Holiday Bingo with SmittieKing

Video Information

For okay I think we’re live I hope so oh know it’s my first time doing this on YouTube on this channel at least I’ve done it before but um I don’t know this is kind of new to me all right I pulled it up on my phone

Just so I can give a listen make sure right what nice voice on this channel at least I’ve done it if the music is too loud can someone tell me because I genuinely don’t know okay um all right let me leave that okay I have like some Christmas music in

The background I just uh I don’t know if it’s going to get too annoying or not so tell me all right and let me pull up my stream here so I can see what you guys are saying oh hey how’s it going I remember you you were a very

Cool person to uh to do bedw Wars with trying to tuck my second microphone back in here okay I think we’re good okay all right let me just get everything ready here if the music gets like too weird I might change I don’t know like it’s it’s Christmas music you

Know I uh I tried to find Loi Christmas music but um it’s perfect like this okay good all the LOI stuff was like copyright so I’m not trying to do that I mean sirs what’s up man no no it’s okay if you can’t stay for long just uh happy to have you here

Hey Alfred H you seem familiar to me I wonder how I wonder how Yeah Christmas in Sweden must be fun right I mean snow everywhere probably um I want some snow here but you know that’s fine yeah I’m I’m doing all right doing all right thank you for asking um you

Know just ready to get into the stream but I’m going to give it just a second for for people to join and what have you um I was initially going to do bedwars today but I changed it because I love Bingo right I love Hypixel Bingo and so

It’s it’s holiday season I got to do Bingo um I wanted to have more FES I don’t have a s hat I want to have more like festive stuff I have the lights I think around the border and that’s about it here let me pull this stream up on

Streamlabs can I see chat I don’t think I can see chat no I’ll just keep it on YouTube then okay um um you’ll send me some snow thank you just yeah send it over with shipping should be fine okay um let’s see I think about ready to

Start yeah I mean I just I wanted to find like maybe some christmy atmospherics uh I have General Grievous here that’s pretty cool that’s pretty Christmasy if you ask me um also have a candle here and my two cats are out and about somewhere so maybe they’ll join in

Later who knows so we’ll see all right well without further Ado let’s get into Hypixel and again at any moment let me know if the music gets too to annoying okay okay so uh let’s see Advent calendar reward a zombie hat very festive Star Wars seriously yeah friend of mine gave

Me that that actually for Christmas I think two years ago so oh got to get this little guy um hopefully the frames are okay if the frames are like anything less than 60 FPS on your side let me know cuz I want this to be quality you

Know um as well as like the graphics I it’s possible I messed up something with the the graphics thingy I this is my first time doing it here so I don’t know I normally do twitch um and even at that like with twitch I used to stream a little bit but

Not much at all okay just so it doesn’t get too laggy this looks nice this looks very christmy um the shaders I’m using are uh super duper vanilla I like them they’re a little bit heavy for me but I I like them you know so I might switch

It to Oceano later on if the stream is at all laggy let me actually pull it up and see the first few minutes of this stream are just going to be me trying to make sure everything’s fine so account for that please yeah everything seems to be okay

Right I hope yeah I hope okay um all right well in that case let’s get started with Carol of the Bell okay all right what do we have here interesting wow oh I’ve already started that okay so we need to get to our Bingo page so let’s get to that I

Have nothing completed we’re starting completely fresh so let’s look football okay I haven’t played football in a very long time on this server um survive for a minute in a game of TNT run okay I can do that I can do that I

Am very good at TNT run thr a bed bug in a game of bedwars okay that’s kind of fun all right I you play Hypixel Bingo um so Hypixel Bingo you have to go into the server click on your little profile there and then navigate over here to

Holiday bingo um so easy medium hard it’s the same as Halloween bingo if you’ve done that uh of course you have to complete I think it’s 80% yeah of the easy to then get to the medium likewise to hard so yep um should be pretty straightforward and I’m hopefully going

To try to Black all of these out like get every single one this is day one so we’ll see how much I do all right collect Four Diamonds in bedw Wars okay we’re going to do the bedw wars ones first we’re going to collect Four Diamonds and also throw a bed

Bug is there anything else that we have to do in bedar anything at all I think those are only bedwar ones okay okay so four diamonds and bed bu that is what we are doing all right never done that it’s it’s fun I love the Halloween one the Halloween one is great

Um this probably be easier with the bigger team so let’s do fours yeah hopefully I won’t upset my teammates here these shaders might be a little bit too heavy for me I might switch to Oceano let me do that real quick there we go okay all right hopefully this looks okay we’ll

See all right can someone defend well I have my little Quest I have to do I’m so sorry Sor to tell you I can’t speed Bridge so that’s fine don’t need to be able to I’m already good at the game so oh no oh come on just let me get

Four diamonds please please four that’s all I want and a bed bug I need a bed bug too that’s fine all right so let’s get bed bug I think I like really within the this is a rush map that like 20 seconds and and that’s all it Took I don’t have any wool I’m just going to try to collect that all right fine let’s do uh that oh there’s a little gift cute I need one more Diamond 10 seconds can I survive 10 seconds this is stressful but you know come on give me one last time don’t you

Dare don’t you dare all right I got it so that’s good um oh yeah this dude isn’t on my team that’s fine I mean he’s not all that great oh he is good I take that back immediately it doesn’t matter I I’ve done all I need to do

So okay so now we have two Bingo things done let’s take a look here and here definitely going want to get like rows just like normal Bingo you want to clear a row column or diagonal right that is kind of the point here so let’s see if we can do any adjacent

Ones also again just let me know in terms of volume levels like if my voice is too uh too quiet or too loud you know all right so bow shot murder mystery I could definitely do that a good or higher in build battle definitely do both of these TNT Ron football that’s

Going to be the hardest one so we’ll save that for last let’s go across the top here and let’s start with build battle let’s let’s get a a score of good yeah all right holiday mode we kind of have to I mean we kind of have to

Too oh here’s my Santa variation made this yesterday turn smooth lighting back On all right so it’s holiday mode I’m guessing that means all of them are holiday themed that’s a pretty good assumption I would say um so we’ll see by the way if you guys want to ask me questions I’m not turning this into like a video or

Anything this is literally just a stream stream so talk to me you know ask me things ask me your deepest darkest question no don’t do that but just you know see what’s Up interesting Skins I like his hat it’s nice do I have a hat no oh he has a default skin okay Hi hi there hello yeah jump uh-huh okay sled so you don’t get to vote in this round okay that’s that’s fine this is all snowy oh there’s not even a backdrop changer okay all right so let’s do a sled I am okay at building is gold really the right choice Let’s

See we also have 6 minutes that’s longer than normal so okay um we’re going to line these up with the windows here I think that would be a good option let’s do it like that hey how’s it going M&H how’s it going okay we’ll put that maybe like That I don’t need to make one row necessarily I just need to complete 80% to get to the next uh level but if you complete a row you get like rewards and stuff so I’ll try to be going row by row or column by column or diagonal by other

Diagonal if that makes sense so okay let’s go up here sleds are like this right Yeah no I don’t think so it doesn’t matter I just need a good or higher so uh let’s do this okay um should we extend the back here probably let’s do that okay that’s a good shape right I’ll do that all right so let’s layer this double and with that let’s let’s have

Like the the seating area so the seating area is going to be darker colors let’s just have it all be red who cares I like red Red’s fun okay so let’s go up here yeah there we go that looks like a pretty comfy sled I would be slating in that you

Know ooh no no no we need to get creative here we are getting creative we are getting a block of redstone all right cute but not done definitely not complete um ooh let’s have the back be Wheels isn’t that like not Wheels but like like that yeah is that right I don’t

Know and then maybe on the inside we can do some of this this is looking good guys this is looking good this however is not looking good right here we gotta fix this Okay yay I’m not done I’m not done um okay let’s do this should we do like a bag of presents like the Santa sleigh where is that is that like in the front of the sleigh or is it like behind the sleigh or does it change from move I I think it

Changes I mean I don’t think we need all that no I think we have it in the bag as is um it’s asking for it oh a sled not a sleigh well let’s hope that this pass this is a sled you could take this sled right yeah okay so let’s

Maybe build up some snow just so it’s like in Motion right yeah I keep coming to you guys for reassurance on this but it’s I don’t even think you guys know what to say this is it’s fine it’s okay all right go out like that go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom how did I get that exactly no wait

I missed I missed that okay I was about to say that’s impressive okay let’s get something darker let’s get creep let’s do trapo forgot I can’t do that in this version this is why 1.8 is lame okay it is do with iron no care Dexter says one. e is

Is lame all right let’s do that um I don’t know how I feel about that maybe we need to go in and do some detailing right here does this make it look like more cushioned oh wait I have an idea yeah now now we’re now we’re sledding yeah that’s pretty

Good um well not done yet actually going to do a little bit of Detailing there we go Did I overdo it did I it’s my first time doing Bingo on H pixel yeah I mean this my first time doing the uh Christmas Bingo I’ve done the Halloween bingo uh in fact I did that this past year I love it it’s kind of bad for me because I get

Addicted and just want to keep doing it um but I don’t know there’s something really fun about Bingo and not like the old person’s home bingo like Hypixel Bingo you know like look at this it brings out the inner builder in Me I don’t know how I feel about that though it’s it’s fine oh what why did someone build a crazy flu I didn’t know I didn’t mean to hit okay no oh this is good this is really good hey late tin how’s it going um oh this is this is fun okay that’s

Nice this is really cute Okay small but you know cute mine doesn’t look good in comparison this is good yeah this is good solid yeah oh got a little reindeer okay reindeer’s creepy so I’m giving in okay but otherwise good yeah run the- Mill standard

Sled I mean come on guys it’s got to be legendary it’s got to be did you get blackout on Halloween I did not get blackout no I was a little bit too late to the party oh this is sick it’s just a little bit too late to the party to get

Blackout but um I was I was happy with my progress I got some some uh some gifts and all that some place did I get good I don’t think so I didn’t get the oh I did okay good all right that is actually really easy Bingo

Thing to get okay so next up let’s take a look um bow shot murder mystery I need to get detective for that but I also don’t stand a chance in the pit because I hate the pit so we can try the pit that’s it’ll be entertaining so I got to get a

Bow shot right I got to kill someone with a bow so um let’s let’s try it okay I hate this I hate it he has diamond armor yeah this it’s not going to happen it’s not this is not going to happen we’re going to just go murder mystery look I’m not

Actually that bad at PVP especially in 1.8 but the pit intimidates me it scares me gives me nightmares okay let’s get some gold and try to get a bow shot do I have to kill the murderer can I just kill a random person it’ be mean but I’m guessing I just kill a

Random person yeah let’s do that keep missing the gold like how we’re on a Halloween map too uh uh uh you guys saw that too right that’s not good that’s not good for the economy all right let’s find a gold or a couple let’s see and again I’m I’m going back and

Forth on the music if it gets to oh my my gosh this is the second time the second Time like come on it’s fine I forgot that my uh my glyph was Halloween it’s festive season got to get festive it’s fine um by the way if you’ve not seen my new Ikea video my bedw Wars Ikea video go go watch it it’s great it’s fantastic uh we built a giant

Ikea in bedw wars and it’s it’s pretty it’s pretty great um speaking of which though I do want to let you guys know who who are watching I’ll I’ll make a little post about this uh I am going to be focusing more on quality than no yeah quality than quantity for

Uploads um 3 days a week is great but it’s a lot of editing and why me like I don’t understand anyways this a lot eding which is all good and jolly but uh I get to spend less time on thumbnails of course I’m of course I spend less time on thumbnails than I

Probably should uh like this Ikea one I spent a lot of time on that thumbnail I made it look really nice so hopefully it’s going to do well I don’t know yet um but I want to start doing that and I also want to increase my editing skills

You know I I’m just now getting there and uh oh is there a person here no and I just recently made an intro for a video that I’m editing that I think is like literally almost Wally bear level you know like I’m really trying to get that editing in There anyone see me no no Witnesses okay okay well let’s see and again ask me questions if you guys want um talk to me about life I’m I’m here to answer questions and play holiday bingo I know I’m a multitasker crazy right do that do that okay we have seven left we could

Probably win this can we oh come On I think so just shot at me I can’t tell oh yeah GG’s okay it’s fine I’m normally great at murder mystery you’re seeing me on an off day so okay let’s see 10 gold it’s all it Is all right if I get stabbed I’m going to be very upset I’m going to be very salty Come On there’s no gold there there is no gold like at all oh that’s a lie is All Hiding over Here okay oh it’s a body well nothing screams Christmas like murder mystery just saying yeah don’t I I had a suspicion about that one I don’t know why GI to start what do the gifts do they just like get you coins or something I don’t

Know come on please I I want to stop playing murder mystery I love murder mystery but I just want the the the Bingo want the Bingo On three more I can do that oh gift 30 coins yeah so it’s coins all right that’s fine Um come on come on come on please please can we play bedwars with me after um if I had MVP Plus+ I would let all of you guys play bedwars with me I don’t though uh so we can but uh it would be limited to so many people per party you

Know and we could just swap people out so maybe yeah I I wouldn’t be opposed to that um I’m not like the best bedw war player but I do it enough to be decent so Yeah this is dumb this is dumb this is so dumb okay I just picked up the bow all right I’m not regaining all these coins there’s no way look it’s grapes It’s a it’s a graveyard down there okay um don’t kill me please I’m a good I’m a good person I’ve been a good boy this year okay this is worrying me four left it’s not him all right oh I just need to pick up the bow where’s the bow at okay So let’s go get the bow and let’s just shoot the first person we see you know that’s that’s the move for sure someone picked up the bow wish I could shoot that person all right well next game more murder mystery yay I’ll give it like two more rounds if

I can’t do it then I’ll come back to it after and one the other ones all right okay so let’s get a bow roll murderer okay sure look at me is this a speedrun speedrun speedrun could be okay I just need to be where people aren’t right case some

Point get away from me I don’t trust you I don’t no this is how I am in real life too you know going out to Walmart get away from me I want to be near you you scare me I’m threatened by you okay like just kill me please yeah thank you like that’s

Just I’m not that bad I’m not what’s what’s happening I don’t know something oh look Santa skins hey I trimmed my boots just one pixel lower than he did um CU I I didn’t like the boots being that big I’m I’m picky about the weirdest things okay what’s going on here oh oh

Scary someone said meow okay all right four why is my hand doing that is that a 1.8 animation that was weird you guys saw that too right it’s really weird some of the quests are just so hard yeah I mean especially when you get into me hard

Stuff um there are some games that I never play like paintball that I’m not going to be good at I will definitely need dexur help for that okay just stop following me please all right oh oh wow that was that’s fun okay let’s go in this little Cavern yeah any

Gold look all I have to do is say gold and it appears in front of me gold I’m sorry sorry I had to witness that okay there we go one more come on please one more I’m going to stay in this area cuz no one’s over here so many people are

Dying I don’t know what they’re saying not really familiar the language there did I get the the thing you’re kidding you’re kidding me I killed someone with bow that’s supposed to be a isn’t that what it that’s what it says right let me see kill a player with a bow shot and

Yes I did That no we’re going back to the pit and I’m sitting up in my chair which means I’m serious I’m getting very serious okay Um why is there obsidian here what’s up with that that’s Fine who put obsidian there if I keep shooting I will kill someone you know maybe not try one more time get away please no okay that’s fine we’ll come back to that one we’ll complete the rest in the Row first um okay survive TNT run all right easy say

Less they call me TNT man cuz I’m so good at it I am in heaven right now why is it so bright why is this so bright wa for for why I mean it doesn’t matter really I can still see so okay here we go oh I have the stupid pumpkin on from

Halloween no oh it’s so laggy just okay all right I’m just going to slow and steady wins the race there we go Okay so far so Good yeah uh o ah o ah no oh no no no okay how how far are we duration uh 40 seconds all right I can do this easily and then I’ll just die cuz I don’t want to how many floors are there it’s a lot of floors okay well do

This don’t worry it’s not just the stream that’s laggy it’s a little bit laggy in game so train gracefully fantastic time for me to die cool okay so we did that let’s go to score a goal in football I don’t know if I can do this I

Mean I can I definitely can but like I don’t remember if it’s easy or hard for me to do That let’s find out let’s do It do I need a texture pack for this uh I just want to know otherwise what it will look like so and we’re all going to be trying to score a goal that’s the other thing about Bingo everyone’s trying to do it so like it’s just kind of hard you

Know it’s like rocket league but not not at all yay great okay fine oh I kicked it I I kicked kicked it this time guys I kicked it okay no no no no I played soccer for a while in real life all right one mat okay I’m going to face my

Wrath my soccer wrath come on come on oh please just or should I call it football I don’t know we’re we’re getting wiped I’ll call it football cuz my dad’s from England and that’s that’s what he refers to it as please one goal yeah I’m with

You I’m right there with you I want it to man if you score a goal on yourself does it does it count probably not oh come on really where okay it’s right there all right let me let me get this let me get this check this out ready get back

Here they have a good goalie they have like a a genuinely decent goalie we don’t we don’t have anyone in goalie come on guys no one wants to be goalie though that’s the thing you know oh man I hate this I really hate this this is why I haven’t played this

In forever because this is like the worst arcade game in my opinion it’s just like I get why it’s here it can be fun for some people what’s up basement rat how’s it going it’s I don’t know I I hate I hate this this is give it to me stop holding

It little weirdo give it no or is it just lagging should I leave no I’m not going to abandon my team okay but this is upsetting we have Pro Sports rocket League Esports ninja players on the other team what was that my internet is great okay it’s not my

Internet I don’t understand why it’s doing all that this is going to Wi Sky Block video so your soul is leaving your body is almost gone okay you you find a way to get my channel blown up to the point where which I’m I’m trying to do anyways

Um to the point where I can just hire an editor for that and and you have it you have it you have it easily that is when it will happen yeah it would be cool can we do bedwar party yeah we can do bedwar party in just a

Minute um this stream is meant to be just Hypixel uh holiday bingo though but we could definitely do some bedw Wars in a little bit I’m G to try to at least do one or two rows so oh come on just yeah 10 seconds left this is this is

Dumb I’ll tell you guys what we can do like three quick games of bedwars and then I’m going to go back to Bingo and then we can maybe do some more bedwars afterwards okay so go ahead and hop online all right and um How do I I make a a Party

Public okay just all right party settings okay all right so I’ll make sure find a way to make it toggles all invite yeah let’s try that P setting all inites okay well you guys go ahead online try to do SLP join Smitty King hello what’s this

Yeah uh yeah feel free this is Nat everyone is your ca on yeah it’s right that’s that’s the one right there yeah hello I brought you a cookie oh thank you a cookie for me thank you very much all right yeah BL a candle out go try to

Join my party I don’t know if I I don’t know how to do this um just actually drop your usernames in chat and I will invite you how about That I’m also going to stop the Christmas music while we’re doing this because it’s messing with my psyche and I need top tier psyche for for bedwars so give me two seconds here let me go to be right back okay yeah I think it that stopped it

Okay let also turn my game sounds up I why they’re so quiet that’s it’s very quiet okay still mute for two days what did you do to get mute okay um okay i0 wait p t i t c k i c o is that capital

O I think that is yeah okay there we go and um said L to a cheater okay is that right basement rat is that is that we’re going to do oh boy I scared late 10 okay see there you go and basement rat sticks sticks is never going to release your your

Dog I don’t understand that joke I don’t even know where it came from okay I got it yeah there we go how’s it going all right so let’s do let’s do some threes and while we’re at it I’m just going to double check see if there’s any holiday

Bingo that we can do in the meantime for bedw Wars Grinch Sim I’m have to do Grinch Sim I I love Grinch Sim or any of those Sims snowfall Mountain snow blow okay murder mystery okay that’s fine we’ll just do a couple bedw war games then six

Relas we’ll see about that don’t don’t get your hopes up okay sticks is merciless all right no l in it’s okay I’ll I’ll wait for you to rejoin yeah you’re going to leak it if no Sky Block VI sure sure it’s okay you got me I live in

America just got doxed oh boy spooky all right Leon I’ll give you a few minutes to reconnect no no you’re good you’re good you’re back all right cool let’s try it again we’ll do just a few bedw Wars games here um because the main point of the stream is for holiday

Bingo but you guys were wanting to do some bedwar with me so let’s do some bedwar let’s do it what down here again though I just I don’t want you being disappointed with my skills I my whole thing is I build silly things in bedw Wars I

Don’t losy Street that’s so dumb it’s so dumb all right okay wow that’s loud okay let me turn this down just a little bit go there all right cool all right you guys do your thing I want to see how good you guys are so let’s find out okay um okay

I’ll go diamonds get some diamonds just as well cuz gifts were dropped there n more minutes till it starts live event in fortnite yeah apparent that’s what a lot of people were waiting for I didn’t realize it was Today okay oh well I thank you save those for me wait and get four no I’m not okay yeah I don’t know I don’t really play fortnite anymore haven’t played in a while hello Nat what is up do that there we go go here go oh Blue’s over there do they have a

Bad they do but not very good defense and Red’s about to take it probably yeah okay cool we should probably defend our bed a little bit more then if these guys are just that good when can you donate the coins um whenever we get back to Sky Block you know I don’t

Know whenever we get back to that do you have a what you have obsidian already that’s wild how’d you get it that fast that was like a speedrun that has to be a speedrun category getting Obby incoming all right so us oh they got through it really fast oh

Cuz you didn’t place it there that’s [Applause] okay that’s fine it’s okay it’s just us and red and there are two of them three of us we got it no no it’s okay we we still have this in the bag all right okay um you two are conspiring and I don’t

Like that it’s already in a chair okay all right that’s great should we wait for yeah let’s wait for the next one in the meantime if I see any red trying to cross any bridge I will fire upon them and they will be sorry okay oh no no

No oh no you you can Ty your expressions in stream chat since you’re muted on Hypixel it’s okay uh let’s get all right late 10 do we want Pro or sharpness up to you it’s a 2v2 we got this sharpness all right let’s do it I should have split that’s something I’m notoriously

Awful at so so yeah yeah I’m sorry I it it is a 2v2 now so yeah yeah you still got the bed that was really good I mean that’s the only reason why we have a shot here so but where R oh I saw one of them all

Right I’m going to have to go to their base I think I’ll follow your lead late 10 I’m sorry I probably could have clutched that if I was thinking Ah that’s really unfortunate and oh interesting skins okay basement R you can you can want it all

You want I can’t do anything until I have the resources to uh to have a whole another Channel you know okay Fireball fight all right it’s okay Lon you can clutch this it’s a one V2 easy you got this where’d you go oh this an easy 1 V2 okay so let’s see

It oh they’re scared have an iron sword that’s why yeah they’re going back to back to their friend oh no oh that was so close oh all right Leon if you can clutch this I I don’t know I’ll do something silly oh it’s okay it’s okay all right we’re going to do just

One more okay because then I want to get back to my holiday stream all right and every stream we can do a couple of bedw War Games how about that oh they they said late 10 GG that’s nice how about Smitty King GG I don’t see that anywhere huh it’s

Fine I’m not upset I’m not all right let’s get this going I’ll go Diamond you two can uh oh is that for the Bingo probably okay not breathing until a new Sky BL that’s not a good idea you should breathe all right new challenge guys new Mr Beast challenge not Breathing well it’s okay we we might do one more after this that was really quick all right two diamonds in the chest come here this is the same person as last time isn’t it it’s one them okay thank you for the assist there oh nice splitting skills nice we should learn from

You okay uh what’s their bed looking like weird really weird what is up with that bed defense oh you just hit them off are you crazy like that that’s wild if you did I’m almost out of no they have yeah it’s they have wooden wool but it’s placed in a really

Weird way take a look next time you you’re out here just come here that’s so annoying just yeah yeah yeah all right I’m going to let you go in for a little bit cuz I’m pretty low and they’re they’re going to finish me they’re going to finish me all right nice nice

Nice I should get a gap yeah okay um if you want to go and get their if if you’re trying to get their bed I can Fireball it beforehand give you much bigger opening please win okay nice all right and I’m going to go in for the fireball

Now they covered it up with wood yeah okay well I can come and try to help if you want oh oh you’re crazy oh oh you’re like good at the game okay I can see the universe where stop no don’t die on me who was that what what yeah this is

Dumb Bed Wars makes me angry all right clutch it how should I go back saying your name I I I want to go to pitco in my mind I don’t know why but um answer this of course after you’re done so let’s see okay oh bridging bridging nice nice

Okay Mad Skills insane absolutely crazy at the game oh that’s kind of cool huh yeah you two are really good at the game guy building aquarium yeah it is the guy building aquarium in bedwar I just did Ikea you really should go and check that out if you like the aquarium

One because that’s my favorite one that I’ve done um but yeah it’s it’s me right now we’re just doing our last round of normal bedwar before I go back to holiday bingo just you know it was requested I I had to I had to so so close to Universe Universe for dreams came

True you will see another Sky Block video in your life I promise I promise I will get it done I just can’t do it until I have the resources for it oh it’s an interesting choice on scoot L’s end well GG’s GG’s I’m in spectator chat that’s fine okay

Well thank you guys for doing some bedwar with me and I want to get back to doing some more holiday bingo and um with that being said I need to turn back on the Christmas music don’t I so B spammer yeah oh so you saw

It nice nice nice I one is pretty funny it’s been months I know it’s because the the Sky Block videos are fun but they take a long time for me to edit right and I’m trying to focus on my main Channel and get the main one monetized

You know so I can take it more seriously and then have that as an adjacent channel so that’s the plan but right now main one’s doing pretty well so I’m going to focus on that you know now with that being said I’m going to disband my

Party and I am going to go over here and pause the uh not pause I I’ll put the stream on standby while I turn the Christmas music back on and we get back to bingo so okay this should be good you advertise my channel if you if I do that oh look

That my point is when you would see the next Sky Block video you would need to advertise my channel you know I just need my um oh wow that’s pretty cool I need my main channel to do well before I spread my resources like that you know I

Got back to Roman Empire here can’t spread myself too thin so let’s see what we’re going on to next let’s go to easy um item box and G a turbo cart these two I don’t see the soccer one happening at least in this stream it’s like it’s weirdly difficult for

Me I don’t like Hypixel soccer I don’t so let’s go ahead with Arena Brawl I don’t know if I’ll be able to even load into a game no one plays Arena brawl so tuck this back in here we can go across the bottom here though um actually no I want I want to do murder mystery we’re going to get that one done yeah I’m dead on

That it’s not so hard to get a bow we just need to I guess bow the murderer so I don’t know I mean I we could try try the pit again I just don’t like the pit the Pit’s not fun no one likes the pit pit

Is lame a lot of people like the I don’t like the pit so pure petrified Ruby okay nice I just saw a FNAF skin I’ve never really gotten into FNAF I saw the movie with that not theaters on HBO let’s just actually go cuz we won’t

Be able to get the soccer one anyways right now so let’s go in the column Arena brawl hat TNT uh Wizards or whatever kill vampire I can do that catch 25 fish and ice in the main lobby okay yeah catch 25 fish in ice FNAF movie yeah I don’t know that was

Right so I need a fishing rod clearly is that a Gadget unless I just do this and fish with my grappling hook that’s probably it oh hi jump scare can’t use catches right now okay um oh wait what’s this huh what where do I get a fishing rod there’s definitely here we go okay mhm click me again collect okay there we

Go all right cool go to the fishing Hut yeah I just got the the dude um can we do like that I don’t that works all right let’s catch some fish and Ice Let’s Do It come on all right ask me some questions this is going to be a very low energy kind of vibe right now very chill catching fish guess I’ve never done that all right got a broken fishing rod okay Sure okay let’s get some more fish and ice love that fish and ice is there a certain place I have to fish to get fish and Ice oh got a Cod yeah how am I going to get 25 why is that easy like that’s not easy that’s a

Lot of fish unless there’s a better way to do this should I stream FNAF mice sure stream FNAF if you want go for it it’s not very christmy but do what you want do I have okay fish in ice if I say it a lot it’s going to

Happen what is this stuff that they’re catching in chat what confused kak is there an easier way to do this does anyone know like genuinely I I’m very puzzled perplexed confused that’s all I got come on okay I’m going to give it one more shot if that doesn’t work we’re going to

Go with a different Game it’s mostly just luck okay why 25 that’s a lot that’s like a lot for an easy Bingo where was that that was yeah fish in ice wait do I have to fish in the ice cuz it’s done all weird no that doesn’t make sense unless I’m doing it like right next to it is that how this works mythical fish when did they do this is this

New okay stop no why are You Okay I just I do really like fishing sounds boring but I like fishing stuff so I will try this just a little bit more come On you talk to Neptune got Neptune in here okay where is Neptune Neptune oh gift that’s Victoria is Neptune inside here oh gave me quartz all right thank you okay soga 98 109 39 okay so 98 Sur right over this Mountain okay 39 right yeah perfect thank you very much Lon that is very helpful okay that vanish yeah oh okay set a pond with many fish that prefer the cold be trapped beneath the ice okay however the ice is thin enchantment that will allow you fishing rod break through so you cover well okay

Yeah all right do I have that now yeah okay that’s awesome this is so cool fishing lore I love fishing how did that happen what this is wild this is so cool I love this wait let me do I have to break it to yeah I think so this is so

Cool I’m such a weird Little Nerd for this stuff I love little Mindless things like this okay come here fishy here please why would you put yours right next to Mine did I get that got a perch does that count towards my fish Ice it’s not going to tell me that all right I’ll do this just a little bit more then we’ll get something more exciting so do you play Sky Block um yes and no I did it a little bit for YouTube series Um but I don’t like play it play it you know I know very little about it I know some of the lore whatever but no I don’t know I do like it a lot and once my Channel that I currently have why is that not working um once this smiiing

Channel does well uh I know I am actually getting a decent Revenue off of it and can hire an editor for Sky Block that’s what I’m going to do and I’ll have the two channels you know so I do really love Sky Block um another perch

Okay so do I just just keep doing this then or do I break the ice yeah I think that’s what I do right I why why is this not working even is mid for now I don’t know what that means I don’t know what you mean by that basement rat come

On I want to get one more fish and then go to another thing all right hold a bingo let’s see so let’s find like a row that we can do you know let’s do this one dash M and quick craft easy wool in the center game in W Wars okay

Grenade c yeah easy win any game mode Duss all right we can do these we’re going to start with Dash and quick craft all right event is mid for now oh in fortnite yeah I mean if you mean mid in terms of quality I don’t know I don’t care really about I

I know they tried to bring back all the old players with the new update or whatever but that’s kind of like desperate to me um they’re never really going to replicate that that feeling cuz they used to be really good at fortnite actually uh that was pretty pretty good

As an early on player um but I stopped playing when whenever like everyone else stopped playing too I remember there’s a morning that I woke up and I was at my friend’s house and his parents were there and they were like yeah you know fortnite isn’t the thing anymore apparently I’m

Like really and that was the first I’d heard of it but um yeah that was the day that died in my mind you know I don’t know I’m glad it’s resurging though I’m I’m glad people are are going back to it that’s great for the game I personally

Just have no interest you know well okay I suck at quck craft I could just leave right now but I I don’t want to do that Why does it say they consumed me I don’t like that this is this dude this dude is like insane I get him yeah I got him okay you’re pretty good at fortnite okay yeah I mean it’s um it just has too many mechanics in my opinion right

Now too much stuff going on in it but who am I to say Minecraft also has basically infinite mechanics if you want to look at it like that um I don’t know Minecraft is Just a completely different ballpark of a game though so I can’t really compare the two but yeah all

Right go back to easy let’s do Place wool in the center of a game in wo Wars I don’t like wo Wars but yeah we’ll do it okay um is this the one that takes forever forget wool Wars oh no this is I do like

Wol Wars I do like w Wars yeah I like w Wars I just never play it so this is really easy I can do this game is still going on got War back really it’s still going on that’s crazy okay bizarre well really oh done it’s that easy

Like I don’t know instant Health sure I guess but full health doesn’t really come here oh what’s going on that confused me for a second oh they have kits absorption all right I don’t know cool GG’s um two people in red quit so I’m going to quit so evens it out got

My objective done um let’s see here throw a grenade in cops and crims okay yeah so I saw that Hypixel got rid of the mystery boxes which I was shocked by I heard that they’re probably going to have to do that because of Mojang’s new TOs for servers

I didn’t think they actually would I thought hypix would have like an exception or something um but speaking of that cops and crims you know the whole gun thing I don’t think they’re going to cuz like you don’t have gun it’s it’s wind hose or whatever but I don’t know I have mixed

Thoughts on Mojang’s new TOs like I get public server regulation I definitely get that but I don’t understand mod pack regulation um or just mod regulation in general I think that’s really strange merging as a company I think people give them too much you know too much

Heat but there are some things I very much disagree with in terms of how they handle updates my biggest hot take though is I don’t think all three mobs should have been added or ever should be added because think about that 5 years from now right so every year they add

Three mobs has 15 mobs to the game it’s going to be over stuffed overcrowded people aren’t going to like the game anymore it’s going to be like fortnite you know they add too much stuff dies out so I don’t even think that they should be doing mob votes for every update

Biome votes sure or just like feature votes maybe but mob votes no I don’t want these new Mobs added to the game really I don’t like the camel I think the sniffer is the worst addition to the game ever like I’m being so serious I I hate the sniffer

Um same person it’s split into two parts that’s hilarious oh man I know that’s really funny why would they do that that’s weird just get all over with and then the hype’s like I guess I want to stretch the hype out but still oh I need to buy a grenade frag smoke

Grenade grenade okay B it’s just that easy yeah I don’t know I’m not a big fan of the newer Minecraft updates because I I like that they’re adding to the game but it doesn’t match the old resolution of the game and I’m not a 1.8 player I don’t like 1.8 all right for

Combat it’s great but I don’t like the way it looks the way it feels really for the most part I do like the newer textures but they need to balance that you know what team am I on oh well there you go are we even on our teams 1 two 3 one

Two oh I can’t tell okay well I don’t know that’s my hot take on Minecraft I don’t think new Mobs should be added every year I don’t want the game being over stuffed you know keep it simple like servers do most of the work here like

Hypixel does most of the work they keep the player base going right that’s why I thought maybe they’d get a pass for the whole Mystery Box thing but I don’t know that’s fine I’m not in a position tell a company how to run themselves um but still

Okay I know I’ve done my objective here oh cake can I eat that why is that there if I can’t eat it um I know it’s done my objective but I feel bad leaving mid game how did they get that shot and I didn’t come here boom take that mhm

Okay what is this is this the bomb where my wire wire C wire did we win I just don’t understand cops and I I do and I don’t maybe I don’t like it enough to understand it so okay um great all right let’s take a look here

So far very successful win any game mode in Duss that might be an issue duels players are notoriously sweaty so but it depends on like I guess I get paired up with classic d SkyWars parkour just play duels I mean solo duels yeah what is all of this like

What yeah just give me classic I guess I don’t Care all right hey man let’s let’s du it out no way I win this why did I how did I win I want a du first try what is wrong with me it’s weird Okay um pick up an eye box and a okay super easy super straightforward let’s do it tkr these

Are just the little boxes that spawn the little uh I think they’re Juke boxes or glass I forget okay yeah I don’t want the texture pack right now if I don’t need to have it you know oh it’s just me and one other player come

On come on tkr we love tkr don’t we if any of you are still on Hypixel you should join tkr it’s so much fun it’s my favorite I just please join so we can have the player account there we go we’re getting some people all right not

From my stream of course just some some people who felt like playing Turbo Kart Racers who doesn’t right I love it I love tkr I love it okay I need one item box so so yeah in the Halloween bingo one of them was um you had to win a game of Turbo cart

Racers so that’s the reason I didn’t max out my my Bingo I’m not very good at this game I’m good at Mario Kart I’m very good at Mario Kart this is not Mario Kart this is very different the controls late thank you for for joining and

Then I bet he just realizes turbo Kart Racers and left um so pain yeah yeah it’s just not it’s not Mario Kart like WD is not what you should have as controls for for driving you know it’s not like they have any choice I’m just saying okay I I’ll play this one through

I don’t want to leave mid rounds it’s um it’s taboo what happened to me slippy banana like what is that why why why are we doing this what I’m in ninth place now because of this jump look I know I’m supposed to like use these things or whatever but I just they’re

Dumb don’t me wrong I really respect all of the work that went into this game and the map building and the coding and the textures that’s great it’s just not for me you know like cyber punk I respect all the work that went into that game

It’s not for me maybe I haven’t tried it actually maybe it is for me but um was a game I definitely wouldn’t Call of Duty never touched one of those games never have any desire to not for me not for me other than Minecraft though oh your game

Crashed oh that’s why you left I see yeah other than Minecraft I would say my favorite games are Red Dead 2 and God of War 2018 um absolute bangers of a game all right fantastic games but Minecraft of course is a very different ballpark like this is an

Evergreen game that is going to probably be around in some form forever right at least in the foreseeable future you know so and red dead and God of War are too but they’re more franchise solo games like why I play God of War 2018 we could just play Ragnarok even though I prefer

2018 they still okay got another banana great why look I’m I’m doing this for you guys I’m playing this game not really but I yeah pretend we pretend here all right what is I did not ask is I feel like this is copyrighted music because it has vocals what is

This what was the be what help hold up let me change my music back to uh back to this whatever this is you appreciate my voice thank you I uh I try to keep my voice I don’t know soothing I don’t really yell too much I I don’t rage and

That’s more because I have neighbors up and below me uh not because I don’t get angry cuz anyone gets angry playing video games right but yeah all right let’s go and see what what’s next so we have this rad down fantastic nice um what did that give me three daily reward

Tokens great okay um wooden pickaxe steal 10 gifts and Grinch simulator kill streak okay throw yeah we can do that row too easy so let’s go into the walls the walls is my like top or bottom bot five top five least favorite bottom five favorite I don’t like the walls okay to

Put it bluntly I don’t hey Tim Harden how’s it going welcome welcome so let’s try the walls I don’t think I’m going to like it anymore because I’m I’m doing um just one thing in it but still my my issue with the walls is when I have to uh do

Something that requires like end game of the walls cuz it is like a 20 minute long game isn’t it at least 10 or something I don’t know um but I just have to craft a wooden pickaxe so I can do that easy easy forun okay this biggest oh don’t

Worry about like seriously everyone has a different voice for a reason right you just have to make yours yours make yours unique it doesn’t matter if it sounds high pitched or not right like I have moments where I will go up all the way to falsetto without even trying to

Because as it’s just how it is you know um but don’t I I get why it’s an insecurity but uh sometimes you just got to look at in a different light you know I mean we all have insecurities but got to do your best to to live with them

And rise above them I’m not trying to be inspirational here and and give like a a crazy speech or something but that’s just the way it is you know I I was debating doing face cam right because sometimes I’m not looking my best but everyone is sometimes not looking their

Best you know so I got over I’m like you know what I want to start doing face cam my videos as well um I think it’s like the next step to me being successful and yeah so here I am in all my glory a big insecurity of mine actually

Is my teeth I don’t have very good teeth um my dad is fully British he’s from England and it’s true what they say my teeth aren’t great okay so if if you want to exchange in Securities there you go um but yeah oh come on can one more

Late 10 if you’re if you’re still online can you join the walls really quickly oh wait I think we got some people hi hi there yeah hi oh see you late tin never mind thank you thank you very much for for joining all right let’s craft a wooden

Pick pick ax guys we can we can speed ear this and depending on how many people are on each team I might leave this one after I craft it it’s bad practice but if the other teams have less players than my team then it’s only fair so oh hey hanry welcome in no

Worries I know a lot of people at the fortnite live event so that’s cool and all I get it I didn’t know that was going on today so yeah I had no idea yeah okay go up here and I hope you guys love the Christmas music it is a little bit much

Uh sometimes for me at least but if it’s too loud for you guys let me know you know it it sets the mood I need it I need the Christmas music I do you make a god team for real okay sure oh we’re we’re about to

Have a full Lobby aren’t we for the walls that’s rare okay Well I know I love holiday time it’s it’s probably my favorite time of year no definitely I love winter winter is my favorite season CU I like to go outside and just like see the overcast sky and like the uh the either orange or Dead Leaves big fan of it sometimes snow

Where I’m at so yeah oh we’re we’re all putting GG easy into chat aren’t we great so yeah and of course Christmas just makes it better I know that like Christmas or any holiday that you’re in can be stressful cuz you know finances or you have to go and find a present for

Someone right it’s stressful it is but at the end of the day no matter what you get for someone unless it’s like genuinely terrible I probably should should say no matter what you get but for the most part people are going to be happy that you got them something right

I mean uh take take the The Mickey Mouse cartoon you know where he trades in his his pocket watch for think is something like that he tra no he trades in his Haron harmonica for Minnie to get her like nice jewelry or something and uh she ends up getting him

A case for his harmonica and at the end of the day they’re both like oh you got me something that’s cool you know everyone’s happy in the end boom yeah we have the most people on our team so bye keep up yeah yeah for sure for sure

Yeah I uh I’m trying you know trying to upload a lot and again I mentioned it earlier in the Stream for you guys who are familiar with my channel um I’m no longer going to upload three times a week I’m going to focus more on quality rather than quantity

Um really going to go in on the editing and try to make this channel something pretty good so all right steal 10 gifts in a game of Grinch Sim easy absolutely easy say less okay why oh oh wait we’re all graes I thought it was like a party that was

About to scare me all right okay that’s kind of cool how do they make you have skins that’s interesting I know like probably plugin I just didn’t know you could do that in Minecraft okay those are ornaments yeah one year for Easter simulator which is my favorite version

Of this by the way just for the record I got I think it like 80 gifts or something because or 70 gifts I don’t know it was an achievement right and my friend and I just wanted to try hard all the achievements and so like I literally

Memorized where all them were on a particular map or like had a route or something I don’t know um and it was it was crazy but yeah at that same time I got the bedw wars End Dragon achievement which is pretty cool so yeah I have some cool achievements is

What I’m trying to say okay I’m cool all right okay First time seen face thing is that’s exactly how you imagine me looking I hope that’s a good thing I don’t know I mean I I I guess I sound kind of the way I look if I were to

Picture it from that way too I’ve never really thought about that how you guys must think I look when you see my videos but now you get to put a face to the The Voice you know no gifts over there I already got the the Bingo but I want to finish this

Game out cuz I like Grinch sim a lot so yeah I’m weird okay oh wow that’s a lot of gifts okay let see right there nice stream oh thank you so much that’s very kind of you thank you it’s my first time doing this um hopefully going to do a lot more

Definitely next week because my girlfriend Nat who lives with me is going to be out of town next week she’s working a job um which is really cool so I’m going to be home alone and some robbers going to try to rob my house and I’m going to

Hit them with all my toys just like in the movie um I have two cats though so I’m just I don’t know they’ll be hanging out with me so let’s see but I will have a lot more time to stream edit so on so forth um

On and then next weekend I will be out of town so that’s probably going to impact my upload schedule a little bit I don’t know it’s the holidays you know Minecraft skin kind of looks like yeah you know that’s why I was oh you can’t

See it that’s what I was going for with it um I made the Minecraft skin myself and uh I like it I like suits that’s why he’s wearing a suit I really like wearing black suit and tie I’m very formal kind of guy where gifts here we

Go I’ve done like clian all that good stuff whatever cilan’s fine but you know I uh yeah I don’t know I like suits a lot for two Halloween ago I was Men in Black I did uh a team up with a friend of mine both had black suits and ties

And that looks really cool just saying so no okay are we gonna get first place yeah yeah we’re gonna get first place let’s do it you go now might be back later we said home Al yeah yeah for sure all right see you later do you watch Ro

Bear who loves videos cuz they’re high quality yeah yeah I so I watch Wally bear to kind of study the way he edits right and I just I’m I’m trying to match his style kind of um at least in the stuff I’m editing right now GG’s

But I am currently editing a video that will be out next week where the intro I genuinely believe is kind of Wally bear fizzy level of stuff and I’m going to really try to like go hard on the editing on this channel in the future so

Um like hopefully the Ikea video that I have up is going to do well but it’s not like crazy editing I did go all out on the thumbnail for that I tried to make that really nice and that’s what I want to do in the future that’s why I’m going

To upload less so I can f focus more on quality um and with that you know I’m going to hopefully do well so activate kill streak and paintball I know I mean I’ve I’ve always wanted to do YouTube stuff I’ve been doing YouTube for five years you know

Not in this channel I have another channel that didn’t do great or whatever but I’ve been doing denture resolve eding for about five years now and I’ve gotten pretty good at it and so I you know I want to do good do well so all right let’s activate a kill

Streak is it started yeah it did nuke Revenge bomber man what are these I don’t remember how many coins I should have gotten like the easiest kill streak possible I suck at this this is basically Quake craft except it has like physics you know for the Projectiles Okay what was that strange yeah I mean Wally bear has really high quality stuff and of course he has like a million Subs he can get editors to do that I don’t know if he edits this videos himself I haven’t looked into that but regardless whoever’s editing

His stuff is great you know really good and I’m going to try to get to that level I’m not going to have his exact style of course because I want my own style with things but he’s someone to definitely look at you know like I I look at his stuff for

Sure he’s kind of the gold standard right same with fizzy though fizzy is great too um f i i z y I believe and he has about 500K I think uh but I’ve been looking at his eding as well and I’ve been really the thing I’m

Working on now I’m very proud of is is what I’m saying I’m emulating that style I have three kills is that enough for any of these no it’s not it’s not of course I hate paintball hate It okay oh come on is that that’s my team never mind all right we’re good okay do we win really all right let me get the easiest kill streak that there is let me take a look at the uh the kill Streaks go chill streak all Right flashbang all right I can get two I can definitely get two kills take some rest of eding eding is tiring you are fully correct and thank you for saying that um yeah it is very important to take some breaks um I’m having a friend come over from Island

In week and a half two weeks and I’m going to have a routine with him where every morning we get up and we’re just going to go and job right because that’s a great way to start your day just do some physical activity in the morning

Gets you really pumped up and then I can sit down and I have the energy to do a good bit of eding you know um but yeah I mean it’s you’re you’re right my intro I did took me 2 3 hours to do you know um that’s just for 20 seconds of course

The rest of the video isn’t as highly edited as the intro even in W bear stuff like the intro the first intro is so important because it gets people in uh but yeah I don’t know it it’s it is important to to take breaks you are very

Correct feel like I’m in the back rooms right now spooky did you know what people actually used to uh tell Ghost Stories on Christmas that was like a a tradition it’s pretty cool I mean I don’t know we we have Halloween so feel like it’s kind of not necessary

Anymore I mean I know Christmas is a much older holiday but well yes and no in America at least um Halloween as we know today is relatively new but you can trace the holiday back you know to all sorts of places I think Ireland honestly I know just mentioned Ireland

But I think it is from Ireland uh whereas Christmas it’s obviously a Christian holiday and even then some people just celebrate it even if they’re not religious they just celebrate it because it’s it’s a fun holiday you know the idea of getting gifts for other people that’s something that transcends

Religion if you ask me doesn’t matter what religion you are you just have fun get gifts you know it’s great and everyone’s in that festive Spirit put lights on your house or apartment wherever you are lights are great trees are great love that Christmas tree smell it is a very fun time of

Year Halloween is a close second though I do like Halloween I hate summer though I hate summer where I live it gets really hot in summer so not a fan I want to live somewhere cold when I have the resources to move to somewhere cold I don’t

Know if I could I would my my dream location would be Japan for sure now and I have talked about that and I know like everyone wants to move to Japan or whatever um but it’s more of the culture than anything uh it’s you know culture

Built on respect and have you I went to China back in 2018 and China would be another option for me um and then I study Chinese for the next 3 years uh and again it’s it’s a culture built in respect that’s that’s the thing I think America’s missing the most part

Not where I live necessarily but I just I don’t know I need to get off Tik Tok cuz I I see too much stuff that just upsets me um I deleted it recently and that has been making sure that I don’t reinstall it because it it it can be bad for you you

Know Tik Tok can be fun but it there’s some pretty negative stuff on there and I don’t want to think about that stuff around this time of year you know this is supposed to be fun time of year great holidays yay yeah I have three let’s go

Okay I’m not unlocked that kill streak are you kidding me what okay so I think I need nine for Revenge I hate paintball I hate It come on they have like spawn produ I think so well this is frustrating I think my kill streaks I have right now are either seven or Nine Kills to get I have six so I I can do that Yeah this is frustrating like it’s just kind of like an overload paintball you know not the biggest fan of it like that’s annoying I hate that I like they can hear me why s now you should go to sleep it’s okay you don’t have to watch my stream feel free

To go to sleep um I don’t know if the record recording is going to be posted or not I don’t really know how this stuff works yet but if it is feel free to watch it afterwards and if it’s not I’ll be streaming again I think Tuesday

Is when I’m playing the Stream So Tuesday and then Thursday so yeah feel free to go to sleep I’ll be here you know I’ll be hanging out oh well this might not actually happen this round I do that no no no ah why is it blurry oh it’s probably just when we join

Yeah if it does drop an FPS or something you guys tell me as I optimized this it should be looking good and if it’s not I’m going to be very upset so the nuke thing has to stop it’s so it’s so annoying it’s it’s so annoying I hate it I hate it

Okay there we go there’s there’s the Christmas music you can hear that again and I’m doing terribly in this this is paintball might be my least no I said something else is my least favorite Hypixel game what was that that was uh it was football I think I hate

Football okay one of these is definitely seven Right Come on come on please all right the game’s almost over so I’ll Place one through and then I’ll go and unlock the egg one and then I should get this Bingo easily all right come on two kills left for red easy all right GG’s okay so let’s go back here uh we

Need to buy the kill streak kill effect whatever it’s called shop yeah kill streak okay how do I buy oh wait no I have to go back here kill streaks okay 2500 and now I have that I don’t like that they do that like

It took me to get all the way into the game to realize that you know why are we playing on trick or treat this is dumb this is so dumb why are we on on trick-or treat that’s just weird I feel like these Maps shouldn’t be in rotation during the holiday season

But I digress Boom what’s the Bingo reward um um so I did one row already which gave me three daily something rathers and I don’t know what this row is yet but they give you a reward by row or column that you complete and then if you black out one

They give you another reward for that right and if you do all three they give you like a super big reward so there are a lot of rewards I haven’t looked at them cuz you know be fun for it to be a surprise um but I’m getting them pretty

Quickly relatively quickly I should say say there are definitely people out there who are grinding this a lot faster than I am that’s just because some of these games I am pretty terrible at like paintball I’m really bad at paintball so I have this and I have one more

Objective after this until I clear my row so I’m almost done with this row and then two more rows and I should be out of easy Bingo but I want to like 100% it so all right so in this map there is a strat if you go around the sides here you can

Kind of sneak up on them how are people already getting like kill streaks I I never understand that you know what I’m hitting them there has to be I’m definitely okay all right boom all right that’s done uh do I want to we’re we’re winning pretty badly so I’m just going to keep

Playing cuz we’re we’re going to win so even if we’re losing and it was about to end I’d still keep playing I don’t know some uh not Bingo some paintball rounds are really long as you can see the timer there is set up for 20 minutes not about to spend 20 minutes playing

Paintball but uh we’re going to win cuz my team’s really good cuz I’m on it it’s not true it’s not all true at all just don’t don’t listen to me I did flashbang I don’t know what that does that’s the one that I was able to

Do to get my bingo card or Bingo whatever I don’t actually know what it does though see seems to be working So’s that why there fireworks come here no okay that’s fine yeah I’m hoping to keep these streams like a semi-regular thing you know thinking maybe every Tuesday Thursday Saturday yeah is that every other that would been every other day yeah and then maybe uploads on Fridays I don’t know or Wednesdays I

Think Wednesdays are pretty good yeah or Fridays I I don’t know I don’t you guys can tell me your opinion if you want I’ll figure something out and I’ll I’ll try to do more shorts as well cuz those tend to do pretty well well okay all right 18 people left come on I

Just got two of them right there pretty cool nuke oh I’m losing I didn’t realize that I thought I was doing so good how did I not realize that I’m orange oh no why didn’t any of you correct me you just you let me have my delusion that’s pretty funny though wow

Okay that’s pretty funny oh try my Strat huh I don’t think so no no what was that noise Okay come here GG’s salty you car all sounds good to you oh thank you that’s cool I mean I’m sure you guys will watch it regardless you know what day I post it it’s just more of a convenience thing and also like an algorithm thing I don’t know when the algorithm’s turn well

Everyone talks about the algorithm but if it’s a good video it’ll do well you know got playing vo game of throw out I don’t think I’ve ever play throw Out okay that is arcade all right okay so which one of these is it throw out throw out throw out there we go okay T currently playing no idea how this games work can play Sky Block yeah that’s like a good bit of hypixels uh player base they like only

Play Sky Block which I get it Sky Block has so much to it you know um I do really want to do a Sky Block Channel I do like I know I was like joking about earlier but I do um I I have one but I kind of want to reboot it

When I have the time and resources to do that you know so I don’t know I think Sky Block is so cool though I love the whole like lore whatever I love all the stuff that’s incorporated into it it’s great you know big fan oh there we go and it’s like even

The mundane things on Sky Block are fun like fishing you will always catch me fishing in Sky Block uh cutting down trees the melody harp thing I love the the harp thing love it it’s like the uh smoo magic piano B on my phone I think maybe an

IPad uh but it’s like you know the the little nose drop down you have to tap them as you go love it it’s great it’s my favorite oh there you go 2 minutes you’re kidding people please join if you’re watching the stream and you’re on you’re on Hypixel um help me out

Join the be nice don’t make me wait for okay now it’s it’s down to 20 seconds all right yeah if you guys have any questions for me want know anything about me nothing personal of course but you know ask away I’m here I am all ears and

Mouth so I I’ll be doing the answering but yeah all right what is this what what is this why are there pigs and I’m about to hit this kid off no okay did I hit him off yes I did I got the thing all Right I I’ve never done this before I’ve never why why are we pigs do I right click to like send them flying no oh you respawn that’s cool you can’t join no don’t worry it’s okay the game started so it’s just these games that not many people play

Um that are obviously hard to find players For how does this even work though we’re I have one kill oh that’s what we’re okay there power ups what how do I do that I want to power up this is such a weird game okay I did I get a kill two kills me how what I don’t deserve

That I would love to do YouTube as my main job I I don’t know cuz I’m not monetized um that’s honestly part of the reason why I’m going to start streaming a lot because watch hours are great with streams you know you guys are obviously here watching and and uh viewing this

But I have the subscriber count to get monetized I just need the watch hours so um plus you know if I were to do this as a main source of income I would need a good bit more views in in subscribers I guess but um I know I’m

Trying it out you know trying it out cuz why not I am really good with editing or at least I like to think so I’m confident with those skills and so I might as well try YouTube right and plus we’ve gotten a lot better at thumbnails gotten pretty good at that

Kind of stuff so and you guys have been great you know you guys commenting on my videos watching my stuff liking it you’re the reason I can do this so please stay with the channel um I promise so I won’t disappoint you ever I will never involve myself in controversies which you know

Most most creators can’t promise that I can literally guarantee it I am the most drama-free person in fact I probably won’t ever use Twitter when when I when I get big um but yeah I will never disappoint you guys that is my pledge to you if you guys stick

Around I don’t know I have a pretty nice thing going here of course we got Nat who’s very supportive and all that and she streams for fun too I mean if you guys want to check her out um her twitch is mat lat n a t l e c a

T so she might be streaming right now I don’t I don’t know but yeah go check her out cuz she’s probably doing something more interesting than than hitting pcks although this game is about to end so this is this is dumb why is this a game this is so dumb okay come

Here is that a kill for me that’s a kill for me come here I don’t know how to defend against whatever that is that just keeps happening I don’t know but third place isn’t bad so third place first time playing at third place I’ll take it one of my biggest flexes is

Um back when the Roblox squid game thing was big I it’s my first time ever playing Roblox right cuz I don’t play Roblox I was playing on my little sister’s account because she asked me to help her with it and um you know now I’m living in an apartment I used to live

Obviously when I was in high school with my parents first time I did the Roblox squid game thing got first place I mean not to brag but pretty pretty good at ROBLOX squid game all right let’s see get a kill in a game of team death match in Warlords that’s going to be

Hard because no one plays Warlords but I have two rows the player off smash okay five chest blit survival kill a player using the Ice Wizard class in a game of wizards in okay we can do that TNT Lobby we got to do wizards and

We got to get a kill as an ice wizard whatever that means don’t know don’t know what that means guys um ice ice ice do I have that it’s for noise everything is okay this probably one of the cats to be honest with you that’s how they are okay I just need a

Kill easy okay I forgot I I need to stop with the I don’t know why I have my my pumpkin head on it’s dumb This was for Halloween I wore this So please give me a kill I hate this I hate this we’re just going to do that for this game because this is so loud and annoying I dislike it a lot okay this is so peaceful just without the noise I’m just going to keep spamming

And if we get a kill we get a kill if we don’t moving on to something else cuz I don’t like TNT Wizards at all all right this guy must be low right please let me let me get a little kill did I not enough Mana that’s all it says in chat

Okay come on guys this dude’s just standing there that’s you know oh yes way better yeah way better I don’t know why that’s a feature where it’s just literally constant explosions I don’t like it who does like that right I want to meet someone who likes to hear constant

Explosions like who plays this game regularly did I get a kill did I get it did did I wait I’m confused okay so I killed him right how did I need to get a kill I’m so confused what was I had to get a kill right so do I have it I

Didn’t see it in chat maybe also because my chat is spamming not enough Mana because I’m just spamming right click But just going to do that okay cat reveal when I can I can bring my cats in here in a minute um I’ll tell you what if I can complete one more row I’ll bring my cats in here so they are one of them is 13 pretty old guy but

He’s he’s great he’s the nicest the other one is 7 months old so big contrast and she’s also great too um but she is hyper a lot of the time very hyper and yeah she likes to sneak into our sink which I’m not a fan of not a

Fan of that I don’t like that the sink is not a spot for animals to be in is not you know and see that is my division because the way Nat and I split it she does laundry I do dishes I don’t mind doing dishes like ever I kind of like it

Sometimes it’s mindless cleaning uh and so it’s just upsetting to see clean dishes with a uh a cat on top of them all right is are the team un even 1 2 3 yeah okay so I can leave all right let’s see if I got it if not we’re doing something

Different yeah okay all right use your ultimate in a game of Arena brawl all right let’s do it so Arena brawl I think was decided as like one of the uh the lowest player counts on Hypixel or something now I did a YouTube video on this guys should

Watch it if you haven’t about turbo Kart Racers and why it’s player based left and all that kind of stuff it’s on this channel it’s called hypixel’s least popular game right and for the most part that is true still I just don’t think I realized how unpopular Arena brawl is you know

So what what okay ultimate yeah Shield wall all right so I just have to use My ultimate once I believe I should probably read them better before I go into this all right so I just have to wait a minute all right that’s fine oh I should probably also turn the sound up

Eh bull charge great what does this do I don’t know what that does I’m getting hit I’m getting attacked this person is ruthless it looks like their skin is Bugs Bunny and it’s scaring me it’s very scary where are they stop what is going on so this is the thing with Arena brawl

It doesn’t take PVP skill at all it just it’s like spamming you know I guess it takes skill in the way that you have to time your ultimates and all that and your special attacks but who plays it enough to to really know that right I don’t

Know oh is it is that your ultimate my turn yeah uhhuh yeah check that out right that’s pretty cool huh I’m about to die all right dude you can literally kill me I don’t care it’s fine we’re just sitting there go ahead all right GG’s

You watched oh thank you yeah so I was I was recently watching a um oh I was recently watching a YouTube video just about like how the algorithm recommends you and whatever and obviously it recommends you if you watch my videos for longer I’m not trying to like say

You know watch my videos in their entirety I’m like telling you guys what I learned um it recommends you if you watch the videos for longer and if you binge videos that’s like the the golden thing right because that gives YouTube the most money so if you ever feel like

Binging my videos feel free you know uh so thank you for watching all my videos that is very cool and that has probably done good for me in the algorithm um I know I try to keep them somei bingeable I I’m definitely going more into bedw Wars content than just

Normal Hypixel stuff but I will sprinkle some of that in there too so all right so we have one SkyWars loot chest for our reward let’s see didn’t I promise a cat if I did the next row or column whatever I did okay I will be right back let me put the

Stream on standby really quickly I’m also going to pause my Christmas music and let me go and get a cat for you guys all right I’ll put it on be right back okay I’m back this is one cat right now um this one is the 13-year-old one

The old boy let me see hopefully you guys can see him here let me switch my streamlabs first a I feel like he’s uncomfy right now I don’t want to make him uncomfy come here bud come here there you go see is this okay you happy oh he’s praying he’s happy there

We go let me see if I can just give you a little show there you go see he is an old fella but he is good and every morning I wake up and he is sitting in my chair waiting for me to come and uh and do editing or whatever

And most of the time he’ll just sit in my lap and fall asleep or something he is very very sweet his name is Valentino so yeah just a quick cap break you know had to do it I show them off one more time before I go and get the little

One say hi say hi yeah say hi okay here let me go and get the tiny one and I’m going to put the stream on standby let me move around some the AFK I was invited to Sumo duels wait I have to I have to do this really quickly

Is this one of you guys I’m terrible at oh oh I know this person all you have been in my comments before I believe I’m terrible at Sumo okay I am I’m very bad oh come on Dexter’s so good at this he almost got the world

Record oh come on come on oh let’s go let’s go GG’s all right I would do another one but I promised the other cat as well so let me go and get the other one and uh then we will get back to to uh the holiday bingo which I’ll only

Probably do like a little bit more of I know maybe another half hour so all right let me put this stream on standby again and I’ll be right back okay this is the Troublemaker right here she is also the cutest thing in the world but she is the Troublemaker aren’t

You yeah isn’t that right she’s also purring right now so want say something to them yeah you have some fans her name is I okay I’ll let you down now okay and she is just very excited a lot she gets excited that’s all she’s she’s very sweet though I here

Let me go back to my Christmas music and we’ll go here okay you guys can see me back right I’m I’m back I think okay yeah you okay she is Tiny she is so cute though um that’s why I can I can never be mad at her if she does

Something mean or not not mean but like you know she’s sitting on top of my newly cleaned dishes I have to then rean I can’t be mad cuz she’s a a kitten and B she is really cute so you know all right let’s see what is next on our List H the murder mystery one is a lot harder than it makes it out to be because this you have to kill the murderer football sucks so 25 fish roll the soul well oh yeah we can do that that’s really easy easy SkyWars okay there’s that yeah they are cute oh

Thank you hanry o me y o me yeah all right uh the breeder that we got her from um they do like rotation uh kind of like how every so don’t that but just kind of like oh no my filter how every um hurricane starts with a different letter

And they go alphabetically right so this breeder does the same thing with the cats and so we had the letter O which is o letter U which is a hard letter to go off of um but Umi I think is a very cute name not really many

Other you names are there I think any all right let’s see what we got this better be a good holiday wish o what’s this scout kit all right that’s fine okay let’s go back here you might see them in the background here if they decide to hop up

There is she in her hut she might be in her hut I don’t know um the bed behind me is not actually in my bed it’s the cats kind of bed so all right um let’s see let’s do I’m going to move away from that I already have one Christmas song going on

I don’t need two okay I would do the 25 fish one but that will take a little while I don’t know why that’s easy want a game one one falling snowfall mountain or snow globe okay I’ll tell you what we will do murder mystery and we will also kind of

Do that one at the same time so if we get one of the winter Maps awesome is snowfall in here yeah snowfall isn’t even in here no it’s only snow globe is it in double maybe it’s a shame I have a video idea that I really want to do but it requires

The specific map of snowfall I’m not going to tell you guys what it is but it’s really funny video um and it is really dumb but Yeah all right we’ll do let’s give it like five murder mystery GameStops because I don’t just want to be playing murder mystery here I am a very big murder mystery enjoyer and Defender I think it is not I okay it’s my favorite Hypixel game I don’t think it’s the best Hypixel

Game again you know I do love me some murder Mystery wonder what’s in there okay someone said l in chat well apparently that got uh pitco or however you pronounce their name that got them muted for two or three days which is wild I mean you know don’t of course like the second I wasn’t looking of course it don’t be toxic but

Like L is kind of nothing no let’s not go behind the curtain no no no I have to keep the mood lighting in here for Christmas okay oh but she’s so cute hi I think Mountain was one of the the maps so let’s do this if I can get

Detective that would be nice you know that would be really nice what are we up to buy a shovel yeah cuz you can use snowballs in this can’t you it’s a scary skin I don’t like that that unsettle me Okay what are you okay no no it’s it’s the lizard man I just needed one win on this map like seriously it’s okay it’s a lizard man so yeah I’m thinking about having my stream schedule be 1 p.m. on all of these days right uh Saturday Tuesday

Thursday I guess you guys have school don’t you college is a little bit different cuz you know classes can be at whatever time even at night um and my school ends Monday that’s that’s when finals are and I have it pretty easy with finals so I’m not worried about like

Studying or anything at least this semester so if you guys have school trying to think what would be the best time we could do afternoon streams like especially next week since now won’t be here we could do like 6:00 p.m. I know a lot of people are having dinner then

But yeah we could do 6 p.m. let me know if you guys like that idea um um 6 PM streams on Tuesdays and Thursdays that could be good schol be a to watch more play out oh sick nice nice yeah um well that that works then you know obviously that’ll

Work for you um I’m just worried about like I’m assuming the majority of people who are subscribed to me are like going to watch my stuff are in school so I don’t know 6 p.m. would probably be good then yeah we can get the median I said five games of this didn’t

I is this the fifth game n we’ll we’ll switch it up after this but I I do want to just knock out the murder mystery ones cuz they’ll be annoying to get normally the murder mystery ones are easy for me but these are just frustrating I have to bow the

Killer like I bowed an innocent player earlier and that didn’t work so I don’t know I guess maybe because that would promote just going and killing people in Murder Mystery which isn’t I guess the nicest thing to do so it’s a lot of deaths all right okay let’s how should I play

This who did they say was the murderer because I’m I’m about to get a bow who’ they say who’ they say dripless okay dripless is Harry the platapus I shouldn’t listen to chat like and not you guys chat like I just Shouldn’t I fell for that that’s no one’s fault but my own you know oh wait oh no I thought I was like a Christmas murder mystery never mind okay let’s do something before we try murder mystery let’s do something else on here it’s easy get a kill in game team deathmatch

Kill vampire I could good five chests okay let’s go back to football cuz I’m going to have to do that an hour later right so okay let’s try it let’s try it I hate this I hate football oh honestly wait if it was like a smaller game that would be nice have

More of a chance of getting the ball but it’s not going to be I can tell you that right now I also forget that you can double jump in this game so I should probably use that be honest with you hate it hate this game hate

It does the texture pack help cuz if it does I will gladly wear it I just no way that’s wild yeah come here see it lags I might have to do this one off stream if that’s my stream causing this to like lag a little bit okay come on so

Like tell me about it red panda what’s going on how’s this game work it’s it’s football everyone knows football you know ever watched the World Cup it’s football oh where’d it go okay yeah ask me something guys talk to me I’m not just playing games here I’m

Talking to you guys never had this opportunity to really you know talk one-on-one with you guys so ask me whatever you want to ask oh okay no that’s like this is just mad you know it’s literally just mad I can’t get my hands on the ball or my feet I guess that be

Technical like this just sucks like come on all right maybe I should just wait for someone to pass it to me all right guys over here over here over here come On come on over here this like puts pain in my soul I hate this no give me the ball it’s Mine I’ve never been more just like I don’t know I’m not doing this I’ll do this off stream but I’m not going to run back and forth to make you guys watch it on stream that’s it’s just dumb let’s instead do let’s try Team Deathmatch and Warlords let’s see if anyone’s playing that

First Warlords okay team de yeah see no one’s playing it so like I can’t do that you know that’s the issue I had with the hall being go for that one I have to get a lot of my friends online just do it that way um we can do vampires yeah let’s do

Vampires let’s kill a vampire who are the people you play bedwars with seems like a chill friend group yeah they are really chill I uh I’ve gotten really lucky with the people that I’m playing with um cuz also a lot of times we’ll have to redo videos and

They don’t care you know they they will do it they happy to do it I have to be a Survivor but Dexter is one of them um all of these guys are in my featured channels category in my YouTube channel Dexter’s great I have known Dexter since

Freshman year of high school I didn’t go to school with him but I’ve known him through a mutual friend um sticks is also great I’ve known sticks since sixth grade um and he is an insane Builder so you guys go check out his channel if you like building stuff and then sirts as

Well sirts I met in the last month you know he’s really great guy and some of you guys watching his stream probably come from him uh so thank you for for doing that vampires is texture yeah angry that that is correct Dexter loves vampires this so funny I I want to have

Like running jokes on this channel I want that to be one of them um but yeah I mean those are the the main three and then Nat as well she’ll join in every now and then of course Nat’s my girlfriend I live with her and occasionally like today I think I’m going to

Record with my friend who lives in Sweden his name is Alfred and he is a developer right but he’s also just like a really funny guy I like Al a lot so oh it’s night outside set you okay Well just going to kind of why I don’t have darkness is that is that my fault is he talking to me confused I hate this why what is no okay where are the actual vampires cuz I need to kill one yeah we’re all just out in the

Middle of the square oh there’s one yep nice come Here oh Man oh come on Really dang all right I need to buy upgrades for that game don’t I should we do vampires then you know what this is only day one so let’s let’s do I can save those for day two which will be Tuesday so I’ll tell you what to finish this out

Let’s keep trying and murder mystery a little bit and maybe catch a few more fish and Ice okay let’s do that oh hi there I think my people on my stream want to say hi to you again come here come here baby come here just sit there

Yeah there we go you want to watch the Minecraft you love Minecraft it’s your favorite she watches me edit I will give her that she watches me edit I guess cuz entertaining for a cat to see the movement right yeah you have anything you want to

Say yeah here I’ll lay you down go ahead all right let’s win for real for real okay can’t believe I just said that you this is one of my favorite spots just get to blend right in indistinguishable look at that indistinguishable okay that’s what the mask is let’s get some gold oh

Okay Employee of the Month Josh okay sure where is the gold at what are you doing behind the curtains so silly why do you want to be behind the curtains so bad what’s back there you just want to look down on the streets below so you can be like

Batman all right that’s fine do what you want me okay um my murder mystery luck has been terrible today I mean anyways we’ll just keep this relatively brief here we’ll do a little bit of murder mystery and again catch just a few more fish in ice

Um and then that’ll be all for today I think and then we will uh pick it back up on Tuesday so oh I almost died to that I was not looking in chat okay all right come on give me the gold give me the gold okay

Yum all right who is it cuz now I need to kill them The Christmas music is really making this um that was frustrating that was really frustrating let’s at least try to win one on one of the maps right let’s try to do that nope surely we can get what were the maps it was um snowfall mountain or snow globe okay anything with snow including

Mountain nope just going to try a few more times here please no they need to bring snowfall back though because again there is a video that I want to do that can only be done on that map so Hypixel if you’re watching which you definitely are bring

It back please for me dedicate it to me you should all right we’re just doing the fish well we’ll give it one more shot no do fish no okay we can do this um Tuesday now let’s do some ice fishing yay all right here is the ice fishing

Area so this is all ice I have to where my fishing rod go huh do I have to get it every time oh no I don’t okay NEP F okay yeah I’m good okay so I break ice and then I fished them or do I collect them while I break the ice I’m

Confused I’m guessing that’s all I have to do right 25 times I hope I know maybe I’m missing something but we’ll do a couple of these and um in the meantime ask me uh whatever closing questions you have if you have any you know this been a fun stream I I like

Doing this this is a lot of fun um plus again this will get me to that next level that I need to be uh with you guys watching and all that so if I stream regularly it’ll only grow right I’ll only get a bigger audience and maybe I can get streamlabs

Premium and streams both twitch and YouTube that would be cool so snowball what’s that about but yeah I very much liked talking to you guys you guys are cool believe it or not all of you who have joined the stream commented on it you’re cool people by my own personal

Standards which are indisputable So one away from blackout medium wow look at that okay I blacked out easy for Halloween and maybe medium I don’t Know this music is so festive it’s so festive I’ll take it yeah right you’re all cool people I heard to here first okay trout honestly I’m probably almost done with the uh 25 fish so let’s just do that then I’ll end the stream hike cool I love fishing stuff I do I

Had a server a little while back um man it was a long time ago and it was a well I’m not going to give out what the idea of it was because I might still very well do it in the future but one of the big things on

There was um there’s like this interactive world that you could go out into and whatever and there’s a fishing plugin and it was so much fun I just I love fishing plugins fishing mods whatever I love fishing I love it in any game stardo Valley great fishing first

Off stardo Valley is a great game in general fantastic game um but yeah any fishing in any game that I’ve played at least I Like like look at this this is so much fun it might not be fun for you guys to watch I should probably think about that like it is just fun to sit here and just fish you know oh oh and hopefully when I get like some more viewers and stuff and bigger audience

This would be the time where you guys would ask me questions and tell me whatever I know it’s kind of hard to think questions on spot trust me I’ve been in your position um but yeah I I like talking to you guys favorite fish to eat salmon definitely salmon smoke

Salmon is the best um what was that I don’t know what that was I in general don’t like cooked fish that sounds weird it’s like I don’t like dry cooked fish I like sushi I Love Sushi I like like the smoke salmon on Bagels happy I’m very happy if I have

That um apart from that I don’t know I I like oysters as far as Seafood goes I’m pretty picky that’s the category food where I’m the pickiest everything else I can eat it right but I do not like shrimp I do not like scallops and sometimes I don’t like like

Muscles and oysters depending on if I get grit in there cuz grit is like the little bits of like sand or rock that you can sometimes crunch down on and that ruins it for me I it just ruins it I promise I’m not like super picky but

You know that texture just throws my mouth off um and then yeah like cooked fish if it’s dry I don’t know I I don’t like it when it’s cooked like a lot you know so yeah Sushi is great yeah how about you what is your favorite fish to eat it’s Cana Kaa or

Cana I don’t know could be either way couldn’t it or am I just being dumb here well regardless tell me what your favorite fish is lots of options I mean I definitely haven’t tried everyone I’m not Mr worldwide oh there we go cuz they’re so intelligent yeah so like there’s something about um

Especially their muscles keep moving after they kill them I’ve eaten calamari once I think I didn’t even like it so same with uh lobsters you know and I’m not a lobster person either or crab really um but yeah like lobsters still feel the pain of being being bored alive which is

What they do in Maine I read this whole thing about it and I’m not like you know the biggest animal rights you know Peta kind of guy or whatever I’m not really into all that but there is a point where I’m like that pretty much sucks for them you

Know yeah there there’s definitely a point where I’m like that kind of sucks for the lobster the crab and you can’t help but kind of feel sorry for them because I have owned pets you know cats dogs I had childood cats I had childood

Dogs and uh I do care for Animals I do it’s just the way it is so and of course like certain animals like most small fish and all that aren’t going to know much or feel much of anything but still that thought does cross my mind every now and

Again did I do it I did it okay 25 fish and achievement all right well that is going to be about it for me today thank you guys for all of you who joined the stream I hope you enjoyed this um and I’ll be doing this Tuesday at 6 p.m.

And Thursday at 6 p.m. so be sure to join thank you all sincerely and uh I don’t know this was a fun kickoff to the holidays so I will see you guys in the next stream or in the next video by the way yeah see you thank you

This video, titled ‘Hypixel Holiday Bingo 🔴 [DAY 1] 🎄’, was uploaded by SmittieKing on 2023-12-03 10:27:46. It has garnered 114 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:56 or 9836 seconds.

This is my first day of my Minecraft Hypixel Holiday Bingo streams – be sure to check out the others when I stream them! #minecraft #hypixel

  • Minecraft Bible: Armor of God

    Minecraft Bible: Armor of God The Armor of God Explained in Minecraft When it comes to understanding the concept of the Armor of God, what better way to explain it than through the world of Minecraft? In this unique interpretation, players can visualize the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6 in a whole new light. Putting on the Full Armor In Minecraft, players are constantly faced with challenges and enemies that they must overcome. Just like in the Bible, where believers are encouraged to put on the full Armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, Minecraft players must equip themselves… Read More

  • Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute

    Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute Unlocking Minecraft Capes: A Quick Guide Are you eager to get your hands on all three exclusive Minecraft capes? Look no further! In just one minute, you can learn how to redeem these coveted items without any hassle. Let’s dive into the details: 15th Anniversary Cape To claim the 15th-anniversary cape, simply head over to and follow the instructions provided. It’s a quick and easy process that will have you sporting this special cape in no time! Twitch Cape For the Twitch cape, you’ll need to have an account on Twitch and watch a stream with “drops” enabled…. Read More

  • Dragon Eggstravaganza: S5João’s Minecraft Quest

    Dragon Eggstravaganza: S5João's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, dragons roam free, Mother dragons protecting their eggs, you see. A fierce battle ensued, with fire and might, But in the end, we emerged with an egg so bright. Golden dragons and caves, a sight to behold, Adventure and danger, stories untold. With each new discovery, our excitement grows, In the world of Minecraft, anything goes. So join us on this journey, full of wonder and thrill, Subscribe to our channel, for more adventures to fulfill. Let’s explore and build, in this pixelated land, Minecraft, a game that we all understand. Read More

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

    Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and take on new challenges? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a unique gameplay style and exciting features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Minewind. Ready to dive in and start your adventure? Simply connect to Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and join the fun today! Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial

    Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial Minecraft Mob Farm: A Guide to Building Your Own Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? One essential structure that every player should consider building is a Mob Farm. This article will guide you through the process of creating your very own Mob Farm in Minecraft. What is a Mob Farm? A Mob Farm is a structure designed to harvest mobs for various resources such as experience points, rare drops, and more. By creating a Mob Farm, players can efficiently gather valuable items while also defending their base from hostile mobs. Building Your Mob… Read More

  • Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY

    Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY In Minecraft Hardcore, I’m on a quest, To create the ultimate end farm, I must confess. Five different farms, each with a unique twist, Building and crafting, my skills put to the test. From sugarcane to iron, all resources in play, Every block placed with care, no time to delay. The end farm awaits, a challenge so grand, But with determination, I’ll conquer this land. Join me on this journey, as I build and explore, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity soars. Subscribe for more hardcore gaming delight, And together, we’ll conquer every fight. So come along, let’s… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with challenges, adventures, and opportunities to connect with other players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an epic journey unlike any other. Who knows what adventures await you in this thrilling Minecraft server? The possibilities are endless! To join Minewind,… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a quiz awaits, Spot the difference, can you see the changes, mate? One place will transform, can you spot the shift? Aha moment awaits, a brain training gift. If you’re up for the challenge, give it a try, Watch closely, observe, let your keen eye fly. Minecraft mysteries, waiting to be found, In every pixel, a new world to astound. So dive into the game, with rhymes in tow, Explore the blocks, let your creativity flow. Minecraft magic, in every detail, Spot the difference, and you shall prevail. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft content like the one in the video above? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination. Join players from around the world on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of survival mode, creative mode, and everything in between. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – dive into the world of Minewind today and… Read More

  • Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVE

    Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live MINECRAFT RTX Shaders with viewers’, was uploaded by Robert on 2024-05-31 00:56:31. It has garnered 166 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 11:27:39 or 41259 seconds. We are playing MINECRAFT till the end of the stream with all you lovely people, feel free to become a member for added benefits and help me do what I love. Read More

  • Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo Golfeh

    Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo GolfehVideo Information This video, titled ‘He Wants To Do What With Sharpness?… | Minecraft Funny Moments.’, was uploaded by Golfeh on 2024-03-19 01:45:36. It has garnered 4199 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. DISCLAIMER! – Yo! I had to reupload this because there were some technical difficulties with the last version of the video. For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, enjoy! And for those of you who have seen it already, thanks for watching again. gg’s boys. gg’s. Watch and see what happens. Join my YT Community Discord! -… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!” #MinecraftSurvival

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!" #MinecraftSurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘coba lagi – Minecraft hardcore mode- #Minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival#livestreaming’, was uploaded by didi _xy on 2024-01-05 02:12:22. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:43 or 5683 seconds. Hello everyone, I hope you are lucky every day, don’t forget to be grateful, brostarstarstarstar ================================} Don’t forget to support me with donations at saweria: sociabuz: discord: #honkaistarrail #honkaiimpact3rd #arknights #nikkegoddessofvictory #genshinimpact #LiveStreaming #LiveGaming #Gameplay #epicskin #guardiantales #guardiantalesguide #guardiantalestips #reverse1999 #w17 #didixy @didixy Read More

  • “Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE” #fakepixelskyblock

    "Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE" #fakepixelskyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock’, was uploaded by Spunky Sabin on 2024-04-07 08:49:32. It has garnered 111 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock Fakepixel Ironman series: Fakepixel money trick: IP to play this server: Hope you liked the video if you did don’t forget to like a subscribe. Tags: #fakepixel #fakepixelironman #bestmoneymakingmethodinfakepixel Disclaimer – video is for educational purpose only.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer with NoHacksBro!

    Unleash Your Inner Gamer with NoHacksBro!Video Information This video, titled ‘ | GODY0LAS | #5’, was uploaded by NoHacksBro on 2024-03-21 21:58:00. It has garnered 679 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:35 or 95 seconds. #ez #nohacks #1v1 #minecraft Serveris – Mano discord serveris: TAGS ( IGNORE ): Minecraft PvP, Lietuviskai, Minecraft, Lietuva, McSlime,, combos,, mcprison, kaimux, minecraft lietuva, mc pvp, mckaimux, autoclicker, jitterclick, butterfly click, montage, sony vegas 18, fortis, mckoridorius, koridorius, mckoridoriuslt, mcslime community, 1×1, turnyras, lithuania pvp, csgo, miss the rage, 420, 69, nohacksbro, slime, shitpvp, pvpeditai, davinci18, editor, fortnite, omg, mc,… Read More

  • Unstoppable Musa crushes Lt5 @Oryxi0n in Wild Apple Mc 🍏💥

    Unstoppable Musa crushes Lt5 @Oryxi0n in Wild Apple Mc 🍏💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Some Player Who Thinks He Is Lt5 @Oryxi0n 🤡 In Apple Mc.’, was uploaded by UNSTOPABLE MUSA on 2024-03-16 10:05:23. It has garnered 905 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:39 or 519 seconds. Beating Some Trash Players in Apple mc. #applemc #minecraft #lifestealsmp I DON’T OWN ANY MUSIC THAT I USED IN THIS VIDEO!! JOIN MY DC FOR JOINING MY TEAM! :- TAGS(IGNORE) #lifestealsmp #minecraft #applemc #livinglegend #cpvp #herobrinesmp #lapatasmp #pojavalauncher #lapatasmpapplication #lapatasmpseason5 #senpaispider #pvp Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Battle - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by BHALIYA OFFICIAL on 2024-03-05 07:30:17. It has garnered 9420 views and 555 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Voice Credit @CommerceGamerz subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox #mincraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge… Read More

  • G-Block Survival

    G-Block SurvivalG-Block Survival | Casual Survival Reimagined | 1.20! Welcome to one of the most casual enhanced survival servers for Minecraft Java edition ever synthesized! Our mission: What originally began as a private multiplayer server amongst a group of friends evolved into what we now know as G-Block Survival. Our server’s goal is to improve on what Minecraft already has to offer by including versatile, innovative features into the game that upgrade the vanilla SMP experience while also staying true to the true style of Minecraft survival. Grab your pickaxe, gear up with your friends, and let the adventure unfold! Join… Read More

  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

    Welcome to Createville Server! Looking for a friendly server to play with others? Createville is a safe and friendly community of players who come together to build trains, sell items, collaborate on projects, and more. Join us for: Shops and custom currency Trains, Cars, Airplanes Create and its addons Organized community area A sprinkle of magic In-game voice chat To join, install the modpack and get whitelisted: Pack: Createville Modpack Discord: Createville Discord Read More

  • CivEarth v5

    CivEarth v5CivEarth is a 1:500 Earth map Minecraft server that is on its 5th version! Join a diverse community and a mature and helpful staff. We have many unique plugins for you to enjoy with a range of Towny based plugins such as Towny Resources and Siegewar with other fun plugins including , MCMMO, a digital economy, auctions, PvP Duels, fishing, quests, vehicles, realms and dungeons and much more!We are available on Java at: You can now join with bedrock!, port:19132. We hope to see you around! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Freakager Strikes Back: I Needed Those!

    Looks like someone’s inventory just got freakaged! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness!

    Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Hanzi builds a mini mansion, where adventure sustains. Collaborating with hanzishanzi, the duo shines, Crafting hardcore Minecraft, with twists and turns in lines. Subscribe for more hardcore Minecraft, the journey unfolds, With challenges and triumphs, their story told. From building to surviving, every moment a thrill, In the world of blocks and pixels, where dreams fulfill. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft comes alive, With hanzishanzi leading the way, let the story thrive. In every rhyme and rhythm, the adventure sings, As the mini mansion stands tall, a testament to… Read More

  • Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts

    Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts Steve in Minecraft be like: “I can build a house, fight zombies, and mine for diamonds all in one day!” Meanwhile, in real life, I struggle to even get out of bed in the morning. #minecraftvsreallife #struggleisreal Read More

  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

    Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Bizarre Mob When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are no strangers to encountering a wide array of mobs, from the friendly villagers to the menacing creepers. However, there is one mob that stands out as both terrifying and bizarre, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned players. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Menacing Mob Enter the Enderman, a tall, dark, and mysterious mob that roams the End dimension. With its eerie purple eyes and ability to teleport at will, the Enderman strikes fear into the hearts of players who… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind welcomes players of all skill levels. With a variety of game modes… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘…in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nikki Rei Ch. idol-EN on 2024-04-01 22:00:32. It has garnered 6242 views and 976 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:36 or 27276 seconds. #NikkiRei #Vtuber #VtuberEN #IdolEN #idolGenesis If you enjoyed watching, don’t be a tool, like and comment or i’ll use you. Join Nikki’s workshop to get access to perks: 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 ⚙️ Tips: ⚙️ How to make Jane read your tip msg? ⚙️ Idol online shop ⚙️ My Twitta: ⚙️Roast my marshmallow, I won’t be mad: 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 Tags: ⚙️ Gen: #idolGenesis… Read More

  • SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival Challenge

    SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Survival Challenge with Brother 😁’, was uploaded by SUPII GAMING on 2024-03-21 12:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT PE Dual Survival Series in Hindi Ep 1 | Iron Armor. #mcpe #minecraft100days #minecrafters #minecraftpe … Read More

  • Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!

    Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!Video Information This video, titled ‘fireball fight #minecraft #shorts #minemen #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by miwc on 2024-03-03 19:08:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars play,good montages,bedwars,bedwars videos,bedwars extensions,hypixel montage,sammygreen montage,block clutch … Read More


    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

  • Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!

    Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Epic Minecraft Bedwars And Skywars On Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-04-29 21:14:56. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. #hungergames #lunarclient #prison #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars roblox,op prison… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!

    Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!Video Information hey guys wiing here welcome to Minecraft with our AI bot why did you leave for like two seconds what what was that all about uh I have no idea uh well anyway that’s so Random I I okay um here it is here’s our lovely AI it’s uh we got vivv in our Viv my AI in Minecraft here it is pretty cool huh it just left the game we joined the game uh just uh we don’t need to figure out why that happened probably crashed two seconds ago and I didn’t even realize but yeah… Read More

  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

    🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥Video Information den armboss platziert ihr einfach dann nehmt ihr euch das Namenschild und nennt das dann den RTP dann müsst ihr einfach den platzieren und den Halt den entsprechend RTP nennen wenn ihr das gemacht hab kommen wir auch schon zum ersten command und zwar/ff Typ minecraftarmor Name RTP invisible 2 255 tRUE wenn ich den Schalter nämlich umlege seht ihr dass die Arm unsichtbar werden weil wenn die sichtbar sind das wollen wir ja natürlich nicht wir wollen halt dass die in wie gesagt dann unsichtbar sind dafür ist halt schon mal der erste command da kommen wir… Read More

  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More

  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

    Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft's Secure Base Battle! In the world of Minecraft, a battle did unfold, Between Dark Souka and a mutant so bold. With knives in hand and teeth so sharp, The mutant sought to tear the town apart. But Souka and friends were not afraid, They built a base, strong and well-made. With obsidian walls and lava all around, They stood their ground, ready to astound. But the mutant was cunning, he had a plan, He spawned zombies and baby zombies, a dangerous clan. But Souka and team fought with all their might, They took down the mutant, winning the fight. In the end,… Read More