Heartbreaking Story of Minecraft’s Mobs 😢

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These are the deadliest mobs in Minecraft but how did they get here and how did they become so evil let’s find out story of the first zombie begins here in a dark corner of the woodsie this way we’re almost to safety oh jeez my wife was a Healer each day we search

The for he stepped on a green flowerer what each night oh no Matilda Lucy Lucy I mean okay I’m Okay she’s gonna get hit Lucy or goner rip oh girl move he loves you Lucy I Love Lucy okay that skeleton’s messed up oh she’s out for blood yeah stop smiling sir oh don’t ask me what it’s like to be dead okay it doesn’t feel like anything that’s depressing oh where is she

Putting him almost there almost there this reminds me of The Last of Us floating above my body drifting up to whatever heaven was waiting for me I couldn’t make out much except for that sign we painted together rwer residence oh he’s alive he just grew a beard a little bit it’s okay they’re

Going to be okay are they lovers or is this his mom I’m not sure what are your thoughts I I feel like Mom Vibes but my wife was always mixing healing potions what was the timing of that I said that and then it says my wife okay Lucy’s his wife she thought anything

Could be cured with a few special chemicals of course and usually she was right cuz she’s always I can fix you but everyone gets slau fix that potion changed please is she trying to kill him oh he does not look too good when I thought it

Was over just as I could feel myself slipping away again uhoh I woke up ew that does not look like a zombie huh where am I I don’t know what happened I don’t know but I wasn’t really awake there was a poison in my veins hor you heard it

Folks the first zombie was this man who sacrificed himself for his wife and then she later poisoned him Lucy’s a bad person it was like I was sleepwalking oh this was not my body anymore he going to stand up Mr priest what a pleasant surprise mhm I take the

Purity of this Village very seriously Mr Brewer yeah Lucy we’ve been getting reports of strange sounds coming from your basement that’s creepy in the dark arts meddling no of course not my husband was just uh moving furniture uh-huh that was not believable our many

Steves where is he this fine day he is a Steve are there a lot of different Steves in Minecraft or is there only one true Steve questions oh Steve’s gone on a hunting trip no she she murdered him in Cold Blood hunting trip huh yep he’s uh hunting for he’s literally down there

Mhm nothing weird have a happy holy day Mr priest sir you’re out of warnings if we find any uhoh Steve you have to be quieter what happened last night you look great Steve wrong you feel so I brought you back suddenly everything made sense I need

Some air this is how she brought him back to life the church sees you they’ll do something horrible so I can’t go outside ever just give me time to get the formula right that’s why he burns in the sun he can’t be seen I have a cake that needs eating

Lucy that’s not going to help that’s disgusting oh but it’s your favorite place he can only people now my mouth is different I’m craving something fresher red meat uh-oh must be a side effect of the treatment he’s going to eat find a solution okay wait is he getting more

Green I couldn’t cure I was hungry now I don’t know under the cover of Darkness I think you should get Lucy away to the edge of the village don’t kill the donkey Lucy deserves it more meat was richer tastier more satisfying than ever before that’s just I wanted more wa that is

Violent guys the only way you can bring that bird back to life is if you get Chuckles from Bri merch andir merch.com he has seen better days each kill only made me hungrier so this made de evil oh my goodness why one sheep could Sheila girl watch out Sheila you’re going to get

Sheared morning sheepy Ed sleep okay sheepy head I’ll go get you some breakfast no sir come back save her sir you leaving is the reason she’s about to die what oh what in the’s going on out here why is he on fire help somebody sheep he’s looking for his sheep that’s so

Sad get him something was wrong with my skin I was allergic to sunlight it’s so weird it just just like randomly happen like that from this my skin puckered and burned the pain some OU get away from Lucy’s house you leave that innocent luc’s house it’s his house

Too is that Steve yeah I knew I smelled witchcraft what all right he’s growling now L low he’s slowly becoming more of a zombie hungry can you kill me now not yet ma’am try harder be quicker Lucy have a few more days I can’t tell if I love or haat

Lucy right now I don’t know if you can tell but there’s like an inner struggle in me going on I will never find you a here if my lab burns down I need get the chemicals out true if this place Burns Steve’s going to burn I’ll be right out

I promise wait for me on the edge of the forest near the big rock you can’t trust her anymore ow ow ow oh wait it’s dark why are you on fire I couldn’t think about the house or the mob Sun it was all worth it as long as I

Can be with Lucy oh yeah definitely not his mom no no uh-oh that didn’t sound too good as long as my skin could bear but she never came out oh no you have to get revenge need to find some more permanent shelter to save these trees won’t keep me safe

Forever you have to get revenge yes yes yes yes yes oh it’s a cave for a minute all I felt was relief uh-huh then I remembered what I had lost my wife my Village even the day itself it’s emotional I wasn’t Steve anymore I didn’t know what I was not Steve I’m Z

The zombie but what would I be eating for what future what I hope to see this is deep Lucy I had nothing I mean that’s not true exactly until he came Cowboy bbop oh he’s full green now he smelled delicious oh I desperately wanted to eat him don’t do it also wanted a

Friend that’s a struggle oh all right Cowboy bbop is not not wait it was because of that one bite right there that zombies became a thing in Minecraft now everybody’s infected stay please stay stay Steve you’re not making people now that I would be alone forever all that was left was to waste

Away I mean if you were nicer to people maybe they’d want to hang out with you who are these are these different zombies that one has a beard there’s no way that’s Steve oh could just as all hope was lost is that all Steve more zomes from the trees came

Hordes of new friends yeah it’s like a dream together we could have revenge on the village that took Lucy away well that is one way you can solve it uh-huh you sure we’re fit for guard Duty have you seen do like one push-up a month with so many people going missing what

Choice do we have that’s not good don’t worry I hear first watch is a cakewalk that’s not true oh they went down so easily jeez not the horse not the chicken oh my goodness if you’re sad you didn’t have friends why are you lighting fire to the

Entire Village yous big on back to the darkness where you belong that’s a mean word oh I should have felt happy at that moment he’s going to respawn Revenge I waited so long for the king it wouldn’t bring Lucy back it’s true it’s true I don’t know why I went

There’s no way she escaped our house before it was destroyed by the town’s people you didn’t try to save her very much he kind of just left I’m glad I did I’ve never been so happy she’s a zombie now what Lucy why is this cute I feel like that

Shouldn’t have been cute at the end but it kind of was stay back Alex oh she’s about to get creeper get a weapon yikes a creeper that talks that’s creepy I’m not just a creeper child are the first creeper the others are nothing compared to me I don’t know you look

Kind of smiley great first creeper sir I am just a lowly Noob Jeepers Creepers I’m going to tell you the story of how I was born guess the moral of my story I’ll let you go through that’s a good idea yeah that’s a good deal okay make sure you’re sitting down

This one isn’t for the faint of heart does he sound like a snake a little bit like Cur began on a night like tonight over 20,000 years ago in a time of ancient Builders interesting believe it or not that’s me I do much building but

That man is a creeper it’s not what it sounds like okay just backs the fields kept food on our table uhhuh that’s concrete I think oops in I want a cat on my shoulder a Look whose pun ho snapped what use is a homeless present a it’s okay sir other

SE guinea pig for that experiment of yours experiment your majesty he’s not a guinea pig what experiment that’s a cab about to find out o I could feel myself flipping that was aggressive I wanted to the Builder why wao I did not need to see this I don’t

Think I’ll be okay y’all that’s disturbing look the insides of a creeper I really didn’t need to know what it looked like kind of looks like there’s a key inside there attached to a TNT idea disturbing what are you doing to me let me go yeah what are you doing to I want

To see my wife are you sure when we’re done she probably won’t recognize you no let him see his wife look on the bright side peasant you’ll never be useless again now okay transform oh he got lightning that makes sense it makes sense the lightning did it cuz they

Spark oh did the TNT just get injected into his body the pillagers are coming even in its changed state she’s just going to throw them out there to fend them offz they ride through our high city everything down noch for them they just stealing everybody’s we have to use our creation

Against the pillagers or the city will be destroyed the C finished he hasn’t grown his new arms yet forget the arms put in the power dis now that’s why he doesn’t have arms have time to argue they to rush it city as we speak fine that makes sense but don’t

Blame me if he comes out wrong he looks great he’s feeling great too I can tell okay we’re done how do you feel peasant great I feel wrong what’s that mean where are my arms wrong no time to complain the pillagers are here ma’am how about you do this to yourself then

Here I found him looks like it’s builders for dinner B not the voice I expect attack peasant attack how what do I do I I don’t have arms oh you’re just going to go it’s quite simple really just crawl over to the pillagers The Creepers die when they explode it’s like

A bumblebee when they sting right and explode it’s okay exp that’ll kill me no yeah du exploding tends to do that die well neither do we and our are worth a heck of a lot more than yours she’s awful no I have to get back to my wife

You really think she’ll recognize you now yeah she’ll recognize his voice now do what bombs do best and blow this P to Kingdom come uhoh I can’t I’m sorry he’s a non-hostile mob help me no that’s not the creeper did the creeper murder the dude home to

My wife hoping that our house on the outskirts of the city had been spared run run but I was too late no everyone’s wives are getting taken in this I thought I had nothing worth taking Alexa but of course I was wrong Alexa hey Siri a

No she’s okay she’s okay it’s okay I’m here I’m with you will she understand what are you it’s me Alexa uhoh it’s stas stas no you’re a monster you ate him and stole his voice no I’m your husband that’s so sad can you recognize me no stay back please

Go Steves you don’t look like yourself away oh and that’s how the first skeleton was born it’s okay I don’t know how I made it through the night without being attacked okay but eventually Rose how would I survive without my is it just me or is this just making you feel bad for

Mobs and then now I’m not wanting to fight them anymore in Minecraft I didn’t know mhm then I realized I only wanted one thing what my revenge to explode and I knew just how to get hello Builders he’s back anybody left what happened to her cat how nice of you

To return for some reason I thought you’d be too ashamed to ever show your face again I think he’s going to explode there you are hooray hooray what do I have to be ashamed of he’s going to explode you were weak ma’am you done you’re about to be killed by your own

Creation we could have had a Fighting Chance my friend could still be alive oh I thought put that behind us you dare suggest I forget so we can get our revenge get revenge together of that but we’re just two people how is she going to turn into a creeper huge numbers

Exactly I know how hard it is to haul heavy equipment they can’t have come from far away I bet they’re celebrating nearby all we have to do is sneak up to the Chief and boom boom in that might be crazy enough to work but I’m the Builder

You follow my lead lady needs to be more of a team player as long as the pillagers die City behind she’s literally put him on a leash who had killed my wife it was a grim Journey but my Builder accomplished like he’s going to just

Blow her up at any moment try to keep up okay I’m it’s hard to walk on these Stumpy little legs it looks kind of difficult necessary can’t have your chickening out like last time and abandoning the mission oh that’s why let’s get this over with got it the

Sun’s getting too high we need to C up until Nightfall I’m just confused why he’s not on fire that’s when the monsters come out you know what would you suggest weie was on outst in broad daylight they’d kill us we’ll attack as soon especially not since you have a end

Of discussion monster on a leash won’t draw any attention my Builder friend went out to hunt some pigs for our dinner but creep ago I started to worry 11 hours ago fell in a ravine I’d be reached to this tree until I died of thirst something else or you explode

Next to the flame control of my abilities if a monster attacked I was done for yeah a zombie a zombie Builder he’s literally attached to the leash this is where it ends oh he got off the leaf for what felt like ours the wood with monsters

And one wrong step you could do this I kept thinking about my wife and how as long as I made it to the out all this would be worth you’ll be with her again more zombies get to The Outpost oh ouch those legs do look hard

To run on my hands come on I understand that where are you I’m right here sheesh stop whining oh 12 hours later where were you did you get us dinner well bad news is I didn’t find any food good news I did a little Recon and uh found the pillar

Outpost really that’s good easily sure she’s lying on she looked to the left strike even then I knew something was off that’s a thing right if you look to the left or line to be true but I was either too tired too scared or too hungry to protest he’s just following

Her now without a leash come wait wasn’t this going to be a stealth Mission sneak in and out the chief well doesn’t look like it now old plan this is a new plan BGE in and blow up as many of them as you can okay okay

He’s going to die if he does that though The Outpost was completely deserted which didn’t make much sense that’s something wasn’t right they’re hiding somewhere where is everybody shouldn’t there be pillagers celebrating everywhere yeah upstairs I think probably only one way to find out first let me fix your leash why are you

Putting them on a leash right now something you’re not telling me yes of course not yes now let me snag you real quick I can’t trust her why are you putting them on a leash like that don’t fully understand biological super weapon what she did lie Builder

Our chief will be most pleased what wait Builder why is she trading with them I thought she hated them thing was fun at first but we need to be realistic peasant they’ll spare Our Lives as long as you live in the dungeon and terrorize yeah but Builder what do you have to do

For the rest of your life she just gets to go home and take a bubble bath while he has to stay in a dungeon that does not seem fair Villages every week sound good no no well you don’t really get to say here feel free to round him up he’s

Going to explode right now stay back it looked like my life was over like never forget my revenge but then something amazing happened oh oh he’s Supercharged oh he’s going to get you see my destiny I would destroy everyone who had oppressed me and Pillager alike can’t blame him be safe for my explosive R wow run he’s going to no get him before they run oh is he going to bye Steve but it wasn’t over oh the

She force over was enough to put me back together some of my pieces were Furious enough to become entirely beings e e that’s creepy eventually there were millions of us the builders and pillagers who had wronged us so all all of the other creepers came from different exploded parts of Steve came

To know us by a single name a single name and creep we did across they are creeping into Cavern they’re not walking very well and their Nightmares so that’s my story have you figured out the moral no to don’t trust anybody the moral is to subscribe there you go Alex correct to not trust anybody now I’ll set you free and yourself I guess goodbye no no no AA Vista I’ll be to

Zan bye guys that was sad the story of Minecraft’s first wither starts it’s eyes are glowing the eldest and heir to the throne the middle child makes sense Three Brothers of the youngest Steve Steve you’re struggling a little bit honey do you smell that brothers that’s

The scent of Adventure woo I don’t know Adventure smells like this disgusting Soul Sand to me maybe you’re in the ne then leave all that sweet nether fortress Loop yes you can chance look out it’s not even that good of loot that didn’t go well thank you Al they’re fighting a gas

Almost gas meat no time for thank you shoot it down get the gas even though it’s the voice of a cat so that makes me sad buy now follow me Brothers Glory aits go somewhere in the depths of that Fortress are Untold riches Galore another Fortress it will be a mighty

Gift for our father also known as the colum yes but what about monsters I heard a dark evil lays dormant down there ready to attack any trespassers then they will taste the wrath of my BL I wouldn’t assume that you never know I would be worried if I were

You I’m just being honest things aren’t sounding too good whoa as soon as we overwhelmed by swarms of wither skeletons you seem like you’re doing fine though Gody fought soly left they like one shot nothing but with skulls in their wake but they were outnumbered not even Warriors of their

Caliber could handle that many enemies at once that’s see a lot they needed me Steve grab your B you don’t look to confident I I can’t pleas there are too many why can’t you my fear got the better of me I abandoned my brothers and left them to

Die bad Steve jeez Steve Steve has been acting up in this video your brothers are literally going to die and you’re just running away yeah that doesn’t sound too good I was always the weak one even when we were little Godfrey and alist they always protected me well they’re good

Brothers don’t leave them to die scared to act yeah no what am I doing go back I should be helping them fight exactly I may not be much of a warrior but I have to give it my all that Blaze is looking at him funny the side eye though take

This that didn’t do much damage oh wait his brothers are here they’re fine spoke too soon hey good job St is that really what’s going to take him out I just have to put out the Flames I don’t want the blaze to be the reason they died too late for us what

What no Steve complete our Quest take the fortress’s loot back to Father for the kingdom save them first for the kingdom oh alair and Godfrey had saved me yet again happened too fast the final time I took their skulls back to father as well as all the loot okay good can’t

Lay your brother’s down it was a valuable hall for the kingdom but at what cost yeah right the King was obviously upset but the death of Godfrey and Alistair I was his only family left a we will not let their sacrifice go in vain we shall build a monument

Commemorating this victory in the nether you should thank you but I’m not worthy of such an honor my king nonsense you were able to survive the deepest of dungeons to Beyond imagination buddy we shall build it in the Castle’s Courtyard its base will be of Soul Sand toar where

The quest began and that’s where you put the skulls shall be three with a one for each of the Champions Alis the Brave on its stand uhhuh Godfrey the cunning on its right and and the third Wither skull that’s to represent you of course the mostes he

Have to die though the new heir to the throne does he have to die to put his skull on there right it was a great honor to be heralded in such a way but I knew the truth I knew it was my fault Alistair and Godfrey didn’t survive it

Your fault cuz you just didn’t try to save him here today try very hard to celebrate the great conquest of my sons because of their sacrifice the kingdom now has more gold and diamonds than at any point in our history wow Steve please you are doing a great job the

Monument is it his own oh okay that moment a thousand thoughts went through my head I didn’t know how he was going to survive sadness for my brothers yeah regret that I couldn’t save them yeah shame that now I reap all the glory yeah I wish for more than anything that I had

A chance to prove my worth had a change heart and for all I could prove I was a real Champion yeah I don’t know this will change steeve forever I place that final SC Down Bam Bam Bam was wrong oh wither was born but are the skulls since they’re

His brothers going to realize they shouldn’t hurt Steve like is their brain still in there Soul trapped in sand wa that is kind of crazy there it is the first wither what is this creature what have you done nothing my king I swear he summoned it Beast unlike anything we’d seen before

That’s not going to be good those are hard to fight yeah it’s not going to end well that ho he just exploded slay this V Beast attack you’re going to need more than that honey I guess you did some damage but you’re going to need more than

That oh you’ll pay for this since when that happened all of the sudden I immediately knew what was going to happen to my father what happened to his dad same look in his eyes as my brother’s the monster spell it’s like poison my body is withering away oh

That’s prot our people please what spell you can’t die I can’t do this alone I you can do this alone Steve you can do it you have to yeah son got to he was right you can do it I didn’t have a choice I was is either

Going to avenge my family or die trying you will avenge them I chased the weather throughout the land oh the weather I was like don’t H the people weather’s right there like every time it was hurt it would spawn skeleton fiends to help it yeah it possessed magical properties unlike any other even

The Ender Dragon itself wasn’t as powerful wow that’s a l my a broke and I ran out of arrows but I had barely depleted half of the Monster Health that’s crazy he ran out of everything diamond sword it was Heavy what about a diamond sword hurt the Wither I’d have

To get close again yeah the villagers were already dead it would be so easy to run but I couldn’t I respect that you got to finish the job get the Wither DOD oh oh we got him that doesn’t look good is he about to turn into wither

I think Steve is going to go full wither mode uh-oh open your eyes Sir oh he defeated the weather no way that was crazy it is done heck yes it is get it Steve you did it uh uh uh thus began my lonely reign as king wait how are you Lely I

Tried my best to do it was right for my people whenever it was difficult whenever I got scared I remembered my brothers and the price I paid for C good motivation I wonder what mob is next oo nerman I love them I’m not going to lie they’re one of my favorites oh

Did anyone ever tell you it was rude to stare yeah dangerous it is to walk these parts alone yeah that look on your face yeah yes can you understand me of course I can wa so long to tell my story tell me someone needs to know how I became

This way mhm it began like so many stories do the desert temple again just like this 20,000 years ago moral of the story don’t go to a desert temple the pillagers came out of nowhere who knew s could be lit on fire while they ransacked our buildings and killed our

People I was busy a secret project okay that makes sense if our cities were no longer safe we’d have to BU portal somewhere else new dimension we called the beginning they’re genius all our previous wait they called it the beginning but technically then Minecraft made it called the end so something went

Wrong in the series of events missions to the beginning had ended in Failure but I knew my new portal design would make the difference it had to going be great you will survive start up the portal woo send in the Explorer they sent him to reinforce the front line is no longer

An option he has to go good luck and guard speed bye sir I can’t go I need to monitor the pears you’ll the only one who can do this monitor the pears what are you saying the beginning was supposed to be in Paradise but it turned out to be the

End we’ve W for too long to give up now he’s going to push him wait your bravery is most honorable you can’t do this do you hear me bye I will say he made the end portal so shouldn’t he be confident I mean he’s literally the one who opened the portal

I feel like it’s only fair that he explores it wa it JP upside down where am I no this place is inhabitable yeah no it’s hell I don’t think you can survive there unless you’re the Ender Dragon where is the Ender Dragon go back dude there’s no way nearly killed me I needed

Some food what is that wow that was gutsy you normally don’t just eat random things without knowing what they are oh and has L magical properties okay fascinating yeah no I still wouldn’t e it this place isn’t so bad there’s the Ender Dragon how does he become an Enderman oh

He gets hit by a fireball what is that thing dragon’s breath beautiful Swan Dive oh think I’m safe she’s not going to notice him but how can I reach that portal if I build straight up I’ll be a Sitting Duck for that monster it’s true maybe if I built

Up along one of those pillars I could hide in the C no what that’s way too dangerous what do I have another Choice do you have a sword or anything blast doesn’t look like it without a pickaxe I’m sunk no in sight did not come prepared break these rocks unless floating

Sponge I know it’s not sponge but it looks like it hey over here don’t taunt the Dragon one tasy Noble right for the eating what are you doing oh that worked that makes sense but I’ll need way more if I’m going to have a chance of getting home it’s

True you could ride on it back but I found months passing I got tired slopping got but each time I I got back up and taunted the dragon and collected my stone that’s a lot of stone oh wa’s turning into the Enderman that’s why he’s getting

Longer like look how long his arms are stop eating that well I guess you got to eat never mind the dragon’s totally going to see that shadow you’ll be all right it’s definitely going to fly right over there and fight you the dragon hated be but I didn’t have time to be

Well kind of messed up its biome I had to keep going just what I thought I was out of energy hey here I would hurry trust me I would I would hurry faster to settle this place build a bridge out to me now what happened to you

Oh what this the gravity’s lower here so I had a bit of a gross bur that’s it I mean your eyes just an they’re beautiful and pink let me back over we can cook up an antidote no problem I don’t think I can do that he trapped him what do you

Mean you could made noise you have to let me through you’re my only way out close the portal what a horrible friend I’m sorry this is protocol you look sick you want me to jump that’s not protocol jump out don’t he’s not going to make it through oh

No uh-oh he’s not going to survive he’s there’s no way he serve oh I’m not a freak but I was the strange energies of this land have become part of my body makes sense I wandered for days or months where did the dragon Go gradually I began to forget the world I

The only thing you could eat is those purple STI my name the sound of my own voice what the one thing you forget the sound of your own voice was the way my friend had looked at me it burned like an ember my brain I was alone for as close to

Forever as I can describe but it wasn’t forever because eventually one by one I love they arrived who’s they what I once seemed like a promis his friend show up in the end the builders to throw their criminals bance Frakes thanks to a new oneway portal the beginning was now their

End I couldn’t understand them I had forgotten their language it was nice to have other beings arounde how they become when they started to build I wanted to help but they build me off it didn’t look like them I was worse they’re turning into Ender too I wish I remembered how to

Smile a but with some practice I remembered how to build and that to other memories nice I had to make them understand we had lies out there and we could use the gifts of this world to find but you can’t talk eventually our don’t think they have abilities got so

Powerful that we were able to escape the end and return to the over oh we had found our way but we were too late uhoh thousands of years too late we knew was dead oh that’s sad I finally understood what the buildings have taken from me from us entire lifetimes gone

Yeah they did we decid don’t look at him the favor they returning the favor lost the land and dismantle the remains of the builders I kind of get it I get it come to the ruins free from our the villagers didn’t do anything wrong it was the

Builders as long as we are here the builders will not be was their legacy will be screams and nashing teeth yeah but guys I don’t feel like he ever explained why you can’t look him in the eye did he why can’t you look at him in

The eye guys thank you so much for watching that was really emotional what should I react to next

This video, titled ‘The SAD STORY of Minecraft’s Mobs… (Cartoon Animation)’, was uploaded by BriannaPlayz on 2024-01-12 13:00:36. It has garnered 85423 views and 1809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:00 or 2400 seconds.

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Credit to @GameToonsOfficial for the incredible vid! Go check them out!


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    Lucky Cave Uncovered: Minecraft Survival Series Finale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m your guide, your narrator, in every scene. From epic cave expeditions to survival tips so keen, I’ll take you on a journey like you’ve never seen. With each diamond found and treasure unearthed, I’ll keep you entertained, your thirst for adventure quenched. Building masterpieces, crafting gear so fine, In this blocky world, every moment is divine. Join me in live streams, where challenges await, Together we’ll conquer, no need to hesitate. So hit subscribe, ring the bell, become part of the crew, In this Minecraft world, there’s always something… Read More

  • Sponge & Diggy Shenanigans

    Sponge & Diggy Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures: Terraforming and Ocean Cleanup Introduction In a recent Minecraft stream on Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarked on a journey to clean out the area under a new tower. The stream was filled with excitement and creativity as the player showcased their terraforming skills and tackled the task of mopping up the ocean. Terraforming Marvels The stream began with Music Free Gaming showcasing a giant tower that needed some serious work. The player had already started terraforming the area around the tower, using stone to create a basic foundation. The goal was to texture the area… Read More

  • Village Wall Thrall: Minecraft Hardcore Ep. 2

    Village Wall Thrall: Minecraft Hardcore Ep. 2 In the winter village, GeminiTay plays, Building farms and walls in her own unique ways. Her hardcore world, a new adventure begun, With each episode, more fun to be spun. Follow her on Twitch, Twitter, and Insta too, For more Minecraft magic, just for you. Recorded with OBS, version 1.21, GeminiTay’s journey has only just begun. Read More

  • WrobeleQ CreeperSMP – Your Dream Minecraft Server!

    WrobeleQ CreeperSMP - Your Dream Minecraft Server! Welcome to CreeperSMP – Your Dream Minecraft Server! Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure? Look no further than CreeperSMP! This Polish server offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. From PvP battles to exploring new worlds, there’s something for every Minecraft enthusiast here. Join Our Community on Discord If you’re eager to join the CreeperSMP community, head over to our Discord server at dc.gg/creepersmp. You’ll find all the information you need to get started, including the server IP address. Remember, membership on Discord is required to access the… Read More

  • Free Minecraft Java Multiplayer with Friends!

    Free Minecraft Java Multiplayer with Friends! Exploring Multiplayer Options in Minecraft Java Edition Are you tired of dealing with the hassles of using Hamachi or unreliable free servers to play Minecraft with your friends? Look no further! With Essential, you can easily invite your friends to join you in your world, complete with modpacks and all the fun features Minecraft has to offer. Setting Up Your Multiplayer World Essential provides a seamless way to play Minecraft Java Edition with your friends. Simply create a world in Minecraft, install the Essential plugin, and invite your friends to join you. No need to worry about complicated server… Read More

  • Mine Price Hike: Crafty Cash Grab in Minecraft!

    Mine Price Hike: Crafty Cash Grab in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor so bright, Bringing happiness to all, morning and night. No need for worry, this channel is safe, Child-friendly content, no need to chafe. With updates each day, full of fun and delight, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, a true gaming sight. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news with a spin, shining so bright. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a true gaming gem, Bringing joy and laughter, like a priceless gem. Read More

  • FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft

    FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Adventure: The Quest for Grass Biome Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with our intrepid explorer as they attempt to find a grass biome to build their nether portal. However, just like in real life, the grass seems to repel them. Will they overcome this challenge and succeed in their mission? Let’s find out! Exploring the Minecraft World Our adventurer sets out on a quest to locate a grass biome, a crucial step in their Minecraft survival strategy. As they traverse the vast and diverse landscape of Minecraft, they encounter various biomes, each with its own… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Build Battle on Hypixel – Watch DuckBoi’s Epic Creation!

    Intense Minecraft Build Battle on Hypixel - Watch DuckBoi's Epic Creation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tired Build Battle | Minecraft Build Battle on Hypixel’, was uploaded by DuckBoi Games on 2024-05-17 20:06:38. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:08 or 7328 seconds. This is going to go well… I hope Usual Links: Discord – https://discord.com/invite/V8yqPxdUZr Patreon – https://patreon.com/DuckBoiGames?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink Twitter (X) – https://twitter.com/DuckBoi_Games Donations – https://streamelements.com/duckboigames/tip Read More

  • “Insane Illager Attack on Leafy McTreeface!” #funnyshorts #minecraft

    "Insane Illager Attack on Leafy McTreeface!" #funnyshorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All the Mods – Relentless Illagers #funnyshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Leafy McTreeface on 2024-03-16 00:45:00. It has garnered 1016 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Day one exploring and I run into an illager spawner? Watch the video series out now! Leafy’s Discord: https://discord.gg/AxR9pkRxcT #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #ATM #livestream #live #streaming #stream #streamer #gamer #gaming #funny #leafy #allthemods9 #playthough #letsplay #gameplay Become and Official Member of the Garden! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNeqUlA4JmvHSQ6i3MHarmw/join Read More

  • Rajesh faces off against Feather Client in epic Minecraft FPS battle!

    Rajesh faces off against Feather Client in epic Minecraft FPS battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Lunar Client vs Feather Client in Minecraft for FPS’, was uploaded by Rajesh on 2024-04-05 14:27:12. It has garnered 4354 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. hypixel bedwars, bedwars, hypixel, minecraft bedwars, bedwars montage, bedwars hypixel, hypixel bedwars montage, bedwars asmr, bedwars minecraft, bedwars montage hypixel, minecraft hypixel bedwars, hypixel bedwars clutch, hypixel bedwars asmr, bedwars clutch, bedwars clutch montage, bedwars challenge, hypixel bedwars 100 stars, hypixel bedwars block clutch montage, 700 stars in hypixel bedwars, block clutch montage bedwars, hypixel bedwars gain stars fast tutorial, games,… Read More


    UNLOCKING WORLD-SLASHING POWERS! Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Ep. 6Video Information This video, titled ‘UNLOCKING SLASHES THAT CUT THE WORLD! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 6’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-05-29 23:00:19. It has garnered 4985 views and 246 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:42 or 3042 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v38) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBwHXt3fnQE STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw UNLOCKING SLASHES THAT CUT THE WORLD! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 6 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More

  • Whimsy SMP

    Whimsy SMPA comfy and community based SMP! 1.20+ Minecraft Server Bedrock and Java crossplay! Vanilla-style! Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ | Factions | Non-P2W | Ability Item Join the discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/XtN3SSTPOV8?si=lZBR6ObeDC2SgYeq A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Join us at: ZynnCraft.fr.to and become part of the ZynnCraft community… Read More

  • TriangleSMP

    Triangle SMP1.21 MINECRAFTNew server!Discord: https://discord.gg/yqjqRyTQSJIP: mc.usernqme.dev:25588Play in java edition!Come play with us to meet new people, hope to see you here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you build a dirt house in Minecraft 🤔

    I guess you could say this meme is scoring a solid 3 out of 10 on the Minecraft humor scale! Read More

  • Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight?

    Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight? In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every stride. Animations that are funny and light, Bringing happiness, making our days bright. Parents love the content, safe and sound, No worries here, just fun all around. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe now, and join the MC realm. Classroom series, song adaptations too, All in good fun, just for you. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, the one and only, Pirated content? Nope, that’s baloney. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining so bright. Fangkuaixuan’s world, a place to be, Where joy and… Read More

  • Super Dog Villager Droppin’ the Hottest Oi Oi Oi Remix!

    Super Dog Villager Droppin' the Hottest Oi Oi Oi Remix! When your dog starts barking in Minecraft and suddenly transforms into a villager saying “Oi Oi Oi,” you know you’ve been playing too much. Time to take a break and go for a walk in the real world! Read More

  • German Nighttime Adventures: Comprehensible Input

    German Nighttime Adventures: Comprehensible Input Exploring Nighttime Adventures in Minecraft Discovering the World of Minecraft at Night In the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, nighttime brings a whole new set of challenges and adventures for players to explore. As the sun sets and darkness falls, the game transforms into a mysterious and exciting realm filled with unique creatures and opportunities. Creepers, zombies, and skeletons emerge from the shadows, ready to test the player’s survival skills. These hostile mobs add an element of danger and excitement to the nighttime experience, requiring players to be vigilant and strategic in their actions. Building and Crafting Under… Read More

  • Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft

    Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft Minecraft: The Power of Creepers and Farming Efficiency Farm Details Farm Performance: The farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 items per hour, showcasing its efficiency. Farm Mode: It operates in a fully automatic mode, making resource gathering a breeze for players. Versions: Compatible with versions ranging from 1.16 to 1.21, including various updates like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, and 1.20.6. Platforms: Designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for users on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3, showcasing the creativity and innovation within the Minecraft community. Game Information Shaders: Enhance your gaming experience with complementary shaders that add… Read More

  • Unforgettable Castle of Fire Adventure – Subscribe Now!

    Unforgettable Castle of Fire Adventure - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘El castillo de fuego MINECRAFT DUNGEONS AND MAGIC ¡SUSCRIBETE Y DA LIKE, MUCHAS GRACIAS!’, was uploaded by RockerLeo on 2024-06-14 22:41:24. It has garnered 129 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. WATCH FULL VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsHy1Yl7AjM Read More

  • Minecraft Cursed Blood Skull Discovery!

    Minecraft Cursed Blood Skull Discovery!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found Cursed Blood Skull in Minecraft – Maizen?!’, was uploaded by MayJay on 2024-07-15 16:08:27. It has garnered 121057 views and 602 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds. Read More

  • Build an EPIC house in Survival SMP!

    Build an EPIC house in Survival SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘i build my first simple house un Survival Smp.’, was uploaded by Hacky Craft on 2024-04-01 09:55:17. It has garnered 20 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:00 or 3060 seconds. Thanks For Waching this video. pls do like and subscribe Minecraft survival smp My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/DPUuZ9mx Minecraft survival smp Minecraft __________________ __ __ Smp New Tags: minecraft bangla, bangla gamer minecraft video, minecraft bangla video, bangla minecraft, minecraft survival series bangla part 1, minecraft hardcore survival series bangla part 1, minecraft, minecraft multiplayer, minecaft bangla gaming, minecraft bangla gameplay,… Read More

  • Yaman Ratre 2012: SHOCKING REVEAL! #Like #Subscribe #Comment

    Yaman Ratre 2012: SHOCKING REVEAL! #Like #Subscribe #CommentVideo Information This video, titled ‘# what is this#subscriber #like #minecraft #commen’, was uploaded by Yaman Ratre 2012 on 2024-02-13 14:31:31. It has garnered 4671 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Slayer SMP – Join Now!

    Ultimate Slayer SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s New BEST SMP! (Applications OPEN!)’, was uploaded by Slayer SMP on 2024-01-14 01:32:16. It has garnered 33 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Slayer SMP applications JUST opened! When you spawn in the server you get one out of 6 swords that grant people abilities and there are even CUSTOM artifacts! ================================================== Public Discord Server: https://discord.gg/P4rTV5RZCf ================================================== this video is not minecraft manhunt or minecraft but, but in this video augment smp. This video is also about an SMP like dreamSMP, dream, tommyinnit, georgenotfound, or wilbursoot,… Read More


    💥POISHORTCRAFT: Pick Your Side! ARA ARA vs DEMON KIM ANGEL!💥 | MINECRAFT ANIMATIONVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH ONE YOU LIKE ?ARA ARA TEAM MACNCHEESE DEMON TEAM KIM ANGEL CUTE -MINECRAFT ANIMATION #shorts’, was uploaded by poishortcraft on 2024-07-17 00:00:17. It has garnered 70885 views and 3072 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Please (Like)👍 & Subscribe ▶️ to my channel Don’t forget to Click the Bell 🔔 Turn on notification for more awesome content like this #MinecraftAnimation 😊 Godbless You all 🙏😁 (Goal to 1,000 Subs) For a starter 😅🙏 Read More

  • “Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison – EPIC!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition - Ultimate Comparison - EPIC!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shivam x Highlights on 2024-06-13 06:30:12. It has garnered 1055 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Welcome to our ultimate Minecraft showdown! 🌍 In this video, we dive deep into the differences between Minecraft Bedrock and Java Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this comprehensive comparison will help you decide which version suits you best. From performance and mods to gameplay and community, we’ve got it all covered. Don’t forget… Read More

  • 🔴Join the EPIC Minecraft Game with Theon! 🤝【German】

    🔴Join the EPIC Minecraft Game with Theon! 🤝【German】Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft live Deutsch, Jeder kann Mitspielen 🤝 [Deutsch/German][Bedrock/Java]’, was uploaded by Theon Gaming on 2024-06-05 17:38:46. It has garnered 245 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:24 or 9264 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #live Discord: https://discord.com/invite/cMYnax6bfm Here are my names from games and social media: Epic : tollermann397 TikTok: Theon Gaming Discord : tolleemann397 # 5532 Instagram : Theon Gaming YT #minecraftps4 #minecraftjava #minecraftnintendoswitch #minecraftlivestream #minecraftandroid #youtube Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pool Build by Rafli Nagara17

    Insane Minecraft Pool Build by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Bikin Kolam Renang Di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-03-12 18:25:01. It has garnered 2874 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:44 or 6344 seconds. Saweria donation: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft mod showcase indonesia Minecraft Java Minecraft pocket edition… Read More

  • Wool World

    Wool WorldWool world is a PVP server. Red vs Blue. There is colored wool areas that you must destroy to claim the teritory for your team. Claim resources like spawners and push into the enemy land to expand! Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Server Features: Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/XtN3SSTPOV8?si=lZBR6ObeDC2SgYeq A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Join us at: ZynnCraft.fr.to and become part of the ZynnCraft community… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Greedy capitalism sparks creativity”

    Minecraft Memes - "Greedy capitalism sparks creativity"Why be innovative when you can just mine for diamonds all day? #CapitalismWinning Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂 I know them better than I know myself! 😂 #nerdlife Read More

  • MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure

    MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure Minecraft Survival with 150+ Mods: Exploring Worlds (LP 2) Embark on a thrilling survival journey in Minecraft with over 150 mods! The second series of survival adventures awaits, promising a unique and enhanced gameplay experience. Survival with a Twist With an extensive collection of mods, players can expect a whole new level of challenges and excitement. From new creatures and items to enhanced mechanics and environments, every aspect of the game is transformed, offering endless possibilities for exploration and creativity. Unleashing Creativity One of the most exciting aspects of playing Minecraft with mods is the ability to unleash creativity… Read More


    SHIZO HORROR MINECRAFT IN 4K SHADERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR AND 4K SHADER HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Saters on 2024-07-10 06:45:06. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:49 or 12949 seconds. WALCUM ZameRs, THis will for sure be the stream of all time Yoo, what the fupp is going on description. THE SCARIEST HORROR GAMES EVER GAME : HARDCORE MINECRAFT, HEIRS, BAD DREAMS, HUDDAM 2 BERZAH lik and subribe, zero deth sped run #gaming #funnyvideos #newgames #freegames #horrorgames #freehorrorgames #free #freemovies #funnyvideocompliation #funnymontage #howto #diamondlayer #scaryvideos #scarystories #scary #creepypasta #scp #skibidi #rage #minecraft #fortnight #roblox… Read More

  • Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!

    Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft top 10 texture-packs in pvp’, was uploaded by NOT_SK_01 on 2024-03-05 14:46:01. It has garnered 49 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:40 or 760 seconds. minecraft top 10 texture packs in pvp https://discord.gg/pdEfDz7V minecraft ,top 10 minecraft mods ,top 10 minecraft texture packs ,minecraft resource packs ,minecraft texture pack ,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft 1.19,top minecraft mods, minecraft texture packs,top 10 cursed minecraft texture packs, best minecraft resource packs, top 10 texture packs for minecraft 1.19.4,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft,top 10 minecraft realistic texture packs… Read More

  • EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!

    EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore not really part 9- Building a hut’, was uploaded by Fire Fox 64 on 2024-03-17 18:04:10. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:37 or 1357 seconds. I built a small hut to live in Read More