Hunt Me Down in Minecraft Manhunt Challenge!

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Stream okay all right now it’s working okay let’s see here what we got going on welcome everybody here yes yes hello got going on welcome everybody it’s playing oh gosh my voice no got going on welcome everybody it’sing oh gosh my voice no got going on I can’t everything is replay my voice

No I am so sorry can’t everything is replay keep going everything is replay going this really is like that was that was awful that was way too much I don’t know what oh my goodness why why is it playing inside of that’s so strange I’ve never seen that like play inside of Discord

That that’s so funny okay all right all right everybody hold on hold on let me let me let me give everybody a a gift for Christmas uh so yes if you’re just joining the stream not that anybody who is watching it is not currently in the lobby but if you’re just joining the

Stream uh it is an open server you can join and Hunt me down and kill me in Minecraft if you wish I’m going to give these lovely gentlemen some food uh hold on hold on just Christmas ham Christmas ham can I just give everybody like cactuses milk and

Cookies that you got options here milk cookies we’ll leave we’ll leave some we’ll leave some food for everybody this chest is very openable yeah you can’t open it cookies hold on hold on let’s let’s let’s put it somewhere else put it put it put it down here

Better yet put it in this Ravine it just deleted it here what don’t too close to the edge oh o no no no finish me off can’t even get back up you here I’ll help you well that that was quick all right uh somebody uh

This is going well but now Lucas is also just fck now the chest is down there bro all right well somebody somebody can get a chest if they if they really want it um we’re all at full hunger now so yeah yeah yeah here here here can can you guys open this

Chest no oh my goodness throw us the food well cuz if other people join they need to have food as well you you guys so so selfish my goodness oh that’s I forgot yeah yeah yeah can you open this chest it’s not very of Me no

BR until we can break take miles away I can do it here yeah here wait wait where where hold on I can break stuff up here way up on that hill all right well let me let me just make my way up there here oh come on whoa whoa

Whoa you Gathering seeds that’s an unfair Advantage my man that is that’s stuck in a ravine there so much food in this chest oh yes there’s a ton of food so many seeds one two three four five six seven seeds I count seven there’s still sound on my phone no

Okay all right can have the eight I don’t want the eight I want the seven what all right there is food uh you guys know what the commands are SL hunt what’s is he just is he just standing down there alone in his feelings what what a man he looks he

Looks like he’s contemplating life right now so wait when I do SL hunt it’s hunting you yeah yeah yeah right yep yep yep do I have to like right click or anything you have to right click to refresh it so like right now I’m standing here but the compass doesn’t refresh

Automatically so you have to right click to refresh the compass I recommend holding right click constantly yeah wait what it’s it’s like dream man hunts dude that’s that’s the that’s the stuff they use oh yeah yeah maybe maybe some people will see that message yeah huh

Okay yes get him get him get him there’s lava there’s lava push him down push him in push him in push him in in o o o push in the lava get in the lava we’re ending this real quick oh my voice just squeaked get him we’re fine push him

In I’m not even regening Health restart I wasn’t even like I where did that hole it was just a hole in the ground there’s just a hole right there well uh that’s that’s that’s funny all right well you guys have fun I’m going to go beat the game stream’s over oh wait

What you’re just showing up nothing has happened I’m actually crushing them right now uh no what where is he oh my goodness I got him that was a tactical tactical death I have definitely done speedruns before and I’m just the master of the game he’s going to a Village I would

Never go to a village what there’s a village oh my go there’s a village and it’s raining vage quickly someone figure how to give him B oh my gosh he found a blacksmith oh my Gosh why are you mining cobblestone from the well why are you why are you not mining cobblestone from the well yeah man that’s where it’s at maybe he left something let’s check he did not he left nothing wow literally nothing go get him Lucas oh good boost good boost do it do it

Again do it again do it again wait what a Jung Welcome to the Jungle we got fun a game oh no hey you got to wait you got to wait till I jump up yeah yeah like that like that are you killing him what’s going on yeah we’re fighting are

You what armor does he have does he have boots or something iron iron boots do I have boots andate doing oh yes yes plate why what come here come here Dolphins yes Dolphins oh he’s got the Dolphins let’s go oh Fly Away with him well we’ve lost him oh my gosh all

Right this feels like a good time to go get diamond armor no this feels like a good time to like And subscribe Lucas you’re on getting to the nether Duty uh you I’m I mean that didn’t that didn’t work out too well for you last

Time I don’t know why you want to try that again well last time you had two people all right so we’re going to win I mean I did half of it by myself so ow I’m getting shot oh it’s night time I didn’t even realize that uh we need it’s raining and it’s

Night time shouldn’t we shouldn’t split up oh wait is one player sleep on no it oh man that’s going to be hard oh all right Max keep our food supply up food supply yeah just one of these times I’d really like to like you for you to like get

Away and then immediately die 5 seconds later no let let’s let’s let’s not do that I I I enjoy having a little bit of space like like you did in the last video you did that yourself no that was completely random I I watched the

Video I had nothing to do with that oh somebody’s killed an iron iron golem is that is that what that is maybe I don’t I don’t know you I’ll never tell you all right everyone got gra a bed I got one yeah get all the bedser you are he’s

Not going to come back for this Village well no what are you sure I mean I would I would yes where do you yeah uh so if if you uh if you ever you know think oh these Hunters are terrible uh you have the chance to join yourself and Hunt me down that’s

Right take action how many people heard that prove th four people four I well I have no idea how many people heard that all right where you guys at getting an upgrade o caving caving bold strategy not really honestly it’s it’s it’s hard cuz you know it’s I found a

Giant cave it’s nighttime and I don’t appreciate the night oh gosh not too bad you’re going to have to appreciate it half of the time we’re going to be in the night that’s true it’s true I’ve learned to enjoy caving somewhat only and P oh we got someone in chat somebody in

Chat he how long are you going to be doing this as long as it takes to beat the Ender Dragon so depending on or as long as it takes for him to die what no I I would never die uh uh corrupt it so it

Depends my my guess would be an hour to an hour and a half to two hours is what I is what I’m thinking unless you know it just takes a ridiculously long time to beat the game what which I could also see happen nah not possible seed is as terrible as

It was when we did the Wither vers ther dragon fight all I’m saying Manis is that we would have crushed that seed 100% I’m [Laughter] kidding I mean I don’t think anything you can say about that can hurt me we won that barely we were close dude you had

One we we had you died with the other one we had two we had two you died with [Laughter] it they were even down a teammate all right I mean yeah they were but I mean that that one teammate was just uh I don’t know about maw it was terrible I I

Think you know it’s funny because I think the victory the the PVP battle that really set your team in the lead was the first battle I went to go kill Maxwell and and he was like on half a heart and I died cuz I didn’t have

Sprint that was that was really the the stat who tracked Maxwell who did it all right Maxwell where are you at why are you tracking me that’s good that’s good stop tracking Maxwell I’m trying to find you I need food deep in a cave you’ll never find me

Yeah let’s get your own food you spawn oh my goodness oh he collected all the hay Bal so go things yes I did I collected all the hay bales so many hay bales oh it’s a Cherry Grove a look at these beautiful you should like actually

Like label a glow squid I thought it was a Charged Creeper like um like Manhunt uh with three Hunters V1 you know all that we go back and watch it oh let’s go Pearl what oh oh my god of course the first mob you kill is an Enderman

Yes he was just ignoring everything else I just realized we have a major vantage point of watching his stream yep bro I have I have uh severely uh underestimated that I did think about that and I was like ah crap not going to be an issue it’s got a 5-second delay

But that’s still not enough to stop us from being able to find you using it I forgot I forgot where I put my bread because I put it in my off hands I’m a pro Minecrafter we’ll probably join in hey let’s go welcome welcome in his heart just a little bit

Of fear I I if as long as I can title the The Manhunt versus 30 Hunters you know I’ll we’ll get we’ll get some views yeah yeah more the more people the better we need that we need the clickbait and I do apologize to the chat

I am not the best because I just have it set up on my phone and it’s just kind of sitting down on the ground not on the ground but on my desk so it’s just kind of hard for me to get all the messages really quickly but I would can also I

Will do the best I can all right can somebody take care of the spider I already did oh wait I can see Lucas different spider but still bro all right I’m looking for diamonds getting beat up by skeletons this is not I don’t appreciate this you’re having you’re having a much my

Goodness okay yes yes one of the one of the the skeleton shot the zombies here’s the yeah we have to be fast about it but I’ll I’ll uh you the plan okay okay there’s a plane currently just trying to survive right now I’m surviving get some basic I’m a

Survivor that is a good idea it’s it’s not going to be easy though oh two pears got to be F about it well this getting enchants later but could in handy it would go a lot faster if I sheep knew where to go oh we need to find oh chat let’s go I

Think that’s the first time that I’ve said that chat referring to the chat as as a singular singular person no no no they want to see Victory they want to see they’re Victory they want to see their Victory how many people is it uh three hey okay this is huge this is

Huge this is huge um nothing underground or above don’t wor about it oh I hear people you do that’s that’s possible especially because of well they they they uh prefer to be called pillagers but I I I I I refer to them as people they’ll pillage your

Village I’m going to I’m going to get a uh bat Omen go get some totems what a flex that would be shot a horse he just shot a horse you could do a BRI that is respectful I’d be surprised if you could do a raid on your first try that that

Would on my first try brother I I have fought many raids yeah but you had armor I I have armor not as good that’s true followed me what dude what are you pillagers want death no no no I don’t have a a village leave me alone they followed me so far kill

Them they to take money they’re just bullying me it’s going to be a short stream if they kill you they’re like they’re like come over here let me take your lunch money whoa I found a huge cave oh my goodness I’ve been looking for caves but this is M don’t worry

That’s Des nice nice scrup I just I just got a uh a uh um what it’s a mount it’s a screen Mount and so I have another I have two arms and I’m just I I thought about like just tying like rubber banding my phone up to

The other arm of the mount before starting but I I didn’t next time next time oh what a dungeon what’s that the trial chers dude oh that’s that’s crazy imagine the the amount of armor I’d get from that though is kind of CRA that would be

Amazing can you imagine if we find like a a uh a deep dark oh I’m not looting a deep dark are you kidding me the hunters are just go playing a let’s play as we’ll take the warden down and we’ll take them to the end with us get your get your catalysts

Oh somebody oh yes okay I set my spawn point before I died jeez it’s over now I set my spawn point it literally made no difference oh there is so much ogre now it’s ogre [Laughter] Why Stop cracking Maxwell I don’t need to know where he is I’m deep in a cave right

Now I where you are I’m glad to hear that all right Max you glad to hear I’m getting stacked you have any I mean kind of because it just giv me space the one thing about manh hunts you guys you guys don’t know the insides and out of my

Minecraft game lead Matrix is a is a crafty Hunter he just he just sneaks up on me he doesn’t even have that much stuff he just he’s he’s very silent I feel like we like he doesn’t tell me what he’s doing so I really appreciate the feedback that you’re giving me yeah

I feel like we’re very we’re very overprepared with this kind of stuff that’s okay we’re late game players we are the people that will try and get to the late game as fast as possible we’re not underprepared we were for that dragon fight we had leather boots and

That’s it wooden swords you all you all rolled up in the end and he just had leather armor it was hilarious I mean if you guys had come gotten me I would have had a diamond sword and iron armor yeah a diamond sword that was awesome you died with it yeah

Not saying I hold a I absolutely hold a grudge yo viewership is up to five let’s go Go I am concerned good do that found a Village diamonds no it’s about time what a what a guy I mean I already had that achievement so you found it in a blacksmith yeah oh yeah you did I had somebody else do the work for me man that’s how you got to do it why is it

That you like pre like customize these these or something no I I I do have a set speedrun but you like Scout them out or something I didn’t Scout it out I I was I was I thought about it and I was like I can’t do that to him back to

Back you found diamonds last stream I mean you took one of my diamonds and so I had to I had to fight to get it back yeah but I mean but I died there’s IR very very easily uh not like in this current position I’m loving my current

Position well I just found a um I can’t say I’m not going to say what I found yeah yeah yeah don’t don’t don’t don’t say there’s a k that’s not very this is a huge cave I’m tempted just to like stay here and get stacked but I don’t

Really want to stay what what are you talking about I could probably go and get like a bunch of diamonds too this cave is huge do it if you have the ability to yeah I don’t think we should focus as much playing L game we should

Trying well look you can do whatever I want to at least have something cuz I haven’t even found enough iron for armor yet oh I got plenty of iron I’m GA some up right now I’ve been in the Deep late where iron spawns less I’m pretty much stacked on

Everything I just need to like do something something that I’m going to do oh I just got blocked by a a salmon just stopped my whole boat oh just watched it on the stream that is not normal I just I was like oh it’s a salmon I I’m used to the

Squid just you know blocking the river but a salmon I feel like that that that physics doesn’t work out you hit a fish sir our ship is stopped moving what’s happened it appears we’ve struck a fish how big was the fish I just saw a name tag it’s the funny thing

Sir was a salmon or Lucas is I didn’t go very far how long is it is it long I mean it was a size salmon no oh my God you’re telling me a regular size salmon can stop a ship oh Diamonds oh more are you serious I should go diamond

Mining but I’m not going to you’re going to have to do the diamonds for me I’m kind ofi I I found four I am doing important things right now can you get iron do you have iron for me I’ve got like extra 18 extra iron you could bring some iron and drop it

Off for me I appreciate it we got I am currently in need in need in need of iron we got another teammate yo let’s go wait why am I excited [Laughter] no Timothy you got to be less excited about everything I know I know it’s just

It’s just the fact that you know oh acquiring Hardware oh my goodness oh oh oh oh I don’t know where I’m at how do you think I feel but I’m like lost in the Overworld is the problem so am I I’m lost in a cave all right all right we’re

Good all right well uh those who are watching watching the chat we’re just watching um uh if you guys are near that Village I literally ran back through that Village of course you did I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew

It I knew it I well I was like like no I was like I found a village oh cool and then I saw that glass was broken and I was like oh and then I saw the little tower that you used to Tower up and slay

The Iron Golem and I was like oh no and almost said something cuz I was like oh I can just you know I I’ll make a joke about it and I was like oh I can’t I can’t do that I need to get out of this cave

Don’t know where I’m at I lost like a really good thing how did you lose a really good thing I don’t know just did it all right I need to turn my gamma up up it’s it’s also if you could uh like like blind your shaders like you usually do that

Would be great that way you can’t see what’s going on oh actually that’s smart my shaders are brighter what my shaders make it brighter what difference oh it’s so good thank you timoy for the good idea you’re welcome you’re welcome that’s what I’m here for I can now see I can now see

Everything oh I just have optify now I’m I’m scared about corrup having mods on was it you shouldn’t be too worried about me I’m a I’m a Bedrock player oh dude oh no I scary ones I used to be a Bedrock player I I used to be oh

Gosh I don’t know where I am I’m like genuinely lost Max well you’re always lost you’re lost when you know where you are are I know I was try oh wait I think I see okay that’s good I see anyway uh Timothy’s going to the nether I would

Never that’s that’s that’s not that’s not that’s not what we’re doing I I’m watching his stream what no bro you hey hey see that’s dumb cuz I found a lava pool hey man I I appreciate the uh the watch time but uh I’m not I’m not feeling the the gift right now that’s

Too bad you going have to deal with it I’ll take any advantage I can get I just mined into a lava lake we should get Asher on this no that would not go well he’s a Bedrock player too exactly they’re the ones who we should I

Have I don’t I don’t have I have I have severely underestimated what I have that’s okay oh no okay maxel are you close to like where you set your spawn at no not even kind of do you know where my spawn is yeah the yellow bed yeah wait where are

You where are you I’m there tell me your cords no don’t say them out loud message message me cuz I’m struggling to to do the one thing I just like don’t try to this server is surprisingly full of animals and I I appreciate the food there was a lot of chickens at the

Start I I refrained from slaying the chickens but uh you know okay tell me your cords just message me some good Chick-fil-A H I do like chickfila yeah but like I need you message me the cords though can’t use why can’t use SL hunt because that will be slower

And Carson’s playing lethal company [Laughter] again oh yeah actually speaking of Carson you wanted me to ask you when you were doing party animals uh I I don’t know I I think uh tomorrow I can’t do it Wednesday I can’t maybe Thursday depending on find up into the village we the cords

Guys hold on I’m fighting some monsters right now you said you had enough iron for me I have enough iron for like a squadron right now Monster Hunter oh I mean if you know where I am um I I’m trying to go to Lucas though

So meet me at Lucas wherever that is all right is it at the starting Village I don’t know I don’t think so where are you okay got it over that direction then thought I was over this way you tell the other teammate yeah y let’s not be sharing secret plans

Man if we’re going to share any secret plans I think we should share them with yeah I was going to say you should share them with me it’s it for the suspense viewer retention man they’re not they’re not beer attention go to the ne with no

Armor go to the nether with no armor on watch it no no no no no that’ll be suspense Lu did you H your spawn in my bed by yeah I purly did that so I could just regenerate all my yeah no that’s the second time I just

Destroyed the bed and I’ll see you destroy the bed don’t destroy the bed it already got destroyed oh my my gosh bro what is this spawn what is this spawn what is this oh my goodness I Terri well die again oh what did you do what what have you done I don’t

Know all right what have you done that thing out my inventory I don’t know can you do this cuz I don’t know how to do got it I got it I oh you want me to do it I know how to do it you can

Do it if you want yeah give me the B walket how did you mess it up so much I don’t know I don’t know how I just you do it with a pig okay with a zombie piglin in it that was almost I’m I’m going to here you guys like want

Armor yes I I would enjoy armor let me let me put it this way you almost got it yes I need armor of course I need armor do you have any food I do in fact have 30 bread if you want that that would be very much useful I’m nice to

Have I would I would like that I would like that oh I don’t know if I can is there any water around here oh there’s a river right over there ask for water there is a river ah he’s coming after me no I’m chill

Bro I don’t want to hey I don’t want to have to put you down but I will oh wait are you doing it the slower way or you doing it the efficiency yeah you’re going efficient we go B AFK I’ll be back all right sounds good is my food no

Touchy I gave you I gave you free samples Ste that Costco ready put wood I have grav okay just kill the I did I put multiple yeah get the gravel going oh never mind I ofite oh baby go to the river go to the river you can probably find some

Gra come on man um here R I got armor for you I’ll give you a in a minute maybe I should have that right next to my food maybe that’s a good idea all right uh who needs a weapon I would like I’ll I’ll take one

I’ll take a weapon I’ll take it not you anyone else unless you have a diamond sword in which case I I will happily take diamond oh nice wait you can make an enchanter though oh an enchanter yeah hey man forun no it’s enchant you diamond yeah the iron

One just as good just one damage last all right here’s the Flint that guy’s got flame do you have I haven’t taken a single tick of damage yet well clearly you haven’t run into the time Tech six we’re up to six viewers hello everyone all right get it Max might have

Picked it up kill man yeah I got IR you got to make the flint and steel or what you have I got it I got it I got it okay did you get a pro from that all right yep one all right hold up I’m

Going to make a chest here so we don’t like lose everything like that Port been lit all right sweet dreams made of these this is my chest no touch okay I’m actually going to a paper just one copyight copyright you get copyrighted for singing it AE well if hey the the trick

Is is if you don’t sing it well then you know it does it doesn’t get flagged if you’re such a good singer you’ll get flagged yeah W it’s taking him this long to find the for and it’s probably like really far away somehow somehow oh LJ is tracking me

Oh what was that I don’t know I was just nervous what is this spawn this is messed up W we’re actually in the nether like in a relatively easy you know amount of effort last time it took us like an hour just get in the nether oh my oh so far so

Good so not going to make it further than this oh no think I properly messed myself up favorite biome I’m very clumsy this was a good thing to come back to I don’t know I somehow look oh my gosh oh my gosh all right I might need

To go get some armor before I like get back oh this is this is what I needed no it disappeared oh no it’s there okay thank goodness how do you get out of this place Lucas what the nether no this specific spot in the nether uh you just climb up

Guys oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh oh gosh not the entire nether just the specific portion of it there’s something wrong with the compasses cuz I can’t track you because you’re all yeah go back through the portal I can actually like find the place oh yeah yeah yeah

Yeah just just give me just give me like half an hour you just you just you just wait you just wait holy crap I see him no you don’t go get him I’m not what no you don’t see me he’s right over lava I would never be right over lava I I maybe

You were practically right over lava I was watching you mine the Gold Blocks all chat I think he knows where I am kill him I see your portal ah yes you see what I mean about my awful spawn yes that’s what I spawned into that’s a good point Lucas I’ll think about

It wow my entire inventory burned I had a diamond sword and a muff full iron I don’t know how to get over to it though mod is so broken it keeps tracking I keep tracking myself I probably could survive that too if I just want placed a

Block yeah uh if you have uh suggestions you know for for mods that I can use Manhunt mods I I’m open I’m open this is this is when it was just me and Lead Matrix tracking each other and it was there wasn’t all these people oh man I’m sure this is riveting

Content but I’m I’m I’m worried man I’m I’m I’m I’ve got a plan and I’m going to do that plan instead of whatever do the plan do the plan oh yeah I found the base maxel did you not set your spawn point no cuz somehow the bed broke but I just

That is a good plan fine everything’s F get over here please I got to go get uh iron again so good luck in the nether okay nothing really oh that’s almost what I forgot to do o what that would have been funny I mean it wouldn’t have been funny but it

Would have been you know somewhat laughable it been comical did you kill him yet no he’s not dead yet sadly well kill him sadly sadly you heard me here gas it’s not good you’re a ghast I am a ghast but are you a your gas no what Twilight Forest Maxwell Twilight Forest

Wow I forgot unate for that’s unfortunate Fs in the chat Oh yeah he Timothy’s still at the Bastion I would never beasti I would have never I would never you realize there’s like diamond armor in there yeah but he doesn’t have it uh you should probably get it before he does I I am if you know if you know me you know

That I have have suffered from uh brute phobia um which is a fear of brutes and and I just I just would rather not go into a Bastian for any reason really and you know me I’m I’m willing to kill everything I see in yes yes yes yes yes yes

Yes including you cuz you’re in the Bastion I am anyways let’s look for that Fortress shall we find it before he does yep that’s the plan so if the Bastion was over there I mean how do you how do you know that there is a fortress in this

Dimension there’s always a fortress yeah there’s always one nearby I don’t know I I I don’t think that there is a fortress I mean i’ I’ve I’ve looked all around and I I I really just don’t see one by that do you mean you did a 360 and that was about it

Yeah I was too lazy to do a full 360 inste 180 and walked right back out Y no got burned got roasted got toasted roasty toasty is that how you lost your sword that’s how I lost everything man I was in a one by one tunnel let me

Describe it okay I was in a 1ex one tunnel and the lava was flowing right a lava lake oh that’s even worse I know I could have avoided it if I wasn’t lazy and just placed a block but I thought it wouldn’t spread all the way back

At and I was healing mechanics look at that oh no no no no no no actually you’ve got to learn how flow Mechanics Work man I can’t even see the gas good maybe it’ll kill you hoping it’s just shooting from invisibility land what bro come over here shoot me to my face

Luas that’s what I thought get get better at the game this thing has two durability one two oh oh oh there’s some good stuff in there yes I would like to make an iron one thank you wait a minute what what cre you know I could I could do it’s just an

Option but I mean it it beats just like you know throwing at the ne go and that my friends is my greatest fear in Minecraft right there take a good look at it watch it burn in fire the bruits a bruit yes you don’t

Like the birds man I am I I I we we we you know you know us us pandas and brutes we don’t get along long ages of men have gone by before we were you know Ain goodness by that he means they came in different updates yeah you still in the

The ne I Fe the warden the most that and the ravager are okay Warden the no Vex I can easily kill a ward I I agree with that statement vexes are terrible are the worst you of them you get you’re you’re not surviving if you see a ho of them you’re

Not surviving why are there two Gaso tear gas tear gas that’s another that’s another reference bylight Forest uh what no that’s just oh there there it is oh I got shot off by a skeleton unless skeleton did you shoot me no I got shot off by a skeleton what was no that victory for a skeleton and I what

Happened I’m going to be real it wouldn’t have mattered I was going to I was going to trap your portal well I I I had I had obsidan to to make a different one we I had a I had a Fire Res potion and I

Aimed for the middle of the lava and it must not have been that deep cuz I I died of fall damage what I am so confused oh that’s heartbreaking what the heck oh my goodness stupid oh my good oh yeah okay that’s so ridiculous what no do we

Win or do we lose I mean technically you win but I don’t feel like you did enough to deserve the win are we going to restart is the question oh my goodness I feel like it’s I feel like I got into the nether so it’s not like I can just restart i’ I

Know was decent I had I had all wait wait just go back and get your stuff it’s in lava oh I fell in I fell in the lava cuz I had a Fire Res potion and I was gonna I was going to switch to it and then I just die to fall

Damage bro that’s so sad oh man well uh my time was littleit short little bit short little bit short we’ve only been here for less than an hour what do we do now that’s that’s unfortunate it oh man Ah that’s tragic um well here let me let me do this let

Me do this let me do this I have a I have an idea I have an idea if you die to not us then you’re good no here here I have I have a plan I have an idea oh no what what we’re gonna do I’ve always wanted to try this I am

Gonna try and die and you oh it’s this it’s a reverse man hunt no you have to try and keep you have to try and keep me alive oh my I think I came back at the perfect time yeah we won we won I know I’ll help I’ll help you guys

With this new challenge yes yes yes this is g to be way worse even though I was tragically shot off the edge by a skeleton we will we will save the stream this will be great entertainment uh so I have to go to so what I did the last

Time is I didn’t take out the seed that I used for the for the thing so it it just kept resetting the same world so I have to I have to take out that and save it that way it just spawns as a new

World um okay so do we get to like give ourselves stuff so we can yeah yeah you you’ll all be in Creative you all be in creative and I will just be in survival oh in Creative that’ll be fine yes yes yes oh this is going to be easy and I have to

Use all my it’s going to be difficult because I’m not used to trying to kill myself in Minecraft quickly someone grabb cobwebs and obsidian yeah grab Bedrock bro I mean I don’t think you need more than obsidian well yeah it’s G to be easy what yep yeah wa there should be limits

Though so you can’t just CL someone I think I think what it had before um is is like there’s a TP function too so that so that if um like it’s a random TP so if you get stuck then you reset I think or like if I get so you you know

Like in um uh there’s some oh what are what are they called they’re called they’re called something I forget what they are but yeah it’s it’s like there’s like a reset period to where like if you trap me then oh ninja is back from basketball uh Ninja unfortunately I was

Not able to speedrun the game I was shot off a lead by a skeleton into a pool of lava and I died but now we’re doing a reverse man hunt which is I try and and die and uh everyone has to try and keep

Me alive which uh is is going to be oh this this is a perfect place to start hold on um slash game mode I I am using all of my Minecraft expertise right now cuz I’m going to do that that and I can do that now game mode

At oh creative all right so rules at least I tried thank you thank you very much so rules of the engagement uh you guys are going to have creative I will be attempting to die in any way possible okay and you guys have to def uh protect

Me from dying if I die I win if you guys keep me alive for let’s say well well we’ll go we’ll go see how how well this works and five seconds five seconds um so uh here I’m G to set creative wait hold on let me get

A yo hey that’s a that’s a that’s a nice skin I like I like the the the texturing those are awesome all right I copied it off of my Bedrock skin nice nice um creative all all right here we go oh oh fall damage oh no oh no are you

Serious you went the wrong way what okay so we’re protecting you yes protecting me he’s just going to drown where is he I got a plan for that oh no no no my water my water yes where’s he at where’s he at get him get him no my water my water

No yes drown me like a river no oh oh he’s splashing water breathing no you got water breathing salmon salmon do damage I got to find drowns I can find drowns no no no no no oh the uh uh stag mites whatever no slowness he’s got water raing he fine no

No got Turtle Master he’s got resistance and slowness break it break the magma I will die but yeah give him uh give him uh sat no no no don’t give me don’t I’m so slow no no no no no no oh what I need I need to reach the open

Ocean wait can we teleport him around my PE my my my PE oh he’s trying to he’s trying to block me oh what I stop swimming a second no no [Laughter] no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh psych no the sponges no the sponges I just in

The water I feel I feel dangerous oh oh oh oh he almost got me with the cobwebs fill in water fill in yes the water is is breaking the cobwebs he’s throwing potions oh my goodness Master water breathing fire resistance and regen yeah

He can’t die oh no I I will die I will die just wait for night time and you have to defend from the 10 minutes uh I we’re just we’re just kind of going I was thinking like half an hour but uh you off do anything oh yes I’m fast I’m

Fast I’m going fast Ricky Bobby no I’m slow again oh this is this is wait he’s slow put him in a box no no please don’t do that let’s let’s let’s not let’s not quick no no we need to get him out of the water I have so many ideas for

How close I could do this no no no no no in put in go he’s trapped he’s trapped he’s trapped I’m I’m not trapped I am fast I’m fast I wonder if there’s a way we can like get him Lucas is just speed bridging with bedrock he’s just a clicking at this

Point somebody’s drinking a potion I just heard it okay what I got to find something oh oh oh oh oh oh oh gosh get the squid get the squid okay there was a lava pool up here I’m watering it no no oh no regen yes give me give me the ruin portal give

Me the ruin portal like force armor onto him or something he punched me he punched me hey hey hey Maxwell hey Maxwell Maxwell if hit me with hit hit me with an axxe no somebody’s got a fishing rod I can hear it he’s online yes go go

Go yes no no no fck he’s going to break through the floor don’t let it break through the floor oh no no no no is he trapped I think we got him we got him oh no no I can make it out I can make it

Out I can I can do this I can do this somebody give me a sword somebody give me a sword I’ll fight my way out I swear Mak it toal up every hole I don’t see how we don’t win this wait did we check on his hunger it shouldn’t matter he

Has also not on hard mode just smashing me [Laughter] with oh it’s ogre now he’s got where is he there’s nothing in there well that was a bait what how did he get out how did he get out I am inevitable no no get out of

Here no give me my block back give me your block give me my block back he’s trapped he’s trapped he’s genuinely trapped what do you have to say for yourself I I I I would never say anything I I’m sorry here let me let me

Let me give me a piece of bedrock and I’ll place it no no how’d you do that play build build a beacon build a beacon yes sir wait wait hold on let me let me let me break this watch I’ll show you I am I am Houdini

Watch let me place this dirt block here move here move your feet so I can place this dirt block no no no here here give me give me a pie yo here give me a give me a piece of give me a piece of uh give me a piece Bedrock regen that’s

Right Hey heyck cuz so I can so I can trap myself here give me another piece give me another piece give me another piece ah slowness no ah ah ah there we go I gave him haste and Regen no luck get me out of here hey I I will

Escape I just want you to know with my four string wait I can craft no you took my dirt block give me my dirt block back no the darkness there’ll be no Darkness for I will get out of here you can’t you can’t keep me trapped in here forever where’d he

Go he teleported out I can’t I can’t wait where where where’d he go what he got out where is he did he have an ender pearl what no I I’m in the cage what are you doing I I can see you I can see you right there did somebody Splash me with it

Visibility nope you’re in the river I’m watching your screen oh y yo that’s that’s cheap where is he set up a whole machine to keep him in there where did he go oh I see him I wish we teleport to each other where are you I see him he’s in he’s

Underground no he’s in a spawner break the spner kill this stuff no no no drop him trap him oh I was so close I I can get out of this I got hey I got out of it before I’ll get out of it again no no you can’t you can’t hold

This going to B I will escape yes let hey hey let me let me out let me out down there no no no no get me out of here I can escape oh yes yes right here right here how did you even escape the first time

How that I there was an opening you guys left an opening what there was not oh who who hey he hey hey there hey there oh oh oh oh oh I can get out I can get out I can get out I have a genius plan I

Have a genius plan genius I tell you genius if those two skeletons hadn’t have shot each other I would have been I would have been able to escape no I heard that what is that no mining fatigue no no mining fatigue I will get out I will get

Out oh I can see it’s suffocating don’t let it kill him hurt him place is miserable I need to light it up oh hey I got I got a I got a fish I got a fish why did you eat it it gives you saturation at the interrogation

Begin what are your motives what’s your plan what are you doing what’s your deal man no no I will I will get out of this you can’t keep me in here I have bone meal Alis tell us where you are or we will burn we will burn it get a flint and

Steel somebody get a flint and steel light a fire don’t yes light a fire light a fire under me no just light a fire look why do you have smoker what what no way no no where is he where is he get me out of here get me

Out you’re much worse on land than in water up look him up he has pearls we got he has mining fatigue he’ll never get through I I will we got to make it multiple layers thick I will get I will get through I will get invisible I can

Someone has invisibility I can I can break bedrock with my bare hands he’s invisible visibility yo what’s going on hey I made it I’m out what wait get milk get milk why does he have invisibility Lucas did you give him invis why did you Splash me with invisibility I don’t have invisib

Regeneration hold on also he’s not even out he’s still in there what oh I see him keep him in there I get hey hey you can’t you can’t keep me in here he you say every time oh we’ve got a sabotager and and every time every time every

Time no no obviously not it’s Lucas hey Lucas is my secret my secret my secret uh agent where is where’s where’s he at I can I can break through this you can’t not possible not possible what are you talking about not possible I don’t even know where you are like right he’s

Still in the Bedrock cage okay we’re going to let you watch this he’s breaking him out tell us where it is tell us where tell us where it is right now where where where where you are oh wait what we will burn get a panda get a panda get a panda oh no

Oh what noep in crystals someone has nend crystals no I will escape it okay you should not be able to be invisible okay no that’s you can’t just straight damage him that’s just not allowed where is it where is he at what I see him no no no no nobody sees

Anybody I wish there was a splash pokon of milk come here hit me hit me thank you you missed the skeleton where obviously when I actually need to be shot where is he where is he give him glowing glowing I can’t give him glowing there’s nothing that keeps glowing

Spectral arrows yeah well that’s an arrow damage him where’s he at is he in this box oh why are you building a box Lucas I’m just building a little something you know why does he why does he up there’s a lava pool over here we got to plug this

Up okay it is not fair that you’re invisible where is he I I mean I hey I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t here I I’ll here I’m visible now I think he we can hunt him he’s this way no I’m already at him hello Crea okay you were invisible half the time

That’s just not fair you’re right it wasn’t fair but I had a secret agent that was helping me corrupt corrupt was my secret agent friend he hit you with an end crystal that’s illegal honestly didn’t take any damage from the a crystal yeah that was just a distraction

That was too far away from him I I that that blocked me down and then I pearled out and I just took damage a couple times I I say I say everybody gets a shot all right I say everybody gets a shot at at being the the death finder oh

Gosh um I I will also say probably we’ll probably say um the uh oh gosh the the boxing was okay I say we give the person like tools to start so like they can get like they can get ender pearls um and they can get uh other like

Basic tools that way and and then we won’t do bedrock and I think CU I think if if we do that then they can at least get away when when we get boxed up I think I think that’s a good plan at least it makes it a little bit more fair cuz

Honestly if I if I didn’t have a if I didn’t have a a secret agent friend in corrupt I would have I would have just been sat there he would have been stuck in the Bedrock forever I would have just sat there so if we if we do that who who who

Wants to go next I’ll go next oh yes a I was raising my paw too late here let me let me t everybody back um I’m working on something okay wait this shouldn’t be hard wait so we’re not allowed to use Bedrock for blocking not allowed to use Bedrock um

Everything else is back in play I would also say it’s just super annoying to have to be slowed but turle Master resistance yes yes Master’s the best so that’s that’s that’s all right what is this for Lucas what what what are you doing why are you making a death

Tunnel oh it’s a lot less than a death tunnel less than a death tunnel quite the opposite really I think the um the guys should have commands I think like the the guys in Creative should have commands commands like we’re glowing in things we can you can you can probably

Not teleporting though just teleport him into a into a well yeah I think I think um yeah well no cuz you got to you got to figure out ways to to do it man tipped arrows Dam regeneration arrows I saw this I just had to make something oh I can’t make anything get

Wrecked that look like the Tik Tok logo wait wait go go higher go higher we see how far my render distance works you made a music note I can still see you I can still see you oh no wait hold on oh you’re you’re you’re about to disappear I can still

See you oh boy I got disconnected one moment oh I had a cobweb too if I would have clutched that oh my gosh that would have been that would have been impressive oh I got myself I wonder if that would actually have saved me hold up do that again

I can’t go back in creative though oh here well I can give you a a slash effect uh give uh exic levitation uh for I don’t know 50 seconds oh no do you have a do you have a potion uh no what should proba give me a a

Potion no you’re going to have to like um quick hold on oh no no I’m typing I’m typing I’m typing as fast as I can 30 seconds uh what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it uh

Uh slow I can’t give potions no help me I already have a cobweb but you got it you got this you got this we believe the chat believes seven six five three two one wait there’s a horse I could just use that yeah there you go

No nice that was that was that was smooth I liked it are are you ready to get tpd back to start yes all right I’m not I’m still working he’s just off building all right Destroyer you can’t just be doing random random here we go here we go oh no this

Is this is part of the CH I’m not creative wait game mode creative exic use I need stuff as well game mode oh yeah uh can you get your own stuff you got you have you have stuff what stuff what stuff do so you can get

Pearls I think the rule is with pearls is you can’t die to a pearl but you can use them to get away you can use them to get away um and then you get uh basic well we give you diamond tools you can have diamond tools cuz I mean you’re not

Going to you can’t impale yourself on a on a diamond sword in Minecraft so why do I have red con why do I have red concrete what I don’t know I have a really where this came from wait what trust me this this work hey hey hey hey hey dispensers dispensers we can

Yeah yeah curse of binding yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m way ahead of you okay so you have you have stuff I got to know okay game mode uh Sur might get over here Ender Destroyer YT all right wait hold on let me guys going have to find a off for a

While because I got to make this armor don’t let him die all right don’t let him die um I’m going to okay these I need splash potion those are both instant Health three okay I think I don’t know why those are the same all right are you ready if we get

Into a box we can make this happen I’m ready all right ready here we go oh he’s pearling I’m chasing the Pearl really what hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second where did you where did you oh you purled into the Ravine I purled two different directions

Wait you can’t died in the pearl that was a rule I didn’t I died to fall damage he technically died to fall damage but we’re going to we’re going to keep going we’re going to keep him alive it’s fine I don’t have items anymore oh that’s too bad that’s your fault I

Died rain potion down from the SK give him water breathing you hit Me he’s dying oh he he’s he pearls I didn’t I don’t have pearls oh that’s right let me get my stuff back yeah that’s that’s that’s on me yeah yeah nice nice nice nice I don’t even know what’s going on right now I don’t know where he is where is

He I don’t see his name tag he’s up he’s up he’s up where’d he go oh I see him he’s up do fire fire fire fire La pool what’ you no no what are you doing wait what you just covered him in water there actually I can’t get out of a box

Yes let’s go here I’ll I’ll I’ll slowly give you tools no box him up box him up box him up no a there will be no boxing there absolute buffoon in go box box box uh I’m going to grab uh slow I can’t get out of this

I gave you a I gave you a pickaxe I thought that takes so long they can just place it back we won’t place it back there you go there you go there you go oh he’s going down he’s going down no he’s going to dig all the way into lava wait wait fire

Fire already have fire resistance oh he’s got where where’d he go he go go oh there he is there he is oh he’s going he’s going he’s going to the void oh my hello hi Rowan wait wait wait wait wait what is he boxed wait hold I have I

Have I have an idea I’m not boxed watch out watch out watch out I have an idea I have an idea I don’t have a sword a a Sher give him invitation bubble elevator go huh where is he going you realize the lower down you go the more Bedrock there’ll

Be I’m not at that rock you know there’s other ways of giving rep right uh yeah but I I thought we weren’t using commands okay I can’t you don’t give me anything to get out of this he’s stuck go keep punching me okay I can’t out I can’t out damage the healing

Potions he’s stuck he’s stuck go go go quick quick check in with Lucas though no I’m still working he’s stuck no what how can you break that so fast he’s got uh he’s got um here hold on hold on oh there watch out there’s fire there okay he’s stuck what there’s lava there’s

Lava I’m just chucking Fire Res potions down this hole no there’s lava okay wait we’re we’re good on that I think he’s stuck in that tube of lava nice nice nice nice nice all right I don’t know where he is I say I say uh just like the the the last the last

Play uh Ender Destroyer you can message somebody to be your be your secret helper have been he isn’t doing anything oh Lucas Lu useless piece of crap oh worry don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry my man has just been doxed wait where is he where is he where

Where’d he go where go I know where he lives he’s got a really fast pickaxe box him box him box him drop drop drop drop drop he’s floating he’s floating oh my gosh he’s F how we give himation no he’s fine cuz cuz I need I need him to float hold on hold

On I got this i got this i got this I an idea I have an idea me this laa they Tred here here here guys come up come up come up here he is here he is up where he’s on the surface now what really yeah all the way up yeah

Yeah yeah I don’t want to be up here how did you get him up there I IP him no no no no no somebody take care of that skeleton I how hit it hit it with healing potions hit it with healing potions okay I can’t do anything about the healing potions

They do they heal six hearts yeah man this is the way that’s a warden hit this is the way of the future oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get the get the wait wait hold on I think we need to no it’s not fast enough here here hold on

Here I I I’ll get it I’ll get it I’ll get it I’ll get it don’t worry don’t worry about it here here have this oh yes oh watch out he’s going to die we going make be careful if I just gave him a way to die

I’m going to be I’m going to be upset okay we need to ban healing potions they heal six hearts you can’t do anything about that healing potion you one at least that’s too much he’s got to die I don’t think he’s going to die I can’t die from anything there’s

Nothing in the game there’s a creeper take care of it Maxwell Maxwell he’s fine he’s fine he’s fine no no no no no no no no no no no Max in the water we’re fine we’re in the he’s in the water oh my gosh that was terrifying he’s in the water give him

Water breathing wait where is he he’s in the water he’s down oh he went down do you have water breathing like throw armor no I got Turtle Master oh well throw throw water breathing brother he’s droning heal him heal him heal him I’m healing I he went back

Down uh I think I have I don’t know why he went up for well no he he he tried to psych us out where is he what’s a splash potion of water bottle what is that that is not useful in this situation he’s out he’s out I mean it actually kind of is

Okay here we go got some water okay box him Lucas something I’m never going to help you with anything ever again this dirt I got something don’t worry dirt is amazing what are you I don’t need you later I need you now give miny fatigue

Miny fatigue oh well but I don’t want it I don’t want him to no there’s a crystal who put a crystal there no I was bored but the future is excitement hey uh uh wa wait what’s another mob that is helpful uh um any mobs give Regen generation hold

On um oh oh oh oh oh no Iron Golem that would not go well that he would just punch it wait where’ you guys go did you go down he’s stuck I swear if you don’t do something now oh my gosh where where where where where oh you went up wait

What I am I am confusion Luc I need you to do something yesterday what can we do he see he looked at an Enderman oh slay the Enderman wait I think I hear it I hear it I hear it hit the Enderman hit the Enderman punch it where are

You oh I’ll stay on him I’ll stay on him I’ll stay on him here I’ll boost you oh no no no no no no I’m body blocking I’m body blocking I’m staying in front of the Enderman don’t worry about it no no oh my goodness oh a victory I won

Twice technically you only won you know once cuz that first one I died in the first 5 seconds I feel like that was a bit of a a bit of a scam I gave you ender pearls and and you know I was just meant to get

Away we’ll give you we’ll give you two we’ll give you two W’s that’s that’s okay uh here’s here’s the first one and uh Lucas goes next and and there’s a second one I fell yeah what has Lucas been doing he’s been doing a whole load of nothing working on my surprise at all

That’s not helpful Ender D I say Lucas runs next what oh you know where that was thanks a lot oh do you know where that is wait what I might be able to find it oh sorry I was typing commands I’m sorry oh can I have cheats so I can spectate

What who’s running next did you did you Pearl into this cave and then jump off the jump off the side interesting interesting allow me to allow me to demonstrate well I know you threw I saw the one you threw I see I didn’t think that cave it didn’t

Look like it was that big but yeah it goes a lot further down than I thought oh if if see we get um if corre if uh in the first one if that skeleton hadn’t shot the other skeleton I I would have died I was on like I was on like one and

Half hearts I could just put this armor on nail I don’t think you guys understand how close I was so many times I was at half heart three different times and the healing potions got me up to full in half a second yeah man you’re

Op are you still running no I’m I’m just I’m I’m I’m taking care of all these Undead mobs honestly why don’t why don’t we just use healing potions as Primary Weapons yep yep oh nailed oh it’s daytime did you find it I got you yeah oh okay remember the cords cuz you’re running

Next let’s take a take a quick look here all right look you’re running next no my turn I need creative mode all right let’s do it I’ll go I willly run game mode creative Ender Destroyer invo can I have uh tools and pearls and things game mode surv yeah you can grab

It for creative before I switch you over to survival a okay wait what else do I need pearls tools what kind of tools like pickaxe diamond tools yeah what axe picka whatever you need what about netherite no no netherite no netherite man what no netherite

Wow you know I was even thinking we take this squad and we you know absolutely lay down some law in high pixel but uh this is this is fun I mean hey you know I can probably not do so well in Hypixel bro I I so it’s weird

Like I don’t play Hypixel like a lot anymore and so like my skill level increases before I test it against what you know Hypixel and so like I we we played party games the other day and I went on like a threep party game win streak first and then the the last game

We played we played four and the last one I got like second and I was I would I have no idea why when I got good at party games but at some point it Happ party games are fun I love party games party games is is Bomb all right anyways I’m ready take

Take take survival why I have a Time Tech tracker okay all right who you can’t start already hey hey you better find me quick I don’t know where I went no miserable someone is doing terrible job at throwing potions it’s hard to it’s hard to aim in

The water to be honest yeah kind of I guess you just eat something you can’t grab milk that’s smart that’s smart what do you mean I mean he’s already got all his effects back yeah it’s not going to it’s not going to help him but really why

Does he have so many buckets he’s got so much milk I milked all the cows on my way here oh he’s got pears watch out oh I got him hello what I traced that Pearl oh yes watch I’m I’m there before you are for a minute I need I need something oh he’s

Going down in the cave oh what this cave is different up what’s up oh my go what’s up I can’t even tell what’s going on yeah me neither good as long as I stay with him and give him healing he will be fine give me levitation no here I I’ll mine down for

You here come on come on yeah yeah do that here you here you go here you go keep going oh keep keep going keep going like right there right there I’ll give you some more slow falling there you go and some re regen regen there you

Go yeah yeah yeah yeah go we’re down in a cave we’re we’re we’re touring the uh the caverns of Minecraft I would like some night vision uh no can do can request night vision no can do brother no no night vision I will give you I will give you

Some fire res fire oh my goodness what if I give him darkness no no no no no body blocked I don’t know why I’m splashing that but no oh my gosh how’s your uh how’s your bit rate some particles no he’s fine he’s already got come on no oh

Man here I I’ll I’ll block it up out of me plan no oh so close I was on like half a heart are you kidding me a that’s so annoying I’m the potion man I have every potion in the game nice nice nice a lot of them can you like

Combine oh he’s go he’s making a es scape I can’t I have I have a zero freaking scoll wheel so that’s I didn’t realize how miserable this was yeah it sucks brother it’s hard you got to and and we did it without like any preparation so like

Nobody has any planning no no no no yes yes yes no no no no oh there yes kill me instant health for everyone I don’t know what I can do I need to get back to the surface can I request that there is nothing you can do there’s nothing we can

Do all all Minecraft is life oh watch out creeper no F wor this should just be a challenge can you die while having regeneration and healing and all the all positive potion effects what are those videos that go around they’re like I I have 1,000 hearts in Minecraft can I can I

Die oh oh oh mobs mobs watch out there’s mobs K me I’m this is so miserable constantly having slowness it’s the slowness is the worst my fov is like constantly at like two where did you guys go uh we went down into the cave he was like I’m going to make it to

The surface and it was like n dog I’m actually going to go further down into the deep oh oh he’s throwing pearls oh he’s going to try there was diamonds there what yeah I saw I saw him when we went down oh he’s going to get the

Diamonds no diamonds for you no I still got it you also got all the potions hey oh my goodness come on wait where’d he go oh there he is oh my goodness bro the potion rain that’s crazy I’m a professional I know what I’m doing he a professional here Splash this

Zombie with no I’m so slow oh my gosh you got to use the auto clicker that’s not fair what we didn’t have Auto clicker before by the way this is beautiful oh no no watch out watch out watch out he had resistance good good good oh I was so close oh this Auto

Clicker is not fair at all this is what it felt like for me you didn’t have an auto clicker yeah I auto clicking muffin health potions does he have a Auto clicking health potions why I’m Auto clicking everything I don’t I don’t think so this this might be this might be tough for

Him uh ma think I can die Maxwell you can uh you can message somebody to be your secret helper oh yes I forgot now now that you’ve taken this long I uh we’ll we’ll we’ll give you the the honor I I know who to choose so so to be honest they cannot they

Cannot kill you they can only help you let’s go kill yourself let’s go yes hot stuff that do the thing oh oh my gosh anger them how out just just hit them smack them I’m hitting them I’m hitting them yes Ren I knew I could count on

You I was like he’s spamming the potion so if I get him he’ll stop kill me wardens come on finish the job yeah oh my goodness yes I mean I felt like that was a little but that’s okay let’s go one of the most knowledgeable players on the server to

Help that’s you I’m I’m um I was saying the fact that like you just spawned in enemies to kill him he spawned in Elder Guardians to stop him let’s go brother I know but that was to stop him not all right Lucas you’re up hold on

Hold on I’m not I’m not done my little thing I knew oh my gosh I was like he’s he’s purposely has an auto clicker so if I get him on my team he’ll stop with the auto clicker that’s yeah I kind of assume that you oh that was

Awesome I think we should ban the mob spawning though cuz you could go fall out with that like charge creepers yeah yeah yeah ban it after after you’ve already done it well I mean there’s a lot of ways he could he could have other you know he could have killed me with

Lava no cuz you had Fire Res well I had milk though milk is the best I oh my gosh it gives you like a split second but then you know yeah man we were on you I can still hear the wens yeah down there he took a shower

What I miss well nothing nothing too crazy but uh I definitely would go back a little bit cuz there might have been a couple wardens just a few see I would have said I would have said like you could have found an ancient city and teleported him to the

Ancient city like that would have been cool him I don’t have op no that’s too bad I could have Skill op SK you could just like given me like potions of har oh yeah wait potions of harming are like broken that’s how hard it is I haveing are broken multiple times in the past wait did you ask for help all people because he wasn’t doing anything else he just kind of chilling

He was just kind of chilling it didn’t do a whole lot I want someone to choose me as their secret admire or secret helper when I go I’ll choose you oh gosh that’s righted brother got that harming to instant damage see the I I don’t know there’s a

Lot that is kind of contr Ral with this challenge I think yeah I think it it’s hard so many things so many things that you can you can do there’s and there’s little seen people do is that they have a set amount of stuff in their resources and like

They have armor and stuff and then they’re in Survival everyone’s in survival that makes sense and then they chase after a person gotcha that makes sense I see I seen clips of this but I haven’t like SE I I haven’t seen it’s been a while since I’ve watched one of those

All right who’s running wait hold on I I’m I’m I’m mining down to something I’m not even in Creative oh you’re going that’s that’s good I would never wait what are you running wait hold on uh taking some time uh there you go oh this is going to take forever to get all

Three of the things I’m proba going to be able to loot up before it spawns honestly I so ready to start do dealing with wardens I’m going to I’m going to have fun with that I don’t even know where I are you going to rebuild an

Ancient city oh yes that would be that would be cool to see I enjoy that I’m going to from the ground up though because I don’t like how Mojang builds anything I mean it’s it’s good but yeah but I have stands it’s meant to be improved I have insanely high standards

For my building also I’m using wardens as bodyguards and there’s nothing you can do to stop me I’m just a little though he’s been going around like so we’ve had like this constant argument because you know we’re Pirates right and oh yeah no I’m gonna I’m gonna stop from

Getting in I’ve been like teasing him he’s been like I’m going to get all the resources on the server so like I’ll steal him you know yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz he’s got IND machines and then he like we’re going to build a wall of obsidian and then we’re going to have

Like wardens in between like a wall update on that Timothy yo um I have a couple of images put together um I I got back on just to do get some get some footage of the of the mods and stuff so I it it’s going slower I didn’t really

Get to work on it too much but I that will probably be within the next two videos that come out one of them’s definitely going to be a teaser teaser trailer if you will I can help with anything if you need to this yeah I I I

Might well we we’ll see I don’t know also let me know because I have nothing to do for the next few weeks yeah if if you guys at least for your faction um if you wanted to set up or just give me some like Boll footage of like your your

Area it doesn’t have to be your builds but just like the area that you’re going to be in um and maybe some of the maybe some of the mods well well not not necessarily the world just you know because you have the mods just kind of

The area that that is going to be you’re you’re kind of thinking about just some ideas not not anything like super specific just you know just little bits and stuff like that that way they can see the mods kind of and and just see what’s going on it doesn’t have to be

The specific world that that we’re we’re going to be in officially I think I think I can do that although a lot of it’s probably going to be my footage because I’ve got I’ve got all the machines and stuff okay um so whoever is going to try not

To die next uh clear your inventory and teleport to me that’s not possible we can’t teleport hold on yeah we need op uh TP yeah we can just t uh LJ all right what escape room it’s an escape room wait welcome to the to the Chamber of undying

Glass thought it was like a mirror or something weird how do we how do we how do we how do we get in how do we get in uh your inventory is are all clear I see some n crystals you could just like throw it out that

Window okay you may all enter now I’m in survival so hold on hold on oh oh you just put me in survival oh oops oh no oh what what the heck those a bit late what is this oh this is pretty cool I I got so many totems

Brother I can take the buckets yes um I don’t think this went as as planned I have all the effects I’m I’m never going to die I just do it together in like I’m never going to die wait so I’m kind of stuck down here can someone help

Hello wait can hey you want to like break me a window yeah here I got I I’ll help I’ll help I’ll help oh there’s so many oh wait hold on you’re just stuck down there I have so many totems uh Slash uh Max will go I’m going good man all right here follow

Follow me follow me to the box where we’ll never die here do you need totems I got totems brother I have a lot of totems okay I have a lot of tot wow gosh wait what’s over this way Lucas what did you build oh I can swim a drain pipe

System what is this wait is this is this part of what you guys got like when I was first running is this what this is right oh my goodness it looks very organic actually a tree it looks pretty pretty good all right wait who who is who is

Running or Lucas I guess I can go I uh yeah I think I think a crup was going to go next oh yeah sorry I got your name wrong completely all right I mean it’s shade but yes you can call me shade okay yeah we’ll call shade we call shade shade oh

Yeah are you going to um so um thatp we were talking about earlier yeah um you’re welcome to join it if you want to when it starts oh okay you should join PIR hey pirat this is my this is my qu the salesman that knocks

On your door let me um let me just introduce you to a little faction we like to call the salesman everyone I’ll say do you want do you want to have fun yeah I’ll take I’ll take care of him I’ll fun times okay so how about how about he chooses his

Own faction based on what what is no influence no influence no he can he’s a pirate he’s playing up the part he’s he’s good he’s good yeah yeah yeah Pirates don’t don’t don’t try and convince people they just do the job and kill people no Pirates are very persuasive oh my

Goodness wait the totems didn’t even work what no I moved out of my inventory oh yeah you can just like take him my that was that was a genius move I will tell you he would rather die than listen to listen to you was only supposed to be

Impossible to die inside of the chamber once you once you left it’s very this is true oh my goodness so many so so many so many uh Whatchamacallit anyways oh where was I oh yes that’s right um the Pirates the scurvy skulls the Raiders of the server

Mhm we um we are a very humble fa are um very humble faction don’t let any don’t let any of these guys tell you otherwise cuz I mean we we are in it to win it my we’re going to be stealing from everyone else and be the most hated faction on

The server well hated is a strong word corre word I would say mildly I would say I would say the most majority disliked no no no no I don’t I wouldn’t say disliked I would say that they’re just going to be you know a fan favorite to be honest exactly going

Be everyone on the server not not to the not oh my goodness why are there so many arrows and we have a we have a play with the Pirates um we we are the Pittsburgh Pirates mhm we have Pirates yeah Pennsylvania Pittsburgh whatever uh where it’s based on respect

Okay respect between all Pirates mhm soothy keep that in mind just to warn you maxel thinks lur is cringe Minecraft lore listen let me let me rephrase what I said back there okay I said the lore that we have is cringe because we’re doing it in

Minecraft no no no no no I never said anything about cryptic okay I said one that we have I asked you specifically do you think that that’s also you’re also going to No I said cryptic is going to be fun cuz we have faction you said it

Was probably going to be cringe but you didn’t care cuz you’re just going to steal from people when you put it that way rip was the lore that we have in our little sub server is is in my opinion childly to put it to put it lightly um

But the lore that we have to start maxw are you calling quantum mechanics childly yes definitely definitely definitely all right shade is running all right you get uh do I need creative mode on I also need creative uh game mode Follow by Lucas what Lucas how throw the

Totems just make sure I pick those up when your way out okay okay I’m not doing potions I’m going to do something else do something else oh no potions uh I’m not doing potions you can you can do whatever you want stop stop giving me Po I I totems I don’t need the

Totems uh Spong almost grabbed wet sponges that would have been an L uh cob web region yep that’s what I need and I also need uh what water no oh gosh water and also fire fire res fire fire just to clarify are we not doing spawn eggs

Again no you can you can you can use spawn eggs it’s just they well no no that’s fine it’s just the fact that like if you use them to kill the person so like you can you can you could yeah can I have two oh wait what cheats yeah op

Op you gave it to me but okay that’ll work op us then oh it says nothing changed okay sweet h oh you’re already okay you already you typed too fast all right when whenever you are ready to go you make oh I guess you’re in survival you have to whoa whoa

Whoa whoa hold on hey now wait a second commands no get out of here get out of wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute get out of here that might actually work well no I was gonna make a beacon oh okay all right whenever whenever you are ready

I don’t even know where you guys are oh he’s pling he PL he PL a different way wait did he PE a different way world record what hold on hold on what what let’s go place down the creeper Maxwell virtual high five what hold on was that

Legal is that within the B I mean yes technically let’s go but but I thought I thought we we gave him the the secret agent like after they’ve struggled oh no he oh my goodness he just pearled right into a him instantly that’s hilarious oh my gosh let’s go virtual high five all

Right well I guess it’s Lucas’s turn everybody trying well I think I think we should give him another that was kind of that was just so experience that was just so complete I don’t know such a complete win oh my got him so we are doing another round yes

You are you are you are are trying to die oh is he’s trying to die oh oops wait wait wait he’s going he’s going he’s going he’s already going he hasn’t even chosen his guy nope he hasn’t sess on him unless it’s Rowan I’ve got like deadly items get get

Him in there get him in there get them in there get them in there same I’m just going to I’m just going to build wait no no no no no let’s not build obsidian let’s just build a a web of cobwebs just so many just so many cobwebs that won’t

Trap him in yeah it will you know how you know how long it takes to get out of cobwebs wait a minute I wonder if I just like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get the get the yes yes yes yes yeah and then and then and

Then yeah yeah yeah yeah go yeah yeah but we got to keep an eye on him here here put a dispenser at the top with lots of good potions in there wait what yeah it’s just slowly sinking down yes that’s hey let’s go wa that’s wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait well we know who the we know who the yeah wait a minute wait I’ll keep gr occupied yeah wait what no wait a minute May meop isn’t a good idea for the actual killing part oh watch out watch out out oh he’s oh oh he’s going down he’s

Going down he’s going down I don’t know where he is oh there he is punch me punch me I guess you can’t do that can yeah he can’t he can’t just kill you some might argue that what I did was kind of directly killing but I mean it was the

Creeper he’s just got his face face stuck into to the oh yeah yeah yeah hey uh some somebody hit him with the slowness he’s moving a bit too fast slowness hey Lucas huh Lucas find a place find a place find find a place find a place

What here I I’ll break I’ll break you I’ll break you out I’ll break you out don’t break him out lookas lookas lookas stop moving whoa keep moving oh he’s trying to punch dogs watch out no no no you can’t give him you can’t give him damage pots what is this

What Max will put a creeper on top of him that is true I did do that true but Maxwell it was okay but our plane was so much more elaborate and then I just died it was glorious it was very smooth one pearl one egg boom yeah I’ve always said eggs are

Dangerous yeah you got to figure something out man I I don’t know how to help you with this one oh oh grab the pearls off ground why you guys should choose me this is so easy I don’t know what the problem is he’s at full health I don’t think

Spamming potions is going to help us right now oh maybe oh trap him trap him trap him okay oh watch out he’s PE he PE away bro instant Pearl glowing what he he died to wait did you die to the Pearl uh I think you I don’t know what

Happened there I just to the ground so I guess that that’s all right how are you low enough to die to the Pearl that’s what I’m wondering I just kept pearling oh oh okay gotcha that makes sense we we’ll we’ll allow it we’ll allow it even though wait oh you had so

Many instant damage pots yeah oh my gosh what it takes two to to to kill yeah two but you guys had healing potions so I estimated careful I’m making a nuke a whoa what was that hear me out hear me out I’m going to go again and everyone’s

Going to be against me and I’m going to die you want to see this oh gosh I I I kind of do want to see this are we gon to start here or let me I don’t know make a n yeah let’s we’ll start we’ll start here everybody can TP to

Me oh thanks Ma you did that wrong no there’s a real way to do this oh he’s going to are we are we oh goodness Max as I say Max let me do it let all is is am I going to get an email from the

Server host being like hey yo don’t be doing that what do you mean that would be hilarious if you got that they’re like listen we can’t the right way what difference does it make you see how many you see how many oh no oh no oh

Why Wow hey look we that was like not nearly as big what that didn’t do anything because you didn’t move it you didn’t move it itself so you have to move it interesting Minecraft man do that oh yeah I know this I’m a bed rocker doesn’t that this man has education Edition we

Don’t he’s he’s educated oh this cave is cool are we is again yeah yeah yeah he is it’s getting laggy it’s getting framy what is going on here get a better PC oh Lucas oh no look see how little that did that was loud because you lit it that was loud

Yeah but Lucas lit it oh I know where this is going ah Lucas don’t make a laser right now we that don’t no we don’t need the Lucas don’t lag the server without existence please on enabled oh good job we just lost that’s a win no I actually want to go yeah here

TP TP uh let me just find a at we made like an eight or like a weird Minion or something oh my gosh wait it looks like I’m oh you ruined the minion you’re right I did I’m sorry teleported me away okay oh oh it’s beautiful all right on your

Mark are you ready here we go one second let me all you’re good you’re okay okay okay okay okay all right he’s ready he’s ready I’m I’m excited for this I’m also a little bit nervous I’m just going to get made of why Lucas all right here we go ready go oh he’s

Peing oh he’s peing away wait what oh no oh no he got no oh I thought I had him I thought I had him I I had him on the first one and then and then second off rip we should do a survival one I think a survival one if yeah if we

Set it up we have to yeah survival that would make it more chall I don’t know if we have time for that though no I I I I have an idea the be for a secret agent oh no well you got you got you got to save

It for the next one cuz I I think I think we’re probably exceeded our time we’re out of time we’re out of time for the day oh hey it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a music note you see that yeah mus I was going for duck

Like no oh these are real are [Applause] real these are real aren’t they Lucas I I hear I hear things or like a weird Flamingo that’s true it could be a flamingo yeah oh there you go yeah it’s it’s a flamingo there it is oh my Lucas knows how to make real shers

That actually spawn things how many people what I was like how’s the warden hit me from up there look at all the items on the ground I got it wait what is this why is the why do the flamingo have feet that are what what what color should they be they should be

Yellow what Max’s never seen a flamingo before yeah look look look look yeah it’s it’s it’s there are multiple differents oh all right that doesn’t look good either actually their their legs are pink yeah that’s their legs are pink pink you’re right that that doesn’t look right that doesn’t look right well but

They they got those long lanky legs they’re skin skin or yellow hold on let me let me let me research this hold on I flamingos but like if you do this though oh my goodness i’ I I’ve been fed fake flamingos and then it becomes the money symbol yeah yeah let’s

Go hello Mr Warden would you like to be employed wait but you like a job interesting oh my Goodness there money that doesn’t look like it at all hey Lucas uh I don’t know what that looks like what day can we record things for uh our introduction video oh all right well thank you all for joining I appreciate it I I do apologize that uh my speedrun went poorly but you

Know sometimes sometimes it be that way sometimes it be that way this is not what I expected excuse me sir these Pistons are not up to code this is this is not this is not this is not up to building code trying to write out subscribe what in Braille oh from this direction

Was like were you looking at from the top down I was I I you just had lines on the ground oh subscribe all right stream I’ll see y’all

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Manhunt, but YOU Hunt Me Down’, was uploaded by Timed Tech on 2023-12-12 03:44:38. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:11 or 7631 seconds.

Yes, that’s right! I’m going to be attempting to speedrun and beat the game, but you all have the chance to join the server and hunt me down! There definitely no twist…

Server IP: Minecraft 1.20.1

Command to track me: /hunt timed_tech


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    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More

  • Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft

    Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. In this virtual universe, players can unleash their imagination, build incredible structures, and embark on exciting adventures. Let’s dive into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and discover what makes it so special! Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox gameplay, allowing players to create anything they can imagine using various blocks. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is… Read More

  • 100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode

    100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode Minecraft 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a hardcore challenge, then the 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft is the perfect video for you! In this intense map, players must survive 100 days on just one block. The difficulty level is extreme, pushing players to their limits and testing their survival skills to the max. Key Features of the Challenge: The One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft challenge offers a unique and thrilling experience for players. Here are some key features of the challenge:… Read More

  • EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17

    EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17Video Information This video, titled ‘Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17’, was uploaded by KHR Arts on 2024-06-14 12:00:03. It has garnered 19 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:05 or 11045 seconds. Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17 We build up our Swamp Homestead and do more exploring, including taking on the blazes on the Cloud Islands! 💖 Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to help my channel grow! 💖 🎮Twitch: 📸Instagram: khrarts 📸Instagram: littlealice06 🐦Twitter: LittleAlice06 🎥 YouTube: Alice the Author Mod Packs:… Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Episode 2

    Haunted by Herobrine: Episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘yo I’m back with @IamCrazy_MC_YT doing Minecraft haunted by Herobrine episode 2’, was uploaded by Imnotcrazyboy_MC_YT on 2024-05-21 23:14:45. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:22 or 1522 seconds. sub to my friend @MrBaa5513 Read More