Insane Cat Café Time in Minecraft! 😱

Video Information

Foreign Thank you Ah hey what’s up good morning good afternoon good evening Yankee how is everyone doing what’s up what’s up Verona what’s up Aaron uh Zomba pillow Kuma corn can I uh socio Tiffany Knox I like your name damn me Dooney Daisy Mirai omoti moti Gene zombie Mika megu sachan um oh let me see foxy is it Asahi Haru 80 ton wait what hold on my Minecraft I heard you did you guys hear that

Did you guys hear that wait you guys didn’t hear that did you hear what no hard what you guys didn’t hear the creeper I I swear I’m not crazy hold on give me a second okay I went uh I went inside for shelter in my maid Cafe no I’m in my cat cafe

But um yeah I I I I heard a creeper I heard it I heard it I got scared a little yeah I got scared too how’s everyone doing what’s up what have you guys been up to what’s been going on I thought you were baiting us no I

Seriously heard a creeper and I got [ __ ] scared the creeper is watching your stream now did you end up buying anything yesterday um I tried to go through like I I I’ve said this before I’m not really a materialistic kind of person I am I don’t really need anything besides like food

And like PC parts so I ended up I did buy stuff yesterday I actually I bought a a 40 90 and I bought a new power supply because I’m gonna need it for the 4090 but besides that like with all this Black Friday stuff and with all the

Cyber Monday stuff I like I was going through and I was looking and I was like like some things I would see then I would be like oh that’s cool you know maybe I’ll get that and then I’ll look at it in my car and I’ll be like

You know I don’t really need that I don’t really need it well I could save up and I could uh I could do something else I don’t know maybe I could treat someone give someone food or something or put it toward the stream or something like that

You know I’m very I’m not very I’m not very materialistic yeah take us on a date Maybe um paying takaradachi I don’t know about that but see I want coffee buy good coffee instead you know what’s really funny because you would think that like well probably not huh but for me

I don’t I don’t really need like fancy coffee right to be completely honest the coffee that I drink most of the time is literally just instant coffee mix hot water throw instant coffee in it throw some creamer in it and that’s that’s good enough for me I um I have a French press

I used to use it sometimes I don’t use it as much anymore I’m a simple man I’m a simple man I don’t have very what is it called I don’t have I don’t have very extreme like um I’m very I’m very easy to please you know if you go out of your way

To give me anything or do anything then I’m instantly like oh yeah that’s great that’s great thanks you cook french fries for us of course you drink your coffee black sometimes I do I drink my coffee black if I need to wake up really quickly because the

Bitterness is like a a mini shock but um usually I will put creamer in it if if I can how are you today some caramel too not not really I don’t I don’t really what’s your opinion on white chocolate I mean it doesn’t taste bad it’s okay

It’s not bad especially when it’s got like the Oreo crumble in it oh that’s pretty good that is pretty based POG sheesh that is pretty freaking good yeah my chocolate makes me dizzy for some reason really new says uh Albany on it’s been three weeks and I haven’t had time so I’m free

Now my good friend’s gonna turn old and then next hour please could you oh wait is it Connie’s birthday oh [ __ ] no way hey Connie happy early birthday oh [ __ ] hey let’s go yo Connie is based pug at sheesh actually [ __ ] cracked let’s go thank you noon thank you for the super

Yeah happy birthday happy early birthday also miss investigator thank you for the AKA super as well how are you doing today what’s up Miss investigator what’s going on how have you been I hope you’re doing good thank you for the AKA super thank you thank you we’ll have a chill celebration ah yeah

Oh yeah chill celebration oh yeah let me see here uh hatsuyuki thank you for the super is he here me says uh wait this is it’s confession time okay okay foreign they’re asking if I have bread and if I know anything about that I I don’t think they mean

Actual bread from the store I’m watching on I mean answer this question yeah it’s probably because of Scarlet’s stream I saw I saw like a tweet or something let me see here is he here yeah foreign [Laughter] yeah of course I have uh of course I have big bread

Tan no no pentan I’m not petan no petan no no I’m not me said thank you I’m not petan no that’s why I’ll be in this cobium deer Um let me see here Idaho says today A friend told me that I would send up in lots of chats so if something happened to Idaho she could check out that stream to see if she she’s alive that’s funny uh uh uh let me see here yo yo yo yo oh no

Sure sure thank you thank you thank you thank you let me see here also magic chili thank you for the 10 gifted memberships I appreciate it thank you and go Wi-Fi what the heck thank you for the 50 gifted memberships I appreciate you thank you so much

Qualify thank you thank you thank you who is ready to build more of the Cat Cafe today I have a few ideas to make it a little better um I’m thinking I want to build like a little counter on the inside with like cake or something

And I want to make the outside a little prettier and I want to make some tables and stuff like that so we will see guavai thank you so much really really really really thank you Abba thank you for the super thank you thank you let me see here Inu says

Your stream makes me happy always ah thank you thank you thank you thank you sounds great biscuit good afternoon hope you’re doing good thank you for the super daishi proof or you’re coping no you’re coping thank you thank you Ali cats hope you’re having a good day too thank you

Is he here Inu says [Laughter] thank you deer says flat is Justice no no stop no it’s not true I’m not flat no thank you dear thank you for the super horses Justice I’m not pectin I’m not no who keeps saying this it’s a lie it’s a lie I’m not petan

It’s a lie medium is premiums stop I’m not coping either yeah my clothes are just baggy Alban bread doco ah yo okay if uh if if fan artists want to give me some bread that that’d be cool so I could show other people that I have bread proofer didn’t happen no

No I can’t do that this is why you’re copy I’m on the tier list that tier list is full of lies a tier list o Thank you I’m not I am not pet done I’m not your job I’m not a bad dog Is Super Chat thank you thank you thank you GG says copy of Miss Justice no no not true thank you for the super let me see here he’s the one says hi Alba intentional I’m coming Cat Cafe time I’m ready let’s go let’s go let me see here and he says

No I’m not no we’re not we’re not we’re not skipping here we are very say so right guys right this is this is say so stream right thank you let me see here yo yo yo yo yo yo yo says no body thank you ah I have bread goody says [Laughter]

Nice pet done no no I’m not [Laughter] Arigato thank you I heard free super also say so copy and thank you for the super thank you thank you let me see here Idaho says [Laughter] why why is this happening no you don’t it’s okay fine it’s cute I’m okay listen

Do you guys really think that after years and years of training as a phantom Thief I would really be flat do you guys really really think that really come on come on yes I’m gonna do a poll you know what I’m gonna do a [ __ ] poll right now hold on

Hold on you know what I I you know what okay we’ll settle this with a poll hold on how do I do this [ __ ] again slash poll I think no what the [ __ ] that didn’t even work oh start a pull here we go um I bet done yes no

All right we’re gonna I’m willing to bet this is going to be 95 no five percent yes okay 95 no five percent yes I’m calling it right now I’m calling it right now baby the most lost boy [Laughter] thank you wait what the [ __ ] what is this

Okay ah wow the pole the pole bugged for some reason hey that’s crazy I uh wow the the pole crashed oh man oh man the pool crashed oh man what happened that’s crazy hmm I I uh I wonder why that happened that’s so weird yeah it crashed that’s crazy

Let me see here thank you for those I’d say so sweet thank you 80 times thank you thank you wait oh you know even though you guys are bullying me you guys are really cute today foreign oh my God son foreign [Laughter] I’m back I’m back I’m back yeah that’s

What I thought that’s what I thought it’s all fun and games until he walks away that’s what I thought [Laughter] thank you [Laughter] thank you Jim says guys stop tencho has bread they’re just a special kind of flat foreign I’m done I’m done you guys keep calling me what and I’m done I no I’m kidding thank you jimin thank you Tony thank you for the super Fina thank you for the super thank you thank you very thank you for the super I appreciate it thank you Mark I love

You even if you’re built like a pancake you mean like a like thanks Mark thank you damn money [Laughter] thank you Ayah happy birthday hope I can behave not like the Boomer it’s okay I’m a boomer too by the way may I have some birthday cake

From the Cat Cafe with chat of course happy birthday I hope you have a good day today [Laughter] thank you bisque chat reflect streamer We’re Cute you’re cute okay if if I reflect streamer then you guys are the same way that reflect streamer you guys are the same way

Toby knee thank you for the soup on me so you can get through the camps in the world thank you so you know I believe what you said album thank you thank you thank you thank you did he just call us flat yeah I did what are

You gonna do about it reverse card yeah exactly I said that I said that what are you gonna do about it uh-huh flat is cute oh no Mika says we still love you but I’m not do you mean thank you Rebecca says red funds thanks Rebecca

I think it’s been the bad font okay um I see you there let me see here thank you oh man this is such a funny way to start the day it says demo call you because of me thank you Pro Kong says thank you so much bro Kung thank you

May not have bread but he will always have love thanks hirai thank you avases thank you Thank you I can lend my dinner roll for you no I don’t need it I don’t want dinner roll I don’t need it thank you for the super bamboo done Mela thank you for the super um also sat is it um thank you for the five gifted memberships and Natalie thank you for

The 20 gifted memberships as well thank you thank you Mia says middle part cycle I want to play Minecraft now I don’t wanna you know what you know what I’m so you know what I have an idea I’ll show you I I have booba bigger than

Luca I’ll show you hold on I’ll show you I’ll show you hold on okay I’m gonna show you right now ah give me give me a second I’ll show you I’ll show all of you [Laughter] um let me I’ll show you see see It’s it’s bigger than Luca see Locker block it’s it’s not copium it’s real it’s real so big thank you thank you okay anyway uh there I I showed you guys now you have to believe me cry louder no anyway back to uh back to uh Minecraft wow they disappeared everything is perfectly fine

Everything is okay everything is perfectly fine no I don’t need it jiranya I love Alvin drama time my Oishi Superstar no Mia says don’t worry attention bread maybe appear in other places maybe Cat Cafe you’re right you’re right to me you you’re right foreign you’re right thank you so much Mia thank

You guys says thank you Kawaii thank you all right holy [ __ ] what a funny way to start the day oh my God that was great albin’s Neko says cry louder no you can’t make me oh no love that from my streamer I I know right Fred was donated to the cafe

Okay what do I want to work on first I want to I think I want to change this Cobblestone for some uh shaved logs I think I’m gonna do like shaved Spruce lungs probably um this is the cafe going to serve bread or we’ll also be lacking thanks for the soup

Tentances it’s okay potential that’s your cutest got Moe yeah you have a big bar heart inside your small ch oh you have a big heart inside your small chest um thank you for the Super Chat then slash tan Among Us sassy let me see here How do you says [Laughter] they were like oh don’t cry I’ll go and buy you some melon pan right now my God says Thick guy stop stop it laughs thank you Holly says 4K thank you for the super Holly says oh thank you thank you I need Spruce logs more of them Um where am I gonna find Spurs lungs do do do enough Black out hmm Spruce logs Spruce logs let me see black out black out are these Spruce logs no these are not spur slugs oh [ __ ] hey who uh who remembers this song wow that’s a blast from the past oh hey this is Lucas oh yeah I could take Bruce logs from here maybe Oh gee that’s right the OG yeah you guys love the Nostalgia damn I get Nostalgia down yo okay who who here does not understand the significance of this song I’m gonna turn it up too there we go to me okay so for those of you that don’t know this actually used to be

My old intro song before kaito Boogie was a thing this used to be my old intro song Oh man what a blast from the past does the song have a name uh I don’t remember it’s called I think it’s called and it’s from uh from like a free to use copyright free website wait I didn’t even notice it changed really wait you can’t tell the difference between this

And and this I mean I think there’s I think there’s a little bit of a difference right a little bit no no I’m just messing with you don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry I only logged in after the intro now I’m late most of the time oh no you’re okay I need to sleep oh [ __ ] um is there a bed at Halloween Town I took my bed from here uh I think there’s a bed over by homo stuff I think both suit you Brandt

Inside the Witch’s House rides oh no I think there’s one over here too have the graphics changed or is it just me uh I don’t know I mean nothing uh doesn’t look like anything changed right guys him does all of this Oh I thought there was a bed over here

But I guess I was wrong lights are pretty not not as pretty as you guys a flushed emoji here we go I knew there was a [ __ ] bed around here by on ski have a good day sheesh flushed you flushed your emoji okay what the [ __ ] was I doing um

I was getting Spruce Wood right you need better lines nah you know what here’s a good one if you were a booger I’d pick you first that that’s my go-to what do you guys think works every time not in front of Halloweentown you already said that though yeah and

Like I said it works every time you’re lucky we love you uh I’m glad thanks you know what if if I could rearrange the alphabet I’d I’d put you and I together laughs that’s a good one right we’re talking about boogers another skill issue of flirting no what I’m pretty good at it

Hey some people are some people like that some people like it when the other person’s really [ __ ] bad at flirting okay some people like that they they think it’s cute okay please never flirt again oh oh okay oh okay no I’m kidding no keep flirting all right you got it

You’re gonna regret saying those words [Laughter] hmm keep giving us bad flirting our standards are low [Laughter] I guess that’s good to know can I be the syrup to your pancake oh my God that’s so romantic oh my God syrup pancake oh my God that’s so romantic give us your worst pickup line

Uh uh my worst pickup line uh Uh let me think my my worst pickup line uh hey you you look is you you look nice today uh-huh how how was that that one was pretty good right [Laughter] this is pretty good right that’s the worst I know you guys said get you guys said my worst one

I I I gave you what you asked for man what the hell I literally I literally gave you what you asked for foreign did we yes you did let me see here thank you Azam thank you for the super thank you thank you Shan says it’s okay Alvin my birthday is

Coming I wish to share you so I hope you get big bread thank you Sean thank you hahaha now bisque says alpan of niji niji panji what is niji punji what the hell what what is niji Pandey huh bisque would you like to explain what is niji punji huh huh

You want to explain don’t play what do you mean don’t play what do you what do you mean don’t play you know exactly what I mean what are you what is niji panji choose your words okay can’t tell you’re one of the founding members of niji panji I I

No I’m not I just I Baby I was born this way baby I Was Born This Way [Laughter] haha like let’s see here Yuki says why are you so cute today oh thank you Yuki um um where was I going I need to go back to the cafe because I need to replace the Cobblestone with uh Uh Wood

Dude you know it says people say a wish come true more easily if you make the wish when you see a star I think I’m in my I think my witch came true already because I met my star oh that’s so cute cinnamon thank you ah

Kawaii says good what do you mean by good what is what is your definition of good alpen knocks from niji punji yui thank you for the super thank you thank you punchy you guys you guys are so funny you guys are so so funny ha ha no wait um

I don’t think this looks bad looks pretty okay fallen angel I think this calls for a pickup line stream [Laughter] I don’t think I’d be able to get past the first 10 minutes foreign enough to do the whole thing but we will see and then I need to make

The actual cat face so what I’m thinking of doing I think I’ll just try to make like a circle or maybe like even a square and I’ll put like two little triangles on top of it and we’ll see Meredith the worst pickup line is the best see thank you cultured actually cultured

All right let’s go all the way up um eight You know what I need to build some scaffolding how gas goes wait do I not have the recipe for it scaffold the what the [ __ ] I think it needs oh I forgot what it needs actually stretch hold on I’m gonna turn off my heater really quick it’s kind of hot Or maybe it’s just you yeah no it’s it’s the heater bamboo plus string ah I see um Meredith oh no I read that one and he says don’t worry I love you just the way you are cute ah thank you Annie that was lame I know all right bamboo um

Does anyone have bamboo I can steal no I think I have bamboo by my house actually should be like over here ah here we go do so if I only get this part it should grow back up right I think so I hope so 28 bamboo let me see here

Venus is are you the solar system because I want to visit you are you the solar system because I want to visit your anus wait but honestly that one’s pretty good I’m not even gonna lie that one is pretty good I need string oh you got me there bro I’m shook same

Actually same uh do I not have I have some string here um crystal says so if you’re not part of niji panji should I assume you don’t have bread then I mean people in niji panji don’t have bread so that means that means that I I’m I’m not in in there yeah

Oh there’s some string here too um do that are you sure I’m absolutely sure all right now I have plenty of scaffolding I should be able to work with Let me see here ah stretch imagine not having bread who said oh God I’m not playing Minecraft but I learned a lot of things in EG and Minecraft really that’s good to know hey dude Sachin says oh like chaotic uh I have to go to work

Now have fun good luck with the work good luck thank you for the super thank you thank you says I was tired from work about 12 hours today but seeing Alvin made me feel better thank you for the stream thank you for being here good job with your work today good job

I appreciate it thank you yeah this should be fine what kind of roof decoration do we want I’m kind of thinking something like maybe not like deep slate but hmm uh what if I just did like regular stuff well let me think Stone what if I just did like regular stone brick stairs

Stone hmm stone brick stairs how do I make Stone breaks again brick um wait a minute what the hell why can’t I make these oh I didn’t even realize I had all this food it’s done brick stairs so on the brick is just like what hmm gum gum gum

Am I out of coal again what the hell how do I keep running out of coal Man I guess I gotta go get more coal because um I don’t have anymore all right we’re on a quest ouch cobblestone four into crafting table is bricks oh okay got it got it got it got it Lucian thank you so much for the 50 gifted memberships

Uh where are we gonna get cold I think we should go to Halloween time thank you so much Lucian thank you thank you thank you wait Halloweentown is this way do do I appreciate it so much Lucy and thank you thank you thank you is that a butt crack what the hell whoa

Was was that a butt is that a butt no way actually oh my God it is nice even the hotel has cakes let me see here guys welcome to alpon knox’s stream debuting in nijipanji thanks can I thank you thank you okay now how do I get to Halloween Town

I know there’s coal over here uh I think it’s this way yeah here we go um Kara says volunteering as tencho’s left bread no my bread is mine only uh I thought that was coal over here maybe not uh maybe I’ll just look around and see if there’s any like uh Stone Place

Hmm and we’ll try to not get niji lost Meredith I have faith and you and the new outfit is released you’ll definitely show us your yeah for sure Meredith absolutely I got you guys you guys will not be disappointed uh yeah for sure absolutely

No can I be right Brad no you guys don’t get to be my bread I’m my bread uh oh [ __ ] oh there’s coal here I can just take this that’s fine All right let me use my scaffolding I just went to the market to buy melon but I said also that what happened who bought it uh wow that’s crazy I I have no idea who bought it um that’s a great you know that’s a great questions um

That is a that is a great question who who bought it definitely was not was not me I uh wow jeez who who who bought that okay I don’t need gravel ouch I saw a fantasy steal it you didn’t see anything convenience out of stock okay but that

That is not connected to anything at all though dude dude oh I need to go up one more no no this should be fine um have a good time melon bread ah Lucien thanks man why why are you calling me melon bread uh that’s kind of uh it’s kind of a

Weird nickname right kind of a kind of weird why would you what would you call someone melon bread that’s a it’s a little weird right I hear a skeleton somewhere yeah kind of weird I need to make a new pickaxe all right imagine being called melon bread yeah couldn’t be me cause uh

That’s not me 11 12 13 14 15. it’s not high enough I can’t tell oh I think he needs to go two more up that should be enough imagine being called bread yep imagine what [ __ ] I finally need to like upgrade my equipment again eventually new nickname no no new nickname

Is he here psyche says cool Thanksgiving Goods I could d dude it’s so hard to say acrylic in Japanese [Laughter] let me see here um thank you psyche thank you thank you they said they just got their um Thanksgiving good acrylic stands oh that was scary new nickname do not fall challenge I

Failed I failed the do not fall challenge hey man says are we serving bread and melons at the cafe we can serve bread melons have no place there I think I should go up two more um hiya how about we call you cutie pie wait that’s kind of cute oh [ __ ] oops

Is there any cake I mean there might be uh all right let’s go down but hey man hiya thank you thank you thank you you know I was actually thinking about something recently let me let me chat with you guys about this um I’ve been kind of thinking

About changing the way I do something eventually so about schedules I know everyone likes schedules Everyone likes seeing them come out every week but I’ve been thinking recently maybe maybe I’ll try well like there’s pros and cons to schedules right um the pros are people know what you’re playing people

Know what you’re doing people are able to plan around it right and that’s great that’s good but I’ve been kind of thinking recently I I might try to not do schedules and just do waiting rooms for a few different reasons let me let me talk about that

So the first one is let’s say for example I’m playing like a longer game like for example if I’m playing like Elden ring or Pokemon or something and I’m playing here for like a few days in a row would it really make sense to make a schedule then you know what I mean

Um and another thing was for me some okay I don’t know how do I explain this like if I have a schedule I’m dead set on it right like I will try to follow that schedule to as close as I possibly can but sometimes it’s like a double-edged sword because

Sometimes I either don’t feel like streaming at the time I scheduled or sometimes I don’t even feel like playing the game that I scheduled right but because I have that schedule I feel like I have that obligation and I kind of force myself to like just deal with it right so

I don’t know I’ve been I’ve been thinking of maybe not like you want to have more options of flexibility yeah yeah yeah yeah but I mean I know it would probably upset some people which I mean I kind of get it but being upset that much is a little weird but um

I mean I don’t know recently I’ve just been thinking about it like for example I’m gonna be playing well another thing too is I feel guilty in a way right whenever I make a schedule and if it doesn’t have any kind of variety uh I feel bad like I don’t know if you

Guys have ever noticed looking at my schedules I have never once in my almost one year of being in niji EN besides my first week of streaming I have never once scheduled a game two days in a row right I don’t know if anyone noticed that but um

Oh I think I [ __ ] up Like that look though kind of like this I noticed yeah I I think I’m gonna change this I um yeah I’ll keep it like this yeah I I do that because I feel bad like if I don’t have variety you know like playing a game like

Two days in a row and I I know I shouldn’t feel that way especially like I said with longer games like Elden ring Pokemon whatever um so I feel like that’ll kind of get me out of this what would you call it like guilt tripping myself

No I don’t know a better way to put it like I guess it’s kind of like unnecessary obligation although that feels that sounds kind of not good too I don’t know what a what what is a good word for it I think I just have to put stuff over here [ __ ] hmm

Yeah but I could also be like well the thing I was thinking to like compensate I guess is posting like um hey these are the times that I usually go live um no no no maybe not the times maybe I’ll be like these are the days I usually go live

Uh it depends on what’s going on blah blah blah but yeah it was just something I was thinking of doing I don’t yeah I don’t know no harm in testing it yeah that’s what I was thinking too and it doesn’t seem like a bad thing

Plus there are a lot of people in niji Sanji already that do it like that so I don’t think it would be too too bad are you going to Tweet other streaming so people could join if they don’t know what you’re streaming yeah like obviously I’ll tweet out the waiting

Room like a few hours beforehand um oh God I think I need to put more torches up here this looks so cool and then I need to finish this too yeah I mean a lot of the JP guys don’t do schedules at all yeah that’s kind of that’s true Give it to give it a try and see how it would feel I I’m assuming it would probably feel pretty good but we will see yeah yeah and the thing is too like um I think the only drawback for it if it’s even considered a drawback was I would

Just have to remind people to keep their notifications on right just so they could see when I’m when I tweet out that I’m going live um I think that’s really it is is that too much to ask for I don’t actually know is is that too much I don’t know no nope

You guys don’t think so Um I think the only thing wait we’re concerned as of how short notice we get before you go live well I don’t think that would be a problem if I tell you guys the days that I’m that I usually go live right like I think now since I’ve been doing my

Schedule for so long you guys would probably already know without me even saying it right like you guys always know that I don’t stream on Sundays and Mondays And I I feel like my schedule has already been like established right Yeah that’s like my my usual we weren’t sure if you’re changing the day on the times well I mean in that case you would have to um just turn the notifications on I guess yeah what about new people who are just joining turn the notifications on I mean

I don’t think I don’t think that’s asking for too too much don’t ask me well unironically that’s that’s what it is right I know yeah just just hit the Bell forehead I don’t have notice on well it’s time to how would thumbnails work for you then well I could make them

Or I could well see that’s the thing uh I mean if it’s a longer game people could make them based on what I play and then again I could just have like a default thumbnail that I always use which I mean it doesn’t seem like a terrible idea

I don’t know I’m still working that part out um Sylvia melon bread fund ah thank you Sylvia thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it thank you I don’t know thumbnails maybe maybe I don’t know to be honest I’m still thinking that part out are we serving bread and melons at the

Cafe hahaha Kawaii says our oshimark is Gonna Change to melon bread no please please no you can do everything as usual just change from having schedule along your reading rooms see that’s what I do already right right like my my waiting rooms are already pretty long no like sometimes I’ll

I’ll have them up for like two or three hours but usually I’ll have them up for like six seven eight hours and I think that’s already pretty long enough right hmm I don’t know it’s just something I’ve been thinking about because still not so big things like handcaps yeah of course

Of course actually yeah as an artist I want to ask if you do a little prediction of games for us to like um Oh you mean like for the week honestly yeah well the thing is at the beginning of the week I would probably like hmm can you change the thumbnail before

The bot is uploaded so people can make thumbnails after the actual lives that’s true too I could do that too um I don’t know it’s just one of those things that I was thinking about obviously I haven’t done it yet because I made a schedule for this week but

We’ll see or what people could do I was kind of thinking about this as well if the wanted to they could draw like thumbnails of games that they like and if I see them in my tag you know I might see them and be encouraged to play new games or

Something I I don’t know I don’t know like I said I’m still thinking about it I need to trim these yeah like if I saw more well I mean I already take your guys to suggestions anyway you guys know that I I like asking and uh and listening to your suggestions wait wait

Is this already wait I don’t need to shave the inner ones all I need to do is do the outer ones we can leave art on a PNG too yeah you could use artwork normally used for zon series that would be another cool thing too

Let me see here Rio says are you alpon or Melon Bond neither oh you know what I should put torches around here these are gonna be temporary but I can’t see [ __ ] wait Miu says I’ll support you for everything you want to try oh I appreciate that man thank you yeah sometimes

I don’t know sometimes I think my ideas might not be that great but I mean what’s the harm in trying right what’s the harm in trying something that already works out for people you know um yeah I appreciate it Miu thank you and thank you for the 50 gifted memberships as well

Thank you so much Mia thank you thank you yeah it’s like it’s like brainstorming in a way right Because well that the thing that’s making me want to do this the most is like I said some days I won’t want to play the game that I scheduled or um or stream at the time that I scheduled but on the other hand I know some people

Are going to be like well Albin why don’t you just tell people that you’re not playing the game or you’re going to stream at a different time and normally I’d be like yeah okay but I know there’s a few people that would get upset that would be like oh you know you

Scheduled this at this time why aren’t you doing this or this I thought this was scheduled and to be completely honest I just I don’t want to deal with it uh maybe it sounds bad but I just I don’t know like it’s like why you know why how would I say like

If I know I can dodge a bullet why why wouldn’t I right some people are scheduled stickerless for no reason yeah I feel like don’t get me wrong I don’t really have a problem with schedules but I feel like some people are a little spoiled when it comes to schedules because

Like a lot of people on en make schedules right and people have come to expect it which is fine but there are also a lot of people that don’t make them and people are used to that too because they like the streamer and their content right so I don’t know I don’t know

Okay I should be able to put these here no problem can’t please everyone yeah that’s true that’s true that’s true but yeah I think the schedule thing can mostly be solved with it with just the click of a button if it really really matters that much just hit the Bell notification turn

Those notifications on I like the idea more freedom is better yeah like I I definitely like the idea of of having more freedom for sure yeah wait wait wait wait but no again it’s just sometimes schedule can make me look forward to the week again well I mean that’s true

Don’t get me wrong but I mean okay counter counter arguments and I’m just saying this for the sake of saying it if you really need a schedule like absolutely need a schedule to look forward to someone’s content rather than just showing up when they make waiting rooms

How do I say it in a in a not stupid way um I’m trying to think Because say like obviously I don’t want to say like oh if you need to depend on the schedule for a streamer and just the games that they like blah blah I don’t want to say that because there are some people that still like the content regardless

Are you there for the stream of the content I mean I don’t really want to say that because some people they just like the schedule like that and I guess there’s nothing wrong with that but I mean it is it is it legitimately 100 a necessity

Is is what I would ask is it legitimately 100 a necessity when you already know the streamer is going to make a waiting room several hours in advance the only thing you wouldn’t know is what game they’re playing you know uh obviously I’m not like arguing or anything it’s just uh it’s

Just a hypothetical thing doesn’t need you sound your website have a stream schedule well I think that only follows our actual no that follows our waiting rooms I think I’m like 90 sure yeah Lucian says you can try it but I want you to be happy I appreciate that

It adds an added level of surprise true true true but I mean again it’s just a brainstorming thing because like on the other side I also get it too because we’ve already conditioned people to like be used to schedules and look forward to schedules and

And this and that and oh if I don’t have a schedule how how am I supposed to know when you stream and stuff like that which I mean just turn on the notifications but um plus we I think at this point I think en has been around so long that

If you’ve been watching someone for a little bit you’ll probably already know the times they usually stream right um Even with the schedules I forget um yeah it’s just Instinct at this point yeah like if the times are consistent yeah exactly is it me or is it P are people too insistent on well uh wait is it me or are people too insistent about being there for the

Stream instead of just watching the VOD if you have worked you can’t be mad that you missed the Stream well the here’s the thing right I kind of I kind of see from the other side there too because to a lot of people being there for the actual live live stream

Is way more interactive and like um important to people rather than just catching up on the VOD right like it’ll it’ll always be like that because being like yeah like someone said being live feels different right but the thing is the thing is like what is it called the the

Being The Devil’s Advocate right If you can’t make it to the live then that’s not the liver’s fault right like the liver will always plan around obviously Their audience and their demograph don’t get me wrong there I’m not gonna say that but they’ll also plan around their convenience too right foreign so when it comes down to it

If someone genuinely can’t make it to a stream the live stream it’s it’s not the liver’s fault it’s never the liver’s fault yeah going to a live concert is way more than the videos yeah exactly exactly Stone here nice nice nice nice nice don’t worry Alvin we can adjust

Honestly I feel like people wouldn’t even need to adjust that much the only thing that would genuinely legitimately maybe change is people would just turn notifications on and that’s it I genuinely think because with everyone else that doesn’t use schedules why do you think people don’t complain that they don’t have

Schedules I mean I’m sure there’s like a very small minority that does but to Big streamers that don’t make schedules why don’t you see people complaining to them that they don’t have them and the answer is because people just turn on the [ __ ] notifications right not gonna let you stream it’s the most

Perfect for me so thank you for streaming oh thank you for being here try talking to people to do unscheduled streams well I can’t really do that because everyone that I know does schedule streams so I’m kind of like the one that’s committing like schedule taboo I guess um but yeah

And then we complain about the platform I’m not notifying us oh yeah there’s that too right oh [ __ ] I don’t well I need that anyway it’s okay you’re one of a kind yeah I know sometimes the notifications will come late too but also I mean that’s the thing right if you have like

Um a normal time you usually go live anyway then it probably wouldn’t be that big of an issue right it’s not bad to try hmm have you ever thought the stream outside the usual hours well that’s what I did this week right I I’m sure a lot of people noticed that

This week I actually committed to one time zone I’m not like tearing myself between two different time zones so this is also another week that I am experimenting with something yeah this week is is another kind of test run week what about collabs see the thing about collabs right is

I would love to collab more don’t get me wrong but a lot of the times when I try to set up a collab or do a collab or anything like that um everyone’s busy man like don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining it’s just everyone has stuff to do everyone has

Projects they’re working on to take care of and and all this stuff and that’s that’s most of the reason that I haven’t really been collabing with anyone recently is because everyone’s just been busy busy busy busy yeah like I’m so glad I have a collab with vulgar this week

It’s like I miss you Jen I kind of you can hop more randomly in free and collabs when someone is free well that’s what I’ve been doing too I’ve been hopping into collabs like um there have been a few torches that I jumped into um uh it’s not like I’m not anywhere but

Um yeah it’s just I haven’t really been collabing because everyone’s just been busy plus it’s the end of the year people don’t really wanna interact with other people and yeah I get it you were in the crab game one yeah yeah like I was in the karaoke I was in the crab game

Um yeah yeah yeah yeah but um that’s just the way it goes sometimes sometimes that’s just the way it is but your master Thief still by stealing your time nah end of the year is so busy yeah especially because it’s the holiday season right everyone’s just been really really busy

Um I can’t really 100 say what everyone is working on but there’s a lot of stuff that everyone’s been working on the way you roasted the karaoke stream as funny as [ __ ] yeah but I’m thinking like I don’t know hopefully like january-ish I’ll be able to collab with more people

Again when they have free time um but oh I don’t want to do this do I want to keep it like this hmm I think I’ll keep the front like this but maybe keep the side like this hmm ending of the year is busy month and then January usually a busy time for

People too yeah because of like New Year’s stuff yeah I mean whenever I get to collab with people I’m happy regardless yeah I was thinking just keep the pattern at the front hopefully after New Year’s it’ll be fine yeah I genuinely think once spring comes once summer comes

Things are gonna go back to like how they were before everyone’s gonna be collabing with each other and everyone’s gonna be more upbeat and all this other stuff um I didn’t I genuinely just think it’s the um it’s the season you know people got their [ __ ] to do man can’t

Really blame anyone for that not really though because you’re one years in February well I mean that’s true [ __ ] oh my God one year already wait wait wait less people yeah and a lot of people have been sick too like I think the first two weeks of November

I was really sick right like the last week of October into the first two weeks of November I was sick so I was just trying to [ __ ] get by like uh yeah man collabing was not on my list of things to do at all especially while I was super [ __ ] sick

Uh let’s put this here flu season yeah I could definitely say January is busy yeah busy busy busy all of ethere is sick and foot yeah vulgar vulgar is sick um he said he’s feeling better which is really good mango says the most important thing is that you’re happy will support you thank

You I appreciate that mango thank you thank you thank you thank you uh yeah I think I’ll keep the pattern just outside and extend like this but then I would I would have to go up this way let me see here um Kana thank you for the donation thank you thank you

Maria says let me see here uh hi tencho I’ve been experiencing many IRL changes so I haven’t been able to drop blind live as often and it sounds like you’re making some decisions yourself no matter what I’ll support any change you make I got the notice on

Anyway I appreciate it Leia thank you thank you thank you thank you um oh yeah you know I should probably tell you guys this because I told people in the membership stream but I think I told anyone outside of the membership stream um I’m going on another break

But this time it’s going to be an actual legitimate vacation without any work without worrying about anything like that at all it will be completely 100 dedicated to just um enjoying myself and not worrying about any kind of work at all um it’ll probably be about two-ish weeks

Uh yeah when was the last time I took a vacation I think it was like September right and it’s already almost December so yeah um what is another thing so oh man I don’t want to talk about uh there’s one thing I kind of want to talk

About but I don’t really want to because there’s nothing set in stone for it yet and it’ll probably take a really long time I mean maybe I could talk about it as long as people understand that it’s like fleeting idea um let me think Let me think let me think it’s okay if you really can’t talk about it ah I mean Yeah I probably shouldn’t talk about it right now I should probably it it has to do with music but I don’t want to just say something and then make a [ __ ] like an empty promise you know but that’s enough info I guess so huh um let me think let me think

I uh I’ll just say that this next year coming up um I’m going to be trying to do a little more music stuff not not a lot but I at least want to try to do a a cover maybe an original song um I’m still working out the whole process

Don’t expect it anytime soon but I’m I’m still working things out I’m still learning a lot of things I’m still trying to get a lot of things done but um yeah is this your New Year’s resolution yeah in a way you could say that yeah something like a New Year’s resolution

But I can’t really say anything else because I I have nothing else to say yeah yeah yeah but um It is something I finally want to try to do I I think I finally regained some courage because even though I know I’m not a good singer I feel like I feel like I can at least do that much for you guys right oh I had coal here too holy [ __ ] I had

No idea um so yeah that was something I was thinking of trying to work on well okay ah there’s there’s something else too but this one I really can’t talk about that much um so I’m thinking about doing music stuff but there’s going to be a really big twist and this twist

I don’t think anyone in EN has done it yet um so we’ll see but like I said there’s still a lot that I have to learn a lot that I have to do you like twists don’t you yeah it’ll be a little bit of a Twist I thought you

Can’t say anything that’s technically not saying anything technically not saying anything but yeah I’ve been thinking rap diss track yeah I’m a spiritual lyrical Miracle individual spiritual lyrical miracle oh man um Anna says hi Alvin thank you for having a chill stream can you wish me

Luck on my thesis defense hey good luck I hope it goes okay good luck good luck I’m a spiritual lyrical Miracle individual spiritual lyrical miracle my God one two three all right that should be fine Cami says sent the comment earlier sorry about that but don’t worry go your own

Pace with music I’m happy you’re giving it a try I appreciate it thank you thank you thank you what you making a cafe I’m just cleaning it up a little bit Raph would be awesome though I’m a spiritual lyrical mirror coolant yeah I’d be I’d be pretty good at ramping

Is this your last stream yep after this stream I’m graduating I’m sorry no I’m kidding I’m not I’m I’m not I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding no I’m kidding I’m kidding it was a joke I’m kidding wait I need more spruce you did one secondly Miss yeah that’s

The thing right I I feel like I’m one of those people it’s really [ __ ] bad at singing live but if you if you slap some [ __ ] auto-tune on me and you have like the prowess professional mixer ever in the world it could probably make me sound salvageable so that’s what gives me a

Little bit of Hope so it gives me the most tiniest minuscule amount of Hope let me see here yeah I’ll be uh I’ll be a SoundCloud rapper I’ll put a I’ll put some face tattoos on my [ __ ] model I know there’s Spruce over here At least you have some yeah well I mean that’s a thing right I feel like I always fall back on oh at least I have stuck in the abyss but I feel like I should have something new right something new to add to my my repertoire my portfolio I guess Let me see here Never Gonna Give You Up cover oh my God that would be [ __ ] beautiful uh whiskers tattoo oh wait that’s [ __ ] based wait that’s actually a really good idea I need that in my life let me see here how do we says today is my birthday and I’m glad to hear you talk about music best birthday gift ever hey happy birthday how do we I hope you have a good birthday today thank you my brain just imagined looking like you

Looking like those Island Boys no [ __ ] way I know who you’re talking about because I saw them on I think um it was either a YouTube short or Tick Tock recently and they were like Island boy or no short of them little knocks oh my God that’s gonna be me [Laughter] Oh my God don’t be an island boy nor yeah call me little Knox oh Ouch that doesn’t sound good little Knox is a cute name no little chest I hate you whoever said that I hate you little chest [ __ ] up man that’s a that’s a low blow how could you say something like that that is a low blow oh she is Rap King God lyrics coming at you like uh how is that that was pretty good right where the [ __ ] is this bad I know it’s over here somewhere oh God I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck what the [ __ ] oh it’s because I’m flying oh my God get me out there we go why are you stuck in a tree I was stuck in the oh where’s the bed that was over here foreign I swear

There was a bed over here stuck in a tree pew pew pew like a never-ending piss Ed I have to be blind there’s no way I’m missing this bed let me see here Paws and Pals thank you for the super thank you thank you you know what if I have wool over here I’m just gonna make a new bed uh [ __ ] did he just say never ending piss no

Never-ending pit like like the popular niji Sanji en song stuck in the abyss never-ending pit right guys that’s what you heard right like a never-ending pit pit yeah you misheard you misheard I would never say that dude I still remember to this day the [ __ ] funniest memes that came out

When stuck in the abyss was first released the trailer when the trailer for stuck in the abyss was first released do you guys remember the photoshops of of the song like the song’s title there was what what did we have we had stuck wait we’ve no no we had stuck in the ass

We had what else do we have we had armpits oh my God was that a thing I need to get more fireworks and I need more Spruce Wood armpits stuck in the [ __ ] oh yeah that was another one right we had stuck in the ass stuck in the [ __ ] stuck in the pits I didn’t get a Twitter until after you debuted hey let’s go oh yeah those were good times good times good times can you wrap the soup eyes look what’s coming at you like super sonic speed limit debut let me see tell me says don’t be shy link your SoundCloud I got you

I got you you’ll see my you’ll see my face tats and all the speed the rhyme what is your favorite rap I will not eat green eggs and ham I will not eat them Sam I Am I will not eat them with a mop I will not eat them with a

With wait how did it go she she got bars One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish I’m not a rapper foreign biscuits thank you so much for the 50 gifts and memberships how are you doing today biscuits what’s up I hope you’re doing well thank you so much thank you thank you

Hmm Rap God sing apple bottom jeans boots with the fur the whole club was looking at her she hit the floor next thing you nor shorty got low low low low low low low [Laughter] let me see here Luna so happy to hear you’re deciding to try out more music

Stuff so excited I’m sure you’re gonna knock your socks off with whatever you do no I’m glad I mean even how do I put it like I I’ll try to make it sound as great as I can and I’ll definitely try to put my whole heart into it

Because it’s obviously for you guys right so regardless of how it turns out um you know I’ll I’ll have tried my best yeah yeah Sam says whatever attention wants to do I was always support and back you up your happiness is a priority and I prefer you be more free with what you

Want to do my potential is all I ask for it’s your channel so go for all I appreciated stuff thank you yeah it’s just a lot of brainstorming right brainstorming weighing the pros and the cons What genre of music makes you happy um there’s not really a genre of music that I don’t dislike recently I’ve been listening to um to a guy that I used to listen to a lot um a long time ago his name his name is Savant I think his name name is Alexander Winter

But um he goes by Savant and I really like a lot of his music Yeah he’s got some [ __ ] crazy music and he’s a crazy composer too I think I’ve heard of him Yeah um I I started recently listening to a lot of his older stuff like I started listening to um what was that one album called it had uh hold on so let me see here I really wish I could play some of this music for you guys [Laughter]

But I would get bonked unfortunately oh it’s Alchemist oh The Alchemist no is it The Alchemist album it might be but um yeah it’s got some good [ __ ] songs you do yeah dmca open up let’s go I wish um I wish I didn’t have such strict copyright [ __ ] but that’s just the way

It goes any song names um flash wait okay well a few a few off the top of my head flashback is a good one Sledgehammer is a good one um what else is another good one what have I been listening to recently Uh let me just go to his uh uh [ __ ] Channel oh Cali 47 is another good one Um honestly all of his songs are really really good Alchemist is really good Pirate Bay is really good yeah he’s just he’s got a lot of really really good songs have you seen The Alchemist two trees teaser [ __ ] no way is there actually an alchemist 2 teaser you’re lying

Savant Alchemist what the [ __ ] wait no way oh he released it 15 hours ago no way holy [ __ ] oh I’m gonna have to check that out after stream yo I didn’t even know Alchemist too if it’s got the same Vibes as Alchemist oh my God that’s gonna be a good [ __ ]

Album how to spell the name s-a-v-a-n-t savant Ali says LOL melon I hate you I hate you Ally thank you for the super thank you thank you oh we need more well I think that should be enough Spruce logs someday even if I die I’ll rise from the

Dead to hear your song oh thank you okay where the [ __ ] am I okay so I need to go this way um pillow says glad you told us this don’t worry just do what you want to do oh God I’m getting lost uh I think I go this way ah here we go

Uh I’d love to see you do anything and I’ll always support you I appreciate it pillow thank you thank you thank you Sonny says Mom’s spaghetti his palm spaghetti knees weak arm spaghetti this vomit on his spaghetti spaghetti mom’s spaghetti he’s nervous but on the surface he looks calm spaghetti to drop

Spaghetti but he keeps on spaghetti with his spaghetti the whole crowd goes spaghetti [Laughter] time’s up over spaghetti oh there goes spaghetti oh my God okay I need more fireworks if I don’t have any more I have to make more so I have paper the power of spaghetti oh there goes spaghetti

Us put this in here oh there goes spaghetti let me see here Beauty science thanks for sharing your thoughts with us please feel free to do stuff that you want to try we’ll always stand behind you so I hope you can give you more confidence to try whatever you

Want to do oh I appreciate it thank you yeah I definitely do definitely definitely do I need to grab my gunpowder really quick Venus says NASA takes us to space but you take us to heaven pretty good haha they’re not gonna lie that oh God that’s pretty good

Gun powder I think I need three for one stack let me see here the goose says uh no I I’m uh new day is oh that’s so cute miracle they said um they said um how do I word this like even though there’s a lot of things going on I guess

Or a lot of things being thought about um they said no matter what I will always follow you and support you oh thank you oh that’s so cute thank you for the 50 gifted memberships to meetiku thank you thank you thank you thank you sinoa says we believe you

Always know what you want to do a try and you only need to know we all stand with you for 333 power oh thank you man man man man oh I appreciate it a lot I really really appreciate it a lot I’m very thankful no matter what very very thankful um But it didn’t okay so I need a stack of paper one two three nice okay and then I can leave these I could just leave these in here All right let me see here pear says your stream always Rises up my day thanks Alvin it means a lot to me well no I appreciate it pair thank you for being here thank you for uh for even coming also Aika thank you for being here too have a wonderful day this

Um okay and then we need to shave these parts I think after this I kind of want to start adding to the to the roof I’m gonna start making those stone bricks so we’ll do this this and then we’ll see where it goes from there I could put

Some lanterns around too that’d be kind of cute yeah how would I hang them though let me think let me think let me think let me think you know I’ve never seen Eminem and album Knox in the same room together you’re damn right you’re damn right defense

Okay one two three four oh I should have just done this two one two foreign a little higher oh whoa that looks pretty cool all right not bad and now were these torches are we can do something oh [ __ ] do something like this and this looking pretty good

All right and as far as the Torches go I can do something like this and this I need more fence posts wait oh it’s looking so good hahaha have you ever been to a cat cafe um yeah actually I have and they’re really really cute okay I need to make more

More fence posts um two or three four two three four five one two three four five all right were there cats hell yeah there were I really have to get rid of the drowned that are under this Cafe though oh [ __ ] there’s no I can probably just do this oh that

Oh that’s so cute oh my God yes does that drowned yeah there’s water under the cafe that I need to really take care of wait no no these need to go up um this aesthetic is so cool all right now we keep the aesthetic going um

What do I want to do here how spaced out do I want to keep these I think I’ll do one two three four I think I’ll do it by five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five oh but they need to go up one oops

That’s perfect then up one okay oh that’s so cool let’s get rid of the Torches look at this okay so they have to be the same on the other side too so here we go like this one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five two three

Four okay scared of all these ugly torches all right now for the light in the middle what I was thinking is uh I think this would need to be a little farther apart like maybe one more to the left this thank you no I think maybe one more actually so something like

Maybe two more you know what I think that’ll do it one two three one two no four I think I need to move this one no I should move this one to the left one okay got it wouldn’t chains be better for that just a placeholder for now

Nice very symmetrical do you guys see how it’s symmetrical to the stairs I like that I like that a lot actually I it’s symmetrical to the stairs perfect all right let me get a drink really quick hold on I gotta open a bottle of water and scratches my brain no problem I got

You all right is it in the middle of these two wait one two three four I kind of is little so if I wanted to do another one I would have to do here and it would have to be here okay so I need to make more fences more fence posts

Do you have Java applications we can fill out for the cafe after it opens yes absolutely I’m going to need all the help I can get key Tunes thank you for the super okay I think I could do this eight by eight or nine by nine if that works

All right and then I need to make more lanterns um let me see here Idaho Iowa says Good night good night good night are you gonna pay us this time absolutely not absolutely not um Mirai says she got your back no matter what you need to try do what you need to do thank you thank you thank you thank you damn we tried yep you tried

Okay Lantern how do I make lanterns again ah silver nuggets and a torch got it okay nice that should be okay for now catnip please never well okay catnip I’ll think about it if it’s catnip then I’ll actually maybe consider it you will hear from the union the union of what cats

Okay so here and then back Right here Perfect let’s go I can work for free lies cat tower should I make like a little okay so this is going to be like the cafe area upstairs is going to be like the kind of cat playing area I could make like a little like a little cat scratching post or something

The little heart is so cute oh wait that’s so cute oh I kind of [ __ ] it up though maybe this should be like right oh I like that that’s really cute all right and you know what putting Landers up here too might not be a bad idea actually I’m just going to put torches up here because no one can see them and I don’t want like creepers and [ __ ] to spawn up here

So this will be like a secret ugly torch please okay this is secret ugly torch please okay there we go yeah yeah I don’t need a stray creeper appearing here and blowing [ __ ] up right oh that’s so cute I love that if you put on the on the edge people will see it

It’s okay I’ll tell them to ignore it now let’s get rid of this dirt and then I need to finish this carpeting too um I need to get more orange carpet oh this is so let’s get rid of these ugly torches eight get out of here we need to do another one though

Um so here this I think and if we go here there we go now I think the whole thing is basically all lit up I should probably put lanterns on this side too oh [ __ ] oops it’s so cat should add a jukebox for music hmm maybe do we not have Windows um

Will probably you know what we can do oh my God watch this oh ah my brain it scratches my brain so good oh that’s so [ __ ] oh that’s the good [ __ ] that’s the good [ __ ] that’s the good [ __ ] all right now we do this again all right now let’s put some glass here

There we go there we [ __ ] go big brain moment I love some good old symmetry ah yeah we could put some over here too wait do you guys think we should put Windows over here or nah I feel like the windows being here is pretty good hmm nah yeah

Do it for the symmetry ah I guess so hmm tobini says oh I always say I’ll never work in Hospitality again but for this place I may make an exception ah thank you tobini no excessive you’re gonna live in my head pay some rent at least

I can’t do that I gotta live in there rent free right thank you for the super New Yorks thank you thank you okay thank you Hime thank you for the super oh this looks so cool We’re getting somewhere we’re finally oh my god do you guys know what I could do oh [ __ ] genius Whoa it’s starting to look like a proper building now oh damn let’s make more um or lanterns There we go That looks so [ __ ] good okay well I’m gonna have to patch that up but I can do that super super quick one two three all right I have the bread let’s go Alvin I think that’s way too many lanterns just never never enough lanterns I’m gonna make this whole [ __ ] Cafe nothing but lanterns lanterns everywhere lanterns I love lanterns this whole thing is gonna be lanterns lanterns everywhere lanterns Never Enough lanterns I’ll think about it

I will think about it oh dude and then if we go down from here one two three ah yes cat behavior don’t look at me don’t look at me don’t say that the truth hurts you know how about that side filled with glass we don’t need glass we have plenty of glass here

We’re on your [ __ ] glass hey hey hey hey hey it’s okay good that’s what I thought too many lanterns now you know what you know what you want to see too many lanterns I’m just lanterns here’s I’ll show you I’ll show you this see this is there too many lanterns now

Are there too many lanterns what do you think the more lanterns the better right the more lanterns the upper lanterns everywhere lanterns everywhere this is gonna be gonna be 50 million lanterns this is gonna be the lantern the Lantern Cat Cafe it’s gonna be nothing but lanterns I need more I need more

50 million 50 billion more lanterns I need coal give me this and this and this and this and then I need sticks perfect uh with this wood I will make more sticks and this We need more lanterns there we go we got 38. you guys want to see lanterns oh I’ll show you Lynn I’ll show you all lanterns more lanterns perfect looks so good here are your lanterns good I need more lanterns give me more hmm let’s see let’s see I think

There need to be more lanterns more lanterns do we have an automatic door speaking of doors Lantern Lantern ah beautiful all right uh lanterns lanterns lanterns lanterns beautiful I need more lanterns lanterns lanterns are there too many lanterns now are there too many now Miami says hi Alvin thank you for always

Thinking of us I learned from you the courage to try so I hope I can give you a little strength by supporting looking forward to all the surprises in the future oh that’s so sweet thank you Miami thank you thank you thank you oh little knox’s cafe and Lantern Emporium let’s go

That’s exactly what I love to hear there’s not enough lanterns this is turning into a moth Cafe I don’t care I need more lanterns more lanterns more lanterns they turned turns I’m I need more lanterns unlimited Lantern works how does that phrase go hold on uh wait wait hold on where is it

Ah wait is it this ah here we go I am the lantern of my sword Lantern is my body and Lantern is my blood I have created over a thousand lanterns unknown to light nor known to Darkness have withstood lanterns to create many lanterns yet those lanterns will never

Hold lanterns soar as I pray unlimited Lantern works [Laughter] let’s go sounds familiar oh my God I need iron where did I put iron why not add some on the roof instead of torches you’re a [ __ ] genius kilala you’re a genius lanterns are falling down from the sky

All right let’s grab some iron Um okay says why do we need more lanterns when you already light up our lives hey Thank you Hime all right where did I put ah here we go Do I need this no do I need this no no uh let’s go back for now no one will have trouble finding your Cafe good good I’m glad it should be that way the legend in my house known Hannah I I I couldn’t tell you I I don’t know

Anything about that ha ha I I literally see the light hidden oh it looks so cool cool guys you’re gonna tell me this doesn’t look cool as long as you’re happy we’re happy and yes more lanterns please let’s go foreign oh [ __ ] that’s not good uh put these in here this up

Damn okay we need more lanterns I won’t stop until everything is Lantern I won’t stop everything must be Lantern alright so we got 32 more lanterns oh we’re gonna need a lot of um it’s so please fill the whole niji Sanji server with Lantern our Lantern Lord you got it this whole server

Will Bow Down to lanterns wait okay so we got one here oh it’s beautiful Lantern Lord how much did I miss you missed the lantern that’s what you missed how dare you how dare you miss Lantern but I forgive you since you made it on time since you’re

Here right now I forgive you just this once never make the same mistake ever again no I’m kidding I’m kidding it’s a joke I’m kidding it’s a joke oh merciful Lantern Lord you’re goddamn right say my name say my name Alvin Alvin you’re goddamn right [Laughter] all right um

I guess I want this to be four across you know what I could do I could do something weird like like this maybe oh those kind of ugly though I don’t know if I’m a fan of that even though it looks symmetrical kind of looks a little ugly um

Well it doesn’t look doesn’t look too bad the more I look at it the one wood block isn’t facing the right way don’t pay attention to it hmm maybe you can float the gaps with other other decor looks a bit much no there’s no such thing as too much lanterns honey or lanterns

No such thing too much Lantern and you know what they’re gonna be up there too and they’re gonna be back here too and they’re gonna be everywhere not the lanterns I mean the placements no [ __ ] it we’ll leave it like that for now this is what happens when you turn on

Discord light mode oh my God let me see here innocence I see me good night good night yes to me thank you thank you thank you GG says I didn’t know there was light mode in Minecraft well you know now this is the Discord light mode equivalent in Minecraft wait

We’re almost there we’re almost there chili says personally a schedule doesn’t really work for me as for a game to play it doesn’t really matter too it’s more fun just to watch you play games yo the magic that brings me joy just relax and try something new do what you want and

We’ll always support you oh chili thank you so much oh thank you I’m glad I’m really really happy thank you your words made me feel really really happy thank you chili thank you thank you on a serious note looks really good thanks we need more posts there we go

You’ll need patrons to sign a waiver why is it because is it because they’ll go blind if they come inside Uh that should be fine great fire Insurance oh what what’s fire insurance I I don’t I don’t have that what is um fire insurance ha ha ha hello first time here hi fall how are you doing what’s up why does the cafe look like a birthday

Cake now it’s not a birthday cake it’s a cafe don’t call it a birthday cake it’s not a birthday cake wait you guys are gonna have to come in with some specialized uh sunglasses that we give at the front door or something do hey you know what like someone said before

At least some at least people will be able to easily find the cafe right At least it’ll be really easy to find right [ __ ] wait if I have Windows here how am I going to I have an idea I have an idea one two three four five check this [ __ ] out hold on you know what we’ll just use dirt we’ll use dirt for now as the placeholder

Alvin don’t do it oh no no no no no you’ll see you’ll see hold on you’ll see our brain yeah I’m about to go [ __ ] Giga brain mode or is it is it here one two three four five it’s okay don’t don’t be scared don’t be scared just embrace it

Okay just embrace it don’t be scared here okay here we go don’t be scared it’s okay don’t be scared do you see the sparkle in my eyes good I’m glad someone does I’m glad someone understands someone gets it hold on Don’t Be Afraid don’t be afraid afraid of artistic genius

Don’t Be Afraid just let it happen just let it happen it’s okay it’s artistic genius oh now I need I need this morning everyone’s going on Magic I’m making magic why dirt you’ll see how many one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen

Eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two Petra you’re just in time you’re just in time to witness a miracle two three four five six seven one two three four five one two three you’re just in time pentomos to see a real work of art Petra how was the rest of undertale also

Happy early birthday you guys strap in it’s about to be a wild ride one two three four five six oh my God is that one of the alpha males we were talking about I hate you God damn it one two three four five six seven okay it’s seven wait the alpha

Males that wait were you guys talking about alpha males in your stream one two three four wait what one two three four five six seven one two three four five [ __ ] I ran out eat forget it one two three yeah and they’re 15 in one shampoo he’s counting distract him more no is

The server lagging the server dying I’m gonna get a drink real quick how is your stream dude what’s up did you beat the game yet It’s Magic happening I gotta sneeze ah I got sneezed it’s not coming no it didn’t come there’s no toskaru there we go finally okay now Witness my genius have an idea foreign [Laughter] now all I need to do is actually like carve it out okay we need Green Glass

We need green glass hold on what are you gonna do now Peter grain gonna get some food you’re gonna relax and chill why green though well gee I I I don’t know I see you it finally accept your cowboy identity nope I’m not a cat

I’m not a cat I don’t know what you’re talking about it does kind of look like a bra what the [ __ ] ing not a bra perfect okay meowbon wow resorting to nicknames okay kind of toxic not even kind of uh pretty toxic what is this slander can’t believe this I’m gonna cry you

Know you’re gonna make me cry it’s messed up make the eyes lanterns oh you’re a genius [ __ ] how do I make glass panels again gotta do work but have fun bye good luck with your work Cry Me a River catboy [ __ ] you penguin okay get out of here go do your work

Good luck dude how do I make a glass glass what the hell I swear I did that nice I think we’re well I think we’re only gonna need four and four though I’m like 95 96 sure all right let’s go back Just got here what’s up Kai how’s it going okay so where would I need to put the eyes it would need to be down the center probably like hmm Let’s do a little test let’s do a little test you’re now witnessing albin’s Mothman Arc true there can’t be enough lanterns their need to be more more lanterns more okay so if we go here one two three oh man what does this look like oh

Not too shabby but I need to make this oh is this all going to be Birch I think I have to make this all Birch hmm so let me get rid of this Cobblestone up top turn it into Birch planks I think I just barely have enough all right let’s see here

I can’t believe my oh she is a Mothman that would be kind of [ __ ] up I imagine something like that to be like some kind of psychological horror [ __ ] I don’t know if that implies there’s something wrong with me or what but I don’t know why I just think of something

Like really [ __ ] up like psychological horror wise my oh she is a Mothman it’s kind of scary to think about hey mods are cute not the brain sucking ones not the brain sucking mothmans you think those are cute do you think those are cute all right there we go CreepyPasta My V

Tuber was a Mothman okay one two there’s brain sucking moths there can be why wouldn’t there be of course there can be since when did moth suck brains since horror has existed that’s when I can date a Mothman in Monster prom he’s hot oh [ __ ] really wait actually

Okay but I don’t have a brain so I’m good damn that’s shisha Park based monster prom was a banger in their rides I almost said something really [ __ ] up about monsters and banking yes Mothman from Monster Camp is datable good to know to know good to know Monster prom was based

Just say it nah I think I think saying that already says more than [ __ ] off man oh [ __ ] yeah all I need to do is put some lights on like uh on my clothes and he’ll never leave me the perfect kind of man say we are an accepting Community now

Now I need birdwood that’s what I need oh give me the strength to find Birchwood please all right I’m not saying any Birchwood well here you are whatever it is but we’ll still judge you you’re honest I guess we’re all degenerates here it’s fine

I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing is that a good thing is that a bad thing I can’t I can’t uh let the intrusive thoughts out that is the worst possible thing that I could do no the the intrusive thoughts have to stay I can’t let them out

Look bro we can be degenerates together no no we can’t say it isn’t so to tell you the truth I’m actually a Mothman oh no way I’ve been waiting for you my whole life oh my God unleash the monster no I can’t do that it’s still non-stop nut November

I don’t think that’s how that works um that’s that’s not um um uh I don’t um just um I’ve been waiting this November what the [ __ ] do you mean by that oh my God what do you mean winning please explain doubled down December I [ __ ] hated here

What are you doubling down on huh what are you doubling down on [Laughter] doesn’t matter we got like one more day oh man I gotta sneeze but it won’t come out Ah we need takararachi group therapy again we really do what is the stream turned into I I don’t know I don’t know stay strong Kings we we must stay focused we must stay focused come on stay focused wait forgetting let your intrusive thoughts out no I’m strong

I’m strong just one more day and we’ll be free stay focused don’t give up don’t give up laughs uh see it to get back I need to go this way thank you oh yes me you survived 29 days you can survive the last one losers are sometimes winners no

Fifi mcgeeky says haven’t been here in so long just got promoted and I missed our favorite cowboy congratulations hey that’s awesome good job on the promotion congratulations oh [ __ ] oops degeneracy December I’m scared I’m scared down bad December coupled down December guys December is for the degenerates uh okay

Um I need to I need to turn this dirt into Birch now makes sense as to why my birthday is in December now no is this thank you that’s not how that works it’s um if you’re born in what is it December January February March April May June July August September if you’re

Born in September that’s the December who the [ __ ] said dong sember are you okay do you need help what the hell sir I am a December Baby elaborate I probably should I probably probably shouldn’t do that that’s something something you should ask your parents [Laughter] my God my nose [ __ ] hurts

Please don’t elaborate yeah I didn’t I didn’t plan on it I’m so glad I was born in August well I mean that’s Thanksgiving right what’s wrong with September nothing nothing’s wrong with September if anything that just that means you’re a Christmas baby oh God all right Saucy September I’m leaving

No you’re not don’t say that no you’re not oh I’m born in November so Valentine’s Day but that’s not how that works December January February March April May June July August wait that’s not how that works I think you messed up December babies were conceived in March wait no if you’re wait no

If if you’re born no if if if you become a baby in December then you wait nine months January February March April May June July August September no I’m right wait I’m right you guys are [ __ ] with me I’m actually right how do you become a baby well you see

When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much [Laughter] when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much they do this thing called the professional world championship wrestling match [Laughter] uh yeah flowers in the bees what I’ve never heard about that I was

I was told it was professional wrestling is that not what it is it’s professional wrestling right oh that’s awesome what the [ __ ] someone said oh so that’s how they broke the bed um yes yes Professional wrestling is um is is pretty pretty tough I guess yeah they do WWE foreign that’s exactly what it is my cat is looking at you like what is he on about ah listen I’m just explaining how people become babies it’s pro wrestling duh do you guys did you guys not know that

Sonny says yo mud wrestling is my favorite ah yeah um winner gets on yeah exactly the the winner gets to reward nine months after oh my God sunny out now oh are you counting what month yeah that’s exactly what I was doing well no I was coming for December actually

What did I just walk into just now we’re talking about how babies are made like um after the professional wrestling match you know get me out of here this is very educational yeah you’re welcome you’re welcome how did we get to this topic isn’t it more like losing no you win sadness

Lots and lots of sadness Yeah so basically let me sum it up for you guys the way babies are made when a mommy and a daddy love each other very very much they get into a pro wrestling match and the winners get a prize nine months after the match

And that’s how babies are made you’re welcome did not sign up for this you did now wait they don’t always love each other I guess save us no there’s no there’s no saving for you guys you guys are permanently stuck here they have the prize for 18 years winner

Gets rights to change diapers does it better be specifically pro wrestling yes 100 has to be specifically pro wrestling if it’s a pro wrestling match does it mean there’s a referee um yeah that’s a special kind of pro wrestling match where gets to watch the match from your parents closet [Laughter]

Yeah it’s a very special kind of wrestling match Does it include commentary um not not usually not usually sometimes Giselle can I have more details about the wrestling match oh uh I already gave some of those oh my God it’s always televised right yeah you you usually gotta pay 9.99 for it

But but nowadays you can watch for free [Laughter] oh [ __ ] laughs [Laughter] oh oh sorry I uh I I get invested in in explaining pro wrestling [ __ ] that was good oh my God that was hilarious that’s our degenerate let’s go let’s backtrack how did you know the pro

Um I don’t know what you’re talking about the price for what the the what what the what is happening the hmm yeah I don’t I don’t know what they’re what they’re talking about hmm the price for what I I don’t know he’s gaslighting me nope

I just I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about that’s um um that’s it I just I don’t know thank you one two thanks Alvin Sensei I learned something new today no problem I got you if there’s anything else you ever want to learn about I got you

He was the prize for his parents like hello sir please accept this as my two weeks would notice Toby knee oh my God thank you for the soup on thank you thank you okay I need to make the mouth now um how am I gonna make the mouse I need wool

I need a black wool actually all right we need to go grab a black wool so why does the chair smack fit into pro wrestling well if the mommy and daddy have a disagreement sometimes sometimes the chair smack it just happens it’s it’s of everyday life um [ __ ] where’s the

Where’s the wool Farm I think it’s over here by the food I think oh my God uh yeah here we go why are we still on this topic wait what topic what are you talking about you’re very Pro wait you’re very knowledgeable Mr professor 27. hey thanks I appreciate that

Um please she’s essential are you a wrestler or a referee uh uh um um how do I answer this question um I’m I’m uh uh neither Cam says thanks for helping me explain okay thank you for the super client says here’s my tutorial for you thank you Albin sensei no problem I got you and you’re a commentator I’m not a commentator oh my God guys look it’s a pantomo oh look at distraction wow look at the pantomo oh

My God pantomo smiley face oh my God it’s it’s a pentomo lord pantomo smiley face look guys look it’s it’s Lord pantomo whoa oh my God Lord pantomo you’re so cute oh my God lord pantomo laughs oh my God I love Lord pantomo um star races can we match in your

Knuckle Cafe oh watch A Match uh no it’s uh it’s uh too expensive to um to to set that up Lord pantomo save us please foreign Pay-per-view I thought we uh pay-per-view you know what I’m just gonna make a cute little oh God the lanterns are so perfect to set them God damn it what have I done I’ve created monsters you guys are [ __ ] monsters what have I done what have I done wait I’ll do one more

We grew and we adapted oh my God okay so if oh [ __ ] wait this is perfect actually okay um if I want to carve out the shape it would probably need to be something like this I’m just brainstorming really quick I’m thinking it would be something like this be

[ __ ] I think I think it’s gonna look really stupid mine it might need to dip a little more but hmm well I kind of cute hmm uh Freya we won’t get the scroll last oh my God Freya thank you for the super sorry that’s why the Skylight is a heart no it’s not

No it’s not um okay so if I leave it oh I have an idea wait I know how to make it better hold on I actually know how to make it better give me a second I need I need red I need red wool hold on I know how to make it better

I have an idea I need red wool the [ __ ] is the food ah here we go all right here we go I know how to fix this um as the headmate do I need to organize these wrestling matches in the cafe there’s not gonna be wrestling matches at the cafe they’re banned

There’s not gonna be any okay uh crystal that’s never happening thank you for the super you won’t sleep at night it is night time what the [ __ ] wait but it’s night time are they in the back rooms yeah we just no clipped into the back rooms

AKA super do you think I could see [ __ ] um yeah maybe thank you for the super to be fair how are you gonna get enough cats we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see it always works out Okay now I do this oh and then what if I did something like um I’m gonna do this ouch I have an idea this I’m thinking I’m thinking really really hard so this goes one one two one one two uh I need to go over one more like Okay and then this [ __ ] it’s it’s not done it’s not done don’t look at it it’s not done it’s not done it needs to it needs to be stretched one more I think so I think it needs to go like this And then if I put this here it’s not done don’t look at it [ __ ] don’t judge it until it’s done no don’t judge it until it’s done it’s not done Stretch boom boom trust the process okay trust the process I promise it’s not done until I say is that a mustache it’s not him don’t look at it I’m nervous I’m embarrassed don’t look at it don’t look at it it’s embarrassing [ __ ] okay one two three four and then how far is this

Okay one two one two three four okay you guys will see you guys will see I need to take this wool down I’m not looking just watch good I’m gonna show you guys right now give me my scaffolding oh it’s cute wait I need to wait oh wait that’s cute

Wait ah hold on I need to I need to change this hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on uh this where’s my ah here we go foreign see I told you trust the process what did I say what did I say trust the process and it worked it’s so um

Perfect I never doubted you good good good good um Renton thank you for the super thank you the green eye is not centered it’s okay neither is that eye so if they’re both not centered then that works let me see here Sylvia don’t cry it’s very cute thank you Christina gonna go

Back to work now good luck with work good luck good luck Luna I adopted a female kitten can you suggest a name for it it’s black with yellow eyes I’m really bad with naming things so I would just suggest the good luck with a name

But uh it’s cool that you got a kitten nice thank you for the super Luna oh God so cute oh why are you so cute um I need to go up one more over here though I need to put [ __ ] away too uh then I have that yes oh [ __ ] wait ouch

You know what this needs it needs more lanterns oh it’s so cute oh I’m trying to think of how I could give it like a little blush but I don’t know I don’t know how I could give it a little blush hmm Here we go again with the lanterns hell yeah pause I might not keep it false I need to fix the The ears though I wonder what color I’m gonna make the ears hmm what color do I want to make the ears I guess I can make them the same color as the birch wood hmm yeah I’m guessing I’ll just use the well no I could use the spruce longs

I could just see how both of them work yeah we could try them both out the green eye is shining it has night vision I know right make a tail should I make a little tail hmm uh I need to grab the wool Um wait okay I’m thinking is this gonna look dumb we’re about to find out ouch all right let’s see it’s I think um I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s gonna work it looks like a little hand that’s so cute it’s a little hand it’s like a hand

Oh wait what if we did a paw here oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh I have an idea hold on oh my God my brain is ginormous right now hold on wait watch this you guys are not ready for this hold on

Okay so if I want to do this I would have to I think I need I should have grabbed pink we’ll use red as a placeholder let’s see here I want to do this I would probably to do it from here okay so one two three four [ __ ] Uh and then if I do this sink I have to do this no um no that doesn’t work it’s to be one down I think this uh wait how do I make a paw again hold on I need I need to go I need to go look at something hold on

I need to sleep give me a second give me a second I need to um I need to fly somewhere hold on hold on no no no no I I have a reference I have a reference hold on ah here we go okay it needs to be five across three in the middle

Got it all right just look at your hands true true true all right that’s pretty fast I forgot how to make boys boom ouch boom damn it I’m almost there okay so this is four one two I think it’s gonna need to come down one more so one two three four five

And then do this one I think it needs to be pink still I might have to go grab pink yeah I think so [ __ ] I keep dying oh my God um Kathy Cat Cafe is looking so good thank you thank you thank you well this will be like a little placeholder for now

Ouch and then if I wanted to be like part of the actual that does that look dumb hold on let me go get let me go get bank really quick hold on let’s go get let’s go get pink hold on hold on we need pink look at my cat’s paw seems about right

Okay it’s over here pink pink pink then we go back Do do all right now how how do I make this look more like a paw it doesn’t it doesn’t really look like a like a paw it looks like oh god um the toe beans are upside down no they’re right because he’s waving I think it’s too Square I don’t know about that

I think it needs to come down one more I think that’s what it is I think I know what it is I think it’s not long enough foreign Perfect all right then I go up one two three Boom boom boom Oh yes I think I think the topines need to be a little ah [ __ ] okay what if what if I do this damn I need to go up a little more middle finger it looks like it’s no I didn’t mean that no don’t don’t I didn’t mean it I

It’s not like that it’s not like that don’t look at it that’s kind of funny though okay hold on let me fix this foreign it’s a little cat paw hand hold on let me hold on look I I’m I’m gonna look at something again

No okay hold on I I need I need to look at my reference again hold on let’s see here okay let me see three three got it I got it there’s my white wool what the [ __ ] oh it’s probably over at the I got it I got it

You’ll see you’ll see It’ll be perfect it’s my white wall is here all right I’m gonna fix it don’t worry I’m gonna give this more more depth okay one two three I guess I could go one two foreign I need to go this way and then I need to go one two three

Oops that’s that’s a little better should I add white here I don’t um I probably should huh yeah okay I’ll go ahead one two three there how about that what do we think is it cute he’s waving wait why and why why not the same color

As the building I just felt like it it’s waving it says hello [Laughter] all right let me get a drink oh let me see here is it crass place thank you for the super thank you thank you also Chloe says Alvin today’s my birthday happy birthday Chloe I hope you

Have a great day today can you do the ears the same color yeah that’s what I was thinking yeah yeah yeah I also need to finish this part up because it looks a little ugly um let’s take those Some logs here and then we need to go up a little bit [ __ ] no that’s not what I want go up damn you that should be enough can you make the ears glow Maybe possibly one two then I gotta fix all of this so we’ll do this this the front is almost done

Almost I’m trying to think I think I’ll probably um I think I’m gonna go up one on both sides but then I’m Gonna Leave It be careful up there yeah I don’t want to fall you do too many lights I’m blind dude good that’s exactly what I want thank you for confirming

That’s exactly what I’m looking for [ __ ] Dude all right now we gotta go I think he needs more lanterns oh I think the same thing let’s go Asen great minds think alike I was just thinking the same thing I think it needs more lanterns too all right I need to go up one how do you get sea lanterns um

I don’t know actually Oh you’re so cute perfect this is the greatest thing I’ve ever made in my light light life lanterns lanterns are life you know what what if I did put lanterns oh you’re a genius oh my God whoever said that you’re a [ __ ] genius I know exactly what I have to do

Lanterns Lantern slam you’re a genius all right if I do this oh beautiful now they’re gonna glow oh hell yeah just came back oh my God why are there so many lanterns what’s wrong with lanterns we we need more lanterns in fact oh this is gonna be good

All right let’s fix fix these um fix these ears there’s never enough lanterns there needs to be more lanterns okay boom boom uh I mean I can kind of jump from there I’m going to enable your Lantern addictions thanks Damn it hello everyone that’s coming in what’s up what’s up lifu what’s up bro okay do we need fire Insurance nah nah we’re good don’t worry we’re good we’re good hello hello hello hello one two three and then yo Ike what’s up what’s going on hello

Queldrin would you guys like to see my my peace and day resistance my um My ultimate Minecraft creation what’s up how did your stream go what were you playing oh oh you were playing straight today weren’t you oh what a [ __ ] coincidence hold on in honor of Ike playing stray

I have something to show you guys once once it’s done hold on I gotta gotta finish it really quick but I have something to commemorate the occasion IO show the goods let’s go I hope I have enough wool I should how was I was stray Ike do you like it

How is it so far wait did you just start or have you been playing it three four three damn it damn it it’s so cute didn’t expect it to be so lower heavy but I love it oh my man [ __ ] based okay I’m running out of wool

But I’ll just show you guys regardless tada Welcome to My Cat Cafe inside I’m gonna put a [ __ ] ton of cats and I’m gonna put cake ta-da what do you think let’s go yeah it’s starting to finally come together so basically what I’m going to do is

The inside this is gonna be like a little reception area to get into the Cat Cafe this is gonna be like the little reception window and then when you go in this first floor is going to have like tables um I’m gonna put like a little cake section somewhere

And then the second floor is going to be dedicated whoa that shadow is so good oh my God okay but the second floor is going to be dedicated to um to the cats this whole room is gonna have nothing but cats and then I made this little this little skylight

Oh it’s so cute I love it um at night whenever it gets dark the lanterns make it shine and it’s really really pretty Hannah thank you for the 10 gifted memberships thank you thank you let me see here if I didn’t miss anything sen oh wait wait I think I read that one

But yeah it’s starting to come together a little bit you know what I need to do I need to get rid of all of these torches and replace them with lanterns now you may be thinking Alvin that’s a lot of lanterns and you’re right but I have an unhealthy obsession

With lanterns I can’t help it something just compels me to use lanterns everywhere all the time I’m gonna have people sign a waiver before they come into the cafe that uh they might potentially go blind if uh if they come into the cafe yeah I’m starting a lantern cult land

Turns land turns land turns we’ll do one two three boom one two three boom two three perfect give them cat sunglasses that would be so cute cat sunglasses I like the way you think okay so it’s gonna start from the corner CAD sunglasses oh that sounds so cute

3.123 boom one two three boom one two three boom one two three oh one two three boom one two three one two three and I think we’re good ah I feel satisfied actually I need to get more black wool I’m out of black wool I need to fix that but um

Yeah I I’m starting to feel satisfied with but now it’s coming along I’m Gonna Leave This space open just so I can come in and out onto the roof but that’ll be about it I also need more Birch oh I have more Birch nice you’re a building genius not really I’m uh

I’m just having fun with it wait to oh [ __ ] oh no my oh she is so talented the fire marshal is shaking looking at this it’s okay it’ll be fine I’ll throw like um I’ll throw a fire extinguisher in like the back of the cafe or something then

I’ll be like oh boy Mr Fire Marshall I I have a fire extinguisher what do you what do you mean oh oh this heart really pulls it together hire me I can be the receptionist just got here how the cafe how’s the cafe looking well let me show you

It’s looking pretty beautiful if I do say so myself awesome thank you so much for the super thank you thank you I appreciate it thank you very much you put some orange on the ears um maybe not orange but I might put some like pink in the ears probably

More lanterns there’s not enough lanterns also I need to make like a oh are my Stones done cooking let me see here ah here we go nice oh oh baby here we go okay how do I want to do this let’s get rid of these but this here put this here I have

An idea Okay I need these they’re just temporary for now No that’s not what I want to do what if oh is that the right way oh yeah it is nice Okay oh whoa okay and now I need to take the dirt off Hey Get rid of this and if the dirt isn’t there it’s probably gonna look pretty good do do yum yum yum yum yum All right I’m trying to think of I know the cat is waving but sorry it’s really like a middle finger My eyes are lighting up that song oh that’s great yo this is so good it definitely needs more light around it but um yeah it’s starting to come together can the mouth light up too oh my God what if I made this red tinted window and oh oh

You’re a [ __ ] genius you’re actually so smart oh it’s so cute we need more lanterns more lanterns I don’t think we’re gonna need that money though I think um I think I know what I’m going to do I have an idea I have an idea do this this is uh we can leave this here all right and then we do the same thing up here oh oh this is looking so good what if the square at the top was

Another paw oh wait how many is this one two three four five ah it might not be it’s not enough going down I think I don’t think it would be long enough unfortunately let me see here um latia thank you for the 10 gifted memberships thank you so much latia also Hannah I

Don’t remember if I said it but thank you for the 10 memberships again thank you and show the show thank you for the five gifted memberships thank you um mirai’s potential please consider fire Insurance you know how the takaradachi can get when we have access to fire oh yeah that’s right

I remember you guys Burning Down The combini multiple times all right let’s go over here Natalie thank you I think it’s looking pretty good thank you thank you foreign so I need to do this this nice No let me back up the combini is fine please hire us at the Cat Cafe too whoopsie I’ll think about it I’ll consider it oh it’s starting to look so good there definitely needs to be more light here though I think I can maybe do it in like Um I’m thinking I’m thinking put a light in the nose yeah see that’s what I was thinking too but um I don’t know yet I don’t know I don’t know oh wait did Susan die man YouTube died refresh if you need to yeah I didn’t drop any frames I think

That was a YouTube thingy YouTube [ __ ] why why why why why why hold on let me double check let me double triple quadruple duper duple duple check let me see let me see all right I think we should be okay now even at night stream wait was Ike stream dropping too

Yeah if that’s the case then yeah probably YouTube could I don’t know why around these hours sometimes it’ll drop just like once or twice for like a few seconds Susan is at it again yeah I know right okay now I’m thinking I could put some lanterns on the corners and that would

Be fine I’m gonna go ahead and do that YouTube died from cuteness overload I know all right can I put this here I can’t hmm I can put it here hey I need to go down one do this and then I need to do it on the other side Susan feeling silly and

Goofy Gorge [Laughter] ous I hate myself do this not this [ __ ] again [Laughter] gorgeous I kind of want to sit in um in [ __ ] BC we’ll see if anyone pops in I’ll see if anyone uh is here hold on give me a second for some reason it is stuck on RTC connecting why

What the hell why are you doing this uh hold on give me one second Ah there we go easy easy peasy peasy okay maybe Susan wants a cat cafe Maybe foreign let me see here Anna says rooftop Cafe AO love the heart Decor thank you xyoshio says Cat Cafe house is so cute oh thank you social thank you thank you thank you

Thank you for reminding me to pay for my Disney subscription no problem I got you okay well we need to get rid of this scaffolding to be okay oh it seems fine ah man I want to give the cat a nose but I feel like it might not look that good

I’ll try hold on I’ll try to give it a nose No I want to go up oh damn it damn it maybe like this um I I don’t think that looks very good oh I I don’t think that’s gonna work very well it doesn’t why Lantern because I need light what the [ __ ] is that I’m trying to come up with with light that

The middle needs light pig nose don’t call it pig nose push it back farther than cover it with glass that’s not gonna look any better get that kind of tissue stop making fun of him there’s nothing wrong with with him he’s doing his best twice leave them alone

He’s he’s trying his best leave him alone now he’s decide you guys made him sad important thing see now he’s cute again sea lantern also KK thank you for the membership thank you thank you is the stone and neck for the cats not really it’s kind of like a separator

How can I put more light you know I could do something [ __ ] it I’m Gonna Leave It shrimp Stone glowstone redstone lamp Lanterns on the ears I could do something like that let’s go get some black wool really quick put lanterns in the eyes I already have lanterns behind the behind the eyes though they already light up oh where am I going [ __ ] I need black wool dude

I thought you wanna make the tongue red with glass ah yeah I was thinking about it I could make some uh red glass panels really quick change his nose into black glass and add lashes behind it all right let me let me make some glass panels really quick

But I need to grab some red dye do all the niji members just share a big Minecraft world yeah yeah yeah I noticed the left eye isn’t a bit uh no listen nothing in this world is perfect okay no one is perfect nothing is perfect that includes my cat Cafe’s eye

Okay nothing in this world is perfect it’s fine the way it is everything is fine there’s nothing nothing wrong with them die like nothing is perfect yes nothing in this world is perfect oh I think I did it backwards okay we’ll do eight we’ll take all of this back this back

What do I not need um I need basically everything and I need to store it in the um by the cafe though oh my God light from Death notes I’ll take this potato chip and eat it ouch ouch ouch I’m sorry that was Karma karma’s a [ __ ]

Instant Karma yeah I know right Karma balls did you just apologize to the bush no I would never do that oh I had red wool [ __ ] well I don’t need it okay so I grabbed a black wool I don’t need this I don’t need these okay we need to replace this with glass I have more lanterns ah um okay Um I need fence lanterns okay we’re good one two three four oh [ __ ] okay um I know what I’m gonna do I wonder if this will make it like extra extra bright I’m thinking about it hmm and then I need to finish the second floor well your cat cafe have a photo booth area maybe that’s not a bad idea oh wait that’s so cute wait that actually works pretty well hold on

Hey not too bad okay what if I put lanterns behind the eyes too uh I don’t want it to look too too ugly but we’ll see I’ll try it I’ll try it I’ll try it let’s put lanterns behind the eyes maybe it’ll make it look better who knows so many lanterns [ __ ] yeah

You see how many lanterns I got they call me the lantern King wait can you add tiny fangs too I can fit it into um into the face they call me the Lord of lanterns I didn’t bring the black wool dude All right where is the black wool foreign ERS look like teeth already oh they kinda do that’s cute that that doesn’t look very good they these kind of do look like Teeth those are cute um you can’t really see these but um yeah it doesn’t it doesn’t

See this this is good I like this these not so much we’ll space them back out bro that’s horrifying what do you mean the eyes with the legend a bit scary nah you’re not oh nope we’re gonna leave that do I need my lanterns back okay one Lantern each no I had two lanterns on the sides of each eye and they they lit up the the eye is pretty good Thank you for the 10 gifted memberships thank you thank you how are you doing today what’s up all right that should be more than perfect there’s two at the bottom to the top should be okay it’s starting to get dark we can finally see how it’ll actually look like

It’s gonna be enough to light everything up hmm Oh I got it I’m a [ __ ] genius watch this watch this I’m a genius watch this scaffolding oh my God my brain is so big watch this say my name Heisenberg you’re damn right wait hold on oh my God this is gonna be so perfect oh please tell me this is gonna work

It’s so cute yes oh my God ah this is my biggest brain moment ever yeah it’s angry he’s angry and there’s more Lighting on the cafe oh that’s so cute absolutely genius perfect perfect perfect oh I love this this is great hmm You know I kind of do want to make this a second part but I don’t think it’s gonna look that good I mean I could try what did all my scaffolding go what the hell is it oh I see I see where it went you do the face is not symmetrical it’s

Fine fine nothing in this world is perfect and that includes my Cafe cat’s face don’t look at it he’s self-conscious okay he what did he ever do to you why are you picking on him what did he do poor thing he’s crying now look what you did

You made fun of his eye and now he’s crying man can’t believe this okay I need white you bring me the kitty did I use up use up oh I didn’t why not do the other paw down rather than up uh I don’t really have enough room for that

I think one two three four one two three no there’s barely enough room for here Okay so I need if I want to make this another bomb I need to get rid of all of these except for the corner blocks we adore the angry kitty is perfect The door doesn’t go down enough blocks okay okay four five one two three four five three four five okay it’s gonna look so cute so cute oh it’s perfect I love it this is the best thing I’ve ever built in my entire life oh the little eyebrows are so cute

Double middle finger hell yeah let’s go oh he’s so cute so cute all right let’s go see Does he have a name kombi his name is konbi it’s not like it’s like combini but it’s kombi double middle finger I didn’t even fix the ear yet oops where the [ __ ] did my other uh scaffolding go I need to make more Combi yeah like k-o-n-b-i Combi uh let’s put this here here

Where’s my fireworks There we go kombi kind of sounds like a snack it kind of does a little bit okay um we need to go make more uh scaffolding so we need string and bamboo it looks perfectly adorable thank you fall thank you thank you ouch Can’t wait to work in kombi name it the corn B special okay bamboo is kind of growing back a little bit trying not to break my window we got eight bamboo so for scaffolding there’s my string we got four more here so if we do this we now have 23 more scaffolding

Good good enough for me take care Chris see you later thank you for being here thank you thank you maybe I can catch up a little bit of the stream before I have to take the train stay safe how do that stay safe oh let’s go fix the ear wait

That’s not what I want to do that’s not what I want to do oh uh I gotta restart I guess ouch okay I think Nick Cafe sounds cute no I think we’re just gonna call it the Cat Cafe that sounds cute too I don’t bomb but I don’t want more here

Now how do I want to do this I think I’m just gonna do one two three four it’s so cute all right we got one ear done nice now we need to finish the other one done why not orange I thought a pink fits better than orange for for ears one two three

Four all right there we go ouch perfect let me see here Yaya says oh my God is this the great architect yes it is I the great architect oh Naga I just joined nice Cat Cafe very cute thank you thank you thank you I’m glad you like it

Thank you for the five gifted memberships but why inside the pink Maybe Maybe maybe maybe thinking about it you know what I kind of want to do now though I want to finish the the carpet upstairs thank you for the super thank you thank you thank you also is it your birthday today it is right I think you said so

If it’s your birthday happy birthday all right yeah I want to finish the carpet upstairs so I’m gonna need orange carpet and um black carpet I don’t have any more orange I think so I’m gonna go up to grab some Uh I can put the pink away now and yeah let’s go grab some Orange The food is over here I keep going past it Mirai good luck with work today you got this Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck all right I’m gonna go back this way Okay uh I don’t think we’re gonna need that much orange carpet and black carpet we’ll do like that and that and we can always make some more if we really really need it some flowers outside would be cute oh true oh my God you are so right okay this and this foreign

I think we’re gonna need to get rid of this now I don’t think we have to go back up to the roof anymore that means I can probably fill this hole up in the roof too Okay one two three four five and then we need some light here uh I’m gonna put a temporary Lantern here because it’s [ __ ] dark all right there we go let’s get rid of this and then we finish the carpet One more here foreign perfect and then I think we’re gonna make a birch wall here I think the reason I didn’t make one was because probably just ran out of um of Birchwood so we’ll put whatever we have here for now and then probably need to go get some more Maybe

Will the kitties get something to play with yeah I’ll try to make like a little scratch tree or something like that I think that would be really cute one two one two three yeah there definitely needs to be a little more Birch I’m so happy everything is coming

Together it’s starting to look so good oh I’m so giddy all right we need more Birch lanterns yeah I’ll put lanterns there proud okay so it’s starting to get dark we need to sleep before we get Birch great job thank you thank you thank you thank you maybe build a little pros at

The front wait you mean like these you mean like this and like this already ahead of you Um do I need to bring anything with me a Christmas tree oh oh my God we could do um we could kind of do like a little Christmas Cat theme wait that would be really cute oh can you do cat paws walking up to the cafe hmm how would I do that though

Paw prints leading up to the cafe I I don’t know if I can do that if I did something like that I think the Paw Prints would be really really big foreign what if I have an idea what if actually I’ll just I’ll just show you guys hold on

I’ll just show you guys uh yeah here we go this is even better and then I think we can go one more down one two three four yeah I think we can go one more down I need pink pink pink It’s perfect Oh foreign says the cutest cat cafe ever you’re doing amazing my fellow architect thank you says um hi Alvin last Saturday I celebrated my friend’s birthday her name is icy she’s a takaradachi which is a happy birthday fried potato happy birthday also thank you for the super thank you thank you

It’s so cute it’s like a little cap on it’s good it’s so cute oh it needs more lanterns it’s not enough lanterns there’s never enough lanterns when I make it come from the cafe so it’s like lending out of hand no but this is like um this is like

Pointing toward the entrance right like hey come in into this way [Laughter] could I apply for a position as a cat yeah sure sure will you stand the door to be bigger nah this is perfect it’s like right in the middle of the uh of the cat Palm

It’s just a disembodied paw I mean as an architect I approve let’s go we’ll make it a little longer there we go now it doesn’t look as uh looks more it’s fine it’s super cute it’s true welcome to the Nya kombi Cafe wow that’s so cute thank you

Wait I don’t know how to read that I I know what that kanji is is that it’s got the three of the fire kanji in it oh my God what the [ __ ] wait it’s literally fire is he wait it’s hono isn’t it I think I think it is uh I’m okay

I’m okay I’m okay bomb body thank you for the five gifted memberships thank you thank you thank you bro my guy sounds like me okay look I choked on my own spit I’m sorry I joked on my own speed don’t look at me I wasn’t gonna say it it just happens okay um

What else can we do that might be it for today Chico thank you for the super thank you thank you Jing Le up finally it’s my birthday happy birthday ching I want to share this happiness with you and all takaradachis thank you for being

In my life and I’m so happy to meet you all everyone have a Pog day I hope you have a Pog day too happy birthday oh my gosh I hope you’ve been doing good happy birthday Hannah Hannah and Alvin legit dying from coughing I know right hmm but yeah I think

I think that’s it for today I uh I think we got a lot of work done no like on the outside if we go on the inside we got all the pretty lanterns and uh the second floor carpet is done oh look at that that is so cute now

Thank you for the sticker thank you thank you dude this is the [ __ ] cutest thing ever oh my God I didn’t expect it to do this laughs it’s so cute it’s your best build yet [ __ ] yeah it is oh yeah we’re gonna go get we could do Birch next time all right

Let me go to the outside and yeah that’s it this is the final look of the outside all right let me go ahead and switch over to my chatting scream all right Well what did you guys think of today did you guys have fun today do you guys think I did okay today with my building Like I said whenever we officially open the Cat Cafe I’m going to have to use one of those um made Minecraft skins also anyone if you’re if you’re here and and you made one of them in the graphics I appreciate it thank you you did absolutely the best oh I’m glad

I’m glad I’m really happy you guys liked it it’s so cute thank you yeah I can’t it doesn’t feel like four hours has passed at all it really does it really doesn’t feel like it feels like um feels like maybe like two hours kind of crazy time went by really fast today but

Um if if that’s the case then that just means we were having a lot of fun today which is good good good yeah it’s been four hours dang I thought it was soup me too me too yeah yeah all right what are we playing tomorrow we’re playing

I think we’re playing evil West tomorrow so evil West I don’t really know too much about it looks pretty badass though which is why I kind of wanted to check it out it was like a pretty badass game and uh looks fun I I like um

Games where you beat things up so we’ll see how it goes good vibe stream POG hell yeah let me see here Says thank you do do foreign uh let me see here um Cafe Ito downtown Cafe no it’s not just a lantern Cafe it’s a it in the future it will be a cat cafe okay thank you Remy says so cute looking forward to opening day

Oh thank you so much Remy I’m glad you liked it I’m glad you had a good time today thank you so much Remy thank you thank you thank you you damn me thank you um thank you today’s stream was so fun the Cat Cafe was looking so cute and perfect you did

Great in building it oh thank you Trilogy says Ultra love how the cafe looks can’t wait to see the final outcome today was so much fun thank you for this room thank you for being here though G thank you thank you guys says Ultra for the stream lots of

Work done today and he did great rest well after stream thank you um dito thank you oh so nice uh you links is ultra oven just want to say you can do whatever you want we’ll always be with you by the way do you know who has two Big Melons on his chest

He’s wait oh [ __ ] thanks send my back that money is foreign thank you let me see here what do you do Canada is Thank you foreign Thank you thank you thank you Sona says oh oh that’s right it is both of them isn’t it thank you let me see here um Harley says thank you Holly big tofu thank you for the soup I appreciate Alban the flat thanks hike and Alvin’s Mama thank you for the super

JK thank you so much for the super um you worked so hard today is shining brighter than my mom’s phone oh yeah it’s gonna say oh yes thank you Lucian says I have a question if I use albino Knox scented candles can you make a wish like

A little a little match girl because I want to make a wish for you to be happy to do what you want and we’ll always support you oh Lucy and that’s so sweet thank you I appreciate you and the support thank you Yuki says Cat Cafe so cute and I’ve been

So cute thank you Yuki thank you thank you we always trust the process Neko Cafe is so cute just like you and we will be super good no fire or any danger things are you sure about that are you sure about that please hire us we can do that

Thank you for this thank you thank you we promise we’ll see we’ll see nappy says absolutely the cutest cat cafe in the universe oh that would be so cute nappy thank you so much thank you thank you also is it Thank you for the super thank you thank you and he says I always enjoy your content and I’m thankful for your company want for you is to be happy try anything you want we’ve got your back you’re the best PS your notifications on my side are

Always on oh thank you Annie PPS thank you for always helping with my poor grammar no no problem you’re doing good thank you let me see here uh coffee candy um [Laughter] foreign members talk about the schedule thing sometimes it may not be for a day for

Certain games but it’s hard for the first step so when you said you want to do it I thought you were cool and brave oh thank you thank you thank you oh man thank you so much Gigi haka [Laughter] oh you know what I could do you know what I haven’t done this in a while no hold on where’s where’s my stuff where’s my stuff [Laughter] hold on no not that uh this is perfect all right is it the combini Kun Ashi how do you say it is it is it

Is that how you say it I forgot you know we missed you company Kun yeah he’s back he’s back let’s go wait that’s not what I don’t think people no wait convenient conveni store workers don’t say that’s like that’s more like a restaurant thing isn’t it oh [ __ ] wait

I don’t remember I don’t know where’s my desk hold on um I had another desk well yeah yeah see that’s what I was thinking I guess it’s fine though you know what the combini doubles as a restaurant now now it’s now it’s the kombini restaurant foreign [Laughter]

Yeah can I warm that up for you we upgraded we upgraded let’s go all right yeah the company leveled up now it’s a combini and it’s a it’s a food place restaurant named kombini let me see here um Wendy when he says um is this is me Wendy

I like a poor pork bun please laughs okay I got you I got you let me get you a anikuman um Good night thank you Dory says um wait is this I think this is Foreign thank you I’m begging play the noctix preview video why do you want me to debut again all right here we go don’t make me use lethal Force Burst your heart then your valuables keep your eyes on me come in do you read me Are you guys satisfied oh my God new debut your great Phantom Thief has arrived wait where’s my old um oh my God is this oh did I just break it wait um oh [ __ ] hey what a blast from the past you’re great Phantom Thief has arrived yo who remembers this

Let’s go can you Nya ah yes it’s exactly like my [ __ ] debut can you yeah please I’m off center yeah I know the memories new Jen’s so edgy [ __ ] it really was us when we debuted huh we were pretty edgy holy [ __ ] where’s he here honey says that Cat Cafe looks so cute thank you Yoko says thank you Alvin for always

Bringing a lot of fun to us Combi Cafe is so cute I would like to order coffee in the combi Cafe before I sleep good night good night Yoko thank you yeah we were the the super edgy boys see here orange orange says Kawaii I couldn’t tell you earlier because it takes time to figure out what it means but it’s up in streams so you can do what you want I support that um orange thank you thank you let me see here thank you Thank you oh my God I’m time traveling it’s almost like I’m from from the future and I went to the Past oh no way no way oh holy shh oh my God he’s doing it again actual hype the lore oh my God it’s coming full circle the Lord

We’re time traveling again careful don’t hit your head this time not true Thank you remember the bread and the lore no no I don’t um thank you thank you so much can I know when you did well today thank you Roxanne have a good night thank you for being here this investigator says I always feel more Genki after watching or listening

To your streams your content are really good and please trust it thank you so much from the bottom of my heart oh I miss investigator thank you thank you for always being here thank you only see here ah says Alvin I hope you have a happy day tomorrow thank you I

Hope you have a happy day too let me see here foreign here you go you know what you want your metal pan here you go where is it where is it you want you want your your metal Pawn you know what here’s here’s just here’s a melon just take it

Just take it here there you go are you happy there’s your melon you can have it [Laughter] thank you for the soup on Mia thank you thank you let me see here uh they said um they they were singing a certain song and they were like ah wait

Sorry I got the wrong uh I got the wrong karaoke room made it good thank you Teresa says Ayo congrats on your debut hey thanks I appreciate it thank you let me see here uh you may you may thank you for the Arkansas thank you thank you thank you thank you

I appreciate it you mate thank you so much Yoko says first your Combi Cafe then your Combi Kun thank you yoka because I was feeling a bit down and exhausted lately and watching a stream cheered me up a lot the cafe is so cute good night thank you good night Riku and

Good luck with all your stuff good luck good luck thank you so much Venus says I’m a pirate and I’d like to Rob your Venus Venus I’m a pirate and I’d like to Rob your booty Venus thank you for the super that’s pretty good gironia says um

Alvin I have a serious question niji panji and niji baby which do you like more neither of them no neither I don’t I don’t want to pick one I’m not gonna pick one thank you for the super uh Thomas says hi Albany your life is so

Infectious every time you laugh I love I laugh with you because it’s so warm and full of your joy oh thank you thank you thank you thanks congrats on your debut this is my first super Channel thank you ting thank you thank you yeah I’m not gonna Choose niji panji Or

Niji baby hmm I don’t need to do that let me see here OG baby no not even that all right so let me put everything back to normal this one ah yeah here we go here we go then this and this wait what about this oh oh cute but I didn’t size it

Oh also cute niji old who said niji old how dare you if I do this oh let’s go let’s go cute cute cute All right anyway I think that’s gonna be it from me for today but I want to find someone is anyone streaming right now let me see let me see let me see uh fee narnar is streaming we raid she seems to be chatting a little bit so why don’t we go say hello

Let me set this up really quick All right I have to go to redirect I hope it works I think raids have been working recently so I think I’m gonna try to raid more people because I never really did it because it wasn’t really working but I think it’s working now all right but anyway

I hope you guys have a good rest of your day or nights thank you for being here I appreciate it and uh yeah take care thank you thank you thank you um let me turn this off yeah Bye bye Foreign Thank you Foreign

This video, titled ‘CAT CAFE TIME ON EN SERVER【MINECRAFT】【NIJISANJI EN | Alban Knox】’, was uploaded by Alban Knox 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-11-29 17:06:27. It has garnered 63844 views and 5161 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:19 or 16939 seconds.

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Fan name: Takaradachi Membership name: Konbini Crew




【CREDITS】All @ ‘s are on Twitter! Overlays + Chibi: @kidakupo Graphics: + Stinger: Logo: Ghosting Masures: @planet_m1126 Minecraft Shaders used: SEUS Renewed v1.0.1 Apex overlay: @vanihina Emotes: @sheishii / @teal_cat_art / @Kairuichan / @kyuu2434_ / @ckwai32 Badges: Alerts: @hoopyon Assets: @aoinami41 / @lazehazzze / @natade_co2_ / @veneziarusli / @koumetime / @xiaona38 / @_lynnear / @narangah00 / @_VQ_QU_ Illustrations: Thumbnail art: Music by: – Opening – Kaitou Boogie – Ending – A Cat’s Yawn DOVA-SYNDROME: Lo-fi tracks by TachibanaMusic!!! : ———————————————————————-

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    STONE FARMING CHAOS | MINECRAFT SKYBLOCK Minecraft Skyblock: Building a Stone Farm Join Devil369 Gaming on their Minecraft Skyblock adventure as they tackle the challenge of creating a stone farm in the virtual world. In this gameplay video, viewers are taken through the process of setting up and optimizing a stone farm to gather resources efficiently. Starting the Gameplay The video kicks off with an introduction to the task at hand. Devil369 Gaming dives into the world of Minecraft Skyblock, a popular game mode that tests players’ creativity and survival skills. With limited resources and a floating island to work with, the challenge is set… Read More

  • Shinkai & L.A. Take on The Dark Crown Server in Minecraft PE

    Shinkai & L.A. Take on The Dark Crown Server in Minecraft PE The Dark Crown Server Ep 1 In Minecraft Pocket Edition Introduction The Dark Crown Server Ep 1 in Minecraft Pocket Edition brings together a group of dedicated gamers on an exciting new adventure. With a lineup of talented players like SHINKAI_X, mortexgamerzofficial, ArytG4mer, and more, this series promises to be a thrilling ride through the world of Minecraft. Exploring the Dark Crown Server In this new series, players dive into the Dark Crown Server, a realm filled with challenges, mysteries, and endless possibilities. From building epic structures to battling fierce mobs, the Dark Crown Server offers a unique gaming… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Bundles

    Unveiling Minecraft Bundles Minecraft Introduces Bundles and Hardcore Mode in Realms Minecraft players have something new to look forward to as the game introduces bundles and hardcore mode in realms. This exciting update brings 16 colored variants of bundles, adding a fresh element to the gameplay experience. What are Bundles? Bundles are a convenient way for players to organize and store their items in Minecraft. With the addition of 16 colored variants, players can now customize their bundles to suit their preferences and style. This feature not only adds a practical aspect to the game but also allows for creative expression. Hardcore… Read More

  • Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun!

    Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I’ll show you a flag design that truly jives. A caterpillar flag, easy to make, With colors and patterns that will surely take. Start with a green flag, a canvas so bright, Add a white creeper pattern, a true delight. Green diagonal divisions, left and right, Creating a design that’s out of sight. A green diamond, a light gray border too, Each step carefully crafted just for you. For insect shops and banners, this design is key, Bringing a touch of Minecraft artistry. If you enjoyed this tutorial, give it a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Experience a Better Gaming Community

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Experience a Better Gaming Community Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft with a twist – Jack Black’s “Minecraft” movie trailer causing a stir on the internet. While the internet may be buzzing with opinions about the movie, why not take a break and immerse yourself in the ultimate Minecraft experience on Minewind server? Join players from around the world in an exciting and dynamic gameplay environment that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft Portal iShowSpeed: A Gateway to Adventure Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an exciting journey, filled with endless possibilities and adventures. One of the most intriguing features in the game is the iShowSpeed portal, a gateway that leads players to new and exciting realms. Let’s delve into the details of how to create and navigate this portal for an unforgettable gaming experience. Creating the iShowSpeed Portal To embark on this thrilling adventure, players need to follow a specific set of steps to create the iShowSpeed portal. By combining the right materials and techniques, they can unlock… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem: A Clash of Titans in the Minecraft Universe As the sun sets over the pixelated landscape of Minecraft, a battle of epic proportions is about to unfold. The Warden, a fearsome new addition to the game, is set to face off against every type of Golem in a showdown that will leave players on the edge of their seats. The Warden: A Terrifying New Threat The Warden is a formidable adversary, lurking in the depths of the Minecraft world. This blind, powerful creature is attracted to movement, making it a deadly foe for unsuspecting… Read More

  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

    School's Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen's Minecraft Misadventures In a world of blocks and pixels, two friends were expelled from school, Naughty Efekan and Alperen, breaking every rule. But they didn’t let it bring them down, they found a new path, Becoming workers in Minecraft, facing the aftermath. With shovels and pickaxes, they dug deep into the ground, Building homes and structures, their creativity unbound. Laughing and joking, their friendship never waned, In the world of Minecraft, their joy remained. So join them on their journey, as they work and play, In this virtual world, where they spend their day. Naughty Efekan and Alperen, a dynamic duo… Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Dark Secret

    Uncovering Minecraft's Dark Secret The Mysterious World of Minecraft Myths Exploring the vast and intricate world of Minecraft often leads players to uncovering hidden mysteries and myths that add an extra layer of intrigue to the game. From eerie creatures to unexplained phenomena, the Minecraft community is constantly buzzing with tales of the unknown. Unraveling Scary Minecraft Myths Among the plethora of myths circulating in the Minecraft universe, some of the most spine-chilling ones involve encounters with terrifying creatures like the Blood Dragon and Giant Alex. These myths, although seemingly far-fetched, have captured the attention of players worldwide, sparking debates about their authenticity…. Read More

  • Decode the Code: All Symbols Unfolded

    Decode the Code: All Symbols Unfolded In this video, we’ll explore Minecraft symbols so fine, From slashes to tildes, all in a line. The section sign, the at symbol too, Each one has a purpose, each one true. Don’t forget the square brackets, the curly ones too, Exclamation marks and punctuation, all in view. Backward slashes and circumflexes, they all play a part, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity starts. So join us on this journey, through symbols and signs, In the world of Minecraft, where the fun always shines. With funky beats and playful tunes in the air, Let’s dive into the symbols,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Original Vid?

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: Original Vid?I’m not sure what the original video is, but I do know that this meme has a higher score than I ever got on my math tests in school. Read More

  • Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft’s Funky Delight!

    Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft's Funky Delight! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, I bring you the news, with a rhyming spree. From updates to glitches, and everything in between, I’ll keep you entertained, with a rhyming scene. So join me on this journey, through the world of blocks, Where creativity reigns, and we all wear our socks. I’ll keep you informed, with a twist and a turn, And together we’ll laugh, as we all learn. So hit that like button, and share with your friends, Let’s spread the joy, as the fun never ends. And remember, in this world of Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Wither Meltdown

    Minecraft Wither Meltdown When you accidentally summon the Wither in Minecraft and suddenly realize you’re not as prepared as you thought. It’s like trying to take on a boss with a wooden sword and a piece of bread for armor. Good luck, buddy! Read More

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges

    Conquering Minecraft's 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges I Tried Minecraft’s 10 Hardest Challenges In Mobile Embark on a thrilling journey as Keshew13 takes on Minecraft’s toughest challenges in the mobile version of the game. From mastering intricate skills to facing intense PvP battles, this adventure is packed with excitement and adrenaline. Learning 10 Hardest Minecraft Skills In 24 Hours Witness Keshew13’s determination as they tackle the most challenging skills in Minecraft within a tight 24-hour timeframe. From mastering parkour to navigating complex redstone traps, every moment is filled with suspense and skill. Minecraft’s Hardest Clutch Experience the heart-pounding moments as Keshew13 pulls off the most challenging… Read More

  • Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!

    Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-06-13 19:57:34. It has garnered 23238 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:50 or 3710 seconds. MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! 🤭 #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 FACEBOOK 👇 X 👇 WHATSAPP 👇 ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More