Foxy2 – Foxy Plays | Minecraft Real Chaos – Streamers Vs Chat | FoxyNoTail

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Really i’m muted that better can’t hear you folks this is homes can you hear me now that working now it looks like it’s working better well i’m just saying welcome to a chaos stream we’re going to be with slack um maribel jade and jen fire it’s gonna be

Crazy however i am having a couple of issues getting into the game oh there we go we’re in maybe it just wasn’t open yet maybe they were still fixing the server right okay i am going to hop into voice chat with the other peeps in a second hello and welcome i hope everybody’s

Okay i hope you’re all looking forward to this this should be very interesting uh mrh says what is house i got them also in my stream it is baddies get rid of them they are either a bot or just bad people so get them banned immediately uh please mods be on the

Lookout for that sort of thing in today’s chat obviously there’s a lot of bad things going around on twitch at the moment we want to have a good time not a bad time so without further ado i’m gonna go into the thingy with the other peeps and see what

Everyone’s got to say so let’s see if we can hear them hello well we could hear you because you will we can hear let me know how volume levels are just warn me if i need to yeah yeah let’s let’s get a volume check out there now

Can we hear everybody just fine foxy jan jade buddy oh i’ve already had a follow butt attack by the way yeah i had about have you really already yeah yeah so that’s good that’s okay keep calm and carry on we’re not going to give in to these idiots no no

Exactly we’re going to have somebody we will let our mod teams handle it and as i told my people out there while ago once we get going it’s probably going to be hard to follow chat i’m just saying it’s going to be hard it’s usually something we

Can’t do on one of these but no it’s going to be very easy i can’t see that writing that’s on the screen am i supposed to be able to read that what writing are we logging in we’re waiting for you what are you doing my thing says nobody’s logged in uh oh um

You know this is bad soon as soon as i get in here it’s going to go bad she’s just just 10 bits by the way i’m just saying so i’m nowhere near good news i’ve got minecraft reloading and reloading thank you by the way and there’s a jade what

Oh oh why is it not going why did it mine took forever to log in i had about a million times to log in so yeah well i’m gonna go get i’ll get some wood i don’t know what all of these things are now thank you for the piggy oh look yay torch

Oh what’s going on why who did that it was me yeah stop shooting me you guys your family’s subscribed for 13 months thank you very much thank god oh now it’s night time great it’s wine oh my i like this game this is fun this is not

Gonna be difficult at all i need to get inside a hole right so that i can protect myself from i’ve got a totem of them dying very much oh my god they’re they’re wanting my time with them already let’s equip that thank you very much all right now let me i’ve got another

One thank you i don’t know wow there we go now i can read what the things were actually right there’s lots of things falling at my feet we got to kill the dragon this is going to be very difficult great plan what do we have do you think

We’re going to kill a dragon well it’d be nice to get away from oh geez now i’m blind stop making me blind now we’re lying no i didn’t want to fly i got a litre are you dealing with this i’m jealous no i don’t want to die i don’t want to die

Oh okay oh we’re playing the wrong game mate okay i’ve got many things no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh i’ve got anything to eat i’ve got loads of good stuff but nothing to eat by the way

Yuck yuck yuck lofty keeps giving me ender pearls thanks lovely why are you standing there next to that with a skeleton but but just saying i must stop maybe my ass starts switching my oven who’s switching my offhand oh no i’m pressing the wrong button where’s my screen what was that

My goodness coffee no no no no no no it’s like i’ll avenge you you’re welcome oh geez see where did i i got this how hard could it be what could possibly go wrong yes oh dear yeah i put my totem just went bang i need another one there was

Another one on the floor a second ago where did you get i’m winding up ranger’s edge i’m attempting i’m getting my toughbook i have many nice things right peeps we need to get organized this is ridiculous okay i’m just saying here no no no no no no no whoa i’m getting

Some massive lag here wasn’t me i’m not surprised i mean in the area that we’re playing in there’s about 4 000 cats 450 bees with little people on okay who’s keeping track of me oh good news i’m up in the air holmes people can hear things

No people can’t do things on my end thank god can people hear those games how did my how did it move oh god game is frozen oh okay i uh no running running [Laughter] right now because apparently we can’t hear my game or the other peeps so hang on

There’s just so many things going on oh thank you very bad things i got stuff and i’m trying i don’t know what you did tbs but you did something i feel like it was good crafted a nice boat can you hear me why why what’s in the water

Oh thank you for watching no no no wait go away leave me alone why um let’s see if this works apologize guys oh wow i had full nether right now see night cares with the sleep thank you for the super bowl thank you for all the stuff and the that’s a creeper

The living carrots bow what’s the living room can we hear the game thank you so much for the follow and spawning stuff in me can’t wait thank you for the uh the bits i’m trying to just like run away and maybe get get just running away

This is quite chaotic you think yes it’s called the chaos stream you know okay and i have a teddy bear i have a teddy bear i’m on fire oh my goodness oh do i have it no i don’t know there’s no no oh wait who’s dude what why ah geez no

Okay i have no i’m good i have a hoe just raided me with 30 people oh and there’s lots of lists i’ve gotten everything but it’s not working stop chasing me what was that thank you what are you doing to me no do i have a pink bed i don’t have a pink

Bed i would like a pink bed guys running away for eight months in the room we’ve got a lot of rockets ranging from radar says slack can’t even spawn the slack slacks headphones have gone off what’s happening no slack’s booted himself the slack had enough already is it giving up

I can start a hype change chase ready train oh good lord yeah y’all are i have a high train this is chaos already oh my goodness creepers on the backs of those things this is not good news no good news at all not good so when do we start trying to kill the

Dragon and how do we how can we do that we’ll have a plan still instantly killing us can we see your slacks okay right chad okay you have an opportunity here to to to allow us to make some sort of progression in the game i mean it’s nice

All of this you know bullying us it’s fun i like it but we’re just gonna go around in circles dying which is fine if that’s what you want to see that’s what you want to see but i get the feeling out there at least one person wants to see us make some progress

Well good thing come on can i pick up what’s that dude just went down no did you lose internet oh no slack’s having internet problems again oh no Shut up jen you reflected something at me how did you do that i did what it said gen fire reflected a stream something or other wrap toward Thank you but oh my goodness i like it says pickles thanks pickles appreciate it post oh schneider by the way getting healed this is very nice of you thank you very much for healing me not pick anything up and die yes yeah that’s kind of cool gen fire reflected you a stretch

Subscription what does that mean i don’t know but what does it mean give me the totem i need it quick there we go good excellent i think i think it’s because uh things are happening on my end and they’re being passed on to you good i’m trying to run away they say

Sorry we’re talking over you then okay oh thank you oh thank you for the follow i’m surviving many mini i’m trying to run as fast as i can to get to a somewhat safe place to place his computer crashed he was smart did that’s not good i’m not surprised everything is going on

Okay oh jeez this is uh this is you said it was going to be chaotic i mean i did i believed yeah and how did you guys get me out at a level three height right okay just give me a second i’m gonna see if he’s okay

In 30 bits oh my goodness y’all are thank you very much for the hype you’re slapping me no why are you stopping me let’s see if he’s okay hang on hey look how high up i can go in this guy this is good food there’s a good food good fun

I’m just flying i’ve got this please don’t steal my wings please don’t give me full nether right in fact i’m not gonna put them back on until i start falling okay uh is it broken is there a reason why i haven’t stopped going up whatever um it does oh no here we go

Right i don’t think i need 48 near the right homes i’m just going to put that out there i mean it’s nice to have the spares but i don’t think i need them i know i’m not just okay oh my goodness me what the heck are you geez

Teddy legend gaming thank you very much for the zombie careful be careful trying not to slay the zombie just don’t slip in don’t slay it why why because it’s full of endermites oh okay so slaying it would be fun yeah that’s what you’re saying fun for you no

It’s not fun i don’t like it i’m going away i’m leaving wow maybe if i moved somewhere out move somewhere oh my goodness having issues do i have how many times do i keep getting hit Y’all are just oh okay one way or another we’ve got to try and find a one of those portly places which means we’re gonna have to go to the nether which means we’re gonna need pickaxes now i’ve got netherright pickaxes so i can go and get obsidian

But it’s it’s gonna be finding it is a problem because i’m i’m already going down you know what i’m just gonna make it at night right and food you know food food would be great food is food would be great yeah now just no you know just hinting

Streamy people there is a redemption for food there is a redemption for food indeed you guys are evil 25 evil evil evil what was 220 oh look chickens chickens ah i’ve fallen out the tree though but i’ll take it standing around spawn still i’m not dead how did i not die

How did i not die i just got hit with i don’t know how many um blazers come here it has calmed down somewhat since we started which is you know it’s quite a relief oh look all of these trees have suddenly become made of obsidian yeah

So now i can make a portable that was convenient no that wasn’t coffee stop stop stop what is this every time someone subscribes it can create skeletons stop i don’t know i don’t like the skeletons i mean subscribe by me right right right waiting for generally can we pause for a second can

We can we can we stop because we’ve got an issue can we is it possible to pause chat are you all right with us pausing because we we have slightly we have an issue trying to get slack back into the game so we’re going to pause 11 00.

I’m gonna disconnect for a sec right okay am i having trouble with his nets there was so much stuff being spawned it was eating all the bandwidth and he couldn’t get a word in with us all talking over each other so we’re gonna try and get him back

Well that wasn’t me i never talk over anybody that’s not me at all definitely not i can’t put i don’t think i’ve ever done that huh you know what i’m gonna do i feel like i’m in trouble what what what no no nobody’s in trouble we’re just trying to

Get him back i’ve been told no no try and get him back everything he organized this so it doesn’t feel right to carry on without him yeah does he have a spare internet still he used to have two um oh oh he’s restarting the phone oh okay is his computer working again so

He’s having his computer crashed and his internet went down yes that’s unlucky it is unlucky how is everybody doing today are you talking to us or chat both anybody everybody there there’s three chats with the people what is everybody doing i’m all right oh but one of the couple

Of people in my stream have said there’s no food redemption that they can see there’s no food redemption yeah i’m sure we had one pretty sure there was one on on chorus fruit or something else did i miss putting a redemption in i i thought i’d put the redemption in

Oh it might not be in a channel point food one chorus fruit there we go i think it’s a bits reward oh sweet danny said underscore wolf just gave him underscores there is a list if you if we do on my side it’s exclamation mark uh chaos

Oh i don’t think i put that thingy on mine did i oh thank you neon for throwing that up yes that one has my custom ones uh there is i hadn’t updated it from adding back in uh gens and slacks and foxies yes i don’t know how to say your name mr

Balrog says it’s just another tab on that same page okay so we’re in a we’re in a pause while we’re waiting to see if zlat can get back in so i have every faith in him that he will be back he’s got this yes connection internet yeah so hey bud

Okay so what’s the situation oh my internet’s tanked hard okay we paused to see if we could get you back because you helped organize us it didn’t feel right to carry on so i don’t know everything’s fine i’m trying oh now it’s one mega bit yeah it’s even better 480p stream

Everybody thinks good connection thoughts okay [Laughter] send the good vibes if only that was a redemption give slack better internet i know right yeah lofty says hey slack slack just you know make you feel better yeah just as an example here this this is what i got right now so like even just

Sitting in voice chat is killing me that’s that’s my internet right now oh my goodness why why now it tanked it tank there’s nothing i can do ranger i’m gonna i’ve made a portal you’ve made a portal yeah i do believe in good internet i do believe in good internet i do really

Good internet says right black is scoring his internet like golf says pickles i don’t know what that means please interweb god says ash man come on everybody fingers crossed come on i guess those bones of taming the dogs are they or did i get them from the skeletons probably from the skeletons

Fox series there has been a lot of skeletons i have got an inventory full of junk i’m just stood here i can’t believe how much stuff i’ve got in mind no best friends forever foxy go up adria fingers toes arms legs and eyes crossed for slack

I need water i’m on fire come on you got this you can do it now i’m just going to turn it back on it may like like crazy i don’t know what else to do stop ah why who we don’t want to do okay creepers Are your friends though aren’t they three points i don’t know where my nice portal was slow 75 cheers right jade let’s make a nice base for the boys turn down any settings just giving me a total of dying oh i’m in a cage i’m in a cage oh nightcave slapping me thank you

Jen you built this cage all i’m gonna say is why um because i did oh wait you’ve got a cage you’ve got a kid there’s a slack i see a slack yeah get around to this stuff come on yes come on can we not do slap kills he just got back it

Yeah be nice to slack it’s just it’s just it’s not gonna work it’s just not my internet’s just i’m down the 400 bit rate my pit discord ping is 5 000 it’s just not going to work for me no is there anything we can do to make it less no

It’s just my internet everyone send love over to slack What do you want us to do slack keep playing keep playing don’t stop okay okay this means you can’t stream it doesn’t it well stay in chat with us as long as you can and keep your eye on your internet and if it pops back up jump back in oh i’m gonna stay

I just don’t know how my internet’s gonna do i ain’t bailing i’m done here just don’t don’t slow down on my behalf right don’t slow down the awful media changed some inventory stuff of course he did thank you very much appreciate it is where that how much else does this

Llama have geez thank you i don’t know what wha what’s the one i forget what’s the one bit thing you’re all mean you’re all very very good one bit thing is a pig if you see a pig kill it because they can turn them to creepers

Charge creepers oh and now i’ve got a jump chest am i lagging that bad you found a chest yeah i don’t know i see chests here but i can’t touch them i had obsidian that had a portal i don’t know where it was though angry llamas i’m running doing many running wow i’m

Really fast as well i’ve got jump boost and speed coffee with the the spit noise in my ear that’s disgusting man folks you famously love jumpers that’s bigger oh yes it’s my favorite thank you i really like it thanks guys i want the [ __ ] oh no oh my goodness why is there fire

Wait open my fire why is there hose why do we have hoes uh because they give us a random netherrace what was that from why w0 lf cheered someone gave me rockets but they’ve gone i can’t find them anywhere someone tried to give me a total number

It’s gone everything’s gone wow who got oh my goodness really geez why why are you doing this to me there’s some really nice people out there and then there’s some real mayonnaise so some absolute meanings there’s spy chickens everywhere how did they work yes work i’m in i’m on fire oh my goodness

Oh oh goodies goodies goodies i’m i’m just putting stuff in the chest what is hitting me out oh chess that would be a good idea then i wouldn’t lose everything what are those pillars do i see the spy chickens have i got is somebody put slow falling on me

Ah i’m on fire again oh a shulker of course there is why wouldn’t there be a shelter although appreciate it all right fill these chests with everything i can’t i can’t access the chest have you i think you’ve got the chests in their spawn chunks so they’re spawn

Protected so we can’t share them that’ll be why so he wasn’t lagging no no it’s just is he still here well he’s he’s there but he’s got mutant again wow Oh my goodness i started a hype train thank you right okay no enderman you’re not allowed to get me 160. i want to stay alive today oh my goodness this is so difficult this is so much more difficult than life gamer why right plan get wood make more chests away from

Spawn really arrows just fall from the sky 175 right okay the next time i become alive i’m going to win okay okay of course we’re gonna win we’ve got a good team of four people yeah and i’m still on fire when i wake up great good job

A lot of hit on it many things on the floor down here oh jeez stop turning it to night time don’t think like seeing things okay i’m trying to where where is that naughty emerald thank you for the food okay jen where where are you on the minecraft map 200.

Stream ladies having a lovely time she’s like There’s another planes nearby kitties okay that was just really nice that was just a it was that a blurp come here i don’t know i’m trying to pick up some stuff and try and find where people are so i can drop oh it’s very difficult to manage your inventory

On this i’m just going to put that over there it is it really is let’s pair the pigs in the chest hi what was that i was doing really well until that that army of josh creepers turned up wow you’re scary you’re scary slapping me to death they’re mean

There’s some nice ones out there giving me nice things like the right armor but then other people come and steal it oh my goodness ear to ear everything that sorted out all of these redemptions and things because i think they’ve been very mean with how how powerful the mobs are i’m just saying

He’s been really mean hasn’t he yeah okay um i was trying yes okay alrighty and that’s being polite we’re gonna try and pick up elise a little bit so that go away creeper blow him up please oh my goodness what was that i thought she’s just flying out in front of me stop

Thank you lofty for the torches i told you they were too easy okay okay okay okay okay oh thank you now what we gotta do it shouldn’t be easy to kill it kills me straight away it pops my totem when i’m on full health i think i think

Again he could they’re being a little bit over keen on how hard the slap should be yeah have you considered firing them from from their post you’re saying why paint dragon so also the throw something deletes your entire inventory just gonna put that out there as well um so that’s good

I’m just running around picking stuff up and throwing them in those chests well the chests are working now right we’ve made a little base camp a little further out some stuff in there i don’t care Is it supposed to be this hard was it this hard before no oh we thought it was a different pack we were using before with switch packs don’t kill him don’t kill him lock him up okay how i can’t do anything how do i block him up uh dirt

Okay i go get dirt i’ll go find her drop him there’s no point in trying to do anything because as soon as i do anything i die we can do this we can do this i need your meat am i allowed to kill these uh spy chickens just by the way yes good

Because they’re dead flying fox do they do they drop anything good give me a flying fox okay he fell in a hole like the evil evil zombie that has endermite or it does it drops the elytra that’s handy it does right wow i can die again now well done i’m taken care of

Okay oh no it’s great guys foxy coins are almost gone says amar i’m glad okay new goal make it 100 blocks away from spawning that says the bearded swine i i’ll give it a go i don’t think i’m confident all right well okay we got this i think i’m gonna take you okay

I don’t need rockets i have no elytra i’ve got loads of elytra how many do you want zero cruel why do i keep bothering with my inventory management i don’t know but i do thank you very much okay we need to get underground at least i need to get underground

Where’s my rockies i had rockets my rocket’s dissolved oh my goodness really really zombie again teddy legend gaming thank you so much for the zombie i really appreciate it mate it’s okay to me we need to get some food sorted if you guys could just constantly spam

Me with the the healing one i really appreciate it the healing one and like not the zombie one would be good just saying i don’t want to sound like i’m being selfish or greedy but you know are you getting on jade are you getting on jen

I i was muted the whole time then just uh yeah cause that that’s fun is there a thingy that makes you not able to fly i can’t uh not fly sorry jump i can’t jump anymore there is a steam that keeps them from a car

How am i supposed to get around if i can’t jump oh it’s fine there are cool downs yes yeah i was muted for a second guys i was talking to fire spawn and i forgot to unmute sorry no worries it’s fine okay i wasn’t just ignoring you oh no no

No no stop there’s lava right there okay so if we get iron we can make a bucket i did have a portal i’m just trying to find it if i can find it and set my spawn that would be great but people keep stealing my literature while i’m flying

Yeah have full gold armor flying no thanks man no they’re not going in the lava okay that’s cool there’s meat in this tree just no i just have land dude okay okay was it a redemption that turned the trees to obsidian then was that just something weird with the pack

A bunch of birch trees were just made of obsidian seems a bit odd reflective mean twitch bits oh oh so much reductions it’s redemption suzukas because ballwork says there is ranger says yes redemption all right thanks guys mistakes were made bees oh no don’t dash thank you dot

No oh you brought everything in oh you gave me a doggie thank you oh it’s not that’s not my dog oh no it’s an angry dog i’m sorry dog accident don’t kill me no no no no no no no no don’t thank you for the raid oh my god this is chaos

Thank you for throwing my eyes on thank you for 15 months i don’t know where my instant heel went i had one i’ve lost the base band subscriptions sick of subscription skeletons they’re saying stop eating my stuff i can’t even see who’s doing this is it are they supposed to get rid of

Your whole inventory i mean is that oh my really anything yes don’t remind them stop giving me skeletons things dark and everything’s on fire i can’t even look at the chat i really want to support all of my oh my goodness amazing grab my sword while i’m fighting

You oh my goodness i can’t jump again i can’t jump again Stop That can’t Yeah great yeah i’m not drowning fighting a million skeletons and creepers underwater this is fine danny underscores dead underscore oh gosh thank you we did that there’s lots of flaming arrows run away run away run away run away it’s subs codex my goodness oh the noise is going off in my ears and

I’m just gonna take this i’m just gonna how can i wake up covered in arrows how Okay okay so this is everything i need thank you very much i will make a perimeter i was actually trying to get a hold of what one was supposed to have gone all members no i do one of them’s got bad internet and dropped out i was trying to see if

He was okay i didn’t oh oh i crashed oh yeah I’m going to why did i lose okay we broke the server that’s that chaotic this really is the real chaos oh my goodness we broke the server okay there was the heel well we brought since we broke the server the server is on fire where is okay stack overflow ever says mr balrog

Come on chat wayne says redundant yak yes chat do win it is stream versus chat okay you win i’m going to add that back in i might have no it’s back how are you doing slack well that seems too simple yeah i know but can you can say

Something else well that seems too simple that actually got me then think he was good that actually got me try again well that seems too simple that’s it no still alive says blue cat still alive race so it’s game over chat wins flawless victory right okay we’re back in region

Okay right all the muscle’s gone good i think i’ve got that fixed i’m just quickly picking up all these arrows before they despawn you give me more give me money hi thank you oh hello anybody in chat can you remember the whereabouts of where i made the portal i

Mean i would try and make another one but i don’t think it’s going to work sometimes i’ve died i’m just i’m slightly wary of the chat i’m slightly wary of the chat i’m really wary of the fact that there is a thing in there to trap me with a blaze and i

Really don’t want to be trapped with a blaze described oh i’ve already had i don’t i don’t want to kill the blaze so please please no land you describe subscribe with tier 2 and it didn’t kill me so i’m surprised i don’t know what that uh

Doing home says i love how high pitched your voice goes foxy tries to give a totem but no works is viral play tv i think there is a two minute cooldown no there isn’t two minutes there was a reboot so we’ve had to restart the twitch spawn thing it should work

Okay that’s good your redemption’s failed ah there’s that thing that i was in before the cage over there no i don’t want to kill blazes there’s one to put me in a cage with them which is really super cruel ow thank you coffee torches don’t mind if i do

I know i have to hit the place and the pearls don’t mind if i do oh a totem that didn’t appear where did you go they they no no no no no no no no no the catch not a kid you’re not a kid i didn’t want the

Kids to let me out let me out let me out let me out oh who designed this thing i i’ve left it down i Everybody always needs good lanterns are now exploding oh i don’t even know where the cage was is the cage back up something i’ve been over here before now i’m not going to say to chad oh i i hate elytra don’t give me an elytra that would make me really angry oh i’d feel

So terrible if i had an electro right now it would be it would be really awful for me to have a litre at this particular moment in time uh what am i looking at it could have been the worst thing that you could possibly do for me no no no no

No no no why are there creepers riding zoglings what i know i didn’t see that on the wall it would be terrible there goes totally it would be the worst thing ever hmm the lawful meeting has changed me oh yeah oh instant heal i love you thank you you’ve already awful redeemed 275 hello hello why are they redeeming stuff on my channel for you all when i’m not live they’re cheaters they realize they can 191 282 i mean you’re supposed to be yeah it’s only the only the only fair that you’re sharing no it’s not doing nothing with me they’re literally spending channel

Points to help you oh look lady jade hey guys how you doing oh no what’s going on it’s work for me oh what now whoa okay i need out yep so does this specific amount give you use for the electra right nowhere at the moment don’t count me in on nothing

I’m seeing what happens my internet’s fine until i go to connect to the server and then it goes to trash yeah okay maybe next one we do we can do it earlier in the day where your your internet’s okay well that seems too something right this

Is a spawn we worked out why you couldn’t get in it no it works now i think that was just really lagging because i can get in it now it’s weird i couldn’t get it and now i can we’re this way slack okay do we have any i can’t has anyone

Else got a pink bed let’s go to sleep get rid of the knife i put a line of torches this way i would go into them with my things i will find them wow okay like i’m not lagging but i am lagging so bad on the server it’s not even funny i’m confused

I’m not surprised like that in everything in the world has spawned on this server and then more of them did hmm this is a true story But welcome back this is minecraft i haven’t done any mining or crafting yet and we’ve been playing for an hour what what no no no i don’t i don’t want that don’t hit him don’t hit him don’t kill him don’t kill him why am i not supposed to kill him he’s

In my face he drop him in a hole drop him in a hole come here thank you you’re breaking the rules somebody’s all right fine and you won’t kill it oh three withers three withers help how did that come about now i’m flying where are they i redeem that

I don’t know how you redeemed that but oh no that was pain dragon on my end thanks payne so what does three withers what what what’s that slack what why are you sagging me like i didn’t do anything another three with us oh jesus christ coffee really

You see my internet right now and you did that i’m glad i’m not in this area um you’re like running away um no i i didn’t have arrows are you serious oh collected arrows oh it’s right above we got crossbows we got rockets galore they go boom

The rockets go is that why i kept exploding while i was flying [Laughter] really are they not oh my goodness really you’ve got to be kidding me disconnected seriously did i get a disconnect uh wow i can’t do nothing again yep i can’t do nothing reindeer you got

Ranger just got the 1k bit badge okay we’re gonna die thank you no i got this i’m almost at the dragon now i’ve made it through the end portal i’m just fighting my way through bunches of endermen on the end islands i kill them in a second it’s fine don’t

Worry about it guys things shooting at me hi jade of course i can’t do anything i know he’s got more chaos than any of us oh i got deaded yeah yeah i’ve lived i’ve lived for more than 10 seconds i don’t know how this has happened

Many things yay i found stuff so much of it i knew i’d find it all eventually it must have exploded here before okay i’m gonna run thank you for the totem i’m running away a little bit to try and at least stop stop stop stop man of all things that could have been

Done at this moment in time the foster’s got wings you can kill it for really no no no why would you why would you why would you why would you yeah thank you very much for five gifted songs i really enjoyed it it’s the best time i’m having all day why

Why would you do this why would you do this why why would you do this why you’re not no no puka what have you done for me what have you done brilliant thanks glad you got my back ow and really right start again because i died because fights In this chat yeah Oh that’s a wither over my head running away you know what we’ll just let them we’ll just let them sit over there no yeah right have you guys got everybody under control now if you have why would you oh zero no that’s mean that’s me i love you but you’re mean uh Trying to get some stuff i need a cave what things no no was it near obsidian trees i like that horse i’m surprised he survived with all of the exchange creepers to be honest with you where’d the 75 withers go it wasn’t me um ran out of uh their range

Do we actually need anything from mining i’ve got three why why did you do what who got the cap wow wow wow thank you blue cat why why why am i getting the llamas on me these those are meant for gin why are y’all putting llamas on me

You don’t like them i don’t want your llamas no Yes i’m having a wonderful time i’m not finding it remotely frustrating i’m really enjoying just going mining probably the most fun i’ve had all day did somebody break the server again is that what just happened oh is it half past nine yet 17 deaths we can

So we were off to a rocky start there with losing internet and server crash my internet’s still horrible 100 no no okay let’s take a moment to use this as a hydration break then blue cat eye says i’m having the best of times especially redeeming the slap one oh

Good i’m glad you’re all having such a wonderful time so bye did they break the server is everyone off too or is it just me this smile’s not fake at all only i’m off oh it’s broken again it’s okay oh no i’m in um

I think it did roll back i lost all my stuff when we restarted as well all my stuff’s gone all right i blame uh server admin person i’m just saying don’t want to sound like i’m being me definitely hi oh my god i haven’t said me and whoever

Made the thumbnail for this this twitch stream thing that we shared it to us so we could put it on twitter that was um that was their fault as well okay you’re playing on the other side and poker yes 100 getting all of the blame for me at the moment

Oh is that because you’re not allowed to play now now yes yes exactly because if i blame my chat okay i guess well tell me i’ll oh i will straight up buying chair don’t play my chat because i get in trouble for ah enjoy space Um is pvp on ah i think we’ve got enough things to fight don’t you foxy and if we died and you know we’ve got death counter on here no no death counter shane um night chat keeping track of my deaths yeah it’s mine why am i still flying i’ve only

Died once because i’m an expert agent that was by accident when slack wasn’t in the game so it doesn’t count i can see you up there is it random potion effect levitation this this doesn’t hurt my eyes at all it’s always supposed to be for a few seconds

I like it yeah it goes on forever the levitation one again play me good okay we’re testing this is a test run it feels like that’s good i think the next one wants to be slightly calmer i’m just saying sickness effect for half an hour i mean you know the same stuff

You’re redeeming honestly i’m stuck in i can’t con the game again oh no at least you logged out in space you know that’s nice no i died i died no and then i crashed and i’m not afraid of the challenge ranger it’s just i would like to have

Internet when the challenge is going on i just feel like slack’s too afraid of the challenge you know coffee okay really with 1.08 megabyte upload now well that’s just fake news i’ve seen you real internet you’ve got 100 gigabytes probably not going to happen hey you think we’re not going to win oh

Yeah cha don’t think that we can do this oh we got this how hard could it be what could possibly go wrong an ocean because i am looking for a ship right because i’m looking for iron it’s just a long way down what do you mean why are you why are you

I love that every piece of sugar cane i come across as a four tall and i have to stop are you out there you got an obsession wow wow really really oh jesus no thank you for the day time and the horse and the cat thank you for the livestock

They know they know how to do something that’s not kill you kill our face no and creepers what is this you weren’t joking they are full of endermites wow that’s a lot of enemies okay okay let’s throw them away are you sure you know the meaning of that word mr lizard

Why why there’s so many witches oh my goodness there’s a lot of wages thank you very much did you do that whatever that was why would you appreciate it guys was being made why’d you just take all the trees thank you blue cat what thank you hey i got

Obsidian over here in trees yeah oh there should already be a portal named there they’d be made there there because that’s where i was if you look around there’ll be a portal you’ve just got to light it all you’ve got to do is light it how how could it be

Anyone got any rockets please rockets chat rockets would be nice now the right arm is brilliant but rockets right now please sunburn giving me a llama mom thank you for the leather ah amazing thank you very much right these are exploding ones though so i do need to be very careful

I’ve got enough rockets now thanks peeps jack uh slack whatever your name is person where are you okay person i am the person here with the rockets no oh sorry yeah whereabouts are you okay uh yes that’s that’s where i am and stuff thank you press f3 and tell me your question

Where’s those out is the uh the trip the trees of many obsidians yes yes i’m where all the weathers are you guys i’m gonna oh did you die i’m here to give jen a llama oh okay you do that you’re here to give me a like

It’s really nice if some of these didn’t kill me the same if there was something in this game i can’t find my way back oh those are charged creepers you know i don’t want really nothing to do with those i’m just yeah is that oh are you

Back there that’s three and tell me you’re calling it slack I haven’t went nowhere else to get the church creepers away from me chest posture check posture or this posture at this moment oh thank you thank you gypsy thank you thank you it’s been a few moments does it really only cost 80 bits to wipe your inventory

Okay i i i will i because that has happened to me many times and the only redemption i can see is 80 bits find my way back don’t kill look at me the pain is taking you to the new obsidian trees is mr balrog well that’d be nice

Okay getting them away from our chest i’m just gonna oh my goodness oh we got new obsidian trees how you doing yeah i’m doing really well i’m having a wonderful day how are you gonna last for i’m gonna i’m just gonna cause them all to go

Whoever said this would be chaos can you kill each other me some lottery numbers lost as dubs eddie baked equals throw the entire inventory on the floor thank you thank you i left for half an hour and yours guys haven’t progressed a bit well that’s not true look obsidian trees have

Appeared okay what’s in my drink no this is good manny papers this is this is good this is good this is good i’m just gonna go sleep i’ll see you in the morning it’s fine don’t worry about it okay oh my goodness i can’t do this yeah

Come here come here kill me please kill me it makes perfect sense creepers i don’t i i don’t mean i don’t need internet oh many things that don’t belong to me that are now mine i like it i like it when many things hi jade belonging to me that didn’t belong

To me before okay i’ll tell you i’m too late you picked death i know right okay pick give us a pig pick pick pick i just took it there’s some paper oh there’s still charge creepers down here come on i picked the pick okay jen i’m leading more charge creepers away apple

Uh water protects chests yes we need yes i know come on all of you die as soon as you’re done you’re going to die says athena v thank you very much for five minutes yay that’s fine chat doing you having fun five minutes there okay is that where they’re regening

Uh yeah they do on java don’t they ah i didn’t know that yeah cause they said stupid oh yeah yes i’ll literal fox come here give me a wings where’d he go i can’t see thank you for the daytime mobsley you’re trying to make it night

On me minnie oh it’s such a meanie healing itself thank you for the follow welcome i’m sorry the only thing i have to eat is nothing okay i’ve got weather roses you can’t eat them though i just tried no you made every sugar cane for tall hi just to mess with me

Oh burn thank you for it oh thank you for the donkey why do i have a donkey thank you very much for the 25 bit secrets i don’t know what it did but i’m assuming it was very mean i’m going to just have that assumption considering you have made this the most

Mean map i have ever played on in my entire life thank you very much thank you eating some chorus fruit it’s nice okay we need that now we can choose those torches 35 bits equals 25 wow what do we need from a cave why do i

Feel like i need to go in the cave what do we do we need diamonds if we need to well we got near the right pickaxes right why what do we need to enchant it okay i don’t need these right now don’t need this

Okay i am lost why am i lost hold very still you lost of of all people you never get lost i don’t know i think i need a signpost oh no the person that needs science no run out of arrows so i’ve got six irons stop shooting me yes stop it run away

Okay give me those give me some explosive bang bangs for that tree why is I can’t jump again oh my goodness thank you for the four thousand bitties oh no no no no no no no no no why have you got a baby zombie on a killer rabbit really kill it i disconnected something what is disconnected aaron with the blurb thank you okay welcome back slap

What does that button do um it’s a button that tells you not to push that’s all it really does whoa pig no you made it night again no cats there’s less holes than i expected from the amount of tnt you there’s tnt okay let’s go back down to mining oh gosh

I need to find a cave where do the cages spawn because i feel like i’ve not seen one i know that some got spawned in its coffee okay and it’s f3 to know my level 38 pain dragon oh you gave me a pig oh cats who done this oh and thank you

For the lanterns oh and torches thank you okay okay yes you hiding in a foxhole yes why because everyone’s mean because i can’t do it you okay that noise speed spicy zade says hi foxy what’s this stream about this stream is about us very you know pointlessly trying to

Kill the ender dragon while you guys make life incredibly difficult and you’re doing a very good job and we’re doing a very bad job chat is doing very good at um being bad yes unfortunately me and my new wolf i did oh i just heard a little bit they thank you doctor

I really appreciate it i didn’t want to survive in my little safe hole it’s absolutely fine where’d my hole go but see foxy foxy oh come here i need help when you were asking me yeah i need help oh look a portal just set me on fire and

Then i can go in it what’s has this got any no what did i just kill you i’ll get a set on fire in a minute i’m always on fire as well i keep thinking i’m disconnecting stuff all over the place jcb’s here hello jc jason hi jc hey slack okay uh

If anyone can just set me on fire i’m ready there was an explosion somewhere near i don’t need an explosion i need to be on fire how do i seven eight okay jen did not need my help oh i do need your help nope it’s too late yeah it’s too late i’m

Going somewhere else i’m gonna go and get all my stuff i had down that hole with me and the dog and the zombie and i’m going to try very hard we need one more what do you need i can do it whatever it is i got this

How how could it be uh iron oh who’s giving me the zoomies oh do we need irons i have iron we’ve got lots of nether right please why are every single that’s very bad whoa whoa okay have you got the zoomies too what is that oh it’s woof okay so you

Just need some iron right we have iron have you got a flinch where uh we have iron okay there’s a little there’s a hole on it over near uh the beds and chests go down there you’ll see a chest there is some iron in the chest but do you have any flints

Not yet but i just found working abandoned mine shaft okay well i’m just going to grab some gravel from under this lake and just assume i’m going to get some lint need food bubbles don’t last very long on here do they what does it bubbles when you’re underwater

Hey that’s my sword who did that was me naughty erin you have one foxy says bitten over i have one what what have i got uh i need i need i need you you said you don’t have uh i’m done with this one yeah right right don’t have flint yay

I shove all rude birds spreading my doggy how come whenever i play this game i have an extraordinary amount of flint yet the blue guys making my day more and more fun every moment oh you’re so kind blue cat eyes you’re the most kindest person that i’ve met all day

Thank you so much oh i got flint now yay where are you guys i’ll bring it to you with haste well i’m just coming out to you at the lake well i’m not other lake now i’m in a cage i’m now now i’m not in

The cage i’m out of the cage but i’m yeah where are you what direction do i need to head in i don’t know what coordinates have you got is it is spawn at zero zero uh chickens that’s a good question uh i am currently at minus 104 by 172 so we’re basically a

Hundred hundred okay i’m on my way with muffling as long as i don’t down the way and i can’t see any particular reason why i would because there’s no reason why i would die on the way you you can have this uh flint with pleasure you’re welcome

I’m now blind jen did you find the iron i didn’t okay well in the old does anyone know if i’m being an idiot twitch app stream rewards don’t work out no no no no twitch useless in general so it’s probably why i want to get down jen i can see you’re inside

Here look i’m putting my flint in that chest before i die there you go you’re welcome oh my goodness me this is ridiculous who keep giving me gold when i have never right why because we can melt the gold down and you don’t want it i liked the right i

Felt safe now i feel weak and rubbish again waiting for you to get to the nether again says neil drummond again i’ve been there yet right where’s that iron i’ve got the flint okay so if you go over just past the chest there is like a hole down in the ground

And oh geez okay they don’t exist it’s fine i’ll see if i can get to you guys yeah i’m gonna go down the hole in a minute i’m just i’m just taking some time to reorganize my inventory what could go wrong seems like a good idea i can’t jump

Change they’re a joint stream like they don’t generally tend to count as views puka so just i have separate tabs so i can’t get up to them hi bill right i’m taking my lid so go down the hole did you say this hole oh there that’s where the hole is i’ve

Been looking back i have found that iron and i have made any second now a flint and steel i have a flint of steel all i have to do now is not die in what could possibly go wrong right i got this you you keep saying these

Things you keep saying those things many the question is though jen what could possibly go wrong you got this it’s not like this withers surrounding the nether portal that we’re about to go through i’m going in it’s safer in the nether right oh i got blown out oh my why oh geez no

This is about 530. foxy are you okay roxy what was on the other side there was nothing on the other side i never made it i was brutally murdered by all of the people that jumped out at me while i i got thrown through it so i don’t know

Oh look now i’m flying good i like flying this is good news hey hang on yeah that was not what i was Why would the pillar just have fancy crossbows with fancy rockets now oh again foxy chat be nice oh that’s right i can use under pearls trying to get this thing bird stop ye in my sword i’m trying to kill the weather man thank you don’t worry guys everything’s gonna be fine

Now i’ve given chat a hard stare oh wait i can do this i feel just like paddington oh i’ve got iron off a zombie that’s useful look at that not nice dr underscore tab zero underscore wc unless there were there 120 and they’re it because i’m foreign so i wanna fly thank you

What with us i don’t see any weather oh creeper wow [Applause] with wood to make a chest so that i could make a chest so that i can make a chest there’s an echo in here damn do we need diamonds i’ve now got how have i got no pickaxe everything

Water in the nether really we need more iron in order to make a bucket don’t we ah oh great and we’ll stop beating the nether i got no pickaxe okay so my turn oh great you know when they do the teleport 200 blocks away yeah well when you’re in the nether

Because it’s uh i assume it’s based on uh spread players you go to the nether roof really mm-hmm i’m now on the roof of the nether anyone want a gold farm yeah so we don’t have to worry about the ender pearls it’s the blaze rods

Good news is no one kill him now says lucifer yeah i’m kind of that’s it now i’m stuck there’s nothing i can do then kill myself good stuff hang on a minute i’ve got chorus fruit oh chorus root take me down to the below the nether someone give me a bed in the

Nether thanks guys well i guess that’s one way to get you out of the nether cobra’s fruit doesn’t actually there are all’s appearing around me but yeah chorus root doesn’t actually um do anything when you’re on the nether roof you’re saying completely useless other than making filling you up

That’s good i guess there’s a weather over there let’s get rid of the sweater oh wow really really which i believe was coffee spawned in thank god never mind we did two sets of three withers spawned on us really yes thank you thank you very much they’re really helpful Angel Angel why would you angel oh my goodness and liara ah thank you oh my goodness liara and angel thank you for the rain oh you killed me oh you killed me with the love thank you you killed me with the rage and apollo as well no no i just respond

I just respawned where are they is that when the pillager patrol turned up when you get raided no no no no no i gotta follow thank you for the follows [Applause] this is torture make it day please i can’t see what’s going on thank you who did that we love you too

Liara hang on hang on okay let’s see right i’m going back in the nether i’m going to find blaze rods and i’m going to be a hero and everybody’s going to chill out really so we’ve not made much progress we are here with slack foxy and maribel j speak for

Yourselves i’m about to take on the entire nether you welcome oh thank you yeah i’ve got quartz and everything okay where’s where’s the hole not now no no putting me on the roof no putting me on the roof 275 could not spread 13 entities around too many entities for space ah

Too many words who’s it make it dare make it night make it day my chat are fighting with each other jay’s moving i’m sorry thank you for the follow but i i i didn’t know what it was and i killed it i’m sorry all right there it is hang them do all

Pigs turn into charge creepers again stop throwing my stuff on the floor it i need to hold my pickaxe in my hand when it’s on the floor it don’t work mate can i burn what oh really another thought jcb no wow oh geez He’s losing the plot says lawful holmes foxy your face when you saw the drop oh my spawn point is a few blocks down from where it used to be i don’t know it’s gonna do with the incredible amount of withers over here probably yeah thank you chat spiders

Poison toy thank you chat spiders you’ve got chat spiders spider season to be fair random poisons There’s many many many spiders get out get out get out get out run away oh spiders are here as well this is good news spiders are in the nether spiders nether spiders why did you have to hate chicken spiders foxy has to have the plot in the first

Place to lose it that is a good point we have a plot oh look at all of that there’s so many of them please these cave spiders are not very poisonous i’m just going to put that out there i mean they’re annoying but they’re not very poisonous well okay

Are you complaining that things are not deadly enough well no i’m not complaining i’m just saying it i’m very surprised did you hear that that they don’t do super poison or something considering ecos has done all of this hey slash back hey welcome back foxy’s chat did you hear that things

Aren’t deadly enough yes no i oh huh we’re gonna need more flint and steel apparently with us can break obsidian i didn’t think java with us could do that i’ve got some more iron i’ll go get some more flints oh no no no why who was that was that home i bet that

Was homes and blue cat oh my oh no i mean i’m going to stay calm and happy and smile because this is a wonderful day and i’m having the best of times that is my sword who keeps doing that i’m very happy i’m not remotely frustrated be smart

Having a whale of a time a happy smiley pickle did you say if only i’d had my stream redemption turned on for happy smiley pickles i could turn it back on but it seems that everybody’s been so mean to me i’m not going to stop you there’ll be no happy smiley

Pickles for you just saying no this is the bad zombie that i can’t kill hands up in the chat if you want a happy smiley pickle 100 plus there’s a ma i think it’ll be nice this is amazing i’m glad i’ve just cut my um can you say there’s a redemption that

Puts you in a cage with blazes yes there is see that would save us going to the nether wouldn’t it really there’s also there there’s also um The spawn in blaze a chat gonna be nice and help us though because that would be really useful because that would save me being underwater drowning to death trying to get a little bit of flint to go into the nether to try and find a fortress so

Oh there we go i’m in the cage with blazes chad you haven’t given me any weapons you asked for it you got again if you could just give me a little bit of weapons chad that would be nice very helpful oh thank you a bow with one arrow that’s going to be useful

Thanks appreciate it oh and now there’s a stray wonderful just kill each other could i have slightly better weapons please chat i’ve got full near the right armor okay that must mean there’s a pile of near the right weapons on the floor somewhere i don’t feel like there is should be

Thank you for the biddies there isn’t ah or and of course little bit more weapons please chat would be nice just to say just a little bit there we go yeah we go this way okay aaron go oh i got a blaze rod i got a blaze rod you’re welcome

And i’ve got 16 lanterns to fight these blazes with i don’t feel i’m going to win oh another bow i couldn’t crossbow that’s not useful to me give me useful things why i hate killing places general jack has given me a lytra well thanks for that that’s really helpful

Cheers mate appreciate it could i please have something that’s gonna help me complain oh cheers guys close the video yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no the gas the gas that’s just what i needed 350. oh thank you very much blue cat for summoning me a blaze what a star you were so useful on that one where’s the thing where’s the box where’s the chests okay we’re starting to get organized now yeah me too even with the wither throwing stuff on us oh what hydra hi okay

Nice to us anybody come on just you do not have a tools channel points option foxy the full netherright armor gives me all the right tools and equipment as well but for some reason it didn’t give it to me when you give me full nether right so

If you could if you could just throw that one on me again i know it sounds like i’m being greedy but come on there we go it’s gonna help you no not there no i’ve got another blaze rod i’ve got two blazer rods peeps oh yeah and now

I can barely see the jet okay there we go now these blazers don’t stand a chance we’re gonna be dead blazes why can’t i might stop flying away from me while i’m trying to kill you you should be able to oh no i can’t weird okay this is me

Attempting to rejoin voice chat my internet stabilized okay it’s it’s right i’ve just been sitting here just dealing with them smacking me and giving me torches and stuff right i have four blaze rods that should be enough for some things okay if anyone wants i’ve got four eyes

I’ve got 16 ender pearls in fact i can make a load of stuff by den because i don’t know if i’ll get back to you i’ve got electron torches which direction do i need to go i collected your people is ranger causing you trouble oh ranger is doing nothing but eating my

Stuff i’m going completely the wrong direction how why do you stop eating my stuff right okay so we have got your four eyes that i picked up and i took over here to the other chest we have about 12 eyes of ender currently i have i’ve come like look whoever jade

Jane quick before i die grab the stuff look i know there’s a thrill now this place runs there somewhere i’m telling you the rules i promise i’m not lying that’s what they do thank you ah run away really the fastest endermites in the world great oh i’m just gonna go slowly oh great

This is so much fun guys thank you everybody who’s joining in on all four chats don’t touch me don’t touch me thanks for the food jars i appreciate it you saw me going for the zombie if you took my star you uh um is this gonna be the first to say

I don’t like goat armor replacing my nether ice no no or when you’ve got an electron and they give you either set of armor while you’re flying and you fall out of the sky yeah um it’s not very fun right so did somebody manage to make lots of blaze things

And do we need any more we need more thomas we need more chat can you put me back in the cage put me back in the cage chat i’ll do it i’ll do it i’ll take them all on put me in two cages oh no no no there’s plenty no let me

Know why anytime anytime you’re live will you do this because they’re your friends they’re your friends yeah go to the next doesn’t make sense There’s three winners behind me he’s with us lester don’t do anything has any of these got flints and steels in thank you very much i really appreciate it that’s the best thing i’ve had all day i really i’ve always wanted an army of skeleton horses to play with it’s uh

It’s one of the things that i put on my christmas list every year but santa never actually brings them and now they have so i’m over the moon because you oh i’m in the cage again and i’m lagging oh no um i don’t think my heart my heart’s there didn’t work

It is a beautiful cage give me that um i got a heat stick i literally just said that yes oh yes yes yes this zombie dropped a piece of iron where’s the flint stop ye get give over why can’t did you really take away my ability to jump yes

Why i got carried away [Laughter] i was killing things you appeared i thought okay that as well what could go wrong yeah ah that’s all you get i’m sorry you right right now i’m in chaos mode you’re with that okay you can you can be a person again

Tomorrow right now you’re just you’re just another thing in this world Wow wow guys are you hearing this get two blacks you’re okay then no right i’m going to get some more flint this is the last thing i i got flynn yay first try right quick give me some steel there’s no such thing as stealing about that

In the middle chest on its own oh that weather can we Do we have a problem on my face ow uh my face is i’m going to make one of those out i’m sorry the fact that than what i really want to say at this moment in time i’m just putting that out does he hate that word as much as i do yeah yes

Oh man it’s like it’s like bruh or plus it’s one of those that’s wrong oh man the sort of people say bro the sort of people say eat that’s what’s wrong with brett yeah yeah bro your add-ons don’t work bro stop moving and let me kill you bro please let me join fireworks

Not all those chests are waterlogger i think potential for them to be destroyed to zika is that a threat don’t you touch our chest hey you fixed the portal i’ve just what okay fine i’m going in going in guys be prepared to avenge me oh no there’s a

Dude in here with all that i forgot about him oh jeez ah the spider oh my why no i don’t want that guy back i think it’s time to get midnight no no no why why is there a zombie on a rabbit no stop no out there i really don’t like you

Glad i’m not in there soon after that quite a while i’m gonna put that down as jcb thank you very much i really appreciate it the void accepts your offering thank you i need arrows hi what are we doing foxy i’ll just jump in here with you because yeah yeah it’s

Good in here slang it’s amazing it’s not remotely dangerous it’s fine okay that little zombie on a rabbit’s not extra powerful he’s just a normal strength little zombie on the rabbit he’s absolutely fine now how come there’s just torches just sitting here i i don’t know i don’t

Oh my god ranger if you don’t stop eating myself i don’t even have to look and i already know who it is why is there water i’m not going to ask why there’s water in another that’s fine it’s like i’m absolutely fine don’t worry about it i didn’t put it in there

Well there’s nothing nothing to do with me i don’t know what you’re talking about where is it everything’s absolutely fine i got this oh yeah how hard could it be that’s good zombies yep thank you thank you thank you zombies yay coming out of the desert though this

Is perfect that’s just what i wanted thank you very much chad the best thing about this angry bees with little zombies on top what more could you want from life just zombies i i this one i thought i thought they were here to cause problems not just you know play

Bees oh you’re taunting them as well now oh look bed bed than the other what come on come on come on come on come on yeah welcome oh they’re trying to throw my stuff away stop it i’m not scared of them and trying to throw stuff away

I didn’t blow the area up with a bed no just just zombies that’s all they got foxy don’t worry there’s okay what was that that’s all you got is all you got Okay i don’t want to be on the roof depending upon i just got started [Applause] For today’s help like you cheers i can’t see anything it’s just death explosion why was the water in the nether no idea hey what thank you dumb why water i don’t need water thank you i’m done i’m stuck now there’s another one there’s a bastion do we need anything from a bastion

Did you say bastian yeah do we need anything from a bastion stop me give me jump stop ranger there’s another one over here i need it’s impossible to have a conversation with anybody today i’m just saying put that on there some kind of armor no stop uh here jade no

Another one over here okay we got this do not throw my all my stuff on the floor now because i will cry many tears those are those are done all right now what do we do what do we need to do right now jen uh okay so we had

Do we need to do something about food i don’t think there’s any point because it gets heated we die too often to need to worry about food i’m just saying that but there’s a pig i don’t want i don’t want church creepers yeah kill the pig kill the pig

Oh look there’s your food yep okay so in the chest we have 17 eyes of ender i suggest getting a few more because we don’t know how many we’ve got to find the end yet do we even know where it is got any idea is there a stream redemption that takes us there

Hello chaps we had 20 in the stocks no i don’t want to fly kill it jake kill it i don’t think i’m going to survive very long i’ll be back in a minute yeah make sure you land in the water like that yeah i survived max of 12. i’m alive

Max of 12. i’ve gone very short in my chair but i am alive this is a good news right to find already okay okay so if we try and find the the portal and whatever it’s called what is it called the the nether oh oh my wolf no that’s

The story of my life too is no yeah Does it work why are we all laying down on the job we’re just going to turn at night again okay so maybe we should find the endpoints base up around there and try yeah do the stuff and things like a base a base oh this is our base

All right right while you guys figure out all of those things i’m going to take a very very short recess to go to the toilet i will be back in a moment and i’ll be i’d be happy again i’m full of life and and not all of this misery

That has been created by you misery loves company aren’t you uh aren’t you having a good day oh yeah i haven’t wonderful time look i written flash just just what i needed back in two minutes one moment no i don’t i i i don’t want uh [Applause]

I don’t know if we’re friends anymore ranger i really don’t know if we’re friends anymore are we still friends hello everyone i’m back this is good news hi welcome back nice to meet you nice to meet you too oh what a wonderful day it is today i’m ready to take on the

End of dragon are we there why am i just going to hope what a good day to die will you stop eating my crossbow ranger why do you want to cry i got the questions everyone’s channel you’re eating everyone’s stuff at the same time because people have multiple tabs open

Oh my goodness that’s a high train food all right so whoo watch out for those struggling oh no don’t touch me don’t touch me oh who did that really Did we need any lava hi tom oh no who’s going to be the one brave enough to carry the ender pearls to the end portal when we find out i say we split them up between all of us that’s a bad idea because i shouldn’t have any have you met foxy

Okay hang on i i i am um right i am one i’m 100 ready i’ve never been more ready i’m extra ready i’ve got readiness coming out of my ears that’s how ready are you not ready i’m not ready thank you for the zombie on top of all of those

Other things what happened really appreciate it help help oh this is what i need i need more food rotten flesh is the food of dreams here the only food we got yeah and when you’re doing this oh that’s jen don’t kill jen jen can you have a slightly less i look

Like something that you should kill skin please don’t worry i’m just i’m just gonna i’m just gonna fly up here for a minute it’ll be okay i’ll be back down there no zombie full of things you must not would anybody like a carrier can i have a parachute

You may have gotta watch ranger burn your bridges with mr lizard but you will burn them here as well i’m just saying all right okay there’s this dude we can kill him we can get him what ranger’s edge i don’t think we’re allowed to do that we have a pool of

Lava oh yeah we have to use your surroundings come on why did my nether right all change color where is he thank you somebody who just cleared all of my stuff yeah that’s even better i appreciate it no i meant to do that i lured him in there successfully by sacrificing myself

No ender pearls came out in the door that’s off gets off will they follow me will they go into lava oh approaching one hour left to kill the dragon again no you guys are not winning okay so i’m gonna all right we got this we got this what

Could possibly go wrong come on let’s go find wherever it is that we need to go and yep let’s go save the day we we’ve we’ve toyed with them long enough let’s get serious yeah yeah we’ve been playing up for the chat like oh we’ll never do it haha

And now okay you know we got this it’s time to get it now we’re serious where did we get a shulker shell from our cousin uh yes an ender chest that’s what we should definitely build yeah right quick go get ender pearls uh no stop obsidian yes

No stop it no i stop look i i i’m just hi hi you guys i’ve told you all already once today you have had it you are i i’m at my why did you take my ability to jump i’m really happy i’m really happy i’m

Having a good time this is good i like it i like it no stop jcb no why i’m flying again i don’t want to fly following you okay i can jump again i can jump in where did we go how many do we yeah why is everything got so much power

How why is everything so strong just going to put that out there get him into lava don’t touch me don’t touch me why why why why he’s the one that’s yeah you attacked your face oh that’s smarter than what we were doing we can’t jump this is why you organize this because

You’re the smart one thank you very much by the way for today you have been incredibly generous despite how mean you all are i am i do realize this you are a wonderful woman people so thank you yeah let’s get a horse on for a minute we do appreciate all your love

And support in all four chats thank you for being here with us tonight until you do stuff like this and then i don’t like you even when you’re doing that he likes you really don’t you smack me don’t you smack me at this moment in time we will not be friends i wouldn’t

Oh yeah hang on oh don’t you do it neither really bird um i mean so how many of my chats are nearly run out of channel points now you always put entertains down before dying i’m surprised folks is scary cam right now isn’t it points what are ender

I’m fine i’m fine you didn’t get me you just think you did you’re still not obsidian [Laughter] no no no no no no no no no no no no no thank you quit throwing me stuff on the ground come on come on come on yes aha no yes yes yes that was perfectly glitched timing ha blue cat eyes ha you tell them you tell them so we have one

We got 15 here one for the other end yeah i know but we got one all right i’ve got 15 eyes of ender in my ender chest now this is good news i’m going to go get some more ah blue cat eyes in your face

You’re saying in a nice way in a nice way what’s why why why did my sword turn into rockets good excellent i appreciate that that’s what i needed i needed rockets to try and kill a big pig with yes to kill a big pig with yeah the they’re the dead pigs they’re quite

Painful ow oh my god what is it with you on this zombie y’all love this zombie surrounded in light thank you for all of the clips today jc by the way i appreciate them you’re now like surrounded in white who is why jen why special i’m glowing special dance I’m just so happy well you were glowing until you died no i i’m no i’m still glowing thank you everybody i like this underwater effect while i’m trying to mine things it’s really handy it gives me a better perspective i feel like you know it that’s actually improving my eyesight

I don’t need to go to get laser eye search i got this Right moderators i’m not going to i won’t get angry if everybody that does bad stream redemptions is suddenly banned okay i’m just saying i’m not gonna normally i tell you all for banning people unnecessarily but today i think that’d be for the best

Oh no oh yes i like it up here in the sky it’s nice oh and back down in the no llamas llama’s a band llama’s a band oh it’s ender face oh come here in the face bad horseshoe and the face can’t read my camera man can’t read my and the face

All right now that’s my thoughts there’s another llama are you kidding me go away i’m being chased by many of the little things no small things and following me but there’s uh i’m dead i broke your camera i’m taking a break to use the bathroom all

Right my god oh my god take epoxy you can have it that’s your present now my gift to you you got it bud you got it i believe no no no i left it with you no i left it with you it’s okay i insist i insist I’ve been carrying bits of obsidian around for a while but they keep pinging around as i keep dying i’m not 100 sure where they are now but there are some somewhere near spawn the little speediest and mighty things in the whole world why are they so fast did you just slap me

Turbo just slapped me to death oh no it said it was the end of my okay you didn’t get it i’m just saying you didn’t get it as much as you would have liked to if you didn’t i just need four more pieces of obsidian all i need

How hard can it be in one of the boxes of one of the boxes what more obsidian yeah i had four i don’t know where Huh dragon says worse than playing adventure mode on minecraft dungeons oh geez no no i’m not mining obsidian come on that’s not fair story behind this spider guys the reason why slack’s laughing so hard is because that spider we had a meeting about the redemptions and the points and

Everything and we agreed on a personal one each and slack left that meeting without a personalized one so i gave him a giant cave spider thingy because he hates spiders and uh now he’s luring them to me yeah and i think it’s karma because you know

Jade oh she’s got spy chickens okay spy chickens and you gave me a spider of doom you don’t pick something i’m going to pick it for you um yeah are we going to carry on now and stop being ridiculous yes okay good yeah did you just ask chad if they were

Going to stop being ridiculous i believe that they will no i believe that they’ve got it all out of their system and everything from this point onwards will be calm collected go away smack you with a hoe get off what do you mean what’s this button there oh well no

No no no no no no i don’t what what that button didn’t do nothing really because i’m pro okay bro eek this is a lot of fun thank you for all your hard work we love you there’s except for the fact that i’m stuck in the box because i was beginning

To like you before we started this today and just saying anyone have my bucket where’s my book oh i’ve got your bucket give me a bucket please you put me in here with him you put me in here with him we’ll see how it’s done jcp says 11 000

Points and 260 bits left i can go a bit longer Mr balrog says i’ve not earned a new point in ages i think i need to refresh the page if we got sold off says stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it no no no no no ranger stop it oh hello hello everybody wow look at all

Of you guys over here just like they’re supposed to be foxy sorry i didn’t mean to hit you that’s all right i like it it makes me feel better when people smack me in the face with something sharp and pointy it’s all good yeah one more piece of obsidian then i can

Make two ender chests you’re welcome guys i’m glad i’m doing this all solo you won’t do i even need anybody else here i suppose they’re distracting the bad things running we’re running no There’s a whole bunch Yes yes i’m having a wonderful time i’m full of happiness and pleasure one piece i just want one piece come on guys please just one piece one piece of obsidian come on come on opposite no stop stop stop with the zombie hey my chat i challenge you slack no no slack really wow

Who did this oh dear god get away from that zombie oh wow okay zombies but the others do really really you had to do this 175 thank you radar for the 275 bits i really appreciate them that’s a problem for me are they oh why is there no crafting book in this

Game i need to be quick crafter oh i can’t die with these important things on me neil oh thank you jen kill all those bad guys quick be while i craft stuff no who stole my bucket oh they poofed my bucket there’s a hole in my bucket dear laser eliza

Right speed crafting time why did all the bad things poop i’ve got another render chest inside of my ender chest this is good news we now have two ended guests well i am not at the moment it’s just in there while it’s safe from ranger’s edge okay i think you can have

I have run out of tea this is bad news almighty is depleted back i don’t know i can carry on come back on fire why am i am i on fire or do i just have a glitch where i look like i’m on fire no no i’m fired

I’ll help you i’ll i’ll help you there you’re no longer on fire thanks so much i’m still on fire you’re welcome oh water relog water oh wait water no no that’s not what happened whoa yeah come here come here i don’t have anything let’s stop back today give me give me give me

Come on let’s play volleyball come i love the on come on come on oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh thank you right okay no zombies i’m busy i am playing volleyball with the ghast thank you once an uneasy alliance where is my

Why am i in a hole i am in a hole full of water and i have nothing in my hand excuse me i’m in a hole full of water and i have nothing in my hand you’re not killing me you’re not killing me you’re not killing me you’re not killing me

I punched it here’s my lover i found my lava bucket and i punched the gas to death i punched a gas to death just gonna say that i know it’s so good fun like standing around here doing nothing and everything but should we go and try and find where

The thing is whether we need to go to well we can’t jump they like to do that do we have any left to to actually do it yeah we’ve still got another 15 pearls yeah you eat one then we can eat one let’s go we’ll figure out where

We’re going go i’ll take it let’s go let’s go oh that way oh good this way okay and then right there i’m gonna leave everything else here because i’ll end up back here in a minute anyway so we’ll just i know but then i don’t have another pearl to throw

Where they’re always at a village there right wow see blue cow you are so mean wow you are absolutely the worst no not always at a village yeah they’re always in the way hi bill i’ve never known an endpoint will not be at a village i’m just saying

All right we’ll chat give us a minute to find a village of some description oh no of course it works me and you we’re going to have serious words at the end of today i’m just saying right oh there’s do you remember earlier on when we had all those elytras it was

Great we could wow wow wow watchful wow wow hey i survived I’m just going to put this out there to chat if elytra happened to arrive to get these blaze rods at this point i would i would thank you possibly do a pickle filter redemption just saying i will do really watchful i hate you right now i will do something at your mind

And less and slightly less death with the elite as well as part of the uh you’re my editor right now i mean you are not friends right now yes really are you really why why why miss i don’t mean you they do the same thing to you didn’t they

Just deleted all your stuff in there no she just gave me all these phones oh that’s really nice yeah oh can i have an underchest please no but it’s a load of phantoms mate here you go no worries rob thank you that’s funny thank you thanks yeah yeah yeah you can have words

Pickles you gotta jump back okay foxy’s playing it’s 46. wow appeared one bit you give me with your pickle filter wow [Laughter] i i i think i’ve had about enough of the pickle filter the the last couple of days um well good news peeps while we’re talking

About pickle filter i just happen to have released a whole new line of happy smiley pickle merch so uh you know grab it while you can available on my teespring website i don’t know i’ve got some new on the go as well i’ve also got many many many more wow

Oh god that’s going to be bad that’s going to be bad really quick go quickly oh dear we’re all going to die we’re all very much going to die oh there’s more oh yeah that was good that was good that was good that was good thank you for the food yeah

And look out jay look out i like the fact that they don’t do great oh look i got a creeper head no they don’t do great griefing do they elitra elitra have appeared right quick go go go go go go go go go go find the food no no no no too painful

Don’t slap me no stop this excuse me no excuse me no why okay okay okay you want to try and get me you want to try and get me ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh my god i just looked up for a split second that was

That was that was what i was seeing over there Foxy get for you [Laughter] i did not disconnect i did not disconnect wait yes come on mister here i got i got a present for you here i am we got a sword i got a sword i got a sword i got a sword that’s what i was

Doing don’t worry i had a sword ranger will yield into the ground in about three and a half seconds i got him oh oh here we go yep thank you thank you yeah ow yeah yes thorns hurt thank you so much i don’t know what you’re talking about over there it’s

Where am i really did somebody just teleport me like a long way away yes foxy you okay there yes i’m having a good time okay when do we start throwing those ender pearls and running i did and then they killed me i’m going to throw another one i’m going

To attempt to do it one more run as fast as i can throw it go go go go go chat will not make this difficult oh geez no jcb stop it oh she’s giving me s ender pearls i didn’t get them ah quick quick quick quick win where is which way we go

Oh no oh jeez i died well there’s a vendor in that direction so that’s good news water give me the water oh i didn’t get to water i could really use some blaze about now because we need some blizzards for more stuff and things oh thank you

Thank you i i was i was wondering if i’d get the fly again where’s that eye of endergon no it’s one of these trees that i splattered to get out again oh thank you thank you thank you no what did you do just because they said you guys might win this doesn’t

Mean i’m giving up we’re giving up no never not now not never i will complete my goal ah there it is i found it well go away let me know we have some grenades about now don’t you think go go go go go go go go go oh elytra yeah

What is it i’m a leaf on the wind yeah we found the wind just watch how i saw yeah too soon right i’m gonna throw another pet really how did i hit the ground too hard in water really i need more ender pearls just saying who did that did you did you really

I’m i don’t know how many times i’ve died oh look at the stats after that’ll be fun uh i’ve got i’m done bird is keeping track of my deaths i i could do with the heel guys please a heel would be good not a slap i could do with some internet

Let’s do it can i have some internet oh come on yeah there was a hill thank you very much oh jc b you’ve done nice things to me okay right so which direction we’re supposed to run right where that eye vendor is in that lake i believe possibly oh great no stop

No no no okay why am i on fire what what’d you do you you gifted out of tier two why would you do that there it is there it is many bad things oh my god that’s really bad hey this is right i’m gonna throw it i’m gonna throw it

Which way did it go what no no no don’t move me i don’t know what direction it went in now why did he do that why well if i get back to where i was i know where it went no i’m not playing with you get out of my face that is rude

Where’s the eye of undergone i had i know oh will you stop blowing me up from behind that is rude come here the meat sticks work really nice on those things where is he can’t get him i’m surprised none of you rage quit yet that’ll be like besides slacks internet of course

Okay that one rage that was just internet i can’t jump i can’t i’ve got jump boost but i can’t jump yes kill me excellent thank you give me chemical why did you do that right why why are they suffering from it and the pearls please uh you know that little meeting we had

With eco this morning slack we got this and he said how fast should he make them uh-huh yeah do you remember what you said they didn’t need to go no faster yeah a.k.f why really really you took all my stuff you took all my stuff hey

No i had pearls i had pearls where are the pearls i see right there i had a violet ender but i have no idea where it is now i i didn’t see which way it went that way okay okay okay okay okay you know what it is

Okay let’s just go that way let’s not even slow down just just keep going yeah you following me where are you i’m i’m following you with absolutely nothing but it’ll be okay do you remember when i had all of those charged creepers earlier and i exploded

Like right at the beginning when i first made the portal i’m finally back there again does that mean i’ve got a litre again and i can fly oh i got rockets no elytra annoying watchful spirit why would you do that it’s like don’t die why was i holding this watchful the next

Thing you know the what next thing you’re going to edit is going to be me and foxy in about a 15-hour collab i think you should make him do a montage of all of our streams together for this ah that sounds good to me does that sound good everybody else anybody like

To see a montage yeah yeah so all four perspectives he’s gotta watch them all back get all the funny bits together right and make a really good one mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah i agree it sounds like a plan yeah funny clips montage yeah it will be that we can put on our

Channel yeah yeah oh there will be blood um watchful on vacation 31 wants to see it sarah crawl says it seems reasonable hands up in chat if you want watch we’ll do that and that’s what y’all want to see seeing as that just happened and we lost

The eyes of ender can somebody give us some blazes please oh no creeper ah thank you oh hi creeper right i’ve gone a long way in the direction i think it was but i don’t have any blaze rods to test whether it’s here or not so could somebody give me some blazes

And a lot of look could could could you just everybody just give us a lot of blazers you know that sounds good or give me motion sickness thank you that’s really helpful that’s going to do just as good a job of helping me find where we need to go go for it

Mr onion should be in the montage as well oh i love that the the withers are attacking everything can i have a can i have a blade thank you anyone please hi blazes thank you thank you kid you’re amazing thank you he kept worked really hard on coding all

This by the way guys that’s amazing i didn’t get any blazers from that acoust you do again plus yeah yeah he came over here and did that craziness oh dear lord dodie zodie oh i’m on fire no no no that’s not what i wanted no no no no no a really speedy

Indicator is absolutely not the right thing no no no no no oh geez who did that who did that who did that indicators aren’t they fun how did that what who did that how did that who what why what this oh my goodness me really mama would love

To call up with you yeah i’d love to collab with you sorry we need to talk oh no no don’t touch me lofty says how do i do the redeem of pigs that turn into creepers you do the pigs and then there’s another one to turn them into something else

Really really really really really my why why why are there these creepers that spawn not creepers the dudes the the angry dudes that do angry dude things just wondering i have angry eyebrows why are they so fast whose idea was this i mean the thing is

Right guys i think this is a great idea but why on earth did you have a meeting and agree to make it ten times harder it would have been hard if everything was just vanilla but why make the vindicators insane he said this morning should i make them faster i always said no

No i said they’re scary enough on their um should we just take off you said leave them as there should we just take off right run run to where yeah we’re gonna come back up here in half a second unless we have 37 beds okay well we take the beds and we go

Because we keep ending up back here and we’re never going to happen so when’s chaos stream 2 says dispatcher oh no i’m going to die this is a bad idea okay let’s go this way please don’t kill me all right please please give me help you could do anything for me right now

If you’re giving me help i like health health is very useful you said i’m dead i’m dead i’m And like get out of here and then try why am i poisoned what our spawn somewhere else to get away from all this hands up in the chat if you want to see us succeed okay i’m just going to ask that question indicator killed me what was your question foxy uh wha why

Just why why why does the vindicator have fire on his watch i’ll ask that question again chat hands up in the chat if you want to see us succeed and if you do why why are you doing everything in your power to make it not happen yes i know says on shipmod

I mean i felt a while ago like we were getting close but we have 30 minutes left and we aren’t any closer than we were about an hour and a half ago so you know you want to see some steve maybe use money oh really get over the

Weather else that makes me happy which direction are we running this way that way towards me forwards look at me where i am on the mini map and then head towards me i don’t know how to do that no really watchful watchful no that’s what’s called being really annoying right

It’s minnie mac okay let’s stay together just pull up the mini map and head towards me he’s challenging he’s trolling why am i not surprised okay let’s keep going okay i’m naked and it has no tools oh we got this one oh watchful you mean it you absolute meaning really thank you [Laughter] Three three four That’s the direction you need to be headed in geez oh watchful that was so mean i can’t believe you did that are you with me it wasn’t just dropping it was deleting your hotbar says mr ball wrong great you might get a bed to set so we can move our spawn you know

Okay i’m set watchful me and you my friend okay all right just saying wow really you have all the beds Maybe chad will be nice and give us another bed on our journeys yes i could do with the bed please chat oh pink man oh this creeper um i’ve been going this way for a long time and i haven’t seen a village by the way

Okay i gotta i gotta go all right let’s let’s keep oh keep rolling keep running we’re running we’re running we’re running just kidding but i have no idea anymore gamma says i gave a bed yeah oh my god teleport i didn’t missed it walk away please sorry oh my god

All right i’m gonna put down a new bed cutting down a new bed to set spawn point sand going down oh yeah thank you whoever just because did you pick a map that doesn’t have any villagers in it okay i don’t think i’ve ever traveled safari oh geez

Where are we i’m falling where am i i don’t know what did watchful just go around and just teleport everybody somewhere else random yes and it is [Laughter] oh dear but slack at least still alive at least i haven’t died yet you haven’t you haven’t done it nope there it is

Quit throwing all of my stuff oh my god i’ve been talking the whole time and i’m muted because i’m a smart cookie good job smart cookie hi cookie oh oh oh oh thank you for that if you were a cookie what flavor would you be chocolate chip because i’m wholesome um peeps

My spawn point has moved by nearly 700 blocks and i didn’t have a bed yeah one of the things is to reset spawn point okay boats what let’s do boats so i’ve lost so i can’t get back [Laughter] no you can you can Because watchful keeps teleporting me across the map i did where’s the boat thanks guys give me a boat brilliant you don’t need a spoon this is java Um i don’t know that oh okay there we go you got it got it hi foxy how are you in the chat i’m having a really good time how are you doing so hi what’s going on would you like to set your spawn here with me i don’t need to it’s already set

Here slack without me wanting it it just appeared to be set here i don’t need to set anything anymore it’s fine this is a great zone look at this i have got i i’m gonna i’m gonna go die foxy i’m just saying wow never mind you’re gonna

Kill you i can do that no problem no i i had elijah for about 0.2 seconds yeah something that needs to change next time armor not replacing armor yeah i just watched it replace armor again it’s okay we we we this is just munich first time i was

Doing the pack so jen and jade are together those team ladies okay so things that need to happen then we fire each other we stop watchful being able to watch and bam ranger’s edge okay we have him we have him edited a collab that day yeah also banned soj

Is jcb and blue cat eyes they’re all banned um and who’s been nice hmm i’ve been nice adrian’s been nice lady teammates been nice okay they can stay we’ll just have a very small private gathering right maybe yeah really like four or five people invited to watch that’s it

And there are only nice ones allowed okay nice coffee i’m not saying nothing and whoever it is that keeps making me go like i’m seasick is also fired [Laughter] because it’s hurting my brain because he’s awesome oh okay it’s all right in 1080p but when it’s in

Four case like it’s awful mind the whole 94 oh yes i’m just walking i have no idea where i’m going but i’m walking just run run how come how come that’s like the thing everybody’s yelling is no watchful right now no he teleported me away

From why would you do this to me zero cruel thank you very much for the five gifted subs whoa okay that’s weird terrain generation oh my god really oh my god they’re they’re not telling them thank you very much i do appreciate it this is a chaos stream which means yeah

We’ve got half an hour to kill the dragon it’s mildly chaotic is there any way we could get like a cheaty way to teleport because we got like hacks could we just go to the end and take on the ender dragon to finish the stream off anyway no one had mined in

The chat they wouldn’t even notice this is us versus that box no it isn’t no yeah but yeah but okay let’s do a poll then right everyone in their chats together do a poll would you like to see us fight the enderdragon on stream while you’re doing this right

And and see if they win and if they win we’ll just tp to the end and take it on with them doing all this crazy stuff to us because i think they’d enjoy that experience personally my chat’s saying no cheating oh mine says oh definitely do it hundred

Percent on the poll so far honestly i’m getting all those over here really you know when you’re all in your chat my mine are literally all yes i’m going to do an actual bowl just to see but i i reckon it would be uh it’s toll button gone team Mike says fight some people are saying don’t cheat all right all right if we don’t make all right here here’s the deal oh i think mitch may have already done one and i’ve just broke it all right here here’s here here’s the question if we don’t make it by

Or in the next what 10 minutes then yeah we’re not going to make it they’re legit there’s no way we’re going to make it legit now anyway i don’t think how about hang on my 93 yes 94 yes 89 yes okay if it gets to quarter past yeah quarter past

Yeah if it gets to quarter past there’s no way we’re going to do it legitimately anyways so some of us coffee said we know you lost so i want to see you fight the dragon yeah exactly that’s my point is it’s very obvious at this point we’ve lost because our spawns are

Miles away from where we need to be to get the ender pills back out of the end of chess which we can’t get to so it just seems pointless at this point for me trying to carry on when we could be having a lot of fun

No i’m not giving up i’m just saying at this point i don’t think it is nowhere with the spawn point on my way yeah exactly i don’t even know how to get back so um jess noona cheered one thing i just said i thought the chat would probably

Enjoy us really struggling to fight the dragon while they’re doing all that crazy stuff knowing that they i could have i could have flown back i’ve had an elisha like six times but every time something replaces it and it’s gone oh and i can’t jump again cheers guys i

Appreciate it oh thomas is here as well yes she just to disagree with her to the rest here i died hi thomas it’s been a while how are you doing oh yeah something killed stuff i’ve got food maybe we should in the future have a redemption that takes us to the closest

Like end portal i didn’t want the bow locate village if i don’t know what’s possible okay where am i going am i going the right way if we’ve not found it ourselves by quarter past we’re going to but you guys have won sorry i was

Mine was that 89 83 29 people versus six feet for yes go to the end of dragon so it’s up to you i i’m not saying we have to do that but i just think that would be fun admitting defeat and going to the end of dragon in 15 minutes

Why are there so many endermen okay i don’t know just no i’m going to try and find the thing oh why am i doing that i got ender bros oh i found a band one of them broken portal things they’re not very common on you they’re all over the place on bedrock oh

They are coming doing well enjoying what a little break slash vacation how i’m doing very well thank you i’m just running now that would be op redemption for isa vendor would be good yeah isa vendor redemption you’re going the wrong way bud i was heading back towards spawn you

Weren’t you headed the wrong way yeah i’m not right there’s the portals or the things they’re right there yeah or where where is spawn oh yeah right i’ve managed to turn myself around somehow [Laughter] yeah we we’ve been teleported far away from you all the opposite way literally the opposite way

I found the pillars of many doom hey looks it’s just like lizard hey slack hey would you like a bed yeah i have a bed thanks bud no i’m not it’s it tastes like okay um tastes like cotton can you set your spawn on java we’re on 1.16 so can we do

That without it being time yeah do you mean this isn’t going in there i’m going i know they fixed that set well mine didn’t say that amanda’s in the chat oh yeah it does yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what what happened why are you popping the totem um 42.

It should become part of being me at the moment because i have no idea we can do this i think we can now that we’re back we got this i’m not in the mood for cheating i’m in the mood for winning and i feel like there you go oh that is a hole

Yeah that’s not going to work well hi hi what you got friends yeah there’s one of them bad guys with things in his face again right would would the chat be kind enough to give us a whole bunch of blazers no they are not bad it’s just the opposite of that i know

They will i know maybe you should ask for the zombies and they’ll give us places then no they’re going to work can we can we not do they just randomly keep smacking you for me yeah no i just see you standing there and you just like twitch and just take damage

There we go blazers oh blazers oh hi the beard is twine thank you hi that’s an extractor thank you for the blazes do they cost bits or is that is that channel points because i just realized they may well be costing bits and i’m asking people to spend money i’m sorry

About that if that’s the case like i don’t know i don’t know but i’m just dead um um okay i have my sword thank you hey blaze dude okay super lagging again there you go did he die okay right i got two blazers from that restriction i don’t know am i going the

Right direction 350 bits where’s one i’m sorry oops my bad i feel a bit mean now i appreciate it even more now just saying right we’ve got 12 eyes of ender no no burn just run take them and run or just run you give give me some you have some if i put

Them all in my under chest just take one and take an ender chest with me i need to go to how you gonna pick the inner chest up without sick touch no i got two under chests oh right oh gosh okay guys guys guys guys

Hang on hang on hang on right easily or cheers oh yeah oh my blazes come on minus no nine minus 95 by 2095. 2095. yes have you found it without was needing the the placement for me i found the place oh did you give somebody the seed and

They told you didn’t they they’re giving you the coordinates i no i no i just had that one pearl and um and you went 2 000 blogs with it watchful teleport to me thanks watchful see there’s a lot of convenient stuff going on here Minus minus two thousand on what the z no minus ninety-five uh-huh oh well it’s right here somebody write that down in his chat minus 95 by 2095. so it’s this way two things that’s completely the opposite way which the bell is that way we’re telling this together

I’m telling you it’s the other way well that’s fine we’ve found one in there exactly but i think obviously you’ve gone to one that’s further away from the other one but that’s fine i’m gonna leave them in there we’re gonna go that way come on slack let’s do this we

Got this i’m just flying oh i’ve got elytra yay thank you whoever did that and i’m going to explode okay yeah me too but i’m going gonna try to get up real hard before i do no not really high okay i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna eat rotten flesh because

That’s my meal of choice today and i appreciate you all right i don’t appreciate that [Laughter] i do not like this replacement our brain to be honest i find it really funny but it’s really annoying foxy we got into pearls just just saying i know that’s what i’m having to use

Me and somebody are going to have words yeah exactly you know what there’s going to be a lot of people banned from my discord tomorrow i’m just saying i’ve got like 4 000 people there now tomorrow’s gonna be about 50. i’m just saying hi it’s annoying

Cast a lot of channel points his blood plug tell me about it nothing at least his channel points are not based yeah yeah we will address some of these before the next one because yeah that’s ten thousand channel points for something getting overruled by 400 yeah yeah

Oh i’ve gone too far in that direction oops way too far in that direction because i’m a [ __ ] i’m a smart [ __ ] thank you for the touches oh we’ve got later again thanks guys bob rain keep your fingers off the keyboard you’re saying should be no keyboards for you mr bob i

Think chat is kind of taking pity on us at the moment yeah i think so because of it because of me crying about us going to fight the dragon i think i’m nearly there i’m really with you both only got a few hundred blocks to go

I can’t believe it i’m probably far away um just subscribe thank you for the sub mug turtle zombie no they took them again no no no why did why oh well they at least they gave me near the right armor this time cheers guys come here cow i need your food that was

So close i’m 500 blocks away come here i’m beating it with ender pearls i’m beating a cow god i don’t know where to go oh yeah that’s going to go good i’m going to land right in that lava yep mm-hmm i’m not sure what to do

They just lull you into a sense of false security yes oh really that and the money you really are you really angry at me you have got to be kidding oh no it’s all right there’s an end to pillow on anybody on the floor it was negative 100 by what two thousand

God i’m never gonna get there i’m nearly there three hundred blocks away i know i’ve got a feeling what chill is going to be like as soon as we get there oh yeah okay guys there we go look there we go thank you very much for that

Okay okay okay okay we’re so close Would be nice if you could eat enderpearls yeah did you say eat in the pearls if we end up back at spawn i’m going to say that that’s not going to be pleasant for somebody i was literally literally about to It doesn’t like me at the moment i can’t log in give it a second rebooting take a breath right everybody i was literally about to pop a block and be inside the thing seriously stronghold ah hmm okay these things happen don’t cry don’t go seriously seriously we love you kids even more

I’m a in chat for professional please he’s worked very hard on putting this together for us Yeah giving us many loves before he gets fired good job it did not roll back it’s just been one of those days because my my internet was horrible it’s been have i got that would be about it i’m sure in your next job we’ll give you a semi decent reference and you know

Right i’m over at the coordinates you gave do i have to go down this hole that you’ve made uh don’t fall down at home it looks a bit dangerous i’m just saying yeah i i don’t know where you’re at I’m sorry where am i yeah wait wait somebody redeemed under pearls for me where’d they go oh yeah and the pills that’s a good idea um i’m just gonna keep walking nice 75 bits no no oh there’s a lot of things on the floor down here i’m just going to say

Someone appears to have littered the entire place with all of their inventory doesn’t she go in hmm hi foxy uh uh my readings aren’t going through yeah you’re welcome thank you oh my goodness started pitch spawns yeah response needed a restart there’s a thank you for the follower you’re welcome no

Oh oh torch thank you food would be better than torches i would really love food or a bed bed would be nice where’s the way out i thought i was going to get food then i opened up this chest thinking yeah there’ll be food in there oh my goodness

This one is right inside a mine shaft as well as a spider spawner right here in the room with us hang on okay this doesn’t seem too dangerous at all right i’m going to put my ender chest down 95. in here i because i’m going to probably end up

Dead in a minute and if we put the other chest down there’s a chance that we’ll ah jesus maybe not bye minus people are being nice lulling me into a full sense of security come on come here come here come here who can i says what dad crafted said put

Down a bed that is a good idea that’s a very good idea do some sleeping nice oh has anyone found the uh thingy yet okay so now i need to go anyone thank you for the heel oh my goodness no wrong direction ooh food yay okay wait distraction

Oh little thing for those 20 bits i need to get out yeah stop squirreling jen you’re not you’re not a squirrel mm-hmm i am the biggest squirrel come on why haven’t i got those breaking boot cases did it go down here super fast down the hall yeah

I kind of like this super fast i don’t like super jump but i like this super fast super fast good i like super fast apart from when you end up falling off into the things you don’t want to fall into hmm coffee mean you’re going to have words oh i’m blind

It is just been teleported no what’s the what’s 10 points does that take i think i have i think i’ve just been teleported yeah that’s eat your items mm-hmm okay yeah throw the stuff in the floor where are my apples i don’t know where my apples are i lost my apples a while

Ago really you shouldn’t lose your marbles i’ve actually i got an entire shoe box of marbles that i’ve misplaced over the years you’ve lost your marbles i’ve literally lost my marbles here we’re not friends no more y’all i’m just saying we’re not we’re not friends you’re good

You’re good we got this we got this has anyone found it yet thank you so who did that was that radar i’m not friends no more oh thank you for the stupid speed oh i’m back on my bed great thank you for the super speed i like this i like

You thank you bill oh that’s a super jump oh okay here snicker bugs and i don’t like the snicker box it’s frightening sometimes huh oh hi bees i might go in the right direction interesting that you’re not out not moving weird oh wait why am i going the wrong direction

Oh my goodness so many things happened at once then oh my goodness thank you hello wolf hello silverfish anyone found it yet uh no uh you’re in here are you where’s your name tag i don’t see you i hear silver fish okay i’m at like i hear lava and silver fish let’s go

Down here and see if it’s down here i still have a long way to go to get to you guys don’t worry you’ll be here in no time um good luck have fun fighting yeah you eating my stuff i don’t think i’m gonna get that oh why

Am i all the way out of pillar oh no thank you everybody for all the redemptions i really do appreciate the help today they’re insane they’ve they’ve gone insane yeah they have been ridiculously generous but i think i do i do feel like a lot of them have definitely got their money’s

Worth of being mean to us i’m just gonna put that out there oh there’s a thingy with a thing on it i’m sitting spawn here come here little fox where have we gone no i’ve been going around in circles for about a week okay well there’s a bed here

Let’s not eat my stuff i know where you are okay i’ll come in can you see me yep hey there we go nothing and look i brought my ender chest and it’s safe and it’s got all of the things in it as long as nobody does anything bad now we got this um

Yep i’ve seen them ready good time yes that’ll show you all yeah meanie chatters the chat people that do mean things and thank you all for the people that do good things that has helped us get there i like the bouncy i like the speed i’ll just chuck the totem in there okay

Thomas thank you for the kitties everywhere there’s going to be a lot of cats in the end i’m saying two minutes to fight the dragon no my clock is saying five minutes yeah five minutes mine says right are we going in we’re going to do this might as well i’ve got four arrows

[Laughter] i’ve got three i’ve got a lot of rockets how how could it be what could possibly go wrong 37 times what the coordinates were and just go i said minus nine minus one one three twenty two two one There four go thank you i’m going in i’m in oh jeez we’re in a box monkey cheered 110 where’s jade i’m on my way i’m on my way okay i’m stood in the end portal room and we got minus 131 by 215. use the groover technique with the

Beds and you got this as jalanna i don’t know if that works on uh java doesn’t she’s still a thousand blocks away oh jade tpj slack lizard oh now she’ll be back at spawn i can hear the dragon this could be bad news oh it’s very dark oh i’ve got blindness cheers guys

Thank you yeah i appreciate it i tried to ender pearl to keep myself from dying but it didn’t work i can’t say yeah we can see oh no fire okay if if i can just stay on this heading really now sorry dog anyone want to give me under pearls We’re going to have ourselves hi i didn’t die you dad ah slack i think this is you i can see no i floated stop not under my balloon oh don’t worry guys i’ve nearly killed a dragon you’re welcome almost dead there you go right you’re walking away uh

Found you this way come on thank you instant heels and ender pearls i got you i like people What was that stuff oh gear i like you there you go okay i am blind there we go okay oh a bed okay convenient make sure we go in the right direction now oh no mr balrog redeemed ender pearls but i didn’t get them sorry mr bellrock they would have been

Really useful right now as well oh why zerocoin why do you keep giving me blindness oh jeez you know i’m flying again great thanks guys appreciate being dead all the time wow i’m not dead oh anybody the bearded swine cheered 530. if chat can are you guys okay with each and t

Peeing me to them i don’t mind yeah okay 130. oh yeah because at this point we lost it was all good it was a lot of fun to do with some armor Okay hi okay um hi jade how you doing all right doing all right okay now oh i can hear this thank you wow i was like dying oh hey oh i kept my inventory that time apparently or i picked someone else listen you get off jade

Get him look at the right now i’m touching my girl come on oh i think hey you ate my stuff come on okay stop stop giving me zombies well i’m trying to take out the things why am i suddenly somewhere else stop okay where’s draken Oh my goodness i’ve got so much junk in my pantry really fast get rid of it okay okay oh no dang it oh no oh no many cats They’re all Hey you very much don’t have a ranged weapon oh no i’ve been trying to get up there to kill them but uh people believe it or not making it slightly key for me oh really oh my goodness me what’s happened to the end what do you mean what’s happened to the

End why have i got an egg oh have you been you should check it out who yated [Laughter] what happened to the end did silence spawn all the withers in the end again no you you lot you crazy fools you’re all blaming crackers you are yeah why they get slapped

How many more towers have i got to kill i need bow where’s the ball the bow is solid it’s like how are you getting on week thank you so much oh i’m glad to hear that we did this for you guys because you guys asked for it come on yes

I was about to click that bed thanks thanks i’ve got a ender pearl not that’s useful no but i thought i was going off the end then i don’t have any come on iron bath how long do you take to break ah where are you place to be um

Slack don’t go don’t do it go on in don’t go in there’s no gas in here none there’s no gas at all it’s a com there’s a really gas there’s everything there is literally the entire thing of everything in the world is in there okay let’s see because chat are kind of nice Grab some mama keep your head down don’t look at the bad guys don’t look at the bad guys put a city hat on kill all the bad now i have taken out a lot of the things i don’t know if there’s any left oh thank you blue cat for the winter

Skeleton just what we needed in the end perfect appreciate it no you gotta have more you gotta have more you can’t you can’t start feeling secure that’s too tall who told you tall and he did not quite so thank you oh thank you thank you thank you for the support

There is a fox with an elite kicking about around here yeah yeah yeah yep yep this is what i wanted yep this is exactly what i needed at this moment yep thank you who did that no the camera’s been broken that’s not allowed to happen the bed is not allowed to be broken

Why am i back here where the please tell me you’re not a spawn yeah well it’s after time now if i’m at spawn i’m done yeah i meant to put the ender dragon when i’m here yeah i’m ready to kill it yeah i’m at a random spot i’m done

I’m done you’re here with me i will avenge you all thank you for the the fox where did the fox go hey guys hi hi welcome over here to not spawn i would like to declare that we were absolutely as expected the underlying and outlying words champions

As we expected to be chat completely and utterly useless unable to stop us in our mission to get to the end which we did successfully without any help um you know the dragon was merely just going to be a bonus killing it was inconsequential the plan was can we

Get to the end and the answer was yes so we win chad loses brilliant except the objective was to kill the driver no no no well no you know shh did is that written anywhere on any of the marketing materials we did don’t tell anyone keep it between those

Objectives just to get to the irrelevant because i wasn’t here for like over an hour so yeah that’s true and we yeah we were man down for over an hour yeah so therefore we win hurrah yay successful streamers versus chat expert level 99 all round especially me some of the best one

Because um Wow oh i know why we’re here right uh ikea spent a thousand bits to reset everybody’s spawn hoping to help jade spawn in the end oh that’s lovely it didn’t process until after she died oh no oh yeah i don’t think i don’t think it worked as

Intended there i don’t i think it works intended right i’m getting beaten up by stuff but oh yeah yeah i don’t know about you guys but i have had a lot of fun uh we did this me and slack have done this twice before this is the third time in slack have

Done this and we decided to invite foxy and jade along this time so i’m hoping that you guys i’m hoping that you guys and your chats had a lot of fun as well crazy yes according to bluetooth crazy yeah i did i had a really good time i absolutely thoroughly enjoyed that and

By the looks of it my chat did as well so thank you very much for inviting me you’re very welcome can we get a hands up for whoever ran out of points today i’m just curious oh yeah anyone in the chat if you ran out

Of points please do let me know i’d be very interested to see if you spent all of your points i’m very curious if anybody ran out of channel points today there is many many many people in the cheers list today and wow blue cat spent over 5 000 bits geez

Crazy people thank you blue thank you all of you oh my goodness my chats still have points left i’m terrified ran out of trouble bill still has channel points danny z wolf went from 13 000 to 187. holmes has spent 5000 lofty house 10k still wow the baron one still has 174k wow

Jeez I could not run out of channel points on jen’s as she made it only have zombies for a few times guys what you had did you have the zombie one limited hey you no uh she made it only have zombies for a few times they’re saying you had it limited

I did oh i’m sorry i didn’t button i’m sorry wow limiting the zombie i wasn’t i’m trying to make get away from these guys i was trying to look at statistics but i keep having stuff being spawned in on me because i want to see how many times i died

All right see if i go and how do i look at statistics hello damage taken where’s deaths number of deaths it’s alphabetical uh 84. i got what do you guys get how do i look at it uh go to yeah escape and then statistics okay and statistics uh

Let’s see according to this number of deaths 1.4 seconds since last death it says number of deaths if we scroll down the list under notebox tuned oh dead yeah we’re gonna just dig ourselves into a hole oh sorry foxy i didn’t know we had commands enabled that’s really useful

84. well i got 85 now because you just died again what did you get 82. 82. oh not far off slack oh he’s gone again bless him oh no see um uh okay so check can see number of deaths 71. wow nice you didn’t die as much

Yeah zombie going all right okay i’m going to disconnect from this i’m going to go are we raiding did we say we were going to do a group where do we just individually what we’re doing we can do a group raid if you want to but slack

So he can’t tell where we’re going right okay well chat can tell him where we’re going if uh okay uh let me pull up my list to see if there’s anybody i’ve got bruno in mine everybody say hello to bruno for us and jen and jade thank you very much yes

Thank you thank you i’m gonna stick around in the chat afterwards when we’ve done this uh bruno let’s you

This video, titled ‘Foxy Plays | Minecraft Real Chaos – Streamers Vs Chat | FoxyNoTail’, was uploaded by Foxy2 on 2021-09-14 20:01:55. It has garnered 278 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:36 or 11736 seconds.

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    Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded - Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Enshrouded as a Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2024-06-22 18:10:33. It has garnered 23342 views and 1321 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:56 or 1496 seconds. Begin Your Own Adventure in Enshrouded Today: I survived 100 days in Enshrouded as a hardcore minecraft youtuber… Herobrine is back and infecting my whole computer! He managed to escape minecraft and went into a whole new game, corrupting it with his shroud of fog. It’s up to me to stop herobrine and bring him back to minecraft…. Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Terrifying Creepypastas

    Exploring Minecraft's Terrifying CreepypastasVideo Information This video, titled ‘YUK NOBAR CREEPYPASTA TERSERAM YANG ADA DI MINECRAFT! Minecraft’, was uploaded by MOIK on 2024-05-31 14:12:00. It has garnered 15144 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:17 or 6017 seconds. ● Follow my other social media, guys: Instagram ● Donation: For donations, I do not force you to donate because this donation can be for you to give appreciation to this channel and support this channel so that it continues to grow and become even better. Thank you to those of you who have watched this video until the… Read More

  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

    Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sobreviví en MINECRAFT ULTRA HARDCORE (Sin ESCUCHAR el Juego 😨 – El Primer CABALLO) #minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSamael on 2024-01-16 13:00:22. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. My Day 18 inside MINECRAFT HARDCORE.. No audio and some other stuff!! SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE! 📲 SOCIAL NETWORKS 👇 – I: – T: 🔨 MC: Java version 1.16.5 Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

    Ultimate Enchantments Hack - Beginner's Neural AI SetupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hostile Neural Networks – Beginner Guide & Automation Setup | All The Mods 9’, was uploaded by EpicEnchants on 2024-03-24 19:00:07. It has garnered 35334 views and 903 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft All The Mods 9 Guides! 🙌 I will show you the basics of the Hostile Neural Networks Mod in Minecraft All The Mods 9. Also I will share a easy and compact system for a Hostile Neural Network Automation. Have fun! 📌 In this episode, we’ll cover: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Data Model… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24x7Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-02-26 19:11:28. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:55 or 3535 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More


    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys" #glavstroy #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs Boys in minecraft… #glavstroy #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-02 16:30:18. It has garnered 10708 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players… Read More


    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

    Vycital SMPA fun Vanilla Minecraft server for you and your friends to play on! We offer solo survival adventures, factions, and more! Read More

  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More

  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

    NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado🔱NAVY SEALS🔱NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CORONADO”We train for war and fight to win…”——————————————————–⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

    It’s like that one friend who refuses to update their phone even though it’s ancient technology. Read More

  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts In Minecraft, lying in bed so real, Creating a cozy spot to feel. VABLOCK shows us how it’s done, In the world of blocks, we all have fun. Crafting dreams in pixelated land, With VABLOCK, we understand. Lying in bed, a simple delight, In Minecraft, we sleep tight. So follow along, let’s build and create, In this blocky world, there’s no debate. VABLOCK’s tutorials, clear and concise, In Minecraft, we find our paradise. Read More

  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

    Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft Nether portals from different hearts leads me to… a whole lot of confusion and lost items in the lava! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

    Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11 Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11: Tôi Và NeyuQ Farm Đồ Cho Cuộc Chiến Thị Trấn Hòa Bình Vs Ghost Wing In the latest episode of Siro’s Minecraft Mega SMP series, the focus is on the intense battle between Thị Trấn Hòa Bình and Ghost Wing. Siro and NeyuQ team up to gather resources for this epic showdown. Teamwork and Strategy Siro and NeyuQ demonstrate excellent teamwork as they work together to farm resources. They understand the importance of preparation in a battle and are determined to emerge victorious. Resource Gathering The duo spends hours collecting essential items such as… Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 ⚙️『Facebook』 ⚙️『Instagram』 ⚙️ 『Treat』 ⚙️ 『Youtube』 #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More