HARDCORE MINECRAFT: Enchanting Overload + Terralith! Ep39

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Just going to do it there we Go hello everyone I’m be Cal corn and this is episode 39 of hard corn teroth Series 2 we are here in the trading Hall working on getting our gear all fully Enchanted so we can go out and explore this wonderful wonderful world so where exactly did we leave off let’s find

Out so we’ve got basically uh next thing we got lined up to be enchanted is the bow on the enchanting table we’re out to 29 levels so we’re pretty close to be able to do that uh we got the diamond hoe with Fortune 2 on it we’re going to

I don’t know if we’re going to well we’re going to get the uh mending and uh and Unbreaking on that uh we should be able to get that from trades and uh we’ve got uh a bow that’s uh partly done we want to get some Unbreaking on that I

Believe and we got the power five to put on it uh to upgrade that from the power four and then we got the silk touch for a diamond pickaxe we want to get the rest of our stuff we see what else want to see what else is was going to get on

That from the uh the table but right now uh let’s get up to the level 30 so we can get that bow enchanted with any luck we can get all this done and maybe make a start on the wall of biomes all right so let’s uh get some of this

Harvested still got a couple grow in here three or four where you like to get whoops I need to uh replenish that by the way while I’m at it okay seems like this would have been a lot more efficient had I you know maybe de zombified uh at least my uh

Farmers but provided you have you know enough space for this stuff um it’s really possible to to grow your economy you know your uh melon and pumpkin economy to you know outgrow those concerns long as you’re willing to do a whole lot of harvesting thing is I keep dropping these I don’t know

Why didn’t seem like that was a problem in other worlds and hungry work too especially when you run all right let’s see what we got here all right start with my red shirt guy go-to dude for my uh produce sales and then this guy um see if it’ll a little better

Deal come on now maybe he’s too sleepy to give me a good deal hold on maybe I shouldn’t be doing it little onesie twosies like this we should just go ahead and sell the whole thing well best I can do is and if the next one is a good deal nope oh

Well worth a try okay so what do I have here uh the efficiency four sharpness three I think I must have caught that one fishing I got a few name tags what was I oh yeah I was going to put name tags on the uh on my

Horses but I have better use for uh those levels at the moment namely enchanting this bow all right power four power four and Flame so that’s not bad do want those yeah Power five though I do have a power four and Flame already here so I guess I can combine those and

That’ll give me the punch two and power five uh and then I going to want Unbreaking so uh the power five that’s kind of a waste really so I’ll just kind of set that aside really all right so what else do we want here what can we get on the old pickaxe

That’s really the remaining thing uh I want to get silk touch I think I got it on the book already fortune 3 no we don’t want that can we well can’t do anything right now because I don’t have any lapis on me so yeah we got the silk touchbook that’s the main

Thing efficiency might be good all right uh so let’s burn off that and see what we get here efficiency 4 that would be good so we’ll go for that and I’m going to grindstone this get a little of that back all right so okay uh our next one is going to

Be getting that efficiency on there hopefully won’t have to grindstone it off if uh we end up getting like uh you know Fortune as well oh also the helmet let me see what we get for that cuz what I want is flame protect fire protection 4 okay we’re going to

Get that one next we’re going to get that one next I want fire protection on a gold helmet so Chuck that over there this is bit more specific cuz there’s like multiple enchantments that we could get on the pickaxe um and a lot of them we

Can get from trades anyway so uh let’s go ahead and save up for that while we work these up so let’s see we got the bow that’s that old bow which one power two that one’s that this is basically going to be chucked uh Power Three is going to get chucked as

Well actually this power three um I can just go ahead and and grindstone that this is not really much use to me all right I guess that gets me uh a bit of XP there I’m going to and and I’m going to just check this in here for now um think

You use it for like a I don’t know dispenser or whatever later on okay so uh yeah golden helmet we’ll get that uh the power I we’ll do figure something out with that maybe we’ll grind it silk touch we want on there um Power four and

Flame combine those to make a power five double flame though but you know we’ll figure it out all right so we want uh Unbreaking for that right now the Unbreaking we pretty much just have the Unbreaking two in a trade which can be a little bit problematic as far as uh levels required

To apply all this what’s that one this guy here here so uh yeah we want to get a couple of these so there’s one that one on it and uh some more books okay actually let’s see what we can get for book fire protection three piercing pillar falling yeah just want to

See cuz really you need to be checking that all right uh let’s get another Unbreaking 2 book kind of makes wonder if I should have set up a uh a librarian with Unbreaking three well I’ll go ahead and buy the other book that’s not going to hurt anything those

There check the name tag over here uh let’s see so we got our water bottle of water toss that efficiency for sharpness 3 those are just random it’s just random crap okay puffer fish do I have a spot for puffer fish yes I do check those up there

Okay let’s see if we can get some more XP down here oh yeah things are growing growing nicely uh looks like yeah looks like we got a few more starting to produce now this is as far as we go I think it we get water after this first the bust out to the

Ocean course naturally when I’m do right when I’m doing this that’s when I get a little itch up on my [Applause] head [Applause] yeah this is kind of a two-handed [Applause] game if anyone has a setup for like one-handed playing you know it’s like an an accessibility sort of thing um I’m curious

I don’t I don’t think it’s something that I would use but if there are some you know varying key mappings or whatever that would that would let you like you know in a pinch do things at one hand that could be useful at times I suppose look at that thing over

There why you doing that any others over here I’m taking this one anyway all righty come on dude all right pal you’re still not doing me deals all right this guy is though what the heck why didn’t I come to him yeah I get it I’m with you

Pal I don’t feel great about it myself okay check that up there and what else do we need here um for this guy we need mending and Unbreaking so we got the two Unbreaking here let’s go ahead and get it a mending we can put that all

Together might as well focus on the hoe just get it out of the way mending 32 who else has mending 32 can’t be our best uh price right okay I guess it is all right well going help you sir okay hello there one mending book please probably come back for more okay Fortune

Efficiency mending and we want the two Unbreaking I guess we could take these two that’s all we need we really don’t need the efficiency to be honest but uh yeah it’s really just those that we need all right we’re going to use up some levels um oh should we oh you know

What we’re going to hold off on that we’re not going to just go ahead and do that we are not we’re just going to leave these all assembled here and what we’re going to do um we are going to get the uh the table enchantments first uh for the gold

Helmet and then see what we can get for the pickaxe then we’ll work on supplementing with the books and getting those Enchanted uh because those don’t have to be don’t necessarily have to have it up to level 30 to do those for the table enchantments I do need to be

Up to 30 to get the top ones so uh rather than have to build back up a whole bunch of XP after you know applying a bunch of book enchantments um we’ll just build back a little bit after each table enchantment and then once all those are done then we’ll start doing the

Books and that’ll be much more efficient because we’ll you know go ahead and let our uh our levels you know go down low that’s fine the lower your levels the faster they are to build back up numerically level one through five takes uh you know a lot less actual XP to

Uh to obtain than like you know levels 26 through 30 so it’s a much more efficient way to do it do I have anything in the it’s smelting right now have anything cooking I need to check that I forget I never make notes for these things me I’ll up the little thing in

For the you know video description oh here’s what I did but then I never look at that I never really have detailed notes as far as like you know what I actually intend to do I should do that but once I’m done with the episode I’m just so tired all right let’s

Uh let get these levels up oh yeah almost a 30 already nope y oh so close so close all right let’s see if we do have anything over here that’ll put us up yeah we got some fish I guess up a little bit all right where was I putting to C

Fish over here okay why is that there not sure anyway uh what else do we have here we don’t have much iron at some point I need to go down and get some iron uh I need to I think I may need to figure out how to duplicate these and probably get some

More uh I need I need to figure out how to duplicate these um I know there’s a way to do it I think there’s like different materials that you might need for depending on which one it is is um but yeah the thing is I’m thinking I

Want to reapply this trim I did it with uh with iron and I think I want to do it with quartz instead to make it lighter do I have any quartz yeah I don’t think I have any quartz I think I made a uh portal yet not sure where I’m going to

Put it to be honest anyway uh let’s go ahead and sleep all righty uh let’s pop this up here and there’s go there let’s see I think I’ve got uh some things I can NAB out here yep he you ah guys all right what did I miss here

I’m was like walking right through there why did I not just fall into my AR stretched arms I don’t get it anyway excuse me sir you as well hey guys how’s it going wonder how many people are coming down out of the uh Castle yet all right paper that’s what we’re

After see do I have any more sugar cane I do not so these two will go up here all right who’s my new guy was it you H you’re a master POS probably you yeah expert all right let’s uh go ahead and work towards your Advanced degree there oh so close to

30 so close to 30 oh my actually do I have any paper in here or did I sell it all off exactly no I’ve got paper let’s go ahead and grab a stack and we’ll do I think just probably one trade with this guy there we go that put us over thanks

Sir and that is exactly what we want exactly 30 all right let’s get this thing Enchanted so it’ll be all Nether worthy all right fire protection for and respiration three that’s kind of a bonus one just to uh you know to have on it that’s good um I

Have this one here with the oh I like at how it shows the uh armor trim on it that’s cool um so yeah it does have the respiration 3 on it already along with aqua affinity so you know it’s a good diving helmet I should label it as such as uh eventually

So yeah having it on this one uh really if I’m you know coming up out of the nether I’m going to want to be changing into that guy but um yeah you know sometimes you forget so if I come out of the Nether and you know

Go into the ocean or something and not without thinking about it at least I’ll have the respiration and I won’t drown so there’s that all right so that gives me that all set uh we got I’ll stick it over here I guess um so next we want to see what our

Pickaxe can get and maybe a book see if there’s anything worth while there uh Unbreaking three that’s a good one to get I’m going to get that that rather than using the two Unbreaking twos I think that will be more efficient hopefully we won’t get something like uh fortune on it because

I don’t want that I want silk touch but I can’t put silk touch on before enchanting it on the table because then it won’t work um Just for kicks though let’s see what a book would get loyalty 3 that’s a good one to have that’s it’s a good one to have last

Night on uh my other series I was looking for that but uh yeah I’m kind of all set for that right now yeah okay so um yeah let’s get those levels back up working working working talking about it won’t do it well actually it will because sitting

There talking about it these are growing more so yeah kind of sitting around doing nothing is productive sort of actually slightly less productive I swear I did this wrong should have circle around over [Applause] here and there’s one right there how about that okay we’re going to do that we’re

Going to do we’re going to add a step just peeking over from this side to see if there are any strays almost looked like he was coming in all righty did I forget to do the thing yeah I did that’s fine okay okay I think we got all those over

Here go ahead and grab that and we’ll come down this one again we might as well like I said it is slightly more productive just go ahead and get everything more often because a Vine that does not have a melan or pumpkin on it can produce more one that has one on it

Cannot all righty 28 ooh yeah all right so let’s see so anyway we’ve got fire protection 4 respiration 3 we are going to need a uh mending and Unbreaking twos on that one so let’s go ahead and get another mending for that hello sir another mending book please and uh also the two Unbreaking okay think it’s just close to 29 all right uh let’s just go ahead line those up here that’s going to be for our uh helmet so what else are we going to need on that um yeah uh I guess aqua affinity at some point if we really want to make the complete

Set so uh yeah it’s more books if we want to put Aqua Affinity on it I think we better do like uh you know some clever comos so let’s see did we get that From a trade or do we get it from the ah and we have a trade here hello sir aqua infinity for just six not bad okay put these in in my wallet in my pockets whatever almost up to 29 it’s not bad uh let’s go ahead and sleep I guess some

These guys they just can’t find their beds apparently and our security forces out there apparently are keeping them from doing though so just lying down on the uh ledge there all right okay we got the aqua affinity so uh that’s going to go on this there

Oh I think I think I need another CH another couple of chests I think we need a couple other chests I think we need more wood more planks for that okay uh this one the fortune cuz we oh Fortune 2 to get that up to fortune

3 think we need to work on that as well okay so uh the aqua affinity get this guy up here those are all lined up with that uh for the the hoe for efficiency we got the The Mending the UN Breakings Fortune three efficiency Unbreaking Unbreaking and mending that’s all we’re going to need on those uh let’s see what else we got uh we’ve got our bow power four and Flame I think we’re we got the other power four uh we also want to have Unbreak on

That punch I’m trying to think oh in Infinity that’s what we want on there Infinity do I have someone selling infinity infinity uh there’s be selling it for 13 let’s see if we can if we do have another deal just to see this occasionally you you know get

More than one okay we just have the one with Infinity uh where are you there you are cat’s getting in the way all right one Infinity book thank you and that gets us up into 29 range which is good okay so power flame we’re going to combine those got the

Infinity and we want the Unbreaking one another pair of Unbreaking for that as well let’s uh see we got enough cash for that actually well what do we say our next trade was going to be uh yeah our next one our next uh enchantment is going to be on the

Pickaxe I think that was going to be an Unbreaking three Let’s uh let’s let’s go ahead and see what we can get on a book after this see if we can get another another Unbreaking 3 on a book after we get it on that pickaxe cuz we’re already combining some stuff

You know to double stuff up on the uh heck was that on the bow be you know splitting the uh Unbreaking Enchantment on that as well I think would you know will’ll make it more um expensive to enchant so don’t want to risk getting up to you

Know being too expensive then we got to start over with damn thing and I don’t want to have to do that nobody wants to do that so we’re really close they have when 1 1203 uh released and for the life of me I cannot remember what uh changes are in that relative to

1.2.2 uh to be honest I’m still playing this in 1 20.1 because my you know my whole my mod stack isn’t all updated to 1.22 20.2 um so yeah just haven’t gotten there yet um I’ve decided I am going to go ahead and update to it I was thinking uh

I’m not going to do 1 20.2 because they Nerf the uh the D zombification but um I rarely be zfy more than once rarely um and you know as long as I can you know get uh the farmers down to you know paying an emerald for every melon and

Pumpkin you know I I’m I’m I’m rolling in it okay that’s my 30 so I’ll just going to stick there and get that enchantment on there got to keep this efficient all right pickaxe lais Unbreaking just Unbreaking okay good that’s fine that’s fine uh let’s see what the book protection three

Paling power one no not really what we’re looking for um although do I do I have any more uh table enchantments to do I really don’t it’s pretty much just the books so I can kind of cycle through that a bit um all right so this is the the Unbreaking silk touch our five 6 see do I want I can’t put sharpness on a pickaxe but I can put efficiency silk touch efficiency Unbreaking efficiency 4 is plenty um got four on that actually bringing this up to five would be good what efficiency uh book

Enchantments do I have if all I have is four I’m fine with that efficiency 4 yeah I’d be fine with just efficiency 4 on uh you know on my fortune pickaxe and put efficiency five on the uh on the silk touch or yeah there’s the fortune

One um I want to get that up to Fortune three though so yeah get the this one will be the silk touch I’m going get that up to efficiency five cuz that’s going to be the one for mining um this is going to be the one just for busting up uh you

Know what I bring up efficiency 4 is sufficient for that I’m not you know digging through all the you know just a worthless rock with that um I knew need to get a fortun fortune 3 do I have a dude with Fortune two would be plenty you get it boosted

Up or have I gotten all my fortune from the uh wow I don’t have anyone with Fortune I’m going have to work on that all right we’ll do that uh let’s get the workstation set up and we’ll get somebody with Fortune okay we need a

Lecturn and then we need to get a dude in here so I’m going to that’s good enough um oh they’re sleeping all right let’s uh make a el turn I need slabs do I have slabs also need a bookshelf I do not appear to have slabs on hand so we

Will make some slabs uh which means I need to make some planks make slabs um then come back over here and make lecturn okay uh place for slabs really those things have plac reserved I’ll put slabs over there okay pop this in place open her up I should probably put a door over

Here that would be a smart thing to do but I’m not that smart so uh yeah I’m going to sleep because I want to attract somebody to a workstation and not a bed or they’ll go to this bed those they’re idiots all right anybody looking for work anybody here hello sir come right

On in no right in this way there’s there’s people in here to speak to in here who would love to meet you come in in here come on no the other way come on this way right in in here in here in here in sir how about you how about you sir

Would you be interested in gain full employment right this way or maybe you sir come on down come on in thank you so much right back over this way have a lovely workstation got your name all over it it says unemployed villager actually it doesn’t um where’d you

Go there you are you just s of canoodling okay there you are right over here there we are let’s see what have you got fire aspect that’s not really what I’m looking for uh what was I looking for what was I looking for Fortune I think yeah that’s right cuz I got

Fortune 2 on here I want to get fortune 3 okay um yeah all right I got stuff on me I can probably uh get that as soon as I get it okay whoa whoa whoa I saw that I saw that you were you were trying to get in there weren’t you all right

What we got now sharpness one nope fire protection no that’s SW did you give me something I was looking for before fire aspect to you’re back to that again don’t be cycling back to no why do you how how do I get it I know I have to re

Uh interact with something or someone there it is okay gee many crickets no jeez all right Shelf yeah it’s weird if they intercept you if they intercept the uh the thing you’re putting down it disappears from your inventory and then you have to interact with something other than your own

Inventory in order for it to appear again fire respect again come on guy loyalty no I want fortune 3 and you know that’s what I want I told you rip tide three oh that’s a fun one but not what I’m looking for just yet rather falling too

I’m pretty sure I’ve got uh yeah four okay come on now no no no no get out of there trying to set you up Fortune two uh I guess I could do that and just add it to it good enough good enough cuz I didn’t even have that um and you’re buying paper

Okay well I can give you it’s all you want all right I’ll see if I can get you some more paper oh I should have had this in hand well I mean I need to get the levels up anyway all right let’s see if I can get some more sugarcane over here

Probably plant some got to be careful about these guys there’s stuff in that chest in the boat right now so I can’t really break it um not sure I have enough space in my inventory for all the junk in there so he’s going to have to wait there for a bit all right

Paper nice okay I yeah two over there uh yeah that’s fine all right let’s see oh I I had a space over there I could have put them oh well well what am I doing guess I’m a little closer and I do want to find out what else he’ll uh

Give this is going to be for this guy here and this one three look touch this efficiency um and yeah I guess that’s all my stuff and it’s all been done on the table so at this point I can just go ahead and and do stuff yeah all right

So go ahead and do the fortune and I guess I can Chuck the lapis in here cuz I’m not really going to be doing anything with that anymore okay so uh we yeah let’s go ahead and do this one that’s going to cost nine uh I’m going

To give it a name as well so it’s going to cost 10 I got efficiency 4 Fortune three Unbreaking and mending and that’s really all I need on that so um this is going to be the fortune so uh let’s see I’ve named these Before uh let’s actually spell it right there we go so we got that one on that’s our Fortune to really go mining right we want to get uh this one done Sil touch got the Unbreaking uh Sil touch efficiency oh we want mending on that as

Well so we’re going to need a mending book which I think got enough on hand to buy by one minut B please thank you and that actually does give us a little bit of XP just buying that which is convenient because we’re going to need

It in order to apply it all right so we got that H what all we got on the the bow to do so these These are pretty much set the bow is the question mark these are all set I believe I think I got all the stuff I want to put on Those two Unbreaking Mining and two Unbreaking or that we’ve got uh this is kind of the lowest priority really uh this might be the highest because we might have to go get some more iron um and then there’s this guy got the infinity which is what we

Want flame power four going to make that power five uh we’re going to need the Unbreaking I’d like to get the UN oh shoot I did want to get Unbreaking three for this all right so uh we’ll see what we what else we can get from that other guy

So let’s see if we got some more Jane growing FL it on over there and of course nothing’s growing well there’s a couple um I think I might just go ahead and plant those might as well cuz those two aren’t really going to give me do do me

Much all right you do you can just stay right there hopefully no drowns will come along and uh spear you if they do well I guess we’ll we’ll mourn but now he’s not time for morning now is the time for morning okay so yeah I got my fortune 3 um yeah so there’s

That toss that in there H have to get some more of the shells we got some of these Maps I forget whether I looked at those or find the treasure or not um possibly not cuz I don’t think we have a uh part of the sea yet do we yeah need

To get one of those so we can you know set up a conduit down under this place all right so uh yeah I need to build up levels and get these up we’ve got Infinity we want the Unbreaking three so let’s see what we can get for this guy

We still need more paper for the dude can’t bone meal uh sugar cane I don’t think meanwhile let’s go ahead and get some uh some levels up yeah I swear why is it dropping so [Applause] many is it a bug don’t now did a Nerf picking stuff up those did

Not seem to fly all that far away but all riots should have picked that up need to maybe find out if there’s uh you know something in one of my performance mods is doing that and maybe something that’s already been fixed in the uh releases for

1.2.2 or you know some beta releases for 1 1203 ORS pre-releases so we’ll see but yeah once everything uh all the mods that I run are updated for 1 12.2 I’m going to go ahead and update this one hopefully soon is uh I believe there is uh an update to

Terth that uh or two that I might like to put in there think structur just yet okay man you go through the food doing this all righty hey fellas and you as well ni seconds is 20 and this guy will get the ahead and do

That no but I got lots more to sell why I get so many melons how did that happen do I have any discounts from these guys probably not no well start with this one no okay all right giv me lots of that anyway okay so uh prioritize

Getting my uh silk touch guy set up so we’ll go ahead and grab these and we’re going to figure out how this can all be put together all right we got our mending we got our two Unbreaking three on it already that’s great look touch just see all that uh let’s see that

Five eight definitely go this Way so touch and mending definitely going this Way seven six we’ll do that and then this one 10 all right oh we’re just one level short one level short that won’t be difficult and we’re barely short of that okay uh maybe we can do that with some paper if we luck into some growth out here very careful

Here all right I think we had like two uh bundles of sugar canane over there so grab that that’ll let us do six paper get to 22 oh we wants 24 doesn’t he dang he wants 20 four you son of a gun all right well back down here all

Right we’ll just do one Corridor I think man they’re growing fast all right we’ll see whoa jeez just bounded up the stairs here oh not buying yet are you all right how about you all right that gets us up to that next one which is exactly what we need CU we’re going to

Do that oh you know what we want to do one more because we do want to name them we’re going to have two two pickaxes we need to have them named uh otherwise there’s too much confusion so we’re going to we’re going to go for the next level

Uh you bet no you have not restock do you restock come on oh come on so close so close there we go had to make me go over didn’t you all right that’s fine okay this is going to put us to zero but that’s fine that is

Efficient okay the diamond that is our uh that’s going to be our silk touch so we’ll make that silky pickaxe all right boom there we go we got our fortune and we got our silky very distinctive okay and we’re down to zero levels which is perfectly

Fine because every bit of XP we get at this point is going to be giving us lots of levels all righty so um question is should I go and do some iron mining at this point I do absolutely want to well sell well I have no more to sell all

Right so for these yeah Power Infinity okay we want I want mending but we do want the Unbreaking uh but we want to kind of find out what that one guy else is going to is going to get I on now come on come on oh there’s no other way to make paper

Other than uh can’t break books can you because otherwise I’d you know just buy a bunch of bookshelves bust them up for the books and then bust those up for the paper I mean the books are blank right all right let’s see if we can get

Over the top of this okay looks like we can I’m going to take what I have here make what paper I can with it check back see if I’ve got any others like that for instance there’s one I picked up and thate wasn’t there okay I saw one grow all right we’ll uh

Make our stuff from that we’ll have two extra I believe exuse me sir and these two I’m going to go plant after I trade these probably should have planted them first give them their chance to grow all right it’s going to no it’s not going to Beck me over dang

It all right I’m going to plant these two got to invest the stocks excuse me sir look out coming through let him grow I fall did I catch it eight okay So there two more to like you know what Wonder there trying to increase that growth rate got to increase production okay here we go no no no over here 22 again all right um if I can do like another three that’ll put me over the top to

Uh to get that next trade from the dude there’s one I need two more we got lots planted right one more I could go ahead and plant them all down here I could go ahead and plant these too it’s tempting I’m doing it it doesn’t increase the production that

Much of a percentage but it does increase it some some all right how are these guys doing so got those four up there or those three guys up there yeah just the two guys there one guy there and one guy there when are y’all coming down jump down into the water

I’ll get you I’ll bring you in don’t worry about that all right we’re going to bust this up again keep that trim so no one jumps over the side all right check on the cane again come on I want to get all this stuff uh done dang nothing growing all right well

I’m going to work on getting some more levels up no one’s climbing up there all righty oops [Applause] is it when I’m too close I just keep it aimed out as far as I can so that it pops them as far away from me as possible does that help maybe it

Does we’ll try it anyway just kind of got in the habit of you know releasing the mouse while I was [Applause] running just pressing it when stuff comes within range but I don’t know maybe that’s not the thing to do I honestly didn’t used to do

That kind of started recently and then I started getting those little Strays so maybe that is the making the difference when they first pop in the being I don’t uh quite get the uh you know proximity check soon enough when I’m running by okay well that seemed to work all right

Guys let’s pop up these levels look at that look how fast that’s going up up to 10 already look at that so so fast okay and lots of cash too all right let’s go see if we’ve got some more sugar can growing starts over here now oh did I thought i’ knocked some

Down for a moment there okay it looks like dude you really need to get out of here no no no come on no this is not the place for you you need to go you need to go all righty I got four uh if there’s no more growing or not two more

Growing I’m going to take one of them and plant it all right bring me down to three which is fine I think that would be enough in Cas over here y just enough should be enough to put us over the top get this guy’s next level up and he is going to sell

Us What drum roll quick charge to nope can’t do that but I can get him up to the next level quickly by buying several lanterns ice see even dozen H nothing much okay let’s get some glass from them you can use that at some point I’m

Sure and that gets us up to level 15 which is nice and we got sharpness two okay well that’s not useful you do have a bed there right yes okay good makeing sure you know that okay so what was what was our goal we got Infinity we

Got the blah blah blah blah blah blah yeah we wanted Unbreaking three because there just yeah I guess we can try just getting the two Unbreaking two all right we’ll do that dang it uh what did we even get out of this guy I I don’t even remember Fortune 2 that’s what it

Was yeah I was looking for fortune 3 should I get another one guy and get Unbreaking nah just get two of these for a bow okay and now it’s all a matter of getting levels anywh okay Power five uh I kind of have that as an alternate

Well if uh if this all doesn’t work out as far as the expense of it all then yeah we’ll figure that out okay so that’s got the punch one and power two which does mean nothing because we got all that set up here all right I’m going to put this one

Aside there let’s move these over this is well oh uh the glass do I have a spot for glass have a spot for these yeah I kind of got a spot for glass check that down there I guess okay all right uh prob we block up this might as

Well there we go okay that is that for now now put that up there just just organizing a little bit okay uh what all we got we got uh going to get our bow squared away get these two and then these three so we got to figure out what’s the most efficient way

To get all this stuff put together we got 15 levels Now power four power four those will combine we got uh two Unbreaking TW I think we’ll go ahead and grab those uh the infinity no do this way oh yep and there goes the Anvil and oh I need to see if I

Have any not down there let me see if I got any iron uh in my upper Clifton home oh it’s night time I should sleep too I should sleep why you get the door open why are you in my bed actually the other ones in my bed why in my

Face okay uh do I have any iron in here uh it does not look like I do I got some gold ore um no I don’t have any iron iron sword was might one I can grindstone that and smelt it into an Ingot not an Ingot but uh a nugget which is

Weird should I uh should I get some wool I should I think while I’m here dude you need to get out of there I got eight which is one shy being enough for three beds but I may have some downstairs so just pop that in there and we’ll put

This up here okay okay uh why you just keep up oh yeah um yeah you just keep crafting table up there I’m not sure where I put the other one put down someplace I don’t know where anyway I need an anvil I need an anvil where can I

Find an is there one I think there’s an anvil in the castle and the question is have any of the dudes up there in the tower or on the walls and jumping down into Motes I made him a spot to jump down to we need to clear it

More and I remove their exit over here or their entrance rather they can exit whenever they want I don’t know if they have been seems maybe less crowded are you going out going out going out in the world do it I think there was an envil over here

Yes there is one it is uh I want to s that do the silk so uh touch yeah I’ll take that that’s neat all right sorry guys um you know what I think I might go upstairs oh my goodness you guys need to get out more like at all holy cow all right

Holy cow y’all really really need to get out okay so speaking of getting out um I’m thinking what I’m going to do plus one of these walls over here plus one of these walls over here just to give these guys a clearer path out to uh

Do my little Moes down there they can jump on to um this I can’t really get to other than from up on these they can jump down on those if they want to these guys could too but I don’t know if they have been and I got guys over there as well

All right how about you guys all right so you’re all just hanging out over here um did I make you a way out over here oh you can’t you don’t really you can’t really climb up there can you and there’s no place to jump anyway uh at least they came down out of

Here I should probably take the bed oh I got so much stuff in there I don’t even know if I looked in there anyway uh I could put the wall there that seems dangerous okay uh let’s just go on down oh my goodness all right all right you guys are just insane all

Right yall got to get out y really got to get out I put the pressure plate so they should be able to get out come on out dude come on out oh wellow they can come out if they want to all right I got the Anvil anyway I don’t

Know damaged Anvil so it’s only going to be good for so much we’ve only got so much time but we are well on our way to uh getting everything fully Enchanted and getting out in the the world okay wo okay all righty so uh let’s get working on this bow so we

Got FL we got the Infinity power do that that’s 10 17 11 we can do that and then put this on I think I think I think that might be the way way to go but we’re going to need more levels uh going to go for the two more with that

Um go down here we took a little bit of time up there there’s plenty down here yeah that does seem to help so far just trying to let it break as far out in front of me as possible rather than you know working the mouse button pressing it when it comes into

View into range no that’s not the thing to do you is to hold the mouse button down and start while you’re not moving and then hold it down and then start moving to let everything break fall start moving okay the strategy we’re going to do we’re going to trade to get enough

Levels for uh for that next uh operation on the Anvil get just enough for that we’ll do that that and then we’ll trade some more and enough to get up to the next one I think that will be the most efficient use of our trade goods all right so

Actually uh what we wanted was is it the 10 or do we want to do this we want to do the 11 so we want to get up to level 11 we don’t have much more time left in this stream and then all right and that gets us up to 11 all

Right nice okay just enough okay there and it was that was the more efficient right right yeah that went and then this one will cost us another 11 that’s oh that’ll be fine and that will have us with flame power five punch two infinity and Unbreaking I

Think that is the full set that I’m looking for I believe that’s the full full set and then we need to get up need to get up to 11 for that so we’re going to go ahead and sleep we’ll do that boom and we’ll just go ahead get those

Those oh my so close so close oh not quite not quite okay well let’s see what else is grown got to get right over the edge all right this is probably enough to put us over the top oh my goodness and it’s time to end the stream but we’re going

To go ahead and do this not with him though or with him but this guy oh hey there we go that’s got it oh my goodness all right let’s go get this bow done and I think that’ll be it for this uh time around there we go there’s my

Bow um do I want to name it just doing the one bow so uh I’m going to call that My no I don’t have enough to to name it so we’re just going to just going to do it there we go now we got the bow all right all right and zero levels and next time around we’re going to be doing the uh well the hoe and the helmet are kind of

Low priority but I do want to get them and then we’ve got this little extra here that uh you know we might do something with those later on maybe but uh I think we’re pretty good there um it’s not mending so it’s not going to last

Forever so but yeah if we can get a uh if we get a trident with Ming gun Unbreaking that could last forever anyway that is what we got for now uh we’re pretty Decked Out we’ve got uh we got our bow all done we’ve got our two

Pickaxes we upgraded the one that we had and uh made our new one with the uh silk touch and all that we’re pretty well Set uh I’m going to do a double check on all this here just making sure we got everything that we want here um pretty sure we

Do so yeah just got to get those last couple tools set up and we can go and get our uh hall or not Hall our wall of biomes uh set up so that we can track where we have been and I may have to go and look back at some of the past

Episodes and see what biomes uh what ter biomes we’ve been through so we can Mark those off anyway see you next time and we’ll start on all that bye

This video, titled ‘More Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 + Terralith | HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 – Ep39’, was uploaded by BCowcorn on 2023-11-27 17:25:00. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:41 or 5561 seconds.

HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 – Episode 39 – Playing Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales Update (world started in 1.19) with Terralith 2.4 Data Pack.

It’s my second hardcore Minecraft world with the Terralith terrain generation datapack, this time with the Structory datapack as well for added structures scattered around the world.

I’ll be streaming every session in this world, so stay tuned!

Here’s the seed if you want to play along or explore the surroundings for potential spoilers: 3388628236345552341. Make sure to add those datapacks or the world will be very different!

What did I work on this time? I finally got all my basic weapons and tools enchanted, leaving only the gold helmet and diamond hoe, which are not really urgent.

For the future… I do want to enchant that remaining gear, which shouldn’t take much efort. I could also use more coal or charcoal, so more forestry is definitely in order. I’d like to make a spider eye and string grinder out of that dungeon I found diamond mining. And of course I want to set up a wall to chart our biome explorations, perhaps along the boardwalk?

Long term… I hope to visit as many Terralith biomes as possible. And who knows what future updates of both Terralith and Minecraft itself may bring?

* Playing Minecraft 1.20.1 (world started in 1.19) with Sodium, Iris and Sildurs Shaders Enhanced Default, plus Terralith 2.4.5 (started in 2.3.7) and Structory 1.3.2 (started in 1.3.1) for enhanced world generation with many new biomes and structures. Plus a few other performance-enhancing mods.

* Livestreams: https://www.twitch.tv/bcowcorn * Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BCowcorn-108006921457373

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    Mega Money Hack in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information जब रील दिन में बनाएंगे ना तो ज्यादा व्यूज आएंगे ठीक है वन टू थ गो मोटी चैन मोटा पैसा दिखा दो कोई भी मेरे जैसा This video, titled ‘Moti chain mota Paisa #gamerfleet @GamerFleet #minecraft #shorts #short #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by BuddysScout on 2024-07-05 03:20:00. It has garnered 9726 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft animation, Minecraft movie, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft best moments, Minecraft compilation, Minecraft showcase, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft montage, Minecraft epic… Read More

  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

    WAR for VICTORY in Hive LiveVideo Information bum bum bum welcome to the stream everyone let me just set the things up enjoy the B if you if you know what I mean I’ll see you guys in [Music] L welcome welcome Chatters sorry I have to Ping the Discord cuz I’m a Goofy Goober all right chat welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome let me uh yeah sub guys we got to win all right let me do a few more things and we’ll just get right into it [Music] let’s do it guys let’s start welcome everyone welcome to the stream hello Norman hello… Read More


    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • The Phoenix

    The PhoenixNow on 1.21!Version 15!SOFTWARE USEDThis server is running using Spigot for Minecraft 1.21.XThis allows us to use an assortment of different plugins to change or enhance game play. PLUGINS USEDHere we use plugins such as:Towny, Vampire, LWC, World Edit, Chest Shops and a custom one for crafting extra items like Saddles! HISTORYThe Phoenix has been running since 2012. It used to be a private server by the name “Phoenixcraft”.The Phoenix is currently on Version 15. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BOB Roast by Jackbhaiya 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast virtual world, collaborating with fellow gamers, and embarking on epic adventures. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into survival mode,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More