Hoshiko Torahime Ch. 虎姫 ほしこ – [Minecraft] MINE FASTER!!!

Video Information

E Well hello how is everybody yes we are doing More looking for deep slate okay flurry is just playing with time right now so if you hear something big big smacks and stuff like that that’s just flurry she likes to play very rough with the Kens so this this is what I’ve been doing uh good question um not really I

Just know that you get it if you dig deep enough so that’s my goal is to go far enough in and hopefully get Some but we’re currently at my base right now because I need to clear all this out anyway so that’s what I’m going to do and hopefully we get some cuz I think I did get a whole bunch here sometime soonish sometime soonish but it’s just been a little

Bit so apologies if it’s super dark I have been in the habit of not putting out light so it’s it light is very few in far between in the hey no you give me that you give me that bring it here bring him here come on thank you you’re tearing him up

Flurry has this really cute fox toy that she is hellbent on trying to completely break so I’m trying to save the little Fox’s life and she’s over here like no I’m just went to chew even though it is a fabric toy you have so many chewy toys that’s the one

That you’re not allowed to don’t come over here pleading your cries fall on De ears but like I said I need to clear all this out anyway at my base so I’ve got I’m just going to go down until I don’t know I hit it hopefully but I am going to put in

A water elevator at some point so but that’s not going to be for a minute because I I want personally I want just a quick way to go up and down and that is what I’m going to do I do not have TNT but I wouldn’t probably

Use it here because is I I don’t need a whole Spa like basically where we’re at I don’t know if you can see on but like where we’re at we’re super close to the water over here so it is very imperative that we do not hit the water over there so

Co I’m just going to say layered cuz it makes sense cuz I am in a cave so that is where I am going to be but um okay I’m going to move this because I’m already hitting my mouse on it like a lot and I don’t like it and I’m sorry

For like spinny spinny but okay think I can go back in again maybe maybe I think I can I just don’t know how to do the thing that I do but this is also giving us Stone so we can get the like fancy Stone stuff

To and I did grind a little bit last night not a whole well yeah I would say a little bit I would say a little bit cuz we were at 47 I grinded to level 60 that way today we would not have to worry about going and getting some levels so

Hopefully that works out and I don’t use any more than what I really need to cuz I had fun doing it it was just really boring I even left at one point to go get some food so I could like keep grinding on it I just wanted to see for scientific purposes

And scientific purpose deemed that it was kind of silly to Do so it’s okay I got levels that’s all that matters we can warp and we can have fun it’s fine I’ve got a lot of stuff to do well not a lot of stuff I’ve got I got a bit of stuff to do and I’m still super close So actually let me get this really quick thank You okay I hate when I get super close to those because I just I don’t know I want to make sure that I am going to be able to have enough room to have my little water elevators but they’re just so I feel like they break super easy though

Though is another thing but I’ve only used it like twice so probably not the best person to ask okay here we go and I can safely put one right There okay just a that’s cute though that’s super cute though okay is this yeah it looks like it’s working okay I accidentally hit the me with the button so I want to be sure okay so how is everybody’s Monday going so far is it going good have you been

Having a good day today I really hope so I really really hope so honestly I should probably you know what I’m going to do something a little bit different actually actually nice that sounds fun that sounds super fun okay so I’m going to be doing things a little bit differently so

Hopefully there we go go I can go up here is I don’t know why I didn’t just do this to begin with but you know it’s fine I’m just going to make the stairway later but first i’m going to do this ow because if I do

That then then I will have a little bit more of an accurate representation of what’s going on and I would like to know exactly how bad I’m messing this up even though there’s no like Rhyme or Reason that I would be messing it up I just think that I’m

Messing it up right now so that’s what I’m going to do CU it’s the problem with me doing things like I would say like on the Fly I guess I end up just making it really wonky if you fit like the stairway at the villager farm is the prime example of

This okay I need to go back up okay so I have over here I just go and I just go and it doesn’t like doesn’t have to make any like purpose I just want to go do the things but my purpose is to make this as cute as possible and also not as

Silly see like even now it’s so much bigger than I wanted it to be so much bigger okay so so much big I just wanted it to be like uh like a square and then just go down from there but what can you do I don’t really have the best

Like directions I guess and knowing how big things are I can estimate usually but that’s as far as it goes so we’ll just take out all of this and then we’ll rebuild it and how I want to and then we’ll also at some point get the ones down

There but so far not going to lie we’ve gotten a lot of stuff So doesn’t matter too much we’re getting a ton of stone that we can turn into other things CU let’s be real I’m going to need a ton of stone going to need a lot a lot a lot and then I will put those little cute

Glow every little bit so I so I can see where I’m going because not being able to see is not good okay I think I’m going to go drop some of this off because I’ve got a ton of stuff I’ve got so much stuff I don’t have any gravel I don’t

Have any Cobble I do have Stone okay and then I have granite and then I have and aite and that goes there I have those Ores okay I have a ton of wood somewhere I have wood somewhere I just need More for my there’s been an Enderman in here well I can collect those for the stuff later can I make bamboo into sticks yes I can okay that’s good there you go thank you I’ve got that oh I also need to make these is it oh that’s good though that’s really

Good really really good okay jump over Here that’s true but that’s still it sounds good that everything’s picking back up though that’s super good spicy why are all of my cats it’s being weirdos today is it the full moon or something today are is that why they’re being weird like I love my cats don’t get me

Wrong but they are some hecking weirdos but they’re cute though so I can’t really complain too much it’s just last night spice and time were cuddling on their favorite blanket and it was super super cute super super cute they never really cuddle that much so whenever they cuddle

It’s always it’s always something big okay almost some of these extra spots I might make into like rooms or Something I just don’t know yet because I don’t know I don’t know on a water elevator can you have multiple stops that is the question I’m going to do this a silly way I think but it’s true when cats aren’t being weirdos it’s a little sus it’s a little sus

Yes I know there’s water right there I need make sure that I don’t go that far again okay come here there was some drown over here earlier so I got to be got to be a little careful just a little bit careful just the tiniest bit careful

I will say the drown noises are super super scary as somebody who’s not really heard him that much I’ve heard him a lot more lately but it’s just super like like like hello can I can I help you with something that’s preferably not like you staying in my house please please oh

Please I guess you could say they’re like cats that but if you don’t pay attention to them cats if you never ever ever ever paid attention to him okay well I mean this is going I guess me put another one right There and I broke it again at this point I’m just okay if I break it I guess I’m just trying to not have to worry about it ow that’s fine I wonder we might also check a couple of the other old mines too and see if I can grab some or

Maybe go to the Lush caves that we’ve got I don’t know because I also need to go get some sticks too and I know spawn has a ton of sticks so I will have to see what it is I actually want to do okay finish this section up and then we can

Go back up stairs can drop off all of the stone that I’ve got and then I’ve got to go repair my little pickaxe but we are down super far okay I we my little cute Exel they’re super cute I love you put all that in there I don’t have

Gravel that in there that in there and then I do have Flint but I oh here I have it right there here we Go put those in there I did a little bit of fishing earlier so I did get some more fishies but I’ve got a hole I’m going to keep that put it in there okay let’s go to spawn and then go get some more sticks and

Then check out the F oh I can make a note block I should probably make a couple of those sometime here soon check on my fishies they’re doing good okay just make sure everything is Okay okay let’s go to spawn I need sticks so that’s why we’re Here and I’ll just take those two 56 take more make more ladders cuz this is what it’s going for and then I will put that here is there anything else oh I could put the Birch in the Box because I don’t believe we need

It do I have maple yes I do there we go okay let’s go check out the first mine in here and then we can go check out and see eggy um if we have any deep slate in any of the Lush caves which I’d be surprised if there wasn’t but just in

Case oh there it is punk I went pretty far Down but I don’t which one okay I did three and then down one two three this is probably way less efficient than anything else but oh well I like to have easily traversable caves oh I have a ton of Cobble here though take some that because I need that for other ones

Okay is there anything in Here oh yes and yes there we go okay well I got to see what I wanted to see in there where is another place that I have thg super deep down I keep thinking that the poppies are spider eyes uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh I forgot that I haven’t slept I’m sorry

We’re going to go sleep right now I promise I promise I promise I promise I didn’t realize it’s been like 7 days or something something I’m sorry please just leave me alone I’ll have a little snacky too okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I will raid my pantry and see what I’ve

Got I need to switch these cuz apples and Coco not cocoa and apples carrots K seaweed I don’t have a reliable source of rabbit yet or duck or honestly anything besides fish what’s in these tomato sauce lava cheese I’ll Bring those two actually I will bring cheese pizza and I will bring some cheese and crackers and I will also check in here there are my ducks and chickens seems like everything is ready to be harvested okay that’s good though just means food production is a go and if I need

Some four where did I where did I put the carrots put in here there potato please potato tomato okay every time I come over here I try to check and see if those are grown yet sometimes they are sometimes they aren’t and it’s fine it’s whatever but I try to keep everything

Over there pretty pretty stocked up I would say okay where is wheat where did I put it I put it in here and I can’t have a thing right there so that’s good okay eat my cheese pizza ow let’s go to the spider farm I don’t think I’ve dug over here

Really a lot there is a cavern over here there is a cavern the only problem is is is that I don’t know how to get back out isz that surely would have it oh you know what we could go we could go to the iron farm because there is a

Cavern over there too but it’s one that I can actually get into so we’ll have to do that I think I think that’s what we’re going to have to do because I want to say I have seen some deep slate over there but I don’t I don’t know for

Sure I want to say I have but I think we’ve got all of the stone that we need I think we have so we’re going to warp over there do those Stone stuff I think if not I think I’ll actually go and take it back to base grind them all

And then go put them at where they’re supposed to be I think that’s what I’m going to do I think I think I think but hopefully I have the luck that I was having last night with my spiders and they were just they just kept coming

Like they just no end to them no end in sights but it doesn’t it doesn’t seem like they want to do that this time so I have the last of my shake oo where’s that Cavern I think it’s like over here super big super big but it’s so

Interesting you get to see like all these little like like Caverns never had that on When I was looking at other stuff it was always just for what I need it’s always just for what I need hello trying to see see how much I could probably get away with because it doesn’t look like I need a whole lot of mining things

Today I think all I really need is crafting materials oh I need a flowering aelia actually okay well that’s fine that’s okay I know where to get all of those things and it’s cool and I’m pretty sure I can just go pick those up Somewhere just let me Hello trying to remember is I think I changed the other like Trading Post into the bed area I think that’s what I did I’m pretty sure that’s what I did but I think I had some flowering aelia over there I just have to go and

See okay come on I need a little bit more I don’t need a whole lot come on okay thank you I’m done I’m over it it’s raining and snowing in the desert so what am I going to do what do I have I have Cobblestone I will go back okay yes

Okay go back to tigers and then come back down over here oh it’s raining and snowing over here too okay there’s that I need to put in these oh and I need to take out how many the Deep SL no I need stone bricks and I need two of them okay stun bricks

Please stone bricks please and then I need stone brick stairs need 13 of those stairs I will do 15 just in case just in case and then I need stone brick wall I need one why do I only need one I’ll make five just in

Case well JK I will make six because why not okay so this is done and these are done okay let’s go drop those off and then we can go and do more I will actually not have that in my adjacent hand I will have that in

My hot bar I guess where is yes okay where is take those out put these in I do need I do need some Stone I will take that as well there it is okay well that’s fine I will go to bed in the rain and in the cold because I can’t go anywhere

Else um that in there do I need another thing of stone I just I just came from there okay I need Stone and smooth Stone I just harvested some More lava so I can just go make those really quick it’s not be Hard give me that thank you where is lava here we Go this I will move these down have this here have that right where it is there we go and then I think that is everything we need going to take another stack just in case just in case we do need grass blocks do I have those on me no I

Don’t where did I put them not in here obviously okay well either way honestly I could have multiples of these going couldn’t I here we go I’ll just have those ready I don’t need any iron I don’t need oh do I need these LEL leaves glow Len I do have glow Lan somewhere

Actually I actually have it so I’m going to go grab that really quick need 4 one here’s my glow l in is okay go why does it take so Long and then I still end up hicking it up at seven that right there okay well I’ve got enough to grow I guess so that’s fine meow meow thank you for that made be that that is nice thank you do I have any buckets don’t no I do

Not okay I wonder if this would be a good slime like a good slime farm I guess I don’t know cuz I need to make a whole bunch of sticky pistons that’s what I need I need to make a whole bunch of sticky pistons but I don’t

Know I know how I just don’t have the ability at this point in time bucket thank you oh goodness I don’t know I don’t know I am very like indecisive today very indecisive which I guess isn’t that much different than usual but I don’t know what I want to go for

First I do need smooth stone slabs so I will take those can I make these into smooth stone slabs as soon as I find him again no I can’t okay I was hoping I do be the hoping okay Lantern I need 15 of and funny enough I do have 15 on me right

Now need stone brick stairs I got those I need chest I have six TNT I need a note block I will make the Note Block in just a second I think I do believe I will make that do Have I just need this I have like 50 I think 50 and then these stripped Spruce logs and or dark oak I might have those why don’t I have those honestly why don’t I have those oh I need to put that back I need to put it

Back oh I need 73 sticky pistons so how do I make those I have to have a piston and then a slime ball okay so I’m going to need a ton more Redstone Dust than I thought that is okay that is okay I just need a ton more I really wish this would

Hurry I’m glad I’m super glad productivity buff for the win dang that’s super good though I wonder if I could see anybody from out here I can’t remember if this is a glass block or a pane okay that one buffer fish perer fish where is potato I have banana um we’ll take

Those because I think I can sell them I don’t know if I’ve got anything else though oh I do have moss do I need Moss for something oh there’s my nether quartz okay so we’re we’re good on that we’re good on That I will take those I feel like I have zombie flesh like just shoved Every Which Way like it doesn’t matter where it could be it is definitely in a chest somewhere and if it’s not then I am very silly very silly okay are you done yet no

Okay well I am going to once this is Done um I am going to not know what I’m going to do what am I going to do I am going to go in and make some trades for some I forget how cute this looks honestly I like being able to see it because it also lights up the room too

But I think it’s just so neat it’s just so neat can I make more buckets can I make more buckets where is where did the I want more Bucket please okay that way I’ve got more buckets in here and honestly that should probably just be a small that should just be a

Small one but you know what it’s fine okay got two more this is almost done please I just want to go feed my little fishies look at how cute they are I love them maybe we can take home another fish we can take home another Axel so I’m

Going to actually steal like three of these okay thank you that’s 6 four let’s go okay where is Rock okay that in there that’s five of the smooth stones and then I need another one over here here a regular Stone no yeah no three okay then I need another

Box get started on the other box and then over Here okay have to okay this done I need Birch leaves glass paines thank you I couldn’t hold that one in time so I’m sorry glass paines how many I’ll just do a stack of them okay so sticky pistons I need two of them glass panes I need one and aite I

Do have Oak trapo glow lyan andesite is one aelia andesite isite o trapo and then glow like in that’s good I’m glad Spruce SL just you I’m going use you there is an Ender over there I hope he did not see me I was not looking at

Him okay that’s a lot more slabs than I was wanting but that’s fine Spruce slab I need One glowberries Spruce Sun sign glowry super Sign and then glass I need 23 stripped dark oak wood so I might change that so stripped CA I might cuz AA is normally like orange right I don’t know I will say strip jungle maybe cuz with whatever my textures are it says AAA is like not orange but it usually is pretty

Orange but like right here it looks Brown H I don’t know I will say jungle and then I will go get those in a little bit and I just need one stack of that then glass I have a stack Of so jungle glass Barrel smooth stone slab Barrel slab lanterns water bucket I need 10 of apparently Redstone torches I’ll take those Out lanterns water bucket Ln stone brick stairs and then yes water bucket redstone torch I need nine that is after the water bucket and then the repeater is after the torch and then chest I need six one two three four five six and that’s done then I need an observer Hopper

Dropper ladder two ladder okay just just P piston Observer Hopper dropper ladder got those oak button Spruce button oh no Oak button and Spruce door that’s going to be a not a spruce door but that’s going to be a lovely dark oak door give it to me please it looks like chocolate and

That’s why I like dark oak so much ladder lever Oak button lad lever Oak button dispenser and then I do need a notebook stone brick wall is the last One door dispenser Note Block comparator sand and then brick wall I do have sand sand should be over here I have one whole box of that box um stone brick wall and then sand here we go and that’s good we got a majority of the stuff I don’t think I’ll need the

These other two so let me have those thank you I’m drop down here for whatever reason because I think it’s cool and I think it’s fun so don’t worry about that I have so many trees so many trees okay put these in here and I’ve got more glass coming so that’s

Good and then now we can go to flush caves get all the glowberries we need and I have iron right there do I have okay I have glowberries they’re not that hard to grow so I think what I’m going to Do is I’m going to just take a few and deep slate um just take a few and make sure that I can grow them oh wait no this is blue andite what okay I got excited it’s not deep Sate I wonder if I could use blue andite in place of deep SL

Okay trying to look around for it oh cuz that’s bass Sal where are my torches Jesus I’m sorry for screaming I’m sorry I’m so sorry I want to stay over e here why your creepers a thing that’s all I want to know you’re so mean I’m

Sorry I even had flurry come over and check up on me she’s like you okay fam no I’m not there’s just stupid things called creepers and I don’t like them I’m fine I’m okay I’m okay why what is that what is that okay I’m going have my sword out

Nobody mess with me I am very very scared Baby very scared baby don’t look at me I will probably cry okay there’s more blue and Night but where is deep s there’s clay hey there’s more blue night what’s that’s a golden one he’s coming home with me I I’m sorry you’re mine now okay why I’m so happy that I have a like thing over here but I’m so scared you’re really cute too you’re coming home with

Me are you two the same I got you I get to take you home you’re going to have a nice lovely time in my pond and you’re just going to like it I promise there’s lava under there I just need deep sleep please I don’t remember where I got it the first

Time and all I know is that I’m very scared I’m very scared I wonder if it was the one by spawn I hope it’s not because then I will cry because that one’s a lot scar scarier than this one did he go away I hope he went

Away oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to break you oh you’re so tiny you’re so tiny you’re a little baby they so cute so hecking cute okay I’m just going to try to light this place up because I’m not getting jump scared again ever if I get jump scared again I’m

Going to be very sad like I did why he was good gun I hate creepers I hate him I hate him so much he was literally gone oh I see you now you jerk oh I see you yeah what are you going to do I’m sure I act I promise it’s

Minecraft it’s just super scary I don’t know why oh see I even have a little little guy over here checking on me seeing if I okay hello okay I’m leaving cuz uh I’m scared I’m scared okay where the goldberries go Spruce SL goldberries I need to take a deep breath not have an

Aneurism okay okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m just just having a time just having a time that’s all oh my God that’s all that’s happening I’m going to have have a bucket of macroni and cheese I’m going to go home and put these aelott in my pond and then I’m going

To try another place try another place okay there’s one Axel and two Axel I got so many Axel I’m so happy so happy okay well I’ve got blue and I just that’ll go there I guess got a bucket of water can go put that in the Thing which that goes after the stairs so that’s good I’m GNA go back to where am I going to go back to M I’ll go here and repair my gear and then also hopefully get some levels I’m not going to be scared by this stupid skeleton I’m just going to

Go in here and they’re not going to be able to get me what do you mean what do you mean are they literally camping outside my door leave me be I’m just a simple tiger who doesn’t want to be scared anymore today that’s all I ask for that’s all I ask

For that’s all I I want from life is to not be scared that’s all I want all I want why is I’ve had such good luck the last couple days I feel like today is definitely the day where all of my good luck and not being scared or having

Minor scares by being stuck under a tree is just you know it’s just null and void now I’m going to be scared the whole day whole day I’m some’s going to spawn in here and it’s going to kill me or something because even though it’s been safe the past like a little bit

It’s not safe anymore because I need to give my like I need to give a donation to the mobs of Minecraft so I don’t get scared all the time that’s all it is that’s all it is I just I just have to be scared today that’s all it is anytime

I got to sit here with all of my little cute friends who give me wonderful amounts of experience and lets me play the game and warp everywhere I appreciate you Mr spiders I appreciate you for the sole fact that you’re in a cage and cannot hurt me at all so

Please just keep doing what you’re doing see I almost let something in what is my deal I’m going to sleep y’all can go away um can you not be that loud when you die please I would appreciate it I am putting an extra barrier just in case this is what it needs To like not have those sounds because I’m going be real it’s very scary and I don’t want to very scary okay you yell at me I will get the experience from your bones okay that’s good two three three four and then I have wool where is another chest I right here for

Even more Extras but like miscellaneous extras not like actual extras okay and I’m going to take four of these again and make more wool I’m going to have like its own wool Farm over here this is the new wool Farm new W Farm CU I keep making all this wool because there’s nothing else to

Use we might as well go and make our humble donation to The Woolf Farm after this one two three four two four okay four one two one two three four one two three okay I’m going to be living in so much wool the Sheep will never have to worry about not being completed

Again never ever ever I just wish there was a way one two that you could get the string back out of doing it again but I can also understand why you can’t either cuz it’s very tightly woven together I just I hope we have a use for

All of these spider eyes I’m going to be completely honest I don’t know if I myself would ever be able to use so many oh my goodness I don’t know I think it’s potions but I’m not sure I don’t have a potion cheat sheet but I think

So and it might also be enchantments enchantments too hello yes I was snacking on some macaroni and cheese what are you going to do about it I’m not lactose intolerant in this game okay God that’s so much wool that is like so much wool so much that is ridiculous is he seriously standing

Outside over here I don’t know because I’m not brave enough to check I’m not brave very not brave tiger he might also be up above too that’s what I’m thinking but if he is that’s kind of rude how is he not dying I want to know please okay give me give

Me but I will know or not I will know I do know we will never ever ever ever need spider eyes or string ever ever ever again ever ever ever and actually I’m going to move that back a little bit just in case I get scared again I don’t want to break your

Ears I don’t want to no ear breaking Today part of me wants to have like little plates here I don’t know I maybe can I make iron plates thank you okay thank you I don’t know what I got we’ll actually just put these in here cuz I don’t have the

SP when did I get wheat seeds when oh when I wonder if you could make this automatic somehow by placing like magma blocks or something could you do that I wonder maybe I mean it would make like to me it would make sense it hurts me it

Wouldn’t be the fastest by any means but you could still get all of the drops you just wouldn’t be getting the experience but I would put the magma blocks like up there maybe that way the materials don’t die I don’t know a tiger just simply it does not no

I think it would be a good idea I would probably do that with one of the other ones just to see if it would work I think I’ve got the magma blocks for it I’m pretty sure I do at least I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure I just need to find

Them okay it’s almost done it’s almost done I don’t know why I feel like backing up and jumping like that makes it go faster it’s definitely Placebo but I just totally feel like it helps like they can see you and they’re like oh I want to go get you

Okay just a couple more Spiders just a couple More I think I know why I didn’t put pressure plates in there Before I think I Remember okay I need you it’s officially night time can you come over come over and meet my sword please I’m excited okay so when I went to the store the other day I got these new yogurts and I’ve had the other like there’s another kind of them before I

Like I had those and I was like oh those are really good but they’ve never really been like a super important cuz they only had like four flavors of yogurt and I was like okay that’s okay I guess but not exactly what I want I want like not

Fancy flavors but I want more than like three um but I found out they had in their like other line of products they had new flavors and one of them was chocolate mocha and it was super super good it was super good I was it was like

A dessert it was so good I was like okay I know these are kind of expensive just normally but getting this fancy flavor I feel like it’s completely and totally worth it cuz it’s like it’s like a little itty bitty dessert like why would you have this for breakfast it’s it’s

Too good to be breakfast way too good to be breakfast and yet they have made a really good a really good yogurt that I’m really wanting to like stock up one but it’s just super super expensive super super expensive okay I will trade this for that but I also got a lemon

One to try too which I’m kind of hoping that they make the like normal flavors into Dairy three flavors that’s what I’m hoping for hey you wa for me she just wants to hang out but if they do that like make the normal flavors into dairy free flavors I

Will be super ecstatic and I will buy all of them all the time because they’re just so so good but they’re they’re they’re really cute too they come in their own like little glass jar and everything and it’s just super cute spicy look meow wow wow wow yes hi

Flurry I don’t understand why you’re yelling at me okay I feel like this might be good see if I can go to bed really quickly puppy puppy leave her be baby hi I know you want pets and everything cuz you’re a very needy very very needy puppy but I need

To see why spice is yelling what do you need not you puppy on your bed meow wow wow where are you I swear your little meow wow make me think that you’re like hurt or something baby I know I know you’re not hurt are you yelling at me because the window is

Closed I think she is cuz she likes having the window open she’s a very silly kitty and it’s very cold outside that’s why the window is not open but she gets so used to it in the summer around this time I will open up the window specifically for her and the

Puppy because they both like it but it’s just way tooo cold today just way too hecking cold bu okay I’m going to kill the rest of you guys and then I’ve got to be on my way thank you okay Goodbye I was going to go bring hello hello Hello I was going to bring all of these with me because I was going to go to the wool farm and drop them off because I’ve got the ability to so why not but hello hello how are you today I hope you’re doing Good okay I need to work more on this but with the spider farm doing as much as it’s doing making it very easy to go and do this go and work on the big sheep can you speed run um I’ve never actually finished Minecraft so I’ve never been a like not never been

Able to but I’ve just not uh speed ran up before yeah I know it’s really sad trust me I know it’s really sad that I’ve never been able to actually finish Minecraft I know it’s H it’s one of my biggest character flaws I feel like um but oh I still have more another

Quartz right here okay but that does not answer my question of where is all of my deep slate yeah that’s true that’s true do I have more upstairs I’m not in that room anymore I don’t think I put anything in here okay that’s fine but I want to I want to finish the

Game at some point I want to finish the game at some point that is my biggest like need I guess right now oh I have calite in here ooh okay oh and I also have yellow concrete doie oh because I haven’t finished this yet okay that’s that’s

Fine that’s true that’s true I need I need to actually beat Minecraft though I feel like I need to just because I’ve played it so much I feel like I need to I don’t have any white concrete do I no I don’t oh but something just happened Downstairs hello excuse me thank you for that I need to have a little honey oh hey I still have more of those um I like them I’m I mean I have a villager are kind of well not kind of I do but I mean they’re

Okay not my favorite I guess cuz I like the bees and I like the axelos a lot more which I need to breed some more bees so I will be going let me go to spun and then I will be going and grabbing um they’ve been kind of like

It’s hard to like say like it seems like they have Been like I’ve had a couple like pop up here and there but the designated breeders however they’re stuck to like they’re stuck to like one or two I have Sandstone I don’t need Sandstone uh no dang it Right okay either way that’s going in there uh there that’s andesite do I need andesite I do need andesite yes I do 49 of them okay I do have diorite sand and Sandstone there we go um then my chest over Here I have things that I need in here I do not okay okay that’s good what was I going to do I was going to go take things somewhere oh I was going to the wool F not the wool F the iron farm yeah I just going to go here and

Then come over here put those in there hello croissant I am so glad that you are here with us today another day that Mr croissant is with us is another good day there Um I don’t know well I was going to go over here to check couple things yeah that’s true that’s true shove that in there that there that’s fine I’ll do that okay let’s go down here I’m going to go the Safe Way really quick but I wanted to check here earlier

So no worries no worries oh I hear skeletons though but it’s up there okay there we go um I can try I don’t I don’t know I will try is I’m looking for deep slate first and foremost ah why do I keep hitting myself and luckily I have

This it’s not much but it sure is something what’s over okay there’s that I see glow squids oh there’s a chicken was I went down was it Here is it here that’s Carbonite trying to make sure that I’m still safe there’s red stone oh that’s cool that’s Cool oh I hear I hear somebody oh but I also hear a slime I think oh I think I think I think I think I think thank you you I pish I pish okay I wish it wasn’t so dark oh but I have a bucket I have a

Bucket I have a bucket I have a bucket okay I have two bucket didn’t mean to do that one okay let’s see what I can get down here oh that’s scary I don’t like it nope nope NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP nope NOP nope not happening not happening today

Okay hopefully this doesn’t go all the way to the Lava okay deep sleep we found the deep sleep we found all of the deep Sate and there’s even a there’s even a glow like in there no you guys stay over there you guys stay over there I just need to get the Deep slate I need like six stacks of it

So don’t worry about me I know where to go from here I’ve got everything I could need right here come on I get to push you now you’re just stuck there why do you guys know where I’m at come on I mean if you’re not not able to do

That then I don’t know what to tell you fam oh have fun slowly floating away like a little ity B Guy okay I wonder if I could get him from over here nope that’s okay though I don’t need him anyway there no okay that’s fine I just need all this deep Sate which let’s see got quite a bit and I’ve also got some Redstone like I need it’s

Perfect ooh what’s that deep Sate more deep Sate o and more Redstone I am so happy yeah I’m so happy I don’t know why that’s popping up I guess it’s been a while since I’ve gotten iron huh it’s been a long long time since I’ve gotten deep slay iron

But no worries no worries I just want to make sure that I am still in Here when Daybreak comes that’s all I want to do okay I need to see how many we’ve got after this okay we’ got two whole Stacks one Half Stack oh got three full stacks and I need three no I need four stacks of bricks and then two stacks of tiles so I

Still need more still need lots more and I really do not appreciate them making their zombie noises like right next to me really do not like that okay kind of want to put lava on them would it be bad if I put lava on them

I mean would take care of an issue for me but oh well oh well oh well oh well that’s true they do kind of deserve it let’s go see if we can get some without touching them JK I needed their meat ah get caught get caught kid

You may be upset but trust me I do not care the fact that you’re still in there is giving me insurance that I’m not going to die I don’t like how you’re getting closer I need to bring lava with me honestly that’s what I need to do I just

Need to bring a bucket of lava it’s got so many uses tactical also light also could probably make obsidian too just so many so many uses okay after this I want to check and see how many I’ve got is I think we’re getting close okay so let me this in

Places okay Stone one two three four for this one and then one hold on and then I just need one more or like I need a few more and then we can go back and go grind them and make them into what I Need and it’ll be a okay but honestly I feel like we should have like I should have just listened to myself earlier and just came over here and see what there was because I would have been done with this and I would have found everything so much quicker so much

Quicker so much much so much but oh well o and I wouldn’t have found Redstone I would have thought maybe I don’t know maybe okay excellent I do want this though I need these thank you thank you okay I leave now I leave I leave I leave I leave oh hello

Chicken so glad to see you still here okay and now we must descend to go back home there’s a creeper over there and I’m not going to look at him nice Sprint swim but we got all of our deep slate that we will need so don’t worry we’ got Everything oh that’s still slightly too low I need to fix that still slightly slightly too low Hello 13 got those not bad not bad let me make these irons really quick and then I don’t need that much because any iron that I could ever need is our already at The uh Whatchamacallit okay so deep SLE bricks I need four of uh what do I needs specifically like Cobble the Deep slate okay polished deep slate Why deep slate and then Cobble deep slay polish deep slay I need four cobbled so is there no reason to have actual deep sleep is that what I’m finding out there’s no real reason to have it I’ve got a free hecking are these efficiency 3 when did I get oh cuz I

Bought them that’s why I Swear to everything that is Good so upset I mean maybe but like it just doesn’t make any sense cobbled deep slate [Applause] Okay okay that’s nope but I don’t understand why I can’t just take the regular one it’s it’s fine just never have I thought that I would have gotten messed up by just having my axe it just it justk touch on it wait hey I can sell that now though I’ll take five of

Those okay put that back in my hand I’m just so like upset that it ended up being so much harder I guess I’m just disappointed okay I’m going to go to bed but like who would have thought who would have thought I thought I would have just been oh well yes little kitty

Kitty I hear you why you keep meowing at me you little cutie what’s up oh I need to go pick up this one you’re super cute why do you not want to look at me meow it’s okay little kitty kitty I will feed you some food at some

Point just remind me to go fishing again and I will go get you food okay okay Cobble deep Slate 60 Meow okay not doing too bad I just wish the this isn’t going too like not fast 64 woo I need to put efficiency on my axes this is so fast going so fast okay almost done with the first One okay there we Go okay I have to Cobble all of this deep site and it’ll take time but that’s okay it just it like it kind of stresses me out that it’s going to take a lot of time but at the same time like I don’t know like I don’t

Know but at least these efficiency axes are getting used I suppose I just I get to fill up my room with all of the Cobble deep slay in it’ll be and I need four of them and I’ve got almost three okay no why so I wonder if I would be able to do

Anything with the Redstone too would I be able to do anything with it with it just being like that or would I just have to like break it I guess what I just have to break it okay on my last one which did I not get

Enough oh no I did deep slate tiles I just need two I just need two okay so I did get enough okay I was worried I was so worried I was like but no worries no worries no worries okay I think I’m going to finish this stack and Then 30 okay do two More and then make it 32 okay but I think that might be it for us today cuz h hly I thought it was going to take a little bit longer to find the Deep SL but I’m just literally going to be sitting here cobbling it all night pretty much

So I believe that it’s going to be boring and all of that so it’s cuz it’s literally it’s the same thing with me going to the uh spider farm I just don’t think it’s fun to watch so I am going to finish cobbling these up and then going to buy some Redstone

Dust but that shouldn’t take me any time at all and then when we come back sometime soon to Minecraft I will get some more grass blocks and we will be making the Pistons so please look forward to it but I hope you guys had fun and I will see you all later Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] GOTTA MINE FASTER!’, was uploaded by Hoshiko Torahime Ch. 虎姫 ほしこ on 2023-12-04 22:53:30. It has garnered 38 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:39 or 8199 seconds.

Another big project!~

Minecraft – Mojang

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☄ ☽ Model Credits ☾ ☄ https://yashiroseika.booth.pm/items/2685284

☊ ☆ Music Credits ☊ ☆ Dusk Revelation – https://twitter.com/itscoffeerun Sunset City – https://twitter.com/itscoffeerun Starfall – https://twitter.com/itscoffeerun

☉ ☋ Links! ☋ ☉ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuminaryTiger Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/torahimehoshikoch Coffee: https://ko-fi.com/hoshikotorahime

☀ ☌ Art Credits ☌ ☀ Overlay/Art – Hoshiko Torahime Stinger Animation – https://twitter.com/TheBouncingCat Toranoko – Hoshiko Torahime Halloween Cape – https://twitter.com/wishevercore


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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming and looking for a new adventure, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Just like Luigi De Rose explores various topics in his talk show, Minewind offers a diverse and engaging environment for players to immerse themselves in. Whether you’re interested in building, exploring, or simply connecting with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience the magic of… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure

    Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: A Fun and Entertaining Look at Minecraft Are you tired of sitting in biology class? Well, in the world of Minecraft, things are a bit different! Join the adventure as you explore the exciting world of Minecraft shorts on this channel. From funny skits to entertaining gameplay, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. These shorts offer a unique and entertaining look at the game, showcasing funny moments and creative storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these… Read More

  • INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3

    INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3’, was uploaded by BEDCRAFT GAMING on 2024-09-01 13:27:10. It has garnered 344 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3 Thanks for Watching #minecraft #herobrine #minecraftpe Your Queries creeper smp is creeper aw man copyrighted a minecraft creeper in real life a creeper in real life a creeper song dream smp crafts is minecraft creeper copyrighted creeper school i am creeper lifesteal smp intro… Read More

  • Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 ji

    Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 jiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Play Fakepixel SMP | 💲Free SMP Promotion | Playing With Subscribers📍| #minecraft #hindilivestream’, was uploaded by Oye Raghu 22 ji on 2024-08-29 22:59:15. It has garnered 97 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:03 or 5403 seconds. 🚀 LIVE SERVER SHOWCASE: Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience! 🚀 🎉 Welcome to our exclusive livestream event! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you join us as we dive into the incredible world of our cutting-edge servers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a server administrator, or just curious about what makes our servers stand out,… Read More

  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More

  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

    100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL SHARK in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-03-23 14:00:38. It has garnered 2641527 views and 24323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:08 or 2768 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as an Elemental Shark! I had to save Minecraft’s ocean from the ender leader, Terminis! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More


    M3rc - INSANE MINING UPDATE REACTION!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINING UPDATE W OR L | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by M3rc on 2024-09-25 05:33:46. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds. Lets Grind out this New Mining Update! And Get Some Growth on this Profile | Hypixel Skyblock | Minecraft | mods | Gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

    Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted’, was uploaded by RocketF on 2024-04-05 19:00:30. It has garnered 1151 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:54 or 954 seconds. I try to beat SKYGRID on HARDCORE! Playing SKYGRID Minecraft! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and subscribe! SkyGrid Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skygrid-minecraft-1-20/ RocketF – Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted Previous Video: https://youtu.be/Dg3mnrH9cUQ?si=NlXpHC3ehwsPBb7p MINECRAFT VIDEO: https://youtu.be/jvHi2iAcG3k?si=MZr7FGDnZTeEQ4ey #minecraft #minecraftharcore #minecraftbut #minecraft100days Read More

  • 🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine – Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shorts

    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More


    UNLOCK VIP FOR FREE on MANOV FACTIONS SERVER 🚀🔥 MineCraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 SERVIDOR DE FACTIONS VIP FREE – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-07-06 17:07:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ········· READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mike’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2qHnCpMr9EFV8LpDxl2ALz?si=Papz11C4Q5CwKuKbcNc6FA Colin’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OqA9mgAaFd3Coi3HjYvAE?si=Y-ipjPLOQh2eF20nsHk21w Combined Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64NaXkzBSNjMCYNKKW07yX?si=Ytqa2q5kTPa6NytTG9k6WA… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More