Video Information

Yo youtube what is going on everybody welcome to today’s a video here back on the cosmic pvp lava planet guys i just want to say i know i’ve been posted daily i’m really sorry for your boy’s been pretty busy working on a big big announcement that i have for you guys

Coming out very very soon and as well as i’ve just been trying to figure out i want to make the content the best factions content and sometimes i’m not on when they’re raiding and stuff like that i want to get pvp content see i’m working on that guys your boy is going

To be bringing out a bangers though like today we have an absolute banger for you guys as you can tell by the title and thumbnail but real quickly thank you all for coming back to today’s video leave a like subscribe it literally means the world to me and leave a like if you

Haven’t done so already i just appreciate you guys coming back to every single video making a part of your daily routine and just joining me on this amazing faction series guys yeah like i said i have an insane video for you guys today we got another cough cap which is

Huge for a faction and i mean i’m just gonna tease a little if you take a look at f top 15 000 i think you guys kind of get the idea we are still absolutely dominating this map on lava and so many of you still decide to comment saying

We’re gonna fold we’re gonna get absolutely wrong i just like it blows my i don’t get it guys like i genuinely like we are just this is the craziest faction i’ve seen in a very long time and they just 24 7 grinding and on top of that grinding guys i actually show

You the brand new finishing touches on the god base i’m not showing the inside yet because that is still getting worked on but let’s just say i’d show kind of the god base of where it’s at and let’s just say if you didn’t watch the last

Time i showed you guys the god bass it was insane and it’s just it’s about a trillion times more insane and crazier now but enough of this guys let’s go ahead and jump into today’s crazy video if you guys do enjoy it leave it like

Subscribe and i will see you guys all at the end of the video okay boys so right now there is currently a cough going on as you guys can tell uh we’re already capping it so i’m just gonna go ahead i got on a little late i’m gonna obviously

Help the boys out just in case there’s any pvp it actually looks like there is pvp right now okay okay this is what we love to see ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh oh yep you have you have right here right here right here okay

I’ll try to block him do i block him come here come here come here come here oh we have to chase this guy no no no no oh man he’s just drawing us out it’s really annoying looky he is really trying to knock us right now it’s

A one man again it’s like literally like 10 people right now no way and right now i still don’t know which axe i want to use like we still have oh oh oh oh wait he’s up there he’s up there give me up there oh my gosh everything oh my gosh

He just got dropped oh my gosh that was insane he literally just got absolutely dropped right there okay well that’s an absolute dub i’m just gonna go ahead we’re gonna see if we can cap this cough we definitely would this definitely would be a huge win right now for us

Because again we get so many perks from it so yeah i’ll keep you guys updated hopefully there’s more pvp if we can absolutely dub we could absolutely win this cloth right now and here we go guys we have hit the one minute checkpoint right now on this cough it’s been really

Quiet no one’s really here we are doll i’m just standing on top seeing if anyone enters through any of these entrances and then they’re obviously at the cop right now but hey i mean again here we are i heard so many factions in my comment section in a few videos ago

Say we’re gonna fall don’t dude we’re ff top right now 8 310 like i don’t i don’t know man like i feel like alpha is proving to be one of the most dominant factions in cosmic yeah i don’t really know this is crazy though every time we

Do this you know outpost conquest cause it really doesn’t matter it’s just straight up dominate like we just we just win everything so it’s been pretty amazing every raid like oh my gosh guys it’s insane i will say regardless your boy does need to go ahead and work on a

Better set for himself because it’s not the best but here we go five four three two one boom there we go have ourselves we capped it and uh not pretty bad at all fco yeah it’s just yawning at this point boys but uh g freaking g will take this

Cough dub never hurts to get some little pvp action in you know respect to the guy that tried to contest but uh yeah not bad so now that we’ve done that cough guys i think i wanted to update you with things that are kind of going

On right now so as you guys all know your boy has been trying to go ahead and uh the factions just been absolutely grinding so hard here on the faction base a little update if you take a look at up top we are currently 15 000 faction points i mean the nearest after

That like realistically he’s like twizzle at 13. we we have 15 like it’s just it’s just a different level at this point boys so i’m just going to go ahead we are going to go to a warp right now here on the server for our faction base

I’ve been so excited to show you guys if we just go to the rooftop right here i mean literally just look at this right here i mean this is just the rooftop of our base i think it looks so so i mean alpha look at that isn’t that so sick

Legitimately says alpha i don’t know this is just one of the coolest things i’ve ever seen before i’ve never seen the top of a fashion base that looks like this it’s absolutely insane and again like shout out to literally all the alpha boys for just like all

Grinding i did not i’m going to be honest because i did not help at all i i just wasn’t able to i have obviously busy as you guys know with other youtube content for you guys but all shout out to alpha for being amazing and yeah i

Mean this is the god base at the moment and like you just see like absolutely how massive it is in general if just flying around here this the sheer amount of like obsidian placed it blows my mind like look at this i am flying max speed

Right now and then you see like look at this and this is just crazy to me i i can’t even understand it you guys it’s just obsidian and yeah so like overall just my faction they deserve the biggest credit for this i mean i’m just gonna

Fly around just so you guys get the idea of like what the heck they were building here i mean i am still flying right now it is super long super crazy finally we could take a turn here and then it goes all the way deeper so yeah the fashion

The god base that we have here is insane i’ve never seen something like this before to be completely honest with you guys it’s kind of insane and just overall it’s so cool to be part of such a dominant faction that like is just literally destroying everything in their

Path so yeah boys we love to see it we’re super happy with it this is the god base now that uh your boy is currently residing at i think me and gucci are probably i’m pretty sure i gotta talk to the owners and leaders of alpha but i’m pretty sure we’re finally

Gonna get a like actual inbase tour if this video hits 30 likes your boy will like maybe tease the inside a little because i actually haven’t even gone inside yet because i wanted to get my actual reaction live on youtube so i just wanted to show you guys like the

Defense because i think they’re still working on interior right now obviously the defense is the most important part and on top of just doing little things even like trenching and stuff i mean it just so much goes into building a base guys you all know so again shout out to

The faction absolute legends and they deserve it but now guys your boy actually wanted to go ahead do something we have not done on lava planet yet which i’m so hyped about because i’ve been waiting to do this lava planet as you guys know uh is like the new map it

Reset i think last week just about a week ago and uh yeah we obviously have 1.3 mil again this basically the way i’ve been making money has still been envoys i really don’t have like a crazy money making method or anything and like even when you look at me bout top i mean

There’s literally people with a billion dollars so i clearly need to figure out how to make more money here on the server but the big thing guys i want to go ahead and do is actually open a cosmic crate and the craziest thing is guys is this cosmic crate like literally

Is mine i’m gonna be buying my first ever cosmic crate here on cosmic no one handed it to me but i will say you know i appreciate all the handouts guys if anyone has anything on lava and just wants to throw it over here for more

Content it helps out a ton so yeah throw it over your boy’s always accepted you can message me on discord join my discord and then just message me and i can get on but this is the first time i will ever be buying like a cosmic crate

Here on the server and it’s actually gonna be kind of fun so we’re gonna be purchasing this first ever uh overlord essential stash it’s kind of like a cosmic ray in a way and pretty much what it is is let me just put it right here we could get a showcase expansion idle

More crystal max home increase i’m not gonna go through everything but we could get like fallen heroes soul trackers stuff like that i’m really excited to open this i have not opened like anything like this yet on lava which is why i’m super super excited and it’s

Only 500k i saw it this probably is not worth 500k but i figured hey you know there’s really nothing else here on the server right now you boy might as well go ahead open it up i mean i guess we could open should i just do it let’s

Just open a may 2017 too yolo i’m wasting literally all my money on the server right now someone yeah i might be a little donation we got to go broke right here opening all this stuff but here we go we’re going to go ahead and start with the overlord essentials right

Now let’s see what we get uh hopefully we do get something good i don’t really know what we can get looks like we only get one item here it’s 500 000 we are spending on this and a godly uh transmog scroll that is a really unfortunate but

Do not worry guys we could hopefully make our money back here uh we have ourselves a may 2017 cosmic crate hopefully i would really like fallen heroes i mean that would actually be such a dub or a space flare so here we go i think i am just gonna go ahead and

Do a freaking cosmic ray right here here we go three two one open it up um hopefully again we can give some fallen heroes i haven’t even done those on cosmic yet like i want to do some cool and crazy stuff guys let’s see let’s see

Come on let’s see are we gonna get fall here looks like we did let’s go phoenix and independence let’s go that’s a dub arm enchant or fat crystals scrolls vitamin d okay and then the final item a godly space player let’s go i’m not complaining at all with this this is

Actually a decent cosmic crate i think we spent what 750k on it i’m not complaining at all we i made 2017 tag as well that is so hype yo i’m actually not complaining right now at all we’re gonna do a godly space play right now on top

Of it we’re gonna go ahead and do these fallen heroes this is actually gonna be super super hype first ones of the season guys is why i’m super super excited right now so let me just go ahead get some more stuff in my inventory right now godly space flare

I’m gonna fly out i’m gonna find a decent area to go ahead and start these so hopefully we don’t die and get jumps like we did at the beginning of the season you do the godly space player probably get a godly cosmic chest and call it good so let me just fly around

Let me find a good place and i’ll we’ll do this okay boys i’m really hoping i’m just gonna plant it right here boom give me give me give it give me it oh i’m blind i’m blind okay it’s right here it’s right here give me that bad boy

Boom godly cosmic chest we’ll take it boom throw that in there and then let’s just go ahead and start with the v kits i don’t necessarily have like the best gear on the server right now um so i think my butcher kit is actually the best thing i could get if i’m not

Mistaken actually i’m curious what does more damage okay this does like five this does five three four and then what’s this doing i can’t tell i can’t tell it looks like four i think my butcher is actually just the strongest item that i currently have in my uh

Inventory hopefully we get a gem from this i’m really trying to get as many g kits unlocked on lava and we did we get the gem let’s freaking go boys go ahead boom independence g kit we will take a look at what we get from that here soon

I lowkey i’m very scared to go and do the uh the next one that we’re about to do which is the phoenix v kit because obviously as you guys know uh they’re a little bit stronger and they’re kind of a lot more difficult to kill but we’ll

Take the risk with it hopefully we get something good wish me good luck guys phoenix v kip boom here we go okay so this thing i just got to be strategic with it uh let’s just use the axe come on give me something good here we go

Here we go okay i’m actually absolutely combo in this thing give me the phoenix we’re probably not gonna get the gem i would really like to actually i can’t remember i might have phoenix g kit unlocked i’m not fully sure right now it would be an absolute dub if i do get it

Regardless because i could sell it i’ll give it to gucci i could give it to a faction member make money i don’t know this could overall be a pretty big dub so here we go and we got the gem let’s go and then camp we we got the phoenix v

Kiss so an absolute dumb unlocking some more stuff here on lava planet which i think we’ve needed to do for a very long time to be completely honest with you guys so i’m actually super super hyped about this this is gonna be so sick and i’m not complaining at all right now so

I guess we’re gonna do head to spawn let’s open this godly kha’zik right now because i do not wanna die and uh let’s see we’re at spawn let me get rid of all these potions nice and safe and open this godly cosmic chest right here here

We go three two one boom okay we got four what is it five mystery items i’m gonna do some funky stuff boom okay we got five right now let’s see what we get okay come on still in my history i’ve not gotten a legendary wow four simples

And one unique i still have not gotten a legendary in this series it’s really unfortunate let’s just start with the hey okay magma cube spawner not bad uh legendary books item name tag transmog and then a gear bundle actually not that bad pretty decent opening and then i

Mean let’s just see for the fun of it what books we get let’s see gears one destruction five and in version one not bad magnitude spawner which probably i could sell maybe looks like these are going for about 100k i don’t necessarily think we need these so i’m just going to

Throw one up for let’s just do 75k money is money at the moment and uh yeah i will take all the money i can get right now i’m currently broke here on the server and then gear bundle right here let’s just go ahead and right click it

And it looks like we actually got a phoenix v kit which kind of leads into the next part that i’m trying to do and someone also just purchased so we got 75k if we go ahead and do our vk right now we got our phoenix let’s go ahead

And start leveling that up uh pretty much basically the same things go ahead and throw that in there and then let’s also do our brand new v kit the independence that we just got and boom here we go some decent gear actually i’m not complaining at all um right now

Faction is currently spamming they want tps i don’t know if they’re pvp right now i’m gonna go figure that out i’ll keep you guys updated if it’s pvp related and i’ll be right back well boys i i got you baited they want me to do base work but i think it’s just breaking

This which i feel like i should try to help them like i feel like i should oh of course of course i leave spawn oh my gosh okay wait um let me go spawn real quick spawn come on caleb give me an envoy come on give me something good i

Want to get an envoy i literally just left spawn no no no no no no oh i i don’t i don’t think we’re going to find an envoy no that’s all unfortunate there is people here i hope i don’t die looks like the boys want me to do some

Base work right now which i’m definitely down to do uh help them out a little i don’t really know what they’re necessarily doing i don’t want to mess anything up so i’m just going to wait but yeah so far i mean pretty good episode so far we got some good stuff v

Kits g kits unlocked and i think uh we actually were able to go and get yep a level two on our phoenix kit so that’s uh actually big dub what an amazing video guys we got so much done we’re talking costs we’re talking a god based review revealing it all opening cosmic

Crates v kiss g kids fallen heroes action-packed today we’re making progress here on lava planet which is what we always want to do and yeah i i appreciate it so much guys it literally does mean the world to me have you guys come back to every single video support

The series support me and yeah if you guys ever also i i really don’t like asking for handouts but it does make making content easier because these videos do take a lot of time so if you guys ever want to hook up your boy here

On lava play that like let me know join my discord the link should be down below you can join my discord message me my dms are always open yeah guys this has been an insane insane series and again this saturday guys i actually have a crazy announcement i’m gonna be making

It’s literally one of the craziest ones so that factions video will be at the beginning of the video make sure you guys get hyped for this saturday it’s insane and i’m super super excited for it and i cannot wait to tell you guys all about it but we’re gonna go ahead

And end off today’s video here thank you all so much for watching if you did enjoy it leave a like subscribe and i will see you guys all in the next episode of factions here on cosmp love planet and until then bye bye

This video, titled ‘INSANE GOD BASE REVEAL + CAPPING OP KOTH! | Minecraft FACTIONS #11 (CosmicPvP Lava Planet)’, was uploaded by NotDazzer on 2021-08-26 16:00:20. It has garnered 1090 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:40 or 880 seconds.


In today’s video on Minecraft Factions CosmicPvP Lava Planet we start to play minecraft factions and raid an insane op base on cosmicpvp factions. Finding this op chest allowed us to make an insane money making farm in our god vault in our insane base! Make sure to watch this crazy insane cosmicpvp dungeon planet video! I also plan on playing the new cosmicpvp lava planet releasing this weekend! We also open insane godly op cosmic crate chests on cosmicpvp factions!

Server IP – cosmicpvp.net (Minecraft Factions Lava Planet)

#minecraft #minecraftfactions #cosmicpvp

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Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM

Check Out My Minecraft Factions Members

SoWright – https://www.youtube.com/user/SoWright3/

Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ

swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg

Check Out More Minecraft Factions CosmicPvP Lava Planet Videos!

CosmicPvP | KDDP / EDDY / KADP / NANDAKA KILLS Dungeon Planet KR ➮ ALL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txiuQP3vC5Y

Cosmicpvp | Goodbye | GOD KILLS(KDDP EDDY) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vsTWmcKa6w

*SOTW* DAY ONE OF LAVA RESET!! |Cosmic PvP| Minecraft Factions Smuothie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj2U0igNA8Y

Cosmic PvP | Dungeon Planet | KR ˃ ALL | The Destruction Of Everyone | 🥱 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oP054f8Wv8

CosmicPvP Lava Planet Destruction/ Map 17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SQDGZAzm7I

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    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 https://youtube.com/shorts/d5Hunp9oDvs 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPD2hUI5xlN17sX2HxDKsQ?sub_confirmation=1 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys" #glavstroy #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs Boys in minecraft… #glavstroy #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-02 16:30:18. It has garnered 10708 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players… Read More


    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/minecraftparodileri?sub_confirmation=1 Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

    Vycital SMPA fun Vanilla Minecraft server for you and your friends to play on! We offer solo survival adventures, factions, and more! Read More

  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More

  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

    NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado🔱NAVY SEALS🔱NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CORONADO”We train for war and fight to win…”——————————————————–⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

    It’s like that one friend who refuses to update their phone even though it’s ancient technology. Read More

  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts In Minecraft, lying in bed so real, Creating a cozy spot to feel. VABLOCK shows us how it’s done, In the world of blocks, we all have fun. Crafting dreams in pixelated land, With VABLOCK, we understand. Lying in bed, a simple delight, In Minecraft, we sleep tight. So follow along, let’s build and create, In this blocky world, there’s no debate. VABLOCK’s tutorials, clear and concise, In Minecraft, we find our paradise. Read More

  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

    Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft Nether portals from different hearts leads me to… a whole lot of confusion and lost items in the lava! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 https://x.com/FayKuroda ⚙️『Facebook』 https://www.facebook.com/KurodaFay ⚙️『Instagram』 https://www.instagram.com/faykuroda/ ⚙️ 『Treat』 https://trakteer.id/faykuroda ⚙️ 『Youtube』 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz94tYWlEnyfJDy80gKUMFA #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. play.weeklysmp.nl Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More