Home Invasion?! SherbertquakeVODS End of Days S6 [DAY 2]

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Uh yeah we’re going to get into this day two of EOD I’m going to update you guys on kind of where I’m at I haven’t moved from where I was last time but for anyone who wasn’t in the last stream I’m going to kind of let you uh let you know okay I’m Ready huh Bro I just logged in I just locked in why am I getting swarmed all right RX still here oh my God oh my God the the the air the air no the Air I just woke up I just woke up okay some are moving away from me some are coming back to me well good morning my theory was right that I was just going to be back Here I hate this um so this is news this is the first time I’ve ever woke up in the same place it’s still the air uh this is the first time I’ve ever woken up in the same hi back Raiders I’m going to dig Down personally I think that seems like the best option right now I’m going to dig down I don’t think going outside to that is a is a very good plan so okay that’s the that’s my parrot those are torches isn’t that just great isn’t this just great great way to start my Day the second parrot that’s died I know what do you want me to do about it just going to get this coal oh thanks another gem I do think I’m going to dabble in gems I’m not going to lie you know what they don’t need to they don’t need

To they don’t need to come down here we’re just going to we’re just going to go down I’m head bird number two yeah this is why I can’t name them not going to lie I just want to get as far away from right here as I

Possibly can and get rid away from that noise uh so yeah my suspicions are correct that I’m waking up here again which is weird it’s not something I’m used to typically it’s one and done I go to sleep and I’m in somewhere new but I think I’m stuck here until I deal with

Whatever I have to deal with here that’s great and I love it for sure okay I can’t hear them anymore does that mean they’re Gone where’s rubach should we go check out R the air is quiet the hord has stopped that’s great I think I’m going to go peek my head out because it’s daytime now and I don’t see 30 million yellow dots so like a crazy person let’s go see never mind never mind

I was just deep enough in the ground okay uh things I’m going to do right now where’s my crafting table keep going it’s fine we are going to make a bunch of stone pickaxes because we don’t oh no we have iron we’re fine actually I lied I was lying like a

Liar okay love my head let’s leave it behind as a sign to to all those who follow my route let’s leave it like wonderful okay maybe you should try to stay in the hole to be clear that was my plan today my plan was to stay stay in the Hole uh

Got thrown off by the by The Horde you know you know how it is all right but the good news is we Have everything let’s just go we’re at Y76 how You could wear the head I guess you’re right I’ll put the head on for now nice that’s wild log well I can see see that now call me crazy but we’re going to go in here Okay oh it’s one of Those uh-oh look at this look at this I’m safe guys not in the air though does the air matter I haven’t really figured it out what are you well you’re a slasher I know that the air is how you get infected it is I don’t think

So I don’t feel like it release spores the spores can spawn more of them ah interesting maybe just don’t inhale the freaky looking air question sponge okay well that’s that’s not happening maybe okay well if we find sponge chat they also evolve the more they kill great love it love everything great Creeper

Explosion I’m putting my scary Tunes back on oh my God get Out I die Right I didn’t die oh Great can I be carrying this around oh yeah I can Crawl I’m Down oh boy all I want’s my spawn point okay all I want’s my spawn Point all right okay I was under the impression that if I got hit I just died look how dumb it is is that they attack structures that’s so Dumb we’re going to build we’re going to dig over Here conclusion not doing a cave conclusion they can smell you hate it hate that thanks I I hate how chipper you are about that guys I only have one piece of armor better be a gem I already have okay good I was like if I need to if I

Need to take up another spot in my inventory with another gem I’m going to lose my mind no my God okay well first things First Nuggets don’t get to they don’t get to they don’t get to stay the Nuggets don’t get to stay I probably don’t need that much Cobblestone I I’ll leave it Alone feeling great guys you can condense the Cobble what What Cobblestone Time 1 swag oh My oh my goodness ladies gentleman I love This that’s so swaggy thank you Jessica Hills for the year holy crap one sec make sure I don’t die brutally in the process here thank you for the year it’s a little halfhearted but we got there it’s Mega Cobblestone it’s terrifying but I love that that’s a thing I can

Do all right uh no the Nuggets don’t get to stay I thought maybe they they had a chance at Living do you have any idea how much I hate that they can BL break blocks do you know how dumb that is all right so I’m crazy

And I I want to let it be known that I’m crazy oh this is rubac I still want to I still want to get there though so that’s where the guys are stuck having a terrible Time we’re doing it please chest put the stuff you don’t want the chest find over there Stu you put the chest it’s fine after a while they’ll starve to Death love it love that okay I’m just going to take a little peek into roomx room all right guys all right Gamers I’m just going to take a little a little peek into roomx Room can I make it night can I make it day I’ll absolutely make it day don’t die well that’s what the that’s what the bed’s for don’t worry rubac would never do me like That you know what I have those like terrible terrible Ideas yes the answer is Aoker I’m going to find the stairs chat and block it off because this room is you can’t get in It this room is cleared there’s there’s no there’s no other ways into this room from here going to double clear it just in case if I can kill this guy I I get a totem chat chat if I can kill that guy I get a Totem ug rubach the dark is protecting oh my God I know they’re vexes but calm calm down calm Down understandable Rubac I had to try pleas have like okay Good all right it’s okay guys You know you know those times when I get stupid decisions you know those times when I when I say I’m about to make a stupid decision and then I do it anyway that would be one of those times I didn’t think I would have to kill him

To get it that’s my actual explanation I thought I could at least get the chest to just get out and not worry about him but he’s protecting the loop he’s protecting the loot understandable understandable for a man of many um Magics fair enough I I’ll give him that and that’s

Also why we set our spa right here remember when we did that guys and how smart of an idea that was all right I what can I do with this heart I I think I’m okay I think I’m okay without uh without that uh let’s dig up but let’s do it

Somewhere let’s let’s let’s dig up in this direction that sounds pretty good but heart I’m good I don’t need one of those so strip Bing that would be a stupid way to Die strip mining seems like the move point a point B I hate everything yeah I died to a Vex which is understandable I I I I messed I messed with that man I messed with rubac the dark that’s what happens now we can tell all the adventurers that’s what happens

When you mess with rubac the dark or something we’re one heart down chat so the problem with this mod set chat is I I can’t settle down I can’t I can’t settle down which is a big problem Because basically if I tried to settle down anywhere they would just infect it and overrun it right so I need one of two types of bases number one sky number two ocean and I haven’t seen an ocean but I do understand that’s what I should

Be doing I should have an island in the middle of an ocean because they can’t they probably can’t get out there but I have not seen an ocean floating island that takes time and effort which I don’t particularly have a lot of right Now as I am also alone but hey guys look we’re out of the cave and away from rubac the dark that’s pretty great isn’t it it’s a tiny structure over there see I’m crazy but I the way I play like Minecraft is uh structures what is

This is I I like to loot structures there’s no mobs up there chat I there’s not on the map so Bananas so true this is a terrible way to build a staircase I have notes for whoever built this this way what in the world does the achievement bananas mean find a tower in the jungle well I do think I did that so I guess I’m bananas Bananas okay yeah we’re just going to keep that’s fine we’re just going to keep we’re just going to keep there we go look we’re up Here oh I have a wa Stone I’m King of the rock actually isn’t a bad Vantage Point uh Gamers Gamers thank God thank God uh let’s take a quick moment to look at the RS this paraglider has its Own ises it Not eror glider settings contrl P well that didn’t work we’re going to test this out we’re we’re going to we’re going to test this we’re going to test it out Gamers not in a way that I will die brutally going up there probably isn’t the terrible idea um maybe maybe I think we should try over here there’s at least some Water think I want to try to go this way so that way Oh I didn’t want to do that I didn’t press anything it just started catching me I didn’t I didn’t press anything is that how this works it just does it what if you made a tempor base the top of the huge tree it’s not a terrible Idea is it getting to be night time right now okay we’re staying at the top of this Tower I Lied and let’s see if there’s things in the air that can kill us Chat let’s see if there’s things in the air to kill us shall we Glad I’m up here oh Boy I am so glad I’m up here that would have sucked I can’t sleep I can’t sleep I know I can’t sleep I know I know that mod I know that Mod Um why is it like that now I’ve I’ve seen Charlie slim CLE so for anyone who doesn’t know what this is a of blood moon mobs ignore light sources and can spawn as close to you as eight blocks this is a wonderful place to be during

This this is a wonderful place to be during this there was iron in here and I didn’t grab it I Crazy this is objectively probably the best place for me to be right Now I won’t lie probably make something with that uh but first things first I wanted To uh oh what a time to join the game in the middle of a Blood Moon maybe just log out you have a luck P cuz it’s a happy accident I know I know this would have sucked if I wasn’t up Here this would have sucked so bad even if I was Underground stop calling me jimothy you losers I told you my name is that not what you wanted I wanted to make a sword and I’m nervous [Applause] to I’m nervous about running out of iron to make another pickaxe uh yeah just breathe we’re just going to breathe right now

Okay we D bullying you oh I can bully you back Please be aware of that chat finding this Tower because I would have be having a moment down there I want to be clear I would be having one heck of a moment I mean I’m I’m already having one

Up here but this is slightly better I think I’m also not going to get rid of my stone sword because if this one breaks then that’s that but guys I could make pants do you guys think it’s a good idea for me to make pant or save three for a Pickaxe pants or pickaxe heads pants pants the smarter pants okay okay I’ll make some Pants there you go yeah that’s so Real yeah I’m so glad I can’t even see where the mobs are I’m so high up it’s Great I do like that they kill each other not that it’s good that more things are infected but I do like that they kill each Other Oh yeah I do want to check to see if uh the milk will get rid of the infection I doubt it the infection is stronger than that But where’s the moon okay it’s on the down swing it’s on the down swing all right don’t don’t don’t mind it leave me Alone I’m going to blow my nose chat while we was sitting here and waiting die brutally there Z Yeah maybe just waiting until yeah that that that’s rough it’s going down sometimes you got to get British so true oh look those things they killed me I’ve died to one of those i’ died to a Vex which is Honestly fine all right so let’s let’s take a look at the map I do Think I want to get out of the jungle for sure I think seeing whatever’s happening over here seems like a Vibe got murky water make something work yeah you spin me right around where is he oh good at endan Great look at that that’s that’s corrupt Ray Why oh boy thank you anonomous for the gifted thank you in this trying Time yeah I know the SP it’s the player mod uh they’ll spawn guys that look like just skins of people that you play with a lot what is that oh he just has a torch he’s like an angry mob okay that’s Fine you know I could make this my Base It’s not the worst idea as long as I’m like heading back at like 400 p.m. I could live up Here well I guess they are practically destroying the whole bottom bot of the tower but that’s what the paraglider for you need to get a better way up though yeah all right we’re good goodbye accent I’m going to paraglide to that tree all right one second I need to

Learn it will activate on its own yeah I don’t even click anything when that does that remember your bed I think I’m going to leave it no I I’m not that crazy you’re right I’m not that crazy I don’t know chat this could be a Base the accent in effect of the blood moon yep that’s that’s a way of footing it for Sure all right we’ll take it for now chat and we might come back here real glad that worked I was slightly nervous that it wasn’t G to so yes they can climb ladders consensus I will hydrate thank you conx in this trying time oh boy what is that I’m seeing out

Of the corner of my eye just a tree that’s fine all right we’re going there’s cows I’m pretty sure I wanted leather so I could make a batania book that was something I was going to do so let’s get that we’re also going to get these flowers look at how safe it

Is we just need to Tower up every Night it’s a great idea Guys please give me leather I might destroy your bloodline if you don’t oh my God having meat’s probably not a bad idea right I probably don’t need all these fruits okay do I see easy Iron I see infected I don’t know about that one uh

But one thing I know I need today is I need wood I don’t have enough wood on me your Tower won’t keep you away from the infection forever I thoroughly enjoy the energy you’re bringing to the studio can I just say I I really feel like you’re bringing

A vibe to this here studio and part of my brain loves it the other part of my brain is terrified of everything you have to say what are the dark red dots on the map I kind of want to kill this thing not going to lie it’s not it’s not infected it’s just

A it’s just a bob oh it’s gone what the what the what Never mind I don’t mess with ghosts I don’t mess with ghosts I don’t mess with that see the thing chat of me not having looked at any of the mods beforehand it makes it so that when I see something that you guys have never seen I’m also seeing it for the first

Time I think makes it more interesting at least Player moms or friends that disappear when you get too close is this a lie I feel slightly like I’m being lied to I’m not going to lie stop stop it chatter stop it you you what is Big birch tree I hate it Here okay we have wooden again hey please I didn’t realize there were two if there were two I would have read them first but uh too late for that Now who are you tell me who you are we can be friends iron maybe iron easy Iron ironon we’re going to get that I’m just going to peek chat Okay chat this glider is the best thing that’s ever happened to me got to make some torches I’m just going to peek his famous last words shush me 10 minutes ago it’s a terrible idea to go to a cave me I don’t know when the when the when

The opening of a cave is so like big like that and I can also see that there’s no yellow dots on on the map I feel a little better yeah there’s no dots on the map the only reason I’m even daring to do this I don’t see the iron though so

We’re going to dip out I’m not interested in there’s no iron I’m playing smart chat it’s okay you need to trust me that I know what I’m doing okay there’s a DOT here I can deal with a DOT fall no I’m better than that I’m not some idiot who Falls to my

Death hey single bot what’s up how fast do you move let’s let’s let’s test some stuff okay where’s your dust probably want this don’t I yeah I probably want that okay I’m infected Let’s test something crazy crazy ooh okay milk milk works I didn’t think milk would work I’ll be wholly honest with You no dos shatters I’m okay okay I’m playing smart Let’s test some stuff two very I can do both of those I can be a I can be a good a good tester I’m sure that there’s some mods that probably has something that Copper’s good for but like my my first

Instinct every time is like oh copper useless moving on we are just glancing for iron chat okay it is 5:00 p.m. we are going to dip and I think we’re going to go back up our Tower we are going to dip and go back up our Tower remember how I was like hey

Remember as long as we dip it this time we’re going to be okay we have some material now we can smell our iron up in our house there’s a guy up here and I’m too low think we passed him so see oddly enough you know you see how

These these ladders are really really annoying they’re really really annoying uh but Undead can’t climb them that is a just a fact because of how they’re positioned UND dead can’t just climb them to the top which honestly is pretty cool look at that chat that was a successful trip down and back

Up I honestly think we’re okay to to to be here I mean like for this for this to be home based for now don’t dig your own grave again I have only died once and it was to my own stupidity I die to to not tactical

Moves by the monsters okay I die to my own stupidity I didn’t think that chest would be guarded I didn’t think he’d know I also didn’t think of vexes which I should have thought of but that’s no like great thing for him I bet once today I’m less afraid of dying brutally which is a win I’m I’m significantly less afraid of dying brutally I’m going to make myself some Booties and I think I’m going to make myself an axe how many times can you die we have 20 lives and every time I die I lose one of my hearts so I’m one heart down because I’ve lost half a heart half a heart for two

Lives so every time you die it gets harder let’s take this time to see if centros and Oshi have responded to my thing good have blacksmith sh to the B path okay I am doing Alchemy chatters totally do five more Wast you can just teleport up to the tower can you do

That I know nothing ass I know nothing thank you Mars for the 25 months thank you all right so Sentra says food blacksmith and oshi’s talking about doing bider okay so food black Smith okay centros is going to cover this side of the tree Oshi is going to cover down here so

I have to cover either potions or enchantments I have to cover either potions or enchantments uh which is something I’m sorry I’m Zoomed okay I’m going to make a nice axe chat I think I deserve one they all I’ve been going through today going to make some more torches the one thing I don’t have short on is coal which is Great so the thing I’m worried about chat is going down the potion route is going to imply that I need to be able to make potions so I’m I’m Slightly I can get evasion Though that’s my thing chat I can’t make potions right now I don’t have the ability to so part of me is like if I go down that route of the skill tree I get no Buffs right now which seems rough so what I’m thinking chat is I go

Here and I cover this side of the tree maybe even Branch up into enchanter your Blaze R not going to the nether okay let’s look into That Blaze mesh how do I make Blaze Mesh under’s kind of useless though I don’t know going rage doesn’t feel terrible going rage doesn’t feel like a terrible plan but potion I know That hey hold on let’s go for there let’s get this evasion and these potions and then when we actually start getting potions we can start exploring down this way we’re going to focus right here on the tree yeah all right all Right let’s get Here we’re we’re going to go like this that that’s our first route we’re going to go on all right now I need just need levels which is kind of swaggy because I can just what’s it called M coal I have a lot of coal at my disposal right now so we feeling good

I didn’t actually click it I realized all right cool how do we feel I feel good right now I feel like I’ve being productive we’ve got a significant amount of flowers we’ve got a mutated fiber for sure so that’s a win um still have leather which is rough I

Really want to make the batania book this but I just I just need a book Period which will be a ride but I feel I might expand up here chat I kind of want to turn part of a quarter of this and do a farm I know how silly that Sounds but I don’t think it’s the worst idea how do we feel it flower Fouch Fouch that’s a true mix of the words for Sure uh okay there we go you Know you know what I’m you know what I’m saying maybe you can make a second floor above yeah we we can renovate this because it is extremely convenient How How Okay so that’s still the same we’re going to we’re going to renovate this but it is now the morning so we’re going to dip and we’re going to go back to that cave area we were at wow we’re going to go dip back to that

Cave area we were at and maybe get some more coal get some more levels go get that iron on the side of the mountain let’s do that and let’s leave some stuff here this is home now this is home we will be coming back here so I can put some of my inventory

Away which is so cool actually okay let’s go we’re going to do the same move we did this last time because I liked it I think it was a good call to hit this tree i f expected you to fall there I don’t fall like some idiot loser who

Might have falled many times or Something I’ve seen one yellow dot in this cave and I can I can take one yellow dot So I realize you guys can’t see my mini map I realize now you want to cover up your coordinates in future yeah no no no I like yeah if somebody comes and kills me out touche dude but like this is not this is not permanent home this is

TP yay we’re rocks no if oi’s going to go down the rock path then the rocks are not the worst thing in the world cuz I know that there’s like special lur jebs are you a friend I think that was a friend well that was a good call on my

Part I could definitely handle the one mob in the Cave heard a zombie hated it move a god hey you just a regular zombo you sound like a regular zombo I can handle a regular Zabo all right going to dip across this River I’m adapting chat can I just say I feel like I’m Adapting that’s potatoes we could grab those or onion the two but I know Farmer’s Delight so thanks M get over There at a lime flow where’s that iron that I Saw up There can also light up in here see I’m very down to just peek into these and light it up a little the drip stone for spider actually love having string not going to Lie I do think that lighting stuff up is going to be a big deal do you have control over where you wake up no absolutely Not I I cool uh what’s it called I go from place to place I I told you guys this oh boy I forgot the most important thing my backup Pickaxe it’s fine it’s not like we’re going to find diamonds this high up but it does slow it down does a farmer need leather for books oh yeah you’re right I know I know Farmers delight at least a little bit that one I’m not clueless on because of M see F’s delight and like most of Botanica are the kind of mods that I’m like in full support of because they like like just just adding like more food or more anything like that is not a it feels like it could be in the real game like Farmers Delight does it really

Well specifically it feels like all the things they add could be added to the real game except for maybe some of like the the food dishes and that’s kind of how I interpret mods pink gem turboline all right we still have a lot of time on our hands I actually feel like we’re

Progressing is that crazy I have like a little bit of armor I have a little bit of a house I have mainly the house is important to Me who give me barked paper to V straw yeah Hopper so it is raiding which is like a little bit of a red flag for me but not like the craziest red flag just is going to suck like tomorrow in game probably see what you can make with copper just in case it’s useful yeah like I should be grabbing at least a

Little bit of copper I just haven’t because like I don’t know I’m so used to it doing nothing Cole coal is a good XP grinder so now that I have my spot picked on the skill tree I feel a little better and I’ll do the potions for our

Little group which will come in to play down the line where we’re kind of actually geared Up I don’t want to go too Far all right I’ll go and get this Coal how do I up my stamina cuz that’s what the the glider’s going off of all right dude I’ve getting gems of the Wazoo it’s not a bad thing though I I I actually kind of like the gems it feels like I’m getting a special treat when I mind some coal

Sometimes I don’t know they seem fun Fishies a lot of flowers up there all right it’s getting kind of close to our our sleep time So we’re going to moderately make our way Back we’re going to grab these Harbor’s Delight potatoes or Onions got the boss fight music kicking in the second you zoomed it on those fish so [Applause] true thank you what are you potatoes your aan all right fair enough Good enough for me something else to grow so uh yeah 5:30 we go Home I wanted to grab this Water we are going to go back through this cave grab h fine okay all right you have a bed okay okay once once I get it in my tower I’m going to say that we can sleep oh my God the bottom of my tower is looking rough dude what is

That Ed for why stop It Okay we’re good it’s the one rough part of our Tower right now getting up but it’s again I said I said it once I’ll say it again it’s really good that it’s hard to get up it cuz that means they can’t sleep perhaps I would love to sleep sleeping sounds Wonderful right well here’s all my rocks one sec you’re good look at all my rocks Chatters got rocks for days aren’t they pretty I thought you couldn’t sleep no uh I I bet I could sleep earlier because of uh like the blood Boon that’s a thing okay

Okay that’s going honestly I’m going to make another furnace that’s so swaggy okay Chatters I feel good I’m going to blow my nose we’re going to sleep through this night we’re going to make the rain go away and then we’re going to come up with a better way to get up this Tower Oh I’m muted thank you con thank you thank you conic we’re eing I’m making myself a pickaxe chat what I was saying is we’re making ourself a pickaxe we made oursel a helmet put a the marker of just whose house this is uh if we want to go out we kind of

Need to leave now but I could set some onions to grow we like to have Fun uh cool let’s go again we we we every day we need to we need to get out we need to get a little bit farther let’s go that way this time cuz we haven’t because what where’s the yeah I wanted to check out this

Thing uh so let’s let’s let’s go for it why not I’m cracked like that I have to grab ourselves some bamboo Chad I’m so good at the game I don’t mean to be that guy but I I am that guy I don’t have any like good loot yet but like yeah what is this please tell me what this Is there’s no Mobs yeah I’ve adapted so quickly to this freaking uh paraglider can I just say B grve wood is pretty there a chested Here I will take some Spruce Wood uh what what is this what do we what what what what do I do with this chat I don’t know it seemed it seemed quirky it looks like a messed up Trail ruins well that’s what I’m assuming it is but like I don’t know I wanted

Something cooler than that you know there’s rice though so we’re going to grab that all I didn’t get the Pinnacles this is devastating okay well very cool I’m waiting for you to lose the glider and jump out of reflex that’s kind of funny okay well looking for a certain

Fish you know how it is uh let’s go this way let’s go mess around in the the mro baby see what we got going on I don’t know I don’t like just being in the jungle infected going to leave him alone oh orange don’t think I have

That I kind of want to just go kill this infected not going to lie I don’t like leaving him to his own devices bro consider just jumping up oh great a braid I think I need to get the cuz this is this is a medium in or melium that’s

Mycelium I keep thinking it says medium every time it’s a gamble is it not I have got a statue oh I I did read it I might have been muted when I read it I read it it’s the same as qsm I did I did read the pin about how to do the

Stamina I I think I was just in fact muted I think I was just a little goofy this is the brown which I got rid of so I think it is actually a new one for us I’m going to grab at least one of the the the the the mro

Propag it’s so long though before you muted tou this cave looks a little bit spookier hey that’s not what you want we’re good that could have been a lot Worse I don’t know when I when I can see him coming like that I feel a little bit better there’s one coming at me at least there’s a mob up here I guess it’s on top okay don’t feel that urg I don’t know caves where I can see the

Way out of and can see that there’s nothing spawning in here I feel a lot better about make sure you eat that is a bad habit that I have uh yeah can you guys yell at me every time because I have a very bad habit in Minecraft of forgetting to

Eat because I’m kind of just used to being decked out in netherite all the time I’m like I’ll be fine no you I need to be eating very much just a long tunnel I feel okay lot of copper where’s the Iron we’ll yell at you but we pin it that’s for sure I don’t know I typically I look at like the bottom of the chat box not where the pinned messages Go hey suspicious hated that you’re just invis so cry about it but I didn’t like the vibe he was given off maybe you should just get better I’m literally doing just fine I feel pretty good there you Are stop healing got Him he was fully outsmarting me I see Iron I see a little Gremlin is he is he a friend Chad is he a friend what is he he looks like he’s got Goods to trade he looks like he’s got Goods you have Goods you have Goods oh my goodness Yes oh my Goodness well let me bu some more iron one one one piece of iron for two smelted hello one piece of iron for two smelted oh my goodness little friend do you do you despawn can I keep you Chad it’s getting to night time it’s getting to night time

Chat half a stack of Cobble for emeralds my good sir you are a friend to me my good Sir I could buy gunpowder I love you this is cracked good sir you know probably keep those everald I’m not going to lie your crops provide a better Harvest all right well it is night time and I think I’m stuck in here maybe that’s okay we are stuck on of harvest mode

Which is Rough but it’s not the worst thing in the world I love him I want to name you blimp your name is blimp now good sir do you accept that is the name I will give you okay that’s rough you want attack my buddy though

Willie I wish I had more iron to give my buddy but I don’t I would give all my iron to this buddy might disappear but it’s fine no I just I want to exploit the the goblin market for for for goods can I not just simply exploit the goblin

Market for goods is that not an option blimp probably loves that idea he Ain never seen that much iron in his life Goblin yes Chatters Goblin a little a little Grim blow B CH be being in this cave is not the is not the worst place to be honestly uh let

Yeah I’m obsessed with these Little Gems they feel like little treats when I mind they feel like like little little little little little special treats just for me when I mine Goblin I I was a little bit more laugh than I anticipated that made me laugh a little too much I

Think but that was good I didn’t expect that okay by a left field uh I want more iron dude how long do you live how long is a goblin lifespan how how long is a goblin lifespan oh my goodness look at all those mobs out in the out in the water terrible eat

It use copper for XP that’s my plan um that’s why I’m mining it is because I know that I can smelt it and get stuff for it that is my thought process I got to condense my coal I’m honestly mining up a storm not going to

Lie is there not a gem bag people who know the mods is there a gem bag can I not put all my little gems in a bag like my Flowers is this an option oh I don’t know if I like that there could be more iron there is come here before you go oh no there’s more there’s more there’s more chat we’re going to be rich we’re going to be so rich think of all every one of these

Irons with with like Fortune oh Chad this is a this is a huge iron vein hello this is actually wonderful stupid I’m keeping the brain chat I feel like it’s black gem I’m where’s my boy please don’t tell me you despawned good sir I have Goods 46 iron dude 46

Iron oh blip blip you are carrying my playthrough you are carrying my playthrough good sir going to blow my nose really quick it’s almost it’s in the AMS Already ladies and gentlemen everything in between Queen blip is our hero blip is our absolute hero oh my goodness no thoughts only blimp I want art of me but with blimp on my shoulders you must do it quickly because he will die soon probably and I don’t want that

I kind of have an obscene amount of gems but I like them too much I will hydrate until you get a blimp trade later when he comes back in his good armor and tools I want to capture him that might sound sound bad but I

Want to put him in a little box and keep him safe not in a weird way you have to trust me blimp blimp cons sense iron my God it’s more iron in the same vein no shot dude uh poor poor brain I think now this pickaxe really hope this pickaxe don’t

Break that would suck all right all right blimp blimp I have more Goods lip please don’t die to the infection I don’t know if I can handle it you’re so good you are such a little fella dude do I want the braid or this pickaxe guy is about to

Break it’s a rough world we live in chat question flesh helmet a spine so it’s less like I want the brain and more like I want the nerves so I actually am going to keep that it’s 500 a.m. chat we’re going to go peek our salute little head up flip

Are you going to be okay are you going to be okay without us you can become symbiotic with the infected that’s the vibe I was kind of getting so I’m Pleased hey it’s morning it’s a weird way to tell that it’s B but that’s is what it means so we’re going to make our way up once I think that things have started to despawn dude oshi’s going to log on and be like I would like to do the minor path and

I’m going to be like here are gems so many so many gems infinite jems do I need a table to put the gems in my armor or can I put silly gems in my armor like right now is that is that a thing I could do dude if you took

Copper you’d be too powerful blimp all right friend I think I have to leave you if I find iron on the way out though I’m going to come back I will say that is a truth bring him home I can’t I can’t pick him up and take him with me I

Would I would and I second but he he he cannot go in my little arms blip you were good you were so good for me you and I blimp we were going to see the world together nice uh moving on okay might want to check skill tree yeah

No I’m going to check skill tree Once I’m back and I know I’m hello I see you good sir I have eyes but I don’t have his Hearts apparently I don’t have the glider in my hot bar I don’t have the glider in my hot bar why

Don’t I have the glider in my hot bar oh my goodness I was going to jump and die you could use waste HS to get back can I is this an option How do I commit such an Act do I have to use do I have to give it something I feel like I should have to give it something you cannot it’s disabled that’s what I thought I thought that would be a little bit cracked I thought that would be a little bit cracked I’m not going to

Lie that’d be kind of wild no all right part of me just wanted to do a big climb cool okay I feel good right now I’m going to go a little bit further chat there a mob up here a frog oh my goodness I’m always scared of those

Yellow dots but sometimes sometimes they remind me of the good in the world and what could be thank you eeden live for the raid I was rambling like a like a like like like a silly goose you better not give me a gem of a color I don’t already

Have I have nine spots in my inventory right now given to gems they’re destroying my mining efficiency coming up on another dot hoping it’s an animal a be and also a flower we don’t have that’s pretty good I’m going to be the flower guy so hi Mr be what’s up there’s two more

Animals over here they’re also nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no uhoh nope I go home I go Home good job music what if I don’t go home and I go see what’s up here I still have time on my side right now oh cow I’m going to leave him alive I don’t have weed on me do I no I would have brought you closer to

Home this a green flower we don’t have that One there is another cow we have two cows that’s good to know food thank you all right uh oh there’s more I then my shears on me all right well good to know there’s animals out here a I feel like these dots are bad dots they sheep

Okay let’s begin the journey home shall we I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t go three for Three Chad if you want me to get a bird we’ll lose another bird are you ready for that I don’t think you could handle that we have plenty of cows Chad this is wonderful news oh I’m far aren’t I I’m glad I decided to go back Now see if I can get to this Mangrove we’re good oh do you know how amazing finding this glider is that is literally the slighest thing that could have happened finding finding that glider in that chest and not even having to make one is sick I was waiting for you to fall again I’ve got a

Faller sounds like a job for some other version of me not canon I don’t know that but it’s Funny right hi house I’m Home hello house I hope you’re doing well today maybe we can clean up what’s down here a little bit oh we have a cow right Here your road Safety that’s your home now your own safety you have to Understand surely he won’t get blowned Up having a cow right there is kind of Clutch you have the same amount of lives as Birds oh my God that’s Crazy that’s Wild I have the same amount of lives as my birds so if I get if I get a new bird am I inviting Death am I inviting death to my doorstep you might have a point kind of Wild bro all right Rocks rocks for days we have 54 iron chat that’s some crazy stuff we have a brain we’ve got some Fiber that moves on occasion is just great um okay I think for this night time we should kind of divvy up our area a little bit we need to not be

Uh this this terrible all the time so ah oh you’re not going to work all right uh don’t lose everything Please rocks first all right there’s all the Rocks then we’ll do the food stuff so there’s flying ones I don’t think I really thought about that more than I wanted to but I didn’t like It I don’t like that there’s flying ones I don’t think I don’t think I’m a big fan I don’t think I’m I don’t think I’m a big Fan okay great just don’t kill my cow please he’s looking okay I figured he probably has a better chance if I if I leave him in there so all right that looks fine uh okay slowly but surely we’re all we’re all taken out uh okay what I am going to do is This to help light us up a little bit sleeping sorry I’m zoomed sorry hello dizle let’s set our obscene about of copper to smelt and also take a little look at our skill tree nobody needs this much copper but what am I if not a little loser All right that’s fine let’s look at our skill tree shall we two three four five we got five skill points kind of wild we’re going to Keep Max Health if you have effects does that include Infection Invasion if you have effects amplification let’s see how far we can Get get this whole row right here let’s do it seems Fun all right shout out to our levels we’re about to get some more yeah copper and smelting is is a good way to do that I think okay I feel like we’re doing something chat I feel like something’s occurring here I think I need more food point a

Maybe we should go a different direction maybe we go that way chat we haven’t gone that way very far we went over here we go straight this way though there’s a little something up here that we can go look at maybe big cave right there to peek into a bunch of

Flowers let’s go for it shall we going to bring one of our other foods with us just in case uh we have an open inventory which is pretty slay uh really quick new pickaxe that’s the other thing new pickaxe a new car that’s not how you make a pickaxe there we

Go uh also probably some more Torches 44 is probably good all right let’s Go I don’t know about our cow but hey what are you going to do I can make it to that tree find some wheat I didn’t have any seeds I looked to do that realized I couldn’t all right let get our St back maybe punch through this tree a little Could definitely be one of like our gateways Now ah it’s a Pillager Outpost do we Dare do we dare oh that’s F oh my God Nope guys everything’s Fine kind of forgot that did Last Forever uh okay this is notably a lot of yellow dots I’m not going to lie carrots that’s good we’re good we’re good we’re Good want I just want some flowers Maybe inch our way over here at the side of first real danger we are Dipping seems like a regular Pillager Outpost idiots LOL literally Get Wrecked crossbow literally L to those guys I’m too darn good at the game h Huh They have alleys do I want alyss probably not not my first priority really I don’t know if they’re W worth risking my life for Why Not this is Stupid ow Come On you silly gooses this is regular Minecraft I know I can beat regular Minecraft regular stupid Pillagers Yes on LA see o uh oh no no uh-oh carrots Though Chad are you happy they’re still following Me structure why not we like to have fun Here there’s no dots in it uh this is good to Know uh now I know something from watching centros killing spotters doesn’t make them go Away they’re cap spiders hate that why are they moving like that hate it and we ain’t touching that I ain’t going to lie we don’t don’t mess with that we not messing with that uh egg thank you egg thank You I like trying to take through take from animals that I don’t need to kill cuz that means if I come this way again I need to go home I need to go home like Now it’s not crazy far but I need to go home okay we’re going to keep on the lookout for bamboo creepers because that’s apparently a Thing oh yeah yay I’m over here terrible things happened here a bird death my other death the boss in there that’s an infection flower and it is getting really dark it is getting really dark right now but now I can see my house so everything’s got to be

Fine as long as there’s no sniper Guy right the Ally is here glad to know you made It I don’t need you Baboo what Baboo creepers ran into those is that great they look like a creeper except they Blended like Bamboo all right little Al where you at brv all right I think I’m actually going to let the night go for a little bit so that I could get ready for the day uh we have leather we don’t have paper prob the other ways to make paper though isn’t

There yeah chorus plant tree bark how do I get tree bark no no not that no how do I get tree bark is it just No stripping the wood I think well did I not just do That you need a cutting board okay how do I get a cutting board probably not that hard to make have a feeling just planks and sticks okay yeah okay okay hold on chat hold on we have a cutting board let’s set up a little something maybe over here then what

That now we need a night right easy Just an axe ah well I have a knife now cool Chat okay one paper all right we need three we need to do this four more times one two three 4 so much effort to get this batania book boom all right chatters we have a book we’ve been waiting for this one let me get my Tunes back chat hey buddy all right uh Yeah mystical flowers around the world special flowers flowers take Patch 16 different colors flal fertilizer SLE pedals directly pedal the ground will make a bury it okay also be crushed to corresponding dyes Dy with bone me can there a fertilizer mystical flowers near my vicinity if you ever run low okay taller

Variant uh you put there you put be a lot it yep that checks out metal supposed to be made into blocks and the other way around okay pedal apothecary uh pedicle fa block world give water uh except any petals petals we thr any seeds final eyes remove the last side of Thro guys

This is we can do this uh lava brazer de cinerator okay Eddie petal and Cobble okay have get Bul what did I Notating Flora okay Cool you’re Daisy I’m learning Gamers these are words the bark is compost vble oh sick purify turn a living yeah the Living Wood is what you want things to Be you want me To okay well let’s let’s make a petal Apothecary I guess what’s the recipe for this Eddie pedal and Cobble okay we have That get out of our pouch think we have the most Of all right I’m learning Chatters do I remember metal Apothecary okay so you want water I don’t have water it’s a little funny I just don’t have water right now streer is learning Streeper is learning streer is going to blow their Nose Croptop just fers to light on steroids that’s fair croptop and F light are the ones that I’m like kind of familiar with all right let’s take a sleeve this mod is a rabbit hole Yeah that’s the vibe I’m Getting all right we have some more skills more levels I mean theoretically Ally means more skills so uh no oh yes I can think I also want to go this way again I like this thing going on this this life for hit when I’m hitting Stuff I like that vibe Got a swag okay well we have an LA that’s a wind uh where are our carrots I was going to throw those over there uh we also have onion crates can’t I get like a lot of onions out of this Yeah okay look at this chat we’re kind of we’re kind of we’re kind of putting something together I’m not going to lie we’re kind of getting something together the all needs a name I don’t want to get attached to it there’s a reason I haven’t named to any

The birds I knew they were going to die I’m not taking care of you I want to be clear you could hang around but I’m not taking care of You can I name This we’re kind of progressing I’m not going to lie we have a little bit more of the map explored we know that this is a cave spider spotter this is a Pillager Outpost could use going that way even getting up here to this water checking it out jungle isn’t crazy though they’re spawn So okay Gamers I’m feeling good not going to Lie what I need now is just I need better gear like I feel I feel safe up here which is kind of crazy that’s the that’s the craziest thing is that I feel safe uh because in literally no world should I feel safe with this mod pack But let’s see if we can find a little a little itty bitty cave I’m actually going to see hold on Bush sapling Ed Leaves might try I think we’ll do we’ll do one more thing today chat we’re going to see if we can get some bushes growing so let’s go first Off one right there we’re going to go do some apple I want to see if I can get some Bushes all right this gives me the leaves and the other thing I need is oh that’s it okay okay we’re just going to take this down and hopefully we can make some bushes out of this I I think the bushes are what’s going to grow it right like that’s that’s my

Interpretation how do you spawn like that Okay who needs a regular sapling so we can just cut down some trees Also because that that’s a renewable source of food that can’t get infected I don’t think which sounds really slay it seems like meat is going to get infected and maybe next time around Gamers we try and uh what’s it called we try to get some cows together

Uh because if we’re going to we’re going to want enchants if we’re going to want to enchant we’re going to need cows that doesn’t seem like a terrible idea trying to get some livestock maybe maybe who’s to Say see found down the tree goes I’m good personally I don’t feel the urge saplings thank you never have I ever once tried to get saplings I’ve done something like oh boy I hope I get some saplings out of this Never we find a village that’s not a bad idea I don’t want to like settle down too hard uh until I have like the squad which is going to be for a little bit chat tomorrow for the record uh we will not be playing EOD we’re going to be

Doing our first bound smpp stream chat tomorrow oh our first what happened fur I needed fur well I don’t know what that was but it’s fur is mine now I’m not going to be mad at That wa a Husk in a desert Wilded okay we do need jungle saplings which means we’re going to have to get some jungle trees is not something I do Normally I have no idea oh yeah so we’re going to we’re going to be doing Birds tomorrow chat I’m very very excited my my little guy Ash it’s going to be like hate it uh it’s just going to be a Vibe I’m super excited dude what is like shuffling around that I Hear oh my God I get low I’m going but I’m I’m doing okay right now has just a lot of Health a Muba what in the world it got smaller Ave a SE hello I feel like I’ve been slided by that MBA I didn’t even do nothing Hello that’s Kevin oh thanks thanks man I I forgot about him yeah you’re right how could I have forgotten Kevin just around all the time what what you un Al at once and then you can tame it oh well I just killed it seemed scary probably would have been nice to

Have on our side but uh I I don’t have a good track record so rip rip Kevin so true he might be back who I don’t know I don’t know how Kevin works I don’t know Kevin’s Secrets farad off though the other book using Redstone ah I see I see well I don’t have Redstone yet it’s getting dark uh let’s see if I can get a couple more saplings of jungle perhaps sapling of jungle well very cool MBA moving on No just just Two all right just two that’s understandable let’s dip before it gets Bad but I have been able to like ride him I found a tall One I supposed to get water that was the other thing I was supposed to get this time of be being out and around hey it’s fine I hear oh it’s an Aly that’s what it Is bro come on up our Tower we go make special Shadows for t to I see see maybe next time we see amuba I’ll I’ll be I’ll be more cautious about just killing him Brutally poor guy didn’t even know he was scaring me he was spooking me one day I’m going to come up here and there’s going to be something in my house and I’m going to lose my Mind because I’ve I’ve now in my brain have this as like a safe place TM it’s not not Really okay uh fur I wanted to look at what you do oh the bag the pearls is this the gems is this a gem bag K is in your house not yet what do you hold it’s not a gem bag Dang seems scary you will be SL Thread Pedia scares me poia scares me a little bit but you can turn the fur into leather that is kind of based So can I put these in my I can they have empty sockets not my legs I Guess okay I can put stuff in there what do I want Armor I guess what can go in it Moonstone let’s put the jewelry ones somewhere else I Guess yeah so you you guys are different you can’t go in you can’t go in Armor you can I have a feeling this could go anywhere outcome unpredictable I see I’m learning I’m learning smithing table able to put gems into armor okay smithing table I can make yeah smithing smithing table I can do okay chat let’s see if we can get some gems in our

Armor and then uh we might you probably will end for Today okay so those got sockets Max Health that’s pretty base this is armor Loot and speed put speed in our boots maybe in our Armor we your helmet could have health I don’t know let’s have Fun Cool Shield can also get gem blocking life on block plus two to armor pretty based Actually wow that just just adds to our Arbor bar that’s sick chat that’s sick we’re basically up to are back to our health again because of the the gem and our hat yo Okay I am intrigued to see how I get necklaces like Mana diamonds which I know is a thing centros showed me That the this is the uninfused version so we need all of that to get the necklace okay what about Rings the beta steel the beta tablet I’ve learned about this okay they batania necklaces and skill Tre necklaces ah okay well I feel good we almost have a full row of armor we have almost our health back up to where it’s supposed to be which is just because of the the

Little guy we have we have a little farm up Here got a lot going On I am not doing too bad I thought I’d be doing a lot worse I got past that like I found I found a spot where I feel okay with my life and I think that’s entire irely the reason I feel like I can do anything and

Progress because I I actually found a a spot that I don’t feel like I’m going to die every two seconds and then like at that moment is when I like brutally Die had to got some stuff going on got rocks we’ve got drops we’ve got Valuables look at This I’m I’m braiding right now That’s Fine it won’t uh infect itself right like that’s not a thing that’s going to Happen I feel like that’s a possibility of putting it next to it in the chest as you get stronger so does the infection well I figured I just don’t want to I just don’t want to what if I just don’t want to Huh what if I said Nuh I actually feel like I’m getting somewhere that’s crazy dude okay yeah you’re being really ominous you’re being actually incredibly incredibly ulous uh let’s do this really quick I want to make some bushes Apple Bush leather Bush I bet that they need to be on dirt maybe uh do we have just some dirt No cool feeling observed feeling Great I love to feel observed for sure bushes where the VES around your house are going to reach the ground Ah it’s fine I’ll break Them okay pogers I think chat we’re going to end the stream here for today in an actually pretty okay spot I feel like we have a house we’ve got a lot of gems we’ve got gems in our armor we’ve got a lot of iron a lot of

Copper shout out to blimp we’ve got a little furnace set up we’ve got beds we’ve d a little bit into like the Botanica stuff we’re growing apples and lemons we’re growing onions Carrots and we lost a bird so uh okay

This video, titled ‘Home? | End of Days S6 [DAY 2]’, was uploaded by SherbertquakeVODS on 2024-02-04 21:05:49. It has garnered 197 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:40 or 8620 seconds.

Welcome to End of Days! A limited time, heavily modded, pvp minecraft server! This is day two of trying to stay alive… enjoy!

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    Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Hanzi builds a mini mansion, where adventure sustains. Collaborating with hanzishanzi, the duo shines, Crafting hardcore Minecraft, with twists and turns in lines. Subscribe for more hardcore Minecraft, the journey unfolds, With challenges and triumphs, their story told. From building to surviving, every moment a thrill, In the world of blocks and pixels, where dreams fulfill. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft comes alive, With hanzishanzi leading the way, let the story thrive. In every rhyme and rhythm, the adventure sings, As the mini mansion stands tall, a testament to… Read More

  • Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts

    Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts Steve in Minecraft be like: “I can build a house, fight zombies, and mine for diamonds all in one day!” Meanwhile, in real life, I struggle to even get out of bed in the morning. #minecraftvsreallife #struggleisreal Read More

  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

    Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Bizarre Mob When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are no strangers to encountering a wide array of mobs, from the friendly villagers to the menacing creepers. However, there is one mob that stands out as both terrifying and bizarre, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned players. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Menacing Mob Enter the Enderman, a tall, dark, and mysterious mob that roams the End dimension. With its eerie purple eyes and ability to teleport at will, the Enderman strikes fear into the hearts of players who… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind welcomes players of all skill levels. With a variety of game modes… Read More

  • Minecraft Bible: Armor of God

    Minecraft Bible: Armor of God The Armor of God Explained in Minecraft When it comes to understanding the concept of the Armor of God, what better way to explain it than through the world of Minecraft? In this unique interpretation, players can visualize the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6 in a whole new light. Putting on the Full Armor In Minecraft, players are constantly faced with challenges and enemies that they must overcome. Just like in the Bible, where believers are encouraged to put on the full Armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, Minecraft players must equip themselves… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘…in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nikki Rei Ch. idol-EN on 2024-04-01 22:00:32. It has garnered 6242 views and 976 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:36 or 27276 seconds. #NikkiRei #Vtuber #VtuberEN #IdolEN #idolGenesis If you enjoyed watching, don’t be a tool, like and comment or i’ll use you. Join Nikki’s workshop to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBnmfjpmhGxao6v54fIIMUA/join 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 ⚙️ Tips: https://streamelements.com/nikkirei/tip ⚙️ How to make Jane read your tip msg? https://tts.monster/yt/ucbnmfjpmhgxao6v54fiimua ⚙️ Idol online shop https://shop.idol-company.com/ ⚙️ My Twitta: https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol ⚙️Roast my marshmallow, I won’t be mad: https://marshmallow-qa.com/nikki_rei_idol 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 Tags: ⚙️ Gen: #idolGenesis… Read More

  • SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival Challenge

    SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Survival Challenge with Brother 😁’, was uploaded by SUPII GAMING on 2024-03-21 12:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT PE Dual Survival Series in Hindi Ep 1 | Iron Armor. #mcpe #minecraft100days #minecrafters #minecraftpe … Read More

  • Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!

    Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!Video Information This video, titled ‘fireball fight #minecraft #shorts #minemen #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by miwc on 2024-03-03 19:08:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars play,good montages,bedwars,bedwars videos,bedwars extensions,hypixel montage,sammygreen montage,block clutch … Read More


    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

  • Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!

    Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Epic Minecraft Bedwars And Skywars On Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-04-29 21:14:56. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. #hungergames #lunarclient #prison #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars roblox,op prison… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!

    Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!Video Information hey guys wiing here welcome to Minecraft with our AI bot why did you leave for like two seconds what what was that all about uh I have no idea uh well anyway that’s so Random I I okay um here it is here’s our lovely AI it’s uh we got vivv in our Viv my AI in Minecraft here it is pretty cool huh it just left the game we joined the game uh just uh we don’t need to figure out why that happened probably crashed two seconds ago and I didn’t even realize but yeah… Read More

  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

    🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥Video Information den armboss platziert ihr einfach dann nehmt ihr euch das Namenschild und nennt das dann den RTP dann müsst ihr einfach den platzieren und den Halt den entsprechend RTP nennen wenn ihr das gemacht hab kommen wir auch schon zum ersten command und zwar/ff Typ minecraftarmor Name RTP invisible 2 255 tRUE wenn ich den Schalter nämlich umlege seht ihr dass die Arm unsichtbar werden weil wenn die sichtbar sind das wollen wir ja natürlich nicht wir wollen halt dass die in wie gesagt dann unsichtbar sind dafür ist halt schon mal der erste command da kommen wir… Read More

  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) play.placeofwar.com Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More

  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

    Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft's Secure Base Battle! In the world of Minecraft, a battle did unfold, Between Dark Souka and a mutant so bold. With knives in hand and teeth so sharp, The mutant sought to tear the town apart. But Souka and friends were not afraid, They built a base, strong and well-made. With obsidian walls and lava all around, They stood their ground, ready to astound. But the mutant was cunning, he had a plan, He spawned zombies and baby zombies, a dangerous clan. But Souka and team fought with all their might, They took down the mutant, winning the fight. In the end,… Read More

  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

    Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥 When you accidentally eat a golden apple in Minecraft and realize you just wasted your precious loot on a snack. #minecraftproblems #hangryminecraftplayer Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Minecraft servers? Looking for a fresh and exciting place to unleash your creativity and have some fun? Look no further than Minewind! With a unique and engaging gameplay experience, Minewind offers a dynamic environment where you can explore, build, and interact with other players from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Connect to Minewind server at… Read More

  • 15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise!

    15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise! The 15th Year Anniversary of Minecraft: A Google Browser Game Surprise! As Minecraft celebrates its 15th year anniversary, Google has joined in on the festivities by launching a special surprise for fans of the beloved game. When you search for Minecraft on the Google browser, you are in for a treat – a browser game that allows you to mine blocks and collect new pickaxes by mining ore! Unleash Your Inner Miner With this new browser game, players can dive into the familiar world of Minecraft right from their web browser. The game captures the essence of Minecraft’s mining… Read More

  • BATHTUB Clickbait: JAX VS POMNI! EVIL OR FUN? Minecraft EP2

    BATHTUB Clickbait: JAX VS POMNI! EVIL OR FUN? Minecraft EP2Video Information hello to all our dear digital viewers just look where we are right now today together with pomy we’ve come to picnic at our amazing digital Circus by the way would you like to swim a bit yes of course I’m always up for a swim just look Jax it seems ratha is coming our way have you all gone completely mad why didn’t you invite me to the picnic with you we really wanted to invite you but you weren’t home I’ve been at home all day today why are you lying to me oh come on… Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving SONIC.EXE in Minecraft Challenge

    100 Days Surviving SONIC.EXE in Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information [Music] what a nice day let’s go for a walk our village is so peaceful well another day another walk huh uh what are these huh uh wao what um I have no idea what’s going on run Mikey get inside let’s hide wow what what is with the puppets the puppets weren’t about to attack us but I have a bad feeling okay I’m going to take another look what are they doing here they’re behind the house too let’s get back inside oh man why now why here oh a news alert it’s an emergency uh… Read More

  • DannySharma beats Minecraft in 100 days?!

    DannySharma beats Minecraft in 100 days?!Video Information तो क्या हाल चाल है भाइयों और बहनों आज ये तुम्हारा भाई डेनी सरवाइव करने वाला है 50 डेज वो भी इस छोटे से वन ब्लॉक पर और मुझे सरवाइव ही नहीं करना है मुझे इसे कन्वर्ट करना है एक प्यारे से बेस में और इसे कन्वर्ट करने के साथ-साथ मुझे कुछ गोल्स भी कंप्लीट करना है पहला मुझे डायमंड का आर्मरर टूल बनाना है और दूसरा जितना हो सके उतना में इस वर्ल्ड को एक्सपें करना है और इसे एकदम अच्छे से डेकोरेट करना है और ये इतना इजी भी नहीं होने वाला है बिकॉज इसे हार्ड… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Secrets Revealed!” #MinecraftMadness

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Secrets Revealed!" #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Facts #Minecrafter#BlockCrafting#MinecraftMagic#PixelatedAdventures#MinecraftBuilders’, was uploaded by David toys review on 2023-12-19 05:21:08. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. 🔒 Ready to embark on an epic journey through the blocky realms of Minecraft like never before? 🌍✨ Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft adventure! If you’re a true Minecraft enthusiast or just getting started, this channel is your gateway to unlocking the game’s most intriguing secrets, mastering its complex mechanics, and experiencing jaw-dropping builds that will leave you in awe. 📌 What You’ll Find Here:… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: Playing OG Bedrock Minecraft HCF 😱

    Secrets Revealed: Playing OG Bedrock Minecraft HCF 😱Video Information en el video de hoy vamos a jugar hcf de los viejos tiempos sí como estás escuchando el hcf de los viejos tiempos estamos hablando de casi el hcf de 2020 o 2021 actualmente en Infinity sacaron una nueva upd cual vendría siendo el hcf viejo Así que si quieres saber cómo me fue jugando hcf de 2020 2021 por favor quédate viendo el video y suscríbete así que sin más nada que decir empecemos jugando en la nueva day de Infinity buena gente como vieron en la intro este Infinity sacó una nueva update cual vendría siendo… Read More

  • Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!

    Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!Video Information today I’ve added five brand new custom armat trims that give you upgrades and special abilities some of them being pretty op I’m going to grab some friends to try them out and see if they can help us beat the game all right boys are you ready to beat Minecraft yeah I’m ready I’m Yeah man so I’ve added some special things to this world let’s go beat Minecraft there’s a village over here is that where the cool stuff is this is where some really cool stuff is as you can see a villager ah no… Read More

  • Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed – Grotex Revealed!

    Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed - Grotex Revealed!Video Information for [Applause] This video, titled ‘The Art of Bedfight:’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-22 05:47:33. It has garnered 918 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz… Read More