INSANE! Building an Industrial Village in Minecraft!

Video Information

I’ve just reached 2,000 days in my perfect world and in that time I’ve built a bunch of small farms and Contraptions a bunch of big farms an Airship and an entire mining town connected by a rail network and just last episode I built the start of an underground station and a freight train

To transport Goods back to our main storage but then C the sad music I fractured my wrist I bruised a rib or two and pulled some muscles in what was quite possibly most unspectacular fall imaginable I literally just slipped over in the rain and landed awkwardly it’s quite embarrassing but as you can

Imagine that did of slow me down for a bit I mean for the last 2 weeks I’ve not been able to record I didn’t get to go on my holiday to Cologne which was really really annoying but that was mainly down to the bruised ribs and pulled muscles as opposed to the actual

Wrist but my poor wife has been looking after me the last couple of weeks making sure that I’m fed and watered but thankfully I think we’re just about ready to be able to start recording again although it may be in short stints and this video is likely very late in

The meantime however the 2000 Day movie did come out although technically we are actually yeah we’re we’re we’re 9 days shy of 2,000 days but it’s close enough but not only that the 100K special came out as well which is basically just a look back at the last 4 years and how we

Went from Zer to 100,000 subs and that work of art was put together by my good friend stbl so if you haven’t seen that please do go check it out I think you’ll thoroughly enjoy it but now we’re back here on this world I think it’s about

Time we maybe built some homes for those Villages you know the ones we’ve kept locked in a pen at the industrial town for quite a while yeah I think it’s time we treat them to some brand new housing before that however I do need to show

You a few things we did between episodes the main one being this tunnel entrance here which does of course go to our storage Depot train station thing but after remapping my Crouch key and my run key to my mouse I did manage to actually get the majority of this done we’ve

Still got some of the corridor around the back here to do but I’m not too concerned about that right now but the train station for the sort of Dispatch Center thing we’ve got at the top there is now looking a lot better and as you can see everything’s still working a

Treat as well but I also put in a doorway over this side which connects it to our normal train station and you can see the start of a path there that’s the other thing we did which is mainly preparation for today’s episode so if we

Jump up to our Airship we up here you can see what I’ve done and basically I’ve just sort of started connecting up The Path making sure that everything is going to connect from the top to the bottom and well it needs a lot of work but I think it’s looking okay and kind

Of helps me map out where I know I want to put all the Villager houses I mean just look at them standing there in the pen I bet they can’t wait there was one other problem I was having over the last couple of weeks and I spent a bit of

Time figuring it out and those of you that are Eagle Ed may be able to see in my little hot bar there I have a weird device at the end and we’ll get to that in just a moment but what it bother down to is my trains basically they were not

Really working correctly I was having a little bit of problems with signals and things like that they there was a little bit of crashing but some wonderful people in the community have pointed me towards a mod called create track map and when combined with another mod called Web

Displays enables me to have this which is basically like a little iPad type thing and it’s supposed to work in my offand but it doesn’t really it’s a bit graphically weird but if I right click I can get this and this is a map of my

Train Network in fact I can zoom out further you can see the entire thing you can see all the trains working doing what they’re supposed to be doing and if we zoom in on an area here we can basically see all the signals we can see

What trains what we can make sure that things are working as they’re supposed to so we’ve got our monoral train here we’ve got the flying Pebble which is of course the one that goes around and picks everything up from these factories but this enables me to not only keep

Track of everywhere my trains are on the network it also meant that the issues I was having up here with my trains I could basically see what was causing it see what signals would doing what and basically resolve it all and it may not yet be perfect but the trains have been

Going around flawlessly for about 50 days so I’m assuming that everything’s absolutely fine so yes this has been exceptionally handy and I highly recommend it if you’re having trouble with your trains in fact sh’s has done a really good video on it I’ll link that in the description if you do want to

Check it out but I think that’s enough waffle for today let’s figure out these houses for the villagers and I’ve been giving a lot of thought on the style of houses I want to put down here because it was of course a savannah Village and I don’t really think that’s going to fit

In particularly well with what we’ve got here at least not that style of house and then I considered maybe some sort of Victorian style housing you know just like Terrace houses that you would find in sort of the middle of UK industrial cities and things like that but that

Could look a bit syy and repetitive and I didn’t really want that either so what we’re going to be doing is something that’s a little bit different I guess the style doesn’t really have a name either it’s basically just sort of janky industrialist Shanty random Town punk I

Mean all the cor Styles have Punk at the end right and what this means I don’t really know yet but I do know what resources I want to use and I’ve got an idea of the pallets I want to use as well and we’re just going to see what we

Can come up with and this could all go terribly wrong but I guess we’ll figure that one out together short while later and I’ve gathered myself a fine selection of resources and some GDs of course and I’m going to start working out some houses I think what I want to

Do is maybe get the first building down and then from there I can work out where the road wants to go because I’ll know how far forward the building is and I think I’m going to put it here and we’ll kind of build it just into the hill here

And we’ll fill in the back when we’re done so maybe if we start around here somewhere we’ll just Mark out a rough shape of the builds and I reckon something about that size for the main base should be fine let’s just build the walls up a bit and like we did with our

Starter builds I think I’m going to make use of these again I really do like the reinforced Spruce logs because they make it look nice and sort of metallic at the front here I think it just adds a little bit extra to it so let’s get these all

Around the top here and one thing I do want to do is to bring back a lot of color and I should probably go to bed as well there’s mobs everywhere so as I was saying I do want to bring some color back into this area because of course

Savannah Villages are very orange and they use a lot of Acacia and I want to be using some color over here so we’re going to be using a mix of Acacia we’re going to use some veridium as well like the roof we have over there and try and

Just inject a bit more color back into this area hey look there’s a sleeping bag because we’ve got the dull industrial Zone let’s have a bit of a brighter living area so with that in mind my plan is to use aaca on the next floor here look at this you lot I’m

Actually building you a house ultimately we’re going to need more than one but you know you got to start somewhere so I think what I want to do here is maybe have a slanty roof there and put potentially another sort of building extension bit up the top here so

Something like that but what do I want to use on there maybe something a bit lighter like Limestone potentially and we’ve got plenty of that over here so maybe something like that although I think I want to give it a bit more depth maybe let’s bring this out a block okay

I’m liking it but I think I want to have a sticky AE bit down here as well cuz I like the color I like the brightness but I think it needs a nice metallic box or something sticking out the front here I think that’s really going to add

Something here maybe just something like this sort of held up with girders potentially and I think what I might actually do is get a few more gers in I think I’m actually going to change the shape of this building here a little bit as well while we’re at it so I’m

Wondering if maybe we put in some supports like this we can sort of build a box out the front I’ve made a bit of a mess of this I’m going to have a little play around with some shapes and I’ll bring you back in once we’ve figured

This out maybe I just need to move that whole top bit across by block either way I’ll see you in a Moment and one short musical interview later I think I’m much happier with that shape and from a distance the splash of color looking good as well I’ve also sort of stuck it out this side a little bit I think that balances it better or unbalances it but that definitely helps

With the sort of janky Town look we’re going for so let’s get some roofs on let’s get some windows in and I should probably do a little bit of texturing in certain places as well time for another musical Interlude And there we go I think that’s looking a little bit better it’s still going to need some detailing once we get round to it but I’ve also managed to put in a couple of flaw on the inside the walls are generally looking good and I think

For our first house that fits in just nicely before I go any further though I do want to work out where the pathy Ro type thing is going to go so it probably help if I didn’t have something in my off hands but let’s just Mark out

Roughly where it’s going to head so it’ll be this way I guess and then probably over here and I think I’m going to want the path coming up the side of this wall here as well so maybe linking over to here isn’t such a bad idea and

Of course this will all link up to the front door here for this dude and I’ll sort out the road properly later for now we’ll just turn it into dirt path so we can see where it’s going to be something like that we do for now and I guess I

Should probably work out the interior of this build first before I start adding other builds otherwise I’m going to end up with like five or six buildings and no interiors and we’ve done that in many series in the past so this one let’s actually do an interior before we move [Applause] On a short while later and I think our first house is actually done I’ve sorted out the outside we’ve got some lovely flower boxes and I’ve just sorted out the path in front a little bit more still don’t really know what we’re going to do with this I might pave the whole

Thing I might make it gravel I don’t know I’m just kind of experimenting with different path types at the moment but that’s not what’s important what is important is this house so we’ve got some decoration out the side here but when we go inside it is all lovely and

Decorated and these half slab walls have really been a big help so we’ve just got a small entrance Lobby here with some nice carpeted area and then we’ve got our kitchen which I think looks pretty cool we’ve got lots of herbs and things we’ve got cooking pots and we’ve even

Got a shopping list stuck to the wall over here but I particularly like the knife and chopping board from Farmers Delight it just really adds a lot I think what I should also do is bring one of those big plated meals over here at some point and just sort of put a

Chicken carcass or something over by the sink I think that would look quite cool then throw into the lounge we’re using the canvas rug which is also from Farmers Delight which looks pretty awesome we’ve got the create seats with some banners just to create a type area

And just a few other smaller details that you’d expect but I also got this which is a trophy I got I believe just for looting a buttload of chests but I figured it needed a home so that lives here now as well and we’ve also got an

Upstairs so we have a hallway with a small seating area here and we’ve got two bedrooms each one with double beds and it’s the same on this side here so plenty of space for the villagers and we’ve also got the top floor which doesn’t have anything on it at the

Moment I guess we can just turn it into storage or something I don’t really know and this from here just goes to the silver metal bar box which is the storage room yes or a toilet one of the two but I’m happy with how this house

Has come out we’ll probably end up just leaving those other two rooms empty that’s fine I think overall this is looking pretty good which means four of these guys now have a place to live however I don’t really want to set them free just yet I think we should probably

Future proof this a little bit by maybe building a villager breeder that seems like the sensible thing to do because well this area isn’t exactly lit up perfectly so if we’ve got villagers wandering around they’re probably going to die I mean we’ll do our best to

Protect them and light up the area but it’s better to be safe than sorry so that means I need to put another building down maybe we’ll put it directly next door or should I put one over here maybe I don’t really know but either way it needs to be big enough to

House a villager breeder it doesn’t need to be anything fancy just one where we can Chuck them some bread every now and then if we’re running a little bit low and they need to be well trapped they can’t get out so I’ve dumped down a

Bunch of blocks and I think I’m going to stick a couple of buildings in here and this one here I’m probably going to make a villager breeder and this one here will just be another house or maybe vice versa I don’t really know but I think I

Want to build this one first and see if we can fit a breeder inside it but as usual the first thing to do is just to get the walls built up and then we’ll have an entrance here on this corner and I’ll just Mark that out with some slabs

For now I wonder can we get away with putting some fancy beams in but I think I want some stripped dark oak to put on those so let’s quickly use our little chopper machine up here to get some so you can get chopping and I think I’m

Going to have a nap it looks dark outside while I’m up here we need to quickly make some windows as well so let’s get some black dye turn that into gray dye get some gray stained glass turn that into window panes and I think we want this one here and they’re ready

Now as well excellent stuff so what I’m thinking is we can do this we just end up with some nice thin beams to give a bit of structure to the build and then maybe just stick a couple of Windows in in a few places I guess we can’t really

Put one there but we can put one there I kind of want to put one here as well but I think what I might need to do is fatten out that brick bit there yeah that works and then let’s do that around this side as well all right

That’s looking pretty good I think what I want to do now is get some kind of a trim on the edge here I do have some terra cotta with me because we’re using the brick I think this could work nicely but maybe we should try and get some

Pattern on it maybe this layered terra cotta would work how’s that looking yeah I think that could work quite nicely but while I’m here I know I want to do the next floor in Acacia log but I think there’s quite a nice one here is it firewood mixed TOA log I think that’s

The one I want some of we’ll get some nailed ones and a little bit of the firewood as well just in case let’s try out these terracotta blocks first so we’ll just put a rim all around the edge here I guess guess it’s going to go out

To there no it’s going to go out another one so I guess we’re going to need some more bricks in that bit just to cover up the hole I think that works quite well as a trim actually so now let’s just build up some walls here just use normal

Location logs for now we’ll do some texturing after I think I think that sort of shape should work but what I want to do is to mix in some of oh jeez that’s not what I wanted to do right but what I do want to do is to mix in some

Of these logs so let’s uh let’s do that make sure that I’m not going to be chopping them up there we go that’s what we were going for these Acacia logs here because they really do look like metal panels I think and I think if we just

Mix in certain bits of this in fact we’ll probably make a lot of the bottom level of this and have it sort of Fade Into the normal location at the top that’s going to look pretty cool but I won’t worry about doing those bits just

Yet we’ll save that for later for now I think this building needs a little bit more so maybe we can have a sticky ay bit over here and of course we’ll get that propped up with some gers but I don’t think I want to do that in Acacia

Maybe we could try something else what are we doing color wise over here maybe a bit of spruce potentially maybe I should have a sticky outy bit on this side as well wait a minute where’s my health low oh no have I run out of food I have run out food completely

There’s like no food in there whatsoever well I best go do do some cooking before I starve to Death now where were we oh yes Spruce we wanted to put a spruce sticky ay bit on here and I need to figure out what I want to do for the roof and I’m thinking maybe scoria I quite like the scoria for roofs let’s sort out the sticky Audi bit

First so let’s Chuck some of these down we’ll Chuck some windows in there as well so I have made it a block wider but I think that’s going to work nicely but it also needs something on this side here just something like that maybe with

A little slopy roof on top I think this is coming together quite nicely and we should have plenty of space here on the top floor to put in a small villager breeder don’t see that being a problem so let’s sort out this roof and you know

What I think I am going to go with scoria for this one let’s just grab a bunch of this from here and I think it’s the stone cutter if we put it in there we should be able to get lots of different variants yeah there we go we

Have some polished cut scoria and we’ll have some stairs of that as well some slabs and we’ll get some of the brick slabs as well with the same thing we’ll get the stairs and we’ll get the solid ones and we’ll also get some normal cut scoria too and that should be enough to

Do a good chunk of the roof in fact let’s grab a few more of the stairs just in case and go to bed it’s night time right now let’s slap a roof on this thing right I think that’s working that’s a pretty good shape I like how everything’s coming together although

That looks a little bit weird can I do anything about this I reckon if we do that Spruce on the bottom then AA on the top that should look a bit better from the side yeah there we go much better right so this thing still going to need

Some windows I need to sort out the texturing on the outside I need to get doors and I could probably do with the chimney of some sort as well so I’m going to do a bit of detailing on the outside here and then we’re going to

Need to figure out how we’re going to put a villager breeder in here and I think I’ll probably keep the downstairs normal and then have the upstairs basically locked off and then we can probably just feed the babies down into this room I guess and a few moments

Later we have an interior it’s very similar to the one we put in the last house on the downstairs which is absolutely fine nothing particularly special going on here but I think I’ve worked out the upstairs and I’ve put a ladder in here just so villagers can’t

Actually we get up here because up here we have our villager breeder and well hopefully this is going to work but the plan is to trap two villagers in here and then we’ve got a couple of shoots here and what oh jeez didn’t mean to do

That we will trap a couple of villagers in here and from out here we can put bread or whatever into here and that will drop down so we can feed them they’ll then make babies who want to get onto these beds here so they’ll run across this Gap and then they’re just

Going to drop down I mean they might get ever so slightly hurt as they drop down but that’s fine they’ll live suppose I could put honey blocks under there but I’m probably not going to do that but in theory this should work because the villagers down there can’t path find to

These beds so these beds should always be vacant so as long as they’ve got food they should just keep producing villagers and then once the villagers are down there they’ll go off to another house and actually find a bed they can sleep in and just for good measure I’ve

Also put a nice big room on this side as well just because well I didn’t really want to leave it empty so I guess the next thing I need to do is to get some villagers in here and well they’re not too far away so hopefully this won’t be

Too difficult let’s start off trying a direct approach so let’s just put a couple of composters in there and see if they’ll attach to those oh it’s all gone wrong they’re all out oh jeez as long as two of them go in there that’s fine no

No no no no no oh Doris right okay we need to we need to Wrangle these villagers a bit better I think okay in you go right that’s one I’m hoping a second one’s going to walk up there just naturally go on what the chances that worked amazing

Right so we have our two villagers in there let’s just get them blocked in the rest of you can just walk around and do whatever that’s fine so now I just need to give these guys some food and in theory they should start producing some babies but I haven’t got any food with

Me but we’ve definitely got two villagers safe now so the rest of them we can just leave to Mill about oh look at this they’re moving in already oh okay the carpet’s blocking their access let’s just do that look at that they love the house amazing in fact

Four people I think we put four beds in there didn’t we good stuff the rest of you okay look don’t worry I am going to build up your house shortly in fact I’m going to build up your house next but first I need to tidy up my inventory I’m

Jammed full of stuff and I need to get some food for these guys just to make sure the Villager Breer is going to work so I’m back with some bread let’s see if they breed hopefully this will work they’re getting the bread are we going to get the hearts bit creepy just

Watching him through a door but it’s fine it’s fine oh they’re doing it are we going to get a baby yes oh and look at that straight away amazing so B job villager breeder seems to do the trick and we now have baby Evelyn who doesn’t actually have a

Home right now so that’s what we’re going to do now let’s build another building here and I think I’m just going to crack on and get this one done I have a rough idea I think of what materials I’m going to use and I think we’ll be

Using a bunch of the Limestone and metallic type blocks over this side just so we can offset this so I guess it’s time for another beardy Montage let’s go Well I’m pretty happy with that I think that one suits The Village nicely and I’ve sorted out the interior as well so if we take a quick look inside we’ve got a kitchen over here we’ve got a downstairs area with a weird poster I don’t know where that came from and

Upstairs here we’ve got a that goes up to a small room up there and in here we’ve got wow okay we’ve got a bit of a party going on how many people there’s five villagers there’s only two beds but we’ve still got plenty more space here we’ve got oh I should probably sleep

Actually I haven’t actually lit up that much and it looks a bit dangerous up there for the villages but I do seem to have a lot of Golems spawning and that’s kind of helpful for now I guess as long as we don’t end up with too many but

We’ll have to see what happens I think I want to get down a couple more buildings here so I’m just going to blast through and get them done and hopefully we’ll have a nice little village here when we Finished And a few hours later we have two more buildings here two more houses for the villagers which means we’ve got five in total now so plenty of beds for everyone which is nice so for this one here I’ve used Spruce diyite and stone and some variants I think think it’s come out

Pretty cool we’ve got little balconies we’ve got walkways and all sorts and on the inside we have a lovely cozy little sort of dining area type thing and we’ve got a kitchen and we’ve even got Malcolm working hello Malcolm oh he’s so happy to see me keep up the good work Buddy

And then upstairs here we have access to the balcony we have a room on this side very small room and a small room on this side which is a bit Bare Bones but there wasn’t really a lot of space this also then goes up to the top floor which is

Just storage and the other balcony and the other door in this room leads out onto this balcony so all in all I think that’s working quite nicely and it fits in well and on this side we’ve got what is probably my favorite build I really like the shape of this one it’s quite

Simple but I think the textures work nice I think the little sticky ay bits work nice as well and I love the small storage area we have underneath and once again on the inside we just have a basic setup here for the kitchen and eating area and then upstairs we have a couple

Of bedrooms which are very very Bare Bones because the shape’s a bit weird in here but the important thing is the villagers have somewhere to sleep and they look pretty cool as well so that’s a really good start to the Village but I think we’ve definitely got space for

Another building here and we’ll probably end up with another building here maybe one or two over this side but for today I think that’s certainly enough building something I do still need to do though is name the freight train and the monal train as well in fact so let’s go name

That one while we know that that’s going to be in its station so we’re going to be calling the monal the hanging beardsman which was suggested by team gray beards so thank you very much for that one I think that works nicely for it and look at that the freight train

Has literally just pulled in and we can give this one a name as well now although I need to remember where the actual platform for me is I think it’s around here somewhere aha there it is and there were over 300 name suggestions for this one so I decided in order to

Narrow it down I was just going to go with the one that had the most likes and that was a suggestion by Felix gal and that is the Whimsical Whistler well it was actually the Whimsical whistle blower but that’s a bit long so we’ve gone with a Whimsical Whistler that way

We might be able to fit it on some train station boards but it’s a fantastic name thank you very much for all the suggestions and I believe that all of our trains now have a name which is going to make them much easier for tracking them on that weird little pad

Thing but sadly that’s all we’ve got time for in today’s episode I look forward to seeing you in the next one where we’re actually going to be building in a different location Oh my days

This video, titled ‘I built an INDUSTRIAL VILLAGE in Minecraft Create Mod!’, was uploaded by Mr Beardstone on 2023-12-06 13:15:04. It has garnered 112465 views and 7644 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:35 or 1535 seconds.

We’re back! After an unforseen break due to a fractured wrist (oops) I crack on and FINALLY give the villagers a home! I transform the savannah village that was there into a Janky industrial style, and even manage to squeeze in a villager breeder, making use of create mod in the designs to add some flare!

100k Special – @Shalz Train mods video –

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    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Growth Spree In this Minecraft world, we journey through time, From Alpha to Release, each version a climb. Exploring the past, where chunk errors did reign, To the ‘golden age’ where memories remain. Building a shelter, a place to call home, Navigating terrain, no need to roam. Creating a base, a fortress so grand, Unlucky exploration, in a vast land. With each update, the game evolves anew, But the essence of Minecraft, forever true. So join me on this journey, through versions of old, In this Minecraft world, where stories are told. Read More

  • Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense!

    Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house that truly survives. With walls of obsidian, strong and tall, And traps that will make any enemy fall. From crafting armor to protect our skin, To setting up defenses that will make them grin. We’re ready for any threat that may come our way, In this game of survival, we’re here to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we build the ultimate house, shining bright. Subscribe for Part 2, coming your way, And enjoy the adventure, every step of the… Read More

  • Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

    Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server Destroying a YouTuber’s Pay-to-win Minecraft Server Introduction In a recent video, zman1064, TheMisterEpic, ItzOwo, Sapire, and PeepMC teamed up to wreak havoc on LoverFella’s pay-to-win Minecraft server. The mission? Duping and crashing the server in epic fashion. Special thanks to Mr_Copyright for the chaos that ensued. Chapter I: Duping The team embarked on a journey to exploit the server by duping items. With a simple command, they managed to duplicate items and accumulate wealth rapidly. However, their actions did not go unnoticed, leading to bans and chaos within the server. The thrill of outsmarting the system added an element… Read More

  • Insane Hive Live with Viewers & Cosmetics – Minecraft Bedrock

    Insane Hive Live with Viewers & Cosmetics - Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live ||With Viewers!||Cs’s And More!||Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by ItzMqgicX on 2024-05-20 03:48:15. It has garnered 164 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:38 or 5858 seconds. Yo and welcome! Im Magic/Mqgic.I will be streaming HiveMC and you can join and play! enjoy your time with us. Like always there are rules that i shall be going over: [Dont curse [Don’t be toxic [No racism ofc [No stream sniping [Have fun! [how to get raided] -Dont ask -Make sure to talk -has to be Hive/Zeqa etc -Read chat ~questions~ -Do… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Mod Showcase

    The Ultimate Minecraft Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ce block fait tous ce que je veux | Minecraft Moddé Saison 3 : Épisode 01’, was uploaded by Zotux Gaming on 2024-05-04 18:00:11. It has garnered 157 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:51 or 1431 seconds. Bienvenue dans la saison 3 de Minecraft Moddé, une aventure avec 37 mods ! La série te plaît ? Alors abonne toi ! Version : 1.16.5 Graine : -8157299575343332572 Mods : – Security Craft – Apple Tree – Attained Drops – Better Dungeons – Biomes O Plenty – Blocklings – Botania – Computer… Read More

  • ✨EPIC 100 Day Minecraft Survival Challenge 2024✨

    ✨EPIC 100 Day Minecraft Survival Challenge 2024✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-14 08:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More

  • Pero boyzz shock viewers with ultra-realistic Minecraft mod

    Pero boyzz shock viewers with ultra-realistic Minecraft modVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic graphics mod😱#shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Pero boyzz on 2024-01-07 07:30:02. It has garnered 2544 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. in the video I tried Minecraft Android version realistic graphics texture pack and all Minecraft graphics minecraft mod I tried to fly in sky with the help of TNT #minecraft but#insane minecraft graphics#realistic minecraft#minecraft rtx# Minecraft realistic graphics #minecraft rtx gameplay#I try Minecraft realistic graphics Read More

  • NEW OPBoyNeverDiE Glitch with Insane Saste Nashe 💥😲

    NEW OPBoyNeverDiE Glitch with Insane Saste Nashe 💥😲Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Glitch Ft. Saste Nashe 🫡😂’, was uploaded by OpBoyNeverDiE on 2024-06-12 11:13:46. It has garnered 1496 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe!❤️ Tags:- #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #pubg #pubggameplay #pubgfail #pubgplayers #pubgmusic #pubgedits #pubgmemez #pubgmoments #pubggame #pubgchickendinner #pubglover #pubgxbox #pubgm #pubgvideos #pubgmobile #pubglovers #epicpubgmemes #pubgt #pubglover #pubgwtf #pubgtv #pubghighlights… Read More


    🐻 EPIC UNDERWATER AMBIENCE in Minecraft 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Relaxing Sounds | Underwater Ambience’, was uploaded by Bear on 2024-06-17 15:50:15. It has garnered 113 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:00 or 10800 seconds. hi welcome to my channel! if you’re like me, missing the old days playing Minecraft for hours and at peace, then this video is for you. please leave a like and subscribe! be sure to check out my recent videos (including other games/series): – (for those that enjoy the witchery mod by Emoniph) – (city planning) Providing calm sleeping sounds, good study… Read More

  • “Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Trials” – Akira Lux

    "Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Trials" - Akira LuxVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 I Yearn for the Trials’, was uploaded by Akira Lux on 2024-06-03 10:54:58. It has garnered 29 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:06 or 11286 seconds. #vtuber #minecraft #streamer Rules: 1. Keep topic on stream 2. No politics or religion 3. Know your words are read not just by the streamer but also other viewers so please respect others and their boundaries 4. No mention of other VTubers or streamers unless I mention them first 5. No backseating unless requested 6. No story spoilers if I have not played… Read More

  • Unbelievable Seaba Phantom Soakin’ in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Seaba Phantom Soakin' in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Soakin it up 🙂 Minecraft’, was uploaded by seaba phantom on 2024-06-25 10:15:01. It has garnered 415 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Just me myself and I building a hot tub in minecraft and soakin it up Today I wanted to show you what I have started as my house. I also thought we should add a nice water feature in the center, how about a nice waterfall and hot tub feature. Stay tuned for more content as we slowly build our world and check… Read More

  • Introducing the Ultimate Corrosion Client: Aspw 2022

    Introducing the Ultimate Corrosion Client: Aspw 2022Video Information This video, titled ‘corrosion client 2022 edition’, was uploaded by Aspw on 2024-04-08 13:31:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Discord! OPEN FOR MORE! I’m a Minecraft video creator Subscribe me and leave a like and … Read More

  • Ultrakill Network

    Ultrakill NetworkBine ai venit la Ultrakill Network – Unde Minecraft devine cu adevărat extraordinar! Ești plictisit de aceleași servere obișnuite, create în grabă? Vino să experimentezi ceva cu adevărat special! Cu o incredibil de generoasă capacitate de 90 GB RAM, ne propunem să-ți oferim o experiență unică cu cel mai mic ping posibil. Suntem gata să te impresionăm cu cele mai epice aventuri în Minecraft, susținute de un anticheat puternic dezvoltat de experți în domeniu. (Intave) La Ultrakill Network, suntem dedicați satisfacerii preferințelor tale. Tu alegi ce vrei să joci! În fiecare săptămână, ne bucurăm să-ți prezentăm “Minigame of the Week,”… Read More

  • Silvermoon – Modded Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 English

    Silvermoon Modded Fabric Server Silvermoon is a small modded fabric server focused on maintaining a vanilla-friendly experience. Currently hosting 2-3 players, aiming to grow a community of 5-10 players. Version Information: Version 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.15.7. To download mods and join our community, please join our discord: Notable Mods: Fabric seasons: Trees change color and terrain transforms throughout the Minecraft year. Terralith, Amplified Nether, Better End: Terrain generation mods for different dimensions. Xaero’s Minimap + World Map New Structures: Friends & Foes, Better Village, Formations Nether, Hearts, Simply Houses. New Mobs & Bosses: AdventureZ, Graveyard. End Remastered: Unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – SMP stability is lit!

    Minecraft Memes - SMP stability is lit!That’s more stability than a creeper trying to navigate a maze! Read More

  • Ngáo & Kemy: Capcut Crew Takes TikTok by Storm

    Ngáo & Kemy: Capcut Crew Takes TikTok by Storm Welcome to the world of Minecraft news, Where updates and features are never old news. From new mobs to blocks, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed with a rhyming scene. So grab your pickaxe and join the fun, As we explore the world under the sun. With each new update, we’ll dig and we’ll mine, Uncovering secrets that are truly divine. From caves to mountains, and oceans so deep, There’s always a new adventure to keep. So stay tuned for more, as we journey through, The world of Minecraft, with rhymes that are true. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #memes #creepertherapy Read More

  • Crafting an Axolotl Aquarium in Minecraft

    Crafting an Axolotl Aquarium in Minecraft Building a Simple Pink Axolotl Aquarium in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players have endless opportunities to unleash their creativity and build unique structures. One popular trend is creating intricate aquariums to house various aquatic creatures, including the adorable Axolotl. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building a simple Pink Axolotl Aquarium in Minecraft. Getting Started To begin your aquarium project, you will need to gather the necessary materials. Make sure you have glass blocks, water buckets, pink concrete blocks, and some sea pickles for lighting. You can customize the colors and… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Siren Head: The Ultimate Listener

    Minecraft's Siren Head: The Ultimate Listener The Terrifying Legend of Siren Head in Minecraft Deep within the vast world of Minecraft lies a chilling legend that has captured the imagination of players around the globe – the myth of Siren Head. This eerie creature, with its towering height and sirens for a head, is said to roam the darkest corners of the game, waiting to strike fear into the hearts of unsuspecting adventurers. Unraveling the Mystery of Siren Head As players delve deeper into the world of Minecraft, they may stumble upon clues that hint at the presence of Siren Head. Its haunting sirens can… Read More

  • Mikey Morphs into WEREWOLF to Attack JJ in Minecraft!

    Mikey Morphs into WEREWOLF to Attack JJ in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Mikey Morph into WEREWOLF and Attack JJ in Minecraft? – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey Plotcraft on 2024-04-30 13:00:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is a fanmade video about the interesting and funny story of JJ and Mikey. This video is an unofficial work and is neither … Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Clyde vs ENTITY 303 in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Showdown: Clyde vs ENTITY 303 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Security House vs ENTITY 303 in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-06-18 10:05:01. It has garnered 17643 views and 715 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:18 or 738 seconds. Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Cash Tagalog Clyde Security House ENTITY 303.exe Pepesan TV, OlipTV, Ar ar Playz, HabitatPH Let us Also Support OMOFAM💖 pepesan habitat olip astrea micole shane azen tankdemic esoni ararplayz mizumi shannel vic jeyjey kimmie jungkurt moira _____________________________________________ Follow me on: FACEBOOK PAGE (Let’s Reach 1,000 Followers) : TICKETS: INSTAGRAM: _____________________________________________ Possible Tags:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pe Starter House [Bangla]

    Insane Minecraft Pe Starter House [Bangla]Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Pe || I make my Starter House [ বাংলা ]’, was uploaded by GopiCrafts on 2024-01-16 17:05:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Let’s Play Minecraft Pe || I make my Starter House [ বাংলা ] Minecraft Survival Series । let’s Start a new journey – Bangla … Read More


    EPIC GREEN BED GLITCH IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘Green Bed In Minecraft’, was uploaded by KROOTX on 2024-06-21 14:00:13. It has garnered 8273 views and 196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Green Bed In Minecraft ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Hello everyone, this is a new Minecraft channel, support me by subscribing and like, thanks in advance. My TikTok: ___________________________________ My shaders: Complementary Shaders ___________________________________ ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #minecraft#minecraft#minecraftbuildings#tiktokminecraft#minecraftindonesia Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Multiplayer Editz by ZEM1TH

    Insane Minecraft Multiplayer Editz by ZEM1THVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer’, was uploaded by ZEM1TH EDITZ AND STUFF on 2024-02-24 18:15:06. It has garnered 58 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:32 or 4352 seconds. Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Build Battle on Hypixel – Watch DuckBoi’s Epic Creation!

    Intense Minecraft Build Battle on Hypixel - Watch DuckBoi's Epic Creation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tired Build Battle | Minecraft Build Battle on Hypixel’, was uploaded by DuckBoi Games on 2024-05-17 20:06:38. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:08 or 7328 seconds. This is going to go well… I hope Usual Links: Discord – Patreon – Twitter (X) – Donations – Read More

  • “Insane Illager Attack on Leafy McTreeface!” #funnyshorts #minecraft

    "Insane Illager Attack on Leafy McTreeface!" #funnyshorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All the Mods – Relentless Illagers #funnyshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Leafy McTreeface on 2024-03-16 00:45:00. It has garnered 1016 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Day one exploring and I run into an illager spawner? Watch the video series out now! Leafy’s Discord: #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #ATM #livestream #live #streaming #stream #streamer #gamer #gaming #funny #leafy #allthemods9 #playthough #letsplay #gameplay Become and Official Member of the Garden! Read More

  • Rajesh faces off against Feather Client in epic Minecraft FPS battle!

    Rajesh faces off against Feather Client in epic Minecraft FPS battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Lunar Client vs Feather Client in Minecraft for FPS’, was uploaded by Rajesh on 2024-04-05 14:27:12. It has garnered 4354 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. hypixel bedwars, bedwars, hypixel, minecraft bedwars, bedwars montage, bedwars hypixel, hypixel bedwars montage, bedwars asmr, bedwars minecraft, bedwars montage hypixel, minecraft hypixel bedwars, hypixel bedwars clutch, hypixel bedwars asmr, bedwars clutch, bedwars clutch montage, bedwars challenge, hypixel bedwars 100 stars, hypixel bedwars block clutch montage, 700 stars in hypixel bedwars, block clutch montage bedwars, hypixel bedwars gain stars fast tutorial, games,… Read More


    UNLOCKING WORLD-SLASHING POWERS! Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Ep. 6Video Information This video, titled ‘UNLOCKING SLASHES THAT CUT THE WORLD! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 6’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-05-29 23:00:19. It has garnered 4985 views and 246 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:42 or 3042 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v38) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyGames Channel – UNLOCKING SLASHES THAT CUT THE WORLD! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 6 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More

  • Whimsy SMP

    Whimsy SMPA comfy and community based SMP! 1.20+ Minecraft Server Bedrock and Java crossplay! Vanilla-style! Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ | Factions | Non-P2W | Ability Item Join the discord: Server Trailer: A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community… Read More

  • TriangleSMP

    Triangle SMP1.21 MINECRAFTNew server!Discord: in java edition!Come play with us to meet new people, hope to see you here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you build a dirt house in Minecraft 🤔

    I guess you could say this meme is scoring a solid 3 out of 10 on the Minecraft humor scale! Read More

  • Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight?

    Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight? In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every stride. Animations that are funny and light, Bringing happiness, making our days bright. Parents love the content, safe and sound, No worries here, just fun all around. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe now, and join the MC realm. Classroom series, song adaptations too, All in good fun, just for you. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, the one and only, Pirated content? Nope, that’s baloney. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining so bright. Fangkuaixuan’s world, a place to be, Where joy and… Read More