Insane Clickbait: Colonal’s Ultimate Clip-Off Challenge Bracket! #704

Video Information

Abur anx has redeemed [Applause] First Now I’m placing the Shocker box trash crabs is here look at that box it has eight corners Massive Gas N 1234 is Here that sounded good to me I like destruction destruction is the best it’s not about the build it’s about the destruction delet delet oh this is looking Good Destruction destruction is the best magical ashes here I can hold this mouse better than anyone could hold this mouse mainly because I wouldn’t allow them into my house to hold this mouse but nonetheless destruction mberg 99 is Here delet delet yeah I make great background music wait I’m music yeah yeah I’m music we’ll go with that hey every ah ah what happened oh my God unacceptable uh horrible streamer Vibes uh I should just be banned shouldn’t I uh welcome in everybody how are we

Doing music’s on do you hear it it’s different it’s it’s December oh my God it’s Christmas music it’s Loi Christmas music actually um yeah I changed I’m now I’m now a blank screen uh uh what what is up everybody uh GG ABJ X redeeming first what’s up trash

Bro gas magic Ma and CJ uh everybody how are we doing uh today it’s the first of the month we actually have a couple things we need to do um because it’s the first of the month but the very first thing we need to do is the colonel clip

Off challenge if uh we got a mod who can do exclamation mark CCC or whatever that command is and then pin that while we’re doing this section that’d be great uh um what we’re going to be doing is is it not C is it is it just clip clip off oh

God I don’t know anymore I thought I made the CCC command uh is Colonel bot connected is he here yeah he’s here oh my goodness does this does someone some write a message about what the konal clip off challenge is and pin it I guess the the command there is a command

Uh somewhere um but uh the curl clip off challenge if you’re not aware is when every anybody makes a clip from my twitch stream then puts it in the twitch uh Clips channel of my Discord uh the the best Clips each month are then put into a bracket and we

Vote on that bracket and the person who made uh the best clip voted by you guys uh gets a $5 Amazon gift card we’re about to do that right now uh this month there was so many clips Ed um and because we’re making YouTube shorts now

Out of out of the clips um we’re only doing a bracket of the clips that actually made it into content that’s what I wanted to do from the beginning but I wasn’t making Clips content so now the Magic’s doing that only the clips that actually made it into a YouTube

Short or got feature became a featured clip on Twitch or something along those lines uh or if I ever make one into a Tik Tok or whatever those ones will be uh will will be in here from now on this month uh there were four that qualified

Uh that magic made into Clips cuz she’s been making daily clips for the past two weeks or so and four of those are from Clips you guys submitted in the Discord uh so let’s uh let’s get into here we’re going to watch each of the clips head-to-head then we’re going to do a

Twitch poll on which of the two clips you like better and it moves on to the next uh next round just like every bracket to ever exist uh so these are the four and these are what their titles are holy crap lava do you smell smoke scary fall and day 13

131 I’m sure you guys probably saw those clips if you watch my YouTube shorts or pay attention to there um yes I know we’ll get to that when we get to Minecraft um if you’re watching on Tik Tok you can make sure to switch to landscape mode and you’ll be able to

See the whole thing Bob uh what I actually think I want to do is take this window sideways whoa oh whoa Jesus all right and then we’ll um can I zoom in over here I can all right what is this 175% um right there and furnace m one is here good welcome

In furnace uh so this is this will be the first clip I don’t know if I want to full screen them because then I’d be covering the camera um I can I guess I can like make them big it bigger like this yeah yeah yeah and then I can scroll

Over sideways as we move on okay um perfect right there that’s zoomed in enough what is that zoom level 250% um this is clip number one um does any mod want to be part of the um what are we calling it uh the doing the polls does anyone want to do the

Polls for me after uh basically we’ll just need a poll for each round that says do you want to vote for the first clip or the second clip um and it can literally just be like clip One Clip two as the options uh because there’s only

Going to be head to heads right so the first clip is holy crap lava uh submitted by shil let’s give it a watch whoa oh hold on I want to turn off the music so you guys can just hear the hear the straight clip no interference whoa almost we’re watching in

2x you can tell how I watch my content whoa I almost well I almost started munching an enchanting God Apple oh okay that was unexpected all right that’s the first clip uh second clip is do you smell smoke I can do the same thing here whoa whoa whoa no when it’s done

Just keeps catching St on fire bro here get we almost lost the whole building um all right all right now we can do the poll now you start the poll after the second clip ends boom and just get in one minute one minute it’s all one or

Two is all we need uh fast pace cuz there’s going to be I think in total seven poles right no one two three oh there’s going to be four poles but it’s fine so Chad which which one do you like better which which clip is the clip that

Moves on holy crap lava or do you smell do you smell smoke oh you no okay undo that um that scary fall and the other one shouldn’t be in this um no one vote for it yeah we’re we’re it’s it’s a bracket um right so we vote these two we vote

These two we vote then we vote the two winners and that’s the winner um so don’t vote for the other two we haven’t seen them yet it’s okay it’s okay they’re surprisingly close they’re surprisingly close 58% to 42% if you’re on any any other platform you can come over to

Twitch to uh to play with or to participate in the votes mhm well someone threw away their vote we’re not rev voting you just you just threw away your vote no we’re not doing it again confirmed it was gas all right 50% of the votes goes to holy crap lava [Laughter]

And uh ban them indeed ban them indeed all right uh oh I didn’t hit start on this tournament all right start tournament uh holy crap lava wins the vote actually I could put in the actual scores I could put in eight votes versus S votes and it knows who the winner is

Eight to a that’s actually cool not that it really matters but uh all right so the next poll should just be uh which clip is better you can do the titles if you want scary fall versus day 13131 or you can just say first clip second clip

It doesn’t doesn’t matter then we would have oh let me pause the music uh this is scary fall then we would have a gap of a block then we would have a gap short sweet to the [Laughter] point um all right versus day 13131 what for being ninth ninth

Place I’m so confused wait oh my God Chad it’s day 13 131 oh my God or day [Laughter] 13131 Oh that’s that’s a that’s a sick call out chat uh someone clip that CH someone clip that the iconic moment all right start the poll scary fall versus day 13131 I mean on one hand one of the clips is definitely more exciting on the other hand one of the clips is more of

Like an iconic moment of the world so what what do you what’s more important for a clip in your opinion you know you know o I didn’t say who these were made by uh so this one was made by they Ray and this one was made

By if this one wins it’ll literally be shil versus shile massive for the finals uh yo Malibu with the eight Monon sub um esteva I I can’t talk sorry about that uh but thank you for the Roses absolutely massive of you I have uh I refreshed alerts just now so they should

Play their sound again um thank you thank you thank you yes here we’re doing the the poll right now on the twitch chat voting for the best clip of the month um we just are about to select the finalists massive whoa brownie with a thre Monon resub absolutely massive of you

Homie I thought it said a hype train would started no it was a hype train close ah gg gg and welcome in uh they R and gron how you guys doing you missed your losing uh yep yep uh Malibu yours uh yours yours it was 8 to7 so it was

Close it was close now we’re doing scary fall versus day 13131 and scary fall wins 16 to 8 holy crap uh so that is definitely more participation in the second one as people are coming in um all right so next up it’s holy crap lava versus scary fall in the finals Let’s uh

Close this tab we’ll close this tab we’re going to watch them each again and then um we’ll do a another poll uh versus those two CJ after the second clip ends just go ahead and start it um all right first off this is holy crap lava made by shil

Whoa I almost I’m such a scrub well I almost started munching an enchanting God Apple oh okay that was Unexpected all right and verse is scary fall and then we would have a gap of a block then we would have a gap and that’s it you know one of these took a lot more editing for magic to make her clip out of it I wonder which one it

Was pulls up which is the best uh this one is scary Fall by they Ray I think I said that earlier uh versus holy crap lava by shil best clip of the month yo they Ray coming in with a 13mon resub right after we viewed their clip and a hype train started dang

Dude dang dude oh it is close dude it is close let me get the music back on scamazon it was Prime thank you for giving me Jeff bezos’s money oh why is this desk standing still standing from work earlier there’s still time there’s still time right now Chad if you haven’t voted

In the twitch poll you got like 20 seconds you can be the deciding vote the one you like better could be the winner one if you haven’t voted yet they each get 250 they got to split [Laughter] it uh no I’ll make a group chat and Discord

With them both I’ll post the gift card code and whoever claims it first gets it massive OMG 9 months the baby has come wow a 9 months twitch sub baby oh my God it actually it actually tied okay um redo it but with uh with a

Third option of of some of just uh potatoes or I don’t know get someone’s got to vote for potatoes or uh coffee okay all right vote again chat vote again [Laughter] you love potatoes man what if coffee wins oh a vote for coffee is a vote for you’re abstaining you don’t care [Laughter]

Yeah oh you love coffee more than either of the clips gosh gosh I’ll have to add I’ll have to add coffee into here match info [Laughter] No Jesus the music is really quiet and I don’t have a way of turning it up my go XLR is like dead I have to unplug it and plug it back in at this point because uh the I rebooted my PC and it’s still not working and if I do it Midstream we’re

Going to have a really bad time so I can’t do that but what do you guys this is this is a lowii Christmas Jesus Christ Jesus Christ [Laughter] Um okay hold on you guys you guys asked for this all right heads it is holy crap lava Tails it’s scary fall we’re flipping a coin all right flip the coin Tails there it is cuz there you go nope nope we’re going with the heads versus Tails you guys got two attempts

Submit scores scary fall wins it’s over it’s over now scary fall it goes to they they get wins the toin cost of a vote oh my [Laughter] God H that they Ray expect a DM from me um with uh uh about it I I do need to know what

Currency you want your gift card in uh cuz I’ve had a problem with that really um so there we go there we go it did not it did not it’s already gone to scary fall GG they Ray on making the best clip of the month actually magic

Which of these four Clips performed best on YouTube that’d be that’d be good to know like after the votes which one has the most views on YouTube like does does twitch chat agree with YouTube’s uh algorithm on what the best clip is right that’d be um Markus complete there we go

Uh came down to the wire yeah we literally we literally flipped a coin all right I think honestly that’s a decent policy if you guys yeah if you guys do twice uh if you tie two times on a poll that matters ever I’m literally just going to flip a coin live on stream

That’s the that’s that that’s the that’s the way uh let’s get into the hardcore World chat um I need to do a stream marker there we Go I don’t know magic does some pretty good editing on the uh shorts like they all uh usually keep your attention like the average for all of the shorts she’s made well not all of them for the bulk majority of the shorts she’s made so far the average view duration is more than

100% so that means on average most people watched the entire clip more than once they they watched it the whole way through and then started watching a little bit of it and realized it was repeating and then swiped which that’s amazing the lava one did really good the

Lava one okay all right the one that came in second uh because so for it to be monetized on Tik Tok it has to be over 60 seconds and for it to be eligible to be a short on YouTube it has to be less than 60 seconds so you

Cannot um make the same piece of content and post it to both because like maybe you could edit the same clip clip to have a less than 60-second version and a more than 60-second version but if if you’re adding length to a content to meet to to

Meet a um a requirement like that it’s not going to perform well So heads and tails is a w yep yep um all right so the next thing we have to do because it is the first of the month uh is head over here but chat I just want to reiterate um anybody could have won that if you make a if you make a clip

And put it in the channel in in the twitch Clips channel in Discord exclamation mark Discord links in the bio Etc um and you put the you make a clip um I think YouTube clips are possible too so like we would allow that if you make a clip on any platform post

It in that clip’s channel right and then if Magic um if magic makes it into a a YouTube short if we Fe if we make it a featured clip on Twitch that’s a thing now if we make a Tik Tok out of it whatever it’ll be eligible for next month’s vote that

We’ll do on the first of the month and you could win $5 so uh getting a getting a clip that is you know of a good moment and being the first person to post it in that channel uh is what you got to do so

Like if I think one of those sets uh there was two people that posted the same moment we just would go with whoever posted it first right um that’s the or whoever whoever had the better edited clip right if somebody had um like 30 seconds of dead air on the end

Of it right it’s it’s obvious the the one that actually had the moment in it is better content there’s there’s guidelines if you read the pin comment you know but um let me pull up the leaderboard stats uh cuz it is the first of the month so

We know the top gift top cheerers of last month and who they were be to beef to be um Scooby dooby-doo beoo beo um all right so put YouTube clips in the twitch Clips Channel um I don’t YouTube clips weren’t a thing when we started this Clips process and they yeah so like

You think it was they Ray well congrats magic uh picked yours what’s up what the heck all right um I’m going to need blue dye for the top uh twitch clip or the top cheerer and I’m going to need blue Dy for the top gifter all right we we can

Just stack those uh lovely uh and we do the color die is based off of the color of um YouTube or that twitch chooses right uh for like if if you gift more than a certain amount of bits I think it’s more than 5,000 bits it’s blue if it’s more than 10,000

Bits it’s red so that’s the the whoever gifted the most their color decides the color of the sign so top cheerers for November 2023 uh very top was GG ggia um with over 9,300 bits absolutely flipping amazing uh 33 oh nope that’s the wrong number that’s uh second place

Is gron gr gra absolutely massive of you homie and Texas Mama uncore all getting credit uh for top cheerers uh there we go and then over here we’re going to do the top gifters of so this is November 2023 uh top gifter was graphic novels uh with 17 gift does as

No astronomical got second and I was about to say that’s astronomical uh probably because I was reading his name as I uh uh asri ux nomical barely fits and third place is dead posum absolutely massive of all of you guys um did I really spell yeah

That’s that’s how you okay so that’s how he spells it all right uh GG top gifters and top cheerers um let me get the VIP badges updated uh give me just a moment or is there a mod that wants to do the VIP and unv ping um what what gra

Uh hanx uncore is here your cat almost made a clip you should have posted it with the title of my cat made the this clip you could have [Laughter] won um all right let me pull up the VIP list uh who was our VIPs last month

Um all right so I got to unv a couple people I should have done this off stream but I forgot all right a few people are retaining their um their VIP actually three people are retaining their VIP D oh I almost just raided instead of unvi someone oh my God

Imagine we just sent a raid over to crunchy for uh uh all right so then graph keeps his astronomical gets his added um uh and then dead posum gets one added and then oh and then that’s it uh the other person that would be eligible is gron so there we

Go unable to add VIP I must have spelled his name wrong um oh yep I did I did nimal instead of nomical um and then other is dead POS there we go I hope you guys enjoy your VIP badges for the month we will revisit you guys uh next time

Just got to update this sheet real quick there we go and we’re ready to move on uh love their first of the month stuff you guys are great Um very long 30 minute stream definitely time to raid I agree Jesus Christ I just scared the crap out of myself um all right when am I stopping streaming for Christmas um don’t know don’t have plans right now unlikely I will take a break for Christmas um we’re not going to

Be uh visiting family this time around we went and visited on Thanksgiving Um what am I going to do if that wall Runs Out of Space well we got a lot more walls huh so uh chat last stream last stream we actually went through and uh uh we we we got the all the 500 Club is finished chat um there are two people

With posts that are TBD um that have not given me all the information I need um so The 500 Club is over at this point uh when I get the information from these two individuals and or somebody new makes a post that’s eligible or somebody who has a room hits

A new Milestone we will come back to this uh so fairly regularly hopefully um and we’ll we’ll be adding rooms updating rooms Etc uh but as of right now that project is done the 500 Club is done um and then we can we’re going to start our new

Project am I adding anything to the Christmas decoration so when we built we built that on Christmas day I can say 100% if I do a Christmas Day stream um we will uh we will add to it yeah um it’s just last year I didn’t actually stream

On Christmas Day we were we were last year we we went and visited family on Christmas so we didn’t stream um this year I’m expecting I’m expecting us to probably have a Christmas stream like you know probably normal times after the kids have gone to bed right

I’m not streaming on Christmas day while my kids are awake unless you unless somebody’s you know what uh 10 grand if I get a 10 grand Dono I’ll stream on Christmas Day and absolutely ruin Christmas for my kids very happy it’s Friday uh very happy it’s Friday um work has been a thing

Uh there we go oh Jesus I have my first ever like um post on threads like get notification like get a lot of likes it was we reply to a Hank Green post or whatever and it’s it’s just constantly giving me notifications today

Um uh by the way chat I’m uh I’m I’m on Twitter or I’m on Twitter but instead of only Doom scrolling Twitter I now Doom scroll on threads and blue sky so if you guys are on those platforms you can uh follow me there um yeah just a heads up I don’t think

Either of those are on my socials page yet I should add them threads oh yeah that magic you’re supposed to bait him into donating 10 grand or tipping 10 grand Jesus he supposed to be like no I won’t allow it has to be 15 come on Magic get with the

Times all right chat uh so this is uh our next project we talked about it yesterday um finish so the re let me start where we where we need to start The 500 Club Tower is is the project that we did because we needed to

F fill the hole in the green biome and put the decorations around the drown Farm that’s why the 500 Club was our last project our next project is going to be finishing the builds here in the black biome so that’s the tree farm that’s the concrete converter uh that’s

The basalt generator and the little snow snowman over here uh we’re going to be decorating them uh and because they’re all the buildings are just going to be shells around an existing Farm we’re probably going to be able to get them all on the same

Theme um Blue Sky seems old uh it was uh blue sky was created after uh what is it after Twitter was taken over if I remember right it was the founders of Twitter made blue die and it’s uh like once they once uh Elon ruined Twitter

And you know it is it’s invite only [Laughter] so um adding more trees to the farm no no no no no these only work with uh uh nether trees these only work with nether trees um so what we’re actually going to be doing is we talked about this

Yesterday what I wanted uh to do please build a gigantic tree so uh let me let me talk a bit about the theme for the black biome every biome has kind of a theme vers uh and whether that means the types of builds that’s going to be

In it or like the vibe I want and the the the types of builds that will go in the black biomes are TNT uh Farms right all of these except for the Snowman um are here because they have TNT dupers and they’re a TNT blast chamber Farm I

Only use TNT dupers when it is a stationary blast chamber Farm I don’t do like flying machine TNT dupers to dig it I I think that’s a bit too cheaty uh but if it was going to be just a dispenser of TNT I will dup uh and we do that with

All three of these Farms um so and and the color is black and the vibe is this is supposed to be like evil right uh I’m planning on when we decorate it to have like lava pools and like uh it’s going to be a wasteland type feel right so the

The my original idea when we just had the tree farm was that it was going to be like a big menacing factory made out of like black stone with like red stone block bright red accents and it’s supposed to be like evil right um then

The other idea I had was to like make all of these like nuclear silos or something so when you look at the black biome you think gosh dang something must be going on there everything looks so menacing and I just hear TNT constantly right like that’s the that’s the vibe um

So I don’t think a tree would fit uh would would fit the vibe plus I don’t really want to go with something that like if we wanted to fit that in a tree trunk the tree would have to go 34 of the way to the build height Merry [ __ ] Christmas okay

Bob we’re going to go beat [ __ ] zombies up as [ __ ] Santa Claus oh my God he he is he is a he is a potty mouth chap um burnt smoldering tree I what’s up Wolfie how you doing uh this full circle he was finishing it

Um still haven’t fixed it I guess not no I forgot it was a problem M wait the Tik Tok is outdated in the shame oh in Shameless plug oh um mods can we Update exclamation mark Shameless plug um so I think what I want to do is the

Tree farm is is the highest priority on here um and I do think I I I I was racking my brain a little bit today and I I I obviously nobody told me about this tree idea until just right now but I I don’t think there is a better idea

That I have other than what like really doing a good good job on what my original idea was we talked about it yesterday um it it’s it’s buing like the shell of an abandoned evil Factory right we talked about like you know when you

Go to a city that used to be like have really prosperous like industry there right and you go down like the the the road where all those old factories used to be and those factories are like all shut down the windows are broken you know like like that like dilapidated and

You drive past it you just hear explosions okay maybe you don’t hear that in real life but you know you imagine explosions uh that that’s the vibe right now um a sakura tree what’s that look like um so I’m thinking like genuinely this should be like a Blackstone

Building I think my I think my first Vibe is I want to just put up a a black stone rectangle and like oh yeah that’s the thing like we could use like black stone not uh like polished black stone to show like aging right HH you’re

Moving so let me just grab a bunch of this cuz we’re going to need a bunch right um we’re going to need a Brady Bunch amount you know sorry um let’s just take this and genuinely we’ll go put up a box I want to get a sense of scale right uh

I feel like it’s going to have uh black uh panes black uh window panes and I’m thinking the windows should be like 2x one right so like it would it would indicate that like there’s a lot of floors right if if if we have uh a window that’s two blocks tall one block

Wide and we just have those all way across and then like just have a single block between them of Blackstone it would indicate that like there’s like a ton of floors in this Tower and it might give it a a heightened sense of scale you know so we the absolute

Smallest this can be is a wall down that way and then a wall down this way right cuz we can’t replace any of that so then okay finding where my Corners can be right oh uh-oh this is oh jeez it’s over full with bone meal huh I need to do something something about

That I’ve got an idea I can I can build in some overflow protection don’t you worry chat uh I just I know exactly how I’m going to do it this isn’t this isn’t irritating at all um all right actually let me go grab like a stack of black stone and I’ll yeah

Um it’s a great hangout spot yeah so what I need is redstone dutes maybe redstone blocks maybe repeaters maybe comparators maybe torches definitely Hoppers and for now a chest um maybe a sticky piston unlikely um all right so what my plan plan here is um I can’t reutilize that same

Comparator can I I’m going to have to do another comparator off of here um and oh I need a composter yeah composter no I can use a red stone block the sounds of Minecraft I know right um call is here BEC how you doing so what I do chat is if you get

A oh wait I can just I I I can just use a single redstone block here so that’s four right now if we place a comparator down it becomes 15 right um wait how do I actually get a signal from that now oh wait

Can I I have less room on that side I needed to be pointing into this okay I can I can do that I I can do that right um understood Colonel’s figuring this out don’t you worry chat so if that’s 15 that’s 14 here’s my comparator

Um right and it is giving output because the signal is higher than 14 if it was if it was less than 14 the signal is zero right that’s what happens if it’s less than 14 there’s no signal and then once it’s full up again we get a signal uh perfect

So actually this just explained what extract mod do oh my God we’re getting 14 in so it’s subtracting 14 from 15 giving us one that’s that’s amazing uh regardless uh there’s 15 and what we need to do is we need to have another Hopper underneath there okay but that Hopper needs to

Be locked by this torch so that means when this is off the hopper is locked and it’s not pulling items out of here right but when this is full up the hopper gets unlocked and it takes all the items out of there see what see what I’m doing

There um actually I think that Hopper should be underneath the underneath this because it’s never going to actually disable the doors until unless unless we have it underneath there uh which is perfectly fine to do um I just got to hop down uh and there we

Go now the question remains is does that that actually lock this hopper in right now it does not okay does that lock the hopper it locks it locks this Hopper too dang um so that’s not good how does I lock this Hopper without locking that Hopper from this angle

H well I guess it doesn’t have to be from this angle right um it could be Target block put one below it that locks but then this would yeah this wouldn’t that would be bad for us that wouldn’t be what we want um what we can do is power this

Block um I think if we if I do this block that why isn’t that being powered now oh wait repeater that’s locking it now perfect so then I add my dupe back in and is drawn out of there amazing and then for now we can just add a single chest right there

Right and that that’s going to let any excess go through until this isn’t full and then all we have to do is have like some sort of storage somewhere this let there be a buffer Hopper I don’t think it would work even if we had a buffer Hopper it would like

Insanely delay it it would have to let five Stacks go in oh look a thingy my dude so now oh wait H so that’ll still leave it clicking because it’ll turn off when we get below a certain amount oh no uh that it needs to completely drain the Hopper can we pull the hopper out of pull the signal out of this dropper yeah we should be able to just pull the signal out of this dropper and do the same exact thing so that way it’ll drain this one entirely Um and then that does the exact same thing so now if because gotcha so yes this will work so because this one’s full chat because this one is full that means if anything goes in this one it drains it that’ll work that’ll work because this one is

Full uh no now it just means that it’ll never fire again or will it hold on so as no as it flows in yeah it’s never crap yeah now it’s now it’s in a mode of being perpetually stuck off um got it I got it I got it I got it

Chat instead of having a torch here instead of having a torch here we need to have the Redstone signal come down right so and power oh we need the torch to invert it still though huh uh no I don’t I don’t think the torch is the problem no we we need the

Torch I mean unless mm- Um we need some sort of like override then okay yo thank you for the gifts absolutely massive dude um yeah so then basically it becomes a Uh I can figure this out we need now a comparator that if this is off it it disables um something right yeah so H cuz that’s that’s a problem I’ll figure this out chat I can I can figure this out I feel like it definitely needs to

Be we need to I need to go see what the problem was pulling the signal out of here what was the problem that we had pulling the signal out of here oh it’s that it didn’t completely empty it um I feel like we’re going to need two signals we’re going to need a

Signal for when this is has items in it and then we’re going to need a signal that breaks that signal when this one is full or when this one’s empty um You know I could um right okay I could change this by changing where where that piston is to give myself a little bit more room right cuz if I do this oh no right if I do this and there is a repeater coming out of it that sends

Power to that right so that means if something’s in there it enables it okay um but what could happen is if just going to take all that out if a signal comes out of here right actually oh yeah yeah yeah you got to figure out

The logic that um can make this work huh that’s the problem so we need it to wait what oh it’s it’s being drained by the hopper down below right wait why isn’t this powering that anymore was oh wait was it like this nope I don’t remember how I had this working before whatever

Um I’ll figure it out I’ll refigure it out again so if if this is full drain this and then when this is empty disable the hopper again um oh God and then that’s going to have to be reset when this is no longer full oh God damn it maybe

Maybe there got to be a different way chat hold on there’s got to be a different strategy um made it work put in a really inefficient way well yeah I’m I can’t think of a single I can’t think of how I actually need this to work right now um

H like I can’t think through the logic to make it work at the moment we need if this is Wait I got it I got it um I need to get to the other side dang it I can’t get to the other side this way um right we have even less space over there okay so what we need to do is instead of triggering this Piston

From here we trigger it from The Dropper right cuz if we have or from the hopper I mean cuz if if we have a stream of items going through here it will stay on and that will trigger this to be start activating and that will fix it

But the problem is is the only way to get power from here to there is going to be in the way of the logic of draining it so um yeah cuz that’s going to that would power this Redstone if I put it on this side

So it’s got to be it’s got to be right here and it’s got To I guess I’ll throw a repeater on it and then we’ve got to make it like go out a couple blocks we just do this so that way we can see how when we’re going to need the next repeater And okay so that works and now it knows to send it and it turns off when the items stop flowing through if it’s just like one item it does trigger on good all right um perfect so now I just need to put in the old system

Backward uh or the old system back in um which that I need it to be drawn from the top Hopper again or from the top one again I I’m I’m out of blocks oh my God I I used a whole stack of building blocks there and I don’t even think I placed anything

Down all right who here we are um comparator Yeah and that does power it but that doesn’t Okay uh I just had to I just had to check um but yeah we’re going to have to what the going to have to get this down under come from the landine Down Under I thought this was supposed to oh

No it’s a repeater into the side that locks a repeater okay um so then oh we do need it inverted still actually there we go so now because this is full it should if I put something in through here it should be draining it yep and it’s being drained out of

There good but if this isn’t full Oh shoot no I still need the okay I still need to actually I forgot about that I need to bring this out of block we need to have a block we need to have a comparator that comparators got to go oh my goodness hold on

Well so we need the Redstone Block here we need that there we need two Redstone dutes right so now um this needs just connected back down there with a torch somewhere um no so I need to have that block there that’s not going to power that I do I

Can have that there and then I can put that there sweet so because this isn’t full yeah it needs to be it needs to be on subtract mode does it need to be on subtract mode I I didn’t think it would uh um I I can’t actually get to that to that one

Anymore um so that’s full oh no now it’s off okay now it’s off good um cuz it’s less than 14 so H all right I think this we’re fixing a bit of redstone right now for our tree farm um it’s an overflow protection uh for the bone

Meal um because it autogenerator meal so that means right now that it should be locked and what’s going to happen is I’m going to put in a stack of bone meal and that’s G to start sending it up right wait it’s why is it going down that should have been locked hold on

It’s not getting locked even when it should be um oops did I change some Redstone around over here yep I did um right so We actually need to power that block right there or this block here um which we can do with a torch right that is locking that block and then that means instead of having a torch here we need to just just continue this nope can’t do that well I can I can

Just put a nope I can’t do that actually am I going to need to have two torches here so that torch comes down to here which turns that’s on which puts a torch there which really which having that torch there then means all right that torch there and then instead we need a

Repeater going needs to be a block lower that should work it’s horrible but it should work all right let’s let’s let’s check real quick by filling that up now that’s on and now yeah now it’s should allow blocks through right or items through good and then at the same time because it

Is uh full if I take this out again I take a stack of it out then what we’ll do what we’ll end up doing is these items won’t be flowing down they’re actually going up right that’s exactly what we wanted so so if we take out 64

Here and this is in the off State but let’s say items start flowing through what it’s going to do is items are going to be going up into here right until it hits a certain point a certain threshold and now they’re flowing down instead right and then let’s say the

Farm uses a bit of that bone meal and it’s immediately going to start start sending it back up till it hits the same point or if it never does and then it s sends down the excess a dude this is wonderful this is it this is it it flows

In it goes up until there’s a certain amount in here and then when it falls below that point it it love it love it that’s it that’s working cuz now it goes up or down massive dude all right and then I’m going to just get rid of all of these excess

Blocks that don’t matter um I knew I could do it I just ended up being way bigger of a of a of a logic circuit than I anticipated it to be um I’m getting rid of all these extra blocks by the way chat because I’m going to make a

Schematic of it and go build it on the other one uh on the other tree farm just in case uh this one actually produces more bone meal than the other one um like the T the different types types of trees uh drop different amounts of bone meal

Um which is why this one’s overflowing and the other one hasn’t been um but just cuz it hasn’t happened to that one doesn’t mean that it can’t happen to that one Um right I like to think I’m pretty good at Redstone as well I do I do I like to think that Mr jumbo Mumbo uh is uh he’d be proud of me just looking for blocks that don’t matter oh that one actually does matter um I’m trying to think does this block matter

No all right perfect thank you for the Bitties Gia let me make a schematic of that and then we’ll go build it on the other one and then we need to do something with with the excess bone meal more Hoppers love that for us chat more Hoppers um schematica um we’re going to

Do um area editor move to Player move to player and then let me just actually let me just go over here move the second move to player and I’m going to turn this on now all right so now now you can see we’ve got a rough Square underneath there so area

Editor on to I think it needs to be that High um and then we can actually trim out that much um cool cool cool I can’t actually see the Z of corner one if it’s accurate oh it’s got too much on there perfect let me go up there and

Make sure that is got everything we need inside want to make sure it doesn’t need to be like a block taller or something uh no it’s got that comparator in it it’s got this spare Block in it yeah it looks good it’s got this little extender in here oh

Wait oh yeah that that actually oh hold on this is broken right now the there we go good all right this is this is functional now I had I had removed a block that was actually necessary and I didn’t even realize it um okay good I better test it now that I

Stripped out all the blocks and I did mess up in one place I better test it again huh welcome back trash um I do need to get to the other side so we’re going to be less than a certain amount here good and then we’re going to

Start letting items flow through that is going to be letting them go up actually I want a repeater here with four ticks on and then yeah and then now it’s draining so it got to it got to 24 again right and then it flipped and then it was

Perfect all right good that is functional that is functional um yeah luckily I had caught that I missed that block um I probably would have would have seen that I caught that when I was rebuilding it let me make a schematic out of this and we will copy

And paste it to right over there cuz it should be literally identical uh area editor we’re going to say we’re going to call this the um uh Tree Farm bone meal overflow okay and we’re going to uh save schematic there we go uh and then we can go over here

And uh it’s slightly different uh like the direction of The Hoppers coming into here is slightly different but otherwise it’s identical so we’ll be able to line it up and do the exact same stuff to it good um let me I think I just need to be

Somewhere right around here when I paste this in and we’ll be able to line it up really easily so loaded oh uh schematic placements loaded schematics load schematics I need to load it right now so ah Tre it’s is this last one all right so now we have a placement of it

Here it is Oh um okay it’s a bit High let me lower it down all right I just need to get it to where the um drop bottom dropper lines up that’s what actually Matters can I find where the bottom dropper Is oh I see I need to move it over by one and up by two I believe good so now what this is going to do is right those droppers Hopper all that is perfect so then everything else that’s that’s red here I can now

Remove and then I just need to build the rest mhm so now I’m going to make it to where I can only see a single layer we can only see the bottom layer that’s all we know we need going increase the layer height by one okay yeah as long yeah that’s fine it’s

Just not powered yet so that’s good increase It Again by one chest is facing the wrong way but that’s not a big Deal okay Hopper down there first these two blocks oh throw in some Redstone dutes run this across that being of the wrong block type is a okay okay then we run Redstone I don’t have anymore all right then we got some blocks to put around Here good and next up good perfect I mean this one doesn’t have that problem it’s uh this one’s actually got the opposite problem where like it’s low on on on on obsidian on um on bone meal but now they both have the Overflow protection actually how low is this one

On bone meal maybe we should have the excess bone meal from over there go to this one instead of storing it what if we just send the excess bone meal from over here to that one and then if that one is full then we set up some sort of storage maybe that could

Work um actually I do want to check though like how much bone meal is in here like obviously like the answer is not much oh my goodness are we like out out bone meal oh we have like no bone meal in here yeah the bone meal is bone meal is

Like this uses this has each one of these chat has like a buffer of like like a dozen double chests worth of bone meal and this one’s out that’s um not good how do I even get underneath to like see oh yeah I can go underneath and see how bad the problem

Is so oh yeah this is really bad uh-huh this is all supposed to be solid bone meal and the center column is very much not solid bone meal uhoh oops I mean it seems like it ended up being okay in the end uh I need to I need to EMP my empty my

Inventory and got some stuff to do here chat why do I have an extra Observer where’ I get that from oh my God wait I never yeah I never put in the sticky piston or the Observer God dang it okay that that would have been close

Um bone meal problems ah you don’t get any bone meal of course you have problems Um all right let me get all the Redstone stuff out of here H and empty all the junk out of my inventory heck I might even keep the bone meal in my inventory and then we got to get so this I can’t see what’s above it that’s a problem like there’s something above

It that might not have bone meal in it yeah yeah okay so we’re all the way to here oh my God that’s like actually the end of the line for the bone meal oh my God hold on so then from here that’s good and then from here comes down gotcha

Okay and then here comes down oh Jesus massive almost a year man almost a year man debuck at 10 months my dude my dude appreciate you homie um yeah that’s Absolut this is absolutely crazy how um low this was we’re really really lucky that it didn’t get any further into

Problems I’m just checking every single every single place that could be affected right now um just every single Hopper and dropper in the entire chain needs to be checked did I check these actual dispensers I meant crap okay hold on I need some blocks to do some pillaring um I think we might

Have a accidentally caught it at the perfect time damn it um but like if we had started running it while we built this thing without checking this it would have uh it would have borked itself um I just need to check yeah all those dispensers are good we checked this whole row of

Hoppers good now we checked this whole row of Hoppers then we check oh we can’t actually check whatever those are those who knows what they are but I can’t open them so then we have all these dispensers here man I have to be like pretty far back to be able to reach

Those all those dispensers look good I the thing is about a dispenser it will eventually clear itself out unlike a hopper uh so then I got to check the entire Hopper Row in front of dispensers looking good and then the row right here that’s a um good and then this

Row yep that’s the one that’s low low then this row good and then we know all the Hoppers above that that above these two are full but above that one is empty um so okay I’m going to rip out all of this polished Blackstone we just

Put in uh cuz this was all just to get up in here and check on it um and now the dealio is I need to go put a bunch of bone meal into into it to Kickstart it again um perfect ow W one had a problem of uh being just

Barely overfilled and the other one had a problem of being uh just barely enough to run exact opposite problems solved at the same time uh if it did it once will it do it again yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s done this before where it’s um

Uh this is it’s done it once before where it actually completely ran out of bone meal and became inoperable um so I knew this was a thing and I figured I would tackle it when we got around to building the building around here and then of course I forgot that that’s what

I said I was going to do so I I forgot that was a thing I was going to need to do but um it’s good we’re through here all right so now this is going through like it should right or don’t tell me it’s going down Bud nope it’s

Going up yeah it’s going up okay um excuse me wait why is is this staying extended and not getting retracted oh why is that okay now this is staying okay whatever so that’s going to just put it in where it can go I don’t know if it’s going to be enough to

Actually be like helpful um or it’s definitely not going to be enough to like top it off top it off um I do really think that our solution is going to be taking the Overflow output of that and putting it into the other one um I don’t know if it’s a permanent

Enough I think I think we need to do a couple things we need to First actually uh top it off completely right get it to where um get it to where at least this Hopper is completely full right and then from there we run it to where excess from

Here goes to there um and then from there if that one ever gets excess then and only then does it go into like a shulker loader um yeah that sounds like a plan um the kind of plan that I will tackle after I use the restroom chat it’s about halfway

Stream and I got to go to the bathroom yeah the wandering Trader is trying to learn something uh for sure dude for sure dude whoa all right so we’re going to go here to the pirate sheep ship um and I’m going to put words on if you’re on any other platform and you

Want to play with us you got to come on over to Twitch link is in the bio um H let me get started here there we go oh wait what oh crap I I forgot to update H here you go there you go you

Might have lost out on you lost out on a second uh I’ll give you a free one crop and prop um there there you go uh but I’ll be back in just a few minutes going to run to the restroom uh and then we’ll get right back to picking up on the

Redstone and then maybe starting the build hope I want to start the build today all right I do I do I swear I’m not stalling okay maybe just a Little I I I need you I need You all right I’m back do you have a good time chat how’s words going oh my goodness oh chat speaking of uh that that YouTube comment there uh make sure you’re subbed on YouTube and did you see today’s video what did you think about it if you haven’t seen it I recommend watching

It put a a lot of bit of a lot of effort to get that up to my current quality standards cuz 75% of it is footage from two years ago um Gia only person to play uh in that last rounde I saw you guys had to restart um

So gave up oh my God who wants banned CJ does all right all right I thought I did great work on the thumbnail though I was very proud of that thumbnail uh speaking of which CJ you saw my tweet about um my largest MC Minecraft screenshot ever um I took for that

Thumbnail uh I in replay mod you can define a custom resolution and I knew I wanted a really really HD image so I could zoom in and like pan around to find the perfect background for the thumbnail um anybody want to make some guesses at how large of a

Screenshot I took the file size I’ll tell you was over 300 megabytes for a single screenshot um any any wild guesses on how large what the resolution was that I took a screenshot in um CJ uh CJ uh guessed uh 4k on Twitter and he was too

Low I I’ll let you know that I’ll let you know that 900k H that might be a bit High I don’t know what um hold on no wait no wait k all right uh deaf more than two yeah oh come on someone make a guess okay get if you if you were to

Imagine so a really massive screen uh like how how do you come up with a really big resolution um 8K that’s uh that’s too that’s still too low uh okay I guess if we’re going to talk in K right so 10 let’s say 1080p 1080p is the vertical resolution right

4K is 4,000 pixels wide give or take right um I don’t know what the I know what the P is for mine I don’t know what the k is for mine uh um Tinsley 1080p is about 2k give or take um so in that case Gia 12K is low 113k is

High 20 40p nope um uh so chat if all right all right all right all right the Default Resolution right Is 1920 by 1080 what’s the easiest way to scale 1920 by 1080 up a lot I put a zero at the end instead of 1920 by 1080 I did n uh night uh

19,800 by by 10,8 uh 8 1920 uh 19,200 pixels by uh by 10,200 pixels or 800 pixels so it’s been uh I don’t know what the uh so that’s got to be what 20 20K or yeah 20K or 100 or yeah 1080p 10,000 P or whatever uh

Yeah all right so we’re going to run this over here but it was a super large screenshot so so the background of today’s thumbnail is a you know gets rendered out as a 720p like image cuz that’s what thumbnails are the 7 20p so 7 uh so

Like the let’s say 720p is this big right I pasted on the screenshot and it was like this big I zoomed it into like here and then I just panned around a little square on an image this big until I found the background that I

Wanted uh it was great like so if you see this if you see the thumbnail on YouTube and you see the little St rer in the lava lake at the bottom of the thumbnail like behind the scaffolding right you can zoom in and get that get

That Strider to be full screen and still like see it very clearly um what’s up homie um no actually no it’s actually true CJ his his follow date is 2016 he has not commented in chat since before they added the first time alerts yeah dude welcome in [Laughter] Jesus

Uh um did you did you go by an old name in 2016 or are uh yeah yeah yeah yeah um cuz I would I yeah did did we play together back in the day I know um same name all right sorry I I just

Uh uh I didn’t know if it’d have a name I could recognize sorry from seven years ago I I have a hard time remembering uh oh man all right chat what are we doing oh wait we were getting The Hoppers um and then we would need the composters uh and then we’re potentially

Going to need droppers and if we need droppers then that means we’re probably going to need a sticky piston probably going to need a redstone block definitely going to need some dutes might even need a repeater heck even a comparator maybe and maybe even a torch all right just

All the materials um and we’re going to come down here with some of this stuff good all right so I can oh yeah we’re it’s going to yeah I brought the droppers cuz we’re going to have to like raise it back up over there uh the thing is is I can’t run it

Straight this way at that height it needs needs to be uh needs to have a block Gap so what I’ll do is I’ll actually just run the composters first the composters will be a buffer between those Hoppers and this and then I should uh looks like I might be able to

Run a straight line of composters directly to where we can actually work with it and composters right there aren’t going to affect anything um right and then we could have a single uh dropper thing pointing it back up but maybe we’re better off oh it’s going to

Have to be two droppers and it’s definitely not going to be good to have that right here but maybe we can have it like right here or something I don’t know we’ll have to see um 2016 was three years ago oh my God yeah dude for the longest time um up

Until up until maybe about 2020 when you would say like oh you know that was just a couple years ago for me my brain would default to uh 2010 uh so like it could have been 2017 and somebody would have been like you know that was just a couple years ago

And I would have uh I would have been like oh 2010 a couple years ago you know two or three years ago uh nope no no it takes it takes a bit of time uh restructuring your brain around that uh um all right so let’s grab some Hoppers oops and then we

Got to run this line Over Yonder wait is these blocks going to affect any what a what in the heck what are these blocks doing that are down lower than this um uh we do not discuss age in the chat exclamation mark rules Uh all right so this is where I was Running we got to keep going there we do need two Hoppers directly on top of each other there’s no way to do that differently um okay so then what we do can do is uh we could actually put it I I guess the the further this way we

Put it that’s the less um Hoppers that that we have to include so like putting it right here might be our best bet for the dropper uh let me see so dropper dropper putting them right there right that would that would be not a up against any red stone right and it

Would just throw it into there yeah that’s that’s that’s the where it’s going to go now we just need to get rid of these and now we need to figure out um just a little bit of dropper powering that’s going to have to happen oh this

Has got to go into there sideways good all right now let me here we Go uh we don’t discuss age in chat keep that’s one of the rules we do here uh what are we doing we are working on this uh we work we’re working on this oh we’re fixing some Redstone um so dang it all right um actually what I want to do is I want

To pull the comparator out of there RoR and then what’s going to have to happen is oh wait what’s directly on top of there that that won’t get powered by this like I’m like 87,000 .01% sure I didn’t bring any Observer dang it and I did apparently trigger some

Phantoms um oh hey look it’s a phantom oh creep what Skelly Bob where’ he come from whoa whoa I’m actually concerned about where the skeleton came from because it shouldn’t be possible for him to spawn um what who’s still alive I thought I killed them all

No like but seriously where did he spawn did he spawn on a slab that’s where it looked like he spawned like he was standing here dude um unless I feel like there’s a bug in Minecraft chat where mobs can spawn on slabs sometimes has that ever happened

To anybody else cuz I feel like it happens to me like quite often we we’ll be in an area where the only only possible place he could have spawned was a slab all right whatever I’m done shooting at him I want my observers and I’m just going back down did he fall maybe

Bro how Okay jeez you know actually we don’t have very much Phantom membrane I assume so I’m just going to grab that um next Up is all we need to Do right so that’s not actually going to do any oh oh crap I need some bone meal to test this with cuz I don’t know actually well you know what I could do I could just take this Hopper out and if I put something in there yeah

It goes up good all right tested worked so this is powering both of them it just takes two ticks for it to get up uh which is fine so now what we’re supposed to do from here is block and then um and then do that and then do that no

That’s the opposite of what I want uh there we go so now if something goes into here that’ll trigger this on that’ll extend it out and that’ll get it sent out of there real easy peasy really small actually Contraption um entirely that’s all it takes chat um cool so now excess bone meal

From the other side will come to here here that’s great but we still do need to top it off so let’s actually get back to the base um with our um put all the Redstone materials back where they belong all this stuff oh the chest all

This stuff is is junk need to go into the unloader Ooo all right I love hearing it immediately load the shulker when I dump it in there that means it’s EMP it’s unloaded everything else already right that’s always good um what was I doing what was I here for oh bone meal right um I feel like it might be pretty wise of us

To grab a lot of bone meal maybe it would be pretty smart of us you know what else I can do you know what else I can do chat I can have some sort of um light that comes on if it’s low hell I could even have it turn itself

Off if it gets low oh my god do I want to do that chat do you want me to do that I know you guys probably want me to actually move on and like start with the build but now’s the time to fix these Redstone issues if you know they

Were going to crop up all right so that’s where it got full too it needs to be massive though true massive does mean functional sometimes all right yep that’s that’s enough that’s the entire thing so really what that would mean is what’s up Maxine how

You doing um do it all right uh so what what that would mean is drawing a redstone signal from the very last Hopper that we have access to before this Hopper which isn’t this one but it’s this one it’d be pulling a comparator out of this Hopper uh

Meaning uh meaning that the wall we’re going to have to actually add some uh additional um blocks back here CH by the way this scaffolding is um part of the Redstone so we can’t break it I just realized um right so here yeah uh yep we are fixing the Redstone

Of our tree farm right now um we we were about to build the like um building around the structure we’ve had this for ages uh but the problem is is that we found that one of them produces too much bone meal and was like clogging itself

Up and the other one uh uh they the two trees the two two nether trees produce different uh amounts of bone meal um and then this one it was running dry and it was actually really close to not having enough bone meal to run so we’re fixing

Both of those issues putting in stoppers for if they run out and overflow protection if they get too full so what we need to do is draw a comparator out of that Hopper right now chat at uh let me go grab some blocks a green thumb um oh boy I already put my

Redstone stuff away yeah I thought we were done with the Redstone until we discovered this so um so Hopper no we’re not going to need Hoppers we’re just going to need repeaters comparators dust blocks maybe torches I do kind of want to put a light on it

Um I honestly don’t even know how to wire in an override to this system right at the moment but uh we’ll figure that out uh I just need to break a bit more of the ceiling so I have room to think it’s kind of like turning the

Music down in your car to see better um this is this is uh oh I see I I see exactly how I can um disable this all we have to do is this is the Redstone signal that is turning it on all we have to do is add like

Another comparator and then make it or another repeater right here right hold on let me show you if we have um if we have a repeater right here and then this goes into a block we can override the signal turning it on by moving this block away so what this will

Do chat is this if this Hopper is ever empty what it should do is retract this block away from here and turn on a light above it um and that’ll show up in and you’ll be able to see that clearly like like um we’ll put we’ll put a sign above

It that says low bone meal you know uh uh not vanilla tweaks pink slime I have my own pink slime that is Pinker than vanilla tweaks pink slime it wasn’t pink enough for me but we do run vanilla tweaks it’s great um right so I need a I need a I

Need a piston I didn’t bring one with me sticky piston I look like a pink slime ah you’re right you caught me um okay so really what we is this just a old like pillar that doesn’t need to exist yeah yeah when I originally built this I left this um Stone here huh

Getting rid of it just because I know it doesn’t need to exist and I just want to make sure there’s nothing in my Way yeah that shouldn’t you know what I can do though I I can put a block there so I might as well just so it’s less Redstone items I guess cuz you can put a block between the like it’s still pulling the signal from that compost or from that um

I don’t even know which that Hopper that’s back behind there so that’s good and this is the block that needs retracted now maybe we didn’t put that in the ideal spot but then we would have had a redstone d right there anyway so uh shoot um you know what maybe we

Would have been better off um putting the comparator right there then we could run that into a block which then immediately drops the signal down right um okay and then and let’s say our sticky piston shoot our sticky piston could be just right there and then as long as that signal is

On right then shoot we can just put it flipping right there dude and that oh that doesn’t extend it oh no wait we might be able to do this yeah wait that’s that’s all we have to add and then that is the override hold on wait

Wow that is really really compact uh so it is comparator uh I can’t even show you it’s too compact great oh so that is a comparator here powering this block which Powers this Redstone dup which Powers this block which Powers this Redstone or this piston which will

Retract this um and tell us when it’s low yeah I had such a tight space to work in it actually came out with like a great uh a great uh thing but the problem now is is I also wanted a light to come off of the top so it’s not

Really a problem I just uh I can draw that from the top I believe we can probably do a redstone torch to a lantern or something like that um so what I think like right here this block I don’t know if we’ll if it’s a problem having a redstone torch there I don’t

Think it will because it’s just going to power this right and then that and then this and then that’s that’s on the opposite so right if that light comes on that means it’s low dang Phantoms bro I’m just trying to exist here and do my redstone completely

Spawn prooof base and yet these guys still try I don’t think this will cause a problem right cuz this um we’re not sending power into this block at all and there’s no Redstone Dust around it’s just stuff from this uh Observer goes through here right it’s it’s not going

To cause a problem that is elegant AF um I need to I need to copy this to the other one now because I if I’m if I’m putting overflow protection on both of them I might as well put a a a low override on both of

Them the Redstone Dust on the Block next to the Piston there is over here this no that’s fine no this is part of it this is what one of the uh redstones I just put in right that is be this is going down to yeah yeah that’s that’s perfectly where

We want it to be actually it didn’t even need to go down did it it did for me to be able to pull this off off the top so I will leave it at that um you know what’s actually amazing chat we don’t even need to 111 hours nice dude we don’t even

Need to uh extend out this wall the wall can go directly over top this without an issue perfect um I do need to just do the same thing right over here um got him okay oh Phantom oh shoot the F the wait does that mean

It’s going to end up over in here we’re going to end up with some Phantom stuff in here or oh is that even worse for us does that mean it’s going to get stuck over here somewhere yeah Phantom membrane gets stuck right above the composters okay yep that’s that’s possible if any

Foul yeah yeah we got leads and rotten flesh stuck in this one and a warped stem yeah those are the two places they can get stuck um yeah luckily once this has a cover on it that won’t be a problem uh obviously the Warped stem that got passed because the bone meal was

Overflowing um and the rotten flesh and the leads and the Phantom membranes was because it’s open to the sky and mobs spawned so once there’s a building around this uh and we have the Overflow protection in and stuff you know it won’t this won’t be possible to happen

Again uh good so now I need to find the exact same place down here and do the exact same thing down here uh let me throw away some of my junk that I just picked up good and I should have everything I need now oh oh crap this one gets its

Redstone from the a different angle obviously uh it comes from the middle and gets split off so we’re probably going to need to reroute this uh but we can work we can deal with that we can deal with that so if I go here uh just like last time comparator comes

Out of there good um then it can go into a block yeah all of this is going to have to come out uh it can go down to here which then can go back into a block which then can go into a sticky piston right there good which

Then last time we left it running into the side point oh wait we need a repeater actually so we could actually put that repeater right here doesn’t matter um and then H I don’t know one two I’m going to break that temporarily just so I can test

This I just need to see what our signal strength is going to be right um okay if I connected that it would turn the farm on so I’m not going to do that right now but we do know the signal strength is actually going to be perfect

Um so we can put that back then we can break this this this and that um and then all of this too and that and that and that and that and and that and that and then we connect that and then we’re good this

Has it now too we just need to get up top uh again and do the uh um torch Tower so torch tower that that connects there with no problem and then redstone lamp right there perfect now if I if those lights come on that means

It’s run out it’s low and well it hasn’t run out it means it’s shut itself off because it’s too low now if that ever happens over here this one could Kickstart it again which might mean like just a couple pieces of bone meal coming from this one running to that one could

Let it run for a few Cycles maybe um but yeah this is like all like really really good improvements if I do say so myself and I have said so so I’ve said it oh the tree farm is actually like really really really problematic

Um it is it is the uh definition of a problem child build um it’s blown itself up more times than I can remember um for various reasons um hopefully all of them have been solved just going to reset this back that’s why this one was acting funny was

Because oh here that a little bit of bone meal just got created I love that for us okay um good now the only other thing left to do this is where bone meal would come to right um yes so this is where the shroom lights go to and we have an overflow for

If the shroom lights ever fill up they get turned into bone meal and then go over to there we’ve never let the shroom lights fill up before um but bone meal would go into there so what I think needs to happen is we need to Run the output of this chest here needs to then go over to over there oh it’s even more Hoppers cuz like it is technically possible that this could overflow um given like really really good RNG rates of bone meal in both farms at the same time it could overflow um so having overflow

Protection that is actually adequate and goes somewhere is important instead of just having a single chest cuz this would fill up eventually maybe yeah we’re well our next actually can we update the project command can someone do a project command for me um and we need to update the project

Command The 500 Club is done we need to say we are uh decorating the tree farm build um do we have any mods in that want to rewrite something about um uh building the structure decorating the tree farm etc etc etc all right let me get a bunch of composters and a bunch

Of Hoppers um and then honestly we’re going to need um a dropper Tower as well this isn’t going to be enough Hoppers and stuff I bet you um so what we’re going to do right is just run this in a straight line oh what’s that method that we used

For oh no that’s not as compact as I thought it was never mind I thought we had a really compact design there but we didn’t that design is actually way more Compact and that’s probably what I’ll use over here too um and let me get up top and I got

To open up a hole um right here is where we want that going in so we do need a or actually we could have it go in like right there and then oh no that’d be up against this Redstone and then if we we did it here

That could be powering these Hoppers so we want the dropper Tower right here I guess and then we’ll just have a hopper over so good I didn’t bring any actual blocks with me did I I want to have actual blocks so I can just get to here and then dropper

Tower actually going to have to have those two right Good that does not go out further than that so it’s okay to just have them in that direction um good all right so now we get our Hoppers run them along right underneath here don’t you just love when you have to add like a stack of Hoppers for a

One-off scenario that might never happen like there might actually never be a scenario where a single piece of bone meal ever runs down this line but we’re adding it in in the very very very slim chance that it ever does happen and I don’t know how I feel about That uh all right so what we need to do here is I didn’t bring observers with me we need to get observers oh my God who left that block there I don’t know a stack is going to be enough you lost a stack of Hoppers you

Have no idea where they went bro every time I do a build a stack of Hoppers disappears just poof gone um also I’m apparently didn’t bring any of the materials I need um I’m going to need sticky pistons I’m going to need Redstone Dust I might need a redstone

Block definitely could need a repeater definitely definitely need a comparator might need a torch um good oh yeah yeah at least for me they’re not valuable so right we’re going To have that going into there um heck we can shoot that’s like actually all we need there then right like that will work now I just need I need to put this in that position just so I can h no how do I how do I cons consistently place from

This angle I guess I need to pillar up alongside from this Angle perfect you know what I just realized I didn’t do at all during this make sure it’s like spawn proof I mean I guess I have been like removing blocks that don’t matter so that should be like spawn proofing a huge majority of it but like that block

Specifically has to exist with nothing and has nothing on top of it so like it needs spawn proof that block didn’t need to exist in the middle right uh this is our tree farm but I have I really have not made sure that like everything I’ve added is spawn proofed which

Is pretty brutal to think about I mean actually I guess I have because cuz no I guess not that’s potentially a place mobs can spawn once a wall goes up um I don’t want mobs to be able to spawn inside the Redstone so I think my best

Bet is going to go just going to be getting myself a couple torches and uh topping everything off or just you know placing a bunch of torches down around this place to make sure yeah I need to I actually need to fill up my torches in here and then just

Bring a couple torches as well to use for this um oh hey CJ you’re here now would you mind updating the project command to saying that we are um decorating the tree farm in an effort to um complete all the builds in the black biome or something like that uh

The and then we can pin that project command what what did I come here for our torches actually just 11 torches for this project will be good Enough So everywhere where we’ve done a little bit of work today I’m just going to throw down a torch somewhere cuz those blocks right those blocks um didn’t exist before uh don’t you just love this floating tulip chat um throw a torch down there then we have the two places towards the Back and throw I can throw a torch down like right There scratched your brain oh my God all right good um now I think we’re actually done updating all the Redstone here chat um I do think it might be beneficial for us to keep some of this bone blocks around here um in case this ever runs low

Um right we do have bone meal all the way to here so that’s good for us and know you don’t love the floating flower you were complaining about it haunting you earlier bro but it’s like so cool um the floating flower is from right this actually like this grass

Here is original grass that like probably spawned in his dirt right I’ll be honest um but there used to be a white a pond here and that left this Flo that happened to spawn in with a flower floating in the air and we mined everything away

And we left the floating flower yeah so it just happened spawn there like naturally because of the remember how like it back I think it was 118 fixed it but it the game used to let like ponds spawn with floating grass and flowers above them um and they p and and when

They did all of the generation changes in 118 that got removed but it’s um it’s not a thing or it’s not a thing anymore so that is like actually can’t happen anymore and it’s just really it’s really it’s really you unique thing showing that like this world is old um

Also over here we have like a whole wack ton of floating grass um let me see if I can see if I can find it oh did I get rid of like all of it here’s like one piece of floating grass we must have punched it all out except

For one piece there used to be so much around here oh here’s two more oh no here it okay there it is just so much floating gr wait is that a that’s a floating to Tall Grass yeah yeah those can’t happen anymore so um the fact that we left them there like

For the memes back then is really cool because they patched it out of the game to where nobody else can have have that floating grass like it it it it used to be like a so annoying but since they patched it out and I left it behind it’s

Like oh that’s kind of cool you know you can’t have that anymore uh give it a couple more years and like the average player will have forgotten that that was a thing to spawn in your world with a bunch of floating grass if you if you cleared uh a plan’s biome right

I think chat made me leave it there for a troll actually but ended up being a cool little addition more Rockets I always need more Rockets all right uh let’s have a little sleep stop the Phantoms from spawning right um all right now I think we can

Actually start with the with uh what what I was talking about at the beginning of stream that was a heck of a Sidetrack but like the I would say that this place is like measurably better for it so like um yeah let me actually while we’re here

Now that we’ve done all that stuff and while we’re here working on it we should um have the tree farm running while we build the shell around this place plus we’ll find out if we build too close to the TNT um tree group Pistons pushed TNT yoted we got

Booms you hear the bone meal being created why is not this why is this one not turned On um did I mess something up oh I I did in fact mess something up I left that redstone dust off so it never got a signal to turn On all right so I need to go turn it off again might have to run a whole another cycle first you know that’s just feeding bone meal in over here too so yeah this has gone up three bone meal love that uh all right so now we

Can turn off the override and press it start and they both should start now yeah yeah there we go there we go so now we’ll have both Farms running while we actually build this place um note to self though if we need to fly back to the base I have to turn

This off now we can’t just leave it going the whole oh crap it blew up my lights okay okay ah my low light indicator huh Um yeah see look it’s going down now that it’s running but it’s fine um I guess I’m just going to let those despawn how else can I deal with those huh H H whoa we got a big tall ones spawned in over there actually looks like we’ve had a couple big tall ones spawn in maybe um the big tall ones only get blown up every once in a while Um oh but they got blown up good job um all right those are off again so now um so it’s okay for this SC scaffolding to exist but a redstone lamp and Redstone torches get blown up here scaffolding must have a higher U uh thing I don’t know

Um uh you know what I’ll do just to make this easier on myself in the future I’ll make this go out like two blocks further back than it needs to right here um so that way we have room to run those lighting those lights in the future somewhere

Else right here here we go uh that’s that’s what I’ll do no light indicator oh my god um I could rerun them now but I don’t know where um I don’t know how or where I want to uh um like I might be able to like

Just move it to where it’s behind the scaffolding or something like I might be able to just move it over like One Singular block and like that be enough um I should probably just test it huh like is that good or is that is that going to get blown up

Now well didn’t get blown up the first try no literally moving it one block to the left was good I think [Applause] yeah that works so all we ow all we did was that oh wait that’s that light is the opposite of what we want though um

H yeah that light is the opposite of what we want now So if I nope that blows up the torch I can I mean we can invert we we can let it be that way uh yeah we can just let it be let it be let it be all right I still think I’m going to give myself a couple blocks of buffer in case

I want to make it be somewhere completely else [Applause] um just going to be hearing a lot of explosions oh jeez okay I just did that so we’ll keep the lights for now we’ll have to go back around and uh mhm oh shoot I went I went up too high oops

I didn’t realize I did my Bad hearing lots of stuff happening this Farm is loud and that’s great Lov it Miku pre dud oh CJ when did you even when did CJ do a coffee pole Chad I didn’t even see it what was the results I can’t uh what was the results of CJ’s coffee pole I missed it

Entirely there 32 minutes ago 33 minutes ago now now you’re not just saying that Miku are you 100% yes and I should try it on stream I I I still haven’t even had time to look to see like at his full sight um because I don’t have a coffee maker

Right now so it hasn’t been on the like uh Forefront of my brain my coffee maker broke and I have not uh all right let’s check with free cam real quick on what size building we’re looking at here that’s going to be a decent sized building huh chat um

H you know what would be cool is if the pallet um went From um mostly black stone or uh yeah mostly Black Stone and then started mixing in different variants of black Stone above it and then mixed in a couple uh you know a single variant of deep slate and then by the time it was at the top it was like half Blackstone

Half deep slate um with like different versions of them as it goes up that could be a sick look Um this is this is good stuff what do I have macro wise on my stream deck kind of abrupt if I so I a no this is only five more five six S 8 n that’s five blocks I want a four nine or 69 there we go yeah so that’s four

Different blocks right there so if if we have four different blocks like that chat that means we can make one out of four blocks ends up being polished Blackstone and the rest be normal Blackstone um actually I feel like it should be bricks at first bricks are dirty and

Polished right we’ll do that first so I’m going to go around with this macro on and I’m just going to go in barely mixing in a few bits of Blackstone bricks it definitely is a hard line uh great um I might have to go in and add a bit

More my own variations but we are going to be cutting a whole bunch of Windows and stuff out of this so like maybe it’ll be okay holy mobs okay what the heck why is there so many dude I must have blocked off all the light levels or or yeah there’s a that

Corner is just pretty pretty dark it’s not just that corner too huh it’s um it’s a bunch of places in here that have no light since we blocked off the um oh shoot technically up here is dark and right here this is dark right yep and in here is dark great

Okay a shoot the Tor or the thing did end up blowing up ah over here too darn it it took a minute it took a bit of time but they did end up blowing up H okay darn all right light levels should be good now inside and

Out um actually I I guess we didn’t check on the outside of this side did We yeah light levels are good okay um oh shoot we need to go in underneath [Applause] here all righty break this and I can take that yeah just looking around the outside edges yep yep yep yep yep perfect we went the whole way around now excuse Me I think that’s honestly that ended up being a pattern cuz I was just holding right click so you can see how it like kind of put a bit of striping in there I can I can prevent that by not just holding right click and actually just

Like spam clicking and we’ll end up with more variance so I’m good with that yeah okay uh oh I actually had extras there and I can top that off Good good so then now what I want to do is add in a stack of polished top off my stack of so then we stick with the same four right and now it’s just sneaking in a bit of that why did it go in like a straight line that’s honestly really annoying but

We don’t need all this wood right now by the way it’s just what how am I absolutely horrible at just timing to getv is here like I don’t want to like we still have 20 of everything else but that one slot and ends up being extremely high usage I don’t

Understand okay I’ll switch it to a different slot and just see if that like actually makes a difference um okay welcome in dizzy how you doing how much height do we have to go I genuinely don’t know Okay Okay let’s go take a look from another perspective to see how that looks so right yeah it’s like solid Blackstone then you start getting some bricks mixed in then you start getting um it’s just such a high percentage of of polished black stone all of a sudden

It really feels too sudden I don’t know maybe The 500 Club build is done correct CH which way is the entrance to this building in your opinion um I’ve always imagined you walk in through back here but like uh this seems that’s where the controls

S I feel like we might need to move those controls actually um make it to where our entrance is like walking through this wall right and then we just have the controls like in the floor maybe I think we used to have them in the floor and then we brought them into

This box and then we’re going to have to change it again how much wood do we have here are we right so we had a whole whole bunch and then we took some and now it’s it’s filling back Up happen to get any bone meal through nope no NOP all right that’s good actually that we haven’t because it’d be a if we had gotten some through that would have been a problem um I’m actually going to go shut it Up I’m going to shut it off and then we’ll go check the bone levels on both Farms I’m assuming the one on the uh uh the Warped tree farm on the left is going to be completely completely full of bone meal and the one on the right is going

To be slightly lower than where we started oh I fell down I can’t tell dang it uh actually we might be able to work with right here so yeah that’s completely full I can’t actually tell of course the bottom dropper is we don’t have a way of checking the

Level in that other Hopper that’s where it would be able to tell if like if that’s at exactly 24 we know we’ve sent some across and we have no way of doing that oh wait H nope uh That’s slightly lower than completely full um but only very slightly lower than completely full um then over here where we left off with this one okay it’s a really close to the same level so we left it with basically two and a half stacks and now it’s down to

Under one stack in here um but you you can tell yeah so yeah this one’s definitely got they’ve both got less than where we started off at in that scenario um but in the long run this one gets more it’s both wart blocks full yet the wart blocks are what gets turned into

The bone meal so right um the stems and the shroom lights on this one get pulled out and then uh everything else the the wart blocks the The Vines all that other stuff go into these composters and there would get turned into the bone meal what is this all about wait what

Used to be here chat oh nothing these are just item filters gotcha um what is wait what is this oh this is a yeah okay good mhm it’s crazy just how much more of um bone meal this one makes and I don’t know why oh it’s because I think the

Vines Dro differently or something with that one versus this one like this one the vines don’t drop and this one the vines do drop so I don’t know I’m not going to pretend I remember the exact details uh we’re definitely going to need an absolute boatload more

Of uh Blackstone uh this stuff can go into the unloader so much of this stuff nothing came through to there that’s good uh how’s our shroom light Supply looking oh my God that’s a lot of shroom lights uh four double chests of shroom lights in there over four double chests of shroom

Lights um we have absolutely no need to take those back to the base same with the wood too Um going to I don’t know how much Black Stone I should get probably just a lot right ow I was reaching to mute and cover my mouth and I smacked it into there so I have six full double chests I can reach from there that means I can

Bring 12 shulkers I’m just going to grab 12 shulkers two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 yeah I can pull 12 shulkers of this stuff out at once uh and I won’t even make a dent into my stash Genuinely Good stuff this is just the raw black stone like I still probably have a bunch of the other variants Crafted but we’re not even going to bother taking those ones there we Go that is 12 shulker boxes of Blackstone that’s why some materials like Blackstone we have just uh so many filters for it cuz we just they’re filled up all the way to the filter for all 12 of those uh Columns of chests which is just so much so taking 12 out

At once is easy and they’re going to be refilled in no time all right all right how far are we away from should I get should I get deep slate yet um I don’t know I really want to figure out those lights actually I think I think that’s

My next priority is figuring out the lights um I’m going to just grab this again and I’m going to grab like a stack of Blackstone I’m going to grab maybe some torches some dutes and uh some Redstone lamps so the only place we’re going to possibly be able to take

This is like back further maybe um actually yeah that might just be it um okay I didn’t even think about just moving it back and then right here then that’ll come on when it’s low and then how what’s the visibility of that from over here yeah you can see that just fine right

Mhm you yeah you can see that just fine uh maybe I’ll do the same thing over here maybe I will um so then right we break this torch and it should be fine because the Torches are going to be hidden behind Blackstone uh so like they’re the

Weakest thing to get blown up here and then those potentially could be blown up but they’re weaker than the Blackstone but they’re further back now so unlikely to have a problem hopefully it’s that simple of a solution right it never is but hopefully single piece of black concrete

Powder uh that’s what’s in our dump chest right now um gosh I just realized we’re also going to have have to like do the interior huh uh we go by eastern time here um yeah we’re going to have to like do the interior um with uh probably blocking

The the floor so you don’t see down into the Redstone but still having a like the reason that we have this exposed is so basically you don’t accidentally wander into the blast zone but if we put up a railing here you know that’s not a big

Deal we can work with that if we have a railing um yeah um okay anything should I should I do the interior should I I kind of want to just put the Cube together I should just put the Cube together first right uh it’s not really going to be a perfect Cube

It’s going to be more rectangular but you know know you know the gist of it um so we were working with um two stacks Of right so right that was our ratio the order that they are doesn’t matter but two stacks of Blackstone one stack of polished Blackstone and one stack of polished Blackstone bricks here we go that was the ratio for this these three layers um and it’s done uh what

Should the ratio be now I feel like I kind of want to switch it to that kind of ratio to where we have double the amount of polished black stone bricks and we’re phasing out the black Black Stone Al together uh for this one basically every three blocks the

Pallet is going to change in some way shape or form that’s the that’s the gist of it here that’s um uh so that way the higher up it goes like the cleaner it’s going to be um but we’re going to introd introduce deep slate in soon So there we go um there we go let’s keep it going well it’s going to be less um weathered as it goes up is the idea right the bottom is made out of like just you know Black Stone the most the most weathered of the blocks that we’re

Using and then as it goes up it’s going to be um less weathered I guess it’s going to slowly transition to like a deep slate at the top I don’t think it’ll be a pure deep slate but like as we get higher We’ll add you know a bit of deep slate tiles

In basically we want it to be fading from darker to lighter um as it goes Up there we go good so now when you look at it right it goes from Pure Blackstone to Black Stone and bricks and then we add in a bit more of and then we add in the polished and then we transition to more bricks um bro part of me wants to like

Like change out all the all the pink concrete to be like black stone oh it would look so much better inside of here oh man if only like I knew what I was doing back when I built this it’s fine it’s Fine Okay Um all right so now I think this layer is the first layer that has no actual Black Stone in it and it’s going to be a mostly Blackstone bricks with still barely any uh polished Blackstone um mhm today oh shoot today’s a prediction oh crap yeah we need to start the

Prediction now is there any mods in that want to run the prediction today um cuz oh crap it since it’s a prediction day it should have been uh started 10 minutes ago um On’s in the chat if you want to be in the Marvel prediction if you don’t know what it is uh

Probably don’t uh volunteer and uh you can be in it next week we do it every every Friday uh Dusty versus Gracie that’s all we do and Dusty Gracie you guys got to be in all six races tonight start prediction who’s going to do better than marble

Dusty oh Dusty was in last week actually uh I’ll do Gracie versus Miku all right um I don’t want to I you don’t need to be in it two weeks in a row if there is other volunteers Gracie and meiku all right so you guys both need to be in all six

Races it is a b it is a banworthy offense if you miss one um boom predictions live you got five minutes chat put your bets in if you’re you know I used to do only two people right um every single week uh back before they had multi- uh person

Vote well they they used to have a limit of two uh and back then I had the rule of of you couldn’t be in it two weeks in a row unless nobody else wanted to be in it and uh I think that’s a pretty fair rule to have

Um cuz I’m only looking to do two people Chad make sure you get your votes in I do want to hear confirmation from both Gracie and Miku saying that you will be in all six races you understand the risks of missing one we only got 5 minutes on this

Prediction and then we’re going to go switch over um I should really have the tree farm be running shouldn’t I can’t see the pole is a prediction not a pole you might need to refresh Though all right had to refresh before you got it yeah that makes sense all right here we Go so this is our ratio I’m going to leave this here in there so we know what our ratio was um that we left off on I definitely do think 12 shulker boxes was too much uh but I’d rather have just brought too much than uh not brought enough you know what I’m

Saying um oh shoot you know what we don’t have mixed in here yet chat is any chiseled Blackstone I think the next uh chisel Blackstone probably would have been darker though huh we don’t have uh one of these anywhere so I’ll just uh put it like right there permanently for now well I

Guess as permanent as it’s going to be cuz we’re not doing the interior but chiseled Blackstone where’s that fall on the like comparisons to like Darkness honestly I’d say it’s brighter than both of those okay yeah so maybe the next one should oh boy um fill that with bit of Black Stone uh

Maybe the next uh one should have um should have this be the ratio right it should be it goes from three polished Blackstone bricks and a single polish Blackstone to two polish Blackstone bricks a single polish Blackstone and a chiseled polish Blackstone that’ll be our next ratio for this going

Up you bet twice so you went in for double as much as you wanted to uhoh dizzy well you didn’t vote the most for either of them so um gron oh my goodness 25k on Miku and uh and straight with h 21k on Miku oh wait Grayson voted on Gracie not me oh

God um how’s this looking chat we’re obviously got a lot of work to do to it but but um you know if you if you if you um if you missed the entire stream you would think all I did today was build that much of the

Box you’d think that’s all I did um actually I from this distance I really like that uh um I really like that uh gradient yeah if you didn’t see all the Redstone work I did inside of it which actually you can’t even tell I did any

Of it even from up here the only indicator that anything happened inside of here is a couple Redstone light a couple Redstone lamps and maybe you notice that extra dropper elevator but like everything else happened underground in there PR I’s over yep yep yep we’re it’s time to go play

Mobles um I need to quit Stalling okay in the sheep farm we don’t need to AFK the tree we’re going to be afking the tree farm a lot right late um because we’re going to be building around it I I assume honestly we’ll have this done we’ll have this building done in the next

Like uh two or three streams is all I think I really want to give it and then we’ll do the same kind of uh we’ll figure out the the next the the the um uh the concrete converter that’ll be next um and then after after that we’ll

Do the basalt generator and we can have the basalt generator running while we uh while we do it too uh not that we need Basalt it’s as far as I know it’s filled it’s it’s out of uh storage but we never really gave it any storage so we can add

A little bit of storage to it and then get it running while we build it build around it I like have I like I like the idea of just letting them run while we work there just hear in the TNT no pressure Miku wait who went in

83k debu um oh my god dude with the big bets Miku you better do it uh you went all in on yourself remember uh I don’t think I heard Miku say she uh you heard so but like you have to be in all six races cuz it’s only two people all right um

Races wait did I not get um what the heck I didn’t get the uh I was lurking oh no I restarted my computer so I probably didn’t get it yet uh cuz I didn’t uh open the drops yeah I’m 51% all right I got my lurk tab open again

Uh that that that’s on me so Grand Prix make it three uh no six cuz it’s a Friday night prediction Friday fight night night night we’re doing standard maps for this and start here we go I didn’t even like realize it was Friday exclamation mark play in the twitch chat

Get yourself in the first race of the night if you’re on any platform other than twitch make your way over to Twitch if you want to play with us all you got to do is type exclamation mark play uh you can get a red or a green ball and uh

Hit the festivities for Christmas chat how’s the music levels for you today is it is it quiet is it loud I is it too quiet basically for me the music is pretty quiet it’s too quiet that’s what I was thinking whoa your color change Miku I don’t have the

Ability to increase the volume cuz my go XLR is like Frozen and it has been for like a week um maybe I can do it in the go XLR go XLR software no left clicked on the component to navigate to the settings for that component right click on the component

To navigate to the lighting options oh wait hold on right Here oh that’s a little louder oh wait hold on that only is going to adjust it in my Ears all right is that better for you Chat did it make any difference oh yeah I’m just trusting you guys to get in um I wasn’t checking for you to be in um my bad u miku’s in the lead Gracie’s right there too now it’s Colonel bot in the lead okay we’re we’re following me we’ll

Keep the camera on Miku right now um any comment on the volume if that increase helped for the music that is whoa Miku got yeated all right where is Gracie Gracie’s in like um uhoh did Gracie get yeated too no GRE Gracie is just not in the top 10 right now

Oh Gracie it’s not looking good you’re in like 11th place right now I almost got on you all right we’re watching Gracie now you’re the only one in uh of the two of you still what do it do it do it steal it steal the nope never mind uh

You you tried a little too hard Gracie though we appreciate the effort uh Colonel bot got the dub I was rooting for you to land that I was you tried yeah you’re like I have one shot mom spaghetti Something I Don’t Know M M all right Colonel Bot don’t worry there’s five more races I’m not worried about Colonel bot yet exavation Mark play of the twitch CH race number two Gracie’s in miku’s in GG’s I’ll increase the music a little bit more and you guys can tell me if it’s made any difference for you This is a lowii Christmas it’s called a very lowii Christmas is the album oh actually we need to update the the music command um it needs to say the album name is a very lowii Christmas by stream element stream beats I’ll I can update that sometime uh oh doc you’re in the

Lead by being in dead last you were closest to the Finish Line oh uh I can I can press three and get to Miku oh Miku you’re like in dead last oh Gracie you’re like right there too wow okay Dusty just got yeated Um me who’s ahead of Gracie again I mean they’re all in like not great oh they’re stuck next to each other well not stuck Gracie is ahead of Miku chat watch out for the hole oh duck actually whoa whoa duck just fell through to the lead and then got

Yated bro just took like the sickest Mario Kart shortcut and then just falls off the Rainbow Road oh my God Miku and Gracie still fighting it out um they’re in like oh miku’s in like second place right now Gracie’s in like fifth Um Gracie be careful all right still doesn’t even show Stevie in the lead whoa Miku that was a bit close to that Center okay that was risky going straight down the center Miku but you’re in the lead uh you risked it for the biscuit and you’re you’re uh oh you got slowed down

A bit Stevie St oh yeah Stevie was in the lead earlier yeah oh be oh all right where where’s Gracie back there Miku gets second Gracie is in uh fourth right now okay yep yep that just happened that just happened waiting on these two Slackers back here

Oopsie whoa they got yeed firewall I guess or timer yeah g g Stevie on that dub and Miku for getting 76 points dang bro dang bro here we go well not yet you always got to wait for Colonel Bot exclamation mark play of the twitch chat get yourself in the third race of the night Miku Gracie both in GG guys there is actually a new Christmas album out by backing track but they don’t have the downloads available yet which is why we’re listening to a very

Lowy Christmas right now so I don’t expect us to be listening to this one for very long cuz it took him about a week to give the download files last album they came out with so um I don’t know why there’s a delay it might be to

Push people to like you uh you know listening on streaming platforms where they get paid for it which is totally valid it just means we’re not going to have it on stream until then because well all right here we go Gracie in the lead we’re going to stick on Gracie this race Gracie this gra you know Gracie you entered that Circle in first place and then you just went out the back in last place I just I just want you to realize what you did there we’re watching Gracie actually we

Should really be watching Miku if miku’s in the top three uh sorry Gracie I was trying but like if miku’s up here battling for like Podium I want H you got lost it happens it happens me Gracie must have voted for Miku that’s that’s all I can assume that happened

Here Gracie voted for Miku and is throwing I’m in the lead bro come on what is this meiku top three twice now oh man if you voted Gracie you are Sweating Gracie did finish top 10 actually Gracie finishing that’s the [Laughter] first um dizzy yeed firewall get Colonel bot come on firewall get Colonel bot all right I won that a man that sucks I didn’t have to excavation Mark play the twitch check get yourself in the fourth race of the night bro we’re now entering the second half

Of the races I did see them both enter so we’re Good oh man Oh Me Oh my chat what’ you guys have for dinner today what’ you have for dinner today I had I had I cooked some hot dogs out on the Blackstone today it was drizzling uh I still went out and cooked on the Blackstone it was good had

Pasta made six hot dogs we had one left over Gracie I’m voting for you I’m rooting for you voting for you I don’t oh oh sh oh oh god oh Gracie Grace oh miku’s stuck with you though miku’s stuck back here with you uh that’s that’s at least beneficial you’re

Ahead of Miku all right pizza it was delish chicken Calo I don’t know what that is you had pasta I jinxed you it’s not my fault that you’re not good Under Pressure uh Texas Mama down there in the lead way ahead of us I’m just playing I’m just playing by the

Way dizzy takes the lead way up there I like how we can see the lead happening while we’re like way back here okay oh good good good throughput oh Miku took oh Miku passed us there I didn’t even see it Jeez oh good throw forward oh you’re caught up to Miku just about no dude everything I say jinx is you just got top three no no you guys were like fighting for 10th place and then Miku gets thrown into third you every race you’ve finished Miku has been top three so far oh No God dang it maybe I shouldn’t be watching you guys at all Oh I thought that was Colonel bot setting a track record or something but it was not all right Gracie you got to get first place in both of these races and then you’ll have a fighting

Chance exclamation mark play in the twitch chat get yourself in the fifth race of the night you thought Miki would be the underdog um oh who banned gas and didn’t unban him CJ banned him an hour ago oh my God I’m just looking at the mod action [Laughter]

Uh yeah miku’s got some uh crazy strats happening the good thing chat about um about uh having chat up here now is that uh I have more room on my screen to to like have my unban request not be this big right Um like I have more room to show things it’s weird I have more and less room at the same time um what I really need to do is actually get my um this monitor needs to be 4K it doesn’t need to be a good 4k

Monitor it just needs to be 4K so I have more screen real estate of legible text right like the the text needs to be smaller than it is and still legible oh we’re watching Miku right now I just realized we just happen to be watching Miku who is not only winning but ahead

Of the local Record okay Miku okay H just straight through just straight through unfaced okay okay um that did not happen whoa Why did this guy get banned wait CJ why did we Ban to unban sorry baseball fan I deleted your message I don’t know how you ended up banned um Oh did Miku get yeed oh so did Gracie all right GG Vibes GG Vibes all right sorry I got I was just looking through the mod actions m Exclamation mark play of the twitch Jack at yourself in the sixth and final race of the [Applause] Night all right oh goodness I didn’t mean to do that to that window um can I get the camera on one of them now I’ll have to wait till they come out of here uh whoa um miku’s back there yeah miku’s like Miku is not even in the top 10 I can’t

Believe that Miku wow mhm miku’s got some ground to catch up to to get into the top 10 you know it’s okay I mean look at dizzy just doing great Dizzy’s just in the lead can you believe that dizzy real proud of uh dizzy taking the lead

Back right there um doing doing a great job dizzy look at that local record holy crap that like actually just flew by like how um dizzy got yeated a man we were we were really all rooting for you um wow you don’t think you finished a race you just got

Yeated um miku’s in dead last I don’t know if anyone uh is is is stoked about oh my God no no no no [Laughter] comment damn it I didn’t even say anything I didn’t even mention and now miku’s head Gracie this this one’s all on you all right this one’s all on [Laughter]

You whoa someone got thrown in the air um holy crap chat Gra he finished ahead of Miku it happened it happened I was you know I was just rooting for Gracie to to beat Miku in a race like that progress you know if we had six more of these races

Maybe you can fight back God oh my God Miku was either yeated or in the top three like every race and you were only yeated like twice ah blinks you got yeed sorry about that um you blame the planets and the stars and the moon oh my

God wow all right uh GG really cold fingers on that dub GG everyone that had been in all six races with us let’s take a look at this Podium third place Stevie something Dam second place meiku I actually thought you were fighting for the lead really uh and

Second and in the lead really cold fingers dude wow actually big amount of points big amount of points over Miku even GG really cold fingers do you have a block reserved um and also choose outcome what are we looking at Miku is in second and Gracie was in 14th out of

19 total players all right choose outcome meiku complete prediction whoever made that 83,000 point bet really uh really crazy let’s get some numbers in the chat what you win what’ you Lose hey yo almost thank you for the Bitties G all righty let me see what your Block ex me little tired it’s not my fault though I also blame the planets and the Stars oh this is looking good you have tough block uh so this is your third win and uh your last win was 669 uh today is being replaced with 704 that was an iconic number we just

Overwrote by you winning Wow wow indeed let’s go ahead and uh get you your tough up on the monument Almost all from the island the man the myth the melon the melon is Lord B all right tough is way back in the Corner you’ve never f a fight night huh wow well maybe you should have disclosed that before people voted on you bro just playing all right GG with your tough block uh really cold fingers absolutely massive of you I need to sneeze but it’s not happening H all right let me go over

Here and get a screen Shot oh shoot I actually just went too far away and then I think I want to go underneath and get a screenshot as well just for tomorrow’s Tik tock good stuff yeah I actually the Tik toks where I have like a a good picture uh in the

Background perform much better so I’m I need to get better about doing that like I probably miss posting a Tik Tok once a week let alone remembering to take a screenshot the day before um I’m like pretty bad about that sometimes and by sometimes I mean like very

Regularly um all right so we put this in here oh I’m also just going to need to get like a lot more all right and that’s everything wrapped up for the day good progress good progress um yeah let me uh save and quit and make my backup like I always do

Wrong button and now let’s go see who’s live with some hardcore Vibes to send a raid to tonight uh I’m going to just look for one of the homies I think because I want to raid and run um oh so chat if they ask questions about

How the stream was make sure you answer and tell them you had a Fantastical time why did it not copy We’ll send a raid over to Sir nippl lington uh here is a RAID message for you to copy and paste when you get to his channel if you got my hearts use those if you don’t use whatever you got just make sure you spread some slimy

Love when you arrive in his chat uh thank you guys so much for the awesome stream today uh thank you for the Bitties thank you for the polls thank you for the predictions thank you for the redemptions thank you for the subs thank you for the hype trains Jesus you

Guys did a lot today uh and on Tik Tok thank you for the gifts the follows the likes the shares um and everything on all the other platforms thank you for being here I’ll be live again tomorrow night 9:00 p.m. Eastern uh peace fliping out dudes

This video, titled ‘Clip-Off Challenge Bracket! | Massive Minecraft #704 | 3180+ Hour Hardcore World’, was uploaded by Colonal on 2023-12-02 06:23:54. It has garnered 67 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:57:52 or 14272 seconds.

==== More of Me ===== Broadcasted live on Twitch: Discord Server: Check out all my socials on JOIN the Colonal Kingdom SMP:

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  • Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft

    Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft The Most Evil but Most Moral Mob in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of mobs, some friendly and helpful, while others are downright menacing. However, there is one mob that stands out for its unique combination of evilness and morality. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Complex Mob The Enderman is a tall, dark, and slender mob that teleports around the world of Minecraft. Known for its eerie purple eyes and ability to pick up blocks, the Enderman strikes fear into many players. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Enderman has a surprisingly… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

    INSANE Minecraft Generator - Get unlimited items now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator with Command Block’, was uploaded by Pixelator8627 on 2024-09-27 17:44:16. It has garnered 92 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:15 or 1035 seconds. 🌟 “How to Make a Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator in Minecraft!” 🌟 🎮 Welcome, Builders and Redstone Engineers! 🎮 In this exciting tutorial, we’re diving into the mechanics of creating a versatile generator that produces sand, gravel, and anvils—all using the same ingenious process! Whether you’re looking to stockpile resources or just curious about advanced redstone contraptions, this video has… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

    Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie WhispersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-23 18:00:09. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Production I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: GC:… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ► 🗝️MMOGA ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord► 🎥Twitch► 🐦Twitter► 🎬Kick► ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] [Discord] [Twitter] ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More