INSANE Challenge: 100 Days vs. Custom Bosses in Hardcore Minecraft

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Today I’m going to survive 100 days in a world where all of the Abominations we have created can spawn naturally everything from the TNT teds to the withering Reapers and everything in between I will have two days to get geared up and on day three the mobs will start Spawning I started the world with basic resource Gathering chopped wood and got basic tools but sheep were nowhere to be found I had no wool to make myself a bed until uh-oh it’s unusual for a mansion to be this close to spawn but on my way

To raid it for wool I got sidetracked mining coal and before I knew it I was stranded in darkness oh my God it’s it’s late it’s late will we even have time to go into the Woodland Mansion to get ourselves a bed this is really really

Really really bad I have one torch left uh oh God okay I can hear a skeleton I think I I think it was a skeleton was a skeleton I heard this is so far away from the pl stop it didn’t see me it’s saw me it’s saw me okay it’s saw

Me okay there’s the Mansion there’s the Mansion there’s the Mansion here’s the Mansion now all we need to do is find the room that has wool in it I I can’t see anything what is that that’s is that blue or is that white that’s white that’s wool that’s wool

Right there that is literally the first freaking room we check all right awesome okay so we got ourselves some I should probably check if there’s any dangers in here can’t believe we did that we we went into a woodland Mansion to get the wool to make our first bed it’s 4:00

A.m. and I’m just now going to bed after having slept through the first night lucky start if you ask me it was time to find a place to call our own oh this is a cool spot it’s one of the new biomes the mangrove swamps I kind of like it I

Really like it imagine if we just clear out the trees on that island and then make a little base there maybe in the Mangrove swamp that’d be kind of cool look at look at how pretty the water looks with the shaders I mean come on

And we got fishies come on this is the perfect sign that we should set up Bas here it’s giving us food it’s giving us food and nurture to be all lit up now now let’s grab ourselves some Stone so let’s get ourselves an Axe and then we can get ourselves a pickaxe all

Right well I guess it is time to sleep oh no all right so as soon as sleep in this bed that means my mobs will start to appear you know what we are so not ready that we got stone stone tools we don’t we got two cooked salmon I was supposed

To be geared up at this time but fine fine doing it beted is too far away all right anti-climatic but there we go oh man all right finally a place to rest our feet there it was the day when everything would change and Abominations could now appear around every corner day three

Day three it’s day three we needed a safe shelter so on day three we got some wood to build our starter base with so it is day three and my mobs will be spawning at any time now so let’s try to be a little bit careful I do want to

Grab some uh some oak wood all right well down with go oh it’s night time wait a minute it’s night time already that was that literally one day it feels like I just logged back on all right I guess I guess we going going to going to sleep now and

Once the night hit I decided to take a quick peek to see if any other new Mobs were spawning in the nearby area I already see something I I already know what that is I I don’t know if you guys saw it oh look at that fireflies oh our

Fireflies these are from the last drawing video but in that video they were green and this time we made them we made them yellow little yellow fireflies oh God oh God okay okay Yep this is exactly what I thought that was we have the Scorpion ah if I can just get close

Enough all right let’s get some light up in here they do glow in the dark though okay there we go I just got hit and with that I got what did I get I can’t see what was that nausea poison weakness what did it give me all right so these

Are slime scorpions that shoot slime balls now we we have change oh God don’t don’t come close to me we have changed the mechanics of many of the mobs like for example the Scorpion is way smaller than it was in the the video that it was introduced in but man all right okay

Don’t don’t don’t come too close to me I just I oh god oh wow you’re fast you’re a fast boy okay oh what did I get I get oh no there’s another one there’s another one ah oh God these guys are nasty now in the original video they also paralyzed you they don’t

This time because that would just be very annoying so what what did it drop a scorpion gland all right so I don’t really know everything that’s changed about these mobs uh my coder Captain cookie has been hard at work F polishing all of the mobs to be ready for gameplay

You know what I I’ve seen enough of you I don’t I don’t really need to see more what is what is that oh wait wait wait no stop stop attacking me I saw something else I saw another mob oh I got slowness I got slowness now okay oh

That’s a waste of a torch stop it stop it stop stop stop stop stop it stop it okay jeez I just want to see what that other mob was I have a funny feeling I know what mob that was stop it yep it is definitely what I thought that was it’s

Coming towards me all right easy now easy now easy now easy now easy now yep there we was okay I I’ve seen enough I have seen enough ladies and gentlemen that was was The Wider a worm fider I’m not going to take a closer look at that one because that

One is a very dangerous one so let’s go to bed I think I think we’ve seen quite enough on day four I tried finding some iron so we could make some better tools and it didn’t really go according to plan oh okay ooh Darkness okay I don’t like

This oh no oh that’s a t t t it’s a freaking TNT T are you kidding me I didn’t even know we had added those oh my God I don’t want to kill him TNT teds they’re like the creeper but they just want hugs oh no

Okay and they scream like that oh no Teddy boy come on man why why did you get to do that I I could have taken you home we could have been friends oh I hear a TNT Ted I hear a TNT Ted I definitely definitely he TNT Ted what ises that

Sound there it is again there’s a TNT T oh nasty sounds [Laughter] my oh my God I knew he was there too I just yep yep it’s definitely what I thought it was it’s definitely what I thought it was oh okay it’s a skellies it’s a Skelly yep it’s that they come

Out of the ground like that when they spawn two of them spawn there oh my God you are a small one please leave leave leave oh my God am I hearing many I don’t think this is a good idea but I want to I want to okay

He dropped an arrow I want the sword give me the sword or the shield I’ll take the SE stop it I’ll take the shield thank you very much oh my God oh my God there we go now I do know that there are actually other variants I’m not even

Scared of the creeper after seeing my mobs I’m here to find iron I’m not here to look at these skellies or the TNT TS let’s just ignore them let’s try to ignore them and let’s try to find some iron oh my God I can oh oh

God they really sneak up on you jeez oh my God yep we weren’t doing too good but on day five we got some more coal and finally found some more iron and with that on the sixth day we made some tools and could finally clear out the dense

Foets on our Island yeah I’m I am not about to chop down these trees manually there is just no way I about to do that no sir it’s going to burn Ah that’s that’s that’s beautiful I kind of wish it was night time it would have been

Even more pretty I then spent all of day seven building myself a cozy little godance something like that now this is this is a lot of red so if we actually make the walls out of this uh Mangrove planks I I think it’s just going to turn

Out to be way too red which is exactly why I collected these Oak planks before I knew I knew all along this would be too much red I I knew I mean yes yes very very nice mhm beautiful all right so is that going to be day eight okay I am not feeling

Confident in how far we’ve gotten is this normal please let me know is this normal to be this slow I feel like this is a normal yeah I like that I really I really like that Mhm that’s good after a tough first week and a half in game it was time to get our food situation sorted and seeing as we already had a dock the solution was obvious what I would like to do now is try to find a spider I want to go

Fishing off to go find a spider so at dawn of day 10 we went looking for our eight-legged buddies and as luck would have it two were still roaming around the swamp now how is it like that and oh I only needed two all right cool so with

Our trusted rod in hand we hopped on our boat and went fizzing and just enjoyed some peaceful time riding the soft waves in our little Lake about to get a catch yes there we go and what did I get I got a a what what is that what is that what is that

Even is that vanilla I have never even seen that item how many fishes have I even caught I’ve caught let’s see three cards and a puffer fish is that it oh no there was a fish coming over oh come on dude come on all right so a whole day

Worth of fishing only oh go oh God what was that what was that what was that what was that oh that’s a rinon the rinon one of the toughest mobs I have ever made a single hit will kill the unarmored player and one was now living in my Lake

That’s a rinon okay oh Jesus oh that is not good hold up can we get a better look at it before oh wow it’s quick it’s quick it’s quick oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay I I no I don’t

Want to be stuck in the water I don’t want to be stuck in the water oh da oh jeez okay so I didn’t code the mobs in the in this game that’s my coder Captain cookie and he hasn’t he hasn’t like given me a spreadsheet of like

Where things spawn and such but but now that I think of it it does make sense the the rinon spawns in the swamp of course um that’s that’s a problem that’s a problem oh I’m so stupid I built my house in a swamp surrounded by a lake where there is

Cinnamons can spawn this requires further investigation because if this is a regular spawn we cannot live in the swamp oh there’s another one there’s another one oh god oh that was so close jeez it’s so fast it’s so fast I need to get on land I need to get on land I need

To get on land oh wait no wait a minute they can they can walk on land I forgot about that this is not good oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh oh oh oh okay well I

Don’t think we can get through the door I’m on day 11 I cannot die now I cannot die now is it still here it’s right there it’s underneath my oh my God jeez all right so here’s the plan is that we are going to make a run for it

Make a run for it make a run for it make a run for it this is a small oh my God it’s following I don’t even have a boat I don’t even have a boat I don’t even have a boat oh my God it’s following me

Oh my God okay let’s let’s go back inside let’s go back inside okay that was a mistake let’s that was a mistake that was a mistake let’s go back and rethink it’s in infested there are there I I think there’s many of them I hear a

Lot of sounds it’s not just one I think there’s a few of them around my house right now the swamp was no longer a safe haven if I was to survive 100 days in this world it would not be in the swamp so I packed up my stuff and said goodbye

To our Shack um it’s day 12 we got to move I can’t stay here I’m genuinely sad I’m actually really sad I don’t want to leave this place I like this place are there cinnamons gone let’s leave it up to one more check if if we see another

Cinnamon in the waters now one more looky if there is a Rec cinamon in this water that means we cannot live here anymore no oh I see it I see it oh it’s a small one it’s a very tiny one this is a very tiny little baby but they’re

Dangerous too they’re also a oneit kill okay you know what no it’s a nice house but it was always meant to be a starter house it was never meant to be our temporary base it’s following me okay got stuck on a block I think I think he

Got stuck on a block all right you know what let’s just leave let’s just go okay all this running is making me start let me just cool down with some water but this water is so Bland which is why I’m excited to tell you about today’s sponsor Arup Arup is changing

The way we drink water with their Innovative water bottle it’s a bottle that utilizes scented pots who enh has the flavor of the plain old water we’re so used to using just air and without adding any chemicals to the water itself yep plain water it tastes amazing just

Push the pot up and drink away that is so weird yeah it doesn’t add anything to the water this is so weird it really does feel like I am tasting it I am 100% tasting berries here when you drink from the straw the scented parts are directly below your

Nose forcing your sense of smell and your taste buds to work together your brain manifests this smell from the scense as taste there are so many flavors to choose from my favorite is the wild berry flavor with ar up you can drink delicious water without having to

Drink anything but water so go and get yourself hydrated and enjoy it while you’re at it by checking out the link in my description we had just narrowing escaped the r cinimon and we traveled past the mansion and into a peaceful Plains but little did I know even the

Calmness of the PLS was not to be trusted all right okay so a planes and there’s a nice Hill over there this could oh oh oh okay okay oh come on oh come on now oh come on now the height a large ground giant that has a certain hatred for mankind

The height is the largest mob I have ever made no no no no no no oh are you freaking kidding me I am so not ready for this hold up what do I have I got a leather fre freaking tunic and an iron sword that’s almost

Broken oh oh that poor sheep oh but I will take your meat though man he keeps on just knocking these mobs je okay I don’t want to get too close I don’t want I don’t want to get too close I let’s let uh I am not in a position to face

The height right now okay I jeez that scared me so freaking much I was not expecting that I do want to get out of this area though because the high he does summon the uh the Earth golems and they are a lot more dangerous than the hide himself you can easily outdraw

The height but the Earth Golems yeah they’re they’re the nasty ones really ooh a cherry blossom all right cool I don’t think I’ve been in one of those yet there’s so many cows here I should probably save a few okay I think I will set a base somewhere around here it

Looks pretty nice so let’s try not to kill all the animals oh my oh my God oh this is so pretty oh it’s a nice little Lake oh and such a nice Lake too it’s oh there’s like Hills all around it this is such a nice place dude oh the were

Cinemon appearing was actually quite the blessing ooh and the village is like in a forest I I haven’t I don’t think I’ve ever seen a a village in a forest let’s check out the other Village and then we can decide on where to start our our

Second starter base and you know what we could do a funel project could to connect these two Villages do a little road actually and a couple houses in between maybe I build my castle right between those two Villages I I think we got a plan I think we got a solid plan

While admiring this new spot we found we had a very odd encounter but this time it wasn’t my mobs ah it’s so it’s so it’s so nice there’s more Cal here but I I don’t really want to be collecting coal all day so let’s wait what Kevin and cookie just

Joined you’re still alive yes yes I am why why are you so surprised um all right I’m going to take a quick little break apparently they want to come to me hello yeah hello oh it’s night time you guys are just I could have died just

There I fre I tapped out of the game and it’s night time are you guys freaking kidding me uh yeah like where are you give me oh uh I okay it’s daytime it’s daytime oh you slept all right thank you thank you thank you that’s my cor oh

This okay it’s actually a very good time for you guys to hop on I just found the best freaking place oh okay we just thought we’d just jump on to see how it’s going for you all right I don’t believe that let’s head this way this

Way okay what’s going on what do you mean what’s going on we’re coming to see what’s going on well as we said we thought we’d just jump on and see how things are going for you they’re going good I’m alive haven’t you like faced anything no no no no no I’ve been having

A very difficult time guys please let me have this one okay I now I don’t want you to see where I’m at because now you’re going to like oh okay the cherry blossoms the uh freaking uh Detonator spawns that’s a good idea yeah why not

No I like that yeah sure why not we what do you want we just comment check on your mate curious to see where you’re at oh wait wait be quiet I just found a BL a BL oh he’s found the BL but i’ I’ve changed him up a little bit baby this’s

A little baby blues oh I see you guys I see you guys look look look look look at him it’s light should we kill him Welcome to our village Welcome to our village I’m on day 14 guys so please please no no funny business yeah I you

You can stay for a bit uh but please please I don’t want to have to redo this this is taken several days all right listen I I know that you guys didn’t just pop by to say hi so let’s get this over with what’s up dud there’s nothing

We’ve ever done in your videos as cool as any chaos or drama or I don’t even know what you’re talking about I know that you guys probably want revenge for all the times that yeah okay spit it out what what is it you’re always putting us and many other you know rather

Well-known YouTubers through uh through through our PES mate you know you put us through our things with these mobs and you kind of just sit back and watch and have a laugh you’re making bank off us people don’t even watch John’s videos have you have you encountered anything

Um unique like other than rimon I I just encountered the hide I’ve seen the skellies I’ve seen the height that’s good height I I’ve seen the wi did you beat the height did you beat it uh uh yeah yeah totally yeah I took him on

Like a champ ah I don’t see how that could have been where did you face it here no I I no I ran I ran I ran off uh okay he ran off you know you you do want to defeat that height why is that well because otherwise it’s going to stay

Hidden I think you just got to trust this man yeah yeah yeah just trust trust trust in the process that’s how it works you know if you if you’re good enough to defeat the hype then I suppose it’ll be worth your while I don’t know okay so

You added drops I can neither confirm nor no if if I actually do that and I die oh that’s a fun video is it I’m going be so freaking pissed yeah I will be so pissed okay I’m I’m not going to do it now I’m not going to do it now I

Know where he is but I’m not you definitely wouldn’t you would not survive yeah no so the thing is we did reckon you could potentially do with a little bit of support and we we’ve seen just how dark the nights get in this pack so uh John tell him about it tell

Him tell him the thing that we need tell him the thing do you happen to have any I’ve got stick you have any coal on you I don’t have coal I just picked up a large amount I uh I made a crafting table earlier yeah I tell you what there

You go put that in the crafting recipe and uh yeah so coal at the top and then two sticks below it yep just like regular torches right but then like an extra stick yeah be like a torch but extra stick got a long torch it’s a long

Torch I like when you hold it there is a static flame I’m I’m oh it is a static flame yeah uh I yet have to animate that so the dark environment we need Do you have a a cave somewhere oh yeah that’s that’s that’s good that’s good

That’s a good cave all right wait okay wait can you just quickly tell me what the what the Torches do okay well uh what does the torch usually do I mean come on okay it just lights up things it does yeah it lights up a slightly larger

Area than the regular torches that’s why it’s so good okay there yeah there a different that’s the before and I’m going to ask my Editor to quickly cut to the after and uh I was there a change you picked the worst cave yeah yeah is not the the best game it’s night outside

There’s a skeleton here shooting at me day 16 you guys logged on like day 13 all right now if you guys don’t mind I have a series to record was that everything um yeah I think so would you I think we might pop in from time to

Time for now it’s everything sure yeah everything for now okay okay you okay byebye now byee now okay I’m out I’m out byebye bye-bye Okay cool so we got a new item that’s it’s going to be be cool well I do I wish I wish it would animate

But yeah it’s cool all right so Kevin and cookie told me that I should consider fighting the height the big giant 20 block tall mountain I should I should fight it me I should fight it alone may I add I think when I made the

Height I made it to face three or four people it wasn’t really intended to be fought alone especially not by me the worst Minecraft player in the history of Minecraft so yes we will be fighting their height but not before we upgrade our armor and tools and I believe we are

On day 16 so let’s say that on maybe day 25 we should probably have good enough gear to attempt to fight it and uh maybe even bring on another YouTuber to help us I don’t know I don’t know I think at some point we will get some cameos up in

This series because cuz that’s just a thing you can do in Bedrock but now I’ve decided that I want to find a house that I can sleep in you know what yeah you get out of there oh no he got angry at me does that have consequences day 17

There we go baby all right so we have 8 days to gear up and become ready to fight the height oh jeez with only 8 days to get prepared for my first and likely final actual boss fight if I fail I decided to go mining in the hopes that

I could find at least enough iron for a full set of iron gear to stand a chance at surviving the Height’s ruthless attacks oh iron iron perfect okay we can make a new sword perfect oh oh my God okay light up light up light up light up light up okay that was a

Mistake that was a rookie mistake let’s do some of these torches as well okay I kind of the normal torches I don’t know let’s make a few more of the normal torches I I think it’s good to have both are they still here it’s so freaking annoying not being able to see anything

Okay oh no that’s bad oh that’s bad oh that’s bad oh that’s bad oh that’s bad oh that’s bad oh that’s bad oh that’s bad oh that’s bad no no no there’s a drop here there’s a drop here please please please kind gentlemen do not do

This do not do not do this you don’t want to do this you don’t want to do this you don’t know who I am I am a very dangerous person with a very defined set of skills oh my God oh my God oh my God okay we can at

Least make a bow now that’s good about bunch of gunpowder that’s going to that’s that’s good that’s that’s good gold not too interested bones nah beud I don’t even know what that is ooh music disc 13 it was night time I made my bow and decided to take a nap because the

Next day my mission to get iron continued down there’s the water I guess uh canonball oh this is scary this is scary did you see how close that was did you oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay skeleton spawning in the water

Skeleton SP spawning in the water did you see how close I was to dropping on a freaking stalactite or or one of the there are two words this this spiky thingy okay no I I can definitely see what they mean with this torch it does actually light up a bigger area okay

This is real good okay we are getting a lot of iron already we can upgrade pretty substantially do need to go for it oh more skeletons spawning have I not lit up the the freaking cave well enough why how have I not lit them up well

Enough more more are spawning I just saw that guy spawn there behind him oh that one is headless oh yeah there are variants of these skeletons some are headless some have uh little T-Rex arms some have big feet there’s variations oh jeez okay on day 19 we achieved full

Iron armor baby but I wasn’t done so now geared up I went even deeper where every sound made me jump how have I not found a single Diamond I’m all out of torches now ah oh creeper jeez why is it so freaking hard to just find a little bit of diamonds that’s my

Only goal I I’m ready to leave as soon as I find diamonds I haven’t found diamonds yet 40 torches that’s great we we can stay in here for a little bit longer yes yes yes baby yes let’s just light this up so that we don’t get

Anybody creeping up on us oh my God this makes me so happy that’s at least yes there we go how big is it yes four four so far more more we get more okay okay we’re we’re not that greedy it’s fine it’s fine four is great four is freaking

Fantastic I want more I want more uh so let’s continue until our torches are done first diamonds baby there even a cave oh chest yes good name tag okay I’ll take it I’ll take it take all that glowberries sure yes yes oh my God this

Is so good oh my God this is not good oh my wait oh I need to eat food I need to eat food if there’s another mob that come comes creeping up on me right now I’m dead there one more we got six diamonds uh that’s not enough I want

More I always want I’m a greedy person was that diamonds that’s that is diamonds are you freaking kidding me I oh I I was ready to leave before I was ready to call it quits and go back to the Village how amazing is it that I didn’t how many nine please stop

Existing you’re a big boy oh why are you so big the big ones are scary is that a big cave oh that’s giant cave why is it so bright does it this is a giant freaking cave how oh more diamonds more diamonds why is it so bright I mean I’m

Not complaining I like it I definitely prefer the bright brightness more diamonds more diamonds oh my God this is so freaking huge I mean seeing how many diamonds there are I kind of don’t want to leave until we have a full set of diamond gear I mean we’re not that far

Off okay we are quite far up we got 15 okay I’m ready to go back up uh the problem is we don’t know how to get get up I will have to dig my way up after a successful mining session I decided to go back to the village and prepare

Myself because in only 3 days we would be facing the height okay I see a village over there I do have a bed no no no no no you won’t no you don’t no you don’t you leave that villager alone okay day 23 all right I recognize that hill over

There so I’m pretty sure I know my way back home man day 23 meaning in just two Minecraft days I I I have already promised you guys I will be fighting the height I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do it but I’m not one to shy

Away from promises in order to fulfill my promise I do need to upgrade my gear and we only got two days I need Enchanted gear okay the days were passing quickly and soon I would be battling the height I needed every bit of help I could get and what really

Would make a difference were some enchantments but we would never never be able to farm enough sugarcane for books in Just 2 days so I came to a frightening realization the only way for me to get fully Enchanted gear in 2 days is if we raid the Woodland Mansion for

Books oh just saying that gave me the chills man so I am going to give myself one diamond pickaxe one diamond sword I do want the boots for the feather falling since the height does do quite the knockback so and we got got six remaining so yeah that only leaves the

Helmet all right time to go to the wooden mansion I should bring an axe sorry sorry sorry sorry I see it all right okay we’re here we’re here we have returned to ah the Mansion we saw on the very first day so I want to go to the

Back of the mansion and sneak in the same way We snuck in the last time just I need to do it in a different room so we’re going to the roof and we’re going in James Bond style is it’s fine I’m fine this is all fine there we go all

Right we are safe we are safe as of right now we are safe I hear they walking okay okay oh oh God okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s just a skeleton it’s just a skeleton okay there’s no one else in here oh my God oh

My God oh my God oh oh okay Breather Breather oh I’m taking my I’m taking my anger out of this dude oh my god wow dude all right we need we need this boy ah man all right let’s let’s uh let’s freaking do this let’s freaking do this

No you don’t no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t yes yes I am good at this game oh my God all right look at all these books we got now baby yeah I I see that last little skeleton there it’s fine it’s all

Good right we have enough books to never have to worry about books ever again we can make multiple libraries look at look at this look at all these ice cream sandwiches all right I am uh ready to leave we had our books now we just need an enchanting table there was just one

Problem wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute no no no no no I messed up didn’t I I did I did oh crap all right oh we need to hurry up and get a diamond we need to hurry up and get a

Diamond okay uh to the mines to the mines real quick I can’t believe believe that I used all my diamonds we needed one more Diamond to start enchanting without enchantments there was no way we would be able to survive the height so with only minutes to spare we quickly

Mined our way down and search for the last Diamond while my mobs tried their best to stop me luckily our little invoker encounter gave us a totem nothing could stop me from achieving my goal oh man oh oh oh there we go there we go there we go jackpot jackpot

Jackpot jackpot jackpot anymore anymore uh I don’t need more I don’t need more I don’t need more that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine let’s go back up let’s go back up I can’t believe we actually did it we we actually did it we needed a diamond and we freaking got a diamond

That is insane all right okay okay we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re back with the diamond there we go there we go baby we got it we freaking got it now all we need 14 bookcases uh we need to find a house where we can make right

Here perfect hey you don’t mind do you no of course you don’t I’m just going to get rid of your furniture real quick I’m sure you don’t mind oh I’m sorry pal I’m going to have to move that uh you’re not going to move all right fine well you’re

Stuck there forever gets me up to 30 30 is a little bit too pricey so let’s get rid of some 26 okay so Unbreaking don’t like that day 25 I felt death was imminent I Enchanted my gear but I was one level short of getting the feather

Falling boots we needed so I went on a short killing spree and had my first glimpse of the gurm oh no no no no no oh no no we’re not doing that right now we are not doing that right now ladies and gentlemen that is a glur egg uh I I I

Need to get rid of it I need to get rid of it there we go okay good good good yeah we we do not have time to face a glur right now all right booties yes feather falling only feather falling that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine

That’s fine it was time I had my gear I had my enchantments I had my totem we were as ready as we could ever be in the time we had it was now time to face the height like I had promised fully geared up so we got the feather falling boots

Protection what was it protection 3 protection three protection Two Fire aspect one and power two that’s all we got technically still day 25 all right okay yet night 25 but hey it was counting it there’s 25 in there oh okay yep we are we have made it let’s light

Up the area real quick using these torches oh yeah I I I know these trees I know what’s coming there we go and it has begun hi all right okay it’s on it’s on like Donkey freaking Kong oh jeez oh oh my god oh okay okay wow feather falling

I knew it I knew it it’s huge it’s freaking huge uhoh oh no oh H right yep the Earth Golems of course the earth colums oh his minions all right how am I going to get to him how the freak am I going to get to him luckily they seem to

Be distracted we need more lighting oh no oh no he’s doing it again he’s doing it again oh oh man oh no okay there’s a lot there’s so many there’s so many oh they’re so terrifying here we go let’s just quickly get rid of these dudes all

Right this guy’s distracted this is an easy target easy target oh come on okay it’s becoming daytime finally we can see better the Earth Golems seem to be distracted oh no not more Day 26 hello there you’re not as terrifying during the daytime I I

Got this this is easy easy peasy it is nice of the earth Golems to be targeting uh the Hostile Mobs though do think we are perfectly suited come on where’s the hit box oh there’s so many oh there’s so many oh oh and there’s no oh no there’s

No Hostile Mobs that they are oh they’re all targeting me now okay this isn’t good this isn’t great This Is Not Great oh oh where’s the freaking hit box crap okay okay okay try to get them try to get them while they’re coming up try to

Get them while they’re coming up this is so scary come on just let me eat just let me eat come on be be chill be chill bro come on but I think if I wouldn’t have the enchantments I am pretty sure I would be dead right now oh the bow the

Bow does so much are you freaking oh oh I I don’t think I can do the bucket thingy oh come on no the bow is great the bow is great I’m just going stick taking to the bow oh oh I don’t have any more arrows oh no there we go there we

Go there we go there we go dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead yes where’s the height final blows final blows final blows one more hit one more hit and he’s dead come on now yes yes we did it we freaking did it

Oh no we just need to get rid of these guys oh my God all right last one over there what did he drop why was it so important for me to kill him what why did I do all this this is new seed of Sacra oh and this is New Soul of Sacra

And we did get a lot of stone that that does make sense all right so these I take it these items are important now just a quick reminder yes we are playing with all the mobs uh that I made on my channel but I didn’t make them myself I

Made them with my coder Captain cookie and my co- modeler Arts by Kev and what my team has done for this series is they have kind of taken over after I did the stuff in the videos they then continued with the mobs for this series so I have

Never seen these drops before these were not a thing seed of Sacra let’s see if we can plant it got some Farmland over here seed of Sacra oh okay that used it ah no no no no no no no no no oh come on wait a minute okay he’s smaller he got

Green and he doesn’t seem to be angry okay so this is a passive Bob that’s it protect me are these guys going to fight what happens if I oh sorry oh oh sorry oh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry oh no I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I

Didn’t mean it oh my God he is he is scary even though I do deserve that I’m sorry oh no I no I do want him to be my friend though but there we have it just like I said we defeated the height we battled the height on day 25 we defeated

Him on Day 26 awesome we defeated our first of many boss bosses every boss I would face from now on would be harder and harder I loged off for the night and when I came back things were looking a bit strange back at our village all

Right so we got a lot of food now and it’s it’s foggy outside oh dude this looks really really eerie oh God oh God oh no oh no okay okay okay okay okay okay that’s a withering Reaper that’s a withering Reaper okay so uh I don’t

Think he saw me oh Jesus and a freaking Creeper are you freaking kidding me oh that is nasty that is so nasty dude I didn’t I didn’t even know that the Wither Reaper was ated yet I knew it was coming at some point but the fog that is

So smart right all right so I assume the fog has something to do with the withering Reaper uh because right as I see fog I see how with a Reaper so that’s that’s how that that’s how I support that oh God okay it’s scary it’s

Super scary I don’t want to get close to it I don’t want to get close to it me and cookie made him a on hit kill I don’t know if he’s still a one hit kill but I don’t I don’t want to find out uh because the wanted kill means the series

Is over all right so let’s sleep I I don’t want to encounter the withering Reaper are you freaking kidding me oh oh that means I can put it in the thumbnail oh I can put I can put him in the thumbnail and get all the views hello

You little o you don’t have a head the reaper seems to have disappeared the fog is gone so I do believe I was correct the fog is connected to the reaper in some way all right cool now that we had completed our first objective I had some

Plans in mind I needed a new base and my plan was to make an island in the lake by the cherry blossom and on that island I would make my castle to watchs and rule over the nearby Villages but I was missing a lot of resources we would need

A lot of stone and I was still just rocking the iron chest plate and pants but before hitting the mines again Captain cookie told me me about a new mechanic with the blues oh there we go there’s one all right hello you little Blues all right so with some bone meal

In hand let’s just right click it come on oh see it ate it it ate it a little bit more and there we go it should be tamed now does it follow me what does it do oh I give it I give it stuff and it

Drops stuff all right let’s uh see if we can find another one I see another one over there right yes yes yes there we go all right so that one is tamed is it tamed or is it just trying to mate let’s see if we can bring them closer to each

Other there we go there we go do the mate they made a new blues and this one’s pink do I need to tame it too or is it this one was this the baby which one is the baby are you the baby oh you’re big now okay that I guess that

Was the baby we got a little Blues family can we can we make a mate again wait I think we just lost one right wait what where did it go we had three where’s my third anyway with these two beautiful Blues by our side we will go

Mining now yeah this is a good cave we got a m shaft over there any water I can fall into did I bring my water bucket I did not oh no oh no okay I see gurm EG I see glur XX if you don’t know what a

Glur is consider yourself lucky it is probably the most cursed thing I have ever modeled in my life these Blues are going to be a problem dude it may have not been smart to bring them with us let’s try to circumnavigate this area what’s happening over there what little

Yo-yo what are you doing uh okay I’m going to take some damage here that’s all good that’s all good all good oh this is bad the GLX dude um oh this is a good test this is a good test now if these zombies attack me what will the

Blues do they attack it they do that look at that oh that is huge oh baby zombie baby zombie baby zombie but maybe it’s okay if they hats down here because there’s a lot of bad stuff here and I don’t I I kind of feel like just leaving

I kind of feel like just leaving I killed the blues I’m sorry I’m sorry DN T oh God oh God there’s so much stuff happening F oh my God oh my God I popped my totem I popped my totem oh God oh God

Oh God oh this is oh this is bad how did things turn out this way so fast one Blues in the ground come up buddy you need to help me out here all of my Blues are dead just like that that was so fast well uh we got we still got one Blues

We’re bringing one Blu with us no I killed the oh come on right we’re bringing no Blues with us oh poor Blues now I want to leave before those GLX hats I’m sorry you’re not getting that content I don’t I’m not going to face that gurm I don’t I don’t

Want to this time I am going to be mining everything I need I need the experience I need to be able to enchant all of my gear to the max maximum I need to make an anvil I need to combine stuff I need to do a lot of stuff with the

With the with the levels there we go let’s make 16 of the big torches all right let’s uh let’s try to go down to that M shaft such a wasted oh Diamond wow okay cool ooh wait what feather falling three piercing two okay so that’s either for a

Bow or a oh God I saw the shadow oh the RTX is so so scary I could see the shadow just getting bigger behind the freaking inventory screen and you know every time I log on to the world Captain cookie has added in more mobs he’s he’s working day

And night coding all of the different mobs that we see making them ready for a gameplay experience like this you see when they were first made we made them just to be showcased in like a 5 minute section of the video this is a lot different and Captain cookie has been

Making sure that they all do and slowly but surely all of the mobs will be added diamonds good okay I need a fortune pick uh because it’s going to take quite a while to get all the diamonds that I need without a fortune all right so this

Seems like a rather big cave and I hear nasty stuff happening around me I just can’t see them happening because it’s so freaking dark so that’s great at least I know that death is close now for the next boss fight I kind of want to bring

Another YouTuber to help me with it that would be kind of fun since from the videos they are from we usually invite up to five people to fight every mob and yes the mobs have been slightly altered to uh fit more into a single player experience uh some of them are quite

Hard so would it would make sense to invite some more people to help me fight those mobs so do let me know in the comment section are there any YouTubers you would like to see me invite for a little uh 2hour session uh glor glur EG

Okay I I cannot face a gurm in in this cave we got some more diamonds but I had to come back up because I was out of torches so once at the surface I mined all of the exposed coal in my base so we would never run out of torches again

Which did give us a few levels so we did some more enchanting I’m down to my last 30 levels I can’t enchant anything else so this needs to be Fortune fortune 3 there we go anything fortune 3 Unbreaking 3 efficiency four baby that’s a good pickaxe that’s a great

Pickaxe he just grew up in my bed while I was talking to the editor all right I’m a happy camper today because we got a fortune 3 pickaxe I do want to get a I want to get some um some enchantment on this one and one more diamond and it’s

Almost almost fully fully uh fully done all right what will you give me all right I need to get rid of two I think two and will that give me the right amount of 26 all right one more let’s get rid of one more what will you give

Me 24 all right Unbreaking three what do we do we risk it it might only be Unbreaking 3 I’m risking it I’m risking it what do we get what do we get okay okay okay that’s good Unbreaking 3 efficiency 3 that is super super cool that is great that’s fantastic news now

It’s foggy it’s foggy oh there it is oh God it’s so creepy oh okay so it’s not a good sign when it’s foggy man uh the fogginess definitely means the withering Reaper is around we had a massive upgrade to our mining gear now but we had lost our

Totem so it was time to go back to the mansion to get a new one yeah see I’m very bad at sticking to plants I was going to go caving that’s like the whole reason I came to my office sat my ass down and started recording I the idea

Was to go caving but I I’ve decided I now need a totem that’s the hole we we did on day one we want to Kill the Magic dude I’m pretty sure oh oh God no no no oh jeez okay okay I have I’m I’m in here

Now oh no turning back no turning back no R oh God oh God oh oh oh oh God oh God scary scary stuff scary stuff oh I made a mistake I I I I am rting it I am I just like I thought I would I’m regretting it okay I’m definitely get

Getting out I’m going out I’m going I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving oh that was close that was close that was really close I don’t want to repeat that I don’t want to repeat that all right oh there’s a magic dude that’s a magic dude yes

That’s our totem that’s our totem baby no you don’t no you don’t yes totem totem H okay I got it I got it I got it okay let’s go let’s leave let’s leave we had our new totem now we could leave oh never mind we’re not done here are you

Freaking kidding me are you freaking kidding me are you freaking kidding me I’m so sad I had it are you nope you’re the other type I just need to find magic dude oh I think I found it I think I found it wait then where ooh Max armor trim cool

That’s very cool yes yes baby in here there you go hello you handsome Beast yes now give me your totem please Everything feels better now Everything feels I just feels so refreshed okay now we had our totem so I could now test out my fortune pickaxe and get rich baby now

Let’s test our Fortune pickaxe there we go there we go that’s a lot of coal that’s a lot of coal we’re getting that’s that is that makes me so happy bro finding diamonds with a fortune pickaxe that that’s going to be huge I fell down I fell down I fell down

I fell down a huge cave oh my God this cool this cave is cool but I’m so scared that’s a withering Reaper that’s a withering reaper now from what I can oh my God oh my God oh my God I just need torches just leave me alone for a second

Please oh man all right let’s see if I get close do they oh god okay let’s yep okay yep yep yep there was the uh the pink particles that’s definitely Enderman we found diamonds how many diamonds wait what wait come on really oh and the fog

Is oh the fog is kicking in yep yep yes you see the fog definitely definitely oh god oh stop it now I’m kind of going the wrong direction I really want to check out that big cavern really 35 35 look at that I feel like the TNT teds would make

A good plusy but that would be that would be quite a project to take on if you guys would want a plusy a TNT Ted plusy let me know and I I’ll get that I’ll get that sorted because I want one I do want one I mean look at this this

Is this is the reason why I play with shaders let’s just quickly look at the same spot without shaders oh yeah oh this is so cool yeah I can see it no this this is beautiful yeah that’s what this is what I like Day 36 all

Right I need to take a break soon I’m running out of the big torches too is it’s a dead end there we go there we go all right is it is it’s one it’s freaking one and it it was literally just one we just got one did I use the wrong

Pickaxe all right this is a big this is a big one this is a big one how many how many diamonds how many do we have right now we got 17 so after we pick these up we got 23 all right is that good that’s six diamonds from three yeah it’s two per

All right that’s that’s fine it’s like the bare minimum I would expect from a fortune 3 pickaxe I continued my mining for a bit until I yet again ran out of Tores it’ be dark with saders bro and we returned to the surface 4 days later on

Day 38 with 42 new diamonds and once at the surface we found the most broken Village that’s a freaking Outpost in a village I just want to I just want to check the village just want to see the village now I should really have the coordinates of my house written down

Somewhere I don’t I I don’t we have a what okay this is the weirdest Village well I just want the blacksmith what do you got got a diamond for me no you don’t you got obsidian that’s cool now we have enough obsidian to go to the nether that scares me solid Village

There we go that’s our village well that’s one of our Villages home sweet home oh the blues is still here hi there buddy once I returned home we had a total of 46 diamonds now that we were really well set up I decided it was time

To start work on our our Island build so I spent day 39 planning and on day 40 I rolled up my sleeves and got to work but do you see the plan for my base is rather big I don’t want to be wasting time making a little house when my

Actual plan is to make a whole freaking Island in this Lake and then then a castle on top but in order to make that Island we need a lot of stone and we don’t really have too much of it not at least not enough to make an island now

How much much Stone do we have here we have all of the stone we have gathered through 39 days 39 days and you know some YouTubers they like to make Farms they do all their Redstone stuff some are very good at building but you see

The card that I have up my sleeve is a little bit Different hello hey mate what’s up hey uh so you know how I pay your salary uh yeah I can’t believe you’re making me do this you look wonderful beautiful you look so good in orange come with me so my plan is to make a little island in

This Lake over here and that’s going to require a lot of stone so that’s that’s that’s that’s where you come in but no one builds like this kind of stuff out of dirt you’d be unique if you used it here you have my entire collection of

Stone well you could build an island out of that that’s you know no no I’m thinking no no no I’m thinking a big island I’m thinking a rather big freaking Island I was thinking a friend helping a friend oh yeah okay is that why I’ve got this cool outfit yes

Stylist friend all right so I am going to start cooking the uh the Cobblestone and then I’m going to start making the outline of my Island while you my good friend uh you’ll you’ll be you’ll be collecting more stone for me hey with my bare hands that’s how we’re going to do

It oh right you need right okay um I’ll hook you up man when have I ever not listen you want me to enchant it too come I’ll I’ll enchant it yeah it’s only the best for my for my crew I must admit I’m a bit skeptical right now why would

You be skeptical when have I ever done anything to make you skeptical of me here you go efficiency and everything okay okay okay did I abuse my power as a boss to get my employee to mine stone for me sure maybe but did I also make them dress as a prisoner to

Symbolize that they had no choice and are forever enslaved by the capitalistic rules that I take advantage of also yes I don’t know where I’m going with this moving on Shocker the wooden pickaxe I gave cookie wasn’t really cutting it cookie wanted to make a slightly modified version of the silent Whisperer

Stone generator which I will leave a link for in the description and here we have the finished outline of the island you can see that it’s sort of follows the coastline that’s going to look really cool with a castle and everything oh I like that I’m so excited I’ll come

Meet you in a bit I just need to replace my armor real quick and then we can go into uh slime cave oh so you get get the nice armor I can get listen I can get you I can I can get you iron armor is that cool iron armor I saw those

Diamonds man I need them diamonds dude I worked hard for them okay okay okay I’ll go with iron the best I going to get I guess all right I have made myself new armor and fixed my feather falling boots and I got some stuff for you too here

Let me I can I can quickly fix those they’re almost broken and then I’ll will I will meet you uh yeah I’m coming back to your village all right I got I got uh I got food I got bucket I got you some gear uh you probably need a pickaxe too

Do you have a pickaxe a good pickaxe a better pickaxe than the other pickaxe a stone I got a stone pickaxe which is probably not better uh I’ll make you I’ll make an iron one uh and I’ll chant it with a single level I only have one

Level I’m not being I only have one level I got five see you’re better i’ I’ve I’ve used all my levels enchanting gear for you see I’m not I I take care of my own I get paid in Minecraft gear are you hearing this that’s your saler

Oh it’s almost night time it is it is it is oh there’s cold there where where you at where you at I don’t know I’m a bit lost you know what I I’ll I’ll just go I’ll just send you the coordinates where you need to go where are you no I’m at

The Village man oh well I’m already going to the okay well I’m coming back just I’ll just sleep oh no are we are we going straight to the cave now uh come meet me by the lake come meet me by the lake oh yeah there he is okay cool all

Right let’s go to the cave let’s go to the cave it’s it’s it’s it’s dangerous outside extremely okay run run run run run run I I didn’t bring torches I do I got torches I don’t okay wait uh do you have a you call yourself a professional

I never call myself a professional where the hell is this cave here here’s the cave all right I can hear slimes we got it oh there we go cave and slimes baby oh what happened oh thanks for that what happened T just come in behind me and

And and near killed me ah slime there we go yeah and I’ve already been here see I knew about this all along oh okay wow okay they’re doing dam was a bit of a mission it wasn’t oh I getting slimes oh jeez woo oh jeez okay well we can just

Oh they’re so loud we can just oh they’re so loud I don’t like this H we need a torch Diamond done I just found diamonds great wait wait I just found slime I’ve got enough slime I don’t think I need to be here much longer all

Right so I need need food my inventory is completely full oh there’s water down there is this where we came out oh okay oh I thought I wasn’t going to hit the water hang on hang on slime slime slime slime slime I’m just going to pick up

This water I find yeah pick it up cuz I find this water is a bit dangerous since I’m thinking we got the we got the diamonds on the other side I’m going to be smart here water down here now look at how smart I’m going to be look at this look at this

Ah very clever yeah you’re good don’t you I’m pretty good at this game oh wait I don’t that water down there I can’t see is that water I don’t know whether I want to get uh yeah there’s water right here oh more diamonds there’s diamonds

On this side too yay oh and it’s a big ore all right cool is this really the forun I keep on just getting a single Diamond okay there we go I got three from that one oh oh oh the gurm queen one of if not the nastiest mob I have ever made just

Looking at it is enough torture to just want to allow it to kill you to end the suffering nasty the glar queen multiplies by laying X that hats into tiny glar babies would slowly grow in size and power this would be a very tough boss fight but at least we had our

Trusted Friend by our side John John that’s not good that’s not good oh come on John John don’t John John John John are you he left he left the call um I am not ready for this all right at least he can’t he can’t get

To me so as long as I don’t move I should be good oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez oh we got the freaking gurm and it’s already laying its eggs so we have come across a lot of glur EGS in the last few Minecraft days uh and I I thought that

Was it I thought there were just baby glms that would hats but nope we got the we got the mama glm can it see me I think it sees me all right but I am safe for right now I’m not safe I’m not safe I’m not safe I’m not safe I’m not safe

Okay it’s walking over The Lava all right glur let’s get you with the boat can I just can I just do with that takes such a big damage that’s huge but I only got 10 more arrows oh no no oh God oh God oh oh oh

God oh God oh God oh that was so unfortunate oh I need my water back I need my water back I cannot be fighting around lava without water oh that was the scariest moment in my life all right so first things first let’s take care of

This lava uh I do not want to be knocked into it again that was the scariest thing let’s get let’s get a few hits in let’s get a few hits in let’s get a few hits in and of course of course of course all of the freaking mobs are

Going to be an issue for those who haven’t seen the glur before it lays eggs that will hats into other glurs that slowly reach the size of the mama glm oh there they come look at that it’s tiny glms it’s tiny glurs jeez it’s already getting bigger

Oh I can drop that what what was that glm goo all right oh jeez there’s another tiny glm look at that it’s getting bigger it’s way bigger than it was when it were hats it’s it’s already so big all right but it does seem like the baby alms are attacking the other

Mobs all right so that could be good a good strategy might be just to let them hats then oh it’s it’s so it’s so nasty it is so nasty oh what is that that’s a new attack that is definitely a new attack all right oh my I’m getting so

Low I’m getting so low I cannot die I cannot die I cannot die okay now that we have made all of this obsidian let’s quickly are no no no no I cannot have a withering Reaper and a fre piing gurm I need to fight the gurm while it’s foggy

All right we have created enough area to fight it it’s getting really foggy because we got a withering Reaper in the freaking cave all right but the glurs are taking care of it nice nice nice all right I I don’t really have a lot of time to go and battle because every time

I go to the the freaking middle oh do you see how many they’re after me day 48 yay oh jeez all right it is the nastiest freaking creature oh no we’re in the darkness we’re in the darkness and therefore it looks so nasty oh I can see stuff I

Can barely see stuff there’s something attacking me zombies and the glur all right I don’t see the mama GL of anywhere ah oh there it is oh oh crap oh it’s it’s so nasty that is the freaking most cursed mob all of these mobs are making it impossible for

Me to attack the actual boss oh it’s still after me it’s still after me it’s still after me okay okay okay that’s fine that’s fine all right it has dropped interest good good good now let’s take care of these other mobs all right you know what I’m starting to feel

Sympathy for all of the guests I bring on to my videos there’s another baby glm all right I can deal with this one it’s it’s alone it’s alone okay I’m way too close to Lava way too close to Lava I don’t want to be fighting here I do not want to be fighting

Here oh okay okay I need to eat I need to eat I need to eat stop attacking me oh there’s so so many baby glms oh oh I I need to eat but I can’t get a moment of Peace everywhere I run I’m just getting more and more mobs angry at

Me no no no no no none of you none of you none of you no are you kidding me oh I can’t I can’t die I cannot die I cannot die I I’m getting so low slimes ah I can’t eat enough I can’t eat enough I two hearts two hearts arrows arrows arrows I I can’t commentate I really cannot commentate I am legitimately I’m so scared I’m so scared I’m so scared it’s not even funny all right all right regenerating Health regenerating Health

Let’s get oh no one one heart I got down to one one heart again one heart again don’t don’t don’t I got down to a half a heart for a split second there I got down to a freaking half a heart don’t okay okay I can eat now I

Can eat now if I just take care of these guys don’t do that that Spin Attack oh one heart oh be quiet be quiet focus focus focus focus focus they’re they’re following me like crazy I cannot I cannot get a moment of peace to freaking eat

Oh my God oh my God don’t don’t turn around don’t turn around it’s scary to turn around there are so many half a heart half a heart and I’m not regenerating if I pop a totem I will I will regenerate Health oh oh oh oh okay things just got very serious things

Just got very serious oh okay okay we need to take care of all these babies they’re just getting bigger and more dangerous there are so many there are so many run away run away run away oh okay if we oh no oh no oh no oh no two hearts

Two hearts two hearts no totem no totem two hearts okay where where’s the mama where’s the mama where’s the mama oh food I need food on my in my hot bar I need food in my hot bar I need I need to get out of here oh one heart no

Totem one heart no totem one heart no totem okay to the waterfall to the waterfall let’s go up let’s leave the freaking dangerous spot oh oh God oh God oh one heart no totem no one heart no totem food food food oh jeez eight chicken I got eight

Chicken I don’t even need to do this guys I don’t need to do this I can I can I see you I see you I see the freaking Skelly aiming the it’s bow on me I don’t need to do this guys I can I can leave I

Legitimately right now I could just I could just take my way out of here no no body would say a word I mean yes a lot of people would say a word very nasty words probably I no no no we’re doing this we are going to defeat the glm uh

We have gotone this far now let’s we just need to regenerate Health we need to think we need to relax I’ve been I’ve been in a state of panic and I cannot be in a state of panic I’m not I’m not even faking it it’s is I’m I’m so

Stressed oh my man day 49 all right good can I just stay here can I just stay here for the rest of the 100 days so technically I I Will Survive 100 days this must be the mama this must be the mama I’m ready for you I’m ready for you I’m ready for

You we just stay in the water we just stay stay in the water oh God oh God okay I’m being pushed into the lava I’m being pushed into the lava and see even the TNT Ted is bouncing even the TNT Ted knows that this is not a safe place to be three

Chicken left we need to defeat this gurm right now or else we will not be able to regenerate any more health is this the is this the mama why why don’t that stop it stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop ooh oh God what that

Was such a risky move all right okay you know okay okay okay okay I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine we can deal with these guys we can deal with these guys it’s no problem it’s no problem at all okay all the babies seem to be

Grouped up over there let’s try to to to over the I can’t speak there we go that’s doing damage okay that’s doing damage I can do this I can do this all day as a power two bow this is good this is very good okay 14 more arrows let’s just keep

On hitting it keep on hitting it ah don’t I just want to hit the mama we got two more arrows one more okay there we go that was all of our arrows and we have brought the queen oh more arrows yes good good good good good good

Good good good good no we don’t want to fight the baby I don’t care about you guys leave let let me be you you’re the one I want you’re the one I want there we go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go ah getting hits getting hits getting

Hits getting hits getting hits getting hits getting hits and we did it oh no it’s B so many oh what is that what is that there were so many inside of its body oh my God okay I have no more food I I have H I can hear more stuff

Spawning all right so what do we get we got there we go Moon dust we did all that for dust glm goo and dust Reaper spikes that wasn’t even from the freaking boss fight the most valuable thing we got were slime balls I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care I don’t

Care screw this cave I am never coming back oh we were down to a single heart with no totem in a 100 days challenge I can’t Sprint it’s night time and I can’t Sprint ah stop following me I just want to go home we did it we almost didn’t

Make it but we killed the glm queen now it was time to head back and confront our friend who left us there to die I’m getting so low oh oh my God oh my God oh if if I die on my way back to the Village I defeat you know what you know

What I need to call up John I need to have a word with John hey man don’t hay man me oh did you not find any Redstone yes yes I did find Redstone yes I did I do have some Redstone for you well what the freak man what the freak

Uh it just I we got the Slime I thought we were done you left me there with the freak oh my God oh my God John there is not can you can you where are you well you know I’m in the village I’m just I’ve been please sleep please sleep I

See you okay wait I’m coming to you I’m coming to you well I would sleep but it’s not my bed H all right I’m almost home I’m so close I’m coming in I’m coming in I’m coming in John I I I got three and A2 Hearts right

Now no totem and no hunger and no food well I mean what you know what I just I I I you told me I needed to get you some Stone so I I I said about getting some Stone did you get me stone did you at

Least get me stone can I at least make my Island now look funny story um it turns out that I I kind of went with a different design I probably only needed one slime ball anyway which we had so we probably didn’t need to go down there

But anyway let me show you oh my God no no no no up here no we haven’t slept yet what are you doing all let’s go to sleep then I can do that day 50 hey we’re halfway done we’re halfway done I’m halfway done you’ve just been you youve made it you

You almost made it so that it wasn’t I was so dude I was so close to dying John I got dust John I John I did all that for dust 39 Moon dust at least tell me it’s good at least tell me it does something really good I don’t I don’t I

Don’t I don’t find it good okay all right you made a farm all right and how much has it these are empty John ah yeah okay about that come over here this leave it up here right I didn’t decorate it cuz I figured you’d want to yeah

That’s that’s how you start the farm did you get the Redstone that’s what I needed the Redstone for so I needed some Redstone you got me red stone that’s good so you can finish now well finish is a strong word wait what what was it

That you needed you said you went with a different design what what what oh oh okay so I only needed one slime ball for a sticky piston I I I didn’t need a whole bunch of sticky pistons but uh there’s one missing piece we need to go

To the nether or I need you to go to the nether I need an observer The Observer makes the whole thing run why would I what what what and and the where does the nether come in how do you make a how do you make an observer quartz quartz I

Need like Redstone fine I will get you quartz but I need I need a new totem and I need to calm down my voice I cannot do it today I need I need to be I need to be quiet for a few days the ne’s peaceful come on there’s nothing much

There compared to this I don’t believe you I don’t believe you 50 days I don’t believe I don’t believe you I don’t believe you but fine all right tell me tell me just tell me how I can make okay so I get I get the Observer

Where will I place the Observer you need to place it on the sticky piston facing that way on the sticky piston you want to stand this way and you just want to go oh okay I thought I thought Observer was like the like uh like a repeater or

Something all right okay cool and that’s it and it will work after that and then I just flick the lever and then it works you have to stand up here oh that was a bad place you stand up here and you’re going to go like this with your pickaxe

All right and it will it’s and it’s always going to be that loud yeah you need to turn this one on and you put coal in this chest and you put coal in the chest on the other side and then it’ll cook it and it’ll give you stone

Or or you could just get silk touch and and then you won’t need all this stuff under here all right okay okay thanks cool awesome I need I need to go lay down now thank you oh thanks John appreciate it this is this is this is in

Quality engineering yes I’m sure it is I’m sure it is I’ve just been I’ve been through a lot I’ve been through a lot today I need to lay down you’ve had a day so how was was I don’t want to talk about it I don’t want to talk about it I

Don’t want to talk about it I just want to lay down just want to lay down bye-bye now at least while I was gone cookie had made the St Farm meaning we could now make some major progress on our Island build but we still had one more

Component to make to activate the farm an observer for which we needed Quartz meaning it was time to make ourselves a nether portal but cookie had used all my obsidian to make the farm so I quickly went underground to get some more but like Captain cookie told us there is one

Important component missing from the farm and that is a comparator and in order to make a comparator we need to go to the nether I don’t really want to go to the nether but that is just something that we need to do oh God okay oh oh oh I’m digging

Into stone now all right that is dangerous oh okay we can go a little bit more down okay let’s not let’s be a little bit careful when digging straight down uh I do not want to die before I even get to the nether that’s a big hole

Right there don’t want to go down there let’s go down the staircase instead o what a cool cave look at this I don’t think I’ve been to this part of the cave hey stop it the problem here is that I have now walked far enough that I will

Never find my way back I’ve stop it Diamonds oh my God so many diamonds in a such a small area that is cool more diamonds for me how many was that 15 diamonds just from a single spot that’s good that’s good that’s really good now

I have no clue what awaits Us in the nether but knowing cookie and knowing Kevin I I I think they I I don’t think they forgot about the Nether and I I’m quite I’m quite nervous about what I will find that should be enough obsidian there was one block over here I’m going

To do we get we got nine Let’s uh let’s make it an even 10 and then we can go back up with the obsidian collected I made the portal and activated it it was time to go to hell oh my God oh my God

Oh no oh here we are here we are in the nether then we got the quartz Hey listen hey this is all we needed uh this is all we needed this is what we came here for do we really okay I am making a video so

Let’s quick a take a quick peek just a quick quick quick pixie oh there’s a okay there are wither Reapers here noted oh what oh no that’s a blast that oh no let’s not get too close to the blast because that that mob right there that’s

Decided to be a kamakazi type of a mob I kind of kind of want to see if it has the same mechanic are you are you going to I don’t want to see that actually no I don’t want to see that no no let’s let’s uh let’s go back let’s go back um

I’m sure we haven’t even seen a fraction of what the nether has in store for us there’s so many Endermen here now where did I come from is this it is this my cave oh jeez I’m lost oh oh I’m lost oh oh this is really really bad I don’t

Have enough obsidian to make a new portal I need to find my way back home this is it this is it okay I got too excited there oh man yes home let’s go home oh man with a quartz collected I made the Observer and completed the stone Farm which worked really well so

We can finally get to mining our Cobblestone honestly this is taking way longer than just going and getting the Cobblestone normally would have taken so how did he say I should do it like like that there we go I think I think that’s how and then we

Do this oh hey wao and then we do this and we chop away this is pretty good this is pretty good I like this this is super simple billion inconvenience all right all right I’ve only been here for couple maybe maybe 2 minutes let’s see

Let’s see how much that okay okay okay I need to put coal in here but yeah all of these are pretty pretty full I mean that’s a pretty okay this one is completely empty I love this design I love this design everything just became so much easier thank you Captain cookie all of

The stone we mined was being automatically smelted and delivered to us in the chest below so for a couple days all I did was mine so I could build my big island that is until Kevin and cookie messaged me saying that they were

About to hop on oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no they’re about to log in there we go there we go there we go I just need to make sure that the lava doesn’t go anywhere where

I don’t want it to go oh Kevin oh wait I need to join the Discord call oh hey what the hello hello oh hey hang on hang on what’s that what’s that I just heard lava I just heard lava what what where I can see a glow I would like my items

Back this is all right you’re burning the village you’re burning the village I’m dying the items in the chest now items in the chest now before you burned down my Village you did this items in the chest items in the chest oh I can’t I can’t the chest is not big enough stop

What is going on here he keeps on taking my stuff I hear villagers dying I really do when he gets first logged in I gave him Cal and he just logged off with it I I needed food I’ve been I’ve been this is my living quarters man this is it

This is we look here hey I see you in a prison the skin is so perfect for this oh my God yay I’m free what what what are you wearing he made me do it weren’t we supposed to play together you and I you’re not even you anymore I’m scared

Steve are you seeing this seeing what are you not seeing the Villager lying here on the stairs no he’s lying in his bed I’ve never seen this glitch before oh oh no it worked for when I did it oh oh you can punch why didn’t why didn’t

That’s not why are you here have you been on playing since last we were on no he hasn’t I left him with a glob left him with a wait what Glo I I’ll tell you in a bit I’ll tell you in a bit I just need to sleep through the night all

Right day 55 so uh uh I may have asked to get me the stone while I build my Island did you build this you can’t help him make these things that’s not how this is supposed to work here’s the deal you go to soulsand Valley and you enjoy

Yourself there bring some proper armor I recommend that uh but that’s not why we logged on initially cuz we were actually about to tell you of another cool thing that we’ve added and you don’t have a head oh the beauty of ARX got all right okay you know what

Player models can be janky play your model janky fine why are you here okay so um we we got words that maybe the Torches that we implemented weren’t like as efficient as we initially hoped I haven’t really used them a lot no you haven’t uh yeah kind of kind of figured

They did I mean they they they were they were I will use them as decoration after I buil my Island and I’m going to build a castle that’s why I needed that oh you know actually for we we um so in respect to their maybe not so great quality

We’ve actually added an even better light source we need copper and we need glowstone dust do you have any glowstone dust and there’s no glowstone where’s the glowstone dust didn’t you have any glowstone dust you said you had glowstone dust no I’m getting it right now you’re getting it right now have to

Wait for this how how much do I need how much do I need well three yeah three three oh it’s still it’s still oh oh my God oh my God I might die did you just lose oh my God I might die oh okay good how much need three I’m good

I’m good I’m coming back this is going to be cool okay you ready crafting table three coppers at the top in a row and then three glowstone dust in the middle and then three coppers at the bottom ooh okay mining lamp place it right here wait it’s about to come night

Time all right uh right click right click yeah right click it right click it hey let’s bring this down into a cave and see him die when was it was close to 50 wasn’t it was close to 50 when you fought the um GL so I don’t know oh my

God it’s another boss we didn’t say it was a no no obviously another freaking boss uh you just revealed it it’s another boss which one which one is it which one is it it’s the nether is okay let me guess let me guess let me guess

Detonator uh I me that would be fun this isn’t fun I I immedi told you Cobblestone myself I told you there would be Karma you didn’t treat me very well down in there you look at the footage I said that I said there would

Be Karma on day 75 I will go to the souls and Valley and fight the boss I might actually have already invited somebody to come on later in the series The Rules already seriously no so because I had cookie make me that stone Farm I have now

Received a penalty on day 75 I will need to go to the Nether and face our next boss waiting for us in the Soul Sand Valley but until then it was time to Build I built from day 58 to day 69 and look at all this progress we did I can’t wait to finish this island but day 75 is growing close the day we would be fighting the next boss in the Nether and for that fight I needed a helping

Hand all right it is Day 70 day 75 is growing ever so close and that is the day we had decided to do that thing that they told us to do go to the soul Valley and meet the next boss but you see the thing is it didn’t go that well the last

Time I was very close to dying and I didn’t like it I didn’t like it one bit so I have taken it upon myself to invite a little friend of ours Albert Einstein why is it must for slabs this is for slabs this be very clear mustard CH

Albert Einstein Albert Einstein let’s go let’s go with that who is this bearded man I had locked in my shack that is none other than four slabs experien in the 100 days format for slaps Garners millions of views on his 100 Days videos he must be the expert if he wouldn’t be

Able to keep me alive during this boss fight no one would I am invited the the physicist Albert Einstein to help me with this boss that’s going to come in useful here here you go oh beautiful you are going to need that I I don’t know

Which Spa oh some of it fell down there I don’t know which Spas we are fighting quite yet I am on Day 70 now so please keep me alive for those who don’t know uh Sean is uh the big big big 100 days dude uh so I invited you here

Specifically to keep me alive since you this is your thing this is like what you’re good at right yeah yeah I mean good is a strong uh no yeah wait I invited the wrong person this is the whole thing this is you should no this

Is what you should be good at Kevin and cookie told me that the next boss we will find in the Soul Sand Valley I haven’t really gone that far in the nether yet I I don’t like it there are very there’s a lot of bad stuff there

Yeah I never go here so oh great fantastic great I’m so glad I invited you hey you know what it’s going to go well oh jeez I’m on Day 70 all right so the exit out of this little cave is right here man I am so nervous what is

That oh yeah that’s oh that’s nothing that’s just a withering Reaper do not look at it is it is it like look in the eyes or is it like I can look at my peripheral uh yeah you just don’t don’t look at it what the hell all right so

What we need to do now Sean is we need to find a Soul Sand Valley okay it’s not really going to be an easy job because neither of us are experienced with the nether it sounds like we got to go we got to go go go I need to have this boss

Speed by day 75 yeah I I made uh I made my coder come on to make me a cobblestone generator and this is the repercussion yeah apparently you can’t get people to help you in 100 days video I I didn’t I didn’t know this oh I think

I see I think I see a soulan valley ooh and a fortress oh this is good this is good all right now we just need to get a little bit closer all right so this is the soulsand valley isn’t it I’m going to be honest with you I don’t know what

A soulan valley is so I don’t either I mean this is soul so I think I think this is it it sounds right right it adds up yeah W watch out for the skeletons all right so I see a lot of fog down here that probably means a withing

Reaper so be careful uh I have no idea how we’re going to get down safely uh try this oh yeah hey go try this try that oh my god did you survive all right that means I can survive too awesome I barely survive it two hearts oh blast a blast a blast that

Dude that that thing that’s a kamaki ghast oh great but it seems to be stuck in a thing all right all right you know what I don’t even want to wa oh no what is that thing oh no I I got a glimpse of

It I got a glimpse of it is that the boss that that’s the boss That’s The Wanderer The Wanderer a vendigo creature that uses a flute to summon lost souls and cast spells from the underworld fighting this boss would be very difficult to do on the surface but we

Were doing it in the nether this boss cross VI will be the hardest one yet well he’s wandering his way into a wall right now so let’s go give him do I have any arrows left oh god oh that’s new oh that’s new I know that he can summon

Those Souls with his flute all right okay he’s he’s Agro on you I think I can take care of him all right you you hit him I’m going to wander him into this flame right here yes you do that yes let’s see if he burns does he burn he’s

Hitting his head a lot yeah it does doesn’t seem to mind okay okay he is he is okay the the fire is just going to be an issue for us oh Jesus oh crap a fire Golem as well oh there’s a tentacle that’s new as well okay you have a bow

Where did you get a bow I just found it on the ground right now oh that’s going to be me uh okay listen this probably wouldn’t be this hard if there wasn’t this many mobs here here I’ll give you a stack of torches I’ll give you a stack

Of torches I think the first priority should be just lighting things up here stack that should be enough that should be enough here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go get get him get him yes yes he’s not fing

Back this is good this is good this is good oh come on oh that was the blast I need I need a totem I so stupid for not bringing a totem dude yeah be good oh my God what is hitting me right now being hit by the

Soul yeah he summons those Souls have you not been seeing the souls I have been but I thought they were just glowing lights to guide me no they’re definitely aggro at you oh my God he blasts you so far and there’s so many pits of lava one long blast it’s over

For me well at least you don’t have to worry about like retrieving your stuff yeah exactly what is hitting me I’m being smashed to pieces there we go let’s let’s actually get some damage on him we this was a very tough battle we were taking quite the beating from all

Of the mobs here in the nether but luckily we had the 100 days expert by our side making sure we stayed alive oh my God I’m on fire oh that’s probably my I’m sorry oh come on no that was me I think that was me remember Albert

Einstein no no wait no wait no I got the fire aspect of my sword John I think I killed you didn’t kill me you killed science oh no I cannot do this alone God freaking damn it oh man all right that’s I guess that’s the bad part about

Playing in hardcore oh there he goes there he goes That’s all the help we got but listen that that was good that was good we got him down to half half HP I can’t believe this killed by my sword I think it it was definitely the fire

Aspect that killed him I need to be careful I need to be careful there’s fire right there I’m definitely going to die if oh freak oh Freak come on okay I’m getting hits I’m getting some good hits I’m getting some real real real good hits see this is way easier alone

There we go come on oh the knock back the knockback is crazy when when was the knockback at it freaking blast I’m taking taking you down ah I need I need more I need more of these human Shields to come on I’m I’m sorry Sean that’s all

You were to me oh what is that oh what wa that’s a big skeleton with fire eyes nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope all right one freaking pork chob left and I need to get make my way all the way back home so it I need to

Kill him right now I have no more time I have run I have officially run out of time I cannot waste any more time if I don’t kill him right now I won’t yes yes oh drops drops drops drops drops hide hide hide hide I killed him I killed him

I killed him I killed him I killed him I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it let’s take a look at the drops I know a lot of you have freaking requested this

In the video where we made the Wonder I got so many comments saying that he should drop its flute so is does this do what I think it does we need to test it out and we need to test it out let’s take care of this guy from here come on

Come on yes All the skeletons drop arrows that’s good that’s good that’s a good way to get arrows I’m going to test the flute in a second I just need to focus right now to get getting home we had defeated The Wanderer and collected our loot but we had another issue on

Hand we were thousands of blocks away from our portal with no food and no Force Labs would take the hits for us the journey back home might be more dangerous than the fight itself I just want to get home I just oh there’s so many skeletons why there so many

Skeletons I’m so freaking low I have no food I just need to get back home I just need to get back home this is way scarier than okay there’s the oh there’s a stronghold oh there’s okay I need to get there I need to get there if a if a

Gas comes I’m dead I’m dead but if I go over there I’m dead too so all right we just we we hurry up we do this we do this oh that’s not how that’s not how okay this is super freaking terrifying this is terrifying oh my God oh my God I

Can’t watch I can’t watch oh there’s a gas below me okay hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up oh freak oh freak oh no I don’t want I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t oh God oh God okay oh another

Direction another direction another direction away from the gas away from from the gas okay okay okay okay okay okay that’s fine shoot that guy move past him move past oh don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me I’m so low it’s this direction there’s a

Skeleton over there that one is going to attack me if I get close to it let’s just go through this cave it’s somewhere here let’s just dig there all right check the coordinates I need to go a little bit down ah the freaking lava the

Freaking lava is going to be a problem I think this is it is is our portal there is this it this is it in in in in in get food get food in in in in oh my God I need to stop I need to stop I need to

Stop facing these bosses the the how you survive a 100 days is just don’t fight the bosses I’ve been doing fine I’ve been doing all of that just because I asked John to I didn’t even ask him to make me a cou I just asked him to get

Get me some Stone I just asked I just asked him to get me some Stone he made me a cobblestone generator and I was forced to fight the freaking boss ah oh come on we made it home with barely any health left I quickly slept and ate some food and we were finally

Safe safe enough to test out the flute that the wonderer had dropped this flute better be worth it what else did I get from that dude I got I think I got the leather let’s see what does this do are they going to attack Me they’re not attacking me that’s okay that’s that’s really cool that’s really cool actually that’s actually really cool I have calmed my nerves time to get working on the island again guess we can get rid of this SP now man I have so much Netherrack I don’t want all this

Freaking Netherrack what am I supposed to what is a man supposed to do with this much Netherrack we had a great new weapon the flute of souls but we had another weapon a bow dropped by a fellow Soldier Against The Wanderer I named it in his memory and once my castle is done

We will be hanging it up speaking of the castle I was tired of swimming back and forth to My Island so on day 75 I decided to start making the Bridge [Applause] A Look at our little brids ah finally we don’t need to cross the water to get to the island the drowns were becoming a problem dude ah this feels so good just just jumping over our Bridge we still got a little bit left to do uh with

Filling the island but yeah this is the start of our Mega base I will probably be raising the ground in the back so that we can have the castle on a little Hill that’s going to look nice it’s going to be a little walkway up to it

And all this is going to be grass don’t you worry about it don’t you worry your sweet little faces but right now we are on day 81 and I do want to beat the Ender Dragon on day 100 especially because we’ve kind of met a boss every

25 days roughly we met the height on day 25 the gurm on day 50 roughly and then The Wanderer around day 75 so of course we need to wrap it all up with the Ender Dragon that’s right on day 100 we will be fighting the Ender Dragon so next up

On our list of things to do we need to get some Eyes of Ender but before we could go to the nether to collect our blaze rods we needed to fix our gear so I retired our nearly broken armor and quickly Enchanted a new helmet with protection one and combined a feather

Falling one book to some new boots then I took a little trip to the mansion to get myself a new totem all right here we are now what were we here for I have completely for right totem totem I had completely forgotten so we need to find

One of the magic dudes all right I’m a little bit nervous definitely nervous um oh all right let’s be very careful I hear an Enderman is he is he mad at me what what why why is there an Enderman teleporting all the time I just need a

Magic dude oh there’s one Johnny boy there’s two Johnny boys can they can they get there oh god oh oh there’s a magic dude there oh good good good good is that oh that’s where where they are okay um I need to be super careful here

There we go he’s dead now I think it’s just the magic dude left oh god oh jeez oh that scared me oh wow it’s a wanted kill with a bow nice where’s the magic dude then did I already Kill the Magic dude I did there’s a totem okay good

Good good good good okay we can get out of here we can get out of here let’s just go out right here this is fine this is fine oh god oh I do have feather falling one okay sort of helps us and night time

Is about to hit and we have made our bed yet okay let’s uh let’s already equip the totem with a new totem in hand we were now properly geared up to go to the Nether and get our blaze rods it was time to go find the nether fortress now

Let’s get some food and then we can go all right now that should be enough food let’s see what do we got what do we got what do we got we got 22 17 and 17 and four bread as well uh I don’t I don’t mess with the raw stuff I like

Sushi I don’t like raw pork oh and I got four cooked chicken too all right we should be good to go to go to the nether now we got the food we got the gold we got the golden armor I think I think we should be good we got a little bit

Blocks for building if we do need to all right let’s do this okay okay let’s do this and here we are all right we definitely need to deal with this at some point I don’t like how difficult it is to get out of here let’s actually do

This we got a lot of torches so let’s let’s just uh Handel and grle this and place down some breadcrumbs so we know our way back home uh do we go here I think we go here then we just follow the Torches back home getting there is

Quite simple I think it’s it’s getting back that’s going to be difficult where’s the Fortress Is it here yes I freaking KN I knew we were going to find it now all we need to do is figure out a way to get to it uh in a

Safe manner there it was the Nether Fortress with little to no experience I ran towards it completely oblivious to how hard it is to survive a trip like this so I was just notified of how the fire Golems are spawned not by fire but

By the so right there boom when a when a gas Fireball hits the ground that spawns the fire Golems so the gas are now more dangerous than they were before we’re going to have to bridge our way there oh I heard a gas okay okay hurry up hurry

Hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up oh god oh no okay I’m probably going to die I’m I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die

I’m going to die oh my God I’m going to die oh my God I’m going to die I hate this place I hate this place so much I am stressing so much I cannot die now I’m on day like 80 something no no no no no let’s stay here for a bit longer

Regenerate Health regenerate Health just just chill just chill just chill there’s no rust there’s no rust oh man oh man I’m so scared all right I think this is is a good spot to get the get the souls I can’t see the souls but right now they

Are taking care of the mobs okay let’s get ourselves out of here good oh no no no no no no no oh that’s a place oh that’s a place oh that’s a wa we’re right next to one jeez oh oh oh scar stuff we already have a place Rod okay

How many do we need oh this is good this is good this is good let’s just get rid of this stuff no no no no no no no no no no no no no I’m almost dead I’m almost dead I’m almost dead back into the hole

Back into the hole uh get the stuff get this stuff oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God no one heart this is going so bad I’m waiting for the cool down for the Wonder flu to go down and my health to

Go up we got Souls on our side good good good so many places what the freak what the freak what the freak oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh oh oh run run run run survive survive survive oh God

Oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God Jesus why is this going so bad there’s there were so many places there oh man okay we still have the totem for some miraculous

Reason we still have the totem we have gotten so low so many times there’s one right there there we go get the feet get the feet get the feet there we go uh did that drop yep that dropped one hey come follow me come follow me everybody everybody come follow me yes

Yes I almost just got knocked down I almost just got knocked down to the lava that would have killed me I’m done I’m done with this place I’m so done with this place I’m going to die oh how did he get there how did he get

There how did he get there how did he get there one heart again I thought this I I knew this would be hard but this hard are I hear so much bad stuff let’s just Spam click it let’s spam click it until there we go there we go there we go more

Souls can we get these guys from here yes there’s one okay and the souls are doing something it’s distracted there we go we got it we got it easy peasy lemon squeezy how many we got three rods right now anything up here oh so much stuff up

There I’m so done I’m so done oh god oh they’re all coming down oh my God more I need more space I need more space day 85 yay only got 15 days left yes Queen oh God please leave please leave please leave oh in my face right

In my face okay that’s two rods right there hopefully he dropped one too no he didn’t all right we got five rods I have no idea how many rods I need anyone else anyone else anybody else want to take a fight come on come on come come down

Here come down here there you go there you go there you go yes yes all right seven seven seven we got 10 blaze rods but I’m I’m a Noob I don’t know how many I don’t know how long has should been doing this for stop it all right I think

I’m starting to accept the fact that there are no nether warts in this freaking Fortress this is a bad Fortress I can’t stay here for longer I need to leave I need to leave I am going to die if I stay here time to go back time to

Go back time to go back oh I I did want to get some wither skulls uh oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God I popped my totem this is it this is it this is it

This is it uh Souls I need the souls I can’t stay here any longer I need to leave oh man I don’t have a totem anymore I don’t have a totem anymore I have I have no save precautions I should have I should have gotten two totems why

Why do I always just get one totem all right follow the Torches follow all the Torches back home okay we’re going back home I do need to do some piglin bartering I need to find some piglins Oh yay yes you’re I need you all right okay let’s quickly change we had our blaze

Rods now all we needed was ender pearls so I trapped a piglin to barter with using the little gold I had which gave us stuff like fire potions and water bottles I already got a superior water bottle right here but not a single ender pearl I don’t need you anymore

So freak you I don’t like you I don’t I didn’t appreciate this time we spent together oh it’s so foggy oh it’s so foggy I can see my torches over there I guess the rest of the Ender Pearls we’re going to have to go get the oldfashioned

Way the way of killing Enderman not my favorite way so before we left the nether I made myself a little shelter to kill Enderman from which did give us five new pearls we only had seven Eyes of Ender meaning we weren’t quite done just yet to light a portal we would need

Upwards of 12 eyes and even even more to find the portal to begin with so I took another trip to the mansion got myself a new totem and then I went and collected even more ender pearls and after only a couple days work we went from seven Eyes

Of Ender to 20 oh and there’s one more over here good good let’s make that let’s make that 13 thank you all right awesome now we will want to have at least 12 ender pearls with us for the portal it is quite rare that the portals

Have no Eye of Ender in them but it does have it so let’s uh let’s be prepared for that oh we get seven even all right cool that’s 20 that’s 20 that’s so good and there we go we got 20 Eyes of Ender I think I am just about ready to go

Let’s H take the the pumpkin with us can we can we carve it like I can’t I can’t put this on my head no I need to carve it first how do I carve it uh Sears I need Sears do I place it down I place it

Down and then I do this oh oh looks like me it has the exes oh that’s cool oh that’s awesome awesome great and if I put it on it even looks like the exes ah I like it I love it awesome now this is going to be quite annoying in the fight

So I’ll have to fight like this but that’s awesome man the X’s the X’s I like the X’s now for the ender dragon fight why not bring the seeds of Sacra as well so we got a bunch of different mobs helping us out that that might be

Good that might be good I like that I like that idea everything else we can put back in the chest okay we got plenty of food but there we go I think that is a pretty good inventory to bring with us we got the pumpkin we got the seal in

Case our totem pops we got plenty of wood and coal to make extra torches if these run out we got 20 Eyes of Ender we got seed three seeds of Sacura to make three Golems if we need some backup of course the Wonder flute we got plenty of

Food and we got we got weapons for days uh our sword is a little bit weak we don’t have any more diamonds so we might bring this just in case uh I think we’re pretty good to go we’re pretty good to go I I I do like our chances here all

Right let’s just put all that stuff back and then let’s uh let’s let’s go fight the Ender Dragon jeez oh I’m nervous day 91 all right okay we need to hurry up I really want to beat the Ender Dragon in this episode all right well I I I guess

I guess we’re ready ready and good to go all right so let’s go on top of this little Hill just so that we can see where the Eye of Ender goes all right now I do want to be conservative with My Eyes of Ender I got 20 so I let’s let’s

Do this let’s do this uh just to make sure because I don’t want to go all that way and then not have enough Eyes of Ender to activate the portal so we are going to keep these 12 safe and only use these eight to get to the stronghold I’m

Being I’m being smart not just a hatra my friend I had everything I needed so I went to a high spot in the village and shot my first Eye of Ender and there we had our journey laid out for us it’s going that direction all right well

Let’s see let’s let’s hope yep we got it back we got it back we’re going on an adventure a freaking Skelly skellies oh oh no oh come on I do like that spawn animation though but man is that nasty a jeez the freaking whiters I hate the

Whiters can can you please stop shooting me you are ruining my armor you are ruining my armor dudes all right let’s let’s do a little warmup let’s do a little warm up for the dragon come on wider where you at there you are there

You are there you are a come on oh there he is there he is there he is there he is there he is all wait waa no no no no no multiples multiples okay okay doesn’t matter doesn’t matter we can we can deal with multiples we can deal with

Multiples but we just need more souls we just need more souls oh okay there he is there he is oh there’s two of them three of them there’s three okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine wait no are you is that four or three is that four or

Three how many freaking whiters are there right here how many whiters we got right here I just I just want to kill one I just want to kill one I just want to see it I just want to see it drop oh come on oh oh no oh I forgot about this

Stes I forgot about this stes oh oh no both of them are now spiders that’s not great that’s not great oh that’s not great okay you know what you know what I the drops don’t I don’t really care about the drops that much I don’t really

Care about the drops that much stop it stop it stop stop I need to get out of here I need to get out of here there are way too many worm spiders a out of here out of here out of here out of here oh that was nasty that was super nasty yeah

It’s a good thing that we left right there we got like no armor left what do we got here is there a chest even yeah there we go uh we do have O Okay that this is good this good to have good to have silk TTS okay good good great uh up

Up up up up up up up up up up up up up why can’t I go up there we go up and there was also gold Golden Apple in there that will come in useful what else uh I don’t need that uh the pants might break all right we’re bringing that

We’re bring that all right okay that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it all right I’m going to walk on top of this mountain and then we can throw one more Eye of Ender it’s been a while since I threw one so we might actually have passed the stronghold already but

Hey at least we got at least we got a good look at the wider all right up on top of the mountain and throw wants me to go there all right I can do that I can do that I can do that oh come on oh it’s becoming nice time again going out

In the night didn’t go super well the last time the journey was long and along the way we came across many nasty things we continued on our journey we traveled through new biomes new Villages and eventually we reached a jungle oh okay went through the trees uh will I be able

To get it oh there it is found it all right we got six Eyes of Ender we’ve been traveling for so freaking long that’s adorable that’s adorable I don’t really have time to inspect you Mr Panda but you sure are adorable oh oh oh oh oh

We got crystallion do I have spider eyes I don’t have spider eyes oh oh no I I want a crystallion you can tame them with spider eyes and they jump on your shoulder like a parrot and then they like stick out their tongue and attack

Mobs for you ah this I like I like these mobs it’s a shame I don’t have any spider eyes oh oh oh oh oh jungle bad jungle bad oh jungle bad oh jungle bad oh that’s an a Rashel I don’t I oh oh oh oh a jungle

Temple can I please have one second to freaking analyze the situation what so much things happening all at once honestly I’ve completely forgotten how to raid a jungle temple it’s been so long and nobody ever I I haven’t seen anybody do it on YouTube for a while I

Do watch a lot of I can hear the E drel going crazy outside I am not looking forward to going back outside and and facing that I’m not facing it I’m I’m going to say goodbye to it that is what I’m going to be doing uh trip wire let’s

Remove that oh chest okay we got the chest we got the chest all right cool uh wow so disappointing uh do I’m going to bring the bones because I did regret not bringing the bones the last time but I do have a slight memory of there being

Something behind here oh yep yep there we go ooh all right we got some iron and wild armor trim all right okay that’s that’s a pretty decent find I do want to take one last look at the oh my God it’s so freaking giant the igle oh jeez one

More eye ofender come on it must be close I’ve been walking for so long and that broke it’s great I got three left remaining all right let’s be a little bit conservative with them one more eye ofender oh yes okay that means we passed it so it’s close it’s close it’s close

It’s close we need to start going downwards should I throw an Eye of Ender all right let’s uh let’s throw one yes yes okay we’re close we’re close we’re very close okay so it’s somewhere around here let’s all right so let’s throw it right here where does it go when I’m

Here so it’s right there so if I throw this one you know what I’m going to I’m just going to trust it I’m going to trust it I’m going to trust it I don’t want to waste it oh yes this is it this is it this is it which day was it which

Day was it what is that noise what is that mob I he oh oh okay they 95 look at that oh stop it oh bad stuff oh jeez we need to make sure we don’t take that much damage we’re wasting the Armor All right we got a library so we could

Quickly check the chest here oh I hear a skeleton let’s be prepared okay there’s a chest oh oh that’s cool that’s cool I completely forgotten about that video buff bars uh wow all right should I tell you guys what that does or should I just

Tell you guys to go watch the I I made the mobs buff video if you want to know what they do either wait until we use use them or find out by watching watching that video after this video of course all right so this is unexplored 2

And there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go uh let’s uh freaking deactivate this thingy all right so it seems like we were very smart to uh Save Our Eyes of Ender because there’s not a single Eye of

Ender in this freaking portal so we got just one above what is necessary so we’re going to need 12 I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready let’s do this once we place this final one the portal will be active oh jeez oh God the portal has been activated there is no better time

Than today anytime today not right now anytime today later later after after we do our chores let’s let’s do something else okay fine fine fine fine fine okay okay okay okay okay oh God oh God and here we are in the end on day 25 oh there are plenty of withering Reapers

Here of course of course why wouldn’t there be why wouldn’t wouldn’t there be I don’t think anything will attack me right now I think we’re safe oh there’s an Enderman behind me okay that’s cool that’s cool he can stay there all right okay we’re here we are here and it’s

Foggy it’s real real foggy from all of the freaking withering Reapers hanging around oh jeez all right well let’s begin let’s take care of the crystals real quick it’s so dark it’s so dark oh don’t don’t oh wow wow oh ow you do a

Lot of damage I I I didn’t I I forgot that the Ender Dragon is actually a thread I forgot he attacks all right this is scary this is super scary super scary the Ender Dragon can come and knock me off this platform can I just get one can I please just get one

Ah oh God oh God bad bad bad stuff bad stuff I don’t I don’t oh my God that really lit things up awesome all right I don’t know if the oh no oh no they’re they’re fighting the Enderman is that going to be a problem for me you know

What I’m putting on the pumpkin this is time for pumpkin this is time for pumpkin I’m I’m now blind I’m so blind but yeah using the flute also puts uh cool down timer on the other item the seed of Sacura so that’s that’s interesting I don’t know how I’m going

To do this I don’t know how I’m going to do this I don’t know how to play this game I don’t know how to play this game day 96 oh jeez oh come on freaking dragon how many arrows do I have left I have 50 I have 50 I cannot be wasting

Them there we go that’s one that’s one that’s one all right at least the uh the souls are taking care of of the withering Reapers meaning that it is getting less foggy so let’s keep on using using that there we go that’s another one that’s another one there’s

Another easy one over there let’s try to get that one boom boom got it got it got it this is going good this is going great even you know what let’s uh let’s get one seed of sakra up in here let’s get one Earth golum there we go and he

Got light too hello buddy it’s been a while since we saw you what’s he going to do what’s he going to do is he going to be useful he seems to be doing something all right let’s spawn more let’s spawn more of those I’m okay with

Using all of them I’m okay with using all of them we got three so let’s get three there we go so now we have three Earth golems that will help us out in this battle great and some more more souls there we go wait no wait what are

You doing don’t don’t no wait no no no no no they attack each other are they not oh God oh God oh God oh God bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad Souls I need some backup here I need oh God I need backup I need backup bad I

Need backup bad all right no protection no protection no protection I need more blocks I don’t have any more blocks oh jeez the Ender Dragon is really close oh God come on come on come on don’t do that don’t do that don’t do that you’re giving me a

Heart attack you’re giving me a freaking heart attack oh I’m freak I need to go down I need to go down oh okay that was my totem that was my totem I have lost my totem I have lost my totem I have lost my totem in the most dumb way

Possible I didn’t even get on top top of the freaking thing you know what I need to go mining for blocks let’s try this again let’s try this again let’s try this again okay oh wait I can’t okay wait hold up let’s do this oh good good

Good and from here I should be able to get all of the there we go that’s one that’s another one I can’t see the other ones they’re too far away let’s shoot there anyway sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry it’s idle it’s idle it’s idle it’s idle it’s idle need to

Make a run for it up up up up up up we go here we go that’s taken care of cool can we see any crystals from here no we can’t yeah I can see one Crystal stop it stop it stop it don’t go don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t please don’t where are

You I could try to continue where we left off by throwing an Ender eye oh okay yes yes yes good good good good good good let’s do this so that we don’t fall this one was all right at least we can take the other ones down I think

That’s it I think that’s it I think that’s it I think that’s it I think that’s it I think that’s it I think that’s it all right I think I think that was all of them I think that’s all of them I think now we can actually start

Attacking the Ender Dragon oh great we got 36 left this is good this is so good this is so good stop it stop it stop it stop it scary scary scary oh why are so scary look at the freaking Earth Golems what a waste it’s just following that

Soul what are you doing day 97 okay okay we can still do this in 3 days we can do that that’s easy oh it’s chilling it’s chilling there we go there we go attack the an dragon attack it attack it get it get it get it are they even doing

Anything what are you doing ah it’s up to me there we go yes damage being done damage being done let’s run away let strategically skidadle okay yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes good good good good good good this might be it this might be

It this might be it this might be it oh look at it go look at it go we did it we freaking did it I had no faith in me I had none none of it we freaking did it we defeated the Ender Dragon listen a

Lot of you have probably done that a lot of times I haven’t I haven’t this is new this is new I don’t think I’ve ever defeated it on my own this is the first time I ever defeated on my own now I want that egg I want that egg so let’s

Do this let’s get it to another place now let’s find it it’s right there good good good put a torch underneath it make sure we have inventory space we do and break that there we go boom we got the egg we defeated the dragon we did it we

Freaking did it oh man and with days to spare oh man we freaking did I cannot explain how stressed I was I was so close to death so many times but we freaking did it there we go there we go we defeated we defeated the game before

The 100 days were even up we’re at we’re on day like 97 that is incredible we had done it we had killed the Ender Dragon and returned home in one piece so for the last few days of our 100 days challenge I decided it was time to move

So I packed up my stuff and moved everything to our Island which was actually quite sad to see the house get more and more empty but we are on to bigger and better things and sometimes change is necessary to achieve those things day 99 and I’m just chilling I’m just moving

This feels like the last episode of Friends seeing the house all empty oh I’m going to leave my keys on the counter goodbye beautiful house you have served me well I am off to live in My Kingdom now and on the night of day 9 9

I went to bed and woke up on day 100 the challenge was completed went into a woodland Mansion to get the wool to make our first bed imagine if we just clear out the trees on that island and then make a little face there I like that oh God what was

That I don’t want to leave this place oh it’s a nice little Lake okay there’s no one else in here oh my God and it has begun oh there’s so many you know how I pay your salary I can’t believe you’re making me do this that’s not good John John one heart no

Totem you can’t help him make these things that’s not how this is supposed to work here’s the deal you go to soulson Valley Albert Einstein is that the boss oh my God I’m on fire oh I’m sorry remember Albert Einstein in memory of fors labs oh oh in the end hello

Buddy it’s been a while this might be it this might be it oh look at it go look at it go we did it and there we have it day 100 oh I I didn’t I honestly didn’t think I could do it but I did I’m very

Good at Minecraft but as I logged off thinking I was done changes were happening to the world changes that would make the next 100 days very very difficult To be continued okay bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 Days with Custom Bosses in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by TerasHD on 2024-03-03 23:13:45. It has garnered 196169 views and 6268 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:00 or 7440 seconds.

Check out all the scent-flavor options @ – I recommend the Wild Berry!

We survived 100 days in hardcore Minecraft with all of the mobs we’ve made on our channel!

Check out the people who were in this video! @ArtsByKev @CaptainCooky @ForgeLabs

Check out @silentwisperer ‘s stone generator we used!

– Twitter:

One thing to note is that we are playing in Minecraft Bedrock, which currently as of typing this, has no hardcore mode. So our coder (Cooky) coded our own hardcore which works exactly like Java hardcore! Hardcore is coming soon to bedrock, which is when we will be changing to the official version ^^

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  • Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥

    Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘𝐏𝐕𝐏 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 🔥’, was uploaded by OP GOD YT on 2024-08-11 07:30:06. It has garnered 405 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #pvp #video #lifestealsmp #trending DISCORD:- INSTAGRAM ID :- tags :- minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider,… Read More

  • HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrine

    HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine june 18’, was uploaded by KILOBRINE on 2024-06-18 02:00:30. It has garnered 81 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:10 or 370 seconds. Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywars

    EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘QUEBROU NOSSA CAMA E FOI COMBADO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mine’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 21:00:03. It has garnered 770 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: 🏷️ Danyloww: 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB Video card:… Read More

  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

    EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-27 22:00:17. It has garnered 14842 views and 672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:36 or 2136 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members… Read More

  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

    Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sale cangurito pa? #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by ARKE on 2024-01-04 04:00:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

    StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight With Group Of Friends “Destroyed The Ender Dragon”‘, was uploaded by StreetBallNinja on 2024-04-20 15:37:00. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds. Hello everyone I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a full YouTube video but I’m back and am going to show you guys this crazy ender dragon fight in my Minecraft world with my closest friends and show what I’ve been up to lately. Discord server: Instagram: TikTok: Twitch: StreetballninjaMusic⬇️… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎Video Information This video, titled ‘ماينكرافت : ولكن تحدي العثور على الموارد الأسطورية تتوقعون إيش صار😱 ⛏️💎 ✨| Minecraft’, was uploaded by Brothers A&F on 2024-01-12 13:06:51. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_survival #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_mobile #minecraft #minecraft_diamond #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftdiamonds #gaming #game #trending #like #alhilal #subscribe Minecraft, Minecraft, minecraft, Rich and Poor movie, movie InCraft, the film of the rich and the poor , Minecraft movie, Minecraft games, Minecraft game, modern Minecraft, Minecraft link, Minecraft game, Craft games, Minecraft for free, games, game, Saudi Minecraft,… Read More

  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More