Here’s Jeffy – Jeffy Plays Build To SURVIVE In MINECRAFT!

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Today we’re playing build to survive in Minecraft uh Jeffy did you say build to survive yes guys we need to build to survive because in 2 minutes scary monsters are going to try to kill us oh my God we have to make the craziest houses ever all right everyone go to

Your square and start building a base what do I even build H what block should I build with I need a really strong material ooh I’m going to build with gold what are you guys going to build with I don’t know Jeffy I’m scared can I

Just live with you wait no you’re not allowed to live with me cheater why don’t you go live with my daddy uh no your daddy smells I don’t want to live with him yeah he does smell guys I just took a shower what are you talking about

It doesn’t smell like it Daddy just take another one oh my God you guys are bullies guys my house is literally like already built I’m building mine right now out of red concrete wao Daisy you’re building something really cool I like your blocks thanks they’re pink my

Favorite color Daddy what are you doing doing you’re building like a box with a ladder in it what are you talking about you just built a box Well mine’s cooler than yours well at least I can go on top of my roof look daddy I’m on top of my

Roof right now as well Jeffy you’re going to get eaten alive it’s not high enough H Daddy I think you’re right I got to start building higher waa guys look we just went to survival I think the killers are coming oh no everyone get your house I’m locked out of my

House I don’t have a door yet wait what Daisy help me Jeffy oh my God it’s sponge boobs oh God what are these someone let me inside please Marvin I’m coming in no you’re not allowed in I’m too scared Daisy you’re going to die you

Just bought them all in my house Daddy I think I’m safe let’s go B girl you have to go to your own house no I’m too scared I do not want to go out there well guess what Do’s opening up you have to go right now no get out what Daisy

Run help me there’s so many oh no oh my goodness can she survive Daisy I think you’re going to die no I’m just going to keep keep running wa we survived let’s go Marvin that was so mean you kicked me out of your house you survived so you’re fine

You’re good barely all right guys we’ll keep upgrading and building your house for the next round because it’s going to get way harder oh no how about this Daisy put a door on your house I did I did hey Daddy you’re not allowed to build on your red line who said Daddy

The rules a buil to survive obviously a fine I got to break them and do it inside my box then yeah Daddy you were trying to cheat you cannot cheat I was not trying to cheat I didn’t know the rule well now you know okay there’s building to survive daddy check out my

Big glass windows they’re so big I’m going to be able to see every single killer you’re copying me no Daddy you’re copying me I was building this first I had a big wall before you guys both of your builds suck my house looks way better what no it doesn’t Daisy your

House looks boring like a normal house Jeffy your house doesn’t even have a roof on it well I’m working on it all right oh no wait what the heck we’re back in survival I couldn’t finish my door uhoh I’m stuck outside my base oh my goodness look guys it’s a bunch of

Mutant fan girls with knives Jeffy hurry get inside wait what the heck they’re shooting me oh no guys this isn’t good ow I died you oh God Daisy they’re a bunch of you they look exactly like you these are scary me they’re so many okay they do so

Much damage I can’t get my house get away ah ow hiding inside they’re chasing me yes they exploded I think we survived they have two hearts well Daisy that wasn’t funny you literally tried killing us with all your mutant friends that wasn’t from me Jeffy they just spawned I

Would never try to hurt you yeah well this is what you get this what you get for trying to kill us stop breaking my house they’re going to hurt me well now you have to rebuild it haha my house is still better than yours wo she just went

There mine is literally better than both of yours combined hey I’m building a wall so you know what whatever’s out there is never going to get me wa guys we’re back in survival oh no not again I only have two hearts well this time I’m going to be

Protected wait what je you have armor and I have a golden sword I’m ready to fight daddy cheater hey I’m not cheating we were literally in Creative who said I couldn’t put armor and get a sword all right fine Jeffy you’re so smart I should have done that yeah I’m pretty

Cool all right bring on the killers oh God they’re a bunch of mutant Jeffy oh my gosh they’re so hunky hey don’t say that about mutant jeffy’s oh God they’re spawning zombies Jeffy let me in hey don’t come into my house why do they do so much damage I’m

So strong Jeffy I hate you ow I’ve never had a Jeffy chase me before hey mutant Jeffy stop chasing Daisy oh no get me in my house give me myone no I can’t get in my house Daisy I’m going into your house don’t let anyone in there I’m coming in

Oh too late everyone get in get in the house kill the zombie daddy a oh my gosh so many Jeffy are chasing me oh they killed me wait how did I get a beer oh God it’s Daisy H get off my house ow no Jeffy ow it’s scary Daisy get Daisy get

Her don’t hit me morvin ah she’s scary guys they all died I think we survived that was definitely the scariest round so far wao daddy that thing is so cool you want one yeah thanks Daddy this will definitely help us survive the next round my base was horrible yeah Daddy

You definitely need to upgrade your base o guys I just thought of a really good idea for my base what I’m going to add quicksand around the whole thing wait what you can’t do that that’s cheating daddy how is that cheating cuz Quicks Sand’s an illegal uh illegal liquid to

Use Daddy no one said that I just said it uh Jeffy I don’t think you’re allowed to put the quicksand on your yellow line hey Daisy don’t say anything don’t let my daddy here I’m here going across the line no Daddy what is this um it was a

Genius idea that I had you can’t even get into your base well Daddy I’m working on it hold on and it’s going over the line Daisy was right it’s not going over any line disqualification oh my goodness you guys are just jealous that I have a better idea than you not

At all your house looks like poop now well Daddy I bet I’m going to survive all these next killers and you’re not nope I’m going to survive oh my goodness guys I think we’re back in survival everyone go inside your houses I’m right this time I wonder what killers are

About to spawn I forgot to grab any armor oh my goodness Daisy how can you forget that Daisy’s a goner I was to busy making my house look good wait guys look around us there’s a bunch of Lucky Blocks ow what the heck what the those

Are moncky blocks ow oh God it’s a mutant Lucky Block Run Daisy run I’m shooting them for you I’m only half a heart oh get her I mean uh get the Golems here you go Daisy we’re trying to save you run Daisy run help me oh God I

Shot you on accident oops oh Jeffy you killed me sorry it slipped um Daisy I’m kind of Trapped in your house right now that’s okay Jeffy wait what you’re okay with me being trapped in your house yeah you can always be in my house but I’m stuck in your quicksand uhhuh here let

Me help you there you go Daisy Jeff you need to get rid of the quicksand why everyone’s getting stuck in it it’s closing Mayhem a i spawned in the quicksand that’s what you get hey Daisy what are you doing hi Jeffy we survived my house was epic all right I

Think I’m going to add another level to my base what are you guys going to add to your bases I am putting a cactus wall up what a cactus wall I’m getting rid of my old wall because it’s not doing anything for me all right daddy that’s a

Good idea what about you d I’m just making mine look cute wait what how is that going to help you defend yourself from Evil Killers um because I’m going to put a giant tower on it a cute Tower whatever my house is going to be so much

Better ooh guys I’m putting webs on top of my house too this is going to come out so good all right well it’s time for me to make a big change to my house got to do this real quick what are you doing nothing what why are you building next

To my house I’m just extending my roof a little bit you can’t do that you’re over the line who said I’m over the line the gods of Minecraft well Daddy I’m floating so technically I’m not touching the line what about the front of your house it’s on the line no it’s not Daddy

What are you talking I Lally see it on top of the line Daisy I need you over your Pronto what’s up morvin is Jeffy cheating I don’t think so what do you mean look at the front he’s not touching the line look at his door it’s clearly

On the line Daddy no it’s not I you know what Daddy fine here hold on boom I just extended the line see that that’s super duper cheating no it’s not Daddy it’s just me using my brain this is horrible this is horrible Jeffy you are a big

Cheater and get away from my house up you’re on my line hey Daddy don’t break my house oh you’re close to my line a you know what Daddy you’re just jealous that my house is way better than yours mine is superior compared to yours yours

Is poop I have defenses oh no guys we’re back in survival I think another wave is coming oh god oh this isn’t good that one of those things oh my gosh ow I’m blind what the heck they kind of look like skinny Marvins ow e daddy they’re

You but they’re really ugly Jeffy I’m going in your house oh God no get out of my house you’re not allowed in my house you w in my house it’s this is the only safe place Daisy get out of my house right now no Jeffy I don’t want to die a

Fine Jeffy I just died cuz you’re a quicksand well Daddy I don’t know why you went into it in the first place I got thrown into it by Mario wao Daisy come down here this looks so cool we’re surrounded by quicksand Jeffy they’re on top of your house I can’t even see

Anything daddy they’re not on top of our house we’re literally in here they are on top of your house Daddy come inside my house right now this is the safest spot I’m getting thrown around I’m getting thrown around inside my house this not good hey Daddy you want to join

Us in the cool house I can’t see you look really stupid in your house wait what oh no no no no they’re inside my house now Jeffy your house isn’t safe they’re inside dang it I thought my house was safe they’re yelling at me they’re yelling at me they’re yelling at

Me Daddy I’m messing this one up oh God ow ow ow ow ow Mario we don’t like you we don’t like you we don’t like you we don’t like you we don’t like you oh my go what is happening I’m getting thrown around I’m getting rag doled what’s

Happening I don’t know I think they’re dying oh my goodness I have half a heart dang it they destroyed all my house that’s what you get for building on the line okay Daddy take this hey how about that Daddy illegal procedure help help me all right it’s time to make my house

To the next level I’m going to add a water elevator inside my house oh really Jeffy that’s a good idea too bad I’m going to put you to the next level myself oh yeah Daddy you want to help me yeah I’m going to help you real quick oh

No run wait what Daddy what why’d you do that Daddy you destroyed my house first oh my goodness you just ruined my house let me see how bad the damage is oh that’s bad daddy now I got to re build it all are you kidding

Me this is so much fun dang it Daddy I can’t believe you just did this to my house that was a funniest thing ever daddy I’m going to rebuild it so much better than what it looked like before so doesn’t even matter oh yeah oh I

Can’t wait to see it I was meaning to do some renovation anyways boom and now my water elevator is done this thing is so cool mine’s better wait daddy you’re making an elevator too H not really well don’t steal my idea I came up with WEA

First nope my idea is better Daisy how’s your base coming along well Jeffy I do have a surprise for you wait what a surprise for me I want to come see the surprise yeah come over here how about me um no Marvin not you what come here

Jeffy wao your house is looking really cool yeah come down here what the heck is this place I made this for you so whenever you want to come stay with me wait what no I do not want to stay in your house have you seen my house it

Looks a 100 times better than this yeah Jeffy but does yours have diamond armor and Cake well can’t you see what I’m wearing it’s way better than Diamond because it’s yellow yeah Jeffy but it’s not stronger and the monsters are going to get you no monsters are going to get

Me don’t worry Daisy oh no oh no oh God I’m back in survival wait I only have half a heart Oh no I got to eat this cake eat the cake Jeffy and come up to my tower ow what does that sound ow oh my gosh I’m getting bullied they’re catching the

Place on fire wait no way I’m coming upstairs go down go down you not go up there wait why this is not good this is not good what the heck are those things we’re getting hit from the air hey they look like big flying saws oh no they’re

Skiy toilet chainsaw guys wait skiy toilet oh no I’m on fire I died wait you died from fire oh God Daisy your house is getting destroyed no not my house byebye daddy shoot him with a bow and arrow I am I have been take this my house oh God ow I just turned

Around and died Marvin your water is leaking out of the line what are you talking about oh it is guys I think we survived my house is still on fire Daddy get your water off of My Line Get Your quicksand out of my water Jeffy can you

Get rid of this quicksand I can’t even see my line now well I didn’t mean for it to go all the way onto your side Jeffy you got to clean up your stuff h fine let me just put a block around the whole thing of my quicksand Jeff your

Quicksands even going over my line well Daddy I’m cleaning it up give me one second hold on you guys are so annoying after you’re done cleaning that up you guys can come over my house we have a pool party wait a pool party oh yeah

Daddy we do not want to go to your house and have a pool party I kind of want to come to the pool party what why do you want to go to the pool party Daisy I like swimming Jeffy my Daddy’s going to be there and he’s super ugly I don’t

Want to look at that hey fine you don’t have to come over I got a hot tub and everything wait a hot tub Marvin are you farting in the water what no I am not all right guys check out my base no more quicksand instead I’m adding poison

Jeffy where’d you find the poison I don’t know Daddy it was just in my inventory it’s purple I know that’s what makes it look so cool ew ooh Daisy your house actually looks good make like a treeh house yeah so I can stand up here and shoot arrows off of it that’s smart

That’s a good idea oh no guys we’re back in survival oh no it’s Mickey Mouse wait what what the heck are those things oh no these aren’t good it looks scary they’re no friendly mickys oh no they look terrifying they slowed me they slowed me oh my God oh my gosh Daddy I

Just saw you die I won’t be able to get in my oh Jeffy I’m in your house wait why are you in my house get out of my house I just spawned you there on top of my hot tub daddy your hot tub looks terrible but Jeffy it regen so you’ll

Never die in it wait what it regen Dad we should go in it oh God Jeffy you just win the blood e I’m in blood oh well oh God oh God daddy the Mickey Mouse is are attacking me wait what they’re like flying oh no oh God one is in my house

Get out of my house Jeffy they’re on your house oh no I got it off I got her off uh Daisy why are they attacking me Daisy there’s one above you what I don’t see it kill he just attacked me e they’re making weird pig noises I don’t

Like these Mickey Mouses ew they’re piggy mouses I’m never going to Disneyland again these things are terrifying oh no oh no they’re all under my house I’m safe I’m safe I’m safe I’m going to the hot tub ah nice this feels good oh my gosh there’s one in my house

It stinks yeah you’re definitely going to die Daisy help me what oh oh I killed him ow oh no who hit you oh it’s weird hey Daddy did you just knock Daisy over with an arrow no Orin it’s not ni daddy oh no oh god daddy you pushed him

To my side oh they’re in my hot tub their faces are in my hot tub there’s so many of them they’re slithering up oh no oh no they gone they’re gone woo that was a quick one yeah that was definitely one of the hardest rounds climbing all

Over our houses hey Daisy what are you doing up here I’m building a pathway so we can come back and forth wait what why would I want a pathway to your house um so you can come see me duh why would I want to see you because I’m mean Jeffy

Wait what no this needs to go right now and you’re not allowed to do this ever again but Jeffy then how are you supposed to come protect me I don’t want to protect you you need to protect your house that’s why you have your own purple Square duh Jeffy it’s not purple

It’s pink whatever s same thing they’re both terrible colors hey Daddy what is going on here what guys you need to stop making bridges into my house no no no we want to live with you why do you guys want to live with me all right here I

Got an idea this will make both of you happy you ready what all right just do a little bit of this just go around here so you’re just connecting me to this side of the house no I’m going to connect you with Daisy since you guys really want to like be together or

Something oh no I’m breaking this bridge no morvin we can hang out together oh no I like Jeffy enough to deliver him that’s all I need oh my goodness daddy this looks terrible what do you mean look now you can be oh my God run to

Your hot tub all right fine you guys are allowed to come to my house but I’m breaking the pressure plates in front of each door wait why because I want to be the only one to allow you in Jeffy let me in no Daddy you’re not allowed in yet

The scary monsters out of here no they’re not Daddy just keep building your base all right I am building my base I’m building with you dang it Daisy now we got to destroy this whole Corner because you want to connect my house all right here you go Daisy here’s your door

Thanks sippy now let me in um no you know I can just fly in right well you’re not going to be able to do that when you’re in survival and there’s scary monsters outside I guess you’re right all right Daisy there you go your door’s done okay thanks shiffy wait wait a

Minute no we’re in survival wait the pressure Plate’s inside I locked myself out it looks like you’re stuck with me no I don’t want to be on this side let me in um Jeffy look down guys what the heck are those it’s jumbo Josh from Garten of

Band ban oh why is he so big because it’s jumbo Josh Daddy’s huge um he’s trying to eat me oh God shoot him shoot him shoot him oh God daisy behind you my oh no go inside I’m going down you guys need to run oh God Daisy go down go down

Go into my room ow guys I’m scared I’m on my diving board I don’t know what to do Daisy think we’re safe Daddy come to Daisy’s room wait what you want me to leave oh I’m coming I’m on my way oh gosh Daisy we’re surrounded

Deffie I died you died I’m on top of your house now a you’re in my house and I’m stuck in yours this isn’t fair Jeffy Jeffy we have to be quiet we have to be quiet so they don’t hear us Daddy I have an ender pearl I’m out of this place

Wait what don’t leave me I’m going back to my house someone help me know ow your boy your water poison yes I made it to my house oh Daisy wait what the heck he just spawned in front of us no he’s destroying everything I’m just sleeping

In your bed Jeffy I’m just sleeping on your bed get the heck out of my bed guys I think we survived woo that bunker was good a those jumbo joshes destroyed all this glass in here oh what a shame guys I think the next round might be the last

Round so we need to be super prepared okay what should we get I’m going to get all new diamond armor ooh and a bunch of potions okay that’s smart that’s smart I’m going to do the same thing I don’t want to die ooh I’m definitely going to

Get this strength potion ooh I’m getting fire aspect on my sword wait what you’re upgrading your sword yeah we have to Daddy that’s a really good idea boom now I have Enchanted armor enchanted swords and an enchanted bow I think we’re ready now Jeffy I think we are too wa daddy

You plac cake everywhere uh no I didn’t well I’m going to do the same thing cuz I I want cake everywhere too hey you’re not allowed uh-oh guys we’re back in survival quick I’m going to put all my potions on the killers are definitely coming oh no wait what are they what the

Heck are those they bow and arrow that look so weird Daddy it’s a Titan TV man from skib toilet uh they just blew up in my house wait what they blew up your house shoot them daddy shoot them there’s one on top of my house oh God

All right I’m going in with my sword I got a jump boost too why are they blowing up oh there’s creepers oh God oh God Debbie be careful God guys help me the silverfish oh my God why is everything blowing up why is everything blowing up why is there baby

Creepers Marvin your blood’s getting everywhere E I hate these Titan speaker man oh no they’re beat me up they’re beat me up they’re beating me up oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my gosh they jump in the air guys they’re breaking

The map oh no guys I have a really weird item in my hand and I don’t know what that does but here we go oh oh God Jeffy run no what I just instantly died oh my gosh you blew my house I mean your poison Jeffy why’ you put poison daisy

That wasn’t for you that was for The Killers well it killed me well that sucks wait Daisy what does this thing do what does what do I’m behind you oh oh no why would you do that oh that was an accident I’m throwing it out guys these

Titan TV mens are destroying our houses I think we lost this round I know we’ve died a few times too Jeff watch out there’s a little guy behind you die die H yeah H take that Jeff this is me you like that Daisy stop hitting me morvin

What’s on your head I don’t know what the heck oh God guys we’re being attacked I’m infected daddy you got poop on your head oh no what the heck oh no dang it guys I died I keep spawning in the poison I lost too well if you guys

Enjoy this video make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now subscribe today we’re playing build to survive but we’re stuck on rafts guys why are we so far from home I don’t know but all I do know is that in 5 minutes scary sea creatures are going to come

And try to kill us oh no is the luckus monster going to show up I think so Daddy oh no guys this is not good this is not good at all all right everyone split up into your rafts and start building a really cool house okay go go

Go my house is about to be the most expensive house here wait what Daddy I’m building my house out of diamonds Jeffy why would you do such a thing that’s so dumb daddy diamonds are really strong so any monsters that try to come and break

It down they’re not going to be able to all right well guess what I’m building the best thing oh yeah Daddy what is it I’m building a ship a ship oh yeah Marvin that’s so dumb we’re already on a raft why are you building a ship on top

Of it uh because it needs extra support Daisy hello I don’t know Daddy you kind of sound pretty dumb okay well I’ll be the one surviving while you guys are the ones dying my diamond house is coming out so good Jeffy don’t you think it’ll

Be a little too heavy you know make the raft sink what no daddy that’s stupid what do you mean it’s stupid what are you buing Daddy what are you building it looks like a big bowl it’s a oh my goodness wa Daisy your ass looks really

Cool I know you can come over whenever you want Jeffy I’ll build it for the both of us um no why would I want to do that I have a sick Diamond house over here uh oh guys where’re in survival mode do you know what that means it

Means death oh gosh guys the first monsters are spawning what the heck are these ow they’re skeleton and they’re pointy as they hurt oh my goodness Daisy you just died what the heck are these things get out ow they’re staming me ow they do so much damage I’m going to die

Get off of my house oh God oh God one of them’s inside of my house I don’t think I made my ship tall enough get out die this is not good they’re all over my this is not good guys they’re doing too much damage Daddy get off of my Island

Oh no I can’t get in my boat I need to put ladders next time oh no they’re jumping and stabbing me guys that first round was so scary that was not fun we need to upgrade our houses so we could actually survive I’m trying so difficult

Though every 5 minutes new Mobs come I know wao check this out I have rainbow glass W that’s cool I’m going to build a second level wao you’re already on a second level yeah Jeffy I’m just building fast oh my goodness I need to hurry up all right time to start working

On my second level my second level so cool daddy I bet mine’s going to look better than yours no it’s not I have a sale Daddy what are you even building building a ship I told you I’m building a ship wao daddy your ship is actually

Looking really good I know it’s cuz I’m building it Daisy why is your house all pink because Pink’s my favorite color Jeffy why would I not make it Pink ew pink looks terrible I think you should make it yellow instead you should make your house yellow why is your house made

Out of diamonds because diamonds are not yellow why are you so dumb Daisy got a point all right guys I just thought of a really genius idea to protect my yellow diamond house yeah what’s that I’m going to put fire around my whole house Jeffy are you dumb no Daddy I’m adding defense

To my house Jeffy the rft’s made out of wood Daddy it won’t burn I put a nether rack underneath each of the fire okay yeah I get that Buton but won’t the fire spread no all right if you want to sink and die by all means sink and die Daddy

I’m not going to sink and die you’re going to sink and die yeah I can’t wait to watch you Dr of the water oh guys I’m back in survival mode no I think the monsters are going to come oh God what are those oh God oh God there’s birds

There’s a bunch of scary birds go inside I don’t have it inside oh no I should have built a house no what the heck I have a bird feather D go to your house Daddy get out of my house oh they killed me oh my gosh daddy look at Daisy’s

House look how many birds are on top of our dumb pink house uhoh I think they’re attracted to Pink oh God D behind you he went through the window oh gosh oh gosh coming after me this is not good daddy just stay here and let them attack Daisy

It’s all good no don’t let them attack me help me fine daddy let me go help Daisy real quick don’t don’t leave oh God they’re all look at me Daddy help they’re using your flames to kill you yes daddy they’re all on fire come here Birds Jeffy they’re like turrets I know

Daddy they do way too much damage there’s one in my house get out get out Daisy’s dying oh gosh they’re doing so much damage ow ow go away these birds are ruthless daddy They’re All Dead relax they’re dead yes daddy you did nothing guys I think we need to get some swords

And armor to protect ourselves for the next round I agree I need to make a little hidey spot because I almost died wao guys there’s Dragon swords look there’s a flame one an ice one and a lightning one everyone choose one I’m taking the flame one I want the

Lightning sword wait what does that mean I get um you get the ice one daddy it freezes things when you hit it nice dragon steel sword wo the armor there is cool too I’m going to take that Armor All Right same here Daddy wao I look crazy oh yeah Daddy check out my

Outfit wo you look so cool I know Daisy do you have armor on too I do look at me wao you look awesome as well well je your sword is so cool I know it has flames coming out of it look get mine wao yours has lightning coming out of it

That’s so sick all right guys we need to keep building our houses we don’t have much time before the next round and guess what I thought of an actual insane idea yeah what’s that I’m going to start building underneath the water you think that’s cheating no Daddy it’s not

Cheating we’re literally surrounded by water so M as well make an underground water bunker that’s actually really really smart I mean my pirate ship looks so cool but I need somewhere to hide that’s why I’m going underneath the water wait Daisy why do you have a tree

On your house that tree is going to get burnt down no it won’t all right whatever you say all right time to place a bunch of sponges and get rid of all of this water I’m going to do something similar Jeffy I think I’m going to steal

Your idea hey no this was my idea daddy why don’t you steal Daisy’s ideas cuz her ideas aren’t good building a garden on top of her house for Christ sake yeah that’s pretty bad Daisy and done my underground water bunker is completed oh nice Jeffy that’s cool I hav’t finished

Mine yet I’m almost done though oh no oh no daddy we’re in survival guys get ready to fight Daisy go inside guys hear that oh god what the heck are these things oh God oh God I’m on I’m poisoned Daddy I’m poison I’m poison I’m going to

The top of my if I can’t stop hitting me oh God I’m going to kill him with my sword die die oh God I’m on fire guys what are these things ew they’re like hydras I think oh my God they’re putting me on poison they’re killing me oh my

Gosh they’re so overpowered I’m on the top of my Cil I hate these monsters yes I’m lighting them on fire I’m too scared I’m staying inside they keep poisoning me oh I took one of its heads off took its head off how uh what spawned on top

Of me I’m just hiding in my underground water bunker and I’m really safe down here oh Jeffy can I come live with you no you are not living with me ever but your house is safer than mine well then you should have built your house safer

Daisy just go on top of your base Daisy what are you doing yes guys they’re gone oh my God that was scary that was the worst round so far it killed me so many times I know once I finish this top Daisy what the heck are you doing I’m

Making a bridge so we can come back and forth between each other’s rats no Bridges Daisy you’re not allowed to do this you’re only supposed to place blocks inside of your pink square but you went under your yellow Square so why can’t I build a bridge what but I was

Going underneath I’m still in my yellow Square Jeffy I want to be able to come over so I can be safe and you can protect me ah fine I guess you can keep the bridge but only if I say you can come over all right okay I’ll make sure

I ask first and if you don’t then this bridge is going wa dude that’s brutal daddy where are you I was in my little hiding spot well you better not build any bridges too I won’t I won’t I swear I swear all right good all right my

Roof’s almost done now I just got to add these staircases um why did I just hear glass break I don’t know it’s weird daddy where are you you’re not at your base no I know what Daddy what what are you doing what is this what is what oh

My goodness Daddy are you making an underwater bridge to my house uh who said that I don’t know maybe the person building underwater bridge to my house it’s not me Daddy you better hurry up because the next round’s about to start hey F oh no it started oh god daddy you

Better get inside oh no I’m going to die oh my God guys there’s zombies coming out of the floor oh God oh God this isn’t good oh I just died they’re on my raft and I’m scared oh no they’re trying to climb off try to get me they’re

Really scary zombies wait they can’t swim though oh God it’s raining now this is so scary what the heck are those there’s donies oh God oh God oh God get inside get inside get out of my house Jeffy there’s a ho of them I’m coming to

Save you you yes I killed one Jeffy let me in oh god daddy run I shut the door I’m down below Daisy get inside what are you doing I’m scared they’re blocking the door a Daddy I got to go help Daisy stay downstairs watch out Daisy get

Inside go inside oh my goodness I think these are werewolves they look really scary ew they smell weird guys come up here they can’t get you ew this place looks so dumb what the heck he jumed through the roof why is there a hole in your roof Daisy cuz I was building

Another floor oh my goodness you almost got us killed now they can just fall through here well guys I think that round is over they all just despawned oh thank gosh got to finish building this little underground uh tunnel system daddy why is it all flooded down here

What are you doing Jeffy I’m working here okay let the magic man do the magic stuff this looks terrible oh what kind of glass is this it’s rainbow glass and it makes you all slippery and it provides light I don’t like that I’m slipping and sliding well Daddy I do so

If you want to go to my house then that’s what we’re doing doing all right fine hopefully nothing scary spawns down here wait Daisy you should make an underground Pathway to us wait Marvin that’s such a great idea I can be closer to Jeffy ddy why would you say that

Don’t give her any dumb ideas well it’ll help us because then we can go wherever we want because if the mob’s up top spawn we can just hide down here yeah I guess you’re right F Daisy I guess you can make an underground pathway wa daisy look behind you there’s whales oh my

Gosh hope doesn’t eat me oh my goodness this whale is so big wao I want to see I don’t think he’s a monster though he’s a good whale oh that’s cool there’s an orc go over there too oh my goodness he’s swimming around oh God this whale is so

Big guys I have a really good idea for a defense system what’s your idea so you know how a lot of these monsters could swim yeah all right daddy check this out a lot of water’s going to come in but don’t worry Daddy what if we just put

These dispensers here and put fire charges in them that’s a good idea I just put levers on the back side so we can actually shoot them all right daddy test it out I just load them up with fire charges wa ow okay Daddy stop man these are fun daddy we should put them

Everywhere okay you do that wow these Fire chargers are so good these are definitely going to help us I know I’m just hoping they actually take out whatever spawns down here oh my goodness Daisy why did you make this tunnel so rainbow now the monsters are going to be

Able to spot us with all this color I just wanted to make it look pretty oh my goodness well make it look pretty in your house not by us fine I’ll change it oh no Daisy don’t change it now because we’re in survival mode oh God what the

Heck is spawning uh is that a sea serpent they’re on my base D what the heck is a sea serpent they’re like big scary snakes oh God they’re huge oh god daddy they’re in my base oh no no no no no I’m shooting your thing your charges

At them dude Daddy good idea how are they hitting us through the walls ow wa these things are crazy oh god daddy they’re jumping up on top of you get away from me oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m lighting them on fire Daisy help I’m trying they’re massive ow they’re doing

So much damage die jumping everywhere they’re jumping everywhere today we’re building a staircase to survive in Minecraft wait Jeffy we’re surviving what do you mean we’re surviving yes daddy scary monsters are going to come out of this portal so we need to make sure to get these materials right now

Okay okay I’m getting materials a wooden shovel and dirt how am I supposed to make a staircase with this Daisy it’s super easy just look Jeffy now Marvin I guess it’s not that easy dang it I guess it wasn’t so easy waa Jeffy look at how far this map goes

Wa that’s so awesome it looks like there’s a bunch of different stages we have to go through well come on Daddy Let’s Get building to them what are we waiting for okay okay guys there’s a scary monster what the heck it’s an evil Ronald McDonald oh God kill him oh no

Take that Rd ow oh God there’s a lot of them oh God ow they do so much damage kill them Jeffy I’m trying I only have a wood shovel everyone build you’re right come on Daisy leave him alone we got to build to our next Island Jeffy they’re after you they’re after

You oh God take that get off of my staircase all right Daddy I think I built high enough oh God one of them just fell I made it oh no there’s a Ronald on my path daddy kill him he fell he fell he fell he’s stupid oh no oh no

There’s another one coming for me one’s coming to me Daisy keep building there’s one on my path oh no oh God same here oh he just fell off yeah go back that way wao guys look there’s like a mini island with a chest on it wa there’s

Stone inside oh Daisy watch behind you oh no oh God go away Daisy I’m going to help you take that oh my gosh thanks Jeffy you’re my hero you’re welcome Daisy uhoh what there’s one on my Island hey get off my my Island Ronald get him go back to McDonald’s they keep coming

Guys we need to keep building you’re right guys use the Stone from the new chest and build another staircase oh that’s a good idea got keep going guys watch out oh no oh no Take that Ronald daddy look out behind you Ronald McDonald’s supposed to be nice NOP not

This Ronald he’s super scary no I fell uh-oh what no Daddy Daisy just died oh she’s a G oh Jeffy he has his mouth open what the heck oh gosh what is happening to this one oh God ow guys I made it to the new island same same same let’s see

What’s in the chest wao we got food and Sandstone ooh I needed this oh no oh god daddy look out behind you take that daisy look up oh no go away knock them off I’m trying quick guys use the sandstone and make another staircase I’m going I’m I’m going it

Looks like we’re almost to another huge island we need to hurry up I got this oh no it’s going to push me off ow just keep going Daisy daddy what’s in here let’s go we got wooden swords now we can kill these Ronalds take that come on Daisy you’re

Almost there you got this Daisy uh-oh Daisy you have another Ronald on your path me too oh no they keep spawning we need to keep moving Jeffy I’m really scared of these Ronalds can I come over to your side what no Daisy you have to

Stay on your side what hey what are you doing over here Jeffy we need to build our staircase together I’m scared no oh God there’s another Ronald look now I have to stay over here no but Daisy you have to get the loot from your chest

Well Jeffy we can just use your loot no I’m not sharing my loot with you go back to your Island but Jeffy it’s infested with Ronald’s don’t worry Daisy I got a sword now oh yeah take that I’m coming over take that no Jeffy are you okay how

Did you fall well what do you think Daisy I got hit in the face by a Ronald McDonald I told you it was dangerous over there let’s just share this island fine we’ll share this island until we get to this big massive Island right here come on Daisy finally you guys are

Starting to build there’s more Ronald McDonald’s starting to follow us come on we just got to make it to this next Island we’re so close oh no oh no hurry Jeffy get away protect me Daisy while I build yes I made it come on guys hey you

Guys are going ahead bye daddy you’re so slow Marvin Daddy it’s all that extra weight you’ve been putting on really fast you mean she was protecting you as you were building well anyways daddy check out this island there’s really cool parkour here I wonder if there’s

Any good loot up there me too Daddy guys I think this is a safe Zone I think you’re right there’s no monsters here uh-oh but there’s another weird portal here guys look it’s broken we need to hurry up well I’m going up I need to see

What’s up there hey Daddy no I want to go first no Daddy if there’s loot up here it’s mine no it’s mine watch out Daddy I’m coming for you no oh no uhuh bye daddy guys this parkour is super hard dang it you’re right I just

Fell first oh no guys why is this the most hardest Parkour ever the loot up there must be really good if the parkour is this hard yeah Daddy I think you’re right yes I see the top whoa there’s a chest up here come on just a few more

Jumps no it’s mine Jiffy oh yeah Daddy guess what I did it no time to see what’s inside wao there’s iron swords and iron armor what can you share no Daddy and I even got gold blocks oh well great I’m going to have the best material ever to

Build with all right guys here I come down nice you did it Daisy check out my armor je you look so strong yeah I’m so cool I’m going to be able to defend us from all the scary monsters now wait guys the Portal’s getting destroyed what uhoh that means more

Monsters are going to spawn get ready to fight what the heck that is an evil Jeffy H I don’t like this what oh my God oh my God it’s jeffy’s skib toilets wait they look so cute what they do not look cute Daisy what are you talking about ow

Guys help me kill him I’m trying ow oh no he’s giving me evil Hearts what we did it that was way too easy oh no guys look there’s another evil Jeffy and it’s coming right towards me oh God don’t worry Daisy I’ll protect you for myself e The Jeffy skiy toilets are spawning

Too ow I’m getting out of here okay guys we need to start building the next staircase quick before more spawn I’m already building I’m leaving come on come on I need to make a really tall staircase oh no there’s a Jeffy on my trail oh God there’s an evil Jeffy get

Away take that evil Jey ow bye W there’s another chest a golden helmet oo I got bread I need food guys check it out I’m going to use my blocks of gold to build I’m going to have the coolest staircase ever why you just cheated no I didn’t

Daddy I’m using my golden blocks now you have extra blocks so now you can build super super fast and more oh no a Jeffy pushed me off oh my gosh daddy Daisy just died well stinks for her we got to keep moving oh come on I’m so close yes

I made it too oh no there’s a bunch of skippies Skippy Jeffs oh God Daisy you have an evil Jeffy on your path oh no help me no I can’t help you wait what I just got a juke box what that’s the worst Block in the game what blocks did

You guys get I got iron too oh my gosh I got juk boxes oh whatever come on guys keep building your staircase we’re almost to the next big island there’s a skibby toilet Jeffy on my Island oh no no no you guys are not building fast enough

I’m being attacked Jeffy oh God me too die there’s so many of them this evil Jeffy looks nothing like me looks just like you it’s scary no it doesn’t Daddy I’m not scary like that I think that it’s just identical oh my gosh whoa check out the new chest there’s a stone

Sword chain boots and Soul Sand at least we we got cool shoes oh God Daisy run I’m going to come help you oh God I have more of my path get away from us be careful Jeffy I’m trying it’s just really hard ow oh gosh guys this Soul

Sand is so hard to build with oh my God I’m moving so slow it’s going to take us forever to get to the next Island yeah this is definitely a worse block than those Juke boxes a you know what I’m just going to use my gold blocks again

Oh God there’s more skibby Jeffy they just don’t stop spawning oh no I’m going to die oh gosh daddy killed evil Jeffy he keeps swiping me good job daddy that was scary yay we made it to the next big island this is definitely a safe Zone oh

Yeah oh yeah wait guys what is this who wait why does it look like a big toilet Daddy can I take a pooping it no no no you can’t Jeffy I think it’s some type of shooting game whoa guys if you zoom in there’s a bunch of crazy loot up

There wao maybe there’s bow and arrows or something around then we can shoot them down wait let’s look in this chest Oh Daddy look there’s a bow oh yeah but wait there’s only five arrows well we have five chances to get really good loot come on guys start shooting I’m

Going all the way to the top wait Jeffy look there’s a diamond I’m going to go for that so we can get married what no I do not want a diamond from you Daisy Daisy you need to aim for the top items those are the better items but Jeffy

Those are so high maybe we aim for the bottom on one’s first yeah I guess all right I’m going to get this gingerbread cookie then oh yes here it comes come on come on gingerbread cookie let’s see if it’s any good Jeffy oh yeah I love gingerbread cookies daddy you stole my

Cookie you’re so fat you don’t need that it’s good I like this oo smells like Christmas oh my gosh oh look there’s a stick I’m going to go for that what a stick yeah I think it has enchants on it Daisy that’s terrible why would you get

A stick what it’s called a needle a needle wait what enchantments are on it sharpness 4 sharpness four oh my gosh that’s crazy y you should test it out on my daddy wait what okay ow yeah yeah beat him up stop I’m going to die guys

Relax relax and you know what it’s even my turn so I’m going to look to see what I want all right Daddy what are you going to shoot for I want that candy cane sword wa there’s a candy cane sword daddy there’s no way you’re going to hit

That probably tastes so good oh I got it Bullseye oh my gosh oh my gosh Come Here Come to Papa dad you’re so lucky let’s see what’s on it hopefully there’s really good enchants fire aspect I got a fire candy cane sword wow daddy that’s really good all right it’s my turn H

What should I go for in this second level I think I’m going to go for one of the potions because they look really cool ooh they probably have really really good enchants and stuff on it yes I nailed it oh yeah I’m going to get a potion let’s see what it is hopefully

It’s nothing stupid like maybe water resistance or something I hope it’s a love potion what why would you want it to be a love potion Daisy well so you can use it on me we can be in love forever no I have never going to do that

And guess what it’s not it’s a lingering potion of strength this is definitely going to help us out battling those scary monsters nice okay guys well it’s my turn and I’m going to go for the diamond oh gosh I hope you miss what what Daisy you got a potion instead your

Aim is terrible I didn’t want the potion I wanted the diamonds a well you got a potion instead whoooo well it’s a potion of instant health so if any scary monsters hurt us I’ll get all my health back yeah that does seem pretty overpowered all right Daddy it’s your

Turn all right what should I get what should I get next maybe I go for the third level oh gosh D no way you’re going to hit that oh there’s a cool helmet there’s cool axes ooh there’s go a gold Apple daddy which one you going

To go for I think I’m just going to shoot at random all right Daddy Let’s see if I hit wa daddy you got a really cool axe I wasn’t even aiming for that I was aiming for the helmet oh my gosh well Daddy Let

Me just move out of my way hey what wa I got a god axe it does 12 attack damage ah oh my God Jeffy no no no no no no no no no don’t hit me again don’t hit me again wow my aim was so good did you see

That Daisy I did wait what all right it’s my turn again hey that was oh that’s bad hey what were you doing give me all of it oh yeah I just got two more items guys I’m going to be so overpowered when I get these I’m getting

The helmet it’s mine no all give me that nope it’s mine wa I even got a super axe with sharpness four on it yeah Jeffy and I got a cool helmet that has protection four to cover my bald head so ha good now we don’t have to stare at that thing

Again hey oh oh my gosh Jeffy the axe is so shiny yeah it’s pretty cool but guess what Daisy I want to give it to you oh my gosh thanks Jeffy yeah I have this God axe which is way better than that one but you could have the diamond one

Thank you I’ll be able to protect myself now oh my God guys I think the next wave of monsters just started oh God they’re coming from that portal guys come on let’s go kill them what I want to get more look come here oh God God they have

Really scary mouths oh God oh my gosh it’s going to kill me morvin what are you doing help us I’m trying to get loot Daddy stop trying to get the loot we’re going to die oh my gosh watch out Jeffy behind you I’m going to die Daddy help

Us oh I did it wo I got him for you guys oh my gosh I only have two and a half hearts left oh that’s brutal oh my gosh here you go Jeffy you need to be strong and protected waa thank you so much Daisy I’m going to eat this and get all

My hearts back let’s go oh god look ah I just blessed this strength potion guys it should help us defend ourselves guys help me help me help me help me I’m trying dadddy ah ah kill him kill him wait where’ Daisy go I died your dad hit

Me with his sword oh my Go Daddy why would you do that I I did not I did not at all morvin why the heck would you kill me that’s so mean why you keep hitting me with that it does nothing you realize that guys stop fighting we don’t

Have time for this the next wave of monsters are going to spawn right where your standing so quick everyone open up your chest and get the next blocks okay okay let’s keep moving what oak leaves this is a terrible block this is perfect oh this is so dangerous yeah we’re

Literally walking on leaves that are going to disappear underneath us uh-oh this not good we got to move quick oh God more monsters are spawning quick make it to the next Island oh God oh God take a battle axxe to the face ow he does so much damage come on

Don’t come over here no get away oh no wa guys check out what’s in the next chest it’s a diamond chest plate I need that right now cuz this guy just one tapped me oh gosh we have ice blocks this is terrible oh this is not good how

Are we supposed to build with ice blocks I just keep slipping same here Daisy a this is so difficult just don’t slip off daddy I’m trying not to it’s really hard to build this ice staircase oh no everyone keep your eyes out for those mobs too they keep spawning they’re

Behind me oh God one of them’s on Daisy there’s another one no oh no oh I just saw Daisy die oh God one of them’s on my path too take this this monster looks so scary he’s furry and has blue lips I think it’s Sasquatch it’s a Sasquatch

What the heck Daddy they literally are Bigfoot ow Daddy I think you’re right they smell like Bigfoot guys we need to keep moving what’s in the next chest wa guys we have arrows for a bowing Arrow nice we got arrows of harming wait what the heck magma blocks

How are we supposed to build with those don’t these burn you guys just strink the potion of fire resistance then we won’t die on it oh my goodness you’re right all right let’s see if it works yes I’m not dying really and guys now if Bigfoot tries to kill us on them they’re

Going to die from the magma blocks I hear him oh no he’s following me aha no I died that are he’s taking so much damage though oh God I died too guys the bigfoots are getting stronger oh no they’re here when you spawn too oh no oh

No we need to hurry up and make it to this next Island we don’t have too much time guys I’m taking damage I lost the effect from the potion same hot hot hot that’s really hot get these magma blocks out of my inventory ow Daddy I got you oh God I shot you

Instead sorry Daddy Jeffy Daddy I didn’t mean to I was just trying to protect you no you meant that oh God Daisy watch out there’s a Bigfoot he’s stuck I’m shooting him yes oh that was way too easy thanks for protecting me Jeffy you’re welcome Daisy ow ow ow Daddy stop

Saying ow and run it hurt ow guess what guys we have another chest to open up let’s see what’s inside wa diamond leggings and an ender pearl guys we don’t have enough blocks to get to the next Island what are we supposed to supposed to do well don’t worry Daisy

Because we have an ender pearl oh that was a good ender pearl boom Oh no guys there’s a bunch of Big Foots run oh no use your ender pearl oh god daddy you didn’t make it hi I did it yes Daisy you made it but

My daddy didn’t I don’t know where he is now what is he going to do how is he going to get over here I made it wait what no you didn’t I saw you die no I climbed up the vine what you landed on one of these Vines how I landed right

Here did you not just see me Jeffy yeah I guess wa guys what is this place oh my goodness I don’t know but there’s a really big portal right there and a bunch of mini portals surrounding us wait do you guys think more mobs are

Going to spawn soon I don’t know but get ready to fight oh my gosh guys what’s that sound oh no it’s coming from behind the portal oh God it’s a big evil Jeffy oh my gosh Jeffy protect me protect me too oh my gosh who what is he doing oh

God he’s flying hey Jeffy oh no he’s spawning a bunch of scary monsters Hur kill them oh gosh what the heck are these things oh no I don’t have a sword anymore what Daddy how the duration of it just died I’m using my God axe I’m using my arrows shoot them

Shoot them ow help me oh Daisy’s G her ow they’re going to knock me off these are so scary I know no I don’t like him ow take this take this I don’t like you band band I never did it’s like an evil version of Gartner band

Ban yes we almost killed them all come on two more we got them oh yeah we did Ito how do you like that big evil Jeffy quick everyone come on beat up this evil Jeffy ah take this oh yeah ow okay he’s doing so much damage a wao whoo wo oh

Gosh I’m hitting him with the battle axe H take that don’t go after me oh God Daisy I hit you instead ow it’s okay jeffi just kill him he’s so scary oh no he killed me ow guys help me someone help I’m coming Daddy I’m going to kill

This evil Jeffy get away from Marvin take that evil Jeffy everyone hit his feet hit his feet I’m shooting him oh gosh you can’t kill Jeffy I love him oh well he just killed you Daisy you can kill him if you want just don’t kill me

Away hey Daddy that’s messed up yes we did it we killed them yeah let’s go we did it wait guys what what do we do now I don’t know Daddy but we need to figure out how to turn off all these portals they seem to keep on spawning scary

Monsters on us Jeffy you’re right but how are we supposed to even do that oh no more monsters are spawning guys does anyone have like TNT or something I have TNT Jeffy what wait what Daisy where’d you get this TNT oh uh I always keep TNT

On me just in case you know you decide that I’m not allowed to be with Jeffy anymore well you’re not you’re not allowed to be with Jeffy anymore well then do you want to get exploded morvin uh no no I don’t want that to happen Okay let’s just use it for the portals

Guys yeah let’s just do that all right Daddy get out of my way I’m going to place a bunch of TNT on this portal make sure you get the left side all right daddy I’m trying do you think this is enough uh I think it should break the bottom yeah I think it’s

Enough Marvin watch out behind you oh no Jeffy we got to activate it quick all right Daddy I just a few more all right get ready to run run wa guys we did it and look all these portals are gone now we did it woohoo wait but Jeffy there’s one more Monster

Ow what are you talking about what my daddy’s not a monster yes he is you have to get him no don’t do it bye daddy well Jeffy now we’re alone together oh no I need to get out of here if you guys enjoyed this video make

Sure to leave a like and hit subscribe subscribe today we’re playing build to survive in Minecraft but we’re mutants oh no guys I don’t like being a mutant I know Daddy this is super scary I love being a mutant I have four arms oh my goodness you’re a crazy fan girl

That’s scary that you have four arms yeah I can just give you a bigger hug no not with those knives on your hands I won’t cut you with them oh my goodness well guys everyone go to your colored Square because in 5 minutes big scary monsters are going to come and attack us

But guys the bases we have to make have to be so much bigger than usual we’re so big I know we need to make huge houses oh gosh I I don’t even know what to build I know exactly what I’m going to build wait really what are you going to

Build I’m going to build a huge dirt Hut what since you know I’m a big mutant and Jeffy that doesn’t make sense why are you building out of dirt because I like dirt you guys trust me once you guys see my house all done you’re going to want

To live in it definitely not what are you guys building out of uh I don’t know I can’t decide well whatever you do daisy do not make it the color pink fine I won’t make it Pink trust me monsters hate the color pink Jeffy your house is

Coming out like poop it actually looks like poop daddy no it’s not it’s so spacious in here it’s perfect for my Mutant Jeffy really wait let me see your house what daddy this house is coming out terrible what do you mean I’m making it big so

All of us can fit in here if we have to yeah I guess let me see what Daisy’s building who Daisy why are you building your house at a yellow material because it looks like you Jeffy what oh my goodness that’s so disgusting break this no yell over here no Jeffy stop breaking

My house I have to be safe ah fine well I’m almost out my dirt Hut uh-oh guys why are we in survival mode I think the first wave is coming Jeffy oh no go inside your houses my house isn’t finished I don’t even have a door there’s no walls same here Daisy uh-oh

What’s that noise wait what’s spawning oh no what the heck are those things it’s evil pumpkins oh God Jeff you got to let me in Daisy I have no door or anything run there’s so many my door is wide open there’s so many oh my God ow ow they’re attacking me

No what you killed me I’m stuck at Da House I need to use my Mutant Powers Jeffy I’m on top of your house I’m safe up here wait what no out there’s one coming up I’m going to kill it oh no help me help me help me I’m

Going to die I’m going to die no get me up give me up no no no Daddy watch out I’m coming in ah take that ah ow I’m using my Mutant powers to kill them be careful Jeffy I’m going to die for the first time no Daddy you cannot die I

Survived yes you’re welcome Daddy I saved you there those pum those pumpkins are scary guys that was only the first round it’s only going to get harder from here that was brutal we need to keep expanding our bases and make them the best bases ever I don’t want it to get

Harder what are you guys going to add to your house I’m doing a second floor what a second floor yep well Daddy I’m digging into my floor why because I need to expand the bottom of my house obviously okay I’m going to add quick sand everywhere wait what what Daisy why

Are you going to add quicksand cuz I get stuck in it ooh that’s actually really smart you’re only going to get stuck in it yourself I won’t get stuck in it I’m not stupid morvin I don’t know about that well we’ll see we’ll see boom I think my house is complete Daddy come

Check it out is it really yeah Daddy look at it did you just make a dirt house Jeffy I swear if I go over there and it’s just dirt I’m going to yell no Daddy it’s more than dirt okay I’m I’m on my way check it out Daddy it’s dirt a

Dirt hole no it’s not Dad look there’s torches there’s stone is the floor it’s perfect for me this is horrible you could just jump or you know hit the wall once and the whole thing will crumble Daddy no it won’t yes it will oh no wait what we’re already in survival it’s not

Good that round was too quick Oh no I got to get my mu and Hammer back out what the heck are those they look like tiny Godzillas e what the heck why is there Godzillas in our game ow they do so much damage Jeffy they can climb help

Me uh-oh oh god daddy I’m in your house Jeffy why you bringing them here oh they’re jumping like monkeys oh God they jump so high Daisy I’m coming to your house I’m not jumping down I’m staying up here oh God I got to go on top of my

House this the only safe area making weird noises no Jeffy they’re climbing up ow I’ll help you Daisy Daisy run you’re going to die no I won’t I won’t help you oh my God I’m getting attacked I’m running as fast as I can guys we’re mutants we have extra Hearts we’re fine

I don’t have extra Hearts wait you don’t have extra Hearts I do I don’t oh you just must be a really poopy mutant they’re stuck in my quicksand I knew it work wa your quicksand is super overpowered uhoh I think I just got him unstuck behind you Jeffy oh God there’s

So many Jeffy watch out there’s some behind you don’t worry Daisy I’m going to come save you oh God watch out above I’m running like crazy daddy they’re on top of your house I know they’re climbers oh my goodness they do so much damage ow ow no Jeffy help me there’s

One in your house oh God it’s a red one Jeffy your house is not safe yes they all died I think we survived woo that was bad Jeffy your house is not safe at all yes it is what are you talking about they were all on the inside I think my

House is better than all of yours combined Jeff I think you have the worst house no I don’t you know what fine I’m going to expand on top of my house since that is the safest part guys I’m going to start reinforcing my house with mud blocks Jeffy why would you just keep

Building with dir I don’t get it no Daddy mud is way stronger Than Dirt how do you not know this what are you talking about it’s just going to fall they’re like mud bricks no they’re not Daddy Daisy tell them tell them it’s a bad idea honestly I think if he packs

The mud it’ll be stronger than dirt oh my God I got two Looney bins I’m playing with Daddy I just think you’re really bad at building and you know that you have the worst house here Jeff I’m building with yellow glass that should make you feel a certain type of way

Daddy your yellow glass looks like I peed on it okay Jeffy I thought you lik the color yellow well not that yellow that looks like PE yellow I just like regular yellow oh my gosh you make this very difficult for me Jeffy wo my house is looking so good Jeffy this looks

Worse than before no it doesn’t Daddy I reinforced all the walls with mud Daisy what do you think I think I know what can make it better uh-oh what is it Daisy what are you doing what the heck it’s a bed for me Daisy get this bed out

Of my house we don’t need beds in my house I just sleep in the mud but it’s my bed so I can come over and stay with you why would I want you to come over into my mud house and stay with me so we can live together and get married no

Daddy get this girl out of my house she’s crazy I mean it looks like Patrick Star lives here Jeffy well Daddy guess what I like Patrick Star so I don’t care well you’re like a big freakishly big Patrick see Daddy me and Patrick have a lot in common well Jeffy Patrick doesn’t

Like you all right a oh no guys we’re in survival mode everyone get to your house get out of my house fan girl oh no oh my goodness let’s see what monsters spawn I’m really scared what oh no it’s a mutant spider ew and he has a mouth on his butt

Oh God he’s hitting me with stuff he’s killing me what the heck what are these things ow they do so much damage they’re so strong kill Daisy I don’t care a take that don’t kill me oh my God they jump so high well there spiders Jeffy y

Morvin oh I just died wait why does it say I was shot um daddy did you just shoot shoot me uh no why am I being shot I think you did I did not shoot you J come in here Daddy stop shooting us come

In here come in here okay Daddy I have a special wall wait what the heck I can’t get through Crouch I’m stuck on the wall there we go Daddy I’m inside your house I’m putting up the wall I’m put up the door no none of them will be able to get

In here guys help me Daisy come to my daddy’s house I can’t oh no she just died in front of the door daddy you made this doorway so small me and Daisy are too big what are you you talking about you just fit in your SP no you’re let them in I’m sorry

Daddy I’m closing it I’m closing it go go upstairs daddy I’m going to kill him don’t worry guys I keep dying oh it stinks Daisy where are you I’m trying to run over you guys but I just keep dying oh my goodness run faster why do these

Guys have so much health I don’t know they’re big spiders wait they died yes guys we did it we survived I mean Daisy didn’t really survive but I did I keep dying I don’t get it maybe it’s because you have the worst house here Daisy my

House is not bad yours has a giant hole in it yours is terrible look at this thing it’s actually bad like I can’t even fit through the door but you don’t have to fit through the door it’s for me and I can fit through who fits in here

Marvin I can’t help that you’re fat and can’t fit through the door okay you know what I survived and you didn’t so ha wait Daddy and Daisy why do your guys’ houses kind of look similar what are you talking about cuz he copied me look they

Both have hello so I think my house is so much better because it looks the most different but Jeffy you didn’t even stay in the house that round you stayed in my house that’s because they were going inside of my house so I had to evacuate

Je it’s because you have a big hole in the ground that’s really it well Daddy I’m working on fixing it jeez well fix it now for the next round I don’t want you in my house next round all right you’re right we don’t have too much time everyone start building all right it’s

Time to build an actual house on top of my big mud hut Daddy when you you see what I’m building you’re going to be so impressed you’re building a house on top of your dirt Hut yep and you think it’s going to support it and you’re going to

Be able to survive on top of it yes daddy I’m using dead oak logs too you’re using oh my God Jeff you know what good luck good luck thanks Daddy I don’t need it all right the foundation is done now I can actually start building my house wait you’re building your house now

Jeffy Daddy I was just joking before my little Hut is just like a prepare house it’s a fake house to get to the real house oh that makes more sense now yeah Daddy still looks horrible though hey no it doesn’t I think it looks great Jeffy thanks Daisy my daddy’s just a big

Meanie oh no Daisy your house is on fire I set it on fire why would you put it on fire because they won’t run into the fire well it’s going to burn your house down no it won’t why is it blue that that actually looks cool daisy your

House has blue fire on it get that away from me no I wanted to protect me but I’m literally using wood over here what if if it burns my house down it’s not burning my house down so it won’t burn your house down well you better not be

Lying or I’m going to be really mad Jeffy come over I want to show you something uh-oh I don’t want to go into your house just come over here Jeffy fine Daisy here I come what if it’s something funny Jeffy um Daisy we have an issue what’s the issue you made the

Door so small I can’t fit through here oh here I’ll fix it oh thank you um Daisy we have another issue uh here thanks Daisy you did not make this house big enough for me whoa what is this there’s cake wow Daisy you made all this

Cake just for Jeffy I did so when you come over you can eat it oh Daisy I’m getting really hungry right now oh yes C is so good wait Jeffy you’re destroying everything sorry Daisy I’m just a mutant so I’m just really big not going to be able to be safe now well

At least my house is safe bye wait does that mean I can come over and be safe at your house no you’re not allowed to come into my house mine’s so much better than yours oh no guys uh-oh oh guys why are we in survival oh no they’re coming ah

What is that dang it I’m too fat to climb up a ladder what the heck get in his own house oh oh no what is spawning guys they’re scary go inside they’re fairy things what the heck are these things e oh God I’m poisoned oh no I’m

Poisoned hey what why you in my house oh no it’s following you in oh kill it help me Daddy I’m coming into the house go go go I’ll protect you oh god daddy your wo is not good your door is literally terrible I didn’t account for anything that flies no you

Get upstairs get upstairs there’s a hot tub Daddy I can’t get up it’s too small do something get out of the way I’m stuck Daddy I’m poison and I’m stuck I’m in the hot tub I’m in the hot tub oh yeah I want to go in the hot tub guys

Let me up oh no there’s more spawning Daddy I’m breaking your blocks and I don’t care hey no no no no no no no you’re not allowed I need to break him so I can go in the hot tub yes I’m coming up Daddy Let Me In oh oh yes it

Feels so good hey why am I in jeffy’s house what the heck hey don’t let those scary moths go inside my house Daisy keep screaming at me they keep screaming at me oh God they do so much damage die die die it’s like they’re trying to give

Me a hug but the only hug I want is from Jeffy hey I’m not hugging you that was weird stop comparing me to these scary moths oh God Daisy you’re going to die you have like 100 moths on you help me oh yes we survived barely oh my God that

Was so scary guys I’m going to get a sword I feel like we need to get some better armor and better weapons wa guys I have a really special poop ability wait what everyone come down here all right all right you guys ready to check

This out since I’m a big Jeffy mutant my poops are huge ew Jeffy are you pooping on us yes but it does poison in it’s really overpowered oh my God yeah it gives me nausea and slowness I don’t want to be pooped on take that e get

Away take my poopy keep your poop to yourself how about that all right time to start building the rest of my house wait why is there cakes at my house uh I don’t know well whoever plays them don’t do it again I have cake in my house why

Does cake just randomly spawn our houses that’s so weird I’m not sure my house is coming out so good wao daddy your house is literally taller than mine that’s not fair I have a hot tub on this floor I have four floors four floors yeah oh I’m

Only working on my second floor W Jeffy your house is starting to look really cool I know I wish I could say the same thing about yours what my house looks so cool no it doesn’t you just put random blocks and cakes everywhere yeah but at

Least I’m safe yeah I guess W daddy yours is coming out even cooler I know I think I have the best base out of everyone I don’t know Daddy I think my Hut is still the best guys the next wave of monsters are coming wait what the

Heck they fly oh I’m in it Mouse oh no I’m going to poop on them I’m in it Mouse oh no crazy fingers in the air what I’m pooping on him oh God it picked me up hey stop it you dumb Dragon let me down I think I’m too fat guys what is

Happening these monsters are terrifying they’re too strong I’m pooping all over his face oh he doesn’t like it he’s backing up oh no he picked me up I froze him I killed it God I’m pooping on you Daisy sorry you’re poisoning me Jeffy I’m sorry the poop is just going

Everywhere whoa I got a diamond take that oh God I ran out of poop oh no I’m in his mouth help me I’m saving you Daisy do something I a moue I I’m helping I’m helping Jeffy just stay still daddy use like a cool mutant ability or something I killed it with my

Fist of Fury daddy how about this did you just hit me take that that you like that this is what you get for not saving me Jeffy stop fighting me we’re on the same team someone please help help me oh no come on Daddy we got to go help Daisy

I got to eat some of this cake I’m stuck in my own quick sand oh no big dragon he’s after you Jeffy no oh God what is this Daddy help me I’m trying that was the one I was talking about oh no I’m going to die I’m going to die no I got

Him I got him I got him there’s so many ripped them off you I’m running I got to go back into my mud hut it’s not safe out here no don’t run away help me sorry Daisy wait yes they all died guys we did it oh I’m so strong that was so scary

That was the hardest round so far they actually picked us up and dragged Us in the air I know Daddy guys quick everyone get some mutant Powers look at all these different powers we could use wait what wao powers whoa this one slows down your enemies what does this one do whoa you

Like that I’m definitely going to be using a couple of these oh these are like webs I know Daddy they’re super overpowered I get you no Daddy all right you have to use it on an enemy not me I’m using this Frost one Jeff your house

Actually looks cool I know it does cuz I’m making it okay now it’s the worst one whoo whoa whoa whoa whoo Daisy what do you think you’re doing I’m making a bridge why do you always want to make a bridge to my house because I want to

Live with you Jeffy oh yeah how about you take that take that we got red fire now no what are you doing to me what is this I’m making it so we can’t have a bridge well you you can’t burn mud well I could break mud with my big giant

Fists ow hi Daisy d That’s mean I’m closing this off and you’re not allowed in je am I allowed in no you’re definitely not allowed in hey I protected you on multiple occasions this whole entire build so I want you to know that well I’m the one with all the cool

Abilities so you guys need me to survive wao guys I have like a weird creeper Shard thing wait what daddy that’s probably one of your mutant abilities where are you I’m up in the air I’m going to use it what Daddy what are you doing up there wow my gosh Marvin uh I

Don’t think I’m going to use that near our houses I think I’ll explode everything a daddy was really cool wait Daisy why are you adding more yellow to your house because I want you to love my house so you come over Daisy I can’t even fit in the front door yes you can

No I can’t here sorry you have a big head this house is terrible oh yeah this is too small this is not meant for a muttin you know what house is made for a muttin this one house looks like Shrek lives in it ew well I basically am Shrek

Can’t go up the stairs why Daddy’s fly this it Yep this is it this house stinks that it’s way better than yours I have like six floors six floors yeah I got one 2 3 D you made like a hotel four five 6 technically wo oh no guys we’re

Back in survival mode oh no let’s see what the mob’s going to be hopefully it’s something like cute and Squishy and then we could just kill it and that’s it oh God it’s venom oh no I’m shooting stuff at it take that Venom BL I’m blind

You’re blind wait he makes you blind use your superpowers uh take that Venom I can’t see anything oh oh God wait he’s teleporting what the heck I have my bug Army why are you spawning bugs Daddy ah what is that oh God Daddy it’s little

Spiders that fight for you ow I know the f are mine Daddy I’m having spiders go crazy I can’t see anything I can’t see go wind charges go I’m freezing I’m freezing oh god daddy I’m making you fly I’m just putting them everywhere oh my

Gosh guys I need help they’re so scary I know they do so much damage guys we need to get inside someone’s house ah Jeffy guys we need to get inside the house right now who is the safest house me it’s mine no Daddy it’s my house obviously I’m coming in Jeffy I’m

Hurting I’m hurting I’m going to die everyone hide in here Jeffy they’re in your house wait where they’re upstairs oh God oh God what is this no die die die die die there’s so many run Daisy run my house is clearly not safe come to mine come to mine all right Daisy all

Right take all those spiders there’s spiders everywhere my spider Army is so massive hi Venom you want to die I’m stuck in my own Quicks sand go spiders go woo guys I think I killed them all uh there one on top of your house that’s exploding what they’re exploding daddy

Look I killed them all I know is I didn’t die that was close yes we survived another round that was easy thanks for protecting me Jeffy you’re welcome Daisy all right guys it’s time to do something crazy to my house what are you doing Jeffy I’m putting poison

All around it wait Jeffy that’s leaking on to my house sorry Daddy uh but it has to be done wait but Jeffy how are you going to get in don’t worry guys I have it under control no you don’t but if I surround my house with poison then no

Monsters are going to want to even come close to it yeah what if I put my house around with lava how about that Daddy don’t do that cuz it’s going to interfere my poison nope put in lava I’m putting yellow lava I’m going to put honey all around mine they’ll get stuck

In it ooh see that’s a good idea Daisy daddy why are you putting lava everywhere I’m not you’re putting lava everywhere oh my goodness you’re so annoying guys the honey isn’t working I think I’m going to use blood what why are you going to use blood I think crazy

Fan Girl’s Crazy Jeffy yeah Daddy I think so too they’re never going to want to run into the blood I mean she does have a point I mean yeah I wouldn’t guys the inside of my house is so cool all I see is poison around my house really you

Madean it that cool already yeah this is so awesome oh no guys here we go this is the final round everyone stay in your house oh what was that sound oh no I’m going to die daddy why you outside of your house I was stuck out here get out

Of my house oh no what the heck is flying around what are those things they’re chickens ow I’m poison oh God I got to go to my top floor they’re in my house they’re in my house ow they’re setting me on fire what are they look like giant chickens what the heck giant

Chickens there’s an evil demon all right I’m coming outside to help you guys he’s killing me in my own regeneration hot tub guys there’s a demon what the heck is happening I can’t kill him Jeffy I can’t kill him he keeps killing me over and over again this is the worst hardest

Mob yet it’s literally a demon I’m going to come kill it daddy take this demon you got rid of my hot tub they’re so strong oh god daddy I’m outside of the map I’m outside of the map Guys these demons are so scary I know they’re in my

House they keep shooting green fire I know I’m using all my abilities but it’s not doing anything they have a hold of me I’m in their arms what you’re in their arms that keeps grabbing me and giving me a big hug what the heck I’m at a chicken’s mouth I

Don’t know what type of demon you’re fighting I just killed two no you didn’t Daisy where are you I’m going to come help you they’re all in front of my house all right I’m coming Daisy don’t worry they destroyed my hot tub oh God uh Daisy your whole house is blocked off

I know oh God guys there’s a flying chicken what the heck is happening on top of my face I think it hands it keeps pulling me off oh no we’re going to die wait did we do it I think we survived the round yeah we’re we’re in

Creative again yeah let’s go oh no guys our whole world got ruined though a fooy I don’t think placing poison and lava and blood around our bases were a good idea that was the worst idea yet it’s all your fault Jeffy no it’s not Daddy you started the trend well you followed

It at least we did it if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now subscribe today I’m playing build to survive in Minecraft all by myself uh Jeffy did you forget about me what Daisy my crazy fan

Girl how did you get into my build to survive world I used my Jeffy tracker and that’s all I got here what a Jeffy tracker where did you find that um I made it what you made it well give it to me here you go all right you’re never

Allowed to have this ever again Jeffy I’ll just make a new one no you’re not allowed to know where I am whatever Jeffy I still love you oh my gosh well today we’re playing build to survive build to survive what’s that well Daisy we only have 5 minutes to build an

Amazing house because scary monsters are going to come out of these Gates Jeffy can we build our house together what no see this yellow line right here you’re not allowed to come in here and what if I do well I don’t know then I’m just

Going to have to kill you fine Jeffy I’m going to build a house in the pink lines but it’s going to be for the both of us oh my goodness Well mine’s going to be only for me all right all right let’s start building I’m going to make my

House out of wood Jeffy what are you building I’m going to build a house but it’s going to look exactly like a big chocolate cake chocolate cake Jeffy chocolate cake isn’t safe yes it is Jeffy all the monsters are going to want to come and eat your house because it

Looks delicious oh gosh you actually might be right well how about this I’ll just make my cake out of poop so they won’t want to eat it Jeffy are you going to poop on your cake oh maybe that’s s so gross but it’s going to add extra

Fudge what Daisy what are you building um nothing it’s surprise go back to your house um okay I guess I’m just going to have to wait and see what the surprise is Daisy we don’t have too much time left make sure you have something to survive in Jeff I don’t have anything to

Survive in wait maybe it’s because you’re building a giant heart yeah but at least looks cute oh my goodness we’re going to die yours looks like the pile of poo well I’m not done yet I got to add the icing oh no Daisy why are we in

Survival mode Jeffy I think the scary monsters are coming oh God I’m going inside my house Jeffy you got to let me in what Daisy get out of my house no I need to be in here I don’t have anywhere to protect myself I said at the

Beginning of this video that you can’t cross the yellow line and what did you do I crossed all the yellow line get out Daisy oh gosh oh my goodness they’re skiy Jeffy oh my gosh they’re so cute what Daisy they’re going to eat you oh gosh Daisy they’re literally all

Attacking you haha Jeffy help me sorry they’re not going to attack me because they’re jeffy’s they just think I’m a skib toilet oh no there’s one in front of me what Hey ow I’m not a ski toilet ow Daisy sorry Jeffy you guys all look the same oh God they’re attacking me no

Ow oh gosh I hate skiy toilets this is so scary Jeffy I need help there’s so many behind me I’m going to die well maybe if you built an actual house you wouldn’t be having this problem Daisy I was working on it die ow they’re doing a

Lot of damage oh gosh keep running I think the round’s almost over I only have a heart and a half oh yeah you’re dead yes they died we survived barely oh my gosh Daisy you need to hurry up and build a house I know I’m going to work

Really fast this time wait why are you using yellow blocks I told you Jeffy I’m making a house for the both of us oh my goodness oh whatever I need to finish up my cake house all right now it is time to start adding the icing to my house wo

This is going to look so good when it’s done it’s going to look like a real cake Jeffy you’re working so slow my house is coming along faster than yours oh my goodness you made so much progress but too bad by the end of this video my

House is still going to be better um no it’s not yes it is Daisy I’m so much of a better Builder than you yeah well my house is taller than yours well how about this Daisy mine’s going to be more yummier than yours Jeffy you literally

Said you were going to poop on your house well that’s just to keep the monsters away yeah well poop isn’t yummy but Daisy you’re like crazy so you’re probably going to want to eat my poop or something ew Jeffy that’s so disgusting I don’t want to eat anyone’s poop not

Even Jesus’s poop I eat his poop Daisy check out my icing it’s coming out so sick wa Jeffy it actually does look really good I know and now I’m just adding the roof and then I’m going to add some cherries oh yeah all these cherries came out so cool oh no Daisy

We’re back in survival Jeffy I don’t have anywhere to go my house isn’t finished yet oh God Daisy there’s dinosaurs Jeffy they’re going to eat your house oh God if they just ate you oh my gosh ow oh God oh God I’m going ins my house get out of my way

Dinosaur ow they do so much damage Jeffy I spawned on top of your cake I’m not getting down what get off of my cake right now Daisy no this is the safest spot well guess what I’m on top of your house haha good Jeffy you’re always

Welcome in my house wait what no I I don’t want to be on this house then how about that oh God I’m going to die from a T-Rex oh God Daisy let me in Daisy help me Jeffy get inside your house it’s the safest place ow no ow I just got

Killed by an Allosaurus again oh Jeffy I’m coming down all right go attack them yes yes attack Daisy not me Jeffy they’re so strong I know they like toap us ow no he cornered me aren’t they supposed to be extinct or something how are they even surviving right now Jeff

What are we going to do Daisy they died thank goodness they were so strong check it out Daisy I got dinos or me there we go e it’s raw you got to have all that you got to have all that no this looks weird I don’t want this all right fine

Just leave it there but we need to hurry up and finish our houses we cannot have monsters killing us anymore yeah I’m really behind all right it’s time to do the inside of my cake H what should I make the floor obviously more chocolate chocolate Jeffy I think you should use

Vanilla what no I only like chocolate Daisy but vanilla is so much better ew no all right Daisy I finished the interior of my house but now I just got to add some chests you’re going to have chests what are you going to put inside

Of them I think we need to start getting armor and some really cool weapons to help defend ourselves Jeffy that’s so smart wa there’s a candy cane sword that works perfect for my cake house all right I’m going to take that and now I got to find some really cool armor I

Want a cool sword which one should I use um you should get the wooden sword I heard it’s really good no Jeffy I want a cool one wo I just found a flame dragon sword maybe you should use that one yeah that one’s so cool oh yeah I look so

Cool I look like a big giant cookie wait Jeffy I want to see all right check out my armor Daisy oh yeah wo you do look like a giant cookie wait Daisy why are you wearing pink armor because pink is my favorite color well I heard that the

Pink armor is the most terrible armor in Minecraft yeah well I bet my sword is stronger than yours guess what I got the same sword wait that’s not fair yeah I got multiple swords wo Daisy you actually made a staircase into your house yeah ew this looks terrible it’s

Not finished yet Jeffy I still need to work on it well I think my interior is better I bet it’s not all right well come look at it all right I’m still working on mine too but it’s way better than yours Jeffy it’s just Brown in here what Daisy we’re literally surrounded by

Chocolate this is so much better than your house ew and Jeffy it smells like poop in here well that’s because I pooped in the wall so the monsters wouldn’t eat it ew Jeffy I have to get out of here that’s so gross a oh no Daisy we’re back in survival oh no you

Better hope that those monsters don’t eat your cookie armor um Daisy why are the monsters you Jeffy that’s mutant me e it’s a mutant crazy fan girl kill him kill him kill him take that wait what my sword’s breaking and it’s dropping candy canes wait really I want candy cane oh

My goodness these mutant Fang girls do so much damage I need to go in my house I’m killing all of them oh my gosh I’m the only Fang girl allowed here oh gosh Daisy kill them look out behind you they’re stronger than me oh gosh get out

Of my house no fan girls allowed in jeffy’s house die die Jeffy help me they’re so strong wrong I know they do so much damage oh god I think I’m going to die I only have one heart get away they keep crossing the yellow line what

Did I say come on come on yay we survived Daisy oh my gosh Jeffy they’re all gone let’s go Daisy we did it wait Jeffy what if for this round we switch houses wait what switch houses no you’re not allowed inside my house well Jeffy

You can go make my house better and I can make your house better a fine Daisy but only for this round all right okay deal all right you have 5 minutes go H what can I change in Daisy’s house I’m just going to start by breaking

Everything oh yeah I think I’m going to do a little redecoration and put some mud all over the walls she’s going to think I’ve pooped everywhere this is such a good idea Daisy how’s my house looking over there it’s looking great Jeffy I’m just adding a few things well

Don’t make it weird all right no promises oh gosh ooh I should make these big poops really wet oh yeah I’m going to add some of this oh yeah a little bit more here o maybe I should add some inside the house I’m just going to have

One going from the ceiling uh Jeffy what does That Smell What Daisy do you smell something cuz I don’t smell anything yeah Jeffy it smells awful what’s going on out here oh my go Jeffy what have you done to my house uh uh nothing Daisy I was just doing some decorations you know

Jeffy you you pooped everywhere well I thought you liked my poop so that’s what I wanted to do I wanted to add poop in your house Jeffy I told you I didn’t like your poop oh well Daisy next time you got to speak up cuz I thought you

Said you liked it well look check out in the inside it’s really cool in here oh Jeffy it smells so bad well Daisy it doesn’t smell that bad all right well Jeffy I actually made your house better what oh my goodness let me see what you

Did this better be good Daisy what the hell back Dy what it looks so nice in here why did you add pink everywhere look all the floor is pink well I love pink and I love you so I figured you loved pink too oh my goodness and what

Is this you put pink on the walls yeah I just needed to cover up all the poop you have on the walls it’s not poop it’s chocolate oh whatever Daisy oh no Daisy we don’t have time to complain about this pink floor we’re back in survival oh no Jeffy what what are we

Going to do I don’t know but you need to go back to your poop house right now but Jeff it smells bad in there I’m not going back in there oh my goodness Daisy don’t look outside it’s a mutant pigman oh my gosh he’s huge holy moly that is

The biggest Pigman I’ve ever seen in my life all right Daisy go outside go back to your house oh Jeffy I’m going to get killed by oh God he just one tapped you Jeffy help me he’s so strong don’t worry Daisy I’m going to kill him ow ow okay

Okay why do they do so much damage oh my gosh Jeffy there’s a mini one ew there’s little baby ones oh he’s so fast ow oh God I’m going to die I got to use my candy cane sword oh yeah take the candy canes in your mouth Jeffy use the Dragon

Sword it’s so much stronger yeah I think you’re right my candy cane sword broke I’m going to die no wait they’re stuck in my poop my poop is so sticky and nasty that they’re getting stuck in it wait that’s good Jeffy hit them into your poo all right I’m trying ah go

Inside my poop take that oh my goodness they’re so scary and I’m dead Jeffy there’s so many on you I know they keep like multiplying I think they’re having babies Daisy I think so too they’re so strong though take that get away from Daisy okay we’re

Not going to be able to kill these guys yeah Jeffy they’re way too strong Daisy I think we need to hide inside our houses I think so too but mine smells like poop yeah mine has a bunch of pink in it this is terrible Jeffy I’m coming

In I don’t want to be out there well Daisy guess what I’m just going to poop on your face no Jeffy you pooped on me ha now you’re stuck ew Jeffy this is so gross well that’s what you get for putting pink in my house daisy look all

The me and Pigman died I think we survived that round oh my gosh thank goodness they were so strong I know Jeffy I can’t believe you pooped on me well I think you should go back to your poop covered house and go fix that up yeah I definitely need to go clean that

Out I know and I need to get rid of all the pink all these pink things on my wall are coming down they look terrible all right I think it’s time to add a second layer to my cake this is going to look so good going to add another layer

To your cake yes it needs to be a huge cake the biggest one built in Minecraft what flavor are you going to make it chocolate obviously Jeffy I think you should make it strawberry so it’s pink no no more pink is going on my house I think you added enough Daisy I guess

You’re right Daisy check it out I just just finished the second layer of my cake house wo Jeffy your house looks so cool I know it’s coming out so amazing it looks awesome and tasty I wish it just didn’t smell bad wait Daisy why are you putting leaves on your house I

Thought it would make it look pretty um no it’s not a tree it’s supposed to be a house and wait where did all my poop go Jeffy I got rid of it you made my house smells so bad well Daisy I didn’t get rid of your pink blocks inside my house

Wait really oh I’m going to get rid of it right now though no Jeffy keep them all right let’s just get rid of all these oh yeah oh my gosh Jeffy and you left the bed well not anymore they’re all gone Daisy you want to help me break

Some of these blocks sure Jeffy all right I think I’m going to make the bottom of my house at a fudge oh yeah see Daisy this isn’t poop this is chocolate are you sure Jeffy no it might be poop I think it is poop well Daisy

The good thing about this is that you don’t even need a bathroom in my house you could just poop anywhere you want uh oh Daisy I got to poop e Jeffy that’s disgusting don’t do that in front of me sorry Daisy it slipped oh no Jeffy I think I’m starting

To hear more monsters oh God I think it’s the next round let’s see what spawns this time what the heck are those Jeffy those are Ronald McDonald’s what Ronald McDonald but he looks like evil or something he looks so evil kill him kill him ew these things are so weird

They’re throwing potions at us what the heck this Ronald McDonald’s like a wizard or something I don’t know Ronald McDonald is a wizard yeah that’s probably how he makes all his Burgers he puts like weird spells on them oh my gosh you think so yeah take this Ronald go back to

McDonald’s Jeffy there’s so many of them I know they’re doing so much damage wow where are they spawning in from oh God oh God Daisy some of them came into my house Jeffy they’re so strong I keep getting hurt get out of my house oh God

I don’t think the smell of poop is caring them away dang it I’m about to die Jeffy help me I’m trying they’re so hard I can’t kill them oh God they’re doing so much damage I know I’ve died so many times ah take that Ronald ah take

That yes we did it they all died oh my gosh Jeffy they threw everything at us I know I wish they gave me a Happy Meal though cuz I’m kind of hungry yeah me too I could definitely eat some chicken nuggets right now well I don’t have to

Actually worry about that because I could just eat my house wait Jeffy you’re going to eat poop well yeah Daisy it’s my poop so obviously I’m going to eat it wait Jeffy that’s disgusting I think I’m starting not to like you really all I had to do is eat my own

Poop and you’re not going to like me anymore no Jeffy I’m just kidding I still love you dang it all right I think I’m going to add a third and final like to my cake house a third layer Jeffy that’s so much cake I know it needs to be the biggest cake

Ever Daisy what are you going to add to your house uh Jeffy I don’t know H maybe you should add some TNT and then blow it up Jeffy what I’m doing to my house is a surprise so you’re not allowed to look okay um I just look Jeffy stop looking

It’s a surprise okay okay I won’t look I’m just going to finish the icing on top of my third layer oh yeah this looks so good all right my third third layer is complete now it’s time to put the top on all right I’m just going to make one

Big Cherry right here cherries Jeffy I love cherries what well now I hate cherries Jeffy that’s so mean just because I like something doesn’t mean that you can’t um yes it does and now I’m going to start adding the candles oh yeah going to put a candle there and one

More red one right there oh yeah that looks so good wow Daisy what are you doing um I’m making my house a cake house just like yours um who said you could do that I did ew This is coming out terrible my house is so much better and

Look you forgot to do this whole side Jeffy I’m not done yet I’m still working on it I told you not to look well I already look Daisy you literally just stole my blocks because I want my house to be as cool as yours Jeffy well guess

What mine’s always going to be cooler yeah well mine’s a heart shape Daisy you don’t even have enough frosting on it this cake is probably going to taste terrible Jeffy we’re in survival now oh God I’m going inside my cake house oh no what’s going to spawn oh God there’s

Zombies coming out of the floor what the heck get away from my house I didn’t invite you D they’re inside what they’re inside your house oh god oh same here Daisy get away get away what are these things I don’t know ow they keep hitting me Jeffy they’re killing me they’re like

Some sort of scary Knights oh God I just dieded oh God Daisy help me oh no Jeffy that’s so many behind you Daisy help me I’ll protect you Jeffy they want to eat me cuz I look like a big cookie oh God look at all these nights ow ow ow oh no

I think I’m going to die again Daisy I’m leading them all to your house no Jeffy don’t lead them to my house I’m leading them to yours come inside yay we’re having so much fun inside Daisy’s house Ste you’re going to die in this there oh

God I think you’re right dang it I just died hey Daisy get out of my house no I want them to come to yours oh gosh there’s so many outside take this who I think they’re slowed down from all the fudge inside my house Jeffy I need help outside of the

House there’s so many sorry Daisy you’re all alone no they keep killing me oh God they’re literally all chasing you yeah this is so scary hi Daisy you having fun out there no they all died yeah no thanks to you Jeffy I actually did everything I think the

Smell of my house was so bad that they all just died well either way I’m just happy to be alive and now it’s time to finish our houses yeah you’re right these rounds are getting so difficult I think this next round is going to be the

Hardest one yet oh no we really need to get prepared maybe we even need to get stronger armor ooh good idea I’m also going to get a bow and arrow hey Daisy check it out I’m on top of my cake house oh Jeff you’re your house looks so cool

And the candles look awesome I know how’s your poopy Cake House coming out I think it’s coming along pretty well well I don’t think so because it’s literally a duplicate of mine just in a weird shape you think your own house looks bad then wait no it’s the shape of your

House which looks bad I don’t know Jeffy I think mine came out way better oh whatever ooh I’m also going to get some golden apples I think these are really going to help us wo look at this there’s an ice battle axx it does so much damage

Oh yeah it’s so big too a battle axe Jeffy you definitely need to have one of those I know and I think I also need to upgrade my armor because it’s really bad right now yeah that’s a good idea you don’t need to look like a cookie anymore

Ooh I found the armor that matches my battle axe all right time to switch it out hopefully I look really cool wow I look so awesome oh my gosh cheffy you do you look so hunky wait why are you wearing yellow right now because Jeffy I

Want to be like you I want to we’re yellow all day oh God all right whatever but I think the next round is about to start so get ready to fight Daisy I’m going to the top of my cake house oh no Daisy we’re in survival mode Jeffy I’m

Scared what are we going to do I don’t know I’m eating a bunch of golden apples wait what wa there’s a snow queen oh God oh God she’s above me I got to go downstairs okay the top of my cake was a bad idea what the heck

There’s a bunch of Yetis oh God I got a I’m super angry what a snowflake yeah there’s a giant snowflake down here oh my goodness this must be like the ice round thank goodness I have ice armor on hey they just threw me on your house ow

The yetis keep picking me up I got to use the battle axe take that oh I’m freezing everything it’s so overpowered Jeffy you can’t freeze things that are made out of ice well I just did Daisy good thing I have a flaming sword I can just melt them all oo that’s actually

Really smart a take that snowflake oh God we got to start attacking the Snow Queen help me Daisy I’m in a Yeti’s arm I’m coming ow she’s like deflecting all my arrows I don’t think arrows work on her come here I’m going to throw snowballs at her okay that’s not working

Yes I froze her take that you dumb Snow Queen ow she’s doing so much damage hurry Jeffy we’ve almost killed her oh come on a little bit more and boom we did it uh-oh oh God it just spawned in a big yeti ow ow ow take this Yeti oh got

Him in his arms ow ow what is going on I don’t know but my flame sword is doing so much damage keep going Daisy he’s throwing snowballs at us yes yes yes I killed them let’s go let’s go Jeffy you’re so powerful all right now let’s have a snowball fight take that Daisy

Wait I don’t have any snowballs you like that snowballs to the face all right let me reload wait Jeffy I have snowballs too now what what the heck ow those are not snowballs those are blocks of ice oh well they look like snowballs to me Jesus Daisy why would you do that well

Guess what Daisy we survive build to survive in Minecraft let’s go oh yeah but I think my house came out better that’s debatable I still like mine the best well how about this Daisy everyone comment Jeffy or Daisy in the comment section to see which house was better

And if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe as well bye today we’re playing build to surviv in Minecraft but with lucky blocks wao but Jeffy how’s that even going to work well guys whatever you get from Lucky Blocks is the only thing that

You could use to survive but Jeffy what if my luck is really bad how am I going to survive well Daisy I hope that you’re really lucky today well Jeffy if I’m not lucky I’m going to live with you hey no see these lines right here you’re not

Allowed to cross them Daddy go into your corner minute all right guys look there’s a chest in front of everyone’s box take some lucky blocks wo we have so much wo daddy there’s so many lucky blocks in here there’s even these blue Omega ones these are probably crazy all

Right guys quick start breaking Lucky Blocks we only have a couple minutes before the monsters come I already got a sword let’s go I got a sword too uhoh I got a well guys I have iron armor on wait what was that I think I gave you

Guys stuff yes I got a bunch of blocks inner bone why I got a a wolf that’s upside down you seen this what the heck how villager wao you got a Heroes villager that could be really good oh gosh oh gosh guys I spawned something really scary me too Daisy help me no

Help me all right fine I’ll help you but you help me this not good to got a big slime oh God I’m going to die ow all right guys how many blocks did you get uh I got a piece of TNT what Daddy well guess what I got a bunch of nether

Blocks so I’m going to start building a house oh no I died I only got sponges wait sponges oh my goodness you’re going to be able to build a terrible house well don’t go over here guys there’s a hole you will die ooh I got more Omega blocks got diamond blocks does anyone

Have a pickaxe no I have a stone pickaxe though oh I got a think lapis I got an emerald sword guys it’s not good I don’t have any blocks guys you need to start building your house right now the monsters are coming hurry up I just keep

Getting these blue Omega blocks I got to build with them I think wait you’re going to build with the lucky blocks I have 42 that I got from the lucky blocks so I think those count yeah I guess that does count daddy you could use them oh

My gosh this is bad monsters are coming soon oh yeah my house is looking so awesome if you’re so lucky I don’t have anything to build with what you’re literally using dispensers to build a house this looks terrible this is all that I have uh-oh guys guys the first

Wave of monsters are here go inside your house oh no wa it’s a bunch of band bands oh God he’s chasing me guys it’s scary evil band bands from Gart a band band I don’t like this this B he’s trying to get in my house oh God they do

So much damage what the heck guys there’s three of them on me Daisy keep hitting them with your sword you you have a diamond sword this emerald sword stinks die die yes I killed two over here you guys need help no I think they’re all gone let’s go we survived

The first wave that was scary I know well guys start opening up more lucky blocks to get more materials cuz we need to get prepared for the next wave I got a Lucky Sword you got a Lucky Sword no oh God Daisy Daisy are you

Trying to kill us oh my gosh the TNT blew up all these blocks I guess I get to use them oh my goodness that’s actually kind of smart cheater dang it I got to kill all these sheeps they’re so loud I got Eder chests add this to my

House wao I’m fast wa I just got enchanted diamond boots oh God oh God ow oh I got pumpkins um Daisy I need help coming Jeffy kill this little zombie he’s doing so much damage to me ow Uh Oh Daddy you better run I’m going to get

Him why is he so strong I don’t know he does so much damage though please be good no it’s TNT everyone run wa I just got an iron sword from that little zombie Daisy it’s so cool he was so strong I got golden apples uh-oh wait

Why is it really dark is the next wave coming no it’s the weird fishies that have lasers what the heck who spawned these that was me on accident Sor oh my goodness daddy got a giant zombie oh my goodness guys look at this zombie it’s

Not even the next wave yet did you stop sporting them in yeah you’re making this so much harder for us it’s not my fault and I’m stuck in the obsidian don’t worry I’m going to kill it oh guys the next wave here oh my goodness it’s a

Bunch of Titan speaker man oh no I’m going to Mylo oh God they’re doing a lot of damage ow okay okay stop okay they instantly just killed me I’m hiding in my house they’re so strong oh D why you R up to my house I don’t even have a

House much will you get for being a loser I need to build up my house right now ow someone help me I got you Daisy take that oh God he’s going to kill me they’re strong I know and they’re so big they literally are looking into my house

This is not fair Speakman just body slaming speaker man get away from me I just lit you on fire how about that ow I’m dead take that that’s they died yeah whoa what is this guys I got a Hulk Cammer oh Jeffy you’re going to kill me

That thing’s too powerful does it do a lot of damage sorry Daisy I just thought you were a Titan speaker hey Daddy stop I actually got a hero’s hoe does it do any damage to you um it does half a heart oh it’s poop all right guys I’m

Going to continue breaking Lucky Blocks I need to build a better house house that’s what I’m trying to do it’s just so hard difficult oh my God TNT why do you guys keep getting TNT this is the way it is I don’t know I got an enhanced Lucky Sword

Really you any of you have a dragon egg I have a dragon egg you can get a really good sword in here you’re going to need that cuz these mobs are getting stronger and stronger what Daddy I want that no get out of here why guys Squishy’s here

Daddy I don’t care about squishy I’m fighting a wizard right now oh I got another squishy guys there’s two squishies daddy those are the biggest slimes I’ve ever seen in my life they’re on my house they keep killing me um guys I spawned a bunch of zombies oh god oh I

Got golden apples help me help me I definitely didn’t do this you did it no I didn’t daddy it was an accident oh God I’m going to die coming Jeffy no Daisy I’m already dead I just got two lucky swords in a row wo you put them on fire

Daisy that was so cool I have a cool sword oh my goodness I want that sword you have to get a dragon egg what a dragon egg oh no wait guys have you noticed something uh yeah the walls have lucky blocks in them we don’t even need

To place any more Lucky Blocks you can just break them from the wall oh that’s a good idea but I’m open up these blue ones oh yeah I’m getting so much good stuff from the wall wao I got a really cool bow who just hit me with that I got

Struck by it too whoever did that just made the bow disappear who did it it was Daisy it was morvin it was you I didn’t open a Lucky Block I got stabbed by lightning I was looking at my chest that’s what they all say I don’t know

Who to believe Jeffy I’m your father oh I got a cake um Daisy can I come over and steal your cake yeah Jeffy I have so much food oh my goodness I’m getting really hungry what the heck is this house Daisy what are you building over

Here this is all that I’ve gotten to build with I have to protect myself somehow oh my goodness wait let me see what Daddy’s house is looking like Daddy what the heck is this I’m using what I got oh yeah Daddy what if I start breaking all these blocks in here don’t

Do that oh god dad it run Jeffy you just destroyed my house sorry Daddy you just built your house at a Lucky Block so I wanted to destroy them come here no wait ow that’s what you get Daddy I was going to help you rebuild your house look let me help look

At this daddy there you go are you kidding me all daddy I’m going to go build my house now uh oh guys wait what the heck there’s a bunch of mutant SpongeBobs the next round is here what do you mean the SpongeBobs oh god daddy run inside your house right now I have

An enchanted Lucky Sword I bet I can kill them oh no I don’t know if you can um everything’s kind of dark for me though what’s in my house St I’m going to come save you take that a what the heck what’s happening I don’t know he’s

Doing so much damage if you have golden apples use them I don’t have any golden apples I have an evil potion though throw it on them oh no no no they’re going to make him Super Evil oh damn I just threw it you throw it at me um I

Might have accidentally hit you sorry Daisy oh God I can’t see anything dadd I’m blind I’m getting tossed and saued what’s happening I didn’t mean to I’m trying to hit him you smacked me in the mouth oh god what the heck is happening these SpongeBobs are so cursed I hate

Spongebob now ow my is coming out like poop guys that wave was really hard probably the hardest wave so far I got a baby Marvin daddy you had a baby he’s knock it off no uh there’s a lot of food over here if anyone needs any food oh I

Got enough food in my house I have the best house here yeah I got diamonds may my house is better no it’s not Daddy I literally blew it up well it’s fixed now so how about that oh yeah Daddy well I got TNT in my inventory it won’t be

Fixed for Long hey whoa whoa whoa whoo was that a threat maybe come over here and I’ll show you exactly what’s going to happen when you step foot on my land hold on Daddy I’m almost done building my second floor in my house wait what you have a second floor I didn’t even

Have a first floor oh yeah Daddy my house is coming out sick je you actually have a house oh yeah all right I just got to open up a couple more lucky blocks and get a couple more blocks oh my goodness I just got a witch hi a well

Actually I’m not opening this well it’s going to destroy my whole entire house Jeffy I have a surprise for you wait you have a surprise for Jeffy yeah Jeffy I got you this Lucky Sword no way oh my goodness I have a Lucky Sword wait I think my iron sword’s better though let

Me test it out uh-oh oh God Run Okay this Lucky Sword is overpowered never mind did you just throw TNT at me yeah because I got lucky thanks Daisy for the Lucky Sword welcome Jeffy wao I got a whole bunch of blocks oo I’m getting blocks I’m slowly working my way guys

I’m doing it um guys why is there a bunch of bugs outside oh God they’re mosquitoes E I hate bugs ow kill them ow this makes no sense is this supposed to be in the next round of monsters maybe oh God they’re all attacking me ow I

Just got eight by Beetle e there’s a bug ew this must be the insect round e kill them ew they’re so ugly e what is that one I’m on his back I’m riding them guys I’m literally riding a beetle that’s gross he’s pinching me uh-oh there’s a

King spider let me down let me down Beetle guys there’s some weird fast spider guys ow oh my goodness this is the biggest spider I’ve ever seen in my life come here Beetle I’m hiding in my house oh gosh I’m On Top guys what are we supposed to do we’re surrounded by

Mosquitoes and a scary spider I don’t know I’m staying inside till they’re gone yeah I think same here everyone hide in your house I’m trying they keep kill me I’m dead a take that oh yeah Beetle a take that I got a whole camera for you I think the round’s over guys I

Think we survived yeah I don’t see anything yes we did it yeah ew daddy your house still looks so bad ew Daisy your house looks so bad I’m building with what I have Jeffy I think my house is the nicest I got a whole bunch of

Good building blocks no way I just got op iron armor oo I got a bunch of building blocks as well let’s go I am radiating right now I got more building blocks guys everyone build your house up we need to make better and bigger houses so these Monsters can’t kill us trying

I’m trying my hardest daddy try harder I’m trying to build my wall oh yeah guys check out my horse this is going to be so overpowered for the next wave hey that’s cheating if I’ve ever seen it in my life daddy how is this cheating cuz

You’re not allowed to have a horse well Daddy you’re using lucky blocks to build your house I think that’s cheating they were given to me by the lucky block Gods I am using that Daddy can I open one up see Daddy I got you something good oh

It’s chaotic potion wait you Havey here what what the heck ow no Daddy I have like all the bad potions on me oh God eat a golden apple no you’re going to kill my horse no we only has two more Hearts no a Daddy You Killed My Horse

Yeah you died Daddy I will miss you up see this iron sword yeah ow Lucky Sword how that it doesn’t matter this sword is overpowered I got this from a baby skeleton dang it Daddy you’re going to kill me stop come here oh you throw an

Eggs at me oh it’s unfortun Jeffy you got to knock it off okay we’re trying to build these crazy houses and you’re here messing with me why don’t you mess with your girlfriend or something dad you talking about Daisy she is not my girlfriend she’s a crazy fan girl I

Don’t even know her that’s what you would say if you had a girlfriend what fine Daddy I will talk to Daisy because I don’t want to talk to you anymore all right good so I can finally build my house in peace oh Daisy what the heck is

This place Daisy are you in here um hi Jeffy where are you wait where are you I’m in my house what the heck your house is looking um uh uh different well Jeffy I wanted to show you a surprise in my house Follow Me Wait a surprise oh no

Yeah look I made a tunnel what the heck is this no into my house why Al so we can run back and forth and I got you a romantic Rose what the heck Daisy I don’t want this in my house no cover this up there you go that’s a lot better

Hey Jeffy we can just break the C blocks wait no what if we get TNT or something oh well then I guess you’ll have to live with me oh my goodness Daisy just go outside fine Jeffy what is that oh no guys it’s the next Monster round what

The heck is that I hate snakes it’s a snake oh God oh God he’s in my house run oh god what the heck he’s coming after me no no no no he’s looking at me oh he’s wrapping around Daisy I let him on firey get inside oh God Daisy go inside

Your house I’m scared I hate snakes same here snakes are super scary just build it up I’m shooting it with a bow and arrow die snake I hit the wrong snake hey I’m not a snake I’m not snin wait there’s two of them what the heck there’s always been two oh no he’s

Trying to attack me I’m going to go mess him up my Lucky Sword be careful Jeffy come on Daddy chase him get hit me in the head I got one what you killed him get the hit him me in the face that’s the only target area all right Daddy I

Think you’re right oh damn wa oh my goodness we cut his tail off I got his face let’s go ew daddy take that off okay Daddy you’re not a snake stop that there’s still snake kill him good job Daisy guys it was a joke you guys

Knew I was wearing the stupid face oh we didn’t know it was you Daddy okay well next time no it’s me guys we only have a couple more rounds left and apparently the rounds get super hard at the end well it’s been getting very hard I know

So we need to make our houses even better trying to get more blocks it’s impossible oh no guys I placed a beacon and my house is flooding your house is flooding yeah it’s bad it’s very bad daddy that sounds like a you issue it is a me issue someone help you know what

Guys I’m not going to use regular blocks anymore I’m using only lucky blocks and I’m going to build the best house ever what Jeffy you can’t do that well who says uh Lucky Block Gods I think he’s allowed Marvin yeah Daddy guys we have hundreds of Lucky Blocks might as well

Use them and make a house out of them you what you’re right I’m do it right now oh no what happened daddy accidentally broke a lucky block in my house oh my goodness did you get something really bad now I have a well I don’t want to break it wait what the

Heck he oh no Daddy I did the same thing and I spawned a mega Lucky Block I’m breaking it please be good please be good no what are you doing oh Jeffy no your house no Daddy it destroyed my house don’t worry Jeffy I’m I’m coming

Over Corvin what are you doing what do you mean what am I doing I’m connecting us no Daddy we don’t want to be connected to you why not cuz you’re fat and you’re ugly well since my house got destroyed can I move into one of your

Houses key you can live with me ah fine I guess I’ll just live with Daisy for now um what’s that oh it’s it’s a Yeti wait where oh no he’s throwing stuff he’s throwing ice oh god what the heck is this thing oh he looks mad I’m going to throw unlucky

Potions on him he’s throwing ice oh no oh no guys this bad this bad this bad what the heck why is there a yeti in Minecraft they look like big babies just throwing in snow all over the place same here I can’t see anything I’m frozen Jeffy stay inside all right you’re right

I killed it wa no way guys that was the hardest this round so far those yetis were so scary he just grabbed us and threw us into ice and snow that was bad I know guys I don’t think it’s going to get much worse than that round that was

Super difficult that was one of the hardest rounds for sure but just in case we need to build up pretty pretty big and strong all right you’re right I’m going to get all my lucky blocks out and I’m going to build the craziest house ever all right everyone build up wa

Jeffy look at your house I know I’m building it at a lucky blocks I know I’m watching you build cuz my base is basically done what Daddy I want to see your base after and see who has a better base cuz I think mine’s better e it’s definitely me no Daddy it’s definitely

Me you have like an actual Lucky Block castle Yeah well I think my house is better than both of yours wait what no it is not e it looks really bad I don’t even know what your house is made out of it’s made out of like every block in

Minecraft yeah that was the rule we were supposed to build from what we got from the lucky blocks not use the lucky blocks well that’s jeffy’s fault guys I think out of all the houses mine looks obviously the best yeah well look at my house all right fine Daddy I want to go

Inside your house too if you can get in what the heck is this thing what do you mean Daddy how do you even get up there you got to go up the staircase where inside Daddy I did not see a staircase on the side oh D I tricked you ultimate

Staircase what the heck hey this is terrible you didn’t even finish his back wall I have the boss’s faces on my well in the middle of my face damn all right let’s see what Daisy’s house looks like um all right so you got some TNT as a

Roof can’t wait to light that off hey don’t light off my TNT oh you have stairs uhoh this is where that weird path was that went to my house yeah it got exploded guys my house is clearly the best look at this oh wait I forgot

To add a door let me just break a couple of these wait a minute no no no no I forgot they’re made out of Lucky Blocks what you what’ you open what’ you get I got something that tried to kill me in lava oh no guys what there evil morvin

Wait what e oh my goodness daddy you look so ugly hey someone help me they’re going to explode oh god daddy you look so ugly what are these things some of them leveled up and it wasn’t my fault okay it was Daisy’s fault that wasn’t my fault these look just like you morvin

Well I I I didn’t know this was a fig oh my goodness they’re so ugly ow I spawn in lava oh my gosh my whole house is gone uhoh man that stinks I wonder who did that Daisy where did your house go Daisy your house is definitely gone yeah

I’m covered in lava no but I mean there’s a big hole where your house used to be guys where are you you there’s mutant Marvins everywhere Jeffy I’m I’m coming oh god daddy there’s a mutant Marvin in your house Jeffy are you on our little rope on our little Trail up

Top yeah Daddy where are you guys I’m building up a lucky boock oh god daddy there’s a bunch of mute Marvins in your house oh God they’re chasing me yes I knocked one off wish had a bow and arrow dang it I died uh is this a creeper egg

Creeper egg oh God the creeper egg just exploded uh I did too much damage this one exp sucking me in well guys I think we killed all those really ugly mutant Marvins yeah I think they’re all dead but they kind of blew up everything well

Not my house my house is perfect no one even touched my house Daisy doesn’t she doesn’t even have a house anymore it’s gone they exploded it all and daddy yours is pretty messed up too well looks like we’re all living in your house yay I had the best house in buil to survive

Well Jeffy since your house is the last one standing uh I think me and Daisy are moving in yeah we are you find somewhere else sorry this is my house only jeffy’s allowed if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now today we’re playing

Build or survive but we’re on one block oh jimy this is so scary look over the edge oh there’s so many islands oh my goodness wait daddy look down there what I’m look I’m looking I see a bunch of vines a bunch of oh I see water it’s the

Rest of your hair oh no Daddy I lied your hair is not down there wait Jeffy now this just the two of us we can have this whole island to ourselves wait what no see how this island has yellow on it that’s your Island over there far far

Over there but I want to share an island I want to be together what no that is not happening St go to your Island Jeffy sorry all right guys we only have 5 minutes to build because monsters are going to come and try to kill us oh no

Jeffy I don’t want to die to monsters I don’t want to die either well guys make sure to build a really secure house okay 5 minutes I don’t even know what I’m going to build out of all right I need to get a super strong material guys my

House is going to be so secure that no monster is even going to want to think about going into it yeah what are you building out of um pillar Court blocks newbie what Daddy they’re the best blocks in the game yeah look at my house what the heck you’re building out a

Sponge daddy that’s terrible oh this is the best item in the game Daddy no it’s not yes it is hi Jeffy wait what what are you doing I built a bridge so we can come back and forth what why would you do that so I can be near you you Jeffy

Duh no that is not happening okay let me just cover this bridge with cobwebs Jeffy that’s so mean all right good luck getting through the bridge now aha all right back to where I was okay my house is coming out really really good right now Daddy I bet mine’s coming out better

No it’s not I don’t know what to build with Daisy you need to pick the strongest material in the game I like this block it’s pretty pretty blocks are not always the strongest blocks you mean pretty bad morvin that’s me nope you walked into that one Marvin the

Only thing that’s pretty bad around here is the lack of your hair damn all right you know what I hope the monsters get you first no they’re going to get you guys I have a secret weapon that I’m going to add to my house a secret weapon

Yep what do you mean secret weapon I’m going to put a cobweb wall around my whole house so if any monsters want to get in they’re going to get stuck in my cobwebs oh that’s such a good idea I know Daddy I’m a genius I’m going to put

Quicksand and done this looks so awesome uhoh uh-oh guys why am I in survival mode oh no the round’s going to start oh no everyone go inside your house monsters are going to spawn there’s aliens wait what the heck there’s aliens oh they’re jumping oh God there’s aliens

Everywhere it’s an alien invasion oh no oh no they’re mad at me oh no I’m stuck in my house they can’t get me I’m safe oh God they’re going to kill me no think I have a bow and arrow hey get out of my house alien go back to the moon or Mars

Dang it I died I’m saving you Jeffy oh no I spawned in my cobweb this isn’t good I’m trapped in my house they can’t give me though so I’m safe oh no there crazy aliens with lightsabers Daddy help me they’re all in my house je you just got to keep running

Daddy do something use your bow and arrow oh they jumped so high no they hurt me through the wall oh my goodness Daddy help yes I killed one get out of here oh you dare jump on my Island Daddy I’m coming to your Island no Daddy I

Need to go in your house dang it I died again uh-oh guys I think the round’s over we did it w that was scary I only died like three times okay the first thing I need to add to my house is a door because the aliens were able to

Walk right through so I’m just going to destroy this make a little pathway and put iron doors yeah Jeffy I think you actually had the worst base that round no I didn’t daddy have you seen Daisy’s base it’s literally pink yeah well at least it’s strong and

They couldn’t get through it I didn’t even die oh I guess you’re right well guess what this next round I’m going to have a better base than both of you I highly doubt that well guys I just added a cool cool trap to my base what is it I

Had a quicksand so don’t come over here otherwise you’re going to die oh my goodness quicksand hey that’s actually kind of smart oh yeah if you fall in it not good it’s not going to be good for you da what are you doing over there I’m

Putting a roof on my house so they can’t get in that’s a good idea guys I made another good idea oh no Daddy what is it I’m making Towers to shoot anything from oh that’s actually really smart Daddy I was thinking about doing the same exact thing nope you can’t you’re not allowed

Why can’t copy me Daddy who says uh me all right daddy well guess what I am going to copy you hey you know what fine Daddy I won’t copy you my base is just going to be better anyways no it’s not you have the worst base out of all of us

Daddy my base looks like God lives here well it looks like he took a poop on your base no he didn’t what that’s what it looks like hey he said it not me Orvin your house is literally made out of sponges those are so easy to break

Hey no they’re not they’re cool daddy I can literally just pee on them and they’ll crumble okay Jeffy that was hurtful well Daddy you made a terrible base well I haven’t died yet how many times did you die uh let’s see uh 50 million times already Daddy no I did not

Yes you did oh God guys we’re back in survival I think the next wave of enemies are going to come oh no thank God I made my Towers same here oh god what the heck are these oh I think they’re Mickey Mouses those are scary Mickeys Guys these are not right regular

Mickey Mouse is they’re evil and cursed oh no they’re running around like crazy wait what they’re able to get into my house wait what they’re just walking through your cobwebs Jeffy ow oh God they’re doing so much damage wait what ow get off of me get off of me no is he

Run it pulled me off the edge oh no wait they’re grabbing you with their big arms yeah ow oh this one’s got me put me down put me down ow help me guys there’s one in my house Daddy help me well that Stakes Daddy I’m coming inside your

House no I think one’s in my house too get out of here dang it oh no oh my goodness this one’s literally going to kill me what’s got me they’re on my roof they’re on the ceiling Daisy I’m coming over to your house help me yes Daisy let me inside

Just open the door Jeffy no it grab me why did they do so much damage Daisy you didn’t help me I died no one has me I keep suffocating my wall I don’t like these evil Mickey Mouses they’re really scary these are worse than the aliens guys I think that round’s over we

Did it no we didn’t Daddy I died so many times so the first thing I’m going to do is get a sword for then next round ooh that’s a good idea I had a sword but I need armor they hit me so hard ooh armor

Is a good idea as well my sword didn’t do anything all right time to build the second floor of my beautiful base you mean your ugly base what Daddy it’s looking way better than yours ugly base alert Daddy I think me and Daisy have the nicest houses compared to you that’s

A joke right no cuz I’m not laughing well Daddy I wasn’t laughing either your house is terrible you’re going to make me cry hey guys check out my armor oh yeah wait what oh my gosh Jeffy your armor looks so cool and you have a pink

Sword can you please protect me what no I’m definitely not protecting you I’m only protecting myself how about me you want to protect me no Daddy look at your base it’s so bad I don’t even want to go near you what are you talking about I’m

Going to be the only one standing so how about that well we’re going to see next round who survives and who dies well you’re going to die you’ve died how many times Ry Daddy I only died like twice twice too much someone say all right time to just add some light somewhere in

This top Floor and done all right my second floor is complete how many floors do you guys have in your base I have three three wait what I only have two Daddy what about you uh technically three oh my goodness I need to add another floor then like you made ancient Rome wait ow

I just fell oh no guys I’m back in survival no no no no no no what the heck are those oh God Jeffy get in your house what are those things they look so evil I shot one I’m going to go try to kill

Them wait no they blow up ow what oh God I’m stuck in my spider web ow no no get away from me get away from me I’m dead it threw me into my own poison that’s embarrassing what you had poison in front of your house yeah I

Have it surroundings so I can’t get to it that’s actually kind of smart daisy look I’m behind you ah watch out Jeffy die die die put them in the poison they’ll never get me up here I’m too cool they’re all stuck in my cobwebs this is so easy to kill them okay I’m

Safe in my house bye oh God there’s a creeper too guys that round was so scary they were like exploding in my face I know that wasn’t that wasn’t fun they killed me so many times I know same here all right time to finally make a third

Floor to my tower you guys cannot have more floors than me I must have the biggest and best build I’m building my fourth what yeah dadd you better be lying no I’m not I think yours is higher than mine though well obviously cuz I’m better um no you’re not my blocks are so

Weak I’m having to replace them well that’s why you need to use the strongest blocks in the game yeah what blocks are you using Daisy I think you were kind of smart using the poison so I’m going to steal your idea do it Jeffy it’ll protect you I’m going to put poison all

Around my house don’t do it Daddy I have to do it you’re just going to die on your own poison I know you no I’m not daddy I’m putting it behind my cobweb this is going to be perfect trust me let’s see all right let’s place this poison everywhere oh yeah this is

Looking so good oh yeah now I got poison around my whole house oo I just thought of a really good idea what I’m going to make some Iron Golems inside of my house wa that’s a great idea so just in case any monsters come inside I’m going to have iron

Golems to mess them up oh my gosh guys we’re back in survival mode oh no you know what that means there’s more monsters on the way oh what the heck what are those I don’t know they look like big evil pigs wait what oh these

Guys got to be easy to kill I’m going to go kill him wait daddyy I think it’s chef pixster from Gartner band ban oh my God they do so much damage there’s an accident oh no I died oh I died too I just got thrown out

Daisy how is your house my house is all staying up they can’t even get inside wait what what’ you make your house out of reinforced steel what okay that is actually genius Daisy I’m coming to move with you you want to live with me yeah

Daisy I want to come and live with you what her house is so secure I know no let me inside I have two doors no I’m going to die I’m dying in your poison there’s so many ow I’m staying inside no they do so much damage I got

Some of my quicksand okay I think I need to stay inside my house with my iron golems they’re going to keep me protected hey you have iron golems yeah it’s not fair oh God oh God they’re coming inside I’m going to mess you up get out of my house Jeffy you’re getting

Overrun haha they keep getting stuck in my spiders they’re stuck in my poison yes yes yes I killed them yes they all died guys we did it we survived another round that was so easy yeah that was pretty easy I think I need better gear and weapons cuz these things keep

Getting harder and harder to kill same here I’m going to upgrade all of my weapons um guys I have the most overpowered weapon in the game do you what is it called it’s an assault rifle wait what do you have a gun oh yeah Daddy you like that uh uh uh hey stop

Shooting me Jeffy how did you even get that I found it and now I’m going to destroy all the monsters with it well guess what what I have some of the coolest armor in the game I’m wearing a Yeti suit a Yeti suit oh my goodness I

Even have a crazy bow and I have the best sword in the game no way called a glass sword a glass sword Daddy I’m pretty sure my assault rifle is better than that yeah how much damage does your assault rifle do um I don’t even know

Mine does 40 per hit what the heck Jeff it’s only going to get harder these mobs are going to get harder to kill yeah I guess you’re right I even added a wool of thorns daddy guess what I’m adding to my house what I’m adding hot spring water that does regeneration when you’re

In it wo I’m here to check it out oh this is so cool get out what you’re making like a Greek god house I know Daddy and you’re not a Greek god so get out looks horrible what oh god daddy it looks amazing let’s see what Daisy’s doing what’s going on here adding

Flowers and you have like a hot tub up here like a Jacuzzi yeah ew just so I can hang out this house is really really disgusting looking no it’s not Jeffy what are you doing oh I’m building my house for the next wave of monsters you

Want to come over I have a hot tub we can hang out um no why would I want to go over to your house when I build the most amazing house in Minecraft right next to you um well mine is absolutely the safest house here mine is way safer

Than yours I don’t know what you’re talking about look at mine it’s so much safer I mean you you do have steel but that’s it you have weird pink blocks on the top yeah they’re my flowers it’s make it pretty I don’t want to live in a

Pretty house I want to live in a cool house man’s house but Jeffy I have a hot tub wait you have an actual hot tub I don’t believe this I do it’s right here okay this is the smallest hot tub I’ve ever seen in my life Daisy no it’s not

Get in I don’t want to be in a hot tub with you this is weird hey why is the water dragging me towards you okay I do not like this house at all we’re in survival wait what we’re in survival surval uhoh this not good this not good

No I’m stuck here with Daisy looks like we’re stuck together oh my goodness okay let’s see what monster spawn what the heck are those uh that is something not from this world Daddy I think it’s an alien hey one of them’s going in my house Jeffy you have to protect me I’m

Scared oh I got it I hit it with ice don’t worry Daisy I got a gun to protect us die die die are you shooting them Jeffy oh what the heck something on my oh God help me help me I’m coming to help me Jeffy oh God I can’t see I can’t

See guys there’s an alien attacking my face hole I can’t see stey do not go outside I know but I need to go out there and kill him ah take that oh God shut the door they’re stuck in your cobwebs so they’re getting poisoned by my

Flowers oh God they broke in Daisy D they broke into your house run ow I’m hitting them off someone help me they keep killing me they they I know they broke down your wall oh God I died guys I can’t see I actually can’t see I need someone to hit

My face Daddy I’m coming to your house I’m going to protect you I don’t know where I am e there’s baby aliens oh God oh God they do so much damage they’re throwing up everywhere ew they just threw up in my face ow I’m going to

Shoot him with my gun ah take that is no one coming to help me can you help yourself Marvin you’re killing me I don’t care about you something is on my face sucking my tongue out out what the heck where you at Marvin I’m on my base

Somewhere I think oh God oh God oh God get away I’m stuck in my own cobwebs yes I killed them e what the hell I just got royal jelly what is that oh God they’re throw up everywhere in my house I think it’s poison don’t touch it oh my

Goodness you’re right it’s poison well anyways I think this round is over thank goodness they exploded my entire house I know they were too strong for your steel bricks Daisy that is the L time I am ever coming over to your house I literally almost died in your hot tub

Well maybe I can come over to your house next time um no how about you going to my daddy’s house nope you’re not allowed you know what Jeffy if you don’t want to come over I’m building a bridge so I can run back and forth no no more bridges oh

My goodness Daddy can you help me she’s building a bridge again nope I don’t want her over here so good luck with that Daisy stop look this block doesn’t even match my build what are you doing matches mine though all right how about we do this uh I’m going to build my own

Bridge that matches my build okay oh my gosh Jeffy I can’t believe you’re actually building a bridge to my house you actually want to be together wait no I’m just making it look good this is all your idea it’s like we’re living together we’re basically married aren’t

You so happy no Daisy this is still your house and this house over here is all mine you’re still not allowed in it unless I say so yeah but they could be our houses no no no no wait what was that sound daddy why Daddy stop what you’re breaking my house why are

You making a bridge to me I only broke two windows all right Daddy back up hey no no no no no Daddy let me at least make it look decent okay fine I don’t know why you guys want to be into my house my house must be the best I love

You Jeffy that’s why we want to come over Jeffy I’m your dad I got to make sure you’re okay all right daddy fine wa Jeffy I have a space alien sword wait what did you get that when you killed one of the aliens uh maybe wao that thing looks super cool

I also have an ice ball so when I shoot stuff it slows them down all right I’m going to see what else I can get you also need boots Jeffy you’re walking around with bootless wait I don’t have boots on no what the heck oh my goodness

Uh Jeffy what I found a UFO what what do you mean you found a UFO look wa Daddy it’s an actual UFO I want to go in it no J get out of it oh yeah Daddy check it out oh oh God Daddy help me never you just died with my UF

Daddy I didn’t know what to fly it oh my God Jeffy you’re so embarrassing daddy do you have another one no I’m not giving it to you what Daddy okay Jeffy well now we have to get ready for the next wave all right Daddy I think my

House is finally completed check it out okay it looks pretty good oh no I’m survival wait what get inside no no no no no everyone go inside right now I’m in your house Jeffy I’m inside hey get out of my house daddy safe here Uh Oh Daddy what’s that sound they’re Golems

What are those they’re evil Golems looky block Golems oh gosh that didn’t kill them no they keep turning into Lucky Blocks guys there’s so many of them they’re trying to throw me off no I died my poison flowers killed them all what no way good I hope you die

Oh God Daisy kill him I killed on mine I still have so many more oh Daisy come help me there’s more in my house my own flowers are poisoning me oh God look at all these Lucky Blocks oh my gosh ow oh oh gosh they’re so fast I died why do

They sound like cows I don’t know they’re weird and lucky blocks they could make whatever sound they want I need help going to die again I’m coming Daisy they die oh they killed me they’re all over my house how they climbing oh God they keep spawning they can climb

Ladders Yep they’re climbing ladders oh my God he’s all the way up here what the heck I need out of my house it’s too dangerous in there yeah I’m going to jeffy’s house oh God I just fell off the one block Jeffy I’m in your house what

Why I’m protecting you daddyy I don’t need your protection I have a gun uh Jeffy I’m stuck in your cobweb wall oh no there’s poison wait did we kill them all I think they’re all gone yes we did it oh that was close guys I think this

Next round is going to be our very last round so we need to make sure our houses are super strong okay I think I need better armor daddy you’re right my armor is literally about to break so I need to get new armor okay I need to grab some

Weird stuff okay I need some new pants need new helmet wo Daddy are you ready to check out my mask what the wo I can see a bunch of things in it too I’m like a superhero you look so weird what about mine you like my horns um no that’s

Pretty terrible what Daisy what do you look like what the heck I look like a stuffed animal I look so cool oh my goodness you’re wearing the same suit that my daddy was wearing yeah but I’m cuter in it yeah my daddy did look pretty ugly in it what guys check this

Out I have a spear yeah wao that’s so cool yeah it’s made out of like steel I know I’m going to be able to mess these monsters up with them oh God I think the time’s almost up guys we should get back to our bases everyone go into your

Positions uh-oh I’m in survival mode me too everyone look out for Monsters I’m looking oh god what the heck is that oh my gosh what the heck shoot it I’m throwing Spears at it uh why does he have so many arms oh God it turned night

Time too it’s so big kill it kill it uh oh it’s going to Daisy I’m shooting it as fast as I can oh no he’s going to me it’s like a really scary guest oh God he’s looking right into me somebody help oh no I’m hiding shooting it I’m hiding

Die die die he’s crying I’d be crying too if I was getting shot in the face a take that guest I have no more arrows I’m out oh God he’s shooting Fireballs I come over here wo that did a lot of damage when he shoots Fireballs at you

Make sure to hit him back into his face come here take that I’m hit him with the sword oh I hit him in the face he’s almost dead come on guys he’s less than half Health come on come here you stupid gas Jey keep shooting him I’m trying I’m

Running out of ammo though come on keep going guys I don’t have any range just a little bit more almost there come on guys he’s literally at One Tap and come to Daddy ah die die die die yes we killed him we did it oh yeah we’re the

Best in the world oh what are those oh yeah guys there’s weird aliens wait what no not again oh no they’re inside my house he’s got one arm guys this must be the last round because there’s so many different mobs take that alien oh God watch out Jeffy

Ow die alien die ow guys we did it let’s go we did it oh God d look out behind you oh my gosh close oh my gosh Jeffy you saved my life I’m never going to leave your side oh yeah you won’t have to cuz you’re

Going to be dead oh my God you too daddy take that je I’m not going to die wait what do you mean I’m too overpowered a dang it I’m stuck you forever whatever Daddy I’m just going to go back inside my house everybody make sure to leave a

Like right now and hit subscribe bye today we’re playing build a staircase to survive but with lucky blocks wait Jeffy how’s that even going to work daddy look at all the lucky blocks on these islands we need to build a staircase to get to them okay that makes a lot of sense

Jeffy what’s that portal behind us oh no guys that portal is what spawns in all the scary monsters we don’t have a lot of time quick everyone open your chest okay wo I have yellow wool I got red wool I got pink wool yellow’s better no

It’s not it’s the worst one it looks like pee pe oh guys look the Portal’s breaking we need to hurry up start building a staircase Jeffy I’m scared oh God monsters are spawning no it’s ye oh no guys he’s got me oh gosh daddy the

Yetis are coming after us oh no no oh God I fell no he has a hold of me he threw me I need to build I need to build a die Yeti I’m hitting him off ow no no no no no somebody help me I’m coming

Jeffy he’s going to throw me off the island no no no no no get away from Jeffy oh gosh oh gosh no no help me help me I got you Daisy take this I killed him thanks Jeffy no guys help me help me Daddy we can’t help you we’re trying to help

Ourselves no this guy’s mean get off my Island good job Daisy keep building a staircase now there’s one on my staircase no no no no no no oh ow oh you got so lucky Daisy he almost threw me off uh Jeffy what another one spawned on your staircase oh gosh they keep coming

After us all right I’m just going to let them be and not go near them more that’s a good idea wao guys check it out we have our first Lucky Block ooh who wants to open up theirs first me me me wao yes I got iron armor this is going to be so

Useful I want iron armor what oh God you got a bunch of rainbow sheep that are dead this isn’t going to help me you could have fed that to the yetis all right Daddy Let’s see what you get uh I see oh I see a few yetis Daddy it’s fine

Just let him be come on quick okay okay I need food what the oh gosh you guys got terrible loot well I guess we got to build to the next Island quick everyone start building before more Yeti spawn oh no I see yeti in my peripherals oh God

One spawned right on me take that Yeti oh no no no no no no no he’s going to throw me off yes I hit him good job Jeffy oh no no no no no no he’s holding me help oh God Daisy he just dragged you

Into the void yes get out of here oh no no guys stop dying just hit him with your shears what I’m not going to Shear it take that oh no dang it I died too guys is anyone getting hungry I am oh gosh I hope we get food from this next

Lucky Block wa I got a hero’s pickaxe and a hero’s hoe that’s unfair you’ve gotten two good lucky blocks I’m just super lucky all right Daisy it’s your turn okay I need some food what oh God you got poopy blocks this sucks daddy your turn quick does he getting behind

You I got well I got well whoa you got a bunch of good ores oo I got good loot this isn’t fair yes it is is all based on luck Daisy well my luck sucks well let’s build to the next lucky block and see if you guys get luckier come on let

Me just build this staircase real quick oh God there’s so many yetis as long as you don’t mess with them then they won’t hurt you guys okay hi Yeti oh no he spawn in front of me quick everyone open up your lucky block at the same time 3 2

1 oh God I got a witch I got a Lucky Sword wa daddy you got a sword Daisy what did you get I got chain armor that’s really good that’s actually not bad oh guys there’s more yetis on my Island quick build build build and now we’re surrounded by bats it’s all your

Fault Jeffy no it’s not it’s your fault daddy you spawned all these disgusting oh no take this Yeti oh God no Jeffy oh no there’s there’s an angry one watch out Daisy oh no thanks morvin oh no oh no I just killed myself oh my goodness now there’s like five

Yetis on my pathway I got to kill every single one of them no no no no put me down put me down get away from me no let go let go oh he’s going to kill me guys they keep tossing me in the air yes I

Killed them let’s go that was so cool Jeffy oh no I survived oh God Daisy you have like 10 yetis on your pathway no she’s a gunner guys we all made it let’s go yeah barely Daisy don’t worry I think this is a safe Island wait guys we

Got some chest and we got some Parkour wao check out this park parkour guys it looks like there’s a bunch of Lucky Blocks at the end of this parkour I’m going to go first no come back here the loot is going to be all mine nope it’s

Mine no Daddy it’s mine what the heck are these Daisy I just saw you die yeah I suck at parkour Jeffy don’t worry if I get something really good I’ll share something with you oh God no I slipped oh no what a loser Daddy come back here

Up who’s up here no daddy no no no no they’re my lucky blocks H let’s see which one I want to open up first daddy hold on wait for me nope you’re a loser come on come on I’m going to open up this one daddy hold on I’m back to the

Fences come on don’t slip don’t slip I have a sword you’re not allowed up here Daddy I have a pickaxe how about that all right Daddy I made it let’s just share the lucky blocks all right okay fine as long as we not giving to the

Crazy fan girl down there give me all them where am I I lied Daddy I’m not sharing JY no yay I got all the lucky blocks going to mind all this gold hey Daddy stop it give me some of it no I got a lucky bow I got lucky potions ooh

I even got this Jeffy stop knock it off hey hey wait Jeffy look up there’s diamonds up there daddy look above you hey stop hitting me you didn’t share any of this Jeffy wait you guys broke all the lucky blocks without me you can blame Jeffy well Daddy killed me you

Still have all the good loot Marvin you killed Jeffy yeah of course I killed him he stole all of our stuff oh you can’t kill Jeffy ow daddy my crazy fan girl just killed you hi Jeffy waa daisy look above you there’s a diamond block you should get

It I don’t have anything to break it with wait daisy look there’s a bunch of chests here maybe there’s a pickaxe here for you look Jeffy all right let me just open it up oh God oh God daddy the chest was not a chest wait what daddy you just

Killed me with your Lucky Sword I just saved you with my Lucky Sword no Daddy a piece of TNT just came out and blew me off well that’s unfortunate oh I got my blocks wait daddy did you see what happened there was a monster inside the chest and look there’s another chest

Here let’s see if the same thing happens dang it it’s another monster die die die we got it hey guys I’m back what Daisy you just missed the craziest thing ever there was these two chests right here and then I broke them and then it turned into a monster wait they were monster

Chests yes it was really scary J that’s crazy oh guys the Portal’s breaking oh no oh what the heck there’s monsters coming out of the portal what are these guys I don’t know they’re like goblins ow they hurt they do so much damage a take that a I’m throwing unlucky potions

At ow ow oh there’s food put them all on fire take this goblins there cake love cake oh my goodness guys I just got so much food from them oh God they keep spawning guys quick grab blocks from the chest and start building a staircase let’s go let’s go they keep spawning

From that portal oh my goodness guys I’m using honey blocks to build this staircase I’m using flesh what it’s disgusting it smells really foul wao daisy look at your block yeah they’re made out of flowers wow we all have really cool blocks oh no they’re following me oh God a bunch of evil

Monsters are spawning oh guys there’s a big boss down here what a boss oh nothing happened to him daddy what are you fighting what is that thing I’m trying to save you guys oh what the bottom half of them is a different mob guys we need to get out to the next

Block now you’re right guys I made it to the next lucky block all right everyone break it wa I got diamond boots I got rotten flesh ew I got a killer bunny what okay that definitely is not going to help us ew This flesh is disgusting

It makes weird noises when I place it oh guys there’s a bunch of goblins oh no no no no no no no no no Take that Daisy don’t worry I’ll save you I’m using the fishing rod what is this thing well they’re dead now that thing was scary

Jeffy I know they’re a bunch of goblins we I need to keep moving don’t worry Daddy I’m I’m using the fishing rod to put him into the void oh no no no no no it’s going to kill me oh my goodness that thing hit me with its head Jey oh

God ow daddy it does so much damage can’t get it from here why do they have so much health I don’t know these goblins have magical powers I think you’re right Daddy ah I’m going to throw an unlucky potion wait it’s a lucky potion yes I’m on a

Horse how do you think that was going to work I was going to try to jump to the other Island all right guys I’m coming don’t worry got to kill a couple of these goblins don’t you have a bow yeah but it has no arrows oh it stinks come

Here bro I’m going to mess your day up ah nice there another Goblin oh no Take that come here oh no we do some aerial attacks guys I only have a half a heart I’m going to die Jeffy don’t you have food yeah but I still only have one

Heart I got to eat a lot of food Jeffy quick open the lucky block maybe you’ll get some more food all right Daddy all right I got hay it’s so bad all right you guys break your lucky blocks no oh dad you got a

Witch I got a bow and a bunch of arrows wao you got a bow and arrows that’s going to be super useful finally I got something good oh God daisy look at your path what is that thing I don’t know just keep building to the next Lucky

Block hurry up guys oh my goodness Guys these monsters are getting scarier and more powerful as we go why is this thing laughing what it’s laughing yeah ow go away oh no Daisy it just killed you no it killed you too daddy why do you guys keep dying that was my first

Time dying in a long time guys I just thought of a good idea you need to break the pathway behind you so no monsters can go in your path but if you die then you can’t make it back ow well just don’t die what’s up loser Golem all

Right Goblin are you ready to die yeah yay Daddy come on me and Daisy are waiting for you to open up the next lucky block all right yeah oh I got poop E I got pooped too I got an Ender Chest uh-oh Daddy my fishing rod stuck on you

Don’t use it no I need to get it off all right guys come on we’re almost to the next safe Zone keep building staircases Jeffy we can’t go yet I still have a Lucky Block oh my goodness Daisy hurry up make this quick oh God you got wood

Tools yeah these aren’t even good yeah those are really bad guys we need to keep moving I’ve been spotted oh gosh daddy you have some scary monsters on your path oh no what the heck oh my goodness daddy the guy that killed you is way too powerful I can’t even kill

Him well it’s it’s not just one person it’s two people one guy’s lifting one up it makes him look bigger oh I didn’t know that yes Daisy we made it we’re safe finally that was so scary I know come on Daddy come here stupid goblins wa daddy you just used a really cool

Ability on them yeah I’m cool like that guys what is this it looks like a big Lucky Block we bring it I don’t know wait what’s in this chest popo stick what the heck’s a popo stick pow pow stick Oh Daddy what’s that do wow you go

Really far when I hit you wait guys there’s signs over there maybe it’ll explain what this big lucky Block’s doing Oh Daddy you’re right come on guys watch out do not die in the Sumo arena there can only be one winner winner takes all it’s a lucky block freefor all

Try your best and good luck only use the pow pow stick sticks cheating is punished wait we need to use these sticks and knock each other off oh this is going to be so easy all right everyone get in the corner what daddy we’re going to destroy you what do you

What do you mean we well Daddy you’re the fattest so we need to both team up on you because it’s going to be so hard to push you off okay no cheating allowed everyone for themselves all right fine everyone start hitting in three 2 1 go

Come here Daddy ah no knock him off Jeffy yes I got him all right Daisy H you’re next no no Jeffy you can’t knock me on no Jeffy by Daisy yay jeffy’s the winner wow Jeffy look behind you the lucky blocks just spawned in I think

This is what I get for winning hey Daddy back up they’re mine okay okay okay let’s see what I get wa they’re all super good oh I got a Lucky Sword ooh what is this o it’s a well let’s see what I get woo more diamonds oh my gosh

Jeffy you got so many diamonds you could make us wedding rings and we could get married no I am not wasting my diamonds on you why Jeffy because I don’t like you oh okay Jeffy fine we don’t have to get married yet oh gosh Daisy we’ll deal with that later look the portals

Breaking oh gosh there’s monsters what the heck are these things ow they look really scary ow they do so much damage oh no guys do not get ran by them you can just dodge them wait what what so they don’t actually come after you unless they’re trying to Ram you yeah uh

Die I don’t care I’m building away wait what where are you guys going hi oh my goodness wao I have gold blocks to build with what was in your guys’s chest I just got pretty pink blocks I don’t really know what they are pink blocks oh

God oh God I’m going to die Guys these cows do so much damage watch out Daisy uh-oh I’m jumping down don’t worry Daisy I’ll save you thanks Jeffy you’re welcome guys we made it to the next Lucky Block I’m going to open up m what oh I got a well this could either

Be really good or really bad wait Jeffy wait for us to open up our lucky blocks first all right fine all right I’m going to go first oh I got some spawn eggs what daddy that’s terrible uh I am not spawning these all right Daisy it’s your

Turn I hope I get something good what what did you get I got a golden ring oh my gosh Jeffy did you get this for me no I did not put that in your lucky block how’ you even get a gold ring well obviously you put it in there and now we

Can get married no no no we are not getting married Daddy can you help me she wants to get married with me Jeffy I’m not involved daddy behind you well I tried to warn you Daddy guys I’m just going to see what was inside my

Well yay it was good stuff Jeff you have a Minotaur on your Island no not anymore let’s go I almost have a full stack of diamonds so guys I got crazy spawn eggs like a Hydra um Cyclops ice dragon should I spawn them no daddy why would

You spawn those cuz I don’t know if they’ll help us ddy we’re literally going to die if you spawn those I would just throw them out of your inventory are you sure about that yes so if I spawn it right now you won’t get mad no

Daddy I will get mad oh God there’s more cows daddy kill him what the heck there’s a bunch of random cows just spawning get off of my Island wait guys you could use these sticks with knockback on them they work so good for hitting mobs off I didn’t even think

About that guys look another lucky block all right I’m going to open mine up a I got wooden tools that sucks well I hope that got I get a diamond so I can put it on my gold ring that you got me oh you got golden armor oh my gosh it matches

My golden ring I look so cute oh my gosh what are the chances of her getting golden armor wait and why am I using golden blocks to build oh my gosh Jeffy maybe we are meant to be together no this is weird I don’t like this guys I

Got a golden ring what wait a minute maybe you were meant to be with my daddy Daisy ew no Jeffy that’s gross then why would he have a gold Golden Ring here Jeffy you can take it no Daddy don’t give it to me I don’t want it oh God

Daisy this is what I think about this Golden Ring oh no Jeffy that’s so mean sorry oh God die there we go no there’s more on my path get away guys this knockback stick is so overpowered guys I made it Daddy I’m almost there wait for

Mey watch out oh no oh God I got one on my Island use your knockback sticks my pow pow stick yes guys another Lucky Block let’s see what I get what I got a bunch of heart hurts no you got bunnies and they died a take that cow Daisy I

Don’t want the cow looks like your dad okay Daisy you have something to say well Marvin I’m just saying sometimes you do resemble a cow well you know what Daisy I think you resemble a donkey a donkey what that’s so mean Daisy the donkey yeah well Marvin the cow guys

Stop fighting you guys still need to open up your lucky blocks just hurry up and open them we’re going to die well Daisy you go first donkey spawned shut up Marvin I’m breaking my lucky block and I’m going to get something better than you wao you got lucky potions heck

Yeah I did and now I’m going to get a whole bunch of cool stuff oh my goodness she’s getting cake wao and I got iron armor daddy you got to top that all right here we go wao you got a huge Lucky Block stop this I hope that explodes you oh God

Run guys my Island just got exploded now I don’t think I have enough blocks to get to the end I know Daddy you killed me too you better apologize for what Daddy if you don’t something bad’s going to happen to you what’s going to happen Jeffy Daddy all I’m going to say is

Don’t look behind you what do you mean look behind me oh no come on guys quick start building your path to the next Island we’re so close I’m trying oh God more cows are spawning oh no you don’t D watch out oh God oh God no Daddy I got

Scared uh-oh you got two over there Daisy yeah they won’t be able to get me though I made it I made it I’m so close oh no get away ow oh guys I need help guys we need to keep hitting them off guys we did it I think we killed all

Those really scary cows I think you’re right yay we won we did it oh Jeffy why is there a really really really really big Lucky Block behind you oh God that’s the biggest Lucky Block I’ve ever seen and look there’s a big scary portal there’s a few of them guys I’m going to

Go open up the lucky block wait Jeffy before you open up the lucky block I think maybe we should use this crafting bench and make some stuff with all the loot that we have ooh good idea Daisy just in case that lucky block is like evil or something I don’t think it will

Be but all right let’s make better armor all right I’m going to make full diamond armor I have so many diamonds Daisy how many diamonds do you have I don’t have any diamonds Jeffy what here daisy look take all that and take all that oh my gosh Jeffy are you giving me diamonds

Yes but just the fight oh we’re going to get married no all right guys now that we have full diamond armor are we ready to open up the last Lucky Block yeah I think I’m ready all right here we go all right lucky block please give me something good give me something good

And ah what oh gosh it’s a lucky block monster oh everyone hide Jeffy I’m scared what he spawning little mini Lucky Block monsters what the heck they’re doing so much damage they’re throw me in the air oh God I’m going to die I got one Daddy I got you

Don’t worry these lucky swords are so overpowered I just die because of you ow ow he keeps holding me they keep throwing me they’re super strong oh no God I place TNT oh sorry Daisy you got me killed guys look there’s no more mini Lucky Block Golems everyone attack the

Big one get them a take that ow ow I’m on fire same here wait guys back up I have unlucky potions I’m going to use them all on them take that take that yeah oh gosh that backfired now there’s a bunch of other scary monsters is he

Dead I think he’s gone guys it it worked my unlucky potions worked he’s gone let’s go we did it guys I think we need to go through this big scary portal to stop the monsters from spawning Jeffy are you 100% sure um no you know what

Morvin I think jeffy’s right I think we need to go through what Daisy’s going daddy if she’s going through then we need to go through come on I think she’s just crazy Jeffy no we’re coming Daisy if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now


This video, titled ‘Jeffy Plays Build To SURVIVE In MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Here’s Jeffy on 2023-10-05 21:32:02. It has garnered 292676 views and 2533 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:18 or 9978 seconds.

Jeffy Plays Build To SURVIVE In MINECRAFT!

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    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

    INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some morning minecraft today #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Basicallyzs on 2024-07-03 14:50:36. It has garnered 228 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:42 or 9162 seconds. Thanks for tuning into the stream check out my discord Donation Link :$Basicallyzs DONATORS NAMES GO ON MY MAP (larger donation = larger name) #gamingshorts #funnymoments #warthunderjets #warthundertanks #shooter #minecraftmemes #livestream #ww2 Read More

  • Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

    Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ChaosJul on 2024-02-22 13:46:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mooinn guys!! What’s up?? In this video I played Fortnite in Minecraft. I would really appreciate a like and a subscription… Read More

  • Sarkarnetwork

    Minecraft lifesteal 24/7 Online Join now And not forget to vote our minecraft server For more information Join our discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Y’all better accept it!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Y'all better accept it!Looks like this meme has a better score than my GPA in high school! Read More

  • Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore!

    Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft Bedwars, Where players battle with swords and stars. Fiizy and Wallibear, they’re in the mix, Crafting strategies with a few neat tricks. Hypixel Bedwars, the ultimate test, With teams of four, who will be the best? Roblox Bedwars, a different scene, But just as fun, with a twist so keen. Fiizy’s texture pack, a sight to behold, Making the game feel fresh and bold. Wallibear’s lucky block Bedwars, a thrill, With surprises at every turn, a true skill. So grab your gear, and join the fray, In Minecraft Bedwars, where legends play. Subscribe… Read More