INSANE Christmas Tree Build in Minecraft!

Video Information

N N A Welcome back everyone to my stream hello Merry Christmas been really in 10 days I’m just saying in 10 days you know how is Jad doing right now and and and how have you been cuz like I haven’t streamed for like 10 days so like how’s Chad doing right now hi s hello everyone

Oh who’s here huh zus is here Brian too and Z as well and Sage too and Z as well and Sage as well and Z as well and sage and zelus and sage and Nicola as well and Sage as well and Z as well and N too

And z and sage and zealous and funny as well welcome back to the stream how’s you been huh how’s you been why is it too welcome back why can you not Place objects on your what what if you’re asking way too much questions right now I’m just saying

Right now I’m here like 12 times exactly BB2 welcome back hello and Bryant as well and zus and gazetta as well yes uh hi S have a good Christmas yes yes chat how is your Christmas do you guys like do you guys still have work or something or like is

It like Christmas break now do you guys have Christmas breaks or something man there’s more Zeus clones again wful hello hello and mie M as well I like your hat yes I did not sto it from someone I swear I was like I I was like I found it okay it’s fine

Now hello Sinta how I’m s okay who is cinta right now and Phantom welcome back how’s you been huh how’s you been right now um mie moies your that means I have 8% girls in my chat now I bet I bet I’m just saying how are you I am doing great

What have I been doing I was editing a short yesterday but like I realized like why does this sound so bad and then like you know by the time I realized I’ve been watching YouTube for hours so like that did not go go well at all since I do we get presents what

Present do you want do you want meink do I have R now I bet I have R now I’m find Z and everyone in chat I’m eating white soup with meat can I have some right now can I have some s wait that’s actually that sounds good

I’m not gonna lie oh God wait wasn’t it seven no no it’s 8% cuz mie m is here now I bet I bet it’s 8% now cynical SC dinner bath or me what if you pick me instead you pick me you know can pick me as well let me just open my hold

On not addicted to Minecraft as far it’s just that like you know Minecraft is such a cozy what is it called Minecraft is such a cozy game I cannot stop playing it CH I’m not going to lie I just cannot stop playing it I’m not addicted or anything but like I bet you

If you play playing Minecraft you’ll feel the same as well I bet I bet I’m not lying here I’m just saying right now I’m just saying a me just hold on why am I being pink okay there’s nothing there okay I’ll take me tell I’ll take me then what does that

Mean oh I’ll take dinner what about Sin you take sin as well take sin too I I’m here as well I’m here to I’m just saying yo Max is alive I’m not snitching on chat but like chat before I started streaming keep spamming rip Max what’s up with that huh

What’s up with that Minecraft is one of the best game exactly I’m glad you know I’m glad you know a dictator always say they not yes but I’m not a dictator though I just want to point ads not really I don’t like playing Minecraft or you ban me

Now I just like playing Minecraft don’t add me right now now oh where’s the game much I forgot uh it’s like like this of course does not work of course that does not work at all I know that I know that for sure what about exactly Pro streamer asuda here yes yes the

Second coming because we hit something wait you hit something that’s so bad right now that sounds so bad um hope you okay yeah I hope you’re okay Mexi I was so worried that something might have actually happened to Maxi yeah what’s up with that chat huh oh my God I swear to God

Chat I’m fine El to know I never played Minecraft but I like people playing yes me as well and I like playing it as well welcome back to my crib right now can you hear the game hold on there so like we have a problem chat I have

Not gathered like materials for it you know so like let’s explore the map and like get some materials cuz I bet there’s like there’s like a big tree here right we can just eat that and then make a big tree and then decorate it I bet that’s easier I’m I’m just saying

Right now and and let’s check our like you know Justus in catch I’m going to check my C what why are you my God this do I swear to God bro bro wait dispat that I cannot I can’t go on now wait wait I’m also stuck uh hold on hold

On let me H I know what to doing it’s like making buttons I know what to do I I’ll make buttons right here and then do this and then like I’m going to do this as well this will work for sure work for sure it

Work wait I’m stuck on the catch I stuck on the Cy catch help oh God oh God it’s not my Kink I swear hold on hold on I’m safe chat I’m safe oh my God easy easy Santa stuck on this chy catch too come I’ll help you on

The I’m not okay look my casting cou is doing great right now I’m just saying right now okay so like if you want to explore let’s hold on this BM is too wholesome chat There I’m clearing my ventory so we can put more stuff on my inventory in the future Maybe okay let’s go let’s go explore that oh no that [Laughter] song it’s going to be my cover chat hold on hold on hold on it’s my cover okay this bgm to not s hold on hold on hold on my Cover I think for sure I think we need this type of wood right I’m not tripping right I got type of R check Gaza thank you for the Dono oh my God thank you thank you I can eat now thank you for the Dono right now yes

Right now this is heaven S cover P okay we got to the Tiger Biome then what is there what where is that huh it’s Southwest somehow North Southeast east Southeast we need like two Arts of random I don’t have random no okay oh my God you are tripping I never I would

Never in my ter why would I do that you know that’s kind of crazy not going to why TB though yes uh Christmas sent is kute there t of random s Nies isn’t just that just what the I’m not that crazy oh my God and also thank you for the Dono

Again where are we going chat Southeast so like Southeast is southeast is over here I bet Southeast is like right about here East no no sh is is Like where is Southeast right now I’m going south right South is like over there I I bet s is like right here over here U mexu burn s l what if I B you right now exactly you won’t to be able to do anything I bet oh

No I don’t have ARS jet oh help me let me out ow ow ow ow I’m just kidding it’s doesn’t actually hurt I’m too strong I’m just saying right now going to eat right now Mike is straight up joining team chat no no no you guys are team s if

You’re on my chat you’re already on team s all like he can’t he can’t back down chat you are de forever you cannot Escape I’m just saying send Benning mexer to eight time shake my I haven’t done it I haven’t done it what the just going to only eight huh

Who wants to be the sacrifice for the betterment of the society right now where does this lead to again chat I forgot already but I bet the way out is like right over don’t ask why I have so many tunnels in the nether okay maybe it’s great to not ask questions

Sometimes exactly exactly so like Southeast is like right about right right about right here here I I’m going to choose this tunnel over here I don’t know where it leads though um being a sacrifice means I don’t have to attend the meeting justce for Max sentence yeah

Yeah B me then yeah yeah do it car do it right now exactly exactly you can’t you can’t you can just like you know wish but like you cannot at all hey everything just not so I I I I freaking you know fell this is s right jingle B what is this B this is the wrong B chat why did you not tell me this is the wrong B right now oh my God shake my hand right right now shake my head you I look siling right now chat on you don’t understand buto I look so

Silly right now I’m wearing a c and like you know my normal outfit but wearing a camp because whenever I don’t my my my phone can’t see me the tracking is messed up cuz like my lights is like you know not good my light’s not good at all uh this is WR buty

Exactly I’m glad you know I’m glad you know I’m glad people are paying attention right now yes uh only no you always look silly s I’m I’m just saying I’m just saying that like you know I don’t look silly all the time okay shake my head hent I think the nether is the

Wrong I’m using the portals okay so I don’t have to walk like one 100 miles I’m just saying hasn’t said anything for a while maybe he did I didn’t do anything I swear you let me just go in here maybe it’s this is the right one Here I I need like a big tree Big Trees right oh oh oh oh oh oh is this right tree I mean this looks great but like I bet we can do like I I just don’t know what kind of bom that is sh like you know Big Trees what is this

Huh oh maybe we can go here as well is that the same tree I cannot tell you know what let’s try this one then let’s try this One we need four we need four of these right now four of these right now uh Edge hello welcome back to the stream how’s you been uh Hey said this is the right B wait is wait can I make this tree bigger you know like girthy you

Know can I make this tree girthy or like you know am I tripping right now is this the wrong tree or like you know we getting Christmas tree yes we are we are getting Christmas tree right now this is not legal looking because I’m just like

Touching the le le a little bit not really the trunk you know I’m just saying right now why is she not using shears no no no I’m not collecting I’m not collecting like leaves J I’m collecting this ones over here sapling that’s right I’m collecting sap

Giry yeah what’s the word then huh you tell me you tell me right now good juice yeah exactly exactly girthy is this the right tree though cuz like there’s a lot of trees in Minecraft but like is this the right tree all of those words sound

Sus why does it sound sus huh exactly exactly you are sus for thinking I’m sus because you think whatever I say is sus so that means you’re sus as well not as well but you’re sus instead why is this so hard oh want hold on let’s see let’s maybe we

Can cut down a tree and then like gives us stuff you know hold on hold on it’s not legal luing I have permit aswh I have permit so it does not count okay okay okay I have tree now uh I’m not denying it like you the mental gymnast

From I’m just saying if you think I’m sus then doesn’t that mean you’re sus as well because you understand what I’ve been saying you know doesn’t that mean you’re also SS like you know like me he’s like I bet that check s right there I’m so smart right now I’m so smart

Right now let me just adjust my head o do you be do you have a yes yes yes I have a license I lost the portal okay it’s just right there and also I found a very good look at this CH look look look look look look

Look hold on hold on let me just cick right here I need one more for the win there but like I found that like wait can you see it hold on hold on hold on the reason why I made a portal here because I found this dungeon over here chat do

You see that we have not we haven’t entered that kind of dungeon at all we have entered this kind of dungeon though but like not this one though I’m just saying uh who needs Elon what is this Britain exactly exactly hi s w did Welcome Back how’s you been huh it’s

Been 10 days I haven’t streamed for 10 days I hope you’ve been poging you know you know while I was gone I hope you’ve been like doing that I’m just saying I think I hear some arson not me you know what do we should we do it

Right now I’m not distracted you know or anything but I am so curious what that is chat also I don’t have AR so that’s bad you know should we explore that one over there should we like you know sniff it a little bit sniff it a little bit getting

Paid for putting up Christmas decoration so good wait wait that’s a thing wait sniff don’t you have Arrow isn’t B infin yes but I don’t have one error right now hello s how’s your day nice Christmas hat welcome back dang it I have been poging what about you also

My sleeping schedule flipped again it’s not getting Know basically I’m like basically Chad this is my sleep schedule right I don’t have sleep schedule but like basically this is me right now so like I would sleep like I I would sleep like you know noon time noon time and then like wake up and like you know night time and and

Then stay up until noon time again and then go back to sleep at noon time and then wake up at midnight and then like I’m just saying my mom thinks I’m crazy not going to lie TB though uh s finally got sleep yes yes be

Careful s or you’ll up like me it’s fine I have insomnia too and it’s doing great right now the sleeping schedule is actually helping me a lot you know sleep a lot I’m just saying okay hold on let me just I want to explore that right now

I want want to explore that so bad hold on hold on look at me parkering right here exactly exactly s for the win right Now oh my God so what the the yo insomnia Squad let’s go let’s go insomnia Squad hold on hold on hold on hold on oh my God why I’m actually doing this this is so weird oh I made it wait why am I so get that park car now this is not

A wait this is so out of character not going to like TBH though let me just kill the spider over here bro bro stop there uh but the Christmas tree going to be a big one yes it is yes it is but like let’s explore the area over there first though you know

Priorities chat priorities is loots loots is priority so priority will come first okay on why am I so good at this wait hold on let me just Eat Right Here loot I’m not a loot Goblin okay U MB you should build Parker thingy yeah B I’m so bad at Parker is

The thing though it’s not good and welcome back no how’s you been huh I’m I’m glad I’m seeing you again here welcome back how’s you been what the is that Chet what the heck wait what the wait You know what I don’t have have arrows right now this is a bad idea and I lost the nether portal as well is it this one is it this one what is this oh no oh No oh no oh no no no oh God I’m lost it’s this one right the pink one Jen lost Jen lost uh imagine send playing T she would steal everything and die I’m not dying okay and Joshua as well it’s been a while how’s you been

Huh I hope you’ve been pogging and and have you been you know ping in the wrong thing I hope you’ve been poging cuz like you know that would be great that would be great how’s you been huh I haven’t seen you here for a while now you know

I’m glad I see you here again yes yes I’m also very lost right now chat’s fault though chat did not tell me like oh yo s you should I found it never mind never mind okay we got what we need or I’m going to come back here later

Then not again I’m going to die from not food in the call of forest Christmas Mar can I call you Mar now Welcome to My Stream I’m sin the most innocent demon person in the world welcome and nice to meet you how’s you how are you right now

I hope you you’re pugging right now and also also thank you for coming and checking my stream yes yes yes uh yeah I’m pretty all I’m pretty always your but Sil oh you’re lur you’re lurking thank you for lurking uh T yes yes oh gosh you think s innocent yeah 100% my

Mom told me when I was younger she said what oh yo this this daughter is so innocent I bet she does innocent stuff in the r and she is absolutely right right sin is I’m not sus okay sin is 100% sus I’m not sus okay oh you don’t

Have proof so like does not exist if the proof is not there then it’s not real you know I’m just saying just like aliens chat um sorry about the abates I had family stuff and Thanksgiving and some oh I hope it’s like you know I hope you’re doing great now and

Also I hope you’ve been sleeping well as well cuz like you know family problems is like problems are like you know I don’t know about you but it’s keeping me awake at night well I hope you’ve been sleeping well and you know resting as well cuz like that’s important you know

Well arrested people can deal with problems more efficiently yes yes um you’re kind of naughty not going to lie yeah yeah what do you mean by that huh since when did I do that exactly nothing at all you don’t have proof at all why is there so many villagers outside now chat

Oh yeah the Villager disappeared I bet he went inside the partal he like it’s not here anymore look at maybe maybe he ascended you know and like you know disapp maybe it was a ghost all along oh my God oh my God right now not going to lie I I love your

Original design S I like it too I’m very cute right here I I like this outfit a lot welcome back ma been another Sex Dungeon oh it’s not a Sex Dungeon okay I’m I’m I’m making a tree thing Christmas stuff that word yes I am going to build it right over here

CH yeah let’s let’s go like this right wait I need bone meal as well hold on hold on I like Bon design I like the original design yeah this design is wayer I think in my opinion you know do you know do you guys think the same as well cuz if

You guys think the same that means we’re the same people and you’re SS as well I’m just saying okay let me Just well Original Scent is how I found scent a a I like new design too but s is cool no exactly I’m I’m glad you know I’m glad you know I’m cool you know I’m glad here everyone understands that cute and cool is not the same all wait that’s an ugly tree

Wait a minute Ah big Boa big cors you know what I have another idea look look look look Look and then I need I just need a sh right now look man let’s not talk about the pad upgrade she got it’s real okay I not look look very carefully like you know you look very very carefully at me right now do you see do you see it right

Now exactly I’m not flat all not flat since day one here s usun not flat since day one I just want to BU that I’m just going to make some she right here here 1 2 3 four 5 seven eight there got it staring carefully what am I seeing I

Believe exactly I’m glad you not run best and welcome back by the way how’s you been huh how’s you been huh uh shake my head big Boa is very exactly even though I have big booba you know I’m absolutely I’m actually very innocent you know just in case you don’t know it

Yet just like just like how you thought I’m flat that’s that’s exactly me you telling me that I am sus exactly which is not true I’m just saying I’m just gonna I cannot reach it I’m not short but like I cannot reach it you know well Mech I believe this is called

A cut shut up don’t have a cutting bar okay it’s precisely exactly there’s no point s only box yeah since when hold on hold on hold on we just going to here whole zombie Jam since when did I got Bon do you remember me getting Bon at all mhm think carefully Chad you

Remember me getting Bonk at all yeah many yeah which one huh which one what what did I do huh s wants receipts for her Bon huh exactly cuz I have not been bon in the world maybe one time but like not really you know did you get B by Mia

Mia that did not count that did not count that did not count you know I’m just saying maybe one time but not really maybe just one time but I did not really you got got so like does not count at all does not count so that’s Dre right there no no

No since so show exactly ex CU I’m never B no one ever bed me in the world yes yes right now I found you when you were playing lethal company so oh welcome Jo my stream oh my God oh my God right now I’m sorry I was so sleepy in that stream you

Know it’s supposed to be my my sleeping time when you know that collab happen so like I did not understand anything mean all I was just right there you know existing I was so sleepy I cannot um eating ASMR wait you guys like eating ASMR I’m not judging you or anything but

Like you guys like eating as ASMR what you snacking on I’m eating chocolates right now hey brother gave it to me just saying um just like free food is the great food in the world yes Penguin welcome back to the stream how’s you been how’s you been huh I hope you’ve been poing how’s your days I hope

It’s great you know days great days great days great um she made a song about showers sin was tripping for reals this time do you me what about the ultimate SCE song during the yeah but like I didn’t actually got B I don’t think snap even noticed I Sayang [Laughter]

That don’t tell him do oh you got to be kidding me what did Z say huh step um oh wow there are really new people here did the girl percentage oh I have a question Jack who here is a girl right now it’s very important it means a lot to me right

Now staff might be SS too have we ever cons that’s what I’m talking about Sin is w I am glad you know I’m glad you know I’m glad you’re not right now bro is so nice exactly oh it was about showers I couldn’t make out exact exactly because

It doesn’t it’s not so can’t believe this she did get B Yes remember that time I I dox myself as well I don’t think I don’t think staff like no this at all so it’s fine it’s fine St um s you are just too darn adorable I am you know what your adorable as well M you I’m just saying no stitching I am

Not maybe manager is so what the since s is a girl I’m I win yes not me do a Paul fine I’m I’m going to PA right now I bet it like the other day I told my chat like oh chat I have like 4% girls in my chat so like

Technically I have 4% RIS as well but like they don’t believe it you know and and like sometimes you know when I asked if there’s girls in chat they would say oh I’m here s and and then I I would say like oh yo the percentage come is going

Up well like just still not believe me at all so sad are you a girl there demography time demography let me just s is B genders what if I am like G huh but if I’m like that you know do not have gender at all remember that time

She docks herself with that monitor picture she I didn’t I there was nothing there on the I swear to God I I I did not dox myself all I I saw it and you know there was nothing there you can’t trick me I am too smart I’m just saying right now

I’m just saying right now I’m just going to never mind I I fell okay okay okay okay okay see my tree is going well right now what about your tree huh I bet your tree is not as bers as me look at this 5% only four no no it’s 8% now the

Girls in my chat is about 8% now so one point4 mecm no no no no no maybe maybe they just haven’t entered the poll yet maybe we need to you know wait a little bit more I I bet we just need to wait a little bit more and it’s going to you

Know become 8% soon like like soon like in a bit in the bed exact I’m going to end Ball EXA that P is not accurate at all it’s 8% okay it’s 8% that b is not accurate I’m just saying no no no no no to no no no no no that b is very inaccurate so it’s do not count on not count all uh Karen welcome back how’s you been

How’s you been huh it’s inaccurate okay it was 8% but like YouTube decides to like you know oh yeah it’s not the time s we cannot reveal that it’s 8% so we’re going to give you 7% instead which is not good not good at all for myself but

We all know it’s 8% now I bet I bet right now I’m just saying like one two one I tell Welcome to My Stream I’m s the most innocent demon person in the world welcome and nice to me you as well we are making a Christmas tree right now

It’s not doing great not doing great at all you know look at my tree over there it looks so ugly not going to lie TBH though imagine saying no you know what s has H in her bedroom she exactly I’m glad you know I’m glad you remember as well

Um Santa is that you for real yes then has nice Enchanted hoe exactly why does Chad always want me Chad that is mean we shouldn’t be mean it’s Christmas time you know we should love each other instead not parasocial what is it called you know not par I’m just going

To no no no I need more tree I don’t have tree anymore OMG Leonardo welcome back welcome to my stream I’m s the most innocent demon person in the world welcome and nice to meet you how’s youa I hope you are ping right now yes just like yourself cuz you’re a pogers you

Know um s may not have made this necessary but she always arounds many girls exactly I’m glad you’re pointed out are you jealous of me now I bet everyone jealous of me now um the r mexit is so we won forget a what do you

Mean we want best for you shake my head are you counting gentu and pry yes they can 100% but they have to intera with send they have no choice just going to they like me to I bet they like me to they just haven’t like you know they

Just haven’t like admitted it yet but like I bet I bet they’re part of my% as well so like technically if we add everyone from Project C that means I had 10% girls I’m just saying I’m just saying right now chck doesn’t sound believable at all

Right yes yes not jealous I get girls to talk to me too yeah me too me too God the na is so beautiful wait what is oh the tree thank you thank you Leonardo I’m glad you like it I this is not doing great we need more trees right

Now but I don’t have trees I don’t want to go back to the thing you know it’s too far but like we kind of need to go there as well so maybe we have more trees over here I just don’t realize it yet oh I don’t have a tree anymore oh

I bet I have more here here you know what let’s just get her got to remember that you know what I am reading that dungeon too hold on hold on S looks in the mirror and talks to herself a girl so That yeah yeah it’s fine then it’s you know what I can talk to myself too I don’t need chat at all I don’t need chat at all why would I need chat that would be crazy insane I’m just saying right now I’m just going

To here I’m going to go I’m going to go you know what we need more of these as well just in case just in case one one two three four there I work well that cast because that’s how I have intelligent conversations me too I I have intelligent conversations with myself

All the time I’m just saying right now let go cheat I give you a hard time but that’s because I really like you said hold on let me just there gonna oh is she going to B no no I’m I’m too in a sent to ban people so I would never

I’m just saying right now oh torches to annoy me [Laughter] with not oh my God you I would never do that oh never in my entire life never oh oh say you mean see yes Dad that word that word that s sad that’s how you spell sad chat I don’t like

See you know that she’s looking forn as I’m not a masochist okay I just want to point out Sten exactly Sten right now okay let’s go back to the thing this BM is bothering me so much I’m going to there there I’m kidding it doesn’t actually hurt there just going there it’s dead

Now it’s dead uh yeah she never been people she just Delate I would never ban people all if M or Max would ban people it’s not my fault it’s just them you know Bing people not s s would never never ever B anyone in the world I’m just saying look at that P Person is this why you keep bullying me is this what everything I understand everything now this is all making sense now you know what this is all making sense now you know I was wondering why my child is like this but like now that I think

About it you know what yes I understand now I understand I understand now I believe it LO what if you don’t believe me all if you don’t believe me instead yes uh uh hold on let me just H way point open Waypoint create Waypoint portal another partel part

There see I I spelled that right as well okay let’s go check let’s go kill dungeon Time we are in that say this yeah yeah that would you know you know I say this people say this people would say that all the time I bet I bet but you so fun to oh what did I I just send the most innocent demon person

Here I am not fun to bully with I am very normal and shouldn’t bully me at all not bully me at all not all not bully me at all I’m just saying right now I’m just saying just GNA oh I’m lost never mind it’s right there uh and did

What demon person yes inocent no what do you mean when did I not become why when did I am not you know when am I not like not innocent exactly never cuz I’m always innocent in the world hold on let me just kill this people right

Here if I go home right now does that mean I’m going to get raided you know why is there why are they so op chat hold on wait wait wait hold on let me just not die right here not die all here one more one

More oh my God I’m so strong not really well PP member stream It’s s div Max what de deff P did I hear it’s time to bully s funny because I think thank you for the Don Ken I really appreciate you guys like for real though

For real for real but what if you spend your money for yourself instead yes I bet that would be great you know cuz like it’s Christmas a little bit here I just want to point that it’s Christmas in the world thing I’m just going to and

Also thank you for the Dono like for real holy I’m going to die hold calm down I’m so calm right now I’m so he fine I’m fine now my first s stream was eating what the I spent all my money already oh my

God you know what did you spent it on food that that you know that is great then and also if I haven’t told you guys yet thank you actually for all the you know thank you for always supporting me cat I am legit like you know it’s legit I am legit doing this

Full times so it helps a lot not going to lie oh hold on hold on did I hear it’s time to bully sin with money because I think that is what I heard holy this dungeon is so not good and also also I forgot what to say but like also that

Right okay hold on chat let me just like parkour over here and then kill everything then it did not work at all it did not work at all hold on I always support you you are my cute little demon after all thank you Jad thank you everything for everything

For all not going to lie though thank you for legit for real I I don’t sound convincing right now but I’m Legit like you know very thankful you don’t understand um oh Cindy she’s so cute that Ty my typing brain stops working me you’re right you deserve it s h uh I always

Support you s wait I read already yes you’re funny demon H you think I’m funny wait I never think I’m funny at all like I don’t think I do stuff to be funny at all I do stuff because I think it’s cool you know I I hope you know

That uh sure she’s very sus and speak everything without thinking at times I think all the time okay I I was like oh yo thinking time that’s me I always think all the time no no you know what you’re saying right now everything you do is hilarious yeah what no no

Everything I do is very cool I just want to point out cool and Delirious not the same oh not same oh maybe CH us they’re just projecting you are so right right now I bet that’s the thing right there oh no oh no I’m going to die I’m

Going to die I’m going to die for sure hold on me just going to this is so bad idea this is such a bad idea that I think we are going to die but whatever oh they get Agra if I hit one of them what is this is this the

Mirror is that the mirror right there holy what the wait oh hold on chat what the heck where is that coming from never mind it’s not does not hurt all uh yes say has a point my chat ham is projecting ham what I’m out of here chat I am going I’m

Done with that I I cannot defeat that by myself oh maybe we need other people you know so like I can just watch in the side line and then watch them die and then Loot and then I can just Loot and not die I’m just saying holy finders why is there so

Many where’s my Portal just going to oh bro stop stop bro there stop okay I’m out of food as well uh sin is really entertaining streamer you know what you’re entertaining chat as well I’m just saying chant es scoping sometimes I just want stop working just so I can watch you stream

Obviously I can’t all the time but I feel like oh what the heck you be you know what you can just like you know you can just watch me whenever you’re free cuz like I feel bad if I you know am a bad influence right now I’m just saying

Now who wants to bet if she dies on this no I’m not dying look like see I am so Minecraft smart right here Minecraft smart right here this is not legal Ling if I’m only touching the leaves okay also I’m dying a little bit chat I don’t have food

Anymore do I have food right here right here ohow stop Z always entertaining oh but really s since community is the best benter in all I don’t benter in my community you’re crazy right now I don’t benter in the world no why would I die been insane

I’m just saying right now and also I need food right now I I kind of need that’s SC hold on let me just get up there food not enough for all chat that’s why I love my possibility of my job I can just watch as many YouTubers as long as

I can fit work in between I want that job as well I bet $5 on S not dying exactly I’m not going to die at all uh no no I know sometimes I can always watch but it’s it’s fine it’s actually fun I’m I’m still here you know

I’m going to be here you know every time so like if you’re free just you know come hang out it’s if you’re not it’s fine as well I’m just saying we can just hang out when you’re free you know uh I’ll just keep s on my second monitor while working well am I

On speakers right now asking for chat you sure about that send I you actually never actually play Minecraft I’m just saying uh die never die uh but she s Opie here exactly did she eat all the golden carrots already I forgot to bring stuff chat this is so not good not good at

All you know what I can just like you know yellow it I bet I won’t die I look FR but I’m actually very strong I’m just saying why were physically so couldn’t be me I see you think I would die be not to have you yeah but what if you you know what

If you decided like oh yo I am sick of using headphones right now I am going to use speakers instead you know I I do that a lot too I’m just saying you know not that I’m going to about to do something bad but I’m just saying hold

Hold on let me just make more of these Nots in the mou okay okay okay okay okay can I eat mushrooms chat you know what I’m going to try I’m going to try eating mushrooms right now I bet it’s delicious right here hold on weird Mushroom in the forest eating

Time no I cannot eat at all this is so sad so sad right here why did Sin dig a new basement when I thought we were going yes I am collecting leaves for our the the the Christmas tree you know cuz like the Christmas Stree did not go well all not

Go well all so I’m collecting weaves right now mhm collecting wees right now do you know what mushrooms look like though CH you know do you guys know what mushrooms looks like you know mhm anyone here know what a mushroom looks like you know demon Christmas must

Be done underground well no no no no no no we are going to do it in front of this extension not going to lie TB though uh go here as well go here too which type of mushroom you want yeah they look like mushroom yes yes I know

I what does that mean I know I I want Chad is not flag streamer here I just want up on that oh food free food what free food let me just eat the free food right here they’re free food CH always reflects the streamer no no you want

Mushroom I know how much you want jat jat is perfect mirror of a streamer yeah does that mean you’re sus as well cuz like you guys keep calling me sus so that means you are also like me you know who thinks mushroom looks like you know mushrooms look

Like you know you know do Trip s exactly age the freak man she T I think mushroom looks like a house what about you huh what about chat right now it looks like a house you know a house that you live in like you know eat

And sleep as well and maybe like go inside as well and maybe like you know I’m just saying right now you know going inside the house and like no just say nice save s look what what D mean what the I have no idea what that means or

Is it exactly s lives in a mushroom oh never mind if a mushroom looks like a house do you then you may be a Smurf I’m just saying I’m dumb no no I’m not or like it looks like a Hut you know there there looks like a Hut

Instead and you know what you doing the Hut though exactly you go inside exactly and you do stuff as well inside the hut there that should be enough right okay let’s go check let’s go home right now very smooth good job set do you also wonder I know guys with arms

Dealer her friends what so bad about shroom dealer wait isn’t that illegal chat wait H um did you know that the shark was fighting a very SAR monster yeah she called me she told me that it looks like me which is not true cuz like I would

Never be such a normal I’m just saying right now I’m just Shing right now dad welcome back to the stream how’s you been I hope you’ve been doing fing the wrong thing yes have you been doing great no or like or like no or like or like no or like you

Know SW your food first before talking long fine fine fine fine shagy welcome back TR as well how’s you been how’s you guys been I hope you guys have guys have been ping yes you know and welcome back as well I’m saying you know that already but like you know I’m just

Saying what are you eating I am eating chocolates my brother gave me you like free food is the best food in the world I bet I bet I don’t actually have a shrimp dealer no again I know again now let’s hear her talk and eat at

The same time yes guys sounds like SI no no no no watch see how strong I am right now look at that J they don’t even hurt me I’m just saying exactly exactly if if I could give sent free food I’d give her more Cheeto give me

That right now I need free food in my life right now I like you know I need it right now yes free food good food in the world yes very much well I can’t imagine Hammer welome back how’s you been I hope you’ve been poing and we’re making a Christmas

Tree in Minecraft right now MH look at my tree over there it does not look good yet but it will soon I bet I bet it will soon right here I think I think we need bamboo shoots in the WR thing I do have hold on hold on I

Think I have some maybe a little bit but we need food still though first we need Foods first Here wait you want my Gummy Bears yes s wants yes I want every food in the world right now hold on oh God give me your food right now give it to me right now steak sounds nice what did I go here for I need scaffolding where’s my scaffolding chck you guys know where my scaffolding is I bet it’s right over here I bet here let’s go Check uh I’m interested how the trees goes yes me too as well me as well I bet it’s going to look great because like I made it you know the best tree maker in the world let’s go hold on check maybe we do this do this as well do this

Too as well do this too here too here as well see this one as well and like this one as well I messed up oh there I fixed it I fixed it uh sounds difficult to change my shape yes wait what shape are you talking about my food is spicy do you

Still want it you know it’s as long as it’s free I want it free food is the best food in the world I just want to point out uh I don’t really like feel like sharing but why if you Shar with me instead you know I bet sharing with me instead is

Great just saying right now I’m just saying right now I’m just saying right now sh very say demon in the world n welcome to the stream how’s you been huh how’s you been right now should be doing some treaty M treats s can check Discord for yes yes

Yes can I have can I have it right now you know you get can I like a little bit can I have it a little a you bought me food thanks thank you for the member thing welcome back Trev should we do another member thing stream I could do another member stream

I found a again game nothing’s us all I found a game it’s not sus I just want to play that oh and welcome back to the member thing by the way thank you for the member thing five star food is pretty good but earns six star if it’s

Free exactly exactly you can have my chips instead mhm can I have it right now ju you see NCR what NC is here you know NCR do you not see NCR at all I’m not crazy as NCR is a person right on chat you

Know I wonder if God is going to live a tree free Co chest under the tree this year I wonder if God will give me another tree under the tree Christmas thing yes okay let’s go check so like my plan is I don’t have a plan but hold On I have a plan I have a plan chck okay okay let’s add more here this is going to be great I swear I swear this is going to be the greatest tree in the world I feel like I feel like I feel that this tree will become

The most beautiful thing in this Minecraft world that everyone will vote for me I just want to point that I’m just going to come on I’m just going to oh s since stream or S except for one member stream I’m never say okay with that I am

Never so swear did you got that from I you know you know oh my God I’m so scared them like you know what if one day my mom would like you know find my channel and then she would like wait a minute that sounds like someone I know and then she would check

My stream and then see what I’ve been doing oh my God oh my God that’s terrifying 100% I’m just saying not going to lie it looks like a [Laughter] Drone it’s a Christmas tree okay what the had like couple incredible wholesome streams exactly I’m glad you know don’t say so demon exactly I’m glad you know she would think you’re very sus no no no no she got and then you find out say mom [Laughter]

Was what if my mom is actually MX all this time you just don’t realize it yet but like you know no if my mom I stream like this you know do you guys do that thing where you like pretend to be like you know the most wholesome people in the

World in front of your parents but like whenever you’re with your friends not really whome at all not whome at all not me though I never do that all not all just kid don’t like soone I this is my plan right one two three one two three not a tree at

All one two three one one two three one two three one two three one one two one two three one two 3 one two three one three two uh now M since Mom is made this for real yep for example s asra the project F yes

Yes it’s opposite I’m un say so with when I’m with my mom and super wholesome with my friends my mom thinks I am very wholesome you know and she Al so thinks I’m gay as well but like she thinks I would never do something very you know UNH wholesome

All and also she also thinks I’m gay uh pretend I am totally wholesome right Mom what do you me no What my mom worries that I’m going to go okay I think my mom thinks actually y my mom thinks I’m actually a gay person but I don’t actually I I I’m not chat I I I’m just not you know you can just like you know

See look at my tree right here right now exactly it’s going well it’s going well like for overall okay let’s go are you gay no no I actually am not I just like you know I just act like a dude because I grew up with my brother

So I don’t actually act like a dude I feel like I think my humor is just like very dude you know my is like you know oh just going U my parents have never been say so so what the heck just show your mom that you have no maidens and she’ll

Understand I have maidens for sure 100% I bet I bet since not gay s it’s just sus I’m not sus okay I’m just saying right now why are you gay CU like my humor is like that of a dude I feel like you know have you ever

You know no it’s probably normal in the internet but but you want to see a girl you know it’s unusual to see a girl like you know making fun of what the shape of a mushroom is looks like or something oh God can you say

Yumy yumy I’m not gay at all wait but you’re my favorite tomb yeah I’m a Tom you guys know that song I like that Song NE Welcome to My Stream I’m s the most innocent demon person in the world welcome and nice to meet you how’s you huh I hope you’re pugging right now I hope you know cuz like pugging is good to hold on let me just see let me see can this look so

Bad yeah but it’s going well my tree is going well right now hold let me just there what’s up with the shape of mushroom sand nothing it looks like a house house oh no no it looks like a house I’m just saying right now oh God I just realized what s was

Referring to what do you mean I I said that because I think mushrooms look like a house it’s liveable you know we can go inside you can chill inside as well and do other things as well inside too I’m just saying right now oh you guys are as well

I yeah me to inoc what you bringing something s oh my God stop spamming stop spamming I’m going to ban you hold on oh I’m just saying guys if it actually looks like the mushroom you should probably see a doctor yeah but like you know if you think about it like very carefully

Right don’t it like a little bit a little just a little bit though look like you know I’m just saying I’m just saying I got you wait what are you doing huh hold on only see far I can time out people for different who wants to get banned for one day who

Wants to be the sacrif right now not sin though sin very innocent don’t ban s um max you gain more power yeah and I also gain more power too I’m just going to my tree is doing great it looks great you know if you say otherwise you are

Tripping right now cuz why my trees the best tree in the world I feel I feel like I feel like this tree will be awarded is the best tree in the world right now I feel like you know Fu I’m sorry Chad I’m sorry I

Scream I tell I’m going to die you know but not really I’m not actually going to die cuz I’m too strong here I just want to play that but but hold hold on hold it was like right about right here here what wait what what there okay my tree is

Right does my tree look good now yes I’m glad you think so Chad I’m glad you think so I’m just gonna add more let’s make it more girthy because like you know texture is great too texture put this one as Well is she gonna I’m not going to die sabir welcome back to the stream how’s you been is it already 25 no not yet not yet but what we are preparing for it right about right now right now sorry Chad so like this Hold on okay wait a wait one two three four so like this one is one two three four five this is four so we need one more over here gy texture stay safe wait mod Abuse stay safe Maxi stay safe and don’t forget to drink water as well water is important in the role play yes um all right what what was s doing I was focus on the convert I am building a tree that is very girthy and tall as well Gir wory and you know so

Oh do you think it looks like something you know is it just me or does it look like some something else H oh yes so how it’s the Christmas Tre sa just make it exactly exactly I’m I’m I’m glad you know s can make anything what do you

Mean didn’t say anything why did she have to say it like that looks like A I didn’t even say it oh my God my CH is so Su I didn’t even say anything I I I was just like oh yeah CH don’t it look like something else and then J over here pointing out that it looks like a butt block I didn’t even say that all you

Guys are insane I’m just want to play that so do you have blocks for ornaments prepared scent I think I have some I think I think elim Chad thinks it’s not a but BL okay just want not buying ads you are wrong you’re wrong you’re absolutely wrong right

Now if you also think it looks like a butt block you are s f not going to lie t b St doesn’t look like a butt plug Okay oh just kid hold hold on let me fix it let me fix it so I won’t like you know look like that all anymore hold on let me just it does no Z no one can say that somebody has to say It doesn’t look like it doesn’t look like a my BL okay you guys this is exactly why I don’t trust my Channel all I just want to BU out oh how do you how would exactly how would you know it looks like one if you you know have

If you don’t know what it is exactly your AF I just want to play oh what does it look like sin it looks like an actual Christmas tree for me so I don’t know about you guys but like you know for me it looks like an actual Christmas tree like for

Real I’m just going to fine I’ll fix it then I know to fix it I swear I bet if I just put more girth to it you know like this I bet it would not look like a bot plug anymore I think I think you know this is

Just my theory but but I think if we do this it’s not going to look like a butt blog anymore check you know then how yeah that’s what we not exactly we don’t ask questions here I’m glad you know chat but like okay and then like I bet this will fix everything right

Here I bet sorry CH I scream again oh it’s like this this this and then like here this is Christmas tree in the wrong thing this is doing great as well you know this is doing great I swear should a little bit more a little bit

More not look like a I swear hold on hold on I’m just GNA there and then and then let’s see now H it looks like a Christmas tree now hold on uh there does it look like a but plog now think carefully chat before you answer the question you know think very

Carefully before you start accusing me again I’m just saying a it’s going to per peppermint pey to yes don’t worry about it no we whenn you scream today yes as coconut trees we have connivers and yeah you need to fill the bottom Parts yeah but like what if I make that you

Know fine I’ll do it then fine oh I’m starting to think that you’re doing what dam it it does not look like wait does it look like a b BL now I I cannot tell CH I cannot tell all for me for me it does not look like a B Block

Anymore but like I feel like we have different opinions here I’m just saying I’m just saying right now I don’t I’m I’m running out of leaves though I’m just saying hold on maybe if we add more girth you know I bet this will fix the problem right here

Add think Earth in the WR thing add think Earth yeah what is it called tall and girthy is great do you think so as well do you think that big and and big and tall is great or like size does not matter at all what about that CH H sorry chat just G

Okay okay okay there it’s fine now uh Don’t Fear the girth s yeah but like what if the girth is too big you know then like what would you do huh exactly exactly exactly it would just be pain when it fall down the tree when the tree fall down it’s very girthy

It would just be painful you know I just want to point out what with sent the word you’re looking for with what about girth girth is like girth is with is all right I’m not tripping Right that’s what she said I am absolutely innocent you don’t understand how innocent I am in the wrw I feel like the people misunderstand me a lot but like I feel like I’m actually very innocent you know you know people just misunderstand me all the time I feel like that’s actually what’s

Happening like right now as well I feel like I’m being misunderstood so like people thinks I’m sus but like no no sense not sus all or something like that is it girl thickness exactly exactly size matter it takes a long time to turn butter with a toothpick I see wait it does

Wait wait my bad you should add some sus RGB a girth can imply two Dimensions most other words don’t wait two Dimensions s i watch Shai sud is innocent hello D welcome back to the stream how’s you been I hope you’ve been poging and welcome back as

Well welcome back welcome back right now and also why are you accusing me of watching H I bet you do that as well I bet you guys watch hentai too you know not just me you know I’m just saying saying right now see I’m not even trying

To hide it because like innocent people don’t hide the truth I’m just saying right now just like me just like me wait ignored wait what did you say hold on let me see let me see what did you say huh I do not I watch s yeah but I’m not

HTI though I’m just saying so it does not count you do not count all not count all here why does my tree look so bad why does it look so bad CH maybe maybe this is J’s fault a little bit right here I feel like this

Is not my fault at all you know hold on let me just let me it looks so bad it looks so bad right now not going to lie to be hold I don’t yeah I watch Senai s try to get my text I didn’t okay what the when we

Rated Kiki that one time it reminded me of how relatively innocent s actually yes exactly I’m glad you know I’m glad you know 100% I’m absolutely 100% very not s cuz I’m saying the most innocent person you know I feel like people people always like what is it forget I’m

Actually Innocent but like you know I’m just trying to remind everyone here just in case you forgotten already you know uh to be fair if you compare most people to everyone is innocent oh yes we are the ones who buildt it exactly true have you reported her saying

Reported saying to trying to get my text hell no I don’t yeah what’s your text then because like if I did you know if I did like ask you for your text I would know but I don’t know so like you should tell me right now I’m not interested though but I’m

Just saying you know I’m just saying oh what do we do does it still look like a b BL J so mad hold on let me just get yep what do you want to know my Texs no I never said I want anyone’s tag here but like you

Know I bet the best tag in the world is gender bender not my preference though but I’m just saying you know I bet that that tag is great I bet just so do this too and then why taking the th part the okay okay okay okay let sure our tag and

Secret not in my tag let’s guess again we all know that sent is into what s is into exactly I am into whome stuff like you know the thing P some things in the world thing okay I feel like this is actually getting going great

Now hold on I’m sorry I I scream a little bit oh can I build an onset instead I feel like onset is much easier than this one say there now does it look like a Christmas Tre not plug anymore look so bad what is this happening to me I made my

Mistakes God nowh to run right now I’m just okay oh oh okay chck I think I think text your yeah but I don’t really watch all the text you know I’m just saying so I’m not very know knowledgeable I’m just saying you know I’m just saying that

Like I’m not very knowledgeable in that you know the thing chat cuz like I don’t watch all the Texs cuz like some Stacks are just messed up as I cannot handle it all you know I’m just saying this music is perfect for since level shut up my level of crafting is great

Okay okay I’m back what did I miss nothing so so we were talking about the girth of the tree should be thicker so it would look like a tree Christmas tree that’s what we’ve been doing like we’re doing it right now as well you know a there what about

Now s made a b it’s not a B Block okay a look BL block it looks like a Christmas tree now right Tree the tree looks really gry what she talking about say what the Dre I’m talking about the tree then maybe we could do dear list for something s knows more about like yes yes oh sin what what do you mean I’m making a it does not look you know what

I have an idea you know this is what I always do in my life you should if you want to try it as well you’re welcome to try it but like you know so like if I don’t if I know I’m not going to do well on something right

If I know like for sure though I’m not going to do something great I’m not going to be great at this all I would just draw and then it will become like you know it will work out in the end so so I my tree is not doing well so

Technically let’s just embrace the but Bo instead I bet that’s you know better than like trying and not working at all I just want to plan that embrace the but instead just you know what you know what embracing butt blocks not good but like you know if it’s a tree butt Block it’s

Fine then it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine CH it’s fine it’s F it’s fine it’s fine I’m going to you know when you you know you don’t you can’t do something decent then you just have fun with it that’s we of every single time I’m just saying Christmas tree yeah M welcome

Back how’s you been and welcome back to the stream as well I hope you’ve been pugging and and I hope you’ve been doing great as well oh no I don’t want to build SE tree I am normal me too I’m absolutely 100% normal but I cannot make this all I am too

Creative one two one two three three there there Che okay okay okay I think we’ve done it hold on let me just look at it right now but plug tree now s unplugging the plug why does it look so bad oh god oh this is not going great oh oh God it’s

Not going great Here ah hold on chat it’s too girthy I feel like I feel like it’s way too girthy you know hold on let me just this is exactly what i’ I’ve just been grinding and not building you know cuz I feel like I’m so bad at building hold on hold on okay Okay let’s go check sure s and then she claims she hasn’t I actually have not got B except that one time I said I posted a screenshot that I shouldn’t post and then they they I I was kind of bunk but that’s only one time you know

And it’s not because I’m sus as well it was just that like you know I shouldn’t like I leak a little bit but now it’s not not leak anymore CU like you know I’m just saying right now mhm kind of looks like those popsicles so it’s not it’s a Christmas tree okay

What the heck hold hold on it’s a Christmas tree okay you’re mistaken here you’re mistaken remember s s was leaking yes information I was leaking information okay okay this one is too girthy as well let me just going to I can’t believe that sin would be immune to bonking when St carrying PF

What when she was yes just going to this looks so bad oh God oh God I to you lick a little bit yes just a little bit though not really leaking like a lot though not a lot though maybe we can distract people from but plug

Look oh my God you’re so smart right now D oh my God D is making the society you know better right now good job good job right now you know what just be because you give gave me a great idea I’m not going to ban you I’m not going to ban

You ever I’m just saying cuz like the idea is great you know just saying right now on so bad oh God oh God God what it’s so bad hold on CH let me just gonna design it for a bit not really this is not doing good but design it for a bit right

Here uh there now it does it look like RP Max sin never bends us exactly anything I ain’t giving proof okay it looks great now I feel like that’s better you know and then we’re going to build a little Christmas tree around it just because the the

Actual Christmas tree does not look like a Christmas tree oh so we are going to build this here like right over here like right here MH mm you know what I blame I blame it I blame the world you know because the world not doing great now my Christmas tree does

Not look like a Christmas tree at all I bet the world is the you know I bet Society was the problem in the first place I’m just saying right now just hold on chat I’m just gonna and then like do this do this H hold on to like not great right

Now and then do this does that look like a Christmas kumy welcome back to the stream we’re making a Christmas tree not really right now it’s it looks great it looks great I swear it’s just that just a little bit not good you know but like I feel like

It’s great you know you know you can’t really add me it’s great right now I blame this once I blame exactly I blame society too so we this butt blog treat it does not look like a butt blog okay look look look look look hold on I

Have proof right here does it look like a butt plug right now does that look like a butt block to you right now why are you saying yes it’s not a but blug okay it’s a Christmas tree okay you guys are sus not me I would never be sus hold well let me

Just maybe I’ll fix it a little bit so like it won’t look like one anymore you know hold on let me just oh God it’s not going great in the wrong hold I’m just going to okay so like so like maybe maybe if we add more gri over here like like this

Maybe it does not look like one anymore you know look look look look I bet this will fix the problem right here hold on I bet it’s fixed now the problem is fixed now I bet maybe we should like design it like this and then like this and then like and then

Like and and then like this is well mhm I bet this will fix the problem right here there let’s go see it right now I’m back Chad hi said hello welcome back max does that look like a butt block to you right now hold on let me fix it one more time I

Feel like I feel like I know how to fix it CH I know how to fix it like right here I I feel like this this will fix it like right here I feel like this is going to this is going to fix it for sure like you know layer one more layer

Over here this will fix it for sure she going I I just need I I just need like okay let’s see let’s see can check make sticker it’s fly yeah there no no no it’s great it’s great doing great right Now it’s it’s better okay thank you thank you right now oh my God I’m glad you know that it’s better now I feel like you know my Artistry is artisting right now like right about now I mean it’s better yes yes okay okay let’s go then now I’m happy with

Myra hinder all thing yes hold On hold on see I’m I’m making little bit Christmas tree over here as well look look see she see see there it look so bad it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I can fix it like if we make another one over here one two and then like you know hold on I’m just

GNA one two one two one two one two and then one one two and then one two you know what maybe it’s funnier like this what do you mean it’s a Christmas tree it’s not supposed to be funny okay my Christmas tree okay hold on let me just get

To I don’t have food again hold on I’m just G there there Christmas tree right here no but blogers swear it’s not supposed to be a B Block okay you know what I bu I play Minecraft anyway remember this I I didn’t actually build the tree you know

But like the tree just spawned because like I put like I’m just saying hey s get discard oh no it’s not my V you guys are insane my chat is insane you know what you’re crazy for thinking it’s actually look like that you know you are so wrong right now hold on let

Me just grab it right here hold on hold on I this is Slender I feel like I’m being slandered right now hold on let me see let’s see if I can put it here in chat right now this comparison Is Not Great comparison I just want up bu that hold on

Does that look the same to you right now does that look the same to you right now look at that look at that does that look like you know oh yeah it does look like the same thing it’s not okay what that what do you mean it’s not the same thing what the

hold on fine I’m going to P right now I see no it’s different okay the other one is it’s supposed to be a no it’s not supposed to be it’s Christmas tree okay does it look like the same is my Christmas Tree does my Christmas Christmas tree look like uh but there demography right here it’s not the same okay it’s not the same this is so sad my thanks it’s gets too girthy too quick it does not look the same okay what the it does not look the same demography never ends 12

For. I was looking even more like a butt BL does not look this the same okay oh my God need to add another image of Christmas tree to show people how wrong you got your tree yeah but like my my Christmas tree is like the perfect example of a Christmas tree already you

Know I’m just saying well look at that ra ratio I’m going to put this here then and then adds an X over it so like people does not would no it’s not the same you know X right X and then like add X right here and then put it right over here

There now people would understand that it’s not but plug okay as the other girls I bet oh God oh God fine I’m going to Dem should I tweet it right now you know what fine you know what Sure my chat thans my Christmas tree looks like a bu thing please St them they are wrong me I bet Mia’s awake right now Laura I bet Laura is awake right now as well no I can’t wait and I asleep right now and Foody is asleep as well food

There there I’m cheating it right Now they’re going to think I did not do it on purpose I swear what the it was actually okay if you rewind my v a little bit right you will see that I just spawned that tree right and the tree was like it looks like but B in

The first place and I just like added added the like you know the thing below and now it’s not looks like a tree okay it looks like a Christmas tree okay oh God Sly I’m not dying okay I hope everyone knows that you know I hope when people come to my stream and

See the sign of above my head they would think like oh yeah it does not look like a bu oh like actually does not you know I feel like you know you guys are just dripping a little bit right here this is not copium as well as well

It’s like you know I’m just telling the truth here I just want to P night this is not doing great not doing great at all oh God oh God oh God no God no at least my little Christmas tree does not look like a but BL though I find it find

Find wait I awake right now it does not look like a f FL okay you guys are crazy it’s not a b it’s a Christmas tree like like this is my plan right hold on maybe because I have haven’t explained my plan you know that’s why you guys are

Misunderstanding me here hold hold on let me just finish this a little bit so like so I was thinking right let me just eat for a bit then oh wa i and m are responded I feel like I’m being misunderstood here right now look look look look look

Look so this is my plan right mhm I am not coping as well look look look I would put something like this I I put something like this right oh God oh God oh God I will put something like this like like this right look and then

I would put like you know food over here exactly exactly and and and you know you know I’m just saying that’s why it looks like that it’s not a butt bu okay it’s just a hang out place on on the it’s a treehouse yes it’s a treeh house sh I

Just want to point out just want to point out it’s a treeh house no something else just GNA God why is this here hold on let just fix it a little bit see see look look look it’ll make sense like in a bit but like let me kick it’ll make sense in a bit like 100% uh are you I’m not suffering okay I’m just trying to prove that it’s not

But BL hold on hold on hold on let me just see let me see let’s see everyone lights welcome back back to the stream how’s you been see see not B blog at all not at all not all the same thing at all not all I’m not coping like I’m going to

Put it like you know hold on let me just c a little bit over here I’m going to go to my thing secret place in the world thing maybe make the bottom of the top part rounded and more Square buttons some I don’t understand what you’re saying right

Now where’s my food here here here here see look look for the economy and the world thing just get this potato I’m kind of hungry right here okay let’s go check let’s go see see look look this this will make sense in a bit not not yet though not yet hold hold

On oh I do have rot here hold on hold on hold on look this will all make sense like right about right now you will say that oh yo s is so right you know what we’re absolutely wrong you know what we’re so wrong so wrong right now she and then and

Then put this here mhm okay let’s go let’s go chck it’s okay s it’s your tree that’s all that matters even if it does not look like a b okay I’m not coping as all it doesn’t actually look like one you guys are just tripping I feel like you because I feel like

Because you know I am a different person and you’re a different person as well you don’t perceive what I see that that’s it that’s probably it you know what I figuring that that’s probably it right now just because you know I’m just saying I’m just saying

Right now I I feel like that’s what’s going on here I’m I’m just saying look look exactly exactly exactly exactly right now and and then I will put like and then like look look look exactly exactly exactly let me just go back let’s see right maybe we should add more here you

Know it’s maybe like she is cooking wait guys she is right doesn’t like look exactly does the but block have fridge inside it exactly no exactly it’s not no no all why would that that would be insane you know just saying then the BL block is not hygienic just R up That God oh oh God it’s fine it’s fine there there there look look look look I feel like this will do it check someone say but no no no it’s not but block look does that does not look going on anymore look look look look look does it look like a but block

Now but BLS don’t have gifts under exactly I’m glad you know same here same here that sure is a sentence of all time use the color wood get decorations you are so right hold on let me just get a I feel like I feel not great maybe maybe if we could

Feel like hold on let me just see let me see let me see right now hold on CH let me K let me asking for S can you change the hang in the not B okay I’m going to prove I’m going to prove everyone you’re wrong right now

Like right about right now hold on let me just GNA let me see if I can like I will prove everyone wrong here I just want to app next let me just get my stuff right here it’s not a butt blug okay I feel like I’m just being misunderstood again just like every

Single time you know I feel like I feel like every single time I am being misunderstood in the world I feel like that’s you know a thing in the world as well uh let’s see what can we do There I think chat is just seeing what CH yes yes tell them right now tell them right now right now tell them right now exactly I’m glad every someone at least someone here knows what you know what my vision is I feel like people is just misunderstanding my vision right now you

Know my vision is not no it’s fine if you can understand my vision right now but you know I’m just saying hold on byebye guys say okay you know can’t talk anymore I hope you have a great day and also don’t forget to stay safe and and

Don’t forget to breathe as well cuz it’s important and also thank you for coming to my stream and I hope you have a great day the rest of your day you know and Merry Christmas I said it in advance as well byebye just goingon to okay I think this

Will fix the problem though for real though for real hold on hold on okay chat I think this will fix the problem now is s tripping to I’m not tripping okay maybe you you guys are tripping instead because does not look like one at all hold on

Ah you will see you will see my vision is not for everyone I feel like I feel like that’s that’s that’s it my vision is not for everyone oh God no okay I’m fixing it I’m fixing it right now you know what I feel like this is great instead I’m three minutes into an a meeting and I’m already Bor don’t don’t die oh my God that would be very sad that would be very sad so don’t die okay don’t die

Oh my God we have a problem right now so if I remove this cake it’s going to disappear right no no it’s fine chat it’s fine you know what you know what this is the last bit I’m just going to make other Christmas trees here instead so like people would

Think it’s Christmas Christmas tree is not really other stuff you know just saying hold on and we can decorate it too I’m just saying hold on hold on let me just do this for a bit then for like you know a little bit more there there now we can decorate our

Christmas tree now she’s cooking hard exactly exactly I’m just going now we need designs check do you guys have any designs at all you guys like you know have designs in mind right now I feel like we should we should we should not here there’s nothing

Here uh meetings are the worst but I can try watch them to distract me from the I am glad I can distract you from your pain CH that sounds like you know I’m glad even just a little bit I can like you know I am a distraction in the RO way

Cuz like sometimes real life things are not real life things at all it’s not good not good at all I don’t know what I’m doing anymore no okay this one mhm this one too and like this one as well golden blocks as well hold on hold on hold silver blocks

Too hold on hold on no it does not look silvery at all but I do have this one as well and James do oh my god oh hold hold on James what how do I make change CH like know CH what how do I make change that’s just wayon speaks what do you

Me don’t take that out of can you so touch the cake oh s bu a but block no no no no no no I did not I did not oh hold on I’m just going to chains what if I search it here how do I make chains

Here oh it’s iron in okay okay let’s go I feel like chains is a necessity right now and also Red Blocks as well and something sparkly as well but I hold onch Oh okay can make one now maybe half of these CU on way too much you know just G to okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let’s go let’s go it has alled the vanilla recipe book is stinky not going to lie the what the

What C hold on let me K right here so like like this right and and then we’re going to put like like this as well and then like I’m not coping I swear it actually looks like a you know I’m just saying right now but like I feel like actually looks

Like you know a decent Christmas tree over here I feel and then like boss here boss boss like here and then like balls like here as well balls in the world thing in the world here balls and then another balls over here but white you know white balls and now she’s adding boss God oh God oh God this is not going well not going well it’s fine it’s fine I feel like I’m doing something here want to play match give me a gold ones too yeah but it’s expensive you know look it won’t look like you know what it

Won’t look like a a belt plug like for real this time for real cuz what it has colors you know so technically if we meth it right now it won’t look like one anymore I feel like hold on let me just add one more here okay and like this one too look

Look look look look CH you know what is like just because the chains are expensive I’m just going to put random over here and here too okay and then here as well huh let’s go chat let’s go and see no one is going to appreciate step

On step tutorial in the title of the proc looks like see does not look like a oh my God oh my oh my god right now do you see my vision now do you see my vision at all we took we took her seriously yes exactly exactly you know my vision

Now I’m glad you know chat I’m just Kidd rename it building a it’s not a butt plug okay how do I go up there though it’s the thing I cannot put stuff anymore you know hold on hold on hold on hold On Hold hold Let S of exactly exactly ring Christmas tree is great now Do I have crystals right now I feel like wait can I welcome back that one dude welcome back how St can you can you what’s in the top left it’s not a but I just want to point out that what my creation does not look like a but blog at all that is what the top left means I’m just sing right Now oh God oh God this is not going good just gonna no again my song Hello Hold on let me let’s go there there look look look look yeah it’s exactly look look look look look look look Look exactly it looks like Christmas tree now hold on let me just Hold I know I I’m doing I am Pro Minecraft thing in the world thing Chistmas you know what that’s great now that’s great I feel like that’s great now leg di oh do do have but black thing the same colors it’s not the same color okay it’s just a Christmas tree I’m just

Saying look There I am done now I’m done hold on hold on maybe not this one here over here cuz like it’s not not enough white over here there she I anticipated for this s oh but I won’t SPO until the end for the sin oh what do you

Mean looks pretty F exactly exactly I’m glad you know look at my Christmas just going to hold on can you make it wider angle shot what does that mean oh like this like this do you think that it looks like a okay let’s decorate more then hold on I have more stuff on my you know hiding spot over here right over Here no go I will post it later uh also the me version Jingle Bells very cute do you like my cover it’s my jingle bars cover they wrong why did I go inside here again I forgot already Oh it’s only been for exactly I’m glad you know I’m glad you know I’m glad you’re not right Now there my Christmas tree is looking very great right now on what if I destroy this a little bit and put it right over there and then go over Here get this Stuff okay Chad that should be good oh my God I did so great today not going to lie TP though just GNA sorry hold on just There There decorating s the Lily it’s been so long how is you been I hope you’ve been doing great oh my God oh my God right now it’s been so long have you do you still remember me right now you still remember me you know I’m s

Most inocent person you know I just made the best Christmas tree in the world thing over there like right over there hash Audio okay chat that I have more hold on hold On S happy merry month happy merry mon g I have You’ been plugging in the world thing are you have you been plugging you not dis like that makes me happy if you guys are pugging as well Yes maybe we could like build this like thing up there no hold on chat well if anything happen help perfect PL it’s not a but plug okay it’s like a Christmas tree the best one in the world just going to it’s not doing great like almost Fell I’m going to go up here there and Then maybe I’ll put it right over here in chat I like Sorry chat I screamed all Day there okay let’s okay I am done chat is Su Mac you acting kind of sus my Christmas tree looks great I just R up on nut hold on um there now I can actually end my stream now hold on I’m going to go eat

I’m hungry not going to lie to B though I’ve been eating chocolates but like chocolates does not make me fall at all I just want up play that Chas it’s not a but block okay I’m just going to do my ex over here hold on Thank you we’re going to a step by step Tutorial play true gameplay Minecraft T yeah I hope you guys learn how to make Christmas stre now and I hope you know how to make one’s yours as well you’re welcome everyone I’m just saying right now you job great Christmas okay I’m goodna and Tabby hello welcome to my

Stream I’m saying the most Dem person in the world we just finished making our Christmas tree right over there and now I’m sorry I’m about to end my stream as well hold on thank you I’m glad you like my Christmas tree Chad can never really at all Chad cannot understand you know the

Art at all no I understand the r I’m just saying right now hold hold On okay I’m going to just going over here hold on mhm is it end stream time yes I’m going to go eat a little bit I’m hungry as Chad not going to lie uh well I came back a bit late but it was fun A let me just do my outro right

Here where is my Bgm thank you for coming everyone in my stream I hope you guys understand that I did not make a but block I hope you understand that I actually made a Christmas tree and you know I hope the Christmas tree you like the Christmas tree as well and also I’m

Not playing in the background Minecraft all there exit it and also I hope you don’t spread lies to other people that your s made the Christmas but blog in the Minecraft thing cuz like it’s not true oh it’s a Christmas tree it’s not but made out of tree and drucks and

Leaves chck just want up point out it’s not a but block I’m just saying oh well happy early birthday yes happy early birthday and also don’t forget to drink water as well and stay safe everyone and don’t forget me cuz I would be very sad let’s ra someone first though I’m

Just kidding not actually going to go yet let’s R someone first there let me see let me see ch there H okay I’m going to go now thank you for coming to my stream Merry Christmas I’ll see you next stream which is like the day after tomorrow I’m sorry but like you

Know take you for coming chat you are pugging pogers thank you for coming in the wrong thing I forgot oh where do it yeah Byebye it’s not a but okay h

This video, titled ‘Building Christmas Tree in Minecraft, Step by Step Tutorial’, was uploaded by Xin Asura Ch. シン ・ アスラ【PROJECT F】 on 2023-12-14 19:35:14. It has garnered 298 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:18 or 8838 seconds.

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    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: TICKETS: Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

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  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

    Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and they all start chasing you with pitchforks, it’s definitely a “moye moye moment” for sure! #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] [CreativeCore] [JEI] [JER] [Rubidium] [Oculus] [Jade] ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

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  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,,,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More