Geek Source – Working on the Mage Tower [GeekSource Plays Minecraft Episode 16]

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So we’re going to be making a treasure room so i need some wood i need a door that door will do fine i’m going to need some treasure i don’t really know what we’re going to do in there yet but i am going to make a secret room and

I’m going to not tell him door like right there but i don’t want him to know yet so i think let’s check my bedroom and see we’re gonna try to work on expanding the house a bit today i think i don’t know how long it’s going to take

For him to get into the game that shouldn’t be a an issue there we’re not planning to expend expand that way at all so i need some birch logs and i need some dark oak logs because what we’re going to do is we’re going to add some stilts

To shane’s bedroom just to make it you know look like it’s standing on something just adding one just to make it look cooler that way it’s supported and we’re gonna do the same thing over here on mine i think this is the damn it there we go

It’s got a nice stilt now hopefully shane doesn’t destroy it all right so next we need to start by doing downstairs in an upstairs we need to like go down that way go up that way so we’ll start with oh right forgot that existed crap it’s all little mini cave here that

I forgot existed i need some snowman all right so i need that just going back to old or early minecraft days digging sticks i don’t have any torches though i can make some because i forgot to put away this coal yeah it’s kind of what i expected was

There would be a that i would pop out soon right into my house not really where i was hoping i would end up with this i was kind of hoping i would end up over that way a bit i could probably make this work though walk out to here

And then it’ll be like a little bit of a tunnel uh we’ll start about here torches that i’ve broken okay so i don’t want to kind of like this a stone platform i’m not sure how big we’re gonna make this but that’s where i’m planning for that i’ll start making some stairs

All right so i need i can’t make stairs out of stone okay so you can only make those kind of stairs all right now let’s go see what kind of stairs we already have this should be good put this mutton in here i definitely want to block that off

All right gotta do that damn it i literally need two more damn so we’re gonna do like a mage tower but part of the way up it’s gonna lead to a like a rooftop terrace we’re gonna eat make some food where like i’ll uh i’ll be able like we’ll be able to

Air quotes eat and stuff like that just a cool little thing but there’s gonna be like a little secret uh house that or a secret room that shane’s gonna be able to find while up there what was i doing right i was i was finding pickaxes pickaxes

Oh right and then i was making wood or making stairs eight for now let’s do that that would be good for that and we’re going to use ladders to get all the way up the tower so it won’t be a too big of a problem when it comes to worrying about

The uh worrying about making stairs okay let’s i need to figure out what size the tower needs to be and then i’ll build around that i’m going to need to get all this because it’s gross and then we’ll fill this up with light and fill it in once i make some more pickaxes

It sticks why is there snowball in there and cobblestone sure we’re gonna need pickaxes so always gonna need pickaxes jesus oh there’s another cave great it’s just full of that stuff was it all right some of it having some of it some place doesn’t matter like underneath and stuff like that but

All right let’s i guess discover what’s in this cave or nothing it looks like oh that just leads to the edge of crap all right dirt no shane finally came online on discord good good one of these days i’m going to go through and redo all of the uh

The spots and stuff like that in order to uh jesus shane just started trying to call me Hello shane i can’t hear you if you’re talking hello and you’re on live with minecraft huzzah i’ve been recording for about 27 minutes now really yeah just doing just doing house stuff stuff you didn’t need all right i’ll get my recording going just do your testing testing or test one

Two three when you get in two three one two three that’s after you’ve started recording right yep so if you look over here i’ve started building up to upstairs this is gonna lead to the mage tower which just out of here is where i’m gonna start building the mage tower and

It’s gonna go [ __ ] high as [ __ ] i like the idea of this are you gonna do a ladder and do like a convoluted staircase no it’s gonna be a ladder because i hate viral staircases you could do a convoluted spiral staircase yeah i mean you could but i’m still gonna have a

Ladder to get up there all right should i uh smelt a [ __ ] ton of bricks for you oh i’ve already started smelting it and it’s going to be stone bricks so i’ve already started doing that yeah you’re going to need a [ __ ] massive amount oh absolutely

So if you just want to go like that’s what i need you to do i need you to go somewhere and just get a ton of cobblestone so like go to the ravine and just get all the cobblestones dude i’m putting all the cobblestone i have into a chest i have like

Two full chests for now okay we’ll go get that because all right i will we’re we are fresh out of cobblestone uh where do you want me to put the cobblestone there you have that what oh the obsidian great why is there snow in here they keep everything cold

Am i just gonna find snow in every chat with every chest from now on we did have a lot of it we did and then i’m gonna work on the basement and we’re gonna have like a little like man cave down there i i bred some animals i filled up your

Uh your your carrot farm heck yeah i didn’t do it with the potatoes because i don’t care i i got all of your wheat cause that was done and then i replanted it i bred some i’ve read a couple cows i bred some pig i bred two pigs because i

Think to do another pig because that’s all the carrots i had left and then i bred a ton of sheep and i made cheers and started cheering them all right well make them naked again oh i expanded the uh the cactus farm yep and i looked for your oh that’s cool you

Put us you put support beams on i like that yeah i was like the the stairs are going to need the bedrooms don’t look like they’re supported they’re just kind of free floating so yeah that’s minecraft physics for you so i decided to add support beams on both of those

Um i looked for your secret house or your secret room that just has a door somewhere i couldn’t find it so i’ll give you a hint this one’s further away from the house oh okay but it’s not anywhere we haven’t been okay well i didn’t go very far

It’s not like i went somewhere new okay so it’s a like terracotta land or some [ __ ] uh it could be out in that direction it could be i’m putting all wool that we get in the mob also a uh a sheep got stuck in a wall and died

Okay anyway uh there’s also there’s a ton of pickaxes because i made like 20 pickaxes in the chest okay well i will get to get get to work smelting a [ __ ] bricks for you yeah you should do that like in one of your secret rooms or something

Sorry you don’t like smelling inside so you should do that outside yeah that’s what i’m gonna do look in one of your secrets i have some [ __ ] i have these nine beautiful furnaces outside you do there’s actually stone there’s actually stone and all stop i need these to make you stone

By the way it looks like they were all filled with stone actually oh where are they awesome leave it out there or oh there’s co oh there’s cobblestone in here there here here’s cobblestone for you to do it because there was something stop breaking these i need to start

Getting production going if i want to get your [ __ ] going taking these peppers i’m taking the feathers yeah i’m a genius oh i accidentally knocked the painting down so what are we gonna do in the mage tower uh that’s gonna be where our it’s gonna be where the uh

Another portal yeah uh no that’s gonna be where our channel yeah our enchanter agenda will be at the very top sorry i’m distracted i actually knocked the [ __ ] painting off the wall so i’m trying to get our tv back sorry i accidentally knocked the painting off the wall so i’m trying to

Get our tv back all right operation smells uh absolute [ __ ] ridiculous quantity of star is underway all right awesome i’ve picked up almost a full inventory worth of stone on the head and back my [ __ ] smelters better still be there god damn it oh there oh there good cause i’m using them to

Produce the charcoal i’m gonna need are you gonna use any other materials or just uh stone bricks uh for now just probably that okay you all on your way back yep the bridge makes this a lot quicker well i don’t get lost and i’m not in danger because it’s high off the ground

I’m in danger draw me to sleep and turn it today i’m not actually working on it uh what you doing what what you doing i’m sorry i was just putting stuff in chests i needed to get rid of my garbage okay that was the best i could do on the tv

I’ll fix it later i’ll do it later don’t worry about it we need to figure out how big we need the bookshelf section or bookshelf thing to be because we need to figure out because that determines how big d mage tower is going to be we could just expand it at the top

No it needs to be like a uniform thing and then it’s like i have a glass big glass roof i don’t know why i’m doing hand gestures because you can’t see me i usually expand it when i’m done my towers ah you don’t expand at the top you start

With the uniform size at the bottom and then you just go straight up ah then you get like a mushroom shape no that’s disgusting think of the property value a giant [ __ ] [ __ ] doesn’t add to the property value think about it it doesn’t it really doesn’t what wizard doesn’t

Want a giant phallic symbol that’s why we build towers you need a big phallic symbol when you’re a wizard could just increase your own genitalia size that’s not the point anyways i would make the tower at least 10 like because we don’t want it just to be big enough

For the room for that i would probably make it at least a 10 by 10. but i’m making it like a uh like i’m trying to try to make it circular too yeah you can make it semi-circular here i’ll show you where where’s the wall because well it’s easier to break

Uh we’ll be in the animal drops uh chest can you get rid of this block of obsidian please in the middle of the middle of the living room fine give me give me like 10 seconds is it like 30. give me some wool okay you haven’t found it you haven’t found it yet

No i’m still reading signs yeah all right are you going don’t worry about it do not put obsidian in my bedroom i will go make my own diamond pickaxe to break it if i have to okay out put up a sign that says no [ __ ] right here

Nice man we have a lot of wool let’s go sleep i want to do it at daytime we have that plus there’s another 23 sitting in the chest all right let’s go plan this out outside it should be good that big i think that’s a bit big i’m thinking like we stopped here

Give me half a stack of wolf hold on Like this is only what are you doing so we do that then we go like boom boom boom how many is that five let’s start with a square then we can round it out what do you got rid of all of it start with a square and round it out

It was fine two three four five and then you go one two three four My square isn’t a square it’s a rectangle yeah cause you’re an idiot so this is what i was gonna do don’t god damn it shane hold on one two three five i already had a perfect design i have to make it a square mat

Must be a square see how do you like it [ __ ] must be a square man one two three four five you know that we’re still isn’t working let’s both build our own towers well then i need more wool here you take a full stack i’ll get my own

Here i can give you the cheers to go cheer them i was actually gonna go chop wood real quick and get more wood for charcoaling i’ll be back you work on your tower i’ll make a tower coming out of my room and you make a tower coming out of your room

No we’re not doing that yeah we’ll have two towers it’ll be great we only need one two towers matt yeah that movie sucked it’s a great movie i’ve seen it i’ve never seen it what see an order any of them that’s that’s can’t be true 100 true

There has to be a lie no one alive who hasn’t seen ward of the rings uh i’m alive but i haven’t seen it can’t be true that’s impossible where did you go i’m out in the woods chopping wood do you know how much wood we have not enough we have totally enough come

Back to the house and i’ll show you too busy i’m trapping wood also i think this is the way i i would like the thing now let’s each build our own tower it’ll be great not having two towers i can build what i want i can feel what

I want well then do it away from my house that i have built this whole time you know what maybe i will maybe you should it’ll be great blackjack shut up spider no that’s the observation point we already i didn’t even use i didn’t even use it

So that’s the this is what i’m thinking for the tower if you break it i swear to god three four five six eight nine so it’s only one shorter than what i proposed okay so this is what i’m i’m suggesting like this is just the shape i’m

Suggesting we i didn’t need to do it rectangle for a square first and then [ __ ] up and make it a rectangle like you did but this is what i propose and if you’re fine with that i will but i’m putting an insane where’s more wood in the wood in the unprocessed wood chest

God the top chest up there there’s crap loads of wood so also i made a list of things that i’m gonna add to the house yep you and your lists so we’re gonna do a brick fireplace in the basement we’re gonna have a nether portal room in the sub basement the mine

Entrance will also be in the sub basement i’m gonna have a rooftop terrace to eat lunches and stuff on we have our mage tower and then we’re gonna have a map wall in the basement excuse me why are there carrots over here shane hold on where are you i’m over at your thing

Yeah we have a clearly defined carrot and potato side and you had carrots over here on this corner they just go where they go not that complicated this is about growing a [ __ ] lot of them well we have a clearly defined separation so stop and this can all be beats up here

Because uh there yeah we don’t really we don’t really need beats for anything as far as i can tell but we need a we need at least a small beat farm to be consistent yep also you need to get a hoe because oh you get beaten

We can use gold to make golden carrots yeah do we need golden carrots for anything i think it’s used for some potions okay yeah i i accidentally [ __ ] that up so you should fix that whatever all right you’re gonna use the wall to start getting work on your tower i’m not

Using a wool i’m going to go and use the stone bricks well i would lay down the foundation with the wall because it’s easier to break but yeah then build on top of it all right well once this donut charcoal is done being made then i’ll switch to making actual stone

One austin i’m still gonna make my own tower though just to say [ __ ] you not at our house shane there’s nowhere there’s no entrance to it this isn’t coming out of my room i’ll make it come out of my room no it’s not coming out of my room of

My room the secret one no in my house up here no that’s not your bed this isn’t attached to my bedroom shane these aren’t specifically for our bedrooms yeah i’ll make the tower just come out of like right here no you’re like right here to go straight

Up no we’ve got a very specific layout going i designed the house i’ll put it up truthfully like right over to the side if then going to build a tower build it somewhere else i’ll build it on that giant [ __ ] off mountain we have over there then

Sure as long as i don’t have to look at it man it’ll be outside of your no i have to build outside of your room so you can see it to piss you off that’s the whole point of building this tower build it out in the lake that’ll be cool

A lake tower just to [ __ ] with you i have work to do you have work to do yep and that work is [ __ ] moving how about you go looking for diamonds That’s what i did last episode now i’m going to build a tower probably a square tower so like squares six why are you so obsessed with making your own tower it’s never gonna get you you’re making a tower like how did i make a towel i’m making a tower for both of us

Uh i don’t know i like building towers also well you can help with this one also it’s going to take twice as long to make our two towers if you exactly it’ll be great if you’re so gung-ho on making all this uh stone getting all this stone

Yeah most of all if you probably give it more stone yeah i just popped another opinion six and there we go boop i need a pickaxe i ended up having to go six so it was symmetrical but so it’s gonna be even bigger than you originally wanted all right

Well let’s get rid of this wall well i i was going to get a pickaxe and i didn’t realize you were here so don’t worry i have a diamond pickaxe i’ll get rid of this do it to this too no it’s not necessary but i do need

And now i need it this way i’m out of pickaxes you broke your diamond yeah i was kind of using it to mine before ran out of it really quick yeah no [ __ ] i’ll be right back all right though i made a bunch of bread and stuff and put it in the house

Fine i’ll help you build your tower but i’ll build the tower later oh my god maybe it’ll be one of my secret houses that won’t be very secret because it’s gonna be a giant giant [ __ ] off tower going into the sky i might even use creative mode just to make it go quicker

No creative mode i can do whatever i want i’m the god of this world three four five six and then if you’re going to be allowed to use creative mode then you need to give me the option too because that’s only for secret houses though that’s not for actual let’s play i know

I’m making secret houses too shane i have plans matt he’s dead there we go you were gone though not sure all right let’s um let’s take a break here because i’m at 55 minutes all righty i’m at like 30. yeah i know i was recording for a while before you got here yep

So come back to the couch chain are we doing that yeah it’s on our mini tv but you know a mini very long tv anyway all right we’ll see you guys by the way i bet i can uh custom pictures if we wanted to i’m sure we could do that i’m going to

Add some custom pictures and not tell you oh lord i have some really nasty pictures i can put up too why this would be great i don’t have to censor those out in post right who says it’ll be that kind of nasty i mean it is going to be now

Would be great i look about to do that right now actually we’ll see you guys next time next time bye

This video, titled ‘Working on the Mage Tower [GeekSource Plays Minecraft Episode 16]’, was uploaded by Geek Source on 2021-05-18 21:30:01. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:01 or 2221 seconds.

Follow Matt and Shane as they carve out a home in the hostile world of Minecraft!

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    Minecraft Mod's Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring! In the world of Minecraft, a horror mod we explore, With GuitarisHere, we’re ready for more. Cave dweller, The Aether, The Knocker, all in play, The Man From the Fog, creeping our way. Voice Chat mod adds to the thrill, As we navigate, with nerves of steel. Two weeks since our last upload, a delay, But fear not, more content on the way. Like and subscribe, show some love, For Minecraft adventures, high above. Stay tuned for more, don’t be shy, In the world of gaming, we reach for the sky. Read More

  • “Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!” #minecraft #meme

    "Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!" #minecraft #meme “Traps in Minecraft: the original ‘watch your step’ game since 2009. Avoiding them is a timeless struggle, just like trying to resist hitting snooze on your alarm clock every morning.” Read More

  • Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft!

    Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft! Minecraft: Efekan Gets Muscular and Defeats Evil Creatures!😱 In the bustling city, evil creatures have arrived with the aim of seizing a hidden laptop. However, Efekan is determined to stop these creatures. His muscles are so strong that the creatures can’t even stand against him. Popular Minecraft Videos For those who love Minecraft, check out some of the most beloved videos: EN SEVİLEN MİNECRAFT VİDEOLARI Support the Channel If you want to support the channel, consider joining: Kanal Katıl Contact Information For any inquiries, reach out via email: [email protected] Disclaimer Important: All videos are purely fictional. The characters depicted… Read More

  • Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP

    Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP Minecraft Adventures: Exploring Wind Breaker SMP Introduction In the world of Minecraft, adventures await at every turn. Join Fahim and his friends as they dive into the Wind Breaker SMP server, where creativity knows no bounds. Fully Automatic Wheat Farm One of the highlights of their journey is the creation of a fully automatic wheat farm. Watch as they master the art of farming in Minecraft, showcasing their ingenuity and teamwork. Check out the video here. Exploring SMP with Friends Venturing into the SMP world with friends adds a whole new dimension to the Minecraft experience. Witness the camaraderie… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded – Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!

    Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded - Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Enshrouded as a Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2024-06-22 18:10:33. It has garnered 23342 views and 1321 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:56 or 1496 seconds. Begin Your Own Adventure in Enshrouded Today: I survived 100 days in Enshrouded as a hardcore minecraft youtuber… Herobrine is back and infecting my whole computer! He managed to escape minecraft and went into a whole new game, corrupting it with his shroud of fog. It’s up to me to stop herobrine and bring him back to minecraft…. Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Terrifying Creepypastas

    Exploring Minecraft's Terrifying CreepypastasVideo Information This video, titled ‘YUK NOBAR CREEPYPASTA TERSERAM YANG ADA DI MINECRAFT! Minecraft’, was uploaded by MOIK on 2024-05-31 14:12:00. It has garnered 15144 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:17 or 6017 seconds. ● Follow my other social media, guys: Instagram ● Donation: For donations, I do not force you to donate because this donation can be for you to give appreciation to this channel and support this channel so that it continues to grow and become even better. Thank you to those of you who have watched this video until the… Read More

  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

    Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sobreviví en MINECRAFT ULTRA HARDCORE (Sin ESCUCHAR el Juego 😨 – El Primer CABALLO) #minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSamael on 2024-01-16 13:00:22. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. My Day 18 inside MINECRAFT HARDCORE.. No audio and some other stuff!! SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE! 📲 SOCIAL NETWORKS 👇 – I: – T: 🔨 MC: Java version 1.16.5 Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

    Ultimate Enchantments Hack - Beginner's Neural AI SetupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hostile Neural Networks – Beginner Guide & Automation Setup | All The Mods 9’, was uploaded by EpicEnchants on 2024-03-24 19:00:07. It has garnered 35334 views and 903 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft All The Mods 9 Guides! 🙌 I will show you the basics of the Hostile Neural Networks Mod in Minecraft All The Mods 9. Also I will share a easy and compact system for a Hostile Neural Network Automation. Have fun! 📌 In this episode, we’ll cover: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Data Model… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24x7Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-02-26 19:11:28. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:55 or 3535 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More


    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys" #glavstroy #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs Boys in minecraft… #glavstroy #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-02 16:30:18. It has garnered 10708 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players… Read More


    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

    Vycital SMPA fun Vanilla Minecraft server for you and your friends to play on! We offer solo survival adventures, factions, and more! Read More

  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More

  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

    NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado🔱NAVY SEALS🔱NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CORONADO”We train for war and fight to win…”——————————————————–⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

    It’s like that one friend who refuses to update their phone even though it’s ancient technology. Read More

  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts In Minecraft, lying in bed so real, Creating a cozy spot to feel. VABLOCK shows us how it’s done, In the world of blocks, we all have fun. Crafting dreams in pixelated land, With VABLOCK, we understand. Lying in bed, a simple delight, In Minecraft, we sleep tight. So follow along, let’s build and create, In this blocky world, there’s no debate. VABLOCK’s tutorials, clear and concise, In Minecraft, we find our paradise. Read More

  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

    Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft Nether portals from different hearts leads me to… a whole lot of confusion and lost items in the lava! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

    Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11 Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11: Tôi Và NeyuQ Farm Đồ Cho Cuộc Chiến Thị Trấn Hòa Bình Vs Ghost Wing In the latest episode of Siro’s Minecraft Mega SMP series, the focus is on the intense battle between Thị Trấn Hòa Bình and Ghost Wing. Siro and NeyuQ team up to gather resources for this epic showdown. Teamwork and Strategy Siro and NeyuQ demonstrate excellent teamwork as they work together to farm resources. They understand the importance of preparation in a battle and are determined to emerge victorious. Resource Gathering The duo spends hours collecting essential items such as… Read More