GergtheGoblin’s EPIC adventure with Quen in Minecraft!

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Oh let’s see if I can get this egg in there miss I don’t want to update iOS I am trying to self promote oh there’s so much noise right now there’s the music coming through your mic and then there’s the music that’s coming through my game I’m just going to

I’m just going to like hold hold on hold okay there we go let me do something let me go wait did you mute me what h no I didn’t I didn’t mute you I muted my game music hold I’m doing something real quick oh that’s so much noise pollution

Why is my why is the title screen music still playing moing fix your game fix your damn game moang please moang please oh oh God your music ah it’s so loud hold on hold on hold on hold on I’m trying to get to Discord on

My laptop so I can join the thing to you there hold on [ __ ] what oh I’m not [ __ ] damn it that made it worse careful we’re live streaming hold on hold on hold on hold hold on I need to connect Bluetooth wait no I don’t need to connect Bluetooth at all I can just put on my headphones hold

On uh all right now do this technical difficulties chat technical difficulties oh Roberto wants to join like the the stream okay okay cool uh hold on uh let me get is Discord his Discord yeah he wants to join join the server like Joy the call finally the

Whimsical wizard Club shall be real in like YouTube I don’t think we oh we have visitors should we sacrifice them to aogan my friend oh wait wait wait where are we hold on I don’t know where we are wait where’s my thing where’s Minecraft there okay wait why am I kicked out why

Am I kicked out the thing what wait no you’re in here you’re in here still wait wait wait I I had two Minecrafts open Greg oh hold on I had two Minecrafts open at once there we go that explains the [ __ ] check to see if you have two Minecrafts open

No I don’t I don’t have two Minecrafts open I’m fine okay so that’s why there was title screen music playing though yeah for you I didn’t mine was fine but why was it doing that for you it’s because it’s actually just while it’s title screen music it’s also base game

Music kind of like it’s always been nobody tell me hold on I need to find his like Discord at okay oh yeah cuz they changed it oh yes yes they did Oh Yes mine is Jane girl qu dude you’re streaming what dude you’re streaming don’t give

Out your at like that oh I didn’t I didn’t oh but there you see there’s something in between I guess yeah who cares oh my gosh the piggy okay roing okay now I need to now I need to invite him to the server hold on does he have aenial or

No I don’t think he has essential but uh I could like put him what no no no well prepare that that’s easy to fix I guess yes it is I’m just going to do this put like a plank a wooden plank over it oh [ __ ] villagers server nobody told me nobody told me

Life was gonna be this guy I am gay I he should be joining just right about okay here he is hello Roberto holy crap this is real I’m [Laughter] in quen your laugh got cut off byit Discord holy crap Lois I’m in I’m in Minecraft holy crap fresh fortnite now

Minecraft this is epic do you have essential going on my phone and then I’m oh there’s so many creepers how are there so many creepers world looks like he was under a terrorist attack how did we get this bad good we have Cobblestone I guess we do

What difficulty do we do you have the game on uh normal impossible mode impossible they have on terrorist mode so Roberto do you have essential I don’t know what that is so I’m going to say no it’s a Minecraft mod that allows you to join another person’s World via the Land network over

Multiplayer oh pretty cool I might be able to get that solv yeah it’s actually really easy do install I’ll send you the link I might be able to do that probably not tonight though I’m I’m just joining the call to hang out cuz Okay yeah gives it gives

Content I don’t have a picka I don’t have a freaking pickaxe I need to chop some wood oh God this is so chaotic oh no there’s skeletons like whoever you are they’re in the trees they’re in the goddamn trees you know remind the time I went to

Vietnam you know you know how skeletons um like they just stand under trees and they shoot you from Afar oh yeah we have Villers Oher so for context guys um for context to those watching the stream I uh met Roberto in a contest to like be Peter Griffin oh my God I remember that yeah he actually made it pretty far but then this schmuck named Jay I shouldn’t

Say schmuck that might be bad no publicity he was he was really he is just Peter Griffin he’s just Seth mcfar dude there were some people speculating that he was using AI cuz like oh yeah I don’t know I mean like his impression was good I don’t know

What I don’t know what happened to him he just disa he disappeared off of that channel maybe he just got busy yeah I have not seen him on there at all I even messaged a Creator and they just said he’s been busy so I don’t know like he’s

Been busy recording more stuff maybe he like had a change of heart the past several months and that’s why we ever heard from him wow I mean I figured that would happen maybe they need more than one voice actor should get in touch with him again

Yeah I think you do well with that I mean your Peter Griffin is substantially better than mine I mean we both both made it to the finale final I literally applied on the last day and they said okay yeah are you okay with being in the finals really okay I show my friends

Like guys vote for me my friend from high school they were like oh [ __ ] no I’m not gonna V so you can be fing Peter Griffin that’s stupid I was like come on don’t be a what it killed my internet to like stream in Discord and on YouTube at the same

Time Lo look I’m a Goomba now Lois L what what are you talking about I don’t know FL I’m a Goomba now oh that’s [ __ ] impr I’m that stupid Evil Mushroom from stop calling me I’m on I’m on the phone with Bonnie Peter P that I’ve been kidnapped byol us doing

Cartoon like my episod that I Charlie and Pim abolish Charlie and Pim stop I’ve only listened to like the 911 one and the I think remember I think the George Bush one or maybe the they hunt down AMA that that that was that was a good one that was a good

One okay it’s your favorite character we got a new Mission from the president of the United States oh boy Charlie this is so exciting it’s a message from the president yep it’s from George W bush himself he says he needs help finding Katrina here I’ll I’ll give you the

Voice call that he gave us all now listen smiling friends Pim and Charlie I need you to help me find Katrina and bring her to Justice this seems like government propaganda for something I I am not stand for this this is definely government propaganda I

Am I’d rather die and get crushed by a tree that help you why would Charlie why would you why would you say that to President Bush are you a communist Jerry are you a commun why am I say you communist T I’m not I’m not partisan I don’t sign with any political

Party I don’t don’t like how oh I picked it up I think no I didn’t never mind sorry I think the way that bush handled Towers New York was not really good so I careful I’m streaming on YouTube so be careful we don’t want to be too we don’t want to be too

Bad exist if I get banned just from Roberto I’m going to hold this over his head for years yall should see the Instagram chat we actually we might get locked up for that so probably not yo we got three viewers onto the stream let’s freaking go one of

Them is me one of them is you and one of them is probably me because I’m looking at the live chat we have three viewers we have one viewer yo we’ be locked up what the [ __ ] get in lot of trouble with this one

How did we got oh boys this user is the offensive user cancel this user now he is the thought provoker Charlie we have to get out of here before we get cancelled by the um the people user said the word Li I can’t be canel P I can’t I can’t be cancelled pin

I’m I’m just uncan you know I really don’t care the you just got to be like two M and you just got to go insane we got to get out of here though so much we a certain thing happen in New York for saf s we’re not repeat around here have you seen

Him hey guys it’s me swarm to the this cannot be undone has been found dead in his apartment with 13 gunshots at the back of his head his cause of death has been listed as a suicide we have the boss of smiling friends on standby yeah so I went to his

Apartment to talk to him and he was just like dead on the floor so I don’t I don’t know how it happened but he’s just like not alive anymore which is really unfortunate do we have pumpkins I we need pumpkins I need we to make like a YouTube series where we

Just we do this should be a recurring series we should get whar to animated a Gmod dude I have an animation YouTube channel I could literally just animate the stuff we say and put it on there oh good good more animators we I can be like like Theo or like something like

That and hire a bunch of animations uh I use D venci resolve for like anything that’s the only thing I use uh flip a clip for most my animation and stuff oh I’ve been using it since like 2019 so I’m I’m pretty good at it I killed a

Skeleton really I did but that’s okay quen why are you crying no bios shark bios Shark 2 is a sh I’m GNA kill you quen oh God I don’t like the ending to BioShock 2 I’ve never even played BioShock 2 but I know that both Bioshock series are something that

We should not say our [ __ ] okay oh no give me your reasoning to why BioShock 2 is bad okay okay they make they make the people you are saving evil at the end and it makes no sense ain’t that a critique of society know Elizabeth had to kill to become

What no Elizabeth had to kill to grow up no she did not you don’t have to do that to grow up can you believe it guys Christmas Christmas holy crap holy crap I can’t believe we made this SP I am so thrilled by this information Christmas

Just in seven days the year really flew by the singer and the background is Seth McFarland can’t Christmas Christmas has Seth mfar I Seth McFarland actually went to the school where Frank Sona went to Frank Sona Jun was actually in an episode of Family Guy before he died if

I remember correctly Frank Sinatra Jr oh yeah yeah he had his son he’s dead now unfortunately he died back in 2016 don’t you just love it when parents like are so unoriginal with like their naming scheme so they just name them their themselves what narcissist though I mean this is attacking FR years

After that like what a narcissist you name your kid the exact same thing doesn’t even get a chance to like be his own person at that point I’m joking Frank J I’m joking of course I mean I was literally named after my grandfather and like that sort of thing but you know

Oh I feel like dick it’s okay it’s funny how it is so unoriginal he’s like I was like oh my gosh my mom named me after her uncle oh I just attacked myself oh my gosh CH we’re getting existential up Bamboozled Bamboozled Jed carrots it’s not even a word I agree with

You thank you Captain gck what good morning crusty crew good morning Patrick and Uncle Grandpa would get along so well dude I remember that show Uncle Grandpa was underrated it actually was really good it got way too much hate I agree yeah it’s because it was Cartoon

Network was in an edgy phase cuz they had just like changed um Teen Titans to Teen Titans Go and everybody was feeling backl flash off of that and like it was also starting to become like the more serious Adventure Time seasons and that sort of thing uncle grandpa needed to come out

Earlier I thought it was actually really good M you know like Goofy cartoon designs aside you know how are there’s so many animals in her base trying to build no AR you got to have two of every animal so they can multiply and be fruitful oh okay going turn into Bible

Sermons with Roberto speaking of Bible serons with Roberto I went to a Christian School all right and um it was like near the Midway point of my senior year and uh what happened was I decided I was like you know what because I did I did the morning announcements every

Tuesday I was like you know what what I’m going to do is I’m going to read the morning announcements is Peter Griffin and see just how chaotic this will be was it chaotic it was very chaotic because a teacher had to lock the door because a teacher kept trying to get in

The room and stuff stop you they tried but they failed because I I said to my friends all right I’m going to read it so I’m going to need you guys to stand near the door you know that one Regular Show episode where morai has to

Eat the food fast enough so he can get the hat for RG so he starts using that one strategy to um get the food fast and then just like fighting the waiters that are trying to stop them it felt like that I never watched that episode but okay that’s pretty

Funny ref just went over your head completely just pretend you know exactly what I’m talking about I I know exactly what you’re talking about thank you thank you I’m glad that reference didn’t go over anybody’s heads no it definitely didn’t of course the entire school could

Hear this broadcast all right and I even said I think it was like even my cousin’s birthday so he got to hear happy birthday to my cousin’s name and um that was kind of cool I did it twice but the teacher managed to um to stop

You didn’t stop it early but they uh didn’t let me do it anymore I was like it’s my voice what are you gonna do just no no no no don’t open okay I didn’t spell that wrong I’m wood burning a ukulele right now and I have to write

The word under I thought I spelled it wrong but no I didn’t I’m not that stupid just this wood burner is burned a chunk skin up my finger before oh no it’s not very fun to the great mgam and my Mario I sacrificed this apple it sounds like

Somebody summoned Satan for 30 seconds and we’re going to do the new smiling friend special Charlie and pimp war in exorcism with special guest appearance Carl Weezer a special guest of appearance to Angry Video Game should I like put in some copyright free music to as a

Background maybe perhaps hold on damn it nothing gives me an answer of what I don’t know if if I’m G to like get in trouble for using saky snitch but I’m going to use that all right go could literally take down the entire internet like object shows I

Don’t know if you ever heard of those but like object shows rely on they they suckle the teeth of Kevin mad’s music so much he could literally just put a copyright claim on that and end the entire osc as I would know this cuz I I I made an

Object show Once I’m actually afraid I’m actually afraid of of of no no no no no no pause the music pause the music where I tried to use like copyright fore music but then I got in trouble because I didn’t have a license where are

You wait Can we sing it or no are we even allowed to sing it we can sing it this is what poor people have to do can’t pay the sing The what’s chat say what’s chat say they haven’t said anything theyve just been listening intently they just like the way that I get around feeling bad about how so little people watch my streams is I just think there’s like five billion hidden viewers watching us all over the world right now [Applause]

Herob you’ll see what I mean in the streamto remember watching those videos back in like 2013 of how to summon herob oh yeah we should do that building like the fake portals and then my my friend joined the game he changed his skin to Herobrine good time good

Times I found the pumpkins traa and not playing Minecraft for a whole week you are even kidding a maryer hello everybody it was maryer I’ve been diagnosed with a terminal terminal illness I am dying and not even the milk can sustain me I don’t know what I’m not going lie

That’s definitely me when the milk cannot sustain I am the Milkman my milk is delicious I am the I am the Milkman my milk is delicious it’s special delivery today I am the milk man my milk is delicious time for the last delivery to this address fortified with what the world

Wants what the world deserves yeah it’s it’s pretty funny just coming around the corner and just seeing Aus Over the Horizon I literally went into creative just to build that oh yeah we should you got to build the you know you don’t got to burn them

Down no we don’t we can just build them we could we we can make them like loss we don’t have to do that today though No go back to the time when I accidentally doxed myself in the group chat you did not you did do that you did do that that was pretty funny but nobody cares because myself because it’s a group chat nobody cares I no I L myself first I thought you were making fun of

Me no actually oh yeah quen doxes himself all the time which is why I’m kind of afraid to bring him on stream but he’s like hey guys if you want to meet me real life my address uh yeah viewers currently are location a block world that we just got e gu

We’re currently located in a block world that we got isite into what’s a good place for a graveyard a cemetery um that’s redundant uh oh this ukul what if I get it finishing time I’ll play toxic gossip train toxic gossip train should I put them around Mario and amus as like honoring them

By cuz every world that I’m that I join or make I create a little graveyard of all the Pillager captains that I’ve killed to honor their death and because they were so stupid that nobody’s going to remember them anyways you should put it near like a swamp or something that’s kind of

Cool you’re supposed to understand you got to build Shrek’s house if you’re going near a swamp I guess going to clear these trees and start it around AUM we’re just going to straight up cause deforestation yes right here and now speaking of which I need to finish

Look the notable 2hour video of 4,000 days I probably shouldn’t say that on stream because that’ll get people to stop watching and just do other stuff chat stop no I’m just Kidd chat keep watching right now or else we’ll be sad keep watching or Peter Griffin will

Come to your house and cry on you% chance of jumping to 50% chance that Joe is just paying me to do ital no Joe I’m not not good I live on 33 spoon street it’s the house with the ugly baby in the front of it pleas forall saved head cuz he was

Born wrong please help me up to my house my P one three health voice impression game how is my oh yeah we should do that thing that like quen and I did one time when I was at work and I was you’re finally awake hey you each different characters to do sit

So how we play this game is like we say um a character that we’re voice acting and then at we try to say a phrase create a little skip for them and then we just cre say the the name that we want them to do whatt what do you think what do you

Think Steve um Minecraft sounds like well let’s see based off like the death sound like I think it like a gruffy voice like a Jason M gr voice like oh oh no oh no oh no we have a skel oh no know about Alex I think Alex has like

A high pitch voice no Alex Alex would just sound Swedish like very thick Swedish woman I’m thinking of like that one woman from I’m thinking of like that one woman from Young Frankenstein it’ be like it would be gender Jeb all right not that offensive but okay snow is snowier than before

Yeah that’s that’s that’s the musical wizard Club gets canell on stream the Whimsical wizard Club cck bait cops called I’m glad that I changed the name honestly yeah what from what it was before yeah do you like do you like the ink do

You like the ink I put in at the end oh you did think that was a nice touch it’s slowly becoming like a soulless Mega Corporation and I’m for that oh hi Kitty you want to come up give me a second I just got to burn the boat burn the

Trees hey Peter did you burn the trees how was my Jo impression the shape of a ukele body how was my Joe impression Robert thank you thank you thank you I’m well you know what they say twoes can’t make a Hole how’s that that was actually pretty good yeah I’m not okay I don’t actually condone what Kar says I’m just referencing what he says right yeah we here at what’s his channel called um this this is G the goblin Channel I’m streaming off at the the go channel do

Not condone what quag Meer from Family Guy says because yeah we don’t actually believe don’t there’s a [ __ ] up there’s a [ __ ] up on my skin I just saw you run in place for like a second with your your emote and then just disappear all right okay should I reinvite

You no I need to fix my skin real quick I [ __ ] up the making of it okay okay skin editor skin deck okay uh all right w w oh God are they talking about me upstairs jeez I’ve been exiled down here so many times I’m stting to get the

Picture I don’t I didn’t like it when they recast I was gonna make a [ __ ] get joke but I forget any of their places I forgot their actors I know I forgot their um I can kind of do good have you seen good Omens yes and cwy right azero fail and cwy

Yeah okay azero fail I’ll be right back fix I my favorite seed in like good Omens is like the the zero fail dancing and he’s like the only angel that actually dances I can’t tell those holes aren’t going to be on the final product I just need just see

Where I’m put oh what happened what happened quen quen what is your stance on Birch trees okay hold on I see trees of birch I do not care they are dumb trees and do not believe what I say because we may say offensive things but we don’t actually believe them we just

Say them because it’s funny looking and I said to myself [Laughter] no I’m dying now the spirit of the Pillager is trapped forever as a warning to whoever pillagers may come across and I hope that they get so involved with rage I’m back really yeah it was actually really good honestly this

SK it was really good so fun fact if you like if you get your skin banned you’ll actually get your skin huh what what you you cut out and he’s gone he’s not here anymore he just got it be oh oh he he he disconnected

Oh he he got a skin ban that’s what happened oh Dam that really sucks yeah we get an F in the chat for the skin ban oh there he is there he he’s back the F summoned him yay the power of f it’s like e but

Better or did I like exit Minecraft e is for power F is for life exactly friends you do stuff together you oh do you need me to reinvite you quen hold on I’m trying to I’m trying to launch Minecraft oh my pizza rolls are Cold your pizza rolls are bold oh God no truly a sad day my phone you’re most gazed upon the holy log in remembrance of my cold pizza rolls dang it why are you making noises oh Minecraft’s not working it’s stupid don’t wor we all become ERS when

A Minecraft doesn’t work am right yep actually we just become alos in general when the camera’s poting on us yeah know that that that makes sense wait do you all know each other in real life or just over over Discord over Discord he’s two times he’s two hours ahead

Of I I met him on Instagram because I did a cover of a young scroll song uhhuh I also met him on Instagram I was I was and we connected because we had the exact same personality type start with us sending memes to each other and all sudden I was thrown in the

Wizard Club that’s really all I can call it because I still remember you a you’re you’re a what’s the funny word what’s the anime word for you’re thrown into a funny World he’s a god what does he mean by this chat please explain isuki or what where is Minecraft where is it why

Isn’t it launching quen do you want me to go to your house and beat you over the head until you appear in Minecraft oh God no I’ve seen enough movies to know how that’s going to go what the hell is happening we don’t know what is say

Minecraft is launched it is not launched give it a minute launcher give it a minute like restart your launcher if it doesn’t do it like I am burning the UK oh my God Chris no not my colleague Ballinger calling Ballinger apology video that ukulele is probably going to

Become a holy Relic in like uh 200 years she’ll autograph it like she’ll capitalize on 200 years she’ll autograph it and it’ll be sold for like you know um you know GA Le right who Gail LS that one Walmart employee who so apparently I didn’t know about her either until recently there’s this

Walmart employee named Gail Lewis that Everyone likes for some reason and um she and this one other guy signed a she signed a Walmart vest like her official Walmart vest okay and um I listed it on eBay and it went for almost a quarter or half a million dollars then he got

Suspended off of eBay because they assumed there was like Bots trying to rig the votes or the um not the votes like the um prices and stuff so we have to go on some third party website and at last I checked I think bidding was at like $300,000 oh damn dang honestly I

Want people love me enough where they’re willing to spend there there’s this really nice old guy who’s like the greeter at Walmart like he’ll like do the yellow highlighter on your um receipt and he like his birthday was in the news that’s cool I remember seeing

Newspap what my mind thinks of when it he’s Walmart is that one video of that one guy who ate that guy’s receipt he what so there was a guy that was yeah there was a guy posing as a a receipt Checker and like thing and he

Said man I see a receipt I need to see the I need to check the contents and he was like yeah I’m pretty sure you can see it all and he just eats the receipt in front of this guy’s face and so they both go to like customer service and the

Man is yelling this man ate my receipt he’s delusional you know if you told me that happened to any other store I would not believe you but it’s Walmart I sent the video to the W the Whimsical wizard Club so I have I’m working to be fair I said a lot of

Videos so I just kind of scroll through a lot of the messages Dam it g will send a funny meme and I’ll go ha that was a funny meme that g sent and I’ll send a bunch of then sometimes I’ll be I’ll send a bunch of unfunny shitty

Memes and then we and then we like get on uh scut’s case because he never he never stop did anything to stop 911 honestly in my grandma’s basement it’s it’s horrible you’re in your grandma’s basement right now yeah my grandma’s house cool I’m going back there tomorrow you see the after what happened

I can’t believe I can’t believe I live in an apartment I can’t believe it how am I living in an apartment I can’t believe he lives in an apartment either I can’t believe he lives in an apartment I can’t believe it’s not but oh oh my God hey BR I can’t believe

He lives in an apartment I’m whoa that’s a all right you’re finally in quen should I invite you wait wait hold on I had to I had wait hold on hold on [ __ ] let me let me uh let me like fix the skin cuz didn’t actually no I’m still fixing it because

I I’m so sorry Greg like I’m still standing is quoting yeah yeah yeah yo Elton John you need backup singers forry up quen bless us with your Immaculate singing skills talking away what El anyway another qu I’m sorry for being so me to you about your sing did you pull him off

The what he just left again you did do Roberto leave I’m still here oh quen left I guess I guess the gods didn’t like his sitting and disconnected him uh quick post F the whole night uh f he’s back it worked again I hope he doesn’t get skin banned this

Time [ __ ] F what what hold on Quin wait wait wait wait wait hi Larry I am having a good day Quinn both times that you’ve left I’ve posted F in the chat and immediately after you’ve rejoined it’s a sign it’s a sign do you think that if I press F again he’ll

Disconnect do it do it you got to try it no no okay nothing happened darn I’m trying to think this so it’s it’s just thing so what oh where’ he go okay hold on delete delete delete all right now go to the skin slim brow browse where’s the

New file I should not be breathing in these fumes open okay boom There’s No One Hair block that’s on the shoulder this time yep yep hooray if your shoulders are exposed then they won’t allow you to do it wait really what do you no I’m making that

It’s like a joke about the school system how they yeah the dress code which is dumb oh my god did you see that one tumbller post where the girl was ranting about how she could bring a tiny knife to school but she couldn’t show her shoulders okay as

The only limits to like a dress code should be like Tumbl I think shirtless you can’t go shirtless that’s it you need to have a shirt showing your boobies in class yeah oh showing your smack like a dingdong in class granted if I say that that it might I mean well

Granted if you like make that the rule that people will take loopholes of that but still and then we’ll be back at the place if they tried to enforce that but you know go back go back okay who that guy that kep commenting on your videos huh

The guy that was like you have a really good hidden talent you should keep it hidden oh yeah that guy like who is this guy I don’t know he just appeared one day and just posted that he didn’t post it he only posted it on one

Video I and I didn’t say and I won’t say oh he has yeah I can’t check your Channel right now I might be able to hold on wait if I check your stream open a new tab check if he’s commented on this stream cuz thank you random troll for

Giving me engagement wait wait wait wait wait wait post AB hilarious yep why is Minecraft stupid try typing maybe it’ll him if I like type a bunch of comments in like an ALT account would that count as engagement to the video I don’t think so no I just commented on my animation

Account spam a couple hot I mean has he commented has he commented the exact same thing or is he like original every time because it was funny the first time but if it’s on like a bunch of them Faz Freddy that’s the meme of the Year huh whatever happened to voice over Pete

Remember voice over Pete what happened to him voice over Pete oh voice over voice over Pete tell us if you’re okay actually doesn’t he stream and do stuff actually he does don’t know yeah cuz I remember asking him his opinions on the sequels and he like said they’re all

Right this was way back in like Earth bro why is Minecraft why is Minecraft not launching you should just change the stream through failing to connect to Minecraft for a few hours you know qu is when you know quite as angry when he gets out his Gilbert godfried voice Gilbert godf

Voices you come into my house I thought it absolutely hilarious that he was the the bird on Cyber Chase and then again he told the aristocrats joke live on TV Gilbert godfried I if we we can’t even begin to attempt to tell the aristocrats joke on here because we will

Get banned from YouTube permanently that’s fair if you ever find it though you should read it in your own time it’s funny uh yeah or maybe I’ll just or maybe you know what if we get enough likes on this video if we get a bajillion likes I’ll

We it as Peter Griffin in our Instagram group do it like in a dramatic reading as Peter Griffin a slam poetry Peter Griffin I will when fails to connect to Minecraft for three hours that I’m planning on streaming for four hours so oh God I’m gonna miss my bedtime so quen

Are you are you on Minecraft now are can I invite you hold on hold on let me like show you in like the peasants chat hold on join wait hold on all my all my Fellas what is wrong with my Minecraft your mother oh it’s uploading it’s uploading it’s working it’s working it’s working thank you Anakin Skywalker from the first movie try spitting it’s a good trick thumbnail so my your avatar can just be like seen faintly in the background or something hey since you do animations

Can you do thumbnails I’m down I mean yeah oh yeah I need to see your art to make sure it fits and I still do some thumbnails myself my art style is more cartoonish than anything oh good that’s perfect I need uh if you want I can

Spend my YouTube channel in a little bit I use that as my like portfolio GRE greo send me an invite okay send me an invite okay invite has been sent come forth f f f keep spamming it’ll work f f f f i need to reinvite him he didn’t click on it

F okay connecting to the server oh he’s connecting to the server connecting to the server great and Mario please let my brother join UA Uber Dua he’s not actually my brother but still I love him like one u o I want this guy to join my Minecraft

But for some reason he got the shaft he can’t join cuz his server really sucks but he at the moment gives zero UPG oh no back to server list okay okay f is the fourth letter fifth letter of the alphabet hair surprise come forth child

Come forth you will be come forth why is there oh God I have to take another photo no what’s it doing now by the time he get in we’re just GNA go all right guys thank you for tuning to the stream we’ll see you back here some other

Time you think we’re going to be occupied for 4 hours we shouldn’t just do Minecraft we should do something else as well I you want to do like jackbox or something I don’t have jackbox without my friends do that a lot we could do GIC phone but I can’t stream Discord

Easily my friend’s C look at this [ __ ] not my fault yall suck at this oh what what is go oh oh yeah okay it set yeah you opened Minecraft too many times uh e maybe it’ll do something different becoming one I’m becoming one oh wait send it again send it again sorry

Notifications oh it it did something Oh yes he is here I hope my brother doesn’t join and like be very confused while I’m screaming is that a German Shepherd why is there a picture of a German Shepherd in my basement we my family has never had a German Shepherd it’s the smile dog

Jpeg you’re going to die in seven days cuz you looked at it oh [ __ ] I don’t want Christmas no he’s he’s gone again a coin he joins the server Tails he gets disconnected okay he’s back I think quen I’m going to punch you to see if you’re real he’s

Real I just wanted an excuse to punch him I fixed the hair on my shoulder I just want an excuse to punch him yeah I can respect that I can respect you threw an egg at me you must die the best friend start weirdest Origins I met these people through a

Peter Griffin impersonation contest I think I think G said that earlier I don’t remember yeah I met you through a Peter Griffin impersonation contest that I introduce you to these people oh yeah we did want to start a four four Peter Tri quen how’s your Peter Griffin impression quen how’s your

Uh what’s up Lois oh can we do [Laughter] megalovania oh we’re doing Megalania now I I swear I would love to explain this to my mom she’s like Robert what are you doing oh I’m talking to the internet people and we’re the four Peters Tri fan

Why well you always said you wanted to do music I just didn’t think it would be my face is your mom Lois no okay that would be funny so um me CU I did a shitty music cover huh I did a shitty music cover and that’s how you met me oh yeah that’s

Oral artist of the song you actually thought that you were good at like guitar when you did stuff and immediately when I listened to you it was like music you got disconnected from the call is that gonna happen again you’re the same theme P so good luck I can’t

Sing either don’t feel bad we should do like a Paul The Beatles meet Peter Griffin uh o Paul Peter Griffin Paul McCartney would you like to hear my Christmas song hey Paul McCartney I love to hear you hi it’s me hi it’s me um Ringo I’m Ringo I’m Peter

Griffin can I be Peter Griffin for a while can I eat your hair yeah sure sure I’ll do the beat it’s Christmas time thank you thank Peter Griffin for giving me your hair I’m going to consume your for time wow Paul you’re very good at at at

This music thing shall I join you and become the fifth beetle ever have a Christmas what yeah I think they did they really nevery I’m a huge beer guess what Paul McCartney made wonderful Christmas time fun fact oh Simply Having a wonderful Christmas time bro actually okay Paul McCartney’s

Wing ban Wings is actually [ __ ] fire not yeah I have one of those it’s actually good God speaks Spiderman I have a I have a I have a I have a v victrola Aviator and it plays like cassettes it plays CDs Fino records and it has you can

Connect Bluetooth and like ox cord to it it’s [ __ ] great quen do you have a pickaxe in your inventory no I don’t where am I we talking about I can’t believe this happen I’m in oh stop hi welcome to the stream you two uh okay so I here have some blocks to to

Like get out we’re doing bad Beatles covers you to crack a palace we’ve been expecting you Voice Hallelujah My Sweet Lord hallelujah yeah I really want to see you I don’t know either of these Beatles songs imagine remember like when the pandemic started and like all those

Sing placeing a really shitty cover of John’s imag yeah but it’s also like that’s not a song you want to hear when they’re you’re dying yes imagine there is literally no afterlife when you die isn’t that a nice thought that’s awful like no isn’t that so that just means

Like I know the meaning is like supposed to be uh take you have to imagine that there’s no afterlife communism what John lenon read The Communist Manifesto after he let the Beatles personality he read The Communist Manifesto Jerry he read it K what the [ __ ] are you talking he read it

Jerry that’s just what that’s just what like the person who like made American P thought he was wasn’t there like a communist episode where Kramer became a communist are you talking about the S American Pie or communism I can’t tell anymore I don’t the American Pie there’s

A there’s a bar about John Len saying that you know Don mlan has a one line about John Lenin and it says he read a book on Marx he’s talking about Vladimir lennin what lenon read the book of marks the quartet practice in the park and we sing George

Is in the dark The Day the Music Died he’s talking about Vladimir lenon oh oh like the the the founder of yes like the Communist why would John Lennon be reading a book about Marxism oh boy I hello okay okay he’s he’s real he’s still alive okay I’m still alive uh Ro Rob scarecrow it’s a scarecrow destroy it no that’s the grave of the thing that’s the grave of the see filing a grave yeah he was about to oh my God that’s awesome first

You can’t identify the Beetles now you’re destroying Graves like man I get you’re having a hard time Jes dude I like I took history of rock and roll in high school bro I should know my [ __ ] I took like history of classical music I I like watched a video series about the

History of classical music class by the way history of rock and roll that sounds awesome actually I’d love to take History of Rock and Roll I like I loved history of classical music so before we learned anything about rock we learned about other music first like that’s the music that went into

Rock so we learned about old so so quen quen you know that that SpongeBob Meme where he’s like oh no let oato and D Minor every s do that means death what’s the rock and roll variant of that what’s the rock and roll variant of I’m playing

Stairway to Heaven in a guitar store yeah okay I tried it once you got dirty looks M boes why does everybody hate Stairway to Heaven like in depart they don’t hate the song all right they just it’s overplay it’s like Freebird it’s like Freebird yeah it’s just been overplayed to death

Can I hit the sacrif can I hit the sacrifice pit from over here this is going to be a very controversial statement but to help you better understand it’s kind of like the classic rock version of vol Walker Christmas Is You in the sense that Guitar Center

Employees hear it all the time okay yeah that makes sense I really like I really like Stairway to Heaven though it’s actually it’s a good song it’s a good song it’s a good song the piper calling you to join him know Robert Plant actually hated

It really he was the do you think Mariah Carey hates all I want for Christmas is you no she doesn’t it every year she does it every year though does she make a new one does she make a new one every year she makes live performances no she

Does like performances of it oh my god there was a concert that where halfway through she stopped and says all right guys we’re g to talk about n wait does she does she actually do that yes yeah I’ll find the footage for you on my

Phone when it oh my God okay I can’t watch that right now because it’s like copyright I’m just GNA lay down for now um I wish there was a lay down emote but there ain’t I think there is but you have to pay for it all my emotes have been yeah

You have to pay for it and I ain’t paying for [ __ ] you’re not paying money to sleep screw the man right this isn’t Lego fortnite this isn’t fortnite I should put Lego fortnite in the tag lazy just game your Schmucks you need to play we need to play fortnite I’ve never

Played fortnite because I I don’t really use epic games but at this point it’s kind of like a a spite thing maybe I should maybe I should is fortnite actually good a lot yeah fortnite’s actually good I haven’t played it a lot but I played it a little like a little

Bit I think I play fortnite once in my entire life and I can say I can say comfortably I’ve only played it once when you put your hands in mine oh oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] woke up again what I’m just going to shoot myself this time oh

I got an idea for like a build I’m thinking I’m thinking of I’m thinking of like uh Groundhog Day what if he just shot himself when he what he just wake up again I pretty sure he did that off screen I mean he like during his suicide face should I

Not talk about that probably not oh no probably not I think I can kind of do hey Bzz look an alien how was that bz look an alien hey Buzz you’re you have a funny face what is that a nipple on your chin oh God Rob Robert do your best uh

Impression of Tim Allen it’s Tom Hanks Tom Hanks I mean why do I think Woody is voiced by Tim Allen Tim Allan is Robert actually there he’s gone silent no he he told you he do your best do your best Tom impression what impression I just walked in and I heard do your

Best car Tom Hanks Hanks no you disconnected again I completely misunderstood the assignment see Tom Hanks I know Tom Hanks got pretty pissed off when they knocked over his wife he is also the conductor in the Polar Express that’s when he took the little snippers and went look at look at

The I can’t I I I can only do woody shouting bu looking alien an alien I I’ve never done a Tom Hanks impression before to be fair Tom Hanks is a pretty hard voice to do somehow he just has like how the [ __ ] how did cursed Woody do it how did they

Do the cursed Woody thing how did they get AI s AI maybe I don’t know forgot artificial intelligence existed I will be right back feel free to slander me in the chat just go oh my God he’s finally gone this guy sucks this guy this guy he he he he stole my

Cat he stole my cat Jerry you sounded like an animate character you stole my C jery he stole my cat uh I know you’re supposed to be doing Kramer damn it why did I disconnect oh yeah cuz I wasn’t moving I just want to lay down in bed uh we got a is

It where are you Joel now Joel I got he I am ghost John I’m ghost joh play so good I bring the dead back to life grandma bring Grandma back to life back to life bring Grandma back to life go Johnson no she doesn’t have any skin no

Defense I hate when they don’t have any skin hly such a pet peeve of mine anyways but she has no skin on her body whatsoever how can you tell if she oh right personality let me guess you have a great personality qu do you want to help me

Build a mine how do I you have to I’m too comfy in my bed so like set up to play Minecraft oh wow I’m a sped I was installing it upside down bro I was SP I was installing the nut upside down on my ukulele bro bro I was special education

Though oh [ __ ] a very smart artist I’m smarter than your average artistic person I’m smarter than your average are we doing a trump impression now now listen you guys if you’re going to do a trump impression you better include me in one way or another because

My very H says words okay okay to do a trump impression you have to like barely speak but with like you have to shrink your mouth okay you got do not to get political or anything honestly I don’t like the color blue you were sleep earlier how he felt

About Communists invading Michigan where live and he was like I have another friend who lives in michig so he know what he’s talking about you do you live near Pama Michigan a what what huh no one knows no one knows we should we shouldn’t talk about where we

Live that’s probably do you live do you live near the great lakes or the burial Reef in Dakota do you live in international waters and are therefore ungovernable do you do you live near the White House where you can peep on the president I’m right next door to

The Pentagon you know that AI photo of the Pentagon blowing up I did that legal reasons I did not do that I got make that very clear legal reasons do you did you know that did you actually not do that you know that no you didn’t pack packan packan Cars CH what is he saying is this real I’ll enjoy have you seen this YouTuber Markiplier homie hello everybody my name is marip welcome back to another video imagine Simpsons if I Markiplier yes SMI yes Smith is D Love Mr Mr I love marip more than you do what he

Lives in this town I love Mr Burns I love Markiplier more than you’ll ever know shut up SMS though I love Mar let me tell you something they off to Mar I think that’s what they call TMI sh Smo F bring mer player I chea on you no I’m cheating on you

Marlier a good guy how do I do how do I do that hi it’s me the doctor I don’t remember the hi it’s me the doctor that I don’t know of I’m here to tell you that uh marlar has been diagnosed with homosexual so you’re streaming you’re streaming what it’s not

Homophobic I’m just saying that they can’t that they can’t D delete the stream stop and delete it no we’re fine for legal reasons we do not do not believe anything that we say we are just funny men on the internet I’m being stupid but then again that’s

Just me just mentally not stable yeah just like the wizard Club we’re living up to our name aren’t we boys yep there you go there you go I have the same [ __ ] that Kan got by the way paranoid schizophrenia no he just has bipolar but he has SK effect you Kardashian as an

Oh [ __ ] I I actually I don’t wish you made graduation yo well I graduated high school I graduated high school you became vividly anti-semitic after a while and then you watched 21 Jump Street and then became normal again I can’t believe that actually happened Hitler’s actions on National

Television don’t describe the H man hey don’t don’t describe the hman on our can’t believe it I forgot it’s like a bad word on YouTube yeah yeah God should we I think that the cameras have been rolling LED enough that I don’t think it really matters that much

Just in passing and plus quen was talking at the same time but I don’t covered up yeah we should be fine wait don’t okay I thought you said you were going to say that again I’m going to say the I’m going to say the H name

Oh what’s up it’s me jib okay they might actually confuse an YouTube admin that has to sit through this stream what is this hey you random Youtube admin I hope you’ve been enjoying this I hope please subscribe to G the go and gr exists be sure to like subscribe for

More content you’ll have to we’ll just make another Channel if you destroy this one so I can be hired for work okay yeah actually if this channel gets deleted then I have no counter to that and then I’m I’m done I don’t know what to do after that probably restart but still it

Would be devastating you could just I’ll will just give you the password to my YouTube channel did I just hijack your YouTube channel yeah cool should do that like every Halloween we have hijacked the YouTube channel we’re going back to uh unbox my button video we we we have we’ve um

We’ve hijacked the YouTube channel Jan girl quen we’re changing the name cuz we don’t like that name that we got do that actually what should if you had to like redo your name what would it be it would be nowhere man nowhere man that’s actually great the beetle

Song yeah do you think has somebody else made a channel called Nowhere Man already probably some beetles I can guarante the first thing you’ll find is the Beetles song yeah I’m hugging my crocodile Beetle song Beetle song you should like turn it like slightly off brand so that it can still be you

Like anywhere man or something like that but Jan girl Jan but Jan girl like no one’s using it it’s such slang that’s no longer used that’s at all if it even was used I’m like oh it’s just like fanc Mark Nowhere Man uh nowar man now wear man the now wear

Oh no slend he’s hot on my skull you don’t have a mouse you don’t even have a mouse any lips how are you eating potato chip there’s only one person watching the stream right now that’s me this like a Discord on Broad actually I think the so I think

The actual users shown on the thing is actually like people who have chat open so I think everybody else is just passively watching and that’s why I believe like there’s five billion hidden users watching we’re getting watched in the white house right now yes president Trump president uh Joe Biden is has got

Us on his channel Joe Biden is is like watching us with like drool coming out of his mouth right now so I think you’re talking about me actually okay for legal reasons that’s a joke oh no we got another viewer oh no it’s Joe Biden he’s open the chat he’s gonna tell

Us what is happening this is crackhead this is the real crackhead hours with Steve green yeah what’s funny is that we’re more sane at night when I usually stream I mean technically it is night right now neurological disorders I have ADHD I think never ADHD I have autism

ADHD and bipolar and apparently skitto affect it bipolar yeah that’s mostly taking care of I take yeah I take a shot for that all we’re still waiting for his album to come out it’s been a three Monon delay because he went on a 10 minute long

Rant what did he rant about wait we can’t say on the channel we’ll get in trouble oh yeah of course yeah so I literally do have like some of the same [ __ ] Kanye got for real please I hope in at least we know that if he’s getting anti-semitic then we I

Understand what Kanye wants I understand what he was saying Kanye wanted to be the Antichrist oh God quen what do you have to say about this how he said he wanted to leave the [ __ ] free world that’s what Kanye said ain’t all leaders want to lead the Free

World but he was weird he was very weird about putting religion into it huh I don’t know it was it was very freaky and strange is it’s like music tied to religion like a sense of Music tied to like your your religious sense he was doing custom songs for like his church

That he made oh he made a church why does that no he was part of a church that basically became his because he wanted to like rebuilt Society from it and like dude you have to see The Joe Rogan episode with him in it man it’s

Crazy I do understand he says every time he speaks it’s like a symphony of [ __ ] and it’s like well I can understand all of that a symphony of [ __ ] that’s a beautiful Des that’s a beautiful description a symphony of like rambling and it’s like what is this

Kanye Pi your bipolar in Vega meds please Kanye take your inaa please and all he did was saying oh he like he said in a shitty way okay so he basically said something offensive about his own about black people and what he meant to say was oh you don’t have to

Have the past effect we don’t have to have our past effect us right we said it in such a stupid way like oh it was like our choice to be enslaved like that’s the stupidest way for you to say that o uh yeah um maybe don’t say that word

Yeah yeah but he said that he literally said that and it was like how I believe you but what do you me to say what he meant to say was he doesn’t we don’t they don’t have to have the past affect them sucks that this is the one stream

That I do like in normal hours which everyone can see and this is also the one that’s the most controversial I decided to explain Kanye West lore Robert you there I’m EA chips so I’m eating chips so I’m M myself ah okay oh my God

So yeah I went on a a stupid rant about Kanye no he got cancelled for that and then he was diagnosed with bipolar oh that makes sense they like had him checked out right Robert what do you think about the theory that I’m like uh Joe Rogan honestly I think it’s

Plausible you think I give off Joe Rogan Vibes I think you could that’s space I’m GNA I’m going to go eat I’m going to like eat some magic sorry I’m not in the the world I’m just laying down my bed it’s okay I’m building stuff so it’s fine yeah you’re entertaining this

Stream I’m going to eat cinnamon roll uh Magic spoon oh yeah speaking of which I tried like some cinnamon not cinnamon roll but like so so I was at Walmart right Robert and yeah I found this cereal that was like you know those the Swiss Rolls right yeah yeah I found a

Cereal of that no freaking way yeah it it was it’s like the brand of it too and I was like hey but what wonder if this tastes any good if it’s like that if it will it make my cereal taste like the cream is

It like soft like it or and I tried it and it was the most God awful thing I’ve ever tasted in a while I I just imagine um um uh Hank Hill shivering like quivering like sh B cereal as a mental disorder not a mental not a

Mental we’ve just been calling C down too what have you not heard of C down the podcast no the most podcast W up Cal’s dropping has to be deleted I really don’t want to delete the stream I don’t want to it’s a good stream it’s the most entertaining one we’ve had

All right cuz you’re actually streaming with people don’t delete the stream then let’s see what happens we’ll see what happens okay uh people uh coming to the channel don’t take the stuff out of content we don’t actually believe this stuff we’re just making fun of it and

We’re just slightly um We’re Young and we can get away with it please don’t come back to us in like 5 years and try to cancel us over this because we’ll have changed by then like a professional voice actor I’ll be voicing in like several games I would have been in Elder

Scrolls game I would have been happy right you think Elder Scrolls is going to be a thing then you thinking Elder Scrolls is going to be a thing then the following stream isal and the view points in this video do not I think

It would be so cool if I was able to be in Elder Scrolls that would be cool I I I like Els I like Els I like El squs ELD strolls is like an autistic special interest of M for sure oh yeah definitely I’ve seen the way you talk about

It and like no one cares my dad tells me like I haven’t played Skyrim in like I don’t know how long he says it’s like he doesn’t care anymore i s of Beyond Skyrim [Applause] cidel never play oiv Oblivion is just a living meme at this point nobody ever takes it seriously

Starfield is just Oblivion in space yeah that’s kind of cool I guess I should play it just because of that these Takis ships are really good oh yeah Takis [ __ ] yeah ah my ears sorry it’s okay ah I just hope that that transmits over the Stream So that everybody else

Can their ears hurt too remember like oh ja America like America represented an anime in that video and it’s like hey you want to buy a [ __ ] hot dog [ __ ] yeah it’s like Elvis hello Christian kid gaming welcome to the stream I have no idea who you are but your name is based

Yes you been so offensive this quen died again Minecraft just makes us different people it does it does remember when you were like uh nothing whatever I’ve known you I don’t want to talk about it it’s okay it’s okay Quinn yeah sure why not yesterday wait okay what’s the phenomenon what’s the

Phenomenon when your Minecraft was oh wait hang on I got a guitar I can play guitar oh yeah yeah I can’t play guitar I suck at it okay okay qu eventually you’ll learn how to play guitar W today qu quer day yeah yesterday all qu TR seem so far

Away I can’t now it look thankfully the guitar isn’t coming through the mic so I’m not going to get copyright claim for this suddenly So Christian kid gaming said hello okay and then bye and then left what a what a Chad had go on a rant he About Kanye drove M are you just making the S on the spot that’s amazing yes love was such an easy game to play when his Minecraft loed prop and he didn’t get banned for his Minecraft skin I never got banned for my Minecraft skin I was just trying to like fix the

Skin because there was like a like a hair pixel on the shoulder well I mean you did disappear from the call for a while so that’s the head cannon that we came up with quen come down here I want you to see the the aqueduct expansion oh wa where’s the oh yeah

Inside the Bas almost again we got to keep that yeah we should we need to that’s the reason that we the the YouTube admin will like hear the beauty of that song and he’ll spare us from he’ll be like he will Cry tears of joy what’s my

What’s my love life oh oh here we go here I got dead it was Dead on Arrival quen come for child God I never realized how funny Minecraft characters Look character look funny it’s just how how we walk oh it’s funny how we can like do this too oh yeah I have a banjo you want me to play the banjo oh yeah do doing bades hey look at hey look at hey Richard look

At is it right rard is it Richard it’s Robert Roberto Robert I’m stupid um hey look at look at this stream look at the stream look at my character that’s weird oh I don’t like that oh okay hold and play look at my character wait it’s loading oh I’m sock wait wait wait

Look how he’s moving stop okay just do that in Place wait it just moves automatically oh you move you automatically yeah huh what do you think of the Running Animation that is beautiful directed into a wall okay Co that was oh wait I oh stop I can’t stop oh wait I can’t stop there’s like a little button somewhere

Um I don’t know what button it is oh I got I got like my own oh oh yeah hello Jared I’m streaming you’re streaming yep oh hello hello hello hello hello still here I’m not going to lie this is definitely me when Christian kid gaming the

Chat my brother just told me to kill you and I just I saw him dab the corner like kill him kill him now excellent good Anakin good I’m sorry Quin that was hilarious abuse is funny when abuse is hilarious by the way it is funny we should okay qu it’s slapstick

Comedy qu come down here I want to show you the thing qu where’d you go oh you’re going down the actual Aqueduct okay I’ve waved at you as you went by George Jetson more than meets the eye George Jetson Transformers Must Die oh that’s sound all cool yeah you like this little stairway thing you like this little stair Fountain and she’s mining a Stairway welcome to the stream third

Person is it is it Christian kid gaming come to to re see what we’re doing there are three people watching officer It’s s officer B them we only Christian kid gaming is able to watch the stream n no you’re fine oh no he left oh I’m so sorry we F in chat

F that’ll cause him to be summoned again actually I kind of want to and the Discord stream r at the same time so it’s really confusing so I’ll hear G say oh can we get the chat and the same thing like three seconds later death yeah that’s why I so I literally

Have just my stream pulled up and that’s why I can read chat but I turned off my volume to like my phone so that’s how I’m able to do it yeah I’ve been doing that for years it’s of actually is looking really good I’m proud of it than you

Hello uh oh there’s someone new Christian kid gaming has returned Christian kid gaming has returned I think the F of summoning we just create random religions don’t we F summoning are you an f are you an fman best religion what it’s very I hope that my bic

Picked okay I’ll be quiet I’ll close my door you don’t you you didn’t have your door closed what turn down my headset okay not going to lie that’s definitely me when I did have my Hello everybody welcome to G’s ASMR stream today we are playing Minecraft no I don’t I don’t like this

Walter today we are joined by Quin and Roberto they are friends of the podcast the uh wizard Club Incorporated trademark registered we don’t know what the hell it’s named anymore hope you uh have a gay old time emphasis on the gay gay means happy in this context not

Everything is homophobic I think no this is a a safe space this is we we we won’t judge you here we won’t judge you because we do not judge ourselves therefore and then we’ll accidentally say many controversial things re and pending purposes anything in this stream should not be taken

Seriously as it is due to satire parity or in the name of a joke therefore the opinions and thoughts reflected on this live stream may not necessarily affect those of good the Creator quen or Roberto viewer discretion is advised oh you know I feel like we should have said that at the beginning

Of the stream we should have not like two and a half hours in have we even been going for two and a half hours my sense of time is so broken doing that we lost both viewers we lo you you lost subscriber you lost subscriber did I

Actually I don’t know if I did I don’t think so IM you probably gained you cuz I subscribed to you with my both my ALT account oh yeah cool I gained two subscribers two real people two real people that aren’t just me in the call going oh I want to

Subscribe if I press F people will come back wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on um have you seen my YouTube video Arthur Morgan dies in frch or Robert I have not if you send me the link uh first off send me a friend

Request send me a friend request on yall want to react to videos on YouTube uh no I can’t do that I’ll get oh copyright yeah if you want to react to my content that’s fine I won’t copyright where’s my where’s my wait hold on well it’s not

Like copyright claim it might be that you like used a song that is copyrighted or in your content or something like that it’s it’s like a contagion you know Oh no I got you I want my animation to be the reason you get taken

Down no I to I couldn’t send the link I couldn’t send the link hold on let me send it in the peasants chat all right did you accept my friend request I’ve accepted the friend request all right I sent it in I sent the Arthur Burg D fridge and uh in the

Um the women wizard Club hold I’m going to send it here I’m going to send it everywhere there go I’m G to send it in the Wizards Club too because why not got it so all right my iPad’s 8% so I’ll watch that later but I got it there okay

It’s so good it’s really good like don’t you agree Greg it’s a great video yeah oh yeah I need to send like uh hold on you need let me just DM M HTP remember oh yeah uh there you go that’s the thing we’re using to play

Together in case you want to do that maybe not tonight but still it’s easy enough to download you could probably do confused probably won’t be this week because I have a lot of stuff to do like Christmas related and stuff makes sense oh yeah I got work doctor’s appointment

I’m gonna be stretched super thin by the time Christmas Dad rolls around so I’ll get to it when I can right okay hello hello hi was that I hit him with a carrot SpongeBob I’m going to get going to eat you SpongeBob you know what you look like SpongeBob you look like a

Rob Squidward no do not do not eat SpongeBob no Squidward hey Squidward if you eat SpongeBob you [ __ ] [ __ ] you Mr Krabs I don’t want to work here anymore I’m married Mrs Puff now I’m I’m a married man oh okay who would win in a fight Freddy Mercury or Elton John Freddy Mercury

Definitely you think so too my mom was tring side with John was like have you seen the muscles on Freddy Mercury Freddy Mercury has the physique of a fighter bro Mr KBS I have a question so your daughter just like a sugar daddy situation what what

What chat what did he mean by this there’s only one person in the chat and that’s me right now so I have no idea what the what he meant by that a [ __ ] conspiracy theory wait was there like a conspiracy theory that Elton John is Elvis

No way my hands and it’s really strong if it’s not real we should make that a conspiracy theory just just to mess with people Elton John is Elvis we should make that a conspiracy the believe Elvis I Can’t Believe Elvis leave anything uh Elton John is secretly George

Washington I don’t believe that I don’t believe that at all no Siri just build something we should build uh re what if can I actually like if I is there a way that I can make a pixel art of Markiplier’s face in the sky reacting to The Bite of

87 The Bite of 87 oh Jeepers um my fingers are stuck together [ __ ] broken there’s a Minecraft skin of it bro I can’t hey G what do you do when your fingers are stuck together because of a SP we should like shimy the multi I want

To I I want to I can’t find a pixel art guy to bite of 87 Mark so Bite of 87 thing I wanted to but I couldn’t I was going to put it over am Mario I don’t why does my voice sound the way it does it’s so weird it’s

Because you young you are a toddlet yeah like an infantile Todd coward a toddlet Todd I not an infantile Todd Howard that’s what they all say I’m just I’m just Au what’s the what’s the difference joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking dude my nose is actually crooked though it’s weird

Breaking can you imagine baton does like a documentary on us like one of those those little tiny doc who are these guys who are these these chuckle [ __ ] yeah they got banned off of YouTube which is pretty expected were funny ASU but they were so weird and I’m feel experiencing dja Vu

Sitting on this corner of the bed doing a SP impression dude if we can actually get get like a YouTuber to acknowledge us for like some drama or something and like we we like call them out on it before they do it then their soul will be trapped within our Channel

Forever Sun like if you’ve been on the YouTube long enough you probably heard of go Creator the YouTuber who is famous for having two people on a stream that would change the course of history forever around two and a half hours into the stream Roberto said something that

Was absolutely unforgivable I hly think L up was just all right this statement right here would break the internet people would take Twitter saying who does this Robert think he is he’s probably never amounted anything in his life i k man he seems kind of handsome

So Gir The Creator so Gir The Goblin and um and Jan girl Quinn just uploaded a new video I know right it’s just as uncanny as the back rooms right but even you know that those guys I think I think Jan girl qu is like the worst representation for autism and gender fluidity

Honest you have like a j slap sounding voice I mean hello guys hello guys it’s me schlat schlat here um uh so these AI covers have to stop you’re threatening my family with my own voice they’re gonna start playing Christmas music with my voice you better you I

Sound more like spaton with my thing though you do honestly you you’re a mix of spaton and um you’re a mix of spens and um uh Swagger Souls so what’s my normal talking voice like though hold on what’s it sound like no one could give me a straight answer I don’t know

It’s like an it it’s a missing piece of it’s like anytime I try to compare it to something my mind skips over it it’s like it’s like the that I sound no longer exists Robert Robert Robert what do I sound like sound like a very angry J schlap MTH with Tom

HS really that’s my normal talking voice I always thought I sounded like like I was from the Midwest well I am part of from the Midwest mix with a twinge of Gilbert godfried the very southwest corner of the the Midwest okay I don’t know what’s

Up with this I was as long as you’re not from Nebraska we’re fine I’m from stupid Kansas the stupid the stupid ass State we uh oh you should take shelter there might be a tornado nearby this just turned into Kansas there’s barely any tornadoes in Kansas by the way are there

Actually careful I’m stre get those in the spring or like the summer but they’re usually not a problem they usually like they’re usually isolated and they don’t hit anything it was a bad tornado in Greensburg and then Greensburg got hit by the tornado and then they went environmentally friendly after that

Actual Kansas lore by the way guys we’re learning about the Kansas lore okay um get in the hole so the way um dog city was founded which is is a city in the southwest part of do Kansas I I don’t I thought it was just made up for

Gunm smoke honestly I didn’t think it was real okay so the kador got a Native American so like they’re fing for the city of gold right and um Native Americans said basically oh this is the place City of Gold they show them the color of gold and it’s like this is it

Actually just a weak fi wild weak field quen I was trying to play it play a prank on you and I think Karma got me so I put you in the hole again and then I I fell into the hole with you and then I tried to dig out and then my pickaxe

Broke it’s oh I got to screw these things in so I can get the saddle I during the course of this entire stream I’ve just been trying to assemble a I don’t know much about Sala Kansas like that weird stupid Town other than it has like it’s very white it’s a very

White City and Kansas City Kansas City is just like most of it’s in Missouri oh it’s barely a city in Kansas and witch well I don’t know [ __ ] about witch and uh that’s all I know about Kansas really oh thank you for the Kansas lore I Don’t Know Jack dly Squad about my

State oh that could be a video we do we discuss the lore of the state have you heard of the Michigan Wolf Man I mean dog man dog man oh him yeah oh I forgot that’s from here you’ve heard of him I forgot that’s here in Oregon

Um there’s not really a lot of stories that I know I have Gravity Falls you have Gravity Falls well yeah but that’s more of a that’s not real Eastern that’s really more of a midforest Oregon Salem Witch Trials you got nothing Salem Witch Trials is a Massachusetts Oh I thought Sal Morgan

[ __ ] never mind no great that was on stream what ises Candace have oh oh John the apple seeds everywhere it’s not a Candace thing mhm you got the Wizard of Oz but that’s I do got the Wizard of Oz but that’s a movie and everybody knows

It fake it’s not it’s not like a actual thing also Superman grew up in Kansas fun fact he grew up in Smallville Kansas which doesn’t exist by the way right and because of that he he doesn’t have an aversion to killing like Batman does he actually does not have an

Aversion to killing he’s just nice yeah I thought I you were saying like Kansas was [ __ ] and that’s why like oh that’s why he have to killing just the funniest thing to me about about Superman is when Joker tried to come over here over to met to um I forgot what uh what

Superman to work with Lex Lu and like like oh yeah he did that was but there was one story that he he like tried to go to like um I forget what city Batman I mean not Batman but Superman protects but he went over there and he tried Metropolis he

Tried to go over to Metropolis and wreak havoc and then Superman was just there actually humored him and found some of his jokes funny and then it basically was like Hey if you if you keep doing this I’m going to kill you I don’t cuz you

Know Batman has an aversion to killing I don’t I’m just nice that’s really funny to me yeah I just lost a part of my ukulele honestly I have to think that Superman is a more compelling character than Batman at times just because of the prospect of like superh human that can

Act actually not superh human but super alien that that has like different views on reality but it’s normal person otherwise how do I assemble ukulele then we have a bunch of evil Superman nowadays like we have evil Superman character yeah we have homelander we have omn man we have um but they keep

Making them they keep trining them out like butter can we have just like a pure Superman at some point that’s like they don’t want like super the same honestly like holy Superman it’s just Jesus do you think Jesus would be like a good Superman if like he somehow gained

The abilities of Superman he’d he’d play the part well I mean I have a feeling that like that could be good Christian Media but it could be taken rather well we could do exactly like the if we could do that exactly like the movies do it then hello back hello

Hello I thought I got was from the call for a i my headon okay so I’m not going to talk about like um who beats who in a fight or something but I’m just talking about like the quality of content who do you think is better DC or Marvel

H I like the Lucifer com series H interesting is what about you Robert Robert is fixing his ukulele so he can’t answer right Oh [ __ ] y I’m seeing shakes my oh dear quen you are about to die is H that’s a simp of a very rare disease called g gfic g ggen 19 now you’re going to die you’re still in the Hole by the way yeah oh you got yourself out how did

You get yourself out I just broke the block with my fist do you not have a pickaxe I you just comfortable in there lost your will to leave lost your like an elephant being chain to a tree sound like a valley girl sometimes I really do I like how elephants are so docile

From what I’ve heard yeah yeah my why do I keep talking about my voice it’s like I want to kiss myself or something bro I’d like to kiss my S I haven’t been kissed in months and if I don’t count that years I am exceedingly lowly I’m joking

Okay not entirely but I don’t feel that bad about it h that’s like too sad of a topic so let’s not talk about this on stream yeah oh it’s sad now without Robert we miss him he made things entertaining we shall Herald his return if we do like the four

Peters if we do Peter Griffin megalovania do you think he’ll come back I need to use the bathroom keep the audience entertained there’s no one in the audience right now so just the real sleeping hours I love you do you love me Over I am back I am back Big Mac wer Big Mac wer Big Mac wer hamburger cheeseburger big Macer hamburger cheeseburger big big big big b b Whooper on the side of Fri this lady appeared in my dream a long time ago I I she was my friend why are you Gilbert godfried

So in my dream right uh this was before I had my apartment right and uh she said the air conditioner is not working if you didn’t know this woman is kind of a witchy individual but that doesn’t matter right so now I move into my apartment guess what the air condition

Conditioner the AC doesn’t work in my dream predicted the [ __ ] future I know this person I know them online it’s like they entered my dream to tell me how would they know that the air conditioning isn’t working I don’t even know how they would know the future bro

They do terot R and [ __ ] appar what but why would that be divine information I don’t [ __ ] know I who cares if your air good isn’t working only you never she never but she never gave me a tarot reading the only T reading I had was some chick from

Australia L is for the way you look raggedy l an L in boys tter L common Elon must L come brother come out of your hole and let us dig arise brother arise get out of there I have to take out the garbage come out of the hole brother

Now let’s dig wait what are you Doing go back in your hole brother please I can’t jump I can’t jump anymore what the [ __ ] the gods of isn’t work the punished you for your insolence thir party what the [ __ ] was that what happened what is happening ah my computer’s acting up what the

Hell get me out of here get me out of here get me out oh that’s impossible quen whatever you do don’t jump in the sacrifice but you have items jump let theive thoughts win advice where am I who am I imagine imagine losing your memory couldn’t be me bro imagine a world with

No memory imagine there’s no memory and I hate that movie where like the Beatles are forgotten and there’s like that one guy who’s like remembers the Beatles songs and he gets popular from singing Beatles songs oh yeah that that movie that and then they Sho horn

CG in they shoehorn in CGI old man John Lon later in the movie that wasn’t CGI that was a real person that was real John real person that no it was really John lenon obviously my parents are super huge Beatles fans and they were really happy about that

Movie what why why people like that movie I don’t like it I don’t like it it makes no sense to me honestly I could understand like the beetle songs but that’s like super fan Behavior you could make the same movie about Taylor Swift fans and it would you could make the

Same movie about Taylor Swift and it would be the exact same thing early Beatles exist John’s guys guys listen early 2000s Girl music is the best [ __ ] okay that’s fair cool okay music and they bring up John lennin but why was George Harrison never mentioned at

All oh my God you’re right you mean Han Solo said George Harrison not Harrison Ford not Harrison I know I was messing with you just to make you you mad also Paul Paul mcartney is like he has good music Ringo I like him I like his music even though it’s not the

Best how do y feel about B kiss kiss is okay I don’t I don’t remember any of their songs I don’t either rock city is probably one of the most popular we built Rock City Detroit Detroit is Rock City Detroit Rock City is just those three words oh that’s kind of cool I

Like I like Danny Dan Avon Danny from game Rock I have cracked into a I have cracked into a m shaft I like I I I unironically like the band n sex party it’s funny ninja sex party is funny you watch them yeah I like the one with Jack setic guy

Where he gets brutally beaten to death I love these descriptions with no context that is so funny to me like the one jetic guy where he gets beaten watching this right now he would probably laugh a lot at that no you’re right I assume I don’t know God I I hope

That I could be be Jack sepi’s friend later on Jack sepai is such a cool guy plus he’s Irish he gets bonus points from me hey I’m technically Irish too I’m like the whole of the European you know child’s ancestry oh that’s neat yeah I’m Irish Scottish frenan oh okay so I’m I’m

Shakan I’m also British and Scottish British British me Slavic British Scottish SL Slavic British Scottish okay I I have Slavic jeans I am a cro I’m not trying to make a joke about this I te you not my friend is literally Jewish polish and German that’s like he checked his DNA

And everything like he need all three of them huh well I well I I a Slavic that’s like what I call Netflix documentary um genetics you know they’re going to make like a love story about about that he falls in love with himself what no no I’m I’m like say they’re

Going to make like a St they’re going to make a story about like how a Polish um a Jewish polish and a uh they’re going to make a romance a German soldier and a pol polish jew fall in love and like how they escape they’re going to

Make a story about that what are you saying Love Is in the Air I guess I mean yeah Netflix would make a story about that Netflix would also make another witchy satanic show what should we do with all this Cobblestone gentle good news the first string of my ukulele has officially been

Attached awesome Quin at 1% so if I leave the call or just stop talking that’s why okay Quinn Quinn I need you as a guinea pig to go into the to the m shaft that I cracked into and like survive I’m not GNA do it okay fine put me in a hole

Again you want me to put you back in the hole yeah you think that’s what she said jokes on this channel so that’s what she go back in the hole good night sweet prince all right all right I’m in the hole cool these jokes are writing themselves at this

Point oh God I mean for Christ [Laughter] sake my uke is halfway done you guys that’s what she said how is that that’s what she said my ukulele is halfway with being strong what does he mean by this I know many inuendos that none can describe as mortal I have

I have seen your mother jokes that your mind cannot comprehend cthulu do not temping with the dark magic I was there when it was written yeah I I am like a warlock and the great old ones gave me the knowledge of your mom jokes so powerful that they

Will melt your brain wow that’s pretty impressive honestly yeah first night of September love was changing the times [Laughter] quen if I die this is on you because I needed you as a guinea pig oh did I String this wrong possibly yeah it’s fine this is just

Going to be a display you I’m not going to play it What do I sound like again Tom Hanks oh I’m I’m I’m going to die here I can’t wait to watch the stream replay I’m looking forward to that yesterday cover I it was honestly you got do I’m I want to do it like in a different way I want them all my stream

Highlights to be animated Robert what do you think of the new Beetle song now then it’s pretty good yeah nothing nothing like over the top insane but still pretty good if solid eight out of 10 it was just kind of cool to hear new Beatles music in 2023 I said

If and so I summon the people then you sound like Pim when you say that um now guys I have three of the four strings something I know it’s true it’s I miss you so good oh no and then I think they just got that from an old

John lenon cassette tape that was a demo yeah they did it to them oh have you seen that video of Yoko just screaming on set they cut her like off feel like gu and then everybody else just continues on like where they do that I mean s with John lenon and Chuck Barry

Yeah Chuck’s face when that happens is hilarious [ __ ] great dude I tell you [Laughter] what love I love the okay so I love like their descript of John’s description of it so I was at an art show and like it was Yos and I saw that she wrote on the

Ceiling yes and I knew oh this is an interesting woman or whatever I forgot what he said but that’s how he fell he just saw guess on the [ __ ] CE he saw crackhead ramblings and fell in love with her okay so she like she like she like had she had an

Art thing right and she like painted yes on the ceiling or put yes on the ceiling or some [ __ ] and then like John like was fascinated so weird I don’t know if this is true or if I’m misremembering but I’m pretty sure it was likeo had an art

Thing I’m saying this again because I it’s funny had an Art Exhibit John went to see it he looked up at the ceiling and saw that she painted yes on the Ceiling God we are progressing so slowly in this world have you seen the animation uh The Beetles hot oh actually I think I have she just insults them right no she like attacks oh it was made by afro ninja ah yeah that makes sense I feel like I’ve got to

Sneeze spiders baby dot spiders are spiders are in your walls the spiders are in your spiders spiders spiders spiders spiders are you watching my Stream quen So if you’re not watching your stream how do you know that I’m in in like the M shaft oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no no

No what the [ __ ] run [ __ ] run okay here I’m going to look up my way cuz my iPad’s going to Die I broke my iPad I dist I sto my I in the dumpster because I thought the haers were going to fight oh no no I’ll say it clear I’ll my certain I’ve lived a life that’s full I’ve traveled each and every highway but much more than this I Did It My Way

Regrets I’ve had a few but then again to few to Menion I did what I had to do and I saw it through with exam Exemption each careful step along the but more much more than this I did it way for what is a man what has he got if not himself then he is not he truly feels one who kns shows I took the blows [Laughter] and way I must leave oh you must leave well quen just hold up holdit my clap clap one two three no one does I was the only one that clapped clap S one two two three I can’t hear your clap it’s not picking up on the mic apparently that’ be so [ __ ] cool

We’ll just have to imagine that we we did it in sync yeah we did it we did it you’re going to be still in the hole when you come back onto this onto the world quen oh that’s nice I like he in the whole he’s in the whole

Pole I’ve got ho in me pocket this better be on the channel or else all Riot yeah it will be I don’t think I there’s any reason to delete it besides the many copious things that we’ve said all right adios chat adios adios qu and G peace out peace outby cool so he’s

Gone that was fun yeah so what are we doing now when you if you leave then I don’t know what to do I’ll just stay in here the as long as you’re okay well I’m planning to stream for like two more hours that sounds fun I’m make maybe

Longer oh I lost connection to the server oh you lost connection okay are you just staying in the pole the entire time or do you want actually want to come I I like I my bed’s too comfy bro for me to sit up to play Minecraft I should get a desk for real

Though I love my my little partment so cozy I love it and why what my responses to my apartment were oh that’s cool and nice digs man is also cool yeah yeah that’s good I still find it funny how I heard your neighbors and I thought he sounded exactly alike and a

Smiling friend’s character which smiling Friends character no I mean just a stereotypical smiling Friends character like a Zach hael impersonation you know that was Hilarious like I do oh that’s that’s nice that’s something that I’d imagined a smiley friend character to do I I should stop I should volunte more for work a he gets for it that’s that’s great a guy he’s a nice guy he is oh it was like a nice I bought it like

Like I bought it for myself and my mom said it was too girly I’m like huh I’m still going to wear this hat then I’m like oh he likes kind a girly hats I’ll give it to him it’s a nice hat what what uh yeah I’m trying to navigate

A m shaft a mft yeah I think I should also like that kind of hurts oh no oh no Mama Mia poor baby oh poor baby your neck hurts I’m such a creature I’m such a I’m such a thing that ex do you think I should like Go full corpse husband mode

And try to get my audience to simp for me oh I won’t I won’t for your sake but I’ll just let you know that I probably have the capability to do so I’m I’m hoping that my voice goes through I’m hoping that my voice goes through like a second puberty like when

I’m 30 like some people do I think my brother kind of has that my dad kind of technically the one person the one I only know one person is currently going through a second puberty technically maybe with a voice training I could just force my voice to do that I

Mean I’m already based Barone so I’m so impressed with I can’t say names it’s a s chame I forgot be silent child and actually I’m so impressed with like refer SC s his voice from feminization so yep her voice is great there’s two more people in the chat besides me welcome you

Too we are no longer so chaotic because the funny one left no the funny one left and I’m not even joining the world I’m just lying in yeah thinking about if you fall asleep do I have permission to make loud noises to wake you up yes you have

Perion to hold on I need to turn off my bathroom light um oh [ __ ] no my necklace is Tangled Up in the cor of the wonder how long it takes it to go through I’m walking like old man cuz my feet are sore ah I’m doing a little shitty I’m doing

Like the classic big foot BL it don’t mean nothing to me man I should have some more apple cider N I won’t Apple cider’s great though have you had some it’s so good I’ve had it I like it um I have this caramel salt one great should have got another one from

The food drive by the sky the sky is a sky and keeps the atmosphere inside that wasn’t even hell it’s me gil godre I love doing that voice how’s my Gilbert Godfrey by the way it’s very good of course nothing compares to the original God’s soul but it’s very good I

Think he’d be proud of you I can’t believe he was a cool guy from what I heard can’t believe his last role I can’t believe my last role was in will Burger’s YouTube video it’s debatable whether it was actually wilber’s last role or whether it was The Smiling friends god

Scene yeah not willberg bilber God we’re so tired you can’t think I’m pretty okay I usually stream a lot later you suck at do of caffine I forgot no well yeah but I usually stream a lot later oh what time is it you go to bed late

Too I’m an early yeah I’m a I’m a night owl yeah I’m a morning person oh no it was like yes he was having to go he ready by 6 in the morning my entire childhood that made me an a morning person you were homeschooled I was

Homeschooled but I still had to get up in the morning but I’m rebellious about that I became a night person afterwards oh see man sleep paralysis danger is pretty funny gosh that was such an out of pocket impress what do like sleep skus like

Up out of blet but out of nowhere I mean it wasn’t s it was pretty it wasn’t a s impression it was funny up waking up keep waking up me B sub and I should watch the a I what are you okay feels weird I don’t know why it’s

Like a Shar pain like the lower part of my neck I’m like one side and then it goes switches to the other side it’s really weird it reminds me of the light cars when it’s like every third week is slower what what is his name again the

Guy who’s like who sounds like Jake the Dog Chester Stone Chester Stone yeah I like the the chest over [ __ ] car right nice car good ass car $7,000 $77,000 I’m asking for this car but back first like filmow and fil selling light in between it [ __ ] I don’t know amateurs

Street I know I’m not like planning to become like a voice actor or something but do you think I could make it I think so I think I could too yeah you definitely have the making for it you just need to polish your skills way more got the tenacity you’re going to go

Farm what is up with this do I what do I have what’s wrong with my NE because I’ve been looking at a phone all day maybe sometimes that happens H feels it feels oh Dear uh chat hasn’t said anything but they’ve been watching I am it’s so weird watching I know one of them is me so it’s only like two people I I guess that maybe Robert’s still watching just doing stuffing I’m not even watching this G bman Freight deep slate

Batman I can’t it’s so weird that Batman Beyond like technically can The Batman series kind of it near is it’s the sequel I never watched either so I don’t really have that much of a connection to it actual like um actual like Batman anime serious

Up we need to watch all of it for sure well I found a a labyrinth this is like very pre oh you’re like in dark down you’re in the deep dark deep dark down deep dark down here’s how B the singer of that song is the inspiration for the voice of he Joker

You’ve told me this before I’m telling the chat oh yeah I forgot the Alan wants no that’s not right turn my my computer down it’s like possible to give yourself ASMR or no May if you like it would need to be delayed at that point it would be a speech Jamber oh no

I am going in circles actually no I think this is the way out yes I had I had an app and uh talking to the mic and then you can hear yourself and your headphones you you can add delay or Echo to it you can’t do that anymore with the app

But it was so cool Cool bro this feels magic yeah what let me uh check something real quick where’s my phone oh no my phone perfect uh where was at getting kind of tired of Minecraft I have no idea what to do now kind of want to stream someone else but I don’t know what probably

S well I can I can just stream anything there’s nothing stopping me from doing so besides like the stream name of course the egg I throw in the base hatches hello black B okay he left I shouldn’t have said that oh Lord okay 240 minutes

2 hours and 40 minutes that’s how L I’ve been recording so far we shall build an empire together somehow I’m going to end Minecraft for now we will find something different to stream why is the game like this it is frozen okay we’ll find some might as well play some Ultra kill Okay yes this is still Minecraft chat it’s definitely Minecraft it’s just modded oh you have to change the name of the stream I don’t actually we were playing Minecraft so it’s fine nothing bad can happen of this I don’t think I can to have this audio in

What I think I don’t think I can have the music oh let me uh stream this on Discord for you H uh oh I think I crashed hello hello it crashed suddenly for some reason it’s a strange Focus that comes to just playing this raw raw [Applause] [Applause] audio [Applause] oh

Maybe when I become a professional YouTuber I’ll change the title sort of thing what so can you see what I’m [Applause] doing oh yeah that does take half my health hello hello you okay yeah I’m fine so have you been watching oh I just joined back in okay

Hello so I’m just cyber grinding for now cuz I need change face audience I know you love high octane combat so let me give you the highest quality let the blood be shed come on how does this blanket work How does it go over me [Applause] no oh [ __ ] 9 night 9 [Applause]

Night so you’re leaving yeah I’m going sleep okay good night guess it’s just you and me chat technically I should end the stream here but I want to stream for at least 4 hours it’s just me [Applause] I was playing Minecraft for like 2 hours also thanks for your I’ll switch back to Minecraft after [Applause] this [Applause] k [Applause] to [Applause] [Applause] right that was cool [Applause] oh [Applause] do oh all [Applause] right I’m a out of my word give me a second it’s loading apparently cool okay let’s see I got Minecraft up there we go so this is a special world that has no um no structures in it I figured I’d

Want to try this out because I missed how lonely old Minecraft used to feel I’ve been playing on this world with quen as well but since quen went to bed I’ve just been I figured I’d be on this by myself so what is our what are we going to do all right H might as well try and explore a bit oh hi or no oh more hm not much down here no other paths huh I don’t think I’ve seen this oh it’s a lush cave that’s why is this an iron van nope not an iron Vin not as far as I can

Tell think my foot may be falling asleep welcome to the stream whoever you are quen has gone to bed so it’s just me right now and I am testing whether stream look actually exists oh dear okay I like to pretend on this world since there’s no um that there’s no structures that I

Am a human exploring a no an empty world with no people an alien world come on it’s one of the best parts of Minecraft for me I make up all sorts of these little fantasies and thoughts h all of the fun energy was beforehand now this is just chill energy oh [ __ ] h

Hey how’s it Going hey toast that’s your fault let’s see I don’t need this he h no oh here thank you come on put that down let’s see mushroom h kill He M M M m h I’m tired guys I don’t know really what to do here but I got to keep going for about 40 more minutes at least I can see why many people don’t like streaming that much maybe once I get a constant audience then I’ll be better at it maybe

I just need to learn how to be more entertaining maybe the problems just with me I need coal is there any H here’s some come on I hope you’re enjoying the stream if you are who I think you are and this is what you wanted see all

Right going to figure out how to transfer this to the latest version when the time comes what am I doing this right I was making a creeper Farm I don’t want to do that right now Forgot my emeralds that’s fine what do we Building something on this hill I know what I build one two three four five six 1 two three four five six it’s actually perfect this is fine does close your doors welcome to the stream whoever you are this is my homemade Village that I built on my other computer I just

Recently transferred this world to my new computer so I’m just building something I’m going to put a nether portal in this but I need a good building to hold it which is why I’m doing this oops what do you need just stopped for a slight concentration do I possess any qualities

Contrary to those that are common place in 21st century culture I’m calmer I’ll say that what exactly do you to Define that you’d have to Define what 21st century culture is currently please discust this is the most entertaining thing that I’ve had in a while what to now all right I wanted these

And these I need a drop of these and this and gather this and come over here so I’ve got two I need 10 don’t put it there so this is five seven need three more which is perfect actually is this my fortune one yeah doesn’t matter it’s mending

Okay the 21st century is the current century in the anodin OR Common Era in accordance with the Gregorian calendar it began on 1st of January 2001 it will end on 31st December 2100 well yeah that’s obvious you just got that from Wikipedia what of its culture though you need to Define

That if you define its culture actually there’s been so much that’s been that’s gone on in 21st century culture nowadays that it’s hard to tell what even exactly it is I suppose that if you really had to boil it down ah hello Primo XD welcome to the stream we are discussing what 21st

Century culture is my friend has gone to bed and so I am debating with the commenter above you if I possess any qualities contrary to those that are commonplace at this time as he asked though he I am getting the feeling that he may not know what he’s talking about but anyways

I’d have to say that I am very much a product of my time I do not I have a sense of morality that is quite apparent my parents kind of raised me up in a way that I am proud of so I’d have to say that with that I

Am diff different I suppose from the C way people think but that’s just basic manners I suppose everybody has that this is 1.20.1 I am just this is an older world of course so I’m just making stuff eh oops yeah that’ll be fine let’s see there is lot seven put this here

Here I am capitalist if that’s what you’re wondering if you can Define that as I thing name an animal with a Patagonian tooth fish on the side of its head it’s closer to the Lamborghini than the mountain bik that is a nothing Burger of information I have no idea what that means let’s

See Patagonian tooth fish on the side of this head that’s close to you do the the mountain bike that I still don’t understand that sorry I can’t answer that question I don’t think you understand what that means either honestly no one does okay that’s good ah right

Oh I know what I do I know what I need oh so if that gives three do I have stone yes I do do you agree the the water droplets that come off water in Minecraft with your swimming you’re just describing water that’s all that it is water just naturally looks that way

And the water droping in Minecraft were just written as the fimile of that ah very wise words cenith I must meditate on your profoundness oh hold on I had to pay my sacrifice for The Elder for The Elder gods and the the algorithm praise me all right what were we

Doing right I was putting in some protection H there’s crafting tables there good I like that I think there’s one in the cartographer’s house nope there’s one here excuse me what are you doing villagers you would all be doomed if I stayed here and didn’t and let the mobs spawn

Perfect let’s see where this pops up actually hold on I need to connect it to the main road perfect I like it a lot okay right about here that makes sense we can integrate this with that give actually it’s just easier for me to walk along this path

But I had Soul soil boots this was very good I need to use the bathroom real quick I will be back IDE for for for I have return chat I returned to my glorious domain let’s see I need stone bricks and Soul Sand wherever that is so soil oh right wonder

Wonder is he around I used to have an axel who lived here I don’t remember where he was his name was toast cuz he was brown like toast much faster yeah that is faster I think I’ll just do that from now on move perhaps I’ll take the path the other way this is

Ugly maybe I shouldn’t keep this here I’ll feel better about it later probably I stripped the I stripped the dirt from this mountain because I could there’s still some left occasionally but I wanted to to do so because I wanted to carve the mountain into something of course I could have just

Done that from the start but it wouldn’t look as nice with that with with the dirt on it I was thinking of building the great amum statue there a bigger one then populated the space with to with villagers priests to honor the gods of the algorithm there’s also this ice harvesting section

That I made that I wasn’t thinking clearly about I’ll do something better over here what to do I guess now that I’m streaming regularly I’ll have time to actually make stuff on this world Now let’s moveth this out I forgot to get my stone I feel like Knuckles doing this cuz he can glide on like the classic Sonic games I never played the classic Sonic games on like the classic um stuff I grew up with a PS2 but I had like a a

Game with all the classic Sonic games it was like Sonic Mega Collection plus it was amazing it was very much fun [ __ ] yeah this is definitely a 1.17 Mountain fill this spot in as well I wanted an old world an old world that would keep for

Ages to come one that wasn’t too big of course so that I wouldn’t like out everything as far as I I went but one that I could still play on time and time and build stuff on my Monument World perhaps I shall start with the amus ow I think that should

Be we could begin Construction h now see if I remember how to do this so so there a three block wide oops maybe we’ll need four I’m not that upset about moving it if it needs needs it that is a pretty big amus okay too big too wide it needs to be small

This is a rather tall amus let’s see needs to be wider than its body than its legs leg span h pretty good start there this will even it out a bit can’t believe I used up all of them so fast slightly better need to thicken out the back end of it too

Okay then this place I just built just to store all the dirt from the mountain well just because I could I’ll do something with it eventually so this is the design I used it’s tiny in comparison but I could do better to honor the Lords more more fools hm

Don’t know why I have a furnace in my inventory but I do okay I need to St

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT WITH MY FRIEND QUEN’, was uploaded by GergtheGoblin on 2023-12-19 05:51:11. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:27 or 14667 seconds.

Hello! Today we are playing Minecraft. *Unholy guttural screaming* #minecraft #dreamsmp #qsmp #purgatory2 #hermitcraft

  • Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP

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  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

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  • Wireless Power Shenanigans

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  • Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viral

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  • Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18

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  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

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  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

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  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

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  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

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  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

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  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

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  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

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  • Authentic Vanilla

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  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

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  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

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  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

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  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

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  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

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  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

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  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

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  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More