Insane! Building My City from Scratch in Minecraft!

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Boo what what about Boo I’ve been booed oh no such a shame why am I being being booed interesting I’ve been booed twice it’s been a very it’s been not even too minutes and I’ve been booed okay yeah I don’t know either ah oh okay I

See bad timing to get a hair in my mouth somehow randomly that was awful you I did not use okay yeah you’re definitely going to throw me off every single time that you do that then I am uh not good at remembering people’s users names like yeah I’ll remember

Arctic um uh NAA few others here and there especially when they show up often but I’m not good at I don’t think I’ve ever remembered when somebody has two different usernames one on YouTube and one on Twitch I don’t know if I’ve ever properly remembered that did I like the

Cover of course I did I’ve never actually listened to the uh that song the original but the um but that but whatever the name is the greatest Whatever It Is by Ken and uh wow I cannot remember their names right now it’s a good song uh it’s definitely nice to hear

Their voices and something that isn’t you know like the role plays yeah I’m not even sure if they’re even doing apmau things anymore I haven’t kept up with her more recent stuff due to them it not being the same as what I used to listen to it’s not the same content it’s not

What I uh followed that channel for who is the narrator in the don’t touch this game that was Andy pretty sure that was Andy GTH Andy I think so please stop it was yeah pretty sure it was Andy I can’t even remember who I who I watched actually play that game I think

It was Markiplier and that’s the only reason I can remember was Andy who did it is because I recognized the voice I’m like how in the hell did that combination happen h intentionally well I can pick up where I left off yesterday with my voice still

Being bad and me failing to get jungle saplings now I’m probably doing this the stupid way by letting it grow like this but every other way I was trying it wasn’t giving me what I wanted and my game froze for a second love that love the random giant lag spikes

Okay that’s fine sure why not maybe maybe some random combination today will allow me to get a allow me to get saplings that I need maybe maybe for some reason me uh placing them like this and doubling up leafes will increase the chance of saplings I’m 90% certain that’s not how

That works but I’m already off to a decent start especially when that one grew tall enough through the leaves so I actually get extra oh I remember where I left off last stream um I found out two mods that are not compatible with each other and uh lost a very important

Tool when I mean lost um I couldn’t recover it it was it just poof gone uh I lost my Stone Lumber axe my diamond Stone Lumber axe yep all right I need a plate I need tough binding for some reason not the handle I need the tough to rod and axe

Head okay axe head uh large plate pattern I’m tempted to just make this damn thing out of cobalt or something but it would be completely unnecessary it wasn’t something you did no you haven’t done anything yet but no I lost this tool because these two mods

Um putting a tin Tinkers or yeah putting one of these tools that I made Tinkers thermal Foundation whatever combination you want to say putting them onto a I think it was Mr crayfish’s Furniture table that allows you to place a block or something on it to display it yeah it

Bugged that axe out real bad 50 durability it turned white I had never even seen that um pattern before on any tools anywhere uh couldn’t use it yep yeah so all the experience that was on that axe was gone so I guess I have to make another

One I’m very tempted to just screw around and make it out of like an actual good thing yeah um I here I’m I’ll make a cheap tool and uh white coating the entire thing was white and gray let me make this Lumber Axe and then I’ll show you exactly what it

Did I have enough Stone on me okay axe head no no I need broad axe head really not enough wood why am I trying to make it out of wood uh the axe head definitely needs to be Stone uh we’ll just make that that’s not

How that was supposed to go I’m an idiot do that uh wood uh with the bind does binding matter for wood I hear a cat crying out side um it’s not my cat that makes me worried I might go and uh see what’s happening real quick with

That cat because I think I actually accidentally scared a cat away the other night and I wasn’t sure if it was a if it was a um stray cat or not but it’s very cold very cold outside very windy and snowy I’m going to go see if

This cat is actually just looking to is just lost give me a second okay well I very quickly found the cat and I just opened up my window not sure if you heard me say anything I said like one thing to it and no it looked away it looked at me and then

Just ran off I don’t know if a c I think if a stray cat really wanted to come inside and it used or like a lost cat if it was a lost cat it’s cold and they’re desperate I’m pretty sure if they saw a person they would uh got that

Desperate they would walk up to somebody and so yeah I was just going to see if maybe by some chance cat that’s crying outside in the very cold temperature just needed a little bit of assistance I’m not looking for a cat right now but I mean I that there’s a

Cat crying outside that’s cold I’ll figure something out for it okay going throw all that in there that’s fine okay now let’s make what’s the easiest thing to make that requires like nothing oh like the frying pan got it frying pan what handle did I need uh just a tool

Rod just make a stone pan real quick uh throw that in there throw that in there don’t know why I have planks we’ll make this I don’t even remember this thing has eight durability wow man making that handle out of stone really screws over the tool I’m pretty sure I put the table

Inside or did I keep the uh I think I may have kept the axe actually uh yeah I kept the lumber axe here it is it is white as can be it is that is what it turned into no color not even sure the design it’s like a broken design for it everything’s

White I’m not sure how it got this color Jennifer welcome back but that is what my stone Diamond Lumber axe turned into when I mixed it with a table I don’t even remember what I did with that table I don’t know if I threw

It in a chest I don’t know if I just completely erased it from existence I genuinely do not know what I did with it I should not be holding this thing I originally I placed it here just to see what would happen I ended up placing

Dirt block on it found out that I could place blocks on it and that was when I learned that I lost a tool good thing I put one of the other good ones on it I I swear I would have put that thing somewhere but I probably got rid of it

Because I didn’t want to accidentally throw another thing onto it oh well I can make another one that was how I made it before or was it all planks it may have been just planks then okay yeah Oak coffee table this is what

I did I had a coffee table I put one of these on it and it turns into that um yeah maybe if I go to sleep it’ll be slightly better lighting but that’s what happened did not like that it happened so now I have a fry pan that

Has zero out of zero durability with a not even red that is a I’ve never seen that color of red in text in Minecraft and uh the attack is one attack speed is zero um I don’t think anything has an attack speed of zero that’s registers with an attack

Speed um I’m not even sure if I can swing it I can charge it up but I don’t think it’s going to do anything you have a shovel no I can’t do anything with it so I swing oh it can hit but it doesn’t it’s it’s so bugged

Out at this point that it’s not even um it’s not even doing the hot bar hit thing it’s not filling in the bar I’m just I’m not swing I’m barely swinging it’s like it’s holding it in a different position that it’s now that it’s broken and yeah it’s a little [ __ ] up it’s

Fine I just realized that entire time I may have just lost um Jungle uh I may have just lost jungle saplings cuz I’ve been distracted no the wood’s still here because I was making a lumber axe okay so this should chop down the entire thing good it

Did it’s like yeah good it better have going to place this one over here randomly maybe oh we’re already off to good start we got another one going well I got Rotting Flesh I’ll deal with that so deal with that well at least I can break cactus in

A certain way so that it doesn’t accidentally break itself you don’t like volleyball tournaments why not I don’t I assume you went to a volleyball tournament today I can definitely say if I went to one of those tournaments I wouldn’t just be bored out of my mind personally um volleyball don’t have any

Interest in it seeing people jump around and playing that game no thank you hi I am fine how are you I shouldn’t say I’m fine I’m actually really really pissed off because of stupid stuff and stupid drivers and bad weather conditions but it’s fine nothing went wrong technically I didn’t get into an

Accident but being a foot away at 60 m an hours close enough I got 300 milligrams of caffeine sitting next to me and I will be drinking it all it is 5 o’clock I’ve been streaming for 15 minutes I should minimize this this so it doesn’t crash my

Computer but see this is the point where I’m getting confused that I had all those leaes and I’ve gotten two saplings only two I like how I’m supposed to be building an entire city thank you three should be building a city and here I am placing jungle

Saplings just simply trying to get four at least or more no you played volleyball do you not like volleyball then because I have to say whenever I did archery in school every tournament we had I enjoyed so so I assume you’re doing volleyball by choice archery was no matter what it was

Still enjoyable even when we got our butts kicked even when I did really bad I still enjoyed it and trust me I had my fair share of uh bad tournaments considering do it for seven years and then you get to the point where uh I had

To switch arms because I could no longer shoot right-handed that was an experience experience that got ruined by Co at least I can boast that um I was probably the best archer in the entire nation that could shoot left and right-handed not many people ever got as

High as I did and I got them both left and right-handed the place was very quiet until your team got on the court the police turned into a l and the place turned into a loud house ah but so your team got on the court and then the place turned into a loud

House okay that’s going to need further explaining because in my own head that doesn’t seem like a problem that seems like a good thing unless it’s like a crazy loud house but it just seems like oh you guys finally went and Loud house doesn’t seem like a problem to Me Maybe

Different terminology would be better I don’t know well at least I just got a whole bunch of wood but I’m just I’m trying to get I’m just trying to increase my saplings here and I’m not getting any more like I’m ending up I had four saplings and then I’ve been going back

Down to three considering I have all these left and I’m at three now hopefully I will be getting more hopefully also I need to do this I don’t have wait I don’t have smel this entire time I thought I had smelting efficiency and I haven’t had it wow I’m an

Idiot wow that’s genuinely huh huh you don’t know how annoying that is this entire time I thought I had that well it’s level three now so maybe that’s a 30% chance maybe it’s just a 3% chance good I have four saplings so hopefully this will be worth

It and I should go and get more I should also just get a whole bunch of cooking materials here with all this grass that’s very badly placed even though I placed them randomly and they didn’t really grow fill out like there’s a giant empty section here empty section

Here I need to fill in this cave I was about to say I should explore the cave but I am waiting on um I’m just going to fill it in there cuz why not I am waiting on the saplings to fall hey two gunpowder not

Bad not bad I need to add a modifier on that yep that’s fine wow it is dark down here and goes to nowhere I could add a secret little room down here I know what I can oh I have that’s a I have a great idea sausage crazy

Gamer Al or crazy game Ralph whichever you prefer sausage I could make a sausage I definitely could I’m not going to but I could okay any more saplings no okay then I’m going to uh do that that and right now for that if they grow here soon they

Grow I’m going to have a little bit of fun with the uh Cave over here and that place I just thought of it and why why not why not enjoy it uh also 198 durability this thing has double ecological and I don’t think it I don’t

Think it uh Stacks I don’t think it makes a difference okay well I have this so might as well go I also realized I can use journey map to help any uh this specific situation H I might just go straight until I’m here and then uh that’s lava

That’s is there a random oh my God I’m not that far underground I’m at y 59 how is there a giant lava pit here like this is really weird it’s this doesn’t even go out to the surface I don’t think I covered it up either that is hilarious wow that’s that’s funny as

Hell I just got to cover up part of this uh actually sadly all that I have to cover up just so I don’t get burned by lava uh hopefully it doesn’t go down there even if it did that’d be a fine okay how close am I now uh a little bit

More I just found iron that’s that’s nice uh literally do I need one more block nope this is the one okay ah we’re up wait a minute wasn’t that supposed to be outside or inside what the wait where am I I’m at the oh you know that’s fine that it actually

Put me out right there because I will work and make that even better that is completely fine this is the first time I’ve done really something like this uh yeah this is not a bad idea if I don’t don’t say so myself or do say so myself

English we’ll just make this look like a little hidden thing why not there we go uh I’m going to throw a torch right there anyways and then I’m going to make ladders and go down there that is just empty I haven’t found what to fill it with it’ll probably get filled with

Cobblestone or something any more saplings fall but when I was underground Yes actually surprisingly can’t complain with one more and I go back oh oh it grew big nice I don’t know why I said oh like it was a bad thing no that’s what I want to have

Happen I have dropped 80 frames this entire stream not bad not sure why I dropped so many right off the bat but once that was done it was done where am I going over here why am I making sticks hold up I have an insane amount of free

Sticks yeah I’m not worried about using these I’m just going to turn them all into ladders then cuz I can still condense down the stack I’ll take uh H 36 sure then I can probably just have a stack of ladders instead of three stacks of sticks oh yeah easy going to throw that

Away nice and down we go yep there’s also a hole right there I need to figure out what to do with I just got an iron ingot from breaking that dirt all right I mean sure why not I was trying to figure out where that went there we

Go so is it better to have it like that where I can walk walk down and not go down oh the damn sheep I just want to make it simple and easy to go up and down yeah that’s fine random ladder down there cuz why not you know what’s funny I genuinely

Don’t think I’ve ever looked out this window I don’t think I have I’ve never seen this angle out here before it’s it’s interesting it’s not bad it’s just interesting going to go down there and get some torches now not sure why I wanted to do this but I

Did it’s also funny this now gives mobs easy access to my place potentially I might have to update it a little bit you know if a mob comes up that ladder that’d be funny as hell but I’m going to make it so that hopefully won’t be a thing I also like how somebody

Popped into the stream said sausage and left like you know that’s a way to come and go just just sausage nothing else okay and while I’m here I’m going to do that for some reason this hallway looks nice to me even though it’s nothing special but it just does

I guess I’m also not used to placing torches like this yeah I don’t usually do things like this BK I assume that means back can mobs can I not can I not make that jump oh I rarely use ladders in Minecraft I really don’t I’m hoping

Mobs oh well you know what if a mob comes up here and destroys things I don’t think it’s going to matter that much your internet went out ah well glad to see your back I love it when internet goes out it’s not annoying at all luckily uh my place my internet has

Not gone out I don’t think ever since I moved here but I do pay probably I probably overpay by by a lot what do I think of level difficulty I don’t know you sent something about that on Discord where like with the increased health over time and harder mobs and

Something um I don’t I just more mobs I kill increases the difficulty and screw it at it why not I was about to say it doesn’t really make sense for this world because it’s not much of survival it’s a me building a city just add it just add it just do it

Why not it can’t hurt probably if it does hurt I’m pretty sure I can um pretty sure me removing a mod like that wouldn’t crash or wouldn’t ruin the world yeah so we’ll see tomorrow if it’s up by tomorrow I don’t know tomorrow’s Sunday so I’ll stream

Earlier so I as of right now don’t know and of course I did not have enough dirt on me that’s fine I’ll figure it out I’ll fill it in later well I got a nice jungle tree here oh okay it’s already been pending for eight hours

Now oh last time I tried to um last time I tried to do like a mod pack on curse Forge uh I don’t think it ever worked I don’t remember what the problem was but it never let me publish it once it got done pending it there was some issue and it wouldn’t

Work and then I just ended up using Google drive but this wasn’t me making like a specific mod pack this was me just screwing around adding one thing was adding one thing and that was it and now I need to add okay have a [ __ ] ton of cobblestone I’d rather not

Keep filling chest after chest after chest full of Co I I didn’t realize all four of those were almost full I don’t need to keep filling in more Cobblestone but I’m not using that much stone for these houses and you know what my problem was what I don’t even know what problem of

What at this point what problem did I have also I’m thinking about moving the base of operations thing to this end it’s a little closer to everything why not also say base of operations like it’s a thing and I’m just like no I’m just going to probably put some furnaces here crafting

Table and stuff like that I zip the contents of the folder and not exported it C Forge doesn’t accept files in that format as they use MC data file and an overrides folder so does it curse Forge doesn’t accept a zip f a zip folder is that what you mean I don’t

Entirely know but I I mean I definitely zipped them I don’t remember if that was there was a reason I did it that way or not oh this is going to get this is going to get messed up real quick all this crap oh it does does let me do that

Without a wall behind it if it doesn’t have MC data which it only has then after export ah okay oh well at this point it doesn’t matter even because I will not be making anything like that why did I make eight furnaces am I just going to smelt that much Cobblestone into

Stone I mean why not but I feel like that was a little excessive I also don’t like having blocked visibility by having that um so maybe I’m just going to do this you know what yeah why not yeah that doesn’t look stupid at all nope doesn’t look stupid in the

Slightest um actually that gives me an idea for that hole I can just make another chest in there and fill it with like my cooking materials when I say cooking materials I mean like coal and then I’m just going to do this oh right I can’t do that okay

Well I know the solution I just don’t want to go run and get the materials for it which one’s the easy chest to make that doesn’t require glass uh silver it all starts with iron yeah so I can just skip copper go to iron and then make a diamond one

Nah not MC data manifest file mod list. HTML so I was just missing a certain thing basically so it wouldn’t be it wasn’t compatible probably okay so what what chest is better is it Sil silver is better than copper iron is better than copper clearly because he

Use copper to make iron I have a lot of iron gold is better than iron I’m just going to make a double iron chest and say screw it I can upgrade it later it’s not like it matters that much anyways yeah I just want to make it a little bit

Nicer here yep there’s iron I don’t have enough iron here to make it a double one of course I don’t I can’t make it double never mind doesn’t matter anyways then I think I already found I think I already tried that and I uh forgot that

That was a thing cuz I’m pretty sure I have two smaller chests side by side in the place okay iron chest has how much storage oh yeah I’ll just make two iron chests why not I mean that has as much storage as a full chest right 6

By9 6 by9 6 by9 yep it’s the same okay I hate that you can’t make it double though because I really don’t like two single chests next to each other for some reason it is visually unpleasing to the eye is that a spider no that was a boar next to a red flower

Black and red yep uh oh yeah here was here was the that was when I found out that I couldn’t do that was with these you have an R okay you mean a 58 an RX 580 something to do with my specs as you got over 100 FPS and you have a

Rx580 okay rx580 is significantly worse than a 360 TI I assume uh did the Shader pack also get sent with the uh mod pack with the mod list because I’m not sure if it’s actually in there or not no I sent the world no I sent the world f

Yes no okay well that doesn’t help me because I don’t know which one you’re saying to what send it to you I am so bad at seeing it um that [ __ ] thing that thing uh there’s the folder uh just do copy yeah do not do cut I don’t think that would work I

Might work work on Discord I’m not sure uh it’s only 3 and 12 megabytes yeah okay it should work so wait are you so are you getting 100 plus FPS with a different Shader pack or are you just getting 100 FPS in standard Minecraft because there is no way if

You’re using this this Shader pack and you’re getting more MPS than a 360 TI yes but it’s not one for visuals I not even sure what that one means um going do that I swear to God if I see that um that Steam Chat me or that

Steam update of a friends list of a a certain person opening a certain game when two other people just conveniently opened up the same game and I still haven’t gotten a text back from that person now today would be day six gonna be even more pissed off it has shadows sunrays and volumetric

Clouds um what does mine have that doesn’t mine has okay one not sure what volumetric clouds means I won’t lie not sure if what these are called um but I mean obviously I have shadows and sun rays so I don’t know yeah those clouds okay that’s what a volumetric cloud is got it

Yeah okay I’m going to go see okay that good that didn’t open the chest I didn’t know if it would cuz I was holding right click oh whoops I need all the coal uh and just give me that stuff give me that give me that give me the stuff I’m

Actually going to need to use and then the rest can stay here cuz it doesn’t matter um glass I’ll actually screw it I don’t even need glass this is just a chest that where I’m dumping random crap at this point because there’s gold and coal in there and gunpowder I’m going to

Take default is well square and fast is flat what I don’t know what you’re talking about for that I don’t know if you mean something with the uh the Shader pack or not clouds def vault is square and fast is flat for the crappy Minecraft clouds that you have to turn off in

Order to get these to work properly CU I don’t want to see Minecraft clouds covering these clouds cuz whenever I remember when I install the Shader packs it’s not always a default setting uh for them to be for Minecraft vanilla clouds to be turned off and that’s how I know about it just

Because I had to go and manually do it uh that and that that should be every single one should be filled nope okay there’s all that there’s that um screw it I’ll throw ores in there and gunpowder why not this is just going to be building

Materials I guess things I need I’m not really sure I’ll figure it out as I keep going shaders volumetric fancy Square 3D fast flat what um right I forgot I I kind of forgot how much I hate some of these Shader pack options clouds there’s that I don’t know it doesn’t

Matter wait a wait have I not had Cloud Shadows on this entire time has that been an option that I could have done well that was probably a mistake if that actually does what I think it’s going to do did I misunderstand what that was 90 well considering the sun’s going

About the same speed as the clouds is not making much of a difference yet uh just travel over here real quick I’m out of run already also this Manore is not despawning okay good to know no that that doesn’t really work very well with Minecraft with how quick the sun moves

Okay yeah I’m not going to keep messing with stuff because uh usually the more things I mess with in Shader packs the more bugged things get I don’t I’m pretty sure I just downloaded this Shader pack over a year to go messed with a few settings and have not touched them

Since all right well I’m going to just start filling these chests with Cobble it doesn’t even matter about the double input for these either at the moment however I need to bind all of them to me bound bound bound bound bound bound bound and Unbound bound there you go not

Sure if that actually matters but for some reason I think it does you have to bind it for it to work all right now that that’s done that was at okay well let’s just leave this Stone Lumber axe was at 198 durability it’s now at 238 durability

And I have not touched it good to know ecological is working as it’s supposed to and then I messed that up yesterday fixed it somewhat fixed it for the most part it was only off by two blocks because apparently I don’t know how to count sometimes it’s really hard to do

Basic math especially after a day at work it’s a lot harder than it should be okay I removed all the stone turned that into dirt yesterday that’s fine so now I’m just going to start building a few more things since I have the space here and then start making roofs and

Walls I also forget I have to remember my water settings what about my water set I haven’t even paid attention is my water okay that’s whatever that is why do I have to remember my water settings what even water settings are there for this Shader pack it’s a crappy Shader

Pack I will not lie um nothing has been altered water Reflections are a GPU hog yeah but okay so I’m looking down at Water actually let’s just look level here towards here without moving getting 67 FPS 65 we’ll go with 65 FPS what happens if

I turn it off I’m just curious as long as it doesn’t crash my game I clicked on the wrong thing is there no easy way to turn this off um how about I just don’t mess with it and don’t mess anything up even though I can always reset

It it’s been so long since I’ve looked through this stuff why is fog set as fast like I could see it anyways animated water did that do any okay that was uh yeah doesn’t affect the Shader pack with that said and got it turn clouds on uh right there yeah default looks awful

Fast looks awful fancy also looks awful set it as fancy well it took him a second oh oh it’s not yep it’s bugged it’s they’re bugged what am I seeing in the um so apparently when I zoom in and I’m looking at a cloud it still

Shows the tool I can see the I can see the item I’m holding when I’m zoomed in right now with OptiFine that’s not supposed to happen I can I can see a grass reflection on the clouds I’m not sure how good the stream quality is but I can see

Grass in the clouds right now in the bottom right and the item I’m holding while zoomed in yeah that’s not supposed to happen that’s not supposed to happen um I see this might be the reason why we don’t have vanilla clouds on I don’t remember them ever looking like

That even when I first discovered that I don’t need double clouds that’s hilarious I don’t know what design is smeared in that cloud um it looks like grass it what is it reflecting exactly I mean I can see like grass dirt and water in some of it so it’s clearly

Reflecting something from somewhere oh I got him turn brown now brown and red clouds white clouds um can we go back to purple there’s the green and purple is it reflecting the it’s reflecting that man this yep we’re turning that off Alexander hi welcome to me messing with

Clouds that are definitely not bugged at all it’s my overhead at an angle uh okay we’ll just I don’t know it’s weird uh details off yep you’re back you’re checking on your two twin cats nice you missed the super bugged out Cloud Reflections what did I really place all

That dirt around this tree and not cut it down wow I completely forgot about that I’m not touching it it’s fine that’s an L Cloud what the hell is an L Cloud I bet you it was shaped like an L wasn’t it okay well it doesn’t matter

They’re gone anyways oh right this house is really weird never mind that’s down there how I got to keep count of how many I’m at so there’s four which means I need one that’s here I I can just use journey map uh one two three four five really I did five

Between uh yeah we’re not doing five between that’s too close one two three four five six seven that should be a big enough Gap I think these are like eight or so that one might be eight my day it’s all right Minecraft is kind of going weird is this house is not

Supposed to be this close I’ll move it back it’s going all right I’m actually attempting to build a little bit more now today instead of just breaking dirt or doing things that don’t really matter or pertain to anything that I’m supposed to be doing uh what’s the length of this thing

Eh it’s like one longer than the rest it’s fine probably going to be out here building a night for a little bit actually no I’m just placing Cobblestone so I won’t I put an extra on the left what do you mean extra what what did I just

See uh the sun definitely oh it might be because of the tree or something the sun definitely just flashed for a second cuz it like everything went like yellow and orange for a second and then went back to normal can you Jo Jo uh sadly no this

Is a single player world that open to land option I think explains it well enough uh what are those coordinates yeah count the Gap I want one block extra uh well I don’t really care too much two three four okay I can’t see [ __ ] where we go there’s four there’s

Seven there one two two three four five six seven that’s seven originally it was going to be five but that five is too close so seven I think that’s what I meant and then I made Seven wide here I said the other one was eight but I’m not

Trying to copy every single Gap and have them be the exact same doesn’t matter going to Kill The Creeper I don’t care about the spiders it’s fine and goodbye oh the game almost oh God I’m dropping frames left and right right now oh my God something just

Happened bad I don’t think I’ve ever had it stutter that much when I was doing jumping like that I put a it’s it’s fine it doesn’t matter it it just it simply doesn’t matter no matter what everything’s going to be messed up in the end and I’m just

Going to have to make it work is that me are you just sending random latitude and longitudes I can’t even copy that properly what is this okay that first one is a random one in the where even is that okay that’s a random thing in Oklahoma I’ll tell you one thing never

Been to Oklahoma uh what’s the second one copy that have I ever made a hardore world um I think I made one hardcore world I did it on a crappy laptop that could barely run Minecraft made a series on it and then it was that was it and

Now you’ve sent me to a random place in Ohio I’ve actually been to Ohio but I haven’t been that North in Ohio I have not been north of Columbus I have have driven through Columbus I think yeah I’ve been through Columbus have not been north of

Columbus uh ggz not sure what that means good good whatever sure good game Z’s sure like I heard I heard a half a zombie noise I mve too quick check Discord what am I about to check yeah I saw that image there earlier it’s not looking bad I don’t know I’m just I’m

Personally not a fan of the uh of the changing of the Minecraft open screen I assume that’s what that is I just I like the normal Minecraft open thing even like rlcraft I don’t like why is there a block there missing but even RL crafts thing I’m not a fan

Of you can keep it if you want but it’s just personally not my taste uh what’s the gap here that’s six um oh it’s fine actually I should probably check what it is on the other side so it should be between five there’s one two that’s nine in

Between all right we’re not doing nine for this one I’ll tell you that much that is too many that is too big of a gap the three buttons have Pokemon button sounds what why can I just ask out of all the noises to choose why a Pokemon one I

Mean I like Pokemon don’t get me wrong but I’m not I don’t remember any noise in Pokemon standing out enough that if I were making a mod that I would put it in there for a uh UI button click or whatever you want to call it

H you made it today and you didn’t die yet and you’re so bad at Minecraft well okay yeah sorry I missed that message a bit ago but uh just get better I personally don’t like hardcore worlds because I don’t want to put so much effort into a world and then

Completely lose it like I might do like a thing where I would play a world say it was Hardcore and just never play it again once I died which I think I did once just so I could go back and look at the world but yeah I don’t like the idea

Of playing a world and just completely losing it no matter what yeah you said I like Po I said I like Pokemon go see added that little pling when I click a button I don’t know what pling sound mean but I literally have not had my

Sound on in Pokemon go since like day one because I don’t I don’t need the sound on I I don’t even know Pokemon go sounds I know there’s a background music to it and I it’s not good background music I don’t think I just I don’t use

The audio in Pokemon go I’ll be honest your fish can swim upside down I don’t think that’s supposed to be swimming upside down just just a thought probably shouldn’t be swimming upside down uh I kind of want this one needs to be a bigger Gap there’s four five six

Seven eight nine why not I think I missed that up 1 two three four five six seven eight well that there you go good to know I can’t count oh my God one that was really loud I don’t think that’s okay that’s definitely not Pokemon go noise but uh

They that’s just a menu click sure that’s fine as long as it’s not that ear blistering loud whenever I click on it in in game sure he hasn’t moved a while he’s fine he’s just taking a rest fish like to sleep upside down it’s a normal thing yep fish love to sleep upside

Down for the non-main menu buttons via set things um I do personally actually I’ll tell you one thing I really prefer if that one was just normal Minecraft uh menu clicks I I do genuinely just like that simple whatever sound I like it that’s why I’m like I’m still trying

To keep things like their Minecraft I’m not trying to do an overhaul or anything I still want it to be Minecraft I still want it to feel like Minecraft just with some extra stuff thrown in yeah we just they can just talk about the fish we’ll just leave it at that

Yep fish love it um how many am I out now so that is seven so one two three four five six seven builds so now I’m building this that one looks really narrow should I make one that’s six blocks wide instead of seven I mean the

Next one’s like a that is not a trailer home in the next one hold up in the last one in this row that is not a trailer home yes it is it is not a movable trailer home I will tell you that much I’m trying to see if I can get a

Different street view but I don’t I don’t think I can cuz street view doesn’t go over there the hell why does it look so different on map on satellite view than street view but this that one is the second one I’ll be building here soon is that is

Not a trailer home this thing has like Second Story windows make cars that’s not going to happen that one’s not going to happen I like that one what one I’m not sure what one you mean now I’m very very distracted and sadly I have to get rid of this

Tree hopefully it gives me a sapling if it doesn’t oh well what’s the Gap going to be between this want to your cats weird one acts like a kitten and one is well almost gone now a cat it acts like the dying cat that’s not good

Not sure why it would be doing that but that doesn’t sound good didn’t I wasn’t I supposed to bring this one forward one this one was supposed to be forward one more my stomach just made a weird noise that sounded like a cat growling not sure

Why okay I want to double check myself one two three four so there’s six seventh okay so I’m on the e correct yes if I can get a crappy Foundation started and I do mean crappy then we can figure out everything else I didn’t even pay attention to six

Blocks and we’ll make it seven seven seems like a good amount usually oh wow this one’s not going to have any space to walk in between there’s like double sheds am I going to pay attention to it probably not but it’s fine I definitely should go back and actually fill in crap

But I’ve been lazy how did that happen okay and this one is slightly shorter than the other one I’ll just make it shorter by one block damn Rose poppy actually not Rose uh well beautiful crappy Foundation started that’s not supposed to go there if you want you can make it look better

When I’m done via creative and mod types what the okay I don’t know what you mean by when I’m done you mean when I’m done with the entire city I don’t know what you mean by done I don’t know what you mean by creative in

There so you mean in a project that will probably take me years years and that I’m probably going to give up on you will take the world and improve it with creative is that what you’re saying have I ever slammed my finger in a car window um not a car window I’ve slammed

In a door before uh yeah Arctic you do realize that this is going to probably take me I don’t know over a year to make there’s a lot of variables that will impact that I probably won’t even be living at the same place I could be

Dead in a year kend gaming hi how’s it going you’re patient well I hate to say it but I’m not I don’t ever have motivation for the most part um life likes to screw me over left and right all of the time that’s the reason why I haven’t been able to stream

Constantly like I’ve wanted to or stream all the time or anything this needs to be back a block now that I’m looking at it actually I would say it needs to be back two blocks um actually I can do the math here uh one two three four five six okay

We got a problem yep we got a problem all right let me see if I can uh make this fixed a little bit uh one two three four five okay that one works uh this one has to be back seven no yeah no this one can be back

Six this one has to be back by one I think yeah this one has to be backed by one god wow man man I really kind of messed this one up a little bit because that entire thing should be back slightly more I think I’m going to say it’s fine because

This one really comes forward a lot in life and it’s kind of at an angle but maybe I should have put that for back it’s fine okay that’s ended up being a little more accurate and we’ll also provide space for another part that isn’t required is that a scorpion up there it

Is why do I have varied Commodities and decocraft installed because they’re part of the mods that I added years upon years ago how’s my work been going crap like usual that’s about it um our semi dock is flooded and I guarantee uh I guarantee it’s going to be a lake of ice

When I go in Monday guarantee it I doubt all that water is going to drain after the rain and after the cold we have you know fields in the country are flooded and completely frozen over pretty sure that dock is going to be a sheet of ice and um we’re going to

Have semi trilers that are going to get stuck am I 16 I assume you mean if I’m 16 years old no I’m 22 I’m I’m a little bit past 16 sure why not actually screw no that ain’t look looking right what picked the other one up thank you throw it there

Why not random flowers surprise flowers yes surprise flowers sounds really crazy and stupid to say out loud and it probably is okay I’m building this one is surprisingly wide and I don’t like that it’s so wide how close is it to that the left side lines up the right side is

Like side is wide uh yep okay we’re going to do that it’s going to be like noticeably longer than that one even though that one’s really short technically it’s supposed to be shorter than that but won’t look right if it you know what we’ll at least make it line up with it

Yeah your old woman I’m sorry what whatever sentence that is yeah it uh does not make sense tell you that much okay so this is eight I’m going to make it nine wide because I mean it’s extra wide but I still have to leave a gap in between here a five

Eh in the end it’s not going to matter too much you are 21 yes that you are uh I’m going to run I’m not going to run out of cobblestone but I’m just going to run out of space down the road probably things are going to start not lining up

Properly it’s going to create a lot of issues and I think I’m just going to have to eyeball everything and potentially remove houses in the future because there’s no way I can make this perfectly accurate make everything line up when I’m just when in the first place

I can’t even put houses at the proper angle that they are so I can’t have the proper spacing that is necessary cuz you know in real life everything isn’t on a 90° grid there was no pickup noise for that block of cobblestone that was weird uh but this one can line up at

Least I can start it is it actually it’s probably lines up there weirdly you are polish you can’t spell English but you but you can’t talk all right sorry I’m just I’m not good with broken English I’m really not I’m not good with normal English it’s like I can’t be good with

Any other language but I am definitely not good with broken English I can attempt to communicate but I don’t know if it’s easier in person or not compared to text with broken English broken English isn’t a bad thing I want to clarify that I’m not saying you’re

Doing a bad job it’s just the way the terminology that we’ve always used for somebody who speaks English but doesn’t speak it well because it’s their second language or whatever we usually just say it’s broken English and that’s just how it is because you can’t speak it as

Fluently as I can and when you come from a different language the uh your your way of thinking in your head of how to speak is not the same as mine because I learned this whenever I took Spanish that language doesn’t work the same everything doesn’t translate easily am

Among Us Roblox don’t play among us anymore after well I don’t have friends to play with and viewers ruined every single stream I did on it I don’t play Roblox because I don’t like Roblox even though Roblox is a lot better than uh what I used to play in Roblox like 12

Plus years ago and yeah this is Minecraft this is no this is this is not Minecraft nope this is not Minecraft at all and sadly I have to go run to the bathroom I’ve kind of had to for a couple hours now but now is the time

Where I’m don’t have much of a choice you are angered that this is Minecraft damn didn’t I put a sign in here for something I swear I put a sign in this one well it definitely wasn’t put in this one then I put it in a different

One and I don’t think it was this one no but that one has the random painting all right okay that’s fine I’ll just make another one I swear I had a spare sign around here I guess I don’t whatever we’ll make it work that’s not what I

Want to do I want to do that I can make that with that and then I can get rid of those planks perfect sign I swear I put a sign up in here for this specific reason I swear I did um AFK uh um come on what did I put on the

Other one can I there we go yeah I’ll be back short shortly of course I’m missing two keys uh be back soon keep chat going can I go God damn it I hate that this doesn’t have an actual thing oh that’s not a spell okay I know I’m seeing chat

Messages just come through okay uh your anger uh this inspired you to make a three long documentary on the infection of Roblox Twinks in the site sure enjoy you’re back because your PC crashed that’s not good hopefully it wasn’t crashed because of the Minecraft thing you’re trying to do winter hello

Um don’t I have an AFK fishing room though no I have an AFK dirt Hut that is by the farm that I made specifically so the wheat could grow so I could sell theat and turn it into emeralds at this point I don’t need that

So I’m just doing that uh I also needed another sign here and I don’t remember oh stream starting soon that’s what I need stream starting soon wow okay um I’m really bad at spacing these things out soon keep chat going sure is that good uh that’s I have an idea to fix that there’s a crafting table here might look a little bit better if I do that yeah that looks fine is that door closed yeah cuz I don’t know if it’ll be night time it looks a lot better when I

Put a slab there okay like I said be back shortly keep chat going or whatever I don’t know I can’t tell you what to do go I am back and your curse Forge deleted itself then restored itself what what was it like temporarily gone and just came

Back oh that’s I forgot that that happens with signs uh yep uh you can definitely read that black bar black bar black bar black bar black bar you can definitely read what that says yep that’s a um issue with this Shader pack that when the Sun hits a certain

Angle it it stops working for a bit yeah I don’t know why that’s a thing oh but it works from this direction oh oh yeah no it said Minecraft curse Forge was gone huh never seen that before I don’t know okay this mantore is really starting to be in the way but

Um I have an idea I have a dirt I can go get a dirt fence um wow there we go that’s beautiful nothing wrong with that at all I forgot the stone fences were here and I’m just going to put one um hi buddy you need to be like can

You be over here somewhere uh there you go that is that that looks bad that looks bad I’m just going to get out of here before uh we get reported it looks bad good stream wow not not that not that great I’m actively eating dried

Soup and waiting for the sun go down to go down before I do anything else but the heck you tripped over your five dogs almost knocked off the fish bolt what is with people tripping over dogs and cats recently JK it sucks yeah I will I can’t deny that

One but yeah you’re the third person to say that you’ve tripped over a cat or a dog within like a week but the last two um one of them spilled coffee on them and the other one almost did somebody asked what mods I’m currently using so before it gets

Updated tomorrow or the day after got to go down the full list we got curse Forge is the loader we got essential mod backpack mod better M shafts bibliocraft biomes of Plenty chisels and bits Redstone flux cfh mod cuz I don’t remember what they do PTR models deoc

Craft dirt Deco Mo Creatures flat colored blocks inventory tweaks iron chest just enough items Journey map level up mantle more player models Mr CR fish’s Furniture Bam’s harvestcraft Rog likee dungeons scaffolding Block Mod thermal Foundation tankers stuff varied Commodities waist stones and world edit okay um Arctic said oh no that not sure

If that’s a good thing or not bat said hi what welcome back today you tripped over your dog with water the dog hated it uh better water than hot coffee I’ll tell you that much because the other people have been spilling things like hot coffee or ice

Coffee on cats or dogs and uh yeah I don’t think you want to spill hot coffee on them oh cfh is the uh generation mod okay I actually understand what that means I’m not going to repeat it out loud so yeah that makes sense that’s obviously how I um that’s how I looked

Up how to get certain ores then is that I had to add that mod in order to either make things work because Cur Forge said you had to have it in the description of Tinkers or I needed the other mods that are partially associated with it okay gunpowder can go in there

Cinnamon yeah go in there why not I like how I wasted iron on those chests and I really didn’t need to ouch just crunch ouch was one of the people username kitten X love if she if so she been in every video you watched I’m not

Sure I won’t lie I feel like they I feel like they were but I’m not good with usernames I say it all the time I’m not good with usernames and I’m and this is pretty similar to you and your friend server mod pack nice it is a good random

Collection of mods but man they are not designed to work well with each other sometimes yeah yeah I kind of have to be careful with that a little bit yo yo yo was good is that what wsg is is that what Wes good is I don’t know

I about my brain when I read it it meant I read what’s up but I’ve never seen wsg before so I wonder if that’s what’s good not sure I don’t uh I don’t text like that I never have I don’t even use emojis or moic cons whatever but yeah

What’s good I don’t know it’s Minecraft that’s modded trying to build a city trying to make it so I can maybe do things a little bit quicker I don’t know if I remember remember what don’t know the problem with chats what that there’s an animal under there

80hd going left and right God damn there’s a damn squirrel under there or something very temp actually it’s probably a rat all right I’m tired of hearing it where is it oh there’s two Creepers down here and a zombie man if that isn’t Deja Vu right

There I swear to God I’ve seen this exact theme before with that rat coming out of nowhere with two Creepers coming at me while under here and then but after the rat was gone that’s the deja vu ended God I hate what I really hate it when things like that happen because

I don’t know how that’s even possible but I’ve seen that exact thing two Creepers coming around that corner with a zombie coming out with a rat coming out of the grass randomly I’ve seen that exact thing in that exact location before and it’s literally impossible for

Me to have seen that exact thing before because it hasn’t happen that’s the first time I’ve ever gone under there what the hell do I know do I know what yeah after that little whatever thing Deja Vu crap yeah what do I what do I remember what do I not remember uh

There’s eight in between there okay not sure if that really matters we’ll leave it at8 this one is the one that’s like do I remember above I had a weird viewer yesterday how did I ignore that message unintentionally yeah I completely ignored it unintentionally I have a lot of weird

Viewers um I don’t remember what part it was oh the one I almost banned the first one that I actually made a comment that if they said something else along those lines that was similar I would manually ban them right then and there on stream yeah that person favorite drink orchata

That man people really like to ask me what my favorite drinks are and every time orchata I don’t care orch is better than any alcohol hands down better than any alcohol I’ve had I have unintentionally these houses are just back and forth and back and forth

So we’re going to change it up a little bit because this one is technically shorter but it’s kind of not in a way because it’s at a it’s at like a 20 degree angle and so it just can’t match everything uh I’ll bring it forward a

Little bit all right so there it’s five six s eight nine 10 that got a little messed up all right well there’s three five six seven eight 9 10 okay well that’s fine we’ll make it work this is just a rough estimate too it’s fine it doesn’t

Matter just hear a skeleton down there um I’m out of Cobble in my inventory good thing I have all that and you know 10,000 other blocks of cobblestone that I don’t actively have anything to do with I have to level off that entire thing oh boy that’s going to be fun

That’s going to be real fun to figure out uh on the bright side this is basically the end of the road for that section even though there’s another house going at a 90° angle to this one over here but we’ll figure that out when we get to it because so far everything’s

Been on a grid and that is about to change we’re about to hit a new section that is outside of the trailer park finally have I have I looked at a dirt block in Minecraft and thought it was funny funny no weird yes because I won’t lie that this just just doesn’t really

Look like dirt obviously I’m used to it being Minecraft dirt so it is but dirt and realign knif is usually significantly darker than this it doesn’t vary that much in color and there aren’t well I should I shouldn’t say that there are definitely random rocks here and there that’s probably

What these gray bits are I’ve never really paid attention that those gray bits are probably meant to be little tiny rocks uh what’s happening here why is this grass a different color is it really the difference between a prairie and a river biome but it doesn’t make sense because

It doesn’t line up with the river I don’t I genuinely do not know why it’s there I guess it’s a biome blend with the Prairie and river that that’s got to be it and then this is different planes the mix between planes going to Prairie and River so what is this darker

Part the dark darker part here is River I think it’s taking a little bit to update but yeah pretty sure that darker part’s the river and the lighter part is prair so I’m going to stand here for a bit updates River without me moving it is slow okay got it the dark Parts

Technically the river biome the lighter part is Prairie interesting that’s more interesting probably than it should be but it’s fine okay I need to continue this road on for a bit be honest not even sure how far to take it it’s going to be estimating because I haven’t done a curve since I

Started this world so I’m going to have to figure out how to get that done nicely actually I can probably estimate it right here uh no no I can’t actually because of how I have to make the curve I’ll have to put in too much effort to make

It work probably I’ll figure it out later uh that can stay okay then that’s me but again the most stupid thing is funny like a hand you don’t know why everybody’s different people like what they like people think different things are funny there’s nothing wrong with that not everybody has to agree on

Everything everybody’s different and that’s it I don’t know how I messed up placing or REM removing those blocks that badly but I mean it’s Minecraft it is what it is oh God L bad bad lag Spike still don’t know why that happens starting to think that it’s a hardware issue not a Minecraft

Issue because uh my computer still does randomly crash like every other time I turn it on that’s uh that’s always been an issue oh well um maybe one day I’ll go out and waste too much money on a more powerful computer I would build a computer by myself but

Um I personally think I would just rather go with a certain company that I know about and just have them build it I guess I remember no I can um if I was going to spend enough I could have them I could have them do a custom build if I

Was going to spend that much money like $1,500 or so on a good computer yeah I could make them do I could have them do a custom build that’ be much better than going buying some random freaking brand I Buy Lenovo but they’re so damn expensive I personally do like Lenovo

Products I really do if I did buy a gaming laptop and I was going to spend a lot of money I would probably buy the Lenova Legion slim because I genuinely like it I have a Lenova Legion but it’s uh a little just a tad bit messed up not too bad but

Enough for me to Well it’s worse than this but enough for me to have stopped using it for a while and then I went back to to it when I realized uh the PC I was given was actually worse than that laptop and then we changed up stuff I don’t

Know I’ve been through a lot of computers in the past few years let’s see when I finally moved out I technically switched to this computer with a different GPU then went back to a lab that laptop then went back to this no then I went to a different computer with this

GPU that I’m using and then I went back to this computer with that GPU how old am I I am 22 I am also 22 yeah it’s weird 22 YouTube is recommending 22 year olds to 22 year olds yep somehow it knows I mean I am actually 22 in my

Google account so that would make sense is when uh and before I was 18 though you know I was definitely did not put my real age on online cuz you can’t make an account for most things if you’re under 18 and so I you know didn’t say I was under

18 I don’t remember how old I actually said I was whenever I created my Google account but um oh my god when did I create this Google account I created the YouTube channel in 2015 maybe I don’t think it was that far back it doesn’t matter it’s

Fine I’m trying to think of where to go after this point I think I just need to start using Birch um yep all right it’s it’s wood time I don’t know why I keep using Birch it’s easy to acquire it doesn’t matter sorry if your grammar is not good

Sometimes it’s often it’s fine nobody speaks perfect English my English is not great but it doesn’t matter as long as I can understand it or we can figure it we’ll figure it out if I can’t understand it usually that’s how it goes wow I did not mean to go that straight

Up I’m actually getting to the point where I’m running out of wood yes I can Harvest this entire wall of trees but I’m kind of getting tired I have a lot of Oak never mind I’m getting real tired of the um another birch wood I don’t know I

Want to change it up a little bit add some different colors in here maybe start using some jungle wood there none of these are going to be this color anyways in the end and I’m probably going to end up bidding different Woods eventually all right well all of those

All of this o I did not need this much wood in my inventory but I’m going to make it work you added a nice mod for me what does that mean nice mod that can mean a lot of different things okay house number I’m zoomed out

A lot five which one is that the one I’m perfectly staring at middle of the screen equipment compare hover and hold shift uh well that’s might be a problem because that holding shift is how you look at the U more stats of the tinker’s construct tools so let’s not do that because

That’ll probably mess things up probably would uh this house I I’m going to use last of the Birch might as well where is the front door it is on the other side okay that’s fine wow I just placed blocks unintentionally fast and they did not get misplaced usually I’m not that lucky

Switch that um oh I kind of forgot this entire section needs to be gravel okay so that’s one more that’s six right yep it’s funny how leaving things kind of cockeyed actually helps me count quicker it’s just easy okay so if I can estimate that one goes there with that Gap that’s

Perfectly fine this one’s in the middle and then this one comes I’ll make it right like one block away okay and then I have to do a pathway here to the other side for some reason you park here on this dirt or gravel and then you have to walk all the way around

To the opposite side to have the door not sure why oh my poor inventory stats stay first one second you’re going to test it yeah see if it conflicts because if it conflicts let’s not do it I would rather it be the Tinker option thing uh I’ll

Have to work on that part later when that grows where does this sidewalk go kind of go it just goes up here for ways and then you’re going to have I guess a long looking porch okay I mean that’s a long porch right there technically and a shed back here I

Really need to remember I have to start doing sheds don’t think I really want to but I need to yeah I need to start doing sheds because that adds a lot of little detail and and and fills in a lot of empty space The Blob King welcome back you

Have my player. so you can test it with the exact tools from yesterday yep and uh I’m pretty sure you still have the so you actually no I don’t think you’ll have the lumber ax that I lost it doesn’t matter because I can just make another one and I did make another one

But I think I sent it to to you after I ended the Stream So the lumber axe should have been out of the inventory should have should have you do oh okay well that’s fine you think well if you don’t have the uh oh no I I you this is a full

Stack of birch planks and then half a stack already no way I don’t what wait how in the hell did I use that much Birch already there is no way this is 100 Birch blocks uh that one might that’s only 15 though this seems like so many less blocks than it is

Huh I’m crazy that’s fine I it’s just going to be a bad combination of um Oak and Birch got it okay that’s fine why did I do that oh well it doesn’t matter because it’s all going to be a different color in the end whoops oh really it sent me forward oh

I’m bouncing off there we go I also just realized where’s my oh scaffolding has been here for a long time and I’ve been unintentionally ignoring it poor scaffolding gets so so ignored are you dumb you keep having bad luck you just trip over your feet and Cofe got in your eyes that’s sounds

Painful hopefully you’re okay um I don’t whoa I did not realize I accidentally made it where I could look through like three houses at once that’s fine I don’t think you’re dumb I don’t know maybe something’s going on I don’t know I wouldn’t know that would be up to

You to figure out probably not me on that that area going to do that that looks awful with this wood combination I it’s not supposed to be like this but um it is what it is it’s not like it’s staying like this but yeah it looks

Bad I’m going to do that that’s fine yeah this looks bad that doesn’t look bad there that looks bad that looks bad this wall looks atrocious ah it looks like some damn Kinder Garder made it I mean I guess I probably don’t I’m probably not much smarter than a kindergartener sometimes

At least um yeah that’s fine the way that opens yeah that’s fine I can make stairs and place stairs here stop jumping that H I wasn’t supposed to happen like that it’s not supposed to happen and I’ll have to wait for this to regrow God damn it then last week used

To build water on your three cats and you almost spilled coffee on your dogs you got bad luck uh yeah I don’t know what to tell you on that one bud just uh try and try and figure it out I think that’s probably not much better than just saying nothing

But you can figure something out probably there might be a cause or something I do not know you should be able to get something going though I got another random painting so I’m just going to throw it in here oh look a giant W that’s not where

I want that right if it yep okay let’s see if I can there we go we got it back that’s not bad too bad I would you know what that gives me that’s perfect then because I can just do that for once that actually looks like a good placement of

Something of a painting in Minecraft removed it conflicts with other mods via view more info and backpack got it yep that’s the problem is that when you start adding too many mods they conflict heavily with each other that’s the reason why I’m been keeping it pretty

Low uh I have the dirt to fill this okay I do question is do I need to empty all this or fill all of this actually cuz some of this might end up being the driveway kind of things H well I don’t even know what house I’m on this would be

S it’s on the edge okay it’s all going to be dirt then for now it’s fine it’s beautiful it’s fine I made have accidentally broken the road it’s fine Builder what is a builder’s wand I’m probably going to say no because it sounds like it’s a kind of creative

Item it sounds like it’s a little too magical and Powerful for uh normal survival but we’ll see it also reminds me of world edit when you say Builder want not sure why but feel like I’ve used it before in the past because it sounds kind of familiar BL multiple

Blocks uh no just straight up no nope we want the vanilla block placement one at a time I’m not entirely going for efficiency I’m going for for putting in effort and doing it for Minecraft without it I’m still trying to keep Minecraft like Minecraft not trying to be all powerful and everything not

Trying to make it where I can build a house and three clicks or build a wall and two clicks no that’s it’s too easy takes away a lot of the point of what I’m doing okay I can do this now uh man I’m really bad at knowing

Which one I’m working working on that’s the problem with working on several at the same time doesn’t work as well uh so that’s five that’s six okay this one is kind of wide it’s weird or maybe not wide but it’s long is and that’s fine uh we’ll put stairs there

Beautiful not really but you know get the point God that looks so weird right there that looks better on the outside than the inside and the painting adds a little bit color but it’s still bad oh excuse me I don’t know where that came from I think I say that every time I

Belch and I’m not drinking something carbonated while on stream I do like just gas comes out a little bit very quietly and I’m just like oh don’t know where that came from I’m pretty sure I say it every single time and I’m think I’m annoying myself at this point that’s not what I

Wanted to do uh actually that that works out uh if I can do it right okay kind of building these walls stupidly at least I gave myself enough Oak planks to continue on for a bit uh leave that as giant window not I have filled that okay uh we’ll make

This you can have a tiny window there tiny window there as long it’s not up nope actually screw it it’s fine it doesn’t matter that much it really doesn’t I just need to stop having Windows unintentionally across from each other that seems to be my problem problem H that’s too close so that’s

Fine H that looks like crap screw it it makes it more unique why not out the window like I would go out the window then I go right back to the door and that’s fine crafting table I don’t know why I’m like making crafting tables after I’ve already built the walls and

Everything correction you have an RX 550 oh that’s significantly worse than a 580 even it’s still a good card but compared to I think it has what do you have 4 gigabytes of vram I might be wrong but I want to say that card is 4 gabt yeah let me

Know I’ve watched a lot of um random computer build videos that have a 58 a 550 for a budget or 580 as those have gotten real cheaply lately and most of them end up being AMD cards for uh the budget builds but AMD cards have a lot less support than

Nvidia ones but Nvidia ones are insanely expensive usually in comparison okay now we move on to this one this is number seven correct this a seven just going to start by doing this I’d be real pissed if this was one with the front door uh no this is one that I

A giant tree in the way and I can’t tell what the hell I’m supposed to be doing so we’re estimating uh yeah we’re definitely estimating here uh that’s that’s huh oh you know what that’s fine I I planned for that that’s fine I did plan for

That I did plan for that to be lined up like that that’s fine did I not pick up oh I don’t have space for that dirt interesting now I do get rid of that okay this one is going to have oh we’ll just put it

Here we can make a tiny little one here it’s fine uh I don’t have any more staircases man having that random iron ingot really is in the way believe it or not it’s annoyingly in the way I don’t know why it shouldn’t be what it is and get that jungle wood out of

Here uh sticks sure why not get rid of them won’t be running out of any of the stuff anytime soon anyways okay if I really cared about how these houses looked I would um I would not be using normal blocks let’s just say I know of a method where I

Can on the outside it’ll look like this exactly besides it’ll be off by one pixel and the inside um we actually have this block space free the problem with that is that that creates a lot of issues is there a manacore down there yeah it looks like

It if I did that things would take a lot longer but it might work well in the end and I would say if I was making a one building or just a few I would do that method but because I’m making a mass amount in the thousands I will not be doing

That I should make an actual house that looks nice for myself to use that isn’t a random church that doesn’t look like a church I should probably actually put I can’t put stained glass because uh the stained glass thing doesn’t work no upgrade tomorrow I’m going to assume it’s because you’re having issues

Compatibility issues with certain things the shade oh excuse me the shaders make you blind the Shader pack that I sent you makes the player blind is that what you’re saying that that’s hilarious you got to send me a screenshot of that one yeah you got to send me if it makes you

Blind like blackout you got to see I got to see how bugged out that is I have to I love seeing visual bugs in games especially Minecraft CU it’s so simple yet all it takes is one wrong thing and man it craps out yeah I got to see it out of all the

Things that’s the one I want to see okay stop bouncing uh okay Discord yeah oh it’s just straight black there’s nothing else huh yeah that I don’t think that’s supposed to be like that also something tells me that if you add certain mods there might be a problem with a

Uh with the world already being started and generated and there’s might be a problem with some stats not properly communicating I’m going to think I mean you can test it you’ll know better about it than I will but the more mods you add especially to world that’s already been

Started lots of problems can Surface I mean I’m going to create probably two backups of this thing but yeah hey player on Journey map moves okay so yeah you’re just completely blind is your video card compatible with the Shader have you used other Shader packs because I know that sometimes um some

Video cards do not like to work with things like that I mean you still have a dedicated graphics card that probably has ddr5 vram I might be wrong but I know that sometimes just certain video cards cannot render certain 3D application things and I mean that that’s just an idea I’m probably

Wrong it is really the 550 is that new um what I’m looking up is that it’s GD ddr5 memory I mean it still doesn’t matter that much but I’m just wait how oh well it doesn’t matter custom build from Cybertron okay it like I said it doesn’t

Matter I’m just going to look up uh ddr6 let’s see if that pops up um okay well that’s a 550 I just want to double check you don’t mean that you have a five an RX 550 not just a or 55 55 RX 5500 not an rx550 because the F the

5500 also have has four gigs of RAM but it is a GD ddr6 card I don’t know it doesn’t matter well of yeah they all all graphics cards have should have the built-in memory but it doesn’t matter oh there’s also apparently two gig versions of the 550 that I did not

Know it is a 550 okay I don’t know then I don’t know it doesn’t matter um I’m need to go to sleep I really need to make a bed on this half so I’m not having to fly so far jump so far I assume this does add on to my distance

Traveled [ __ ] ski use you wow you went flying I kind of was expecting it to hit the wall and it did not you have built-in Ram okay when you mean built-in Ram that I don’t know what the hell that specific thing means because the only thing when you say

Built-in Ram that makes sense in my head is that you’re talking about soldered RAM and that’s definitely not the case but all graphics card s have their own dedicated vram I also have three creepers here I can kill make it four I missed oh wow that was okay that could have went

Bad somehow I didn’t miss that one even though I ran out of run no normal memory okay it it doesn’t matter that’s the wrong button oh well I’m going to go see if I can get one more creeper real quick I saw it it’s still over here I think it’s around the

Corner so nice even if that didn’t one hit KO it would definitely knock it back far enough that it wouldn’t work I need to put looting on this frying pan I landed in the water it’s really annoying that water stops my momentum completely but at least I can jump out

Of the water at high speeds if I need to do I have I might not have enough lapis we’ll find out oh I definitely do okay why that’s the wrong way like that okay and then I don’t think I have any more modifier wait this thing has

Two wait a minute I shouldn’t be able to do that I don’t have any modifier slots on it I don’t have any open modifier slots yet it’s letting me add more weird I’m not sure why it’s doing that that something is off or maybe it won’t let me take it to level

Two yet oh well it’s going to first create a it’s going to take a lot of lapis to get there and I don’t have that much lapis whoops I might need to go mining for lapis eventually I haven’t actually I haven’t really been mining in a while now just haven’t been

Haven’t needed to be I shouldn’t empty my backpack a little bit I don’t need some of this crap in here um string sticks sticks don’t go there I’m an idiot sticks dirt is going well I have silty dirt what can that go in uh that one why not oh I already have

Silty dirt in there good I’m not crazy it’s just so op I get it taxfree yeah I don’t think so I think that it’s the case of um it won’t let me max out the level even though it says it has looting to now it says it has Lu

Two okay now I have to test to see if it’ll let me add another random modifier onto it no I don’t have enough modifier slots but I swear I I it didn’t say I had any modifier slots yet I added a modifier to it I don’t know that’s the first time where

It hasn’t said I have a modifier slot and I’ve been able to add something very interesting but yeah apparently I have no looting two on it without needing to use all of the lapis yeah I don’t know maybe I unintentionally already added no I didn’t have any Lucker

Looting on it before I don’t know what happened that’s very weird I forgot to bring a bed I’ll be back literally went all the way over there actually for bed more than the uh tool upgrade and I didn’t do it I have wool but say I have more string so I’ll

Just use that that’s fine that’s not what I need to do my dumbass I can’t even make a I can’t even make wool properly there we go white bed cuz it doesn’t matter uh actually why not change the code color of it I have dyes I have

Flowers oh that’s not the dyes I talking about oh dies are in here okay well I used all of them so it doesn’t matter what am I doing there we go orange bed why not I’ve never made an orange bed in Minecraft I don’t think I’ve rarely made any beds in

Minecraft feel like I just said mine CFT instead of Minecraft may have just wow whoa that one was extra fast that one was insanely fast I don’t know what happened that one was scarily fast I will not lie I did not want to be going at that speed

Weird I’m just going to throw the bed in the corner here that’s fine it’ll work itself out probably probably yeah my legs are getting tired from being criss-crossed okay do I put roofs oh or wait oh I started that one and got interrupted okay I’ll finish that the walls on that

One then I think I should start putting roofs I missed the shot a little bit come on yeah I I made a line there and then stopped okay continue on I need more wood where is the entrance to this one though this is the second to last um it’s on this

Side oh this needs to go farther I was wondering why it looks like it’s off cuz it needs to go farther that way silty dirt isn’t compatible oh my God that’s that’s a that’s so nice I might actually not have to fill my inventory with random crap silty dirt doesn’t work for

Treasure hunting sounds like a bad thing to me it’s actually a good thing if I need the treasure things I have a world full of normal dirt I can do but this specific dirt doesn’t fill my inventory with random garbage can’t complain cannot complain okay beautiful good to know I just found that

Out uh oh don’t tell me I wait what oh man that’s going to be very annoying for the rest of this world I’m going to have to use a different kind of dirt just to make paths you think that um you think that silty dirt which I’m pretty sure is biomes of Plenty

Specific it would let you make yeah it’s bomes of plenty it wouldn’t let you make paths that’s that’s genuinely stupid I won’t lie that is genuinely stupid that they made a dirt and they yet you can’t put a path on it oh that’s so annoying it’s so more annoying than it

Probably should be to me also this one doesn’t I can’t see the porch there’s a tree here and I’ll be honest I’m going to make it very simple to enter in here uh I’m going to do a two doorway right here and I need these need to be

Stairs make myself a crafting table here man I’ve made so many crafting tables oh I just remembered another project I wanted to work on I wanted to make a massive crafting table thing out of only crafting tables and you have an AMD 4700s 8 core please okay I got to double check

This CPU real quick um versus uh 8700k okay it’s not quite as po you haven’t wait that’s an8 core CPU I just want to double check that is an 8 core CPU really no what that’s huh that is very interesting yeah that’s uh-huh eight cores and probably 16 threads okay so your CPU

Is better at multi-threading than my CPU or your CPU has better multi is better with multiple cores than mine because you have two more cores but mine has more powerful single cores which I don’t know if Minecraft take makes better use of a single core or multie but um your graphics

Card you definitely you are using a very weird graphics card to be paired with an eight core CPU I will not lie that is a very odd one because you have I’ve never even used a device that has an 8 core CPU the most I have is

Six but yeah that’s so weird that you have an rx550 with an 8 core CPU you definitely need a GPU upgrade I will not lie right there you need something even more powerful than a 580 um yeah you need to you need to figure out a um much better GPU combination for that

CPU check this out without the shaders you got 300 FPS 300 boy you got almost 400 I would have just classified that as 400 um I don’t want to turn my shaders off but I’m definitely not hitting that Mark uh you know what I might test it actually did

I uh yeah I left the bed and it’s just unprotected there’s a lava spot I can sleep all right well chat’s pretty dead besides uh you Arctic but that’s fine make sure there’s no creepers around while I potentially crash my game I haven’t ran this world without shaders

So I don’t know what’s about to happen why can my brain not figure out where the damn shaders are all right so I clicked on off my computer is going to freeze at least Minecraft is going to freeze and we’re just going to have to sit here okay that was quicker than

Expected how bad oh my God the world looks awful ew ew what the okay hold up something looks wrong everything looks bad everything looks blurry every Graphics are fancy V everything looks what things don’t look right right now I won’t lie I have vsync on so that’s limiting okay everything is blurry at

After so like that grass there is blurry and pixelated that’s that’s not how this is every nothing is sharp isn’t there supposed to be a certain setting that um makes everything sharper I know turn vsync off I just did that um isn’t there usually a thing that like increases

Sharpness for things at a distance um I feel like that just made things worse by turning that on what does what does that even do anti-aliasing removes jagged lines and shark color I’m going to try to see what Forex does it does help actually that did help

It still doesn’t look good from a distance but it definitely helped I’m just going to turn it back off CU it was already Auto off okay so how many how many FPS um well when I’m not moving it’s hitting it was hitting exactly 300 basically 299 it

Was 300 291 308 295 307 308 302 301 308 306 okay about 300 so somehow you’re getting more FPS because you have a better CPU for video games technically than mine yeah Minecraft does not make good use of the graphics card sh but um I’m curious how much my 3060 is being used

Now 72% my a what really no that is not right am I using 70% of a 3060 TI in Minecraft without anything added to it but yeah things look so much worse now want to see your process one second not sure what you mean by process but sure that Manore is

Still there it’s not leaving I’m going to turn shaders back on and uh hopefully the game doesn’t crash because it’s uh it’s gonna when you turn it back on it freezes yeah for some reason my 3060 TI was being 70% utilized in Minecraft without any special visuals or anything

Oh this looks so much better everything is so much smoother for from a distance I don’t know why I don’t know how but yeah it just looks everything looks better yeah everything is more clear man that’s a real shame uh I assume you’re going to send something in

Discord we’ll see I’m going to add a little bit of walls here I have to find settings stay when shaders are disabled does that mean that I had something set that made things look like garbage I don’t know these houses look weird shaders have their own settings

Yeah but I don’t know if that means that uh oh well it doesn’t matter shaders are changing other settings I assume yes more than just you know Shadows I need to I think go back over here finished what I was doing not a bad landing even though I teleported unintentionally a little bit

There I had doors on my hot Bar for a reason I wanted to do that looks a little weird it will look weird forever but is fine wow uh good to know the caffeine is hitting me because I already have to use the bathroom again I I didn’t it was it

Hasn’t even been an hour since I last went also man chat really died I don’t know what happened to all the people that were here but they all are gone they have all just hopped out that’s very odd yeah o is right you’re the only

One you’re the only one be proud I don’t want to say that you’re I I’m jokingly going to say you’re the only one stupid enough don’t take that to heart that’s jokes as in people are stupid to watch My Stream over anything else on the internet that’s what it’s not a dig at

You it’s a dig at my own stream uh I’m going to go run to the bathroom real quick and monsters aren’t going to spawn and I’ll be back in like a minute 30 you’re stupid so am I but stupid has a wide range I’ll be back shortly have returned mostly headphones aren’t on

Yet because I’m just putting a blanket on because I always do it’s winter it is currently 8° outside and I do not have proper Heating in my place we’ll just leave it at that so hopefully my pipes don’t freeze if they do this place is screwed um yeah not okay fully using your

GPU damn 14 gigs of memory being used I hope Minecraft isn’t using all of that and your CPU is damn 4 GHz still even with eight cores it’s running at four gigahertz damn damn I mean AMD only the only reason I would personally prefer an

AMD um CPU over an uh Intel is that significantly less power draw significantly less uh heat M being made but yeah godd damn yeah that’s a lot of sheep uh and 200 FPS inside Dam as in good or bad good because my CPU I’m pretty sure the uh

Person who made this computer did like a overclocking thing on my CPU and I have not been able to ever turn it off my CPU is base speed is 3.1 3.7 so the but it constantly runs at like 4.6 I haven’t found a way to lower

That yo miror it’s me again okay Josh welcome back welcome to me looking at my CPU and that I have not been able to figure out a way to set the CPU back no matter what I do I cannot get it to run at the base speed so I’m pretty sure the CPU

Whenever the computer on is just constantly running at as fast as possible speeds without crashing and I’m starting to think that that’s the reason why I have random crashes on this computer and I can’t find anywhere in the Bios where the previous guy um edited the um the

CPU clock Gerardo you’re back welcome back but I I’m not the best with computers but I I shouldn’t say I’m not the best I’m not anywhere near the best I’m still good with computers I know what I’m talking about with a lot of stuff not everything CPU

Overclocking I know how it works I know how most people do it for this specific motherboard I cannot find the right damn settings for anything I did not build a computer myself this was this computer was built by a pretty sure 80-year-old person who was a dad of a friend that

Specific friend can’t even text me back anymore but used to be good friends with her dad he made made me a computer before this and actually he’s made me three computers then he made me this one a few years ago which already had some issues here and

There but he did something to this CPU with the overclocking and whatever he did I have not been able to reset do I want do you want me to make a mod so I can find a way to make it tic compatible to make I assume tiic is Tinker construct make what Tinkers

Compatible yeah what do you mean make something Tinkers compatible yeah we yeah I’m not sure what you want to make the mod what mod what mod compatible with Tinkers because you just say the mod there’s lots of mods and I don’t know which ones are compatible and which ones aren’t you have confused

Me you can make a mod compatible with Tinkers so you mean I okay so let’s say could you make it so I can make actually that would be stupid um you mean by just making making tools out of other blocks that aren’t already included in Tinkers is that kind of what you mean

Yeah um oh g wow wow that was a good one just stuck midair for a good solid couple seconds wow that was a bad lag um make some random ones in there make some like random hidden gems and some random really funny garbage if you want to I guess you know

More about what you’re doing than I am so I mean I could say can you can I make a weapon out of wool but I don’t need to make a weapon out of wool oh no be creative if you can make it tool out of whatever you want be

Creative I don’t know figure something out you can do that though I don’t yeah but I can’t think of a reason why I would want to make a tool out of wool when I can already make a tool out of paper like I can make okay first of all

Apparently a paper sharpening kit is literally a paper airplane the mod Creator was pretty [ __ ] hilarious to do that but yeah I can make a I can make a paper a paper pickaxe head I don’t know what writable means means I have not messed around

With it and I don’t really H yeah make your own items do what you want how about that you just do what you can or want uh I’m going to figure out where to make a doorway for this freaking house this one looks like it has a door on both

Sides um actually it kind of does I need fence I I actually need fence to make this place a little proper uh that was the wrong angle to shoot at um did the stone fence work well I use stone fence for one other house dust ingots crystals or gems yeah go ahead

Just do what you want have fun with it uh don’t mess around with the dusts because I feel like that’s a waste of time I won’t really mess with them uh this Stone Fence I have TI fence I what what am I talking about I can make literal I have

Extra kinds of fences I can make a gravel fence you I think I think it’s time I make a deco bench no actually no no I don’t that’ll mess things up I’m just going to make stone fences that’s fine I’ll make stone fences when it’s daytime I think Stone fences will look

Better for Minecraft anyways and then if I later down the road if I want to waste a whole bunch of dyes I know that’s what I started to think is that I’m not going to have the dies for a deco bench because it would be to make I would need like probably 20

30 um things of chain link I have the clay for it I don’t have the dyes I’m not going to spend time with the dies not right now uh I have stone fences I’m definitely going to need to make more but I think I can start off with

These 16 and figure out where I’m going there man I’m going to get to the point where this uh slime slime shot is really not going to do enough all right uh so that looks like you’re going to have I’m going to go three blocks

Back do a fence there I’m going to have to be a little bit creative with this one oh there’s monsters under me no wonder it sounds weird cuz this one on this house is at you know like a 20° angle to the left and I can’t do that in Minecraft so I’ll

Figure things out here’s the road um this needs to be pushed back here a little bit oh good to know I’ve been placing normal dirt over here like it matters uh I can also do this now because it’s grown okay so I’m going to make that path there and then

You also have a path like right here that is actually extra wide and I’m tempted to make it three blocks wide but I’ll just leave it as two does it work with bone meal does what work with bone meal this gra are you talking about the silty

Dirt yeah what are you talking about does it work with bone meal what’s what does it work with bone meal die uh it sh okay so there there you can turn bone meal into a dye in here I’m pretty sure white Pig oh well [ __ ] no there’s a

White dye somewhere right there biomes of Plenty white dye no you can’t make it wait what I swear I could turn bone meal into another dye no you can’t turn bone or wait no I cannot directly turn bone meal into a Dye but I can combine it with another

Dye that might be compatible to make The Deco bench work for a whole bunch of crap you’re the I was about to say you’re the one with the uh that world how about you mess around with it turn on Creative or whatever and see

What you can do with it cuz I don’t I’m not going to mess around with it right now I mean I could go and get bone meal and figure it out but I need to make a deco bench and I don’t feel like making a deco bench right

Now I just don’t think I need to um so this fence is going to get real weird because this fence is perfectly at a 45 degree angle going that way and I don’t want to do that I won’t lie I really don’t want to make a fence going in that way the

Problem is I have to make a fence go that way because I have to put sheds over here so I’m going to do what I can I’m going to continue that way I’ll just make it kind of jagged can you Deco the interiors and exteriors of the world you have

Sure but I mean I won’t you won’t be doing anything in my specific world that fence actually looks pretty decent on that grass not sure why but it does the Shadows help though Shadows definitely help indirectly let’s see where would a door roughly be here I don’t even know man you found

Better fences well I bet you there’s like a Picket Fence Mod or something as long as it’s it’s not going to cause problems go ahead and just add it how about that we can mess around with it I already have you know dirt Stone other

Fences so it’s not like I’m not like I haven’t already added fence specific mods before uh we’ll do that ice perfect uh wow I really don’t have a lot of wood left right now I mean I still have Um didn’t I just have half a block half a stack of oak logs where’ they go okay I want to make sure I’m not blind before I fix my inventory it’s not here okay they I definitely wasn’t carrying them around like that for them to drop what I emptied my inventory like that

But I guess it did I don’t think that’s the first time that’s happened but it’s been a while since that happened yeah I’ve had random stuff disappear from my inventory like that before and then just pop out because I think I was switching between the menus and it bugged out it’s fine it’s

Fine skeletons lovely uh yeah my diamond helmet is on the verge of breaking and I have I have I still not made an enchantment table enchanting table I still don’t think I have oh well it’s not like I need it but for armor I do because uh Tinkers does not have

Armor for some reason I guess yeah it is Tinkers tools so I guess that kind of makes sense is but it would be nice to make armor uh giant window there for why not cuz that one won’t be looking into somebody else’s place uh also I kind of want to do the

Weird door thing with this one why not make more outd doors uh check Discord I already have like a white picket fence thing like that um the bottom one looks like garbage I don’t I don’t know I won’t lie something just doesn’t look right to those right to me about

Those they’re not blending with each other that’s what it is they’re not like meshing together properly um so for example with like the nether brick one there shouldn’t the two posts in the center those should only be on the edges so it should have that like

Black metal design all the way across in between the two Crimson posts at the that the first block and the last block in a line it shouldn’t be the same thing yeah so for that specific mod no I don’t like those that’s not what I would like

Yeah no that’s not what that door was supposed to do yeah no those do not look right at all yeah that’s huh they’re nice looking fences but if they’re not going to blend together like that then no that’s not that’s not what you want the fences in

Minecraft to do because yards in real life um I mean they might be split up here and there with random posts but they don’t have the posts like that it can be used as nice pillars what do you mean making a block of a 2X two Tower up no what

No eh I don’t know I’d say don’t worry about that one I would just say don’t worry about it but it’s n it’s kind of up to you still getting worse at blazing blocks keep messing it up uh I’m going to make that window identical to that one it’s like a support beam

A support beam with like metal in the middle of it though that’s what I’m thinking that I’m just like if I’m going to do a support beam I’m just going to do a normal thing press e what about e if I want to support beam yeah if I want a support beam I

Just want I’ll just use normal fence remove bone okay I pretty sure you could have just told me T search something and uh just enough items you need to see something like what what do I need to search or enter or what mod I don’t know I don’t know

Oh uh yeah that’s a [ __ ] ton of how have you what mods have you added that are adding that many pages of items I mean 50 is already an insane amount of items to have in a game like God damn what the hell have you added to get that many pages of

Crap like yeah really God damn it’s not a bad thing but it’s just a lot I’m going to start placing some torches I know I have a lot uh this one might need extra torches I’m not sure that wall actually doesn’t look bad this is a not a bad home but 200

FPS I don’t know what do you mean about 200 FPS oh torch torch oh I’m out of run already God damn it should eat before I get shot by something through a window or before a creeper just randomly walks through the open doors apparently I can reach that door

From here that did not realize huh that seems just extra far weird my mouse just moved incorrectly that was also weird where’s oh my God my the Bloom on my hand at night because it’s white when I’m holding a torch is awful in the darkness oh I heard a zombie I figured

It was right there I did not want to pick up the Rotting Flesh I’m just going to run it’s fine going to have to kill some stuff what are you oh you’re going to drop a silver sword Did you not even react to me hitting oh four bones damn can’t complain with that ouch oh okay I’m about to lose my helmet now okay come on can I there we go uh I don’t want to hit you because you’re going to break stuff right in the middle of the Street

There arrows bow why not have I even shot a bow in this world yet nope how many arrows did that oh all right I don’t know why I’m standing here watching him do That you broke my helmet you bastard I heard it break all right yeah good to know those Orcs they don’t care they’ll just break things at least I got four free obsidian and an arrow right to the ear apparently love that I’m just going to go sleep right here I’m fine the closest

Thing is a zombie and he’ll be here shortly that took a little bit to change yeah those Orcs are more destructive than I thought yeah that dude that thing broke blocks five up wow yeah don’t don’t shoot those good to know they they don’t like being shot I

Mean I wouldn’t like being shot either but they uh really don’t like being shot good to know I’m still accurate with a bow randomly in Minecraft yeah I thought that it just pulled the spider eyes towards me I don’t just take them all might as well kill the

Orc it’s free obsidian basically is my thinking yeah clear grass for me thanks that one I actually appreciate yeah I’ll take the free broken grass Manor I’m sorry but you’ve been here for a long time oh my God you do so much damage I mean I

Am missing a good portion of my armor now big cat claw yep you’re not useful okay not for me at least I need to eat food I’m going to go up there and collect those I don’t really specifically need them but I still want them oh my God

What the heck why are you up here that is so weird that is so weird that I go up here that there were two skeletons that died up here and a random creeper on top that is so weird yeah I don’t like that wow right on the Garden or

Cornfield whatever o into the window how much durability six durability damn okay well that night um did not go too well hey I got free obsidian that I didn’t have to mine I can add another reinforcement mod to one of my tools if I want to and see how high I can stack

It I’m also surprised that it only takes eight obsidian and a gold ingot instead of like a full gold block I feel like that was a missed opportunity that they probably should have just made you make a gold block I’m an idiot what am I doing

Wrong oh I need a cast I’m stupid yeah duh that’s what it is it’s still I it’s still not difficult you just take you literally it takes one golden ore then to make it oh my mouse moved weirdly taking the torch out of the hot bar probably helps my FPS a little

Bit uh wooden shards oh yeah just give me a stone drawing band why not I don’t need that thing in there do that I should have been smelting this thing down the entire time what I just looked over and it just seemed like something was on fire that wasn’t the campfire something that

Should not have been on fire why do I have one Birch I know I have one Birchwood yeah that thing’s a little that guy’s destructive as hell let me tell you that much I didn’t even see that it was it was Liquid I just assumed I assume this cast will work I

Don’t know why it wouldn’t yeah it works all right reinforcement modifier time for this test I can’t put another level on it yet oh but I can take it up to level four I can take that up to level four that is confirmed at least that’s

Good I’m going to wait I’m not going to put it on the EM a talk for now cuz I can repair that with stone and I’ll probably end up making better tools anyways when we end up adding more to the game for now we just put it on the table

Then yep that looks actually it doesn’t look bad it’s a little cut off it doesn’t fit properly but it’s fine what happens if I put this in here it just it just looks like the icon beautiful oh be careful with that one don’t be swapping a tool like that

Game don’t do that to me and we fly that was not the best shot but it’s fine it’s still a lot quicker than using a minecart but a minecart just kind of seems more proper yeah this uh this one got a little messed up just a tiny bit messed up

Here somehow did not break the crappy porch or anything uh did not break the door nope all right yeah that’s kind of weird that shows that uh that Orcs don’t care about wood or stone it doesn’t matter breaks it all it’s not like Stone has a a higher random resistance to it

Compared to Wood it just still breaks good enough why not yeah I mean that that looks like a really bad repair right there kind of is all of these need to be improved the stairs railings and such right now is not the time for me to be doing that I

Want to make sure that I finish this last one I think I did because I started adding torches to it yeah yeah and I like how I added railings or not added railings I added um torches to some of these yet I haven’t added torches to any of the ones before

It it just realized I did not jump with my boots on I did not bounce I should say with the boots on that was weird My Stream still alive yeah okay I just want to make sure it’s a little unusually dead just a little bit I’m getting so turned around around

Actually coming in here and doing this I’m very turned around all right place that that also starting to get hungry in real life but I’ll wait until I’m done streaming to go get something to eat I don’t plan to stream all night so I’m not going to go

And do that uh what is with this one not having a porch that is house number four I can’t see what’s here ah that would be why for some reason I didn’t add the sidewalk to it I wonder if I got interrupted and forgot about it I can’t

Even see if there is one there’s a giant tree in the way but that’s fine it’s fine we’ll uh it kind of looks like there still is one uh that’s not what I wanted to do it’s fine it’s fine there’s always space for error it just looks better when I do that

Good enough all of these will have to be better someday just not today I still don’t feel like this giant Gap should be here but it’s going to work what the hell was that noise Etsy oh it wasn’t even a damn purchase it was just a favorite come on don’t do that to

Me great twinkling bonuses for Pokemon go oh that was last hour okay that it’s gone didn’t even know what I got a notification then did I not put okay there’s definitely not a door there yeah this one ended up being weird oh this one has door okay let’s go back and start adding

Torches to some of this so I need a lot of torches I need a lot of glass I need a lot of everything can I make oh I could have made that jump I don’t need to but now I just want to prove that yep it’s

Possible just had to prove that I wasn’t crazy I mean well I still am crazy how to prove I wasn’t that crazy still crazy though very crazy very stupid but crazy these houses need better lighting than torches but that’s not going to be much of an option I can make l

I can make lamps that put off actual light for Minecraft but they’re going to require a lot of materials and some of them even require obsidian and or glowstone and I will not be acquiring mass quantities of either of those anytime soon or possibly probably ever so

Yeah eight torches left oh I put torches in this one though uh I might make this one here real quick just so because I have the bed in it oh my God this one’s weird oh this one’s really weird I don’t like it uh I’m trying to figure out what in the

Hell is going on I’m G to see if I can do street view from a block away I can okay good to know one side is a porch the other side is actual house this side is the porch that is so damn weird yep so weird it’s a covered porch which is fine

I don’t have a problem with that but it’s just it’s weird since I actually have a bed in this one I might improve it just a little bit oh my toes are cold inter weirdly cold I’m it’s not like I’m cold but I just like put my toes together clench them a

Little bit and I can feel like they’re cold against each other it’s kind of odd more than kind of it just is odd I have a door in my inventory God damn it is that go is that lava there going to be a problem for this

Wood I know I’m going to have to cover up the lava eventually but I’m not ready to cover it up yet uh that’s enough to put some torches down oh my God yeah my toe is like weirdly cold I don’t like it it feels like they’re cold and wet but they’re

Not very weird not happy with that very weird need to make a that oh there’s a zombie he is sideways strafing real weird um I’m just trying to make a door ha you can’t get in but there you go I’m like took you long enough you you thought about it all right your

Friend they can break doors I didn’t mean to actually open the door for him I meant to charge that I kind of forgot the right would open the door um when did that get added to Minecraft I thought it was after 12 I didn’t realize it was in

12.2 this entire time I don’t think I’ve ever had a zombie knocked down a door and this is my most played version of Minecraft I don’t think I’ve ever had a zombie break down a door like that mainly like I I knew it was a thing in my

Minecraft but I didn’t I didn’t think it was in this version yet I thought that was added on later oh well I mean that’s kind of cool I guess I guess yeah I don’t know I don’t know what to say after that this entire time I didn’t realize it was that was in

This this one spider just chilling up there he’s fine he’s friend L well actually no he’s not friendly right now but he will be friendly I can go make him friendly if I put him in a boat I’m not planning on doing that one at the moment

Though I like how I just put walls on this one and all this stuff is just going to stay outside still oh wow but you you tried for a second you’re being a little aggressive it it is daytime I have not done anything to you how dare you I was just making

Comments about this your spider friend up there was friendly and your ass comes over here and beats the crap out of me it’s morning you should be chill I was going to let you live I had no intentions of killing you I really need to stop doing that cuz

I don’t like running after the damn experience ow I need to go make more diamond armor gunpowder is more important than experience pretty sure there’s one uh I thought it was coming towards me it’s not did it despawn or did did it go between the houses it’s over

Here freaking hunting down monsters like nobody’s business there’s a random wolf over there I might have to slaughter it eh Slaughter isn’t the right word just kill it yeah just simply kill it nothing else I just realized I should have made that house out of Dior right still

Wouldn’t have looked right but it’s fine three fur I can’t complain that’s another free bed yeah I need to go make a helmet good Landing not bad not bad my mouse has been fine up until like the last 30 minutes to an hour or so and now it’s doing the weird like changing

Directions and everything again not really changing directions but like it’s not moving at the same speed it’s acting like there’s Mouse acceleration on it yet there I know for a fact there isn’t very odd my inventory God it’s just it’s just a train wreck

Okay okay I put a book that’s how I got protection three chest plate yeah I put a book on there can’t is an emerald equivalent to Diamond I can’t make right you can’t make that all right that’s fine I only have 29 diamonds it’s fine it’s fine couldn’t I have just made

Okay so there’s Diamond which is two and three I mean lead wouldn’t be bad Platinum I can’t Acquire can I not make a helmet out of cobalt apparently not that’s a shame don’t really care that much but yeah best thing I can do is just Diamond it’s fine also just realized there’s bronze helmet I don’t have bronze I don’t if I can make bronze

Maybe but there’s no Bronze in this game all right now we’re suited up again poor Diamond ho I should probably go and break it I should get that achievement just just for the hell of it um I was about to say how many more blocks do I need to break with this

Pickaxe level it up to add to it 12 thou sorry basically 14,000 blocks I have to go break I don’t plan on breaking that much Cobble or that much Stone anytime soon but I definitely have stone I need to chop down huh yeah how about I just put some roofs

On these places because it’s been days since I’ve done it I just have stone ready let’s just go get this done real quick I don’t know I’m not procrastinating on it I just have been trying to do one thing like Place Cobblestone foundations then add walls

Then do roofs and I just haven’t added the I just haven’t went and done the roof part o I also need to go back and make a whole bunch of sheds but whatever I think I emptied all these of the slabs Yep this is a sign that is correct yes it is a

Sign oh what I held Shift come on I landed like perfectly in the middle of that intersection though too bad it just wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing I’m waste it seems like I’m wasting coal there but I’m not there well yeah I am wasting coal I don’t need the coal

Though I’m just going to fill my inventory with these cuz I know I’m going to end up using all of this and then some that was damn near the perfect amount of slabs yeah I filled up almost every free slot in my hot bar or not my hot bar but just my inventory

Cool beautiful I need to add a level there and then smelting efficiency increase why not I also just realized I need to add paths to this but it’s fine is this supposed to be over a little bit more no there’s supposed to be a decent Gap here okay that’s

Fine I just need to acquire um that’s a hole that’s not supposed to be too deep oh there’s okay there’s that okay there’s the edge going to make this path here why I need to not use the shovel for that because I just put a hole in the

Ground that I need it to be grass excuse me don’t know where that crap came from okay well whenever this gets turned into grass I’ll fix it all right scaffolding do your thing thing just going to do this it’s fine I can always get back up

Here have I been keeping it leveled or have I been I still haven’t done that one that one’s been here longer than the rest I think I’ve still been raising it a little bit but yeah this is the boring part where I’m just placing some slabs

Pretty sure I I thought I was keeping them all level but I guess I haven’t been I have still been doing the raised bits that’s fine we can do all raised bits while I’m over here I’m also just gonna Oh Perfect Landing look at that it’s almost like I meant to do

That definitely uhhuh definitely meant to do that why did I make that entire wall flat there’s probably a reason but yeah that entire wall has no windows that’s fine it doesn’t really matter that much there’s no torch there is a torch in there I can see it maybe I didn’t add enough torches

Maybe I ran out I don’t know uh scaffold not what I meant to do yep pick that up I’m not really upset if I lose scaffolding cuz I’m going to have more than enough of it scaffolding is insanely cheap cheap to make I could I could also use

Scaffolding for Windows if I wanted to because I’m it does properly work with shaders I’m genuine genuinely surprised that it does you didn’t hear anything nether did I okay I don’t know it doesn’t matter yeah stream is just completely dead I haven’t dropped any more frames so that’s

Fine maybe when I finish when I run out of these stone slabs and maybe I’ll call it quits for the day it’s been a decent stream it was good up until like this part where I’m just like oh there’s nobody left at one point I saw double

Digits that sound is going down quick but yes at one point there were double digits in the um in the chat not sure how not sure where they came from but all I know is they they sure as hell are all gone oh beautiful Landing once again I

Don’t think I could have done that one again if I tried and that one I did try like that one was intentional I took time to like try and line myself up and aim and I landed on target perfectly very odd yeah okay so I don’t think lava is

Affecting this house it’s close it’s scarily close but I need to also just turn that into obsidian mine it and then keep going now it just takes a little bit of time and I just haven’t taken the time yeah look at all these that I’m I’m going we’re getting [ __ ] done we’re being

Productive that’s about it being productive slowly going I don’t go backwards up here because whenever I I’ll fall off that’s why and so if I don’t fall off it’d be more efficient but if I fall off then I’m that’s a lot of uh extra time used

It’s not like I don’t have a limited time but I also have a limited amount of time of my own mental stability My Own Strength um the strength in my legs for how much uh they can take before they get before the circulation gets gets cut

Off by sitting and not moving for a while it’s funny how like like when I’m streaming my legs get real sore they start cramping and everything but later on I’ll sit down until like midnight watching YouTube don’t have a problem but I think I do sit differently I I

Adjust myself a lot more when ever I’m not streaming because when I’m streaming I kind of have to keep my head in a certain position due to the microphone and I’m also have to be able to reach the keyboard so yep oh way too far but not bad I might

As well just do this one since I landed on it I’m going to have spider come after me here shortly I think yep you do realize this you’re going to lose this fight right like man that was instant just dead sorry spider you uh you initiated

That one if you just left me alone you would have still been alive to this day that one’s on you bud not me that scaffolding actually looks pretty good I just had an idea for a members only um video series is but I don’t think I’m going to have any

Members that would ever see it anyways so I don’t think it matters that much you know even if I had a membership thing set up yeah I don’t think I I wouldn’t have anybody who would ever purchase it for a while so I’m not going

To worry about it I that would just take extra time out of my day and everything to do a project that is unnecessary I also do not have the internet data in order to upload videos with all the streaming I’ve been doing would like to kill all three of those creep ERS but

That ain’t going to happen oh I missed badly all right I’ll just go inside go to sleep oh no I won’t no I won’t no I won’t okay not on that one at least yeah zombies come on are the creepers still over here ow H that’s fine

I have low Health not that low but lower than usual I how running from creeper for once cuz I’m just trying to heal yeah creeper not much of a threat I just that one I just wasn’t far enough away oh I mean that that would have just killed the boore there going

To it’s probably a little cheap huh yeah this is definitely cheaty oh well that’s what the game allows it to happen so God you’re tough why is the werewolf the tough toughest thing I come across yet they don’t don’t drop that good of stuff I mean it drops like iron stone tools

Sometimes but in the end it still isn’t that good of stuff damn when I koed him what am I picking up I have walnuts took you long enough to figure out I was here it took me long enough to hit you because apparently you were out

Of range even though I was right in front of you as long as that orc is gone that’s fine except uh I still need need to probably put Windows in this one so nothing can come in all right get your little butt out of

Here oh man come on zombies let me go to sleep for a sec what monster oh man all right fine now we go to sleep oh my God what’s nearby die come on ah that I shouldn’t have tried that I figured that wasn’t going to work but I

Thought I wanted to try it anyways yeah the achievement I got today Take Aim after like 60 hours in game oh you guys are problems you’ll burn down everything we stay away from you I mean I might mess with the green ones oh well house gets a little little destroyed I

Can fix it when everything gets set on fire that’s a little harder to clean up I mean I probably could make it I could stop it but i’ yeah I would rather not having half a House burn down instead of a quarter of a house get demolished in a couple of

Swings yeah I can take care of Orcs I can kill them quickly but I still don’t want to deal with burning down houses I mean if I made them all out of stone it would actually yeah that would solve the problem that would solve that problem right then and there

But it doesn’t matter they’re all going to get covered up right now and they look better when they’re made out of planks anyways for temporary purposes when they look when they’re made out of stone it just it’s dark it’s dreary they don’t look good but it is what it

Is they’re mobile home parks they they’ll look they don’t have to look good and they’ll look better in the future hi spider are you friendly are you going to try and kill me like the rest of your friends cu the last one I dealt with yeah why can’t I go inside

The last one I dealt with did not want anything to do with me it was morning time and the [ __ ] still tried to kill me I don’t know why oh they despawned that’s odd because I didn’t think they were that far okay well I’m going to drop this stuff in this

Hole 19 Rotting Flesh in that quantity I should probably just hang on to it yeah got hazelnuts though at least don’t care about them but I have them yeah you’re friendly you can stay alive oh the world the sky updated or reset more like because uh it

Can’t I I’m surprised it can’t go on for Infinity actually it should but it doesn’t the world can go on for Infinity but the sky only has so many clouds it can produce and then for some reason has to repeat it I wonder so I wonder if the sky isn’t really procedurally

Generated I think it’s just the same thing being replayed over and over again cuz it’s not the first time I’ve seen that happen Okay my mineecraft music is playing very unusual doesn’t play that much I also hope my stream has not been limited yet but you never know I don’t

Think I’ve dropped the f bomb really and that seems to be the word that triggers it I’m pretty sure because that’s about the only one I say frequently and other words like damn I mean they don’t they don’t they shouldn’t set off the sensor but the f word def definitely

Does I’ll tell you that one right now I don’t think [ __ ] does but I couldn’t be wrong [ __ ] should be able to but I don’t think it does and why not find out real quick not like I have much else going on uh thanks for the popup thank YouTube thanks for a popup

Ad what the hell not tested oh it’s because of the uh what is it I got the achievement of 700 uploads thanks oh to buddy yeah I haven’t used this thing in a while all right I haven’t been limited yet that’s pretty good then too bad

There’s just nobody here for it to make a difference I may have just accidentally spot on my screen huh what do a thumbnail overlay I don’t know might might be something I should mess with later might might be something I should mess with oh I got I just got lightheaded

Oh I get lightheaded and so I drink more caffeine smart smart and that was water okay my throat isn’t actually doing that bad today I’m surprised uh I mean my voice is still not 100% um my throat actually I haven’t really paid attention to it at all I

Think it’s slightly irritated but it hasn’t been getting worse so I just haven’t really noticed it oh that’s not what I’m supposed to be doing I mean I could but if they’re all going to be like that then there’s no sense in doing it since that block is there I’ll just

Do that it’s fine why does that torch look weird maybe it’s cuz it’s in the sun directly yeah that torch didn’t look right for a second I need to go make a whole bunch of fences I need to light up a whole bunch of the streets here there’s a lot

That I need to do that I haven’t done but it’s fine we’re we’re getting somewhere we are getting somewhere at least I’m going to leave the scaffolding oh I can’t even do scaffolding properly there yeah it would mess up stuff that’s a shame I wanted to do it ah yep it does

Mess it up oh well I’ll fix I can’t fix it now I can fix it now I can turn it into grass later on it’s fine it is fine we will make it work don’t know why I feel like doing that already I just did it is

Whatever oh wow I don’t have that many left I thought I had more slabs left than I did I’m probably once I do this house the next one I’ll run out on that’s a shame that is an actual shame oh well it’s not like I can’t make more I

Just made a lot and I figured I would have had damn near enough but no I guess not I mean I am going through it pretty quickly and yeah all these roofs are going to have to be altered in the future cuz they’re not accurate to what they’re supposed to

Be but they don’t look bad I just need to see if I can edit slabs with chisels and bits because I don’t think I ever I have ever tried before I don’t know if it doesn’t work I’ll probably end up making my own slabs I would rather not

Do that but I can do that if it becomes necessary how did I fail that badly and then I go that high that’s fine B damage won’t kill me probably technically I’m not not supposed to take any fall damage with these boots but it does happen I’m I don’t think the fall damage

Actually damages my armor either because if it did I wouldn’t have any armor left yeah it I think we’re fine I think fall damage can damage armor at least boots I remember that before I think I tested it that this was a long time ago that I tested it

Though and sadly I need to go use the bathroom but I need to go use the bathroom for like 10 minutes and I kind of don’t want to deal with that right now I really don’t but we’ll see how long it can take I’m already out of slabs all

Right well we made it somewhere we made it a decent distance now so now I need since I’m here I might as well clear out this entire section of for gravel gravel that I don’t have at the moment I just got laded whenever my chair went backwards that was

Weird how far do I go oh my God yeah every time I’m still astounded by how wide these actually end up being so I don’t expect them to be that wide but man they really are okay and now I have to cover up all this because because uh gravel will fall due to

Gravity yep okay I really wish I had the ability to make like a memb only thing I do but I don’t have people that would actually ever join it that’s oh well um wasn’t I going to do like random crap in one chest yeah we’ll make the random crap this

One uh gunpowder and coal can go in here all right I’m not ready to end the stream yet but I am going to have to go and take a break not by choice trust me not by choice but nobody’s here anyways but I’m still going to go over here and sit for

A bit and whatever happens happens this is very slow I need to go over here because the signs in here and there’s a mantacore in here so I think I’ll be fine oh now he’s aggressive come on you haven’t been aggressive all week oh there’s this one I need to look at

F1 it’ll probably go black oh well it’ll fix itself when the Sun goes down all right I will hopefully be back of course as soon as you come back I have to go use the bathroom for probably like 10 minutes or so not really by choice at

This point um I will try and make it quick keep yourself occupied I guess it’s been pretty quiet since you left bring the mic for 10K oh I 100% would bring it for 10K but that’s one you can’t give me 10K two the cable doesn’t reach I’ll be back for what for

If anybody’s even here and it’s the black bars love that can can it not do that can it just not mess up the text like what time is it in game it is literally the morning time and there it works there it doesn’t oh that’s so annoying yep it doesn’t work okay well

Nope and then it works I wasn’t even moving yeah that sun really messes things up okay now I have to remember what the hell I was even doing because man that uh let’s just say I’m really cold right now my bathroom is uh my bathroom is noticeably cold older than the rest of

My place and that’s the room that I kind of need to keep the warmest so the pipes don’t freeze but I don’t really have a heater or anything to put in there I have a furnace in the center and it doesn’t distribute heat I don’t have like

Um I don’t have vents or anything that bring the furnace heat to all places of my apartment basically I should say apartment so it’s just every room is a different temperature and having the doors open with a fan going a ceiling fan going on M on high

Right now is the best I think I can do to circulate the Heat and it’s not doing that good of a job I don’t think it’s doing what it can but probably won’t be enough oh I want that to be full oh well you know what if the pipes

Freeze and I have my furnace set to 75° I don’t think that cost is going to be on me because that is a lot higher than I’ve ever have have had to have that’s higher than I’ve ever had it before and I don’t like it being that high

Anyways I know I’m wasting coal in here because it’s sometimes double smelting and I don’t care I technically have a limited source of coal it’s called wood or believe it or not dirt a lot of my coal has come from dirt recently a lot of that’s going to end up

Being coal and I should probably start taking it because I’m smelting a lot more things down but yeah I just I think since you left I basically have just put up a few more walls maybe not even and started putting some roofs on these because some

Of these have been here for days now without roofs okay and I’m leaving the scaffolding for a bit just because I kind of like the look of it for some reason yeah for some weird reason I like the scaffolding randomly on the side I don’t know why I really

Don’t but it is what it is everything happens for a reason that’s why I’m sitting here still streaming when there’s basically been nobody here yeah Arctic you’ve been the only one for can I see the chat times or not I don’t think I have a way uh but it’s

Been a while we’ll just leave it at that been a while well actually I might be able to look at the time graph here oh well um you’ve been the only one here in over an hour we’ll say that much yeah wow man my stats are going to be low today

Yeah you’ve been here yeah but you’ve been the only one here for an hour nobody else has shown up in that entire period I don’t know if this’s more vision for me to place it like this or not I just kind of unintentionally started doing that and I’m out

Again oh I also kind of built this one a little bit just a little bit just enough so I maybe mobs won’t kill me in the middle of the night when I try and go to sleep for 5 Seconds okay that’s a decent bit of Stone I’m still not sure why slabs I don’t know why they ever made stone slabs look like this like I’ve never understood that from day one that Cobble stone slabs match Cobblestone but stone slabs don’t match any other block in the entire game they’re their own thing never really

Understood why that’s like that I mean I it looks good but it’s just different yeah you were first here actually technically some or no no you were the other person on YouTube never mind no you you booed me twice yes that was a damn perfect jump and I

Messed it up ah wow that’s a shame yeah you were the first one here first one here on both accounts yes yeah today has been a really slow day for stream I figured a Saturday night would be pretty popular guess not that’s really weird actually I

Mean at this point I won’t lie I’m just kind of considering ending the stream just because there’s nobody been showing up like I don’t think there’s even random people showing up like usual like usually I can see my viewer account jump up by one or two randomly here and there

Like somebody clicks doesn’t comment and then leaves but like it’s been a steady one viewer this entire time I I don’t know I’m not leaving yet but I am hungry I have been streaming for over eight not eight hours three hours and I don’t know I mean I’ve done a decent bit of

Progress yeah it’s been 3 hours which is n a lot especially for a Saturday night but it is late I streamed a lot later than I wanted to because I didn’t get home until almost 5:00 trust me I did not want to uh be home that late God damn

It yeah I wanted to be home a lot sooner and that really didn’t work but it’s fine oh well it is what it is people aren’t here because you said you wouldn’t be live you said no Saturday I said no I think I said it would be a late Saturday Saturday I just

Choked on nothing oh why does that happen so often that I literally like feels like something just got stuck in the back of my throat I’m not eating anything haven’t been drinking anything and just had to take a drink of water because that just choked me up real bad happens all the time

Sadly but no I didn’t say I wouldn’t be streaming on Saturday I said I don’t know when I’ll be streaming but it would definitely be a lot later and probably for shorter time even then I would be too exhausted to stream when I got

Home um if I did say that I sure as hell don’t remember saying it but anyways I don’t I don’t know people just come and go randomly some people see the notifications some don’t but I’m just I’m more confused to the fact that usually there are random people that

Just kind of show up that they get suggested videos or streams on YouTube that hasn’t really happened recently it has happened for part of the day but for the past like hour and a half or more it hasn’t been and I don’t know why oh well

All those are done all that has a roof they all now need glass that one has a roof all right for once I have leftover stone slabs and still more cooking very odd kind of want to go empty my diamond hoe just for shits and giggles kind of want to go do

That I have this entire thing at cornfield and I’m I’m Pro if I’m adding to it I’m going to go and uh I’m going to add wheat to it just because wheat flows nicely in the wind it’s not like I’m going to be running out of seeds anytime soon

Either but yeah I have a lot of dirt and I need to find a use for a lot of it I also have a lot of cobblestone need to find a use for that I also have kind of had an idea for the Cobblestone of making a giant

Project in a different part of this world and um making that project like a members only kind of thing but I think I would run out of computer space pretty quickly because if I did it I would be like doing an hour long session or two or something and it

Would just be random crap it would be like part of the time I probably would be watching YouTube or something I would have to cut out the audio something that I wouldn’t have to edit something that would just be quick to upload that’s a little bonus of background stuff for some people

But I don’t know I’m not going to turn on memberships and set it up just for nobody to do it or one person to do it and then me not having the computer space to do it or the time to do it or the uh internet upload data to do it I

Still think it’s really stupid that there is an data cap on on Wi-Fi I still think that BS that there’s a data cap on mobile data but that one’s always been a thing since day one that that’s just an extra way for them to get money whenever you’re using

A lot more of their service but like home standard internet or like business internet you have a data cap and then if I go over that data cap I’m going to be spending a lot of money per stream potentially depending on how long I stream for

And I’m really scared to look at how much data I’m using per stream because I only have a terabyte of data per month and I don’t know how much data a six- hour long stream uses I’m having a weird muscle spasm in my right shoulder blade it’s

Gone very weird don’t like that I have 163 blocks left on this hoe I definitely don’t need that many seeds then also need to eat food in game real life too but that one can wait I don’t think I’m dying anytime soon it’s not like I ate that little for

Lunch I had a giant lunch so I’ll survive uh I’m just going to eat the seed soup get that out of there kind of was a waste to make the seed soup it’s fine that is not the direction I really wanted to go there we go now we’re here I didn’t bring a

Bucket I need a bucket of water I also need to still Harvest all that lava with obsidian turn all that lava into obsidian and harvest it that’s what I need to do my shoulder right shoulder blades doing it again it’s really weird that one was a much better

Shot I actually ended up basically Landing here not bad that one’s not fully grown did I accidentally Harvest that I guess I did somehow okay uh one two three four five watch that not be centered it definitely is okay yeah that’s very weird that I just did that uh we got this

Going uh one two three four oh five um one two three four one two three four five I don’t know why I’m going in the hole to pick up that single block of dirt I don’t need it it’s a single block all right well now I get to I

Don’t know why I needed three of those because I’m going to empty this hoe in two of these found and two of these squares I won’t even have two full squares now because I uh out of that extra bit oh no oh well it’s fine it’s it’s fine I have more than

Enough oh we don’t have any bar durability bar left on it I’m about to fully use this entire Diamond hoe that’s a shame all right we’re almost there it’s such a great feeling when you ruin a diamond hoe oh wow I thought I had one block

Left apparently you go down to zero and then you run out I feel so special I got a serious dedication challenge completion wow yeah that’s just stupid where is the serious dedication thing oh right there completely used up a to and then re-evaluate Your Life Choices yeah I don’t think most

Minecraft players need to you know make 1,500 blocks of Farmland um that’s not even close to how many I need to make not even close I got a lot more to go I’m also hoping that this much that this many uh wheat plants don’t lag the game because it definitely

Can because they move in the wind with the Shader pack they flow they all every single block is animated and I mean I don’t think the trees really make much of a difference but the trees all flow too and it’s not like the game’s crashing but if my world

Suddenly can’t even run at like 50 frames per second when I start doing all this uh it might be why I’ll break a few of these to turn them into flower why not oh that was not as much corn as I thought it was going to

Be really wasn’t uh 9 * 3 I mean that’s 27 I mean I basically quadrupled that so I guess not bad not quite quadrupled it one more beautiful already got wheat oh I didn’t even get a seed from that one all right I mean I’m not complaining but wheat also isn’t

Affected by the Harvest thing probably because I’m right clicking it like I don’t think this gives me extra crops for wheat still waiting for the approval because then you can easily slide out and update ah oh well I hopefully they’ll get to it tonight I don’t know exactly how their

Process works but hopefully it does not take them that long to get it done okay it is I’m trying to think if I should expand this road and stream make a whole bunch of sheds go make a whole bunch of glass or what I should do biome info displays what biome you’re

In center and position on screen um yeah Journey map already has that with the biome and position on screen all the time and it is customizable I can zoom in I can zoom out um I feel like there was another button that one yeah I can do that

Instead instead of the circle I personally prefer the circle but this displays the uh World better I’m trust me just just leave it with journey map I’m good I am good also isn’t that like a that doesn’t have to be a kind of mod you can if you wanted to play the world

For yourself isn’t that just like a client mod you don’t need a for example like Journey map you can play on a server and have the journey map Mod on your display but not actually have Journey map on the server I know you can do that because

OptiFine works the same way so example in the future if this world ever did become a server you wanted that mod you can use that mod I personally don’t want the mods so I’m not going to worry about using it that makes sense Maybe maybe I think I hope I’m pretty sure I’m

Correct in that manner too that that’s how that works I think I hope and yeah this Stone Lumber axe piece of crap but does the job all XP orbs join into one to decrease lag uh yeah add it why not I don’t think I’m I need that uh

Yeah I need is there a mod that can do that with item drops like how servers they’ll combine everything in one pile in a certain radius to reduce lag on a server can we do that one damage indicator I’m not even sure what that means cuz there

Thought there already is kind of a damage indicator on Minecraft just goes everything just flashes red whenever it takes damage but yeah I don’t know what a damage indicator means exactly I don’t think I need it though see break that got to break all this oh

Uh I thought we already had that one in there I thought you already mentioned that about like mob health bars and stuff I thought that one was already done yeah uh I thought you already had that one but if you don’t put it in because I’ve used that mod

Before I haven’t manually used that mod like thrown it into a world I had but it’s been in mod packs before I just looked I’m like okay I recognize that exact that exact display yeah go ahead throw it in there I can also remove it if I don’t

Want it or something since it’s client side one I don’t want to say client side and server side for mods but I mean that’s there’s like mods that can only work if the world has the mods and then there’s mods that don’t have to work if the world doesn’t have them

Whatever ding plays ding sound when Minecraft loads uh unnecessary don’t had it not even sure what it means but I probably don’t want to hear a random ding whenever the game does whatever I just got a carrot what how did I get a carrot I was breaking grass how did I get a

Carrot only when it loads the mods so once uh don’t worry about it because it it just it’s another thing it’s unnecessary we’ll just leave at that it’s just unnecessary don’t need it don’t worry about it did I add collect the seeds pams add on I haven’t added it it I don’t know

Why my place just shook that felt weird I don’t even remember what collect the seeds was we talked about it I need to look it I’m just going to search it real quick it’s about to be my night time eh I can still see Minecraft uh mods um bam seed

Uh okay that didn’t do what I wanted I’ll just look up Pam grass drop seeds oh yeah pams get all the seeds no don’t do that because I don’t need it it would just fill up my inventory even more because these windy Gardens and oh there’s B bad lag right

Now what is happening it might be because the curse Forge is playing two ads yep that was the reason Reon uh I have windy Gardens I have shaded Gardens those all drop all the seeds and plants that I need so we don’t need to add more

Things that are going to just Clump up inventories add more lag and stuff yeah don’t need it mod name Tool tip names of blocks mod shows uh no I know what that one is I don’t need it that’s also one of the ones I don’t like being displayed on

Screen scen we already have extra stuff here which is fine but like when I look at a block I don’t like the thing in the top of the screen that says that it’s Minecraft and it’s dirt it’s useful not my thing I don’t like having my entire screen filled up of entities blocks

Descriptions all that crap slab stairs and walls extension not even sure what it means but it probably sounds useful for building at it creeper oh you didn’t even start to tick okay you didn’t even drop any gunpowder and I have looting two on this thing how dare you that’s a darn

Shame see if we can get I definitely just broke another thing of Farmland oh well it’s fine oh yeah also instead of the windy Gardens or shaded Gardens there’s also Aid Gardens that drop more crops yeah I don’t I don’t not need more seeds trust me got more than enough pack

Mod menu feature Edition switch the type of pack you use for gameplay VI I’m not even sure at all what that means you’re going to have to elaborate on that one no clue what that is uh I need these to go in here I may have accidentally put seeds

In here or I used them all I used them all okay thought I would have got more that’s not where that goes that goes there that goes there this needs to get out of my hand uh sticks go away wood wood uh dirt well that’s going to have to go somewhere pick between

Different modes restart the pack loads your selected pack selection I I don’t know what you mean by modes though like am I switching between different mod packs even so if that’s the case Chris Forge can do that already uh that that that that that that that

That trying to clear out some of this garbage I don’t need right now oh Minecraft music God yeah why is there Cobblestone here I’m I’m fine with how it is that one doesn’t that one just seems unnecessary and sounds like it would also potentially cause problems somehow so

Yeah let’s not worry about that one either your options menu would be a pack mode nah don’t need it unnecessary uh uh get all this sorted is yeah the one the one thing that I am not using the sort button for don’t know why I put that all in the corner but it’s

Fine trying to think of what part needs to be done next I could plant a few trees grab like I’ll grab all those saplings let’s see if I can get get some of this looking a little bit nicer in the distance oh it’s been a while since I’ve planted any trees around

Here um well the problem is that this is there’s not a lot of trees around here anyways and I have to remember where the hell I am compared to you know normal life uh well there’s not supposed to be a tree there but I’m putting it there I might just start planting trees

So that everything looks more full cuz it’s it’s a little empty looking around here like this just needs a random tree out here this needs a tree in here or something you need a tree out here need a tree over here somewhere I’m surprised there’s Granite left there I need a

Tree there why not that looks really weird this This Grass does not look right not sure why going to throw another tree there why not brew Craft uh I think okay yeah I told you to add brute craft I remember that one resouri not even sure what that one is even though he probably mentioned it in the past uh we’re going to place tree there Place one here and randomly Place one right there go over

Here uh we’re going to go on there get one back here GUI texture pack Library not sure what that is uh tree right there and one right there I like how I’m just constant running around the back here randomly uh right there right here I need to clear out

That stone put one here put one here these are going to probably end up looking like garbage whenever they’re fully grown Place tree there really not trying to put all these in the center of everything but it’s just kind of How It’s add ending up like up here needs a random tree or

Something like that it’s just too empty you need another tree up here or something I don’t know that’s going to be in the road so well if this one would grow into a tall oh wait I can make it I can make it grow into a tall give me a second

Okay I think that used to work I remember that being like a a thing I learned like back on like the Xbox 360 over 10 years ago some of time want you to make a seven days to die mod pack there’s mods for that uh

No s days to die I have a mod pack I have an entire mod launcher of like 20 of the like most popular mod packs of all time for seven days to die and they are quite they are quite game-changing ones for the most part too like Darkness Falls that one

One is difficult to run as hell compared to normal seven days to die and uh it it changes up the game quite a lot uh there’s another one I can’t think of age of Oblivion another complete overhaul changes damn near everything in the game adds a whole bunch of

Stuff yeah I also want to make sure this grows tall like it it sh good I’ve done this before it’s been a lot of years since I’ve last done it and I remember sometimes they just would never grow but I would like to be able to walk under the tree

Guaranteed I guess I’ll sit here and eat I feel like I’ve also done bone oh I didn’t work the hell all right fine don’t work that’s fine that’s really annoying that that didn’t work all right maybe maybe I just have to keep placing trees until it grows the one I

Want it’s probably what because this one has to be that tall because there’s a you know path here maybe that will do something I don’t know I’m just trying to experiment at this point this used son of a [ __ ] it didn’t work again this used to

Work I mean it used to sometimes never let the trees grow but it used to work that’s so annoying that it isn’t working I will not lie I’m going to place a block there so I remember where to place that tree that’s so damn annoying though like why why does it not

Work sword of Cosmos not sure what that is never heard of it oh I guess I get free Oak saplings I’m used to trees not dropping saplings in this world they just don’t want to adds endgame loot I’m not sure what endgame loot is can this tree grow

Nicely there has to be a way to make it so oak trees will grow how I want there has to be space looking armor uh nope I’m good on that one I don’t like space armor stuff nor do I think I need Minecraft craft how to make trees grow

Taller does it have to be diagonal oh maybe it oh we’ll see maybe it doesn’t animated I don’t know what do you mean animated I’ll try that maybe that’ll make a difference I bet it won’t but it’s worth a shot it also said for some reason use

Glass I don’t think it matters I don’t think glass is going to be the difference between dirt maybe it can’t be dirt also maybe it has to be something else trees grow faster with a torch what do you mean under them what do you mean

Under like did I just get a stone God damn it I just got a stone pick X you mean a torch under it like that who like that why is that that why is there hole there like that it’s a torch and it’s under it because you can’t place a sapling on a

Torch that’s so stupid I feel like Tor trees also just grow quicker when there’s a a higher light level but I also have a thing that you know makes crops grow and trees grow insanely quickly and it still hasn’t grown and that’s a random skeleton horse hi creeper bye creeper one day

Zombie how you doing you want to help watch the tree grow another trick is to use glass yeah that’s what I just read online but why would it matter if it’s glass or dirt or stone because last time I’ve seen it it was just you had to have blocks here

Because then the leaves couldn’t grow so it kind of forced it to grow into a taller tree I’m not looking for The Tall Tree I just need to be able to walk under it that’s all I’m going for actually I really want just that I just

Want the three exposed blocks of Oak and that’s it I don’t need anything else than that don’t need any anymore but now this one just isn’t growing skeleton horse come here did you you’re an entire skeleton horse and you dropped one bone that is a shame get shears I don’t want to get

Shears that’s I’m not trying I’m just trying to make some damn trees I don’t want to go and make a tree I don’t want to go and make 20 trees I just need a tree that does the job I also need a tree that will grow and

For some reason it does not want to grow but yeah why does it matter if it’s glass what’s the difference between glass and dirt I don’t know it wants to grow through the dirt I know that much I’m going to try Stone why the hell not it’ll probably just not work and

I’ll if it does work it’ll be a damn coincidence that one yeah man these trees do not want to grow I’m just going to go make I’m just going to go to sleep I feel like I feel like trees do actually grow faster in the daytime but I’m not

Sure after this I’m trying this way what is this way oh I know there are monsters nearby just let me go to sleep I just smack it son it flying go right to bed glass way yeah but the problem is glass is annoying as hell to make get out of here

Spider I have an idea can you not feel like I me hit hitting it didn’t do anything there can I make anything that isn’t decocraft oh yeah Mr cray fishes has a chair mod all right give me a second I have like six stacks of sand at

Home I got a lot more than six there’s no why is there no crafting table in this one the single one I go into does not have a crafting table of course why would it I’m just making a chair and plopping my butt down and waiting for it to grow

Yeah I have an entire double chest full of sand or no I have an entire silver chest full of sand almost it work see exact height I wanted the exact height I needed now is that a coincidence there’s a there’s [ __ ] mantacore in there exact height

I needed all right is it going to work with this one I guess said I’m going to plop my butt that’s not you know what that’s fine apparently mine Kia is an achievement uh craft either a chair or table I have already crafted a table though and I guess coffee table doesn’t

Count yep I wasn’t joking I’m plopping my butt down until this tree grows surprised that one grew finally I feel like it wasn’t because of the dirt though feel like the dirt was just in the way I could you know what I got one bone I can make bone meal didn’t do anything

Super exciting H damn yep got to go kill that mantor why not oh more bones why did those bones look different those the they looked extra tiny stupid Manore didn’t even try to attack me didn’t even turn around I don’t know Manor don’t I swear they don’t even work

Half the time in this world yeah see um so that tree is a two block one and then there’s a natural three block one that I planted so it’s very could just be coincidence that that one finally grew and I’m going to leave the torch down there that’s a little

Easter egg if we ever break it I doubt it but little Easter egg this also reminds me I can make random bus stops don’t need to Kyo hi how’s it going welcome to me watching a tree Grow I’m not joking I’m going to use 20 well okay one that is the weirdest tree I have ever seen it looks like it placed another extra tree worth leaves of a tree’s worth of leaves here but that’s that’s the height I needed it did exactly three tall chairs since when since

Mods okay so can I also make this one three tall is it coincidence if it happens to three trees in a row that I did this with is it coincidence then or is it more of a confirmed thing oh well that one made it into a

Nicer tree I mean that’s argue that is three but it’s not three at the core but it’s bigger than three so I don’t know double slabs don’t know what you mean by double slabs oh wow that one is uh not going to be chopped down chairs and dirt fences yeah the sad

Part is I can’t make a dirt chair no matter how hard I try I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to make a proper dirt chair eh no there’s definitely mods out there that could do it I’m just not going to get hit them what what all

Right we’re going to do this I’m going to plop our butt down we’re going to just wait have a block of two different slabs uh sure but I don’t think it’s going to be very necessary because I have chisels and bits but sure and that bone meal did nothing okay

I need to get on top of that thing one day or any of the others that exist around this world just looking at the map without opening the map why not yeah you can add it but I do have chisels and bits so not sure if it’s

Really going to be necessary and I know what you meant whenever you said you have a block at two different slap materials then can you grow I just want to prove that this works or prove that I’m stupid whichever one works slabs back to Planks eh no nah that one’s that one’s

Unnecessary all right well it grew okay all three of these have grown into non-standard trees I think but it’s fine it works I can walk under it and it actually a bigger tree like that looks better anyways bring back the recipe for Notch Apple um yeah cuz I need

It I need that recipe for Tinkers and I found out that um it doesn’t exist yeah the uh one where you make the enchanted golden apple yeah doesn’t exist I need needed it tried to make it looked it up recipe doesn’t exist yeah it’s kind of annoying can I

Make try to make this specific tree like extra tall um I kind of want it where the crafting table is I won’t lie kind of want it where the crafting table is so I’m going to put it where the crafting table is okay so this thing Grows by the time

I Place everything I’m going to be pissed that’s not can I thank you okay we’ll see what happens prior to 1.19 due to the combat update Notch Apple being broken oh yeah well I mean I’m not going to be eating it I’ll tell

You that much yeah if I when I make it I will not be eating it I will be using it for upgrading 1.9 not 19 did I say 19 what version vers of Minecraft are we even on at this point because I haven’t played it last time I played was

1.16 yeah I don’t know what we’re on I feel like we’re on 20 or 21 now and I just don’t know anything about the newer versions I don’t keep up with the updates 20.4 okay yeah we are at 20 now yeah I haven’t played since 16

Well going to plop my butt down and and we’re going to watch paint oh that’s the wrong way why do I keep thinking it’s going to place the opposite direction probably cuz I think another mod used to place it the direction you were looking it wouldn’t place it towards you which

Made it real hard to place things in a corner now we sit here and we wait been playing since 1.4 I’ve been playing uh I don’t actually know when I’ve been play how long I’ve been playing because technically I played Minecraft for free on Minecraft forf when I was in elementary

School huh well my first version was pirated everything after that was legit because that was on a website I didn’t even know how to use a computer properly my kid dumbass just found a website that worked played it and then once that website got taken down man I was sad

Um if I was in fifth grade I would have been like n years old um that would have been 2010 when did Minecraft there’s no way I was playing Minecraft in 2010 that’s not possible okay Minecraft came out in 2009 okay maybe it is possible okay so I probably first played

Minecraft in late 2011 it’s very possible that’s technically that was when I first played Minecraft if was not late 2011 it was early 2012 pretty sure yeah 2010 was in yeah so but the thing is the Minecraft I’m pretty sure what was version 1.0 I don’t think it was a

Beta because I think it I think it had features after the beta I’m pretty sure it was 1.0 not 100% certain it could have I don’t know it was it was Pro I think it was either like the winter of 2011 2012 or like late 2012 one of two I don’t

Know or the very first one’s Rd I don’t know what Rd is but okay tree still hasn’t grown very exciting content that tree something is not right about how that tree grew I won’t lie I feel like it got Mis it something’s not right Rd what the hell is

That yeah I don’t know oh well just have a random freaking Oak chair sitting here virgin hash named genen ah oh well that oh that okay I think it grew normally it just looks a little weird sometimes oak trees do not grow properly I think well clearing out those trees back

Here actually made things look better well I’m going to clear out a little bit this dirt right Now don’t know really why but it needs to be cleared out I mean all this is going to have to be flattened eventually so we can get part of it started part of it at least I’m not looking to remove the sand right now it’s not necessary whoops

Lovely I don’t it’s no it’s not in the way of the road okay I can hear my heater popping from here and when I say popping I don’t know exactly what it means either it sounds like water dripping but it does it when there’s no water or

Anything yeah I don’t know I did not mean to pick that crap back up I didn’t want that one day that tree will grow one day I don’t think it’s going to be today extend the Looting system what does that mean I’m just like yeah that one I have

No idea what the hell that means I don’t even know what what the Looting system means Minecraft you don’t really loot things unless you’re talking about like the Nether and chests or M shafts and chests and I already have a m shaft mod so that would probably conflict with

It this doesn’t break sand quicker I forgot that’s stupid H do I need this no I need this one okay I hear a zombie somewhere Underground uh what the hell oh oh so is this one that isn’t like pre-made it’s allow it allows you to set whatever you want to certain

Drops and go ahead and add it I don’t know if well I don’t think I can do anything with it but yeah just do it yeah yeah you’re you’re it allows you to edit the loot tables I assume I don’t know if that’s really useful or not but n whatever do

It I like how i’ I’ve been using this water and I’m about to cover it all up I’ll F I’ll find more water it’s fine like I was like yeah I’ll find more water it’s not a problem really well I haven’t explored far enough to find an ocean yet so I guess you

Know I haven’t explored far enough I haven’t found unlimited water not even sure how far I have to expand this out uh I went too far oh well we’ll fill it in later just got to fill in all this with Cobblestone damn just damn okay well there’s a little bit of a

Road expansion and a full inventory of random crap let’s go get some Cobblestone wow I’m surprised I made that jump done combining drops what do you mean by combining drops yeah that’s the problem is that we’re getting to the point where you’re just taking but it’s not even Minecraft

Anymore and that’s what I don’t want is that there’s going to be a line and it’s going to probably go too far because it’s already arguably too far sometimes no what do you mean no like I asked earlier that it’s not going too far I don’t

Know uh why do I have oak wood there n it’s fine throw that in there throw that that that yeah sticks can go in there dirt there same things as XP clumps oh yeah combining drops yeah that’s that’s a necessary one yeah that one is definitely

Necessary whenever um I lag the game and drop my frame rate by 20 frames per second by leaving 10,000 blocks on the ground and 10,000 definitely is not an underestimate because I’m pretty sure I’ve left that many things of cobblestone at once before and if I go back to those chunks there’s probably

Still some there what do I come here to do Cobblestone lots of cobblestone actually not that much Cobblestone right now but yeah it won’t last long if I need more I’ll come back for more if I change up and do something else I do something

Else over the week Farm uh not quite did I actually remove a thing by doing that um I did H yeah I did okay supply drops nope don’t need them definitely don’t need that that’s like yeah you want it on seven days die not like this

Not Minecraft this is not a not one of those things if I need anything I’ll get it myself also werewolves are kind of already supply drop supply drops indirectly B based on what they drop sometimes considering they can drop food they can drop tools they can drop well

Golden apples iron tools as long as you take a little bit of time to kill them yeah I would say they’re they’re supply drops I’m going to fall into water here shortly y yep did not even make it that far into the sentence biomes of plenty if that’s what

Bop is yes I have biomes of Plenty that is very important just go and look up Compass what about it why is my damn thing on there’s bibl craft Compass drafting Compass enchanted book called in that and there’s just normal Compass oh yeah I know I don’t have any interest in

Crafting that thing right now because it takes too long to find a couple of the gems and I could look it up I know what you’re talking about the biome finder I’ve never made it I don’t really need it either one day I will need it because I

Want to look get certain kinds of wood when that day comes I’ll cheat and I’m going to look up what biome has what gems and go get the last two that I need because I have all the others I unintentionally have most of them even though like one of them is an emerald

The other is something else that’s easily easy to acquire now I have Amber I have the purple one the green one uh I think there’s a blue one I have yeah spark a Minecraft performance mod not sure what that means if it’s just a performance increase that’s also sometimes sketchy

Because it does an always help and it sometimes makes things worse I mean it’s already running fine I don’t know if I need to add something like that this poor Road one day will one day will not be Cobblestone 60 million downloads that I mean sure why not performance mod

Really tells me damn near nothing besides it probably does something to increase performance by reducing lag somewhere but by reducing something somewhere that means it’s going to potentially create problems Elsewhere for example there’s something right here yep yeah just a bugged out block love it I’m just going to go in straight line

For a bit oh man I’m a little too destructive and now we go the noise is just ridiculous sometimes on how on how much it does if I can keep this to two I should be fine if I can’t uh aquaculture 2 better fishing what is there to improve about fishing

You already to get mostly garbage what are they going to add more garbage I also have Pam’s Harvest craft which adds like 20 to 30 fish that you can fish up so that might conflict a little bit with that damn stone sword there’s a lot of coal here

Visitable loot there is already A random assortment of fishable loot I don’t know if that’s really necessary and don’t add it don’t worry about it that’s another unnecessary one I think I mean you can already get a whole bunch of books and stuff from fishing that is not where I wanted to

Go I need to eat food oh no yeah give me a second come on get me that’s not where I wanted to go I did not want to wedge myself in between the fence Manor you going to kill me now no you’re chill but last night you were trying to kill

Me okay whatever that image you sent I do not like that armor the hell okay yeah that um yeah let’s not add that that’s a little excessive of random crap that also looks like kind of just reminds me of um uh stardo Valley fishing with like tin can drift wood useless garbage

Basically yeah I think the less less random things I have to fish up the uh more I would fish yeah I don’t I don’t think we need that one what of the one you just sent okay one there’s a Magikarp that’s kind of weird um yeah I think I’m good I already have

A whole bunch of fish that are added with Pam’s harvestcraft don’t think we need to double down on half that fish half those fish whatever includes utility fish I don’t think I need utility fish whatever utility things I need I have yeah don’t need whatever the hell utility fish

Are utility or not even sure what that means still the hell is utility ore yeah what yeah what that just that really doesn’t make sense utility ore isn’t ore technically already a utility kind of item because you turn the ore into tools glow stone rotten flesh ender pearls bones and ores um

Yes yes the hen without the with the headset welcome back I do remember you you have quite the unique username uh yeah add that random ores one or that utility ores one it’s kind of weird the title is not quite what it should be but

It B I would call it enhanced ore or I don’t know not enhanced ores but some kind of other terminology for ores but yeah add that I would definitely like to have bone from ores because I like I really do like bone blocks for some reason out of all the

Blocks in the game that’s probably one of my favorite and it’s Minecraft so I really don’t have favorite blocks because it’s you know just they’re just blocks check Discord for list that is a [ __ ] ton of ores I feel like if we just keep adding ores we’re going to start having a problem

Um I don’t can you oh okay food module disabled by default yeah let’s keep the food one disabled I don’t need to find food or that that would just seem annoying yeah I don’t need food ores I forgot that that’s going to happen didn’t think that part through

Uh oh well that’s fine yeah you can change those yeah U I actually didn’t even read the full list of the other cuz I got distracted by the food yeah keep the food ores off and probably just keep the rest on because I can it’ll just give me random

Stuff that I could probably make use of ah too bad I used normal dirt for all this now I got to clean it all up that wind is blowing hard outside God damn it is four degrees outside Oh yay 4° fah so way colder than freezing just want to clarify that if

Anybody here is not in the US that’s why you included an RPG that has long quest line you’re working on nice if you’re working on a quest line then are you just going to be updating the mod pack as you go because it seems like you were wanting me to use it as

Soon as possible but if you’re making a quest line that’s going to take a while to to make how is that going to work makes EAS out to gather quests requiring large amounts of set item yeah I got a smelting Stone shovel what’s the point of having a

Smelting Stone shovel give me one oh sand I was about to say wait a minute sand different mod different mod pack okay I I don’t know a tinker’s Expedition new discovers beta is that what you’re naming it or is that what something that already exists there’s a rat down here I’m very

Tempted to kill I can hear it um yeah this shovel would actually probably be useful for sand sand is right there if it works your other pack unreleased okay I see what what you mean that’s fine yeah I mean you do what you want with that oh my god it works that’s so

Weird well I got free glass that is so weird that it actually works I figured it wouldn’t have worked with glass huh you can make more chests what what do you mean more chests we already have insanely overpowered chests what other chests are going to be out there to make and it already

Broke I like how it broke on the last one and didn’t it didn’t do the smelting thing eh 36 they free things of glass I need to see the crystal chest space yeah but the thing is I do like filling up an entire room at chests because it’s visually appealing to me I

Was like oh yeah this entire room all these chests just one thing yeah this is a long ass road I was about to say I’m curious how many blocks are here I don’t have to run down the road to figure it out um I just have to not be stupid and

Remember which one’s which okay 425 to oh my God all right 425 so that’s 303 basically times 7 I have a cc calcor somewhere on here 303 time 7 it’s only 20,000 block or sorry not 20,000 that’s only 2100 Cobblestone blocks placed in this straight line by

Hand unct all ores are compatible with cross modon recipes you would know more about that one than I would if you think that one would be useful at it oh the splashing noise oh no ah that splashing noise is weird huh I feel like it’s making the game laggy what the hell is

That feel like that’s making the game lag even more and apparently Mobs Can Ride scorpions that was a good voice crack R Foundation or being compatible with iron chest recipe uh yeah just go ahead and add it like I said you know more about that one

Than I would for what exactly it would do I feel like the game is lagging a lot now that I dropped all those down there not too bad but I’m under 50 for the most part let you snip that snip what or clip what the voice crack is that what you mean

I don’t know zombes burning randomly okay uh I see a mob just spinning a zombo snippet okay yeah that was weird kind of want to go down there and get that sugar cane because I kind of realized I’m going to need sugar cane for a lot of stuff I haven’t planted any sugar

Cane I’m not even sure I think I have a little bit of sugar canane and that’s it I haven’t done anything with it usually I’m pretty proactive about sugar cane because I want to make books and bookcases haven’t done that wow I used a lot of cobblestone already you’re working hard on figuring

Out the book all right I need to make glass loud train it is quarter after nine holy crap I did not pay attention to that um I should probably get going I kind of want to make all these glass panes real quick and fill out houses and stuff specifically this one

Because this one I’m sleeping in I um I have I have something I have to go do not very important but I would need to do it and I can only do it tonight um yeah I’m actually rushing placing these blocks wow cuz I just realized I kind of realized

Um this thing isn’t a quick thing either I’ll stream again tomorrow I don’t know how when I’ll start streaming but yeah um it’s something I can only do on a Saturday night we’ll just leave it at that and uh well it’s already 900 P p.m.

So you know kind of can’t stay up all night trying to do something I mean I could but I don’t want to mess up my sleep schedule that bad and the later a [ __ ] the later I stay up Thea uh later it will be until I stream tomorrow probably then because I

Won’t wake up until a certain time let’s just yeah use all these GL I already have used up most of them let’s just use all these glass panes and then I’ll probably head out unless something else pops up that I need to get done real quick I also just realized I’m very

Hungry yeah so I need to also eat dinner okay well yep I’m going to go ahead and head out thanks for being here thanks for making a mod pack for me whenever it’s ready we’ll figure it out and hopefully there’s no issues H yep I’ll stream again tomorrow

Not currently sure on the time I’ll hopefully try and have a decently long stream maybe more people will show up so chat is a little more occupied but I still can’t complain with one person being here most of the time anyways I’ll be back tomorrow goodbye

This video, titled ‘Making My Actual City In Survival Minecraft Day 14’, was uploaded by MirraKirra on 2024-01-14 03:37:50. It has garnered 186 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:41 or 16061 seconds.

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    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! 🚨💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft moments 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster’, was uploaded by Minecraft bedrock on 2024-08-26 06:23:05. It has garnered 940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment 💀 💀 before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster minecraft moments before disaster, ah best minecraft moments, ah minecraft moments, ah minecraft funny moments, moments before disaster in minecraft, r/minecraft memes minecraft moments, minecraft moments of 2023, minecraft moments… Read More

  • SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIAL

    SHOCKING 1st Year Party with Mr Aejis | Vtuber Teacher SPECIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘STREAMAVERSARY! Teacher’s 1st year party:| Mr Aejis: Vtuber Teacher / Backyard Baseball + Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Aejis on 2024-08-18 07:14:28. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:25 or 27265 seconds. ——– Mr Aejis – Vtuber Teacher Mr Aejis is an independent vtuber and teacher who streams first-time playthroughs and health & wellness lessons. Focused on the whole health of the person – physical, mental, and emotional – regular lessons are given in a relaxed, virtual classroom format with interaction and engagement prioritized, as well as… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Insane Minecraft Lambo Race: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker Lamborghini | Lambo vs Lambo #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by The minecle on 2024-03-04 08:30:23. It has garnered 1833 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox#mincraft #minecraftanimation#minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut#minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1#minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly# minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmemes#minecrafters #minecraftbuilds#minecraftpocketedition… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.21, Whitelist, Age 25+, No Claims, Smaller Community, 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ and looking for a small, mature community to play Minecraft with, join our Discord using the link below. We started a new map on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. No Ranks or Moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 30k blocks in every direction Small community with 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty, maximum render view distance Separate Legacy Server and Creative server available Join our Discord and introduce yourself to be whitelisted. We aim to provide a truly vanilla experience with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft obsessions fixed my broken heart!

    This meme is like a perfectly placed block in a crumbling building – holding everything together with its comedic strength! Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

    Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One! In this video, I test pickaxes with glee, From basic to enchanted, for all to see. Stone and deepslate, they all get a try, Calculating speed, no need to be shy. Efficiency and haste, all put to the test, On iron, diamond, and netherite best. Tick speed and mining, all in the mix, Results in the end, no need for tricks. So if you have questions, just drop a line, I’ll answer them all, in rhythm and rhyme. Hope you enjoyed this test, my English may lack, But if you liked it, consider a like and subscribe back. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraft #funny #meme Read More