INSANE CHALLENGE: 12 Hour Achievement Marathon!

Video Information

8 months ago I attempted to get every achievement in Minecraft in just 24 hours however in the end fell short by a significant amount and the comments didn’t hesitate to make that clear so now I’m going to try to get every achievement again but instead I’m going

To attempt it in only 12 hours but if I wanted any chance at doing this I was going to need some help yo fineberg yo what’s up how’s it going now if you for some reason don’t know who fineberg is he currently holds the record for all advancements in Minecraft on version

1.16 which a lot of you guys did mention in my other video one thing you need to understand is that I’m attempting this on 1 . 20 with 110 advancements while 1.16 has only 80 advancements not just mentioned the record for 1.20 is 7 hours and 20 minutes which is practically

Double the time with the 1 out 16 record so this was going to be a huge challenge now am I a speedrunner no but since the last video I have learned some strats that do help with speed running which will help in the long run there we go

That is our first out of 110 advancements done we go pickaxe make things a little faster luckily there was a village right near spawn which helped getting more advancements a little bit easier all right uh we don’t have that much much armor let’s get some golden

Boots here and now we are into The Nether oh there’s definitely I believe a Bastion over there or a fortress 40 entities that is a lot bro I hear so many yeah I see like none oh my God oh God oh godra oh crap oh crap oh crap oh

Jesus Christ I am so stressed out I hate bastions with a passion even though I eluded a lot of them in my earlier video so I’m looking at my advancement sheet fmer gave me and it says 16 out of 110 I’m just going to go with what it says

Okay well thank you for that advance M but I do not need that where’s my dream luck at here we go all right another advancement done diamonds also another one done oh that’s two that’s that is really good actually okay that’s all the blades that we need time to get the hell

Out of here since finding strongholds can take time I use a strategy speedrun is used to get the cords by throwing two eyes of vender oh and a little bit of math so the cords I need to go to are 82 and 612 please be around here the

Stronghold should be down here somewhere I don’t know how far the Y level is but yes oh the P right here oh my God hello first I got to get to a library oh that’s not good oh that’s really not good I am not trying to summon a warden after getting

An advancement and fighting some books it was finally time to enter the end let’s do this we have one more Crystal to kill and we should be good oh God hello oh okay I got a little too excited there there we go the next generation advancement perfect remote Gateway the

Reason for killing the dragon first was to get an elytra since I’ll be using it a lot throughout the video and it gives me time to get most of the end advancements as well but before I can leave the end I still need to grab a Shuler and take it into the Overworld

For the how did we get here advancement shouldn’t be too bad right oh stop why where the hate you hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I don’t I don’t understand who decided to make this an advancement why why do you exist God that was miserable that was

Like an hour an easy one we could do is just trade with a villager oh okay well I guess now there you go now I did it all right where’s some sheep at go make have a baby par to the bats easy there we go fishy business very easy there we

Go tactical fishing there we go best friends forever now I leave you all right we could also get sweet dreams while we’re at it I believe the bed is over here there we go sweet dreams there we go and as the sun rises up on our three we have completed 40

Advancements it’s crazy to think about in my previous attempt I was 6 hours in and only had 26 advancements I have 40 right now we’re making insane time so I think the next thing we need to do is get enchanter but I don’t have lapis so

We’ll probably mine go down and mine for some more Resources there we go did I get the enchant achievement okay I did I was not paying attention the next advancement was to shoot a Bullseye from 50 blocks away but since my aim sucks there’s another way I can get this achievement really easily there we go okay we’re at

42 now the next thing we probably do is Be Our Guest since that one’s pretty easy hopefully I do this right there we go Be Our Guest as it turned tonight a zombie villager appeared and since one of the advancements was Secure it I

Decided to keep it in a safe box for now God I hate copper why is copper a thing so stupid could even make armor with it wax on wax off too easy advancements done we are now sitting at 45 the next thing on the list while it may not be an

Advancement was to get meding from a villager so I could use it on my elytra along with other tools which does suck since you’re at the wheel of the Villager and could take up to an hour to get mending but thankfully it didn’t take too long to get oh for 16 emeralds

That’s a steal now that we have our life dra we’re going to go ahead and build a portal to the nether cuz there’s still some advancements I need to get from that oh no okay there you that’s another easy one done sting armor that’s good s

You de bre now I won’t bore you with the hourong footage of me finding bastions but I promise it’s for a good reason you see bastions could hold a huge stashes of gold blocks and if you get enough you can make a full powered Beacon which I do need for multiple advancements all

Right and with that oh my God we actually have a lot 168 Gold Blocks we only need 164 there we go H we’re just not going to touch that anymore there’s four right here okay I got to get at least one from this at least one head

Okay there we go okay accidentally had the game pause but we got the boat is has leg advancement right now we’re getting it into the overw world oh well I got Subspace bubble and Shout out fineberg for this trick where you just Place lava at the top of a staircase and

Right along the edge of the water which is way faster than placing a huge trail of lava and having to ride across that there we go feels like home okay we going to do it right here there’s no reason so like I did this wrong oh that

Is right oh what why did this one not work okay H H there we go that is exactly half the achievements done in 6 hours we’re making good Pace but there is still a lot of harder advancements I need to get hopefully I can find a g

Here hey buddy don’t kill me you’re in the boat for me please advancement wait whatever floats you’re go after get the advancement I noticed a trail ruin section only I needed it for a couple of advancements I decided to dig around yeah I don’t I don’t know if this is a

Good one to actually try to discover because there’s water everywhere and it’s going to make it really difficult for me to do anything with it yeah I might not bother with this just’s water everywhere every corner there’s water and so with the trail ruins being a fail

I had enough leather for some boots and using them I could get the light as rabbit advancement oh there we go light as a rabbit right on the powdered snow and my frames are really starting to die I think the next best bet right now is to

Find a Pillager Outpost there’s a good amount of advancements I could get there I swear I always find Pillager outposts near like the the snow B oh there no LS I was hoping I could get that advancement okay that’s who’s the Pillager now done finally I couldn’t

Tell you how long it took me to find a Pillager with a banner after finishing the raid and getting another advancement I noticed that terrain near the village was similar to where ancient city spawned and so I dug down hoping I was right oh my God ooh it’s right here this

Is going to be a little difficult I get three attempts I do need to get some of these though all right I have one more chance I might as well get the advancement right now there you go country load take me home oh my God that’s War trim okay that there’s a

Small chance that is a small chance of getting go Catalyst also I think I need that I don’t know exactly how it works I think I just killed the zombie right near the Catalyst okay yeah I was right all right now we can finally leave this

Cave guess I could go and do the totem advancement oh no I’m going to die like I’m not there’s a little terrifying though I’ll be honest with you I actually did notice that there was some glow squid in the cave around here somewhere so I’m probably going to go

Over there and try to get the glow and behold advancement and maybe get an oxal as well because we do need that for an advancement where would a glow squid be down here oh here you go give me give me give me some glow squid yeah there we go

Yeah that’s a pretty good sign if you guys didn’t know last year in December we hit 100,000 subscribers and this year I want to try to hit 200,000 and if you appreciate my content you know might as well so please do it these videos take

Way too damn long to make all right so all we got to do is place the music disc on here and that’s Sound of Music I guys to say this one’s always been one of my favorites this next one should be easy all we need is three books we have to

Craft a chiseled bookshelf which I have no idea what it is and I believe we just place this on the back of it the power of books I don’t really know what this advancement does I do need to get is it a bird here so where’s a parot at got it

As I was flying around I noticed that there was an aelia tree which means there was a chance of Axel spawning underneath with there being a couple of advancements needed I decided to hedge my PS where would an axel be oh see a bunch of them down there get get in the

Damn bucket God I feel like while I’m here I might as well tame some of the cats okay I think that’s the last one here it is turning a night so I might as well get the other Axel Lal advancement healing power of friendship and afterwards it was finally time to finish

Off the nether advancement still left oh my God okay shout out fineberg for that advancement so much easier than last time there we go three okay okay we finally gotten all them now we have cover me in debris then we could save this last one on neite HUB

And that serious dedication done as well all right we are approaching in on nine hours we have three left to reach our goal I’m hoping we’d be all right I spent some time digging in the sand which led me to getting another advancement along with two sniff eggs

That would need later on sadly though I did attempt to get a trident however none of the drown dropped any please tell me they have a lay here oh God they do perfect there we go two cake there we go okay give him the cake there we go

You’ve Got a Friend in Me How How do I do it there we go birthday song I was like how do I do this so next plan is probably go to a swamp biome show me the Slime come on no take your time finally bucket bucket okay I think the next plan

Is actually go in and kill the Wither oh my god dude Phantoms are so infuriating my goodness I think the plan now is to go back to our base uh there a lot of advancements I could easily get while I’m there and since we are running short

On time I think that’s just the best course of action now all I have to do is get back to our base and I got to be honest with you being at this point made me extremely nervous I had just 2 hours left to get every advancement but it’s

Not to say those were easy however looking back 8 months ago at where I was and how much I improved it’s crazy to think that I’m practically at the same spot I was in my other video but in half the time realizing that it gave me the motivation I needed to finish this

Challenge so we’re going to go ahead and get some of these advancements out of the way one of them is St trade so what I’ll need to do is throw a pearl right down there get to the Villager go up top there we go Star Trader that’s such

An easy way to do it so glad fineberg taught me that way after this we could probably go and do the beacon there okay local Brewery that’s always good okay so that’s happening I don’t have to do this really till later let’s just get a full Beacon now for the

Beacon we’ll actually have to build it near where our Shuler is going and start building it I don’t know exactly where it needs to be but I’m just going to place it like right here beaconator bring home the beacon while I’m here I need to get the sniff EGS to spawn and

The crazy part is I believe they take like 10 to 20 minutes or whatever for them to spawn which is really stupid oh okay zombie doctor that villager is fully healed as I was finishing the barrier for the sniffer eggs I decided to go ahead and use the trims I already

Have on my armor since that gives me an advancement and part of another that one being smithing with style okay so that’s three of them still need to do five other ones on just something random I guess then I realized said there were ocean ruins near spawn which could

Contain Pottery shards and if I found four I could craft it into a pot I even found a mushroom biome not too far making it easier regarding having to find every biome now the sniffers have hatched but they have not grown yet so we’re going to need them to turn into

Full adult which will take another 10 to 20 minutes during that time we do have four clay show you can make a pot I believe that’s what it is yeah decorated pot okay that’s careful restoration done I don’t really know what you could do with these but you know what whatever

And as the sun sets I had only one goal in mind right there are three advancements that I need with a trident and most of them take place when it rains I just need a hope I’m able to get a drowned and so I spent the whole night killing and killing drowned until

Finally oh my God it’s raining no dude I have to get a trident I literally just have to get one and the reason I now had to get a trident was because thunderstorms are very rare and the chances of me getting it again within the time restraint was practically

Impossible this is the only time it’s going to rain for like another 3 days come on I hate to knock back on my sword oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God it’s it’s literally about to break it’s l about to break after I got

The Trident I used the mending book and killed mobs bring up its durability then proceeded to disenchant and reenchant it to get channeling I was finally able to get the enhancement I believe I placed the boat there very very frightening there we go oh my gosh now we need search protector

Where is Copper inot here we go if I do this SE protector oh my God you guys can’t see this right now but my hands are literally shaking of stress that gave me now that I have that done I could finally go to the end and get those

Advancement okay so let’s go and quickly get this first advancement is it a plane oh there that’s just two right off the bat there we go okay let’s get all this XP cuz I’m going to need it later what we have to do now is a little bit of a

Scary one so we basically have to go all the way to Max height have to slowly slowly go down because this can mess up very badly there we go okay I hate that that is that is absolutely gut-wrenching now we don’t have a lot lot of fireworks

Left that won’t be too much of an issue there oh my goodness finally an end City fire aror Tri actually I think that’s it yeah that is oh my good okay nice that is the trim I need and now the sniffer is grown up I can get this advancement

As well all right so what I need to do now is I need to get the Tad poles to grow up into a frog oh we have our first light all right come on now one Magma Cube down here that you just go down and

Kill eat one of them thank you all right the last flog light we need is the one that you can get in the snow biome come here buddy you’re going to have to come with me me oh when the squad hops into town I thought I had to get them all at

Once but I guess not yeah there you go come on give me finally we are at 100 advancements we need 10 more and the only reason that I jumped five advancements was because I forgot to include total Bel loation planting the past oh shiny husbandry and Minecraft

Because honestly it’s hard to keep up with these advancements sometimes okay now looking at the list we actually only have two biomes we still need to go to to get adventuring time so I think we’re going to do those because Jagged Peaks and and frozen ocean I would assume

Would be biomes near each other oh is that jacked Peaks I think that is yeah jacked Peaks perfect okay Frozen Ocean’s got to be somewhere this way cuz this is not a snow biome and that is okay this is a frozen ocean oh wait is that it oh

Yeah there it is that’s it now for smithing with style we do need one more trim from an ancient city so I’m just going to hope that we get lucky with one of those oh God okay oh shoot it’s right here okay the trim we are looking for is called The

Silence trim I believe it has a like a 1% chance to spawn in ancient cities so you know that’s great no it’s w armor trim that’s not the one we need yeah dude I mean I don’t know I feel like I’ve just searched every one of these chests all right I mean I

Don’t oh shoot was that it oh my God it was I swear there’s an exit yeah there is think I’m okay we’re out there was a hole all the way down to the ancient city which I find to be crazy the best course of action now is to probably head

Back to my base because I’ve been trying to get up to to level 30 so I can enchant my crossbow cuz I need two advancements using piercing four and that is a level 30 enchant and so to get up to level 30 there’s only three more

Monsters I need to hunt a cave spider a guardian and an elder Guardian that was anticlimactic as hell but I do need to continue killing Elder Guardians because I need to get another armor trim from them wait that’s it that’s a trim right there is that it is

That it wait is that it is that it what’s it called what’s it called tide okay we’re actually making progress now all you got to hope for is that we get piercing 4 on our crossbow piercing 4 oh my God that enchant is actually insane

It is night time which is a perfect time hopefully now Phantom spawn because I need to kill two of them with one shot of the crossbow oh my God I did not want to mess that up I was so nervous doing that one now we can focus on getting that other advancement

Which is a little bit easier okay so for this one I need a cow pig sheep chicken and a cat yeah yeah AR bistic okay I was nervous cuz it’s hard to tell which hit box is whose cuz they’re just all five in like one area but we’re all right

Okay so for the cats I still need to get a jelly red British Tabby and cames I this is one of them okay yeah that is one of them perfect all right yeah that is Tabby that’s CMEs we need two more oh my God thank goodness there’s a

Lot of villages near spawn for some reason five more five more advancements look at my 2×2 advancement sheet I only have like one row left and oddly enough it’s some of the simplest ones so I think we going to do those to get those over with since most of the mobs I think

I could just find over here in this biome all right Perfect all right that’s sheep done okay there you go perfect that works all right you and you where are the cherries at cuz I believe that’s what we need to breed the animals all right well we got the foxes down that’s

One of the harder ones all right there we go we have the fox and we’re going to make sure all of them sit so before we go to the mushroom biome or a jungle biome I did see a trail ruin and I still need to get a trim from there is that we

Need to be wayfinder I don’t think that that doesn’t look like wayfinder bro no way H host armor I don’t want that host armor trim I didn’t even heard of that before Oh wait please be please be I what I think it is oh my God that’s it

That’s actually it that’s actually it come on come on that that’s actually it way F oh my God okay even though there was only one armor trim left I needed to find a jungle was nearby so I went ahead EMB breed two ocelots making only the mushroom being left in the 2 X2

Advancement so now that we found the ocelot we still need to find one more armor trim that is in a woodland Mansion so what I’m going to hope for is that since there’s a lot of dark oak biomes that a woodland Mansion does spawn around here somewhere oh my that’s not

Even in a dark oak bi you know what whatever oh there we go Vex armor trim okay now that we found the armor trim and actually a totem as well I’m going to get the hell out of here cuz I do not want to die the only thing we need to do

Now is visit a mushroom biome which luckily is near spawn so we will also be near our base afterwards I don’t know they okay that is 2x two advancement done now that we got the 2x two advancement done we can head back to our base and get the armor trim

Advancement what a feeling it is to get smithing with style now the last two advancements I need are a furious cocktail how did we get here and a balanced diet now for a balanced diet I still have five things I still need to eat but two of those are going to be

Used whenever I do the how did we get here advancement so what I still need to do is get Rabbit bee and shroom stew we can now start working on the final advancements first things first we need to get more shells because we need to make a conduit which requires eight

Shells in a heart of the sea so I’m just going to get luck of the Sea 3 and fish for the remaining shells I need oh my God wait wait wait hang on was that the actual last shell I believe it was it was oh my God perfect perfect thank God

Bro look at all the fish I have look at this 19 puffer fish 55 raw Cod there we go now that we have our conduit so what we need to do now is we actually need to set up how this whole how we going to get here advancement is going to work

Now I have been practicing on another world so what I need to basically do is just set it up the same way as that so leave if we do this okay perfect we have almost everything set up so now we’re going to go and make all the splash potions that

We need for this also ignore my XP bar I may or may not have died to a creeper while trying to get gunpowder I don’t think we need any need a level 30 enchant so we’re okay all right that is all our potions done so slow falling supposed to be the eighth slot

Invisibility in the ninth slot and then weakness in the third slot all right perfect now we honestly are reaching the final point a couple things we have to do right now is first off get a warden and put it right through this nether portal and trap it it should be okay I

Need to figure out how I’m going to place these just fast yeah okay okay he spawned he spawned come on go through the portal I think it went through yep it definitely went through okay okay oh two of them went through um okay so that’s a

Bit of an issue hey guys how’s it going okay one of them went through okay okay where’s my name tag oh my God hello with the warden finally trapped the only effects I needed were to get bad Omen and hero of the village which I was able to complete fairly easily there’s

Actually an ocean Monument right here on the way back which is actually just perfect cuz we also do need mining fatigue okay there we go okay I’ve already got the dolphin and the conduit and the shulker moves once we get there I just need to grab these potions and

Items and get these last achievements and I can’t tell you bro how nervous I am honestly I’m putting everything down here okay I’m just going to grab all these potions without dying to the warden cuz that’d be nice here we Go got it yes oh my God where’s my milk bucket at where’s my milk bucket at my hands my hands are actually shaking my my hands are actually shaking oh my God where’s all my stuff it’s over here I finally did it you have no idea

How stressful that is maybe you do I don’t know but I’m going to have to be honest with you guys you may have noticed that the hour counter has not been apparent my goal was to beat it in 12 hours but in reality I beat it in 16 hours 6 minutes

And 39 9 seconds obviously I knew a bit ago that I wasn’t going to make the time but I really really just wanted to see how fast I could get all advancements if we look back one year ago I wasn’t even able to get all advancements on 1.19

Which was easier and had less advancements but I got to be honest respect to fineberg and all those other people who speedrun this constantly and get like sub 2 hours or 3 hours because oh my God does this suck I’m done I’m done 110 advancements I don’t care I got

Every single one yeah I didn’t get into 12 hours by gotten 16 I don’t care I don’t care I win these

This video, titled ‘Can I Get EVERY Achievement in 12 Hours?’, was uploaded by Poafa on 2023-11-06 14:00:22. It has garnered 98558 views and 4388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:03 or 1323 seconds.

Getting EVERY Achievement in Minecraft is one, if not, the most difficult challenge to ever do. Last year I attempted to do it in 24 hours but wasn’t able to complete it, so I’m back again, but this time I have a goal to complete it in 12 hours.

A video made by Poafa, hope you enjoy!

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    "Can YOU Save the Chicken in Minecraft?!" #clickbait #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can YOU Save this Chicken? #minecraft #minecraftshorts #mcyt #gaming’, was uploaded by Weeble on 2024-05-04 22:25:57. It has garnered 8842 views and 266 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Can YOU Save this Chicken? #minecraft #minecraftshorts #mcyt #gaming 👍 FOLLOW ME HERE! ➽ Twitter – ➽ Instagram – ➽ Discord – ignweeble Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ Survive in Cube World!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ Survive in Cube World!Video Information This video, titled ‘How MIKEY AND JJ SURVIVED IN A CUBE WORLD in Minecraft ?’, was uploaded by Maibek JJ on 2024-03-19 01:56:54. It has garnered 5435 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:12 or 492 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with V-tuber Himari! 😱🔥✨

    EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with V-tuber Himari! 😱🔥✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】BED WARS WITH CHAT ✨ V-tuber ✨Discord ✨Chill’, was uploaded by Himari Ch. かぜみひまり on 2024-05-27 18:00:24. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:24:15 or 15855 seconds. Rawr! AWAAAA IT’S KAZEMI HIMARI DESUUUUUU Hello! I am Himari, the Beer Dragon Vtuber. I am a variety streamer and I play whatever is fun. It makes me happy to spend time with you, my favourite peoples, and here’s to having LOTSA FUN together mina-san!!! Join the community Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Fortnite Cone Build Tutorial!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Fortnite Cone Build Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build a brick cone in Fortnite #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitememes #fortnitemechanics’, was uploaded by ManneraikaL on 2024-04-07 19:28:40. It has garnered 485 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. How to build a brick cone in Fortnite #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitememes #full180 #minecraft #music #cones #fortnitememes #fortnitemechanics #memestiktok #fishy #fishyonme #minecraftmusic #tutorial #fullbox #mongraal #mrsavage #building #fortnitebuild Read More

  • Get Ready for Crazy Minecraft Symptoms! 😱

    Get Ready for Crazy Minecraft Symptoms! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:你什么症状!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-27 09:23:22. It has garnered 1910 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:47 or 227 seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating popular Internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of Fangkuaixuan. Videos posted on other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 We update wonderful original videos every day. Come and follow us to save unhappy moments… Read More

  • Play-Cubes

    Play-CubesSite Web: Ip-serveur: Version du serveur: 1.8 a 1.19.4 PVP 1.8 – 1.12.2 FACTIONS 1.12.2 CREATIF 1.19.4 Read More


    🎮 Calling all Minecrafters! 🎮 Join me on BlissSMP, where authenticity reigns! Our vanilla server boasts just 2 plugins for a genuine Vanilla experience. But act fast! We’re keeping it cozy until we hit 15 active players, then it’s application-only. Secure your spot now! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “You think you’re clever, don’t you? But you can’t outsmart me”

    Minecraft Memes - "You think you're clever, don't you? But you can't outsmart me"Well, that’s a pretty high score for a meme. I guess it’s officially in the meme hall of fame now! Read More

  • Mine a Tooth: First Extraction in Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine a Tooth: First Extraction in Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter all around. No worries here, just joy and fun, With tooth extractions, even that can be spun. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries of harm, just happiness found. Every day a new video, a smile to bring, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, let your heart sing. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Minecraft news with a playful light. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a gem to behold, In the world of gaming, a story told. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme 🔥😂 – #viral #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme 🔥😂 - #viral #minecraft #memes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Alpha Footage by Tommy Horror

    Shocking Minecraft Alpha Footage by Tommy Horror The Unsettling Mystery of Minecraft’s Lost Alpha Videos In a bizarre turn of events, YouTube channels “F1Lcer2287,” “mcpickaxe15,” and “ihatemobs” have been reuploading eerie footage from old Minecraft versions, particularly Alpha and Beta videos. Something sinister lurks within these worlds, as viewers are introduced to a strange entity known as “000..jar” with a cryptic agenda. The Creepy Footage Viewers are taken on a chilling journey through corrupted videos that showcase anomalies never seen before in Minecraft. The distorted visuals and unsettling atmosphere hint at a deeper mystery waiting to be unraveled. The players behind these channels seem to be… Read More

  • Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown

    Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown Minecraft: MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE Are you ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft? In a recent video titled “Minecraft ama MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE,” the popular gamer Daghaninho takes on the mysterious Herobrine. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure! The Encounter As the video unfolds, Daghaninho stumbles upon Herobrine while exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft. A tense exchange follows as the two characters come face to face. Herobrine, known for his enigmatic presence in the game, challenges Daghaninho to a game. A Risky Deal Herobrine proposes a dangerous game to Daghaninho, but our fearless… Read More

  • Uncover Marcaras Secret with Boubous Klötzchenbande! #minecraft

    Uncover Marcaras Secret with Boubous Klötzchenbande! #minecraftVideo Information einen wunderschönen gute Arbeit es ist das Pixel time y und ich ein bisschen Level machen ihr seht schon die warten schon die warten hier [Musik] mal gespannt ob [Musik] ma okaych komisch Stein okay eine mararen haben wir schon eine MAK eine mag maraka so ich hab es da oben falsch geschrieben hallo wi es ist mircht so kombifleisch Kön Eisen nehme ich mir allerdings mitisen immer so da kommen schon die nächsten Herrschaften wde wieder zu doof daadurch die also wie gesagt ich Brau ja noch ein bisschen weil wir wollen ja den diamantenrucksack wieder aufmachen… Read More

  • Clueless Gamer Tries Minecraft Pixelmon!

    Clueless Gamer Tries Minecraft Pixelmon!Video Information C [Música] [Música] oh [Música] [Música] l [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] er coloquei na tela errada B Bom dia tudo bom podia vir rockar tem um ro aqui mas não sei se eu posso escutar normal de boa sem problema nenhum Talvez sim idos enquanto eu grito sem saber o que fazer Quem irá me ver de verdade quem vai é mas eu ainda cantarei as estrelas vão revelar uhum C AB no jogo Eu me atrasei um pouquinho porque tava fazendo algo quando uma corda começa Eu nem sei como tá minha voz… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks! #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks! #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Cherry belt [Music] hat subscribe This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ADRmx123 on 2024-01-13 12:00:06. It has garnered 11215 views and 201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks #shorts #minecraft ————————— Subscribe!!! ————————— Please watch until the end… Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share because it makes me even more enthusiastic about making videos other interesting things… And see you in the next video, bye.. ————————— Tags: Minecraft Minecraft 100 Days Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Pocket Edition Minecraft Bedrock Edition Roblox… Read More

  • Unlock Flying Powers in Dawncraft Ep.15!

    Unlock Flying Powers in Dawncraft Ep.15!Video Information hello guys welcome back to the channel welcome back to a brand new episode of dacraft of course it is dacraft because because why not because we love dacraft and that is it I want to say you something guys if you remember in the last episode well last episode we were in a village and that Village was really bad with reputation so I couldn’t do much but to find a new place and that is what I did and like the habits I had this beautiful Village out there but I found this Lighthouse right here… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Potion Trick! 😂 Watch Now! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Potion Trick! 😂 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘potion using right way 😂 Minecraft moye Moye moment 🤣#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ultra Gamer on 2024-01-15 13:10:26. It has garnered 6747 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. potion using right way 😂 Minecraft moye Moye moment 🤣#shorts #minecraft#trendingshorts#pain Minecraft potion use Moye Moye i hope you will enjoy this video please make sure subscribe and like friends 😉 Read More

  • 💥💥 Epic Chaos in Minecraft Earth SMP!

    💥💥 Epic Chaos in Minecraft Earth SMP!Video Information mic gaming I beg of you to still at paper 1.4 what the [ __ ] oh my goodness I got to go all the way back and I got a [ __ ] around with a new installation because I’m a stti I thought it would solid is not making me Rock Solid right now you gone mental I beg of you to work sir dark you D yo it’s toxic Maniac this this Maniac is quite toxic not going to what uh toxic you know you can join the Earth SMP right it’s bedrock and Java… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Base Tutorial – Luxurious Underground Survival Build

    Insane Minecraft Base Tutorial - Luxurious Underground Survival BuildVideo Information if you guys do want to build this you can use the stream to build it I kind of stood at the top here so if you ever want to come back you can just pause it there see the block layout it’s like saved in or it’s like colors so you can see block by block your eyes are confused it’s an optical illusion all right you know what I reckon we’re just going to get started right now been live for about 3 and 1 half minutes see there’s seven viewers what must I say sorry… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hypixel Live Stream by Maxwell Gamer!

    Insane Minecraft Hypixel Live Stream by Maxwell Gamer!Video Information yo we’re back welcome back everyone welcome everyone welcome back sorry about that we’re ready now I’m pretty sure it’s fixed um we’re just going to continue doing doubles cuz doubles was actually really fun hello all right this is my teammate mr1 he’s already bridging over there wow I’ll actually do this then well he attacks the other bed I’m going to defend it I like don’t really know how to do this defense but I think it’s like that and then you like there you go oh he fell off really bro oh Red’s coming over… Read More

  • Sam’s INSANE WOLF IQ Skills in Minecraft! 😱🔥 #shorts

    Sam's INSANE WOLF IQ Skills in Minecraft! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybe that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit cuz that makes meain haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that… Read More

  • Azure Network

    Azure NetworkA Bungeecord Network Proxy Chat Enabled via forge/ fabric Earth, Survival, SkyBlock/Oneblock, Creative and Backrooms What was originally a one server survival world for anyone i gave the IP to play on spiraled into a network of 6 servers and soon more. was looking for a small playerbase. Read More

  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.5 Custom Resource Pack Skyblock

    Welcome to Skygens! Features: Custom Enchants: Acquire unique enchants through quests or enchantment tables! Minions: Customize and upgrade minions with more skins coming soon! New Server: Enjoy frequent updates, ensuring fresh content! Free Ranks: Ascend through the ranks simply by playing! Staff Needed: Join our team as a builder, developer, or moderator! Pet System: Collect and train pets to assist you on your island adventures! Join our Discord Server: Play on our server: 1.20+ Port: 25565 Read More

  • BrunhildMC

    BrunhildMC[​v1.19.4] ʙʀᴜɴʜɪʟᴅᴍᴄ is a FREE TO PLAY Minecraft server-multiplayer that features FREE Ranks obtainable by votingupgradable Skillspayable Jobsplayer Shops, Crates, Economy, Minions, Casino, Gacha and more!NOTICE: Server is still in development but it is playable. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine’s downfall: It’s time for payback!

    Minecraft Memes - Herobrine's downfall: It's time for payback!Looks like Herobrine finally realized he can’t hide from those update patch notes forever! Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever!

    Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #funny #shorts Read More

  • Minecraft Creepyfasta: Unveiling the Spooky Secrets

    Minecraft Creepyfasta: Unveiling the Spooky Secrets The Mystery of Minecraft Creepyfasta Have you ever heard of Minecraft Creepyfasta? This mysterious element in the world of Minecraft has intrigued players for years. Let’s delve into the top four Creepyfasta of Minecraft and uncover the secrets they hold. The Haunted Mineshaft One of the most chilling Creepyfasta in Minecraft is the Haunted Mineshaft. Players have reported hearing ghostly whispers and seeing shadowy figures lurking in the depths of these abandoned mines. Dare to explore the Haunted Mineshaft and uncover its dark secrets. Key Features: Ghostly Whispers: Players have reported hearing eerie whispers echoing through the tunnels. Shadowy… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the chaos with a new Minecraft adventure

    Join Minewind: Escape the chaos with a new Minecraft adventure Welcome to! Today we have an exciting update for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. While you may be busy with your own projects and solo survival games, there’s a world of adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With an epic survival game experience and regular Minecraft mod updates, Minewind offers a vibrant community for players to explore, build, and conquer together. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why not take a break from your solo adventures and join the fun on Minewind? Connect with like-minded gamers,… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

    Mastering Minecraft Power Moves Minecraft: Herobrine’s Quest for Ultimate Power In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new adventure unfolds. Herobrine, a mysterious figure, is on a quest to gain ultimate power and rule over the Minecraft universe. This thrilling journey is captured in a short trailer that promises excitement, challenges, and the ultimate showdown. Herobrine’s Ambition Herobrine, with a menacing aura, sets his sights on achieving unparalleled power. His determination to conquer Minecraft and establish his dominance creates a sense of impending conflict. As players delve into this narrative, they are drawn into a world where danger… Read More