FoxyNoTail – Minecraft Truly Bedrock 4×69 – Witch Farm Upgrades

Video Information

Hello and welcome back to another foxy hotel live stream here live on youtube doing some truly bedrock today we’re going to be making well i’ve already made a witch farm so i’m going to be improving it by adding a storage system and building another tunnel so that i don’t die every

Time i come here how’s everybody doing what’s going on welcome welcome we’re a minute early we’ll give people a couple of minutes to get here if you’re watching this after the live stream feel free to skip forward for a minute or two hmm well i drink this tasty coffee

There are 14 people here it says but chat is totally blank there’s no one writing anything in chat my goodness me where are you all if you’re here let me know because it’s bizarrely nothing there yeah i think my chat’s broken let me uh uh there it’s there it just wasn’t working

Moronic stupid youtube pop out chat can i actually have chat this time please there we go hello lawful meteor hello derusa hello pk pop hello timmy see hello scaredy cat nathan wickenden rahul deruza mr rang phantom instinct skunk cabbages road buster mr notel here to make me jealous of his coffee says

Skunk cabbages might be some stream delay here sister roosa hmm right peeps i’ve never seen myself with such a strange looking nose before but can anyone guess why my face looks so weird what is it about my face that’s a little bit odd first person to guess i will

Say well done too good job sing says evening foxy evening what are you big you hear black sister is it yes that’s what i did and it made me look like this ah your witch’s nose is timmy see i do you’re inside your head which knows minecraft knows implant basically yeah so

We’re over here at my witch farm which you haven’t seen what’s going on with this there it was in my latest video so feel free to check that out if you want to figure out how we got to this point and what i need to do today is a couple of things so

I ran it for a couple of hours well maybe a little bit more than a couple of hours but i ran it for a little while and i haven’t put an impaling five trident in there yet but regardless it’s absolutely full to the brim but most of this stuff is totally useless

So i want to get rid of all the useless stuff and put a storage system in here that’s going to sort out the redstone the gunpowder the glowstone i’d quite like to keep empty bottles because they’re useful for the guardian farm and of course i’d quite like to keep the

Witch heads because they’re good fun but other than that i don’t want anything from this you can see i’ve got an illegal banner in there which meant i did get bad omen which wasn’t ideal uh but i was safely tucked away inside of my little afk spot so that was all good

So yeah i want a storage system on here and then we need to go into the nether and figure out exactly where we’re going to be building another tunnel because the nether portal used to be over there i’ve moved it here and i can go through

Into the nether okay but it links up in the same place but when i come back i appear back over there in a brand new portal which is free obsidian but i don’t want free obsidian i want a nice easy route in and out of the nether so um there we go

It’s time to get cracking let’s empty out our boxes see what we’ve got and start building a storage system of many many dreams i don’t know if i’ve got all the stuff i need to do that but we’ve got loads of storage systemy stuff over at chaos hill where we’ve been

Digging out because we can dismantle most of the wandering trailer is here sir sir sir me speak to me please oh oh lord of wandering and trading no don’t want to talk to me what have you got what you got in your pockets wow total john you don’t deserve to be

Around here get out of it disturbing me which up do you work out how many times foxy says which or which in that video says derose do you know what when i was editing that back i was thinking i’ve said witch a lot in that video it wasn’t intentional honestly it wasn’t

But it was bizarre how much i did say it so uh so yeah so sorry about that if you were sick of hearing the word witch it just i guess it was on my mind while i was recording it but it was very bizarre right i’ve got loads of junk i don’t

Want all this junk i do need those things all right let’s let’s get prepared peeps we need to be prepared flint and steel lives in there well we don’t need a totem yet but we will need one later when we’re going to through the nether let’s see what we’ve got in terms of

Redstone then we’ve got a bunch of hoppers so that’s good have we got a crafting table we have and we’ve got a bunch of chests as well so that’s good have we got any redstone we have we’ve got redstone torches we’ve got pistons oh good everything’s everything’s coming

Up roses and i’m not going to need very much at all in fact i almost dare say we’re going to be able to do this whole thing actually just from here without having to go home for any resources which would be unheard of for me but it would be very useful even got

Glass oh my goodness it’s almost like i’m prepared for this i’m not just decided that’s even more chests and even more hoppers ah i’m the hopper and chest king when was the last time you actually bought something from the wounded traders to jerusalem i’ve not bought anything from him the whole season not

One thing timmy says that’s a rough way to make an obsidian farm it is yes did she turn you into a nuts as roadbuster who who turned me into a newt well that didn’t take long until the first sign we got oh this i’m not getting the sign things huh interesting I wonder why i’m not getting that did we get a sign did we oh you mean you just ah the sign command not an actual sign right okay good good good good right sounds like we’ve already got a witch in the witch making machine we’ve

Got a couple might as well turn it on mince them up a bit hold me uh looting three sword pointless because we can’t actually gather the items because there’s too much stuff in here so i guess we should probably start but oh i tell you what we’re gonna need

We’re gonna need a cauldron and some lava and a dispenser as well aren’t we have we got those things we’ve got a dropper that’ll do have we got a cauldron there should have been a cauldron from when i emptied this thing out there is and what about lava have i got any lava

No but we got a bucket so we can go and grab some lava oh this is all good very well very well indeed i noticed in there there are things that should be inside of my wood box why are they not in my wood box this is no good

Put them in the right place please and uh something this one was my please we need to put our crafting table down and then we know that we mean businesses not a successful one just someone running the command says derusa oh i see i see right we’re going to head off in

That direction because i’ve got plenty of room to dig that way so i suppose first thing we need to do is dig out a space to actually build this thing i mean we could come forward or even go backwards but i think going this way is absolutely fine it doesn’t need to be

Massive either i would like to have two for redstone just so we don’t miss any one for gunpowder just because i feel bad throwing the gunpowder away even though i’ve already got more gunpowder than i will ever use over at my mob farm one for glowstone because again i don’t

Really need it it’s just nice together and then one for glass bottles so we only need five hoppers the rest of it everything else and everything oh and one for witch head so six everything that we don’t need we don’t want is just gonna go straight

Into the lava and yes that means that some items will skip through because we haven’t doubled up the hoppers but that’s absolutely fine i don’t care we’re gonna get plenty from this thing so uh yeah it’s all good news and i don’t think we need to be quite as

Ridiculous as the uh storage system we’ve got under chaos hill either i think that would that would be a little bit overkill so we’re just going to make a relatively humble one what’s the rate says kobe uh it is pretty fast to be honest with you i i haven’t measured the

Rates exactly but i did maybe three or four hours worth of afk and all those chests are filled up now granted that’s a lot of bottles i don’t know how fast it is once we actually have enough storage to contain the whole thing but i don’t think it’s slow

Foxy do you find the auto sorting options on bedrock extremely unreliable no not at all i find them very reliable i’ve never had an issue with them if you put if you only use one row per item then yes you will get items that skip through and end up in your either bulk

Storage at the end or in lava depending on what you’re doing with it but if you if you have two for each item that you really want then you it never misses never ever why do you have problems timmy see the other thing is if you’re right running them running items along

Like in bulk like at my guardian farm or last season or season two in fact when i had a water stream system um if more than one item is trying to drop into a hopper at once then more more than one type of item should i say then the

The hopper just won’t pick either of them up it’s really weird like that it’s very difficult to actually get a hopper to pick up an item from a bunch of items which is odd but sometimes it does it’s a bit random but it’s almost like i guess the item that is

Lowest down physically towards the hopper gets priority the closest rum rather than the hopper just looking at the whole bunch of items and going oh yeah there’s a whole bunch of items here i’ll grab them yeah i find my auto storage skips a lot and yes i use a water stream system that

Must be the problem they’re all single hoppers for each item okay the other problem you might have is if your system goes across the trunk border you’ll often find that the hopper actually these are pretty unreliable now come to think of it the hopper after the storage system uh no after the chunk

Border will often just not get any items at all especially if it’s a water stream one don’t know why weird but if you just make a hopper line fed one you’ll be good phillip carter says right now i have some low level farms in a cave and use a

Lace to pick up the line items and the farms are very slow oh okay paranza says foxy did you download minecraft from launch or did you brought it i have paid for it of course i think if you don’t pay for minecraft unless you’ve got game pass or

Another legitimate way of getting it you’re very naughty and you shouldn’t shouldn’t be doing that but i i can’t get it from the launcher for some reason if i use the minecraft launcher it just tells me bedrock edition is not available so i have to use um my version switcher i have to

Legitimately have installed minecraft once before i can use my inversion switcher but as soon as i’ve done that i just use i uh i uninstall it and use the version switcher hey foxy remember me says ume i do i remember the name tbc says okay might have to swap it over

I just like seeing the items move around yeah it’s nice i like the water stream things they’re just not ever so reliable which is a shame it is minecraft bedrock edition at the end of the day and we have to you know we have to consider that

Okay so how are we going to do this i think i should have shouldn’t have got rid of all them blocks i need blocks i need some blocks back made i also need to sleep if i got another bed or is the only one i got in the afk bit oh geez

That’s gonna be a pain it’s not the easiest thing to fly into this believe it or not i might grab the bed and bring it down there just so that i don’t have to keep coming up to here thank you yes buttons work on glass and dark glass

If they’re right next to a door which is absolutely bizarre don’t know why that is 16.100 is the best bedrock update i don’t know just the zero input lag is nice and it says bk there is says hey just watching an awesome stream on youtube hopper lines

Are the better option just a lot of iron and wood yeah but iron’s cheap now iron farms were really good on bedrock now your bedrock might not load up if the launcher because your store needs updating no i’ve tried everything honestly it’s even worse on windows 11.

I just it just i think it’s because my account’s technically still stuck in the beta and it’s just like oh you we don’t have a minecraft version for you i don’t know if that’s the case but that’s kind of like what i feel it might be so

I think we’re going to have the line of hoppers coming across there so let’s uh make this life nice and easy for us to actually stand on for now put all this stone back in that i’ve just been spending my life getting rid of so one oh actually don’t need to count

From there so we will have one two three four five six and then this one at the end is going to be what goes into our cauldron anything it’s already getting full of stuff because it’s overflowing which means we then need line there storage systems for the win i think i

Should be able to build this pretty much from heart now i’ve done enough of them lately that i just i don’t seem to have any issues with them anymore i’m pretty sure we have those there and those are the ones that we monitor from the comparators which will be on

Those blocks there okay so the comparisons will be on there we’ll have glass there glass there and then glass there which means the pistons will be there with the redstone torches on which i’m not going to reach oh yeah oh huh can’t help but feel i’ve done it wrong

Now you just said you can do it off the top of your head i ain’t got any comparators i thought i could clearly i’m as not as well remembering as i thought um never seen the inside of a catalyst before feels uh forbidden says uh philip carter oh the bottom of a catalyst

Well there you go it’s all ender pearly i’m swear that at some point in the minecraft law we’re going to find out these things are going to relate to the end in some way tell me if i’m doing this wrong peeps because i am old and stupid but i’m pretty sure

The the comparator should go there pretty sure that’s the case okay then we need glass if it’s wrong it’s fine we can move it about a bit it’s all good i need more more space it’s not exactly the button works on glass it’s just the button acts as

Redstone blocks when you press it i know but it feels like it shouldn’t it’s almost in my mind a little bit quasi connectivity and i don’t like it for buttons on glass it should not be able to send a signal and call me old-fashioned peeps but uh just just how i am

It’s my beliefs yeah you’re doing it right says kobe oh good excellent i thought i was it also always seems like the redstone torches are going to be too low down but i don’t think they will be i think it’s all good so good effectively you’re making like a circle

Aren’t you with the redstone the glass the pistons and the redstone torches so we need more glass like that and the glass has red stone on it and the outside has redstone on it and the in the top has redstone on it there we go oh i’ve

Done it too many don’t need this one okay so then we have the piston is uh i shouldn’t i should get some obsidian first otherwise there’s stuff going through this probably going to set these things off let’s get a piece of obsidian why don’t you use target blocks because i got

Loads of pistons and they work nicely and it’s cheap okay i know everyone likes to use target blocks now because you can but there really is no need to pistons work fine i have many many many of them and i don’t have any target blocks there we go so then redstone

Torches go there which powers these blocks which will in turn power the hoppers that’s underneath them which then need to stick out this way so let’s grab another line of stones temporarily put some hoppers under them facing that way like that ah that was smart of me good job

Again i don’t need that one there or that one there in fact i don’t need any of that getting getting weak is a lot harder than it looks if you don’t have a lot of bone meals as kobe yes quite exactly it’s an absolute pain getting wheat Okay so what we’re going to use for the spacers is this potions of healing no actually that won’t work because they’re full stackable i can’t actually use any of those uh items which is a shame so we’ll probably just use stone then for the spacers

Will this work if i put it in it will that’s good news excellent because we’re very unlikely to get stone falling in there at any point particularly from the witches or you know me just dropping it on my inventory randomly ah like i just did my axe good

Job so then we need gun redstones are gonna be in the first two slots then we’re gonna have the gunpowder the glowstones sorry then we’re going to have the gunpowder and then we’re going to have empty bottles and then witch heads okay empty bottles and witch heads

Nice so then i just need a bunch of chests well this was very easy so easy even i could do it i have built quite a lot of storage systems on this server now my only concern is we’re actually building outside of the build limiter here so if

You know silent whisper or someone decides we need another trim before the end of the season then all of this is going to go it’s all going to be gone so i am this is all stuff i don’t necessarily mind losing but i’d rather not i’d rather not lose it

I just have to you know make sure that i’m the one that ends up doing the pruning then i can prune at five thousand blocks instead of four thousand nathan says crops are slower on bedrock edition for some reason it’s better to use pistons i thought they that’s been

Fixed that was fixed ages ago i’m sure it’s got parity now i’m sure it has right now what we need to do is somehow find a way to filter all of this stuff back into there which could be tricky um hmm it would be funny if they somehow did

Drops drop stone because that means the witches were stoned well oof right next bit of the machine we’re going to go into a dropper with all of the excess items which is going to be directly over a cauldron which needs to have lavas in it and then redstones so let’s go find some

Lava how how could that be i mean i would go into the nether the problem is i don’t want to do that until i’m prepared to come back because ah there we go i have a pole very handy i know i’ve seen some around here somewhere you often find lava balls around swamps

Which is kind of handy i’ve read that one come up with some new chat guys i’ve read all the ones you’re talking about right lava in there excellent is the mincerator not turned on ah i don’t know if there’s any witches in it or not we might as well have it

Running now that the system’s in place all right put that bucket back away i would like some slabs just to make this look a little bit uniform with the rest of the stuff and i probably also do with a lever just in case okay good excellent we are getting there peeps

So i’m gonna need uh oh repeaters best bone meal farms to zoom there see i quite like a skelly spawner drop shoot so you just get a skelly spawner and just put nothing underneath it big old fall and just have them fall on hoppers and that’s pretty good um

I can’t think of bone meal farms off the top of my head it’s got uh the the the old red what’s it called used to be the best but they took that out of the game red um nilium growing used to get more back than you put in but you don’t anymore

Uh moss apparently if you can do a decent enough moss farm that’s good for bone meal but it’s very tricky with that because it’s it’s a bit awkward it’s a bit awkward but i mean i’ve got a nice moss farm that i could chuck everything through a composter in

But i you’d need a lot of composters because there’s so many different items all coming through at once and yeah there’s just a lot of stuff so i would say personally i don’t think that’s the best idea in the world but it is probably the easiest and fastest way to get it

Just a little complex i have a question it’s about java i know you’re bedrock but maybe chat knows i know i i’ve done in my lifetime more java edition than i have bedrock edition believe it or not but i’m yeah i probably know less about java edition

Now just because i haven’t played it nearly as much but i do have java now on my channel with the old um miss and my hardcore thing there the vods for that are going out on my main channel so java is now on my main channel have we got any uh

Redstones yet here we go the machine is ready to start firing all of that junk into the thing it’d be nice if it was a bit faster i have done these and made them go faster but i’m just going to leave it at that would be fine is it possible to make

Stacked iron farm uh yes it is but it’s not easy it’s a bit of a far personally i wouldn’t do it because villages are just totally unreliable in bedrock they can quite easily join to together by mistake and then you just got all sorts of problems so

You can do it but i wouldn’t recommend it right what i’m going to do now because i’m very lazy is i’m going to bring out a hopper line here and put a bunch of chests on it smash these two bits and then just put all the items into those chests

And then i don’t have to laugh about trying to empty those chests and automatically sort them myself basically so let’s bring that over here bring it round this way a bit we only need what we need one two three four double chests worth so one two that wasn’t good planning that was not

Good planning at all okay sir let’s break that one three there we go nice maybe some track mode another comparator will make it faster no it doesn’t make any difference to the speed don’t make no difference it’s fine all right let’s make a big old mess many many many items

And all of the items in the world and then let’s start just shoving them in here now i need to be careful i don’t put things i want in there so let’s put all of my favorite things away in here before i do that otherwise i’m going to be very sad when

I lose all of the stuff that i need uh okay well i don’t need the stone actually i’ve got more stone than cents we’ll put that gun powder in there and those glass bottles in there there we go right now let’s fill up these ones many many many many many of them

Might as well just stand here clicking that spot for now wouldn’t i there we go that’s one bro i’m back do you even remember me suzanne cleveland i remember you do you remember me that’s more of the you know that’s more i’m interested in do you remember me though it’s all right

Me remembering you but do you remember me and if so why have you not been here where have you been um could try a zero tick clock dropper with 15 other pistons and redstone blocks yeah i could do i could just put you know a really fast

Clock in front of it and just make it spit out all the time but it’s fine it’ll it’ll go fast enough it’s not a big issue be nice if i had like a double storage chest a double chest as a a buffer before it went in there but i’m not

Forced to be fine yeah it’ll be fine there we go a couple more bits to pick up and then we’re all good nice excellent that’s all of that filtering through there we can grab our stuff back out of here where’s my rockets there don’t want to lose my rockets

Uh the redstone can stay in because it lives here we’ll take the rest of the stuff with us we’ll put these other things in the right places the gun powder goes in not that one that one which means water bottles in there and witch heads in there fantastic oh good wow this is

Brilliant oh we got a few more items hang on one by bit please how fast the storage system is storing the things it’s amazing now now what we got to do is go to the afk point and wait for many many time yeah it’s getting through it look it’s

Going faster than the items are coming in there so that’s great this is excellent news ah it’s all coming up roses just need to be able to get out now that would be nice um made a slight problem for myself here haven’t i that was a lot quicker than i expected

To go i thought we would be doing this for a while good job we got the whole nether near the tunnel project to do as well this stream because uh otherwise you know i’d be like ah i finished see you later guys all right glass in there

That in there stone in there i guess and bedtime i can hear enderman undersea zombie run away All right let’s just stand in here for a minute oh man i’m not the wrong bit excuse me let’s see if we can see any witches spawning hold me sword How to get more chances to get assigned to we made it’s just random there’s no way of like beating it or trying to get more you put stone in the chest that will that not break the system yes it will skip well done i’m an idiot oops

Only 31 likes and 100 viewers yeah what are you doing what do you mean yeah i don’t like the video of course you do hit that like don’t cost you anything and it makes me feel amazing do it look there’s witches in there and everything how can you not like that

Come on be kind be kind to foxy hotel he works hard for you guys and what did he get nothing nothing at all ah oops i may have a bit to put sugar in the system uh we need to stop that stone from coming through which means we need to find it um

More stones there a bit more there and a bit more there hopefully that’ll be all of it i don’t think it’ll matter too much it’s not gonna cause too many problems i don’t think unless we like we get a full stack of it in there be fine okay good

That chest is filtering through into there which is great those hoppers are still effectively going into that chest before they come into the system but i don’t really mind that because that just means we’re going to have you know extra bulk storage if this thing just fill up

There we go sugar is coming through and it’s going into the dispenser of many many fire put all that stone in there i don’t need it brilliant excellent right we’ll have a couple more seconds afk just to watch this thing in action thank you very much for ever like the video

Only half of you bothered though we’ve only got 58 likes 100 107 people viewing come on what are you doing it’s not fair the bk says ume you’re watching the 10 more streams yeah that’s how you get more chance of getting a sign okay what’s its rates that’s dj gaming

Faster than anything you’ve ever seen in your life no idea don’t it can’t hang around for long we’ll watch the vod legs i have a good stream says nathan wickenden okay nathan no worries have a good day doing whatever you do i am clevermind says why can’t we use

Your spectator mod in servers without turning off achievements look i don’t make the rules minecraft say or mo yang say or in fact it’s technically xbox slash microsoft because they make the rules on achievements that microsoft achievements are too valuable that you are not allowed to have any advantage in getting them

Outside of what the developers consider the right way to get them the developers don’t have any say or control over what goes into an add-on so i could make an add-on that just you know did all of the things to give you the achievements right and then you’d

Have all the achievements in the game and that would be cheating so they can’t check each one they haven’t got the time or the patience and they don’t get paid for it they can’t check each add-on to see whether or not it would affect game play and help you

Get achievements so they just say well if you’ve got cheats on if you’ve got a way of getting these achievements that is not the correct way of doing it you’re not allowed them okay so it’s just one of those things if you want to use add-ons don’t worry about

Achievements and you don’t need to get achievements on the server you achievements are global on bedrock edition so you can get them on any world on any device as long as it’s the same account so if you really want the achievements set up a new world and just

Go you know go achievement hunting have fun and then just keep your server for you you know your long-term game play with the add-ons on that you like to play with gigs says i’m not allowed to stay say i still smile seeing that mug being used and yes i’m finally caught with myself

And the others planned for making this week you mean i’m gonna have more gig sir i’m very excited i love this mug it’s absolutely my favorite mug but i’m so terrified of breaking it i only use it for streams now because i just don’t dare trust myself with it when i’m not sat

Down at my desk it’s a public holiday in the uk today isn’t it says derusia yes it is trying to make a chew trunk loader says ooh man now i don’t need one junk load is totally pointless don’t need it bk says hmm since this is bedrock can you ice bridge

I could ice bridge what would i need to ice bridge for royal squishy says trying to scratch myself like a walt hog please stop disturbing me is what i’m doing what um says try to make a chunk loader zack says just got off what was the spawning issue from the video okay yeah

I got some comments on that actually it was very interesting i’ve actually recorded a couple of clips for the next video already this morning and basically apparently because bedrock edition works perfectly right what happened is if your witch-hunt is on an area where there are no spawnable spaces for normal hostile mobs

To spawn then the game won’t check to spawn one in the witcher well done for getting assigned lotion so because this which is primarily over water there are very very few spawnable spaces around it so the game will massively lower the rates of this which

Shot so if i filled in all of this area around here with solid blocks it would work perfectly so yeah totally weird totally weird don’t get it but there you go so technically for the which we’ve now got i should go around making the area underneath it totally spawnable take away all the

Torches take away all of the stuff take away anything that’s a non-spoiler block and maximize the chances for the rates of the witcher in fact should we do that let’s give it a go see if that works now this is information i got from comments now i’m not going to say that comments

Are unreliable but it was there were two people that mentioned something very similar so i’m going to assume that that’s the case and those are true so let’s go and uh yeah totally make the area very spawn proof and see if it makes any difference let’s get

Rid of the torches first and foremost now they said the chunk that the farm is in but if i know anything about bedrock is that bedrock looks at the the what’s it called oh man every single time i forget this word something begins with d um the area that mobs will spawn in

Around around something basically this uh density cap density check which is generally i think it’s like four chunks in either direction from where it picks the spot so let’s say it wants to spawn a mob here it’ll look four chunks in every direction to make sure there’s

No other mobs about and the cap’s not reached so i think we probably need to concentrate on everything outside the chunk as well which probably means building that storage system directly down there is not the best thing to have done but we can like build above it and make that spawnable as well

I guess in the caves below but obviously whatever spawnable is going to need to be in reach of the player as well and if we did the spawn spheres i would need to make a platform probably about this level to make sure we got lots of stuff

The only problem with doing that is then we’ll get loads of hostile mob spawning which would effectively potentially reduce the rates of the farm so i don’t know how how good or effective that will be i’m glad we should spawn in water primarily oh well that’s no swallowing in water is

Bad zach means and don’t work in truly bedrock achievements are runs design clever mind they are yes what happened was the thing is i can’t remember exactly how to do it but there is a specific way that if you set up your server even with add-ons and experimental mode and cheats enabled

Although we don’t have cheats enabled on truly bedrock but even with that um it can confuse the server into keeping achievements on but i wouldn’t recommend it very naughty don’t do it it’s bad zack says right that was sarcasm okay sarcasm doesn’t translate well over text speak unfortunately

Does stacks iron farm will break later on yes probably highly likely with bedrock edition i wouldn’t bother building one let’s put it that way i would only ever build one of those just for the achievement of having done it but i would thoroughly expect it to totally break the next time

I went in and out of the area they need to be solid blocks to spawn mobs and the area dark yeah so what we could do is build like a we could build a spawnable platform with the roof over it but then the problem is once we get enough mobs in

There that the density check is reached then i don’t think witches will spawn so maybe just keeping it like this with the daylight is the best way of doing it and then we’re not going to get we’re not going to confuse the game so much so

I’m not going to faff about with that too much i’m going to go fly up and see if the changes i’ve just made have had any difference i doubt it but it’s interesting and it’ll be worth definitely testing in like creative or something like that to really see if you

Could maximize your rates got a witch in there making the area dark will not help so civil they need to be solid blocks to spawn monsters mobs the area dark making the area down will not help what how many blocks should be spawnable around the witch or i don’t know royal

Squishy no idea i didn’t i didn’t figure out these mechanics someone else did i’m just going off what my comments said another witch is in there currently building silent stacked raid farm hope it doesn’t break it will if it’s stacked villages it will break guarantee it and that’s assuming you can actually get

It working in the first place because stacking villages on bedrock is hard and unreliable and generally speaking you need commands or cheese going to shoot i’ve got a shoe off for the state funeral now have a good stream and catch up on the vod says lossy okay

Oh i didn’t put your sign up yet i have written it on a notepad though spawnable area would make sense if the which is spawn in the same way as phantoms says rude durant maybe maybe that’s how it works what the rates of this farm says dj

Gaming again dj gaming as i already said i don’t know haven’t tested it i get more than i can possibly need from not very long afk that’s all i know i haven’t tested the race not a clue not a clue we what i do have a clue about though is

That there is lots of mobs around here now that we’ve made it totally spawnable which is not ideal also see some apples how can you can’t leave an apple just on the floor if you see an apple you’ve got to get it right and now i’ve been putting it off can you

Tell it’s time to go work on that nether tunnel i don’t want to do it i don’t want to do it right i need to despawn all those mobs okay that should be enough Apparently not oh because you’re persistent now because you’ve got a nice bit of stuff right junk in the junk places and tunnels in the nether what could possibly go wrong right okay so first thing i’m going to need is an armor stand and a banner i’m also going to need

My favorite little chap where is he there he is one of those i’m going to need a bow because ghasts are a thing i don’t think i’m going to need torches i need at least one arrow and we need to find out whereabouts this needs to be in the nether

So using my handy markers pack which you can download from we will see the nether coordinates need to be minus 604 should write that down 68 minus 604 68 by minus two seven four how how could that be okay let’s take out a little man go into the nether

We’re gonna need some obsidian and we’re gonna need a flint and steel to make a new portal because the one where it comes out is in the wrong place we’re also gonna need to take our ender chest stuff in there with us just in case we have any minor boo boos

So let’s uh let’s grab all of this stuff we don’t need all the rest of the junk that’s just building materials so that can all stay oh yeah and then we’ll go and put that there that there that there that there and that there which means that box

Which has actually got more wood in my wood boxes hmm just have a quick sort out of my wood boxes here because look my wood boxes have got all like how many boats do i need how many boats have i got this is ridiculous i got all that good

Stuff in that chest and just an inventory full of boats in here like how many boats do someone realistically need one two i don’t need 78 no let’s grab all of this and see how much of it we can stash in the other ones can i shove those somewhere please i

Don’t want those right it is stashing time come on how much can i get in here stash it all in many many of it as much as possible i can’t no room for me scaffoldings any room for a ladder take those chests out because they’re going there

They’ve got ladders in hmm what about a couple more boxes logs so useful logs are very useful don’t need one of those and i don’t need i’m sure there’ll be a load of junk in here that only i don’t need one acacia sign there we go about in here we got

Rubbish i can stack those with those perfect right good excellent that’s that job done then i feel better now my witch farm produces 19690 redstone dust per hour on average due to 60 hours of afk’s is becca wow that’s that’s impressive all right hello young man i’m not a man

Oh sorry my bad i thought i could see your dingle right get rid of this one let’s go find where we need to be it was minus 604 so about 40 50 blocks in one direction by minus two seven fourths it’s not actually that far away

Which is odd because when i came back through this one it put me in a brand new portal on top of a tree near the other witch hunt so uh yeah we don’t need to go fast put a new portal in at least hopefully it won’t be right in

The middle of this soul sand valley that’d be nice that’ll be nice and i need my totem there otherwise there’s not going to be much use as it so if we head down this way a bit hello how are you doing hello how are you doing hello how are you doing

Hello how are you doing hello how are you doing hello how are you doing now right where we going we’re already there on that way so we need to dig this way a bit i think not far just a little bit in this direction and we’ll be good to go and we’ll probably

Go down a few blocks as well would be helpful or the y value is not essential and we’ve already kind of got a tunnel that way but i think i will i think we’ll go down a bit let’s start digging down might as well eh might as well oh i

Haven’t got any fire resistance on me ah that could be a problem and i’ve got a totem but if i’m in lava and my totem goes off i’m still gonna be in lava and still on fire so i could probably do with some fire resistance potions i believe i’ve oh i

Didn’t bring my under chest oh i haven’t got an air i’ve got a ball to go back right we’re gonna have to build this portal first i don’t know why i’m building a staircase i don’t actually need to ever come back up this thing again but might as well might as well 6d

There we go down down to this point here so what was it 604 by 274 so we need to go a bit that way and a bit that way so roughly here ish should do absolutely fine this will do excellent right slap down a portal one two three four five six seven eight

What a waste of obsidian 910 excellent now if we go through are we going to come out in the right place only one way to find out sorry i mean 281 redstone just per hour somehow stupidly managed to multiply it with six oh well done good job

We are in the right place that’s good news excellent all right now i can get my ender chest i don’t want a broken bow thank you very much i can put these things away which means i need more sugar boxes back out jeez right flint and steel obsidians

Armstand banner so where is my fire resistance because i definitely had fire resistance kicking about somewhere where is it we want that thank you very much it’s probably inside of one of these boxes unless i’ve accidentally thrown it away which is not impossible because i am pretty stupid

I may have done the witches don’t give you 500 uh resistance to the unless you burn them so he’s a loser oh no roadbuster this is no good i shall land you to my notepad so i can put your sign on the wall when we get home

Hey folks your mob head down duplicates when you hold more than one head and you sit sit while right clicking i know moving broke stuff and it doesn’t work properly now i wouldn’t shout about it though keep it to yourself i won’t tell anyone you don’t okay

Just made says hi from the east coast usa glad to run across your stream while getting ready for work love your content well thank you very much thank you very much and i think i know actually where my yes fire resistance three minutes will do take a couple of

Them because i probably will end up in lava at some point so now we’ve just got to head over pretty much to zero zero how how could it be how hard could it be what could possibly go wrong and it’d be nice if the tunnel wasn’t totally awful actually do you know what

I’m gonna do i’m gonna staircase down first get ourselves to what’s the lava level in the nether what’s the level that the lava is at because if we can go just above that then i got a better chance of actually finding where i’m supposed to go does anyone know

You could just change the floor to magma in the trident killer to get potions says derusa oh really now that is interesting because fire resistance potions are much more useful to me than the other types of potions however but there’s the lava lake i found it hmm that’s not ideal

Not ideal at all 32 says lee jim hmm okay can we get away with going in in this direction for a bit do you think no of course not because there’s land over there see i was a bastion and many ghasts huh a rather large bastion i wonder if it’s been raided

My body got the wrong way i’ll do hmm how to staircase down i’ve achieved mitz’s stage of invisibilities as lawful oh well done lovell sorry did i not hate your name sorry lawful i would say the lava level will be about there says derusa which is your favorite farm to make sis

Gadget j um i really like the achievement of making the guardian farm when the guardian farms actually complete that feels that’s a good moment um the easiest farm to make was probably that witch hunt to be honest with you although the trial and error to get there wasn’t ever so easy

Fly down and stare upstairs leech him that’s not a bad idea it’s not a bad idea at all okay oh geez the technically i want to go under all of this i want to be at lava level well this is going to be dangerous this is skeletons and all sorts of stuff

Around here what could possibly go wrong i’ve got my totem i got my little man i’ve got my fire resistance nothing bad could possibly happen i’ve got skills they’re multiplying we’re all good there’s about 54 i need to get up to wasn’t it i haven’t done it in a

Straight line oh geez rudy again roadbuster two in a row i’ll i’ll add that on to your sign don’t worry we need gas sounds on youtube says derouser i know right that would be useful ah speaking of gas sounds that was an actual guy oh hello please don’t break my thing no

Ah return to sender nice they’ve made those fireballs so much easier to hit now so much easier to hit it’s actually possible to actually hit the gas now with the fireballs we’re nearly there oh i’ve gone too high i’ve gone too high here we go oh thank you for popping back how useful

Of you off by one block jeez well that’s good because that actually gives us an opportunity to widen this bridge slightly and we should probably put some walls and sides on it having said that unless i’m actually what we’ll do we’ll use deep state stairs so the only need reason

With this exists is for coming back because we’ll probably just fly down them if we’re coming down and avoid the gas that way so yeah well i’m going to go back to the witcher in a minute and go grab some deep slate and make some deep slate stairs What happens if you get 100 chance of getting a sciences backer you get a sign in the world with your name on it no no don’t there we go i knew that happened thank you guest this is exactly why i need where is this disposing hey no that was very naughty

You step you set my stairs on fire now look what a pain i don’t know we’re flying around your house setting it on fire and blowing people off into the lava all right we need to escape pretty quickly prevent it happen again go get that deep slate i’ll leave the safe

Pathway netherrack over lava lake says timmy c we’re all good it’s fine don’t worry about it nothing could possibly go wrong with this design since minecraft has 100 chance of getting wow that’s a long name i don’t think that’s going to fit on a sign there we go

I need to add it to my little list so i can put them on when we get home we’ve got losers and winners amazing two winners and well i say two losers they’re both the same people okay i’m back i’m gonna have a sleep before everything spawns in again

Okay we’re gonna take that box i’m gonna use it busy sign days is the ruse it seems to be doesn’t it right i can’t see there we go all right let’s pop that down there i’m gonna need ender chest back out again stone cutter if i’ve got one

Of course i don’t why would i have a stone cutter great crafting table we’re gonna have to i’ve got more deep slope than actually do i have a lot of deep sleep i think i do i’m sure i can afford to waste a bit of deep slate making stairs

Because it’ll be fine don’t worry about it peeps don’t worry about it it’s all good right okay it’s staircase time my favorite thing to do it’s not really it’s a joke Lots of sign commands going on but not much conversation peeps come on talk to me got it you’ve got to have something to tell me surely it’s happening what questions have you got what do you need to know what do you want to tell me i need the information

I need something to read it’s not something but yes or no to get a sign what padding what do you say bro got a speed oh it was all good until it didn’t work speed steering oh amazing fastest staircase i’ve ever placed let’s do it again Speed steering mark two yes oh oh geez i’ve made a i’ve made a mistake ah now oh it’s cause i’m half on those stairs okay now what are you doing ah the ghast is coming but you won’t be able to blow up my deep slate mate

Try try blow it up okay blow it up a bit you’ll do you’ll struggle to blow it up a lot no no no no don’t shoot me on here what’s the hardest farm you find to make says john smith uh anything that’s got villagers in it so

Oh the iron farms are easy because you just need to dump the villages wherever you want them so i’d probably say raid farms because raid farms the villages have got to be very specific or at least one of them has and that can often be a bit of a pain to

Deal with so that’s what my answer is going to be it’s probably the wrong answer but it’s fine it’ll do it’s an answer it’s all you wanted you didn’t request the right answer did you now when i said i was going to make another tunnel i never said i was going

To make it pretty it just needs to be safe ideally flyable as well but safely safe is good while we’re going for live loads like this i think safety has to be the key i’ve run out of netherrack already geez i’ll have millions of it in a minute though

Just a little bit of a barrier i’ll run out uh well might as well start digging this bit and then we’ll get more blocks won’t we lawful it seems i’m competing for that invisibility sister bruce derusa i always see your messages don’t you dare who do you think you are

It’s very difficult to say all the messages with all the psych commands which yes that’s my own fault you admit it’s so funny in your hardcore episodes fox this is mark simcock thank you very much villagers are top headache maker says rudin and so yeah absolutely

It’s like they designed them to be the worst possible thing in the world what’s the sign for says jerome it’s a game you get a sign with your name on it if you get 100 and you get a sign on the losers wall if you get zero percent with your name on it

You build fast this would take me a full day says like yeah well that’s because i’m not really you know putting any effort into it i’m just slapping down blocks also the advantage of playing with keyboard and mouse rather than on like touch screen or controller is you generally can build faster

If you’ve had a lot of practice like i have okay we’ve got many near the racks now that’s good now and now now can you filter out the sign commands in responses and response in your view no nobody won’t want to why would i not want to see all of those

Wonderful sound commands i mean i could turn it to chop top chat instead of live chat but i don’t think that actually does anything different we have slightly more useful staircase on that side i mean it’s not going to stop anything spawning on it but it does make us a little bit more

Invisible which is handy i don’t think i’m going to pull the part and pop bother putting a roof on it because the chances of a gas being directly above me are i mean it’s not it probably will happen but it’s not gonna happen regularly i wouldn’t thought

What a beautiful looking staircase it is oh such a pretty thing amazing i’m bringing this roof back this way a bit lovely lovely lovely oh yes what a very nice staircase we have absolutely perfect right now we can run up there go grab the stuff from up there get some more fire resistance

And then carry on however unfortunately peeps it is time for a two minute break and it will be a very quick one this time because uh i only need the lug i don’t need to get more coffee or anything so i’m gonna pack this stuff up put it back in my ender chest

Get some more fire resistance i’ve already got more it’s okay we don’t need more pick up my stuff and then i’m going to disconnect so i don’t die i’ll be back with you guys in just a second Well that took a little bit longer than i expected but um i had to help oliver who was on the toilet first it’s uh yeah it’s uh bank holiday monday for us so he’s off school so he’s uh he’s here oh my goodness lawful right minecraft devil lord please i know

You’re trying to use the sign game but if you could be a little bit less spammy with it really appreciate that would be nice bro i know that’s you know the whole point of the game is you keep pressing it until you get it but if it’s telling you there’s cool down maybe

Cool down a bit poor old lawful meeting is actually having to do some work to get rid of all of your ridiculous many many messages right okay so uh this morning i scheduled the stream rather than just going live i don’t know if anybody actually noticed that and it’s um

I’m always a bit wary of doing that because youtube generally starts sending out all of the notifications before i’m already live but i thought i’d give it a go this morning and i would like to know from you guys if any of you found that useful or not having a bit of

Advanced notice from youtube that was going live or did you are you more likely to click it and go oh it’s not live yet and then forget about it do you think bedrock will ever have 100 block drop from tnt do you know what i

Really hope so and i don’t see that as a difficult thing for them to do so i don’t know why they haven’t done that so the only i i kind of worry that the reason that they haven’t is that they decided that’s not a mechanic that should be in minecraft

But i i i’m sure i’m sure it’ll come at some point i’m sure it must be on the list i can’t see why it wouldn’t be i don’t want to go in a straight line i don’t know why i’m going into straight line because we’ve actually got to go

600 blocks in that direction i’ve just dug all of this out for nothing um i should be going in an angle really that’d be much quicker hello skeleton thank you for spawning in my uh in my tunnel i really appreciate it mate yeah we’re gonna

Forget what all i just dug and go this way instead how hard could it oh geez thank you lava you’re Where welcome you digging to folks he says marxism got back to spawn uh yes usual but maybe five or ten minute notice useful but maybe five or ten minute notice to screw alicia’s i see yes was useful says lawful okay will this ad ever end jesus rosa’s your

Face ralph you get the longest ads do you have to be a member to get a sign says leona nope you don’t nope doesn’t make any difference whether you’re a a member or a viewer didn’t see the notification early but i’m the type that would click see you’re

Not live then completely forget the second i start watching something else there’s listening words yeah that’s what i worry about that’s my concern I had no ads weird screwlicious i must use my quota for the day youtube don’t want to pay me in too much now we’re not giving him any more ads he’s had enough money this week another lake brilliant i mean that was inevitably going to happen doing it like this wasn’t it but

There we go is what it is all right let’s widen that up a bit so it’s a bit easier to get down ideally without making missive massive holes in the floor like i just did oh goody so many things i need my shovel for thanks game I’ve already got a full inventory great i love soul sand valleys how are you they’re great aren’t they i don’t know i still as much as i did enjoy the nether update and it was nice for them to add the things i still think i prefer the original nether i still

Think i prefer just near the waist everywhere i i’m i’m not i’m not convinced by the whole new biome thing maybe if they were more rare if there weren’t quite so many new nether biomes i would be a little bit more happy with it but i just think i think it’s too much

Personally what do you guys think i didn’t see you alive until 25 minutes in didn’t get a notification for the best scream stream no scheme answers rough well ralph if you’re getting those sorts of ads that must be that’s the sort of interest that you’re telling google about

Google obviously thinks you need to get rich quick it’s just trying to help bro youtube is banned in our country so it doesn’t show ads i’m now using a vpn to see it it’s like free youtube premium oof except for the the creators that are working hard to create all of the

Content for you and not getting any money because of it so it’s not like youtube premium it’s like ripping off all of the content creators that work hard to create content on in order to try and earn a living it’s like stealing from them in fact i would say so yeah

Don’t don’t pat yourself on the back too hard there agree too much hate red walt forest and those hogs i don’t mind them in small quantities but there’s just too much of it there’s just way too much of it in my opinion oh great it’s going to be one of those

Jobs so it cost me 50 000 netherrack just to place a little bit let’s do it this way instead then what could go wrong i saw the notification just before my lunch break ended wouldn’t be watching otherwise says dsr but that was that after i’d already gone

Live or was that before i’d gone live was that when it was notifying you that i was going to go live yeah would probably what could possibly go wrong since foxy says mark simple exactly nothing ever goes wrong for me never ever i’m just too good at this

Game ah jeez i was holding shift then as well can i get away without using the fire resistance potion yes i can thank you game you’re welcome perhaps you know when you’ve got a little bit of lag it’s not the best way of doing things oh now this is skeleton the other side

That wants to make life easy for me don’t do it skeleton you’re making life too easy for me babe thank you appreciate it that path is like you’re hungover says gadget j that fire didn’t last long said derusa no well i got fire resistance on um my helmet helmet stop it

I don’t want to go back in i just got out did you just call that skeleton babe i don’t think so i don’t think i call anyone babe because it’s not the 90s anymore that’s the sort of thing i used to call my girlfriend when i was in college or at school

Not uh now since i’ve been about sort of 19 18 19 plus i haven’t used the word babe hey babe i had to get him babe can’t call me that it’s not it’s not a nice thing to call me oh sorry all right babe i’d do it again babe

I’m in the habit of it now babe ready sorry babe foxy is your witch farm gone just opened your stream uh it’s not gone no it’s still there we’re just building a path to get to it a little bit more easily in the future which means i need more than the other

Right we’ll go dig this way a bit and then we’ll have more netherrack hello striders so why does the resistance potion why does fire resistance potion burn in lava says derusa i well i think what happens is the bottle itself burns right and then all of the fire resistance

Potion just ends up dissipated into the lava and because there’s an overwhelming volume of lava surrounding it it just sort of it’s kind of like putting sugar in your tea or your coffee it just goes doesn’t it can’t find it anymore you can’t exactly put fishing rod in and get it back out

I think that’s how it works pretty sure oh good wall of gravel yay now now out now really really how many of you are there why shoot stop it stop you’re more dangerous than the blooming lava clear off ruthless skeletons how far away is the witch farm schedule uh from spawn

About 600 blocks so it’s going to be quite the tunnel that we need to dig here today i would doubt we even managed to complete it all on the live stream because unfortunately i’m not going to be able to stream for quite as long today because oliver’s here and i don’t

Want to leave him all on his own for hours and hours and hours so i mean it’s not unfortunate that oliver’s here i just mean it’s unfortunate from the viewpoint of oh i’m enjoying streaming and you’re enjoying watching it okay jeez what do you mean you don’t like your

Kids i love my kids not what i’m saying he’ll need lunch he’ll need to eat he’ll want he wants to go he wants to play games this afternoon so you know i can’t just be streaming all day not the 90s anymore lies says cantilever how long is the stream delay today i

Said that about an hour ago so the fire resistance doesn’t uh fire resistance the bottle says derozan no it doesn’t well on it because it’s only on the inside of the bottle you see it has to be on the outside of things for it to work why does netherrack burning lava says

Rotate alpha uh i don’t know i wish the golden carrot had effects this minecraft devil or a bit of a janky path boxes as much as the sim it really doesn’t matter it’s all good wait you need to feed kids that’s what we’re wrong so skip yeah i know i

Haven’t fed him yet this week so uh you know he’s gonna need feeding at some point otherwise he’ll be complaining to his mum again keep trying to tell him that you know i fed you yesterday then i don’t know what your problem is but uh yeah just kids i guess always hungry little

Hungry little critters always want my food i don’t know why i’m trying to make this tunnel neat because it’s totally pointless i’m just going to be running down here as fast as i can to get to the witch farm and back again it doesn’t need to be neat at all but hey ho

Who i am can’t help it alexa feed the kids is lawful that’d be nice wouldn’t it oh just like kids feed yourself goodness sake child you’re four years old get your own dinner i mean he’s eight now so technically he probably could he could probably just about manage to make himself some

Sandwiches i reckon without too much effort i don’t know if i trust him in the kitchen though opening the fridge and getting knives out and not cutting his fingers off gotta love that near the gravel says yeah why did they put gravel in the nether so you’re surviving that i know why they

Did it but it’s stupid it doesn’t belong you don’t need gravel to survive you need flint now i know you need flint get out of the nether but it’s still annoying okay Just have flint trees grow in somewhere instead makes sense doesn’t it well you know them like skeleton structures you get in the nether just have like a piece of flint block at the end that you can break down into flint or maybe because obsidian is basically

Flint isn’t it why don’t you just like when you use a instead of using silk touch on obsidian when you use fortune or just a normal pick xl city and it breaks into flint frost walker or depth striders is going to be i absolutely hate frost walker depth strider all day long yeah

Frost walker just irritates me because i never expect it to wear yeah just i just don’t like it go away shoo you’re in my waist killing there are occasions where frost walker’s useful but it’s hardly ever whereas death strider is almost always useful when working on farms or in water or

Things like that it’s very very rare that you need frost walker in my opinion i mean actually let me know what do you think where does frost walker become useful for you guys where do you think is a good use case for frost walker foxy i’m just grateful for finding your

Channel four years ago thanks to you i’ve improved my english learning says fabrico thank you very much i didn’t intend to help you with english but there you go i mean you should probably aim to learn from someone that’s got a slightly better grasp on it than i have but thank you regardless

Right i also guys an ice farm says derusa well i guess so that’s one minor use case i would like to test the stream delay if you wouldn’t mind so i’m gonna count down from three and when i get to go i’m gonna go three

Two one go and when i say go i want you all to put a smiley face in the chat so get it ready get it ready in your chat box don’t hit go yet just get your smiley face ready to go and then i will do the countdown and

Then we’ll see what the stream delay is because it seems like it’s quite high and i’ve got it set to ultra low today so i’m slightly concerned so are you ready in three two one go one two three four five five seconds okay it’s not too bad ultra

Low should be about one second but i’ll settle for five and you can also see who’s got longer delay than others have you tried refreshing hey miss i see your smiley face there didn’t see that before how are you doing sneaking into the chat and see sneaking

Into the stream have you said stuff already have i completely missed it miss not my fault rotated our face made me miss them you hid your messages We’ve been lurking miss is that what it is you can’t blame it on the school run today it’s bank holiday monday on my screen there was a heap of smileys before you said ghost is kind of joe yeah try refreshing your um your browser you might get it more up-to-date stream

Speaking of up-to-date stream we got 119 people watching right now but i’m noticing there’s only 92 likes so some of you cheeky people are here for free without having done any work or helping me out so i would very much appreciate it if anybody that has decided they’re just going to sneak

In for free without asking and hasn’t hit the like button can just take a second just if all it takes is one second makes me very happy and it means means a great deal to me you just just do that just hit that like button i’d really appreciate it i was

Uh first but live only 40 miles from foxy says fuzzy bear what true story ross is miss my time miss out for six thousand seconds mm-hmm frostwolf is fun for about five minutes then it’s pointless as the loner okay we’ve gone up to 101 likes but it’s

It’s not enough keep com keep them coming and also if you’re here and you’re not subscribed uh first of all let me know if you are or not in the chat because i’d be interested to know it’s not a problem if you’re not but also if you’re not what

Are you doing get subscribed hit the subscribe button jeez i need to unsubscribe man i need youtube to go oh yeah actually people do like him a bit maybe we should recommend his videos to people we go against everything they possibly know and believe the real official cast has an 80 chance

Of getting a sign yes subscribes is lawful now i meant tell me if you’re not i know you are i’m not subscribed this is diamond fairy i don’t care about you you don’t have to subscribe what about infinity or mending like if you have a mob farm which is the better option uh

I don’t think it makes any difference for a mob farm because you don’t use bow and arrow farm do you subbed on two accounts and watching both says jerusalem amazing thank you um i was always team mending for a very very long time until it started really irritating me having

To replace my arrows or get arrows because i didn’t have any the advantage of just having to carry one hour around with you is is brilliant so i’m definitely team infinity now but it used to bother me that my bow wasn’t like if all my other tools were mended

My bow wasn’t that used to really bother me but i’ve just sort of got over that if you like so uh yeah team team infinity team infinity bro go in the hole ah no oh geez i’ve done it again now look what you’ve done stupid lava

Made it very difficult to go in and plug you up ross says something all five accounts got all running right now geez no one of your pcs didn’t work rough too many live streams running my internet’s really bad uh fabrico says english is not my mother language so watching different channels

With different accents helps a lot oh go go good even timmy’s he says i can click the like again but that might be bad as i’ve already clicked it once yeah don’t click it twice you can you can only click it an odd number of times okay

You can you can click it once or three times or fight out five times but you must never ever click it twice or an even number of times okay those are cheap as chips as gadget jake well yeah but getting a nice fancy one as good as that look how good that is

This you say it’s cheap as chips it’s the right fact about having to enchant all those things on it really just how don’t you mention villages to me i mean you fall out mate you start mentioning villages considering i’ve only come like 200 blocks i probably shouldn’t be faffing

About quite as much as i am widening this tunnel we’ve got a long way to go we’ve got a long way to go ah i wanted to look at something okay and it’s also a temporary tunnel as well because that witch harm farm is outside of the world border so

Chances are at some point it’s not even going to exist so totally pointless tunnel really i mean it’d be just quicker to fly home i think it’s not that far away chat just broke says derusa did it what if i click it once and someone else

In my house clicks it once it’s still an odd number each no no no no no no no the bow and the elite are the things that fall in the one block of love when you die the hardest things to replace yeah right tell me about it villagers girl says

Mitz need a new redemption with that sounds like beards don’t want villagers beards down can’t have redemptions on youtube bro only twitch allows us to do that what we can do i think it’s possible now to like do certain events based on memberships or gifted memberships but that would that

Does seem quite expensive way of doing it although i’ve not tried it now can you do gifted memberships on my channel and also if you can can you do them at like the support tier so like the one dollar tier because technically if you could do that that would be even cheaper

Than be doing a gifted subscription on twitch in which case you could probably use those for redemptions right speaking of memberships you can support me for just a dollar dollar a month and it makes me smile but if you don’t want to support me for a dollar if you want to support

Me for even more then i’ll give you some free stuff like you know access to my patreon realms and things like that if you’re over 18. access to the secret areas of my discord where i have been known to hang out once ah yes this is exactly where i needed to be

Oh that’s amazing i just need to link up with that tunnel there so actually like if i just fly here this is where my old the first tunnel that i dug out in the other video came out oh this is amazing right fantastic i think that’s either ricky’s or slacks

Tunnel i haven’t figured it out yet but if i can get over to there and sneak my way in then we’re all good so i don’t actually have that much further to go with this tunnel at all that’s good excellent i really didn’t want to build it for another 4 000 blocks

More crouching over lava what could possibly go wrong well pc the air foxy says hydro uh it’s not meant it’s not a name brand i built it myself if you want to check out my uh my setup you can go to i got a page on there it’s relatively up to date

There’s a few things that have changed but not massively most of it’s up to date wow that was quite impressive placing i don’t think i’ve ever placed them like that before speed backward slabbing amazing slabbing or placing you know what i mean that slacks tunnel said roadbuster do

You know what i thought it was but then it had ricky’s like signs for ricky’s stuff all over it so i was like oh maybe it’s ricky’s tunnel it definitely looks like a slack sort of thing and the fact that there’s a massive gold farm there made me think

It’s slacks but then as soon as i started seeing the size of the tunnel i’m like man maybe this is ricky’s and then i thought ricky’s not been on the server long enough to build that behemoth thing but now that i know it’s slacks i’m slightly concerned about digging a hole

In the side of it to steal passageway through it without asking i think he might tell me off pretty sure ricky would be okay with it i’m pretty sure slack would be all right with it to be honest with you but slightly more concerned about asking

Now do that on the hardcore world says pickles easy pickles easy yeah no problem right a little bit more digging in this we could just go straight over to it there but i i feel like a bit more digging in oh actually because that goes up at some

Point we don’t want to miss it will we come into line with it further down no because look it goes up there so i think yeah we’re going to have to come across look at all the magmas in those boats slack spawn proof in the area good good work slack

Right we’ll we’ll go across here then oh the door’s over in that direction i mean we could just put a landing pad over here and fly but if i ever lose all my stuff which does happen um oh geez that was a pointless path wasn’t it

I don’t know how much you’ll thank me for putting path through there i’m gonna go i’m gonna go into this wall and then turn right and go through the wall and hopefully come out at it i don’t want to upset his mob spawn despawn in store for cause problems

I don’t don’t want to overstep my welcome and he’s technically the nether so it’s technically a free-for-all but i can’t just go smashing into his stuff but it was fast to say range what was fast just make a piston door into his tunnels just be speedy he can’t go breaking into

His stuff without asking when is the hardcore stream says yellow it will be wednesday at 7 30 p.m at british time which is currently british summer time uh and then the next one will be thursday the same time have you seen the the video i did uh i put the video out

So basically i decided that for this latest season that me and mitch are doing i’m going to put the vods for those on my main channel but what i’ve done the first episode was a bit harder because it had the music in the background but i’ve been recording the episodes um

As we’re streaming them just from my point of view and they shouldn’t have music or anything like that so then i can use a an app called um recall and what recode does is it just takes a video like a live stream or anything you’ve recorded really and it takes out all of

The gaps where there’s no talking and puts cuts in so then i for like the episode two and three i couldn’t do it on the first one because it had music in but for episodes two and three i’ve run it through recall which has significantly shortened the

Length of the livestream and took all of the nonsense out and i’ve put like continual music in the background so it’s not just all silent and stuff and i think it works quite well i don’t know how well it works in terms of obviously quite a lot of it we’re talking to chat

Or then like the creeper sounds and stuff like that don’t come through which is a bit annoying and you can hear us responding to those but i think i think as a as a video i don’t think they’re too awful what do you guys think you obviously haven’t seen the second

And the third one which will be a little bit different from the first one i’d be interested to know what you think i said i was going to go across didn’t i didn’t i just end up going in a straight line again one more on

That’s one way to make a mob switch is robust of the year and it works pretty well apparently according to slack just put magma cubes in boats seems to do the job i don’t know if you need to name tag them as well or anything i don’t i don’t

Think that would work actually because i’d take them out the cap wouldn’t it not 100 sure okay at the end of this then have we got a way of getting over to it oh we’re nearly there yeah we just got to sneak sneak in from this direction what could go wrong

Just a little bit of the old sneaker room foxy why do you do why do lots of teams think laggy on bedrock edition even online says henry ash when you say even online do you mean when you’re watching it or when you’re playing on servers uh laggy is generally speaking

Unless you’re getting block lag if it’s looking laggy oh hey thank you very much devlin amazing member for 10 months at the sport here um yeah generally speaking it’s that your device isn’t able to process everything that’s on screen so it probably means you’ve got a lot of entities or laggy blocks

Or things kicking around now i actually did some testing the other day live to my patrons in the patron chat on my discord and we were going through all of the different blocks that we could think of and basically in a flat world and determining what was

Frames per second killer which you would say is lag it’s not actually lag but that’s what most people seem to think lag is that’s what it’s commonly referred to and uh sugar boxes are awful banners are really really bad signs are really bad glow signs are even worse um

You know if you’ve got 4 000 shulker boxes laid down in an area that takes you frames per second i’ve done it again i had a few problems with my fps because i had some weird g-sync issues going on so i turned all that off went full screen

And i i was getting 600 frames per second when i was testing separately and having 4 000 sugar boxes on the floor in front of me took me down to seven frames a second and you might think well i’m not gonna have four thousand sugar blocks on the floor in front of me

You’re not but you might have a whole bunch of chests you might have a storage system with loads of hoppers and workstations and signs and banners and all of those things add together and it massively reduces your fps so i’ll i’ll have a look at the list so i can

Tell you what they are so what i’ve listed is really bad affecting your performance is signs banners ender chests are really bad schools like uh mob heads not my mob heads well they are because they’re entities but uh more specifically like skeleton school scraper schools things like that

With the skulls really really laggy uh shulker boxes pistons pistons are ridiculously laggy and enchantment tables as well um then the next on the left down the tier which wasn’t quite so horrendous so those things when we had 4096 of them in an area were taking me down from like

600 frames a second to about seven frames a second the next lot was taking me down to about 50 to 100 frames per second those are chests and beds so chests i think took me down to about 40 or 50 frames per second beds took me down to about 60 70.

Then we’ve got lit campfires uh they’re pretty bad in flower pots believe it or not are quite bad as well and then things that are a little bit laggy maybe drop your frames per second a bit but not horrendously command blocks lodestones unlinked campfires brewing stands cauldrons bee house b nests

Barrels hoppers lectins candles furnaces shriekers skulk sensors and sculpt catalysts are all laggy so if you imagine all of those different things i’ve lifted listed if you’ve got a few of them in the area that you’re loading or looking towards in game it doesn’t even have to be in your ticking area in

Your view on game even if they’re behind walls they’re making your game seem more laggy basically every pretty block there is causes lags as gixxer yeah effectively yeah yeah that’s one way of looking at you should make a video of that says brood

Uh if i have time i will if i i would like to make a video on that because i think it’s quite important uh but it’s it sounds like a nice easy video to make but in reality to do it properly would take quite a long time so

I don’t expect any time soon that’s what i’m saying all right i need i need to swap pickaxes my pickaxe is looking a bit broke oh i need to keep it out though so i can break my chest so anything that has animations or could be customizable seems to be in that list

Is henry yeah anything with the ui is general although looms weren’t too bad um but things generally with a ui or things that are not a full block trap doors are okay doors are okay barrels are certainly better than chests but uh chests were awful and the chests were awful

So yeah um that would be why especially if you’re on a low-end device someone said what average frames per second do i get well let’s have a look here on truly bedrock i don’t know if you can see the overlays you probably can’t actually but according to

The overlay i’ve got on the screen now it says i’m getting 89 frames per second however if i go into a flat world if i face away from slack stuff for a start it goes over a hundred um but if i’m on a flat world i get uh around about 600 so

Yeah it depends on where you are what you’re doing what’s in the world obviously lots of stuff in the nether causes lag how about droppers and dispensers uh i didn’t i don’t think i tried those we don’t generally build we were thinking of generally speaking things that we were building

Out of in my marketplace map that’s coming up so those are the things we measured so i didn’t measure everything i didn’t deal with all the blocks how am i gonna sleek it sneak into there without slack noticing hmm just need a little path down here i need some more

Polish uh put some more um deep slate please don’t go in the lav when i break you it’s going to isn’t it it’s going to do it no not allowed no going in the lava okay we wanted to it wanted to just uh sneaking on by see if we can

Sneak into slack’s amazing nether tunnel of many goodnesses he won’t mind he won’t mind at all me just looking through his windows hello hello can i come in please please oh we should test hoppers then help us with furnaces or composters on top did that pickles people think putting furnaces on top

Help lag doesn’t at all but putting composters on top of hoppers does composters for some reason actually improves your frames per second so it’s weird mojang hide shulker boxes sugar box magnets under the lava system you see yeah they seem to don’t they i don’t want to just break through his

Wall i feel really bad about it i’m sure i’m sure he wouldn’t mind if i just put a door in here i do feel a bit bad about it i feel a little bit naughty i’ll put a sign down and just let him know and then i’ll

I’ll put a chest next to it with the items from the sign from there that i’ve just broken sorry about the whole bro board i needed need to link up foxy smiley face really smiley face there we go you’ll be happy with that make a stack make slack an another diamond shop i’m

Sure he’s not mined a hole then that’s a good idea so there we go we’ve now got a way through to get us all the way back home again which is fantastic so before we go home we now need to go back to the witch farm to get all of the rest

Of our stuff which i might as well just let’s be honest not use the path and just fly over here see what goodness is we’ve got the witch farm and then we oh no we still got a little while left but i haven’t really got any other

Plans to do anything um and like i say all of us here so we might have to end a little bit earlier than normal today Haven’t really made these extra flyable it wasn’t too bad mate oh i’ve read that one nightbot says i’ve no idea how long foxy’s been live for as my integration with youtube sucks me it’s told me to fix the uptime for nightbot but it doesn’t work for youtube

So there you go i fixed it mitt that’s okay with you See i do listen do as i’m told even when the solution seems impossible i find a way you’re welcome right let’s uh get the old ender chest out put away some of the things we no longer need i wouldn’t mind like just a looting saw

To keep over here so i don’t have to keep fishing the one out of my ender chest so maybe we could go home and enchant that that will give us a few things to do for a few minutes let’s put i don’t want to put that away

Okay then go away for now put that away put those away we’ll go fix our pickaxe as well and we’ll take these sugar boxes home that we don’t need here oh before we do that though i’m gonna need to get my wood box back out and my redstone box and pack up that

Extra hopper line that we don’t really need anymore although our chances are one of the chests still going to be absolutely full of stuff we go that can be the chest for all the other junk that we don’t need so these couple of chests here full of

Junk this can all go in there i’ve got extra wood here the wood can go in my wood box if i can fit it in foxy finally fixed nightbot nice to scandilivia welcome you’re welcome Actually i should just be shoving this into the burnificator shouldn’t i i don’t need any of that put it all in burn it all don’t need any of this junk dear machine please take these gifts for your services as being an excellent witch farm you’re welcome

Have a snooze the stone will break your sorting says timmy see oh yeah please give me those gifts back if it’s got stone in it oh geez not my fault there’s accident trap maybe do it put the stone in there take the rubbish out of here then

What about the bee nest i might as well keep the bee nest because i i might do a bee farm at some point so being that’s probably going to be quite useful and all of that junk that junk that i can’t fit them in have many more junks please you’re

Welcome grand machine of perfection more junk i’ll keep those keep that get rid of that get rid of that what about in here i’m sure there was another one with mooring no is that it good ah hang on a minute was it that one i will keep that

Get rid of the boats don’t need all those boats i can make more boats if i need bows i can throw those in and throw that in i don’t want to throw the cat heads in there we go this is what we’re throwing away okay lovely job are you married says uh why

Why are you asking are you looking uh seeing if i’m single see him from available oh my god no i’m not married why why was the laughing face why are you married laughing face you just can’t imagine anybody would want to marry me it’s like you knew it you knew the

Answer before you asked it is that what it was you mean he you absolute meanie not very nice well wow all right okay now we’re going to sort out the wood box for good this time taking care of the shulker monsters is robust exactly it looks like the previous stone had

Already broken it no it’s not broken it’s perfect nothing wrong with it look oh good see this is why you need two of each one because redstone’s got into the second line it skipped over which means some of the other stuff will have got in there but it’s all good

Fine fine fine fine fine you looking like sweet father thank you very much i am very sweet father that’s me probably the sweetest father you’ve ever you’ve ever seen i would have i would say without blowing me and trump it too much hmm what will stack with what i’ve got in my hand

Surprising amount of things actually okay let’s put some things back in here because i need to get the logs out now log blog log okay this one’s gonna be all logs and planks i think that makes sense and then the other one can just be all of the other junk that i got

Things that have sort of broken to pieces going on more planks there give me all your planks bro Now barrels chests crafting tables doors boats stairs doors signs so many signs speaking of signs we’ve got to put those signs up before the end of the stream as well so let me forget to do that uh we’ll put i guess half slabs in there as well then seeing so there’s not much

Room in the other one there we go that’ll do in that one and then all of this other junk and go in here oh that feels loads better look at all the extra space i’ve got now fantastic although i seem to be i had all of that in there before

Oh no because i took stuff out of this one didn’t i okay all right we’re gonna get rid of those don’t need those i’d rather have scaffolding in there i don’t need that one sign there so we’ll put those in there and those don’t go anywhere so they can just go in the

Bin okay good right um you can go in there well why do you think they haven’t added chest shortcuts is it because of mobile controls what do you mean like click on like empty my chest or empty my inventory into the chest type thing i don’t know maybe they don’t think it’s necessary

I have no idea why mojang do and don’t do things i can only imagine it’s yeah it’s probably because they just don’t think there’s any need to do that hmm i can’t reclaim a great deal of this let’s take all of you out of there and put all of you in there instead

Have that one back well they’re all going to be full right okay ah most down all right we’re all good okay i’ll take my coal blocks back from my other area put those chests in there we’re good to go let’s do this let’s go back fix my pickaxe enchant my sword put the

Signs on the wall come back bring the sword over here not much to do at all now it’s probably in jen’s book says real dill pick what’s in jen’s book what’s jen’s book jen’s book the nogen had a book very confused i’m ian going to give us an inventory

Update or oh jens is in minecraft gen right i thought he was on about like slacks gent or do you have another thought i don’t know honestly fuzzy bear i really don’t know they made a joke about inventory update for the april fools thing so i’m i’m half tempted to think that they

Don’t consider it being a requirement or a necessary thing to do i hope i’m wrong i think that that showed us that they’re listening and they hear us but they don’t really think it’s an issue that’s what i got from that but i hope i’m wrong because i could

Really do with an inventory update folks any plans for redstone build the that dirt into mud blocks no no i haven’t really thought about that i don’t really see a great deal of point to be honest with you mud’s not exactly rare if you find yourself a mangrove swamp and with worlds being

Infinite you can go and grab as much of it as you need if you prepare to fly around double clicking on an item while the mouse has already selected an item to transfer all that type of phantom injury inventory is an example of a useful shortcut

Well we’ve got yeah we don’t have that shortcut but we can transfer all of one like a whole stack of an item or we can group a nice stack of items together with those sorts of shortcuts so not as good as java edition but we’ve got some of that stuff

That would probably be incredibly crazy if they didn’t think inventory issue was an issue says well we don’t know what they think they obviously have a completely different skew and perspective on what we can what we do with minecraft and i i would imagine that most of you guys and myself as well

Play minecraft a lot more than they do and that might sound odd but they’re developing it all the time that’s their job it’s their work i don’t think many of them would be spending a lot of their free time playing minecraft and when you’re developing it you

Certainly don’t have the time to put into like we do to develop massive worlds and farms and play the game to the extent they’ll be going in and checking the stuff that they’ve got works to a degree and then that’ll be it so i i think i think that a developer’s

Skew on the game unless there’s someone like sliced lime uh or nem bomb who have worked on massive smps and put out content and play the game regularly i think they’re going to have a completely different skew on what they think is useful and what’s not

And we also don’t know what’s in there like they’re like uh pickle says jen’s rule book we don’t know what they say you know is okay and what’s not where they think uh is the you know is the right thing to do last night well says his father foxy

Participate in the new uh patek in the two-minute silence when is it i haven’t heard anything about two minutes silence they told me there was a two-minute silence yesterday apparently there was one the day before it seems to be all over the place so if there is one yeah

Tbc says which is all the more reason they should be listening to people who actually put many many hours into it well they do but people on general have completely different priorities and wants and likes if you go to the minecraft feedback website there’ll be stuff in there that you think is totally

Stupid but to someone else that was really important and it’s one of those things that the loudest minority are the people that get listened to so it’s not necessarily the what everybody wants that they listen to it’s what people that shout the loudest listen to they listen to those so

You know there’s no perfect system because if there was countries would be run on that system wouldn’t they but at the end of the day the reason the reason they don’t ask the general public how do you want this country to be run is because everybody thinks differently and has different ideas of

What’s right and what’s wrong so you cut you just can’t do that don’t work that way can you please make an add-on or resource pack for refill and siphon shulker box enchantment please no it’s not possible sorry i’d love to but it just ain’t possible can i get looting three nope

Also you know when you go and watch another youtubers video about what’s good in minecraft and then go to someone else and ask them to make that adam why don’t you put the time and try and figure it out yourself there we go looting three smite four five that’ll do

That’ll do let’s go take it back to the witch farm in fact let’s go and put the signs on the wall first signs on the wall empty our stuff at home and then we’ll take it back to the witch farm hello guys goodbye guys hey man good morning this is dark matter

Good morning I wouldn’t know where to start with making an add-on like that i mean technically you could you can it would be laggy and horrible but you could go through literally every item and block in the game and check if that was in somebody’s inventory and if it was then check

You know you’d have to check for every single block and every single item and for each check you’d have to do 64 checks to see what quantity it was now that wouldn’t take into account things like damage values or anything like that so you wouldn’t want to do that on tools

And equipment but let’s say you ran a script and you go okay is there a cobbled deep slate in this inventory how many of it okay the 64. so we’ll move 64 or we’ll take it out of their inventory and we’ll add 64 cobbled deep slate into uh the shulker box inventory that’s

Technically possible but the script would be probably longer than minecraft allows you to run so a minecraft function can run ten thousand lines of code and i reckon you probably need way more than that to just detect it so when you ran it the whole game would just freeze

Freeze until it’s checked every single item every single quantity from what’s in your inventory and determined whether or not yeah it would be a nightmare so don’t know it’s not possible no i’m gonna say that is a no from me also is i don’t know how to put buttons

Into the ui i don’t know if that’s possible so again no from me thank you for giving me entertainment what i want to do she says devliming you’re very welcome waylander how are you doing saying seeing as the sword isn’t going to be used and it just needs

To be looting enchant on it wouldn’t any old rubbish do instead of a diamond one yeah but i had a diamond one that just sat there so might as well use it no point in using a different one if i got a diamond one it’s not like i can turn it back into

Diamonds and spend them two minutes silence has just started as lost in wales i would have thought it would oh well i’m going to assume now because it’s 12 o’clock the uh two minute silence is over it would have probably been at two minutes to 12 finishing at lunchtime so

Uh yeah i’m gonna talk again now if you’re not sure what all that was about it is the queen’s funeral today um and i didn’t have no idea what’s going on with that not a clue when it starts or what’s you know when it is or anything like that but um yeah

That’ll probably be why we’re having a two-minute silence while i was being silent henry ash says couldn’t you ah thank you thank you guys couldn’t you somehow run the script only when you pick up new items and only apply the script to items just picked up no

No you you couldn’t you couldn’t then store that information anywhere without well i guess you could you could have a scoreboard for every single type of block but this is only work on one player it won’t work with multiplayer you could have a scoreboard for everything that single

Type of block and score how many items of that that player had on this scoreboard but then if you drop that item out of your inventory you couldn’t detect it anymore it would still have to detect ever your inventory every tick or every second or whatever to to make

Sure that there wasn’t an issue with those so no it wouldn’t work like that you you it basically the idea was let’s say this is a shulker box and you you want to fill your inventory into there there would be a button somewhere you click it and it

Would have to then run a script what’s in his inventory what can we take out of it and then put it into the shulker box that is in front of you i guess so the other thing is there’s no way of the game knowing what shulker box you

Intend it to go in because you there’s no like if you’ve opened a shulker box there’s no way of knowing to get you know what we’ve got access to with add-ons what shulker box you’ve got open so you have to do it relative to the player so

We don’t you don’t have to determine is it a shulker box is it a chest is it a dispenser is it a fern it’d be a nightmare it was just not worth doing at all pickles says i think that someone watching this stream is most likely in

The tiny top percentile of people who play minecraft if you look at the percentage of people who haven’t even got the the easy achieve easy achievements the average player probably doesn’t run into things we consider issues you know exactly exactly how long you streaming for foxy he says

Marks him cop well mark simple jay’s words are difficult i am about to stop i am going to find an item frame which i don’t have i’m now going to regret throwing that piece of leather into the machine that i had earlier so that i could have made an item frame

I’m going to put the sword on it ah there it is and then i’m gonna go because it’s time for me to feed my son he wants his dinner no doubt uh let’s pop that in fact it probably wants to be the afk spot doesn’t it so

Let’s not put it there let’s not be silly don’t be silly we’re being ridiculous all of you pick those things back up put it in there we’re so tidy today this is good news and fly and splat i didn’t splat that’s nice and go in

I left my bed down there oh man anyway item frame losing three sword we’re good to go so i would like to say as usual thank you all very much for watching this live stream i do hope you enjoyed it if you did don’t forget i will be streaming

Again on thursday morning at the same time doing more trudy bedrock and if you can’t wait that long i will be streaming on twitch at 7 30 p.m on wednesday and thursday playing some java edition hardcore with mitts and if you can’t wait for any of those

Then i’ve got loads of videos you can watch on my main channel i’ve got loads of videos you can watch on my second channel you can join my discord and get involved in the conversation you go to my website and download all my add-ons you can do it all

But not right now because well i can’t do it right now because i’m gonna go feed my kid so bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Truly Bedrock 4×69 – Witch Farm Upgrades’, was uploaded by FoxyNoTail on 2022-09-19 11:11:44. It has garnered 4019 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:59 or 7499 seconds.

Building a storage system at my Witch Farm and digging a Nether Tunnel

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    Ultimate Minecraft Add-On World The Ultimate Minecraft Add-On Adventure Exploring the World of Minecraft Add-Ons In the vast world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. With the introduction of Add-ons on Bedrock Edition, players can enhance their gameplay with a variety of mods available on the Minecraft Marketplace. These Add-ons bring new features, items, and experiences to the game, allowing players to customize their worlds like never before. Adding Chaos to the Mix In a daring experiment, a Minecraft enthusiast decided to take on the challenge of adding every suggested Bedrock Add-On to a single world. The goal? To witness the chaos that… Read More

  • Tree Trouble: Minecraft’s Timber Taboo #shorts

    Tree Trouble: Minecraft's Timber Taboo #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where trees stand tall, I can’t cut them down, it’s a challenge for all. But fear not, my friends, for I’ll find a way, To survive and thrive, in this game I play. With tools and tactics, I’ll mine and craft, Building my world, with a creative draft. Exploring caves, and battling mobs, In this blocky world, where the adventure never stops. So join me on this journey, as we explore and create, In Minecraft, where the possibilities are great. No tree cutting for me, but I’ll find my path, In this game of… Read More

  • 24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains?

    24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains? In the gym for 24 hours straight, Pushing limits, feeling the weight. Stretching, cardio, feeling fine, Ready for this marathon, feeling divine. Energy bursting, two hours in, But the challenge is about to begin. Fatigue setting in, feeling the burn, But I won’t stop, there’s more to learn. Maintaining energy, nutrition is key, No time to rest, let’s continue with glee. Second wind, feeling reinvigorated, Ready for more, feeling elated. Hitting a low point, this is tough, Praying for strength, feeling rough. Every muscle aching, but no giving up, Pushing through, filling my cup. Steroids giving me the boost… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?間違い探し(かんたん)118 #shorts #マインクラフト #マイクラ #minecraft15 #マインクラフトでマイクイズ”. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does spark a sense of curiosity and exploration that aligns perfectly with the experience offered on Minewind. Imagine a world where things are constantly changing, where every corner holds a new surprise, just like in the video. That’s the kind of dynamic and engaging environment you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a… Read More

  • Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem!

    Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Herobrine entered the evil mafia, you see. The city called out to him, a scary turn indeed, Cooperating with the mob, planting fear like a seed. The storyline twists, the plot thickens fast, As Herobrine’s presence makes the city aghast. But fear not, dear viewers, for the hero will rise, To face the evil mafia with courage in his eyes. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft news in rhymes, oh so neat. Join the Discord, be part of the fun, As we spin tales of adventure… Read More

  • Caught! – Minecraft Prank

    Caught! - Minecraft Prank Exploring the Thrilling World of Minecraft with EmirhanCTN Embrace the excitement as EmirhanCTN delves into the captivating realm of Minecraft, where adventure, mystery, and suspense await at every turn. Join EmirhanCTN and his friends on a journey filled with thrilling escapades, heart-pounding challenges, and spine-tingling moments. Unveiling the Mysterious World of Minecraft Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft, where EmirhanCTN and his companions navigate through a landscape teeming with wonders and dangers. From daring escapes to chilling encounters, each episode promises an adrenaline-pumping experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Embracing the Thrills of Minecraft… Read More

  • The Dark Side of Minecraft

    The Dark Side of Minecraft The Dark Side of Minecraft Unveiled Exploring the underbelly of the Minecraft community, this video delves into scandals and the criminal underworld surrounding some of the most popular players. From controversial behaviors of famous creators to the illegal sale of Minecraft accounts, shocking events are brought to light. Notch’s Downfall At 00:33, the video touches upon the fall of Notch, the creator of Minecraft, and the controversies that have surrounded him. The Game Seized by Censorship By 02:51, the narrative shifts to how censorship has impacted the game, altering its original essence. Toxic Fans From 04:22, the toxic behavior… Read More

  • 25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures!

    25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures! Exploring the Top 25 Minecraft Seeds for the 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the latest Minecraft Seeds that promise to elevate your gaming experience to new heights. These 25 exceptional seeds have been carefully curated for the 1.21 Tricky Trials update, ensuring a fresh and exciting journey every time you play. Discover the Diverse Worlds of Minecraft From sprawling landscapes to hidden treasures, each seed offers a unique setting for players to explore. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will captivate your imagination and keep you… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Building Games

    Insane Minecraft Building GamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft games #minecraft #minecraftbuildingminecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-09 18:59:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • 😵 Mind-Blowing: Drone Predicts Your Age in Minecraft #shorts

    😵 Mind-Blowing: Drone Predicts Your Age in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Знаю Сколько Тебе Лет Дронио #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:45:01. It has garnered 954 views and 159 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Unleashing Devil Boy in Epic Minecraft Live Stream – Happy Bhogi Fam

    Unleashing Devil Boy in Epic Minecraft Live Stream - Happy Bhogi FamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Happy Bhogi Fam – Minecraft Live Stream Telugu – The Devil Boy yt’, was uploaded by The Devil Boy yt on 2024-01-14 15:32:52. It has garnered 121 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:05 or 13445 seconds. 🔴Live : minecraft live | The Devil Boy yt Support And Make Our Channel To Reach 1000 Subscribers… Leave A Like And Comment If You Love This Video. ——–LINKS——– 😀subscribe-:… Discord⚡-: ——–VIDEOS——– 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕤 -𝟘𝟙 link – :… 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕗𝕥 𝕗𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕤 -𝟘𝟚 link – :… My video editing software -WONDERSHARE FILMORA… Read More

  • Shocking Bed Wars PVP with my bro! ASMR Lunar Hypixel

    Shocking Bed Wars PVP with my bro! ASMR Lunar HypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘bed wars pvp #amsr #bedwars #hypixel #lunar #minecraft #mineman #viral #youtube #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by mydes brother on 2024-01-26 14:47:02. It has garnered 2503 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving Lifesteal.Net with MINIXERO!

    Surviving Lifesteal.Net with MINIXERO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Lifesteal.Net’, was uploaded by MINIXERO on 2024-03-07 13:57:05. It has garnered 123 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:10 or 7990 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and lifesteal… Read More

  • Insane Secret Base Storage on Monster SMP | JOIN NOW!

    Insane Secret Base Storage on Monster SMP | JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Underground Base Storage System | Monster SMP – Join Minecraft Public SMP | Java + Bedrock + PE’, was uploaded by N21 Plays on 2024-01-14 09:26:26. It has garnered 135 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:54 or 13794 seconds. Underground Storage System | Minecraft Live | The Best Free Minecraft Public Server (Java + Bedrock/PE/MCPE) | N21 Plays #monstersmp #n21plays #minecraftlive #n21playslive 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🌐 Server: Monster SMP 📅 Date: 11/01/2024 🕒 Time: 1.20 PM (GMT 6) 👥 Co-Players: @monstersmp Connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts, get server updates, and… Read More

  • Ultimate Tiles Hop Battle: Siren Head vs Minecraft! 🎶

    Ultimate Tiles Hop Battle: Siren Head vs Minecraft! 🎶Video Information This video, titled ‘Siren head vs Minecraft vs Skibidi toilet vs Garten of Banban, tiles hop battle 🎶’, was uploaded by Tiles hop on 2024-01-11 11:48:01. It has garnered 4239 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Siren head vs Minecraft vs Skibidi toilet vs Garten of Banban, tiles hop battle 🎶 Thanks for watching. Don’t forget like, comment, subscribe my channel @tiles_hop23 #sirenhead #skibiditoilet #minecraft #gartenofbanban #sirenheadcoffindance #sirenheadexe #sirenheadsound #sirenheadsong #skibiditoiletcoffindance #skibiditoiletmeme #skibiditoiletboss #skibiditoiletvssirenhead #skibiditoiletvscameramen #skibiditoiletvscctv #skibiditoiletshorts #sirenheadshorts #minecraftcoffindance #minecraftanimation #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #gartenofbanbangameplay #game #gartenofbanbancoffindance #tileshopsong #tileshop #tileshopcoffindance #tileshopchallenge #tileshopbattle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation: Herobrine vs Bucky Barnes!

    EPIC Minecraft Animation: Herobrine vs Bucky Barnes!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill Bucky Barnes in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-03-08 01:30:01. It has garnered 6786 views and 214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill Bucky Barnes in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed… Read More

  • Mandos Paradise SMP

    Mandos Paradise SMPMando’s Paradise a NEW 1.20.1 Bedrock & java SMP server with a friendly and welcoming community every time you join Mando’s Paradise you will have a interesting time. Read More

  • Just Bucket! 1.20.6! SMP, McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments

    Introducing JustBucket Minecraft Server: Where Community and Quality Meet! Are you tired of hopping from one Minecraft server to another, searching for that perfect blend of community, quality gameplay, and professional service? Look no further because JustBucket Minecraft Server has everything you’ve been dreaming of and more! A Home for Every Player At JustBucket, we pride ourselves on fostering an active and friendly community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your Minecraft journey, you’ll feel right at home here. Our dedicated staff ensures that everyone feels welcome and valued, creating an environment where friendships are formed and adventures… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MC Edit Gods crafted this!

    It’s impressive that this meme was made in Google Slides and still managed to score a 410 – maybe Microsoft Paint has some competition after all! Read More

  • Crafty Cartography: Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Map Masterpiece!

    Crafty Cartography: Minecraft's 15th Anniversary Map Masterpiece! In the world of Minecraft, the anniversary shines bright, With maps and updates that bring pure delight. The community celebrates, with joy and cheer, For fifteen years of creativity, year after year. The commemorative map, a work of art, Crafted with love, straight from the heart. Exploring new worlds, with friends by your side, In Minecraft’s universe, let your imagination ride. So here’s to Minecraft, a game that’s pure gold, With adventures untold, waiting to unfold. Happy 15th anniversary, may the fun never end, In this blocky world, where creativity blends. Read More

  • Minecraft BILD Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft BILD Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “I asked my mom for a Minecraft bild for Christmas and she got me a picture of Steve holding a diploma. Close enough, I guess.” #minecraft #memes #bildung Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft with Hocam – Funny Gameplay

    Mastering Minecraft with Hocam - Funny Gameplay Minecraft: Exploring the Trending World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Unleashing Creativity in a Blocky World In Minecraft, players are given the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything they can imagine using blocks. Whether it’s constructing towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or bustling cities, the only limit is your imagination. With a vast array of blocks and materials at… Read More

  • Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins!

    Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins! Hypixel: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with the popular server, Hypixel. Dive into thrilling game modes like Build Battle and Skywars, where creativity and strategy collide for an unforgettable gaming experience. Build Battle: Unleash Your Creativity Step into the Build Battle arena and let your imagination run wild. Compete against other players to create the most impressive build based on a given theme. From towering castles to whimsical creatures, the possibilities are endless. Show off your building skills and earn the admiration of your peers in this fast-paced and creative… Read More

  • Minecraft ATM9 Stream 6: Journey to Pretty Purple Mesa!

    Minecraft ATM9 Stream 6: Journey to Pretty Purple Mesa!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 6 (The Pretty Purple Mesa!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-01 00:00:14. It has garnered 872 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 05:43:19 or 20599 seconds. Hey everyone! Yep, a second stream this close to the first one…I know right? There’s so many things I want to get up to today so let’s see which ones we dive into. World Seed – (5134772262321356351) ALL music by Alexander Nakarada – Discord – #minecraft #modpack #letsplay #stream #allthemods #atm9 #allthemods9 #survival #moddedminecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Seeds Debunked by PrestonPlayz

    Minecraft Seeds Debunked by PrestonPlayzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Busting Scary Minecraft Seeds To Prove Them Fake’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2024-06-15 14:15:01. It has garnered 918762 views and 16922 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:27 or 1287 seconds. ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – 👕 FIRE MERCH – 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – ☛ Instagram – ☛ Twitter – 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! If you believe your copyrighted work was unintentionally used in this video… Read More

  • 💥 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Public SMP Launching Soon! 💥

    💥 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Public SMP Launching Soon! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘PUBLIC SMP SOON – TITAN SMP LIVE’, was uploaded by DevanshXD on 2024-05-17 17:02:51. It has garnered 93 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:37 or 14557 seconds. #youtube # minecraft live 🖥️ PC Specs : • Processor: I5 12400F • Motherboard: Asus prime h610 M E • Graphics: RX 6700 10G • Ram : 16GB 3200 MHz • SSD: 500GB NVME M.2 SSD ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Rules: 1. Don’t abuse anyone in the chat. 2. No profanity or hatred. Or else will face the consequences. 3. Please do not use excessive caps… Read More

  • Unlock Secret Monster Koala Dimension in Minecraft PE! 🐨🔥

    Unlock Secret Monster Koala Dimension in Minecraft PE! 🐨🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥How to Make A Portal To The Zoonamaly REAL LIVE MONSTER KOALA Dimension in Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-04-16 11:38:05. It has garnered 2594 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. #zoonomaly #zoonomaly minecraft #portal #koala #minecraftpe #modi #addon #dimension Hello friends! Welcome to my channel dedicated to the Minecraft universe. Today we have a special adventure: I will travel to other dimensions of this wonderful world and encounter the amazing creatures that live there. We will explore mysterious portals, explore new worlds and meet… Read More

  • “Can YOU Save the Chicken in Minecraft?!” #clickbait #gaming

    "Can YOU Save the Chicken in Minecraft?!" #clickbait #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can YOU Save this Chicken? #minecraft #minecraftshorts #mcyt #gaming’, was uploaded by Weeble on 2024-05-04 22:25:57. It has garnered 8842 views and 266 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Can YOU Save this Chicken? #minecraft #minecraftshorts #mcyt #gaming 👍 FOLLOW ME HERE! ➽ Twitter – ➽ Instagram – ➽ Discord – ignweeble Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ Survive in Cube World!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ Survive in Cube World!Video Information This video, titled ‘How MIKEY AND JJ SURVIVED IN A CUBE WORLD in Minecraft ?’, was uploaded by Maibek JJ on 2024-03-19 01:56:54. It has garnered 5435 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:12 or 492 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with V-tuber Himari! 😱🔥✨

    EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with V-tuber Himari! 😱🔥✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】BED WARS WITH CHAT ✨ V-tuber ✨Discord ✨Chill’, was uploaded by Himari Ch. かぜみひまり on 2024-05-27 18:00:24. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:24:15 or 15855 seconds. Rawr! AWAAAA IT’S KAZEMI HIMARI DESUUUUUU Hello! I am Himari, the Beer Dragon Vtuber. I am a variety streamer and I play whatever is fun. It makes me happy to spend time with you, my favourite peoples, and here’s to having LOTSA FUN together mina-san!!! Join the community Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Fortnite Cone Build Tutorial!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Fortnite Cone Build Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build a brick cone in Fortnite #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitememes #fortnitemechanics’, was uploaded by ManneraikaL on 2024-04-07 19:28:40. It has garnered 485 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. How to build a brick cone in Fortnite #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitememes #full180 #minecraft #music #cones #fortnitememes #fortnitemechanics #memestiktok #fishy #fishyonme #minecraftmusic #tutorial #fullbox #mongraal #mrsavage #building #fortnitebuild Read More

  • Get Ready for Crazy Minecraft Symptoms! 😱

    Get Ready for Crazy Minecraft Symptoms! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:你什么症状!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-27 09:23:22. It has garnered 1910 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:47 or 227 seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating popular Internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of Fangkuaixuan. Videos posted on other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 We update wonderful original videos every day. Come and follow us to save unhappy moments… Read More

  • Play-Cubes

    Play-CubesSite Web: Ip-serveur: Version du serveur: 1.8 a 1.19.4 PVP 1.8 – 1.12.2 FACTIONS 1.12.2 CREATIF 1.19.4 Read More


    🎮 Calling all Minecrafters! 🎮 Join me on BlissSMP, where authenticity reigns! Our vanilla server boasts just 2 plugins for a genuine Vanilla experience. But act fast! We’re keeping it cozy until we hit 15 active players, then it’s application-only. Secure your spot now! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “You think you’re clever, don’t you? But you can’t outsmart me”

    Minecraft Memes - "You think you're clever, don't you? But you can't outsmart me"Well, that’s a pretty high score for a meme. I guess it’s officially in the meme hall of fame now! Read More

  • Mine a Tooth: First Extraction in Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine a Tooth: First Extraction in Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter all around. No worries here, just joy and fun, With tooth extractions, even that can be spun. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries of harm, just happiness found. Every day a new video, a smile to bring, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, let your heart sing. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Minecraft news with a playful light. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a gem to behold, In the world of gaming, a story told. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme 🔥😂 – #viral #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme 🔥😂 - #viral #minecraft #memes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Alpha Footage by Tommy Horror

    Shocking Minecraft Alpha Footage by Tommy Horror The Unsettling Mystery of Minecraft’s Lost Alpha Videos In a bizarre turn of events, YouTube channels “F1Lcer2287,” “mcpickaxe15,” and “ihatemobs” have been reuploading eerie footage from old Minecraft versions, particularly Alpha and Beta videos. Something sinister lurks within these worlds, as viewers are introduced to a strange entity known as “000..jar” with a cryptic agenda. The Creepy Footage Viewers are taken on a chilling journey through corrupted videos that showcase anomalies never seen before in Minecraft. The distorted visuals and unsettling atmosphere hint at a deeper mystery waiting to be unraveled. The players behind these channels seem to be… Read More