INSANE!! Caught Napping in Real Life! Catnap in Minecraft!

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Guys hello right now I’m bathing in the bathtub with pomy it’s strange that none of the residents of the digital circus are here today it seems they are all currently filming a new episode and the circus is completely deserted look I’m so small for the bath that only one head

Can be seen okay I think that’s enough bathing let’s quickly find my friends and have fun with them today’s weather is very good and I think taking a walk oh my gosh dog day chicken what are you doing here were you spying on me we weren’t spying on you we just wanted to

Invite you for a walk and you happen to start coming down why couldn’t you just call me I would have heard and come out of the bath we wanted to invite you for a walk the weather is very good today it seems today we’ll be wandering around the amazing digital circus with my

Friends and don’t forget to like And subscribe to the channel it really motivates us I love Adventures stop talking let’s go quickly and think of something today’s weather is very good and I think we can go play football stop what’s happening there look there are some residents of the digital circus all

Right let’s not disturb them they look very strange let’s go somewhere else look it seems Kane is there fixing something in his Workshop oh Kane that’s something let’s go to him quickly and find out what he’s doing stop and listen to me if you’re planning to do something

Bad we’ll punish you for it later okay I won’t do anything everything will be fine let’s just go see what he’s doing all right let’s go I’m also very curious he seems to be doing something in his Workshop yes it seems he’s brewing potions we need to see how he does it

Quickly I think if he notices us he’ll scold us maybe we shouldn’t do this it’s not a very good idea I think everything will be fine guys just don’t make noise or he might notice us what do you want to do you’re planning something again you’ll see everything soon don’t worry

Everything will be fine where are you going wait it seems like some bug just happened in this circus guy started moving for some reason ha look I stole the potion from him let’s get out of here quickly before he comes back have you completely lost your mind why did

You do that why did you steal the potion from him it could be very dangerous he won’t find out anything everything will be fine let’s see what it does it seems like it says here that it can teach you how to fly are you sure it’s a good idea

Come on everything will be fine I really want to try it if you don’t mind this could be a dangerous potion you could turn into a monster let’s try it wait this could be very dangerous dog day looks like I don’t feel anything no changes have occurred this all seems

Rather strange maybe it was just useless and lost its properties I think we just need to climb to a great height and it will definitely work let’s see how it looks right now let’s test it on me quickly dog day be careful you might fall and lose Consciousness yes she’s

Right be careful chicken get ready to catch him I think he’s going to fall I think he’s going to make it let’s see this guys I think I’m starting to fly look at this I’m getting higher and higher oh my gosh look he did it he’s flying it’s working look how high he’s

Flying that’s so cool I want to do that too look how high he’s flying what was that how did I end up up here it seems like today in our amazing digital circus hey dog day are you okay yeah it’s awesome I want to go to the top to fly

Even higher you can’t imagine how cool it is the main thing is for Kane not to see this otherwise he’ll scold us severely you’re right I think he’ll notice it soon let’s hurry up to the top I really want to fly very high right now

He seems to have lost all fear let’s go quickly to the top catnap let’s hurry to the very top you can’t imagine how high it is up there are you sure you want to do this what if the potion doesn’t work you just fall I think we should leave

Here don’t worry everything will be fine I’ll jump from these Heights right now and fly straight to the workshop hopefully Kane has left from there why do you want to do this what if he’s there he’ll scold you for it oh don’t worry everything will be fine look how

Far I’ll fly now ha wow chicken look at him flying it’s so beautiful I can’t believe my eyes I think he couldn’t handle the controls let’s hurry to him I think he urgently needs our help be careful descending you can fall and get hurt the height is very high yeah

Everything will be fine I’ve done this so many times before let’s go quickly to see what’s happening with him I think he crashed into the wall after such a flight we need to check on him quickly yeah let’s hurry I also think something happened to him oh my gosh look at him

Ha his head looks like a giant pancake guys I couldn’t handle the controls and crashed into the wall this looks really funny we’ll come up with something now why are you laughing at me it’s not funny at all don’t laugh at me I hit my head and now it’s swollen

Strange things are happening in this circus today let’s quickly come up with something to help him I saw that Kane made a lot of potions I think one of them should help me I’ll definitely find something now are you sure there’s the right potion here yes it seems I already

Have it in my hands are you sure this potion can help you what if it turns you into a monster look it worked I told you everything would be fine we’re really lucky I think you’ve become smaller than before no everything’s fine that’s how it should be while flying here I noticed

There’s a red door in the digital digal circus I think we should check it out I think it’s the way out of the digital circus let’s hurry follow me I flew straight here and saw it at the very top let’s hurry up and see what that door is

Hopefully we can escape from here yeah I’d like to leave too our planes are broken and we can’t fly away from here now together with PNE we need to find a way out of here where’s this door dog day here we’re standing right next to it

It’s some kind of Passage but I don’t know where it leads catnap look at this I think this is the door I think we need to check it out urgently then let catnap go first and check everything I have to go first again what if there’s something very dangerous there don’t worry if

There’s something very dangerous there we’ll jump right after you and help you everything will be fine I hope it’ll really be safe there if our digital friends get a lot of likes then we’ll definitely do it and see where this red door leads I hope everything will be

Fine and nothing bad will happen don’t worry we’ll be right there let’s not delay any longer than necessary all right guys I’m going let’s follow right after me I hope everything will be fine hurry up don’t make time okay let’s try this now good luck catnap guys you can’t imagine what a

Wonderful day it is today and right now I’m about to go for a walk with my best friends but so far I don’t see anyone maybe I should go to the big colorful cubes and see what’s happening there I hear a lot of noise it seems like there’s a huge crowd somewhere around

Here what is it just look at this there are so many clones of dog day where did they come from guys is this my nightmare I need to wake up quickly if it is Hi catnap how are you have you noticed what I’ve done I just wanted all my clones to

Kiss you haha so I multiplied them you’ve completely lost your mind dog day what does all this mean why did you do this it’s really weird where did you even get them from these are my friends and I think you’ll really like them this is very scary I feel like it’s a

Terrible dream I need to get out of here quickly don’t worry everything will will be fine no I’m running away from you right now and I’ll go to Kane and tell him everything about you no don’t tell him anything if he finds out he’ll scold

Me and I don’t want him to be mad at me no I’ll go and tell you everything such jokes can be very dangerous I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of you I’m going to catch you and you’re not going anywhere stop catnap guys I couldn’t

Even imagine that dog day is capable of such things this magic can turn out to be very scary I can’t understand what’s happening okay it seems like I managed to break away from him just look at how many of those duplicates are with dog day I can’t believe it there are too

Many of them it’s very dangerous if dog day can’t control them this circus will come to an end we need to run to Kane at the circus I hope Kane is in his circus and I won’t have to look for him I really need his help right now I think

He’ll come up with a solution to this problem because he always manages to handle them hey Kane where are you hey can you hear me turn around Kane I’m behind you you oh hi catnap I was just digging through my chest a lot of tools checking everything something very

Strange happened I don’t know what all this means tell me quickly I think you need to see it it can’t be described in words it looks very scary and strange at the same time let’s go quickly I’ll show you everything you’ve intrigued me let’s go see what happened tell me briefly

You’ll be very surprised come with me quickly I can already see from here that there’s something incomprehensible why are so many of your friends there they are not my friends dog day studied some kind of magic and made many clones of himself and then he said they wanted to

Kiss me ha I think he just joked with you and you took it all seriously I can’t believe dog day managed to master this magic it’s very powerful and difficult to control apparently that’s the case let’s go quickly and see what he’s doing there he seems to have gone

Crazy and wanted to direct them all at me can you imagine haha yes I’m telling you he joked with you I just don’t see him yet there he is Kane look at him he’s here hey dog day why did you scare catnap what’s going on explain quickly

You know I learned to clone myself I’m amazed it turned out to be true I’ve only seen such things in books well how do we get rid of all of them to be honest I don’t know yet but I think there’s no need for that they all look

Like real catnap just look at this they’re not moving at all this is all very strange they can start moving at any moment when things get really bad for us we need to come up with something quickly and get rid of all of them or we’ll have problems dog day you found us

Problems again what have you done this time I don’t know I just wanted to joke with you but I didn’t know it would turn out so serious we need to think of something urgently guys we urgently need to find my magic wand now it will send

Them to another world so that they don’t cause any harm here if they come to life our amazing digital circus will be in big trouble let’s hurry and find it dog day why did you cause so much trouble again we’re in danger again never clone yourself again do it only under my

Supervision otherwise the situation can spiral out of control and it will end very very badly Kane let’s quickly get your magic wand we really need it now yes I’ll look for it in my pockets now I just haven’t checked them in a long time it’s a shame I’ll miss them a lot I’ve

Gotten very used to them and made friends with them they’re not your friends they’re just your clones that can come to life at any moment and it will be very bad for all of us they can do a lot of bad things let’s go quickly follow me we’ll send them to another

World before they regain Consciousness I hope this magic wand will help us if it doesn’t we’ll be in danger I hope so too because I haven’t used it in a long time and it may have lost its magic dog day I hope this works and you won’t do

Something like this again to be honest I found some potion through it and then they started appearing just don’t tell C about it or he’ll scold me just don’t tell him okay I won’t tell him anything but don’t do this again it can be very dangerous Kane how’s it going seems like

Everything is going well we need to hit each of them with the wand and wait for some time then everything should work out for us I hope so they don’t seem to be moving but it’s still very scary and unsettling to look at them yes you’re right I’m starting to get scared myself

Seems like we just need to wait a little bit and then they will disappear very soon everything should be fine at least it should happen oh look Kane we did it they managed to disappear I was getting worried that nothing would work out for us and you dog day never do something

Like this again it’s very very dangerous okay I won’t do it ever again now I would love to but I have too much work and I’m not in the mood for fun take the wand just in case and I’ll go about my business if anything happen I think it’s better

To leave it and use it only when necessary can you give me that wand why do you need it dog day I want to try something with it I promise everything will be fine well okay take it but what do you want to do with it for example

Hit you with it and see what happens you’ve completely lost your mind this can be very dangerous give it back don’t run away from me give it back I won’t give it back now it’s mine and I’ll do whatever I want with it dog day I’ll tell Kane everything and he’ll scold you

For this you can’t do this give it back to me why are you running away from me give it back no now this wand is mine stop give it back guys it looks like he’s running away from me I’ll guys hi everyone and right now I’m at my

Waterfall you can’t imagine what I’m going to do next look at the potion I’m holding right now in my hands and as you’ve guessed I’m going to play a prank on my friends now I’m going to transform into one of them and go have some fun with all the residents of the digital

Circus we have new friends and I want to become dog day I think it’s a great idea I hope everything works out ha look it worked and I was able to transform this is really good lately potions have been behaving very strangely constantly turning everyone into monsters it’s a

Good thing at work this time or I could have turned into an abstraction just look I look exactly like him and even my voice has changed now no one will be able to distinguish me and I can easily go and play as pomy or catnap maybe even

Find Kan haha I’m so brilliant guys hi everyone and right now I’m going to take a bath at pom’s house it’s a Pity that we can’t return to our world and we’ll have to live here but no worries we’ll definitely build new houses for ourselves here let’s take a bath quickly

And then go for a walk with my friends I’m sure they’ve missed me now let’s brush our teeth and go about our business I really want to go for a walk I thought I heard someone open the locker door let’s see what’s going on I hope I I heard something wait this is

Dog day haha hi catnap I just decided to steal your things here you can continue bathing I’ll leave now don’t worry Have you completely lost your mind return them to their place they’re for girls and you won’t fit in them put them back no they’re mine now I’ll just steal them

And hide them haha why are you so aggressive today just today I wanted to have a bit of fun and do things this way all right I won’t explain anything to you it’s time for me to run away from here where are you running put everything back it’s not yours stop

Don’t do this don’t go there that cave is cmo’s it can be very dangerous there come after me if you want to have fun guys this is all very strange dog day ran into cfo’s cave and now he’s in danger this place looks very dangerous It’s the clown calmo don’t come near me

Hello catnap how are you doing why did you come into my cave well it doesn’t matter don’t be afraid of me come to me quickly you want to take back your things well actually yes I want to get the back but I was told you’re very evil

Oh come on I’m very kind and calm now I’ll give you your things take them quickly they’re intact and safe don’t be afraid of me well thank you very much I just thought you were a villain and would start pranking me or turn me into

A monster it’s all fairy tales I’m not a villain come with me I’ll show you something interesting look this is my alchemy table where I make various interesting potions right now I want to show you one of them wait I ran after dog day and he’s not here where did he

Go what did you do to him I haven’t seen anyone maybe you just imagined it and decided to climb in here by yourself this is all very strange what does all this mean maybe I’ll just leave then and be done with it no you won’t leave me

You can’t escape I have something very interesting for you no don’t throw any potion at me this is all very bad and I don’t want this I’m scared please don’t do it just look at what happened to me my head became five times larger calmo

Why did you do this ha no it’s not my problem do whatever you want with your head come back and help me what are you doing guys he left me here alone I urgently need to get out of here just look at my head it looks like a big

Watermelon and it’s very hard to move we need to quickly run for help to my friends I’m sure they’ll help me we need to get out of here faster I can’t stay here for long he might come back my head looks very big I might scare my friends

I hope I find someone who can help me I can’t do it alone oh there’s dog day dog day I’m behind you please help me turn around oh my gosh what is this who are you oh no don’t come near me don’t come I’ll fight just calm down it’s me catnap

I urgently need your help stop it’s me everything is fine what happened to you why does your head look like a watermelon quickly tell me what happened you came to me stole my things do you remember how you did it I didn’t steal anything today I was sleeping at my

Place and I just came from the beach we were swimming together with PNE this is all very strange you came to me took my things then jumped into Kos lair I followed you and there I met that clown I don’t know anything maybe it was him who transformed into me and stole your

Things it’s just very strange guys if you want to help me please like subscribe to the channel and also comment on how to fix this and return me to normal I urgently need your help your support is crucial for me to get through this smoothly yes it’s all very strange

And scary I think we need to quickly go to Kane’s circus and ask for his help he must help with this issue he also bruised potions let’s go to him quickly and ask for help it’s very difficult for me to be in this condition we will definitely find him now and we will

Rescue you don’t worry everything will be fine he will definitely help you Kane hi we urgently need help oh my gosh what happened to you how did you end up like this it’s a very long story just don’t be scared of me it’s all cmo’s fault he

Threw some potion at me and now I know what to do that clown messed things up again this is is very bad it seems you’ll have to use the restoration potion where can we get it please tell us I think we’ll have to go to Kane’s circus he also doesn’t look good today

Apparently the digital circus is gathering many bugs he got so scared that he froze and can’t tell you anything yes maybe he’s better off being alone let’s go to the circus quickly and try to find the potion there today is such a strange and difficult day and it

Started so much better all because of that clown I thought he was kind but it turns out he’s not everyone was right that he’s evil next time never trust villains dog day I can’t move as fast as you it’s very hard for me to move hold

On just a little more we’re almost at the circus and everything will be okay soon don’t worry just a little bit more I really hope that now we’ll fix everything and everything will be okay the proposal should be in the chest here yes it’s here wait there’s also some

Potion in a frame I think it’s better to use that one yes you’re right I’ll put this potion in the chest and we’ll use the one in the frame hello catnap finally we managed to go for a walk with you today is a very nice day and the

Weather is lovely in this amazing digital circus I think it’s a great idea to go to the pool with pomy right now do you want to swim together with her in the pool I think it would be a good idea if we come now I have a plan I want to

Play a prank on her and steal her things but I’ll need your help I think she’ll be upset with us after that it’s a very bad idea oh come on it’s just a prank nothing bad will happen well then let’s go to the pool with her haha haha let’s

Go hey everyone today is a very nice day and right now I decided to swim in the pool it’s really hot today but my friends are nowhere to be found they all disappeared somewhere I hope they’ll come soon apparently they are very busy right now I can continue swimming in the

Meantime it’s really boring to walk alone hello pomy how are you what are you doing hello pomy I’m very happy to see you let’s swim together in this pool guys you appeared so suddenly you scared me a lot I didn’t think you would come to me we just wanted to hang out with

You especially since there’s no one else around that’s great catnap distract her and I’ll steal her pants then we’ll run away from her what are you saying I can’t hear anything stop Whispering I don’t understand anything listen pomy what are you doing tonight it would be nice to get together and play board

Games it would be a lot of fun it’s a good idea hey what are you doing where are my pants give them back to me where are you running dog day haha pomy we pranked you and it was our plan to distract you and steal your pants it was

A very ingenious plan what have you done give me back my pants catnap How Could You conspire with him I didn’t expect such behavior from you have you lost your mind give me back my pants ha we won’t give them back now they belong to us I haven’t done anything to you why

Are you doing this dog day I know a very good place to hide let’s go quickly she won’t catch us there catnap she’s almost catching up we need to run faster catnap this is the room you wanted to go to yes it’s very dangerous here and we need to

Be careful guys it’s very dangerous there don’t go there it’s a trap by kmo you might get stuck and he’ll steal you oh no what are they doing it’s very bad we need to run to the circus for help from Kane to help them get out catnap it

Seems like we’ve escaped haha it seems like my friends are behaving strangely they act like Jacks and it’s very bad now they will con instantly prank me and I don’t like it at all I need to go to the circus to Kane and tell him everything I hope he’s there now I hear

Some sounds it’s Kane playing the drums we should run to him and tell him everything Kane I urgently need your help what happened pomy tell me quickly you won’t believe it our new friend stole my pants then they ran away from me and entered kopo Lair where there are

A lot of lasers we need to save them quickly this is very bad he could come back at any moment and take them to his lair we need to go and rescue them soon I can’t believe they did this we need to go to them quickly they can’t imagine

How dangerous it is let’s go save them now yes they don’t want to leave and say that kmo is my invention and doesn’t exist have you figured out how to save them we need to go to them it’s very dangerous and calmo could come at any moment I’ll think of something now we

Need to go and tell them that they can’t do this and get them out of there I felt very uncomfortable with what they did they act like Jacks and I can’t tolerate so many bad Deeds I’ll get upset with everyone let’s go to them quickly we

Need to tell them about cough we also need to persuade them to come out I hope kmo didn’t go there and everything is okay with them if he notices them it will be very bad let’s go quickly they must be there oh my gosh Kane no one is

Here they disappeared somewhere can you see it they’re not here your friends send their regards and ask for your help stop where are you flying what have you done with them Kane he kidnapped them we need to rescue them you’re right we need to come up with something urgently he

Flew to his cave we need to go there quickly and save them must be in a very bad situation now let’s go quickly and see what’s there I hope they are okay guys if you want to save our friends like the video subscribe to the channel and also comment where he could hide

Them we will definitely read your comments and save our friends we really need support now if they hadn’t stolen my pants none of this would have happened listen Kane what is this cave it wasn’t here before I’ve never seen it either apparently kmo is building himself a new Lair and it’s very

Dangerous I don’t want him to live near my circus he’ll be a nuisance all right we’ll come up with something let’s go to his Cave quickly and save our friends they are in great danger and they need our help it seems like it’s here somewhere quickly look he’s standing at

His cave and he’s looking at us they must be there let’s run quickly to save them he went into his lair did you see that Kane yes I saw it we need to hurry there and save our friends we need to hurry I agree we need to run after him

Quickly be careful it can be very dangerous here be very careful there are a lot of green blocks here okay I know they are dangerous this means he must be somewhere nearby they start glowing very brightly when he is close I think they must be somewhere below let’s go down

Quickly do you see anyone Kane no I don’t see anyone this looks very strange we need to run from here before he traps us just be careful it’s very dangerous here it seems he hasn’t trapped us yet we need to get out of here this is all

Very strange where could they be I saw him coming in here and there’s no one here apparently he wanted to confuse us and he succeeded we need to come up with something quickly yes we need to save them he could harm them and that would be very bad don’t worry we’ll definitely

Come up with something and save them we may have to look for them elsewhere because there’s no one here any ideas I’ll probably go back to my circus to brew a healing potion and you think about it then tell me where he could have hidden them just don’t go anywhere

He could catch you and that would be very bad we’ll have to save you too okay I understand go back to the circus quickly and I’ll look for something if I find anything I’ll tell you I think we’ll find them they must must be somewhere in our circus they wouldn’t

Have gone far this is all so dangerous we need to think about where he could have hidden them maybe he returned them to the room with lasers pomy please lather up with the washcloth and also this part of my back okay Jax but you’re already very clean thank you so much

Pomy for letting me shower in your jacuzzi because the water was turned off at my place and I would have been all dirty no problem Jack it’s not a big deal for me the more viewers like And subscribe to the channel the more I’ll wash your back I’m really happy now I

Feel fresh I hope pomy is not busy right now and we can gossip together what what is Jax doing in the bathroom with PNE how dare he has he stopped loving me we’re supposed to be a couple and we’re even dating now ha Jax it’s so fun

Splashing around in the bath with you yes pomy it’s awesome looks like Jax has fallen for pomy I won’t let it happen I need to make him love me again and punish PNE I think I heard some strange sound no I think you imagined it or maybe some fly flew to your house

Probably because now it’s the season for all kinds of pests the main thing is not to have too many mosquitoes they’re annoying when they bite I need to hurry to Kane because he always helps in such difficult situations like And subscribe to the channel to cheer me up I hope

He’s not busy and can help me strange ratha is running towards me I wonder what she wants Kane hi I urgently need your help something unexpected happened what happened Raga why are you shaking like that you have no idea I just saw Jack’s bathing together with with pomy

In the tub and it made me so sad I have such an unpleasant feeling in my heart oh I see you’re feeling jealous it’s normal everyone experiences jealousy no I’m not jealous why would you think that because you like JX and if you reacted so negatively to this situation you’re

Definitely jealous and it seems like Jax has fallen for pomy what should I do most likely he likes you too but Jax just hasn’t realized it yet look right now people are giving likes and subscribing and you should go to Jax and confess your feelings but I’m so shy to

Say that to him what if he doesn’t like me after all you need to try because if you don’t you’ll never find out what could happen okay I’ll go for it you know what guys she won’t take away my love I’ll definitely come up with something J I didn’t know before that

You’re so funny I used to think you were a pretty boring neighbor I always knew you were very cheerful do you want to jump into the tub with me and I’ll lather your back too I don’t know all right it’s not a big deal I can get into

My tub by myself H and here I am sitting together with with you there’s so much space here and the water is so warm hey guys sorry to interrupt but there’s trouble what kind of trouble all the carrots were stolen from Jax’s house someone came in and took all the carrots

My favorite carrots who did this who stole my carrots I’ve been collecting them for a whole year now I won’t have anything to eat sorry pomy I need to go oh I hope he didn’t get hurt from such a height he’s so strange because of those carrots yes he really loves his carrots

By the way what are you doing at my house you just appeared so unexpectedly you’ve embarrassed us oh come on don’t be shy it’s not a big deal you were just bathing together in the tub let’s go with me I’ll show you something okay let’s go what’s happening guys reatha is

Acting so Strangely I feel like something’s not right with her look pomy I found some strange secret hatch here strange I’ve never seen this hatch before what’s inside well I just broke the disguise so that you could climb in and find out I advise you to visit

What’s inside okay I’ll go down there now I hope it’s not dangerous or scary inside no it’s completely safe go down and I’ll follow you wow what are these lasers I’m very surprised where underground are there lasers here hey ratha why didn’t you come down ratha

What have you done why did you lock me in guys it seems she closed the hatch I don’t know what’s happening and now I can’t get out through this way it seems I only have one option to go through these lasers because I can’t get out through the stairs okay it looks like

Ratha planned something definitely it seem seems she’s jealous of me and Jack’s and decided to get revenge this way okay I have to go through this challenge to escape and prove who really loves the jacks me or ratha Well for now these lasers are not dangerous at all I

Pass through them easily seems like everything is quite easy I don’t like these strange blocks on the sides maybe arrows will shoot at me or there are traps set up here guys it’s CMO what is he doing here it really is CMO and it seems he noticed

Me no he’s running after me got guys run we need to hide from him no please don’t touch me he’s catching up with me guys there’s some light there guys what there’s a gap here he cornered me nowhere to run ah help hey guys it’s me

Again Kane and now I’m heading to visit pomy because we agreed to meet but for some reason she didn’t show up look at this cute llama she got it instead of a puppy I really hope that soon a real dog will live in this kennel with us so guys

Like and subs subcribe to the channel if you want us to get a dog and it will live with us also be sure to write in the comments about your pets or what kind of pet you would like to have I’ll be very interested to read what happened

Here why is it so quiet why is no one playing and having fun I need to go upstairs to Jax and see what’s going on Jax Hi how are you oh you scared me what do you want well nothing you’re acting strange explain what’s happening yeah something strange did happen tell me

Quickly today I was bathing and showering with pomy at her house and at that that moment unexpectedly ratha comes in and says that someone stole all my carrots I rushed here but the carrots are still in place this is very bad I have terrible news for you did someone

Still steal part of my carrots the thing is ragi came to me today and said that she’s very jealous of you bathing with PNE I think ragi decided to do something to pomy do you think she invited her to play games what games you don’t understand she’s trying to separate you

Two let’s go quickly we need to find her and stop her before she does something very bad to pumy she’s not inside the house I don’t like this at all she’s definitely upstairs right now I hope so let’s go up this stairs quickly look it’s just empty here it seems empty to

Me too guys if you saw any clues write in the comments pomy forgot to close the cabinet again oh ragi what are you doing here why did you scare us like that guys what are you doing here I didn’t expect to see you here I have the same question

For you what are you doing here and where is palne where are you hiding her guys I have no idea idea as soon as I told JX that someone stole all his carrots he ran home immediately and pomy ran after him that’s all I think something’s not right here she couldn’t

Just disappear or vanish like that usually pomy always says when she’s going somewhere well yeah she’s not like that okay guys let’s go and try to find her let’s go downstairs what a dangerous staircase where do you think she could have gone maybe she ran to your house I

Don’t think so that would be very strange she came to my house and didn’t go upstairs maybe she’s just out somewhere no she’s definitely not out for a stroll I’m sure something happened maybe she’s swimming in the pool well let’s check because without pomy it’s very bad and very boring and if she

Disappears it will be a huge disaster for our digital circus yes you’re absolutely right so I don’t see our friend PNE in the pool it’s very suspicious and strange where could she have gone yeah she’s probably somewhere napping most likely just lay down to hide from the Sun and fell asleep no

Guys palne could never do that such such situations could not happen to her so we need to continue the search because if we don’t find her she may no longer be alive yes you’re right we need to find her and we’ll use ice to run faster well

She’s definitely not under the ice if she were stuck to it she could have called for help yes exactly so let’s hurry up and get out of this attraction we need to find pomy she can’t just disappear like that because if pomy disappears something bad always happens do you understand yes Kane you’re

Absolutely right we need to hurry okay guys I really need to confess confess what I hid pomy I locked her in the basement why would you do that you’re a very good girl I was very jealous of her with Jax and after that I locked her in

The basement come on quickly tell us where it happened because we urgently need to get her out of there otherwise rats could eat her there yes I don’t know there was some strange pit in the yard and I asked her not to climb into it but then I closed the entrance with a

Piece of soil and now she can’t get out I still still don’t understand why you did that let’s run quickly towards the house because we need to get pomy out of this pit as soon as possible otherwise something terrible might happen after all there are various monsters in the

Ground that can eat and bite her and we will never see the old pomy again yes run faster quickly tell us where this pit might be because I don’t see anything here right here exactly here is the pit right under the ha stack that covers the hatch the entrance to the pit

Okay so what’s here some strange hatch okay I’ll go first because it might be dangerous inside it’s so cold and dark in here what a cool burrow after we save pomy I’ll probably store my carrots here there are some very dangerous lasers here did you seriously lock her in here

I’m really sorry but I didn’t know there were lasers here I thought it was an ordinary basement I won’t just let this go and I will punish you after we find PNE I can make up for my guilt I have this healing potion take it if you hit a

Laser the potion will heal you okay thank you I really hope I won’t need this potion come on let’s pass this trial carefully and most importantly don’t touch any of the lasers OU it hurts so much I got shocked by this be more careful Kane the lasers are

Dangerous yes I’ve almost passed the entire obstacle course the main thing is for you to survive because you don’t have a potion but I do I passed this trial Guys these are really terrible trials I hope that together we will find our friend she is probably in this B B

Yes I also hope she’s here guys look I see her there she is lying against the wall run quickly look guys what happened to her P oh no this is a tragedy because of me if I hadn’t been jealous of her with Jack this wouldn’t have happened

How naive I was to think that this basement was safe don’t panic ratha maybe not everything is lost and probably your potion can help her recover do you really think this potion can help her look at her she looks really awful my plan is is as follows

I’ll throw this potion at her right now and as soon as I throw it I’ll immediately run upstairs and check the computer for how we can help her I think the potion will help her recover a little and medical knowledge will save her completely yes let’s do it I believe

We can make it be ready because as soon as I throw the potion at her you should stand here and watch if there are any changes in her body and I will immediately run upstairs because I need to find out on Google how to cure her

Okay okay we got it all right I’m throwing the potion now and coming back so I hope this helped stand here and wait for me to return and keep an eye on her in case she wakes up we’ll wait for you you can do it yes I’ll run quickly

Now and find out what to do with her guys guys this is unbelievable we need to go upstairs as quickly as possible before she gets too bad I can’t believe ratha really did this to pomy I didn’t know she could be so evil and cunning because I imagined her as a very kind

Girl meanwhile I need to run to my circus where I’ll search the chests for for something that might save her guys if you haven’t subscribed yet be sure to subscribe and hit the like button because only your likes and subscriptions will save our beloved friend oh my head hurts so much what

Guys what are you doing here we’re so glad to see you we were so worried PNE please forgive me it’s my fault for everything that happened I locked you in this basement and something terrible happened to you here I’m really sorry for what I did please forgive me you can

Apologize later I have terrible news for you we need to get out of here as quickly as possible because calmo lives in this basement oh my gosh if you’re not joking this is a real disaster and we’ll all come to an end soon no of course I’m not joking he did horrible

Things to me that’s why I’m very scared and feel awful if kmo notices us I think we’ll never get out of here again let’s run faster towards the exit ratha do you even realize what you’ve done kfmo attacked me here and you practically sent me to certain death how lucky I am

To have survived please forgive me I didn’t know he lived here let’s first get outside and I’ll apologize upstairs because I’m really scared and by the way don’t touch any of the lasers please can I climb up first because it’s really scary yes of course go ahead I’ll climb

Up after you and since ratha messed up let her climb last finally we got out of here let’s quickly close this horrible passage otherwise that monster will get out and start attacking not only PNE but also us Jax please help close this passage with hay because this bundle of

Hay is not enough to cover the hole it’s not working we’ll have to hope that CMO won’t get through such a small hole I closed it by the way guys where is Cain why isn’t he with you you should be grateful to him he helped you come back

To life he threw a healing potion at you and after some time you woke up and now he’s at his place looking for ways to cure you then let’s hurry to him we need to tell him that I’ve recovered and that I’m very grateful to hit him my digital

Friends it’s just awful what happened to me you wouldn’t wish it even on your your worst enemy yes your model was completely broken thank goodness everything has been restored yes yes you looked like you’d been run over by a bulldozzer I was afraid you’d already entered Heaven it’s just a miracle that

I’m alive now and by the way ratha why did you do that why did you lock me in that bunker I’m sorry I just got jealous of you and Jack’s when you guys were bathing in the tub this morning I’ve already apologized many times well that’s not my concern right now let’s go

Quickly to Kane and tell him that I’m alive and unh armed I’ll tell him about the suffering I went through in that cave well please forgive me I’ve apologized many times I won’t do it again I won’t be jealous of you anymore look over there Kane he’s doing

Something he seems to be preparing some healing potion probably he wants to give me another portion but he doesn’t know that I’m already alive hello guys hello pomy you probably look whole and unharmed how did you come back to life I’m so happy to see you again yes I’m

Glad to see you too Kane uh I’m preparing a potion right now to help help you recover and you’re already standing on your feet I wasted ingredients on these potions for nothing as you can see I’m alive and well all thanks to you Kane thanks for helping me

Thank not me but thank ragi because she gave me the potion oh ratha even though you’ve caused a lot of trouble I forgive you because you also saved my life thank you for forgiving me but I’m still very ashamed in front of you and our digital friends so guys please forgive me and

Give a like the more likes there are the better I’ll understand that you’ve forgiven me also write in the comments how much you love pomy and me those are very beautiful words you said now you can go home and rest yes I’ll go home and rest for a while guys see you but

Remember I genuinely asked you not to worry about anything yes indeed see you my friend thanks for forgiving me and continuing to love me thank you bye guys I’m going home to rest and sleep on my little bed you’re a great person for being able to forgive her after such an

Act not everyone can forgive after betrayal it’s okay we all make mistakes we need to learn to forgive let’s go to my place instead and celebrate my second birthday because today I was born again guys I hope this episode was very instructive for you and you’ve learned

Some lesson it’s essential to know how to forgive and there’s no need to be jealous of friends because it can lead to significant troubles so subscribe to the channel hit the like button and write in the comments how you liked today’s episode I think it turned out to

Be very very interesting thanks to you our digital friends we create these incredible videos for you so subscribe like and share these videos with all your friends bye how tired my tiny brain is I’ve already spent so much time studying this mysterious portal I hope I can figure out its secret without going

Inside it’s really dangerous hey Kane my dear friend what are you doing in the mountains I thought you were as usual sleeping in the circus what are you doing here Jax I started doing parkour and what are you doing so early in the morning on the cliff as you can see I’ve

Dragged a lot of equipment here I did this to find out why we need that strange portal remember last episode we promised our digital friends that we’d go into this portal and find out what’s inside but it’s extremely dangerous to do that until I conduct experiments we

Could just get torn apart that’s right Kane dear friends right now smash the like button and subscribe to the channel only after that we’ll find out what lies and hides inside you can write your theories about what’s on the other side of the portal in the comments Jax I just

Can’t believe you started doing parkour you came to me with some purpose all right you’re right I came to you for a potion I see you’re Brewing different potions the smell from cooking these potions is all over the digital circus that’s why I ran here don’t touch them

Under any circumstances they are bad potions they’re only meant for experiments with the portal this is a love potion and a potion for ear loss very interesting listen Kane can you tell me about the portal because I hardly know anything about it this portal is not yet fully explored but I’m

Making rapid progress in studying it it emits a violet light close to Pink which gives a chance of discovering a Barbie world there great while this pseudo scientist is spouting nonsense I’ll steal his potion excellent I managed to steal it this portal is remarkable in that it emits sounds

Probably on the other side there are some living organisms that make them listen Kane sorry I didn’t listen to your story to the end but my bladder is full and I need to step away you could do it right off the bridge the stream would be very long I’m quite shy so I

Better go see you Kane and excellent I stole his potion and now it’s completely at my disposal ratha what are you doing were you following me don’t you see I’m waiting for the cart to come pick me up I want to go down I’ll disappoint you

The cart won’t come for you you need to take this from the chest and put it on the tracks let’s go down together sad I thought we had public transport in the digital circus Kane is busy studying the portal he doesn’t have time for this come on slide down all right then let’s

Hurry on these carts I love riding them it’s so fast and exciting yes especially it’s more fun when you go down and not up because you can reach speeds of up to 15 mph we’re approaching the water are we going to fall into the lake right in

The carts of course not we’ll stop now and go by boat have you forgotten we often ride here I’ve arrived so Jax will you let me steer the boat no way I’ll be rowing I really want to pump up my flabby arms and become a bodybuilder Jax

If you only eat carrots you’ll never build a big bicep to get buff you need to drink the potion that cane brew and then have my ears fall off no way what are we going to do now Jax I don’t know but I suggest you go home and not bother

Me because now I want to go to the gym and pump up big muscles all right honey I’ll wait for you at home kisses I’ll miss you my love I’ll never leave you guys I wonder what pomy is doing right now I really hope she’s bathing again or

Changing clothes hey it’s so great to take a bath finally I’ll smell delicious I haven’t bathed for three whole days and I stink of sweat I’ll soap my armpits so I don’t need to use deodorant yes judging by the sounds pomy is really B in her jacuzzi I need to use This

Magnificent potion that will change my appearance and I’ll turn into a toy then I can sneak a peek at pomy oh my gosh it worked did I really turn into a toy now I can be played with because I’m so soft and pleasant if someone had told me a

Year ago that I’d become a toy I wouldn’t have believed them in this disguise pomy definitely won’t realize it’s me and I can sneak up to her on the second floor unnoticed it’s so hard to climb stairs in a plush toys body it’s a real challenge great I managed to sneak

Into a room and she’s enjoying her bath in the jacuzzi and doesn’t even see me I’ll hide behind this curtain and watch her oh I overate smoked fish with milk today I feel I need to go to the bathroom urgently otherwise I don’t want to pollute my jacuzzi it’s so good that

The toilet in my house is right next to the jacuzzy oh what a relief I’ll never eat fish with milk again it stinks in here but no matter I’ll teach her a lesson now oh my gosh what is this how did the curtain open by itself could it

Be a draft in my house and what what’s this strange toy behind the screen I haven’t seen it before very strange probably someone threw the toy in here as a prank again the screen closed again probably I’m hallucinating due to indigestion I hope I feel better soon excellent pomy suspects nothing I wonder

What’s stored in this cabinet oh my gosh this doesn’t seem like a hallucination anymore how did the cabinet door open What’s Happening Here I don’t understand anything all right I better take a shower now as it seems like all this is really happening to me for first I’ll

Close this curtain and the cabinet to see if the magic starts again what warm water makes me want to drink a couple of gallons oh no I feel like I’m about to transform back into my real body I can feel the potions effect wearing off and

Any minute now I’ll be myself again that is a big rabbit perfect pumy has no idea that I’m standing right behind her and she doesn’t suspect it was me it’s time to show her the whole truth what’s that noise behind me oh my gosh Jack what are

You doing here don’t look at me I’m naked stop pomy you’ve got it all wrong it’s enough for me that you’re in my house while I’m bathing I appeared here absolutely by accident and you accidentally stole my pants from the cabinet Bravo Jax I really didn’t mean

To Jax you’ve been stealing my clothes every episode Time After Time my things disappear from the cabinet I wanted your attention but got humiliated now get out of here ouch why pushed me I didn’t do anything bad don’t you get it you stole my pants how could you not be ashamed

Guys you woke me up what’s all this noise what’s happening rega you won’t believe what this cheeky rabbit did what did he do this time Jack sneaked into my house again while I was bathing and stole my pants How Could You Jax we were kissing at the Lighthouse this morning

And now you’re stealing pants from another girl she’s trying to frame me so we’d fight those are actually my pants I know you don’t like pink and you couldn’t have bought pink pants then what color is my jumpsuit your jumpsuit is mini pig colored you’re to blame now

You’re without a friend goodbye girls ratha let’s chase him I need to get my pants back or I’ll have nothing to where I’ll keep them as a souvenir of you jack stop or I’ll throw out all your carrots all right girls stop I have a very profitable proposal for you what

Proposal a proposal of marriage for such jokes here’s a slap for you so girls stand next to each other and look at the sky I want to show you an amazing trick that will leave you astonished and amazed do you really think we’ll fall for that Comey please don’t whine let’s

Really watch the trick come on guys lift your heads and look up but most importantly no peeking or the trick won’t work are you ready 1 2 3 what happened I didn’t see anything don’t you notice anything girls no but I feel that you’re very handsome sweet and kind and

Your yellow teeth are so incredible I want to kiss them excellent guys looks like the Love Potion I stole from Kane is working you smell so deliciously of carrots Jack I could sniff you forever how I’ve dreamed of an abundance of female attention girls do you want to go

To the pool let’s swim and have fun we’d be incredibly happy to swim with you in the pool you have such a muscular and beautiful body every girl’s dream jump off the diving board I’m already waiting to Splash around with you yes we’ve already jumped J your fur got wet and it

Looks so beautiful thank you pomy if you want to impress me then jump off the diving board of course I’ll do anything you wish for you I could jump into a volcano for you come on jump already we’re waiting for you down here all right I’m already flying down Jax maybe

We can go to your place and roll around in your bed all together great idea ratha I so want to lie in bed with this cute rabbit girl how I love your attention it boosts my mood a thousand times and we have so much fun with you Jax you’re just

Incredible why didn’t I notice before how Charming you are it’s so nice to hear that from you girls I’m just happy finally my friends love me let’s hurry and go to your house yes Girls welcome to my place make yourselves at home how long I’ve waited for you girls I’m so

Glad you came to visit me for tea I’m sure the tea you make is incredible and my taste buds will be very happy oh no this wasn’t part of my plan man here comes Kane running hey Kane stop why are you running to me don’t you have anything else to do something strange

Happened two of my potions are missing I don’t know who could have stolen them I think the person responsible needs to be punished severely how unfortunate no I don’t know where your potions went do I look like a rabbit that steals potions my beloved Bunny come to us why are you

Talking to that scary old man better spend time with us in ratha exactly this toothy scarecrow smells like an old man girls go to my house and wait for me here while I talk to Kane come with me friend listen Jax do you really think I

Have an IQ of 10 and won’t figure out that you stole my potion you’ve got it all wrong Kane I just sold all my carrots and got rich with this money I can buy Yachts cars and expensive gifts for the girls couldn’t you come up with

A better excuse tell me where my potions are well I used them a couple of times did you say something about gifts Jax you must have misheard pomy get out of here when will you return it you do realize that because you took my potions the experiments with the portal have

Stopped and we’ll never know what’s inside I’ve already used the potion but I can give you the empty bottle I need a bottle fully filled with my potion I don’t know where you’ll get it but you owe me a full bottle honestly I couldn’t care less about what you think I have

Two beautiful girls and your opinion doesn’t matter to me just know that you’ve acted very disgustingly towards me I’ll remember what you did good luck May Karma catch up with you bye-bye Jack good luck to you Kane all right guys I’m going home to my girls Kane’s acting so

Weird today I wonder why girls I’m ready to jump into bed with you girl where are you why is no one here where did they disappear to wait guys something’s not right they couldn’t have just vanished maybe they’re in the basement no it doesn’t smell of perfume there probably

They went out for fresh air while I was talking to C I’ll find them now strange what could have happened where did they go if they had gone out for fresh air they would be on the beach but I don’t see them there all right I’ll go to Kane

Although I don’t talk to him anymore I hope he saw my girls for that I can talk to him again Kane I need your help why did you come running I don’t want anything to do with you my girls disappeared they vanished Into Thin Air

Do you know where they are uhoh what do you mean disappeared I told you not to use those potions they can cause side effects what side effects those potions are very dangerous because they make a person vulnerable to Magic and apparently calmo took advantage of this using hypnosis he stole the girls and

Placed them in his secret world oh no what have I done how could I have done why do you always act without thinking of the consequences and what now has happened to the girls maybe calmo ate them for dinner my limbs have gone numb from horror K what should I do even the

Wisest character like me in the amazing digital circus I don’t know what to do let’s go show me where you last saw them okay but let’s hurry cuz now every minute counts I saw them near my house wait what Kane look there’s CMO guys look it really is kfmo what is he doing

There let’s go to him quickly and find out where he took our friends let’s run faster and figure this out or give him a smack hey kfo stop tell us where you took our friends PNE and ratha you’ll never see them again I’ve taken them and I’ll decide what to do

With them they will never see the light of day again how dare you take them and ruin their lives yes return my girls to me I propose a contest if you win I’ll return your girls but if you lose I’ll keep them forever how do you like that

Idea if we have no other choice then we agree we’re ready for the cont test then listen carefully the conditions of my challenge are as follows the one who gets to the lighthouse which is now far behind me the fastest will win now you need to choose who among you will run

The race as I won’t play against two I will participate in this challenge I will run to save the girls you couldn’t even steal a potion properly and now you’re going to compete with the main villain of the digital circus yes I’m a rabbit I definitely run faster than you

Besides I’ve I’ve been running for 10 years in my youth excellent I’m glad you’ve decided and chosen who will compete with me it’s very important prepare for defeat Jax let’s start right now because I can’t wait while my girls are suffering in your dungeon then let’s

Start right now let’s go let’s go loser I ran ahead I’ll win against this Jax not today the clown didn’t mention cheats on the server and I can calmly Sail On A Boat we’re casting off from the shore and sailing away while that clown CMO is running to the lighthouse

And then climbing it with vines I will have long been at the top because now I’m going to use a mine cart to go up the railway track excellent luck has turned my way there was an extra Mine card in the chest and now I’m heading to

Victory I feel that this time I’ll finally be lucky and reach the Finish Line first and you guys support me with likes and subscriptions because only with them can I save the girls come on Jax push harder you can get there quickly you’re only about 15 seconds

Away thanks for the support Kane I’m now confident that I’ll win this competition because I’ve missed my beloved pomy and ratha so much you finally made it Jax cray I did it first did I really win oh my gosh I was sure you’d be an outsider I was already preparing to celebrate my

Victory in my own challenge ah what have you done excellent we finally defeated calmo I’ve been waiting for this moment more than my own birthday Kane you’re the best now I feel very proud but now we have a big problem since calmo fell from a great height we’ll never know

Where he’s hiding our girls what have you done how will we know where they are now I don’t know yet but the most important thing is that kfmo will never haunt our amazing digital circus again finding the girls is not such a big problem I think it’s a big problem let’s

Start by going down and then we’ll decide what to do okay I hope you find a solution to this problem I found some broken mine cart it won’t stay on the tracks no matter how much I push I can’t get it to move push harder great it worked after I followed your advice

Thanks Jax hop on another mine cart and C catch up with me as I’ve already started brainstorming ideas on how and where to find the girls I really hope you’re not joking and that your ideas for rescuing our friends are actually good the Clown’s huge dungeons where he

Hides the girls are gigantic we’ve arrived I’ll tell you about my plans as soon as we get to shore right now with too much water in my pants I can’t discuss plans all right then hurry up and get in my boat I’ll swim there with a breast stroke since I swam for 10

Years when I was young since you’re already in the boat just keep quiet let’s calmly get to the shore but I really could have swam there myself here we are let’s hurry to your house and over a cup of carrot juice I’ll tell you where to look for our friends I can’t

Wait to hear your plan because I’m really worried about my beloved pomy and ratha Ja look the girls are at your house yes we’re already here we managed to free ourselves I’m so glad to see you girls we’re not at all glad to see you ja how could you dare throw a love

Potion at us it was so disgusting kissing your yellow teeth guys please forgive me I was just bored you won’t be bored when we throw in an ear falling off potion at you okay girls please forgive me everything turned out fine especially since we defeated kfo all

Right it wasn’t that bad after all so we forgive you Jax but next time we’ll punish you according to the laws of the digital circus thank you girls how about we go to the beach I’m so happy that everything went very well today and today turned out not so bad after all

The most important thing is that it all ended well we got a happy ending like in the movies chain is incred incredibly right today’s episode was just amazing and very interesting finally kfmo will leave us alone and will never appear in our lives again so guys hit the like

Button and subscribe to the channel and in the next episode we’ll finally enter the portal and find out what’s inside so write your guesses in the comments about what’s on the other side of the portal and this was me pomy and my friends bye-bye welcome to the amazing digital

Circus today Jax decided to sneak into pne’s house and spy on her in the the bathroom hey guys today’s video is going to be super fun and awesome it’ll totally lift your mood and make you smile don’t forget to smash that like button and subscribe to the

Channel oh man guys today I want to sneak a peek at PNE I’ve got this clever plan and pomy won’t have a clue just in case I’ve got a backup plan to make a quick exit I’ve been thinking about how to sneak a peek at pomy when she’s

Taking a bath and figured out a way to build a bridge from my house to hers wow yeah the view from here is legit now I can watch pomy take Tak her bath through her window and if she spots me I’ll just bolt back to my place wow I just love

Taking baths it’s such an amazing way to chill out and take care of myself yeah for real taking baths in this incredible digital world is super cool I really like it I think pomy is getting suspicious got to dash back to my place before she sees me oh my gosh guys I absolutely

Love taking a hot bath it’s such an awesome way to chill out and take care of myself in this wild digital circus taking a bath is so nice seriously guys a hot bath really helps to unwind after a tough day I wonder where my friends are got to head downstairs and check

Let’s go guys I’m super curious about where Jax is oh my gosh what is this guys it looks like some kind of bridge leading to Jax’s house to my house what does it mean who built this bridge guys we need to go up and see really curious

About who built this bridge and why so let’s head up and figure it all out so guys I’m already upstairs let’s break this glass to try to figure out what’s happening here yeah really everything looks super weird and it’s unclear who would need to build this

Bridge oh my gosh guys it’s JX it’s you I just knew it get over here now J did you build this bridge to watch me no no I wasn’t watching you I didn’t build this bridge at all I don’t know where it came from I’ve been with Kane all this

Time I have no clue where this bridge could have come from I definitely didn’t have anything to do with it come on JX come on out what will Kane say if I ask him whether he was with you why did this weird Bridge end up leading right to my

Window all right it was me I just wanted to connect our home so we could easily visit each other are you kidding me I know why you built this bridge to spy on me in the bathroom this bridge leads right to my window remove your Bridge before Kane sees it meanwhile I’ll go

For a walk and check on Kane Kane Kane hello you look really strange and unusual like something’s changed in you you’ve changed a lot oh yes the thing is in our amazing digital circus there’s been a new update and now my model looks much better than before

Write in the comments which cane model you think is better the new one or the old one yeah you really do look better than before but that’s not what we’re talking about right now I need your help Kane Jax is spying on me again now he’s built

A bridge to my house to watch me well I have an idea I recently got some new cameras and I can give them to you we’ll Place cameras in Jax’s house and you can watch him anytime here take these cameras and the computer you can use to

Watch Jax can we install the cameras without Jack no noticing them because if he sees the cameras he’ll definitely break them the cameras are very discreet he definitely won’t notice them because he usually doesn’t notice anything except his missing carrot haha yes pomy take these cameras the computer blocks

And a ladder they’ll help you sneak into his house and set up the cameras Kane will you help me install the cameras in his house it would be really boring to do it alone just keep an eye out to make sure Jax doesn’t come home and see us

Installing the cameras distract him if needed yeah sure I remember I can help you why does Jax always bother you it seems like he likes you that’s why he behaves like this well look Kane do you see there’s no window here come over here look this is the very bridge that

Jack’s built all right now I’ll break this bridge and we’ll set up the cameras be careful don’t fall just like that good yes I think this spot for the camera will be very good what do you think Kane he won’t notice it will he this spot is really good for a camera I

Think Jax won’t notice it Jax won’t notice the camera so now I’ll connect it like this to the computer there the camera is connected just two more cameras to place than I can watch Jax at any time now I’ll break these blocks Kane can you please board up my window

While I set up the cameras in Jax’s house yes yes I’ll board up the window and then we’ll go set up cameras in Jax’s house wait for me downstairs I’ll come down in a bit so guys I need to quickly go down the lad lad and set up

The rest of the cameras all right guys let’s put a camera here and then go up the ladder into Jax’s house to place cameras so I can see what’s happening in his house we have to get up to gently climb the stairs come on guys I can look

There’s jack’s looking out the window be very careful while he’s distracted looking out the window we need to set up the cameras connect them and leave unnoticed great you did it let’s go come down Kane faster hurry get down the ladder before he sees us looks like you

Were right he really doesn’t notice anything ha now I have access to video from his house anytime thank you so much Kane I couldn’t have done it without you glad I could help if you need anything just ask Jax has been behaving badly lately and really deserves a punishment if he tries

To spy on you again or builds another Bridge tell me and I’ll help deal with him all right good Kane if I need help I’ll ask you thanks I’ll go home and watch what Jax is up to on my computer I’m really curious about what he’s doing

And whether he’ll spy on me again oh my gosh just look at him he’s going to build another bridge that naughty guy why is he doing this I told him not to build a bridge but he wants to spy on me again now he’s about to finish the

Bridge and will start spying on me again guys he built a bridge right to my window and now he’s going to watch me in the bathroom guys look he’s almost finished his bridge look guys he’s peering through the window into my room let’s switch to another camera and see what’s

There Jax has already returned to his house and he seems upset that I wasn’t there look at him he’s back at his house Oho I built the bridge to her window again but unfortunately she’s not home well no big deal I’ll come by later

And watch her huhuh so guys I have to go and tell about it Kane guys did you hear what he said he wants wants to spy on me again but I wasn’t home so let’s go up to my bathroom and see what’s happening there really curious why Jack’s built

His Bridge again indeed the cameras weren’t lying the bridge is built I need to hurry down and go to Kane he can definitely help me figure out how to teach Jax’s a lesson let’s run guys I’ll tell Kane everything and he’ll surely help me Jax needs to be taught a

Lesson Kane Kane are you home I need your help again Jax has built another Bridge from my house to his and he’s spying on me when I’m in the bath I just saw him on the camera holy moly I didn’t even know Jax was capable of that good thing we

Installed the cameras now we have proof it was really Jax he needs to be taught a lesson yes I saw him building his bridge to me he built the bridge and then looked through the window into my room didn’t see me and went back to his house

I heard him saying that I wasn’t home but he’ll return later when I’m taking a bath again H looks like that might really be the case do you have any ideas on how to teach him a lesson let’s hurry Kane I’ll probably come up with

Something I think so if you come up with some way that would be great because other than tying him to a chair and leaving him in front of a carrot I can’t think of anything else haha Kane you haven’t forgotten how you can transform into me have you we can

Catch Jax red-handed for for instance you dress up as me and take a bath splashing around meanwhile Jax will come over the bridge to you and watch I’ll sneak up behind him scare him and he’ll fall off his own Bridge yes py has a very good plan I can turn into

You haha now I look like you so what should I do next sit in this bath and wait Jack should be coming soon and he’ll be watching you meanwhile I’ll be watching from the camera all right guys let’s see if Jax will be spying on us so guys let’s see what’s happening on

The camera there’s ja he’s appeared in the frame he’s looking in the window and seems not to be doing anything yet where is he moving to I think guys he’s heading towards the bridge and now he’s going to watch me look at him I’m going to turn off the camera and watch him

From below yes he’s really watching me in the window as I bathe let’s check another camera Jax has become so bold look at what he’s doing let’s switch to camera he’s looking in the window at me bathing we must teach him a lesson all right guys let’s go up the stairs and

Teach him now I need to scare him the main thing is to approach unnoticed so Jack suspects nothing let’s go guys he’s looking in the window I hope he doesn’t hear me approaching I must get up quietly and place the cameras you need to sneak up on the roof and quietly

Approach him and scare him so that he has no no desire to watch anyone Jax does not see me and does not turn around if I do everything quietly I can scare him so now we have to go through this bridge and I will show this Jax what is

Entertainment so guys the main thing is not to scare it Jax what are you doing here again are you spying on me through the window again what happened pomy why why are there two of you why are you in the bathroom here pomy please don’t hit me pomy I didn’t do anything wrong

Nothing wrong you’re spying on me again I told not to do that I don’t like being watched please please forgive me I won’t do it again I promise please don’t punish me I don’t believe you Jax why are you watching pomy she told you she doesn’t like it when you watch her I

Understand everything but what you did was really wrong I think you need to apologize and never do it again please forgive me guys I just like pomy and I love watching her through the window you know you can’t do that why don’t you listen to anyone not even your friend

Kane okay okay guys enough saying I’m bad I won’t do it anymore I apologized why do you keep being mean to me we’re still friends aren’t we promise you this won’t happen again I won’t watch anymore remembering everything I’m off bye everyone bye stop we’re not done with

You yet he ran away Kane what do we do with him next should we chase him and still teach him a lesson ah I think we can’t catch Jax he runs twice as fast as us I don’t know how to teach him a lesson right now

Today I really wanted to swim at the beach and I think we can postpone punishing Jax for later and relax a bit today was a very eventful day yes you’re right Kane then I guess I’ll go home take a bath without anyone watching me now I’ll go up the stairs and finally

Take a bath oh yes I’ve missed a warm bath I need to relax it’s good that no one will be watching me now you guys also like to take a hot bath I always swim in it oh yeah I need to freshen up a bit and then

I can go to the beach to swim with Kane and have a great time cane is probably waiting for me the weather is so beautiful outside let’s look out the window yes indeed Kane is already swimming and waiting for me I need to hurry but first I need to find some

Perfume to smell nice and wash my hands yes good after the bath I feel better oh my gosh oh my gosh J you’re so bold why are you spying on me again why are you hiding behind my wardrobe I’m going to teach you a lesson now running away you

Won’t get far from me I’ll catch you you haven’t learned your lesson Jack Kane catch him Kane he’s running towards you he was again sitting behind my wardrobe and watching me you won’t catch me I’ll run away ha Kane don’t stop me oh so you were watching PNE again we told you

Nobody likes being watched and you keep doing it no Jax I think you need to think about your behavior hey Jax stop and stay right there what why should I stop you’ll see for yourself now what’s this what are you doing no don’t don’t yes we will you’ll get your

Carrot just try to reach it let me out of here friends why what are you doing I didn’t do anything that’s for getting caught well let him think about his behavior and meanwhile we’ll go and break the bridge guys we’re all ready up here and now I’m going to break this

Bridge Jax is sitting and thinking about his behavior I’m breaking the bridge and it’s done the bridge is broken hooray Jax won’t be spying on me anymore what shall we do next Jax has a whole stash of carrots here well I don’t know Jax has some kind of Attraction

Built right out of his house maybe we should try his ride it looks really cool to me and I think it could be very interesting Kane do you think it’s a good idea yeah of course why not try it out all right let’s try this attraction I

Hope Jax has hasn’t set any traps on the way haha by the way Kane do you see that strange black goo over there yes it’s the trace of Cavo it could be very dangerous we need to tell JX about it and come check it out together all right guys I think in the

Next episode we’ll find out what this black spot is well Kane shall we go you go first I’ll follow you oh this is so much fun guys oh my God I love it such a great Amusement I really like the high speed wow this is really fun good thing

Jack’s put this Railway here I think by the time I check on our friend before we forget about him he’s been sitting there a long time and maybe it’s time to get him out Jax trying to escape our trap Jax stop I didn’t let you go wait wait

Kane he’s running away catch him Kane I can’t catch him he runs too fast think of something we can’t catch him well he got away but we’ll catch him in the next episode yes we’ll catch and punish him in the next episode this episode is coming to an end guys please like And

Subscribe to the channel to support us we really work hard for you and thank you so much for watching we hope that in the next episode we’ll catch Jax and he won’t escape from us yes guys we’ll definitely manage it ah bye-by

This video, titled ‘CAUGHT CATNAP IN REAL LIFE! POPPY PLAYTIME CHAPTER 3 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-02-24 20:00:28. It has garnered 21256 views and 161 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:12 or 4332 seconds.


Welcome to the Poppy Playtime Chapter in Minecraft with CapNap! Here you will have exciting adventures with CapNap, DogDay, KickinChicken, Bobby BearHug and their friends.


#catnap #poppyplaytime #minecraft

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More