Insane Dragonfruit spawn trick! [Psycist SMP]

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Wello no I Didn’t you meant toed count6 I thought right behind me oh I’m lagging oh I didn’t even get to Gap for Be right back could have avoided that you’re not webbing me no way I had to waste my like my my Pearl oh what hello hi turn on much time time to just do it yeah it is I think we’re doing the same thing right now but I can’t tell

It was a pretty solid you I should dream what I mean like For who’s live right now in this call Dragon hi dragon fruit what are you streaming good talk a cob webs Dragon there I don’t think dragon is there should I stream at 700 p.m. EST or 600 p.m. EST I just I just shilled out and why is salt on the test server wrong one just Shield out in Dragon’s chat did you ping me for that Who’s got Gatorade it’s facts wait what bro why is the one thing bro [ __ ] okay flux is [ __ ] pointing out the Gatorade in the he’s going to build spawn yeah cloudy I’m gonna um whenever I’m on I’m I’m planning to make like a Waterway oh your armor

Broke wait where are you guys fighting at we’re playing La dude I thought this bro I I thought this match was like close well actually know it is bro cuz did you see that clip of me and Charlie’s helmet popping at the exact same time I don’t think you posted that

Actually it might sound insane wait what we do 3 v3s what verses you guys in GG’s oh I’m not playing round of this I’m sorry oh never mind okay I’m hopping on C what were you going to say 10 uh I was going to say like what are you guys doing but you

Just left we just weing on on Legacy yo low key I think I found my new victim s do you want to jumps what do Pi is Pi obliterated our entire te in the end fight bro and I’m not letting that slide you’re not said what he doesn’t have good gear

I think we should for now his b just broke Oh I thought pickles like the most stacked on thep what apparently his base is like really really far away oh I’m lagging wait no right now I don’t have stuff oh he doesn’t have stuff Aqua was doing that one emo that everyone

Goodbye I love my custom swords these are actually so we should make another Hub we should make another Hub I’m going to hop in drag dragon’s doing that are you live dragon is I’m going to hop in Dragon stream I’m going to go live in 10 though

I think we should like put an uh an ice pass going to everywhere I’m just going to make a water path going to everywhere oh oh yeah that’s probably better no for Oceanic it is yeah know like everything else it’s just God awful that’s why I

Love it I’m going to go to the snow biome beside Charlie Place why not not I should be subscribed to dragon dragon root I forgot what dragon’s twitch was hold on here it is you can just go through it Dragon just isn’t live did they get like a new he’s on

He’s streaming on YouTube oh he’s on YouTube never mind wait I just oh wait raids are not allow bro I don’t have uh I don’t have fireworks bro I really need them I just use my Dash It’s So useful hold on I will be right back but that

Dash is crazy like in every way I’m thinking about switching like what if I get the dragon the two things are going to swi if we get the dragon we should share it like we when we no one of us needs to keep it on them I know

But like I mean like we like if you want to swap mid fight then yeah obviously if it’s like strength too yeah yeah like if all think about this if we’re at 22 and I want to switch to ashes cuz it’s night then like you could drop it at me or

Like vice versa like if if it’s if it’s morning and you want to be in you could do that no I’m still actually yeah cuz bro here the village is not that good bro yeah no I don’t care what the I mean like I’d still like the dash even with

It Str too but it’s probably better I’m going to get like so much ice think about the thing about Ash is that you have to get as most hits as you can get because bro you’ll shred their armor even though there’s unlimited XP like before you could even realize it like if

You keep pressure on them and don’t let them repair like it’s wraps unless they have extra on them like I was doing so good up until uh I was doing so B up until the end of the fight on Legacy I think I think we’re equal I don’t think you should put yourself

Above me yeah but I think well when it comes to the tier list I mean everyone else thinks you’re better than me like I’ll buy a lot no not buy a lot but like no like yeah no like not even not not even a different

Tier like I think we should be the same one no same tier yeah same tier definitely but when it when it comes to the tier list I would rake myself above you because like yeah I guess so but like yeah like we’re we’re we’re mostly even

Honestly if I can’t be you that means I probably can’t be flame now actually you know cuz people play different St so yeah flame I haven’t fought flame in a bit and he’s going to be rusty as [ __ ] yeah at first I was Rusty oh

He bro you have like my armor the point of me getting ice or no no there’s but we can like nether travel with it I guess I don’t know I foret some guess you ever need it was yourd that one one it was at like my helmet was at yellow my chest plate

Was at Orange my my leggings were at yellow my boots were orange my whole thing was red really yeah I didn’t heal it single I healed it like together as well where’s my Sher box gone oh my gosh so many villagers were let out at our base yeah

What like yo wait what screen share without using C no I think we got I think we got raided wait what’s wrong there’s a huge explosion what and then half of the village are let out no you’re kidding I just not allowed as well broke

The D was broke like like blown up no like they’re no like it’s broken like they’re not working look look look my like it’s not it’s not usually like that right like even when they’re disabled look it’s nothing in the chest go go go to the like five villagers let out this

This one our base just got grief GG there’s a huge hole right here bro okay well that’s just griefing hello wait maybe a villager oh no a creeper probably exploded maybe wait let me check check the N we got raided no way I’m back what’s going on

Okay well it’s not even allowed raed yeah that’s our BAS has got griefed and raided by who I don’t know we don’t know but it’s got It’s not like yo you’re we found your base they just there goes our pots griefed it and sell everything she isn’t even allowed are we

Sure that wasn’t Hazel and such even if it is why would they be allowed to still banned just find out who it is or try to use it for content if you really like can yeah at least have a motive now people won’t complain about us killing

For no reason well okay don’t just murder people like find out try to find out I’m that you know let’s let’s like interrogate people let’s five people at like public base and we’re going to ask them yeah Slinky bro this is like perfect like video material well I know

I know three people wait I know three people that have the Bas we’re going to ask those it’s fishy ducky and guny the three main people you guys better be recording well I’m I had to get off from like 35 so good luck sift well just make

Sure sift record so you can actually use it for Content M okay well next next thing we to make a new base make sure you get the nether by the way who was online I who was the last person that was at and when was the last time we at to

Who’s been on by the time okay what time is it 10:56 you have to WR that down time based wise great that’s great time why us like what do we do like it had to be somebody with a motive right like it wouldn’t do it I don’t think it could been okay we’ll

Cross out each of the members one by one see did it I don’t think pickles did it H why would pickles run our three fire base I don’t think he even has the cords yeah but like you could have they could have found it and then griefed it who else is there

There’s I don’t think ducky or G would have done it because they were using the base I someone might have been ducky no someone with a really good Mo motive I think that would have probably done it is fishy mud kips fishy him he’s not on when they get on I’ll interrogate him

Do we have gunpowder though bro no why these kids have to grief us bro I needed that [ __ ] oh no I can’t even grind what I was going to grind okay we’re going to have to make a new base we can just use a public one wait leave me with another one I’m

Almost there it was definitely fishy CL said is he oh shoot wait Dragon are you here breakthrough and H that is true it is probably fishing my tips bro if it actually was fishy bro he’s never like he’s never getting the end of it bro like he’s never like this guy’s

Never going to be peaceful at his base if it actually was him cuz not like that was very annoying of him to do you can use that for Content Reas instead of crying about it like someone and complaining for them to get banned you’re so real for that Slinky

All right I’m go live what could you do to what could we do for payback to fishy oh we already wait I know why he did this find out it was fishy first well he obvious did it because you made theori yeah no no [ __ ] Bro oh you definitely did it

Okay it’s 100% fishy well just like start recording like ask him like make sure it’s actually him before you just punish him for nothing I’m not going to yeah I know I know but like 67% sure that it’s him oh yeah he actually has a good motive yeah it was definitely

Him about he break the same I don’t really care though I’m not going to okay I’m probably going to grind a Sher for pearls and XP before I leave it this base cuz it’s clearly not the string dier is broken though so like I it never mind it’s

Good they break every single one of them yep oh how do I fix this again wait did they even break it no they didn’t all they did was put blocks blocking it they so dumb who already did it their intention was to completely grief it so yeah so

100% fishing my tips you know that no no not 100% all right Gamers so so it definitely did not start stream and then have to leave I would never do that this I would never where’s the freaking Thing all right uh I didn’t plan on anyone actually watching so you’re watching uh I’m sorry you weren’t technically supposed to be here I didn’t uh live reaming building all right well I guess since we’re starting now yeah can you put the villagers back and I’ll fix the

Stranger sure oh yeah the potions thing is an annoying oh that’s really annoying they Dragon for gred a stack of Blaze wait why are my golden carrots like not being affected by the texture pack it’s weird oh yeah actually don’t need to sleep can you sleep s because of of my

Uh drag our base back gra yeah oh oh like the villagers Lo yeah is that you there was a creeper and it blew up what about the what about the string duper and the potions BR uh I think I fixed it I fixed it so someone else broke it

Uh yeah what about the potions the potions someone definitely took that yeah okay so there was someone well the what’s it called so the so the villagers was you by accident and uh the what’s it called are you recording right now S no no okay uh what else is there what else is

And okay so was it you was it you that took the the what’s it called I forgot what it’s called the potion materials or do you think someone else did oh it was somebody else okay so it was either fishy or uh ducky I think

Those are two or Gorn but I don’t think gor do that actually gor did ask if we can use the potion materials I mean okay another I don’t know how much they take no the whole thing oh oh my gosh and blaze rods and all the all the it’s all gone bro

Yeah okay so I don’t know why Minecraft is lagging so bad uh we’re going to just like bye bye bye bye bye bye bye great So Okay no that works okay let me turn up my volume oh hello you already know I need to grab the second device not know what’s happening in chat don’t worry guys I am the best streamer you will ever be watching okay Please I would greatly appreciate if you would have function thank You all right uh great I have chat open now if you’re going to say something you can say something but I would probably not All right I’m going to see if the thing is Fixed hello FPS come back I would greatly appreciate if the FPS would come back it’s still at 30 for some very Reas and we playing a minimal today uh what else can I do to make this ever so slightly Better so it looks bad on stream but it isn’t like terrible what terrible it’s still pretty bad I don’t like it I don’t like this everything’s so laggy bro if I were to be jumped right now that would suck really Bad hey guys look it’s 10 isn’t Live join the freaking VC there you are I was like hi live hi Mr live you said all right and then just didn’t join the call oh wait would you you said streaming oh you meant streaming too as in like the second

Streaming VC I thought you meant like I’m streaming too and I was like oh why would I abbreviate the word to with a letter weird or number number I’m not I’m not that weird okay so what are you doing right now what are you live for building I’m doing the same thing wow

Wait what thing are you what what thingy are you uh you see I’m actually a uh oh you’re I just missed that complet I just saw behind no okay it hit uh you’re just not ready for it oh what is this I haven’t even seen this before

Oh this is gunch’s house it remind me so far off I know why did he clear an entire Mountain he’s probably going to build more probably but like this is so out of the way I have 15 FPS by the way so oh that’s nice why I don’t know it

Won’t go up no matter how hard like check your like is it normal like that when you’re streaming no oh broi gave a sub oh I should PS I was vouching you but they didn’t want want you to join 100% CPU God I love it Minecraft eating

It all okay I’m going to restart Minecraft oh spawn trap spawn trap spawn trap yeah thank you for the community sub that’s awesome you gave it to like the least active chat member though unfortunately Charlie’s there and she won’t let me in yeah Charlie somehow got

Coowner so what it took me like two seconds she was mad that we changed like she sent cloudy the hourly rules and he copi and pasted it but he like changed it a little bit and she was kind of mad at that that he changed the hourly rules

I don’t know it was weird it was a weird situation also I got the Christmas chest still this is awesome this is gunchie’s build by the way I’m making waterways I don’t know why I’m over here I don’t know where do I make the waterways though like there’s already a river wait

So my like File Explorer has been glitching out this entire morning right and I can’t close it and I know if I use task manager to close it it’ll shut down my computer oh is is that taking up like a lot of your space no but it’s open

Oh well I’m already subscribed and I wanted to give some thanks goat I I get like 50% of that so thank you wow we we’re making it making it out of the trenches I need like a building sh I need more shulkers I only have like two

Shulkers you know who needs music I’m closing the music tab you’re thank you br my goat is the online S&P returning I need I need the online SMP you can’t spell bro without go I think you really can but it was worth the effort I mean okay where do I

Make this water I can make like oh I’m going to make the entrance right here this this would be a cool Waterway entrance because they go so far back what the hell so if this wait no I need I’m just going to make a big sewer system honestly yeah I can help with

That we got a lot of stone yeah we do have a lot of stone have you ever been stoned have I ever been stoned no really this is not a Victor I don’t think this is like the Victorian era oh well even then do they do that do

They Stone people anymore we should bring it back bring back stoning like if someone says something unfunny you just stoned them to death yeah new new fortnite update have you heard new fortnite update yeah they brought back stoning oh oh I might have to play more than five

Minutes a year yeah I that was really funny I checked my like Minecraft statistics and I only played two games this whole year and one of them one of them was Minecraft with 3,000 hours and the other was fortnite with five minutes exactly five minutes on the dot

It was hilarious why is there an end in here both trapped what do you oh the FPS is rising it’s falling it’s falling oh God I’m just playing love joy until someone suggest a song I’m not mad at love joy love love joy I love love joy

Love love joy loves me oh very joyful with the love very joyful with the love joy love what am I saying you know I prefer the music now I prefer the music now I I turned you up to 200 and closed the music tab because it was you don’t do not turn me

Up to 200 turn me down immediately turning me up to 200 is not a good idea all right I’ll turn you down to 199 thank you you’re very welcome I need more water buckets but I don’t want to make more so I’m not going to make more buy them I’m just going to

Okay I’m just going to dig the Waterway first and I’m going to make it go into this ocean I just saw that clip through my screen I sent you ID and DMS I’ll check that out in a second oh you an idea in DMS I’ll send you an idea in your

Mailbox bro what do you mean it’s black bro Cloud’s just lying to me all right let’s see what the your screen is black but it’s just not build the waterways like floating over spawn o that’s a good idea I’m going to make one going under spawn and one going above spawn Probably oh yeah make like a big like shoot yeah that glass is going to be really hard to get though like that’s a lot of glass and I don’t even have a shovel Villers oh yeah wait no that’s pains though isn’t it no oh I don’t have any glass

Villagers it’s a librarian just get a librarian oh is it a librarian yes I thought it was a cartographer no cartographers buy panes you can sell them to the cartographers oh but the the the the the H I’m just going to mine sand honestly but it’s just so much faster you can get

Stacks P Stacks instantly then I’ll give you the emeralds and you go do it because I don’t know where any of those are I don’t know where any cartographers are they’re not cartographers okay Librarians same thing no if I were to compare a sewage worker to a uh engineer uh they would

Not be the same actually they’d be quite different so no they all they all are trapped in uh economic and they all make money and they all all trapped in the economic in the I forgot what it’s called Uh capitalism they’re all trapped and enslaved by capitalism so economic domain expans

Domain I don’t even know what domain expansion is you’ll be trapped in my economy haven’t watched that just that’s literally what like they’re just born and they’re like trapped they get spawn camped bro spawn camped by the by by I think we should give all kids like at least a chance to

Live in the woods alone what just to see just to see if they want to like do it you know what I’m saying cuz you put them out there for like a month to get Survival the fittest you only get the best ones oh yeah yeah no no no cuz for

The economy if you got the best ones that’d be bad because the best ones don’t know how to do technical stuff so you send the best so you put them in aiv like simulation of the woods the weak ones they get the computer jobs the strong ones they get they get sent the

Strong ones get sent to the oil rigs the oil okay that’s a banger Idea new new [ __ ] capitalism update just dropped you know the Twitch account uh not Twitch account uh Twitter account I know the Twitch account I know all the twitch accounts oh you do yeah then riddle me this T is

Alive who is Chris Chris Kringle no I just don’t know who Chris Kringle is that might be like a really bad person but his name sounds like Pringle so it’s funny yeah so it’s funny it’s funny it’s okay it’s okay guys it’s funny guys chear me

Out did you say Cheerio or cheer me out I said hear me out if if it’s funny then you can do it hydrate thank you y I’m stream sniping is that fine yeah I’m not doing anything important stream sniping gasp you wouldn’t be stream sniping would

You you would never this might be fishy mudkips fishy mud KBS logging on for the first time he’s been on he’s been really active recently not going to lie also wait chat what you guys think of my custom weapons this is the hrid this is the I have two swords this is

One of them and they match the oceanic variant title thing uh Rune they match the variant Rune I chuckled when you when I saw the Monarch sword because it’s a double meaning oh yeah yeah cuz it’s I got the wings and then it’s also like the leader

Yeah I’m I’m really creative like that yeah but at the same time like okay then okay then what what are you okaying me for no no no all right I see how it is okay okay no I know I see how it is I see how it is okay you’re

You’re gonna okay me just not I see right China’s best people I really like that part of the video China’s like why what was your inspiration for that it’s like you know what this guy is China’s best player sometimes I watch bro I live in the UK random oh oh do location

Located I had this I had this really funny like like I have this really funny bit that I haven’t called a bit yet because I want people to believe it but I just got rid of my water oh my God but like I just want like every time someone

Mentions where I live it’s just a different place it’s like so someone someone said like don’t you live in America and I said no I live in England and then uh it’s like and then they said like oh yeah 10 lives in England and I said uh I

Live in Canada oh yeah oh and then I said I was I lived in South America I was like dude you’re an EST there’s a very limited amount of places I can make up with est time zone well I have like so uh no one actually knows my

Birthday I do I do no you don’t yeah I know I just lied Ah that’s what I thought I love lying you do I’m like a high tier one liar do it competitively yeah yeah I’m like D1 how do you get division one division one liar no you got to get

Scouted oh like like a football team you know like I’m going D1 I don’t I don’t do football it’s okay it’s either it’s I either go D1 in in lying or I partake in the um what’s it called uh the the NGL national g gambling lead what am I saying Association

Okay I’m going D1 in gambling you’re only 30 you’re only 32 consecutive games of blackjack away from being like as rich as Elon Musk just win the games of blackjack yeah just win the games of blackjack and you’re as rich as Elon Musk just win 303 I really see no

Problem if you put a $100 into a game of blackjack uh and you win 32 times in a row you’re as rich as Elon Musk so just win the games of blackjack and you have 10 life advice gamble your life away cuz you can be no you don’t gamble your life

Away away you gamble it towards you you gamble your life in a very productive and uh I’m forgetting all the big words that have good meanings productive I volumous volum that might maybe maybe okay how do I glass I I need glass okay I think I’ve decided on what I’m going to

Do see that is something we called lying hi to Liar as well I forgot to mention that one can you go get glass fre please or tell me where I can go get glass you know where our base is uh I know where the fishy one is everyone does

Now should I go there I mean there’s probably a librarian there unless I killed all of them there there’s a lot no I don’t think that griefed it should I go get some yes yes okay you’re not tyad wait what did I get six iron for again

I was going to do something oh yeah trapo but I’m just not going to do that anymore so I can make two more buckets yes buckets why cuz I need water you know I see I see I see the method you see the vision you see the

Vision no I’m actually blind so oh man yeah kind of an L moment L RNG L blind L blind person like Helen killer would be disappointed but she wouldn’t here so doesn’t matter or see or feel no I think I I think feeling is actually the one thing she can do in

That situation one thing I don’t know why I’m just making I just took all the stone out of these chests and just made as many stone bricks as I could I’m not going to use these like at all I was going to do that yeah I don’t know why I made so

Many all right uh I’m going to pull up the fishy mud cords and go there even though I kind of have to memorized 1850 yeah okay I got him so I got to go this this way that way what are these lyrics drag our naked body zoom call

Partnerships love joy is wild then bro I love to drink the SS of Joy sons of Joy away 10 10 hello Governor I left I have to go get some glass why do you do you need my assistance I wanted to give you a gift what was the gift it was a

Banner oh was it white yes yeah I just don’t have a shield I could even I could my shield broke in a cave and I’ve yet to restore it I should probably get a like Unbreaking Shield while I’m at this base you’re like the the like the

The wait yo look how fast I go when I hit this water hold on are you gulping what look how fast I go on to hit this water check this out I can see going the way I’m seeing right now I I can see I’m flying just know I’m flying and

And that’s good enough yeah okay oh I hit open Waters it’s it’s GG’s I’m out I’m out I’m out Char 4K SMP Minecraft S&P Charlie 4K PVP Charlie 4K Minecraft PVP Charlie 4K Minecraft PVP SMP Legacy Charlie 4K PVP Legacy life SK life SK infus SMP CH 4K life

Skp 4K you remember the gay PVP one wait what no I don’t oh wait what do I need this for uh I need this for something I need like the bricks or something I just completely forget like everything oh wait do do Ocean Monuments have trims in them yes

Wait how where wait there’s a good point oh no no other Guardians Dro them oh okay I just got to kill the other Guardian he doesn’t know all right so there’s one up here oh I already got the effect oh it’s j I’m ending it now you’re doing what

I’m ending it I just crafted a grindstone there’s already one there no I I tried crafting a grindstone to cut this to cut the stone bricks what you use a stone cutter oh oh my God how do I disable these Guardian like beam things you don’t they shoot through walls and

Shields no I mean how do I disable the particles oh I don’t know turn particles off I I have all of them off might be a render thing hold on let me check let me go this way and check oh my throat is dying I need to take a drink of water Beacon

Beam can I not particles details particles yeah all my particles are off they have skull sensor they don’t have Guardian things why is the acoustic version of this plan go dig sand buddy no I’m going towards fishy Mudkip space to trade for glass and I want to get

Some Trims on the way there so I’m here I don’t know why you’d want the the ocean Monument trim but okay is it ugly I don’t I don’t like it I just want a trim I already have a trim but like I want a cool

One Lo on the Scout the area and left oh never mind they’re in lava they at spawn no I think they’re just poor oh no they might be in lava found an Elder Guardian hello Governor got it my good sir did not drop a trim is it like a rare

Chance it is a chance I don’t know if it’s rare cuz I just killed one didn’t drop it well maybe it is maybe it is rare or maybe the first time you do something doesn’t isn’t always a 100% 10 yes it is you’re lying it is what am I saying Charlie Brown

Transformation Charlie Brown transformation yo that’d be sick all right where’s the next one toal [ __ ] dumbass yeah guys uh 10’s name is actually uh probably Brown and like no it’s bar funger thei oh my bad I didn’t know you would so willingly leak your name my fault bar fungle

Thei you know all the all the little kids that are going to docks you now no no no no got my name leaked it was bar funkle if if my name was bar funcle and I got like docks or something I would just cry it’s GG

Yeah it’s wraps after that bro it was wraps from the beginning if it really was it really was my my name was bar funcle oh it would be so waps has some songs I can’t listen to love joy the whole stream although it is very tempting yeah they want your terrible song

Suggestions actually last time I asked for someone to suggest a song they said debate so I might might retract my offer on that one where is this Elder Guardian come here old man whoa we do not hurt the elderly I’m hurting him right now drop a

Trim loser let’s go go let’s go trim for trim let’s go trim for trim right now you didn’t get one the first time oh my God he didn’t drop one I’m starting to think they just don’t exist wait let me let me search this up just

To make sure that there’s no way you said that before you actually actually knew it was real it sounds right do Elder is this a is this a [ __ ] ly cover why does Lovejoy have ly covers hold on yeah Elder Guardians uh can drop trims it’s 20% chance 20% I I got one

More Elder Guardian left you better drop something I swear I’m going to eat your skin and I’m going to peel your skin off actually and then I’m going to eat it afterwards I’m going to break my montor I swear there was a gas and I built this the nether Hub out of

Wood oh why would you do that I don’t know look we don’t have many blocks here I cannot believe Lovejoy dropped a ly cover that’s crazy you mean Loi I thought it was ly like l a u f e y what what you’re a bit confusing turn you’re

Confusing oh my bad dumo I’ll try to be more straightforward next time ew straight sorry straightforward um this is not Lial America keyword detected keyword detected you’re canceled doxing process doxing is in process your it’s over your entire career loading Chad I might die oh my God the guardian particle is

Going to crash my game what’s every time I like every time I leave like the guardian thing it just they all surround me why am I going for the I I’m going into to the middle of the temple when the the guardian isn’t even like here

Oh wait it’s above how do I get to the top wait is this the middle I don’t know I’m going go up very colorful s Sai what excuse me what did you say I said what is that it’s sh what does that mean it’s thank you your confusing ass language that’s

Chinese yeah CH okay Chinese is really confusing to be fair no that is true okay he knew what it meant never mind I don’t know I don’t even know if he he just no problem he just assumed yeah I that’s what I should have done honestly no but instead you

Said well that’s what I read it at like it’s an X right okay but the IE does not make an i sound it should that’s English that’s how English works yeah and the and the boat sound should be Boat Boat bat yeah when are we when when

Did we start talking about boats let’s talk about boats we should talk have youever been on a boats I have oh that’s cool been on a cruise there’s so many Guardians oh my Lord okay I look up I start F3 a and there is like 70 or so

Guardians like I can just f3a and I see like four just looking down and can’t be a 3 aing in combat I’m not in combat yes you are you’re fighting the Guardians that’s combat right oh that’s true that’s true that’s true that’s true the Guardians

Are going to report you I’m going to get reported by the Guardians yeah where’s this old man at I wonder if I can get to him before I get my screen harassed by these stupid like jet things I found the sponge you mean the sponge room or the

Sponge yeah found the sponge room oh oh wait theyit do they respawn or is that guy just like right around the corner what do you mean like regular Guardians I didn’t what why is there just a room dividing me and the this elder the hell and this

Elder this old man like it’s called an Elder Guardian right yeah I just opened a bottle with my teeth yeah I heard that pretty cool was visceral I heard they go yeah know it was like my teeth scraped the little indentions on the um Cap all right found you all right come

Here drop a chm drop a chm drop a chm please drop a chm oh no this whole side quest would be for nothing if you didn’t drop a trim I have looting on my SW would have been a lot better if I didn’t use bur and use one of like the fireproof

Woods there a fireproof wood yeah in the nether Crimson or warps oh I didn’t drop a trim I’m going to cry how do I get out of here okay so he didn’t drop a trim I’m being harassed by his little minions and I can’t get I can’t find a way out

Seduce him SED the guardian yeah I mean he’s elderly but it’s should still probably no no I I killed all the elders oh that’s probably why these guys are trying to murk me I just murdered all of their like Elders a how do I get out of here you just can’t kill someone’s

Grandma and get away with it I’m in I’m in like the outer rings of the temple how do I get out that whole side quest was for actually nothing there’s no way there was a wait no that just isn’t what I thought it was wait why did he just say

Okay oh V is like there I’m just going go out like some other direction probably this one oh my gosh I need to drink water now for the pesky Guardian what oh thank God yeah I would apply that but I’m just like Le the temple I’ll have it for next

Time yeah I wish there was I thing to disable the guardian beams though those are what’s getting my frames it’s like my frames are dying from the beams of the Guardian Dragon why are you just off line I’m out I’m out I’m out all right now I can go to this base

Like this way I think Dragon where’d you go bro I’m not good at like single solo streams so I think this River just leads directly to their Village it just does okay cool got to get my glass my mic is low compared to Dragon well dragon’s just not talking right now

But my mic is a little low I’ll turn up in lip is what are my frames oh why is pickles here hello Governor what we doing wait Trident no trip wire I still mining fatigue for another minute it’s a lot of fletches none of them have good arrows though I

Bet like there’s just no good where where did dragon Go got poison poison uh is that a Fletcher I don’t know I don’t think there’s any new Fletchers here what am I here for oh yeah I’m here for glass right I think Dragon might have been lying they just don’t trade for

Like I really don’t think these guys trade for glass oh they do why did he know that okay that’s helpful I just freaking frigged my teacher I don’t know what that means but cool I think like it’s what you like as a person hello what you like is what you like as a

Person all right gas up so many oh hello you’re gut butter jelly sandwich that’s some fire you just like literally disappeared I was like where did the dragon go I said I see I needed to drink water and I went on a side you just didn’t I just didn’t hear

That like you just on my thing you just like left anyways yeah no the none of the Guardians dropped a trim no was kind of an L moment that was kind of an L moment I need to put this glass in this shulker box I hope I don’t like get my shulker

Snagged I only have two oh no oh okay I’m just not safe from anyone I’m just right here why I don’t like how he says hi and then like doesn’t say anything else so it could be anywh yeah no he logged on I was just at this base but I saw him here

I I’m only here for glass I don’t want to kill anyone oh yeah I I may have Max armor but I my sword’s unenchanted so I can’t fight yeah I’m just making something that spawn and I need glass so I came here to get from this librarian

I’m going to yeah I’m putting armor Trims on my wait what was it oh yeah I remember now I tried to get some trims from like a a what’s it called like a Ocean Temple but none of the Elder Guardians dropped anything I killed all three

Oh this is what I’m going for right now I don’t know I think I think it kind of matches my here 10 it kind of matches my RGB style oh yeah that’s kind of that’s that’s actually really cool yeah sad I I literally had limited resources and then

I had to go with I have my color scheme so I got like the yellow and then the blue if I had a Neil right now it’ be matching but yeah I have I don’t know I just had I had three I had four coasts and then

An eye trim from the end fight so I kind of just kept that trim on yeah I got like seven um Coast trims before the end fight and I lost all of them but I got everywhere also I made my custom weapons match the oceanic thing on accident you

Did yeah I’m live on I I don’t even I don’t even have custom items and I don’t really have money to pay people so I just got these off like a free Planet MC texture pack oh any I got like a shulker full of glass I’m going to go uh to

Spawn is spawn just z z jackon yeah yeah oh uh hydrate oh hydrate oh me too no I got it oh wait did you get a hydrate no you’re you’re on YouTube you can’t even I have not used the nether to travel like at all I have not gone in

The nether it’s too scary yeah it’s like terrifying if you fall in a lava pool it’s over I don’t mind about falling I’m just afraid I’m going to go through and get portal trapped that too but I don’t think anyone on here is far enough to do

That any I got these like sour skittles like the taste bud destroyers ew what do you mean ew these are Awesome everything here is so goddamn expensive I’ve been sitting here for about two hours just trying to get everything I know but these trades suck yeah like that used to be my old base this do even a fire aspect for sure you have like a shulker I do have a

Shulker yeah do you have a spare shulker yeah can I use it or can I just pay you for it it cuz I only have two and I just cannot be bothered to go to the end yeah sure what do you want for it what do you

Want for it oh yeah sh it’s your deal um I’ll take half a stack of diamonds I just do not have that I have some pearls definition of some uh like half a Sher I’ll take I’m too yeah I’ll give you like a quarter damn I’m just going

To go to the end myself actually never mind yeah I’ll probably do that too I need more shulkers anyways yeah cuz I just need one for my like nine invis pots that I brewed for some here I’ll give you the Shuler for like three stacks just so I can maneuver the end I

Me I already have an elytra I just actually do you have do you have gunpowder anything for Rockets I do have I have like 19 okay I’ll take that then right let me go back there I forgot where it was yeah what are the nether cords uh uh I have no

Clue cuz I went through the nether how I come back my lag is so bad you went from a over to a fortress I think that might be my stream my lag not sure I hope it’s not my bad CH my bad I hope your PC just

Sucks bro I came here and I was just afking and I saw Hazel log on she opened the chest with all the string yed it and logged down like I just spent half an hour grinding this thing you did not just yink at all like earlier Hazel like

Was going to die in the nether so she just jumped into a lava pool it’s like bro why because she was being jumped by Vis and then she’s like no you don’t you don’t get this stuff and just jumped into a lava pool that’s very interesting

Okay it was like annoying but it was also really funny cuz it was like I just bought a prop book I’m sped can you go through the nether portal and tell me the quartz yeah so you have an e chest on you uh I don’t

Have one on me but there’s one at the at the nope I have jack [ __ ] damn I got to go all the way back hello maybe I can get a Spire trim uh I’m going to go through the portal and get trapped I just don’t even

Know where the portal is not going to lie 100 235 235 yeah 235 all right I’m and and then Y is 60 do you have the shulker on you yeah I have it on me okay yeah cuz I have my shulker on me I just don’t want to get

In any chest are you guys trading yeah yeah shulker for fireworks I guess or it’s just gunpowder but yeah yeah for like the armor I want to do like some type of RGB type of color scheme I don’t know I guess red red yellow blue green or whatever uh it was 162

100 I think that was it a good rough estimate where do The Mending go here he is I have everything but fire and sweeping sweeping is not really that useful I guess oh wait I can’t I can’t have fire yeah you just can’t have fire I’m stupid

Okay guess that makes it easier for me I see portal I see the portal I don’t need sweeping do I uh not really I mean sweeping hits are useless just combo did you go back through the portal yeah why I was just going to make the trade in the nether there’s Sirens

Out well I I don’t have any chest and uh no I don’t need any chest I had the pearls on me oh or not pearls uh gunpowder here I’ll just I’ll just go to the base okay here I’m like right here what are you building here uh glass

Thing at spawn behind you wait you need gunpowder not pearls okay no I do need to go back to the base hold on there’s no e chest there it got yed got yed oh uhoh I get this is awkward wait I have I’ll take the pearls I’ll take the pearls

Okay wait wait where’s the Observer to place down for the e oh it’s right here boom explosion oh no no no why did I looking there all just take like all the pr I have on me I don’t want to open sh yeah okay I’ll take thank you good man

Good man I’ll be back all right now I got to go back to spawn I might join I might join physics I’m sorry to say I don’t know of a server named physics it can’t be Minecraft cuz Minecraft doesn’t have physics has a little bit has like a little touch of

Physics explain to me sex then how do two female cows have a child and don’t tell me it’s trans sex dude what are you talking about no cuz one of them is a bucket of uh um that’s not I think bro needs to go back to his fifth grade biology class

What his brother talking what are you even like talking I just don’t up like five seconds what is the conversation what um sword with okay over oh and the and she like the anal too I hate I just stole everything took the Anvil and I don’t even have iron to freaking

Make a KN table I’m poor do I seriously have to go and mine iron [ __ ] I had to do that once I felt so broke bro you know you’re broke you have to mine I could just go to the end and just take iron from there is there iron in the end well

There’ll be iron in the cities where the courts of the stronghold they’re in announcement yeah they are do I mine for netherite or just do what I was actually like live to do well I have to do that too I’m going to probably go to the end first before I go

My netherite I do have to also upgrade my pick maybe I should for my sword I’m not going to be really pvping am I probably just upgrade my pick first I might use this for here oh my God why is it so expensive everything’s like everything’s

Like over half a stack here it’s like I have to pay my arm and my leg for everything and I you need like two of your legs and you’ll be fine give me two legs there’s no way oh no I have a flint seal on me okay never mind I was about

To like cry oh my l oh oh my load dude the gas shot the portal and it like unlit he just did it again no it didn’t it unlit and then relit itself where am I oh I know where I am I mean I put accidentally put music on for

My oh I don’t even have level I don’t even have an anvil I’m stupid SI kills pickles I’m going be angry I don’t think he’s going to kill him be angry there’s someone in my chat that likes me who shooting there’s a skeleton at the door he’s he’s hard scoping well he

Wants to fight me and I was like bro I am broke AF I ain’t doing I ain’t fight I ain’t lasting two seconds bro wait the skeleton or Si the Civ he was asking to one one I’m like bro I am poor I cannot

Do this why was bro asking to One V one he said he wanted to like interrogate you or something what did I do uh no like you you were just online when something happened oh do anything bro what uh so apparently your base is like really bad that’s that’s what I’ve heard that’s

What I’ve heard it’s bad it’s bad I don’t make bases I PvP I gr Legacy 24/7 where are the cords of this place again it’s I really wish I had Soul speed I don’t so use this enchant and here I am through the Soul Sand

Valley one inch at a time one inch at a time know where that gu that can someone sleep please uh he was looking for an ancient city earlier I guess SS Sak’s okay no I think he just wanted the eaps and trims oh yeah I I don’t I don’t even have um

Respiration aqua infinity on my helmet I don’t really need it dude imagine if there like a fight at spawn I just go into like this super [ __ ] elaborate tunnel system imagine cuz I’m making it right now I have so far to go which should spawn spawns like that

Way maybe I should have gone through the nether been smart I’ve never heard half these Lovejoy songs before bro I listen to love joy all the time wait spawn is spawn is like just 00 right yep yeah so it’s that way what I’m just not going to use my elyra

And then kill any creepers diagonal okay so I got to go like what do I got to do like that I think that works oh yeah there’s a spider strength it does no damage but it’s annoying fight it with strength go pot it up on you I guess a streng spider strength two

This Minecraft this spider is the most illegal spider in Minecraft see Strength 2 is illegal W spider I got a Discord notification pending friend request friends linky accept biggest mistake you’ll ever make he’s going to call you he’s going to call you all the slurs

Ever don’t worry see I have the power of doing I have the power of do see see I minutes he will be booted off line see in 3 minutes he’s going to get a knock at his door from the FBI I I leaked everything he’s ever

Said I just I leaked his mother’s maiden name see by leing his mother’s maiden name mods snap take him away take him away get him let’s find his IP address um [ __ ] are you doing my house his exact geographic location at this very moment please don’t mods go get

Him so you don’t have to say anything you just snap your fingers like mods you know what to do mods you know what to do that’s scary a Discord mod or a Minecraft admin God my bet the Minecraft admin is like secretly ripped they are why isn’t the best pvpers touch

Grass the most they just don’t hasn’t left his chair in 3 years oh M mug yeah has he not oh yeah mum doesn’t leave his chair he just he just says that he’s going to stay on and he just doesn’t leave he just calls his mom

To bring him like dinner I’m sorry I’m dogging on mug him cuz he’s my friend I don’t want to like actually hit on him oh my God this is actually so annoying to maneuver with I’m going to take my boots off please what Yes this is EAS excited someone sleep please I the Ops are on me the Ops are on me confirmed exposed where is it coming from what what are I feeling that all the en C from above yeah you like this portal all the end cities are like been scoured over

There’s like no more like zero elytras okay I give up you’re going to die now is the Border going to expand because it’s literally 30,000 it’s like tiny the end border no no that will wa not 30,00 wait say 30,000 what the [ __ ] I mean 3,000 I don’t think it is cuz

It’s like when whenever you can go 3,000 out it’s 8,000 or like 6,000 weakness pots are banned I I know but it’s for my villagers oh uh I think it’s just like a spider eye fermented spider eye that’s right 10 has got it right ding ding ding ding congratulations that vanilla tweaks

Thing that shows all the need to put on no you don’t need Nether wart for weakness Nether wart no you don’t need it for weakness I think it’s like the only it’s like weakness is the only one you don’t need Nether wart for why for poison I don’t remember I think I think

You need it for poison maybe we got this we got the thick potion so yeah what what does thick and mundane do bro they do they don’t they give you weakness it’s just different ways to craft weakness is it actually yeah BR the thick potion makes you thick bro I

Didn’t know that I thought it was just like a bad awkward potion n bro I I tried craft I tried splashing it on myself way too many times it hasn’t worked wait so I got to go this way do got to go this way bro I’m building this like the weirdest

Way possible you do not need nether or thanks ly the VC bro bro I just have my streaming mode enable I did not hear him join the VC that scared talking it’s like you do not need nether I was like who else is in this VC what have I been

Spilling oh my God so just know iron just is just does it not exist I I’m very smart I need a tradent that’s what I need don’t need to tr if you Oceanic that’s very funny 10 one of I think I’m one of the only two oceanics on the server and the other

Is cloud you and cloudy yeah are we actually the only ones I think so are use cor I want to change to you know huh you want to change to what what do you want to change to what I heard anal was that the only one you weren’t the only

One I’m building this in like look at look at I have my boots off if I fall I die like you have your boost off well cuz the whenever I put water dep Strider is like makes me go too fast to like actually build no one want your dogs please put

Them back on I have shoes on my skin has shoes actually I can I can put the essentials feet on yeah you can I feel like if I go through this portal I’m going to like destroyed by drip Stone I hope I someone has TR someone has someone has been trapped

Way too many times I have okay I I swear to God if I die I’m just actually gonna ball ball he’s going to start balling if I die I’m going shoot a three half court shot oh there’s two gateways wait what how oh yeah cuz I killed the dragon

Earlier again oh wait so you didn’t go to this one when did I look at you blood blood what if the enman equp you don’t know yeah yeah what if the en you don’t know oh great I have to mine this obsidian with an unenchanted Diamond pack

No oh I forgot to build the walls on this entire thing oh my God please don’t lose my water I’m going make like a whole grid system here yo wait wait T you could actually just make one in the sky and then Dr TNT on people there’s already there’s

Already one in the Sky Dragon not looked have you not looked up anytime soon no you aren’t real I know I don’t know which direction people have or haven’t go so I’m just going in a direction to hope I find something unlooted oh you’ve got to be kidding me

Yeah who has elytras cuz I have an elytra I know I don’t have an elytra had like four and you gave them all the way oh wow I really don’t like this feature what feature the thing where the the like the when you’re walking on a slab it mimics

The the properties of the SL the block under it oh yeah what that’s a thing yeah yeah if you put slabs on like Soul Sand or ice or whatever oh that’s weird I didn’t know that M but Dragon [ __ ] found the difference between a wooden and a stone button

Like okay it isn’t that bad that’s kind of weird I isn’t the only difference to mining you no the wooden is uh can’t be interrupted or press again and it also has a longer duration guess was worse well I mean if you’re trying to escape from people right and you use

That they can’t press it for a longer time break the door down just throw my elytra on and just fly out of there that’s a good point 10 I just did didn’t say that I like you should do that do that for what though just fly

Oh I’m flying right now sort of if you don’t see the glass if you just have invisible glass text you turn on the X-ray pack see if you turn on x-ray this Minecraft player doesn’t ex I don’t exist see I’ve been tricking you this whole time I’m not [ __ ] real I am a

Bot bro is literally [ __ ] AI that’d be hilarious get so this entire Minecraft scrip is written by an AI thanks you CH I would not be a surprise oh [ __ ] I almost just died I un clicked Myro while flying over the void that’d be really funny if you died

No we’re not because I just lose everything I GR in the last two hours for a tragedy there’s no need for all that bro there’s just zero need to sing I might I don’t think I have enough glass for this actually you ever break out in the song 10 no what that just

That just doesn’t happen well that’s unfortunate okay well I found a Gateway and I’m I found a Gateway and I’m too lazy to find other one so wee you can kill Dron did you already L something no I’m just not going to find a I’m just going to get Anvil and [ __ ]

And then just enchant my sword and pickaxe and then fight so why did you go to the end I don’t know I hope I’d find an End City well I mean J steel found one earlier in like 5 minutes without who covered the M portal in obsidian my

Bad GG bro who covered it in the who covered that in my bed is set at my spa at my base which is like basically next to the World War I have to go so far I hate my life whoa whoa whoa no no need for being a Negative Nancy now end thine

Bro what what did you just say to me I said end dine remove thy self hey okay why why yeah why do I exist see this question has been pondered by many people including my mother she couldn’t find the answer oh oh I thought I fell out of I

Was trying to get some Skittles and I I thought I fell out of the glassow in real life why’ you find that in Minecraft skitt are in Minecraft now no yes why did you say no like that it’s tragic you don’t know how many Skittles have actually killed

People that’s real we don’t know that do you have any iron to make an anvil or does anyone have an anvil stop assuming is I’m making an ass of you me wait wait why crany why are you uh uh blue cuz I can addiction oh yeah I’m s addiction buddy just blue

Dream blue dream I’m not I am not Blue Dream you want they call them huh why do you want to One V one I I don’t know what it is I see it I see it I don’t have I have nothing I don’t even have gaps I’m not one V oneing I’m

Coming to you right now you what I’m coming to you right now moderators pronounce the you moderators get on him moderators eat him down yeah moderator light him up how can you hear yourself if your voice is covering the sound of your voice what in the actual [ __ ] are you

Talking about 10 10 listen here oh actually uh yeah life hold on I’m going to drive by where are you life isn’t about laughing Giggles stop bro watch this drive by watch this drive by oh my gosh why are you so bloody fast hey hey don’t grief my tunnel man

Oh my bad griefing spawn build dude I put the water unevenly so whenever I go through it I like have a seizure then I need I need your opinion on the nether Hub on the ne I have to craft iron doors because I don’t have any wood is this like a SHO

Down are you like is is that like the sewer how do you Traverse Ocean Monuments what oh yeah no look where I started at it’s in this little crevice no how did you get in the first time h i how did you get into it the first time you swe where like

In why is it it Birch why not Birch is flammable that’s why okay but it’s not going to be flammable because if one piece catches fire it’s not going to spread because there’s Crimson in between one piece oh that’s true one piece where did you hear one piece

From you literally said one piece I literally did it you did goopy ass mouth right now oh I don’t have lava I was going to be like ah you’re trapped with me here now but I actually can’t I’m TR you oh spawner looking nice I ha this wait no don’t sleep don’t

Sleep don’t sleep don’t sleep Slovakia it’s my favorite country I mean sorry Czech Republic in Slovakia oh please don’t sleep on gunpowder please please okay bro what is going on shut right now see by shutting your [ __ ] mouth you don’t have to annoy me where are stronghold

Cords uh up your ass all right let me check let’s be nice here guys I found the goofy Elder only a dropped no it didn’t drop its cool thingy my I’m mil Morales you’re just not no you’re not who told this kid fake lies this kid is crazy I would not take that

What anyone want to make me a gunpowder F no no do it yourself yeah I was going to do it myself but then like yeah do it yourself Dragon make go make a gunpowder Farm Dragon what get back Farm bro why can I not move hello drop your stupid trim

Please I hate this dumb l oh my go wait what shm do you get out of oh oh hi wait what shm do you get hello King creeper my badm check chat yeah my bad I I don’t like see cuz I forgot about it he

Doesn’t find a cow Dum mining fa I just realized I was streaming forgot well anyways uh oh my god I’ve been waiting for over 30 minutes wait what what did you say I could get sponges it doesn’t work like that check chat well I have three that’s wonderful

I have them always in my kit I just helloo Master Pro I’ll read chat now because I know that people are here Guardians so they Dr three sponges oh that’s real that’s facts that’s facts so real making a guardian base uh base uh oh stronghold cords who does who has who theing announcements

Okay what is this I’m going to run out of glass for this oh Man yo spawn looking kind of nice oh bro my trades are so what are you with you mango You Are I Am questioning everything right now okay I want to go up this thing hello it’s made for oceanics terrible decision in your life to watch My Stream honestly

There’s only two oceanics honestly the two oceanics stronghold you might you might drown I don’t drown there’s water there’s clear air up here up negative you could eat that was so real he said you could all right say coming on you can’t chase me it’s not possible

I had no clue Oh I thought you went up the thing I was about to like say can I and then like dust past you is this a ytmp yes does anyone have iron I can use this is in fact a there’s an anvil right here

Never mind I do is this a are applications open uh I think so they are oh whose house is this I don’t know I don’t know I’m not like that like I’m not like I’m not like that so it appears applications are open I

Mean you can you could try to get in uh I I forgot I don’t know where the promo is it’s called it’s called psychist SMP yeah uh bro I swear no I greatly appreciate it find I need to find an asmp to make vids on I mean you could make an

Application to pyus pyus is uh I can type it in chat real quick hold on wait uh it is called Pai kiss P I think this is on Twitter okay stop first of all second of all we’re going to continue going here it’s 200 right 596 yikers second 10 what’s

The portal just in case portal uh like the Y level of the portal so I can make it in in the nether at the same y level and connect them are you ready for Lift Off I craft a chest I I wanted to craft a boat chest quite the unfortunate s

Situation let’s be honest what’s the point of the bow in the chest okay we all wanted it and we never scho is in a week that is a skull emoji no link for me it’s uh that just like go on to Twitter and search up ATS pyus smpp like the thing that I

Sent I think that’s the name it should work pool I’m back sorry welcome back you guys No One Missed You what why coordinate all right pickles watch this wait 5 Seconds five got launcher five four okay so you got to put your elyra on oh okay

Two and then you got to hover be in the Electra State all right and now face the other direction okay yo it’s a free launch I just sent them flying I miss my if I hit the if I hit the second part you would probably go like

Mock 12 but I did that with fishy and I hit the second part and he almost died to kinetic energy so I’m not going to try oh God because we didn’t right in front of a mountain and he got sent into the mountain and almost [ __ ] died a no way the

[ __ ] why did I say I don’t think oh they didn’t turn spawn prod off yeah kind of annoying I don’t know why this direction oh wait Cloud didn’t turn spawn PR off that’s so weird I’ve told him to turn it off and he hasn’t been able to turn it off that’s what I’m

Saying I’m telling him to go into operator and just break the trees cuz it’s those are like the annoying part this song is like [ __ ] a awesome what I’ve never heard this one before probably have I just don’t remember it who’s did everyone leave the call there’s not talking I’m just I was

Muted I still have to get gaps and [ __ ] no naughty words I have to go back to the oan monument and get the sponges and gold blocks so I can at least get some type of healing cuz I have four gapples in my e chest well you see saturation stew

Actually has a lot of saturation to it careful without saturation my ass no what do you say you’re no like that my bad no I’m back again sorry I can keep wow look look what I found in this chest what did you find in this chest 300 blocks of gold did he

Actually why why Wow look what I found in this chest what did you find in this chest please let me know my screen share what have you found in this chest screenshare for this oh is it just the all the buckets of cod yeah I saw that look at the

Sword oh the sword it’s just right there why is it why does it have fire aspect I don’t know but it’s mine now I’ll ask to clear the fire aspect just like we need like a plugin to disable it I’ll ask cloudy toix it when it gets online what

Could that be swordy I don’t know who this is but it’s mine now so whose name starts with the ends with the z z Slinky Slinky thanks for that yeah oh it’s mine now yeah why do they leave it in a chest that’s the question it’s stupid free SW for

Me I was going to make a I was going to make how I stole my players entire virginity what what hello hi how’s it going W or an this might be a w might be a w this Slinky where are oh oh hi hi Slinky I didn’t steal

Anything think he has returned to the shadow realm I don’t even know who has been online in this past hour that could put that sword in that chest my airpods are working me yeah I’m just watching stream it’s probably oh you’re watching my stream a thank you I’m watching on my

TV that TV is crazy there’s a shout out to slinky’s Mom who stream who stream who stream dragons oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] well I don’t know how to get twitch on my TV so I just gave up that’s fair that’s fair yeah you need to stream on both dude I used used

Mad but I can’t get on my PC it’s so sad why cuz my brother I share room with two brothers and they have to wake up at 6:00 in the morning for work so to go to sleep back to like no talk though no because the light keeps them

Awake bro just close the door what about the TV right now the TV right now is like downstairs different room in the living room he he dragging on the living room TV that’s actually crazy yeah I know shout out to slinky’s Mom and Dad sleeping too well to shout the most

Annoying like swear word right now what of you to assume that he has it y that’s true that’s true what say like after talking to actually know it’s a sword since the sword has fire aspect can I just not use it until it gets like fixed CU said he would fix it

Honestly what’s wrong with it wait does fire does it work yeah it works oh [ __ ] what new meta cheating meta is crazy is it not possible to get fire aspect no it is but it shouldn’t work it shouldn’t be new cheating meta hold on just use it like with the fire

As cuz cloudy said he’s going to keep the enchants in case like a server wide enchant War goes and I think that could be the start of it it’ be really funny if it was a random Fire aspect two sword in a CH part of a Ser Wide War was because of

A sword pickles found in a chest so just keep that would be hilarious okay if cloud ever says anything it just say that you have my permission as an admin to use the fire aspect on that sword for Content purposes just but make sure to actually kill people with it so they can

See the fire aspect yeah I’m probably going to change the name though or is an iron or diamond sword uh it’s you should rename it to like random sword I found in the chest I will no cuz it cost like forever to enchant oh that’s true there like so

Many levels no no no if you put an enchant book and name at the same time it’s only one level more yeah how’s that help there’s nothing more to enchant on the sword it’s Max wait what it’s maxed a Max sword it’s so maxed that has fire

Aspect on it whose sword is that I don’t know it’s called sword Z where is it from I don’t know I just found it in the public base a double chest bro like everyone’s calling his sword I found it I know is yeah but why do you even in a chest don’t

Know probably because it has fire aspect oh maybe but why would he Max a fire aspect sword he probably didn’t know the fire SE isn’t allowed oh that might be true and it’s yeah yeah it’s fluxy sword he has three Z water flow is 12 blocks right before it

Ends I don’t that eight blocks eight eight blocks total who team is De on mine oh who is your team you have a team me me de cloudy bro I’ve been asking to join the team forever and I just get ghosted that’s crazy 10 what’s your team right now I don’t have a

Team as a team member I can officially say that I do not have Cloud’s permission so is cloud on your team go to him I don’t think cloudy does on the team no he said he said he’ll ask you about it and I never got to like called

Back he said he asked me he didn’t say anything to me bro do you think 10 should join your team fishy you mean pickles oh my not being on my team I don’t care getting mixed up CU she bed bomb me I still I’m not taking pickles do you

Think 10 is a good fit for your team I mean he’s kind of bad but he’s okay at car I’m not bad okay I am not bad proof [ __ ] I don’t got any but not exactly pickles 10 and sift suck like they’re terrible no you just bro his

Ability does three hearts right and I Gap at three so he saw me gapping and he used his ability and it [ __ ] killed me in a 2v one and he came back no he Ash fighting sift and then he killed him with strength too that is not

Fair oh lag but the dragon egg is overpowered we need take that off no I wasn’t using the Dragonite but we need to get that off Charlie random OD treasure Bast Charlie’s just not like like trying to fight anyone it’s weird no no if they’re keeping the dragon egg after

We should try kill them uh I really don’t care about the dragon egg that much can’t find the thing can’t find the thing can you at least send me a link please tell me you did not forget about chat he forgot about chat again yeah I did that’s my bad I’ll go copy

Go to my channel so I can reply to my stream and say Hi and then paste the link because uh there we go that should work right copy paste and it sends me to the Twitter page yeah saying hi I’m oh my go shut up okay all that’s probably all the uh no I’m getting this obsidian all right joining back pick was going to be borest and then I realized everyone was using it and now no one uses it on actual server chain for like it’s cuz midnight

Gotand Midnight gotand what what did what did you do complain just wh so does that mean I’m the best PVP no I think so no he’s killed Charlie like Charlie is not the best PVP thought Charlie was no who’s the best sift or flame I really don’t think sift is the

Best he doesn’t think I’m the best I’m stupid I think flame you think is better than me then I was going to make netherite sword and I remember that I don’t have a trim or NE upgrade template only thing I think pickles the only time I think pickles could beat me

Is if he was using TS one one me right now bro he with like invariant and he just [ __ ] killed it I was going to say dog on her but he really just didn’t he just killed it anyone have another upgrade template oh yeah we need don’t we I

Forgot we needed those for like hop on trade I can’t get on because because I want to one one you tomorrow though but not on the actual server unless you want to coward coward is crazy I you right now I said not on actual server unless you want to I’m I the coward

What just offer to do it yeah anyways we can one one tomorrow you should one one Sith first I don’t have any I don’t have pots are healing no no I mean on the test server if you think you’re better okay a screen share we’re Dragon free goest and go

Spectator I want to watch what are NE uh portal cords at spawn actually for the base to35 am I hopping on the test server okay aold wait SI are you doing on yeah okay you screen share please pickles or Si screen share what what kit do we

Do just any K why don’t you guys screen share oh oh fishy’s on never mind what the what are the stronghold Port cords I’m making fishy right now no the Nether Nether yeah I know fishy oh wait send that to me just do it record please just say them in chat or

Something okay wait I’ll one you in a second I think you’re at the wrong stronghold Dragon cuz one I go to there’s already a uh pickles that be one you yeah there is one right here but I’m make remaking it so I can connect it to the portal hub

I need to go to the end it’s kind to go to the same place I know actually let me check uh by the way it is 86 -280 on my way wait what was the Y level of the portal the spawn portal uh low okay oh

Wait the spawn portal nether is 66 66 okay yeah so I already for the cords what was it send me cords please it is also 66 uh 8686 279 86 -27 so this way oh I pass it wait back here you say that and I don’t see you anywhere on my

Way bro if I could use my water thing to boost myself oh my God I would be going everywhere with it Slinky look at I think there’s a way to but it’s not CED yet look just look in the thing uh pickles you can hop off test like we

Can’t one one like I’m about to like do something on the real server by do something you mean jump me not you not you who’s the lucky guy that’s kind of ominous bro someone’s someone’s dying who’s the lucky guy the lucky guy who’s lucky die 86 not jump but not jump not

Jump just fight just brutally mortal convers draw we draw at sundown mortal conversation right no no they’re they’re going to duel why thanks for that bro this is not yuoh this is not [ __ ] Yu-Gi-Oh three two one let it up oh my gosh fell on accident I really didn’t

Mean to this is a W10 moment wait who BL blade here blade blade what the what BL blade BL blade excuse BL Blade Blade Blade Let It Whip Dragon why did you make this portal extra big huh no it’s cuz it matches the other one I made the

Other one extra big BL blade BL Blade Let it lick what we’re stronger and faster comeb the B I mean it probably says uh ping creeper I think it says right the phrase MRA content is enough well that’s what we’re all about top of theight rely on strategy

Not SK so join us and see what you can do the phas three days wait has it like started or like okay hold on yeah it says at the in the in the top comment it’s psychist applications so you can go apply there what is this 10 what is this bro what is

What I’m actually concerned about this entire thing what the water pipe yeah oh I ran out of glass why is it so big he’s not here slinky I don’t know you know fishy’s in the call right fishy where you at I mean fishy where you at have a talk with you was not

Speaking oh my bad I was AFK um I am currently 5K out in the nether I don’t think you’re finding me it’s for content and it’s not might I don’t knowum like we actually need to talk okay okay my question is is that like can you can you even do that what you

MEK is that possible is there no world no no there’s no world B that’s what real server is 5K if I know I’ve just been looting bastions cuz I literally can’t get gold yeah anyone my gold FR suck where are you give me your cords I’m not going to kill

You I’ll just okay I’ll just try to elely your back gu at least it’s for going to you okay anyone have netherite template thing I got one you got give me like 10 minutes cuz it is going to take me a bit raid please wait can you duplicate netherite

Upgrade templates or no yeah you can okay I’ll just pickles can I duplicate one of those if you get sure if I get one bro this nether seat is so like yeah bro who who has one I would do go back to your base okay I mean I’m already

Trying to fly back using who who who has an upgrade template um wait this is like really open I might I might reach there faster than I expected but hurry up give me a second opening is there hurry up bro or there might not be a base to come

Back he just said he’s 5K okay well if you’re going to just break my base why would I go back anyways just kidding I’m that be dumb because it’s a public base now so I [ __ ] hate that it wasn’t even his choice it just got leaked yeah

No I’m definitely making a new base eventually cuz like I I’m just not doing that fre anyone who wants it drink from the pot of Life finishing up this one Bastion how is this one Bastion not looted there’s just a netherite scrap in here and two Tri and two um upgrade

Templates this thing’s like right next spawn how no okay I I’ll have to make a trade wink wink nudge nudge you want a gunpowder before right uh something more worthwhile uh I have no for you I’ll duplicate it for you is crazy yeah this thing’s like literally

Like right next to spawn I don’t know how this is not loose it this housing Bastion is just not looted it is looted someone took the the gold but did not what is the path through this they just didn’t take the top ramp Parts like what they a looting three sword in here

What I’m so are we going to go to like a private VC if yeah when you get here yeah all right tell me how it goes I think you see should I should I burn Pig step in the lava don’t and I won’t do it yet what do you mean

Yet it’ll be done eventually bro this nether sucks I can’t find my way back well I was going to make a video about the end fight of of this but I’m start making the video about having the fire aspect sword yeah I I think that fire aspect sword oh yeah

He found a Max fire aspect 2 sword in a chest and it works yeah that fire spect Works what do you mean it’s banned though okay why would he use it then uh cuz it’s funny and it’s for Content okay well that means that V can use his maxed out

Sword if it’s what was his called apparently vire vire accidentally got fire aspects because he didn’t know it was banned so we just kept it until we got a different sword I’m pretty sure you guys have it now yeah did you put it in the chest

Wait [ __ ] what are they close to my portal again you guys should probably go and do a different VC if you’re doing the thing he here yet hi hello so 10 I would be willing to make a trade like what I’m broke I guess I just keep it in my eest

Then actually why are you pressing me I guess I’ll just see him uh sift yeah trying to go VC record record just go recording okay hey guys I’ll decide I’ll I’ll de I’ll just ask cloudy to change it no just use it really yeah I’m want to see what

Happens okay although people might ridicule you for that but who cares found a city I’ll say I have t permissions so everyone can go screaming at you you’re team with an owner and like people are going be like why is he getting special treatment CU he’s teamed

With an owner because I don’t know how content works so yeah just say you have permission from me instead of Cloudy okay because I think cloudy would agree with it he say no I think cloudy does but like he did say that like like he’s keeping the

Enchants on the server that like they work so like it could be a Content thing later okay well time to netherite this I have to actually craft the Ingot are you going to make this sword netherite that’d be hilarious yeah I am don’t kill people like Charlie with

It because they’ll just whine about like you having a fire aspect sword should I name it first I’m going to name it first it’s already named isn’t it yeah but I want to rename it oh my God it cost 32 levels never mind that’s really easy to get with a

Villager thing I know but I’m just I I have S I have eight levels so that’s something for a later date I just need an axe because I don’t have one and anyone got three diamond oh I actually had an ax earlier I gave there’s like the ones with the villager oh yeah

We I might have what actually I don’t remember actually I can check right now I can get a max out a I just have maxed everything besides potions and gaps like the two main ingredients for PVP I have blaze rods and I don’t have

Spare gaps I like I do blade rods be a be a real shame if he was to what is this like P do you need shulkers I’m fine on I have one shulker so maybe have yeah I’m getting shells right now I’ll give you like a shulker for an upgrade

Template two shers yeah I was going to say enough but four shulker shells instead of two shulkers no I can’t get four oak logs what will I ever do I just don’t feel like making them into shers fair enough fair enough it saves me inventory space what is this

Unloaded so like what oh no pickles picked it up what did I pick up do you do you happen to have like almost a stack of stone brick stairs no oh not gu wait how is this unlooted I was I I I threw out a stack of stone it’s probably despawned by now

Dude I just found an unlooted n city with a almost Max Diamond chest plate I found uned B to another I’m not even I’m only 200 blocks out how is this unlooted that’s actually crazy oh can you bring back like uh like a single Sher box ah yeah I’m bringing back a a

Lot I’m doing so much stuff for people who aren’t even on my team I mean I’m not asking for much just just a shulker spare change spare change please please Michael sir I only need a Shuler my family has been starving for Days please the sh the Sher

It’s it’s AER to my economic career I’ll invest three sir I’ll invest the money the money theg me call me Arch damage cuz I have so many beds right now there so many bed beds right now so many beds right now oh my gosh many oh

Good oh goodness why did you why did you say that what is the context like you just randomly said like come Arch damage cuz I have so many beds right now like what was the context to that I don’t remember who needs context I think it was just like I think it was

Just uh like call me 10 isn’t live because blink blank blink and then like and then we kept bouncing off that and then it ended with uh call me Arch damage because I have so many beds right now yeah we just made it so out of context that was funnier than

Before that’s duper break yeah that was good all right I’m going to start asking now actually what happened who broke the string dupers fishy what happened so anyone want to say what just happened in that call are we just not no we’re not okay it’s RZ it’s it’s too secret why it’s RZ

Quiet no way wait I just got mending iron boots oh golly goodness oh I don’t know what happened but the string ders broke broke at the base so yeah they just do that sometimes yeah well I’m too lazy to fix it that’s real you know I SC

Whenever there’s no one on the server it just like bugs out and just stops stop the string ders yeah see I have a theory a game the oh okay okay pickles what are you doing on my base arm public base you want to go bro

You want to go you want to go I mean I have like gaps and everything yeah I have gaps too he just doesn’t shut the [ __ ] up Ted was the liar he was in the call when you said that would shut the [ __ ] up pickles you have another one of those

Trims on your chest plate I trim no there’s only one stronghold and my and only four people have a trim yeah we basically pulled a night wait I have a question do you have um uh well give me that Tri do you have a um oh do you have blaze powder pickles

Hold let me get my let me get my OBS up wait do you have blaze powder pickles no yeah yeah do you have blaze powder I think I do um wait do you have an Ender Chest sift yeah I I I need to use an Ender Chest I need to use an

End oh his ass is getting chased oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sift is about to BR I’m good bro I’m good what did he do wait wait wait what did he do what did he do I’m getting want um I know another person who has an

Ey trim by the way yeah we can talk about this who um my teammate which one give me the I bro no why do you want the it so bad cuz I can’t fight another one why do you I thought this I thought this was this is

The only it on the server no there’s four of them where’s the other that’s more than life Ste well Charlie has one Hazel has one and cloudy has one as far as I know they could also just be dup realistic I don’t want to kill him I

Just want his chest plate I want to make it easy for him all I want is your chest plate I don’t want this ugly ass SP CH I have on wait is he so pickles are you saying that you don’t have any more um would be really cool if like duping trims like

You couldn’t dup trims oh wait hey so there are no more items on the server no there’s only four chest plates oh wait oh V could do something cool with that actually just give me the chest plate bro I’ll give you the chest plate on me right

Now mening P out as bow yeah I was gonna say it’s kind of unfortunate that the trim that you guys are using is ey trim wait who’s calling me why is this guy calling me be right back fans fans that’s real that’s so real can I have it why do you want

It bro so many bad things right now I I have a bad trim right now bro I don’t like the one I have okay fine let me just hold up just let me can I I don’t want you to steal my Sher let me just going to Ste your hold up

Okay wait so just need to get some things out of my you just went from like directly from interrogating fishy mudkips to mugging somebody what is the timeline here I got to understand the timeline I just no I found out that P’s at the base I just wanted to say hi and

Then I saw that he had eym I how’s it going you don’t need to mug me preferably preferbly preferably do not want to get mugged right now bro oh never mind what the [ __ ] what did you even try to say up at that point jely jely right now I would not like to

Get mugged it’s it’s a joke no it’s not the not the jite not the jite it is the jite it’s preferably no no do you have like three diamonds on you I do oh J why are youing it jica no hold let me go back to the base

Real quick yeah or the pub base yeah I’m not running away I’m not trying to escapee I’m I’m just going back to the base right now uh fishy fishy yeah but can I have this do you have you have a RI I need you need seven diamonds to um dup the trim you

Have an extra rib trim fishy there’s no [ __ ] way he’s just mugging in the bro why are you just mugging people for their trims dude no I bro I’m not no I don’t want him like if he has an extra one that I could dup then that would be

Great but if he doesn’t then I like I’ll just take the one on why is your tunnel like peeing out the side of its like system it’s not finished no like like you you see the big thing right and then suddenly there’s just some like leaking out

Stop talking it’s you just don’t talk anymore that’s real give me some give me seven diamonds and a couple M’s and I’ll get you the um I’ll dup the the trim for you thought you just didn’t have an extra what I do I do have one I don’t want to give him

One as secret but now you freaking you’re actually rickety fracket I’m going it’s cooler if there’s four trims like of those eye Trims on the server and if you’re not going to give it up then uh it’s fine you could keep it drink from the oh okay good cuz I

Didn’t have an extra trim I was just I was just joking what were you going to give me nothing I was just going to take the diamonds and emeralds and then what like then run I don’t know I don’t know what to do he didn’t think that far you but you you

Fishy I need your rib do you have extra rib bro needs the true Texan true Texan bro just get your own trims oh I don’t know where supposed to find those like in bastions one second I got a dup I like the look of like just Diamond I really want

Silence where is he going wait did I just get scammed wait wait Pi did you leave no no fish I just gave fishy d to D my oh he’s back okay CH oh wait pickles are you still there yeah I’m here just quiet it turns out um

I don’t think fishy did the grief by the way I don’t think it was him yeah I was confused why he went from like Ving with fishy to just mugging somebody yeah I gu yeah I guess that was a pretty weird transition transition you don’t a transition the sponsor of this

Video rage Shadow flip I mean that too oh wait pickles I was like everybody knows where each other are except J bro J is like antisocial like bro was like well you guys don’t know where my base is yeah but like you don’t you don’t really hang

Out you hang out every other places but but you’re like you’re like dream you’re homeless you don’t have no I just I just have a base do I go back to spawn there’s nothing for me at spawn I’m going to go to my base no you can come over and help

Me help you with what my nether Highway maybe what does that mean did you get it sorted did you get like um you wanted that Rim trim that rib one instead or trim yeah I let him keep his trim cuz I kind of felt bad and I think it’s cooler

If there’s like not too many Trims on the server okay good cuz I was really screwed I had no I had nothing for a fight yeah I I really I actually didn’t want to kill you I just really wanted that trip I wasn’t going to give it so you wouldn’t have to kill

Me you actually rather lose all your items just give it up he’s a fighter what are you talking about why would I give up the I is be like Li just stuff it in I’m I’m going to be so for real like you are not special my my teammate also has one what

Team there’s only four people that have the trim uh wait who has the trim Hazel Charlie me and cloudy that’s C bro vire has one okay we get it bro you said it like four times okay I’m I know so bro who the [ __ ] broke

My dragon do you have like seven oh no what the [ __ ] so broke my villager is selling strength one arrows you don’t wait that’s actually good strength one arrows yeah you don’t need strength pots okay but like hear me out they last 10 seconds no no no no no it lasts a

Minute just you string pots yeah yeah but like you don’t need to carry pots also why is the public base just like string dber just dead I have no clue who the [ __ ] bought like 50,000 arrows wait who’s nutting on it wait who left it inside wait B it’s chat

Chattington sorry what’s going on water water oh yeah by the way um 10 I might move our base okay I like just make a new use my tutorial to fix the string duper oh my God I I’m already fixing it I know how

To fix it I’ve had to fix it like a 100 times already bro what’s it called Slinky is racking up the views Slinky getting mad view off of it bro he’s about to hit like 10,000 by the end of the year the Milestone so how do you get villagers to

Breed again you throw food at Mommy villager and a daddy do you need help 10 no I just forgot what like food it is do you not want to team with me anymore are you betraying I can you let me at everybody no why for what I want I want

To ask G my base I’m going to like at everybody just like ask individuals bro we should do an Among Us Lobby shut up wait does everybody here have Among Us no five people is not enough wait no no no I meant like do like some sort of like ingame like mini

Game or something where like you like interrogate people oh well yeah yeah that’s what well you’re my first interrogation U I’m probably going to do like one of Charlie’s teams of course I’m not allowed to kill these people because if we didn’t find something they wouldn’t even meet with

Me so yeah like I’m not going to kill them wait what do I who the hell walled off my pot section making they didn’t even break it they just just wall who destroyed my Brewings stands what someone’s actually griefing public base someone is griefing public I

Think the last person here you want to know something funny about that what somebody also did that to my base as well like the exact same thing everything there is someone stealing people like everything was walled off yeah like everything was tooken the chests were like like the chest bre

Materials were gone the Brewing stands were gone like stuff like that do you have seven diamonds wait we should like try to find whoever is like doing this you have seven diamonds on you no me for all we know the person that g my base could be like ducky or somebody or

Somebody that doesn’t play or isn’t important isn’t important someone who’s irrelevant is important doesn’t play that’s what I mean imagine it’s like uh honestly I have a feeling I know who it is but like I don’t I don’t know if it’s them I feel like it’s like J

Steel or something have they been on in the time like four I mean how are they know where my base is though we’re literally next door neighbors I guess but that’s that’s why I thought it was you but I guess not no I have no other reason besides just

Slinky you have a really good reason that yeah I have a really good reason but like I wouldn’t just grief someone else’s base for that I thought I just book banned myself why would you have booked band yourself because i’ got I will do a lot

Of things for Revenge but I I don’t grief bases unless they’ve been around for like a long ass time yo I think there actually be my I think there actually might be one agent City on the entire SMP and it’s looted probably means there’s no silent shms no there’s 100% no silent shms

There’s no way they got it off of one so that would actually be cool like one trim on the entire server like no silence G though yeah no Sil instead of one netherite set it’s one dude no Sil dude silence is so overused I’m glad there isn’t any on the server I don’t

Not care it’s over so it’s so Cool I like rib a lot because it’s just plain rib is overused do you mean what I used to be on rib is disgusting damn oh my gosh no no no you better take that back you better take that back you better take that back you better take that

Back people have you’re not the only one that got strength here bro that’s why I want silent so bad cuz nobody has it bro’s drugging his alcohol what does nobody has silence it would be like cool to get it dude cloudy should have like add like custom items or something I don’t know

No no yeah they did the variant yeah yeah that’s enough what do you think these are in vanilla Minecraft don’t do artifacts again is this a mytic cat video Yeah artifacts or something we don’t need more bliss bliss more bliss what are you trying to say buddy Bliss do

Artifacts what Bliss I mean uh shw does artifacts but also Bliss does a bunch of other stuff that’s similar BL does [ __ ] everything I think BL creates most of the trends nowadays they just they really do I mean maybe besides life steal but then again life Ste doesn’t really cre

Okay and someone’s prob griefing the public base they light our villagers out too that was not me even though I’ve been there all day I griefed every base on this SMP oh my gosh who’s making that video who’s making the video who’s who is it bro making probably irrelevant ass

Player bro well not if they’re making a video I mean if it’s a cool video then I guess I’m chill with it cuz like if it’s a banger I don’t really give a f the only person in the call who it could be is J steel they’re the only one

Online in the call not in the call not in the call Bro it could be honestly anybody like it could be 10 bro like I’ve been live this whole time we do not know like yeah but my base was G before well it has to be the same person

Though right I would I guess I don’t know just realized iing pu base could be like anybody like it’s a puet base or it could be like like how is it grief though cuz like wait wait I’m going to go back to your base M did they kill all of your

Villagers no all they did was steal the potion stuff and there was like a creeper and they a creeper hole and they sto they destroyed the string duper okay so they they also destroyed wait did they like fully destroy it like the the string derer no they just place a block

Between it like the like they made it stop working hold I’m going to look at the way that they griefed your base and then look at the way that they griefed mine well most of it is fixed but you can go to the Brewing area and you’ll see that

Everything’s gone so like did they like wall it off of stone what do you mean no no like they just stole everything inside they they walled off the potion area in my base with stone it could be just separate people trolling yeah could I don’t know whoever get my base they’re they’re catching

Hands but you know catching hands I could care less if someone griefs my base I honestly expect that at this point because of like it’s everywhere hands will be will be thr what shut yeah don’t don’t talk again just don’t talk again yeah don’t cook bro so have seven diamonds

No oh how is everyone pour on diamonds well we just use villagers I need to do the netherite upgrade template so I don’t like I don’t like use it now and then I die and never have netherite tools again yes it’s like I mean you can just get it

Again wait do you not know how to fix your stram duper us yeah yeah cuz it got broken again we do I do your string duper isn’t working oh like it’s not even flipping the trap door that’s weird oh yeah someone breaks the Redstone that’s something that has happened way too many times

Now what someone’s breaking the Redstone yeah let weird do villagers eat fish no yes what do they eat of course they eat fish H guys hi SL leave the call no one wants you here do villagers eat apples no I just told you the list of things they eat say

It again because I wasn’t listening of course you weren’t yeah looking at it I don’t even see your pot area so I don’t know if they like did similar stuff so they just took all the Brewing M why would they need that many Brewing materials for it

Like why would they need that many BR break the rules and use shink too I’m just kidding I don’t it’s probably because there’s no cor protective if I’m being honest I mean like I feel like if it was for Content cloudy should like confront the guy beforehand and make

Sure but if it wasn’t and they were just stealing then it’s just kind of stupid I don’t know why stealing isn’t Al it’s a very dumb R well like you know like doesn’t mean stealing from chest oh it’s not allowed no no it’s not allowed bro got car

Red-handed I robbed Charlie but you know it’s I robbed this Max sword that has fire bro I took I took a power one that was a power one bow that was like basically broken from Charlie 4k’s chest and Hazel was like oh my God he stole stuff

Clipped wait how did they not realize that I stole like 32 Diamond I mean 32 iron blocks and 3 I me what I didn’t steal anything bro I stole their entire like wallet how did they not Realize do I maybe it was there to throw me off to make you think that it was their actual base but it was a fake base huh I think you’re a little bit too paranoid my reaction what okay there’s actually n there’s no armor there’s no there’s no silen it’s

WS it’s WS um cloudy should give away a silent sh like in an event why do you care about silen sh so much cuz bro if there’s if there’s barely any bro that would be cool I’m back there should be like there should be like one silence

Armor trim set on the server there shouldn’t be like yeah cuz like if it was just duped into Oblivion and then like everyone got silence shms that would that wouldn’t be like rare anymore okay I think that fire spec I hit that what bro it’s hacking where are you going to dragon

Fruit I’m fighting a gas no where you bridging to back to spawn oh did you die fruit no no you didn’t no wow there really is no set my okay I found a big mountain there better be silenc under here bro are you just grinding for Sil

Silence is not that deep I don’t I don’t care I like it and it looks cool I’ll look cool if I’m I look cool if I’m the only one oh found anent City oh shoot we should make there’s only one okay I think wait if I’m lucky bro

Then this one might wait is it is this original idea wait is it normal for wardens to already be here no no no BR just find one he’s already looted Dragon I have a really original idea that we should do what we should make it so there’s one netherite sound in the

Server and everyone fights for it okay actually uh how about you should like stop talking like like as in like stop like as in like stop as in like stop as in like so like it’s not normal for there to be it’s not normal for there to be uh warden’s already spawned right

Yeah no it’s not normal that means it’s been looted you actually no no it’s not looted you should definitely go through the entire chest and look through yep actually yeah look through everything well you never know it might not haveed it you never know you never know

N that’s why put hot SAU if they’re anything like me then they will be they’ll like every single little what if they’re not like like you not not everyone is like you there are different people in the world oh yeah dragon fruit me and Si’s 1 V one was closer than you actually

Thought buddy yeah it was really yeah he won what did you think Dragon you thought that was way better than sinky no yes bro you do you do you want P TR for K in front of me yeah know I could vouch that sinky is better than Charlie think better than

Me wait does my mic sound bad yes well you’re sounds like you’re on your phone I am but I don’t know if it’s connected to my airpods or my phone I don’t know which one sounds probably better probably neither probably the you might be right though

Wait if I I can mute my mic let’s go yeah we don’t have to hear him talk anymore oh shoot oh Snapper Doodles the G it’s a double Duo bro it’s WS if I find them it’s WS if I find them it’s WS no bro easy 2v one easy trying to take a

You’re trying to take the 2v one yes broy I think I think they’re at the public base right now cuz like they were Hazel was at the Bas earlier after she died ition swear we said we’re not gonna like fight them but Char The Egg and I want

It t if you let me T I’ll give you the I’ll give you the egg if you let me change my thing oh why okay sure so like Chen literally just said that he wants to kill Charlie CH I thought you said you wanted to wait for the event yeah

Hazel’s at my public base y Hazel but I don’t know if Charlie is she’s under gar she literally is no no I’m going to show up I’m going to say hi and maybe get Charlie to pull up oh I think Charlie’s going to hide for

Now cuz she why is there like an I can hear all right you hear my stream he’s going to watch the kid guy trapped Hazel goat did kid kid why they call you kid you I just crit her out that’d be really funny don’t you probably shouldn’t crit

Out a naked person orse they’re going to try to get you banned I just a five this villager bro can someone not sleep next night cuz I need to get freaking oh my God who took my potions that I was brewing probably okay that was me that was

Me who is the potion Bandit who is the potion Bandit the potion Bandit took them all bro bro I need the the potion Bandit guys I’m the potion demon all right you can have them back I’m the Ender Chest Bandit actually sorry BR how many I swear to God like my

Ender Chest keep on disappearing when I place him down at public base is that you keeps on sing them sift yeah I’m the Ender Chest Bandit I have hey I have like 20 ender chests sorry all right pickles um wait hold up don’t come near me get this Hazel kit off don’t come

Near me I’ll bite don’t worry I’ll BL yo who could I buy no trespassing there give it to by firor she’s getting through uh the other side yeah pickles pickles pickles take them take them take them take your pots yes do you have any gunpowder so I can turn to Splash no I

Don’t no no I’m too lazy to build an actual gunpowder Farm make it bro make it I’ll help you if I make it it’s going to get like found actually wait no wait are you allowed to G well technically counts as a if they could use it as well

That’s true I’ll make one actually I know a really good design that gets you like a stack of gunpowder and like I don’t know like a minute maybe like two minutes that’s too long I can’t wait that long okay well you’re [ __ ] like weird then attention

Man oh wait I need some like bottles I’m going to go back there I’m like the I be popping bottles do you T yeah it’s get drum have fun with the poison you do know I have corrosive yeah know have fun with the poison have fun with the poison I’m just going to

Activate my variant and just hit someone just suffer from Poison Poison bro I do not even sound like that what is blood onas bro like I said you cannot assume if he’s a blood he might be a crit bro come on now what are you saying

Bro bro is on an a I’m telling you bro sift is an AI he isn’t real no you are not talking you’re an AI what you’re the AI n only like imposter from amongus like you’re the only AI in the world I how invisibility is just completely [ __ ]

Useless not I like then you know who they are plus the tra just follows you around if you have no armor so well you don’t know who they are from their wait you want know what might be like actually kind of like unique wait never mind Z

Fabio did that I was going to say like you can make a texture pack where like the particles for the variants are like hella laggy and [ __ ] and I don’t know never mind never mind yeah you be quiet shut the [ __ ] up pickles get back to it

What I like how I have Max stuff and yet my bows power one if you could have would you rather have um the dragon egg or access to unlimited God apples God apples you just don’t die you can’t die if you have unlimited God apples I love the sound of

Placing swear to God if some bot like rolls up on me while I’m trying to their variant she did yeah they’re not yeah no they haven’t been a nil since inight it’s funny how Charlie Fork’s entire team switched laborious it’s almost as if they knew that it’s the best

One is the best one though I don’t know I mean okay it’s like really good like it’s definitely like if you’re like someone like midnight and you can aim like insanely good then yeah it’s the best one but for like General everything else I don’t think it’s the

Best one because you also have to kill yourself when Rel logging to get your effects back well they have to fix that that is the hardest Nerf to be honest he public Bel no she’s she’s crying to me in my like slash messages she forgot to slash message wait what

She’s crying about fishing mudkips not being banned from the server but I told her that we don’t have to act on a rule if it helps for content and she’s like whatever I’m kill I’m just kidding I’m not going to kill I told Charlie for K that they can use

My base and they’re still going to like hate me guys jump three two one jump oh GG I kind of regret this highway now why does Charlie for K why is Charlie for k still so mad I mean like I get why they just want you off whenever a rule

Is broken I think she thinks we have to like like ban the person who broke it but I told her that we don’t have to act on a rule just because it was like broken if it helps for Content we can just choose to ignore it for time being

Like pickles fire aspect two sword we’re letting that happen because it might start something cool like I don’t think she understands that she isn’t crying in the admin GC yet so I think we’re good dude I don’t even know like she was yeah cuz you have the dragon egg bro

You kind of just you’re a pinata a walking pinata yeah someone say that for me not not the I don’t want to say it because I feel like they’re going to get even more mad at me yeah she can’t complain about not like not getting jump oh oh whoa whoa whoa

Hi oh my God I thought I got raided no my bad uh three people just chat at the same time hi guys Charlie has not been on enough for six times thinking Bas at least sets up like why are they crying man just play the server I know okay I don’t understand do

They think I’m gonna like yes do oh okay GG can’t have sh on psych just bro I remember them saying I remember saying I ha M like this can’t have [ __ ] on that was funny that was that was really funny can’t have [ __ ] on Arcane and now they’re saying it on

Psychic and why did you join new Arcane new AR Oh I thought it’d be cool because it sent me an invite so I just hopped on the I love Dash your Dart I didn’t even ask to join they literally sent me an invite is there

Just random like your mic is low as hell wait Trent stabbing sounds is it low oh yeah I don’t know why it’s so low I keep turning it up and it keeps getting lower wait someone talk real Quick that is kind of low compared to them okay I think that’s better at nxis hi niist hello la la la I’ve never heard someone type out la la la [ __ ] TR it’s Redstone that extends right what Redstone extends right what do you mean what does that mean like extends potions right

Yes please contacts next time yeah like do you not contacts what where Redstone extend what is this song I extend all the time wait in what wait what what what extends Dragon what we talking about the Piston the sticky piston Oh I thought you meant something else all right anyways lock in is

Crazy lock in no you will not I don’t know I just I get why they are mad that they’re getting hunted but they need to understand why they’re getting hunted and if they if they can’t like the problem I think Charlie Fork just like she’s like really mad over being hunted

She could just ask cloudy to like make an announcement to not kill her I mean no be forced to not kill her that’s the thing just she could just like not go to public places yeah you know make one hold could just avoid people and not

Get killed wait hold on hold on wait this is actually crazy yeah just um Carry four stacks of pearls on you at all times just grind at like night or something that’s what I could just do that like right now I don’t even like

Grind at my own base which is I kind of like the idea that Charlie gives it to some someone random I feel like please I did turn my mic up bro what ban everyone for good luck I might do that I wait okay my mic is louder than every Source here is it

Yes it is I still have you at 200 okay bro yeah my mic is like my mic is the only thing in my OBS hitting yellow right now everything else doesn’t even touch like nowhere near yellow look at your own stream they might just be trolling you good that’d be really

Funny fault they can’t moment to breathe okay J steal J steal said every S&P you do that’s a real okay they’re they’re they’re complaining that they don’t have like uh [ __ ] stop I yell for good luck I’m ending it I’m ending it turn it up I did

Turn it up on OBS oh my God I’m not turning up anymore you’re you’re troll here I’ll just I’m just going to look at your stream for you 10 10 is wait do you mind if I look at your stream like I’m not stream sing I don’t have stars I don’t have

Stars like dude my mic is the highest Source here I’m not believing you just start yelling I’m not going to start yelling you know it would be funny if I like find Charlie but I just like don’t kill I like just prove her right that uh everybody on the server is [ __ ] her

Down and that she doesn’t take a break yeah no 10 you sound you sound normal oh Charlie’s back to normal now wait what skin yeah I really don’t think that’s how you spell tumor dude you guys have a two more two more can I get some two more can I get two

More la la la I’m not turning my microphone off oh hi Piper hi [ __ ] is that skull mod off Skull emoji why do you have a Walmart Skull emoji SK Emoji what the [ __ ] got the autistic skull what off brand ass SK Emoji bro what dude it’s he got up teu

U I can’t do this anymore why did J still just message me on Minecraft it is he right it is he right it is he right it is it is he right he just is me he be right maybe oh JC was asking me my PR pronouns

Oh yo she’s about to drop a like diss track it’s over okay what do I need I need what is Jackson is Jackson is my buddy I have a contract J I might do that I really want the egg no I gota wait for these guys to grow

Into adults wait that sounds really weird out of context nobody clip that don’t don’t don’t clip that spamming one to ban everyone on the server I just don’t have op I have a clip of 81 FPS saying the Beast slur what is the Beast sler what is the Beast

SL it’s the Mexican slur oh be I could say it but I’m not going to say it since yeah yo bro he okay listen he didn’t know what the Beast SL was right so we we we um we trolled him and we were like he searched it up and he was like your

Or you can approve that rule he it’s just a rule on the server he didn’t know what it was it’s in the rules I need these guys to hurry up and grow bro I need this guy to come out that works wait that’s a weap okay weapon Smith so get in

Here lot easier than oh hi wait what what are you saying ohte for I said okay1 oh you said get in here that’s I just wasn’t talking to you phom phom got to get some top slabbers in here what is a top slabber no I hate

Gas can I get some top slab oh Hazel just got full boxed no way full boxed 200 take a screenshot take a screenshot full box 200 pump full box 200 pump oh no they just full boxed me but never mind I’m good yeah I don’t think Charlie doesn’t

Understand that we don’t have to enforce certain rules if it’s good for Content but that one is good for Content so we will do it is just got quick dropped wait V you’re dead huh wait V what are you doing wait v wait what vire muted wait V

What wait is V even in the call why did he take off ohy mud kips know who you are Charlie we’ll punish people for it if it helps for content if it doesn’t if it’s worse for content and uh punish people then we’re not going to do it like if it’s better

For content to not punish people then we will not punish people I’m confused on what my words are but GG this villager will get in what are you even looking at man V did you get your stuff back like wait what happened wait did die no he didn’t

He was asking me to kill him no I died yeah to Hazel but like I didn’t know who was who I didn’t want to oh okay now take that yes and then go in here they call me off friend no no go in go in the Box go in

The Box okay done this [ __ ] V oh my God I hate this villager so much so much okay I hate this villager I hate this villager this villager is not being very cool right now I this point I don’t care about no dragon egg I care about silen shm that’s all I want

Anymore bro gave up all possessions that’s more rare than the dragon at this point it’s not like I really is honestly it is just more op yeah but I don’t I guess I’ll at least I’ll be able to show up bro I don’t care anymore all the grinding what happens when you die

Though well simple as that I quit like is it I Quit it’s over it’s GG’s it’s WS it’s R yeah it’s WS that wart do you need an EC here wait what happened to all your Gear V wait don’t break the bed don’t don’t screw over Hazel like that cuz like it

Is public base yeah where did where did V gear though go wait what how many do your Gear V do you have it all oh it’s in a Sher hezel being a nuisance right now oh wait really yep I have a question 10 are doing raids allow but not getting totems yeah what

Is the point though yeah I just at that point well I already did I just want to get here with the village no way I’ve been flying for so long my all my firew are gone bro that’s crazy honestly hold on real okay bro oh

No I was going to hit this Spa but then I realized like this isn’t over this isn’t over this isn’t over time is still ticking I have time I will end this battle in one foul soup I can’t I can’t leave until I get silenced doesn’t

Matter I either can’t leave till I find Charlie or till I uh get silence GG you’re going to be on forever yo wait who let all the villagers out bro why why why why why why why why are there villagers out what the [ __ ] why are the dogs who let the

Dogs out bro someone is actually griefing public base so hard bro let the dogs do you guys know like who let the dogs out isn’t about dogs like that song is about like ugly girls in the ship club like who let the dog dogs out I’m not even kidding that’s actually

What that means thanks sift you’re no I’m going to store some of these arrows just in case wait you are bound to get your cheeks clapped all right what yo he busting BR by give me my choker back by give me my okay thank you good boy

What I have like oh yeah I have 185 uh strength arrows now cuz I got bored strength one though not that useful but wait that’s why 185 minutes of strength one that’s 185 minutes of strength one right there wait but you have to hit yourself every time yeah I mean still that’s like

Pretty good actually yo I just found somebody’s base and it’s like really good actually yeah I’m guessing it’s probably cloudy’s then cuz actually no Cloud’s been using my base entire time like it looks really nice this might be tens I don’t know is it yours

T could this be yours no 10’s in the other VC oh he’s in VC of Charlie oh wait is it is it like really like it’s in a swamp biome it’s it’s in a swamp biome oh in a swamp yeah I didn’t want I didn’t want

To say it but like I’m going just say it oh V can you stop is it like a village and a swamp yeah no it’s it’s just villagers if the base is probably sci-fi don’t leak it cuz like uh it’s really cool yeah it’s probably it’s probably

Sci-fi cuz they said they already have a maxed out base wait Sith are you streaming no oh okay I was wondering Slinky new to just join go whoc Charlie I’m might join that wait one sec yeah bro’s getting kicked out oh no oh I accidentally pressed the button uh GG it’s

Over what are they talking about nothing ten is apparently going to spawn for something I know oh no he’s going to give the egg to 10 oh they’re ging the egg to 10 100 10 bro I’m going to go kill nah wait wait oh [ __ ] what wait who’s that in the sky is

That oh that’s that’s Hazel that’s wrong this guy is Rich As [ __ ] who sci-fi yeah yeah he’s rich as hell what what does he have you want to go to our privacy and screen share or just screen share here wait I got to check the rules one more

Time don’t steal don’t steal don’t steal wait does he use cartographers instead of uh stringman Minecraft you’re not allowed to steal don’t it says nothing about no stealing it does nope to God it does no there is nothing got rid of the r all right don’t don’t

The dog I am sorry we are in need of items I will complaining we are need of items I will I will repay whoever this is bro I don’t I will what is it what is it when it’s barrels of XP and Pearls bro we can get that so easily we can’t

Though yes what what barrels of XP and Pearls I already have a Shuler full and five stacks of emeralds five Stacks block five stacks of emerald blocks I get across your face hey what did you just say dragon these nuts across your face very if you

Steal they’re G to know that their base has been found well it sci-fi now if it sci-fi we don’t want to kill him we just want to steal right just leave a sign saying didn’t leave cords yeah nice base all right yeah I’ll do that I’ll do that

That’s the least I can do Dragon they’re stacked cuz whoever wait this might be the base that they’re talking about Charlie and them like full I don’t think so this like the fifth time where are you I think they were just lying I think maybe should we add no we already have a

Team of six no we already have a team of six we had a team we grief use oh we had a team of four do you think we should have left SciFi join oh what like we could add anybody why said before he um one second like

Left the VC that he doesn’t like since he doesn’t have asteris I can stream snipe so see they talking about I’m going to tell him that you are watching a stream when he’s done when like he joins back by the way just go you now he’s scamming NES what what what is

This y hello wait did you have a sword of fire aspect on it fxy huh did you have a sword with fire aspect on it yeah but then I threw it away and then got another sword CU I didn’t know so that’s the sword fish or pickles got

Yeah it should be called swords Z or something yeah I just threw it out another one cuz I didn’t know it was oh yeah that’s yeah that’s yeah that’s the one they took TI you should grind for gunpowder and and blaze rods oh I got blaze rods

And all that but I don’t feel like grinding gunpowder cuz I hate bloody gunpowder cuz just kill creepers at night time yeah but like we need gunpowder for fireworks too so it’s like I think we need we should get some mine carts yeah mine carts yeah just in case like we’re

Going on someone that we might need to use mine carts against who pickles no he has corrosive so they barely die bro I beat fishy has corrosive bro yeah but like if you use y 10’s getting the egg 10’s getting the egg really yeah no yeah 10 10 SL message

Me wait at spawn I I don’t know where I’m not going to steal it cuz cuz I know 10 will be like Furious but I’m not lie we can drop 10 anyways if we really have to but like all over spawn no no no no I mean

If we like say we have to because he won’t like do something or like doing something with egg we have to kill him we should be have to drop them you think so huh do you think we could drop 10 he even he has the

Egg I don’t want to kill him now though CU he do let him have egg for a little bit because I feel like yeah we I don’t think we should take it unless he’s gonna like do something bad with it I have 144 levels bro holy oh oh wow yes congratulations

Thanks I’m going to go to sleep in an hour and 7 minutes 17 actually an hour no 47 minutes is better I want to work on my video in the morning I was going I I wish that gold Farm actually worked so fishy you there right yeah I am so

What was wrong with your girlf frame again fishy fishy fishy what was wrong with your girlfri fishy what what was wrong with their gold Farm uh the like they were just not spawning like some were spawning but not not as much yeah okay so it’s definitely something wrong with

The paper config that can be changed because it works on other servers that are paper right okay T fun to drop iron dep set of boots does it fishy yeah does it work on other paper servers yeah okay so it’s wrong it’s the it’s the server specifically not like paper

Servers in general so we need cl to fix that so I and a go actually work fxy what you get for your birthday three like v-buck cards that’s it is it CU you got stuff for Christmas yeah I got a laptop for my birthday and Christmas like it’s like uh

So is it like good uh yeah better than your PC I mean it runs Minecraft on 100 you what you know what v v v v v just let them get the egg just just let get the is 10 GNA do with the egg guys for being honest 10

Should not have the egg but I guess he’s getting the egg any I don’t care if he does have the egg Dragon free tire thinks T’s trash anyway so Dragon free tire thinks TS trash he can drop 10 isn’t that right Dragon free tire what like you think I’m B worse

Than TR 4K yeah yeah yes [ __ ] I come all worse than Charlie and me and sift are basically on the same level oh then why is Charlie above me Charlie isn’t you’re on the same level no he’s a plus a minus broy I think yo slicky I I think you’re

Better than me in netherite and I’m better than you in diamond yeah but I don’t even play netherite that’s the thing I used to play B at netherite oh I just use kb1 if people are if the player is annoying me I think like that’s the

Case for us not going to lie yeah that’s what I did on Arcade oh oh everyone dragon fruit I can’t believe you said cloudy you struggle more against wait you struggle like with with cloudy and 10 on the same level on Legacy that’s actually crazy cloudy and 10 cuz yeah you put

Them on the same level oh yeah what how like I do not struggle against cloudy at all on like yeah I don’t I don’t sweat with cloudy wait hold on wait what about 10 you think 10 is like on the same level as them yes I mean 10 are better than

Cloudy just like in general but I’m saying like huh you you think you could beat 10 in a one one me yeah yes what I I don’t know actually probably but like I don’t think you could easily beat him like no I think you could 10’s

Pretty bad I’m not going to lie he is yeah I thought 10 was good wake up wake up my bad I stop sleeping have you one V one midnight before Dragon yeah you think did you beat him I mean he was using borus I mean I couldn’t land a hit on him

But the only time I beat Midnight is when I CED them which just I feel like if you have Cs and the other person doesn’t you can beat them easily training up an SMP cart so I can use them you’re training up an SMP cart uh I

I think it’ll work on this server especially if you use chain wait what else is there to help you uh you can disable Shields too yeah I the only way I can SMP car is if I have cob okay excuse me bro sift sift sift

Are you trying to kill uh no I’m not trying to kill any of them I mean I could just press 10 for the egg but he might just e see it no that’s not allow oh just let him have the egg like what is he going to do with it

He let him have it for like like one or two days or three days and then just like that’s what I wanted to do with Charlie but everyone was like just kill them yeah but T isn’t as bad I mean Charlie isn’t as bad as T like bad at PVP you

Mean or like what you mean by bad morality so you think what do you mean like 10 isn’t as bad as Charlie at PVP I mean no Charlie isn’t as bad as 10 in PvP oh so you want to Quick drop him and take the egg yeah

But like in in a week from now it won’t change like I’ll still be able to QD him but Charlie I’ll I’ll actually have to fight her if I want it I think you can beat her in a one one even if he did

Have the egg if she did have the egg I think so too I don’t know if I could I probably could though it’s just the a attack speed like a lot but like if I have strength to then what do you think you drop 10 yeah I can 100% cck drop 10 that’s

Crazy if I told him that he would start he would not think that you can use your quick TR me fishy wait where are they why where are they is V good at PVP fishy uh he’s decent but on the same level Z or now I

Don’t know well like no I beat him but only time like I feel like kind of fought them as when 10o where did everybody go now Dragon fre AFK and F is’s just not talking yeah I’m just uh playing Battle Royale HL uh no fortnite forn yeah not playing Minecraft not on the

Ground boring as [ __ ] yeah it’s boring now where’ everybody go bro they’re going west well they’re going east I think Hop was like kind of like too overhyped and then went west or east are you going to kill them or something no I just follow them why am I not sliding what

Yeah okay I’m just going to follow 10 you said they’re going east yeah wait is that J Ste J Steel’s out layers on V look for J steel v v v v look for J steel I want to J she has the she has the dragon egg Jay still has a dragon

Egg yeah yeah yeah how can you be so sure I know she does wait J if Jay a dragon egg this whole time bro i’ would be so like I’m actually angry at you s you see J Ste where I’m banned what the [ __ ] you got

Banned what I got banned what the [ __ ] I just got slashed by who my 10 obviously but why 10 is up no they didn’t even they did temp try lo I think Charlie has op what the [ __ ] no I do not think Charlie has op Charlie has op

What oh the server’s no cl cl cl’s on Discord okay these kids are hella weird what happened are you banned I no I got banned temporarily the reason is I don’t [ __ ] know but I defin all where’s J still though that finish why why did you get

Banned where where’s J though why did you get banned bro these guys are weird what why did you get banned it was a temp ban yes I actually no you’re just gonna get banned if you try to steal the egg trying to steal the egg that’s so dumb

Dude that’s like okay this [ __ ] I feel like the contest is it’s like so forced right now it’s like like let it marinate on its own bro holy like why why they’re like they’re they’re forcing it upon people like they’re they think content is going to be ruined if somebody stole

The egg I feel like that’s even cooler if somebody just stole the egg yeah like let things happen don’t script things because if you want this is how you want your video to go or something like that like that doesn’t happen on like Bliss like with the netherite

Like just kill let he doesn’t care yeah they got it do what’s an EV that I could like like rip off wait k got the egg I don’t know but let me see like they literally cart trapped mug for the netherite and let me I’m trying to think

Like oh yeah they were they jumped wable so he uh so he didn’t give mugam the netherite and uh and like you don’t see anybody compaining about that like they like T needs to let things happen on its own I should Char should hurry up with her

[ __ ] event so he can finally get a new person on but the egg bro that’s what I think oh 10 got it oh shoot I don’t theegg think is the owner T got the egg like he got the advancement okay well I don’t mind that yeah we’ll just QD

Him he has to go are you kidding me oh wait should I just jump Charlie Hazel and J no earlier him I found him I found him his ass which one Charlie yeah I killed them info rules bro okay let’s look I’m killing Wait f me can I have

That chest plate let get my other color oh I don’t like the trim I don’t like the color cuz like I’ve been looking for silence for so long and I can’t find it and I want a trim and you’re the only one that oh F she banned for stream

Sniping again I literally okay so T literally said that since he had asteris since he didn’t have asteris it didn’t matter before wa I don’t have a I don’t have a good chest plate like mine’s Ugly oh I got draged yeah I can tell yeah just give me yours bro please please like bro like please do you have endstone no but like like like come on now could dup the tri what happened bro it 10 AFK or something I dragged all right I’m back

I can hear dragon F in the background yeah same okay bro I actually [ __ ] hate Charlie 4K linky yeah Mash link blocked me why because uh what’s it called one time we were playing fortnite and then uh what’s what’s it called and then like we just one V oneing right bro I’m actually

Yapping right now bro hold on what I’ll just type it out to you because I’m like G yapping right now hold on what did you like say something to him no he was just being a little toxic [ __ ] bro you guys cry about the stupidest things you blocked each other over the test

Server I don’t know why he blocked me this time he literally blocked me for no reason this time like I’m being I don’t know why he blocked me I’m being so for real being for real like for real K like we like weren’t gonna kill Charlie like like wait let me let me

Start from this I forgot I was gonna say bro yapping even if it wasn’t like forced and like we were we able to kill Charlie whenever I still don’t think we would have killed her since she logged off and we didn’t even find her once

My what uh What uh thing do you have on the actual server like the variant what variant do you have Ace asteris asteris you should have asked you should have asked if you were stream sniping first before Banning you then should I ban you he said

Yes oh they took all at the [ __ ] nether W out of uh fishy’s base am I supposed to get pox B can you screen share I honestly feel like cloudy bans people way too quickly without thinking well if I was if I he does stuff really impulsively if my member

Was stream sniping for the second time I wouldn’t hesitate Banning them there’s no to Smith I’m G make a tool Smith wait oh wa how did I get a KNX on what oh weapons oh shoot oh what the hell yo can this villager move out the way no oh shoot oh shoot

Yeah I was about to say the same thing I’m GNA look through my recording hold up I’m looking through my recording okay one second gonna okay I got the clip of what of Clips uh the clip of him saying uh it’s fine for me to look at his

Stream was that before or after he went to VC with Charlie yeah I mean that’s fine before he went to VC I thought yeah he said he said um since he doesn’t have stars before that I was allowed to look I asked to watch as well and he said nothing important was going

On in the Stream yeah so I remember I asked as well I don’t know if you if you saw it but I asked in chat and he said I could watch but I didn’t even end up watching but you did actually you were stream sniping because you were using it for information

So play yeah but 10 said that it didn’t matter since he didn’t have stars originally yeah but you were still using it for information okay and that is just stream sniping like what one second where’s Slinky who are you team with if flame clish dragon fruit dragon fruit yeah okay

Hello fishy got banned oh it’s not I think it’s like temporary why cuz he was stream sing stre sniping yeah it was just stream sniping like it doesn’t even matter what time it says he was like I or like again oh like dragon fruit if a stream doesn’t

Have asteris and you’re using it for information do you think that’s stream sniping no you don’t no okay I sent the clip to cloudy and DMs I mean I guess technically stream sniping but it he had if he had permission from the the the streamer it’s okay I’m unbanned yeah but

That was before some important was actually happening yeah yeah okay okay 10 said that it okay doesn’t matter anyways yeah it doesn’t matter I got unbanned why is uh I’m still banned what I you just said you got unbanned I prob said I did but I did not get unb

You prob he was going to unban you yeah ohy are you excited for what the elite season three yeah wait that’s coming out bro I watched that it’s fire bro you watched it yeah I I watched both so good it’s so good have you watch both seasons yeah I watched

Both seasons bro oh my God coming out yeah next year no no is it January yeah it’s January so it’s like in like a few weeks I guess but you’re lying no I’m not 2024 oh CR classroom delete is so good bro like I was I’ve been watching videos

On summaries of the light novel that’s how much I liked it and like I’ve never done that in like any other anime so I really like clom with Elite like I put cloudy onto it as well that was funny wait Dragon you watch oce yeah oh yeah have you watch oceo Co

Shift sift huh have you watched Oceano what is oh no wait what is that it’s an anime you should watch it I I might have watched it but like I don’t Rec like the name like I it’s about like idols and like movies and the entertainment business it’s like actually really interesting

I can’t like say much or I’ll spoil it so you should just watch the first episode did uh Charlie for K and Hazel get jumped or did they just go away I think they went away okay I think I’m just GNA not watch any streams on the server unless I’m like not actively

Playing I don’t know how s hard to just not stream snipe like who okay you got to get my like reasoning here like also ten himself said that it was fine no not that one the Charlie one as well that was that was my mom I asked her

Like I know you’re joking as well so doesn’t matter like no my mom actually uses twit oh bro bro you trying to create some NES with my mom later you’re not you’re not you’re not going to get banned if you admit that you stream sniping well uh will you get arrested

For murder if you admit to murder oh shut up like they already know you were stream sniping it’s so obvious they would have banned you already if if they really cared probably does no an admin okay if if she really cared you would already be banned she keeps on she

Not if really cared if she still cared she clearly doesn’t care anymore so I would just like you don’t even have to like say it or we already know it was you but fine okay well then never mind [ __ ] Whata call it ten is switching up again

And saying never mind B him he was being shap for content and annoying even though everyone was on that so you’re banned apparently wait one second I’m going to DM 10 bro what I don’t bro I don’t like how Force this stuff bro no it’s I think he was banned for

Stream sniping not being it like trying to steal the dragon it’s so that’s so stupid I was banned he’s saying to get me banned for 3 days no I didn’t get banned he’s saying to Bann me for 3 days since I was trying to steal the dragon

Egg what that’s stupid for for trying to steal the dragon egg or for stream sniping we’re trying to steal the dragon egg wait hold up I’m gonna ask him cuz if it’s for trying to steal the dragon egg like we may as well just like uh

You as well just like script our videos then like I’m sorry I can’t let your whole your video go to your whole video go to plan w f okay yeah that’s that’s the reason K said that the reason why I was asked for content is because I was trying to steal

The egg no he said because you were uh CL just mees me me saying that he got banned for trying for them trying to have a meeting for his like one of their videos I don’t know who but like for content and fishy kept on following them

Which I everyone was following it was I think you should be to follow them they’re getting banned maybe just like but he did tell you to go that’s what no he D me it oh is just a the tip of uh no the topping wait the icing on the cake tip of the

Ice basically saying yeah I going to say the tip of the iceberg it just fishy and V they told themy I thought I thought we were like not like bro why are people taking so long to gear up bro like I don’t know they’re actually taking way longer than

Usual like on Arcane bro everybody was like like maxed out because of the hero of the village de shers yeah it’s because of the venomous but like still they’re string dupers bro like we got not too hard to first day the second day we are max out cuz

Bro people move out once they their base is found that’s what they do they move out yeah like our base has been found like half the server and we don’t care it’s literally been griefed bro I’m not moving exactly and Char for k bro like I don’t know what the [ __ ] she’s

Doing like every time she’s on she I don’t all she’s doing is typing but like I swear to God I’m not even joking every time she’s been on she’s been typing compling or am I wrong no wonder they on a base to keep have every are you still banned fish he’s banned

For three days no it’s one day now that’s fair you should be banned already anyways so yeah you should be like permanently banned that real and but actually no Arcane he was way more he was way less strict than Arcane no they were if tricks was still here this guy would already

Banned like no but tricks would ban people for like first few days and then after they would just like never get banned ever again even they would even after they would do B like [ __ ] which is dumb there’s always me getting banned bro be right back I’m GNA get water okay

Fishy are you fine with your ban because I think you should be you should you’re lucky that it’s like not permanent so I don’t know wait didn’t you say Quest finale was today tomorrow anyways you should play that is if you’re watching Dragon Frid stream cloudy fix your server so gold FS work

Please why do I see the hardcore [ __ ] doesn’t matter it’s not hardcore wait Slinky do you have any allies no are you looking for any allies no okay were you gonna ask yeah but like I guess you don’t need any so doesn’t matter we already have a team of five that’s pretty

Big and I as well M’s messaging me Yeah I’m back I need to wait you’re unbanned fishy fishy okay oh wait I didn’t even realize I was on the server apparently he’s not Banning me until he talks to 10 more and 10 is like okay I probably wasn’t going to get in anyways but 10 said that he’s not gonna

Vouch me for Bliss anymore that’s funny that’s actually really funny I mean like I’m not going to vouch you for Bliss anymore how dare you do this to me on the py P one sec it’s hilarious hilarious it really is bro the thing is I was going to give him

The dragon egg even if I [ __ ] nabbed it cuz he signed a contract and I apparently even though I built him an entire base uh apparently we weren’t teamed you know cuz apparently an entire base isn’t enough actually wait I just realized something I think I know the true reason why uh

Servers like Quest are more lenient it’s because they dick suck me probably I don’t even know what qup is bro it’s uh you know 81 FPS all you need to know is seon one in it’s already bad so I don’t know who that is bro that’s honestly probably a good thing actually

81 yeah 81 he was in Arcane yeah he he was an AR member but he makes some pretty buns videos f hey Flex yo wa V do you have a Anvil uh no oh did the one break I’m killing VM like I’m jumping V why did I get I really press mending okay

Ro is crazy I’m getting ripped off okay uh no is anybody still on the VC oh well then GG’s oh okay oh God please bro only respiration yeah I get scammed is anybody in the VC right now bro schlog I’m going go get IR I’m my Arcane [ __ ] is still on here dude

Dude by okay I’m back oh everyone’s gone okay H oh that’s where all the pings are from okay so we can close Discord now which we can turn up the Music okay I’m not going to be on for much longer but uh chat I’m R okay join VC no I don’t want to maybe later got arechar to toy every new Toyota comes with Toyota that’s the value you can from Toyota Toyota Let’s Go Places Disney

What is this lore going on inside chat right now something I don’t know what’s going on about what only a stack and too I I thought thought it was more broken than that Whatever Toy of toyotathon every new Toyota comes with Toyota care that’s the value you can from Toyota Let’s go places with got to be metallics I’m anything but dull I don’t just stand out I shine I make an impact that lasts that’s great I decide be whoever

You want I didn’t actually ask for your opinion on that so yeah thanks for going back to the music really appreciate it uh VI really should have used so much you’re about to die you’re die oh wait these can be break oh who can to get the dirt

Guys it’s me and the and the and the Charlie gang Me and Charlie gang it’s me and the Charlie gang you already know it’s me and the Charlie gang if you’re finally ready to take a trip without the shut why stay at a hotel with more Kids get an Airbnb and get a place to yourself a holiday can be a struggle but this year I have some help check Nik Nike WTF there some crazy lore going on in the chat right now oh fishy Bud kids never Mind away it’s going to use the stone cutter I wish there was a better way to do This For Oh wait everyone left yeah everyone left that’s crazy guys I got the server all to myself Now When your hotel room is your bedroom and your living room and your dining Room maybe you need more than a hotel room get an Airbnb and get more space toy to TOA from Toyota toy n You misspelled fruit uh I think it’s purposely misspelled so I can have a original name but yes it is Misspelled H oh my good If you’re finally ready to take a trip without the kids why stay at a hotel with more Kids get an airbn and get a place Ignore the embarrassing shot Oh dang it thought I got it okay what W H Where am I suppos to go they already get out person for oh 10’s going to be mad oh holy moly how far back does this go oh no oh no oh my gosh this go all the way back okay someone that is someone else’s problem not mine you say that what Hello Al hello Allison crop uh I this is the nether Hub I’m building the nether Hub it’s like where all the portals are connected no one was going to do it so I decided I going to do it so that’s that’s what this is if you were

Wondering take this shot all right I wouldn’t oh wait is it almost connected oh dang I didn’t need that many slabs that’s pretty crazy are I sure I’m sure okay it doesn’t matter I’ll come back if uh if it’s if I need more I need do these stone bricks now it’s Stone

Time let’s get some stone bricks no one’s on right now I want these creepers for gun Ah that’s crazy looting three didn’t drop a single one that’s pretty lucky I’ll put it in the Mystique chest oo how did I not see these bro9 and99 for a music app and9 for a

And more for of others that reallys up so why not get you premium for .99 wow that’s great but uh can I skip this ad can I skip skip skip this ad canash he I use the Java edition of Minecraft I forgot I was muted this is the Java edition of Minecraft yeah fix That all right stone brick stair time I skip these ass I don’t like the stone brick stair part it’s like uh it’s just annoying to Do wait it’s right here I’ll probably need more watch this it’s going to land right next to the furnaces I missed this is going to land right next to the furnaces that’s what I thought see I’m just such a good gamer definitely not because I’m oh my gosh I did not expect That OWI I do not have yeah might as well use my pearls I’m going to get some more back at base later uh what could I do I’ll put my shield away so I can grab this also this is a white Shield that means that I’m a spawn Builder right now

I’m building spawn so people can’t attack me however if you can see in the TBL list above right there no one is online because I’m no one wants to play with me oh I sa where are you At look like like stop Please You stop like like like stop like like stop like like please for the gas are my odds they just don’t stop okay you don’t know how many gas I’ve shot that I am the gas killer you just can’t hit me please stop it’s not fun these are easy

Stairs I wanted to do these before I do the hard Ones what a nice guy break free from your device contracts to T-Mobile and we’ll pay off yourone and upgrade you to a new gole pixel pixel on us only about a stack okay it’s fine probably need more later okay I ran out oh on okay oh my gosh All I missed don’t pay attention to That Oo that was close she Right Yep we got I was muted uh you you have a nice time have a nice day at night I mean it’s good to get sleep all righty What is this bro When your hotel room is your bedroom and your living room and your dining Room maybe you need more than a hotel room get an Airbnb and get more space that’s it that’s it I’m done oh my gosh I have so many left over stairs that was very bad I think yeah it did what happens if I turn off my brightness oh yeah that’s pretty dark

Maybe I’ll set up some glowstone or something yeah that’s some Clow Bro you’ve been streaming for 5 hours oh I didn’t notice I’ll probably end stream very soon h Um chains hello hello hi hi I’m on my phone right now soing a brand new award system that lets you elevate your favorite games to bronze silver or gold icon status are you streaming hi God hi stream I’m not have to change my my name because like it’s now not my birthday so

Oh that’s pretty sad yeah my birthday was today so then you’re going to love what the US government has just announced see days AG all right now it’s just flux what variant did you pick a Neil oh I’m I picked that I picked an Neil yeah a lot of people

Did it’s like speed gem yeah minus the speed part yeah and the only ability is speed storm but like a lot more slower We’re hold back yeah M He H Your custom everywhere any up your G withal posters H h h [Applause] A a [Applause] a h H A banana uh h oh let’s check contamination contamination looks pretty good or I’m just blind wait wait where did they go they went over there okay okay what could you possibly H be heading towards there’s nothing here yeah that’s what I thought oh h oh h h H h for the ending stream I’m so tired the Kaboom wowowowow okay

This video, titled ‘Spawn n Such [Psycist SMP]’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2023-12-27 04:35:54. It has garnered 77 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:45:05 or 20705 seconds.

Playing minecraft and Building yayayay

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  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

    NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado🔱NAVY SEALS🔱NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CORONADO”We train for war and fight to win…”——————————————————–⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

    It’s like that one friend who refuses to update their phone even though it’s ancient technology. Read More

  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts In Minecraft, lying in bed so real, Creating a cozy spot to feel. VABLOCK shows us how it’s done, In the world of blocks, we all have fun. Crafting dreams in pixelated land, With VABLOCK, we understand. Lying in bed, a simple delight, In Minecraft, we sleep tight. So follow along, let’s build and create, In this blocky world, there’s no debate. VABLOCK’s tutorials, clear and concise, In Minecraft, we find our paradise. Read More

  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

    Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft Nether portals from different hearts leads me to… a whole lot of confusion and lost items in the lava! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

    Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11 Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11: Tôi Và NeyuQ Farm Đồ Cho Cuộc Chiến Thị Trấn Hòa Bình Vs Ghost Wing In the latest episode of Siro’s Minecraft Mega SMP series, the focus is on the intense battle between Thị Trấn Hòa Bình and Ghost Wing. Siro and NeyuQ team up to gather resources for this epic showdown. Teamwork and Strategy Siro and NeyuQ demonstrate excellent teamwork as they work together to farm resources. They understand the importance of preparation in a battle and are determined to emerge victorious. Resource Gathering The duo spends hours collecting essential items such as… Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 ⚙️『Facebook』 ⚙️『Instagram』 ⚙️ 『Treat』 ⚙️ 『Youtube』 #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation! Minecraft 1.21 Preparation: Excavating Journey Ruins and Crafting a Blaze Trap Lantern Exciting Adventures in Minecraft Survival Meikyan embarks on another thrilling Minecraft survival journey in the Java edition, normal mode. With a focus on creating a stylish world, she delves into the world of exploration and survival with a touch of elegance. Catering to both newcomers and younger audiences, Meikyan aims to provide an enjoyable experience for all. Exploring Journey Ruins Venturing into the ruins of a journey, Meikyan uncovers hidden treasures and mysteries. As she digs deeper into the ruins, she encounters fascinating artifacts and structures, adding… Read More