Gaming On Caffeine – Insane Minecraft Sacrifice!

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In the last stream we were working on Crafting this pretty powerful Scythe to allow us to gather a ton of different Essences from all of these different blocks with a simple rightclick of the site and we used all of those Essences to work our way through the crafting

Chain here to get to the rubbe which we then sanded into the philosopher stone and this is kind of our first step into project e we do already have the alchemy table which is from extended exchange which is an add-on mod to project e but this is really where it get started

Because now that we have the philosopher stone we can get things like the energy condensers and maybe even more importantly we can get the transmutation table which is going to make it so much easier for us to get a lot of different resources going forward so to make the

Energy condenser here we need to get ourselves a fluid encapsulator another machine for from thermal expansion and in that fluid encapsulator we need an alchemical chest with one bucket of molten hepati so the alchemical chest I think is by far and away the easiest part of the equation here it’s one of

Each calance dust one Diamond two iron two stone and a chest easy the fluid encapsulator also shouldn’t be too difficult we do need to get another machine frame that is not a problem we also need another flux coil we made a few of those in the last episode not too

Bad at all and then we need two copper gears which are also at this point in time incredibly easy for us to make especially if the uh the crafting recipe works I’m not quite sure why that didn’t shift click in but if we try that one

More time it works and then we can get ourselves the fluid encapsulator now currently we have these two dynamos here providing power to these two machines alone I do think one of the first things that we should probably do here is look at getting some fux ducts these are

Going to allow us to move the power from our dynamos and kind of distribute it amongst all of the machines that we want to use here in order to make these we do require some lead currently we do not have any is there a easy way for us to

Make lead Essence because if there is that would be great we can use uranium Essence and air Essence that’s not too bad we do have uranium Essence air Essence we can get by oh we don’t have the transmutation table interesting so we can’t actually do that just yet in

That case then it’s quite possible that we can make some energy cables from power but then again the power mod is kind of over here in the quest line and I have a feeling we’re not going to have unlocked that just yet so it might actually be the case that we might for

Now at least might have to just put down the dynamos directly onto the machine never mind I am a complete fool chat is right we uh we do have the ability to make the energy pipe from pipes which we’ve had the ability to make for quite

Some time now so if we quickly craft up a stack of those what we should be able to do is just go ahead and move our uh food and lpis dynamos back by just one block here and here and then from there if we just do something like this this

We should be able to set of course both of these pipes to extract and extract and then if we go ahead and throw down our fluid encapsulator let’s right about there we can then once again refill up this guy with food refill up this guy with lapis and we can always add more

Dynamos should we need to but the fluid encapsulator does now have power and so now we can put our alchemical chest in there and we just need to get one bucket of molten heisen now heisen is an alloy from tinker’s construct and it’s made in the smeltery using molten quartz molten

Cobalt and molten copper and if we put in 400 mil buckets one block one Ingot two ingots that gets us two ingots we are going to need quite a bit more than that but that shouldn’t be too difficult I don’t think quartz we can get a ton of

Copper we have a ton of and then Cobalt is really the only tricky bit however I do believe that in the last episode we did figure out how to get cobalt Essence we can do it with netherite Essence and Mana steel Essence so never mind I guess

We didn’t do it in the last episode then it shows it coming off of the inva right there we can’t get hepati essence can we this is interesting the fact that we can uh just craft these together people are saying that the hepati and Ingot is easier it totally is one obsidian one

Invar and two copper that makes it substantially easier actually so invar we might have a couple of ingots worth we do we’ve got eight copper we’ve got a bunch of and we can get more of course using our ra using our Crush Copper from this chest and then obsidian we

Currently have four we got this from the hidden Dimension and if we do something like this we can actually get a bunch more of it very quickly and then back over in the induction smelter it should just be a simple as throwing all three

Of those in and if we wanted to we could give it a quick tap with the time in the bottle each one of these ingots in the smeltery gets us 90 M buets so we’re going to need 11 hepati ingots if we want to get one bucket worth of hepati

And it should I think just be as simple as throwing that into the smel Tre waiting for it to to melt and then assuming we have enough heat to melt here which it looks like we do I’m fairly certain that at that point we should be able to get ourselves a bucket

And just right click on the drain to pull out a full buckets worth of hezer so up here once that is melted over here I think if I just right click onto the drain we get a bucket of molten hepati and if we go and right click that onto

Our fluid encapsulator that should get us the energy condenser now to upgrade it to the mark 2 which I believe we do need if we’re going to get the transmutation table this requires the previous energy condenser with molten lumium mol lumium should be a fair bit

Easier for us to get because we do already have lumium Essence we can get more lumium essence of course from our lumium block over here and I think what I might do here chant I might go ahead and make another energy condenser it really shouldn’t be too hard for us to

Get some more molten hepati in again we can just put this this and this back in here we might need a little bit more inval to do it but essentially with the energy condenser what you can do is you can place this down and then inside of

It any item that has an EMC value for example gold here has an EMC value of 248 you can put that into the energy condenser and now you can use other items to create gold for example here lumium has an empc value of 992 it’s probably a better example let’s say we

Wanted to get more lumium here we could put the lumium in and then we could take for example some of our 300 iron take that out each iron Ingot has an EMC value of 256 and so four iron ingots should be able to be converted here into

One lumium nice with 32 EMC left over and so my thought process here is that if we can quickly get a few more hepati and ingots to make another energy condenser what we should then be able to do is put the second energy condenser inside the First Energy condenser and

Then from there we basically have as many energy condensers as we like and going forward if we ever need more we don’t have to go through this process here of getting more energy condensers it also means we can then use one of those two to make our Mark 2 energy

Condenser and then we can do the same thing again we can put the mark 2 into the Mark 1 to duplicate it and get more of them and then we can use that for the transmutation template which is just a more powerful version of all of this all

Right so one more bucket of hepati and later back over here we can once again throw it into our fluid en capsulator I did craft up another alchemical chest we’ll give it a quick tap and boom there is our second energy condenser and so now in here if we do something like this

We can now convert for example iron into energy condensers nice and I do believe it stores the amount of EMC in here so right now there’s 5,000 EMC that’s not enough to get an energy condenser but if we take that out and we put in for example gold it does still convert that

5,000 EMC into gold as well so it does store the uh the used EMC in there you don’t lose it if you swap items which is nice Bank over to here though we just need one bucket of molten lumium and the energy condenser mark one so let’s put

You in here once again one ingot worth of lumium gets us 90 M buckets so just like before we’re going to have to put 11 lumium ingots in thankfully though much easier than the heison because we did go through the effort of making a block of lumium in the last episode and

So once again we’ll throw in let’s say 11 lumium ingots into there that should smelt up nice and fast assuming we still have enough of the molten copper in there we do indeed fantastic although we are getting a little low on that once that’s done we are also going to want to

Make sure that it’s at the bottom of the smeltery uh you have to do is Click by the way you click here left click moves it to the bottom like that and boom there’s our molten alumium and back over here just like before we can throw that into our fluid encapsulator and just

Like last time that’s going to get us the tier 2 energy condenser which we can then go and throw into our tier one energy condenser to make more of them so I’m interested actually in what we have if anything that’s high on EMC we do have a staggering number of slime balls

Which we can just take and we can just kind of dump in here to create EMC they’re not very high in EMC themselves but just the Staggering amount that we have makes them a pretty good source of EMC every stack is 365,000 EMC and we’ve got 11,000 slime balls in total so

There’s a tier 2 energy condenser this one is kind of the same as the tier one energy condenser the only difference here and I’m going to go ahead and break this we will lose some memc but I think that’s fine the only difference here is that it has dedicated input and output

Slots on the left and right side and it’s also faster so this time if I go ahead and take a couple of stacks of slime balls and I put those in they get taken much much faster and converted into in this case energy condensers nice and so now the real reason that we’re

Doing all of this is for the transmutation table this requires us to deploy a philosopher stone onto the energy condenser now I don’t think this is going to use the philosopher stone but just in case it does we might as well go ahead and duplicate it and so

Over here all we should have to do is right click this onto the bottom of one of these deployers throw the mark 2 energy condenser onto the belt and Kaboom we get ourselves a transmutation table and it did use the philosopher Stern so it was a good job that we made

Some spares just in case now I do believe that we can do two things here one is we can look at making more of these right away if we do something like this and then again I guess let’s go and grab even more slime balls the ender pearls are actually much better with

This I guess because they just have a higher EMC value at base but if we take one of these we can now place this on the ground and the benefit of this is that it’s kind of the exact same as the energy condenser Mark I but it’s instantaneous and it remembers the items

That you’ve put in it it remembers every single item that you ever put in and allows you to use however much EMC you have to produce any of those items so for example let’s say I put gold in you can either put it into these left slots

Here like this and it says learnt or you can put it into the fire slot here that will destroy it and give you EMC equivalent to the item you destroyed and it will also teach it as well so if I were to go ahead and put the energy can

In here they are now learned and they’re available over here and so really we can just start throwing everything that we have that has an EMC value into the transmutation table and going forward if there’s ever anything that we want for example more buckets now we can just

Come in here and so long as we have 768 EMC we can just take the bucket which is great uh diamond pickaxe I as well do it for this you don’t want to destroy this one because this one is Enchanted you don’t get the enchants when you pull it

Out um one thing we can do though is we can make this even better because despite the fact that there’s no Quest for it it is actually very easy for us to convert this transmutation table into a transmutation tablet all we have to do is put it onto our deeper underneath not

Like that put it on the deeper underneath the mechanical press like so that’s going to squash it down and now we can right click to open this no matter where we are in the world we don’t have to physically run back over to this placed down table we can just

Take our template and right click it to access everything that we need very cool stuff also a second ago we did see that we can get it’s kind of hard to do I guess you can shift right click if you don’t shift right click you still get

The essence but you also open the table but we can shift right click to get air Essence from the transmutation table I’m assuming that will be useful at some point in the not so distant future but now that we have this taken care of there are a few different ways that we

Can go in the quest line here but I think one of the ways that i’ like to start with is this little kind of side quest down here for the refined Radiance because this as it says in big letters underneath is for Ingot duplication and

The benefit of that is that any item or any Ingot I should say that doesn’t have an EMC value is going to be duplicatable using the refined Radiance which I don’t know how useful that’s going to be at the moment a lot of the ingots that we’re currently working with do have EMC

Although for example heatizon here doesn’t have an EMC value and so going forward we should be able to use the refined Radiance here to duplicate that hepati without having to go through the process of making more hepati I think the same is true for these Crystal Matrix ingots never mind they have an

Memc one situation where this is going to be tremendously important for us is in the final quest line the final quest line looks a little crazy because we have this Infinity Ingot the infinity Ingot here requires a pretty big craft with a ton of ingots and four Infinity catalysts the infinity catalysts also

Look a little bit crazy they require singularities they require all these items they require ultimat do there’s like a whole thing that we have to do to get the Infinity catalysts to make the Ingot but unlike in previous packs where we would have to make a ton of those

Ingots to make all of the required end game items like this pick a here with this pack we only have to make one Infinity Ingot because once we have one we can then use the refined Radiance down here to duplicate those ingots basically as much as we like going

Forward in fact I think if we press U while hovering over this if I type it in ji refined Radiance and we press U it’ll show us here all of the ingots that we can duplicate and it’s basically every Ingot that doesn’t have an EMC value and

Even the ones that do you can duplicate with refined Radiance and the refined Radiance isn’t too difficult to make the way we make it is we throw this stuff right here this chromatic compound into a beacon you’ll see it should say right here throw a chromatic compound into a

Beacon R to cramp so we place down a beacon basically just throw the chromatic compound at the Beacon and it will transform it into refined Radiance and the chromatic compound is just glowstone pounded obsidian and Polished rose quartz which is just Redstone and nether quarts pretty easy stuff the

Hardest part of course is the beacon which requires a Nether Star now I do believe that it shouldn’t be too difficult for us to get a Nether Star here to get it we’re going to need uh three Wither Skeleton skulls let me bookmark those let’s unbookmark all this

Stuff over here we also need of course four Soul Sand which we might actually already have we don’t but we can make more by bulk haunting regular sand regular sand we do have and just like before we can now take that to our transportation tablet throw that in we

Can get really as much sand as we like because it only has an EMC value of one and along the same Vin over here if we go ahead and pick this up we can grab our flint and steel light this up drop down just the one sand on there and you

Guess that as soon as we have exactly one s sand we can take it put it into our table boom and now we can get as much s sand as we like nice we need four as for the Wither Skeleton skulls here these unfortunately by the looks of it

Don’t have any EMC value to make these we are going to use this recipe right here that requires one skeleton skull with coal Essence Bassel Essence and graphite Essence I think all of that should be pretty easy for us to do the only thing we don’t have is a skeleton

Skull however we can make beheading upgrades for our mob masher and it’s really not too difficult to make these and if we make 10 of them it’s going to massively increase the amount of skulls that we get so for 10 of them here we would need 20 iron helmets and 20 gold

Helmets again I think that’s fine now because we can convert really anything the hardest part here is we have to do 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 we got to do it manually because they don’t stink but that really shouldn’t be too difficult

For us I don’t think and 40 helmets later at that point we just need gold nuggets we’ll take a few of those and boom chat is right here that I’m a full we could have just made one of them and and duplicated it with with project

T I’m going to have to get used to the fact that we can use Project D for everything now but I’ve made all the helmets I feel like we might as well just shift click the the 10 of those out fantastic let’s go and drop that into

The mob Masher over here it’s a shame that skeleton just died because we could have got uh the head from it we’ll do something like that and hopefully that’s going to get us a skeleton skull look at that first try easy especially with 10

Upgrades it is so easy to get a ton of these things in fact we’re going to have so many of them it’s might be a problem but now that we have those we just need the coal Essence coal Essence we have M before we just take a block of coal and

Put it into the blood alter like this one and two unfortunately doesn’t have any MC value um also can I get this from a block of coal I can I should probably do that instead of wasting our life points going forward we should take a block of coal and throw it down over

Here I do still want to move this wall somewhere else we’ll work on that very shortly other than Co we need graphite and Sky Stern Essence oh and Bassel so there’s a few different Essences here they all kind of look the same bansel we get from bansel Sky Stone we

Get from Sky Stone and graphite we get from charcoal so charcoal should be pretty straightforward if we take ourselves nine logs here we can just smelt those in our currently non-existent furnace although we did get a few furnaces from again the edge of the Hidden realm so let’s do something

Like this with some coal in there that’ll get us the charcoal for the charcoal block and that will get us the graphite Essence the sky Stone I don’t believe was too difficult we can get this by smelting Sky stone dust and we can get Sky stone dust with this recipe

Right here so we need Ender dust blank Stone and an angel block Ender dust is just ender pearls that have been ground down that is very doable for us we do have our crushing Wheels over here and I believe if I can was really hoping I

Could make that jump there I think that I can if I do it from the fluid en culator if I do this I can indeed fantastic let’s do one of those that’s going to get us all of the Ender dust that we’re going to need and then as for

The angel block here this is made with feathers and sticks super easy stuff and then blank stone is nether Essence and stone essence or we can just bulk haunt some Cobblestone that seems like it’s going to be a much easier way for us to do that again we only need the one

Because once we’ve got one we can just EMC the rest once that’s done let’s do this fantastic and then we need just a couple of blank Stone as for the angel Block it’s the same idea here we can do something like this we’re missing a feather but that’s fine we can do this

And that allows us to get more feathers over the top here you can search by the way especially once you’ve got a lot of items it’s easier to search for the item that you’re after and over here we can go boom and boom there’s our Angel block

Teach that as well and we get more of those and then if we combine the angel block with the Ender dust and the B Cel over in the induction smelter boom boom and boom that’s going to get a sky Stone the sky Stone by the looks of it does

Have an EMC value of its own and so once again we should really only need one of those it doesn’t have any MC value never mind but we can just take one of those and smelt it up into a sky storm block and then actually we only need one

Because once we have one we can then just use the Scythe so over here this is done fantastic let’s craft that into a block of charcoal let’s throw that down right here that’s not going to get confusing at all there it’s going to get us the grai essence that we want again

No EMC unfortunately back over here there is the skystone block let’s throw that down maybe right about here again no EMC on the SK Stone Essence but that is more than we are going to need and so now what are we missing we’re just missing the Basel Essence which we get

From Basel and Basel we can get oh of course with the nether Essence and the ice Essence so nether Essence we don’t have although I do believe that I was told that nether will get us nether Essence if we do this and this it totally does that’s way easier than and

It was earlier in the pink and then as far as ice Essence is concerned we did make it before because we got the ice block and then it it melted so we could make another one but for now we have one and we’re good so let’s go ahead and

Make our block of bass out like so again let’s make sure that we teach our system how to make more of it with the transmutation template and then from there we can just go ahead and throw it down onto the wall of random blocks and

We can get as much Bassel Essence as we need which is everything for the wither skeleton skull now of course we do need a few few of these and so we are going to have to get more of the different Essences but if we just do a quick one

Of these a quick one of these a quick one of these these and these that should be I think more than enough of everything to get us two more with the skeleton skulls it is nice and I’m fairly certain chat that we can use our mob measer here to kill the Wither the

Only problem we might run into is that right now our mob Master is not particularly powerful however as I mentioned before we do have access to the sharpness upgr here and these are going to make the mobm deal substantially more damage to the point where basically any regular mob that

Hits the mob Maser should die almost instantly this time around let’s not be silly about it let’s just buy 10 of these from the transmutation tablet as opposed to trying to craft all 10 of them and then let’s Place those directly into here and then we could put look

Upgrades in but I don’t believe you can get more than one nether star I think one nether star is the maximum that you can get no matter what and I’m fairly certain that the fan will push the Wither over into the mob Masher now the tinted glass as it turns out is wither

Proof surprisingly given how cheap it is but if we hover Tiner glass it says glass blocks designed to prevent light tough enough to withstand Withers so right now our roof is not made of a blast proof material if we wanted to we could go ahead and break all of the uh

Wood there and replace it with tinted glass it wouldn’t be particularly difficult but I do think it would look worse alternatively what you can also do is go to the FDB chunks icon in the top left of the inventory screen H click claimed chunks and then go ahead and

Claim the chunks like so you just click and drag to select them all at that point now mobs Cann not damage any items in your base and so if we put the Wither down it shouldn’t deal any damage which is a little cheesy but at the same time

I think it’s fine because we can if we wanted to we could build it in such a way that the Wither wouldn’t destroy it anyway I think it’s just not worth the time to do it especially given that I think it’s going to look worse and so

Now it should just be a case of putting down the required items here and we should be good to go so what I’m going to do is I’m going to kind of break this a little bit I’m just going to do this this o no let’s do it here I think like

This can I I think I can get there like this and then let’s I don’t want to get blown away too much by that fan let’s do this this and then I want to make sure if I hold shift do I get blown away I don’t let go let’s do this

And this I don’t want to get attacked at all and then if we do this hopefully we should see the Wither get pushed directly over into the corner and it should die pretty quickly you’ll see all the other mobs now are kind of dying straight away as soon as they oh okay

That’s a bad it’s a bad start so the trouble that we went into there is that we should definitely have built it in such a way that the Wither didn’t get stuck on the roof the other thing that we can learn here is that I’m fairly certain the

Forgiving void mod is in the pank so I think if you fall into to the void you should yeah then Land once again as soon as you um as you land now the bad news is that despite the fact that we have a sword I don’t think we’re going to be

Able to kill this guy do we have any arrows we must do right yeah we got a few arrows I think this is going to end badly for us though the good news about them killing the um the cows though is that there’s a bunch of of Wither roses

Down there and those wither roses should help us hello my friend uh should help us I think they are required for certain crafts the good news is that we are being fed automatically by our backpack and so we should kind of uh regenerate Health pretty quickly Okay so there’s good news and there’s bad news here the good news is that we got the nether star that’s that’s the pretty good news the bad news is that despite our bad claims the uh the Wither did do quite the number on our blood alter here that that

Fight took forever that might be the longest wither fight I’ve done having to try and kill the Wither with just a um just a regular bow is not ideal thankfully it looks like too many runes didn’t get destroyed and also it looks like some of the runes that did get

Destroyed kind of just got um just got thrown on the floor I thought I picked up some runes just a second ago I did here we go so we can uh kind of throw these back down let me try and do it in the same order that we had

Them down initially so we’ll do the run of self sacrifice right there it looks like for the most part we kind of just lost some glow stone and some regular stone bricks so stone brick wise we have stone bricks the Bloodstone wise we do still have some more uh Bloodstone

Bricks and so we can replace the one Bloodstone brick that was taken away and so for the most part that actually wasn’t too bad we did lose all of our cows but we also did manage to get some wither roses these wither roses are required I believe in order to make

Certain items going forward it might be this s here but I’m fairly certain I saw a recipe that did require the uh the Wither R and so I think that is going to come in useful oh it was this one right here I think the uh was it this one but

Yeah I can’t remember exactly what it was it was required for but I’m pretty sure we do need it for something so let’s EMC it chat is right let’s do this we can get more of those in the future and then let me quickly rebuild this alter with some more stone bricks some

More glow stone and some more Blood Stone bricks and then we’ll look at getting the refined Radiance up and running all right that was actually much quicker to repair than I thought I did actually have this large Bloodstone brick in my inventory and so this is

Back up to tier four fantastic we have a Nether Star which thankfully we can EMC for future nether star access and now it’s just a case of crafting a standard Minecraft Beacon that standard Minecraft Beacon is going to require at least one obsidian and it looks like being the

Full that I am I don’t have any thankfully I think this does have an MC value totally does that is very nice indeed make sure we teach it and then boom we can get ourselves a beacon and now with this Beacon we should be able to kind of just infinitely produce the

Refined gradients and therefore kind of infinitely produce any Ingot that that we like so let’s see if we wanted to get the chromatic compound let me bookmark that as we saw a second ago we need polish quartz which thankfully does have an EMC glowstone which also has an EMC

And then pounded obsidian which is just regular obsidian through the crushing Wheels there’s no EMC there but again the crushing Wheels are pretty quick and the regular obsidian does have EMC so over here if we can make this jump again which I think we can fantastic we can

Then go ahead and crush a full stack of obsidian the um feeding upgrade and the nutrient braks helped us tremendously with that wither fight we were regenerating Health just so fast that the Wither couldn’t really do too much to us which was very nice indeed let me

While I wait for that I guess get at least one of the Rose quarts here and let’s grab our sandpaper which might have have been used up that’s fine we can make another sand paper it is just sand and paper sand we apparently do not have but again that is fine because we

Can get it from our transmutation template boom and boom and boom nice let’s teach this fantastic let’s get a stack of those all as many as we can get I guess and then from there we just need glowstone which we have cool and so is it just a craft no

It’s induction smelter that makes a lot more sense boom boom and boom perfect let’s give that a quick accelerate and we can then take that chromatic compound we can then throw that chromatic compound kind of at the top of the beacon and if we catch it which I almost

Fell into the the void there if we catch it we get the refined Radiance so I think what we might want to do here I don’t know if it’s going to fall or not but I think what we should probably do is we should probably look at getting some kind of item

Collector much like the uh the vacuum that we already have the item collector is kind of the same deal we could have made another uh back accumulator this thing right here but the item collector is just easier I think and I think what we should probably do is throw a chest

Down maybe like here put the item collector on top of it you can then actually if we upgrade this to the advanced item collector I believe you can then filter so item collector I think the advanced item collector is more of the same it is we just need one

Eye of Ender which we can definitely make boom boom boom let’s put this down here and then we should be able to either white list or blank list certain items if for example I blacklisted the chromatic compound which by the looks of it doesn’t stack it does stack but I

Don’t know why it didn’t stack in the uh induction spelter there but over here if I blank list chromatic compound that way when I throw this on the ground it’s going to not pick up the chromatic compound but as soon as it turns into refined Radiance that gets picked up I

Am going to change this to Whit list refined Radiance like that because I really don’t want this picking up any like random stuff that I throw on the ground I only want it to pick up the refined Radiance which it now will do we can just drop this one 2 3 onto the

Beacon and all of that gets collected in there and if we really wanted to we could kind of head on out over to here and somewhat awkwardly try to grab that last little bit of uh of refined Radiance cool and with this we can just craft it with any given Ingot and it

Will duplicate that Ingot so you take one Ingot and one refined Radiance and then you get a second Ingot cool so going forward if we ever find ourselves in a situation with an Ingot that doesn’t have an EMC value and we want more of that Ingot and we have one of it

The refined radians could be the way to do it it’s not super cheap but it’s also very cheap compared to a lot of ingots and so it’s probably well worth doing especially as I mentioned before with those Infinity ingots now down here we actually didn’t complete the quests for

This because it looks like we do need to craft a pulverizer first to actually take that Quest off thankfully the pulverizer doesn’t look too difficult again I do need to get into the habit of just doing this so that we have these for the future and we don’t have to keep

Manually crafting them as we go forward same’s true with like the flux coil I feel like I might as well just quickly throw that in there for future reference and then copper gears should be that’s not a Copper gear copper gears do we not have any iron nuggets is that the

Problem let me try this and then let me try putting some of this stuff back and away let’s do two of these one and two perfect and then let’s make a pulverizer nice I don’t want if I see us needing a total pulverizes but just in

Case we’ll go ahead save it throw it down and that should be that Quest complete it is indeed and then I do have more chromatic compound fantastic and of course over here we have the refined Radiance nice so that’s those quests complete let’s do a quick 1 2 3 four

Just to get more of that refined Radiance fantastic and so now the next thing I’d like to do is I would like to go back to the first Quest sign actually because I recently updated the pack and by the first quest line I mean the second quest line because there’s now a

Quest for this repair Talisman which people have been telling me about and I do think is worth investing in here it’s pretty easy to make mostly just requires corve Valance dust and it can be taught over here the benefit of this is that it’s going to allow us to repair

Passively tools in our inventory you see right here just with having the Talisman in our inventory this Scythe here is repairing itself it’s 175 176 it’s durability is going back up to full and I believe we can even put this into one of our curious slots over on the left

Here it goes into the belt which is maybe further down yeah there it is boom and so now with that in our inventory all of the items that have a durability in our inventory are just going to start to slowly but surely repair themselves you’ll see that the pickaxe here is also

Repairing itself the diamond sword is repairing itself and the sight most importantly I guess is repairing itself that way we don’t have to keep making more and more sights going forward we can just take that one sight and continually repair it I’m also fairly certain if I’m not mistaken I don’t

Think that this works in a regular chest for example if I put the Scythe in here and I put the ball and I put the repair Talisman in here I don’t think that repairs this it doesn’t however I do believe that if you put it into an alchemical chest that that will repair

It now the only thing I’m missing for that is a diamond I should have emced the diamonds earlier when I had them because now we’re a little low on diamonds and so thankfully as soon as we get one diamond we can make even more

And I think oh we can also do this I completely forget that you can craft a philosopher stone with gold to get a diamond that actually makes it so much easier and then we can put this in here fantastic and then at that point we can just grab a few stacks

Of end pearls kind of drop those in and that should get us a bunch of diamonds fantastic that allows us to make the uh alchemical chest and I think if I’m not mistaken that if we put and I’ve got to start shifting out the um basically

Every time I finish a craft I do this and then I just press escape to close the inventory I need to press the X first so that I don’t get all the items put into my inventory anyway Bank over here I think if we do this and this I

Think that will repair it while it’s in the alchemical chest this is good for a few reasons the main one though is that I think that allows us to automate the usage of the Scythe the Scythe itself doesn’t have any MC unfortunately but um and also we don’t have a um an endite

Alloy that is fine let me uh do we have any andesite either that’s okay can we make andesite we definitely can using the uh the old craft which is this one right here we don’t have any Cobblestone but we actually do have Cobblestone it’s just over here let’s try that again

Let’s do do 1 2 3 4 5 with four gravel let’s do this and this let’s teach that to our tablet and then let’s also do the same with the actual andesite alloy itself we’ll take you and we’ll teach you to the tablet basically what I’m

Trying to see here is if we can use the crank the crank is just like a a handheld way of doing what the water wheels are doing over here with create but my thought process is that if we were to steal one of these deployers These deployers are able to to left

Click or right click onto certain blocks and so I think that if I were to place the hand down like this I think I can then use the wrench to rotate this in such a way that it faces this way and then I think it’s one of these let me

See if I do this and I do this and I crank this look at that we can use create and the deployers to automatically use the Scythe now I do believe that that is going to use up the durability on the Scythe so over here if

I take that Scythe off um it is at full durability if I leave that on does that use any durability obviously you can make this much faster because the crank is not particularly quick it seemingly doesn’t use any durability which is insane I really thought it would because when I right

Click it um oh it also doesn’t use durability how in the world have I been using my durability on this thing maybe now that it’s fully repaired it doesn’t have durability I’m very confused but I’m also not complaining I like I don’t think oh no we did use it to kill mobs

That makes so much more sense chat thank you okay so ignore me we can use the repair Talisman for basically anything that we want to repair I was thinking we might have to do some automation where we extract the uh Scythe from the deployer kind of insert it into the

Chest to let it repair and then extract it once it it’s repaired and place it back in the deployer but we don’t and so if we wanted to we could look at making more of these sites uh we would need more gausssum which again unfortunately doesn’t have an MC but you can duplicate

It with refined radiant so we’d only have to make one of the gaum ingots this time around uh before we were making all of the Gauss some of course with this recipe right here going forward we can just make one and then duplicate it with refined Radiance and then once we have

All those ingots we can just of course make as many sites as we like and so really all of the essence here is automatable most of it I don’t think needs to be automated because of course things like obsidian Essence is mostly just used to make obsidian and obsidian

Itself is EMC so it’s not really a problem however people have been talking about something like netherite because the netherite has a pretty high MC value of 5733391800 we have a block of netherite we can then just use the Scythe to get infinite netherite Essence craft that netherite Essence into netherite ingots

Then we can use that for EMC going forward uh twitch chat is pointing out that I am a fool the Scythe itself does have an EMC value of one a second ago I checked that and I thought it didn’t so it might be the case that if it yeah

Okay so this is where I was getting confused if you don’t have a fully repaired sitethe the EMC value is non-existent you can’t EMC it however if you fully repair it with the repair Talisman you can then just make a as many of these as you like it’s not

Called the site it’s called the asenta uh calos but look at that we can make as many of these as we want they cost one EMC which is absolute Madness and so yeah if we wanted to we could look at alterating basically all of these going forward which is absolute insanity but

Could be particularly useful for certain items especially if we do want to get a large amount of EMC which I think is definitely something that we would like to look towards doing in hopefully the not so distant future anyway now that we have all of that taken care of the final

Thing I’d like to do in this episode is I’d like to actually get some storage drawers going for mostly all the mob drops that we’re getting because our mob drops are very much filling up our chest quite quickly here we do have a lot of space left especially since we took out

All of the Looting upgrades from our mob farm but it would still be a lot nicer I think if we got draws for each of the respective mob drops and put some void upgrades into those to allow us to delete any access items once we get to a

Certain amount and so if we want to get a certain amount now unfortunately it looks like we don’t have framed drawers in the pack and so we are going to have to pick one of the kind of standard drawers here to uh to work with and so

For us I think that’s either going to be dark oak or crimson and I kind of always go with dark oak but we do already have dark oak and so you know what we’re going to stick with dark o that is completely fine we’ve got a bunch of

Dark o over here let’s take out maybe a stack of log like so and then we’ll make a bunch of planks and then let’s do a bunch of chests as well and I think we’ll essentially just go ahead and make a bunch of fulls size drawers because we

Do need a lot of space for all the uh the drops that we’re getting so let’s do something like this and I think what we’ll do is we’ll start putting these down probably back here we can move this furnace now it’s not really too necessary and uh if we just do something

Like this we can start filling up this space behind the chest or next to the chest I guess with storage drawers I would like to make it symmetrical but that would involve moving this digestor here and so I might look at doing that at some point between streams for now

Though if we just do something like this and ideally I would also prefer if that was not one block further back I would prefer it kind of right about here but essentially what we’re going to do CH is a few things the first thing that we’re

Going to do is we’re going to lock these drawers to lock those draws we need a draw key this guy right here which is pretty straightforward two gold one it and an upgrade template the upgrade template is just a basic draw with sticks easy enough and boom the key

Allows us to lock the draw which is going to lock it to Whatever item we put into it first and we’ll do that to all of these draws here as well just to be safe and we’ll also do it over here from there we’re also going to get a draw

Controller this guy right here for that we’re just missing two Redstone comparators which require just six Redstone torches and this is going to allow us to hook up all of our drawers very easily to our simple storage Network because that’s kind of a problem that we currently have essentially any

Draw that is connected to this draw controller is accessible via the draw controller and so what we should be able to do if I can get back here is for example place down the draw controller right about here and then we can either use drawers or trim to connect drawers

To the draw controller trim basically just acts like a draw that doesn’t do anything in our scenario that’s not ideal but again we do have forgiving void on so we will kind of just fall right through back into the base we will take a lot of damage but we should

Regenerate fast enough to where it’s fine you do need to be on full health when you do that otherwise you will die just an FYI but over here if we do trim here and trim here that trim is going to connect these drawers up to that

Controller and so for example if I were to put let’s say slime into this draw like this there’s now 64 slime in there and now going forward if I right click that slime onto to the draw controller like this that slime makes its way around into this draw because they’re

Connected and so what we’re going to do is we’re now going to put a link cable down onto that draw controller and that’s going to give us access to all of the stuff in all of the drawers that’s connected to that control now to do that

We don’t need to run a cable all the way over there do we have any network cable we do it does have an AMC value which is incredibly useful uh the same is true for the filtered link cables as well we should make sure that all of those are

Emcd where possible and then Let’s see we might have to get a little bit of water here potentially although I might be able to reach through there and I think that’s actually fine uh let me try with something specific how many uh spider heads do we

Have zero if I put these in let’s say over here and I check again spiderhead those are now available cool and we can also take that a one step further because of course if we connect up these drawers here to these drawers here with trim that’s also going to give us the

Ability to access all the stuff in these draws from our system as well and so let’s get a couple more trim here and at that point I think I’m probably going to want to get a bucket of water so that we can get kind of down below the platform

That should be very straightforward we should also look at some point sooner rather than later I guess at trying to get some kind of jet pank or some kind of creative flight so that we don’t have to worry too much about endlessly falling into the void but over here if

We do kind of one two one two and and one like that we can then pick up the water and now we should have access to all of our dark oak as you can see right here from this drawer via our system and we could also do the same

Thing with our nutrient bars as well if we wanted to connect those up all I need to do now is cover that back up with Crimson logs and all we have to do now is fill these drawers in with their respective mob drops now each draw of

Course Can Only Hold 248 items and right now we have more than 248 of a lot of items thankfully we can make a draw upgrades and those draw upgrades shouldn’t be too difficult for us do we have any emeralds we don’t but we can make emeralds with diamonds and a

Philosopher stone like this and then of course we can EMC those and the reason I want emeralds in particular is that the emeralds are used for the highest tier draw upgrade this draw upgrade increases the storage by 32 times the base value so the base value is 248 multiply that

By 32 gets you to 65,500 and 30 in terms of draw storage and so to make these we just need two emeralds per that does mean we’re going to need a bit more EMC but again that should be completely fine we’ got so many ender pearls and they’re a pretty

Good EMC sort so if we do this and take a couple of those out we should then be able to make a couple of these and then we should be able to throw those into drawers like this and then we can look at filling these drawers with the items

The twitch chat does make a good point here uh one thing you can do and that we probably should do is set the priority on this filter Link cable to be the highest so I do need to be able to right click on there which is probably going

To be easier done if I can kind of get down here a little bit if I stand here can I right click that cable I don’t think I can annoyingly I might have to go kind of one block further down I can no I can’t oh I can there we go Okay

Cool so if we set this to a lower number let’s say we set this to NE five you’ll see that it says promotes priority uh you’ll see that it says smaller goes first so the the priority the uh the more likely the item is to go there

We’re going to set the priority on the chest to like five and the priority on the draw controller to neg5 so that essentially whenever we put any items into our simple storage Network it should first try and put them into the storage draw so if I do this it should

Put them in here which it did and then only when there’s no space in the storage dra will it then try and put things into the chest the final piece of the puzzle of course is just to get some void upgrades these are pretty straightforward again it’s an upgrade

Template base which I’m going to EMC real quick because they’re not too hard to make but they’re a bit of a pain if you need to make new drawers every time and then we’ll make one of these and I am now realizing that we should have also done the same thing with the

Storage upgrade as well if we just take this guy here we don’t have to go through the hassle of getting emeralds every time we can just do that fantastic and putting the void upgrade on like this basically just means that as soon as the drawer is full any excess items

Will just get deleted so with the um tier five storage upgrade in here if we get more than 65 slime balls the excess slime balls should just be deleted instead of getting thrown into the chest and clogging everything up which I think is ideal you can also put more than one

Storage upgrade in by the way so if you wanted to you could take another one of these tier five storage upgrades put that in as well those don’t multiply again so you don’t get 32 times 65,000 instead you just get like another 63,000 it does the same addition again and so

It would kind of double it to about 128,000 but for now I think 65,000 is fine and so yeah I’m going to go ahead and kind of just move over all of the mob drops between episodes so that we have drawers for basically everything that we’re getting from the mob farm at

Least in in very very large quantities and then that should hopefully free up our chest storage for whatever else we want to use it for in the future and next time I think we’ll come back and we’ll look at progressing forward probably down here towards the tier five

Blood alter we’ll also look at some point fairly sooner getting towards the netherite as well because I do think automating the scythe and automating the production of netherite for EMC is going to be quite good for us and we also of course at some point want to look

Towards working towards this uh watch of flowing time which is kind of like a temporal pouch that you can use all the time and that is just insanely powerful and of course there’s the power mod here which is going to allow us to get a ton

Of power you guessed it and it’s also required to make the watch of flowing time and once all that’s done we’re kind of into the late game for sure there is a final quest down here but this quest line is is really just a quest to make an infinity Ingot and then duplicate

That Infinity Ingot for the world break this quest line is pretty short so this kind of quest line here I think is really the last stretch is really the end game but let’s not get to ahead of ourselves for now we’re going to start working towards the tf5 alter which is

Going to get even bigger with even more runes and require even more World Magic Shenanigans but that is a problem for future Isaac for now I’m going to go ahead and wrap up this episode of project sacrifice There n

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Project Sacrifice | TRANSMUTATION TABLET & INGOT DUPLICATION #9 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-12-27 23:00:34. It has garnered 13871 views and 582 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:41 or 2921 seconds.

Minecraft Project Sacrifice | TRANSMUTATION TABLET & INGOT DUPLICATION! #9 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Techopolis 2 | A NEW KIND OF FACTORY AUTOMATION SKYBLOCK! #1:

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    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT - EPIC CAVE CANNONS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cosy Modded Minecraft – Caves and Cannons’, was uploaded by Chris Deals Minecraft on 2024-03-09 02:27:12. It has garnered 346 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:03 or 1863 seconds. Epic Minecraft Adventure with Create Mod, Ars Nouveau, and Cave Exploration! Watch as I harness the power of Create Mod to construct a stunning house, utilizing its intricate mechanics for ultimate creativity! But that’s not all – dive deep into the magical world of Ars Nouveau as I craft mystical spell books, unlocking ancient powers to aid in my quest! Then,… Read More

  • TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!

    TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-06-04 17:00:29. It has garnered 13315 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:09 or 1809 seconds. All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground at 3:00AM ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to… Read More

  • “Dronio’s EPIC Love Story in Minecraft – FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!” #MinecraftLove

    "Dronio's EPIC Love Story in Minecraft - FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" #MinecraftLoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Любовь в Minecraft – алмаз: красива, неповторима. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 12:30:10. It has garnered 1317 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wrong Turn #zocken #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #spielen #dunkel #gameplay #game #funny #fun’, was uploaded by R&R Production on 2024-01-10 15:36:22. It has garnered 99 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!

    Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!Video Information This video, titled ‘WinterMap Minecraft Server #916star #minecraft’, was uploaded by Timself on 2024-01-11 14:46:12. It has garnered 112 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. TLX Network: ➞ ➞ Founder: Lexo und Timself WINTERMAP: ➞ IP: ➞ Version: 1.20 – 1.20.4 ➞ Discord: GamingEcke: ➞ ➞ I thank everyone for your subscriptions and your support! Read More

  • EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #Shorts

    EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral tik tok video dream on #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR More07 on 2024-03-02 11:30:02. It has garnered 461 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Mr More07 ============================== Instagram➡ Facebook➡ ============================== Please like the video Please subscribe the channel Share the video for your friends ============================== Thanks For Watching ============================= #shorts #minecraft #mrmore07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft 1.20, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Besto Frendso :)’, was uploaded by Sarang Ram on 2024-03-28 20:57:38. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Thanks for joining in. Valorant grind later tonight. Stick around if you like the content. Leave a like and Subscribe as well. Thank yaaa. Read More

  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More

  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More


    HEMERALD LIVE: SHOCKING MINECRAFT PROBLEM!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUESTO E’ UN PROBLEMA! – Minecraft ITA Penitenze’, was uploaded by Hemerald Live on 2024-06-10 18:23:27. It has garnered 1632 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:28 or 7288 seconds. A GIANT BALL of TNT is created, this is a real PROBLEM! 🟣Live Channel ➜ 🔴First Channel ➜ @hemerald ⚠️ My Social Networks ➜ Live del 9/06/2024 MODPACK PROJECT SACRIFICE su MINECRAFT ITA Read More