Insane D&D vs Minecraft Mashup! | Live

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Good morning everyone oh oh my game just flicked over and my game is gone hold on let’s go back and see if we can load it today is my first stream of 2024 I haven’t streamed yet um it’s been a busy start to the year but I’m excited to be

Back and I’m starting the year playing Minecraft d and d and I unsure why I’m also streaming live on Tik Tok if you’re watching this on YouTube I’m streaming on Tik Tok at the same time Tik Tok is now showing My Stream in horizontal and I don’t know how that happened um but

We’re just going to roll with it for today and see why that’s occurred cuz it’s meant to be vertical but I’m seeing it horizontal but we’ll see if everything works as it’s meant to um I am trying out the Minecraft DND D it’s a DLC to Minecraft is what it’s called

Um I think it’s me to be about 10 hours of gameplay from what I can find out online but I’m not sure I’ve not really seen anything about this I know I know I’ve read reviews little bit Snippets of reviews that have said that it doesn’t play like

D and D plays but I’m excited to see what the experience is like hello how are you wait wait wait wait let me flick over welcome in welcome in Moon ducky how are you doing thank you for coming to hang out um oh yes my I’m just making

Sure all my chat things are working bear with with me and we’re also hoping that okay here we go now it’s going to load and here we are okay this is where I got up to I set up all my settings and then you’re just in this dark room and I

Assume we go out this door but I haven’t walked out this door yet you’re good that’s good to hear I’m glad you’re doing good and we’ll find out what’s down here um if game sound isn’t like working oh my God it’s a TNT sub up somebody let me know somebody give me a

Heads up but I think everything should be working we’re like in a little DND D room winter clothes can I read any of these is this rhy of the frost Maiden cuz that’s what it looks like and I’m currently playing that campaign what else is here I don’t recognize any

Others and there’s like little figurines this is so cool find our maps on the marketplace I did that’s how I’m here there’s a globe oh look there’s like an old school PC and floppy disc look not me just like nerding out about all this stuff okay there’s pizza

Boxes look at their little Campa I’m just standing on the table oh what’s this person is that a paladin all you hear is my voice oh let me it might be because the game is just quiet let me turn it up a bit oh and now we have to reload cuz I

Went off the screen there’s not really any sound happening just now it’s just my footsteps oh I can start Aventure here hold on I’m checking out the campaign table but thank you for letting me know it might just be quiet footsteps for now there’s no music or other sounds

Yet this I think that’s a paladin that’s a wizard what else are they playing they got a paladin a wizard a rogue and a barbarian nice they also have chips they got plenty of snacks let’s check out the D and D to I’m just walking all over the

Table the DM spot has a lot going on somebody rolled a that one hello oh hi hello hi thank you for the follow I appreciate it welcome in thank you so much okay we’re going to start the campaign cuz I’m just use headphones for the best experience okay

I will hello hi thank you for the follow I appreciate thank you for following me thank you so much you love Dy hey Creed how are you welcome in I okay I posted my Discord just before I’m currently playing two D and D campaigns I’m playing strick Haven and rhy of the

Frost Maiden I am playing three Boulders gate runs at the same time and I’ve just added this so I’m playing a lot of D and D right now but and today I’m actually going to be playing this then probably Boulders gate later with some friends

And then after that my actual D and D campaign with some friends so it’s a lot of D and D today let’s start hey glad you made it I’m really happy you will to this game shot it’s one of my favorite things to do with friends between the

Role playing strategy and just being Goofy with each other it’s always a great time D and D has something for every kind of player now you said the other day that you wanted to just get kind of an intro experience before joining my regular campaign group yeah

So I figured a more individual sort of experience would be a good way of showing you the ropes give you an idea of what the experience can feel like just take a seat whenever you feel like getting started I’ve got snacks that should last us until the end of the

Universe so help yourself to those too take a seat am I not taking a seat good to go oh I am so first things first let’s choose your class I’ve got the basics already written up for a few of them so you only need to worry about picking

One okay hello Justin how are you it’s good to see welcome Happy 2024 I don’t think I’ve spoken like seen you cuz I haven’t streamed yet in 2012 2024 so happy 2024 I’m going to turn this down just slightly cuz I think that might be

Too loud bear with me um this is on Minecraft Scooby-Doo this is um a Minecraft DLC that I don’t know if I don’t think Minecraft Mojang themselves made but they were part of it being created um and Wizards of the Coast were part of it it’s official um official Dungeons and Dragons on

Minecraft yes a DM MPC um so I I other than that I don’t really know much about it but I’m excited I’m excited to see what this is about okay I need to pick my class I’ve got the basics already written up for you a few of them so you only need to

Worry about picking one okay continue do you want to be a holy warrior with the ability to heal yourself SM your foes with the power of your deity Paladin might be the way to go I’ve never played a paladin before but I am playing a cleric or maybe a

Wizard using your magic to blast bad guys Skyhigh with Fireballs while deflecting incoming attacks see I know that the classes work a little bit different in this DLC I don’t know if if like Wizards are as squishy as they are in like normal DND

But a rogue could be fun too hit and run tactics poison your enemies and watching them succumb to the Venom so satisfying what’s it called um it is called Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons It’s that’s what I Googled and it comes up in the marketplace as just Minecraft

Dungeons and Dragons which is a little bit confusing because there is Minecraft dungeons which is different this that’s not Dungeons and dragon that’s like the dungeons that Mojang made this is Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons but it’s also lots of fun to just be a barbarian with a big axe

Barbarians can get so angry that they just kind of forget that they’ve been hit and keep hacking away oh what do I play I’ve always had a hard time choosing when I’m a player so take your time Pick a Class where do I hold the menu item and use it to

This am I oh oh okay okay okay wait what oh I need to use my key oh oh okay hold on I’m getting used to the controls I’m like don’t use Mouse use wsd so we only have four classes thanks Justin I am doing well I’m doing very good thank you for asking

We got Paladin Barbarian Wizard or Rogue I have the only one of these four that I have or currently playing is Rogue I’ve never played a paladin Barbarian or a wizard weapon long sword damage range attack speed defense a holy warrior with the ability to heal themselves and smite

Their foes with the power of the Divine that does sound cool though I have played a cleric before a great Axe the attack speed is so slow on a paladin it’s a one a one out of six this is more like everything’s average by Barian is like all

Average but I want to like make sure I can do magic and stuff right magic us up then their damage is like so low why is a Wizard’s damage so low do you also level up in this I don’t know you should should go wizard a rogue has a short scho assassin their

Speed see I’m tossing up between wizard or Paladin my damage isn’t good but my range is really good and my defense is better as a wizard so like maybe I do go wizard like I can always play again K I can always come back and play something

Else let’s go wizard how do I select press and hold to confirm I’m trying use item hold down use oh other button okay I selected wizard okay next let’s allocate your stats you want me to explain how stats and dice rolling work in this game um sure in this game sure just like

Let’s just cover all bases determine what you’re good at each stat has a use in combat but they can also apply to role playing situations and other things you do while adventuring in the world whenever you roll the 20-sided die you’ll add whichever stat applies to the

Roll yep okay that’s how DD works so say you’ve got a plus three in wisdom and need to see if someone is telling the truth you would roll the D20 and add three to whatever you rolled this is a good like explanation for anyone who

Hasn’t played D and D before I feel like that Insight check would show how well you’re able to read that person’s intentions and emotions Rolling High means you can understand them and see through any lies they might be telling rolling low means that you believe whatever they’re saying but then reason

Of course if if you roll a 20 on that die then you’ll almost certainly succeed at whatever you’re trying to do or at least get useful info yep yep let’s try an example you are speaking to a t we get to do our first asking after some

Local Bandits that you’ve been hired to hunt down okay he talks easily enough but he says that he has no information on these people or where to find them no we don’t trust the Tav keeper inside check okay you rolled a 10 so add three

To that the 13 you notice him tense and almost physically withdraw when you ask him about the bandits giving you the sense that he’s hiding something and knows more about the situation than he’s letting on intimidation that’s pretty much it rolling a 20 when you hit someone in a

Fight also counts as a critical hit and doubles how much damage you do to them rolling a one on that die though can be really bad news sometimes it just means failing whatever you’re doing sometimes it just means you fail sometimes it means failing so spectacularly that you

I don’t know fall down a flight of stairs out of a window and into a pen of screaming goats okay probably not that specifically but you get the idea I would love if this is foreshadowing and that comes back later that you can actually roll a one fall down a flight

Of stairs and out a window into a pan of screaming goats that’d be great if that actually happens you also see that your class already has stats that will best support their abilities how you add your extra stat point is up to you cool cool

Cool do you want to make them better at what they already do or do you want to balance them out a bit you’ll get more stat points to distribute as we play so don’t worry about this step too much cool so we do have we do have some sort

Of leveling cuz we’re adding stats later on open the menu okay I have five stat points available I kind of want to increase my strength because I’m really just if I get here here I’m I’m I’m G to really oh no strength is damage dealt to enemies hold

On why do I have a minus three in Charisma my Charisma is terrible wait these are slightly this is like kind of different to what it normally is okay so strength is increases the damage dealt to enemies which I’ve got a one dexterity increases your attack speed allowing you to attack

Faster okay makes sense one decreases damage taken allowing you to survive longer okay that’s Constitution I have a three on Constitution but my health is abysmal intelligence decreases the cool down time for spells okay I’m a wizard so I want that to be high cuz I want to be casting

Spells all the time decreases the cool down time for class abilities increases the likelihood of critical hits and the Damage dealt by them I I don’t know if I care as much about Charisma seeing as I already have a -3 like is there even a point trying to boost that right now probably

Not um I’m going to put a point on intelligence and of course I’m going to put a point on Constitution I got three step points left let’s increase strength so I can deal more damage what is wisdom decrease the cool down of time for class abilities let’s

Just throw one on here for why not do I have any points left that’s all oh I still have one point available so I got like do I try and boost Charisma even though it’s A3 right now yeah let’s why not let’s make it -2 okay okay I think that’s all my

Points that’s all my points close the menu and like that you’ve made your first character congrats we’re a wizard now how about we Dive Right into things let me just set the scene for you go ahead set the scene the continent of fyon has seen hundreds of stories turn into Legends the dawn

Age when dwarves overthrew the tyrannical Giants and elves waged war against evil dragons thereby carving out a place in the world for small folk the tyranny of the Rose Dragon when the great red worm y aisar near raised caman and established her cruel Empire the time of troubles when celestials and

Fiends alike were cast from their own Realms Waring and laying waste to the Mortal plane in their efforts to reclaim their Divine positions yet each great story has great people steering The Narrative the rose Dragon Empire only fell because rfak Al kajan and his companions slew the evil Beast the times

Of troubles ended because those like the Mage midnight Rose to the occasion in their case taking the mantle of divinity from the slain Celestial mistra until she could be resurrected now we come to the precipice of another such event AB budding calamity that could this is like

An information dump though there is no prophesy chosen one no foreseen savior if you play your cards right you might just be able to avert what is to come or perhaps your story will simply serve as a cautionary tale for those who survive despite this it all starts with

Something as mundane as fetching groceries for your parents the best way to start a campaign fishing groceries that was a lot of information at the start just there I think there was like three different events and a whole bunch of names but we’ll get there I’m ready to fight something no

Probably not I’m probably like level one I’m not ready to fight anything dedicated to the storytellers of the world we open on nashkel a village on the Northern slopes of the Cloud Peak this is so cool the late spring rains have abated make the Trek across town to

Deliver a commission for your father at least a bit less muddy as you make your way back along the main street though it is hard not to notice that your otherwise quiet home is riddled with strained whispered conversations chapter One for shadoow well this is so cool okay is this my little wizard star I have a little wizard star wait is this my house this this is a giant house if this is my house is it can I get in no I can’t go in there okay this is so

Cool what is this the sleeping dragon in oh this is the in oh I can’t go in I can’t go into the Inn okay I’ll go over here hello Market person how do I okay how do I interact to talk to you without accidentally attacking you because I

Feel like I’m going to hit a button that is like attack standing behind his produ stand is I one of the farmers living on The Village’s outskirts you have known him for most of your life though he is still young and smile lines have only just begun to crease the sides of his

Eyes Eric I have I’ve known him for most of my life okay your father said you’d be along to pick up his voice I don’t envy him his back problems as if he didn’t have enough to deal with already is the head they have voice acting in the

Minecraft d and d DLC this is so good I thought I was going to be reading everything okay so my father said I’d be along and he’s the headman okay anyhow here you go I’m sure he appreciates having you around to do all the heavy lifting for him you have you have

Dialogue options I don’t know why I didn’t expect this I was like Oh I thought it would just be like you just play along one storyline and it’s like but like which it probably is but you get dialogue I was not expecting dialogue options old age St it’s just

Late no let’s just say thanks I have voice acting this is so good good thing just make sure to get home safe Whispers question Whispers question markone Whispering about I only got a bit come on Eric you know you’ve known me all my life tell me everyone’s worried

About the people who’ve gone missing you probably already heard about helsa not coming home yesterday somebody’s going missing that makes the fourth person in 2 weeks the tracker is looking for her haven’t come back yet but if it’s anything like the other three disappearances they won’t find anything

What is this what what is this goat person doing I’m sorry demon goat please exit the conversation okay four people missing in 2 weeks The Trackers are looking for I haven’t come back yet okay were real frightened I can’t blame them might be a good idea to not

Wander around on your own even in town o how do I react to that um sympathetically point you watch out for yourself too your wife would either break down or start tearing the forest apart looking for you yeah and then give me a walloping for Vanishing on her but seriously stay

Safe until we get this sorted out is this the work of a Demon Lord probably bet your father will be wanting lunch or something soon say hello to your mother for me take care Eric mhm see you around bye Eric thanks for the groceries oh I even

Have them in my hot bar I have the groceries in my hot bar this is so cool there a little clothes shop what’s going on oh look the little docks there’s a chest over here wait no I got to go around there’s a chest can I open oh hello

You a giant you a ginormous okay can I open the chest can I is there anything in there empty empty chest oh I had to right click I got gold coins I want these what’s this a healing potion let’s go put that in my hot bar

Oh I can walk through the chest it no longer exists I just opened my first first chest of the campaign and we got our first loot we had three gold coins okay I think my house is over here money let’s go we’re going to be rich look at this tiny tiny

Child I’m just trying to take everything in wait can I go into like houses and stuff then or like is this just all just decoration oh I can do mag magic I think I just did Magic oh yeah I did I’m doing some sort of wind

Magic is this my house you voices from inside your house this is my house Perhaps it is worth waiting and listening in O I heard about it this morning does anyone else know I caught one of The Trackers before I could go out to look for helsa he said he’d check

It out while the trail was still warm if there was one talking about the missing person told anyone else first we’ll have to assume that he did people are already starting to panic and this will make it worse I heard people at the market this morning unfamiliar monsters no one had

Seen the things themselves but the rumors are bad enough they’re talking in there go on and you’ll have a mob at your front door demanding answers I’m surprised we haven’t seen one already how can they not see me so what are you going to do about it give me a minute

I’ve got an idea but I want to talk it over with Katra first you’re welcome to stay if you like they should be back soon okay now I can enter my house my parent parents are in my house my parents are talking about the missing

People ah there you are oh They Se the table and come talk to me there’s something we need to discuss oh who else is in my wait there’s more than just my parents in my house oh I already put the food on the table I’m like where did the food go

It’s not in my H bar it’s just magically appear there who I think this one and these two are my parents cuz they are dressed the same and this one I don’t know who you are listen you heard about the people going missing I’m not going to sugarcoat this

But the whole kelit family is gone now ner found their Farm empty this morning without even a sign of our whole family has disappeared this is asking a lot and I’ve got a feeling your mother’s going to kill me after I say this you sound rather young to be my father but go

Ahead then don’t say it oh but I need you to go speak with endand drava and ask for his help why does people have complicated names like this and Andra and and Andra okay who is that you’re right I think I will throttle you are you insane people are going missing

And you think sending kartra out into the world somehow good idea I’m KRA that’s my name villain they’d make a tempting Target yep demon Lords stole them I’m going to have to go fight the Demon Lord as a little fledging wizard The Trackers have been going on

Their own and no one bothered them besides after all the training I’ve put Katra through they should be fine on their own send me at let me get into battle I’m ready yes but you could just send one of The Trackers or someone else no send your own child out into the

World I want the trackers to keep looking for our people other than them there’s no one else I’d trust in the woods more than Katra oh I know the woods all the times you’ve run off into the a as a kid you probably know the paths better than most

Of the villagers yep and V is important won’t let him talk to just a random villager ner could go but she doesn’t know how to fight and I don’t want the community’s Healer to be missing for a whole day if someone breaks their okay I remember that ner is

The Healer if we get hurt we need to go to ner and okay so this guy’s nickname is V okay and you’re not worried what V might do v v unless Katra does something really stupid which I would trust them not to they’ll be fine okay I’m not

Going to do anything stupid happy to help if I can help the village then I’m happy to do it besides I was just in the woods yesterday looking for berries and I was fine I was hoping you’d say that this isn’t exactly a enviable task I’m

Proud of you I’m ready to take it all though end undra is a proud unra wisdom of the ages and probably knows something that we don’t there’s a good chance he won’t help us for free just on principle I only have three gold he doesn’t I want

You to offer him money this pouch has 100 gold coins in it oh 100 gold okay I’m bargaining him down to like 10 gold and I’m keeping the 90 for myself 100 where did you get that kind of money I’m not giving him 100 gold I took you from

The Village’s emergency fund I’d say this counts rounded it out to 100 using money we were saving for a new roof oh we need a new roof more foreshadowing all the foreshadowing start with a low offer like 30 and work your way up you think you’re going to insult him or lose

His interest at a low offer of 30 I was going to offer him 10 I was just like yeah 10 gold that’s fine whatever help or advice he can give will be welcome if we’re lucky he might already know where our missing people are or where to look

A bird’s eye view could show him what we need I still think that this is a bad idea if I’m being honest it probably is a bad idea the only one we’ve got anything else is there anything else I should know before going at this point

You know everything that we do oh that’s give more help but V’s home is not far hopefully nothing will bother you on the way this is the Healer the this is the Healer that’s who that is okay I guess I’ll head out now then oh before you go

Do you want to do a quick sparring match couldn’t hurt to brush up on your Technique just in case yeah let’s learn how to fight that’s a good idea yeah that sounds like a good idea I don’t know what I’m doing in combat so let’s let’s do

This try hitting a training dummy okay can I hit them from here I don’t know what my range is okay not that far obviously I step forward a little bit bit great job the higher your deck stat the faster you’ll be able to hit every time you attack there is a one

In 20 chance that it will deal a critical hit bam Critical Hits will deal about TW why is it going so fast the Charisma stat will increase his damage further try dealing critical hit attack the training ding until you learn a crit hit okay bam eight eight nine N9 six crit let’s go

Class abilities oh what have I got magic Missile let’s go hold an ability item and hold use item to perform it oh I can like choose who I’m hitting it with like this this is so cool this is so funny okay so I aim like this let’s magic magic Missile this

Person oh so much damage oh and then I’m on a cool down that’s the cool down timer what is this magic barrier be sure to use your abilities strategically lead in combat can I learn anything about the abilities okay let’s just cast magic barrier does it follow me oh nice okay

So I got a magic barrier on me magic Missile one more thing I’m sure you can find your way and don’t want me fussing over you but in case something happens you should take your father’s old wayfinder gratitude thanks I’ll take good care of it just be careful and come back in one

Piece we’ll be waiting for you with some dinner ready oh God man oh so much information just popped up it’s so hard to read I got to oh is this a compass oh use item I can’t open it here I can’t open my inventory either okay let’s go

Outside why do we have like a is this our basement we just have like a oh a chest what is this strength potion I will take that and speed I will also take that thank you is there anything anything else in here we just have like a training arena

In our basement this is so weird all right leaving the basement cute you have a feeling I’m going to go into a cave I have a feeling that I’m just going to enter the forest and start fighting something immediately probably okay oh item unlocked menu in the menu

You can list why okay I don’t know why the popups go so quickly there you have no chance of reading it all right here we go we got a menu neither here nor VI I love that go to vea’s car cave people are going missing this is our main quest we completed humble

Beginnings weapons oh we can unlock more weapons okay I have a staff right now it has zero stats armor we’re level one wizard robes okay no stats those are my stats oh this is where we can read about our abilities okay magic Missile you create three glowing darts of Magical Force each Dart

Hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range oh wait I didn’t think I could mark multiple hold down use item and point at the creature Market as Target oh I could have marked three of the dummies with magic Missile I didn’t even realize that okay but that’s good

To know I’m glad that I read this create a magic barrier around you that negates damage for a short amount of time okay awesome oh we have a glossery of terms this is so cool Boulders gate demons Devils this could be like a good little introduction to D and D for

People there’s a hard mode recommended off if enabled all combat will be made more difficult by decreasing all stats great for players who want a greater challenge okay I might have to do hard mode once I finish this campaign oh you can also do a no damage mode that’s cute

If people want to play with no damage and just like experience their campaign that’s a good idea all right we’re off to the forest I think it was this way oh I have to take my compass out to see the way points if I don’t have it active I can’t

See hello can I help you can I talk to NPCs no okay you can’t talk to NPCs that’s a shame just checking out pe people’s houses I guess I guess that would be too much to ask for to talk to random NPCs this is some Boulders

Gate candle cap and cloak wood you have a horse and cart can you take me on the horse and cart I can’t talk to you damn it what do you got what do you got nothing can’t go through there okay maybe I go there later or maybe I never go

There this sign doesn’t say anything I this isn’t feeling very woodsy yet this feels like a mountain pass that’s where I’m going what’s that noise stay back am I finding something goblins oh there’s goblins okay ah get off me wait can I use

This can I also hit you oh I want to try and hit two people oh I defeated one and I got coins this is so funny okay so I the combat is very like Minecraft combat not D and D combat my range on my I’m magic oh I can’t magic Missile both of

You okay Co that I wonder if they got something to do with what’s going on okay for some reason I couldn’t magic Missile two different people I could only magic Missile one so maybe I can’t Target multiple targets I can only target one Target and my health my

Health comes back it just regenerated so that’s good all right we’re learning all right where am I go I got to go around here still these goblins just came out of nowhere and attacked me can I just like go off the like what’s the restrictions on this

Map can I just like go up here and go wherever I want I see it’s going to they’ve created walls basically that’s going to stop me from going too far off the track and I can’t break blocks right I’ll stay on the path I’ll do what I’m supposed to

Do ain’t no way we don’t fight something else on the way there’s something else is going to pop out just keeping oh there’s a chest I was literally just about to say I’m keeping my eye out for chest how do I get up there oh it is a cave you’re

Right uh I need to get up here do I just do I just go like this there’s a chest up there oh I’m under like why can’t I jump I’m under a tree they really just did not make this chest easy to get to all right we’re here what do you got magic

Potion okay what does that mean oh that’s a wisdom increase I think confidence potion oh okay this is for Wisdom that’s for Charisma so I can increase I got I’m getting all my potions here I got so many Potions all right do I take full damage not

Sure all right I guess I’m going in the cave guess this is it I guess so this wave finder to some old bear Den I thought I saw something move it was a shadow okay then there better not be Al Bears here I am a level one wizard you could what is that

Noise what is that noise there’s a lot of gold here can I can I just no okay there there’s no mining in Minecraft anymore wait something’s sparkling up here no wasn’t okay oh it’s just the blocks oh my God what was that Minecraft isn’t meant to be this

Scary what was that noise it sounded like it was behind me just straight up first Quest just fight a dragon like easy can I go up there it’s just C it’s just craft now it’s just craft is no mine oh it’s just like I can look at the entrance of the

Cave little emergency exit if I need it look at these texture blocks though look this looks so funny oh where are we going I don’t like the music that’s happening what oh it is a dragon it actually is a dragon oh no why why do you do this release

Me oh ba is the Dragon no V is the person that just got teleported oh it’s not Gold Blocks it’s coins that is loud what was that gocoin just keeps going as you reach for the coin that seem to suck the life from endand D ear you note a crack running

Down its face whatever these people want with it you doubt they should have it the moment you touch the metallic surface though A jolt of energy Sears through your fingers and your arm connected to the Dron sense of pressure as if the ocean’s tide were rushing into

Your flesh recoiling the coin as a beer to your fingertips bound there even as you feel that the force pouring from it stretches your skin and crushes your bones threatening to rupture and burst your entire body other than your body though it is the coin that bursts

Erupting into shards of metal as the same light that flowed into it earlier streams into you the physical pain abates though something continues to press on your mind cloring its way into your thoughts and filling your skull as the world around you distorts and turns in very dramatic chaotic and then

Finally doc well that’s not dark you just flashbanged me that was white light what happened where is who are you what have you done to me I have the dragon I don’t know I am the dragon to me I I’m the dragon stop who are you what are you doing to me

Who who am I will ask again who are you what happened to those people in my cave hold on I need to turn the volume down just a little bit cuz that was intense um I’m the dragon classic D and D where you touch things you’re not supposed to touch but

I think I am the dragon is in me now because the dragon went was in the coin I don’t know what happened to the people in the cave cave who or what are you I was not thinking that the person I was going to see was a

Dragon do not play games child I am endand draer and you will answer my questions okay my name’s Katra I I live in the nearby Village you you’re saying you’re the dragon my father sent me to a cave to talk to a dragon as a level one wizard as an interesting

Choice what do not play games with me child now answer my questions what happened in my cave and what have you done to me I didn’t do anything any memories remember they I I remember they they must have trapped my soul in that coin I I have heard of artifacts that

Can do such so these yeah I touched a coin turned out bad my gold collecting didn’t go very well for me these bad wizard dudes went in the cave so I okay I thought for a second that the dragon trapped himself in the coin to like get away because all those

People were there trying to do something to him but obviously not they they were trapping him in a coin so that they could take him but then I was there and touched the coin first I think I had never expected that it would be so painful though it it felt like I was

Being torn and pulled apart then crushed until I could not even tell what part of my body I was feeling I suppose though that I was not feeling my body at all nope we We Are One the dragon How did okay anyway Dragon ey one after that I saw the thing

Seeping out of my body but I could not see if it if I was breathing everything after is unclear it hurts to remember I was still reeling when the next thing I clearly saw was your face a moment before I felt my felt that transfer again again then we were

Here what do we do now now we need to return me to my do you smells smoke is my town on fire is my town on fire yeah oh no somebody Set Fire To My Town see if anything has happened they’re looking for me they’re looking for me and they

Set fire to my town this is a waste of time shut you need to find the people who took my body immediately stop talking Dragon stop talking Dragon they my Village first they killing my people they’re killing my people is this so yeah this is the way I go go Sprint

Awesome why why why would they do this I love that I have infinite Sprint though it seems I can just my H my town no my house no no it’s on fire what I just got here everything’s burning I don’t know any water spells this is my villain origin story mom

Dad is anybody alive why is my stairs like this what the hell I can’t get up here the house what happened to the house hold on oh I’m not allowed to go in my house I’m not allowed in my house someone tell me what so there is someone

Left oh I there would be a few of you bumpkins left the guy with the c we can’t have you going and squealing to your neighbors about us no oh do I to fight the cultist quiet and peaceful so you will have to come with us what have you

Done to my home where is is everyone dead take or kill them we’ll have no Witnesses today H don’t come near me don’t come near me magic Missile magic Missile wait wait I can do a shield I can do A Bar Magic barrier get out of here get out of here

Get out of here this this combat is so chaotic for D and magic Missile this was my home not anymore am I about to faint Oh I thought I was about to faint what happened they do this where is everyone I love that I can just

Talk to the dragon in my brain do you actually expect an answer to that question or this dragon is so mean yourself speak no I was expecting you to actually be helpful and offer some insight but I guess that was too much to ask wasn’t it careful child not have my own body

But it seems that I can still harm yours yep you need me you can’t H me you need me right now stop it stop it already look a lot has happened all at once I had a dragon HP into my head and start tearing it apart and then a few

Minutes later I found out my home and everyone I know are now gone this is a bit overwhelming and I’d appreciate a bit of compassion you callous Li I called him a callous lizard how dare you consider yourself fortunate that I am merciful and willing to overlook this SL

In light of your obvious distress and lack of self-control what are you doing in my cave anyhow I I I just came to ask for help that’s why I was in your game reminds you of zanu and sips from dingo D I have never heard of that should I be

Familiar some of the villagers had gone missing I was going to ask you for your help finding them yeah I was going to well it seems that a few missing person is the least of your Village’s concerns now that’s cruel cool and not appreciated right now I understand that

You’re upset but I am too so can you please lay off fine so what are we supposed to do now I don’t have a home and you don’t have a body and I’m not letting you take over mine zeni is in Si’s head okay so it’s like a similar

Scenario I do not think that I could I just want to collect these coins here as much as it GS me to admit it all I can do is hurt you I think that I could kill you if I truly wished but that would likely end my life too oh see so you

Can’t harm me because then you die as well good to know we shall hunt the people who took my body we will find a way for you to put me back and I oh so the people they just wanted his body perhaps you can use the coin again to set things

Right right so they didn’t even want the d like him they just needed his body for something but it exploded when I touched it it felt like something was being forced into me before I blacked out that must have been when you came without the coin I doubt that you

Would have been able to restore me anyhow much less after whatever that monster of theirs did to me in the time since it seemed to be fusing with my form it might have been feeding that was not the impression I felt ah they wanted to connect their monster to the

Dragon are they M too maybe they are broke they want to control the dragon’s body they had a creature there like a flare but Giants and they wanted to control the dragon without the dragon being in the dragon’s body so I’ve got the same question as before Queens

Queens short of purging my soul from your body which I would not recommend lest you want me to destroy the both of us first you will need to put me into another vessel o ideally though that vessel will be my own original body purified of whatever has come to infest

It if your villagers were taken by this group then finding where they have taken me will also lead you to the answers you seek sure I don’t know anything about healing dragons or moving Souls from one body to another how are we supposed to do all of that or even find these

People I think that the best course now would be to seek the advice of the scholars in kandle keep oh I’m going to Candle relatively close and hosts the greatest collection of knowledge in fyon that I am aware of anyhow if anyone would know of a cure or be able to

Devise one and be able to tell us more about this group of people that attacked me then we will almost certainly find them in Candle keep’s Great Library rather oh they have a great Library see if that man with the card is heading north oh the Cabbage man while you can

Cart man are you heading north the first good usable advice you’ve given me are you heading north to Candle your luck with such frequent sarcasm child find the cart and let us leave leave I’m at the cart so we’re just leaving this area now oh dang okay and all my family’s

Just dead did we establish that my family died or are they wait what is this I have Fireball now I got some of the dragon’s power hold on hold I mean this might be dangerous nice that’s cool I got Fireball now I was like just shot it at

The Village it’s already burned what more damage could I do can I like is there any way for me to reorganize my hot bar like oh what did I do I don’t know what I pressed but I dropped a coin noine game what is the controls oh

That’s Q okay give me that back e here we go all right let’s put that there this looks so cool it is I it is is better than what I was expecting I was not expecting this um and the story line actually hits hard like why it

Didn’t need to go this hard all right we’re going to do we’re going to do magic Missile Shield Fireball healing potion this for now okay there we go what did I press for that e all right got it all right cart man are you going north the candle

Candle I forget what it was called candle something talk to me need a lift need a yeah candle cap you got a candle cap oh we just teleported after nearly two weeks of walking leaving over a 100 miles of the Coast Road behind you candle keeps soaring SP it’s a full

Castle their details set a top a craggy Peninsula Rising above the Sea of Swords Fortress overlooks the surrounding Farmland while keeping a healthy distance from the wild and shadowy cloak wood I’m sorry Fortress that’s a castle how long it can take to travel when one

Does not have wings with which to fly it certainly seems tedious remember candle keep is the home of the avowed avow greatest Scholars on the continent is this with the libr respectful follow their rules and try not to let anything too uncivilized come out of your mouth

Can they fight me if I am like rude let’s get let’s get going I’m ready to go get going I have no questions I’m just excit where did C guy go I just teleported here and C gu is gone can I go down here I’m just looking for chests like there

Could be chests anywhere castles have libraries yes but they talked about a great library and I think the Great Library is in there if I was a game maker I would put a chest back here somewhere but that’s just me okay no chest okay let’s go to the

Castle look at it look how cool it looks that D that’s got to be the library right surely am I going to have to fight something before I get there hold on let me get my my no let me get my Fireball ready all right my Fireball is ready in

Case anything jumps out of us maybe I can also buy some like upgraded clothes here I know the car guy abandoned me he’s like gone look at this this is so cool yeah he was out of cabbages he’s probably gone in there to trade we might

See him inside it’d be cool if the car guy was like a running like NBC that just keeps popping up everywhere you go it looks so cool these fields look almost untended I do not not hear any Farm hands or livestock oh it’s the place has been abandoned for some reason

No he a keen eye out if these people fled their homes they must have had a good reason to do so did they flee I can’t get into the homes as I oh wait I can just just jump the fields can I go look let me up I just accidentally f bought the

Front door I did not mean to do that okay I think there’s a barrier there I can’t I can’t look in the house sorry I just accidentally fireballed your front doorstep there Stables where did these people all go can I go in your front door this is the only thing I’m mad

About right now about this game is that I can’t like just explore the builds and go like in the the buildings but that would have taken a lot of time an APC hey what’s up I’ve got something to tell you about those guards okay tell me talk to the sketchy halfling okay

Apparently you’re sketchy but I’ll talk to you we’re starting to wonder if youd actually stopped to talk yeah I’m talking what do you need to warn us about well the guards aren’t going to let you in I saw you coming up the road and it’s pretty clear you’re not from

Here was going to let you in even to the Cor oh the court of AES what it’s called okay do I trust this guy that he’s telling the truth though or is he trying to get me to do something Shady why aren’t they letting strangers in people

Have been going missing in the area Travelers and Locos alike those Farms you pass by for example more people going missing everyone’s going missing yeah the families that live there just up and vanished no sign of an attack or anything so the people in charge are getting right paranoid and only allowing

Residents to enter the city he is sus he is sus but he he speaking facts right now okay this is the pro he’s speaking facts people have been going missing it would make sense that they wouldn’t trust Outsiders but also I get sus vibes from I’m on the

Fence um let’s ask about the court of air first cuz that’s interesting what’s the court of air the first time era it’s a big Courtyard area kind like a small town people who aren’t among the AOW can live work and just find some lodging if they’re Travelers like you only the avow

Are allowed to stay in the inner Ward after all okay so there’s the court of air around the Fortress I think where the avowed are okay and who are you who are you anyhow oh people around here just call me scratch scratch very inspiring nickname but better give him my real

Name in case the authorities come sniffing oh he’s Shady a silly office as a scribe but didn’t work out okay yeah what I was thinking the hor is at C guy how do we get in so how do we get in how do we get in there

Enter candle keep you’re going to need a residence pass I’m listening what is a residence pass they handed them out to all the locals in their jurisdiction but was pretty rushed and if my special set of skills I can make one that will fo the guards into letting you through the

Gate what’ it say gold and documents will be all yours 25 gold for fake documents he’s a fraudster my Charisma is really bad so I don’t want to barter or intimidate what are these numbers is this my school oh that’s what I have to beat um

Yeah my Charisma is terrible so I feel like if i b or intimidate I’m going to do bad but my wisdom this I think that’s my wisdom School and I only need to beat a 10 so let’s do an inside check yeah that’s expensive the expensive he is telling

The truth about people banishing and the guards being extra CAU but he is also scaling with that he’s scalping me you liar okay but he’s being truthful but he’s just trying to fraud me 25 that’s insane I could live for a whole season on that I ain’t no fool

Maybe where you come from but things are a bit more expensive in the city you guys are opposite it’s great though it’s like an angel and devil on my [Laughter] shoulder besides this represents not only the value of my skills but also the substantial risk I’m taking in forging

Legal documents for you there’s serious consequences for we sort of thing you know not only the value of his skills but the substantial risk he’s taking in forging forging legal documents I still don’t want to play pay 25 gold like I’m just I to a to a

Criminal can I inside again he is telling the truth about people the guards being extra cautious oh so I can he is also let’s try at least bartering let’s barter with him I don’t have much money to spare don’t look like you have many customers even with my – two I beat

It okay let’s split the difference 15 gold fine deal we have a deal good now I can’t make this pass from nothing and I sold my last cop oh so now I have to go get the stuff one of your own but I can modify look at those farm houses oh the

Families there were either taken or left in a hurry there might have one or two lying around bring back a copy plus payment and I’ll get to work be careful though the people are gone but I’ve heard some rustling around there and strange sounds never seen anything but

K’s made of creeps and I think I saw someone go into one of those houses stay the night but I never saw them come out someone’s going to be in the houses missed them though good luck great I don’t know where this horse

Is that I had we have to do the leg work we I’m the one doing all the work you’re just along for the ride I will contribute as best I can my advice by itself could prove invaluable yeah if you ever give it so I paying 50 gold and I still have

To do a bunch of the work okay this is how much gold I have I have plenty of gold still but still can I hide this like part of the menu there we go okay I was like get rid of the crafting stuff we don’t need that

All right we got plenty of gold and now I got to go find this pass that he can forge so now I get to go in the houses wait the thing I was mad about I’m not even mad about now because now we get to

Go in the houses but someone might be in here it is so dark anyone got a pass got a part this a bedroom why is it can can it be daytime it’s so dark in here oh there’s an upstairs up we go can I look in any crates or anything

No chest of drawers no can’t steal stuff all right don’t think there’s a pass in here was unlikely that it was going to be in the first house that I checked though so let’s go check the next place oh what was that this thing some s of construct the scarecrows are alive

Presume is get out of here get out no get out of here thanks but that advice isn’t helping there’s so many of them it is noat think you needed my help to figure even that out I’m stuck get out out of here did I get them all okay I was not

Expecting the the yeah stealth check I can’t do a stealth check I wish I could I was not expecting the scarecrows to come alive like that all right one of these days we’re going to die but not today we haven’t had our first death yet Fireballs coming clutch

Hello is anyone in here do you have a p pass I’m looking for a pass oops I just magic missil the desk I need to like not um be on a on a uh ability while I’m searching does this go anywhere yes pass oh I can open the

Things I can open the barrels no pass maybe I need to go back to that other house nothing nothing nothing I like these candles like these candlesticks nothing in here is there another house there’s a barn but I don’t think that counts as a house I need to check this house again

Cuz I didn’t realize I could open barrels can I open drawers no can’t open those it’s so dark I can’t see in this room I don’t think you have anything that I can open though nothing in there where is this pass there must be another house there can’t just be two

Houses I think there’s just two oh why are you alive again get out of here get out of here Fireball oh crit I rolled a 20 let’s go finally what were those things doing on oh I can use this wayfinder thing hold on justify that level of protection oh

No it’s just telling me to go here perhaps they wandered here Rogue constructs are not unheard of no there you might learn something if you look around then again what have scarecrows to do with our mission is there a pass in here Katra I’m going to try something

Do not be alarmed if things start to look he’s going to use magical eyes whoa okay what’s going on am I seeing through Dragon Eyes now I said not to be alarmed I am alarmed I am alarmed I was uncertain if I could do this while in your body but my my

Intimate connection to the material plane allows me certain privileges of perception when I got like natural 20 perception now plain speak please Village kid remember Village kid of course in essence I can see some elements of magic how enchantments work their origin or nature what they draw

Power from it depends on the situation but you get the gist of it okay perhaps this will help on occasion though I must admit that it is somewhat taxing to use this ability with your body please be quick investigation check there’s something about this I got a one

Appetizing you scoop up a bit and pop it into your mouth then regret ite I ate the red magic what how did I get a that one lower planes other realities connected to ours where evil things like devils and demons live among other unsavory entities Hades the abyss pandemonium none of them too

Pleasant to visit so our realm is merging with one of these invest There’s Something About This soil oh okay oh but I can like see it all now like this red magic okay where am I oh this is open now upstairs up oh there’s a chest over there is this where the pass

Is I can steal all these rotten onions oh I’ve got two proof of residences let’s take those oh there’s a gold coin take that do I just take all these rotten onions maybe I can give them to Cabbage guy a stack of rotten onions and then plus folded and then stuffed haphazardly

Among a pile of now rotting onions you find a piece of parchment marked with an official looking seal entitled evidence of residence in the candle keep territories nice a bit wordy and a bit more aromatic than you’d like but it should do the trick good now return to that individual

Scratch let us hope that he is adequate to the task hope or not we don’t have any other options to resort to Byer why must you insist on calling me that it’s what everyone in the village called you it’s easier than saying your full name unanimous and forgiving Dragon else

I would be inclined to start tearing up your mind again don’t worry you’re already a vict enough headache as it is I’m liking this Dragon I’m starting to like he’s growing on me all right scratch it’s time to do your job ah is that a bit of legal documentation I see

There it might be and smell okay well you work with what you’ve got right give me a bit to scrape off and refinish the important parts then I’ll start with color match and then confirm and hand right and your eyes are glazing over just just give me the goods and wait a bit

Yeah shark stash yeah and here you go thank you certification that you absolutely belong to the area and can come and go as you like just don’t let any Wizards near it they get curious they’ve probably got spells that can sniff out a forgery otherwise no one will ever beat a wiser

It’s all the castle okay here’s the thing am I going to walk up to the castle and they’re going to be like documents what documents and this guy has just like put those there and pulled off a scam and just been made out like I need these but

And I’ve just lost 15 gold for no reason did he take the gold wait did he even take the money I don’t think I actually even paid him I still have all my gold so is this a win-win oh there’s the horse this is the horse that we could hear he’s stuck in

The water I have a horse can I get him out of the water he’s just stuck here come on you can do it get out of the water yeah there we go I have a horse and just like that we get a horse I guess I should leave the horse

Here the d games I prefer to play are that much simplified versions with more comedic stories yeah the thing I love about D and D is that it’s like however like if you’re playing actual D tabletop Dy like however the DM wants to play it it can be whatever the group

Wants it to be I don’t think that horse is going to hang around but that was cool that I had a horse for a second all right hello do you need to see my papers papers please the papers are an actual thing it wasn’t entirely a scam here’s my resident certificate the guard

Glances at the paper noting the seal and the signatures but does not peer too closely good good good watching him scrunch up his nose the cursory inspection might have to do with not wanting to put his face too close to the smell of rancid onions all right everything looks fine

Head on in just keep an eye out for any strange activity oh the door the door just got Thanos snapped out of the way passing through the city walls you are dumped into a large open Square that as a Marketplace it is not exactly brimming with life but considering how you’ve

Lived nearly all of your life in a small village the number of people in one place is staggering and the activity threatens to be overwhelming good that was tedious can’t go in there now the next part could be problematic only the avow and certain others are plowed into

The inner Ward through the emerald door on the far side of this Courtyard talk to the keeper there and determine what is required to get in and speak with one of the experts okay I got to go in talk to the about but I can buy things we can up we

Can buy potions what is this is this a magical can I talk to you no what is this I don’t want to click it in case I just buy it but is this an upgrade on my staff and I can upgrade my clothes can I buy these oh I can click them librarian’s

Robes conducts magical energy better than an average garment concentration plus one intelligence plus one ooh okay so I can look at them without for the win the D and D campaigns Doug Doug makes on his streams are really funny to me he makes his chat play the characters oh really I’ll have

To check it out I’ll have to look it up that’s sounds cool um what’s this Apprentice staff oo I kind of want this a wooden staff for a Mage and training cut from a Nile tree would you like to buy this item for 35 gold I wonder how this works cuz you can

Play this DLC with like um up to four people it says so I wonder how this Market works with like four different I’m assuming four different um classes like how can you buy like does each person see their own class of stuff in the market maybe I think I’m going to buy

This open the menu to okay oh is it already equipped it’s like a broomstick I look like I’m carrying a broomstick okay that’s cool though and then can I buy maybe I want to buy some of this what’s this one silk pants these pants aren’t made for a

Wizard but they look durable and effective I do need some additional Charisma cuz my Charisma is bad or r i could oh oh why did that just switch that was weird bit of a glitch I guess I guess it does appear differently if you got a different class um I’m going to

Buy silk pants did I put them on look at my silk pants and I’m going to buy I’m just spending all my money going to buy that oh that’s not what I want to press okay upgraded my robe I got my witch’s broom upgraded what’s how much is this 25 do I

Buy the do I just buy the whole matching set why not how much is it oh I need five more coin I can’t afford the boots we almost got the whole set is that a dragon born I think that’s the first Dragon Ball that we’ve seen is there any money

Anywhere I can’t open any of this I need another chest what’s out here oh we can Overlook the lake an Elven woman was once in prisoned here as punishment for trying to take over candle keep she was made to be the lighthouse Soul keeper to live here in

Isolation for the rest of her days she died from an accident only a few years later oh no but locals swear that they can hear her sad Madden singing coming from the to trapped Misty night is she trapped in the lighthouse did we just get our first

Side quest are we going to rescue this spirit in the lighthouse I think we just got our first side quest how do I get do I have to take that boat oh am I going to have to pay you to take me over there cuz I spent all my money on

Ropes can we hker we have to go do this side quest now like but I okay let’s see if this guy needs money can you get me to the lighthouse can I just jump in your boat and you can like take me oh I am under the

Water why am I stuck under the water I think I glitched am I going to drown here I’m like stuck oh no now I’m taking damage I’m going to die I’m going to die here I can’t get out of the water am I too heavy like what’s going

On I can’t get to the surface help save me a how is that how is that my first death I just jump in the water and apparently you can’t swim in this DLC I was just stuck on the bottom what surely that does not count as a

Death and the horses why the horses all full off the cliff okay I don’t think this guy wants to take me over to the lighthouse he won’t talk to me and I can’t jump in his boat sir can I go like around the long way maybe I can go

Around we are going to rescue the spirit in the lighthouse is this a door can this open no all I’m going back out I’m going out this door can I can I jump over there I’m not going to make it to a block that’s high enough to be

Useful I don’t know how we get over there we’re blocked off this is annoying no there’s a wall there okay we can’t jump right okay they don’t want you to swim to other places so there is a way that I can get over there I just haven’t figured it out yet

Hello oh is this the tavern it’s my first Tavern can I buy anything no what’s upstairs is this the in a chest do I have enough to buy shoes oh it has no money in it regeneration potion I’ll take Can I stack potions oh we can stack potions let’s go magic magic thank

You just breaking into someone’s room don’t mind me nothing here oh I like so confused where the door was just like how did I get in here so I can’t get across here breaking and entering 101 that’s exactly how you do it I can’t talk to any of these

NPCs talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me no talk to me no it looks like I’d have to go that way but I don’t know how to go I’m blocked off I can’t go that way maybe I can’t do this yet maybe I was just being told the

Story all right let’s go see if we can get into the avowed place oh do the side quest later still don’t have enough money for shoes oh it’s called the merry unicorn in all right you going to let me in here what business have you here child I what was I here

For I know it’s really cool I like that there’s the different races but I wish you could also be the different races cuz you can only be human like you didn’t get to choose a race you’re just like Minecraft human but it’d be cool if you could like actually make your

Character like dragon born or something um what was I coming here for a scholar the library I need a scholar I wish to speak with one of the researchers let me in you and everyone else do you have an appointment or a letter of introduction I’m not going to be an a I

Have a minus two I have a minus two on Charisma so if I roll a D20 I’d have to get that 20 to get an 18 I just it’s not going to work I don’t I don’t have an appointment or a letter or anything like that how do I

Get in oh are they going to send me on the lighthouse quest to prove myself so that I can get in do you have a rare manuscript to donate that is not already included in the city’s collection no but I have rotting onions uh no then you won’t be getting in anytime

Soon how well how can I get in with without donating some absurdly rare book give me a quest you can petition for a place on the waiting list this a waiting list submit the appropriate forms and filing fee right now you will be 1,000 1,892 on the list I’ve never getting a

Five month wait maybe seven damn okay I don’t have that much time um this is stupid this is ridiculous enjoy wandering the court of air screw you too okay I can’t get in there I have to go get this is unacceptable we must find someone to

Assist us and soon I can only imagine what those monsters are doing with my body and already I chafe it being confined to yours wow thanks time skip well do you happen to know where we could find a rare or unique book in the lighthouse perhaps I really want to go to the

Lighthouse no distasteful as this may be we might have to find another dubiously legal way dubiously legal actually I remember passing a sewer grate earlier if there are sewers for this outer area then they surely have some through the sewers so you want me to break into a

Sewer sneak through agma knows what kind of Filth and then break into the inner Ward to what kidnap or threaten a scholar into helping us apparently presumably we would be able to find someone more reasonable or at least amenable to our request however we cannot do that from out here the sewers

Are our only option right now going to the sewers only say this because you won’t have to smell what I do actually I will you think I only see through your eyes child I am bound to experience everything that you do believe me sharing in your bodily functions these

Past weeks has been far from enjoyable it took us week to get here that’s crazy okay point taken seers it is then I guess main quest started yuck the quest side called yuck we’re going through the sewers I think that’s what I was trying to walk through before I think that’s over

Here I was trying to like go through here this is the sewers I think yeah oh we got Quest and music and everything this is what living in a city means how can one place produce so much filth well even the sew look cool as if you knew what you were getting

Into with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles think be this plentiful the the byproduct of civilization people are messy people are messy are you okay I’m just looking for Secrets do not call me that strange even without a body or the need to breathe I feel a tightness in my chest

Lightheadedness I I think that it would be best to spend as little time in here as possible please hurry through this place what’s going on wait you don’t sound so good what’s going on he’s dying without his body he’s dying I just we need to move quickly you are wasting

Time are you hurt something is definitely wrong are you hurt in danger can intimidate the dragon that’s inside me no now move all right all right let’s make this quick that is the right direction and it seems to no longer be sewers Beyond this point okay these are probably the

Tunnels running beneath the inner Ward I have heard of catacombs Labs we’re in the catacombs work and knowledge of the it seems unfortunately there is a ward on the door the door is warded you will need to find a key unless you wish to be fried

Finding a key uh no no I don’t finding a key I’m looking for a key I need a key to get through the oh a chest is there a key in here oh but there’s money that’s mine taking all the gold so many healing okay okay is this a

Thing where you’ve got to be suspicious but the game starts giving you so many healing potions that something’s about to go down interesting question how are all the candles lit in the sewer somebody is living down here probably regen potions I am concerned what a regen it doesn’t

Tell you what some of the potions do like what does a regeneration potion do is that to regenerate health or like regenerates my spells faster maybe that’s what it is okay no key yet I feel like we’re about to fight something wait look at that on the ground what’s on the ground

There’s nothing on the ground what do you see with your Dragon helpful the rest of this place is a riot of grime and muck child yet this path I can get the full set I can get the shoes that I want let’s go that a gelatinous cube has come this way a what

Now G’s cube is here monster that inhabits places like this some people and more intelligent creatures keep them as witless Guardians and genitors the things absorb and dissolve any animal or PL material they touch there’s a gelatinous cube living down here not dissolve metals and other non-living

Things though so they can carry the equipment and goods of whomever they have eaten for some time whomever as in people of course do not be dense child now follow this Trail you might find something interesting oh regenerate Health okay just be careful though as they can be transparent and thus easy to

Overlook they transparent does he mean they’re like invis completely invisible and I can’t see them I kind of want to I wait wait I wonder if my menu tells me does my menu tell me anything about Glory abilities stats armor weapon doesn’t tell me anything about potions though oh resume sorry my bad

What if I just take one I have five and I see if it tells me anything I can’t take one it it doesn’t let me take one maybe it is for health and I’ve got full health I don’t know we’ll find out later

Okay do I do I go get my boots I feel like I’ve got to go will it let me go back and get my boots that I couldn’t buy before before before I go any further let’s see if it lets me backtrack cuz I really want my full outfit oh I can’t I

Can’t they’ve they’ve shrecked me in here the ladder doesn’t go all the way I can’t go get my boots we might have to get them later I’m so mad right now forwards only apparently surely we’ll be allowed to go back to the town it’s a trap it’s literally a trap

Why they’ve done this to us guys they’ve trapped Us in the sewers in the catacombs with an invisible slime all right here goes nothing here goes wait hold on let’s prepare get let’s get fireball prepared there thing has a key inside of it fire must have

Eaten a maintenance worker the it ate a maintenance worker spell earlier magic Missile don’t let the creature suck you up oh don’t suck me up don’t suck oh I beat it it’s fine we’re too strong yes it looks as if an enchantment quite similar to the one on the locked doors

Embedded in this key it should work to get us through what if it sets off the Trap then you had best hoped that the Mage who put it there said it more as a deterrent rather than a defense um I’m hoping that once we get into the area with the avow that door

Opens between the markets and like the court of air and the avow and I can go back and purchase them surely surely they haven’t locked me out forever and there’s no way to go back all right I have a key I have no idea how to use

It okay okay just going to open open the door fig cross magic trap door stuffed with potentially lethal lightning right F oh that noise scared me yeah this is fine this is totally fine and still alive well that’s uh that’s good I don’t like these things laying here oh be not

So dramatic you could find much worse before we are done here oh what just happened I’ve heard tell that there are Guardians and occasional did I just teleport down here I just teleported may just be rumor wow thanks the possibility of even greater danger certainly no there’s so many dead things thanks fire

I don’t want to fight the undead me that oh this is so c one there’s so many there’s so many dead things I don’t like this I feel like they’re just all going to become anime and I’m going to have to fight them all okay so we got a room there we also

Have this locked door here what’s up with another locked door oh I just fireballed it that’s my bad I keep accidentally F fireballing things okay that’s creepy guess we go this way a chest is it a trap can I disarm what oh it is a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap viable

Oh you’re strong you got a lot of Health uh magic Missile magic Missile uh shield shield shield get out of here with that tongue get your tongue out of here get back get back get oh my God you got so much health why so much health good job oh

Creature was known as a mimic yeah I heard those things it’s a mimic didn’t expect it to be so slimy though uh why did it have a key inside of it though had a key in IT mouth someone like the cube did probably not otherwise we would have seen some more gruesome

Evidence of the meal I mean there is a lot of bodies around here various items that they need to hide or protect if you know how to handle one of these things they can be rather convenient Guardians as long as you keep them fed that is yeah I can imagine the

Alternative I love that my response to every everything is just um f as soon as I see something I’m like fireal it’s getting fireballed I don’t care I’m just rearranging this so let’s put that there that I have a free spot at the start so that I can use it as my like

Clicking things cuz I have to right click things but right click right click is also a spell if I have spells active oh there’s things in here magic Missile magic Missile there’s a rat get out of here get out of here get out of here fubble fubble

FB okay I am yet to die from combat that’s the oh I know I opened my menu so that’s a win get back get back get back I me oh there’s Undead up there there’s Undead Okay we’re fine everything’s fine I’m just looking out for more chests oh my magic casting doesn’t go

That far oh oh you have Fireball Fireball is good cuz it hits multiple people at the same time magic Missile shield attack get the coins I got Fireball again you better look out oh obliterated absolutely obliterated oh oh there’s more down there I you missile I said I thought there was one

Behind me then I thought I got hit from behind already Fireball that was a Nat 20 Fireball I saw that oh wait I can shield shield die die with my witch’s broomstick must splined this you literally we’re really running on that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles timeline

What’s in here any chest after all my effort surely I get a prize for that come on nothing to lose a book a magical sourer book I can’t do anything with it okay literally everything just everything once oh more coins we’re going to be rich we’re going to be able

To afford all the boots that we can ever find there’s another gelatinous slime I mean a gelatinous cube I just called it a gelatinous slime okay ready barer we barrier we magic weile this guy boom you didn’t stand a chance and we Fireball the gelatinous cube take that oh that didn’t take much

Damage okay don’t absorb me oh you’ve got a key don’t absorb me magic Missile nice oh he didn’t actually drop a key though that was just his character design I think these catacombs are huge like we’ve been in here for a little bit now a chest oh is this a mimic though now

I’m like suspicious that every chest I see is a mimic I’m like this is this is bad for me yes I was I knew it you get fbl you get fbl get out of here why do these have so much health die die die no die crit I crit get get back get

Back oh I didn’t even need the fireball what a waste throw it over there the next time I’m just throwing a fireball at the chest before I even get near it I don’t trust it I agree I’m just going to kill every chest before before I get

Close anything else in here nope okay we’re still going got to do some more fighting I see you down here Shield Fireball right to the face oh that did a lot of damage on you let’s go magic meile all right we’re good we’re good I’m interested to see what like the last

Combat of this like DLC is like it I think it’s going to be pretty oh what are those little demon spawn what are these Fireball magic Missile what are these things now oh and there’s more rats oh there’s a lot there’s a lot of things get out of here

Fireball I’m glad that my abilities don’t seem to cause me damage cuz sometimes I’m standing really close when I Fireball yeah they look like little tiny dragon borns get out of here get out of here bubble fireball is just my crutch right now it’s getting me through everything

They’re every there’s so many of them there are so many little tiny dragon Bard these must be like little demons or something I don’t know what they are you me sell the rat oh hello something I something I didn’t expect to think about this game is that

Or this DLC is that I’m interested to go back already and play it again as a different class to see what it’s like cuz I was just thinking then like to be a barbarian you have to get like right up in their faces like I’m relying a lot

Right now on my spells but if I played like Barbarian I I’m just like whacking things so like I’m already interested to see what it’d be like to play a different class what am I getting hit by just this guy get back get back you aren’t ready for when my Fireball is ready

Again oh why is there so many of you okay Magic Bar Magic Bar Magic barrier fireable where do you guys keep spawning from do you have like a spawner or something no you’re just all here you’re just all hang hanging out in the sewers in the catacombs like just your average Tuesday

Everyone’s just hanging out in the sewers magic Missile magic Missile magic Missile oh I need to Magic barrier I’m losing health I’m losing health potion healing potion Fireball so much coin though yeah I think they have um crossbows or something probably cuz they seem to be getting hit from a good distance get

Back another rat how many like how many mobs did they put down here where are you guys coming from there’s still another one over in this corner oh there’s more okay give me my coins there’s got to be something good here surely I get something good for all that

Effort just another just another spell book all right I keep going this place is never ending oh what is that I don’t know what that is I don’t know what that is Magic barrier magic barrier magic barrier Fireball Fireball Fireball what is that what is that it’s like a hellhound

Or something get this little demon spawn away from me magic Miss what is that thing magic Miss magic me magic Miss Fireball Fireball Fireball oh we can teleport oh I don’t like you go away get out of here bad dog bad dog bad dog bad dog bad dog where are you stop

Teleporting on me bar bar oh what the hell that was a demon I better be getting a chest or something now get out of here get out of here get out of here what was it protecting there’s nothing here it just spawned here oh my God this is is like crazy

This is actually like going through a dungeon I was not expecting this many mobs down here in this many battles when I entered the sewers I like it but it’s also crazy Fireball okay Fireball not very effective on the gelatinous cube about magic Missile magic Missile okay magic mile

Better not going to absorb me come on crit hit yes a crit Fireball you I’ve got to be close I’ve got to be close to the end of this sewers I have to jump down that hole you’re telling me I got to jump down okay there’s a ladder but I’m I’m

Probably not going to be able to get back up oh I already hear something down there okay here goes nothing oh there’s Undead bubble I’m trapped in a corner oh oh they’re everywhere I’m just stuck in this corner no die die die die let’s go for head shots take

Potion right oh there we go B okay I probably didn’t need to take a potion in that moment but I feel like I need to practice taking potions in combat to get used to it cuz I’m probably going to hit a combat that I do need to do that I’m attacking this

Chest is it a mimic yeah what come on I already attacked you that doesn’t count get out of here get out of here get out of here Fireball just die already thank you oh this looks this looks like a main chamber well unfortunately it seems that

This unor armor is tied to the exit no unless you have a powerful dispelling magic at your disposal that you have neglected to mention you’ll have to defeat this thing to undo the Seal of the door oh no you’re saying I have to fight a piece of armor with no obvious

Weaknesses barrier barrier barrier barrier magic barrier magic Missile let me guess I have to just beat it into a useless hun ofal kind of like I did the scarecrows precisely I have to fight this armor to you’re going down armor take a fireball I’m scared of what you can do to me

But o o o no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no stay back stay back magic Missile magic Missile magic Missile oh no Magic Shield Magic Shield Magic Shield fireable get back get back the clinking of the chain sound as

I hit him yes a crit wait magic Missile I can’t I magic Missile there we go finally oh I got him take a fireball for good measure how are we going to get someone to help us though we breaking in let us consider that later first we need to get

Out of these tunnels someone might have heard the battle or notice that the Enchantment of the door is broken we can deter oh notice that I killed everyone hidden within the inner Ward is this the exit can I go up here now oh that was scary d in video games are really fun

But it’s always pretty limited what you can do it is it is we were I was talking about this with a friend the other day cuz we were talking about Boulders gate and how like you there’s like a level Max and then you can’t do certain things

Like you can’t do wish because it be like how do you code that into a video game but I feel like in the future they will be able to make one but it will have to be like an AI Dev in the background that codes in things to

Happen as you are like choosing options and like choosing things to happen that’d be like the only way you’d be to make a full D and video game what if I wanted to friend a goblin toad fighting most of the freedom isn’t yeah for sure 100% that’s why D and D in

Its like organic State as a tabletop game is the best way to do it with a DM but it’s fun it’s fun to experience it in video games too yeah 100% the games are still good can we buy boots I know I want to go back and buy boots are we exiting here

The first chance I get to go back I’m buying boots like it’s my goal no nothing I can get here okay I think we might be exiting the sewers now nice place oh no thank you unfortunately for you chances are that you only see you are taken away to a

Prison cell caught by the gods out of here we cannot be imprisoned not in a Cell I to fight them run I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I can’t Runing running isn’t an option Tor to sh if we resist I tried to run would normally have prevented you from coming

This far sage thesari has taken an interest in you now you are to attend him personally whatever you do do not allow them to incarcerate us do not give them a reason okay okay who is tharai who is Sage thesari seriously you broke into here without even knowing who the

People in charge are not a very wise burglar are you I’m not teally a burglar you just wouldn’t let me in the front door I just wanted to like read some books in the library what does this tharai person want with me Sage thesari said that they found you curious oh I’m

Curious they know that I have a dragon they also said that your Mega Powers could not pose a serious threat to him or us keep that in Mindless you try something rash they know they know that I have a dragon they know my secret who

Are you who are you I am a captain within the avowed city guard and probably the person to lock your cell door behind you that is all you need know I have a feeling we’re going to be our good friends uh the captain and I okay I’ll

Go I’ll go he is waiting for you in exaltation exaltation consider this an honor as few of those outside of the theout are allowed entry to our home okay you are to head directly to the Great Library do not attempt to deviate from the main path we will be watching

You okay but I really want to go get the boots so can I oh I can go through now I really like how do I just go by the boots is that the door down there oh they’re probably going to be blocking me I’m not going to be allowed to walk yeah

I can’t walk that way okay maybe later when we come back out I’m going to get these boots if it’s the last thing I do all right I have to all the guards are blocking my way I have to go this way what are you

Carrying there how do I get one of those fancy looking staffs oops don’t arrest me I didn’t mean to Fireball imagine if I accidentally Fireball it’s like the um combat just starts roll for initiative you’re in combat oh there’s a path up there where does that go I’m just looking don’t mind

Me I’m just having a look we get to see the library though that’s a start check out the library oh look at this view there’s that Lighthouse that we can’t get to yet I really want to go do that side quest even if it even is a side quest Hello whoa this is

Cool whoa are you the person that is far enough okay but you called me here so what do you want why am I here you caught my interest we have all sorts of detection spells in the sewers you pinged a half dozen of them when you

Sneaked in and a dozen more when you entered the catacombs cool yeah I’m definitely going to watch they’re not letting me go anywhere without the guards watching what do you do here I’m the sage of magic in Candle keep that means that I am the leading scholar on Magic and the department head

Of magical studies here I also work as a lawmaker with the other sages it’s not terribly glamorous if I’m being honest involves lots of committee work okay but this is good this is like exactly the kind of person that I wanted to talk to right so like I kind of got what I

Needed in the end why am I here why am I here you caught my interest we have all sort of detection I already said you what now what happens to what happens now do not attempt to resist the spell if you resist then we will have to

Detain you and try again until you cooperate lots of extra bother he’s putting a spell on me as a spell activates you feel something press against your mind and on some level you know that it is trying to pry away your ability to a true spell the intrusion is

Sudden and set your teeth on edge and your first reaction is to resist I’m getting true SP spelled however considering where you are and the promise of a jail cell or worse if you do not cooperate you relax and allow the spell to take hold good now let’s get the boring stuff

Over with okay do you intend to harm anyone in this city be it specifically in terms of property or any other way that includes but is not limited to theft spying or harassment oh they just want to see what I’m up to no I’m not here to harm anyone

Um no no I do not that is the truth good I’m here to buy boots can I go buy my boots please next why did you sneak into the inner War because you wouldn’t let me in the front door blunt honesty I found a group of scary people in the mountains talking to

A dragon who was living there and then they sucked his soul just go into the whole story horrifying mound of Flesh shove itself into the dragon’s body like it was a sock puppet and then the coin shoved the dragon soul into my body so now we’re sharing my mind and it’s

Really uncomfortable and we both want someone to help us find his body and get him out of mind because he’s a stuck up jerk and we don’t know what these crazy thoroughly creepy people would do with the dragon’s body in summary that’s what’s happening uh well that uh

Certainly speeds things up I don’t think we really needed the truth spell I would have I would have been here to tell the truth anyway about while we’ve got this handy zone of Truth working you just tell me everything you can about how this Dragon came to inhabit you and we work from

There sure I don’t really know much I touched a coin well hopefully they will be able to use what you told us to find out more about this group that you encountered and the Monsters accompanying them in the meanwhile we need to discuss whether or not candle keep will assist you in

Your predicament you’re telling me they’re not interested in a dragon like come on these are Scholars they’re so they’re so they’re already invested they’ve already agreed to help me whe or how could they refuse us ex tell him that endand demands their aid it is only then restore me to my rightful form Um he demands help and Andra says that he demands your help that it’s only right that you put him back in his body does he now well I don’t see as he is in any position to be making demands much less determining wrong and right all right they have no respect for dragons

Found that out I am a golden dragon my very nature is to know right from wrong tell him not to question me he says that he knows right and wrong better than you do oh we’re going to offend them does he well I may not be an

Expert on dragons but I am a fan of them and have heard his name before oh he’s known then I cannot say that it has been treated with much reverence or gratitude as Endra has a reputation for isolating himself and neglecting to help those in

The boy who cried wolf kind of he never helped anyone so why should they help him now seems to me that we neither owe him anything nor that we can trust his moral judgment much less treat his decisions as lawful righteous commands all right what do you need is

It going to come down to money you going to send me on a quest what do I what am I going to do to get your help here is there a way we can convince you to help well yes I happen to have something in

Mind all right put it on the table you see there is a clock tower nearby where a colleague of mine named adro lives however no one has heard from him in some time okay Ado’s gone missing since there have been reports of monsters going in and out as they please it is

Probably safe to assume that adro is now dead CER had a valuable book in his collection yes a valuable book let’s go you clear out the Vermin and if wizard adro is imprisoned or injured help him if he is missing or dead then find and

Take the book you do this and we’ll call it even as far as your crimes go I’m in excellent well in that case I am looking forward to hearing from you once you have concluded your investigation until then try not to die I will do my best to

To try not to die got any chests in here got anything I probably should have robbed them hey just as they decided to trust me I’m like what can I rub from you I don’t think they have anything anyway this Library looks so cool though is this a secret door that’s kind

Of looking like a secret door to me okay nice place you’ve got here I like it is this who you were standing really close to me okay am I do I have free rain then can I go get these boots to the boots I’ve been set loose in the

City I think I have there’s no guard guarding this path now where are all the people there’s like no people oh wait there is some they’re spawning in as I walk along I think this is how I go back to the Market I think uh is this door going to

Open though yes it’s open we can get the boots is this the way ha I got in anyway screw you the boots we can get the boots I would like these please hey oh is that the full outfit yeah they’re my new boots we did it

Now I can see what all this gives me yes I got level two everything there’s three more outfits to collect what oh wait no go back to menu I had something on stats can I level up why is my stats oh I have two stat points to add let’s go okay well then

Let’s do Charisma so it’s not negative all right we got zero Charisma let’s go what’s wisdom decreases the cool down yes let’s decrease cool down all right we’ve got new entries to the glossery Goblins halflings okay cool oops I always oh I keep pressing all the wrong things okay here we

Go I have to go oh do I have to take the uh I have been instructed to allow you to and from the inner W as you please excellent if you step out of line again I will arrest you okay no need to arrest me en the signs thanks Captain Pleasant

Woman I don’t know I figure you two would get along handsomely I understand that was supposed to be a joke but even so I failed to see the similarities oh this is a different doorway this is a different door yeah this is a different entry I

Might be able to can I get around to the lighthouse now can I can I talk to this guy and see if he’ll take me to the lighthous when did I first play Minecraft years and like around the time that it probably came out I think it

Came out when I was in high school maybe a couple years after it came out actually probably not right when it came out it was a long time ago it’s hard to remember I just want someone to take me to the lighthouse wait hold on I can see if

It’s actually even a quest it might not even be a quest quests not started oh so it’s not it’s not a quest yet they just mentioned it why would they mention it and not make it a quest though all right I got to go I got to go try and rescue this

Guy no you must be getting the boots but we got the boots we got them we’ve got the full level two outfit now so I think I can talk to Cabbage cart guy but I want to check out this area cuz we haven’t been out here yet

This is all new what’s happening what’s that oh that is that a horse can we get a horse that’s just like our horse oh cuz I’m going to the clock tower cloak wood oh there’s more of those creepy scarecrows here though not these things again oh they’re after

Me Fireballs should be like super effective against scarecrow right cuz they’re made of hay get back get back get back get back oh I went be I went behind the horse oh and an undead why were they here too if I were haard a guess they

Are guarding the path to the tower you think the person who puts them in the farmer Fields also let these ones here it is possible you will discover more at the tower I suspect I can’t wait to find out who the big bad

Is I want to go see if I can get to the lighthouse ah bam did a crit Fireball is literally just like my favorite spell right now oh what are those things this looks dangerous look at the view I know it’s so cool I don’t quite yeah I do have enough chunks

Loading the map is so cool what are these demon thing oh look there’s like ruins on these ruins ruins on the ruins they see me they see me they see me they see me what are these get out of here get oh mag bar mag bar mag bar you

Missile I I’m stuck in trees fireable okay I angered an entire mob just then but we survived oh there’s more nothing can stand up against my Fireball and my magic Missile get out of here feeling a special connection with nature in a druid Shrine created this

Shrine long ago the shrine is meant to heighten the magic of nature found here and allow visitors to commune with the Earth even now centuries later the sight is witnessed to all manner of events from purification rituals to weddings to the swearing of Oaths we just cleared out a druid oh I

Got an extra ST point for that I need to be doing all the side quests let me add a St Point let me add a St Point what do I want a St point on uh strength yeah I want to be able to attack faster let’s do dick it nice

Okay there was a chest down here I saw in the cut scene an actual chest not a mimic all right I’ll take these regen potions I wonder can I sell potions for more money I’m just trying to see if there’s a way to get to this Lighthouse I don’t

Think there is it doesn’t look like it’s connected by land in anyway so we’re going to have to give up on that hope I thought I was meant to be going to this clck toil over here why is it pointing that way now the mimics are only in spooky places

Okay that would make sense like only in Dungeons and sewers and catacombs Oh I thought this was the clock tower no there’s just an undead guy here Fireball I’m going to be rich my inventory is just going to be filled with gold coins oh okay I see the ladder

Has been broken off so we can’t get up there so we got to go around that’s what we’re doing I see I see and then we cleared the Druid Shrine we checked out the lighthouse we can’t get there we go this way oh there’s like a troll

Or something up there or like an ogre Bam Bam Bam burn burn to a crisp thank you oh you think the mimics have shadows underneath them okay we we’ll take test that theory the next time we uh see some chests and some mimics I’ll see if I can

Tell the difference but I can’t like I tried before and I can’t pre-attack a mimic Che uh chest I almost said a mimic Chef firee ball okay I’m going to Magic barrier cuz I don’t know how hard you hit you look like you hit pretty hard he has so much

Health this guy has so much health magic Missile Fireball get back get back oh I did a crit ow okay glad that guy’s dealt with what is over here I just want to check out like every area look at the Lighthouse that looks so cool I have no idea where I’m going now

Just going through the forest where’s my compass I got to go that way but what’s over here oh where did you come from sneaking up on me like that didn’t even drop any gold coins there is so much combat in here I wasn’t expecting like I don’t know I don’t know

What I was expecting but I didn’t think there would be this like so much combat I like it I just didn’t expect it cross the river little demon things ah get out of here they have wings they fly oh magic Missile not having spell slots is

Amazing just be able to cast the Spells as soon as the timer like reloads is great where is this I don’t think I meant to go this way but I’m like no I’m not but I am interested in what’s down here I’m going off the main

Path what is this what is this place oh there’s a chest oh it’s in a tent I think this is a normal chest I don’t is that a shadow no I think that’s just normal is it hello oh if I B it that was an

Accident I have no space my gold my gold is taking up too much space I can’t I can’t check what’s in the chest just it’s empty I guess it’s just an empty CH ah what ah I stood in the fire I was like what is attacking me I

Stood in the fire that’s my bad I don’t think there was anything in that chest I can’t search it no I think it’s empty there’s a cave where do this go oh what is that what is that what is that oh no what have I done magic barrier all right Fireball magic

Missile what is this thing what what is this thing oh it’s a giant frog or something no what is it yeah I think it is a giant frog or something it’s kind of looks like a frog get out of here get out of here magic

Mile magic Missile oh I did it oh what is it doing what is it doing oh I killed it what is what was that I got lured into the cave guys and then there was this giant thing in here a leg like good thing I’m like a

Powerful wizard you know good thing I didn’t Panic there’s nothing even in here not even a chest why was this guy just chilling in here I bet got XP for that at least I guess this is what you get for gold off the beaten path yeah that was literally Shrek’s

Little swamp that’s what it was yeah I gave for my onions in my inventory I still have them I was like maybe I can sell them or give them to the Cabbage guy but I don’t even know if you can sell anything I don’t think you can sell items in

This I could only buy from the uh Marketplace well that was interesting that’s what you get for uh going off the main path you to fight some like frog troll oh what is is this ruins is this ruins anything here oh there’s another one how do I keep getting myself in these positions

Fireball what are you guys Bam Bam Bam okay I’m going to Magic barrier Fireball he’s like got himself stuck over here in this corner ow ow ow that hurt F oh is he guarding this no that was weird I can imagine on hard mode uh that the combat could actually be like

Interesting uh the combat is interesting playing like this but it’s like it hasn’t been difficult so far like I haven’t really had to take potions or anything I’m just chilling it’s just fun okay where am I’m going to need to use my compass where am I going I am

Completely off track I need to go this I’m just wandering around the forest I went completely the the wrong way all right here oh I see I see some little demon boys oh one hit what am I getting hit by oh I just kept I must have been on

Fire yeah it’s been pretty easy and you haven’t died besides yeah okay the water time I’m not count it I half count because I was trying to jump on the guy’s boat I glitched through the boat and then just got stuck at the bottom of the water all right that was uh game

Mechanic’s fault not my fault or maybe my stupidity fault look at this place this looks cool it seems dangerous though a nondescript but productive mine Iron Throne has gained something of a reputation among the locals this place has a history of being taken over by monsters that then turn it into their

New home until the local militia or a band of adventurers removes them why goblins Orcs and other nasty things so prefer this cave over others in the area is anyone’s guess oh no that means there’s all the things in here to fight that’s what that means oh every two new locations that I

Discover I receive a St point so I’m one of two so the next location I discover I will receive a St Point add-on that’s actually a really cool way to put it that like my character backstory is that they don’t know how to swim that’s actually a good way of thinking of it

Never learned to swim I’m a wizard who do I have dark vision question mark dark fishion question mark cuz it be useful right now I don’t know which part of the cave I need to go through wait do I even need to be here is this where I yeah I think

So okay I don’t know do I need to go deeper like I kind of want to go deeper in the cave and see what’s in here there’s got to be something good for coming in here right there’s a chest is it a mimic chest or is it a normal chest

Though it’s hard to tell can I get up there yeah come around this way is there a shadow under this I don’t think so that’s a normal chest all the gold all the gold all the gold let’s go I’m rich wait there was no monsters in here

Though I mean don’t speak too soon but there was no monsters in here though oh I hear something oh I found them I found them I found the monsters oh I didn’t do my shield magic barer get back get back whoa whoo don’t come at me like that

Fast hey get rid of that guy get ready you ah get my gold I’ve earned it I did stole someone’s hardworking money oh I just stole these monsters money Rob for the monsters give to the villagers except that Captain that captain of the Guard who doesn’t like me she gets

Nothing right did we fight them all we good there’s nothing in here for me damn okay they just make me fight all these monsters and all I get is gold as a reward where’s like the cool like hidden Mage Mage weapon yeah Robin Hood

Scenario how do I get out of here now oh wait there’s the door okay this isn’t where I was supposed to be but that was cool oh I need to go this way some I need to get up this clock tower somehow show me the way show me the way Compass

Where am I going that way where I need to go around this mountain I did too much just running and frolicking through the forest that I have gone the wrong way these guys are all back it’s raining gold though like it’s kind of infinite money glitch

Because I can just keep spawning in the monsters and keep making money oh I can swim in the river I thought I was going to drown again but I can swim in the river apparently I know gold like I have too much gold to even know what to do with

Like it’s it means nothing to me now I’ve become rich in this campaign I’m gone from a no Vol nobody Village person to a rich Adventurer oh what a hit that was a crit Fireball and that just killed all of them get back get back get back get back

Get back get back get back back back back back back those guys were just standing there watching it happen they weren’t trying to help or nothing all right get my oh there’s another one I kind I fubble missile oh this oh look at all this gold they

Dropped I have to say being a spellcaster is fun in this though like I don’t know if you played Barbarian you would have get any spells and you would just be whacking things but playing a wizard has been fun oh there’s monsters down there am I going the right way Compass yes I

Am is this it must be it the reveal as you walk through there was really cool this looks so cool oh there’s a lot of there’s a lot of fighting happening there I see the monsters I see all the monsters take a fireball wait oh did you hear that well

I mean I know you heard it because I heard it but whether you acknowledge of what did I hear it’s those those things again from my cabin it is it’s the uh I don’t know what they are Let Them Fight observe you only caught a glimpse of things before the

Fight started and cannot determine oh I failed I failed perhaps they were arguing over food now we’re fighting him let’s go I got five already what is squealing is it these things that are squealing oh come on guys I helped you out you’re not going to like me now

You’re not going to pause the fight just to like be friends Fireball then and I’ll take all the money all right we made it to agro’s Tower let’s see if adro is alive or dead how do I get inside a chest wait this is the shadow

This is a mimic but I can’t attack it before I get near it I don’t think yep okay the mimiks have shadows confirmed take a fireball get out of here oh a crit let’s go magic Missile thank you I will take that you’re right you’re right they have

Shadows they do have how do I get in this Tower where is the front door oh is this the front door wait remember the catacombs we must assume that this place is similarly trapped okay can you see anything with your magic site yes but I cannot make out the

Details from here nor am I terribly versed in wizardly Magics the spell on the door to the catacombs was heavy-handed and OB these enchantments are more subtle it’s trapped I can point out General paths and principles however it may take the two of us to puzzle them out

Completely okay I’m going to do an investigation check the Magic’s place on this turn out to be easier to I have a plus n let’s go had anticipated and you disarm them I I pass because I have a plus n either wizard adro does not care

Enough to make better defenses or he did not put them here considering that the door seems fairly new the latter seems more likely perhaps something happened and these are temporary defenses maybe I must say those were rather puny defenses as far as Wizard’s homes I’m increasingly inclined to think

That someone else has taken residen oh come on stop leave I can try and I can try and persuade Them now we can talk to them my Charisma is a zero though I have a zero plus zero on Charisma Let’s do an inside check the Goblin’s Twisted face and being distracted by various sharp objects pointed at you it is a bit difficult for you to get a read on these

Creatures thank you intelligence stats exactly I even though my Charisma is a zero let’s try and persuade them whatever it is that keeps you here whatever I had a 12 I needed a 13 I can promise that I will fight and defeat them if you leave me and flee this Tower

I will make sure that there is no one left here who can come after you I needed a 13 and I got a 12 and I have a plus zero on kisma that’s so annoying Goblin leader shakes his head without taking his eyes off of yours I kind of

Want to know what happens if you fail the door though like if I failed on the door what would happen no you’re too weak better fight you than be hunted by it oh no we’re fighting her then roll for initiative I tried to tell you guys oh I need to Magic barrier magic

Missile get out of here get out of here I tried to be your friend but you didn’t want it is there going to be more of those throughout this whole house we made it to the tower though books everywhere oh they got like libraries everywhere just a regular D and

D hey Josh how you doing yeah this is The Wizard of the coats um DLC partner DLC it’s it’s actually way better than I was expecting but yeah I’m prepping for D and D before the D and D I’m prepping for the D and D that’s happening the D and D it’s a

Book just adding to the amount of D and that I’m playing that’s not a door I found the stairs but what’s down here what what happened to this texture pack it’s like clipping through all right let’s go upstairs I’m expecting more monsters no we’re just going to keep

Going is adro dead or alive that is the question will he be alive when we get here I may be dead so prep in the lighter fire before we get into that [ __ ] show I hope you’re not but I don’t what is that guy doing over there oh wait there’s people

Everywhere I’m going to have to fight these guys out I hope you’re not what we’re going to find out tonight excellent work brothers and sisters this wward lamb will be a worthy offering to our Lord and savior I’ve Beena C I’ve walked into a trap break us out of here CRA now

How nice try kid but this trap was designed to keep creatures far more dangerous than you contained me character oh I am bad at character names what um have you decided on your character’s new like your new characters like race and class what are you what are you

Doing trap was designed to keep creatures far more okay great no no no no you shall not be caged you filthy worms let us out let us out let us out investigation check after a few moments of analyzing their clothing yes4 these people have neither bound the

Imps you found in and around the tower nor are they simply borrowing power from creatures of the lower Plains they worship those creatures these people have neither bound the imps you found in and around the tower nor are they simply boring po they worship those creatures where’s adro what are you

Doing in this Tower what happened to the wizard who lived here how did these guys beat the wizard why do the people we capture always think they’re going to get answers from us what’s the point of telling you anything you will die soon and it is more entertaining and safer to

Watch you squirm in ignorance all right um I’m going to call upon my dragon to help me out here I need you to focus I need you to help us get out come on Dragon do you think you could see or find anything useful in this

Barrier need to dispel it I I don’t the dragon is panicking there are there are channels in this barrier that magic has flow through if you I think that if you touch that glowing point on the wall you can you can redirect the magical current to wherever you step if you pull the

Current to every part of the barrier I think I messed it up I think it will disrupt entire working and cause it to collapse I have to hit every single one without repeating I’m sorry it’s quite difficult to or maybe I just have to go

One path like a single path like can I just do this Hur no I have to hit every single one without repeating damn you’re doing a Goliath Bob all that’s different kth kyth or kth that’s cool I always use name name generators for my names I’m really bad at coming up with d

And d names where do I go I up here like this things have been going rather well lately bam get me out of this what happened I beat your barrier oh Magic Bar Magic Bar Magic Bar F do not even think about fleeing eradicate these scum destroy them but Dar I’m I’m destroying

Them I am destroying them hey are you feeling all right you got pretty worked up when we were trapped and I’ve been pretty quiet ever since I am fine what is my the dragon is dying or something what is what is the dragon doing talk to me you know you can talk

To me right of course I will Avail myself of your here if ever there is anything to talk about until then I can keep my peace in enjoy silence every now and then or must you insist okay then okay then okay then don’t worry about it Dragon yeah that fight that fight did

Not last they were not very strong let’s see if this wizard is still alive ad all are you here is there anyone alive in here oh I still to go go upstairs more oh we go just walk myself into another trap as you enter this room you find the

Door across from you the only way forward shrouded in a magical barrier okay in the center of the room sits a filled goblet on a pedestal high above the door shines a crystal that is jammed into a crack between the stones with V’s help you can see that the

Crystal goblet and barrier are linked okay they’re all linked even from where you stand you can see that the crystal has a series of wards around it not to mention that even reaching the thing would prove a challenge how do I open the barrier then I feel Bor the Destroyer last name

Destroyer middle name the yes that’s so good definitely that’s how you should introduce yourself to like every character every NPC they’re like and what’s your name Bor the Destroyer middle name last name Destroyer middle name the okay how do we do this before the Goblet on the pedestal is a note that

Says an Act of Faith and proof of falty to our Lord drink and embrace the shadow of death to demonstrate your devotion I have to drink what’s in the Goblet without knowing what’s in it can I investigation check I can’t investigation check it drinking the Go’s content will either allow you to pass

Through it or temporarily lower the defense judging by that note however I would guess that whatever is in that drink would not be good for your health I can just straight up drink it it’s going to take 12 Hearts is that what it means or I have to beat a 12 on my

Health I have to beat a 12 I think or I can investigate check it first but you going outside before it gets dark no worries thank you for hanging out I appreciate you hanging out with this game so far it’s been a lot of fun hopefully I’ll catch you later go touch

Grass for a little bit the the riddle did say that you had to have faith I think didn’t it say something about faith so if I investigate check it hold on if I investigate check it that means that I didn’t have faith and then the barrier won’t open is that what that

Means you wish you play DD have you played Boulders gate at all have you played Boulders gate cuz I’m currently playing that as well it is a lot of fun I don’t want to just drink it though and like die I am going to investigate check no

Yes I’m going to investigate in this liquid will certainly hurt you if you ingest it it will not kill you but depending on your tolerance for nausea You may wish it had you can also tell that the Goblet refills as soon as it is emptied o it refills B the Destroyer

Locked in nice I like it all right we drink it room temperature but it leaves a sensation skin as it washes down your throat nausea and cramps soon follow but they are manageable and your body feels otherwise functional okay are you sure you’re ready to face whoever is behind

That door not really this is the last room in the tower and considering that we have not encountered them yet it is probably where this Lord we have heard so much about is waiting I’m just hoping that he’s like down to be friends oh that is a portal

What is that what is that there is a portal in there um okay thought that I might have been able to be friends by this with this wizard but I’m not liking the chances now he’s got a portal he has a dark portal you should not have come oh it’s the cultist leader

Made a mess of things and now our Lord is upset yes though it has been entertaining to watch you struggle and Claw your one step at a time you have caused enough D okay besides I am Bor well sacrifices are all well and good I enjoy braliz my victims too to IGN

Schols oh that was an interesting battlecry oh Magic barrier magic barrier fireable why is this person giant magic Missile they’re huge get get back get back get back get back get back get back get back go back love a fireball to come back yes Fireball oh o o o o magic Miss magic barrier magic barrier magic barrier health potion health potion fireable they are like three times the size of me maybe more oh you throw rocks now you throw rocks I just got sliced across the room B ow ow Magic Bar magic Missile yes destroyed there the plains Walker guide

That is the book that s are you just kneeling there are you just going to keep kneeling there though there’s a crystal you’ve never played any role playing game in your life you have to you need to play Boulders gate how far you gotten my solo um I have got

Holson I had to fight a whole bunch of goblins to get I kind of went down the path of fighting a whole lot of goblins to get holson and I have gone to the swamp and I am at The Hags place like the hag witch’s place I’m trying to save

The sister but I haven’t saved the sister yet that’s kind of like what I’m up to okay I take I wait is this not what I’m taking oh no not the crystal where’s the book oh this is the book I was trying I was trying to take the Dark Crystal they seem rather

Powerful but perhaps the and the other magic Miss for questioning what what have you done you’ve doomed us all do you even know what is coming you’ve destroyed our only hope at a safe haven against against what enlightenment what is that believe me novice there is nothing that can protect

You from the forces of the universe what is that they will learn give her some time to see the error of her ways am I being put in that portal then she can dream that this never happened and apologize IES before waking up useful primitive and temporary but even

These figments of our imaginations that you call people create the occasional useful to what is this Mage doing have you the eyes for such a thing oh this is creepy you the side to recognize what lies in the he’s like this spewing Moss from lethal company to me that you might but

No never mind don’t kill me there was something familiar about you perhaps something that I met in you some months down the line your role in this world is no don’t kill enjoy the coming sleep and in your Slumber be ready for the Awakening once the true Gods come to

Call he threw at the window get swim get us out of the water move now I’m trying I’m trying to get out of the water what the heck was that I I did not think to see that thing here that was more than we bargained for when we took this

Job okay the Mage is bad whoa yeah I’ve made some decent progress have you gone back to the spot I accidentally met that demon guy I did the demon guy I met when I walked into um The Fortress or whatever it’s called where house is and I walked downstairs and then the demon

Guy appeared it took much longer for the demon guy to appear in my playr like my solo payr um I don’t know what that Mage was yeah and what are true Gods what true Gods was that about dreams and true Gods I am as much in the dark as you are

They sounded at least half mad to me um salvation kept saying things about that devil saving them and then the last one looked like they recognized the masked man when he appeared any ideas none except that they might be Rivals for the same goal whatever that may be still the masked

Men talked about coming gods and the cultists spoke of an approaching cataclysm it is not too much of a stretch to think they are linked oh no do I chase him a chance we can go after that MK man can we he seems too powerful

For me you would even want to are you mad maybe I’m a little mad you like a cat with an injured bird you should feel fortunate that they went through a portal and that you are unable to pursue them hopefully they are gone far far okay so the Mage guy went through that

Portal I think I’ve had enough of this Tower and everything in it you yes I think returning to Candle keep and its walls seems like a very reasonable and pleasant we never I assuming Ador is dead because we never saw him in there my body we were in no shape to contend

With that Man or Monster or whatever manner of creatures behind that mask even if we should find a way to track them though perhaps there is nothing to be done for my body anyhow yeah already be gone or now I conquer back in here figure will res back of our deaths for

Now report to thari they will want to know what we have found I will report to thesari I I’m assuming Ador is dead because we never saw Ador in there and the cultist had just taken over the entire Tower apparently he can show up in a ton

Of different places it could be pretty much anytime throughout the whole First Act yeah I got to um I have found a couple of like I have talked to hson about the mountain pass and everything now so I can go to the next ACT but I haven’t I

Haven’t gone to the next ACT yet cuz I’m still exploring and doing side quests get back get back I just want to get back to my city oh back you little demon guy if these mobs just keep respawning I’m going to have so much money I wanted to check if I had any

Stat points to add to my stats yet no I have no more stat points oh where am I go oh I got is this not the way I came though okay just ignore the demons ignore the demons ignore the demons if you ignore them they go away maybe not they’re still chasing

Me yeah there’s a ton to do in the First Act I am I’m going to spend as much time not as much time but a lot of time trying to do get my side quest done and just like exploring the whole map oh these guys are back why did they

Respawn back I already cleared this ruin I don’t want to fight you again I’m just trying to get back to the castle they’re still coming after to me okay they’ve given up okay they do give up once you get far enough away that’s good to know I still want to go to that

Lighthouse over there but I can’t swim this guy still wants to to talk to me what if he takes me back there though and I don’t want to go back there no I already been there you know you’ve been rather quiet since we left the tower

Something he never wants to talk to me Shar burden something is clearly bothering you it might help to share the burden I I let my emotions get the better of me when we were trapped in that barrier I was not thinking clearly and even if I had been clear-headed

There was so little that I could do it just it’s ging I have I feel as though I am not much of a dragon anymore I cannot say is I even feel particularly useful I feel weak ever since I lost my body I have had little or no control over my

Life it’s unsettling we’re literally working towards getting your body back though I hate it we’re better together you get through this the both of us weird as our world has become and corny as this sounds we’ve got each other at least maybe you are right at least we have each other all

Right something’s going on with the dragon sup Captain can’t stop me now she doesn’t like me at all uh there nothing to nearby it no these are all the same things I’m not going through the sewers again we have a door open to us now can I go in any of these

Buildings okay why was I also just thinking that I want the dragon to turn human that we don’t get their dragon body back but then they be they become a human I was like why does this feel like we could Romance the dragon as a human that’s literally what I was

Thinking no buildings I can go into just the main Castle all right oh I never went this way I don’t know where this path goes if it goes anywhere but it was blocked off before but now it’s open bright mind think Alik it was literally what I was thinking when I was

Having that conversation with the dragon just we’re just going around the castle we’re on the castle walls it’s a nice little bench out here it’s just a courtyard is it they just didn’t want me to go in the courtyard little bit little bit of castle wall

Parkour oh this is the way I came in so I spawned here we walked down here this was the village where we had to get the pass and we fought the scarecrows and then we came into the castle area is that a chest down there I see a

Chest oh my God I have so much gold I have so much gold I don’t even know what to do with it I’m not used to having this much money in any D and D campaign I do like that the the map rewards you for exploring though whoa I

Almost jumped off there you do kind of get rewarded for like looking searching around the map all right we need to go talk to this guy we got the book that you wanted yeah I there’s literally nothing else I can buy I mean I can buy potions but I’ve hardly

Used the potions that I have can I get up here yes I can uh and then I bought my outfit already I guess it’s a good way to balance it if you don’t like doing combat and you’re not going to cuz you can run away from the combat we’ve just

Seen so if you go through that forest and you don’t like the combat and you just run past all the combat you’re not going to get any of that money that I got um so it’s like a good way to balance if you’re trying to avoid combat

That you can collect coins from chests I brought you the book oh there’s a downstairs how do I get down there nobody told me there was another level hello ah I was wondering if you would return at all I considered scrying to see if you had decided to just make a

Run for it glad to see you didn’t I know I took a lot of time but I would like there was a lot of battles I had to go through I’ve got the book for you got the book you wanted ah EXC oh oh does that mean that uh

Andro yeah adro uh we’re assuming is dead cuz we never saw him we were too late I’m sorry for your loss yes so am I though I will admit that I had assumed the worst already hearing it confirmed is still something of a shock he didn’t seem that too

Concerned about Adra is he the big bad he could be we could be being played by this guy this guy might be making a power play on this whole area and that’s why he doesn’t care about his friend because he knew he was dead cuz he’s

Behind that would be so good if that was what it was anyway continue by the way do you know what was being done in the tower some sort of ritual with a portal a cult of devil worshippers had taken over his Tower and yep removed him yep

Inside check I know I need an inside check on this guy right now Devil warer he’s the big bad extreme I certainly hope that adro had nothing to do with them see he’s saying devil worshiper is Extreme he knows he’s on to something he’s the Demon King it’s him it’s this

Guy I’m so suspicious of him so many people seem to forget how committing your soul to a devil is usually a rather permanent Affair I would not want that for him he could be unpleasant yes but he was a good man all things considered I’m going to be suspicious of this guy

Until the very end even if he’s not the big b I’m just going to be suspicious of him do you know what they wanted from his Tower or why they were there a portal they had created a portal some sort of portal I think they were using

It to summon more devils and stay in contact with the devil in charge yo yo that cannot have been their only reason for being there though they could have taken residence and hooped a portal anywhere that is true well they did say something about needing a safe place

They thought there was some sort of impending Calamity and were using power as a fortress yep really did they say what This calamity would entail they were kind of busy we didn’t really get that far in conversation between them trying to sacrifice me and all that all right that is fair he doesn’t

Even care that I was being sacrificed we did however run into that MK man we told you about though the one that was in the cave when V was taken out of his body oh it was the same Mas man that took the dragon’s body really what

Happened he’s trying to sell that too much I’m so suspicious of this guy he sounded like he was spouting nonsense neither Vier nor I could figure it out but he then killed one of the cultists and their leader before taking whatever they were using to open the

Portal he they didn’t he the Mage the mass Mage did not want me did not want the culus to tell me whatever the culus was about to tell me a couple of its minions were also killed outside the tower while fighting against the things living there pretty fair indication that

They’re not exactly friendly acquaintances then all right what about our bargain I got you the book you got to help me get this dragon out of my body so now what you intend to uphold your end of the bargain yes the charges against you have been wiped clean I’m

Sorry charges against me okay so what are you going to do now to help us there were charges I didn’t even know there was charges against me help you CL said that I would help you this backstabbing you did you said that you would help us if we cleared out the

Tower and got your book for you you did say that I said that I would wipe the slates clean regarding your criminal activities and wave your fee for entrance to the Great Library the matter of helping you with your little identity crisis is something else entirely how dare you how dare you roll

For initiative risked my life to get you what you wanted in exchange for sponging away your crimes and keeping you out of a jail cell or perhaps an experimentation chamber seems rather Fair actually right I’m going to burn your library to the ground kid just toying

With you a bit I was planning on helping you from the start as the problem peaked by curiosity yeah right this ought to remind you that you should be careful about what someone says and what you agree to there are plenty of devious people and creatures out there I feel

Like I’m looking at one by the way I had actually already begun investigating some Le needs this may not exactly align with my specialty but we have hundreds of researchers in my department so I’ve enlisted their help of course you can just do that get them to drop their own

Projects of course what good is being a head bureaucrat if you cannot throw around your weight a little every now and then sure oh and speaking of assistance I should also note that no one has been able to identify the creatures that you described to me earlier that in itself is rather

Peculiar considering how many people in this city are fascinated with magical creatures none of our experts have any answers though fortunately the AOW are a curious lot and are working all the harder to determine who or what you encountered okay excellent since you ran into one of their kind again if their

Bodies are still where you slew them in the woods finding and examining their Anatomy would go a long way towards solving the riddle I was send out to find and retrieve them I thought he was going to send me to go get the body I was like I was just

There okay what do we do should V and I do in the meanwhile well you’re always welcome to find other work in the area otherwise you have been through quite a lot in the past few weeks go to the in get some rest could go to the in and get

A long rest night sleep I may have some more information for you by then nice get a room at the end we got a long rest at the end let me just check my quest I think you only have one active Quest at a time like you can’t have multiple

Quests get a Ruben yeah and then I have all my completed quests okay cool press the wrong thing get a rub the I can’t jump off the I can’t jump off the top all right this might be a good place to pause this play through right

Now yeah the Inn is where you get drunk but it’s also where you take a long rest and maybe you have to do a constitution saving cuz you got hung over the next morning um if we have a long rest here it’s a good place to to pause cuz I need

To eat it is almost 3:00 I have to eat and take a break before I play more D and D tonight so I appreciate everyone who’s hanging out um for this it was it’s been a lot of fun I was surprised by like how much I enjoyed this like DLC

Um it’s more than what I expected it to be so I’ll either be back tomorrow or the next day um to stream more of this if you’re on YouTube um My Stream will get scheduled so you’ll see that get scheduled and you’ll know when I go live um but I appreciate everyone who

Followed and came and hang out and helped me out with this uh it’s been a lot of fun I’m excited to see who the big bad is at the end of this this is going to be interesting we have our theories um but go eat go sleep go

Hydrate and hopefully I’ll catch you in the next part of our playthrough that

This video, titled ‘D&D but make it Minecraft | [English – Live]’, was uploaded by Aleaty on 2024-01-16 03:51:34. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:29 or 10709 seconds.

I’m also Live on TikTok, stay with me as we work through the bugs!!

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  • Sneaky Jungle Temple Prank

    Sneaky Jungle Temple Prank The Mysterious Jungle Temple in Minecraft Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to discover hidden gems like the enigmatic jungle temple. This ancient structure, shrouded in mystery and danger, offers a thrilling adventure for those brave enough to uncover its secrets. Unraveling the Secrets As players venture into the dense jungle biome, they may stumble upon the jungle temple, a structure crafted with intricate details and booby traps. Inside, they will find hidden chambers, treasure chests, and puzzles waiting to be solved. However, beware of the deadly traps set to thwart any intruders! Challenges Await Surviving… Read More

  • Ultimate Free Minecraft Server Hosting 24/7

    Ultimate Free Minecraft Server Hosting 24/7 The World of Free Minecraft Server Hosting with Aternos Exploring the realm of cracked Minecraft server hosting has never been easier with Aternos! Hi Gamer takes us on a journey through the features, benefits, and setup process of Aternos, ensuring that your Minecraft adventures can continue without interruption. Setting Up Your Server Starting with the basics, Hi Gamer walks us through the process of creating a server on Aternos. With simple steps and clear instructions, you’ll have your own Minecraft server up and running in no time. Exploring Plug-ins One of the exciting features of Aternos is the ability… Read More

  • The Minecraft BackRooms Horror Story: Part 1

    The Minecraft BackRooms Horror Story: Part 1 The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Unveiling Dark Secrets 🌚🧐😱 Delve into the eerie realms of Minecraft as players uncover the chilling mysteries lurking within the game. From haunted houses to ghostly encounters, the Minecraft community has crafted a plethora of horror stories, maps, and creepypastas that send shivers down players’ spines. Exploring the Unknown Within the vast landscapes of Minecraft, players can stumble upon hidden secrets and eerie locations that defy explanation. The BackRooms, a popular horror setting in the game, is a labyrinthine network of empty rooms that seem to stretch on endlessly, creating a sense of unease… Read More

  • Fleetbhai Shock: Gamerfleet’s Short Shorts Delight

    Fleetbhai Shock: Gamerfleet's Short Shorts Delight In the world of Fleetbhai shock and surprise, Where gamers unite, with laughter and cries. Minecraft news, crafted with care, In rhymes and emojis, we all share. FleetSMP and Jackbhaiya’s tales, In Lilyville, where each story prevails. Anshu Bisht and GamerFleet’s crew, Bringing joy and fun, for me and you. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth take wing. Gaming facts and updates, in rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, let’s take flight. Read More

  • Blockbuster Bliss: Steve & Alex’s Big Screen Adventure

    Blockbuster Bliss: Steve & Alex's Big Screen Adventure In the world of Minecraft, Steve and Alex stand tall, Awaiting the release of the movie, ready to enthral. Curious and excited, they wonder what it’ll be, A cinematic adventure for all to see. With music that sets the mood just right, And animations that shine so bright, The movie promises to be a delight, A journey through pixels, a thrilling sight. So let’s wait and see, with bated breath, For the Minecraft movie, a new kind of quest. Steve and Alex, ready to embark, On an epic adventure, in the world of blocky art. Read More

  • Hardcore Island: 100 Days of Mobs Madness

    Hardcore Island: 100 Days of Mobs Madness In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Our hero braves the dangers, for all to see. Living hardcore for a hundred days straight, On an island where survival is the ultimate fate. With skills and wit, our hero thrives, Facing challenges that test their lives. From creepers to zombies, they face them all, Crafting, building, and standing tall. Subscribe to their channel, for more to come, Witness their journey, under the sun. Minecraft adventures, in every rhyme, Join the fun, it’s gaming time! Read More

  • Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial

    Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial Welcome to the Modern Beta Battle Ship Tutorial! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft battleships and TNT cannons? Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie looking to up your game, this tutorial is a must-watch before you step foot on the battlefield. Let’s explore the exciting features and events that await you on the server! Server ID: Before you embark on your Minecraft battleship adventure, make sure to join the server at This is where the action happens, and where you’ll find fellow players ready to engage in epic battles and build… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started the World I Always Wanted with Minecraft Create Mod and Ars Nouveau!’, was uploaded by Throlash on 2024-09-08 14:00:07. It has garnered 23441 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:36 or 2376 seconds. Welcome to Season 2 of my Create Mod series with Ars Nouveau – Minecraft Create: Nations! 👉 Subscribe for more of this series! In this series we’ll be building a beautiful world, with big and small nations plopped all over the place, each with their own lore and purpose! I’m combining the automation a movement… Read More

  • Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on Girls

    Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Doing illegal things to women (in Minecraft).’, was uploaded by Wrld on 2024-02-14 22:43:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video I attempt to get a girlfriend in Minecraft because I can’t get one in real life. I have felt alone for years happy Valentines … Read More

  • “Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!” #minecraft #clickbait

    "Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!" #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scar Gets Destroyed in 6b6t (2 logs) #minecraft #anarchy #cpvp #hypixel #6b6t #anarchy1’, was uploaded by MUDL on 2024-09-27 02:00:20. It has garnered 674 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Tesseract- Anarchy Free Kits- Get 6b6t tier tested- tags – Minecrafe Anarchy Tags Minecraft Anarchy Anarchy Server Minecraft Chaos No Rules Minecraft Minecraft PvP Minecraft Base Building Minecraft Griefing Minecraft Raiding Anarchy Survival Anarchy Factions Anarchy Minecraft Server Minecraft Hacked Client Minecraft Exploits Minecraft Anarchy Tips Anarchy Minecraft Hacks Minecraft Free-for-All Minecraft Wild West… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay – EP21: Gheilath

    🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay - EP21: GheilathVideo Information This video, titled ‘ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend (CTM Map) – Episode 21: Gheilath’, was uploaded by Anistuffs – The Indian Let’s Player on 2024-03-11 12:31:01. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:41 or 7901 seconds. 🔻Open video description for more information🔻 ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend is a large open world CTM map for Minecraft 1.15.2, made by Lylac, the mapmaker formerly known as BenplayerX, as the second entry in their CTM series ChaosKraft. Check out the map: Minecraft is a sandbox videogame developed by Mojang that lets… Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀

    🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new public smp ip port 🥶| 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | @Not_Barkeep’, was uploaded by Bar_keep_brO 0.2 on 2024-03-18 09:30:07. It has garnered 1751 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:02 or 422 seconds. minecraft brand new public smp || for java + poket + pojav || 1.19+ free to join || 24/7 online minecraft free public SMP || for java + pe + pojav || 1.19+ 24/7 || free Best smp server mcpe 💗 1.20+ Survival Smp java + mcpe 24/7 ✅ free to… Read More

  • EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia – LIVE🔴

    EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia - LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt – EP10 | (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-07-26 20:53:31. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:16 or 14656 seconds. Welcome to the tenth episode of the advancement series! Today, we’ll be trying to get even more advancements so make sure to come join and have some fun!!! LINKS: Check out the whole list of advancements I have to complete and make suggestions for ones I should complete (may be outdated) – Read More


    CALLI IN DANGER! WHO'S BEHIND HER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CALLI THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU 【Hololive EN】’, was uploaded by Zuzu Ch. on 2024-06-16 18:39:04. It has garnered 44218 views and 2500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Don’t forget to subscribe 🗿 My Twitter: – Source – 【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1) – Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN @NanashiMumei Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN @CeresFauna Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN @HakosBaelz Ouro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!

    INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-01 13:01:01. It has garnered 1412 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:16 or 2416 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have… Read More

  • “Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!” #minecraft

    "Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Fairy Craft on 2024-10-01 22:30:09. It has garnered 200 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraf, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob… Read More


    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you are 18+ and enjoy being active, we invite you to join our LGBTQ-friendly and welcoming community! Our server features: Homes/waypoints/Claims New biomes New dungeons Shops/Currency Pets/Plushies New decoration blocks Pokémon Holiday Events Events Requirements to join: Must be over 18 Must have discord and join our server Must be active If you are interested, please fill out the google form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft community torn apart!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft community torn apart!Looks like Minecraft players are more split than the blocks they’re building with! Read More

  • Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed!

    Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We dive into adventures, like a wild dream. Sanpai SMP, part three in the mix, With twists and turns, and surprises to fix. Join us on Discord, for chats and fun, Instagram for updates, when the day is done. Promotions and collabs, email us quick, For partnerships and projects, let’s make it click. Telegram for more, from the Bad Ultimate Boys, YouTube channels for shorts, with gaming joys. Viral trends and videos, we’re on the rise, Minecraft peeks and updates, a pleasant surprise. Chapati and Hindustani gamers, in the mix,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂 When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft and your happiness level goes from 0 to 100 real quick! 😂💎 #minecraftgoals #diamondsareagirlsbestfriend #gamerlife Read More

  • Norik’s Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure

    Norik's Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Minecraft Hardcore Survival with Norik as your guide. Witness the challenges, triumphs, and close calls as they navigate through this unforgiving game mode. Day 1: The Beginning As Norik spawns into the world, the adventure begins. With no prior knowledge of what lies ahead, they start exploring, gathering resources, and building shelter to survive the first night. Day 2: Progress and Exploration On the second day, Norik delves deeper into the world, uncovering hidden treasures, encountering hostile mobs, and expanding their base. Each… Read More

  • Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock

    Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock Welcome to AsenaCraft – A Tale of Betrayal in Minecraft Skyblock AsenaCraft is a vibrant Minecraft server that offers a unique Skyblock experience to players. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, AsenaCraft has become a popular destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. What is Minecraft Skyblock? Minecraft Skyblock is a popular game mode where players start on a small island floating in the sky. The goal is to expand the island, gather resources, and complete challenges to thrive in this challenging environment. Features of AsenaCraft Skyblock Server At AsenaCraft, players can enjoy a variety of features tailored to enhance… Read More

  • Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!

    Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!Video Information This video, titled ‘Astreterre // Récap’ #114 – Menu des potions !’, was uploaded by OraNN on 2024-09-04 13:00:44. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:48 or 168 seconds. Astreterre // Recap’ #114 – Potions menu! #gamedev #Minecraft #godot #GodotEngine Short video summary of what we did during the last streams! spell icons mod: Electroblob’s Wizardry ••► Join me on the new Astreterre Discord: Trello to track upcoming releases: ••► All my networks: ••► Twitch : ••► Follow me on Twitter: The playlist randomly contains… Read More

  • Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!

    Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘AKU BERTEMU DENGAN PANDA DI MINECRAFT! – Minecraft Indonesia #3’, was uploaded by TheCozyTea on 2024-04-11 09:30:03. It has garnered 370 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:31 or 2071 seconds. Hello everyone, welcome to the TheCozyTea channel. In this Minecraft gameplay, I went on an adventure far from my house and met a panda! Indie horror game playlist You can support this channel to grow further via: Subscribe: Saweria: Discord: Wait for 20 thousand subscribers first, hehe. Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe because that is… Read More

  • Philippines’ Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook Group

    Philippines' Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘best Minecraft server in the Philippines PM:Navulia Frostine in the Facebook open the link pls’, was uploaded by John_bryle_gamer on 2024-06-12 14:16:15. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:41 or 701 seconds. server RULE 🔰 POLY KIMCHIS SEASON 1 🔰 is now Looking for Active Players! ✨ 🎗 SERVER RULES 🎗 ✅ ALLOWED ✅ ✅ Java / Bedrock ✅ Teams (Maximum of 3 to 5 Members) ✅ Trade ✅ Farms (Any farms) ✅ Building Multiple Bases ✅ Building Shop (Located at Shopping District with Admins Permission) ✅… Read More

  • BlitzKreke’s Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!

    BlitzKreke's Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Maybe – A new beginning’, was uploaded by BlitzKreke on 2024-09-01 04:18:34. It has garnered 64 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:37 or 16657 seconds. Discord – Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘All the Mods 10! #4 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack | LIVE |’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-09-30 19:06:47. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:32 or 6092 seconds. All the Mods 10! #3 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack 💀💀Subscribe💀💀: 🔵🔵Discord🔵🔵 🔴🔴Reddit🔴🔴 🟢🟢Shockbyte server Hosting🟢🟢 💵💵MAYBE DONATE IDK 💵💵 Other Videos You Might Like: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ Forcing People to Live in Garbage!?! – Cities: Skylines -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ I Kidnapped EVERYONE?! – The Sims 4 Challenge -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ why minecraft best video geam:… Read More

  • Seth8011’s Insane Minecraft Trial Chambers!

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  • Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT

    Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 4, into the Nether!!!!!! #MythOneBlock’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-18 02:36:59. It has garnered 152770 views and 11665 likes. The duration of the video is 05:15:13 or 18913 seconds. all of myth will be here!! @NinomaeInanis @MoriCalliope @WatsonAmelia @GawrGura 👑 stream my new song, CHIMERA! 👑 👀 Takanashi Kiara 1st Album “Point of View” 👀 Streaming: ========================= 🏵️[Twitter] 🏵️ 🏵️[Hashtags] 🏵️ #kfp #キアライブ#hololiveenglish #holomyth #takanashikiara FANART #KFPicasso ========================= [Viewer Rules] Thank you for watching my stream! To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow… Read More

  • Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!

    Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-09-20 03:00:17. It has garnered 290205 views and 4576 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:24 or 1284 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! Today, Nico and his friends spend 100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft! An evil wizard scams Nico and his friends! How many levels will Nico be able to complete in the wizards tests?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song – INCREDIBLE!

    DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song - INCREDIBLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘#status #minecraft #song 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💞💞dj waley babu Mera gana chala de💃🏻💃🏻❤️💃🏻💞💞#badshah’, was uploaded by Olly2373 on 2024-07-13 03:24:46. It has garnered 240 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Virtual HQ – Semi-Vanilla Java

    Server Information: Server Name: Virtual Headquarters IP Address: Welcome Minecraft Enthusiasts! Welcome to Virtual Headquarters, a community-driven Minecraft server for players of all ages. Whether you’re a builder, adventurer, or looking to hang out with friends, there’s something for everyone! Features: Survival Mode: Gather resources, build your base, and survive! Custom Plugins: Enhance your gameplay experience with unique features. Community: Join a friendly community to make friends, collaborate on builds, and go on quests together! How to Join: Have the latest Minecraft version. Add the server IP: Get whitelisted when joining. We look forward to seeing you in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mastering the Craft: Still Not Good, But Better

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

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  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

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