Insane 2b2t Minecraft Monday Crew Stream! Watch now!

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What is up guys we are back on 2b2 T the oldest server in Minecraft or the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft and look at that there’s a a slime at spawn and uh we are just going to do the same of what we’ve been doing we’re

Going to explore we’re going to see some old ruins we’re going to hang out we’re going to chill it’s going to be a lot of fun it’s going to be a lot of fun um so yeah welcome to everyone who joins and uh let me just adjust my

Settings and now I think we’re good I think we are good so looking forward to seeing who comes through today it’s a Monday the best day of the week of course of course we all love Mondays who doesn’t love a good Monday um honestly you know Mondays can

Suck kind of but uh I’m so quiet really what’s going on am I really really quiet hello hello hello Meg am I really really quiet uh what’s going on there then can you hear me now is it working are we good oh you just turned up your

Volume could be a thank you Meg thank you Meg what’s up Dee you got me all panicked then I was like I’m sure like I checked and triple checked everything get get that adrenaline going ready for the stream I appreciate that you you were doing it for a reason you

Were just get getting me going I appreciate that thank you Meg epic epic stuff right good morning what time is it here it is 10- 6: p.m. what’s up nun for you yeah keep me on my toes I like it um right where are we going you know what didn’t we go this

Way last time we did go this way last time it’s extremely tricky when I I have no mini map or quarts or anything on the screen but it’s fine so we are going going to go we’re going to go this way today yes this is the way so let’s make our way this

Way and wow we got a few people joining already welcome everyone we are on 2b2 T yes it’s the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft there’s no other way to say it I I wish it wasn’t the same but it is the same it is the same uh I hope

Everyone’s doing really well may we’ve had a really good Monday what the hell is going on here ooh look at this this looks nice obviously a very new build here because we’ve got the crying obsidian and uh well very very interesting very very interesting um and uh yeah I mean what

Is going on here so I I’m just trying to get into a good position I want to travel on a different Highway today uh I’m pretty sure that we’ve gone South with gone North So today we’re going to go west so we need to go let’s go south first let’s go south

First and uh then we can jump on the highway oh we can’t if this is here project what was this called linked Horizon there we go my geeking has escaped me for 130th of a second there but we’ve got it back linked Horizon failed there I got through it but it

Wasn’t the intended target so it’s absolutely fine hi Resa how you doing uh hi to you as well what’s up Hank what’s up Hank how you doing um right let us get into position I’m doing good today Rosa how are you doing how are you doing you having a

Good Monday I hope so Mondays are okay there’s nothing wrong with a Monday you know especially when it’s almost over especially when it’s almost over look at this beautiful spawn wow this is great I’ve got really good render distance everything’s working really well I’m so happy I’m so happy meteor who knew it

Was going to be meteor that was save today save the day I always used to joke that it was ratted but it’s actually completely saved my game so there we go hey Rapha glad to see you here glad you love the server we’re going to show

You all the cool stuff that we’ve got going here all the cool things going on so right I want to go west all I all I know is the direction I’m going I do have coordinates on another screen but they don’t update in real time so it’s

Uh it’s pretty tricky so yeah it’s quite hard to know what’s going on I have asked one of the client developers whether we could have have pop out cords on a separate window and that updated very quickly that would be super hype but we’ll see what they

Say so today Meg we are just doing our normal thing we’re going to explore spawn look at what’s going on and just have a little chitchat really show off some hacks to some people that aren’t really familiar with hacking show off 2b2 just show off the chaos you love to

See everyone loves it it’s such good fun um Monday is actually the middle day for us in Iran well that’s interesting I quite like that I quite like that so um sup seesaw yes exactly exactly please send cords well I mean it’s not that hard to

See where we are at the moment okay um but what we do need to find is the highway and I do believe it’s just over here such as it’s going to be uh I don’t think it’s going to be much of it but it should be around here it should be

Around uh here what no it should be this way oh God it’s so hard it’s so difficult to travel without cords on the screen okay so I think this is our highway so now we need to go westest West is the way that we’re going today uh yes I think we’re on the

Western Highway now I think we’re on the Western Highway now you know what it it’s it’s close enough it’s close enough I I say I have Cs on another screen on the journey map uh full screen but they don’t update in real time so it it’s very difficult to

Figure out what way you’re actually going um you going find me you’re going to get a book ooh uh oh someone’s being killed rescue rescue rescue party we will save this man smoke bomb that’s a pretty cool name oh I want to book from this guy not doing a very good job rescue

Rescue should we just kill him now just like I think it’s a bot is it is it a bot I think it’s a bot never mind let’s get out of here let’s get out of here we saved him and he can’t even say things we got a lot rot fresh rotten flesh from

There hey Tori yeah the server’s 1.19 now 1.19 we updated last August um it’s uh it’s good times it’s really fun so we get oh the netherite drip oh the Epic Beast the epicest Beast is this Mr BEAST’s old account is this Mr BEAST’s Al account I don’t know

If it is take one of those a ren gapple going to go for a stroll do you want to come with us Mr BEAST’s going to come with us Mr BEAST’s going to come with us oh it’s like that is it what the hell do you want it’s like that is it

Okay fine I thought we’re going to be in a Mr Beast video we’re obviously not we’re obviously not he’s still he’s still following us Um what hack client uh Russia hacking meteor I’ve got it up on the screen hopefully you can see that yeah Russia and meteor Russia and meteor Russia hack and meet to your client I’ve got it up on the screen I wish I could make them a bit bigger Russia and

Metor can you use cheats no no hacking in 2b2 t we are not allowed to hack can someone ban Meg please no no no hacking uh what’s good about meteor well it’s free for one thing um but it has some good modules it does have some good

Modules um really it’s kind of the best free option o is that a uh can we trigger this can we trigger this that would looked so cool that would have looked so cool but he’s not playing ball he’s just chilling it’s fine the Epic Beast is still there oh

He’s going to go into a portal is he Mr Beast follow us follow us the name is cut off really let me uh let me just check my stream let me just check my stream let’s check the Stream all right we are live oh it is a little bit cut off you’re

Right it is a little bit cut off let’s how should I do this if I go like that and like that that should fix it it’s so weird it looks very diff a little bit different on the phone yeah I think that’s fixed it I think that’s fixed

It what’s up Patty I see her hack it should say Russ a hack now I’ve updated it uh yeah I just checked it on my phone let me just check it one more time yeah is it really really yeah it’s good now I’ve checked it I’ve checked it if

It still looks bad you’re on some sort of cursed phone and I can think you should consider upgrading that’s my advice anyway you’re on some 2011 Nokia or something like that time to upgrade time to upgrade yes vertical stream today what the hell is this vertical Upstream vertical stream

Again the Epic be this guy is like following us with we’re actually watching a noob Escape spawn live this is crazy we’re like it’s like a a documentary we’re like a fly on the wall like David Ator and the noob escaped spawn using the Western Highway go on then go go go

I’m getting close to killing you let’s just let’s leave him alone let’s leave him alone I can’t kill him not live on stream that just looks too bad I think that just looks too too bad you should take the southern Highway we we’ve done that one we did that one although it

Doesn’t really matter we could do it again but today I just wanted to go a little bit more West a little more West um I think we’re exactly on the highway now I think we’re exactly on the highway close enough anyway I never Bri I thought 22t got

Shut down no no we are up and running it’s as crazy as ever look at it look at just take it all in just take it all in um we’re going to do a lot of it on foot I like to walk like to really get the

Atmosphere you just fly all over this and you you just got to take it all in sometimes just got to take it all in sometimes hey size more no problems glad to see you here uh what is this crazy stuff what is this crazy stuff going

On let’s just chill we’re just going to walk we’re going to chill we’re going to relax have a good time let’s going on down there wow look at that never would you have thought you’d see something like this under 2b2 T spawn look at it wow that’s a very nice

Dripstone cave I think you call those I mean where would you expect to see that above ground and then that below ground jeez that is uh that is pretty pretty crazy is pretty crazy but um yeah we’re just chilling we are just chilling just going to wander around see

What we can find just take it all in I mean yeah all of the 1.19 stuff is fairly well intact and we are very close to spawn still so um yeah it is quite amazing that those things haven’t been griefed it is quite amazing maybe we can find some little

Stashes today we found a little one on the last stream we were a little bit further out but it would be nice to find some some goodies um I don’t know what’s going on down there oh we got a Wither that’s what’s going going on down there a friendly little

Wither they’re all friendly on This Server all the withers are really friendly here they really are let’s just chill all this crazy ice I don’t know what’s going on here to be honest think get normally we just kind of fly over this stuff so uh and again that’s not what you think it

Is that was the symbol of a group from 2015 to about 2019 called The Vortex Coalition um so yeah that is not a uh pin wheel of friendship it’s not one of those and uh what we got going on over here we got like an obsidian Castle type build go give it a

Hug beautiful vocals will over spawn oh it’s Jerry Jerry Jerry here he is I have been stream sniped I have been stream sniped it’s fine supposed to have a list of actually who’s around uh entity list there we go working perfectly oh there he is working

Perfectly uh let me just get rid of some of this crap didn’t Jerry say he wanted a book no book I think I’ve got some books actually stay right there stay right there Jerry is cool 12 oh someone else is here be quick someone else is oh it’s just the

Epic Beast again it’s just the Epic Beast again there we go there we go right let’s uh let’s carry on good to see you Jerry follow us if you like we’re just going to be walking walking around IIs the something Interstate Society right they used to look after the highways the something Interstate

Society what was the first eye standing for not International something Interstate Society forget that one right let’s just go over here and uh yeah hope everyone’s had a really good Monday Mondays are okay they are when you get to stream you have to work late it’s not bad it’s not too

Bad right yeah let’s just make our way around we are chilling at spawn we’ve got our traces on Independent there you go oh there’s Jerry there’s Jerry let’s move that up there there we go we can see him up in the top right hand corner just so that we can spot the

Name I don’t know what name we wouldn’t want to see to be honest um I don’t know who we wouldn’t want to see what area we we’re we’re out west we’re out west today heading out Far West just going for a little stroll around spawn little stroll around spawn just

Chilling just chilling let me just check my phone getting sniped it’s not Jerry sniping me is he there’s a cool statue to the right let’s have a look there another vocos statue Sign o oh it’s another we we’ve seen one of these already so I guess these have been done a few times

Interesting Ender party going on there Enderman Rave going on down there you thought tuby was shut down no never never I mean not never but not so far at least this is a whole water Cube we better get out here better get out of here

Let’s go straight up let’s see if we can hit the hole boom boom don’t want to fly too far as soon as the water Cube ends we’ll head down there we go there we go base jumping nice nice yeah let’s get back on the ground let’s get back on the ground

Around I just want to see see what’s going on around spawn see if we can find some banners maybe Jerry yeah a lot of big groups did get griefed um but no the server’s still going strong we’ve got 300 players online at the moment oh di and Builder is on

Actually dig MC himself is on that’s pretty cool okay a new chunk I don’t think so I don’t think So do people like house still play no house doesn’t play let’s just get wi of this get get past this wither let’s get past this wither yeah house doesn’t play house never played that’s never played what’s up with the quality is the quality no good it’s the quality no good let’s

Check let us check it looks pretty good my end it looks pretty good my end how’s everyone else finding the quality maybe just going to take a take a while for it to update uh see seems like it it seems like it might be your end NJ unfortunately I’ve checked everything

Here for you it’s looking okay I’ve just checked on my phone it’s looking okay as well so I’m sorry about that oh look at that big hole beautiful beautiful let’s get over here still Jerry’s with us Jerry’s gone all the way down there wait excuse me hi Shu good to see you

Find a boat okay okay just taking a nice leisurely stroll hey blank name uh we are just going west today we are going west just hanging around spawn having fun let’s get off the highway just a little bit just a little bit there we go check the terrain out how far out are

We we should be able to find some trees at some point someone’s little survival shelter let’s go over here oh Ender Chest Ender Chest take your e chests that was I think I I didn’t have a full stack so Brown mushroom obsidian take your e chests and mine

Now oh I know I know what you mean all right we want to go this way we want to go this way oh been shot into the water that’s annoying let’s get off the ice it’s cold it’s cold right what’s going on up there leather pants we had a fashionable guy up there

But I’m not going to go and bother and get those superb parkour oh let’s get the banners oh just two ominous banners I keep forgetting that they drop as uh White banners I keep forgetting that they drop as white banners doeses tub2 get moderated anymore uh sort of

Yeah sort of if you start um putting people’s details in chat or threatening to do that um yeah you’re going to get banned pretty quickly but you know it’s just to try and keep Microsoft happy really yeah it’s just to try and keep Microsoft happy really I’m sure they’d

Rather not have to do that there we go we found trees Trees not that hard not that hard to do nature look at it all it’s just weird seeing like horses here like it used to be you know you’d have to get 30,000 40,000 blocks out uh to find any sort of animals and now they’re spawning in like a couple K it’s

Crazy do I play modded Minecraft I don’t I’ve never tried it I might do one day I might do one day um but I haven’t so far oh we got another player in there it’s okay it’s okay we’re safe we’re Invincible on This Server absolutely Invincible no one can

Harm us nothing can harm us completely Invincible you’re a moded Minecraft Dev that’s cool it’s an interesting skill to have what sort of uh stuff are you doing rlcraft yeah I’ve watched some videos of some you know guys playing rlcraft um what’s the other one I saw

Was it Survival Craft I think but it looks very difficult very difficult and very different yeah maybe maybe that’s something could do one day 2b2 T player plays rlcraft maybe we can do that I did think about you know would it be funny to see like uh a tub hacker try like vanilla

Stuff or modded stuff um just to see how bad I actually was without all the modules you made something harder than Arrow craft jeez I mean I’ve seen that that looks hard enough already looks hard enough already right oh Mr wither I don’t care about you just going

To skip ahead a little bit oh what we got over here remnants of Old Farm maybe an old Russia Russia Sanctuary an old new player Sanctuary few melons remain this used to be just enough to help you survive oh it’s demon what up a all our friends are finding us

Today Jerry there as well oh let’s going to have a look over here follow us guys let’s check this out so we actually got a little bit of an active base going on here this is amazing this is amazing I don’t know what any of these

Signs say cuz I haven’t turned on I mean these are new signs so they’ll be okay you want a book demon you can have a book demon 33 oh dear there we go I want to put some banners around as well there we go start putting my banner around a

Bit start putting my banner around if you guys want to steal it you’re very welcome to I don’t care yeah I’m going to start putting my banner around a bit because why not this is a cute little base to be honest just forget that you saw that

Yeah this is honestly a cute little base I like it it’s new as well this is a definitely new you wouldn’t expect it to be here for that long but for now it’s around all right guys we’re going to carry on on our little stroll a little stroll around

Spawn yeah pretty amazing that it’s uh intact yeah you can take the banner you can take the banner yeah they’re there to be taken if you deem my banner good enough to collect then feel free to take it wither Rose oo it’s a Wither I thought the Wither Rose was

Only if you killed it I don’t know we’ll go away from the W oh there’s one up there as well let’s just uh if we go this way and near of them will spot us we’re safe we’re so safe we’re Invincible I’ve told I’ve told everyone

Time and time again on 2b2 T I am Invincible wither Ros are mobs killed by the Wither so I was right just the wrong way around so really I was completely wrong but oh well oh well what do we got down here oh we got a nice little starter base

Got a nice little starter base got a map nice isn’t that the isn’t that the Chug guy isn’t that the Chug guy uh what way are we going to go boom boom boom and uh just like that we’re back in Old Minecraft old terrain back into some old

Terrain yes we are on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft we got got some friends today as well got an Entourage today amazing flying we got down here just a little hidey-hole again just a little hidey hole people coming along for the for the walk people coming along for the walk

Today I’ll tell you what I’m going to do I’m going to turn off the traces for now we can see them up in the top right corner we don’t need to know if anyone else comes again we are invincible on This Server completely Invincible the so-called PVP is are

Nothing so cool pvpers are nothing just a nice a nice wholesome little Hut and I mean who knows how old this is It’s could be super old this could be super old let’s go on over here yeah this could be super old as well you just you never know oh we made

That jump like a pro we made that jump like a pro any problem I’m not going to get any loot if I find any now cuz these guys are going to get there first that’s fine oh we got some people joining welcome welcome we are on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in

Minecraft does tb2t have proximity chat no it doesn’t I’m assuming that’s if someone gets close to you you can talk to them or something no it doesn’t have anything like that no no voice chat nothing like that hey bunny fight you recognize the squid oh no oh no going to get stream

Sniped we’re going to get stream sniped we’ve already got two friends with us today um but anyway welcome to everyone joining we are on 2b2 T the oldest anak server in Minecraft and uh yeah as you can see I’m trying to get to 2,000 subscribers maybe

Even today I mean if if things get epic I might stay until we get to 2,000 today but I need you guys help to do it so if you aren’t subscribed you know what to do super easy and uh you know I always appreciate it right there are a lot of

Mobs here oh we’ve got a dead body is it yes did you hear that there was a uh a ding experience orb that means that that was a dead body guys we need an F in the chat for the dead body right now F in the chat we got all of this

Stuff rip to the Fallen guy was just trying to escape spawn he was just trying to play some Minecraft on the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft and he got deleted it’s so sad it is so sad sad to see let’s get rid of his stuff let’s pay him the respects by

Throw run his stuff away look at his a stone stone axe with 2/3 durability gone it’s so sad to see it’s so sad to see right what we’ve got going on over here what is that mod uh is it crack no this is just uh

This 2b2 t uh it’s an anarchy server so you’re allowed to do whatever you want we can pack if we like so I can go down there and stare the Wier in the face but you can’t see us do whatever we want it’s all allowed on This Server

Um what mod is that so yeah it’s called This is called uh ESP so that’s what uh that’s how we can see and oh we’ve got a cute little base should we go down and take a look at the base how do we get down there how do we get down

There let’s go down and look at this guy’s little humble abode very cute very cute you know maybe this is the guy that died this is his little area he was trying his best he didn’t survive so sad it’s so sad sad um what hack client uh so meor and

Russia hopefully you can see those at the top when did the nether update so 2b2 updated to 1.19 uh in August of 2023 right what way are we going now we actually want to go this way uh it should be on curse Forge should be it should be but remember only do it

On a server where you’re allowed right don’t do this on a regular server or you’re going to get banned do not encourage hacking on servers where you’re not allowed we’re on an anarchy server and it’s allowed so yeah you have been warned you have been warned why don’t you use speed hacks so

We I I I do have some speed hacks so we can jump around if we want if we was if we were on a highway we can uh bounce we can bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce we can go really fast but um when we’re at

Spawn I like to take it slowly I just want to walk walk around and check out the scenery see what’s going on we’re in no rush today we are in absolutely no rush how thees spawn look like this with the cave update so I mean if we go down

You can see that the uh all the cave stuff spawns right at the bottom it’s very bizarre it is very bizarre um welcome guys we got a few people joining welcome welcome we are on 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft we are at spawn we’re just exploring

Around we’re looking at some old ruins we’re looking for famous artifacts we’re just seeing what we can find really um it is 2b2 T it’s the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft 13 years old we’ve had nearly a million people come through and uh we’ve been through every update

All the way from beta 1.3 3 to 1.19 proper release so well there’s been a lot that’s gone on here lot has gone on here uh is the server cracked no it’s not cracked not at all uh if you want to join the server uh

Uh yeah all you have to do join 1.9.4 or higher it’s simple uh so if you want any advice on how to survive uh I did a really good video as I do say so myself uh on uh how to survive uh and I’m going to put it in chat right

Now um so this video is the complete guide to 2b2 t uh this one will help you with absolutely everything so I teach you all about hacking in uh I teach you all about uh how to escape spawn uh absolutely everything you need to know

So if you do want to join the server you should go and watch that and I promise it will be uh really beneficial are are you in the G’s Discord of course uh I know I mean the thing is is that oh no I see a stone axe oh no could

It could it be that we have found our second dead person today I think we might have oh no oh it was a dead person oh no guys F in the chat one more time they got killed by this raid it’s an ambush they’ve led us in they’ve lured Us in yes Spartan

Warlord we are actually live but yeah Fs in the chat for the dead person our fallen vanilla com oh he had a wooden sword and a wooden axe oh he just upgraded to stone tools oh oh no oh no he just upgraded he thought he was doing so well

He went from wood to Stone and then the raid came from nowhere and took him out well I salute you sir I salute you your Valiant effort to escape spawn it wasn’t your time this time try again try again uh you can join on 1.20 that’s absolutely fine there’s a lot of

Pre-recorded streams oh is that what people are doing to get around the algorithm take advantage well I don’t support that no Fully live this is actually happening right now what’s up sesta uh and welcome guys so we got some more people joining so yeah we are on

2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft look at this look at this Jerry you’ve been shot in the knee why are you showing me a crystal Jerry why are you showing me a crystal I don’t like that I don’t like that um yeah guys look we’re trying to

Get to 2,000 subscribers so uh we need your help Jerry I’ve got science science text turned off and I’ve got no chat so really can’t communicate with me you have to do it in the Stream chat that’s as good as we can do got to be super

Careful oh yes yeah we’re trying to get to 2,000 subscribers guys so if you can help us it would it would really mean a lot um thank you Spartan world I appreciate that you recognize the lava cast look at it it’s it’s a thing of beauty right it is a thing of

Beauty you know I don’t care what anyone says these are beautiful Let’s uh let’s go up the lava car shall we let’s get up there let’s get up there just take it all in it’s just the patterns of it I really like look at this thing look at this

Thing how long for non priority queue two to four hours two to four hours on non prior I’m afraid look at these beacons up here anyone need any beacons wow they’re quite tough did you hear that noise that was nice oh you going to give me a book

Beacon uh demon said Beacon it be live thank you demon appreciate that appreciate that hey the devil we are on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft and uh yeah look at this thing I could I could stare at this thing for hours you know yes you know you can find

Some impressive stuff we found a very nice base last time but you know what sometimes it’s just the destruction I like as well you know where else would you see stuff like this I mean maybe other Anarchy servers but try to copy aren they what do we got going on over

Here see this is the thing that’s interesting you just don’t know what’s going to be around the corner like what the hell’s going on here what the heck is going on here some sometimes it’s better to not ask any questions just just carry on just carry

On yeah know who knows what they were thinking of here uh how common a dup stat is pretty common uh small ones anyway I would I would say that at least one of these dungeons down here maybe even that one will contain some shulters in um I’m sure if we checked every

Single dungeon we went past we’d finally find some Shulas but it’s not very interesting it’s not very interesting I’d rather look around a little bit I’d rather look around even though it’s night time we’ve got our security with us hey e did we get an update we did we

Are 1.9.4 now we updated in August uh of uh 2023 so yeah 1. 12.2 is gone unfortunately it was a bit of an adjustment I was a bit sad um but now I’m fully enjoying it if you were to say something with a monotone voice you could pass your voice

As an AI really that’s pretty interesting take it as a compliment I suppose what’s up ninja you’re getting old yeah aren’t we all aren’t we all getting old it’s fine you’re only as old as you feel but unfortunately I feel like I’m a 100 anyway let’s Carry On Let’s carry

On uh what have we got over here no music unfortunately no uh YouTube are very strict with what music you can play so unless we stuck on some copyright free generic chill hop which just gets mind numbingly boring unfortunately music but you don’t need music you just get the Ambiance of Minecraft

That’s all you need what is going on over here what is going on over here maybe I can just turn up the game music ever so slightly maybe you in fact if I leave that there and I’ll turn up the Ambiance just very slightly let’s go and check out

Whatever’s going on over here you go for game music I mean we’ve all heard the Minecraft music Don’t get me wrong I think one of the greatest albums of all time time I’ve got two different editions on vinyl now and I listen to it regularly but you know this is all about

The stream we’re about talking chilling um it’s not the right time for the Minecraft music it’s not the right time uh map reset now the map’s not been reset since February of 2011 so this whole place has been the same since uh it was loaded in and you can see that this

Terrain this is like beta terrain cuz you can’t see any andesite no Granite no diorite so this terrain here is probably like beta terrain that was loaded in 2011 and then it just stays there it just stays there so even though we’re in 1.9.4 version now whatever the version

Uh the part of the map was loaded in it stays like that and that is super cool to me I love that I don’t have Russia plus no no I’m not special enough I am not special enough no Russia Plus no future beta I’m just a regular 2b2 tier with

Regular clients of course if those guys would like to do some advertising you know shoot me a message I’m open to negotiation I’m open to negotiation do I have a code uh I do have a Russia code actually it’s rickon r i c k s o n I did didn’t even know the

Code still existed but there we go are the infamous Highway still attached they’re still here they are still here uh how would you react if there was a map reset I would leave the server instantly I would it’s this is what it’s all about for me right if they reset the

Map then it’s just another server it’s just another Minecraft world I’d leave and most other people would leave as well right uh hi Bruno hi Alex uh we are just chilling around spawn it’s beautiful right it’s beautiful you just don’t know what’s around so we’re just going for a

Little stroll a little stroll around the safest neighborhood in Minecraft 2b2 T spawn nothing dangerous to hurt you here you are 100% safe 100% safe um have you ever seen a sad sign I’ve seen I’ve seen a few sad signs yeah unfortunately some uh sad people come

Here um so yeah I’ve seen some depressing signs in the past I must admit but it’s fine you know if you’re feeling sad talk to someone you’re feeling sad talk to someone that would be my advice you’re never alone you’re never alone right let’s go and have a look up

Here zombie with all the drip he wants to smack me with a bone as well 22t is not correct no uh shulkers because of the update I mean we’ve had shulkers for a while um shulkers were in was it version 1.10 maybe or 1.11 so we updated pretty

Quickly to the Shuler update um but yeah because of the multiple dupe glitches over the years yes the economy is completely trashed uh o big big portal big big portal this could be a famous portal actually but again I can’t see the sign so could be a famous portal for getting gests

Through uh Robbie what are the type of artifacts so the the most valuable thing are sign books right uh and you’d like to find oh I didn’t mean that so A Sign book um those can’t be replicated not easily anyway so if you could find sign books

By famous players or players of OG usernames they have a lot of value otherwise I like to look for banners as well especially ones that are named so you can see my ones named uh although you know banners oh God Jerry don’t do it Jerry banners obviously can be

Replicated named items they’re good as well basically just anything unique how many on the server right now uh we have 298 on the server right now uh are the Discord shops all gone there’s still some around I think but you don’t want to use a shop go out and

Find the gear that’s part of the fun in my opinion I have a Jared 2013 book nice yeah I never got one from him I’ve got a duped one from him but I haven’t got a personal one one from him my country doesn’t support payo and

Stuff like that oh sorry to hear that I think there’s quite a few ways you can buy priority key though if that’s what you’re wondering about terabytes yeah yeah the server is uh measured in terabytes and I think it’s quite a few terabytes as well so um yeah pretty

Hectic all right let’s just carry on and our little our little walk through the safest neighborhood in Minecraft 2b2 T very safe nothing to worry about around here there’s Jerry there’s demon it’s our Entourage today we we we’re dripped out with an Entourage today let’s just head on over

Here is that what it is Cil 0.3% explored I mean I’ve been saying less than 5% but that’s uh that’s a lot press F3 okay is it working of course I don’t mind you following me of course I don’t mind wow 0.3% a million player it’s about 900k

Right but a million sounds better 0.3% that is crazy what do you think guys do we count this as a base SE do I count this as a base do we count this as a base I don’t know it’s not quite a base is it I don’t think so

Careful These Guys these guys no ped no base hey eay did everyone see my F3 then I just pressed F3 did you guys see it my coordinates they telling me to go this way looks like we’ve got something over here we’re going to take our time we’re schlat walking we are schlat

Walking we are not rushing we are in no rush we are in no rush ooh look at this wow wow wow wow just direct W Farm still very interesting what’s going on down here spawner we’ve got a nomad Hut very nice well welcome to everyone

Joining we are on 2b2 T the the oldest anak server in Minecraft and uh we’re just chilling at spawn we’re walking around we’re seeing what we can find looking at some old ruins looking at some old terrain it’s beautiful it’s absolutely beautiful look at this place look at it

All you know 900,000 players have come through here just trying to survive occasionally we’re finding dead bodies and less than 0.4% of the map has been explored 900,000 players 133 years can you believe that that is crazy absolutely crazy everything me this is 2b2 t y

Jerry I I do I use pretty much all of the ones that oh let’s go over there quickly before the guy oh it’s demon with I was like there’s a Shuler let’s get there before the guys get them but it was demon getting a Sher out okay yeah Jerry I use

Pretty much all the ones that Vincent put in his video um but don’t go and watch that because Vincent’s been copying me on the vertical streams so do not go and watch any Vincent now I’m just joking Vincent’s a good guy he makes good videos uh yeah this is 2b2 T I’m using

Rushia hacker metor client can you survive 2B without hacks yeah you can do but I mean to me you don’t get the full experience so uh yeah I would recommend uh hacking but that’s just me you can survive though you can survive wow look at this cute little indoor base what are

Those potatoes there we are potatoes uh interest in coming across algorithm is doing work it’s doing God’s work and it’s doing it for me as well so thank you Mr algorithm uh yeah I’m trying to get to 2,000 subscribers so guys if you can help out uh And subscribe it would

Really mean a lot to me I mean this is like a dream come true to have people watching so uh if you could also subscribe that would be amazing look at this look at this live lava cast wow just the way it cuts through the terrain there’s just something about it

Oh we’ve actually got like a little we got a little walkway here so let’s go down this Little Flower Trail we slat walk down the flower Trail uh is that a netherite sword oh yeah yes it is we are fully dripped out we are fully dripped out in the maxed out

Gear uh on 2b2 te nothing less nothing less I want to watch the stream but I can’t right now just proving Your Existence well thanks for joining again whale I do appreciate that uh your channel looks so good uh I wish I could subscribe you can subscribe anyone’s

Able to subscribe so please do please do um it is harder I mean it is possible to play without hacks uh it’s just harder and you know for me you you will miss some cool stuff um get my joke well thank you so much made my work break enjoyable top job

Well I appreciate that thank you so much for the Super Chat it’s really appreciated really really appreciated uh everything me appreciate that love from South Africa thank you so much well let’s do the tradition now now someone said where they’re from everybody let me know where you’re

Watching me from I love to see where all the audience is right now I’m from the UK so it’s super interesting to see where everyone else is from so everyone comment now what country are you watching from are you in the Anarchy content creator Discord yet Herm runs it no I’m

Not being invited the invite will come one day maybe Oklahoma England Pakistan New York Canada Egypt been to Egypt Russia spawn Eric uh Spain uh Russia Uganda Poland Greece AR Kansas Portugal we got people from all over awesome Hawaii how can I come and visit Romania Finland if I I’d come and

Visit any of these countries actually that would be awesome that would be awesome thank you so much guys Lithuania Israel excellent good to hear guys good to hear we got people from all over the world you love to see it you love to see

It um so we I am using Russia hack and meteor client hopefully you can see those uh on the screen uh I need to keep an eye on where I’m going I need to keep an eye on where I’m going Germany uh I can drop you an invite well

That would be cool I wouldn’t mind joining uh you know if they want me there if I’m deemed worthy you know maybe the day will come when they deem me worthy I was actually wondering whether there was such a thing a content creator Discord I kind of assumed that there

Was right let’s get out of F5 cuz it’s a little bit difficult uh how do you get the mod for the armor durability in the top right uh it’s just one of the very the many mods uh on uh Russia hack so uh I forget which one it is now uh I think

It’s armor there you go so there’s loads of stuff that we can put on there but I’m keeping it a little minimal right now I’m keeping it a little minimal just so we can see just enough uh do we have ESP no we are not hacking do do not accuse me of hacking

Because we are not hacking okay absolutely no hacks we are a hackfree community here on 2b2 T we are fully against it okay um it’s Russia hack yeah we’ve got some we’ve got some good people watching today we’ve got some good people watching today uh why are we cheating we we’re not cheating

Stop accusing me of cheating it’s it’s not happening okay there is no cheating going on okay I I just don’t like it when I get falsely accused of cheating it’s rude okay it’s rude and disrespectful uh should we should we should we grief this lava cast yeah let’s grief the lava

Cast oh look at look at that look at that through to some beautiful terrain who remembers the rush Awards well I don’t remember them cuz I wasn’t here then I was not playing Minecraft didn’t even know what Minecraft was back then sadly but I am a big fan I am a big

Fan but at the same time you’re literally x-raying bro what are you talking about what are you talking this is just this is just old terrain like sometimes the terrain goes a little seethrough it’s not x-ray it is not X right um welcome guys we got a lot of people

Watching again we are on 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft and uh we’re just chilling around spawn we’re going for a little stroll okay this is the safest neighborhood in all of Minecraft there is nothing here dangerous there is nothing here dangerous okay it’s almost like playing single player like there’s

Nothing and no one here dangerous okay these are our friends I’ve only got one friend now we did have two friends um but yeah this is the safest server in Minecraft nothing bad happens here ever and uh we’re trying to get to 2,000

Subs so if you can help us on the way I would massively appreciate it wait show how you are not using x-ray are fream again I don’t know what you’re talking about these are just there’s just visual visual glitches it’s a 13-year-old map right so just occasionally it glitches out like that

And I just have to like restart the game see restart the game and it it’s fine it’s fine what the the what the Russia hacking the Russia hack in the top left corner is just like that’s something to do with YouTube gaming it’s got nothing to do with like hacking so

Don’t worry about it that’s a YouTube gaming thing that’s just like a an audio plugin is what that is um I’m using x-ray you guys are accusing me of hacking and it’s it’s so disrespectful it really is like if I was hacking right then I’d get banned right because this

Is like a hack free server this is a hack free server we’re not allowed to hack on here I’m just joking look this is an anarchy server it’s 22t it’s the oldest Anarchy server and hacking is allowed so uh it is allowed here but don’t hack on a server

Where it’s not allowed I don’t encourage hacking when it’s not allowed but we hack here right because there is a lot going on underground and it just takes a lot of time to explore otherwise we’ve had nearly a million people play on this server so there is literally so much

Stuff going on that you don’t want to miss it right so that’s why we’re doing it okay everyone hacks so you’re not spoiling it for anyone everybody hacks here uh have you ever built before yeah I can build I can build uh you thought I was genuinely trying to

Lie no I’m I’m just messing around hacking is allowed if not encouraged on This Server everybody hacks everybody hacks here what is my opinion I’ve never heard of it I have never heard of it so I have no opinion I should go and touch grass

Outside I do that all day I’m a gardener this is my I’m the opposite I need to like touch the indoors at the end of the day so you know right let’s carry on Let Us carry on it’s just visual glitches it is unfortunately it’s an old

Map can you respond what what what would you like me to respond to O we got some concrete hey Jack my day’s been going good how’s your day been going how has your day been going how has your day been going been having a pretty good day so

Far hope everyone’s been having a good day H we lost demon it’s just the two of us today now just the two of us chain mail boots nebula can you give us a toy of your Ender Chest we can do can do let’s uh let’s find a e chest let’s find a e

Chest well I mean I’ve got a bunch so in the E chest we’ve got the yellow section so we’ve got totems we’ve got gapples we have some orange so we just have some random building materials then we’ve got e chests crystals um ender pearls and chorus

Fruit I need to get a few more of those actually then we’ve got got our fully dripped out netherite fully stacked gear so I can actually use the hack to go inside and take a look so as you can see everything’s fully fully stacked fully stacked fully geared up flame and

Infinity and mending all on the bows oh yeah we’ve got it uh and we’ve got our op swords uh this one is actually doesn’t have uh this one hasn’t got binding on it it’s fine and we got our o flint and Steels and we’ve got our silk touch

Pickaxes and we’ve got our Fortune three pickaxes efficiency five and there we go maxed out drip then we’ve got just some more random stuff we’ve got the backpack so whenever I want to kill myself back to spawn I put everything in there uh we got our Collectibles so everything that

We found so recently I’ve got an old account that’s full of these type of shulkers rockets uh spare kit in case we find anyone then I got some more gapples and some more totems which I found in a dungeon chest there we go there’s the tour how satisfied are you with Russia

Uh it’s good I I I like it uh raw dogger you’re welcome big accusations by the way I don’t mind people can tell me to touch grass it’s you know it’s good advice if people are spending too much time on their computer it is good advice

Not in the friendliest of ways but it is good advice good to spend time outside uh everything me appreciate that um P dripped out infinity and mending together oh yeah we’ve got it all here uh the operator sign hack nope never heard of it never heard of

It let’s carry on that’s Jerry what’s going on down here yeah you can just see all these tunnels all these tunnels all these different players that have come around come and gone all of this stuff we’ve got our kill Ora on so I’m not even touching we’ve got our own

Personal security today but got kill Ora on to protect me while I’m in free cam oh yeah gapples are my only source of food these days gapples are are my only source of food I don’t need anything else let’s get rid of all this crap let’s get rid

Of this eest don’t need it just a random e chest are those Endermen down yeah yeah let’s not talk about what the Endermen are doing shall we let’s not talk about what those guys are doing we’re on this lovely path that we found just chilling we can see someone’s bed

Down there someone’s bed and then all the way down there there’s a little Base by the looks of it look at this a little base someone’s little Abode all the way over there how’s gardening I’ll be honest I’m not a gardener I just said that cuz he told me

To touch grass and it was the quickest thing I could say to prove that I didn’t need to touch grass one of my best friends is a gardener though and he enjoys it bed trapped oh oh we got a oh it’s a sign thought it was a banner then for a

Second we haven’t found any banners yet we haven’t found any banners yet we’ve got some big portals over there we got some big portals over there oh what’s over here oh there is a banner over here there is a banner let’s get this Banner oh Jerry’s straight in there

Jerry give me the banner oh it’s just an ominous Banner Jerry keeps beating us to everything he’s been he’s been shot to hell he’s been shot to hell Skelly horse I want to see if the uh what do they call it when all of the skeletons come is it the apocalypse or

Whatever what do they call that what’s the name for that it’s all right Jerry you can grab stuff if you want Sky trap oh yeah what have we got here have we got something built into this mountain side maybe so we got some sort of I doubt it’s a gold Farm to be

Honest he thought he was going to get me with his enchanted bow but he doesn’t know he’s up against a completely vanilla Kora quack look at this what’s going on in here what’s going on here Horsemen of the Apocalypse yeah that’s the one I was thinking of

F f we found the valley of FS we found the land of FS again you want to ask why like why is this here why did these people build these things and uh sometimes it’s best to not ask why it’s just very weird um oh yeah I’ve heard about those sign

Things yeah I don’t think that’s going to work on 2B if it would work we’d know about that now any plans traveling to a world border uh honestly if uh a faster travel exploit happen maybe not at the moment one day maybe one day you still someone would

You run or fight I wouldn’t run and I wouldn’t fight um I never run and I wouldn’t fight cuz I don’t need to cuz people are too scared to fight me uh I’m invincible so these scenarios would just never happen that’s why I’m walking literally slap walking not running I’m not

Flying we don’t need to we don’t need to do we what does nether spawn look like it’s crazy it’s crazy we can go and take a look in a bit if we want we’ll go and take a look at nether spawn at some point not Invincible to crystals uh you

Got to hit me with the crystal Crystal first and no one can hit me we got Jerry as well exactly Jerry will take all the damage for us while we get away see see what did I say that creeper was going to blow up in our face and Jerry Jerry jumped in front

Of us I don’t know why I just really wanted to kill that guy I don’t know why what’s up David one Jerry everyone say Jerry in chat everyone say Jerry Jerry The Bodyguard oh no deem oh no de we got a sign wall here but again I

Got no signs turned on I want to give off my location don’t want to give up my location this is quite a nice little walkway here I tried good for PVP uh maybe I don’t know actually I don’t know I do shovel PVP I do shovel PVP it’s my own style um

Oh there’s demon Demon’s back yeah I do shovel PVP and not many people know about it ooh that’s a nice Banner yeah not many people know shovel PVP but it’s my own thing it’s my own thing people aren’t ready for it as long as I’ve got my shovel we’re

Good exactly I sple them to death take the ground out from under their feet Gardener style PVP exactly they’re so mesmerized my gardening skills but they don’t there we go leaving my mark on the server oh yeah oh yeah well I might be a bit of a gardener watch this

Ready see only a gardener would be able to do that pattern all right I’ve given it away maybe I am a gardener we got over here he plants shovel in their skulls I like it I like it what is this again it’s just one of those things where maybe maybe it’s best left

Unasked when you’re allowed to do anything some people just just get a little weird let’s go over there let’s go over there I see something over there let’s just go poow one tapped one tapped wooden pickaxe oh no more poor people yeah some things are best yeah you’re right

There some things are best left in the past aren’t they let’s go over here and have a look the hardest part being illiterate is you can’t read exactly brilliant I think we go down here let’s have a look anything interesting oh look at this see it just makes you wonder what

This was one point makes you wonder what this was at one point we got a banner PR Thomas Banner of course uhoh uhoh game Crash we have a game Crash we have a game Crash we’re coming back guys don’t worry we are coming back we are coming back

I’m glad that’s happened when we only had a few people all right guys give me a second I need to reload everything give me a second I need to reload everything I’m sure you can still hear me though so uh let me go back uhoh right I think we’re back I think we’re

Back I think we are back I think we are back oh I do not know what happened we had a game Crash we had a game Crash never mind never mind yeah Jerry’s gone though unfortunately maybe me and Jerry had the same power cut who knows I had a flicker

Of the lights and everything just went wrong uh all right let me just get readjusted okay I think I think we’re all good guys let me just adjust my game right we are definitely good now we are definitely good we are definitely good right what well let’s get our bearings again right

Here we go here we go how did I get in game so fast it just the game crashed what’s going on down there it’s like an Enderman Rave going on down there what is going on down there yeah it looks like Jerry’s left us but we’ve got demon demon is cool don’t

Worry right let’s Carry On Let’s carry on so everyone tell me how has your Monday been have you had a good Monday I hope you have I definitely have it’s been fun we’ve had a good time Mondays aren’t as bad as everyone says they

Are can you can you show me your cords I I can’t unfortunately I just can’t I just can’t you found a stash at 1: a.m. with like 20 shers in it nice Logan nice glad you had a good day glad you had a good day all right let’s carry on we got

Demon today it’s all good why well the thing is I don’t want to show my cords it just makes it too easy like if people want to find me they can come and find me they can do it themselves like do it the hard way again I’m not running I’m not

Flying we’re walking we’re slat walking right just chilling we are just chilling so yeah people want to find me they have to do it the hard way oh no demon how can you meet me well you just have to figure out where I am a nice to hear that Patty I’m glad

They’ve helped you I’m glad they’ve helped you yeah it’s just nice and chilled here isn’t it nothing crazy everything me what’s your IGN let’s just go here muffin head nice nice oh getting some more viewers so yeah welcome everyone we are back on 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in

Minecraft and we’re just chilling chilling around spawn we’re just looking around seeing what we can find and uh I think demon if you follow I’m going to go towards the highway let’s have a look at the highway who wants to see some destruction but first let’s look at this

Gorgeous beta terrain I mean this terrain is almost as old as Minecraft itself like this is like one point like beta 1.5 or 1.6 terrain this it really is like look at it look at it amazing um hey game Legend I remember you g uh Hey gagu thank you very much I appreciate

That um how long is the Q time two to four hours non pryo instant with pryo um I know I mean imagine if this was like what just Minecraft was to you one day just simple terrain like this occasional oak tree or it was just a tree back then wasn’t

It beautiful what have we got here some sort of weird Monument don’t ask any questions why have you got wire frames on hi Phillip no no wire frame we’re not hacking there’s no hacking allowed here so um these are just visual glitches um we’re playing 1.19 and in

1.19 like chests just get highlighted it’s weird and and so do entities and um because the map’s really old just some oh yeah there you go visual glitch visual glitch I thought all the trees oh there plenty of trees don’t worry plenty of trees uh can you lower the sound of the mob

Game is a little bit High okay I can do that I raised it up a little bit earlier there we go how’s the sound for everyone else how’s the sound for everyone else replayed on some older versions yeah I mean beta 1.7.3 is my favorite and uh my next real video is

Going to be to do with that so stay tuned I’m going to release a proper video in the next couple of weeks it’s to do with 2v2 t but it’s also to do with the older versions I know that looked like Kora it’s not don’t worry um is this pre-recorded bad Tunes

Absolutely not what’s up B Tunes everyone say hello to B Tunes just so that he knows it’s not pre-recorded uh me and my friends used to have a base called the grass house even though it was made of grass Nostalgia nice nice raw doer what’s

Up um yeah so we are trying to get to 2,000 Subs maybe today maybe even today so if you can help me get there by subscribing I will massively appreciate it it just means so much to me that you’re all here watching so yeah if you can join the channel That would be

Amazing uh thank thank you Jack appreciate that well make sure you subscribe because we’re going to be doing loads of these exploring the crazy spawn of 2b2 t look at this place look at this place all this guy deserves to get knocked off swim fool right let’s go this

Way let’s go this way Cecil’s my chatbot by the way so uh he’s programmed to reply to you in uh very specific ways great humor old Vibes appreciate that bro appreciate that what’s that over there let’s go and have a look over there yeah we try and keep it chilled

Here we try and keep it nice and chilled a look at this decrepit old base just dying folding back into the landscape oh look at it one day someone put a lot of time into this maybe five years ago 10 years ago who knows but no

More just slowly rots back into the 2b2 T landscape and we love it slowly becomes part of the legend slowly becomes part of History anyway let’s carry on getting very nostalgic now getting very nostalgic now he no annoying guy screaming yeah I can’t scream we’ve done a few of these

Now and my voice is completely broken join when I wanted to box fit MC no I decided that I decided that would be a bad idea for fit I don’t want to go to prison I don’t want to go to prison so we can’t do that demon keep

Up it’s there’s there’s no it’s a lose lose situation for me really I I I just can’t beat fit up it would just look too bad and i’ end up going to prison and awful that would be the Golden Hill appreciate that do you think the 2 Beast

Dying it’s not dying look we got 300 players online at the moment that’s not dying to me bat yeah it’s a server called two Builders two tools 2b2 T it’s the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft it’s uh 13 years old we’ve had nearly a million players come through through

It’s been through every update from beta 1.3 I think all the way to full release 1.9.4 or we skipped a few a few times but we’ve got all the content absolutely crazy uh there’s a video links at the top of the chat as well the complete

Guide to 2b2 T tells you everything you need to know about the server so yeah definitely go and watch it I would thoroughly recommend it even though I did make it myself self maybe I need to uh there we go so let me pin that let me pin

That all right let’s carry on let’s have a little drink um does anyone know where my tab only displays names up the letter D because there’s a lot of people so you need to put extra tab on whatever client you’re using is the whole world a 22 T charted

No I found out today less than 0.04% a million players 13 years and less than 0.04% of the map can you believe that that is insane okay that is insane yeah 22t would go for a lot of money if it was to be sold but I hope it doesn’t I hope it

Doesn’t um but yeah welcome everyone we are on 2b2 and we’re trying to get to 2,000 subscribers uh how are we doing today by the way I haven’t even checked today where have we got to so we started on 1411 and started on 1411 let me just check

Where we’re up to 1486 not so bad but come on guys we we we’re trying to get to 2,000 today so we need your help to do it we need your help to do it okay so yeah everybody subscribe if you’re not subscribed already right where are we going why am I

Flying let’s stop off at this little cute little base so you see this thing here this is a bit of History so this is what players used to use for AFK in so this is an AFK pool it actually works look at it um so although that we’re uh am I

Going to carry on round is it going to work no no see yeah that’s an old AFK p and that used to be enough to stop you from getting kicked from the server it wouldn’t work anymore uh you need you need to use like anti- AFK hacks now demon you’re griefing the old

Bases you can’t do that you can’t do that uh did you know I’m literally just game house uh on an ALT account uh who game house does that mean unexplored coordinates will generate with the new biome generation from Modern versions yes it will so the way it works or the

Way it’s always works you see this terrain here is old terrain now obviously below y0 we’ve got the caves and cliffs update So Below y0 it’s all 1.19 but Above 0o This terrain was generated in version you know one or 1.2 or something like that because as you can see there’s no

There’s no diorite there’s no andesite there’s no granite um just dirt just Stone uh and gravel as well so whatever version the map was generated in it stays that way which is makes the server so unique it really does do you know if it’s possible to join via Bedrock no unfortunately not

There are 2b2 clones uh on Bedrock but not the real 2b2 I’m afraid Java only cheers game Legend see you soon game house is he what’s this thing over here what’s this thing over here some sort of weird Monument again sometimes it’s best not to ask any

Questions sometimes it’s best not to ask any questions so it’s most of the service chunks not discovered because the map is so big yeah I mean you know a Minecraft world is massive even a million a million players not point0 4% less than crazy right 13

Years makes you wonder why they made the map so big for a single player world you’ll never even get over 0.01% oh my God is this the best base ever I mean tell me it’s your first day on Minecraft without telling me it’s your first day oh they even got the

Triple melon at the back tell me it’s your first day on Minecraft without telling me it’s your first day on Minecraft look at this this is like the Encyclopedia of like basic base right amazing fire Striker how’s the new version been it’s been pretty good enjoying it what’s the objective we’re

Just exploring spawn we’re just walking around we’re having a look what a few things doing a little bit of hacking I’m just exploring you know we’re walking over terrain now that was generated over 10 years ago people were playing here over 10 years ago and generating this part of the map pretty

Amazing right pretty amazing let’s go down here and take a look why not oops what have we got what have we got let’s put that down oh I got some banners oh there’s a door oh it’s an Old Farm you love to see it you love to see

It the Nostalgia dagger what’s up are you streaming on any other platforms no exclusively YouTube only do YouTube uh and you’re telling me off a grief and I know bad Tunes you’re a legend too bro I appreciate that are you worried about stream snipers never no one’s brave enough to stream snipe me

They can try if they want but they won’t succeed Loi man what’s up no I’m not saying that uh this looks familiar maybe I’ve been in that chunk perhaps the Juka nuke what’s up I am not a griefer I am not a griefer stop calling me a griefer um right let’s

Let’s get some of this out of our inventory so we’ve got a book we got some banners thank you for that just a few little things that we found over the last few weeks let’s get rid of this junk junk junk junk junk junk junk uh let’s get rid of some of these

Fireworks as well we don’t need all of them I don’t like a messy inventory I’m just kind of like that I’m going to put that in there as well let’s clean things up nice and tidy there we go perfect perfect only YouTube shorts no I do do

Regular streams so this Sunday we’ll be doing a regular stream um so yeah I I do do horizontal streams as well don’t worry um so yeah make sure you’re subscribed to the channel so you can see when those are I’ll be announcing them maybe later today actually um

I think I do some digging and get some a dragon Ed nah how far am I from Spawn uh I am about 12K from Spawn we are about 12K from Spawn so not doing too badly not doing too badly uh wondering if you could rotate your

Phone well you can do but that’s not the optimal viewing dimension for this particular stream I’m afraid this is a vertical bad boy stream uh was there any attacks on the server there’s been plenty of crazy things happening over the year people have back doored it several times um coordinate exploits we’ve seen

It all here hacked clients that are actually hacked that contain mle wear that rip off people’s coordinates oh yeah there’s been plenty of crazy stuff here so if you want to know how to say stay safe the video I’ve got linked at the top of the chat the

Complete guide is basically all of my knowledge on the server and it will teach you how to stay safe how to survive how to get established how to hack everything safe hack clients to use absolutely everything have I ever yeah I’ve had one of my bases griefed it happens it sucks but it

Happens it does tell me how I got I mean uh my armor is all from dup stashes right so stashes that I found I found a few over the years I have found a few over the years what we got going on up there he thought he was going to get

Me he thought he was going to get me but my perfectly timed non-kill Aura attacks got him no kill AA just perfectly attacked swings that’s all I’m doing right I’m just adjusting my sea in position I am just adjusting my seating position right that is better that is better that’s more comfortable uh

That is more comfortable right let’s carry on oh the cord exploit that was Noom right yeah that was pretty nuts am I pretty am I concerned I’m missing my right hand no it’s there my right hand is there it’s long as well it’s long what’s going on up here is a little tree

House long hand uh I’m going to start watching the stream and channel regly a thanks Lo thanks Loi man really appreciate that uh show us the crystal kit uh I’ll show you in a sec if I donate $10 will you give cords no no I won’t is your hand that long are you

Just excited to see me there we go L hand Ren L hand Ren right let’s uh I said I was going to do this before demon let’s go to the highway let’s go back to the highway and uh I’m going to go backwards we’re going to go back towards spawn I think little

House destroyed little castle and you can see these are like chunk borders right so these perfect junk chunk borders are where like two versions of the game clashed so someone generated the G in one version on this side and someone generated the game uh in another version on this side so these

Are different versions of the game right how did you make me go back to 2012 2015 I know it’s crazy right uh mostly the name tags are from uh they’re on meteor but I’m using them on Russia hack here we go we are back on the highway this is the actual highway so

Pretty wrecked Let’s Get Down On The Ground uh $30 no still not enough what what price do I charge for coordinates thing is is I I’ll show them and just leave right so um it’s a it’s a no- win situation hey Luffy life hey Angel yeah maybe 50 bucks I would leak them

And and stay around for a while uh a million yeah a million would do it a million would do it definitely thanks for subscribing Angel appreciate that yeah like And subscribe well absolutely I mean we’re trying to get to 2,000 subscribers and I can only

Do it with the guys help and it just it means so much to me like genuinely means a lot to me when that happens so um yeah if if you haven’t subscribed and you’re here you know what to do I mean maybe we can get to 2,000 in

This stream who knows maybe we can maybe we can thanks B Tunes Le them and stand still for a th000 yes 100% 100% for $1,000 I will put all my shulkers on the ground and stand still and you can come and grab all my Loot and kill me

100% uh mobs 22t never would have thought see the day it happen they’re everywhere now what did I say I wanted to go backwards didn’t I sorry let’s go backwards I wanted to go backwards so let’s go back a little bit 13 years it’s crazy right was someone accusing me of hacking

Again was someone accusing me of hacking did I see that a second ago because I I don’t appreciate these accusations I do not hack and I do not support hacking here we go just schlap walking back to spawn schlat walking back to spawn just through the the the just the

Destruction oh dagger dagger’s made it hello dagger daggers made it I got tracers turned off because otherwise it was getting a bit um crazy all over the screen uh don’t call me thania hey from the Midwest how’s it going make a med slide well I’m using a hat client how do

You know there is no proof that I’m using a ha client uh yeah a really good gaming chair this is what it is yeah Russia hack and meet your client those are just audio plugins for YouTube gaming that’s all that is it’s part of the the steel Ste steel

Series audio plug-in Suite that is yeah and uh yeah I I figured out how to use it straight away super easy to use that’s all that stuff is this kind of looks like your pocket edition World well I don’t want to play Minecraft with you if your pocket edition world looks like

This I don’t want to play with you if that’s what your game looks like jeez what do we got going on over here uh how old am I I’m old enough old enough what do I just pick up dolphin’s under the bridge yeah I know I know oh it’s glitching

Again oh my God come on Minecraft someone tweet and tell him to fix his stupid game come on Notch fix the game man do I know fit MC is never heard of in my life are they play are they paid uh Russia hack is meteor’s free though meteor is

Free last stream I sort of revealed my age did I I can reveal my age I’m in my late 30s I’m in my late 30s so there you go you sound like Fitz well he must be awesome whoever that is cheating on Minecraft no one’s cheating anyway we’ve done that joke a

Few times but it’s CU new people keep joining we’re up to 200 okay so here’s the new rule right every time we go over 200 viewers everyone has to spam subscribe in chat that’s the new rule okay so we’re 199 so I was hoping we were about to go

Over so as soon as we hit 200 viewers everyone has to spam subscribe in chat okay cuz that means new people are coming oh it’s going down oh well oh well okay let’s make a new a new number 150 every time it goes over 150 then you have to spam subscribe in

Chat so we’re over 150 so spam subscribe in chat there we go uh cheers Apache appreciate that uh Tron absolutely 2B yes that’s it we want we want 2,000 subscribers in this stream can we get there before I fall asleep and get stream sniped by the entire server we’ll see

Uh what am I I’m just walking in like random directions right this is the way we want to go no anime no anime okay we can’t do that do I have any illegal items I don’t actually what’s up with all these drip out skeletons what’s up with all this is

Like like the drip the drip section how many players are online we’ve got 300 online oh we’re over 200 now so now it’s time to spam subscribe everyone spam subscribe in chat It’s Time It’s Time come on guys all the new people join and tell them what time it

Is tell them what time it is let’s go thank you guys this is an alert it’s a subscribe alert there we go thank you guys yeah welcome to everyone we’re on 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft we’re just exploring we are exploring around what’s that over there let’s go and have a

Look uh yeah and if you do subscribe you’ll instantly become very successful at Minecraft that’s how it works that’s how it works oh no [Applause] stop making that noise stop making that noise all right what way are we going we going we’re going east we’re going east just asking what’s with the phone

Display just trying something different we’re just trying something different we’ve done a few of these a lot of people join and it’s a it’s a it’s a lot of fun that’s what’s s with illegal it I would say if I had illegal items they’re not I mean they’re illegal to Minecraft

But they’re not illegal to the server yeah I just don’t have any unfortunately I wish I did if I did I’d show you but yeah I just don’t have any I’m afraid use elytra to go faster well I’ll quickly show you but we’re walking we are walking yeah we are

Walking we’re taking our time we’re going for a leisurely stroll through the safest NE neighborhood in all of Minecraft okay there is nothing dangerous about this server it’s chill it’s super chill uh look at this old terrain beautiful again awesome old terrain look at it uh it’s not weird do I play other

Games no um I played World of Warcraft about 15 years ago that’s about it that’s about it I just don’t have time to play other games we kind of putting everything into this channel on this game so yeah there we go oh we got 222

222 uh welcome guys oh it jumped up and down up and down but yeah welcome everyone guys we went over 200 again you know what has to happen you know what has to happen uh I sub last stream I mean Loi man I’m still bad at Minecraft if you

See me play regular Minecraft you would laugh so you know it is what it is it is what it is the new fit I appreciate that the oldest anak server in Minecraft there we go there we go visual glitches it’s all we’ve got um we’ve got a bat thanks to me bats are

Back on the server thanks to me by the way for those who didn’t know know that if it wasn’t for me the bats wouldn’t be here let’s go up here a little bit join hermitcraft I mean if they invited me yeah but I mean what the heck would I do

I mean those guys are literally amazing at Minecraft like that’s like s tier Minecraft players right to say I’d be out a place would be uh understatement but maybe I could be like a hidden guy that just tries to grief them they have to like create ungrievable Redstone bases and then I

Just like rock up to try and grief them I’d do that that’d be pretty cool uh how did you pull that off respect for protecting a danger species how did I get the bats back so I created a post on the 2b2 T Reddit saying why a bats

Extinct and uh then Fit made a video about it put my Reddit post up but got my post deleted so you couldn’t see my username then he made a video about it and then the next day they got re-enabled so yeah bats are back because of me it’s my claim to

Fame that is my claim to fame uh do you play Java B Rock Java exclusively 2b2 is only uh only on Java yeah I bought back an extend pieces there were only 10 bats left on 2b2 T they just stopped spawning for some reason um and there were like 10 that

Had been name tagged and uh yeah I went to see a couple uh and then they came back properly crazy wow we’ve gone we’ve just gone over, 1500 subscribers so guys honestly from the bottom of my heart I really appreciate it honestly I really appreciate that that is a great

Milestone we were about 1,400 at the start of this stream so that is amazing thank you guys thank you you guys are making me happy you guys are all awesome we’re all friends ever play modded Minecraft I haven’t no I might do one day you’re a wizard thank you nuro socks

Uh imagine the lag I the people have done made like copy servers on there right so it does exist look at all this crap I’ve got but but but where did they get all this stuff from let’s just pretty this place up a little bit there we go uh so what am I

Watching uh Adam we’re just roaming around we’re just looking at spawn yeah there’s so much beautiful stuff here I didn’t time that badly at all we’ll forget what that sign says but there’s such beautiful stuff here and again we’re looking at this old terrain here this is like really really old

Terrain we’re just chilling we’re just chilling you’re the best Batman in the server I don’t know what that means but I appreciate it thank you uh all things player made yes anything here all of these weird things are player made right we’ve had nearly a million players come through here really

Bizarre 13 years a million I players almost crazy it’s just like a whole computer game that’s completely user generated and I just like to wander around and look at it really um this man is carrying fits torch single-handedly ah salute to that thank you appreciate that on a scale of 1 to

10 how dangerous 2b2 T it’s not dangerous you know I mean look I’ve been walking not running not flying I’ve been walking around spawn now live on the internet for like what how long have we been streaming for like an hour and a half or something like that 2 hours now

And uh no one’s come to get us it’s not even a one it’s a zero it’s super easy super safe didn’t even know YouTube live streams could be in shorts exactly it’s a brand new thing we started it the other day just experimenting I used to

Average 10 viewers a stream when I used to do a regular horizontal stream and now we’re getting like 300 at a time sometimes it’s insane these used to be very rare as well slimes used to be super rare uh used to be very hard work to get one to

Spawn but again very very easy now uh sadly can’t play Tob I can watch the Stream so well yeah you can so you know I’m going to take you around the server show you everything I’m like your personal 2b2 t tour guide right we will go around together don’t you

Worry I’ll be back see you later bad Tunes make sure you subscribed what’s good the boss what’s good this just carry on so we’re kind of going a bit backwards now but it’s fine it’s fine you never know what you’re going to come across right that’s the weird that’s the cool thing about

These places I mean what the hell is going on over here as I said you just don’t know what you’re going to find ah it’s a vaa logo I think what is this very interesting oh Tesla logo okay what version is 2b2 T 1.9.4 1.9.4 right what way we going we going

To go this way we still got dagger dagger and Demon keep swapping off when did they get updated uh August of 2023 do you make money no well occasionally someone like someone might throw me the odd little Doo but no we’re just doing this to have fun build an audience that’s what we do this for uh how many years have I played for three years only I’m actually quite a new

Minecrafter what clients do you recommend well uh there’s a video linked at the top of the chat it’s the complete guide to 2b2 T which I made it’s pretty good if I do say so myself it will tell you all about clients other mods how to escape spawn how to find

Stashes uh it tells you you everything you need to know to get started so yeah go and watch that it’s got all the answers you could ever need thank you uh Naruto CEO of money that’s a good thing to be CEO of uh yeah shortz has streams

Now and uh this is what we’re doing this is what we’ve got I played it I played one or two years cool cool uh how does tb2t feel like in 2024 it feels empty I mean yes we’ve got two 300 players on but it’s just not the same it feels really empty and

Desolate that’s pretty cool uh you know I do like that uh well hey man good luck with that I hope you don’t get anything bad I hope you don’t get anything bad all right let’s carry on Let Us carry on over this beautiful old terrain gosh you love to see it

Almost feels untouched as well which is what’s so bizarre it’s very strange oh let’s go over to that lava cast let’s go over to that lava cast let’s go and take a look look at this thing oh you got a shot in that was impressive would you ever make a video

Hacking in pirated Minecraft servers no I wouldn’t I I’ve fit used to do that he used to do videos of him like hacking on Hypixel and stuff but I think that’s pretty cringe like um I don’t support hacking on servers that don’t allow it I just

Yeah it’s just cringe to me I’m not not a fan of that what I might do one day though is like join a SMP and Gru people I might do that that might be fun just see how quickly I can annoy people might be a fun thing to

Do your stream is so relaxing thank you uh Zach make sure you subscribe for the next one uh what options do you turn on in meteor oh no how did I end up in here help help okay I’m okay we’re good uh heading off for the night cheers Patty see you soon

Uh can you please show the nether or end okay let’s go into The Nether I’ll be back guys don’t worry I’m not going to go anywhere here we go welcome to the nether welcome to the nether it’s as crazy as you would expect it’s as crazy as you would

Expect but we’re going to go back we’re going to go back oh uh I have a world from 2012 that’s cool keep hold of it uh I deleted my first Worlds by mistake and it’s one of the biggest regrets I have it really is I do anything to get those back what’s up

Melon uh have you had any PVP since playing on the server not really I’ve tried it at spawn a few times and just get owned it’s very difficult my very it’s very very very difficult thanks am man appreciate that yeah hacking’s allowed here so we do it we do it hi

Coolish um just welcome everyone welcome welcome yeah my first ever world again it was 2020 and I did single player for like a week and I played 2B and it was on an old laptop and I just deleted all my screenshots and deleted my first world just without thinking about it and I’m

Like genuinely upset I got like three screenshots from back there and uh I don’t know what I was thinking I don’t know what I was thinking I do not know what I was thinking oh well too late now too late now can’t get it back what have we got that down

Here oh we got a oh we got a little base oh god let’s go and have a look let’s go and have a look how do we get down people have already dug all the way down here how do we get in hello I mean this could be super

Old this could be super old look at it you never know all right let’s make our way back up let’s make our way back up he the guys getting owned by mobs up there uh God we’re up to 248 oh my God we blink and miss it so remember guys

Once we’re over 200 everyone has to spam subscribe let people know the new people know what to do trying to get to 2,000 subs today guys 2,000 today so we need your help guys so everyone spam subscribe right now whil I let you know that we are on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy

Server in Minecraft it’s been around 13 years nearly a million people have come through here we’ve been through every major update all the way from like beta 1.3 up to four release 1.9.4 it’s absolutely crazy This Server so many crazy things going on and uh we’re just exploring we are just exploring we’re

Looking around checking things out finding random ruins like this and just just exploring just exploring right um let’s go let’s go over here got our little anas today as well oh what we got going on over here we’ve got the valley of lava what’s going on here what other server would you find

This hey what other server would you find this what other server would you find this what’s up everyone welcome welcome to the stream I appreciate it it’s so good to have so many people here um do I support Terry I don’t know what that means Valley of wheat in our thoughts of

Course salute the valley of wheat salute to the valley of wheat I mean we could go and check it out I suppose it would be it would be completely griefed but you know I suppose we could go and check it out but for now we’ll just carry on around here uh

How much for you to drain an ocean a lot that’s hard work uh I know Souls Master yeah that’s a very good way of putting it I mean the things that have happened over the years are absolutely crazy Wars conflicts hacks back doors griefs we’ve seen it all and it continues to

Happen it’s why it’s so interesting maybe the most interesting place all of Minecraft a legend in gaming uh elytra fly hack yeah it’s still working it’s still working I know the crazy stuff it’s like a whole user generated game right like I used to play stuff like Warcraft MMO

RPGs but everyone does the same thing it’s all done by developers but this this is all user generated you never know what you’re going to find around the corner that’s super interesting to me oh okay well there’s something a glitched ocean Monument right down there I was not expecting

That who would have thought right there who would have thought oh there it is who would have thought right there hey how much to go to the world border that would be thousands to make me do that I’m afraid um thank you Naruto uh no hacks no hacks all right let’s let’s swim

In let’s swim in yeah it’s a little difficult to do this y just a perfect chunk taken out how interesting is that right stop hacking I know dagger I’m sorry I’m sorry in 10 more years I think all of 2b2 T well here’s an interesting fact

That I only learned today only less than 0.4% of the map has been explored now how crazy is that how crazy is that you know um is fit MC’s N Fly machine still there that’s a good question we could go and find out it’s not that far from end

Spawn you know maybe we do that one day uh yeah it’s the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft that is exactly what it is uh what client using Russia hack and meteor um let’s carry on carry on our journey uh you can get the hacks they’re very common to get easy to

Get show my coordinates no 100 bucks donation I would show my coordinates and carry on walking but that’s that’s it um yeah good point dagger yeah it won’t be there would it I re recognize that ocean Monument see you soon I will see you soon come and join

Us um meor is free Russia is not do not download a crack version of any hack client CU you will get ratted why do you have War hacks on Minecraft uh I don’t anyway uh are there any highways near where you’re at yeah I’m right next to a highway

Actually right next to a highway let’s go to it here we go here here’s the highway here is the highway for some reason it’s now uh it’s now a river fine uh can I ask what they appe to playing 2b2 is it fun the history it’s

The history for me like you you never know what you’re going to find dagger you never know what you’re going to find million players have come through all the crazy things that have happened you can literally come off the highway and find I mean look at this I mean

Where else would you find something like this you know it’s absolutely insane uh Mr Cat well hacking’s allowed on This Server so it’s fine uh that’s not the southern Canal no and then this is another interesting thing that you want won’t find anywhere else so look at

This uh these strange ice swiss cheese ice again you won’t find that anywhere else again that’s like different versions clashing let’s go and look at this old wrecked house this piece of History that’s now crumbling back into time oh there’s bees here what the heck beta terrain beta Terrain in and a

Beehive when old meets new when old meets new look at that now that is bizarre we got a piglin that is Strange uh I want to make a crazy laugh cast yeah I I’ve suggested a lava cast base before so from the outside it all looks like lava casts and then everyone just does like the interior I think that would be good see you later deam

Uh all right let’s go up bounce I’m so good bounce bounce bounce bounce let’s continue on I’m just going to have a look down there what’s that o hidden chest what keeps happening just vanilla stuff just vanilla stuff yeah come and join us back on 2b2 T this is loads of stuff going

On uh I can’t look at the sign I’ve got sign text turned off because you know people like to write stuff on these signs that aren’t exactly uh YouTube friendly so you got to be a little careful a look at this just an old little survival shelter again decaying back into the

Ground lost of time beautiful absolutely beautiful said GG’s you wasted your time nice uh go base hunting well we go base hunting on a Sunday on a Sunday we go base hunting uh so today we’re just chilling around spawn today we just chill around spawn on that’s what we do

Okay sorry just adjusting things right right right right uh what way are we going we going this way we are going this way where you part of any big projects in 2B history no no unfortunately not I’ve always been more of a an observer you

Know I’ve been around when a lot of them have been going on but I kind of like to just be on the outside looking in I feel it kind of stops you getting burned out you know the big projects take a lot of effort you know they want you to commit

Hours and hours and hours and it’s just kind of not my thing so I like to play when I want to play build when I want to build so um yeah yeah I’m kind of neutral I’m kind of neutral I once waited 3 hours gave up

Yeah the the main queue is a bit of a pain yeah I am a bit of a nomad but you know I am in the Geyers as well and that’s a great grou group that is a great group how far out am I uh I’m around 8K out so not too

Far not too far out well that looks interesting oh God I’m so good I’m so good let’s just go along here I played tub a few times but never seriously I waited almost 3 four hours and got kicked yeah unfortunately it can happen right who’s the person with me that’s one of my

Bodyguards that’s one of my bodyguards uh you started a huge world and it’s got lore awesome dude these little guys no no use for my kilor I mean not koraa I mean just my my good timing right good timing no kill Ora just good timing I’m scared to join then someone

Kills me but if you’ve got nothing you’ve got nothing to lose right you know if someone kills you doesn’t doesn’t matter does it you have nothing to lose if you want to play just come on and look at the video that I linked at the top it’s the complete guide to 2b2 T

And it will give you everything you need to know to get started will keep you safe don’t worry how does someone gain a knowledge yeah so look at the uh video that I put pinned at the top of the chat the full guide 2b2 T that gives you all the

Knowledge in fact some people were a bit annoyed at me that I gave away some like trade secrets on there so I’ve given away some knowledge that’s a little too good but you know it’s worth it right look at the what have we got going on

Here uh we lost 200 viewers it’s fine they come and go we’ve been down to 20 we’ve been to over 300 it’s absolutely fine don’t worry YouTube shorts is volatile to say the least look at this where are you you’re in 2B spawn you’re in 2B 2T

Spawn thanks raw dogger to be on Bedrock nope and it don’t won’t ever be uh I actually found your stream on shorts yeah yeah the short stream is pretty op I mean I’ve used to get on average about 10 viewers for my regular streams and now we’re getting on average

Like 100 viewers maximum like over 300 so pretty uh pretty ridiculous to say the least right but it’s all fun it’s a lot of fun is this how am I how am I hitting him through the wall some people would say I’m hacking but no really no viewers or a million you

Still have more confidence than most people I appreciate that you got to be confident it’s not confidence it’s just more enjoying what I’m doing and if people want to come and watch that’s awesome that’s awesome biggest problem with tub is the extreme Knowledge Learning Gap I think it’s awesome you’re

Making them more access for people like us I appreciate that you know my little bit to keep the survey going by bringing new people if I can help people out that’s awesome these YouTube short streams are bizarre they are bizarre but they’re also awesome for streamers like me you

Get to get loads more views than you are normally getting uh literally gained a th000 subscribers in under a week which is just Bonkers but today we are trying to get over 2,000 can we do it in in one stream I don’t know if we can I don’t know can we do

It amethyst Shard what but we’re in beta terrain oh all the way down there also let’s keep an eye out see if we can find an ancient city that would be that’ be pretty interesting right what way we’re going to go this way look at all the signs just another average glitch

Yeah yeah just glitches it’s just an old map old old Map I get content I never watch like Minecraft and furry soup making streams oh dear oh no I mean you know that’s great well don’t worry this is m inecraft there’s no furry activity going on here I’ll tell you that I’ll tell you that go to the top and give us a nice

View let’s go let’s go I don’t think we’re going to be able to render it in we’re we’re up in the heavens whoops let’s go a little bit further down yeah there we go there we go there we go uh tracers I don’t want to turn

Tracers on because we’ got a few people around us so uh we’ve got our friends with us today so I don’t want lines all over the screen it’s a bit boring um can you make spy glass uh you can I just don’t know how um you know

The server is almost as old as you wow uh is there still Jesus hack yep um what would happen if I just gave you a little touch I don’t know go on dagger push me off push me off give us a little push give us a little push ion is there

No more lag in tp2t now the lag is almost gone it’s bizarre like we used to be regularly uh on single figure TPS um and now it’s basically smooth all the time it’s extremely strange ooh oh oh hello hello do you think he sees us do you think he sees us

Hello oh he doesn’t see us let’s let’s throw some wheat seeds at at him let’s throw some wheat seeds at him let’s throw some wheat seeds ah dagger he sees us he sees us oh he’s going for dager oh no hit him see you later dagger see you later see you

Later launch code 12 shout out shout out have I found any decade old ruins it’s very likely that these are all decade old ruins to be honest it’s very likely that most things uh here are decade old ruins uh hi Britney you struck gold with these shorts lives I know it’s crazy right

Uh Turkish mapping what’s up uh you got muted on 2b2 T that’s that’s unlucky Turkish mapping you’re there you’re there you’re there we got you all right W guys we’re at 258 Subs you uh not Subs 258 viewers you know what we’ve got to do you know what we’ve got to do

Oh it’s gone down to 171 too late too late how long the wait times you know 2 to four hours without pryo uh how are the hack versus hack fights they’re pretty crazy they’re pretty crazy why is your name green someone gifted you a channel membership so you

Got lucky you’re an actual Channel member you’re an OG so we do some uh member only streams so you’re going to be able to come to those uh and if I find any loot I will share them and uh we’ve done that twice already let’s go down

Let’s go down just in case there’s some loot down here oh no it’s a spider spawner it’s a spider spawner right uh you have a plan on starting a Discord um sort of yeah keep an eye out maybe not a Discord server um but I might get myself a channel somewhere

Else I might get my own channel somewhere else so yeah keep an eye out for that I put a request in to the gers yeah I cannot I don’t really want to do my my own one it’s a lot of work it’s your birthday on Wednesday

Seth well have a fantastic birthday I do really mean that um how to be a member uh just go to the channel click join and you can join be good to have you well if you want to join just go over to the channel click join and you

Can join become an OG you’ll get your colored belt you’ll go through the ranks for all the time you’re with us you can join the members only streams and uh yeah where I share out any loot that I find done that twice already I found a little stash and given

The coordinates to the members o what’s your coordinates 420 69 420 uh how goes the 2B grind it goes good it goes really good Saxon that’s good I’m glad you’re back with us what client we using in F uh meteor and Russia not future anymore

Damn um so we are over 200 viewers again guys so you know what to do uh and uh yeah welcome everyone we are on 2b2 t uh we are on the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft and we’re just exploring we’re looking around we’re seeing what we can

Find like what is this what does this mean tell me what this means what is it come on guys what does it mean and yeah we’re trying to get to 2,000 subs today I wonder if we can do it we are at 1564 right now so we Are Climbing

Absolutely we are getting there we are getting there let’s go let’s update the sub counter 50 there we go the sub counter has been updated manually we are fully manual that’s how we roll what is going on up here vertical stream is this new yeah this is brand

New what is this up here like a sky base type thing sky base ruins uh I just checked the other streams it was what the hell yeah I would stay here those sound pretty weird pizza party at 2K Subs you know that baby uh how is the spot not completely

Destroyed I don’t know thank you Seb appreciate that when did YouTube add add this really recently actually really recently Hallelujah fair enough uh right let’s uh let’s get back onto some of this lovely old terrain oh we lost oh we lost the guys we lost the guys what’s up cumri and R

Spotter I swear I’ve seen those ruins Minecraft MB probably five or six years old like I say this is beta terrain right because uh if we look in the ground no andesite no diorite no Granite just Stone dirt and gravel somewhere probably so yeah this terrain is old

Stop hacking you hacker look every time someone accuses me of hacking I it’s not the way it is I’m not hacking these are just like visual glitches that happen you know it’s desync the map just is desync desyncing yeah it’s an old it’s a really old map

It’s like you know it’s 13 years old sometimes we get desync all right I’m on meet your client no you see meet to your client and Russia hack I wish they hadn’t named it that but that’s just part of the Steal theories like audio plugin site uh for OBS is what that

Is and it’s just the D noiser I’m actually outside so I have to have these plugins so that you can’t hear the the the street noise that’s what those things are ESP no it’s just this version of what the hell is this version of Minecraft

Like in beta 1.7.3 if you press F F3 like there’s some numbers above the mob heads so it’s kind of like that just in this version of Minecraft the mobs get outlined it’s really weird I don’t know why I don’t know why but it’s not a hack like literally I’m not

Hacking uh anyone want to find some diamonds where where where are the diamonds on this map oh there they are there’s the Diamonds oh there’s the there’s the diamonds there’s the diamonds yeah uh anyway but yeah we’re not hacking don’t worry we’re not hacking um why is the stream vertical this the

Way I’m holding my phone so I’m playing on my mobile right now I’m playing on my cell phone and I’m just holding it up in the air vertically that’s why in fact this is where I live this is this is actually where I live I’m just like holding my phone and walking

Around use the bot to Auto mine diamonds I would do but I’ve got chat turned off so I need I need chat what can we what can I turn on auto walk there we go Auto walk it’s going to walk for me I’m not touching the keyboard

Now Auto eats it’s going to find me the route around you see that anyway anyway uh fly through the blocks I I didn’t fly through the blocks it just visual glitches and desync is all that’s happening do you do crystal PVP no I don’t I’m terrible at it Um I downloaded a mod that allows me hacking I I I didn’t all right I didn’t it’s just the this is like um snapshot 1 120.4 374 DB and uh these are just experimental things that Notch is trying out like Notch has been working really hard at the new versions of

Minecraft and uh yeah Notch is just trying to implement a few new things things to make the game a little easier yeah yeah praise Notch praise Notch uh how do you get it to fit so well on our screens um because I’m playing on my phone that’s why I know I’ve got the

Game stretched out so what you’re seeing is actually what I’m seeing uh I’ve got the straight the game stretched out long ways uh that’s it really all right let’s just mine down into his base if you’re not going to create stairs for me craft huh that’s a craft is that what the

Bottom of a crafting table looks like okay we need to investigate that in a minute a it’s all this guy’s vanilla gear oh he’s left all of his food as well is that literally what the the bottom of a crafting table looks like I did not

Know that see you learn stuff every day on 2b2 t o we’ve got an ancient city look now to see this on 2b2 T is still hella bizarre right you wants to go and summon a warden in 2b2 t who wants to go and summon the warden in 2b2

Who wants to summon a warden in two Builders two to two tools hey Lucas thanks for subbing appreciate that can you can you can you stop it oh look the house is gone should we go down to the ancient city and get owned by a warden should we go down there wardens in

2b2 yeah I think we’re okay I think we’re okay I think we’re okay uh yes it’s an anarchy server so yeah we’re allowed to hack we’re allowed to hack I don’t um encourage hacking on non hackable servers don’t do that that’s bad but here you’re allowed to hack and

Again you need to because there’s so much stuff going on right we need to we need to how long have we been going been streaming quite a long time today let’s carry on a bit longer let’s let’s carry on a little longer he gave me a Wither

Rose why am I eating this cursed food right let’s carry on imagine what 2b2 T would look like without all the grief in it I just like a normal Minecraft world I suppose pretty boring cumri in nice honestly griefing is a big part of it right oh ender

Pearl what’s going on over there let’s go and have a look what have we got here let’s get out the way boom boom boom I’m going to get you perfectly timed swings bro where where I played shortly after ETA played wow awesome awesome is this is this what I think it

Is I don’t think it is there was no there’s no XP oh dear let’s get out of here a little bit let’s just go over here let’s just go over here uh I love the server’s history like with the lightning strike client yeah awesome stuff um we ever survives an ambush no no

One’s brave enough to Ambush me no one is brave enough uh right at this crazy terrain man it’s nuts at this perfect parkour oh op parkour uh it’s crazy most of the builds you saw were built years ago I know man it’s is pretty crazy can we find a glitched nether

Portal now that’s a that would be nice that would be nice let’s start checking out the portals cuz we are in Old terrain right so let’s let’s look around yeah let’s look around uh dagger if you can look for some glitch portals as well that would be

Nice if we were going to find one they’d be in this kind of area I suppose either Java or PS5 it’s got to be Java man it’s got to be Java Edition has to be it doesn’t have to be but you know yeah to be honest I think a lot of them

Would be griefed um um but you do find them still occasionally they’re not the most common thing these days a lot of them have been griefed unfortunately all right let’s carry on carry on carry on oh we’ve lost everyone we lost we’re on our own again we’re all alone oh

No it’s all right we’ll be all right W what’s going on did it just get yeah I yeah just went through oh we got something new here we’ve got something new what’s going on here then what’s going on here got some new blocks like we found like a little Oasis type

Thing found he thought it was a dup stash yeah you’d be lucky at this distance dagger you’d be lucky at this distance ow what’s that someone’s bed all the way down there bro why a this is a nice little Fountain I like this design cheers Lucas see you soon

Bro we need to uh bless this oh no that doesn’t look very good you even leave a sign let’s leave a sign I haven’t done a sign yet what should we say ricken streamed here for March 24 there we go nice yeah and the reason that I can’t

You can’t see the text on the signs is because I have sign text turned off because uh in 2020 someone did a world download of like 15 56k squ or 256k squared and uh if the sign is included in that then you can look at a database to get the

Coordinates so I just don’t want to either get exploited myself although that doesn’t matter cuz I’m Invincible but if I found like a nice base I wouldn’t want people to be able to find their coord coordinates so that is why you can’t see sign text someone copied that design from you

Wow I think you’re exactly where I was dagger I think you must be where I was anyway I want to go this way I want to go this way freak found a creeper build nice oh damn another wither friendly little wither where should we go let’s go up here for a

Bit Good morning Vietnam welcome Ally should I stare this guy in the eye go on it go on it uh oh my God it’s like a family I’m going to kill them all it’s like a family and we’re going to kill them all I’m down to my last gapple down to my last

Gapple it’s all right I got a few more I’ve got a few more and before anyone says that these gapples are duped they’re not all right I made all of them myself by hand what’s going on I’m so good at I’m so look not one of them hit me God

Damn all right let’s let’s get away a little bit Let’s Get Away whoa okay wasn’t expecting that oh wow found a pyramid right let’s just land well there’s not a bunch of mobs so I can get some gapples out yeah before anyone says these are hacked in gapples

Or duped no I made them all by hand I I grinded them myself okay totally true um cheers tiger appreciate that um you know TB do inspire me to make a huge and bedrock and it actually looks beautiful great oh we found cake town we found cake town There’s a big

Cake up there as well we found the valley of cakes well we found the valley of a lot of things today we found lots of valleys today uh that’s a lot of cakes that is a lot of cakes I hope they’re gluten-free I I don’t I don’t care I

Don’t care it’s the Enderman holding a cake and he’s holding grass grass 2,000th sub gets all of my e chest you get all of my e chest except my collectibles but the rest of it you can have 100% 100% you can have my e chest not my

Collectibles those are mine but the rest of it you can have right let’s carry on we we’re slowly walking back to spawn we’re slowly making our way back so if anyone wants to see us come and see me come and see me there’s an arrow and there’s a cross praise house

Master praise house Master what’s the arrow point two what is it there there’s nothing there why Um oh someone’s built this I’m confused uh have some more chicken have some more pie doesn’t matter if it’s bored or fried nice nice why have we got why have we got a new chunk there that’s strange are you hacking no no no hacking no hacking go to spawn we’re we’re

Making our way there we’re making our way there um you know if there is something somewhere specific you want me to go I will go there but it will cost you a Dono that’s kind of the rule so uh if you give me a Dono and tell me where to

Go we will go there but other than that and it has to be over world as well you can’t just say go to the end and it has to be closest to spawn as well Crystal PVP a warden I mean we could go and see some

Wardens so we got to should we go into The Nether and look at some wardens should we do that let’s go you want to see wardens I’ll show you some wardens all right before we go to the nether we need a few more rockets need a few more rockets and we need

Um I’m going to put that away that way that way oh no oh now I hit a pigman oh they all want to kill me now why did why did that happen I think it must have been in front of something else oh we’ve got to move

Now oh no and what’s the last thing we need we need some pearls some ender pearls cannot go we cannot go to the nether without these things probably a bad idea for us to go through here now here we are then back at spawn in the nether holy holy crap oh there’s

Dagger there’s dagger oh there’s one Warden there’s one Warden there’s some fire Works down here where’s the wardens that’s why we came here isn’t it the wardens where’s the wardens gone thanks Imon appreciate that see you tiger there’s one there’s another one there was loads here the other

Day see you later Vex sorry dagger I know now what have we got down here oh we got some loot actually found a bit of loot right let’s get out of here let’s get back into the Overworld shall we let’s get back oh we’re so low down that’s the

Only thing you keep like spawning really low down go high let’s try this one let’s try this one a there we go whoa whoa what did we just come out to what did we just come out to thanks football coach appreciate that what did we just come out

To you see what other server could you just go through a random nether portal and find this crap hey that’s Drake is it hey Yo look at this man look at this stuff I mean where else could you be seeing this type of stuff eh let’s land right here oh now tell me tell me that’s not super cool right tell me that’s not super cool pixel art whoops what is about vertical that do so

Well uh they’re just going to the shorts feed de loaded they’re going to the shorts feed spe and I think there’s just an adjustment period at the moment wow all Ryan yeah this is 2b2 T absolutely it is absolutely welcome is this the new algorithm hack uh possibly

Possibly right what way we actually going actually don’t know what direction we’re going in you’re sleeping when I’m sleeping interesting right let’s where are we going to go what texture pack it’s the OG it’s just the original yep vanilla vanilla texture pack vanilla client no hacks we are fully vanilla today Escape

In spawn with no hacks how to escape spawn in vanilla all right actually I want to go this way this this way I’m going to go back the way we came now it shows the items are small oh it’s just because I’ve got the uh the

Window closed a little bit it’s just a vanilla feature just saw a rude symbol I apologize going to go this way do you know what I have to do to go to heaven uh just be a nice person right let’s jump through let’s jump through that’s a lot of crafting tables this

Way is that Drake someone said that was Drake is it no Drake to me sheep can you give me a free kit at spawn um yeah I could I suppose I’ve actually got one on me uh is 250 pretty average for Q I guess so oh water

Cube should we do a delivery for this guy asked in chat I do have a kit in my uh new chest golden chest plate oh yeah we found some gear at spawn the Church of hatsun okay I don’t know what that means e chest que gapple

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah oh we got some right let’s just go over here and we can get back to walking get back to slat walking get back to slat walking give a zombie full netherite I’ve seen that you know uh I’ve seen that it’s pretty funny

I recognize this place you know I think we might be near where dirt city was you seen the VA spawn logo yeah I saw it interesting project I think we’re near dirt City you know oh yeah the views are pretty consistent yep y the algorithm definitely has started to like me but I

Think it’s because the stream is so good I think it’s because the stream is so good um right let’s we’re just chilling just going up here oh first timer in the Stream is great well thank you appreciate that but remember to subscribe we’re trying to get to 2,000 Subs so we’re getting so

Close can you believe it just over a week ago we had 400 and now we’re we’re making our way to 2,000 it’s insane it’s insane thank you YouTube vertical streams thank you YouTube vertical streams but no thank you you guys you guys are all awesome you guys are all awesome we’re up to

1580 wow can’t believe it i’ give myself a thousand as the goal for the end of this year and then YouTube does something silly like this here we go let’s go thanks guys we have Minecraft and religion I know I know it’s cool if you want to

Talk about it oh we got another ancient city I think is it yeah we’ve got another ancient city so close to spawn look at that so bizarre it’s like I can’t quite believe that how long have you been playing on 2b2 T I’ve been playing on

2b2 T for about three and a half years now um at least 10 to 15K by the end of the year oh don’t say that don’t say that that would be Beyond epic that would be Beyond epic um oh the viewers are going up again viewers are going up again you’re

The new South C1 I appreciate that I’ll take that thank you de loaded I’m the first Brit MC actually no let’s let’s get it right I’m not the second anyone I’m the first and only Brit MC there we go I’m not the second anyone I’m the first

Right 100 people just joined I know it’s pretty crazy it’s pretty crazy any 2b2 YouTubers you’d recommend aside from Fast Vincent uh Ranch is cool um who else got I really don’t watch much other people’s content and I feel bad about it um I do feel bad about it

But I just don’t have time but yeah there is no one else just just stick with us just stick with us I don’t understand your channel I need to know your video tags just standard tags if you there’s a way to look at people’s tags if you look

At the the source of a video you can see anyone’s tags there’s a way to do that uh shortz is live we do you want to get your shout out from Dr donut I don’t know who that is but if he has CL then yes I do wow look at

This what is going on here yes if Dr donut has clout give me the clout what is this look at this oh I guess we’re going down to take a further look didn’t need to do that uh should we go and drop off a kit let’s go

And drop a kit off to this guy then why not what’s going on here let’s go and drop a kit off to a to a viewer shall we you better be a subscriber you better be a subscriber or should I leave it for him here and make him come and get get it

What do you reckon should we leave it for him here and make him come and get it at least give him a bit of a challenge there we go what do we reckon should we take it to him or should we make him come and get it we’re pretty

Close we’re pretty close we’re like 5K out so we’re not far what’s everyone think what does everyone think right it’s here oh but how am I going to tell him how to get it how how are we going to get it to him I don’t want to open chat to send him quartz

Uh okay we we’ll take it to him we’ll take it to him let’s do a good deed let’s do a good deed where are we can we can we even just fly there I’m going to try this might be difficult because I can’t I’m not that good at

Being precise cuz I don’t really see the quartz so I can’t really see quads so let’s try you can stop spamming just stay there I’m coming I’m coming can stop spamming now I’m not going to turn on my quartz I’m doing this very difficult way I’m doing this in a very difficult way

Oh God right in fact this is the portal we need this should take us very close to where he is okay this is nowhere near where he is right it’s very hard because again I haven’t got my I haven’t got any quads so I’m doing it on offscreen quads and

They they’re they’re very difficult all right this is the portal that we need this is the portal that we need we got to be quick now because we are pretty close to spawn ah you know what let’s just do this one this is close enough this is close

Enough oh you’re in the nether are you all right am I getting trolled am I getting trolled is this what’s happening is this what’s happening yeah this is getting stinky this is starting to get stinky this is getting stinky yeah this is getting stinky it’s time to leave I think it’s time to

Leave I think it’s time to leave right I’m going to go to those coordinates in the Overworld you better be there you better be there we’ll see we’ll see stop repeating everything you’re making me tweak out uh this is so hard the coordinates I’ve got don’t update in real

Time oh I haven’t got tracers on that would help right he’s not here I am certain that he’s not here here I’m certain that he’s not here see this is boring cuz I’m a to concentrate so hard and I can’t talk okay I having to concentrate so hard if you’re not

There if you are not there trying to do a good deed trying to do a good Deed there they are there they are all the way down there all the way down There let’s go down let’s go [Applause] down let’s go down there you go done our one good deed on the server today done our one good deed on the server right let’s get out of here let’s get out of here you are a good person I am a good person I’m a good

Person it’s only cuz I had a kit on me I was like I’ll bring a kit just in case there we go oh there he is up there what’s up DRS yeah I don’t know how much longer I’m going to do I’m starting to feel a bit well drowsy

Um we’ve done we’ve done quite a while whoa so um but it’s been pretty epic oh a Wen there we’re at 1592 Subs 1592 Subs so I don’t think we’re going to make the don’t think we’re going to make the 2K today but at least let’s make the,

1600 that’s got to be a goal for today it’s got to be a goal for today hey uh I’m going to go this way going to go this way we’re going to do this again tomorrow though don’t worry and the next day I’m going to ram these for a few

Days see if we can do 2K this week make me a happy boy what’s up Hank uh yeah his name’s Mr Trapper I didn’t even spot that he didn’t even spot that what’s up miles yeah vertical stream I did not even spot his names Mr Trapper that would have been super dumb

If I did get trapped right who’ you get trapped by uh Mr Trapper oh no we found a dead body guys F in the chat got the XP and everything oh no oh he had stone tools no it’s so sad oh his shield look at his shield it didn’t save

Him it didn’t save him damn poor guy uh are 2b2 T yeah elytras are back elytras are all good uh I’m from 2b2 I saw a link in chat oh that’s nice that’s nice whoever posted that in chat thank you I think more people should do that

Actually I think more people should do that uh what else do we need to get rid of I don’t know why I’ve got pearls don’t need pearls I don’t need pearls because I am Invincible I am Invincible no one would ever dream to come and get me right let’s get up

Here oh really oh that’s nice of him that’s nice of him give a kit get some clout seems like a fair trade to me seems like a fair trade to me what is going on down here oh we popped a totem oh it’s a p PR Thomas

Museum we popped a totem did you see that that that was crazy that was crazy what is going on what’s that down there just a bunch of signs just a bunch of signs you flew up to 2 million without a totem bro that’s crazy that’s crazy do I get

Stream sniped no no one’s brave enough no one’s brave enough just yeah they know the heat that that would bring on them their group and their entire world I just don’t bother for the Wrath of the geyes you don’t want that smoke I don’t know why I just find that really

Funny I just find that really funny you on your way nah everyone says that and no one ever turns up did you get affected by Noom uh no it’s not to say that they didn’t collect my coordinates but um either they didn’t give them out or no one used them or

Whatever from what I understand you know even if they do get uh um coordinates they prefer to just Target like big shops and stuff can I play your server uh unfortunately I just don’t have time otherwise I’d love to just don’t have time busy guy try to hold down a

Full-time job and train jiujitsu like four times a week and go to the gym and try and trying to do a lot of this as well busy busy busy busy sacrificing like personal time but it’s worth it try to be productive and all that what have we got down here wared W

Block bunch of random stuff W Jim yeah oh yeah you got to keep fit and healthy got to keep fit and healthy uh the log 4J no that didn’t affect me that didn’t that didn’t affect me what clients nd I’m using rusher hack and meteor uh yeah they’re pretty good pretty

Good right let’s carry on just over here was that a banner oh bone thought I saw a banner thought I saw a Banner finally an English stream yeah welcome well sort of English Cockney English as we say what the heck is going on over there it’s like a water logged dirt Dawn fur or something like that what the hell is this water fuel oh SBA okay interesting interesting I mean where else would you

Find stuff like this just wandering around right just too interesting uh yeah two two clients at the same time if you want to know how to do that or anything on 2B look at the video that I’ve linked at the top of the chat it’s the complete guide it took me ages and

It will tell you everything you need to know guys we’re over 200 Subs uh 200 uh viewers again so you know what time it is let’s uh get everyone subscribing trying to get to 2K Subs uh welcome to everyone we are on 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in

Minecraft and uh we’re just exploring spawn what what we’re doing we’re checking it out seeing all the weird things around I mean look at this stuff look at this stuff whoa this is uh never ceases to amaze me never ceases to amaze me uh wow let’s keep going this

Way what’s up o o Bobby I am not a hacker stop calling me one it’s offensive um what’s all those things that I can see through the visual glitch of modern Minecraft okay we got a bunch of furnaces Cody smile furnaces so now he’s not even just doing signs he’s also doing furnaces Okay oh we getting shot in the head uh no I don’t play on any other cracked Anarchy servers I don’t play on any cracked Anarchy servers this is crazy could just wander around spawn like forever it’s crazy Cody smile scares me I know I mean this is it’s beautiful in

Its own way right this crazy stuff it is beautiful in its own way the gentrification of 2B is catastrophic what do you mean what do you mean um does my guide apply to other Anarchy uh I guess so but it is specific to 2B it is specific to 2B but there is

Some stuff in there that will help you on other servers definitely post-apocalyptic it absolutely is you just just feel like you’re going through a wasteland people have been here not for a long time well they might have first come through here like 10 years ago this is really old

Terrain just gives me a really weird kind of nostalgic almost scary Vibe I absolutely love it so unique in all a Minecraft you won’t find stuff like this anywhere else look at it we’re in like beta terrain it’s like beta 1.4 terrain now but we’re like flying through it in

Full netherite drip I mean where else would you find stuff like this in all of Minecraft is absolutely insane just totally unique absolutely love it I mean I love the old like generation as well love the old generation it’s crazy uh they added life to shorts they

Absolutely did it’s pretty nice 2B what a coincidence okay rest did we have a little glitch there did we have a little glitch I think we’re okay what do you think of fitmc he’s all right fitmc is all right fit MC is all right right let’s get back let’s get

Back to what we were doing uh why has your view account jumped so high YouTube just knows what’s up right YouTube knows this is what should be recommended let’s go and look at some of this gorgeous beta terrain let’s go and look at some of this gorgeous beta terrain

Generation modern Minecraft or classic Minecraft is peaking right now and we’re going to go and enjoy it on 2b2 on 2b2 what would you do if they updated to modern Minecraft well it is modern Minecraft I mean we’re on 1.9.4 but not here not here although there’s a Wither

There trying to kill me but here we are in Old beta terrain beautiful absolutely beautiful let’s just let’s just carry on carry on walking we just have to walk when did you find my last stash I found it on the last stream yesterday’s stream we found a stash little dungeon

Stash and I gave it away to the channel members so you know if you want to join and become a channel member I’ll give you a share of all the loot that I find join join on the channel page uh sorry Phillip uh I like using fireworks I’m a bit old

School exactly miscer exactly see you later Stone C kill what did the stash have uh they had a bit of everything few kits some gaps some totems yeah a little bit of everything do you have to pay for it uh yeah it costs $2 uh $3.99 a

Month to become a channel member and you get channel only streams and it’s uh it’s chill it’s chill right where are we on the map we’ve had some nice crashes recently have we got obsidian up here oh oh God damn it guys I’m having a I’m having a crash full on Crash are

Crashing we be crashing we be crashing we be crashing we’re coming back oh we’re up to 1600 Subs are we oh banging well maybe that’s time to stop hey maybe that’s uh maybe that’s time to stop we’ve had a couple of crashes today so I think

That’s going to be it guys going to call it a day today I’m going to be back tomorrow I’m going to be back tomorrow and uh appreciate you guys being here if you aren’t subscribed make sure you subscribe and uh we will be back tomorrow you guys are all legends love

You guys peace out peace

This video, titled ‘2b2t: Shorts Minecraft Vertical Stream! Monday Crew!’, was uploaded by Rickson on 2024-03-04 21:47:47. It has garnered 23826 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:01 or 13441 seconds.

WATCH VIDEO Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t

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    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Crafting Crew: Minecraft’s Best SMP Apps

    Crafting Crew: Minecraft's Best SMP Apps In the world of Minecraft, a new SMP arises, With a plot-driven story that truly surprises. Applications are open for creators to join, To craft their own tales and let their skills shine. The conflict of order versus anarchy takes hold, As players battle for power, brave and bold. Lore weaves through the server, expanding the tale, As players create their own stories, without fail. So if you’re a small creator looking to rise, Join this SMP and reach for the skies. The script SMP awaits, with adventures in store, Crafting Minecraft stories like never before. Read More

  • Unbelievable Build!

    Unbelievable Build! Minecraft Madness: Exploring the World of Build Battle and Lucky Block Skywars Unleashing Creativity in Build Battle In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Players like 3omry_ on Twitch showcase their building skills in exciting challenges like Build Battle. In this fast-paced competition, participants have limited time to construct themed creations. From fire engines to intricate scenes, the possibilities are endless. The thrill of the clock ticking down adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay. Victory in Second Place Despite the pressure, 3omry_ and their team managed to secure second place in a recent Build… Read More

  • Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy

    Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Techno Gamerz roams, wild and free. In Fire Mc, a realm of flames and heat, He’s the hero we need, with skills hard to beat. With Techno Rogue by his side, they conquer all, Building, exploring, never to fall. Their adventures are epic, their laughter contagious, In the world of Minecraft, they’re truly courageous. So join them on their journey, through fire and ice, In the world of Minecraft, where legends arise. Techno Gamerz and Techno Rogue, a dynamic duo, In the realm of gaming, where dreams come true. Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ Join the Discord Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

  • DreamZone

    DreamZonegreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfv Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Hack: Trollin’ & Rollin’ #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Hack: Trollin' & Rollin' #lit #trollface When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Maybe stick to playing the game legit next time! #minecraftfail #trolledbytrollface Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge)… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: Discord: Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More

  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

    SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS! When you combine SPAWN with ALL memes, you get a cat taking a nap during a poopy playtime in Minecraft. Now that’s a scary sight! #catnap #poopyplaytime #scaryminecraft Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: Added Mods:… Read More

  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

    Daring Minecraft Horror Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Horror Mod in My Minecraft World’, was uploaded by GamerWolf on 2024-03-24 03:26:30. It has garnered 118 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:52 or 7492 seconds. Powered by Restream Go follow my kick – Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Makeover 🌟 12-01-2024 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rohaan TV on 2024-01-12 15:30:02. It has garnered 8444 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Glow stone and Honey Block #viral #minecraft #ytshorts Read More