Video Information

We got started in the Way Wake up me CH Out happy birthday captain captain cap Captain TMK hope your day is amazing I hope you’re celebrating in whichever way you want to celebrate happy birthday to you hi poop hi Jenna hi Devin hi cim hi an OPI hello toasty and bon bon Simon T taty salty and squirrel and Lena hi chat hello

Hello Anthony Leslie should I watch the new Saw movie tonight if you’re a sicko I guess I guess Bailey thank you so much hello hi everybody um okay hi hello everybody okay my brain’s been going a million miles an hour because so so tomorrow I’m going to be casting this

The super you guys remember the sponsor I did did with courage uh like a month ago and it was you know leading up the whole thing was basically all of the the games the supercell games and you probably have heard of them Clash Royale Clash of Clans and brawl Star

Right um so it’s a sponsor that with G with with Samsung to to basically find the best create the best team and then they’re all going to compete in the world or the grand finals tomorrow right and they’re competing over this $100,000 cash prize and there’s like all the stuff and

Everything um so obviously uh so that was that stream that was a month ago and tomorrow is the grand finals right and today was a dress rehearsal for it and um you know I told them like hey guys I don’t know much about the games like I’m

I’m a very beginner uh like I’ve played I play Brawl Star right now a little bit but you know like I I play eight bit and that’s about it and I play it in line for like when I’m waiting in line at the restaurant um Clash of Clans well you

You bet your booty I don’t understand that game okay I I see dragons and that’s pretty cool and then Clash Royale well sauno got me into it and so I play a little bit of clash Royale but all I know is like the speed lesson that sauno

Gave me so I’m showing up at the dress rehearsal today and they’re like all right this is sick Leslie you are going to be casting you courage and you know and there there’s another guy and his name is Rich and he’s insanely talented he’s they okay but imagine me up there

With like you know legitimate casters and they’re like all right bam and they show us Clash of Clans gameplay and they’re like all right go off and I’m like oh my God you think I know what’s happening and I’m like o uh well there’s some walls and I think that’s the town

Hall they’re supposed to kill that right uh when when did they win so they’re like well they were being so nice about it but like I was just like right right big Damage Big damage is being done I’ve never cast into my life okay courage doesn’t know anything

Either but he at least he at least is a fantastic Caster so he’s great at like looking like he knows what he’s talking about okay so um so I so that’s what I’ve been stressed about today is just making sure like I have some fundamental knowledge over something I’m not going

To pretend like I’m a professional tomorrow but I was playing brawl Stars today a lot and then randomly so then um during the call there Rich who’s going to be co-hosting with me he’s like Leslie don’t stress um cuz I’m also playing a show match I’m

Like and um he it’s Clash Royale and so he sent me a really great deck in Clash Royale and so so then cuz I’ve been losing I’ve been hard stuck at like 750 trophies if you guys know is really bad okay I couldn’t even unlock like I I’ve

Been hard stuck so I’ve just been stressing like why am I so bad at this um so then he gave me this deck okay and my deck is sick okay um and anyway so then I got addicted to it because I couldn’t stop winning I’m like oh wait

It was just a dective I’m actually cracked at this game then I made it to a thousand okay and so that’s where I’m at right now my deck is so good okay if you guys want to see it sorry this part’s not sponsored but I’m just showing you

Where I’m at okay look at me if anyone knows Clash Royale look at me okay I got my Golem and I got my Electro Dragon he’s really cool and I got a tornado and I got um he’s a little healing spirit I that’s my Barbarian and that’s my oh

This guy’s sick that is the uh what’s his name oh my God he’s op AF he is the uh I forgot his name lock master lockmaster lickm I don’t know okay you put him down and him right behind him and then they just go M Lumberjack thank

You so much Lumberjack so he’s a lumberjack okay I just discovered this today so I’ve been going crazy um I’ve been going a little crazy today anyways so tomorrow um just a heads up tomorrow’s stream I’m going to be I’m going to be streaming the broadcast um

If you have no idea what’s going on that’s okay um for those of you who know what’s going on you’ll probably know more than I know but I’m going to be there the entire time casting um and commentating and uh you know trying to okay oh Nails on point thank you so

Much oh this is a teaser for my um for my Gala look you can see okay I’ve got butterflies so you know maybe maybe you’ll see some butterflies I don’t know okay um yeah you’re going to be lost it’s okay uh so so just tomorrow this

Will be just a heads up like you’re going to be seeing this okay this is from a different broadcast but it looks just like this but I I will be here okay this is me okay thank you so much uh go that was fantastic and might I talk about what a

Play What a play we were seeing in Brawl ball I mean I never seen that ball move that fast I mean did you did you did uh tell me who did you think your favorite characters were I’m the lead Caster tomorrow okay um fantastic job really and not until

Yesterday did I even know there was a mode besides um what was it the mode there’s a mode so I thought when you play Brawl stars that there’s just like it’s like the Battle Royale mode but today I found out that there’s more than that there’s the Shem grab mode which is

The one we’ll be playing and there’s the the the um I’m not sure well I’ll learn it tonight so I’m going to it’s going to be you know I won’t call anyone a sociopath I’m going to do my best I think I’ll be prepared you know and they’ll know I

Mean they saw today they saw me today they were like oh Leslie here don’t try don’t worry about knowing things okay um you can just cheer point out big damage and I was like I can do that and I know Elixir and stuff like I know the basics of clash

Royale and brawl Stars I’m like I mean I’d say I’m probably the best at Clash now anyways what could go wrong I don’t know but that’s a heads up tomorrow we’ll be doing uh we are sponsored to to host and cast the supercell the tournament and I wrote it down even

Because I’m trying to R run know the format okay so here’s all the the teams playing okay so there’s four there’s there’s four there’s 12 teams and these are the team captains okay these are the team captains tomorrow okay and then only one team from each of these they these are

They’re all going all of the teams have to be good at all the games so it’s not like one team plays one so they all have to be good at all three games and then and then from there one person one team from each group moves on and then it’s a

Top four and the semi-finals honestly before today I didn’t even know really what semi-finals you I couldn’t be sure the difference between semi-finals and quarterfinals like I’m like I it’s not like a you you know what I mean like it’s bad okay I I don’t follow like that

To a lot of competition so I was like what is a semi-finals got it okay so then they go to the semi-finals okay and then from the semi-finals that then they have then we watch then it’s like watch this match watch that match and then Grand finals and then the winner and

Then there’s a $100,000 prize pull so that’s what tomorrow’s format is I had to write this out for my brand to understand it anyways and they have to be good at all games Clash Royale Clash of Clans brawl star it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun so yeah whatever

Anyway so that’s tomorrow uh I’ll go live like 10 minutes before it to give some more context um so that it’s not we’re not going straight live into the broadcast and then people are like wait I didn’t remember this um anyways so there’s that today we are playing

Minecraft but we’re going to be split between the ab server and Logan has a server as well called pixel Mona so we’re stopping in uh we’re going to stop in on the ab server real quick you know maybe make a glass of wine I don’t know and then we’re going to go

To that yes addicted actually you’re starting in the quarterfinals you know thank you so so much it’s actually good to know that that’s what so this round before the semi-finals is the quarterfinals let me write that down so I don’t forget so these are the quarterfinals quarterfinals into

Semi-finals into finals Got It wait yeah yeah yeah and then of course finals okay yeah I can follow um is there a set schedule when you go live I normally watch your videos but I recently started watching your live proper enjoy your live wow I love the word proper there are you from

England sorry um no there’s no set schedule I kind of stream when I can when I when I’m doing nothing else but right now I’m quite been a bit busy um with a lot of meetings for some reason I’m going to like oh gosh there’s so

Many things coming up the gala I’m going to um San Jose in a bit to go to um like a hyperx thing um I have um I don’t know if I can leak it already but I’m going to be hosting I’m going to be hosting

CED up again so yeah the you know the hyper um you know that one um so I’m gonna be hosting that again but that’s next month um and then there’s another thing I’m doing that’s really exciting but I definitely cannot say that one um but that’s next month I’m flying out for

That and then there’s twitchcon next month and then right for some reason there’s like all these After parties and they’re like all these companies are like Leslie would you be interested in meeting at twitchcon BL I’m like bro I’m on YouTube and I have all these meetings

To go to a twitchcon and they’re like just wondering if she’s able to make it to this this this and this there’s a dinner here meeting with this CEO and this executive they really like to talk to you I’m like yeah happy I’ll be there like what should I just said I’m not

Going anyways and then um yeah anyways um so so then um what else yeah I’m busy I’m busy I even had to move some important plans today and it’s so so unfortunate because I told Logan I wish I could have played more than his server but then there’s like this current server going

On um you know it was just sad so then and then and then then the gala and then anyways but tonight we’re going to take we’re going into both Minecraft servers but then I have to end early because there’s this thing I have to set up

Tonight um it’s like a background um for the stream tomorrow and um so but it’s massive massive okay it’s huge so uh I have to haul it in here set it up somehow okay so that’s going to be behind me and I want to make sure you know I’m prepared because I’m a

Professional as of tomorrow I have casting under my belt I’m a Caster okay um do you have an idea on your G outfit my Gala outfit is is is rented and done I have never I haven’t put it on together because I bought like a thing for it like a couple things for

It but it’s done so oh oh oh speaking of the gala um you guys will be able to um auction I’m sorry all of us are bringing something to the cuti Goa um and you can bid on this okay you can bid on this and

Then I was working on this on top of everything sorry it’s not fully done but you can bid on this and I figured this might interest you guys more more than other people because some people really won’t give a f about this okay but um

You guys will be able to bid on this so it’s my it’s I put these in new sleeves I bought new sleeves and I and I put them in and I put some extra sleeves in there okay so they have cute kuribo ones and this is the deck that I won first

Place at keems turning with okay the deck okay with king of De nuts in here okay so let me find it okay yeah okay the the deck okay so that’s the I put it in there okay I’m also including a um oh oh oh um yes my favorite 4,000 questions book

Okay I love this book um this is for social situations that you don’t you know maybe if you want to get to know someone better I this iconic book really great book okay um I um okay there’s going to be a Rubik’s Cube in here but

I’m going to get this signed by every streamer I can find at cuties Gala and there will be streamers there okay so all the roomies for sure will sign this and then you know whoever I can find I’ll force them to sign it okay so sign

Rubik’s keep um and then um um oh also some Sharpies I don’t know if you’d want those actually maybe not the Sharpies okay um okay so also my favorite board game one of my favorite board games I put Hanabi in there um I love that one

Um um there’s a a Dove body wash my well yeah I bought some dove I actually paid for this I’m not going to lie it’s not it’s it’s it’s fully unopened uh so I bought some Dove Body Wash just to keep you guys clean um oh my other favorite

Game is in there it’s called monikers I love that game so much um so I I bought that one oh and then in here as I put a Sketchbook um it’s a really nice Sketchbook so I tried to BL buy um a the I tried to draw the blue morpho

Butterfly it’s a butterfly in the rainforest right so I’m really bad at drawing so I tried and I was like wow this this is bad so it’s a failed attempt but then I was like well what if I follow a tutorial and I drew Butterfree in the style of the blue

Morpho butterfly okay so that one is there okay um and then you can have the rest of the Sketchbook and then I said thank you for supporting the rainforest and and rainforest preservation and then I drew a really creepy face and I felt like I had to

Apologize for it so I spent a long time on this more than I care to admit it doesn’t look like it took a while but bro okay I was I was sketching it first then I outlined it so this was me yesterday was I doing okay I took a nice

Day and didn’t do anything oh and then I added a nice set of colored pencils okay because maybe you’d want to sketch with it um and then we have included in here is a uh a PSA 9 blue eyes white ghost white dragon okay I actually have two of these

Which is why I’m giving it away sauno got B me one and um this girl at the tournament gave me this one and this one I decided to give because it’s actually graded and packaged the other one I don’t know so this one will be in there

Too I think it’s it’s at least $200 okay it’s it’s graded and it’s freaking sick Ghost rare man all right so that’s in there as well um you can um you can I’ll bring it to cu’s charity auction and you’ll be able to bid on it and um I

Don’t know that’s pretty cool I guess oh also a little automatone in there because I figured that’s kind of cute too so that’s all there um I figured not many people outside of this community would really want it I mean maybe there’s some things in there

But I promise you those games are really good um it’s like a little piece of me in there you know what I mean and the little Yu-Gi-Oh deck I hope that you like it um she’s like Santa Claus yeah I’ll I’m trying I’m trying to be so

There’s some body wash games um all the above fun stuff so that is is what I’m bringing to the auction I put it all together made with lots of love um and so yeah bringing that have to dress up for it it’s a lesler hair package

Essentially so um you know and it all goes to charity so it’s great and then you’ll get it put some mushy hair if you insist I’ll put a little mushy hair in there too mushy will be included yeah she’s gone she’s going so that is going

To be there maybe I’ll find some other stuff but yeah I’ll get it all signed as well so if anything maybe you can take the Rubik’s Cube and sell it to some streamer Super Fan out there I don’t know maybe someone will want it tomorrow Stream So the supercell Galaxy stream

Tomorrow starts at 12:50 the actual thing it’s pretty long it’ll go from like one to five or six or something it it all depends on the length of it based on so uh they’re competing in best of Threes so basically best uh these guys are going

To go against each other these at the same time as they’re going against each other at the same time as they’re going against each other at the same as they’re going against each other um wow I really do understand this now so um they’re playing Clash of Clans and then

If whoever wins that right 1 uh and then if it goes 1-1 then they then the next game is brawl stars and then then if they if it goes 1-1 then it goes to Clash of Royale Clash Royale so it’s it’s basically however long it the games

Take whoever if people go to next game so it has a potential to be longer and it has a potential to be shorter so uh estimate yeah and then we’ll hop on to Minecraft so that’s for tomorrow but for today oh God for today uh it’s time no there is Minecraft tomorrow but

It’s so after the stream end after the Super Galaxy one I’m going to end So that’s its own VOD and then I’ll start up again probably like right after like I’ll get 10minute break and then I’ll come back and then we’ll play Minecraft for the night and then the next day no

Stream because it’s it’s the gala um but but that will be streamed so that’s exciting and maybe I’ll Vlog it or something if people care okay it’s time we hop on thumbs up all right God I I miss Minecraft it’s been eons since I’ve played eons I tell you

Um incomplete without you by my side what if I go against my heart instead of confessing what I By Your Side by your side I thought the gala was tomorrow it feels like it Furniture we know what we’re doing such a busy girl you are I am I am I am and I’m trying not to be I swear I’m trying to slow down guys I am I I’ve been more intentional okay I’ve talked to my therapist about this I’ve been more intentional and I’m going

To truly be more intentional 2024 catch me doing absolutely nothing except Minecraft maybe but then I then I’m I’m debating GTA again you know maybe I’ll feel it out who knows dabble in it I I don’t know life just kind of comes at you sometimes and sometimes you want a role play and

Sometimes you hate it and sometimes like I don’t know I did say that last year but I will say I’m considerably more relaxed this year I am considerably more relaxed and then there’s csgo too which I haven’t even got to touch because of Minecraft I wonder if valerant never

Came out what the world would be like the world probably itself wouldn’t be that different but the gaming scene definitely then I’ve been watching all these like murder documentaries recently I don’t know you know when you start watching one thing you get it onto the next thing and then the next thing and

Then you know so it’s not good my I’ve been it’s not good sickos out there man well I’ve been watching it’s like a YouTube channel called 48 hours and they do like um you know um they do well I watched a video on like there was a

Video that came out like really recently on the Idaho murders you know like the guy that went into um I don’t know if I’m lagging right now it looks like I’m lagging I think my computer um but like the the they they they the guy that

Broke into that the uh the house and then stabbed four people um and killed them so I watched that hello yeah I watched that cuz it was on my recommended like I don’t know yeah it seems like I don’t even look at that stuff but I watched it it was very well

Made and then from there the remember Gabby petito her as well um I watched I remember her case from a long time ago and then and then well yes okay let’s look at this furniture mod anyways we don’t need to talk about murder we’re playing Minecraft oh not supposed to be in

Creative how do I turn off creative I don’t know how I do it how do I turn it off okay I was in Creative for a reason you’ll see maybe but I can’t be in Creative right now I’m not supposed to be here game mode survival thank you that doesn’t

Work oh no can can a do it guys I can’t turn off C survival I can’t turn it off oh no a has to do it this is bad okay and there’s items I’m not supposed to have because we were oh Lord oh lord well I mean while we have

It no I can’t have this stuff an admin has to do it no we’re in Creative a couple of us to uh build something but can’t say what because it’s a surprise and you won’t know but I’m not supposed to keep anything I got from creative which

Is but I thought I could turn it off myself bab help me I’m stuck in creative mode how do I get out I mean wow look at the power of the infinity wand though guys look what it can do I can just build a whole layer of

All this stuff it’s amazing guys it was it was bad I was I was like damn this sh is crazy I’m just using my meral Powers it’s so true oh my god well while I’m here is there anything I could fix while imagine having creative like this

Anything I could sneak myself a grape seed that’s toxic though I shouldn’t do it I’m too tempted I need help I’m too tempted I can’t be creative how do I turn this off uh okay hold how do I get some stacks of diamonds listen you know very well that I do not need

Diamonds I’ve got 400 I’m rich AF there is new currency and it’s experience I think so well levels guys levels I can’t do it I can’t do it myself I can’t take myself out I’m stuck man I’m stuck in Creative I’m stuck in oh show hello

Um unreal dinner bone maybe this is the dev that’s going to save me where is my head where’s the Monk oh thank you thank you thank you bless bless what dude shows show I swear every time he’s typing it’s so tragic oh my God what is that okay Graves disappear after 30 minutes oh no oh show definitely has a secret layer every time he’s always losing

Something um okay so let’s see this furniture mod Furniture what’s it called Mr Clark or something Furniture chair oh my God yes guys yes M Mr crayfishes Mr Crayfish wait oh oh at Mr Crayfish oh my God oh my God stop it post box mail boxes I’m going to puke coolers kitchen

Drawers magenta grills Rock path wait how do I not have more Stone yeah yeah we can make a mailbox right now like a real cute mailbox this is hella cute I need to make these why can’t I make these I need to get um some wood how am I short on wood

Right now that’s the question that is the actual crazy question is how am I short on wood okay here’s a mailbox oh my god post box guys okay let me make like a like a like a oak mailbox then this can’t be hard how am I short on

Logs this is going to be a short stream this is a short stream okay let’s do this let me plant some of these oh I could do I could do um I could do spruce true true true let’s do spruce a spruce Mailbox Plus wait no no no no no no Spruce

Mailbox Spruce mailbox is that okay done right I just made 60 of those can I undo that I’m so sad why would I need to make 60 of those well maybe these are pretty those are pretty those aren a waste at least those are pretty that’s really pretty yeah those

Are gorgeous okay so the least that’s nice um let’s see oh where’s my Pokemon music you’re so right you’re so right it’s not this the same okay okay Spruce box Spruce box so then this bam mailbox so I get rid of this I guess oh my God it’s so cute cute that’s

Adorable okay what else oh man there’s so many cute things we can make there’s so many cute things oh no oh no let me make some Spruce uh park benches okay I made four let’s see what we can do with these oh my God a

Park oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God the dining section has begun okay that’s kind of dark but okay tables they have blinds I’m going to puke grills so these are different these grills are so I’m assuming like the sinks will look different

And stuff hello Hi V thank you so much V thank you v v v vve thank you so much for the 6 months welcome back um let me find a table I mean ain’t no way they don’t have tables like oh my God okay um okay I I feel

Like we need Oak guys we have to do it as much as we don’t want to do it peners here p Oh my God man I don’t want it to be a short stream I really don’t I could I already I already know but tomorrow night we play a ton cuz tonight I have to do stuff Bria thank you so much welcome but we do as much as we can right now

We do as much as we can okay um let’s see uh let’s get more Oak like let’s plant like let’s plant a few more of those okay and let’s plant like one another one and let’s plant one over here and let’s plant one over here and

Let’s plant one over here and then let’s let’s go you know when you just want to play games but then you got other obligations but then the feeling when those obligations are finished and then you’re like we you know that’s always nice I used to for finals week I used to

Study so hard my brain when I would finish finals week I would get massive migraines every single time because basically my I was in a state of like high high high stress for like a week straight and then I went to ex a state of extreme relaxation like too fast and

Then that caused migraines did that ever happen to anyone here I didn’t even realize it was a thing until I like I think I saw a doctor about it or I looked it up or something and then I found out that that can happen wee okay that’s wild and unfortunate yeah it

Would be like every single time like clockwork I remember uh it was Halloween and I was going to like a Halloween party and we were at a Chipotle right before it me and my friend Isabelle Oh that girl but yeah me and Isabelle were there and I remember being in line and I

Was like Isabelle I have the worst headache I’ve ever had in my life and it was so bad I had to go back to like my apartment and just sit on top of or on a toilet and just like wait to throw up and I then I and

Then I don’t remember if I puked or not and I just I think I threw up I forgot but I was just like and then it was like a splitting headache like I couldn’t imagine a worse pain in my head I was just like so debilitated and then

I fell asleep and then that was it no party for me I just passed out oak chairs wait oak chairs and then there stripped oak chairs we’re going stripped oak chairs definitely definitely guys wait what does this one need a stripped Oak chair needs stripped Oak log I mean that’s so easy

Though did I survive what kind of question is that what kind of question is that I’m here right now but I felt like I died it was the worst okay are we ready here we go it’s finally time for the dining area oh my God he’s in the way which is

Frustrating do I kill him okay well I suppose I can’t kill kill him cuz he’s he’s a friend now he’s a friend now I suppose we do like him oh yes all right um all right dirt all right it’s time stripped Oak chair four wait I already made four okay

Well eight okay so we’ll be like come down to our nice dining area boom boom and there will be some chairs you know maybe here and here maybe like one that’s like this a solo chair you know um maybe like one that’s by itself uh like over

Here and here or like a Duo there maybe like um one over here uh uh here and here that’s kind of cute and then maybe like a single chair a single chair here okay and then you know some openness isn’t bad we’ll make more okay A stripped Oak uh stripped oak table

Now okay uh hi sorry I’m late watching at 1.5x speed from the intro would it be helpful to play the supercell games on stream later today oh no no don’t you worry I I can I’ve been playing them all day um I have it’s more of like casting

Them I won’t really know how to do that but I’ll do my best they don’t expect me to like be a God and know anything I told them don’t worry they know okay oh my God guys what do we make the floor like how

Come it looks too um oh my God can I put oh my God oh my my God can I put like food on these tables like wine bottles on these tables what can I put down on these and more color commentary let’s yeah exactly exactly which supercell game is my

Favorite um between brawl stars and clash Clash uh Clash Royale today it’s Clash Royale yesterday and every day before that was brawl Stars just because I played a lot of clash Royale today I was addicted I kept saying one more game one more game and then I would lose and it would tilt

Me oh don’t drink that do not drink that I feel like this wine bottle is more appropriate for the tables stop if there are tablecloths I will throw up oh my God no no there’s not tablecloths there’s no way but they have coffee tables which are so cute like low

Coffee tables that’s kind of cute you know a low coffee table oh my God candles oh my God this is are we keeping the grass floor no the grass floor is not cute the glass the grass glass I don’t like that unless what wooden helmet heck no what am I

Missing why is it trying to make a helmet guys uhoh are the mods fighting each other oh my God has this happened before where the mods like have the same thing oh W and they make the same thing in those mods oh well you know I didn’t need a coffee table anywhere conflicting

Recipes oh Josie don’t you worry about getting older it’s not bad how old are you turning you best not be saying like 19 Josie’s like Leslie it’s my birthday on Sunday and getting older is terrifying me any advice iOS Mia am am I the only one that

Crashed I crashed the server trying to make a coffee table huh no it’s fine it’s just me that’s crazy it really is crazy all right but my question is how do I I need to find Foods first of all that I can present on the table like I know

That there’s this pumpkin recipe right and I know you can put it down and maybe we try to make that pumpkin recipe um it’s uh it’s it’s a pumpkin it’s like a stuffed pumpkin it’s this I know you can make that onion Cherry beetroot mushroom potato oh we have all of that

Onion cherry or berries or something right what else was in there um potato I think was in there rice was in there what else was in there was it cooked rice wait there’s two types of rice there’s thermal cultivation rice and Farmers Delight rice oh no carrots were in there too

Beetroot something like that right beetroot beetroot I have beetroot right oh no I’m missing beetroot well I do know where to go get it oh I’m crashing again uh packet client bound was larger than I expected found one bite extra whilst reading packet 82 who’s saying that is it the server

Talking the server was like that was larger than I expected I found yes must write it down I actually quite like this notepad the sketch pad I bought these for the um for the auction and then I had an extra and I I quite like the the the size of it

Let’s go to get some beetroot now this got to be beetroot okay all right maybe I should collect some other stuff stuff maybe some strawberries okay um so when for those of you who are playing Abes pack right when he updates like and ads like for example the furniture mod does it update

For all of you too or is it at wherever you downloaded it like do you have the choice to update as well I’m missing mushroom oh it does oh cool do you have like literally matching mods everyone gets the update cute oh Lord have mercy where’s the

Mushrooms mushroom no no no no no no no no no guys I remember I put mushrooms away what was it Leslie Peter I have been sent to kill you what the mayor yes someone has paid me to take your life what the hell F no run I’m being

Attacked wait why isn’t she dead I just I just stabbed her with my sword hey come back here can I can you let me finish the job please no I’m the may there’s an attack there’s an attack there’s an attack on the may just

Kidding it was a joke it was a joke just just a joke is that actually a joke stay back stay back a joke it was a joke really get back my job is finished oh she oh oh thank God you actually made my job easier blow thank you death by fall therey

Run oh I can’t believe Leslie died by Fall that’s so unfortunate dead yeah well I guess I should just loot her body oh she’s moving it’s a miracle she’s alive go trying to take my moral position from me I need to finish the job no Leslie I

Don’t want your job someone just hired me to kill you who is it tell me oh I can’t tell you I’ll pay you more than them to not kill me oh didn’t pay me in money yeah I’ll pay you in money too wait like real money what no they didn’t

Pay me in money oh what did they pay you in they gave me a secret password do you know what it is how about we sit down and share a bottle of wine oh okay that’s nice Pino Noir wait a second you distract I’m here to F the

Job blow you’re literally not doing anything what fine you said I will I will defend her behind you I dropped money behind you oh no you didn’t psych wait where’d she go where did she go oh wait I see her I see her over here look over here no no

That’s a fake one that’s a fake one oh this is a fake one dude it looks real look here’s the real one look out of the water Peter come here wait it smells it smells bad like the real one too oh je oh it’s the real one hey come back here

I want to finish the job I’ll give you free wine for a month I’ll give you for a whole month anytime that’s actually so worth Peter any type you want I’ll make it is her is her wine actually good it’s so good it’s actually it’s bomb her wine is the

Bomb I can detect BL lies I’m coming for you what I was not lying or wind’s the bomb it’s explosive oh God damn it they put the fake Leslie here again Jesus sh he believe wait I heard her laugh where is she there she is you won’t get away from me this time

Leslie okay okay you know what I don’t have the cardio for this you will live this time oh but just know someone out there wants your life thank you so much Peter thank you for the warning um maruzi yes how dare you how oh updates okay yes follow me May

Well why don’t we sit down over a glass of wine and you tell me no mayor no time for sitting or drinking on the job I’ve got to get working but okay fine what is it wait how do I sit oh what do you mean how do you sit you sit

Down you’ve never looked better sir oh sh who’s attacking what the how dare you sho how dare you accident dude that’s my that was oh my God your sword is massive Jesus come sit down nice SW stop tell me what’s going on you know how’s life I’m hiring your your boy

Here for uh some services so I’m going to be taking him sometime soon what the okay well what are the services I have to prove this okay well when you say it like I’m going to be I’m going to be hiring your boy I he works I’m going to

Be taking him some what am I am I an object like please correct yes yes he works for me he works for me we agree on this sorry yeah we do AG uh yes but listen he’s got jobs for me to do still so you have to pay oh wait I don’t know

About that I need him urgently U maybe he can put those on hold uh I I’m willing to pay you extra to get it done by tonight I’m going to get it done by tonight I just have to finish the town hall it’s almost done oh not the DC in

The middle of the role play oh no no no my immersion is being ruined my immersion oh no no not during the RP so sorry car on rewind time my diamonds are going to go to her yes that’s 30 30% of everything I make what

Do you mean why I was going to tip you I was going to tip you like 10 diamonds that’s all going to go to oh yeah that all what you don’t have to tell them that then it won’t you know it does not

All go to Mar fusle it all goes to me in helping uh the uh Cancer Institute that were supporting kids where’s the Cancer Institute you haven’t heard of uh the well F’s let’s take him children’s hospital for kids KS with cancer and other diseases come this way show come this

Way you must see the well is is your dragon that eat drinking wine as well yes heun I I started to I started to make little paths too the kids will be here on November 7th they’re coming yeah November 7th yes but here’s where if you care about the kids

Of course you will uh you throw a diamond in and you make a wish you know I throw a diamond in a wish and then if I care about the children if you care about the children and they’ll be here on November 7th to say their very own

Thanks so many of them oh you’re really twisting my arm here mle I am in front of everybody okay you win this time I’ll I’ll remember this I will definitely remember this one oh the children show thank you children the children thank you so much thank you uh thank you so

Much y thank you anyways I I’ll see you in uh 3 hours Pronto okay three hours yes got it on it sir three hours I’ll pick you up from here I’ll escort you to myate and you’ll be able to that was my finest employee damn you sho damn you

I’ll get you oh I mumble under my breath damn you sho damn F no you’ve betrayed me for the last time I’m hiring new Builders May FY any Builders any Builders May must be loyal must be loyal unlike my past employees must be loyal mayor F I have an announcement for the

Town I mayor foosley am looking for an intern an employee a partner if you will not me anyone any takers this is a highly sought out after position hm I don’t see one single person but mayor fley Peter yeah this is not the Assassin this is Peter different guy

Oh come here Peter is it true you’re here for the internship duh well what listen wow you were great he tried to kill you you were fantastic uh it was a great time but you show no loyalty you left to build things for other people I didn’t leave to build

Things I just crazy that you would do something building for other people and not showing your Express falty to our Lord and savior Poley thank you soit I was going to show you the sorry I I have a slight accent my my FS come out as peas yeah I was

Going to show you the update to the City Hall oh well actually you could show me that and then we split our ways that that was very dramatic I I like that very much yeah I know it’s what you get um anyway uh as part of the

Internship I heard you get 30 uh diamond ore so I’m just here for that oh oh oh you heard that yeah yeah yeah well usually I pay an exposure so I can put big thank you signs up everywhere and give you a big shout out at every

Here’s the thing I could change to Assassin Peter real fast if I don’t get these diamonds yes Peter I will okay newest employe welcome to the job um all right I got you 30 diamonds okay you know I’ll just take enough diamonds to make a diamond paxel

You know that’ll be enough that’s your payment actually you already just gave it to me you know I’ll just I’m just going to walk away with this now thank you yeah well that’s your payment wait you don’t need these right like I didn’t actually extort you for something that

You need Peter I’m the mayor I have infinite wealth wow that sounds like um that sounds like corruption just ready to happen but uh you would never be corrupt right no now go put those away and I’ll see you for work in the morning wait what am I doing in the morning well

You have options but um well here’s the first thing I’m looking to make a um add a billboard into our PO Box this is our po oh have you seen the PO box yet saw it’s awesome look at that yes yes I made the signs did you did you like yours

Yeah no it’s great uh I there’s a lot of detail that I really appreciate that was put into M oh I got you uh so oh and did you I see yours you haven’t touched the inside of it you cannot you know oh no I

Saw the inside of it oh you didn’t take out the wine and the food yeah no uh my inventory was full you know so okay that’s fine um well thank you so much Peter uh well we’d like to I kind of need you know would love this decorated

And a nice billboard spot where we could put things nice billboard and like decorated I don’t really have an i for decoration but I can make you a billboard billboard great would love a billboard yeah okay yeah I can make you a billboard yeah an advertisement for fosle Farm to Table

Bread and breakfast beastro bar and grill Cafe lounge and Winery on the water hold on hold on let me let me write this down come this way come this way you’ll have to know this by heart it’s very important heart you say by Heart by memorized oh my God by

Memorized you need to memorize this you just hit yourself on now why did you slap yourself ow stop slapping yourself ow ow why are you slapping yourself I’m not I’m hungry I’m I’m hungry I’ve got to go into the fridge you should stop hitting yourself when you’re hungry I

Don’t think that normally helps oh God I’m starved I’m starved help me I’m going to die oh God I how am I dying when I have a whole ass Bakery this is craziness I can I guess I can eat an onion can I just eat here have an old

Root Koreans love this stuff oh sorry oh oh I can eat a cherry here we go yeah this is jinang uh royalty of Korea would go crazy for this thank you so much I’ll make some potatoes as well oh thank you so much okay wait what there we go cook the

Potatoes just kidding Leslie it’s time to die you are never going to work I’m just kidding I totally got you huh a yeah got to give you on your do you know yeah yeah I suppose thanks Peter thanks yeah yeah I’ll I’ll be working on that billboard yeah you thank you so much

Okay stuffed pumpkin time oh mushroom the mushroom I was going to show you the rest of the Town Hall oh okay that’d be great thank you so much what is that I quit though oh you you are fired I’m so sorry you can’t quit when you’ve been fired I’m not finishing

The town hall well it’s fine well I’ll finish it myself it’ll actually get done that way all right good luck okay yeah oh my God I have to do the town hall great not very good just great all right I’m making the floor out of and I’m taking my scaffolding take your

Scaffolding see if I care bro we’re done it’s over goodbye all right we’ll do um white terracotta I kind of like this stuff for the the the the base white terracotta brick stuff terra cotta this one white terra cotta brick yeah we’ll just do a bunch of white terra cotta which means I

Have to go get terra cotta check chat Minecraft chat oh can you check Discord we can try and see what keeps just connecting oh thank God can you upload your debug log how the heck okay one sec this way this way this way come here hurry before they come back I’m going I’m going okay I’m going to well if you’re going to do it I’m going I’m going to watch you’re streaming right wait I yeah I’m

Streaming uh okay so it’s it’s being timed um in oh logs okay um kill instance so you’re going to have to leave everything you have in the chest and armor bobles everything LS okay did I do that on that logs okay okay upload all nak as the day I was born

Okay so it’s time starts as soon as you go down this hallway okay too many uploads okay what if I just do this okay invalid all right can you upload your debug log so we can try okay I see my log file but I know how to upload them um okay

Uh maybe I just upload the last couple ones uh 929 like the last couple crashes I yes into this okay I don’t think we support that kind of file okay debug log it’s just this I think maybe is it this okay I’m just seeing also I’m going to go to the other

Server okay um it’s time I’m going to try pixel Mona I was supposed to do 6:30 I’m late man whoops okay hold okay pixel monka um how do I do this Minecraft launcher um play Waiting on install okay we’ll see so I’m supposed to be one of the Elite

Four in this and Logan said I can have whatever Pokemon I want I’m not supposed to be a bad guy on This Server I can’t help wanting to be I want to be a menace okay um okay here we Go all right there’s a new OTV and Friends by the way I’m Melody um do you want me to stop everything right now and and watch the OTV and Friends video I I I’m I’m playing Minecraft thank you so much for letting me know but I I’m not going to just stop

What I’m doing syndic Quil obviously oh my God my sensitivity on this is crazy it’s crazy okay red red hi Leslie oh hello hold um my sensitivity oh it’s crazy okay wait can you can you hear me oh my God he can’t even hear me this day just keeps getting worse that’s

Crazy okay um how do I get out of here okay can you hear me can you hear me hello can you hear me what okay you might have to change your key binds Okay keybinds right right right right right controls oh voice chat push a talk right all of this is different okay voice uh push Talk mute microphone I’ll do this one okay R and then Mouse settings first sensitivity ma sensitivity what the it’s so whack uh controls um that’s all movement stuff what about uh video settings no video controls top top of controls oh Mouse settings here okay um

Okay red R okay hello please tell me you can hear me uh yeah I can hear you but wait what that’s not you okay y hey Leslie how’s it going hi Logan how are you welcome wait am I saying welcome to the sorry I mean oh sorry this this is

Your this is your world oh wait can we restart this wait let me restart let me restart let me restart let me restart yeah I I’ll be outside I’ll here we go here we go okay oh wow hi I’m new here uh hey hey how’s it going back run back run it

Back run it back one more one more one more all right sorry wait wait stay outside one second okay uh I need to swap these okay okay oh hey there oh hey Leslie welcome to the world uh well see if you talk if you talk to the professor over there uh it’s

Actually yeah you got to talk to him hey kiddo press the key okay yeah yeah throw your Pokemon and right click them with an item to use them now go explore the world he talks really fast I missed half of it I’m so sorry no you missed the

Last line the last you have to read the last line well he literally said it too fast yeah well so just I mean you got to go go explore the world good luck in the turny anyway I have something good I have something wait wait okay okay hold on I have something

Uh important to discuss with your mom yeah so you know my mom well I mean bro your mom’s right there your mom’s your mom’s right there oh hey Mom why are you talking to the professor why are you talking to the professor no Mom no anyways welcome to the world of pixel

Mona welcome to the world of pixel Mona wait wo I’m already in a oh uh this thing’s level 40 this thing’s level 40 where’s Dad where’s my dad I can’t ESC you probably run you should this oh that’s weird I can’t escape all right let me get a oh that’s kind of

Strong I got this i got this i got this all there we go take it out all right okay good we’re good take it out anyways welcome to the world of pixel Mona where you actually have been here for a while cuz you’re an Elite 4 member so you know

Give me the rundown on like my role play okay yeah I’m I’m an elite four member Leslie obviously I have a very strong team yes I’ve been here yeah you can use that you’re right click and then you can even create whatever you want it’s your

World to become the very is it not working it does not work yeah this doesn’t work Nico Nico Nico it’s cool I mean it looks sick it it it looks awesome try again there we go oh my God there we go welcome welcome to the world of pixel Mona you can

Develop your team here well you’re not going to because you’re just hopping in for like a little bit but you can start off on your own Journey how many uh which Pokémons are in here all of them like which gen which gen all of them no they’re not try to put one

In oh my god oh my god well I know what I want already and what is that well I have one I want this one okay how do I get it you just type in the name oh my God why don’t they have this in other

Mods this is awesome okay one second I know I know I know I want a belly bolt um hold on I want a belly bolt okay sa belly bolt and I want um yeah oh what what is this egg I have oh my god look um where how do I

Use my Pokemon how do I send it out oh you press R did you talk to the you talked to the professor yes you’re the professor I’m talking to you yeah okay okay sorry we got to get back in character real quick wait hold on character welcome back to the throw out

Your Pokemon press the R button that’s oh that’s battling me you are me to sorry sorry okay and now you can throw out your Pokemon with the r but that’s B so cute is not the cutest Pokemon you ever seen so cute is it not the C cutest

Pokemon you ever seen yeah is he cute belly boat yeah belly boat anyways belly boat belly boolt will grow on to be a very strong Pokemon here in your Dr well you’re you’re just going to fly around actually you’re going to do your thing but this is the rundown I give to

Everyone thank welcome and we’re going to go to the town follow me wow wait where’s the town so this is a customade island and you know what a lot of others don’t want to hear the lore so you know what I’m going to tell you the lore give me the lore so we’re

Just going to stand ST stand a so give me the lore get ready okay back in the year 1800s this island was just a bare Island filled with grass and Pokemon and grass and Pokemon speed speed up 2 x speed and I H the I’ve been I’ve been working on

This 1.25 1.25 okay uh then humans came and we ate the Pokemon and then there was there was a lot of lore and then there was a lot of there was a lot of things that happened okay you know what whatever noit no no no so okay yeah all right and all right

Great great I have nothing left no I got it so this okay amazing lots of uh there was just grass and then and then over time she and this is a poke is stop so you can right click this and collect items I mean you don’t need to cuz you have

Creative but you can get items on your own Pokémon Journey amazing and fight the other trainers love it anyways we can fly this way just give me a little quick run down the line Oh I thought this was you that is not you these are train oh my God this

Is kind of sick nope oh thanks took took a couple months this anyways awesome welcome to to the city wow this is the Poke P poke pixel Mona City please don’t Su me Nintendo this is a poke Center God damn and that’s that’s pretty much it we have the Poke

Center hey Neo hold on that theun down okay and then we have the Poke Mark we have a lot of stuff here hi there nice to meet you oh he’s part of Team Magma he’s also Rebel so we have teams we met the we met at the 100 these thing oh

That’s you we talked about Yu-Gi-Oh yeah I remember you we were in the burger line and stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah good to see you good to see you again nice to see you yeah yeah you were cool you were friends with a lot of people thanks

Appreciate okay I’ll go sell bye who okay well yeah I mean like I remember he was like in line and then we were like talking about Yu-Gi-Oh and then he was like yeah yeah yeah good to meet you big Bo but yeah so right now they’re current

Ly on a scavenger hunt so we can go around and troll them if you want to depending on how you want to tr them do is me to we have a oh yeah sure oh hey oh oh hi nice Sky how you doing hey I’m doing good oh sorry ignore this outfit he’s

The leader of Team Aqua did you know that he started his own team the leader of Team Aqua okay I’m right n the leader of Team Aqua you can’t just tell me he’s the leader of Team Aqua without giving me context of who Team Aqua is please thank

You yeah Logan Logan have you have you played Pokemon yeah I have but like me myself like in character oh you sorry sorry sorry oh we see uh Team Aqua I it’s it’s just a team hey Heather how’s it going Heather hello oh my God you’re sitting on a

Blazin I was like where where is this voice coming from I look over I see Blazin I’m like huh no that’s just how my Blazin sounds like oh well oh nice to have I met you I don’t think I’ve met you um I don’t think so either well I’m

I’m playing on the charity account oh oh well hi Heather nice to meet you Hello nice to meet you too anyway so Team Aqua was formed because there was a rivalry between Nat and sky in and thus Sky decided to become a leader of a team and he named

It Aqua yes yes and there was team Rock okay that officially formed at the start of the island which was introduced in the lore but you know you two times speed it no I I well you actually you ni you give me the full lore you didn’t two

Times speed it you never said it I didn’t say skip the lore I said two times speed it so awkward right okay anyway anyway so there’s three teams that have finally been formed the leaders of each team is natat natnat and sky in here Team Aqua and

They’re creating these teams to will own the legendary Pokemon sky here has actually caught the legendary Pokemon kogre you have let me see you want to see it you want to see it oh how you cat it’s massive I’m assuming oh it’s h it a lot small no offense but I thought it

Was going to be a lot bigger oh okay well I just it’s no I mean it’s really cool Sky it’s really cool but you know like you you know like you know what I mean like I thought this thing was going to be like massive it’s like it’s it’s

Pretty huge though F it’s just like like you got to squat down a little bit you know no no in no angle it’s not quite yeah but it I mean it is still really cool it is really cool yeah I did just think that it would be you know okay a

Lot but it’s really cool no I think it’s cool back to the lore anyways three teams there’s Team Magma Team Aqua and Team roek the leader of team roek is all hail Boon and he well he isn’t doing so hot so he started to use Pokemon empor

Oh he’s not doing so hot he just fell from a high place again so he’s Ali oh my God hi hi Ally hello which team are you on well well well well well well well well well well well well well why all my enemies here an offer

Yeah what is it welcome to the world of Pokemon uh my associate Bo and I have gathered here today to offer you a couple things would you like to start yeah we are team Rock and we see that you’re new to the server I am new it’s

My first day thank you so much M hey you want you want to see actually you want to see our building we have a building even pretty professional come along we got a place well wait is it that way or that way cuz you guys just went two different directions we have two

Buildings two buildings far more professional to conduct business here yeah that’s our like weekend building over there oh get away vacation okay yeah well let me see I’m just a professor I’m not part of Team Ro I’m just I just no he he does f most this is our building team Rock here

So who are these guys okay so you’re just going to show her our secret base too all right whatever man whatever see and shift oh and shift live laugh love oh my right welcome to the secret base wait cute oh my God Pokémon the first movie my

Favorite have a SE it’s you like it’s a limited edition actually I can hear it I can hear the theme song when I look at this makes me sad yeah I think Duck’s going to make a reaction to it soon it’s going to be sick okay no what the I

Forgot I’m all powerful can I um why did you make her a go she’s a new trainer she’s all powerful in this one too don’t worry I just so happen to have a spare couch in my pocket so I challenge you Rock kick to a Pokémon match go do you

Already have your Pokemon oh my God you guys are strong God she has a level 50 already oh I’ve been trading hard I’m I’m going to tell you something we are not strong we don’t have a lot belly bolt oh God where’s the angles belly bolt watch this I cannot see right click

Drag you can right click and drag to can you not Dynamax Po in our office please what I had to do paralyzed you can also scroll up and down God zoom in zo out Bo I’m paralyzed what do I do I’m paralyzed I’m freaking out um okay it okay I just

Use a paralyzed heel we use the the the items restore paralyzed heel on bloise okay there we go all right you’re doing a lot of damage here as a newcomer I can’t help notice that yeah yeah yeah yeah your Pokemon’s not even look in the right direction he’s

Huge I used water gun like an idiot perfect timing for me to use my final move water P well you’re not ready for my next Pokemon go Garbodor that’s a good one that’s a good one Garbodor bro pull up with the Garbodor to team Rock Garbodor use oh God

Toxic oh my God I’m going to lose no point I I am going to lose all poison though okay you listen oh no give me some words of encouragement here buddy garbor f if you lose I’m replacing you with Sky he won he won I need I need I

Need a Pokemon Center what do you guys have a Pokemon Center here realization we’ll give you this steak here you go he won he won the battle I won the battle okay well you know duck fighting with our with our potential clients is not really part of

Our business dealings she’s the one that said it she said fight me I did that was my bad wait why was there steak on the ground that’s for you oh that’s low stakes oh kenam mean infused steak yes my my favorite oh so good so good

So does this never go anywhere is this infinite yeah it’s just catam means is infinite hold on do you have the rest of the stuff do you have the rest of the stuff yeah I got a few stay around themely wait wait why are you wearing team rocki stuff too we he accidentally

Moon showed on this place by accident no I mean how is everybody here I didn’t you son of a you did you literally did okay well show me all right so all right you know what yeah let’s see the whole building and then I’ll I’ll show you my offer at the

Time where your pants where are your pants sky has I don’t know Boon am I supposed to call you Boon because I know you as goon and then like you know what I mean I am Boon so you’re Bo now it’s like your name changed in real life do

You know what I mean it’s hard for me I do how much do it deal with it you know he new name new me fley new me I know last time we met in Minecraft we were kind of at each other’s throats you know but you know days gone by seems

So long ago it really does let’s put it in the past let’s put it in the past put it all in the past oh mostly cuz I’m really bad at Pokemon and couldn’t beat you if I wanted to oh it’s a kind of a maze up here

Don’t worry I don’t even know where to go oh here I’m up up you go it’s our offices through here a lot of UN interns lot of unpaid most mostly duck it’s usually just duck get a lot of money oh and one more any moooo milk in

Here no MooMoo milk H I don’t think we have that in that one okay upstairs though we yeah I’ve I’ve been trying to get a Slowpoke tails and all these uh they haven’t really been going for it unfort oh my God they are actual vending

Machines I have zero dos how do I fix that oh hey oh hey guys I was just chilling up here just uh looking nice Sky you know it’s a beautiful duck she just said she has Z I’m broke it’s not okay yeah but no no

No it’s a loone thing it’s a loan thing oh yo you’re so smart oh my God a loan can I get a small raise for this yeah you got this a small raise may I take out a loan I’ve got zero I’d like to take a load for

$100,000 $100,000 all right well you know what absolutely right talk absolutely so this work yeah we’re not exactly liquid right now we’re not exactly right now but what we do have is a lot of Badges and so so you know I would like to give you the very first uh very

Important in fact mhm gym badge uh yes I don’t have any use for your gym badges I’m the Elite Four we didn’t yeah like she the I’m this has gone South you need the badges to face I don’t need your bades I’m so how do you feel about uh um uh

This would you give us a loan for that you give I have no need what did you what was that he gave me steroid I’ve been given ketamine steroids what the hell are you guys doing how about how about this one I don’t know like she likes

That hey you guys oh you guys okay well not no not now not anymore thought you would want some badges going to SC you a of money talk to me wait wait wait fosle I’m here trying to protect you they’re just trying to steal money from you no

Sky listen listen listen I need to talk to this guy duck over here sit sit over there okay how many H how many hours You’ been streaming me yeah yeah yeah like you know when yeah oh getting close to 500 like Non-Stop straight how many 21 days I currently

Have 62 hours left which is very low in comparison to what we’ve had he needs help we need we need to take him out we don’t offer health care at this company yeah that’s the thing he’s been working me to the actual bone like the actual bone duck I worry

About you you okay it’s okay you okay bu well that’s a sentence that’s never been said hey popped your air mattress popped wait do you sleep on floor yeah wait wait wait you like a cam on on yourself yep 21 days what happens if uh like you

Know I don’t know yeah I I have these uh pair of pants with the waistband so tight it leaves like a tight marker that’s not what I was asking I was asking like what if you snore oh oh I just mute my mic sorry

Yeah I just m my mic but yeah concerns I wasn’t asking about I’m good guys I’m good I’m working with Boon here and we’re just feeling good yeah it’s great it’s great and we’ve been having a great time it’s been good hey Sky I have that

Badge for you by the way oh do you know you’ll be able to watch here terrorize people me yeah I just got here you think I’m terrorizing I’ve turned a new Leaf I’m here to spread the word of joy and happiness and the love Pokemon what I

Beat you in a battle already does that mean I have beat the first no no that didn’t count you haven’t faced me at my finest my fullest doesn’t even have a badge right wait you have no badges I have a broken boat that’s pathetic you will dieck duck

Lost to somebody and lost a badge let’s go outside guys it’s too dark guys a little little too dim in here it’s not hurry up jum windows she broke the window she just what the she broke the window that’s one way to get out how are you enjoying your first day

On Pixel it’s fantastic I got a tour of the Team Rocket headquarters there you go yeah pretty low budget oh oh oh they can’t get the same thing you can I’m expecting compensation for that window by the way there will be no compensation ah helicopter she’s making it very very

Hard to be on her side I don’t know if we can do this wait what do you mean be on my side we’re on the same side this is great yeah we’re on the same side does anyone have a a camera and take a

Photo of us come on now oh yeah I got a camera here you go yeah if yeah here we go ready yeah three two one Boon why are you awkwardly like standing like you know a foot away from us it’s kind of like you know I mean has no pants on

That’s what you’re doing at streamer Camp too you know what I mean it was weird yeah it was a little weird I didn’t want to say anything in the moment but you know there we go that’s that’s perfect okay all right now say team rock forever 3 two one what yeah

Yipp why is it taking a photo is it taking a photo it photo give me a photo uh photos of Pokemon oh oh oh awkward I got hold on I got this guys you know what never mind we’ll go ahead and get it to you on the cloud

Later oh okay well I took I took an actual you know like so what’s the Pokemon you guys got so far well mine are all dead cuz of skyin um okay I got this little like little snake thing is pretty cool let me see oh okay bro

Damn yeah we got it we got it got it we got it got it got got it nice oh but the legendary PTO has already been redeemed by Hoopa from Neo the Asian wait what is that wait how did you just do that there

You go do I havein now oh it’s a photo oh yeah it’s just a photo here what do I do with the photo you take pictures of Pokemon have you heard you know a Pokemon Snap yeah wait and then I oh my God I found a

Dragonite give me film give me film I found a Dragonite I got a Photo actually is actually wild it’s no wait it’s not wild no it’s uh no it’s not oh is it yours no no it’s uh oh no God God I see always God ignored me when I prayed for a legendary earlier that’s AES I don’t know why that’s a cool he’s the one who

Gave me the kogre what no no no he didn’t give me a no no that’s not what I meant about to say invalid badge you took steroids and you had a free gift from God and camine and camine know no it was ketamine I saw it

It was camine that’s crazy hey wait team rocki is doing illicit activities in this city yall are selling I’m going be very honest team rocki seems like the cool kids I want to be part of the you they kind of run are not ready for

Us teamed up you guys are not ready for us teamed up destroy the server together they run the city you think they’re running the city you think they run the city wait wait wait wait wait be honest I mean who do you think is running the

City let be I mean the professor oh you oh you think you’re running the city that’s a good one good hey that’s a good one take these hey thanks man thanks to the te than soy to wow thank you so much thank you so much this feels good this feels right you

Know what you guys need the help anyways I need a yeah we do can I have a shirt can I have a shirt please this is just not really like you know the fit isn’t fitting size are you medium small large I just don’t want I like an oversized

Look so a little large would be great all right here here’s a here’s an oversized shirt thank you so much oh wow how did we pull that one off that’s crazy that’s wow that was very slim I did not expect that to happen photo with

That on now that it just kind of feels right I like God being on my side okay here we go actually yeah it kind of sounds like team Rock he photo team Rock what is going on Logan I don’t know you’re supposed to take the photo take the photo

Sky my camera okay fine I’ll take the photo all right ready everyone smile okay three two 1 say team AA rules team Rock wait what team rocket rules team rockes thank you so much we do not have camine on us but anybody has all right we’re going to show you like if they

Want it’s kind of like it’s kind of like fosle is leading the team here I am well I didn’t tell yeah I mean me joining lead H well who was the leader beforehand it was him but was Undercover Boss and so I I pulled an Undercover Boss on him and now you’re my

Boss so he’s the lowest rank oh so FY is the the leader of Team Rocket oh this is up seems like leader here this is FIA moment yeah this can’t happen to me again I will always be above you Boon damn I will always be above you hey

Are there still spots on Team Aqua he’s leaving now you want to join the team wait what’s with this no not really last minut I I’m still above duck and that’s really all that matters I’m hungry is there a place where we can get some fried Tauros there some fried Taos

W become friends with all of these pokon although sometimes when you destroy them they drop bones and you know rotten meat but we get we’re still friends with them fried Tauros we got to cook it up come on now I mean where do you think steak comes from guys let’s be real

Exactly well that’s fair Professor where do state come from uh uh well see when two Pokemon love each other so much and then the farmers get really hungry they take the one that loved less and then they murder them for the Jesus Professor God I’m just being realistic

With the children Leslie oh I think I gave you all my steak earlier I’m not going to lie hello shopkeeper nice to meet you I’m I’m fle of team rocki and I would like to buy a backpack $1,000 $100,000 I have zero it’s you’re like

God though right yeah but I I have zero doar Louis Vuitton let me let me have a word with the shopkeeper yeah sure you go ahead hey shopkeeper I’m new around here there’s no way she’s Rising him up right now she’s trying to rised I really love think he married you

Have he’s actually married oh is that his is that your wife that’s his girl bro I’m so sorry no that’s his daughter see prob oh that’s daughter I’m so sorry man I can never show my face around here again can someone buy me a diamond backpack aw down my backpack I can never

Show my face got you we got you eventually what do you mean eventually I wanted there’s no funding we literally have no money we’re trying to make a gambling system so you join Team Rocket oh Heather I did oh no is that bad what why did you

Say oh no what the heck yeah but I’m the I’m I’m the leader now yeah you’re the what you got to respect the game unfortunately I did did you pay her broke in time in we have no money everything is uh yeah there’s nothing eventually so you you signed to a team

With no money 10e contract they’re going to give me Millions yes they they so I just have to hang out with them for 50 hours a week a month 50 hours a month and then I get paid millions of dollars it’s great I gave you a diamond already

Is that in the in the contract it’s in the contract sounds like a sponsorship actually that’s sounds like a sponsorship you got sponsored by team Rock that’s crazy shout outs every 30 minutes okay ad reads everything get on it um that’s uham roick I’m not going to lie um can I

Please get a diamond backpack though I actually really do want one or an iron one I’ll take an iron backpack listen I come from a world of many of a of incredible of unlimited back backpacks and and um and and and you love how good and useful they are

And now you’re in this new world where you want one but it’s so so fashionable that you just unfortunately you kind of need the money for it so we’re a little broke around here Professor can I please have one please all right this is your allowance all right would you like to

Play a little game Heather oh sure how much money do you have first there you go 20k that’s 10,000 of my own funding fzy watch this $10,000 yep Heather has 20K though this is more this is more can I have that diamond bag by the way shopkeeper I’m

Back um don’t worry Heather I’ll I’ll get the diamond to you eventually it’s a good game okay a backpack for free oh my God stop no no really huh you’ll pay me what but what about Mrs shopkeeper this is this is the Mr shopkeeper you are the best see you

Too I I’ll be back oh wow what a good asset for the team I have a backpack now but unfortun got to I mean I have to what H about this you know what also in fact there you go to be fashionable like me what is that what is that oh my God

Die your backpack cute wa we don’t get that right oh well I found it by lo oh did you just buy that yeah I got you here you go oh thank you so much okay I I could have given you mine for free I have a gold one oh mean I’ll

Still take it oh don’t worry about it you’ll still take it I’ll still take it you just bought one oh yeah hey can I have it wait I realized I can have anything I anything I want leer of te the future okay that’s okay uh world domination you know oh the

Huge oh that’s my goal of the whole entire world I see that’s my goat y I’m your goat that’s me uh well I mean you got to train a lot more for that oh me I have to train we our team has to train so it’s a

Little different yeah it’s not just one team Team Magma Team Aqua we’re a really uh we have a really big problem with Team Magma being so good they’re very good what do they have that we don’t experienced players lbes they haveone oh my God this

Is how do I wear this question is what does Team Magma not have how do I wear a back Team Rocket doesn’t how do I wear the diamond backpack you got to take the shirt off that sounds what the you got to take the sorry the that is for Mr shopkeeper and

Mr shopkeeper Al oh God this is going to be in the news oh God this is going to be on Twitter he ran away hey did you give me this what the heck oh Lord oh my shopkeeper you dropping backpacks everywhere oh I should have got netherrite wait did she drop that one

Too wait wait yeah she why did she drop out back wait wait what what do mean drop it oh nothing nothing don’t worry about it nothing nothing steak steak we’re need steak did I drop it okay no no no no I’ve never had a netherite backpack okay here we go wa duck going

Away wait wait so I have to take off my shirt uniform let’s just say let’s just say that just say that you know because there’s only one it’s if if you want to take off the uniform and try this one on instead R stop that stop already

I you have to buy over members if you want members that’s just how we did it but how do I get into my mode where I like you know do you know what I mean heyy oh I got it I got it I got it I got

It oh my God I’m kind of this is kind of cute slay I’m kind of slaying kind of slay actually it’s like a it’s like it added like a little bit of color to the team rock yeah I’m like it’s like spring it up a little bit you know sping it up

Oh my God can I try the Dynamax thing yeah the yeah true you know what it actually see you have grunts like Duck over there and all H Bo and since you’re like the leader you actually have different colors and stuff you know it’s like a very unique

Uniform oh I’m not like a grunt though I’m more like a c that’s that’s a grunt uniform there’s our grunt oh hello how do I Dynamax something if I do will you y duck I just got a new bad this out press the little button in the middle and then it’ll

Automatic it’ll Dynamax it okay someone let me let me be let me test on you I’m pretty good right pretty good I challenge you Team Aqua to a Pokemon battle I accept there you go wait why are your Pokemon so strong that’s what I said Dynamax oh we’re dynamaxing already this

Is this is how do I do it all right I use bulk up oh actually I’m going to use flare Blitz wow look at going well so far that’s one big ball oh my God it’s massive what the what the that’s so big what the freak I mean what the fre I

Us double kick it looks like mine look just not even fair oh I’m so sorry your Blazin stand no chance uh kogre I summon you oh kogre huh oh my god when all else fails look at my ey yur is a measly little is a measly little water Pokemon

You want to keep calling him little huh want keep call sling attack look at my M well guess what oh they’re having a battle it’s time to SI it got bigger that’s right never call me small ever again Jesus Kyogre chill you’re kind of okay you’re like kind of oh oh

My God I love oh Yik word 6 hp that’s insane electrode is hanging on by a thread what is kogre going to do it destroyed kogre yes look at my dark eyry wow you’re picking everything that’s to my electrode everything uh I use Assurance Insurance why why are you so

Strong that’s awkward it is level 100 I mped I meant to say level 10 but then it went level 100 and oh it’s kind of embarrassing team team Rocky is just so much stronger why does Team Aqua always lose all these battles I just don’t understand yeah I don’t think has ever

Won a battle oh Bish oh yeah yeah this is bishar uh I use oh none of these attacks are are actual power um here here here no no no no let me give you a tip let me give you a tip T Marco yeah yeah yeah hit me with it that bottom

Left that bottom left button the bottom one where it’s like little guy running oh like the one that’s running yeah that one yeah what do I do with that that’s what you you click it I click that do I get how’s it feel she just told you to

Go home kid go home kid wait lie the disrespect we have three team magmas here and you’re only one Team Aqua it’s a little embarrassing Soul Rider it’s fine Team Aqua o it’s it’s not I’m not lie Team Magma is owning right now I have the most badges out of anyone I

Don’t know what you’re talking about that’s not true we’ve won me and veale have won the whole scavenger H I was going to say I have five six what yeah quite a bit of badges good out cu everyone was there for the TR and a ho and a celby this is just

Awkward now um I use this metal burst um I didn’t know a 6 elect be giant horse thing that’s one uh big ball huh H time for a rock smash huh What spark doesn’t affect there we go all right well you forced my hand go la why is this strong too yeah

Oh I could smack both of you this is crazy wa did you just challenge the leader of Team Rock to a battle who’s the leader that’s me who oh easy easy dub well I have to edit my team a little bit I’m going to heal did

You oh wait I didn’t die right okay um I’ll go heal my my Pokemon so we can battle that this will be an easy badge I don’t have anything to heal myself um I will hit again go Ahad double kick go ahead I just want everybody to look at

My dark cry oh what is that they’re kissing you’re down to 9% okay I like I’ll have to double kick again God Pixelmon it’s always so scuffed ha sky are you winning no not really belly B look at it it’s hiding in between me look at him I’m just going to

I’m going to try to stomp it but I think you’re just probably going to you end me it’s fine I’m fine wait what’s going on oh God what’s going on oh my God what’s going on oh you lost I I lost yeah whoa whoa whoa oh my God wait here you know

What hey let’s go to the let’s go to the Coliseum all right this is this is better if we go to Coliseum easy let’s go to the Coliseum it’s a lot easier my team I’m going to need you to win this it’s for free what can I add see if we can get

These level hundreds meow level 100 are you able to like make any Pokemon you want you bet your booty I am you like The Zoo by Chance the zoo do you like going to the zoo I like going to the zoo what if Boon and I said we

Want to turn team roek into the zoo what does that even mean oh that means yes hold on I’m explain well all right Leslie so before you came into the server I had created uh Boon’s used Pokemon dealership like see here this is uh 2008 Chevy

Tahoe uh this guy here this is 09 Honda Accord pretty nice in my opinion and my entire business plan because I am terrible at Pokemon and I’m not going to win so I decided what’s the most important thing in this server Pokemon and if I can just sell people other

Pokemon I can get a lot of money money and yeah actually you know what good answer DG good answer see oh another Team Magma okay I Ellie how much money you have qu question you’re going to have to repeat everything oh sorry go ahead I’ll make

It simple don’t worry at least like $2 why do you need it I mean if you’re willing to give it away I mean I could help out for the right price what we’re thinking is about starting a Pokemon Emporium where we have every Pokemon possible and we we

Sell them out to the other teams to make money cuz we don’t care about WN anymore we care about having a lot of fun coll hey guys hey guys me over here so are we going to go to the Coliseum or what’s going on here uh no that’s okay we can’t battle

Anybody I have a fet I have a 2008 Chevy Tahoe palia Rus give me something like I have a dark Ry something like arine AR seen your dark rry neo’ all seen it look how cool he is look how cool he is you’ve shown everyone on the server your

Dark rry for three times okay I just saw it for the first time so okay yeah see Alli Allie’s on my side here Team Magma magma okay wait is this shiny what I’m ready are you ready yes take me to the Coliseum okay it’s time to battle my team is sick

What what is happening at the coloso fight Alie a fight come anyone who comes into the face of what’s what’s it called Comes This Way face don’t say don’t say it like that oh this is just like awkward y oh hey duck hey dock duck man give me Charizard bro we’re on

Day 10 well is everyone doing 10 I thought you started like recently I think it’s September so everybody trying to get their September money I’m not I’m just playing Pixel playing mcraft come on we figh or not y good luck I haven’t even optimized my team

Yet so this is good limit testing all right here we go it’s time to duel it’s time to what the hell 100 v he’s kind of strong he’s like the strongest one in the game balanced my I balanced my team I made them weaker oh got hoo bro awkward all right belly

Bolt oh my God you’re strong okay belly bolt okay oh my God level what the hell belly bull you oh oh my I have never seen that Pokemon ever it’s ion I don’t think that’s a real Pokemon it’s real it’s real believe me like a little guy you found down

There I have slipped you going to I grinded when no one was looking wait that’s shiny oh it doesn’t affect you oh you get shiny did you get a shiny Mew just back up feel I’m feeling really self-conscious yeah you should you should you should she’s don’t lead her

Though it’s okay it’s okay she’s um okay this sucks this sucks I need you’re I need to swap out we should feel good cuz she’s our leader we don’t have to do anything anymore Charizard what the you guys oh my God yeah that’s right fear me and my team of

Shinies oh my God I’m like that flamethrower against the ground type Pok almost feels like almost feels like yeah almost feels like it was rigged their is not rigged I worked hard she did all right and we see Charizard’s also a shiny charizard don’t know when

You got that one that’s kind of crazy AR interesting this is bad what okay how are you who what the I thought I was going to be oh that’s good they all shiny too oh yeah my whole team you think I would even show my face around

Here if I didn’t have all shiny Pokémon oh wow that’s true you think I would even show and you’re saying you’re saying you CAU all legit right like legit all them very like Discovery Channel documentary legit yes the only way our team gets chance for each Pokemon holy oh my God the shers

What the I’m being come this way Sky I’m I’m somehow losing thing oh nice somehow I’m losing badly guys miss oh never mind somehow I’m losing badly you tried to push my lapr sucks ass it has gravel and Confused Ray I’m not going to lie this is tough

I’m losing I’m losing my team okay well I’m not losing the cool battle cuz you know my team’s cooler real yeah he yeah why does my tiet to look like this be can someone be so real with me can someone be so real with me

Why is my ti like this it’s a two deep PNG it’s a do PNG please help me I have no idea what you’re talking about why I don’t we could sell that for so much we could sell that for so much know immed may or may not have gotten too

Lazy to create the 3D model not saying I did it but they might have po it looks real to me 2D model why is it shaped like a Pokéball a celei look at my dark eyry oh we’ve seen your dark you oh my God I this is so

Annoying the way that it attacks is so funny hey I haven’t even whipped that one out yet relax whipped what out whipped what out uh you know the my other Pokemon that’s really good this is good for us this is good for us no duck

This is bad for us this is going to embarrass team Rock for the rest I got you know what Les you’ve been a worthy opponent I’ll let you die by my by my blade level 100 ho versus my 2D PNG tinon this is crazy I got you that’s

Crazy this is a really good Showcase of Pokemon we can sell back this is pretty good we got to figure out how to get him to the jail oh oh oh no oh no hey meww how let ble anybody though I just duck wait hold on you need to come with me

Come talk with come with me this is embarrassing this is bad this is bad what a battle can I badge Mo wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa wait whoa what that was a badge battle that was a badge battle why did I do that was not a badge battle was

A wait you’re crazy strong hi you can take a bad of his that’s crazy I will never show my face Ste his Pokemon yeah yeah wait wait wait yeah what yeah you have that ability you should toally steal a Pokemon of his yeah you can steal Pokemon come back

Here Veil how do I steal Pokemon don’t get away from my dark eyy get away from my dark ey wait what yo it’s SL Pokey take hey stay away can I oh my God what’s what what slot what slot is that in poke third slot it worked

Work it pays to be weak I took it I took it wait wait his Electabuzz I don’t want his Electabuzz well you took my Electabuzz what the hell I don’t want your elect bu hey stay away what the what hey stay away no P to be weak you want your Electabuzz back

You’ll have to fight me with fight me and beat me first and I get to use your Electabuzz against you that’s right what the wait wait wait actually I don’t actually Leslie you may steal my Electabuzz but I’ll use my dark cry and get it back it’s time to D wait wait

Wait wait wait before can I get an actual Electabuzz or cuz I can I get his Electabuzz cuz in the PC box it’s like they trying to steal my damn Pokémon might have to go to the Poké Center real quick aw I’ll be right back stay here

Okay okay I think I mean okay yeah I think I know where it is uh hey hey hey uhuh none of that none of that you creep no eyes to yourself sicko it’s crazy Professor I have a complaint professor professor yes I have a complaint about

One of the the the the townsmen he won’t stop checking me out and it’s weird and I understand because you know we will file and put him in jail let me show you can we get back to the case in hand that my elect buuz was just yed like hello we

Deal with you later this is more this like this is like you this is like like stealing my ex won’t stop checking out yeah this is more important this is important I must show you all okay yeah no yeah back Pokéballs yeah no yeah okay yeah we’ll get right back to it

I’m where I see him 12:00 where is he 12:00 don’t be too obvious I yelled at him already sorry yeah all right right here this guy wait hold on you’re too obvious no no no okay okay watch I’m going to walk by and he’s going to check

Me out stay back okay all right watching okay oh my God I caught you you you piece of crap you are checking out F over there what is wrong with you hey you better watch yourself you better watch where you’re looking buddy that’s not very kind of you all right yeah it

Was disgusting actually he just wanted to tell you about how to earn money in this city if you talk to him he just was telling you about yeah he was just telling you about God how to earn money and wor they actually pay you a good

Amount if you can beat them wait oh battle does oh oh yeah there’s there’s batt so I mean hey that’s a hey hey sorry misunderstanding bu hey look that’s my fault I hit you twice please don’t press charges uh listen we I didn’t mean anything it was a miscommunication it was a

Miscommunication we’re so sorry have a great day ra very awkward she’s checking you out I know what she’s checking you out too oh oh everybody oh so we just going to we’re oh your Electabuzz is gone okay you’ll have to fight me for your Electabuzz did you talk to everybody no

Am I supposed to what if I’m feeling antisocial I don’t want to speak to everybody you just go around your towns walking and talking to every single person you see fing weird hell no can you hear me anyways where’s the Pokemon Center OH after the after that battle of course

I’d find you at the Pokemon CER rocket or start a new team called TSM yeah hey hey hey Leslie um hey so you just teabag hey wait Leslie hey hey I challenge you to a Pokemon duel Electabuzz go no El why do you give me the wand of Destiny electus wait I the Pokemon wait a minute I have powers Logan hey don’t break the land Professor

Okay okay okay okay damn oh God that’s stressful okay uh let me fix the land real quick but my electo buuz yeah my Electabuzz buddy mine am I just going to get the silent TR I hold on I’m rebuilding the city wait wait who’s that El the buzz come back I swear

Build I’ll feed you I like the buzz I’ll feed you I’ll I’ll feed you better than I did before please come back to me though just come back I miss you I mean it’s mainly has to be agreed upon there somebody fixing you got to agree upon it the buzz I miss

You don’t know you buddy oh yeah but it’s it is what it is all those times we had yeah remember the times where we found the Dark Ride Like the best that’s right we caught the dark ride together remember elab Buzz remember those times we had when oh we caught the

Dark R fle I like your Electabuzz it’s so cute where did you get this Electabuzz dude oh my god I’ve been wanting an Electabuzz for so long wow what a f yeah What A Catch honestly this is so much it’s my favorite Pokemon like the

Buzz you know exactly what I mean when I say that here come here Neo this way oh my God that guy a dark cry have you seen that before that’s that’s the first time I’ve seen the dark not I like dark boots crazy electr how do I put it back in its

Ball okay how do I return it Fail yeah stole my as a m of Team Rocket okay I’ll give it back how rude your plans apparently from leer FY over there has told you that you want Global whatever I don’t need anymore you know what cuz I’ll get my Exodia back I’ll get my cards back and I will grind

What’s see waffling about this is a life lesson to you never the best ever was I don’t need y’all I don’t need like buzz damn good day I think somebody hurt him who hurt him yeah okay leader we’re going home F I don’t know if you’re muted or Not by

The way you’re not saying anything I’m I’m not muted oh my god I’ve been talking with a my push to like whisper button so I wasn’t like too loud but that doesn’t exist like it’s a different you know what I mean cuz I bad habits from another yeah so let’s walk and talk

Walk talk we have we have you know plans all right what’s up tell me can we use the Emporium uh idea and I think we have a good spot for it just so once you think I have no idea what you’re talking about what Emporium do you remember those used cars we saw

Earlier oh used cars no I don’t yeah listen oh no this is the guy that checked me out no Ro stop no no no he’s fine he’s chill now yeah I mean he’s not bad he’s kind of cute he’s a cute guy we’re trying to get

A bunch of used cars to sell to other trainers so we can earn money cuz we’re not going to win this as you just saw why would you do that you won anything at like at all really really bad at this game begging for it trying to find a way

To like all of us you me take the back exactly so that’s what I’m saying we need to backup in case you don’t win so we need to have a an Emporium for people to come buy their favorite cars and quotations you know what I’m saying um

You want a Pokemon Zoo yes Pokemon have feelings duck we’re going to take care of them we have zookeepers so what about when people want to catch Pokémon you know well they have to pay a price got to catch them all but that’s got to buy

Got to have enough money is you know duck listen as the leader of te you guys a pair of pants I already have pants don’t worry about it I’ve got cool pants as a leader of Team Rock EK I have to be honest when other my my um inferiors what do you

They call them like people under you my inferior say you’re equals you know my inferiors I have to be honest with my inferiors are equals no you no all right we’re more homies if anything all right fine let’s see when my homies all right we’ll call you

Um well when my when my homies when my homies are spewing bad ideas and your Emporium is a terrible sick well what way do you suggest we make money um we’ve tried drugs we’ve tried a zoo drug Zoo what else do we got we can’t win

Things I’m going to drive us into the ocean if you don’t agree well luckily we’re in a boat duck well I’m going to leave you in the ocean if you don’t agree wait are you threatening me yes we will die if we cannot make this Emporium okay Emporium

Approved okay very cool all right I’ll let Boon know all right and we’ll set hey fle uh Neil here has filed a police report against the stolen Electabuzz and I’m just here doing an investigation perfect thank you so much we will take your investigation very seriously Neil

We do not approve of this activ this is not okay we will get your Electabuzz back to you as soon as possible how dare somebody take this man’s Electabuzz all right well I guess we’ll go on top of it yeah thank you so much for thank you for

Reporting and putting your trust in us come on let’s go Prof let go let’s go fole let’s go find this uh elect the buzz I should give his Electabuzz back he worked real hard on it the guilt is catching up to me I’ve got to be a good person I suppose I’ll do

It Neil I found the person who stole your Electabuzz but they ran away Neil where are you I’m a noble person oh I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I’ll make another Electabuzz right

Right is is 37 this one will be seven okay okay where is he Neo Neo the Asian right here take take yeah yeah we can’t take this yeah they stole one of our kind yeah well honestly I really want like like a flying Pokemon um

So okay I don’t know what has to do with this I mean my elect buz can can like buy one have a good one see you later I don’t I don’t have one anymore I it wait can you can you battle it uh can you battle for it again or how

Do you get it back I don’t know um Leslie just stole it and I’ve never seen it ever again so I don’t know I don’t I really don’t know where’s where’s your big Pokemon the the The Dark One the dark that’s him and he can fly he looks like what’s it

Called um yuio card hello Dark Magician he looks like dark magician sure I I don’t really think he looks that much like dark magician he does look look he has a hat dark his hair is his hat but Dark Magician has a a no I yeah you know what just you know

What why not wait who’s ringing the doorbell yo shut the hell up hello I’m here to return your Electabuzz I found it oh oh oh I mean oh my apologies my my she told me to shut up I’m doing you apologies my sinc serious apologies I’m

Coming WR down right now hold on talking lots of poop on you let me let me come I’m coming down I have your electus how how’s it going how we doing how do I give your Electabuzz to you now that I have it um honestly I don’t know what do

You mean you don’t know if you want to hold on to it no I don’t I don’t oh you’re saying it’s inferior how do I give you your elected bus back you take care of that Team Rocket team y yep um all right I I don’t hey I don’t know bro

Your leader logged in it’s gone forever Professor it’s gone forever I’ll wait for a little bit how do we it’s gone forever I give s bu back it’s okay it’s G yes I do you do SLP give and then Which slot okay here you goit

Logan yeah do we still do we still have the shiny um if you find a shiny yeah you take a picture of a shiny has someone doesn’t own wait it’s it won’t let me someone doesn’t own it has to be like a w yeah well poke GI it doesn’t

Work I think honestly guys I think it’s safe to say my Electabuzz is just gone forever wait what are you using what are you using I’m I’m saying poke give and then I’m trying it’s okay listen poke give Neo the Asian and then which Lon yeah I’ve done that it’s okay guys at

The end of the day we had a good time and maybe I like to buzz maybe in the wind in the skies and the but we’ll always keep them in our heart be so honest it just sounds like you don’t want your Electabuzz do you hate your elus you can

Keep electus I made lots of memories with my Pokemon and did a lot of things with them I’d consider them my friends oh um it’s seven your Electabuzz is level seven yes a level 30 something actually but uh um it’s literally a level seven Electabuzz I will show

You what did you do to him what what did you do to him bro I don’t no I definitely don’t want it what did you do to him uh I mean that’s him buddy that’s I like it was like a level 37 using brackets you don’t need to put

Use brackets you just put the number oh uh poke GI what did you do to him I can’t give you your Pokemon back I don’t want him back anymore what did you do to him oh this is cursed this is so cursed um I found him and that’s it he’s

Found found him found him been he’s been crying for you this whole time no that doesn’t work I don’t want him anymore oh well well now you get free Lu the bus we know where this one goes Look Away everybody look away more like to buzz for lunch

Everybody what the I’m hungry I’m hry I’m hungry I’m hungry I’m hungry hry that’s crazy what that is Pokemon I thought they were your friend that’s that’s crazy never sto any my people before hey nle I’ve made been made aware that you are the new leader of Team Rock

Therefore you are my enemy for you shall bow down to my uh Army of friends yes yes friends aren’t you Team Aqua and your Team Magma how we made a TR last time Tru before and we just realized silly truce honestly now ridiculous you are the enemy oh well listen I’m pretty

Chill it’s more duck and Boon who’ve been talking like a lot of about you guys so and I’ve been like dude no they’re like so sweet I love Team Aqua I love Team Magma and they’re like no they’re so cringe and stuff so like if

You want to take that fight up with them I personally wouldn’t take it I mean like just you know you know just I shouldn’t be saying this but we did have a team meeting and they were talking about how lame you guys are so if you

Guys want to what they say in particular like specifically they say I mean specifically like I mean they named all three of you and said you know so I mean I I don’t want to say it cuz it sounds mean I see go ahead I was standing up

For all of you and I was saying like you guys are so cool and so nice yeah I I thought they told you not to say anything I did but as a good person I feel like I have to say it you know well

I guess the truth is out I have to stand up for what’s right I guess Nat and I have to battle them for badges yeah yeah so I think so I’m not ready quite yet I’m still hunting for one no no I think it’s time I think it’s time we start

War I don’t want you know like I don’t want there to be like any tension between us like we’re cool me and you and me all us we’re all good you know we’re pretty swag money and stuff I don’t know if we’re cool let’s say but yeah sure we’re cool we’re cool

But all I’m saying that police report still out teleport me right now immediately to this katamina uncore oh what’s happening oh it’s it’s SL warp mom so anyway you want to you want to join team rock it is our time it is our time caps lock man caps lock oh thank you

Than listen I went through the same struggles listen we’re Team ra we can do anything but the biggest thing anything we got to start drama between them you know make them think that they all hate each other you know what I’m saying go down go down like

Right yeah yeah yeah there’s a professor he’s there there’s there’s a hey at the door where’s the professor there the guy the guy talking Professor right over where is there a professor somewhere someone that looks like a professor the guy doesn’t look like a professor he calls himself a professor

Yeah yeah you just play I have I have a lab I have a lab coat I I’m wearing I’m wearing a lab coat no I it’s not play it’s an actual job I’m getting paid for this I’m getting paid it’s my it’s my full-time job I’m here I make a living

Doing this I’m wearing a lab Cod artist okay I’m not I do this for a living I do welcome to the world of pixel Mona welcome in Mong you you just smiling what uh I take my job very seriously okay I’m I’m serious I’m very serious right now I

Know I look like an e boy but that’s besides the point this is my job nepotism higher anyways I know he doesn’t go away you have to listen to his SPI yes I am welcome to the world of pixel Mona it is now time for you for to to learn the

Lore of the island long ago back in the year 1800 there was a lone Island covered in grass and on that island was just a bunch of grass two time speed please two time speed and on that island there’s a bunch of grass and there’s grass everywhere and there’s a lot of Pokemon

That came and there’s a lot of Pokemon and the humans came to the island and there’s pixel mon pixel mon kingdoms oh welcome to the world of pixel Mona no oh uh talk to him over there the one standing over there he says he has to talk to my mom oh your mom too that’s that’s crazy hey guys how’s it going so anyways welcome to the world of pixel Mona um F you guys can go off on your journey I

Have something important to do so about that date later we should probably go uh maybe there’s a nice Italian place down the block uh they serve some nice uh you know like spaghetti with himself made he has a CO that’s kind of weird bro maybe we get a bottle of wine we

Maybe or I’ll cook for I could even cook for us maybe like back we could uh know maybe I’ll I’ll make some rice and salmon uh something like that no just walk away slowly you will not notice uh and then you know we should plan something for maybe tomorrow I

Think that would be really cool you know me and you alone time there’s a new movie that’s out um and stuff like that so we can probably we could probably go see that new movie movie and so staring what is that no why are they all staring bro Jesus Christ they are

All staring like oh what the hell thanks Professor really appreciate it listen oh oh hey oh oh there you guys are oh oh uh uh hello escort us to our headquarters please ah yes okay sorry so I got a little carried away there welcome to the world pix Mona

This is a journey for everyone uh and it’s going to be fun so this is the first intro path um what if we just him killed him uh what we just like I’ve never tried I just realized that we could just probably take his stuff no I

Don’t like Bully him yeah there’s no perfect you guys wait you have a where’d you get a sword this is a peaceful land very very silly this is a peaceful land here it’s a uh not the patat h i summon my Pokemon to defend myself and they

Will protect me even the wild Pokemon are uh wait he’s Invincible M it’s cuz the PO well oh so now you give yourself God mode in the game damn no no it’s actually there’s just the grass spawning it makes me Invincible that’s kind of

How I think it works but uh oh my God my Army of wild Pokemon will defend my I’m stuck in so many different anyways um I think I’m I don’t think I’m Invincible actually you are where’s our promised um level 100 shiny charizard you literally promised this to us it’s real mang it’s

Real it’s real what is real the shiny charizard okay where is it um there it is it’s real the real shin where’s me we’re Team rock well I see I have a full party and I would get I would totally get I just I

Just I I I don’t have you know my my part is full so uh I can’t oh my god well let’s go let’s go all right to the headquarters we’ve got to meet the rest of Team Rock oh I guess we just we could just yeah let’s just just run okay let’s

Go onward oh oh sorry sorry that was that running oh yeah it was running it was running yeah we’re we’re you got to okay we need some nice music to tune you know some nice music yes of course r r some nice music here I got a new jukebox CD player right oh

Play play play r are you vibing to this too is music yeah it is definitely music you don’t like it I wouldn’t exactly call it bumping jams if you know what I mean I but it’s actually the new hit Tunes from the the the piglins uh DJ

Piglin yeah I mean it’s music top 50 actually top 50 anyways this is the city of pixel Mona what anyway this is the city of pixel Mona welcome in guys welcome in this here is the headquarters of Team rock heack this is where we live where this is our house you even

Have a front desk system for people to just make sure she’s new she’ll get the hang of things me hello welcome you died he dead oh wait no he’s right here oh yeah no is there do you guys need something oh um welcome in welcome hello hi I’d like to report an

Intruder uh where who is it this man right behind me you’re not wearing the outfit you’re not wearing the outfit get him this is where team rock is what are you doing in here yeah what the heck get get out of here I didn’t know he could die like

That he just he just died I mean he’s dead really did just die like that it is what it is sometimes come to the Coliseum now hey how come says I can’t use this what do you mean you are not allowed to use Pokémon editors why why

Why why why why you use this of course I can use it what hello we need help mang isn’t broken oh it’s broken try now woo oh my God I just gave her some dangerous power honestly well this whole world is is honestly in danger no we would never abuse power like

That this whole world is in danger we would never abuse power I just want to let you know that surely surely responsible surely we are very responsible she’s making her perfect team oh can I make some suggestions man can I have some suggestions yeah um could you do a Pidgey

100 oh uh uh mck mck mck Muk mck why cuz you want to say your joke yeah oh ride on ride on ride on cuz I wonder why I wonder why wait why why do you want a ride on you don’t get it what what do you mean why why do you

Want to ride on well if you don’t get it then maybe you should wait Heather um I’m trying to remember a Pokemon it’s like the one that evolves um into ryhorn but what is it called ryhorn no no it evolves into r no ryhorn evolves into it it’s the it’s

The second evolution I think um I’m going to be very honest here you don’t know well I I don’t really know anything about Pokemon I I literally just learned yesterday what shinies were you know what I didn’t want to do it to you anyway I would have felt bad

What what are you talking about nothing nothing you’ll find out when you’re older you’ll find out when I’m older yes okay Heather meet meang mang meet Heather hello nice to meet you I just met Heather today she seems worthy of Team rockex soon oh oh wait haven’t you

Turned down the offer to join team rock yeah but that was cuz we were broke well they’re still broke yeah we have zero dollars but I do have weren’t you di 50 million oh you have a diamond oh okay I’ll join that’s enough money congratulations that’s all it

That’s all it took was a a singular d a singular Diamond to join team Rock another to our team look Hello Duck hello hey welcome to the team I’m the CEO you’re the wait I thought I thought foosley was the CEO well Boon was then I

Was Undercover Boss and then then she is here as my Undercover Boss wait I’m the real boss though right what is meang well meang is woo what what what what what’s woo I just got here and I’m the boss boss our boss wait we have to

Take a vote for that I think wa there’s only four of us I vote for me young what duck who do you vot for new leader um wait how many how much money could you give me your no nothing just who do you think is a good leader for for for

Team Rocket wait duck aren’t you the one that’s supposed to be paying foozy o oh I don’t remember saying anything like that um also Heather I don’t want to like start anything but duck was talking about you earlier and I feel like as a good friend I should tell you oh

I’ll say I’ll stay with my chest I did yeah yeah see your chest you’re getting really close I’m sorry do I make you shy how do I summon something it made me very nervous right click right click how r r r r r Bo I got good news oh my God an

Arus oh my God you you got an arus what wow H soy wow wait huh wow well this is for the leaders of Team Rocket take me on Mong come here you’re going down Mong gr on the spawn I didn’t realize that ground on the spawn in the desert

Hill biome Go Get It Go Get It Go Get It wa I got to go get that real we got to go get that I got to I mean we got to go get that yeah you you probably got to go get that I got to go get that we’ll talk

Later at the headquarters have you seen the headquarters no yeah no you haven’t okay okay seen she just lied no you haven’t I’ve seen it all she’s seen everything oh my God she should be the leader new leader wo you know maybe next time wow maybe in a different life in a

Different life I’ll be the leader oh man where the Desert Hills biome where is that Sky I’m surprised you could have tried to recruit me young but she just became the leader of Team rockhead instead yeah oh hey me young totally yeah missed it unfortunately I have somethingone to

Tell you yeah yeah totally yeah this way this way well that just sounds suspicious no no you’re just making it suspicious it’s not suspicious at all no that’s suspicious H I think you’re just being sus okay that’s a different game okay but what about Among Us

This oh wait wait wait wait meang first thoughts about his Kyogre oh first thoughts yeah like you know when you expect the Kyogre right and like what what are your first thoughts it’s it’s not even facing the right direction okay but say it was facing the right direction say it was it’s

Leaving okay here in right in front of your face bro it’s leaving it’s literally but like other than it’s leaving you know what I mean like what do you think about its size just for Curious you know okay I guess there okay you feel like it’s a bit [Laughter]

Small and I don’t want to make you feel bad you know like don’t be self-conscious I wouldn’t make I wouldn’t want you because he’s still great Kyogre you’re fantastic I did forget that he’s supposed to be a legendary cuz of the size he looks like it’s like a baby it’s not small please

It’s a baby yogurt that’s a good boy a good boy it’s a good boy baby yogurt it’s a good boy oh it’s a good boy baby it’s a good baby a good it’s a good boy don’t hit my please no good boy why we why are

We hitting AR ogre no we have to filet in who who whoa whoa whoo filet hold up hold no oh wa look at this wa now that’s an actual baby wait why did it Fly Away like that is that a real Dragonite hey do y’all want to know a secret

What Nat it’s two legendary oh so you should go take his uh Pokemon thank you so much we will you know you can take Pokemon from people wait how slash poke take and then like from whoever and then the slot that it’s in so you can take like you

Know and and and also look look look okay so so you see how like my Charizard right look at this okay so it’s like you know like this right like normal yeah okay but look at my look at my ticket on what why is it like

That why is it following me it’s a PNG what the it’s a PNG what are you talking about it looks 3D to me it’s a PNG my immersion Logan I’m sorry I it’s my favorite Pokemon you done it yes why is it a poke honestly look look it’s in its truest

Form actually I think it’s the it’s in its most truest form look that look at my new Pokemon who wait wait wait those are no way w Wait that’s awesome wow no yeah I just it wow no wonder you’re our leader that’s so crazy wait what what

That’s so cool oh my well I mean yeah I could give it to you that’ be really cool if you gave me that right yeah I really could I’m not going to I caught it it’s like it just came to me like that what wow no way hey what’s was

That my quaza I can’t take it take but I’m the professor I’m pretty sure it’s Mong Rayquaza thank you where’s your Pokemon broen yeah where’s your where’s your Pokemon huh where’s your Pokemon Pokemon got no Pokemon huh where’ you PO on I’ve been trying to bully the professor like last three

Couple days so glad y’all are doing it thanks it’s okay buddy it’s all right bud just you wait what are you going to fight me with your Lucario back and I’ll be my other pokon where are they going no hey let’s chat yeah let’s chat I got you I don’t think he’s got

Him with anything I lost track of Boom guys so we have minus one member no find boom now oh I’ll work on it B let’s go stuff beedrills in their lockers now come yeah you know what true wait are we bullies now what we’re literally Team Rocket yeah are you serious right now

Are you what should you even be part question doesn’t VR sound kind of extreme guys like no we’re stuffing beedrills in their lockers what will happen when they open it up wait wait you can’t hurt me you can’t hurt me duck are you challenging

Us on the same page I’m on the same page oh oh he’s on the same page man lot there he is I I’m in the middle of a sail here I think I got her on the ropes where are your pants he’s never wearing well he

Doesn’t really wear who is who is that this is our leader our new leader our new leader yes oh man I can’t believe I have a new second in command wait hold on stop that do not I saw I saw that hold on a moment I mean what would you what would you

Change about 2008 Chevy Tahoe frankly the only thing you could do to my Pokemon is make it better that’s what I’m saying we have this idea of please you know what please you know maybe you can be CEO I you know I’m starting to like this

Guy what does the wand do can I have it I think the W does something I challenge you to get back my Pokemon slash me why can’t I change the name’ll be right back oh wow they have RP I’ll be right back can’t change my children sorry I

Got straight Don wal this is embarrassing oh my god oh I challenge you to get back by Pokemon okay well Sky sure oh oh Sky I need a I need to talk to you well let talk I need to do the thing I need to do the thing yeah oh

Yeah you have come yeah use psych get your Pokemon back go Tyranitar Tyranitar use Stone Edge oh it’s survived oh did 13% it’s pretty good tanatar use Earth go up Umbreon oh wow it’s a shiny yeah I caught it took me a long time to catch Umbreon use dark PSE catch these

Oh oh oh oh so you’re the professor my umbrea took my shiny you lost so I get to take one right minus one that’s how it goes welcome to team Rock territory kid yeah nerd I’m going to tell your mom about this go ahead that’s actually your mom there’s no

Way that’s Game of Thrones I can’t there’s no way got to set it up no you’ll never hear that you’re going to be grounded you’re going to be grounded me on what’s this guy waffling about yeah I don’t know man I think he’s all right oh hey oh I lost again I’m back

From the bathroom I have returned welcome back me just beat uh Logan Oh and I Shin barely gone for like a second how did you he lost so fast kind of wiped the floor isn’t he the professor doesn’t he have like all the Pokemon how could he just L didn’t he

Just get here that’s embarrassing oh yeah he’s what do you like more bad or money money money exactly so what if we took the best Pokemon and we started selling them out wait wait wait wait wait before you say that you see this Pokemon here mhm that is an

Ekins yeah but spell it backwards it’s a it’s a snake right what about what about arbach Arbok what is it Arbok backwards is carab duck try again Rach bark no spell arbach backwards a r b a r k wait our the same on the same page

Right now wait can you spell art for me read that backwards Cobra right well then what’s oh sorry then what no no yes yes let’s go get out of here go go go go go God damn it never mind come back come back no no act natural actal natural actal no no act

Natural wait wait wait you got to let me finish by joke go ahead go ahead go so if e a snake and Cobra e our Bo is Cobra then what’s right come oh whoa whoa hey that’s not really gets your every time man that’s actually her Elite Four saying did you know that

If you you want to see your Elite Four room yeah well I’ll teleport you in a sec duck is stun locked he thought it was so funny I just don’t have the words something that’s for sure what is that one Pokemon that um that evolves into wait that ryhorn evolves

Into r on r on these nuts got him got him got him God him guys come oning go answer the question let’s let’s all point and laugh laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh first I got hit with com hea I also that was the one I tried to

Get you with but you didn’t know what it was and that’s totally fine I just this will not helloo I didn’t want to do it to you Heather I didn’t but I tried and I feel bad but why did you want to do it to me oh

Well no reason so you’re saying me and Heather are not the same we’re not the same you two are we’re not the same no yes oh am I better oh there he is of course Heather Boon Boon what’ you whisper that for I heard that Boon hey bud where is

Boon he’s so like the server’s been bad we’ve both lost two badges and so we’re trying to get him back hey guys I just gave Sky one of my badges yeah yeah oh wait wait Bo maybe maybe Bo knows um what is that what is um ryhorn evolve into what what’s that

Pokemon Ryon Ryon nuts Ryon she got me too did you put them up to this did you put them up to this you did didn’t you know I swear I’m inoc I lit I literally it’s just that was all her she got me a no way bro I was being so

Enthusiastic about it too I was like oh r on it’s it’s r on I literally I’m 30 years old I gotta go oh sorry who else is with you old I don’t know duck Heather yeah oh god oh my god this is my final four round oh we got teleported who are you

Wow wait a minute oh my God this is insane that’s me this is weird this is this is weird our Recreation why is she called equal yeah why is she called equal oh because you tried to battle her I don’t think you’re win show her equal wow yeah it’s the

Level the level is it’s equal to your your team so oh so you have to have like BL BL there’s no way that’s What that’s crazy wait wait it’s my stream room yeah it’s your room whoa this is pretty cool Professor Brogan this is where the calendar is this is where my PCT pictures are and that’s where my stream is why aren’t there three monitors I have three monitors I’m sorry I don’t know how many

Mon I never asked how many how many monitors you have I have three monitors that’s only one look at the roof waa it’s like a like a what is it penis why stuck why is your mind in the gutter look man look at it the way I’m

Looking at it do you not see this let me see oh it’s a YouTube symbol oh it’s a YouTube symbol oh my God it’s a YouTube symbol yeah that took a while that’s crazy it’s what did you think it was said YouTube symbol YouTube

Symbol oh no hey hey I need to talk with you you I see it now I see my badge collection went your badge collection yeah yeah I don’t know where my badges went o that’s awkward you got to start over you got to start you lost your

Badges no no no I think I think they stole it no how can we steal it YouTube has great branding okay the play button is Iconic this is the problem this does not look like a play button this looks like this is kind cute for you to play

Button it is where’ it go then I don’t I don’t know why I don’t think so green screen well thanks me giving me back my yeah they’re taking space man and kind of they’re just not that good well I I I like that I think they

They’re a good team yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s probably a good Pokemon for somebody they they’re they’re strong I swear they’re they’re strong yeah they’re strong for some someone it doesn’t work for Mortals I tried to it came back it chose me wait pants for goon bring goon here now yeah we’ve

Got pants for him there’s your wand back wait what is this is this a mini game what the hey we got pants it’s an intervention eoss did you steal my bad you’ve been wearing no P your bades at where are my badges at then how could I possibly

Stolen your badges I don’t know my badges aren’t here I just you have to restart all right it is the way that it is you lost your badges maybe someone stole them she said it it is what it is start from the beginning L nerd I’ll even give you a

Level three Bulbasaur if you’d like so I have no use for this I’ve come to learn yeah you have to give it to me I can’t really do anything with that where did you go hey where are we no no no bo bo b this is heaven Bo hold on hold on

Okay what the oh this is too this is to too many no no no no no okay okay Boon so so so look at this Pokemon this is two more fosies than I like look at this one what is that spell that Pokemon backwards

Spell it yeah like s n a k e snake it’s snake backward it’s not cool so it’s like you know that’s why it’s named ekins right man I I want you can’t do this to me I know I know the next one I know the next

One fle I have thought of all of this I am fuming right now I I don’t know how to tell you this I am fuming right now I’ve thought of every sexual related Pokemon name possible why what what but why that’s what he does because you

got me you got me and I am mad and I am mad I’ve thought of I thought of guling gulping on come dread on dread on stop stop swma swma oh my God my God I’m so freaky you ticked me off wait Gulpin is

A good one Gulpin is a good one toga tickle my nuts that’s a pretty good one no one no no no wait wait wait what does Gulpin um like evolve into or something you know to set up for a Gulpin it’s the Bas level what evolves SWOT it evolves

Into SWOT I think swall yeah SW swall swall out these nuts swallow out these nuts I got her I’m so good at this nice one dude nice one we get there oh my God took you but you got there though she said oh no please you

You oh wait wait I can just oh I would like who who who who what’s going on here frankly you can only make our Pokemon better what what’s this I Pokemon can you change them my boy H your Pokemon are actually named oh oh yeah this is 2009 Honda

Accord uh 2008 Chevy Tahoe is a pretty good one I told you I’m selling them trying actual Emporium man see we got a customer how much is the 200 2009 Honda such a good idea how much do you have smile 2009 H well no badges anymore

Wellow uh you want to see sakuno room yes no shot oh is this the boss rooms yes their bedrooms how do we get in well are they allowed to see it of course us here you know it’s like you you act like we’re going to make it

To the final four yeah you’re funny wait do I go in a portal wait where syo oh wait oh oh go to the portal oh my God it’s him sauno gamingo it’s tauno this is so cute plot armor oh my God uh yeah that’s so good you’re battling right

Now that’s so good wait what the heck did I just pick up thank you for the teleport his streaming setup oh my God it’s his stream setup with the the things behind him did you steal my badges oh my God I didn’t steal your badges does anyone want throat

Spray why do why do you have throat spray I don’t know I just picked it up I’ll take it though for what reason I don’t know has to be a Dez nuts joke with that like one of those things you’re like so like extra cautious now y oh my God something inso’s

Room what’s it called what’s that called tyon is going to be soad what’s it called no no cuz he won’t even know I’m telling we see it right here lann Tello no you’re not that’s was totally there that’s exactly what it was thank you yeah see good

Job next room next room let see next next room oh okay this way oh next room next room uh this me young yeah next room this way whoa the next member I I have a key so you guys have to to walk in Obama oh

My God the final one so this is what happens if you guys win oh I shouldn’t be leaking this this was actually this is leak oh my God no oh God should I be looking away Logan don’t look look look away you didn’t see anything I’ll look away I’ll look away

How do I leave I can’t I can’t leave wait Obama’s involved in the are we not supposed to be in here wow that’s cute as it’s so cute was that everyone yes yep yep yep hey hey chat thanks so much for watching I just do the exit today I have some

Special guests on my stream would you guys like to introduce yourselves all H boom um I like to stream what’s the detective game you like to play uh Among Us Shadow Among Us I’m I play Among Us oh all hail Boon I do love Among Us uh excuse me you’re in my froggy

Chair I’m literally streaming right now can you this this is my froggy chair you’re in my froggy chair Leslie she’s live though I was live bye uh welcome back we’re literally this is this is actually kind of wow you heard that too Nat Charizard I guess this is where you go

To fight the Elite 4 then right you would go in here I don’t know maybe no idea huh a lot spawned oh all right SL warp City everybody SL warp City warp City warp City laas wow it’s Mouse it’s Mouse it’s Mouse hi Adriana hi valky hello it’s Mouse it’s so

Cute oh my God look at this that’s adorable where’s the next one when I beat it I don’t know if I can oh my God I’m un likee some Island all by myself I’m far wait Nat here what the oh my God hi oh my God is that yours

Yeah wait did you just catch it oh wait that’s oh my wait how did you get here uh I don’t know I was flying around I saw this Giant mountain on the sky and I was like oh that looks fun mhm and you caught it yeah that’s epic wait but

How’d you get here I got this guy too oh I mean I was just flying around but how do we get back home uh that is a good question uh let’s see here uh you can do warp city/ warp City War City yeah warp SL or

SL warp Space City can you do it too yeah see like like you get like you get gifted by your chat yep oh I love my dark cry my dark cry is amazing yo have yall SE my oh he caught the ground on all I want

To say is I’m his lucky charm I was there with him when he caugh and po I I have to go oh set up for some stuff tomorrow but I have a present for you wait before you go oh what what m a captain thank you wait I got to tell

We got to go back for the Tesla Model 3 Heather that’s you got scammed Heather hey what do you what do you mean I got scamed it’s a Tesla Model Tesla Model this is not a Tesla Model 3 this is this is a Prius I must make this is not a Prius

Look at the papers it literally says Tesla Model 3 did you see your Tesla Model 3 FY I have an announcement to make I I have to leave I maybe I didn’t need to tell everyone but but I figured I mean I just figured I would say it cuz you know

You’re kind of far so I’m using a megaphone thanks for joining thank you so much you for coming fley foosley out youing take care I will never forget what you’ve done to me today your Electabuzz was garbage anyway main character energy H that funny that was funny okay

I do have to go I know I said I said short stream and I meant it I have to go I have to set up this whole thing behind me and um okay hold on but of course we have to do the word OBS okay stle Pokemon and left hey I offered

His like to buzz back I really did uh okay I’m sad I don’t get to play more in the server basically just like rough timing um but I still probably will play a bit more I want to do some Elite 4 stuff at least would be fun okay Wordle here um

Gaming and Bam I wasn’t a menace did I say it was going to be a I was not a menace oh this is going to be so easy oh it’s going to be so easy oh okay this isn’t the word no we shouldn’t do that but a cute would be

Like good for hints yeah let’s do it wow how about this aour am I just a God that’s my end stream alarm wow my timing is impeccable I’m a legend how was the Zer your first thought it wasn’t the word alure was was my first thought but then aure didn’t

Make sense because it’s two L’s and then from aure the next word was air AER so you get a Zer but you don’t get quote hey I don’t know how my brain works okay hi Ronaldo it would have been way harder if you didn’t get a u true a do is just the

Most bestest clue of all time monk a genius it’s true guys okay that is it for today reminder for everybody tomorrow I’m going to do an earlier stream but the stream is going to be a literal broadcast of the Samsung Galaxy uh superverse tournament so if you have no clue what’s happening it’s

Okay um that’s just what I’m going to be doing it’s going to be streamed here I’m going to be on the main broadcast casting attempting to cast um uh alongside actual casters um it will be here it will be at 12:50 but it’s going to be a pretty long

Tournament because we have to it’s from the quarters finals all the way to the semi-finals I won’t be able to talk to chat directly because if I talk to you guys obviously I will be talking to you through the broadcast and they’ll be

Like huh um but I I can type to you guys and stuff in between things but I also have to pay attention good luck I’m saying that to myself um so just a heads up that’s what it’s going to be uh it’s going to be the

Broadcast um if you are interested in uh the supercell games you’ll like love this it’s and you know I also am going to compete in it well I’m going to do a show match uh 2v2 in Clash Royale I’ve been practicing I have well I’m going to

Learn two more teams right now I’m going to learn hog um hog EQ and minor minor um the minor rocket it’s like they’re like I just Googled some really good Decks that are like pretty meta right now so I’m going to go practice those um I’m going to be good okay it’s giving

Welcome to My stram Vibes like yeah I would would prefer if you just like you know didn’t watch me struggle’ be great okay I will do my best casting I’ll do my best all right and then afterwards I’m going to end it and then I’m going to go to what’s it called

Minecraft and we might have some newcomers tomorrow yay okay so uh tomorrow um supercell turny and Minecraft I’ll be great I’ll do my best I mean I’ll try my best yes all right that is it goodbye everybody thank you so much for watching and oh how do I end stream I forgot how

To do this I have forgotten chat thanks so much for watching Everybody all right Farewell bye cyber bye glib and Gibb and may oh sorry Mel ice potato um yski Jonah Argie Ka walrus will cyber Tyler Katie and n nitan and fanki and I’m a bad teammate and and oiro and RX and dyslexic and Adriana thanks for hanging out and

Roren and JT thank you a thanks guys bye Matt bye Lena bye Mono Mono Mono Rachel crystal that’s bye Katie goodbye thanks Everybody feelings are far away you know I’m here I’ll be on the first FL I’ll on the first every see you later see tomorrow

This video, titled ‘SHORT MINECRAFT STREAM BUT WE ARE CHECKING OUT LOGAN’S PIXELMONKA SERVER TN :D’, was uploaded by fuslie on 2023-09-30 03:49:54. It has garnered 50331 views and 1675 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:59 or 11159 seconds.


▼ Social Media & Timeline ▼ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/fuslie Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fuslie Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/fuslie Discord: https://discord.gg/fuslie TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fuslie Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fuslie Business: [email protected]

Become a member of The Leslers! https://youtube.com/@fuslie/join

VOD channel: https://www.youtube.com/@fuslievods Shorts channel: https://www.youtube.com/@fuslieshorts React channel: https://www.youtube.com/@fusliereacts

Stream Intro by RowdyRoran Thumbnail art by rebchan


Timeline 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:16 Just Chatting 00:24:00 Minecraft: Abepack 01:05:04 Minecraft: PixelMonka 03:00:47 Wordle 03:02:14 Outro

Tags #fuslie #100T #100thieves

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More

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  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

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  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

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  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

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  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

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  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

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  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: torrentsmp.com Discord: discord.gg/torrent Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

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  • Parotter’s Minecraft Meme Madness

    Parotter's Minecraft Meme Madness I guess you could say this parrot is really “winging” it with his Minecraft dubbing skills! Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE TRANSFORMATION! A HUGE HOLE | Minecraft City Build Pt. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIG HOLE | Minecraft – Building A City Pt. 15’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-08-28 15:55:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:05 or 13565 seconds. Earlier stream today, starting a stream later tomorrow instead!! Read More

  • Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps – Minecraft Ep.12

    Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps - Minecraft Ep.12Video Information This video, titled ‘💥 What’s inside a Creeper? Cartographer Maps, Zombie Horde, Wrong Directions! – Minecraft 1.21 Ep.12’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2024-08-14 19:00:29. It has garnered 2055 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Modded Minecraft CasualCraft 1.21 gameplay / let’s play / playthrough with Waffle! CasualCraft is modded Minecraft 1.21 more relaxed – no big challenges / hardcore / 100 days. ▶︎ Be sure to LIKE the video if you enjoy! 👍 ▶︎ Join the 🧇 Syrup Squad to get your name in my outro, access to our… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #Insane

    🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #InsaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aku Bermain Bungul RPG 10 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cepu on 2024-08-03 19:10:45. It has garnered 156 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:13 or 6253 seconds. I Play Bungul RPG 10 #shorts Don’t forget to click subscribe to support this channel #minecraft #minecraftrpg #minecraft100days Discord: https://discord.gg/DJqkayETp6 Those who want to sawer: https://saweria.co/Cepe Social : Instagram : @cepe100 / https://bit.ly/2CnjVWo Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CEpe100-1064… Youtube : https://bit.ly/2ZVw2lD Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/CEpe100/ Want to send an email: [email protected] Enjoy!! Thank you very much to those of you who have stopped by and subscribed to… Read More


    HEROBRINE GUIDES ME TO AFTERLIFEVideo Information This video, titled ‘(horror minecraft) herobrine is here. i am 45 years old. he guides me to afterlife.’, was uploaded by FOCUSS on 2024-08-03 21:03:48. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:19 or 12019 seconds. MODPACK IS FEAR NIGHTFALL join tha dizzy: https://discord.com/invite/Bw2TrffmXX this (probably) wont be made into a video Read More

  • Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join Now

    Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ’24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server’, was uploaded by RAPTOR YT on 2024-05-28 01:51:36. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:15 or 4455 seconds. Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Minecraft Live | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream #shortsfeed #rcbvscsk ———————————————————————— 24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server DISCORD LINK – https://discord.gg/qrmhq8smhU INSTAGRAM – @suddenlykrishna Welcome To The Channel Fellow Savages!… Read More

  • “10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind” #viral #cars #v8

    "10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind" #viral #cars #v8Video Information This video, titled ‘bro just turn to v8 engine #viralshort #carslover #v8 #yt shorts’, was uploaded by vt entertaintment on 2024-08-23 15:12:26. It has garnered 120 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. shorts trending viral help herobrine love viralvideo shortsviral youtubeshorts minecraft minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short funny memes memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea ytshorts herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear oreetv help herobrine… Read More

  • Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱

    Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘【Hololive Vietsub】Giáo viên Calli dần cảm thấy bất lực =))’, was uploaded by Thế Giới Ảo on 2024-04-09 11:30:10. It has garnered 2910 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Wewewo wo wu Nguồn: 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqYOwITnJ68 Time: 51:27 ——————————————- —————————— Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN: @MoriCalliope Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN @KosekiBijou ——————————————– —————————— #moricalliope #hololive #hololivevietsub #vtubers #vtubervietsub #calivietsub Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by Nytrogen

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by NytrogenVideo Information This video, titled ’21 INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Myths’, was uploaded by Nytrogen on 2024-07-26 23:03:47. It has garnered 1134 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. In this video, I go over some of the most interesting, questionable, and flat out unreasonable myths that emerged from the new 1.21 Minecraft update. This update added a lot of items, mobs, and blocks, which made people start to experiment with them a lot. This led to some very odd uses and features that these items have. However, not all the myths were true…. Read More

  • Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shorts

    Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Warden Scary Meme #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftnoob #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-03-17 15:18:12. It has garnered 1616 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. #cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitidedas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven #brookhavenrp #mineceaftshorts #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #mcpehindi #minecraftindia #minecraftmeme #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #dream #technoblade #wilbursoot #tommyinnit #georgenotfound #minecraftclutch #technogamerz #carryminati #yessmartypie #loggyhindustanigamer #chapatihindustanigamer #himlands #himlandss5 #himlandsnewseason #blackcluegaming #shorts #funny #gaming #minecraftjava #anshubisht #rlcraft #crazycraft #trending #trendingshorts #bbs #beastboyshubminecraft #beastboyshub #ytshorts #mcpememe #trends #fyp #viralshorts #viralvideo #viral #dantdm #pewdiepie #markiplier #prestonplays… Read More

  • GreenCraft SMP – Semi-vanilla, Cross-Play, 1.21, Dynmap

    Welcome to GreenCraft SMP! We offer a Nations SMP server with frequent events: We provide Nations where you can claim land, Cross-Platform access for Java and Bedrock players, Minigames, Events every 2 weeks, Collectable Maps, safe Land claims, and a community-focused approach. Join GreenCraft SMP today! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Bedrock Port: 8182 Add GreenCraftSMP as your friend or join our Discord for updates: https://discord.gg/cuMcDgQ99N Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What in the blocky world

    Minecraft Memes - What in the blocky world“Looks like that meme just leveled up to a 5-star rating! Must be pretty OP.” Read More

  • Mother-Son Reunion: Minecraft Edition! 🔥😂

    Mother-Son Reunion: Minecraft Edition! 🔥😂 When you try to reunite a mother and son in Minecraft but end up accidentally trapping them in a never-ending game of hide and seek. #minecraftmishaps #lostinthecraft Read More

  • Coffin Bed Build Tutorial in Minecraft

    Coffin Bed Build Tutorial in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft: Building a Coffin Bed Tutorial Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to create and build almost anything they can imagine. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. One unique and intriguing build that has caught the attention of many players is the Coffin Bed. In this tutorial, we will delve into the steps needed to construct this eerie yet fascinating piece of furniture in Minecraft. Building the Coffin Bed To begin constructing a Coffin Bed in Minecraft, players will need to gather the necessary materials. This includes dark… Read More

  • Discover Crazy New Minecraft Machine – EP.05

    Discover Crazy New Minecraft Machine - EP.05Video Information This video, titled ‘[柚子] Nova Engineering – World (NEW) | minecraft 1.12.2 | EP.05 工業手臂組裝機’, was uploaded by 柚子 Yuzu on 2024-07-15 17:17:28. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:27 or 14187 seconds. Yuzi now also has a FB fan page~ https://www.facebook.com/Yuzulive/ You can chat about anything in Yuzi’s Discord chat area. The driving area is not open for now. https://discord.gg/sfKfSmh It should become more and more abundant, right? https://www.twitch.tv/s8714513 Music taken from: NoCopyrightSounds Read More

  • Monkey Plays Minecraft! Sub for a Shout Back!

    Monkey Plays Minecraft! Sub for a Shout Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Stream🔴Sub and get a Shout And A Sub Back sub4s, SubGoal-900’, was uploaded by MonkeyDFNAF on 2024-08-04 18:22:24. It has garnered 72 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:14 or 18014 seconds. #roblox #stream #gaming #roblox #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#stream #gaming #roblox #Valorant #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#chill #roblox #fortnite #gaming #entertainment #stream #comedy Read More