Insane 101 Minecraft Hacks Revealed – Shizo Alert!

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Oh no way no way I I literally hate you one diamond equals $100 but I am hacking locks has no idea that I’m going to be using hacks inside of this video it’s time to troll him watch this welcome to the challenge locks how confident are you that you’re

Going to beat me I mean I I I kind of I’m kind of good at Minecraft dude I’m a little good at Minecraft all right so we have these pickaxes are you ready to go yep game mode zero SL heal our only time to SL heal are we good we are good three

2 one go all right dude you’re literally going down like I don’t think I’ve ever seen you find a diamond in your life all right dude I can’t wait to find my diamonds okay I just muted my microphone I am going directly down right away to

The diamonds I already see them he is going to freak out when I get the achievement oh dude creepers there’s literally creepers everywhere are you oh my gosh there’s so many mobs down here there’s literally so many dude I can’t run I literally can’t run bro what are

You doing just mine down and find the diamonds it’s not that hard dude dude I’m trying I’m in a uhoh honestly I feel I going to get eliminated dude what are you doing oh my gosh uhoh okay you know I’m safe I’m safe there’s lava dude there has be diamonds honestly I feel

Pretty confident uhoh dude what do you mean uhoh oh my gosh dude oh my gosh that was literally that was literally the easiest thing in my life how did you find diamonds dude that fast that was so easy you’re you’re honestly trash what I think you’re bad you know what okay oh

My God are you serious you are so bad locks the timer is going down you know what let’s make a little mini BET right now okay a mini bet okay fine whatever how many times do you have anyways I have four diamonds but listen the first person to find more diamonds right now

Wins a quick $200 okay okay well I already owe you 400 oh you’re about to owe me a little bit more oh my gosh no way these dude I have 12 diamonds that’s $1,200 dude I need to find diamonds right now because if I get 12 diamonds

That means I owe you nothing bro you are literally going to go poor you know what I’m going to keep on mind in this straight line I have a strong feeling I don’t know why I have just a weird feeling that I’m about to find some more

Diamonds locks I I guess you’re kind of lucky I don’t understand oh my gosh are you serious and there just must where where even are you at dude I’m literally right below Bedrock I found diamonds I found diamonds yeah how many do you have three of them three of them literally

Three of them dude honestly you found three that’s cute I just found three more oh wait yep three more just matched you I have 16 diamonds locks all right well I only owe you for 13 since I have three you know that’s $1300 right okay well I’m going to find more don’t worry

About it okay well you go ahead and find more I’m still feeling super super confident that you know what wait I think I smell more dude smell more dude you can’t smell diamonds we went over this dude you’re being weird you’re being weird dude you saw that I oh no

Way no way I I literally hate you I you’re lying you’re you’re literally lying you’re going to have to show me literally every single Diamond when the timer is up okay I have 21 diamonds in my inventory God no you don’t bro I feel like shle in a quible

Cop video right now just chill dude you don’t have dude you’re going to have to show me literally everything every single Diamond I hope you have $2,100 cuz you’re going to be in debt for a long time dude buddy I’m going to find some diamonds right now I can literally

Smell them okay I literally smell these diamonds diamonds guess who found diamonds you found more guess who also just found diamonds my gosh dude you’re trying to intimidate me I have seven diamonds how many diamonds do you have 24 24 okay so what 24 – 7 what’s 24 – 7

Dude all right dude we that to 1,700 if you really have the diamonds all right locks the timer is almost up I’m like obviously we have both been finding a lot of diamonds maybe I found a little bit more than you so I’m pretty sure we

Should just go back up in a little bit and I think we should count out our diamonds okay dude hold on I literally just found more diamonds what dude no way dude this is such a big patch dude this is a huge patch no way okay I just muted my

Microphone what locks doesn’t know obvious L I’ve been cheating this entire time I just found like a bunch more of them he does not know box I have 30 diamonds 30 diamonds wait I think I just found more hold on dude I’ll be right back okay I just muted my microphone

What I’m going to do I going to cheat a little bit I’m going to go into game mode one and I am literally just going to spawn in 64 diamonds into my inventory oh my lock is never going to know I did this all right I’m going to

Un mute my microphone and I’m going to tell him to go to the surface yo dude uh I have a h bit of a surprise for you if you don’t mind let’s go to the surface right now okay you you want to go to the surface what’s the surprise well let’s

Just say I think maybe I won hey lox welcome to the surface bro all right dude are you ready I’m going to put all my diamonds in the chest all right tell me I got put your diamonds in I’m going to put mine in as well are you ready

What we are going to do I’m going to open up your chest at the same time you open up my chest all right all right 3 2 1 go 13 what dude 64 plus that’s 94 diamonds there’s no way you owe me $9,400 thank you so much my PayPal is Mr top

Five dude there’s no way you can find 90 diamonds in that amount of time what what what what what dirty that’s like impossible dude what what happened no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay dude I’m going to give you a little

Mining secret okay I want to show you exactly what I know here stand right here on this block okay this one this one right here the one I’m on all you got to do you need to learn how to mine straight down mine that block okay mine straight down

$9,400 dude should I buy a new car I don’t know what to say you cheated you had to cheat You Must Have Cheated dude what I want to see your footage I want to see your footage right now I’m not going to show you my footage because I

Cheated I knew it I knew it I knew you oh my gosh dude there’s no way someone could 6 4 94 diamonds dude lo you don’t have to pay me the money you got to admit I got you gun what did you do like like I used

X-ray you used X-ray oh my gosh dude and I wanted to creative mode spawn in diamonds 2 wait so how many did you actually find zero wait so you owe me $1,300 now no I don’t subscribe to the channel for more pranks this was amazing you’re done

You’re done buddy I just want to play Minecraft dude can you just not use x-ray for once okay I won’t use x-ray I’ll be right back though okay I just muted my microphone he wants me to do a normal survival world without x-ray I’m going to use x-ray again let’s see how

Long it takes him to notice I want to see how long it takes me to get banned all right I want to unmute all right dude let’s do this normal survival world um I I have my iron pickaxe I don’t know how much you have okay I see all of the

Ores this is going to be amazing I’m about to find diamonds right now yo so dude um how are you looking so far what are you what are we trying to accomplish today in Minecraft dude I just want to make a house I want to restart on this

World I actually want to have a city dude I’m going to be honest it feels pretty good to be just playing normal Minecraft I know I’ve been using x-ray a lot and I can’t wait to find my first real diamonds without x-ray hacks dude I know we’re going to need diamonds it

Might take some time but like dude if we can get full diamond armor and oh my gosh what dude what I I guess I didn’t need x-ray after all what are you talking about oh my gosh dude I just found diamonds you found diamonds already I have four diamonds dude no way

Dude dude that’s so lucky we’re going to need those four diamonds because I promise you we will not be able to find any more diamonds that’s literally so rare go okay I just Beed my microphone he said we’re never going to be able to find more diamonds and it’s rare as you

Can see if I mine over here as you can see we have some more diamonds I’m going to unmute my microphone and I’m going to mine these diamonds again watch this dude I’m so happy that I found four diamonds I don’t know if I’m ever going

To be able to do it again okay I’m oh my gosh dude what’s up dude what’s up man you’re going to think I’m lying about what this is not a joke at all I just found oh my gosh oh my gosh what did you find did you find the Ender P portal

What wait what no I I found something way better what did you find four more diamonds dude four dude dude you’re getting lucky dude you’re literally getting lucky that’s insane that’s actually insane dude that’s like a world record dude I think that’s actually a world record there’s no way I’m going to

Find more right dude of course not I I mean they like spread them out it’s really hard to find diamonds you know that you’re you’re literally just getting lucky okay I’m getting lucky all right I just muted my microphone I’m going to do this again obviously if I do

This in such short periods of time he’s bound to start getting a little bit suspicious I’m going to look all around for some more diamonds obviously we okay we just see okay we just found a huge huge stack of them over there I’m going

To mine to them right now I want to hear his reaction when I find what does that look like like five more diamonds let’s see what he says dude this house is literally looking so good dude I I’m so it feels so refreshing just to play Minecraft dude I know dude I’m really

Really sorry for back in the day using x-ray I really shouldn’t have done it I’m never ever going to do it again dude if I caught anybody using X-ray on like my survival server this one where I actually play legit I I’d legit have to ban him really dude that’s so sick wait

Hold on I’ll be right back all right I don’t know if you guys heard that first of all I just found more diamonds I’m going to tell him right now I want to see what he has to say yo yo dude dude crazy news don’t tell me did you find diamonds

My gosh are you like in a ravine or something bro did they add a new like Minecraft update or something are diamonds easier to find dude that’s that’s like really weird that I’m not going to lie are are you telling me are you pranking me right now are you

Kidding wait you you’re accusing me of pranking you I mean you always prank me you probably don’t have any diamonds dude can you just come up here and show me the diamonds all right let me come up right now okay I just muted my microphone I’m going to the top right

Now I’m going to make fun of him because I’m going to ask him right now how many diamonds he has and as we all know he has not freaked out yet which means he has zero watch this I think he’s going to figure it out soon yo yo dude where

Are you okay I see you I’m at the top I’m I’m I’m big in our our house like like what what’s up dude I mean it’s cool that you made a house and all but just show me the diamonds dude you probably don’t even have them yeah yeah

Yeah what how many is this 17 babbe oh my you’re not what 17 diamonds in that short amount of time it it hasn’t even been like 5 minutes all right dude now what I want you to do drop all your diamonds let’s see how many you got bro

I don’t have diamonds I literally only have seven iron ore you have seven iron ore that’s it and an apple what do you mean that’s it nobody finds diamonds this fast I me I mean the Apple’s pretty cool but dude I didn’t know you’re trash at Minecraft I’m not trash at Minecraft

Buddy I’m actually very good at Minecraft do you not see this house I’m literally almost done building this house I mean you made a house out of wood I can basically make a house now out of diamonds dude oh my gosh dude you know what take your stupid Diamond

You’re you’re never going to find diamonds again okay you what you got lucky you got lucky just just say it say it I got lucky okay I got lucky but you know what yeah you did you know what thanks you know what if I find more diamonds within a minute you owe me

$1,000 just because you’re so just because you’re so confident you’re not going to find diamonds all right what I want you to do I want you to countdown from 60 as soon as you start counting down I am going to search for diamonds okay I mean I I guess I I okay the

Countdown starts I’m looking at my clock uh in 3 two 1 go okay I just muted my microphone he is counting down I am in game mode to one right now and I am super excited I need to hurry this up okay I see diamonds right here I’m going

Over oh I am in the lava this is not good okay all right all right he’s probably wondering where I am right now and what’s going on let me just keep adding okay all right all right I’m going to go to Game Mode zero I’m going

To I’m going to get rid of all of the evidence watch this yo yo yo dude how much time do I have how much time do I have dude uh you have about what 30 seconds okay oh my gosh I am now $1,000 rich sure no you’re not dude you didn’t

Find diamonds you didn’t find diamonds my gosh oh my gosh there’s so many this is not a lie what do you mean so many they they don’t come in so many you’re literally you didn’t find diamonds you didn’t find diamonds buddy I got seven diamonds seven I’m not kidding okay all

Right all right all right let me come back up here just show me dude just show me cuz I think you’re lying you’re literally a liar all right dude come over here I think I I I need to be honest with you okay okay what what show

Me show show me the diamonds show me the seven you got the other one I was lying I didn’t get seven more diamonds yeah exactly just what I thought man just what I thought yeah but here let pick up those real quick are you serious yes sir how are

You finding these diamonds are you hacking are you using xxray hack wait you think I’m hacking you think I’m using xxray hack nobody can find 24 diamonds this is literally a set of armor right here nobody can find them that fast before I tell you anything can

You just send me the uh $1,000 that I just made cuz you agreed to it uh no show me your screen show your screen I I want to see your screen show me your screen right now okay I just Beed my microphone he wants me to share my

Screen I don’t know all right I disabled the X-ray it still says the stuff in the topli corner I hope he doesn’t notice all right I’m sharing my screen I’m going to unmute yo dude look at my screen like I don’t know what you’re talking about hold on yeah press press press X

And see I’m pressing X see see nothing okay what what I just said he is freaking out I didn’t press X I was pressing V he doesn’t know that I can’t believe I’m doing this I can’t believe I’m doing this all right all right watch this watch this I want to start making

It completely obvious I don’t know if he’s still watching watch this I still my mic muted oh my gosh did he notice I’m going to do it again oh my gosh what yo yo hello yo I just saw something you saw something what are you talking about I

Think you’re using hacks I think you’re literally using x-ray share your screen again share your screen again okay all right do you see it hold on what what’s on the top left corner of your screen uh just my FPS counter cuz um recently I got a new computer and dude it’s so fast

So I I just want to see how much you know FPS I have oh oh uhoh you didn’t see that are you serious on accident no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can we talk about this don’t no goodbye hacker you’re banned forever

Oh my gosh dude I got you so good I’m not unbanning you you’re banned from my server you’re done you’re done buddy subscribe to the channel for more pranks I’m uninstalling Minecraft we are going to be attempting a building challenge in Minecraft with x-ray locks are you ready to lose ,000 again again

Okay buddy listen if it’s one thing I’m actually good at it’s building in Minecraft all right so how this is going to work obviously we have x-ray and if I disable the X-ray we are on the ground and look at this if I place down a block

Right now you can’t see the block we are going to each have 6 minutes to build our best house on a super flat area and the best house at the end wins the bad thing about this is we won’t be able to see the house until the end so we can

Use any Block in creative mode right yes we can are you ready to go dude this is going to be insane I’m going to build something crazy 3 2 1 let’s start building all right so I’m attempting to build right now um I got to be right

Back though okay I just muted my microphone obviously knowing me I got to cheat a little bit locks is trying to build he can’t see anything he can’t see any of his blocks what I going to do I just not going to use x-ray I’m watching

Him build his house right now oh my gosh he is making it absolutely horribly what I’m going to do you know what I’m going to play a little bit fair I’m just going to keep on trying to build my house this is not looking good at all and then what

I’m going to do I’m going to go out of X-ray and then I’m going to make it perfect he is going to freak out I think it’s it’s actually turned out really good like I’m looking at the invisible blocks and I’m making the perfect roof right now dude congratulations you know

What though I’m a better Minecraft player than you’ll ever be so so I’m super excited to make a better house than you all right and you know what I’m you know I’m going to make a little dirt tunnel you know just because I I’m going that extra dude I’m going to win this

$1,000 easy I just muted my microphone again look at his house oh my gosh all right what I am going to do right now I’m going to literally correct everything I did wrong with my house and I’m just going to make it completely completely perfect okay I’m going to

Keep on doing this and I can’t wait to see what his house looks like as soon as I’m done correcting everything all right let me place all this here guys he’s going to freak out I absolutely know it all right watch this I’m using a world

Edit oh my gosh he is going to be so mad at me all right all right all right I’m going to do this again I’m literally going to do this again bro look at my house he’s going to be so mad all right let me paste this all right let me get

This right here and ladies and gentlemen this is my house I’m not even going to add a roof look at mine compared to his I’m going to unmute my microphone he’s probably wondering where I went I think my castle is literally going to look amazing like I think I got it down on

Point I think I have the Castle Towers I think I have an underground tunnel dude this is just going to be crazy wait so you think it looks like a perfect square that’s what you’re saying like it’s absolutely perfect nothing’s wrong oh dude it has to be literally has to be

All right dude the time is up I can’t see your build you can’t see my build are you ready to compare dude are you ready to send me $1,000 all right by the way dude my PayPal is Mr topcraft get ready 3 2 1 go wait

Which one’s mine is this is this one mine right here uh no no this one’s yours dude are you sure nice Castle bro I thought you were a good builder dude I am a gold what how how did you do this my gosh dude I am insane at building you

Don’t even know I taught myself Lally perfect I taught myself to learn how to build with my eyes closed so this was a perfect challenge dude that makes no okay listen okay listen what’s I might have gotten a little bit too excited can we have a Redemption round yeah the last

Round wi gets all all right how about so $2,000 online okay $2,000 fine $22,000 we’ll start over here okay wait hold on hold on real quick can I just ask you something dude what what what is this it’s a castle okay it’s a castle all right dude this is the

Underground tunnel it’s not even underground bro okay whatever you know what fine new one I I I I’m I’m going to beat you this time I’m literally going to beat you this time I’m going to pay super close attention round two 3 2 1 let’s go all right dude um you’re

Looking to build pretty uh pretty fast how are you looking are you nervous I no I’m not nervous I’m taking my time I’m taking a breather I’m making a perfect square so let me just let me let me just ask you something real quick dude all

Right okay yeah fine yeah so what’s up you owe me $11,000 not yet well I mean you do but like how mad are you how mad are you going to be once you owe me another $2,000 I think you’re going to end up owing me $3,000 once I beat you in this

Build Challenge because I already know I have a perfect rectangle right now all right oh wow um you know I’m not looking at your build or anything but just judging by the way you’re like standing dude your form for building it just looks amazing dude you you’re looking

Really good no dude thank dude I I spent so much time building ever since like 2012 all I do in Minecraft is build yeah Wally build build build wow dude that looks amazing what are you doing are you going to build your stuff or or what I

I’m just feeling confident okay I just Beed my microphone I’m literally getting the hang of building with x-ray I’m like actually kind of doing it correctly but obviously I’m correcting everything again when I still have my microphone muted I’m going to make it completely obvious that I am using world edit watch

This I’m going to build straight up super super high up and what I’m going to do I’m going to tell him that this is my Mansion when I’m done oh my gosh there’s no way there’s no way he’s going to fall for this all right there we go

Placed it down boom set stone oh my gosh this is super high up this is literally my castle lock isn’t even talking he’s concentrating super super hard all right let me place this down I just pasted it I’m going to unmute my microphone watch this yo dude how’s your build looking I

Think I’m just about done yeah I think I just about finished my door uh and I’m done yeah no I’m perfectly done all right you ready to give me some money I’m ready to give you some money dude I’m not looking at your build yet how confident are you that it’s better than

Mine I’ll throw in another $1,000 wait really yeah I’ll throw in another $1,000 let’s make it a total what so already 1,000 plus 2,000 that’s 3,000 so 4,000 total I have my microphone muted what is this oh my gosh this is going to make my day seeing his reaction all right all

Right dude ready yep 3 2 1 what so uh what build is this what is this supposed to be I really like it it’s it’s pretty unique like I have never ever seen a Minecraft house that looks like this dude how did you have the time to do this on x-ray you can’t

See the blocks no no no no don’t even don’t even look at mine dude I just want to like I just want to take a second and appreciate yours cuz like no question this is a house no question you won no question you won but like wow dude this

Is this is amazing I think are you being sarcastic no why are you laughing what do you mean dude I just why are you laughing dude you’d be in a good mood too if you just won $4,000 there’s no way you could have built this on x-ray it is impossible I

Dude I literally have x-ray on right now what do you what there there’s no way there’s no even a roof on this thing how did what why is there Cobblestone down here and everywhere else is Stone wait wait I don’t have a roof is that what

You’re saying what are you doing why do you have that what you were using world edit you were using world I don’t even have XR on I’m so done I’m uninstall in Minecraft dude I I just told you he won oh my gosh he left guys

We got him so good oh my gosh subscribe to the channel for more pranks loocks I would give him $11,000 if he can beat Minecraft without me on the server ladies and gentlemen what I got to do I’m going to get on over here

He has no idea I’m here and and now I have a potion of invisibility and now we’re invisible so let’s spy unlocks I’m turning a stream on right now I have a feeling he’s going to try cheating or something don’t tell Mr top five but what M I’m literally going to beat

Minecraft and this is going to be so easy I banned him from my stream he is such an idiot like like he’s going to give me $1,000 if I beat it but you guys want to see something you guys want to see something wait what is he doing he’s bro he’s

Turning on x-ray he’s turning on x-ray wait what he’s using x-ray what is going on guys guys this is so good I am signing to a different Twitch account he has no idea how is someone so stupid all right so he’s uh just getting wood right

Now what is going on guys I’m going to confront him later in this call and this is going to be epic all right guys you know what this is where the easy part gets in the hardest part of beating Minecraft with my x-ray is literally just getting

Tools I mean I mean come all right so we’re we’re going to make a pickaxe what I’m going to do after he makes the first bit of progress say he get iron or something like that I’m going to stop being invisible I’m going to confront

Him and I’m going to see what he has to say hey right guys we got a stone pickaxe you know what that means X-ray on o i some iron bro this is going to be easy you know we’re just going to get this little patch of iron kid oh man

There’s iron all over the place there’s even coal next to the iron why would my friend be so unhonest to me this is messed up guys like we’re going to beat Minecraft this is like a speed run dude I’m going to get $1,000 easy Mr to five

Is so stupid man like why would he make this bet we know that he normally car can’t beat Minecraft and now we know to never trust locks dude what is he doing bro now I’m watching him smelt iron this gives me the best idea I am going to

Wait until he has full iron armor and then we’re going to come on the server and completely confront him in a call for the first time I could not wait for this you know what guys it takes forever getting iron I think I’m just going to skip the iron process and just get

Diamonds what that just seems like a better idea I I I don’t know it just like so much easier like I don’t even need to smell diamonds this is the most scummy thing I have ever seen locks 2 I could not wait to get on the server bro I’m I’m

Literally itching to get on right now you know what okay scrap the part about me waiting until he has full iron armor as soon as he gets one Diamond I’m going to hop on the server look at that guys we are approaching a lot of diamond oh

My gosh guys we’re going to have fulltime armor here like look at all of this look at every single piece of this this is insane all right I’m getting ready what I’m going to do I’m going to become unvisible and then I’m going to teleport to him and then I’m going to

Call him up guys look at this look at this diamonds diamonds oh my gosh we found diamonds one two oh my gosh there’s five bro there’s five Diamonds oh my gosh look there’s another strain right here diamonds on top of diamonds why would anyone be happy about this I

Don’t understand we’re only like six minutes in this world and we got diamonds man all right guys I have an idea guys I am standing right behind locks I’m completely visible he doesn’t even notice me let me call him up right now hello dude what’s going on how’s

Your progress go bro look behind you look behind you oh you’re mining stone who who yeah dude I’m mining stone dude I don’t know man it it’s not going that good I don’t know if I’m going to beat Minecraft man but you know I’m streaming even though you’re banned and uh yeah I

I don’t know man I I don’t know I just I’m going test a little bit yeah dude well guess how long I’ve been watching you without you knowing what what do you mean oh he’s freaking out he’s freaking out how long have you been you’ve been

On the server yeah just for like a minute though bro I’ve been just watching you get stoned you’re trash bro oh that is that’s not dude oh my gosh Diamond dude oh my gosh dude oh oh dude oh my gosh I don’t know dude I’m so

Lucky I’m actually so lucky dude oh my gosh straight through his team well well dude I don’t know I’m feeling pretty lucky can can can you just leave the server I’m going to beat Minecraft man I’m going to beat Minecraft for like the first time all right sounds good

I’ll leave all right we’re going to walk out over here use the splash potion of invisibility and now we’re gone all right guys he’s gone that was a close one that was a close one guys all right I need to finish getting all my diamond

Cuz I need full diamond armor and uh so bad it’s like one step closer to being being like you know beting Minecraft I’m going to win 1,000 bucks dude I wonder his strategy obviously he’s cheating in the game but when he arrives to the end

I want you guys to comment right now do you think he’s even going to go with armor to the end or is he just going to be stupid but either way as soon as he gets there I’m going to call him back up and let him know I was watching him the

Whole time and would you look at that even more diamonds diamonds on coal bro why is he getting so happy over this oh oh oh approaching diamonds again guys you know what I think I think we have enough I think we have enough for everything we need all right so let’s

Just finish up this patch ooh that look that’s looking good that is looking good was 30 Diamonds oh my gosh all right all right you know what we’re going to make our crafting bench let’s get our full diamond armor guys let’s go to the nether all right guys full diamond armor

Diamond pickaxe diamond sword diamond shovel you know let’s go back up let’s Go all right there there’s this top five I mean he doesn’t know I’m x-ray hacking guys because like you know you can’t watch the stream so you know whatever it’s just Diamond I can just make another Discord account you I’m just I’m just going to I’m just going to I’m

Going to call him really quick to make an excuse hold on I’m going call hello hey dude wow full diamond armor dude this is the best I’ve ever seen you play No Cap bro yeah dude I’ve been like training I’ve been practicing really hard dude your strategy what are you

Doing x-ray hacking or something h no dude I’m not an x-ray hacker dude I’m actually playing the game dude this game’s easy man it’s actually a lot easier than I thought bro I am definitely making him a little bit nervous lox was just mining a ton of obsidian I’ve been watching him the

Entire time I left the call but lox is sounding so nervous yo yo what what’s up dude I don’t get why you’re just watching me I don’t know dude you’re seeming to beat Minecraft a little quickly just a little bit weird bro I I mean I mean just don’t worry about it

Dude don’t worry about it can can we just can you just not worry about it can you like get off the server so I can finish and just beat Minecraft all right I’m going to go over here we are now invisible again and let’s see what locks

Us differently now oh my God I don’t know why he keeps going on the server guys but like it’s starting to get really sus like I I just I just need to beat it and I can’t get CAU I can’t get caught using cheats guys okay I’m back watching his stream he’s getting

Netherite what guys you know what you know what we need to one up this we need to make sure we win we need we need netherite this is what we need and I I literally see some right there I see actually a lot of it you know what we’re

Going to get full netherite armor and a netherite sword how does he think that I don’t think this is cheating even if I wasn’t watching his stream oh guys here it is oh there’s so much of it there’s literally so much of it this is messed this is Absolut absolutely messed

Ancient debris guys it’s time for netherite guys this is so good I’m going to have a full netherite armor I can’t wait to confront him this is going to be sick oh watch out for the lava buddy you know getting X-ray ises not make you smart I would not be surprised if lock

Literally dies in the nether ah I have to smelt this down I need like gold and stuff we’re just going to get rid of that no NE no way come on bro all right that that that’s easy you know what you know what let’s let’s let’s switch this

Out let’s take off the diamond let’s put on the netherite oh man that was so sick oh my gosh that’s so sick guys look at this all right you know what let’s let’s just go up and uh let’s just find let’s just find the end portal would you look

At that guys as easy as pie there’s a creeper oh don’t matter to me I got netherite Bro Look at that Turtle just chilling I’m going to name you Tommy all right you know what we’re going in right here guys we’re about about to we’re about to beat Minecraft this is spe ever

As soon as he goes to the end we’re going to what no way how that was the funniest thing I’ve seen all day wait should I call him now and confront him yo I’m back on the server you have nothing what happened dude what do you what do you

Mean what do you mean bro where are your items dog I I just I I I I had item dude I I got I I fell okay I fell I was literally about I was I was at the end dude sure you were at the end I believe

I was literally at the end dude I had netherite and everything all right man honestly this isn’t even that worth it I’m just going to I’m going to leave the server see you later all right guys I just hung up I’m tuning back into his

Stream let’s see what he does here we go dude I don’t know if he’s going to notice me but I’m flying right behind him he’s in creative mode now he’s he’s throwing Eyes of Ender come on how do you cheat watch this ready ready ready I’m going to make it so

Obvious all right guys we got to go this way we got to go this way all right it has to be somewhere over here it literally has to be I think I think oh come on come on y yep there we go oh oh

No oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no guys guys guys no no no how are you doing what are you doing right now oh oh no oh no I I got to call him I got to call him got to call him hello

Hello what’s up dude what are you doing where’d you get those Eye Of Enders dude dude I all right I I’m in Creative but dude I fell and I died really wa I’m just trying to get back where I was I was showing you dude if I if we go back

There dude my items are literally there you know want to know why you died d dude dude follow follow me dude like like l no no no no hey hear me out want to know why you died why cuz you couldn’t see the ground with the X-ray

You’re using what do you mean I’m watching watching your stream buddy how you’re baded I want another account no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god well you cheat all the time oh man you know what you know what you know what I’m done whatever keep

Your ,000 goodbye subscribe for more in this video we were doing a normal challenge first person to find diamonds wins $1,000 and then I realized my friend was hacking this video got crazy because I decided to hack back and expose him for using x-ray you don’t

Want to miss it this ends bad so you’re really telling me you want to do this again you want to actually find diamonds without me using X-ray and the winner gets $1,000 dude $1,000 per Diamond you want to do $1,000 per diamond right all right let’s do it let’s do it are you

Ready to go uh yeah I’m ready like you want to split up uh yep sounds good to me hold on wait be right back okay I just muted my microphone I’m I’m going to use x-ray again and I want to see if he is going to catch on all right I’m

Going to unmute my microphone I’m going to find the diamonds let’s get started all right dude you ready go how confident are you how confident are you that you’re going to find Diamonds oh my gosh I’m going to beat you three two one dude I’m really hungry for some diamonds

Man I just I just have a good feeling about today what about you dude oh my gosh you know what I feel like I’m starting to get close dude me too I dude I feel like I could just smell them yeah like yeah me too I actually dude I know

That feeling like you know whenever you find diamonds you always say hey man I can just smell diamonds dude oh my gosh wait a second wait whoa okay no way I just muted my microphone I don’t know what is going on I just found diamonds at the exact same time that locks found

Diamonds I don’t know if he’s doing something I don’t know if he’s using x-ray dude I got eight diamonds did you actually no way wait yo no dude you’re going to open ow me so much money wait did you saysh oh my gosh dude my diamonds are next to Lava dude that’s

Unfortunate man how many diamonds did you get um I I only have two I literally oh my gosh oh dude that’s such a shame you should have like watched out for that lava yeah yeah yeah I’ll be right back I’m pretty sure that lox is using

X-ray I think he’s trying to get me back so what I’m going to do right now I’m going to do the ultimate prank and then I’m going to expose him as an x-ray hacker I a terrible friend cuz all he wants to do is get revenge what I’m

Going to do obviously we no way more diamonds oh my gosh he’s trying to make it seem like he’s finding them for real 10 diamonds $10,000 oh my gosh dude I have zero I got eliminated okay dude let’s go to a different spot let’s do this again I’m going to make all the

Money in this video all right no problem go ahead and try I just I got I got some luck with diamonds today all right my microphone is muted I don’t know 100% sure maybe maybe that was luck maybe he’s not hacking I’m going to do it

Again and I want to see if something different is going to happen all right 3 2 1 Let’s Start mining down dude all right dude are are you good you good you think you can win some money back like oh I’m 100% sure dude I felt really

Really good in the past you know I’ve gotten a lot of diamonds maybe I was cheating before but I’m not cheating now I think I’m using those skills as a way to get more diamonds how are you feeling dude dude I just have have a thing today

Where diamonds easy easy I found a new method what what’s your new method uh I dude it’s a secret I I wouldn’t be able to tell you okay all right that’s a little bit weird but I’m getting I think I’m starting to smell something I think I’m starting to smell

Something wait hold on me too wait what getting really really close wait what are you talking about where are you wait what are you doing what are you doing what do you mean what am I doing you’re right next to me what dude hold on I can

SW no no no what what what are you doing dude dude huh what oh Diamond those are my diamonds my diamond I knew it dude I knew it dude I smelt them from a mile away I dude you know what fine you know you can have them that’s that’s fine but

I dude just just say that I I smelt them first okay I just got 15 diamonds cuz I think I picked up part of yours we’re going to count that but I got to be right back real quick okay okay dude yeah guys he just found the exact same

Diamonds I found this is proving my point that he is totally lying he is totally using X-ray and obviously I’m using x-ray too what I’m going to do what I’m going to do ladies and gentlemen it is time to troll him this is going to be the best thing in the

World all right dude you ready for round three uh yeah man let me just get a pickaxe all right let’s go right now all right guys what I’m doing right now I just vanished myself and wherever locks is is I’m going to make sure I go right

Next to him and I’m going to place diamonds down right next to him in game mode one I want to see what’s going to happen if possibly lock will notice that diamonds appeared and he is going to shift his head because obviously if he has x-ray he’s instantly going to notice

The diamonds I want to see what he does all right dude how’s your uh diamond hunt looking bro dude really good I’m I’m I’m smelling diamonds already I’m smelling lots of diamonds say goodbye to your bank account dude all right I have my microphone muted he’s literally going

And Mining those diamonds right now what I’m going to do I’m going to go over here oh diamonds diamonds again guess whose lucky day it is all right I’m placing these as he’s freaking out about having more diamonds I’m placing them all around I’m going to place like 20 of

Them I don’t know how I don’t know if he’s dumb or not I don’t know if he’s going to believe this but I just plac so many I think he’s about to freak out all right all right oh my gosh he literally instantly turned around hey dude have

You found found some diamonds yet because I’m I’m like I can taste diamonds I’m I’m see dude more diamonds dude wait you found way dude this is a huge patch dude I already have 10 11 12 13 14 15 no way and they keep coming on dude that is

Insane all right my mic is muted I literally just caught him he is 1,000% using x-ray what I’m going going to do right now I am going to literally use world edit and I’m going to spawn in a patch of diamonds he’s going you look at that he’s freaking out he’s literally

Freaking out after I spawn in this patch of diamonds I’m literally going to world edit and I’m going to change all of them from diamonds to dirt watch this guys all right so I’m going to go over here doing right now I’m going to literally

Select it replace 56 Dirt 3 2 1 oh my gosh oh my gosh what what what just uh um oh yo how many diamonds have have you found man um dude I just got so many oh my gosh wait what do you mean you got

So many wait bro dude look we went to the same one that’s amazing dude I got all of those bro wait let me let me just take up this one too bro what there’s a dirt right here how’s dirt get all the way down here wow dude that’s crazy I

Wonder what happened dude um I I don’t no man but I I got 29 diamonds how many do you have all right so I’m already cheating so I just spawned 13 more I have 30 he’s going to freak out but watch this there’s more diamonds I can

Clearly see him looking over here cuz he knows deep down inside that there’s diamonds over there all right what I’m going to do I’m going to unmute okay dude bonus challenge okay first person to find more diamonds wins ,000 are you ready to go easy man easy let’s go dude

Go I bet I bet I’ll find them first I better I’ll find the first what do you mean what dude what are you doing you should mine another way dude there’s going to be dude there’s going to be no diamonds over here you sure dude I’m positive dude there’s going to be no

Diamonds just mine the other way mine the other way wait why dude just get away dude these are mine get away what are you doing I’m finding diamonds bro oh my gosh are you using the X-ray dude I’m so lucky bro what do you mean you’re so lucky oh my gosh oh

My gosh no you’re using x-ray dude I just got so many all right let’s go to the surface right now and let’s figure out how many diamonds we have all right I just muted my microphone I’m going to the surface right now and this is where I’m going to

Expose him for using x-ray because obviously he sees that I’m using x-ray but I know he is too watch this Lo drop all your diamonds you have them all you eliminated me dude you said you weren’t going to use x-ray anymore I got 62 you owe me 6

$62,000 no dude you cheated you used X-ray wait wait I used X-ray yeah you did I was you literally went to the diamonds I was the only person to use x-ray that’s what you’re saying yes dude you went to the diamonds they were clearly right there yeah um hold on let

Me just type something in chat B Deadlocks all right what what what are you doing I’m the only person allowed to use x-ray that’s right I caught you oh my gosh dude dude fine I was using x-ray but I would have won this challenge if you weren’t using x-ray you would have

Even known oh my gosh I got you so good ladies and gentlemen we caught him I’m going to unban you in a few minutes but gosh subscribe to the channel for more pranks cuz I got you so good I just got banned I just installed an X-Ray Mod to

Cheat in Minecraft and finds diamonds first I’m joined by Ty right here and what he wants to do is a challenge to see who finds diamonds first and the winner gets $110,000 what he doesn’t know is I’m going to be hacking and cheating he’s going to be super upset super confused

And let’s see how mad Ty gets at me Ty are you ready to see who finds diamonds first dude it’s obviously me dude I’ve been playing Minecraft for so much longer than you really how long have you been playing Minecraft for uh dude years like since

200 10 you know what let’s make this a little bit interesting obviously we agreed for $1,000 it’s going to be who finds diamonds first but honestly I’m feeling a little bit confident I feel like the winner should get $20,000 not 10,000,000 20,000 big ones all right

Dude I’m down I’m down I know all the little tips and tricks dude so I dude I’m pretty confident all right so let’s go into our chests and let’s get all the items we need as we try finding the diamonds dude are you ready to lose I’m

Not going to lose it’s going to be so easy dude oh by the way let’s make it a little bit more interesting if you get eliminated by a m okay get eliminated from The Challenge automatic loss okay well in that case no no no no no no all

Right let’s go and let’s find some diamonds I’m going to give a 3 to 1 are you ready yep dude let’s go all right three 2 1 let’s go all right dude all right all right dude there is literally a ravine like not a ravine but like a

Big drop dude I’m going to be find you at first Ty you are so going to lose cuz honestly dude I’m not going to lie I have a bit of a trick up my sleeve what do you mean trick dude they diamonds spawn so randomly you don’t have a trick

But my trick is that I actually looked up a tutorial on how to find diamonds the quickest well you don’t know you’re such a noob a tutorial dude I looked up a tutorial and I’m going to find them first there’s oh oh my gosh don’t get eliminated don’t

Get eliminated so Ty I got to tell you something real quick you’re not going to be very happy about it honestly I’m super deep down honestly at Diamond’s level and the bad news for you is I I literally smell them I literally smell the diamonds I’m going to find the

Diamonds you can’t smell dude I’m at lava wait wait wait wait I’m smelling I’m literally smelling them I’m smelling them dude the smell’s getting stronger the smell’s getting stronger V the smell’s getting really close Ty the smell’s super strong I just found diamonds wait what I just found diamonds

Dude we literally we just started see that see the advancement wait wait wait how did you do with that fast like literally no what do you mean what like what what is it what’s wrong hold on that’s like the fastest anybody has found diamonds like literally ever dude

I literally don’t believe you show them hi do you not believe that I have diamonds dude nobody can find diamonds that fast it just oh my God oh my God what $20,000 you said that you were so good at Minecraft but I just found them did

You just did you dig straight down did you get lucky I dug straight down I used the tutorial and I found the diamonds first there’s nothing you can do about it you know what I’m not going to lie I’m not going to lie I got a bit lucky

So how about this let’s do double the money let’s do it one more time and let’s do it for $20,000 once again so literally if I can beat you for diamonds I’m going to win $40,000,000 diamonds dude I don’t want them all right I got a little trick on

My sleeve too got a trick well I got a bigger trick but Ty the thing about this if you can beat me this round it’s all even and you won’t even have to worry you you won’t have to pay me a single dollar so uh are you ready all right

Dude let’s go let’s go how confident are you feeling how confident really good I know exactly where to go okay I just muted Ty what he doesn’t know is that I literally have the X-ray on once again and I’m just going to literally try to find them even quicker he’s probably

Going to come to the conclusion that I have hacks and I just want to see what he’s going to do he’s never really raged but I guarantee you since I’m hacking his reaction is going to be terrible and I can’t wait 3 2 1 go dude that

Seriously can’t work oh my gosh I’m doing it again I’m going to the Ravine I’m going to my Ravine dude wa so TI you don’t think me digging straight down is going to work that’s what you’re saying dude it never works it never works how confident are you getting eliminated

Dude you can literally get eliminated you could fall in the lava you could it just doesn’t work dude it doesn’t work that’s what Tai is saying you know what you want to make it even more interesting dude let’s go what you got all right so what you’re saying is that

I’m not going to be able to find diamonds first no not at all okay all right if I find them first then you have to do any punishment I say fine dude that’s how confident I am let’s go all right I’m digging straight down wait hold on hold on I’m starting to smell

Something again I’m literally starting to smell something dude I literally am I literally am I’m smelling something I don’t know what it is wait it it kind of smells like diamonds it kind of wait dude oh my dude you did not you did not just find diamonds no dude lying what’s

This right here what’s this deep down I just found more diamonds let me just collect all these diamonds real quick you literally didn’t dude there’s a lot of them there’s like five of them oh my gosh how dude wait I see more I literally see more this is crazy what Ty

There’s like four more what do you mean there’s four more they don’t come in that big of a pack I found another group of diamonds no no no I found another group of diamonds dude oh dude I found a diamond you did yeah I did dude dude

Find it you really didn’t find it did you too bad for you I found two different groups of diamonds let me just collect all of these again I found another group of Diamonds oh my gosh there’s so many there’s literally so many Tai I have a total of 13 diamonds

Dude you see the diamonds in my inventory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 oh my gosh you’re so bad at minecra literally you’re hacking aren’t you you’re literally hacking dude you’re hacking dude you ever in Minecraft has ever found that many diamonds that fast

Dude what do you mean has done it hasn’t been done the only time people’s ever done that is with like you know a hack dude I’m just so good at the game I literally just found one you found one and you have 13 you have dude you’re

Hacking hacking wait why do you why do you think I’m hacking dude wait prove it what do you mean prove it show me your screen show me your screen take a screenshot take a screenshot dude no I don’t want to I don’t want to show my screen dud jum behind you are you

Serious right now wait let me just no no no no no dude I you just gave me the oh my dude I’m going to ban you I’m literally going to ban you off right now wait wait why why are you going to ban me dude you’re hacking you’re literally

Hacking I’m not hacking dude nobody can find diamonds if if you weren’t hacking and you found diamonds that fast you literally be in like the Guinness World Record Book Ty do you want like a tutorial do you want me to show you how I find diamonds so quick all right dude

Whatever literally all you got to do is just dig straight down follow my lead and let’s dig straight down that’s all you got to do I literally don’t believe you dude why don’t you believe me all right dig straight down what what else like what do you do just go just go go

Straight down find the diamonds that’s all you have to do Ty all right just straight down like what what are you doing hi Ty why why are you laughing dude wait what do you mean what do you mean I’m going to ban you why are you

Going to ban okay do you want me to prove that I don’t have hacks like what do you what do you mean I have hacks dude what do you mean like I said dude nobody in the history of Minecraft has ever found diamonds that fast so you’re accusing me of hacking in Minecraft

That’s what you’re saying do you want me to share my screen right now yes share your screen dude okay I’ll share my screen dude I could barely find one diamond and that was like okay I’m going to share my screen and I’m literally going to show Tai me hacking in

Minecraft right now I’m only doing this for fun on Ty server just to get a reaction I don’t actually have Minecraft hacks only for this video here we go I’m going to share my screen time I’m sharing my screen right now on Discord you can literally see nothing is hacks I

Found the diamonds completely normally what were you talking about dude look this is all I did dude I’m I’m looking at your screen yeah I I don’t know dude I I don’t know what okay maybe wait wait wait what was that what was what all the blocks just again no

It’s just loading in the chunks that’s all it’s doing it’s my Minecraft’s lagging does that not is that how you found the diamonds are are you glitched no no that just happened for the first time literally when I was sharing my screen wait no no no no no what what

What is it you have x-ray money you literally have the X-ray right there you literally I’m looking at it right now dude I got you so good go I God you so good no no no no no no no no no no no no no please don’t please don’t please

Don’t I’ll do anything oh my gosh oh my gosh that’s literally not funny oh my gosh dude let me join back let me join back I’ll you know what no I’m done what dude okay I’m back inside of the server and all I got to say dude is what dude

Dude stop literally St no dude oh my god dude no dude my hand just flinched flinched all right dude you know what you’re Bann you’re permanently banned goodbye no no oh my gosh Ty don’t do it you know what dude no you’re banned for good dude don’t ban me don’t ban me it

Was just no goodbye Ty no oh my gosh I feel so bad I should not have done that today I’m crafting x-ray in Minecraft what does crafting x-ray in Minecraft mean we have five different custom pickaxes that give you five different modes of X-ray that’s right we’re in

Creative mode right now let me show you exactly what I mean watch this so we start off with a nice crafting table let’s place this down then I got my stone pickaxe and get a bunch of cobblestone pay extremely close attention to this we are literally about

To craft x-ray into my game all right we should be just about good and Bam we are set now all I need at this point is one piece of wood let’s go back here let’s put all this into crafting and as you can see we have superstone but what we

Need is three pieces of superstone as you can see now we have three let’s put my log in let’s get some sticks and ladies and gentlemen watch and learn guys 3 2 1 hallelujah hallelujah Super Stone Pickaxe x-ray 2 we are going to use Stone iron and

Diamond and see how all of these compare but for now now let’s put that away because for now we’re starting off with superwood before I call up blocks and troll him to enable this all you need to do is type in slash xray pickaxe and Bam

Here we go you have been added x-ray pickaxe this is the least effective one because obviously it only has x-ray one on it but get ready for x-ray 5 later in the video all right before we troll locks let’s try this out a bit let’s go

Here to the stone and just m St oh my gosh we fully have x-ray right now what is going on I’m not joking these are literally blocks down there you just can’t even see them this is going to be a crazy troll are you ready for a challenge sir yeah what’s the challenge

What is it Mr top five would you like to make some easy quick D if you would one diamond equals $100 both for me and you and whoever gets more Four Diamonds it’s going to end up profiting money I like it I like it so do we start from scratch or can I

Spawn some pickaxes like how are we doing this I got you here is a diamond pickaxe for you oh good okay let me get out of creative game mode survival so ladies and gentlemen how this is going to work lock SS that I’m going to be

Using a diamond pickaxe as well but for right now we’re starting off with our wooden x-ray one pickaxe all right well I’m going to start going to mine so uh get out of here I’m going to get so many diamonds dude you’re going to be so broke bro you’re going to literally be

So broke by the way we only have 5 minutes to go five five minutes what get mining all right all right well I found some iron obviously we know if I mine this straight across it goes insane like that and if I do this one as well see we

Have x-ray but the blocks don’t break I can’t go any further but watch this if I mine straight down it also mines for me straight down but later in the video the X-ray gets even crazier uh dude I’m finding a lot of iron bro but like you

Know what I I probably I have more iron than you so that means I’m going get more diamonds than you bro how am I going to find diamonds you ask let’s mine this block D dude dude I found emeralds oh my gosh dude that is almost

Just as rare as diamonds but like you know what you know what dude I it’s it’s my lucky day it’s my lucky day okay dude you just still don’t have any diamonds guys watch what I’m about to do here can’t use this awful pickaxe anymore so

Let’s silently swap it out for an x-ray 2 and as you can see this one oh my gosh dude I’m not finding any diamonds but I have five emeralds dude sounds good bro super proud of you guys we keep on going down the X-ray keeps on continuing it is

Only time until a diamond pops up but just wait until I use x-ray 5 it looks insane let’s keep on mining oh my gosh I was right next to a diamond the entire time and the funnier part is I’m also very close to Locks and he did not

Realize this all right mining away mining away let’s keep mining all around it make sure there’s nothing else oh my gosh that’s too good oh oh diamonds diamonds bro oh my gosh dude you are so going down dude I can’t believe I got four diamonds he got four

Diamonds but watch this four F five six I’m not even going to tell him how many diamonds I just found dude you’re going to be the biggest s Source loser in the whole entire world man I found diamonds and dude you know what dude you’re just you’re so trash like mining

Behind me bro mining behind me dude you should find your own cave bro because like you know I I I I find the diamonds and you find nothing bro you’re trash ladies and gentlemen locks can not see this but let’s go inside of game mode

One ladies and gentlemen 3 2 1 uhoh oh he’s looking right at me he’s looking right hey hey what’s up hey what’s up sorry I was just biing something sir sir got a how cute you know what dude you know what you should M with me dude I

Hope he doesn’t see the enchant but we’re going to try this out for the first time 3 2 what that is nuts oh my gosh oh oh I I just bro bro yo where where you going dude uh yeah yeah just don’t worry about it I’m just

Chilling right now dude let’s just keep on mining over and over again wait hold on I see something oh ladies and gentlemen just like that we make this way too easy baby Mr top five has no diamonds he’s just mining he’s right above me bro bro

You’re you’re in my spot you’re in my bro there dude you’re not going to find anything down here this is too low bro literally too low guys watch this it’s so hard to even see but 3 2 1 some diamonds bro what bro what oh my gosh

This is too easy so let me ask you a little something how many diamonds do you have so far what four yeah I have four you know what that was probably only a three patch I’m still winning Punk doesn’t know that I also got six before now I literally have 10 you know

What you know what let’s just end the round right now let’s count our diamonds you you want to just count diamonds we can do a second round all right yeah yeah we can do a second round guys you di crazier part when we do the second round I’m going to use my diamond

Pickaxe yeah how many pickax you got how many pickaxes do you have wrong word all right ready 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 I love how you’re voice just sounds so sad right now dude let’s go up to the

Top SLK kill meet me up at the top okay before Lo meets me before he sees me let’s get 64 blocks of diamond let’s get one more crafting table I have to do this super super quickly and now let’s get some sticks and ladies and gentlemen

Just like that one two 1 2 3 super diamond pickaxe x-ray five all right dude are you ready yeah but we were already in this area so you know what let’s let’s move a little bit let’s go to the village and let’s start at the Village what are you looking at hey what

Are you looking at bro huh should I get should I get a hat like that sir that’s my friend you have one all right well you I’m going to start to mine you know we’re getting out of here is so distracted he’s so dumb let’s mine oh

My gosh that might have been the craziest thing I have ever seen in Minecraft it’s time to mine m mine mine mine I mine the floor I’m going to get some Dime dime Dime dime going to get some diamonds and win win win win yeah I’m not even going to comment about his

Stupid singing I already see diamonds this is going to be good ow Lo how long until you find diamonds do you think what are you doing what what good B what no no no no get out of here get out of here guys we already see diamonds below

Us why well sir I guess you got to restart at least you didn’t have any Diamonds though I’m sure you didn’t you’re now in the diamond area I got to get rid of this lava oh oh I’m stupid I’m stupid I’m not smart at all ah yes

The diamonds ah dude I can’t find anything dude I I think we just we already found the good spot I doubt there’s like any diamonds over here I don’t know and just like that we got another four ah dude I can’t find anything yeah bro I can’t as well it’s it’s it’s a

Struggle right now guys there’s another two over there let’s see how many we get hello diamonds where are you oh my gosh this is the stupidest challenge in the world dude I know you’re so right I just can’t find any whatsoever you know I’m just going to dig down I’m just going to

Dig down just going to dig down Dig Down watch locks fall into a pit of lava we have seven diamonds let’s just keep on mining all right oh diamonds Diamonds oh my God oh my gosh only two you know what that’s probably two more than what you have ladies and gentlemen we already

Have seven there’s another five down here let’s M down and what do you know 1 4 five we have 12 diamonds let’s keep on going dude I can’t believe I found two diamonds already dude you know what I I I feel like this round’s going to be

Mine dude it’s going to be all mine and you’re going to be like I was going to win money but I didn’t win any money because Lux is so cute and can find diamonds so easy more diamonds yeah wait there’s only one you are cute by the way what oh wait no no

No there’s two there’s two all right dude Four Diamonds I got four diamonds bro Four Diamonds that’s good good good yeah yeah you know what you know I think that’s pretty good how about you how how’s your adventure going pretty bad are you to bad uh yeah it’s not going

Too good dude I really can’t find anything right now oh what’s that the timer’s coming up oh man dude I you know we only have like 30 seconds and uh uh yeah dude that’s so sad dude you can’t find diamonds and just like that the finishing batch let’s get one let’s get

Two well ladies and gentlemen in a matter of 5 minutes we just scored 19 diamonds let’s see how lock reacts to this one all right how does it feel to probably not have found any type of sort of diamond whatsoever how many did you

Get hand them down oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh two you got three no no no you got four dude oh yeah dude yeah you know oh man I guess you’re not going to win anybody today Mr top five wait wait oh I got to

See 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 19 yeah yeah how are you fighting so many diamonds are you X-ray hacking no my pickaxe is doing it for me I love you what do you mean your pickaxe is doing it for you H super pickaxe bro what

Yeah take your stupid pickaxe and get this baned subscribe for more I might be getting close to Diamonds what what what no no so I’m going to use x-ray today and it’s not a normal x-ray video in this one we are doing speedrunner versus Hunter but with X-ray and locks doesn’t

Know this ladies and gentlemen we’re going to get started right now I still have my Mr be skid on I’m going to call him off dude are you ready I’m super hyped dude let’s actually get this done dude I want to do a normal regular fun speedrunner versus Hunter okay can can

We do this I want to do this all the time can we just can we just do this good all right sounds good dude I’m going to suit up I have a feeling I’m going to get so many diamonds just give me the countdown let’s get this done bro

A speedrun it’s like it’s rare to get diamonds dude just you’re not going to get diamonds it’s going to be really hard all right here we go all right so the rules are like you know you have to try to beat Minecraft if I eliminate you

You lose if you eliminate me then I’m out so uh you know you ready ready yeah I’m ready to go give me the countdown all right you I’ll give you a 5 Seconds start one oh we’re going now oh dude I don’t even need it I don’t even need the

Head Start dude five okay I’m I’m going to find you you have absolutely no idea where I went locks how you doing so far um I I don’t know where you’re at dud what how did you how did I lose you already okay ladies and gentlemen we

Could see locks far over there with my with my x-ray which is the funniest thing I’m just going to get all of this wood right now we’re going to start crafting away we have a crafting table already locks is super far he has no idea where I’m going and as soon as we

Have all of the needed materials we are going to go mining down oh no he sees the achievement this is not good all right I’m going to un mute dude where are you I’m literally running around dude oh my this dude this biome is horrible all right ladies and gentlemen

We already have our pickaxe and now we’re just going to go on down we’re going to start mining I don’t know why I’m using a pickaxe for this but as soon as we get stone all right oh my gosh all right we have one stone two Stone and

Three stone let me go back up guys it’s time for diamonds guys we’re literally really chilling right now update wait wait there’s a crafting table oh no oh no he sees me I see you I see you you’re down you’re gone you’re gone you’re gone the best part about this I already have

My iron pickaxe I don’t know where lock is going but we got to get away from him right now okay I think he’s gone I think he’s gone all right let me start moding down and ladies and gentlemen what we’re going to do now we are going to

Instantly find these diamonds and this is going to be amazing cuz I’m going to use a diamond sword and just uh eliminate locks right away this is going to be awesome let me check in with locks D I literally just lost you hello hey

How you doing I where I just I saw you dude how did you get away so fast earned the achievement getting wood dude good job I’m getting an iron sword and you’re going to get eliminated one hit bro oh my gosh I’m super super excited to see

My uh my elimination um wait dude I feel like I’m I might be getting close to Diamonds I’m not entirely sure yet dude I doubt it dude I haven’t even gotten myself an iron sword dude okay ladies and gentlemen we just got three diamonds we’re not cheating at all thankfully he

Doesn’t see that we got diamonds I’m going to go back up to the surface I’m going to eliminate locks with my diamond sword and I think he’s going to be staring when he sees um a diamond sword literally like 5 minutes into the speedrun this is probably the funniest

Thing in the world actually I mean I’m sure there’s probably other funny things in the world but let’s just keep on going all right here we go we’re approaching the surface it locks guess what what what what what what I don’t know dude I I just feel like I’m about

To eliminate you not going to lie about it dude I highly doubt it dude I’m like I’m literally just about to get an iron sword really like dude I’m get dude wait you’re going to get an dude what I’m actually scared of you now you have an iron sword that’s actually crazy bro

Yeah dude about to smelt it right now okay ladies and gentlemen we are looking all around I’m trying to find locks inside of this x-ray world I haven’t seen him yet but okay we have my crafting table right over here I’m not going to go into game mode I’m not going

To fly I’m not going to cheat okay ladies and gentlemen it’s been like 5 minutes I am crouching right now lock doesn’t see me but he is literally right over here I think he has an iron sword but I have a diamond sword this is going

To be amazing I’m going to sneak up to him ladies and gentlemen say goodby of locks and speedrunners versus Hunters here we go here we go I got to be a sly little kitty dude where are you dude where where are you I’m trying to find

You dude why why are you trying to find me I’m the one trying to find you what what what no no is that a diamond sword yes sir how we just started what do you mean dude it was super easy honestly cuz like I just

Dug straight down and I got lucky I just found diamonds you’re really not as good at this game as I thought you thought you were are you dude dude that’s so oh my God that’s so scuff you know what let’s change the roles let’s change the roles I’m going to be the speedrunner

You be the hunter all right dude sounds good guys I muted my microphone the best part about this I have x-ray so I can literally hunt him down I’ll know always where he is this is going to be amazing I think this is going to be a short

Little segment because I’m going to I’m going to eliminate him right away and he’s going to be wondering how I’m so good at hideand-seek ready for round two you ready yeah I’m ready round two all right dude you’re never going to find me 3 2 1 all right I’m I’m gone I’m gone

Wait dude no no no dude why are you going in the trees I I literally already can’t see you I literally already can’t see you dude okay good dude good are already going good then all right lock is completely gone but we have x-ray so

What I’m going to do I’m just going to x-ray my way over to Locks he thinks he’s a slly little kitty and let me just sneak up behind him guys we’re just going to be sneaking we’re going to be sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak all day

Long and he’s going down he’s going down right now obviously I don’t think he’s going to have any sort of weapon for a while so oh my gosh he’s hiding he’s literally hiding I am crouching right now so he doesn’t see me but what I’m

Going to do I’m going to drop down and we are just going to punch loocks what w dude how how how no no no no go away go away go away go away go go go go get back get back get back wait what’s wrong dude what’s wrong how did

You find me what do you mean dude I was literally hidden all right guys we are on the chase against locks right now obviously he’s trying to hide in the trees he’s trying to get away from me but I still have x-ray I didn’t want to

Eliminate him I wanted to give him a little fair chance but now we are just going to take care of business once and for all watch what he says I think he’s going to know bro where did you go oh good good good dude dude dude I I don’t

Know dude I don’t know where I’m at dude where where where are you um I I feel like I feel like I’m getting close I feel like I’m getting close dude I highly doubt it dude dude I’m like I’m gone gone dude you’re never going to find me yeah you could be right

Um what how what do you mean dude let’s go this makes no sense at all celebrate good times come on dude party party time I that it doesn’t add up you found diamonds you literally find me every single time even when I was underground well I mean you

Laid out the rules at the beginning you just didn’t mention anything about x-ray so I used X-ray that’s fine right wasn’t a rule what you used X-ray hacks is that bad is that bad I’ve never played speedrunner versus Hunter with you again I’m an awful person I love extra it’s so

Sick subscribe for more I love trolling locks

This video, titled ‘I Used 101 Minecraft Hacks!’, was uploaded by MrTopCraft on 2023-12-28 22:15:01. It has garnered 4683 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:37 or 4537 seconds.

I Used 101 Minecraft Hacks! (XRAY)

Inspired by Doni Bobes, Eystreem, Bionic, and Firelight!

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  • HypnosMC

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

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  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

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  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

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