Insane Challenge: Draw & Get Items in Speedrun!

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Today my friends are trying to hunt me down in Minecraft but what they don’t know is that whatever I draw I get hey guys you ready to start this man hunt oh I’m ready but Das you better not pull any tricks this time of course not I

Don’t have any tricks at my sleeve in that case this is going to be easy well let’s start the challenge in three 2 1 let’s go yay get him get him get him oh no oh no wait did we Spa on top of a cliff oh gosh oh gosh it is really bad

Uh Dash you’ve already qued yourself it’s over oh no oh no wait there’s some water down there I’m jumping let’s go wait seriously come on come on in yes I made it see you guys what he just jumped off we need to get him let’s go let’s go

Wait are you going to make that and oh you did not make that well anyways now that I’m down here uh I got to get some wood quick um I’m not making that jump I’m taking the slow way around let’s go let’s go that gives me a bunch of time

To get super geared up here let me just mine down this tree over here and oh gosh oh gosh I got to be quick I see Ruby’s name tag right over there oh come on wait never mind Ruby died come on come on here let me just go ahead and

Mine all of this wood yes I’ve got five pieces of wood now what I could do with this is craft myself a crafting table and some sticks in here now what I could do is craft a sword and all right before Cam and Ruby get here come here Iron

Golem I got to get your iron there’s the only thing I need right now so uh let me just build up and take this let’s go hey guys I’m already getting iron what how what no way don’t worry about it but U you guys have been dying a lot and oh no

K’s right there I got to get this iron come on come on come on come on come on come on come on hey go away go away oh no wait what did you steal the iron all yeah thank you oh my gosh no C you’re not getting away with that come here and

Wait there’s another Iron Golem here yeah why don’t you just fight that one dash leave me alone no no no I want my iron that iron is rightfully mine I know I got it f Square I can see you guys down there I’m catching up come on Ruby

Help me Dam I’ve got a sword you’re not getting away with my iron come here Ruby help I’m on my way just uh stay alive for a little bit longer I know you’re low wa did you just get rid of the oh my gosh you really just got rid of it

Through the cactus okay well you know what that’s it I’m getting revenge on you for that oh yeah well Ruby’s here come on Ruby come on wait hang on I want to get food first oh Dash is right there let me just take out cam really quick

You think hiding in the house is going to stop you too bad oh Ruby you’re next come here wait how do you have a sword already oh don’t worry about it but here let me just take you out real quick come here let’s go yes and ooh wait you had

Hay bills thanks for that but okay I got to take out this Iron Golem over here quick oh great now I have to make my way down the mountain again come on come on come on this time I got to take this Iron Golem out very quickly I do not

Want anyone sneaking up on me so let me just take this guy out really quick come on give me your iron yes let’s go I got three iron from that all right perfect oh gosh he’s got iron stuff already yep I’m pretty saxed but here the last thing

I’m going to do before I leave this Village is also grab some of these hay bills I can craft bread with this and that’s going to be really good food wait wait wait I want to get some bread so there we go and okay this should be

Enough hey bills I’m getting out of here now oh gosh I see your guys’ name tags there hey yo stay away come on we need to get the ha Bal so we can fight Dash Okay okay I got him Dash just you wait we’ll be over there okay okay whatever

You say but here now that I’ve got all of this iron let me just go ahead and craft myself an iron pickaxe and all right now it’s time to start mining I don’t need to deal with Cam and Ruby for now they should be far away from me all

Right I bet you’re running away from us right now get over here uh no I think I’m going to pass on that I’m just going to go mining for now wait did he already get an iron pickaxe yep I’ve already got an iron pickaxe and wo check it out

There’s a nice oh that is not a cave I thought this was a nice cave okay never mind all right come on come on now I have to actually find a cave around here any good caves and no there’s just more water what the heck hi Dash wait what

Are you guys near me and hey yo what do you guys have iron armor yep it’s over for you we found iron oh no oh no wait how do you guys get iron stuff so quick we the Iron Golem and then made a pickaxe and we just kept mining yeah

We’re pretty good oh no wait Ruby’s got an iron chest plate okay okay well you guys are very stacked right now I’ve only got like a half broken wooden sword yep and next you’re going to have nothing because we’re going to kill you oh my gosh go away go away wait there’s

A ruin portal here but I can’t even Explore it since you guys are chasing me I’m going to explore this ruin portal let’s see what I get and oh there was a golden apple in here Dash don’t get distracted cam I’m not getting distracted I’m just getting some

Materials okay okay but wait wait hold on I think they’re getting far away Enough From Me Now what I could do is pull out my drawing canvas and finally start using my drawing abilities so here let me just hide behind this tree really quick and oh gosh C is right over there

I got to draw quick here come on what I’m going to do is just quickly go ahead and draw myself in a diamond sword just like this okay I think this should be a pretty good drawing of a diamond sword okay come on I should get it any second

Now come on come on give me the diamond store already and oh my gosh it actually worked my drawing was good enough hey guys uh the tables have turned come here well how did you get diamonds oh don’t worry about it I I went for a quick

Mining trip wait Ruby where are you I’m right behind him get over here and wait is that a diamond sword come here the tables have turned I’m the hunter now oh yeah well I’m going to eat this gold apppp for you oh gosh oh gosh okay this

Still kind of a hard fight there’s still two of you but come here I can definitely still win this I’m low I’m low I’m low come here Kim don’t worry I’ll help you and yes let Ru me down all right cam now you’re the only one left I

Just got to take you out really quick yes oh come on oh my gosh that was intense but anyways guys thanks for all your stuff here I’m just going to grab all of this really quick and O thanks for the iron armor let’s go oh my gosh

How did you get diamonds guys guys guys I just went for a quick mining trip while I was behind find that tree that’s it what that’s not even possible uh uh yeah it is I I I found them I’m I’m just really good at mining I don’t know what

To tell you guys I didn’t see any holes but oh whatever all right all right well anyways now it’s time to go for a full mining trip so here let me hop inside ooh this cave over here looks really good uh I’m just going to hop in here

And let me grab a bunch of this iron let’s go well good luck on your mining triip cuz it’s getting darker you’re going to have to deal with Mobs soon and oh gosh oh gosh yeah you’re right it is getting pretty dark I got to be quick

Here I’m just going to keep mining all of this iron though I’m just going to grab all of this there is a bunch of iron in this cave this cave is actually so stacked oh let’s go we found so much iron Ruby oh this is good this is good

We’re catching up to where we were before and oh wait you guys are going mining as well oh yeah I’ve got enough for a full set of iron already what how are you mining so quick it says you what dude my diamond mining was perfectly normal but here I just crafted a bunch

Of bread now I’m just going to head back to mining I got to pick up my crafting table and all right come here iron let’s go there’s so much iron in this cave it’s actually crazy all here you go Ruby take your armor and let’s go fight right

Let’s go and ooh we just found a cave wait wait go fight what what what are you guys fighting uh the mobs outside cuz it’s night time uh okay yeah totally just mobs yeah just mobs okay okay that does sound a little bit suspicious I’m

Not going to lie but here I’m just going to keep mining I got to get a little bit of coal to smelt all of this iron where is this thing oh there it is hi guys wa what the heck you’re here yeah I am it’s

Over for you oh my gosh oh gosh oh gosh wait I only have Iron Pants what the heck how did you get another set of iron armor uh because I’m fast with mining oh my gosh okay well I’ve still got a diamond sword I can probably take you

Out if it’s only you oh yeah well come here Ruby oh no oh no my ru’s here as well oh my gosh get over here Dash it’s 2 one how did you guys both get full iron armor maybe we’re just better at this game than you are oh my gosh

Actually stay away stay away what the heck is going on okay hold on what I got to do I have a plan I’m just going to go over here on this side of the cave and uh I’m just going to dig myself into the wall over here I got to hide for now

Wait where did this guy go I don’t know I’ll I’ll start looking this way okay I’m just going to cover this area up with some iron and okay I think I should be good hdden here for a while I don’t see him anywhere I don’t think I see him

Around here either okay okay perfect they don’t see me but uh what could I do how can I get rid of them okay I think I need to draw something else hold up let me quickly go into my canvas and okay I think I have an idea for what I could do

I’m just going to quickly select the color red and here let me just draw in a big thing of TNT real quick there we go that looks pretty good now let me select white and just draw the big line in the middle of a TNT like that and then let

Me select some black paint and now let me just write in TNT there we go that looks pretty good and okay I should get a few pieces of TNT from this now come on any second and yes okay perfect I just got three pieces of TNT where are you dash oh gosh oh

Gosh okay okay but now all I need is a way to actually light this so let me just erase all this TNT come on there we go there we go and okay now I got to draw flint and steel so uh I I guess let me just draw that real quick I’m pretty

Sure this how you draw it I got to draw like the flints of over here like that and then I got to draw the Steel part uh over here uh yeah that that that should be good enough I think and yes it was good enough Perfect come on dash You

Can’t Hide forever and yeah yeah I can you you guys aren’t going to find me anytime soon but anyways what I got to do now is just uh dig a little hole right over here like that and okay here’s the plan I’m going to try to lure

Them into this hole and then as soon as they get in I’m going to drop TNT on them H come on you have to be around here somewhere dashing oh there’s some iron that you missed oh oh yeah hey hey guys hi Dash come on come on get him

Let’s go let’s go wait did it work yes okay now let me just go over here and drop the TNT down take this let me just drop all of that and all right guys see you and yes that works so perfectly no how in the world did you get that oh

My gosh that was actually crazy Oh no I got rid of all your guys’ stuff oh except for this iron sword I’ll take that how did you craft tnt that quickly and oh guys guys I just I killed a bunch of creepers and you know I had some

Spare gunpowder are you pulling any tricks this time again no no guys of course not but anyways I think I’ve got enough iron now I’ve got 32 iron just over here so that should be more than enough to craft all my armor oh no now

He’s ahead of us because of us let’s go let’s go I think he’s going to have TNT yeah it’s a little weird how he got that where did he get that from guys like I said I just crafted it fair and square but anyways now that I’ve got all the

Iron I need uh I guess it’s time to smelted so here I’m just going to head up over here on top of one of these trees that way none of the mobs can get to me and all righty time to go ahead and craft a furnace let me just craft

Two of those really quick there we go and here I’m just going to put them down right over here and let’s go I can finally start smelting all of my iron yes come on Ruby we need to get more iron so we can fight Dash yeah I bet

He’s still in that same cave so let’s just go back and yeah yeah I’m definitely still in that same caveen oh my gosh these mobs down here are so annoying a there’s a baby zombie chasing me go away oh Cam have you found them yet now I hav’t found Dash finally it’s

Turning daytime that means these mobs can just go away perfect anyways let me see has my iron finished melting yet let me just quickly check up on it and oh wait we got seven iron smelted that’s not bad I guess let me grab all of that

And here I can craft myself an iron chest plate and an iron helmet with this let’s go guys I’m almost fully geared out I’m about to head to the nether in a moment oh come on oh I think I saw a ruined portal over here why don’t we

Just finish this Cam and oh yeah right there was that ruin portal um okay well you guys can have that I’m just going to build my own portal well we’re going to get there much faster oh yeah well we’re going to go to the nether first and

Destroy all the blaz spawners what dude there’s no way you’re going to destroy every single blaz Spawner in the nether do you know how big the nether is uh not that big and plus you’re probably going to go to the first Fortress you find and we’re probably going to break all of

Those true so true uh uh okay well I’m just going to make sure you guys don’t go to the nether fortress before me wait how are you going to do that because I’m way ahead of you there’s no way you guys are going to catch up well you don’t

Know where we are right he doesn’t know where we are right mhm I don’t see you around here but there’s no way you guys are anywhere near as gear is me here I just got to wait for all of my iron to finish melting and then I can start

Heading out and there we go all my iron is done and all right guys I’m heading to the nether now see you guys it’s over wait what no oh come on we’ve got to find this portal um I don’t know about the portal but I just found some lava so

Let’s just use this instead I’m fine all right and here now all I got to do to build my portal is find a lava pool and wait check it out there’s a desert biome over here I’m pretty sure lava pools are really common in the desert biome ow ow

Ow I fell in the lava out Ru wait what the heck are you guys doing uh nothing uh okay and wait cim why did you just get the Hot Stuff achievement I’m pretty sure that’s when you pick up a bucket of lava oh yeah we’re totally not making a

Portal yeah we’re totally not going to the nether either oh gosh oh gosh you guys are already going to the nether okay well quick I got to find a lava pool as well so I can build my portal let’s see let’s see come on any lava

Pools around here there’s got to be some all right all right we’re making good progress oh no oh no come on if they get to the nether before me then they’re going to break all of the Blaze Spawners that is not going to be good and hold on

A second is that a lava pool right over there and I think it is yes guys I have found a lava pool let’s go oh yeah well we just finished our portal uh wait what you guys are already in the nether oh no yep we’re going to the Fortress see you

Dash okay okay well hold on what am I doing I I got to hurry up let me quickly build this portal over here really quick I just got to mine out all of these blocks uh and then fill it in with lava I cannot let them get to Nether Fortress

Before me here let me just uh cover up all this and then put down my water right over here all right all right nice this portal is looking looking pretty good there we go there we go just got to place these last two blocks of obsidian

Right over here yes and okay guys my portal is done all I got to do is light it up and all right I’m coming to the nether all right we’re already here though so we’re going to catch you okay we’ll see about that but anyways now

That I’m here I got to find a nether fortress before you guys well we’re already working on that so I guess it’s a race now okay but come on come on let’s see I got to find this Fortress let me just bridge over all of this lava

Really quick come on let’s see let’s see come on there’s got to be a fortress somewhere here and oh no I don’t see anything so far hey yo skeleton go away yeah take that wait why don’t you just give the skeleton a little hug become

Friends with him I bet he likes you uh what no that’s a horrible idea plus I already killed him or you should just let him kill you so we can end this man hunt what I am not dying anytime soon the only way this man hunt is ending is

If I uh de beat the Ender Dragon but anyways come on there’s still no Nether fortresses near me how long do these things take to find I don’t know but we’re not going to let you Inn too bad because I I am going to win so here come

On I just got to keep looking around this Soul Sand is so slow and oh wait a minute I I found a ruin portal in the nether but that’s not a fortress I don’t need that right now oh wait there it is Ruby come here oh okay I see it I see it

Just bridge over wait wait did you guys find a fortress already oh no and wait a minute I I think I found a fortress as well no way wait a minute are we at the same Fortress hold on a second uh hopefully we’re not I’m just going to

Pull up in this Fortress over here and okay I don’t see anyone else around me let’s go that means I can get all of the blaze rods in peace although wait there is a lot of weather skeletons over here these guys are pretty scary oh come on

We have to be in the same Fortress as Dash we just have to keep on looking around yeah it has to be around here somewhere oh yeah well here while you guys are looking for me I’m just going to go ahead and start getting some Blaze Rod it looks like there’s a blaze

Spawner right over here so let’s go here let me take out this Wither Skeleton real quick come on take this and out wait I’m on fire that actually hurts really bad ow hey yo blazes chill I got to eat some bread there we go and all

Right now it’s time to go back in for the final kill come here Blaze let me just take this thing out really quick and yes oh wait he didn’t drop a blaze rod never mind and ah wait I just got hit by one over there just don’t shoot

At me that’s very annoying and oh wait a few more blazes just spawned let’s go and yes I just got my first Blaze Rod guys what how no way oh no wait you guys are here yep we are high Dash wait wait wait we actually are at the same

Fortress go away what are you guys doing here uh nothing just trying to U stop you from being the game I’m on fire I’m protecting this blaz spawner with my life if you guys are not destroying it and he y c go away go away no I almost

Had it you stay away from that blaz spawner am I supposed to get up there if you keep on throwing lava down ow I’m on fire again no come on I need to get the spawner oh my gosh can’t go away the blazes are in the way I can’t get it yes

I got it and oh no oh my gosh you actually got the SP what the heck ow ow ow ow oh my gosh okay okay this is actually really bad I’m actually super low how am I supposed to get out of this there’s no way you’re getting out of

This Dash you’re going down a what there’s also a gas over there oh no this is really bad there is so much fire every oh my gosh this gas just tried to attack me hey yo gas go away okay I’m covering myself in I think I need to

Pull out my painting canvas again I have an idea I got to be quick to CU C and Rubi are right there hold on let me pull up my canvas really quick and here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to draw myself an invisibility potion here let

Me just go ahead and draw like the outside of the bottle really quick there we go and then let me draw the cap of the bottle like that that looks pretty good and now we just got to fill the bottle up with invisibility potion liquid uh I I’m pretty sure that’s blue

So just going to fill all of that in come on there we go that’s looking pretty good and yes okay hopefully this gives me a splash potion of invisibility any second now come on and yes I got it let’s go let’s go okay sick how long does this last then 8 minutes perfect

That’s exactly what I’m looking for let me just splash that on myself really quick and let me take off all of my armor and okay now it’s time to head out there’s about to be a super stealth mission right here I cannot get caught and hey guys uh how’s it going over

There I’m currently just uh chilling in my box uh yeah it’s going good we’re waiting for you to come out yeah yeah yeah you’re waiting for me to come out okay okay well you guys have fun over there I’m just going to keep waiting in

My box wow you’re staying in there for a really long time you must be scared of us and oh yeah yeah I’m super scared that’s why I’m camping in my box I I I just don’t want to be anywhere near you guys cuz I’m so scared oh yeah well I

What if we come to you come on Ruby let’s get him okay let’s go oh no oh no wait they’re about to discover that I’m not there wait Ruby I don’t see him anywhere wait did he run away from the back what no there’s no Bridge here he

Just if he fell he died oh wait how did he get out and what what are you talking about I’m definitely still in that box well how did you get away and where did you go away uh uh I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m still there no

You’re not cuz if you were we’d be able to see you he’s trying to trick us again don’t listen to him okay whatever you say but best of luck finding me now all I got to do is just find another Blaze spawner come on there’s got to be

Another one around this Fortress wait a minute hold on I see some Blaze over here does that mean there’s a blaze spawner around here I don’t know but I’m going to take these guys out anyways come on that’s one let me take out this one two and yes guys I’m currently at

Three blaze rods all I got to do is get three more what no he’s so close cam come on we need to stop him let’s go let’s go hold up any more blaze rods around here come on and oh wait came Ru are right over there hold on I got to be

Careful since I put my armor on again and oh wait they just got hit by a gas Fireball oh careful Ruby I’m trying I’m trying wow it looks like you guys are not having fun I’m going back down the stairs wait how does dash know what

We’re doing and wait that gas is firing over there uh uh uh what what are you talking about with that gas is not firing anywhere it’s the firing in that tube wait is Dash over there oh no oh no that gas gave away my position this is

Not good okay okay well come on I hear a few blazes around here let me just get these last few blazes and then I’m out of here let’s see where are they at and uh come on there’s got to be one somewhere around here oh there’s a one

Blaze down there let me just hop down here and all right come here Blaze and oh no he’s like flying away oh there we go let me just take him out come on give me your blaze rods and oh yes I got his blaze rods although I kind of Hit the

Piglin uh hopefully the rest of them don’t get mad at me oh okay this one is definitely mad but oh gosh come on I got to be quick is there any more blazes around here I need to get two more blaze rods now come on where are you dash know

You’re over here somewhere oh no oh no wait is Cam somewhere around me okay I don’t think I see him I think we should be good and oh wait hold on Ruby and Cam’s name tag is right down there oh we found your Cobblestone oh no oh no let

Me take off all my armor really quick and that was so close where are you dash oh my gosh okay how much longer ises my invisibility last for 30 seconds oh gosh I got to get out of here let me just eat some bread really quick and oh wait

Hopefully Kim didn’t see that what was that what was what it was like floating bread ow the skeleton’s hitting me um I don’t know what you talking about I don’t see any floating bread anywhere wait wait you saw a floating bread oh I’m pretty sure I know what that is have

You ever heard of the the myth of the floating bread ghost uh what there’s no way that’s real he’s just making up lies oh no oh no wait my invisibility wore off hold on I got to put all on my armor again and all right I’m just going to

Run out of here not I’m just going to make a run for it go go go there you are Dash come here we’re getting you no you are not stay away hold on I think I saw another blaz spawner right over here yes check it out okay this is where I

Can get my last two blaze rods from I just got to be really quick so cam Ruby can’t catch up come on come on and yes there we go that’s one Blaze let me take this guy out really quick and no he didn’t drop a blaze rod that’s it Dash

We’re coming after you oh no oh no okay I got to be quick I need one more blaze rod and yes I got it all right now I’m out of here I’m just going to dip come here Dash I’m right behind you oh no oh

No go away nope you’re gone uhh no I’m actually not gone I’m right over here and oh no I’m actually very low uh okay what do I do what do I do I got to go over here come on and oh gosh I’m at

Half a Heart A Mir dash out I missed the jump good go away I just got to keep running I’m literally at 2 and 1 half hearts I need to heal up a little bit before I can fight okay hold on wait am I still being chased oh wait I am

Definitely still being chased go away all right know we’re coming after you boy oh this Soul Sand is making me so slow oh my gosh what do I doing wait a minute if I could have a fire resistance potion then I could lose them super

Easily but I’m not sure if I’m going to have enough time to draw one in come here Dash sure maybe I can just dig myself into the wall again let me just mine in over here like this and okay I’m just going to stay hidden right over

Here I don’t think they can see me oh come on I have to just build up right here and huh what where did you go where’s Dash and okay I think it worked I see both their name tags right over there but they have no idea where I am

Oh gosh wait Ruby and Kim’s name tags are very close right now can you see him I don’t see his name tag anywhere no he’s got to be around here let’s look and okay okay perfect while they’re looking here let me go into my drawing canvas again and here actually we don’t

Even have to erase our drawing from last time I’m pretty sure all I need to do to turn this into a fire resistance potion is just replace all of this blue liquid with some orange liquid like this let’s just replace all of this like that boom

There we go and okay hopefully I get a fire resistance potion from that now come on any any second now fire resistance wait I got it let’s go okay okay perfect how long does this thing last let me check it out and 8 minutes okay perfect this is exactly what I need

To escape okay okay here let me just grab the fire resistance potion really quick and all right uh let’s see Are Cam and Ruby anywhere near me still I’m just going to mine out over here and oh wait Ruby is right over there okay okay

Perfect oh come on oh wait there he is and oh hey guys uh let me just splash this on myself really quick and uh see you guys later I’m going to head into that oh wait the lava let’s go wait what is it over did we win the what no you

Guys don’t win I had a fire resistance potion see you guys oh he had fire resistance we need to get down there Ruby we need to catch up to him oh my gosh he must have found it in a chest or something oh yeah yeah yeah I found it

In one of the nether fortress chests but anyways I see you guys I’m already long gone I’m just going to start swimming in the lava let’s go I’m going this way come on come on we have to mine down and oh yeah have fun going down the slow way

Come on we need to get to him I’m trying him and oh wait you guys are really building a bridge that is so slow there’s no way you’re going to catch up to me with that no we’ll definitely catch up uh Kim can you build faster

Than I can I can try all right well anyways while you guys are building your bridge I’m just going to keep heading out of here and check it out there’s a blue biome right over there okay okay perfect is exact what I need right now I

Can get a bunch of Ender Pearls from the blue biome because I’m pretty sure that’s where like Enderman spawn most all I need to get is 12 ender pearls and then I can head back to the Overworld so uh here I guess let’s start looking around for some Endermen hey yo any

Endermen around here all right all right we’re getting closer you be ready Dash oh no oh no they are right they are actually kind of on my tail right now but it’s fine it’s fine I can lose them in this big blue biome like it’s literally a forest should be pretty easy

And check it out my first Enderman right over there let me just uh bridge over to him really quick and hold on can I make this jump uh yep there we go and all right Enderman come here give me your pearls let’s go and ah wait hold on this

Ender’s actually doing a lot of damage hold on I got to get some cover or something take this and yes there we go I got it in let’s go it dropped an ender pearl but oh gosh I got to be more careful that thing almost killed me I

Think what I’m going to do is craft myself a shield that’s going to be uh very helpful so uh here let me grab a little bit of wood from these trees hopefully I can craft a shield with this type of wood come on where are you dash

You said you were going to a forest uh do I no I didn’t but here I just got my myself a shield this should make it a lot easier to take out any Ender I see so let’s see any more ender around here a oo look at this C this is such a

Pretty blue tree is this a tree uh yeah I think so wait Dash must be near here Enderman spawn here oh no oh no okay they are definitely nearby I think I should be fine though I think they’re on like the other side of the forest from me in wait there’s another Enderman

Right over here let me take this thing out wait cam do you have any buckets yeah I still have a few wait I have an idea get some lava and wait wait what you guys are getting lava buckets what oh yeah it’s a great idea Ruby wait what

What what’s going on what are you guys planning oh nothing you just better uh watch your head I guess what watch my head what does that mean uh nothing just don’t worry about it oh gosh okay okay well here I’ve already got two ender pearls I only need to get 10 more and

With the rate I’m getting ender pearls right now that should be no problem let me just keep on looking around I got to be careful not to get too close to cam and Ruby though let’s see let’s see oh wait hold on Ruby is right over there I

Don’t think she noticed me though uh I’m just going to try to like sneak around h is he somewhere over here I don’t see anything Ruby I got the stuff uh should we meet back up oh I guess so yeah I’m heading back there and okay okay perfect

I think she’s getting farther away from me I’m just going to keep going around all I need is ender pearls right now and ow wait I just fell in a hole oh I just saw an Enderman okay uh where are you oh I’m right here come on come on where are

These Endermen at it’s actually been a while since I saw my last one and wait a minute there’s one right over here okay okay perfect here let me just take this guy out really quick come on come here Enderman where’ he going oh wait there’s

Two of them okay let me take out both of these then ah wait actually these guys are doing a lot of damage oh gosh I got to be careful I cannot die right now oh no oh no wait there’s still one Enderman on me why do I hear someone fighting an

Enderman o is that Dash and wait wait what you guys hear this and oh gosh uh are they somewhere around me oh there he is get him wait what where are you guys attacking me from where oh wait there you are hey y go away ow hey hi leave me

Alone I just need to get some ender pearls and that’s exactly why we can’t leave you alone H okay how about we make a deal you let me get 12 ender pearls and I go away um no because then we’ll lose yeah let’s make a deal how about uh

You stop trying so hard and you let us uh kill you H what dude that’s a horrible deal what’s in it for me uh you get to lose what I’m not losing but hold up I found another Enderman let me take this out and oh no he didn’t even drop

An ender pearl that time where did he go he lost him again um you lost him again I still see him and wait wait hold on there’s three Endermen over here okay there’s actually really good I can get a bunch of Ender Pearls from this oh no

Wait do you think I’m actually going to let you do that uh yeah you kind of just did I just took out all the Enderman and oh wait you’re right over there hey come on get him use the bucket C I’m trying I’m trying it keeps running away I can’t

Guys just go away leave me alone I’m going to get all these ender pearls what are you trying to put lava on top of me what the heck yeah I’ve got plenty more where that came from too what dude that is actually such a weird strategy go

Away it’s not weird and smart and dude I just trapped you what the heck was that don’t worry about that we don’t talk about that okay well anyways that was a an interesting attempt and oh wait Ruby you’re there as well now guys go away your lava strategy is not going to work

Come on I was supposed to this is going to work he’s got a better sword than us wait Ruby what we got to do is take out the end before he does oh okay okay uh wait wa hey yo dude go away from this Ender this Ender’s minine and oh no way

He didn’t even drop an end Pearl I’ll run for another one I’ll go take out the rest you can’t be serious right now are you guys literally just going to take out all the Endermen before me wait I found one over here I’m going to get to

This one first well I’m taking care of this one and then I’m going over to you oh yeah oh yeah well I’ve already got this one here let me just look him in the eye really quick and all right Enderman come here take this let’s go hopefully I don’t die this one he’s

Actually doing a lot of damage and yes I got him but oh he didn’t drop any ender pearls and wait I just found two more down here wow you guys are doing a horrible job of killing these Endermen before me what are you serious come on

Come on let me just take these guys out really quick come on give me at least one ender pearl and ah both of those guys did not drop any ender pearls what the heck oh no that’s so sad Dash I’m so sorry for you uh what ruby go away and

Wait a minute hold on there’s another Enderman over here let me just look this one in the eye really quick and ah he fell into the lava okay I need we need to find what you guys are here go away no no no just don’t worry about us wait

The Ender teleported to me and oh my gosh you took it out guys stop trying to take all my Endermen what why would we do such a thing this is actually so annoying okay I got to find these Endermen before you guys wait a minute there’s one run over here okay let me

Take this guy out really quick and cim I’m getting this one before you all right and yeah oh my gosh you didn’t even drop an end oh we need to get this one too rby come on come on come on let’s go I’m stealing this one and oh my

Gosh that one dropped an ender pearl too come on come on give me his Ender yes I got the Ender P from that one let’s go give it back nope too bad it’s mine but oh my gosh you guys are actually so annoying this so slow all no we’re not

Going to stop until we get all the ender pearls yeah what are you going to do and oh yeah well okay here’s what I’m going to do about it I got to go into the wall again I’m going to draw something I have an idea I’m just going to mine myself

Into the wall right over here and okay I don’t think they see me yeah they’re right over there wait where did he go I don’t know it’s like he disappeared I don’t know just keep fighting the Enderman oh my gosh this is actually so annoying but here what I’m going to do

Is just go into my drawing canvas really quick and let me just erase all of this and here what I’m going to do now is just uh go ahead and draw myself another potion let me just uh draw another bottle like this and then here let me

Draw the cap at the top there we go and all right now here’s what I’m going to do in this potion instead of a fire resistance or an invisibility potion this time I’m going to make a blindness potion and then if I throw this at Cam

And Ruby then they’re no longer going to be able to see anything and then I can get all the Endermen so here let me just finish up drawing this potion real quick there we go and okay I think this should be a good enough drawing I guess now we

Just have to wait and uh let’s see hopefully we get a blindness potion come on and wait I just got a potion okay okay let’s see did it actually work and give me a blindness potion though and let’s go we got a blindness potion and it last for 4 minutes and 10 seconds

Okay uh that’s kind of short but I could probably get all the ender pearls in that time hey cam Ruby where are you guys at we are where you disappeared why I didn’t disappear anywhere I don’t know what you’re talking about you guys must have just lost me in there they are okay

What I I got to do is get both of them with one potion since I’ve only got one and oh wait I I I can’t drop it like that hold on I need to pick that up again hey guys I come here I I have a

Little surprise for you oh hi Dash there you are hey uh can can both of you guys just stand together really quick uh I just have a little surprise and uh take this I can’t say anything uh Ruby where did you go I don’t know where is Dash

Let’s go let’s go the blindness potion work where in the world did you get a blindness potion from oh there he is that’s me Ruby ow ow ow are you guys fighting each other I can’t see anything okay well now that you guys are blind it

Should be pretty easy to get more ender pearls and yes I just got another one how long does this thing last and what 3 minutes left no way that’s such a long time let’s go I should be able to get all the ender pearls I need by then here

Let me just keep killing all of these Enderman come on give me some pearls yes there we go I’m at eight now here there’s another Enderman right over here let me take this guy wo there’s so many Endermen here all right well here let me

Take out this one first let me just take you out come here take this and come on come on I just need to hit him one more time yes I got another ender pearl hey guys I’m at nine ender pearls what we can’t even do anything Ruby I thought

That we had stopped him yeah your guys’ plan did not really work out but anyways let me just take out this guy here let’s go oh he didn’t drop any ender pearls cam do you have any other ideas I don’t know what to do I don’t know how much

Longer do we have 2 minutes I don’t have any milk and let’s go I got another ender pearl I’m now at 10 oh gosh he’s so close oh wait I think I just found three Enderman Dash You’re not getting these and wait wait you found three Enderman hold up thanks for that

Information I’m heading over now okay you’re not going to get these Dash hold on where is your name tag at oh there it is all right I’m pulling up and all right time to get some free ender pearls Ruby you’re literally swinging your sword the wrong way what what okay well

Uh you have fun doing that I’m just going to take these Endermen out for real and uh just get their ender pearls really quick come on wait I hear you fighting them where are you wait ow don’t worry about me get him come on

Come on wait there we we go I got one ender pearl and all right Ruby thanks for the three Ender I’m going head out now what and all right now all I got to do is get one more ender pearl I’m already at 11 let’s go and there’s one

Enderman right over there come here my blindness wor off dash High hey yo get go away no no no no no I’m not going to I’ve still got 10 seconds I’ll join you in a second oh gosh oh gosh wait come on I got to get these ender pearls let’s go

And wait k did you get both those Endermen yes I did see you oh my gosh okay well there’s still one Enderman here I can take this guy out come on give me an ender pearl come oh my gosh you didn’t even drop anything go away cam you’re actually so annoying nope

Okay I’m on my way oh gosh oh gosh their blindness potions wore off okay come on I just need to get one more ender pearl before they catch up to me oh man I can’t find you guys I just found two more Enderman and oh wait hold on I

Found an Enderman right over here come on this is going to be my last Enderman come here no no no come on stop him I’m trying hey yo K go away and you are not getting this ender pearl you’ve already stolen far too many ender pearls from me and oh wait he dropped

One and no you got it oh oh my gosh dude I’m actually being scammed well tough luck I’m not letting you get anymore oh my gosh come on I need to get one more ender pearl where are these Enderman I well you’re never going to get these cuz

I’m killing them come on I just need one more Enderman there’s one right over here okay Kim this is going to be my Ender you stay away from him oh yeah well then why am I fighting him stay away come on come on I got to take this

One out yes I actually got an end PE from it no we got him we got to get him let’s go let’s go wait that actually hurts really bad okay now that I’ve got everything I need from the nether it’s time to head back to my portal C you

Were supposed to to take that Pearl I tried he’s a sneaky little snake in solid come on come on we have to go back come on come on I just got to keep going wait cam are you still chasing me and oh wait you are definitely still there okay

I got to go wait a minute this is where we came from there’s that bridge that you guys made out of dirt okay uh I’m just going to go up over here wa no no no no no no don’t go over there why not

Cuz I said so oh yeah well you can take this ow stay back no no no no come on I’m about to push you into the lava and yes let’s go all right all right wait I’m making my way over there no Ruby is too stack we just got to meet at the

Portal no wait I have an ender pearl I want to try hey wait Ruby you really want to try fighting me I don’t think that’s a good idea oh wait you’re right over there over here okay well if you want to fight then take this oh hey and

Let’s go too easy oh no all right well anyways now it’s time to head back to the Overworld so uh here I’m just going to get a bunch of bridging blocks real quick let’s just grab all this Netherrack and all right guys I’m just going to start using this dirt bridge

That you guys made this thing is actually really helpful oh man we have to get more iron armor now cim but it should be easy all we got to do is get iron armor and dash is going down yeah you hear that Dash we’re never going to

Give up okay okay if you say so but here all I got to do right now is just find the Portal that I came from and wait a minute there’s a roaring portal over here maybe I can just go back through this portal instead of finding my own

Here I’m just going to bridge over to it really quick and okay I think I can just drop down over here perfect and all right all right let’s see are we going to have enough obsidian over here to actually build a full portal let me see

So we’ve got a little bit of obsidian around here and then we’ve got two pieces of obsidian here but wait a minute hold on I need to get myself a diamond pickaxe to actually mine any of this stuff well good thing I’ve got this drawing canvas let me just go into it

Really quick and just erase all of this and all right now it’s time for our next epic drawing here what we got to do is draw a diamond pickaxe so this should be pretty easy we can just draw the handle like that and then we got to draw the

Actual pickaxe itself and yeah I mean it’s it’s a pretty simple drawing hopefully this works and gives me a diamond pickaxe and yes there we go we got it okay perfect now what we can do is just go ahead and start mining down all of this obsidian and here let me

Also grab the obsidian from the chest we should have enough to make it back to the Overworld hey guys I’m about to head back to the Overworld are you guys still getting iron armor oh yeah we finished getting iron but now we’re getting diamonds wait wait what you guys are

Getting diamonds what all yeah yeah didn’t you just hear us that’s what we just said and check it out what you guys are actually getting Diamonds oh No okay okay well it’s fine it’s fine I I can get diamonds too but first I just got to

Finish up fixing this portal here let me grab this obsidian over here really quick come on yes and uh I guess I’ll place that down over there yeah come on come on come on we have to get more diamonds and okay okay here the portal

Is almost complete all I got to do is just mine this crying obsidian over here and replace it with a piece of normal obsidian and then the portal will be complete so here we go let’s just put that down over there and then light this

Thing up and yes all right it’s time to head back to the Overworld hey guys I’m heading back come on we have to finish mining Ruby oh yeah uh Dash do you want to like meet up or something Dash what no we’re not meeting up what I’m going

To do now is just go ahead and combine my blaze powder and ender pearls and boom I’ve got my Eyes of Ender guys I’m going to start heading to the end now let me just throw this first die and oh it’s going this way oh man Kim how is it

Going do we have the armor yet oh no you guys have diamond armor oh gosh that is not good oh heck yeah does this mean that we can go and find Dash now all yeah let’s go find him oh gosh oh gosh it is really bad they have diamond armor

And and I don’t even have any boots okay okay that’s it you know what I think I need to craft more armor and by Craft I mean draw let me just go ahead and erase my old drawing really quick and here what I’m going to do is just go ahead

And draw myself a full set of diamond armor really quick so there’s the helmet let’s do the chest plate as well uh like that yeah there we go that that kind of looks like a chest plate and then let’s draw in the pants as well there we go

And then also the boots and okay this looks pretty good this looks like a set of diamond armor but why don’t we take this up a level we got to make this enchanted diamond armor so uh I guess to do that I can just like have a bunch of

Like dark blue squiggly lines all over it to make it look Enchanted let’s just do this on top of all of the armor really quick come on there we go and okay I think this should be about good hopefully this actually works and hopefully it recognizes that it’s

Supposed to be enchanted and wait a minute no wait I think it actually worked what the heck hold on hold on wait I just got a diamond helmet and Diamond pants let me put these on really quick oh my gosh let’s go wait wait hold on it looks like the other stuff fell

Onto the floor cuz my inventory is full let me just clear some inventory space really quick and whoa check it out we’ve got full enchanted diamond armor let’s go hey guys you said you have diamond armor right uh yeah well uh I’m just going to say that’s not going to help

You that much what uh how uh uh well I just came across a villager and he kind of just uh sold me full enchanted diamond armor for free a villager for free that’s not lining up no no no he was a really nice villager his name was

Ricardo he said that uh he would just give it to me for free cuz he was feeling nice wait I want to find Ricardo that sounds like just like a big lie no no it’s definitely not a lie but anyways before I head to the end there is one

More thing I need to get and that is food I’m very low on food right now this gives us more time to find Ricardo Ricardo isn’t real Ruby he’s lying oh what what guys I’m definitely not lying but here let me just collect all of these food from the Sheep real quick so

Here I’m just going to light them up and take them out let’s go and here I’m just going to keep doing this until I get enough food and then I can continue heading to the end all right and okay I think this should be about enough food

I’ve got 18 cooked mutton and eight steaks so yeah time to keep on looking for the end let me throw another eye really quick and it is still this way okay perfect let’s just keep going hopefully this eye doesn’t shatter on me and yes let’s go it didn’t break H come

On Ruby we need to catch up to him so we can find the stronghold before he does don’t you think I already know that and will what you guys are going to try to find the stronghold before me how uh I don’t know but we’re going to try well

We just need a portal and then some some blaze rods and oh this is going to take forever and yeah guys there’s no way you guys are going to get to the end before me well how do you know that Dash uh wait what did you guys just get the

Achievement for going to the struggle how did you find it before me uh because we went to the nether to get stuff yeah after you killed us we went to the Nether and got a blaze rod and ender pearl and we found this what the heck okay well it doesn’t even matter that

You guys are there before for me I’m still going to get the Ender Dragon first let me just throw another Eye of Ender and wait oh it’s still going this way what how far away is this stronghold well did you say by getting the Ender Dragon first and wait Ruby you realize

That even if you guys kill the ender dragon that still means I win well we’re not going to kill the Ender Dragon we’re just going to make sure you never get there in the first place uh okay best of luck with that but anyways it looks like

The stronghold is going to be on top of water so let me just grab some wood and craft myself a boat really quick and all right time to keep on looking the stronghold has to be somewhere around here here let me try throwing another ey

AV vender and oh it’s still this way I guess let’s just keep on going this way and okay I’ve been boating for quite a while not here I’m going to try throwing one more I of vendor and oh it’s still going this way and wait a minute hold on

Is that the stronghold right over there wait I think that’s the stronghold right over there it’s like sticking through the ocean floor let’s go let’s go okay yeah that is definitely the stronghold here let me just get my boat really quick and all right let’s just uh

Quickly head into the stronghold and uh what the heck why is there a bunch of lava here and wait look there’s Cam’s name tag he’s here he’s here let’s go I think the plan’s actually going to work get over here come on what the heck wait they have a whole plan and everything

And wait I’m pretty sure this is the portal room over here I think I just got lucky and dug straight into it and uh Hey guys uh what’s going on here ah wait I just fell into the lava oh gosh oh wait he’s on the other side let’s go the

Plan’s working did you guys cover up the portal with lava what the heck uh yeah that was the plan oh my gosh that is actually so annoying what in the world yeah walking around is a little hard but uh we make it work oh my gosh how am I

Supposed to get in okay you know what that’s it I’m I’m just going to go over here on the top and just mine down like this and all right come here guys you’re going down hey take this Ruby hey oh ow come here Ruby you’re going down wait

How do you say you have enchanted diamond armor guys like I said I got it from a villager for free what there’s no way that’s real that Ruby I’m getting low help me I can’t believe he actually hasn’t run away eat some food oh my gosh you guys’ lava is actually so annoying

But we’re literally on top of an ocean right now here I’m just going to keep mining a bunch of the ceiling and let’s go we’re getting water in here oh no I forgot the the ocean was on top of US ah they’re still very annoying though hold

On how am I supposed to even get through the portal this such a mess uh you don’t so get away yeah just give up Dash oh my gosh this is actually so bad hey yo there stop putting lava everywhere okay you know what that’s it I’m just going

To try going underneath underneath oh wait no R we need to stop him huh stop him oh he’s going under come on come on this has to work let me just die I’m just going to block myself in and all right come on I just got to go

Underneath here still a bunch of lava everywhere though this is actually so annoying oh my gosh how am I supposed to get through this and wait a minute what if I get my myself another Fire Resistance potion heyyo cam go away come here Dash I think this might be the move

Making another Fire Resistance potion here let me just hide over here all the way in this corner and okay I think I should be safe here for a while let me just pull out my canvas real quick and here I’m just going to erase all of this

Old diamond armor and all right all right time to draw in another Fire Resistance potion I just got to draw in the bottle like that there we go that looks pretty good and then let me draw in the cap over there and all right now

It’s time to put all of the liquid in wait Dash where are you oh uh uh don’t worry don’t worry about where I am here I just got to finish drawing this and oh no wait hold on I kind of messed up let me just fix this hole that I drew over

Here perfect there we go and okay nice I think the fire resistance potion is done and let’s go there it is hey guys I’m just going to warn you right now I’m about to get through that big portal defense you guys builds uh way cuz I’m

Catching up to you oh yeah well take that and here let me just uh pull up over here and splash myself with some fire resistance and all right guys I’m about to head in let’s go oh we need to stop him Ruby and wait a minute I see

The right over here all I got to do is fill in all of these eyes of vendor what he’s putting in the eyes how I don’t know let’s go let’s go and hey guys I filled in the portal I am now in the end let’s go what we need to stop him clear

The level we have to follow him I’m trying I’m trying see you guys I’m already out of here I’m just going to keep building up over here this way come on and okay perfect I’m on the surface of the end Island now all I got to do is

Take out this dragon and oh no wait I kind of forgot to craft a bow wait you you know what I’m just going to draw myself a bow hold on hold on hold on let me just erase all of this before Cay and Ruby get here I got to quickly draw in a

Bow I’m just going to draw in uh the bow like that and then let me get some the string for the bow and draw that in over here and H wait let me also get myself some arrows uh let’s draw in an arrow right over here like this and ow ow hey

Yo Dragon chill Dragon just spat on me hold on hold on wait I need to finish drawing in my arrow we can have the Arrow Head be right over there and then we got to have the feather over here in the back and okay okay I think this

Should be a good enough draw hopefully I get this bow and arrow soon and let’s go wait I just got a bow is it going to give me any arrows as well and hey let’s go I just got a stack of arrows all right well anyways now that I’ve got

This bow and arrow you know what that means it’s time to take out all these crystals let’s go all right the lava string come on Ruby we need to go in I’m going I’m going oh hey guys you guys finally made it I’m already taking out

All the end crystals right now come on we have to stop him let me just take out all of these let’s go oh my gosh this one’s actually hard to hit hey there we go I got it dragon is perch right now but I got to take out all the crystals

Before I try attacking him and he there we go that’s another one now let me take out this one oh over here let’s go oh no he’s getting the crystals protect the ones with the cage hold on wait I’m pretty sure I can get the cage one from

All the way down here with my boat if I just aim it right and yes I actually got it wow that was impressive and cam what are you doing are you climbing that one are you going to break it for me uh no I’m protecting it D get away from him

What you’re protecting it oh my gosh dude that is actually so Anno hey get down from there ow hey yo you to Ruby go away ow oh you guys stay back no dash I’m not going to you can take this lava though don’t dude no I don’t want your

Lav but you know what since you covered up all of this caged one over here I’m just going to build up with my water no we need to stop him come on and go away I see you guys down there come on I just got to keep putting all my water up over

Here like this and now I’m going to break the water see you guys oh well there’s some lava there for you buddy oh my gosh you just knocked me all the way down yep that’s what you get also thanks for the lava I can just swim through

That I may have had another Fire Resistance potion wait what what how uh uh I found it in one of the chests don’t worry about it but anyways let me just break this Crystal boom and all right on to the next one how many crystals are

There even left did I get all of them and oh wait I think there’s still one more up over here oh we need to protect this one Ruby come on okay okay oh wait it looks like there’s three of them there’s one over there one there and

Then one over here as well and K get that from there you’re not going to protect this one oh yeah well why am I going to protect it right now then uh I’m going to blow it up before you even get there let’s go I just got it now I

Got to get this one over here are serious come on come on this one’s a lot harder to hit and wait Kim did you just throw an ender pearl on that one what the heck yeah I’m trying to get on top of it duh oh my gosh wait did you

Actually get on top of that one uh yes I did oh my gosh dude get down from there you know what hold on I need to get an Ender for real as well let me take out this Enderman here and Ruby I’m going to take out you as well while I’m at it

Come on get over here wait I’m fighting with bread yeah I don’t think that’s a good idea hey yo go away no no way and oh wait there we go I just got an ender pearl let me grab that and all right Kim I’m about to join you up on this Tower

And are you building a wall around it yeah so you can’t destroy with your bow what oh my gosh okay that is actually so annoying here what I got to do is just toss my ender pearl up over here and let me grab some blocks and there we go just

Got a clutch like that all right Kim I’m coming over no no no you can stay right down there I know I think I’m going to pass what I’m going to do is just mine through like this over here come on in there’s a crystal let’s go what no I

Thought that would work get out of here too easy U well come on Ruby there’s still one Crystal left we got to protect it I’m trying to distract Dash you go and oh yeah well you guys are not going to be protecting this one here I’m going

To try hitting it out with my bow before you guys get up to it come on I can’t even see this one so it’s kind of tough I’m trying to get over there it’s so far away hey Dash stop it stop it Ruby go away ow ow ow and okay you know what

This Crystal is too hard to hit with my bow I’m just going to climb up with water the dragon knocked me away from him let me just pull up all the way up over here and all right guys I’m almost at the top of this Tower this last

Crystal is about to be destroyed let’s go oh I missed hold on let me try one more time come on hey there we go I got it and uh what ruby what are you doing down there go away oh wait Ruby just died yeah you get out of here too oh go

Kim well we got our bed set so it’s over for you dash and yeah it doesn’t even matter if you have your bed sets I’m still going to take out this Dragon before you guys get here now that all the crystals are gone all I got to do is

Just wait for the dragon to perch so come here dragon and in fact while I’m waiting for him I can just shoot him with my bow a few times to get him low take this guess who’s back dash oh no did you guys already get back hey yo

What that you’re behind me yes I am it’s over go away just give up Dash You’re not winning I’m not giving up dude I literally have protection for on all my armor you’re not winning this fight oh yeah then why am I beating you up right

Now uh you’re kind of not and oh wait there we go look the dragon is Ping here I just got to get ready come on come on come on and wait what why can’t I hit the dragon what’s going on I don’t know but that’s good for us a wait he just

Yeated me oh gosh oh gosh wait do I have anything to clutch I have an end Pearl let’s go I just clutched that oh my gosh that was actually crazy but okay if the dragon’s not going to let me hit him then I’m just going to hit him with my

Boow take this JH you’re not getting the dragon today oh yeah oh yeah well Ruby go oh wait hold on you know what a wait both of you go away all right now we’re going to destroy you dash oh my gosh okay this going to take forever if I try

To fight the dragon with this normal bow what I got to do is use this canvas to upgrade my bow but first I got to lose Cam and Ruby they’re kind of both chasing me right now hey guys follow me this way okay uh what follow you and

Yeah guys come on come on just follow me right over here this way and see you guys get him get him wait no wait did you guys actually follow me hey no way that actually worked are you serious okay well anyways now that they’re gone that gives me some time to make another

Drawing here let me go back into my canvas really quick and all right here’s what I’m going to do I’m just going to go ahead and uh enchant my boat let me just add a few of these purple enchantment lines all over the bow but H

I don’t want to just get any normal enchantment I want to get power 10 so here I guess let me just go down over here and just write power 10 there we go and all right hopefully I get a power 10 bow my writing over here is uh not the

Best so hopefully it knows what I’m trying to say so here come on come on is it going to give me the bow uh come on now wait I just got a bow and it’s Enchanted but wait wait is it going to have power 10 let me see in waa I got a

Power x bow okay okay this bow should be super powerful I should be able to through the dragon’s Health with this we’re on our way back dash oh yeah well I’m just going to warn you guys by the time you guys get back the dragon is

Probably going to be gone so where’s he at come here Dragon I got to test out my new power x bow take this what are you talking about the dragon’s health is really really high and oh don’t worry about it just give me a a few seconds

Let me just keep hitting the dragon with this if I can actually hit any of my shots that is come on and hey there we go I hit him once and here I’m just going to keep hitting him how are you doing so much damage uh don’t worry

About it I’m just uh really good with bow I I just pull the bow string back really far it does extra damage how does that make any sense this is crazy hey yo C go away you want to taste of my bow take this I know I want a taste of

Winning come here well too bad you’re not going to get any take that now the Enderman are killing me I’m so low well how did you enchant your bow in the end wasn’t it non Enchanted before Oh I made an enchantment table but come on I just

Got to keep focusing on the dragon take this you do so much damage with that bow come here stay back ow ow ow I’m ow oh wait I just got C with and here come on I just got to keep hitting the dragon with it now come on wow my aim is

Actually horrible I’m not going to lie but good thing it does a lot of damage every time I actually do hit the dragon wow you’re really bad at aiming that thing and wait no stop hitting it let’s go let’s go it’s already below half Health well if I hit you your aim will

Be messed up so stop oh yeah well if I hit you then you can’t mess up on my aim let’s go here come on come on the dragon is getting really low I just got to hit these last few shots come on hey guys my aim is getting better the dragon is

Almost done for oh no I don’t know what to do nothing works yep guys it’s over I’m just going to take out the dragon real quick and then I’m going to win oh no cam I think it’s time for plany he’s almost gotten the dragon I’m coming I’m

Coming I’m trying wait Z what are you guys planning uh nothing just don’t worry about it hold on hold on wait this Ender’s doing a lot of damage hold on stay back stay back where are you dash oh there you are come here uh what’s

Going on what what what is plan Z what are you guys doing what is this your plan TNT yeah I’m going to P TNT all over you and oh wait you’re kind of running away from it that’s not good yeah that’s not really going to right

Here I’m just going to take out the dragon real quick come on it yes let’s go I got it man oh my goodness you know what I’m just blowing this TNT let’s go GG wait how did you get all of this Enchanted stuff what well I may have had

A little trick on my sleeve wait what what was it oh well pretty much whatever I drew came to life what oh my goodness I knew something was up oh yeah let’s go that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the

Video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNER vs HUNTER but whatever you Draw, you Get!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-01-23 18:20:27. It has garnered 738511 views and 6361 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:55 or 3115 seconds.

Speedrunner VS Hunter But Whatever You Draw, You Get!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing Minecraft Manhunt, but Dash is secretly cheating with a painting canvas that gives him ANYTHING he draws! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash

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  • Insane 28 Hour Minecraft Marathon! New vs Old!

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    INSANE GAMER MUST COLLECT ALL DOGS!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i must collect every dog in minecraft’, was uploaded by Skippy T on 2024-06-16 14:03:00. It has garnered 37897 views and 2143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:21 or 1401 seconds. i must collect every dog in minecraft 1.21 Edited by NOOBster —— Featuring: @branzybits @JayMojiDeluxe @FailboatsDinghy and me 😀 —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the… Read More

  • Endorwitch – Secret Decked Out in Minecraft!

    Endorwitch - Secret Decked Out in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft? Decked Out? Time to die!’, was uploaded by endorwitch on 2024-05-20 09:04:41. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:38 or 7058 seconds. FYI there’s a little bit of swearing in this. Etho’s fan community hosted a Decked Out event this past weekend and you can watch me be bad playing co-op with my Dogcraft buddies. I found the compass and got out ONCE! haha. Also I still sound very sick lol! Thank you to the SLABS folks for hosting this and letting us play! It was… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Mods: Can I Survive 100 Days Hardcore?

    Terrifying Minecraft Mods: Can I Survive 100 Days Hardcore?Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Mods for 100 Days in Hardcore’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-07-03 16:31:58. It has garnered 365402 views and 10813 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:43 or 2503 seconds. The man from the fog and herobrine are in my hardcore world. My goal is to survive 100 days in hardcore Minecraft while every 10 days I add another one of Minecraft’s scariest horror mods. The world will become unbearable very quickly so I have no time to waste but most importantly… can I survive the entire 100 days? This is… Read More


    MonkeyDFNAF - 🐒 CRAZY 🔥 ROBLOX /MINECRAFT STREAM 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴ROBLOX /MINECRAFT +MORE,STREAM🔴, SUB AND GET A SHOUT AND A SUB BACK🔴,SubGoal-900’, was uploaded by MonkeyDFNAF on 2024-07-10 05:00:05. It has garnered 59 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:01 or 19681 seconds. #stream #gaming #roblox #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#stream #gaming #roblox #Valorant #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#chill #roblox #fortnite #gaming #entertainment #stream #comedy Read More

  • EPIC Fox Vs Wolf Fight in Minecraft! Watch Now!

    EPIC Fox Vs Wolf Fight in Minecraft! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fox🦊 Vs Wolf🐺 Fight||#shorts #shortsfeed #viral #minecraft||’, was uploaded by HAPPY KING 67 on 2024-03-12 07:00:04. It has garnered 479 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. build hacks,minecraft build hacks,life hacks,build,hacks,easy build hacks,101 build hacks,build hacks and ideas,build ideas,simple build hacks,bloxburg build hacks,15 summer build hacks,security build hacks,minecraft: 30+ laboratory build hacks!,build hacks minecraft,build hack,minecraft hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft bomb build hacks,how to build a,simple redstone builds,minecraft redstone build hacks minecraft build hacks,minecraft,testing minecraft build hacks,what to build in minecraft,minecraft build,cool minecraft builds,minecraft build tricks,build hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft build… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days As KING In Minecraft?! 😱

    Surviving 100 Days As KING In Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-07-22 02:54:25. It has garnered 28779 views and 1508 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:46 or 2446 seconds. I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft Buy My Shirts: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Or Caveman Jerry Will Cry ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – Gaming – Real Life – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: Follow My Instagram: Like me on Facebook: Check out my… Read More

  • Olympians Network

    Olympians NetworkWelcome to Olympians Network! 1. Custom Gamemodes: – Immerse yourself in our handcrafted custom gamemodes. Whether you’re battling fierce mobs, exploring mysterious dimensions, or solving intricate puzzles, there’s something for every player. 2. Survival at Its Finest – Brave the wilderness, gather resources, and build your dream base. Our survival world is both challenging and rewarding. Team up with friends or go solo—the choice is yours! 3. Skyblock Adventures: – Start your journey on a tiny floating island. With limited resources, you’ll need to be resourceful. Expand your island, create automated farms, and unlock new challenges. Skyblock is all about… Read More

  • Aurora SMP 1.21 Hermitcraft-inspired Java Whitelist Bluemap 18+

    Hello everyone! Are you ready to embark on a journey like no other in the enchanting world of Minecraft? Look no further than Aurora SMP, where the possibilities are as vast as the starry night sky ⭐ A World of Imagination Survive and thrive in our season 3 world. An engaging multiplayer experience awaits where the community matters. Join forces with friends or go solo; the AuroraSMP realm is yours to conquer. The only limits are the ones you set yourself! Community: Join a warm and welcoming community of fellow adventurers, where bonds are forged and friendships blossom. From sharing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Reality is the ultimate shitty joke writer

    I guess you could say that innocent gift really set off a “trans”formation in that child! Read More

  • Trade Mine for TF2, USA’s Minecraft FOMO

    Trade Mine for TF2, USA's Minecraft FOMO In the world of TF2, where the battles rage, Players from USA to trade, turning the page. But anger arises, homophobia in the mix, A problem that needs fixing, not just for kicks. Join the discord, share your thoughts and your voice, Together we can make a change, it’s our choice. Minecraft and TF2, games we love to play, Let’s keep the community safe, every single day. Shoutout to Shiny for the gameplay shared, In the world of gaming, let’s show we care. With music by Kevin MacLeod, setting the tone, In this montage of TF2, let’s make it… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftrelationshipdrama Read More

  • DadMeene’s Epic Fireball Showdown

    DadMeene's Epic Fireball Showdown The Unforeseen Demise in Minecraft When diving into the world of Minecraft, players often encounter unexpected challenges and surprises. In a recent gameplay session, a player faced an unforeseen demise that left them reeling. Let’s explore the events that led to this unexpected turn of events. The Setup Equipped with a powerful gaming setup, the player delved into the virtual realm with high hopes and grand ambitions. Their PC boasted impressive components, including: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with integrated graphics GPU: AMD Radeon 6500M RAM: 16GB DDR4 SSD: SAMSUNG MZVL25 12HDJD-00BH1 The Fireball Fight As the player navigated… Read More

  • Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5

    Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5 The Sewer Block Tutorial for Industrial Foregoing in Minecraft 1.16.5 Are you ready to dive into the world of Industrial Foregoing in Minecraft 1.16.5? This tutorial will guide you through everything you need to know about the Sewer block, including automation options that will take your gameplay to the next level. Tested Versions Before we get started, let’s ensure you’re on the right track. This tutorial has been tested in the following versions: Minecraft version: 1.16.5 Mod version: Video Breakdown Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect in the video: 0:00 – Device Purpose 0:30 -… Read More


    🔥GOLEM STEVE vs. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE - ULTIMATE VILLAGE SHOWDOWN!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-07-10 14:00:45. It has garnered 1240 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3

    Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iceberg – Layer 3’, was uploaded by marlboroluvur on 2024-06-19 10:15:14. It has garnered 2286 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:04 or 1864 seconds. Any feedback or changes I should make? Lemme know down below 😀 Read More