Insane Automation Satisfaction Hack | Pure Mcwm Bliss

Video Information

[Applause] Hello I’m Nano MK today I’m playing MineCraft with Mods in it so it has been uh little while since I’ve actually recorded um I had toh finish my first semester College which I did finish thank you very much um but now I have a little bit of time a little bit

So it has also come to my attention some of my subscribers were people who I know who I didn’t know were subscribed so you know who you are um thank you for subscribing friends and you who I don’t know who are subscribed thank you thank you

Too um you should you should share the the channel and tell your friends too that nanom MK is better than the other Minecrafters And subscribe okay so the point of me being here right now uh one this is some of the work I did on the storage room off camera it still

Works very quickly as desired but I also did a bunch of clearing out work off camera but I didn’t put anything in it because I was waiting to until a chance to record it the next episode but then I decided to go to college and so that kind

Of changed my focus a bit um I still recorded a few of the episodes you saw earlier but anyway yeah I dug out some places in there um basically in here is going to be where like the main uh A2 control thingy is and stuff the storage will be more down

Here and the autocrafting uh the crafting what’s it called um so that’s what’s going to be over there but I also have an A2 section over here oh before I get to that I built this this is like the beginning of my um growable ore reads section basically I have this uh

Builder block that will automatically Harvest them not automatically but at the flick of lever so I want to make multiple Chambers like this with sets of these grow ores so I have resource generation but to what supposed to be happening this episode I am trying really hard to get A2

Started I have I have notoriously at least to my knowledge which you may not know had trouble starting ae2 it’s been H I’ve done it successfully once and a half in a survival world um so I I know I can do it it’s just difficult so today we’re going to work on automating

Ae2 things to create A2 stuff so I have most of it planned right here so one I want to make an automatic suris quartz craft crafter thingy so I made these automatic Precision droppers and a ranged collector uh this should be perfect roughly it should be roughly perfect and over

Here I have a place for charging cice quartz crystals I don’t know which way I want these Chargers facing because it would be cool to see it but basically got five Chargers um got a chest for input and or output then this I’m going to grow the

Ctis quartz crystals the pure ones in this growth chamber and then over here is where I’m going to be um doing inscribers in these Advanced inscribers I made more and then this section as well so this is where I’m making where I’m using the presses and then where I’m

Putting the the what are they called um what are they called processors where I’m putting the processors together and so I just need to set it all up and so that’s what we’re going to try to do this episode I’ve I as you can see I went through the effort to repair everything

That I can but I do plan to like decorate this room later so I do want stuff to look cool if it can and I feel like these Chargers should be up higher and these I don’t know um you know this should probably be up higher too just for when I decorate I

Want it to look cool later cool factor is the most important thing um someone may have told you that and they’re wrong unless you’re trying to make something that is purely for looking cool then it is the most important thing wrong tool okay so that already looks like it can look better

That doesn’t sound as optimistic as optimistic as it should have but whatever um all right where do I start here I need to put this energy I already have the energy acceptor I need to attach the cables I went on two mining trips one to the nether to to get uh nether quartz

And one just in the mining Dimension to get cice Quartz oh look they are activated with power now ow sh and then um I came back with the quartz the different quartzes and put everything together to make the stuff I need because I realized that Sur just quartz was what I was lowest

On but now everything’s powered from this energy acceptor I think I think that should be enough power right and what do I mind doing next ah oh yes okay so I think I can do the automation now I know I can do it with item conduits

Because that was I used these in my first ever successful attempt in in starting A2 and automating the construction but I want to see if I could also try with uh servos um I’m not sure but uh I think I can because they have filters right yeah it has a black list

And white list and I think that’s all I need the thing is with Ender iio I can have input and output on the same side but with thermal expansion I’d have to have have at least two sides which isn’t the worst um let’s see I have do I have some more glass over

Here perfect glass oh and this has been running oh it’s actually done this is all that’s left I just need to put these in the furnaces and that’s it wonderful um oh that also no never mind I was going to say that also might mean the core is done

The Corey might be done but it’s not going directly to the ore processing there um so servos I could I want to make hardened ones these should be good enough let me see where do I have that doesn’t have a Servo this has a Harden Servo how big is

The okay so that’s not too small I’m pretty sure I’m looking at the size of the filter and so um let me find find if I have any invar I have tungsten I have I have steel somewhere but none of those are what I need how much I have

None how do I make invar again where’s the invar ingot there we go and then why not make uh make one of these as well electrum in fact if I make the electrum instead of the invar okay silver and gold oh what do you know just silver and

Gold it’s not too bad and then just iron nuggets okay I should have a good amount of silver where is it this is tin iron Gold Silver and Gold okay so I’ll put one stack away oh and I want some iron nuggets and also some Redstone so this isn’t the worst um storage

System okay so this one is the I need Alloys Alloys only ah look at how fast it is look at that speed it’s just going really quick it’s going so fast this the transporter can’t pull it out at this at the same speed okay I believe I have what I need to

Make what am I missing oh it needs hardened glass okay well I have I have the things I need for that too or it’s equivalent I have a pretty high amount of quartz in fact I could just take three stacks now if I do this no it only does in alloy

Mode all right there’s a zombie outside what zombie outside there is no zombie outside all right that’s oh Herobrine nice to see see you should come over for dinner you you probably don’t actually don’t don’t invite Herobrine over for dinner that’s dumb all right I’ve got 12 and I can get plenty

More in fact what kind of ducts can I get can I how do I upgrade this this no not the fluid duct the item duct this is tin huh okay so it just goes straight to enderium how do I make that uh I could use enderium base and

Okay I need pythium this is a whole automation process for later obviously okay now I have approximately too many of these okay so something like this no no no remember looks are relatively important huh yeah like this roughly I need a wrench and also I need some more light

This room is not actually well lit I did F7 like this oh there’s still a red spot there’s even more over here I’ll take care of that later because I’ve been in this area most of the time so there haven’t been any mobs spawning in here in fact it would look even cooler

If the pipe came from the side it would be more symmetrical too look at that SYM look at that symmetry and then this also and I can attach to the back right yes I can this should this should work and then that is I’ll do that last okay so I might need filters

Actually straight up filters well those aren’t too expensive so that’s good I just need paper do I have paper would it be in in these yes it would I have nine let’s try wait I need the rest of my glass as well I didn’t put it in here did I did I

I did oh also yeah I added an elevator so I don’t have to break the block each time to go access the rest of my storage Okay so so I can make reinforced filters oh well I suppose why not try both huh three items I only really need three

Items but I want to see what the bigger ones look like it’s probably basically the same as the uh servos right it has a lot more options all right fine it’s worth it I’ll use my electrum on that on the this rather okay that should be let’s make a few more

What am I out of now huh oh paper okay fine okay okay this should probably be enough urg I will also that’s the other the other thing with not using .io I probably no actually I remember I had an output chest with Ender iio as well that’ll be fine I will just make

One yeah okay so I will put a filter on the output chest output chests and then filters on the inputs okay so I need the inscriber presses one two 3 four now I know I don’t need to put the whole stack of them in but why not it also saves space

In my other storage the are my Knuckles and so this one is the diamond one I’m going to need the okay the Redstone goes in the next section so ctis quartz gold iron and diamonds I also got a little bit of extra diamonds on my mining trip but

That’s H I could use more let’s just say that um so this is the diamonds one unlocked locked what what just happened oh unlocked what which one is this hello oh this is the oh it only does pure ctis quartz H that’s displeasing okay so this one is the

Diamond so I’ll put a filter on here that says diamonds only make it a white list instead of a black list and then this one I think this is the iron one is this the gold one yes this is the gold one so a filter on here that says gold ingots

Only this one must be the iron one no oh this is the Silicon one oh that’s what I forgot okay I don’t know how do I make silicon I just don’t I I don’t remember how I make silicone there’s the endio way which I probably will

Do so I should just get a sag Mill and put it down here and just occasionally put sand in it in the meantime let me get some sand and actually make some also let me see if I have any silicon in here nope okay don’t get ahead of

Yourself no not this one I need this oh look at how fast it is yeah I just need to get some sag meals this doesn’t output yeah I push to the top there we go all right so this should be a decent sample size I really only need one

So this one I believe is silicone yes okay Servo silicon white list Servo pure cerice quartz white list my goodness I have to use pure cice Quartz in this and then these just need to pull I think I don’t think they need filters or anything they just need to

Export but they’re going into the wrong chest I think am I right about this uh so I will blackl these from here that way the printed circuits don’t go in there the printed circuits need to go in here what am I thinking of course they

Go in there I’m not doing this all in one line that’s what the difference is so actually I don’t even need a Servo here in fact I don’t even need an output chest here this can just go this can just go into the next section just make sure it doesn’t connect back into

Itself right yeah that’s better and so this one okay so I need the silicone presses here each one of these needs to accept silicon presses presses so one for each silicon printed printed silic whatever and then I I can just decide arbitrarily for each of these which type it takes

And then they also each need red stone uh these should also all be white lists this doesn’t need a filter either no that’s not it turn the power on and so these should all go into at least one oh I should put this on uh where’s round robin round robin

Mode that way everything is distributed properly yeah and then I need servos here yes look at that okay so this is probably working let’s just test it by putting the remaining resources in it should all go into the right places oh I didn’t put the gold in look at that look at that

See them traveling through very nice this is what we want this is what I want look at that oh I put the wrong uh didn’t put in this and neither of them are iron okay actually I’m going to take like half of these because I still need them probably for filter

But look at this it’s making it’s perfect perfect in fact do you know what would be even cooler to make it kind of symmetrical I could move the output chest to right here and um just disconnect the pipe connection but for now this will do oh actually it will still need input

Of redstone from another location so here we go this is working wait no you’re supposed to okay let’s uh I’m glad you can control this let’s do four at a time there we go now it will send one to each yeah that’s better that is better now we’re only getting Diamond circuits

Hello oh we don’t have enough you don’t have enough printed silicon oh I know I know these also need to be on round robin round robin because they’re just going directly into here that’s what’s happening they’re not Distributing them there we go that’s even better very cool

Okay so I’m just going to assume that this is all working now and now it’s time to go to the Chargers the this should be pretty easy right I only need one filter here too don’t I one one filter here but I will need extraction filters so this um export these and then

These oh wait I have to actually charge one okay also not filters here it would be cool if I had again input and output on the same block but nope so this is as compact as I can make it so each of these are going to be servos once

Again and each of them is a white list you can only take out charged cice quartz and then also each one is turned on you can’t put charge cice quartz back in a charger okay good so I should be able to do this oh wait a

Second oh no I don’t need to do round robin because they can only take in one at a time and it’s smart look at that now I just need why is it not pulling them out it has charged cerice wh list hello does it need like another place to put it oh that’s

Interesting so okay I simply need to do this and then it should work yes uh oh right I need to turn these into white lists oops no that one’s wh List look at that look at that yes it’s working automatic charging easy easy look at that it’s isn’t it beauu okay

And the crystal growth chamber that requires some things like I will need yeah um I might just make another one of these so let’s make the first one of these first in fact I need more item Ducks speaking of things quartz glass and T 10

10 just to make sure I can’t use normal glass okay well too bad yet another thing I shall automate eventually Okay so for here I need Redstone do I have any more oh actually I need charge serves for this anyway so Redstone charge cice quartz and quartz where do I have I need

To get more quartz good thing I could fly otherwise this back and forth would be pretty stupid okay quartz so I’m going to do the same kind of thing here and this one’s going to be the output and this one’s going to be the input okay so just a generic

Exporting and then filters on each of these this can only accept redstone this can only accept quartz and this can only accept charge certis quartz then this will be another generic export thingy and now I should be able to just turn everything on on on will it work ah yes there’s the

Fluix now what I need to do is set this this is on white list it needs to collect fluix and it should yes there we go so the flu will go into here and that is done too am my am I just a genius or something I don’t know I could

Be okay this room needs to look cool right now not later that’s what I’ve decided I love this ranged collector by the way even though it’s so simple it’s like the perfect thing I needed although I’m not sure what to do with the extra oh graval well

Ideally I’ll be growing most of the my nether quartz and Redstone in the other room with the ore reads but I still need um I still need more of the growing block and then I need to like actually automate the timing of the collection and everything

I think it already looks a little bit better uh where’s my uh drill oh dumb gravel the Cobblestone is literally bouncing on top of the light block I need a chisel so this this is the reason I have this tool bag so I can carry every single tool

With me that I need that I might need and then just pull it out when I want it okay so um we have most most automation mostly what’s the word I’m sleepy okay I have mostly complete automation of the basic things I need to get A2 going and that’s what this room is

Supposed to be although I’d like to have like buttons some in some control room to say craft this scraft that instead of having to put in everything manually but this is way better than putting everything inide of the inscribers one at a time so so that I can try to keep the

Episodes short uh shorter than an hour or over an hour that’s the end of the video God bless you Goodbye

This video, titled ‘Automation Satisfaction | Mcwm6x14’, was uploaded by Nan0MK on 2023-12-22 15:00:08. It has garnered 318 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:48 or 2448 seconds.

In this video: I semi-automate the creation of AE2 items!

I am using a custom modpack for Minecraft 1.7.10. Notable mods include: Thermal Expansion, Buildcraft, Ic2 classic, Nuclear craft, Mekanism (Mekanism patched), Applied Energistics2, Forestry, Computercrafr, Big Reactors, Ender IO, Railcraft, RFTools, Thaumcraft

And many more…

If you have any questions about the mods I am using, feel free to ask them in the comments!

You can find more Nan0MK stuff at my website:

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    Unbelievable NEW END in Lucky's Den SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 The NEW END Has Arrived – LuckySMP’, was uploaded by Lucky’s Den on 2024-03-23 20:04:29. It has garnered 105 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:22 or 13462 seconds. Hello There! In Today’s Stream, we play through some Minecraft on a small SMP called LuckySMP. The whole SMP is NOT modded, so anyone can join! If you’re interested, feel free to ask about it in the chat. Today, the End Biome will be arriving to the SMP, it’s been a long awaited dimension and everyone is super excited for it…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Invincibility Hack on LifeSteal SMP” #clickbait

    "Ultimate Invincibility Hack on LifeSteal SMP" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO BECOME INVINCIBLE ON THE LIFESTEAL SMP #lifesteal #minecraft #smp #gaming #mc’, was uploaded by Not Length on 2024-04-12 12:26:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IP: discord: Version: 1.19+. Read More

  • 🔥EPIC 3-Game Randomizer: Pokemon, Minecraft & Mario🤯

    🔥EPIC 3-Game Randomizer: Pokemon, Minecraft & Mario🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The FASTEST 3 Game Randomizer Yet – Combining Pokemon, Minecraft & Super Mario 64’, was uploaded by 360Chrism on 2024-02-06 12:49:36. It has garnered 16730 views and 517 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:19 or 2779 seconds. I combined Pokemon Red, Super Mario 64 and Minecraft into 1 interconnected Randomizer. If you want to try Archipelago Multi-world Rando yourself check it out here: Check out my other Archipelago videos here: ► Twitch Live Stream ► Twitter ► Instagram ► Discord ► Spotify ►TikTok Want to… Read More

  • Join the RajaButt94 Fan Base Meetup Now! #FreeFire #Minecraft

    Join the RajaButt94 Fan Base Meetup Now! #FreeFire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘@rajabbutt94 fan base and Meetup #freefire #freefireememes #freefirebooyah #minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by 𝐂ʜɪᴋɪ☜ᶠᶠ on 2024-04-12 14:07:13. It has garnered 414 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Unstop & Gwen Take Over Minecraft! 😱 #ClutchMoments

    Unstop & Gwen Take Over Minecraft! 😱 #ClutchMomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘LoL #minecraft #clutch #shorts’, was uploaded by Unstop & Gwen on 2024-05-04 20:05:00. It has garnered 7717 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #bedrock #art #4k #building #gaming #funny #trending #snapshot #edit #colors #minecraftnews #tutorial #clutch #viral #dream #cubecraft #meme #memes #strategy #hypixel #survival #subscribe #like #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortvideo #game #pvp #belike #letsplay #tiktok #cringe #fake #vs #music #thumbnail #boy #girl #mlg #editing #falling #running #insane #crazy #minecraftmemes #viralvideo #video #viralshorts #likeforlikes Read More

  • Unbelievable Nova gameplay on Hypixel #shorts

    Unbelievable Nova gameplay on Hypixel #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Most Satisfying Game? #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by Nova on 2024-02-20 23:21:49. It has garnered 6638 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. idk what to put here… #phonk #2sayt #trainerdario #shorts _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #hypixelskyblock _________________________________________________________________________ (dont read) Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020,… Read More

  • BurstMC

    BurstMCBurstMC is a newly created minecraft Hardcore server with insane features! – Grind playtime levels – Conquer the leaderboards – Build your army – Become unstoppable Join today! Read More

  • Brabantia factions roleplay addons bedrock economy sports league youtube lore gods

    Welcome to a New Kind of Factions Immerse yourself in a world of kingdoms and lore like never before. With 8 unique kingdoms each bound by a special ring, your ambitions shape the story of this immersive RP experience. Example of Story and Lore: Discover the tales of rings bestowed upon races, shaping their destinies in mysterious ways. From kings of man to elves and dwarfs, each ring carries a unique power and significance. A World of Mystery and Intrigue Uncover the secrets of the last mortal ring, a creation of light and dark that binds a half-orc to a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Friends: The Ultimate Minecraft Squad

    Minecraft Memes - Friends: The Ultimate Minecraft SquadIt looks like this meme’s got enough friends to start its own Minecraft server! Read More

  • Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem!

    Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Herobrine entered the evil mafia, you see. The city called out to him, a scary turn indeed, Cooperating with the mob, planting fear like a seed. The storyline twists, the plot thickens fast, As Herobrine’s presence makes the city aghast. But fear not, dear viewers, for the hero will rise, To face the evil mafia with courage in his eyes. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft news in rhymes, oh so neat. Join the Discord, be part of the fun, As we spin tales of adventure… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Mess!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Mess! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 5 Insane Farms in Hardcore Minecraft

    5 Insane Farms in Hardcore Minecraft The Ultimate End Farm Challenge in Minecraft Hardcore In the latest episode of Minecraft Hardcore, TRONY takes on the daunting task of creating 5 different farms for the ultimate end farm in hardcore mode. This ambitious project promises to push the limits of his skills and creativity as he strives to achieve incredible results. Building a Legacy: 5 Different Farms TRONY’s journey begins with the construction of a variety of farms essential for the ultimate end farm. From crop farms to animal farms, each plays a crucial role in sustaining his resources and ensuring the success of his grand… Read More

  • Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible?

    Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible? The World of Minecraft Rendering on Mobile Devices Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. Rendering Minecraft on mobile devices has become a popular trend, allowing users to bring their virtual creations to life in stunning detail. Modeling The process begins with meticulous modeling, where players craft intricate structures and landscapes using tools like Prisma3D and Nomad Sculpt. These apps provide a platform for users to unleash their imagination and design unique creations. Rendering Once the modeling phase is complete, it’s time to bring these creations to life through rendering. By… Read More

  • Minecraft Sensation Johnny’s Epic First Job!

    Minecraft Sensation Johnny's Epic First Job!Video Information This video, titled ‘Johnny’s FIRST JOB In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Johnny Minecraft on 2024-05-28 20:49:16. It has garnered 414409 views and 6829 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:50 or 1730 seconds. Today, Johnny get’s his FIRST JOB in Minecraft! Will Johnny get fired from his job? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Client Unveiled

    The Ultimate Minecraft Client UnveiledVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Client For Bedrock Edition 🗿 | Lyra Client’, was uploaded by Retrived Gamer on 2024-04-21 09:51:08. It has garnered 932 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. Best Minecraft Client For Bedrock Edition 🗿 | Lyra Client This Client Have Cool UI And Important Features To PvP And Its Not A Jack Client No Chance To Ban Developer Is @huncholiny You Can Join Their Discord Server And Contact There Issues 😕. Download Link- discord- visit our website – Thanks for watching 😄 ignore… Read More

  • Insane Solo Minecraft Stream with Turnip 🤯

    Insane Solo Minecraft Stream with Turnip 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘English Minecraft : 👍 Good stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by Notyash gamer on 2024-06-07 17:36:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Yash: undefined Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Making Subscriber Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Unbelievable! Making Subscriber Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘my Subscriber pixel art Minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING KING on 2024-03-09 03:30:20. It has garnered 2965 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. my Subscriber pixel art Minecraft #viral #shorts minecraft pixel art,minecraft my subscriber pixel art,minecraft my subscriber pixel art and,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel art,minecraft my subscriber pixel art tutorial,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel art and,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel art minecraft,minecraft my subscriber profile pixel arts,minecraft,pixel art for minecraft,minecraft pixel art download,minecraft pixelart #my #mylife #mylove #mydubai #mytravelgram #myart #myself #mystyle #mylook #mybaby… Read More