Insane Challenge: 200 Days Surviving Minecraft Hardcore

Video Information

In today’s video i survived 200 days in minecraft parkour over these 200 days i have three goals that i want to achieve number one i want to make heaps of new automatic farms and new farms in general number two i want to raid a bastion raider woodland mansion and defend a raid

As well and number three i want to defeat the widow and obtain a emerald beacon this was a lot of fun to record and there were a lot of times where i was about to die so if you like these sort of videos be sure to like the video and

Subscribe to the channel but without further ado let’s get started into 200 days in minecraft day 101 i did literally nothing besides chop heaps of trees i wanted a lot of wood so that i can make them into sticks and trade with my fletcher and from day 101 to day 104

I did nothing besides mining i needed heaps and heaps and heaps of cobblestone because i really wanted to make i mean you guys can just guess that i really wanted to start making a gunpowder farm so then you know i can actually have unlimited fireworks so yeah pretty much from day

101 to day 104 nothing besides cobblestone farming and pretty much mining and i actually did get a lot of good resources on the way as well that’s why i actually like to do cobblestone farming instead of actually like a cobblestone generator next i got all the sugarcane from

The actual first farms that i had you know the little farms and then i actually decided to make a bigger a really really really big sugarcane farm now i was doing this because i needed a lot of paper and fireworks so yeah pretty much day 105 sugarcane farm

Day 106 i had completed the sugarcane farm or not exactly completed it but you know what i mean i done most of it and as you can see i had heaps of cobblestone now with this cobblestone i just made them into stone and then with the stone i made it into

Stone bricks and with these stone bricks i was just expanding the nether base because as you can see this standard base is really really really small as you can see all there is to it is literally a portal that is old day 107 i decided to switch up some plans and i realized

That to actually make much more farms i actually need a lot more iron and i just can’t be bothered mining iron so actually i just made this little gateway from the village hole and i started on a iron farm of course i needed to clear out a lot of area and

Just trust me like the fastest way is flint and steel like that that has to be the fastest way next i terraformed a bit of the land now this land needed a lot of terraforming like literally a lot and a lot of terraforming and then i went back to the

Little tunnel that i had created and i started placing down rails and then i started to actually get villages inside of this little thing but of course i had to actually you know plan out everything first and this meant getting all the resources that i needed to get

Doing all the terraforming and all of that sort of stuff and as you can see now i start the iron farm so here is a little montage So So then i afk in this iron farm for some time i don’t actually know how much exactly time i have paid for but it was around 20 10 15 to 20 minutes and this was the results and you know like they weren’t so bad at all like as you can see three

Stacks of iron not so bad at all but then i just went back on completing the nether base as you can see yeah i am putting a lot of time and effort into this nether base because like my nether base was if you guys saw

My 100 days which i mean at least most of you should be since you’re yeah yeah anyways if you saw the hundred days you know that like the nether base was literally nothing all it was was just a portal that’s why i really wanted to improve the space

At least a bit of course now that my iron farm was done i had the essential materials to actually start my next farm which was a tnt farm so this is pretty much me just building my tnt farm and yeah i mean it it was actually pretty simple

To build i thought that this was going to be more harder to build but this was yeah as you can see it it wasn’t so hard at all I once again afk’d for around 15 to 20 minutes not actually knowing exactly how much time i have k was because like who actually counts how much time they actually afk but anyways i was 18 and the results weren’t so bad again but i actually did expect a bit more from this farm

But i mean you know um it was all right so if you haven’t already noticed my actual gunpowder farm was actually not actually that close from my actual base so i actually done some quick mats not exactly quick mats but i actually done some calculations and then i realized where i actually

Needed to go to actually get this nether transportation working because of course if you don’t already know one block in the nether is eight blocks in the overworld so traveling in the nether is much more faster and these are the coordinates that i needed to go to to actually make the portal so

I had to make the portal over here and so i got some obsidian and then i went back and i started to create the portal to make it link up oh my god this is my worst play i’ve ever done literally i’m dying in lava there’s a block right next to me

And i instead i decide to try and fly off when that gets damaged and i fall back in lava and i use up a totem of undying literally this could have been the end this was literally like no joke the worst play i had protection for lava is not

Going to do a lot to me for a long time but i had to fly off i don’t know why i did that i took a lot of damage it was just the worst player i don’t even know what happened but yeah anyways i lit up the portal

And the portal went straight to where i wanted it to go it was in a cave but all i had to do was just dig straight up for a bit of time not straight down straight up and as you can see it linked up correctly straight to the farm and then

Later on on day 119 and even on day 120 pretty much the full of day 119 and 820 i did nothing besides farm magma blocks i think the minecraft veterans know where this is going because there’s literally only one purpose for magma blocks gold farms

At the end of day 120 or in other words at nighttime of day 120 i actually realized a pretty big thing behind this ice village i don’t know what the biome is but whatever it is behind this ice village was actually another village literally i was shocked

Three villages in a row so i slept over here and i actually had a little contest pretty much i lit this tree on fire and whichever horse would survive would be morgan the second yes of course rip noggin we will never forget the night it happened never ever and there was one winner

There was this horse so this was was going to be norgan the second and nog in the second i tamed him pretty quickly and i have to say norgan ii was strong and not only was he strong but he was very very fast you can see over here

This is yeah lightning speed this is literally lightning’s peace don’t worry don’t worry of course i did loot the village and then norgan ii and me were finally home and then i got a name tag and i named noggin ii of course rest in peace morgan we will never ever forget you

Okay so if you don’t already realize what i’m doing over here is i’m actually doing a sugarcane farm yes um you must be thinking that you know i mean you already have a sugarcane farm but pretty much that sugarcane farm doesn’t work because i am too far away from it so pretty much

On day 122 i just started to make a new sugarcane farm and i planted the sugar cane here and because these sugarcane was right next to my house they were 100 going to grow on day 123 something really really bad happened on day 123 my fletcher villager was gone nowhere to be seen

Literally gone i literally checked everywhere i don’t know how he went but um minecraft gods you need to do something about this pretty much my new plan was actually to get my family villager to be my ideal villager for emeralds pretty much my farmer villager will trade me pumpkins for emeralds

Melons for emeralds and wait for emeralds if i can get those three farms really good automatic oh my god i’m about to be rich like much more rich than the fletcher but of course you know i have to give all of my sticks that i already had away

So i gave them to this fletcher that i just made and then i actually got another farmer over here i don’t exactly know why i did this at this point but i just did it and i checked up on my iron farm and something really really good

Happened like this iron farm was working when i wasn’t even afk so pretty much it was working when i was next to the edge of the house like at the edge of the house or in the villager trading hall it was pretty much automatically working so this

Was um i didn’t even have to afk for the iron farm ever again of course you know a video of total genius is not done without a flex wow would you look at that next i made this villager into a amra villager and i pretty much done this because now

I give him emeralds he gives me back diamond armor insane i know it’s really it really is insane from day 125 and 126 i went back to the magma block grind i really really really needed a lot for the farm that i was going to build and as you can see here

I’m doing a lot of grinding for this farm this opie farm and the sugarcane farm was growing really good as well as you can see this time it’s actually working because i’m actually in the distance and then i went to get some sand and oh yeah another bad thing happened in this

Video uh yeah you can see the durability on this uh shovel is really bad and i didn’t even see it and boom it’s gone just like that it’s it’s just gone it’s just gone no one knows anything about it of course i made a new netherlight shovel with all

The enchants that it previously had and then i went back to the grind to the sand grind on day 127 i actually even made a furnace room i actually wanted to make furnaces and you know like first my furnace is literally just like two furnaces and then yeah i need a lot

Of furnaces so i had to go back and i had to mine cobblestone i mind quiet a lot i even mined through day 128. I went back to the pharma villager and as you can see he even sold me melons one melon for one emerald so yeah i needed melons yeah fast i needed them fast and then i went back to the furnace room i actually decided to finish it up i even decided

To do a little expand in my actual chest room like this chest room isn’t even a chest room literally why don’t you guys roast me in the comments like it’s not even a chest room there’s literally like 10 chests and that’s it but yeah i pretty much just expanded this chest room

And i even actually decided to put barrels just to make it just you know just i mean why not a 129 started off with some wood chopping because for this next farm yeah a lot of farms i needed a lot of hoppers and of course to make hoppers yeah you need

Chests of course iron was never a problem now like yeah i pretty much have unlimited iron let’s just face it as you can see over here i’m filling up my shark boxes because i am you know i need a lot of resources for this farm i’m probably i’ve probably

Said that a lot of times but anyways i went back to the chicane farm and yeah it was actually growing at rapid rapid amounts and then i even decided to plant some more because why not and i even expanded it some more once again because why not not exactly why not i

Actually wanted to trade paper for emeralds and i needed sugarcane for fireworks anyways i went back to the village out to the amara villager as you can see yeah diamond literally emeralds to diamonds ah this is just too good and i went back to the iron farm and it’s working

Yeah absolutely brilliant bay 131 a good old wandering trader came and i mean they’re really not just useful the only useful thing is the leads this sugarcane farm was actually finally done well yeah finally done on day 131 and yeah i mean it’s pretty big and of course this is why i

Want sugarcane as well sugarcane goes to paper and paper goes to emeralds oh my gosh i actually even decided to actually label these villages for actually what they sell and how much i need to give them of course farmer one pumpkin for one emerald wheat for emerald

And one melon for an ammo and for the cartographer which is of course 11 glass for emerald and 24 paper for emeralds on day 131 i decided to explore not exactly explore explore for no reason i needed melons i really needed melon seeds so i decided to explore and this took

Um i don’t know if i should say quite a while but it took yeah it took a substantial amount to just find a jungle biome and in some time as you can see over here i found a jungle biome and i was pretty happy because i found melons fairly quickly as

Well i don’t know about you but i’ve never seen this many bamboos in my entire life like this is way way too much good thing was that next to this jungle biome was a desert biome something that was fairly rare in the seed or at least where i was living then i slept

In a desert village so once again you’re going to a village you have to loot it like that’s like the main thing of a village looting i believe this is what you call this biome a frozen ocean bible i don’t know if i’m right but i believe that is anyways

I even found polar bears like i thought that they were like chill with me like literally they they nearly killed me like not exactly nearly killed me but they were trying to kill me so yeah global warming and yeah i even found a ruined nether portal which really just gave me

Nothing good i went back to the bamboo area and i got heaps and heaps of bamboo for scaffolding and even for something else you’ll see later in the video then i even found a panda like literally these things are probably the most cutest pet like what is this this is panda are

Actually the most cutest pet you guys have to agree like like look at this this is this panda has to be the most cutest pair if you don’t disagree just leave just don’t actually leave anyways i got the obsidian that i needed because of course i’m not going to be going all the

Way back to my base like this i’m going to be going via the nether and yeah i got all the obsidian and then i went to the nether portal and i even got another achievement which was very very cool why am i doing this to myself why was i bridging like this

Please why why one little slip and the game is over the series is over everything is over if i messed this up i was putting hay bales across the way every single time because like you know i was bridging with the netherrack you literally can’t see any difference then i finally found

My fortress and i went back to my base and yeah piglen’s yeah with the elytra on yeah you guys just keep in mind that you want your elite off if you’re not using it like literally they take off a lot of damage i made heaps of

Scaffolding and pretty much i went to my wheat farm and i tore it apart i pretty much just got rid of it because i wanted this to be where i place my melons and pretty much i’ll actually just make an automatic wheat farm instead because if you know me i do not like

Harvesting wheat for some reason i just can’t be bothered but melons and pumpkins they’re just just they’re just different and of course you know all the time i’ve been breeding my sheeps and cows as well i had quite a lot of bone meal so i used bone meal to actually just make the

Process a bit more faster and yeah you guys should use bone meal as well bone meal is yeah it’s good then i harvested some of my melons and my pumpkins and yeah i literally got raided by a horde of zombies and these zombies were picking up my melons how dare you

You just violate me like that all the sand i got i made it into glass and then with all the glass i got i made it into glass panes and of course with all the glass panes i got i traded them with my cartographer for emeralds

And now i can even trade my wheat pumpkins and even melons for emeralds now i was actually ready to make a iron golem which you will see why later but this ion golem was going to be very very helpful oh my god this was anxiety this was literally anxiety like

This was actually anxiety but yeah thankfully it worked on day 137 i done a lot of mining and even on day 138 because i needed heaps and heaps of cobblestone slabs for this next farm i even came across some good old diamonds you know you always got to take diamonds no matter what

It’s not like you can make a farm out of diamonds 137 and day 138 i farmed a lot and i got a lot of cobblestone because i needed a lot of cobblestone slabs for this gold farm at this point i was pretty ready to actually start this gold farm and yeah

This golf club needed a lot of resources but i think at least yeah i was finally ready to start this build i needed one more resources i needed a turtle egg so i bred two turtles together and they made two turtle eggs Oh yeah i even actually put silk touch i actually bought silk touch and i even put it on my nether i travel because of course the first time rip it just died because of my mistakes but yeah rip to the first one and of course i now i put

Silk touch and i’m ready to collect the last resource for this farm the turtle eggs i got one and i left because you know i can make a farm a turtle farm with the other one then i started on this gold farm for this gold farm you actually need to be

In a pretty large nether wastes biome so i found that and i started and all you have to do is you have to tower up all the way to the bedrock layer and you pretty much have to get past the bedrock layer and to get past the bedrock layer

It’s not so hard not so complicated at all all you have to do is you have to first of course go to the bedrock layer and all you have to do is end the pearl that’s that’s literally all you need so i end up held my way in and i started

To actually do the process of breaking the actual bedrock block and this was actually how you do it tnt obsidian all of that you can just go on a tutorial but this is pretty much how you do it first attempt actually did completely failed yeah um i don’t know what happened here

Completely failed but then on the second attempt it actually worked and i actually was successfully able to break bedrock in minecraft now that just sounds like creative mode for many large builds and builds in general scaffolding is actually really really really really important and it’s really helpful and

Pretty much from day 140 to day 148 yeah it took this much time because um yeah you can see over here yeah i’m completely new to actually building this the first time i ever built it so yeah there’s quite a lot of times when things just

Didn’t go to how i wanted it to go that’s why it took a bit longer than usual but day 140 today 148 it took me to build this farm of course day 149 and day 150 all i did was 8k just to test out the farm

And just test out you know how it exactly works the results were yeah they were they were shocking shocking results anyways this is a little montage not exactly montage yeah just whatever you want to call it this is this this is this anyways this is me building my gold phone So So This is what i mean this is why you guys should build a gold farm in your world as well like what is this what is this literally i’m getting so much experience in no time literally in no time i’m getting so much experience in about 30 minutes

I reached level 100 which i have to say from my own personal experience this is yeah it’s actually really good and then i took this screenshot and if you guys actually want teasers to the next video updates to the channel and just you know just news about the channel and all of

That sort of stuff go to my community page in the channel and pretty much everything about the new videos channel updates everything like that will be in the community tab so go there anyways i went home and not only was the experience really really good the gold was really really good as well

So both really really good of course now this was the farm that was going to give me heaps of experience and even gold in the process day 150 i started to work on a underground brewing lab or laboratory whatever you want to call i just started to work on this new

Underground station so pretty much right underground i would have a full new chamber for everything related to brewing and as you can see this is the decoration that i was putting i was putting a lot of stone as the decoration and then i started moving everything inside of this underground

Brewing laboratory whatever you want to call it i did the same underground thing to the chest room and i pretty much added a full new underground layer to the chest room and of course i you know implemented pretty much on both i’ve done the chest room and a underground brewing room and as

You can see the brewing room i have put a lot of time to just get everything how i wanted as you can see everything from stone i even added decoration by adding lava on the roof of this brewing room and i would always be checking if this lava was touching my actual

House because if it was my whole house would be burnt down i don’t know about you guys but i really do like this lava decoration in this brewing room and i was just getting this lava from yeah my pretty much my ruined nether portal and i was adding this lava

A lot and pretty much everywhere and i actually even started to add more to the nether base and i actually even started to expand the base the nether base was looking much more better even when i did just some little touches on day 152 i actually even started to add

Lava on the bottom and then i went back to the nether and i grabbed blackstone because i wanted to make my chest room out of only and only blackstone by chest room i mean the new underground chest room that i have it was good that there was a lot of

Black stone right next to my base and then with all the black stone i had i put them all into the ceilings the roof the floor everywhere inside of my chest room which took quite a lot of time but you know in the long run it was

Going to be good and of course you know on day 153 started with farming and then trading all of those resources for emeralds and the population in this breeding chamber was soaring at high levels at night time of day 153 i needed a lot and a lot of wood for all of these

New chests that i was adding so i got a lot of wood and i mean you know you just got to farm melons and pumpkins that’s just like a normal to do thing every single day like it really is you have to farm melons it’s just rules

This chest room was done but it was looking not the way i wanted it to look it was looking kind of odd and weird and very irregular so i was going to work on this later before i do anything else let me just make some quick cash and by cash of

Course not only is emeralds but even oh my gosh i’m sorry iron golems but you serve a good purpose by the way can someone in the comments please actually tell me what is the purpose for these roses or poppies whatever you call them i actually don’t know what the

Purpose is so i’m just burning them but please tell me if they are actually useful on day 155 i went back to the chest room and this was much more how i wanted it to look this time it was actually looking the way i wanted it to look not like

Irregular once again this farmer villager really does make me rich very quickly of course for my brewing room i needed a lot of brewing stands and the only way to get brewing stands is blaze rods so yeah i was farming on day 155 for actually more time than intended and

I got more blaze rods than intended but i mean it doesn’t really matter does it then i done some good old sugarcane farming and now with all the blaze rods that i had collected i made them into brewing stands and i placed all of these brewing stands in my

Really much better looking brewing room can someone please tell me what you call a brewing room i actually don’t know what you call it um yeah at this point it was just a case of just way too many emeralds literally that was how it was going at this point literally i was getting

Melons from all kinds of different villages but the farmer one being the best i then got a cleric out of my breeding chamber and this was because i needed this cleric to give me rotten flesh for emeralds i give the clerical rotten flesh and he gives me back emeralds and this

Cleric even made one gold for an emerald like bro what do you mean one gold for an emerald so i just decided to actually name each of my villages and just write down what each of them gives and what i have to give to them

And this cleric was going to make me oh my even more rich than i already am the rest of the day i think we all know what i was going to do of course take all my water fresh and trade it for emeralds day 158 started off with me

Building the things that i needed for my next farm and this next farm was going to be a very very valuable farm for emeralds once again it was going to be a automatic wheat farm so i was just getting all the materials that i needed for

This farm and as i was getting out of my house on day 158 a creeper just blew up my front yard like you cannot do that all right that is vandalism of property and that is against the law anyways on day 159 i was still collecting materials for this farm and

Materials that i even needed such as sand i then started to terraform the land where i wanted to make this automatic wheat farm be and yeah there was a lot of terraforming once again any build you need to do a lot of terraforming but then

In a matter of time i started to build this automatic wheat farm now for this farm i’m not going to do any sort of music or montage or whatever i normally do i’m not going to do any of that i’m just going to be doing a plain commentary so

As you can see this farm is not complicated at all and by the way in the middle of nowhere i just put on some shaders and please please someone has to point this out i mean heaps of people already have but shaders look so good literally they look so good you can see

Over here yeah i was just testing out shaders in the middle of the farm but then of course i went back to work on this automatic wheat farm and i think i’ve already said this i believe i have already said this this farm was very easy to make all you need

Is wood dirt dispensers hopper i think you need one part but yeah you only need one hopper and it works but i actually ran into a problem as you can see i pressed on this button and the water actually didn’t go to the last seed and because i was so new to redstone

This took me yeah it took me quite a while to actually figure out why it was happening literally it took me about i think it was about one to two days just to figure out why this was happening and why the water wasn’t you know

Going all the way so um yeah i mean that’s kind of a l to me but i am new to redstone so yeah and then i realized that the repeater was actually not on the right signal or the repeater wasn’t actually giving the signal to the last dispenser

Correctly and that’s what the problem was and all i had to do was just place the repeater one block above and it was then working completely fine why am i so bad at redstone but you know i mean people people improve okay so because of my recent success i decided to actually do

This farm again pretty much creating two automatic wheat farms so let’s just skip there as you can see this is my second automatic wheat farm like not symmetrical but i mean who really cares if it’s symmetrical or not really it’s just a wheat farm first of a time i

Was into redstone and now i was much much more confident dealing with redstone thank you to all my villagers for making me extremely rich my farmer my cartographer and my cleric thank you very much first of all farmer then cartographed that cleric and then this villager was selling me thorns so i got

Phones three out of it and then i put it on my helmet and then i realized that i needed levels like yeah of course levels wasn’t going to be a problem at all with this new gold farm and then i put some more enchants on my helmet and then

On day 164 i came across a bastion remnant so then i decided you know what why not rate it so yeah from days 164 to 165 i rated a bastion Don’t hold it up hold it up so So I then decided to put all of my bastion loot inside of a shulker box and now that i was at the nether i was like why not just farm with our heads for the wither and by the way because of the magic of editing this does not seem

Like a lot of time but trust me this took a lot of time this took me 165 to 168 just to get three with a skeletons and as you can see here i was yeah i was low on food quite a while you can just tell how long i’ve been

In this nether for like it took quite a long time just to get three with our skeleton heads and i even actually found other stuff on the way inside of this nether fortress that i didn’t even lose before like have i not looted properly in my hundred days

Anyways i got norgan horse armor and this was the final with a skeleton as you can see a lot of coal and my hearts were very low as well and then yeah this was the final with a skeleton even if i take one shot i am pretty much

Dead and i don’t even have a totem so i’m very very vulnerable but then yeah i just yeah killed the with the skeleton and i got a with a head i then sorted all of my stuff and as you can see i am already ready to fight the wither and i even put

The new horse armor on logan the second and after a long long long time i actually slept in the attic and this sugar cane farm was looking very very very cool in this view and if you know me i do not like farming wheat for some reason but this

You know automatic wheat farm just does it all for me which was exactly what i wanted and of course i like actually i actually like farming melons and pumpkins so i actually like doing that that’s why i don’t have an automatic farm for that i think that makes sense i think that

Does make sense the fact that this iron farm actually works when i’m not here is the best thing i think i was getting an overflow in iron at this point literally i believe golden carrots are the best food source in this game and now i have acquired them so that is really

Good on day 170 i wanted to get even more overpowered armor so i was doing that and as i was doing that this iron golem seems to be very very friendly thank you iron golem but yeah i got depth strider and i you know acquired depth strata and i realized that

I need levels once again yeah we all know where i go for levels at this point we all know i don’t know if i’m trying to flex my arm over here i think i am and of course i put even more enchants on my gear now farming wii

Sounds much more fun when all i have to do is just play seats you know um i wanted even more enchants and to get even more enchants i needed even more experience and to get even more experience we all know what happens to get even more experience that is just

Yeah we all know thank you very much gold farm on day 171 me and noggin ii went to the death of norgan the great um this was yeah this was definitely the saddest part in the entire series and we both will never ever forget what had happened

At this time never uh it feels good to see the sun rise on day 172 on day 172 i started by expanding the brewing area because i wanted to make a automatic nether watts farm underground which sounds very very cool just by saying it but there was a slight change in plans

And i geared up to fight the wither out of nowhere i wanted to fight the weather just because i wanted to fight the wither so i geared up and i went to a random location i just heated up all my armor bows everything like that and i went to the seoul

Sand valley i went back to this portal and i found my pet panda after a long time i didn’t i didn’t exactly found i i saw and then i digged straight down in this spot and by the way in the first 100 day video a lot of people said

Like don’t dig straight down and by the way this is what i mean by digging straight down not exactly digging straight down i’m not that bad at minecraft come on guys and then i made a big passage so then i can easily defeat this wither yes i have to say

I was mining for not exactly a long time but a an okay amount of time an okay amount of time what are you oh my god an okay amount of time uh i don’t even know what i mean by that but it was roughly like i don’t know like five minutes maybe i

Don’t know i can’t remember right and then it was time it was time to get the wither to spawn the wither inside of my world this could have been the last ever time you saw this series this could have been the end any mistake and this could have been the

End so i was extremely careful but then i started the fight So So So Wither is down and with our star has been acquired i started to terraform a little hill next to my house there was this little hill as you guys most of you guys should know and i was just starting to terraform this hill and trust me in any any farm

You’ve heard of your vest terraforming is probably what takes the most time because the land is not always so great unless you have the best seed which i don’t definitely have but the land is definitely not the way you want it to be all the times and terraforming definitely does

Take a long time sometimes terraforming can take more than the actual build as you can see there was a lot of terraforming to be done to make this little hill actually seem realistic and to make the beacon seem realistic and then i started this beacon and then

This beacon was done and all i needed now was to actually make the beacon itself not just the layers of the beacon and so i started by doing that i got the obsidian that i needed and then i got the glass the obsidian and the nether star to make

This beacon and i even lit up the sides of the beacon and then i placed the beacon down and i got two achievements in one shot definitely not done before in this series the rest of day 175 and day 176 i’m sorry to say this

But kind of went to waste because i was just checking how beacons actually work because if you don’t know this is the first time i actually placed a beacon and i guess the creeper just has to blow it up but pretty much this is the first time i actually ever placed a beacon

Or you know done anything related to beacons in minecraft so i needed to really learn the basic mechanics of how beacons work so i even actually watched a youtube tutorial on that and just trust me haste on a beacon is really really good definitely not how i want it right now

But haste is a really really good achievement well not achievement i don’t even know what you call it power if you call it power i think you do i just decided to go with speed instead because this beacon was meant for you know making the house and the base

Seem good not exactly for you know quarry or anything like that day 177 i put sharpness 5 or sharpness v on my sword of course i needed xp and i don’t even need to talk for this part literally and then i put sharpness 5 on my sword something that i should

Have done much earlier on day 178 i don’t exactly know why i did this but i told you guys a little teaser for 300 days next i built a lot of pistons i think we all know where this is going yes another farm but before i started on the

Farm i needed to repair all of my tools and this was one of those times i could have died another one of those times i literally thought i had the elita one and i literally even opened up my inventory and this happened yeah i really don’t want to talk about it because this

One of those times where you know like the whole series could have gone just like that yeah that’s yeah completely my fault just like any farms the first ever step is terraforming the most boring longest not exactly longest but still boring thing to do terraforming terraforming and

What do you think i’m gonna say terraforming and then as you can see i got a lot of land terraformed didn’t exactly need this much land but i mean why not i think now is the best time i tell you guys what this farm actually is

This farm is a automatic bamboo farm now i don’t even use the fletcher why am i making an automatic bamboo farm pretty simple unlimited fuel and i’ll just tell you how this farm actually works it’s pretty simple so pretty much as you can see there is sugarcane

Sugarcane was just on the first layer the next layers were of course going to be bamboo pretty much the sugarcane or bamboo it reaches the the observers see it the observers send a signal to the redstone and then the redstone sends a signal to the pistons and the pistons just um slash

I think that’s the word i should use they just slash the sugarcane or the actual bamboo and it gets collected into the water into the hopper and i have glass just in case it goes anywhere else as you can see straight to the hoppers into the chest very

Very simple and of course yeah i done this with bamboo because it is a bamboo farm yeah when i say i wanted a lot of bamboo i really did mean six layers of bamboo literally i made six layers of bamboo yes i did just flying to this thing

Takes a lot of hard work it is very very tall and because of the size of house you know big this thing is i decided to actually improve the storage system or the collection system and i started to actually improve it by making it bigger day 184 started off with wheat farming and

Even sheep and cow farming but then i had a different plan from day 184 to 188 i wanted to make a underwater underwater underground automatic nether wart farm and this was the design nether block oh my god why do i keep forgetting these block of quartz

And stone and those were pretty much the pillars and the stone was there for decoration and i started on this automatic automatic nether watts fun yes oh my i actually forget the names of a lot of blocks yeah i need to improve on remembering names and of course to get all of the

Actual soul sand that i needed i went to the jungle biome actual portal that i had so pretty much for this automatic netherward farm i needed even more land or even more space so i had to expand it and i had to make it even more bigger

And in a matter of time i realized that trapdoors don’t even work like water doesn’t even go through trapdoors so like yeah i had to literally make it out of dispensers but then in a matter of seconds not exactly seconds shall i say minutes it was all working correctly as you can

See the automatic nether wart farm is done and yes i wasted a lot of hoppers i could have just added water into one hopper but you really think i care life was good a lot of automatic farms for a lazy person like me and you know why not use this wheat to

My advantage wheat pumpkin melons everything to my advantage and of course this bamboo was now my new fuel sauce and then i turned all of these pumpkins into carved pumpkins and i went to the third village that we found the third village and i think this is all leading up to something

Spicy over here yes i even found a outpost tower and you know me being me of course i was not prepared i literally yeah i literally had to make a shield over there yes i wanted to defend a raid why because i wanted to have a bit more

Fun so the first actual raid captain that i killed actually didn’t get the bad omen effect like um minecraft please please fix your game but the second one i killed i got exactly what i wanted to get the bad urban effect And here is a little clip just to show you guys how close this pillager outpost is to the actual village literally it’s literally it’s pretty much neighbors like it ha it’s pretty much the neighbors and yeah this raid started and this raid went on from day 189 to 190 enjoy the montage And the raid was complete and i was the hero of the village and i even got quite a good amount of loot and not only was that cool um yeah villagers were dancing i’ve never seen this before but villagers were dancing nighttime of day 190 i did melon and pumpkin

Farming and then i even checked back on the iron farm getting quite a lot of iron of course from there and i thought of making an iron beacon but then i only had nine more days and i didn’t want to waste it with another wither and just getting

These with a heads was quite a long time so i tore it down i did something better with my life and i actually used nether transportation to identify where i needed to go in the nether to set my actual portal there to go straight to the end portal so pretty much i was

Just linking up the end portal to my nether base and of course for everything related to portals you need obsidian and then i made my portal and i made my way in and i spawned actually above the end portal not exactly what i wanted but i mean you know it was okay

And then um this happened i was lighting up everything yeah um just watch i was sliding up everything i went next to a creeper normally it wouldn’t be much of a big deal and i died i pretty much died i lost my totem over dying as well and i

Never knew that the elytra takes off that much damage that much and by the way just finding this end portal yeah it took quite a lot a while because i actually didn’t take the coordinates so just finding this thing yeah it took quite a while i finally

Made it to the portal and this time i took two screenshots not one but two screenshots and then i actually took all of the obsidian from the portal that was above and i made a new portal inside of this end portal so it will directly be linked up and thankfully it actually did

Link up to the original portal that i had created making it easier on me this automatic nether wart farm was really really good as well day 193 was one of those days i saw a sun rise and then i got back into the normal work that i was doing but yeah this time

There’s a little twist i didn’t exactly know what my plans were i first went to the nether and i decided let’s expand on the nether base you know like why not let’s expand on the nether base but yeah that got scratched out when i got attacked by

Heaps of piglets like heaps and heaps of piglets and then i thought you know um let’s let’s just make a turtle farm why not let’s let’s make a turtle farm zombies kept on attacking me i still did place turtles but i just didn’t want to do it at this time

It was night time and yeah i just didn’t want to do at all and then i went back to emerald because i mean that’s just cool and then on day 194 i thought of adding a house next to this turtle farm that was soon to be made

But yeah even that was just scratched and not actually done and this time i decided to get a woodland explorer map yes a woodland explorer map and i decided to go to the woodland mansion and this was out of nowhere literally out of nowhere and um please please minecraft please update this this

Woodland map sorry this woodland mansion was eight thousand blocks away eight or eight i’m not i’m not joking i’m not lying eight thousand but who does this who does that literally you can see i finally made it i was fairly happy it took yeah quite a while and you can tell

By the coordinates i am not joking it was actually 8 000 blocks away and here is a sick montage from day 196 to 197 of me raiding this mansion The raid was done but my job was not completed i was getting flint and there was probably only one purpose for flint flinted steel and i decided to burn this entire mansion in this world there was only allowed to be one mansion and that was mine so i decided you know

Yeah yeah let’s just let’s just burn it i mean why not you know i mean pillagers are not my friends so there’s no reason not to burn this thing and yeah this mansion is extremely flammable extremely flammable trust me there were points where i was literally

Running out of flint and steel and i needed to get more flint and steel so you know i got more flint and steel and this was the end product i’m sorry i’m just sorry pillages but it had to be done it just had to be done

It literally had to be done not exactly had to be done but um i mean at least i was getting loot pretty quickly i mean the chests were yeah i could see them pretty quickly so i guess that’s that’s an upside but yeah um pillagers don’t deserve anything they

Are just they are just pillagers just dumb so um yeah if you’re a pillager fan i’m sorry but i mean this does look cool trust me this this does look cool and it felt cool as well i think it took me a long time just to get back

On day 199 i went straight into my gold farm to repair all of my tools all my armor all of my bows all of my everything day 200 i did nothing except just sort out my inventory and farming as i was farming i had a lot of thoughts come into my head

By that i mean i had many new ideas planned for the next 300 days You

This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days In Minecraft HARDCORE…’, was uploaded by Total Genius on 2021-05-31 09:43:23. It has garnered 56316 views and 1270 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:56 or 3536 seconds.

In this video I Survived 200 Days In Minecraft HARDCORE… Watch the video till the end and if you enjoyed the video be sure to like and subscribe for more!! Over these 200 days I have 3 goals: I first want to make heaps of new automatic farms and farms in general such as gold, wheat, iron etc 2: I want to raid a bastion, raid a woodland mansion and even defend a raid. 3: I want to obtain a fully maxed out Emrald beacon thus, defeating the Wither.

Next 300 Days: soon to come.. Previous 100 Days:

😃😃Thank you so much for watching the video, Don’t forget to SMASH subscribe and HIT like 👊👊👊. Also, place a Comment and make sure the notification BELL is turned on!!!

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🔥🔥Here are all my Minecraft series/playlists🔥🔥 100 Day Hardcore Videos: Tips & Tricks/Guides: How To’s/Glitch’s: Update Videos:

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  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More