Insane Christmas Minecraft Adventure w/ Tess!

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Mean Hello everybody welcome into stream ah I have not gone live on it helps if I choose what I’m doing on Tik Tok right we are doing Minecraft Let’s stream okay we are now live on all platforms Hello everybody welcome into the stream we have my beautiful assistant doing the stream

Today my gorgeous assistant and I like to be called the man with the buttons the man with the buttons you need to hold the buttons then no not them buttons these buttons what buttons those buttons them ones so I’m going to sound like a demon and a mouse

And all sorts again yeah I’ve got the buttons Phil’s got the Buttons everyone I don’t normally sound like that Phil is playing with voice changes he is playing on the stream today it’s a Christmas special we did the speedrun yesterday don’t know if you could call it that but cuz the game was not completed and it was not a speedy at

All there was some running though what happened was I I went and saw the dragon we had a conversation we had a cup of tea and uh some Scottish shortbread biscuits cuz dragons like Scottish shortbread apparently apparently and uh the dragons agreed not to be mean to

Anybody anymore so it’s all sorted now and then the dragon gave me the egg and the game was all over true that is so we’re good yeah yeah we’re all good so hey everyone Merry Christmas to you hello hello hello you were the first like aren’t you always aren’t you always

River is in chat river is in our stream and uh yeah oh my gosh that’s very loud I’m trying to make you not be as loud okay that’s really loud in my ears ouch ouch ouch is that better yes s thank you for the flame heart Merry Christmas to you

Um hi R you said just River’s waving but I don’t know how to wave you don’t know how to wave so what do I do like that oh yeah and you can press any of the any of those buttons and it will do something okay so

Although you can’t you need to do that to be able to see what you’re doing why why is my face all wonky because you’re a cute snowman that’s the skin I’ve chosen I don’t think it’s cute I think it looks like somebody’s drove over him he’s got like a tire print across his

Chest uh and uh River just collapsed that’s cuz you’re just so gorgeous I know I know I can’t that’s what it is you’re just too gorgeous Merry Christmas to you as well welcome into stream everybody how are we all doing hi rinnie did you like your Christmas present

Linnie Phil bought rinnie some corn well not actual corn it was a dog toy that squeaks that is corn look like corn that looks like corn yes that was rein’s Christmas present so yes apparently I’m handsome according to Tom of course you are you’re gorgeous almost as gorgeous as me almost

Almost but my voice is better than Terry’s it’s not as deep as Terry’s what do you mean or Tess Tess should say gorgeous voice you have yes this light on your side a little bit green isn’t it it’s a little bit green it’s a little little bit F this feeling Inside I’m not one of those who can easily hide I don’t have much money money but boy if I did did by a big house where we both live live and you can tell everybody body this is your song song it may be quite simple but now that it’s

Done I hope you don’t mind I hope you don’t mind that I put down in sounds like a massive Biring the corn song for really it’s got the knobs it’s cor it’s big lump of juice it’s got the it’s got the I don’t know it can I have my voice back please thank you so much so tonight we’re not really doing a serious stream it’s just us it’s

Not a serious stream it’s not anything at all Phil is on Creative yeah and he’s going to be building it looks like anything uh it look like River hung himself yep River’s dead don’t River just flying oh he looked like he hung himself on a tree that’s why he looked like I thought

Oh my God my singing it’s it’s got to him already well your singing is that bad well I know that I we was lot by the way that’s River you can hear I have a really really small and if any any of the other mods want to join us in the uh

The mod chat or in this game please feel free to come in be nice to throw some corn at R hello Tyler um I suppose so yeah only a small hot chocolate as you can say yeah it’s Christmas it’s Christmas yeah so we’re not really doing anything serious

Tonight I mean after me uh Conquering the uh speedrun last night as anybody saw such a conquer and if and if you thought that was funny TZ has been teaching me to play no man sky today I did and I couldn’t even and jump yesterday on Minecraft and so

You can imagine I couldn’t hit a tree so you can imagine I mean Mia Mia wanted me to get killed really quickly yesterday um and Mia’s there look it’s Mia back hey Mia yeah so you can imagine how frustrating it was earlier for TS on my

Mac as well so we were doing it on my Mac I was learning my no man’s kite with an Xbox controller cuz now I’ve mastered the Xbox controller like I know what 10 million like goal let’s go yes Phil set up the like goal today yeah I reckon

We’ll easily do 10 million no problem at all normally I said how about setting up 15K as a start and feels like no let’s do 10 million well easily do 10 million on Christmas Eve look I can jump It’s Not Christmas Eve oh no it’s Christmas day it’s Christmas Eve

Somewhere no it’s actually Christmas day or Boxing Day is it just is it just me you and River then talking I think so I don’t know I don’t has anybody else joined us in in the chat no just the two of us three of us no you don’t exist you’re an

Figment of my imagination you must be why is it why is it dark cuz it’s night time oh we were hang on I’m coming rin’s on the way oh good rinnie um is joining the game but I don’t think think they’re joining chat but you are welcome to join

Chat if you have finished your voice thingy that you’re doing um I mean I don’t know what we’re going to do interested I’m guessing uh build so we were going to do like a Christmas x x is that the one with the X on it that

Is the one with the X on it and you’ve got a choice of all the but all the blocks you can choose any block you like and what do I do with them build so so you click it and put it into your inventory down here wow so any block you

Want to choose so I need some help from chat then chat needs to tell me chat needs to tell you I should build a beautiful house for Tess you should okay sup it’s how we doing and feel to let’s go for chis oh I’m sorry Su who said that sup it’s

Sup beautiful pretending the camera’s glitched you’re pretending the camera’s glitch it’s worked it’s worked glitch glitch as well and then they’ll all go camera’s frozen fro I very good at funny Tyler came behind us now and he was Weist and we be even funnier if doctor who walked

Behind us where’s Doctor Who oh my gosh guys any of you that aren’t in Discord will not know this if you are in Discord you will Tyler got a life-size cut out of David Tenant you have to tip him sideways yeah he’s going to have to go side we’re

Supposed we’re supposed to be paused okay yeah we’re paed we’re still there’s our thumbnail we still we’re not Hello my name dant and I’m dror Who I’m not to it’s your imagination hang oh oh yeah we haven’t got very many people that doesn’t you think they all came and to of saw you saw me and ran away oh my God what’s he doing what’s he doing it’s

A really strange man it’s a strange man and then they looked at you as well yeah yeah I know I’m scared I’m scared too you don’t need to be scared oh we River gave me something what did River give you I’m not really sure some blocks R it

Looks like okay let’s uh let’s go and find a clearing are we going to use these voices for the rest of the stream hi Daniel are you okay Christmas what voices what do you mean voice I don’t know what you’re on about I think I sound like Seth now

Do you yeah is say I don’t know sa you’re in the chat I need to put on an Irish Mouse sa is an Irish Mouse night hi Danny is is oh my gosh what are You and child anime anime edit wants us to talk normal let let me just turn these off hang on hang on I turn them off okay we’ll talk like this anyway without it is that your normal voice this is my normal voice right okay oh my gosh Tas hey it’s how are we

Doing test in full Elf mode on Xmen I’m going to I’m going to follow you in elf mode I’m almost is that cuz I’m short right River I’m going to follow you can you can we fly up in the air and find a clearing how what do I go up double

Click a double click a Bo Bo and now you can just hold a and go up and you need to not be under a tree you can just fly out of the tree all that works oh my gosh this is going to be Painful that voice suits you the best that voice is not on me it’s just hitting this feel like a pink block yes double click a to fly okay and now just push I’m not going up again oh there we go Woohoo yeah can I can I build on top of the clouds no why I well you can but you have to build blocks all the way up there to be able to build I can’t build a sky pan you can build a sky Palace but you’re

Going to have to build the blocks up there first and then knock it to build it down you can hear me through your mic I can hear me through your mic it’s cuz you’re being really noisy I’m not being Noy you are being Noy should I take one

Ear off then and then I’ll be well I can turn your headphones up like that is that loud down ow yes okay turn it down thank you she see there see here should we should we have like um Merry Christmas oh look look how tall them are over there let’s go that

Way we’re going we’re going over there don’t tell anybody okay we’re going over there but don’t tell any don’t tell anybody don’t tell anyone it’s thank you for the Roses it’s a secret secret did you have a nice celebration we did you talked to the peeps I am

Talking to the people we went out for a meal a meal um and that’s not a guy whose name’s AAL we went out for dinner yeah no we didn’t go out with anyone called a we went out with Tyler and with Casey yeah if you turn your head towards

My microphone and talk it’s going to pick it up unfortunately okay so I need to be turned this way yeah wa you need to do cover up your microphone like this and nobody can hear what you’re saying nobody can hear me nobody can hear what join the game maybe should we put come

Here hang on no there’s a cave there yeah I know but I need the cave I need to put coordinates on so rinnie knows where you are but there is at a cave look but rinnie can’t if you put coordinates on rinnie will be able to

See where you where you are and then Vinnie can come and get you okay so if I just do that quickly okay yeah we’ll put coordinates on yeah and we’ll let rinnie know that rinnie said peekaboo at you a peekabo is when you’re coming into Discord chat unable to

Connect a video quality automatically adjusted oh it’s better now uh Mia thank you for the festive potato okay can you see the cords rinie if not it’s 700 170 if it’s dark in here you can get torches I bet it’s all echoey you can get torches you can get torches and then you

Could put them down so people in the can see I’ve got a um I’ve got a a river to throw Tores torches for me you need to actually get them they’re on the floor go down go down Press B can’t we just like put them

Up go Press B yeah okay you picked them up now move your your bumper stick along I how to do that you know how to do that I taught you that yesterday well done you remembered something yeah you’re so clever and how do I put them do I go bof

Yes you go bof but you have to actually be facing the ah now I can see oh look that’s cuz River placed it not you how was it yes thank you w and here’s R Tin Tin hi We got pumpkins everywhere they’re jackter they on they’re nice they’re lit up is is we need a butterfly no why why why am I uh in a uh I think something’s gone wrong no I think rennie’s uh getting getting revenge for her corn present by any chance maybe

Maybe that’s not very nice it’s Christmas let there be light uh what are you doing facing downwards I have no idea what face forwards and then you knock it out but I can’t I all I can see is the inside of my own head there now now knock with your right trigger

That’s it now above you as well to get out she’s put a lot of bloody lanterns in there she has I think she’s trying to trap me she says she just wants to light up your L that’s TT oh my gosh you’re so loud she tried to blow me

Up probably sorry Vinnie you’re not blowing me tonight what I got away did it right should P hide and seek I thought you were going to be building stuff she’s trying to get me again run oh I’m under water let’s go she’s there again oh gosh You’re scared for your ears yes Phil is very loud Phil you’re very loud can you who Who’s Who Am I hurting everybody’s oh am I I’m sorry I turned it down okay but but listen chat just just tell tell the we need to stop attacking me just cuz I brought her a dog

Toy I didn’t know what you were trying to say corn sh dog toy oh there’s more Dynamite Coming where are you going go out the bottom of the map if you keep going that Way what are you doing it’s dark on the screen put some torches out so chat can at least see what you’re doing okay mhm Okay no it’s 10 mil yeah I know 10 m Phil chose the like goal tonight we are at 10,000 likes so thank you Tik Tok for 10,000 likes we’ve got a little bit of way to go to get to 10 mil right where are you going Phil don’t know I don’t

Know what I’m doing are you going to actually build anything I am building some come building a chimney bosy you’re making the dog cry I’m going to drink some more of my hot chocolate my very tiny hot chocolate I think I actually buil a beautiful Disney palace but really blew

It up did you see I do it totally totally bad R bad bad bad Ry bad an underground Chim yeah I’m going up now a straight into an explosion I wonder how that happen I don’t know are you sure you going up okay I’ve uh I’ve I’ve I’ve stopped um

Do you want to put a torch down so people can see I don’t know how to oh there you go still going up now another torch you having your torches removed you’re good rinnie I see not bad Rennie no rein’s never bad rin’s an angel it’s always uh it’s never R why is

It I keep saying blue and then never get out yeah you out okay don’t need torches no More I believe I can touch the every day wings and fly away I believe I can see me running through that open I fly I I I believe I’m a mouse I’m a mouse yeah I’m in the Seth Club Seth Mouse sa Mouse yeah saf’s Mouse and mouse is my friend mer is my friend I built some ink look oh my gosh you’re so and I’m going to put another one on

There we building a house I’m going to make you a nice house mous house my house house Merry Christmas I’ve got a weird voice cuz Phil keeps pushing buttons so if you’ve been in my stream before you know I don’t actually sound this way I normally don’t sound like

This either I I think people are being very mean to me and not letting me um not letting me build anything think they should help you build didn’t do a thing look you see look there did you say that I saw I keep looking over there and saying

D i I walked in the room a couple of times I was cuz there was someone stood in the corner I was like oh my gosh and then I’m like oh no it’s where is she fight Bley what is that that I’m holding um that is um it’s not iron it’s

The other one the other metal copper it’s copper um you just just looking down and hitting the air okay you can move along to have a block that you can place because you can’t actually place that can can you kill Winnie for me if I give you the controls

It’s on Creative I we’d have to go into survival to live think do you think if it was you versus wi you could have well we did actually do this we had a fight with bread okay it was best out of three uh Aviation Bo I got one Aviation boy I

I set the light goal tonight yeah Phil set the light go I said about 15K uh Phil says no let’s do 10 million so tonight’s light go is 10 million apparently right yeah okay I like this better because you actually sound like you okay I’ll sound L there’s a Merry

Christmas there there’s a there something that looks like a uh a crypt there is that a crypt I think that’s like is that Phils gravestone yeah I think I think that’s my gravestone cuz cuz somebody thinks they’re funny I think what I’ll have to do is

I’ll have to play Test please what what it I didn’t see your message what did I get for Christmas I got lots of things I was very spoiled this year ding dong water a thank you much for the rose hi Daniel X in the I’m guessing that’s

YouTube that is but that was ages ago Daniel also in Tik Tok how is it hello Daniel um some of the stuff that’s behind me I got for Christmas so look what I got this is a picture that was painted for me by river in chat

Yep uh that’s inam hi uh I’m I’m sort of being uh buried alive you know how my sister makes gifts every year that she did the picture of Bosley behind she’s done something else this year I don’t know how she’s done this but this is what she’s made me this year

Look it’s Bosley she’s literally made like a wool Bosley thing do you see how cute is that you guys can see it’s Bosley say she made it I think I’m going to challenge rinnie to a game you’re going to challenge rinnie to a game a game of what Texas Holding Texas Hold why does the pot wiggle um don’t know why does the pot wiggle he is gorgeous you’re confused who’s this guy this guy is my husband this is Phil this is this is this is Phil so whenever I talk about Phil or my husband this is

The person I’m talking about um he is real I didn’t just make him up I am not real I am an AI simulation look I don’t move properly no you’re a hologram I am a hologram because CU River says I am no no look I can poke

You no but your finger’s going straight through look hang on I need to we need to go thank you so my fingers cuz like yeah just beat up my husband shall I on stream somebody’s waved at me the dynamic dynamic duo Gladiators hello Gladiators Tom says a hologram would have built something by

Now I don’t know how to play Tom who are you talking about Tess you’re alone on Stream yeah I’m just totally alone today this is my solo stream uh can we have Phil in every stream he makes the vibe even better you should have watched it last night it was were you were you guys watching yesterday oh my gosh it was painful it

Was painful it really was guys I thought it was if you didn’t see it it’s over on YouTube and it’s definitely worth a watch well at least the first half an hour anyway yeah Merry Christmas Tomy well if you go and watch it on YouTube last

Night was hilarious it kind of was I was almost crying I was dropping some bars and everything I was dropping some Rhymes and are you going to do your beat boxing again for us us do you beat box in Mexican and I was like doing some I

Was doing oh yeah that’s it I’ve got this stuck under my arm and uh we did some Christmas remixes didn’t we with uh Jingle Bells do you remember I don’t I was dropping the remixes and everything okay Jingle Bells jingle bells jingle all the way to ride in a one horse open sleigh

Hey hey hi hi you’re right you’re right hi what’s uh what you doing here hello do you come here often I do yeah I live here oh yeah but don’t tell my wife I won’t tell her don’t so you live here but your wife don’t know no

I’m I’m I’m sort of boxed in a little bit here so uh is that TNT I can see that might be TNT the other mods in stream may have uh boxed you in and uh surrounded you with TNT and I have a feeling they’re going to uh make the t r

Away like a un look you use the controller oh yeah okay you know the thing in your hand that thing as I come I’m off run away run away run away run away filling the Chipmunks testing the Chipmunks I’m I’ve got the normal voice he’s got the chipmunk voice

That’s such a sexy voice Tess tell us tell us a nursy r test a nursy this voice yes okay angry real you wiy you wi you nasty WI attacking me all the time don’t do that you’ve made me so angry Once Upon a Time yes There Were

Three Little Pigs Three Little Pigs and they were all moving out to go and live on their own so they packed their bags and they went full and walk piggy number one found some py when he built his house out of hey and the other two pigs carried on piggy number

Two found some sticks and he built his house I’m going to get Winnie from behind that was six and and then the other Pig carried on and the third Pig found some bricks and built his house out of bricks wow what the piggies didn’t know playing chasy with a big bad

Wolf so the big bad wolf came up to the house made of STW and T to the first little pig little piggy little piggy let me in Little Piggy said no not by the hair my chinny chin chin while I let you in and the big bad W said so I’ll H and

I’ll and I’ll your house down and that’s what he did and he went to eat the pig but the pig ran really really fast to house number two and the big bad wolf followed the pig why are you using your sexy voice tast because I thought you only use that

In the bedroom because it’s so sexy I have to share it with the world oh okay then so anyway anyway anyway y I’m listening the piggy went to house no the wolf went to house to house number two with the two piggies in now in the yeah

So there’s two I don’t like that there’s two Piggies okay in the house in the house with the wolf outside okay and the Wolf said okay little piggy little piggy let me in okay and the little piggy said no no no not by the hair on my chinny

Chin chin will I let you in Wolf said oh Huff all puff all blow your house down okay so the wolf hued and he puffed and he B blew the house down he did anyway um after that he tried to eat the pigs but the pigs I may have broken

That you’ve broken have we lost river I don’t know have we yeah we might have done River you still there we have no device connected um hang got sec we’re going to we’re going to get you back we’re going to get you back Um it’s not that is it it’s a Bluetooth right oh my gosh it’s connecting now River it should be connected right okay where was I the two pigs R to the third Pig house so now all three pigs are in the House of Bricks and the Wolf chased after

Them and the Wolf came up to the house in your house and said you got a little house there I’m going to live in there with Winnie come Onnie we live together in there winie does it say there first reenie you’re going first Ren that’s Phil’s house yeah that’s that’s

Excellent a that’s so nice just stay there one second we push there’s these buttons that I want to push that one that one yeah where’s the TNT right near the bottom near the bottom yeah why mother got this voice this my voice I think I’ve already got TNT underneath me

Oh she’s so mean I know that’s one of mys she’s so meth ruthless I tell you you only have Ruth ruthless mods do you yeah it wasn’t me was it River by any chance River I’d chase you if I knew how to this is laugh I’m going I’m playing hide and

Seek with oh I saw some there he goes I can see him was being kind thank younie and Riv now run away was blowing you up do you know what I think we ought to do I think you ought to hold the controller and do something interesting

Okay and and I’ll just sit here and make comments you want to hold this m cuz it just keeps falling in me face all right thanks right thanks I thought you going to pick me nose then what you doing what are you doing what just stop

Poking me in the mouth ah thank you that’s what she said I’m sure she did right what should we build let’s let’s build bu something interesting shall we build a trap for to get her back for attacking your husband so viciously it was River I know he did that time but

Like before it was Ren getting revenge renie would never attack no both of us she’s looking sad now I know poor Vinnie big kisses for Vinnie tin are you just like being a pain on purpose who really yeah what are you doing nothing oh wow what do you like About it’s it’s got the juice it’s con con at this thing you’re getting shouted at in chat by who by Vinnie obviously I don’t know anybody called Vinnie you don’t know anyone called rinnie no no no this is always Vinnie’s crying hello is she why making

Cry what is happening I don’t even know and it’s my stream well it used to be I’ve got the words up on here as well if you want them everyone sing along in ch everybody sing along now everyone sing along it’s con tell you all about it look at this thing everything

Chang it’s contas nice vengance Phil you made your enemy shed tears what more could you wish for well I mean you know when I’ve been you know I’ve been like why uh because you blew me up because you boxed me in because you were mean to me when all I’ve ever done is

Giving you love and corn love and corn and Cornus the corn corn dog toys corn and dog listen dogs do you know you know what’s really good rinnie about that U that to that I bought you it’s made for like dogs to chew on so you can have

That and eat corn every day and you won’t chew through that toy so like you you can chew on that toy every day more please Phil what who said who said Phil was that was that River no no really I’m not calling you a dog I don’t even you know I don’t I

Don’t know if you got four legs talking no I said I bought her a dog toy are you calling call her a dog no I’m not rin’s lovely we love rinnie lovein lovein I love don’t tell my husband don’t tell my husband but I love when Need an

Angel why why are you putting that silly voice on I’ve turn the voice changer off I’m not putting the silly voice on you’re doing it you’re doing it oh my God it’s even higher pitched now oh my God oh my God right then should we do something

Serious now what serious should we do oh my God I sound like me you do wow wow this is my voice you’re losing it now yeah right for now let’s let’s let’s do something to keep the 28 people in the in the Stream Happ yeah you you scared

Them all off yeah definitely but you are quite scary looking to be they probably all gone to Baby Jesus’s birthday party is it baby Jesus’s birthday baby Jesus his birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Baby J happy birthday to you and many

More he’s died he died he died he not going to have many more birthdays he’s dead he did do you know this is a true fact he was the first zombie he was the first zombie Jesus was the first documented zombie cuz he died and then

He came back came to life so he was a zombie he was so zombies are real so Easter is Happy Zombie day yeah happy Jesus zombie day yeah when Tyler was at school yeah he uh wrote a prayer for Easter did he yeah um it was a bit

Blasphemous really but he uh wrote his own prayer at school he was about seven at the time mind you and it was dear God thank you for Killing Jesus so we have Easter and Easter eggs amen I mean like how the word mouth of B type thing right

Yeah going to ywn over here what’s the Discord tag uh it’s Minecraft test it is in my bio but someone said that had expired yesterday but it works for some people and it doesn’t for others so I don’t understand that it’s thank you than you for the Roses Jess thank you

For the elves as well right should I do some building what are we going to build and this mic keeps hitting me in the fa face okay it’s just going to rest on my chin it lives on my chin a house a house okay let’s build a house house for

A Mouse a mouse house a mouse house a house with a mouse No a house for fil house for Phil okay let’s is that I’m not is that cuz I’m not going to be living with Tess anymore you can live with me a s now she go to the North Pole help Santa

Go to the North Pole to help Santa are you trying to say that I’m an Elf Star Bright Shin night of our dear sa bir I’ll tell you what rinnie my girlfriend keeps accusing me of cheating she’s starting to sound like my wife really really can’t hit him with

Blocks back topping back to fun P if the voice thing happens again I’m going to lose it what voice thing I can rap I don’t know what the I can do Eminem should we do Eminem palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy there vit on his sweater

Already mom spaghetti he’s nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs but he keeps on forgetting what he rolled down the whole crowd oh so loud he opens his mouth but the words won’t come out he’s choking out everyone’s joking now terms right out it’s over blous s

You ever heard a 45y old woman rap well there you go the voice I don’t know what you mean Oh Holy Night the stars are brightly shining I haven’t counted these so I don’t know how big this house is or anything at all and it definitely won’t be staying

Square cuz we don’t do square or rectangle in this stream do we do you know before T was a streamer she used to be a baker I used to be a baker yeah but you gave it up because you couldn’t make enough dough I gave it up cuz I couldn’t make enough

Dough what were the ones which kind of do the money type h you know you know we were a like a motor home company T used to come with me but um she had to give it up because it was intense intense camping yeah I got it I

Got it I’ve got it yeah I’m just reading some really bad dad jokes to you guys um oh gosh aren’t you lucky dad joke time guys where’s Tyler Tyler is over sat on the sofa would you like me to call him over do you know how to make holy

Water yeah you put it on the stove and boil it yay River nose that one Tyler Tyler he’s got his headphones on he can’t hear me Rihanna I’m trying I’m trying should I throw something at him throw something at him let’s we just happen to have a toilet roll sat here so we’ll throw a toilet roll at throw toilet roll toilet roll going to

Toilet I on a second this is did you know a rabbit can jump higher than the Eiffel Tower yes cuz to I can’t jump right we just toilet rolled here Ranna wants to say hi to you hi are you going to come and say hi to your friend

Or you just going to stay sat there I’m he is coming now 10 million light goal is crazy I know I was going to say 15K but Phil set the light goal Rosa think you can do that by yourself you think Rosa can do 10 mil Rosa can do 10

Million hi sexy boot cakes Tyler says hi sexy bocakes who’s who’s Rihanna Jordan my best friend of six years oh Jordan yeah hey Jordan oh my God why why why is your sexy Boo cake why sexy Boo Cakes um calling themselves ranan when they Jordan oh

Okay cool now one know right why did the chicken cross the road to get to the other side okay to get to the other side side Rihanna says to thank you for the follow on did the O what did the ocean say to the aelyn I

Think I can’t see that the the text is really small and it’s far away and Phils changed my voice again so ignore my silly voice that’s my husband he’s not nor on stream it’s just Christmas and you know spending time together and now I sound like the devil now I sound like a

Mouse Christmas christas love okay I love you He’s a weirdo isn’t he got away from her lucky you it’s good job you didn’t marry me to go to the garden shop why did Santa go to I don’t know why did Santa go to the garden shop but there are loads of chickens being thrown in the

House why are the loads of chickens um cuz rennie’s playing with chickens they look like dead chicken uh we need to throw eggs then what came first the chicken or the egg oh I see right where’s the eggs there’s eggs so uh we need to uh throw a few

Eggs they all break in then yeah I know but some will make chickens ah I didn’t know that and then can we tip lva in there make KFC we can tip laugh in there and make KFC um yeah so oh my gosh the earth the earth came first the Earth

Came first this microphone is I keep getting job scared David Tenant is in our house right now actually I’m not just I’m not joking David Tenant is actually in our house um Tyler got David Tenant for Christmas yeah Tyler’s my son if you don’t know and the David Tenant he got

For Christmas was a life-size cutout of David Tenant because Tyler loves David Tenant but who doesn’t right can you join this is for the mods um but it is just a bit of a silly fun um we will have to do a community stream at some

Point the best thing is guys that you can ask any questions you like about Tess yeah and I’ll answer them will you mhm oh dear the more embarrassing the better does she have any kids do I have any kids yes I have I have two that live here and two that don’t

Casey and Ashley don’t live here and the two that live here are Tyler and Phil yeah m my biggest baby kle um TZ has been playing Minecraft for 15 minutes 15 minut yeah about that oh my gosh this microphone is 55 minutes actually okay it’s staying up now look that’s great

It’s just cover in my face it’s improved how pretty you look wow thank you so much that’s right any anytime for you darling so if you push that down there like that okay there you go okay it’s working now yeah as soon as I move I can’t move my hand there though

Because I just sit like this we’ll sit back to back okay I’m just have all right any any other questions about test that you’d like to know the answer to favorite food du a feet smell does she snore how old is T she is 73 73 really you cheeky beggar or

45 yeah 73 or 45 I’ll let you guess oh having a drink I’ve got some hot chocolate I’m her toy boy I’m a bit younger than she’s uhhuh I mean look mentally you’re about two look at how beautiful this is poor chickens right is she a bad driver no actually she’s a

She’s a pretty good driver uh forwards I’m okay yeah forwards not very good backwards yeah we have to have reversing cameras parking sensors I did once reverse into a parked car because I but that is the only time I’ve like had had a what this this microphone is attacking me

What is actually going on there this microphone okay stay good mic micophone is packing you physically yeah it’s literally is it is literally attacking me it’s got its own are you controlling the microphone with your mind no not at all I don’t believe you look at you looking at it Now if that jumps on and hits me in the face now you know what’s going on guys my husband is telepathic and he’s beating me up with a microphone on stream like and then he can say no look it’s live on stream I didn’t touch it I

Never did it hi K you’re playing Minecraft on the PC I know it’s Phil that’s doing it it’s Phil doing it it’s you know it’s I’m not if you if you been that down like that help help help help I’ll hold it I’ll hold it for you okay I don’t trust you

Should I should I trust you we’ve been we’ve been together 23 years I should probably trust you right good girl what are you doing a good girl you know I’m not a dog right together as long as I’ve been alive I have we have been together a long time we together in 2000

2000 meet won’t it be strange when we’re all fully grown right oh de encourage more views to share the live oh Riley shared the live thank you Riley that’s what that’s saying how did you guys meet well well we actually met on the prison we have never been to prison I’ve

Never ever been in trou I was visiting a women’s prison and TZ was in for chicken murder chicken murder yeah she she killed a couple of brown pandas yeah so I killed Brown pandas but I was convicted of chicken murder so back in the year 2000 people didn’t use the

Internet very much no and everyone on the internet was a psycho killer mhm and Phil and I actually met on the internet we back when people didn’t meet on the internet and um when he turned up to meet me for the first time my sister came around and she’s like I want your

Address and I want your driving license to prove where you live I’m going to write it down and if I don’t hear from her every hour I’m going to call the police I’m going to report you and yeah she because everyone on the internet at that point was was like an Axe Murderer

And stuff so there weren’t there weren’t dating sites of stuff online no and we when we actually met we’d never seen each other so people didn’t really have camera you were 60 when you got together yeah we were 60 and now we’re 61 so what happened was right we spoke we we spoke

On a on a program called icq we did and you couldn’t there was no photos or pictures or anything and we just chatted with each other because we both got a common interest which was ghosts right so and I I on my sort of screen it came

Up with a little balloon next to T’s name Y and that meant it was a birthday so I said Happy Birthday asked her what she was having for a birthday and she said pot noodle no I asked you what you were having for tea you said what shall

I have for tea and I said a pot noodle that was it come on get it right okay I’ll get the story right anyway we then started chatting online and then we started chatting on the phone and then eventually I drove 90 miles to get a

Meter and when she opened the front door the first words I said so cuz i’ never seen her before yeah was I said oh you can lose weight and I know some good plastic surgeons yeah don’t worry darling you can lose weight and I know some great plastic surgeons that is the

Truth words that’s what I actually said to her the first time I saw when we met each other yep and uh married him as you can see the plastic surgery has gone well wow I know I know I’m not playing Minecraft don’t Phil was playing Minecraft it didn’t go so well my meds

Were blowing him up but you know mean to me rinnie was not mean to you you just told our story about how we met I think was just defending me cuz she was being psychic knowing what we were going to talk about oh yeah so that so that’s how

We met and then two weeks later we um it was nine days nine days okay it wasn’t two weeks it was nine days the I we can’t really judge people for moving quick in a relationship can we yeah nine days after we met we moved in together nine

Days a bit quick it was big quick you’ve made me a beautiful house and we were engaged with is this the beautiful house or is there another house we met the 25th of October and we got engaged at midnight on New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve so actually New

Year’s Day I suppose at midnight yep so is it that house over there do you think the one to the left no this is what we built oh was it yeah is it this house is this our house you’ve just uh surrounded it by beautiful dragon eggs and blocks and candles

And and filled it beautiful it’s so lovely I love it I love it thank you for making so are there any other questions about tests that you would like answered be nice be nice cuz I’m going to answer them honestly um yes she does fart in the bath I fart in the

Bath where was that no one asked that no one asked does Tess fart in the bath no one said does Tess fart in the bath I can honestly tell you you are Tess’s best friend named renie I am she is I mean I am what’s my favorite thing about TZ

That that she loves everybody I kind of do don’t I she loves everybody and I really do like if you meet T in person she hugs everybody I do and uh she’s done it since she was a child she hugs everybody I do my my family try and get

Out the door run out the way as fast as they can they’re like no here she comes H comes no got to get away from her man oh my gosh um that’s your sister that is my sister and if we answer it it’s going to come through on there is going to

Come through on there um uh right can we disconnect from here and can you take stream a minute yeah and I’ll make sure everything’s okay I’ll be right back keep talking Phil so um yeah so uh let’s I don’t know what to say now uh my 9-year-old said to my mom that she

Was old and she belonged in in a Historic Museum I think Tyler’s going to come and join me for a short while where’s she going uh she’s gone to answer the phone to aaine aune Elaine uh am I your best friend Phil no you are not my best friend uh renie you

Are my um you are my let me think of a word for this PO bear uh you are my arch nemesis why not py bear cuz she was mean to me she put all she put Dynamite around me and blew me up oh that’s not very nice it’s not very nice at all

No try that it’s even higher try that one that’ll be better for you no I like the high one but not there we go does taste like spiders um we we actually have a lot of spiders in our house we have a lot of spiders that are called false widows which are venomous

And TZ has been bitten by one and her leg all swalled up and she couldn’t walk and we have a lot of we we where we live we’re right on the edge of the countryside and so we have a lot of spiders coming in the winter yeah we get a lot of

Um giant house spiders and and last year we had two Huntsmen yeah we had some Huntsman we have that so we have lots of spiders so and um what we do because TZ doesn’t like to kill anything we uh we put them back outside again generally so yeah we need to find

Jabs so we can do yeah so we uh we generally take them outside uh can I be your best friend I don’t know who you asking uh amyy oh hi Amy me me and Amy share the same birthday not on the same year though there’s a there’s a lot of difference

Between our ages I would hope not the same year mhm I would hope not you like that one that’s even higher oh okay then Mia I’ll I’ll be your best friend I’ll be your best friend too Mia uh the Discord chat so yeah we a uh tas’s had a phone call

From her sister so she’s had to go and answer that on her phone she’s back she’s bad she’s got no trasers on thank you for telling everyone I have on yeah in fact I’ve got no trasers on either it makes me better to River so you should be able to hear

River hi river river are you there river river are you there river river river oh hang on let me turn that up try that now River stream hello Ocean Lake Pond Rock pool pond hi I am they’re all water things aren’t they GL a tall drink of water

River water you’re not americ someone get me a glass cuz I just found me a tall drink of water water okay are there any other any other questions that you would like to know about Tess she’s dancing at the moment eating mints they’re so spicy I almost died the mints aren’t spicy they’re

Imperial but they’re spicy they’re cool and refreshing says package spicy says so on the packet sorry if this is a bit of a boring stream guys but um we um we wanted to come and see everyone for Christmas yeah we it was just more a case of us sitting and having a chat

With you rather than um they’re asking you questions about her how are they where’s that then about how you fell for her this is where I what made you fall for Tears drugs wow yeah that’s what it was it was drugs no it wasn’t you love me she did

She put drink she put drugs in my tea he loves me really B I know he’s mean to me right um I think I think um if that’s an honest um question it’s because of um as I said we never actually saw each other we never talked about what we looked

Like or anything like that my heart and we just spent hours and hours talking to each other on the phone and we’ve got similar beliefs so about things and I’m awesome guys you all love me right so you can see why Phil loves me it’s it’s

Obvious right and May’s trying to get me to say noise things but it doesn’t really work yeah and of course she’s got massive boobs as well that helped wow thank you very much dear you I don’t think you’re allowed to say that on stream I said massive boobs just no okay

No we love you Tess thank you Amy I love you too I don’t know it could be your Amy it could be it is your Amy it’s it’s Tyler’s Amy it’s your daughter-in-law to be my daughter-in-law to be Tyler’s Tyler’s girlfriend yeah’s already Sten you’re you are Tyler’s Amy okay

She’s already stolen actually she okay that’s fair enough okay no worries Tyler’s girlfriend in chat so are there any questions we love you in our own special way I don’t know how to take that Riv T’s very special welcome she special um why is there a Golem walking around the

House really what did I miss while I was uh speaking to my sister on the phone let me lean forward a second okay you lean forward I’ll Lean Forward let them see the blue of my eyes he does have very blue eyes actually let me take my

Glasses off you can’t see my eyes on this stream but they’re sort of greeny brown can you say my eyes look look into my eyes not around my eyes but into my eyes you are feeling sleepy is Ty a good boyfriend um are you asking your girlfriend you like corn you are going

To eat corn every day it’s three times a day Big L it’s got the juice you’re going to have corn flakes for breakfast tuner and sweet corn for lunch tuner and sweet corn and corn on the cup for dinner corn on the cup cor on the cup cor on the

Cup oh let me put my glasses back on so I can see everybody um so what questions have you answered about me while I was here we got blue eyes as well of sort of gray actually they’re more of a gr oh why is that gone like that that’s cuz we haven’t touched

The controller in a while we need to start you know doing doing something okay should we attack the Golem that’s Vinnie’s crying again why you crying rnie cuz i s corn is Tess a good girlfriend no I do have a good girlfriend but I’m married to Tess I’m

Just a good wife he’s a yeah she’s a good wife she was a good girlfriend when she was my girlfriend was I yeah we were together two was it two and a half years before we got married or was it three and a half three three too

Long I don’t know it’s two and a half or three and a half years it too long it’s so long so I am I am taking applications for when people say I go this is Tess you less my current wife yeah current I always call her my current wife cuz you

Know life many chapters you never know you never know what’s going to happen something better might come along or I might put a pillow over your head and you sleep one or the other you know I mean I think I deserve a medal for not doing that already I mean think

About Paul Tyler who has to live with us yeah he he does have to he he’s he used to stay to us when he was like little when we were in the car will you two grow up this is we’re talking about seven years old here we’re being told by

A seveny old to grow up like I think that might say something about our maturity levels I’m not sure what do you reckon yeah I think Mia’s on your side who’s on my side Mia Mia’s always on my side oh okay um 10 years on and I think you’re gone detated

Maybe I don’t know do you think your mental Ages you’re drinking appetizer again you’re always drinking appetizer you’re always on the right side just happens that Tess is always on the right side me me and always right me and T in a YouTube channel soon yeah we’re thinking about doing and we’re going to do some challenges challenges a

Lot of them involve operations on unicorns unicorn operations yep yeah removing organs from look at the sign look at the sign don’t tell me I’ve lost the game I’m going to guess before I even get there you lost the gay I knew I knew I’m psychic that’s what it is I’m psychic I

Knew that it was going to be your L game does River always do that then River does it’s either that or your short I get I get loer both today I get Tik Tok messages in like videos sent to me from River every day and there either ones

About my height cuz cuz I’m short you had a nice F day lucky I did have a nice one the other day you could have warned me cuz I wasn’t sitting down and I actually fell on the floor um but yeah um like it’s normally your short or you lost the game so

Yeah right well I’ve I’ve been boring you all for about an hour and 20 minutes so it’s probably a good idea for you to take over now and actually do something that people want to do or we ending it for tonight we I mean we could end it

And then spend some time together maybe n Christmas Day nah I’ve had to sit across a table looking at you at dinner time yeah how hard it was to e do you know how hard it is not to slap you right now oh it’s so mean to me guys so mean oh

Dear me and SE though sorry I didn’t hear so were me and Seth you and Seth apparently are mean they’re they’re mean to you they are are they are but I get scared when Seth’s nice to me do you yeah your friends say that don’t they like if you’re nice no I say

That it’s when cuz you’re mean to them and they think you don’t like them and I’m like no no that’s not true you need to worry when feels nice to you if he’s mean to you it means he likes you like yeah if I’m if I’m really nice to you

Then wor It generally means that I don’t want anything to do with you so I don’t like it test deserves a medal I really do I do I’m so glad that you guys see this we all deserve medals how many husbands do you think there are out

There who are happy for their wife to sit at home play Minecraft for 80 hours a week where they go out working their fingers to the Bone to pay for their streaming setup i’ you reckon yeah I mean there’s not many men who do that side ey yeah side eye side

Eye uh what’s What’s um what what’s Trin saying or be my thumb Aaliyah beit my thumb Aaliyah yeah who’s Aaliyah uh one of her cats I want to norom I’m and Nina as well you are yeah I’m going to nom them you’re going to nom them

Eat them yeah n Nom n n n n mhm tast used to have a cat it attacked me I woke up in the middle of the night and looked up and it was there above me and it just jumped on me and attacked me you don’t like cats do you no don’t like

Cats I I love cats I know I don’t no hang on a sec that’s not fair I don’t dislike cats at all okay it’s not that I don’t like cats cats are absolutely fine I just prefer dogs that eat cats see I would have a cat but it feels like no

And Tyler said before can we get a cat and I’m said said you’ve got to choose you can either have your dad or a cat and his response was we’ll get rid of dad the only reason I got a dog we said that we didn’t have to have another

Baby this is true this is true I’ve told you guys the story before haven’t I it was uh 11 years ago and I said to Phil let’s have another baby and he came in with he just like yep can’t have a baby now we got a

Dog he is more needy than a baby most of the time isn’t he um to be fair I I don’t agree with you me at all because um people own dogs cats own people so cats just you know they just dogs are from Heaven cats are from

Hell is that right I like them both yeah it is have you have you seen what cats do to mice they torture them and play with them they’ve got no souls they’re just mean I disagree I’ve got scars on my arms and hands on my cats you got scars on your

Arms and hands from your cats thank you re you are helping me prove my point that cats are evil my cat wasn’t evil my cat was cute and lovely and adorable mine is adorable cats NOP cats cats cats they from they just take take take just like wives just like

Wives I thought you would identify your cat is 100% evil M oh such a Burn can you see me Shling there you go M Tess Tess’s burning me with with what you saying I am lovely lovely Lely lovely so lovely Lely so lovely oh dog’s crying now cuz I’m I don’t think a cat can be racist actually actually although I have met a racist dog what in fact I met three racist

Dogs actually there’s no punch line there nope they they are South African BBL and they are a huge mases one of the biggest mases that you can get right and they bble means uh farmer dog and they were bred to keep no this is serious they were bred to keep the black slaves

Uh in order and they go mad when they see black people and yeah it’s bread into to them so um my God that that Jess used to have three of them and uh whenever somebody who was black came anywhere near them they went absolutely your friend Jess yeah

Jess he was he he was Indian Jess was Indian right and now they were fine with Indian people right but not not it it’s really weird but apparently it’s a thing with B balls that it’s it’s into them it’s the same with Bosley Bosley’s um will bite children’s ankles

You know border collies bite children’s ankles if they no he didn’t he’s got no ins no hering instincts but they their hering instincts are sort of in them so if children run away from them they chase after them and bite their ankles because that’s what they do with the

Sheep so but I have actually seen a racist dog several racist dogs BBL there you go then and they were every day I didn’t know they were called blue red and Ruby were the names of the three dogs and uh Ruby beat me a I know wasn’t very nice I’ve still got a

Scar poor me we all love the energy of this stream’s a bit low we need to that’s cuz there’s not many people here it’s quite quiet we need to get everyone we’re quite tired as well well we’ve had we are tired it’s been a long day but it’s

Christmas day so you know it’s Christmas L to driving my eldest daughter our Al’s daughter came over Casey so and we went for Christmas dinner and then she forgot her headphones so we had to come back here to find her headphones and then I had to go and drop her back where she

Lives which is the other side of Birmingham and then come home again so I’ve done lots of driving as well where whilst you were dropping Casey I was satting Discord talking to everybody and posting pictures and stuffing yeah posting pictures of DAV say what I mean

About about me being such a good husband such a good husband yeah I thought that Amy um according to her I look like you Phil according to who who who who do you look you look like Amy looks like you mhm are you Amy’s dad Casey Casey according to Casey MH you

Look like Amy Amy looks like you yep Casey Amy Casey spelled c a e y just so just so you know uh what did Tyler and Bosley get for Christmas Tyler’s got a live size cut out of David Tenant and Bosley got a squeaky carrot and a blanket has he put

Holes in the blanket already oh my gosh do you want to bring that here bring it here I bought Bosley a Christmas blanket and because he’s sulking he’s soing cuz we sat next to each other let Che done he bit holes in literally killed his blankie already do you want to give

Him his blankie back I I think we should put the other blankie out Riv you got a stand mixer for baking he’s literally destroyed his blankie already oh I’ve got piece of blankie in my mouth should we should we get everybody in chat to tell us what their favorite

Christmas present that they got today was guys tell me what your your favorite present was I’m I’m guessing Rick’s RI Rivers was a stand mixer for baking which is excellent no what was his favorite then the one that you sent him obviously I’m taking okay I can’t say what it is on

Stream though okay well I can it’s a pen I just can’t say anything anything more got although I’m I’m not going to mention this but um all the gifts that t sent to people were rude they weren’t all rude some were just sarcastic like the one for your dad oh

Yeah my dad she bought some sandpaper and no it wasn’t sandpaper it was senior citizen anti- wrinkle treatment it was sandpaper and it was a slice of sandpaper he’s 81 just yeah what did you get from your brother Amy what did you get for your brother from your brother

Amy uh what are you doing on Minecraft today do you know what saan we’ve just messed a about we’ve just been doing silly stuff as you can see I’ve got two of my gorgeous mods here we’ve got River and rinnie and got a p got a few animals

In stream in in a in the little house that we’ve built chill pill Jenny Beans chill pill jelly beans yeah they’re like um a box of pills that look like actual tablets oh right okay but they’re actually jelly beans they’re not real okay the pills h a moon lamp that has a really

Nice Mage how long has TZ been streaming from a nose about um 45 years it’s not funny an hour and 28 minutes your favorite was from Mill and Phil what they got me the my favorite skin care products oo I like skare I use Skin Care I think Millie’s mother-in-law

And Philly’s father-in-law okay that’s why I look so so young that’s why I look so young guys yeah I I got you Mia I got you I look so young cuz I you SK me and you were hip with it I I got it I M feel yeah that makes sense books

I got books I love books books are great a books those things that people used to have like 50 years ago before there were computer screens yeah okay I hope you had a lovely Christmas we did we did did you have a lovely Christmas Ash what did everyone get everyone else

What did you get what did you get what did you get let me know let me know let me know so I got this Pineo is that Pino pin where p in pin it’s pin pin uh pin what do we have here today we have me pin’s my friend we have me

Chatting I got some candles this is a Yankee blank Mia got bookaroo by the sounds of it absolutely booko yay your mom always gives you books for Christmas you love Goods you got some ug slippers yes I love slippers I live in slippers and like slipper socks and

Stuff like that Jess got the Hogs walks Legacy game for the Nintendo switch good have you played it you got a new phone Dobby and Willow didn’t get anything this this you know Dobby and Willow are it’s not going you know Dobby and Willow are yeah they’re

My friend cuz I didn’t get anything for Christmas can you give him a kiss and a and a hook oh did you get it did you get it I sent it sent it sent it spam got a new iPhone a new phone Zid I know I read that I read

That oh Bruce lorder Dale he he got I don’t know what Bruce got cuz he’s a naughty boy did he get Co did Bruce get Cole Bruce did you get Cole did you get Cole have you been a good boy my favorite YouTuber I huged

Bruce when I saw him yeah t Taz was actually in one of Bruce’s YouTube videos I was wasn’t I it when I was a little bit fatter but cuz he did he didn’t know who she was but they’d spoke on the phone charcoal and Bruce and Darren were recording the video they

Were and um they’re outside and TZ walked up behind them oh you’re Bruce Lord D I’m one of your biggest fans can I give you a hug um she knew who he was but he didn’t know who she was and it was really funny you said go wind Bruce

Up so yeah I did and Bruce left in their YouTube video so T was in a YouTube video I was I was y i i i you know anything for you darling I no it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good you got

Loads of drawing items yes you did me a picture River did me a picture you saw my picture didn’t you from River my planets Planet test it’s in the background actually are we missed I little me M says hi tar hey Mink spam says I got the

IPhone 15 Pro Max ooh that’s I’ve got an iPhone 15 Pro Max as well I’ve got an iPhone something something 12 and it works and it does what it’s supposed to 12 it’s a 12 I an iPhone 12 uh Martin prefers physical books I find it too difficult to read phys phal

Books my mind wonders off too much unfortunately Bruce says yeah charcoal oh Bru says yeah I’ve got an Apple Watch as well me and T both wear watches mine’s a really old one though it doesn’t do all the yeah she gets my hands mid own I do don’t I but then I

Don’t really care Amy loves books as well we can give you some books Amy you should bu a Christmas tree oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree how lovely are you what board game did you get austa branches Christmas tree Christmas tree what’s the favorite gift you gave away guys

Um Tyler had a fairly nice gift for his main present it was for his 18th birthday as well which is in about five weeks it was like um for both for both so it was a fairly big gift it was 18th birthday slash um Christmas yep Bruce says slash not sure what that

Means five six seven eight nine you’ve got a book about dragons and mastering your connection with them yep four five hopefully it’s kodo dragons because they’re the only B dragons and the one on Minecraft uh Lil minks keep saying Hest four five six six six six six oh six seven eight n hey

Mix you got slash to play for his birthday slash I don’t know what that is do you know what that is no um River sorry oh yeah what you going to do with those what are those uh second yeah Tyler got signed autograph from David Tenant and Keanu Reeves How’s Christmas in Scotland Bruce have you have you done any Scottish stuff one two three one two three what what is Scottish stuff didn’t know that’s what I was asking him playing the bag pipes as he played the bag pipes could have done I don’t know I don’t think

So I’ve got an old Scottish purse have you yeah like one that goes on the bag pipes I’m not sure what it’s called do you know what it’s called SP yeah I’ve got one of those it was my granddad’s though it’s really old really old cuz I

Never met that Granddad he he passed away before I was born so it’s super old river move fine stay there I’ll work around you so how are we doing with the uh the likes have we got to the 10 million yet are we at 10 million likes yes we are 10 million

Likes in chat guys thank you very much or 28,000 not sure which close to 10 million we’re close AB Bru says it’s miserable up there and he’s not done any Scottish things he’s not done any Scottish things no he’s miserable then is he yeah I might get to see him at New Year

Is he coming to see you yeah I think his pal Sprinter Field’s coming so his partner in crime does he do crime no I didn’t mean it that oh River’s laughing oh was that a laugh was it I think so I don’t know River’s a bit weird sometimes you know

That’s not nice you can’t say much I’m not nice I mean I am nice I’m lovely woohoo sure I’m going to show them on stream do you want to show them you’ve put the one in upside down that one’s upside down yeah we’ve got a signed thing of

David Tenant I if you can see that guys and he’s just changing it around cuz he put it in upside down cuz it’s a Banana you Bab and and oh my gosh you changed my voice again no just mine it’s just that you’re really loud really loud really really really really loud you got Keanu beef signature as well ke no leaves oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree how lovely are your branches oh Christmas tree oh Christmas

Tree how lovely are your branches oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree how lovelyy Che okay come on guys let’s get to 10 million likes let’s see if we can do it in the next five minutes get those fingers tapping bye Mia I hope you’re having fun in

Norway I’m coming I’m coming to Norway next year I’m going to go up to the uh up to the Arctic Circle so be careful cuz I might pop around here house and I don’t know leave a lump of coal why would you leave a lump of car

Because I was trying to think of something that wasn’t scary cuz cuz if i’ said something scary me and might have U that’s not nice M say she’s going to make sure she’s not there a you feel rejected yeah what she said nasty things about

Me and I I was I was going to take a test hug over to her a test hug a test hug a you don’t want coal okay I’ll bring you over some traditional English food I’ll bring you over some black pudding it’s made of congealed pigs blood you like that so so much

MH oh Christmas tree Christmas tree how lovely are new branches oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree I love you thank you fish head it’s cuz I’m so beautiful you’re definitely beautiful I’m very beautiful so beautiful my mom used to tell me I was beautiful someone had to I

Did you got the face that only your mother could love that’s not very nice that’s not I’m beautiful in every single way and you can’t bring me down no you can’t bring me down today that’s totally how the song goes okay I’m beautiful I can’t remember It I can’t even remember it myself but I know that you didn’t get it wrong um yeah I can’t I can’t think oh help my brain oh help my Brain hey Amy does your dad go on Tik Tock and use the silly voice changer and talk to your partners just wondering asking for a friend you’re asking for a friend well it was funny is it probably Amy’s dad might be watching you right now could be thinking is oh my God

This what my child might marry into maybe maybe and it seems like a youth Thing feel what does I don’t know it’s me I think think May is a little bit woo woo where is where I don’t see it m no that seems just like a you thing

Fa oh about going on stream and using silly voices no River get who’s using a silly voice this is my whe voice River’s using a silly voice it’s my manly voice of course I’m such a man oh you’re a man it’s a GE of voice

This is a g of voice when I use this Voice are scared of me yeah you’re very scared yeah go in the pub and go get out my chair that’s where I’m sitting yeah I’m terrified right now I want to get up and run away hello scared yep yep yep yep you look scared I’m scared

Sing the Green song I don’t I don’t know what the Green song Is for the second chance for a break that would make it Okay all and it’s hard at the end and sometimes in the morning as well I need some distraction not watching YouTube beautiful a memory seep through my veins my veins just like alcohol may be empty like Terry’s Brain she’s definitely not weightless find some peace you ain’t getting no peace tonight lovely in the arms of he talking about me again fly away fly away here from here from this dark C hotel Room end Fe oh yeah you were pull from the W of your re re in the horn of Ang Angels comt Comfort here you’re in the arms of the Angels shall I move you find something come here here it’s 10 p.m. it’s 10 p.m. Ting Ting Oans great unnown Where Feet May Fail there I find you in the mystery oce my Fai will stand I will call on your name and keep my head above the waves when o rise how you embrace I am yours you are Mine me TR is with borders let me walk upon the where you will call me and take me deeper than my could have wonder my faith would be made Stronger now so I turn my mic down so it wasn’t coming over the top now how about now what have I got to sing my te’s g c I’m wondering why okay my te G I’m wondering why got out of bed at all morning rainclouds at my

Window and I see all but even I could it would all be great I got your picture on my and it reminds me that it’s not so bad it’s not so bad Thank you I want you to sing a song for Amy what song do you want me to sing for Amy it’s Amy’s favorite song she told me okay so am Amy listens to this um hi haah uh Amy listens to this song uh five times a day right okay because it’s it’s

Her favorite she always imagines it’s her when when when she’s singing okay and um do I know know the song oh yeah yeah you did yeah you know it really well okay um it’s um It’s The Little Mermaid song cuz yeah cuz am is’s a little mermaid Amy’s a Little Mermaid

Okay look at this stuff this is for you Amy isn’t it neat would you think my collection’s complete would you think I’m a girl a girl who has everything look at this Trove Treasures Untold how many wonders can one Kevin hold looking around here youd think sure she’s got everything I’ve

Got so I’m getting attacked by a dog I’ve Got you want thing mys I got 20 but who cares no big deal I want more I want to be where people are I want to see want to see them dancing walking around on those what do you call them oh feet flipping your fins you don’t get too far legs are required

For jumping strolling along down what’s that word again up where they walk up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun wondering free wish I could be part of the world what would I give if I could live out of the waters water what would I pay

To spend the day warm onand sand Bet that they don’t repr their daughters pregnant women sick of swimming ready to stand I’m ready to know what the people know ask them my questions and get some anwers what’s a fire and why does it what’s that word burn when’s it my turn when I love love to explore that sh

Up out of the sea wish I could be part Your think you need a round of applause for That who’s playing I am playing at the moment Phil has been playing and Bosley’s barking and then I was singing because I’ve been I’ve been told to I’ve so many song requests you’ve I’m like it’s like a concert a Minecraft concert this evening I’ve just been singing for you guys

Woo goess see all the round of applause yes thank you your singing is so relaxing thank you so much well I think we ought to call it a night at two hours I think it is time we start to wrap up streaming for almost two hours guys thank you for spending

Christmas Day evening with me everybody that’s so kind of you thank you for everybody that’s put likes in we’ve at 34 and a half ,000 likes 34 and a half and there’s only 10 million 34 and a half thousand likes there are only 30 people in the room so that is actually

Pretty good for 34,000 10 million and 34,000 you are so welcome random thank you for being here on your Christmas Day normal service will be resumed when Tess comes back I won’t be on the streams anymore you’ll be happy to know kicking him off Yep this was just a one night thing two

Nights two nights if you didn’t see last night it was quite funny Phil was doing a speedrun he was absolutely awful there was no speedrun about it it was just him mastering colleting nine pieces of wood I was what it is I was so quick finishing the game that they they’ve

Trying to do a cover up so doesn’t make them look bad oh is that what it is you were so quick and so good my two hours looks awful to your hour and a half collecting nine pieces of wood and killing the dragon yeah I saw that I saw that we can

All see that on YouTube I did a I did a speed run with only nine pieces of wood yeah yep yeah yep that’s exactly what happened Pro me wrong oh and a daisy don’t forget the daisy the daisy was very important see River will stand up for me River was there River knows

Did it yeah River NOS right river that giggle me yes that that definitely means that was definitely a river yes giggle not a river no Giggle I think so yeah River help me 36,000 Riv held the dragon down thank you I cuddled it you cuddled the dragon I cuddled the

Dragon yeah River was holding it around its neck like you know like like a booking Bronco and they jump on the back and grab all of them and pin them down so R got it pinned down and then I went over and I started to stroke it on the

Top of its head and I was calm down we’re just gonna talk we’re just gonna talk I’ve got tea and biscuits we’re gonna have some tea and biscuit and rer was there when it’s back and it was trying to throw him off that reminds me of when I’m mad with

You and and then and then cuz River held him down so well her her down so well I couldn’t tell cuz like all the the bits were underneath the dragon yeah the dragon’s got girly bits yeah but they were underneath I could only I was at

The front of the Dragon the dragon was staring me down like this and I was staring the dragon and it was scary I am a dragon I’m going I don’t care that you’re a dragon you should care I’m a dragon why should I care you a dragon cuz I bite

People I don’t care if you bite people at the end of the day and then River was going Phil Phil quick quick it’s going to throw me off okay River I’m getting there you’re not getting there I’m going to eat River no don’t eat River don’t eat River please

Please Phil don’t let the Dragon need me okay we I’m going to sort it let me just talk to the dragon dragon you need to calm down I’m not calming down why should I calm down I’m a dragon you’ve come here to attack me and I’ve got this

Thing on my back don’t call me a thing I’m river river the Conqueror I’ve got a wooden sword here and I’m going to jump you up if you car on Phil you better sort out your dragon or there’s going to be problems here Dragon I’m my own dragon don’t you don’t don’t you

Misidentify me come on guys calm down calm down guys guys I’m obviously a girl what what’s all this guys stuff I’m really sorry just calm down calm down I’ve got I’ve got some custom creams here BB I don’t like custard creams I like BBN I like the custard creams once

I finish with this Dragon I’ve been working up a bu thirst fire I need some York sh and some gusted creams that’ll be absolutely oh I got it’s trying to throw me off again get off my back you get off my back River you shouldn’t be

On my back get off my back I’m going to eat you and then I’m going to eat the coin with the beards and the glasses no you’re not we’re all going to be really calm we’re going to be really calm calm calm down Dragon calm down quick F quick

Quick Qui he’s trying to throw [ __ ] sorry didn’t mean to misso she trying to throw me Off is that the dragon eaten River dear river is dead what what sort of story is that to finish the stream on the dragon just ate River the dragon just ate River but River sacrifice yeah cuz River’s inside the dragon now Okay you’re inside the Dragon I’m going to attack him from the inside you’re going to attack the dragon from the inside if you can’t hear River attacking the dragon from the inside Po’s there’s something in my stomach it’s tickling me what’s going on just stay calm Dragon just stay calm it’s all going to be fine

Dragon the dragon’s eating River wa minute what this t god let’s just put a bit of this around River’s got TNT inside the dragon what’s he doing what do you mean TNT you be play TNT inside me yes I am i’ got see it oh much ph pH you got

A uh no I haven’t actually um uh I don’t smoke how am I still here that’s that’s a bit of a problem unfortunately hang on a minute a dragon you haven’t got a match land have you oh yeah just in my left arm pocket over there if you feeling there oh yeah you

Got yeah yeah okay if you pass that piece of wood over and I’ll just breathe on it and light it for you okay you’re okay okay here you go then do it oh that’s it it’s lit now hang on a minute uh could you just open your mouth really wide for me

Okay story time there you go River here you go oh not that’s not River’s voice that’s my voice there you go we grab this quick okay pH I’ve got it I’ve got it I can see inside now oh look what’s oh o is it is that you Vinnie are you sit in

The corner eating corn is this where you hide to eat the corn you corn R’s Gone rin’s Gone oh is that cuz she doesn’t like fil cuz I’m River you’re River I’m River this is what river sounds like in real life is it yeah yeah listen I’m trapped inside a

Dragon I’ve got some TNT FS past me this torch that’s lit and it’s burning me blinking fingers can I get on with this please feel C up with this woman she just never stops talking anyway right let’s uh just like this no don’t like it don’t like it I’ll speak

You out please don’t BL me up I’ll be a good dragon from now on I promise I do I promise you’ll be a goody goody Dragon I I do no nasty things no more okay oh okay open your mouth so River can climb out then okay I’m coming out

For that’s what it sounds like when someone climbs out of a dragon in case you weren’t sure sa and anyway you tasted like garli what a story right have you been eating Garlic yes I have and it’s serves you right everybody knows dragons don’t like Gar so so what did you

Say River it’s a bedtime story it is it’s a bedtime story that’s it it’s the best bedtime story ever but this is the story everyone’s left oh yeah there’s only 16 people left they all left cuz of cuz your terrible story telling oh I’m I’m sorry everybody those that are here must love

The story though those that stayed they they love your storytelling so you know you know we’ve everyone’s show feels some storytelling appreciation guys so it was amazing see the thing is that amazing you know we’ve got Minecraft with t yeah do you think we ought to have Story Time with Phil Story Time

With Phil a separate channel oh my gosh Story Time with Phil that would be perfect thank you I would love story time with you there’s a different mod each day be the go it was a piece of fart it was a piece of fart yeah where

Oh no sorry a piece of art oh a piece of art yeah okay I’m glad for those of you who enjoyed it as as you can see um um I might have a few mental health problems maybe one or two one or two

Yeah 100 or seven and uh but uh I I hope you all enjoyed that and uh you’ve enjoyed our stream tonight you joined just for the I’d like to say a particular thank you to River who was supporting me through this whole thing brilliant and Bri brone

Did it yesterday brone was my my Minecraft mommy yesterday and she looked after me didn’t cuz you L you out I always look after you I’m the best wife you just sat there laughing I am the best wife you’ve ever had yeah that’s only because I’ve only been married

Once so far so far yeah no one else loveia I get plenty of offers loads of offers from little old ladies right then guys um you won’t see me but um thank you very much for putting up with me for a little while yeah I hope you’ve had

Some hope you’ve had some fun and you can see um he te has driven me mental over that cuz I was perfectly same when I first met her yeah of course you were mhm perfect and at the moment she’s got a hand on the back of my head I do it’s stroking

Him um use like to drink on Christmas no neither of us drink we don’t drink alcohol this is without alcohol yeah Bosley says woof yeah woof woof woof woof woof wolf I’m stop him wolfing m M but I can make him cry that just say that you know dogs they um they respond

To the alpha and I’m the alpha so when I growl he knows he’s in trouble if I go AR when I cuddle you he’ll cry do you think my um my my doggy growls menacing I’ll just do it again for you no I didn’t do very well then did

All you sound like a zombie yeah that didn’t come out very sound very zomb doesn’t it Brains Brains Brains Brains okay bye guys bye love you all love you all see you soon Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for spending your Christmas with me and with Phil and with Tyler now and

Again on the stream and next stream I will be back without feel sadly

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Christmas SPECIAL x’, was uploaded by Minecraft With Tess on 2023-12-26 11:56:44. It has garnered 64 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:55 or 7675 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge)… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: Discord: Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More