Insane 15M$/Day Farm on Donut SMP!

Video Information

What is up we are live bit earlier today but I am actually really excited to get back to work I’m talk and I have found the I’m going to continue working on the massive Mega base and I actually did a bit of calculations last night I

AFK the what is it the six modules I have finished and based off of the amount I got from that I’m going to be having a net income of over 40 million a day yo first High what’s up what’s up everybody what is up guys this Farm is going to be

Ludicrous what type of farm is this it’s a good one wait hold let me go to streaming so I don’t leak anything on accident come on come on come on let me see let me see where’s my game is it going to pop up dude my game is is like black right

Now lunar CLI right dude come on come on this I this never happens this never happens oh there we go there we go uh building a kelp Farm let’s go yep yep it’s going to wait a to text wait that’s the wrong thing it’s lighting what am I

Doing yeah so basically this is the farm so far I did a little bit more work since last stream but uh wait I said yo before your message wait who was first we’ll see who is first Rax the Dono was the first person in the thing so that is

Certified oh wait I need to turn down my sound a bit yo what is up everybody how you guys doing today hold on I got to shout myself out uh because someone told me to do that last stream and I didn’t do it so all right let’s do that let’s

Go to my Kelps Kingdom how do I go to did it pop up at that was yesterday at stream PS oh thank you James bro James bro James stream pinged for me bro thank you James I saw my first wait hold on I think my chat’s frozen [ __ ] happens all right

There we go what farm are you building yo what’s up James what is up what farm is this kelp Farm bro how are these pearls Pearl hit boxes are kind of weird not going to lie bro K Pedro false Bann me um okay that sucks but if Pedro directly banned you I

Doubt it was false weird pack this is my pet pack what’s wrong with my pack I’m going have to go farm some more leaves guys I’m going to have to go farm some more leaves kelp remember me my build my pumpkin farm I built now super big want to buy for 1

Mil N I don’t I don’t I don’t want to buy anyone else’s Farm what which Farms are these cuz I can’t AFK any more areas I already maxed AFK accounts um uh which Farm is these dude this is Kel farm this is kelp Farm bro I’m going

To be raking it in I’m going to be raking in such fat sacks it’s ridiculous like you guys have no idea the power of this machine do you remember me F3 plus a I’m not going to do that yo it’s aspect aspect some money um no I don’t

Actually have that much money all the money I get is going towards this and Investments at the moment so I’m not really giving out a crazy amount of money because I’m not that rich myself uh I probably could go sell my pumpkin farm and have some money because

I I started afking more accurately again um but but mainly my uh my current focus is working on my own stuff and I kind of need my money to fund my current Adventures so sorry guys why early live today because I’m in the mood and uh I

Got off early and it’s weekend so I don’t have to go to school yep fat [ __ ] Stacks bro I’m G to be raking in so much money dude but I actually have to go on my other account and get my Cobble because I don’t have any more Cobble on

This account uh might as well just did I finish placing all the leaves for these I should probably put the leaves down there so I have le platforms to walk on clip it clip what fat stacks we missed those words yeah bro got to get my fat stacks I’m coming

Back how much does it produce all right so basically it produced this uh well this you guys got to think this is only one module so like basically only one of these has actual kelp in it cuz I just wanted to test it and it made this much

It made like 27 Stacks over Knight so if based off of that and the amount I plan to build it’s going to make over 40 million a day uh so yeah that’s based off my calculations they’re rough and they’re unders shoot so actually it’s going to make more than

That um so yeah that’s basically an undershoot though so what farm yo I’m back yo what’s up J jxm want to rate my base I’ll probably do base rates today but not right now I’m on the grind guys I’m really trying to get a lot of progress done cuz this

Is what I’m having fun doing like I just want to get this kelp Farm going I got big plans I got big plans uh bro please provide a link to this Farm all right that’s a good idea hold on I’m uh crap I just closed my stream all

Right hold on hold on well I end my stream but I closed it for my view I need to I need to edit the uh the description I’ll put it in the description kelp Farm all right guys there should be a link in the description now that links

To the farm so I hope that I hope that helps you guys uh I want to make the same Farm as yours but smaller okay okay yeah I don’t I don’t expect everyone to be able to build on this scale cuz this is not like the average person scale I don’t think y

Guess what I am building a massive pumpkin farm dude that’s good to hear bro it’s good to hear here you clear an area dude the drill pickaxe is gone it was the it it was fun while it lasted fat stacks bro thank you for the donation bro bro giving me some

IRL fat stacks thank you so much for the two yeah bro fat stacks is what I’m after right now I’m going to make so much I’m going to make so much I mean like I’m falling behind guys my game is is slacking you know relative to the competition I can do so much

Better yo my base got griefed it was a 65x 45 pumpkin farm at three layers now I got nothing I’m so mad bro that is so unfortunate fake ffi got permanently banned bro that sucks what did you get banned for what’s the reason uh but I don’t know if I believe

That you got FSE banned I I hear a lot of stories of people getting full spanned I’ve never been full spanned but I guess uh I got per banned and I made a ticket three times then I got banned [ __ ] and that’s horrible yeah I

Got to stop I got to stop cussing also since I don’t really care about uh copyrights and I want to listen to some good music and this is like really Niche so it shouldn’t bother oh crap that’s really loud I’m going to put that in Loop so I

Don’t like go to a different video all right put on some hype uh hype uh what is it break core celest steel break core bro we can we make these Farms small size yeah watch the elanga video it’s a it’s a modular right like so you got to

Think about like this right like this is a this is a collection of modules right this is like this single one like don’t include these is a single module it’s 11 this way of pistons and observers and I put one on this side too and then I have

The walls in the center for the collection system so the items flow get hit by the wall and fall down if you the El mango video is very well very well put together you can understand the ENT ire like concept of the farm very easily with that video uh while I jumped

Down yo kelp it’s me napt how are you today it’s 12:00 a.m. for me lol 12:00 a.m. how is it so late for you bro people’s time zones are so weird I stream at like different times a lot or I have been D I keep falling I’m

Whiffing dude if I didn’t have death Strider my life would be horrible my life would be absolutely atrocious it’s 11 it’s 11 for you dang I’ve not played donut SMP for 3 weeks now cuz I’m banned I’m not I’ve not bathed in three weeks I’m not bathing

Until they unban me bro that is a massive threat bro it’s like the classic uh whip out the Laine uh if you don’t go out a date with me I’ll kill myself like that is the worst thing you can say get any girl with this classic line bro

Please do not actually use that line that’s a joke by the way uh dude I feel like my um I feel like my YouTube chat is like sometimes bugged like a lot like it keeps freezing bro you’re from India bro nice what farm is it it’s a kelp Farm

Bro guys I think I’m out of leaves is there a leave here no there’s no leave here here yikes yikes all right I’m going to go get should I get walls from my other account cuz I don’t feel like farming leaves right now I think I’m going to go get

Walls uh where’s my storage area it’s so hard to tell the directions in this thing bro bro complete one with collection system I am bro you can Dude watch the El Bango video it’s not like look I’m going to be honest you guys can come up with your

Own stuff you need to have more faith in your s bro like you can come up with your own collection system design right like this collection system is is modified from for my purposes but it’s not going to be modified for everyone’s purposes and scale you know I can give you

Walls no I don’t need I don’t need gifts right now I actually have a way to get a bunch of cobblestone hold on let SEC wait hold on I’ll pull up my inventory so you can guys see my inventory full full up with this Cobblestone I’m about to receive

I’m about to magically receive Cobblestone all right hold hold on one sec let me go over here oh crap I limited my FPS on this account all right guys soon very soon my inventory is about to fill up with uh with Cobblestone shulkers let’s just

Wait for a second let’s wait for a quick momento um I can’t actually read chat right now so because I’m on a different uh I’m not I’m on a different desktop all right let’s go through here wait holy crap bro wait how many elytra shulkers do I

Have oh I’ve got lots of elytra shulkers on this account too all right wait is he even am I even able to pick these up I really need a drop button I do not have a drop button I hope I can pick all these

Up all right there we go there we go I need to send this account back uh am I able to pick them all up crap my birthday is in 10 days kelp I can’t unban you bro I’m not uh I’m not Dr donut I cannot unban you I’m sorry I

Would if I could I would if I could all right that’s plenty of cobblestone for now that’s plenty of cobblestone for now SL home please check ah insane FF that’s myself FS with four FS he’s selling up iian for why iser in a say5 with four FS

Yikes hope he’s not scamming kids guys be careful if I ever TP to you uh because I’m not trying to like get your account like obliterated all right I cannot I cannot keep this uh this cobblestone in my inventory in my Ender Chest because it’s just too much

It should work here right good yo kelp how big is the area you have to dig out do you see Donut’s new video yeah it’s good bro it’s good like I actually watched the whole thing well I actually haven’t finished watching it I’ve got I got a pretty good

Ways through it like I got like um what’s the I don’t know the exact number I got through but I got like maybe like 75% way through and then I started streaming it came out just a couple minutes ago it was like it’s pretty recent Red Devil got

Mod uh he did yeah I guess he did look in chat it looks like he’s got it I should just use Quick craft what am I doing all right guys what do what do you rate the what what is the music like uh is it too

Loud or is it a good good volume right now um cuz I don’t really I can’t really tell yo where is that farm T bro what does that even mean guys this is actually not donut SMP this is on a different server I just have the donut

SMP hidden in the corner so didn’t even try to look for my base don’t even try to look for it replacing fences can be very annoying though KP is il mango kelp Farm yeah bro look in description I put I put the link to the tutorial

Bro guys if you need a tutorial for this farm and you want to replicate it yourself there is a tutorial going over every detail in the description by elango bro all right I just want to let you guys know that what is my texture pack uh I don’t

Know just my texture pack I think it’s default texture pack right like I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it bro what is the Cobblestone Farm generator uh this isn’t a Cobble Stone Farm generator uh I built a cobblestone Farm generator guys the re actually it’s not infinite because you’ll starve to death

If you AFK my old my old Cobblestone Farm generator so I’ve got two options to fix that you can either use a regeneration Beacon which is insanely expensive to stop you from starving to death or you can I don’t anyone else have any other Solutions I’m going to be

Honest I can’t really think of any you can use a macro but is there any way to give yourself food without like or heal yourself without uh while being AFK I mean guess regen pots but that’d be way too expensive K do you have a destroyed

Destroy I don’t know what that means bro don’t know what that means can you show your texture pack settings please no I can’t I’m sorry I can’t show you my texture packs and that’s for uh a reason that I can’t go into but this texture pack is uh available online

If you look hard enough why I don’t know why you’d want this one though do you have a Discord Channel yeah I have a Discord I think it’s in the description right I’m not 100% sure where the location of my Discord link is bro kelp can I get mod

I’m active nope I’m not modding anyone from now on until I like until I feel like it uh people keep asking me for mods so I’m not going to mod anybody for a while I’m going to mod people if they don’t ask like people who I see in here

Very often let’s see let’s see who I think deserves it in the chat currently I don’t think I think like Red Devil definitely deserves it that’s why he has it you can just code using MF flare eats every 5 hours uh I I don’t want to use macros

Like that I don’t think they’re allowed I I I’m K me yeah J Jor is probably the best candidate at the moment but as I said I’m not modding anyone right now I’m not going to go back on my word please stop spamming though I’m pretty active I don’t Joy buug I’m not

Sure I recognize you too often I’m going be honest like you have to be active in chat uh we check insane FF oh it’s fake insane FF with an E okay holy crap bro it’s a lot of armor sets 5 mil that is not worth that’s not worth 5

Mil that is 18 185,000 per elytra at current market values that’s not worth at all I’m going to be honest like that is a scam elytra like I’ve seen them go for like 85k yeah like that’s what they’re currently at I bought a bunch when they

Were like 14k like I bought two shulkers when they were 14k so I still have those is that insane FF guy the guy that raided my base bro yeah bro it’s not cool if you’re using my name to raid people’s bases it’s kind of scummy I’m not going to

Lie I’m almost not sick anymore I’m just barely not sick anymore Red Devil how do you make that cobblestone generator can you tell me YouTube name that he made I didn’t I made the cobblestone generator myself like that’s not a YouTube video that’s the problem that’s the issue I don’t

Think you can find one that auto dispenses XP bottles to you I mean you may be able to find it you might be able to find something similar dude you guys have to just experiment yourself you should know how to do redstone it’s a very important part of

Minecraft but I mean if I’m if I’m really factoring in the out the amount of hours I spent playing Minecraft I probably have well over I probably have 10,000 hours like easily so I’m not going to say that I’m a Minecraft expert but I basically am probably like top 99.99 percentile of

Minecraft players not to flex though just in terms of our count you know kelp can you dance I’ll try bro I’ll try is that that’s my best bet that’s that’s his best I can do br oh my God bro I need to drink some more water ke can you dance I

Dance I can make one too it’s just a normal one well what it depends on the cobblestone generator you make yeah well you just need need to make a cobblestone generator that’s normal and then you do like uh and then you add an XP on a hopper clock so it’s like dispensing and

You can just Google how to make a hopper clock and hook it up like it’s guys you just have to understand the parts and you just have to understand what you need in order to complete a task right so so like Hopper clocks are useful because they can activate every over a

Certain interval and that interval is very controllable because it’s dependent on the amount of items you have in the hopper so that is the best way to dispense items over a longterm you know interval intervals so that’s what that’s what you got to build and just hook that

Up to a dispenser to dispense XP bottles it gets filled with chests and that’s basically and then it’s a normal Cobblestone farm tutorial if you don’t know how to build those what’s the easiest way to make a lot of money I would say current currently bamboo is probably the best

And No One Believes Me No One Believes Me Cobblestone is going for 40K Cobblestone is decent but if you go to ah logs right now it is 6.4k a stack and bamboo is worth half of that so it’s like 3K a stack of of bamboo blocks I’m not going to be honest I’m

Going to be honest it’s not that hard to get that so I would [ __ ] build uh bamboo if you’re trying to make fat stacks like it it may not be the best long-term solution in terms of like labor required because you have to SL sell things but for a first Farm you

Need a tiny Farm because it grows so fast to get a insane amount and you know it’s going to be useful for you either way because those logs you can use to build your next farm so it’s worth building a bamboo Farm I plan to build another one k why are you standing

Because I like standing uh standing desks make me happy bro east and west east and west is kelp is best yeah maybe maybe not in the Europe region um yo what’s up Adam what’s up Red Devil please can you ask help for farm he ask he ain’t asking me bro I I

To farm tutorial of what bro farm tutorial what the kelp farm tutorial is in the description I will put it in chat if you guys cannot get the description for some reason but that is the Kel farm tutorial if you really need it uh but you have to tell me what tutorial you

Need because I can supply bro sitting kills bro sitting kills bro I don’t like sitting because I like jumping around like I like being able to walk away and like turning around and like walking back you know I like just wandering off that’s the issue like when I eat I just wander

Around like so basically you know how like kitchens have islands like like a granite counter top like in the center basically when I eat I can’t sit still and I walk around it over and over for like nonstop like I don’t know if that’s

A I don’t know if that’s a normal or if it’s like a weird tick I have but I just like I like walking I like not being still uh I got banned from your Discord server yikes bro that sucks uh what’ you do did you deserve it

Guys he’s raining bases at the end of stream I I’ll rap bases eventually yeah I I plan to rate bases today cuz it’s definitely been a while since I’ve rated bases and I’m in the mood to today I’m definitely in the mood to uh but first

I’ve got to get make some good progress on this you know how long does it take to fill a chest with kelp uh one of these modules right produces uh a chest a double chest per day right so if I have and I plan to build

I p plan to build 770 of these so I’ll have 770 double chests a day of kelp income so that’s my that’s the current calculation how much did you spend so far uh probably I’ve spent like 3 mil on ingredients for this thing because most

Of them I got myself like you guys don’t understand like all this Cobblestone I farm myself it was easy as crap I built a cobble Farm I afked it I got like multiple shers I had unlimited Cobblestone basically all the wood for guess what I have a bamboo Farm my

Wood’s automated the leaves really easy to grind um yeah it wasn’t that hard the Redstone was the main problem and I actually farmed a lot of redstone myself I farmed like a shulker of blocks myself so yeah not that much so far but obviously this is going to take a lot

More when I keep building all right I think all those walls are done right all those walls are done I think I need to go get far more leaves actually I’m going to put oh yeah I need a good far more more leaves uh would you say I’m active grimo

Shark I’ve seen you in here I’ve seen I recognize you but I wouldn’t say you’re as active as some other people uh at least well I haven’t streamed that often so no one can be that active right I got to put this Redstone away somewhere where’s my Redstone stock

Piles dude look how many diamonds I have yeah someone got the netherite uh mined up the penis from last stream guys thank you guys for all being in my stream yesterday so that’s my reward for you guys who whoever got that who wait who who mined up the netherite penis that I

Built I actually have more leaves in here bro I spamming at everyone nothing bad yikes bro how are how did you even get access to that command you should do another event sometime there’s always events going down in my Discord so like I don’t host all the events right like you know Dash

Like he’s always on my he’s like he helps me with every event I do on stream like there are events getting hosted by him in the Discord all the time like the Discord is not just for my YouTube channel it is a donut smt Discord basically I’m going to be honest so if

You want to participate in donut events like there’s plenty going on like they’ve done like whoever makes the best condiments tier list they’ve done a build battle for like 15 million they’ve done all sorts of stuff so if you want to like you know if you want to like you

Know have some fun times you know there’s always events going on in there always cool St and if you just want to look at people’s bases like I mean like people been some crazy stuff like Ralph bro Ralph built some a crazy base uh for the event always crazy stuff can you can

I unban you uh no I can’t unban you just make a new Discord account I don’t care if you all I’m sorry bro but uh it’s too hard to unban everybody if if you D me if you DM me on Discord in like a month like my

Return like it takes me on average a month to respond to somebody who uh messages me on Discord so there’s your uh there’s your time window if you want unbanned so I’d rather you should just ult on Discord uh Pizza yo I think I got unbanned from your Discord can you unban

It no I’m sorry guys I can’t unban you unless you uh you guys it’s it’s not that hard to make another account uh for Discord just make another account because I don’t feel like I’m Banning you and if you put in the effort to ult you’re probably not going to grief and

Like ruin the server how much do you make a day you’re a scammer bro scammer shouldn’t get banned scammer shouldn’t get banned bro scammer should not be banned from the Discord I’m going to be honest they should be given untrusted role though yeah bro give him a trusted

Roll can you put a link to the Cobblestone CH he’s not banned for scamming oh okay I swear I have that texture pack you have this texture pack well it’s a good one good for you bro best texture pack on planet Earth whenever I break leaves it gives a

Missing texture look at this missing texture yikes bro I hate being sick Bro I hate being sick all right back uh ink no way this Farm makes 40 mil a day not yet it’s going to when I finish it but it will it it based off of the

Based off of based off of the the the a knight’s AFK of a small portion of it it will make that much right based off the math and that was an undershoot all right so it’s probably going to make more what is this Farm kelp Farm uh H

Live beef what’s live beef mean what’s the weirdest like like meat you’ve eaten like what’s the weirdest animal you’ve eaten I’ve eaten a c I’ve eaten camel that is the weirdest meat I’ve eaten anyone eaten anything weirder bro what are those emojis bro Adam I’m watching your stream in Mobile

Yeah Adam we might have to we might have to ask you to chill with the uh those kind of comments I’m going to be honest uh so Adam I would appreciate it if you cut back on the the sus comments I know it’s like kind of a lot like a lot to do

I just uh I just you know it’s it’s funny but uh it’s getting I think we should I think we should stop that vegan clip off stream now I ate shrimp I actually had frog leg too I’ve eaten frog leg and I can pay you 50k right now

If you will unban me bro I’m not going to take bribes to unban you from a Discord server who do you think I am bro just make an ALT account it’s free and 50k isn’t even worth up that price that’s IRL trading I’ve eaten a balloon no joke C bro real balloon like

Elastic and everything I ate a homie’s dog no way how’d you cook it how do you cook dog properly give me some tips bro I’m trolling please do not put that in my chat but we haven’t haven’t do it yet yo what’s up SMX I didn’t you didn’t cook it bro

What uh I just gobbled it up bro what you can’t just do that did he give you consent though it’s fine do what you want guys I’m going to be honest though like in terms of like a logical reason for not eating uh I honestly I I think I

Probably should be vegan I probably well not vegan I think vegetarian is probably the blood actually no I think I think the foods I should avoid based off of my morals include uh cow pig uh poultry I’m down with eating like their brains are too

Small for me to like care and um but like cow and pig they experience like the same level of uh intelligence as a dog So based off my standards I either have to start eating dog or be okay with eating dog which I don’t know if I am or

Uh yeah cuz I’m basing it off of like mental capacity you know if we’re doing that dogs taste like my grandma’s hair okay how do you know what dog tastes like and how do you know what your grandma’s hair tastes like that’s like saying oh my God bro did you know

That like uh did you know like neutron stars they taste like uh hairy nut sacks like bro what how do you know that how did you get a taste of a neutron star and how the hell did you taste the the hairy nut sack of a man you

Know Red Devil don’t a you got to time out I decided to be sus again it’s effing fun not going to lie okay okay not no what no yeah bro that is I’m I’m I’m doing an analogy guys I’m doing an analogy clip dude it’s an analogy make

Sure you clip the pre predecessor to my uh my thing bro all right I don’t need this bucket in my inventory should probably put these observers and Redstone away why do I have this in my inventory still I’m just going to go slash home cuz I’m too

Lazy what is the farm called that analogy was hard uh what is the farm called kelp Farm bro I have the tutorial Link in the description BR bro kelp you only got three different doors in the background yeah bro I got my door collection bro it’s a door store up in

Here where’s my I think I dude isn’t this music such a such a fire such fire bro I’m going to get I’ll buy shulkers as I need them I got to find a place for Redstone I’ll just put Redstone in here for now uh wait I need to RTP I’m not going to

I’ll I’ll do TPS uh later the stream I timed him out for a while sorry for the beef y’all got wait there was beef I must have missed it thank you for modding though I like Kelps BR you cannot be saying stuff like that in my chat oh

This is a birch Forest I don’t like Birch Birch leaves even though with my texture pack they look the same so wait don’t they have a low dude they have a lower RTP timer if you have plus bro dude plus is only $5 a month like

That’s not that bad well at least for the for me in the US but I think that’s fair you know honestly you know OB obviously there’s a pay or win aspect to the server but if I’m being honest it’s like unless you want to be on the level of a like free-to-play

Like player you’re going to have to put in more like like more money unless you make $50 an hour I don’t think it’s worth it to buy spawners wait no I think if you make $30 an hour and you’re trading your time but I’m also just playing Minecraft too so

You got to think of factor that in so I’m thinking the terms of like hours to financial return uh it’s not worth to buy spawners with any job I could currently get I’m going to have to remove some comments for being sus we were talking about meat weren’t

We uh if we were talking about uh the weirdest meat you ever eat um like I ate camel meat that’s the that’s the the craziest meat I’ve eaten all right this is I need an oak bom bro no Red Devil keeps Adam it’s so funny bro when kelp

Sees them yeah I’m going to be honest bro uh the sus comments we got we got to we got to regulate it as long as it’s like as long as it could pass the sus comments are allowed as long as it could pass and like if you’re if you’re

Hinting at it I’m fine with it but it can’t be blatant you know it can’t be a blatantly sus comment you know what I’m saying I bet this is looted let’s go check it out maybe I can get enchanted golden apple for free help he said he likes

Your yeah bro that is that is that’s too sus bro that’s too sus that’s too sus you could say I like meat all right yeah it’s deloted dude where like why can I not find an oak biome bro it’s like the most common biome on the

Planet there we go is this a swamp bro swamps look so green give me give me give me maybe I’ll get some free Vines too have you ever tried kangaroo kelp I have not bro I almost tried puffing I went to Iceland bro Iceland is a really cool

Place to visit is this Oak yeah these are oak leaves sweet I knew swamp boms had oak leaves I like eating meat especially bro that that’s pushing the Border bro that’s pushing the Border okay that’s made that’s maybe way too many shears I’ll just get a Shuler and start

Putting up some away when my inventory fills up how many Vines am I getting bro I’m not got any Vines yo what is up jebin bro grinding leaves is kind of annoying I would pay for it but uh I’m too lazy guys I’m really thinking about okay let’s hear the chat’s perspective all

Right so basically um I’m getting kind of sick of Windows Windows I give me a lot of problems in terms of like bugs and stuff and I think I want to buy a Mac M2 mini um which is like the new Apple computer just to like experiment

With Mac OS do you think that’s a good idea or should I try to install Linux what version is this uh it’s donut S&P it’s 1. bro what is a creeper doing here bro it’s a daytime it’s a daytime don’t use I use Mac use Mac bro dude the m2s are crazy powerful

I don’t know if you can can you can run Java on it too so you should probably be able to play Minecraft Windows 11 Windows 11 sucks I’m going to be honest I hate Windows 11 I’ve used Windows 11 and it’s horrible like I I wish I could

Uninstall it like Windows 10 is better but Windows 10 is like they’re sabotaging Windows 10 I swear cuz it’s like worse now that Windows 11 has come out use Windows 3 Windows 3 bro dude I wish Mac OS could like work on other Hardware that’s the

Problem with Mac OS you can’t like have a PC I honestly might go Linux cuz Linux is like cuz Linux you can actually run like Steam games and stuff on now because of uh like an update like can you know like how steam is like add steam deck

They support a bunch of Linux stuff now you lost you lost your mouse on your laptop bro I used to play with trackpad on Minecraft I was cracked at trackpad I used to play like uh bedw Wars Bridges like on my mom’s laptop bro that was those the good old days bro

Phantom Forces you guys ever play Phantom Forces on Roblox I used to grind that with trackpad on my my mom’s La no no wait I had Amazon Basics Mouse bro I an Amazon Basics Mouse that’s what I would grind Phantom Forces on such a

Fire bro such a mood if I could AFK I’d be rich I’m on mobile bro that sucks bro yeah I wish they added like a bot like you know how you can um instead of like paying for Minecraft accounts donut should add like an AFK bot right right

Like so you pay and then you can like pay like maybe it’s like five bucks right to AFK because basically you’re just paying Mojang if you want more accounts right like so people have to pay either way it’s still a pay pay wall and it’s also annoying to AFK yourself

Because you have to like log on and like keep accounts open I think it’d be better for the entire server if that was not the case yo Adam no cursing I think cursing is allowed k b is Pro ler Pro B pru Slayers bro why am I trying to type

This in bro 2.6 mil you’re kind of not that rich bro the times three crop multiplier is insane if that comes back I’m going to be making so much money my my pants will like burn when’s the next 1 V one tournament you started streaming early

Today I don’t know I don’t know when the next tournament is uh but I don’t honestly guys I’m going to be honest uh Crystal P events are hard um hard to do because like uh what’s it called like the last one the King of the Hill I I

Ended it like I didn’t even know who won because I had to leave because it got boring after a bit like it’s hard to like uh monitor stuff like that I think the bounty hunting streams are the best ones like where I hide and people have to come find me uh

I’ve said it before this stream Adam I can’t I’m sorry bow Apple bear I can’t bow everyone I’m sorry plus you probably not rich if I if I bow the anyone I bow they need to have 30 mil or more uh on SL sell if I statistics you all right and

How many statistics you not SL value cuz the statistics are more than fun you invested 5 milon in netherite ingots bro it’s a good idea to not like keep your money all liquid I’m going to be honest guys because elytra go up in value enchanted golden apples go up in value

It’s all relative to inflation so if you guys don’t want to suffer the same fate of your money devaluing due to inflation you have to put it into valuable Commodities Val me you said you would twice actually you’re rich bro you deserve you deserve a bow 3.8 Ms that’s

Pretty darn good I’m not going to lie guys I I call you a broke but I’d say okay here here’s the categories right um if you’re making if you’re making 100K a day you’re M middle class right you’re the average individual well you’re not average but you’re you’re

You’re middle class bro you’re you’re raking it in you’re making a good amount of money you have enough to buy a couple sets like you’re not poor 500k a day you’re getting to the point where like okay I can throw a bit of money around

It’s not that big a deal if I lose lose a set or like two CU I can just buy another one and then once you get to a point of like 10 mil a day or like 5 mil a day you’re like okay I’m rich I can do

Whatever I want with my money the Discord link doesn’t work BR the Discord link is always broken like I I said it to never expire and it expires I don’t know what is going on I don’t know if people are like deleting my link or like changing like

Wiping the links but it it it’s always it’s always busting uh ke what is the fastest way to Trav travel pumpkin into chest uh well James created a really good collection system where you it’s like I can’t really remember just ask James bro go in the Discord and ask James because he

Knows how to build the best collection systems or at least the best ones I’ve seen 14 days and it expires 14 days and what expires how do I check how do I check how much left until my my uh my rank expires how do I check until my rank expires uh uh

J Dude I reset it less than 14 days ago your IP Bann bro he IP banned me dang bro that sucks you have to use a VPN to Al that sucks bro well then you probably deserved it bro if you got IP banned must have done something pretty bad GX fix

That all bands are IP B oh yikes bro what did he do bro what did he do what did the poor guy do all right bro I I can’t talk about band in chat bro I can’t talk about band in chat Bri is angry uh what farm should I build one mil a

Day um if you I build a I build a uh a kelp farm at the moment whoa a there’s so many leaves am I up to a Shuler I’ve got one shulker so far basically whoa chill okay I’m done stop spamming chat wow chill you don’t scam all right I’m

Sitting down for the moment get some water continue grinding up these leaves J please tell me what I did I might have been my it might have been my brother check my stats 15 mil on SL cell 8.5 mil in the bank bro that’s pretty darn good bro that’s

Pretty darn good I will not lie you are in the upper echelons of uh Society dude swamp the problem is there’s so much water I’m going to try to find another location bro you just so you know all bands are up IP bands okay okay well they can still ult because I

Used to ult uh I got banned from donut Discord and I used to Ed uh I’m not encouraging that but I’m saying I don’t care if you ought because if you wouldn’t do the effort to join back my server after getting banned by setting up a VPN and everything you

Probably deserve to be back and uh you probably won’t do it again because you’ll get banned again so that’s my philosophy of it uh I call by 100 Mil a day the Tima Farm bro you do not make 100 Mil a day Farm unless you’re like plume with

Like a 50 million Iron Golem spawners all right this is a good biome did you un ban me you can I be mod no you cannot it says I reinvested it reinvested what you reinvested what bro I missed something yo kelp want a t no I’m not

Right now dude there’s so many Birch I don’t want Birch leaves I think most of the Jungle leaves are actually Oak if I uh Farm the correct ones I mean might as well get some flowers too because uh these flowers are uh useful for dies cuz eventually I need

To redy my Redstone boxes cuz actually it does help to have organized stuff I bought a bunch of blacked ey from a Traer but I probably should start collecting up flowers while I’m out here uh could I have mod uh no I can’t mod I’m not modding anyone I’m not modding

Anyone hello kelpy kelp of the kelp Kingdom Y what is up I think these are all Oak Le I’m pretty sure all the Shrubbery at the bottom is oak leaves yeah these are all oak leaves bro isn’t that crazy jungles are cracked for getting Lees dude how much are cocoa beans worth

I’m pretty sure they’re worthless cookie worth one and you get one cocoa bean turn it into a uh cookie that might be okay not that good though I won’t build a Kel Farm but I will I would build a Kel Farm but it’s massive yeah well the reason my Kel Farm

Is massive is because I want to make 40 mil a day I want to make fat stacks zero chill bro zero chill full send the KP the fake insane FF just sent me a TP what do I do TP trap him dude jungle Lees I don’t want jungle leaves

Bro dude all leaves look the same because I got this texture pack on oh most of these are are like o though do SL stats it’s Dandy four mil dud wait where did your money just go bro uh it’s Mindy you’re not online bro I’m not

Going to stat to you if you’re not online cuz it’s pain in the ass I need auto correct bro I think JX left all right bye JX uh what is the best item to invest in uh I’d say elytras at the moment but uh there’s plenty of options like any

Commodity that like netherite that’s a good one anything that gets consumed and is constantly required like netherite will always be very like important to have because it’s always getting consumed for sets where my floor is getting changed that’s why or your floor your floor is getting changed J

Are you going to unban me where this guy really wants to be unbanned eaps are such a good investment uh yeah I’ve got I’ve got like I’ve got like 32 um I overpaid for them though slightly so it’s going to take me a bit to see return but I got a

Bunch of them so I’m hoping I hope I get my money up from them do SL statistics I do six mil it’s pretty good it’s pretty good you don’t have a lot in SL sell so I don’t know how you got it Panda pay me one

Bill oh trying to bag a one bill how much you pay skeleton spawner and IG I don’t have any skeleton spawners or IG spawners I don’t have any spawners I don’t have any spawners bro I’m going to be honest bro I’m on East all right I don’t need these I’ll keep the

I don’t need the jungle these keep that shulker all I’ve got wait do I only have one shulker oh no this is another Shuler what am I talking about bro all right almost got two shulkers burning through so many pairs of shears though can you pay uh it’s

Mindy 10K he’s broke nope I need all the money I can get bro I’m sorry I’m greedy I’m too greedy guys I’m actually need my money though like the like there is like at this point with the current prices of things I need the money for myself a lot

Like I need a lot of money for myself just for the fact that I need like Redstone and unless I mine it myself I’m going to be forever in debt like I’m never Rich because I keep spending my money on like giveaways and stuff and when I’m building a massive Farm like

This my income is getting consumed fast no looking for netherite is op getting TNT in 10 minutes with uh looking for netherite is op yeah uh netherite mining is a very profitable Endeavor especially if you know a good method but I’ve I’ve got like two stacks

Of netherite I think one day I’ll build a villager base and enchant like a crazy amount of sets like multiple shers of sets uh just to have them that’s what I’m I’ll probably do that cuz also that will increase the worth of my items and

I just need to get villagers and find a way to get emeralds which I think I could just trade pumpkin melon build a pumpkin melon farm and you can get a crazy amount of emeralds from that if you trade farmer villagers or iron uh Golem spawners and trade blacksmiths cuz

Then I can also level those guys up and get diamond armor insane FF just sent me a TP LOL but there why are there so many fakes fake insane ffs bro in H in like this is insane FF with four FS insane FF has this another insane FF

Fake with an E so many fakes can you make sound louder in stream all right is that better well that’s really loud that’s the max volume I’ll put it like all right how about this how about that is that good kelp can you use base if you want make sure have anti- Block

Rotation though um I’m not I’m not I don’t know if I can guarantee anyone’s bases cuz anti- Block Rotation texture packs don’t work or at least the ones I’ve used have not worked apparently so I’ve got a current method to prevent Block Rotation but I don’t

Know if it’s actually going to work I’m not going to tell anyone what it is because it may allow them to exploit exploit it K should I start playing donut again uh if you want bro uh it’s still fun the economy is a lot more expensive though

So uh you get to factor that in Jungle leaves get that out of there bro get that out of there all right there’s another shulker of leaves the rich is working has a working pack I should probably ask him for it all right there’s everything

K I want want to join my villager base or make an even bigger I got a raid farm for emeralds so n I’m good I’m uh I’m just uh I’m working on my own farm right now kelp do you have a shulker of diamond blocks like me bro

Stop flexing your Shuler diamond blocks no I do not do you have 25 enchanted golden app Les do you have uh do you have well I gave you a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] do you have uh three shulkers of elytra there’s my Flex On You K once I get get banned you never

Unban bro per banss are kind of wild bro how long are people getting people get per B from the Discord might be excessive y I gave it back I have like one and a half that that’s a good at this point you have like one and one and a half

What brou more shulkers of leaves bro more shulkers of leaves I got Perma banned on donut SMP how much do you think I can get on banned uh well if you broke the rules you’re probably never getting unbanned uh but uh I don’t know it doesn’t it tell you

How long you have shulkers of elytra oh nice bro one and a half it’s pretty good shulkers of elytras does anyone Ed City Raid like is n city like still like are you able to find them or they like all completely raided the only source comes from Prime crates

So hopefully I think that will still combat against infation pretty well I might be wrong though it’s Perma how much do you pay to buy them from skeleton IR Golem I don’t buy skeleton and iron golem I was paying like 400k but I bought like 11 and then I uh got raided

So that’s the case bro ke I made a six layer back for back sugarcane and made 800k a night is that good yeah though that’s pretty good it’s pretty good all right do I have enough leaves oh like an outpost bro an outpost you think it’s raided bro maybe I can

Get some free XP bottles bro it all right I think I got enough leaves for now did I just I might have just thrown that through the hole bro I threw it through the goddamn building pearls and water bir someone what’s the center what did they steal from

This all right looks nice looks nice TP me why do you want to come here bro all right yep looted oh look there’s a little fairy bro all right I got to find a way place to put uh I’ll put this in the in this like

Chest this will bunch of random [ __ ] a bad odm hey you can find one not that hard to find can you give me a good spawner I don’t have spawners guys I have zero spawners beg JX for spawners if you want spawners he has them all all the ones I

Had at least left over what are you farm are you making a kelp Farm bro oops how are you going to make 40 mil night because this Farm will make me 40 mil a night if I build it to the scale I plan to build it to kelp Farms make more money than

Pumpkin farms uh uh I think so but I don’t really base it off exclusively monetary return there’s a lot of factors that go into uh you know what makes a farm good it’s hard to decide really but I think it’s better all right do I need to fill in anything

Here I think I’ve got all of these done right like these are all like filled in in the centers okay that’s good that’s good that’s good these all good okay yeah sweet I’m going try to get get mod all right well it’s kind of just luck so I wouldn’t try too

Hard yeah that’s said a lot of leaves yeah bro takes a lot of leaves takes a lot of leaves to build this thing well I’m I’m using more leaves than I need to but uh I’m using leaves because nothing can spawn on them so it’s just convenient and uh they’re not that hard

To get so and I’m already need to use leaves for a large percentage of it so that’s my reason you’re feeling lucky today all right all righty okay I think this is like all the parts I need to do wait no this isn’t done why is these not filled is this one

Not filled gosh should have built this in order TPA to John pork Clover or Ralph not right now not right now I’m not tping I am uh currently working on this the massive Farm all right fill that in is this done is this done no got to do this

One I see I just need that place to walk across cuz I got to put all the observers in for this lower layer before I start the next layer after your farm uh yeah after after I work on the farm bro I’m going to I’ll I

PL a TP to people PL of do Bas stores I’ve only even working on for an hour today and I plan to stream for a bit a bit longer than I normally do today at least until I cannot build this Farm anymore how does it work that’s sick

Armor yeah bro some guy gave it to me uh and I’ve been wearing it ever since I haven’t died bro so I think it’s my good Lu armor too I don’t remember who gave it to me exactly but uh thank you you ever did I

Like like I went to his base I remember his base I don’t remember him his name but uh he also I think he killed me in a or he was went to the crystal PVP event and got some of my stuff back and then I jumped off his base and then I

Died and then uh he gave me his cool armor I know some guy made you that armor I was on the stream it was Sky yeah bro it was sick Bro this armor is sick C why did you stop streaming before uh because I have a lot of school work

And I’m also working on a video game so that is what I’m currently working on that is why like my my time is limited guys my time is limited on this planet so I’m I’m trying to do what what I enjoy okay all right I think it’s time to

Hopper this up not Hopper this up fill the shulker up uh that event was so fun BR I’m glad you enjoyed it yeah bro I’m pretty sure that that was a good event but uh it was kind of boring to stream it um to be honest cuz

I wasn’t participating and I didn’t want to get I was getting targeted if every time I viewed it it’s the issue all right I’m going to I’m going to keep these in my uh dude it doesn’t matter if this thing gets R I’m going to be like mega mega quit kill thoughts on

Hiring an editor I don’t have enough money I don’t feel like paying for that o sell this room sell the pearls uh can you rate my base not at the moment I had like three times in the event bro how many people you could just keep coming back that’s what’s kind of

Like interesting about the event C how many layers high is it want to be um 10 modules high up to the ceiling all right time to place The Observers where’s my Observer chest keep forgetting what I’m doing bro cuz I got to reach CH all right all right all right all

Right was I’m just going to wait this is not full right I’ll just put these in here right that’s a good idea I should keep one on hand kelp make farms in West no one is in West hurt in West Hut pla bow do pla B play

West um did I already finished like all the okay I finished the observers in this row all right sweet we water bro this water Farm is going to be op yep oh my God I didn’t place the leaves in you got to be trolling bro hopefully

It’s just for this side because I’m not trying to do this every time K want to check out the second pumpkin farm on the server uh is it the second biggest uh maybe maybe later troll troll what bro this is like actually so bad if I didn’t put because I didn’t put the

Leaves in I think the next layer I did or the next side yo NPC what’s up NPC ke read my last mes okay let me know my IGN is uh the real okay I read that message okay get back out of there all right all these observers are in should probably

Place the connecting observers too might as well these side ones are kind of annoying to place how’s my day it’s been pretty good so far like the amount of observers this thing takes is kind of kind of ridiculous I’m going to be honest like it’s very expensive to build this K rock

Paper scissors for one mil heck no bro heck no I’m not a gambler bro I’m an anti- Gambler bro I never Gamble No Leaf No Leaf bro no Leaf No Leaf no relief bro you know what I’m saying Kel read my last message uh Keel memory I’m n i remember

Your name yeah you should play other games on stream too uh I’ve been playing Balloons Tower Defense battles 2 and I’m not going to lie bro it’s kind of fun bro should I play Balloons Tower Defense battles too bro I’m actually kind of cracked at it ke TP need a villager

Farm yo what’s up Jay okay if I ever need a villager farm I’ll keep you in mind bro oh dude this is the last one going to be a painted place oh that’s not that’s Cobble deep slave though that’s the problem it’s not good it’s not good it’s not perfect

Anymore let y that game is fire you guys play balloons you guys play Balloons Tower Defense battles what farm what this Farm going to heal oh it’s a kelp Farm bro it’s a kelp Farm dude one layer is going to be crazy bro one layer of this is going to be absolutely

Crazy this is this I’m working on the second layer I CU I haven’t put the water in it’s I have to build the second layer first because if I build the second layer first it’s easier to put the it’s easier to like build you know n just play balloon s Defense 6 now

Battles is better cuz I can One V one people and I can One V one you guys so that’s why I want to play battles so if you guys are actually good at battles CU battles has a high skill ceiling I’m not going to lie bro it’s not like in like

You can be bad at battles so that’s why I want to play battles ke theoretically if I stream could you raid me if you’re a good streamer to stream good you have to talk a chat to be entertaining all right uh how much would you make for one

Layer uh I’ll tell you how much I’ll make one from one layer let me do the math bro I’m going to make 1.7 mil per layer 1.7 mil per layer there I think about that maybe maybe a little bit more I will be building Farms

Okay okay it’s good to hear it’s good to hear remember when you raided that one guy who got banned one minute as you ra him yeah that was pretty funny it’s pretty funny I ran some random people bro I probably should do a bit more vetting though

That that’s crazy 1.7 mil yeah bro it’s going to be it’s this Farm’s going to be ludicrous this Farm’s going to be ludicrous all right K I got a complete wish good look wish what’s a wish bro all right well good luck bro I I’ll wish you good

Luck it actually might be better if I place place The Observers in another way because then I can see play raft bro dude I actually I have raft too raft is kind of boring though CU you just Spam Nets like you the The Meta is grind Mets

And then you have like resources and then you get a motor like I don’t know if i’ I don’t know if I want to play raft uh if you could adopt any type of animal what would it be human bro be the most useful yeah like kids bro that’s

Probably what I’d do it’s probably the best option what do you mean boring look at this look at what bro that’s not a slave it’s a pet like a human like a kid bro it’s a kid um I guess I’ll put the observers in now I’m going to try putting The Observers

In this way first because then I can place it easier nah yeah you can adopt a human bro what’s wrong with that what is wrong with that you call it a kid a pet I mean like that’s kind of what it is I mean what’s wrong with that bro I don’t see an

Issue I treat my pets well treat my kid well bro what I don’t I don’t get the big deal what’s the big deal buddy wants kids yeah eventually I do not in my current situation but eventually hello kelp talk you’re n yeah not right now bro when I’m

Older bro Grio shark bro thank you bro just gave me a dollar appreciate that getting fat stacks IRL no KY on God for real for real give him food give who food my kid three2 you’re 42 uh I don’t know what the optimal age is of having is the optimal age to get

Married is uh 27 I think that’s uh guys I’m going to I’m basing my entire life off of Statistics the only reason I want to get married is to prolong my life expectancy and one of the main reasons I want to have kids is to prolong my life

Expectancy so I don’t know if that’s a bad way to live my life but that’s kind of the main reason what what’s so weird I’m 27 is is okay a little is a little old dude 27 is the optimal age to get married if you want to decrease your

Likelihood of divorce bro thank you again bro just get wait did I miss another one bro thank you again for the $1 bro appreciate that help you think I should you nah bro I’m not trying to I I want to start from scratch bro I also

Want want it to be my own genetics I’m going to be honest I don’t want to adopt one actually adopting kids I want my own genetics you know cuz then it’s like a little mini me and I know how to raise my myself so I think it’s a benefit to have your own

Genetics and raise that kind of kid you know one pound I’m betting K on Mary’s anime pillow guys I don’t know if you know this but I’m not like a complete loser right like I’ve had a girlfriend before I’ve had a couple girlfriends I think kelp is bro thank

You James bro James is G me $2 guys thank you thank you thank you appreciate the donations holy crap dude this music is so good though I love this song what is up for real bro adopt Plum or diffuse K jail bro I’d make dude they do not need to be adopted

Bro a best stream w why is the best stream you pull you pull kelp um guys I’ve never like well I’ve had girls like me right I’ve had girls like me a couple but um I’m going to be honest I don’t really like I haven’t

Really liked a girl in a long time I haven’t liked spending time with somebody a girl in a long time I’m just going to be honest so that’s the current that’s the current case wait this activates Pistons how do it gay yeah I might be I might be asexual

Or gay who knows I guess we’ll find out in the future but at the moment I’m definitely not gay I do not like guys either uh what type of farm is this kelp Farm bro how does this activate does it activate the other Pistons dude it does I think you can I

Don’t think this going to be a problem though cuz you gay I’m definitely not gay BR I don’t like guys so I have to like like guys to be gay right like that’s the can I be gay like like what there’s two genders male and

Female um okay what does that have to do with anything uh nah kelp you remind me of the guy who’s in love with his car dude that is so bad I know that video it’s like TLC see bro no one day I one day I’ll get in a

Relationship all right guys I’ll make this a promise I will get a girlfriend in the next 6 months all right that’s my time frame I will try it out and I’ll give you guys a review how about that um yo what’s up dark uh might night of course you know

Huhuh uh how big is that farm it’s pretty big it’s a pretty big farm it’s a five chunk radius 5 by five chunks KP you you gay cuz you don’t have a girlfriend I guess dude everyone in this chat is does not have a girlfriend let’s be

Honest so I don’t know why you’re roasting me I don’t know why you’re roasting me bro don’t to roast for little of me bro rap bases I’ll rate bases eventually can I help no I can’t have anyone help me on the base bro dude it’s definitely faster to do it

From the Top Shop a GE buy up Pearl bro there’s a packet of chili Heatwave Doritos count bro that does not count that does not count that’s kind a good recipe though sounds good is K kelp Farm better than pumpkin I think so ye uh can you give me any spawners I

Don’t have any spawners I have zero I have zero spawners at the moment like literally none bro James bro gave me an angry face uh what you mad about bro why so angry why so serious bro why so serious uh K I’m your son you are nah bro I

Can’t I can’t adopt a kid yet not uh financially stable guys in this a current economy I probably will not be able to have kids until my latter years at this point bro can we all admit Dr G is gay bro you cannot you dude how do you

Know that you don’t have you don’t have good enough evidence you have good enough evidence why are you assuming people’s sexuality guys it’s kind of weird I’m not going to lie uh how big should pumpkin farm be uh I don’t know bro guys it doesn’t matter the size bro it’s what you it’s

Like it’s going to take you a long time you know build it however big you want however big you’re willing to build it this thing is taking me forever though can you give me some good any good spawner nope I don’t have any spawners bro sorry br reso and Sky

Channel bro got a team channel is that true you got a team Channel bro that’s what she said did I say something my shad’s kind of delayed guys did you hear today today Size Doesn’t Matter What does that mean bro size of what yeah size of your pumpkin farm does not matter

Bro and F’s fa like barking at us bro what you got furry Ops bro do not mess with the furries bro they’re a hive mind the furry hive mind bro guys I’m going to start my own uh cult like it’s going to be furry cult but uh instead of uh being like like

Animals we’re going to do bugs so you have to dress up as insects um I’m going to be an ant I’m a level 10 uh ice ant from uh I don’t know so basically that’s the that’s the new uh that’s the new like hot button button thing bro

What kind of farm is that it is a kelp Farm bro it is a kelp Farm 100 mafia boss bro dude Those ads are actually kind of entertaining I’m not going to lie I watch those ads watch them on loot bro watch every single one religiously study the lore

Can you give me any good spawners no I don’t have spawners no fures in here I don’t think there’s F in here bro uh always watch them L always L what bro stop asking for spawners I told you I don’t have any bro I do not have any please don’t ask

Me I would if I had some and your base was cool and I reviewed it I would give you spawners but I do not have any at the moment so cannot give you spawners sorry about that blood we are in your room okay p hold up

Bro let’s see let’s see I’m ready to box I’m ready to beat the crap out of you what’s up filler plays yeah what’s up bro uh dude so many so many observers to place bro I mean this Farm takes a long time to build can I join your team no

You can’t join my team I’m look at look at my team name bro it is literally named kelp only so unless you are myself then you cannot join my team so you’re in my closet I don’t believe you come out then come out stop hiding bro why you so scared bro you so

Scared can I join your team I’m not teaming bro I’m the kelp only team I identifi is kelp talks okay well that doesn’t count bro you have to be legitimate bro you have to be biological kelp talks bro why don’t you have any have money because I spent it

All some 99k like 100k right on blocks I was buying those up I think that’s what the price has been for a while you identify as my dad bro I don’t think I don’t think that counts either I’m scared cuz you’re a God boxer bro am a god

Boxer guys look at these look at these moves bro I mean I could I could probably beat someone up bro my cardio is not bad cuz I run to school because I’m late every day so I have to run to make up for the fact that I am leave late so it’s my

Cardio is Good Guys identify is kelp Talk’s future son nah that doesn’t count can’t identifies as whatever you want ke when is my lucky day coming today bro today’s your lucky day bro today’s your lucky day uh there you go yeah bro you you about today is your

Lucky day bro today is your lucky day I’m going to be honest out of everyone in here you probably deserve it the most uh bro insane I’m probably I’m probably slightly like mentally unstable I’m probably slightly insane I’m not going to lie how much are leaves worth not much like 20

Cents what design uh look in the description I have a link to uh the farm design so you can just look at the description he’s insane FF bro yeah my name is literally insane uh how much are leaves worth um I don’t know bro they’re worth I dude I swear they’re worth

20 I mean slash worth what is this worth you can’t even do that bro they’re all the way at the back bro they’re all the way at the back they’re worth nothing dude I don’t have a team bro my team is literally myself that is literally the only people in my team I’m

Sorry like no joke can you come visit my base now I have the second biggest farmer server and I’m B up myin is the real um no not right now um soon though I’ll probably do base rates soon but I actually actually I don’t know if I am um soon because I

Really want to get this done I want to get this whole layer done bro trying to get an entire layer done and putting the kelpin is going to take me a bit is anyone selling normal ice how much is that 1.1 mil not worth ice no one’s selling normal ice

So uh what farm are you building uh K farm Bro Look in the description there’s a link to tutorial if you need a tutorial all right I’m out of observers all right let’s go get some more observers wait see if there’s any on H cuz I don’t

Feel like getting up and I probably need to buy more anyways oh bro I’m 200k off 200k off from buying soer kelp how big is it it’s big bro it’s big slash I need to buy an end chest I don’t feel like getting I think I have observers in my end

Chest bro I actually have burned through so many observers I thought I had more in here bro I think I more back at the the thing but I’m burning through my Observer reserves just turn on payments and people I have payments on bro I have payments on

Kelp watch a new Mr Beast video dropped you need to watch on stream all right I’ll I’ll watch a Mr Beast video because I’ll probably need to eat eventually it’s 12 o’clock 12 minutes ago bro yeah I’ll watch it I’ll watch it on stream I love Mr Beast videos bet hypothetically

Speaking uh I’ll pay you a shulker of Pistons to visit my base nope wait shulker Pistons to visit your base wait wait can you do observers instead they’re they don’t need wood I’ll trade you I’ll trade you four shulkers of bamboo Bamboo uh logs so that’s eight shulkers of planks

If you craft them out so basically two shulkers of logs for one Shuler of observers how about about that bro uh going to build me a m hypothetically bro who cares if it’s hypothetical legitimate need actal base okay I’ll give you half a Sher observers see you all right bye filler filler plays

Uh still vibe to the door song Banger even in 2024 for the door is very old very old it’s like for elderly people half a Sher observers even with the bamboo um no bro I’m trying to pay you for it like how much how much how much do you

Need logs right like logs are like pay they ass to get like how many logs do you need like if I’m three times 27 times uh let’s see let’s see no that’s not worth wait wait times what did I say I’d give you eight of them that’s 640k worth probably not that much

Actually you don’t want bamboo a bamboo is like logs you don’t need planks uh bro I’m not going to I don’t I feel bad just taking your your stuff you know feel bad just taking your stuff Um H dude I don’t feel like tping I’m sorry bro and I can’t just TP you to get materials kelp tomorrow or today I’mma post a video of you raiding my base raiding your base I raided your base bro rate or Raid all right ke I’ll give you half a Shuler for

Free to to me bro um that’s a that’s a mighty mighty tempting offer but uh I’m not tping and I can’t like just play favorites because you’re giving me stuff you know it’s kind of IRL trating if I TP to you for in game items right I’ll T you eventually though I’ll

T you eventually you’re prioritized you’re prioritized here I’ll copy your name bro Val Pro cuz you did say you have the the biggest pumpkin farm on the server so I’m tempted to see if that’s the real real reality or not thanks for the 100K by the way you get 100K

Bro okay then you buy them off let’s see how much money I have in my other accounts okay kelp talkx has 100 44k kelp talks kelp kelp walks oh I have a decent amount B kelp eats okay I don’t have that much money on my other accounts I’mma watch the TPA raid part

After you eat okay okay uh yeah I’m going to I’m going to raate Bases soon I’m going to rate bases soon I don’t know how much money I’m going to give out cuz I only got 800k and I actually really need it for my own Farms so I probably won’t give

Out any money I’m sorry guys I’m so sorry bro I can give out some bamboo and like materials and stuff that’s what I can afford but uh I can’t afford too much oh wait no this is a dude this is Tokyo pill Ultra bro this song is good other than the anime

Bits all right bro I’m going to turn this one up bro I love this song it’s like fastpaced but chill at the same time bro yeah see there’s the anime bit is kind of like uh kind of lame but uh I still like it I I’ll get bullied but

It’s worth cuz uh beat is fire look at your bro what who paid me that bro who paid me that who just paid me that bro bro thank you thank you for the mill bro yeah I’ll probably try to give I’ll try to give it all away or something or

Steal it for myself and use it uh for my phun um me bro thank you Red Devil bro you’re poor now we’ll take it as a loan bro we’ll take it as a loan bro I’ll pay you back I’ll pay you back I pay you back 100 and

Uh 100 and 100 wait no one 1.1 mil how about that bro I’m PID you back for the first okay okay I I’ll accept that I’ll accept that I’ll accept that it’s a good that’s a good uh What call we’ll call it even bro but if you ever need money bro

Just hit me up if you ever get raided or something because it’s a lot of money bro I can happily pay you pay you back if you ever need it what farm is this this is a uh kelp Farm bro this is a kelp Farm uh TT I think he likes you what

Does that mean bro okay all right bro thanks for the one mil can you pay me one mil bucks CU you make 40 mil a day dude I don’t make 40 mil a day I’m building the farm to make me 40 mil a day this first layer

Will make me a 1.7 mil a day when I finish it so I’ll start getting more income but I have to slash sell stuff so I probably won’t even AFK it I’m going to be honest I probably won’t even use this Farm I’m be honest guys I’m trying of just building

It uh I could probably sell it for like dude honestly this thing is going to have to sell for like 500 million if it makes 40 40 mil a day I’m going to be honest like that’s how much I’m willing to sell it for cuz I invested so much

Time and resources into this 500 mil is probably worth wraps dude wraps is in here I meant to type I know it likes you uh Kil insane FF keep spamming with TPS bro insane so many fake insane ffs bro guys if if I ever TP to you bro you have

To make sure it’s me like put the time into like realiz are people faking observers 30k 30 time 27 wait okay that’s actually worth bro it’s actually worth have people bought all the observers that’s 1.1 mil yeah 30k for observers is worth in terms of like what

I normally pay so I’ll buy these 50k is not worth I think I’m going to go for what let’s see let’s see that is a 1.1 mil I’ll buy that one up bro I can go sell B stuff for my pumpkin farms cuz I AFK them last night and I haven’t sold

Them yet so I’m going to go for that uh how much do you make on [ __ ] uh I’m at 107 million but you guys kind of keep in mind I I if I actually if I actually sold everything and I actually like AFK my Farms I’d probably be at like 200 mil

Easy and most and the reason I have so little money is cuz I give away half of it I will I’m not going to lie I’ve spent half on myself and uh like but I spent a significant amount on giving it away I’m not going to

Lie I’ll sell you a shulker of observers for 30k each if you come to my base bro I look dude I can’t just I can’t make an exception for you bro I cannot make an exception for you I will TP to Bases soon very soon let me finish this layer

Let me finish this layer which might take me a little bit because I have to put the kelp in and everything and all the leaves and stuff but I want to get a full layer done before I TP it’s the reality of the situation BR what am I doing kelp can

You check how much I made on SL sell statistics TT okay I don’t know your name bro there is an observer missing uh I’ll hope there’s not an observer missing I’ll notice it eventually though I’m not streaming or something but still giving away money is too fun yeah bro I

Used to join donut calls before I started streaming and give away like money it’s what I did bro that is so fun I’d play this game right i’ play this game where uh I think of a number in my head and you could say either

Higher or lower or you got one guess and I tell you if it’s higher or lower and then you had to guess again and if you guess too high above the number you got nothing and if you gu guess below it you got that amount of money so it’s like

It’s kind of like a gambling game but like it’s like you know it’s kind of cool bro it’s kind of a good game do you like playing donut SMP yes I like playing donut bro it’s pretty fun dude that’s why I play it well technically I’m actually building

The second layer as I finish the first layer so you got to keep in mind this is like two layers of work because it’s faster if I place these first before I place the uh other things you know TPA I’m not tping bro at the moment your mic is so Chief’s kiss what

Does that mean bro is my mic good bro do you like my microphone it’s uh my headset mic it’s pretty good huh what gear do you have um I have this armor that some guy gave me it’s cracked it looks so good how much how how much layers to get

For a m a day 10 10 layers and this is like one and a half well this is like one but I’m also working on the second layer because it’s easier to place the second layer before I finish this first layer it’s basically the the scenario all

Right I want to fully invest in your farm to be honest but I can’t AFK yeah not being of AFK is kind of annoying oops uh bro Adam’s going get banned bro no don’t bro Adam I cannot read that though it’s like kind of weird you know Adam stop

69 a lovely number what a lovely number all right all right to grab up these observers bro bro I love break core bro I love break core best genre of music bro dude my my Spotify playlist is the most crazy songs bro I’m not going to lie I’ve got

Classical Kanye West uh breakcore um like meditation music got the most random crap on there bro it’s it’s the perfect playlist bro it’s the perfect playlist you don’t like wait hold on I’ll be right back for um guys controversial hot take but I don’t think dudes should have to wash

Their hands I think dudes should wash their hands before they pee and the reason is is you know your Junk’s probably not dirty if you took a shower recently so what’s the point point of getting it dirty right like you don’t need to like do anything after or

Anything so I’d say wash your hands before you pee it’s probably cleaner kind of far behind in the live everyone got to say gach you’re you got op pinion from Tik Tok I did and now bro I don’t have Tik Tok is that a real opinion is that like

A scientifically based your conclusion bro yo what’s up gie what’s up gamie Gat so many gachs in chat bro so many gachs in chat we’re talking about bro eating dude all right let’s all right if you’re eating right now let’s uh let’s guys guys so guys I’ve decided to not play

Music but rather play some lovely honeycomb eating ASMR bro let’s go bro let’s go oh what a lovely sound bro what a lovely sound I’d love to have this in my background soothing to the ears huh that is so bad bro that is so bad that is is so bad

Uh bro that I used to blast that in my seventh grade uh to to mess with people bro yummy the way you’d watch YouTube on school laptop is you download videos like you you could like YouTube or YouTube to MP MP4 converters were unblocked so you could just un you could

Just like do it and thing dude Mr Beast time yet Mr Beast time not yet not yet beby other mods control the chat all right why I don’t know if you’re asking about why Mr Beast time but uh I I’ll watch it Mr Beast video the new one want to buy

Two Iron Golem spawners not particularly at the moment I don’t really need iron can’t wait for you to place all the water the water is a pain to place bro I want to be honest like you guys have no idea how big the pain of pain the water is the place

Bro bro I like this’s new thing pops up so much I wish the timer is a little bit low maybe just pop up when you join the server because uh it’s very persistent bro it’s very persistent that face you made 20 seconds ago what face did I make 20 seconds

Ago Dude some girl some girl in my class uh was like telling me I should get a mid part bro any of you guys knew about hair I’ve had the same haircut since like sixth grade so if any of you guys know what I should do with my hair I’ll

Take suggestions and ball is not a good answer uh tell never bro oh my God bro uh yeah we might all right Adam I’m going to pleas please please ask you again bro please do not with the sussy stuff I’m be honest yo finally here you

Remember me get a perm bro no way am I getting a perm I look goofy as crap Kil are you the rizzler of Oz no I could be I think I could be bro I think I could be low tier to your fat what’s that

Mean how do I low Tapper fade suits low taper fade bro imagine if ninja got a low taper feed it’s actually such a fire song though get rid of the side part dude I’ve had the same side part forever bro well also I haven’t washed my hairc

In a little bit because uh I don’t like washing it every day and I forgot to take a shower this morning because it’s like weekend so my schedule’s a bit different my routine messed up you should lowkey be a singer guys I’m cracked at seeing Franks

And this is guys I’m I promise I’m not this bad uh want Farm Bud yeah guys anyone who wants this Farm yeah guys I’ll give it to somebody no I’m trolling I cannot give this Farm away uh I may give away a sugarcan farm though although the last time I gave my

Base to someone it got raided instantly so I’m not sure I want to do that imagine kelp got a loads taper fade ninja inspired me to get a load taper fade from the inspiration he got from that guy can I have it I meant what’s that

Farm it’s a Kel Farm bro it’s a Kel Farm get a curly uh perm loot taper feed and get into the gym um I I I went to the gym I used to go to the gym but um it’s like a lot of time bro it’s like

Too much work and uh I I do like guys I do the bare minimum I think I I do I do like I do push-ups every morning like and I it’s not like it’s not like because uh it’s it’s for my own health and I think you just got to start

Somewhere eventually I’ll probably start going back to the gym but push-ups are enough for me right now uh I’m currently could do like 20 in a row and that goes up slowly um kelp can you I pay you 400k you have to do it in sets I do three

Sets of 20 uh in the mornings normally all depends on the day uh I’ve been watching your streams bro thank you Taurus I watch your stream sometimes I don’t watch your VOD but I’ve tuned in seeing what you’ve been up to all right time to put the water in h

Water 300 that’s a pretty good deal actually I’m going to get more buckets okay that’s enough three is probably good probably the Prime Perfect number all right I need also need a uh leaves and stuff T talk have you seen the polar bear edit yeah I did wait is

There is there more stuff in react on the Stream I need stairs I’ll just get all these stairs and where’s my Shuler of leaves I guess I’ll just take this all right start back here this one’s completely done I need to get into this thing is it possible to get through

There I don’t think it’s possible to come through this way so that’s why it’s really annoying I have to like I’m going have to deal with all that crap k kelp are you gay um no not really I mean a little bit like isn’t everyone but like for the most part no

Bro can I say uh a IP to do not say an IP bro not leak anyone’s IP please and thanks please and thank you yeah I got to do the bottom layer first that’s the strap you fill up the bottom layer crap I don’t want to fill up leaves where’s Adam Adam’s

Here Adam’s definitely here when is he not here I didn’t even get the leaves out I prob got the leaves out before boom boom boom boom boom all right that should be good you remember me yeah I remember you bro been in here a lot profile picture

Is Iconic I don’t I see it everywhere so but rifi yeah I remember that name bro uh kelp are cicle farms good yeah CLE Farms are good if you have bone meal I can’t believe I finished this all right uh do you have any idea who and I

Who you’re going to raid today nope I have no clue whoever’s live bro whoever’s live when I decide to end but I don’t know what I’m going to end I May Never End guys Mac lost the Mr who’s in the video bro dude Mr Beast used to make like

Bleach jokes and everything bro he used to be kind of like an edgy Creator did you guys know that like back when he made worst intros bro I don’t want to be like one of those people but I was subscribed to him back when he had 200k Subs bro

He used to make worse intros he’d like roast little children’s YouTube intros there’s been mod since I’ve subbed to kelp from the first video dude he had like kids sacrific babies to him and [ __ ] dude Mr Beast has changed bro he’s a different person at this point he already

Did uh ke can we do a 1.8 PVP One V one sometime yeah maybe I’ll I’ll probably stream 1.8 eventually bro bro it’s kind of annoying to place water I wish I had like a texture pack that like revealed every Source block that would be super nice if I was easily

Able to see Source blocks um Salish what do you mean uh rify if kelp raats me today I’ll unban you from chat bro what did he get banned for kelp talkx I’m building a huge pumpkin farm 55 by 24 so I need observers I got

Pistons can you please give me no I need observers for myself I’m sorry I’m too selfish too selfish to give you anything bro yeah maybe if your base is cool uh but uh I’ll do base rates later so that’s when I can give you stuff and I’ll probably give you

Materials like Cobblestone or uh Redstone or something cuz that’s what I have a lot of I don’t feel like crafting yo all right this is done I just need to put the kelp in bro uh I’m too lazy to get it from the chest 6K okay I’m not too lazy to get

From the chest boom crap bro I didn’t scam he’s mad cuz I beat him in a one V one dude that’s wild he banned you cuz you beat him in a one V one yikes bro uh where where is it where is it where is it um I need to

Uh wait what I I keep forgetting what I’m doing oh yeah I need KP what am I talking about bro should know what I need you were just annoying dang bro you’re getting like some beef going on bro always some good beef going on he said I’m not uh trying

To chat ban me l oh wait I don’t really get that sentence K how much does this Farm make currently um after I finish this layer I’ll make 1.7 mil a day uh but right now it’s not like it’s I’m just I’m I’m going to finish this later at least so that’s

What the first bit is I do need water though uh crap okay that should be fine if I take water from there oh I have to go back down there anyway so I can just fix all those later actually put the stairs in I got I got to build all these stairs

And stuff make sure it’s all oh but that’s how I get through all right never mind what do you mean only 1.7 mil a day that’s the section 40 mil a day that’s wild no bro this is not that much bro I’m going to stack this this is Tiny

This do even take me that long so no I don’t think it’s that bad all right there we go get my kelp Out start filling this thing up I can’t do it too fast otherwise the water look like it’s kind of buggy I plac that rifi why

You dude why is it so buggy to place these I have a screenshot on Discord how much is it going to make you if 40 mil how much I don’t know a c like 20 hours I don’t know like a not a short amount amount of time but like

It’s an investment on building a farm over the span of a while so that’s pretty good crap uh this is the this is the worst part of building it though putting the kelp in kelp you missed the spot dude the problem is it’s like bugged out it’s like hard to

Place I’ll have to come back through and check when I well I’m going to check I’ll come back through and check when I seal up okay Adam that’s a little bit more tame I can bear with that dude the the the bugginess of like placing is kind of weird but maybe CU I’m

Like like what is this okay now it’s not being buggy I think I just have to like place it rhythmically uh you won’t check won’t check what gu who’s back back again are you going to cpvp I’m okay I’m okay same average yeah see this is the problem bro

If I place it too fast uh the water will get destroyed so I’ve got to go back and fix this crap or I never finished it either way one all right there we go you’re loot you’re ler three okay yeah you’re probably better than me then yeah you’re probably better than me I’m

Untested but I’ve been playing for like a month so I’ve gotten okay put the stair in get the water put the stair in get my leaves in okay this all looks good this all looks good will you never check if all kelp is actually placed XD yeah bro all the kelp

Is placed I’m I’m I’m as I fill it in I’ll check like look this one this one’s good this one’s good oh wait no right right here see missed the spot there we go looks good looks good dude it’s so buggy for some reason when I’m down here in like uh in this

Like crouched area the kelp fans are wild on God bro I’m joking bro what should I place the top layer after I should probably place the top layer after I place the uh kelp might be the play it’s probably the play dude it’s not even Source blocks

Yet bro all right there we go now we got Source blocks boom boom boom this whole row is placed properly okay sweet how long uh has this taken you in what is your news name on this YouTube channel cuz that is insane F bro YouTube chat is because it’s bugging

Out I don’t know what that means bro um but I it’s taking me a while it’s like I mean I dug out the area I did it over the span of days I mean like it’s not like I’m doing this one slash but uh yeah I made pretty good progress I think for

Today dude the bugginess of these is like placing this is like really annoying though all right Murphy Dog I spent 160k on shop made 17K on SL cell you lost all your money to a glitch what bro what this guy lost all his money to

A glitch it’s not good bro it’s not good oh yeah uh I am your mom and I say you go to bed uh it’s like kind of the middle of the day I cannot go to bed at the moment see there’s a piece of kelp that just

Grew all right this looks this one looks good this one looks good is all the kelp placed all the kelp is placed all right is this one filled with water I think that one filled with water there might be water higher than it should be actually um can you rate bases I’m going

To rate bases I got I got to finish this row though I got to finish this uh the whole layer it’s my goal all right this one looks good this one looks good all right I think that’s everything I think that’s this this road done I’ll probably get better at this

Because this is kind of like a weird I have to figure out the best methods for placing water in the right order and stuff but that didn’t that took me kind of a long time how much is one piece of kelp sell for it sells for three says for

Three I am your mom and I say you go to bed to sleep okay what go bad sleep what is that BD go bad sleep uh yeah I think I’m going to uh let’s see let’s see it might it might not be that hard to place observers if I do this first if

I put the water in first nah it still will be I think cuz I’m also going to be drowning yeah I think I should uh I think I should uh continue my current method uh never mind I’ll keep it going Adam’s got to keep constantly putting the penises but you’re not even

Doing them right and this is better to spam Bro Look in chat now I’m put about to type something in chat there that’s the better thing to to spam bro if you’re going to do some fake emojis oh I’m not even on streaming mode put that on streaming mode so I don’t leak

Anything W guys come on just SL statistic Razzi rify dude I already did you rify I mean what am I doing oh no I don’t think I did you yeah you’re kind of poor right now bro then to get your money up bro get your money up

You have no fat stacks to be seen bro what gear you have like what’s the name there’s it is you can just go through the stream there is the things bro my farm got dude your farm got rated um that sucks dude that sucks pretty bad I really hope my farm doesn’t get

Raided dude should I put this should I put the stairs in bro that’s the question I think I should cuz I can just go around them I’m going to put the stairs in first oops I’m I’m back sorry you don’t have to apologize for leaving bro do not have to apologize for

Leaving I’m making a 4 by 16 by 16 Pumpkin Farm I built two at the moment nice bro that’s a good start that’s good start probably make you a decent amount uh I’m going to run five dude wish I had more inventory slots honestly bro on

God what if people find this um I don’t really care bro uh they’ll get rich bro if they find it I will uh probably quit the server uh TP I’ll show you farm that I used to use not right now not right at the moment because right now I’m uh

Trying to finish this r or I’m trying to finish this layer so I can get 1.7 mil a day and I’ve already sunk so much time into it I want to start getting money I want to start like proving the potential of this thing you know K you I should

Stop should I stop should I you stop what bro when can you quit can I have your money I don’t have any money to give you bro when I quit I’m not going to give away my money cuz I probably will come back eventually and I just baby rage for a bit you

Know you know what I’m saying boom boom boom boom I’m going to turn off your computer if you don’t you can’t turn off my computer bro you’re not my mother buddy you’re not my mother blood bloody blooders bamboo stairs baby using the bamboo stairs leaves there so much stuff to

Place bro what kind of farm is that it is a kelp Farm who’s better you or the rich um I think I’m better but uh he plays more like I mean I can’t complete with 20 hours a day bro I’m going to be honest like the just play is objectively way more than

Me I think I build faster and stuff so there’s my positive I just found out that you you can claim you didn’t know that bro you didn’t have to claim it dude am I up to dude I’m dude 1.8 is so far wait I’m at 1.6 bro it’s 250 mil for 1.7 that’s

Crazy I’ll get there eventually I’ll get there eventually after after a bit your multiplier becomes like worthless like it’s impossible to level up like mathematically speaking look at meme chat uh maybe later I’m really hyper focused on getting this stupid lirer done uh TP I’m not tping at the

Moment bro what the crap bro why you why are you putting that in my chat it’s pretty funny though Adam but uh might be a little bit too vulgar bro we might have to time you out bro we might have to time you out I might be a bit too far I’m your

Mother bro this guy I’ve got people claiming to be my mother I’ve got people comparing dick size to all the famous uh Crystal pvpers uh yeah this is wild some wild crap going on in this chat wild crap crap that can’t be 40 mil a day yeah

It’s not done yet it’s not 40 mil a day yet it’s going to be it’s going to be definitely when I finish this layer it’s going to be 1.7 m a day when I finish this layer K let me make a mega base for you

Uh if you make a mega base for me I’ll take a mega base but I mean are you really put that much effort and just give it away to me probably not a good idea I say and you do it bro this guy this guy’s got like a

Mother complex bro he thinks every everyone is his child or something it’s a crazy mental health condition bro feel bad for you hope you’re able to work through that what’s good are you going to make fast stacks on this Farm yeah I plan to make some pretty fat stacks uh actually

It’s probably faster if I go like this direction you know I can place stairs faster uh oops uh do you want my mega villager base I have no use for it now no I’m good I don’t really need a v villager base at the moment guys what qualifies

This Mega what qualifies Mega I think you need to have at least 5x five chunks mined out like I’d say this is this is uh Mega volume but it’s not a mega base yet if this is like I mean it’s a big base but it’s not Mega yet you

Know it’s definitely not I don’t think it qualifies Mega 100 by 100 chunks that is definitely way too that’s impossible that’s impossible could I get no I can’t give you mods bro you are literally so unhinged I cannot give you mod I’m sorry too unhinged too unhinged for mod

Oops um wait which direction should I I should probably I should go sideways yeah going sideways is the best method more leagues required yo L I got Kelps Uh current base coordinates I’m uh I’m up KP see up a l all I don’t see anyone yet I don’t see

Anyone yet tell me when you show up tell them when you pull up I don’t care if you come to my base and you don’t steal from it or Raid it I don’t care if you come to my base you can pull up pull up if you

Want the think that kelp is not gay is the biggest cow ever what that make any sense bro I’m about to sleep just rap bases now um it’s it’s only 12:00 bro why are you going to sleep so early uh yeah I’ll raid bases um after I finish these stairs how

About that I won’t finish the entire layer but I finish these stairs there’s my deal oops um K look at meme chat okay I’ll look at meme chat first though Kel do you think of what do you think of streamers scamming 2.5 mil from their views live

On stream I mean hasn’t someone done that because that’s kind of scummy if you’re a streamer you shouldn’t need to scam bro I mean people give you money right like get it yourself Bud get your get your money up not your funny up yo chat is crazy uh if you spam it

Is oh cow okay these stairs oh crap I forgot to put stairs here BR this is going to take me a long time to get all stairs in still though I’ll probably probably be two hours in all right let’s get this placed get this placed

Boom wait I already got this I got that okay I think these rows are done what Farm the farm is a kill Farm uh Hey kelp yo what’s up uh Vision replay what farm is this it’s a Kel Farm bro it’s a Kil farm so that’s basically

What it is it’s going to make me a lot of money that’s all I know bro it’s all I know wait are these all done wait which direction am I going it’s hard to tell the directions bro I’m just going to so annoying to place this I’m be

Honest K what’s your IGN T me I won’t likely you know kill uh in St of f is Myan all right all right you should get parts of it running so it makes money while building it um um it’s only gonna make me like 1.7 mil

At this rate so once I I’m I’m doing it layer by layer um so I’ll start it’ll start making me money eventually but at the current moment I I’m just I’m just making it layer by layer you know you know what farm is it bro the farm is a

Kill Farm yes that is what the farm is um kelp there’s no way you’re going to make 40 mil a night cuz you would need 25k double chests um okay let’s do the math let’s do the math 40 million divided by um 64 wait no I need to divide how much

Kelp is worth so I need this much kelp um but that’s also divided by 1.6 because that’s my multiplier um so that’s 800 and wait 8,3 and 33k uh K needed right so I need to divide that by dude I did the math I did the math doing it reverse is a little

Bit more painful but look dude each of these modules right over the span of half a day right over the span of half a day one of these modules will make me half a Shuler that is all right let’s see let’s see let’s see so we have 27 27 stacks per

Module per times two because that’s half a day so 50 like a double chest per day right if I make a double chest per day right of kelp from each module and it’s my mod I have in total 11x 6X 10 modules right every single module is going to

Produce this many stacks this is how many stacks of kelp I am going to produce a day right and then I multiply that by three time wait I’m doing something wrong bro what am I missing uh wait yeah each 574 oh yeah multiply it by the price times

Three um wait what no I’m def wrong bro 24 * 11 * 6 I I’m too brain dead to do math I’ve been streaming too long I’m sorry okay prove me to me that you’re you’re going to turn off your computer and beat I’m going to be in your room turn

Off your computer I’ll be in 30 days okay um dude hold on I probably have the math pulled up okay so yeah okay this is how much it makes per row right so this is like how many modules this is the modules um I just leaked my history so I don’t

Think I any bad thing the bad though and then this is how much it’s going to make over like that’s how much I made in half a day that’s how many stacks I made in half a day right and times 64 because that’s how many are in a stack times

Three because that’s how much pie of kelp is worth times 1.6 cuz that’s my multiplier right and if I want the actual dimensions um if I want the actual dimensions I need to add another dimension because it’s going to be 10 layers tall so that is a total of okay

Now I did something wrong okay 16 mil a day okay my bad I put 40 mil in a day in the title so my calculations must have been wrong in some aspect uh wait this is about this is even wronger wait I can’t remember exactly the the calculations but uh I think my

Calculations are wrong a little bit by a little bit and by that I mean a lot my bad probably at zero or something um dude wait hold on now I’m like stumped bro why how bad were my calculations let’s see my original thing see my original thing cuz I did the math

Bro I did the math uh where the hell is it oh no I did it on my phone that’s probably why it’s so bad yeah it’s cuz I did it on my phone so I probably bungle it it’s eight can they take no I’m doing it f I’m Bas

I’m basing it off of the module count right I’m basing off how much modules there are all right well whatever whatever whatever I’ve been working on this for a while and uh I said I’d do base rats and I’ve been just been wasting time so one two three four

Five one it’s 11 by six right 11 by6 modules all right SL home 4 I need to like dump my inventory I need to dump my inventory and hit the B right back button because I’ve got to go do something and I’ve got to check memes

I’ve got to do some myself first before I T you to Bases but I will be tving to bases in a moment um okay okay okay I’ll put the stairs in here buckets in here I don’t know why I have Obby on me guess cuz I

Silk I didn’t silk touch my Ender Chest all right sweet meme chat look at my look oh yeah I’ll look at me alrighty I am back bro I am back let is Let’s uh go do some base tours bro uh I still haven’t emptied my inventory SL

Shop let’s go to where should I go uh where’s my base bro I need to like make I need to like a good Cove to like where my base is bro my girl called me and she said bop bop then made to her home and made

Her oh my God bro that’s so bad that is not a good say bro that is not a good saying uh please don’t spam if you tell me to spam TP to you I’m not going to TP to you all right guys I have 49 levels I’m probably going to lose

Them all right TPA zit do it yeah please do not spam my chat bro please do not spam my chat let’s go standing mode to get a little bit hyped but I have to put my shoes on because my feet arches are starting to hurt from

Standing in the socks but I’m trying to start standing more on hard surfaces without um without shoes on because I’m trying to uh increase the strength of my uh my feet because it’s better for your feet it’s more healthy causes your toes toplay all that [ __ ] all I’m at this

Guy’s base hold on hold on one moment to bro uh one of my dogs bit me too bro I got really like look at my dog bro look what my dog did to me it’s a pug bro a pug like absolutely destroyed my arm look at this crap bro uh he bit me

Bro all right bro let’s see what he has to say bro this is sweet 52 creeper spawners God damn Kel you said you would t uh I’m TP oh yeah I’ll tpd bro I’ll TP you next thanks for reminding me I said I would TP you first though uh but I I

Will T oh bro kelp Farm dude this is sweet um this is not as dense as the other design you could have you could have com you could have you could have make it smaller but this is good though this is good yo can you help me make a

Good chest system okay yeah you have like the same design as me right dude I haven’t made a good chest system yet oh dude the glass wait let me try to Rel log me try to relog uh dude my glasses like disapp I think that’s uh should probably to buy some pearls

Too this looks good though this looks good bro crap uh okay there now we’re good now we’re good um um this doesn’t look bad this doesn’t look bad this does not look bad at all dude my glass is invisible for some reason what is going on I’m have to

Change my texture packs dude this look good yeah I don’t see what’s wrong I I don’t know how to do a collection system yet cuz I haven’t built one oops I just hit my B right back button all right I also am pulling up Discord so I can get main chat up but

I’m tping to this guy first uh where where where where is it where is it where is it um chat wait know dude there’s so many channels in here bro news rules there should be one that’s like memes all right I’m going to memes wait hold let me check this guy’s base out

Wait I can’t need to read the signs hi kelp we made a YouTube video about your pumpkin farm and how we make 5.5 milight the YouTube channel is C okay let’s watch I’m going to pull up their Channel I’m going to pull up their channel uh I’m really bad wait let me

See if I can c can you copy and paste from signs yeah you can okay sweet uh let me pull up their Channel let’s see what their video is I should I should probably uh how do I I go to their Channels cuz this came with a bunch of

Random crap okay I went to their Channel okay yeah I’ll watch this I’ll watch this after all right well let’s check out the base I’ve got it pulled up and ready ooh dude I’m lagging holy crap yolly bro this is massive how tall is it bro how tall is

It 5 mil night is crazy bro I’m lagging it’s also on Europe too so but this is this is ludicrously large bro how many layers is this you put the water in first or did they get griefed dude this is crazy though how many layers is this dude what are the dimensions of

This thing I mean this is absolutely insane dude I’m lagging so bad uh let me get uh we Golding car actually I food what am I talking about bro dude this is this is crazy let’s pull up their video yo welcome to my video today I’ll show you how to

Build a layer for a massive pumpkin farm just like mine bro you made a whole tutorial on how to build massive layers bro it’s 12 minutes of building a massive layer holy yeah this is a good video bro this is a good video yeah bro subscribe all

Notifications you to like that this is crazy it’s one of the best videos I’ve seen bro okay place All The Observers first does he use a trap door to get underneath to place the Pistons how does he place the Pistons redst uh are the Pistons just invisible as

Well uh how does he place the Pistons bro before the Pistons or after them I don’t know how he place the Pistons I don’t know if he goes over that but yeah pretty sweet bro pretty sweet video all right let’s check this out let’s check this out let’s check this let’s check

Meme chat out I’m told told me to look at this all right let’s go to the point where okay lots of random crap bro lots of random crap I’m not I’m not I’m going look at this uh later stuff um is that a piece of kelp on the

Ground bro is that a piece of kelp on the ground um nice setup nice keyboard okay that’s a picture of me bro that’s pretty cute that’s pretty cute vza first someone’s leaking this guy’s base okay come pull up to that guy’s base kelp straws oh yeah I love straws bro I

Should build a straw Farm I said GG bro I don’t I don’t know what all these memes are bro what is this bro what is this right say Don on the pin donut server I should rack a Donuts why should I rack a bro what is this when you untap things

All right I think Pedro is gone he’s flown away oh I remember that I remember that um let’s watch this clip BR he’s got his balls in my face bro I mean he did though he just flexed his netherite on me and then threw put his balls in my

Face like I mean that’s what happened that’s what happened uh yo what’s up VI uh dude why does Adam keep putting this picture bro why does Adam keep putting this picture what is okay chat is wild all right well I looked at memes I looked at

Memes now I’m see back to Bases all right now I’m tping back to tping to Bases holy let’s check these guys statistics actually the real This Guy’s in hold on I got close this all right this guy is insane 20 days of Play Time 74 milon 101 million statistics

Captain 41 mil on SL 50 mil monies holy crap dude this is crazy bro yeah this Farm is crazy it’s pretty sweet dude pretty sweet kind of lagging though kind of lagging this may be like old old parts of it or no this is boneal never mind

Yeah pretty sweet dude pretty sweet I make like two m a night with farms uh TP Ralph 49 okay I’m tping a Ralph bro I’m tping up to Ralph put some chapstick on bro come on Ralph bro come on Ralph please please accept me Ralph Ralphie uh I hope he didn’t accept

Some random person I’ll take some Tans I’m dying I think Ralph might have gotten griefed bro all right TPA tamango players not online TPA Zoak bye bye dude guys you guys have a pretty sick base though pretty sick base uh where’s my bouncy ball bro where’s my bouncy ball oh here it is yo what’s good if if everything is AFK this Farm makes like I can’t read your last sign bro I cannot read your

Last sign unfortunately uh oh my God this looks good this looks good is there a lava down that’s kind of scary though it’s kind of scary not going to lie uh protection fours okay got books got books Anvil nice enchanting room nice enchanting room uh that’s wait is this pumpkin is this

Pumpkin crap why am I lagging it’s cuz it’s Zer up o this looks nice yes guys what do you think of this design I don’t know if this Design’s better it’s like I don’t I think it’s like the same density but uh can I fly around this this guy’s punching me for some

Reason all right good to see good to see crap I don’t think that was supposed to go in here how do I get down all right get through here bro crap that design is kind of doooo um the design the well the reason it’s I don’t think

It’s complete crap crap is because item combines but why do you have it spaced out by two rather than spaced out by one that’s my question crap bro I’m lagging so bad dude the Europe region is so laggy all right slash TPA TPA uh tamango players not online TPA Grio

Shark I’ll be a GMO shark what bro what I’m teleporting three two 1 give me oh give me a li back okay yeah I’ll give you the lter back hold on that’s my bad wait what what’s your IGN what’s what was his IGN I think that’s how much they’re

Worth cuz I’ll just keep it yeah that’s that’s more than what they’re worth right there you go um I’m going to put this in a chest though all right massive SE pickles lots of SE pickles bro that’s pretty crazy dude glass I cannot see right hold on

All right all right we’re back we’re back we’re back um where’s my end chest I’ll put this in here yeah bro this is pretty sick base lots of uh SE pickle how big you load it with shulkers okay that’s nice that’s a good idea saves a step of loading into

The chest first yeah it’s pretty cool base pretty cool base lots of SE pickles got 19 skeleton spawners all right T PA Vibes statistics grimo shark let’s see how he’s doing though he’s at 6.8 million on SL sell in four mil in total all right let’s check this guy’s

Base out okay um one issue is it’s like a little bit high up in the sky bro you might want to build a little bit deeper to avoid getting raided but it looks good you definitely want to build in deep SL ler it like helps you out so

Much sweet berries not seeing anyone use sweet berries four bucks I just made there it’s not atrocious bro that’s not atrocious it’s not completely atrocious it’s giving me more totems all right I’ll take more totems prolong my little suffering a bit more all right let’s see let’s see all

Right pretty big area mind out but uh yeah I definitely consider building lower because this is like kind of high up in the sky let’s check a statistics do 23k I’ll help this guy out what did they give me all right bro here look look look look look do ra V

Bro I appreciate the gift but we need to give you a better gift all right we need to give you a better gift uh shop let’s get you an end chest too let’s get you an end chest I trust you right you’re not going to Lo steal from me all right

Wait SL shop Let’s Get wait what is this this is a silk touch okay that’s perfect that’s perfect here I’m I’m not going to I’m not going to leave you with a crappy pickaxe too I’m not going to give you a crappy one I’m not going to give you a crappy

One Ralph said TP Ralph said my is wash okay I’ll I’ll keep repairing it up all right here’s a pickaxe go build a sweet base all right you need to you need to dig out at Deep slate level so your base doesn’t get raid and last a

Long time I would move this pumpkin farm too because it will definitely serve you in the long run uh but yeah bro sick base I like to see what you’re doing up I’d like to see what you get up to bro you’re you’re quite new you’re quite new

You made 60 count SL you’re not doing too bad for yourself all right TPA zygo MC all right bro okay I gotta keep T zigo bro I’ll T to wash wait I think I need to TP to wash de the Ralph all right is that you MC bro this

Guy’s CR wait did he get re no he didn’t get reefed oh no this is that’s his Cobble Farm I made him this Cobble farm this is like where I experimented he gave me all the money for it I wonder if it works very well

Wait sorry Zago bro but I need to set my home here so I can AFK this I hope you don’t mind because I I need Cobble bamboo Farm okay it’s coming along good this looks good this looks good um yeah bro your your farm is your Farms are

Coming along good how much bamboo are you making like are you using this for Stuff uh he just punched me bro he just punched me bamboo see what he has to put on a sign bro see has to put on a sign bro I love bouncy ball I love bouncy

Ball I should get like more of these so I can like juggle them crap bro I starve to death when I AFK your farm yeah it’s true bro that’s true I I don’t know how I’m going to solve that I think that’s solvable though it’s solvable with a regeneration

Beacon but I think we can do better all right yeah bro pretty sick base I’ve been here before though all right SL TPA SL TPA Do he’s not on line SL TPA wait no it’s a do pro oh come here all I’ll TP you your next priv this is this is his Cobble Farm bro this is the TNT one this use TNT but it costs so much TNT though cost so much

TNT yeah it’s pretty good that’s pretty good it’s pretty good is it is it just like but that’s like it’s like 400k of Sher of TNT if you don’t have SK or creep for spawners I gave him like I need to get I need to get some creeper

Spawners back from uh from what you call it so I can craft TNC myself see what he puts on [ __ ] on the sign bro I paid you 100K bro thank you appreciate that statistic zyo MC this guy’s on this guy’s like on Bop he’s got

94 mil yeah this guy’s rich as crap all right SL TPA I got a TP to prismo wait TP prismo TP oh yeah TP I TPA a Ralph bro he didn’t accept last time he didn’t accept last time I TP to him all right Ral I’ll TP you again after

This it’s a test for how much money it can make I’m going to make them in rows straight after each other when I’m done it’ll make 2 point to four mil a day all right using this design using this design okay okay yeah I’ve seen this design but I don’t think it’s

Compact as the other one I bu I build um uh but it’s pretty good bro it’s pretty good made some good good progress bro this if you fill this up it’ll make 2.4 mil a day that’s pretty solid this whole area is probably cleared out dude you

Got to take the resources though why you leaving the the resources for someone to come steal bro statistics Pros MCM 254 mil 800 okay I know 254k please money I am broke I have something better bro I have something better I’ll give you something bro I’ll give you something I’ll give you something

Useful um what does he need he’ll probably need I don’t want to give him super like good observers and stuff but he’ll I want to get something useful um this is what I can spare you this is what I can spare you I’m sorry bro but that’s all I can spare I hope

That’s enough Pistons bro that’s a lot of Pistons oh you already got wood um oh BR thank you thank you I will take those yeah um here well let’s see what I got let’s see what I think that’s all I can I can spare I’m sorry that’s all I

Can spare for you all right spiritual guy bro it’s pretty cool base I’m I’m excited to see what happens with this kelt Farm bro spiritual guy spiritual guy wait no I got to TP to Ralph bro I’m TP to Ralph every time bro Ralph Ral is Ralph actually going to

Accept me though that’s the problem Ralph said TP to me Ralph said my Ig is wash okay I’ll TP to wash bro I’ll TP to wash all right after this base yo ke my other pumpkin farm got raided so why not make I can’t read the

Next one I can’t read the next one unfortunately it’s bugged holy crap dude this is crazy this is long as crap are you going to put pistons and stuff over this he has rails under already bro he’s already rails under it already dude this is huge can you AFK this whole thing though

Um be honest you might not be able to um it’s a 100 times bigger and will make let’s see what it’s going to make bro let’s see what it’s going to make dude you might need multiple accounts to AFK though it’s like you didn’t build it at tall you built it

Uh like wide you know so that might be that might come to bite you in the butt we’ll see though um me Millions a day okay well I hope it does bro it’s pretty good statistic spiritual guy you’re up to 1.42 mil okay you got a prent amount of

Money decent amount in SL sell all right I’m tping wash all right wash you better ready to accept bro apparently this is Ralph apparently I’m getting to Ralph through wash um let’s hope he’s not lying I hope I’m not gonna get dogged on oh crap yo dude this is crazy dude what’s up

Ralph dude this is crazy bro they got they’ve got a noose over here bro they’ve got a noose over here oh my goodness don’t say bad and don’t be a per a person bad person I’m assuming dude this is pretty sick bro this is pretty sick D they got the gate

Uh this castle made by Ralph 49 BR he’s got the Terracotta floors holy crap Gil gilded gold bro that’s actually looks sick it’s like a little face right there bro little entrance way bro let me is there like dude it’s full scale bro this looks good this looks good Iron Golems

To Defender is actually kind of a good idea not going to lie Z MC’s here bro zgo MC’s here too all right bro let’s go up let’s go up yeah but this is pretty this is pretty sick oh bro this is an actual set base holy crap bro this is sick

The it’s not just it’s not just visual too like it’s actually a real base this looks is this is sick there’s more bro there’s more yeah let’s see let’s see I’m following you wash I’m following wash bro holy crap bro this is sick wait where’s is there any more I

Need to go up bro I need to go up yo there are a lot of people here dude how many so so many people here I’m going to go up I’m going to go up I want to see if there’s something at the top hey Kel do you still remember me uh yeah

Call I remember you you have been here since the beginning but I haven’t seen you in a while oh let’s go up let’s go let’s go up dude another room up here bro this is sick little Windows looking down at the courtyard bro bed covered in diamonds

Bro what’s down over here bro he got pet sniffers in here this is wild bro this is wild this base is full of crap um lapis looks good looks good is there something behind the painting nope I think it’s just a normal painting yeah it’s just a normal

Painting that looks pretty sweet looks pretty sweet let’s go up here uh is it closed off for a reason uh I think it’s uh it’s l up there I guess I’ll check this out all right this is the top this is the top it’s probably probably still work in

Progress but this thing is probably one of the sickest bases I’ve seen I’m going to be honest um yeah bro this is a pretty sick base bro Z going see I’m following you why you punching me bro why you punching me let’s see what you have to put on a

Sign bro let’s see what he I’m following you bro following you uh escap Axel was here Eden Phantom was here Zer was good upin was here was here here El was here bro there are so many people have been here kelp was kelp was here um 21024 Epic

Base all right bro there’s my sign bro I don’t have uh I don’t have glow sacks though I don’t have glow ink sacks yeah bro this is a pretty sick base BR how do I get in Oh okay that’s sweet that’s sweet it’s pretty good Redstone little pyramid

Bro this is crazy base though this is a crazy crazy base I’m excited to see what this turns out to be maybe I should build here maybe I should like build a little castle around here too build my some part of my my base yeah pretty sweet though do

Rifi all right rifi I’m going to you next this castle made by Ralph bro pretty sweet oh the it’s hidden behind there it’s hidden behind there yeah Ralph bro I’m pretty impressed bro this is sick that’s probably one of the coolest looking bases I’ve ever seen on the

Server oh okay this looks griefed he building a kelp Farm uh oh this is a justics base I griefed griefed base dude this is jestic base right oh crap bro jestic got griefed this is justics right you need to nod to me if it’s justics base BR C pickle is crazy it’s all Gone it’s all gone okay it is it’s justic base bro poor justic poor justic everything’s absolutely bril I mean you you should come through here and like try to mine up all this stuff I mean there’s still like Hoppers and pistons it’s kind of worth getting yeah bro that sucks though

Uh you lived here you lived with him BR that sucks though that you lost everything dude it is raining so hard outside my window it’s like like a tropical storm bro all right that’s unfortunate pretty cool base though pay do rifi we’ll give him 20k that’s all I can

Afford right now because I’m not super duper rich but I’ll pay you that because that might help you out a bit Vinci all right I’m seeing a Vince Vince I love my bouncy ball uh TPA grass boy please don’t ignore okay I’ll TP you next U okay sniffer in this white cage

Bro is he leash or is he free to R all right this is pretty sweet this is pretty sweet I like that you got sniffers pet sniffers got pumpkin farms connected is this glass here dude this glass dude my bad I cannot see any glass for some reason my glass is like

Off uh why can I not see glass that’s not good bro stop ignoring TPA bro I can’t ignore everybody I can’t I can’t TP everybody I’m tping everyone uh statistics Vince what is this guy what’s this guy’s statistics 4.8 million okay he’s got plenty of money I don’t need to pay him

But uh yeah pretty sick base pretty sick base pretty good progress to uh what’s what’s this down here what’s your col system yeah bro nice base you gave me more bro thank you thank you reflect thank you reflect oh he’s hatching a sniffer uh love the streams ke I cannot read

Your top sign unfortunately oh oh he’s he’s using white glass I can see white glass for some reason but this looks good bro this a little collection system nice little set of pumpkin farms nice little set of pumpkin farms I will not lie um I don’t

Know what this is yet I don’t know what this is maybe a sugarcane farm okay massive sugarcane farm nice nice nice lots of Diversified Farms lots of Diversified Farms okay that sign’s still messed up um but cactus F too bro he’s he’s experimented with a lot of stuff

Bro he’s oh he’s using green dye okay okay um yeah bro pretty sweet base pretty sweet base is that 4 mil a day or 40 million a day uh well it’s actually um I did the calculator wrong I think it’s going to make me 10 million a day

Maybe maybe a little bit more but that’s what I got from it yeah bro I can’t read this sign bro uh wait what do you what do you want me to do you want to raid it uh kelp was here uh I’d give it a eight out of 10

Bro uh well 7.5 cuz there’s not enough decorations but yeah pretty cool base bro pretty cool base Asian Jeff TPA I can’t TP that person doesn’t exist U um taming three okay that person’s not appearing vision replay okay at Vision replay L TP to you wait let grass boy one point he’s

Already rich sorry you’re too rich for me bro zombie spawner can I keep that bro thank you hopefully I get wait did I combat myself wait did I just put myself in combat if I died so be it all right guys I’m switching accounts because I I’m not going to die the iy

Just gave me a spawner so well if I’m dead I’m dead and if I’m not I’m not let’s hop on the kelp Talk account um I’m dead wait if you punch someone you go into combat uh you want to check out Summer’s base again not right now let me give it

Back you’re dead Okay if I’m dead I’ll go let’s see if I’m dead bro let’s see if I’m dead um yep I’m dead all right well Vision replay said he was going to give me it back so let’s see if he’s not trolling bro let’s see if he’s not trolling why did I

Log cuz I thought I could log and just not die but apparently that is not the case because I did die very unfortunate laau I thought I would trap you bro no you don’t need to give me your crap bro you not need to give me your

Crap uh I just need food that’s all I need let’s check Vision replay let check Vision replay STS 53k he been playing for 22 hours all right well he gave me all my stuff back he gave me the spawner back shop let’s get an inchest before I get actually trapped

All right let’s I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to follow him I’m going to follow him I think he has something to show me hopefully yeah I’m following bro oo okay okay he’s got like a secret entrance kind of risky but it looks good okay nice sugarcane farm nice sugarcane farm

Uh the rich was here base 4.5 out of 10 Dr No here five out of 10 xcc title of it title of it what does that mean bro um okay Cactus bro this is a single cactus farm honestly pretty fire okay nice sugarcane farm bro sugar wait is

Why do you sugarcan and oh you sugarcan and pumpin lead in this something um not sure what this is uh CLE Farm uh okay yeah diverse Farms a set of anvils what’s up here oh there oh yeah that’s the way out okay yeah I’ll rate your base I’ll rate

Your base it’s kind of small but it’s got a diversity of farms um I’ll give it a let me think I’m still thinking it’s a difficult one all right after a cons sentence I’ve come to the conclusion that is rated a 4.76 348 all right out of 11 point 47 six two all

Right that’s my rating um TP next person um dot all right let’s check wait oh wait he’s poor here bro build an build yourself an actual Farm SL TPA living villain all right dude okay this look good this looks good nice little small base BR got barrels Barrel utilization okay and it’s

A it’s a start let’s check living villain um 11k 4.5k okay this guy’s very new let’s check his let’s check his time played he’s played 5 hours well you know I love new I love to uh help out some new players so let’s get you an end chest in this base

Because it’s perfectly it’s like nice and low down right um what should I give this guy what should I give this guy I should probably give him some Pistons that should help him out that would help him out I’ll give him some iron so we can craft more

Stuff and I will give give him some bamboo that will help him I would drop him Redstone but I’m too scared to take that much out like a full Shuler of blocks because that’s worth a lot of [ __ ] money um I think that’s what I’ll spare him I think that’s what I’ll give

Him uh here’s some iron I’m running a little of bamboo myself how much bamboo do I have left I actually cannot give you two shulkers of bamboo cuz I gave him so much away and my bamboo Farm is not operational at the moment so I hope that helps you out bro

Pretty cool base bro yeah bro you’re very new you’re very new all right well I wish you the best of luck dude doggo 100 all right Dogo 100 I’m tping to you bro is dog 100 going to accept dog 100 going to accept Okay what farm are you going to make

Uh guys eventually it’ll be 40 million because I’m going to build this base four times as big as I actually am building it right now it’ll eventually be 40 million guaranteed if it doesn’t get raided uh but I definitely have to change the title because uh it’s not 40

Mil a day I did my math wrong okay this is sick let’s go down here okay nice real collection system this looks good it’s filling up fast here seven pumpkins for free uh bun of random crap bun of random crap yeah this looks good bro this looks

Good well doesn’t look good but it it it’s function functions you should mind up those diamonds though bro it really bothers me to see diamonds and crap in the walls um dude what farm are you going to make tell me you promise I I showed it I

Mean if if you need a quick refresher bro I’ve been building it all stream been building it all stream let’s see let’s see uh shop gear boom boom boom boom all right this is the farm I’m building it’s a kelp Farm it’s going to make me probably 10 mil a day all right

Let’s I’ll actually do the math let’s let’s think all right let’s think each module makes me 27 Stat or 27 times two stacks a day so that is times 64 that is every piece of kelp item I’m going to get per module per day well it’s also an

Undercut so it’s going to make me slightly more I’d say I don’t know how much I’m under I’m undercutting it but it’s less than uh it’s less than that so or I’m going to make more than that but but I’m just I’m just you know starting

Little all right and then I need to multiply that by how many modules are in my farm so I’ve got 11 by6 modules per layer and I plan to build 10 layers in total right and then the value of each piece of kelp is worth $3 and then my multiplier is

1.6 so let’s see what I get there one okay that’s it’s 11 million but I think that’s going to be up to 15 because I cut it so much I think 15 mil a day is kind of solid but I definitely did my math wrong when I was uh when I was

Making the title why leaves cuz uh walls don’t stick to leaves and that’s how the collection system works so that’s why I’m using leaves all right TP rice eater am I about to get TP trapped oh I hear villager’s using bricks to build yo what’s up a rice

Eater are you flexing on me your your couple blocks bro um dude why is this guy so poor bro why are you so poor why you have an iron pickaxe dude you should not be this poor dud 600k using an iron pickax wait did he build a

Farm wait this is not dude you actually built a farm rice eater no way this is Dash by the way this is Dash no he just stole this you just stole this okay yeah makes sense all right all right yeah D pretty pretty sweet base I

Mean I don’t think you built it crap bro nice cactus farm why you give me totems bro all right he’s giving me free stuff I don’t know what he’s doing he’s putting down a sign okay okay let’s see what it says iroll did okay okay all right yeah

It’s pretty sick base pretty sick base three modules back it’s four tall event today or no no probably not cuz I’m going to I uh don’t have it in me I don’t have that in me uh maybe maybe tomorrow though uh you can host an event in the

Discord though should host an event in the Discord I’m always shouting out the events in the Discord because there always some crazy crap going on like building events or some crap one-handed bouncing reflex Farm East profits reflex Farm 2 mil per day wait is this sum this is Summer’s

Base dude Summer’s base is actually good looking like it looks really good SpongeBob you got zombie you got villagers in here too ready um ice snowy I killed evi plume said that plume’s at this base okay oh okay okay oh yeah I remember there was like this massive

Staircase they didn’t have anything at the bottom yet though all right let’s see let’s see Holy oh my goodness oh my goodness gracious bro two SE pickle Farms ludicrously large oh no more cical Farms ludicrously large uh shurie Farm bro dude this like a this is sick Bro you have this whole staircase coming down eight IG spawners bro yeah this is

Sick Bro profits may vary based on your crop progression uh double chest okay okay I’m I’m continuing to follow I’m continuing to follow AFK Kurt aead destruction okay let’s come up here I don’t think AFK carts actually work like if dude I cannot see glass that’s kind of

Annoying dude why do I don’t think you should use an AFK card I don’t think that actually works I don’t think that works to improve profits I think you just need to stand in the middle of a 5×5 chunk area align perfectly oh crap pretty sick though pretty

Sick yeah I guess there’s more to show guess there’s more to show let’s see let’s see let’s see uh kelp should I start streaming uh if you want if you want to yeah I’m going to be honest this is a pretty sick base dude definitely some improvements

Since I last been here in terms of farms here’s two mil no way bro how rich are you bro he just gave me one third of his entire you know portfolio in terms of cash holy crap bro how have you made he’s made 3 milon cell bro I really do

Appreciate that I’ll have to use that for a event or something um dude he’s not even that rich though he not even that rich yeah bro pretty sick base bro The Summer’s base is crazy it’s got It’s decorated well this this part isn’t decorated but

I I mean it’s giant farm it’s hard to decorate but yeah pretty sweet bro yes FS Coral killer to Mill no way hold on I’m do some East 1 V ones dude let’s do some East 1 V ones uh if you want to One V one me on

East uh TPA if you want to One V one me I’ll be waiting uh damn kelp at 3 mil W don’t worry guys I’ll waste it all soon dude why can I not hit him bro all right I blame that on lag well I need to have a cat for every single time

I die rip all right this guy’s not even fighting me bro bro what go in the air bro go in the air holy crap bro I’m so bad gosh bro I feel like sometimes I just do not uh I do not like am able I’m like unable to hit people in the air

Like do I need to like wait for my sword to charge more like oh crap crap bro that’s not good how do I even end up there bro I just need to Anchor spam that’s my problem I’m really good at anchor spaming see there we go if I anchor spam or I’ll

Win yeah bro I don’t think I’m I don’t think I’m uh absolutely horrible but I mean like dude this guy’s really going in M yeah this guy’s way better than me this guy’s like so much better than me it’s actually ridiculous all right I got I got to be

Annoying see there we go hit him with some weakness still kills me bro he still killed me cuz I killed myself yeah I’ve got weakness arrows on this kit cuz some guy kept doing it to me so I was like okay can’t beat him join him here here’s an actual

Kit crap bro it’s not good go in the air bro what the crap bro bro BR I just took my dude dirt if you like you have to identify dirt and like go instantly go to it cuz it like it it breaks so much easier let’s go he killed himself all right

Well let’s get I’ll do one more fight I’ll do one more fight Dr onut I’m actually doing good right now bro I’m doing good cuz I’m not yapping crap that was kind of bungled oh my God I killed myself oh my gosh all right well uh thank you guys for

Watching I think I made some decent progress today on the farm bro I mean like look at the progress I’ve made uh hold on let me look at while I’m tping let’s look at some streamers to R literally no one is live right now uh no one is

Live Well sucks there is no one live on donp but uh what farm is best C pickle the best um so that’s the best one to build let’s go up to my uh walkway let’s go up to here and look at this thing bro I mean

This thing is massive bro this thing is massive here let’s uh I’m going to lower my fov might as well get a new screenshot the updated progress for my thumbnails and stuff I mean it’s pretty big bro it is pretty darn big it’s a pretty large uh area I’ve covered put on

90 so anyways guys thank you so much for watching bro um saw a lot of cool bases today you know Ralph’s was probably you know Ralph’s in summers are probably the best decorated um but uh thank you guys so much for watching bro and uh I hope

You guys have a uh well let’s see if anyone’s streaming Don SMP what’s the best way to get without uh basically mining bone blocks or buying it off ah uh but right now there’s not really that good of ways to get bone meal um other than skeleton spawners yeah I

Don’t think anyone else is streaming donut SMP so 247 joinable server okay yeah no one’s playing donut smpp live so I’m sorry guys but uh thank you guys for watching I’ll try to

This video, titled ‘Building a *15,000,000$ a day farm on donut SMP’, was uploaded by KelpTalks on 2024-02-10 19:03:55. It has garnered 2801 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:19 or 10879 seconds.

Description ————————————————— #cpvp #donutsmp #minecraft #live #drdonut #kelptalks ————————————————— Cane farm : Kelp Farm :

FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE ————————————————— Twitch: Discord: Twitter: ————————————————— Be Sure To Like, Comment, and Subscribe! Thanks for Watching! 🙂 – KelpTalks

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    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► Highlights ► VODs ► Instagram ► Discord ► Twitter ► TikTok ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

    Unbelievable! Bluey's Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey Plays Minecraft 11’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-08 09:00:07. It has garnered 1173 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:34 or 3634 seconds. Bluey Plays Minecraft 11. Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!

    DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Epic fight RPG mod /best mod/@DREAMISGAME’, was uploaded by DREAM IS GAME on 2024-09-15 05:54:41. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Tags:- quota movement, quota, quota andolon, quota protest, quota news, quota andolon 2024, mugdho, quota news today, quota reform movement, anti quota movement, mir mogdho, mir mugdho, bangladesh quota movement, quota reform movement in bangladesh, bangladesh job quotas, anti quota protests, mugdho bup, mogdho, quota reform, quota movement bangladesh, quota reform movement 2024, bangladesh job quota protest, mir mugdho news, mir… Read More

  • Galactic Network

    Galactic NetworkWelcome! So we tried to make it most lower ping server if you want you can invite your friends too and play with them and we try our best to make this server best and lagg free and in future we will add more things in our server so for more updates join our dc server. Thanks you Read More

  • MegatronCraft SMP Vanilla Whitelisted Survival 1.21

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! Join our close-knit, welcoming community on our vanilla survival server running Minecraft 1.21. Contribute to our new world and help shape our shared story with your impressive builds, redstone contraptions, and exploration. What We’re Seeking We’re looking for dedicated players who thrive in a lasting community. Whether you’re a redstone master, creative builder, or enjoy survival gameplay, come join us in crafting something remarkable. How to Join Apply through our Discord server at to become a part of our community. Chat with us, stay updated on server events, and let’s build something amazing… Read More

  • The server is under maintenance

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More