GenericJeff – [Minecraft Dungeons] I PUT ON MY WIZARD ROBE AND HAT [ep 1]

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Yeah they don’t have a text chat in this but if you hold T they have a communication real I don’t know that that makes up for it I’m gonna be real I required D back to the game oh I don’t like that I don’t like that No god I love this so much

All right we go alright this whole time we’re just gonna do recommended power stuff and you’ll see it creep up a difficulty with our fifth mission it will get harder am I not alive anymore what the hell happened hang on oh there it goes sorry twitch changed where put your videos now

When you visit the homepage that’s why I was confused for a moment there Brad we’re gonna get creeped done yeah and you believe it so at level 33 or whatever did you say you were did you beat the game yet no okay recommended level is 27 though meaning is that hard Time to stop villagers our elders new to Minecraft floor cuz I don’t remember that existing by name 114 okay actually no not even 114 I don’t think like Ella Jers the pillagers whenever the heck they added the woodland was this i got armor you already own armor it was just floating there

More armor more armor also you can press tab to bring up a overlay now how cool I know most dungeon crawlers have something like this yeah I’ll see these levels are a bit randomly generated yeah I’ve heard that I like this game Safari it looks awesome I think it another oh it’s weaker we’re going left forwards the right way we’re going left okay especially since I think this has is the fishing rod just like a magnet like what

The hell oh it is it’s a road hog hook why did the cow drop armor it’s fine how many sets of two not know and I am okay with not knowing bro look at that achievement defeat with 50 mobs the pork cow man they didn’t stand a chance

Thing Thing look at us go no ye right going oh there we go Wow a dungeon in Minecraft dungeons who woulda thunk it yay I really don’t know they’re coming out in the wall sphincters hey you can’t make a Boris to reference why not I sure can and a sword

That is better than the one that I have divine sham its cook a transfer between I used salvaged it to get the points back and then you can reapply them okay What all’s I did was push it w supply is here that’s because you don’t move with your arrows oh yeah I mean I didn’t mean to push it you don’t I mean but like I still did it anyway so just just out here no you ping for supplies

Oh hey you probably knew this but I sure didn’t that pressing key is not a quick chat button no it’s the potion button oh yeah also hang on there’s more over here yeah you can hold shift to lock yourself in place an attack yeah just like you

Can in all the other games yeah I didn’t know that I’m told Jeremy motors in at most games though of this style there’s usually no point in doing that I just NAB those arrows accident I have a hundred and eight it’s five here we go we absolutely go

You okay Andrew I’m doing inventory stuff Oh how do i oh I can salvage it right now yeah I could do that on the fly I have reaching and weakening are my sword enchantment options lifting is probably pretty good restores health whatever gives you a portion total of

What the mobs health was as stuff back when you kill it yeah that sounds pretty decent do those enchantments only apply when I kill something with my sword or I believe it’s only when you get to kill with your sword but if it activates you

Can see it over on the left side okay There’s no secrets now back we go Headshot aw dude his body’s twitching just a fertilizer yeah I got those bull physics package and everything there is fall damage not yet there ain’t there was though you talk soon make sense I wish there was more mini-map modes than just on and off are you getting it MD get a

Full map not what I meant I know it’s not what you meant but like when I play a Diablo air sight when I play fated torchlight I usually have the mini-map set to like the super-tiny mode off in the corner but like way the zoomed out you can’t do that here it

Doesn’t seem like as far as I know you can’t I never forgot the key for supplies here is W which one’s okay and we should figure no would be on yeah oh oh yeah going down is fun is it you’ll be revived I mean you can be

Revived but I don’t I don’t know how to feel about how the end they’re reviving timer works Wow when you when someone goes down it quote turns to night and spawns mobs oh it’s Harvey’s yeah but then thirty seconds after that if you don’t revive your teammate there is a phantom that

Starts damaging you that gets increasingly more powerful over time if you don’t revive your teammates so it’s sort of an instant death but not exactly feeling lonely you could teleport to your friends I think I’ll eat it now I’m coming hello Maya can you believe it you can also just

Press f two three and four to go to your teammates directly which in this case would just be f – yeah it’ll just automatically start on whoever do I have infinite number this health potion by the way yes I just takes a bit to cool down I could work with that yeah this

Isn’t the main path so we go here I like exploring find the dungeons I mean it’s not my effort if there’s no dungeons it’s just minecraft at that point yeah this is not a dungeon oh serious one this time hey no dude I got 83 emeralds

I got 128 can you believe it well yeah cuz you keep leading the charge a little not that there’s anything wrong with that but you are way in the lead a dungeon no it’s this poor man’s house that we can destroy everything and I dungeon you say supplies that’s it

Oh that was kind of disappointing Pig blown up it’s a look bug yeah I think I just got an axe you got a level seven one with prospector it’s got less damage I think 13 to 20 no this one has ever so slightly more damage on it yeah

Everything has a equipment rating so you know what’s good and not based just looking at the number increased damage gets undead on the X or increase the my chance probably everyone fine I’m gonna ask some so many questions funny Wow there were supplies there there may have

Been no way armor how much armor not enough armor that’s a better armor than the last start where I got can you believe it I was Ward 3 the village imagers brollies urban I have to get my head your stone to help villagers what do I do with this

Right-click now get away I have freed you that deals 200 damage oh yeah I just say with the fact our weapons right now we’re only doing 19 hey long before now now get those lad up here was the potent force applies here that would okay I’ll be right there

I’m exploring the rest of the village before I kill the sheep and he dropped a pork chop where those supplies are there thank why do I hear gas noises gas noises guests oh hey legendary that is not the direction I threw that data I got more armor this time wolf armor wolf farmers

Need i got a unique axe unique is essentially favorite legendary rarity in this ah and as looting on it looter shooter and means I get because I get a consumable chance just like the everyone’s there’s a tiny side shoot down here we haven’t explored yet oh I have the explosives

Awesome hold on to the explosives oh i’ll route up a large group of enemies they’ll throw him rushing be going be long going banana might I add you can hold more than just one thing and TNT on your head oh but it throws them all that

Is spooky to know okay it’s a creeper oh man get rid of him get out of here shadow you’re right come here I come Shadow the Hedgehog I’m not gonna get to use this I don’t think it’s good time out again I’m gonna get it and thing down here oh I

Didn’t expect that to be the end of the mission you but now I think you get a new thing I can okay I think you do after this second mission anyway look at my item all right also after every mission you get a chest like this tutorial

How have I just gotten an item I don’t have on my level 30 I can I got an artifact there’s a mushroom there’s me attack and move speed yeah now we have a blacksmith Oh sick yeah I’ve been chairman points you can just pay him Emeralds and then he’ll

Give you random items rolling crates of odd trail of fire or movement speed loose weed scale me yeah sure you no longer oh I just got a guardian bow well I made this bow useless that I I just dismantle the wrong boat Oh God Gotta go away you I put on my wizard robe and a hat oh this is bitchin oh hell yeah Lobbie chest I found 50 cameras in the lobby oh maybe this is better than my wizard Roman hat I’ll hit do that upgrade goodbye wizard robe and hat walk cowardice I would have thought heated back by now to be totally honest oh well I’ll explore the town then no there’s no map wack I could probably get started on the next mission but I

Don’t know at all if he’ll lose out on experience points are not for it Holy that’s just like a six-block range nice okay that’s we came in it Oh yeah okay so it was go to literally all of them oh I do have to wait for him to accept it oh that’s well The dog won’t attack the dummy’s well that sucks I see what this board was letting you – oh okay cool you’re finally back oh you just dive off the cliff well we default to it well let me go to a default one oh I literally my choices are default to a default three for every area we have not

Been to yet okay I just don’t get a cutscene thanks oh wait I just saw you in the cutscene uh-huh run it around I’m going hey goodbye oh just immediately a rank 10 pickaxe Yiii dude from trading with the villager you forgot I got a legendary armor on nice you know I don’t think I’ve actually had a legendary armor it’s actually pretty baller so it I gained speed after I dodged whatever that means 35% damage reduction 30% bonus melee

Damage it is it unique or what rarities it’s unique and you said that was legendary ow you get it by basically heart no the shadow Bru mine you hope it felt I saw that mushroom really swing fast don’t worry I’ll mine the spawner I of course just hate it

Infinite XP firemen what a crossbow yeah those are bows that instead of having a damage range of like low damage if you don’t charge a high damage if you do charge it there’s somewhere in the middle and they don’t require charging I actually have two crossbows and they’re

Identical oh I understand yeah they don’t require charging but I think they have a bit of a cool-down between shots ah no you’d be wrong I mean if it’s a rapid crossbow then maybe not choo choo choo yeah I found my new favorite weapon so far does it have an enchantment that’s

Chance on his wiped out cuz if it does Hey amy has a chance to set it into a rage making a hostile towards everyone poison cloud has a 30% chance that some of the poison cloud that deals damage to Damian in the area for three seconds I’m gonna get that on this unless the other crossbow has different champions it does

Fire your shot also fires a second shot at a nearby enemy bonus shot bonus shot do I love borsch or Pudge boot boost boosts era pushback we get bonus shot that sounds awesome bonus shots ignore the ignore these there you go you went up I don’t even see that we can

Go up supplies no there are no holy oh you know we need to get now what’s that if we need to find a rapid crossroad with accelerate on it oh yes please I don’t know what that does but yes please every attack increases attack speed I agree wholeheartedly and the red

Arrow keeps stacking you stop every shot becomes of firework yeah that is awesome the enchantments get insane I thought it was supposed to be a low chance though to bonus shot this is like every arrow is a bonus shot that’s awesome yet no you just get bonus shot if an

Enemies nearby lady boner shot happens all the time are we able to get arrows inside of town no it’s part of the dr. Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff chip chip chip chip chip chip do your hunter armor increases how many arrows you get I don’t have hunter

Armor but then also the ammo stat on your bow oh yeah no dude I literally these things are giving me 250 per pickup yeah with the rapid bow that’s awesome also you took my arrow bundle yeah that’s fine you don’t need it thank you changer get out I am speed

Now uh he hurts okay I can hit them through the door with my glaive I tried doing like everything to get away from him edge I think I just made the next part of this map now it voice with my biggest weapon Oh game you keep telling me that

I’m feeling lonely yeah it really does want you to be like at the hip with your buddies out oh I can’t even go that way my bones hurt my bones they’re on fire strength potion I really and now I really want to see a rapid crossbow with about his shot and

Accelerate I agree oh hey Anna Booker yeah hey he’s gonna die now let me get my oh no yes let me get my death cap and just uh let me get over here wait what’s that awesome pigs microphones is a fair and balanced game heal yourself I’m dead oh there we go

It’s not bad thank you chest daggers dagger seem like they’re useless at the moment here let’s take a moment real quick to recuperate before walking forward and by recuperate I mean I’m gonna check out my inventory oh you need the hunters armor with recycler if you’re gonna be spamming the boat every

Oh wait recycler is that when you get hit by projectile okay dude I have armor that gives me a pet bat when I wear it you I don’t know that makes it wasn’t wearing them then he gives you damage boosts the pet no the armor oh yeah well I mean really

There any damage boost to be fair oh wait can I get multiple enchantments on the same item you need to have ones in different slots also I started the fight back accident help all right I’m coming kind of title Roku please stop moving so I can there we go

I will mind the life out of you ow get have got out we already probably know that he came is just blowing us into a false sense of security oh is it now a little okay I’ll take your word for it cuz you’re way farther the game that I am obviously maybe I’m

Gonna put the crossbar on rest for a moment I that’s the end of the mission all right no I want to have fun with rapid crossbow I don’t know if I’m allowed to give you items but I think I have another cross bite it in savage yet

You you can’t but I want to have fun with it Oh fair enough I got a better fireworks arrow I got a textbook a harvester siphons the souls of the Dead before releasing them into a cluster of a powerful hex other our mister yeah yeah that gives you the

Soul meter because you need something with so I was thinking to use the soul meter it’s essentially your mana but you get it from killing enemies okay only things that need souls will use them makes sense a great hammer I got a trick beau hit some multiple targets the trick beau is

Sword thank God I got a scatter crossbow scatter all right it makes me it makes like music notes when you hit things with it yeah oh this blade is actually starting the one I have can you hear this too yes and I don’t like that I can What does this have one it has bonus shot fourth arrow radiance shot has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies in it bruh I might be using that very well could be worth holding odds you know see here’s the thing though I think it’s around the

Projectile not you oh maybe that’s less useful yeah I’m gonna just scrap it let’s do a thing and creepy crypts okay that location we unmarked I’m down this is a really big map just so you’re aware okay I’m down I like big maps and big big meaty maps

Now I thought there’d be a cutscene we’re just in creeper woods again I’ll just start anyway and then we have to go through the Crypt and then exit out Cooper woods look how big it is Jesus Christ yeah yeah I have been webbed you know genuine question can we

Teleport to people who are down I don’t know I’m not gonna we think we go down though to find that out because I was gonna say we could split up but I don’t want to know what happens if I can’t when we when we split up and one of us goes down yeah

Totally understandable splitting up side a bad thing I just dunno if all earn the same XP as you if we’re not together so far our XP is meeting is exactly the same I don’t know if it’s a Grange space or anything I don’t either that’s more my concern than anything

I know that room format like up ahead up on those yeah forward there that’s a thing with like three rooms of looting it all right openings but did oh and then enemies show up all right I’ll do with the enemies I guess hunters armor whoa there’s a big lad with an axe careful

There’s a there’s an axe – maniac thank God armor fancy that I got a sword seems like this place drops on a lot of items yeah and what I’ve seen when you’re done doing whatever it just teleport the ring okay as I’m I already heading back

So I got some hunters armor that I then put cowardice on so whenever I have a cowardice on I do a biblical ton of damage now is the thought process 20% 20% plus 30% is 50% unless it’s not additive how do you just have two things

Of T and get a third one do it 13 yeah and I’m never gonna spend it so that means you can’t shut up I think he’s a really dead drop we made Hiroshima two on that spider TOS I don’t know I don’t I touched his countin that made skeletons there’s a

Lot of skeletons okay thanks woot oh that’s how that works okay oh it’s just Naoki around you how many of your souls do they use uh not many I don’t know how to tell how many I have cuz it’s just a mirror well I meant like percent of Joy’s I didn’t pay

Attention okay I see oh yeah I’ve literally tried to build a rapid crossbow build except the I’m running out of arrows pretty quickly we need a hunter’s armor with recycler and then is that an inch oh yes and then we need a rapid crossbow with accelerate and then we’ll win I got this

I don’t like hearing your bow make piano noises I’m not gonna lie it’s fine level up apparently every level you get more max HP yeah what the do you think the levels were for just the enchantment points I mean fair enough it is a Minecraft game like to be honest There’s a villager statue here an image I use is about having fun comfort okay give or take Half feels correct anyway skeleton skeleton Skelly Melly oh all my scatter crossbow bolts become rockets yeah I should not have taken that all our arrows are belong to me you understand you loot now I’ve just add a range of the loot here we go I got a pickaxe what’s on

That pickaxe 26 static melee damage like forever and always what sharpness no no no the pickaxe it’s just a static 26 value damage there’s no range on here I mean it does pretty good damage we got to go back and around okay I use the end of this hole don’t think

I’ll be using it we go alright we’re to collect that taught all of a thousand emeralds hmm or skeleton or why is it showing again for me I know it’s slightly different than the last time okay what’s going up and around I might on my

Map I see a treasure chest a way off to the side yeah we got to go down and around Arbor but it was Ju stand against me item beams on the minimap oh is that what that one or on the overlay map yeah hay bale and loudly maybe you’d like to

Teleport to your friends ow no we go other way okay other way first oh it’s other way we’ll get to loot what reaching clear clear no does that mean clear no out off I used my rapid crossroad I’ll push the enemy off a cliff okay this sort over there for me long

Live the king yay button off don’t you dare answer don’t you dare Andrew nope anything alone don’t worry I’ll nuke the place you’re not wrong whatsoever oh yes warden I got a bow again like the gamers are really pushing me to be an archer Brother what brother but button new pinch o Yahweh I could also new to be hand round up with enemies brighten up the enemies I want to kill them all with my thing no I gotta be a heck is their boss at the end of this mission

No oh but I want to use my soul charge to just go he don’t look brother i sward that sword better than mine lutenist a brother rampage as a 30% chance the seminal lightning strike the deals damage didn’t here by enemies yeah it’s a Chain Lightning yeah that’s a really weird sounding

Enchantment knuckle why if you get that on I think oh I got recycler you get recyclin hunter over yes Oh Sal the alarms we’ve achieved peak now when you get hit for every however many projectiles you may come Eric wicker out of it it’s just damaging projectiles in general it

Doesn’t have to be air every 30 arrows I get some back you know you get like one consumable worth yeah I think all right this Arbor will outlast all the other armors lest I get another one with recycler on it right you’re going the right way

Yeah I keep opening up the map just to check alright careful of the blocks they fall and I went across the entire bridge without a single block falling so and I stepped them all of them that go apparently open gates my wolf is almost dead brother load a

Pickax fire aspect or echo on a pickaxe now actually a pickax got really low damaged everyone big map huge map oh the size of this man do you love the way that this map looks like a map I got the button right here you know it now and you you have the

Thing about of souls did it another pickaxe Jesus Christ well the area’s only have they think like a five deal committed deal increase damage it gets already wounded it means you another button here a Buddha trying to teleport you what the they start shoot at me before I even loaded it all

The way yeah don’t worry about it go down the last objective would go down okay dude I feel like we’re gonna beat the game at this right before I got a word no we’re on a side mission right now and there’s like five more at least but then also there’s you

Know more playthroughs to go through yeah which have bigger and better loot including room you can’t find him the other ones at least if that’s what the description tells me there’s a narrow bundle on here give supplies here bro thank you thank you brother I haven’t seen recycler activate

Yet you gotta get hit also it is 34 Gentiles yeah but I’ve definitely fired more than 30 at this point you need to get hit by 30 is that it’s a verbage yeah get hit by damaging projectiles then make a quiver out of it Oh big see that’s slightly different than what I

Thought the enchantment had said for some reason got the pig could you don’t what skeleton I’m in my inventory trying to work with I’m being shot to bed no you’re currently fine currently there is a man points and recycler my recycling build will be complete and I will become the

Best trash compactor that ever existed what I’m coming hey God supplies your brother brother I hear you have the bow that goes shoot you shoot oh wait I want to get by those shoot me oh yeah something I didn’t know the more soul the more items that requires souls

That fetter the soul gathering again yeah Andrew no no no Andrew I am farming Edgar you’re distracting one of my men I’m sorry I wanted to loot thank you but I also oh look at that okay I got right as I got it you killed them so you

Did say that uh trading is not a thing in this game correct no that’s unfortunate it’s a boat that has it has accelerate on it but it’s not a crossbow or rapid crossbow I’d rather do infinity oh wait if we get accelerate and infinity on yours that’d be even better

I my crossbow looks like it only has one slot for enchantments unless I’m mistaken not how I only ever seen in one or two slots I haven’t seen a third one I mean there is the option for three yeah I have yet to see a item in general

Have a third one yet gadget so I’m assuming you knew that’s later playthroughs or just really rare I feel like you got your so handled pretty okay down there look brother and the narrow bundle arrows Oh what is this that’s a diamond sword oh that’s it is this has two enchantment slots on it yeah now it does less damage than my glaive however does it yeah my you I

Mean like the hipper hit however it’s got more enchantment slots on it therefore I will wear it and it should have a orange effect yes it’s orange effect is more extra damage oh yeah okay poison cloud rampaging or thundering thundering okay on the second enchantment slot chains smiting or

Committed o dó smiting so I think it’s just undead though yeah but smite probably the most of the things you’re gonna be finding is undead I was like that’s zombies and skeletons yeah yeah fair enough okay I actually don’t have the enchantment points to put

On to that yet so when I do I will by the way sometimes you can find more powerful enchantments what do you mean by find if you hover over the ability to get an achievement in enchantment some no usually there common but you can find ones that are powered push them in God I love this game already big map big a map another skeleton buddy Oh apparently getting shot by spiderwebs counts towards the recycling yeah it’s damaging I didn’t realize that just a super baggy to get shot by arrows I’m assuming you got hit by a spider and

Then you recycled ya supplies it was just a vase that had emeralds oh so there’s no supplies gotcha I do like the little tight it was like a little like piano sound effects on it This is good game so far yeah the first way to get arrows get up stairs get him I’m going oh yeah they do you just need better armor that’s what it sounds like it’s Josh I’ve got my health right now yeah I see your health right now drink a

Potion I can’t it’s uncool Oh Andrew eat the bread eat the apple – I ate the apple sorry thank you I’ve meant to point it out to you not consume it for you there you get down mr. president all right visits the whole dungeon explore now basically

Are you telling us to leave the place because isn’t that or not is that not our objective no we need the tow but to get the tome it’s telling us to leave but oh wait I see the other marker way up towards the top of the banner this particular area gives me conniptions

Thursday you see the video doing pacifist Dark Souls 3 no I didn’t want to take an hour long the first skip took him like three days Wow that’s commitment love brother we got this leave of the crypt return the slab August boys are there boys oh okay good brother

Waiver we hold up the chests open 19 out of 18 excuse me wait where are you seeing that we got we got everything in here Wow we even got a bonus one we’re gonna get the secrets right not that way I’m dumb we go to the door I was telling us

To go to before get over here oh it’s not over yet okay yeah now we have to exit quick forwards again Jesus Christ this this level goes on forever not that I’m entirely complaining I do like getting Luton experience what ya explored now mr. Krabs sacrifice whoo I think that missional load took

Like 30 minutes I sure did become the strength boy yeah how did I hit a hundred and six projectiles boots of swiftness am I getting things on here that I don’t have on my other character I think so Wow a better-tasting poem you say a better-tasting bow tasty bone the thing

That summons the dog that I’ve been using okay there’s so many not boss weapons I got a bow that marks enemies for attacked for my pets whatever that means you know make it so that that’s it’s hard to be focused um I’ll be back for a

Shorter amount of time this time I swear okay I don’t believe you what you heard me all right I think it’s time to put no Nick no no you will not no no no nitrogen oh I didn’t even know you were in the channel no I just I

Was waiting for you to say something I joined oh my god dude have you been watching us actually play no but the echo in here in a wack oh well mute my stream so there’s no echo yeah no like literally I decide that you you were streaming is like whom

Thank you screw with him yeah I was I really I wanted liliane to website this has like a list of all the worst I start with water and nitrogen I thought it would be funny okay I feel like where to meet a tradition every times he is true

And is gonna come and say random n-word fair enough okay Nick hello you came here to say nitrogen a Jew I got I got a not a hunter male but I got a reinforced male that has recycler on it so how does the game it’s really good in my opinion it’s

Pretty good it’s like better Diablo that’s a hot take but it’s in my opinion better Diablo my main question is can use like your actual minecraft skins or you kind of just stuck with what they give you’re stuck with like the pre gen stuff that they have yeah they met a

Certain cool dude earlier while AJ was afk the first time at the merchant I literally bought a wizard robe and a hat so this game was like a 10 out of 10 already mm-hm I’m still buying loot brother I just sold up all the loot that I had

Bought so you know oh hey another highlight next dude I can’t get that’s decent it’s annoying me you’re gonna find it food reserves but you also create food I’m not gonna get that but that sounds pretty no or pretty no for the future help health for health more health

All right I’m good to go I’m not hanging out I used all my money money okay now I am ready to go now that I’ve literally got nothing good whatsoever this whole time like I I’ve found to like legendary status items make like the highest rarity savingly and both times they’ve

Just been mediocre at best the diamond sword I have in my hands is one of them honestly that’s kinda how it is when I play like any looter game is I’ll get a high quality STOVL be worse than like a purple eye finding the ground like a second player yeah if we’re

Talking specifically Borderlands that’s because some weapons have lower damage they compensate for their effect no I know though just like those rip all right we just heard a mission if you actually want to watch us play on your stream be yeah yes they’re like any like actually like oh no like just authority

This or is this guy oh yeah no there’s a story meaning the the images captured the villagers go save them you know there was a small a small villager boy and then no one liked them even though I just wanted to be friendly because it was the ugliest we’ll take him he was

The ugliest particle in the end and now he’s like the egg the grand Ark wizard or whatever also I sawed off my rapid crossbow for a heavy crossbow and I wasn’t yeah and I went from 400 arrows to 220 yeah so that’s a bit based on the

Damage they scale you know how much you start of and getting from bundles did not realize that here I’ll summon the dog oh oh this boots made me go fast oh you are flying Andrew you’re gonna die again it’s fine no I don’t think so well what is the

What don’t see the way that it wasn’t animating crank Li that was weird human I should not be here yeah let me lead my armor has damage reduction on it uh Christ I knew you wanted slight delay you know between like watching it like and you’re hearing

Any talk in this stream I hear I shouldn’t be here in this room like a second leg hey I just seen death yeah that’s happening like all tonight it’s been pretty funny honestly holy get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here I

Need my potion back thank you give me give me give me give me the Apple Foley hell I got I had a real quick Nick I’ve got to say because I’ve already said it to be like everybody it’s really weird seeing minecraft in Unreal Engine 4 oh I

Bet literally one hit point yeah the reason Mike this room Li literally really wanted himself oh twitch will have like a little hiccup every now and then that’s not me that is little bit twitches yeah yeah I know I figured hey Andrew there a slime fell through the

World how do I shoot at it now a good question I don’t know thing did it fall through the world it did it’s underneath the grass oh okay you can’t go in the swamp waters mess Wow don’t worry about it he’s just chillin oh those arrow bottles are only worth

Five now she’s crazy uh-huh your power and ammo skills go accordingly yeah I figured like I’m not surprised I’m just saying like I’m surprised a nice thing about how did you get this one yet that we have not I mean your sword does the lightning thing why

Not drop some mobs or do it yeah that’s a good point it is it’s not enough to kill it I can’t even hit it away book here throw the TT over here okay yeah you know you make a good point yeah you guys are really hell been just doing

That one slide yeah multiplied into two what’s worth experience points quick more TNT where is it now I got a scatter crossbow you know you get to hear piano sounds again now now actually though yeah owl stop bullying me what I mean by being now see it’s the witch Bruce no

There was also a diamond Vindicator so where’s the last proof it’s over here got it check out them piano noises I don’t get why these crossbows make piano noises but I enjoy it though I’ve gone forward I have actually wait I shouldn’t because I know what’s gonna show up here

Yeah wait for me yeah now we go and we both get to suffer I think I can’t wait to see this probable mini-bosses gonna kick your asses ed we’ve only had one bond so far no we had two of ochres oh I was counting the really big like giant

Hulking lad oh yeah huh oh I almost killed my dog never thought about this misery I guess Old Yeller style okay I can’t don’t mind me oh I hear him can we come over here here come that boy all right no he’s probably up over there hurry up over here with you yep

There is they have glazed in this game yeah they’re super long and they’re super slow but they do a good amount of damage was that bad for my craft at some point this isn’t the first time they’ve had stuff that isn’t in Minecraft in games like story mode did how did he go

There is now oh the fishing pole has no effect on him blow him up it’s fine I picked up an enduro I put on my wizard Roman hat oh did you get unique armor from him I did neat I wish I could have received sanity Carver it’s got really shitty enchantment slow brah

I’m about to be I’m about to become a fire wizard up in this like my wizard robe in hat only effects on that even uh I can tell you in a minute here’s another wizard Roman hat different ways are open head well I wouldn’t use the ender one I just I like

The color blue thank you also between the two colors it’s like slightly shifted on my body bias like a pixel nice anyway the red one is 82 health burns nearby enemies 25% artifact cooldown and 25% movement speed aura but the enchants on it are literally ass why what’s on it

Potion barrier thorns and cowardice potion barriers pretty good when you use your health potion you get 90 percent damage reduction not–they of the one red rope reminds me of what’s that you know that one right a weeb check they keep on saying memes Megaman no the explosion girl yeah that’s her I only

Know heard that because of how much I’ve seen it weed not me we abou not the actual show you know what I mean same as you oh wait the blue wizard robes andrew have recycling on them oh and they have they have to actually they have health

Synergy thorns and slot-2 they have a surprise gift and recycler i think we’re gonna come back to the recycling idea cuz i don’t really have a good weapon for that anymore yeah you kind of just did scrap all of your stuff oh yeah that too I’m trying to like give myself

Better at the moment see I didn’t know that the world actually gave you movespeed but what if you took off your wizard rope at head god I love twitch chat sometimes man yeah speedy boy that would become the beginning of a very perverse D&D endeavour no wasn’t that I don’t know

Where it came from originally but I did see that on the tinder subreddit just a dude his opening line was I take off my wizard robe and hat nice a bowling or talking to a real G let’s say you know you’re talking to a real whamming yeah

How’s it going the LAT over the year Houser David yeah you know be a terrible idea whats that streamer and beanie sessions dude I’ve been thinking about that but I feel like I can’t really do that now because of how deep into the lore we are well that impulse that we’re just all

Idiots there is also that yeah and I feel like someone would try to rules lawyer as and then it would just become really annoying yeah we think about it like this you know like that really popular was a critical role yeah they break those kind of the rules that

All the time people still love them the only people who don’t like them are TG just because you know I will burn him to death I who succeeded and one burning Amanda yeah with my aura three damage a chick yeah no I hope you’re all ready for a Kyle Kyle he’s

Gonna be my next D&D character oh boy yeah Burke all right we were talking about about it Kyle The Alchemist obsessed with making the perfect the perfect shield potion is that just choose our girl no it’s like a Kyle from like real life oh I was

Talking about a scarf guys i think kevin has multiple many different flavors of twitch accounts I think this is Kevin that’s weird also we didn’t say we would be coming at hour ago we said you gave me a range of times that you would like to go okay I

Actually forgot that uh this is what I put my name is a tell I sent something in chat makes sense I was going to roll with it but that I decided that at some point I would like to go get my cards in my monies yeah but you did say that it

Would probably better to go closer to close is there it’s very true very true I can’t even take you right now anyway because my parents out the car nice they well they went to go there I think they went to Normandy is what my mom said

Because they went on a walk I threw that TT way too far it’s fine you know I just love you say here listening to say things and then watching it happen a few seconds later yeah yeah no it was great like only one time like twitch just absolutely lagged

Out with me like five seconds behind do is hilarious think I’m like oh I’m like I’ll come be like oh boy I can’t wonder what they up this time am I feeling lonely no yeah I really don’t like how this game when you’re not the host every couple of seconds after

You’re too far away from the host it’s just like feeling lonely push this platinum become not lonely warm to your friends can only be health with Andrew is speed yeah he literally just has speed yeah I have so I put it on my armor so every time I roll I can speed

But then also I have it apparently these boots of swiftness they give me like the giant speed boost they only have like a five-second call down okay diamond chest lutes brother my wizard robe and hat but again what if you took off your whisper man dude you’re like a tinder date don’t

Give Kevin ideas I already promised not to do anything to you on the camping trip also what’s that the chickens following you guys around it it is a hero edition we got a little pet that follows us hey yeah I think it’s purely cosmetic okay but it’s nice Nick are you

Going to be joining Luke Max and I for some character discussions yeah oh god yeah no we’re all making our character so it’s either gonna go really badly or are you making anyone yeah no of course okay no but at this point we’re having raged out into the world

Oh no you went to the cauldron fight alone rage is going out into the world rage shadow legends this is the first boss the Hecht me up oh yeah Andrew did you hear what happened to our first two D&D thing no I have not basically my my character got a sudden

Time so they’re kind of out for a few key rounds and the rest of the party went on without me God Jones by a bunch of lizards got almost got TP Kade that my kid I also didn’t realize my character was unfrozen cuz it’s like okay I’ve been here for

Like a couple couple rounds I’m gonna be frozen it for a while because like Jason said oh you know Jason was like you know like I’m not to be unfrozen until they come back so it’s just like oh you know I want to be here while I’m gonna go do

Some stuff like I love they went and folded laundry oh hey Jason would you like to explain to Nick the mechanics of what was happening No so basically and you will not I don’t like you crazy to me every time they hit you you guys got the poison even more essentially they

Got a random extra to their attack dice every around it just so happened but he likes to roll hi hmm and we like to roll oh yeah I don’t think I rolled above a 10 that entire game yeah you guys were rolling kind of and you beat it I was

Beating him but just for some perspective Nick apparently there AC was 15 I hit them once they got the pitch out in a corner here yeah but no and anyways after that it was basically 80 almost a TPK cuz max roll max character like I actually full-on died like failed like she the

Rolls and everything it’s almost dead was bleeding some arrows and my character was kind of there alone I was just like how our party’s gone why don’t we do a reset I just beat Kevin Kevin character off this night get up get up get up I’ll be honest like

I want to do even without like that I can’t want to do it all all right I got a unique glaive I got a unique boat extra zones Lee yeah Jason I’ll be honest I was not a fan of the whole reincarnation thing yeah I figured

Nobody would be me luke and Max and Kevin totally seem like they were down with that idea I didn’t dislike it it’s just that it could have been better executed Jason I’m putting on my wizard hat and robes so I will say between three carnation and the dragon fight

From last campaign I would totally prefer the reincarnation yeah main thing I didn’t like is that the fact that like we didn’t get any new stuff was a downside yeah I kind of thought like the whole like jest of us would have been like we’ve got like new like lives but

We’re like kinda like the same souls I feel like if the goddess of time would have rear old our race in class she could have at least gifted us with some weapons be views well she didn’t real our class we all just decided to do some dumb laughs here’s the thing though

With our campaign y’all we’re gonna literally learn why everything happened the way things were happening until some rogue was just like my husband’s the king so now essentially I feel like the main plot is just kind of like forgot at the moment Oh what the hell what it

Disconnected me you still get your dungeon Lou the next time you start okay I’m starting back up that was I’m stuck on the Lord oh hey this doesn’t look normal oh no that doesn’t look normal don’t worry I hit alt and therefore it fixed my issue all right I did start the

Game back in online mode if you would never credit this just don’t like two days from launch yeah hey its Big Mac Big Mac yes one has appeared the chosen one has retained decided it on what level we’re starting at you I have not okay 24 I don’t think

That level exists in D&D technically no oh there are there is a mechanic for going above level 20 hey Jace do you like this game yeah it’s a pretty good game yeah big bag it’s pretty good good harvester scale mail that has recycler on it no one can just go above level 20

Big Macs got spunk I’ll give them that hey Andrew let’s rerun the mission then that has the rapper crossbow on it cuz I feel like it’s time to upgrade my build see what mission that is dude Mac you should have been here earlier before all

My friends showed up into the art chat I had a I had a hunting tunic with recycling on it and I had a rapid crossbow with a multi shot on it I was literally just absorbing ammo and then just decimating entire rooms then I salvaged it hey Jason issue what’s up we

Theoretically don’t have the mission oh I don’t know where the heck you got that thing from but you got one Oh red stone oh that has it yeah okay let’s go okay amides default five no give it try it we’re I am NOT going difficulty it’s not the hardest difficulty actually it son

Was it fine thank you I’m ready to die what this is literally for our dear rating recommendation he where it said that we’re an average of fifteen and this mission is a sixteen yeah thank you we that it means that we should be totally fine for this is that now what

That means no it is now elected to lead not to read number four where the to buy it wait hang on what am i trinkets is missing oh that little thing that I used to summon a dog is just not in my inventory anymore did you salvage

It but I don’t think I did Mackel mags show you can salvage or equip ones that would be what we call unfortunate it sure would be ow edro what why aren’t you moving because I’m doing enchantments this is not the time you’re dying mercenary Armour what happened I want you to go

Back and check to see if I accidentally salvaged my my my ham or whatever it’s called the one that you use to some of the dog Oh your boner Hey look at that wrap a crossbow oh hey look we accelerate does have accelerate on it all right ladies and gentlemen we’re

About to eat her hyperdrive hyper speed only thing that can make it better is another slot that gives it unfortunately it only has what’s life there goes another rapid crossbow okay check this out I’m out of arrows nice do to the other one also has accelerate on it nice I love that

I need all of the arrows now though that’s why you need to recycler and recycler doesn’t exactly do though unless I’m willingly taking hits well if you’re gonna max you get it pretty often yeah yeah wrong but that’s like six enchantment points so I have six enchantment points actually for her to

The floor slap everything onto it now we go oh we’ve got okay we’ve got spawners that’s why yeah I deleted the spotters actually we could use the spiders to farm XP if we drag the enemies away I don’t know how good of an XP method that is but if you want to do

That we can I don’t wanna my bones turn at escala man you don’t know same gun matter arrows again set a fully automatic assault problem you get a rapid crossbow how could you you did Salvage the dog oh I definitely didn’t meet you that

Dog was an integral part of my build how I’ve also missing a trinket now sorry guys this salvaged the dog make nak is very upset with you I’m sorry Mac it was a mistake it was such a mistake I had no idea that it occurred evoker you’re a

Streamer you’re not allowed to make mistakes you I don’t okay wolf farmer you killed a herbert hubert Herbert supplies supplies here splice the supplies here hey I don’t know if you knew this Andrew but their supplies over there yeah Wow Wow now I’m getting arrows to death this would be a

Great time to have recycling everyone I said not to put us on a difficulty above our power it’s barely above our power though don’t care Oh that’d be why we had a gold pillager with a double damage from enchanter ah that explains that one don’t worry I got a fully automatic

Assault crossbow now oh this is bad I completely agree with you now max said it litters don’t deserve the abuse yeah they do otherwise they would be receiving the abuse which is definitely how that works the villagers don’t that’s why we’re saving cylinders can go tech klimpy’s

Salvaging the big boat hang on local streamer kills dogs I mean wouldn’t be the first time yeah be it would not be the first time oh no help no gee that’s some little help you got there yep god damn ice but there’s five more spawn

Dude it’s an XP farm I’m telling you I don’t wanna I also don’t want to go near them is the thing I’m gonna go blow them up now wait another rapid-fire assault crossbow there’s another spawner over here there are like five of them on that

Side edge ooh I don’t have time to deal with yours I love it up holy yeah there’s a lot yeah god damn Aeros sir their supply I do have another tactical nuke inbound if need be add the need is B Oh our help is not very high that’s why you upgrade health

Dum dum that armor for that oh runaway Apple there’s more well here’s our this is only wonderful most partisan many different flavors yes yes very very do is what the mark sales with his sold across the street what is smite smite sir mmm oh wow that was Jim’s

Plane thank your I’m screaming about her what I know Big Mac said don’t level health last be glass cannon and then might is not an MMO smite as Louie like League of Legends it’s doing I got a corrupted beacon good let me get some Souls and

I’ll show you okay who you play dork fool yeah growing the fired shot grows in the air dealing extra damage to the distant targets essentially means that the farther away you are the more damage you gain over distance ah smites a MOBA except just a third-person view yeah it’s it’s literally like over

The shoulder okay I used to play the out of it on PlayStation like Loki actually a decent game I’m sorry I was doing inventory things I got a much better set of wolf armor that’s good to hear man also that’s good to hear that yep armor yeah I have 200

Bullets for whatever the is at the end of the rainbow in this mission is it a leprechaun no I don’t think so enchanter you know I got it I got a getting it out it’s an in-and-out operation fleet it’s never just taken our operation oh I like that I’ll be back the

Whole character creator thing okay I will not come here this stream might still be going on for the character variation now main equity plus oh oh no you are down I am jay-z another card the derp of games use hyper beam it’s not very effective there are rock-type know there are

Ground tighter technically they are a rock-type run amok we’re in mines right now their ground tape Thank You chaser get the ejector get the enchanter thank you bum rush no I didn’t even notice the Tom’s Mac yeah I see that’s because if we total team wipe we have three total

Team lives to respond with yeah you have it’s only when the entire team goes down but you have four chances to come back everybody dies in every level ah I agree entirely with everything you just said there’s an Evo poses as a cool-down you’ll send things your way anyway

Fully automatic assault rifle he’s going up no he never came back oh you’re gonna start Knights gonna start damaging you in 20 seconds I know but I’m also on see what you have achieved is something called in unfortunate circumstances 13 12 11 fine as long as I can it help I’m fine

Where the did the boss fight go good question I uh he’s up top uh he’s got about he went up edger he went up what do we do about that we don’t find him it’s fine you shoot it a real wild to avoid fighting him yeah okay I did

Push way the over there go up and around these people need it because I am his people do you even have punch on that thing or that’s just the crossbow good its Georgie point defeat fifty enchanted mobs Georgia boy a holy the whole the old-school dings you know

How you doing my guy haven’t see everyone is here smash ultimate style also Mac could you clip me watching that bottom to infinity there are you oh you’re done this way fun there are spotters that’s why I choose to revive you oh it’s hate falling there’s our first

Death of the whole hey there supplies yeah that’s the first time we team white they here supplies their supplies dude he reposted the clip of me actually some degree dog dude he just reposted the clip of me salvaging the dog and it’s just lower believer kills

Dog I’m dead I love it applied died because that’s how this game just words chief let’s go red red red red red literally just leave and never come back but I wanted their supplies oh no no and you’d like walk out of the room wait for

Your wait for your potion heal up in the go alley have six more arrows because I watched the boss out of the map here Georgie I’m gonna show you this I literally through the power of my fully automated assault crossbow I watched the boss up and out of bounds he’s over here

He’s still there actually hey I’m down there’s two skeletons no they’re just little boys where the head didn’t have hell I could teleport you while you’re dead good here I come they’re gonna shoot you probably did not mean to shoot my areas why is so let’s up the little boy spawning

In those zombies yeah I mean it spawns stuff all nights happening oh I did not notice that but it literally says night is here mobs are spawning that does mean I noticed their spawner dead thank I do need more air bundles though you see though I need to lodge the next boss

Up and out of bath this is the next boss on I don’t have arrows oh oh no oh quite him anyway predicaments predicaments yeah see that little is the main antagonist I’m at arrows why do I have to boss sparse Joe no oh hey the lie was actually lava

Haha no title started starting to fight off strong yeah same here well why did I roll forward uh-oh Andrew it’s fine use doing whatever you know Jason you seem to be dying a lot I didn’t know better I think you bad at the game no I literally it’s a rollup

But I clicked before rolling so my character rolled back into the phosphate local streamer bad at video games how dare he arrest this man welcome screamer murders helpless animal you take money from the ASPCA alright we’re done here web web web where we where I’d killed the most spiders

How is 3k the least damage taken god damn it Bobby okay better hurts I got a corrupted beacon okay cool I have a slot now to not accidentally salvage still know how I look like a stepdad named Bill he’s build now Bill Nye the Science Guy nice

You don’t recognize them that’s not your lift not our fault Oh what okay it’s like six worst but I have a hundred armor with recycling in a rapid crossbow but it doesn’t have accelerate ah yeah I feel like celery it was a little overkill like a lot overkill I’m gonna keep them

On me but I’m not gonna do anything with them all right I can’t do I can’t buy any more so let’s do the next mission you want to run that one again I want to watch the second boss is the you the EB speakers yeah drew you know the guy

Playing with me the dear Poe games that the ear for games heck yeah I’m gonna use the rapid crossbow nice it’s got a pumpkin pasture I don’t have accelerate so I’m using growing I’m gonna get put the hundreds armor on And I’m not gonna sell it my other one because it’s good and if there’s build dum ya wanna ya back the wolf ever looks night nice at all but it usually doesn’t have any good enchantments on it seemingly I’m in the effects pretty cool Yeah you get 20% more weapon damage and then you get yeah and then your health potions affect other people like that might be useful honestly like later down the road I don’t know about that baked Mac have you ever heard of red shadow legends that looks like pretty cool game

That I’ve heard that it’s pretty good game if that’s not even an RPG though which is exactly this which stream sponsored by wind craft you know it is not that we are not sponsored do not say that that could get me the legal trouble you shut the up right now oh oh

What’s that oh explosive there’s lads up here just doing that to us why did you just make a wall I didn’t actually the game did okay yeah I just said an enemy up here did that Mac said this stream is sponsored by Pokemon go wall magnet could say whatever he was

Because it’s inaccurate do you know I like YouTube like people are always like selling them selling their like whoring out basically they’re selling out my drive to my PayPal put the money in the wallet put it in the money in the bag sir you’re facing the wrong way Dude if any race is gonna be the face of Final Fantasy it’s definitely the target ours not the lava fields it’s gonna be the ones that came before them I have no idea what the hell preparation ages won’t there are lutes lute brother yeah I’m gonna come down it

Around this curvy path their loot here Oh what the a drupe one you managed to die – nothing there’s a creeper ah man yeah sound way back in then mind got a quick tick swinging from side to side Andrew the do you have your pickaxe swing from side to side actually doing

Things okay I have 400 arrows and I already know that that is until we’re near enough Looked Jason you’re on your own for now so it would seem Dude the only people who play MMOs and don’t play it at melee class have never played an MMO before and that’s a fact dude I in Final Fantasy 11 I haven’t streamed that game whatsoever yet cuz I’m just not comfortable enough with retail version of the game to

Stream it but I have started my lifelong career as becoming the link shells main tank and so they final -11 with their most recent expansion added a class called ruin fencer so they’re literally just a two-handed great sword using magic resistant tank but due to the way that gear progression works after you

Hit level 99 in that game foreign fencers literally can tank better than pout and can with less gear but they’re literally they’re literally just a lab with a great sort and they have cation browser special guest on to the stream yeah rune fencer you know it’s pretty dope there has yet to be

Anything I can’t tank with it I get my ass kicked very very slowly but surely and do it Hello kitty is this the way forward sure why not there’s no way to drag the map come on game anything interesting happen I mean I found a boat come teleport to entice no I’m coming say hello kitty you’re not gonna tell part are you oh you’re that far away

Okay no I’m coming you can come whenever you want you Andrew boat it’s a boat I thought this was gonna be a dungeon I’ll it is wait it is actually and actually is there’s gonna be a new location we can go to after this I have

Five hundred arrows AG there I’m ready to launch the next boss out of bounds again so this was well no when we click on the the little bit of second I thought it was like shanty Shores or whatever runescape play the shanty are you at the name is absolutely just

Generic sea shanty no I don’t think that’s the actual name no it is the actual day because that’s what Luke and Max both look up every time we played D&D to play the sea shanty in the background is this sea shanty – sea shanty – electric electric ocean electric ocean Electric Avenue

Yeah I’m changing my heads back this isn’t working one moment yes take your time it’s not like I’m dying or anything yeah so I have my time how do we get up to them they don’t want to come down it seems oh they’re coming down and it’s right here

Apparently ow oh so it is that is a lot of them oh yo red red red red red red Dirk the game’s use hyper beam it was fully automated SMG oh well how the did we get up here brilliant answer now okay we ready to go forward like normal By the way I need arrows I have 538 arrows because you were afk oh well next arrow bundle I’m one-one just so I have some arrows speaking of which guess what what whoa there are supplies there are supplies your hey Android there are supplies there nice

I’ll go get them good job oh that’s the wrong button are you know Oh Andra I’m pretty sure this is a boss chamber that we’re about to go in no this is just oh this is the boss no this should just survive an ambush Ye find a village oh there’s more of them alright I’m not gonna waste my hours on this I’m gonna save my arrows for bosses only primarily I’m dead sickles hey can you start using your great hammer not a reason have a great hammer I only say

That because we have sickles ow ow ow he was in my inventory I did not realize there was another wave coming lets-a-go supply his supply what do we know just generically speaking no now I tried rolling didn’t work there’s a wall lad here though don’t worry I get an inventory manager all I’m

Down oh can you apparently also what are you doing in my inventory upgrading my what are you doing being dead and also seeing you get attacked Oh No get up get up get up get up yeah I have a chance to spend if you could like defend me real quick yeah sure

I shall use these sickles to defend the mother I have maxed recycler on my body piece now I felt that it was worth getting rid of the other thing there’s another place we can go into adventure awaits adventure awaits the brave also these are just enchanted like

Not even from an enchanter yep I do like how because of my fully automated I can literally just say get off of me oh hey a tomb a tome looked scale meal that’s kind of bad is that it yes it alright time to leave we go we go

Other way that’s the mean way okay here eat that Apple that way you can see composure yay all right time to go mainway thank you look bug I picked up a flaming quiver holy hangout what is that that’s an artifact that gives you seven flaming arrows which probably isn’t that good

With how you have yourself built up that is fine well actually no that means you could apply like seven shots of fire really quickly yeah maybe there’s an evoker coming oh the trees eating my shots where did the volcker go it’s the pillar that just whoever keeps setting up where’s the ladders sitting

This stuff up I don’t know found it be gone thought area I’ve gone to the out of him how do I keep losing all my health drink a potion become healthy like it’s on cooldown oh why just ate the only Apple for a 90-mile radius ooh oh he doesn’t care

Everyone else gets done from that he didn’t care yeah My entire build revolves around burning the villages but you’re not supposed to have friends wouldn’t they like to think that way too boy Oh having the wrapper across was a really good way to get rid of the enchanter we need to find a better one for

You that also has that has either infinity or bonus shot as its secondary oh yeah absolutely could you imagine how strong this thing is going to get and I am plan and I intend on breaking it yeah I do enjoy being or like our long-range fighter so that is nice you can’t see

How much experience you have into the bar like you can’t hover over and get a value no yes fuel me with my ten shots to getting a quiver of arrows this game really is awesome I gotta say he this will likely be our last mission though cuz I did

Tell him and I would take him down to hidden masters yeah and I believe he said that they close at nine something like that works oh yeah I’m tired hey what’s this the mission oh I think I summon up phosphite eat that Apple II I have over a thousand arrows

Eat this Apple come back here oh it’s a boss evoke er gala oh you paid him out of bounds again yeah I can’t sure he’s back in only sorta yeah okay okay we’re if you want to keep exploring we can keep exploring no that’s it okay look there’s no other

Way Chester anything you dope whoo I don’t know where I’m going but uh apparently I am like I let go of the mouse and my character just took off running why is it the poison quiet look it’s Mel look it’s like it smells like green apples I don’t know doc what kind of

Accolade is that three swiftness potions 452 arrows fired wind horn yeah oh yeah now we have a wandering trader to buy artifacts at yeah rude fencer is pretty dope definitely see where you’re coming from on the Devil May Cry bed as well I require artifacts okay I actually

Don’t care about gear it’s a moment in time just give me you stopped giving me feathers oh no I need to go find an arch Haven on my character boots of swiftness I’ll accept that one whoo reinforced male and I got a pickaxe that’s lame alright I’ll probably they’ll probably

Do it for now on the SS stream I love this game tasty bow I don’t want it like one more piece of gear my wizard ropes I put that my wizard robe and hat ok I’m good according to the desktop I’ll pricing this game again tomorrow I’m thinking

Eat so I’ll see y’all lads then

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Dungeons] I PUT ON MY WIZARD ROBE AND HAT [ep 1]’, was uploaded by GenericJeff on 2020-06-03 06:57:06. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:29 or 8249 seconds.

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Watch as Jeff and his friend andrew play through minecraft dunegons together!

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    Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft 🌟🎮 Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine exploring a world filled with secrets and mysteries, just like in the YouTube video “Descubriendo los secretos de las Papas papas 😱🥔 || Minecraft.” Spark embarks on an adventure that leads him to discover new and exciting things in the world of Minecraft. Similarly, when you join Minewind, you’ll… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Free Palestine Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing takes on the challenge of creating a portal like no other – the Free Palestine Portal. This portal holds a special significance, symbolizing solidarity with the people of Palestine amidst ongoing conflicts. Building the Portal To construct this unique portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, sandstone, and green concrete. With meticulous planning, the portal takes shape with a size of 4×5. The intricate design includes sandstone and green concrete, culminating in a powerful symbol of support for Palestine. Exploring the Portal… Read More

  • Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft

    Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft Minecraft: “Illager Castle Raid” The peaceful village’s old castle has fallen into the hands of the menacing Pillagers in Minecraft’s latest event, the “Illager Castle Raid.” Players must rise to the challenge and reclaim the castle from these hostile invaders to restore peace to the land. Music and Map To set the tone for this epic battle, players can immerse themselves in the original soundtrack “Teeth In” from Tower Defense X, composed by “The Gee J.” The intense music will keep players on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the Villager VS Illager Castle map created… Read More

  • Peppa Pig Meets Dinosaur in Minecraft

    Peppa Pig Meets Dinosaur in Minecraft Peppa Pig’s Adventure in the World of Minecraft Peppa Pig, known for her love of jumping in puddles and playing in the mud, found herself in a whirlwind of unexpected adventures when she fell into a particularly deep puddle. Suddenly, she was transported to the blocky world of Minecraft, where she had to navigate through challenges and dangers to survive. Meeting a Dinosaur Friend As Peppa explored the Minecraft world, she encountered a friendly dinosaur. Together, they formed an unlikely friendship and embarked on exciting quests. Peppa’s new dinosaur friend quickly became a valuable ally in her adventures, helping… Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the permitted modifications guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • The Crazy Spacy Vanilla Server

    The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerWelcome to The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerAlmost a 100% vanilla feel (no plugins, no mods, no datapacks)Settle in and become a seasoned veteran on this new minecraft server that is in desperate need of new players!Seeking staffPreferably looking for people with skills on how to setup a small discord server that would be attached to the minecraft server.Just be friendly and respectful to the other players around you and you should manage very well with the server environment.Hoping to see you on the server!- Graph01 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft Heat

    Minecraft Memes - u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft HeatWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More


    TNT CLUTCH EXPLOSIONS! 🔥😂 When you accidentally blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft with TNT and they say “I guess you really dropped the TNT CLUCH on that one!” 😂 #minecraftfail #oops #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

    Roblox Death Ball: IanBox's Masterful Gameplay Minecraft Madness: A Tale of Adventure and Survival The Beginning of an Epic Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, two brothers, Ian and Ethan, embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges and excitement. As they navigate through the game, they encounter various obstacles and foes, showcasing their skills and teamwork. A Battle for Survival Facing off against formidable opponents, the brothers demonstrate their prowess in combat, strategizing and fighting to emerge victorious. With each encounter, they showcase their determination and resilience, never backing down from a challenge. Building a Fortress In their quest for survival, Ian and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!

    Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!Video Information yo what is up guys it’s your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on the channel We are continuing my SE test series and we are on Astro um today I’m going to be opening up more slot Bots guys in the last episode that I opened up slot Bots I only did a couple of them in this episode we almost have a stack and a half a full stack of slot Bots oh my goodness so let’s I guess we just start let’s let’s do those ones see what we got see what we… Read More

  • I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraft

    I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraftVideo Information [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا This video, titled ‘I Trapped this entire Smp and now they want revenge #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Slayertheone_YT on 2024-01-03 15:45:20. It has garnered 132 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    One life to live your best life. Don’t Die! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 249 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. If you die, you can earn a revive back to the Overworld by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Sundays at 12CT there is also a special Team Competition, going now for 217 weeks now. Current prize selections could include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world, or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Minecraft multi-player server: Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it. Score: +1 per minute you… Read More

  • Mimo survival

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Survival Server (Version 1.20.4)Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The agony of another year without an end overhaul”

    Minecraft Memes - "The agony of another year without an end overhaul"Looks like Minecraft’s end overhaul is stuck in a never-ending loop just like my mom’s lectures about cleaning my room. Read More

  • Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let’s Build!

    Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let's Build! In the world of Minecraft, we dive deep, Crafting games with ChatGPT, secrets to keep. 3D creations, Roblox sensations, With ChatGPT’s guidance, we find our inspirations. Creating games, a magical art, With ChatGPT’s help, we make a fresh start. Immersive worlds, with stories to tell, In every line, the game’s magic we dwell. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, we find our light. With ChatGPT’s support, we reach new heights, In the realm of gaming, where creativity ignites. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS!

    Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS! Exploring the Perils of Minecraft with KiezelPlays Join KiezelPlays on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where danger lurks at every turn. In a recent video, Kiezel plays Minecraft and faces the ultimate challenge – the possibility of meeting an untimely demise within mere seconds of starting the game. Survival in the World of Minecraft As Kiezel navigates the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, the stakes are high. With survival on the line, every decision matters. Will Kiezel be able to overcome the obstacles and emerge victorious, or will the dangers of the game prove too much to handle? Quick Reflexes and… Read More

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

    Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and take on new challenges? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a unique gameplay style and exciting features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Minewind. Ready to dive in and start your adventure? Simply connect to Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and join the fun today! Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game Theory

    MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game TheoryVideo Information H so Minecraft characters have souls that’s something generic control in the deck goes you here back with some more Game Theory Minecraft theories today we’re doing the stolen Souls of Minecraft which I’m guessing is the second one of these little diet theories that he’s doing the last one was the first one the Lost Cult of Minecraft illers you want check out my reaction to that video I’ll leave it right up there also link Down Below in the description and I really should make a playlist for the game the Minecraft reactions going to chronological… Read More

  • Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod Tutorial

    Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod TutorialVideo Information Hola Bienvenidos a una nueva review en el canal y nos encontramos en un mod muy interesante el cual tenemos en nuestra serie de enl eh el cual nos va a implementar Estas armas que estáis viendo aquí ahora mismo en la pantalla eh las cuales eh veremos más adelante que tienen unas habilidades especiales muy chulas ap parte de un diseño brutal y antes de empezar Ya con la review quería mencionar y comentaros de que estamos a nada de conseguir ya los 1000 suscriptores de acuerdo y eh est Muy preparando para el especial de 1000… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Glitch: Sanddupper DESTROYS Sasera with Dizziness

    INSANE Minecraft Glitch: Sanddupper DESTROYS Sasera with DizzinessVideo Information [Musik] coy sendupernya bermasalah ngikutin tutor yang mana suker Craft lah kok gak ada honey blocknya emang harus pakai tutorial gak ada sih What the mana ada gak pakai honey block loh gak ada l gak ada gak ada itu yang mana l ini Ini bentar bentarar aku 3 tahun lalu sih Pa yang baruesan gak bisa Aduh gimana pula ini ya udahlah Bikin lagi Bikin lagi kocak banget Anjir malam-malam bikin gituan kita tentunya tidak akan bikin itu lagi enggak kan kita engak akan bikin itu lagi itu adalah hal paling membosankan kita bikin semuanya ya ini… Read More

  • Insane! Building Stone House on Mountain Peak! Must See! #2

    Insane! Building Stone House on Mountain Peak! Must See! #2Video Information हेलो टो गेमर्स तो कैसे हो सभी लोग आ गया हूं मैं और एक न्यू वीडियो के साथ वापस तो आप लोग सोच रहे होंगे कि मैंने जो फर्स्ट वाली वीडियो में ने अपना घर जैसे जैसे करके बनाया था वो भी घर कहां है तो भाई वो वाली वीडियो में ना मैं गेम खेलने रिकॉर्ड करने के बाद में दूसरी बार मैंने जब गेम को स्टार्ट किया ना रिकॉर्डिंग करने के लिए मतलब एपिसोड बनाने के लिए तो भाई उसमें ना जॉम्बी ने मेरे पे अटैक करके ना मतलब मेरे को खत्म कर दिया था और वो… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of The Black Sands Waystone!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of The Black Sands Waystone!Video Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #24: The Black Sands Waystone’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-04-14 09:00:31. It has garnered 53 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please ignore; modded… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nostalgia Battle! #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nostalgia Battle! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘New vs Old Minecraft – NOSTALGIA 🤧 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by VekiyMC on 2024-03-20 15:08:16. It has garnered 195 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft 2024 vs 2014 🥺 Nostalgia #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic videos,minecraft,minecraft realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic texture pack,minecraft realistic water,… Read More