Granny’s Epic Fail in Minecraft Nether!

Video Information

Good day guys granny gamer here how you doing really well I hope and we are back on FTB Skies again right so my last episode went out on Friday it’s now Sunday and although I not replied to you thank you so much for all your comments

And help I have read them all I just haven’t had time to reply now you have said let me just go and pop this away you have said that I misread the P pedestal Quest so let me have a look here gadgets and gizmos one of the pedestal upgrades is the generator

Upgrade right yeah so it says I got to put a block under it to generate a block above it now this is where I got confused I’ve got to look at the wiki pedestals blocks oh pedestal oh no that’s not it one place you can interact any yeah okay oh no wrong one

Items breeder okay pedical upgrades Bas can be crafted in the crafting table using gold plates right okay generator that’s what I’ve got to get right now right ju B slow speed and H above that will produce a fast nether white being the fast we you will need a chest or

Hopper above the pedestal to collect the produced blocks oh oh this is it this must be it the above diagram shows block outcomes for the generator upgrade the lower block Red Arrow is the block you must place under the pedestal and the upper block green AR is the block

Generated by the pedestal oky doky so I need Blackstone so what is that there is that Co Alexa stop excuse me a minute Alexa stop we’re just going to have to let her go she’s being obstinate that looks like a block of call so okay this is what we’re going to

Do pedestal so p e d okay oh how did it say I had to make the pedestal um what’s that oh it’s a condensed one where is the pedestal in here okay let’s go back in here and have a look yeah I I’m not very good at these type of ones

Unfortunately unless I know I’ve got to have some of these so let’s make them see if that comes up with anything there it is oh I need an item frame okay see there was something definitely missing so we’ll grab that and we will grab that is that going to be enough for

An item frame yes two and so um I just as well make two let’s put both you back actually no I’m going to put you in there because obviously that is what I’m going to need going need one two three four of them for one of them okay I’m going to need

A oh look I got a block of coal already a block of coal and how did I do the generator lava water and double compressed Cobblestone so oky dokie uhuh I’m getting there slowly but surely I need a better Source how do you make the lava

Well oh I hate it when it does that uh oh yeah wo planks we don’t know that we’re going to be able to get there unless we can we have to go in another for that I think right so I’m going to need a thing for aren’t I

Um going to need one of them right so over here I should have already have a double compressed one of them what else was it it was the lava and the water wasn’t it yep so I I remembers I remember right so let’s put that back up one back up two three

Four so one of them and one of them and I think have I got it yes right so now I I’ve got one of these so that’ll do for now so let’s put actually I’m going to put you right there cuz look it’s already here I’m hoping that I can use a broken

One so if I put that there that there and then that and one of them and I love the way it’s showing me how to do it oh okay maybe I got to go one two and like that aha yay that’s actually quite easy I’m going to have so many of them flying

Around that is so much easier than all these Contraptions cuz all this is really untidy but that so much easier so I wonder what else I could do right um I’ll have a smithing table pimpl in a loot bag right trash has I’ve already done this

One so let’s just go and pick that one up cuz I made one the other day okay did you go I didn’t hear you go why did you not go oh trash can void okay what’s a trash can void what that ah I of Ender I haven’t got any of them okie

Dokie how am I going to get I ofenders can I get it in them doubt I can do that can I uh Wiki next pedestal items there now there’s oh look at that nothing there okay so the thing I’m going to have to do what else can I do with these pedestals

Before I go anywhere base upgrade yeah breeder okay the pedestal breeder upgrade is used to make nearby animals and villagers breed without the use of feeding once they come into contact with each other they produce babies and be on a cool down chickens cows Pig sheeps and villagers right

Okay attack the pedestal attack used to infin damage on nearby mobs in a closed radius provided as any sword type okay that’s I don’t know if that’s handy or not fan magnet milker Quarry produces mixed stone or types above itself provide it as either an iron diamond or nether white pickaxe a chest

Or Hopple above itself and a block of ancient debris below itself jeez have slow speed using above that will produce at a faster rate so I can actually get that right and that’ll be the shearing one I get that one milk Orum is for the cows yeah and goats didn’t even know we

Had goats in this one but there you go magnet oh okay I suppose that would be quite good a fan oh suppose that would be good for a m i mean that’s one thing I haven’t done so far is make a mob farm you know is is a mob farm handy in this

Pack I don’t know okay let me have a look at this what’s a card spawner card spawn is a machine that will spawn a random amount of mobs for 10 seconds card of your choice the card will then be fed through the machine and the mobs will start to spawn okay

Okay card binder yeah I want one of them don’t I I do want one of them CU that’s that’s annoying mob statues okay items card pack okay so we can make card packs that’s good we can make Pap for this well okay right so we still got a hell of a lot to

Get through but I oh God it’s [Laughter] dark it remind me when I was a kid and I used to read a lot and all of a sudden I S like open I’d look up from my book and I like oh it’s dark usually when I couldn’t see much on

The paper okay I do get carried away when I read I must admit let’s go in here and do this I think what I’m going to do though is go and see if we can find one of these nether Villages cuz I want those um I would like the

Pedestal not the pedestal the lava thing that so I want some wared planks so that is a a must for me so let’s put away what I’m not going to have actually I’m going to take that with me cuz I got spare I don’t need that

Um not going to need not going to need you I want to have a look at you and you okay not bad not great but not bad um I don’t think I need you cuz you’re not actually a normal nether are you you way and you way put that

There have I got yes I have right okay so oh gosh here we go let’s go and have a look and I’m going to have to write down the coordinates I think otherwise I’m I’m going to forget them let’s go to our nether house anything in here no right let’s

Try not to fall sneak sneak sneak sneak do not let go of the sneak sneak right War Village is this way so minus 260 that’s that way and 571 so oh it’s going to be that way isn’t It um how the hell am I going to f Bobby off of here this is not going to be good – 260 yeah it’s definitely L that way right so if I get here no not there oh I don’t like this do you know those really confident

People that just sort of like jump up and do things I don’t feel like that that’s me at the minute I should have maybe bought some stuff so I can do a run up you know what I’m going to do that I know it’s really silly but oh I’m

Here never mind I can get some stuff from here yeah that’s going to give me five let’s do that right so let me just okay that was quite good that wasn’t too bad at all yeah I think I’m going to need to do a mob farm

Because I need levels cuz I need some more mending stuff that was one rocket that me all the way here that’s cool oh and I didn’t die I am getting better haha she says with um overconfidence which is not very good overconfidence is not good let’s go have a look right sneak

And sneak again doesn’t hold the sneak does it that’s the thing that confuses me right that this should be enough for me to do it shouldn’t it no no okay oh I don’t like this oh dear oh no this is going to be really bad I don’t know where I’m going

There a walk Forest it’s got to be around here somewhere not too far down not too far down oh God Almighty I’m lost oh no well I’m not lost oh oh jeez no oh that was not fun that was not fun oh my Gyan well I don’t know how

That happened I went complet he hey hey hey hey okay got be very careful no no no no no no don’t you dare don’t youare don’t you oh you son of a [Laughter] biscuit I really don’t like never voids I end up really panicking as you can tell okay then let’s grab

That let’s grab that hello Mr Trader could I please could I please have another one thank you oh that’s only 17 oh when it’s shut already just hold youres where’s your other one gone hi how much yours 30 I got one that I do right so all my stuff’s at the Crimson

Forest have I got any more no I haven’t put you back um I’m just going to take that amount I really want our um thingy Bobby you know one of those boxes excuse me I can’t remember what they’re called um I’m going to make a gold something make gold boots

Because I can’t remember if that’s where oh and I could have used that as well couldn’t I I forgot I had that thank goodness I’ve got keep inventory on oh it means I’ve still got that well I got a spare one now okay I have got to keep inventory on

That’s good so now I’ve going to WR it down because last time I forgot to write it down and I got myself into a bit of a tear not having that floor underneath really throws me cuz I got to think quite fast and that that’s not good when you’re

Dyslexic you can’t you can think fast but you because you’re think in like images a lot I can see I don’t see words as such I just see like images really and um yeah it makes it very hard to do so I’m just going to take a break

I’ll be back in a sec okay let’s try this again shall we I wrote down the um coordinates the red Village is at minus 298 136 and the blue ones at 26571 so that is minus so I’ve got to go – 260 571 so it’s definitely in that direction

Right let’s try and keep that minus 260 571 and I’ve gone past it haven’t I oh gosh oh I’m way up high as well let’s go to the 571 and then see if I can do it there right so let nearly up to 571 no

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no just son of a biscuit I was so close it’s so difficult when the when the floor is Not underneath you honestly it is right try again thank goodness I’ve got keep inventory on how’s my thing it’s quite

Low oh I really need some Unbreaking okay 260 571 so maybe go 571 first and then swing around to 260 does that make sense I’m going to put that there as well can I oh I can right okay that’s good right so let’s go I can’t straighten up oh I’ve missed it

Already right try and stay here I can’t is that straight no that’s not straight what am I doing I go up let’s go oh dear right so that was 260 is I I really don’t like this 260 571 no is it that way just go up a bit oh

Jeez I I have no idea what I’m doing here I’ve got no visual absolutely no visual representation of what I’m doing at all why am I No no I’m on 671 oh what’s that right I’m here well I’m at something anyway it’s not the one that I wanted it’s definitely the one that I’ve got all right I’m just going to go up here start up top no I’m not no I’m not

Oh this is a totally different one than the one I went to last time okay oh I didn’t bring any bottles gosh darn it oh I don’t want to go through this again it’s [Laughter] horrible oh as a visual person I I I find it so stressful not

Being able to see anything and it’s a void it’s really difficult it’s okay when I’m bridging out with the the blocks because then I’m able even if it’s a long one I’m able to I got something that I can follow I may have to do that just to give me a little

Bit of a hand hello guys come here to me I should have bought a well I should have done lots of stuff I can see some loot things I can’t how much life have you got jeez okay what’s over here if I put lights down will that stop

It it like put that one there as well just going to put these on just in case well let’s stop things from spaw in cuz I’m not sure oh oh this was where I was last time okay I didn’t think it was but it was well I’ll have that anything under

No oh look at that that was sneaky sneaky wasn’t it anything else up there I kind of want to get some of them as well right um let’s put you there and put you there there should be enough light I don’t know if they spawn in light or

Not kind of want to get up there so how am I going to do that without them following me cuz I haven’t got a lot of blocks have I and I don’t think I haven’t I haven’t got why haven’t I got a bloing bow that’s a strange thing is it why

Haven’t I got a bow usually fished them up by now I think that’s why can you like um come over here please can you not get past that you can’t get past that oo haha that that’s clever come here mister I’m I looking I’m I looking okay oh ancient debris I need

That right then let me have a look around here oh we got some machines that I can take thank you and I’ll have you and I’m going to put you to compensate um yeah I’m going to take the lock cuz you know you never know what’s going to come in handy and what’s

Not you know oh my goodness this is so sketchy so so sketchy right there’s one round here okay I’m going to have a go at getting up there there is some up there but I don’t know how to quite get oh maybe this is the way this is the way right okay oh

Okay one down here one down here one up I can’t put one up there I put one there though NOP nothing there okay I am concentrating so much anything up there no can I get over there from here with four I can what was that noise okay H nearly made

It going to take a little bit of damage though I think ouch I still I wanted some of these so you know it’s not a bad thing is it really I see you down there you little scamps I think that’s the way I got to

Go as well is it so I got to go down and around that way oh like it’s going to be another long one today guys all my video seems to be so long lately I’m not very well organized am I oh look at that that’s put that there I hear you

All right this is the last one here and they should be just down there yet so how am I going to get down I think I may have to hurt myself well I know I don’t have to hurt myself I can just Glide well I could just jump and hurt myself

Basically nothing else here let’s grab that right so it’s just you i’ got to take care of so this obviously is not stop ouch stopping them from spawning come on whatever you do do not lose that lecon well I did say I wanted XP so I’m definitely getting XP

Now I’m wondering if you make a um XP farm here whether or not it’ll make a difference right okay I can see a spawner there but I want this first and I don’t know what that spawner is this is a little bit scary oh I found out what spawner it is

Ouch darn it and I’ve got no I’ve got a I’ve got no right okay then I may have to end the I may have to end it here cuz I’ve got nothing to counter out them I’ve got no I’m going to need to make an XP farm aren’t

I it’s just no two ways about it me go up here cuz I just saw something else over here that I didn’t get was that on the outside of this yes look there it is okay anything else on the outside of anything don’t think so I think I’ve

Got I got a little bit haven’t I oh can’t I pick that up nah not with this anyway yeah okay so I think XP farm is going to have to be the way I need yeah look at them they’re just it’s just going to be ridiculous so as a got inventory kept

On should I quickly have go over see if I can find the blue one which it’s 260 571 I’ve got a new one of them on so which way will be 260 let’s see if I can figure this out 260 is that way and five so it’s that way 260

No it’s got to go down in it two one is going down and that’s got to go down as well so three two so it’s that way okay oh I did it I did it I did it just try it and stay relatively thingy bobbed 260 no up a bit 571 571 come

On I’ve completely missed it haven’t I yeah I’m going completely the wrong way okay so let’s go backround 260 571 okay I’m doing all right in a minute I’m concentrating right okay so it’s kind of along these lines no it’s not along those lines no two two three two oh God I’m off

Again to up up I need to go up right 260 okay let’s go up there it’s got to be down here somewhere isn’t it come on around here oh shoot oh no no I forgot to look at the altitude okay guys I think I’m going to

Leave it there for today thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it you guys have an absolutely great rest of your day if you like this episode please hit the thumbs up if you’re new subscribe for more flying Shenanigans for a granny always Tred to be nice never fail to be

Kind and I will see you next time bye

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Bedrock Market place map FTB’s Skies EP7 Flying in the nether is not good!!’, was uploaded by ukGrannyGamer on 2023-12-05 16:17:17. It has garnered 117 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:00 or 2700 seconds.

Discover an unparalleled adventure with FTB Skies.

Step into a realm where floating islands rule the skies, presenting a survival challenge that urges resourcefulness.

78 Quests Over 500 new blocks, items and machines Extensive in-game Wiki 5 starter islands

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    Exclusive: _CaTaH_ reveals secret to getting 300 donations on Dayzombie.ruVideo Information This video, titled ‘Шпасибо за 300 пошпишников’, was uploaded by _CaTaH_ on 2024-01-17 20:34:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. tags: dayz, mcpe, dayz mcpe, dayzombie,, dayz minecraft pe, minecraft, minecraft pe, dayz-stor, dayz minecraft … Read More

  • Dzeiya goes INSANE in Minecraft – ONE BLOCK challenge!

    Dzeiya goes INSANE in Minecraft - ONE BLOCK challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Donathon] Minecraft Tapi Satu Blok?! – Vtuber Indonesia’, was uploaded by Dzeiya Channel on 2024-03-30 09:06:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Support Me : (2000) Saweria: (10,000) (Can Send Gif & Video) … Read More

  • weezercord

    weezercordWelcome to the official Weezer minecraft server! Our goal is to provide a safe, and fun play for Weezer fans to converse, and chill! Read More

  • Broken World RP Roleplay Modded 1.18.2 Custom Fantasy Races Custom Weapons Unique Skills Accessories Narrative Whitelist

    Broken World Roleplay Welcome to Nebelloren In the wake of undead hordes bringing about the collapse of their homelands, two factions set themselves adrift upon the sea–totally unaware of the other group’s parallel tragedy. They discover magical mists, impossibly thick and dark. Inside these mists is a strange continent, where long ago armies clashed, gods were born and died, and where the hands of fate are your own. It is a shattered continent, named Nebelloren. This is a role-playing server utilizing the Mod Figura. Members of our community work together to form characters and tell immersive stories. Races and Factions… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The hell is going on?

    Minecraft Memes - The hell is going on?Well, I guess you could say this meme is a solid 7 out of 10 in terms of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Reeling in Pain with Fishing Frenzy

    Vanilla Minecraft: Reeling in Pain with Fishing Frenzy In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Our news reporter dives into the lives Of gamers and builders, crafting away, In a world where they can truly play. Fishing away the pain, in vanilla Minecraft, Our reporter’s journey, a true craft. Building houses, neglecting the nether, But still finding joy in every endeavor. With lightning antennas and fishing rods, Our reporter explores, against all odds. Gathering items, putting them away, In this virtual world, they choose to stay. So join us in this Minecraft tale, Where creativity and fun prevail. With Nanachi skin, a touch of flair, Our… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #shorts #memes Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Sky Height Limit!

    Uncover Minecraft's Sky Height Limit! The Limit of Height in Minecraft: Reaching New Heights When it comes to exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. One such boundary that has captured the attention of many is the height limit in Minecraft. Let’s delve into this fascinating aspect of the game and see just how high players can go! Exploring the Heights In the world of Minecraft, the height limit has always been a topic of interest for players looking to expand their horizons. Originally, the height limit was set at 128 blocks… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Mario’s Fantasy House

    Minecraft: Build Mario's Fantasy House Exploring the Mario Fantasy House in Minecraft Imagine stepping into a world where Mario’s iconic design motifs come to life in a fantastical house within Minecraft. This unique creation offers a blend of creativity and nostalgia for fans of the beloved video game character. Layout & Materials The Mario Fantasy House features a layout that captures the essence of Mario’s world. From the vibrant colors to the whimsical shapes, every detail is carefully crafted to immerse players in a playful atmosphere. The materials used in construction add to the authenticity, ensuring that the house stays true to its inspiration…. Read More

  • “Lost in AI World: EPIC Parkour Adventure #5 – Minecraft Mayhem!” #suspense #magic #thrills

    "Lost in AI World: EPIC Parkour Adventure #5 - Minecraft Mayhem!" #suspense #magic #thrillsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Tale of Forgotten Magic #5 w/ Minecraft Parkour video #minecraft #suspense #adventure’, was uploaded by AI Story Thrills on 2024-06-13 18:15:56. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Experience the moment Aria unlocks her first spell! Watch as her heart races and her fingers glow with light, casting a spell that brings a small flame to life. Each success and challenge on her journey builds her confidence, awakening ancient magic within her. Aria’s adventure is just beginning, and the magic she has discovered… Read More

  • Cobblemon Hustle: Earn PokeCash! | Minecraft Pokemon Mod

    Cobblemon Hustle: Earn PokeCash! | Minecraft Pokemon ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gotta Earn Some PokeCash! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 7 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-05-31 03:16:33. It has garnered 60738 views and 1616 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:41 or 13901 seconds. Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – My Twitch – MERCH at Check out FocusFuel: Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!

    EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raythal Gaming on 2024-01-16 12:45:04. It has garnered 2586 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft This is a minecraft animation | In this vedio pillagers raid on a village and Steve and Alex save the village | Insta- Discord- Love you so much guys | please support me | ‎#minecraft  #bgmi ‎#TechnoGamerzOfficial  ‎#GamerFleet  ‎#AnshuBisht  Minecraft Survival series| minecraft world | Minecraft Gameplay Minecraft Survival… Read More

  • The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursed

    The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursedVideo Information This video, titled ‘No tiene sentido🧐 #minecraft #humor #minecraftmemes #cursed’, was uploaded by The Pankalo on 2024-01-13 23:51:56. It has garnered 16017 views and 1442 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!

    Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Asur SMP Live Grind…[Minecraft Live survival ]’, was uploaded by Asholic Gaming on 2024-01-08 04:10:36. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:36 or 2736 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip ASHOLIC GAMING: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Discover the SECRET Zoonomaly Koala Dimension!

    Discover the SECRET Zoonomaly Koala Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER KOALA Dimension In Minecraft’, was uploaded by MelonCraft – Minecraft on 2024-04-06 08:00:10. It has garnered 432 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:11 or 191 seconds. How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER KOALA Dimension In Minecraft Hello, I’m Melon Noob. Like and subscribe to watch interesting videos on this channel. #minecraft #portal #meloncraft #melonnoob #minecraftnoob #minecraftportal #noob #zoonomaly #mcpe #addon #addonmcpe Read More

  • You won’t believe what happened on a normal day

    You won't believe what happened on a normal dayVideo Information This video, titled ‘normal day ft.’, was uploaded by Ownedme on 2024-06-15 08:47:24. It has garnered 413 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. crystal pvp, minecraft, pvp, drdonut, cpvp, minecraft pvp, donut smp, crystal, donutsmp, smp, crystal pvp montage, marlow, minecraft hardcore, tier 1, marlowww, minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft smp, marlow crystal pvp, drdonutt, itzrealme, donut, end crystal, dr donut, vanilla pvp, survive hardcore, hardcore, best minecraft player, crystal pvp guide, vanilla crystal pvp, clownpierce, rasplin, respawn anchor, vanilla crystal pvp montage, live, livestream, golfeh, lurrn, tier list, 1.20,… Read More


    INSANE LUCK?! OPENING 100 GRINDING CRATES FAST! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘OPENING 100’S OF GRINDING CRATES! (MINECRAFT FACTIONS)’, was uploaded by Beadle on 2024-04-11 22:00:28. It has garnered 90 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Crate opening video on minecraft factions. —————————————————————————- IP: DISCORD: STORE: WEB: MORE: —————————————————————————- Tell your mom hi for me. 😘 Enjoy the video? Hit the like button and subscribe with post notifications. SUBSCRIBE TO ME NOW! @RealBeadle If you are a sub i love you and you are cool. periot. 😊 MY SOCIALS: @RealBeadle on SnapChat, Twitter, and… Read More

  • Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!

    Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Type Soul Is Boring’, was uploaded by Note on 2024-05-02 01:07:51. It has garnered 1377 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. Like and Subscribe if you want more Minecraft, Roblox, or Anime Content. Comment for things you want to see or tell me what I can do better. The quality of this video could have been better. I understand that and wish to continue to improve; any feedback is helpful. Intro by Intro song – Croosh Anymore Outro song- Suzume by Nanoka Hara ▬▬▬▬▬ Background Songs… Read More

  • RageStorm SMP

    RageStorm SMPJoin the RageStorm SMP today! Do ‘kits when you join. Defend your self and build a team. There is /tpa . Lifesteal included Read More