Help! I Have 10 Mental Illnesses in Minecraft?!

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All right back ready to mine ready to craft once more at last connecting to the server let’s see what’s happened while I was gone what’s the big update oh I’m dead who’s on okay so code meister’s gone it’s just Frank oh nice I’m back to zero deaths well that’s big that’s

Huge what did I miss here anything big poke is currently the only person with a death I don’t know what’s going on there I don’t know how he died well he actually oh he tested the kill counter so that’s his only death okay guys it’s

Not a real death he was just testing the kill counter and I’m gonna I’m G actually message wooi because we’re gonna get whoosie on here and woie is gonna join my Stream whoosie uh oh get out of here this is no freaking Quebec get out of here get out of Quebec Boo Boo get out of Quebec we hate that guy he’s trying to use loopholes like it’s spawn that’s that ain’t how it works Bud we have rules here

Sorry I just need to defense my I need to defend my stances real quick I barely any time to process what happened I just ate a massive Feast I’m full I’m stuffed right now it’s literally in my rules Oh hold up something tells me that’s whooshy we’re gonna get whoosie live on stream hey wooi what’s up you how do I join in the server uh he posted it you see the whitelist chat I don’t know I’ll ask him is wooie whitelisted he posted the IP in the whitelist chat in the

Server I’m not in the whitelist chat oh okay so there’s like different chats right and then in announcements uh he has like reaction roles for some reason to get into all the chats you see the announcements if you want to join media SMP react with uh

Yeah bacon if you want to join what is chaos SMP it’s no rule Minecraft server yeah it’s on M Hut just click the bacon and get in the server okay who would join chaos SMP what’s the point rxp hunter wanted it you already set the you

Already set the rules of your own uh countries okay I’m in the wh list chat now okay nobody’s in my chat what’s the deal guys start talking my stream always dies instantly the instant I quit streaming and then start again but I had to I had I couldn’t help myself but play

Minecraft a bit before and make like no progress and die man what’s the point oh whoi I’ve got crazy stream tech now I have a live subscriber count on screen at all times I can turn on the chat when I need to and and I get sub alerts when someone

Subscribes just you wait it’s massive I I really like your title for this stream not even just like the lgbtq inclusion but like the new Super Mario Bros we also DS doesn’t stand for the Dual dual screen that stands for Down syndrome it’s the acronym for it of

Course just don’t get that confused because I thought new Super Mario Bros Wii plus that could be a bit confusing Frank was trying to defend him being on my land by saying it’s spawn dude it spawn when we literally have a no Frank rule Port what is the Ethan Port how do

I know what to do you don’t need a port what are you on about oh what is oh wait wait so the port should be empty were you trying to join a land World wait add server no it’s just a server name and server address okay so I have the server address

In and it’s not letting me press play okay I think you press join Land World cuz that literally doesn’t show up uh how do I go go out of there and press add server no you need to press add server iess oh well why is it showing up a port for you hold

Up direct connection did you do direct no you didn’t do direct there’s server name and server address that’s literally all that’s there so you went to servers and pressed add server and that oh wait I know the problem I I’m so used to going on Bedrock

Because I play with cake so much that I just went on Bedrock right away oh you were on it’s literally a completely different menu I know I know I I’m just really used to bedrock because I’m playing Minecraft with cake a lot shameful we need to get cake Java does

He have a PC of any kind or any for computer he wants he wants Java but he can’t really spend his money right now so pretty much like he can spend his money on fun stuff whenever he gets hand handouts so yeah it might be we want we

Want latest version right is that what we’re going no one point 1.20.1 so we can have OptiFine oh okay um yeah for some reason OptiFine hasn’t updated for months so the there’s just no OptiFine if you don’t another reason why we didn’t add Bedrock this time I’m glad you finally came to your

Senses and aren’t moving with Clay this time though yo code meister’s back I I like being in Clay’s country I think it’s really funny I uh uh like I I don’t like that the idea that he chooses where you build things I think that’s dumb he just gets a little

Bit power hry he hasn’t had this opportunity to basically be a server ruler like before this he hasn’t been a server owner basically like I just want to be in a nice country uh where like you can do whatever you want you know nice like basic uh Common Sense rules like don’t

Steal or explode people’s houses or whatever and then there’s just like no being unfunny no it’s a fundamental no being unfunny like it’s just nobody likes it I just had to be the one to say it mhm oh I lost all my food I got to say it

Okay we’re doing a food get the border is the border for this country established yes yes I have it I’ll I’ll send you the Border I don’t know what you’re going to do with it but I have it all mapped out this is the only one

That’s all the way mapped out it’ll help me to know where I can build okay hold up where is it where did I put this board like company buildings in other countries as long as they they like approve of it probably probably yeah I’d say this would be an optimal

Place to build a shop though cuz it we’re going with the city style I’m not going to I’m not going to build in Clay’s country because I just know he’s going to want like a cut of the money he’s gonna tax you he’s gonna want some sort of like

Dumb deal about about how like him supplying land makes it so he deserves the money from my shop this literally what the British did To America that caused us to go to war with them and break off literally all the British people do they just try to tax you

No actually GNA do that like we haven’t seen clay with actual power before he’s just GNA go fullon British Empire with this but don’t worry we all know what happens to the British Empire in the end they lose all their land and end up with just a tiny Island

Oh nice wellc is kind of like pretty much defined by the water surrounding it that most countries are like we why we want with the seed is because Island worlds huh is this one of those Island worlds no it’s not but it’s just very defined by river borders that’s nice I I like

That that’s a well pck seed and I’m going to build bridges over all of it and stuff and build all the roads like I did in Med SMP I don’t see as much of a reason to cross the river though CU why would I want to go over there when like you

Can’t even build freely over there you don’t even got freedom that’s that’s what I’ve been saying that’s what Quebec is all about it’s Freedom you can choose your pronouns you can choose where you build you can choose everything exactly um now I just kind of have to wait let’s

See if it lets me join oh you know this is going to be so much better than Rock oh it really is whenever I play that whenever I play that with cake it’s just like I’m constantly lagging and being kicked out uh most of the time finally a

Regular Minecraft world this is my house I have a nice beach front property nice you know what I’m going to you know what I’m going to do I had a world planed I had a mansion planned out for a SMP that never happened I’m just going to use that same plan as well

Pretty cool house I don’t I’m not doing villager trading I’m not making that mistake I’m just GNA go with like oh yeah yeah I not I don’t even care about maxing out I just want like I’m just gonna build yeah like once I once I get my

Elytra which I’m sure will kill the Ender Dragon sometime in this world I don’t think we don’t have any set rules on the Ender Dragon you can kill it as you wish you could Speed Run and kill it day one if you want I hope someone kills it before me

So I can just go in the ending grab an elytra and then go on with my life as we’ve established I don’t even need any lra I do want shulker boxes I want shulker boxes and ender chests that’s one thing I do want do you think we should clear out

Quebec of all of its trees oh yeah we’re defor all this Paving it out turning it into a beautiful city can I it’s a song from The Lorax how qu be can I Be can honestly the LCS had good messaging we should chop down all the trees who cares if a few trees are dying this is also gratifying we’re going to make the needs and then the future here we can sell air it’s just a good business strategy property

Incorporated uh going crazy oh this is dangerous this is full potential Dango Productions company and property Incorporated this is GNA be a Quebec is gonna be a wasteland there’s so many rivers to dump waste into also the entire River like surrounding our our country is just like

Covered in Gunk the Japanese poison just by going in there whatever this chai chai got from uh that one thing the Japanese are going to wander down their Mountain just to get some water just to find thick layer of goop on top we need a good mix of like brown and green sanded

[Laughter] glass we also need to make sure all the dirt doesn’t grow grass around it there’s just factories everywhere like clay said no factories in this one and I was like I’ll build a smaller Factory well clay doesn’t get to decide that because this isn’t his country yeah

He has his own country I don’t even know what he’s doing over there I haven’t seen anybody besides our area I have not left Quebec but now I must go mining because every good builder needs materials oh for sure what are you going to do what’s your first course of

Business I’ll build a tiny little starter house I’m going to do that after I get some form of materials I kind of started and then decided I need stuff I’m going to try and make it look nice I’m going to uh go for like the mansion that I

Pre-built planned for this server but smaller I’m just going to add onto my starter house as it goes on cuz I like the beach beach front house idea it’s a nice location like I’m the owner of the country I get the nice Beach we won’t dump goop there but everywhere

Else that’s that’s the most like Kim Jong-un thing I’ve ever heard that he dumps Gunk everywhere but he gets his own personal Beach that he gets to on his own oh wait do we have a village here that’s Clays that’s across the river oh oh so far to be real

Convenient you can venture outside the borders but the rules are kind of fuzzy out there we have not established what can and can’t be done out there I can’t steal villagers I’m going to assume that I can’t steal villagers from that because I feel like if I do it’s

Gonna Clay is GNA make a big hoopla about it you know Clay is going to cause something day one like we’re set on all the territory but he’s going to find something to cause drama back something exactly I don’t want to I don’t want to give him something either that or poke

One of the two it’s just like it’s just how it works I’m glad that Frank’s here oh it says you can’t live let me fix that quick apparently I just said that Frank can’t live in Quebec what is this Frank cannot be here oh that’s just a monument it’s part of

The lore don’t you’ll understand when you’re older I I went on you allow to use it yeah you can use it are you allowed to use it as a crafting table yeah good if play made that you wouldn’t be allowed to use it this is this is that was the one

Mistake of giving him like leadership on This Server the kingdom of man is just going to be so restrictive he’s just going to be a straight up dictator I like how like the only place where you can freely build is the same one that’s dumping waste in the water

And you can’t live like safely or [Laughter] happily the entire time I was waiting for the server to start YouTube was just recommending me a ton of like World War II propaganda cartoons and it was was like very offensive to the Japanese and there was this one called the have you

Seen the duct Tator no I’ve seen one with I I’ve seen one with a well I’ve heard of one with like a duck version of Hitler named DOL and it’s like a fun F cartoon for kids but the villain is Hitler well this the main character was Hitler in this one

It’s where Hitler is a duck though so it might be the same one yeah yeah Hitler’s the bad guy one that I’m thinking of it just at the start it was like car villain except it’s Hitler it was going on I listen listen listen at the start

It was like going on it was showing how he got born and was hatched and then it was like he had it was just talking about how he had an autistic desire to take over the world and all that and it just kept calling Hitler autistic it was a looney tun’s Episode

By the way oh did that have da duck was Daffy Duck chasing Hitler around no that one didn’t have Daffy Duck I haven’t watched all of them there’s actually a lot of them I I know on a where I think I’ve seen a clip of Daffy Doug like hitting a

Realistic cartoon Hitler with a mallet the like I haven’t actually watched any of them until now they’re actually so funny I want to find the like find the original episode to the clip of Daffy Duck and Hitler because I think that would be really good it would be I I I

Haven’t seen all of them but like they were also Disney ones and like well there’s a whole like Looney Tunes episode basically just bashing Japanese people and they were after like every sentence they just said PR and all that it was so offensive and so funny it wasn’t even attack on

The Japanese government just Japanese people such worthless commentary what are you trying to say they were trying to say that they have big front teeth and can’t pronounce L’s like that’s literally all and there were people having intense political debates about it in the comments and complaining about how it

Got dislikes and like oh yeah because there’s also the people who were like talking about how um cartoons were so much better back then and like I just bring me back this could never exist 2023 one comment was talking about how their teacher played it in class and

They were the only one who laughed at it and they got in trouble well that’s relatable I I couldn’t hold myself back that was that was I think that was like the uh the duct Tater one which was the best one I watched you can’t just show like Hitler

Looney Tunes in like like expect the children not to laugh at it it’s it’s so funny I wish like actual children’s cartoons could do that like not even like adult cartoons could like full on go as far as they did like that’s just to the that it was so wild

Man shout out to whatever school is showing that yeah well like what what were they teaching were they were were they using that to teach the events of World War II what were they well they were they were probably teaching about like what cartoons did at the time and like how

They used it as sort of propaganda to get people to buy bonds and give the Army money cuz that’s one thing that they do they advertise heavily to like buy stuff to give the the Army money they basically it’s like saying you have to buy your freedom cuz in the end they

Like at the end of the duct Tater they like have like the leader of Germany Hitler they had like and the leader of Japan and Italy they had all them their heads on like the wall of a character and they were like if you want this to

Be real buy bonds and donate to the Army if if you want what to be real Japanese people with giant teeth that can’t pronounce L’s properly no if you want all their heads to be on the wall like a lion head like from Madagascar 3 wait who’s heads are we talking about

Here Hitler’s and then uh wait oh that’s just gold and then the leader of Italy and Japan’s the Italian one was really funny too though like he was funny I don’t remember his name I don’t know the Japanese or Italian leaders Nam so the duck the ductor was against Hitler the

Ductor was against Hitler yes okay it was but he was like the main character and it was just making fun of him all the time oh okay yes that’s like I said that’s the one that called Hitler autistic you really got him you really showed him with that one

Like what okay why don’t we why don’t we use that anymore cu that would actually like that would work if like it was with North Korea and we were making fun of Kim Jong-un that that would actually get to him if we called him autistic well ese like especially if we

Use that on China cuz they like ban everything like you could not like people only use light insults like Winnie the Poo just because well it’s funny in some ways cuz it like offends him even though it’s like literally nothing but like it doesn’t go nearly as far as the old cartoons did

Yeah so just imagine like what would what would go on like what would they do what what would they do if uh we made a duct Tater on uh on China I there would need to be active War though for it to work though no let’s start a war actually out of

Anything to start a war with China that would start a war that would be the final that would be the last draw oh I have so many diamonds right now I have a diamond pickaxe diamonds yeah I have a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword

And a shield oh man and then I can top it off with a helmet I’m going to be rich I’m I’m just scrubbing out like any nearby caves for all the iron and coal I can find going deep into the mines now oh I think this is where I died before actually my

Stuff is definitely gone by now though I ate a little Thanksgiving feast in between oh I don’t have any torches that’s a good point thanks chat there’s nobody in my chat and it’s making me sad anytime I end my stream nobody goes in the chat man you gotta Frank literally cannot

Claim that some beaters in the chat well codem was in the server for a bit Frank is trying to claim land that’s already claimed there’s literally a rule that you can’t that you can’t build in the sacred Japanese Forest is he trying to build in the sacred Japanese Forest yes he that’s

Literally did he not even read the rules or watch the introduction video shameful it’s it’s I didn’t either I don’t not to mess with Japan or Isle of Man because I know how to start something uh oh wow okay I forgot that creepers can sneak up on

You oh yo to find whatever cave I was in poke you should like add everybody with that video cuz I don’t even know if everybody saw that well Frank should have know that was there well you weren’t in the right chats for cuz for some reason you have to do like reaction

Rules to get into the main thing I don’t know what that’s about but just in case you want in the chaos smpp who’s going to join that what’s the point if you can already make your own country with your own rules so that was after chill smpp that’s the server in

Between cuz chill SMP was meant to be like you’re just chill you relax you just build and have some f fun is never going to work with this group chill will never work it can’t work and it won’t work so then poke like after not even

Like a week ended it and was like you know what I don’t care anymore we’re doing a server with no rules if that’s we all you guys want and then that server lasted a few days before me and Clay had the idea for this one and then we made this one

So it was pretty much like all right you’re going to follow all my rules to um all right no rules is is that what you want and then okay fine make your own yeah cuz I was saying I don’t really have a reason to play on that one

Because everything’s just going to get destroyed so it’s either you’re gonna get banned right away or your house is gonna get blown up yeah pretty much but I I’m I’m proud of the concept for this one because this is this I think this one’s going to work out well as

Long as we all play which I plan on playing it’s the perfect system nothing needs to be changed all we need to do is get cake in here somehow and then you’re active no matter what I mean yeah maybe because I already call him a lot uh playing

Minecraft getting him on the server would be huge if we could get him Java and like I mean he’s got PayPal maybe like when I when I can get walking again I get a job again I can pay for his Java and then he can join

This world and then this can be just our survival world except as more people so does he have a computer and just not Java then oh wait no that’s why he doesn’t have it yeah he it’s not just about paying for Java he needs a computer yeah

Java he plays on a switch getting Java is the easy part it’s getting the computer that’s difficult I mean yeah I forgot about that yeah I can’t I can’t just buy him a computer but I would buy I would buy Java for him I’d be willing to do that

Too even but a whole computer is like not worth it do you guys play in the same world or do you restart worlds a lot um we restart worlds a lot just because they don’t go anywhere usually but we’re on a good one right now I’m so close to getting these

Diamonds I just found blown up by a creeper I’m surrounded on all sides oh it was only one Diamond wow I went through all that effort got surrounded by creepers for one Diamond thanks Minecraft hey man that’s pretty good for being really early into the game by the way since no why literally

Why are skeletons so powerful for no reason on the server I mean skeletons just suck in general they’re too they’re too power why do bows do so much damage like regular bows I it literally does not even have power every single death I’ve gotten has been to a skeleton three shotting me not

Even like two shotting me basically do you know your way back down where you were I I know my way it’s just annoying and I don’t actually know if I can get there actually can I survive this okay good I just have to be more careful okay there

We go instant fall damage good job oh I hate skeletons so much skeletons are cowards they really are zombies are cool like zombies they’ll square up they go after you okay skeletons they just shoot you from a distance they’re like um they the type of guy that like

Uh uh they just kind of like punch you in the back of head and run yeah pretty much I need armor that’s one one thing but like I literally I had like Full Hearts what’s the deal and I don’t have a pickaxe I don’t want to die and lose

Everything for the second time today see look look poke literally dies through a skeleton they are overpowered we need to get Clay’s first death already clay does not have enough deaths true like that’s not a death threat to clay or anything I’m just making an observation guys observational humor guys

Yeah can I survive that literally so dumb so stupid okay I think I can survive this if I use the right technique how do you make a stone cutter uh like Smooth Stone and then in a piece of iron three smooth Stone my stuff’s probably going to be

Despawn by the time I’m down there now I hate these new caves they’re too big they are too big they have you found have you found an ancient city yet like in your Minecrafting career yes I have I’ve went through ton of them to get Notch apples and media SMP so I’d be

Unkillable terrifying they’re just not even fun you just can’t kill the thing I don’t like it like they they had to make it pretty much you’re not supposed to be able I I get that the point is like you’re not supposed to spawn them in the first

Place and the risk is spawning them but it’s just it’s not fun well yeah they had to they had to Minecraft isn’t really made for the same like boss type combat that other games have so they wanted to make it so like oh it’s something scary that you can’t really

Kill easily so you need to avoid it but literally why make an attack through walls what in what world should you make an enemy attack through the wall that’s just bad design yeah that’s that’s the that’s the main spot where like yeah kill the wardens like they don’t don’t

Let them go through walls that’s dumb don’t let them attack you through walls they had it hard enough to begin with because it like two shots you in full netherite armor but like they they they people kept like finding some a chance to escape they wanted to make it unable

Basically which just made it unfun cuz Minecraft is not a game that’s just you play it one way no matter what that’s going to happen you can’t just make it like basically un like if you di it’s just if you encounter it’s basically a death sentence that’s just bad

Design it makes me so mad the new Minecraft updates are so bad they are they should have stopped at like what was the last good one in the nether one that was whichever one was before Cav and Cliff they should have stopped there I don’t want to mining that cuz I

Planted that for myself if if you ever don’t want anybody touching anything just say it’s part of the lore cuz I’ve been telling people this is a deep lore based Minecraft server oh my stuff I just see Frank and poke like jumping around together in Quebec

I I don’t know what’s going on over there but I dress them I Chang the rules so he can’t even go into Quebec all right guys stealing no no no griefing no unfunny no Frank we we draw the line there like I said it’s mey SMP rules we don’t allow Frank he’s banned

Who’s anime Gods some guy from my chat oh thought it might have been like the the guy from woke SMP like the the guy with the Chad skin no for the no rule server poke was like desperate for people so he just invited some guy from my

Chat oh I don’t have coal how am I gonna mine or make torches oh I can make charcoal I’ll do that for I’ll do that for torches and then just use wood to smelt cuz I need I need to make iron armor I am unprotected I don’t know where pup plans

On living I don’t know where he went he left after my stream ended but I don’t know where pup is you’re not allowed to build ugly things in Japan I I definitely want to is Quebec near Japan like is there a place that’s right next to Japan Quebec Kingdom of man and Japan

Are all right next to each other it’s just see in the river in the Middle where the rivers meet mhm that’s just the in between spot so like the mountain area is Japan remember what I did in medp where I had like a giant uh company building like

Right where Japan is in Japan you can just it ruins the view I I want to pull an ugly French tower you might have to make it high cuz I think he might plan to live in a valley in between the mountain yeah so that could be one of my

Towers that can be a property Incorporated Tower no I’m meaning like I don’t know if they’d actually see it from where they actually live in Japan well Japan can there can be builds right next to us in Japan cuz it’s going to be like there he gives you different areas to build in

And you can build your own town okay I can make diamond boots I’ll just make diamond boots just so I don’t have to worry about that with the iron how do you get food in this game kill animals I usually just eat golden carrots but I don’t plan on doing V uh

Villager stuff is he asking anime Gods whether they want to live in Japan why would he why there invisible spiders oh yeah that that’s hard mod invisible spiders here that’s like spiders spiders can have random effects like spiders for some reason they added that randomly throughout some update

That’s they want to make spiders more interesting so they could just have a random potion effect at any given time so like spiders I don’t know I just want to make them interesting why why or spider spiders can crawl up walls they have a gimmick it’s true actually wait

Why why do they need a second gimmick oh my shield is gone okay there are no animals I don’t know what happened but I’m going in the river and killing fish oh I killed a ton of animals it was probably me I need to get pants I need to smell

Oh there’s a creep you know what I’m gonna do what I ReDiscover the strategy from playing Minecraft with cake because he doesn’t like doing villager stuff either I’m just going to fish for my books actually that’s a good point we need to bring back fishing I’m going to come back up

There I forgot what I did did before villagers but that was it same that’s a that’s actually so true wait want to do a fishing stream after I come back up yeah let’s let’s grind our fishing rods and get like maxed out one like that that used to be the first thing I

Would max out and that strategy just completely gone since the vill well yeah cuz you can catch good fishing rods too so you can just get good fishing rods and then you get better books Let’s Build a dock this is a fishing based community also our money is netherite even though

We’re not even going to use netherite armor because they made it dumb it’s just a form of currency because diamonds are valueless I just want to put that out there I start doing this in one of my worlds with cake but it’s kind of limited because uh it’s bedrocks and we

Lag really easily uh I feel like this would be better in a Java world I want to get a mass of dogs and take it like on all of my adventures and like see how many dogs come out alive pup kind of does that well he did that

In the old media SMP if you remember yeah no pup did do that and he started PvP with me with his army of dogs but I had thorns on he didn’t know I had thorns on so when he hit me all of his dogs went to attack me they did nothing

Because they have netherite armor on and all of his dogs just died okay I’m coming up I want to I want to do some fishing I haven’t fished forever in Minecraft well I might bu my house first before I start fishing cuz I do need to work on my

House have you picked a house site yet yeah I’ve started a little area that I’m going to build my house and I’m going to chip away at it too even though it’s my small one it’s just easier to not do it all at once when you just

Started I want to at least get some form of walls up for the most part on my house just so I have something so it’s an actual house also I know for a fact anime Gods has installed to his computer like when anime Gods came to my

Place in the cheating Ser like the no rules server first thing was just he flew over to me I just want to make that make you aware of that because I thought it was funny I also have an x-ray texture pack installed from that server so I have that

Is that even traceable can they even catch you for that as long as I cover my tracks probably not it takes longer that’s kind of funny but I could get away with it oh yeah that’s true you do have to fill up your thing because I remember in

The woke SMP I think it was Clay just had these really specific pads that he would take in a strip mine no that was we were blaming it on Clay oh yeah I just remember clay getting in trouble I think that was in my really

Long stream too so it was hard for poke to watch that back okay I’m back to the surface I don’t know where I am though there’s a name here where where am I anime Gods oh this is Japan soil I can’t kill them slj hold up whoi did you did you mute or

Can I not hear you are you’re not talking I’m not talking oh okay wow not a I’m mining coal right now this entire time not a single person has fcked in my chat that that’s just why you don’t end your stream I I would have been better off doing the stream is

Right back that entire hour you should have I I added it back and it plays Roblox Lamborghinis on Loop whenever it’s on there yeah to entertain the people give them something to listen to while they wait man Roblox Lamborghinis I I feel like if it didn’t have such an iconic

Title it wouldn’t be nearly as funny it didn’t used to have an iconic title but I added that later mhm and it adds so much it really does okay well I need to go get some Spruce Wood now I don’t I can’t even fish if I wanted to I don’t have any

String I just realized yeah I tried killing one of the invisible spiders but it dropped nothing well I’ll find one eventually well I’ll find some how does anime Gods already have a death poke has three you have one Clay is the only person with zero deaths

Currently on the server oh we have we have the same tab thing where you can see everyone’s name and their death count yeah yeah yeah I got I advocate they used they hate that Pok and Clay hate that but I was able to squeak that

One out cuz it is medius p and we have to stick to tradition what’s the problem with it it’s just funny they just get embarrassed by it they’re embarrassed that they die a lot I being publiced yeah they don’t like it but I’m about to die right now I’m being chased

By a baby zombie and I have no food and I barely have any health why does Frank have my skin on hold up I just realized I thought wait I only have one death no I have two but Frank has my skin on I wonder which version of it is it is

Maybe I need to put on the Canadian version so they can tell the difference or the swo house version Frank is maybe Frank is trying to like fake being the leader of Quebec so he can let himself in Nick is still repping his Saudi skin so bad huh he is

That is my hack what is Frank on about his hack is turning into Me what if Frank is secretly like a skin walker and can morph into us and different things dude he’s definitely a skin walker dude what if dude I knew I was right to ban him he’s definitely a skin walker skin walker is so funny CU I just think of like

Um I don’t know where I heard of this but I I heard of like there was like a Tik Tok of a dog like opening a door but it was it was just kind of pushing it open and there was a bunch of serious comments saying like dude that’s definitely a

Skiner it’s on my mind cuz David was telling us about his Skinwalker encounter at the sleepover you weren’t at and like remember when we were camping like in the morning when there was anime moaning in the distance and we thought it was a skin walker coming for chai

Chai yeah like dude what if Frank’s got to be a skin walker he’s gota be wow pok’s already in the nether okay I need string I’m going to kill cats in the village I don’t care dude you’re literally dude clay loves pets what are you doing he’s going

To tax you for that Tamed they’re not tamed new cats will be spawned oh well clay isn’t in the I don’t think Clay is in the Stream Frank’s in the Stream but I don’t think Clay’s listening in so I think we’re good clay speaking the if you’re

Listening if you speak in the chat I won’t kill any cats I’m already out of food we actually need a fish we actually need shring I know it gives you food it gives you books like we’re going to be like the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatball Island where the only food is

Sardines R down that’s going to end poorly for the people of Quebec we’re just forcing people into a pescatarian died and not letting them have any meat why are there so many bees it’s making me mad just wait till we knock down this Forest that’ll show them we

Should make fishing propaganda and how it’s like the the healthiest way of getting things true true we should write like the entire Bible in Minecraft but add like a rule in it that you have to only eat fish just a fake Bible rule that we can

Point to yeah a f first that we entirely made up like we go to the Ten Commandments and remove one just to add no no eating any meat other than fish something like that I like the idea of it I like the idea of it being subtle so like we’ll

Actually just add like like replace a random obscure verse like make it look like we’re actually trying to pass it okay I don’t have to kill cats there’s spiders right here yo oh yeah this isn’t Bedrock it’s I can’t just Spam them yeah you have to get used to new

Combat oh you died oh I just stole your spiders okay I got two string for one of them so there’s one string for you you stole my do you have my sword your sword’s down there okay there’s a ton of spiders left over from that night I yeah you’re good

You’re good we’ve got our fishing rods oh poke died in lava in the and lost everything nice I wonder if poke is streaming oh yeah I already have enough string I have more than enough string and there’s already a spider ah there’s a creeper in my house

What we need a light up we need a light up and F likely one thing I do like about the update is they made it easier to light up it has to be literally 0% light for a mob to spawn that’s good yeah that’s only that’s stuff that they should

Add I the main thing that I wish is that like instead of changing things they would add new things and also yeah this was a point that Stampy is making about new Minecraft updates and I really agree with it all the new things that they’re adding have one specific spefic use

Where as like the old stuff they had like Pistons like it’s a very vague use and you be creative with it but then there’s just like brushes where you can only use it for the one thing I that that was a Stampy w i I

Agree with him on that you seen the new Magic Animal Club episode I haven’t seen it no I forgot about Magical Animal Club yeah made a new one because like the on the previous one they decided like a random date when they would come back and then that date came and now

There’s a new one that’s like seven years from now I only actually watch that that’s huge it it was it was fun apparently Stampy and Squid don’t even talk that much but they still did the episode that was my first time ever hearing about the concept of a podcast

And I thought yo that’s a good idea Samy Sam’s a genius you can just turn it on and listen to it as you do other stuff yeah like I remember actually being mind blown about that concept it was good timing though like they just so happened to decide that

Date like and that date just so happened to be right after lovely world ended I thought it was about lovely world at first but it wasn’t Stampy Stampy is just uh going places right now I’m glad I made it to the premiere of his lovely world ending at least I

Was there I didn’t I didn’t know it was ending and then I got in my recommend and it was like what I knew about it for like months beforeand that was announced for a while before it actually happened okay once I put these windows in I’m ready to fish oh true

True I I forgot that’s what I was wandering about uh wanting to do I wanted to make a fishing rod why are there pillagers already wait let me fishing gives you good books too you can get maxed out books from fishing yeah you can you can get mending from

Fishing okay wait I need to kill these pillagers and then reclays laws to see if there’s anything about starting raids in his village cuz I don’t believe there there’s anything in the rules that state that’s against the law you just want to start right in his village it’s really

Funny I mean if there’s no rules against it that is really funny Kingdom of man rules no starting raids wait when did he P SL okay he literally he’s in the Stream he’s in the Stream oh good thing I didn’t kill those [Laughter] cats okay I can actually make a bucket

Let me milk a cow so I can get rid of this why does clay have to be active in my stream chat well not even my stream chat y clay clay clay clay uh tell me right now am I allowed to like breed your villagers and like take them to my

Place like the babies dangus tell me whatever he says okay where’s a cow now I need to milk a cow to get rid of this effect that is if he even chats he might have left by now what if he just popped in for that or he might

Have been here the whole time he would have said something though why isn’t he in the server where did he go clay where are you oh where are the cows in this land we need to build the cow Farm by the way dangus if you if you

Have any like rotten flesh or bones like what I do is for the dog Army is I tame two with bones then I just breed them with rotten flesh and they keep multiplying and multiplying dude I’m going against all our past Muslim beliefs all there are are pigs and I have no Food oh man well A’s got to do what a muslim’s got to do oh fishing is so much better without Bedrock lag oh I think fishing is better in the rain this is actually good fishing time yeah I think the fish come more frequently when it’s raining yeah let me

Fish anim Gods just would have gotten banned from Quebec right there if he lived in Quebec what did he you just say sus yeah man that’s nogo yeah anything Among Us in scabi toilet nuh we’re not having that MH we have standards well indirectly you we have

You’re only allowed to do Riz jokes if Nick laughs about it because when Nick laughs at something instantly funny to me well yeah you have to if there’s a rule against being unfunny if you’re unfunny you’re bad from quc D is have you seen have you watch rewatched some of Nick’s old videos

Recently no they are really good like reacting to myself out of context I remember that one where are you where are you fishing oh there you are I’m fishing uh at like the beach area yeah yeah let me actually get some logs oh FR going on about

Co qu be’s the one with restrictive rules yeah I mean I mean I to be fair to Frank restrictive for him because we just throw that rule out there allow true true we’re we’re very against him if he if he likes unfunny jokes and he’s

Already banned to begin with I I can see that we’re an anti Frank community and the thing is we’re not even dead desperate for members of our country we already have me you and Nick listen Frank I’m being specific because I know you guys are going to go

Causing loopholes and doing all this little tiny stuff like clay and poke used to do I had to get it out of the way so we didn’t have to argue about it for hours that’s true you you want a lot of specific rules with like you know the

Exact meaning instead of just I’ve run a server before okay I know how it is if you don’t specify that people are going to take advantage of it instantly huge no Spike moment huge the the one rule in Japan is probably don’t be bad in my opinion

We can build a fishing Hut later but I’m just building a dock I just I need it’s like Mali Africa yeah I need a dock when I fish it’s wrong to not have a dock hide of me see Poke is GNA start using this to bring people to Japan and then they

Actually live there like me SMP and realize hey wait I want to have have fun I’m so glad that people can get banned from being unfunny I love the way the rules work in this server it’s a necessary rule there’s too there’s too many unfunny people in this

World and you see clay had to add the no adding raids rule cuz he didn’t think about it beforehand see this is what I’m saying MH if you don’t add the rules people are going to be take advantage of that and be annoying well Frank you shouldn’t have

Been bad in past lives then you wouldn’t have to worry about it yo I caught a squid no way he getting away okay hold up it’s time for me to fish I just missed like all the water like the rain time and now it’s about a

It’s about a be uh daytime but F’s about to sleep you know you know they are oh well we don’t have it lit up we’re actually not safe out here at night time right now oh yeah we want them to sleep don’t we P

Sleep I have a bed I could sleep do you want a bed I have enough wool for it I do want a bed that’s been something I’ve been saving up for there you go I killed a ton of sheep for food earlier wow this is slow without

Lore I have not caught a single thing yet yeah it is oh well one day I got some good books in my day though I should have saved my diamonds for an enchanting table then we could get like a lore boost and then not have

To worry about it can I even make an anvil do I have enough for that hold up every time pup dies it’s kind of funny that’s why pup is allowed in Quebec CU he’s actually funny he knows how to make an original [Laughter] joke let me actually check can I make an

Anvil I like how no matter how inactive pup gets in whatever server he’s in he’ll always be he’s always there for the Minecraft stuff he’s yeah he’s here who knows maybe SMP Community is just like a weird amalgamation of all different types of groups just anybody that we’ve met all the same

People everybody we’ve met who likes Minecraft from any form of community just gets added here poke you literally can’t build like anywhere what do you mean oh who’s it going for oh it’s mine fish on the other side so we don’t oh but that is fun like who’s the fish

Going for I am not fishing on the other side whoever the fish goes to wins I feel like when Frank’s older and learns how to conceptualize a joke that isn’t just the same thing then then he’ll understand skib skib Ohio Riz what you just you just have to grow out of it

You have to grow into being funny Frank I highly doubt you’re older you’re probably like 14 how old are you oh and that’s the worst age oh wait oh wait oh wait no never mind that was anime God defending that never mind you’re good on that

Also yeah I like how he pulls out the swearing when he needs to seem older when he needs to prove he’s older whoa I just fished up 10 in yo you could I didn’t know that was possible yeah that would be really helpful if I had villagers this stream is just a

Frank bashing stream listen Frank I’m sorry but that was hilarious maybe Isn’t So unfunny after Frank is I I’ll give Frank this I think he’s kind of funny probably anime Gods probably isn’t funny like in anime skin ah ah anime Gods as a name ah you’re also the one that said

Sus yeah anime Gods is in it’s in the Minecraft chat everybody watching my stream is just in the game so my chat hasn’t had a single message Len entire like what is an hour I’ve been live yeah literally an hour and not a single message in chat I got a trip wire up

Dude I forgot trip wies so if I drink that then that’s an air bottle that we can sell later let’s save it for later yeah yeah how is Clay the only one with zero deaths this is bothering me Frank’s making my death count look bad because he’s right next to me and

Has five deaths hey if ifay is gonna be careful about it I support him this is ifay wants to make a change Clay’s just on his hardore mode storyline right now like he’s just playing hardcore mode on the server oh I just got a bat what’s on it power four

Yo wait do I have any arrows power four that’s almost Max for power dude if I get arrow is crazy wait I can craft arrows and then if anybody comes near me just dead gone shot on site cuz dude wait where’s where’s uh gravel where’s gravel I need gravel I need to

Make arrows this is Huge where we’re at right now I’d probably go in one of the CES for gravel yeah poke you you you you kind of do restrict where you can build you know you can’t build on the you can’t build in the pink trees I don’t even think

Pok’s in my stream right now he can’t even hear me see clay makes it convenient play makes it convenient he at least turns on my stream so he can hear what I’m saying poke he’s kind of confusing like that oh here’s gra we love you play even though he’s not saying

Anything like when you do need to put no raids into the rules he’s there to do it hi pup is pup in the chat right now I haven’t seen him but he could say hi again if you’re in the chat I haven’t seen pup in the

Chat oh he’s in the chat okay that’s big that’s big got killed by a spider pup what country are you living in where are you moving to are you’re moving to poke or Japan or are you just talking to poke I hate no no way no way he’s going to let you

Build a penis shop pup that’s all I’m saying he I you know when he put that into the rules of no ugly builds you know that was referring to P ain’t no way they’re going to allow a penis shop in Japan I I hate to tell you

This okay nice I have four arrows if clay come if clay steps foot on the soil I’m taking his first life I’m take I’m not allowed to do it cuz killing is banned on his country not true ain’t no way that killing someone because it’s funny

Is pretty risky when one of the rules is not to be funny well anime Gods isn’t funny so he’s not allowed to kill killing play on funny okay no anime Gods if you want to be funny kill clay I’ll give you I’ll give you like your permissions to be allowed to be

Funny if you kill clay sometime in the Stream don’t do it on his soil though or else you get banned but if you ever see clay in outside of borders you know go ahead and kill clay see we’re making progress right now we’re getting food dud we’re getting power four

Bows I do it for a price well what do you want do you want what do I have that’s valuable to you I got 15 iron actually no I need that oh that was yours thought he was water bottle once I get something good enough to combine into something then I’ll worry

About an anvil do you have any iron have you done any mining yeah I have an iron pickaxe and sword okay but no actual iron because we don’t have an anvil to add anything to our stuff I think I have two iron I need food before I can go mining

Though oh wait that’s actually a bad idea I’m about to eat my last pork chops I got fish in the furnace right now got my first uh tropical fish I think I got one of those you know what’s weird you know what’s funny what you can feed dogs

Tropical fish but not cats isn’t that how does that make any sense okay I like that you can feed dogs just any sort of meat because they will eat any sort of meat but why not cats why can’t you feed cat’s tropical fish wait can you feed them puffer

Fish oh maybe that’s really funny if you can if you you can then it probably doesn’t have an effect on them because do like you can just feed dogs the most disgusting things and they don’t care except for chocolate if you can feed them feed dogs chocolate you can feed birds

Chocolate you you can feed bird Birds cookies yeah why can’t you do that for dogs cuz then you can go up to people’s then you can go up to people’s dogs and then just like feed them yeah that’s the point anime Gods it’s called being funny you go up and

Kill somebody’s bird with a cookie you’re going to assassinate a bird that’s the only way of doing it because like the after the Bird eats the cookie there’s no saving them you just have to watch them die oh don’t say that I’m gonna have a

I’m gonna have a dog Army and it’s going to be funny well actually pet killing is the it’s only allowed in Quebec but only within reasons of War if you need to get something over somebody no pet genocide without reason but like it’s just a case by Bas basis

Here’s the thing though those dogs are worthless to me I have so many they’re all Expendable all I need is two pup’s doing the same what have you made your dog Army’s fight and we bet on who dog Army won Oh I thought that was really going to

Me I haven’t fished in so long this is fun that would be great though like we go we take turns slapping each other’s dogs to have all of our other dogs attack that single dog I got a gift for you there you go seven fish already this also gets XP

Doesn’t it it does gives you XP this gives you this is crazy fishing is a Gooden X too but we’re this is we’re not going to do villagers we’re just going to fish consistent this is the optimal Minecraft strategy that people forgot after the village and pillage update was added

Back in the Aquatic update days oh man aquatic update still seems new to me I’m not going to lie everything that I remember coming out even like the stre and the husks feel new okay Shays and husks were like an eternity ago at this point that was like

2015 that’s like that I remember coming out everything that that came out within my memory still feels new to me okay the nether update’s probably the oldest one that seems new to me and then like everything that I don’t remember coming out just feels like it’s

Always been there so okay like okay all admit hunger and Pocket Edition even though I even though I remember like hunger and Pocket Edition being added that still feels like it’s always been there I’ll admit that well yeah cuz they were always in the Minecraft videos

Too but what about the stuff that was added in the new updates that you don’t know about well I guess you’ve been playing Minecraft more than me so you know more than me probably yeah well I learned about ancient cities really late I didn’t even know about them for the longest time

But then cake was showing it to me and I thought they were cool on peaceful mode but then uh we turned it off peaceful mode and it wasn’t fun anymore yeah those were still out in the old like season 2 of mey SMP was around so I I experienced

Those yo shring I can craft a new fishing rod once this one breaks I haven’t caught a good fishing rod yet I need some luck of the sea I need some mending same same I could really use some luck of the SE I haven’t gotten oh what’s on there

What’s on there got a what’s on there oh power for and infinity that’s not as good I wish I could have oh wait you want one of my arrows so you can wait if we can I have can I get that from you uh yeah wait how can you infinitely

Repair Bows Oh wait you can’t you can’t have no you can’t but you can’t get mending on it then a no never mind I don’t really want it then but here’s one Arrow just so you can use it so like this is this is good in the

Meantime and I’ll I I’ll use it like as as much as I can but like that’s not that’s a temporary boat automatically because the infinity yeah but say if clay steps on Quebec territory you can just infinitely shoot him yeah yeah it’s going to do me great

Like for now but I’m going to want a mending bow which maxed out bows are easy we can just fish for those I haven’t caught anything besides fish in a while I’m going to go over and grab the fish that I’ve been cooking they’re probably done by now oh I

Brought a furnace over here for me I wonder where everybody else is what’s everybody else doing right now you know while I’m over here I’ll craft a new fishing rod too iine kind of low Frank is on seven deaths already how that’s crazy Clay is already healing villagers

Why he’s what what is clay doing he he’s maxing out Village in your country why why do you no he’s probably getting better trade prices already what is what happened to Clay he’s doing all these advanced moves and he has zero deaths what happened to the old clay okay I don’t want these

Boots let me actually wait let me just put a chest here because then I can like just put all the stuff I don’t want in a chest so that way we have a ton of it as back stock if we ever do need it true true I’ll put my uh worthless

Things in there too and we can just mix it together it doesn’t really matter I’m gonna have to build my house close to this uh close to the river my house is already right next to the river true I should have a fishing spot off my balcony my real

Another string so you already have a guaranteed new fishing rod mhm I I hope this gets in random people’s recommending because look see all the like skitzophrenic drawing and then all the titling and then it’s just a peaceful Minecraft fishing stream oh try trm me does he does he want to do a

Meeting not right now but like he he did say that we need to start doing like on top of the meetings that we’re all already doing we need to start doing like just Creator meting just me and him because we’re the only ones that like know everything about what we’re doing

And we won’t have to answer questions and we’ll get a lot more done what about me I’m a Creator I mean I mean kinda you all all you’ve really done is made the first T design that Been Changed by now I created Brands you did create some Brands like cheese flavored

Cigarettes you you almost made the black half of Productions logo but then I said no I’ll do it wait what is that one wait wait wait wait you know what that he got an Eye of Ender he’s going to kill the Ender Dragon Clay is the speed Runner honestly clay imagine clay just

Becomes the most powerful on the server like imagine that world that’s wild I’m retired supp on his journey here well I’m not really retired if you’re still in the chat if you’re still in the chat clay I you’re cool now I’m retired from my military life like I’m not in the military

Anymore I’m just I’m just a businessman and Builder like that’s all I am anymore yeah like I’m done fighting in Wars I’m done with all that I just need to fish and keep Dango Productions Company Rolling oh you know what this is probably fueled by P drama he’s trying to true he’s

Trying to make up for when everyone was better than him it comes from a place of insecurity honestly good for you clay you’re finally doing hey oh you’re s oh yeah you’re such a peaceful person who wants to kill me on sight well Frank that’s different like I

Still stand up for what I believe in and what I believe in is anti Frank sentiments I hope I don’t get a curse of Vanishing fishing rod that I can only use it without dying why do I keep getting why am I not getting anything cool like I’m just

Getting fish no luck of the sea no luck of the sea when am I going to catch a fishing rod though problem like usually I would have at least caught one by now you know what we need we need an enchanting table here we need a max out

Enchanting table well yeah that comes later our process a little bit we we started fishing really really gay maybe I have some oh I just dropped my fishing rod I have some food maybe I go down into the mines I get like I get like an enchanting table and like uh what’s it

Called and enough IR I got leather boots clean up a village he is isn’t he Japanese what’s he doing with Clay’s land hi P peaceful but also a dictatorship like China they’re peaceful but you can’t do anything there oh he’s not Japanese wa you live in Kingdom of

Men actually that’s not even that laughable Clay’s actually powerful now Clay’s becoming like the most powerful man in existence just under our noses Clay’s getting up there in the world friendship ended with Japan man is my new best friend wow pup really wants in Japan doesn’t he everybody wants kind of

That’s kind of surprising who who why would someone why would someone not want to choose where what they can build I don’t know why they’d want to live in in their own separate town and not contribute to a whole big town but like H they’re on the same server at

Least wait playing poke our allies that is not going to last long well I’m an ally too just I guess they’re closer allies now imagine the things that will happen like when Clay is powerful like the amount of things that he can start or maybe he won’t need to start

Fights anymore because he’s the most powerful or he’ll become like me and just like kill people because it’s fun and he can maybe time will only tell what powerful clay looks like there’s no way of knowing we’ve never seen anything of the sort it’s a new territory

Wor and now you don’t even live with him now that he’s actually powerful yeah the thing about it was one with Britain you could just kind of build whatever you wanted wherever you wanted to and two Britain was just like the most run down and messy funny live

There well you can build wherever you want whatever you want as long as it’s not un fun of here Britain didn’t have a ghetto it was the ghetto it was basically before it broke off it was just the ghetto of Minnesota okay I’m down in the mines now let’s see

If I can get some iron and two diamonds oh can you replant the could you like plant the sugar cane and like extend it outward so we can get Max books yeah yeah yeah I forgot to do that before I came down good idea and if possible try and find two

Cow to breed up so we can get leather and make that whole thing easier but yeah I’ll get that stuff done I’ll I’ll do all that stuff and you can keep fishing okay we need to work together to build Quebec up to the great nation it has the potential to

Be oh I wonder if poke is streaming right now and that’s why he’s not in here or if he’s not following that anymore since you don’t have to stream wait what is clay on about what is not I will say I support Kingdom of man more than that why is he working on

Roads already don’t you have a house to set up can I can I take 20 of your irons for a bucket if I have any up there wheat farm I don’t know if I have any up there you do not yeah that’s what I thought I think

I’m pretty sure they’re all in my inventory y making making arrows is actually like a good strategy I I wasn’t doing that for the longest time because the only only making the only arrow recipe I knew was the old one where you need iron but like I just found out that

You can use Flint for it oh and now I and now it’s actually useful they did that so long ago before we even had like Java or anything like that that’s been the game forever about it is I never I never crafted arrows uh because you had to use iron so

Uh since I was never crafting arrows I didn’t know in the recipe updated they’re asking him to add a head plug in but you can do that as a command oh someone’s already explored this part of the cave yo there’s a zombie spawner huge oh this is probably in

Japan territory actually so it’s not even ours that’s not huge oh there’s a m shaft but they probably also explored this can you not go in caves uh no you caves that are in other territories but it just won’t be our spawner oh yeah and who knows Japan

Maybe they’ll make some rule about zombie rights and then zombies you can’t kill anymore I’m just saying Japan is woke True they probably wouldn’t even let us make cartoons about Japanese people with big teeth who can’t pronounce l [Laughter] those darn Wes those no way a cartoon like this could exist in 2023 Looney Tunes has gone woke Whoa this water is really blue what is this place yo I found diamonds underwater I love how the river surrounding us like it’s also like part part of it it’s also like touching um the other the other uh countries so like when we cover it in waste like oh there

Part part of their river is polluted too pup is here hi pup what’s pup doing he’s just looking at me and I’m scared oh he kissed me okay I’m not scared he’s nice he’s nice thank you oh he’s a good dog can we keep it nah it’s Japanese throw it

Back come back from where you came oh nice pup starting his own honestly pup would be a pretty good uh uh person for that not in Japan wow racist that’s rude he doesn’t like him because he’s a dog he knows that country is going to be filled with penis

Shops wait did pup get banned from Japan because he wanted to build a penis shop is that why he’s not Japanese well I don’t I don’t know if he got banned but I know that he wouldn’t be able to build a penis shop there hold up pup make sure that’s not Quebec

Territory hold up hold up I know you were just in Quebec oh do you mean old Japan you were the old Japanese because there’s a whole new Japan pup there’s a whole new world of Japanese lore Quebec is spawn where me and wooi are was was the place where you kissed

Me P yeah and it extends out into that like parts of that snow bottom until you cross the ice River so like that whole Area it literally is not far pup the ice river is not far it’s not the entire snow biom okay Quebec’s the only one that didn’t just take every bit of land especially when we have like public transport between all the countries like it’s going to be real easy I’m excited to build

Roads I’m going to I’m going to start a a wheat field it’s going to be like Nebraska but instead of corn it’s wheat hold up pup let me review your land pup hold on pup I don’t want I don’t need you stealing my land I CL if you’re clay seal land seal

It from Kingdom of man or Japan they’re the ones who Took a ton of land I kept mine small grey I’m glad both me and poke are both simultaneously thinking he’s targeting us like we just don’t trust PPP andless slus you can build a penis shop in

Quebec it just can’t be your own country I think the penis shop is funny well it was funnier when it was in Japan but still how far apart do the patches of water need to be in a in a wheat farm dude I want quick that’s if if I wasn’t already committed

To Quebec like if quick bille was made before I already started playing I would have been in quick bille whoi did is how far away can you how far away can you make the weep from the water how far away can you make Cod ground from four blocks four blocks okay

Woi did you see that I bought like a real handcrafted Sonu Medallion from Christian I did see that it’s on its way I’m actually so excited it was $85 but so worth it like I’m going to get an authentic Crayola Model Magic painted sonichu Medallion P just gifted me seeds for my

Wheat farm okay he’s definitely claiming definitely trying to get Quebec land if he’s right next to PFF you can build a penis shop here we’re not going to stop you we support your penis shops we support small businesses unlike other countries I mean pup if you really want

We can name our capital city quickill just just not the country oh we can we can name our capital city quickfill if you want we want there to be a quick Ville in this world we we really we want there to be a quick Ville wouldn’t be the same okay Pop I

Will take you I will take you to where there’s free land I’m on my way up right now I’ll take you to free land and you can make a quick vill does that sound good I’ll bring you in an area where Quebec can still expand if it needs to but also is completely

Free you know I happily support quick bille in any way I can quick bille I’d say quick bille is more of an ally of Quebec than kingdom of man or Japan even are what did how is pup in Japan wasn’t he just in Quebec also I think I’m digging up in to

A mountain cuz I have been digging for forever hopefully I don’t break up into the pink trees I’ll get banned yo you remember Nick’s video please donate to team trees yeah kind of ironic isn’t it isn’t that ironic you know what’s ironic about what happened what’s ironic

Isn’t it kind of ironic isn’t it kind of ironic okay hold up where I think I know where I am okay yeah I know where I am pup where are you are you in Quebec oh wait pup PP pup pop over here pup over here pup right here follow me follow him

Like a dog I can show you I can show you claimed land Frank died again he’s a like he’s a low tier skin walker like p no Frank pup is definitely a skin walker though pup is the original skin walker I keep f with the comments like that’s definitely a skin

Walker dude the Paranormal Community is kind of underrated just like the the type of fellas that’ll comment on your videos educating you about the ghosts you’re dealing with pup this area is completely unclaimed why do you throw me a pork chop well Pope I’m sorry that I was the

The snow biome area was the only one that didn’t just get all greedy with the land like poking clay that’s your own problem just don’t take Quebec’s okay that’s a good point let Japan have the uh okay let Japan have this snow area just go find a secret place in

Japan and build quick bille like go decently far away so poke won’t see you build quick bille in Japan I’m sure you can get away with it I don’t want pup to get banned though I want quick true no this is cool Quebec this is Quebec get out of here this is

Quebec pop This Land is already claimed pup I literally took so little land I took so little land you cannot be complaining at me go go complain go complain to poke go complain to Clay they’re the one I took I took this area on this side of the

River it has natural borders it’s so simple it’s so simple pup it is so simple he’s breeding achievement did P just get what did he do breed dogs oh his army where is he getting dogs 1984 honestly Frank is just spreading propaganda against Quebec like just guys don’t believe the slander it’s not

1984 P pup is making duct Tator cartoons about us literally look at Japan though you they had took so much land I Kingdom of man they took so much land and you want to take from the smallest country on the server it’s simple I’m as big of a quickvid fan as you are

But pup it’s not that hard to just make a deal with a different country that isn’t small like clay you can go go find somewhere that clay had technically owns just take no he’s not no Frank it’s not that it’s not that he’s taking land outside of ours he’s literally taking

Our small amount of land he wants to take the small amount of land that we do own Frank you don’t get it and I showed him outside of my borders and he doesn’t want it how are we already having land disputes this early on guys can we ban Frank guys can we

Just guys can we all just agree to ban Frank hey we just need to catch him saying this stuff in Quebec it’s real easy well we just think to catch him in quec and then he’s banned yeah true seriously though clay he’s the real 1984 here oh hey I actually agree with that

Statement Frank has a good opinion for once what is this reverse psychology what’s he trying to pull I don’t know what does 1984 it’s an H&S reference like you know when Mario Master got banned it’s a reference to that whole situation okay pup where is over

Here we don’t know where over here is as long as it’s not in the small amount of Quebec territory the sand I don’t know what the sand means cuz we have sand in Quebec is it like a desert or like an island oh that would be fire if it was a

Desert yo huge dogs can spawn in Quebec huge dogs huge I’m saying that it’s huge that dogs can spawning what kind of sand though is it like a beach cuz we have beaches in Quebec it’s mainly snow and Forest but like listen as long as it’s not Quebec and it’s not my

Problem I like the idea that our military consists of like dogs and cats we’re like Paw Patrol over here uh-huh we make the dogs do all the dirty work okay well I have the diamonds and the obsidian and I believe I have leather up top so I can make the

Enchanting table and an anvil we just see okay where are all the cows around here I’ve been looking around trying to T a cow for so long oh is there any more lapis start a cow Farm I killed them all for food and apparently Frank did too what happened to dogs only spawning

In um Bruce biomes what happened to that they decided they want them to spawn regular for so they weren’t as rare there are sheep everywhere okay if we wanted a sheep farm we’d be having a field day right now yeah but we need leather I if you want to start like a horse

Farm what you cut off if you want to start like a horse farm we don’t have to start a horse farm but I do like the idea of breeding an army of horses too so we can ride them into war the only problem is they don’t follow you to their

Death you have to you can only take one at once that’s true but like well we only need a horse for everyone everyone in the military true every human in the military since most of our soldiers are just dogs well there’s one sheep but there’s no

Cows okay projects I’m going to make a military base and fill it with dogs I’m up at the land now the sand isn’t Quebec right yo yo I just found the snowy area I just can polar bears spawn here yeah I need a polar bear in

Quebec like I want to bring in invasive species and like polar bears at least not but like I want to bring invasive species into Quebec like pandas or something does any that you’re allowed to breed I want it in Quebec you extended the sugar canane right okay pup where’s theand area

Looking for cows is this theand is this what you’re talking about what’s leand okay pop okay oh yeah you’re all good I don’t care if you go over there not my problem if you go over there we don’t need have this discussion pup that’s for you and Clay to take up

It’s not my problem anymore okay we got we got quick bille off our hands how did it take poke that long to get diamonds I got it within like 10 minutes I don’t have yet but I haven’t been I haven’t been going for him he literally went to the nether already I have

Priorities I need to find this cow now it’s going to be night time I’m going to sleep right away do cows really just stop spawning if you kill them too much is that a thing that’s dumb I don’t like that remember what happened in that second Bean server where you and Nick

Were in it and I killed all the animals for food and leather and you got angry yeah I know I do remember that what about in the trees well did anyone kill cows in the trees Frank swearing is so funny it’s really funny now after the first time

And the context for that it’ll never be not funny that’s how you that’s how you uh just prove how serious you are he’s at his keyboard puffing out his chest sitting up straight too while he types it like you can just imagine head just you you can see his head like filling up

With red like boiling red his ears start to steam okay Frank is funny we might not need to ban him as bad anymore I’m now willing to lift lean but not right now he still needs to prove himself further that he can be continuously funny yo I found clay yo where is heay

Clay clay clay I’m not chasing you I’m not I don’t want to hurt you I just want to say hi clay stop running from me is is he in Quebec you think quec yeah oh sweet oh that’s probably why he was running it yeah I don’t I like clay I don’t want to

Kill him but it is funny to kill him like I support killing him I just don’t do it myself yeah I’m not getting him before he crosses the Border yeah I should have gone in with the sword but I kept trying I was trying to

Get the big shot with the bow and I missed he he he got out he got away I have seeds if you want it for the farm wherever you are I’ll put them in my chest I’m good on seeds I’m not good on cows why would you make them go extinct in our

Area what does clay need that much wool for I mean that guy’s got plans he’s he’s up to something oh yeah I need craft an anvil okay hold up there’s plenty of pigs plenty of sheep where are the cows why are people specifically targeting the cows okay well I have an anvil

Now that’s huge now I’m out of food though so I need to fish more another Frank death is Frank just G to be the new Clay is he just gonna have a million deaths okay honestly I think there’s room for a new clay a new punching bag

Here because Clay is like Clay is getting up there in the world like he walked through Quebec and still is on zero deaths mhm okay well I need a fish more to get some food clay and Frank are fighting okay I’m done looking for cows this is a you

Job you’re the one who killed the cows in cool back oh come on do you got any weat or leads or anything that I can lead them back with I have wheat you can have my you can have my wheat you can take from my farm you can have my wheat

I but I’m not getting the cows okay let me get some wheat so then when I get some food I can run off and uh because right now my priority is starting my dog Army because pup already can tame dogs he has he has an advantage over me and

Like I don’t necessarily want to compete compete with pup on it I I think it would I think we should mutually respect each other’s dog armies but like uh you know it’s still nice to have have a bigger one okay well now I have wheat I have three bones if you want

Them yeah I’ll take bones because you know I’ll mostly rely on breeding the dogs but like if I find any extras then like might as well well yeah I just need to get some fish now and then I’ll get us some things and I’ll let the sugar can grow

While I do this too and harvest that slowly ohy I can get like a base level enchant on this uh fishing rod or I should oh I should probably make a new one for that so it has full durability and then just use this one up and then then use that

One Unbreaking one useless oh why is this why is this is literally useless in not showing me anything wait they did that I literally can only get Unbreaking one for some reason why oh cuz I probably don’t have enough books for anything else yeah you don’t have enough you don’t have like any

Bookshelves H well now once this one’s broke my texture pack I literally it wouldn’t even let me click it I literally just have like old textures on I’ll try the the uh enchanting table strategy you have to have a grind Stone next to it and just like keep grind stoning

Until you get an enchantment that you want like you take the bad enchantment grindstone it then try enchant enchanting it again oh no literally isn’t it isn’t my uh texture package I only had old textures on to begin with like the default built-in one why I have Discord messages do I

Have anything important how start breeding them so fast how did pup get a second dog so quickly I don’t know I guess that guy just has a way with them he I think he can talk to them like in real life how do I make it grind that’s like Smooth stone slabs I

Think oh well I don’t need one right now we need books first I have I have bigger priorities anime God’s also going to another Fortress why is everybody trying to Speed Run oh well I’m just going to wait for someone I’m just going to wait until the

End is like public property that anyone can go to easily then I’ll get my elytra and then I’ll be happy we can just let all them do that while we establish our own stuff in qu back mhm I wonder what Clay is doing right now what’s his mission cuz I

Thought he was speed running but then now he’s not I only have three hours of play time so far I need to get deeper into this game at least my second fishing rod won’t break for quite as long why is James Hermanson sending me chats oh he’s probably telling me to

Watch his snap not happening if he wants to talk to me you can talk to me on Discord I I do that with everyone like what why is it only a problem with you well cuz I’m he sent me what he said was a really funny snap but then he turned on like the blind person mode on my phone while trying to turn up the volume

At the tech meeting and then I told him I was never going to watch it cuz it send you the snap on Discord true I wouldn’t even know but I just refuse I I’m leaving him on delivered which is more of a thing Nick would be mad at if didn’t have people

That I couldn’t talk to otherwise poke wants to be there for the dragon fight I know it but we haven’t set up anything we haven’t set up any rules for that it is perfectly allowed oh so the Dragon still going to be an event I think that’s what Po’s trying to

Do but I don’t want to set that I don’t want to set that as a rule can we add a rule in Quebec that dogs can’t play basketball like someone has to do it like people are getting off with that loople so much and I’m sick of it yeah

Me too like just somebody put an end to it already I’m stating this right now as a rule whoever gets their first gets the egg and poke can’t do anything about it and Anime Gods is trying to get that egg what or clay clay clay had the eyes already make that rule

Huh why why why why can you make that rule Clan poker are like all rulers so oh okay so the world leaders get to decide these things yeah oh wait I want a fish next to you so we can predict who gets the next fish yeah apparently clay gets the

Egg that’s kind of funny I like how Isle of Man is kind of like the PowerHouse of the world right now Phantoms okay I’ve got a sleep Phantoms why didn’t he turn off Phantoms come on let me get to my bed nice okay just barely made it bed I won’t be getting Phantoms

Can you believe people voted for those things when was there a vote for I literally didn’t yeah two to one Joe Biden okay yeah at least he’s going to turn it off don’t chop down my that’s a funny way of wording that I I don’t want to

Laugh at everything Frank says with that made that that made me laugh maybe it’s just the fact that saying it or maybe that’s just a funny way of saying it I don’t know which one it is but that’s funny what L there’s literally still a phantom up

There two to one two to one two to one any time poke makes a bad point two to one nobody likes Phantoms poke is the only person who will defend Phantoms in the entirety of Minecraft bro Phantoms are the reason they’re they encourage everyone to vote so

Much I don’t even know who what was in the latest mob vote ever since they added sniffers I gave up the latest one was pretty cool it was just normal animals no that’s all right the problem is it was kind of dumb it was dumb animals like the Penguins and

The armadillos and like the oh yeah the crabs like I want them to add gorillas yeah gorillas that that would be so funny I would rig that phot if they if the gorillas were an option well gorillas would definitely win no way gorillas would not

Win James is trying to type to me on Snap again apes are so funny should like like the girlfriend mod where they just wander around and you tame them with [Laughter] flowers I’m losing so much fish just from trying to type in chat but like I

It’s the only way I can talk to poke bro an army of dogs and girlfriends imagine dude when are they going to add the nudity mod can we get the boys marrying boys mod and the girls marrying girls mod okay I’m going to start cooking some of

These fish and then I’m going to harvest the sugar cane one more time and then I’m going to go off looking for cows fresh cattle to breed another water bottle and then after that I’m going to going to finish my house and then start working on the

Roads and bridges and like lighting up the area just basic yeah we need some we need some uh things some some little bit of a establishing here just establish it as an actual area we just need to build ourselves up enough to be able to survive as of right

Now oh there goes clay you know what I’m think Quebec needs a look okay we need to be special I have like you need to know that you’re in quec I already have the roads designed and like Bridges and stuff it’s like similar to Medi SMP but

Different and then yeah I think I want to use a different block to pave it out than smooth Stone something a bit darker but like it’s going to be similar to that where it’s like it’s all just like City like there’s no nature there oh yeah besides like our houses which have

Nice big yards we should make we should make fake trees out of concrete like like the inflatable trees from The Lorax like we’re going to have stone areas with fences blocking off the river in most places at most maybe a nice board for them and then our houses can

Have nice Coastline and fishing docks and stuff why is James dming me he’s dming me of him for how big a suit is tell dangus to read my Discord gez oh on Discord he messaged me on Discord I’ll actually listen to him if he messages me on Discord I have my

Thing muted oh there we go what’s he saying Doug when you hopping off why does he want me to stop playing Minecraft I’m not going to stop playing Minecraft yo does James have oh wait we can’t James was only able to join the last one because he was uh because it

Was Bedrock compatible yeah me and Nick are telling him why doesn’t he just get Mimi or Yaya to buy him a gaming PC like can he not just do that then he can play with us when is Nick joining I want Nick here I don’t know where Nick is probably celebrating

Thanksgiving loser we already did that I’ll probably play tomorrow night though and Nick might be done oh tomorrow’s Friday wouldn’t that be Black Friday Nick has to work oh no poor Nick why why are people going to f bone Black Friday I don’t know is it like

Dollar Tree but everything is $5 and Below yeah everything is already cheap why would you why would you go why would you spend Black Friday at Five Below you’re not going to get anything you’re not going to get any good deals there everything’s everything is a good deal bow

Whoa Unbreaking three power four mending I can make that power five what wait what mending Unbreaking three mending power five bow day one this is huge I’m gonna use this is so good what that’s Huge I actually need to get feathers anytime I see a chicken and I’m going to craft a ton of arrows dude is that is it still possible to make one of those AFK fishing machines that sun no they made so you can’t do those anymore that’s

Sad this bow is insane how I wish I got a fishing rod though why is it giving me crazy bows I don’t know I’m not even that good with a bow anymore cuz I haven’t been practicing I’m going to check what my fishing offers at the enchanting table

Even though it’s a not enough upgraded one I got leather yo where’s the enchanting table it’s right next to the fishing area I’m going to have one in my house too probably when I finish that it would be nice to have like a small boost like maybe a little bit of

Luck of the SE oh I got a book efficiency 4 I’ll take that actually it’s yeah it’s only letting me read Unbreaking one it’s not letting me see what the other options are well my diamond pickax is efficiency 4 now that’s bad that’s big why is fishing so

Awesome why can’t I get a v have over this the only thing that villagers have over this is that you can like have one that’s always going to give you the same book yeah but once you build up like just hope you don’t lose everything I

Guess why is James dming me again you read his thing did he message me again oh he probably said like never mind or something can I play with you guys even though I’m that’s not how that works James you’re James if you’re in jail right now you’re asking the wrong guy Bedrock is

Lame he wants us to hop off of this and yo what imagine imagine we get this huge I did not get this okay I picked up your INX why does Frank have so many deaths I I’m only on Two And he has 11 see this is why oh a lot of my stuff

Scattered out into the water yeah that’s what happens when you die above water I’m going to sleep so that doesn’t happen again that would have been big if it dropped flat and I got a trident day one though cuz I want to get pretty easy to

Get you just need to grind in like uh Ocean or you’ve been playing that on Bedrock oh yeah you’re Bedrock player privilege is really showing right now I know I mean I wouldn’t even call it privilege I’m having the time of my life right now uh without it everything being super delayed

True but from a trient perspective from the tri perspective yes you just told me oh Trident aren’t actually that hard to get I had like 10 Trident in the other world yes that’s bedrock oh he just took that that drown just took so many of my levels I was at 16

Now I’m at seven that’s actually annoying I’m at seven but that’s just because I put the bows together and then put efficiency four on my pickaxe okay right now like a whole chunk of our River Pub’s penis shop is now open huge you think he’s already Frank needs

One quickfill yo he found quickill land yeah he went over on the over the Border in Clay’s Direction and I told them I don’t care just do whatever you want Oh spawn protection CU po poke moved spawn out of Quebec since Frank is banned oh there’s horses I can kill those for

Leather oh actually wait no I won’t kill the horses cuz they’re in uh yeah I’m not go I’m not okay where are these cows I think I’m might need to try Venture off into Japan actually if I want to get cows in that direction yeah yeah yeah cows are not

Common we need Bridges want duties because you did this what do you mean I did this you mean I did all the rest of the progress and now you get to go fish no you killed cows in Quebec you made them go extinct speaking of cows I’m going to look for

Dogs it’s been a while more dogs might have spawned by now James is messaging me I only need one more there’s a donkey over here Minecraft Java Edition is compatible with any servers Realms or worlds available through Minecraft Bedrock Edition well that means you would have

To start it on I don’t even know if that’s true you will be able to crossplay with either Java Bedrock players by launching with whichever Edition your friends are playing no but that’s why I saying launching whichever Edition the friend is playing Minecraft Java Edition is compatible with any server Realms

Available through Minecraft Bedrock that I think that means you would have to start the server which no I’m not doing that I’m not playing Bedrock that’s lame I’m playing on this server whatever whatever James is explaining uh is probably dumb explaining sounds simple and uh

What poke had to do to get us together is not simple when it comes to James and Technology like is there even any point in listening it’s just going to be the most frustrating stupid thing imaginable oh he’s dming me he Dam me like four times oh he here yeah he’s definitely

Talking about something dumb look I’ll send him the link to the Minecraft server and he can figure it himself with poke if he wants to but I’m not a part of this that derailed the whole stream in the past he can figure that out did that was so

Bad whoa poke is working on roads wait does he already have Diamond po already has diamond armor that’s that’s actually impressive I don’t even have iron armor I I don’t like mining he’s got no heers why why is everyone’s first immediate reaction to just go and kill

Like every cow in sight whoa there’s a raid going on in was that intentional wait really yeah who did that was it pop yeah I don’t know I need to see who’s running around in there someone’s looking for the fin it looks like it’s very under control well they’re probably going to

Get totems actually that’s a big early game yeah then it might be clay honestly a raid isn’t even a bad thing it’s prank it’s prank so Frank start Frank started the raid oh I see one cow I saw in the village I see one measly little heer

Down this hill two of them oh but I need to get them over the mountain somehow whenever you got to do man like there’s not they’re not just going to appear yeah that’s a good point I think it was already me and Clay are allies at least

Like Quebec and and uh Kingdom of man are allies Quick’s new he just needs to settle for the snow that’s cool snow is cool he has he area Would Have a Gimmick we have to build our gimmick well our area is actually half Snow oh well there’s something now pup claims to be

Joking I actually want to know where quickill is I didn’t I was busy so I didn’t follow him when he was going to show me he he has not found a spot for quick bille that he’s happy with no way no he found some sand area how did he get silk touch diamond

Pick where is he getting that from dude the dimensional merge bro you know what I realized last night that kind of cool when I was making the thumbnail for my stream what each mental disability has its own art style like schizophrenia you have the weird creepy line drawings and

Then autism you just have like Crayola markers really weird shape sonichu style bro the schizophrenia art style goes hard it does go hard autism I I think the autism art style is underrated though get out of here sheep I’m just leading cows right now I’m I’m going around the mount because I

Think I can do that yo some Raiders travel into Quebec what why a lot of them there’s there’s a huge gang of them in Quebec they must have spawned there they have to have spawned there there’s so many here it’s like the entire raid yeah they definitely all spawn

There oh anime Gods is in the nether oh is he in like a oh he did get the War Pig’s achievement so he’s probably in a what’s it called Pig thing a Bastion yeah Bastion I wish I had leads leading them with wheat is so annoying they have no attention span

Don’t wander into the lava you filthy heer there’s some horses I’m going to kill them on the way to get some extra leather if these cows could pay attention and now it’s becoming night oh be real went off uhoh uhoh be real time wait can you tell clay that b went

Off hey clay B went off I I he told me that he was going to get it I I’m I’m so close to convincing him he’s going to be one of people that just has like the the wall for both of Them James is going to see that I’m playing Minecraft and get mad oh hey there’s actually chickens here I can use loose to get arrows keep in mind oh what glay and poke are in Quebec handling the raid now the the Raiders are all chasing me there’s some guy on a ravager that’s

Just chasing me down you got any totems oh you don’t have armor I have nothing you have I forget that you have not done any mining or anything of the Poke oh they’re they’re over by the other group of them I’m just going to get more chasing me if I lead them to

Clay and po where are your parents right now they had to retreat okay why are they River that’s not where the village is oh I don’t even have a fence or nothing built up I’ll put him in a hole and then put him in a fence I thought he said it was over

It’s not over well I’m over to the village now with the cows pretty much I think they’re going out of Quebec I think they’re traveling to the Village hi Nick Nick he’s been saying that all stream have you not noticed he’s been saying it to me no he’s been saying hi Nick

Too like before you were here he was even saying it to Nick ravagers ravagers look so funny like I feel like their designs aren’t acknowledged enough like it’s they look funny I had a pet one in an old Minecraft world we need to get it back and have father cow

How does the raid end after a while and the and the thing just lives there is that how that works this is actually accurate to the original media SMP because we did a raid with like Nick and Munro Maniac like early early on we did because like our area counted

As a village that’s the one plus to having like a a b ton of villagers in the area like it it just counts as a village and that’s funny yeah can get raided no anime guns no oh actually I can just do this did I make it so you get like no

Fences what there we go actually no we’re not going to do it like that we’re going to do carpets yo cows okay this donkey has been here for so long I’m going to tame it so it doesn’t despawn oh I tamed it oh okay that’s like one of the first things I

Did cuz I thought it was funny if there was just a donkey wandering around that’s something we should do we should tame every horse and Donkey we find in our area so they just never despawn and then if they travel off they’re just undes spawnable horses wait I should start doing that before

They start catching on to my Antics like go in other people’s areas and tame all the horses breed up we’ll eventually get this to the point where the wool wraps all the way around I’m going to join in this raid and see if I can get a

Totem yeah you do that I cannot do that all right where are they spawning poke is literally in Creative what is he doing oh I’m going to make fun of them now also yeah you just die instantly to these guys right now is this another Village in Isle of

Man or is this a part of Japan there’s just a village on top of this hill next to the Cherry Blossom uh Forest oh that’s that that’s this that’s Japan’s oh come on make a deal with one of them just for two villagers because they’re both really close to our area and it’ll

Just be nice having villagers for something our cows are contained right I’m just trying to yeah they’re contained I’m just trying to get one totem but Pocus cheating in creative mode and being a big baby hey yo yo where are the dogs why why can why is it only one dog

Spawn are people kill too for what my respect for poke is through the floor right now and Clay literally just want in creative mode hi I literally can’t couldn’t even trat if treat if I wanted to never mind I x-ray I forgot let me turn on my x-ray texture pack real quick

This game looks so weird when you can’t see blocks yo wooi yooi yoi yoi come here come here come here dig down you’ll find some coal down there there’s coal oh coal yeah I don’t actually see far down enough to get any diamonds you know this coal is actually really helpful to

It just download an x-ray texture pack are they is anyone even going to stop you from x-raying like can you even get banned for that can you just say that it’s allowed in your country no it it falls under hacking actually wait what if I put it under the old

Texture pack so the old textures show up but nothing else true does it actually work like that it doesn’t I thought it would interesting anyways no more x-raying it’s time to do some good old fishing and actually cow breeding also I should breed cows always remember to come over here and breed the

Cows yo Co Quebec is an old school uh town you know we keep it turn on old textures fish for our books we we have old textures that may or may not like give us a little bit of an x-raying advantage but that’s okay no

Woi turn on the old texture pack this is officially old Minecraft we’re going back in time to when the game was good before before they turned it woke before they turned it woke before the Liberals got to it that one notch owned it high contrast what what do I have to download

The old Tex oh wait is it programmer art is yeah it’s programmer art okay I think I turned it on oh yeah that’s definely old textures I forgot how bad the old glass look it really does do you have OptiFine no that’s even that’s funnier actually wait let me turn turn it down

To Moody brightness Moody brightness where do I do that like in settings options video settings and then brightness turn turn it down to Moody that’s what they used to not have brightness options so it just gets really dark in Minecraft what what settings where do I get to Moody are you cut

Off uh options video settings and then brightness it should be like a bar oh brightness oh so it’s just in the brightness all the way down yeah and it just when it gets dark it gets really dark and it’s funnier at like old Minecraft I haven’t pictures in a while

Guys don’t take anything Frank says seriously he jokes a lot guys Frank is a bit of a jokester wow clay left before he lost any lives in that raid oh no wonder he wanted poke to cheat he he he didn’t want to die keep his clean

Record yo dangas uh you know any more coal locations I mean maybe I can I can try to smell it out I I’ll try to sniff it out for you wait what’s what’s police a distinct smell what’s that police dog laugh that that old game that Nick got you yeah

Yeah you smell it boy I smell it wow thank you oh big bin good good nose hey you know what they say follow your nose I’m muting my phone James is just spamming me on Snapchat he’s asking me for the server address you’re banned from Kingdom of man clay it was legit

It it was actually an accident it was legitimately an accident like I’m not even joking he doesn’t care and I’m copying something else in case I accidentally copy that into the chat somehow you want me to sniff out more coal or are you good I’m pretty good on

Coal there’s some right under your house like right outside if you happen to smell iron smell iron on the other hand it’s all copper and coal I don’t smell any iron do you have to go deeper down for iron now cuz there’s oh wait no you have to

Go higher up for iron there’s like no iron it’s all coal and copper that’s a shame anyways I’m turning off my sniffer mode pluging your nose up is your nose plugged yeah my nose is a bit plugged and I want to go fishing clay B I’m banned from from

Kingdom of man now though because I accidentally started a Raid I I knew clay was going to find some way to have some form of drama even though we agreed to an alliance yeah no it’s happened before and it’ll happen plenty times more yo where’s all the Sandstone around here trying to get it without defiling the beach I don’t care get to

Court a man’s got a fish it’s day one I don’t want this is what clay does he just drags you in with with drama and then you have to go over to the Brit announcement area and then he announces and he ends up dying 10 times we’ve been here before

Wait clay you need to build an announcement area if you’re still listening to this that area is it’s iconic why is James calling me what does he want he wanted this he G he wanted the plan isn’t his plan probably I gave him a server IP it probably didn’t work and

Now he’s going to ask us for help on how to get in I have JV in I had to ask how to get in he is calling the wrong person I’m going to tell him to talk to poke about it it’s not my problem oh and I also have Clay yapping in my

Ear Please Don’t Drown come on I’m turning off Moody brightness I’m sorry he’s asking for oh CL behind you hey you know what this Means oh I’m out of arrows well River we established is a no law land so you are allowed to kill in the river combat log that Arrow probably did a decent amount I need to get more arrows I just can’t be bothered to deal with Clay’s whining I just want to play

Minecraft you know it’s too early for this clay it’s too early in the server for this it was an accident just except that people make mistakes sometimes just let me play the game play right now yeah I’m setting stuff up like clay I know you have your own

Thing going but I have too much to do for that right now okay it’s not season 2 anymore we have very important business to take care of see even Frank agrees you know Frank is growing on me today I I’m glad that he’s banned from our uh country but he’s growing on

Me he is he’s growing on me he’s actually pretty he’s pretty good he’s better than the old Frank he I I haven’t even seen him seal steal once that’s impressive okay I have more arrows now I just need to wait for clay to log back in uh if you can Harvest little sugar

Cane and like plant it more or like get more ink or something that could be nice because I need to keep watch for clay I’m literally going to fish in his Direction waiting for him to log back in I’m going to be his first death this

Is going to be his mistake he’s is making you a big deal over nothing and he’s going to he’s going to regret it the sugarcane farm is already huge that’s good yeah I mean I can already create one bookshelf I have enough leather for it so I actually I’m going to harvest some

Of it so am I expanding or is this all going into expanded in the other direction because dangus how do you feel if you honestly honestly Frank I might even consider unbanning you if you do if you do that because that’s really funny you’ve been on a funny streak today Frank I’ll be

Honest you see how much darker it is on Moody brightness yeah this is rough it’s funny though clay was so close to just being like a the big powerful guy of this world but then he had to pull one of his clay things and now everyone’s against

Him he’s just having a moody clay moment how far should I expand just as far as you can within our territory actually I have more I need to get wood to create a bookshelf is Clay going to log back in cuz I’m ready to shoot

Okay why is James calling me I need the server Port y there isn’t one it’s Java he’s don’t have he’s literally he’s literally trying to log in on a completely different platform that that he uses a completely different system and is complaining at us for giving us support we don’t have

He is so stupid like he is sometimes James is just the stupidest guy I have ever met oh no I did this in the wrong place oh it’s probably only going to give me like oh there we go it didn’t it we’re good like he’s funny but we do not keep

Him around for his brain power like he is infer a inly dumb sometimes I told him we don’t have a port because this isn’t bedrock and then he just sent the IP with no explanation you entered the IP rck that’s what he’s saying to me okay I I expanded as far as I

Could he is so I’m just ignore him just ignore him honestly just mute your notifications ignore him what does he think is g to happen what does he think I can contribute what does he think I know I told him to ask poke if he has any server questions he can ask

Poke okay I expanded it as far as I can I’m turning the rest of this into paper all right yeah I think it’s big enough if you want to go breed the cows too any opportunity if you want to go feed the heers I’m just going back to good old

Fishing I need to get myself a good rod with James opened because oh old wheat textures wow I’m going to leave my DMs with James is open because he’s just screaming at me about like what I think is nothing I I can’t decipher what he’s trying to tell me and I think it’s

[Laughter] funny oh wow there’s like barely anybody here that makes sense it was open for a while and we had like seven people on you shooting at clay no it was a creeper oh it was really close to my house and I didn’t want to take any risks with my with my

Uh iron sword at least I think I have an iron sword what happened to my iron sword I really have to pee but I don’t want to pee cuz I know then Clay is going to log back on and then he’s going to come and try and escape and I’ve got

Him in a good SP going about like a Colin at the end or something yeah he there’s like all that matters all that matters is that IP works for me because I’m on Java I know what he’s talking about there’s a colon at the end but

That’s how IPS work that’s how they work in Minecraft literally woke SMP was the exact same he doesn’t know what he’s talking about dangas entered it wrong I literally copied it and have the exact same thing put into my Minecraft he’s so dumb we direct him to

The stream so we can bring this to the chat and we can make fun of him yeah add him add him to the stream let’s discuss in the chat I’m going to make it look like we’re trying to help him so like go on take get a stream uh then tell us your

Problem in the chat and we’ll help you oh I just caught a salmon when is cayan a log back on I just want C is he just is he watch is he even on my stream he could be he could be just watching my stream waiting for me to walk

Away oh James wants to call okay I’m not I’m not gonna respond to him about calling on stream he needs to go in the chat well we could like start a call with him maybe no but then it’s just gonna true turn into US explaining to James why

He’s wrong true true it’s just going to be exactly like woke smpp when he actually did have an ability to join okay Frank is funny I died a lot too no no wonder he wants that thing turned off that’s funny this is prime death time too because our death counter got turned on

After early game then so it didn’t really count that like at first he was cool for not dying but now now combat logs he’s just crying under the river waiting for me to stop fishing oh James said that he’s going in chat huge here let me turn on my brand new

Chat on screen feature so like the rewatching this can see him chatting to us and being incredibly stupid wait is my chat even I just realized am I Has there actually been chat messages and I haven’t been able to read it oh there have been chat messages

Just for some reason I couldn’t read it in the slightest huge okay okay hey James talking nice okay okay James what do you want I cannot believe that I could have had been reading chat this entire time what’s up James what do you need I think James you are it’s

Literally a completely different platform it does not the server does not have a port it is a Java server where we do not need ports you just need the IP Java and Bedrock are different you 100% entered it James you know what I did I copy and pasted it

From the same exact message that I that I copy and pasted it into my Minecraft thing how is it a different platform it’s Java and Bedrock it’s not all m inecraft it’s built on a completely different type of coding hold up my chat thing just straight up is not working it’s

Disabled it is literally a different thing entirely like if you want to log on to Java it’s different from Bedrock I would leave and show you an example but it’s literally not worth proving your stupidity because I need to kill clay what is poke doing what is what does he hate so

Much I don’t know I honestly do want to get to building the roads and bridges but we need do you want to like take control of the enchanting table and I can like start working on roads and stuff uh I don’t know I I just want

To kind I’m kind of into it you want to know you want to know James’s point on why I cped the wrong IP he entered it and he and it said that the address is [Laughter] invalid literally a completely different platform from Minecraft Java Edition it’s invalid guys your IP is invalid what so funny he’s so dumb he’s actually so stupid it’s not in it’s not insane to just realize they’re different platforms

Like they’re just they they’re not not the same thing just because it was compatible on a thing with a mod you’re a narcissist dangus James you realize when you were able to join before that’s because poke spent hours and hours putting in a special mod that was made them able to connect

Poke did not do that on this one that’s why it worked on that one and not on this one okay I’m going to start working on a bridge over to Clay’s area okay it says a server Port Java is default okay James okay I’ll I’m done watching clay anyways I’ll log out just

To show you this add a server Minecraft server server address on Java all you need is the server address which is the IP you do not need a port and that is why we do not have a port because it is a Java server which is different from

Bedrock is that z. comprehend for your little brain James is that really that difficult it is literally as simple as just actually thinking and not being incredibly stupid to realize that this different you just need some form of brain power to realize why it will not work

Figure out how to get me in Douglas well James I know how to get you in you you get a job you buy a computer and buy Minecraft Java Edition is that is that difficult is that too difficult James or even better you just get Mimi or Y to buy you computer and get you Java Edition I don’t want a job well then you can’t play James and I’m actively telling poke not to install the Bedrock mod because it’s just weird it glitches out whenever

There’s an update and then we wouldn’t be able to play with OptiFine it’s not happening James I’m sorry it’s just not like James I think it’s time to send you into the workforce I really do I think you need a job so you can and then you

Can quit once you get Minecraft and then you can play Minecraft like a job spending eight hours a day building stuff for us it’s not happening James nerd emoji it legit isn’t you’re being like Nick when he’s super insistent on something incredibly stupid like you actually caught some sort of Nicholas Nicholas

Disease and how you can’t think properly this is this is like when Nick needed the fan yeah like Nick needs the fan he needs to go all the way to the house for a fan or something like that it’s not happening no matter how much you no

Matter how much you ask for it it you you just need to get Java Edition for it to happen like there is no other way I’m mining right now oh this is exactly what I was doing last time James was complaining about not get being able to get into the server I was

Mining do you have dangus do you have autism I’m trying I’m trying actually on the title it says I do have ASD which is autism spectrum disorder just a more polite way of saying it how do you get by so easily with smbw uh it’s it’s difficult especially

With like you know all the motion controls you know I just get motion sick all the time it’s horrible well it certainly seems you do how am I the autistic one here you’re you’re literally the one complaining about not getting into the server you’re the one who isn’t in the server and

Can’t figure out how to get into the server like you’re you’re clearly the dumb one here like you just have to take a step back and realize you are stupid otherwise go complain to poke you can you can complain to poke DM poke and tell him to have the de Bedrock

Mod I’m getting Stacks and stacks of the road material and no diamonds but it doesn’t matter CU I’m just getting Road material diamonds are just a bonus me poke and Clay came up the road design together but then we decided we wanted different roads because we couldn’t agree on a road

Design are you still there whoosie yeah I’m still here okay I haven’t heard you talk for a while so I’m scared that I got muted or something and then I can’t hear you is my chat feature working yet that didn’t help that my worthless losers chat featur is just broken entirely I

Hate skeletons I hate skeletons a lot yeah they’re really annoying you need to get yourself some armor I do I need armor really bad that’s why I was wondering if you could sniff out some iron well I could sniff out some diamonds probably but for myself James I bet you couldn’t even

Figure out how to do this like your little brain could couldn’t even comprehend how to do this this would just be too confusing for you okay where’s the skeleton that killed me good thing PO is in the chat right now guys no one tell poke no one tell poke it’s our

Secret guys I’m a server owner it’s fine I just really want to get to the building stage on the server though same like I already have base level enough tools I could probably use a back stock of diamonds so I could craft new stuff if I really needed to but otherwise

Like I just want to fish and build I just heard a scary noise I just heard a cave noise where is Nick right now is he at work no it’s Thanksgiving he must be doing some things giving thing I want Nick on the server we need more people in the

Call I join the call whoo should we get Frank in the call yeah okay I’ll make a I’ll make a Group Frank James more he thinks that you you the reason you just don’t want to tell him how to get on you’re mad at him right now I’m not even mad at him right now why does he think I’m mad at him he’s just stupid like that’s all it burns down to

He’s not getting on because it doesn’t work he’s on Bedrock he’s just dumb why does he think that you won’t let him on what’s the reason for that I don’t know did Frank just leave I don’t know man his parents started arguing so he can’t call whoops oh man it

Happens okay I think I have enough he told me not to tell the stream that he was dming me and then I told him that I’m going to tell the stream that he was dming me and then he said fine do it Wishy I don’t even care anymore girls [Laughter] he’s so

Mad he’s so mad I would be willing to see him through this if it was possible this a thing yeah the but that’s not how this game works instead of just accepting that just maybe not how the game works he thinks it’s some conspiracy about how

I’m mad at him and won’t tell him how to get in he’ll understand one day he’ll understand when he’s older when he when mhm my thing is going off my watch and it’s annoying me the one on my wall should we try adding poke to the call

Sure that way everybody’s online is at least in this group chat we’ll see if he joins I don’t know if he’s open to joining I haven’t heard I haven’t seen him much I don’t know where he’s been it’s really funny looking at James’s Discord profile because it says

He’s playing Minecraft and he’s been playing Minecraft for 39 minutes to figure this out he actually thinks it’s going to work so you know James from the last server right the one that was on bedrock and it was super hard to get him on basically

He thinks that he can get on to the server and the only reason it’s not working is because we’re not telling him how to get on CU we’re mad at him for some reason he’s asking for a server Port when we literally don’t have one cuz this is Java not bedrock

Yeah what the heck hang on let me turn my and his main evidence for this is because when he types it in to bedrock the server IP to bedrock it says that the the ID is invalid so you would think that logically speaking it doesn’t work for Bedrock

Because it’s not bedrock well he Googled it and making it so it works for Bedrock this time dude could you imagine how much that server would not have been like I already struggled opening it as it was could you imagine trying to get bedrock to be on it

Mhm This Server would not be up right now if we had tried getting Bedrock no like dude I would have just gave up RI I have a chest plate for you if you want it I don’t need it anymore yes please I need something do you not even have your

Boots anymore I haven’t I haven’t been mining at oh I do have my boots I haven’t been mining at all I I don’t like mining I really just need get it over with yeah I’m doing roads because I need to get it over with because Japan’s terrain sucks

And I should have thought about that earlier yeah that’s why I don’t like the caves and cliffs upd that’s why I wanted the planes biome that makes more sense I mean I got part of the story done I got it all the way from the top to the bottom of the

Mountain so I’m proud of myself I just got to pavee the way through so I can get to where you can build a bridge on your app yeah I’m getting to a point where I’m GNA build I’m working on getting the blocks to build the bridge over to Kingdom of man the first

Bridge you know part of me said I I should have kept everything that I got from other the R I don’t think you should have cheated like that I think that clay should have dealt with it he should have but I felt bad pretty well like you know the little

Clay thing kind of with you again I just accidentally crafted three stacks of deep slate stair tiles instead of just the regular tiles what did you make I made the tiles into stairs on accident instead of just regular tiles three stacks of them oh James update guys James is

Making his own server and it’s going to be times better of course I almost feel bad for J but like what am I supposed to do it’s a he’s just getting mad I would I I would help him through this if it was possible but he’s not willing to accept that it’s

Not possible he’s causing all of this in his mind it’s his own stupidity that’s causing this and some people he actually caught this from Nick like he would not have done this if he didn’t know Nick cuz this is a really Nick thing thing to do at least if Nick didn’t have

Knowledge of Minecraft Nick would Nick at least understands the basics that Java and Bedrock are run on different platforms different types of coding and all that they’re completely different yeah it’s it’s just impossible unless you really go through a lot of steps and it’s just annoying James is

Using the argument that it’s Minecraft and Minecraft is Minecraft oh it’s raining right now I should fish be fishing but I’m so close it’s fishing time I was going to do some bridge building but I’m not going to waste this rain oh he’s back in my Chat N no n n n

I’m GNA make a better server you not n wait is that what he ended up putting in the discording me a little bit over it I told him to ask you because I have no control whether he can get on or not so I sent him the link to the

Server so like we lose optify if we bring him back like yeah I don’t want that that’s just too complicated L like 12 hours of sleep too much effort it’s not worth it you know how much effort it was just to get this server seene that

Exist on this uh platform I told them to just get a job buy a computer and buy Minecraft and his response was I don’t want a job well can’t do anything about it man I’m sorry it’s actually physically impossible for you to join unless you are on

Java who’s he even GNA invite to his server Kira is he G to invite no not even Cheyenne Cheyenne doesn’t even like him anymore who’s he going to inv like what like is he even going to like host host or is he he’s probably just going to open up a world and play on that yeah’s

He’s gonna start a world and tell people to join it like he’s gonna open up to land or whatever yeah no I have multiplayer guy I have multiplayer turned on it’s okay we have a world like that I have a world with him like that but we played in it like

Once cuz it was bedrock and dumb yeah honestly though so instead of uh the normal bridge I did a 5x five five by five by not a 5 by five I mean I’ve done a uh five way or you know five length instead of three ah so I even made it harder to

Myself cuz like the gates of pearl that looks ugly right now because it’s just a placeholder but still I want to build the bridge but I don’t want to waste this fishing opportunity I’m running low on food already oh honestly I haven’t had any food the only reason I got food is

Because of clay I’ve been just eating zombies Left yeah I’m just burning through food this entire server and I just keep smelting fish and smelting yeah Clay hasn’t logged back on want to deal Klay combat loged forever ago cuz I was about to take his first life cuz I

When he was trying to sue me for accidentally starting the raid I don’t know I mean I can I understand you know how it you know frustrates people considering you did that to me the last few times yeah but I I I got that effect like two hours ago

And I forgot I had it oh a everybody’s leaving the first session is coming to a close well um Hunter’s supposed to be getting on soon I’m playing all day I’m taking this day off to its fullest potential same though I’ve got like get diamond armor or something I don’t I

Don’t have anything better to spend my time on I got a saddle yo wait where’s that donkey where’ you get a sadle fishing nice yo this is kind of fast for a donkey the donkey is finally going inside dude he just he just decided his pronouns did you hear

That I did hear that oh wait clay clay clay clay I think y I didn’t even need to do anything he just drowned H he’s not even going to get his stuff P okay I’ll collect it for him cuz that’s wild that he’s just not picking up his

Stuff yeah put it in a chest or something wait how did he he combat loged under water but like I don’t see how he lost bubbles that quick yeah I was to say there’s no way he lost bubbles that quickly right oh he’s back oh he probably lost connection or

Something a and then he finds out what a crappy way to find out you died what is sad first death dying to a combat lug not even by the person trying to kill you but by Drowning BL was really getting up there in the world for a while being the only

One with no deaths he he was getting Isa Ender making progress and now now he’s back to his old self I think everybody’s just kind of died I okay so already died like part of me wants to go for the dragon egg just because of the fact of

I’m time on me SMP the person who held the you know dragon egg ended up like controlling a good chunk of what was going on and was like a superpower I don’t think that was related to the egg go home cuz like for the longest time uh

Dangus was the PowerHouse and then Japan kind of took over I lost the egg and then uh clay was starting to wait when was Japan the power oh I guess they did have like seven people at one point well you did yeah like we just we just insanely grew in

Numbers CU you guys went on to do like your whole Russia thing which aged like sour milk honestly why did Clay leave is he upset well I put his stuff in a chest so it won’t despawn at least or maybe just losing connection W you’re on 10

Deaths she hasn’t had armor on this whole time how are you so high in deaths well okay I’ve had some of the weirdest things ever happen I had a creeper go Super S or Sonic on me and just you know plow through me on my okay

So on the stairway right it just kind of went Super Saiyan down the stairs and then fell and blew up so I think I had a lag Spike or whatever but a lot of that’s just been creeper deaths and the random stag might that killed me even though I wasn’t near any you

Know I’m pretty sure every single one of mine has been to a skeleton the skeletons are like so strong for no reason on this server what do you mean clay wait yeah what what happened here clay are you going through something right now clay do you need to talk about

It we can charge you for a therapy session oh I think I accidentally gave clay all my salmon hold up Clay don’t take from that chest yet oh I didn’t where did all my salmon go oh did I start cooking it oh I did oh clay all your stuff is in that small

Chest there yeah bedtime oh I guess fishing time is over too now oh I’m tired of fishing I need to get a bit more deep slate cuz I crafted half of it into Stage and then I need to get some andesite and then I’m building my first

Bridge okay I was going to say where your bridge will be is like or for me is3 and then like negative 116 all right I’m starting with a clay one just because it’s right there and it that’s the area I’ve cross the river most even though I’m technically banned

From Kingdom of man I’m still building a bridge for the for people’s sake you know doing this on a forse kind of sucks why are you building on a horse well because I was like okay well I can you know reach higher because the crab didn’t get in

Minecraft because you know my hit box is a lot higher now well it just sucks when you’re doing it on the ground plus I don’t have anywhere to put my horse cuz I don’t have a home I I just straight up logged on the server and start building this

Road I built myself a small house basically just walls got a starter house I don’t even have a floor ceing my starter house I’m just GNA mining so I can stop dying to everything I see thanks for getting rid of that tree that tree has been annoying me we’ve already deforested the first

Line of this Forest so that’s good progress I think that’s a the a big goal of this world is deforestation or at least this country uh yeah just turning all this forest and all that snow area into basically just planes to build on make room for our company buildings uh

Make room for what’s important I mean Trent cleared out like all the Forest right away on the old server I don’t even think poke got to experience the old Force I think it was already gone by the time he joined it was uh dangus Tower or Dango uh company or whatever it was

Called um was already there I’m kind of doing what I did on the old server terraforming a lot the only thing is I don’t have to replace uh dirt with or gravel with dirt anymore I’m just excited to get right to the good stuff of actually building even

Though I don’t have that good of stuff I mean I have an efficiency for diamond pickaxe but it’s about a break oh poke I also have a very good bow I have Unbreaking three power five and mending already on it dang just by fishing yeah I got some wild bows while fishing

Nice I haven’t been so lucky are is your fishing rod Enchanted yet I have Unbreaking one but I can’t get any fishing rods caught I need get some luck of the SE getting really lucky then yeah just not with fishing rods oh man my pickax is getting really

L I’m going to be really sad once this one breaks wait I have one Diamond I can repair it a little bit ju I’m willing to spend that just to squeeze this speed out a little bit more and it’s honestly worth it in the end I have a massive andesite patch though

So that’s good for building the bridge my next list dock is actually a great spot for the bridge it sort of reaches out in both directions in both countries so actually I’m going to build it like right here I’m not gonna have enough material I hate

That is there like any on the underside of this that I can Purge into my bridge there is sweet poke are you streaming right now or are you not streaming this one no well I’m recording it ah okay are you going to edit it down yeah that’s the idea I don’t know

If I’ll actually get to do it that’s the approach I’m taking if I even make content here I don’t I don’t like having to be entertaining at all times you’re already and I mean I’m building a bridge so like how entertaining can I possibly be yeah

Yeah yeah yeah I just stream anyways and then if I do boring stuff I drag people into calls so I don’t have to use all that brain power to myself and you know this Call’s actually been pretty tame so you could probably get away with leaving the stream up and

Like uh making this into a video well I don’t I don’t know if I what i’ do for a video cuz it isn’t that wild it’s just sort of Minecraft gameplay that’s true but you could get away with it it’s very it’s very tamed compared to

Other streams n but if I uploaded a stream I’d want to do the wild one like you know like the one I’m talking about I’m talking about the type of stream that you have to leave on private oh I don’t do that anymore

I I only I gave up on that I only did that cuz James was so desperately requesting that I don’t leave that up and you were too like I’ve I I’ve done similar streams to that one now like you missed my one my like one stream

On my chill smpp stream with Mr Al was wild and also like all the woke smpp streams okay yeah the woke smpp streams I know I know I know those ones I know went down on those I don’t think there was a single doll moment with you in that server if I’m truly

Honest hey dangus loser check the SN server does last stand for Snapchat what are you on about wait he’s still is still on that he’s still on about this dude listen buddy okay I respect you you respect me I think there’s no physical way for you to actually appear on here man I’m

Sorry this is bedrock or I mean you are bedrock and we’re more Java Snapchat group shit what’s going on on there is he is he inviting people to his server which is probably just a normal world that he made hog smpp it’s a normal world

Here wait I’m going to I’m going to pull up my camera on stream so everybody can see this this is this is the the big the big competitor to me SMP the hog imagine if it was that easy imagine it was easy as just making a world wait hog SMP yeah he’s actually

Trying to mimic us that’s hilarious n hog is his brand he’s Lo hog Castle guy all right my house is done I’m going to well my starter house is done going to start mining I need to get things done I need to start building the bridge James I’m sure you’re I’m sure

The hog SMP is going to blow blow this one out of the water every time you go online people are going to go wild watch the video I didn’t even see there was a video okay what’s this video he’s actually mocking you yeah my my new server that people are going to join

Like I don’t know who’s going to join it but some people will yeah if you guys aren’t going to let me in your guys’ server we’re not letting him in dude the way he worded that he actually just thinks we’re the ones not letting him in dude listen are you listen okay we

Are not just not letting you in I hope you realize that this is a joke anybody need any dirt I only have like most of an inventory full of dirt James seriously just get Java it’s so much easier we could have so much more fun if you just get

Java it’s even better in every way it really is you’re just setting yourself up for your Minecraft life also poke why why do you not why why can’t you just like by default see like the whitelist chat and all that cuz people keep asking for the IP and like

To get the whiteless chat but none of them can access it wait what like how you have to react in the announcement channel to find like the whiteless channel a lot of people aren’t finding that who are joining the Discord so it’s just kind of complicated and nobody knows how to

Join the point of it is is so you sit there right and you click on the nice announcement that says hey join media SMP react to it and then you immediately get into the Discord where you go on the white list and see it well the thing

It’s kind of buried in the announcements chat too I mean you guys did just randomly start talking in it the only true announcement was the one I made actually I guess I could give this guy the med SMP rule since like he clearly wants to join and I don’t think he’ll figure it

Out are you talking about uh James no the PFF bear guy it’s a pup friend ah ah gotcha gotcha that’d be funny because did James figure it out uh probably not because he’s dumb I’m not going to give him the rule though because he clearly isn’t going to even be able to use

It I don’t know this just makes me loud it makes me question a lot but he he’s really just kind of dumb you should maybe you should just let him like have it so then uh sure sure in the whed chat and he still can’t join okay

James it’s not the fact that you know we’re keeping it from him he everybody has full access to it you just got to locate it it’s the simple fact that he’s never going to get on because it’s not the right game like I hope eventually he realizes that

Okay here we go I’m in the chat let me find where you sent the IP and I will literally at him with that IP like if he’s a Bedrock player it is only for Java there we go I hope he understand eventually he can now very clearly in

Plain day see exact exactly how everybody else got into the server I I don’t get it like it’d be funny if he says dude I’m not whitelisted I mean you could you could try whitelisting him you could go slash whitelist Ash Jam 77 and take a screenshot and send it to

Him that’s who that was in um uh LP why is James so mad at you cuz he’s stupid Nick I’m glad you’re here actually we need to tell you about this he he thinks that he Googled something and he gave some result that slightly could have resembled like that bedrock and Java can

Be CL crossplatform and now he’s getting all mad like how do I join what’s the port the IP isn’t working you sent me the wrong IP and I lit he’s literally in the chat where everybody else got the IP he’s asking for a port he’s asking for

Report when we are on a Java server which doesn’t use ports only Bedrock use ports and he thinks that we’re just angry at him and trying to mess with him and not letting him in intentionally when he’s literally just stupid and is incapable of joining the server and he’s

Just getting all mad about it and trying to start his own smpp honestly I I welcome him to actually start his own it it’d be funny the hog smpp it is funny I’m willing to at least stream it once if he lets me in you know

What won’t be funny not going to figure out how to let other people in all the people he’s going to get in there are going to be people from his school who just make stupid unfunny School humor jokes oh yeah can you explain the whole 1984 thing it’s like a Apple

Commercial oh Nick yeah that’s why you called me a narcissist that’s literally why all those messages happened cuz I was calling him stupid and laughing at him because he’s so incredibly stupid and can’t comprehend the basic thing that Java and Bedrock are made on two different types of code two completely

Different platforms that do not connect unless you add a special mod which poke did not add yeah no I couldn’t figure out how to get the server to work in general let alone get a Bedrock mod like he is actually just stupid in the situation Nick are you can are you home

Can you join this I want to get more people on he should be white what was the name of our country again Quebec yeah we need some more Quebec representation oh like the only one in Japan oh I personally thought I thought Frank was actually going to join Japan I

Thought anime Gods joined Japan uh no he did not oh why literally anime in the name why would you not join Japan right is everybody just going to Kingdom of man well pup is in quickill starting his own country instantly um find land for that I he

Went somewhere in Clay’s Direction all I know is he went in Clay’s Direction and I stopped bothering with it cuz I finally got him off of my land honestly that’s kind of where I was at too cuz he was trying at first to literally just claim Japan as his

Own he was trying to I took him to the snow area right outside of Quebec and he was like no I don’t want it I hate snow and then I and then he walked over into Quebec to the grassy area was like I want this yeah I don’t think CL I don’t think

Understands are you okay you you’ve kind of just you know we’re worried for you clay yeah where have you been what are you doing right now clay I’m GNA make like a makeshift Bridge just so I can kind of get over the river well hold up I’m going right up

There and making a real bridge but not to Japan to Britain I mean not Britain the kingdom of man yeah this is the new mey SMP Nick it’s officially like here it’s officially out we’ve got it the hog smpp sounds really stupid and funny it’s not going to run it’s not going

To run it’s being blocked by a heart hold up I need to get up here and then I can read your message it’s just going to it’s not it’s not going to run well I want to give it a try play when James is on yeah they can only play when James

Is on I mean I’ll join maybe one day when he’s on but it’s not GNA go anywhere I mean do we make like just to be nice right do we make a Bedrock media SMP just for him to join he already has the hog smpp I think he’s happier there

Making his own rules and getting back at us it it’s just hilarious the fact that he’s doing this yo wondering Traer I can get leads and leather woi leather leather leather never mind they only dropped one hold up I need to put my stuff away

I can get it how are the cows the cows can probably be breed again I’ve got plenty of wheat it’s going to be an awful World it sounds kind of fun yeah from some aspects it would be fun but it’s not going anywhere it would be fun

In the sense that it was fun to live in Britain on the original media SMP just like the rundown part of the world written in media SMP was just like you know the equivalent of the ghetto of media honest I I was actually just talking about that it wasn’t it didn’t have a

Ghetto it was just the ghetto it was the ghetto of U Minnesota it was just called something different and it it actually was before it even broke off it literally just was the ghetto of Minnesota and then it broke off to form its own Nation I like how when I formed my own

Nation it it became almost on tier with Minnesota I just want to point that out not quite there you didn’t have the military power you just just had the people we have the people on my side and that’s because all my all my people just left and stopped

Playing well like we had a good good run for a while yeah we were building up military stuff until shortly I will say um Japan’s capabilities of just you know with all the gear that we had we could have been mil or a really good military

Group it’s just that you were so much better at PVP and I had much better stuff like I absolutely stacked up my stuff to have the absolute best load out at all times ready for a fight see because what we ended up doing was we made a mass amount of gear that

Was for like protection Unbreaking and I think that was it prote we just spammed a bunch of protection and Unbreaking stuff so that way when we died we could just keep hitting hard and hard well I had like SP I had a spare set of armor I had Turtle potion

Strength uh eventually weakness once you got that six Notch apples stacks of golden apples pretty much everything you could need and the Trident too um we could we also sat there and uh I would say we were the main charge of why slow arrows were a big thing on the

Server slow arrows I didn’t use those I did like almost everybody else started using slow arrows just because it was like the best defense against you I didn’t even know that existed yeah know U remember how people would shoot you and run away I I my memory doesn’t go that far

Back oh I just did this people would shoot you and run away and and then proceed to like you know be or faster than you because of the slow Arrow this is where I just wear elytra at all times no but then you die I can get in and out of all PVP situations I didn’t need to run from even easier for that because now you can sit there and you can have your as long as you have

Your elytra and your hot bar you can easily switch between your armor and that back and forth true that’s true I can’t even so they even made it even better I can’t even look at the bridge design I built I’m just going to have to do it out of

Memory all right well I’m going over to your guys’s place not trying to step on your guys’ crops because you guys are growing quite a bit oh yeah have you been breeding the cows woshi yeah I I just read the cows okay so this tree right here right is this one part of

Or both of them it’s the crazy boy National Forest no we’re not bringing it back I just wanted spruce trees cuz I’m going to need it later um can I mine this tree and then you know as long as you replant it yeah okay sweet I just won’t do the the main one

That is your bigger one or not your bigger one you know what I mean looks prettier yeah it’s like a it’s we’re we’re we can use it as a Christmas tree later on I got you I got you I mean on Med SMP we did have that island in the middle of

The tree on it like that yeah it was just really good oh that reminds me um tomorrow you guys will have everybody who played today will have like a special item something new I’m going to start you’ll get like a little cooked chicken it’s going to be like called the Thanksgiving

Turkey and it’s GNA be like a little special item ler okay I see yeah it’s gonna have and Aid siding but like the idea of it is is like there’s going to be like little different eye things for playing on a holiday yeah I see what you’re saying that’s

Fun like for Christmas I’ll have one that has like an enchanted uh or I mean the turkey will be enchanted too but it’ll have like mending on it where it’s useless but it’s a really cool item it it’s kind of like a haha I got to play on the server during this

Year and this is day one two also yeah so we’re GNA have a day one uh day one item and then Thanksgiving item I’m working slowly towards lighting this up a little bit where did my horse go there it is hang on I’m not going I’m going to

Replant it just I just wanted to grab my horse and this Road’s going to connect you know what I haven’t had coordinates on this whole time where do you turn on coordinates I haven’t I hav’t played oh yeah you don’t do that in settings I’m I am so used to bedrock

Because I play with a friend that only has Bedrock feels bad man it doesn’t happen to be a you know R1 dude H James right you’re not are you you’re not playing hog SMP no unfortunately I wouldn’t be caught dead on hog smpp well I would I would I would totally hog SMP but I I wouldn’t get far

In it maybe I’d make a bed saves me I keep crashing why why are you crashing what what does he do that I think it’s just bad WiFi see this is what I look like when I’m playing bedrock and I have a good computer too I have good Wi-Fi a good

Computer and this is what I look like when I play Bedrock yeah know that’s just common in Bedrock that’s just Bedrock you guys have things do you think clay will ever get a chance to uh stop crashing no tell Lui that nobody cares that would be kind of funny that’s

Nick he doesn’t I don’t think he cares that you play Minecraft with cake no here’s the thing about it though Bedrock is bad this is what I’m getting at here oh hey I can go I’ve been not holding in my PE for an hour CU I was

Waiting for clay to log back in I just realized I can go pee okay guys hold up the stream is right back we’re back it’s milk NATO and wooshi gaming first we went to the store and then the manager told us you know we need more

Money yeah then we had a great idea it was to catch people in strollers with our motorcycles we rode and caught them in our strollers yeah I’m just going to act then we had a pass idea yeah we used to ride in our Lamborghini oh we used to

Ride in our Lamborghini oh we used to ride in our Lamborghini we’re back it’s andhi G first we went to the store and then okay I’m back maybe my earbuds somehow got tangled with my mouse cord and I didn’t even touch them Minecraft doesn’t switch as awful did you sprint to the toilet huh that was very

Quickly they might as well add talk back to Minecraft bedrock at this point true true yeah poke you like the bridge you can finally bring your horse across yeah it’s nice I’m going to bed though CU thunderstorm I don’t want to get struck while building this

Bridge you know with my luck I would get struck by lightning oh Phantoms turn them off just type the command oh okay they’re after me okay what is the command I think it’s insomnia something maybe do insomnia something with insomnia oh that’s a fishing rod I meant to shoot it nope do and

Now okay so it should be gone now okay thank you they were they’re so annoying yeah on media asmp we just had a plug in to where batch dropped the membranes yeah but like the chances of seeing bats are kind of you know well you can get their spawning conditions

Right well that’s not like any mod although I do feel like they’re less common now that it’s updated I never see them in this update I’ve seen one or two they’re just gone now so after this bridge you’re going to work on mine then uh do you have a spot

For it cuz yeah I’ll do I’ll do one there next if I have a spot yeah I got a spot already it’s already M built up okay I’ll probably do one bridge to each for now and do more later and then I’m going to light I’m

Going to light up most of the main area here and then I’m going to like clean up the River cuz it’s bad I get that yeah the river is kind of bad it’s over here I think you know the fact that you’re able to keep up with me with that horse is

Kind of funny I think I’m getting ahead of you oh I see you have a little temporary Bridge yeah I can do that this is an easy Bridge very small part of the river wow yeah that’s what I thought Prime Bridge spot it’s close enough to everybody’s place I think

Yeah so yeah I’ll work on this bridge and then I’ll do that one I won’t even do a road all the way over to there yet I’ll just use the materials I have to build the bridge just so I can get at least that part done yeah that’s fine

Clay’s area my bridge is going to be interesting just because I got to get all the material still it’s going to be nice to at least have some way to get over this River now though because it was just annoying anytime I had to cross oh yeah definitely uh the only

Thing that really sucks is this if you go and look at uh like you go over the bridge for me and you start walking up the mountain it’s it’s or I don’t want to say it’s worse than me smps was but like it’s pretty bad you kind of tunnel

Into the mountain on that one you didn’t even climb all the way up yeah know this one’s annoying just because you’re really going up there cuz like it takes a little bit of your food coming up here so what I think I’m going to do is I’m G to have an

Alternative method to where you can just rail card up caves and cliffs is rough I I took one step into a cave and almost died immediately dude like if you if you walk into a Japan’s area you can see how royally wrong I was for choosing this

Area um there’s so many different uh Ravines and stuff that are up like dude I was digging down like two blocks and I instantly fell in a ravine like the so wild that’s something that I’ll give Bedrock I can take a step into a cave I don’t know but like my bridge

That or my little uh walkway to get up to my base the same way I passed over two Ravines that I know of like it’s bad like if I think honestly I have the best security wise for a base because like there’s only going to

Be certain ways in can I just not get my stuff back I can’t go down there safely yeah that’s how I lost my first stuff through caves and crazy my Count’s going to go above everyone I think the highest is 15 right now yeah yeah Frank’s is the highest right

Now do I have to lead them away from my stuff then make a quick run for it is that the strategy here yeah probably to all right I’m gonna be right back all right the stream is right back guys this road design is growing on me the

More I do it like I wasn’t sure about it at first but I like it more now well I led them away from my stuff and then I just scattered my stuff further you want me to go help try and face them yes yeah I need I need I need someone with

Diamond where are you there there are more mobs than I can count how is it so bad I mean worst comes worse I’ll pull out some blocks and I’ll shoot them from above like usually the strategy is make a run for it lay as much as you can then leave that’s not an

Option okay there’s skeletons I can see that it’s dark down here I have moody brightness I didn’t do the whoa I see what you’re on about how literally how I don’t know man well I’ve got them all over at me besides that one skeleton okay made it out with half a

Heart didn’t get all my stuff in fact I oh I see a zombie that has your chest plate and shield if you see my torches down there I couldn’t get my I couldn’t retrieve my torches I’m just going to put away whatever I did retrieve and go back down but those torches are

Pretty necessary I’m using all my arrows on this you better repay me in arrows oh I’m out of arrows okay let me I have one torch you know you know what probably have my torches are probably blown up by a creeper let’s see here that is an unusual ual amount of

Spawn rates I will say like they’re not normally that bad yeah your torches are gone Tores I need to light up this I need to light up I don’t have vinity oh did my torches just disappear hold up I need to go up I’m creeper where are they they have to have

Gotten blown up I don’t see them anywhere why did it have to be the Torches that’s like the one way out of this I have your chest PL and shield by the way I didn’t know if I said that oh and I think your sword I have a stone

Sword yeah that one didn’t really matter I I I’m still seeing stuff scattered around what’s up so so like if my torches are gone that’s the really unlucky whoi can I take the three arrows out of your chest since I used all my arrows to save

You yes you can have them okay I also need to make chest space to put your chest plate in there I think my torches were the only things that got blown up by a creeper the one the one way to get rid of the mobs also I put I didn’t have chest

Space so I put your shield into your furnace yeah I need a new chest are you not going to grab your shield and chest plate oh yeah oh and that’s all your coal gone too I know that’s the problem I had so much stuff I had so much torches and

Those are like the only things that the only things that uh I I wanted back from that man that that actually has to blow am I the only one who fought for civic rights in fortnite probably Night Guard I don’t even know who you are yo

Wait is this whoh do you think this is the tech night guard that yells at us yeah wait you a even there for bedtime literally he yelled at us without even doing anything every single night at this one at this Tech he just like yelled at us you he gave us 30 minutes

Early lights out for no reason all right guess guess I got to make it new set of torches if the skeleton will let me out I hate skeletons man literally just spawned on me I need to sleep and then breed some cows okay I’m going to skeleton proof my

Exit I’m going to build blocks around it so I can’t get shot at I really want to make this cave work it looks like a good cave I’m not sure if that’s possible I know where I’m building my base now where are you going to build it on like

This side of the mountain near the rest of us um how do I describe this sort of kind of is it like to the left of the Mountain near where Clay’s area is sort of near the border with clay or like is that what you mean it’s close to the

Border of where Clay is like it wraps around in the mountains huh there’s like this little perfect spot well I have a stack of wheat now that I can breed these cows with why is the render distance so low on the server it shouldn’t be I just can’t do anything is it high

For you cuz for me it only goes like barely anything I mean it looks fine to me like mine isn’t even at 25 chunks this is probably like 12 chunks I mean I can adjust it like maybe it would have caused problems when we were first loading new

Trunks and there was like seven people online but definitely right now we’re probably good um let’s see here where do I go under that I don’t know didn’t you turn it up on the old Ser like the no rues server yeah I don’t remember what I did though huh was it in server

Properties no what oh I I closed my entrance I was trying to skelet proof it by building a barrier around it but then I closed it what the heck yeah uh hang on let me fix that it was very few it’s at six actually oh so I’m not even close to my

Guess no wonder it’s so low all right so um it should reset us in a second oh hopefully it doesn’t mess up lui’s stuff hey I got I the important stuff is in the chest I’m bringing nothing down there except for Block so I can build a barrier around that the

Exit so I can at least make a quick Escape um did it kick You so what are we doing here what what’s being updated right now the server should have kicked you it’s render distance you know how render distance was like super low when will it be back up how long does it usually take up now okay it’s back oh my horse it Killed My Horse

Huh dude I was I was on my I was on my horse and I hear the horse died that’s messed up wait is donkey n you were riding it so oh I can instantly see so much better I can see the mountain I can see I can see across the

River oh anime Gods just came back to a treat honestly I’m not using shaders or anything I’m cranking this all the way up to 48 chunks uh I think I have it set to right now uh 30 oh well that says it to the max anyways I was at 25

Before oh I think I found quickvid nice I’m going to assume Clay did not build that and I’m going to assume that is lepena shop you know what we Lally by it’s literally Clay’s land that’s funny okay so uh poke you remember when we on woke smpp when we were building our

Embassy yeah it looks like that good God yeah that you know oh I think that might be his house cuz his penis shop looks just like it did in Jap can actually well Anno this is Clay’s problem clay problem not ours we got Pup off of our land us

Dealing with it is only more chances of him coming back to us exactly that is my logic right now I mean what are the odds that you know Clay is obviously see that right away well now that the render distance is up he can no way you would have seen it

Before nobody knew where quickfill was before hey dangus yeah even though this is an old school country are villagers allowed in it yes villagers are allowed they don’t have it’s in the rules that they don’t have rights just to get that argument out of the way I’m not mining I’m trading

Villagers hey can I hey poke yeah can I steal some villagers from the Japan I don’t have any Villers there’s a village in yeah there’s a village to the right on the right side of the mountain really yeah did you know I saw that while exploring initially and now

Again I can even see it right now you I saw like how far away yeah take one nice okay okay um yeah I’m not mining I’m going to get I’m going to get tool Smith and armor Smiths it’s not worth it man it’s this is rough well I’m not dealing with any of

That villager stuff if you want to get the good trades I might trade with villagers but I’m not getting any of the good trades listen I’ll let you trade my villagers I don’t care I just don’t want to mine I’m fine with that deal okay I’m glitching out like clay was

Huh hang on let me reconnect my internet there we go oh I got a Discord ping it’s probably James or something oh I know what it was never mind do I have dirt okay good getting I like how we have like real villages in our country this time

That’s kind of fun I want to see how people handle that oh yeah we have actual actual Villages well we don’t but they do at least mhm yeah huh why is my internet being oh they took my fish down there didn’t they well guess I’m getting villagers on an

Empty stomach hey dangus do you happen to have any Redstone that I can borrow I have avoided Redstone entirely uh I’ve got rotten flesh if you want to breed your dogs well I guess the Japan Village is up on a hill so I can technically get

Yeah you could bring them down give them to Quebec pretty easily oh nice there’s a staircase up there too Quebec is practically the sea level so like you don’t have to get them that far up on land that’s true I just need to get him in the river

Okay well I need to build this bridge over to Japan and then I’m going to build some roads and light it up and well I’m going to light it up and then clear up the river actually probably let’s see what that I restarted my computer all right I’m getting working on the bridge

To Japan well the first one at least yeah I we just got to figure out where the other ago as of right now it’s day one we’re good with just one prob yeah I think so too it should be fine let’s see what did that

Do no I’m just falling in the void still weird that happened to me sometimes too I just had to wait it out but I don’t know if it would work cuz that doesn’t seem to work for clay oh I’ll wait it out I I wonder if that’s the server in

Then it hasn’t happened to me in this server yet wait what is Subspace bubble again yeah because like right now I’m negative oh so he traveled far in the nether yeah I got lagged a little bit oh wait isn’t this the guy killing the ender dragon or trying to yeah connection

Reset I wonder what that’s about I wasn’t having problems until I reset the server weird yeah know I am still falling yeah I’m not sure what the heck’s going on that’s weird I might have to take a break then I’ll be back on later so what’s happening oh my computer’s just being

Dumb oh that’ll do it yeah fun fun oh oh the I spy was that he actually found the end portal interesting yeah so he’s actually about to the dragon yeah right down the anime God also just got to it and realized that clay had already been

There well clay it and beat the dragon so yeah these villagers are not getting in my boat and I don’t understand there’s four people online now oh never mind they are oh yeah there is four people online I didn’t even realize Frank joined to say h why did Frank join I

Don’t know I didn’t see that I like how Frank has your exact skin yeah he’s a skin walk how he even get that did you release your skin somewhere name MC oh yeah you can just do that uh wait I can give people items wait Oh hold on still lava hold on digus I want to try something let me know what this does all right and if you die I will give you almost anything you ever ask for okay actually I’ll just give you still water all right what did that do everything is the exact

Same did you get anything in your inventory I I I didn’t get anything now I I don’t have a thing you didn’t get anything okay good to know good to know where you were you trying to give me like a solid block of water is that what you’re trying to do

Yeah well you should have gotten a rotten flesh if it worked d uh I have rotten flesh in my inventory already so I don’t know if I have any more um how much do you have right now 17 17 now do you have 18 yes nice can you do that with

Diamonds I could I could but like you should that’s a little cheating I mean you that was a little cheating I was like it’d be funny if I can give you like a block of water so you don’t think it was cheating when you went in creative mode and stopped a

Raid okay to be fair I didn’t get anything from in fact I lost things because of that okay that was funny Lui just went under the bridge but the villager’s head was just big enough that it stuck into it and then it just SL suffocated for one second it’ll be fine good to

Know even the cutest villagers need discipline Jaan yeah that’s the Japan one is that I am going to going to sleep as soon as possible though so this villager doesn’t get killed by mobs oh but I can’t run because I’m hungry so hopefully he’s safe over the

Night I’m creating a Trail of Light as I walk back home and I’m just going to go mine a ton of coal because I need to light stuff up maybe I’ll make a I I don’t have food a zombie chasing me into my house

I do still have a ton of Road stuff so maybe I’ll at least invest in roads quick to me and whooo’s house but I don’t think I’ll have enough to connect to the bridge well whoi at least know that it’s in hard mode so if your villager dies to

A zombie you can heal it yeah he’s fine over there I see him woshi how big are you going to make your house where should I put the road for it um pretty big just leave a lot of room in a certain area it’s going to be big

Like wide it’s not going to be tall is what I’m saying yeah which it’s making up do you want to expand forward or do you want to expand backward cuz I could just have the path come to the entrance if you want to make or do you want to make the entrance here

There’s there is room for like it to be just across from my current house I would just have to terraform so you want it to just go right up to this or you want you know what I have a good idea you can preserve a spot for it

Like over here by the the river and then I can have a villager entrance from the river into my house I don’t know what you’re trying to say I’m talking about roads the roads aren’t going to be over here right now um I mean I don’t know I don’t care

Doesn’t matter just put the road somewhere and make sure there’s a lot of room to build a big building in one of the spots yeah I’ll just how does connecting it like I connect it over to my house and then from my house I connect it and extend it over and turn

It to your door so you can mine it backwards if you have to mhm in fact I’ll just I’ll make a separate River entrance for just a villager house in general just so I don’t have to get the villagers on the land I can just get

Them to the river and be fine like a Riverside villager house mhm but with an entrance from the river I did this in one of my uh survival worlds when I still cared about doing solo survivals yeah I gave up on solo survivals I just care about like multiplayer minec now h

Perhaps I actually want to move this to this spot here and I can have two roads maybe I can disguise my villager house as a little Hill so that way I don’t have to get materials I can just make it out of dirt actually no that’s too much effort I’ll just get materials

Unless no I can make I can make the dirt work I’m I’m making you’re going to what I’m making a secret underground villager breiding room you should make it like a dungeon true I mean I’ll worry about decorating it after I have the necessary villagers because I really just want to

Get this like armor stuff over with true for now I just need like a dirt box that the villagers can go into I’m just taming the land been building a road to my house what did anime godge just find 15,000 blocks how did you and Clay already get 15,000 blocks out what why

Is that so far away why is the stronghold that far I can tell you right now I’m I’m not going to be the one who makes public transport to the nether portal no I’m making public transport in my country I do not care about the end I’m get buying

My Shuler boxes from whoever makes a shop of it and I’m getting out oh there’s po I might not even make a shop this time I might not be the one to make the end shop this time because I just want to buy an elytra and leave that’s crazy amounts of

Distance wait what how far is that 15,000 blocks away apparently jeez oh did either of you guys happen to get a monster egg in your inventory no um no no okay so a stone brick monster egg does not exist cool what even does that

Mean I don’t know but I could give it to people like here I can try to give Wy 64 of it but like it does not exist apparently so that’s sad I could also teleport dangus or summon dangus to you well that one’s going to work maybe not if you do the summon

Thing but like teleporting is just that’s that’s just going to teleport him to me yeah wait apparently anime Gods got it and he says when you break it you get a silver fish oh oh he never mind he doesn’t have it he knows what it is I know what it is

Now okay that makes more sense cuz when you get when a silverfish infects the stone that’s what it is it’s just the stone that’s been infected that makes more sense thank you uh anime God in fact animal may God you get a special gift from me you get to have the very very

Rare piece of one stick they might as well add talk back to Minecrafted rock at this point yeah pretty much you know but when you turn your phone on to blind person mode and it’s really annoying and it’s impossible to get out of pretty much that’s a thing yeah and it for some

Reason it enables by turning the pressing the volume button the wrong way oh it’s really annoying there a trap if anything the fact that you’re able to turn it on on accident that’s they’ve already failed at that point yeah honestly though ha I know wait actually hang on I

Think I I forgot that when you host a server you can see everybody’s IPS of you know yo you can I couldn’t even do that online yeah I got timed out I just got timed out was that an everyone thing um so wa I could technically do an

Ad IP address search for cl’s address that’s actually well doesn’t that just give county we already know the county yeah I already know the exact City yeah he’s giv that away for free I already know his uh cell phone provider actually this I think it gave

Me oh it gave me latitude longitude hold on let me just go to Google Maps here let me see if what it shows up long longitude lude is connection refus no no further information it’s not letting me onto the server for some reason oh it’s not yeah did you do

Anything were you messing around with settings I haven’t done anything oh opstar says the server crash for him too but he says it’s because he was too far out but I don’t think it would do that right uh uh uh hey uh what did you happen to

Do cuz it says uh server shutting down looks like a crash my chunk stopped loading I left and rejoined and the server kicked me out I just got timed out yeah me too yeah uh he killed the server H wait does time down is g mean it’s

Going to take forever to let me back in because that’s what it was doing when I or You said oh the sh server just shut down as a whole well let me yeah I know server shut down as a whole maybe I shouldn’t have went 15 blocks out H

Maybe maybe you should build a house like a normal person how do you even access the end through the nether if you don’t know where it is or like the the stronghold oh wait I think I got an exact address for clay well don’t say it on

Stream no no I’m not that’s actually funny that’s wild okay let me TR this moment do look at this do you need to do anything to put the server back up because I want to play Minecraft yeah yeah I’m working on it right now okay while I wait for it to

Load yeah it just says timed out still for me it should be starting up soon okay what doing thing why do I have so many okay I’m joining back connecting to the server right let’s look all right I’m back no progress loss well a little bit but it’s only a few

Blocks s you back in time like two seconds yeah yeah um unless CLS out like a library kind of thing this is not it well he sent you a picture of the outside of his house you can line it up with that yeah I know but this does look kind of

Close I mean it’s in the right city right yeah it’s in the right City and everything it’s just not really residential oh wait maybe imagine Clay’s Wi-Fi is so bad cuz he plays on Library WiFi you know cuz like it’s showing up to as a library kind of that would be

Wild yo ocean Monument that means that means he has to be close by this area right I mean IP address gives counties so you we all knew the county so it would be somewhere in the area of the city like this game well I mean the

Problem of it is the city is so huge yeah this G me Lait latitude exact spot you think you found being anime Gods just found a place to settle you’re 15,000 blocks out oh a mushroom Island he found a mushroom Island he’s finding everything but he he might live there hey

Uh imagine the leather woi hey I think I found uh where he got the inspiration to the pub for okay that would be pretty cool to get mushrooms because I do want to bring invasive species to uh Quebec because I think that’s funny wait po are you saying are

You saying you found like the a place that looks just like the pubby built yeah it honestly does it I thought that was just a British thing because they have pubs everywhere like literally everywhere I I found I think I found the exact building why would you live in a public library

Though I don’t know but like this is this looks like the exact build that he had in not media SMP the first time except funeral home it’s just a funeral home wait oh sorry Funeral Directors Place I dm’d him about it we need to get his attention on

This never mind it’s very very small not settling here make up your mind come back home live in a normal people country they literally have Japan you can get anime there my viewers spiked up so maybe Clay’s in the chat now clay you there clay I think I found your exact place

Japan doesn’t allow bad builds dude that’s why Quebec allows anything unless you’re it’s unfunny you’re not allowed unfunny builds like to be fair nine times out of 10 everything that is considered bad in my opinion is the unfunny builds that cuac will probably you know bash you

On like I don’t care what you build just don’t build the pee store that pup has well that’s already in quickfill so we’re good you should move to quickvid anime God you can build anything there anything goes in quickvid honestly true true although I’m pretty sure quickfi is a part of Isle of

Man it is yeah it really is it’s just Clay’s land place there clay didn’t have fully marked out borders but still there’s going to be disputes over this and I don’t want any part of it as an ally I’m going to say right now I’m not you know being a part of this

War between uh Puffin Clay’s Wars are Clay’s Wars r you’re adding to your rules yeah my one of my rules is Banning up just like how you did with Frank um I hate every time pup is on a server with us there’s always some problem that this dude is

Causing every time pup is perfectly allowed in Quebec like in fact I think he might just be a kill on S oh you’re allow wait I actually support that you’re allowing killing he is the only one that you PVP is enabled for wait you haven’t even found the stronghold I thought you

Did wait ice buy is what you have the stronghold oh true I don’t so he should have found it well that was Clay who for sure got it unless like it’s like Medi SMP like the original where the thing got messed up so bad and then we had to send it

Somewhere for a portal you remember that right I don’t remember this one I don’t that was a while ago what happened in uh when 1.17 came out with the world generation or it was 18 one of the two it messed up where our stronghold spawn was oh so we had a replace one

Huh are we going to have to do the same thing it would be funny and tradition I mean I don’t want to place one I I don’t even know what’s going on with that I’m confused I don’t know what I don’t know what anyone’s doing with those portals and stuff I’m just trying

To build Bridges and light up the place and fish I get that all right let me try to get back on the server okay whoosie before you do anything don’t build anything on this big chunk here because I’m removing all of this and connecting the river in a

Better way just so you know like this big funny my my little my little villager dirt Igloo doesn’t uh interfere with this plan no okay yeah um that’s okay Dingus I just want to let you know one thing about that circular thing you’re going to get rid of uhhuh

Uh right now that is the world spawn oh that’s why I can’t place anything on it cuz spawn protection is on oh now he got ice spy no that’s just follow an Eye of Ender yeah cuz what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to already get to the point

Where I can start disabling that but until I figure it out that’s where it’s goingon to be okay well so I can’t even get rid of it today yeah until I can find a new world spot where’s a better location that you know is not in anybody’s

Countries but not you know maybe we could build a boat in the middle of the river and they could spawn on there that wouldn’t be bad yeah no my computer is messed up for some reason stinks but that’s the boat could have like directions on it guiding you to which country is which

Yeah is um cville or whatever the heck is going to have a feature I mean we I wasn’t expecting a new country to start up this early so I that’s kind of that’s already in Clay’s territory so we’ll let them dispute that before we figure that

Out I can’t wait for there to be like a great War over this clay doesn’t know pup probably knows somehow but doesn’t care we’ll figure it out well they’ll figure it out yeah cuz I I think it worked pretty well when I told uh pup that hey you build anywhere

Like behind me when I get done expanding whatever you built is going to be a hole I thought about just blowing up the entire mountain and then just kind of starting flat the whole Mountain you Pi the mountain why would you destroy the mountain

Well cuz I was like well I mean it works out though cuz it’s just a big hole anyways you just remove that top layer and then it’s like a big you know hole okay this spawn protection is really annoying want me to work on getting rid of it right

Now uh yeah sure but if it requires starting the server we could just leave it because I don’t want to have to restart the server restart it it’ll require a restart yeah I don’t want to restart it or anything man I can’t wait till I get a single glass uh you know um

Bottle just so I can start making everybody’s uh dirt on the ground in the river mud you said you were okay with that right yeah I’m fine with that I don’t I don’t care about the mud it’s just going to look better in every way possible Clay’s going to have to deal with

It if he wants to he can really fight me on or he can fight a war on two fronts in his own uh houseold or I should say Kingdom in his own kingdom there and then he can fight Japan in the process over mud keep up the great work brother yep placeing the

Dirt I’m just clearing up some of these water patches in Quebec that have been bothering me ever since I found the seed honestly I wouldn’t mind a server reset cuz I really just want to get rid of that middle bit that middle bit’s been bothering me this entire

Time all right let me get to the server H thing and stop you know stalking clay oh I got a Discord message is it about clay yeah he did he said what jokes on you clay we were able to figure out where you are exactly because of your IP

It’s almost like this entire server was a trap hey you know what’s funny actually um there actually might be a server report for Bedrock on the server wait really um cuz uh I noticed when I was going through the commands on here it says server report no shot so shut well it said

Invalid IP too like here let me send it to you I can send it to you on your Snapchat doggo why are you doing the whining my dog goes a whiner uh oh but I love her it’s okay also pups back if you’re not online yeah yeah yeah pup see good render

Distance I can see quick bille from here pup are you aware that you built in Clay’s land I’m not going to say anything this is Clay’s problem but you might have some problems with Clay he might start yelling at you I’ll just Mo on dude I couldn’t see

Anything where’s where’s quick Ville if you can see it from here where is it P thought he was far away you see over over the village layer where it shows you see that just big tower those two towers distance was that bad yeah was that bad dude was that bad

That pup thought he was far away with that I’m just ready to get rid of thesection zero enforce o hey uh remember how I said there’s no Whit list or I mean remember how I said there’s a white list yeah yeah no there was not uh let me

Just restart the server now that I’ve done some adjustment do you have any like chear I can borrow to like go to town on some sheep I need beds oh I have I can give you two be in like five minutes five minutes should be like a

Minute the stream is going to right back I have to go to the bathroom I’ll be right back hey we’re back G first we went to the store and then the manager told us you know we nor M yeah yeah that’s a server fora then we

Had a great idea it was to catch people in strollers with our motorcycles We R and caught them in our strollers yeah then we had a p idea we used to ride in our Lamborghini always R in our oh we used in our Lamborghini actually he’s probably just

Idiot server should be backy we’re back looks like it’s milk natoi gaming first we went to the store and then the manager told us you know we need more M yeah then we had a great idea it was to catch people in strollers with our motorcycles We R and caught them in our

Strollers then we had a p idea your existing server purchased on or before November 20th and get double the ram you upgrade by whoow it’s little server back up yet hug yeah I might I might be upgrading it tomorrow for example upgrade your 4 gigabyte to 5 gigabyte and get one

Gigabyte to add it to it for free okay I’m back I can update the Rami where are you I can give you the iron there you go nice okay anime gun if you’re watching it’s back you don’t have to do I only really want like maybe two villagers for grinding emeralds which

Would be book ones because I can trade them paper and ink sex and then like two other Village one for tools one for armor that’s valid yo pup is Big pup has the SE second least amount no actually no anime Gods will be the second cuz both clay and anime guys only

Have one death actually Nick technically only has zero cuz he hasn’t logged on yet same with the I’m up to 15 after that cave true so you’re on Frank levels woshi that’s rough yeah I know I might just have to double down and like die on

Purpose and like get in the hundreds of deaths you have to I’m just going with yo pups here I’m just going with whatever happens what do you want pup what do you want from me you’re looking at me like you want something what do you what are you here

For I don’t trust this guy I don’t ever trust pup what’s he up to here pup you wna you want to be a pal and help me get rid of this water hold on I need to make a new update to my R set oh are you adding the no pup Rule

Now yep Japan’s gone woke well okay you banned Frank I’m Banning pup pup at least has an annoying reason why to be banned Frank okay I mean his history too was stealing and all that so that’s fair oh hold on I I forgot to even add

This these blocks to the road I got distracted entirely pup wants to know why he’s being banned because you are you dude you are the most annoying person I’ve ever met when it comes to anything you sit there and you destroy every little bit of Hope and happiness I ever

Have every time I see you pop it it always brings me such a good and just like terrible headache because I’m fearful of what you’re going to do next he just left the game you made him sad wow disgusting like pups I I cannot deal with you

Ever what if he never comes back you hurt his feelings quick bille is Gone God God now we can’t let clay get rid of it it’s a memorial to Fu I mean no conflict good point well there will be conflict cuz me and poke are going to have to guard quickfi with our life so clay doesn’t destroy it Honestly though wait honestly hold on

This is dumb what happens if I put the world uh protection back then give it the world on so that means that he cannot actually edit [Laughter] it don’t reset the server for it but like if you want no I I support that that’s really funny like it would be

Hilarious I’m not going to restart the server for it of course oh pup’s back pup we might possibly put protection over quickill so clay doesn’t destroy it all right he would have still been in my stream he just wasn’t in the game never mind I didn’t even need to say

That yeah you can still talk to pup when he’s not the gamei I just okay but like the cows were getting two so I slaughtered a ton of cows the only problem is he’s not going to be able to in quick bille orille I I would say he should just

Leave it but it’s Clay he’s gonna start something over it like it’s going to happen yes I support quickvid but I’m not touching this with a 10ft pole well I mean okay if we think about it us as the owners like what you guys did with Phantoms to me we could vote to

Make it its own country quick bille we should I vote on quick bille being its own country with its own rights and rules agreed so CL is now stuck with qu I’d say not server rules since it’s a third party country but like you should have to respect its

Rules yeah you have to you can’t get banned from it but you can get banned from Quick bille you can’t get ban from a server as a whole though that’s funny okay like okay since I can’t see it can you go on your stream since I’m watching it right now can you

Show me quick P yeah are you having trouble getting still yeah I am for some reason no CDE cash can you ban trolling can you ban trolls wait should I make a little chat [Laughter] Fores no trolls no homos okay you know what I’m gonna work on that uh chat for cup Okay so how do you spell QV uh cwcville okay I have’t I’m there on stream if you want to look at stream right now yeah I’m I’m looking oh my

God right across from Clay’s main island in the Kingdom of Man I mean technically speaking he is not on Clay’s Island yeah but clay gets all the side of the river the island was not just Clay’s land because that’s a very small amount of land that’s true but uh I need okay ceville has its own

Rules and I just need to make it to where uh pin edit on his thing this is a weird cave Kingdom man is weird oh someone just opened the end nice okay I’m I just uh pinged pup for his uh rule thing he can now

Talk in it I don’t think you can talking it or play can talking it but only pup can okay pup go ahead make quick ville’s rules quickill is officially recognized by the server as a real Nation um I just have one suggest question uh you should ban clay from your

Area well the no homo part did kind of take care of that but like just make sure you like you know if there’s any loophole rules kind of thing you know yeah true how Frank said hey that hey I’m a you know you said I’m not allowed to live you

Didn’t say I could be in that area which he did get you there yeah and that was messed up okay yeah our sugar cane is more than big enough wooi we did not need to extend this no clay no break are you just GNA are you just going to like singlehandedly name every

Single person and ban them from it except for like three people cuz like that would be no J no J that’s awesome well I’m glad I’m glad we got this whole situation stored before it became a problem yeah I think we have done the Lord’s work here no CDE

Cash we don’t need Clyde cash in there no denouncing no denouncing the delusional merge what merge I’m just curious dimensional merge not it’s not delusional it’s real it’s the the fictional world and the real world they’re coming together I I don’t know if I know what

That was so maybe you can elaborate so you know you know Chris Shan right yes chrisan is chrisan had found out the truth that the fictional and dimensional Dimension is going to be connecting with the real life Dimension interesting interesting really Unbreaking two is that all it’s going to

Give me on This fishing rod give me luck of the sea Unbreaking two again W okay I don’t think I have enough books villagers villagers just need like beds right is that is that their only conditions um for what for breeding um yeah just bed

You just have to have enough so what am I doing wrong um did you give them food yeah I gave him food is there enough beds there’s like five of them there only needs to be one per villager right yeah yeah so there’s more than enough

Beds um the only other thing would be is something uh aggravating them or if uh something is uh blocking them from actually being by each other I’ll just try giving them more food CU they need like be kind of weird sometimes yeah cuz they need like 32 of each a food

Source well pup is there any any other rules that you would want they’re pretty solid so far I’d say yeah I’d say so I mean there’s still anime God on the server left there is um me clay or me you dangus uh whoy I guess there’s Hunter that’ll be coming

Soon um there is Nick and I can’t there’s I guess the new were no Trends nice there’s not James is PFF bear gonna join when’s that gonna happen I don’t know he hasn’t really reached out to me I’m just waiting for the PFF be appearance that’ll be fun he’ll P says he’ll join

Said he will join yeah where are you seeing this then in the Minecraft chat oh yeah I don’t get to well actually I guess I could see that chat mug Kip’s gonna join too yo yeah just have that’s funny I I just noticed that the dude

Said hey I had to go back to the nether to get more well p is there any other rules in your little special place that you would want I mean you are the same person that talked about touching clay so nope that’s all you need the eight Commandments right

There just no almost no trolling no CL no Frank no James no Clyde cash no denouncing the dimensional merge and no Tren you know that Clyde cash guy he’s rotten you don’t want that guy I don’t even know who that is you don’t want to know imagine pup but like 10 times

Worse that’s annoying honestly it’s impressive that we got our first country already yeah I wasn’t expecting that this early on yeah no I mean I guess I kind of saw it coming but I guess I really didn’t think that it would come from pup of all

People I I can see it coming from P well I was expecting it to like see it come from Hunter or whatever or like one of the newer people true I mean I guess we really don’t know what side they’re on so maybe they’ll join cools

Though I mean they clearly have like the least amount of rules I mean there’s no rules related to like stealing or nothing like that you just have to not be like four specific people no being a homo no denouncing the dimensional merge it’s pretty easy let’s go we’re

Going to add somebody to the white list huh hold on hold on L add who are you adding um we are adding uh oh yo that’s happening right now that’s wild oh anime Gods died to an Enderman yeah I’m not dealing with the end I hope someone makes an end shot

Before me at this point I I want I don’t want to deal with that to get any elytra it honestly seems like it’s going to be so hazardous um can’t keep up the server is overloaded what is the what is anime Gods doing killing the ender dragon I think something like that

Well it’s saying he’s moving too quickly flying cuz he died and didn’t set his spawn oh I get oh got flung by the Ender Dragon that makes sense actually that’s funny all right anyways uh he should be able to join uh bear or Puff bear we just got our second quick Ville

Citizen will you stoping these Ender want to murder me well maybe if you stop trying to attack my dragon maybe just maybe they will stop trying to hurt you wow these paths actually other ways these paths do so much work you know yeah but they’re so nice when you

Get them yeah they it makes it look so much more established like it already looks so much more established than Saudi ever was which to be fair we only had starter houses in Saudi really because I was focusing on villagers and not building yeah but yeah I mean enemy gods do you

Really need to beat my dragon there’s other ways to get across than in the end just build a you know a little you have to beat my dragon like there’s other ways to get across like you could build a bridge and you’d be fine hog smpp is going

Crazy oh the dragon’s dead James I bet the dragon isn’t beat on hog SMP James can I have the egg anime Gods anime Gods is just some random person from my chat they’re probably like going to make a video I I speedran this Minecraft server or something like that

Probably Zero Subs well this is how you plan to kick start your career I guess you have Zero Subs yeah dude aren’t you turbo you aren’t turbo pipe down yeah so see that’s perfect I have quite a few subscribers so you should give me the AEG I have more subscribers than

Clay everybody has more subscribers than clay yeah that’s not say well I mean I mean anime Gods has zero yeah but like even pup has more subscribers than clay pup has like 300 is he really yeah but he deleted all of his videos how did he get how did he

Get that many Nintendo videos ah I mean I have 800 so why aren you questioning that I have so much more dude I was in the main five iot they let pup in there pups come a long way put anime guns I can have the egg

Right all right if y’ want the egg I want the egg I dropped it in the portal good luck yo that’s right where spawn is yeah does that mean it’s in quick bill wait where is that then because if you destroyed the new spawn point where is the new spawn

Point Oh you mean the egg that’s right here a you mean the Next Generation I don’t even have an Ender Chest I’m going to lose this and die dangus can I have it well give me an Ender Chest so I can well uh I don’t know murder him if you

Want it guys I got the dragon egg that’s actually tempting but like Dingus no I’m gonna hatch it guys I’m gonna hatch it guys I’m gonna hatch a new Dragon are you sure I can have no I’m going to build a lamp with it man I can’t get on the server that’s unfair

It’s even my server that’s the worst part level 65 I got to 31 levels does it say that I’m dead uh no you left yeah yeah so I I was getting jumped by a spider and a skeleton on a small trip for uh oh all right guys all right

Guys listen up listen up listen up I’ve got the dragon egg right by some lava if you don’t if you don’t give me all your stuff I’m burning it all I can just make it drop another egg that’s cheating poke that’s Lame that’s just a thing I there’s a thing on my that’s lame don’t cheat don’t cheat you’re ruining the lore but like each Dragon could L I don’t know I’ll just hold on to it and see what happens to it see I would like to

Have but you got to pay me for it I I I need money how much are you thinking like uh let’s see can I get uh let’s see can I get a stack of Diamonds actually I can do that deal yeah I get on the server I can do that deal hang on I might actually have to go upstairs so u i I’ll to the call down all right have fun but but yeah I’ll get on the server and then we’ll do the

Trade I’m in a rough patch right now I I I was digging up to get out of this bad situation that I’m in my pickaxe broke now I have to dig up with my hands can somebody give pup 200 wool already he’s been kindly asking all stream yeah yeah no shot poke being

Unreasonable no shot poke has like 64 diamonds unless if he was x-raying he already has full diamond armor so he like crafted all that into armor no shot he’s got he’s got that much diamonds unless he’s cheating we don’t know what happens when poke runs a server listen this didn’t happen under my

Administration just saying even I need a door he how would he have yeah no shot he’s got 200 wool pup what are you going to do with 200 wool like how does this benefit quick Ville you like a giant medall you should build like a giant sonichu Medallion looking over the

Clay country whatever Kingdom of maning over quick keeping them safe yo thanks for the hearts in the chat guys it means a lot thanks for the hearts guys oh for sure what do you want anime God what do you want for me here can you give me the egg so I can

Get the no I’m about to get a stack of diamonds what do you mean no what do you need the achievement for I’ll burn it in lava if you come anywhere near me this egg holds no value to me I’m going get every single achievement yo wait wait

Woie what I just realized if I burn this egg the only person who can possibly get every achievement as Me uh yeah I I don’t see how achievements benefit you but yeah yeah that’s what makes it funny cuz I’m not going to do it and and nobody else can like I don’t know I need to get we need to get some lava up here so I can

Burn it at any time I know where a lava pool is I’m grabbing some lava and bringing it over to here so I can have just a dragon bucket disposal at all times how do you make a blast furnace because it I’m not getting answers here

Iron smooth Stone and like regular or it might just be I think it’s just iron and smooth Stone but like Smooth Stone being like the the really smooth stone I have these resources and it’s not that’s what I thought was and not giving it to me as a craftable

Thing I wonder what’s going on in the hog smpp right now James says it’s going crazy so presumably he has people playing on it that’s it I’m getting to the bottom of this I’m looking up how to build a thing every chicken I see I kill it so I can craft

Arrows yo did you find an n city already whoa oh this guy’s got any like he better make an End shop buy from that I’d buy that immediately I’d buy Shuler box Shuler boxes are nice I’m glad we’re not putting the end fight off cuz not having shulker boxes is

Annoying although we do need an Ender Chest like I have nowhere safe to put my stuff like this this dragon egg is vulnerable right now now where did the lava go I knew there was lava here oh there’s some that’ll work that’s good enough for

Me there was a lava pool I was looking for but that works too yo it’s a fractured Savannah that’s wild I didn’t even notice that why are you trying to play fortnite I thought pfp bear was joining puff bear yo there’s a cat I want to set it on

Fire in our area did it spawn here no it was at it was at a village yo what what that’s not okay what I placed my blast furnace down it disappeared and it’s still not my inventory press the press the drop button while you’re on the space

Okay that that was that was messed up for a second there yeah that happens a lot when you’re dealing with villagers h I don’t know what pok’s going to do with not being able to build with the pink trees that’s a that’s like a Prime Building area I don’t know what the plan

Is there all right we need this second bridge here fast it’s starting to get annoying walking all the way this way just to I’ll build that next after after I light up the area Mushi look at the chat what what’s in the chat look at the

Chat I don’t want to look in the chat said go so far on my way for that whoa oh wait are you talking about Minecraft chat yeah I thought you meant stream chat okay there’s now a lava fountain in Quebec and if anyone comes near me I’m throwing that dragon egg straight into

It hey I can create another bookshelf you know we’re making a good amount of progress for day one yeah although we at least us two are playing a lot I’ve been playing pretty much since the server’s been up everybody else has been off and on I’ve been playing since we stopped uh Thanksgiving

Celebration um oh there’s where all my paper went okay cows it’s breeding Time breeding time cows oh there go there goes poke game oh man I almost have the first layer done on the enchanting table so there’s some progress oh pokes Back I just want to know what’s going on on hog SMP oh here’s James I could be I could be playing right now but somebody is mad at me and being mean James it’s literally a different platform you are just dumb I am not mad at you for anything why would I what

Reason do I have to to be mad at you besides you’re being incredibly stupid like I don’t mean that in a mean derogatory way your brain is simply not functional like you just do not have brain power to come to reasonable conclusions and make reasonable thoughts James you’re fat for

Real who said that land I don’t actually know who that is but I Agree James you’re so Fat James you eat hot dogs and you’re fat hold on I’m out of stone I’ve got to go down to the mines now and get new stone do I have IR I hope we don’t use I hope we still use netherite as currency in this yeah Minnesota uses netherite as

Currency even though it’s useless now like it just works as money better diamonds just are not valuable because like the thing about it is I’m not mining at all I’m not going to get any diamonds are you going to mine netherite yeah I’m mining for netherite that’s way

Better than mining okay true you can go way faster okay I do not have any coal and it’s starting to be a problem like at this point I just need to turn on the X-ray texture pack and get a ton of coal dangus is getting revenge because of

What I did to his phone my revenge is not opening your snap because it doesn’t matter and it’s just a snap I want you on the Minecraft server it’s just you’re stupid and it literally doesn’t work like that since I’m using a librarian to get emeralds I’m just going to like make

Sure his book is good too oh nice mending trade yo already all right we have a mending villager now wow for 30 emeralds but like a bad one well as long as you make a shop of it where’s this other cave cuz I know there there was another cave by where

The original spawn was I could go down that one James how many people do you have on hog smpp how many people are actually playing uh hundreds maybe thousands yeah everyone wants a piece of hog smpp the hog smpp is going to be the next big thing just you wait it is it

Is oh I just want Flint I need Fortune I’m just trying to get arrows even poke is getting frustrated that how dumb this guy is in the chat he’s dumb he may while James may be big bones that doesn’t correlate to his brain it doesn’t transfer over why won’t any of this turn into

Flint I need two more come on Donkey Jose just well not donkey Jose but my donkey just did an impressive jump I don’t know who this guy is am I really out of wood or did I just throw all my wood away darn his bones are where the nutrients

All went too C literally not the brain for real like James nobody is on your side here not even Nick is on your side you’re just being a little bit silly in a bad way there we go I have some wood now I’ll chop down one more

Tree poke really just can’t get the server to work for some reason it’s weird very strange okay now back to what I was really going to do put the sand away in my chest which I’ve been meaning to do a lot but that wasn’t what I was trying to do um dirt I

Need oh yeah yeah yeah oh I have an idea I can just use these I know he can’t because he can’t join are you talking about Nick Al least Nick is reasonable enough to just buy Java instead of whining that he can’t join though although Nick PR oh poke hi James that was

FFF so are you just going to build like a sandstone house like you were in Saudi yeah yeah honestly it works oh not that way honestly these stairs work perfectly fine I don’t know what my problem was why are you helping dangus get revenge the only thing I need to get revenge on

You for is just this just this whole situation you’re just misbehaving James you need to learn to behave oh Behave James okay whoi I know I’m putting off this lighting thing but like I’m going to finish this and then I’m going to get torches okay there’s just a lot to do

Right now you know luckily I have 52 steak from when I killed all those cows speaking of cows I just realized it’s breeding time James I’m sorry but it physically won’t let me let you in Java and the Bedrock are Java and Bedrock are not compatible

Unless you use a lot of mods and plugins we honestly shouldn’t have had woke SMB at bed cuz now James has unreasonable expectations true breeding time cows honestly I’m just going to make one of these little babies grow up or Le speed their growth process James have you played the new Kirby game

The new Kirby game have you James it’s a good one poke it is not worth calling James you are just it this is like clay time 10 you are going to go in circles and you make will make zero progress it is completely useless and not worth your

Time that’s why we haven’t added him to this call it just would not be worth it it just hurts your brain whoo do you know any good coal caves coal caves no okay usually for coal I just go down like whatever cave is already just in the ground and then it there big

There I wouldn’t lie to you man I’ve been trying to tell you that James isn’t just GNA take that he’s not going to believe you it’s morning time another great morning on Minecraft dynamic dynamic lights on I actually want this nothing in here complete dead end okay what about this side

Complete dead end useless cave looks like a classic I also could use some coal right about now I I need coal to trace my villager just to level him up everybody needs coal but it just doesn’t exist oh James is dming me again he’s playing fortnite he’s not even playing the hog SM

What AAL dead server DM me do you think God would forgive dangus if he was truly sorry okay I found a weird cave but it has coal at least one vein of it which is something better than anything I’ve gotten before this oh and iron actually I’m running kind of low on

Iron okay this is a decent cave G to say pretty high up though because I don’t want to go too deep I’m not looking for diamonds right now I already got a diamond deal in the works now poke keep in mind if you’re still watching over the console

Oh poke if I die down here and lose the egg it’s gone forever and no cheating I think me and Clay can both agree on that uh oh what what my wireless earbuds can’t die and I can’t hear my wireless earbuds just died and I can’t hear anything uh oh

Okay I think I can hear again can you hear me yeah yo uhoh zombie villager oh skeleton that’s actually annoying skeletons deserve to die skeletons are D poken dangus and woshi please ask God for forgiveness I know he will forgive you if you’re truly sorry sorry I’m not

Sorry though like you like at this point you deserve this you you deserve everything that’s coming to you 17 coal so far we’re winning big oh man a stack of torches now I guess you’re going to be the big winner huh well no cuz I I’m going to

Lose all these in an instant once I light up Quebec I need Stacks and stacks of these things to at least light up the main area well mine doesn’t Mel I’m using it as coal so like it doesn’t I don’t get four per pole that I mine so like you are the big

Winner I wish I had Fortune though then I would get a ton of coal and I’m getting a bit of iron while I’m down here too ah skeletons I’m sick of you I am actually sick of you worst mob in the entire game actually no that’s

Warden hu well this gravel could fall on me at any time but I’m sure it’s fine oh more coal it’s official I’m rich huge James I’m actually being honest don’t be blinded by your own stupidity for real I think we just need to give James some

Time to cool down you know have some nice family time with Ashen at the Thanksgiving dinner table Yeah James what did your Thanksgiving look like I was wondering about this yeah what did it look like James do you ever grow out of like just being able to eat

Infinitely like is that is is that just something that you keep as a Hermanson uh oh creeper so much coal actually not even that much just more than I’ve had in forever because I haven’t gone mining since like the beginning of the stream I’ve been doing actual fun stuff

But no more fun anymore it’s time to work time to go down in the mines and provide for my country poke what are you on about with no bats look at all these bats down here we can get the bat plugin now they’re not they’re not like rare or

Nothing okay I have 30 coal now that’s not going to be enough but the Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their day is coming the wicked draw the sword and bend to bend the bow to being down in the poor and the needy to slay those who whose ways are

Upright but their swords will pierce their own hearts and their bows will be broken well I’ve got a power five Unbreaking 3 mending bow so I don’t think it’s going to break anytime soon so I kind that kind of debunks your argument though uh oh poke just put on the full

Armor of God it’s over for James yeah James you better run actually there could probably be coal down here there Safeway down there I don’t think John 3:16 amen amen amen yo can we get some amens in the chat yo can we get some amens oh I have water I can get down

There the power of the wicked will be broken but the Lord upholds the righteousness and the blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care and their inherit inheritance will endure forever heyen no that’s James let’s not name man oh cuz he’s trying to say where the wicked Wicked

Ones when I said amen I was playing it to James you’re the wicked I’m the righteous yeah I got that James nuh-uh it’s not true though like you just have twisted if you were truly righteous you would have Minecraft Java Edition instead of Bedrock Bedrock that’s how you pronounce

It like your duing cuz it’s gross Bedrock more like bad Rock James you’re the Bad Apple James the fool what do you play on Xbox also my Thanksgiving was good that’s good yo can we wish James A Happy Thanksgiving yeah can everybody in the chat wish James A Happy Thanksgiving

Xbox is bedrock and Java do not mix my birthday is in three days yo that means my birthday is in five days yo James finally isn’t going to be 14 anymore maybe he’ll get Java Edition finally when he isn’t a 14y old true he’s going to become a normal well

Adjusted member of society like the rest of us okay I’m actually almost a stack of coal now this is going to be not enough but a good amount actually it could be enough since they made lighting less strict pup join the game yay yay hopefully Nick can join tomorrow or

Something cuz I want Nick on here this stream is not getting clipped there is no content in the Stream I’m literally just playing Minecraft Nick said he’s about to join wow is that real now you got me checking literally he does not you made that up

Just to make me tab out in the middle of a dangerous cave I don’t appreciate the trolling pup I expect better out of you I thought there was no trolls in quickfi yeah I thought there was no trolls in quickfi what happened to that can someone sleep how many people

Are in this world I’m in the mines okay I’m getting out of here this is death I’ve got the dragon egg it’ss over if I die oh lapis uhoh skeleton I couldn’t get the lapis I’m sorry Chad I’m sorry guys Java Plus Java equals Works you’re not going to get into his

Mind poke it’s not going to work right where did I come from how do I get back how do I get back home because I don’t want to deal with this cave because I’m getting to a point where I’m going to have to go down to

Diamond level it’s going to be a whole thing now there’s a zombie watching the dangus Minecraft stream at the Thanksgiving dinner I mean you do you got to do what you got to do you might as well there’s nothing better to do you know I haven’t gone for my pie yet

Whoosie whoosie could you get could you get me some pie and bring it down for me I hate T I hate T Series they ruin they literally are ruining you YouTube why why are they doing this like do you ever just look up into the sky and just just ask

Why why two Angry Birds for real Mushi I’m lost oh man what’s with all this Instagram Jazz I don’t know you know I’ve been hearing a lot about it a lot yeah me too did I come from over I don’t think this is where I came from t g can we get

Some T gays in the chat it’s like James’s Facebook status subscribe to PewDiePie unsubscribe from tseries I couldn’t agree more honestly yeah okay I’m coming home I have a stack and a half of coal hopefully that’s enough that’s that’s six stacks of torches I don’t even have enough wood for

That is my chat feature working no not that chat worthless it literally does not work my stream element does not work I just want to put that on screen mayi ya Facebook is so embarrassing what what happened on it what what’s Mimi and Yaya posting what are they posting

James can we play on 1.16 the C for that’s actually true that’s actually true but it’s too late now pup we already started I’m already in to Deep yeah that’s how it works it’s not fun anymore they made the game bad uhoh water embarrassing photos of me James how is what Mimi and Yaya post to their

Facebook worse than the things you take where your tummy’s hanging out and you’re just sitting horribly how is how can anything Mimi and yay post be worse I’m pretty sure you do that to yourself James dude top 10 Family Guy offensive I honestly wasn’t a fan i’ I’d prefer like

I’d prefer if they kept it as something I could watch with my family he’s meant to be the Family Guy and I just I wish they didn’t put those moments in I wish we could move past that you know I think this is the big learning experience lesson I think it’s

Just time to move on oh good I never exited the country that could have been bad if I left the borders wow this render distance is actually real far I can see like snow mountains in the distance this is wild oh yeah there was like an outpost

Over here that had things in it I don’t know what it means it might be so I think it might it might make it so I can craft netherite armor something like that which I kind of want netherite armor like if there’s if I can get the

Thing that lets me I’ll do it but like I’m not finding it on my own I can’t be bothered huh server closed is poke trying to get back on what happened okay I know this probably isn’t going to last long but I’ve been playing a while I think I’m going to go I’m

Going to be right back and get me some pie so I’m going to leave this call and go to the stream is right back for a second guys the stream is right right back heyy we’re back it’s milk nato in wooi gaming first we went to the store and

Then the manager told us you know we need more money yeah then we had a great idea it was to catch people and strollers with our motorcycles we we rode and caught them in our strollers yeah then we had a pass idea we used to ride in our Lamborghini

Oh we used to ride in our Lamborghini oh we used to ride in our Lamborghini hey hey we’re back it’s milk nato in whoosh G first we went to the store and then the managers told us you know we need more money yeah then we had a great idea it was to catch people in strollers with our motorcycles we rod and caught them in our

Strollers yeah then we had a past idea we used to ride in our Lamborghini oh we used to ride in our Lamborghini oh we used to ride in our Lamborghini hey hey we’re back it’s milk nato in wooshi gaming first we went to the store and then the manager told us you know we need more money yeah then we had a great idea it was to catch people in strollers with our motorcycles we rode and caught them in our strollers

Yeah then we had a past idea we used to ride in our Li oh we used to ride in our lambor oh we used to ride in our Lamborghini hey hey we’re back it’s milk in woi gaming first we went to the store and then the planers hold us you know we need more money yeah then we had a great idea it was to catch people in strollers with our motorcycles we rode and caught them in our strollers

Yeah then we had a past idea we used to ride in our Lamborghini oh we used to ride in our Lor oh we used to ride in our Lamborghini heyy we’re back it’s milk nato in woi gaming first we went to the store and then the manager told us you know we need more money yeah then we had a great idea it was to catch people in strollers with our motorcycles we rode and caught them in our strollers

Yeah then we had a past idea we used to ride in our Lamborghini oh we used to ride in our Lamborghini oh we used to ride in our Lamborghini hey hey we’re back it’s milk nato in wooi gaming first we went to the store and then the manager told us you know we need more money I’m back then we had a great idea still in here C people in see if anybody’s still in the two concurrent

View how literally how did anybody stay through that nah it’s worse because the fat pictures are funny and are lowkey great examples of body positivity but Facebook ones are just standing awkwardly see James that’s a normal picture I I guess I see what you’re saying but like how is it

Embarrassing we’ve got pumpkin pie here is James even still here I mean the stream is right back is like his thing well fa Ethan’s thing but like I’m sure that would C is been 6 hours I only did like 40 minutes before this wow we love Minecraft around here Minecraft is awesome

I love pumpkin pie is the server actually back up cuz I want to play on the server once this is done I’ll let it load while I look at it so how was your guys’s day oh it’s back up are you guys having a great Thanksgiving I wasn’t hungry enough for this

Yet I feasted already apple Pie which just why I’m saving the best for last I like peacon pie the most I don’t even know what I’m going to do at this point there’s nobody in the call I don’t have anything to say it’s been six hours but I want to play Minecraft honestly I could just end the

Stream and just play normally I don’t have to stream all of this so I might just do some normal gameplay for a while so I guess this is the outro you don’t even get I I’ll eat the peacon pie and then finish it up just for you guys that’s a good pie

I’m putting my milk on the drawing tablet I hope it doesn’t SP all over it we love milk

This video, titled ‘i think i might have BPD, ADHD, DID, ASD, schizophrenia, BP, NSMBW, LGBTQIA+, DS in minecraft’, was uploaded by dangous on 2023-11-24 01:19:52. It has garnered 86 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 06:12:07 or 22327 seconds.

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    Jackbhaiya's Gaming Drama: A Gamerfleet Short Story In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Jackbhaiya’s drama shines bright. With Fleetsmp and Gamerfleet in sight, Updates and roasts, all in rhyme’s delight. Devbhai’s praises, FleetSMP’s Sunday fun, Bob’s rivalry, Jack’s scams on the run. Tattoos and girlfriends, TNT god’s might, In Lilyville’s stream, the story takes flight. Anshu Bisht and Gamerfleet, a dynamic duo, New videos and vlogs, the excitement will grow. From funny moments to epic battles in the night, Gamerfleet’s world is a pure delight. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting Minecraft news, each update a sign. Jackbhaiya’s drama, a… Read More

  • Zombie twerking in Minecraft

    Zombie twerking in Minecraft When you accidentally hit a zombie pigman in Minecraft and suddenly the whole squad is after you like “we heard you were talking smack” 😂 #minecraftdrama #zombiepigmanrevenge #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sroxah’s EPIC Home Base Transformation!

    Sroxah's EPIC Home Base Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spellbound SMP: Enhancing My Home Base’, was uploaded by Sroxah on 2024-10-11 04:54:08. It has garnered 52 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:34 or 10114 seconds. Welcome to Minecraft Spellbound SMP! 🌟 In this episode, I continue my adventure by expanding and enhancing my home base. Join me as I gather essential resources, embark on new building projects, and dive deeper into the amazing community that makes Spellbound SMP so special. The Spellbound SMP is a vibrant Minecraft server created by Matthias from Dope or Nope, Team Edge, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Players vs. Master Mode Terraria!

    Minecraft Players vs. Master Mode Terraria!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can 4 Minecraft Players Beat Master Mode Terraria?’, was uploaded by DillPickle on 2024-05-19 00:00:09. It has garnered 139 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:56 or 10556 seconds. Trying to beat master mode Terraria! Bed-Corp (Group YT): @Bed-Corp Discord Server: Homies: Saty: @satyman08 Acupofrice: @Cuhp Captaindiamoonds: @CaptainDiamoonds Mijols: @Mijols Sir_sandwish: @sir_sandwish8653 Glowingcaves: @glowingcaves Astzex: @hoo1kk Specs (Laptop): CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU 2.30 GHz RAM: 16GB DDR4 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! SpookyKitten vs Audsis Crystalpvp

    EPIC SHOWDOWN! SpookyKitten vs Audsis CrystalpvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Crystalpvp: SpookyKitten vs Audsis’, was uploaded by Ai_24 on 2024-06-10 14:00:45. It has garnered 516 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #cpvp The minecraft server is 2b2t,,,,,,,, Hacked client/hack used in this video: Future client, RusherHack, Mio client, Meteor client, Thunderhack recode, 3arthh4ck, Blackout, Shoreline, Prestige client or Phobos!! This video has nothing to do with speedrunners, 100 days, “minecraft but”, 1.21, maces, QSMP, or any of those other topics. Read More

  • Layla’s Insane Minecraft Dream Animation!

    Layla's Insane Minecraft Dream Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘♪ DREAMS ♪ – Minecraft Animation [MGB]’, was uploaded by Layla Animations on 2024-04-14 22:00:32. It has garnered 3799 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:56 or 296 seconds. Dear viewers, this is something different, than you are used to see on my channel. WAS will kinda be produced slower, so I am here with a MGB with my good friend. I had my chance to work more on fight animation, while she created the plot and did whole character animation. I think it turned out pretty well! If you want… Read More

  • Unbelievable Duvsy’s 600 Star Montage!

    Unbelievable Duvsy's 600 Star Montage!Video Information This video, titled ‘600☆ Star Montage’, was uploaded by Duvsy. on 2024-06-21 19:48:47. It has garnered 328 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:00 or 180 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #rankedbedwars Thumbnail by @duvsy discord : duvsy Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium Tags (ignore this): how to combo someone, how to combo a player, how to combo, how to minecraft combo, how to do a minecraft combo, how to clutch a game, how… Read More

  • Blindbonnie DESTROYS demons in Minecraft!

    Blindbonnie DESTROYS demons in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘demon slayer (kimetsu no yaiba) minecraft stream’, was uploaded by Blindbonnie on 2024-10-07 10:23:04. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:43 or 283 seconds. this is a minecraft stream using demon slayer mods Read More

  • SHOCKING! Oops Rychuu proposes in Yummie MV Minecraft 💖💙

    SHOCKING! Oops Rychuu proposes in Yummie MV Minecraft 💖💙Video Information This video, titled ‘Hiha cầu hôn yummie MV Minecraft 💗💙// Taẹg fan Ah Hiha’, was uploaded by Oops Rychuu on 2024-05-30 07:15:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbeatable gamer dominates in Minecraft Bedwars 🔥

    Unbeatable gamer dominates in Minecraft Bedwars 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT HYPIXEL BEDWARS & THE BRIDGE + CHATTING LIVE!🔴’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-06-11 05:25:36. It has garnered 3626 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 04:25:31 or 15931 seconds. 🔴Today I Am Playing Minecraft LIVE. Don’t Forget To Like, Comment, Subscribe, And Turn On Post Notifications To Never Miss A Livestream Or Upload!🔴 ────────────────────────────────── 🤑DONATE TO ME HERE💲➔ Feel Free to Donate, It Is Optional But It Can Help Me In Many Ways. I Can Buy New Gaming/Streaming Equipment, Things In Games, And It Gives Me A Chance To… Read More

  • Milo’s Shizo Bass Rush – Epic Animation vs Minecraft!

    Milo's Shizo Bass Rush - Epic Animation vs Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Note Blocks Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 5 music by AaronGrooves’, was uploaded by Milo Bass Rush on 2024-09-05 14:45:06. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:20 or 500 seconds. check out our merch check out our stream on kick subscribe to milo bass rush on youtube connect with milo bass rush If you own any of the clips or images in this video and would like it removed, please send me an email me at [email protected] before taking any… Read More

  • Mystic Paradis

    [1.21] ¡ | Paraíso místico | es una de las redes más recientes del mundo con el modos de juego más popular! en el puedes encontrar 1 modo de juego con varios custom. servidores para nuestros jugadores, puedes disfrutar de • SUPERVIVENCIA CUSTOM • PROXIMAMENTE SKYBLOCK • FACCIONES • ¡y MUCHO más con nuestra increíble y creciente comunidad de los mejores jugadores! Read More

  • Vidya Gaem Awards: TL;DR – 2015, Rhyme Time!

    Vidya Gaem Awards: TL;DR - 2015, Rhyme Time! In the world of gaming, where stories unfold, Fallout 4’s writing left many feeling cold. Limited dialogue, choices so few, Side content lacking, leaving players blue. Minecraft: Story Mode, a tale to be told, But fell short, its narrative not bold. Her Story, The Order: 1886, Life is Strange, all in the mix. Critiques were harsh, the words did sting, For games that failed to truly bring Engagement, depth, and player agency, In the world of gaming, a crucial legacy. So here’s to better stories, in games to come, May they captivate, engage, and stun. For in the realm… Read More

  • Hot House Party: Minecraft Edition!

    Hot House Party: Minecraft Edition! “Plot twist: it’s just a bunch of villagers having a wild dance party in there. No diamonds, just disco balls.” Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown The Epic Showdown: Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem Get ready for an intense battle in the world of Minecraft! The Warden, a fearsome creature lurking in the depths of the game, is about to face off against every type of Golem. Who will emerge victorious in this epic showdown? Let’s dive into the action-packed world of Minecraft to find out! The Warden: A Terrifying Foe The Warden is a formidable adversary in Minecraft, known for its immense strength and ability to sense vibrations. This blind creature roams the deep dark caves, ready to strike at any moment. With its… Read More

  • TV Woman Catches JJ & Mikey Building Toilet House!

    TV Woman Catches JJ & Mikey Building Toilet House!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s TOILET! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay and Mikey Fun on 2024-06-22 10:30:01. It has garnered 1521 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:53 or 1913 seconds. JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s TOILET! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate… Read More

  • WITHER STORM ATTACK! Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3

    WITHER STORM ATTACK! Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘kita dikejar wither Strom – Eps 3 – Minecraft Story mode’, was uploaded by ResGam Craft on 2024-08-04 09:00:00. It has garnered 266 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:10 or 2170 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft100days #minecraftStorymode Hi guys, back again with I Resgam Craft in the Minecraft Game, Yes, this time we are playing Minecraft Story Mode, a game that has been published by Teltale Games and this is the first time I can play this game Sooo Let’s just see my adventure in this game guys Read More

  • Unbelievable: Minecraft Command Reveals Hidden World!

    Unbelievable: Minecraft Command Reveals Hidden World!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft🔴Comando !hola !ip’, was uploaded by PannassxD on 2024-10-15 23:58:14. It has garnered 527 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:29 or 15209 seconds. Hello my Panitas Welcome to this new live where we are going to be playing a little Minecraft 🔴Minecraft🔴Command !hello !ip 😁DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT SO I CAN GIVE YOU A HEART Don’t forget to Subscribe, leave Like and Share, it’s free Greetings. 🙂 See you in the game! 👇​Social Networks👇​ 💎​TikTok💎​ 📧​Contact: [email protected]📧​ 💰​COLABORATIONS FOR THE CHANNEL💰​ 🤖​Discord🤖​ 🛠️​Technical Mods Pack🛠️​… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Cobblestone Secrets! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Cobblestone Secrets! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cobblestone Facts! (Hindi)’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-07-06 06:27:57. It has garnered 31 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft Cobblestone Facts! (Hindi) My Instagram Id :- search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viralvideo #video #toilet #short #Java #ZS’KAYR #build #building #build hake #3 mini build new dimension portal new video minecraft build hacks, minecraft, minecraft build, build hacks minecraft 3 mini build hacks in minecraft, minecraft builds, build hac anime edit antony malayalam full movie cricket videos leather ki ball shorts skateboard so custom pokemon for you… Read More

  • 🔥 POWER FAC DOMINATED in Astral! TRAPPING GAME ON! 🌋 | Minecraft HCF #4

    🔥 POWER FAC DOMINATED in Astral! TRAPPING GAME ON! 🌋 | Minecraft HCF #4Video Information This video, titled ‘📦 Nos CAMPEÓ una POWER FAC en Astral **LOS TRAPEAMOS** 💣 | Minecraft HCF #4 🌋’, was uploaded by xZexius on 2024-07-28 19:59:49. It has garnered 472 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:26 or 686 seconds. All information below 👇🏻 🪐 Server IP: 🛒 Server Store: 🌏 My Discord: My PC 💻 – Ryzen 5 5600G – GTX 1660 TI – 32 GB RAM ( DDR4) I am not the creator of the song, all credits to the author! 🎵 #Minecraft #HCF #SOTW #AstralMC #StaffSeries #MinecraftPvP #packs… Read More