GrimPlays survives 100 days as Heian Era Sukun in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft!

Video Information

How did hyen ER sakuna actually die ryomen sakuna is one of the most mysterious characters in anime history with information on his backstory and cause of death being unknown we don’t know where he came from why he is the way he is or even if he was ever a human

But one thing we do know is that around a thousand years ago he was killed we don’t know by who or by what but something was able to stop him why isn’t this mysterious character talked about more do you think this info will ever be revealed let me know what you think down

In the comments what’s going on guys it’s Grim here and today we are back with another jjk Banger man as always I’m joining with my good friend ISO and we’re going to be playing today as hyen era sakuna man he’s going to be playing as mahito

If you want to see his point of you go ahead and check out his channel also go ahead and go subscribe and join the Discord all of that information will be down in the description and let’s go ahead and get into the video man see how

Fast we can get these 20 fingers I’ll see you guys then all right we are here in the duo series again and we’re coming with mahito and sakuna as y’all know we did do this back in the day before with vice versa and I’ve never actually done

Mahito so it’s gonna be a cool little thing to see what we can do and [ __ ] as y’all know I’m here with my boy Grim Grim say what’s good yo what’s popping what’s popping bro I’m glad to finally be sakuna and man for sure y’all need to

Make sure to go sub to both uh both of us obviously in descriptions because we’ both been flying up and we’re trying to get some more content online servers Etc so make sure to join the Discord we’re going to start the juice sourc or building we were going to skip it but

Might as well get some of it done and knock it out we’re not we’re going to be doing a different set of bosses some different things today so you’ll see something different as well as we have a new map in the works well not a new map

But this map is getting expanded heavily in the works so make sure to look forward to that but so you ready Grim yeah bro is ready as I can be bro there’s not really much much to it CU you know I’m sakuna so they’re about to

Get Slaughter I’m G let you put the more of the work in we got Maki first so let her down like like sh in the past in the past I oh who am I fighting everybody yeah I I’m at 1% perent it’s cuz of enaki yeah I can’t even come in the door

Bro that [ __ ] be running through my health Gojo talking about me what you talking about me I’m that’s you yeah yeah no my my chat is getting flooded oh [ __ ] I don’t know maybe somebody’s somebody’s attacks have that but um yo totto just clapped my [ __ ]

Pause I’m about say I don’t even know how I can help you gang I am so like I’m not super weak but I’m weak enough that I can’t I can barely help I can still aim I’m I’m just charging up for uh attack so I can help you with that

Same oh the human gun is kind of good okay yeah I need that I need that uh that first upgrade that you get uh let’s hit him with a Max that attack yep there we go oh I made I hit gr four sorcerer okay that helped me out

A little bit there we go that’s definitely going to help me out in the I’m trying to help you out too bro I’m not even going to lie y about say knock him over here I got him Toto’s knocked now it’s just MO yep there we

[ __ ] go good [ __ ] okay all let me great start bro oh enaki [ __ ] ass oh my God I’m 1% again if he hit me anything I’m dead I’m not going to lie like anything I’m crunch yo and I’m dead you died okay oh my God he’s one

Hit he’s one hit he’s one hit I’m I’m coming back I’m coming back I’m I’m I’m outside but I got to come in yo every time I use something he uses blast pass away bro come on yeah N I can’t we got to use straight hands he only attacks

When is he dead out of here yeah he’s dead I was about to say he was doing a little too much oh I got a little bit I got a lot more Cur energy now but there we go I got I don’t know if I got any

New attacks nothing crazy but hey yo but we do have a couple new attacks see what they do um honestly they should be a little useful because now I’m getting A Little Bit Stronger like I was terribly weak at one point we got mahito we got um nanami not there we go

Okay that doesn’t do damage for real I’m not going to lie that sh just looks crazy y I need help I’m dead bro dead yo what yeah they they be crunching me I don’t know why I take so much damage that’s cool it’s cool it’s cool come on

Oh yeah Yugi’s out of here I’ll aggro Agro let me let me AG got hit by uh he got hit by the the cleave or he either got hit by the cleave or he got hit by this are you serious bro haraga yes bro off rip I didn’t even do anything yet

Bro oh my God okay yeah I can’t take any hits from that there we go a couple fames and yeah my Hara gonna be on yo you don’t mind if I take the grade UPS right so I can get a little bit stronger I’m oh my God I’m

Dead I grabbed him I’m dead yo are you serious yeah [ __ ] these [ __ ] are they’re doing damage but I got the grade up semi- grade 2 which is definitely going to be useful but uh sh we got to see what happens obviously now that we have

Mahito to the next level we gonna move towards uh the disaster curses oh not the disaster we got to fight choso still right I let me down steps okay cool cool uh yeah is it yeah I think we do so we’ll take down choso and then move towards

The disaster curs so we’ll be right back when we get there all right we are here at choso and he’s not with his brothers this time so we’re going to take him down and see what we can do I see him he’s actually by the front entrance hopefully he’s not

Going to you know one shot stuff but I’m going straight in oh he’s actually low oh I think he got into a battle yeah yeah oh I actually got a RSE C technique right there okay he actually still did some damage to me oh I got oh oh I was

About to say I can heal okay I got reverse curse technique that’s definitely gonna be useful because I really his brother is back here okay his brother is back here his brother’s full health okay oh my God yo you flood him bro I I I don’t even know no more oh he

Oh oh never mind you be I’m cool you ain’t that the first time cool get all your [ __ ] out of there did I hit you there we go nah uh I died from that was you know finger one step closer to becoming 20 finger sakuna man and I’m not going

To lie I think uh I think now after this you can start getting some of the um obviously some of the grade ups and stuff like that I’m not going to need some soon but I got I got his weapon which hopefully will be useful and I

Also got his wings which will make me a little bit stronger definitely come in handy um grade one now yeah and I do got uh reverse curse techniqu so that’ll be useful hopefully but um we’re going to move forward we’re going to move towards uh the disaster curses this where it’s

Going to start getting like crazy but I should be able to unlock my domain soon from fighting them so that’ll be useful but uh we’ll be back when we get to the first disaster curse yes sir all right so we’ve made it to our first disaster curse mahito there’s a lot of

Cursed Spirits in here so we’re going to try to knock those out first before we actually fight mahito there’s also a couple finger finger bears in here as well you ready to take them on good there we go okay these are the guys these are the guys right here yeah

I’m going go ahead I’m go ahead eat another finger yeah they’re just attacking me okay yeah kill them kill them if you can kill them if you can cuz I don’t know how to get rid of them you know that yo oh that’s myto wait is this your people’s yeah

This is my people’s that’s I said just do whatever you can to kill them if you die my fault like I’m I’m trying to kill him too I’m not Tri I’m not tripping reverse curse taking remember you got a lot of energy you got to use

It are you going to die you want that I say all right um yeah we got to make a team bro you guys we before we give move forward we’re going to see how we can make a team because for some reason bro we can’t hit each other by

Our all some of my things go towards him I want to fix that so we’ll be right back after we set the team up and make sure that you know Works sir all right we fixed the the what are those things called [ __ ] the polymorphic Soul

Somers we tried to fix it we add each other to teams but some reason is still not letting us like actually like they they still attack him so we’re going to obviously just split up for when we fight and I do use those things they

Helped me a lot to a point where I don’t need like too much protection no more so uh I should be good for them the most part though especially with the um the thing that I have as well but uh pull up over here Grim I say I see mahito and some finger

Bears holy [ __ ] I was about to say all right also I did change my layout you guys you guys can see I have my my thing at the top right of the screen I just feel like it made more sense but um oh this is my toe oh [ __ ] okay

Okay [ __ ] out of here boy okay out of here boy I’m trying to attack myo but I can’t even get to bro bro where are these [ __ ] at all right I’m make a couple more of these things all right um yeah I about say these things com in

Clutch I’m not lie it’s kind of hard to get close to Bro oh my God I got simple domain yeah I’m not going lie it’s coming from me using my moves a lot um I got human gun I’m looking for bro heing the trees where’d he

Go yeah after this game remind me to start my sense up cuz I definitely want to do that too oh [ __ ] he’s crunching me uh okay as y’all see I am using the choso weapon because it was just a good not choso weapon but the one that we got

From Cho’s place because it was just a good one there we go let’s go Fame oh I got some Fame from that too all right okay subjugation Mission how I say crunch them crunch there we go subjugation Mission um I don’t think I got any domain or

Anything from that oh I got the body of distorted healing though oh wait actually I thought I did it popped it’s in here thought I did it’s in here anyway which is good perfect what was that that was your oh that’s not my mans it’s a freaking it’s a finger Bearer I

Killed him now oh that does some damage okay but we do have um special some grade UPS so you’ll use those by the way more fingers you heard and then we got a domain def useful yeah because you get more Cur energy from that but let’s go I

Have my my domain expans now we got maho’s hand as well so I’m going to put this back I don’t need that as well as some armor from the distorted uh killing but I know that’s going to turn off once I if I actually do pop distorted healing

So I don’t think I’m actually G to pop it let me uh put these on real quick though because you know we got to pop out like actual mahito and I’m not gonna lie looks a little bit of drip let me uh take this off and then uh take that off

And there we go yep M full body Bo think he clean think he clean lie it’s coming crazy but we have taken down mahito the disaster curse I’m happy that I stopped here first but we are going to go take on um Joo next see what he’s about but

Uh have you tried using human stock uh I thought that’s what I what you mean that’s what I was using have you tried the the stock that’s in there you tried using it no no no no no I thought you talking about like summoning humans yeah yeah

No there they go co that’s the human stock oh you can actually make people yeah yeah they’re met pretty cool but uh attack [ __ ] but I got self- ody man and Perfection as well which is I thought it was my domain it said I have domain no that’s your that’s your mode

That’s your mode so I guess it said Mastery domain but I guess I don’t actually have Mastery domain yet so we’ll see what happens maybe I need to be special grade but um we’re going to head over towards Joo give him a little surprise feel me and we’ll be right back

All right we are here back and we’re we’re going to be taking on joo’s place but one of my like mod creators like one of the map creators actually said there was like a little surprise where he created like a little dungeon in a like a little hidden spot by joo’s spot like

Joo’s place and he’s it’s actually down here Grim do you want to take it on or you think we you scared what’s down here I’ve never been scared of anything in my life okay oh [ __ ] oh my bad I a’t even do one guy it was a CO guy

Damn that’s it I punched him on AC he died bro was weak as hell okay well I guess he bro he a know he’s going to be that strong but how he supposed to get out now you a thinking that before bro we go head over there and we’ll be right

Back all right let’s take on Joo we’re back up here and I’m not lie I’m kind of ready I’m kind of messing with like a lot of the new techniques I have so I’m going see what I can do honestly almost popped malevolent Shrine eat another

Finger me fing taking a little bit of damage here but nothing crazy oh yeah no that’s in my domain that’s what it’s called Perfection I really got to do it to him what’s up that was my domain but okay oh no no this too it was yeah we’re stacked

We were at a domain battle but uh you’re valid three-way domain battle that’s what happened three-way domain battle trying to run at me I guess we know who won I ain’t even going to do it to him I oh hold on wait I know what I’m going to do on don’t hit

Him oh I don’t have flame Arrow yet I got something I got something that’s a little better we’re survive 1% Health ah I gota wait for my [ __ ] to load back up there we go got him yeah and there we go self embody room Perfection is the actual domain but here

We go uh that’s uh I got a finger for you two of them three of them three more fingers oh yes sir yeah I’m not g lie are kind of strong nothing crazy but uh we’re definitely going to head towards I believe Yuki or toi’s right around after this so we’re getting

To a pretty high level of some of the fighters but we got to see if we can keep up so you ready Grim yes sir let’s get it all right we are here at the next place we’re going to be taking on Kimo and seeing what we can do decided to go

Here instead of Yuki because you know auna type battle so we’re going to see what happens I’m not gonna lie Yugi’s starting to get strong in this mod he might need his own little spot that’s a fact that’s a fact yeah I’m here I’m here

Um okay I see this boy Kima over there you already know he gets mad off rip when he sees sakuna I’m might to hit him with the human gun and see what it does completely missed his ass okay that was that was cool nothing crazy B reverse curse need level two let’s go

I can’t even see my health because of that damn achievement okay okay okay wa your health would you put it to the side uh yeah I put it on top right because my my moves are getting too long the names here that hit hopefully hit I’m about see what

What bro got in the chest before I pop domain expansion I don’t want to break nothing oh it’s a special it’s a special great recommendations all right let me let me grab those out so we don’t have to worry about losing them all right I want to pop my my domain

Expansion I’m not GNA lie bro’s trying to get with us but he he fake can’t do it you gonna pop your domain or am I G to kill you you go ahead no you’re good oh he broke it okay I respect it he broke it why am I Stu like that

Though bro said I respect it not me oh yeah let’s finish him off yep I’m trying to get a you back no yeah I’ve seen that animation come I thought you’d be died too I be like what the hell it’s only animation though that’s tough though bro is not

Trying to let me let me like he’s not trying to let me do anything definitely going to need a better weapon than this but blink no way he doesn’t die right folded him yo so he doesn’t die okay cool cool cool I wonder I wonder if

I I’m not going lie I haven’t try even tried uh holding any of those spamming it oh you got simple domain oh I got simple domain I can’t hold it h you can hold what you can charge it up yeah oh yeah yeah yeah it just shoots him forever if

You hold it for a long time it just shoots him forever bro all right yeah it’s pretty tough what’s in the chest did you see uh just C weapons and equipment some broken [ __ ] that garbage oh yeah and then I took the I took the special grade shits out here

Okay cool I just took that out so we uh we would I yeah about say I just took the special Gr stuff out so we wouldn’t destroy it just in case the main battle happened are you already special grade no I just popped it I got it I’m special

Grade now Wier basket um okay I still don’t have the body distorted killing yet but uh I do got some other things for now which is going to be useful but we do still have to head over to the next spot we’re going to go take on I

Believe toi or one of them next so hope you enjoy that and head over towards it all right we here at the UT movie boss we’re going to see what UT’s about honestly you know he has olden days Gojo with him and that’s going to be annoying

Because we can’t get through his do his Infinity without domain expansion but other than that we should be good uh What We what’s it looking like we got goo on the left inumaki UT we got a nice little lineup honestly Um I could go towards Gojo if you want to see go towards Utah un’s dead I I didn’t think it was going to hurt him M he’s dead no you knew that was going to hurt him bro I did not I did not is it going is it going kill you me

And goo one-on one let’s go it didn’t kill him right who don’t Gojo oh it didn’t do [ __ ] to UT I forgot he got hella curs energy I’m in here with Gojo going hands oh yeah oh yeah me me and goo going at oh he just used flame Arrow

Against me oh yeah he’s he’s he’s copy your moves on you there we go oh yo I’m not going to lie I got the I got the thing where you grab him and it can kill him mhm yeah he died from like like like a random hit but that was tough Gojo is

Taken down how’s it going with you over there um me and you TR going at it me and Maki are going at now I kind of want to know why oh let’s use some of you guys yo he almost killed me where is he I’m good I’m good I’m or where are

You guys is my question all right let me kill maky and freaking Panda cuz they’re kind of on my ass and it’s kind of annoying me yo I can’t rock bro I’m not my ass is this Canon I’m working on uh Panda and omaki I mean

Omaki right now I’m almost done here we go there’s no way yo I’m getting my ass whooped yeah know oh [ __ ] that’s how you feel exactly I’m feeling he’s still hitting me outside of the all right what’s up with bro really he trying to hit the dude You’ been doing a

Lot of damage to ra I was about to say you didn’t take that much damage though but R was was taking damage yo what’s up with you what you mean I thought I thought you I thought it was yeah see bro stop breaking my domain bro there we go though the domain

Expansion feel me is valid and uh I’m not gonna lie UT was actually like I said like he said it was he he was actually doing some work Gojo tried but goo kind of got drowned so he he really couldn’t do too much we got UT’s curs

Sword in here which looks pretty decent um um some more fingers by the way and grups which definitely could come in handy but as y’all know we really don’t need them right now but UT has been taken down oh yeah you do need the gr right yes there we go special grade

Yes go my boy is of the next level now but um I’m not g to lie I might have to kill myself bro I can’t Dash I can only run but I am running pretty fast sometimes you got like fatigue or something or no slowness anything um nah

Just ain’t that quick I don’t know why but Mao wasn’t the fastest guy anyways oh somebody’s fighting somebody’s getting fried there goes um obviously my boy you to the movie bosses where we’re going to head towards um tuna now so we’ll see how that goes you guys and

We’ll be right back when we get towards sakuna all right we are here at sakuna 15 fingers and I’m not going to lie Shibuya sakuna we haven’t fought him in a while has been a good amount of videos and I finally decided to spin back cuz

He’s in here with yuram and I want to see what we can do to him sakuna messes up my domain which is going to be kind of annoying but uh we should be straight Bo it’s popping out with the fire off rip off rip I can’t even see anything I’m just

Getting Frozen and Blended all right there we go yo yam had me frozen out the ass they fryer a little bit n yeah I’m not going lie my guys are on right now giving a hell all right is that you or it’s him not going I’m

Dead you died not going to lie I’m dead N I didn’t have any curs it’s cool I’m coming back yo I got back and you popped your domain that’s great she still got his up cool yeah he broke mine don’t worry about it not worried about

It and he’s still full health oh man this guy’s annoying okay he’s getting with me he getting with me bring to me bring him to me bring to me bring to me I’m trying he’s he’s getting hit though he’s getting hit he die yeah he did oh I

Forgot the the weapon I’m using bro it dead ass has a chance of kill bro that’s so tough but yeah that [ __ ] came clutch twice so far that’s that’s gas but there we go we got a sakuna weapon which you might mess with in here and some other

Weapons which is kind of tough so I’m not going to lie you sakuna does it fit my kit as well as a couple oh yeah we’re definitely getting stronger in some levels getting to the next level I don’t know I feel like a demon with this mahito hand might have

To be careful with this but um damn going back here with fresh bag of R there we go [ __ ] hungry there we go next up y’all know we do have to take down the disaster curses I’m not going to lie they’re going to be scared to see Cudo

So we going to head over there and we’ll be right back all right and we’re finally here to the disaster curse team up we’re going to fight each of the disaster curses and uh NOA or however however you say his name no yeah NAA as you can see they’re

Split into different sections by like biome and pretty much where what they’re known for you know mahito got got crushed over here we got Hanami and them yeah all right so let’s see how this first fight goes I don’t even see mahito but I know that he’s down here somewhere

He’s down here somewhere oh my God I got s flying lock in oh start swinging his speat oh not gonna lie I have some decent stuff I might have to die like soon so I could like because I can’t like I said I still can’t Dash which is kind of annoying but

It’s not done too crazy yep they attack he attacks on site bro that’s what you that’s really what you want to do yeah off site I mean off site immediately oh my God he’s not trying to let us get near him that’s cool oh my god it worked

Again okay okay I’m I’m not going to use that weapon too fast bro cuz oh my God bro it literally it literally it literally killed mahito bro that was like insane did it really yeah it’s a chance but it’s like it’s supposed to be super low and like I got it right there

On myo I was thinking that Wii and maho’s body infinite luck there we go I got a finger for you by the way here I’m going drop but um my polymorphic guys are fighting something I’m not lie I think they got crunched by the people uh the like

People in the middle no I crunched them oh oh there we go they were attacking me had to do in do them dirty let’s head over let’s head over to hanimi spot see if we can take him down 14 fingers is crazy yeah that’s one step closer to high era

Sakuna get out of here yep there we go finger bear I got a finger for you let me pull out this mahito sword real quick I mean not mahito sword at this UT sword tell me you see uh Hami is Hami alive might be’s over here found him yeah all

Right speed this up a little bit too come over here come out a wall come out a wall what do that do I’m bringing us in oh I just got pushed out of it oh yeah you forgot you break my domain all right ready I break your

Domain yeah remember myuna typ beat oh yeah sorry yeah I got I got good I got two more fingers for you though I killed two finger Bears here you go and um where you at I’m right over here look on the map see let me see if I can get his hand nah

16 fer sakuna she your level sir yes sir that’s cute let’s get on him if I get blown one more time it’s going to be a problem wonder if it works like that with uh my barrage attack I wonder if I could just get a barrage of like chance kill

Hits I’ll be gas all right there we go and there goes Hanami falling the next disaster cursing now you know we got to take on Joo obviously and then still get into there so uh let’s see there’s another finger bear in here as well which is going to be tough

But uh I don’t even see Joo you see him oh here he is he’s in the back you see him it’s looking good for me bro I might end up getting um might end up getting my 20 fingers here most definitely he probably will then I shall be the true high in Era

Sakuna there’s two right here all right I hope I’m not frying anything that’s in range huh so I hope I’m not frying any anything else IO by the way okay cool cool cool cool cool that’s lit got him low enough that I was able to change his soul where the other one

Go missing a finger I need I need my fingers is that the one I could have was it two or three F my god did you see what he just did to my things or was that you it may have been me just made that

Was D all right now we got Dagon and uh and NAIA so we going to see what we can do with them I just realized I forgot that I certain attacks and change certain things to certain things oh [ __ ] I wonder if I can you know you can’t oh [ __ ] I can do

World slash they now that’s what it says yeah no no it it’s just when I hold um when I hold right click and I I mean no no no when I hold shift and I look look damn like that world slash that’s just a Spam some about the shift dismantle I was telling

You about yeah yeah yeah oh yeah what’s the world slash then world slash is something you’re going to use you can only use it on go Kashima but it’s just a huge slash like that like slash through type [ __ ] it’s crazy where’s now at is he here ORS to two more two two

More 18 and I think I see my 19th and oh my God I got four domains popped on top of each other on top of me I’m going all the way I never been I never been puss oh I didn’t mean to fry him oh my God

Sorryy you finger number 19 I’m going on a spre are you in the middle yes oh my God I’m getting crunched bro I didn’t even mean to bro I po domain on the outside trying to hit Han uh what’s his name NAA and they po domain on me I’m getting crunched

Bro you might have to pop domain or something bro I can’t even breathe they got me underwater can you see what’s going on oh my God what who’s doain on my head now he said who’s domain am I head now don’t worry I’ll put an end to all of this everybody sto

Moving every everybody still moving oh there we go everybody still moving and there we go then there was one but kju who do who do you think you are kju the demon bro thinks he’s calm trying to change his soul but I can’t get it there we go

You trying to change his soul that’s how that’s how whyi told be oneshotting people in in the show be distorting their soul any fingers on the ground bro off the perk there we go C team up is destroyed and as they are destroyed 20th finger he we go you know with that 20

Fingers you know who we going to fight to fight next right yes sir yes sir also I’m going to put a time stamp hey if you’re here from the time stamp to see the real high a sakuna Spam thumbs up in the comments but there we go we’re going to

Head over to the next the next beast in our way and we’ll be right back all right Y what you mean I’m I’m high in there laugh like a old school l talking about all right all right all right come on I think could to ever laugh like that but we’re here behind

Mea and we going to see what’s going on oh my god oh he snuck you from behind the door oh all right come here come here quit moving yeah I’m teamate see me now yeah come on come on oh I didn’t mean to pop symbol do

Me I’m not going to lie oh my God bro can’t even see anything there we go y I’m not going to lie these Soul these solely Sommers are so tough they just throw out damage and just jump [ __ ] down I’m not going to lie I almost got your how’s how’s it going with

You yes y Ram is getting jumped down like can’t do anything jump down still working on getting Bros um there we go your is gone are you serious are you [ __ ] getting jumped by my oh my God what’s going on girl thought this is going to be easy it is

Don’t worry got my auto H wicker basket don’t worry about none of that see how long that lasts let’s see how long that lasts let’s see how long that lasts on you can keep hopping it game can’t you can’t hold it forever can’t hold it forever game can’t hold it forever [ __ ] cheating

Clown can’t hold it forever come on can’t hold it forever come on [ __ ] say [Laughter] yes oh bro I cut it off I cut it off I cut it off yeah I want to beat him the the old school way beat his ass like a real man

Okay okay come on come on lock in all you got to do is get in with me come on come on all you got to do is get in with me yeah yeah yeah I ain’t going to beat him like no P come on get in with me I

Ain’t using no attacks get in with me come on come on get in with me come on come get in with me fighting forever bro let my man jump him with you bro my rock out Dragon my Bo around [ __ ] said he said are you serious that was actually kind of

Funny gra oh my God I got I got a crunch bro he’s doing too much I’m not goinge I got a crunch bro he alive where’s he at make sure bro get crunched damn thanks and there goes mega me sakuna enough of that wait we got huge new way up in the air

Tweaking but uh there we go we got some new things we got some stuff in the chest if you want to check it out yo new way up there we got domain appliations fingers and the the wheel can I even eat anymore yeah get that wheel my boy so you can be

A realia full power sakuna eating them like Chi that whe there we go domain expansion do you got domain you got domain expansion already domain amplification domain expansion and simple domain did you master those uh yeah give me the domain one just in case they’re they’re both in the in the

Chest oh I can I was going to say um yeah we’re going to culling games all you need now is uh mahara bro yes sir ski but uh we’re going to head towards the culling games see what we can do see if we get a little bit stronger and uh

Yeah take on the that boy uh everybody in the culling games actually but we’ll be right back yes sir all right and we have finally made it to the culling games bro there’s some very powerful Sorcerers here bro Sorcerers and and cursed Spirits as well

So I believe here if I’m not mistaken I should Grant I should be granted the ability to obtain mahara which is going to ultimately make me high in a sakuna I’m able to adapt to everything I have mahara I just have everything that I’ve Ever Wanted bro honestly like

Unstoppable it’s crazy up with the manga yeah if you’re caught up with the manga bro I feel like that the the fight that we’re currently on is lasting way too long honestly if it were me I wouldn’t I wouldn’t spare anyone yo where you where you at second room the door you trying

To you trying to fly through him I was just I thought we were walking literally walking through him BR here getting crunched in the corner oh my God a bunch of black men running down on him put him back in the corner oh yo yo

Something got a do dirty oh my God these start crunchy who next who next who next who next I thought we were friends oh start doing me the nastiest way mhm trying to get some oh yeah I got a soul oh my God two backtack soul manipulations is crazy three three three maky

Three damn I couldn’t get three I can still kind of get it but she’s already low there we go I thought she died look out of here she’s following you never mind she’s doing some damage to me and following you look out of here boy oh wait she has no cursed energy oh

Yeah where cleave at no she’s out of here she died already get away from me who’s that who’s last who who’s left are they fighting each other yeah come on we out to the next spot with the final spot of the culling games we’re here in the final place we

Got Gojo I mean we got my boy sakuna oh oh yeah okay Mega sakuna is back muna’s back yep he’s giving he’s given he’s given times not scared or nothing yo we just fought him all right yeah he’s not even letting me get close bro I’m not even going to

Lie you care with popping domain expansion I’ll grab the I’ll grab the chest just to make sure that we don’t lose anything put it in here uh we also got what else we get domain expansion a whole bunch of little things but uh I’m going ignore that and then obviously you

Already know what time is you already know where we going I’m not going you got do is get in with me come on come on yo I was good I had it oh yeah come on get in with me okay okay I worried about either of y’all not

Worried about either of y’all not worried about either of y’all worried about either y away yeah I’m not going lie expect I don’t know why he froze me I’m like I cannot move I think I don’t know if I had to do my domain or what just happened I’m

Crushed you heard yeah hold on hold on hold on I Ain a sakuna 20 fingers not worried about anything yo no I ain’t no way bro hold on give me one second I need my get back he he’s on my ass all right here I come here I come yo what are these

Things uh kaku’s here with them on the same team don’t worry don’t worry about it thing cuz he’s getting crushed soon as he gets in here come on oh my niga sumon Another one not worried about it hey I got I am worried about it I am worried about it I’m worried about

It yo he summoned another one for a final battle okay what oh yeah you I forgot about you do it again do it again I’m trying to get I’m trying to manipulate his soul bro but that [ __ ] is not working oh start adaptation going to adapt to it geny yep there we

Go mad hits but there we go my boy is dead here I’m not going to lie I got the rewards I took him out the chest I’m going put him back in now I just didn’t want the chest to Break um we got I got somebody’s hair yeah we got the curse

Technique changer so you will be able to change to Mega sakuna and get obviously sakuna Megam sakuna and have all your techniques of high and air along with the what he had in the manga so you can do that and then as well as um that’s so

T go ahead and do it yeah bro let me see let’s go meami fushi Guru and make sure you still get all your sakuna stuff you should if anything you eat a finger and it should come all back hey yep yep yep no nope nope don’t worry there we

Go so you got everything now wait how many fingers am I you’re 20 how much curse energy you have man doesn’t say it I got 18K right now but I’m not sure only s only Mega me suun only 20 finger suuna can have that much C

Energy so there we go Mak me sakuna 20 Finger High a sakuna complete now we’re going to go take on the Final Bosses of the world we’ll be right back all right we are here and I believe this might be one of our final battles

Man as you can see there’s most of the top ranked Sorcerers in jjk and also at the end of this we’re going to be fighting Gojo so we got Yuji but like shabui Yuji so like the stronger one we got Utah again about to fold him in half like an

Omelette uh let’s see who is there anybody here who’s actually a problem oh that’s how you feeling you got to start getting out my domain yo you got to start telling me before you use it I got domain recovery let’s go finally learn how to use it you guys so it’s going to

Definitely be in handy o special grade curse Spirit one okay that’s definitely going to be a oh I was about to say definitely going to be useful come on new way I got bad luck he’s always dying for my jums new way lock in what you got the big new way

Yeah big New Way gas okay I got to put real hands on you oh I do I need to lock in she almost killed me what’s wrong she almost killed me the [ __ ] yo yo R followed me all the way up the ladder bro it beat me down on the

Ladder on the ladder is crazy I’m up here fighting Gojo I need help why are you up there fighting Gojo cuz I re threw me up here oh dead dead oh my God [ __ ] domain crushed me bro bro his domain crushing me Grim Please his domain crushing me are you you still up there yeah Crush now I’m dead you de hurry up and come back hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up mak’s crushed all right I’m on my way in right now I’m not allow you should just copy you should just copy

Dismantle you talking about regular dismil yes ain’t nothing scary good [ __ ] kill killed uh oh no I didn’t Gojo’s down here he is Gojo’s down here yes all right oh what what is that what is what I’m healing all right where’s Goa oh you fighting Yuki you’re not even fighting

Goa I ain’t never been scared of Goa tiger funeral come on what all do I need for um aichi tiger funeral has to be dead round deer has to be dead and then AO I mean and then uh I mean yeah tiger funeral yeah tiger funeral and round deer have to be

Dead tiger funeral you know you new way has to be alive said round deer yeah all right bet round deer come on round deer lock in round deer lock in yo please I’m dead oh goo’s crunching me bro go meain please something anything bro around dear die all right bro

You died pop a domain or something man all right please help me please help your team please I get crushed yo where you at where you at come here no way bro Pop I can’t move I’m in his I can’t move either I’m crushed bro bro here I come

Here I come here I come I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming where you at where you at where you at I’m under round deer’s legs bro oh my God here we go with these 10 everybody got a domain out on each other right now and you pop this weak ass

Domain mhm come on jumping they ass I about to say I was just about to tell you pop your Dain too cuz I just popped mine so you can’t use another one bro goost are ran out of domains oh my Lord if you need a heal come under round deer I’m

Caught caught what does that mean oh he’s dead goo die now he’s up there are you kidding me am I stuck I can’t use my do oh wait am I brain damaged no I’m not wonder why I can’t oh I have no freaking cursed energy that’s

Why yeah I guess I I lost all using mine I’m about to go up there right now use I’m to use my other one going to use my other one [ __ ] it right [ __ ] we ball oh Lord domain Clash not worried about back over here are y’all in a domain battle

Yep I’m getting in there oh got him out of his come on come on getting Fri my domain my domain and stuff back back getting fried but it’s okay it’s okay oh let me rock simple domain no I couldn’t pop surfing body me into perfection in time bro my domain is

Still up how okay I’m good I’m good I’m good my domain is not still up uh-uh it’s not working for me at least I can’t see anything I’m I’m crunched yo all right I can hear oh I’m I’m taking damage now y you think we out live it are you are

You stuck too yo my wheel broke are you stuck no I’m good now I’m good now damn bro hit me with a hollow purple or a red one of the two I’m about to come back ready right now yeah yeah I’m ready I’m back I’m back all right he’s

At full health still oh my God don’t worry no he’s not come on bro let’s get this over with why am M stop he’s he has a symbol domain on for how long now let me keep that on just in case see if I can get them off with I’m

G see if I can destroy the soul I’m going for a lot of hits back to back come over here don’t push him too far don’t push him too far I’m not I’m not y you know how much range your domain ass yeah he’s taking some good damage

But I can’t get a I can’t get a clear one off I’m I’m keeping my domain on a standby just in case he beats like if yours disappears oh [ __ ] what happened you a got no more domain nope y I’m not going to lie I’m about say I’m

About to pop mine so might want to back up pop yours am I too hurt or something I can’t pop mine bro he’s rushing me down I no it’s not letting you it’s not cuz of me oh yeah jump him jump him down jump him

Down what am I getting hit by y jump him down oh my God I’m stuck right now I’m trying to come right now though you’re stuck yeah it’s all right I got I got speed attack I get closer bet bet I do get closer he’s going down spray hands y

Straight here we go got soul let’s go and there goes my boy goo satero taking down I’m not even go up there cuz I already know the chest got broken so we’re going to take on high aun you ready for the final battle bro yes sir

This one should be a lot easier than someone who literally can’t be hit I don’t know but we’ll see all right we here in the final battle with sakuna high and era man it’s sakuna high and era against sakuna high and era so we’re gonna see how um how

Easy this fight is since you think it’s going to be so easy we’ll see if this is really going to be something crazy like something we got to worry about because I’m I’m thinking it’s going to be not too easy I don’t know my opinion I think

It’s definitely gonna be a little bit harder than normal N I think I think we should be good bro as long as I um you know execute the plan how I want it to go we should be fine where the fence is at my lie I can’t even get in

There there we go hey aaga yes sir not going lie bro this [ __ ] looks pathetic I cannot get in how’d you get in I jumped over oh my God I don’t want to get in never mind but my health got shredded I got to put on my armor

Want to but I yo I can’t I can’t literally cannot get in bro there’s no way to get in I’m just going to break some [ __ ] I’m not even going to lie to you okay let go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go where is he Let’s go

Team where’s he at where’s he at he’s right here he’s right here I got Mah haraga Great Serpent and that boy all right that man I’ll come right out oh [ __ ] oh I didn’t even know why I could even use my [ __ ] it wasn’t letting

Me at first yo no way mahara is dead right tiger funeral piercing ox and who tiger funeral and the and the snake and your deer have to die not piercing ax tiger funeral lock in oh my God I didn’t see my health tiger funeral lock in I’m your Uber driver lock

In yeah I really can’t use noain on this guy he’s crushing you snake my snake hit me once he’s hitting you he crush me oh Lord right I’m back I’m back I walk I try to walk up to him K oh my God bro my guys can’t even hit

Bro okay new way still needs to be alive Great Serpent bro that guy is not going to help us bro I don’t know why you’re summoning him hold on yes he is Great Serpent round deer and tiger funeral oh yes Mo be in round there no way no way get off a

Broski bro this man is destroying you bro how’s that feel he’s not no he’s not no he’s not no he’s not hold on let me lock in I’ll try distro his soul where’s he at we’re going to get rid of sakuna I’m destroy soul that [ __ ] not working it going to

Work eventually got him you killed him yep distorted his soul let’s get it I’m not going to lie s was definitely a monster of an opponent thank God I had feel me Distortion but bro Rock no too much bro Rock nah nobody wanted to see no more of

Your hand signs man but that was definitely a crazy battle what you got to say about this Grim before we had out for this um man this was definitely tough if you guys want to see any more characters let us know also join the Discord if you want the mod pack cuz you

Guys ask for it a lot and no we’re not doing Pokemon yes no we’re not doing one piece no we’re not doing this guy’s crazy what did that have to do anything he we just saying bro I got a coule

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days As Heian Era Sukun In Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft!!!’, was uploaded by GrimPlays on 2024-02-25 03:29:22. It has garnered 911 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:08 or 3488 seconds.

We spent 100 days as Heian Era Sukuna in Minecraft!

Today I spent 100 days in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft

All mod packs will be in the discord below

Edited with DaVinci Resolve 18 Thumbnail Made by Me With PhotoShop Intro Made By Me

DISCORD – Iso’s Channel – @isoplaysz


1- This video is purely fan-made and is not associated with the musical artist and anime company in any way. 2- ” I do not own ANY of the anime included in this video. They all belong to their respective companies and/or creators. This video is for entertainment purposes is a non-profit fan made video with no infringement intended. 3- “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”

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  • Minecraft Bible: Armor of God

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  • Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘…in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nikki Rei Ch. idol-EN on 2024-04-01 22:00:32. It has garnered 6242 views and 976 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:36 or 27276 seconds. #NikkiRei #Vtuber #VtuberEN #IdolEN #idolGenesis If you enjoyed watching, don’t be a tool, like and comment or i’ll use you. Join Nikki’s workshop to get access to perks: 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 ⚙️ Tips: ⚙️ How to make Jane read your tip msg? ⚙️ Idol online shop ⚙️ My Twitta: ⚙️Roast my marshmallow, I won’t be mad: 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 Tags: ⚙️ Gen: #idolGenesis… Read More

  • SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival Challenge

    SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Survival Challenge with Brother 😁’, was uploaded by SUPII GAMING on 2024-03-21 12:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT PE Dual Survival Series in Hindi Ep 1 | Iron Armor. #mcpe #minecraft100days #minecrafters #minecraftpe … Read More

  • Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!

    Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!Video Information This video, titled ‘fireball fight #minecraft #shorts #minemen #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by miwc on 2024-03-03 19:08:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars play,good montages,bedwars,bedwars videos,bedwars extensions,hypixel montage,sammygreen montage,block clutch … Read More


    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

  • Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!

    Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Epic Minecraft Bedwars And Skywars On Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-04-29 21:14:56. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. #hungergames #lunarclient #prison #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars roblox,op prison… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!

    Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!Video Information hey guys wiing here welcome to Minecraft with our AI bot why did you leave for like two seconds what what was that all about uh I have no idea uh well anyway that’s so Random I I okay um here it is here’s our lovely AI it’s uh we got vivv in our Viv my AI in Minecraft here it is pretty cool huh it just left the game we joined the game uh just uh we don’t need to figure out why that happened probably crashed two seconds ago and I didn’t even realize but yeah… Read More

  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

    🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥Video Information den armboss platziert ihr einfach dann nehmt ihr euch das Namenschild und nennt das dann den RTP dann müsst ihr einfach den platzieren und den Halt den entsprechend RTP nennen wenn ihr das gemacht hab kommen wir auch schon zum ersten command und zwar/ff Typ minecraftarmor Name RTP invisible 2 255 tRUE wenn ich den Schalter nämlich umlege seht ihr dass die Arm unsichtbar werden weil wenn die sichtbar sind das wollen wir ja natürlich nicht wir wollen halt dass die in wie gesagt dann unsichtbar sind dafür ist halt schon mal der erste command da kommen wir… Read More

  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More

  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

    Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft's Secure Base Battle! In the world of Minecraft, a battle did unfold, Between Dark Souka and a mutant so bold. With knives in hand and teeth so sharp, The mutant sought to tear the town apart. But Souka and friends were not afraid, They built a base, strong and well-made. With obsidian walls and lava all around, They stood their ground, ready to astound. But the mutant was cunning, he had a plan, He spawned zombies and baby zombies, a dangerous clan. But Souka and team fought with all their might, They took down the mutant, winning the fight. In the end,… Read More

  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

    Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥 When you accidentally eat a golden apple in Minecraft and realize you just wasted your precious loot on a snack. #minecraftproblems #hangryminecraftplayer Read More