FoZo Movies – I Survived 1000 Days as ELEMENTAL HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)

Video Information

On day one I spawn in the middle of a shrine wow I’m baby Elemental Herobrine as Herobrine I can control people’s minds and fly maybe with these new elements I can cause even more chaos I went off in search of the nearest Kingdom I have come to destroy your

Homes and wait a minute I looked around and noticed that the kingdom has already been destroyed who did this I saw villagers running away terrified there’s nowhere to run from Herobrine fear me the Villager just ran past me cowering in fear he was a bigger threat than me

Suddenly Thunder could be heard and a warlock appeared that’s right run from the great Allison soon to be the world’s strongest villain strongest villain I was really angry and accidentally shot a fireball at him of my elemental powers I guess I don’t have full control over them yet so it’s true Elemental

Herobrine exists yet another villain to destroy you think you can take me down I’ll use these new elements to show you who the strongest villain really is he immediately blasted me with a beam of energy oh I barely had any hearts left I felt so weak and I can barely move I

Will take you back to my castle where I can kill you slowly on day two I was taken back to a castle on top of a mountain I was escorted to an operation room of some kind suddenly I heard a loud roar and smashing noises and saw a

Monstrous Beast it was trapped inside of some kind of machine and was trying to get out ice will kill all the villains of this world with no competition I will finally be the strongest this guy is insane Alistar then turned on the machine and it instantly killed the monster now you’re next Elemental

Herobrine oh no I gotta get out of here out of my panic I suddenly can feel a surge of Power Within Me I let out a huge Elemental lightning blast creating an opening in the wall I flew out of the hole and made a break for it

On day three I flew a great distance and felt like I was far from alistar’s Castle suddenly though I felt weak oh no I can’t fly anymore I crash landed into a house and I was so weak I decided to collect the wood from the house I was able to make myself a

Crafting table and from it a set of wooden tools I would and notice that it also had a farm time to get some food I’m starving I quickly collected the food and made some bread all of a sudden a villager from inside came yelling at me you monster you destroyed my home you

It I grew frustrated and suddenly something happened his eyes were glowing mind control perfect I commanded the Villager to give me whatever resources he had on him he then threw me a stack of cobblestone in a lot of quartz as well as other building blocks I took the

Cobblestone and used it to upgrade to stone tools thank you servant the server then stopped being controlled and began to run out of fear my regular Herobrine Powers were nowhere near as powerful as these Elemental ones I should figure out why all of this is happening I headed

Out to find out more about my elemental powers on day four I ended up finding an old destroyed Temple I’m probably gonna need a place to stay and I think this place serves me just right suddenly a bunch of demons popped up in front of me

They all charged at me and started to attack what are these things I then shot them with Fireballs but it barely did any damage I pulled out my stone sword and started to fight them the old-fashioned way I was able to then take them all out suddenly I grew into

Full-size Herobrine sweet I’m getting stronger I even gained five more Hearts well now that those idiots are gone I think I’ll make this place my new home I use the resources that the Villager gave me and repaired some of the temple for myself while I was repairing the damages

I noticed that there was a pillar in the middle interesting I stepped on the pillar and something happened I suddenly awoke and was somewhere else am I dreaming there was a strange figure there but I couldn’t make out who it was she said that she was the elemental

Being and that this was a vision I have given you four elements to defeat Alistair and stop his reign of tyranny fire ice wind and lightning why would you choose me out of all people you know that I’m a bad guy right I know you all

Too well here Brian our story is a whole different kind of evil one that will change this reality for eternity she told me that only I could stop alastor it was time to fight evil with evil master all four of your elements to fully control them good luck Herobrine

Suddenly it I woke up and I was back in the house time to go to sleep and rest up before I go out and master my fire element on day six I decided to try and learn my fire element come on go I would try to use it on command but nothing

Worked ah this is so frustrating fire would just shoot out randomly anyway time to take my mind off of this I should probably further upgrade my home it was still very destroyed and I knew in order to defeat a villain I had to live like a super one I went out and got

The necessary resources but every time I would place a block down I accidentally shot more fire out of my hands and destroyed it down ah these elements are so frustrating I can’t control them at all I decided to turn my attention to a farm this bread I got won’t last me

Forever I started to place the foundation down and then my crops but again I shot fire and it burned all of them down I can’t even eat now suddenly a strange person appeared out of nowhere ah come here you idiot you obviously need my help need your help what are you

Talking about before I can say anything else though the strange man summed up a small Fire arena right in front of my base it’s time to train we were inside a small Arena about to start my training I’m guessing you have to do with my fire

Element ah right why did you have to choose this arrogant weak villain Elemental being weak villain who even are you the man introduced himself as Cyrus and said he was one of the Elementals who served the elemental being the elemental being is supposed to choose one to wield all the four

Elements and the chosen one is supposed to be a hero well I have no interest in being a hero I only want to get rid of that Warlock and reclaim my title as the best villain figured that would be the case he told me that he wanted me to

Fight him Cyrus said the rules were simple a battle for strengths no powers allowed if I’d beat him he would help me control my fire element piece of cake you’re on I immediately charge at him and try to punch him Cyrus and move it all and set me flying this guy is pretty

Tough Cyrus Came charging at me and I knew I had to do something I used my mind control on him to stop him for a second I took the opportunity to knock him on the ground there I win you cheated with what proof a deal is a deal

Cyrus he wasn’t happy but he agreed and gave me a fire chest plate Cyrus told me that this armored plate would give me full access to my fire abilities I put it on and felt way stronger perfect I was able to shoot out fire abilities at full strength now pleasure doing

Business with you on day eight I decided to fly out and explore now that I have full access to my fire abilities why don’t I give them a test drive as I was flying I spotted a village and thought they would be the perfect test subjects I flew over and started burning the

Villagers houses to the ground the villagers began to run out of their houses and leave that’s right you worms run run and flee from the great Herobrine I could feel the villagers fear in the atmosphere this is exactly what I came here for I noticed that a

Few of them were running away I flew down to them and asked why they weren’t leaving you think you’re so scary they’re nothing compared out of the store I’m nothing yeah burning the turtle villager into a crater great looks like I’m not as fearsome as I

Thought I was I shot a fireball at the Villager and forced him to run away I flew out of the burning Village and continued on my journey back to base if I master my other elements who knows what I’ll be capable of on day nine I

Was on my way home when I suddenly could hear a loud car nearby what is going on and back up you jerks I’ll pick your eyes out I found a chicken that was being attacked by a pack of wolves and used my fire abilities to scare them off

Yeah that’s right you better run and fear me what the heck are you doing you’re gonna get yourself killed yeah and people need to know that I’m more than just a stupid chick listen you are a chicken chickens aren’t meant to be scary coming from you look

At you all you’re doing is trying to prove your what why can’t I do the same eh that’s enough I brought the chicken back to our base he kind of reminded me of myself this place is kind of a mess how about we clean it up some more

Stuart agreed and he cleaned around the base while I left to gather more resources I returned and used the wood I collected to build a nice little home next to mine there now we both have a nice house suddenly explosions could be heard outside and it startled Stewart

Great that can’t be good on day 10 I flew out of base and spotted that lousy warlock Alistair he destroyed a town and was putting people in cages that’s right step right in if you want to live you know if you take all these people there’s not going to be anyone left to

Fear you the Warlock turned around and spotted me I don’t care all I want is to prove that I’m strong enough with or without an audience the Warlock told me that long ago certain people never believed that he was strong and fearsome they never really saw him living up to

His full potential but now that I’ve done all of this I will prove them who cares about about your sob story it’s time to die I charge at the Warlock and knocked him to the ground while he was down I use my new fire abilities on him

Covering him in fire allosaur walked out of the flames and hit me with a beam of energy I crash into the ground ah that single hit took five of my hearts away I looked at the villagers and the cages and broke them free get out of here you

Insects you’re in my way the villagers ran out of the cage and left the town that only made Alistar angry and he hit me with a spell that made me extremely weak oh this isn’t good I needed to escape but the Warlock was getting closer I used the last of my energy to

Fly out fast hahaha I will find you I ended up landing at the top of a Snowy Mountain phew that was close you full are you trying to get yourself killed I turned around and the elemental being was floating above me she told me that in my current state I

Stood no chance of defeating that warlock palestar is far more powerful and thoughtful than you are thoughtful listen all I care about is a feeding this guy to show the world who the stronger villain is the elemental being was upset and said that she already told

Me how to do that yeah yeah yeah Master the rest of the elements and become the champion of the world I don’t mind mastering the elements but I’d rather be a feared villain suddenly the mountain started to shake and I could tell that the elemental being was mad just get a

Move on it go get some upgrades and make your way towards the ice temple vanished I wondered what the elemental being meant when she called Alistar thoughtful does she personally know him and if so why wouldn’t she tell me on days 13 to 14 as I reached the base I saw a group

Of villagers waiting for me the heck are you guys doing here they wanted to thank me for rushing them from Alistar you are a hero hero I’m not a hero the villagers didn’t listen though and just kept cheering for me get out of here before I

Make you regret it he is the greatest I love him I blast in one of the villagers and turned him into a chicken you asked for it the villagers started freaking out and ran away from the base that’s right you better run away please don’t forget about me Their Fear

Began to give me more strength I think I should probably wear some armor as well I decided to go into the nearest cave and mine for some iron after that I was able to make an iron helmet and leggings this will for sure come in handy I

Ventured out of the base and headed for the ice temple while I was flying towards it I sensed danger and narrowly dodged an arrow hey who shot at me I looked down and saw an armored Warrior off in the distance he kept shooting at me with his arrows and I landed on the

Ground could you just quit it already the warrior charged at me and tried to attack me with this diamond sword what is your deal man he continued to swing his sword at me so I responded by hitting him with a fireball who are you that doesn’t matter the world doesn’t

Need any more villains like you I’ll get rid of all you monsters including Alistair worst of them all he fired more arrows at me and I teleported behind him I try to freeze him in place but he easily broke out of it your powers won’t harm me thanks to this armor the warrior

Swung his sword at me again and I dodged it this is so annoying the Warriors started charging at me and I can feel more of my original Powers returning I use my powers to open a giant hole the moment the warrior got close to me have

A nice trip idiot that takes care of him now back to finding that ice temple on day 17 to 18 I finally made it to the ice temple this won’t be my favorite vacation destination but I guess it’s kind of cool I navigated my way inside where I discovered the ice Elemental

Waiting for me ah I’ve been waiting to train you great uh what were you expecting some knight in shining armor he introduced himself as Souls mass and he thought it was funny that I showed up what’s so funny out of all people the elemental being has chosen a desperate

Villain to save the world first off not desperate secondly I’m gonna use those ice powers and become the greatest villain the world has ever known we will see about that Soul’s Mass started summoning his forces and they all began to attack me his henchmen then tried to surround me but I shot

Fireballs at them and turned them into Ash I used my stone sword to take down the rest of the henchmen and charge that Soul’s Mass he then throws me in place with a beam of ice thanks to my fire upgrades I easily melted them off he

Tried to shoot me with another beam of ice but I teleported behind him and took him down with the fireball it’s over time to help me get rid of alistor that’s all you want deep down you know that warlock is more evil than you Soul’s Masson threw down an ice helmet I

Equipped it and left the temple after making it down the mountain I pondered where I can go to test my enhanced ice powers I’ve got it I know the perfect place to test this baby out I ventured out and found a broken down nether portal huh I quickly repaired it and

Once I was inside I flew to the nether let’s see how strong these ice powers are I blasted the ground with an eye speed and began to turn the nether into an icy Tundra piglin started running out of their homes scared and confused about

What was going on oh it’d be so evil to do this the fear around the nether started fueling my body and I gained five more Hearts from it perfect the world will learn the name of Herobrine very soon I then left the Nether and made my way back to the Overworld I

Should head back to base and check on that chicken hopefully he hasn’t gotten himself into trouble I don’t think so suddenly a beam of energy set me crashing into the ground ow who did that I turned around and Alistar was there floating above me out of all people you

Were the one chosen to wield these elements the Warlock was clearly angry that the elemental being chose us as her Elemental Warrior how do you two even know each other huh this doesn’t concern you I’ll just get rid of you in all the other that should show her what happens

When you interfere with my actions bring it on I’ve been meaning for a rematch anyway I shot Alistair with a fireball and then tried to strike him down with my stone sword but it was no good I’m still not strong enough to hurt him I knocked Alice out of the ground and

Froze him in place with my enhanced ice powers this is such a pain but I needed to get out of here I flew up into the sky and made my way back to base on days 21 to 23 I went inside my base and found a small farm was added to it I

Thought you might get hungry on your benches someone made this for you thanks now I don’t have to think about eating you from time to time what since Stewart wanted to add more stuff to the base I decided to add stuff too using the rest of the wood I’d collected I started

Building a wall around it after that I went over to Stewart’s house and told them about my progress with the elements I told them that I was getting closer to mastering them allosaur’s days are numbered once I do well you can’t beat Alistair without some kind of protection

As you are now a walking Target I hated to admit it but the chicken was right if I wanted to withstand allosaur’s attacks I needed to be fully armored I ventured out of the base and eventually came across a cave nearby the cave was full

Of iron using my iron pickaxe I was able to find some diamonds and use it to replace my iron armor with Diamond Armor nice this should keep me safe for now I teleported back to base and decided to take a nap for the day here Brian here

Brian Herobrine ah I woke up and found myself back in the elemental beings Temple I was sleeping the elemental being didn’t care and asked me how Soul’s Mass was doing well about that he’s definitely going to have to retire after how bad I heard him on the bright

Side I mastered my ice elements that wasn’t necessary but whatever it takes to defeat Alistar speaking of allosaur what’s the deal with you in that warlock it seems like you both know each other the elemental being told me that long time ago Alistar wanted to be the one

That was chosen to harness the elemental powers he thought he was capable of holding them but I thought otherwise I refused and was heartbroken he didn’t like this and decided to go on a rampage wait a minute heartbroken anyways here’s the location for the wind Temple where you

Will meet my servant the elemental being gave me a warning that things are going to be much harder now that Alistar knows that I’m looking for the elements whatever if things get harder because of Alistar then so be it I’m a super villain difficulty is my specialty I

Know you’re more than that Herobrine the only one that feels to see that is you on days 27 to 29 I made my way out of base and flew toward the wind Temple I knew that alistor had his eyes on me so I stayed vigilant for him or his goons

Then out of nowhere I tried a game flying towards me I was able to dodge it but felt the blade of my attacker I turned around and it was the armored Warrior how in the world are you still alive I have my ways You’ve got to be kidding me the warrior charged at me with his Trident but I stunned him with a giant Fireball I was more in tune with my abilities so dealing with this guy was a piece of cake I continued to set the Warrior on fire but he powered through it and

Sliced me with his big sword ah why do I feel so weak what is that sword it’s something specially made to deal with villains like you you’re gonna regret that I use my enhanced ice powers and froze the warrior in place this bought me enough time to brush him with

Fireballs and Ice beams until eventually his helmet fell off let’s see who’s under that mask Steve of course it would be you of all people I’ll make you regret doing that here O’Brien You Haven’t Seen the Last of Me Steve immediately ran off and left the arena

Now I can focus on my real task finding the wind Temple I arrived at the location of the wind Temple but something was wrong nothing was there where the heck could it be Augusta when blew past me and I looked up to see that the wind Temple was up in the sky oh

That makes sense I flew up there and saw that the temple was on fire no did Alastair get here before me I flew inside and saw the wind Elemental getting attacked by allosaur’s henchmen oh somebody helped I have to save him oh and I can’t afford to lose my wind

Element either pick on someone your own size you freaks the henchmen turned their attention to me and one of them charged I use my ice powers to freeze him in place the other henchmen tried to attack me but I shot a giant Fireball to easily beat them you saved me but why

Um don’t think too much about it I uh only saved you because I needed your wind element the wind Elemental told me that their name was Coro Coro thought differently and thank you for the assistance anyways I demanded him to give me the wind enhancements as a

Reward as much as I would love to do that unfortunately I can’t warlock’s men raided my temple and took my Powers great so you’re useless to me now Koro told me that he found it weird that the Elemental being chose us considering everything that happened with alistor

What do you mean by that well at one point the Warlock of the elemental being used to be together the Warlock loved her aha I knew it her saying that he was thoughtful saying that he was heartbroken it was because they were together I wonder what else the

Elemental being is hiding from me Carl told me that his men who took his powers were at a camp nearby and I left to go pursue them on days 33-35 I found the demon camp that had koro’s win enhancements yeah look I can fly I can fly those fools were playing around with

My wind element Get Your Filthy Hands off of my wind powers the demon saw me floating above them and laughed at me weak Villain Like You doesn’t deserve to have this power could a weak villain do this I shot the flying demon with a huge Fireball and he fell to the ground burnt

To a crisp the wind enhancement was on the ground and I went down and acquired it ah yes you’ve returned to its rightful owner the demons were stunned at the sight of their fallen comrade and I took this opportunity to use my new wind powers to summon wind gusts around

The camp the demons were filled with fear and all of them ran away serves you right who’s the weak villain now I use my wind powers to destroy the camp and made my way back to base I flew inside a base feeling confident I’m just

So strong now that I have three of the four elements I feel like I’m on top of the world all I need is lightning and Alistar is finished hey you’re getting so caught up with these elemental powers you’re starting to forget yourself it doesn’t matter chicken these elements

Are making me so powerful you need to remember that you can still be strong without those elements shut up you know nothing about me Stuart seemed upset um whatever that didn’t matter anyways this bass wasn’t screaming evil to me at all so I decided to make some changes about

It I went outside of the base and changed some of the blocks around me to shout more super villain now that looks more sinister you weak pathetic minions why can’t you destroy that weakling of a villain well sir he’s gotten much stronger after him hitting his elemental powers

You want to be stronger too fine now go and deal with Herobrine for good this time on days 39 to 41 I left the base and went to go look for the elemental being I needed to go and retrieve the lightning element sooner rather than later I made it up to a

Hilltop and wondered if this was the place to summon her I’m at the right place right whoa I dodge an incoming arrow and spotted alistair’s henchmen you guys don’t learn do you the henchman pulled out a wand and suddenly I started to feel weak what did you do to me not

So tough now without your elements ah I can’t be defeated by these fools what do I do yeah Herobrine remember use your own powers Stewart showed up and must have followed me but he was right I am Herobrine I have my own powers too my power started increasing my strength and

I floated above the henchman I summoned lightning and it’s dropped down all around the area what what are you I used the lightning to strike down the henchmen and defeated them I’m Herobrine the one and only Stewart was glad to see that I was all right and my elements returned to me

Don’t expect a thanks from me just uh get home safely after watching the chicken leave I could sense the elemental being was nearby I must be getting close I found the elemental beings Temple and went inside to meet her I’m impressed by the progress you’ve made so far Herobrine you’re more than

Ready to acquire the lightning enhancement well before you tell me that you’ve got some explaining to do Carl told me about your relationship with alistor Cora had no business telling you that allostore and I loved each other but he changed it was your thought that I changed Elemental being or should I

Say Mavis stay back Elemental being the Warlock is mine I charge at alistor but he blasted me away with a beam of energy but you broke my heart you think that I wasn’t enough well all that I’m doing is to show you who I really am with without

Your elements listen our store no once I reach my full potential you will regret everything you’ve done to me I got up and tried to rush the Warlock but he grabbed Mavis and teleported out of Temple great now I gotta go and rescue her too on days 45 to 47 I return to

Base to find koros Cyrus and souls Mass waiting for me you let Alistair take the elemental being what’s wrong with you it’s not my fault she was honest from the beginning maybe I would have been more prepared if the Warlock kills Mavis they’ll be terrible repercussions from

This the world will tear itself apart without the elements be quiet you two Alistar loves Mavis too much to kill her I wouldn’t be so sure about that it’s a chance you can’t take to shut these guys up I decided to go out and quickly build

An elemental house for them to stay in I walked away from them and ran into Stuart they’re right Herobrine if that warlock kills it there won’t be a world for you to hunt anymore I know but I can’t just storm his castle he’ll be expecting me I’m gonna need some help

Breaking Mavis out who did you have in mind the only person I thought I would never ask but I’ve got no choice I flew over a force and can sense that his presence was there I landed inside the forest and walked around to find him I bet you’re wondering who I’m looking for

Steve I know you’re out here you can quit hiding now suddenly Steve came out of the hiding and tried to attack me with a special sword I easily Dodge his attack and throws him in place I won’t rest until I destroy you and the Warlock listen for once I’m not here to fight

The elemental being has been captured by the Warlock Elemental being yes she’s the one that gave me elemental powers and controls all the elements of world listen I don’t have time for this if she dies who knows what will happen I don’t believe you suddenly the world around us

Started to shake and cracks started to form around us you were saying Steve agreed to listen to what I had to say and I and froze him I told him that I needed his help with getting Mavis if I do I could stop allosaur from destroying

The world once we save her and get rid of that warlock we can have a grand final battle and finish things between us deal hmm fine a truce for now I bet you regret the way you treated me now how I ironic is this you wouldn’t grant

Me the elements because he thought I was too dangerous but instead you chose Herobrine I’m sorry listen it’s not too late to stop all of this it is too late Mavis and you will regret hurting me once you’re gone who knows how powerful I’ll become on days 51-53 Steve and I finally

Reached alistor’s base the elemental being must be somewhere inside oh no she’s in trouble we need to hurry the two of us Rush inside of the prison to find the elemental being was trapped inside of a special cage there are different colored lights around it that kept us from touching it you’re running

Out of time hello store is trying to destroy me and remove the elements from the world suddenly Allosaurus henchman showed up and surrounded us it’s hero it’s Heroes at us and Steve started mowing them down with his sword I use my wind powers to throw them away I’ll

Handle the guards you take care of those beacons don’t order me around but uh but fine I went over to the beacons and started destroying them with my fire powers once I destroyed the last Beacon there was a large flash of light that covered the entire prison ow my head I

Wasn’t expecting that to happen my vision came back to me and I could see that aloe store was inside the prison and he didn’t look too happy you fool how dare you free my Mavis from her prison she doesn’t belong to you you whack job you were gonna kill her now if

You’ll excuse us I have an element to collect you all aren’t going anywhere come on Steve let’s take care of this loser sorry but he’s not my problem Steve that jerk escaped the tower and left us ah coward I struck allosaur with my lightning but it didn’t deal any

Damage jeez what is this guy made of allosaur blasted me with a huge beam of energy and it took 10 of my Arts away ouch this dude is still too strong for me Mavis stepped in front of me and blocked one of the warlock’s beams we

Need to get out of here you’re still not ready to face it Mavis grabbed me and we teleported out of the prison oh no on days 57-59 Mavis and I ended up in a garden far away from alistor’s base thank you for rescuing me Herobrine no I

Don’t want to hear anything out of you right now you lied to me I did not lie to you I only told you what you needed to hear and why are you so upset you’re a villain shouldn’t villains be used to lies well I’d rather be a villain than a

Liar to the person who’s cleaning up your mess I told Mavis that I don’t care about her feelings for alistor the Warlock needed to be stopped once I acquired the lightning element Alistar won’t stand a chance against me then I will become the most powerful super villain in Minecraft Now give me the

Location of the lightning Temple the sooner I enhance the lightning element the sooner I can get rid of Alistar once and for all Mavis tossed me a map that would lead me to the lightning Temple xyron will be the person who will help you with this task good why don’t you

Stay here and think about your former lover I floated up in the sky and flew off toward my base I returned to the base and when I arrived I saw that the farm was larger yeah apparently chickens and Elementals get along very we made this film together at least he’s

Somewhat useful I then talked with Stuart about Mavis lying to me I don’t think about it too much Herobrine you’ll still get to take down Alistair regardless yeah but am I doing it for my sake or for hers Herobrine you were chosen by the elemental being because

You’re the greatest villain to have ever lived the chicken told me that I was the only one who could stop alastor and show him who the real villain was and for that I find it truly inspired I look up to you a lot one day I hope I’m just as

Scary that reminded me I still needed to upgrade my fear levels and I think I know just how to do it Stuart looked confused and I told him that I needed his help if I wanted this to work it’s time to get more people to fear us and

Did you say us on days 63-65 Stewart and I arrived at a nearby Kingdom and we’re floating over it and what am I gonna do Herobrine you’re gonna help me get all these people to fear the name of Herobrine once again oh my God I’m finally gonna be evil

Happening it’s finally happening I use my original powers to possess Stewart and gave him some of my Powers Stewart began to fly around the kingdom and started shooting lightning around the area destroying all of it oh yeah run run you insects It’s a possessed chicken the villagers started running around the kingdom afraid of Stuart and his new powers perfect Their Fear made me so much stronger I even gained five more hearts you did great Stuart now finish destroying this Kingdom and then return to base I have a lightning Temple to go

To Stewart continued causing chaos around the kingdom while I made my way towards the temple I arrived at the lightning Temple and it was surrounded by bolts of lightning I dodged them and entered the temple to find xyron the lightning element waiting for me ah yes you must be the so-called Herobrine the

Elemental being mentioned to me you got that right pal and you must know why I’m here of course you’re here for the lightning enhancement it’s over there in the middle of the Temple of be warned you don’t choose the lightning enhancement the lightning enhancement chooses you I didn’t know what that

Meant but who cares it was time to upgrade my lightning element the enhanto is sitting there in the middle of the temple and the moment I touched it I got struck by lightning ouch I try to acquire the enhancement again and I was bombarded with lightning

You’re gonna obey me whether you like it or not siren siren cause I’m a villain I am evil is it because you are evil or because being a villain grants you the attention that you very much desire what are you talking about xyron went on to explain

That all villains become who they are by wanting something once I can come to terms with my desires I can gain this new element Don’t Be Afraid Herobrine accept it suddenly the lightning stopped and I finally acquired the enhancement I was finally able to fully use lightning at will congratulations you’ve now

Mastered all four elements but if you really want to stop Alistair you’re going to need more than just the elements what do you mean by that xyron gave me a map and told me that a blacksmith could Forge a special sword to defeat alistor all that’s left now is that painted my

Side heroin once I kill him I’ll be the last villain that remains on days 69-71 I was flying towards the blacksmith’s Forge when I sent Steve at a Coliseum Herobrine come face me you fool I landed in front of him and asked what he wanted you finally done running

Away like a little baby Herobrine Alistair has killed all the villains except for you great less competition I know that if he kills you he will become Unstoppable and I cannot let that happen so I’m gonna kill you myself you know what it’s time I got rid of you once and

For all Steve charged at me and sliced me with a special sword I didn’t take any damage and Steve was shocked now that I’ve mastered all the elements your sword can’t hurt me I use my new lightning powers and shot Steve with multiple lightning bolts this sent him

Flying and greatly weakened him I told you that I’d give you a Grand Finale Fight I just didn’t say who would win you monster I use my mind control powers to stop Steve from moving then I finally defeated him with a fireball the crowd was shocked to see that I won uh the

Show’s over people I saw them lightning her on the Coliseum and forced the villagers to run away in fear looks like I’ve still got it I flew out of the Coliseum and continued my Venture toward the forge I made it to the ancient blacksmith’s Forge and went inside the place was completely empty

Hello is anyone here what do you want the Shop’s closed ah I turn around and the ancient blacksmith was right there behind me man I could have killed you don’t scare me like that he introduced himself as momar and I asked him for his help in crafting a weapon that could

Defeat alistor no I can’t make another weapon of mass destruction I’ve retired this weapon won’t be used for Destruction but used to free the world of allosaur’s control come on you’ve gotta help me momar was hesitant at first but finally gave in and agreed to craft me a weapon to defeat the Warlock

Cave nearby and mine some gold and diamond I need them to craft your weapon to get rid of that warlock on day 75-77 I made my way inside of the cave and found it full of diamonds and gold I used my iron pickaxe and began mining as

Much gold and diamond that I could collect suddenly Mavis teleported in front of me what do you want Elemental being I know that you’re trying to find a way to kill Alistar after seeing how much I hurt him should reconsider what do you want me to do then talk it out

Actually that’s exactly what I want you to do seriously after everything he’s done to you and this world you want me to talk it out with him what was the point of even summoning me then Mavis told me that allosaur was truly evil but misguided please Herobrine just give it

A chance fine but if he refuses to surrender then all bets are off the table Mavis thank me and teleported out of the cave I then continued to mine some more gold and diamonds and went back over to momar’s forge I went inside and gave him all the golden diamonds

That I collected momar thanked me for all my hard work and got to work crafting me my new weapon a couple days passed and Omar was finally finished crafting it it’s finally finished my greatest Masterpiece the sword of endings it was beautiful with that sword I could probably slice Alistar into

Pieces that sword would make me an Unstoppable villain I reach for the sword but momar was hesitant to give it to me promise me you’ll use this sword for good use is it for the sake of others I promise I’ll use the sword to do good not evil at all maybe a little

Bit no more dropped the sword and I could feel the power swelling within it thank you I promise that I’ll stop alastor I flew out of the forge and headed back to my base fool I’m gonna use this sword for the good of myself and the sake of villainy

No hard feelings momar on days 81-85 I made it back to my base to find it completely destroyed oh no what happened here I ran inside and started looking for Stuart but I I couldn’t find him anywhere Stuart Stewart oh where could that chicken be hello Herobrine I turned

Around and saw Alistair holding Stuart hostage what are you doing here you didn’t think I would find you did you now it’s time for you and this chicken to die wait the Warlock stopped his attack and I told him that I didn’t want to fight I know that you’re angry about

What Mavis did to you but she’s sorry and we could still stop this why won’t you let Stewart go and return to Mavis I promise she’s willing to make things right you can be with her and I can be the world’s strongest villain how does that sound allosaur thought about my

Offer for a moment but already made his decision I am beyond stopping at this point now die the Warlock shot a huge beep of energy at me but Stuart jumped in the way and took the blast no I charged it out of store and sliced him with my new sword the Warlock was

Shocked from the damage he took and teleported out of my base Herobrine no no no Stuart why did you do that you big idiot you can’t die for me you made me realize that anyone can follow the dreams even a chicken like me Stuart stay with me stay with me no

Alistair shall die for this I stormed out of my base and laid a waste around everything that I saw I used my lighting to strike down everything in my path and shot Fireballs burning everything around me there was a town nearby and it needed to be destroyed I teleported in the

Middle of the town and started destroying the entire place I burned buildings down to the ground and killed villagers with lightning strikes the villagers started fleeing but I didn’t care everyone was going to feel my wrath a villager stopped running and stared at me why why are you doing this why

Because I can I shot a fireball at the Villager and instantly fried him fear was all around the atmosphere and I can feel it making me stronger I even had 10 more hearts now this world will understand true pain and misery you are next alastor on days in 91 and 94 I made

My way back to base when I spotted the elemental being nearby what do you want you’re tearing the world apart Herobrine you need to stop and why should I all this is because you couldn’t calm down your boyfriend then Focus your attention on Alistar and stop him I began to calm

Down Stewart’s death is on your hands Mavis allosaur needs to be stopped once and for all I decided before I went out I wanted to give my friend a proper goodbye we return to base and I built a grave for Stewart I promise old friend I’m gonna make Alistair suffer for what

He’s done to you at last my Conquest will finally come to an end let us finish this fight once and for all what’s that an invitation it’s time that me and Alistair settle things once and for all I teleported myself in front of allosaurus Castle an army of his

Henchmen were waiting for me flew up into the sky and summoned lightning bolts around the castle laying waste to it and the henchmen I shot Fireball after Fireball at the demons killing swarms of them with ease the demons were so shocked by my power that they didn’t

Even know what to do I landed in front of the army and used my wind powers to blow some of the Demons away a group of demons try to charge at me but I use my ice ability to freeze him in place you guys are making it too easy I summon

Another lightning bolt and destroyed the Frozen demons using my Elemental sword I charged it and easily killed other demons one after another this cannot be I’m supposed to be the most powerful villain not you allosaur floated in the sky and flew away from the castle where

Do you think you’re going I was about to fly after him but Mavis stopped me I’m sorry for what happened go Herobrine endless I will I flew off towards alistor on day 100 I spotted alastor in the same Kingdom where it all started you dare think you would ever

Have been a better villain than Herobrine this world isn’t big enough for two powerful villains oh you’re a villain all right but not a powerful one oh yeah what’s the difference presentation lightning men started to shoot across the village the Warlock flew right at me but I knocked him to

The ground with my sword Alice or cast a spell on me to try and weaken me it hurt a lot but I can’t give up now I use my ice powers to freeze the Warlock in place then I shot him with a giant Fireball and a lightning bolt to break

Him out of the ice this can’t be happening allosaur is very weak but he kept fighting back no I use my Elemental sword to strike down the final blow to alistor killing him in front of the villagers there’s only one villain of fear in this world and that villain is Herobrine

On day one I spawned in as an elemental wither storm I was smaller than I expected to be and I only had 10 Hearts I didn’t know what my purpose was but I did know one thing I had the desire to absorb the world to become the strongest

Creature in all of Minecraft suddenly I spotted a village far off in the distance the perfect place to make my presence known greetings Mortals I am the elemental wither storm the villagers were all terrified by me they all began to scatter and run away to my surprise I

Was able to summon lightning from the sky I defeated a lot of them I can tell since I was still weak I wasn’t able to fully control it though as a Wither storm I had the ability to absorb other creatures I absorbed the Villager and I felt so much stronger I continued

Wreaking a havoc on the village before the Iron Golem showed up it put up a good fight but I was able to overpower them and absorb them too the entire Village was destroyed and I realized that I had gained an additional five Hearts I also grew a little in size it

Seemed as though the more things I absorb the stronger I would become suddenly a weird looking Golem dropped in and said Elemental wither storm I shall kill you and bring your Elemental cord to my master dorm the most powerful creature in all of Minecraft hey I’m the most powerful before I could say

Anything else though he slammed the ground throwing blocks up in the air damaging me ouch impossible I thought I was the strongest but I guess I was wrong I have to leave now we will catch you on day two I was running away apparently I wasn’t as

Powerful as I thought I was that needs to change I was roaming around when I ran into a few strange mutated wolves so the elemental wither stun gun we must deliver your car to God on that’s the second time I heard of this garum why did he need me the Wolves then

Started to attack me their claws did a lot of damage ouch because of my panic I accidentally shot out a bunch of lightning again I was able to defeat all but one I flew over to him and absorbed him as well because of that I grew a little bit more

In size again hopefully though I’ll be able to fully control my lightning power soon I then noticed that one of them dropped something what’s this I went over and picked it up it was a note from garam the guy who wanted my core do not disappoint me obtaining the elemental

Poor from a Wither storm will grant all of us mutants power like none other so garam is a mutant too and apparently the most powerful one maybe if I fight more mutants I can learn how to stop him to prove you can’t mess with a Wither storm the real strongest creature in Minecraft

On day three I found myself in the middle of a forest if I wanted to be the strongest I had to upgrade my myself I then took down a few trees using my absorbing powers and collected enough wood to make a crafting table in a wooden pickaxe then I used the pickaxe

To collect Stone and crafted a set of stone tools I continued onwards and eventually found a nice open area and decided that this would be the perfect place to make my base I collected some of the nearby trees and then laid the foundation for it I knew that as I got

Stronger I would also become bigger because of that I made the base a little bit bigger than I currently needed to accommodate my growth I then left my base and decided to go out and explore more of the world to find a new way to get stronger on day four I was exploring

Looking for anything or anyone to make me stronger I spotted some cows in the plane and I tried to use my Elemental abilities on them but it seemed like I was two weeks though I decided to attack them with my stone sword as I continue to attack the cows I tried to absorb

Them but for some reason I wasn’t able to why suddenly I heard a shout nearby I turned around and spotted two players were in the area ooh maybe they could make me stronger I flew over to the players but they started to run away hey stop

Running I then shot and I splashed out to uncontrollably freezing some of them in place whoa I had ice powers too one of the players shot an arrow at me but that only made me angrier another ice ability suddenly shot and it froze the player in place allowing me to absorb

Him why are you doing this because I’m gonna be the strongest creature in all of Minecraft I then absorbed the last player I noticed that since I was still weak I was unable to effectively control my elemental powers but I will still take this as a win maybe if I find

Stronger mobs like one of those mutants from before it can help me out with that on day five I continued on my Conquest searching for the mutant what was that it sounded like it came from the mountain eventually I came across a wither skeleton being attacked by another mutant leave me alone Justin

And still I must turn you into a mutant before the mutant can do anything to the skeleton I appeared before them well if it isn’t the elemental wither storm time to die I don’t think so by accident I use my Elemental lightning power to strike the mutant spider before charging

At him of my stone sword the mutants swiped at me with its claws dealing some damage he was strong but I was not backing down for some reason I felt the need to defend this wither mob from the mute after a good fight I eventually weakened him to the point where I could

Absorb him you have no idea what’s coming your way wither storm Karen will win I absorbed him and grown through a larger wither storm I had a total of 25 hearts and look at that I had a new wither storm ability I tested it out it

Looked like an energy beam that was able to destroy blocks it destroyed that entire tree this will come in handy the Wither Skeleton stopped me he wanted to thank me for saving him the skeleton introduced himself as grim and told me that he couldn’t believe that the

Legends were true Legends yes the legend of the great Elemental wither storm who would stop gar the mutant Dragon he is the strongest mob known and made the world unbearable for most creatures to live it is the Wither storm who would rise and bring peace to all of this so

He isn’t just any regular Mew he’s a mutant Dragon great did you say bring peace to the land that doesn’t sound like me but if he is known as the strongest mob then I will stop him to show him who the most powerful creature really is grim asked if he can come with

Me I thought about it and realized I couldn’t leave another wither mob alone in this world I decided to let him tag along the two of us returned to base and I realized that even though I had planned ahead I still wasn’t gonna fit inside my home I had materials left over

From when I first started so I use them to make myself a bigger house to fit my new larger body with the leftover materials I decided it was best to also make Grandma house I built a small shack near mine for him to live in Grim

Thanked me for the new place but I could tell that he was sad about something hey cheer up I just saved your life back there yeah well I wish it was a strong and useful like you Grim told me that he got kicked out of the nether because he

Wasn’t strong like the other wither skeletons well I’m the strongest creature in Minecraft my strength makes up for your weakness I can tell that he was still a little saddened and I felt a little bad for him anyways there are other pressing matters at hand I asked

Grim what else he knew about this Legend the elemental wither storm is destined to be the strongest creature in Minecraft the only problem is that arm stands in your way you know I’ve been hearing so much about this garam I haven’t even met the guy you wouldn’t

Happen to know where he might be I wouldn’t know but wherever there’s a mutation the arm’s not far from it interesting I think it’s time I find this garam and show him who the real strongest creature is on day seven I left the base and started my hunt for

Garam brim said that wherever there is mutation arum isn’t that far behind maybe if I find another mutant they can show me where to find him I continued flying throughout the world until I spotted a familiar massive Stone Golem walking about hey you big rock remember me the creature turned around and was

Surprised by my presence you wouldn’t know where garam is would you I told him I wanted to meet his leader once and for all the Golem laughed and introduced himself as Boulder he said that he was not going to bring me to him alive bringing him your core you keep saying I

Have a core what is it exactly the Golem didn’t answer though and threw blocks into the air that hit me ouch I tried using my ice ability to freeze Boulder in place but I wasn’t able to what a weekly I thought this would be a challenge how dare you mock

Me I was enraged by his comment and rushed towards him with my sword holder quickly knocked me aside this wasn’t good I can’t beat this guy right now I summon lightning and shocked the massive Golem for a second this bought me enough time to fly off wow if Boulder is this

Strong what was garam like after getting away from Boulder I’ve come to realize that I need to have better protection against strong creatures like him I decided to go look for more materials to collect I ventured out and found a cave but it didn’t seem big enough to fit me

Oh I forgot I have a new ability I concentrated and used my new ability to blow a large hole into the cave hitting a Wither storm is awesome that’s much better I went inside and saw that it was full of iron using my stone tools I

Collected as much iron I could find to make a set of iron tools I also had enough to craft myself a chest plate and pants but for some reason when I try to equip the armor it wouldn’t stay on what maybe the iron couldn’t fit on top of my

Massive figure and I guess it’s not that great being an elemental weather storm I was gonna have to find another way to gain protection ah I turned around but no one was around me here it is again who’s calling out to me I decided to follow the voices out of

The cave and see who it was on days nine to ten I followed the voice out of the cave and found myself flying towards the peak of a mountain I heard a loud roar only to see a gigantic mutated dragon sitting on a nearby Peak I had a feeling

I knew exactly who he was it’s finally good to meet you frozo and you must be garam the mutant Dragon I’ve heard so much about garam said that he was and told me that I had something that belonged to him give me the elemental nether star and your guests shall be

Painless Elemental nether star was this the core the Mutant Golem was talking about the dragon told me that my nether star was the source of my elemental powers once I have the star I will become Unstoppable with all four elements ice fire air and lightning maybe when I reach my full potential

I’ll have control over each element that chance this star was given to me for a reason I was destined to become the most Unstoppable creature in this world do you really think so some pigs started walking past us and garam wanted to show off his power he fired his mutant breath

On the pick suddenly the once normal pigs turn into mutant hoglands bring me his Elemental nether star uh oh I need to get out of here I quickly flew away with the hoglands chasing after me the hoglands followed me into a plane’s biome and they were hot on my trail I

Didn’t know if I could Escape hey wait a minute I’m the elemental wither storm I turned around and faced the mutant hoglands I got so angry that I shot the hoglins of the wave of fire I try to use my other abilities again but I wasn’t

Able to I fought back with my sword but the hoglands were too tough this is over I was so angry and someone a large fire around myself that damaged the hoglands killing them I absorbed the hogland’s hearts and could tell that I was getting much stronger thanks to them whoa so I

Had a fire element as well hopefully one day I’ll be able to fully control it at will it just kept shooting out randomly that garum was no joke I had a feeling that I haven’t seen the last of him yet or his mutant minions garam is gonna

Hunt me down until he has my Elemental nether star and I wasn’t ready to face him yet I decided to return to base and see if Grim would know what to do on days 13 to 14 I made it back to base and found Grim I told them about my

Encounter with garam and he seemed surprised not many can say they met Garmin lived most people would die from his mutant presence maybe you but not me I told Grim that killing garam would be the only way to prove that I’m the strongest I needed to find a faster way

To get stronger and asked Grim if he knew how well you couldn’t answer Elemental nether star he said that there were beacons based off the Elementals that were scattered all around the world with each Beacon you collect you’ll gain more control over your stronger Elemental attacks making you more

Powerful this was great hopefully with these beacons I can become stronger than garam you won’t know what hit him I asked Grim where I could find them and he said he only knew of one Beacon location hey well that’s a start he told me that the ice Beacon was located in an

Ice biome not far from us I thanked him for the information and flew off towards the beacon as I was flying across the ice biome I remembered what Grimm told me you can find the ice Beacon at the top of a mountain but be careful with each Beacon there’s probably someone

Guarding it I eventually saw a mountain with a beam of light glowing from the top that must be where the ice Beacon is I flew up to the top of it and just as I said there it was I was about to go retrieve it when I saw a large Yeti

Monster uh so who are you the ice Beast didn’t listen though and just started to attack oh you will regret that you did challenge a frostbar for the ice Beacon the creature called himself Frost Mom I’m guessing he was the guardian of the beacon I told the frost mob that I

Wanted to use the beacon to enhance my ice powers but he he didn’t care Over My Dead Body out of nowhere my ice powers bursted out uncontrollably again it wasn’t any good though because Frost Moss seemed unaffected he hit me with this ice attacks and started causing me

Damage ow this guy’s tougher than he looks I rained down lightning on him and he was stunned I was so angry again that I summoned fire all around me and started to damage him greatly he kept fighting though this guy was tough but I knew I was Stronger eventually I took

Him down with a Few Good Hits For My Sword I then turned my attention to the ice Beacon I walked up slowly and out of nowhere I absorbed all of its power whoa I could tell that I was gaining more power from this than anything else I now

Had a total of 35 hearts and even obtained more armor I noticed that I can now control my ice powers willingly sweet on day 17 to 18 I made my way back to base until I spotted something familiar it was Bolder and he was trying to infect the other mobs with his mutant

Powers a mob of white bunnies or by the Mutant Golem sorry but that’s not going to happen Boulder was about to infect the bunnies but I flew in and blocked the Golem’s path hey pick on someone your own size I use my ice abilities on him using these

At will is so much better now Boulder was hurt by the attack but laughed and retaliated with a punch that knocked me back the bunnies were able to get away from him I charged him and hit him with my sword following with my ice breath attack again

That actually hurts but only a little bit Boulder charged in and hit me so hard that half of my hearts were already gone I knew that I had to escape I’m leaving now but trust me the next time we meet I’ll be much stronger I flew

Away from Boulder I was happy that I at least saved those bunnies I returned to base and told Grim about retrieving the ice Beacon good job foso but now you’re that much closer to beating garam yeah but not close enough I told Grim about my encounter with Boulder and how

Frustrating it was not being able to defeat him and worst of all I saved bunnies and I actually liked it what kind of Wither storm am I I needed to find the other beacons but we didn’t know where to look I’ll look around and see if I can find any information don’t

Worry foso we’ll get those Beacon soon Grim left the base and I decided that we needed to be better prepared if garam sent someone after me again I collected more resources and started building up a wall around the base once I finished fortifying the wall I went over to my

House and decided to rest for the night on days 21-23 I woke up from my Slumber and saw that the bunnies had arrived at the base hey get out of here I don’t need any more mobs to protect the bunnies just wanted to thank me for

Saving them from Boulder um yeah sure I didn’t want to admit it but it actually felt good helping these creatures out the bunnies told me their home was destroyed and they had nowhere else to go uh okay fine I use the materials I left over to build a small shelter for

The bunnies the bunnies were very grateful for my help and I told them that from now on I would protect them from the mutants but you better be useful too go add some carrots to the phone Farm the bunnies agreed Grimm finally returned but was upset because he couldn’t find any information about

The beacons I told them not to worry about it but I was gonna need to find a way to stop all these mutants fast I said yes and the bunny told me that the other one spotted a destroyed Kingdom on their way to the base hey look at that already being useful the

Bunny pointed me towards the direction and I flew off to go follow the trail I flew toward the world and spotted the kingdom what was going on here I went inside and the kingdom was completely overrun by mutants this can only be the work of that Dragon no I followed the

Scream and saw garam turn a poor villager into a mutant talk about going overboard foso I wasn’t expecting you to be here it looks like you’ve gotten a little stronger since last time the same could be said for yourself why are you doing all this the world has turned

Their backs on all mutants we have never felt love from anyone so it’s time we take over and become The New Normal I plan to turn all of Minecraft into a mutant Wasteland we’re all ruled and become the strongest creature that’s why he wants my Elemental nether star it’ll

Help him achieve his goal I’m not gonna let that happen I use my enhanced ice powers and completely froze garam not so strong now are you I heard garum’s laughing and the ice completely melted away uh oh garam blasphemy with his mutant breath greatly wounding me

Ouch I needed to get out of here I flew out of the Kingdom as far away as I could but I was too weak and fell to the ground oh no I’m gonna pass out on days 27 to 29 I woke up and found myself in

The middle of a plane’s biome I looked around and garam was nowhere to be found this is so frustrating I still couldn’t beat garam and he made me look like a weakling mark my words you’re gonna pay for this I flew out and started making

My way back to base when I spotted smoke in the air I went over to the source and saw that garum’s mutant henchmen were attacking a village good a perfect way for me to get stronger I flew down and appeared before the mutes the mutants began to charge at me but I summoned

Lightning down to stun them you guys are no match for me I hit them with my tractor beat and vaporized the mutants the villagers still seemed scared and I asked one of them what was wrong the Villager told me that they heard about me and how I’ve caused nothing but

Destruction if that was the case then why did I save you the Villager thought for a moment and agreed that I meant no Hearts towards them he thanked me for saving them and said I saw a weird skeleton looking for info about the elemental beacons do you know him yeah I

Do I told the Villager that Grim is a friend of mine and the Villager handed me a map he told me that this would lead me to the lightning Temple I thanked him for his help and went to go find the temple I flew off in in search of the

Lightning Temple and eventually spotted a yellow Beacon shooting up in the sky that must be where it is I arrived and was quickly greeted by Guardians alt who goes there I introduced myself as foso the elemental wither storm and more lightning themed villagers began to surround me we know why you’re here they

Call themselves The Lightning Clan and they guarded the lightning Beacon they didn’t want me to take the Beacon’s power because they’re afraid I would use it to continue on my path of Destruction I mean they weren’t wrong but my main priority was taking care of garm first I

Tried to convince them that was the case but they didn’t want to hear it they kept telling me to go away and I started to get angry enough suddenly the chief of the clan appeared and told the villagers to stop arguing with me the chief asked what was my true purpose of

Obtaining the beacon I told them about the mutant dragon and his goal is of mutating the entire world getting this Beacon will help me stop him the chief seemed skeptical but decided to believe me and handed me the beacon please use this wisely I promised him that I would

And absorbed it I felt something strange happening and quickly flew outside of the temple I grew into a much larger wither storm and even gained 10 more Hearts I shouted back down to the thief thanking them for trusting me I then made my way back to base on days 33 to

35 I returned to base now with my lightning powers upgraded now that I’ve absorbed the lightning Beacon I might as well see how strong my lightning abilities are I flew over the top of my base and activated my Powers suddenly the entire area was surrounded by lightning bolts awesome I decided to

Upgrade my base more and make my house bigger geez I really don’t think I can even make a house my size anymore my Hunger Bars were also getting low so I learned some cows and sheep into the base and locked them inside the new base gate I didn’t want the bunnies to starve

Either so I started planting crops next to the farm eventually some wheat and vegetables would grow later on I noticed Grim’s house looks smaller compared to mine so I added more rooms to his house to give him more space thanks Bozo that lightning show was your doing wasn’t it

Yep that was me now I’m halfway there to absorbing all of the beacons and beating garum Grim was happy to hear that and said that the next mission I should look for was the fire Beacon the only problem was where to find it you’re looking for

The fire Beacon why not try the volcano it’s probably the hottest place it would be oh that’s a great idea the bunny told me that the volcano was located at the center of the world time to go fly over there and check it out as I made my way

Towards the volcano I spotted Boulder roaming around I think it’s time for a little payback I landed near Boulder and called out to him well we it isn’t a little weather storm you’re going to do another hit and run not this time I’m much stronger than before I charge that

Boulder and use my ice powers to freeze him this again then I summon multiple lightning bolts and greatly damaged him I can tell that he was shocked by my new powers I hovered over Boulder but he used the strength to launch me across the area ow I went back over but he was

Gone great ah man he won’t be so lucky next time I left the area and continued my journey to the volcano why are you back here Boulder I thought I told you to keep mutating the world master you wither storm has gotten stronger than before at such a fast pace

You must be absorbing the elemental beacons I need to take his star before it’s too late on days 39 to 41 I finally reached it and just as it was stated before it was at the center of the world man this thing was huge I could feel the

Heat emitting from a distance this has to be where the fire Beacon is I try to go down inside of it but it was way too hot for me ouch probably not a good idea to attempt that if I can’t go inside of the volcano then why don’t I just open

It up I floated away from it then I summoned all of my ice powers and blasted the volcano completely turning it into a block of ice that’s step one and now for two I charge up my lightning powers and hit the Frozen volcano with a large lightning bolt breaking it into

Pieces awesome that actually worked now let’s see if the fire Beacon is somewhere down there I went over to the wreckage but couldn’t find the fire Beacon anywhere where is it I continued searching around but there was still no sign of it really I did all this for

Nothing I knew I had to talk to Grim about this I flew off and headed back to base I hope the world didn’t need this volcano on my way back to base I decided to make a pit stop and look for more materials to add to it eventually I

Spotted a cave but unfortunately because of my size I would still never fit inside of one but I still had my trusty theme using it I collected resources and gathered enough to upgrade my iron tools to diamond ones sweet wait what was that a large explosion went off and

Completely shook the region whoa whatever that was didn’t sound good the explosions are coming from somewhere on the other side of this hill so I decided to go out and investigate on days 45 to 47 I’ve reached the plains where I thought the explosion had originated but

It wasn’t just a regular explosion it was garam and Boulder they were causing them foso I seconded in commanders told me that you have gotten my much stronger did he also tell you that I beat him in our last fight Boulder didn’t like that but I didn’t care less I’ll acknowledge

That you’re strong strong enough for us to take your Elemental nether star garam came charging at me and blasted me with his immune dragon breath it sent me straight to the ground I was about to counter but Boulder charged in and slammed me as well garum was right there

Too and he hit me with another breath ow you guys are just gonna fight me two on one that’s not fair at all this was getting out of hand I knew that I couldn’t beat both of them in a fight so I needed a way to escape garam came

Flying towards me and I used my ice powers to freeze him in place before Boulder could even react I shot him with a massive lightning bolt but the two temporarily stunned I quickly flew out of the area and escaped straight to base I made it back and crash landed into the

Ground I was completely exhausted from fighting garam and Boulder Grim ran over to check on me and I told them about the situation you fought both Carl and Boulder wow you are one look wither storm Graham then handed me mutton to help replenish my strength and I thanked

Him for the assist I told him that I didn’t find the fire Beacon at the volcano is there any other place that would store that kind of heat there’s only one other place that I can think of that’s back home in the nether Grim told me that the nether is filled with fire

And lava maybe that’s where the beacon was speaking of home I’ve got a surprise we went over to Grimm’s house and I changed it into a coal themed house now a little bit of home is here with you Grimm was extremely grateful for this

And told me how to get to the nether I collected a large amount of obsidian and the two of us went off and built a massive nether portal find my friend red he should be able to help you find the beacon will do Grim I went through the

Portal and started my journey into the Nether on days 51-53 I was inside of another searching for grimace friend as well as any other information on the fire Beacon I journeyed throughout the area until I eventually came across a giant nether fortress I floated over it and a large wither skeleton approached

Me you’re the elemental weather storm right or brings you in the nether I told the skeleton that I was looking for someone named Rip and the skeleton told me that that was him I explained to rip that Grimm sent me down here in hopes of finding the fire Beacon yeah

That’s great I needed to help everyone in the Overworld they’re in grave danger he seemed shocked that a Wither storm like me cared about the Overworld it’s a long story rip was more than willing to help I’ll tell you where to find the fire Beacon but I need your help down

Here too rip told me that just like the Overworld garum has been busy mutating the mobs of the nether as well garum apparently has sent his mutant henchmen to capture the mobs so that he can mutate them and become stronger I asked rip to point me in their Direction and

Went off to go save the mobs of the Nether on my Adventures the rescue the nether mobs I came across a strange Forest it was very different from the ones back in the Overworld how I turned and saw that a group of pig ones were trapped inside of cages they were being

Guarded by some strange looking Enderman don’t worry guys I’ll free you soon immune Enderman then teleported in front of me whoa I quickly froze him with my ice powers the others then teleported and started to attack every time I try to counter they would teleport put away

All right that’s it I use my lightning powers to summon a bunch of lightning and stop them in their tracks I was about to finish them off but an idea popped into my head maybe I don’t have to kill these guys I quickly use my absorbing powers and instead of taking

Their lives I took away the enderman’s mutation they were just regular Enderman now and we’re grateful that I freed them I then also freed the piglens and all of them together were very thankful I told them it was no problem and flew off back towards the nether fortress huh it

Actually feels really good helping out these mobs on days 57-59 I returned to the nether fortress and told rip the good news amazing not only were you able to save piglens but you also managed to cure the Enderman yep I killed two birds with one stone he thanked me for my help

And as promised he would take me to the fire Beacon he led me to another part of the Fortress where the fire Beacon was housed awesome I went over and absorbed the beacon and can tell that I’ve gotten so much stronger and gained better fire abilities I also got upgrades to my

Armor rip then went outside of the Fortress and I thanked him for all of his help hey any friend of grim is a friend of mine speaking of grip yeah take this he handed me a cool wither sword and wanted me to give this to Grim

The music Grim tell that Old Rip misses him I told rip that I would and headed back to the nether portal I walked to the portal and was back in the Overworld but I was greeted by an unwelcomed guest hello foso it was garam so your little

Sidekick is in here to back you up this time huh good let’s settle this right here right now I was about to shoot garm with a fireball but he stopped me oh I didn’t come here to fight only to offer a proposition proposition what are you implying the dragon told me that he

Wanted to make a deal with me garam knew that I’ve gotten stronger again and he wanted me to join him on his mutant Conquest he told me that I was a mutant just like him and that I was fighting the wrong side join me and you will get

The top spot my new Mutant Overworld imagine it all of the destruction you could cause with no regrets destruction I do like to destroy things garam just needed my Elemental nether star to do that I didn’t know what to say and garam told me that he would give me a few days

To think about it we both went our separate ways on days 63-65 I return in the base and was greeted by Grim were you able to find the fire Beacon I was and I got you something I handed him the Wither sword and told him that rip

Wanted him to have it wow a Wither sword I can’t believe rip got this for me Grim started running around the base swinging around his new sword it was good to see how happy he was but garum’s words came back into my thoughts all of the destruction you could cause with no

Regrets destroying everything around me and showing off my powers that sounded like a really sweet offer the world would fear me and be terrified of uttering my name but what’s stopping me why don’t I want to do this no I can’t I would end up destroying everything grim

And the mobs new and loved I don’t know what to do Bozo OZO Bozo huh what Grim was telling me that he wanted to go and test out his new sword sure pal let’s go grim and I ventured out into the world looking for some of garam’s mutant

Henchmen eventually we spotted a few of them inside of a jungle the two of us snuck up and found a group of mutant zombies they were harassing the mobs of the Jungle okay Grim we can’t just go charging without a plan so I have an idea I’m gonna distract the zombies

While you charge oh brother Grim ran in and used his wither sword to easily defeat one of the zombies what photo I did it the other zombie attacked him and started to overwhelm him I quickly went over and slowed them down then I used my wither storm powers to absorb the

Zombies mutation bring them from garam’s control I could tell that Grim was embarrassed and I told him not to worry about it I just wanted to show you not useless I know but I need you to be more careful being alive is very useful to me

Grim understood and I told him that we needed to focus on finding information on the air Beacon did say air Beacon the zombie had walked up and told us that he remembered a village knowing where the air Beacon was thanks I told Grim to go

Home and went off to find the village on days 69-71 I made my way towards the village that the zombie mentioned and noticed a cloud of smoke that’s where it’s supposed to be I quickly soared over the smoke but I was too late to save the village because it was

Completely in Ruins garm’s men must have been through here I surveyed the wreckage and didn’t see the air beacon in sight it looks like it wasn’t here I continued looking around I wanted to see if I can find any survivors I finally spotted one on the ground I flew over to

Him and can tell that he was badly hurt what happened the Villager told me that garam and his henchmen attacked this place they were trying to destroy the air Beacon but its Guardian took it and ran away I asked the Villager where the Guardian ran off to but he was hesitant

To tell me I promise that once I find the air Beacon I will use its power to end garm’s reign of tyranny the Villager finally believed me and pointed me towards the mountains find the highest peak that’s where you’ll find The Nomad the Villager then died in front of me

This is why I can’t side with garam it’s not fair to these people I flew off towards the mountains was this the kind of Destruction that I wanted I ventured off through the mountains in search of the air Nomad I flew past multiple Hills until I was in front of a huge mountain

Let’s see if he’s here I made it up to the top and a person was standing at the peak it seemed like he was meditating finally made it up here there Nomad was expecting me I guess you know why I’m here then yes but you are not ready for

The ab Beacon just yet The Nomad told me that he can sense a great struggle within me and he was right even though I was supposed to be bad and love chaos I’ve grown to care for the other mobs and I wanted to protect them I was

Mentally lost and didn’t know what to do I think I know just the thing to help clear your mind The Nomad motion towards me and I followed him down the mountain on day 75 to 77 I followed him and eventually he led me to a very windy

Area in the desert somehow I thought we were in the middle of a rainstorm but in the desert are you sure this is safe yes everything will be fine we made it to the center and the wind there was so strong I couldn’t fly against it and the

Wind blew me away whoa I looked to see if the Nomad was fine and he was how are you doing that don’t fight the wind become one with it I didn’t know what he was talking about and charge into the eye of the storm but again the wind set

Me flying back this was so frustrating I was ready to give up but I finally figured it out I slowly went back into the storm this time the wind wasn’t pushing me back and I finally reached the center the air Nomad told me to absorb it and I did as he said suddenly

The storm then disappeared congratulations frozo you see that wind represented yourself and you are fighting against that I absorb the air Beacon and can feel my Powers greatly increase I grew into a ginormous wither storm and gained 10 more Hearts sick I think the internet for all of his help

And he told me to follow my heart and I’ll know what to do you wish me luck and I flew off out of the desert I was making my way back to base when suddenly I heard a familiar voice call out to me it was Boulder come down here and face

Me he was standing in the middle of a destroyed Coliseum it looked like he wanted to finish things between us I landed inside of the arena and asked what he wanted so you want a rematch or what my master wanted to know your answer to his proposal I thought about

It for a moment and finally had an answer you can tell your master that there can only be one creature known as the strongest and that’s gonna be me I was hoping you’d say that Boulder charged in and ran me across the area I tried freezing him with my ice powers

But he quickly backed away I knew this wasn’t gonna be an easy fight Boulder came and slam me into the ground with his massive hands I shot him with a huge Fireball and pushed him away from me I then used my tractor beam and severely wounded him Boulder was a tough opponent

So I needed to finish him off with a heavy attack I’ve got it I summon all my air powers and started lifting him high into the sky you know what they say what comes up must come down I release my air powers and dropped Boulder back down to

The ground finally defeating him with Boulder out of the way I was one step closer to defeating garam on days 81 to 85 I was heading for base when I suddenly spotted some players fighting they were defending themselves from some Mutant Creepers I could tell that they

Didn’t want to get close unless they wanted to get blown up one of the Mutant Creepers got close to a player and was about to explode look out the explosion went off and the player realized that I was the one who protected him the other creepers tried

To blow me up all at once but I used my ice powers to freeze them where they stood I then used my wither storm abilities to absorb all of them turning them back into normal creepers they all thank me for freeing them I turned back towards the players and they were all

Afraid after everything I did why wouldn’t they be eventually one player walked up to me and thanked me I told him not to worry about it and continued going back to base I finally reached the base just to find it covered in Flames oh no was garam able to find this place

I searched around the base and couldn’t find Grim anywhere Grim where are you looking for this Skyrim dropped Grim’s wither sword in front of me where is he he told me that Grim was safe but only for now I tried to do it peacefully but you forced my hand but especially since

You killed my second in command I was filled with so much rage that I shot my tractor beam at garam but he easily dodged it give me back my friend here’s my ultimatum oh so come to my castle give me your Elemental nether star or the skeleton dimes make your decision

Soon your friend doesn’t have much time darn flew off and left me at my base this was all my fault because I didn’t take garm’s original offer crims now in danger had to do something oh what on days 91 and 94 I was in my base trying

To figure out what to do the bunnies that were there earlier then showed up oh you guys are okay they told me that Grimm said to escape before garam could mutate them Seagram you’re not as useless as you think I decided to put out the fires with my eyes the bunnies

Needed their home back and I wanted Grim to know that his home was still here too they thanked me they asked me where Grim was and I gave them the bad news that garam took him I told him about gom’s offer and was still mulling over it

Right of course not but I want to save Grim I couldn’t lose my only friend I remember what the air Nomad told me about following my heart and finally it came to a conclusion I told the bunnies that I wasn’t gonna give garam my Elemental core but I was going to save

Grin the bunnies knew that I would say that and wish me luck on my travels I will I flew out of the base and headed straight for garam’s Castle I made my way over and garam was waiting for me with an army of mutants have you finally come to a decision

Not gonna have my Elemental nether star Now give me back my friend or suffer the consequences what a Pity oh well minions don’t get me that star guard left and it was just me and his impenchmen he began to charge at me and I prepared myself for the battle cause immune creepers

Tried to explode themselves but I summoned multiple lightning bolts to take him down the hog ones then came charging in and I stopped them in their tracks with a large Fireball immune Enderman appeared behind me and knocked me towards the ground the moons began to

Swarm around me and I knew that this was a pointless fight I floated back up and used my air powers to bring all the mutants into the sky then I absorbed all of the mutation and turned the mobs back to normal I then flew inside of garm’s

Base and spotted him about to kill Grimm no I shot a fireball at him and he dodged it the dragon then flew out of the castle oh Grim I’m sorry I got you into this I let him out of the cage and told him to head back to base I will

Deal with garam on day 100 garm finally stopped flying and the two of us were at the top of a mountain it’s over you’ve lost I don’t think so all I need to do is take your Elemental nether star and start over no garam I won’t let you have

Your way this ends now stormed and began and we started our fight garum blasting you with his mutant dragon breath which knocked me across the peak I lost a good amount of my heart you think that you’re so strong but you can’t admit that you’ll never be the strongest creature

You are wrong I hovered above Gara I can feel my elemental power surging Within Me garam tried to hit me with this mutant breath but I absorbed it I use my lightning abilities and stunned him then I use my air powers to lift him up and knock him down with fire garum was

Severely wounded and I gathered up all my strength to finish him off with my tractor beam leaving nothing but a large crater the storm began to clear and the world was safe from garm and just like that I was now the strongest creature in all of Minecraft

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as ELEMENTAL HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)’, was uploaded by FoZo Movies on 2023-04-07 20:00:15. It has garnered 127129 views and 1103 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:28 or 4948 seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days as ELEMENTAL HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)


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    Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a Castle & Scary Moments!!! [Minecraft SOS – Ep.18]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-17 14:00:41. It has garnered 42662 views and 3411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:49 or 1909 seconds. In today’s episode of Minecraft SOS, a Hardcore Minecraft SMP, we’re taking on the great hole challenge!!! The First TEAM to dig up a chunk wins…but then CHAOS HAPPENS!!! After the events of the hole, we’re building up a brand new Small Castle in our base!!! ==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW: ►Twitch ➜ ►Youtube Member ➜ ►Patreon. ➜… Read More

  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

    Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS In Skyblock Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Moguin on 2024-07-04 15:30:10. It has garnered 49227 views and 764 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Social Media: Discord: Twitch: Twitter: Tiktok: Music provided by: @lowresbones @epidemic sound #minecraft #100days Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

    EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me vs Yoizol (minecraft skills)#shorts’, was uploaded by NGUYEN JD MC on 2024-01-15 14:03:09. It has garnered 763 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Me vs Yoizol (minecrft skills)#shorts =============================================================================== Discord: nguyenjdmc Donate: Tiktok: Facebook: IGN: NGUYENJD1234 =============================================================================== Pack: Dewier 5k =============================================================================== Recorder: OBS 30.0.2 (60FPS) Video encoder: x264 Rescale output: 1280×720 (720p) Rate control: CBR Bitrate: 30001 (my setting) =============================================================================== Edit: CapCut (mov) File video: 0114 – blur ~ 60fps (1440, 1.3).mp4 =============================================================================== Specs: Windowns 11 Version: 10.0.22000 Build 22000 SSD: 137 GB… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

    Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-05 20:09:03. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:37 or 7117 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip @Dolt_601: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: My discord server: My second Channel with other games: Become a member here: Donation link: Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Read More