Insane 2 Year Hardcore Nukeri Achieves Rare Trim!

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Hey guys hey Lizzie hey Jack how are you guys doing good to see you both I’m just reading through some Discord things at the moment hey CER Ginger Rusty pickle I love still love your namey how are you doing pix it’s good to see you hi everyone it’s good to

See you all I’m over to my camera hi everyone oh my God wait I need to look down I need to like avert my gaze because otherwise I just look like I like I look like I am boys with uke like with the glasses my eyes are little [Laughter]

Circles let me take them off but hi Jordan how’s it going early for once yeah ow ow ow moving out shifting ow pain I hope you’re all having a good day I have not actually checked my Spotify wrapped yet I thought I might do it at

The end of stream if you guys remind me because we’ve got uh some look to look through from our Mega Adventure yesterday I ended up playing on it on my hardcore World off stream which is not something I usually do but I was just kind of

Like really really in the mood to fly around and get back home home I know I say like today was going to be that day but I was just like I just kind of want to get back and like chill out with you guys I don’t

Know I was just kind of in the mid to so I’ve loaded up the world I’ve set down all of the loot that we’ve got I’m really excited H but happy have a stream to chill too heck yeah it’s been a day well more of a week oh I’m sorry to hear that

Jack I hope that well your week gets better but um yeah I’ve not checked my Spotify wrapped I actually truly have no idea what my Spotify raptor is going to be what’s my hair doing today you piece of garbage stay down stay down you

Monster I put wax in my hair now and I don’t really know how well it works half the time because well I suppose it does work pretty well if it’s keeping everything as a mohawk but whatever but I got myself a nice coffee I am cozy today I’m wrapped up in my

Free hoodie I got from Logitech at twitchcon today is going well for me Gravity zero for your hair for real I know I think I maybe put a bit too much wax in actually oh well I’m I’m glad I’m taking care of my hair more than I used

To because you know before I got my haircut I would just tie up and be done with it like like I would only actually wash my hair every couple of days when I had long hair and while I think that’s what you’re supposed to do it kind of put me on

Like it it was just kind of annoying to deal with and this was like not helping my mental situation either so some days I would just lie in bed and just not do anything and go like I wouldn’t go for a shower that day just because I knew that

I would have to wash my hair and I know that’s really unhealthy and that’s kind of disgusting but like i’ I’ve always been up up front with you guys so eh like it was like a few weeks back I was not doing well mentally like everyone has those moments where they you know

They suffer at the hands of their own mental health and a few weeks ago that was me but um yeah I’m doing better now you guys help with that because you guys keep showing up to stream day in day out which means the absolute world and yeah I’ve just really been enjoying it

Lately um but yeah Spotfire rap day my favorite holiday I’ve not checked yet Mel I’m I’m thinking about doing it after not after stream like at the end of stream so I’m really excited for that if you guys remind me well make sure to remind me but today we’re going to be

Looking at my armor trims making a few copies because you know I don’t want to be using all of them and then jumping on do you want to hear my minutes yeah sure I mean I don’t have anything to Benchmark against it so to me it will just be like an amount of

Time I won’t be able to compare it to anything else I’m studying history and watching you at the same time let’s go I am like a great study buddy not because I help in anyway whatsoever but because I’m great background noise 331,500townhouse 13 days worth of Spotify this year yes

Why you know what I don’t I don’t have any judgment for that because you know like sometimes I would spend days with listening to Brown noise in order to get work done so eh that’s like 4 hours a day and play a lot of valerant don’t you need to

Be listening to valerant though to play valerant like you need to hear where people are Min is 0 minutes I don’t have Spotify fair enough what do you expect I don’t know not a like 2third of the year maybe right let me move over here let’s just start doing

This no do as swag As me well well so we have got a lot of loot so we have got seven shulker boxes worth of stuff is like some of them don’t have everything on it but like this is our trim chest and this is everything else that we got so

Yeah we’ve got a skull Sher we got some diamond we got some skull we got actually let me start with the gravel you know what let’s start with the gravel because that that was one of those things that I got so much of that I had to just start leaving

Behind so we have got how many stacks is that 11 stacks of gravel and that was from one Trail ruins that is wild all right let’s get rid of all the dirt as well I’m trying to take this like as logically as I can so I’m

Getting like all of the stuff in the same kind of category at the same time okay oh no I ran out of space wa hold on there we go much better did you do the full tra Trail ruins because I’m not even done with the first one I found

That I yeah I am finished with it we cleared it all out yesterday and we made sure that we cleared everything out and and I ended up not keeping a bunch of gravel as well because you know that was going to take me too long to find spaces

For it but well I it wouldn’t have taken me too long I just couldn’t really be bothered but like thank you so much for the hydrate I appreciate it is watch streak not working for anyone else or just me what do you mean when you say not working because I believe there’s

Something that says you can only announce it like once a month I think it’s a bizarre one but I think that’s the case with It it’s just not showing up at all maybe it’s based on milestones and I believe you also have to watch for 10 minutes first as well I think like to get a watch streak you have to watch for a certain amount of minutes aside from that I really couldn’t tell

It would be something that I take to um twitch support to ask about because I I know about as much about it as anybody else unfortunately so I’m not able to give you too much help with it how you doing I’m doing really good I’m feeling good stream’s going to be really really

Good because I’m I’m I’m feeling good and everything’s going well so I’m yeah I’m just in a good place today so I’m really excited to get everything done and unpack all of my all of my loot from my adventure which is turning out to be quite a lot

Okay is that all of the or and stuff H I think so yeah put you away gold lapis diamond Diamond Emerald with the iron go iron sweet where if it ruins my streak I’m going to be sad like this has it help for me yeah sometimes it absolutely feels like that I hope

That it does pop up for you or maybe refreshing would be fine maybe that might help it I’m not too sure unfortunately again I’m not too versed in it guess my most listened song um do I need to because I think we all know what it’s going to be unless it’s

Not that in which case like what what kind of a question is that all right how you doing C Elma I got the candles do I have a candle chest do I start do I start working on a candle chest I don’t know I feel like

Maybe guess how many times I listened to it 5 eight hi argon how’s it going such a handsome fellow on my screen shook you know what something that’s got me feeling really good about myself is actually like wearing these earrings constantly like I’m not like somebody who used to wear earrings a lot

I got them pierced years back but only recently because I wear headphones that you never see them but like the black and the white ones I’m just like yeah I kind of love it Like they little um Wings which I think is kind of fitting for my profile picture and character as a general sense so yeah but how you doing Aragon what have you got on today I suppose it’s a weekday so you probably got uni on wait where’s my shocker

Boxes for res listen to 16 days worth of music you think I have time for music when I watch this much twitch yeah I suppose the music does come with watching twitch so yeah between two weeks been two weeks since I’ve had a full day at home

Wow I mean yeah I mean should stop spending so much time traveling over to mine wait hold on one second let me do [Laughter] the I only listen to it 290 times less than I would have expected for you but again I didn’t take into the account that you

Get most of your music from watching twitch anyway so me where is the most famous Indian trade route I have literally no idea I like why would I know that I play Minecraft for a living damn it I well I wish I could well I wish I could help you with your history

Homework a Google is a thing and B I think it’s better if you have these like do these things yourself while I can try and point you in the right direction with it I’m not going to be giving out answers like that if I know them because that’s that’s not

Going to help you learn it no Aragon I’m sorry FAL learn it great now I have to do [ __ ] I have no idea oh well never mind then my most played song last year was played like 50 times really I guess the Elma just hates music and that’s

Okay you have to cuz I know the answer I don’t think that’s how that works guys let’s get some love and chat for C this thank you so much 11 months sleigh 11 months sleigh Oak hanging signs well I’ll take that down actually but let’s get you and you we got our

Disco thing how’s stream going it’s going really good we’re just unpacking everything that we got from our adventure yesterday and we have got so much I’m so so happy with like that it was 2 hours work and we got some incredibly rare things as well which is just completely

Wild so I’m I’m really really very happy okay now let’s go and put all this away I’m just clearing out all of the chest worth of stuff that I have now or uh Sher boxes worth of stuff cuz I want to make sure that everything is nice and

Organized before I go into start my armor building uh pomegranate eer thank you so much for the follow every time I hear the like every time I hear pomegranate I immediately think about that teacher who I still don’t know whether or not it was satire going now P grit

And I think I’ll be thinking about that on my deathbed like when I’m 90 and somebody asks me what the meaning of life is I’m going to lie there I’m going to be like one time when I was 16 I saw this video of this teacher who just really hated

Pomegranates and I still think about that every Day like it has no right being as funny as it is all right where am I going to I guess put this in here for just now I don’t have anywhere four bottles of enchanting so yeah oh I know I’ve had them before I’m a fan of them it’s just

Really really funny that my only memory tied to pomegranat is literally that Meme thank you link for the hydrate I appreciate It all right let me put bed away we got this to throw away as well there we go God I can’t even watch you’re just jumping I’ll join back when I get home oh okay what do you mean I’m just jumping I’ve only jumped 1,77 308 times that’s basically Nothing How could You I love stuck in the middle of nowhere a train out of here only comes every hour well at least it’s not like every eight Hours like at least you’ve got like I think an hour is not a lot of time the answer okay I mix her with all due respect if I can’t read a message I’m not going to read the message okay with all due Respect you know I’m actually going to take these out because I’m going to need to dry these sponges the spongers hi Matt it’s going good thank you we’re just clearing out my inventory from doing all of my well my big Excursion yesterday and getting everything put away in the appropriate

Chests including the chests which are going to go in this over here because chests go in chests I knew I just wanted to see see what see me not respond to a message and get irritated when you would send it more than once I don’t understand what you wanted

To see there why wouldn’t you have a chest chest well it’s more like um a wooden utility chest so like I’ve got sticks I’ve got ladders cartography beehives One Singular jukebox a loom Fletching table just on bookshelves chests and for some reason banners um campfires more lad armor stands

Bookshelves Ln etc etc did you change your streaming schedule recently yes so I streamed from 3 to 5 every day now because it’s less intensive for it’s less intensive for me and I feel a lot better like I feel a lot better being able to do them during the day when I

Still have energy and also um CA in my coffee because I was really feeling quirky today so [Laughter] woohoo you be impossible to catch your streams but now I can catch all the time well I mean that’s the that’s the only reason I changed my schedule so that the

Call and smoke could be at my streams obviously sneak we can go and put that away how you doing dude do I have a swift sneak do I not you know what now I do let’s go get a hanging sign that we got from the archaeology already putting stuff to use

Let’s go good just pop it in before a shower and get to the editing cave I was supposed to be in an Editon cave this morning and then I woke up at like late so I I ended up just not I ended up watching the new episodes of the squid

Game Challenge that came out um because I was talking about it yesterday God it’s it’s a lot easier to watch but I was like shaking by the end of it because I was so invested in everyone oh it’s so awful like on one hand I feel terrible watching

It is it good here’s my take on the squid game ChalleNGe Program it is good and the production value is really really well done the psychological effect of watching it is really difficult it’s a weird situation to end up in because you’re just watching it like you have no investment in

Whether or not these people end up actually getting it please don’t run for me I haven’t finish it that’s okay I won’t I’m just talking more about like I’m not talking about any specific aspect of it it’s down to like the final three with the episodes they’ve released

Now um and I I’m sorry if you count that as a spoiler I don’t but you know um I’m talking about like I’m unnecessarily invested and I hate the fact that I have to say I’m a really empathetic person because it just reminds me of the as an empath

Which is annoying because I really empathize with people way too often so like I will look at someone and be like I know how you’re feeling and I feel that I get you so it’s it’s really really I’m really struggling to watch it sometimes but I’m also invested because I want to

Know what happens cuz like I said the like the production value is really well done done um and like all of that all of the good stuff but again it’s if you’ve seen the clip of the guy like really really anxious and like trying to not throw up during

Daona it’s oh it’s it’s rough cuz I said this yesterday but that clip goes on and that aspect of it goes on for a long long time it’s it’s a lot to watch like you have to be in a good mental place to watch it cuz these are obviously all

People who need the money or could do with the money and I do genuinely think that the show would have been better if it stayed as fiction although it did lead me to have this really really kind of morbid idea but one that would be really interesting to see the

Reactions to people watching it and it was basically Bally a game show where they’re playing for you know that like amount of money and then in Squid game for those of you that haven’t watched it first of all pause the video and come back when you finished watching it I see people do

That all the time on like YouTube videos and stuff so I just decided to do it there as well but Um it obviously gets violent in the fictional show and I’m curious to see what would happen in a show where it shown off as quote reality TV so if everybody in this thing right now are portrayed as they are but then when it comes to like the final 10 or final

Whatever it starts to get more and more progressively violent or towards the fictional aspect of the show where I think that to see people’s reactions to thinking this is a real thing that’s going on because it’s portrayed as quote reality television that’s something I would be really interested

In but I think it’s a really really psychotic thing to want to see so if I’m a psychopath please let me know I’ll seek help not immediately because there’s like a fouryear waiting list with the NHS but maybe at some point I think we will get he and sneaky

And strategic but I don’t think there will be violence no I’m not no I know there’s not going to be violence in the actual show because that’s still illegal violence is still illegal but um like I’m I’m thinking of like an alternate universe where that was how it was portrayed so like they

Look like they’re real people fighting for this real money but they’re actors portraying real people does that make sense and therefore the audience would be the ones that that kind of have the joke on them because they’re the ones sat back watching this kind of thing it’s very

Like the way I could describe it as very Truman showes but instead of Truman like the people in there not being aware that it’s them it would be the audience not being aware that it’s them that it’s about them does that make sense hi Charlie we got deep real [Laughter] fast

So now we’re on to yeah now that we’ve done all that I’m so confused I’m sorry I tried to explain it as fast as I could so now we’ve got I don’t know how many how many sh shards did we get so that’s six seven 9 11 15 16 17 19 21 23

25 we got 25 shards yes yesterday sweet and we got two Relic music discs yippe I can’t believe I still don’t have them all how do we find the shards so when you are going through like when you are traveling throughout the world you’ll find um underwater ruins or in

Specific biomes you will find Trail ruins and in those ruins there are blocks called suspicious gravel or suspicious sand which you then need to use your brush um like that to uncover what’s in them and there is a chance that it’s going to be a shared it’s a pretty

Diverse loot pool like in the trail ruins I got things like I got the music discs I got um candles I got dye I got um light I got glass panes I got clay like there’s a huge variety of things depending on which structure you’re going to and that’s that’s also how you

Find the sniffer eggs as well but those are only in the warm ocean ones which is uh sand god I really just pulled that whole ass knowledge out of nowhere look at me go I know so much about Minecraft granted you’d probably need to

Since it’s my job my I’m like Ken my job is Beach but instead it’s in Minecraft yipp let me get a couple more chests because I think what I’m going to do is start a couple more of these have one for shars I’m looking forward to the update

Where I can break the pots and get back the stuff I made them from because CU first of all I really like how these are portrayed but then there’s also like there’s one hidden in there and I don’t like That so let me get some bricks and we can just make oh wait hold on I’ve got one so I can just do that but there instead and next one I am going to use an armor stand there we go hi Sher it’s going good thank you how are you and I need

To make some copies of these so that I can have infinite ones trim Cog you should be able to break get the shards back if you break it using a tool not enchanted with silk touch so F something that they’re adding in the next update is actually that ability um

So like literally if I throw us in the next update if I throw a snowball at one it will break and drop what the crafting materials were for it so that’s already being implemented um yeah that’s already in the next update right so for the these ones I need I need terra

Cotta and Terra Cotter for these I need Cobble deep slate for these let me just I don’t know what I use with a Sentry one wait hold on can I do this oh yeah I can oh it’s just Cobblestone okay at least I don’t need to think too much about it

Then because I can just check oh it’s Cobblestone for these ones as well okay sweet so we got that and then we just need Terra Cotter I need to find a way to get a diamond farm if that’s even possible H I think I’m going to go over to my

Desert area and get some more regular terra cotta cuz I oh God oh God oh God him I went to I was trying to eat yo is that Riley hi Riley how’s it going how have you been it has been a while what happened I meant to eat but

Instead I had my um rocket in one hand so I kind of did the you know the wrong thing Hello right wait what why are you not working hello problem solved cool 58 sh oh yeah yeah yeah I mean the number racks up way like really really quickly it really does rack up quite quickly when you’re checking into the streams which I think is really cool H

Let me just do that real fast has been a while and you are somehow still alive on the same world yeah I am it’s cuz I’m too good at the game my power knows no bounds and it’s called being afraid of going near anything Dangerous hey BK how’s it Going do you dare J hi dude I have four totems if I die in like 3 years time and you refer back to this moment and say the ti hold on hold on jinxed it then I’m going to be mad at You how are you today I’m doing really good things are feeling well I like I do these 2our streams now everything’s vibing and I’m having a lot of fun it’s just yeah everything’s going well today I really like your streams thank you that means a lot like this feels like a better time

For me to do less like less time cuz I for those of you that are fairly new to my community I used to do like 12-hour streams every couple of days because I wasn’t focusing on anything other than twitch and so it was easy to just prioritize doing that

But now that I’m trying to prioritize all of my content then it’s a lot easier to say that doing these 2our streams is amazing because I have high energy during it I’ve got you guys here talking and chatting and keeping me company during them because when I first made

The like jump to do these time like these this time streams it was a nerve-wracking to say the least because this was coming off of like my little mental Downer that I was on um it seems like every day it honestly might have been I’m remembering it I’m

Can’t remember if I’m accurate like if I’m being accurate with it or not it very well could have been every day like I think it maybe was every day that I did the stream but seems working well for you yeah and I really appreciate everybody that keeps coming

Out to the streams as well and like I’ve noticed that people keep coming back after a while not being here as well like Fe Riley I knew Riley years ago now it feels so weird to say years now at this point but like I first found out

About um Riley and Callin for that matter actually um in early 2021 I think and the fact that like like Colin’s always been around as one of my mates um not since early 2021 but like later on um and like it’s it’s just really really nice to see people coming back and all

That kind of stuff as well I just went into my class my class started to 10 but ended at 10:30 let’s go we get a low problems so the reason why I’m kind of doing like earlier streams now is because I used to stream at 700 p.m. onwards and this was usually

Coming off of like a long day of working as well and exotic potato thank you for the follow um this is usually coming off of like a long day of working on videos and editing and all that kind of stuff as well but now that I’m kind of like

Splitting it into like manageable chunks including streaming and doing content on other platforms as well and all of that it just it it makes me feel better because I’m not doing everything at like as a big chunk because it’s a much less of a daunting task that way is aium

Fabric or Forge I forgot I have it for fabric I don’t know if it’s for Forge or not um that’s something you’d have to check yourself right a stack should be good that will give me about 16 of each oh wait no I still need the diamonds for it as

Well and down we go 10 p.m. is a good time as it catches those who have gotten home on the way home from work yeah I know but it’s just like you remind me of Tommy in it so I followed I prefer not to be compared to other creators but I appreciate that

Like The Vibes are good enough for you to want to stick around for a little bit potato but in future try to avoid comparing me to other people because I am my own person and I would love for you to get to know me as that as opposed

To that guy who reminds you of Tommy in it cuz I’ve had that plenty of times as a content creator and I prefer to stay away from that as much as I can not because of like any animosity towards any of the people but just cuz I am my own

Person hey mads how’s it going you can’t tell somebody to go to sleep they’re enjoying my stream only I can tell someone to go to Street oh to go to stream no go to sleep no madzy you don’t tell people to leave they can leave on their own accord or I can ban

Them would you like me to ban BK you sound like someone from for hermitcraft great thank you what did I just say you guys God damn it no I’m not going to ban anyone mads the kazoom music in the background feels really appropriate for my stream just yeah just tested

My just test it in my vanilla decorated pot broke into its components with a non silk touch pcks oh cool I’m not going to go and do that now I’ll just wait this streamer reminds me so much of nuk nuker based who’s nuker who’s got two thumbs and it’s called nerri this

Guy I can only use one thumb but this guy mzy please if BK wants to be here let BK be here I’m sure you’re doing this lightheartedly but please stop Tim me time because my computer’s bad I’m pulling up Minecraft while having a twitch stream open really pushes it yeah I’m sorry Yes all the silence M’s well she can do that out with the twitch stream then your neckline looks better than average today to be fair I am wearing like a like it is kind of like a peach colored shirt so maybe that’s why thank you for the hydrate py I appreciate

It so that was almost a stack of diamonds oh God this is going to take so much realize I have a problem what’s the what’s your problem Then four of each I think would be good I don’t know why I’m making this many I really don’t need this many But oh I need a silence one as Well what were we up to today we are getting my armor trims sorted so now that I have seven different armor trims I want to actually finally sort out my my armor I like it’s been out for a while I think it’s time that I actually look at getting myself a personalized armor Set and I’m really excited for that e can ask how long do you think you’ll be able to survive in this hardcore world I don’t think about things like that because at the end of the day I I really don’t have an answer for that like I’m not planning on

Dying but if it happens then it happens you know I hope it doesn’t happen by the way but like if it happens it will be out with my control and that’s something I’ll have to deal with at the time when it happens but I’m going to continue to

Make this world the best I can for as long as I can and have you guys there with me for it you know and if you are here when it happens then you know you’ll be able to claim that you were here when nuk nukri lost his hardcore world

Right I’m going to get to oh what you know I have a website up hold on I’m pulling them all up because I need to see what different materials I can use and I’ll get them all together in a their own Sher box okay so we can use amethyst we can use copper

Diamonds emeralds I think emeralds may be a popular one gold iron wait hold on I have a stack cooking through there don’t breathe orange juice well chat as always is giving Perils of wisdom that nobody needs but everybody should know so thanks I think we can do

Lapis do quartz Hi bener how are you doing and we can do redstone and it’s thundering outside great right so we have got a lot of different options for us I hope you’re well Mr nuke I’m doing well thank you also Abyss gremlin thank you so much for the follow I love some

People’s names in chat they’re always so good let’s put the Torches away I want to have a lot of space in my inventory here because I want to be able to check everything uh let’s put the Terracotta and all that kind of stuff away I realiz

The sub badges are nuke how long have you been a sub the sub badges were something that we created a long time ago and I actually did like a long time back where you could get stickers of them um but obviously since then they’ve not been available although that does bring me up

A question would you guys be like curious to see more things like that cuz the subad is really old so I wouldn’t actually mind redoing it you know that’s actually really good so let me start with a helmet and then way we can check each one individually that shape I’m not really

Too big a fan of that actually so probably not that that’s actually not bad host is pretty good host is all right so is shaper wayfinder that’s nice as well hey chaotic actually it’s a mushroom cloud not a nuke well close enough so that looks really really cool

But I’m kind of wanting to go for more of a cloud a cloud Crown Vibe with it wait why does that kind of pop off though wait that looks really good and Coast Coast is really nice I think host or wayfinder for this one what are we thinking chat what about

Other materials as well I really like the gold on black although purple kind of looks like a Vibe this is stressful you guys oh my God you always make the right choices nuke well that’s not helpful in the slightest thank you H I really like the purple as well but

It kind of Blends too much with the I think I’m going to go with gold Tada would you be upset if I just started random sending random life quotes in this chat I mean not at first but if you just if that’s the only thing

You do then I guess it would get bit irritating after a while right well so we got legs next oh wait shoot it comes to a question of we’ll use gold again here for the example so wayfinder we’ve got host we’ve got shaper and we’ve got razor I think this

One’s called yeah we’ve also got coost oh that’s quite nice we’ve got Sentry and we’ve got God we’ve got silence silence kind of looks great what is your favorite life quote I don’t think about life quotes enough to have a favorite oh that’s kind of clean the diamonds really nice

Iron copper no amethyst no Quartz I really like the diamond I really like the diamond on this one what was the other one that I liked I liked Coast as well I prefer silence for this one yeah we’re going silence yes oh my gosh that so nice there we got our bits next

Let’s try silence first see what that looks like it looks bad kind of doesn’t look great with any okay a lot of these are like top of the boots kind of vibe H the lapis was nice it was but I think I wanted more of a vibrant color than a more subtle into it color you know hey tiger how are you doing welcome on in yeah okay so silence is not it for the boots so we’ve got shaper got host hold on speaking of

Host and push it somewhere else pyro is tired he is flopping in his bed like a pathetic shopping Red Cat I would expect nothing less sorry P You’re great welcome on in guys I have been kitting myself out hold on let me zoom in hi everyone um we went on

A 2hour Expedition yesterday for our armor trims which we have found and we have got a big catalog of including the rarest one in the game which was a 1.3% chance of finding in an ancient city and we got it alongside two other gold like

God apples which is crazy so we are just working on our 1.2% we’re working on our armor trims right now and I’m getting the opinions of Chad with it as well so we’ve done our helmet we’ve got the host with gold trim and then we got the Silence with

Diamond on our leggings look at him look at how fancy we are oh we’re shazzy little guy and it is currently actually being very thundery right now so I’m going just go up to bed but for those of you that haven’t been here before I’m usually better at getting up to my

Bedroom than this let me sleep to get the rain away so I can fly around and show you guys what well what I’m living in currently H Maxi sus thank you so much for the follow I really appreciate it I always feel bad when the people with sus in

Their names don’t get the Among Us alert and speaking of alert there is a 1% chance of getting a super follow alert but anyway this is my house well that’s my backdrop let me fly down here past all the bees and stuff and here is my house hey C how’s it

Going T so we’re working a lot on honestly just my armor we do 2our streams 3 to 5 every day now and yeah I’ve already posted some out of context clips of myself on Twitter and YouTube short so you know if you want to support me there then by all means go for

It oh and thank you for the hydrate I really appreciate it so we need to find out what to put on our boots and then we need to find out what to put on our chest plate which is not something I wear often but I still want to Kit it out with

Something so we’re trying to find something for the boots and I don’t particularly know what to do I might go with uh red Stone oh red kind of goes hard actually red kind of goes hard on the boots we might go Redstone with this one I think I think coost is my

Favorite wait what one was it is it host again no it’s not host I think it might be shaper or Coast that we go with what do you guys think I know it’s kind of small so it’s difficult to see that’s what she he said um

But I think I’m going to go with this I think I’m going with shaper n that looks I look so freaking cool you guys right final one we have got our chest plate I kind of want to go with amethyst for the for this one so it’s just a case of

Waiting and seeing what there is I honestly think we may be going silenced for this already because it looks so Good I think it’s got to be silence you guys what what other materials are there so there’s Emerald this is going to be a tough decision damn we got gold we got copper got lapis we got Diamond that looks amazing got red stone and we got quartz oh my God what about quarts Actually guys guys this looks really cool I don’t want to go with iron because that’s more of a dull one kind more of a blue ting to that one as well oh this is a tough choice though oh Man purple is so cool I I yeah amethyst looks slightly better to me purple for sure okay Chad seems to be thinking Purple I’m curious whether or not I can actually change them hold on one second I want to see if I can do this oh you Can I want to see I have one left so I want to see how it looks on me yeah purple you guys were right make an extra thing yeah I did I already have my catalog up here not to worry like this is that is my catalog of spare of spare

Ones so do not worry for a second I was not going to let myself run out of Silence trims they are so valuable to have right red stone no wrong place Diamonds oh my God I use so many diamonds for that wow you know what I really wish you

Could do though I wish you could put Trims on elytras wait can you no you can’t can you I don’t think you can I feel like I would have known if you could yeah you can’t damn it I want that I want that to be added I

Want somebody to make a mod where it can add trims to elytras that would be incredible I’m surprised they didn’t have that to be frank don’t you good yeah I know I’m sure somebody’s probably already done it come to think of it you don’t have a cape I do have a cape I

Just don’t have it turned on because yeah wow okay we’ve been live for just under an hour and we are now fully kitted out in the coolest armor set I really my favorite is probably the trousers like the leggings they’re probably my favorite we silence for two of

Them and the yeah the leggings look absolutely incredible I look so drippy you guys big fun big big big fun all right hold on to that because you know spare elytra always good now what the heck do we do now I don’t know I’m wondering if there’s something I can

Do with this area up here are the trims just for Aesthetics they are um I had a friend that actually coded a data pack where it would change it would give like an extra um effect depending on the armor trim and the material used but that’s not something I want to have in

My world because that feels a little bit too overpowered to have those things permanently so yeah now I don’t really know what to do now but I think something I might just do while I’m chatting with you guys is just go mining honestly I’m kind of just in a mid to go

Mining all yeah we’ve had a nice unload of the gear and stuff ow so I feel good this really was a Minecraft what do you mean hold on can I just yeah I can okay hold on one second just thank you feather falling I’ve seen World L I have feather falling four my

Dude and four totems leave me Alone yeah how you don’t I liter it’s y allo dramatic let me just put all this in here there we go but yeah I need a lot of deep slate as well come to think of it for the torch flower Kingdom as well as the amethyst Kingdom so doing mining like

This has always been really nice because I can make some aesthetic choices alongside with the mine as well when I’m finished with it I just like little things like making wooden posts along the way hey and I need to replenish my diamond my diamond count anyway there we

Go is a castle still being built I’ve not even started building the castle yet which feels really bad but it was one of those projects that kind of took the back burner and it will probably continue to stay on the back burner until I have a all of the houses done

And B I’ve done my Christmas project as well I don’t really anticipate the Christmas project taking me too long frankly but either way like I think when I design the Christmas project will be one of the oh will be one of the main time consuming parts of it cuz I

Want to make it right but in the other Kingdom yeah like these are long-term goals for me these are not like oh dear these are not things that I have plans to do immediately these hello these are just things that I want to do with this world and while getting them done sooner

Than later would be great I want to take my time and make sure that I’m doing my due diligence with the world and making sure that I’m not just rushing through it to get through it I want to make sure that the projects I do when I do them are things I’m passionate

About and things I want to give the best quality possible no no and so that’s why I spend a lot of time away from some projects like even the um the biod do that’s stuff that I’ve not touched for a while because that’s just mostly terraforming and it I don’t want to burn

Myself out with it because Gathering the skull takes a long time as well so yeah it’s it’s just one of those things you know where like and I would recommend to anybody who does hardcore or is thinking about doing hardcore to take your time like if you rush you’ll make mistakes

When you’ve got your totems you’ll get burned out these are just ways you can avoid that by having different things to go on with and if you lose passion for a project and you don’t intend to come back to it then that’s fine as well sometimes what I’ve seen people do with

Projects that they don’t intend to come back to is actually kind of make it into a ruin and make it Luke abandoned and that in itself can give inspiration for another project or reinvigorate somebody for that project which is a whole thing the jaxer thank you so much for the follow I appreciate

It also yeah we’re about to have ads they will play for 3 minutes um just bear with them it will be the only ad break since the start of the stream so just bear with them and hopefully we’ll be back in a couple of minutes I’m also just like going through

Lighting up this cave because I I don’t know I kind of have it in my head to just do that come here go the creepers always give me a bit of anxiety but I can I know I can actually take them all down in like three hits

Quickly if I do that properly hi Bri how’s it going V come on in oh God where did you come from sneaky oh hello now I missed that one oh I knocked it so far away it stopped wow okay the game heard you for real though oh I got a witch head

Sweet ow hello just quickly L it all up make sure nothing go spawn here that was a bab zombie but it wasn’t wearing gold so I’m safe fils are references there we go gold an apple yeah I’ll take the I just put some stuff away as well

Why not I put all of the Sher boxes I’m lost now aren’t I just jump over the baby a universally recognized sport by the way you die to spider yeah but everyone more commonly Associates the like uh like he died to the spider but the golden zombie did a fair amount of the

Damage so it’s more commonly associated with it which is fair Minecraft’s going to Minecraft Community is going to community you can swipe the chest play with the elytra yeah I could but eh I don’t need to I tend to keep my elytra on more often because it enables me to get out

Of situations better than having a chest plate on does and I never end up in a situation where I take enough damage for it to really become negligible by the chest plate if that makes sense hey shy bunny how’s it going is it thundering again it

Is can I get all the or on my way back I don’t have to come back I I don’t think this is the right way either I think this is just the way I’ve been that’s the point as well but I was say what you were telling me to swap my

Chest plate for my elytra and then I said no and you said yeah that’s why I am confusion but you know no shocker there this is me we’re talking about bit of redstone I’m good we had a 10hour straight thunderstorm where I am oh here’s the thing I know that Thunder

Is actually scary but I love it like I’m I’m a thunder I’m a thunder girly like I enjoy just sitting in and listening to the thunder and lightning as it’s like as it is outside if I were outside in it I definitely have a different opinion but whenever I’m inside and it

Starts I’m just like ah this is weirdly relaxing I mean I’m okay I’ve not been this way but going I sow it was snowing this morning I’m so angry it was snowing here for me this morning I’m so upset I just looked out and saw it I was like no you stop

That do you like the snow I hate the C well yeah no I suppose it makes sense for you I love it I mean feel free who doesn’t like the snow I don’t I used to love it but now I hate it when it melts it’s just awful slush and it’s

Cold and it’s wet and it gets everywhere and it’s just G just the entire premise of winter to me is just an ick now I don’t mind when somebody else really enjoys it it’s just not for me like eh zus is something that gives you money when you retire what in Poland oh

Okay well of course polish and inheritance is something I know about thank you I only enjoy ice skating in the winter the rest is me for me I like ice skating again but it’s it just it gets too cold and it gets too wet and I’m just like H it’s just

H I really wish I could like the snow but like it’s just not fun like one time um my older brother and his friends were having a snowball fight and I wanted to get involved so we were in this PL like this field area nearby to

My house and one of his friends snuck up behind me and bearing in mind I was maybe 10 um and shoved a bunch of snow down the back of my shirt he was an [ __ ] he continued to be an [ __ ] throughout school but I it’s just like every time I

Think about things like that I’m just like that’s horrible I hate W be that yeah genuinely an awful person I don’t know what he’s doing right now but I would not be shocked if he ended up in jail he was not a good person Hi Mas how’s it

Going like I wasn’t like the most bullied kid in school but I definitely was a target for people okay game which kind of sucks but you know that’s life I definitely didn’t get it as hard as a lot of people did but it was a it was not always easy for

Me so this game doesn’t like it I know it’s trying to crush me this time although I will say pretty cave this is a dangerous part of the cave because we’re now in a quite an open area and I’ve been lighting up a lot of underground areas so

If this doesn’t stay well lit then this could become an absolute nightmare two years equals um so 2 years IRL 4,230 in-game days I started this world in October of 2021 and yeah it’s been 4,000 days over those two years no thank you oh no why is there so much cave to light

Up I got so lost Mining and now I’m just yeah this is my life now hey poy how’s it going welcome on in I have two torches left I got to make them count when I say make them count I don’t know what that means I think it just

Means place them down in dark areas which is pretty much what I do anyway so anyway oh no oh no all right back up cuz I’m not going to start running around in the dark explosion of Creeper is so cool that is actually a mod that visually changes the

Explosions from creepers and TNT I really like it it’s a really really cool mod it’s good to know that I I’m starting to get to that point where I have people trying to troll my YouTube chat but failing are are failing spectacular yeah I’m not going to be

Saying that FP but thank you for coming on in and making it you’re giving it a real go over there there we go if I just find my way back up I don’t know how far away I’m going to be from my area is this literally the entire thing I guess

So you tried and that’s all that matters for real absolutely look got some in here cute I’m just going to yeah I’m just going to dig up or maybe I can find my way up hi KS how’s it going I don’t think this is going to go

Up any higher cuz this is the peak of the aquafer let just yeah we’ll head up from here oh nope NOP no come on okay thank you mining I brought so many sheler boxes down with me I like that I could see my house from pretty much anywhere now just getting

Ready for the day y nice I’m glad to hear that right let me go back down and let me get this sorted we got 45 minutes left so we’re all good not even a single [Laughter] problem I think it’s this way it only took half my health we’re all

Good I just stressing some people out there just come to flex my 41,000 minutes of listening to the Red Hot Chili paper papers Red Hot Chili papers oh I love that band kind of want with Irish for so I guess that’s just a red hot jelly papers you’re just trying to give Hammer

Ham cam a heart attack yeah I mean I think he might be on his way to me because of the whole snow thing but I don’t know what is this voice nuke I don’t know it’s Irish blame the Irish yeah also hey hey keyboard how’s it

Going sound like English to me oh that was definitely not an English accent you would know it was an English accent because after I was finished I would throw up I’m just kidding if you’re English you all right mostly because you’re hanging out here [Laughter] though no the language no it was the

Language was English the accent was Irish if I just randomly spoken a like in the Irish like um language I honestly I don’t know what would happen maybe accidentally summon a demon oh clean engl trying to make a joke oh I’m funny oh no it’s happening you’re not

Unfunny it’s just that your attempt there wasn’t funny but that’s okay because there’s always the next time that you can try and be funny I’m really really bad at being supportive you made the exact same joke a few days ago nuke so not only are you unfunny but you’re also unoriginal okay got

It you’re kind of set me up for that one I don’t know why you would do that wow okay all Right all appreciate you oh was that you from um YouTube under usable thank you for stopping in on Twitch I appreciate it do the legend I know crazy right the person who who I didn’t respond to on YouTube for being an absolute weirdo has come over to Twitch

To surprise be an absolute weirdo great so consistent we love that for you King bu an apple away are okay that’s song yes that is song we are listening to song right now right uh let me take this and then we’ll actually put these up in I put these up in the thing

B got to go grab some food all right see you in a bit I will say doing this whole thing like having my way up to the top floor in this world be with Riptide Trident has actually helped me get to used to using them so so quickly as well I mean

It’s been a while since I actually added these but it’s yeah they just work out really well for me I need to make more torches actually as well wait they were trying to say that they were sending was part of a song but it’s one I’ve never heard of and neither have

You so it’s unfunny it was just it looked like an attempt at sending um 18 plus terms I guess by splitting up the word and so I just I don’t really take kindly to when that happens cuz if a if a chat is stopping you from saying something you should

Probably listen to that chat because you know something if you got a an I remember yeah I don’t yeah I’m just you can be sorry but you keep sending it as if it’s going to change my opinion on what you’re sending it’s not going to change my opinion and I’d like

You to stop which is why I have time you out if people don’t respond well to it the first few times it’s not something you should keep saying sending okay oh wait no I did have okay I did leave the things in the Sher box no the Ender Chest even we’re all

Good and down we go what an unnecessary amount of damage I’m taking and I’m still on Two and a I’m only down two and a half hearts great so good at this game okay now that I’ve got that Back uhoh this is the annoying part of mining at this level dealing with all the water the lava even okay just throw yourself down the Circ G me a heart attack every time I’m sorry no I’m not that’s a lie it’s funny and I stand by it okay let me just

Ah come on come on come on come on there we go hey long time no see hey sleepy it’s good to see you hope you been good ow okay I’m on fire okay I have an idea cuz I want to keep this going as long as I Can I’m going to do here is just start carving a path through hi Ellies how’s it going nice hairstyle thank you so much I really like it and you know so does everyone else apparently Right this is get this is so unnecessary like this is such an unnecessary waste of my time but I don’t know okay hi reev how’s it going I think I’m going to start looking at getting mods for the YouTube chat I’m back with food let’s go I love

To see it what What food did you bring back and did you bring enough to share with the Stream that’s the important part right I think I know this song it’s um so these songs are all from epidemic sound so if you use epidemic sound for any of

Your content or if you listen to it at all then it may be something you recognize first time here no completely fine um so I do have a YouTube video that goes over an entire world tour so if you check out my channel then there should be one there for 3,000 days I’ve

Not got one for 4,000 days but that’s something that will I’ll do another world tour at 5,000 days to you know make up for that hi LXI how’s it going here we go you know what this actually didn’t take as long as I expected it to this is actually going

Okay there we go hey slime how’s it going good to see you there we go problem solved and back to mining would you have mod applications on Discord or would you specifically ask people to do it um I would probably have applications but if I see somebody active on the YouTube chat commonly

Enough and they’ve been a member of the community for long enough then I don’t see a problem with just picking people you really made that lava pool divorce pop off there you go hi Chloe how’s it going good to see you I’m just going to keep the mind

Going for some reason I’ve been going down this real like rabbit hole of musicals and stuff lately and one of them where’s wait where’s the Sher box oh I guess maybe I didn’t have one like I’ve been going to this real like musicals hole recently for some

Reason like I’m not even a big musicals guy I’ve just been like feeling really musical lately and one of them is six which is about like I think it’s like Henry VII and his Six Wives divorce beheaded died divorce beheaded survived that one um it’s been a hot minute how have

You been I’ve been good yeah it’s been it’s been a while and yeah we stream at this time now so yeah hold on one second just got to deal with this real first cool okay so I’ve turned follow alerts off because we’re getting follow botted um so I’ll deal with that after

Stream switch over to YouTube regularly if you need a mod for YouTube we’ll see I like I said I’ll ask my mods currently if any of them are comfortable taking up that um what’s it called that mantle and if we have enough people do like doing that

Then that’s fine I won’t need to get any more mods but it’s something I’ll do if I need to if not then whatever so you know regi it’s okay like I’ve dealt with follow Bots before I know how to get rid of them it’s all

Fine make not of the time take out any follows that came in during those times and you know why do you all want to be mods to keep the community safe follow Bots are a Nuance like don’t acknowledge them don’t bother just turn off your alert deal with it

After the stream it’s really easy to do and eh it happens people are sad and they’ll do stuff to try and create fake engagement on a channel and it’s just one of those things they end up yeah you deal with Y follow I’ve dealt with them long enough

Where I’m just so indifferent to them now like I know how to get rid of them I’ll do it whatever IO hi Jack hi honey how are you guys doing good to see you both We’re just mining for the rest of it also look how drippy I look wait I got my full armor set all kitted out with some wonderful what’s it whatever it’s called trims so now I look freaking awesome slay absolutely it’s what I do BK mads hasn’t bulled you for a while

I told mads to stop and they did so stop it it was a part of an English song from America and it was very popular and it is okay what if this is the okay if this is the thing you’ve just been sending the entire time I’m just going to ban

You because if timing you out is not enough of a hint for you to stop sending the same stuff over and over again when I’ve asked you to I don’t really know what else to do than just remove you from the Community I’m not sending it we’ll stop going on about it if it’s what you’re talking about stop going on about it nobody frankly cares yo nice I’m glad maybe we got off on the wrong foot whatever although you just seem to be hopping at this point on that same

Foot and I have no idea why okay hold on one second oh no I oh oh no whatever oh whatever would I do oh no my finger slipped I pressed the wrong button I banned a child oh no what a shame oh no guys can we get some 07 in

Chat for that guy in his favorite song ever really sad really sad really upsetting what a shame thank you chat yall are great whoopsies yeah for real I’d say won’t happen again but you know that’s kind of actually true because they’re probably not coming back anytime

Soon thank you for the raid invert I really appreciate it hope you had a good stream we’re just doing some mining after I sorted out my trims for my armor so yeah cool stuff yeah I used a lot of diamonds to get the trims and the duplicates of them so I’m

I guess I’m just trying to like replenish my um what’s it called stock of it and we do have follow alert off currently so if you are following um thank you but um I don’t have them on because we did get follow bed and I’m just making sure that they don’t come

Through and spam me but uh I think I missed nickel thank you for the follow and invert as well thank you so much I really appreciate it it was terrible gnomes everywhere no I think it’s kind of funny I just won’t keep them on if there’s like a little wave of gnomes I’m

Not going to complain all that much but I’m not going to like keep the alerts on because that just encourages people to do it more so eh pretty funny yeah I love the Gnomes the gnomes are cute I need to have like um a button on for it actually on my

Stream deck I think would be a good thing soon as I notice I’m getting follow watered I just click a button that just turns off all the alerts that’s actually really smart I should set that up afterwards thank you to the follow B for giving me that idea [Laughter]

Loser I wonder if me doing that actually hurts their feelings or not I can’t possibly imagine it is unless they’re a six-year-old child who has a very very fragile legal at the very least they’re probably acting like one so that almost gave me Christmas Vibes

Oh I need to oh wait what if I replace them with elves for Christmas how dumb would that [Laughter] be I have like little elves on a shelf that’d be very funny oh my God it did it did hurt their feelings they’re doing it again [Laughter] I actually heard their feelings chat

They’re doing it [Laughter] again oh good stuff that’s funny all right take note of the time let me write that down real fast that’s so funny man right it’s very funny lovely hi Matt how’s it going would you be able to pop a message in the um mod Discord to see if like

Anybody is wanting to take up the mantle of a YouTube mod as well we’ve had some lovely little trolls coming today first time in a while crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with trolls the trolls were very [Laughter] [Laughter]

Ugly didn’t even know YouTube trolls existed trolls L everywhere on the internet that’s mean are you going to tell me I’m wrong are you going to sit here and tell me that I’m wrong tell everyone my Coco No you’re so awesome it’s not you something I realize is that I can have

Restream up and just start adding people to the block list as well on YouTube so I don’t necessarily need mods on YouTube right now as well is your nickname supposed to be troll or ugly I’m going to go ahead and say yes thank you for the L Chloe I really appreciate

It I love that that happened that’s so funny and know was like like no like visual proof on stream of it happening because of the fact that I turned alerts off but that’s still so funny to me I heard their little [Laughter] egos that’s very good yeah you don’t yeah what yeah I

Don’t want no coco I’m sure you’re not also screw anybody that told you that cuz that’s awful D not yeah wow look I have an account that doesn’t dox me now this is amazing Matt I will mod you on YouTube in just a second actually how do I do

That can I do that for can I do that now if I can do that just now I don’t know how to do It I better not oh God gr that’s me you shut up add as moderator there you go Matt that’s your mod on YouTube now protect it with your life hey alarus alar Noe let me try and get this let me try and get this alarus Alarus nailed [Laughter] it hey Dober how’s it going welcome on in cook is super odd even though I’ve never seen them before but yeah yeah I mean everybody here is just super super attractive because you know you’ll have the personalities to stick around here no idea how to do this about yes

I’m well don’t say that what’s your biggest project on this world um oh good question um I’m not too sure if you want to check out my um YouTube video though I’ve got a World Tour up there if you do exclamation tour you can check that out

How can I get moderator on your channel by being an upstanding member of the community consistently and constantly okay one second cool and then we done for this for today I cannot install the Shader for the life of me oh that’s a shame hey rahad how’s it

Going what to the Among Us um so I have a follow alert it’s off at the moment because we’ been getting follow bed a bit today but um I have an alert that will give people a random um well a random follow alert but uh one

Of the follow alerts is one of five different colors of an Among Us character appearing in the bottom right so yeah M hi bjer hold on let me just log up back onto the YouTube is this AOW I’m not making any I’m I’m not saying anything cool I need to quickly sort something

Out as well hold on yep all good there what’s the time as well 15 minutes or so sweet oh Elma my God you that’s so funny n you guys that’s so funny it’s not healthy to follow people to different platforms C Elma I’m just saying that’s not a very healthy

Response kind of parasocial of you have you gotten your Spotify wrapped yet nuke oh no I was going to do the end of the stream I just write down another time it’s follow botton again I love how much I just hurt there such fragile Eagles that they’ve decided to do this so

Constantly that’s so funny to me there we go the only healthy version of it is following n to other platforms based very based so true there we go let me see I can I how do I check my Spotify wrapped it’s not showing up on my desktop for some

Reason what are you but what do you think about country what country yeah I don’t have my Spotify wrapped and I don’t know where to oh wait what’s new nope that’s hm not sure you have to it on mobile oh god okay right let me see what my most

Popular stuff is then let’s do This How far down do I have to Go Uniquely Yours nope that’s repeat rewind that that’s audio books for you Indie for every mood can I just look up wrapped oh you’re wrapped yeah okay that’s loud okay 2023 Was A Feast for your ears you listen to 50 genres okay this year you’re listening to C

Places great I’ve stayed in my room the whole time that’s not very helpful thank you for reminding me of that Spotify Great thanks you’re great you played 2,4 71 songs in 2023 what top song was futon by aa oh wow okay you know what that it kind of does slap fair Point but you had room you had room in your heart for more than one favorite wait I did oh ah no these are yeah these are all slaps uh so stay with me by better love chicken by your neighbors that’s it’s a really good song oh it’s

Already gone now wait hold on oh whatever I’ll I’ll post it on YouTube not YouTube Sorry Panic MOA up there I don’t think so time is a construct but we kept track anyway you listened for 90,0 and10 minutes that’s 62 days look at me go your Peak on 10th September with

1,432 minutes wait that’s literally every but eight minutes of the day that’s so funny got some concerned AP up there your top artist concerned ape top 0.5% I suppose I did do a few sabatons this year that makes sense it’s a lot of star Music YouTube music not Spotify okay that’s okay Peak listening month for March for concerned ape Rex Orange County number two in September Toby fox in March love joy in March and Bad Suns also in March your top artists were concerned a Orange County Toby Fox love joying bad Sons

Cool someone’s on the other line what’s this one moment please what’s this what’s happening we’re turning off the lights no don’t I need that lighting for my camera what the way you listen to this year makes you a hero what or maybe we should say anti-hero oh time traveler

What have we met before you travel back in time and listen to songs on repeating again and again the best tracks never get old why does that feel like a call out why does that feel like a call out same time next year well sure why

Not you know what that kind of that’s fine with me top top genre is Indie which I kind of saw coming that kind of makes a lot of sense to me that yeah that makes plenty of sense to me sweet okay right I think on that note I am

Going to head off I need to quickly note down the last times for those follow Bots coming in and to anybody that did follow during this stream make sure to just you know come back another time and refollow if it if you do end up getting

Removed oh Ed I’m sorry I am ending make sure to come back again though I am going to go and raid out to somebody on Twitch I’m not sure who’s live right now but in preparation for that go and get the copy copy and paste the raid

Message um first one if you have the emotes why is only one come through hello there we go first one if you’ve got the emote second one if you do not again a huge huge huge thank you for everybody that showed up today just stay for the 2our mark wait why you’re saying

Please as if it’s really important Why does YouTube get into the void I think YouTube just goes into the void yeah if you’re over on YouTube come and join on Twitch we can send you guys off to another amazing Channel I don’t know who’s all live right now so we’re just checking can I suggest someone um I’m

Going to see for myself who’s all live just now and then maybe after that CU I like to be able to raid out to people who have maybe not raided before um or people who have not raided in a while so I’ll stick with that for just now not that person they’re problematic

Uh who have we got I like seeing that and saying that and then I don’t get to say it to anyone because it’s not really a well-known thing but it’s kind of funny anyway because it’s not a huge thing but it’s also kind of funny just somebody stole

From a bar in Paris and I’m just like okay well that’s toxic is this thanks Nick you’re very welcome guys twit is a corrupt company yeah it is but also at the same time it gives me my job so I kind of have to do what I

Can to do what I can on different platforms but yeah yeah it’s a whole thing this person seems lovely well actually their name is literally lovely Gracie so we’re going to raid into lovely Gracie who is different than you know Gracie that we know but I want you to send a lot of

Love over to them the government taxes the homeless um I don’t have any reference for that I live in the UK I don’t know what government you’re talking about I really am sorry it’s not something that I know why we’re talking about at the end of my stream um so

Yeah I’m here for Good Vibes and Minecraft I don’t like getting overly political especially when it’s talking about stuff like that so yeah I’m sorry but we are going to raid out I believe that’s right yes it is lovely well thank you guys so so much for being here I really

Really appreciate it h I’m going to go get rid of the follow Bots easy [ __ ] basically So yeah thank you guys so much for being here thank you again for the huge raid from pyro and to everybody that is here I will see you all tomorrow for the next stream okay bye guys

This video, titled ‘2 Year Hardcore! 4230+ Days: THE RARE TRIM’, was uploaded by Nukeri on 2023-11-30 05:34:18. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:05 or 7085 seconds.

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My Long term Hardcore Minecraft world has been going for over 2 YEARS!!! Enjoy 🙂

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  • Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans

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  • Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness

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  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

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  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

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  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

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  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

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  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

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  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

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  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: Discord: Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!Looks like someone didn’t get the memo that we don’t need any more DURING Minecraft Live! The score of 36 just proves how much this meme is overplayed. Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More

  • Parotter’s Minecraft Meme Madness

    Parotter's Minecraft Meme Madness I guess you could say this parrot is really “winging” it with his Minecraft dubbing skills! Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE TRANSFORMATION! A HUGE HOLE | Minecraft City Build Pt. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIG HOLE | Minecraft – Building A City Pt. 15’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-08-28 15:55:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:05 or 13565 seconds. Earlier stream today, starting a stream later tomorrow instead!! Read More

  • Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps – Minecraft Ep.12

    Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps - Minecraft Ep.12Video Information This video, titled ‘💥 What’s inside a Creeper? Cartographer Maps, Zombie Horde, Wrong Directions! – Minecraft 1.21 Ep.12’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2024-08-14 19:00:29. It has garnered 2055 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Modded Minecraft CasualCraft 1.21 gameplay / let’s play / playthrough with Waffle! CasualCraft is modded Minecraft 1.21 more relaxed – no big challenges / hardcore / 100 days. ▶︎ Be sure to LIKE the video if you enjoy! 👍 ▶︎ Join the 🧇 Syrup Squad to get your name in my outro, access to our… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #Insane

    🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #InsaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aku Bermain Bungul RPG 10 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cepu on 2024-08-03 19:10:45. It has garnered 156 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:13 or 6253 seconds. I Play Bungul RPG 10 #shorts Don’t forget to click subscribe to support this channel #minecraft #minecraftrpg #minecraft100days Discord: Those who want to sawer: Social : Instagram : @cepe100 / Facebook :… Youtube : Steam : Want to send an email: [email protected] Enjoy!! Thank you very much to those of you who have stopped by and subscribed to… Read More


    HEROBRINE GUIDES ME TO AFTERLIFEVideo Information This video, titled ‘(horror minecraft) herobrine is here. i am 45 years old. he guides me to afterlife.’, was uploaded by FOCUSS on 2024-08-03 21:03:48. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:19 or 12019 seconds. MODPACK IS FEAR NIGHTFALL join tha dizzy: this (probably) wont be made into a video Read More

  • Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join Now

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  • “10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind” #viral #cars #v8

    "10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind" #viral #cars #v8Video Information This video, titled ‘bro just turn to v8 engine #viralshort #carslover #v8 #yt shorts’, was uploaded by vt entertaintment on 2024-08-23 15:12:26. It has garnered 120 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. shorts trending viral help herobrine love viralvideo shortsviral youtubeshorts minecraft minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short funny memes memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea ytshorts herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear oreetv help herobrine… Read More

  • Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱

    Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘【Hololive Vietsub】Giáo viên Calli dần cảm thấy bất lực =))’, was uploaded by Thế Giới Ảo on 2024-04-09 11:30:10. It has garnered 2910 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Wewewo wo wu Nguồn: 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Time: 51:27 ——————————————- —————————— Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN: @MoriCalliope Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN @KosekiBijou ——————————————– —————————— #moricalliope #hololive #hololivevietsub #vtubers #vtubervietsub #calivietsub Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by Nytrogen

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by NytrogenVideo Information This video, titled ’21 INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Myths’, was uploaded by Nytrogen on 2024-07-26 23:03:47. It has garnered 1134 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. In this video, I go over some of the most interesting, questionable, and flat out unreasonable myths that emerged from the new 1.21 Minecraft update. This update added a lot of items, mobs, and blocks, which made people start to experiment with them a lot. This led to some very odd uses and features that these items have. However, not all the myths were true…. Read More

  • Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shorts

    Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Warden Scary Meme #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftnoob #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-03-17 15:18:12. It has garnered 1616 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. #cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitidedas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven #brookhavenrp #mineceaftshorts #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #mcpehindi #minecraftindia #minecraftmeme #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #dream #technoblade #wilbursoot #tommyinnit #georgenotfound #minecraftclutch #technogamerz #carryminati #yessmartypie #loggyhindustanigamer #chapatihindustanigamer #himlands #himlandss5 #himlandsnewseason #blackcluegaming #shorts #funny #gaming #minecraftjava #anshubisht #rlcraft #crazycraft #trending #trendingshorts #bbs #beastboyshubminecraft #beastboyshub #ytshorts #mcpememe #trends #fyp #viralshorts #viralvideo #viral #dantdm #pewdiepie #markiplier #prestonplays… Read More

  • GreenCraft SMP – Semi-vanilla, Cross-Play, 1.21, Dynmap

    Welcome to GreenCraft SMP! We offer a Nations SMP server with frequent events: We provide Nations where you can claim land, Cross-Platform access for Java and Bedrock players, Minigames, Events every 2 weeks, Collectable Maps, safe Land claims, and a community-focused approach. Join GreenCraft SMP today! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Bedrock Port: 8182 Add GreenCraftSMP as your friend or join our Discord for updates: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What in the blocky world

    Minecraft Memes - What in the blocky world“Looks like that meme just leveled up to a 5-star rating! Must be pretty OP.” Read More

  • Mother-Son Reunion: Minecraft Edition! 🔥😂

    Mother-Son Reunion: Minecraft Edition! 🔥😂 When you try to reunite a mother and son in Minecraft but end up accidentally trapping them in a never-ending game of hide and seek. #minecraftmishaps #lostinthecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness

    Minecraft Meme Madness The Chaos of Minecraft Redstone: A Hilarious Tale Imagine setting up a complex redstone contraption in Minecraft, ready to showcase its magical workings to your friend. You confidently press the lever, expecting a door to elegantly slide open. But instead, your friend decides to unleash chaos by destroying everything in sight…literally! 😂 Friendship Tested by Iron Blocks As the lever is pulled, you watch in horror as your friend gleefully smashes the iron blocks that were meant to form the door. The carefully planned redstone circuitry is now in shambles, and all you can do is laugh at the… Read More

  • Coffin Bed Build Tutorial in Minecraft

    Coffin Bed Build Tutorial in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft: Building a Coffin Bed Tutorial Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to create and build almost anything they can imagine. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. One unique and intriguing build that has caught the attention of many players is the Coffin Bed. In this tutorial, we will delve into the steps needed to construct this eerie yet fascinating piece of furniture in Minecraft. Building the Coffin Bed To begin constructing a Coffin Bed in Minecraft, players will need to gather the necessary materials. This includes dark… Read More