 2400 I know what the heck what the Heck hello okay 3,000 earli G one you think So I’m going to have to do it off stream I’m going to have to do it off stream in the in my own painful privacy I can’t just drop it I can’t I can’t do it I have to do it now I have to do it WR choice hello brown

Brown I was counting the Dos I don’t know why 3,700 is a registered number in the challenge what do you mean you think that’s how many it’ll take me yellow yellow white white you can stream it if you want I don’t think I do I don’t think I want to stream

It it’s not a fun stream thing like okay it’s was fun at first I’m like when’s it gonna happen when’s it gonna happen but now that I’m hearing it can take 70 hours I don’t think I want to waste my precious stream time on this I’d rather do fun things wait what Might Okay okay get over here okay Enough you’re kidding me you’re kidding me my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what move it move it move it stupid move out of my way move I’m filling it up no pool for you pools are for good little guys that

Gave me blue aelott and none of you did that so none of you get to swim sorry sorry except I’m not what you should be sorry you hear what just happened she’s just sitting there she’s not asking for anything she’s just looking at me usually she’ll do a little she’ll do

A little dance if she needs something or she’ll scratch at her Bowl they’re allergic to me ah crap 70 hours they’re saying some people it takes them 70 hours it’s a lot of hours it’s quite a few top of the hour I’m not cut out for this I’m just

Not I’m not a Pro Minecrafter I’m not cut out for this at All oh my gosh now she wants something what you want what do you want tell me go ahead go on go on use your words come on what is it what what what what oh okay sure all right one second guys why didn’t you think so D I’m Back I’m back I’ll try one more time one more time one more time took a walk I feel refreshed try one more okay there it goes I’m not refreshed anymore I’m not refresh anymore I’m not refresh at all anymore okay that’s that’s that’s enough that’s enough that’s enough that’s enough enough done

Bye go away oh I hate this game even get a blue one I don’t even know who BR and who didn’t they swimming all over the place like a bunch of clowns all over after You’ been going through it work why do you do this to yourself I I

Don’t know I don’t know okay first of all this stream was planned to happen today before any stuff happen at work so I didn’t think it would be this bad I thought I stream for an hour or two and then I trly get it that’s what I thought what that’s what I

Thought oh well okay uh maybe we uh call it here I’m sick of spawning these clowns no end in sight oh one more what if this is the one what if this is the one remember that Meme the pickaxe meme what if this is it what if

I’m the other pickaxe guy I don’t want to be him I don’t want be that guy all right here we go darn okay well never mind I’ll be him for today I’ll be him just for today oh not PR I’ll be him just for a Day We’ll see if this no copyright Minecraft actually had no copyright that’ll be Fine thanks cop yeah that one I’ll probably try here and there off stream I determined to do it this year but I don’t want to do another stream of this I don’t want to there’s so many fun things we could do that aren’t bad it’d be one thing if it was like ah

It’s like a quieter stream a slower stream but I enjoy the process like the pixel art but I don’t even enjoy this process so it’ll just be a chore because I had to go and put on my gosh darn list ma’am you’re interrupting me you know I don’t think so lady

Pardon Cate this stream would be kick oh my gosh don’t please Mr Loi Minecraft please don’t copyright me please I feel like okay first of all the the that music that the the that I was playing that person made it and they put no copyright in the title so if it’s

Copyrighted that’d be crazy stated tment and up her cam she’s talking back today what do you Want that what you want it I don’t know what else you want cuz guess who already ate and doesn’t get another meal another night you y so can’t catch Pokémon but those things bring you as much joy as getting a blue one what things yeah playing video games yeah for sure reading a on the clock at work actually I’m going to do that I’m Ser serious I’m over this job anyway I’ll bre some oxal on the clock I don’t even care

Anymore I don’t even care anymore I did my best I’m checking out I’m checking on out got a command to teleport the blue Ladle if you did spawn one a I don’t think I did some wild bit but let’s not hope for that to be true wait what what to be who

What she’s hungry no she’s not watch the first one you do off stream will be blue that’ be that would be crazy if the first I did off stream was blue you guys would be like you just spawned in maybe maybe I should I I’ll have to like record it while I’m while

I’m doing it just in case so I can show you guys is real I’ll just leave it running man one day I’ll get one that’s when your dad text back oh yeah yeah he must be sleeping he’ll probably text back tomorrow I think he’s going to say it’s

Blue or he’ll say it’s pink because he put on his glasses a baby in the Minecraft playlist it would end up copyrighting the stream oh yeah she doed the footage no I don’t know how to do that and edit the footage for all the rages where you dump the tropical fish

On the floor that’s so oh my gosh made me so mad that’s the worst part out of this whole process that was the worst part is when I acally dropped water on the Flor oh my gosh oh was so annoying cuz everything goes flying everything goes flying everywhere what a mess what a

Mess well we did our best I’m not a master Minecraft D SW Breer not yet I’ll let you know when I catch one we have a ho ear so don’t hold her breath cuz I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do it so don’t don’t

Be waiting too impatiently I got a year give me some time check my tag after okay okay I will hold breath yeah I’m going to hold my breath till I got a blue axle I would be so dead if I’d continue that I’d be so dead still early enough tonight to

Keep your sleep schedule intact exactly perfect maybe I’ll I don’t have a pretty pen yet but maybe I’ll write out a little schedule for tomorrow I’m my planner now I’m so excited about it it would have been the blue one what do you mean what do you

Mean still don’t get one by 2025 just give about yeah I’m quitting Minecraft forever if I don’t get one by 2025 seriously schedule wake Up I don’t know what I’m going to put on there I’ll figure it out I want to put something on there and get something done before work we’ll see I’m just excited to use it yeah in for 7 a.m. again that was a good was a nice good time to wake up I

Think why she you’re looking the for that’s gross please don’t He mandatory company collab oh go not in the mo night I hope not drinking for every not BL exal challenge oh I’d be so dead I’d be so Dead well um we’ll probably try to do extra what the freak an extra stream this weekend because I’m not streaming Wednesday so I’ll make up for it over the weekend I probably would anyway but that’s the official reason it’s not just oh see you’re Gilling again get some H

So okay back stream this weekend okay all right do keep looking the floor don’t it’s gross watching the first one you came across on YouTube a water is lethal at that dose yeah that’d be a lot so we’ll probably do something tomorrow um probably won’t be during lunchtime

It’ll probably be in the evening I have a lot of work to do who said get some help though a lot of you guys you guys see all the time see all the time you’re crazy you’re Addicted whatever whatever yeah we’ll stream tomorrow it’ll be a whatever we want stream can’t wait woohoo W be fun y Tomorrow uh I’ll ask my brother about lethal company oh ask back andol but he I don’t know that would be a lot it would be hilarious but it would be he’d probably be so confused but it would be fun you did play with the company five

Times in four days at one point at one point they did yeah I one pointed it I could do it again you never know keep you on your toes never know no I can’t I can’t do that I got to sleep at decent hours now I can’t be up all night

Anymore I’ll my keep my schedule good how do I feel like there will be more Exel streams not for a good long while I want to pray for that collab yes yeah or are you telling him to hurry up yeah I think we’ll play leave the

Company and he’ll be like cool and we’ll just do it we need to get over with we need to do it it’s been so long been trying to play for so long C if you’re still here please look company with she’ll be fun yeah sleep is

Power gives you power we at a month of Roblox I don’t see a problem with Lethal lethal company month you kind of did that already a lot of Our member streams lately have been people company but that’s okay it’s okay yeah I’ll see you guys tomorrow not sure exactly what time but

It’ll be like after work time probably cuz I got a lot to work to do tomorrow it’s going to be really hard to I feel like it’s hard harder to do work for work when you know you’re like one foot out the door I’m like I’m

Working so hard for what for what I don’t care anymore I’m going to do it anyway you the company Dev started in Roblox what w I’ll see you guys tomorrow thanks for hanging out and uh suffering with me for a long time thanks for coming I love you

Very much and now see you next time okay byebye Byebye Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye Byebye by bye

This video, titled ‘Can I Get the RAREST AXOLOTL!? Forcefully Breeding Axolotl Until I Get One 💗【 MINECRAFT 】’, was uploaded by Shee Icho Ch. 銀杏しい【kawaii】 on 2024-01-05 06:33:55. It has garnered 1031 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 05:12:10 or 18730 seconds.

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【Rules】 1. Please be nice to everyone! We’re here to have fun 2. Please don’t send spam in chat, and try to keep chat relevant to the stream 3. No spoilers please!! And refrain from backseating! (Wait until I ask for help… I most likely will eventually HAHA)

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    Dima's Insane Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft MMORPG Experience’, was uploaded by Dima on 2024-08-03 16:21:18. It has garnered 99482 views and 4892 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:17 or 617 seconds. Wynncraft mana usage can be quite a feat to overcome for me The BEST Minecraft Server You’ve Never Heard Of thumbnail by the brilliant 🎵 Sounds ───────────────── ❱ Mice on Venus by C418 ❱ Other music in this video provided by Fesliyan Studios under a Commercial License ✨ Extras ────────────────── ❱❱❱ Wynncraft IP: ❱❱❱ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL 🎭 Socials ────────────────── ❱… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viral

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Vickey Gamerz on 2024-01-12 16:20:24. It has garnered 3244 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #minecraftshorts #hindutemple #hindu #viral #shorts I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts I made i sanatani temple in Minecraft i make a Hindu temple in Minecraft Minecraft But I made a Hindu temple Minecraft Jai shree ram temple #hashtags 🔦 #minecraft #minecraftfree #minecraftshorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftvideo EQUIPMENTS ⚙️:- DEVICE :- OPPO… Read More

  • TheImladrisConclave SMP Modded Survival Whitelist

    Coming Soon! The Imladris Conclave – Survival Minecraft Server | 1.21 | MMOcore + MythicMobs Hey, Minecraft adventurers! We’re excited to share more details about our upcoming server, The Imladris Conclave! If you’re looking for a fresh, immersive survival experience with RPG elements and challenging gameplay, this is the server for you. We’re a small but passionate community looking for more players to join us in this grand adventure. What Makes Us Different: New Crops & Fishing Mechanics – We’ve added brand-new crops and overhauled fishing mechanics Expanded Copper Uses – Tired of copper just sitting in your chests? We’ve… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!I guess even in the Minecraft movie, leaked content can’t escape the post-credits scene! Read More

  • Rail Ride Rhythm: Minecraft Longplay Joyride

    Rail Ride Rhythm: Minecraft Longplay Joyride In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Join me on a rail ride, like a thrilling dream. No commentary needed, just the game in its glory, Crafting, building, exploring, that’s the Minecraft story. Follow me on Instagram, for more gaming delight, And on Facebook too, where we share our gaming might. Subscribe to my channel, for more videos to see, Craft Game Official, where we play with glee. So leap into the verse, where the story takes flight, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity ignites. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through time, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Hotter than a lava bath! 🔥

    Minecraft Memes: Hotter than a lava bath! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” 😂 #shorts Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7 Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 – A Dive into the Minecraft Universe Embark on an epic adventure in the Minecraft universe with Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7. Developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios, this episodic spin-off series takes players on a journey through The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through various realms and encounter unique challenges along the way. From building structures to battling mobs, Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 offers a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!

    Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-08-06 10:00:00. It has garnered 5910 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:42 or 4362 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23 ,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated. The “Cartoons Play” channel is not related to the official cartoons Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear You

    Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear YouVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Minecraft Horror Mod That Can Hear You…A Quiet Place’, was uploaded by PLX on 2024-08-05 14:47:27. It has garnered 1630 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:33 or 993 seconds. #minecrafthorror #dweller #fromthefog #cavedweller #minecraftsurvival #100days #minecraftchallenge Dive into the heart-pounding world of “A Quiet Place” like never before in Minecraft! In this terrifying new mod, silence is your only ally as you navigate a post-apocalyptic world overrun by deadly, sound-sensitive creatures. Watch as we explore the eerie landscapes, master the art of stealth, and try to survive the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage – Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage - Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!Video Information This video, titled ‘|| Small Minecraft PvP Montage || On Pojavlauncher || @SenpaiSpider @NizGamer @aTerroRR’, was uploaded by Java_boy on 2024-09-21 02:31:35. It has garnered 145 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Tags (ignore): Minecraft, Minecraft Netherite Pot, Neth Pot, Minecraft Neth Pot, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft Custom Game Mode, Netherite Speedrun, Netherite Challenge, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Survival, Minecraft Tips, Minecraft Strategy, Minecraft Nether Update, Minecraft Netherite, Minecraft Guide, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Multiplayer, Minecraft Server, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Adventure, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Creative Mode, Minecraft Hard Mode,… Read More

  • INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreaking

    INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreakingVideo Information This video, titled ‘STRING DUPER 1.20+ | work any server | #minecraft’, was uploaded by SNIGDHO_OP on 2024-03-21 12:16:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This farm works only in java edition of minecraft. String farm minecraft 1.20 / string farm minecraft / string farm minecraft 1.20 … Read More

  • Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! 🔥

    Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer’, was uploaded by Mahzo on 2024-08-25 13:35:50. It has garnered 289 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:55 or 12355 seconds. MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer Radiantmc Server Ip: & Port: 25732 Discord :- About me – hello my name is mahzo . i m from earth i hope u all r also on same planet .i m making parivarik videos and doing stream… Read More