GSA – Global Speedrun Association – Minecraft Speedrunners vs Twitch Chat | Crowd Control ft. Feinberg, Reign, Dylqn & Silverr

Video Information

Okay welcome to gsa to crap urban arts crowd control showdown i am going to be one of your commentators for the time being joined by in the booth by realer hello wrigley i’m nice to be here boy do we have a lot to touch on right now as we get into things

First of all um just a quick brief update for the viewers the format has been updated for this it is going to now be all four runners competing against chat to see how many completions they can get so we will be seeing uh there is there is no more

Of your beautiful ship names dilva and reinberg may temporarily take a rest but hopefully we’ll be returning with a a bit more of a with a bit of a stronger setup in the future but what that format change does open up is opportunity reeler at this point

The goal for all for the viewers for the runners is chaos and that is what we are aiming to see here with this crowd control plugin uh i do want to throw out a shout out to the people that make this entirely possible gsa themselves but also very importantly

Urban art exclamation mark ua in the chat uh people may remember uap from the old the the uh the previous invitational that happened but is now just at ua the p has gone off to another land ua amazing helping us with funding this event as well as the things that they do

In general they are a brilliant organization that help a lot of underprivileged students in new york and prepare them for college help them get in to get into uh careers in coding in game design and it is a wonderful cause and i would love to see you guys supporting it as we

Get throughout the stream but yeah fifty dollars already coming in to kill feinberg excellent start this is exactly what i expect from the minecraft speedrunning community that is a beautiful beginning that i am more than happy that that is going to be the leading off point thank you to the

Person who spent that money what are the effects you’re most excited to see oh good question i think i am most interested to see what people do That is unexpected like combinations of two donations that come through that will change the game and have stuff that because we’ve we we’ve had a look through to make sure there’s nothing game breaking and i’m interested to see what we missed that was game breaking oh we see that somebody summoned a

Charged creeper on terrain xer if i had to pick an effect i think i’m excited for the inverted mouse that’s not even like in game but it’s just like a mental um messing with somebody’s controls it seems entertaining to me it’s going to be active ingame the

Plugin is on the server that they’re on um so it looks like we do see all the runners going to be getting started tools they’re making themselves some stuff so it is going to be them working together as a team to be completing this that nice little anvil showing up there

So will be some nice co-op gameplay that we see coming through so once again chat powers in your hands you have the funding you have the money you can mess with these runners to you could kill them right now you could you could kill them right now the power is is yours

I’m not like i’m not sick i’m not i’m not just i’m not saying that you have to kill them i’m just saying you could how many how many chances how many chances are you gonna have to just stop your runner okay we’re beginning that’s what you mean okay sorry i got confused

Okay so the run is beginning there’s a man flying oh awesome what what is he drinking what is oh okay right feinberg dropping out a lot of items that are i don’t think that that’s um rainex doesn’t know how to place the things is this part of the

Is this part of the okay well we’re in the end we are in the end um there’s a charged creeper very nice see that spawning onto feinberg the crowd you know i am extremely no i’m right now hey why is spice trash the boss so spies to summon the weather i oh okay

And it names it after them i guess so well feinberg’s dead rainex is using portal blocks to take out the end crystals it looks like it has an edge i’m going to i’m going to throw out a big guess here and say no because i think feinberg already had a

Lot of stuff stored in creative mode from before this actually started dylan’s bleeping out right next to make him stop to fight the enderman what’s uh i’m i’m trying to see it silver’s died okay um you know okay what really how do we bring coherency to what is happening right now

There’s a perch oh right brainx is in the fountain yeah the the full crystals uh full crystals up hitting it with an axe this is not going to be very efficient okay um so i don’t think we need to give too much weight to what is happening specifically on street right now

I’ll i’ll be honest even if even if we had to i don’t think that i could I don’t understand i mean they could definitely try to beat the game they could make a like a time up they could make a uh like one cycle platform out of and portal blocks and though there were sheep in the overworld like this this run is completable but

The question feinberg’s in creative mode [Laughter] is he a lot is this a lab i i don’t know what is and isn’t allowed but you know what’s awesome we’ve still somehow managed to raise 115 for charity with with this and i think that’s great yeah um you know despite the fact that feinberg has creative mode um and

They all have you know his godly unlimited access to whatever resources they want they still haven’t completed a run um yeah i i guess we’ll have to see it looks like they’re setting the respawn point one of the donation goals of the donations feinberg is drunk feinberg is drunk

Yeah it’s from a drug i just assumed you meant in real life no i was like that would explain so much that would explain the chaos no no no no if only the explanation was that simple right no he’s he had trunk mode um all right um you know

Really you want to talk about your dog i like your dog well we’re not we’re not going to talk about my dog that’s adorable yeah but cosmo’s not playing the game okay it looks if you want pictures on your doctor you can dm me on discord um

I think jason is going to be dragged into the booth in a second to hopefully give some clarity on what’s going on feinberg going for the one cycle no you’ve got to know in there saves his life with a bad placement but yeah we we we’re gonna be real with you chad

Beating the dragon to death with a golden apple does he have strength because that is doing a lot of damage uh there was also somebody else in the fountain of an axe well okay oh yes we don’t know what’s going on it doesn’t seem like many people understand what’s going on

We’re trying our best to keep things a little bit coherent but it’s a little bit uncertain right now and we will hopefully be able to give you some sweet updates in the near future um how is the dragon still alive because they haven’t taken down the crystals yeah but why feinberg has

Creative mode i don’t think they’re trying very hard to take down the crystals okay wait levitation potion that’s awesome awesome is he being sent to a spawn point i guess like that that’s why he’s not in the end right now it’s one of the donation things creative

Mode is that how he keeps getting creative or is does he just like have op are we are we missing something can someone explain to me what’s happening no i don’t think they can i’m sorry mister oh they definitely did not donate anything created yeah

He was in korea to be on creative mode inventory well he’s drunk now okay um okay well you know i wasn’t ready for this oh okay the the effect creative mode has now been disabled so yeah runners will no longer be able to get access to creative mode

Uh looks like it’s a bit too late for uh bit too late for this specific run for that one so what i will feature runs will no longer have creative mode what i would recommend right now to any charters out there is i’d hold hold on to your money

Just just for a second because i don’t think this run is going to take much longer i don’t think that there is a there’s much point to messing them with them on this i think the gear curve has gone gone a little too a little it’s a little too far gone i would

Wait until then the the next seed starts and then start messing with them because at that point you’re definitely gonna be able to get an impact what is silver doing um getting the crystals so it looks like dylan and silver are like killing endermen oh and reneks are killing endermen and trying

To get these crystals why is feinberg not helping them no i think he is he’s killing another man too but he’s not towering or using a boat he’s just kind of like going for it yeah there’s not really much at risk here oh and he’s using another right here Who gets the kill will we find out i mean oh my god whose horde is that oh you want the obvious dragons no it’s dragons yeah it’s a dragon the dragon’s horde okay all right everybody knows the dragons all right another death coming through for dylan right there did have the bed on

The outside we’ll be able to hop back in and take a another stab at it some lots of armor coming through right now feinberg i think in the full never right oh and we’ve got jason himself here with us now we’ll be better hey good moon

Uh obviously with you being more on the administrative side perhaps you can give some insight as to what’s going on right now what the plan is going forward and yeah absolutely yeah so all blame for this can definitely be put on my shoulders because i thought something could be done

Through crowd control that can’t be done uh the plan was to have all four runners doing individual runs where chat can blow them up spawn you know nether dragons whatever to mess with them give and take away resources uh what we found out was everybody has

To be on the same minecraft server and plugged in together for this to work so i made a promise that technically was not doable uh so the pivot we just manually started the pivot now is for four hours can these top gamers possibly compete a run

When chat is just going to do all the worst things possible to them i think we might lower the price on some effects uh since they’re able to work cooperatively towards their goals here um but yeah so basically the event has become chat how much can you uh

Support the students of urban arts by sending fun and entertaining effects to your favorite streamer yeah sounds like a very good healthy pivot i think that it’ll be nice to see when these guys get into a little bit more of a balanced run looks like they’re still kind of uh

Slamming themselves into this end fight here but hopefully should get them into a real seed and starting with some uh proper steaks coming up quite soon absolutely uh and i actually since i’m in the booth can i take a minute to talk a little about about urban arts

Absolutely i would expect nothing less from you [Laughter] thank you now that chat has patiently waited an hour and a half for this entertainment um so urban arts we’re a non-profit based out of new york and the main program that we offer to our students is a video game design studio program

It’s for high school students and it’s a multi-year program through which we teach them both the arts and the technology of video game design all seniors make a video game as a team on their own where they do all the art all the graphics video animation sound programming game mechanics everything so

When they graduate from our program they have a digital portfolio and they’re very inspired to pursue a career in technology or video game design so and we’re seeing that because of this inspiration we have a 100 college acceptance rate from our students which is incredible because

Their peers in new york only about half of them go to college by contrast so we really appreciate everyone with the beginning of a fun event here thank you both comms for showing up we have uh spice trash and prince of shaw later to keep you all entertained

And let’s see if chat can kill me support our students while hurting our streamers sounds great thank you very much awesome awesome uh cause awesome pivot on the event i think that there’s still a lot of fun to be had here even with the uh the original concept not being feasible but

I think we are hopefully able to start on a good night of gaming right about now do you got apple or something like well headings it’s okay it’s okay to commit we we understand the the true nature of crowd control is never to help the streamer

All right looks like we have the final purge coming in surely surely oh are we getting are we getting a chad cycle no feinbach just tried to get as high up as possible that’s a hard one yeah all right uh feinberg i think got the kill there with the bed i mean

Kind of stole that can’t lie oh a hundred percent he jumped in there with the bed he was like it’s mine at the end of the day no it was dylan dylan got the achievement free the end all right it looks like we will be heading into a server reset real quick so

House builder can get somebody there on the final screen oh that’s right because beds don’t count the bed is not your bed it’s just an explosion thank you much appreciate it wait but doesn’t it wait let me just let me know still only give you that achievement if you deal the final blow

No i think it’s if it’s just dead within a uh a certain amount of time all right looks like service back up some commands being around going to be linking himself back in there as well as dylan looks like they will be starting to make their way through the

Seed and this seed will hopefully i did it okay here we go liking what i see savannah lots of opportunity oh we’ve zoomed in on dylan we’re waiting on silver i think that they wouldn’t allow them to be there i think they understand they’re against the clock silver oh oh he lives wait

Where are you so i have to click stop first i imagine and then close game right oh i see what this is yeah yeah do you know yeah because silver silver hadn’t yeah okay am i like really behind or something i am just confused um so maybe i’ll just leave the

Video and rejoin well in any case it looks like the runners are waiting for a nod begin i’m not sure if or when that’s going to be given to them they’re waiting for some confirmation looks like they’re going to be hanging around here the timer is running so as far as i’m concerned

These i think that this is free games we are up to 268 dollars i’m trying to see if we can okay there we go let’s give a couple of read-offs just to the people that have donated to this cause and donated to this event right now top donator person putting the

Most towards this next latian fifty dollars thank you so much for that we’ve got some anonymous donators toshio one of the aaa overlords dropping 21 very much appreciated nails grabbing 15 lac on latch on gonna be grabbing a five dollar dono the name cuts off unfortunately but switch palace giving twenty dollars and

Next nation with another twenty very kind much appreciated and hopefully more of you will join in uh on we’ll get an update sometime soon as to what’s going on the players end it looks like they aren’t so we have opposite motives okay looks like they did not want to proceed until

They were sure that the overpowered effect had been disabled did not want to ruin the run with that aspect but it will be beginning here they will be grabbing their trees so house builder gang for four of the most prevalent members of that going to be working together to

Try to beat this seed whilst chat tries to stop them what do you think is the single most impactful donor that chat could do to make this this painful um well it seems like there’s a lot more effects than i originally thought um honestly anything anything can be game breaking at the

Right time there’s lots of like kill player things that could be game breaking depending on when you activate them it i don’t think i have a creative enough imagination to think of what the potentially most impactful thing is but anything adventure mode that would be pretty horrible um

I i would imagine that anything that essentially prevents the game for being playable so changing to adventure mode or like hard mode in bastion or something i mean see that’s incredibly unimaginative but yeah um also worth noting it looks like actually our players are on 1 18 right now so for note the

These runners are usually playing on the version 1.16.1 that is generally the agreed upon fastest version for speed running because since then trades have received a little nerf as well as brutes going to be uh a factor within bash routing so the game already gonna be a little bit harder for

Our players here than they used to but i guess we’ll have to see how well they handle that yeah i just saw that i’m looking right at like the fling players with direction trying to think of possibilities here i’m too scared to say anything to be honest because i feel like the second

That we mention oh this could be terrible we will will it into existence oh that’s exactly what i want to do oh really okay i am all for enabling chat okay inventory right i think the chat link if we can come up with something funny

And the chat does that for us then i think that’s awesome so What if let’s see what are the effects here again you can that’s so mean you could fling them like into lava or that’s why somebody spawning on with a skeleton on top should we turn off adventure mode yes yes and now i don’t have hearts dude

I do not realize that adventure mode was even an option from the original list oh wait no it’s time limited it’s not that bad oh is it okay it’s 15 seconds no no no that can stay that’s fine oh okay did they get rid of the order um just a

Couple shout outs for donators folica dropping five yeehaw dropping five mads giving five eli really loves ducks giving ten contacts t2 giving ten muchim given five and an anonymous fifteen dollar much appreciated with you all so thank you very much somebody spawned a ravager on top of

Them we can see that looks like somebody called melanie i believe i can’t quite see the name tag through it’s burning flesh oh my god kill him looks they have located a decent amount of iron uh dylan’s dead um dylan’s dead feinberg’s drunk what’s what’s new but

They’re going to be smelting up some iron here looking to get another entry going soon fine locating a bit of gravel and it looks like dylan’s stuff has been stored in the chest put things in like chests and stuff you know we’re smart well bro

When we made the art dude yeah they do looks like they do have limited food to be splitting between them uh looks like keep inventory is an option so i know setting the last one keep inventory being enabled for silver that’s very nice we need to be switching it amongst

People too though real quick real quick you can remove the end of dragon for 25 excuse me can they finish the game if you remove their dragon wait like what happens if they go to the end and somebody removes their dragon do they get the portal or is the run just over

They just have to respawn the dragons so they have to do the gas tears oh easy are you taking it out of the chest okay it looks like they’re starting to catch on to okay uh on to some of the strats here keeping most of their important items in the

Chest where they can um look like they’re funneling it onto silver because silva currently has keep inventory from his donations so some strategies coming through trying to make the best of the situations a light comes through from feinberg and we will have never entry and it’s in the middle of a wall oh

That’s so upsetting this is that’s brutal you know what this is worse than anything that chat could have done at the end of the day there is no guaranteed seed rng here so these runners oh there is a river hey if anyone was going to spawn in a mob

Hands in the air i’m not saying anything but if you were ever going to spawn a mob what better time than when all the runners are together and are closed in like area where are they going to run to the floor god cobweb into creeper [Laughter] copper into creeper is just a deadly

Combo somebody has an enchanted pig fine looks like he’s got an enchanted pick here make yourself some more tools i think you guys can take that from him oh the outside world has been located unless the server has um oh um yeah unless a server has uh what’s called sodium installed on it

Entity distance will be the regular 100. so e-raying not particularly an option you can still do pi ray reasonably decently but you can’t so you can know that something’s nearby but you can’t rd minute to actually locate the things gonna be some uh oh oh dylan don’t handle dylan

It looks like rain x is falling into a more supportive role here just uh just cooking some stuff getting getting ready for it it’s like the rain x like when everyone had the maid skins we’re like our housemate era thanks i hate it what do you mean i love this

Jeez man all right it looks like silver and fine are out in the open here uh okay fine gonna be floating up silva actually doing some nice awareness and blocking off the head here i do have to say that this is really interesting to see what strats they come up with

Like silver blocking off fines head so that he doesn’t have to worry about it boats coming out now four feinberg so that he doesn’t have to so that he can just use that as a levitation cancel like these different mechanics are actually really smart and this is where you’re going to see

The actual the game knowledge the information that these runners have actually be pushed and tested with the stuff that you guys are showing what find bugs dad oh there’s not really much outplay to that one for once i would be honest with that somebody just cleared right next inventory and then

And then gave him keep inventory redux whoever did that that is a chad move like i can’t quite see who did it but that is amazing silver gonna be slab cranking over lava um as feinberg makes his way back got got some tools back dylan gonna be doing some raw pork here

Uh silver’s dead is dead yep fling but he has keep inventory which is important oh anybody that is on the side of the runners as we can see a little bit of a struggle here so my uh motives are starting to shift but if you want to help out the runners keep inventory

Very helpful contacts cleared reigns inventory contacts that’s that’s evil i respect it but that’s evil nothing but respect for that oh explosion i don’t think that wasn’t even a spawned one on terrain except that was just that just was oh but the chest survives true very important okay so it looks like currently

I feel like reignings is the only one staying in the overworld and he’s the one fighting through his life the most damage one heart of damage coming through just slightly didn’t manage to snipe the kill on him dylan’s drunk dylan’s drunk somebody else keep inventory i didn’t quite catch that

That’s dylan will keep inventory oh renix goes down toshio giving a gold baffle to dylan someone can take that from him or not you let him eat it hot tourist destinations coming through from five poke already all right this is a little bit chaotic it looks like dylan’s managing to get uh

I could just remove the golden apple now toshio that would be so rude you just gave that to him i think that’s funnier if you give it to him you take it away right away you’re like just kidding hey there’s a gold block i’m assuming that that’s

Something that happened this is so weird panda panda okay murph’s on to something though like let’s think about the most game-breaking thing that we could do to these runners right if we want to prevent them from completing a run at all obviously oh somebody swan tnt

I need to cancel them on twitter right now ben’s writing is quite longer as we speak who did it who did it okay so murph’s talking about removing the ender dragon and i think she’s got a point you can’t complete a run if the end goal doesn’t exist anymore

I just remember that there was a weber next to the uh next to the small portal that’s like a later problem oh bastion oh my god we got a bastion i hate you guys oh my goodness these were how can we ruin this well it’s going to be when they get the

Trading hole spawning on top of them it looks like rain x is trying to bait out his viewers inventory a lot of gold being thrown off here it doesn’t look like dylan’s gonna go for a proper route that does make a certain amount of sense here uh levitation coming through dylan needs

To be a little bit careful here but if you do do a piglet hole that makes it very easy for the viewers to do something to uh mess them up my brain is turning right now like i’m thinking how can we ruin this i’m i’m starting to uh make a bit of

Dude this is a mind game bro we see curry has showed up that’s that’s money like curry wait find me minecraft to prove real that that man got that man’s got bang carry away can we interest you in either adding or removing an ender dragon see we go sales mode

Right near my chalice hello mr curryway may we interest you in our fine product removing the ender dragon can we interest you in fine books death because that’s currently what just happened ravages spawned on top of him there’s an illusioner on dylan oh my goodness dylan is flying in a cobweb with blindness

I see that we have passed 500 let me just do a quick check-in and do a nice little read-off it’s the least we can do to give to show our appreciation um so let’s see where were we up to last time oh we have a new top donator use the challenge calculator

Dropping 75 right now thank you very much for supporting the cause amber giving 20. uh cynics giving 20 nikku giving 10 contacts giving five pod twenty curry way prove you are real with twenty dollars dropping five and switch palace corner dropping twenty thank you guys very much it is

A great cause you’re donating to and some great content you are creating and on the subject of this cause you guys have already raised looks like over 500 so past half the goal and we’re not even halfway into the event so amazing job looks like silver’s going with the

Strategy of having like it looks like it’s a pretty universal strategy where people just want to have as little as possible in their inventory fine fine screwed fine doesn’t have a hulk in hell not getting anywhere silver i think is about to die he’s poisoned down to levitating that’s heartbreaking

Does have keep inventory that’s important but that is amazing coming through you know i know that there’s a different version of this event where the drunk effect means you have to take a shot [Laughter] well we’ve just not endorsed that well it’s true it’s just it’s a fairy it’s funny

Looks like people are really enjoying the placing the cobweb block wait way ahead of you i need food i don’t i don’t think it’s i don’t think it’s as funny if you aren’t playing the event i think that’s just that’s just upsetting but you know what you’ve whatever whatever gets you through

The hook to the right oh cameralock that’s amazing okay now consider this they’re one cycling you lock their camera on the floor all the way around i just [ __ ] wasted switches money me he’s getting i don’t know if i what i believe anymore oh my gosh

We do see that they are slowly going to be able to claw their way back towards this bash we have all runners in the nervous system rain x is on half a heart just with you dying somebody’s fallen rose that was an amazing prediction on his part he knew it was coming

Whoever poisoned me that’s amazing we’re going to see half a heart here on dylan gonna be another pillar up from silver there dylan going to be dead to a hogwarts loses all his gear does not have the keep inventory this is you guys have nice viewers bro and this path out of there

Oh god it gets worse and worse every time they go through somebody spawns a cobwebs i’m not gonna [ __ ] i’m gonna take instant clothes silva should theoretically be the furthest forward right now he should be in the best situation to actually get back i believe he still has keep inventory active so

Even if you know somebody just decides to ruin his life then he should be okay temporarily we’ll make his way on to this three so i don’t really have a mental map of how close this bash is i remember it was in an ssv i think which does not biome

Just quite yet good luck uh looks like rain and fine are both slowly gonna be trying to make their way forward dylan i don’t think he even has items right now but i think looking to recover his stuff and it’s gone oh i see it it’s kind of it’s pretty fun oh dear

Don’t help him the moderators in reigns chat don’t help from promoting the was one of the people that was there previously i guess we’ll have to see how long it takes him to get back all right let’s let’s talk a bit more scale okay there’s like a tiny little we are

Um roughly an hour right someone took away one of my heart so if you ignore the uh i think it will technically be counted i mean they’ve all got a point for that first run yeah this is the first big attempt how many attempts do you reckon we get

Two not just cosmetic control totals do you think they beat the game twice and then they the stream ends with them on the third or do you think they uh i think that they will beat this one and if they don’t finish the next one they’ll be close i would put

I would put my predictions on that yeah i mean i believe at least one seat completion set any player to zero hearts permanently awesome hopefully it’s really expensive i don’t i don’t want to be your enemy i’ll i’ll put it that way uh it looks like

Silva has made his way back to the bastion but does uh i believe there are specifically one for taking away your pickaxe so going to be an issue on his front there you know [Laughter] very dead look at that situation oh you know it would be amazing people just permanently donated levitation efficiency

Skeletons oh this is amazing dylan’s back at the bastion he has an iron pickaxe he’s gonna be making his way through the chalice quick someone stop him oh he’s going to opt to kill them to save the save the gold blocks will mean he has a few less to trade with

Getting it in the chest yeah i’m good gets it in the chest toshio giving him some regen as well Oh that reeler i did not expect to see your name showing up there looks like we have had a good surge of donations again i will do a quick read there um goldie 33 with five dollars starlet fires 10 that’s an amazing name twenty dollars yeehold five dollars bionicware fifty

Dollars thank you very much alfie with a dollar mustered with five alfie with five more muchim with 350 ellie mcquackers with 15 and svensson with 20 thank you guys very much lots of big donations coming in um have we seen that yet it’s even somewhere new well i believe feinberg got hot tourist

Destinations oh okay so that’s long ago at this point but where is he going this i believe at this point the search is for a fortress that would be my understanding i think that they’ve located the bastion they’re comfortable with trying to get a dylan set up

I i don’t know why i feel like they’re probably just bargaining with chat right now right technically playing minecraft write the chords down arguably something that’s happening oh getting back to gear oh he’s got to be quick before someone gets rid of it rain is really trying to play the mental

Game with chat like you can see he does fake outs whenever he goes for stuff i don’t know how instant oh they find the fortress i’m assuming they spotted it earlier that is the fortress located drop hell died feinberg Max health eat course for poison poison two people immediately poison somebody else uses minus one max health five buckets on half a heart that the lovelies of my heart is going it’s really interesting to watch these runners do runs on like with such a few items in their inventory died again

Okay well i hope rainix is okay um what is feinberg’s plan here oh feinberg’s dead there’s the river rose who did it youth chaos going coming from the mainstream silver has killed blazes oh he’s got one troll face in chat indeed you’re enjoying that all right silver somehow up half a heart now

Doesn’t have food like it looks like honestly mo oh my god somebody suffered some of the weather on dylan bionic where thank you for your for your weather all right um going to be yeah chests are just by far the best friend oh my god wait it’s invisible

Jesus oh and he’s flying levitation i think right now silva looks like he is getting the uh the nicest out of the donators i think like it feels like feinberg is getting the most it but it feels like rain x is just being absolutely railed by by his chat

Is that fat dylan going to be floating up here keep inventory is on right now for dylan that it’s massive somebody oh somebody made him drop his axe keep inventory no no that is his items lost in the blaze spawner i don’t know wait that that is so mean you made him

Drop his axe mid-fight flying thugs just found a random desert temple oh my god it’s almost six oh okay we’re playing 114. why is it why is it like that yo i’m just trying to listen i’ve played this game for a while i ain’t never seen blind levitating this is the most thing

I’ve ever experienced oh my god oh my god that’s evil oh my god who did it who did it that was next that is amazing that is so cruel oh my god [Laughter] i just got flung and i both oh my goodness the thing is you have to consider as

Well a lot of these viewers are going to be watching from single runner perspective and it’s so much easier to plan out when you can uh okay when you when you can specifically see what your runners doing and what they’re about to do right there next that is

Some things are just so evil you have to respect them yeah can you come to the bastion i never would have thought of that but being honest that was okay so my question is right now with dylan how is he going to get these rods back not these rods these trades back from

The bastion like i feel at a certain point he has to just enter a bargaining like packed with chat i think once you get fire res it’s going to be a lot more friendly speaking of fire somebody just gave fire res to silver i think that was toshio up to 800

I will do i’ll do a uh i’ll do a donator read-off in a second unless you want to i’ll i’ll just do it it’s a testify let’s have a quick look oh that’s an immediate death from silva that’s all of his new items lost at the edge of the

Bat at the edge of the fortress and that also means that the reduced spawn timer on his old items is going to be ticking all right donators that have come in so many of you which is amazing look going oh luke i don’t know because that is apparently that is up to interpretation

Dropping five mirror dropping 20. nails with 10 weirdo 101 with five paradigm with one acn r i don’t know how to pronounce your name i apologize pod with another 20. jonathan aita with 20 miles g with 20 light star 9 with 10 animus with 125 and alfie with five some anonymous donators

Sprinkled in there but amazing reinex is dead and just sitting on the on the dyed screen no i was not paying very close attention so i don’t know what what happened now let me get away from here all right but it seems like he’s pretty upset somebody just gave dylan dolphins grace [Laughter]

With one dolphin oh somebody can give him a dolphin right true i mean speaking of looking fine is well and truly gone okay well i wonder where he’s going i don’t even know oh okay that’s unlit tnt pod with the fake out pod is trying to take out dylan right now

Uh if we look elsewhere looks like silver is finally making it back to the fortress has a never right pick so it’s pretty decent on that regard the question is whether or not his original items despawned oh somebody just figured some of the piglets on him the tnt is going to save

His life somebody cleared his inventory he managed to save his own life with the tnt block that was spawned on top of him is amazing but how much has he lost with that inventory i think somebody could pay 25 right now to send feinberg back to spawn

Self is dead again oh okay well it happens i this is awful i love it like i just thrive 30 dollars would keep feinberg permanently dead i’m assuming that’s a health thing rain x is dead again looks like the biggest hope right now for the gang of the build houses

Is either going to be dylan it’s not going to be it is nothing it is no under dylan hope is dead thank you ben um Is that best hope right now just feinberg in the middle of narnia do they just give up on the neva and he’s glowing i just gotta get a little geared up i’m gonna make like backup chests with tools and stuff wow how much does fling currently cost oh

I do not have a good gauge of the prices like i don’t want five per fling 125 puffling um i think making it making it three dollars a fling would not be bad cause fling if used appropriately fling has been the cause of death most frequently that’s true i mean

Uh prices will be edited throughout the stream Where is feinberg all right if any of you are into stocks right now feinberg is going to the goddamn moon invest in feinberg he’s going to the moon god dammit it is rainbow please my god wow it is beautiful what chat can achieve when it works together um

That is amazing how’s the air up there goes someone in this case they’re trying to [ __ ] blow my [ __ ] up so it looks like feinberg is out of commission for a while might need to be some balancing changes there but silva has finally made it back to the fortress um

I don’t know what’s going on on rain x’s and i don’t feel like rain x has got to play minecraft i think yeah i i don’t think i’ve seen brainx play minecraft earlier friends was playing minecraft well him and dylan again yeah at least that’s super cute of them oh yeah okay oh

Well there there he goes yeah he’s off mary poppins as making a cameo um wait somebody just somebody just placed him next that’s evil connor oh oh my god this does he still have the other one he sells the other one well not for long but take my stuff okay now that’s definitely

Oh that is cruel all right we are heading getting extremely close to the goal i will do another quick read off because we really appreciate the donations here is going towards a great cause urban arts do amazing things for a lot of people that deserve that help

So to anybody donating to this even if it is just just to mess with your streamer your money’s going to a good place and we are extremely appreciative braynex killed himself that wasn’t even nobody messed with him feinberg can see the floor that’s that’s that’s something well

Let’s let’s just give a quick uh and they think it’s funny give a quick read off kingbob924 twenty dollars peridone 10.50 weirdo 101 with another one dollar janus with one dollar catnip with 20 youngest drop with 10 and switch palace corner with another 40 thank you very much to everybody that is

Spending money here it is really appreciated and is a great thing i mean we are 70 away from the thousand dollar dylan gets hit with a max health immediate fling north immediate never mind is max health of cobweb okay his chat his chest decided to start popping off there

And blindness oh my god stop all right don’t do that what is like what what’s going oh feinberg it looks like he’s in the water he has finally reached the ground he’s come back to the ground i’m only spawning the edge of them i think that silva is just planning on

Relying on strays now because i mean he doesn’t really have a choice oh my god he’s going to juggle it all the way back to the chair okay nevermind get it that’s six rods that’s good work from silver i’m impressed all it takes is two people choosing to use a tnt simultaneously

For that sorry i’m fairy crafting right now go ahead i want to hear it they have a warped forest strays are the most effective way of collecting because it’s not a single thing that chat can mess with you see they’ve got an enderpearl right now that they’re juggling between the two of them

So they can mine obsidian because chat is pretty frequently giving them never right pickaxes so clearly that doesn’t seem like it’s that expensive so with a never right pickaxe they can mine at a good pace the uh obsidian that they need for traveling it also costs 50 cents to make feinberg

Levitate but the value is priceless great point sure oh pod was a 10 second freeze here on to dylan it doesn’t even let you into a boat oh my god pod todd that’s cruel oh my god well we found the broken combination i can’t even read it i wasn’t i was i

Was looking at chad what happened oh no That’s going to be breaking the chest there next going to be breaking silva’s chest that silva managing to salvage it still has like he’s doing he’s doing god’s work here this man is going to be chest oh my god he’s going oh not the weather that’s however oh is that goodness

I can’t even see the boss bar it’s a long name i can’t read it oh my goodness also i bet i can is doing so good here like actually he’s he’s doing extremely well and i am extremely impressed oh reeler keeps trying to kill me we have hit our first one

We’ve passed it 1000 mugs you guys are so awesome one thousand and five dollars thousands and five dollars put towards both making these creators suffer and going towards those cause wait we can just have we done special missions ua recently oh we have thank you merp oh my god yeah

So just a reminder where that money is going to urban arts no no longer uap rest in peace but doing amazing work helping low-income neighborhoods helping people of color go on to graduate and go to college that’s that’s a hundred percent rate of that graduation compared to about a 50 percent rate

From other places and it also helps lead them on into a bunch of amazing opportunities video game design is a beautiful industry to be getting into and it also helps them get into merit merit-based merit-based scholarships in the previous calendar year over six million dollars of merit-based scholarships were awarded

To urban arts students amazing work an amazing charity and thank you so much for supporting them yeah and you guys have had that goal incredibly early so i’m wondering if we have a stretch goal here but i mean it is still pretty early on in this event and you guys have already

Surpassed that goal so amazing job and thank you for supporting the cause yeah just quick appreciation read contacts dropping six dollars pod clearly needed that top up twenty dollars coming in to uh perform the uh perform what we just saw yard sale everybody here dropping 20 and next with another full

Thank you guys so much got a note here from jason in the twitch chat that says 1500 is the new goal to get a new laptop for their student computer lab that sounds like a very worthwhile thing to aim towards so 500 more worth of making these

Streamers suffer to get students a new computer sounds good to me of course the pain never stops because the entire time that we were talking the runners have been levitating and taking damage and getting things spawned on them relentlessly yeah i i think silva does currently have a looting free sword though

So that is something does need to get back down after the fact and it looks like okay fine just feinberg’s back and spawn okay there’s an enderdragon [Applause] is she okay in this version works as well without the uh who is it who is it come on fine give us a

What’s the name on that who who did it who dropped they who dropped a dollar on a buggy and a dragon huh left hating up giving us some nice and nice all right all right who is it who did it who did it name and shame mad respect Well rest in peace so i think i’m gonna have to go back on what i said earlier about them being able to complete at least i think i don’t know how dylan just lived the prime tnt feinberg’s dad again um i’ve been oh silver is trying so hard

I’m at the bastion i’m coming right now silver is playing this so well like i think he is getting the least screwed with feinberg just died to a i don’t know man spider tough damn the spider’s back but i need to get away from it feinberg’s ultimate enemy is a spider

There’s our chest right there i think feinberg’s ultimate enemy is at this point his hope well you can find the stronghold somehow like with one eye hard flinging a little bit of levitation coming out here needs to be careful not to be too predictable on that pattern because somebody can definitely snipe it

It’s taking me everything my power not to fling him right i gotta be honest by the way we in feinberg’s chat we are pulling to teleport all entities to all players any amount helps we’re at 3.2k now oh okay on my way how do i oh my inventory

God silva has lost his entire inventory except for the blaze rods there comes prime tnt oh no that’s so cruel they barely missed the inventory snipe he keeps the rods and then gets hit with the freeze the freeze into prime tnt you’re so mean i think completing a run was optimistic

Yeah that’s what i was about to say earlier is i think i gotta go back on that i don’t know i’m trying to get away from it i wanna believe because if suddenly these top runners have become key players in an underdog story because chat always wins but i i don’t know how

Much i can continue believing you know what i i think what we need i think that right now we’ve fulfilled our purpose we’re coming to the end of our tenure with it within reason i’m not quite sure on the timings but soon spice trash and char will be with you

And i’m sure that they’ll have their moments of chaos but i think that what we need is we need to be the bad cop to their good cop oh yeah right okay like oh my god there’s five rods it’s keeping corey on for him he has five rods it’s back at spawn Amazing making use of the keep inventory but yeah what i was going to say is i think that right now we have created an environment that is so toxic for these runners and i think that what i hope can happen as we uh reach the second half of this event is that

People can start being a bit more a bit more hopeful a bit more helpful and then do a bit more chaos like let them have some hope before you rip it away from them again you know that’s worse oh that’s so much better though [Laughter] yeah like right now

Like it’s kind of at the point where i think that they like the only person that feels like they’re actually getting anywhere is silver feinberg went on a road trip rainex oh there there is enderpills there they have pearls see i feel like a lot of what these runners

Because that got him back to a universe checkpoint we have five rods all right yep okay what happens right now dylan doesn’t realize his chest has been checked it does have obby in it oh no it’s been looted for the obby so bobby has been lost from that chest oh

That is not a that is not votable it’s almost like a winter rose on him what’s going on here yeah well somebody made feinberg float again oh fireworks going back taking another quick visit to the skies this is pretty scenic i look like he’s rising with the sun you know

This is going to kill him right yeah listen i’m going to say it feinberg fell off um oh my god somebody gave him a water bucket he landed an mlg that’s amazing okay we do see the rain x’s at the bastion dylan is also there i don’t know what their plan is silver

Do be vibing yeah yeah but i checked both ramparts this is great the pool on feinberg’s chat to teleport all entities to players is a third of the way there if you’re interested in donating to that well there’s plenty of time for that to make the goal yes

Uh what is what are dylan and rayne trying to do right now that’s what i’m trying to figure out that’s keep inventory toshio gives kikipep inventory to dylan if he realizes it something pod is just chaos pod is chaos incarnate dude they are trolling they’re gonna [ __ ] me up bro they’re

Gonna [ __ ] me yeah they’re they’re like oh i’m just waiting for the prime tnt he blocked himself in yep oh there it is and he lives oh my god yeah wait that you’re predictable pod you’re not gonna get anything with that no way cobb webb into prime tnt now that’s the

Way to do it in any case dylan has keep inventory right now if he realizes that he could just take the end of pearls he can’t even kill himself because he got the gold god apple at least in the lava silva’s back in the fortress i’m assuming going to try to

I’m assuming actually going to try to get oh that’s five more rods that’s five on top of what he already had he’s playing them between chess he has five more he has 15 rods split between these chests excuse me what is going on with silver and those

Weather skeletons he’s oh he’s dying so he can get back to spawn with that and we’re staring at the dragon again cute business don’t stay near the chest for a long time all right silva has officially got seven blaze rods back to the original spawn toshi you don’t make me do it

Silver got a loon free sword yeah he did oh my god they removed my well i did it i did i already removed to save okay so i may have i may have disabled keep inventory but then toshio put it back so i had to disable it again that’s not

That’s not how logic works no no i don’t understand what you mean my god oh my god oh my god somebody just flung him into the gas this is not good dylan dylan dylan okay dylan’s okay dylan’s okay all right that’s what we’re stuck on this is so chaotic this is amazing

I have nine gold on me i mean i don’t i tossed it to be safe uh we can kill we can kill and we can get pearls and strongholds so we just get no breaks looks like oh somebody applying glowing killing how did we get to the bastion okay what

Is this trap right now because i feel like feinberg’s just trying to be a bullet magnet right he’s he’s trying to be the bodyguard he’s diving in front of his teammates being like no i’ll take i’ll take the potion effect i’ll do it you guys beat the game no blackberry’s a hero

Listen we’ve gotta assume something’s going on there silva still vibing with that never right still has that keep inventory on dylan dylan’s in the middle of nowhere all right uh explosion coming through dylan’s got a double gassed fight on on him right now and i don’t even think we did this to

Him i think that this just happened yeah that’s true and now he’s floating you don’t have to pay to make minecraft painful to play that’s yeah not in the soul same valley oh man his powers you just got somebody giving slow falling very sweet of them that’s a different bastion that looks

Like it’s a housing i believe it could be a stables i’m not 100 sure but i think it’s housing no no this is housing it’s like a penguins housing this feels like it was way faster for him to get to his fiber just snowing in the boat with

It with a prime tnt is he like sitting down with his viewers exceed at the table oh that’s a lot of food there for silva he’s killing himself oh oh because he’s keep inventory he’s giving me something after i’m in the middle of the area is one enderpearl worth that

Yeah that’s what happened and blindness feinberg just looking at silver as he doesn’t get to play the game but i got one fling up okay let me be useless all right oh my goodness we i was trying to keep an eye on it but we have sprung past 1100.

I was waiting for it to wait for it to peak 1100 so i could do another read but that is a sharp spike so i guess we’ll have to see where that came from let me have a quick look i believe the last i saw was next so mia

Thank you for the seven dollars uh there we go thank you browser alfie thank you for the dollar alfie thank you for the 20. colin henry thank you for the 10 max thank you for the 2 50 anonymous so we cannot thank you specifically but thank you very much and pod dropping

Another 20 to torture his favorite streamers yeah okay so what’s the status now with you guys what’s the deal we just we just lost one pearl we have all the rods still okay um i don’t know what’s going on oh my god ah who paid money to give rain

A stone pickaxe and why that’s that’s a question dude i just got flung and it must have done like 15 hearts but i had a god apple on jeez man got apples are the only thing keeping me alive did you have some clutch view i don’t

Even know who it is who is it the homies all right looks like dylan’s chilling in a boat with a piggy i’m not i’m not sure what the goal is the thing i do like to see obviously dylan’s the only one with face cam right now that’s just disgusting he at least like

He looks happy like he looks like oh you think so i was gonna say he looks tired i mean like in given the amount of pain that they have and torture they have been put through i think he looks okay god keeps flinging me east when i get in my phone that’s fair

He doesn’t look as defeated as i think most people would to be fair it is dylan dylan always looks good you you got a fan club even after the right next haircut oh man wow that is a lot of golden carrots there obviously this being man i actually get to talk about

Minecraft knowledge as opposed to just reactionarily talking about what’s happening but silver’s back in the bathroom with this being this is 118 no more keep inventory for silver rest in peace that i don’t know who redeemed it that would be colin colin henry but oh that’s a clear honor on silver’s

Inventory as well but uh bastion loot has changed pretty significantly since once with the prime tnt he is trying that’s a clever pots inventory look at dylan’s face this is amazing yeah you think so i i love this all right got apple and pickaxe in the back still for dylan

I don’t quite know what his plan is actually to get this back they’ve got five pearls in that chest next to dylan and no way to return it stop being so happy about yeah i mean you guys in my chat follow a question what’s fine bo going um

I feel like every time i look at his screen he’s floating or suffering so incredibly hard whenever yeah if i had to put a word on what is happening on feibenberg’s end i would use the word cyber bullying but besides that i think he’s just like you mentioned earlier like meat feeling

The major blunt of the effects of five each so we have two or he’s too scared to make a move our inventory is getting cleared though yeah rainex gets keep inventory worth noting that is like i think keep inventory any of the good chatters out there any of the pro

Pro progress chatters keep inventory looks like one of the best things you can give to these runners at least at this point in time what in the world what is that with some more prime tnt rain x he’s connecting the server yeah right next looks like he had a slight issue there

Don’t know whether he needs the uh to re redo that okay yeah he’s still already linked so he is fine dylan’s vibing in a boat lots of piggies uh for silver oh the bionic where wither is back what a cutie love that guy okay so i would do it again toshio i

Would do it again oh my god let’s go bro let’s actually do a quick recap of where these runners are actually up to silva has prepared and escorted back to the initial spawn uh i believe uh seven blaze rods don’t stand on the window that are currently sitting in a chest at spawn

Um in terms of ender pearls i believe that they have one at spawn five in a chest at the bastion oh here we go and that’s it in terms of explosives or bows or arrows i think that’s a big old zip someone just spawned oh my god oh thank you

Doesn’t get all of them there’s an eye but silva’s going to be thinking better of that now oh i got all the chests and i got another yeah what is he doing no wrong turned it back on unless you turn it back off again all right silver yeah the brute of

I don’t know if that was spawned on top of him but going to be uh just keep him right hurry his life that true does keep inventory is going to want to get a oh just have free pearls here that he’s going to be trying to cycle back Uh i think it is time for us to take our leave reeler yeah we will shortly be swapped out with prince of sean spice trash um Who are going to take over for the rest of the event yep um i want to give a at least on my personal side i want to give a massive shout out to uh jason and milo who worked extremely hard to make this actually function like this was

Cobbled together into what has ended up being a very fun concept in a very short amount of time and the fact that we got an event running at all tonight is was honestly at least at least to me felt a little bit uncertain at some points so amazing that we

Managed to get it working also massive shout out to the people that are donating it is great stuff you’re doing and another reminder that urban arts is an amazing course that does good things so your money is going to good places and i implore you to continue donating as the night goes on

And try to either help or hinder these streamers from beating minecraft And on that note i think we will be heading off and leaving the rest of the commentary to spiced and sha um i’d also like to extend my thanks to all of the behind the scenes people that made this happen and thank you very much to the chat that continues to donate for

The urban arts program and yeah thank you for having us and i hope you guys enjoy the rest of the stream with the new commentators all right peace guys see you around i can do this all day what is removing like a dollar 25 cents hello hello hello everyone huh how’s it going

First off i just want to say to whoever was sitting on the take uh i avenger i salute you what an amazing giga chad play uh feinberg was trying to try to like just pull a fast one on yell and it did not work that was that was very good however you’re not

Going to be able to do that again anytime soon it’s good it’s going to be a little bit more expensive uh but anyways yeah hello i’m spice trash uh and that prince sha on the on the yes well i guess not well yeah it’s it’s on the left on the screen so basically

Uh let me go ahead and look at the live version and here we go all right uh here’s the here’s the thing i just wanna i just wanna uh propose to chat uh i feel like we haven’t really seen anyone go to the moon recently

And uh i mean listen we all we all know how how this stream is working right now it would be uh pretty neat to see uh someone just all the way up in the moon looks like we are gonna get a little bit of that with rain x although

I think someone in the overworld is definitely an easier target for for uh fast rising all the way to the moon oh but it’s only fine brick that’s in the overworld now i don’t know i don’t know i don’t want to i don’t want to hurt feinberg anymore i mean i do but

It’s been it’s been inventory not to point any fingers at anyone at all but i will say someone has endured plenty of levitation already i believe the price was increased as a result um but you know keep keep sending people up there because when you really think about it their suffering

Is everyone else’s game come back because when you’re just oh oh when you guys donate all the money is going to a great cause you know all the money is going towards uh urban arts and as we’ve covered earlier it’s a multi-year college prep program to underprivileged students in

New york and it teaches them how they uh it teaches them how to develop video games the art and technology behind video game design and i think i think i’m safe in saying everyone here is a gamer we all enjoy video games personally i i am i i consider myself a gamer

I’m not sure about you but you know dare i say i myself am a gamer as well all the money we raised today is going towards new game developers up and coming game developers making more games for us to enjoy and play yeah uh and it was said a little bit

Earlier uh but uh getting to that 15 000 uh gold does help with uh more uh you know uh materials in the uh oh silver oh that was intentional that was intentional uh okay but it does help uh you know build computer labs and whatnot for the for the organization so

It’s a pretty cool thing for you to do so you know always nice to try and get closer to those big goals uh and uh yeah one thing i wanted to bring up now that we’re here is uh we’ve seen uh all of these runners participate in a lot of co-op events and

Uh you know i mean like let’s just let’s just talk about the accolades of their co-op uh escapades uh so obviously yeah feinberg who happens to be in first place uh for first four-person co-op you also have rain-x also in fourth place additionally additionally dylan uh because they were all on the same

Team however silver just wasn’t in the team so unfortunately silver’s a little bit behind doesn’t quite have the uh four player co-op uh skills that the other three have but it seems to be working fine uh obviously all these runners are insanely good uh have some pretty good times and also uh

Uh happened to uh be in a lot of tournaments uh but one uh one stat that i wanted to bring up uh some of you uh might not be in this section of the community but uh you know there’s uh there’s there’s some categories that involve completing

100 of the game uh sometimes it’s called all advancements sometimes it’s just a hundred percent and you know feinberg is relatively well known uh with uh with completing the game to the to its fullest extent um you know relatively new in the category uh no crazy times yet uh there

Is a 100 run by feinberg in super mario odyssey that’s uh that’s 41st in the world so you know this is pretty good uh i don’t know if he has any other great runs did someone already remove the eye of editor again dude it’s like ten dollars now

I don’t know about a though yeah i’ve never seen i’ve never seen feinberg do an aaron though confirmed you know not double world record holder as of no no no no no no that didn’t happen actually yeah and we got silver on with alluding to sword actually he had a bunch of

Endermen clumped up in one area but then took an unfortunate death to one of them yeah a little unfortunate but i mean you got you’re gonna start getting pearls eventually you can see there’s a lot of ender pearls just chilling on the ground i’m a little concerned with them being

There but hopefully it’s not that big of a deal honestly the ground is probably safer than uh silver’s inventory if i’m being honest yeah i mean like the ground around him is lava but i agree i i definitely agree somehow safer yeah the bionic wear wither still

Lurking i believe they trapped it in uh some blocks so it can’t actually bother them too much yeah and uh we see dylan actually getting some obsidian i wonder if there’s a command to remove obsidian from someone’s inventory or you know maybe a pickaxe or something like that that would be

An interesting play uh by the viewers although i i i would never condone that i would never condone making the the run harder on the players certainly never never that’s that’s kind of a mean thing to say and i will say we have a little bit

Of a swap up with who who’s where currently we’ve got dylan rayne and silver all in the overworld wow feinberg the only one in the nether right now finally after spending most the game in the overworld uh being able to to start working towards something in the nether yeah

So what are we what are we going to see i mean we had we we had some eyes getting uh being started to get started i don’t know it’s starting to get made yeah that sounds right but uh they’ve been getting deleted very frequently there’s a chance that uh

The chance that uh ten dollars or ten one thousand points might not have been enough for getting rid of the uh getting rid of the the eyes we’ll have to see yeah judging from what they had in their chest it looks like they’re they’re getting at least relatively close to

Having what they need um i think it’s ender pearls they’re mostly waiting on now i don’t know how that’s gonna work um i don’t remember what the last red out donation was so many no that’s odd that’s a pretty good problem to have i guess yeah i believe we just

Passed the 1300 mark actually only less than 200 dollars away from the 1500 goal everyone i should have thought you said two i was like [Laughter] we could we’re close we could i mean yeah that’s it’s very possible um so i mean like obviously thanks for uh parading king bob

Uh alfie and all of the anonymous donations that are hap that are that are coming in and if you’ve already donated you know thanks and uh thanks for supporting a great cause yeah thank you very much everyone as we see feinberg probably making the smart decision to

Deposit most of his items into a chest while waiting for enderman to spawn if i had to guess waiting in a warped forest yeah one thing i wonder since they’re going to be you know collecting a lot of items and whatnot i mean how hard would

It be to make a few ember chests would that be potentially worth it for like you know that the the chat’s going to be trying er that’s going to try to interrupt you a lot as you can see with a creeper just sort of coming in on uh dylan’s end

It might not be a terrible idea to like just make one so there’s this communal interdimensional chest that can’t be destroyed i feel a good idea for them the only downside would be the lack of transport you’d have to make at least two for it to be especially helpful because you

Can’t pick it up without silk touch that’s true uh yeah silk touch yeah and using a precious eyes of ender to make uh chess as well it might be a bit too much for them to continue collecting because uh i think they they’ve been struggling slightly uh just a touch yeah runners

Certainly require quite a bit of coordination and uh planning as well as a pretty good amount of extra materials yeah though did i just see a looting four sword that silver just put in the chest oh my gosh wait the people know i’ve been applying enchantments to it this whole time who’s flying

Oh floating okay that’s what to say uh it didn’t quite get sent to the moon unfortunately oh wait hold on hold on chad we’re seeing you sing it portal saving it from that tnt right there oh yeah those chests have been in water for sure uh we’re gonna see an exit by

Dylan uh chat you just you’re just gonna let the you just gonna let him get out like that that’s crazy we’re supposed to we got to stop them they’re getting way too far and i’m not sure uh what the other side of this portal is looking like on

Feinberg’s end we’ll have to see uh okay it’s in a cave so it’s not the most ideal uh but it looks like it should be fine uh it’s hard to tell how far away they are uh they’re gonna okay i think they’re gonna break the portal for a second

Uh no i wonder oh my god whoa that’s just an elder guardian multiple elder guardians in the cave if feinberg with an efficiency 10 pickaxe or something something fast oh great work is there another one though feinberg losing everything sharpness i feel so bad but great job team good

Job you did it you did a good job oh my god oh my god someone just keeps spawning an elder guardian i’d like to amend my previous statements keep inventory incident good good for me uh absolutely obliterating dylan unfortunately uh unfortunately for the runners fortunately for uh our donation goal true

True and we’re getting pretty close still you know paisley with five youth with another five uh insane uh k with ten eleventy with ten i’m assuming eleven billion thank you all kind of popping off right now the runners aren’t but you know we are so that’s all you can say about it

Yeah they’re working toward their goal feinberg unfortunately losing the sharpness axe all enchants being removed oh all right i mean so it’s looking okay for them they do definitely have uh good progress they have a blind portal uh it could be educated actually i i’m not sure how what they checked for

Uh on the uh at the spawn portal but obviously it’s not an eye spy so probably no perfect travel or anything like that which might honestly not be viable in uh in co-op on a server it might be harder to get that working yeah i don’t think

You have time to to do more than one eye throw anyway you keep that eye in your inventory for any longer than one throw it’s gone yeah absolutely yeah there’s very little hope of uh getting perfect calculation on their stronghold uh triangulation however they are building a sec dylan is building a

Second portal right now somewhere yeah another portal we’ll see where this leads i mean like on the one hand i it would be nice to see them finish a run however i thought it would also be very funny for both of the runners that are uh far

Out from spawn to lose their items yeah just just a potential uh you know a possibility is this is this thunderstorm no no no no you can still see the sun i don’t think this is thunder well see i can’t tell i can’t tell if it’s

About to be a thunderstorm for it’s just night time it’s hard to tell however they are in an ocean biome which bodes well it’s just further than the original yeah um they someone said uh they got the 15k to teleport and it is work yeah it could be delayed potentially you

Curry way’s just trolling feinberg right now all right all right hold on well let them all right curry wait let them get to the let them get to the stronghold first whoa whoa what what’s up with all these niceties all of a sudden let them go we’re not being nice

I’m not being nice i just don’t want to be on the same seat for another what two hours and 12 minutes i i would like them to at least get to the to the stronghold once we do that uh then we can then we control them in a

New environment we’re changing up the content when we do that you know also looks like hopefully we can get the uh the teleport all mobs working uh soon that’s an axolotl uh so yeah uh your points will not go in vain for sure all right i have an excellent yo dylan collecting

The axle auto oh my gosh what a chad okay dylan doesn’t deserve anything bad happening to them but feinberg absolutely just smote smited they’re gone uh thankfully keep inventory still on uh additionally still has that eye of ender uh in the end now for now for now

There’s a lot of pearls in there as well feinberg very dangerously taking everything in their inventory oh this could be this could be okay all right that was fast did it did it under the noses of the viewers uh oh the portal’s gone it was like in the ground seeing a

Freeze on dylan we’re saying oh someone’s giving feinberg more health you’re too kind and well we have a little bit of levitation as well yeah finally getting back above that five heart minimum yeah i mean oh wait is it is it uh is it a five heart minimum

I don’t know if it’s five part minimum but that’s uh where fine was for i mean most of today it would be a good experiment to see just how low it can go maybe maybe we test it out on another on another a test subject perhaps uh

Perhaps rain is uh rain screen has been a bit quiet lately maybe maybe we can do some experimenting on on reigns health i will say donations 60 donation from k4 thank you very much goodness from nick’s wow okay well thank you to both of you uh that does put us over 1400 we’re

Getting real close to 1500 that’s crazy uh and wow yeah that’s very neat i wonder what will they do what will they do with all of this uh all these coins how are we gonna see uh the runners inconvenience today inconvenience might be putting it a little bit lightly

Uh however there are a lot of big point spends they could spend their coins on you know you’ve got adventure mode as a remaining option still true it is only for a short amount of time but uh you know that would uh make the end fight considerably harder

Uh you know you could you could delay the end entry just by a few seconds there’s there’s options yeah and not to not give anyone too many ideas but i will say if hypothetically our runners were to enter the end at some point they will either spawn on a

Uh on a small platform over the void or in a box contained with end stone and if someone hypothetically were to summon a ravager hypothetically hypothetically a ravager would probably not be too nice for the minutes in that situation for only 250 coins it it just purely hypothetical

Throwing it out there it’s it’s a pretty good bargain it’s crazy that for only two and a half dollars you can make you can make the end almost unenterable assuming it’s a cage or a box excuse me but you know we’ll see surely no one would do that surely no no

Our runners are progressing too quickly here i believe they should be getting semi-close to the stronghold at least we have rain and dylan boating through an ocean yeah not the same ocean but they’re going through an ocean i’m not sure if either of them has an

Idea of where the stronghold is i think they’ve only thrown like two eyes and i don’t think they’ve lined them up insanely well yeah i think they might have a vague direction they’re following or they’ve just taken off to explore uh the lands what hey what dylan what are you doing why’d you

The axolotl cannot survive in the overworld you just took it from its home and went miles away and released it what are you doing go oh my gosh i did see something dylan did only take the axolotl to hold it hostage uh saying that you’re kidding

Me if he dies the axolotl dies with him and this man end this man’s career right now i cannot believe anyone would ever say that honestly dylan i thought i thought you were doing it further for a good cause but just let down again by a streamer can’t

Believe this yeah you know it’s not a cod so hopefully you’re holding up all right yeah i mean of course if it was a cod that would be very detrimental to my uh my mental health in a in a very large way uh you know just caught her just so uh iconic

Uh there’s there’s so much good about them also someone talking about zero cycles i doubt they’re gonna go for zero cycles seeing as they barely have enough pearls to even uh fill a portal no but you know maybe maybe i mean pretty funny honestly i mean

Yeah at that point if they if they pull off a zero cycle then they just win you know like it’s over they they win uh but again i doubt they’re gonna do that i don’t even know how many of them have experience with zeros i’m sure some of them do but

You get honest for that zero cycle and you just get launched in some coordinate direction i think i think that uh we should have a uh we should have a gentleman’s agreement if one of them is going for the zero cycle we should we got we gotta lay off

We gotta we gotta let them attempted because if they fail without any crowd control happening from before them negative 40. it’s over that would be that would be so great i mean no that’d be awful that’d be terrible that’d be so so uh so disheartening so uh demotivating but also

I will say fine just through one eye twice i’m not sure if he was able to get the angle but he does have a direction to go dylan is not loving going to the moon but you know what chat chat look at dylan that’s the dylan’s going to the moon

This is it this is huge it’s dylan’s turn keep him up there yes yes 11 deep yes keep going don’t stop we gotta go higher what oh no oh blindness imagine getting instantly placed back on the ground dylan just in a in a world of darkness yeah

There’s so many oh man i hope i hope that we can do another one of these where like chat’s even more like coordinated and we’re just like stacking specific things onto them is oh dylan’s gonna get some extra obsidian that’s interesting okay we have three runners in the same swamp

Right now i believe they’re all progressing toward oh wow the direction of the stronghold oh yeah i didn’t even see that i’m going down what are you saying oh so it’s it’s hpg versus hpg honestly i’m fine with that if eight we’re 30 dollars away from uh from the from the big time

I suppose we have uh you know quack quack with ten dollars uh two twenty dollar anonymous donations we’re close we’re we’re coming in on it yeah thank you to everyone who’s donated so far this is our second goal we’re approaching right now yeah you smashed the first one like

Within the first hour of the uh the match happening oh we’re seeing a dick down wait hold on hold on hold on chat you’re just gonna let him dig down like this what the rain digging down as well feinberg digging down that can’t be it this can’t be it no no

No they don’t they don’t know they don’t have it three different dig down locations three chances to hit the stronghold clearly there’s no stronghold here oh oh no yes no he plugged it there fine who did that uh i can’t read it very well uh

Oh oh god yeah i missed it but whoever dropped it nice try we’re almost there we’re almost there yeah almost just absolutely did silver die what happened to silver i lo i was busy focusing on feinberg like just ridiculous clutch it might have been the same situation i i missed it but

Uh something did not go right we still have rain and fine semi near the stronghold area silver got hit by lightning underground i love that [Laughter] oh no feinberg just got dunked oh no you got an efficiency five netherite pickaxe and and you get struck with mining fatigue

Three it’s absolutely brutal it’s the man let’s go oh my god it was jump to eo jeb was the only one left right yeah right next is the only one close to the stronghold oh jesus can uh can he make something out of this i it looks like he’s

Building out so potentially uh they’re a little bit further off from the stronghold than they thought they were they do have six eyes of ender and eight ender pearls in their spawn chest so there’s definitely plenty of material there to fill in the portal with however it will be a very

Difficult challenge getting to the portal with said materials yeah they’re definitely gonna need to bring like at least one uh one eye to the uh to the stronghold to try and get a final calculation uh throw uh or else they might be in a little bit of trouble we’ll have to see

I’m anticipating uh when they finally move these eyes it’s gonna be a one eye process at a time um i think especially now we might uh we should uh potentially uh bring up the points required for uh room 50 eyes uh because uh even just one i lost

Like i’m gonna add another 10 minutes to this so i’m just in the village i don’t know up to up to whoever is in control with that uh i don’t know i mean also i was about to ask chat but chat would want it less um

Let’s do let’s just keep it like a let’s do let’s do a clean 20. 10 is like obviously not enough people are people are getting rid of those eyes even at 10. might make it a little bit easier for our runners here and there are still

Other ways to get these eyes of ender out of their inventory completely destroyed there are other methods keep that in mind chat if you’re uh looking to donate and silver through another eye they’re getting close it’s it’s it’s either in this swamp which is very unlikely or just outside it uh near

The switch hut imagine i don’t even have that they’ve been faced with so much turmoil this run already imagine to cap it all off the stronghold is under a swamp stronghold not spawn oh man that’d be wonderful i’d that would that would be outstanding if someone can clear inventory i can keep

Inventory oh jeez what if though i mean it’s it’s possible but it’s very very unlikely for those who are uh unwell i know well unaware uh usually a stronghold isn’t gonna spawn in a swamp but if it can’t find any other good place to spawn it’ll eventually choose a swamp but it’s still

Super unlikely uh so if it does happen to be in the swamp and the runners are just sort of going over it that’d be great it does look like silver through and it went into the uh into the mesa though so it looks like they’re gonna be digging down near the mesa

Yeah my my guess is it’s oh no it’s it’s should it’s right here on the shore i believe oh well that was a uh a very big angle change yeah we’re seeing another woods here chat hold on chat they’re in there and they got ice by hold on hold on hold on

We can’t we they’re getting too close now i wonder is there a way to force them to go to a different uh a stronghold no surely not i mean i want how hard is it to to get rid of a uh a portal frame it might be it it might

Not be super expensive just yet so they might have to go to another stronghold depending on uh how easy it is now we do have all four runners navigating this stronghold it is a race against chat to make sure they can find this portal room before something devastating happens feinberg

Making a very smart decision setting uh his spawn point in the stronghold yeah setting spawn is very smart unless the bed happens to get blown up then you’re back at spawn i believe the rest of their eyes are still at spawn so someone will have to make the journey back presumably all

Four of them and feinberg finding the portal room actually completely blindly finding it oh my gosh wait hold on stop stop this don’t let him don’t let fine very good don’t let him fill it in it’s a zero eye oh no that’s not good that’s really not good for these guys um

Also just a quick thing uh ten dollars from small kitten intent from its toshio gets us over the second uh donation goal of 1500 so uh chat pop off uh thank you so much for that that’s crazy and just as a reminder this uh goal the donations from this goal will be

Going toward buying a new laptop for the computer lab yeah so that’s very cool oh yeah yes i wonder how how can we how can we make this uh not oh wait hold on someone hasn’t done exactly that oh no what do you mean someone just spawned the withering oh they’re stuck that

Weather is in there i mean they’re gonna have to kill the weather it’s which isn’t the hardest thing definitely juking and jiving yeah feinberg is just going for it everyone else scattering and feinberg saying absolutely not this is my portal room gonna take out the bionic wearer with her

I mean i already like down half oh and gonna get some help from the piglet brew uh this could go faster than expected we’ll see i do believe it gets a little bit harder once it’s half health and yeah it’s uh oh and feinberg is gonna die okay but

That’s fine that’s fine they have spawn set now they’re all just gonna gang up on this wither skeletor this uh uh this wither i think they definitely did go in as a as a full stack of four for their uh best chance of getting rid of this easily but

They are making somewhat quick work of it all things considered and next donation goal is yo actually hold on two thousand dollars and y’all can help these students uh take ap computer science exams now let me tell you if you don’t have a if you don’t if your school isn’t paying for

The ap computer science exams those things get expensive uh it’s i i think it’s like 45 just to take one exam uh so that’s actually huge uh if you all can get the 2000 before this stream is over uh that would act that would help the students out so much

Especially with ap computer science comp sci like the intro to comp site is just absolutely pain so getting past that would be not not having to do that in college would be real nice yeah it should be a um it’s a whole cohort of students too

So uh you’re not paying for just one test it’ll be a good chunk of tests and and uh classes as well yeah uh we also see a ravager spawning in uh did get in the wall so it’s gonna die uh of natural causes even without rain x

Brutally murdering it this is good oh we have an iron white was the iron golem already like uh hostile uh i think they were mining and they might have hit it as they went down oh i’m stuck in a cobweb oh yeah uh i think you’re you might be unneeded

Oh my god it’s all good oh man uh wait why are they oh i thought that was another player that dylan was fighting um okay that makes more sense i thought like dylan and silver were fighting or something geez why did you do that wait hold on

We missed it feinberg is going back to the moon all the way to the moon getting uh past the clouds gonna go uh all the way to the stars and to the moon this is huge this is this is wonderful godspeed yes oh seven oh yeah we respect the climb

The the the climb to the moon is huge i got cleared inventoried finest primarily if i throw in mcdonald’s feinberg if you don’t get everyone in the chat right now mcdonald’s and you only get it for yourself honestly the most selfish thing i’ve ever seen feinberg feinberg mcdonald’s someone inventory all right

Here’s my order feinberg uh i’ll take what are they even selling on mcdonald’s i haven’t been to mcdonald’s in like like years what do what do they have they got the mcflurry finder i’ll take up mcflurry uh what do you want i’ll write down your order uh uh

I don’t know i i think i i think it might take too long for feinberg to get there and back considering how high in the sky uh yeah nonsense we have we have a couple extra hours they uh feinberg has time you know wait is he stuck in a cobweb right now [Laughter]

To gloss over the mcdonald’s bit we had going but what the heck all right i need to get water he’s just stuck oh yeah oh and they don’t stop there okay i found the lava pool are they transporting the eyes one eye at a time i believe they are

It makes sense it it’s the safest way to do it they they’re gonna need it however it also only cost twenty dollars to ruin silver runs uh i run you know i mean they’re playing it real dangerous just leaving it in the hot bar like that

Yeah they are getting very close to the stronghold as well this eye is going in that portal very shortly true i mean listen we can stop it he can stop their uh their their progress to the portal you know i okay i don’t wanna i don’t wanna uh i don’t know uh suede

I don’t want to persuade the audience it should be their own effects yeah i think what they’re doing now actually oh two eyes in the portal frame making great progress yeah two eyes in it’s like really nice and blown up by a creeper still has inventory though so it’s all good

I believe what dylan is doing right now is mining obsidian to make nether travel between spawn and the stronghold which is a great idea it’ll save a lot of time especially if you’re moving those eyes one by one oh yeah mining yeah and reynac is actually going to make a portal uh

I mean like you could just like smite the players and i think that would like the portal do you if you have gravel actually that’s a lot of point wait surely right oh no no no no no no just run into the portal just run into the portal and let them smite you

Let them smite you rain it’s easy okay yeah feinberg finally back on the ground dying uh i believe on purpose to zombies wait did they have a beacon what how a beacon really because of the fast mining speed i believe they just have uh super efficiency on their pickaxes yeah

Yeah yeah they just have a lot of enchants did anybody write down portal room chords no geez all right uh i mean i think you can give them a vegan if you wanted to but i don’t know is it is it worth it they’re gonna need a they wouldn’t get a

Lot of metal blocks to be able to use it though yeah i’m not sure if that’s uh the top priority on our runners minds right now uh with them yeah that’s so close to getting to the end yeah they might be able to finish this

Run we are past the two hour mark i’ll be well we have been for a hot minute but we’ll see i mean oh man it’s just so sad on rain’s part oh there we go portals lit portal slit that’s huge that’s gonna be a real nice bit of uh travel optimization Eating okay fiverr actually got mcdonald’s all right well now you now uh chat wait did he did you follow along wait did he oh all right feinberg’s chat i i have a mission for y’all i want i want to know exactly what feinberg’s order is so go ahead uh chat figure out figure

Out what feinberg’s eating right now uh this is your mission uh and the other three chats will try and uh ruin the other three runners uh times so yeah looks like uh i mean yeah silver taking sorry not to cut you off silver taking all four eyes

And making it back wait and he’s back wait hold on hold on hold on chat this is uh this is not good careful there’s a lot of silver chat to sabotage too fast half the portal frame filled creeper oh my gosh that’s actually like so much progress

They don’t have the other ice though like at all so they are gonna have to go back to the nether and deal with that they do if i’m not mistaken there are leftover blaze rods in the fortress and they do have eight more ender pearls uh at spawn thank you

Oh we have we have the order uh 20 piece chicken nugget large fries in a large coat that’s great that’s huge eat up you’re gonna need it you got it you’re gonna have to you’re gonna have to get some uh get some progress done when you’re back

Yeah a lot of ground to make up here and do keep in mind this is um technically our runners second run uh the first run being uh you know just a little bit chaotic uh however the all the all the joys and spoils of war they received in their first run has

Uh has done nothing to benefit them in this run as it has just been absolutely torturous chaos uh from the get-go absolutely oh wow hold on uh we have a 50 anonymous donation uh as well as uh five dollars from follicular and one from uh owlful her alfie excuse me Dang just just racking up the points right racking up the coins you’re getting ready honestly chad i say i say it’s time to uh uh record hold your coins just a little bit so that once they’re in the end you can just make it as painful as possible i

Think that’s the play right now yeah you know a lot of players are likely making the smart decision right now to to calm down on the uh the point spending just a little bit while they’re doing some uh some maintenance stuff you know they got to finish filling in this

Portal and then once they enter the end i’m expecting just a uh just a deluge of of absolute nonsense thrown at our runners here yeah we see a lot of pandas and a zombie hogland and an anvil jumping off come on chad just let feinberg eat just let him eat

Feinberg just getting a nice little show from the pandas yeah just let feinberg enjoy the pandas and and and have a have a snack yeah our other other events um it looks like they’re making progress at least we’ve got silver heading back through the nether perhaps to stop by

And grab oh wow yeah okay we are getting we are getting some nether again so we are going to see uh potentially some more resource gathering it’s like now there we go yeah flowers yeah yeah i mean if you’re gonna do anything on feinberg’s end just increase the ambiance

Make make uh make his eating experience as good as possible get rid of the redstone torch we don’t we don’t mess with that 114 stuff uh but besides that let’s see oh wow there’s actually a lot of pearls there uh let’s just go plenty of pearls yeah silver could just die real quick

With the pearls and cut wait actually i’m not seeing the blaze rods oh i’m so sorry oh keep that lava here come here look at this new portal looks like someone oh no hey they do need blaze rods this is actually kind of a huge game yeah

That i mean that does technically help oh my goodness silver with the pearls creeper steadily approaching don’t let that creeper blow them up can you just drop them on the ground for now i don’t know i do think uh the steel pearl command is still pretty uh inexpensive

So while it’s still in silver’s uh inventory you know i’m not going to suggest anything here but if i were to suggest ah never mind safely it’s hard to tell it’s hard to tell if feinberg’s actually eating or not just because of how much stuff is being thrown at him right now

He just killed my cat yeah it looks like our oh world the the cat world generator being absolutely slaughtered by rainex unfortunately uh it looks like they’ve got a nether portal waiting to be lit oh no a4 honestly that’s it’s that’s deserved if you k if you kill that many cats this

Is what this is what comes for you look at the weather’s name k4 having just been biting their time waiting for the perfect perfect opportunity to spawn this wither drop the weather honestly i think part of this you know one wither yeah that’s pretty hard to deal with

But like if you have a wither at every corner like they can’t fight that there’s nothing you can do about that if if dylan gets a wither spawning like right behind them just pinned by two withers i mean You know like i’m not going to say ruin their run but it’s a good chance that would mess up the run it’s a little bit dangerous having that wither so close to their chest with their ender pearls too oh someone spawned in a voker that’s actually like

Such a like sleeper pick right there just spawning in that evoker with all the imps and whatnot that’s very scary oh they’re all in its very hard days not able to hit issues that fly through blocks at them yeah that’s intense yeah that way they’re just hovering just gonna block off the wither

Skeletons like yeah we don’t yeah you can just hide nope the wither is out again does have an enchanted outfit going this way someone’s just a peaceful i don’t think they can you can switch them to easy but uh i don’t think you can do it i

Don’t think you do uh uh peaceful that’s crazy oh my god the combination of vexes and the wither just absolutely ruining dylan’s night it’s such a such a good combo oh and feinberg everyone’s been sleeping on feinberg for a moment feinberg consumed the mcdonald’s collecting the last necessary ingredients

To uh craft these remaining eyes of ender we are gonna need three blaze rods minimum here dude it’s literally fighting honestly you know what i i’d be fine with them collecting the rods i wanna i wanna see what chad can do once they’re in the end that’s what i’m

Waiting for yeah but it’s gonna kill effects come on yeah with uh with dylan and rayne just waiting at the at the end portal doing some cleanup duty on the remaining mobs or rather their oh they did have blaze rods left at the fortress feinberg with two ender pearls four blaze rods

Making his way back to the stronghold i wonder how hard is it to remove blaze rod let’s uh let’s give that a check yeah surely not that expensive compared to removing eyes of ender it might be in feinberg’s best interest to craft them early uh however i don’t believe he knows

We’ll have to watch this chat real quick silver and feinberg making their way to the stronghold actually feinberg transferring the items to silver silver going to die and make their way right over to the stronghold meaning this is the final items they will need to enter what does

What does taking the end portal frame do does it remove the entire portal i believe that is lingering from when you could give them end portal frames so they would have them in their inventory ah okay cause i was gonna i was gonna follow up with if it gets used nine

Times in a row on a lit portal like how bad would it be but it’s actually landing they are all runners are what the heck i was looking at other stuff stop don’t oh man it’s free this isn’t looking too good they’re going in it’s looking

This is uh this is this is where it gets a bit dicey with the 30 donation thank you very much hopefully going to be utilizing those points to slow our runners down once they enter the end here i certainly hope so yeah let’s just go in i guess yeah how close are we

They might be waiting for feinberg to get back to the uh strong i’m still streaming this by the way i believe that must be their play he is not that far off i don’t think just about to get to the portal to the stronghold maybe like nine minutes

The k4 wither actually still in the portal room just completely blocked up not aggroed on anyone yeah oh my gosh someone gave dylan flight why what the heck no stop that stop it joe don’t do that hold on you’re supposed to be hurting them not helping them

Dylan being able to fly out to that first crystal and k for something summoning another wither in the end another weather let’s go i think two winners two withers i don’t know wait k4 if you if you’re gonna do another one you got you gotta wait for one of them to be

Like at the at the uh fountain just spawn it right there they can’t get into it at all it’ll be perfect yeah world generators absolutely benefiting dylan here giving giving dylan flight just making these crystals a very easy job how could you how could you give flight to these players

Make the you’re helping them way too much right now a ravager now that that is the way to go and that ravager immediately gets a kill on rain x we’re gonna see a little bit of nausea for dylan uh but it’s not gonna be enough at this point we’re gonna need something

Like a drastic to happen oh they cleared my mind yeah right i’m trying to see what potentially could be done um yeah feinberg making his way to the stronghold finally gonna be able to get in the end here maybe he said you know it only it only costs 50 to stop dylan’s reign

Of terror on this end and immediately just end them just remove them uh i’m not gonna lie that might be a good idea right now dylan’s going a little bit too hard popping off a bit too much that was almost a death and there’s a perch

Left this is the time this is the time to get your spawns in right on dylan’s spot oh no he just got eated out and he’s dead he’s dead oh my gosh didn’t even have to request the death it happened on its own now we have rain x pushing in

We have oh geez who else do we have a wither in the pool we do we have a wither on the on the fountain that’s huge i believe that’s four withers currently active in the end yes perfect dude all right let’s see let’s see what

Are we what are we gonna get from these runners i i mean like i’m seeing they’re basically just waiting for the perch at this point but is it worth we’re gonna see a perch now this is the time this is the time to drop the stuff

If it’s possible for chat to do so this is this is when you want to get a little risky with it just don’t die oh no dylan’s going to be able to do some damage oh that’s doing good big damage to the dragon that’s that was a lot of damage yeah

Yeah our runners getting dangerously close to finishing here yeah the dra the the dragon is uh already a quarter health and i think they got all the uh crystals already so uh there’s no oh wait hold on the dragon scene a little bit i think no no no no there’s there’s no crystals

Unfortunately now i wonder what happened if you spawned another dragon like how how detrimental would that be although i mean also i don’t know what would even happen would they perch would they just be not able to perch at the same time or would they get that dragon the double

Dragon glitch where they infinitely fly that would be perfect yeah but some of them give us i will say it only cost 500 [Laughter] to remove the ender dragon and make this run impossible because right now it’s looking like there’s not much that’s going to stop them from uh killing this

Ender dragon i’m not gonna lie the dragon’s coming in for another purge uh two more after this and there’s not much that uh can be done yeah this could be a little scary i will say with our dragon purchasing for the second time here uh chat you are running

Out of time to make uh donations and and mess with these players even more i will say we are four dollars away from hitting 1700. yeah their guards down right there right now they are all just chilling in the middle it it should be

Oh dude no no no no hold on who just dropped that tnt the tnt hurts the ender dragon what are you doing the tnt making a big play for our runners here actually less surely they’re getting way too close right now this is scary yeah all four runners on the scene with

Oh my god is that five withers that i’m seeing is it is it i saw i saw four k4 withers and one row hand rag mesh oh no i don’t know where they’ve gone i think there’s one where they’re definitely shooting at the dragon oh no that’s not good the the wither is

Uh the swap sides we’re gonna see another perch who this this this can’t be the last purge but it’s getting real low feinberg with a sharpness 6x making absolutely quick work of this oh no wait hold on wait this is it that i mean like one more perch and they

Have it basically i the dragon’s already such low health i i’m not sure how you’re stopping this this uh this might be raps now this uh they might have actually beat the chat hold on we’ll have to see i uh not sure what that perspective was this

Is as close as it gets with an hour and a half left on the clock our runners getting so so very close to finishing their second run technically the first run uh unaided by creative mode wait who just flew why are you making him fly you’re gonna kill the dragon

Oh no someone made feinberg fly and it’s over and that’s it that’s it one died can anyone make it to the portal oh they all make it it’s over it’s over wow all right well i mean ggs to the runners uh the runners did beat chad so you know what

Good job that’s all there is to say about it i mean feinberg hasn’t finished yet but you know it’s whatever just got to get through the portal and they should be done but yeah uh i guess i i guess uh uh drake is the appropriate emote for this i suppose so happy

You can tell from his face how happy he is right now you can you can look at dylan’s face and just see the uh the sheer uh the palpable elation coming out from him he does oh they have a they have a star that they could make something out of but you know

It’s whatever they got the win ggs uh chat foiled again by runners who are good at the game i will say too we got some last minute donations here a 60 anonymous donation thank you very much and another eight dollar anonymous donation thank you as well and kfor with another ten dollars

Thank you guys very much we uh surpassed our 1700 uh mark and we’re just about to hit 1800 yeah uh i do want to ask are we so uh how are we doing this now is there going to be uh are they gonna try and complete another one

Uh with the time left probably a lot or uh yeah what’s the what’s that oh my god feinberg is just letting that pen to die i can’t believe this oh yeah we’ll have to see we’ll have to see you um i believe with the uh the counter going up to two

Uh at this point if i had to guess i would say we’re in for another seat all right uh currently the organizers are talking to the runners and uh asking them what they would like to do from this point out so we’ll know in a moment

Yeah i mean there is another like one and a half hours left for them to get one more seat in maybe take a victory lap and uh see if they can’t be chat for a third time it’s never been done it’s never been done chad are you gonna let them beat you a

Third time i don’t know well we’ll have to see anything can happen yeah anyway while we’re in this little intermission i’d like to draw attention once more to uh what we’re actually raising money for today absolutely and we are raising uh money for uh urban arts and like i mentioned earlier it’s a

Multi-year college prep program underprivileged students in new york get access um to a to a great college prep program that helps them learn the the art and technology behind video game design and we’re all gamers we all like video games and every donation you make that is one step closer to more video

Games being released in the world more kids getting uh great educations and so it’s a very good cause i i highly recommend uh donating it’s a great time yeah that was brutal yeah for sure uh very cool organization uh they do actually have a uh specific uh

Uh group uh for a school of you know for the school of interactive arts uh that is sort of the main area that uh we want to support especially in this event uh you know making sure that all of these students are able to get the education they need uh for the

Things that they want to do in their careers uh you know the best part about the urban arts uh group is that this is really helping people uh who wouldn’t have the chance to like do what they want to do with their lives especially like video game development

Coding and all this stuff that is basically the future but they’re making it possible for all of these kids and uh right now uh at eighteen hundred dollars uh y’all are helping them do it too so you know like you’re helping people like with their uh sorry i just got under someone someone

From above uh but you’re helping them uh you know achieve their dreams and that’s pretty cool uh you were saying yeah probably 85 percent of the whole [ __ ] yeah i don’t know how super managed to like get resources to the portal i’m not sure all right well then uh chat

I just want to say one thing congratulations uh you have officially uh made all of the runners uh done with speedrunning forever they’re done they’re gone they’re out they’re never gonna do it again uh you uh they might have they might have won this battle uh but chat uh your crowd

Control has truly uh won the war and uh yeah i’m sure the runners enjoyed it i know i enjoyed it i’m sure uh chat y’all have all enjoyed it uh this has been a very fun experience and uh gg to the runners uh especially for being able to pull through on this

One seed right here very dank very cool uh and as we finish up this uh the stream uh we were going to show a quick little video on the way out so make sure you stick around for that uh wouldn’t want anyone to miss that uh and

Uh shot do you have any final remarks sir jason Uh it was a it was a great stream thank you everyone so much for your donations uh thank you to the organizers jason and milo thank you guys very much for putting this together i know it was a lot of work uh and thank you to uh our

Runners as well for putting up with uh with just all the chaos thrown at them and uh and helping raise money for uh for a great cause absolutely uh thank you so much spice trash and prince of shaw um thank you all of our runners thank you

For the chat that was patient at that while we were getting that set up um you did an amazing job challenging these pro runners and we’re definitely going to call it a night we are so grateful for the eighteen hundred dollars raised this is going to go directly into equipment and

Classrooms ap tests for the students all those wonderful things and we will be doing more crowd control in the future with slightly better prep well you better prep yeah it’s gonna be great it’s gonna be a real fun time uh so if you’re not already following uh

Uh the speed run the gsa speedrun account get on it you better you start following them they’re good you gotta stay up to date on all the events that are happening uh there’s always really cool events like this happening uh in gsa as well as just all over the

Community so keep an eye out uh and uh yeah hope everyone has a wonderful night and uh unless there’s anything more to say enjoy this video from gsa and urban arts

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Speedrunners vs Twitch Chat | Crowd Control ft. Feinberg, Reign, Dylqn & Silverr’, was uploaded by GSA – Global Speedrun Association on 2022-03-08 20:00:17. It has garnered 150 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:03 or 9663 seconds.

4 of Minecraft’s best try to complete speedruns.. but not if Twitch Chat has anything to say about it!

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    BROKEN Luxifeeeerr DESTROYS WARZONE 😱Video Information no p roto roto roto la consola est muy cagado estuvo muy cadoo loco [ __ ] mre iba corriendo bien tranquilo y le peg un [ __ ] brano en la espalda pued This video, titled ‘Pero estaba roto eh #gaming #memes #humor #clips #funny #twitch #gamer #warzone’, was uploaded by Luxifeeeerr on 2024-01-14 10:12:19. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. mas clips como estos en mi canal de twitch luxifeeeerr suscribanse y denle like pofa luxifeeeerr COD luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr random luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr… Read More

  • EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor 😱 | Minecraft Survival Pt 4

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  • Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!

    Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERY The Amazing Digital Circus ADDON in (MINECRAFT PE) 4’, was uploaded by Skibidi Craft on 2024-01-14 02:00:22. It has garnered 4209 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:14 or 674 seconds. subscribe:) Read More

  • Voxelime SMP

    Voxelime SMPIntroducing our Minecraft Server – Voxelime SMP Tired of boring vanilla Minecraft? Dive into our vibrant server packed with epic features that’ll keep you entertained for hours! Powerful Anti-Cheat: Both Java & Bedrock players are protected by our well-tested anti-cheat system, ensuring fair gameplay. Goodbye, cheaters! Claim your lands: Secure your territory with our intuitive land claim system. Build, farm, and create without fear of griefing! X-Ray Outta Here: We’ve got clever systems to block X-ray, keeping resources hidden and exploration exciting! Server Shop: Our in-game shop area lets you buy and sell your items and earn or spend in… Read More

  • Prime SMP – PVP SMP

    Join Prime SMP for an Immersive Experience Enjoy watching your favorite SMP’s like Bliss and Lifesteal, but disappointed that you cannot join them? Look no further, featuring the Prime SMP! Combine both Bliss and Lifesteal with custom plugins and a custom resource pack for an immersive experience. Participate in frequent events to earn special items or improve the world. Whether you’re a regular player or a content creator, our first season welcomes you. Simply answer our questions when applying. Apply now for the Prime SMP: Read More

  • Magetown Network

    Magetown NetworkLooking for a thrilling survival Minecraft experience? Join the Magetown Network, where magic, challenges, and camaraderie await!Explore enchanting landscapes and discover hidden treasures.Face epic challenges and conquer dangerous creatures.Build magnificent structures and unleash your creativity.Harness the power of magic and embark on epic quests.Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded players.Features:Easy to create chest shopsA small but consistent communityVery stable performanceNo pay to win (no webstore)No game-breaking changesClaimsActive moderator teamNew game modes planned in the very near futureCommunity-driven modelPowered by donationsRegular streams of the serverEasy-to-contact moderator team in the event of griefing or hackingJoin us now and immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me IRL, but make it Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Me IRL, but make it Minecraft"Looks like this meme is mining for some laughs with a score of 26! Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

    Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server Destroying a YouTuber’s Pay-to-win Minecraft Server Introduction In a recent video, zman1064, TheMisterEpic, ItzOwo, Sapire, and PeepMC teamed up to wreak havoc on LoverFella’s pay-to-win Minecraft server. The mission? Duping and crashing the server in epic fashion. Special thanks to Mr_Copyright for the chaos that ensued. Chapter I: Duping The team embarked on a journey to exploit the server by duping items. With a simple command, they managed to duplicate items and accumulate wealth rapidly. However, their actions did not go unnoticed, leading to bans and chaos within the server. The thrill of outsmarting the system added an element… Read More

  • SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! 😱 | Minecraft 1.8 – 1.21

    SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! 😱 | Minecraft 1.8 - 1.21Video Information all righty yo what is going on ladies and gentlemen magic here and guys we are playing Sky Block now boys and girls it has been a very very long time since I have made a video on this channel to be honest I don’t really have an excuse I just kind of quit Minecraft just lost interest honestly just didn’t enjoy content creation as much as I used to but I’m really happy to announce that you know I’m playing some Sky Block today uh it may be a ruring thing I’m not 100% sure yet but… Read More