Insane 10 Hour Minecraft Walking Challenge!

Video Information

Aaaaand go. As soon as I spawn in, I begin  gathering the essentials for my journey.   This early on, I didn’t know what to expect  from the project. Sure, Minecraft generates   some cool landmarks here and there, but won’t  walking for 10 whole hours get pretty boring?

Hoo boy, was I wrong. Before you lies a tale  of triumph. Of bewilderment. And of sorrow. We leave the world spawn into the  unknown and embrace our inner wanderer.   This is Video Game World Tours: Extended Stays. I’m walking westward, so my vision is always  focused on the direction where the sun or moon  

Sets. I wasn’t planning on perfectly sticking to  zero on the Z axis, that seemed like more trouble   than it was worth. So while I’m mostly going  west, I’ll drift north and south occasionally. One of the first things I do is try and  come up with a solid prediction for how  

Many blocks I’ll walk. I wanted  to have a guess pretty early on,   and I wasn’t gonna check the F3 screen  for my coordinates until time is up. After some waffling about, I came up with one. 14 million blocks.

I’m not gonna comment on how close that was,  but think to your own experience playing   Minecraft over the years. How many blocks  west do you think I’ll walk over 10 hours?   Leave a comment, I’m curious how close some people  will get. And no cheating! I’ll know if you did.

I come across a village around the 9 minute mark  and gather a nice stack of hay bales. I know I can   convert them to bread pretty easily, so I grab  most of the hay I see early on. Nighttime rolls  

Around and I spend it gathering more materials  in the village. I also let the golem defend me a   bit. You’ll definitely come to notice this  throughout the playthrough, but I’m very   skittish when it comes to fighting in Minecraft.  I’m skittish in normal worlds, I’m especially on  

Edge in a playthrough like this where dying  can set me back a fair chunk of blocks. While waiting for the sun to rise, I take some  time to appreciate the village itself. After all,   this is a Video Game World Tour, spin-off  series or not, we gotta soak in the environment.

A lot of the villages I see in Minecraft are  often broken up by the terrain generation.   They’ll be scaling down the sides of hills or  even mountains. You can see some of that here. But over here, it’s completely flat. I  guess it’s not TOO weird or anything,  

I’m just not used to seeing perfectly  flat terrain, especially inside a village.   I feel like villages are pre-disposed  to spawn along cliffsides and have huge   vertical height differences. This is  one of the rare, mostly-normal ones During my nighttime stay, I deliberate over  whether I should tame a cat. On one hand,  

I like the idea of having some  companionship throughout my travels.   On the other, I didn’t wanna be slowed down  by them. I wanted this to be solely about how   far I could possibly walk in 10 hours.  I can only achieve that as a lone wolf.

I caved in and tamed the little  guy. I named him Barkley. Daytime comes. Barkley and I leave the village. While I’m walking, I’ll answer one of  the many questions I’m sure you have. “Pretzel, why are you doing this?” I wanna become uncomfortably familiar with  this game. In my previous video like this,  

I spent 10 hours hunkered down in one Fallout  3 town. I got to see all that the town had to   offer by the time 10 hours had passed. Just as  we became familiar with the hand-crafted town   of Megaton in Fallout 3, I wanna become  familiar with the terrain of Minecraft.

Because that’s Minecraft’s secret sauce.  The developers didn’t spend a bunch of time   hand-crafting one location. They crafted a system  that would generate landscapes for you on the fly.   I wanted to immerse myself and see  all that Minecraft would create. So that’s what we’re doing here.  We’re walking and just observing.

I find this valley pretty early on, and  this is what I mean. If I’m zoning out   looking for caves or whatever, I  might glaze over this whole scene.   But when I take a step back and actually look  at everything, it’s beautiful. The mountains  

Surrounding this pool of water at the bottom,  it’s calling to you to build in or around it. But that’s not why we’re here.  We’re here to observe and move on. 10 minutes later, I further stray from my  lone wanderer origins and tame another pet.  

And in honor of the Lone Wanderer from the  previous Extended Stay, I name this wolf Dogmeat.   We set off into the rainy night. Day rolls around yet again, and I find this  cute little bunny. I get close to him and he…

Well, I’ll just say this won’t be the  last harrowing loss of the episode. In this icy ocean biome, I come across a  boat lodged in some ice above sea level.   I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this before,   and I’m not quite sure how it’s  supposed to have gotten up there.

Oh, and get a look at this. Random floating  bits of dirt. This is one of my favorite quirks   of terrain generation, I love seeing dirt  blocks totally disconnected from the ground. Towards the end of hour zero, I become  filled with an unusual amount of courage.  

I am going to fight a zombie for once. Just as I  heroically swing my sword to defeat this evil foe,   Dogmeat bravely jumps in front of my sword  to… yeah, I don’t know why he did that.   Animals teleporting when they get too far away  is nice and all, but sometimes it’s annoying.

Barkley and I watch the sunrise  as we enter the first hour. In fact, I give him a new  friend by taming another cat.   I name him Morgana after the  talking van from School Simulator 5. Sometime later, I come to a terrible  realization. After boating across a  

Chunk of water and climbing onto a nearby  island, I notice my animals weren’t with me. Animals can’t teleport across big bodies of  water. They need to stand on solid ground to   teleport to you, and if you go too far  away, they unload and can’t teleport.

This is what I was worried about. I couldn’t  just go straight across a large body of   water. I had to constantly dock on land partway  through to give my animals places to teleport.   I knew that taming all these animals would  get in the way of my goal, but you know what?  

Friends don’t leave friends behind.  We’re going back to get them. I boat all the way back to where I set off from,  and sure enough, Morgana and Dogmeat are waiting   for me. But wait… where’s Barkley? I didn’t  notice he was gone before I set off, so how far  

Back could he be? Or is he even… no, I can’t  bring myself to think about it. Friends don’t   leave friends behind. We’re backtracking to find  Barkley. He has to be alive, he just has to be! Not 20 seconds after I start walking back,  

Barkley teleports in front of me. No  idea how he got separated, but whatever.   I realized I hadn’t healed them at all since  I picked them up, so I feed them both fish,   unfortunately forgetting doing that forces  them to… yeah. We have a third cat.

I’m bad at names, it took me a while  to come up with one for this cat.   I gave up and ended up naming her Whiskers. The Pretzel Troop is 5 creatures strong and we   will let nothing get in the  way of our journey westward.

I come across the first, and interestingly  enough, only woodland mansion in this playthrough.   A totem of undying would have  been nice, but I didn’t trust   myself to not die immediately with  my golden helmet and stone tools.

10 minutes later, I find a pack of wolves… and  I can’t help myself. I have 3 cats and 1 wolf,   Dogmeat needs a friend too. After some  bone feeding, I name this one Shadow.   Which leads to a problem. Which dog is which?

I beeline it over to some nearby flowers and  make some dye to give them unique collar colors. Roll call! Shadow and Morgana are  pink, Dogmeat and Whiskers are orange,   and Barkley is a different color from the  other cats, so I leave him with the base red.

The next 20+ minutes are rough. A lot of boating   and a lot of going to nearby  shores to teleport animals. A thunderstorm arrives. I make my journey across  the water with the rain pitter-pattering on my   golden helmet. I land on an intermediary island  in the middle of a larger ocean when suddenly… I got away unscathed, but it was  enough to wake me out of my slump. And only a couple minutes later, as I’m building  a teleport platform for my furry friends… There’s some bad mojo going on in this  world. I think it’s telling me I’m not   welcome here. I ignore the warnings and move on. I find a ruined portal and try  to open the chest, but I can’t.  

Apparently if a cat is sitting down on top of  a chest, you can’t open it. A bit annoying when   they get up and sit there themselves… though  I guess that’s accurate to cats in real life. Just as the next hour begins, I  come across a weird rock structure.  

It’s reminiscent of the floating dirt blocks we  saw earlier, I love when the game messes up and   creates some nonsense. Could you imagine something  like this in real life? A giant boulder with dirt   on top supported only at the bottom by this. It’s  fun to think about stuff like that sometimes.

Got some more walking. Walking…  walking… Ugh, stop doing that! Oh, I have to bring up the game’s music. I  know Minecraft’s soundtrack has been talked   about to death by people way more  qualified than me, but I feel like  

I’d be doing my experience with the game a  disservice if I didn’t at least bring it up. If you watch my full 10 hour playthrough,  link in the cards and description,   you’ll notice there’s big chunks of time where  there’s absolutely NO music. Just me talking,  

My footsteps, and the animals barking  and meowing incessantly. Which makes it   all the more meaningful when one of the  game’s beautiful tracks slowly fade in. I turned off the hud here to soak in the scenery  for a moment, and almost as if the game knew  

When to strike to be the most impactful,  the music kicked in. Such a great moment. Later that night, I spend a couple minutes hanging  out on the ice, cooking some food. And I do it  

Again. I breed another pet. A third dog. It takes  me a few minutes to give him a name, but I go with   Monroe. I leave him with the default red collar.  3 dogs and 3 cats. I was content with that setup.

In the morning, I reach an ocean that  stretches out as far as I can see.   This has been my worst nightmare, in  that I’m forced to follow the shorelines   northwest or southwest the best I can. I  obviously wanna see how far west I can get,  

And taking diagonals isn’t gonna get me as far.  But I love my friends, so we take the slower path. A couple minutes later, I discover this HUGE  island. This looks like something out of an   amplified world. The new world generation  with 1.18 really puts in work sometimes.

On that island is a ruined portal. What  I wanna point out is the underside of it.   I’ve never seen the bottom of a ruined  portal landmark before. It looks like a   chunk of land was lifted out of the Nether and  placed here. Which you obviously get from the  

Netherrack and magma blocks, but I never  noticed the detailing on the bottom. Neat. I am pulled towards the top of the  tall island. I feel my ancestors   calling to me… telling me to… just jump. After many agonizing minutes of ocean travelling,   I finally reach land and  eventually discover some Badlands.  

This is my favorite biome, I love the vibes here.  I also like all the free terracotta, but that’s   besides the point. This is a beautiful place.  And this Badlands area in particular is wild. Look at all this. I’ve never  seen a Badlands like this,  

With the super tall peaks and steep  slopes leading into a valley below.   I usually build in caves when I play Minecraft,  but I feel so inspired to build something here.   What that something is, I don’t  know, but I wanna build something.

I climb the slope I’m standing on and an even  bigger mountain is brought into view. The scale is   just mind-blowing here, that would be so annoying  to climb. But it looks cool from a distance. After leaving the badlands and passing through  some desert, I discover this beautiful coral reef.  

Before I can start to appreciate it though, I  spot something on the surface of the water. An   invisible spider! For those who don’t know,  when playing on the hard difficulty, spiders   have a small chance to spawn with a status effect.  And of the status effects the game chooses from,  

Invisibility is chosen 20% of the time. But…  I’m playing this world on normal difficulty. They are a thing past-me, don’t gaslight yourself. I go underwater to get a better look at the  coral reef. I love all the colors here. The   game has trended towards being less saturated  over the years, but I like that they made these  

Textures really pop. It’s almost tempting to  build an underwater base in a place like this,   but that sounds like a nightmare,  so I’d probably never do that. I swear, this game has some of the spookiest  ambient sounds. Everyone knows the cave sounds,   but what about the giant underwater  whale sounds? Those are scary too. Hour 3 passes while I make my way through  the coral reef. Nearby, I discover my first,  

And also only, spider jockey. It’s not my first  rare mob sighting, as I also saw a chicken   jockey on my first night, but I’m definitely  keeping an eye out for other elusive creatures.   It’s funny to see how the skeleton is scared of  my dogs, so he won’t shoot me, but the spider  

Still tries to attack me. Poor fella can’t  run away while the spider chases me down. This cave is really cool. It looks like a meteor   was flying in real low and  pierced through the slope. I enter the first jungle of the series. I hate  jungles. There’s so many trees of varying heights,  

And the terrain is all over the  place, it’s just awful to traverse.   Not to mention, creepers are pretty well  camouflaged in this environment. So that’s cool.   I sit and watch the sunset as day turns to night. While I’m crossing a river, I hear the sound  of rain from beneath the water’s surface.  

It reminds me of a nice, relaxing summer’s  day with rain gently bouncing off the roof. Nighttime is only 8 or so minutes, while rain can   last anywhere from 10 minutes to  20 minutes, a full Minecraft day.   Even knowing those numbers now, it still feels  like the rain and nighttime last forever. Almost 3 and a half hours into my journey, I  start to feel bad for my animals. I get to walk   around at my own pace, but my pets are forced  to teleport within reach of me every couple  

Dozen blocks. They don’t get to enjoy the walk  like I do, but they seem like they don’t mind. Nighttime comes and we pass through another  jungle. Like I said, I hate these. I always   feel like I’m about to fall in a perfect  2 block deep hole with a Creeper and be  

Unable to escape. I’m on edge in this biome. I  do get to see a forest fire though, that’s cool. Got a good bit more walkin before  anything interesting happens. (Humming) I don’t think I’ve ever seen a coral reef this  big. Definitely not in this world at least. After attempting to cross a large  ocean, I hear another weird sound. Here it is again. No idea what that is. If I was making a game, I  would code it so that completely random sounds   like… and… would have a 1 in 1 million chance  to play every now and then. Just to gaslight  

Players into thinking they’re hearing things. I  swear that’s what Minecraft does to me sometimes. As we close in on Hour 4,  I reach another badlands.   Once again, I am blown away by the  generation here. I don’t know what  

It is about mountains surrounding a body of  water that impresses me, but it does, okay? I haven’t brought this up yet, but I was  sleeping roughly every three nights to   avoid phantom spawns. I sleep through every  night in my normal Minecraft worlds, because   I hate dealing with hostile mobs. I didn’t wanna  do that for this series, but I also didn’t want to  

Be harassed by phantoms. So I settled on sleeping  every three nights to make sure they don’t spawn. Thing is, I had a hard time  keeping track when I slept last.   I didn’t record the full 10 hours in one go, I  split it up across multiple days. So I’d be a  

Day or two away from phantoms spawning,  quit recording, come back the next day,   and forget how many nights I had until they’d  swoop down from the skies to get me. And even if   it was in the same recording session, it’s just  hard to keep track of that stuff in your head.

So I forgot to sleep the previous night  and now have a phantom on my hands.   Being the brave warrior I am, I barricade  myself underground until he burns alive.   After the terrible foe dies by  my hand, I get back to walking. I don’t see anything about a snowy desert on the  wiki, so I don’t know what could have caused this.   I’m glad the game lets biomes  have weird interactions like   this. A snowy desert is a fun place to call home.

After some, you guessed it, more walking,  I return to the prediction I made at the   beginning of the video. In retrospect, 14 million  felt like too high of a guess. But then again,   I don’t really have perspective  for how far I can walk in 1 hour,  

Let alone 10. So I brought it down a  couple orders of magnitude to 700,000   blocks. That felt a little bit more right, even  though it was still a completely baseless guess. Here’s one of those wild villages I was alluding  to toward the beginning of the video. This is what  

I expect from village generation these  days. It’s split up across wide gaps,   pathways generate underneath overhangs where  houses are built, and it’s just an overall mess. In the village, I find this  baby villager and their parent. Hopefully the little guy  found his way out eventually. The village also has this floating red rose. I  see stuff like this a lot in villages, I feel   like it’s caused by the order in which features  are generated in the world. Like maybe the grass  

Is placed, village houses and decorations are  placed, then caves are cut out of the world,   leaving the occasional flower without a  grass block underneath? Just a theory. As I settle down to watch the sunset, I notice  a bizarre stone obelisk in the distance.  

What causes this? I feel like my theory  for the generation error of the floating   flower is at least somewhat close to the  truth, but I have no idea what would cause   this floating chunk to generate. Is there  some bit of the code that allows for floating  

Islands in the first place? Like do they  intend for things like this to generate? After seeing that, I’m walking  through a Taiga biome when… They trusted me. My animals would follow me to   the end of the Minecraft Earth. And  this is the situation I put them in.   Whiskers and Barkley went to the great village in  the sky at 4 hours, 27 minutes, and 29 seconds.

I reach a point of safety a couple minutes later  and had some time to reflect while the sun rose. When daytime comes, I make  my way to a nearby village.   I place two fish in a chest and bury it. A  memorial to my beloved cats. Look, I may have  

Confused Whiskers and Morgana at the time, but  I was grief-stricken. I couldn’t think straight. Dogmeat, Shadow, Monroe, Whiskers, and  I say our goodbyes. We march onward. I find myself on a frozen river some time later,   and remember that I can speed down ice  if I’m in a boat. Cue eurobeat music. Well it was worth a shot. Just before Hour 4 closes out, I find some  incredible landscapes. This little Pillager   outpost at the foot of the mountain is cute.  And hiding from the earlier view is ANOTHER   massive mountain. I don’t think I’ll ever get  tired of seeing things like this in Minecraft.

And with that, we are halfway through our journey.   Who knows what interesting  sights we have yet to view. We don’t have to wait for long to see one of  them, because only 30 seconds into Hour 5,   I find this expansive cave. This is absolutely  my favorite part of modern Minecraft.  

I alluded to it earlier, but I usually gravitate  to caves during my survival playthroughs.   Maybe it’s just my inner dwarf, but I prefer a   home base in the indoor structures of  caves rather than the exposed surface. 1.18 really did a lot to revitalize my  interest in the game and this cave is  

The fruit of Mojang’s labor. This  whole video exists because of that   update. I wanted to get out in the world  and explore the newer generation style. Despite wanting to see more of what  the cave has to offer, I move on. Minecraft’s got another weirdly  generated village for us here.  

Imagine being one of the residents that live  here, having to scale the sides of this pit to   return back to your home. The villagers  here do it whether they like it or not. It’s at this point where the scale  of Minecraft’s world really sets in.  

I think about how I usually play the game. Most  of the time, I stick pretty close to the world’s   origin and build networks of nether portals  that take me directly to biomes of interest.   But there is so much more space available. Like,  almost an incomprehensible amount of space.

The world stretches out 60 MILLION blocks  in the X and Z coordinates. Think about how   much of that you’ll see in a normal survival  playthrough. Think about how much I’ll see in   this wild experiment. In these 10 hours,  I’ll only see a fraction of a fraction of  

What this world has in store. I’m  just a blip in this game’s world. Walking this far reminded me of the stories  I’ve heard from 2b2t. I’ve played less   than 30 minutes or so on Minecraft’s  oldest anarchy server over the years,  

But I’ve seen enough videos to get a  picture for what it’s like on there.   You have to walk so far out just so  you won’t be immediately griefed. Here’s a map of 2b2t from 2021. It’s both crazy  how much has been and hasn’t been explored.  

You could go to these coordinates right here  to build a base, and nobody would ever find it.   Well, maybe not those exact  coordinates, pick your own. My point is, the scale of Minecraft is daunting.   It’s easy to feel like a grain of sand  on one of Earth’s biggest beaches.

Existential dread aside, it’s  comforting to know that every   Minecraft world generated has more  than enough to satisfy anymore. A little bit later, I stumble on this landscape  and wow. There’s no tall mountains, deep valleys,   huge caves, or weird terrain bugs.  It’s just a plain old plains biome.  

It’s almost striking in how normal it is.  This area is quintessentially Minecraft. I run across a new environmental hazard not long  after that. Powder snow. When you step on top of   it, you sink downwards and start to freeze. It  perfectly blends in with the normal snow blocks,  

So walking in biomes with it is like walking  across a minefield. With powder snow on my mind,   I had a thought. I could see them implementing  this powder snow mechanic into the desert as   quick sand. Actually, that’d just be annoying.  Mojang, if you’re watching, ignore that part.

I go on a big rant about MMOs during this part so  we’ll just skip around a bit. Some more walking… Oh, we got another Pretzel certified Crazy  Cave here. Could this even be called a   cave though? It’s part cave, part overhang,  part… surface? Whatever it is, it defies  

Categorization. I almost wouldn’t even want  to build here and disturb its existing beauty. Alright back to the MMO talk… blah blah blah,  nobody cares. Actually, it’s very intriguing.   Go watch the full 10 hour video to hear  me ramble about all kinds of nonsense.

Here’s a mysterious patch of floating kelp.  I’m gonna assume Herobrine was here before me   and dropped all this, rather than a generation  error spawning in the kelp, then breaking it. I spot another one of Minecraft’s  iconic floating dirt blocks with   a plant on top. Can’t get enough of those.

Hour 6 arrives and my dogs  start growling at… nothing.   As far as I know, the only thing they  growl at is Skeletons they’re aggro’d to,   but I don’t see any nearby. Maybe they feel an  earthquake is coming. Animals do that, right?

I get some good, uneventful walking  in for 15 minutes. It’s nice to have   some downtime. Then I see another SPIDER OH MY GO- I come across a shipwreck, find  nothing of interest. Very cool. I do find a buried treasure map from a desert  chest later though. I open it and… what? Is that  

Right? Isn’t there supposed to be a blank map with  an X that leads to a chest? Why is filled out? Hm. Here’s a little bit of the terrain where you can   see through it if you look at a certain  angle. I think that’s cool… I think.

In the middle of a coral reef, while I’m doing  my usual animal teleporting, I notice Whiskers is   missing! It’s really finnicky trying to get them  to teleport sometimes, but I can tell something’s   off here. I retrace my steps back to the shore  I set off from, but she’s nowhere to be seen.

Remember my motto? Friends don’t leave  friends behind. We’re going to find her. I just start walking east until I find her. A  couple minutes go by and I still don’t see her.   Eventually, I reach another body  of water and boat across it.  

I’m gonna have to call it at some point, I  can’t just keep walking backwards forever. I reach the shipwreck I came to earlier. I have no idea where she was. I looked in  the footage of when I was in the boat before,   and I didn’t see her anywhere. she must  have been left on the shore from when   I set off just before landing on the  boat, and teleported to me just then.

Whatever, I can’t complain.  The whole gang’s back together. I see my first wandering trader and successfully  fight off the masculine urge to beat him to death. This is the first time I’ve actually  seen a mangrove swamp before.   I like the aesthetic, but man,  walking in mud is the grossest  

Sound ever. Props to the person who  made it though, top tier icky sound. Okay some more rambling… still rambling… I was watching the footage back here and I  noticed this little guy. I definitely didn’t  

See him in the moment, but I wish I would have.  What’s his life story? How did he get in this   mushroom tree? And will he ever get out? Write  your best fan fiction about him in the comments. Alright, still talking for a while… Ooh, a dripstone cave. I’ve  seen a handful of dripstone  

Caves throughout my journey and they’ve  almost always been impressive. It looks   like it’d be annoying to build a  base in, but it’s a neat aesthetic. The game randomly starts playing  this song and it totally catches me   off guard. Don’t think I’ve ever  heard it before, but I like it. Walkin… walkin…

I try to do my speedy boat strat  again, but you know how that goes. Hour 6 comes to a close as I try to remember  my pets’ names. Look, I could have cheated   in some name tags so I could see their names,  but that felt against the spirit of the video.  

I was gonna force myself to forget their names  and mislabel them. I’m pretty sure I went the   whole video thinking Morgana was the cat who  survived the great Creeper Explosion of Hour 4. We enter Hour 7 as I find this beautiful  lake. I stop to enjoy it for a second.

Another snowy mountain rears it’s  ugly head, so I have to find a way   around it to avoid becoming a future  item of interest for archeologists. I start digging my way through at some point,  but then I throw caution to the wind as I jump  

Through to save time and reach safety. I  made it through unscathed… this time. Here’s a pretty darn cool cave.  It’s like an underground ravine   that’s open to the sky on both  ends but not in the middle. While I’m boating through the night,  I see a bunch of zombies on a little  

Piece of land. Zombie Island itself.  Hold on a second… is that… AHH- The next day I am, yep, still walking. Add “pink sheep” to my list of  rare sightings in this world. In a nearby taiga biome, I come across its  iconic cobblestone rocks. I don’t know why,   but these always stood out to me as weird. They  were more weird back in the day when the only  

Place you saw mossy cobblestone was in dungeons.  Then they added a recipe where you can combine   cobblestone with vines and get as many as you  want. But back in the day, mossy cobblestone   felt special. And it was weird to then start  seeing these little rock things in Taiga biomes.

A bit later, I’m boating when I come  across some more large mountains.   It feels like the new generation isn’t  afraid to dip into amplified territory   and make some areas much higher than the  surrounding landscape. If this is normal   terrain in 1.18, I can’t imagine  playing in an Amplified world.

Oh, and here’s a naturally generated  circle. In Minecraft. Yeah. I discovered a gaggle of Skeletons and  accidentally started some infighting. Sorry guys. During some intense boating action, I find  an ocean monument. And another. And another!   And anoth- oh sorry, that’s it. 3 Ocean monuments  next to each other. I’m in Guardian territory now.  

They let me sneak away without incident. Call in now and submit your vote on who  would win in a fight. Donkey or Wolf. Hour 8. The light at the end of the tunnel becomes  more bright… but we still have a ways to go. Hands down, I think this is the most impressive  generation I’ve seen on my whole journey.

This is the weirdest, biggest, most  intimidating cave I’ve seen in this world.   I don’t spend too much time here, because  monsters don’t wanna see me succeed. I feel   like I always see the cool stuff at nighttime  and can’t really stop to appreciate it.  

I give it a minute or so and resume marching west. In a jungle river, I find a squid  who somehow got out of the water. Add Mr. Squid to the list  of casualties in this world. Some time later, when I’m boating, I get hit  with an arrow. Do you see who hit me? It can’t   have been one of these guys, right? They seem like  they’re too far away, even when I was back here.  

Maybe I discovered the first aquatic skeleton. Being the idiot that I am, I get attacked by  phantoms. Yet again, I forgot to sleep within 3   days. I go under water. It seems like this guy is  stuck, so I quickly move on and leave him behind.

Not a lot happens for the next 40 minutes,   so here’s a brief montage  of me getting some steps in. A song starts to play and it’s another I  don’t think I’ve heard of before. But man,   this goes hard, doesn’t it? I  could imagine this being from   an old JRPG. This is definitely one  to listen for on your adventures. There’s this crazy overhang a little bit after the  

Song kicks in. I bet some nasty  monsters spawn underneath that. Hour 9. The end is nigh.   I spend some time healing up my wolves, because  I’m a bad owner and forget to do that sometimes. We reach a beach and I do another roll  call, just to cement their names in my mind. Friends don’t leave friends behind.  We’re going back to find him. There definitely were three  dogs when you were here last. I didn’t see him anywhere. I remember walking   by a ravine between here and the  beach, so maybe he fell in there. He just up and disappeared. I  had no idea what happened to him.   I didn’t want to spend the last hour looking  for him when he might have just been dead. You know what makes this even more tragic? What  makes this situation go from sad to gut-wrenching? I went back to where I healed the dogs  earlier. I specifically remembered healing   3 dogs when I was first there, but when I  came back, Monroe was nowhere to be seen. Well… turns out I… uh…

Didn’t return to the exact spot I did before.   This is where I was on my first trip. Note the  sand block and the tree right against the water. Here’s where I was on my return  trip a couple minutes later. A   completely different spot! I didn’t even- Oh my god. He’s right there.  

He’s right where I was before. There’s the tree  right next to the water and the single sand block. I walked back to where I thought  he was and completely missed him. Did you see him sitting there in  the footage before I brought that   up? I completely glossed over him like 10 times.

That hurts. I left him there. I noticed only  a couple minutes later and went back. But   I missed him. I only learned he was sitting  there once I reviewed the footage afterward.   I let him down. Even now, he’s just sitting  there. Waiting for his owner to return.

Thinking I lost Monroe, I build a  memorial to him in this nice flower patch.   Our group moves on, one pet lesser. I can see a village from Monroe’s flower patch.   It had been a while since I entered a village,  so I decide to give this one the time of day.  

I notice almost all the villagers  are congregating in one spot. The remaining chunk of my final  hour is rather uneventful. What all goes on…? I walk a bunch. I almost jump to my death. I walk some more. I see an iceberg with a hole in it.  That’s the secret to cool Minecraft  

Terrain. Generate something,  then just cut a hole in it. Even more walking… We enter the final 10 minutes of the challenge.  I think back to my prediction from the beginning. I said I was gonna walk 14 million blocks  at the start of the video. Later on,  

I realized that was obviously too much and  changed it to 700,000. Rather than try and   make another baseless prediction, I just lock  in that guess. I also come up with a few other   guesses. I predict that I’ve killed 100 monsters,  later revising that to 70, and 3 creepers.

I was trying to think of other things  tracked by the stats screen that I   could guess, like blocks fallen, but  I couldn’t come up with a good guess. With minutes left, I find a nice mushroom to  stand on and get a good view of the landscape.  

I make a bed out of pink wool  from the pink sheep I saw earlier. Dogmeat, Shadow, and Whiskers are  by my side as the timer ticks over. 10 hours spent walking in Minecraft. We’ve seen so many crazy things  and experienced some wild events.  

But that’s all in the past. Right  now, I have one thing on my mind. I walked 100,000 blocks away from  spawn. I walked so far and saw so much,   but there’s still so much I didn’t see. So  many chunks generated and so many chunks   that will never be generated.  Never to be explored by anyone. I open up the stat screen. And that’s that. I walked for 10 hours  in Minecraft and that’s what I saw. … Are you forgetting something?  Do you remember my motto. Friends don’t leave friends behind. Thanks for watching. Check out my Extended Stay in Fallout 3’s Megaton,   or watch the full 10 hour version  of this playthrough. Support me  

On Patreon to get your name listed on  screen right here. See you next time.

This video, titled ‘Walking for 10 Hours in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Pretzel on 2023-03-03 16:00:31. It has garnered 4404 views and 405 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:47 or 2447 seconds.

Minecraft is a game where you can do almost anything. You can build beautiful cities, design intricate machines, or engage in intense fights… But what if I did something really boring instead? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Links: Full 10 Hours: ___________________________________________________________________ Music Used: Intro – Moog City | Minecraft 00:33 – Subwoofer Fallacy | Minecraft 04:07 – Biome Fest | Minecraft 08:47 – Aria Math | Minecraft 13:55 – Wending | Minecraft 20:43 – Flowers Blooming in the Church | Final Fantasy VII 21:34 – Night of Fire | by Niko 24:48 – Strad | Minecraft 26:42 – Cat | Minecraft 28:45 – Labyrinthine | Minecraft 31:38 – Dreiton | Minecraft 33:13 – Aerie | Minecraft 35:34 – Flowers Blooming in the Church | Final Fantasy VII 36:51 – Minecraft | Minecraft ___________________________________________________________________

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    kevolve.netWelcome to, a free SMP server open to everyone, currently looking for Minecraft survival mode enjoyers. We run some good mods. Read More

  • Hermitcraft-style server recruiting SMP players, whitelist, 16+, Discord

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  • Minecraft Memes – I hope my grandkids can still play Minecraft

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  • Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide

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  • POV: I become MrBeast’s Minecraft guardian angel!

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  • NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! – Minecraft

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  • Embark on an Epic Adventure with Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Glitch Revealed!

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  • Playing Minecraft while sick…what’s gonna happen?!

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  • Unbelievable Chained 360s in FLQMZE!

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  • 🔥 Ep. 007: Mind-Blowing Aesthetic Stream!

    🔥 Ep. 007: Mind-Blowing Aesthetic Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mine O Sphere Season 3 Stream 007 | Aesthetics’, was uploaded by Digital Rian on 2024-04-23 05:21:57. It has garnered 179 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:47 or 4787 seconds. #minecraft #redpill #podcasts Merch live! Chat was here Sign up to the channel subscribers and get whitelisted to the server! voice mod Rian Stone, Red Pill, Relationship, Married stuff, don’t forget fuccfiles on audio All music by Birocratic and Home and Epidemic Sound Read More

  • INSANE! Guavacado UNLOCKS SECRET in Day #0003 of Minecraft SMP

    INSANE! Guavacado UNLOCKS SECRET in Day #0003 of Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day #0003 – Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by guavacado on 2024-04-05 21:37:08. It has garnered 60 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:51 or 531 seconds. messing around with jon join the server: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #smp #letsplay #roleplay #gaming #chill #minecraftmarketplace #server #series #casual #join #whitelist #nostalgia #multiplayer #javaedition #theboys #playtogether Read More


    INSIDE TV WOMAN'S FRIDGE?! HOUSE BUILT BY JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s FRIDGE! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Myzen on 2024-04-05 11:00:42. It has garnered 29217 views and 422 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:45 or 4005 seconds. JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s FRIDGE! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we… Read More

  • Insane Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft PE!

    Insane Digital Circus Mod in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus MOD in Minecraft PE!’, was uploaded by Sweet Potato – Minecraft on 2024-01-06 13:00:34. It has garnered 2651 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:00 or 240 seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you do everything that you would in the regular game, but with a little more naughty fun!Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you want to see more Minecraft gameplay! mod: #minecraft #addon… Read More

  • INSANE twist on Battle Royale in Minecraft!! 🤯

    INSANE twist on Battle Royale in Minecraft!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying Game like Battle royale Minecraft 🤯’, was uploaded by NotCreepR on 2024-04-09 11:30:12. It has garnered 1082 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:19 or 679 seconds. – IN this video we Trying Game like Battle royale Minecraft 🤯 – if you enjoy this video so like and subscribe kardo yar 🙃 Tags 🙃 Minecraft games like minecraft copy games of Minecraft Minecraft copy games top 3 games like minecraft top 3 best game like Minecraft copy minecraft games GTA 6 in Minecraft make minecraft GTA 6 Minecraft GTA mode… Read More

  • Yaezer’s Insane 2K Subscriber Livestream: Minecraft, Roblox & More!

    Yaezer's Insane 2K Subscriber Livestream: Minecraft, Roblox & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – Join Yaezer’s 2K Subscriber Celebration Livestream! Minecraft, Roblox & Subscriber Fun’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-04-18 09:31:01. It has garnered 5079 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 07:14:24 or 26064 seconds. 🎉 Come celebrate with Yaezer as we hit 2K subscribers! 🎉 Join us for an epic livestream featuring Minecraft and Roblox gameplay with subscribers. Dive into the virtual worlds, interact with fellow subscribers, and chat with Yaezer live! Don’t miss out on the fun as we explore, build, and adventure together. Plus, get exclusive channel updates and… Read More