ImSyrex – We Survived 100 Days in a Frozen Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened…

Video Information

In today’s video my friend and i have to survive the endless winter zombie apocalypse the storm covers the sky snow piles can reach up to seven blocks we have to fight to stay warm build off-road monsters and fend the base from the horde will we survive will we make

It sooner to find out stay with me be with me yo what happened what happened because we’ve been doomed the world is doomed you see that walker right there with a shovel that’s called a walker don’t let them bite you we’re cold why am i so cold you’ve seen this you seen

That that’s how you shoot oh cool gone that is a cool gun let me try let me try got once got him twice hey that’s that’s really nice oh there’s a zom that’s good you know i’m getting cold my screen my screen is getting cold i think we should

Get inside let’s go let’s go inside the building maybe set up a campfire see what’s up i heard that in this world the snow can pile up to eight blocks high so we have to actually be really careful not to get snowed in as we so we could

Open the doors basically uh where do you go are you somewhere here let me looking like oh there you are anything in the chest some good bandages you can take them actually just okay okay okay i gotta eat i’m gonna eat a little bit of food uh

Have you checked the upstairs do you think there’s anything there yeah yeah let’s check this building bunch of zombies but i think they’re locked in yeah they can’t get to us oh really oh do you think there is anything inside of these things nope i’m just on the uh

On the second floor okay there’s actually an entrance connected here to the second building yeah i see it as well i see it as well just gonna check out this building get out here zombie i got an achievement headshot uh are you on the very top floor yeah yeah i am

Oh there’s a chest here oh mare’s leg and 50 bullets point 44 oh there’s not behind me got him thanks oh look at that i got a gun i got a new gun let me check it out what is that that’s pretty cool oh is that a

Shotgun it has six ammo already in let me try it out yo i think this is like a shotgun they keep spawning in soldier we gotta be careful was that my damage because it was pretty no no no that was i think that was probably my magnum we need we

Need like a plan because it is snowing we’re gonna get real cold you see your breath it’s icy yeah i know and i don’t actually have any armor so you you too you look at that you’re in this t-shirt so uh we gotta be like really cool we

Just gotta get out of the armor we gotta get some uh armor that’s uh gonna keep us heated keep us warm should be somewhere around these parts maybe in these buildings we should just scavenge you let’s get much more okay okay yep that that’s the rooftop oh look at

The snow just piling on top that’s what i’m talking about the snow can get up to eight blocks tall so we gotta be really careful with the supplies and uh how we ration our food orders zombies hit him once oh what was that you or me i don’t even

Know no no no i’m not shooting i’m just shooting this guy does ah it’s pretty cold out here yep that’s really cold look at that so many blocks already of snow just piling on top and there is a spider on the skeleton shooting me uh this is zombie apocalypse

But i think uh some mobs did get free it’s the nuclear winter or whatever whatever do you there’s like so many of them yep and the snow is just piling on top it doesn’t stop you’ll uh want to get inside this building right here on me on me yeah yeah we’re coming we

Gotta break the snow what do you do just break the window yep oh use your weapon that’s that’s smart i hear zombies so can you cover me gonna fix up my left arm as well and i’ve got you covered don’t worry about it okay so we got some

Bookshelves just some uh random ruined building second floor oh there’s actually a big hole to the outside and as you can see we are in the blizzard so there is no snow i mean sunlight but uh there will be sunlight eventually i hope so uh but you know yeah we’re just gonna survive

The uh the blizzard currently that’s the main objective ah i’m on the rooftops really cold here dude we need clothes we need winter clothes i’m going up i’m going up did you check this uh this floor oh there’s a chest oak chest and the baseball bat hey let’s

Go let’s go that’s that’s good we got a baseball bat so now we can get rid of the zombies in the mealy fashion i can also double equip my uh my flashlight and my bat as you can see the flashlight is at the bottom uh bottom

Left but i think it’s uh i’m holding it with my with my mouth i think or something like that oh no two arms uh where did you go i thought you were on the on the rooftop i went down to the basement there’s like a whole lot of zombies here

Oh there’s a lot of zombies yep a lot of zombies and they’re actually i hope they don’t see me actually where are you i’m i’m like on the middle i see you i see you hey what’s up dude hey get down here okay i’m outside uh oh i see you’re

Shooting zombies already let me let me get my gum oh i gotta reload do you we should have seen this building next you see there’s like oh do you see all the broken windows at the top floor yeah yeah i see them that must be like from a huge zombie outbreak

Maybe that was like an office that got infected let’s see if they have any cool stuff okay okay for sure but uh i’m getting real cold i don’t think i will be able to make it the snow is oh you broke the window again

Let’s uh let’s go in but i don’t oh yeah we okay yeah we can’t jump we can’t jump we gotta start from the from the bottom floor follow me okay i’m right behind you partner just be careful about the zomboids they can be anywhere here oh

I’m stuck on the cobweb uh there’s no lee in the basement i think no i think not my screen is turning great it’s too cold oh you eat up eat up definitely these floors seem pretty good oh there there are zombies in the next building

Oh yeah i see that i see that i see that a few of them gary i’m going to really flashlight just in case that’s creepy as hell here you want a torch uh oh no no no the flashlight is better i have a lot of batteries on it it won’t

Run out and uh you can oh i see the reef top of the neighboring building there’s a chest oh let’s go bandages morphing and some armor marine helmet marine chess played boats and the vest dude i got a whole set i got a whole set legit yeah let’s

See put it on put it on uh yep that’s nice let me put it on oh it’s oh it’s the military yep let me put on the armor there we go let’s let’s see how it looks oh you even got armor i look really cool dude look at that dude

You look sick and you’re gone i mean your god just isn’t really time complacent like your gun is like from the medieval era but your armor marine 21st century marine hey we gotta get all the loot we can find and survive as best as we can dude i see some

Some weird mobs getting damaged yeah i was gonna actually tell you that what is that yeah what hey want to check it out i mean yeah for sure uh but dude are you not uh are you not cold are you okay what’s your temperature my temperature

Is pretty low my screen is like bluish it’s not good uh i hear some zombies oh did you go further already oh no no no where are you oh oh i fell i oh there’s someone right behind you okay hit him once hit him twice another zombie

He doesn’t want to take damage i got to shoot him oh god he wasn’t taking some of my bullets that’s real weird let me check out this chest oh we got a lot of fleet hopefully you’re not loaded up with blanks that wouldn’t be really good oh zombie apocalypse blanks someone’s like

Trying to kill you do you yeah that wouldn’t be good at all actually uh oh careful these are uh the the snowy creatures why there’s a constant um you know snow they like took over the world maybe some type of aliens i’m not sure but uh if

You’re too close to them when you kill a zombie there is a chance they will jump on your face and uh then you have to use a melee weapon to you know get rid of oh yeah definitely hey dude do you see this frozen lake like just take a just take a

Stand to appreciate that we’re like in the frozen zombie apocalypse this is crazy but you know uh i’m not looking forward to the snow piling up eight blocks in height that’s what i’m not looking forward to i mean that’s that’s that’s true do you see the snow

Already piling in and that’s just the start of the winter we’re here for 100 days before the helicopter or whatever comes for us yep okay so that wasn’t a blank i i got the zombie this time let’s go to that building we saw uh some something like weird happening at

Uh let’s check let’s cross uh for the for the frozen pond i can’t shoot the ice it’s too thick maybe it’s too thick yes it’s like uh a lot of blocks and uh and thickness let’s go up yep there’s a few zombies following us and there’s also a chest let me let me

Quickly check it out three golden gets a fine tooth and a lime ring i don’t know what these things are but there are zombies closing in so you know what let me just quickly reload my gun and shoot him oh there’s a zombie into this oh reload the gun quickly there’s a zombie

He go yep he was too close he got me once i hope i’m not bleeding but we’ll find out if uh if i’m being slowed oh no no ammo no i’m gonna use the the revolver well you do you need some help do me do

You need some backup uh no no i got them all i got them all you know what i gotta climb up i gotta climb up this is this is not good too many zombies yep i don’t want to deal with that dude this is like a parkour map have i

Got any dirt blocks yep i got 20. jeez look at that it’s so many okay i’m inside the building um are you are you with me where did you go right behind you partner oh oh oh that’s a parasite that’s parasite that’s an evolved zombie i gonna want oh oh oh

There’s another one i gotta oh no oh no come on open open the door open the door oh they’re blocked from outside oh no oh no i gotta reload i gotta i gotta reload oh no did it reload hit him once hit him twice oh he’s dead oh

Oh what just happened what just happened i couldn’t get away because the door is blocked outside by maybe snow or something oh oh what is that uh uh uh yo i need my help can you come to me can you help me we’ll are you on uh on the bottom floor

I’m just below you there is another creature outside the window can you turn off dude i got no flashlight i’m right i’m right beside you dude on the other side oh i see you i see you have you got a pickaxe actually i i think is he oh

Oh okay okay are you ready to shoot this guy i i mean i’ve got a magnum that’s all i’ve got but yeah pretty much hold on okay i’m gonna make sure i’m reloading the gun okay i’m full on ammo are you ready same yep one two let’s go

Oh he can’t oh don’t shoot me he can’t get to yours okay i’m gonna uh just come up to him like like so oh oh dude he’s so massive he can’t get free that’s crazy move aside oh oh did you get it i got him i got him oh he didn’t drop anything

Did he drop like that yeah he dropped like an intestines oh i can i can search for the intestines i got three pairs okay i’m gonna search the intestine and see if i find anything good so that creature was a cyber war so that was a hybrid war creature

I don’t know i don’t know but um intestines they didn’t drop anything good except for a few slime balls oh no i think we’re getting i think we’re getting swarmed is is that a nest egg is that like their nest i don’t think that’s the mob i think

That’s like uh dude don’t get close oh get it get it get him i’m gonna use my ba you got him uh nearly dude he’s so fast deep he’s so creepy dude i couldn’t see him because i didn’t have my flashlight turned on

Uh let me let me reload my gun i just uh shoot this thing from from the distance kill it real quick yep it’s taking damage it’s so weird yep i got it i got it it’s dead do you look at that it even changed the block to some like weird stuff it’s it’s

Hard to tell but i think the night time is going to hit us really soon and the temperatures will drop even more so uh do you want to go maybe down to the basement then i mean the higher you go the coal uh the warmer you get inside buildings and side buildings keyword

That’s that’s going down would be better but uh going up yeah we can try that let me just bandage up my legs these uh these infected guys they just swarmed my legs i got both of them broken so they’re both healing now dude i think i found like a building yeah

Yeah watch this watch this watch this don’t wanna uh you use the flashlight in the distance and uh i’ve only got one alarm the zombies did you pass oh yeah i see a little oh dude dude i’ve got a set to i’ve got a set also there’s like a few mags i think

It’s 5.50 you’ve got revolver right is that what is that is that what the eagle takes oh look at that that’s a swat uh swat armor set dude it’s it’s sick it’s really sick yeah you do blend in with the night zombies you can’t see me the zombies

Will not see you that’s correct we gotta imagine watching a corner imagine watching a corner thinking you’re alone and then i’m there why not uh that will be really creepy we can actually wait the night if you want before going to that cave maybe maybe the day will be clearer

Uh yeah for sure but um do you think there’s anything up top i i don’t think there is that there’s a cauldron uh have you got a pickaxe hey thanks thanks for the pickaxe let’s see uh stone pickaxe that’s that’s all you could get were you we’re

In a zombie apocalypse i can’t go mining maybe there’s like everywhere maybe maybe we need to go and mine in that cave but you know what we’re going to wait out it already stopped oh no it’s still snowing never mind if you get closer you’ll see that still snowing but yeah

It’s like crazy wait about yeah let’s actually wait warmer now i’m a lot warmer now i mean yeah uh if we place a torch uh we can warm up so yeah let’s just wait over the night actually okay it’s a rainy day a brand new day the sun is up shining um

Here oh you came up as well i see i see uh let’s go exploring them yeah do you i i’m right behind you do you think i can make this jump i think i can oh yeah of course so easy so easy oh look at that there’s a big

Zombie i think that’s like uh one of the big ones if i’m not mistaken if if i’m not mistaken oh i see you you’re building up real smooth oh yep there’s a couple of zombies oh you’ve got a nice nice revolver i’ve got a desert eagle

Yeah dude do you see how i’m killing all of them call me the killing master i know so as you can see the snow did it get deeper i i think it did because uh the windows of these buildings they’re they’re pretty much like blocked off they’re gonna melt they’re gonna melt

Any moment yep oh there’s a chest let me check it out bandages uh terminator backpack oh i’ve got some uh some pork and the backpack let me put it on let me oh you got a backpack look at what this oh dude it’s looking sick you can carry

All my crap now uh yeah i can look look at how much space the backpack has this is really good how much space does it have uh like a full inventory even more like two rounds you’re like the backpack boy you’re just carrying all my stuff for me

So first thing first i want you to carry a few of my bandages spawning there yep oh bandages yeah i can take them but you won’t see them i’m going to use them all oh you oh there’s a chest here uh scope we got a scopes a mag more uh more prime

For what goes on the large i don’t know what scope that is foreign i can’t oh look at that what is that that’s some big trees heading down oh i’ve got an enchantment table yes yes this is really good i hope i can break with the stone

Pickaxe though can i yep yep i can okay i got it oh uh the inventory is full okay i’m gonna put some stuff i don’t need in the backpack except the ammo i need the ammo and the bandages also i need the food look at this this backpack is actually plenty of food

Really useful yeah i’ve got a lot of people put a refrigerator in your backpack so the food wouldn’t get spoiled here follow me i know i know oh i’m so oh yeah let me get my flashlight uh i think we missed the floor this is

What th this is not the accent oh yeah it’s not basically not let’s oh we’re getting snowed in we’re getting snowed in oh there’s a chest oh oh we’ve got an m16 and a couple of mags you know what i’m going to take it if you don’t mind

We could have missed it you do you see how it’s like right in front of the doors that we could just we could just walk through the doors and grab it but you had to break a window and go through it well uh we didn’t i tried to

Find it we still got lucky uh oh look at that look at the mag on it this is so nice oh my scope works my scope works it looks awesome you look like a real military man dude i don’t know how about this scope it’s it’s actually zooming out and

Uh i see further away i don’t know how pass me the gun yeah yeah look at it there you go do you see how it looks oh whoa you look really professional you’re like a real zombie survivor you’re like an expert dude oh don’t waste ammo don’t waste

Ammo although i do have a lot behind you soldier max thanks uh let’s let’s go up using the leaves okay we’re up i see a zombie let me see if i can hit it dude this scope is trash let me get my other one back oh really dude this scope

Is so trash it’s taken off then yeah it’s a lot better without it it’s like zooming out it’s awful oh actually the sun is shining as you can see so let’s hope the the still melted away piece by the zombies don’t spawn even though they’re oh dude

There’s a huge one you see him he’s got a normal size this one yeah he’s huge watch this dude i don’t think he’s huge i think he’s wrong you see you see how huge he is you see me no no no uh he looks normal size to me actually so maybe it’s

Only he’s not normal dude you just you just didn’t see it oh there’s a lot of zombies let’s not waste too much ammo and uh let’s just move on i see a highway there oh dude there’s a highway i see it too yep do you want to go on

The highway maybe there’s like a barracks maybe like a hot spot of survivors yeah yeah but let’s just let’s keep away from the zombies actually oh by the way how we got uh have we got water because uh i think we should get some water we have plenty of wood but

You can grab extra if you want uh have you got any dirt blocks here you can grab an axe too let’s just quickly get it because uh we do need to make a base as you know and for the base we do need these materials that’s that’s real important i’m thinking we should

Probably reinforce like um one of the one of the top skyscrapers like one of the floors oh i hear some footsteps i hope that’s not no that’s me i’m right here oh do you hear the birds chirping oh yeah i can hear them we can cook them

You wanna you you wanna shoot them we’ve got plenty of guns no we can’t we can’t we can check out my other eggs i can’t check out my ak-101 it’s not the akash or 101. that is so sick it looks really cool i’ve got a shotgun and i’ve got an m16

Let me just okay i don’t see any rfp in the distance already oh the icy lake we can use it to uh run faster i mean we don’t well oh there’s a lot of zombies i didn’t even notice them let’s just quickly get rid of them

Do you think they can hear our shots i bet they can actually i bet they can’t that’s why they’re running now we gotta be careful then uh oh look at this highway do you think there is uh something up there we can never have enough parts

Like of just stuff we have to check it out okay uh let’s just go up you’re following me oh there’s a lot of zombies a lot of zombies oh they can’t they can’t get past oh there’s like plenty of zombies yeah but uh there’s a fence so they can’t get past

Oh let’s go oh i see a car and i see a zombie on that side dude i see a car oh it’s starting to snow again this is not good dude oh dude what is that is that truck yeah i i that’s some kind of car uh

Maybe a truck like some heavy vehicle but it’s starting to snow again and uh i’m not sure if we can actually drive it because it doesn’t look drivable it definitely does have a few parts on it i can head down oh there’s a lot of zombies let me just quickly get them

Tackle reload cover me attack yep dude it’s getting cold my temperature is dropping again the snow was piling on top we should uh just stand over under the bridge right here it’s it’s quite a bit better do you see this this is like a different biome there’s like a forest

Of some sort like yeah i see it i don’t see it that’s that’s weird hey let me let me quickly just get rid of this zombie yep oh oh there’s that oh did you see that oh someone’s don’t be sorry zombies coming in uh can you can you help me out can you

Help me out oh one just spawned it right in front of me oh careful with these uh these little parasites one got on my face but i quickly shut it down i don’t know if he noticed the guys so uh that’s what you basically i saw the ragdoll of the zombie just

Just go like this uh what you basically gotta do is uh there’s too many of them cyrix yeah you gotta shoot the little guys off your face when they get up on on top of that i blocked off the entrance so they won’t be able to get us again let’s go up yep

Yep let me just get my flashlight on oh we’re right beside the truck that’s good can i remember i can confirm this is a truck i’m no expert cars but i believe this is a 880. let’s go check it out oh uh actually you have a few wheels yeah

I’ve let you take them from the chest uh can we see if it works oh it went up look at that that’s all i have though oh you you missed the one oh dude i missed like the front wheel the most important one okay oh no

What we need to do is just find more wheels uh yeah that’s that’s an easy thing to say how big he he’s a is one yeah yeah dude there are zombies coming in from every side so we got to be like careful you think this building has any

Wheels did we check all the floors i don’t think we did we didn’t check the very top floor yeah we didn’t oh there’s a zombie there careful careful dude did this is not working i’m gonna use the flashlight oh yeah yep there’s a zombie just getting rid of it

What is that oh that’s just a lot of their body body smushed together into the into the cobweb okay let’s uh yep this floor doesn’t have anything does the rooftop have it nope nothing on the rooftop you know what let’s go let’s go check out this uh neighboring building because

It looks a bit bigger we just got to lead up we need one more wheel and including all this time so it’s no problem for us oh look at that there’s a hospital in the distance it looks really weird you know what we need medical supplies

And uh i think it’s gonna be a better running out of bandages that’s right oh yeah you need bandages i go 12 here thanks thank you thank you let’s just uh jump down let’s oh there’s a zombie building up to yours let’s go down and uh check out that

Hospital over there because we need medical supplies on the wheels why did you shoot me no no zombie zombie pushed you off i’m helping you okay okay i i’m reloading my gun i’ve got 30 mags let me just quickly get these zombies here cover me cover me oh there’s so many

Dude there were so many waiting on the ground floor they’re just jumping through even the windows trying to try and see if i see that i see that dude we gotta move we gotta move it’s night time i think their spawn rate increased we gotta move

The night time is hitting fast we gotta be real careful are you following me i’m trying to get rid of all these zombies dude you gotta keep up you gotta keep up uh i don’t have a lot of zombies on me i think they’re all like uh just attacking

You where did you go oh yeah there you are i’m running i’m running let’s let’s go up let’s go up i’ve got at least we have winter close to you like survive this night and stuff like that oh dude there’s like ton of zombies coming you better you better move fast you better

Move them you better move that pickaxe fast yep i’m trying going up the stairs there’s the there’s the uh the eerie hospital looks really empty oh look at that there’s like broken like a meteorite fell on it i see it i see maybe maybe maybe someone tried to nuke someone maybe oh like

By the way yeah maybe but uh be careful oh no don’t shoot don’t you don’t shoot don’t you use your melee weapons let’s not um you know make a lot of sound because this building will echo really really loud and we don’t want that okay yep yep i’ve got some iron the

Zombie drops myron that’s good that’s good we can maybe get a better pickaxe okay we see uh some tables some books dude this building is massive i know the zombies are uh there’s a big one coming after you yep yep oh dude i thought you were shooting like a

Different gun sounded really different i know it’s the building echo yeah yeah it is let’s go up let’s go up oh there’s a chest let’s see let’s see what’s inside oh two wheels hey let’s go two wheels that’s already wheels careful careful don’t let it shoot you

Don’t let it shoot you okay yeah yeah i’m hiding behind like a pillar do you think it works it’s aiming upwards dude it looks like no no it’s uh it’s it’s broken down i think maybe it’s like out of juice dude can we can we oh yeah definitely

It’s just out of juice like it was used before in this hospital but not now oh you don’t have the performance okay you know i’m gonna break it i’m gonna break it okay dude i don’t think i can break it with my uh stone pickaxe

Let me see i can craft an iron one maybe oh wow i think we’re really lucky i’ve got 12 iron ingots from this chest oh really dude i had plenty of fiber myself dude what is that that’s a type 2 plasma cap seal i don’t know

Look at us do you think do you know what this is what is that check this out that’s like a plasma tree capsule do you know what that’s for dude i think that that’s maybe like let’s see okay i’ve got a pickaxe i’ve got a pickaxe i’m pretty sure that’s like for

A plasmagon were they working out on some like alien technology the doctors the medics were working on a plasma gun that’s insane here you can take the spike that’s that’s crazy you better keep that because that’s that’s not normal dude i’m gonna i’m gonna sort

Out my uh backpack again can you pass my gun yep i’m i’m just gonna pick it up gun turret that’s real good i think we might have enough wheels but we better wait out the night this place is this place is actually safe relatively safe safe like to you when we slept beforehand

But like we don’t really want to go outside what do you think yeah me too me too i think we should just stay inside this building and wait over the night i agree because as you can see the the snow particles are still coming down there is still a blizzard outside the

Temperature will be too cold to travel in the night time definitely definitely by the way i i even put my actually uh do you see my uh yeah i see your armor vest if you if you mean that yeah let’s just sleep let’s just sleep here i’m gonna sleep in this

Better flowers oh you’re gonna sleep in the flowers right beside window like a princess that’s some princess stuff i’m gonna sleep in the cobwebs with my spider friends like a man like mine should yep you hear that you hear it yeah i hear a few zombies just making some weird noise

Is it down below i don’t know i don’t know but there’s like cheers coming i know oh we missed the floor we need to go what one yep it’s right here uh i think we got enough fleet from this building do you just want to go to the to the truck

Yeah yeah let’s head out do this this hospital imagine if it was like working on a cure and then it got destroyed like that’s so unfortunate you know i i think that may be true because look at that it did get like nuked like a rocket came crashing down and it exploded

Oh that was an evolved like a hound a beast hound dude we got to be careful that was that was crazy i know dude we need to get out if we ever need if we ever need wood we can just come back to this jungle oh

Yeah yeah uh the snow is still falling down uh but it’s not um collecting because we’re just we’ve got clothes now uh yeah yeah we can uh battle the temperature a little a little bit better but um we still can’t go uh in the nighttime travel and the night when it’s a

Blizzard outside we can’t do that yet it’s just too cold for that okay i see a few zombies on the motorway and uh the truck is supposed to be over there somewhere let’s just build up but quickly just shoot down these zombies i think they heard my

Shots so we got to be fast we got to be fast oh the trucks still there dude okay by the way we climbed the wrong oh we climbed the wrong yeah there’s so many zombies let me let me try get let me shoot this zombie down 15 damage oh no ammo

Let me use my revolver oh dude there’s a big pack of zombies okay you got them good good oh yeah but i think my magnum is pretty good is your like deal super opt uh no i wouldn’t say it’s op it’s more of like a picture if you want to switch

Because it’s like it’s super easy you just you don’t even need max you can just load it up with bullets uh yeah yeah for sure uh come up yeah and then we can switch i’m gonna really take it i’m going to reload my gun and then i’m going to

Hit it we’ll fold my rom give me the give me the eagle let’s check this bad boy out hey i need some one shots here uh hear your mind there you go there’s a mag dude look at these zombies whoa your revolver is op it’s so big it does so much damage

Dude i’m not gonna waste any more ammo let’s just get the truck on the road there’s a zombies coming in hot we need to uh we need to get the wheels okay i’ve got one wheel let’s let’s put it on there we go uh have you got another

Wheel for the front yeah yeah i’ve got one wheel i’ll cover me cover me it’s mandatory yep yep just shooting down these zombies oh i have no ammo let me use the bar die zombie dude how are we going to get all we need is this all we need yeah yeah we’re good

We’re good i think uh hold on hold on how are we getting in i don’t know how are we gonna drive a pasta uh past those trees i think we gotta go the other way i’m i’m uh okay it’s starting already started it’s uh it’s working let me try

Going okay that’s not sick dude it’s working i’m driving let me close the door that’s sick yeah get in get in oh i think dude can i can i i can run over chickens that’s crazy oh by the way this road it’s blocked we gotta go the other way

Like it’s too overgrown there’s a tree grow growing right through the motor right underneath the motor motorway let’s dude uh let’s just go uh the other way but there’s like a big hole we gotta build like a like a bridge for it’s across we can definitely do that yeah we’ve gone off

Material sure it won’t be that hard by the way look at that look at these zombies i’m gonna shoot i’m gonna run him down and he didn’t die oh i’m gonna get out he didn’t die dude did you break this deagle it’s so bad like the accuracy on this thing

Uh no no oh look at that they’re coming in from from the window let me block it off real quick there we go uh dude i’ve got a lot of wood actually so you know i ain’t got no problems three blocks um in diameter three blocks

In width do you think this will be enough i mean four blocks if you drive it slowly sure i’m just gonna take a slow partner take it slow don’t rush i’m running out of blocks i’m out of blocks dude you should have gotten them big big pile of like pile of

Trees i told you like to get some of them jungle trees you see you saw how big they were yeah yeah have you got any uh any spare oh dude this is already falling on the bridge you know what um i’m gonna start up the truck and uh see

If i can cross the bridge let me get in real quick let me get in okay guys let’s let’s leave him here i’m only joking okay let’s let’s try let’s try going on this bridge but uh it’s working fine look at that look at that

Let’s go let’s go now this is what i call a vehicle transportation yep that’s correct there are so many zombies below us look at that look at that dude they just spawned in i know like the spawn rate is crazy oh dude there’s like way more below

Underneath i know look at it right here up top here crazy get this guy real quick oh he didn’t die from the two shots let me reload my m4 real quick and then we can be on the road because it is getting cold again the blizzard is still

Strong get inside close the door you’re letting all the heat out oh it’s so cold increasing the speed there now that’s what i call transportation we’re just plowing through this town these these roads they were built for this truck oh there was a bigger hole inside the

Inside the oh no oh carefully don’t fold it up i’m trying dude it’s really hard to control this thing but luckily yeah dude i got out i got out did you see that i know i know there’s like crazy mushrooms maybe maybe maybe we can eat them

Dude let me get my flashlight on oh dude there is a big zombie i mean a couple of zombies beside us yeah they’re pretty huge you see how i went past this like yeah i saw that you nearly killed us no no you aren’t paying attention when

You’re driving are you you’re not in the cave if we would have fallen in there the truck would be gone this cave is actually deep that’s crazy that’s crazy [Applause] we haven’t even saw any like helicopter crash sites find grenades yeah you’re right you’re right dude

Let’s let’s let’s get back into the into the truck let’s just keep going this is crazy dude by the way this is like a dangerous place or maybe maybe some dangerous lurking up here we got to be careful i mean i see the end of the tunnel so let’s hope that

Nothing nothing bad happens all you gotta do is just drive straight partner yep just drive straight oh i’m gonna close the door oh i see the end of the tunnel and we can turn left right or go forward but i think what is that i see like some some

Black stuff i think that’s trees so we can’t really go forward can we yeah the road is blocked as well oh yeah it is i see it as it is that’s not getting a flashlight on yeah you see that that’s trees yeah it’s too thick

Too thick we can’t get oh hold on hold on maybe maybe i can battle through them let’s see oh you want to use the truck too sauna right behind us oh be careful be careful okay i’m gonna take it slow i’m gonna take it slow don’t worry no you gotta take it fast

Oh you gotta you have to take it slow oh you’re you’re doing it you’re oh i’m backing off i’m backing off i’m backing off no you nearly flipped it you’d nearly feel it we we can’t go over the trees oh i felt oh your life your life let me i gotta

Banish my legs i gotta bandage my legs oh i didn’t break them actually that’s that’s weird dude zombie get away from me oh no ammo no ammo i’m trying to survive him but that’s like such long distance do you see me yeah i see you dude why was there a big

Hole in the in the ground dude i think the truck i think the truck broke the ground well while it was like flipped i gotta get up i gotta get up can you wait for me uh i don’t know about that dude i don’t know what he’s calling don’t

Leave notes calling no you can’t leave me right dude i’ma head out now east i’m getting swarmed by zombies don’t leave i’m nearly up i’m nearly up okay you didn’t leave me that’s good What is that what is that what i don’t have any ammo i don’t have any apples i’ve got a black screen i don’t see anything oh it’s after me it’s after me it’s it’s it’s pulling me into the air i i think i broke my leg i’m running really slowly

I finally reloaded my gun but dude i gotta run i gotta run what is look how far you away you are i can’t even catch up i’m running so fast it’s so fast can you help me keep oh i’m running i’m running i’m running dude what is that there’s what is that thing

Dude it hit me i have a black screen i need to reload me too me too i got 10 ammo dude dude i’m going underwater i’m going underwater can you can you smart smart smart smart yeah oh he’s he’s coming through maybe yeah i think he is again reloading i’m reloading okay i’m

Down i’m down can you pick me up i’m gonna pick you up i’m gonna pick you up okay i’m up i’m up i’m running again dude okay he’s stuck in the ice water he’s stuck he’s stuck come on come on dude are you looking you pulled him in oh you pulled him in

He can’t he can’t get past what is that i’m reloading my m16 look at him he’s so creepy yeah uh yeah i think he’s stuck we can take a look just where did he come from oh he was waiting at the top of our truck the zone behind you so i’m behind you

Dude oh dude that is crazy oh careful he he might reach you and soak taste the lips this this creature that’s like nightmare fuel that’s nice i don’t like the way we need is getting getting right i gotta eat some pork chops where is the juice

Oh no no i have a lot of banana juice i don’t need anything you’re drunk some morphine oh crap i dropped i dropped the morphine no i’ve got my own morphine it’s all good it’s all good i’m gonna eat it the more thing is what helps you i’m enhancing i’m enhanced

I’ve got a five minute buff a weird zombie i’m gonna use the the alden weapon as you said the mirror slag the cowboy evergone okay okay uh not to you know waste the precious ammo we have yeah let’s go let’s go i’m gonna jump down and see if he

Dropped anything and uh no he didn’t just a lot of xp oh dude i think the season switched you you saw that yeah i saw like uh some type of flash yeah season switch dude that means it’s gonna be even even colder now oh dude i’m not i’m not looking forward to that

Dude i think my breath got like brighter or something we need to get to the truck asap yeah we probably do we need to get a base going if we want to survive this blizzard because uh right now the snow it’s not that heavy actually can you

Believe it it’s not the heavy heaviest snow we can get it can get a lot worse the weather conditions so we know sometimes we’re gonna have to be like even inside inside you know yeah yeah inside the buildings just barely scraping by this is where he

Spawned by the way we can see like his spawner hold on thanks i thought i got mine some trees and there was a zombie over there just waiting for me okay so we can see that this lead spawned in destroyed a few snow blocks destroyed a few zombies there’s like xp some meat

That we can collect okay so this is i see we’re like the tactics we’re investigating this is where i fell this is where i fell from yeah and that’s where i left the truck by i don’t remember the truck being like tilted so that’s weird let’s hope it still works actually

You can try running it if you want to the snow is starting to pile up have i got some intestines yeah i have a few intestines it’s like a loot box let me let me open it up what is that what is that like something add some some white some yellow stuff

Some seeds pumpkin seeds let’s go pumpkin seeds we can let’s go that way get in get inside i’m in let’s go the zombie is starting to hit me so i’m going to close are you sure you want to go back because i like turn around we might want to oh

Yeah turn left here turn left here partner oh left no i want to go right you want to go right hey go right then oh oh going right going right turning right dude get in get in start it up start our partner oh the

Snow let’s see if it will go on the snow yep it did dude this is a good off-road vehicle but did you close the door don’t let it yeah i did i did okay let’s switch the gear oh oh here there’s a big hole i’m oh we

Nearly fell free i didn’t even see it you got to be careful with these things yeah there’s like a ton of zombies dude yeah i know i know right with the snow it’s like remember the road was like solid like pretty good but now it’s like old jaggery because the snow build up

Dude that’s crazy it breaks my mind like how is there so much snow i know it’s like a fallout blizzard or or something like that there was a nuke or a zombie apocalypse and it just basically messed the weather up so there’s like an endless winter now

Oh no i think this is the end of the road we gotta build like a ramp down or something i’m pretty sure you can just maybe just drive forwards be honest on the street you know yeah i wanna i can try it i can try it yeah you can

Try if you want to okay you ready just don’t mess it up don’t mess it up let’s go dude the zombies are getting me oh oh no oh no can you go i think i’m good zombies i think i think we got the zombies okay

Can you break the back wheel kind of the part where i’m stuck at can you break it yeah for sure i can i can try dude let’s hope it works it’s working it’s working yep there we go there we go okay you’re backing up yep i’m good i’m good i’m good at stuff

Dude you’re a professional dude that’s what i’m talking about that’s what i’m talking about now i just need to get a little bit out of the way zombies there we go okay there’s zombies what is that cyrux come here what is that dude oh i see i see let me check

Dude i think that’s like frogs but they’re yellow they’re big yellow frogs how did they survive there’s like only zombies oh yeah it is a swamp uh i’ma try and beat one yeah it is a swamp oh no don’t don’t kill it or should we kill him for food i

Don’t think we should uh no no no we’ve got plenty of food we’re gonna let you survive a little fellas yeah they are frogs they look so ugly oh my they’re the ugly speakers half of their swamp is frozen like they have a little bit of water and can they go underground

Yeah they can dude it’s a harsh world for them you’re just going to put up put up some torches for it not to freeze again that that way they can keep there there’s a couple of zombies on the rooftop and you know what that actually gives me an idea let’s build i’m putting

I’m putting up torches for their ponzi on freeze oh yeah that’s that’s smart oh it’s yeah it’s working nice nice you’re helping out the environment yep i am uh dude i got an idea uh we should make a base on like on the top floor of a

Building but like taller than that one of course that was not tall enough because then we have insulation with the windows with the floor and uh we can keep in the heat like put a lot of torches maybe some glowstones if we find some some lamps oh yeah definitely definitely we can definitely

Do that we just need to find that skyscraper but which one do you want to choose you said like you want some you wanted something higher than this can it go any higher i do dude i think i see something oh what is that oh that’s something big

Something flying as well what is he doing you want to go kill it last time it was a freaking boss okay i have ammo in my m4 and let me get this magnum reloaded okay are you ready am i or am i not you tell me because i think i’m as ready as

I’ll ever be let’s get these oh yep i see him flying oh uh i think i can snipe him out with my m4 oh do you see there’s one i’m infected for some reason i had a little bit of infection for like a second okay i’m gonna i’m gonna shoot him down

From the distance yep he’s fi he’s firing like perfection uh things happen projectiles we got him i got him look at that there’s another parasite on the brief are you shooting dude oh there’s another one yeah i see him we got him as well good

Job good job i got infected for for a sack yeah me too uh where’s that like the ground mob that was like went really big went left like that’s all i saw dude oh careful careful there is like some weird creature here i’m gonna i’m gonna take it out with my pistol

Oh there’s a zombies inside this building okay hey maybe it’s better if he left to be honest because like he’s nowhere around to be seen yeah okay okay so it’s a it’s a mission for another day i suppose time to get that base going by the way we still have that

Turret let’s go baby yeah there it is we can cook up some beautiful pork chops some beautiful meat no pork chops but like spews whatever we can find with these plants and stuff and yeah right you’re right we can we can live nicely let’s get in the truck and just keep

Going i guess i’m gonna get a driver’s seat close the window if you drive to the right okay i think that that’d be best but careful you don’t go into the pawn uh yeah i’m gonna take this route press the gas a little i’m switching gears

Making it go faster come on let’s go let’s go we can make it we can make it yes we did we we made it okay for a days yep the snow is getting really heavy it’s getting really dangerous outside i mean thank the lord we have the clothes on that we have on

Yeah or we or or we’d be like super cold dude i can see zombies to the left just spawning in like that’s way too many zombies dude zombie get away from me there i got it ah we uh we run out of fuel unfortunately dude the zombie is not registering these shots

We ran out of fuel on the road and my friend went ahead and started exploring for anything he can find i’m just sitting here by the truck maybe he can find some fuel i don’t know i left my truck on that road and i’m heading into

The direction my uh my friend went i’m just gonna see if i can come across him because uh i figured why what am i waiting for like if he’s gonna bring me fuel i might as well like just go lead myself and get some fuel by the way look at that let’s

Let’s get it okay and i also need a pickaxe because i don’t have any blocks left so i just got a oh there’s a there’s a little duckling here huh and a lot of zombies inside this building look at that look at that you know what i’m gonna break this uh break

This window and shoot them open no ammo let me reload hold on zombies i’m gonna shoot you don’t you worry yep got em all got em all now it’s safe to go inside hey be careful birdie don’t let these zombies get you oh there’s a three of them here that’s like a nest

Okay okay we’re inside don’t see anything good oh look at that i open the door and uh there is like it’s jailed off so could this be a good place for a base because uh you know it looks kind of reinforced like it’s intact nothing’s like too broken oh anvil let’s go

I need my iron pickaxe for this let’s get the sandville i can actually put my flashlight because it is kind of dark here anything good oh there’s a spawner let’s let’s quickly get it before it spawns anything dude i don’t see anything good but look

At that look at this city it’s a lot better when the sun is shining and the blizzard is not like at its peak because then you can actually see the beautiful the beautiful sun the beautiful city and a lot of snow on the ground i’m gonna pick up these bookshelves let’s go

Because i do need them have i got a yep i got placed my backpack i’m gonna place the uh the module capsule plasma thing inside just to be safe that i don’t lose it was nighttime is starting okay follow me cyrux yep right behind you

So i found like a pretty good base i kind of ward it off as you can see with the fencing iron fancy like the zombie entrance did some progress i mean i was waiting for you what took you so long dude i thought you were

Coming up to me and like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why would i come to you why you said you’d be back i never said that i said i said i’m gonna be out for a few days like come on come on find me you’re lying well i

Build the space for ross so you you could just say thank you that’s that’s about hey thanks that’s that looks good like uh a tree block in the height fence and the frozen water yeah don’t put any torches or it’s gonna be careful you didn’t even clean the inside did you

You didn’t no no you see that you see this is not our base this is just the entrance we go here you can check the chest by the way i didn’t touch it we go here we go around sometimes we go round and round you see a lot of torches used to

Be in the window hold on hold on hold on oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i’m coming it’s all good it’s so good it’s just one zombie right i got diamonds i got a diamond hey congrats you go over here you go round hold on see the little

Christmas sparkle you get on the ladder and then yeah what you do is you press the lever you might think how how do i press the lever no just press the lever it works you see oh so this is like against the zombies and you gotta crouch down to get in you

Can’t go um oh no you can’t you can okay okay and now you close the door oh there’s a few zombies close door faster dude okay and now we coincide the base base uh there’s nothing here i was waiting for you to come by oh so this is the base huh

Yep that’s the main base i mean it looks good we got some nice neighbors in the window over there oh do we now yeah yeah did you check any any more floors oh well yeah we got a big big there’s like three or four floors and they’re

Like filled with zombies you just gotta be careful to be honest oh there’s a chest yep just more more junk dude have i got any bandages because i’m running slowly yep my both my legs are boston let me fix it up real quick i mean we just need

To fix up the base too you know what i’m i’m gonna start with that to be honest like i was working on uh just securing the perimeter but now i can actually fortify it against the cold oh you uh you don’t wanna go uh up floor oh no no

No see many zombies up there oh okay okay so we got zombies as our neighbors and neighboring buildings and also in on the top floor okay i got you yep just be careful don’t don’t let them bite you you might have to become my neighbor i’m gonna place this chest some

Torches as well i mean i’ve got a few mushrooms i’ve got a few trees i’ve got a few stone slabs dude i’ve got an anvil i’ve got an anvil let’s let’s place it right here oh yeah by the way we need a terror dude i’m not i’m not feeling too safe

I’ve got one table so we can eat here yeah and what type of food we got we got morphine that’s something i like some morphine can you spare me some thank you partner don’t don’t be addicted to it now [Applause] how can i get addicted to morphine it only makes you feel good

Zombie breaking like right below you oh not anymore okay dude okay so we gotta keep thinking i think we need to go up a floor okay i as you can see i worded it off but maybe we’re good maybe not who knows check it out dude oh there’s a lot of zombies a

Lot of zombies oh don’t get bit you don’t get i don’t want to kill you there’s a lot of zombies i’m just hitting them with my back i mean you can definitely yeah there’s gonna die okay i’m on top i’m on top it’s a bit better a bit

Dude could you not pick a better building this one is so broken we got holes in every wall dude i never went to this full floor i just blocked it off because of the zomboids let me do this i mean if you wanna we can just choose another hotspot if you want to

Alright i can do it myself hey man just use your box no conserve ammunition i’m telling you this place was filled with zombies i blocked it off that looks like a good building yeah it’s it looks intact it looks intact i mean my bad i i was working on the

Entrance and i kind of forgot to check check it for holes like i saw zombies and i just blocked it off okay then let’s let’s go down let’s let’s go to that building happens if i close it oh i can’t i can’t dude let’s let’s just go up let’s go up

Can i get my flashlight there we go let’s go to the very top floor because that’s where the base will be that’s where the base will be at the top right behind you that’s where the zombies don’t come oh there’s a zombie here i gotta be careful

Okay we see a broken window oh another zombie let’s let’s get it yep we gotta any more zombies nope are you zombies just the cobweb and the chest yeah the top floor there it is i see you yep there’s a chest do you think it has anything inside let’s check oh an

Ancient tome of efficiency that’s that’s sick i also got an enchanting table and a lot of xp so we can oh we need bookshelves i remember i uh yeah there are bookshelves here and i also broke basically we can craft like i mean i can place like some furniture if you want

You want to make this our base that would be fantastic yeah or the bandages because that’s about all we got how about some rotten flesh a stuck ice level oh it’s not working okay so it’s just like uh just storage i’m going to put some pork chop some roast prime beef inside

Got some yep i’ve got some chairs you want that’s nice that’s good that’s good make it homely make it lively i know how where’s my backpack there’s my backpack that’s not even the best thing that i have i have one last time but hold on one second one second

One second okay okay the unfortunate thing it’s not working it’s not working it’s okay okay well it’s not working we need to connect a water source beneath it i think maybe a work water bug no no just like a stream and then we will have water but that’s like that’s plumbing

For another day yeah so we got to get the plumbing working okay well i can get the point later go on the rooftop and i can place a cold front to collect uh rain water snow water whatever dude we can just grab snow heat it up you know

Oh yeah that’s true also can we like get these blocks and uh yep there’s the i mean do you never mind we have like rivers beside us we can get rain we can get everything we wanted so look good oh yeah by the way check this out check

This out yeah i’m coming down to you enchancia table oh let’s go is it is it gathering the knowledge oh we don’t have laps lazui or do you uh no no no yeah but i can go mining we can get like a lot of four yeah we can is it expedition time

I think it is but hold on let me get expeditions yeah these are curtains like if you want to block off the light oh yeah look at that the sunlight it’s so it’s so strong here it’s not here it’s not here yeah look at the sun you see the sun’s a

Little too bright something yeah it is so you want to close it now you don’t see the song dude you fixed my life i know that’s why i think it’s all my problems this will block out the sun in our base that’s so good never mind that

We got the whole wall as a window but hey this will do the job just fine are you are you complaining about my answers look at that it’s it actually works i’m a philosopher i’m smarter than you stand in front of the window i can actually see like the shadow on your

On your body on your face can you stand closer oh i think the sun is gone so it’s not gonna work anymore but okay okay it’s starting the sun is going down we need we need to get this base heated it’s gonna get real okay okay okay yep i’m gonna i’m gonna

Then right gonna patch up the blocks that we’re missing yeah oh there’s a zombie that spawned don’t let them jump in your face okay i think i got them all yeah we got him nice You had a nightmare yeah you thought we were in the zombie apocalypse yeah i did are we no no no no no we’re not we’re not here here grab this gun have this gone give me your gun and you’re gone let me see this one a scar

Mk sixteen so right i’ll make them up don’t make a lot of noise i think there’s like uh some definitely not infected normal people beneath us oh okay okay i hear you i hear you yes is the blind closed yeah it is let’s close it yeah yeah or they might see us

I’m just gonna sit here and uh wait over time sleep tight i’ll keep guard i’m just checking the windows to see if we have any any neighbors that uh want to eat our brains where yeah can you go down already no not yet but you ready let’s go yep

Oh what happened to the ladder he’s slightly careful the zombies dude there were so many zombies on that top floor that’s that’s he loaded that’s a little don’t go too low now okay i don’t want to end up in the basement that’s true follow me soldier oh is this

Is this a cave no no it isn’t we need to go enough that’s like a third floor keep making me jump out of the third floor don’t break your legs now soldier remember what they trained you for where yeah are you down yeah yeah i’m down i’m down yep you’re right i see

Let’s go explore okay so we need to find a nuclear launch site a helicopter a minigun and also uh the zombie infection uh disease spray i mean the fixing disease spray the antidote let me check out this gun oh you got a silence yeah yeah that’s tight i like it dude that’s sick

That was like a whole horde and i just mowed it down your gun ain’t silenced so uh you’re gonna be careful yeah don’t make too much noise oh okay look at that building i’m gonna find out holy moly dude it’s destroyed it’s like further um the way we ran oh yeah yeah

The building is gone dude look at that what could have happened what could have done this do you think like the government when the outbreak began started uh like exploring i mean exploding the buildings exploding the ground zero oh yeah this infected world oh it’s starting to snub again

Dude are you are you good did you get uh are you in your gear your military military gear don’t worry about me i’m good okay okay oh these zombies these zombies are real scary dude what is that it’s my tunnel it’s it’s it’s what i’ve been working on all day

So that’s why you weren’t you weren’t getting the items oh you found a cave look at it yeah there’s like quite a bit of ore actually there’s like uh emeralds if we if we encounter some villagers okay oh there’s zombies i i’ll block it off don’t worry give me

A sec you you can grab all this all this ore i don’t even know what that is they’re trying to they’re trying to bite me what did i oh you picked it up okay let me mine one more again sulfur dust oh so that’s maybe for like ammo

Okay you just keep mining then i’m gonna go uh i’m gonna go explore yeah a little bit more dude i see you blocked us off really well you need an axe and by the way get ready to shoot them zomboids on on the other side i’m ready i’m ready

Dude i hear them i hear them there’s so many yep i see them let me get my pistol out can i reload it have i got any more ammo yeah i do reloading the gun got him i’m gonna use my uh use my bath this time don’t wanna waste ammo because it’s

Just one and there’s another one okay this tunnel is dangerous so you if you if you if you’re mining if you’re like uh going underground in the zombie apocalypse you gotta fortify the tunnel you don’t want these you don’t want so many zombies just piling on top in that little tunnel dude

I gotta run i gotta run i’m taking them all away by the way from the from the town so i’m helping out my friend that’s that’s good i’m gonna go on a little expedition see what i can find oh where are you oh there you are right

Here look at that it’s almost blocked in that’s crazy i know okay we’re inside there might be some good loot do you know there’s zombies here zombies Nothing good just an enchanted look that’s pretty much it i’m gonna throw out my trash here yeah nothing much nothing much that one that room is empty as well i’m gonna go outside and uh see if i find anything interesting don’t need my flashlight again

Look at all this snow oh look at that look at that there is a hole there’s a hole in the ground oh i nearly sell it so dark yeah i can’t see it at all as well oh look at that there’s a chest down there and two spawners which aren’t

Working because zombie apocalypse just let’s make sure there are no oh yep zombies no uh special effect like those evolved zombies yeah dude i’m gonna destroy this these spawners real quick oh there’s one on me bro oh nice nice it was on my face okay got the second one what’s in the chest

Oh oh there’s a fat man on the knee dude i’ve oh what what’s taking that look at this look at this okay i’m gonna show you i’m gonna show you look at this one look at this bad boy that’s what i’m talking about oh i’m reloading it i’m reloading it it

Was so awesome i mean do you do you know how cool it looks it’s like you’ve got an actual nuke it’s like a mini i know look at that it’s so awesome there’s a zombie behind me yeah yeah you know what i’m not gonna use it because i’ve got only one rocket only

One nick and i’m gonna use a in a dire situation i know that you should save it i mean it would be fun to see how it looks but uh let’s let’s just keep bleeding i’m gonna break these windows and go inside uh this is the that same yep that same

Room okay let’s let’s go up i guess yep i’m right behind you let’s go up oh there’s a zombie there i don’t want to don’t want to go there chest and a lot of zombies there’s a chest and a lot of zombies and zombie over here he was

Hiding can you imagine that oh dude i’m trying to catch up i’m on the third floor i think there i am oh yeah right behind you dude what is that spartan chest piece and boots and grenades these dirty zombies you know what uh how how does it look how does it look

Let me let me show you overnight i’ve got like some new armor like this me i’m a i’m a soldier i’m a soldier right now and if i put on the the new armor there i am you know what it looks like do you want to have it because i

Think it will match oh yeah i’m sure you’re a bit more than mine let’s see oh yeah that’s definitely better that’s definitely better oh yeah thanks dude thanks dude you’ve got a hoodie you’ve got a hurry i think that’s really cool oh yeah oh look at that we can see the

Next building oh zombie stop top okay i’m coming up coming up dude i’ve got only 15 15 mags there is a spawner i’m gonna i’m gonna shoot these zombies and i’m gonna break this these spawners yep broke them oh look how many zombies there are i’ll break the spawner as well okay i

Can hear the mining and everything i know let’s go back oh what is that car dude no that’s a that’s a helicopter that’s a helicopter dude we found like a helicopter we found the heli crash site dude it looks like an old helicopter it’s crazy

Can we go inside of it do you think there’s a opening like i tried to an open back here oh careful there’s something that came out uh little zombies coming out yeah i can probably build to you or maybe underneath it so i’m i gotta reload oh yeah i’ve got key cover

Yep nice dudes dude they’re coming in from this hole can you plug it up dude let’s let’s check out this bro watch this look at me look at me down below look at me down below i fell okay i thought i was the goner dude but

Look i’m i’m on the i’m on the vines yeah i see that i barely saved myself dude these zombies are no joke i’m gonna reload my revolver real quick by the way the knight is hitting us real at a real bad time because these zombies they are not letting us go

Okay i’ve got the revolver reload no problem dude look at the chest look at the chest there’s a whole three stacks of razor wire a surpass 12 shotgun a chris vector one behind you i got you and and another shotgun dude there’s two shotguns and the vector can you imagine that we

Should do this asap i can see zombies like mining underneath they’re like right two blocks below you maybe maybe dude i’ve got a new shotgun i’ve got a new shotgun yeah they’re coming out i’ve got a new shotgun i’m gonna use it to get all these zombies dude dude it’s barely working

Oh yeah the zombies aren’t like taking damage for whatever reason i think it’s like you gotta be right here with them on the same level i don’t know you have a shotgun as well you’ve got a shotgun as well you can take that out oh nice guys

The helicopter window that’s me you see me yeah i do oh zombie right behind you dude that’s the fast one oh dude that was close oh no i fell i fell into a pack of zombies dude i’m running i’ve got a broken leg i’ve got a broken leg i’m two floors down

It’s real unfortunate i have to kill them dude i’m reloading and i’m coming to you dude there’s so many little bugs oh dude this shotgun it’s crazy good i know dude so many slimy slimy things let’s get out of here this is crazy oh what was that sound i i don’t like

That dude i hope there’s not a like special effect the zombie waiting for us down there yep got the wire got the tools got the shotgun i’m ready to head out okay i’m gonna try and land on that tree over there let’s let’s see if i can make it just

Reloading my shotgun on a tree what were you talking about down below nope i did not make it do you can you can you jump down yeah i’m down i’m down i’m down already dude where are you maybe the other side of the building i’ve got a i’ve got a flashlight on

Yep coming over oh yeah yeah i see the flashlight it’s on the other side oh dude i can hear some creepy sounds like a special effect or something oh okay okay hey dude where are you where where are you behind the tree oh yeah i see you i see you oh careful zombie

Got him okay so what’s the plan now by the way the helicopter is not visible from this side but it is on that yeah we gotta remember that uh it’s you know on that roof so get the coordinator yeah yeah i’ll write i’ll write down the coordinates for our next mission when we

Want to come back and actually fix it up or in case we get the rotors the motors the engines the seats and all that good stuff definitely but let’s go let’s go back to the base i think right behind you okay i’m coming up on the base dude there’s zombies right behind you

I’m trying i’m trying to give you cover you don’t have to this combat shotgun does the job really well whoa it’s called my snowballs are hitting you yeah they’re they’re not i think i’m just armored up look at my armor look at my oh yeah the upper is too strong huh

By the way my shotgun is pretty cool yeah i see it i see it’s cool as well but not as cool as mine mine’s pretty cool too oh by the way where are we going dude i think this is like cast this the base right here yeah yeah this

Is right here i think the snow is getting like taller than one block answer i know it’s it’s denser higher it’s just overall like by the way i just made like three the vines i made us like a little pathway to the base if you want to check

It out oh yeah for sure just remember it it’s right on this side so you’re just gonna go up right here yeah it’s easier to be from fifth person then you gotta navigate a little bit to the right it’s called third but okay oh yeah oh yeah and then you gotta go a

Little bit a little bit left again and then that’s oh that’s really nice and the zombies can’t get us yep that’s actually and most importantly here you can see the top either connect i did connect right here let me show oh you see the tower

Yep now we can wash our hands our faces sanitation yeah oh by the way um i’ve got a lot of barbed wire i mean razor wire whatever you want to call it you didn’t leave this chest did we always have this chest yeah i’m pretty sure

I’ve seen it what about it oh really i thought it was like a fresh spawn for whatever reason i had our base that was like super crazy oh by the way it’s daytime let’s open up the windows oh yeah the sun’s the sun’s peering free it’s it’s burning my eyes

Yep now we’ve got a natural light in the base because we’ve opened up this window that’s real good that’s real good let’s uh oh what is happening here so oh no that was me no no that was me i i was uh fixing i was fixing a trap for

Them i see you through the window yeah that’s real cool so you like took out a floor that’s nice yep uh let’s let’s uh let’s put up some defenses for the base what do you think about it one harm a couple layers of barbed wire like so you know just protect the building

I think that would be like all the best players oh yeah definitely oh the snow the snow is making it look bad i know but uh they won’t be breaking the snow you know they’re gonna be trapped in in this coil so it’s all good look at that look at

This this looks pretty i know it looks really cool it’s freezing outside i can see my uh my air my breath oh yeah my mind so you mind by the way are you do you think we can drive the truck on this train over there

Definitely he needs a truck we can get a helicopter we just need to get it fixed asap let’s let’s get rid of the zombie by the way how does this weapon sound without a silencer there oh look at that there’s a big horde coming up i’m gonna oh really yep oh yeah hey

You want to check out the oh never mind nevermind the damage should be pretty good on the barbed wire if you want to like maybe step in it oh yeah for sure i can be the testing guinea pig yep it’s damaging me all right very good it’s pretty good yep

By the way i put up three layers in front of our basement layers sound i’ve just heard a sound a sound you don’t want to hear what like a special factor yeah there’s like a lot of zombies in this building okay i’m just scouting out the area and uh checking if

There is no special infected waiting for us to go to sleep but yeah let’s get the let’s get the base going let’s get the defenses up because uh the daylight is burning so let’s get it done quick dude i’m running slowly did i damage my leg yeah oh

I damaged both my legs they’re both busted oh do you need like an epipen or more no no i’ve got i’ve got the bandages and i’ve got most of these things just will do just fine no epipen oh get away zombie dude so many zombies let me get my morphine

I’m working on the fencing so you just watch out yeah i see you i see you i’m just protecting you oh yeah i’m gonna put up some barbed wire oh you broke it on the entrance we don’t we can’t have that oh no actually this is good because

Uh the zombies will be able to climb the vines but if we use like a block to jump to the vines then it’s fixed yep there we go that’s the correct way to battle these zombies and what i’m gonna do is uh put up barbed wire around these oh

Yeah don’t want to do this dude i hope i will not die that was close i i don’t think it is i don’t think the zombies will be standing in front of these windows so let’s just uh block off this this part yeah so oh i see you flooded the the second floor

Yeah kind of made a trap for them uh there was like a lot of spawning them on the second floor on the floor beneath us so i just went ahead and uh pushed them with the river with like a stream down into the barbed wire and now we’re

We’re good to go as you can see no zombie problem since that’s good that’s good that’s what we need it is night time now and i i am gonna go ahead and go up oh the blizzard is starting you gotta get up yep quick we gotta

Block off the space the snow is piling on top of the razor wire can you imagine that oh really that means oh i hope it will work uh yeah it’ll work it’ll work okay let’s block it off uh you got into any torches oh yeah i

Have a few torches do you mean we’ve got to get your entrance plasma going i think that’s like part of the nuke can we put a part of a new part of super duper weapon oh oh fridge i’m a p oh no i can’t put

Anything in the fridge oh no i can run flesh i mean that’s one way to use the fridge keep the rotten fresh from rotting am i right or am i right yeah you’re right you’re right can’t argue with that logic have you got any diamonds because i got only one

You mean lapis lapis zooey or diamonds yeah diamonds and laps lazui i mean i ain’t got no lapis but i’ve got a few diamonds okay give me the diamonds i will craft a pickaxe dare me to shoot it and don’t aim it don’t aim it in the

Base do you don’t don’t aim it at the base do you dare me to shoot it this like the whole hundred days is gone if you will don’t shoot it don’t shoot it partner it’s not worth it imagine all the people that who are gonna watch our diaries of

Surviving 100 days do you i know they need this video yo i’ve got a diamond pickaxe can you imagine that in a zombie apocalypse is this upgrade time yeah it is it is a great time but uh i think you’ve got your upgrades already because uh oh yeah i’m i’m stacked yeah

You’ve got your new halo armor where is it or where they’re they’re wrong it looks really heavy like you’ve got a lot of armor oh yeah you better watch out no zombies by it’s getting free to me because i’m gonna dude imagine if a zombie bit you and then like the super

Suit would have like had little explosives to where their teeth sunk in it like exploded a little bit and bam they died automatically that’s that’s the super suit that’s what it’s called the super suit yeah you know what it’s it’s night time uh the blizzard is heavy i’m gonna take

A c on my comfy chair get my mk 16 and i’m gonna post blinds yeah close the blinds that’s good still sleep tight i’m gonna keep watch yeah i’m gonna sleep this torch whenever get some warmth okay so it’s the next day and as you can see it’s still blizzarding there is a

Heavy blizzard outside the snow is still piling on everything and it’s yep i can see that it’s getting even more than one block high it’s like nearly two blocks this is this is crazy uh but we’re gonna go outside oh look at that i’m i’m mining a little bit slower it’s

Because of the blizzard it’s affecting like my stamina my speed yeah yeah so gotta be careful uh let’s let’s go careful don’t don’t fall out don’t die now yep i’m not falling i’m not uh what we gotta do right now is uh not go too far away from the base

Basically we’ve got a turret and we need to place it yep protect me what is that what a zombie get away protect me while i uh place this turret so we’ve got a few parts we’ve got like three parts it’s basically redstone i can help you set it up like

You can put it right here right here even higher oh yeah just like that it’s gonna have like a big view yeah look at this bad boy oh it’s going to be so cool there’s the add-on concealer and the dude we’ve got out we need ammo you know

What i’m going to go back to the base and craft some ammo it’s real easy you just need a little bit of iron i have redstone i have a mod for redstone i mean i don’t think no no it’s so easy to craft though why you need a second one oh i’ve got

Some iron in my backpack okay actually i forgot the gun powder now we can craft the the ammo i just had to check the crafting recipe real quick so we got to place it like this and then the con powder like so yeah oh that’s a whole stack that’s

Wow so we we can have three stacks of ammo looks easy enough dude i’m gonna get the put the diamonds in my uh backpack for safekeeping and the resources as well okay let’s go there we go i’m back down and it’s still right now i see what’s the problem that’s the add-on

Turbo concealer that’s that’s not the correct uh add-on i told you dude i can craft it easily did i craft the wrong one turn concealer oh oh look at that the snow is piling on top that’s crazy dude there’s snow on top of the turbo oh we need a redstone have you got

Redstone i forgot we need to do yeah yeah here here oh yeah yeah you can’t you can’t access that’s right that’s right take a little bit 47 yeah it’s shooting the zombies look at that that’s so cool there’s snow on it and by the way snow is like making the barbed wire pretty

Much useless so no for other zombie survivalists oh if it’s snowing don’t use don’t use barbed wire don’t use barbed wire because the snow is making it useless but that’s why we got a turret here that’s right here and even the even though the turret will have snow on it

As well it can still function actually we can just do this and the snow will not be on top of it oh wow i mean that’s you’re way too smart dude i mean we we won’t be doing it right now in this heavy blizzard we will just have to wait

Out the day again but here it is here it is there’s a turret and it’s uh protecting us now yeah there’s no you see snow on it yeah i see that’s real cool and that’s me standing on it dude i’m mining so slowly because it’s so

Cold i gotta get inside i gotta heat myself up i know even this clothing is like protecting us completely yeah this i don’t know why but this day it’s just too cold we gotta stay inside i mean it’s pretty understandable if you ask me because look it’s it’s so gray

Outside like you can’t even see it’s an actual blizzard to be honest that’s like considered a blizzard i know i’m on a solo expedition right now dude the doors are just snowed in i guess we gotta use vines uh my friend is not with me he’s on an

Expedition of his own we’re just trying to uh trying to get oh dude that is so slow i gotta drink up some morphine i think i think the cold is getting to me can i can i break it now yeah that’s a lot better okay we broke the window oh look at that

So we got some lava that’s so cool that’s so cool let’s go outside look at that there’s a hole we can just jump out we’ve oh there’s a helicopter another chanuk or whatever it’s called dude another one do you think it has lead inside

By the way there is uh there is lava so i gotta get a bucket and uh get collect that lava because it can heat us up back at the base that’s gonna be real good where’s the where’s the freaking doorway to this building don’t wanna waste the shotgun bullets because

I don’t have a lot of them oh dude there’s two spawners that’s that’s not good we gotta we gotta get them destroy them oh there’s a chest this chest has just two iron horse armor yep that’s not good let’s go to the top and check out the the chinook there it is

That’s so cool but it’s not a it’s not working it’s not functioning there’s no no engine inside yeah but it’s just empty it’s just empty there’s nothing inside oh i’m reloading my gun don’t touch me don’t touch me there we got him we got him oh wow you know this shotgun is actually

Pretty good at breaking blocks i hear zombies just mining away so i gotta get out real quick oh chest oh what is that oh a chinook 47 rotor forward and after oh we’ve got two blades and some bandages that’s cool that’s cool i guess i’m gonna fix up my right arm and uh

Dude we’ve got two two blades that’s actually really good i’m gonna head back to the base and see if my friend found an engine or maybe like some seats get the helicopter going slowly drop down head back to the base yo dude what’s up i just killed i just

Killed a few zombies and also this story here i think it’s out of bullets or out of uh maybe energy redstone whatever because it’s like it ain’t shooting zombies oh yeah yep no ammo so what got through the free stacks dude we need to dude that’s a lot of ammo how many

Zombies were here dude that means a lot many okay some good news i have some bad news yeah what’s what’s the good news i don’t want to hear your bad news well the bad news is there are no bad news the good news is that i had

For the chopper oh the season changed the season just changed dude i hope so i’m gonna get colder uh may maybe it’s like it lasts who knows last time it changed uh there was a heavy blizzard so dude i hope that’s not going to happen again

So uh he said he found a he found a helicopter let’s check it out no not a helicopter but part sport we just need to get back to that previous cell topper that we found do you do you remember the coordinates because i didn’t believe right i found a second

Chinook so i i don’t even know which one do you want to go to either one either one i’ve got i’ve got an engine for it dude we can like see the baby starts up have you got any chairs for as well yeah yeah there’s one green chair for you and

Also let’s pack the bags now let’s pack the bags let’s go ah let’s go dude then yeah yeah yeah cuz i’ve got a green chair for me as well let’s go oh oh whoa what happened dude i just jumped off on the snow and i didn’t take any damage the snow is like

Maybe making you yeah i think it’s cushion oh oh dude we we don’t even need the vine no let me let me check it out once again one more time okay dude i’m go okay i’m gonna get my ep pad ready my morphine you’re you’re about to do some

Really crazy stuff hey my name’s cyrux welcome to jackass yeah oh dude it cautioned my fall sick dude i didn’t take any damage okay oh dude it’s night time starting by the way we should we we should probably head out like asap it’s pretty far away so let’s just

Let’s head out let’s head out you following me soldier i’m right behind you just yeah with my shot on my hands in case any zombies do pop off hospital over there some i hear some zombies maybe that’s the hospital we were at previously because we could have gone that far

No i’m pretty sure that’s a different one it’s a big world out here oh yeah that’s that’s completely it’s a steep cliff don’t fall now cyrux i know i know there’s the lava and we also because it’s night time i don’t see it at first but look at that there’s like some

Some building over there and it’s like medieval looking it’s just oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i see oh it’s like a sour outpost maybe like some neon or falsies like regress from society and survive the zombie apocalypse are there yeah by the way tell me tell me the snow

Is like higher than two blocks is that right i mean yeah yeah it’s it’s like it’s two blocks high i think that’s the limit until we get like another blizzard which like it’s pretty chill right now it’s it’s cold but it’s not that cold by the way you wanna warm up

The blizzard is at nighttime is unforgiving oh so this is the helicopter you were talking about you found yep this is it that’s the beauty so we finally found it here we here we go so how how was the way up can i just build up to it yeah

Yeah just build up do you anything okay so it’s like puppy on the road looks good is it missing wheels uh i don’t i don’t know doesn’t i need wheels i think it needs wheels but anyway i’ve got a wheel only one yeah okay move aside i’m gonna put the engine in

Okay yeah i see i see it’s in it’s in dude i gotta clear out these zombies first okay that’s good they’re failing on already you wanna have too many of them yeah yeah get them real quick can i reach it no i can’t have you any blocks can you give me some

Blocks oh yeah yeah where are you i’m on this side of the heli right so you’re just so cold i can barely move you just want to do this and then you want to put the roller blade yep that’s one oh dude it’s huge that’s huge oh wow

Dude if it turns on it’s gonna like it’s gonna chop heads it’s gonna chop heads for real okay the second one putting it on can i put it yep there it is that’s the second one yeah let’s go do you that’s the second one oh dude you

Gotta jump you gotta jump i’m inside i’m just gonna clear this snowman from the inside oh is it cold inside uh well if you think about snow right on the ground then i i don’t know maybe time to set some seats for the passengers okay set them in i’m gonna give you some

Space i’ve got a few seeds oh i see i see that’s good last one there we go just enough look at that look at who’s the pilot i think two pilots pilots oh wait is there already starting dude okay i’m gonna close the hatch okay i’m sitting did you close the hatch

Yeah the hatch is closed i’m sitting in i’m strapped in got it fixed so let’s yeah dude the mechanical engineer has fixed the engine the rotor so if we look at the rpm counter it should be going up are you pressing it yeah it’s one or

Three percent let’s see if it will lift up the rpm is climbing so no it’s still not lifting off dude oh there we go there we go oh careful careful now careful now decrease the rpm do you decrease the rpm decreasing the rpm oh my

Do you do the rpm was way too fast we we were stuck in the rocks that was the problem i i i think so i think so too dude okay the rpm is like basically zero can we can we go down is it going down why is it not going down

Yeah yeah it is it is going down a little bit you might want to increase it just a tiny wee bit dude yeah you’re probably right okay let’s let’s fly hey dude it looks sick from the inside from the pilots of you yeah well i hope so because it’s actually

Pretty hard to control but let’s let’s see if we can navigate this baby to the to the ground do you want to land it somewhere what do you do yeah yeah landed somewhere safe where we can just like retrieve it okay dude i’m gonna i’m gonna land it i

Hope it will not crash you tell me if i should jump out dude why did that happen did we crash literally are you serious yeah but at least we got all the parts back so the chairs the engines we didn’t lose it completely i saw i’ve

Seen like two more chinooks so it’s not that bad next time i’m driving flying i mean it was uncontrollable oh yep and the color is kicking in dude you were blasted away like at sawn from the blast like the helicopter because you were on the rider’s seat it must have

Gotten to you worse like crazy crazy stuff i don’t know i’m just dropping down there’s some vines on the on the thing yeah on the side dude we gotta find our way back i don’t even know what this place is well at least there’s no zombies nearby that’s that’s good

Okay so look at them inside of the building in time thank the lord it’s daytime that means we can gather our stuff and just return to the base oh there’s a zombie of a sword yeah i never seen that before this ain’t normal yeah me too look at that they’re

Like stacking for some reason over one of them sees us all of them see us i’m gonna reload my revolver reload the revolver cyrux get get over get it over quickly stand back zombies you can’t get me oh that’s a sick firing power yeah i know

Okay oh no the sun is setting down do you we need to get to the base in the helicopter quick we want to get out of here live dude yeah the base is that way we just gotta keep on running because uh yeah it’s a race against time

The sun is down we gotta get back to the base before it ends dude okay let’s go let’s go so you want to fix this one up uh i mean have you got all the lead i’ll delete for the previous yeah it dropped and dropped it dropped everything we need

I mean you should have the the freaking seats because i don’t have them i hope you i hope you pick them up i’ve got one see i think i just free out uh i was clearing my inventory yep that’s that’s three more c’s dude that’s that’s lucky

I didn’t even know that we found it i i didn’t get why you were talking about building it again let’s put seats oh yeah well we have it right here yeah i see that now let’s put the seat spike hey zombie get away i’m gonna shoot him look at that so i

Put one rotor in oh you put one rotor in that’s good let me get out put the second hey looking beautiful but look at that it’s stuck to the ground and i’m also like getting i’m freezing i’m freezing to that oh i don’t see the water dude it’s so cold

Let me get these zombies let’s call they first today because uh one thing i’m certain i don’t have wheels did you pick out wheels or did they blow up from the i’ve got only Yeah that’s not enough unfortunately dude one wheel i mean well you lifted it up quite a bit so that’s good yeah but we don’t have like three more wheels so we can’t land it if we if we uh guess yeah your landing skills destroyed the previous wheels who you think was

Collecting them all night all day trying to search for them trying to search for the motor the rotor and everything dude i don’t know what to say i thought it was a good pilot let’s go back to the base let’s just continue continue running i reckon the mod that

We are we’re using for it for the helicopters it’s like sometimes it works and then the other times you guys saw that it was like crazy flying like it just wasn’t good the mod maker should like maybe step up a notch to be honest broke some

Windows i see your chest i can’t let go there we go a bucket i mean was it worth it probably oh i see you’re breaking windows you’re bothering going through your window can i break the snow no i can’t okay you gotta break the window

Did i hit you yeah you did a little bit dude i saw one damage my bad dude i hope i’m not getting lost dude we saw the base like i’m just following you like a lost cattle you’re like the shepherd dude so where’s the base this is the wrong direction follow me

Just follow me i know this is the wrong direction do you it’s winter time it’s snowing in and you try and lead us to death no i’m not trust me we’ve been traveling for a few days now i need you to take this cake and put it on the table yes i

Can do the cake is right behind you you missed it you put it on the table because i’m out of this cake a beautiful angel brought it to me she cooked it right in front of me in reality it’s out of date by 10 years because of the zombie apocalypse i just

Found it in the supermarket but we can still eat it yeah you can eat it i’m i’m too full i can’t okay i do you have one more thing yeah i found two empire grenades oh [ __ ] move okay okay look i i’ve got one more impact grenade dude you nearly killed me you

You didn’t take it wrong click this fire okay i’ve got one impact grenade do you want to be killing it dude let me check do i need to punish myself up no my legs were blown off oh you need bondages i’ve got my own do you okay let’s let’s just go

We’re uh probably nearby the base at least now somewhere close should be at least somewhere close right behind you partner oh what is that what is this dude you see this whoa whoa whoa that’s a huge dude that’s oh are you shooting it i’m trying to at least roll through the grenade

Dude i’m throwing the grenade from the grenade grenade out didn’t die leader to the base we have turrets there yeah but dude dude i’ve got a fat man i’ve got a fat man i’m going to shoot him you shoot the fat man dude i’ve got you covered

With no ammo under on the shotgun it ain’t stopping it’s not stopping oh dude i’m running again i’m running again i’m gonna reload my gun reloading reloading i’m reloading my gun reloading my gun cyrux you you will watch out watch my back do you got him use the nukes cyrux use the nuke

Shooting shooting one oh get the zombies away one two three oh i died i mean i didn’t die i’ve got three hearts did i hit him did i hit him yeah you hit him straight on do you how is he not dead yet dude i’ve got three hearts i gotta eat

Up and i think i gotta heal up dude my oh yeah everything’s like nearly busted bro i i i felt the impact all the way from back to all these zombies i’m just bandaging myself oh bro i don’t even know the bullets work on him i don’t know i don’t know let me

Oh don’t hit me you nearly killed me okay can i drink this bro bro bro i think i got a head shot on him marker dude he has the head you see the yellow yeah yeah you see the yellow eye thing that’s his head i gotta get close with

My shotgun if i want to do any damage let me help you let me hit his head when is he gonna compete because he’s like oh right now he does so much damage he does so much damage oh yeah i’m standing back dude i’m just unloading my clip i’m unloading

My clips i’m reloading yeah me too me too i gotta reload bro bro use my gun use my god i got 23 shots 23 shots firing unloading my clip he’s not dead he’s not okay zombie no i’m gonna protect you i’ll give it all good bro bro okay okay use

This shotgun real quick i’ma reload this one dude it’s it’s on ice okay i’m coming up on the i’m gonna unload them i’m gonna unload them how is he not dead how is he not dead i don’t know these so many zombies it’s not helping i think he’s spawning them

I think he’s spawning them do you oh dude he got me he got me pinned down i’m gonna unload my clip again oh he’s he’s that he’s got him oh let’s go did he drop what did he drop did he drop anything at all dude i don’t i don’t see anything but oh

That was the boss oh that was a boss see how much ammo he he needed to he ate a nuke he ate it like it was nothing if if not further you you’d spend like five more days trying to shoot him down i know how did you see him right now he

Just needed to get to bring him down we needed so much ammo i was asking you for like reloads i run out of i was a reloading boy i was just the boy reloading the guns i know dude like that dude he’s crazy i’m gonna

Get my get my flashlight on and dude we gotta we gotta go we gotta go back to the base i know the base is like pretty close now but dude by the way it’s it’s a bit worrying that he’s close to the base oh dude is the snow melt yeah the ice is

Melting you see bit by bit oh yeah dude i think me using season change no do you think that me using the new messed up the weather here the climate bro did you mess up the climate with the nuke are you crazy i don’t know is that the house

Oh yes it is that’s it let’s go let’s go finally we made it back home home sweet home oh oh we got a nest we got a nest we got a parasite nest let me unload oh someone hit crap crap crap dude i hate you a few times my bad oh it got

Me you got me it’s eating me alive bro i think i think that’s like the minecraft ain’t bought hitting you oh do you behind you behind you black screen i’m just i’m just unloading frog no ammo reloading dude we got him for now at least the first wave you’ve

Seen that do we gotta get rid of this nest or it’s gonna like infect our whole base we can’t let it do that and it’s also spawning these special infected definitely i’m reloading like we need to do something about this yep i’m gonna come up and kill it again

Yep got it nice oh what’s this is this is this edible don’t eat it definitely don’t eat it i think it’s damaging me even yeah me too oh yeah look at that it’s uh it’s going away it’s going away oh yes by the way the turret barely survived what if we

Didn’t come like oh look at that the snow was reused i know like i know i know the base would have been gone yeah the device would have been made that’s so crazy i’ve never seen anything like this and i can’t break these blocks that’s that’s something new i’ve never seen this

Maybe at some point it will return to you normal who knows but as long as we keep the con as long as we keep it contained and not like i’m not let it run free yet then it’s gonna be all good let’s go back to the base yeah

Definitely let’s uh let’s just spend the night because this awesome is hurting me dude like i was waiting for this sleep for ages now are we back we were fighting yeah we are bro bro this feels surreal we’re finally back home in our cozy little house after such monsters helicopter crashes bro i

I don’t want to go outside no more inside yeah i i don’t want to live in the real world if that’s what it is bro we need to patch it up like no no no no no this is i i’m staying inside blinds always closed never open i’ve got

Two eggs i’ve got two headaches let’s see if how if we hatch anything okay one more rag ah unlucky unlocked oh me tweet me i’ve got eggs that’s snowballs that’s snowballs maybe i can get a snowman snowball baby a snow baby you know we can’t he can’t well anyway let’s just hope mermaid

I don’t know you want me to keep watch yeah keep watch i’m just gonna sleep again because these days are getting like really crazy sad old man get back to battle i don’t know hide the gun don’t shoot in your sleep dude hide it no don’t don’t use the explosion

Okay okay yeah crazy crazy yo you woke me up you won’t be over my slumber what happened don’t don’t don’t say anything let me just say the mod maker he needs to do some fixing some bug fixing because because my my interface my helicopter bugged out

And i i went flying into this building right here can you believe that the helicopter manufacturer made it glitchy it was glitch glitchy look you even took out this whole building like yeah yeah yeah i crashed i know i crashed it yep i crashed and by the way

It’s still it’s still okay it’s not it didn’t explode for whatever reason as you can see like i i jumped out of it i parachuted down long ago like i fell on some snow and then it just kind of hit the building slid down and it’s still good

Still find danny if you want to get in fix it up feel free to do so although the cockpit is underneath the water oh yeah under the icy water you know i don’t want to go inside water oh you sure you sure i think it’s salvageable i think it’s salvaged i

Don’t think at this angle we can salvage it i really don’t think i mean it’s right beside our base so that’s like an extra accessory accessory you could say uh you know what you can have fun with that i’m just gonna uh go out on an expedition real quick while the sun is

Is high yep so i’m gonna go lead up some stuff i’m gonna go you’re trying to leave me fix this myself how am i gonna fix this nope i’m leaving you i’m leaving you i don’t care let’s look at a zombie let’s get by the way

We’re pretty much low on ammo so i don’t think i should be just randomly shooting zombies again but uh i think something piqued my interest i think i saw like a metro a metro station or maybe no it was just my imagination but look at that this is like an

Explosion crater and there’s trees growing out of it that’s crazy so it’s like the zombie infection happened so long ago we’re inside here’s some zombies i hear some zombies right away i don’t know if they’re at the bottom or the top but you know what can we cross

Into that building yes we can beautiful beautiful let’s go let’s open up the doors let’s go we still got some sunlight we still got some sunlight so uh let’s just keep on running i’m just talking about still leading destroying these chat oh let’s go oh emeralds that’s real nice gunpowder

As well that’s really good for the uh for the turbo ammo that’s what i’m here for that’s what i’m here for let’s go oh i’m snowed in can’t get out or can i what if i go here that’s right that’s right that’s how you do it hey let’s go another chest let’s check

It can i can i check yep i can oh oh whoa m60 machine gun mounted oh that’s like a vehicle gun whoa and also an hk mp5 oh i got an mp5 and and oh look at these bags and pretty good max for it as well

Let’s check it out how does it look oh looks really really dope how does it shoot uh looks i mean she’s pretty good as well pretty good as well let’s check out let’s check it out on this zombie can i yep it’s dead hey let’s go that’s

New gun i think that’s that’s a good expedition pretty successful we got some gunpowder for the ammunition for the turret and we also got uh a new gun let’s go back to the base uh it’s that way and uh yeah tell back of what’s going on yo

Back oh i don’t believe what i found what did you find that’s an mp5 is it better than my m16 i mean uh let’s see let’s see no don’t don’t don’t shoot him let me let me try dude really good it feels really nice oh that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool

Anyway i prepared this chest for ross if you if you might want to peek inside oh let me gather the lights we can’t get rid of these zombies dude you came with like a bunch of zombies i was working here no none were here okay so luke

It’s real simple i’m just that guy it’s real simple get the shovel get to work we’re making a trap oh get a shovel gets he works okay okay i see oh let’s let’s get the zombie out first let’s get these zombies don’t shoot dude get the shower get out

Yeah we’re clearing out the snow then we’re gonna dig out this uh oh underneath and we’re gonna get the traps going the traps are super cool you can place the blocks if you if you don’t notice it yeah yeah you can place blocks with the fall

Trap and it’ll look like the block until you step over it then it disappears and you just fall through and see whatever you make it and then you can also see their traps you see the bear trap bear trap on a zombie so just get a zombie over this year

One second one second okay so try walking over this bear trap okay oh it got me yep it got me dude i can’t get out can you oh you’re just gonna break it okay okay i mean maybe you can’t break it but i can break it anyway

As you can see oh you left a lot of blood walkers will smell this what are you thinking dude you told me to go into the bear trap what do you mean anyway clear out the snow get the trap going for the zombies and see where it

Goes from there because we’re we’re no longer being haunted we are the hunters yeah i see i see okay let’s out this area clearly haunting us walking to yours let’s clear out the snow have you got morphine i’m going to bandage my right arm

And by the way yep there it is yeah i did by the way i did find another grenade so you see that zombie over there uh yeah herder juan do you free go on oh yeah i see you throwing it is it gonna work oh you got it

You didn’t even break the snow that’s interesting yes no that’s that’s a regular grenade not an impact grenade oh that’s that’s really interesting i know i know time to get this uh trap built oh dude the snow it’s breaking down so easily i forgot that you can okay that’s

Good enough that’s good enough that’s good enough so we’re gonna place the bear traps and wait for it to snow on them is that correct exactly exactly so here if you don’t have a pickaxe yeah just like that just like that two blocks down not three as i said previously

And yeah it should be do you want to use the fall trap or the bear traps i’m pretty sure the bear trap because the fall trap you need redstone for it which we do have but it’s like such a pain to set up you spirit trap you’re right you’re right

And uh you know what if they go free we can have like a few of these things oh that’s that’s cool that’s cool yeah some wire to slow them down so if you want to grab the oh yeah you grab so place the blocks and see how it goes

Place the bear traps placing them down oh you want to use every block okay there we go now now what you want to do oh there’s zombie coming oh now the chips that let’s see if it works yes it does yes it does that’s perfect he’s taking damage they can’t even move

Dude they can’t even move come on get inside there okay dude now what you want to do i i i don’t even know like uh try and place in the trap log i think we can uh listen we can do this we can break like a line here let me get out my

Time at nighttime here yeah i know dude we gotta conserve ammo oh uh by the way the traps i think they work like this okay so next what you do is you shift and then oh no maybe uh i’m the owner so i can no i can’t

Uh how how how are you doing it oh the zombie is dying do you just get any block right and put it over that block i’m gonna try using stone the stone yeah you can use stone yeah you can use stone okay so thing is don’t walk over it do you uh

Do you want me to check if it works no no no just push the zombie in or whatever come here zombie i’m giving you let’s see if it works covering fire dude dude i can’t push it i can’t push it it doesn’t do anything is he too strong yeah i don’t know why

But i couldn’t push him oh this looks really clean that’s the point that’s the point just don’t walk on the wood oh in case any survivors come here that you know not to mess with us do you dude a word that i put the morphine

Oh dude you sure you wanted to yeah are you ready are you ready you will you will they take damage yeah yeah are you ready i’m gonna uh break this block break some blocks get away get away we’ll real fast oh yeah yeah i’m ready

I’m ready so if you if you want to really like say good on do you oh for sure yep okay i’m i’m doing it you ready go ahead go ahead it’s gonna disappear right underneath your feet yep it did and i jumped away i managed to jump away

From the bear trap i think there’s like a few seconds where you can jump away for maybe you just have to jump away from it you know well the zombies can’t jump so this is good oh yeah yeah they died multiple times while we while we

Were building it i know you just block it off like that there you go like nothing even happened okay so is this going to be survivor proof in case any survivors come here uh you mean zombies you mean zombies or something sir you mean oh yeah i mean yeah

I think that’s gonna be really good against the survivors i mean look at that the random survivor thinks i mean the random bottom thanks that oh look at that he put a little line of wire here i’m just going to jump over it oh yeah

I’ll just jump over it am i right around my right yep and then they’re gonna fall into this thing oh yeah oh i need i need to build over this second wire trap let me try that go ahead go ahead cyrux try it you want me to jump

Uh i want you to come close and try and build over this bar wire yeah try and jump it i can’t see how it goes i can’t build over it oh you see and they’re questioning why can i why can i not build over it and then they try stepping

On it oh i i’m not going to step on it again let me get the zombie reload i mean that’s one way to protect the base dude looks yeah it looks really good actually let’s let’s head back let’s hit the bed hit the sack hit the sack jack i’m coming i’m coming

To i need to get some sleep because i would i’ve been on night duty for way too long it’s your time your turn soldier yeah i guess this was actually my this was my training grounds for the trap i tried using them with redstone i mean if you want to

Yeah but i don’t have redstone at the moment but yeah yeah so when it turns on the smokes go up but it’s like it’s pretty bad it’s not as good as a bear trap are like way better oh look at that uh the infected like part of uh this like oh it’s gone

Coming back to the base dude i thought it was you adding the leaves but turns out the leaves are just grown because you see the bro you see how the vines are just like increasing in size it’s become like a lot easier to climb bro i hope the whole

Building won’t be engulfed by like these parasites these veins all the zombies but to be honest we are kind of surviving yeah yeah we are just beneath us i destroyed it put up the traps on the road i just made traps in case any survivors or big zombies come to yours like zombies

We have turrets to you no one’s getting free to yours no one is we are safe as it gets by the way wash your hands what’s your house watch your hands that’s right wash your hands ah yo just woke up so did we finish it i don’t know you tell me

I think it’s day 100 i can see the sun shining brown outside dude i think we survived the winter guys we started 100 days in the frozen zombie apocalypse can you believe that we did you seen all the stuff we’ve been free helicopter crash sites fixing a helicopter crashing

It crashing it again everything dude everything the super like zombie boss infected once just attacking our base infection growing around our base like protecting Yeah bro i’m a chad what well anyway we did survive taking up the helmets is that means it’s official we survived a hundred days i’m so pleased with this by the way it was really difficult with the endless winner but we did survive a we even got

A trap i mean uh for the for the future part two that’s right that’s right part two over there in case any bandits come creeping but yeah guys i hope you enjoyed this video yep i really do hope you enjoyed it we’re gonna find some more nicks to fire from this fat man

Weapon as it’s called so if you like the video then subscribe to the channel it’s been me as always cyrux and my friend baka check his channel out he’s insane thank you he helped me survived 100 days and he you know he carried the pretty pretty much

The defenses of this base well hope you enjoyed the video peace bye You

This video, titled ‘We Survived 100 Days in a Frozen Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened…’, was uploaded by ImSyrex on 2022-01-23 03:46:38. It has garnered 1042098 views and 18119 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:24 or 7764 seconds.

We Survived 100 Days in a Frozen Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened. Subscribe to not miss any of my new videos ➜

This survival series was inspired by Luke TheNotable :

And also by Forge Labs :

I had 5 objectives in this “Frozen Zombie Apocalypse” video. 1st: Find warm clothing to survive the frozen wasteland. Fend off infected frozen zombies in this apocalypse. 2nd: Craft off road frozen monster zombie vehicles for the frozen terrain of the Zombie Apocalypse. 3rd: Reinforce the frozen zombie base to survive frozen infected horde apocalypse zombie waves. 4th: Repair a frozen helicopter and transport the zombie virus cure to stop the zombie apocalypse!

#100Days​ #Hardcore​ #Minecraft


I’m a very new channel and your support would be amazing. I want to record minecraft videos for people to enjoy. Especially the “I survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft” type of videos because I find them really challenging and time consuming to make, but the end product is awesome.

Business Inquiries: [email protected]

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    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

    Vycital SMPA fun Vanilla Minecraft server for you and your friends to play on! We offer solo survival adventures, factions, and more! Read More

  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More

  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

    NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado🔱NAVY SEALS🔱NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CORONADO”We train for war and fight to win…”——————————————————–⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

    It’s like that one friend who refuses to update their phone even though it’s ancient technology. Read More

  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts In Minecraft, lying in bed so real, Creating a cozy spot to feel. VABLOCK shows us how it’s done, In the world of blocks, we all have fun. Crafting dreams in pixelated land, With VABLOCK, we understand. Lying in bed, a simple delight, In Minecraft, we sleep tight. So follow along, let’s build and create, In this blocky world, there’s no debate. VABLOCK’s tutorials, clear and concise, In Minecraft, we find our paradise. Read More

  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

    Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft Nether portals from different hearts leads me to… a whole lot of confusion and lost items in the lava! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

    Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11 Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11: Tôi Và NeyuQ Farm Đồ Cho Cuộc Chiến Thị Trấn Hòa Bình Vs Ghost Wing In the latest episode of Siro’s Minecraft Mega SMP series, the focus is on the intense battle between Thị Trấn Hòa Bình and Ghost Wing. Siro and NeyuQ team up to gather resources for this epic showdown. Teamwork and Strategy Siro and NeyuQ demonstrate excellent teamwork as they work together to farm resources. They understand the importance of preparation in a battle and are determined to emerge victorious. Resource Gathering The duo spends hours collecting essential items such as… Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 ⚙️『Facebook』 ⚙️『Instagram』 ⚙️ 『Treat』 ⚙️ 『Youtube』 #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More