HyghB – The Nether Portal Is Up In Ultra Hardcore Minecraft! (#4)

Video Information

This episode we definitely need to get us some diamonds I seen someone comment last video that – 55 would be the best place to go so I think that’s where we’re going to go somewhere in our base what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Kind of go down at a at a spiral and go down like this keep going down till we get to 55 real quick okay after mining at a weird spiral for a while we came down like this and I went straight but I hit water

So I kind of like that so I kind of cut this way and we actually finally came across something as you can see there is a skeleton down there so we want to be very careful not to get knocked off by that man there is some Iron Coal gold we

Do need that gold most definitely need that gold we cannot fall down from here cuz that would be the end of the world let’s try to get down there and get that gold real quick not get messed with by the that skeleton let’s get some more

Blocks down here in case I see him down there we need to get us we do not have a yes we do have a shield there we go let me make sure okay make sure we have our our Shield ready in case things do get crazy let’s go ahead and do this get

Over there and get this gold we do need that gold put a block about right there use our stone pickaxe cuz we want to save it in case we find some diamonds we might find some diamonds here get this iron as well we have been using a lot of iron

Lately there we go getting us some resources this is what we are needing put us a block right here so we can see what’s going on let’s place a torch here we do not have many torches but we do want to use some so no mobs

Spawn around this area let me see where is that gold at okay it’s under us look safe to go under us like that I see a baby zombie over there okay baby zombie need to stay over there man okay there we go we have three gold and six iron so

Far and you can see where the water is over there okay it looks like there is some more iron over here we’re going to come over here I actually what is that I just seen something like is that a diamond or okay no I’m crazy and I hear

A zombie down here I believe let me get out of here okay let me get over here get this iron okay it’s just one single iron block okay that is not not not great at all I swear I heard a zombie but maybe not some more iron okay we’re going to

Head back this way like we’ve seen down there there is a lot of stuff it looks like I am very scared to head down this way because we need to put our golden apple down here just in case look there that is why the skeleton I didn’t had no

Idea where he was that sneaky man that sneaky rat let’s build us some stairs going down here to this skeleton that is a sneaky rat and might try to shoot us in the back again more than likely we are as we are getting and closer to the

Land where did he go where did that skeleton go hey skeleton come here you jag I might go ahead and eat this Golden Apple this is our last Golden Apple but oh my goodness he’s trying to shoot us okay there we go block that one blck that one blck that

One as long as it keeps blocking them we should be okay hopefully anyways very scared right now I know I seen a creeper sorry I’m being very quiet I seen a creeper just a second ago there he is okay I had no idea if he’s

Going to try to creep up on us this whole time or what I am very cautious I do not want to die and I think I seen a diamond over there there we go there we go okay creeper is down there’s probably more let’s go ahead and eat this Golden Apple like I

Was saying though we are missing a lot of Hearts I feel like that will help us there we go get this iron more iron awesome there we go get this coal we need to make us some torches is why do we have any sticks awesome got us eight torches right there

There’s some more gold diamonds right there there we go I think I’ve seen more diamonds behind us as well I know some of you are probably freaking out like hey man there’s diamonds back there think I’ve seen them so give me just a second and I’ll go back and get this

Gold I very need this because our health as you can see we need to get to the nether try to start getting some healing potions made get a no actually we already have a Bruin stand don’t we I think or maybe we don’t I think we

Found one from a village if I’m correct but maybe not there’s some diamonds right there but there’s also a Creeper what up creeper man I see you later get this place lit up a little bit so maybe won’t be too many mobs spawning around this area this looks like a pretty good cave I can get a block over there okay awesome there we go if I can get another one right There we can get up in here and get these Diamonds oh yeah this is a very nice cave I think okay got those I think I lost a diamond did a diamond a diamond fail we have to definitely go down and get this diamond as crazy as this sounds we have to get

It we have to get it looks like it’s just a okay maybe not this might be a little too crazy think this is a crazy we need to place a torch over here there we go we got our diamond look around maybe for a second

Okay now let’s get out of here cuz that zombie has gold armor on peace out zombie all right we’re back up to the top let’s go over there and get them other diamonds we did not get I think they were where right there okay careful not to take no fall damage

That has been like one of our biggest problems as well there we go awesome let’s get this lapis Louie we need it for enchantments I don’t know if we have any that is a bunch right here that’s a whole stack more than a stack of lapis right here

Goodness we just got a stack in 12 let’s get this diamond looks at least one okay it’s just one S no okay keep breaking it’s two diamonds we’ll keep breaking maybe that’s it that’s probably it two diamonds as well so we have five diamonds that is not

Bad we need some more gold is there any more gold we have 10 right now that’s another Golden Apple here’s one two at least three okay if we can get to 16 we can make us two more golden apples so we need two more gold we need to find two

More gold before we get up out of here oh no we do not have any more torches and I don’t think we have any coal either need to be very careful right here I do not know what’s going on around this way we need to head back try to get

Us some coal There’s a Zombie heading up this way we’re going to have to give them the work hey zombie man okay that was pretty easy like I said I could not find any coal so we’re going to head back to our home and see

If we have any coal up there I do not know for sure if we have any I hope we do I have not been on this world in a couple days so I don’t I can’t remember everything that we have but I hope we do have some

Coal yeah we made it up here we left our door open goodness at least I came back up here let’s go ahead and go to sleep real quick it is night time okay we have 11 coal and 10 can right there okay we do have coal so

We’ll take this coal out we need to make us an iron pickaxe while we’re up here actually we have enough gold I believe to make what am I doing I’m such a noob let’s thr throw that in there we need to make us another iron pickaxe so do we have any

Wood yes we do we have plenty of wood take this make us an iron pickaxe there we go we’re going to need that we might as well make us a diamond pickaxe in case we see some obsidian down there we might so go ahead and make

That and then we’re going to make us two golden apples as soon as this gets done cooking we need to get us some apples though don’t we yes we do so let’s get I don’t know if you can get apples with shears or not I’m going to have to look

That up real quick okay I may seem like a noob but you cannot get apples from shearing I do not think I looked it up I think that’s what Google said maybe I’m wrong why is there so many creepers around this way look at this

Look I thought one of them was going to blow there there we’ll get us a bunch of gunpowder I reckon there’s one more I think ain’t there yeah y Creeper Man oh my goodness all right there we go give me all this gunpowder if you don’t mind

Maybe there’s some food this way as well we need to see need to get us an apple let’s break these trees got to get us an apple well that didn’t go that didn’t last long let’s head back home make us an axe then break these trees I was going to

Head back home anyway because we do need some food and what I’m going to do is take one of these iron and make us a flint steel like this then I need to do this as well need to turn that into gold we have 14 there we’re going to use all

Our gold for apples just golden apples cuz we need some type of you know Health it’s daytime he should be pretty nice okay need some type of regen always we going to bring some of these trees and I did not make an axxe goodness what

Am I doing let me break this real quick then I can make an axe right here there we go I made a an iron axe so we’re going to head back break this trees break a bunch of these trees try to get some apples we need at least two

More apples I’d say so we can use all this gold if we get more then that’d be great okay hey Piggy I hate to do this to you homie but come here I ain’t trying to catch catch myself on fire either this is very dangerous very dangerous work

Here but when you need food badly and you don’t want to cook it come here piggy I know you got to be almost dead there we go and then he drops us cooked pork chops see three cooked pork chops do not even have to cook them in

The furnace there we go there’s some more over here as well we’ll go ahead and get him have to hit him with one more go ahead and walk into it Pig oh he ain’t he’s not that dumb oh I didn’t mean to hit him with my fist he is definitely almost dead come

Here this piggy does not want to die I think I burnt the port nope there it is just got one go over here do it again to this one we need to be breaking trees as well there’s a bunch of trees over here bunch of sheeps as well get us some cooked

Mutton be easier if we had a flame bow doing this I’m not going to lie there we go got them Port chops let’s go over here and break these trees go ahead and try to get us some apples we’ll break this sugar cane right here as well and we’ll plant

It all along right there both right there have us a little bit of sugar cane going again break these are some big trees I believe get them out the way though get all the wood out of them we broke both of them trees back there we’re going to

Come up here break some of these trees and we’re going to see if at least some of these trees will give us an apple oh there’s only one tree right here okay there’s two trees break all this wood so the it’ll start decaying away and hopefully we will get us at least two

Apples so we go back down to our cave and see what is going on down there I feel like there’s a lot to explore down there as you guys seen that was a pretty big cave and we’ve already found five diamonds we’re going to head back over

Here to the ones that we did break and hopefully we get an Apple give us an apple know you want to have an apple over here ready somewhere okay doesn’t look like any apples is ready we plant these trees though so we’ll always have some trees

Going I think I broke all the wood out of this one it don’t look like this one’s really okay I didn’t break all the wood out of that one I didn’t think so cuz it didn’t look like it was decaying like this one over here is but

It’s not giving us no apples what we’re going to have to do is we’re going have to break some more trees we got to get some apples before we go down I think at least out of these six trees we’ll at least get one apple I’m

Hoping break this one break this one and we’re planting all the saplings that we get so we’ll have more trees in our area awesome there’s more sugar canane over here we’ll get this and we can add it to our our farm because we need to

Get us some books as well me all the sugar cane that’s six right there we’ll place these six at our home over there and we’ll check on our on our trees and see if any apples have dropped I doubt it but maybe don’t look like no apples right

There need to grab these saplings like I was saying I have been planting them there we go no apples though still nope not in single Apple bunch of saplings though bunches and bunches I’m pretty sure apples do have a higher spawn chance from Oak so I’m pretty sure I am

Breaking the right trees but maybe I need to go over here and quit wasting time it is starting to get night time we’re going to head home we broke a few trees over here like I said we’re going to head home go to sleep we’ll come back and

Maybe we’ll check all these trees and hopefully at least have two two apples I feel like we will got to have faith and believe let’s get over here get to our home before we get hit by a skeleton or something we’ve already been knocked up by them many and many of times that’s

Why we lost so many of our hearts by skeletons or fall damage need to throw away some of this junk that we have on us we do have a bunch of junk get to this chest right here we’ll organize all this stuff later we’re on the row right

Now we need to get a bunch of stuff done we’ve been moving slowly you may not rest monsters are nearby well ain’t that great let me get all this junk out of here throw some of our lapis in there we got a lot of lapis or iron in there we

Could go back down to our cave like I did say we didn’t need to make us some torches let’s make us about 36 torches we do have still have some coal right there can I go to sleep yet okay I still cannot go to sleep I wonder what monster

Is nearby okay it’s right here okay now I should be able to go to sleep I think now I need to go check on them trees I need to get an Apple I don’t want to get down there into the cave and I get start getting hit or something or

Poisoned you never know get down to three two hearts or something and not have no type of healing and we die then it would be just pointless going down there so let’s go over here definitely got to be an apple I’m feeling it over here feeling it over over this way got

To be an apple prettyy sure the apples will still drop as you go to sleep get over there and look looks like they are still disappearing the blocks are and I do not see an apple yet I do not see an apple yet nope no apples what is my luck on the

Apple come on game give me an Apple guess I have just been very very unlucky this episode we cannot get an Apple we’re going to go back down to our cave I mean killing so much time we can’t even get an Apple I mean I wish we

Did get two apples right there we have enough gold to make us two apples at least we got us a good cave that is looking pretty nice I think we need to get us some torches in here I don’t know if mobs can spawn through here yes they

Can that zombie just scared the absolute living out of me all right get some of these pork chops make sure no more mobs spawned in our dark dark cave there we go getting us some torches up in here so we can see what we need to see

Didn’t we have some stairs we got rid of all of our blocks which probably actually was not a great idea do need a few blocks but maybe we’ll be okay to get over here and get a few blocks let’s get us some blocks cuz I don’t like having no

Blocks can’t barricade up if we need to barricade up and I have no idea what our cords is right here okay there we go I went ahead and wrote my cords down over there so in case I did get lost I know how to get back this is a huge

Cave how much is our Shield okay our Shield is more than halfway so I think we should be good to explore this cave to start exploring it anyway there’s a creeper right there all right creeper man can you let me come down the water first okay he blew up anyway don’t know

What he was thinking this is a pretty look at all this obsidian right here this is actually what we needed we’re going to block this water off and we’re going to get this obsidian right here we do have a diamond pickaxe it will be very slow

At least we are getting it is all this water disappearing it is put us one right here put us a torch right here mine up this obsidian we need at least 3 6 9 12 like 16 I’m going to say obsidian kind of sketch just sitting here breaking

It it’s going to be a long time especially if we keep dropping them in the in the lava like that so we need to get a 16 real quick okay we have us 15 obsidian and we’re about more than halfway with this block I’d say so this is 16 obsidian I think

That’s all we needed right there we’re going to head back to our home real quick and get it home since we’re literally just right here we’re not that far deep in our cave this is what I was looking for in our cave was some obsidian so we found that let’s get back

Up here and not drown kind of like how we have this set up in our cave is like this is like a little elevator I don’t think I’m going to block this water off definitely not the water is very handy so let’s do this here Place Another torch right here cuz

I don’t feel like that’s a light enough area and I don’t want any more mobs to spawn in this area let’s head up here head back to our home it’s looking a little bit more lit up now before we do set up our nether portal I want to

That’s what I plan on doing I want to have a good area for it to set up cuz we don’t want to break it and have to reset it up again okay guys I got it kind of sort of set up I’m going to set it the rest of

The way up I think off of recording because it is taking a while it wouldn’t be nothing just to break all this stuff we do have it set up like this we’re going to have all this area you know broken even and wooden woodn’t end like

That but we want to go ahead and set up the nether portal I want to go ahead and go through just to see where our spawn is cuz I ain’t going to leave you guys off on a cliffhanger like that but after this will be the end of this recording

There we go okay it does not look like it’s too shabby I hear a gas okay I’m gone already I’m gone let me back to the overw world please okay there we go I felt like I had to show the aftermath of this real

Quick this is what I meant by my idea of setting this up we will decorate it in here make it look better in here of course but this is how I kind of wanted it to be

This video, titled ‘The Nether Portal Is Up In Ultra Hardcore Minecraft! (#4)’, was uploaded by HyghB on 2023-10-10 18:53:14. It has garnered 5247 views and 2038 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:43 or 1363 seconds.

The 4th Episode of the ultra hardcore minecraft series is a great episode for – us progressing towards the end. – found a better cave. – finally got us a nether portal up and going.


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    🔥 Diablo EXPLODES on Minecraft Redwins! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥🔥LIVE ON🔥JOGANDO MINECRAFT NO REDWINS’, was uploaded by Diablo on 2024-03-29 17:44:56. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:45 or 4545 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/CMf2HxnShc Ip: redwins.com.br Mcpe Ip: mcpe.redwins.com.br ignore tags: Rankup server 1.8, Skywars server 1.8, Server with machines 1.8, Minecraft server, Serv, rankup server op pirate 1.8, op, god items , vip, ke, disclosing pirated servers 1.8, 1.8, how to get op on any minecraft server 1.5.2 up to 1.11 force op minecraft all versions how to hack minecraft servers 1.8 Minecraft server 1.7 Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER!

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-02-04 14:00:04. It has garnered 681201 views and 5986 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:56 or 2816 seconds. HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing Minecraft manhunt but Dash can SHAPESHIFT into any mob! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Minecraft SMP Season 5 Recap 🐺 Week #2 Highlights 🔥

    Minecraft SMP Season 5 Recap 🐺 Week #2 Highlights 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🐺 JXT SMP Season 5 💨 | Week #2 RECAP #minecraft #gaming #jxtsmp #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by jxt gaming on 2024-05-20 13:32:04. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:58 or 1318 seconds. Checkout my other media: YouTube Short Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qi… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jxtgaming101/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2eQkpj47ra Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jxtgaming Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jxtgaming101/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jxtgaming?lan… Twitter: https://twitter.com/jxt_gaming Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jxtgaming101 #minecraft #builds #Minecraftbuilds #bedrockedition #javaedition #jxtgaming #gamingcommunity #gamerslife #consolegamer #gamermemes #gamers #gamer #gamingislife #videogamer #videogames #gamingmemes Read More

  • Join Ennard for Epic Minecraft Live Adventures!

    Join Ennard for Epic Minecraft Live Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘Liveing haray more time to spend with Ennard maybe minecraft live’, was uploaded by Ennard Vlogs Vi on 2024-03-27 11:23:21. It has garnered 133 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:55 or 8515 seconds. yay Read More

  • “Insane Free Fire vs Minecraft Live Stream!” ❤️

    "Insane Free Fire vs Minecraft Live Stream!" ❤️Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Fire – Minecraft Live Stream❤️’, was uploaded by Gaming Shafayat on 2024-05-15 22:13:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our gaming channel! Dive into a world of epic adventures, intense battles, and endless excitement! Join us as we … Read More

  • VR Monke EzGameplay: EPIC Minecraft Panzee SMP Live!

    VR Monke EzGameplay: EPIC Minecraft Panzee SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Panzee SMP (Live)’, was uploaded by Ezra The Monke VR on 2024-06-06 01:42:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:26 or 8066 seconds. #minecraft #smp #minecraftsmp #funny Read More


    INSANE LEGO STORE ENCOUNTERS!! 😂😂 #memeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The types of people in the store🤣🤣🤣 #meme #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by LEGO FUN TIME studio on 2024-02-28 09:52:02. It has garnered 4571 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #roblox #party #music #dance #dancevideo #debut #firstvideo #firsrshortvideo #vtuber #vtube #visual #visualyoutuber #sweet #cute #girl #waifu #anime #visualeffects #montage #fun #animation #letsplay #tutorial #popular #2023 #shorts #video #videogames #roblox #robloxshorts#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #animation #allay #minecraftallay #minecraftallmoments #3d #3danimation #3deffects #film #minecraftfilm #fun #funnyshorts #meme #joke #skibiditoilet #montagevideo #film #minecraftallmoments #minecraftfilm #minecraftshorts#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #animation #allay #minecraftallay #minecraftallmoments… Read More

  • BorrowBox

    BorrowBoxBorrowBox – The Ultimate Box Mining Adventure 1. Welcome to BorrowBox, where box mining reigns supreme 2. Dive into compact resetting mines filled with treasures 3. Engage in intense PvP battles in confined arenas 4. Claim victory, earn respect, and become a legend 5. Keep your loot safe with our keep inventory feature 6. Experience a truly one-of-a-kind Minecraft adventure 7. Our dedicated team ensures fresh updates and events 8. Join our vibrant community for endless fun 9. IP: BorrowBox.minehut.GG – Join the adventure 10. Explore compact worlds and uncover hidden riches 11. Challenge fellow miners in epic showdowns 12…. Read More

  • feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. Players can sethome and tpa, and use Lapis as a currency. Play your way on feather64. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or unauthorized mods. Do not use duplication exploits Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule details available on our website: feather64.net. Community Players from all over are welcome on feather64. Enjoy a community with active players and supportive members. Join our Discord server for updates and interaction. Information No Staff Nonsense Environment IP:… Read More


    MESSAGE GAMESThis is a server created by ozi games! To join, You must enter the ip: ozigames.aternos.me . Note: you have to be on version 1.20.6.This server will get more games the more players it gets! This is a free to play server and nothing pay to win and players like me the owner dont like ptw servers. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nerds Will Get It

    Minecraft Memes - Nerds Will Get ItWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Minecraft Showdown: Barcode vs Natop.mp4

    Minecraft Showdown: Barcode vs Natop.mp4 In the 1v1 Minecraft showdown, Natop and I clashed, At the barcode scanner, our skills were unmatched. With Amazon Prime links, and Discord invites, We battled it out, under the bright lights. Editing and subtitles, all done by me, Bringing the action, for all to see. Join the channel, for exclusive content, Minecraft news, with a rhyming intent. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth take wing. Crafting Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In the world of gaming, let the rhymes begin. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Blocky Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Blocky Laughs! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Silver Fox Gaming: TikTok Live!

    Silver Fox Gaming: TikTok Live! Minecraft Morning Madness! Exploring the Bean Mart Join the excitement as our favorite gamer delves into the world of Minecraft in a recent TikTok Live stream. The focus of the session? The Bean Mart! Watch as the player orders, stocks, and plans, all while witnessing the growth of this virtual marketplace. The captivating gameplay and thrilling experiences have TikTok viewers glued to their screens, eagerly anticipating each move. Engaging Content The stream is not just about playing the game; it’s about creating an immersive experience for the audience. From ordering supplies to strategically stocking shelves, every moment is filled… Read More

  • Ultimate Stone Generator for Minecraft 1.20

    Ultimate Stone Generator for Minecraft 1.20 Creating a Stone Generator in Minecraft 1.20 {Java/Bedrock} Are you looking to build a supremely efficient, fast, and easy-to-make stone farm or cobblestone generator in Minecraft? Look no further! This farm can be constructed in both Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions, with the Java version being 100% AFK! Key Features of the Stone Generator: Here are some key features of this stone generator: AFK Stone Farm: This stone farm allows you to gather resources without actively playing the game, making it convenient for players looking to collect cobblestone effortlessly. Automatic Stone Farm: The farm operates automatically, ensuring a continuous… Read More


    EPIC HEROBRINE BUILD BATTLE - NOOB vs PRO SHOWDOWNVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-05-31 09:04:42. It has garnered 7815 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:02 or 1262 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey in an epic Minecraft building competition as they face off in a challenge to create the most detailed and impressive Herobrine statue. Watch as they use their creativity and skills to bring the mysterious Herobrine to life block by block. Who will emerge victorious in this intense showdown of construction?… Read More

  • Cursed Revenge in Minecraft

    Cursed Revenge in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge is cursed 🥶 #shorts #minecraft #viral #trending #toxic #revenge’, was uploaded by DOGARPRO on 2024-03-12 14:08:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More