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What’s going on everyone welcome back to more rcraft today we are going back on the experience grind we need to get some more enchants for our nunchuk it’s getting pretty expensive so we’re going to get as much as we can hopefully we can stack a few books and get that going

But first I think we need to grab a uh ring of regeneration which is another nether star that right uh I think it’s another star where are you there you go uh okay guess Ione okay there you go another star yes so we need kill a

Wither again all right uh do I even have enough gas tiers I got two in there um I got 11 in here all right that’s fine we’ll grab These gra that nope not the sheler boxes uh grab that now we need to get some potion ring first but we’ll do the nether star I know I grab some extra uh Soul Sand the last time we did this so hopefully have enough where’s our oh

There it is still on steps not in my inventory where it’s supposed to be oh I put that Soul Sand there we go four perfect all right let’s go down to the spawn room there’s not stack oh one of them must have been picked up by a zombie or

Something oh boy well this will be an easy fight as per the use and then once we get this we’ll have our ring and we will probably have a decent amount of survivability again why I’m doing this I want the I want the healing Factor so I can just

Kind of stand there there and blend everybody up all right Um oh [ __ ] you oh wait no I don’t have I don’t have to worry about you really cuz I’ve got immunity to blindness stack of crap oh what is that got his eyeball just pick everything up I interesting oh it gives you a ray of poison

Fitting all right so we got this guy this guy this guy and this guy he and do this do this run away what hello um I didn’t make that wrong so oh don’t tell me it’s because of that one skull being weird let’s see um oh what the heck what’s it supposed to

Be um okay so it’s supposed to be like that see Wither’s head wither Oh well what the hell am I supposed to do with a Wither’s head that’s lame we get that from killing the guy son of a well [ __ ] okay well I think we still have enough I’m not going to put this up cuz that’s where I store all my useful

Skulls maybe we’ll put this in like the bedroom or something leave it in there well it won’t bother me slap that down there okay what about you are you a skeleton skull yes you are all right got that now let’s actually go summon this guy come on get down there

Hopefully this will work right I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t but you know I didn’t I didn’t before either so we shall see so I don’t know if we need if we should like stock up on the I really don’t want to die you know like I don’t

Want to but it’s kind of annoying to have to do this every time so maybe we maybe we start farming extras of things for when we do and end up deceasing [ __ ] oh it’s one of you well I don’t want to fight you while I’m fighting the Wither so get the [ __ ] out

Of my face get out of here all right yeah I really need to get life steal and better vampirism back cuz I miss I miss being Eternal Le close to it I guess boom boom boom run away okay any day now come on baby come on there you are oh

[ __ ] you got me good yeah I really got to make sure I’m drawing it back all the way like that’s a big big damage difference oh you want to swing you want to get frisky let’s get frisky bro come on you ain’t got [ __ ] blowing up my damn staircase again

Though all right boom nether star okay I should really make a make a different area for this so we keep BL with the stairs oh jeez so that’s done and now we can make our ring perfect I think that’s the last the only thing we don’t have now that we had

Before was the uh broken heart thing which I kind of want again like it’s it’s saved our ass several times so it’s oh my God shut the damn door so I know it’s useful we have any rings on us no uh it’s a Lapis block and some gold

Think am I remembering correct for once see uh I want to put this thing where’s is it where I put it uh is it you no uhoh is it that one yeah okay there we go I don’t know why I gave it a pork chop where’d it go there it is okay

This these bad boys a our Stone and whatnot in there are entity items yeah you can’t fit in there about in there there you go with Ash uh that’s going to be for potions so we’ll just toss that in there for now there we go that should be

Good this and this bada bing let me grab these and another star oh no that’s a present nether star bring of regeneration right sweet starts off with warding too okay um what do you I don’t remember what you need to be upgraded it’s just silk I don’t think it silk cuz it

Doesn’t use silk to actually upgrade where where all my silk go I thought we had more did I use it all damn I must have used it all uh let’s grab a couple of them give it a couple of rolls see a nice thing about going on in

Experience Farm is we’ll be collecting more bezar probably so hopefully we can n there we go is this one no it’s not is it gold please tell me it’s not like nether stars or gas TI is it gold oh my God it’s gold thank God big Speed Max Health boom holy [ __ ] nice

I know it’s not like the best best thing but it’s what we’re doing for right now see this is the resistance one lucky attack speed attack damage luck two Health perfect there we go there we go a nice little one um you would probably be what dragon skulls or something silt

No what is it what are you what did you take you take these these yeah okay big speed we go Max Health nice okay boom uh you’re probably leather let’s see if we can upgrade you I also need to eat some food keep meing to start farming again

But I just haven’t remembered to do it to be honest um have things in there there we go back back leather go shielding lucky projectile we’re literally going to do this until we get one that we like oh that damage resistance might have been good oh damn it I rolled past

It again feel like I’m rolling for pawns on rim world uh we’ll let it get down quite a bit because we have a lot of leather and it’s pretty easy to get ah [ __ ] I rolled past it I got healthy and I rolled past it damn

It come on come on baby give it to me give it to me she not giving it to me just all [ __ ] Magic it is trash all right let’s try this again come on baby just give me healthy or masterful healthier Master ah wooo we got it before we before we

Uh removed it beautiful all right so now see you got armor you know what I’m fine with armor for now let’s use our experience to get other things you have no money modifier one armor is okay seeing armor toughness it’s okay but I’d rather try for a there you go try for a

Whole heart nice no modifier half heart fine uh you boom very nice does that count or is that only if you’re a bobble okay so it’s only if it’s a bobble damn that’s unfortunate uh I guess we don’t really need the medicine balloon but we are going

To we’re going have broken heart which is okay well I guess that doesn’t really that piece of armor doesn’t matter too much uh masterful tough Pro okay those are fine those have all the parts um can’t put that one in there right now huh that’s armor it’s a half heart right yeah okay

I’m looking at the right just make sure okay got armor you know what let’s dump some more into this half a heart all right uh screw it we’ll do it a damn it we kind of screwed that up so now we only got speed but we got quite a few Hearts which is

Positive uh we almost have three lines which is awesome will help us out immensely as time goes on put the gold away we’re going to remove the things that we don’t want Hello strier you like some presents there you go there’s some presents have your stuff all right let’s sleep Okay grab some food for the road we’ll grab I would like meat is there any meat he you need you need coal to get the meat huh I guess we’ll wait for the meat all right I’m sitting here minding my own damn business and a freaking

Event starts so we got to go to our bugout base let’s get the let’s get out of here because I don’t want to I don’t want to be fighting anybody so we’re gonna just chill chill here for a while let them uh sort themselves out man that is a high

Tunnel I guess let’s uh we’ll we’ll sit here for a little while and spiffy up the old bugout base I see you I hear you who the [ __ ] oh where did you even come from when did did I kill an enemy over here maybe that’s a Santa Claus

Thing or Satan Claus as they called it it must be okay oh oh oh Jesus oh Jesus okay um there’s a lot of these guys huh uh can we just get him with this oh holy [ __ ] dude oh boy um how are we doing up

There oh that’s a lot of dudes man well I want the experience right so we’ll uh see if it’ll rain down experience from above good Lord there’s a lot of what the hell is moving me around there like a banshee around here or something come on good

Lord I’m not getting any experience for this [ __ ] the hell ill another one good Lord there is a lot of these boys we we go should probably fix that tunnel huh any experience coming in oh my God there’s more what the [ __ ] oh the [ __ ] hey get out

Here did you just like fall through the world I guess I got to move back and fourth that way they have a chance to find me I think a a regular Reaper spawned oh what the [ __ ] what why the hell did you spawn What’s your

Deal and you got a lot of freaking HP dude holy [ __ ] that was there anything good no there’s still oh no that’s the thing okay well that could have been way worse all right back to uh back to our pork chops all right everything’s all smelted there any any of those red boys

Oh there are some red boys over here oh I’m surprised one of those didn’t spawn and drop in on us while we were in our bugout all right good yeah oh hey pal right in a [ __ ] eyeball how much how many arrows we got left went through like most of our freaking arrows

Dude oh hey we got some wither skulls though sweet very nice you know sounds good as [ __ ] some Ramen I just recently started eating Ramen again oh my God I forgot how good it was I put like carrots and pea or not carrots corn and peas and some cheese in

It little bit of egg oh so good dude all right uh get that out of here what’s this oh Reaper claw that goes in the pork chop uh nope bones don’t not go in pork chop only random light like I crap those put that am I why am I putting

Bones in there that’s not where they go bra what are you doing stay with me now all right there’s that okay uh I need Flint don’t I we got a lot of Flint that’s fine oh but I need sticks hey we remembered stick I guess I’ll just do for there

There it’s would would you please please thank you all right uh that’s in there put our St in there put our feathers back except for that one that one you know what that that one isn’t good enough it said some bad things to me I I didn’t appreciate its existence so we’re

Going to get that out of there same with that stick that stick was an [ __ ] he said some pretty rough [ __ ] up [ __ ] all right go that should be enough arrows for now do I have more arrows somewhere must used them all right um these guys out of

Here oh [ __ ] oh you know what we do we just do that everything’s all hunky dory uh where did I get another diamond shovel from weird I guess I’ll just put it in the in the tool chest okay so we got our pork chops a little bit of mutton left um I guess

Let’s use some of these oh well that’s boring oh oh [ __ ] what are you doing listen pal oh it’s Krampus it’s [ __ ] Krampus what the [ __ ] no my doggo a his meat his meat damn it damn it damn it damn it my poor poo where’s my other poo is he going to

Teleport uh I guess not oh no there you go there he is let’s see what else can we get all right you know what me a don’t open that one a don’t open that that’s enough of presents we’re not opening up any more freaking presents they don’t even give good stuff

All right set all our crap in here what is this one res that that’s fine that can stay there um so we need canteen okay and then we should be good to go hunt for some experience all right let’s get our Rock buddy okay I guess we’re going to wait for a minute

On that’s myh Spirit stuff to recharge here we go he’s dead nice okay we got nine experience uh we can do we can breed our sheep while we’re waiting that would be a useful uh useful use of our time I guess I can’t really think of a better way to say

That a you [ __ ] here we go that okay don’t have anything else in there right nope okay oh there’s the Mac meat and the golden apples no get out of here there we go sort perfect all right now where the hell is that wheat I need that wheat that go breed our

Sheep should probably breed the pigs to be honest the pig pig meat is a little bit better than chip meat hello can I come inside please thank you all right breed away boys really got to fix all this mycelium too oh yeah I forgot I had rabbits in here right let’s

Go we’ll breed the bebeos is there a missing piece of fence there is how is there a missing piece of fence all right yeah he I’m hearing babies okay yall should be good now all right well somebody just ate some all right you know what we’re just going to go in

Here and hopefully find our way out see okay can I just jump over this oh my God I can perfect thank you balloon okay okay let’s put our wheat back we’ll grab some carrots breed the pigs and then we will be off uh I don’t remember what you guys breed with is it

Wheat no it is not wheat what do you breed with maybe meat I don’t remember I’ll figure that out not important right now not important right now hey Piggy realiz I left the door open I swear my supply of pigs keeps shrinking but I have no idea why they

Just I come in there are not as many Piggies as there were Okay okay put that away in there okay let’s go summon our boy we will be on about our business uh let’s try and we’re going to make this a little bit quicker on my myself and we’re going to teleport somewhere far away oh you [ __ ] I heard you just

Didn’t want to fight you yet get out of here really I didn’t kill you what the heck all right um this one’s far enough where we at where are we at okay yeah that’s a decent distance fair enough summon you okay this will probably let us explore

Some new territory a big castle thing let’s go see what a big castle thing is and if we’ve been there or not what is this oh there’s a dragon spawner what kind of spawner is that it’s like a stray spawner oh [ __ ] that is a stray

Spawner kind of tempted to uh hang out around here for a minute and uh grabb that spawner but I’m not going to CU I want to focus on getting some experience I’m assuming that that charred stuff is just normal charred from uh the dragon but oh right

I remember this thing we have not ever actually been into one of these I don’t think see are there are are there enemies in here if there’s not enemies I’m not really interested in going in here uh okay well let’s See oh wait wrong mod I don’t have a cloud in a bottle okay maybe I have been here before I think I have been here actually yeah oh saw him saw him see you all right so what is all this [ __ ] this is just iron right yeah um I guess for now

We’ll take the iron um that can’t be good that like is probably not very all right good enough it’s not all of it but you know 15 blocks of iron is pretty pretty solid what’s uh what’s what’s going on what was all that was all that about

Oh [ __ ] okay we’re good we lived all right well that was uneventful let’s let’s uh teleport our boy to us we’ll go off over over here oh hey look at you oh if you’re level five man I’m going to going to lose it come on you’re this is a big ass

Skeleton is this a level five oh my God you sack of [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] you game godamn it all that effort and we find one in a random area oh my God what the [ __ ] oh wait we’ve seen these worms before yeah we’ve seen these

Guys take the worm kiten oh hey Place Stone all right no let’s uh go find us some experience we found this cool Temple thing I don’t know if there’s experience in here but we’re going to check uh there are some spawners oh this is like that uh other place where where

We just passed Str I might actually chill here for a little while yeah you know what we’re we are going to chill here what the [ __ ] skrillix hello all right I don’t know if these guys are actually able to drop the uh the Rings but that’s what I’m hoping

For there a lucky a lucky ring all right did we oh okay there where that guy at there is hey no stop it only I shoot I shoot you didn’t give me a ring oh oh oh baby uh what the [ __ ] oh godam lock can’t believe I forgot lockpicks

Again oh damn it oh oh hey he hey pal I’m just going to I’m going to peel for your pockets if that’s all right with you um I’ll let you uh oh there you are hey got another one nice nice got to find a new anime to watch

We’ve been watching uh fruits basket and we finally finished it oh oh it’s one of these guys where my where my okay there we go we got it yeah we finally finished Fruits Basket the uh the remake of it and I don’t know what the hell to watch I’ve rewatching parks

And wreck it’s a fantastic show I’m sad that there’s no more of it we’re on like season three or four but it’s a good time you know I’ve already seen it but it’s fun is a good show just need to get some some different anime let’s see grab all this stuff who

They are like they’re fighting each other you guys got pissed you get out of here I just want uh I want your experience and I want your rings let’s see how many rings we got oh well you can only carry two right now hey you get out of here nobody like than

You weird [ __ ] [ __ ] Sabertooth wannabe I got some lava here here why don’t we Huck some of this [ __ ] in here um true strike the hell is true strike I don’t know what that is so we’ll keep it that can’t jump that high huh all right well are there more oh

There’s an iFit so there must be Lava an if or an AF I don’t remember screw you you little bastard no don’t send your balls at me okay I heard somebody hissing I don’t know what that was I’m assuming it’s a lava monster cuz I hear like sizzling sounds like a [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] what what what oh you [ __ ] bastard all right let’s grab that ball where’ that ball go you not drop any I want your balls what okay beautiful can level up our Rock a little bit more eventually when James gets big just be taking James around all the time see

Go over here maybe this is another one I’m assuming these are all Strays they’re not yeah that is a stray spawner okay cool cool cool this goes down farther that goes directly into lava what uh H oh wait a minute oh wait a minute baby thank you Dragon ey oh [ __ ] I

Actually can’t get out of here [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well glad we have a dragon’s eye uh can I I don’t have anything to mine with or to to build with here we go okay nothing else in there right we already got it yeah we did see but we can actually just take

The the ladder let’s pick up some of these there you go picked up some terracotta and bring that down a little bit okay we can not quiet damn it all right uh give me some of this stuff oh [ __ ] give to me what I seek ah where are you where are you

Oh ow [ __ ] stop it oh there you go I got him we got him I need some I need some freaking water I didn’t mean to do that I meant to place it on top of another block got our sippy going hopefully uh hopefully the spawners are still going um I need

To put some stuff in my bag put this in the bag all this good enough the heart backk you I can’t get up on the no okay so I do need to collect some slabs or something all right I got I got four all right boom boom boom boom now we can get

Out there we go beautiful Super that’s one anime I got to [ __ ] catch up on man I really got to catch up on one piece we’re still in wano I mean I know wano just ended but W you [ __ ] you can you not like all right son of a [ __ ] there we go now I’m up

All right and it’s [ __ ] not night time anymore so we aren’t going to get any spawns oh what the [ __ ] there’s just a diamond chilling okay all right well what are you you’re nothing you’re not anything get out of here get out of my life I

Don’t need to see you around here come around these parts again we’re going to have words sir you going to have words see uh husk again see all right fine go oh oh what the [ __ ] I mean I have no reason not to take that many pumpkins o

Skeleton oh just like make a skeleton spawner go who hey hey pal you guys have like no no weapons nothing to fight with what the heck this is just not fair like do I still get your drops though like you still drop oh you don’t

Drop oh what the [ __ ] where did you come from is that a husk that is a husk spawner get that out of here get that [ __ ] out of here all right oh you’re just a skeleton spawner I don’t care about that should probably just take the free experience right

Okay go hey what are you doing no buddy buddy potion okay hey bud can I have a ring no and don’t have a ring for me huh how about you oh oh there you go oh there we go that’s the spawn rate I was hoping for look at that okay no rings

Huh some still getting arrows to slowness oh nothing damn okay guess we pick it up hey get out here okay up we go what’s up here there another stray spawner I don’t think they’ll spawn right now CU it’s daytime oh let’s go see what’s in the

Middle got 33 experience so far so we’re at least accomplishing one of our goals and you know we got a couple of couple of rings so that’s positive okay let’s get this crap out of here oh hey big man hello creepy creepy creepy o well done oh well done what does that button

Do oo ow trip the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that’s following me serous good Lord is there like anything oh hey out here [ __ ] bastard okay so it doesn’t look like there’s actually anything in here maybe I’m missing something but I don’t see [ __ ] so I’m moving

On I got better things to do with my time sort of okay light boy baby I got to find more of these spawners man [ __ ] is that thing oh you know what I just realized hang on a minute I’m missing something the [ __ ] back in there come on you got this don’t crash

On me don’t crash on me I believe in you I trust you you will not crash you will not ruin my night come on took me forever to get you up and running you’re not going to crash on me now you don’t do this this don’t do this to me come on

It’s it’s easy there we go there we go the fun mod all right [ __ ] out of my inventory that up H you know I don’t need Blaze Rod scre it all right what’s the deal with these spidr okay you’re just higher up okay there’s another oh there’s another spider spawner okay and there’s

Another thing down here oh uhoh uh-oh huh uh is there a way over there from over here H interesting hey not nice you too get out of here out of here I can’t place pumpkins son of a [ __ ] I’m like sneaking like it’s a problem if I fall in all

Right okay what do we got what do we got um nothing Ain got nothing lesser Smite Advanced arthropods some random books hello hell oh you’re a husk spawner I don’t need your crap I don’t need you get out of here give me your experience all

Right there we go now we’re good give me all the experience from the SPID RS all right okay oh time to uh oh oh hey no bad time well I guess it’s time to climb up on our boy and find some more spawners I think that’s pretty much it for uh for this area let’s see oh damn it maybe if we go on this

One maybe if we go on this side you can do it yeah we got it all right we’ll be back we have stumbled upon a super battle tower so we are going to hop down oh oh oh isn’t this one of the uh dungeons that has the enchants in it

Um well right now it looks like it just got a bunch of freaking water in it so let’s see if we can remedy that situation uh no okay it’s uh not quite enough to do what we need to do not even close a matter of fact let’s go ahead and grab some of

These and maybe this will work there and that one there block that off and there you go this one should be good here just like that and we’ll pick up more of this plug you up and plug you up so now can uh we can wander on down

Here this this is the one of the big ones right this might not actually be the one I was originally thinking of I don’t think this is the enchant one the one that we use to farm enchants I think this is just the uh one of the ones that we can like

Dig into you know like the the one over by the house had all the witches in it yeah that’s what this looks like uh don’t want to be stuck in there oh hey hey guy I got a bow too where you at Peak peek you [ __ ] pink

Card very nice oh he was he was climbing he was cl oh what oh here we go yeah okay this is one of the basic ones isn’t actually like a big big huge deal we need we need some space in our inventory so let’s go ahead and drop our thing

Here dump some of this crap I need those that can go away I don’t actually need that uh let me get my thing first and then we’ll clear you out all right oh thank you sir so we got inhuman and destructive uh not sure if those are good or not these aren’t

As spawn rich as I was hoping they would be oh hey pal let’s see oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Raptors oh Jesus is there like a raptor spawner here oh hey hey no bad grew bad grw [ __ ] there is indeed a raptor spawner here that should be interesting man there’s a lot of

Spawners all over the place here holy [ __ ] okay but they’re all slow oh there you are there are n no no no no oh ja walk hey leather nice we’ll actually collect that oh what are you doing what are you doing there there is there a spawner oh there is a spawner up

Above [ __ ] guys are just born to be dropped and break their their knees yeah here oo cool oh [ __ ] all right I don’t want to get uh if we start getting a little too pressed for HP we’re going to run home because we have that level five Dragon stall and

I don’t want to lose that [ __ ] thing oh my Lord might be sooner than you think all right you are spawning quick okay you out of here this guy out of here don’t need any of your crap just give me your arrows and be done with it come on oh get the

[ __ ] shins look at that beautiful let’s go actually collect the experience from those guys we’ve got we’ve got a decent amount of experience this this trip not uh not too crazy but not too bad oh I know those guys are bad oh there’s a lot of dudes down there all right oh Cho

Cobra get out of here Choy little spitro man these guys are just lobbing in shots at me come on man be kind at least do it face to face man God see little sippy sippy okay see what’s on the other side of this oh this is just back the other way

Okay I don’t want to get too too far from where we started cuz that’s how we get lost and lose our place um oh there you go thought I heard something oh hey what’s up guys got another spawner over here what we do look at that okay we’re good no

No a potion of healing nice take that okay that’s the end of that is there more over here let’s see no I think this is taking me back to uh the area where we came up from is it yeah it is okay cool get all these bonies man swifter slashes

Is intense with this thing holy [ __ ] dude oh spawn on me you little weirdo uh I don’t know if I need his claw a [ __ ] I hear darkling I hate those [ __ ] things want to be face huggers damn it uh I should rewatched those movies I haven’t seen those movies in

Years wonder if they hold up anyone seen uh the aliens movies recently they hold up it’s been a hot minute see I hear you okay oh you’re probably a little bit up there huh I saw yeah I heard your bow buddy oh oh Jesus oh

Through oh guess not a damn it can’t get up that high all right let’s go back and check out this area over here question mark is it over here uh yes this guy this guy’s waiting for me man what do we got in here uh nope not that useful I don’t think

That’s useful at all but I’ll take take it for now oh I need food let’s get some pork in us I can go for some pork pork in couple months actually pork is delicious does like steak I’m not a big steak person like I’d rather eat chicken than

Steak I’m just not not into it and I’ve had it like every single way you could have it except for tartar I haven’t had a tartar are oh [ __ ] where’d you put my damn nunchuks where’ you put my nunchucks what oh we got him that could have been terrible about

To summon my rock and grab the uh grab the [ __ ] magnet uh I I don’t think I want that no thank you that oh heart dust where’s that jabber walk at I saw him I know I saw him there he is little stuck there huh trer

O little buddy stuck oh oh hey no don’t be rubbing up on me from behind front only please oh ah get your damn dick out of my Face what are you you’re just a zombie Says he’s not going to go get lost imediately gets lost uh okay we’re good ow hey whoa no no banshees okay guys let’s get out of here more leather I already get rid of the leather that was in my inventory I think I did all right that out of here get the leather

Beautiful okay maybe we should take this time to get some oh get some blocks if we’re going to that super battle tower I would like I would like blocks now no be gone a [ __ ] is it where is it there it is okay me just just nuke guys from up

Here good enough all Right a little bit more over here get you through the get you through the thing very nice see any more spaes come on home baby where y’all at oh the [ __ ] was that sound I didn’t like that sound at all the hell is that purple oh no I don’t want to deal with

Those ah [ __ ] here he comes all right we got him give me that Pearl give me that Pearl Pearl please get your liver out of here I’ve never had liver I’ve had tongue but I’ve never had liver I don’t think I’ve actually eaten any organ meat at all

Is the tongue an organ I thought the tongue was a muscle but I could be wrong entirely sure but tongue is pretty good it is pretty good had it with like think the lady that cooked it for me made it with like taco spice or something like that it’s [ __ ] good a

[ __ ] where the hell is M where am I where am I going oh here we go I think we found it I heard another Raptor oh there you are [ __ ] Jesus no thank you man this is a long ass like Corridor of spawners what are you that a skeleton

That looks like a skeleton uhoh creepy boy no creepies what are you you’re a tiger right yeah how the hell did you get down here is there Another did you [ __ ] stop man I got stuff I got stuff to do I got mobs to murder and you’re sitting here oh causing all kinds of problems get out of here no oh okay all right we got a drink canteen is empty canteen is empty not my experience please um this

Way so over no no oh [ __ ] let’s see oh thank God okay I got half a heart or half a half a droplet oh baby oh baby come on boys get up there get up there get let me out let me out give me the water I need to drink okay all

Right sweet we made it it’s in time too all right uh can we patch that up with anything use my shood box no I’m not going to do that that’ be dumb that would be dumb now that’s going to be be stuck in my Head God damn it I haven’t heard that song in years why are you popping into my head now um can I can I jump up there not quite all right we’ll put some blocks here just we’ll just get rid of this one right here all right well on that note

Of almost dying and losing all of our progress I am going to grab our Rock we are going to mark this on the map here super battle tower mark it with one of these done all right now you’re a village right do you

Have like a A Way Stone that I can I can use looks like everything got burned by something there huh bud you guys have a oh is this a dragon oh remnants of a dragon oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what are you doing up there all right well I’m going to let

Him live his life you know maybe it’s maybe it’s this thing what is is this a uh oh you’re just chilling there huh Buddy how many arrows we got do it we’re doing it bring some some green scales maybe a skull I can’t tell he looks like a level three I’m not entirely sure nope ain’t going to get me bro bro ain’t going to get me okay you might get me you’re a little

Close real close o didn’t mean to do that double tap there okay come on there you go you’re going pretty high up there huh Bud hey just stop oh oh oh hey he we got him yeah I think that’s a level three I don’t think that’s a level

Five okay well we’ll get some I have any bottles on me I don’t have any bottles on Me Maybe in my bags oh you just you were just spawned there and you just [ __ ] them up for no reason didn’t you pal just for just for existence God damn scude all right uh

Nope and no glass see can we get the experience from this guy uh actually before we do this oh there’s all kinds of meat and [ __ ] let’s see I don’t think these things can spawn glass uh but we’re going to check oh that has a lock on it oh three diamonds

Well these guys definitely got [ __ ] up uh Um I suppose I could just leave it yeah you know we’re going to we’re going to leave the corpse we’re going to try and find the way Stone we’ll come back and take the blood even though I don’t really need H yeah you know what I don’t actually

Really need Fire Dragon Blood I’m using ice weapons so cuz they are the least fire seems to be the most common type of dragon so we’re going to stick with ice weapons make it a little easier on ourselves okay get rid the gunpowder and we will toss this in here and we’ll

Start getting our stuff there we go pick all that b stuff up yeah he’s a level three he’s a baby little baby uh oh that has fortune on it rid of the gifts I don’t need the win gifts gunpowder oh I didn’t know you could place G powder like that interesting all

Right on you now this looks like oh there I think that’s it right there yeah there you go perfect perfect let’s see so I’m I’m far okay that’s fun so I think I’m actually just going to stash this this experience and then once we get quite a

Bit more of it we’ll pull out all the books and do all the stuff um see this grab that one sweet so we should have a decent amount H only four that’s still fine that’s still enough that’s that’s a decent amount we will toss you on the floor real quick here

Put this stuff away nope not that nope yes put that in there skull I don’t think I picked up any bones that’s fine we got a lot of Bones uh I’ll put one of these in the couple of these in the book chest there we’ll drop some of these enchants in here all

Right yeah we’re going to we got all of our experience stashed we should be good for now all right well that was up that was a productive productive day we got some good experience we found a level five dragon skeleton which got us a free skull so if we have an unfortunate

Incident we have a we have a backup plan which is lovely but I think for now that is going to do it for this one thank you so much for watching if you’ve enjoyed please consider like comment subscribing you really letes help me out thank you

For being here and I’ll see you in the next one later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft RLCraft [EP 66] A Lucky Find’, was uploaded by Herbbutterinc on 2023-12-14 15:21:25. It has garnered 82 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:17 or 3797 seconds.

#rlcraft #rlcraftminecraft #moddedminecraft #minecraft Blind Playthrough of RLCraft. Thank you so much for watching!!

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

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  • WeeklySMP

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  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

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  • Elesta

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

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  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

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  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

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    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

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  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

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  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More