Insane Build: Gigantic Arctic Fox Igloo!

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How are y’all still stuck right here that is insane uh let’s go right okay no that was an accident Let’s uh go right here okay nope that was an accident hi everybody wax frod here and welcome back to episode 59 of the hardcore let’s play series today we are building an arctic

Fox Igloo it’s going to be a huge igloo out in the middle of the ocean but uh for right now I’ve actually just been taking out a lot of these iron golems all of these guys got to go there’s like 20 of them around town we’ve been taking

Them all out and then more of them just keep popping up we definitely need to be careful but but uh these guys they need to be more careful there was a hidden one back here too I thought there was only two back there but there’s three we

Don’t even really need that iron we have three extra iron Farms now but before we build anything I actually did say last episode after we built the parrot Sanctuary that we would take down all of these ores just to see how much we got from the ancient city and then we did

Not do that so first things first we’re getting that done right now let’s land over here okay and down we go we might actually be able to make a diamond Beacon after this we’ll have unlimited Redstone too here’s the gold we actually just made an automatic snow Farm we have

A bunch more Redstone projects coming up as well I don’t think I’m going to be at sea level for another 10 minutes I’m starting to run out of room for all of these in my inventory I also didn’t realize how much xp this was going to bring us too and what do you

Know looks like we reached the iron and it seems the lapis has arrived now the coal would have pillared up as one of the higher Towers but we actually fortuned a lot of it out in the ancient city okay I started this just a couple minutes after the day started and the

Moon is already coming up Sun is setting this is taking forever finally at the bottom and it looks like we actually have a little bit of cleaning up to do slap everything into some shulker boxes here and after condensing and sorting we have a lot of materials we have so much

Redstone so much lapis now 53 blocks of diamonds is not that bad either get all these guys back into their respective bins the morning sun’s coming up it’s actually a perfect time to go show you guys the parrot Sanctuary that we built in the last episode fly a little bit

Towards Rainbow Mountain and perch right at the top we’ve started naming some of the parrots after some people in chat and thank you guys for being a part of the twitch streams if you have been it is just wax frod feel free to show up anytime we stream every single

Day and actually lately we’ve been doing a lot more of the YouTube streams recently we actually built this big deep slate and stone Watchtower this thing kind of sticks out like a sore thumb but that was kind of my goal we have the quartz parrot Sanctuary with a lot of

The Lush grein in it and of course Rainbow Mountain is made out of rainbow wool so I thought the Deep slate in the stone would look pretty good this dog’s head is always in the wool are you okay buddy you can go around back we made

This area start to look a little bit nicer and we actually put some light sources back here so that no creepers can spawn pretty soon though we will be getting something built right here we have the Lakehouse that kind of started a build right on this Lake but uh we

Need to get another lake house right on the other side is that a red sheep wait hold on we have a red sheep on the loose buddy what are you doing here dude how could how’d you get loose well you don’t belong over here buddy let’s uh let’s go

This way if there’s a stray wolf on the loose you are done for so we have the pink sheep right here and yep we have the orange sheep right here so you belong right here Buster and how did you get loose I don’t know how you did it

But I hope the other guys don’t figure it out as well we’ve actually been making quite a bit of progress on the Rainbow Mountain here on the other side we fly up over the rainbow forest and the top we can peek over and we actually have one entire layer done we have light

Blue all the way to the regular blue and then back to the light blue that we’ve started on stream I’m finding it a little bit difficult to build Rainbow Mountain around these iron Farms I should have built them a little bit or at least this one right here I should

Have built a little bit further away we’ll probably end up just making this all go straight up and you know what actually while we’re here we should probably grab a bunch of this iron the auto sheep shearing wool Farm is missing a lot of Shear so we could probably just

Take a bunch of this these things are insane by the way we have we have so much iron it’s just constantly going cuz it’s in spawn so we have a bunch of double chests over here that are filled up with iron we have all of these filled

Up with iron and then recently we built a third one these double chests are also getting filled up and I kind of wanted to make a star so I wanted to get one right here and one on the other side of the middle one five iron Farms might be

Too much but you know what I I think we need more we also have this hooked up to the nether portal now because we just need to have everything hooked up this one was actually pretty convenient because it hooked up right next to the nether Hub next on the to-do list let’s

Drop the shears off back at the rainbow sheep shearing wool Farm how did this Leaf just do any damage on that flight there that doesn’t make any sense Daniel what’s good how you doing buddy also Daniel’s friend how are you doing out here you’ve been chilling on this raft

For a while I hope you’re doing well he’s not looking at me I don’t I don’t think he wants to talk we’re not going to have that much room let’s drop all of these iron off here and let’s make some shears drop you off in the red and boom

Let’s get you guys in the orange I wasn’t working on Rainbow Mountain for a while cuz especially in the ancient city we spent about about 2 months down there so now we have a bunch of time to work on Rainbow Mountain again some of these actually do have shears but most of them

Do not and so that’s why we are here to save the day also if you are wondering how we built this rainbow sheep sharing wolf Farm it is on episode 7 I always forget how loud it is in here especially as you go down into the middle levels

Like on level three and four it’s it’s just it’s way too loud in here next time we design an auto sheep sharing wool Farm I’m probably not going to put it in a tower formation we’re probably going to have to spread it out because this

Can be too much next on the docket I wanted to fly back home real fast I have some shulker boxes here they are filled up yep they still have some Cobble deep slate let’s put this in the auto sorting system real fast let’s get you right

Here and it looks like we have another Iron Golem back there why how do you guys keep spawning over here he’s just stuck in the vines too of course if you’re going to be an iron golem in this town you got to be able to wander around

If you’re going to get stuck in the vines if you’re going to get stuck behind trap doors over there you’re going to have to go now we finally have some extra shulker box is back and we have this cat right here who is unnamed you know what buddy we’re going to take

You back to the cat sanctuary this guy is loving life I like your attitude buddy you can stay but this guy right here I believe he is stuck if we do yep he is stuck sorry about this dude you just you can’t be stuck also sir you

Over there get out of my wheat field thank you very much yep get out of my wheat field you knew not to be in there buddy I’m flying with the elytra so often I never really walk through this area of the town I always forget how

Pretty it is I think our glass panes have been working too cuz no villagers have made their way back into the well let’s go what about this well right here okay looks like we got one lonely guy you can stay just you by yourself I’m

Going to allow it there’s a lot of cows hanging out right in front of the cat sanctuary let’s drop this guy off and okay there’s actually a lot of cows hanging out right here as well this guy’s trying to start his own Trend over there but how many cows are in here I

Mean the cow Tree by the Beast spere is one thing but this is a whole other thing right here we’re going to have to take these guys out let’s get get the cat in you take a seat right there buddy enjoy your time in here and what are we

Going to do with all these cows I feel like since we got rid of all those Iron Golems I we should probably let’s just spare these you know what maybe one cow can go all right let’s spare the rest of the cows and you guys can just get out

Of here how are y’all still stuck right here that is insane uh let’s go right okay no that was an accident let’s uh go right here okay nope that was an accident I promise you guys this was all an accident I don’t know how these cows

Are still stuck you know what you guys just kind of deserve it at this point that was kind of ridiculous you you saw it I gave them plenty of chances we took down two stairs a trapo and a hanging sign and they still wouldn’t leave and

You know what just for that I’m going to get this guy right here cows these days man they just have zero respect for anybody okay and how many people are up on this Watchtower right now 1 2 3 4 five and six down there is anybody on

The other side six people that’s a lot of Watchmen wait that actually uh I think six people might actually make a council we’re going to have to name these council members so we know who’s who we don’t need any Tom Foolery between any of these council members had

To spend some extra XP because I accidentally added an extra letter in there and you know what we’re only going to do five name tags because there’s there’s not enough room for six we’re going to fly back up here in the middle of the night and see which one of these

Guys are chosen hippity hop around I think we have council member number one council member number two stepping right up and council member number three are you going to look at me he won’t look at me in the face so we’re going to go over here this guy’s in a good mood we’re

Going go council member number three council member number five we’re skipping number four because you know what number four you’re looking good council member number six is no such thing buddy see you later I expect each and every member of the council to take responsibility over everything in the

Town if anything wrong ever happens here it’s all on you guys do not let us down we’re going to make an igloo for the arctic foxes we first probably should go get a bunch of snow and a bunch of ice which means I need to probably make a

Pair of leather boots that actually work for me I usually just throw away all the leather boots because cuz uh you know I really don’t need them but if we’re going to run into some powdered snow I’d rather not fall through head down to the underground Library let’s get the

Correct books of course we’ll take a mending book and we’ll probably need an Unbreaking book here we have a death Strider book but we probably should get a protection book here I actually don’t have any more feather falling books on me right now but we do have a frost

Walker book and I think that’d be pretty fun got our nether boots on looking good let’s actually fly back we’re lucky enough to actually have some nether Highway tunnels that lead all the way back to the snow and to the ice now what’s up link how you doing ouch thank

You first things first let’s head over to the Arctic tadpole Zone and grab ourselves some ice going have to zoom all the way down Out ooh there’s a ghast poking through what are you doing buddy butd you’re going to poke through the Nether and you are in G’s bston and be

Ginon territory what’s up guys how you doing these are the guys that have been watching over the Frog Sanctuary for a good long while this tadpole Nursery we built a while back but uh it’s actually just right in front of the giant Arctic Lake that we’ve been flattening out

Believe it or not this used to be covered in icebergs but now it is just it’s completely flat we could make an ice generator but you know for right now this is actually a little bit more fun and I’m basically an ice generator right now with this Frost Walker boots this is

Awesome I never really play with frost Walker but I can see how this would be very convenient let’s start chipping away at this guy right here well that’s going to be really loud grab as much as we can we’ll probably fill up about a shulker box or

Two look like this Iceberg actually goes real deep underwater next let’s take this big boy out see you later dude oh nice A little bit of blue ice over here too ooh actually this is a lot of blue ice all right let’s go typically we can just combine all the packed ice

But you know when we got a lot of blue ice down here like this right out in the open might as well just take it all right we get the last little bit here we have actually a shulker box did we fill this one up we I think yes we filled

This guy up we’re about to fill this guy up right here I believe we just did perfect and we got some blue ice with us let’s head back to the boys over at the tadpole Sanctuary pretty soon we’re going to have to get ourselves an ice

Farm because I don’t want to have to keep on taking down these environments now this next one uh to get there it’s kind of actually all the way out in the open the highway actually ended over here we haven’t gone that far yet but the nether portal is all the way up in

The sky if we can get up here only one rocket away not too bad we’ll get this hooked up to the nether Highway soon enough but if we leap through the other side I’m going to get my sword just in case it’s night time and it’s not okay

We are on the side of a mountain this is beautiful okay and so actually if I fly up real quick I did want to show you guys this is eventually going to be a project I found this bowl out here a little bit south of the village that

We’re making right now and I thought that this was perfect to make another Village there’s goats up here at the tippy top we have ice and snow and Spruce trees everywhere and then we have a nice little Oasis in the middle I thought this place looked really tranquil and I actually really

Eventually want to build something right here but that is for another day we did hook up the NE portals we just need to get the highway hooked up over here so that we can get here a little bit easier in the meantime I am going to fly over

Here let’s grab a shovel and I think yep let’s there’s some snow over here that we need to grab as you can see we’ve actually started carving out a little bit of this mountain it’s a really small Snowy Mountain so I figured we’re not going to build over here at all might as

Well just use it for some of the snow I was accidentally using my fortune shovel let’s use the Silk Touch shovel to grab the blocks here same thing we’ll probably actually just grab a shulker box or two Gather in the snow it’s probably about the same speed as

Gathering the ice but we actually have made an automatic snow farm and so you know what maybe we should actually go back and show you guys that real quick we actually built it on a YouTube stream all the way over here on the second island trying to get some stuff built on

The middle of the island here and voila we have a brand new little cozy Farm on the outside it looks like a starter house but on the inside it is very much not a starter house actually there’s a snow golem in here that’s providing us with all of the Snowballs that we could

Ever ask for that guy can just stay out of the way there we’ll get as many unlimited snowballs as we possibly can actually head down here this is where our storage system is it’s nice and cozy I don’t have a bed down here because if

I did put a bed down here I have a feeling the villagers would try to make their way down there this guy lost his job in the time that I was down there I was like that was like 5 Seconds dude hold up get over here get next to a

Barrel there you go but yeah this thing is actually great for getting all the Snowballs here you can turn all of these into snow blocks and you have the snow right here for any terrorist areas that you want to make get some polished Blackstone buttons along the side of

These here just for a little bit of extra decoration there’s a couple things that I still want to do to this part of the Island right now it’s all just marked up by these giant jungle trees but I want to get a starter house over here and over here some houses on the

River over here would be super nice pretty much just two more builds would complete this little mini Island and then we can wrap everything around all the way over to the other side but actually now that we have a bunch of snow and a bunch of ice we can actually

Just locate a position where we want to build this giant Igloo we kind of have an igloo right here this is an Arctic Sanctuary for the polar bears but but I mean it’s not necessarily an igloo it’s mostly ice the one that we’re building today is going to be mostly snow this is

Still one of my favorite sanctuaries though this place is awesome I love coming here to visit these guys especially when there’s no baby polar bears around these guys are just nice and calm and fun to be around but considering we have a giant ice structure over on this side of town

Maybe we could go all the way to the other side of town and get an igloo over there flying over the fox Sanctuary I feel like we at least have to say what’s up to the arctic foxes real fast because you know we we’re building them a home

Right now well what’s up dude how you doing are you know are you antsy for a home look at all the berries on the floor this is Absolut what’s that noise this guy is just stuck back here you know what buddy we’ll get you a home

Soon enough you don’t have to be stuck too much longer call me crazy but I kind of want to build something out in the middle of the ocean right here we don’t have anything built right here I mean we have Rainbow Mountain in the distance we have a villager transport system right

Here we have a random nether portal and a trading Hall I think we should get a fox Sanctuary out here I mean we have Rainbow Mountain we have the Villager transport system if we fly up we we can see we have a trading Hall we have a

Nether portal but that’s about it you know I think let’s get an igloo out here first things first we’re going to have to go down in here and start building an iceberg and I did say that the majority of this build was going to be snow and

It is still going to be snow the igloo part for sure but for the base I think we’re just going to get some layers of packed ice down below start building away from the town a little bit so we can make the circle just a tad bit

Larger whoa oh my God this guy just oh my God that scared me see you later buddy I always forget at night the toolsmith trading hole looks insane especially with this reflection down here see if I can complete this Iceberg Circle so much ice okay so that actually is a complete

Circle but is it going to be large enough we might have to make it bigger yeah this also isn’t even a circle right here so let’s let’s start adding some more ice now that is a circle and the only reason I know why is because I actually made a circle using the snow

Here it’s actually 55 blocks all the way across right now the Ice is very flat we’ll get it moving down pretty soon cuz we do have the iceberg going down about four levels right now I do want it to go down probably maybe about me I to say

About three or four more we’ll just keep on adding ice to the bottom that way the arctic foxes have a little bit more of a a landscape that’s not just flat to make it look a little bit more natural I want a couple blocks sticking out a little

Bit like that and we’ll probably bring the other layers a little bit closer making an iceberg is pretty easy although it typically does take a lot of ice just a lot of mindless blocks placement but for the time being I do have the ice in most of the spots that

I’d like it so I’m going to hop up here real quick and we can get to work on the snow I actually am using a plots generator to get the Dome work in here now I’m actually just going to use the snow blocks only and eventually we’ll probably get some white concrete worked

In there as well as some smooth quartz but we have the 55 block Wide Circle right here and we’re going to move up we just need to slowly go up each layer I’m going to complete this layer one more time and then we’ll have to gradually

Make an incline this the snow is almost blinding I also don’t know if I like or dislike the sound of snow blocks being placed so now the wall is four blocks tall and actually right here seems off I think this needs to be have three blocks

Three blocks and three this needs to be right here instead take you out and we can actually just craft these snowballs right back into blocks now on this level we have a small amount of editing we’re going to go three two one and then two so actually on this one we’ll drop down

Bring four blocks right here and take this guy out on all four sides actually since it’s a circle now it’s going to be on all eight sides or maybe I’m wrong because a circle doesn’t even have any sides cuz it’s a circle also I only meant to break the first row not these

Next three so I have to go down and break you you and you the incline officially begins now the doors will start the incline as well we have 1 2 3 four blocks and then we will officially start to go over right there so we have

Four 1 2 3 four and then we have two and then we have three going right here this build is absolutely enormous and I’m actually just going to be using the plots generator like I mentioned earlier to make this Dome and that’s probably the easiest way to make domes and

Circles in Minecraft unless you’re just crazy cracked at the game and you can make a circle or a dome without using any references but I’m thinking this is going to be a pretty good task for a twitch stream it’s fun cuz on the twitch streams you can go Bing Bang Boom and

And Bop all the sudden you can just have a dome created out of thin air for this layer we’re going to write around the edges and then we’ll double it up getting to the top of the dome right now where everything’s starting to get flattened not too bad that’s going to

Leave a nice open circle let’s actually take a look down from here and okay perfect we’re going to have a little bit of sunlight poking through but this is wild this is what the inside of the Dome looks like before it’s even decorated kind of want to take a look up here in

The sky real quick at what the Dome looks like just to make sure it looks even and okay yeah that looks like an igloo take a random spot in the sea over here and wow this is this looking like a spaceship now I mean it does look like

An igloo but when you have the the reflection of the water right here this is this is crazy starts to look like a half submerged Planet okay and we’ll get the texturing done on this later for right now it’s actually all snow blocks we’ll get some quartz and some powdered

Snow up there eventually but I kind of want to start working with the interior so let’s get some packed ice I’m going to start making some ice spikes that are going to reach the ceiling first might as well just start making a bunch of random pillars so we have a couple we’re

Actually just going to have to go down to the bottom we’ll start building these up so they look a little bit more natural give them a little bit more of a foundation down here once we start working these into the actual terrain we can actually take ow hold up a second

There guy that could have been a creeper that’s not good this guy’s over here just dancing around on the ice you got to get out of here dude you can also be out of here thank you sir but uh what I was going to say

Is if we work this into the terrain a little bit we can start to actually take away some of the ground layers right here too keep jumping up we’ll make this a little bit wider over here and actually we’re going to use Soul lanterns on the sides just to make it a

Little bit lighter we do not want any creepers spawning up here like right about here that looks like where a creeper could spawn these skeletons really got to get out of here buddy you’re just going to sink why are you doing this tried to shoot some arrows

Right into my stone cutter what’s going on I moved all my materials out here on a little Iceberg because actually we did have some creepers start to spawn towards the ceiling and some zombies and so just to prevent anybody from exploding my shulker boxes I just figured I’d move them all out started

Terracing up just a little bit and making a small packed ice bridge I think the diorite are going to be a good way to help get up there smoothly we’re going on the outside of this ice pillar but most of them we’re actually going to stay on the inside of cuz we don’t

Really have too much room on the outside of most of these can make this just a little bit larger now they can have a little bit of a view of their own home and this is absolutely wild this is way bigger than the real fox Sanctuary this

Arctic fox zone is huge something I did want to do was take these little Corners like this jump down and bring some small pillars right up to the top that way it just starts to look a little bit B more natural I’m actually just going to bring

Some ice over this way that way it can connect and seem like it was kind of melting into the ground this will look better in a moment we’re just going to have to use a little bit more ice jump up here and get some on the undercarriage fill up anywhere we can

See the diorite over here this is actually awesome I like this a lot it’s creating some unintentional caves and caverns got to place more Soul lanterns though because all I’m doing is creating more spots for creepers to spawn so lanterns obviously don’t bring near as much light source as end rods out there

And the Torches right here but they are really nice looking on the ice blocks and as we’re climbing these stairs I do want the ice to be shown but I think I’m also going to have to start packing some more snow in here otherwise we are for

Sure going to have to do a lot more packed ice runs just kind of make it seem like some of the snow is falling out onto the path over here and that reminds me it’s getting dark over here now so we have chains and end rods this

Is probably going to be a common theme throughout the whole build but we’re going to just hang some end rods here and probably everywhere and with just these three end rods on the wall right here that’s already adding so much light the sun poking through right now looks

Absolutely insane this is just like a winter wonderland the shadow dropping down in here right now I don’t know I just really like looking at this wall right now going to have to start scaffolding up here a little bit if I want some end rods at the top get one

Right here we’ll get one over here and we’ll even go over here to get one right there I’m really hoping we don’t take a look back at this and think that there’s way too many end rods I like being up here though cuz we have a little bit of

An advantage seeing exactly where the soul torches need to go and we’ll drop down here we need to use a little bit of scaffolding to get up here and get rid of some of this died I like using it for the slabs but it definitely does not

Look so good on the under side of the bridge big on diorite stuff like this little corner back here you know what I’m just going to fill it in with some snow because it’s just I don’t know I don’t want these little spaces where the arctic boxes can get stuck in so we’ll

Have a little bit of a snowy area right here actually you know it probably would look better if the ice spikes had snow everywhere start slapping these everywhere basically any spot there’s not a soul Lantern and I do think it would be cool if we had the ability to

Add some snow carpet to blocks that were not snow like if we could just put some snow carpet on top of this ice instead of just only snow blocks I think that’d be pretty beneficial I also wanted to keep on adding some snow over here up to

The packed ice Bridge because I think the snow can make a pretty good wall it kind of looks like a snow bluff when it’s going up like this got to get some snow on the ground over here as well after a while of the Mindless snow block placement this giant Bridge eventually

Turns into a vast snowy and icy landscape it’s kind of hard to gauge how big it is in here but if we fly up and out of the igloo it looks totally smooth like nothing’s going on in there then we fly right back in here we have the

Mezzanine up here at the very top level I was thinking I don’t want the foxes to be able to fall too far all the way down to the ground so I actually gave them another small level right here might actually just cover a little bit of this

Up with some snow end rods hanging from absolutely everywhere this place is looking a lot more magical than it once was and originally I just had the one staircase going up this way going all the way up up to the mezzanine around the side but then I thought you know

That’s just not enough we need more ice and more snow so I decided let’s actually just wrap it all the way around over here as well right down to this middle platform where I guess the arctic fox can definitely call their home center speaking of Arctic fox we should

Probably get those guys in here and actually what I’m thinking about doing is creating a couple doors first these are going to be tunnel doors so we will probably just go up 1 2 3 4 three in the middle up top not looking too bad let’s

Get this about four deep here and see what that looks like if we jump away a little bit it shouldn’t be looking too bad I oh yeah looking at it from farther away the door is nice and small but just big enough to fit a bunch of foxes

Through I’m going to put a bunch of spruce fence gates down here too high because the foxes will jump over them floating on down to the fox Sanctuary it’s time to finally get the arctic ones out of here I have a couple leads on me I don’t think there’s too many we got

Two right here though hey buddy get oh my God this guy actually has a lead on him already hey dude get whoo all right we got one let’s get over here I believe we have at least three more I forgot we had a baby fox over here let’s

Take you out okay we have four arctic foxes let’s actually just head out while we uh while we have the chance open the door as fast as we can let’s actually oh my God all of these foxes are ready to get out open that up and okay we’ll

Close that open this up one more time and close it you guys are getting sneaky no way you’re getting out all right we got four arctic foxes let’s take these guys on over to the egloo I think these guys saw a chicken cuz they are going absolutely wild right now they they want

Nothing to do with me I think there’s a chicken out there somewhere you guys you can’t have the chicken you got to come with me honestly it feel oh my God yeah he just broke the lead dude no hold up baby fox is trying to escape right here

Dude stop doing that jumping down the side by the cliff wall and the shulker Box Storage Hall we are almost there buddies let’s go finally reach some water three of these guys are carrying leads now that’s just great all right guys see that giant spaceship right here well that’s your new home

Okay just going to pass by The Creeper explosion not really sure exactly how that happened but we’re going to have to fix that watching these guys slip and slide all over the ice is awesome but uh let’s get them through these Gates here and hopefully we have everything closed

Off so that no one is able to escape some of them just took some naps that was a long journey but uh you know what let’s uh let you loose let’s let all four of you guys loose this is your new home feel free to explore please don’t

Fall too far from anything I was actually just thinking what’s the only way to get some more arctic foxes well we need some sweet berries and where do we get those well uh the exact place that we just came from so we have to go under the fox Sanctuary grab some sweet

Berries from the Sweet Berry Farm probably just about a stack maybe two I have brought the best food in all of the land let’s go oh my God this guy’s just sitting here perfect waiting for his berries buddy hold up get your Berry here boom there you go and over here get

Your berries boom there you go let’s make more arctic foxes and yeah now that we have living beings in here let’s start focusing on just a couple more types of decoration let’s get some of this Amethyst in here cuz CU it just it looks way too good to ignore it like we

Can turn this little corner over here from this into this and it has so much more color and Shimmer immediately go around all the edges of the pillars going bang boom and Bop heading up the stairs I did want to actually get some more amethyst but I also wanted to get

Some more light sources so what I’m going to do is get some diorite walls right here and this is actually just going to help get some more texture on the wall as well as give me a little bit of an excuse to get some end rods here

I’m going to stay very consistent with the use of the end rods but I think just getting them down on the ice is going to be useful as well cuz I really do not want any creepers spawning down here get some in the corners up here throw an End

Rod right on top there’s this whole middle area right here I do not know if anything would spawn but now I know for sure that nothing is going to Let’s head up to the mezzanine at the very top get a couple of ameth this clusters up in

Here the foxes at the top are going to want to feel fancy too also I thought maybe every once in a while we could just spread some glow Len around I thought that would actually help increase the lighting and just some texture on the ice probably going to

Have to head back to the amethyst Farm to get more more clusters we are most likely going to use them all on this build and it is night time which is dangerous because we’ve basically turned this uh Sanctuary into a mob farm if I show you outside right now there’s

Probably at least 10 mobs that have spawned lineing up and around yep lots of skellies we got the creeper right there we have an Enderman right here even I’m just going to hold up I don’t even want to risk it let’s just go down it’s time to sleep oh my God baby zombie

Is already following us this is unacceptable Mister you need to get out of here this guy’s coming after me with a fishing rod who are you think maybe to light up down under the iceberg as well probably to prevent some of these drowned from spawning so much let’s get

Some sea pickles down here there is a skeleton all the way at the bottom down here just trying to dude what do you you can’t do that actually you know what buddy get out of here this is not your fight I’m going to stand right above you

And the arrow you’re just going to do this to yourself for a while now I’ve been thinking we pretty much only have snow blocks on the igloo which makes sense cuz igloos are made out of snow but just for some texture I was thinking we have other blocks that we could add

Like if we take this out right here and just add some white wool I think every once in a while if we replace some of this with some white wool that’s not too bad there a little bit of gray but honestly just the texture is more important to me going over here trying

Concrete powder that just it looks amazing we can just get this over here kind of staggered wherever we want and uh it’s going to look great white concrete I think could have worked but it really just doesn’t have any texture at all wondering if a mushroom stem would work right here now that

Absolutely just doesn’t work and okay yeah the iron block I had to try but nope these don’t work take that out get it replaced with a little bit of concrete powder something else we could use is actually some powdered snow we have a bunch of buckets we could fly

Back over to the mountain real quick finally back over here with my millions of buckets I think I actually ended over here last time with a little bit of PW is this powdered snow right here yes it is okay so let’s actually take that in a bucket can take all of this too

Unfortunately it doesn’t really stack very well it’s only really one bucket at a time but you know that’s just the way it is sometimes it do be like that three suar boxes is enough also it’s night time so let’s just get out of here let’s see exactly how much texture this brings

Let’s put it up high just a little bit I don’t want any foxes to be able to jump out the slightest variation in texture but honestly it’s worth it because it’s I just want it to look nice I’m also going to have to hide these but I want

To get some Twisted Vines kind of growing up everywhere but uh I know it’s going to have to require some grass so I was thinking we could just have this grass Dro down right here get some twisted vines on that put some inconspicuous snow around it then we’ll

Just bone meal this up ooh nice I just wanted to add a little bit more color and with the weing vines going up to the ceiling this is looking really nice we need more foxes and we need them now he’s sleeping where’s the other foxes another sleeping Fox right here what’s

Up sleeping Fox okay it was today when I found out that you can take twisting Vines and just grow them anywhere you do not need the grass so I’m just going to have to go over here and take this out no need to even hide the grass at all

They just grow right on the ice we have about a 100 arctic foxes in here now and we’re about to have even more we just got to keep feeding them all these sweet berries you can have some and you know what over here you can have some you sir

And you sir everybody can have some sweet berries and this Sanctuary just is absolutely wild the one thing I actually wanted to get down on the bottom was to fix a couple of these ponds there’s a couple areas where I made one block deep ponds and instead of some packed ice on

The bottom I thought it’d be cool to put some W block down here hook this up it’s a nice greenish teal color but honestly when you pop back up it looks great get that last guy in here and can we bone meal it up we totally can see now that

Looks way better this place is booming with life now though all we got to do is get more baby arctic foxes got to get more amethyst clusters in and around everywhere probably hook some up near the edges of the pond in this fox Sanctuary I mostly just hear a lot of

Screaming and snoring these guys do a lot of sleeping and definitely a lot of screaming we are going to continue getting a lot more clusters up here because you know just the more the merrier but guys that is going to conclude this episode thank you so much

For watching I really do appreciate it thank you to all the patreon supporters that came in this week I do appreciate you guys thank you to all the YouTube members and twitch Subs as well you guys rock episode 60 is coming out next week I am super excited and I cannot wait to

Get that episode out I cannot believe we also have a home for the arctic foxes now this is just great thanks again guys for watching I do appreciate yall take care of yourselves do something nice for somebody and I’ll see you guys next time time bye

This video, titled ‘I Built A Giant Arctic Fox Igloo In Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2024-01-13 16:16:59. It has garnered 22921 views and 1589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:51 or 1971 seconds.

Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore Let’s Play: I Built A Giant Arctic Fox Igloo In Hardcore Minecraft! Episode 59

I stream almost everyday on Twitch at 😀 come chill with us anytime!


Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore Let’s Play: I Built A Giant Arctic Fox Igloo In Hardcore Minecraft! Episode 59 (SEASON 2) If we die, then it’s all over! In this episode we finally build a giant hanging gardens next to rainbow mountain to bring some more life to that area!! Also the world is now up for download to the public from episode 50. I used complementary reimagined shaders when recording this episode!! I hope that all of these videos can help people out there sleep, relax, and study!


Follow me if you want to! – Discord: – Twitch: – Twitter: – Instagram:

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The seed for this world on Minecraft Java version 1.20.1 is [-8850548917418553236]

The coordinates for my starter house are X = -600 , Z = 500

#minecraft #hardcore #letsplay

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  • Insane Custom Weapons Added to Minecraft!

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  • Unbelievable! NANO’SHERE starts EP 1 – EPIC new beginning!

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  • Minecraft BLOOD GAS Showdown: Maizen Challenge

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  • SHRIMIN MASTERCLASS: Going Down in Minecraft?!

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  • Revive or Die! PROJECT GEOMETRA S1:E4

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  • Arrenek’s CRAZY Showdown: 3 Idiots Take on SPOOKY Minecraft Mods! – [Full Movie]

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  • CelestialPH

    CelestialPHCelestialPH is a Slimefun/War/MMORPG Minecraft Server from the Philippines. It features an economy, faction plot claims, crates, farming and custom enchants. The server has RPG mechanics, too, such as boss fights and quests. You can also defeat hostile NPCs for coins, team up with friends and raid enemy bases, and grind your way to the top of the /baltop leaderboard. Come to CelestialPH, where every second played just gets better and better! Supports Latest Version of Minecraf 1.21 and Latest of Bedrock! Read More

  • Neuroshroud: The Abandoned Roleplay Modded Whitelist Survival Lore

    Neuroshroud NEUROSHROUD JAVA | Roleplay • Survival The world was erased… but you’re still here. Imagine a minecraft world that should no longer exist. A world purged from your drives, wiped from the servers, and erased from all reality. Neuroshroud is that world. A place once deleted, now alive—and you’re part of it. You weren’t supposed to wake up. When the world save was deleted, everything was meant to vanish. But something happened. You woke up in the remnants of what was once a thriving world, now twisted into something different. WHY CHOOSE NEUROSHROUD? In Neuroshroud, every day is a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Chunk mining got me like 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Chunk mining got me like 🔥I guess you could say mining out that chunk really struck gold in the meme department! Read More

  • Monsters in the Cave: Minecraft Hardcore Rave

    Monsters in the Cave: Minecraft Hardcore Rave In the depths of Minecraft, a cave so deep, Monsters lurking, waiting to creep. Mining for treasures, risking it all, Will our hero survive, or will they fall? Nests of creatures, eyes glowing bright, Our hero must be quick, must be light. With each swing of the pick, each step they take, The tension rises, will they make no mistake? But fear not, dear viewers, for our hero is brave, Facing the monsters, refusing to cave. With skill and wit, they navigate the dark, Each twist and turn, leaving their mark. So join us on this journey, through caves… Read More