Video Information

All right hello everyone I got to sit down in my chair there you go there you go hello everyone my name is AOS uh I’m playing elen rings as you guys can all see again with next to right now next to rle um I can change the thumbnail really

Quick but other than that everything is set up what we’re going to do today is we’re going to just pretty much explore some things I want to do some dungeons I want to do dungeons okay um okay there you go I just changed the thumbnail hopefully it’s not like

Banded like last time face pink drinking tea rip ryer rip rip ryer hold on did the thumbnail change thumbnail is still changing apparently right here next to rle look at even rle is sad that uh that Roger died hold on I got to double check Che make sure the thumbnail actually changed

Face P drinking tea oh thumbnail didn’t change for me also hello n up uh and mapping animations all right uh did the thumbnail change for you guys can you guys double check it on my phone it did not change there it should have there was nothing um bad about it this

Time I might have to close my my phone though like my my YouTube app though let me see professional professional streamer professional streamer my thumbnail is um not there for me but oh well it’s probably there for you guys not for me I don’t really

Know why it’s not there but it did it did it did okay okay for me it did change for me it’s not there but I guess it is for you guys so I guess that’s good let’s see stream notifications a professional professional streamer by the way um

There you go there you go there you go there there everything set up there everything Prof professional professional there you go shut down my computer I don’t need that on everything set up okay we could heal him again uh okay I have this one there’s no point in

Getting these ones it’s since you know F off camera while I was exploring I did find some zones here which I wanted to show you guys and I did find a tower which is right here I I died here let’s see well I guess we’re loading also uh

The internet might be uh bad on my side oh did the stream end okay as soon as I said that I think this nope hello hello am I still live my internet’s garbage today for some reason reason I don’t know why whenever it rains it’s just it’s it becomes garbage

Like actually it becomes so bad if it’s raining like this I outside of my house um but whenever it rains it my internet becomes so bad so if my stream ends randomly I figured out how to do this off camera you had to do this okay but my stream randomly ends

It’s because of that okay I I can’t I have no control over that so yeah I can’t control the rain rle he might be able to though okay but I can’t so if the stream randomly and it’s because of the rain in my in my wherever I live and it is

Messing with my internet it’s lagging yeah it’s whenever it rains my oh he’s using ice magic he’s not even poisoned also lagging also lagging yeah well like I can’t fix that there’s nothing I can do to fix it I I I actually can’t fix it R rip

Rer he’s still not poisoned how is he poison resistance no way he’s still not poisoned there’s no way I used all my spells on him he has to be poison resistance Ste he has to be poisoned I I hit him with all my my poison breath every single spell 1 2

32 face pink drinking team face pink drinking team he has to be IMM to my to my magic what does he give me what is this is this worth what is that spell he’s doing what is that spell he’s doing I have no idea

Yeah 1 2 3 two when it’s when I’m on my um PC or my my whatever Fri physics what is the point of what is this I don’t know how strong that enemy is I have no idea how what the spell he’s doing I have no idea what that is

Should we make a page for spaghetti demon person blue eating spaghetti person blue eating spaghetti person blue eating spaghetti he’s almost dead this thing’s almost dead I he better give me like at least the one million SP head he better give me $1 million 900 he’s so strong and only 900

He gave me nothing he gave me he gave me nothing cuz this me material of futility okay really there’s no way after all that he give me nothing time for striking okay um I didn’t I didn’t search this place because I wanted to do it on camera on stream so I didn’t even

Go inside of it I just like S I went on top of the roof and I saw that there was an entrance and that’s all so I don’t have any magic though so um now I’m out of magic I think these are one of the towers that give me um more

Magic more of the whatever they’re called so yep spaghetti mon should we make a page for spaghetti demon maybe if you guys want to okay this is how it’s raining this is how bad it’s raining outside of my house a storm um what do we get what do we get

And a memory Stone oh yeah this is how we get more magic okay so okay now I need to get down um but the door is locked so how I probably to jump on that thing again okay also f lagging I have like a Wi-Fi extender thinky it it broke like it just

Doesn’t want to reconnect um so if I’m lagging also it’s because of the rain that makes my internet garbage and my extender thing why do I do an emote I I land it and then I just emote I didn’t even click on it it broke it doesn’t want to reconnect

So actually I didn’t even need to jump on this I could have just jumped straight to the top yeah but it it broke so my Wi-Fi uh extender thingy so I get better wi-fi in my room is broken so um yeah also look at this you guys if you

Guys ever play Elder Rings If you guys go to Lenny’s rise there is a XP farm right here you guys do this he jumps off look that instantly $1,900 you guys saw that on the bottom right how much money money I get you guys just keep doing this is what I was

Doing pretty much off camera and then you sit back down mhm you guys sit back down and then you guys get back up and um let’s see and then he respawns he he he’s invisible until you get close he’s like a he’s like a trap um enemy you see he spawns

In you do that and then he dies and you get free money so if you play alen Rings just do that and he gives you around $2,000 each time if you do use one of these items right here which are the golden pickled feet they give you double

The money so he gives you like around 3,000 and if you have a special item like I don’t have it but I searched it up um I know where to get it I just haven’t gotten it yet it gives you double money as well so that’s what I was doing pretty much

Off camera I I only farmed for a little bit cuz yeah anyways what we’re going to do today is we’re we’re going to explore there is a dragon I saw a dragon here I’m not I’m not ready to fight that Dragon this whole area I’m I’m way too

Weak to be in this area so we’re going to go over here um we did the dungeon over here and there is a secret side dungeon over here I do know that I’m just I think I need some sort of poison resistance we found the Shack off camera I went here also

Off camera um let’s see let’s see should we exp explore this way because I never found a way how to get down there right here let’s see where do I go where where where do I go do I explore this side or the left side winter GD thanks for expanding the

Team and Page let’s let’s explore this way I’m going to drink water water break I woke up like at 9: so that’s how I was late also I was trying to reset my my internet to fix it and that didn’t work so yeah one two 3 two so I have to buy

Another brand new extender Wi-Fi thing I’ll just buy another one mine was old I think mine was like 2 or 3 years old already so yeah they have like brand new ones already so I’ll just buy a brand new one they’re not that expensive so oh there’s a dungeon a dungeon these guys

Point you to dungeons I guess we’re doing a dungeon okay I like doing dungeons okay okay so my internet might be laggy for the past couple of next streams because of that um because of I got PR my interet bad I got premium verle your name is just like Ral

Actually your name is just Ral okay nope it was a trap he escaped because I didn’t want to die to these things oh I died I should have just used my magic I should have used my magic right away okay okay also the thing is I didn’t

Upgrade none of my health I have still that’s what you say LOL ER that’s what you says like face purple raindrops is making you lag yeah no I’m lagging because my internet’s bad so if I lag out I probably won’t be able to reconnect the stream so just letting everyone know if

Today’s stream is shorter that that’s the reason it might be laggy for the next couple of streams too since I had to buy one of those internet thingies again and I know I got to order one like on Amazon or something and it’s going to take a while so anyways I’ll do that

Later I’ll probably order it soon and I got to do that and then my internet will be better hopefully there might be a there might be a special boss nearby cuz those guys only show up when there’s a special B oh yeah there’s a boss up there those trees there’s bosses

At the trees and those guys show up at the at the the trees okay let’s get off of this I see him really okay don’t escape run Dodge Dodge sword Dance I got sord dance okay oh they cancel it they canceled my spell okay okay I didn’t think they would be

Able to cancel my spell I I didn’t think they could cancel they’re not chasing you any more though okay we got we got sword dance I don’t even have a sword I I have a spear so I don’t know if there’s a spear dance spell they just they left me okay give

Me this herba what it’s actually called herba dead and aead see precious item that’s the troll you people probably jumped down there thinking there was a precious item people listen to those little things on the floor like way too seriously sometimes and they actually jump off time for

Grass okay think that there’s some here technically you know no never mind never mind um okay roads and catacombs okay let’s see whatever these catacombs does to me it might do something okay so oh also yeah we got new spells we could hold one more spell okay so should

We put on we did get a cool this one blood flame but I can’t use it on my weapon right now um swiftly flings numerous shark Rock shards this one might be pretty good but I need some sort of ranged attack I’ll go for the frenzy yellow Flame

Okay so oh I hear a trap be wary of right oh so that guy’s a trap okay on purpose was he not a trap on purpose I’m pretty sure he was like there’s no way look that be where right I heard something and I immediately dodged how did the guys died to

Him how I I get that guy’s a mage but still be wary of right it was only that one guy okay I I don’t even know how be wary of right oh hold on let me put on my my Lantern so you guys could actually see

Okay there you go you guys are not blind anymore okay that guy I get if they almost died too but the other guys no like they do so much damage I need to upgrade my health my health is so low um it’s not that high I need to get higher

Health let’s see let’s see let’s see friendship okay oh wait this is already opening the boss door but where was the boss Yes somewhere a heavy door opened oh what did I what did I release I heard something now I released something bad maybe oh I need these to upgrade my dogs

Okay so I need those for my dogs oh wait I saw that guy go through there oh no what he shot me I didn’t even know he had a bow oh there was two of them it was a trap okay let’s try to get them up here

And then we and then we could to double attack them all right that’s my main goal for this enemy really it’s the enemies that don’t follow you I don’t like those types of enemies yeah know he’s just going to stay there he’s not coming up oh he

Did okay there was another guy though where did where did he go where did he go there was two of them there was two of them I’m not trying to die to the second one okay and make sure yeah okay really all that for Runar like I guess that’s good but

Like really that’s not okay be wary of Boss okay I don’t have enough items for the boss hidden path ahead oh there actually was sometimes they liy and there was no hidden path ahead tunnel ahead and boss ahead oh it’s the actual boss room but there’s still a whole other area I didn’t

Explore plus I have no money on me I have I might have enough actually I might have enough to be able to beat him uh let’s fight the boss and then we’ll explore the rest of the dungeon might as well right so we’ll see whatever is over here seek slug decoy ahead okay

What was this oh my gosh the slug is over here oh the snail is the one controlling him okay it’s over here I think right what is this what is this what is this yeah okay wolves you guys get in he’s right here now okay my wol they

Died oh my gosh how how how did that not get me come back over here a Teleport Turtle snail over here how how did that hit me he’s right there I have no Health Dodge okay okay I have to get the turtle there you go that this guy is so

Strong that turtle was weak but this guy I said Turtle I know I said Turtle but I meant snail um okay no problem Nita no problem Nita okay um I have no magic I have actually I have magic I have no I have no I have no healing spells actually I

Do I have a healing magic Spell equipped but um okay let’s go explore the rest of the dungeon I guess might as well okay um I had to use like all my spells I had to use everything on the on these guys secret ahead something incredible oh can I use my flame Magic

Here oh there was two if I knew there was two I would have been able to hit the other guy okay I like this spell this aspects of The Crucible horns I want to get the rest of the Spells cuz I know there is more aspects of The Crucible magic so

I want to get more of that type of magic okay so um I have one magic spell left I want to try to not use all mine okay human bone shards and watch doog staff okay that thing what is that hold on it might just be a oh never mind it’s

An actual staff I can’t use it but I thought it was like a magic staff likely trap be wary of trap therefore be wary of left oh Okay I might have to use my healing spell I can’t use my healing spell it cost way too much magic okay it costs too much magic I have to use all my magic spells before I do that um I have to double check how do

These guy die okay I have to be cautious now I have no okay so somebody hereit hit him from in front Okay but who who hit him who hit him how did you die I’m cautious because I have no healing items with one hit from these guys and I am

Dead one a hit and I’m dead I’m trying to be as cautious as possible rolling ahead try attacking this is a trap look at that that guy is the biggest trap person ever look at him there’s another guy there and one there you’re a trap I know That okay I don’t have magic now I have this is my final magic spell I’m going to use it on my healing Magic okay I should be healing slowly um this is going to be kind of hard especially with no magic at least they’re not like that

Smart if they were smart this would be way harder if these guys were smart they would be way harder all right there has to be more than those two right like there’s no way um I’m looking around everywhere I’m looking around everywhere I am not trying to die I have no healing

Magic this has to be a trap still didn’t expect hit uh the first off Target I think it’s safe now I think it’s safe I think it’s safe hopefully hopefully okay there you go really that’s it real lucaria ashes I guess it was safe I killed all them I thought it

I thought I was going to die there I had I’m so cautious I have no flasks no healing no more magic uh nothing oh my I forgot there was a trap there I forgot there was a trap low quality only for me he let’s see um hello sink is the stream

Low quality only for you it’s for everybody um my internet’s garbage for some reason it’s raining a whole bunch in my house I think and uh you know you know and my internet’s garbage I my Wi-Fi extender thingy did not want to work so for me it’s 180p it’s 144p but I

Could change it to 1080 I I don’t know if you guys could do it click on the little whatever the the Cog wheel whatever the gear and then just change it on from there if it’s too low for you guys cuz I could change it up to 1080 on my phone

At least so yeah but right now I have my phone set up to 144 because and then I’m going to be more laggy the stream yeah I changed the max quality you changed it and it’s still it’s still laggy oh um also I remember there’s a secret area over here I never did

This let me just double check it I might lag my entire stream but I want to see it still looks horrible yeah it does look bad okay it do not change nothing it’s my internet then yeah know my internet must uh be actual garbage today I don’t really know why

It’s not that bad but it’s pretty bad compared to the other times it’s it’s it’s not good yeah know I I put it back to 144 but I did double check it now um yeah like I guess it’s better than 144 but it it’s not it’s still kind of bad

Um I can’t really change that since my Internet is just garbage today so I I I can’t change that so yeah Internet Is Random uh let’s see how much money do I have 9 I can’t buy nothing okay so there was this secret no okay um we’re going to try to we’re

Try to getting I can’t speak we’re going to try to get up here maybe if we can give me whatever this is a really all that for a twig all that for a twig really um let’s see where could I work from here can I get up anywhere yeah you

Can’t control the quality of your internet yeah Internet is just random like I don’t even know how internet works you guys know how internet works like I’m not a boomer okay but like technically Internet is just like in the air pretty much right oh I guess I can’t

Get up there from here I I I wanted to try to see if I could do that like pretty much right like uh yeah it’s cuz like no one really invented the Internet it was already here we just started using it everyone says that one guy invented it when he

Didn’t um I don’t know who it was like Albert Einstein or something there’s a boss um so technically it was already in the air or where however it works and the satellites in space yeah yeah but there would be for what was that okay yeah but I’m not an internet

Expert I am a YouTuber meaning we’re not smart well I guess there is smart YouTubers um but not me all right I got that I have 85 IQ so yeah 85 IQ equals a not smart hold on how did I wasn’t there a big giant tree not that

One it was more that way okay oh I should have collected this what are they throwing at me are they throwing sleep magic potions be smart in everything um let’s see you can if you have like a super good memory you don’t even have to be smart you still memorize

Everything my country’s average IQ is one 100 what is the average of of America okay I think I don’t know what the averages in America I don’t know if it’s that high I know like China and Japan they’re smarter than like everybody U I think I’ve been here yeah I think I’ve

Been here yeah so there’s a secret boss there but how do I get up there that is the the that’s the place I want to go to up there and I think I did this right I’m going to double check I’m just going to see if there’s any items though if

There’s none I guess I’ve not been there fire mon 8 in America 98 oh I guess you guys are smarter than us well I guess that’s kind of not that hard right we’re not that smart um so yeah anyways let’s see let’s see there is this area I could explore this area but

The thing is I don’t have any poison but just depends on your intelligence too yeah it does it does there’s okay those crabs should I explore this area this point area maybe I should um let’s see there’s some sort of building to the right and then there’s some building over here to the

Left you know what let’s explore it we’re already here we might as well explore it let’s see just run past those crabs those crabs onot you like every single Dark Soul if you play a Dark Souls game you play an alen Rings game they are the most strongest enemies ever

Like I don’t even know why the crabs are like the most strongest enemies in every single of these types of games like not even the monsters or the Dragons It’s the crabs and they’re so strong oh look she’s back I just ignore her no okay let’s see oh it’s you well

What do you make of it what’s happened to this Village they died I witnessed a sight much the same in my infancy the oppression of the weak murder and pillage unchecked I’m just standing on top of them Nightmare made by men mhm yep but this time I’m a woman

Grown and though the suffering cannot be undone I can still meet out justice justice to the oppressors let the scars I oh I didn’t mean to skip it I meant to try to crouch I’m a woman grown and though the suffering cannot be Justice to the oppressors let the scars I carve

Remind them I am nef L I would say am somewhat smart mhm I am 85 IQ so I think I’m pretty Smart Dodge no I didn’t mean to use that okay I have never taken IP test I think there’s a free one online somewhere I took a free one I didn’t actually buy an IQ test because you know oh they like like they attack like the guys from um bloodborne a larva tier

What what what is a laral tiers for I don’t even know oh there’s a a save point hold on okay that that’s I guess kind of good let’s see what do this guy want though dot dot dot the village is done for please even if it’s just for you old alus hide

Well I hide well and still what wait hold on what what hold hide well and still k your breath oh so they were hiding in this well and they did not survive there’s no way they survived hiding in the well oh I should have been activating those I have not been activating those

Whatever those summoning circles time for a hiding place okay there’s not really a hiding place here but okay let’s see anything Secrets anything secret we’re going to explore this area though I don’t really know what it’s about but move and I want to change a magic actually let’s see I I want to

Change my let’s get rid of this one and this one and then let’s put instead of this crazy one let’s try this one out and put this one let’s see how good it is it’s not bad it might be pretty good okay so it says Dragon Warrior wait

What there better not be a dragon here let me use my Crucible praise the bridge um Dragon let’s hope there’s no dra oh you really I expected somebody strong there’s no way there that that’s that’s it arm the head oh there was another part of the the place up there

How did I not notied that strange sword there’s no way that that that really there has to be more taking an IQ test R there has to be more to this how how did that not how ow magic does so much damage to me armorment thee what is this armor oh

Crystal oh oh wa a Crystal Sword I know crystal magic is so strong um okay okay let’s see how strong oh wait did I see something uh no okay so a crystal CST sword oh and you’re taking IQ test okay let’s see what your score is mine was 85 so um

Crystal Sword okay that’s pretty strong and it does magic damage okay um that’s not bad yeah not bad but I I’m I’m a faith user so I need to use some something with faith oh there’s something here too it’s 25 minutes 25 minutes to take it to for that IQ

Test let’s see I did a stream um on an IQ test I did a stream about if you find that website I used I forgot if the website was but it it’s a free IQ test and it takes like 5 minutes uh I don’t know how accurate it was but I you know

I I have now 85 IQ now so yeah I forgot what the website was though so it’s not bad that spell but it’s kind of weak that new one I’ll use it though I could pretty much just Spam that one let’s see where did I come from oh

Yeah I to do five minutes to I came from down there and I have to go up here how do I not notice this I’m actually blind how did I not notice this at all is a person in here seek stealth oh what are you using oh he’s using he’s using like Mist

Perfume Magic I don’t have any right now I want that I want that magic I instantly died I have to get my money back that’s $10,000 I had I wanted his cape it looks kind of cool I’m going do if do five minutes too okay uh did not expect for me to die

Um wow anyways anyways also do you guys like my thumbnail my professional 100% uh super good thumbnail I died okay it’s cuz the thing is I am too weak Oh wrong one um you know we could make ourselves a bit stronger we’re going to cheat well it’s not really cheating I just hav

Don’t want to really use these but look at my health there you go I got stronger now I made myself more stronger I need to get my money back I need to get my money back I’m not trying to die that’s $10,000 I wouldn’t be wasting

Why am I using fire magic against the guy that you know uses fire and he healed himself I just noticed he healed himself again okay what did he give me really all that for a cave Moss no way he gave me just all that for a little cave Moss mela’s

Lily really that that that’s so bad like no way that that okay you I don’t even know what to say that’s how bad it is a cave Moss I could find in the first cave you ever go to friend ahead try rolling who please no de me

I hav a clue no secrets lie with me not a one oh please leave me be wait then you’re not one of them well what a relief I’m going get like a disease or something he’s coughing on me goodness me an eler IQ in my brain hasn’t even

Fully developed as you can see we’re finished the curers have destroyed everything mhm no one that remains has their wi you know I have to retake it I’m pretty sure I’m smarter than 85 IQ but um yeah you look after this Medallion you must keep it out of the

Cur pic tree secret Medallion right and if you can please give it to her I didn’t see it who do I give it to The Medallion is only a quaint treasure but for dear latena latena so I did I L try attacking so when I’m older I

Should be smarter than right now he died he he died I didn’t do anything I all I did was speak to him he used all his breath to speak to me you know what okay Ivory sickle oh um okay you know what not my fault he

Just you know also I got the good spear this one here the grave scye is apparently super good I had to farm for it and I got two in a row they’re like 5% chance to get and I got two in a row off camera uh so I got a grave sickle or

No what was it called grave something Ivory Ivory Ivory knife Ivory Ivory ior iory let’s see ior there you go Ivory dagger sickle it’s kind of garbage it’s actually pretty bad what is that oh someone died here how do people die in these areas like there’s no enemies here there’s no way

People die here like they have to be actually so bad at the game there’s no way like that actually like this guy I could see you be war of right I I could see him like you have to be actually blind to die with you guys like actually

Blind someone actually died to him look how you have a spear you have a spear you have a long range weapon and he died you have to be like actually like really bad games if you die to enemies that are so easy wait what did it say likely Trap House

Ahead how there’s no trap inside of there okay anyways let’s go over here on the other side of the bridge Dragon Bridge maybe I don’t want to use magic actually I don’t want to use that much magic okay give me whatever you gave me really a Glenstone butterfly all that for a

Butterfly give me my health back oh I have Max Health never mind okay I guess I had maxed Health you know what okay so we could summon in somebody oh this is neph Luke’s ne neph ne the the lady from down there all right I guess this is

What’s gon to happen Okay Okay Okay neph L Lo LX Lux I don’t know how to say her name actually so hello hey and then we summon in our strong wolves then we use a Litany of I I equipped the wrong spell I equipped lety a proper death and not the

Boon okay I equipped the wrong spell I I I didn’t even notice that oh never mind we were going to give them a healing buff but I guess I can’t so we get our equip we have only two more magic spells which I guess isn’t

Bad we we get all these Roa Roa fruits okay who is the main enemy you are you a boss you have to be a boss what is that lightning magic Omen killer Omen killer go for him go go for them not for me I’m the good

Guy I’m the I’m the main character in this game I think so go for the NPCs and then I attack you from like a far away they’re easy The Omen killer is actually easy that was it that was not a boss nly loix return to the world I want to do your

Lightning magic how do I do lightning magic a crucible non to Talisman okay I want to do the OM killer is surely a bad Omen it views you as a bat Omen liar ahead oh he was not that that was not a boss fight that boss fight was

So easy maybe I just got stronger at the game okay um oh no they’re gone my wolves they despawned okay so they gave me some sort of crstal Talisman thingy I have to double check whatever that is what is oh it’s one of these runes I was like

Wait what is that glowing thing okay so there has to be some sort of secret here no way that that was it a rarc okay run arcs are pretty op um so at least those are good really though like I I don’t I can’t believe that that was the

Boss that has to be one of the easiest bosses I’ve ever fought in this game um seek precious item there’s no precious item you lied to me um let’s see yep okay I guess that was it is she still going to be down there I want to check that really

Quickly so I’ll teleport to the Village let’s see yep the OM killer is surely a bad Omen all right oh actually let’s uh let’s uh let’s uh change my spell since I apparently equipped the wrong spell which is pretty bad this one right here ly of proper death is so bad like it’s

It’s garbage all right there you go now I have the actual spell I enjoy these live stream you enjoy these live Li streams live streams I also enjoy these Li streams let see she’s gone okay where did she go now she might be at the round table I got to check the

Round table now I think this is to increase her Quest she has a quest line and then she becomes I think a king or something or queen I think um I did a little searching like on like online and stuff on how to do these quests so I do

Know a little bit what to do yeah she’s not here anymore so I think she is back at the round table or I guess the table of the Lost gra how long are you going to stream how long am I going to stream probably for like an hour longer maybe 1

Hour more pretty much yeah water break also everybody everybody drink water breath air um wait wait who whoa what wait what what happened I was about to drink water wait I’m being hunted I thought it was a safe Zone this not a safe Zone wait what happened what did I do to you

I just got here I drink a lot of water oh my gosh I I just got here he has what ever what is that magic he has meteor magic he has meteor magic he has meteor magic he has meteor he has no it’s gravity magic that’s what it

Is ow okay he didn’t even get stunned who was you what what I got attacked in the safe Zone I don’t even want to go there look at that look how scary that looks oh I did I got attacked on the safe Zone okay water break now actually water

Break unless I got to fight someone else okay okay what you know I don’t even know what to say there um yeah a clinging bone a fist weapon oh that’s the one he was using I guess I want to use gravity magic oh oh it was this guy the one I

Was standing here he gave me his whole armor oh oh okay um about encha oh my apologies for that nasty business Ena got rather ahead of himself it seems he attacked better don’t know I’d like to express my regret but now Ena is slain and gone finished forever

More oh ah yes allow me to Tender some advice in regard to the half of the secret Medallion you possess find the aloric woman she hides in a cave to the west of the lasia ruins which jot from the Mist shrouded Lake of Leonia she knows I had to find some sort of

Cave okay about to secretest of Laria okay okay okay so west of leonara which is here so somewhere over here on this side of the lake there is some sort of secret Medallion you know what you know okay at least I got cool armor his armor did

Look kind of cool all right let’s see what about you um garbage this actually not good at all ORD is a blade my my right weapon’s already a holy weapon so let’s see how good his armor was his armor better be good like you know it’s garbage really banished KN is is better

All right at least I know that it’s better than my carry on Knight it is better than my carry on Knight but it is worse they should use this one this armor is better it just has less holy resistance but no one uses holy magic in this game only

Me um let’s put that on uh twin t Knight okay okay the technically the one I have on is better okay so I guess I guess this one is better but you know we’ll keep it equipped and we got his feet which are oh this one’s better this one’s better banish

Knight I’m going to equip this I’m going to oh but if I die I might be heavy load I might be like way too heavy because I’m using this special um why my feet look like that look at my feet they look like duck feet I don’t

Like that it’s so distracting now that’s the first thing I noticed it’s like so obvious too okay let’s see let’s talk to Roger Roger no nothing new okay so at least I’m stronger now though so okay gretings are you here for Spirit yep I’m here for Spirit to tuning

Upgrade my wolves okay my wolves are now Stronger by how much I don’t really know let’s see what’s down here I think the lady should show up down here yeah ah you please leave me be it’s pathetic I know but I I need to think ah you please it’s pathetic I know

But really pathetic to think I I didn’t know that people think every single day I guess you know that makes everybody pathetic I don’t think so that makes no sense where you your arm okay but anyways I guess to her thinking is bad okay what should we up up I don’t

Know if I should upgrade this or I should upgrade my other spear I think I could use hold on we’re going to go and teleport away now we’re done with that area so oh I think I had to just sit down and and speak to her again hold on I got to

Continue I want to continue her Quest really quick so we’re going to be we’re going to sit down and then we’re going to stand back up and then we’re going to speak to her this is how you really this is how you reset quests so yeah if if you guys

Didn’t know that Al Alon Al Aline rings onion rings let’s see pae I know I guess never mind she says the exact same thing okay we’re going back to rle I did get a special book I need to give to rle hello Arthur E yep one two 32 and when when I’m

Streaming on my uh PS4 it’s not Japanese but when I stream on my PC it is Japanese so yeah okay we’re going to give a book to verle sad yeah sad I I can’t change the voice on this one like it doesn’t that’s sad yeah sad

Also I want to actually test my new weapon I got I might be too heavy to use it right I can’t use it I can’t okay um the spiked one is stronger and it causes blood build up but there’s also this one which is the spinnings golden

V there is the wing of Scythe I want to see what it does oh and the wing scy is a holy weapon so it does scale by Fate but this one here is apparently making me heavy all right maybe I’ll I’ll try using this one for a

Bit okay here you go R I got a book for you give prayer book give prayer of the fire monk oh what have we here very well let us both learn together heresy is not native to the world all things can be conjoined all so I got new incantations

Of fire monks oh flame momentarily Sparks a roaring flame from the hand surge o flame incinerates an area before Caster with a stream of fire we’re going to buy both of them okay by Ral bye Roo we’ll be back we need to go um change your spells and then we’ll we’ll come

Back and test them all right okay rle also I don’t need the holy magic actually my my weapon already a holy sword now so memorize spells we’re going to take that and that off and we got oh flame oh it’s better than catch flame and surge o

Flame all right let’s see verle since I got a brand new spell I’m going to show it to you I’m going to I’m going to not on you but you know over here okay this is what you taught me this is the magic you taught me verle that’s actually kind of better and

Then this is the other one you taught me verle what is this an actual flamethrower you taught me this verle you taught me how to do a flamethrower spell okay okay good job verle all right they’re both actually kind of good we’re going to keep them both on me okay

So I have a flamethrower spell now thanks to rle um how do I pet rle bow there you go that can’t pet rle but okay anyways verle taught me brand new magic which is actually kind of cool so now there is a thing that I did find we’re going to check whatever’s

Here actually let’s put a little marker down I did that cave already um let’s go here by rle there you go I didn’t want bad luck I said by Ral see I said it by Ral we’re going somewhere else and I hear policeman’s outside there’s always police I don’t

Know why there never used to there never used to be this many police and then all of a sudden I don’t know what happened but there’s there’s been like like so much police also how do I get up there over here is where there’s a secret tree boss up there

Yeah uh let’s explore this area really quick because those things give me good items all right if I do those they do give me good items so I do want to see how do I get up there that oh wait there there’s a oh have I not been here I I don’t even

Get I don’t have the I don’t have the item oh okay okay the thing is though how do I get the map there should there’s the boss I can see the boss oh okay is there should be a map in these zones but there isn’t it might be up

Here the map might be up there h okay then oh this will give me more magic okay I need more magic anyway so that’s actually pretty good um converted Tower seek passage ahead idation guide thee Kaku glint Stone IR addition what does that even mean IR addition guide thee what does

That even mean what do IR addition mean I don’t know I not I’m not smart I got 85 byq apparently so you know that is my excuse now um yeah air Edition I no idea what air Edition even means I’ve never heard of that weird do

I got to like do parkour I do I didn’t even know I could do that but I guess I I I have to do parkour praise the horse praise the horse why okay let’s see there are blood stains um um okay okay this has to be a trap

No oh okay that’s pretty good yeah memor how did you guys die you know what you they have to be bad at this game how how you just walk off you know what that’s not how you have to be so bad at this game really no way like I’m not

That good at this game either but like they’re they’re different type of bad because you just walk off a giant Tower and you thought you had like no fall damage or something I I you know what I don’t even know how all right we got a

New magic we’re going to go and equip it okay we could equip six Magics wow that’s actually a lot of magic um we’re going to equip the healing magic because it’s pretty strong all right there you go now that we have also a safe Zone um let’s explore the sides here because

There might there was another way up really there was another way up because look at this L lades this this leads down how did I not notice this yeah know and it’s right by the it’s right by this area I just was yeah look I was just over there

We’re going to explore right here the side area there might be a hidden dungeon um on the side of the cliff so or the wall so we’re going to look for a hidden dungeon they might B there might not there might not be a hidden dungeon but we’re going to see

If there is then I’ll do it but if there isn’t then I guess I won’t do it because there’s there wouldn’t be one um also thing is I’m poor now I have only 2,000 money yeah know just just a a trinas literally okay I guess we’re going to

Fight the boss might as well and we’re going to get maybe something good it’s for these flat these yellow pink drinking tea face pink drinking tea face pink te face pink drinking tea face pink drinking tea I am actually drinky drinky bringing on big giant Earth tree Guardian my wolves are stronger they

Shouldn’t die this fast oh Dodge Dodge wolves Dodge how did that not kill me how did that not kill me they’re poisoned they’re poisoned they’re poisoned just stay alive okay personally I don’t like tea it’s not the thing for me or I just make the tea very

Badly and that’s why it tastes bad I died I didn’t I shouldn’t have done that look how close the boss was to dying the boss might die when before I respawn oh never mind s America there’s no way I should I should have used fire in the beginning why did I poison them

Fire did so much damage all right that makes sense oh why poison really wouldn’t work on a tree um oh well on a tree monster I used poison instead of fire I I don’t even know why all right let’s see at least now I know

Who knew who knew oh I’m not strong now I can’t use my weapon I’m too fat now I’m too fast that’s is what I was thinking about yeah I can’t use certain items whenever I um I can’t even use my I can’t use this yeah I need to be more dexterity it’s

Because when I use that one item my my uh my things increase all my all my stats look at my magic Ro the D face pink Drink and tea the team and seems a PE get him wolf there’s one more wolf alive stay alive wolf stay alive for like a second he’s dead Okay okay um the thing is how do I cast my spell yeah that’s the thing though yeah I can’t my spells they take too long to cast that’s the bad thing about my spells that they C they take so long to cast um that’s the bad thing about

This also I’m I’m I don’t have my buff now cuz I died I to use my Rune Arc again but I don’t know how to find Rune arcs I know I can make them but I haven’t gone to the area to make them yet so right now I only have two and I

Don’t want to use all them why do I still have my wolves also the thing is is cuz I’m using wolves what wolves aren’t supposed to be that strong I’m dead oh how did that not hit me I was in the middle of casting of drinking my my my uh blue uh

Juice there’s no way it it I can’t can’t you guys got the moves get him get him get him get him get you guys could kill him before I respawn no oh look at the guy’s Health he was so close to dying I want to know I want to know what happens

If I die blue juice and blue juice yeah I was drinking blue juice God Rick heal free yep the human seems a Prest oh yep I’m actually drinking tea right now uh let’s see let’s see tea it depends on the type of tea I don’t like all the tea but some tea is

Good um okay I guess we got to summon it or you know what why don’t I summon my wolves okay and then we bless them there you go you guys have a blessing upon you guys you guys better not die now I don’t know why I was not blessing myself

Either I just instant die I instant die I instant die I’m way too weak I okay after I blessed my wolves you know I should have farmed and upgraded my health the thing is I did not upgrade my health at all I I I didn’t upgrade my health at

All that’s the reason I’m dying a lot too um yeah okay come out wolves we’re going to bless you again where oh they didn’t spawn in there you don’t D the blue juice because you didn’t drink the blue juice I just drank the blue juice and I died get him woles get

Him you guys missed get him wolves get him get him get him you guys are doing no damage to him yes you do your jobs wolves do the wolves do no damage the whole time the Wolves did no damage I think the whole time and I’ve been having the oh now they are

How blue juice watch out wolves oh it’s this spell is it after me it is you stay alive wolves I have I put healing Magic on you guys you guys can survive this more blue juice okay they’re after me the boss uh what’s behind me all right another spell more more blue

Juicy there you go I got him but my wolves died they sacrifice more blue juice there you go all of this for what did I get was it worth it was it worth it 5,000 money and a celan crystal tier and a ruptured Crystal tier is was that worth it at all

I have no idea you know what flamethrower BL juice this flamethrower is so bad I don’t have no more blue juice I I wasted it all okay um all right so we ran out of magic we beat the boss and I got nothing good

Okay so I got two flasks which I have no idea if it was even worth getting um but we got it though no idea how good that was but you know we’re we’re going to go check we have to go back anyways now so 5,000 monies that’s all I got not worth but

Okay all right I ran out of blue juice though I have red juice why do I have more red than blue juice that makes no sense let me let me go and change that in the thing because I need more magic than I than I needed to heal myself I don’t I

Rarely ever use all my healing Magics my healing spells let’s see um this one oh yeah this one you know what what flamethrower flamethrower is not that good but I I don’t know maybe cuz my magic right now is weak sadly restores HP from the time to time okay so I guess

That’s not bad restores half of my magic oh that one might be pretty good instead of this one and what else did I got I got boost dexterity no enhances charge attacks okay negates damage and Mak psychic that one pretty good actually causes concoction to explode why would I want that I

Die I want this one so if I take it I restore my blue I don’t know what happened anyways I restore my blue juice and I um I I what is it I what is it I am Invincible to uh damage for a while let me drink water hold

On I am let’s see press f for pay respect to flamethrower it’s not good flamethrower it is not good blue juice there I have more blue juice the flamethrower is not good so we could put on if only I could use this one could I

Use it on I can’t I just I tested it out last time um H we need different we need more magic I have no magic pretty much um this one maybe I know it was good so I might as well use it okay so we are going to go to up

Here all right we did that place we got I guess an OP stuff I don’t really know why I would want to explode but there might be a reason to explode I don’t know why though okay now we go this way cuz the guy said there is something on the left

Of the lake or the west side which is the left so so somewhere on the left side over here there is some sort of dungeon or something I I’m guessing it’s a dungeon like why okay is it this oh so there’s a boss fight here cuckoo’s ever

Go okay what else what else what is this no I’ve been there I’ve been there there’s a dragon over there I can’t fight the dragon let’s see another one of those singing thingies there’s no point of killing those they don’t really drop anything good um do I see anything over there no coku

Coku yep koku CKU oh how did I not see that I almost pass it there’s something righted over there righted jellyfish all right why are the jellyfish already mad though oh look at that jellyfish versus whatever those are lambs wolf whatever okay so it said on the the

Western side there should be something is it down there there’s something down there I don’t know if I could go down there okay but what are they protecting my give me give me give me give me give me jellyfish Shield oh my gosh they spit at me

Blood grease there we go oh my gosh they poison the poisonous okay jellyfish are poisonous if you guys didn’t know that jellyfish are poisonous who knew I I I totally knew that but you know give me this flowers give me everything we got we got their Shield we stole their Shield is

That why they were mad cuz like they got turned into a shield one of their best one of their best friends got but now they’re nice of oh what is that what is that is there another snail nearby genous genous oh look at that there’s another

One H we’re running past them okay we’re not fighting them that’s for sure all right so there is still nothing be wary of enemy I know there’s an enemy apparently nearby you it can’t be you oh I forgot they use these Magics how that did so much damage

I I couldn’t Dodge I ran out of M I ran out of stamina I ran out of stamina I have so much stamina but I I couldn’t Dodge or cuz I got stuck there one of the two I clicked on o I don’t know if I

Don’t know if you guys heard it but I clicked on o all right at least I lost $5,000 that’s like nothing I can’t buy nothing with that much money I need I need 20,000 to level up one time G um I yeah anyways we died uh we’ll try getting our stuff back

But 25,000 that’s like pretty much nothing okay AR G AR g yep AR G all right let’s see okay the thing is I’m too weak I have no magic oh not I have no um no Health okay let’s see if he gets over Here oh that okay um okay there is something there do you like pringus Pringles oh pringus what is what even is that Pringles um I don’t know yeah Pringles I guess they’re okay I haven’t had them in a while but Pringles Pringles Yep they’re

Not bad but I haven’t had them in like a couple years I clicked on the wrong spell how how did you not catch fire how did you not catch fire there’s no way he did not catch fire also I used the wrong spell because they’re both fire spells and I I didn’t read

Them okay there’s no way he did not catch fire okay um anyways what the dog doing yeah I don’t know what he’s doing why does the dog look like that he looks so weird the dog looks so weird uh anyways I don’t know how many days I’ll be able

To stream next week but I’m pretty sure I should be able to stream at least three days next week okay um it’ll be do Roblox probably Elden ring and something random I don’t know what else maybe the Minecraft since I wasn’t able to do Minecraft this week um but I’ll do

Those at least um yeah robox yep robox all right I keep dying to these same enemies the thing is I’m not good at this game he got po J Minecraft yep potato Minecraft I have no idea what that I don’t know if that’s what you said but potato

Minecraft all the wrong spell again the wrong spell again I clicked on the wrong spell these two magic spells confuse me no no how how did you not catch fire why are you stronger than the rest of them smithing Stone okay I guess that oh who shot me somebody shot me well it

Was you okay another guy oh I didn’t even notice it give me the item He had as a magic sword he has a magic sword Dodge I can’t Dodge oh my gosh run away run away he’s too strong he’s too strong okay I can’t I can’t use my my blue juice to give me your armor he gave me nothing

He he gave me he gave me nothing at all wow I want a magic sword that that that looks way cooler than my golden whatever holy holy spear that looks way more cooler I want that did it say it was a trap no I I didn’t read it

Oh oh I might lag out it’s voice n Joga Minecraft oh okay hello hello I think I’m am I am I out do you guys see that on the top right it said that my internet is bad that I can’t stream um okay there was two people shooting me though

Yeah um I’m still live but I don’t know if you guys saw that though um yeah okay so if my live stream randomly ends which it did say on the top right that my internet is bad I I looked at the screen on my phone it did also say that so

Um uh that’s not good for me and I guess all you guys that want to watch My Stream um yeah but it did say that my stream might end because it is bad internet there’s these guys that are like impossible to kill they’re weak to they’re they’re immune to Magic

Um I have to take over this place though I have to there’s a um a chest there no thought why is the stream in 34 bit Yeah know I don’t it said on my it said on my screen that the stream is going to lag that that’s pretty much exactly what it said

Who are you come here wolves okay give me the item it is a a Glenstone cuckoo it’s pixel yeah know it it said on mine that it might lag out the whole stream might lag okay yeah know it said my stream might end it actually said

That okay my you know I don’t even know why I’m lagging well I do but I also don’t know how to fix it I got his helmet cool effect yep cool effect what did I do cool effect okay let’s see if we can beat the pumpkin

Guy get him wolves I know that he is immune to magic all right I do know that and he’s if he hits you you’re pretty much Dead He’s poisoned he’s poisoned he’s poisoned we just have to survive wolves there go I am immune now yeah we beat

Him oh my wolves are they died really all this for a sanctuary Stone I could just find those at one of the ruins in the first area and I got a sanctuary Stone okay there’s you can just find those he only give me one I could find

Them and like and they give me like three or four and they respawn they respawn I’m not fighting all these enemies actually I kind of want to now run away what what did you guys see that sword magic whatever he did if only I had more magic I could have killed all

Them you guys get to live another day it is even more pixel it’s even more pixelated oh okay there must be some sort of safe Zone nearby I might end the stream then here um if it’s that pixelated I will probably end it since I don’t want you guys to just

Be watching a super pixelated stream um I can’t really fix that it should be fixed anyways by the next time I stream Elden Wings though so there is that but there is a map here okay but I don’t want you guys watching just a pixelated version uh a PIX pixelated

Screen so I probably going to end the stream here okay um effect smile cool effect smile yep cool effect smile okay let’s sit down there you go now let’s see we have the map right oh no we didn’t grab the map it’s up here we’re going to go and grab the map

All right he yep now uh map West lunaria West found okay so there is this boss we pretty much did all up here um oh wait what I didn’t even Explore all this there was a building there I was up here oh no I wasn’t up here that’s under there how do

I get up there there is no path up there there is no path there either huh okay so there is some sort of cave on the west side somewhere I have no idea where but apparently that’s what it told me there might be right here actually looks like

There’s a cave or something there the cave might be here um I had to check here I didn’t all I didn’t fully explore it um but this is where I was foot of the four belf okay oh oh oh I know what to do I know

What to do I remember this I think I think I saw something about it um I have to go back over there you know well let’s do that really quick we’ll do this really quick really fast since it’s like a second pretty much yeah know that the stream is so

Laggy the stream is like so laggy like it’s it’s not even delayed the stream but it um it just looks so pixelated I I can’t I can’t fix that I I I I bet maybe I can if I turn off my internet from like my phone but then I can’t re chat that’s

The thing and then if you know someone spam something I can’t mute them so I’m not doing that um so the only thing I can do is nothing but yeah even my my my my internet was laggy yesterday too but I had to do something else so I couldn’t

Stream yesterday it wasn’t CU I was lagging you spawned out of nowhere okay you just teleport the four belf frees okay so there’s one belfree um another belf free and there’s three of them you lied to me oh there’s four never mind let’s go to the top one all right oh hold on

Nothing nothing precipice of anticipation why is it always Earth tree does it take me to an earth tree oh and there’s a a secret have I been over there oh that’s that’s where I can’t go never mind do you see the new game do you see it so nothing it’s

Called nothing is that the new game how do I play Nothing um playing the brand new game the cursor you lose then how do you then what’s the point of watching somebody stream that wait wait what all right what is this oh oh w w un muted sword key behold

Key wait wait I’ve never seen those before though what do I do with them if you press on a thing you loss you lost imbued sword key what does this one take me to they must tell me right night sky uncasing all right and then this one let’s see what does it

Say mil not necessary item ahead therefore seek right so that one if you make something you lose if you make something you lose I spy with my little eye yep uh crumbling lands monster ahead okay uh do I do that one or this one or that one it’s

Literally I know that one of them I I do remember this one of them does take me here is this one the crumbling lands or is it Tak me to the the far moua I don’t want to do far moua this one did say Earth tree but that one did say monster

Ahead not necessary oh that one was the night sky um that one might take me to the underground area why is it always Ur Trey precipitation I’ll I’ll do this one I’ll do this one use IM muted sword key oh this is what I got the magic key why did it get

So why why why did it get so far dash one all right I’m not playing Geometry Dash you guys could see clearly that I am playing Elden Rings it’s even in the title it’s not even in the it’s not even in the description so oh I I changed it oh I

Forgot I put it I played games like Minecraft and Apex Legends and other games I have not played Minecraft and Apex Legends in so long I don’t even know why that’s in the thumbnail not the thumbnail the description um geometry D2 geometry D2 I don’t even play I’m not plane jump you

Das right now what oh Chapel of anticipation what are you oh my okay um really what that how what jump SC Brew it just broke I was too fat I I was too fat I I guess so I was I IE way too much uh McDonald’s America moment I ate way too much

McDonald’s and I just fell down and died I want to go back there I need to get my money I had $88,000 that could buy me a couple items um you’re too fat I guess I wa America moment I guess um I laughing I don’t know go touch some

Grass oh okay there look I’m touching grass right here look at that it’s right here in game in game there you go yeah everyone already knows streamers and like YouTubers they never go outside everyone knows that and need go eat some salad salad no I I can’t do that it’s

Too healthy everyone knows that streamers don’t eat healthy everyone knows that everyone knows that every an average American touch some netherite everyone knows that an average American weighs at least like 300 lb yep 100% true 100% true not lying I don’t that much but you know um you know okay I’m not going

There I can’t even go there anymore trying for jumping be wary of trap oh I saw them die okay laughing there’s just a monster there’s a boss okay Chapel of anticipation okay that was like one of the biggest troll opportunity ahead a n to butterflies really that was the the biggest like troll

Ever like they just they just put that there precious item ahead that’s the biggest lie also there’s no precious item ahead I could totally see there’s nothing there so I’m not going to try it a boss though really time for Revenge I did it first off revenge then

Visions of pickle pickle okay you know what I I don’t I don’t even know scared oh it’s the it’s the beginning area oh I can’t summon in my oh I can’t Dodge I can’t Dodge I was on the ground the whole time I see that in a video go

Ickles I see that in a video go touch really a item over there this is the first boss this is the one you die to but how is he stronger now this is the first bossy fight and I did way more damage when I was when I had nothing than

Now how how how how how you know what we’re going to try beating him we’re going to try beating him before we end the stream okay that is my M I lost $88,000 I have to beat the boss to get my money back I have to that’s the only

Way look at that that’s the beginning of the game right yeah I got a um so I don’t use that type of Mag that magic is way tooa Minecraft by the way another stream is opened wait what by the way another stream is opened F yep another stream has

Opened anyways do you guys like my thumbnail professional professional thumbnail um yeah 100% professionalism thumbnail we are Nintendo we are Nintendo to you cannot defeat us hello M Don hello Arthur hello Maro I don’t know if I said you I I don’t know if I said hi to you

Guys wait what you cannot defeat us you all right uh yeah the money’s inside of the the money’s in the boss room okay I have to kill the boss now or else I lose $8,000 we’re going to use my blessing magic what would be good against him something that’s that is like it’s

Summon in fast probably o flame o flame would be a good one you just see to me really how did that not H him bring it on you thingy whatever you are S I don’t know how he’s he takes no fire damage he takes no fire damage you guys

Saw that it went threw him how he takes no damage he’s immune to Magic he’s immune to magic all right at least I I need to I need to get my money I forgot I forgot about my money that’s the reason I came here

S oh my gosh if I die if I die if I die if I die if I die he takes no fire magic he takes he takes unless I miss somehow that close to him there’s no way I missed when I was that close

There’s no way do a jump hurry up do a jump that’s go my blessing magic is on I keep healing when I have my blessings on okay come on uh whatever you are grafted Scion my okay my my Boon is gone my healing magic is is gone that he that actually damaged me

Okay I you I’m concentrating I’m not trying to die to this guy again do a jump the only way I could really attack him is when he jumps in the sky um what would be another good magic maybe we we’ll try the aspects of The Crucible but it does

Take a while to cast even with my fast casting spell um it does take a while to cast the the spell hurry up jump I jump do your jump attack do your jump attack do it do it n why dude jump jump I can only attack him when he

Jumps jump jump jump jump jump okay no still still okay I guess he doesn’t want to jump I guess I got to attack him normally then um little spider he doesn’t want to jump maybe I be further there you go jump time for attacking I know That not that jump I can’t attack you when you do that okay that did 350 damage that’s not bad oh no no he he evolved Dodge Dodge I couldn’t Dodge in the middle of a spell I can’t Dodge in the middle of a spell I don’t like that at

All I should just drink the red juice I should have just drank the red juice I would have survived I would have survived if I drank a red juice I I would have survived instead of using my spell all right I okay and I have to teleport all the way

Back also that’s the bad thing I don’t like about that um okay he is now the ultra little spittor he he’s stronger now oh you know what I know how to beat him there is a way for me to beat him but I don’t want

To have to use this because I only have a drink blue juice I don’t want to have to use this because I have three only I only have three of them I think three or two and they’re super hard to get but they do make me super strong that’s the thing I

Might have to use it but you know I’ll use it I’ll use it I’ll use it I’ll use it on on this boss fight right now okay it does make me stronger but you know the thing is when I am this strong it takes away my stuff so all

Right we’ll use it before we enter the boss room we’ll use this one plus the other one actually let’s use it first and then we’ll use the blessing Okay so we use this one I think I have only a couple of them you guys look at my health when I

Use it okay I have two okay that’s not good there you go my health increased my magic and my stamina and how much damage I do to everybody and I could also equip better items when I’m this guy because I am stronger now so should I equip the stronger

Sword drink yeah blue two Blu there you go we’re stronger now then now we use our blessing and then now we have ail’s flame equipped oh no no no oh flame equipped there you go jump France blue juice I can’t Dodge there’s no way that didn’t get him where’s my money at

Here it doesn’t turn me around sometimes and also why are you steaming scary fact number one I don’t want scary facts there is a France there is a friends m my spell is still up for how long though I have no idea jump jump jump jump jump jump jump

My spell is gone there you go I’ll have to cast my spell a bit okay come over here do the jump do the jump go on go on do it I know we want to we’re beating you this time I have to use my Rune Arc which makes me stronger

All right we’re not dying after I use this spell on you all right that’s for sure okay H okay come on and do the jump do the jump already I want him to do the jump that’s the only bo boki boo boo what there do it do

It do it I’m so far away from you do the jump already he he’s this guy just doesn’t want to jump he upgraded more far away okay do the jump do the jump do the jump the ultra spitter the ultra spider exactly do it this guy this guy I’m

Going to die because he doesn’t jump and then when I’m going to I’m about to cast my spell right now and then he’s going to jump no okay this is the actual Ultra spider he is he’s almost dead he’s almost dead though so do the jump stop chasing me I

Get it you’re supposed to chase me you’re a boss but still just just jump just jump just jump already oh he’s his uh his sword’s gone they’re not holy anymore oh so they’re like my weapons they have a certain cool down on them I didn’t know that he broke my shield

Okay he he put them holy again okay now jump I’m far away you have to jump there’s no way you can’t not jump Now Call of Duty advaned poo poo yep b c d y I get to concentrate why is these guys so hard why I don’t even know why we’re

Running away hurry up jump jump jump jump jump jump jump this guy he does not want to jump he does not like jumping he doesn’t want to do no exercise and jump maybe it hurts his legs when he jumps you know what maybe there you go

Jump you have to I’m at the edge of the wall so it’s not like I’m not far enough I am this is the most boring boss fight ever cuz I’m just really just running around in circles okay now now look how far I am

Look how far I am you have to jump now if you don’t jump then something’s wrong with you the AI is broken he how is he not so much Call of D Advanced poop now you jump when I’m like this close but you didn’t even jump correctly all

Right I don’t I want to use my spell though okay okay okay okay do I have enough time and he is now Pro Player okay I do have enough time Jump just do the jump one time really okay now do the jump I don’t even care now use it now

How how this guy this this a grabed sonion it’s going to be the longest boss fight ever anyone has fought because of this I’m going to get like like the world record speedrun on this because for being the longest uh the longest fighter on

This okay okay I just you know what I I you know what okay I don’t even care he doesn’t want to jump he doesn’t want to jump so I’m just going to do that he does not want to jump so I’ll just use my my magic I forgot I had that

Magic actually so Speed Run of the slow room this yes Speed Run okay now there’s no way he did it now all of a sudden there you go okay you know what there you go he get crouched on all right uh ornamental straight sword and a Crest Shield that’s not good at all

Really okay I how much money did I get I got like $7,000 no I got $33,000 from him because I already had eight okay finally exactly finally that took way too long no something ahead that took so long Elden Ringo Elden ring okay that took way longer than it

Had to be like I it I I don’t even know I I can’t say anything now first stop jumping off people actually jumped off go now did I not come up here the first time the Storm haop King I got the storm Hawk King okay so I have the king now first

Off right why do I look left oh my phone almost fell down okay and the storm Hawk Dean Deni Dean h all right so this is where I spawned at I know that like this is pretty much the spawn behold Revenge first off good luck and then

Praise message I don’t really want to oh who’s this through the paths of the broken ener claim your place as Elden Lord who are you H I don’t know they’re dead though so that wasn’t me not my fault actually nope they didn’t do nothing to

Them um okay I made 2 six progress on I spy with my little eye well you finally beat this Zone it took way too it took way longer than it should have okay you know what we’re done with that zone we have to go back here to the round table Circle oops Round

Table Brew BR I made 26 progress on Ice SP with my little eye I think I did like 5% I tried it though I did try it not last stream but I did I tried it on one of the streams the guy’s gone right or is he on this side yep he’s

Over there never mind M okay so we are done with that zone now even though that took actually like so long I need one more dexterity then I can actually use this weapon cuz I can’t use it right now but you know let’s see storm Haw Dean

No do I to give you the storm Hawk what do you want ah you please it’s pathetic okay I don’t know what to doal with you what what is this stormhawk King hold on where is it at where is it at the king of the storms

This one right here uh ashes of the hawk which needs which heeds no summons I can’t even use it well I’ll took you my matter out your arms then okay um this one is pretty good it is and it causes blood buildup oh I didn’t even know

That should I upgrade this I will be able to use it in like one level up so I should maybe do do upgrades of that um you I don’t even need to speak to you actually okay I think this is everything for today’s stream of alen rings My

Stream was laggy a whole bunch you know I don’t really know why here’s Roger everybody he’s still sick he he’s uh turning into like a octopus or something good to see you son and he gives me nothing good I don’t really want none of this ash of Wars no

But he is turning into he’s he’s dying all right next ring stream we are going to go up here and do Roger’s Quest okay his is over there at that Mor placed and we’re also going to come whatever this Castle is it looks like a castle we’ll

Do that too and then afterwards we’ll fight if we have enough time we’ll also fight the main boss which is the the leader of this whole area which is at the you know this place we’ll do that if we have enough time and after that zone it’s this Red Zone the

The boss is here I know I know where the boss is I just haven’t gone there yet um and we’ll do that next time but next time we’ll do Roger Quest and then we’ll do that castle and we have enough time we will do this plus we have to find the

Other piece of the puzzle which is on the western side that’s the only clue I have um that’s all they told me so yeah nothing nothing skipping some comments what will you stream GD Roger iys the stram is good again it’s not pixeled it isn’t how did it fix itself I did

Nothing and it fixed itself okay also everybody click on the like button if you have not already clicked on the like button and click on the Subscribe button if you guys want to you guys don’t have to but yeah all right um anyways though I’m probably still going to end the stream

Here though because I have you know I didn’t stream for an hour but I streaming for like about almost two hours that’s fine um we’re going to go to actually actually before we do that before we end the stream there is one thing I want to do before

Okay he light there’s one thing I want to do this guy is mean he is the meanest guy he can be not him not not not not verle he’s been bullying Ral I need to I need to save Ral from being bullied um so verle has been bullied by this guy

Look at that he’s gone he he ran away R got got to go rle got sad and ran away from him okay but I need to save rle from his mean bully which is this Bell bearing Hunter okay we’re going to save Ral really quick and then after we we save Ral from

His bully we’re going to we’re going to end the stream after this all right he’s poisoned if I just run away I’ll win hits through walls this guy’s like the biggest cheater he’s right there he’s still damaged could I hit him through the wall if I he can do it I can

Right I can’t hit him through walls how is that fair look at him he’s cheating he’s the biggest cheater he’s being mean to roal and uh now he’s being mean to me hello I’ve just got to wait till he dies he’ll die Slowly for being mean to rle we have to beat this B bearing Hunter he was being so mean to rle look at that ral’s gone he’s gone he’s just like he got he got he got bullied and like he he’s just disappeared all right look at that look

At him there you go we beat him for you Ral he’s dead you see now you can respawn again or you come back we saved your house you see we saved you meet the Peddler’s B bearing all right now that we saved rle from his bully we need 19,000 if I use

All my things can I level up once I just want to level up one time I don’t know if I can but I’ll use this nope I need $1,000 more dollars okay anyways verle we saved you now you could actually stay here at night greetings greetings okay that’s all okay wow okay

Bye rle anyways actually not yet we’re going to we’re going to end the stream next to rle again like last time all right verle is is for friend rle is Roger’s uh pet turtle he’s pushing me out of the way okay let’s see we’re going to sit

Down do I have any like good gestures to sit down next to rle there’s this one there’s this one um we’re going to lean on bral we have that one there you go verle is our friend anyways we’re going to be ending the stream here though so everybody click on

The like button click on the Subscribe button actually I don’t like to Lan on on Ral we’re going to see whatever this one is there yeah we fell asleep actually this one looks like it’s more falling asleep let’s see there we’re asleep now with rle anyways everybody click on the like

Button click on the Subscribe button click on the notification button too um next week I will you know be streaming alen earrings again for I think one stream um probably Roblox and a Minecraft stream um I don’t know what I’ll stream but you know the schedule will be up on

Saturday or on Sunday I’m not really sure which days but one of those two days so everyone click on the like button click on the Subscribe button click on the notification button and I will see you guys in tomorrow’s no next week’s stream uh anyways bye everyone I’m ending the

Stream now have a good day have a good night and I’ll see you guys in tomorrow oh next week’s stream bye everyone bye say bye to Ral bye rle bye bye rle uh for now bye rle he even fell asleep bye Ral okay bye everyone bye Ral bye

Everyone okay end the stream now in three two 1 bye everyone

This video, titled ‘Doing some exploring!!!!!! – Elden ring’, was uploaded by Ikleos on 2024-03-02 09:14:23. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:45 or 7125 seconds.

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  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More

  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

    100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL SHARK in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-03-23 14:00:38. It has garnered 2641527 views and 24323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:08 or 2768 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as an Elemental Shark! I had to save Minecraft’s ocean from the ender leader, Terminis! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More


    M3rc - INSANE MINING UPDATE REACTION!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINING UPDATE W OR L | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by M3rc on 2024-09-25 05:33:46. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds. Lets Grind out this New Mining Update! And Get Some Growth on this Profile | Hypixel Skyblock | Minecraft | mods | Gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

    Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted’, was uploaded by RocketF on 2024-04-05 19:00:30. It has garnered 1151 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:54 or 954 seconds. I try to beat SKYGRID on HARDCORE! Playing SKYGRID Minecraft! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and subscribe! SkyGrid Download: RocketF – Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted Previous Video: MINECRAFT VIDEO: #minecraft #minecraftharcore #minecraftbut #minecraft100days Read More

  • 🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine – Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shorts

    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More


    UNLOCK VIP FOR FREE on MANOV FACTIONS SERVER 🚀🔥 MineCraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 SERVIDOR DE FACTIONS VIP FREE – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-07-06 17:07:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ········· READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mike’s Playlist: Colin’s Playlist: Combined Playlist:… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥

    Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥 Why do girls always build cute little houses with flower gardens in Minecraft, while boys just dig straight down and end up in a pit of lava? 🤣 #genderdifferences #minecraftstruggles #boysvsgirls Read More